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A57919 Historical collections of private passages of state Weighty matters in law. Remarkable proceedings in five Parliaments. Beginning the sixteenth year of King James, anno 1618. And ending the fifth year of King Charls, anno 1629. Digested in order of time, and now published by John Rushworth of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; Rushworth, John, 1612?-1690. 1659 (1659) Wing R2316A; ESTC R219757 913,878 804

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Wales and for the Office of General-Governor of the Seas and Ships of the said Kingdoms and for the Surrender of the said Offices then made to the said King by the said Earl of Nottingham being then Great Admiral of the said Kingdoms and Principality and General-Governor of the Seas and Ships to the intent the said Duke might obtain the said Offices to his own use the sum of Three thousand pounds of lawful Money of England and did also about the same time procure from the said King a further Reward for the Surrender of the said Office to the said Earl of an Annuity of One thousand pounds by the year for and during the life of the said Earl and by the procurement of the said Duke the said late King of Famous memory did by his Letters Patents dated the Seven and twentieth of Ianuary in the said year of his Reign under the Great Seal of England grant to the said Earl the said Annuity which he the said Earl accordingly had and enjoyed during his life and by reason of the said sum of Money so as aforesaid paid by the said Duke And of his the said Dukes procurement of the said Annuity the said Earl of Nottingham did in the same Moneth surrender unto the said late King his said Offices and his Patents of them and thereupon and by reason of the premisses the said Offices were obtained by the Duke for his life from the said King of Famous Memory by Letters Patents made to the said Duke of the same Offices under the Great Seal of England dated the Eight and twentieth day of Ianuary in the said Sixteenth year of the said late King And the said Offices of Great Admiral and Governor as aforesaid are Offices that highly touch and concern the Administration and Execution of Justice within the provision of the said Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom which notwithstanding the said Duke hath unlawfully ever since the first unlawful obtaining of the said Grant of the said Offices retained them in his hands and exercised them against the Laws and Statutes aforesaid III. The said Duke did likewise in or about the beginning of the Moneth of December in the Two and twentieth year of the said late King Iames of Famous memory give and pay unto the Right Honorable Edward late Lord Zouch Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and of the Members thereof and Constable of the Castle of Dover for the said Offices and for the Surrender of the said Offices of Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Constable of the said Castle of Dover to be made to the said late King of Famous memory the sum of One thousand pounds of lawful Money of England and then also granted an Annuity of Five hundred pounds yearly to the said Lord Zouch for the life of the said Lord Zouch to the intent that he the said Duke might thereby obtain the said Offices to his own use And for and by reason of the said sum of Money so paid by the said Duke and of the said Annuity so granted to the said Edward Lord Zouch he the said Lord Zouch the Fourth day of December in the year aforesaid did surrender his said Offices and his Letters Patents of them to the said late King And thereupon and by reason of the premisses he the said Duke obtained the said Offices for his life from the said late King by his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England dated the Sixth day of December in the said Two and twentieth year And the said Office of Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and of the Members thereof is an Office that doth highly touch and concern Administration and Execution of justice and the said Office of Constable of the Castle of Dover is an Office that highly concerneth the keeping and defence of the Town and Port and of the said Castle of Dover which is and hath ever been appointed for a most eminent place of strength and defence of this Kingdom which notwithstanding the said Duke hath unlawfully ever since this first unlawful obtaining of the said Office retained them in his hands and exercised them against the Laws and Statutes aforesaid These Three Articles were discoursed upon by Mr. Herbert and touching Plurality of Offices he observed That in that vast power of the Duke a young unexperienced man there is an unfortunate complication of Danger and Mischeif to the State as having too much ability if he be false to do harm and ruine the Kingdom and if he be faithful and never so industrious yet divided amongst so many great places whereof every one would employ the industry of an able and provident man there must needs be in him an insufficiency of performance or rather an impossibility especially considering his necessary attendance likewise upon his Court places To the Second and Third namely The buying the Office of Admiralty and Cinque-Ports both which he comprised in one he said That to set a price upon the Walls and Gates of the Kingdom is a Crime which requires rather a speedy remedy than an aggravation and is against the express Law of 5 Edw. 6. upon this foundation That the buying of such places doth necessarily introduce corrupt and insufficient Officers And in the Parliament of 12 Edw. 4. it is declared by the whole Assembly That they who buy those places these are the express words binde themselves to be Extortioners and Offenders as if they pretended it warrantable or as if they did lay an Obligation upon themselves to sell again And though the buying of such places be not against any particular Law enjoyning a penalty for them the breach whereof is a particular Offence yet as far as they subvert the good and welfare and safety of the people so far they are against the highest Law and assume the nature of the highest Offences IV. Whereas the said Duke by reason of his said Offices of Great Admiral of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland and of the Principality of Wales and of Admiral of the Cinque Ports and General Governor of the Seas and Ships of the said Kingdoms and by reason of the trust thereunto belonging ought at all times since the said Offices obtained to have safely guarded kept and preserved the said Seas and the Dominion of them and ought also whensoever there wanted either Men Ships Munition or other strength whatsoever that might conduce to the better safeguard of them to have used from time to time his utmost endeavor for the supply of such wants to the Right Honorable the Lords and others of the Privy Council and by procuring such supply from his Soveraign or otherwise He the said Duke hath ever since the dissolution of the two Treaties mentioned in the Act of Subsidies of the One and twentieth year of the late King Iames of Famous memory that is to say the space of Two years last past neglected the just performance of his said Office and Duty
for a word and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate and turn aside the just for a thing of nought Blame not before thou have examined the truth understand first and then rebuke answer not before thou hast heard the cause neither interrupt men in the midst of their talk Doth our Law judge any man before it hear him and know what he doth King Agrippa said unto Paul Thou art permitted to speak for thy self Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of the poor in his cause thou shalt not respect persons neither take a gift for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wise and pervert the eyes of the righteous Woe to them that devise iniquity because it is in the power of their hand and they covet fields and take them by violence and houses and take them away so they oppress a man and his house even a man and his heritage Thus saith the Lord God Let it suffice you O Princes of Israel remove violence and spoyl and execute judgment and justice take away your exactions from my people saith the Lord God If thou seest the oppression of the Poor and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a Province marvel not at the matter for he that is higher then the highest regardeth and there be higher then they Per me Richard Chambers Afterwards in the Term of Trinity the 5 yeer of King Charls it is found in the great Roll of this year that there is demanded there of Richard Chambers of London Merchant 2000 l. for a certain fine imposed on him hither sent by vertue of a writ of our said Lord the King under the foot of the great Seal of England directed to the Treasurer and Barons of this Exchequer for making execution thereof to the use of the said Lord the King as is there contained and now that is to say in the Utas of the Blessed Trinity this Term comes the said Richard Chambers in his own proper person and demands Oyer of the demand aforesaid and it is read unto him and he demands Oyer also of the Writ aforesaid under the foot of the Great Seal of England hither sent and it is read unto him in these words CHarls by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To his Treasurer and Barons of his Exchequer health The extret of certain fines taxed and adjudged by Us and our said Council in our said Council in Our Court of Star-Chamber in the Term of St Michael the Term of St. Hillary and the Term of Easter last past upon Thomas Barns of the Parish of St. Clements Danes in the County of Middlesex Carpenter and others severally and dividedly as they be there severally assessed We send unto you included in these presents commanding that looking into them you do that which by Law you ought to do against them for the levying of those fines Witness our Self at Westminster the 21 of May in the yeer of Our Reign the 5 Mutas And the tenor of the Schedule to the said Writ annexed as to the said Richard Chambers followeth in these words IN the Term of Easter the fifth year of King Charles of Richard Chambers of London Merchant 2000 l. which being read heard and by him understood he complains that he is grievously vexed and inquieted by colour of the Premises and that not justly for that protesting that the said great Roll and the matter therein contained is not in Law sufficient to which he hath no need nor is bound by Law to answer yet for Plea the said Richard Chambers saith That he of the demand aforesaid in the great Roll aforesaid mentioned and every parcel thereof ought to be discharged against the said Lord the King for that he said That he from the time of the Taxation o● the aforesaid Fine and long before was a Freeman and a Merchant of this Kingdom that is to say In the Parish of the blessed Mary of the Arches in the Ward of Cheap London And that by a certain Act in the Parliament of the Lord Henry late King of England the Third held in the ninth year of his reign it was provided by Authority of the said Parliament That a Freeman shall not be amerced for a little offence but according to the manner of the said offence and for a great offence according to the greatness of the offence saving to him his Contenement or Freehold and a Merchant in the same manner saving unto him his Merchandize and a Villain of any other then the King after the same manner to be amerced saving his Wainage and none of the said Amercements to be imposed but by the Oaths of good and lawful men of the Neighbourhood And by a certain other Act in the Parliament of the Lord Edward late King of England the first held in the Third year of his reign it was and is provided That no City Burrough or Town nor any man should be amerced without reasonable cause and according to his Trespass that is to say A Freeman saving to him his Contenement A Merchant saving to him his Merchandize and A Villan saving to him his Wainage and this by their Peers And by the same Act in the Parliament of the said Lord Henry late King of England the Third held in the ninth year of his reign aforesaid it was and is provided by Authority of the said Parliament That no Freemen should be taken or imprisoned or disseized of his Freehold or Liberties or free Customs or outlaw'd or banish'd or any way destroyed And that the Lord the King should not go upon him nor deal with him but by a lawful judgement of his Peers or by the Law of the Land And by a certain Act in the Parliament of the Lord Edward late King of England the Third held in the fifth year of his reign it was and is provided by the Authority of the said Parliament That no man henceforward should be attached by reason of any Accusation nor pre-judged of Life or Member nor that his Lands Tenements Goods or Chattels should be seized into the hands of the Lord the King against the form of the great Charter and the Law of the Land And by a certain Act in the Parliament of the Lord Henry late King of England the seventh held in the third year of his reign reciting that by unlawful Maintenances given of liveries signes and tokens and retainders by Indentures Promises Oaths Writings and other Imbraceries of the Subjects of the said Lord the King false Demeanors of Sheriffs in making of Pannels and other false returns by taking of money by Jurors by great ryots and unlawful assemblies the policie and good Government of this Kingdom was almost subdued and by not punishing of the said inconveniences and by occasion of the Premises little or nothing was found by Inquisition by reason thereof the Laws of
the zeal of our true Religion in which we have béen born and wherein by Gods grace we are resolved to die the safety of Your Majesties person who is the very life of Your people the happiness of Your Children and Posterity the honor and good of the Church and State dearer unto us then our own lives having kindled these affections truly devoted to Your Majesty And séeing out of our duty to Your Majesty we have already resolved to give at the end of this Session one intire Subsidy for the present relief of the Palatinate onely to be paid in the end of February next which cannot well be effected but by passing a Bill in a Parl●●mentary course before Christmas We most humbly beséech Your Majesty as our assured hope is that You will then also vouchsafe to give life by Your Royal Assent to such Bills as before that time shall be prepared for Your Majesties honor and the general good of Your people And that such Bills may be also accompanied as hath béen accustomed with Your Majesties Gracious Pardon which procéeding from Your own méer Grace may by Your Highness direction be drawn to that Latitude and Extent as may best sort with Your Majesties bounty and goodness And that not onely Felons and Criminal Offenders may take benefit thereof but that Your good Subjects may receive ease thereby And if it shall so stand with Your good pleasure That it may extend to the relief of the old Debts and Duties to the Crown before the First year of Your Majesties Reign to the discharge of Alienations without Licence and misusing of Liveries and Oustre le Maine before the first Summons of this Parliament and of concealed Wardships and not suing of Liveries and Oustre le Maines before the Twelfth year of Your Majesties Reign Which gratious Favor would much comfort Your good Subjects and ease them from vexation with little loss or prejudice to Your own profit And we by our daily and devout Prayers to the Almighty the Great King of Kings shall contend for a blessing upon our endeavors and for Your Majesties long and happy Reign over us and for Your Childrens Children after You for many and many Generations The House had sufficient cause to set forth the danger of true Religion and the Miseries of the Professors thereof in Foreign parts when besides the great wound made in Germany and the cruelties of the prevailing House of Austria the Protestants in France were almost ruined by Lewis the Thirteenth being besieged at once in several places as in Montauban by the King and in Rochel by Count Soysons and the Duke of Guise And for their relief the King of England prevailed nothing by sending of Sir Edward Herbert since Baron of Cherbury and after him the Viscount Doncaster Ambassador for Mediation The King having Intelligence of the former Remonstrance wrote his Letter to the Speaker To Our Trusty and Welbeloved Sir Thomas Richardson Knight Speaker of the House of COMMONS Mr Speaker WE have heard by divers Reports to our great grief That our distance from the Houses of Parliament caused by our indisposition of health hath imboldned the fiery and popular Spirits of some of the House of Commons to argue and debate publickly of the matters far above their reach and capacity tending to our high dishonor and breach of Prerogative Royal. These are therefore to command you to make known in our Name unto the House That none therein shall presume henceforth to meddle with any thing concerning our Government or deep matters of State and namely not to deal with our dearest Sons Match with the Daughter of Spain nor to touch the honor of that King or any other our Friends and Confederates And also not to meddle with any mans particulars which have their due motion in our ordinary Courts of Iustice. And whereas we hear they have sent a Message to Sir Edwin Sandis to know the reasons of his late restraint you shall in our Name resolve them That it was not for any misdemeanor of his in Parliament but to put them out of doubt of any question of that nature that may arise among them hereafter you shall resolve them in our Name That we think our self very free and able to punish any mans misdemeanors in Parliament as well during their sitting as after Which we mean not to spare hereafter upon any occasion of any mans insolent behavior there that shall be ministred unto us And if they have already touched any of these points which we have forbidden in any Petition of theirs which is to be sent unto us it is our pleasure that you shall tell them That except they reform it before it come to our hands we will not deign the hearing nor answering of it Dated at New-Market 3 Dec. 1621. Hereupon they drew up another Petition which they sent accompanied with the former Remonstrance Most Dread and Gratious Soveraign WE your most humble and loyal Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses Assembled in the Commons House of Parliament full of grief and unspeakable sorrow through the true sence of your Majesties displeasure expressed by your Letter lately sent to our Speaker and by him related and read unto us Yet comforted again with the assurance of your grace and goodness and of the sincerity of our own intentions and procéedings whereon with confidence we can relie In all humbleness beséech your most Excellent Majesty that the loyalty and dutifulness of as faithful and loving Subjects as ever served or lived under a gratious Soveraign may not undeservedly suffer by the mis-information of partial and uncertain Reports which are ever unfaithful Intelligencers But that your Majesty would in the clearness of your own Iudgment first vouchsafe to understand from our selves and not from others what our humble Declaration and Petition resolved upon by the Universal voice of the House and proposed with your gratious Favor to be presented unto your Sacred Majesty doth contain Upon what occasion we entred into consideration of those things which are therein contained with what dutiful respect to your Majesty and your service we did consider thereof and what was our true intention thereby And that when your Majesty shall thereby truly discern our dutiful affections you will in your Royal Iudgment frée us from those heavy charges wherewith some of our Members are burthened and wherein the whole House is involved And we humbly beséech your Majesty that you will not hereafter give credit to private Reports against all or any of the Members of our House whom the whole have not censured until your Majesty have béen truly informed thereof from our selves And that in the mean time and ever we may stand upright in your Majesties grace and good opinion than which no worldly consideration is or can be dearer unto us When your Majesty had Reassembled us in Parliament by your Royal Commandment sooner then we expected and did vouchsafe by the mouths
from us What can we look for if the whole shall be in his hands and possession who amuzing us with a Treaty of Cessation and protracting it industriously as we have reason to believe doth in the mean time seize himself of the whole Countrey Which being done our Ambassador shall return with scorn and we remain in dishonor And therefore as we have heretofore sundry times promised in testimony of the sincerity of our proceedings and of our great desire to preserve the Amity inviolable between us and the whole House of Austria that in case our Son in Law would not be governed by us that then we would not onely forsake him but take part and joyn our forces with the Emperors against him So you may fairly represent unto that King That in like manner we have reason to expect the same measure from him That upon the Emperors aversness to a Cessation and Accommodation he will likewise actually assist us for the recovery of the Palatinate and Electoral Dignity to our Son in Law as it hath been often times intimated from Spain Yet our meaning is to carry all things fair with that King and not to give him any cause of distrust or jealousie if you perceive that they intend to go really and roundly on with the Match Wherein nevertheless we must tell you That we have no great cause to be well-pleased with the diligencies used on that part when we observe that after so long an expectance of the Dispensation upon which the whole business as they will have it depends there is nothing yet returned but Queres and Objections We have thought fit to let you know how far we are pleased to enlarge our self concerning those points demanded by the Pope And further then that since we cannot go without much prejudice inconvenience and dishonor to our self and our Son we hope and expect that the King of Spain will bring it instantly to an issue without further delay which you are to press with all diligence and earnestness But if respite of time be earnestly demanded and that you perceive it not possible for them to resolve until an answer come from Rome We then think it fit that you give them two moneths time after your Audience that we may understand that Kings final Resolutions before Christmas next at the furthest Likewise the Conde Gondomar who was lately called home is roused by a Letter from England on this manner HEre is a King and a Prince and a faithful Friend and Servant Buckingham besides a number of other Friends to whom every day seems a year till the Match be accomplished all things are prepared on our parts Priests and Recusants are at liberty and the Prisons are filled with zealous Ministers Orders are published for the Universities and Pulpits that none shall hereafter be medling but that all Preach Christ crucified His Majesty never looked to the rising or falling hopes of his Son in Laws fortunes but kept in the same course that seems most agreeable to Honor and Justice and the Peace of Christendom And Gondomar did beseech the King to suffer himself once to be deceived by Spain and promised when the Match was first moved and the King perswaded to break with France That he should be prest to nothing but what might stand with Conscience and Honor and the love of his people And whereas the Pope would know what Bonum Publicum will be granted We remit it to your Conscience whither the favors daily granted to Catholicks which the King resolves to continue if not to increase be not a real publick good considering if the Match break off his Majesty will be importunately urged by his people to whose assistance he must needs have recourse to give life and execution to all Penal Laws now hanging over the heads of Catholicks According to the Kings direction the Earl of Bristol presented a Memorial to the King of Spain and from him and his Ministers received this return That for the accomplishing of the Match on their part there should not one day be lost for the dispatch thereof imported them no less then the King of Great Britain And for the Palatinate they will seek his intire satisfaction and they refer it to his own just judgment whether their forces were called out of the Palatinate with an evil intention or meerly for the defence of Flanders which otherwise had been put in great hazard by Count Mansfield That the besieging of Heidelburgh was no way by their consent or knowledge but was generally disapproved by them And if it should be taken and the Emperor refuse to restore it or to condiscend to such Accommodation as should be adjudged reasonable the King of Great Britain shall be infallibly assisted with the Arms of Spain for the restoring of the Palatine And as concerning the Match Bristol seemed so confident as to declare to the King his Master That he should not willingly give his Majesty hope upon uncertain grounds so he would not conceal what the Spanish Court professed which was to give his Majesty both real and speedy satisfaction And he affirmed If they intended it not they were falser then all the Devils in Hell for deeper Oaths and Protestations of Sincerity could not be made But in the mean while the Town and Castle of Heidelburgh were taken and the English Companies put to the Sword and Sir Edward Herbert the Governor was slain after he had broken four Pikes in charging the Enemy The besieging of Manheim and the blocking of Frankendale followed the loss of Heidelburgh King Iames provoked by the continual progress of these Indignities was impatient of staying for a Reply from Spain to his former Letters but seconded those Resolutions with a vehement new dispatch the Third of October in a peremptory stile as it well became him Commanding the Earl of Bristol to let that King understand how sensible he was of the Emperors proceedings towards him and withal not a little troubled to see that the Infanta at Bruxels having an absolute Commission from the Emperor to conclude a Cessation and Suspension of Arms should now at last when all Objections were answered and the former solely pretended Obstacles removed not onely delay the Conclusion of the Treaty but refuse to lay her Commands upon the Emperors Generals for abstaining from the Garisons during the Treaty upon a pretext of want of Authority So as for the avoiding of further dishonor he hath been forced to recal both his Ambassadors as well the Chancellor of his Exchequer from Bruxels as also the Lord Chichester whom he intended to have sent unto the Emperor to the Dyet at Ratisbone He further enjoyned his Ambassador That having delivered his sense of things he should demand of the King of Spain a promise under his Hand and Seal that the Town and Castle of Heidelburgh shall be delivered to the Palatine within seventy days after the Audience and the like for Manheim and
a Treaty of a Match since in Eighty Eight even while there was a Treaty of Peace their Armado came upon us Again we shall find it was forbidden in the best people in the world to marry with a differing Religion The injunction the reason and the effect are laid down in Deuteronomy to the Jews And if we descend to our own Books and Chronicles we shall find that God hath crossed if not cursed our alliance and association particularly with the Spanish Nation the position of that Country and the disposition of that People being as it were so malignant and ill-agreeing with us The Prince of the greatest performance that ever this Kingdom or Christendom had was the Black Prince Yet our Chronicle records that going into Spain to settle Don Pedro in that Kingdom besides the monstrous ingratitude and peafidiousness of the Spaniard who failed in the performance of those Conditions he had promised which caused the miserable Revolt in France to the loss of our inheritance the Prince was so poisoned in that Country that he never had his health after Moreover he beseeched his Lordship to observe that all the Marriages which the Heirs and Princes of this Crown have made in England for these last six-score years except the several second Matches of Henry the Eight have been onely and no-where else but with Spain which how little God hath blest the success shews Prince Arthur married the Spanish Kings daughter We know God took him away suddenly within a very small time and without any issue In a Politick respect we would yet make a second Match so Prince Henry afterwards King married the same daughter But doubtless God was less pleased with that Match which was less lawful and therefore God took away all the male-children of it and left only a daughter in whose short Reign was shed more blood for the true Religion in six years then for the false in these succeeding sixty years We made then a third Adventure and Marriage with Spain Queen Mary with King Philip which was so discontenting to the People that it caused Wyats Rebellion so discomfortable to the Queen that it brake her heart being left and neglected of her Husband and so dishonorable and prejudicial to the Kingdom that merely for the Spaniards sake we having no difference at all with France we lost Calis in six days which had been above two hundred years in our possession He added lastly Though I have not so much judgment nor so little wit as to presume to advise where to match yet I assume so much as to think a Match at home cannot be held any ways inconvenient We find the first and the last of our Kings that ever matched with their Subjects were Ed. 4. and Hen. 8. From which two Matches God as it were to shew the less we rely upon others abroad the more he will help us himself at home gave two daughters two Elizabeths two such Queens then which there were never two more blessed Instruments of Gods glory and this Kingdoms good by establishing Peace in the Land and Religion in the Church until his Majesties happy coming who brought both with him The French were very jealous of the Conjunction between Spain and England and thought it the safest way to make peace at home and imploy their strength to bound the Incroachments of Spain and the House of Austria By which means a bitter Persecution ceased in that Kingdom The Protestants of France were permitted to call home their banished Ministers to build their ruined Temples and to enjoy their liberty in Religion This benefit did the Kings closing with Spain procure to a people almost ruined But after all the Kings concessions the Spaniards contrived new delays and proposed harder terms The Pope had obliged the Catholick King to see the Conditions performed and to protract the Marriage till matters in England were in perfect execution Whereupon the Divines advise that King that the Promises of Marriage be made presently but the Consummation thereof and the delivering of the Infanta be deferred till May the year following And the death of Pope Gregory did strengthen this contrivance For the Spanish Ministers pretended that in regard there was no Contract but a Treaty only on foot the Dispensation which lay in the Nuncio's hands was by the Popes death suspended and a Ratification from the new Pope was requisite before any further progress could be made Cardinal Barberine was chosen Successor to Gregory the Fifteenth and took the name of Urban the Eight Soon after his election he wrote these ensuing Letters the one to King Iames the other to Prince Charls Serenissimo IACOBO Magnae Britanniae Regi Illustri URBANUS P. ● VIII SErenissime Rex salutem lumen Divinae gratiae Scotiae regnum quod inclytos terris Reges sanctissimosque coelo cives peperit cum ad Cardinalatus nostri patrocinium pertinuerit laetitiae simul ac moeroris uberem nobis materiam afferebat Exultabamus gaudio cogitantes in ea Regione quam Romanorum arma expugnare omnino non potuerunt Romanae Ecclesiae fidem feliciter triumphasse Scotumque Regem nullum hactenus extitisse qui Pontificiae authoritatis hostis obierit At enim vertebatur in luctum cythara nostra cum ad praesentium temporum miserias oculos lachrymis manantes converteremus Videmini enim laborante discordiarum patre obliti esse eum qui nutrivit vos contristati nutricem vestram Hierusalem Quare Apostolica sedes quae populos istos jampridem Christo genuit moerore conficitur dum tam praecla●am haereditatem verti videt ad extraneos damnique sui magnitudinem Britannorum Regum laudibus istarumque Provinciarum gloria metitur Id vero praeter caetera dolendum orbi Christiano videtur Jacobum regem Catholicorum regum prolem sanctissimae Parentis filium à Pontifice Maximo atque à Majoribus suis in Religionis cultu dissentire Si enim sublime istud ingenium quod literarum studiis prudentiae artibus Rex celeberrimus excoluisti affulgenti Patri luminum assentiretur facilè conjicit Christiana Respublica quanto publicae concordiae bono factum esset ut Nationes istas Insulasque aut montium claustris aut Oceani gurgitibus dissitas Scoticus rex imperio conjungeres Videtur enim Majestas tua ob eam rem facta esse tot Provinciarum domina ut ab eo cui parent facilius celeriusque Regna ista medelam ac salutem acciperent Quare assiduis precibus jam tum eum venerabamur qui dat salutem Regibus ut to Divinae clementiae beneficia quibus in conspectu Potentium admirabilis es ad Britanniae incolumitatem Ecclesiae gaudium conferret Affulsit autem nobis non ita pridem beata spes oriens ex alto cum te Austriacae affinitatis cupidum cognovimus ex Catholica matre progigni exoptantem eos qui tuam haereditatem adire populosque istos ditione tenere debent
