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A85072 A brief historical relation of the empire of Russia, and of its original growth out of 24 great dukedomes, into one entire empire, since the yeer 1514. Humbly presented to the view and serious perusal of all true-hearted English-men, that love and honour the peace and happiness of this their native country. / By J.F. J. F. 1654 (1654) Wing F28; Thomason E1485_2; ESTC R22889 20,403 58

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This will assuredly bring glory to God honour to his Highness and tranquillity to the Nation it will enforce as in other Countries honesty and plain-dealing from all men and all Petifogging deceitful subtil oppressive persons now shrowded under the Norman Law will vanish and the words Peace Quietness and Industry will be written over every mans door Such noble acts will revive the memory of Alfred that just king of England who punished and hanged Four and fourty County-Judges in one yeer for oppressing the people by false Judgement and of Edward the fourth who caused Fifteen Gaolers to be hanged in one yeer for exacting money from prisoners and defrauding them of the King's allowance of 4 d. per diem And of Henry the fourth who caused Two and twenty Projectors and six Aldermen of London to be hanged at the then-place of Execution within London-walls and buried under the Gallows where since the Church is built and the place called Alderman-bury to this day It was the usual saying of that famous and just Emperour Borice That Prince or Ruler is most happie and safe that liveth least to himself and most to the honour of God and the peoples good over whom God hath placed him and whose legal and just power is the bounds of his will whose olive-branch of wisdom springeth from his heart bloometh on his tongue and beareth fruit in his actions which will always direct him not to refuse counsel good cheap lest remiss security cause him to buy repentance too dear Thus having through my real hearty affection and well-wishes to his Highness well-being and love to my Countries freedom peace and tranquillity digressed from my intended Historical Subject and being desirous not to weary the Reader but to draw to an end I do again in the close become a most humble and earnest suitor to his Higness in the name and by the mercies of Jesus Christ to let judgement run down as water and justice as a mighty stream that so Mercy may embrace him on every side and cause him to continue in assured love and favour both with God and man enjoying the good things of this Land in peace internal and external with abundance of glory to God and honour to himself and posterity Not giving ear to the feigned words of some self-seeking persons who having a shew of godliness yet deny the power thereof do Babel-like endeavour to rear up to themselves everlasting tabernacles and cry out The Temple of the Lord The Temple of the Lord The Law the Law Whereas the true Temple of the Lord is this To amend their covetous ways and their unjust oppressive doings To execute judgement between a man and his neighbour and not to oppress the poor the widow the fatherless nor the stranger but to let all the oppressed enslaved go free Nor to think by tything Mint and Cummin to fulfil the law of God as those several hypocrites the Doctors Lawyers Scribes and Pharisees did against whom in stead of a blessing there stands upon record for ever sundry terrible Woes denounced by him who is King of kings and Lord of life and glory and who assuredly will by the sacred Rule of impartial justice judge them according to their works There is a Word which is clothed with death the Lord grant it be not found in the heritage of Jacob. Sometimes to abide in the shade produceth more quiet to a poor man then to have the bright beams of the Princes favour to break forth upon him for then Malice is forthwith enraged Wrath like a Fury assaulteth and Revenge like a Crocodile when seeming to weep over him destroys him most in his credit life and good name never ceasing both by himself and all those by him seasoned for his ends to traduce and backbite him daily thereby rendering him odious to the best of men Like those subtil Serpentine generation of men who by lyes and slanders and by the power of some by them then seasoned for the work defrauded me of my right which by his Highness favour was most freely conferred on me and who also since have notceased to traduce backbite and slander me to those in high place and Authority hoping thereby to make their deeds of darkness to resemble the light and truth in the fight of his Highness and others But to all such shadows of Christians I shall say but this That their Consciences if they have any cannot but testifie to their faces that they have done me much wrong The Lord rebuke them for it And this I was told long since that if his Highness had not appeared so vigorously for me in that and another business since that I had neither undergone those calumnies and reproaches nor had my endeavours proved so fruitless as hitherto they have done to me This duely weighed it cannot but be positively concluded That although those slanderous and reproachful arrows were shot at the lowe shrub yet the venome of them was