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A67448 A true narrative and manifest set forth by Sir Robert Walsh knight and Batt. which he is ready all manner of ways to justify as relating unto Plots, designs, troubles and insurrections, which were intended to have been set a foot, towards the subversion of His Most Excellent Majesties laws and government, not by a private information, or other, but before any court of Justice, discipline ; either in the civil, common, or marshal law and to reply or disanul the printed paper, in part of Edmund Everard and Irish man, who was so long prisoner in the tower : and to make out why he was so detained, nothing relating to the plot but was for his intent to have poysoned the Duke of Monmouth as shall more amply be made out in this manifest. Walsh, Robert, Sir. 1679 (1679) Wing W644; ESTC R6905 38,783 40

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to pay that considerable allowance yet for the time of Thirty three months I never received but Ten pound or about the Value I do not say this to upbraid Sir Steven for I believe him an honest Gentleman but that mony was then not over plenty in his Treasury I being forced to address unto the King of Spain he set me at liberty and payed my Costs as here aforesaid else I had there perished XV. I appeal unto my Most Gracious King for Justice who never did deny it unto any of his Subjects and I shall ever as now I do submit unto his will and pleasure I having ever served under his Royal Banner and never had a hand in the War of Ireland I had many of my Kings Letters and Orders to have my Estate not to be made liable unto new Quit Rents and years Value which never had or took the least effects I have payed ever since His Majesties happy Restauration for yearly Quit Rents at Two pence Farthing an Acre out of my Estate an Hundred and Three pound odd mony yearly as is certified under the Auditor Generals hand out of Ireland which amounts not far in the time from being 1900 l. and the years full Value for one year of my Estate besides Morgages upon my Estate of above a Thousand pound which I engaged for to bring Horse and Foot for His Majesties Service out of Ireland I must attribute it to my fate or the want of meeting with Justice whereas I am put in Ballance with such as were in Actual Arms and Service against their Majesty Nay a great many of such have had their Estates struck out of charge and their Quit rents taken off yet mine still stand charged His Majesties Orders and Letters as to my particular meeting with no obedience If loosers may speak sure none can blame me for this my Declaration having never had the least compensation gift or grant nor other usage than what herein is specified only One hundered pound from the Privy Purse To this my Vindication or Declaration I set my hand and am ready to justifie it by either Common Civil or Military Law or place of Justice against any man that dare to my face contradict what I here have said let him be Subject French Dutch or any Forreigner If any be here he may find the lie given him and he will swallow it or give his appearance to charge me XVI Sir Robert Walsh hath been detained Three years Prisoner to the French King in the Bastil and never any thing laid to his Charge but for being of the Prince of Conde's party Then he came for England and was made Prisoner in the Tower by the Usurper never any thing laid to his Charge Then was made Prisoner in Bruxels by his Kings Ministers and never any thing laid to his Charge before Justice These Imprisonments were all you I hope will say hard here lately made Prisoner to the Black Rod and nothing laid to his Charge in 79. Is this the liberty of the Subject XVII One thing more I may with Justice add I being in Paris about the year 72. or 73. or thereabouts I had by the means of Monsieur de Mumbas my ancient Acquaintance who was Brother in Law unto miniere de Grote alias Grotius then Embassador for the States of Holland an entrance unto this Embassador so as that I did discover that the French King and the States of Holland were then upon the point and but very little difference between them of coming unto an agreement or Joyning His Grace the Duke of Buckingham then having His Majesty's Ear I immediatly writ to him that it would be of very great consequence to prevent the said junction by an agreement with the States which as I take did very soon issue France and Holland having until of late continued in a War my Letter unto his Grace I addrest to Sir John Hanmer who did tell me since my coming into England that such a Letter he did receive from me and that he believe it did still lye by him I writ at the same time to Mr. Progers to the same purpose who I am sure did show or produce it unto His Majesty unto whom I sent Miniere Grotius his Letter to me in Mr. Montegue his Packet as may be judged by the effects of the accommodation then we made with the States and Mr. Edward Progers his Letter was to have me come in Person into England XIX The Year of His Majesties