Coronation was briefly thus THe King went that day from Westminster-Hall to the Abbey Church attended by the Aldermen of London Eighty Knights of the Bath in their Robes the Kings Serjeants at Law Solicitor and Attorney Generals the Judges Barons Bishops Viscounts and such of the Earls who bore no particular Office that day in their Parliament Robes going two by two before the King all uncovered and after them followed his Officers of State being Eight Earls and one Marquess those persons according to their respective places and offices carried the Swords the Globe the Scepter the Crown and the Lord Major of London carried the short Scepter two Bishops carried the one the Golden Cup and the other the Plate for the Communion Next before his Majesty went the Earl of Arundel as Earl-Marshal of England and the Duke of Buckingham as Lord High-Constable of England for that day The King being cloathed in White Sattin went under a rich Canopy supported by the Barons of the Cinque Ports the King having on each hand a Bishop and his Train of Purple-Velvet was carried up by the Master of the Robes and the Master of the Wardrobe At the entring into the Church Bishop Laud delivered into the Kings hands the Staff of King Edward the Confessor with which the King walked up to the Throne then the Archbishop of Canterbury presented his Majesty to the Lords and Commons there present East West North and South who gave their consent to his Coronation as their lawful Soveraign After Sermon was done the King went to the Altar where the Old Crucifix amongst other Regalia stood as also the Ointment consecrated by a Bishop to take the Coronation Oath which as is said was performed in this manner viz. SIS says the Archbishop will You grant and kéep and by Your Oath confirm to the People of England the Laws and Customs to them granted by the Kings of England Your Lawful and Religious Predecessors and namely the Laws Customs and Franchises granted to the Clergy by the glorious King St. Edward Your Predecessor according to the laws of God the true Profession of the Gospel established in this Kingdom agréeable to the Prerogative of the Kings thereof and the Antient Customs of the Realm I grant and Promise to keep them Sir will You kéep Peace and Godly Agréement according to Your Power both to God the Holy Church the Clergy and the People I will keep it Sir will You to Your Power cause Law Justice and Discretion to Mercy and Truth to be executed to Your Judgment I will Sir will You grant to hold and kéep the Laws and Rightful Customs which the Communalty of this Your Kingdom have and will You defend and uphold them to the honor of God so much as in you lyeth I grant and promise so to do Then one of the Bishops read this Passage to the King Our Lord and King we beseech You to Pardon and to Grant and to Preserve unto us and to the Churches committed to Your Charge all Canonical Priviledges and do Law and Iustice and that You would Protect and Defend us as every good King to His Kingdoms ought to be Protector and Defender of the Bishops and the Churches under their Government The King answereth With a willing and devout Heart I promise and grant my Pardon and that I will preserve and maintain to you and the Churches committed to your Charge all Canonical Priviledges and due Law and Justice and that I will be your Protector and Defender to my Power by the assistance of God as every good King in his Kingdom in right ought to protect and defend the Bishops and Churches under their Government Then the King arose and was lead to the Communion Table where he takes a Solemn Oath in sight of all the People to observe all the Premisses and laying his hand upon the Bible said The things which I have here promised I shall perform and keep So help me God and the Contents of this Book After the Oath the King was placed in the Chair of Coronation and was Anointed by the Archbishop with a costly Ointment and the Antient Robes of King Edward the Confessor was put upon him and the Crown of King Edward was put upon his Head and his Sword girt about him and he offered the same and two Swords more together with Gold and Silver at the Communion Table He was afterwards conducted by the Nobility to the Throne where this Passage was read to his Majesty Stand and hold fast from henceforth the place to which You have been Heir by the Succession of Your Forefathers being now delivered to You by the Authority of Almighty God and by the hands of us and all the Bishops and Servants of God And as You see the Clergy to come nearer to the Altar then others so remember that in all places convenient You give them greater honor that the Mediator of God and Man may establish You in the Kingly Throne to be a Mediator betwixt the Clergy and the Laity and that You may Raign for ever with Iesus Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Afterwards the Nobility were sw●rn to be Homagers to the King and some other Ceremonies were performed which being done the Lord Keeper by the Kings command read a writing unto them which declared the Kings free Pardon to all his Subjects who would take the same under the Great Seal The Ceremonies of the Coronation being ended the Regalia were offered at the Altar by Bishop Laud in the Kings Name and then reposited The Bishop of Lincoln faln into disgrace by the displeasure of the Duke of Buckingham had not received his Writ of Summons which he represented to the King with Submission to his Majesties pleasure denied as he said to no Prisoners or condemned Peers in his Fathers Reign to enable him to make his Proxy if his Personal attendance be not permitted Likewise he besought his Majesty That he would be pleased to mitigate the Dukes causless anger towards him who was so little satisfied with any thing he could do or suffer that he had no means left to appease him but his Prayers to God and his Sacred Majesty Also that in his absence in this Parliament no use might be made of his Majesties Sacred Name to wound the Reputation of a poor Bishop who besides his Religion and Duty to that Divine Character which his Majesty beareth hath affectionately honored his very person above all Objects in this World as he desired the Salvation of the World to come And he craveth no Protection against any other Accuser or Accusation whatsoever On Monday the Sixth of February began the Second Parliament of the Kings Reign The King being placed in his Royal Throne the Lords in their Robes and the Commons below the Bar it pleased his Majesty to refer them to the Lord Keeper for what he had to say The Lord Keepers Speech My Lords ANd you the Knights
which though it do invite him to render unto you such a satisfaction that he hopes may acquit and restore him to your good opinion and might prevent your proceedings which otherwise by a Parliamentary course are like to follow Yet according to his duty having moved the Lords of the Upper House upon your notice given him they would by no means as things now stand give him leave to answer in regard he is not ignorant you are presently to enter into consideration of his Majesties Message and that by a delay therein your own purposes will be in some sort disappointed and the affairs of Christendome much prejudiced but for that upon a resolution you have deferred and respited that service until those things depending against him be first determined he out of fear that his necessary defence would spin out a great deal of time which is more precious is the willinger to obey their Lordships that so he might hasten without obstacle or interruption given unto him to keep day with his Majesty And this he doth as he conceives to his own infinite prejudice knowing how grievous it is to be transmitted as a Grievance by the voice of this House But he doth profess he will rather hazard the safety of his Fortunes Reputation and himself then to be the least occasion of any that may work dis-affection or mis-understanding between the King and his People And it is his Protestation that whatsoever interruption is made by his actions his endeavors shall be as long as he hath any favor with his gracious Master to take opportunity of doing good offices to this House and of rendring all that he can be able for the safety of the State and the general good of the Common-wealth And this he saith you may the easier beleeve because his Majesty can witness that he hazarded in his Fathers time the loss of the best affection of the best of Masters to obtain for them their desire In this zeal he was desirous to have appeared unto you ever since the beginning of this Parliament and in this zeal he doth now present himself unto you But to return to the main point he lest we should be mistaken gave us occasion in plain words to remember you that it is not he that doth refuse to answer but the Lords commanded him not to answer which he the cheerfullier obeyed in respect of his fidelity to prefer the Universal Weal before his own particular And in the mean time he desireth the charitable opinion of this Noble House until he be convinced that he shall appear not worthy of it which his own innocency maketh him confident that he shall not Whilst the Duke stood ready to be impeacht his Grace propounded to the Lords of the Council to have it moved to the King that in regard of the important services by Sea the usual pay to the Sailers might be raised from Fourteen to Twenty shillings a Moneth which was as much as they ordinarily received for Merchants wages The King being therein moved was consenting Nevertheless multitudes of the pressed Mariners ran away leaving his Majesties Ships unfurnished and his Service disappointed There was a great Debate in the House of Commons Whether the Committee of Twelve where Mr. Glanvile had the Chair shall consider of any new matter not heretofore propounded in the House against the Duke And it was resolved in the Affirmative Mr. Glanvile reports from the Committee the Examination concerning a Plaister and a Posset applied and given to King Iames in his sickness when the Kings sworne Physicians had agreed upon other Directions Hereupon it was resolved That this should be annexed to the Charge against the Duke as a transcendent Presumption of dangerous consequence Hereupon his Majesty sent this Message to the Commons THat he having given way to Enquiry about the Duke of Buckingham and hearing that there is new matter intended to be brought against him nevertheless leaveth the House to their own way to present the business to him or to the Lords withal adviseth them to consider of the season of the year and to avoid all loss of time It was Ordered That thanks should be returned to his Majesty for this Message On Monday the First of May the Gentleman-Usher brought the Earl of Bristol to the Bar according to their Lordships Order and the Lord Keeper acquainted him That the King had commanded his Attorney General to charge the Earl of Bristol before their Lordships with High Treason and other Offences and Misdemeanors of a very high nature that they might proceed in a Legal course against him according to the Justice and usual proceedings of Parliament I. Offences done and committed by the Earl of Bristol before His Majesties going into Spain when he was Prince I. THat the said Earl being trusted and employed by the said late King as his Ambassador to Ferdinando then and now Emperor of Germany and to Philip the Fourth then and now King of Spain in Annis 1621.22 and 23. And having Commission and particular and special Direction to Treat with the said Emperor and the King of Spain for the plenary restoring of such parts of the Dominions Territories and Possessions of the Count Palatine of Rhine who married with the most Excellent Lady Elizabeth his now Royal Consort the onely Daughter of the said late King Iames which were then wrongfully and in hostile manner taken and possessed with and by the Armies of the said Emperor and King of Spain or any other and for preserving and keeping such other parts thereof as were not then lost but were then in the protection of the said late King Iames and to the use of the said Count Palatine and his Children And also to Treat with the said King of Spain for a Marriage to be had between the most High and Excellent Prince Charls then Prince of Wales the onely Son and Heir Apparant of the said King Iames and now our most Soveraign Lord and the most Illustrious Lady Donna Maria the Infanta of Spain Sister to the now King of Spain He the said Earl contrary to his duty and Alleagiance and contrary to the trust and duty of an Ambassador at Madrid in the Kingdom of Spain to advance and further the designs of the said King of Spain against our said Soveraign Lord his Children Friends and Allies falsly willingly and traiterously and as a Traitor to our said late Soveraign Lord the King by sundry Letters and other Messages sent by the said Earl from Madrid in the years aforesaid unto King Iames and his Ministers of State of England did confidently and resolutely inform advise and assure the said late King That the said Emperor and King of Spain would really fully and effectually make restitution and plenary restauration to the said Count Palatine and his Children of the said Dominions Territories and Possessions of the said Count Palatine and of the said Electoral Dignity And that the said King of
your Majesties Service and to the safety of your Majesties sacred Person we most zealously present to your Princely wisedom craving your Majesties chearful and gratious approbation His Majesties Answer to the eighth Article TO the eighth his Majesty doth well approve it as a matter of necessary consideration and the Parliament now sitting he recommendeth to both Houses the preparation of a fitting Law to that effect And his Majesty doth further declare that the mildeness that hath been used towards those of the Popish Religion hath been upon hope that forain Princes thereby might be induced to use moderation towards their Subjects of the Reformed Religion but not finding that good effect which was expected His Majesty resolveth unless he shall very speedily see better fruits to add a further degree of severity to that which in this petition is desired ON Wednesday the second of April the Propositions sent from the King were mentioned and several Gentlemen expressed themselves severally on that subject IT is said that the greatest grievance is want of supply but I hold it a greater grievance that his Majesty is brought into those necessities especially considering the supplies that of late have been given to the King two Subsidies of Parliament besides privy Seals the late Loan whereby five Subsidies were forcibly and unadvisedly taken and we have yet purchased to our selves nothing by all these but our own dishonor we have drawn and provoked two powerful enemies upon us it is not then what the Subjects do give unless his Majesty imploy men of integrity and experience otherwise all that we give will be as cast into a bottomless bag SOme propositions we shall not meddle with as a soveraign Army to be transported we are not fit for that yet but we will not reject it for great Princes who give out Rumors of raising great Armies do put their Enemies to great fears then the defence of our Coasts nothing is more necessary but the bill of Poundage is for that particular supply and how far it may prejudice us for a future Precedent to give other supply let us be advised Mr. Secretary Cook observing a distinction made upon the propositions as if some of them were to be omitted I know said he you will do it upon deliberation some there are not possible to be omitted as the Guarding of the Seas defence of the Elbe Rotchel and those draw on all the rest Ships must have Men and Munition and we cannot divide any of these This House is tender of the Countrey the King will not lay a burthen that cannot be born We may supply his Majesty without this give we now what we please the King may make use of it before the People are able to pay and we shall not onely make his Majesty subsist but advance his reputation in the world by the unity of his People more then by any treasure INdeed there may be some necessity for a war offensive but looking on one late dysaster I tremble to think of sending more abroad Let us consider those two great undertakings at Cales and Ree at Cales that was so gloriously pretended where our men arrived and found a Conquest ready namely the Spanish Ships a satisfaction sufficient and fit for us and this confessed by some then imployed and never but granted by all that it was feasible and easie why came this to nothing After that opportunity lost when the whole Army was landed with destruction of some of our men why was nothing done if nothing was intended why were they landed and why were they shipt again For Rees voyage was not the whole action carried against the judgement of the best Commanders was not the Army landed Not to mention the leaving of the Wines nor touch the wonder that Caesar never knew the enriching of the Enemy by curtesies Consider what a case we now are in if on the like occasion or with the like instruments we shall again adventure another expedition It was ever the wisedom of our Ancestors here to leave Forain Wars wholly to the State and not to meddle with them SIr Edw. Cook When poor England stood alone and had not the access of another Kingdom and yet had more and as potent Enemies as now it hath yet the King of England prevailed In the Parliament Roll in the 42. year of Edw. 3. the King and the Parliament gave God thanks for his victory against the Kings of Scotland and of France he had them both in Windsor Castle as Prisoners What was the reason of that Conquest four reasons were given 1. The King was assisted by good Counsel 2. There were valiant men 3. They were timely supplied 4. Good Imployment 3. R. 2. The King was inviron'd with the Flemins Scots and French and the King of England prevailed 13. R. 2. The King was invironed with Spaniards Scots and French and the King of England prevailed 17 R. 2. Wars were in Ireland and Scotland and yet the King of England prevailed and thanks were given to God here And I hope I shall live to give God thanks for our Kings victories 7 H. 4. One or two great men about the King so mewed him up that he took no other advice but from them whereupon the Chancellor took this Text and Theam in his Speech at the Parliament Multorum consilia requiruntur in magnis in bello qui maxime timent sunt in maximis periculis Let us give and not be afraid of our enemies let us supply bountifully cheerfully and speedily but enter not into particulars Solomons Rule is Qui repetit separat nay separat foederatos We are united in duty c. to the King the King hath fourscore thousand pounds a year for the Navy and to scowre the Narrow-seas it hath been taken and we are now to give it and shall we now give more to guard the Seas besides when that is taken of our gift it may be diverted another way It shall never be said we deny all supply I think my self bound where there is commune periculum there must be commune auxilium I Cannot forget that duty I owe to my Countrey and unless we be secured against our Liberties we cannot give I speak not this to make diversions but to the end that giving I may give cheerfully As for the Propositions to be considered of I incline to decline them and to look upon the State of our Countrey whether it be fit to give or no Are we come to an end for our Countries Liberties have we trenched on the rates of the Deputy Lieutenants are we secured for time future WE all desire remedies for our Grievances and without them we shall neither be willing nor able to give for my part I heartily desire remedy but which is the best and wisest way that is the question As we have made some progress in our Grievances so let us now go on to supply There is a Proverb Non bis
lege regerentur And though the Book of Litchfield speaking of the times of the Danes says then Ius sopitum erat in regno leges consuetudines sopitae sunt and prava voluntas vis violentia magis regnabant quam Judicia vel Justitia yet by the blessing of God a good King Edward commonly called St. Edward did awaken those Laws and as the old words are Excitatas reparavit reparatas decoravit decoratas confirmavit which Confirmavit shews that good King Edward did not give those Laws which William the Conqueror and all his Successors since that time have sworn unto And here my Lords by many Cases frequent in our modern Laws strongly concurring with those of the ancient Saxon Kings I might if time were not more precious demonstrate that our Laws and Customs were the same I will onely intreat your Lordships leave to tell you That as we have now even in those Saxon times they had their Court Barons and Court Leets and Sheriffs Courts by which as Tacitus says of the Germanes their Ancestors Iura reddebant per pagos vicos and I do believe as we have now they had their Parliaments where new Laws were made cum consensu Praelatorum Magnatum totius Communitatis or as another writes cum consilio Praelatorum Nobilium sapientium L●icorum I will add nothing out of Glanvile that wrote in the time of Hen. 2. or Bracton that writ in the days of Hen. 3. onely give me leave to cite that of Fortescue the learned Chancellor to Hen. 6. who writing of this Kingdom says Regnum istud moribus nationum regum temporibus eisdem quibus nunc regitur legibus consuetudinibus regebatur But my good Lords as the Poet said of Fame I may say of our Common Law Ingrediturque solo caput inter nubila condit Wherefore the cloudy part being mine I will make haste to open way for your Lordships to hear more certain Arguments and such as go on more sure grounds Be pleased then to know that it is an undoubted and fundamental Point of this so ancient Common Law of England That the Subject hath a true property in his goods and possessions which doth preserve as sacred that meum tuum that is the nurse of Industry and mother of Courage and without which there can be no Justice of which meum tuum is the proper object But the undoubted Birthright of true Subjects hath lately not a little been invaded and prejudiced by pressures the more grievous because they have been pursued by imprisonment contrary to the Franchises of this Land and when according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm redress hath been sought for in a legal way by demanding Habeas Corpus from the Judges and a discharge by trial according to the Law of the Land success hath failed that now inforceth the Commons in this present Parliament assembled to examine by Acts of Parliament Precedents and Reasons the truth of the English Subjects liberty which I shall leave to learned Gentlemen to argue NExt after Sir Dudly Diggs spake Mr. Ed Littleton of the Inner-Temple That their Lordships have heard that the Commons have taken into consideration the matter of personal Liberty and after long debate thereof they have upon a full search and clear understanding of all things pertinent to the question unanimously declared That no Freeman ought to be committed or restrained in Prison by the command of the King or Privy Councel or any other unless some cause of the commitment detainer or restraint be expressed for which by Law he ought to be committed detained or restrained And they have sent me with other of their Members to represent unto your Lordships the true grounds of their resolution and have charged me particularly leaving the reasons of Law and Precedents for others to give your Lordships satisfaction that this Liberty is established and confirmed by the whole State the King the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons by several Acts of Parliament the Authority whereof is so great that it can receive no Answer save by Interpretation or Repeal by future Statutes And these I shall minde your Lordships of are so direct in the point that they can bear no other exposition at all and sure I am they are still in force The first of them is the grand Charter of the Liberties of England first granted in the 17th year of King Iohn and renewed in the 9 t● year of Hen. 3. and since confirmed in Parliament above 30. times the words there are Chap. 29. Nullus liber homo capiatur vel imprisonetur aut disseisietur de libero tenemento suo vel liberis consuetudinibus suis aut utlagetur aut exuletur aut aliquo modo destruatar nec super eum ibimus nec eum mittemus nisi per legale judicium Parium suorum vel per legem terrae He then proceeded to open and argued learnedly upon the several Particulars in the last recited Clause of Magna Charta and further shewed That no invasion was made upon this personal Liberty till the time of King Ed. 3. which was soon resented by the Subject for in the 5. Ed. 3. Chap. 9. it is enacted That no man from henceforth shall be attached on any occasion nor fore-judged of Life or Limb nor his Lands Tenements Goods nor Chattels seised into the Kings hands against the Form of the great Charter and the Law of the Land and 25 Edw. 3. Chap. 4. it is more full and doth expound the words of the grand Charter which is thus Whereas it is contained in the grand Charter of the Franchises of England that none shall be Imprisoned nor put out of his Freehold nor free Custom unless it be by the Law of the Land it is awarded assented and established That from henceforth none shall be taken by Petition or suggestion made to our Lord the King or to his Councel unless it be by Indictment or Presentment of his good and lawful People of the the same neighborhood which such Deed shall be done in due maner or by process made by W●it original at the common Law nor that none be outed of his Franchises nor Office Freehold unless it be duly brought in Answer and fore-judged of the same by the course of the Law and that if any thing be done against the same it shall be redressed and holden for none and 28 Ed. 3. Chap. 3. it is more direct this Liberty being followed with fresh suit by the Subject where the words are not many but very full and significant That no man of what state and condition he be shall be put out of his Lands nor Tenements nor taken nor imprisoned nor disinherited nor put to death without it be brought in Answer by due process of the Law Several other Statutes were cited by him in confirmation of this point of the Liberty of the Subject The Kings Councel afterward made Objections to the said Argument
special Charge and Direction so soon as the said Fleet or the greatest thereof shall be reassembled and joyned together then presently with the first opportunity of wind taking into his Charge also the Ships stayed and prepared at Portsmouth and Plimouth together with such fire Ships and other Vessels as shall be provided for this expedition to return to Rotchel with all possible diligence and do his best endevor to relieve the same Letting his Lordship know that order is taken for the victualling of the Fleet by Petty warrant so long as it remaineth in Harbor for the sparing and lengthening of the Sea victuals And if it so fall out that the Earl of Denbigh do set forward on his voyage towards Rotchel before the whole Fleet shall be joyned with him we pray your Grace to give him such Direction that he may leave order that the Ships which are behind shall follow him with all speed Monday 2 Iune The King came to the Parliament and spake thus in brief to both Houses Gentlemen I Am come hither to perform my duty I think no man can think it long since I have not taken so many days in answering the Petition as ye spent weeks in framing it And I am come hither to shew you that as well in formal things as in essential I desire to give you as much content as in me lies After this the Lord Keeper spake as followeth MY Lords and ye the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons his Majesty hath commanded me to say unto you That he takes it in good part that in consideration of setling your own Liberties ye have generally professed in both Houses that ye have no intention for to lessen or diminish his Majesties Prerogative wherein as ye have cleared your own intentions so now his Majesty comes to clear his and to subscribe a firm League with his People which is ever likely to be most constant and perpetual when the Conditions are equal and known to be so These cannot be in a more happy estate then when your Liberties shall be an ornament and a strength to his Majesties Prerogative and his Prerogative a defence of your Liberties in which his Majesty doubts not but both he and you shall take a mutual comfort hereafter and for his part he is resolved to give an example in the using of his power for the preservation of your Liberties that hereafter ye shall have no cause to complain This is the sum of that which I am to say to you from his Majesty And that which further remains is That you hear read your own Petition and his Majesties gracious Answer The Petition Exhibited to his Majesty by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled concerning divers Rights and Liberties of the Subjects with the Kings Majesties Royal Answer thereunto in full Parliament To the Kings most Excellent Majesty HUmbly shew unto our Soveraign Lord the King the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled That whereas it is Declared and Enacted by a Statute made in the time of the Reign of King Edward the first commonly called Statutum de Tallagio non concedendo That no Tallage or aide shall be laid or levied by the King or his Heirs in this Realm without the good will and assent of the Archbishops Bishops Earls Barons Knights Burgesses and other the Freemen of the Commonalty of this Realm And by Authority of Parliament holden in the five and twentieth year of the Reign of King Edward the third it is Declared and Enacted That from thenceforth no person should be compelled to make any Loans to the King against his will because such Loans were against Reason and the Franchise of the Land and by other Laws of this Realm it is provided That none should be charged by any Charge or Imposition called a Benevolence nor by such like Charge by which the Statutes before mentioned and other the good Laws and Statutes of this Realm your Subjects have inherited this Freedom That they should not be compelled to contribute to any Tax Tallage Aid or other like Charge not set by common censent in Parliament Yet nevertheless of late divers Commssions directed to sundry Commissioners in several Counties with instructions have issued by means whereof your People have been in divers places assembled and required to lend certain sums of Money unto your Majesty and many of them upon their refusal so to do have had an Oath administred unto them not warrantable by the Laws or Statutes of this Realm and have been constrained to become bound to make appearance and give attendance before your Privy Councel and in other places and others of them have been therefore Imprisoned Consined and sundry other ways molested and disquieted And divers other charges have been layed and levied upon your People in several Counties by Lords Lieutenants Deputy Lieutenants Commissioners for Musters Iustices of Peace and others by command or direction from your Majesty or your Privy Councel against the Laws and free Customs of the Realm And where also by the Statute called The great Charter of the Liberties of England It is declared and enacted That no Freeman may be taken or imprisoned or be disseised of his Freeholds or Liberties or his free Customs or be Outlawed or Exiled or in any manner destroyed but by the lawful Iudgement of his Peers or by the Law of the Land And in the eight and twentieth year of the reign of King Edward the third it was declared and enacted by Authority of Parliament That no man of what Estate or condition that he be should be put out of his Land or Tenements nor taken nor imprisoned nor disherited nor put to death without being brought to answer by due process of Law Nevertheless against the tenor of the said Statutes and other the good Laws Statutes of your Realm to that end provided divers of your Subjects have of late been imprisoned without any cause shewed and when for their deliverance they were brought before your Iustices by your Majesties Writs of Habeas Corpus there to undergo and receive as the Court should order and their Keepers commanded to certifie the Causes of their detainer no cause was certified but that they were detained by your Majesties special Command signified by the Lords of your Privy Councel and yet were returned back to several Prisons without being charged with any thing to which they might make answer according to the Law And whereas of late great companies of Soldiers and Mariners have been dispersed into divers Counties of the Realm and the Inhabitants against their wills have been compelled to receive them into their houses and there to suffer them to sojourn against the Laws and Customs of this Realm and to the great grievance and vexation of the people And whereas also by Authority of Parliament in the 25 year of the reign of King Edward the third
the security of the River wherefore the Regiments then remaining in several of the States Garrison Towns which were reformed out of four Regiments under the Command of Sir Charles Morgan and supposed to consist of two thousand men were designed for this employment But in regard that by the capitulations at the rendring of Stoade these souldiers were first to touch in England before they could engage in War against the Emperour they were appointed to come to Harwitch and to saile thence to Luck●●a● under the command of their former General and by reason of the absence of the English Fleet upon the service of Rotchel the States and the Prince of Orange were desired to accommodate them with Ships of convoy in crossing the Seas But a while after the King considering that the six months wherein that Regiment was bound not to serve against the Emperour were near expiring and the Winter approaching which by foul weather and contrary winds might expose both men and Ships to great danger in their crossing the Seas to England and cause unnecessary charge commanded Sir Charles Morgan to forbear to touch at Harwitch but to shape his course by the nearest straightest way from Holland to Luckstat and to stay at the place of imbarquing so many days as with the time which will be taken up in their passage may accomplish the full six months Moreover these Reformed Regiments brought from Stoade being found upon their mustering fourteen hundred the King made a supply of six hundred more by borrowing six or eight men out of every Company serving in the States pay under the conduct of the Lord Vere the season of the year not permitting to rely upon new recruits from England for which he engaged his royal word to the States and the Prince of Orange that for every man they lent him he would send them two as soon as his forces return from Rochel Touching the Horse levied in Germany and intended as was said to be transported into England about the last Session of Parliament the Privy Councel now wrote to Dalbeere upon certain overtures made by the King of Sweden and the Duke of Savoy to receive them into their pay and service that he might dispose of the said Cavalry to those Princes being his Majesties friends and Allies with condition that his Majesty be no further charged with their pay transportation or entertainment in any manner whatsoever After the death of the Duke the King seemed to take none to favour so much as Dr. Laud Bishop of London to whom he sent many gracious messages and also writ unto him with his own hand the which contained much grace and favour and immediately afterwards none became so intimate with his Majesty as the said Bishop BY Orders from the Bishop there were then entred in the Docket Book several Conge D'esliers and Royal assents for Dr. May to be Bishop of Bath and Wells for Doctor Corbet to be Bishop of Oxford and for Samuel Harsenet then Bishop of Norwitch to be Arch-Bishop of York In the University of Oxford Bishop Laud bore the sway The Lord Chancellour VVilliam Earl of Pembrook commiting his power into his hands And this year he framed the Statutes for the reducing and limiting the free Election of Proctors which before as himself said were Factious and Tumultuary to the several Colledges by course The meeting of the Parliament appointed to be the 20. of Octob. was by Proclamation the first day of that moneth Prorogued to the 20. of Ianu. following VVhilst Felton remained a Prisoner at London great was the resort of people to see the man who had committed so bold a murder others came to understand what were the Motives and Inducements thereunto to which the man for the most part answered That he did acknowledge the Fact and condemned himself for the doing thereof Yet withall confessed he had long looked upon the Duke as an evil Instrument in the Common-wealth and that he was convinced thereof by the Remonstrance of Parliament VVhich considerations together with the instigation of the Evil One who is always ready to put sinfull motions into speedy Actions induced him to do that which he did He was a person of a little Stature of a stout and revengeful spirit who having once received an injury from a Gentleman he cut off a piece of his little finger and sent it with a challenge to the Gentleman to fight with him thereby to let him know that he valued not the exposing of his whole body to hazard so he might but have an opportunity to be revenged Afterwards Felton was called before the Councel where he confessed much of what is before mentioned concerning his Inducement to the Murder the Councel much pressed him to confesse who set him on work to do such a bloody act and if the Puritans had no hand therein he denyed they had and so he did to the last that no person whatsoever knew any thing of his intentions or purpose to kill the Duke that he revealed it to none living Dr. Laud Bishop of London being then at the Councel Table told him if he would not confess he must go to the rack Felton replyed if it must be so he could not tell whom he might nominate in the extremity of torture and if what he should say then must go for truth he could not tell whether his Lordship meaning the Bishop of London or which of their Lordships he might name for torture might draw unexpected things from him after this he was asked no more questions but sent back to prison The Council then fell into Debate whether by the Law of the Land they could justifie the putting him to the Rack The King being at Councel said before any such thing be done let the advice or the Judges be had therein whether it be Legal or no and afterwards his Majesty the 13. of Novemb. 4. Car. propounded the question to Sr. Tho. Richardson Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas to be propounded to all the Justices Viz. Felton now a prisoner in the Tower having confessed that he had killed the Duke of Buckingham and said he was induced to this partly for private displeasure and partly by reason of a Remonstrance in Parliament having also read some Books which he said defended that it was lawful to kill an Enemy to the Republique the question therefore is whether by the Law he might not be Racked and whether there were any Law against it for said the King if it might be done by Law he would not use his Prerogative in this Point and having put this Question to the Lord chief Justice the King commanded him to demand the resolution of all the Judges First the Justices of Serjeants Inn in Chancery Lane did meet and agree that the King may not in this case put the party to the Rack And the fourteenth of November all the Justices being assembled at Serjeants Inn in Fleetstreet