intended to hit the tall Cedar which by his branches of favour was pleased to shelter the lowe shrub For at that very instant time the better to set a face of credit upon their slanders and to carry on their designe of defeating me of my right they by their instruments divulged it abroad in the City and to divers Parliament-men that I had forswore my self three times in one day before his Highness and the Councel and that they had adjudged me to stand in the Pillory at the Exchange This was related with such a face of truth as that divers of my friends were happily deceived in going to the Exchange to be spectators of it Whereas the real truth is that I was never called before his Highness nor Councel to swear at any time for any matter cause or thing whatsoever for the truth whereof I humbly appeal to his Highness and to the honorable Councel most humbly praying for justice on these traducers and satisfaction for these injuries most wrongfully sustained But not resting in the centre of these their calumnies they or their instruments do still persist by under-hand plottings to accomplish my destruction and by raising of a lye against me rob me of my livelyhood and at the same time in a most secret manner spread a rumour in the City that I should conspire against my Lord Protector 's life A thing so horrid so detestable to my soul and so far from the thoughts of my heart as the Crystalline Sphere can possibly be in distance from the earth And this clearly appeareth by my constancie from the beginning to the cause of God faithfulness to his Highness and services performed for the State The first was my discovery of the late King's intention to surprise Hull and Plymouth by private Letters sent out of Holland to Sir Harbottle Grimston and Mr. Samuel Vassel then members of Parliament by means whereof the Parliament and Nation were preserved from the universal ruine determined in 1641. The second was my discovery
240000 horse encountred with the Emperours great Host consisting of 50000 horse and 150000 foot and after four several set Battels he overthrew this great Imperial Host marched up to the Imperial City and after Summons causing the young Emperour Theodor to be strangled he entred the City and being forthwith crowned Caesar or Emperour he possessed the Imperial Diademe 28 months He was a Gentleman very comely of personage active of body and a great Scholar highly affecting the English Germane and Polonian Nations being also himself for his valour and generosity of spirit greatly beloved of all his victorious Army But coming to possess the Imperial Throne and the glory thereof he gave himself up to all maner of delightful pastimes referring the management of all State-affairs to his Privie Councel and being wholly led by his chief Secretary Panne Boochinskee he confined his ear to the said Boochinskee and some other few Polonian Flatterers and Parasites about him receiving also into favour some of the Russian Nobility and conferring places of Honour and Trust upon them hoping thereby to win and endear them to himself who notwithstanding became as stinging Serpents in his bosome and proved the fatal instruments of his ruine But that which proved most advantagious to his enemies and fatal to himself was his not admitting any into his presence as that famous Emperour Borice with all freeness used to do but such onely as those Parasites and Flatterers pleased to admit for affection favor or reward stopping his ears against the cries of the poor oppressed Petitioners he neglected to answer their Petitions whereby the hearts of the people were exasperated against him The reins of injustice tyranny oppression were let loose to all oppressors the Lords of his Councel acted by the Rule of their own wills his Secretary Boochinskee became lawless and graceless none durst prefer a complaint against him Every one of these his Flatterers made hay for themselves whilst the prosperous sunshine of his Majesties Imperial favour displayed his rayes upon them without any real affection or conscientious care in them for his Majesties honour and safety the fruit whereof proved not long after to be the fatal loss of their own lives and great estates so impiously gained For the irreconcileable old Imperial subtil Nobility Gentry Chancellors and Clergie having ingratiated themselvs with him did by their instruments at a distance incessantly in secret render the Emperour odious to the people and guilty of all those grievous burthens of Injustice and Oppression which by their own unjust complotted practices they had laid upon the people whereby they most subtilly accomplished their diabolical end which was the untimely destruction of his Royal person by the cruel hands of Basilius Shuskee one of the reconciled Nobility who not long before for some treacherous practice had his head upon the Block yet the Emperour in his clemencie pardoned him who not long after through the intercession of some of the Russian Lords was made Privie Councellor whereby he was the better enabled to compass his resolved barbarous designe which was the cruel destruction of the Emperours person and of the lives of all his victorious Army consisting then of 25000 valiant men being all Polonian Germane and Hungarian