happy restauration the Marquis de Gudance was commissioned by the French King to come unto His Most Excellent Majesty to London upon some pretext from the French King Dunkerk then in the Lord Lockerts time of Government there and newly rendered unto His Most Excellent Majesty the Marquis de Gudance made it his work to gain some Officers of the Garison of Dunkerk to surprise the Garison for the French King and had contracted a Treaty with them for that purpose Sir Robert Walsh then living at Berge St. Venox a League from Dunkerk this Marquis came to Berge often he and Sir Robert came acquainted so as the Marquis did communicate his design upon Dunkerk to Sir Robert sounding him that knew the humor of the English how he might so confide in the English and to prevent and be precautioned that he may not be trapanned he offering Sir Robert an assurance of Five Thousand Pistols If he would contribute by his advice and conduct Which Sir Robert did consent to yield unto reserving to himself to do his duty to his King immediatly hereupon he humbly addressed a Letter to His Majesty whereupon His Sacred Majesty immediatly writ to Sir Robert in his own hand immediatly to repair unto him with all speed and privacy Unto which Sir Robert quit his House dwelling and interest in Berge St. Venox and immediatly came to His Majesty The now Earl of Arlington being then Secretary of State His Majesty did Order Sir Robert to make his address unto him and to communicate all particulars unto him which Sir Robert so doing my Lord gave thereunto a hearing answerable and did receive Sir Robert with expressions very kind of the sense he had of Sir Roberts service in that particular and that he would in Order thereunto give His Majesty an account unfortunately soon after Sir Robert was arrested for a Hundred Pound and committed Prisoner to the Fleet under Chancellor Hide his Verge who made such use of his power carrying an animosity against Sir Robert that notwithstanding Sir Robert had put in good security he could not obtain a day writ Sir Jeremy Witchcot being so much the Chancellors Creature until the Lord Arlington who was not so writ to the Warden of the Fleet Sir Jeremy Witchcot that it was His Majesties pleasure Sir Robert should have a day writ which Letter Sir Robert this day hath and upon which his day writ was had and His Majesty a little time after did order Sir Robert
thus at the said Battle as those who were there do know as the most Honorable Valiant Lord Gerart Edward Earl of Barkshier and Collonel Edward Villers Sir Edward Brett Sir Thomas Daniel and others and the Lord Warton can also witness that our left wing of Horse then Commanded by the most Loyal and Royal Earl of Brandford Henry the Lord Wilmot and Commissary General of the Horse did clearly beat and put to flight the right wing of the Enemies pursuing them through the Village of Kinton which lay in the rear of the Enemies Army being a long Village consisting of thatched Houses between which then lay the Enemies Ammunition some Cannon and their Waggons we pursuing the Enemy further our foot in body and the Enemies then hotly ingaged order came to our Horse not to pursue the Enemy further but to return to our Army Our reserve of Horse unpremeditatedly coming with us in the pursuit In our return through Kington Village it came into my head that the burning of that Village and their Ammunition would have rendered us that days victory Whereupon I ordered my Horse men a foot and to fire the Village and their Ammunition and just as they begun to set fire the Honorable and Worthy Brave Lord Carnarvan and that Worthy Commander Sir Charles Lucas being my Superior Officers commanded me from putting my resolution in Execution Saying that the day was ours as also that Ammunition and Village Vnto which I made answer that the Armies being then in fight fortuna de la guere may be Subject to change the face and State of Affairs and that the Burning of their Ammunition could not but assuredly render his Majesty Supream Victory yet notwithstanding I was forced to give obedience so as by the said Ammunition and Cannon we were forced to retreat and quit the Field However I then brought from Kington Two Pieces of their Cannon into the Kings Army and the Waggon of my Lord of Essex which was so compleat and made Coffin way that in our next two days march our Army called it Essex his Coffin but I would it had been the next Waggon which was to it covered with Spits and Frying-pans for there lay all the Armies money and pay as one Pudcy who was Chamber-man unto Essex who writ to me for his Lords necessaries some days after did assure me 4. Though many more deservedly then I might in the day of Battle have attained to the Dignity of the Mark of Honor I carry at my Breast I am confident that there is not many who can show as ample a Commission of his Majesties of Blessed Memory for the like as I have now Extant which in this particular it hath profited me in Where all Noblemen and Knights are liable to pay pole mony I having sent