the Land had little effect in their execution to the increase of Murders Robberies Perjuries and Insecurities of all men living to the loss of their Lands and Goods to the great displeasure of Almighty GOD It was ordained for Reformation of the Premises by Authority of the said Parliament That the Chancellour and Treasurer of England for the time being and the Keeper of the Privy-Seal of the Lord the King or two of them calling to them one Bishop one Lord temporal of the most honourable Council of the Lord the King and two chief Justices of the Kings Bench and Common pleas for the time being or two other Justices in their absence by Bill or Information exhibited to the Chancellour for the King or any other against any person for any other ill behaviours aforesaid have Authority of calling before them by Writ or Privie-Seal such Malefactors and of examining them and others by their discretion and of punishing such as they finde defective therein according to their demerits according to the form and effect of the Statutes thereof made in the same manner and form as they might and ought to be punished if they were thereof convinced according to the due course of Law And by a certain other Act in the Parliament of the Lord Henry late King of England the eighth held in the one and twentieth year of his reign reciting the offences in the aforesaid Statute of the said late King Henry the seventh beforementioned by Authority of the said Parliament it was and is ordained and enacted That henceforward the Chancellour Treasurer of England and the President of the most honourable Privy-Council of the King attending his most honourable person for the time being and the Lord Keeper of the Privy-Seal of the Lord the King or two of them calling to them one Bishop and one temporal Lord of the most honourable Council of the Lord the King and two chief Justices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas for the time being or two Justices in their absence by any Bill or Information then after to be exhibited to the Chancellour of England the Treasurer the President of the said most honourable Council of the Lord the King or the Keeper of the Privy-Seal of the Lord the King for the time being for any misdemeanour in the aforesaid Statute of King Henry the seventh aforesaid before recited from henceforth have full power and authority of calling before them by Writ or by Privy-Seal such Malefactors of examining of them and others by their discretion and of punishing those that are found defective according to their demerits According to the form and effect of the said Statute of the aforesaid Lord King Henry the seventh and of all other Statutes thereupon made not revoked and expired in the same manner and form as they might and ought be punished if they were convicted according to the due order of the Laws of the said Lord the king And by the aforesaid Writ under the foot of the great Seal it manifesty appears that the said Fine was imposed by the Lord the king and his Council and not by the Legal Peers of the said Richard Chambers nor by the Law of the Land nor according to the manner of the pretended offence of the said Richard Chambers nor saving unto him his Merchandize nor for any offence mentioned in the said Statutes all and singular the which the said Richard Chambers is ready to verifie to the Court c. and demands judgment and that he be discharge of the said 2000 l. against the said Lord the now King and that as to the premises he may be dismissed from this Court Waterhouse With this Plea he annexed a Petition to the Lord Chief Baron and also to every one of the Barons humbly desiting the filing of the Plea with other Reasons in the manner of a motion at the Bar because he said Counsel would not move plead nor set hand to it as further appeareth The Copy of the Order upon Mr. Atturneys motion in the Exchequer the 17 Iuly 1629. after the Plea put in and order to file it Per the Lord Chief Baron TOuching the Plea put into this Court by Richard Chambers to discharge himself of a ●ine of 2000 l. set on him in the Star-Chamber Forasmuch as Sir Robert Heath Kni●●● his Majesties Atturney General informed this Court that the said Chambers in his said Plea recites divers Statutes and Magna Charta and what offences are punishable in the Star-Chamber and how the proceedings ought to be and upon the whole matter concludes That the said fine was imposed by the King and his Council and not by a Legal judgment of his Peers nor by the Laws of the Land nor according to the manner of his offence nor saving his Merchandize nor for any offence mentioned in the said Statutes Which Plea Mr. Atturny conceiving to be very frivolous and insufficient and derogatory to the honour and jurisdiction of the Court of Star-Chamber Humbly prayeth might not be allowed of nor filed It is therefore this day ordered That the said Plea shall be read on Saturday next and then upon hearing the Kings Counsel and the Counsel of the said Richard Chambers this Court will-declare their further order therein and in the mean time the said Plea is not to be filed nor delivered out In Michaelmas Term following Mr. Chambers was brought by a Habeas Corpus out of the Fleet and the Warden did return THat he was committed to the Fleet by vertue of a Decree in the Star-Chamber by reason of certain words he used at the Council Table viz. That the Merchants of England were skrewed up here in England more then in Turky And for these and other words of defamation of the Government he was censured to be committed to the Fleet and to be there imprisoned until he made his submission at the Council Table and to pay a fine of 2000. l. And now at the Bar he prayed to be delivered because this Sentence is not warranted by any Law or Statute For the Statute of 3 Henrici 7. which is the foundation of the Court of Star-Chamber doth not give them any authority to punish for words only But all the Court informed him That the Court of Star-Chamber was not erected by the Statute of 3 H. 7. but was a Court many years before and one of the most high and honourable Courts of Justice and to deliver one who was committed by the Decree of one of the Courts of Justice was not the usage of this Court and therefore he was remanded As a concurrant proof of these Proceedings concerning Mr. Chambers we shall insert here a Petition of his though out of time to the Long Parliament and afterwards renewed to the succeeding Parliament viz. To the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland The brief Remonstrance and humble Petition of Richard Chambers Merchant late Alderman and Sheriff of the City of
of former Parliaments passed the Higher House and was sent down to the Commons All which being gratiously intended by Us was ill-entertained by some disaffected persons of that House who by their artifices in a short time raised so much heat and distemper in the House for no other visible cause but because We had declared Our resolution to Prorogue as Our Councill advised and not to Adjourn as some of that House after Our resolution declared and not before did manifest themselves to affect that seldome hath greater passion been seen in that House upon the greatest occasions And some glances in the House but upon open rumors abroad were spread That by the Answer to the Petition We had given away not onely Our Impositions upon Goods exported and imported but the Tunnage and Poundage whereas in the debate and hammering of that Petition there was no speech or mention in either House concerning those Impositions but concerning Taxes and other charges within the Land much lesse was there any thought thereby to debar Us of Tunnage and Poundage which both before and after the Answer to that Petition the House of Commons in all their speeches and treaties did professe they were willing to grant And at the same time many other misinterpretations were raised of that Petition and Answer by men not well distinguishing between well ordered liberty and licentiousness as if by Our Answer to that Petition We had let loose the reynes of Our Government And in this distemper the House of Commons laying aside the Pardon a thing never done in any former Parliament and other businesse fit to have been concluded that Session some of them went about to frame and contrive a Remonstrance against Our receiving of Tunnage and Poundage which was so far proceeded in the night before the prefixed time for concluding the Session and so hastned by the contrivers thereof that they meant to have put it to the Vote of the House the next morning before We should prorogue the Session And therefore finding Our gratious favours in that Session afforded to Our people so ill requited and such sinister straines made upon Our Answer to that Petition to the diminution of Our profit and which was more to the danger of Our Government We resolved to prevent the finishing of that Remonstrance and other dangerous intentions of some ill-affected persons by ending the Session the next morning some few hours sooner then was expected and by Our Own Mouth to declare to both Houses the cause thereof and for hindring the spreading of those sinister interpretations of that Petition and Answer to give some necessary directions for setling and quieting Our Government untill another Meeting which we performed accordingly the six and twentieth of Iune last The Session thus ended and the Parliament risen that intended Remonstrance gave Us occasion to look into the businesse of Tunnage and Poundage And therefore though Our necessities pleaded strongly for Us yet We were not apt to strain that point too far but resolved to guide Our Self by the practise of former Ages and examples of Our most noble Predecessors thinking those counsels best warranted which the wisdom of former Ages concurring with the present occasions did approve and therefore gave order for a diligent search of Records upon which it was found That although in the Parliament holden in the first yeer of the reigne of King Edward the fourth the Subsidy of Tunnage and Poundage was not granted unto that King but was first granted unto him by Parliament in the third yeer of his Reigne yet the same was accounted and answered to that King from the first day of his Reigne all the first and second yeers of his Reigne and untill it was granted by Parliament And that in the succeeding times of King Richard the Third King Henry the Seventh King Henry the Eighth King Edward the Sixth Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth the Subsidy of Tunnage and Poundage was not onely enjoyed by every of those Kings and Queens from the death of each of them deceasing untill it was granted by Parliament unto the Successor but in all those times being for the most part peacable and not burdened with like charges and necessities as these modern times the Parliament did most readily and cheerfully in the beginning of every of those Reignes grant the same as a thing most necessary for the guarding of the Seas safety and defence of the Realm and supportation of the Royall Dignity And in the time of our Royall Father of blessed memory he enjoyed the same a full yeer wanting very few daies before his Parliament began and above a yeer before the Act of Parliament for the grant of it was passed And yet when the Parliament was assembled it was granted without difficulty And in Our Own time We quietly received the same three years and more expecting with patience in severall Parliaments the like grant thereof as had been made to so many of Our Predecessors the House of Commons still professing That multitude of other businesses and not want of willingnesse on their part had caused the setling thereof to be so long deferred And therefore finding so much reason and necessity for the receiving of the ordinary Duties in the Custom-house to concur with the practice of such a succession of Kings and Queens famous for Wisdom Justice and Government and nothing to the contrary but that intended Remonstrance hatched out of the passionate brains of a few particular persons We thought it was so far from the wisdom and duty of a House of Parliament as We could not think that any moderate and discreet man upon composed thoughts setting aside passion and distemper could be against receiving of Tunnage and Poundage especially since We do and still must pursue those ends and undergo that charge for which it vvas first granted to the Crovvn It having been so long and constantly continued to Our Predecessors as that in four severall Acts of Parliament for the granting thereof to King Edward the Sixth Queen Mary Queen Elizabeth and Our blessed Father It is in expresse tearms mentioned to have been had and enjoyed by the severall Kings named in those Acts time out of minde by authority of Parliament And therefore upon these reasons We held it agreeable to Our Kingly Honour and necessary for the safety and good of Our Kingdom to continue the Receipt thereof as so many of Our Predecessors had done Wherefore when a few Merchants being at first but one or two fomented as it is well known by those evill spirits that would have hatched that undutifull Remonstrance began to oppose the payment of Our accustomed Duties in the Custom-house We gave order to the Officers of Our Customs to go on notwithstanding that opposition in the receiving of the usuall Duties and caused those that refused to be warned to attend at the Councill-board that by the wisdom and authority of Our Councill they might be reduced to obedience and duty where
Edward Cook A Message from the King to the House of Commons to end the Sessions Mr. Pyms Speech at the delivery of the charge against Dr. Manwaring ●udgement given against Dr. Manwawaring Dr. Manwaings submissions Another Message from the King Sir Robert Phillips Sir John Elliot Sir Dudly Diggs Sir Nathan Rich. The Commons declare that no undutiful Speech hath been spoken Mr. Wandesford Sir Edw. Cook declares the Duke the cause of all our miseries Mr. Seldens advice for a Declaration against the Duke Several heads agreed on for a Remonstrance A Message from the King by the Speak●r Another Message from the King to the Commons A Message from his Majesty t● the house of Lords The Kings Message g●ves the Commons more hope then formerly Burlemack called into the House The Petition of both Houses to his Majesty for a further Answer to the Petition of right His Majesties second Answer to the Petition of right All Grand Committees to cease Sir Edward Cooks Observations upon the said Commission Sir Edward Cook mannageth the Conference between both Houses concerning the Commission F●resh Debate in the House against the Duke Sir Iohn Elliot Sir Henry Martin Sir Benjamin Rudyard Sir Thomas Jermin Dr. Lamb killed A Letter to the City about Dr. Lambs Death Dr. Neal Dr. Laud suspected for Atminians Mr. Selden The Commons Remonstrance against the Duke The Speaker appointed to deliver the Remonstrance Order in Star-Chamber concerning the Duke The Duke desires to clear himself concerning some words The Comission for Excise cancelled Mr. Selden concerning Tunnage and Poundage The Commons Remonstrance of Tunnage and Poundage Mr. Noy The K. ends this Session in person and declares the reason Dr. Manwarings Sermon supp●essed by Proclamation A Proclamation and commissi●n concerning composition with Recusants A Proclamation against the B●shop of Calcedon Romish Priests to be sent to Wisbitch Jesuites taken at Clerkenwell or acted to be proceeded against Order to search what Recusants are about London Sir Richard Weston and Bishop Laud advanced Mr. Montague advanced and his Apello Caesarem called in Preaching and Writing pro con about unnecessary questions prohibited A pardon granted to Dr. Manwaring Dr. Montague Rochel close besieged and relief designed The Duke slain Dr. Montague consecrated Bishop Rochel again attempted to be relieved but in vain The sad condition of Rochel at the surrender Defects in the relief of Rochel questioned Outrages committed by souldiers Advertisement of forreign designes The King of Denmark assisted with forces The German House disposed of Dr. Laud in ●avour with the King Conge d'es●ier for certain Bishops The meeting of the Parliament adjourned to Jan. 20. Great resort to Felton in prison Felton examined before the Council Threatned to be Racked The Judges opinions taken therein Merchants committed about Customs Merchants summonned to the Councel Table Mr. Chambers brought up with a Habeas Corpus and bailed Lords of the Councel dissatisfied with his bailing Felton brought to trial Confesseth the Fact Tenders his hand to be cut off Hung in chains Mr. Vassals goods seised on for denying Customes Information p●eserved against him Mr. Vassals plea to the Information Mr. Chambers goods seised on for not paying customes A Replevin sued ou● And superseaded Mr. Rolls a Merchant Private consultations about the ensuing Parliament The Parliament meets they enquire whether the Petition of Right be enrolled What were the violations of the Subjects Liberties since the last Parliament Sir Robert Philips Speech concerning that matter The matter was referred to a Committee The Kings Speech to both Houses in the Banqueting House The K. sends a Message to the House of Commons speedily to take Tunnag● Poundage in to consideration But the Commons resolv● to proceed in matters of Religion Mr. Rous Speech ●oncerning Religion A Report from the Comm●tee for Religion The Remonstrance concerning Religion sent back by the King Precedency again given to Religion before Tunnage and Poundage Mr. Pyms speech concerning Religion Message by Secretary Cook about Tunnage and Poundage Sir Tho. Edm●nds Mr. Corriton An Answer resolved to be given to the Kings messages Sir Iohn Eliot concerning Religion The Commons enter into a Vow Both Houses Petition the King for a fast His Majesties Answer The Commons Declaration to the King to give precedency to Religion His Majesties Answer to the Commons Declaration Debate about the Kings D●claration concerning disputes about Religion Mr. Rolls sitting in Parliament was called forth and served with a Subpaenâ Debate concerning the same The mistake of the Subpaenâ cleared A report from the Committee for Tunnage and Poundage Committee mee● ag●n upon Tunnage and Poundage Mr. Noy concerning Tunnage and Poundage Barons of the Exchequer sent unto about staying the delivery of Merchants goods The Barons Answer Not satisfactory A report concerning pardons to Dr. Manwaring Mr. Montague c. Mr. Cromwel against the Bishop of Winchester A complaint of the no● licensing of Books against Popery Mr. Selden concerning Printing Debates about increase of Popery Secretary Cook concerning the Priests arraigned at Newgate Mr. Long a Justice of peace examined Sir Robert Heath his answer concerning the prosecution of the Priests A Fast. Mr. Dawes answer to the Commons Mr Carmarthens answer Mr. Selden The House in a Committee about the Customers answer Mr. Noy Message by Secretary Cook from the King about the Customers Order by the King and Council concelning the Costomers The Kings Commission to the Customers c. Resolve concerning Mr. Rolls Debates Sir Iohn Ellyots Speech against particular persons * Lord Weston afterwards died a Papist The Speaker refuses to put the Question Mr. Seldens Speech thereupon The Speaker again refuseth to put the Question Protestation in Parliament propounded whilst the Speaker was held in his chair The King sends the Usher of the Lords House Warrants to apprehend several Members of Parliament The Kings Speech at the Dissolution of the Parliament Libels cast abroad Members examined before the Lords of the Council 5 Caroli Anno 1629. Questions propounded to the Judges concerning the imprisoned Members Answer Mr. Stroud and Mr. Long brought upon a Habeas Corpus An Information in Star-Chamber against the Members Ro. Heath Hu Davenport Ro. Bartley Heneage Finch William Hudson An Information in Star Chamber against Sir Io. Elliot c. Proceedings in Star-Chamber against Mr. Chambers His Answer His Sentence A submission tendred His refusal Places of Scripture mentioned by him Isa. 29.21 Ecclus. 11.7 8 John 7.51 Act. 26.2 Exod. 23.6 Deut. 16.19 Mich. 2.1 2. Ezek. 45.9 and 46.8 Eccles. 5.8 London His Plea in the Exchequer H. 3.9 E. 1.3 H. 3.9 E. 3.5 t H. 7.3 H. 8.21 1629. 16 Iune London Order in the Exchequer Mr. Chambers brought by a Habeas Corpus His Petition to the Parliament His death Mr. Selden brought upon a Habeas Corpus A letter from the King to the Judges Another Letter L' Assembli des Notables A Letter to the Judges The King confers with some of them Motion to bail the prisoners An Information exhibited in the Kings Bench against vir Iohn Elliot c. The Plea of Sir Iohn Elliot Mr Long 's Case in the Star-Chamber Arguments concerning Sir Iohn Elliot Lord Chief Justice Hide Justice Whitlock Judgment Judgment pronounced The Kings Declaration of the causes which moved him to dissolve the last Parliament * Here are the passages concerning the Members deportment in the House mentioned in this Declaration which we ●orbear to repeat in regard the same are at large expressed in the Information in the Star-chamber before mentioned A Proposition presented to the King how to keep in awe this nation First to have a Fortresse in every considerable Town Secondly To cause high-waies to be made through such Townes Thirdly To choose the Souldiers of such Fortresses no Inhabitants of the place 4. To let none passe through such places without a Ticket 5. To have the names of all lodgers taken by Inkeepers The expence of these Forts To impose an oath on the Subjects Meanes ●o increase the King's revenewes 1 To demand a Decima of mens estates 2 To buy out all Leases upon the Crown-Lands 3 To take the Salt into his Majesties own hands 4 To demand a rate for Sealing the weights every yeare 5 To demand an Impost for Wools. 6 To put a Tax upon every Lawyers Fee 7 To put a Tax upon Inns and Victualling-houses for a License 8 To put a Tax upon all Car●le Flesh and Horses sold in the Market 9 To put a Tax upon all Lands alienated 10 To demand a rate upon all Offices in his Majestie 's grant 11 To reduce his Majesties Houshold to Board wages 12 To demand a rate for license to eat Lacticinia 13 To take an imposition upon the Catholicks lands At the Prince his marriage to make Earls in Principi to pay for it And Barons to be made Earls To make 200 rich men Titulate and they to pay for the Titles To make Gentlemen of low quality and rich Farmers Esquires Mr. Stroud Esq brought to the Kings-Bench-Bar upon a Habeas Corpus Also Walter Long Esq. Mr. Mason of Lincolns-Inn his Argument for Mr. Long. Serjeant Barckley his Argument against Stroud and Long. Serjeant Davenport's Argument against Stroud and Long Mr. Littleton's Argument for Mr. Selden See Fortoscue f. 115. the which was not cited there never Sedition Strife or Murmur is heard Sir Rob. Heath the Kings Atturney Generall his Argument against Mr. Selden An Information exhibited in the King's Bench against Sir Iohn Eliot and others Mr. Mason's Argument for Sir John Eliot Mr. Calibrop's Argument for Mr. Valentine Camden's Brit. 449. 1. Object 2. Object 3. Object 4. Object 5. Object 6. Object 7. Object 8. Object Sir Rob. Heaths Argument against Sir John Elliot 1 Car 16 Jac. 1618. 1 Car. 1625.
Historical Collections OF Private Passages of STATE OF Weighty Matters in LAW OF Remarkable Proceedings in Five Parliaments BEGINNING The Sixteenth Year of KING JAMES ANNO 1618. And ending the Fifth Year of KING CHARLS ANNO 1629. Digested in Order of TIME And now Published By JOHN RUSHWORTH of Lincolns-Inn Esq Prima est Historiae lex nè quid falsi dicere audeat deinde nè quid veri non audeat nè qua suspicio gratiae sit in scribendo nè qua simultatis M.T. Cicer. de Orat. London Printed by Tho. Newcomb for George Thomason at the Sign of the Rose and Crown in St Pauls Churchyard 1659. A. This Paw points out the Caledonian Iarres Sad Harbingers to our intestine Warres B. The Lion passant gardant wonders much The Paw should da● presume his Chiefe to touch C. Strange y● from Stooles at Scotish Prelates 〈◊〉 Bellona's dire Alarm's should rouze the World D. The Lion the Paw bent to engage Make Peace at Tweed so change the Scene Stage E The double-headed Eagle wide doth Spread Her Wings to fan the Coales y● seem'd as dead F. And makes y● Lionesse●n ●n Instrument To breake that Peace and a fourth Parl'ament G. The Paw invades y● Lion at Tine Flood They fight make Truce stop from shedding Blood H. The British Notes sound flat to those more sharp Divisions Eccho'd from the Irish Harp I. The Parl'ament conven'd the Lion try'd By Charging Five The Members to divide K. First Iustice next no Bishop Priviledge last Cry Multitudes who to the Houses haste L. The Lions third Roare prooving fatall drew Such Woes as rarely former Ages knew M T was a Curst Cow kickt down the Milk shee gaue Let us old Englands Lawes and Freedome hau● N. Caelestiall Manna thy Spirituall Food O.P. Fed Them with Peace Plenty all that's Good Q. A blazing Comet thy Backsliding showes R Predicteth Ruine presenteth woes S. The Faithfull build them Churches but are stopt By Papists who at th e Aurea Bulla mockt T. Great Caesar to y● Romans Crown doth 〈◊〉 His Stately Nephew and creates him King V Prague gives the Crown in Frederick 〈◊〉 His Sword to assert the Germans their 〈◊〉 W. Then from high Windowes vnnawares were 〈◊〉 The Emperors Councell ere the Charge was 〈◊〉 X.Y. The Blow neer Prague was struck The People 〈◊〉 Like Iehu out Warre ● sweet before 't is 〈◊〉 Z What Decollations then What Blood What 〈◊〉 Outacted Tragick Scenes ensu'd that 〈◊〉 TO HIS HIGHNESS RICHARD LORD PROTECTOR of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging May it please your Highness THe Poor Widow came far short of others in her offers into the Treasury and yet when she had given her two Mites she had given all she had I must fall short of her she gave of her own for the two Mites appear to have been so but such is the weakness of my condition and the nature of this ensuing Discourse that I neither can nor shall herein present to Your Highness any thing of my own The words actions and atchievements herein related belong all to other Persons and I can challenge but the bare Representation and the molding them into such a Body wherein they now appear A Body not of so compleat a shape or pourtraiture as may be worthy Your Highness Aspect It s not amiss for Princes to hear of and read the Actions or Miscarriages of Princes nay of lesser persons Indeed they can hardly set more useful Books before their Eyes It is hard for the Pilot to escape unless he hath first discovered those Shelves and Rocks upon which others have been split What is that we call Prudence or Policy but a Systeme of Observations and Experiences deducted from other Mens Principles Practises Purposes and Failings As to the matter contained in this Story relating to Arbitrary courses given way unto by former Princes I shall make bold to use the expression of an eminent person in his time spoken in full Parliament at the Tryal of the Earl Strafford who speaking of an endeavor that had been used to subvert the Laws and to introduce Arbitrary Government has among other Passages this Observation There is in this Crime a Seminary of all Evils hurtful to a State and if you consider the Reasons of it it must needs be so The Law is that which puts a difference betwixt Good and Evil betwixt just and unjust if you take away the Law all things will fall into a confusion every man will become a Law to himself which in the depraved condition of Humane Nature must needs produce many great enormities Lust will become a Law and Envy will become a Law Covetousness and Ambition will become Laws and what Dictates what Decisions such Laws will produce may easily be discerned The Law is the Safeguard the Custody of all private Interest your Honors your Lives your Liberties and Estates are all in the keeping of the Law without this every man hath a like right to every thing what can be more hurtful more pernicious then Arbitrary Power c. Thus far that Gentleman Your Highness will finde here the mention of a great Prince who was wont to say He was an old experienced King and to him belonged the Calling Sitting and Dissolving of Parliaments and he publickly said I speak in his own phrase That he had broke the neck of Three Parliaments yet at last he did comply with his last Parliament and said He saw he should be in love with Parliaments having understood many things by them which otherwise he should never have known Moreover here You will have in view a succeeding Prince who also broke Three Parliaments one after another and how fatal that was to him succeeding times have abundantly declared The Observation is not mine but of much more ancient date those Princes who did most consult with their People in Parliament that being the Common Council of the Nation have most prospered in their courses there being both Safety and Love gained from such Counsellors and Councils And Parliaments in the nature of them are good Physick to cure and redress the Diseases and Distempers of the Body Politick which mostly grow and overflow in the Intervals of them yet many think Parliaments are but an ill constant Dyet which certainly moved Queen Elizabeth of famous Memory who was well acquainted with the Constitution of the Body of this Nation to call Parliaments frequently but to continue none very long By this means she wrought her self into the good opinion of her People and by becoming the Mistress of their Affections she also became in some sort the Mistress of their Purses which were always opened unto her upon the just and urgent occasions of the Nation but the Help and Aid which comes from the People by strains contrary to the Laws of the Nation and Liberties of the People being drawn from them through fear wants the perfume of a
detract from the Religion here established The People of England having yet in memory the intended Cruelty of 88. and hating the Popish Religion generally loathed this Match and would have bought it off at the dearest rate and what they durst opposed it by speeches counsels wishes prayers but if any one spake lowder then his fellows he was soon put to silence disgrac'd and cross'd in Court-preferments when as in Spain and Flanders Books were penned and Pictures printed to disgrace the King and State For which the English Ambassadors sought satisfaction but in vain The Roman Catholicks desired the Match above measure hoping for a moderation of Fines and Laws perhaps a Toleration yea a total Restauration of their Religion for they gained more and more Indulgence by the long-spun Treaty The Articles of Religion were long hammered upon the Spanish Anvil inlarged and multiplied by new Demands without end The Conde Gondomar an active subtil Instrument to serve his Masters ends neglected no occasion tending thereunto which he mainly shewed in the particular of Sir Walter Rawleigh wherein he put forth all his Strength to destroy him being one of the last Sea-Commanders then living bred under Queen Elizabeth and by her flesh'd in Spanish blood and ruin He did first under-work his Voyage to Guienna which seemed to threaten loss and danger to the spreading power of Spain in the West-Indies and after his return with misfortune he pursued him to death In the beginning of the Kings Reign this Gentleman with others was arraigned and condemned for Treason 't was a dark kinde of Treason and the vail is still upon it The King had ground enough to shew mercy which some of that condemned party obtained After many years imprisonment Sir Walter Rawleigh desirous of liberty and action propounded an American voyage upon the assurance of gaining a Mine of Gold in Guienna The King hearkned to him and gave him power to set forth Ships and Men for that Service but commanded him upon his Allegiance to give under his hand the number of his Men the burden and strength of his Ships together with the Country and River which he was to enter All this was done and came so timely to Gondomars knowledge that Advertisement was sent to Spain and thence to the Indies before this English Fleet departed out of the Thames The Action proved unfortunate and the Mine was inaccessible the Spaniards at St. Thomas opposed their passage up the River and this engaged them to assault the Town which they took sacked and burnt Gondomar hereat incensed with a violent importunity demanded the reparation of this wrong And the Spanish Faction urged that this irruption might make a breach both of the Match and Peace with Spain The Kings fears kindled his wrath he disavowed the Action and to prevent the like for the future put forth a severe Proclamation Hereupon the storm of Passion ceased and Rawleigh knowing nothing but that he might appear in England with safety put in at Plimouth and was no sooner landed but by secret intimation understanding his danger sought to escape beyond Sea but was taken in the attempt brought to London and recommitted to the Tower and at length his life was offered up a Sacrifice for Spain but not upon such grounds as the Ambassador had designed for he desired a Judgment upon the pretended breach of Peace that by this occasion he might slily gain from the English an acknowledgment of his Masters right in those places and hereafter both stop their mouths and quench their heat and valor But the late voyage was not brought in question onely his former Condemnation was revived his Araignment at Winchester many years before was now laid open and he at the Kings Bench demanded why Execution should not be done upon him according to the Sentence therein pronounced Rawleigh answered That the Kings late Commission gave him a new life and vigor For he that hath power over the lives of others ought to be Master of his own This Plea was not accepted but the former Judgment took place and accordingly he lost his Head upon a Scaffold erected in the Old Pallace at Westminster Whilest Spain and England were thus closing the fire brake out in Germany between the States and Princes Protestant and the House of Austria These commotions involved and drew along the affairs of most Christian Princes especially of the two Potent Kings now in Treaty The Catholick Cause and the Lot of the House of Austria engaged the King of Spain who was the strongest Branch of that Stock King Iames must needs be drawn in both by common and particular Interest the Religion which he professed and the State of his Son in Law the Elector Palatine who became the principal part in those Wars and the most unfortunate It was an high business to the whole Christian World and the issue of it had main dependence upon the King of England being the Mightiest Prince of the Protestant Profession But this Kings proceedings were wholly governed by the unhappy Spanish Treaty The clouds gather thick in the German skie jealousies and discontents arise between the Catholicks and the Evangelicks or Lutherans of the Confession of Ausburge Both parties draw into Confederacies and hold Assemblies the one seeking by the advantage of power to incroach and get ground the other to stand their ground and hold their own The potency of the House of Austria a House devoted to the Persecution of the Reformed Religion became formidable The old Emperor Matthias declared his Cousin German the Archduke Ferdinand to be his adopted Son and Successor and caused him to be chosen and crowned King of Bohemia and Hungary yet reserving to himself the sole exercise of Kingly power during his life The Iesuits triumph in their hopes of King Ferdinand the Pope exhorted the Catholicks to keep a day of Jubilee and to implore aid of God for the Churches high occasions To answer this Festival the Elector of Saxony called to minde that it was then the Hundreth year compleat since Martin Luther opposed the Popes Indulgences which was the first beginning of Protestant Reformation Whereupon he ordained a Solemn Feast of three days for Thanksgiving and for Prayer to God to maintain in peace the purity of the Word and the right administration of the Sacraments The Professors of the Universities of Lipsick and Wittemberg the Imperial Towns of Franckford Worms and Noremburg yea the Calvinists also observed the same days of Jubilee against the Romish Church and much Gold and Silver was cast abroad in memory of Luther whom they called Blessed In these times the Emperor wrote Letters both to the Elector Palatine and to the Protestant Provinces and States of the Empire then assembled at Hilbrun advising them to acquiesce in what was done touching the designation of his adopted Son to the Empire to observe the Golden Bull the Magna Charta of the Empire and the matter of it