Horse who were all of them massacred the same day and their houses rifled their wives and children exposed to misery and very many of them cruelly butchered by the rude multitude within the City of Mosco which inhumane act caused a Sea of blood to have its current thorow many of the streets within the said City Thus the glory of this victorious Heroick spirit was extinguished in one day and all that truely adhered unto him suffered with him both in their estates and lives about the 20 of May 1604. Bazilius having thus butchered this gallant Prince and removed all obstacles by destroying the Army he was proclaimed Emperour of Russia by Mighayla Scopeene General of the Russian Army and speedily after crowned who being scarce warm in the Imperial Throne began forthwith to display the Banner of Tyranny in restoring the covetous Clergie to their former power and jurisdiction in Secular affairs and most perfidiously contrary to his oath and promise made to the people at the time of his election he loosed the reins of injustice and oppression to all the Vayvodes and Provincial Chancellors and began to lay great Taxes on the people and like Richard the third of England he beheaded some who were the primary instruments of placing the Imperial Diademe on his head causing also Mighaylo Scopeene the General of the Imperial Army to be secretly destroyed by poyson Which acts of his rendered him odious to all degrees of men exasperated the spirits of the Nobility against him and alienated the hearts of all the people from him and chiefly for that their grievances were not heard nor their burthens of oppression taken off in all the six yeers time of his Reign which at length emboldened the Nobility and Merchants of the City with a resolute spirit to lay hold of him wherein a Citizen one Theodor Andronave was a prime actor who gagg'd him bound him fast in a Sled and sent him post prisoner unto Sigismundus King of Poland laying to his charge the murthering of their late Emperour Demetrius who being arrived at Warsovia in Poland he was ordered to safe custody where he ended his days most miserably in the yeer of Christ 1610. The Nobility and flattering Clergie forthwith proceed in electing Uladislaus the King of Poland's eldest son for their Emperour who thereupon sent one Panne Zoltefskee with 10000 Horse to take and keep possession for him upon whose arrival into the Imperial City of Mosco the Citizens made some opposition but were soon appeased by the Lords of the Councel The Polish General thereupon gained a greater strength into the City which caused several tumults the Lords thereupon caused all the Citizens to be disarmed and but one hatchet left to every three houses to cleave their wood which act did mightily enrage the Citizens against the Lords and Polonians Zoltefskee well weighing the power of the Citizens and weakness of his Army to keep possession of so vast a City did thereupon administer an Oath of Loyalty to all his Souldiery commanding them on the sixth day of the then-month of May every one at one of the clock in the morning to fire their lodgings and not to spare man woman nor childe which was done accordingly and above 130000 persons massacred besides those that were burnt in their beds and houses Thus the buildings of that famous City said then to be 26 miles in compass were all turned into ashes in one day except the three stone-walls environing each other at a very great distance and the Emperours Palace with some Monasteries and other buildings of stone but the fourth wall which environed all the rest together with the suburbs without that wall reaching above three miles in length were all burned
the wall being all of massie timber and earth But the unsavoury fruit of this their bloody Tragedie was by the just hand of heaven returned into their own bosomes for the Country forthwith raised two mighty Armies under the conduct of the Lord Troobetscoy and the Lord Pazarskee who besieged the Polonians in the City close on every side for the space of two yeers and through extreme famine enforced the Polonians to yeeld up that famous Metropolitan City and therewith the Prince of Poland's right to the Empire of Russia so as of 35000 valiant men there returned not twenty persons into Poland Those few hundreds that yeelded up the City coming once to plenty of victuals died with meat in their mouthes through meer weakness having not tasted a bit of bread in six months before In which Siege a loaf of bread sometime was sold for a thousand Robles which is 500 l. Sterling During the time of this cruel Siege wherein I continued 22 months being lodged in the Imperial Palace several objects of misery presented themselves to my fight and observation from the besieged as the eating of the flesh of horses dogs cats and all sorts of leather boyled in ditch-water which served in stead of Tripes But that which took most impression of grief upon my spirits was to see many Russian Ladies nobly descended and brave young Gentlewomen who not long before scorned that the moist earth should have touched the soles of their feet were now become miserable constrained to go bare-footed and for food to prostrate themselves to every mean persons disposal yea when they were discarded