my badge Title and Commission unto those worthy Commissioners who were intrusted in the assessment of the Pole-money they then sitting at Hicks ' s Hall in May 1678. They were civily pleased to discharge me from the payment for my Dignity and that I should pay only a Shilling for my Pole signed by two of the Commissioners and sealed whom I yet never to my knowledge did see Sir Ed. Abney and William Beversham Commissioners the 29. May 1678. So in paying a Shilling I was quit READER pray be so justly favorable I being forced in Honor and Loyalty to make this publication who am no Orator to judge but with an indifferent eye according to the proofs I offer which I will maintain stand unto and will justifie by Common Civil or Marshal Law unto all Persons and in all respects and in particular against this Everard as in any thing wherein he doth bring in my name he is a person that I have known of a long time as also his condition not by the qualification he assumes to himself in the title Esquire in his prints as so he hath subscribed his name which I cannot imagine on what account and I must conclude that he hath as much right so to name himself as unto the contrary he hath to have brought my name in question as to suppress the discovery of the Plots in such as he hath mentioned me in If he will but take example in following my Rule as now I find it not unnecessary to explain my quality and Title and that he may truly so demonstrate his whereby the world may censure or give applause which as unto their judgments may seem fit This Everard doth set forth in his said depositions that in the Year 1673. being in Paris that he did discover unto me some designs and disturbances which were intended towards the prejudice of his Most Excellent Majestie 's Kingdom which as he saith he came to the knowledge of from the Lady Anne Gourdon a Lady that to my remembrance I never spoke unto but heard of her as of a Lady of great Judgment Birth and quality whose Family hath always been adorned with the endowments and Characters of Loyalty of which some of late have given dmonstration and Testimony of as that Noble Person my Lord Donbarton and his Brother so as if this Lady should so fall off as to intermeddle in the like unseemly intermedlings certainly she hath degenerated and rendered her self to be much sensurable and to have done it unto such a Person as this Everard it could render her no less than ridiculous But malice and invention hath so powerful an influence in this Age. Quod nihil plus I speak not as to take this Ladies part nor to excuse her weakness as I believe not should she be guilty But when I consider that man reduced to poverty Extremity want and misery as sometimes this Everard subject to search after all manner of resorse for his relief I will not take on me to Judge of the sequel Now as unto what he hints as having in the Year 1673. discovered unto one Sir Robert Walsh I knowing no other may presume he darts at me Though he mentions not my stile or quality pardon Noble Reader If for reasons I think it not incongruous but rather inducing to consequence that it might be allowed my precations grounded upon Honor may not be involved in other then in duty and Loyalty unto my Anointed King in whose service I have had the Honor to have born very considerable charges and imployments since the Year 1639. in the first Northern service under the Command of the now Lord Stafford having ever since served my Kings Honorably and Faithfully which no body can deny and particularly in the Battle of Edge-Hill in the Year 1643. Where fate was no less favorable unto me then fortunate in inabling me to render my King acceptable service so as that he was then graciously pleased in the Field to honor me with the dignity of Knight-hood then giving his Royal Commands that when he should arrive in Oxford that a Medal of Gold should be made for me with his own Effigies and that of His Dearest
imployed by the then Usurper Oliver Cronwel and by then the Lord Brohill now living Earl of Orery into Flanders to Kill His Most Sacred and Anointed King and this fomented by Villains Rascals and false Informers who never did or durst appear to lay any thing of that nature or of any other crime unto his charge before Justice though they were thereunto summoned yet was Sir Robert made Prisoner and his only Son in Brucels for 33. Months starving with cold and hunger If such as so aspersed Sir Robert had appeared he had costs damage and interest against them which they did not Though summon'd thereunto by Don John D' Austrea and the Marquis of Carassenas then Governors of Flanders Sir Roberts damage would be more then they could pay though not as much as Dunkirk or Clarendon House was sold for VIII My Most Sacred King being ever just in himself was not willing that Sir Robert should so suffer for want of Justice so his Most Excellent Majesty upon the sollicitations of many Nobles strangers and Subjects of His Majesty was pleased to refer the concern unto the Judge Millitary of Flanders to