dares not but give advice to follow where God leads apprehending the work of God in this and that of Hungary That by peece and peece the Kings of the Earth that gave their power to the Beast shall leave the Whore and make her desolate That he was satisfied in Conscience that the Bohemians had just cause to reject that proud and bloody man who had taken a course to make that Kingdom not Elective in taking it by the Donation of another The slighting of the Viscount Doncaster in his Ambassage gave cause of just displeasure and indignation Therefore let not a Noble Son be forsaken for their sakes who regard nothing but their own ends Our striking-in will comfort the Bohemians honor the Palsgrave strengthen the Princes of the Union draw on the United Provinces stir up the King of Denmark and the Palatines two Uncles the Prince of Orange and the Duke of Bouillon together with Tremouille a rich Prince in France to cast in their shares The Parliament is the old and honorable way for raising of Money and all that may be spared is to be turned this way And perhaps God provided the Iewels which were laid up in the Tower by the Mother for the preservation of the Daughter who like a Noble Princess hath professed that she will not leave her self one Iewel rather then not maintain so religious and righteous a Cause Certainly if countenance be given to this Action many brave Spirits will offer themselves Therefore let all our Spirits be gathered up to animate this business that the World may take notice that we are awake when God calls The Life and Zeal of these Expressions from a Person of such Eminency may discover the Judgment and Affection of the Anti-Spanish party in the Court of England But the King was engaged in those ways out of which he could not easily turn himself Besides it did not please him that his Son should snatch a Crown out of the Fire And he was used to say That the Bohemians made use of him as the Fox did of the Cats foot to pull the Apple out of the Fire for his own eating In the mean while before the King could answer the Palsgrave desiring advice in that behalf the Bohemians had wrought and prevailed with him to accept of their Election whereof he sent Advertisement into England excusing the suddenness of the Action for that the urgency of the cause would admit of no deliberation King Iames disavowed the Act and would never grace his Son in Law with the stile of his new Dignity But Sir Richard Weston and Sir Edward Conway were sent Ambassadors into Bohemia to close up the breach between the Emperor and the Elector Palatine The King being not a little troubled and jealous that the Palatines nearness to him might give cause of suspition to his Brother of Spain that this Election had been made by his procurement or correspondence with the German Protestants commands his Agent Cottington to give that King plenary Information of all proceedings As That his Ambassador being sent to compound the differences and to reduce the Bohemians to the quiet obedience of the Emperor instead of finding the Emperor so prepared and such a way made for his Mediation as was promised and expected received answer That the business was already referred to four of the Electors insomuch that no place was left for his Authority to interpose Of this exclusive answer as he had just cause to be sensible considering that he had entred into that Treaty meerly at the instance of the King of Spain and his Ministers so there followed a further inconvenience That the Bohemians having long expected the fruit and issue of this Mediation and finding little hope by this means did instantly as out of desperation Elect the Count Palatine for their King Wherefore being tender of his own honor and reputation especially in the opinion of the King of Spain he would not have it blemished by the least misunderstanding And for that end he tendred to his view such Letters as from time to time he had written to the Princes of the Union and to the Palatine himself whereby he might plainly see his dislike of the Bohemians engaging against their King and his industry to contain those Princes in peace and quietness and to make a fair Accord between the disagreeing parties Reply was made as touching the answer given to the Viscount Doncaster That he was admitted a Compounder in such form as was possible the Arbitration having been committed by the late Emperor into the hands of three of the Electors and the Duke of Bavaria that nevertheless he might have proceeded in the Negotiation and by his Masters Authority have over-ruled any difficulty which might have hapned on the Emperors side on whose behalf the reference was made if he had reduced the Bohemians to the acceptance of any reasonable conditions But he presently to the Emperors great disservice labored to suspend the Election of the King of the Romans till the Bohemian Controversie were first compounded which was absolutely to defeat King Ferdinand of that Crown and to disturb and put in danger his Election to the Empire This was the more confirmed by his desire to make Bonfires in Liege when the Count Palatine was made King of Bohemia As touching the Kings integrity in the whole business the satisfaction tendred was received with great applause and it was further said That it would gain the more authority and estimation if he should continue to disclaim that which had been done so contrary to his opinion and against his Friends and Allies as are all the Princes of the House of Austria But the Lot was cast in Germany and for the Palsgrave there was no going back forces pour in a main on both sides The King of Poland aided the Emperor in Hungary to bound and check the incursions of Prince Bethlem the Duke of Saxony did not brook his Fellow Electors advancement to Regal Majesty and condemned his joyning with Bethlem Gabor Who saith he came in with the Turks consent to make a desolution in the Empire King Frederick visited the several parts of his Kingdom to confirm the people to him and to receive the Oath of Fidelity And the Emperor published a Proscription against him wherein he proclaims him guilty of High Treason excludes him out of the publick peace and declares his resolution to prosecute him as the publick Enemy of the Empire and a contemner of his Imperial Majesty and absolves all his Subjects from their Oaths and Duties to him and commands all persons whatsoever to abandon him and his adherents Christian Prince of Anhalt was appointed Generalissimo of the Bohemian Forces and governed all affairs which was some eclipse and discontent to Thurne and Mansfet who had hitherto stood the shock of the Imperial Armies The Princes of the Union raised forces for the defence of the Palatinate and their own interest
under the Marquess Ansbach The Evangelicks were put to the worst by General Buquoy in several encounters and were much terrified by the Duke of Bavaria who marched with an Army of Fifteen thousand Horse and Foot and a Train of Artillery proportionable and they were weakned by a Cessation of Arms in Hungary between the Emperor and the Prince of Transylvania In Spain they make all possible preparations for this War onely the King of England will not take the Alarm abhorring War in general and distasting the Palsgraves cause as an ill president against Monarchy and fed with hopes of composing all differences by the success of the Spanish Treaty For which purpose Sir Walter Aston was then sent Ambassador into Spain and Gondomar returned into England there to abide till the long debated Match be fully effected The Articles of Religion for securing Liberty of Conscience to the Infanta and her Family were greatly inlarged by the Commissioners designed for the Treaty and were allowed by the King of England but without a dispensation from Rome the transactions between the two Kings were but Nullities And for this cause it was expected that our King should propound such conditions for the increase and great advantage of the Roman Catholick Religion that the Pope may deliberate whether they be of that nature as may perswade and merit the dispensation To this demand the King made answer in his Letter to the King of Spain That he had done as much in favor of the Catholicks as the times would bear and promised in the word of a King That no Roman Priest or other Catholick should thenceforth be condemned upon any capital Law And although he could not at present rescind the Laws inflicting onely pecuniary mulcts yet he would so mitigate them as to oblige his Catholick Subjects to him And if the Marriage took effect his Daughter in Law should finde him ready to indulge all favors which she should request for those of her Religion Herein the Spanish Council acknowledged great satisfaction given and a Paper was conceived and drawn up by a Iunto of Canonists Lawyers and Divines to perswade the Pope to act his part IN the mean while an Army of Thirty thousand was levying in Flanders under the command of Marquess Spinola The King of England sent to know the cause of so great preparations The Marquess gave answer That he received his Commission sealed up with a charge not to open it till his Army were compleated and brought together to a Rendevouz But the King had proof enough to assure him that this Army was intended for the Palatinate Yet no more then one Regiment under the Command of Sir Horatio Vere could be obtained from him though two more were promised When Spinola had his Rendevouz where he mustered Six and twenty thousand Foot and Four thousand Horse he opened his Commission which required him to make War against all those which should be confederate with the Bohemian Rebels and he communicated the same to the Ambassador of Great Brittain At the same time the English began their march as brave a Regiment as hath appeared in any age consisting most of Gentlemen under a most worthy Leader who was accompanied with the Earls of Oxford and Essex persons innobled as well by their own vertues as by their Progenitors Other Commanders in this Regiment were Sir Edward Sackvile Sir Gerard Herbert Sir Robert Knolles Captain Stafford Captain Wilmot Captain William Fairfax Sir Iohn Burlacy Cap. Burroughs Cap. Robert Knightly c. This handful of men reached the Palatinate with some difficulty by the aid and conduct of Henry Prince of Nassau The Imperial forces became exceeding numerous by large supplies from several Countreys and Provinces The States Protestant of the Upper and Lower Austria upon the approach of the Bavarian Army seeing nothing but manifest ruine renounce their Confederacy with the Bohemians and submit to the Emperor saving to themselves their Rights and Priviledges in Religion Whereupon the Bohemians and their King being but Twenty thousand strong besides an addition of Ten thousand Hungarians from Bethlem Gabor and fearing least Bavaria and Buquoy joyning their forces should fall into Bohemia thought it best to fortifie the Frontiers and to defend their Country which they conceived they might well do if the Elector of Saxony would continue in his Neutrality The Emperor sent to the said Elector to execute his Ban or Declaration of Treason against the Count Palatine and the Bohemian Rebels The Bohemians by their Ambassadors requested him if he would not own their Cause yet at least to remain Neutral The Duke of Saxony replied to King Frederick That he had often represented to him what ruine was like to follow him by taking an others Crown and for his own part being called upon by the Emperor to execute his Ban and chastise the Rebels he could not disobey that just command The Protestant Princes sent to him again and gave him notice of Spinola's advance to subdue the Palatinate but this did nothing move him He entred Lusatia with some forces and quickly reduced a part of that Province In the Palatinate Spinola having got the start of the English by means of a far shorter march had no sooner arived but he took in divers Towns and prevailed greatly over a spiritless people yet he warily declined the hazard of Battel with the Princes of the Union Neither was the Marquess Ansbach very forward to engage or to seek or take advantages The Dutch slowness was not excusable howbeit the great access of strength to the Emperors party and this slender aid from the King of Great Brittain to preserve his Childrens Patrimony must needs dishearten the German Princes and help to dissolve the Union After a while the season of the year drew them into their Winter Quarters the Princes retired into their several Countreys and the English Regiment was disposed into three principal Garisons Sir Horatio Vere commanded in Manheim Sir Gerard Herbert in Heidelborough and Captain Burroughs in Frankendale having onely power to preserve themselves within those Walls whilest the enemy ranged round about them A Letter written from the Marquess of Buckingham to Conde Gondomar discovered the bent of the Kings minde and will touching the German War That he was resolved to continue Neuter for Conscience Honor and Examples sake In regard of Conscience judging it unlawful to inthrone and dethrone Kings for Religions sake having a quarrel against the Jesuites for holding that opinion Besides he saw the World inclined to make this a War of Religion which he would never do In point of Honor for that when he sent his Ambassador into Germany to treat of Peace in the interim his Son in Law had taken the Crown upon him And for Example sake holding it a dangerous president against all Christian Princes to allow a sudden translation of Crowns by the Peoples Authority Nevertheless he could not sit still and
strength of the Enemies Forces now in the Palatinate Moreover The King to encourage the Princes of the Union and to keep them in Arms sent them Thirty thousand pounds yet withall resolved to treat for Peace and dispatched Sir Edward Villers into Silesia to fetch the Palsgraves Submission to the Emperor upon Conditions to be conceived according to equity and conveniencie Never did the Spaniards more flatter King Iames then after the Defeat at Prague They affirm that he shall ordain according to his pleasure in the Palsgrave's Restitution and be obeyed That the Infanta's Portion was preparing and that the Pope was obliged to grant the Dispensation from whom they resolve to take no denial Cottington the Agent in Spain now attested the Honesty of Gondomar's Dispatches hither and cryed him up for a Cordial man and well deserving His Majesties favor This notable Spanish Engine had so wrought himself into the Kings affections that he gained the accoss of a Favorite rather then of an Ambassador from a Foreign Prince Some in the English Court were then suspected to be Pensioners to Spain as may be gathered from the Spanish Ambassadors Instructions received from the King his Master BEsides that which I enjoin you in your General Instructions given you for England whither I send you to reside I thought good to advertise you apart by themselves of the chiefest things of Importance which you shall there negotiate and endeavor to further and advance It is well known that I have desired and endeavored to favor the Cause of the Catholicks of that Kingdom and to further it to their best advantage as well in the time of the Queen deceased who did so much prosecute and oppress them as since the time that the present King hath succeeded yet that calamity still continues upon them by reason of the ill offices done unto them by the Puritans and Protestants of whom the greater part of that Kings Council doth consist Howbeit because it is a thing that I could not well urge or press without breeding jealousies and so cause thereby a greater harm to the Catholicks I have proceeded on my part with that wariness and dissimulation as is fit D.A. shall inform you of what hath passed in this matter as also in what estate things are at this present and how you shall govern your self for the time to come according to the orders given unto him whose example we wish you to follow And of this take special heed That although it be believed that we may be very confident of the trustiness of those Catholicks by whose means the business of the rest is undertaken that they will be secret notwithstanding lest any Heretick shall come in the name or shew of a Catholick only to make some discovery It shall be fit that in all speeches you shall have with them concerning that which shall touch the Catholicks that you tell them how much I desire to see them freed from those pressures under which Queen Elizabeth put them and that God would inspire the Kings heart that he may reduce himself to the obedience of the Roman Catholick Church And advise them to endeavor to win the King unto them by shewing themselves good and loyal and obedient Subjects in temporal duties and not to meddle any thing against his State that by their deeds he may see what security may be expected from them and may also bind himself to favor them these being things that do no way contradict the observing the Catholick Religion and are due from them to the dignity of their King and Natural Lord And for the same reason they ought to abstain from all ill practices or unfitting speech or actions against his Person as is said some heretofore have used especially seeing no good hath or can come thereof and thereby they shall justly provoke him against themselves and by holding this course they shall win the Kings good will and the Peace shall be preserved and by the Peace by little and little be won and attained that which is desired By this manner of proceeding it is certain there can come no inconvenience But in case that this your manner of dealing shall come to the Kings knowledge as possibly it may it will breed a great obligation of brotherhood and friendship between us when he shall see that I carry my self in this sort in his affairs and consequently will be the more confident of our amity and will thereby be induced the better to subdue all malice in them that shall endeavor to perswade the contrary And therefore you shall have a special care to do this dexteriously in due time and season and to inform your self very particularly from the said D. A. concerning those with whom you may deal confidently and how far you may trust the Negotiants for the Catholicks though you shall do well alway to proceed with the aforesaid caution and wariness You shall understand from the said D.A. what Pensions are allotted to certain Ministers of that King and to other persons It will be necessary to inform your self throughly of all that concerns this point and that you know both the Persons and Pensions to serve your self of them and to make the best use of them in all occasions that shall be most behoveful for your better direction in the Businesses given you in charge and all others that may be offered of consequence seeing the said Pensions were appointed to that end Whatsoever of the said Pensions you shall find unpaid for the time past D. A. is to discharge and you shall undertake for the time to come telling every one what his Pension is to the end they may be deceived of no part thereof by the Third person who conveys it unto them and let it be punctually paid at the days that their good payment may bind them to persevere and do their service punctually for the which you shall be furnished with all that shall be necessary And have a special care to advertise me how such persons employ themselves in the things that shall occur disguising their names in such manner as D.A. doth Above all You must take great care to dive into the estate of the affairs of that King What his Treasure is In what Estimation he is with his Subjects and what Correspondeneie and good meaning there is betwixt them How the English Scotch and Irish stand affected among themselves and one towards another and towards their Neighbors and how they are bent against me and my Common Estates or any of my particular Kingdoms whence they draw their Intelligences and particularly what amity and correspondencie that King entertaineth with France and with the Neutrals of Holland and Zealand and with the Venetians and upon what causes it is founded what matters they treat of what designs they have in hand All which is very necessary to be known for the attaining of which D.A. will open unto you some ways which you must follow besides those
which your self shall discover And you shall advertise me of whatsoever you shall understand the learn governing your self in all occurrents with that wariness and discretion as your zeal to my service doth assure me of These were the Arts of Spain to corrupt divers in the Court of England Buckingham and his Dependants followed the Kings inclinations The Duke of Lenox Marquis Hamilton and William Earl of Pembroke disliking the Kings course did not contest with him but only intimated their dissent It was said of Gondomar That when he returned into Spain he gave in his Account of Disbursments for Pensions given in England amongst others To Sir Robert Cotton 1000 l. a person of great Integrity and one who was ever averse to the House of Austria Which Sir Robert getting notice of by the English Agent then in Spain demanded reparation which was obtained but with a salvo to the Ambassadors honor the error being said to be committed by a Dependent upon the Ambassador and not by himself The King being jealous of uncomptrolled Soveraignty and impatient of his Peoples intermedling with the Mysteries of State had fallen into a great dislike of Parliaments and for many years before had given way to Projects and Monopolies And many of his Ministers perhaps fearing an enquiry into their own actions might suggest to him that he might better furnish himself by those ways and the Match now in treaty then by Subsidies usually accompanied with the redress of Grievances Nevertheless he was now minded to call a Parliament conceiving it might be of special use For he observed the affections of the People to be raised for the Recovery of the Palatinate and then concluded that those affections would open their purses to the supply of his wants and the Treaty with Spain would effect the business without the expence and troubles of War and the good accord between him and his people would quicken the Spaniard to conclude the Match And accordingly Writs were issued forth to assemble them the 30. of Ianuary In the calling of this Parliament he recommended to his Subjects the choice of such Members as were of the wisest gravest and best affected people neither superstitious nor turbulent but obedient Children to this their Mother-Church In the mean while in Germany the Protestant Union continually declined by the gradual falling away of the several partakers The Elector of Saxony reduced the remainder of Lusatia The Province of Moravia upon the approach of Buquoy seeing the Count de Latiere came not in to their succor prayed that they might enjoy their Priviledges in matter of Religion and be received into the Emperors grace and favor which submission was well received at Vienna Likewise the States of Silesia failing of assistance from the Elector Palatine were constrained to make their peace Then the Palatine propounded to the Elector of Saxony an Overture of Peace declaring That he took the Crown upon him to preserve the Protestants in the free exercise of their Religion The Saxon replied That he had no way to make his Peace but to renounce the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Provinces Incorporate and to beg the Emperors pardon Afterwards the Elector Palatine goeth to Brandenburgh and then to Segenburgh where there was an Assembly of Princes and States Protestant to oppose the exploits of Spinola In the mean while Count Mansfield stirs in Bohemia pillages several Towns and the Goods of all those that cryed God save King Ferdinand The relation of England to these affairs of Foreign States had caused a general liberty of discourse concerning matters of State which King Iames could not bear but by Proclamation commanded all from the highest to the lowest not to intermeddle by Pen or Speech with State-concerments and secrets of Empire either at home or abroad which were no fit Themes or Subjects for Vulgar persons or Common meetings On the Thirtieth day of Ianuary the Parliament began to sit and the King came in person and made this Speech MY Lords Spiritual and Temporal and you the Commons Cui multiloquio non deest peccatum In the last Parliament I made long discourses especially to them of the Lower House I did open the true thoughts of my heart but I may say with our Saviour I have piped to you and you have not danced I have mourned and you have not lamented Yet as no mans actions can be free so in me God found some spices of vanity and so all my sayings turned to me again without any success And now to tell the reasons of your calling and this meeting apply it to your selves and spend not the time in long Speeches Consider that the Parliament is a thing composed of a Head and a Body The Monarch and the Two Estates It was first a Monarchy then after a Parliament There are no Parliaments but in Monarchical Governments For in Venice the Netherlands and other Free Governments there are none The Head is to call the Body together And for the Clergy the Bishops are chief for Shires their Knights and for Towns and Cities their Burgesses and Citizens These are to treat of difficult matters and to counsel their King with their best advice to make Laws for the Commonweal And the Lower House is also to petition their King and acquaint him with their Grievances and not to meddle with their Kings Prerogative They are to offer supply for his Necessity and he to distribute in recompence thereof Justice and Mercy As in all Parliaments it is the Kings office to make good Laws whose fundamental cause is the Peoples ill manners so at this time that we may meet with the new Abuses and the incroaching Craft of the times Particulars shall be read hereafter As touching Religion Laws enough are made already It stands in two points Perswasion and Compulsion Men may perswade but God must give the blessing Iesuites Priests Puritans and Sectaries erring both on the right hand and left hand are forward to perswade unto their own ends and so ought you the Bishops in your example and preaching But Compulsion to obey is to bind the Conscience There is talk of the Match with Spain But if it shall not prove a Furtherance to Religion I am not worthy to be your King I will never proceed but to the glory of God and content of my Subjects For a Supply to my Necessities I have reigned Eighteen years in which time you have had Peace and I have received far less supply than hath been given to any King since the Conquest The last Queen of famous memory had one year with another above a Hundred thousand pounds per annum in Subsidies And in all my time I have had but Four Subsidies and Six Fifteens It is Ten years since I had a Subsidy in all which time I have been sparing to trouble you I have turned my self as nearly to save expences as I may I have abated much in my Household expences in my
a great downfal and may serve I hope in it self for an expiation of my faults Therefore if Mercy and Mitigation be in your Lordships power and no way cross your ends Why should I not hope of your favor and commiseration Your Lordships will be pleased to behold your cheif pattern the King our Soveraign a King of incomparable Clemency and whose heart is instructable for Wisdom and Goodness And your Lordships will remember there sate not these Hundred years before a Prince in your House and never such a Prince whose presence deserveth to be made memorable by Records and Acts mixt of Mercy and Iustice. Your selves are either Nobles and compassion ever beateth in the Veins of Noble Blood or Reverend Prelates who are the Servants of him that would not break the bruised Reed or quench the smoaking Flax. You all sit upon a high stage and therefore cannot but be sensible of the change of humane conditions and of the fall of any from high place Neither will your Lordships forget that there are Vitia temporis as well as Vitia hominis and the beginning of Reformation hath the contrary power to the Pool of Bethesda for that had strength to cure him onely that was first cast in and this hath strength to hurt him onely that is first cast in and for my part I wish it may stay there and go no further Lastly I assure my self your Lordships have a noble feeling of me as a member of your own Body and one that in this very Session had some taste of your loving affections which I hope was not a lightning before the death of them but rather a spark of that grace which now in the conclusion will more appear And therefore my humble suit to your Lordships is That my penitent Submission may be my Sentence the loss of my Seal my punishment and that your Lordships would recommend me to his Majesties Grace and Pardon for all that is past Gods holy Spirit be among you The Parliament not satisfied with this general Acknowledgment do require the Chancellor either to confess the particulars of the Charge or they would descend to proof against him Hereupon he came to an express and plain Acknowledgment even to confess his Servants receipt of a dozen of Buttons as a gift in a Cause depending before him and put himself upon their Lordships Mercy And he further said That he was never noted for an avaritious man and the Apostle saith Coveteousness is the root of all evil and hoped their Lordships did finde him in a state of Grace for that in all particular charges against him there were few or none that were not almost two years old Whereas those that have the habit of corruption do commonly wax worse and worse and for his estate it was so mean and poor That his care was now cheifly to satisfie his Debts The Lords afterwards pronounced him guilty of the Charge exhibited against him and in the presence of the Commons gave Sentence That he should undergo Fine and Ransome and be made incapable to bear office c. This Learned Peer eminent over the Christian World for his many Writings extant in Print was known to be no admirer of Money yet had the unhappiness to be defiled therewith He treasured up nothing either for himself or his family for he both lived and died in debt he was over indulgent to his Servants and connived at their takings and their ways betrayed him to that error they were profuse and expensive and had at command what ever he was master of The gifts taken were for the most part for interlocutory Orders his Decrees were generally made with so much Equity that though gifts rendred him suspected for injustice yet never any Decree made by him was reversed as unjust as it hath been observed by some knowing in our Laws About the same time Sir Henry Yelverton was accused by the Commons who by charging him rendred him the less offender and he thereby had the opportunity to speak that at the Bar which he durst not say in the Tower where he was yet a prisoner upon a late Sentence in the Star-Chamber for passing some Clauses in the City Charter when he was Attorney General not agreeable to His Majesties Warrant The matter charged against him by the Commons was for committing divers persons for not entring into Bonds to restrain their own Trades That he signed Dormant Warrants having no Authority for the same That he advised the Patents of Gold and Silver Thred to be resumed into the Kings hands conceiving the same to be a Monopoly and advised the Patentces to proceed by Contract with the King That Four thousand Quo Warranto's were granted by him touching the Patents of Inns and but two to come to trial That he commenced divers Suits in the Exchequer touching the Gold and Silver Thred but did not prosecute the same Which Charge being read unto him he said He thought himself happy in the midst of His Majesties disfavor that His Majesty was pleased to cast the Grace upon him as to send him to this Honorable House That Innocence hath her present Answer but Wisdom requires time Therefore he made it his humble suit for time to give his further Answer adding withal That the cheif Complaint against him was concerning the two Patents of Gold and Silver Thred Inns and Osteries He said That if he deserved well of His Majesty it was in that matter That the King and Subjects were more abused by that Patent then by any other and that he suffered at that day for opposing that Patent as he took it The King being informed of this passage in his Speech came in person to the House of Peers took notice thereof saying It seemed strange unto him that Sir Henry Yelverton should be questioned here upon any thing save the Patent of Gold and Silver Thred For His Majesty did not conceive that any matter was complained of against him touching the Inns and Osteries whereof he was also examined Touching which Patent Mompesson had made complaint to His Majesty that Yelverton refused to send any Proces of Quo Warranto against a multitude of Innkeepers and His Majesty accepted Yelvertons modest Answer That he misliked those proceedings against his Subjects His Majesty to clear himself did lay open the many former just mislikes which he had against Sir Henry and his gentle proceedings against him for the same And when His Majesty intended to question him Buckingham Lord Admiral besought him not to think of any private wrongs done to his Lordship His Majesty added That in the Examination of the business touching the Charter of London Yelverton had first justified himself by His Majesties Warrant and that by that Warrant he might have given away all London from him yet at length he made a good Submission in the beginning but in the end he said he had not wronged His Majesty in his Prerogative And sith that now Yelverton doth tax His