by some I have seen them with tears in their eyes profer their service to others and all for a miserable livelihood which then called to my remembrance this old saying Pride must have a fall and Hunger will break stone-walls But after the famine grew very great and all women children and aged persons turned out of the City to the Russians who received them very courteously ●ery much condoling their miserable conditions there followed a very great judgement of God upon the Polonians ob●●inacie and hardness of heart who all bound themselves by Oath and receiving the Sacrament upon it not to yeeld up the City to the Russians so long as there was a man of them alive which brought them to that extremity that they by casting lots who should die next to maintain the rest alive did devour one another from 3000 to 400 persons And at the surrender of the City divers Commanders of the Russian Army seizing upon sundry large chests conceiving them to be full of treasure having them broken up found in them nothing but the bodies of men slain for food to the living Upon the regaining of this Imperial City in 1612. forthwith followed the free election of Mighaylo Theodorowiche of the lineage of Borice that famous Emperour by the two National Armies consisting of 13000 Horse and Foot who was crowned the 5 of August 1613. This young Prince for a time walked in the path of that Princely myrrour of Justice Borice under whose Government after a few yeers of trouble the Nation enjoyed Halcyon days of peace and tranquillity after the cessation of that long intestine War between the Emperors of Russia and Charles Duke of Swethland and his son Gustavus the late King of Swethland which was accomplished and the Country of Scythia restored to the Russian by the mediation of King James and the indefatigable restless pains and travel of the truly-honorable sage States-man Sir John Merick employed Lord Ambassador there for that work for the space of three yeers and eight months who accomplished a League offensive and defensive between the two Crowns of Russia and Swethland in 1617. which is since ratified by the now-Emperour Olexey Michaylowiche and the Queen of Swethland This worthy States-man Sir John Merick was by King James employed upon a second Embassie unto the said Emperour of Russia in the yeer 1621. being accompanied by six Gentlemen of quality of whom Robert Kelloway Esq was first in degree and by 60 followers all in a rich Livery who accomplished his Embassie with content to the King and very great honour to himself and this Nation In both which great Embassies I had the honour to be with him all the time Thus after this peaceable Emperour had rei●ned 35 yeers he died to whom succeeded Olexey his son who being yet of tender yeers and not knowing the great and weighty causes and motives inducing his Princely predecessors to grant that great Charter of Free-trade unto the English Company of Merchants thorowout that vast Empire free of Custom and all other duties hath as is supposed by the aggravation of some Dutch Resident there deprived the English of that Charter But now I hope upon better information and apprehension of the constant love of the English to his Majestie and that Nation and their readiness on all occasions from time to time to serve and supply his predecessors with all necessaries even in the times of their greatest straits will be a sufficient motive to him most honorably and freely to restore unto the English Merchants the said Charter of Free-trade and will thereby manifest his Princely affection to our victorious Chieftain or Caesar who hitherto hath been the Lords threshing-instrument of terrour to all the potent and raging enemies of this Nation both by land and sea All which the Dutch as well as others have been made very sensible of and of which they above any others can make a most true Narrative if they please to the glory of God the honour of his Highness and this nation and to their own correcti●e instruction for the future lest their insulting pride draw them down by a second Duke d'Alva to the gulf of destruction and enforce them once again to intitle themselves to our Caesar The poor distressed States of the Netherlands as they did in the days of Elizabeth Queen of England who purchased those United Provinces from the Spaniard by the inestimable life-blood of more then 100000 English-men besides Scots and Irish and the expence of more then two millions of treasure Never to be fully satisfied by the worth of all the Netherlands But if any shall be offended at these my foregoing expressions touching our present● victorious Chieftain or Caesar I shall humbly desire them to look back into the recorded transactions of all the Worthies in former ages and see if they can comparatis comparandis balance those many several noble and victorious acts of his with any of theirs in the scale of Honour and true Magnanimity by him accomplished in three famous Kingdoms viz. England Scotland and Ireland and all within the space of 3 or 4 yeers without the least foil or repulse at any time by him received from his this Nation 's potent enemies Wherein in my judgment he surpasses the Romane Caesars the furious Goths and Vandals the valiant Scanderbeg Prince of Epirath the