determine who certified unto His Most Excellent Majesty and His Catholick Majesty the injustice of Sir Roberts imprisonment whereupon His Catholick Majesty sent his orders in these words which is still extant unto the Governors of Flanders being loth to find that a Gentleman and a Person of Honor should so be Martyred under his Laws The words of the Order were to our Governors and Treasurers in Flanders set Sir Robert Walsh at liberty and pay the costs and charges of his Imprisonment out of our Treasury He being made Prisoner at the instigation of some of His Majesty of Great Britains Ministers fine culpa this Order coming Sir Robert would not accept of his liberty but by Order of his own King so he did obtain from that Most Honorable Person the Earl of Castlehaven who is now here to carry the said Order unto His most Excellent Majesty with an humble desire that if any thing was or could be laid unto Sir Roberts charge that it should be put in against him Sir Robert humbly praying His Majesty then being in Bruxels that any of His Majesties Subjects English Irish or Scotch may be made his Judges he most willingly owning that His Most Excellent Majesties Power and Laws may be of as full sorce and value against him there unto which he was as ready and willing to submit himself as now he is unto His Most Sovereign Pleasure X. Sir Robert at the instigation of Everard being summon'd to the Bar of the Honorable House of Commons and having made his endeavors to have discharged his duty as aforesaid yet did he petition the house and put his petition into the hands of an Honorable member of the said House to be presented unto Mr. Speaker which was so done by Sir John Coriton who tells Sir Robert that the Speaker read every word thereof as is hereunto Annexed the Copy of the said petition I Sir Robert would not be afraid nor ashamed to have named the Ingenders and Fomentors of the Troubles and disturbances to have been set on Foot towards His Majesties Dominions had he been sammon'd thereunto and is not backward to say that the Honorable House of Commons would not have been displeased to see and order that some of the intermedlers may be detected and executed no less would any good Subject of England Pardon Noble Reader if that I presume to inmind that Criminals indisloyalty ought to receive Justice such as to them may be due and I to be the first were I criminal therein so I wish the same towards all or any Subjects upon proofs before their competent Adjudgers or Judges that thereby criminals may receive indign and publick Punishment and that Innocency may be protected and upheld This tends unto Sir Robert Walsh sufferances who forgot as unto one of Everards deposition to make answer as this in particular he makes mention of one Mrs wingfield alias Hampton and forsooth that his man Dalison he meaning Dalonson who never was his man or servant and that he and Sir Robert Walsh did well know the said Woman Upon my Word and Honor I never did know the said Woman never saw her directly nor nover heard of such a Woman nor of her name until his now naming of her in his depositions Pray Noble Readers let no man think that I villifie this Everards evidence as for the King if he pretends to give evidence no I do not nor would I intermeddle therein or with any thing therein concerned but what may dash upon my own particular which nature and the law of man cannot but allow to be justifiable so as this gap opened unto me by Everard putts me into a way of Justifying my self to the world being forced to declare my sufferances Under which I have so long groned procured me by Liars so as it may be said that Liars are the sons of the Devil and truth-tellers the Creatures of God The Copy of Sir Robert Walsh his Petition unto the Honorable House of Conpnons Sheweth That your Petitioner having lived most of his ●ime for these Thirty Years past in the French Kings Territories and since the Year 1669. particularly in Paris until the Year 1675. Mr. Progers of his Majesties Bed-Chamber and heretofore a Member of this Honorable House was by His Majesty's permission ordered to keep a correspondence with your Petitioner as unto what may relate unto his Majesties Service and the interests of his good Subjects as may evidently be made to appear unto any this Honorable House may please to appoint to hear the transactions and passages of the said correspondence who as accordingly may make report unto this Honorable House of the validity thereof Your Petitioner also having given an account in his Representments unto some of His Majesties Ministers of State which had they timely given ear unto undoubtly must have conduced unto His Majesties interest and that of his good Subjects but the aversness of some towards the giving of a just hearing unto your Petitioners Representments hath Ecclipsed your Petitioner as also his Representments by your Petitioners care and endeavors he did so prevail with a person who hath been above Twenty years under secretary in France to the secretary of state in the Transactions of the French concerns yet he became discontented and was unsatisfied and though he was well in Money yet much would ambition more so as your Petitioner prevailed with him to come hither in 1675. and the rather that in the surintendent Monsiere de Fouketts being great this person was known unto His Most Excellent Majesty and came resolved hither to give His Majesty great Lights and intelligence as regarding the Transactions of France Here your Petitioner doth give a Brief which when provised as also Mr. Progers Letters probably this Honorable House may Judge that this man's Representments and Intelligence