the Ambassadors person as some are said to have done yet for using railing speeches against him calling him Divel or words to that purpose it was His Majesties pleasure that that fellow without any further delay on the morrow in the forenoon be publickly and sharply whipt thorow London beginning at Algate and so through the streets along by the place where the affront was offered towards Fleetstreet and so to Temple-Bar without any manner of favor The people were enraged at Gondomar through a perswasion that he abused the King and State to advance the designs of Spain By means of his power with the King he had transported Ordinance and other warlike Provisions to furnish the Spanish Arsenals and it was believed that he underhand wrought the sending of Sir Rob. Mansel into the Mediterranean Sea to fall upon the Pirates of Algier The Merchants of this Kingdom by them much infested being also induced to move for this Expedition wherein the English fleet performed gallantly and advancing within the reach of Cannon and small shot which from the Land showred like Hail upon them fired the Pirates ships within their own Harbor Nevertheless hereby our Strength was diverted our Treasure exhausted and the Spanish fleet and Merchants secured from those Robbers and Spain left at liberty to assist in subduing the Palatinate In the mean while our Kings Affairs in Germany notwithstanding the many Complaints grew more and more desperate In Bohemia the Emperor having well nigh subdued and setled the Country proceeded to the Tryal and Execution of the Authors of the late Commotions some were condemned to perpetual imprisonment and others to death and the Heads of many eminent persons were fixt on the Towers in Prague and their bodies quartered After this the Emperor began both in Austria and Hungaria to imprison divers that assisted the Bohemians and caused Proces to be made against them The Marquess of Iagerndorfe who stirred in the County of Glatsburgh and raised forces by Commission from the Elector Palatine published Letters against the Executions in Bohemia as cruel and barbarous The Emperor put forth an Answer and said That the Marquess published those things maliciously forasmuch as in Bohemia was the Original sedition and the head that infected the members That some few persons Authors of the troubles not in hatred of their Religion but for their Rebellion have been punished by the hand of Justice And he declared further That the like exemplary Justice should not be done in other places but that the Articles of the Peace should be observed By this time the Parliament having sate about four moneths King Iames was desirous to give them a time of vacancie The Lord Treasurer by the Kings command declared unto the Houses That his Majesty by the advice of his Privy Council thought fit to adjourn the Parliament lest the season of the year by the continual concourse of people should cause Infection Also that the Lieutenans and Justices might be in the Country And the Adjournment keeping the Parliament still in being was better then Proroguing That his Majesty had already redressed corruption in Courts of Justice and by his Proclamation called in the Patents of Inns of Osteries and of Gold and Silver-Thread and cherished the Bill against Informers and Monopolies The Commons were troubled at this Message and desired a Conference with the Lords and moved them to petition the King to forbear the Adjournment The King takes notice of it and the Treasurer acquainted the Lords that a Petition of this nature could not be pleasing to his Majesty it seeming to derogate from his Prerogative who alone hath power to call adjourn and determine Parliaments The Commons at a further Conference declared their hearty sorrow and passionate grief at the Kings resolution which they said cut off the performance of what they had consulted and promised for the Publique weal. The Lords sitting in their Robes the King came and made a Speech takes notice of his Message to both Houses and gave their Lordships thanks for obeying the same and acknowledging his power to call adjourn and dissolve Parliaments and for refusing to join with the Commons in the Petition for Non-adjournment And whereas some had given out that no good had been done this Parliament He put them in mind that the two Patents grievous to the Commonwealth were called in and that the Parliament had censured the Offenders for an example to all ages And if they desired it he offered them eight or ten days longer sitting to expedite Bills but said that at the request of the Commons he would not grant it The Lords had a Conference with the Commons after which they moved the King to continue their sitting for fourteen days which was granted and the Commons were satisfied with the resolution of Adjournment A Committee of both Houses afterwards attending the King he told them how ill he took it that the Commons should dispute his reasons of Adjournment all power being in him alone to call adjourn prorogue and dissolve Parliaments And on Iune 4. he declared for an Adjournment till November following And that he will in the mean time of his own authority redress Grievances And his Majesty as General Bishop of the Land did offer his prayers to God for both the Houses and admonished them That when they go into the Country they give his people a good accompt and satisfaction both as to the Proceedings and to the Adjournment of the Parliament The House of Commons immediately before their recess taking to heart the miseries of the Palatinate resolved that the drawing back in so good a Cause should not be charged on their slackness And thereupon drew up this following Declaration with an universal consent THe Commons assembled in Parliament taking into most serious consideration the present state of the Kings Children abroad and the generally afflicted estate of the true Professors of the same Christian Religion professed by the Church of England in Foreign parts And being touched with a true sense and fellow féeling of their distresses as Members of the same Body do with unanimous consent in the name of themselves and the whole body of the Kingdom whom they represent declare unto his most excellent Majesty and to the whole World their hearty grief and sorrow for the same and do not only join with them in their humble and devout prayers unto Almighty God 〈◊〉 protect his true Church and to avert the dangers now threatned but also with one heart and voice do solemnly protest That if His Maies●●● pious endeavors by Treaty to procure their peace and safety shall not take that good effect which is desired in Treaty Wherefore they humbly beseech His Majesty not to suffer any longer delay That then upon signification of His Majesties pleasure in Parliament they shall be ready to the utmost of their powers both with their lives and fortunes to assist him so as that by the Divine
received but a slender return of the Lord Digby's Embassie to the Emperor for the restoring of the Elector Palatine But the Emperors full meaning in the business may be found at large in his own Letter to Don Baltazar de Zuniga a prime Councellor of State in Spain to be by him represented to the King his Master to this effect THat beholding the admirable providence of God over him he is bound to use that most notable Victory to the honor of God and the extirpation of all Seditions and Factions which are nourished chiefly among the Calvinists lest that Iudgment which the Prophet threatned the King of Israel should fall upon him Because thou hast dismissed a man worthy of death thy soul shall be for his soul. The Palatine keeps now in Holland not only exiled from the Kingdom which he rashly attempted but despoiled almost of all his own Territories expecting as it were the last cast of Fortune whom if by an impious kind of commiseration and his subtile petitioning he shall be perswaded to restore and nourish in his bosom as a trodden half-living snake what can he expect less then a deadly sting from him who in regard of his guilt can never be faithful but will alway gape for occasions to free himself from his fears and the genius of whose sect will make him an Enemy or an unsound Friend to the House of Austria and all other Catholick Princes Wherefore firmly casting in his minde that the Palatine cannot be restored He hath freely offered the Electorate to the Duke of Bavaria a most eager Defender of the Catholick cause by which means the Empire will always remain in the hand of Catholicks and so by consequence in the House of Austria And in so doing he shall take away all hope from the Palatine and those that sollicite so importunately for his restitution And it is to be hoped that the Lutheran Princes especially the Duke of Saxony will not so far disallow this translation as to take up Arms seeing Charls the Fifth upon a far lighter cause deprived John Frederick Duke of Saxony of the Electorate and conferred it on Maurice this Dukes great Uncle Besides no less is the Lutherans hatred of the Calvinists then of the Catholicks Such were the effects which the Kings Treating had wrought with the Emperor The Parliament that was to meet November the Fourteenth the King by Proclamation adjourned to the Eighth of February and expressed the cause to be the unseasonableness of the time of the year But this long Recess was shortned and the King declared That upon Important Reasons he had altered his former Resolutions and did adjourn it for no longer time then from the Fourteenth to the Twentieth of this instant November Upon which day it Reassembled and the King being absent by reason of his indisposition in health commanded a Message to be delivered to both Houses by the Lord Keeper the Lord Digby and the Lord Treasurer In the first place he acquainted the Two Houses with His Majesties indisposition of health which was the occasion of his absence at the opening of the Parliament yet he could not say he was absent so long as he was represented by a Son who was as dear to the Kingdom as to His Majesty As to the occasion of calling the Parliament by way of Antecedent he took notice of several effects of His Majesties gracious care over the Nation since the last Recess of the Parliament in His Majesties answering several Petitions concerning Trade Importation of Bullion Conservation of Coyn in the Land and prohibiting the Transportation of Iron Ordinance and that His Majesty by His Proclamation reformed Thirty six or thirty seven several matters complained of as Publick Grievances all of them without the least Trucking or Merchandising with the People a thing usual in former times He further said That His Majesty did principally fix the occasion of the calling a Parliament upon the Declaration Recorded and divulged far and near by the Representative Communalty of this Kingdom to assist His Majesty to carry on the War to recover the Palatinate yet withal his Lordship gave an account how His Majesty was since the last Parliament encouraged to travel a little longer in his pious endeavors to procure a peace by way of Treaty and that the Lord Digby was sent Ambassador upon that occasion and since returned but not with such success as was to be hoped for He minded both Houses of one Heroical Act of His Majesties since the last Parliament in the advancement of Forty thousand pounds to keep together a Body of an Army in the Lower Palatinate which otherwise had been dissolved before this Parliament could be assembled And that unless the Parliament take further resolution and imitate rather Ancient then Modern principles and be expeditious in what they do the Army in the Palatinate will fall to the ground And lastly Told them that His Majesty did resolve that this Parliament should continue till seven or eight days before the Festivals and to be renewed again the eighth of Februa●● to continue for the Enacting of Laws and Perioding of things of Reformation as long as the necessity of the State shall require the same After the Lord Keeper had done the Lord Digby having received a Command from His Majesty to that purpose gave a brief account of his Negotiation with the Archduke about the Treaty of Peace how the Archduke consented thereunto and writ accordingly to the Emperor and the King of Spain of his proceedings who also writ to Spinola for a Cessation of Arms the Archduke having the Command of the Spanish forces in Germany but the Duke of Bavaria would not consent thereunto and the Lord Digby informed the two Houses that by the carriage of the Duke of Bavaria and by other circumstances he did evidently discover That from the beginning that Duke affected to get unto himself the Palatinate and the Title of Elector He further declared That if Count Mansfield was not speedily supplied he could not keep his Army together Then he gave an account how bravely Sir Horatio Vere had behaved himself in the Palatinate and that by his wisdom and valor there was kept from the enemy Heidelburg Mainheim and Frankendale the last of which places had then endured a moneths siege He also spoke Honorably of Capt. Burroughs and concluded That the fittest Redress was to furnish and keep up the Army already there which must be done by supplies of Money and more Forces must be prepared against the next Spring that we may have there an Army of our own for the strengthning of the Palatinate and encouragement of the Princes of the Union Then the Lord Treasurer spake and acquainted both Houses how empty the Kings Coffers were and how he had assisted the Palatine and Princes of the Union with great sums which had exhausted his Treasure and that His Majesty was much in debt Nevertheless though the King
points of Grace to the people but also by the labor we took for the satisfaction of both Houses in those three Articles recommended unto us in both their names by the Right Reverend Father in God the Archbishop of Canterbury and likewise for the good Government of Ireland we are now in hand with at your request but not onely have we heard no news of all this but contrary great complaints of the danger of Religion within this Kingdom tacitely implying our ill Government in this point And we leave you to judge whether it be your duties that are the Representative Body of our people so to distaste them with our Government whereas by the contrary it is your duty with all your endeavors to kindle more and more a dutiful and thankful love in the peoples hearts towards us for our just and gratious Government Now whereas in the very beginning of this your Apology you tax us in fair terms of trusting uncertain Reports and partial Informations concerning your proceedings we wish you to remember that we are an old and experienced King needing no such Lessons being in our Conscience freest of any King alive from hearing or trusting idle Reports which so many of your House as are nearest us can bear witness unto you if you would give as good ear to them as you do to some Tribunitial Orators among you And for proof in this particular we have made your own Messengers confer your other Petitions sent by you with the Copy thereof which was sent us before Between which there is no difference at all but that since our receiving the first Copy you added a conclusion unto it which could not come to our hands till it was done by you and your Messengers sent which was all at one time And if we had had no Copy of it before-hand we must have received your first Petition to our great dishonor before we had known what it contained which would have enforced us to return you a far worse Answer then now we do for then your Messengers had returned with nothing but that we have judged your Petition unlawful and unworthy of an Answer For as to your conclusion thereof it is nothing but Protestatio contraria facto for in the Body of your Petition you usurpe upon our Prerogative Royal and meddle with things far above your reach and then in the conclusion you protest the contrary As if a Robber would take a mans purse and then protest he meant not to rob him For first you presume to give us your advice concerning the Match of our dearest Son with some Pro●●stant we cannot say Princess for we know none of these fit for h●m and disswade us from his Match with Spain urging us to a presen● War with that King and yet in the conclusion forsooth ye protest ye intend not to press upon our most undoubted and Regal Prerogative as if the Petitioning of us in matters that your selves confess ye ought not to meddle with were not a meddling with them And whereas ye pretend That ye were invited to this course by the Speeches of Three honorable Lords yet by so much as your selves repeat of the Speeches nothing can be concluded but that we were resolved by War to regain the Palatinate if otherwise we could not attain unto it And you were invited to advise forthwith upon a Supply for keeping the forces in the Palatinate from disbanding and to foresee the means for the raising and maintenance of the Body of an Army for that War against the Spring Now what inference can be made upon this that therefore we must presently denounce War against the King of Spain break our dearest Sons match and match him to one of our Religion let the World judge The difference is no greater than if we would tell a Merchant that we had great need to borrow Money from him for raising an Army that thereupon it should follow that we were bound to follow his advice in the direction of the War and all things depending thereupon But yet not contenting your selves with this excuse of yours which indeed cannot hold water ye come after to a direct contradiction to the conclusion of your former Petition saying That the honor and safety of us and our Posterity and the Patrimony of Our Children invaded and possessed by their enemies the Welfare of Religion and State of our Kingdom are matters at any time not unfit for your deepest considerations in Parliament To this generality we answer with the Logicians That where all things are contained nothing is omitted So as this Plenipotency of yours invests you in all power upon Earth lacking nothing but the Popes to have the Keys also both of Heaven and Purgatory And to this vast generality of yours we can give no other answer for it will trouble all the best Lawyers in the House to make a good Commentary upon it For so did the Puritan Ministers in Scotland bring all kinde of causes within the compass of their jurisdiction saying That it was the Churches office to judge of slander and there could no kinde of crime or fault be committed but there was a slander in it either against God the King or their Neighbor and by this means they hooked into themselves the cognisance of all causes Or like Bellarmines distinction of the Popes power over Kings in Ordine ad Spiritualia whereby he gives them all Temporal Jurisdiction over them But to give you a direct Answer to the matter of War for which you are so earnest We confess we rather expected you should have given us thanks for the so long maintaining a setled Peace in all our Dominions when as all our Neighbors about are in miserable combustion of War but dulce bellum inexpertis And we indeed finde by experience that a number of our Subjects are so pampered with Peace as they are desirous of change though they knew not what It is true that we have ever professed and in that minde with Gods grace we will live and die that we will labor by all means possible either by Treaty or by force to restore our Children to their ancient Dignity and Inheritance And whatsoever Christian Princes or Potentates will set themselves against it we will not spare any lawful means to bring our so just and honorable purpose to a good end neither shall the match of our Son or ●ny other worldly respect be preferred to this our resolution For by our credit and intervention with the King of Spain and the Arch-Dutches and her Husband now with God we preserved the Lower Palatinate one whole year from any further conquering in it which in eight days space in that time might have easily been swallowed up by Spinola's Army without any resistance And in no better case was it now at our Ambassador the Lord Digbies coming through Heidelburgh if he had not extraordinarily succored it But because we conceive that ye couple this War of the Palatinate with
Potentissimo Principi ac Domino Philippo Quarto c. SErenissime Potentissime P. Frater Consanguinee Amice Charissime Quum aliquot abhinc annis pro affinitate nostra arctiori totiusque orbis Christiani bono deliberatio suscepta fuerit de Matrimonio inter Charissimum silium nostrum Carolum P. Walliae Illustrissimam Infantem Dominam Mariam Serenitatis vestrae sororem natu minorem contrahendo quod superstite adhuc R. Philippo Tertio felicissimae memoriae Patre vestro eo per gradus devectum erat ut ille si non expirasset hoc multo antehac consummatum iri spes esset nunc denuo Serenitatem vestram interpellandam duximus jam tandem ut velit operi bene inchoato fastigium imponere expectato deliberationes praeteritas exitu coronare Matura jam filii aetas filii Unici rerumque temporum ratio conjugem videntur efflagitare nobisque in senectutis limine constitutis felicissimus illuceret dies quo cernere liceret posterorum etiam amicitiam optato hoc affinitatis foedere constrictam Misimus itaque ad Serenitatem vestram Legatum nostrum Extraordinarium Praenobilem virum Iohannem Digbeum Baronem de Sherbone Consiliar●um Vice-Camerarium nostrum jam olim de hac affinitate Domus Austriacae honore bene meritum cui una cum Legato nostro Ordinario quicquid reliquum est hujus Negotii tractandum transigendum absolvendumque Commisimus Quicquid illis illic videbitur ratum hic habituri Utinam etiam vestre Serenitatis bonitate levaretur aliquando altera illa nostra de Palatinatu Sollicitudo de ●ilia genero insontibus eorum liberis ex avito jam extorribus Patrimonio Quam vellemus vestiae Potissimum Serenitati beneficium hoc in solidum debere cujus tot modo experti sumus ea in re Amicissima Officia Non nos unquam capiet tantae benevolentiae oblivio Posterisque Haereditarium studebimus relinquere amorem illum quo vestram Serenitatem memoriae optimae Patrem semper sumus amplexi semper amplexuri Unum hoc superest ut si quid aliud in re quacunque proposuerit Legatus hic noster eam ei fidem adhibere ac si nos praesentes essemus dignetur Serenitas vestra Quam Deus Optimus Maximus perpetuo incolumem conservet Serenitatis vestrae Frater Amantissimus Jacobus R. Dat. è Regia nostra Theobald 14 Die Martii An. Dom. 1621. Iames c. To the most Serene and most Potent Prince and Lord Philip the Fourth c. MOst Serene and Potent Prince Kinsman and Wel-beloved Friend Forasmuch as some years ago for our nearer Alliance and the good of the whole Christian World we had resolved to make a Marriage between our Wel-beloved Son Charls Prince of Wales and the most Illustrious Infanta the Lady Mary your Serenities yongest Sister which in the life time of your Father King Philip the Third of most happy memory was so far advanced That if he had not died it had been brought to perfection long ere now We have therefore thought good to Treat now again with your Serenity that at length you would put a period to a work so well begun and crown our by-past Deliberations with an expected issue The age of our Son arived now to maturity and he our onely Son besides the condition of the times and our affairs doth require him to marry And we being at the brink of old age it would rejoyce us to see the day wherein our Posterities Friendship should be bound up in this most desired Bond of Affinity We have therefore sent unto your Serenity our Extraordinary Ambassador the Right Honorable the Lord Digby Baron of Sherborne our Counsellor and Vice-Chamberlain who has formerly deserved well of this Alliance and the honor of the House of Austria unto whom together with our Ordinary Ambassador we have intrusted the remainder of this business to be treated transacted and finished and shall be ready to ratifie and approve here what ever they shall agree upon We wish likewise that your Serenity out of your goodness would ease our other care touching the Palatinate which concerns our Daughter and Son in Law and their innocent Children banished from their Ancestors Inheritance How gladly would we ow this good turn solely to your Serenity who have already done us so many friendly offices in that business No Oblivion shall ever blot out of our minde the acknowledgment of so great a favor and we will endeavor to transmit to our Posterity that Hereditary good will wherewith we have ever affected your Serenity and your Royal Father of most worthy memory and shall ever affect you One thing remains That if this our Ambassador shall propose any other matter touching what business soever your Serenity will be pleased to give him Credence as if we our self were present The most gracious and great God ever preserve your Serenity in safety Your Serenities most Loving Brother J. R. Given at our Pallace of Theobalds 14 March 1621. Prince Charls to the King of Spain MOst Serene and Potent Prince and wel-beloved Kinsman some years ago our most Serene Parents begun to treat about a Match between us and the most Serene our dearly beloved Princess the Lady Mary your Majesties most honored Sister The condition and success of which affair and treaty our most Serene and Honored Lord and Father out of his Fatherly affection towards us was pleased upon all occasions so much the more willingly to impart unto us by how much greater propension and apparent signs of true affection he discovered in us thereunto For which cause the Baron Digby his Majesties Vice-Chamberlain and Extraordinary Ambassador and one of our Privy Chamber being now bound for Spain with most ample Instructions to bring unto an happy issue that which was prosperously begun advanced before your most gracious Father our Uncle of happy memory departed this life We thought it no less becoming us by these our Letters most affectionately to salute your Majesty who if you shall perswade your self that we highly esteem of your affection as we ought to do and that by a most near bond of affinity we desire to have it inlarged and confirmed towards us that very perswasion will not a little adde to the measure of our love It remains that we intreat your Majesty to give full credit to such further Proposals as the Baron Digby shall make in our name In the mean time we will hope for such a success of the principal business as may give us occasion to use a more familiar stile hereafter in our Letters as an argument of a nearer relation which if it shall happen this will also follow That we shall most readily embrace all occasions whereby to evidence unto your Majesty the progress and increase of our affection as well towards your self as your most Serene Sister The most great and good God preserve your Majesty long in safety Your Majesties
Letter quickned the Pope whereupon there ensued a Congregation of Cardinals to determine the matter and afterwards the Popes assent And then the Court of Spain declared such an intire Agreement for the Alliance with England that King Iames was satisfied and could expect no further difficulty But his intelligence from Bruxels and all other parts of the World did quickly cool and almost quench his hopes Sir Richard Weston was a man approved by Gondomar who commended the Kings wisdom in the Election of so fit a Minister for the Treaty at Bruxels yet the man so well disposed and suited to the Kings designs wrote desperate Letters of the Infanta's cold and unworthy manner of Treating in that important business of restoring the Palsgrave Whilest the King of Englands proceedings were so just and clear the Count Palatine was retired to Sedan and there sojourned with his Uncle the Duke of Bouillon and his Partizans Duke Christian of Brunswick and Count Mansfield the pretended obstacles of the Treaty were removed and had taken another course Mansfield went for Holland where the States intended to use him for the raising of the siege of Bergen by cutting off the Convoys between Antwerp and the Spanish Leagure And King Iames had lately offered That in case the forces of Mansfield and Brunswick would not rest but still perturb the Treaty he would joyn with the Emperor and the Arch-Dutchess to quiet them And the English Companies in the Palatinate being penned up in Garrisons could not cause disturbance In the mean while that miserable Countrey was burnt and sacked in the sight of the English Ambassador And now the Imperial and Bavarian forces fall to the besieging of Heidelburgh When the Ambassador at Bruxels complained of these proceedings he received frivolous Answers mixed with Recriminations All that Weston obtained was onely Letters of intreaty from the Infanta to the Emperors Generals to proceed no further though she had before acknowledged a full power from the Emperor to conclude the desired Cessation But they pretended that they would restore all when all was taken For this cause Sir Richard Weston acquainted the Marquess of Buckingham that he could not discern how the weak Hopes given him at Bruxels could agree with those strong Assurances given by the Lord Digby from the Court of Spain Moreover to protract the Palsgraves business the Emperor takes occasion to appoint a Dyet at Ratisbone contrary to his own promise as himself acknowledged Mr. Gage returned from Rome with no better fruit of his Agency for the Dispensation cannot pass till the King give satisfaction to a number of new Conditions which before were never dreamed of and had this mischief in them to bring the King in jealousie with the greatest part of his Subjects A peece of Juggling was observed in this Negotiation For some points of larger Indulgence whereunto King Iames had yielded were concealed from the Pope by the Ministers of the King of Spain The Court then devised to put a good face upon an ill Game and good Sawce to an unsavory Dish For all the World expecting that Gage should bring the Dispensation at his first arival they made him give out That it was passed in Rome and sent from thence to Spain But the King made a close pursuit and resolved they should not escape him The Popes Demands superadded to the Articles of Marriage were taken in hand and Resolutions were given upon them in manner following To the Demand of a Publick Church in London besides a Domestick Chappel assigned to the Infanta and her Family the King made Reply That it was more then was assumed by himself or his Son the Prince That the Chappel allowed was not a private Oratory but in effect a Church where the World might take notice of the Religion which the Infanta professed in publick manner To another Demand That the Superior Minister having Ecclesiastical Authority be in Ordine Episcopali he answered That he would leave it to the King of Spain to appoint as he shall judge expedient But whereas the Pope required That the Ecclesiasticks be subject to no Laws but of their own Ecclesiastical Superiors his answer was That exemption seemed strange as not allowed in all States and Countreys that were of the Roman Religion As for the Education of the Children under the Mothers government Let the King of Spain judge indifferently said the King how unfit it were for us to declare to the World That we engaged our self to permit our Grand-children to be brought up unto years of Marriage in a Religion which we profess not and which is not publickly professed in our Kingdom And further then we have already assented in general to leave the Children under the Mothers tuition for a longer or shorter time according to their constitution and health which may possibly reach unto the time required by the Pope We can by no means condiscend unless the King of Spain think it fit to limit the time to a certainty And whereas the Pope expected some larger offers for the general good of the Roman Church the King shewed That the Articles of Religion agreed upon between himself and the late King of Spain were accounted so satisfactory in the judgment of the Learnedst and greatest Clergy of Spain That they declared their opinion that upon the offer of such Conditions the Pope ought not to withhold the Dispensation And he said further That the Pope was satisfied that he of his own Authority could not grant a general Liberty of exercising the Roman Religion And what is it that they would have For setting that aside he had in a manner done already all that was desired as all the Roman Catholicks have found out of his gratious Clemency towards them and will no doubt acknowledge This Resolution the King sent into Spain for he would not seem to Treat with Rome and therewith this Letter to the Lord Digby now made Earl of Bristol Right Trusty and Welbeloved OUr pleasure is that immediately you crave Audience of that King and represent unto him the merit that we may justly chalenge to our self for our sincere proceedings with the Emperor and him Notwithstanding the many Invitations and Temptations we have had to engage our self on our Son in Laws part That we have both from the Emperor and from him hopes given us from time to time of extraordinary respect howsoever our Son in Law had deserved which we have attended and expected even to the last with much patience and in despight as it were of all opposition which might shake our Resolution in that behalf If now when all impediments are removed and the way is so prepared as that the Emperor may give an end unto the War and make some present Demonstration of his respect towards us in leaving us the honor of holding those poor places which yet remain quietly and peaceably until the general Accommodation the same shall nevertheless be violently taken
to this Crown for it will be a thing necessary for them to do so And those even against their own Religion will foment and assist the Hereticks for hatred to us Without doubt they will follow the other party onely to leave your Majesty with that blemish which never hath be●aln any King of these Dominions The King of England will remain offended and enraged seeing that neither interest nor helps do follow the Alliance with this Crown as likewise with Pretext of particular resentment for having suffered his Daughter and Grand-children to be ruined for respect of the said Alliance The Emperor though he be well-affected and obliged to us in making the Translation at this time as businesses now stands the Duke of Bavaria being possessed of all the Dominions although he would dispose all according to our Conveniencies it will not be in his power to do it as your Majesty and every body may judge and the Memorial that the Emperors Ambassador gave your Majesty yesterday makes it certain since in the List of the Soldiers that every one of our League is to pay he sheweth your Majesty that Bavaria for himself alone will pay more then all the rest joyned together the which doth shew his power and intention which is not to accommodate matters but to keep to himself the Superiority of all in this broken time the Emperor is now in the Dyet and the Translation is to be made in it The Proposition in this estate is by considering the means for a Conference which your Majesties Ministers will do with their Capacities Zeal and Wisdom and it is certain they will herein have enough to do For the difficulty consists to finde a way to make the present estate of affairs straight again which with lingring as it is said Both the power and time will be lost I suppose the Emperor as your Majesty knoweth by his Ambassador desires to marry his Daughter with the King of Englands Son I do not doubt but he will be likewise glad to marry his Second Daughter with the Palatines Son Then I propound that these two Marriages be made and that they be set on foot presently giving the King of England full satisfaction in all his Propositions for the more strict Union and Correspondency that he may agree to it I hold for certain that all the Conveniences that would have followed the Alliance with us will be as full in this and the Conveniencies in the great Engagement are more by this for it doth accommodate the matter of the Palatinate and Succession of his Grand-children with Honor and without drawing a Sword and wasting Treasure With this Interest the Emperor with the Conveniencies of the King of England and the Palatinate the onely means in my way of understanding to hinder those great dangers that do threaten may accommodate the business and not sever himself from the Conveniencies and Engagements of Bavaria and after I would reduce the Prince Elector that was an enemy to the obedience of the Church by breeding his Sons in the Emperors Court with Catholick Doctrine The Business is great the Difficulties greater perchance then have been in any other case I have found my self obliged to present this unto your Majesty and shall shew if you command me what I think fit for the disposing of the things and of the great Ministers which your Majesty hath I hope with the particular Notes of these things and all being helped with the good zeal of the Conde Gondomar it may be God will open a way to it a thing so much for his and your Majesties service Such Consultations had the Catholick King in his Cabinet-Council whilst he pretended so much zeal to a Closure with England Insomuch that King Iames professed to have taken great contentment in the Dispatches of the Earl of Bristol as full and satisfactory And though the Order sent to the Archduchess for the Relief of Anheim arrived too late yet he acknowledged it to be an argument of that Kings sincere intentions But the Kings hopes were still deferred and these Delays were palliated by the stop of the Dispensation till the Pope were further satisfied in the time of the Childrens education under the Mothers government and the exemption of Ecclesiastical persons from all Secular jurisdiction And the Spaniards did not spare to stretch the Kings ductile spirit For he was willing to stand obliged by a private Letter that the Children should be kept under the Mothers wing till the age of Nine years but he desired for Honors sake that no more then Seven might be exprest in the Publique Articles But this Enlargement would not satisfie He must come up to the allowance of Ten years which was the lowest of all to be expected and so he was brought at length to wave his Honor and to insure this Concession by a Publique Ratification And for the Exemption of Ecclesiasticks from the Secular power thus far he yielded That the Ecclesiastical Superior do take notice of the offence that shall be committed and according to the merit thereof either by Degradation deliver him to Secular Justice or banish him the Kingdom Bristol's importunate Negotiation procured this Answer from the King of Spain First touching the Marriage being desirous to overcome all difficulties that might hinder this union he had endeavoured to conform himself with the Resolutions given by the King of Great Britain to the Popes Propositions and had dispatched a Post to Rome that his Holiness judging what hath been here concluded and held sufficient might grant the Dispensation which he engageth to procure within three or four moneths at the farthest And in the interim that no time be lost the remaining Temporal Articles shall be treated and concluded As touching the Palatinate by his late Dispatches into Flanders due course is taken to settle all things as may be desired But until it be known what effects the same hath wrought and what the Emperor will reply no Answer can be given in writing to the Particulars contained in the Ambassadors Memorial Moreover the Popes Demands to which King Iames took exceptions being now accommodated by the King of Spain were sent into England and presently signed by the King and Prince without the change of a word King Iames having strong assurance that the Dispensation must needs be granted speedily appointed his Agent Gage who was now again at Rome to present to the Pope and certain Cardinals those Letters which lay in his hand to be delivered at a fit season The Kings Letter to the Pope gave him the stile of Most Holy Father Likewise he directed the Earl of Bristol to proceed to the Temporal Articles and to consummate the whole business But while the King had so much zeal and confidence in his Applications to Spain and Rome the Palatinate is left at random upon the Spaniards loose and general promises For Colonel Papenheim had block'd up Frankendale the onely Hold whereby the Palsgrave