Robert was surrendring and giving up his Imployment and charge His Majesty taking notice of which the Army then marching His Majesty stopt and so did the Army and called upon Sir Robert saying he heard that he was upon quitting his service Sir Robert humbly replied that he hoped that His Majesty would permit him so to do seeing that the Lord Wilmot whose Loyalty and service he ever was a witness of was so used and truly Sir Robert did plainly so declare his unwillingness to serve any longer His Majesty was pleased to give Sir Robert great encouragement to continue and in an extraordinary manner and told him that he should not quit and that he commanded him not to quit unto which there rested no answer but obedience the world ignores not with what ungrounded falsehood the Lord Wilmot was then made Prisoner and how he came off with honor Then His Majesty came into Wiltshiere and came to Andover where Sir William Wallers Army lay near Waller sent a considerable party of Horse to observe His Majesties Army whereupon the Lord George Goring that Worthy Commander then General of his Royal Highness's Army immediately did order to draw out a considerable party of Horse and did Order Sir Robert Walsh to command the said Party with order to pursue Sir William Waller which readily was put in Execution where many Voluntiers readily went along and particularly then Mr. Henry Bennet now Earl of Arlington with so much of good will and resolution as none could demonstrate more Sir Robert then desiring him not to go he being a person who was then in the Pen charge and Imployment and so readily kind and careful to serve and obliege us Officers so as that if any thing should happen him it would infinitely redown to our loss and sufferance but he would not be deturned of bearing a share in that occasion which was so visibly near of being put in Execution in the pursuance of which he then from the Enemy did receive that Noble scar of honor which to this day he beareth the mark of in his Face which assoon as Sir Robert saw he immediately did Order Collonel Garret Moor now here in Town to conduct him off and to have him to the Chyrurgion to be dressed which accordingly was done X. Some time after the Army was given up in Corn-wall and Most Officers to shift for themselves of which number Sir Robert being one he betook himself for Ireland and there treated with the French Kings Envoy by name Monsieur de la Monnerie for Sir Robert to carry a Regiment of Foot into the French Kings service who capitulated with Sir Robert in the Name of His Christian Majesty that Sir Robert upon his Landing in France should receive Thirty Crowns for each man and should have a pension of Two Thousand Crowns yearly besides other great and large promises in words which never were performed Sir Robert upon his one costs and charge hired Two great Holland Ships into which he Shipped Nine Hundred and Fifty men from the County of Galway and the City of Galway and sailing for France was met by some Parliament Ships who took one of Sir Roberts Ships loden with men which they sent into the islands but fortune favoring the Ship that Sir Robert was in did escape and he got into Haver de Grace with Six Hundred men he served the French King as Collonel of the said men which Agent la Monnerie did not perform his capitulation in a Tittle so as Sir Robert grew unsatisfied in His Majesties Service and loosing his Sons who were Captains in Sir Roberts said Regiment then the Prince of Conde taking Arms against his King Sir Robert took his dismiss and passe from the King and gave himself into the service of the Prince of Conde After some time Sir Robert was taken Prisoner and put into the Bastill where he was forced to lye for Three Years notwithstanding that the Prince of Conde did use all indeavors to have Sir Robert exchanged and did offer one Monsieur Bougy for to Exchange Sir Robert who was Lievtenant General in his Christian Majesties Army which was denied it being given out that Sir Robert did intend to kill Cardinal Mazarine the ordinary common pretext that when envy or malice contrives against man then usually its babbled and given out that he was to kill the Prince or Minister of State XI If gratitude were in practice sure Cardinal Mazarine would not have forgot his parts as hereunto for when the Cardinal er'e he made his escape from Paris was in very great apprehension and fear of his life by