as no Ceremony or other thing intervene which shall be contrary to the Roman Catholick Apostolick Religion III. That the most Gratious Infanta shall take with her such Servants and Family as are convenient for her service which Family and all persons to her belonging shall be chosen and nominated by the Catholick King So as he nominate no Servant which is Vassal to the King of Great Britain without his will and consent IV. That as well the most Gratious Infanta as all her Servants and Family shall have free use and publick Exercise of the Roman Catholick Religion in manner and form as is beneath capitulated V. That she shall have an Oratory and Decent Chappel in her Palace where at the pleasure of the most Gratious Infanta Masses may be celebrated and in like manner she shall have in London or wheresoever she shall make her abode a Publick and Capacious Church near her Palace wherein all Duties may be solemnly celebrated and all other things necessary for the Publick Preaching of Gods Word the Celebration and Administration of all the Sacraments of the Catholick Roman Church and for burial of the Dead and Baptizing of Children That the said Oratory Chappel and Church shall be adorned with such decency as shall seem convenient to the most Gratious Infanta VI. That the Men-servants and Maid-servants of the most Gratious Infanta and their Servants Children and Descendents and all their Families of what sort soever serving her Highness may be freely and publickly Catholicks VII That the most Gratious Infanta her Servants and Family may live as Catholicks in form following That the most Gratious Infanta shall have in her Palace her Oratory and Chappel so spatious that her said Servants and Family may enter and stay therein in which there shall be an ordinary and publick door for them and another inward door by which the Infanta may have a passage into the said Chappel where she and other as abovesaid may be present at Divine Offices VIII That the Chappel Church and Oratory may be beautified with decent Ornaments of Altars and other things necessary for Divine Service which is to be celebrated in them according to the custom of the Holy Roman Church and that it shall be lawful for the said Servants and others to go to the said Chappel and Church at all hours as to them shall seem expedient X. That the care and custody of the said Chappel and Church shall be committed to such as the Lady Infanta shall appoint to whom it shall be lawful to appoint Keepers that no body may enter into them to do any undecent thing XI That to the Administration of the Sacraments and to serve in Chappel and Church aforesaid there shall be Four and twenty Priests and Assistants who shall serve weekly or monethly as to the Infanta shall seem fit and the Election of them shall belong to the Lady Infanta and the Catholick King Provided That they be none of the Vassals of the King of Great Britain and if they be his will and consent is to be first obtained XII That there be one Superior Minister or Bishop with necessary Authority upon all occasions which shall happen belonging to Religion and for want of a Bishop that his Vicar may have his Authority and Jurisdiction XIII That this Bishop or Superior Minister may Correct and Chastise all Roman Catholicks who shall offend and shall exercise upon them all Jurisdiction Ecclesiastical And moreover also the Lady Infanta shall have power to put them out of her service whensoever it shall seem expedient to her XIV That it may be lawful for the Lady Infanta and her Servants to procure from Rome Dispensations Indulgences Jubilees and all Graces as shall seem fit to their Religion and Consciences and to get and make use of any manner of Catholick Books whatsoever XV. That the Servants and Family of the Lady Infanta who shall come into England shall take the Oath of Allegiance to the King of Great Britain Provided That there be no clause therein which shall be contrary to their Consciences and the Roman Catholick Religion and if they happen to be Vassals to the King of Great Britain they shall take the same Oath that the Spaniards do XVI That the Laws which are or shall be in England against Religion shall not take hold of the said Servants and onely the foresaid Superior Ecclesiastical Catholick may proceed against Ecclesiastical persons as hath been accustomed by Catholicks And if any Secular Judge shall apprehend any Ecclesiastical person for any offence he shall forthwith cause him to be delivered to the aforesaid Superior Ecclesiastick who shall proceed against him according to the Canon Law XVII That the Laws made against Catholicks in England or in any other Kingdom of the King of Great Britain shall not extend to the Children of this Marriage and though they be Catholicks they shall not lose the right of Succession to the Kingdom and Dominions of Great Britain XVIII That the Nurses which shall give suck to the Children of the Lady Infanta whither they be of the Kingdom of Great Britain or of any other Nation whatsoever shall be chosen by the Lady Infanta as she pleaseth and shall be accounted of her Family and enjoy the priviledges thereof XIX That the Bishop Ecclesiastical and Religious persons of the Family of the Lady Infanta shall wear the Vestment and Habit of their Dignity Profession and Religion after the Custom of Rome XX. For security that the said Matrimony be not dissolved for any cause whatsoever The King and Prince are equally to pass the Word and Honor of a King and moreover that they will perform whatsoever shall be propounded by the Catholick King for further confirmation if it may be done decently and fitly XXI That the Sons and Daughters which shall be born of this Marriage shall be brought up in the company of the most Excellent Infanta at the least until the age of Ten years and shall freely enjoy the right of Successions to the Kingdoms as aforesaid XXII That whensoever any place of either Man-servant or Maid-servant which the Lady Infanta shall bring with her nominated by the Catholick King her Brother shall happen to be void whether by death or by other cause or accident all the said Servants of her Family are to be supplied by the Catholick King as aforesaid XXIII For security that whatsoever is capitulated may be fulfilled The King of Great Britain and Prince Charls are to be bound by Oath and all the Kings Council shall confirm the said Treaty under their hands Moreover the said King and Prince are to give their Faiths in the Word of a King to endeavor if possible That whatsoever is capitulated may be established by Parliament XXIV That conformable to this Treaty all these things proposed are to be allowed and approved of by the Pope t●at he may give an Apostolical Benediction and a Dispensation necessary to effect the Marriage The Oath taken
by the King and Prince was as followeth WE Ratifying and confirming the aforesaid Treaty and all and every Capitulation contained and specified in the same do approve applaud confirm and ratifie of our certain knowledge all and every of these things in as much as they concern our Selves our Heirs or our Successors And we promise by these presents in the word of a King to kéep fulfil and observe the same and to cause them to be kept fulfilled and observed inviolably firmly well and faithfully effectually Bona fide without all exception and contradiction And we confirm the same with an Oath upon the Holy Evangelists in the presence of the Illustrious and Noble John de Mendoza Charls de Colona Ambassadors of the most Gratious Catholick ●ing residing in our Court. In Testimony and Witness of all and every the premises we have caused our Great Seal to be put to those Articles subscribed by our Hands there in the presence of the most Reverend Father in Christ George Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of all England and the Reverend Father in Christ John Bishop of Lincoln Lord Kéeper of the Great Seal of England Lionel Cranfield Cheif Treasurer of England Henry Uiscount Mandevil President of our Council Edward Earl of Worcester Kéeper of the Privy Seal Lewis Duke of Richmond and Lenox Lord Steward of our Houshold James Marquess Hamilton James Earl of Carlisle Thomas Earl of Kelly Oliver Uiscount Grandeson c. and George Calvert Knight one of our Cheif Secretaries of State and all of our Privy Council Given at our Palace of Westminster c. JACOBUS Rex After this the King did swear to certain private Articles in favor of Papists and for the advancement of the Roman Religion JAMES by the grace of God of Great Britain King Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom this present-writing shall come gréeting Inasmuch as among many other things which are contained within the Treaty of Marriage betwéen our most dear Son Charls Prince of Wales and the most renowned Lady Donna Maria Sister of the most renowned Prince and our welbeloved Brother Philip the Fourth King of Spain It is agréed That we by our Oath shall approve the Articles under-expressed to a word 1. That particular Laws made against Roman Catholicks under which other Vassals of our Realms are not comprehended and to whose observation all generally are not obliged as likewise general Laws under which all are equally comprised if so be they are such which are repugnant to the Romish religion shall not at any time hereafter by any means or chance whatsoever directly or indirectly be commanded to be put in execution against the said Roman Catholicks and we wil cause that our Council shall take the same Oath as far as it pertains to them and belongs to the execution which by the hands of them their Ministers is to be exercised 2. That no other Laws shall hereafter be made anew against the said Roman Catholicks but that there shall be a perpetual Toleration of the Roman Catholick Religion within private houses throughout all our Realms and Dominions which we will have to be understood as well of our Kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland as in England which shall be granted to them in manner and form as is capitulated decreed granted in the Article of the Treaty concerning the Marriage 3. That neither by us nor by any other interposed person whatsoever directly or indirectly privately or publikely will we treat or attempt any thing with the most renowned Lady Infanta Donna Maria which shall be repugnant to the Romish Catholick religion Neither will we by any means perswade her that she should ever renounce or relinquish the same in substance or form or that she should do any thing repugnant or contrary to those things which are contained in the Treaty of Matrimony 4. That We and the Prince of Wales will interpose our authority and will do as much as in us shall lie that the Parliament shall approve confirm and ratifie all and singular Articles in favor of the Roman Catholicks capitulated between the most renowned Kings by reason of this Marriage And that the said Parliament shall revoke and abrogate particular Laws made against the said Roman Catholicks to whose observance also the rest of our Subjects and Vassals are not obliged as likewise the general Laws under which all are equally comprehended to wit as to the Roman Catholicks if they be such as is aforesaid which are repugnant to the Roman Catholick Religion And that hereafter we will not consent that the said Parliament should ever at any time enact or write any other new Laws against Roman Catholicks MOreover I Charls Prince of Wales engage my self and promise that the most Illustrious King of Great Britain my most honored Lord and Father shall do the same both by word and writing That all those things which are contained in the foregoing Articles and concern as well the suspension as the abrogation of all Laws made against the Roman Catholicks shall within thrée years infallibly take effect and sooner if it be possible which we will have to lie upon our Conscience and Royal honor That I will intercede with the most illustrious King of G. Britain my father that the ten years of the education of the children which shall be born of this marriage with the most illustrious Lady Infanta their mother accorded in the 23 Art which term the Pope of Rome desires to have prorogued to twelve years may be lengthened to the said term And I promise fréely and of my own accord and swear That if it so happen that the entire power of disposing of this matter be d●volved to me I will also grant and approve the said term Furthermore I Prince of Wales oblige my self upon my faith to the Catholick King That as often as the most illustrious Lady Infanta shall require that I should give ear to Divines or others whom her Highness shall be pleased to employ in matter of the Roman Catholick religion I will hearken to them willingly without all difficulty and laying aside all excuse And for further caution in point of the frée exercise of the Catholick religion and the suspension of the Law above-named I Charls Prince of Wales promise and take upon me in the word of a King that the things above promised and treated concerning those matters shall take effect and be put in execution as well in the Kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland as of England The Privy-Councellors Oath was this I A.B. do swear That I will truly and fully observe as much as belongeth to me all and every of the Articles which are contained in the Treaty of Marriage betwéen the most gracious Charls Prince of Wales and the most gracious Lady Donna Maria Infanta of Spain Likewise I swear that I will neither commit to execution nor cause to be executed either by my self or by any inferior Officer serving me any
most famous Prince have polished with Learning and Arts of Prudence would assent to the Father of lights illuminating the Christian world We easily apprehend how much it would conduce to the Publick peace that being King of Scotland you should join in one Kingdom those Nations and Islands divided either by the bars of the Mountains or by the depths of the Ocean For your Majesty seems for that very reason to be made Lord of so many Provinces that they might more easily and quickly receive healing and salvation from him whom they obey Wherefore we even then besought God by continual ●rayers who gives salvation to Kings that so many blessings by his grace conferred upon you by which you are admirable in the sight of Potentates might bring safety to Britain and joy to the Church A blessed hope from above not long ago shined upon us when we understood that you were desirous of a Catholick alliance and that the ●ssue which should succeed in the inheritance and government of those Nations might be begotten of a Catholick mother We can scarcely express how much joy Gregory the Fifteenth of blessed memory our Predecessor brought us when he made us one of the Congregation of those Cardinals whom he would have to take cognisance of the English Match While we discoursed of a matter of so great importance we expressed a singular propension of mind towards your Majesty and were both tender of your praises and desirous to provide for your happiness And now being by the consent of the Apostolical Senate advanced to this station where we are to watch and ward for all earthly Monarchs we cannot sufficiently declare what a care and desire we have of Great Britain and the honor of so great a King It seems to have been a special providence of God that the first Letters which we received reigning in the seat of S. Peter were those which the most noble Charls Prince of Wales wrote to our Predecessor as a testimony of his affection to the Popes of Rome And since we now desire that this venerable Marriage should by the blessing of God be perfected we resolved to write unto you without expecting Letters first from you for Charity is the honor of the Papal Empire and although most powerful Kings do homage to us in this seat yet we account it glorious charity so perswading to descend to humble prayers so that we may gain souls to Christ. First therefore we desire you to perswade your self that there is no Prince in the Christian world from whom you can expect more evidence of fatherly affection then from the Pope who desires to embrace you a most desired Son with the arms of Apostolical charity We know with what a Letter Gregory the Fifteenth excited you to obtain so great a glory And since we have succeeded him we will not only imitate his inclinations towards you but will exceed them We hope we shall shortly have news out of England that your Majesty is favorable to the Catholick interest and that the Catholicks who live there whom the Father of mercies hath vindicated into the liberty of the sons of God being freed from the fear of punishment enjoy your Royal protection He who is rich in mercy will reward such a purpose with some signal happiness The Kingdoms of the Earth will applaud your Majesty and the Host of Heaven will wage war for you Though sinners gnash their teeth and Impiety powerful to raise sedition threaten yet Europe hopes she shall see King James triumphing in the Roman Church and increasing the example of his Ancestors by new works of Piety We do not distrust that the time of Gods good pleasure is now at hand when they who recommend to History the praises of the British Religion shall not always speak of the deeds of another Age but may be able to propose the present Government as a pattern of imitation to the Ages following Your Ancestors call upon you who have left you so powerful and so famous an inheritance who believed that the gates of the kingdom of Heaven were opened to mankind with the Popes keyes Certainly it cannot be that your Majesty should dare either to contemn or condemn the belief of so many Ages and the judgment of so many Kings who have deserved well of you Do you not see that by your Majesties opinion they are deprived of Heaven who left you a Kingdom while you contend that they erred in the worship of their Religion By this means it would be that whom the Universal Church believes to be Citizens of Heaven and to reign as Coheirs with Christ in that everlasting Country you who are descended of them should snatch them out of Heaven and thrust them into the bottomless pit of Error and the prison of hellish torments Do you not perceive your bowels yearn at the thought of so ungrateful an offence Are not such deliberations repugnant to your Royal temper which nevertheless so many Nations of Europe are forced to reprehend while it dissents from the Seat of the Apostles Let the splendor of so great glory allure your eyes which looks out of Heaven upon you and reaches you out a hand ready to reduce by your means the Kingdom of Britain into the Sanctuary of God with the conduct of Angels and acclamations of men A long time ago Christian religion lay all along in the world squalid and deformed with anguish affrighted with the threats of Tyrants But that Emperor whom we owe to Great Britain Constantine the Great the Defender of the Popes authority and the Avoucher of the Roman Faith did not only bring her out of her lurking places but called her to an Empire He is a fit pattern of imitation for your Majesty not those Kings who have transgressed and dissipated the Everlasting Covenant We call you O most wished for Son from this Watch-Tower of the World into the Society of his Glory Adde one day to your past years which all posterity may celebrate with a grateful memory Put a Mitre of Eternal Glory upon your head that in the time of your Reign we may say with the Holy Apostle I have seen a new Heaven in Britain and a new City descending from Heaven and a guard of Angels upon her Walls If that should come to pass we shall make reckoning that our Reign hath been happy to mankinde This our Sollicitude we believe will be so grateful unto you That we verily hope upon the receipt of our Letter you will forthwith increase the advantage of the Catholicks which live there Which if you shall do you will exceedingly oblige us and we shall consign to you the King of Kings debtor of so great benefit who so long as he shall preserve your Royal Family in eminent Happiness shall second the wishes of the Roman Church and bring ioy to the holy Prelates Dated at Rome at St. Peters sub annulo Piscatoris 15 Octob. 1623. The first year of our Reign Nobilissimo
affair among so many grave Statesmen to the prejudice of so able a Minister as the Earl of Bristol who had laid the first stone in that building Whereupon his power was called in question and found imperfect in regard it was not confirmed by the Council of England Moreover the Duke lay open to some affront which inraged him sore against the Conde Olivares and things grew to that extremity between the Duke and that Kings Ministers that they did not stick to say That they would rather put the Infanta headlong into a Well then into his hands Nevertheless in the Prince himself they observed an extraordinary well staid temper and grave comportment In the present action Buckingham and Bristol ran different ways with great animosity Bristol had the advantage in Spain yea in the Court of England he had gained a great esteem and powerful party and had wrought himself into the Kings opinion by his strenuous Negotiation and pleasing Services As concerning the Dukes demeanor the opinions in England were very different By the people in general who loathed the Match he was favored for his care of his King Prince and Country but by the Court he was much maligned and censured as the occasion of those delays by diverting and changing the ways wherein they began to treat But the King himself was very reserved either still loving the Duke or over-awed by his intimacy and power with the Prince For in all occurrences the Prince closed with him and seemed to give him a large room in his heart Now the Dukes friends at Court pressed him to return speedily and by all means with the Prince and assured him That the longer he stayed there the stronger he made his enemies and himself the weaker And Buckingham well observed that he had little obligation to Spain and had reason to seek some surer props to uphold his greatness And to draw him further off the Secretary of the Prince Palatine coming to Madrid under pretence of praying the Duke to be God-father to one of his Masters Children labored to engage him against the Marriage For the Palatine could not relie on the new overture of Marriage between his Eldest Son and the Emperors yongest Daughter it being a labyrinth out of which no Thred would guide him were the Proposals already granted For being an act of so many various parts as the Pope the Emperor the King of Spain the Duke of Bavaria and divers others it must needs be full of tedious intricacies What Money or other conditions could be offered that were like to satisfie the honor humor and huge expence of the Bavarian for quitting his conquest to an irreconcileable Neighbor What Forein Alliance is able to perswade the Emperor who hath changed all Tenures of Election into Succession and shaken the antient Freedom of the German Princes that he should revive his Enemies dead forces to the prejudice of all that he enjoys or aspires unto Would the Pope be won to suffer Heidelburgh which he accounted the most dangerous Nest of Hereticks after Geneva to return to her former strength Besides the Education of the Palsgraves Son in the Emperors Court and the Sequestration of his Country during his Sons Nonage would be required as necessary to that Conjunction By this time the King must needs be full of jealousies and the Princes patience well nigh spe●t by the Spaniards intricate proceedings for the Divines insisted stifly That the Consummation of the Marriage and the delivering of the Infanta should be deferred to the next year which seemed a rigorous Proposal Howbeit that King promised to abate the rigor and engaged himself to accomplish the Marriage at Christmas following i● the Prince would continue there so long But the resolution touching the delivering of the Infanta was unalterable The English Papists apprehending that a Rupture was like to follow were much perplexed A great Stickler Sir Toby Matthews by name did press his Catholick Majesty to give the Prince some foot of ground upon which he might be able to stand with honor in complying with that extraordinary affection which he beareth to the Infanta Moreover he protested to him That if the Catholicks of these Dominions should grow liable to persecution or affliction by the occasion of this breach through the disgust of the King and his Council or through the power which the Puritans assembled in Parliament will infallibly have with him that blood or misery may be partly required at their hands who have advised his Majesty not to accept those large Conditions which the King and Prince had condescended unto and that more then Moral security which they had offered for the performance thereof Now the Prince is thinking to leave the Court of Spain and they say he wrote to his Father a Letter of high Despair wherein was this passage You must now Sir look upon my Sister and her Children never thinking more of me and forgetting that ever you had such a Son Whereupon King Iames sent swift dispatches to hasten his return The King and Council of Spain seemed to be startled at these Resolutions and his Majesty importuned the Prince That having staid so many years for a wife he would stay some few moneths longer And if he pleased to give way that the Infanta's journey might be put off till the following Spring he would give him a Blank to write his own Conditions touching the surrender of the Palatinate But when his Highness urged Reasons for his departure they took the matter in debate afresh and consented upon Oath first given as well by his Catholick Majesty as by the Prince to accomplish the Marriage and to make the Espousals within ten days after the Ratification should come from Rome To which purpose the Prince made a Procuration to the King of Spain and Don Carlos his Brother to make the Espousals in his Name and left it in the Earl of Bristols hands Nevertheless he left in the hand of one of the Dukes Creatures a private Instrument with Instructions to be delivered to the Earl of Bristol to stay the delivery of the Proxies till further direction from him pretending That the Infanta might retire into a Cloister and defraud him of a Wife But these Instructions were to be concealed from the Earl till the Ratification came from Rome The Duke not regarding a Ceremonious Farewel at Court departed hastily a little before the Prince pretending to prepare the English Navy that lay at the Port of St. Andrew for the Princes transportation Olivares and he had but a harsh parting for he told Olivares That he was obliged to the King Queen and Infanta in an eternal tye of gratitude and that he would be an everlasting Servant to them and endeavor to do the best Offices for concluding the Match and strengthning the Amity between the Crowns But as for himself he had so far disobliged him that he could not without flattery make the least profession of
better dealing then was used to the deposed House of Saxony by Charls the Fifth an Emperor not worse then this the heir of which House being one of the worthiest Princes in Germany is now in hard conditions before the eyes of the exiled Palatine Unto the second point the exclusion of the Palsgraves person and the setling upon his Son it was thus replied That Spain had always given hope and the Earl of Bristol great assurance even when the Marriage was not so far advanced as now it is That in case of the Emperors refusal they would assist his Majesty and compel the Emperor to an intire Restitution Besides there is little ground of hope from these Treaties as they are managed and wire-drawn by the House of Austria from whom we have ever new Overtures in Winter and new Ruptures in Summer For the Emperor wanteth but two or three years leisure which he will easily gain by a Treaty of Marriage to establish in Germany the Translation of the Electorate and Palatinate without any hope of Recovery Therefore sufficient Assurances should ever precede the Treaties For the present Season did offer a very fair opportunity of recovering the Estate and Dignity The Palatines pretentions were not prejudiced by a long interposition of time the memory of the undue proceedings in the Ban and the Translation and the seisure of his Inheritance are fresh in the mindes of the Princes who by their own Interests are moved to a greater compassion As for the hope of Restitution from the Match with Spain there is little reason to put a difference between the Spaniards and the Imperialists who have with joynt consent conspired the ruine of the Palatinate with the same Forces Counsels and Designs And whilest things have been some times upon terms and always in talk of an Accommodation the Electorate is given to the Duke of Bavaria and avowed by a Congratulatory Message from the Arch-Dutchess the Upper Palatinate is setled in the Bavarians possession and a Portion allowed the Duke of Newburgh for his contentment A principal part of the Lower Palatinate is given to the Elector of Mentz by the consent of those at Bruxels and the rest is promised to be parcelled among other Princes Now for the hopes of a surer way to regain an happy settlement by the Concurrence of the King his Allies and Confederates and the whole Protestant party in Europe let these Matters be weighed in the Ballance of Common Judgment The Electors of Saxony and Brandenburgh and all the Princes save those of the Catholick League have declared That the Peace of Germany depends upon the restoring of the Palatine Besides the Levies which they made in the beginning of the last Summer though by the unfortunate accident of Duke Christian of Brunswick they were soon dismissed do testifie the same affections still remaining in them and the same Resolutions to embrace any good occasion for recovering the liberty of Germany The number of those that have this conjoyned Interest is great and mighty yea the greater part of the people both Horse and Foot which marched under the Catholick Banner were of a contrary Religion and Affection and more inclined to the ruine then preservation of the Catholick League All that is wanting is the concurrence and conduct of some great Prince that may support them against the House of Austria The King of Denmark being a Prince full of circumspection and being unwilling to enter into play alone made answer to all instances That as other Princes have their eyes on him so he hath his eyes on the King of Great Britain Wherefore although for these two or three years past Affairs on this side have gone in a continual decadence and a final ruine be now threatned unless it be withstood by some Princely resolution not of petty but of great Princes yet there is no such despondency in the good party but sufficient vigor yet remaining not onely to subsist but to rise and flourish again And one of those Kingdoms which are in his Majesties possession having wrought great effects in the affairs of Europe even when counter-ballanced by the other two doth demonstrate what may be done by the joynt forces of all three together especially when the peoples affections are raised to the enterprise Thus did the Palsgraves Counsels dissent from our Kings Proposals And there were not wanting both of the Kings Counsel at home and of his Agents in Foreign parts such as frequently warned him of the disappointment and dishonor that would follow those ways of Treating with implacable though flattering Enemies and shewed him the sure and honorable way of reestablishing his Children in their Patrimony not by their Enemies curtesie but by the united strength of the Protestant Arms in all parts of Christendom of which party the King might have made himself the Head and great Commander In the languishing and almost expiring Condition of the Spanish Treaty the United Provinces in the Netherlands appeared ready to embrace the opportunity of renewing the antient Union with England in all mutual confidence and strong assurance And the King was moved to return to those old Confederates the surest supports of his Crowns and Family For it hapned that in latter times a distrust and strangeness had grown betwixt them Bernevelt and the Arminian Faction had drawn the States to new Alliances and commonly procured Answers to be given to King Iames and his Ministers in a harsh and peremptory stile In like manner the King did not care to own them fully esteeming them an evil example for a Monarch to cherish Nevertheless he did them many good turns worthy of acknowledgment and particularly in opposing the Faction of Arminius and Vorstius and the rest of that sort who caused great distractions in the Belgick Church and State Nay he was thought to have done more then requisite in rendring the Cautionary Towns and in conniving with too much patience at the insolencies and misdemeanors of their Mariners But the Prince of Orange expressed good will to an intire friendship with England and assured the English Resident at the Hague That whensoever the King would be to those Provinces as Queen Elizabeth was in her time they would be the same to him as they had been to Queen Elizabeth But as yet they keep themselves reserved because they suspect that the Introductions and Tentatives to a Union with them have been to no other end but to indear the English Merchandize and to inhaunce its price to the King of Spain For they conclude that Spain will never Match with England but for hope or fear hope of reducing those Provinces by the Match or fear if the Match proceed not that the King will joyn with the Provinces in opposition to Spain and in either of these cases they hold the Match as made As for themselves they represent this assurance of a firm Conjunction for that instead of giving an ear to Overtures and Concessions which from day
to day were presented to them they have put themselves to the Offensive by preparing a strong Fleet which is ready to set sail to the West-Indies to the end they may at least interrupt the peaceable Annual return of the Gold and Silver of those parts by which the House of Austria do continually advance their greatness And this preparation together with their Voyages into the East-Indies will make them irreconcileable to Spain These enterprises were commended to the King as approved by all good men to be a principal means to cast down the fearful power of Spain Onely it was too vaste a design for that little Countrey but if the King were pleased thoroughly to close with them their Affections and constant interest would so binde them to him that he might absolutely dispose of them and by their forces by Sea and Land conjoyned with his own be able to give the Law to Europe And the present state of the Provinces might incite the King to this Conjunction For the last Summer if the Imperialists had joyned with the Spaniards they had undoubtedly made an irruption into the borders of that State and they are like to break in this next year except some notable Turn shall intervene and then our best Link for a Bond of Friendship is broken and those Provinces of a strong Staff will become a broken Reed Such R●presentations were made to the Court of England but the Counsels then prevailing were not propense to this Conjunction and Interest although we were then breaking with Spain and the House of Austria About the beginning of December when the Ratification came from the new Pope Bonfires were made throughout all Spain and the great Ordnance thundred out reports of joy And that King to satisfie his Oath made to the Prince of Wales prepared for the Espousals and a day was prefixed and all things appointed for the Solemnity according to the Magnificence of that Court The Infanta's Family was setled her Officers distinguished and the beginning of March was the time for her journey into England From the Princes departure she had applied herself to the learning of the English Tongue The English Ambassadors carried themselves like Subjects towards her as being their Masters Wife or Spouse Many rich presents had she prepared for her future Lord and Husband And the Earl of Bristol had provided many costly Liveries for his Attendants in the Solemnity of the Espousals But all things were instantly discomposed by the opening of the new commands from England to the Earl which were to procure an intire surrender of the Palatinate and Electorate before he move one step further towards the Contract In the Court of Spain there was great resentment of these new delays and they discerned a breach towards The Infanta gave over the study of English and was no more stiled the Princess of England but to the Demands from England the King of Spain replied That if a Treaty be set on foot and the Emperor and Duke of Bavaria will not come to Terms of Conformity he will joyn Arms with England to recover the Palatinate The Spaniards confessing the Demand just but unseasonable professed the Desponsorio's past the Infanta on her knees should have been a Suiter to the King to restore the Palatinate making it thereby her act and drawing the Obligation wholly to her These offers did not satisfie Bristol was called home and all was dashed to peeces It was an amazement to the Christian World that when the Match was brought to such perfection the motion should be rejected by that side which pursued it with so much eagerness and patience as being the master-peece of all their designs In the latter part of this long tedious act the Spaniard appeared real but in the former part their reality was questionable For our parts the business shall remain as we finde it a dark Riddle and Mystery The Earl of Bristol having demurred upon the new Instructions to prevent as he desired the embroiling of the whole Treaty was to make his Apology to the King his Master and for himself he thus pleaded That he understood the Infanta was his yong Masters wife or Spouse at least and that both the King and Prince infinitely desired the Match The powers were drawn by the intervention of both parties the King of Spain accepting them and the Prince legally delivering them and they were deposited with him in trust as the Ambassador of the King of Great Britain with a Publick Declaration how and when he was to deliver them and this was drawn into an Instrument by the Secretary of State According to this state of things he appeals to any Censure which were the more prudent honest and dutiful way whether to put a disgrace upon so great and worthy a Princess who was to be his Masters Wife and a scorn upon the King of Spain by nominating a day for the Marriage when the powers would be expired and not at all to insist upon making good the Publick Trust reposed in him by two so great Monarchs to the hazard and overthrow of so great and important a business or contrariwise to represent to his Majesty the state of things in Truth and Sincerity with his humble opinion of the wrong and disgrace to the Infanta by deferring the Marriage and of the indignity offered to the King of Spain and the danger of the whole Treaty by the detention of the Powers without the pretence of some emergent cause And after all this when his Majesty had declared his pleasure there was ready an exact obedience Wherefore in the confidence of his own innocencie he professeth as great a confidence of his Majesties accustomed grace and favor Bristol being called home acquainted the Conde Olivares with the Letters of Revocation and desired withall to have a day assigned him to take his leave of the King Olivares answered That he had much to say to him by his Majesties order and spake to this effect in the presence of Sir Walter Aston and the Conde Gondomar That the King had received large advertisements with what malice and rancor his Enemies did prosecute him and how powerful they are in England And in regard that the Envy which was drawn upon him proceeded from his earnest endeavors to accomplish the Match and that the particular fault laid to his charge was in point of delivering the Proxies deposited in his hands that his Majesty takes it to heart and judgeth himself touched in his honor if for this cause his Enemies shall prevail so far as to work his ruine or disgrace And therefore he will write to the King of Great Britain and send a particular Ambassador if it be needful to mediate for him for that he had served his Master with that exactness and fidelity which deserved not only to be assisted by all good offices but to be rewarded and published And his Majesty for the example of his own Subjects and for the encouragement
remember that in my first Speech unto you for proof of my love to my People I craved your Advice in this great and weighty affair But in a matter of this weight I must first consider how this Course may agree with my Conscience and Honor and next according to the Parable uttered by our Saviour after I have resolved of the Necessity and justness of the Cause to consider how I shall be enabled to raise Forces for this purpose As concerning the Cause of my Children I am now old and as Moses saw the Land of Promise from an high mountain though he had not leave to set his foot in it so it would be a great comfort to me that God would but so long prolong my days as if I might not see the Restitution yet at least I might be assured that it would be That then I might with old Simeon say Nunc dimittis Servum tuum Domine c. Otherwise it would be a great grief unto me and I should die with a heavy and discomforted heart I have often said and particularly in the last Parliament and I shall ever be of that mind That as I am not ambitious of any other mens Goods or Lands so I desire not to enjoy a Furrow of Land in England Scotland or Ireland without Restitution of the Palatinate And in this mind I will live and die But let me acquaint you a little with the Difficulties of this Cause He is an unhappy man that shall advise a King to War and it is an unhappy thing to seek that by Blood which may be had by Peace Besides I think your intentions are not to engage me in War but withal you will consider how many things are requisite thereunto I omit to speak of my own Necessities they are too well known Sure I am I have had the least help in Parliament of any King that ever reigned over you these many years I must let you know that my Disabilities are increased by the Charge of my Son's journey into Spain which I was at for his honor and the honor of this Nation By sending of Ambassadors by maintaining of my Children and by assisting of the Palatinate I have incurred a great Debt to the King of Denmark which I am not able yet to pay The Low-Countries who in regard of their nearness are fittest to help for the Recovery of the Palatinate are at so low an ebb that if I assist them not they are scarce able to subsist The Princes of Germany that should do me any good are all poor weak and disheartned and do expect assistance from hence For Ireland I leave it to you whether that be not a back-door to be secured For the Navy I thank God it is in a better case then ever it was yet more must be done and before it can be prepared as it ought to be it will require a new Charge as well for its own strength as for the securing of the Coasts My Children I vow to God eat no bread but by my means I must maintain them and not see them want In the mean time my Customs are the best part of my Revenues and in effect the substance of all I have to live on All which are farmed out upon that condition That if there be War those Bargains are to be disannulled which will enforce a great defalcation Subsidies ask a great time to bring them in Now if you assist me that way I must take them up beforehand upon credit which will eat up a great part of them This being my Case To enter into War without sufficient means to support it were to shew my teeth and do no more In the mean time I heartily thank you for your Advice and will seriously think upon it as I pray you to consider of those other parts My Treasurer to whose Office it appertains shall more at large inform you of those things that concern my Estate Thus freely do I open my heart unto you And having your hearts I cannot want your helps for it is the heart that openeth the purse not the purse the heart I will deal frankly with you Shew me the Means how I may do what you would have me and if I take a Resolution by your Advice to enter into a War then your selves by your own Deputies shall have the disposing of the Money I will not meddle with it but you shall appoint your own Treasurers I say not this with a purpose to invite you to open your Purses and then to slight you so much as not to follow your Counsel nor engage you before I be engaged my self Give me what you will for my own means but I protest none of the Monies which you shall give for those uses shall be issued but for those ends and by men elected by your selves If upon your offer I shall find the means to make the War honorable and safe and that I resolve to embrace your Advice then I promise you in the word of a King That although War and Peace be the peculiar Prerogatives of Kings yet as I have advised with you in the Treaties on which War may ensue so I will not treat nor accept of a Peace without first acquainting you with it and hearing your advice and therein go the proper way of Parliament in conferring and consulting with you And happily the Conditions of Peace will be the better when we be prepared for War according to the old Proverb That Weapons bode Peace Your kind carriage gives me much content And that comforts me which my Lord of Canterbury said That there was not a Contrary voice amongst you all like the Seventy Interpreters who were led by the breath of God I am so desirous to forget all rents in former Parliaments that it shall not be in my default if I am not in love with Parliaments and call them often and desire to end my life in that entercourse between me and my people for the making of good Laws reforming of such Abuses as I cannot be well informed of but in Parliament and maintaining the good Government of the Commonwealth Therefore go on cheerfully and advise of these Points and my Resolution shall then be declared Hereupon the House of Commons immediately took into consideration the matter of Supply And Sir Edward Sackvile afterwards Earl of Dorset spake thus to that Subject SInce Supply unto his Majesty is now in question of which I hope there will be no question I humbly ask leave of this Honorable Assembly to speak my Opinion assuring you That when a Treaty of Grievances shall be on foot it shall appear I will not sit silent if I find my self able to say any thing that may lend a hand to unload my Country of that heavy burthen it now groans under by reason of the innumerable number of Monopolies which like so many Incubusses and Succubusses exhaust the Vital spirits and so press down those Parts which ought to enjoy
of Eloquence though never so excellent all this hath somewhat servile and holding of the Subject But your Majesties manner of Speech is indeed Prince-like flowing as from a Fountain and yet streaming and branching it self into Natures order full of Facicility and Felicity Imitating none and inimitable by any c. And there seemeth to be no little contention between the excellency of your Majesties gifts of Nature and the universality and perfection of your Learning for I am well assured of this that what I shall say is no amplification at all but a positive and measured truth which is That there hath not been since Christs time any King or Temporal Monarch which hath been so learned in all Literature and Erudition Divine and Humane For let a man seriously and diligently revolve and peruse the Succession of the Emperors of Rome of which Caesar the Dictator who lived some years before Christ and Marcus Antonius were the best learned and so descend to the Emperors of Graecia or of the West and then to the Lines of France Spain England Scotland and the rest and he shall finde this Judgment truly made For it seemeth much in a King if by the compendious extractions of other Mens Wits and Learning he can take hold of any superficial Ornaments and shews of Learning or if he countenance or prefer Learning and Learned Men. But to drink indeed of the true Fountain of Learning nay to have such a Fountain of Learning in himself in a King and in a King born is almost a miracle and the more because there is met in your Majesty a rare conjunction as well of Divine and Sacred Literature as of Prophane and Humane So as your Majesty stands invested of that Triplicity which in great veneration was ascribed to the Antient Hermes The Power and Fortune of a King the Knowledge and Illumination of a Priest and the Learning and Universality of a Philosopher This Propriety inherent and individual Attribute in your Majesty deserveth to be expressed not onely in the Fame and Admiration of the present time nor in the History or Tradition of the Ages succeeding but also in some solid Work fixed Memorial and Immortal Monument bearing a Character or Signature both of the Power of a King and the Difference and Perfection of such a King Memoria Iusti cum laudibus impiorum nomen putrescit He that hath lately writ the History of Great Britain thus expresseth himself concerning King Iames. HE was a King in understanding and was content to have his Subjects ignorant in many things as in Curing the Kings Evil which he knew a device to ingrandize the vertue of Kings when Miracles were in fashion but he let the World believe it though he smiled at it in his own Reason finding the strength of imagination a more powerful agent in the Cure then the Plaisters his Surgeons prescribed for the Sore It was a hard question whither his Wisdom and Knowledge exceeded his Choler and Fear certainly the last couple drew him with most violence because they were not acquisitious but natural if he had not had that allay his high towering and mastering Reason had been of a rare and sublimed excellency but these Earthly dregs kept it down making his Passions extend him as far as Prophaneness that I may not say Blasphemy and Policy superintendent of all his Actions which will not last long like the violence of that humor for it often makes those that know well to do ill and not be able to prevent it He had pure Notions in Conception but could bring few of them into action though they tended to his own preservation for this was one of his Apothegms which he made no timely use of Let that Prince that would beware of Conspiracies be rather jealous of such whom his extraordinary favors have advanced then of those whom his displeasure hath discontented These want means to execute their pleasures but they have means at pleasure to execute their desires Ambition to rule is more vehement then Malice to revenge Though the last part of this Aphorism he was thought to practise too soon where there were no causes for prevention and neglect too late when time was full ripe to produce the Effect Some paralleld him to Tiberius for Dissimulation yet Peace was maintained by him as in the time of Augustus and Peace begot Plenty and Plenty begot Ease and Wantonness and Ease and Wantonness begot Poetry and Poetry swelled to that bulk in his time that it begot strange monstrons Satyrs against the Kings own person that hanted both Court and Countrey which expressed would be too bitter to leave a sweet perfume behinde him And though bitter ingredients are good to imbalm and preserve dead Bodies yet these were such as might endanger to kill a living Name if Malice be not brought in with an Antidote And the Tongues at those times more fluent then my Pen made every little miscarriage being notable to discover their true operations like small Seeds hid in Earthy darkness grow up and spred into such exuberant Branches that evil report did often pearch upon them So dangerous it is for Princes by a remiss comportment to give growth to the least Error for it often proves as fruitful as Malice can make it But alass good King Here was an end of his Earthly Empire and little did he imagine that the last period to Great Britains Monarchy should not much exceed the time of his own Reign and in the true extent come short of it There is a Book said to be writ by a Knight of Kent and intituled King James Court which renders a further Character of that King we forbear to particularize any thing thereof no name being put to the Book but leave the Reader to his freedom The Bishop of Lincoln then Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England in his Sermon at King Iames Funeral speaking of Solomon and King Iames his Text being 1 Kings 11.41 42 43. hath these Expressions I Dare presume to say you never read in your lives of two Kings more fully parallel'd amongst themselves and better distinguished from all other Kings besides themselves King Solomon is said to be Unigenitus coram Matre sua the onely Son of his Mother Prov. 4.3 So was King Iames. Solomon was of Complexion white and ruddy Cant. 5.10 So was King Iames. Solomon was an Infant-King puer parvulus a little Childe 1 Chron. 22.5 So was King Iames a King at the Age of Thirteen Moneths Solomon began his Reign in the life of his Predecessor 1 Kings 1.32 So by the force and compulsion of that State did our late Soveraign King Iames. Solomon was twice crowned and anointed a King 1 Chro. 29.22 So was King Iames. Solomons Minority was rough through the quarrels of the former Soveraign so was that of King Iames. Solomon was learned above all the Princes of the East 1 Kings 4.30 So was King Iames above all Princes in the
Universal World Solomon was a Writer in Prose and Verse 1 Kings 4.32 So in a very pure and exquisite manner was our sweet Soveraign King Iames. Solomon was the greatest Patron we ever read of to Church and Churchmen and yet no greater let the House of Aaron now confess then King Iames. Solomon was honored with Ambassadors from all the Kings of the Earth 1 Kings 4. ult And so you know was King Iames. Solomon was a main improver of his home Commodities as you may see in his trading with Hiram 1 Kings 5.9 And God knows it was the daily study of King Iames. Solomon was a great maintainer of Shipping and Navigation 1 King 10.14 A most proper Attribute to King Iames. Solomon beautified very much his Capital City with Buildings and Water-works 1 Kings 9.15 So did King Iames. Every man lived in peace under his Vine and his Fig-Tree in the days of Solomon 1 Kings 4.25 And so they did in the blessed days of King Iames. And yet towards his end King Solomon had secret enemies Razan Hadad and Ieroboam and prepared for a War upon his going to his Grave as you may see in the Verse before my Text. So had and so did King Iames. Lastly Before any Hostile Act we read of in the History King Solomon died in peace when he had lived about Sixty years as Lyra and Tostatus are of opinion and so you know did King Iames. And as for his words and eloquence you know it well enough it was rare and excellent in the highest degree Solomon speaking of his own faculty in this kinde divides it into two several heads a ready Invention and an easie Discharge and Expression of the same God hath granted me to speak as I would and to conceive as is meet for the things spoken of Wisd. 7.15 And this was eminent in our late Soveraign His Invention was as quick as his first Thoughts and his Words as ready as his Invention God had given him to conceive the Greek word in that place is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to make an Enthymem or a short Syllogism and that was his manner He would first winde up the whole substance of his discourse into one solid and massie Conception and then spred it and dilate it to what compass he pleased Prosluenti quae Principem deceret eloquentia as Tacitus said of Augustus in a flowing and a Princely kinde of Elocution Those Speeches of his in the Parliament Star-Chamber Council Table and other Publick Audiences of the State of which as of Tullies Orations Ea semper optima quae maxima the longest still was held the best do prove him to be the most powerful Speaker that ever swayed the Scepter of this Kingdom In his Stile you may observe the Ecclesiastes in his Figures the Canticles in his Sentences the Proverbs and in his whole Discourse Reliquum verborum Solomonis all the rest that was admirable in the Eloquence of Solomon How powerfully did he charge the Prince with the care of Religion and Justice the two Pillars as he termed them of his future Throne How did he recommend unto his love the Nobility the Clergy and the Communalty in the general How did he thrust as it were into his inward bosom his Bishops his Judges his near Servants and that Disciple of his whom he so loved in particular and concluded with that Heavenly Advice to his Son concerning that great act of his future Marriage To marry like himself and marry where he would But if he did marry the Daughter of that King he should marry her Person but he should not marry her Religion Having in our Collections met with the Transcript of a Letter from King Iames to Pope Clement dated Anno 1599. We have thought fit though it be not placed in order of time to conclude his Reign with it and with the Instructions given to Mr. Drummond who was sent with the same to Rome Iacobus Rex Clementi Papae BEatissime Pater cum variis ad nos perlatum fuisset rumoribus quàm diligenter nostrae sortis aemuli saepius egissent ut authoritatis vestrae acies in nos distringeretur quaque constantia id pro vestra prudentia hactenus fuerit recusatum Committere noluimus quin accepti memores beneficii gratias ageremus opportunam nacti occasionem cum lator praesentium natione nostras vester ascriptitius in fines ditionis vestrae reverteretur quem pro sua indole vestris ornatum beneficiis vestrae Sanctitati Commendamus ut eum in iis quae nostro nomine habet impartienda audire placide non dedignetur Et quia adversus malevolorum calumnias qui nostras in Catholicos injurias commemorando nobis invidiam ipsis gratiam conciliant nullum tutius remedium agno●cimus quàm ut è nostratibus aliqui veritatis studiosi quan●umvis à Religione quam nos à prima hausimus Infantia abhorrentes honestam in curia Romana demorandi occasionem semper haberent ex quibus vestra Sanctitas certo possit in quo statu res nostrae sint ediscere hoc nomine Episcopum Vazionensem vobis commendamus qui ut sortis suae qualecunque incrementum vestrae Sanctitati duntaxat refert acceptum ita Cardinalatus honorem prioribus beneficiis nostra praesertim gratia adjici obnixe rogamus Sic Inimicorum cessabunt Calumniae praesentibus qui rerum gestarum veritatem possint adstruere Nec actionum nostrarum ullam aequos rerum aestimatores cupimus latere qui in ea Religionis quam profitemur puritate enutriti sic semper statuimus nihil melius tutiusque quam citra fucum in iis promovendis quae Divini Numinis gloriam serio spectant pie contendere remotis invidiae stimulis non tam quid Religionis inane nomen quam verae pietatis Sacrosancta tessera requirat charitatis semper adhibito fomento diligenter considerare Sed quia de his copiosius cum latore praesentium viro non inerudito in rebus nostris mediocriter versato disseruimus longioris Epistolae taedio censuimus abstinendum Beatudinis vestrae obsequentissimus Filius I. R. E Sancta Cruce 24 Sept. 1599. King James Letter to Pope Clement MOst Holy Father having understood by several Reports how diligent the Rivals of our Condition have been that the Sword of your Authority should be unsheathed against us and with what constancy your Prudence hath hitherto refused it we could do no less then return thanks for such a good turn received especially upon so fair an occasion when the Bearer of these a Scotchman by Nation but a Roman by Adoption was returning unto your Dominions we recommend him to your Holiness to whom for his good parts you have already been beneficial that you would attentively hear him in those things which he shall deliver in our Name And because we know there is no better remedy against the Calumnies of ill Willers who by commemorating our injuries
done to Catholicks procure envy to us and thank to themselves then that some of our Countreymen Zealous of the Truth though differing from the Religion which we have suckek from our Infancy should have an honorable occasion of making their abode in the Court of Rome from whom your Holiness may be certainly informed of the state of our Affairs In this regard we recommend unto you the Bishop of Vazion who as he doth impute whatsoever increase of his condition to your Holiness alone so we are earnest Suitors that for our sake especially the honor of a Cardinals Cap may be added to his former advantages By this means the Calumnies of our Enemies will cease when such are present with you who may be able to assert the truth of our doings We do not desire any of our actions should be concealed from just Arbitrators for though we have been bred up in the truth of that Religion which we now profess yet we have always determined that there is nothing better and safer then piously and without ostentation to endeavor the promoting of those things which really belong to the glory of Gods Name and laying aside the goa●ds of Envy and applying the warmth and fomentation of Charity diligently to consider what belongeth not to the empty name of Religion but to the holy Symbol of true Piety But because we have discoursed more at large of these things with the bearer hereof a man not unlearned and indifferently well conversant in our Affairs we have thought best to be no more tedious by a long Letter Your Holiness most dutiful Son J. R. From Holy Rood 24 Sept. 1599. SUmma mandatorum Edwardi Drummond Jurisconsulti quem ad Pontificem Maximum Ducem Etruriae Ducem Sabaudiae caeterosque Principes Cardinales ablegamus Salutabis imprimis nostro nomine quàm potes officiosissimè Pontificiem Maximum caeterosque Principes Cardinales datisque nostris literis fiduciariis significabis Capere nos vehementer eum quem decet amoris benevolentiae modum cum iis conservare omnemque removere non suspicionem modo sed suspicionis levissimam quamcunque occasionem Quod quamvis in ea persistimus Religione quam à teneris hausimus annis non tamen ita esse Charitatis expertes quin de Christianis omnibus bene sentiamus modo in officio primum erga Deum Optimum Maximum deinde erga Magistratus quorum subsunt imperio permanserint Nullam nos unquam saevitiam contra quoscunque Catholicos Religionis ergo exercuisse Et quia plurimum interest nostra ut pari diligentia qua malevoli mentiuntur nos per amicos subditos veritatem possimus adstruere idcirco inniteris in hoc totis viribus ut Pontifex Maximus tam rogatu nostro quam precibus Illustrissimorum Principum quos per literas nostras ad hoc rogavimus ad hoc induci possit ut Episcopus Vazionensis in Cardinalium Collegium adsciscatur in quo si profeceris ut de eo redditi fuerimus certiores ulterius progrediemur Cavebis ne in hoc negotio ad Pontificem Maximum aut Illustrissimos Cardinales ulterius progrediaris nisi prius subsit certa spes optati eventus This Letter was conveyed by Edward Drummond the Lawyer whom the King sent to the Pope the Duke of Tuscany the Duke of Savoy and other Princes and Cardinals First You shall most respectively Salute in our Name the Pope and those other Princes and Cardinals and having delivered our Letters of Credence shall signifie That we exceedingly desire to reserve with them the measure of Love and good Will which is sitting to remove not onely all suspition but any thing that may be the cause of Suspition That although we persist in the Religion which we suck'd in from our Infancy yet we are not so void of Charity but to think well of all Christians if so be they continue in their duty first towards God and then towards the Magistrate whose Subjects they are That we never exercised any cruelty against the Catholicks for Religion sake And because it doth very much concern us that we may be able to assert the truth by our Friends and Subjects with the same diligence that slanderers lie therefore you shall endeavor to the utmost to perswade the Pope as well at our entreaty as for the desire of these most Illustrious Princes whom in our Letters we have sollicited in our behalf to make the Bishop of Vazion Cardinal wherein if you be successful as soon as we shall be certified thereof we will proceed further You must be cautelous not to proceed any further in this business either with the Pope or the most Illustrious Cardinals unless there be a certain hope of our wished event The High mighty Monarch Charles by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine France Ireland Defender of the Faith Historical Collections Primo CAROLI ON the same day when King Iames departed this life at Theobalds the Lord President of the Council and the Lord Marshal of England were immediately sent by the Body of the Council to Prince Charles who was then retired to his Chamber to give him notice of his Fathers decease and that they were all there ready to present themselves unto him if his pleasure were to admit them but he being in sadness wished them to forbear their coming till the next morning In the mean time the Privy-Counsellors assembled themselves drew up the form of a Proclamation to proclaim King Charles which was forthwith published at the Court-Gate at Theobalds which being done the King signified his pleasure that the Lord Keeper the Lord Treasurer the Lord President the Lord Chamberlain the Treasurer of the House and the Comptroller should attend him they all came and rendred up their Offices and Places to him which his Majesty presently restored to them again The Privy-Counsellors gave notice to the Lord Major of London that he and all the Aldermen should that day appear in their Robes at Ludgate whither the Lords and others would repair to proclaim King Charles Accordingly the Lords went from Theobalds to the Palace of Whitehall where the Nobility then about London were gathered together At Whitehall-Gate the King was proclaimed by sound of Trumpet all the Nobility Privy-Counsellors and Gentry being on Horse-back went thence and proclaimed the King at Charing-Cross Denmark-house Temple-Bar at the great Conduit in Fleetstreet and thence they rode up to Ludgate where the Lord Major and Aldermen were on Horse-back expecting within the Gates and the Lords and others entered and proclaimed him there and then they rode all to Cheapside-Cross where they proclaimed the King again and the Lords returning thence left order with the Lord Major to go on with the Proclamation in other parts of the City The same day King Charles removed from Theobalds and came to St Iames's in the Evening and the Corps of the deceased King remained at Theobalds