the Duke of Orleans the Prince of Conde Monsieur de Beauford their party Sir Robert having not then quit the Kings Service nor the court party the Cardinal being in great apprehension of loosing his life though he lodged in the Pallas Royal though Sir Robert was then very unsatisfied he did remass and gather a Hundred Gentlemen every one with his Sword and Pistol and had them into the Inns and Cabaretts in the Reu de bones enfents and near the Pallas Royal and the Cardinal then being in hourly fear of being attacked in the Pallas Sir Robert writ unto his Eminence that he lay with a hundred Cavaliers in Case that any attempt were made upon his Eminence That Sir Robert was ready to be in the head of the said Gentlemen to hazard his Life and theirs in the defence of his Eminence who then sent Monsieur de Navaile now Duke de Navaile to see if what Sir Robert writ was so Monsieur de Navaile did to the Cardinal return and certified him that what Sir Robert writ to him was so Upon which the Cardinal the Alarum being past Two or Three days after Sir Robert being in the Palsas Royal the Cardinal took him in his Arms saying he was a true Person of Honor and that if ever it came in his way that he never would forget Sir Roberts generosity and kindness But the Cardinal made it his profession not to be a slave to his word yet did Sir Robert when he lay in the Bastile put him in mind of his promise which proved one a la mode de France But at long run Mr. Walter Montegue a Person of Credit and Renown with the French Court and Cardinal was so honourable as to imploy himself for Sir Roberts liberty which in fine he obtained but upon such Terms as have rarely been imposed upon any Officer or Soldier of Fortune which was thus that Sir Robert Walsh should put in Two Collonels of the Kings Army and Two good Burgesses of Paris who should become bound in Fifty thousand Crowns That Sir Robert Walsh should not serve nor carry Arms against His Christian Majesty in Five years following which was given by Sir Robert and performed The Lord of Muskery and Sir James Dillon were the Two Collonels who became bound Monsieur de Couteure and Monsieur de la Coste the Burgesses and so
replied that I first would address unto the Duke of Ormond to see if I could make my peace and be admitted to Court which my Lord Brohill gave me some time to do And then I writ to the same tenure unto his Grace of Ormond and an other Letter in private unto his Grace of what past and was to pass and upon what termes I was to obtain my liberty I showing the return to the Lord Brohil he procured me my liberty Fifty or Sixty pound upon my word I know not which upon the Faith of a Christian this was all that past betwixt my Lord of Orery and me or from any other of the Usurpers Creatures I never having spoke to the Usurper only once he Landing at White-Hall-staires out of a Pair of Oares coming from Lambert and I entring into a Pair of Oars he asked who I was and called me to him asked me whether the Island near Waterford was not mine I said of right it was but that his Highness did take it from me and gave it Collonel Vernon who had been his quarter Master General so parted and I never saw him since As unto my Lord of Orery I would take the Sacrament that he never spoke one word or syllable unto me of my King in the whole course of our transaction but as heretofore I have mentioned soon after I Landed in Flanders and went to Gant there was casually his Grace of Ormond unto whom I presently made my address but he being busie with the Lord Culpepper that time was not convenient the next day I waited on his Grace to give him the account of my Transactions in England representing all I could gather only that I would make it out how some near His Majesty did betray his Secrets unto the Usurper and his Creatures I offering upon pain of the loss of my Head to give evident proofs of the said intelligence My Lord said he would give his Majesty who was then in Bruges an account of what I said some Two days after the Earl of Clancarthy came to Gant from his Grace of Ormond and brought me this message that it was His Majesties Pleasure that I should appear before His Majesty and Council to answer what was to be laid to my charge unto which I replied that I was ready to appear and the next day I being going into the Boat from Gant to Bruges in obedience as I conceived to His Majesties Pleasure I received an other message from his Grace that I should immediatly leave the low Countries by His Majesties positive Order so expressed or that I should run the hazard of what should follow I answered I would in all things obey my Kings Command though I well know that this Order was procured by those who knew themselves guilty how I would have accused them of their keeping intelligence with the Usurper Next day from Gant I took my journey towards Germany to get unto his Highness Prince Rupert and took the City of Bruxels in my way which was not much out of it the Lord Digby and Sir Edward Hyde were then hand and glove the world hath seen what they have been afterwards Truly I was at a defiance with either so as the true liberty of the Subject had been allowed me for I neither would creep or cringe to either the Lord Digby was then immediatly by Sir Edward Hyde dispatched and Imployed after me to Bruxels it being well known that I had entrance so with the Prince of Conde who was then in Bruxels so as to bring me to his Catholick Majesties State Ministers and Governors there where I would have declared of the Treacheries done to my King but the Lord Digby and Sir Edward Hydes joyning their heads so contrived that the Governors Don John d' Austrea and Marquis de Carassenas were informed and possessed that I was then imployed by the Usurper and Earl of Orery to Kill my King so the next Morning after my arrival in Bruxels my Son and Servant and I ready to take Horse the grand Provo Casteneda comes with Forty at his heels shewing me no Order conveyes my Son and I to the Prison called Urinate and Orders that none should come to speak unto us which so continued for six Months we starving with hunger and cold after which I found means to address unty my Sacred King who was so indulgently just that he did authorize the Judge Millitary of Flanders to examine the proceedings as also to determine who so did as heretofore is declared which comprises his Catholick Majesties Orders to pay the charges of my imprisonment who had nothing to do with it and to put me at liberty that was made Prisoner sine culpa To give an allay unto my unjust sufferances this Order did not a little solace me XIII One thing Noble Reader I being admitted Pen and Ink be pleased to observe I did ever renounce my Kings Grace or Favour should I be made guilty of Disloyalty I would neither beg desire or take my Kings Pardon I never having sinned against him his Interests or Service nor would I my Gods pardon had I no more sinned against him than I have against my King I then in my time of Imprisonment did represent unto my King that a time would come that the Lord Digby and Sir Edward Hyde would be Cashier'd and Banished from his Court and that I who was then Tyrannically made Prisoner by their false Informations and Suggestions should be at liberty to stand at His Majesties Elboe to see them both in disgrace and so I have and seen them and seeing I could not then there possess the true liberty due to a Subject I would I may here which hitherto I have not I may implore nay press for it Conscientia mille Testes I fear no man upon Earth my Duty to my King not comprised nor no Laws either My King I am sure cannot in himself err So good I am sure he is I cannot nor will I say that Ministers of State who govern the consciences of Kings and who are to answer may not err This I intend unto the Ministers of Forraign Kings XIV You must know Noble Reader that the City of Bruxels have it by their Charter that no stranger made Prisoner there is to be detained above Twenty four hours without he be Examined his Charge given in against him and the Cause of his Imprisonment Examined and that besides if any make a Prisoner upon Informations that they should secure to make a party against the Prisoner who by their Law in Bruxels are to allow the Prisoner a daily subsistence according to the Quality of the Prisoner else the Prisoner not to be detained Upon which it was ordered that I and my Son and servant by His Most Excellent Majesties then Councel that Twenty pence a day should be given us The World may judge whether that was a proportion fit and I having lain Thirty three months Prisoner Sir Steven Fox being ordered
a Hundred Pound which was brought him to the Fleet and the Lord Arlington did also make Sir Robert a present of Twenty Ginneys unto my Lord Arlington the Lord Chancellor a thing not unknown was then no great friend yet the Lord Arlingtons Loyalty Fidelity and duty to his King hath so preserved him as to be now what he hath deserved and is and so may all taste as they deserve if not in this world in the next they must and will but as unto Dunkerk such order was then given as that the French Kings design took not until it was sold him which I wish had never been Sir Robert could say more but hates to trample upon the dead This was after Sir Roberts being kept Prisoner in Bruxels by the instigation of Chancellor Hyde and the instrument he made use of to have Sir Robert then made Prisoner was one that ingratiated himself with Don John D' Austrea who was then Governor of Planders which was thus he was an English man and a degree above a Knight he being some years servant unto an English Dame who had had Three or Four Children he had her received by Don John for a Maid and so past her for unto him and some Five or Six Hundred Pistols was gained that way this was not ill mis-trip as some that read this well may remember the passage herein such qualified persons not constant in Religion Protestant or Papist were the instruments of Sir Robert Walsh his Murderous Imprisonment for Three and Thirty Months in Bruxels but they never would come as witnesses in this age do whereby to maintain their accusations either by right or wrong those who Treacherously under hand to gain them a little favor were accusors of Sir Robert Walsh he could name Six of them since gone unto a worse World then this and few or none now living XX. Now Noble Reader this Everard dashing at me that I should be a subduer of Discoveries Animosities Plots or Designs intended towards the subversion of His Majesties Laws and Government to prove how far from truth that is I appeal to what my King knoweth as coming from me in 1675. 76. 77. 78. And what I did communicate unto the now Honorable Lord Chancellor the Lord Arlington and other Ministers in or about the said years whose names I now mention not as unwilling to add calamity unto calamity I doubt some whom I would have named in 1675. were I thereunto summon'd are no small Incendiaries or Promotors in Disturbances Unto which had I been heard in time prevention might have been given the World cannot but Judge and so shall that my interest is soly in my Sovereigns and that of his good Subjects I having staid here these Four years in expectance that my Representments should be verified and so allowed as now they are and to my great cost I have my Labor for my pains sed Tempus edax rerum XXI Now Noble Reader pardon if I give you the trouble of reading how the Sieur Grimings was put to death who was the Receiver General of Planders a Person then most High and Eminent would make Princes attend their having Audience whiles he stayed to see his Daughters dance the Tricote his Pallace in Bruxels not much inferior to Dunkerk or Clarendon house the reason why I trouble you your Reading his end is that I was nominated in bringing him to it he then being a Prisoner in the same which I was in at Bruxels in the year 1658. that I was the Person who next his demeanor of not being capable to account for the vast summs he had received of his Catholick Majesties Subjects that I was the person who hindered his escape a thing I then did own and now do which none living can or will blame me for when they here the truth as now here they may of the passages thereof yet did Sir Edward Hide and his then Creatures falsely asperse me in giving out that I betrayed this Grimings the passages were as thus which is the Real truth of it this Grimings being a close Prisoner in a ground Chamber seeing me walk in the Yard had the opportunity of asking me why I was there a Prisoner I replied I did not know and withal that I renounced the Grace or Favor of all Kings or Law for any thing that could be laid to my charge upon which he said that the Kings grace was not to be denied and I replied not for them who had use thereof of which number I did conclude he was one and so we parted his Lady was then confined to his Pallace in Bruxels and a Hundred Soldiers there every Night in Guard she hearing that I was a person of Honor and a Prisoner which lay in the Chamber above her Husband she disguises herself and comes to my Chamber throws herself at my feet which very much did surprize me I made her rise which she was unwilling unto she declaring that I was the only person that could relieve and serve her I said that sure she was mistaken and that she took me for some other more considerable Person that might be a Prisoner she cryed no that it was I and none other else that could serve her and declares unto me how which was as thus my Husband lyeth here under your Chamber and I can no way contrive a Communication with him but by your means help and assistance If that you may please so far to be charitably oblieging towards me as to contrive his having a Billet from me for all his Wealth lyeth placed in convents and particular places that without my having an account from him how and where I and my Children are ruined for ever Unto which I replied that I lay Prisoner I knew not for what and for to render my self to be guilty of Intermedling in a concern of that Nature could shew no Judgment or wisdom in me but she so did importune me that she prevailed and I did contrive to convey her Billets to her Husband and his to her by which means she found where and how all his Wealth lay upon which she got his Wealth which were Millions of Livers and so conveyed herself into Holland out of the King of Spains Dominions without making me the least return but by divers of her Letters which are yet extant Grimings being put upon the Rack confessed contrary to his Vows and promises that it was by my means that he corresponded with his Wife upon which his Catholick Majesty sent Commissioners to examine me who indeed were very civil I did not deny my guilt saying why did his Catholick Majesty detain me Prisoner and upon what grounds The Commissioners said I had given great Treasures out of His Majesties Cophers soon after Grimings his Wife run away I writ to Grimings that I had served him in the trust his Wife imposed in me and desired him that he would give his Billet to his son for me to receive a Hundred Pistols I being