Schedule wherein the names of Ecclesiastical persons were written under the letters O and P O standing for Orthodox and P for Puritans for the Duke commanded that he should thus digest the names of eminent persons to be presented unto the King under that Partition King Charles in the entrance of his Reign proceeds with preparations for a War begun in his fathers time the Militia of the Kingdom through the long continued Peace was much decayed and the Musters of the Trained-bands were slight and seldom taken and few of the Commons were expert in the use of Arms wherefore the Lords Lieutenants were commanded by order of the Council to make a general Muster of the Trained Horse and Foot in their several Counties and to see to the sufficiency of the Men Horse and Arms and that all be compleat according to the best modern form and be in readiness for all occasions and especially now the affairs of Christendom stand upon such uncertain Terms and more particularly that the Maritine Towns be well manned and their men duely exercised and the King declared his will and pleasure that the Lord Lieutenants of the several Shires should have the nomination of their Deputy Lieutenants In the beginning of May Warrants were issued forth for a Leavy of Souldiers to be imployed in the service of his Majesties Brother and Sister the Prince and Princess Palatine whereof eight thousand were pointed to Rendezvous at Plymouth by the five and twenty of this Moneth and the charge of Coat and Conduct was ordered to be disbursed by the Country and the Country to be repaid out of the Kings Exchequer after the President of former times in like manner two thousand men were appointed to Rendezvous at the Port of Hull to be transported into the Netherlands for the service of the United-Provinces and two thousand were to be returned thence into England for his Majesties present service the mingling of a good proportion of old Souldiers and Officers with the new raised Companies was the ground of this exchange The remembrance of the late violence committed by Count Mansfield's Army in their passage to Dover occasioned a Proclamation to repress and prevent the like attempts of Soldiers as they now passed through the Counties to the places of their Rendezvous threatning the Offendors with the strictest proceedings against them for an Example of Terror and straitly commanding the Officers who have the charge of the Conduct for the removing of all occasions and pretences of disorders to see their Companies duely paid and provided of all necessaries and to be alwayes present with them and carefully to conduct them from place to place in like manner to prevent their Outrages when they should come to Plymouth or the parts adjoyning a Commission was sent impowering persons of trust upon any robbery fellony mutiny or other misdemeanors punishable with death by Martial Law committed by the Souldiers or other dissolute persons joyned with them to proceed to the trial and condemnation of all such Delinquents in such Summary course and order as is used in Armies in time of War according to the Law Martial and to cause Execution to be done in open view that others may take warning and be kept in due obedience The consummation of King Charles his Marriage with Henrietta Maria Daughter of France was near at hand The Treaty had proceeded far in his Fathers life time but was not in all points concluded the Articles were signed the year before by King Iames on the eleventh of May and by the French King on the Fourteenth of August On the Thirteenth of March this present year the Earls of Carlisle and Holland being then Ambassadors and Commissioners in France for this Marriage King Charls signed the Articles Besides the general there were other private Articles agreed upon in favor of the Papists of this Kingdom That the Catholicks as well Ecclesiasticks as Temporal imprisoned since the last Proclamation which followed the Breach with Spain should all be set at liberty That the English Catholicks should be no more searched after nor molested for their Religion That the Goods of the Catholicks as well Ecclesiastical as Temporal that were seised on since the forementioned Proclamation should be restored to them And on the Tenth of May as the first fruits of this promised Indulgence and favor the King granted unto Twenty Roman Priests a special Pardon of all Offences committed against the Laws then in force against Papists The Dispensation being come from Rome about the beginning of May the Espousals were made in Paris by Cardinal Richelieu The Ambassadors having first presented to the King the Contract of Marriage which was read openly by the Chancellor and his Majesty of France agreed thereunto The Duke of Chevereux likewise shewed his Procuration of power which the King of England had given him concerning the said Marriage The Archbishop of Paris pretended that it belonged to him to perform this Solemnity but the Cardinal carried it as well for the eminencie of his Dignity as for that he was chief Almoner and prime Curate of the Court. Sunday following the day appointed for these Nuptials the Bride went from the Louure about Nine in the morning to be dressed in the Archbishops house and afterwards the King Queen and Princesses and all the Court in rich Attire parted likewise from the Louure and came to the said house of the Archbishop and thence conducted the Bride to a Theatre exected on purpose before the Frontispiece of Nostre-Dame The Duke of Chevereux had Black habit lined with Cloth of Gold and beset with Diamonds The Earls of Carlisle and Holland Ambassadors were both clad in Beaten-Silver and went on each side of the Duke of Chevereux A Canopy being placed upon the Scaffold the King of France and Monsieur his Brother consigned the Queen of Great Britain their Sister into the hands of the Duke of Chevereux and the Marriage was solemnized according to the ordinary Ceremonies of that Church Which being performed they went in the same order and solemnity to Nostre-Dame the Duke of Chevereux going before the King When they came to the door of the Quire they made great Reverence to the King and Queen and then the Ambassadors retired into the Bishops house while Mass was said in the Church The Mass being ended the Duke of Chevereux and the Ambassadors came again to the door of the Quire to take their places and the same Order was observed in returning as in going And so they came from the Church into the Hall of the Archbishops house where the Feast Royal was made in as great magnificence as can be expressed The King sate under a Canopy at the middle of the Table and the Queen of Great Britain at his left hand and the Queen-Mother at his right the Duke of Chevereux sate next the Queen of England and the Earls of Carlisle and Holland next to the Duke To the intent that all
sorts of persons might partake of the Publick Joy Prisoners for Debts were set at liberty and Pardon was granted to several Criminals as an earnest of the Kings respect and love to his Sister after this new Alliance The Duke of Buckingham was sent into France to his Christian Majesty to send away the Wife to the King of Great Britain and to be her Convoy He arrived at Paris the 24. of May with the Earl of Montgomery and other English Lords and was lodged in the Palace of the Duke of Chevereux who with his Lady was to conduct the Queen into England there to render her to the King her Husband During the seven days stay which the Duke made at Park the Feastings and Rejoicings were renewed and multiplied Bonfires shining and Canons playing but none did equalize the Feast that was made by the Cardinal of Richelieu The Second of Iune was the time appointed for our Queens departure The King of France sent to the Towns in her way to render her Majesty all due honors as if it were to himself The King of England having notice that the Queen was gone from Amiens sent a Royal Navy to Boloign to transport her the Fleet saluted the Town with a hundred peece of Canon Among other great Ladies the Duchess of Buckingham was sent to kiss the Queens hands as from the King her Husband desiring her to take her own time of coming over with most conveniencie to her own person The 22. of Iune New Stile the Queen imbarqued at Boloign and within Twenty four hours arrived at Dover And as the King was preparing to receive her she sent to his Majesty to desire him not to come till the morrow because she had been somewhat indisposed at Sea She passed that night at Dover and the next day about Ten of the clock the King was there with the Flower of the Nobility and after some Complements past caused every-body to retire and they were half an hour together in the Closet Thence his Majesty conducted the Queen to Canterbury and the same evening the Marriage was there consummated Then the Queen in testimony of her respect and love to the King her Husband made it her first suit as afterwards the King made known That he would not be angry with her for her faults of Ignorance before he had first instructed her to eschew them For that she being young and coming into a strange Country both by her years and ignorance of the Customs of the Nation might commit many Errors And she desired him in such cases to use no Third person but by himself to inform her when he found she did ought amiss The King granted her request and thanked her for it desiring her to use him even as she had desired him to use her which she willingly promised The Knights and Gentlemen of Kent together with the Trained Bands were by Order of the Council commanded to attend and receive the Queen at the most convenient places as she passed in such solemn manner and equipage as beseemed the dignity of his Majesty and the quality of her person Likewise the Magistrates of the Cities and Towns were commanded to attend at her passage in such Formalities as are used in principal and extraordinary Solemnities On the Sixteenth of Iune the King and Queen came both to London Great preparations were made and intended for her Majesties reception but the Plague then increasing those Ceremonies were laid aside A Chappel at Somerset-house was built for the Queen and her Family with Conveniencies thereunto adjoining for Capuchin-Friers who were therein placed and had permission to walk abroad in their Religious habits Thence-forward greater multitudes of Seminary-Priests and Iesuites repaired into England out of Forein parts This Summer the Pestilence raged in London At the entrance of the late King there was a great Plague in the City but this was far greater and the greatest that ever was known in the Nation For which cause a great part of Trinity-Term was adjourned from the First Return to the Fourth by the advice of the Privy-Council and the Justices of the Courts at Westminster and some few days in the beginning and ending thereof were holden for the better expediting and continuing of Causes and Suits and the returning and suing out of Processes and such like business as might be done in the absence of the Parties by their Attornies On the Eighteenth day of Iune the Parliament began at Westminster The King being placed in his Royal Throne the Lords sitting in their Robes the Commons also being present his Majesty spake thus I Thank God that the Business to be treated on at this time is of such a nature that it needs no Eloquence to set it forth For I am neither able to do it neither doth it stand with my Nature to spend much time in words It is no new business being already happily begun by my Father of blessed memory who is with God therefore it needeth no Narrative I hope in God you will go on to maintain it as freely as you advised my Father to it It is true He may seem to some to have been slack to begin so just and so glorious a work but it was his wisdom that made him loth to begin a work until he might find a means to maintain it But after that he saw how much he was abused in the confidence he had with other States and was confirmed by your Advice to run the Course we are in with your Engagement to maintain it I need not press to prove how willingly he took your Advice for the Preparations that are made are better able to declare it then I to speak it The assistance of those in Germany the Fleet that is ready for action with the rest of the Preparations which I have only followed my Father in do sufficiently prove that he entred into this Action My Lords and Gentlemen I hope that you do remember that you were pleased to imploy me to advise my Father to break off those two Treaties that were on foot so that I cannot say that I came hither a free unengaged man It 's true I came into this business willingly and freely like a Young man and consequently rashly but it was by your interest your engagement So that though it were done like a Young man yet I cannot repent me of it and I think none can blame me for it knowing the love and fidelity you have borne to your King having my self likewise some little experience of your affections I pray you remember that this being my first Action and begun by your Advice and intreaty what a great Dishonor it were to you and me if this Action so begun should fail for that Assistance you are able to give me Yet knowing the constancie of your love both to me and this Business I needed not to have said this but only to shew what care and sense I have
of your Honors and mine own I must intreat you likewise to consider of the Times we are in how that I must adventure your lives which I should be loth to do should I continue you here long and you must venture the Business if you be slow in your resolutions Wherefore I hope you will take such grave Counsel as you will expedite what you have in hand to do Which will do me and your selves an infinite deal of honor You in shewing your love to me and me that I may perfect that work which my Father hath so happily begun Last of all Because some malicious men may and as I hear have given out that I am not so true a Keeper and Maintainer of the true true Religion that I profess I assure you that I may with S. Paul say that I have been trained up at Gamaliels feet And although I shall be never so arrogant as to assume unto my self the rest I shall so far shew the end of it that all the World may see that none hath been nor ever shall be more desirous to maintain the Religion I profess then I shall be Now because I am unfit for much speaking I mean to bring up the fashion of my Predecessors to have my Lord Keeper speak for me in most things Therefore I have commanded him to speak something unto you at this time which is more for formality then any great matter he hath to say unto you Then the Lord Keeper Coventry declared That the Kings main reason of calling the Parliament besides the beholding of his Subjects faces was to mind them of the great Engagements for the Recovery of the Palatinate imposed on his Majesty by the late King his Father and by themselves who brake off the two Treaties with Spain Also to let them understand That the succeeding Treaties and Alliances the Armies sent into the Low-Countries the repairing of the Forts and the Fortifying of Ireland do all meet in one Centre The Palatinate And that the Subsidies granted the last Parliament are herein already spent whereof the Accompt is ready together with as much more of the Kings own Revenue His Lordship further commended three Circumstances First The Time All Europe being at this day as the Pool of Bethesda the first stirring of the waters must be laid hold on Wherefore his Majesty desires them to bestow this Meeting on him or rather on their Actions and the next shall be theirs as soon and as long as they please for Domestick business Secondly Supply If Subsidies be thought too long and backward his Majesty desires to hear and not to propound the way Thirdly The Issue of Action which being the first doth highly concern his Majesties Honor and Reputation for which he relies upon their Loves with the greatest confidence that ever King had in his Subjects witness his Royal Poesie Amor Civium Regis Munimentum And he doubts not but as soon as he shall be known in Europe to be their King so soon shall they be known to be a loving and loyal Nation to him Iune 21. The Commons presented Sir Thomas Crew Knight and Serjeant at Law for their Speaker who was also Speaker in the last Parliament of King Iames and his Majesty approved the Choice After the House of Commons had setled their General Committees there were various Debates amongst them Some insisted upon the Grievances mentioned but not redressed by King Iames in the last Parliament others pressed for an accompt of the last Subsidies granted for recovery of the Palatinate others for the putting of Laws in execution against Priests and Jesuits and such as resorted to Ambassadors Houses and the questioning of Mr. Richard Montague for his Book intituled An Appeal to Caesar which as they said was contrived and published to put a jealousie between the King and his well-affected Subjects and contained many things contrary to the Articles of Religion established by Parliament and that the whole frame thereof was an encouragement to Popery Others again declared how the King no sooner came to the Crown but he desired to meet his people in Parliament it being the surest way to preserve a right understanding between him and them that since he began to reign the Grievances are few or none and when he was Prince he was observed to be very instrumental in procuring things for the Subjects benefit Wherefore it will be the wisdom of this House to take a course to sweeten all things between King and People and to express their duty to the King by giving Supply and therewith to offer nothing but a Petition for Religion that Religion and Subsidies may go hand in hand And whatsoever they did it was needful to do it quickly considering how greatly the Plague increased and the Bell was tolling every minute while they were speaking The Commons moved the Lords to joyn in a Petition to the King for a Publick Fast whereunto their Lordships readily concurred and the King consenting a Proclamation was issued forth for a Fast throughout the Kingdom Several particular Committees were appointed One to enquire of the Subsidies given the last Parliament another to consider of Tonnage and Poundage The Imposition on Wines was Voted upon the Merchants Petition to be presented as a Grievance Sir Edward Cook went to the House of Peers with a Message from the Commons desiring their concurrence in a Petition concerning Religion and against Recusants which being agreed unto and presented to the King his Majesty answered That he was glad that the Parliament was so forward in Religion and assured them they should finde him as forward that the Petition being long could not be presently answered Mr. Richard Montague was brought to the Bar of the Commons House for his fore-named Book This Cause began in the One and twentieth of King Iames when he had published a former Book which he named A New Gagg for an Old Goose in answer to a Popish Book entituled A Gagg for the New Gospel The business was then questioned in Parliament and committed to the Archbishop of Canterbury and ended in an Admonition given to Montague Afterwards the Bishops of the Arminian Party consulting the Propagation of the Five Articles condemned in the Synod of Dort concluded that Mr. Montague being already engaged in the quarrel should publish this latter Book at first attested by their Joynt-Authorities which afterwards they withdrew by subtilty having procured the Subscription of Doctor Francis White whom they left to appear alone in the Testimony as himself ofttimes complained publickly The Archbishop disallowed the Book and sought to suppress it nevertheless it was Printed and Dedicated unto King Charles whereby that party did endeavor to engage him in the beginning of his Reign The House appointed a Committee to examine the Errors therein and gave the Archbishop thanks for the admonition given to the Author whose Books they Voted to be contrary to the Articles established by
the Parliament to tend to the Kings dishonor and disturbance of Church and State and took Bond for his appearance Hereupon the King intimated to the House that the things determined concerning Mountague without his Privity did not please him for that he was his Servant and Chaplain in Ordinary and he had taken the business into his own hands whereat the Commons seemed to be much displeased Howbeit to take away all occasion of disgust from the King at the entrance of his Reign both Houses did humbly present two Subsidies granted to his Majesty as the first-fruits of their love whereof they craved acceptance The Lord Conway Secretary of State signified to the House of Lords the Commons being present the Kings gracious acceptance of the Bill of Two Subsidies Yet that the necessities of the present Affairs were not therein satisfied but required their further Counsels He reminded them that the late King was provoked beyond his nature to undertake a War for the recovery of his Childrens Antient Patrimony The charges of this War appeared by Computation to amount unto Seven hundred thousand pounds a year to support the Netherlands and to prevent the Emperors design of concluding with the Princes of Germany utterly to exclude the Palsgrave he levied an Army under Count Mansfield The Kings of Denmark and Sweden and the Princes of Germany levied another France Savoy and Venice joyned together for a War of Diversion and to uphold the Netherlands the charges of Mansfield and Denmarks Army must yet continue After this the Lord Keeper delivered a short Message from the King to both Houses That to the Petition of the Lords and Commons touching Religion his Majesty was pleased at the first to answer Gratiously but now he hath sent them a fuller Answer even an assurance of his real performance in every particular The Houses were preparing several Acts as against giving and taking of Bribes for places of Judicature about pressing of Soldiers and Tonnage and Poundage c. But by reason of the great increase of the Plague as appeared that week by the Bill of Mortality the King being moved by the Houses to grant a short Recess adjourned the Parliament to Oxford to reassemble the first of August following And for the same reason the receipt of the Kings Exchequer was removed from Westminster to Richmond and all Fairs within Fifty miles of London were prohibited to prevent a more general contagion In the time of this Recess the Vantguard a principal Ship of the Royal Navy with seven Merchant Ships of great burden and strength were lent to the French King and employed against Rochel which was thus brought about King Iames in his life time being in Treaty for a Marriage between his Son and the now Queen and entring into a War against the King of Spain and his Allies in Italy and the Valtoline had passed some Promise for the procuring or lending of ships to the French King upon reasonable Conditions but in no wise intending they should serve against Rochel or any of our Religion in France For the French Ministers pretended that the Ships should be employed onely against Genoa but afterwards the Protestants in France intimating their suspition that the design for Italy was a meer pretence to make up an Army to fall upon the Rochellers and others of the Religion King Iames willing to perform his promise and yet to secure the Protestants directed that the greater number of those that served in the Ships should be English whereby he might keep the power in his own hands For the performance of this Engagement the forenamed Ships were at this time commanded to the Coasts of France Nevertheless there wanted a sufficient care to prevent the abusing and inslaving them to the designs of the French King Captain Iohn Pennington the Admiral of this Fleet was much unsatisfied and presented to the Duke of Buckingham Lord High Admiral his Exceptions to the Contract between his Majesty and that King and chiefly for that the Companies were bound to fight at the French Kings Command against any Nation except their own and that the French might put aboard them as many of their own people as they pleased The Vantguard arived at Deep but the rest lingred behinde for the Companies understanding that the French design was to surprise the Ships and to block up the Harbor of Rochel resolved to sink rather then go against those of their own Religion Captain Pennington received Letters from the Duke and a Warrant from Secretary Conway in the Kings Name to command him to deliver up the Ships to the hands of such Frenchmen as his Christian Majesty shall appoint but withal directing him not to dissert his charge by which latter passage he was willing to understand that it was not the Dukes intention that he should dispossess himself and his Companies of them for he supposed his Grace had no such unjust thought as to continue him there alone These Orders were delivered unto him by the hands of the French Ambassador together with a Letter from the French King which willed him to receive his Soldiers and his Admiral the Duke of Montmorance and joyn with his Fleet against his Rebellious Subjects Whereupon the Ambassador urged the Surrender of the Ship and nothing would satisfie him but a present possession and a discharge of the English Soldiers save a very few in case they were willing to be entertained in the service Pennington after much dispute although he were promised an ample reward in Money to be given him at the Surrender and of a Royal Pension during his life came to this resolute Answer That without an express and clear Warrant he would not surrender nor discharge a man of his Company Whereupon the French Ambassadors Secretary came two several times to the Ship to protest against the Captain as a Rebel to his King and Countrey but at the making of the last Protest which was accompanied with threatning Speeches the Soldiers and Mariners grew into such a fury and tumult that they got up their Anchors and set fail for England saying They would rather be hanged at home then surrender the Ship or be Slaves to the French and fight against their own Religion All which Captain Pennington did not gainsay nor oppose but when they came to Anchor in the Downs he advertised the Duke of all that had hapned and craved further direction but complained of the Bondage of this Engagement assuring him That the Mariners would rather be hanged then return again into France So in all the rest of the Ships the Captains and Companies utterly refused the Service and protested against it though they were tempted with Chains of Gold and other Rewards All this while the Body of the Council were ignorant of any other design then th● of Genoa then divers persons came over from the Duke of Rohan and the Protestants of France to sollicit the King and Council against
concerning Religion and that his Answer be Inrolled with the force of an Act of Parliament Also that the House consider of the new prepared Fleet and Army and whither intended no Enemy being yet declared That great Sums of Money were given for places to the value of an Hundred and forty thousand pounds at least that the King should contribute to help the Palatinates Cause with his own Estate that the time of the year was too far spent for the Fleet to go forth in Service that inquiry be made whether the Duke brake not the Match with Spain out of Spleen and Malice to Conde Olivares whether he made not the Match with France upon harder terms and whether the Ships lent against Rochel were not maintained with the Subsidies given for the relief of the Palatinate that an Advised Counsel for the Government of the present Affairs and to look into the Kings Estate is necessary that his Majesty be desired to give his Answer concerning the Imposition on Wines and Select Committees draw out these Heads at large to be presented to the King The doing whereof they said was no Capitulation with his Majesty but an ordinary Parliamentary course Without which the Commonwealth could never supply the King nor indeed subsist Soon after the Commons had a Conference with the Lords desiring their Concurrence in presenting to the King these Matters following That notwithstanding the Lords and Commons at their last Meeting this Session did Petition his Majesty for the advancing of Gods true Religion and the suppressing of Popery unto which his Majesty vouchsafed as well from his own Mouth as by the Lord Keeper to return such Answer as assured them of his Royal performance yet at this Meeting they finde That on the 12 of Iuly last his Majesty granted a Pardon unto Alexander Baker a Jesuite and unto Ten other Papists which as the Commons have been informed was gotten by the importunity of some Foreign Ambassador and passed by immediate Warrant and was recommended by the Principal Secretary of State without the payment of the ordinary Fees And further That divers Copies of Letters and other Papers being found in the house of one Mary Estmonds in Dorsetshire by two Justices of Peace who thereupon tendred her the Oath of Alleagiance and upon her refusal committed her to the Constable from whom she made an escape and complained to the King The Principal Secretary did write to those two Justices in favor of her Upon these Passages the Commons made Observations first upon the date of the Pardon which was the next day after his Majesties Answer by the Lord Keeper to their Petition concerning Religion secondly That the Pardon dispenced with several Laws as of the 21 and 27 of Queen Elizabeth and of the Third of King Iames provided to keep the Subjects in due obedience thirdly That the Pardon was signed by the Principal Secretary of State and therefore the Commons declared that these actings tended to the prejudice of true Religion his Majesties dishonor the discountenancing of the Ministers of Justice the grief of the good people the animating of the Popish party who by such examples grew more proud and insolent and to the discouragement of the High Court of Parliament All which they humbly desire his Majesty to take into due consideration and to give effectual and speedy Redress therein The Lord Conway principal Secretary of State being called to give an Accompt of this business answered That he ever hated the Popish Religion That the Pardon was granted before the King answered their Petition though it bore not date till afterwards That the King commanded the doing thereof and that no Fees should be taken That he was commanded by the King to write a Letter in favor of the Woman in Dorset-shire and what he did therein was to take off all scandal from the King though it lighted upon himself This Conference no sooner ended but both Houses were ordered to meet at Christ-Church to receive an Answer to their Petition concerning Religion To every Clause whereof his Majesty answered in a Parliamentary way The Petition Remedies and the Kings Answer we give you intermixt for the better understanding the Answer to every respective Clause distinctly To the Kings most Excellent Majesty Most Gracious Soveraign IT being infallibly true that nothing can more establish the Throne and assure the peace and prosperity of the people then the unity and sincerity of Religion We your most humble and loyal Subjects the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons of this present Parliament assembled hold our selves bound in conscience and duty to represent the same to your Sacred Majesty together with the dangerous Consequences of the increase of Popery in this Land and what we conceive to be the principal Causes thereof and what may be the Remedies The Dangers appear in these particulars I. In their desperate ends being both the subversion of Church and State and the restlesness of their spirits to attain these ends the Doctrine of their Teachers and Leaders perswading them that therein they do God good service II. Their evident and strict dependencie upon such Forein Princes as no way affect the good of your Majesty and this State III. The opening a way of Popularity to the Ambition of any who shall adventure to make himself Head of so great a Party The principal Cause of the Increase of Papists I. The want of the due execution of Laws against Iesuites Seminary Priests and Popish Recusants occasioned partly by the connivencie o● the State partly by defects in the Laws themselves and partly by the manifold acuse of Officers II. The interposing of Foreign Princes by their Ambassadors and agents in favor of them III. Their great Concourse to the City and frequent Conferences and Conventicles there IV. The open and usual resort to the Houses and Chappels of Forein Ambassadors V. The Education of their Children in Seminaries and Houses of their Religion in Foreign parts which of late have been greatly multiplied and enlarged for entertaining of the English VI. That in some places of your Realm your people be not sufficiently instructed in the knowledge of true Religion VII The licentious printing and dispersing of Popish and Seditious Books VIII The imployment of men ill-affected in Religion in places of Government who do shall or may countenance the Popish party The Remedies against this outragious and dangerous disease We conceive to be these ensuing I. That the Youth of this Realm be carefully educated by able and Religious Schoolmasters and they to be enjoined to Catechise and instruct their Scholars in the grounds and principles of true Religion And whereas by many Complaints from divers parts of the Kingdom it doth plainly appear That sundry Popish Scholars dissembling their Religion have craftily crept in and obtained the places of Teaching in divers Counties and thereby infected and perverted their Scholars and so fitted them to be transported to the Popish Seminaries beyond
having received all he had from his Majesty was most desirous and held it a happiness to pour it out upon his service and occasions and had laid out of his own purse Four and forty thousands pounds and the Treasurer of the Navy at his request had laid out Fifty thousand pounds that he entred not into this business upon his own head but fortified with the Advice and Counsel of those worthy persons the Lord Conway the Lord Chichester Lord Grandison Lord Carew Sir Robert Mansel and Sir Iohn Cook Their last consultation was of the War next of the means but both one and the other was justified by more then himself he never did any thing but by them he either repairing unto them or else they did him the honor to resort to his Chamber afterward the business with the Kings leave was imparted to all the Lords of the Council and the account was made unto them and allowed by them who said there openly his Majesty being present that if this were put in execution it would do well and gave some Attribute unto it And Sir Iohn Cook justified the shewing and the approving of these Accounts at the Council Table the Accounts consisted of long particulars of Souldiers to be levied Mariners to be pressed forwarding of Ships and provisions and that nothing wanted but Money He proceeded yet further and shewed that he was so Religious to guide these great Affairs by Council as that at his journey into France which fell out about this time he desired his Majesty to recommend the business to a select Council which his Majesty did who in his absence took care of the same Object 2. Why did not his Majesty declare the Enemy presently upon granting those three Susidies Answ. His Majesty considered the State of Christendom at that Season and found it full of danger to declare the Enemy for three Reasons First because the great Enemy would be more prepared secondly Spain being the Enemy our Merchants goods would be imbarged which are now drawing home thirdly our Friends finding us so long unprepared after our Declaration would never believe any reality in our intentions Object 3. Whether a considerable sum of money be yet required Answ. Forty thousand pounds is yet necessary but our Master is exhausted his Treasure anticipated his Lands pawned his Plate offered to be pawned but not accepted and yet his Majesty must be maintained Object 4. Why was not this want of Money foreseen but now onely thought upon unexpectedly and dangerously considering the sickness Answ. It was foreseen before but interrupted by unfortunate accidents the death of the late King the Funeral which for decency could follow no sooner the Journey into France and the Marriage which procured more delay then was expected but necessary At the opening of the Parliament his Majesty did declare this Necessity and told the House plainly that this sitting must not be for Counsel but Resolution and when he understood the grant of two Subsidies he conceived that money to be a matter of Custom to welcom him to the Crown Object 5. Who gave counsel to his Majesty so suddenly when the sickness was so dangerously spread to convene this Parliamant Answ. His Majesty commanded him the Duke to say that it was the business it self that gave this counsel and the necessity of it else his Majesty would not have hazarded the two Houses nor the rest of the Kingdom if he had been able any way without the Parliaments Supply to set out the Navy Object 6. Is not the time of the year too far spent for the Navy to go forth Answ. The King answered this formerly better half the Navy perish then the going thereof should be stayed it would argue such want of Counsel Courage and Experience in the Design such beggerliness in being not able to go through with it that it may not be diverted the season of the year suiting with the Design as could be demonstrated if the Design might not be published thereby Object 7. Whether those Eight Ships lent to the French King which were imployed against the Rochellers were not paid with the Subsidy-money Answ. Those Eight Ships were imployed at the charge of the French King Secondly it is not alway fit for Kings to give account of their Counsels judge the thing by the event Object 8. Whether the Duke having been our Servant to break the Match with Spain made not a worse Match with France and upon harsher terms Answ. I hope the contrary will appear by the Answer to your Petition Object 9. Did not the Duke serve us in breaking the two Treaties with Spain out of spleen and malice to Conde Olivares Answ. There was no cause to hate Olivares who was the means to make him happy for out of his hands came those papers by which the Duke gained the love of this Nation which before thought not so well of him he was not vindicative in his Nature he can forgive those which had no such natural respect to their Country as Olivares had neither doth the Duke love that any man should be an instrument by ill means to do a good Action as Olivares intended to serve his Master and Kingdom by indirect means and he could make a proof that he was not vindicative he can forgive one of our own Nation that concurred with Olivares but he was minded to leave that business asleep which if it should awake would prove a Lion to devour him who as he said he meant one of our Nation who cooperated with Olivares Object 10. It will be objected That hitherto the Duke speaketh of immcense charges which the Kingdom is not able to bear as to assist the King of Denmark with Thirty thousand pounds per Moneth Count Mansfield with Twenty thousand pounds per Moneth the Low-Countries with Eight thousand pounds per Moneth and Two thousand six hundred pounds per Moneth for Ireland Answ. Make the King Chief of the War by a diversion and he will give a greater advantage to all his Allies then by allowing of them Fifty thousand pounds nay a Hundred thousand pounds per Moneth What is it for his Allies to scratch with the King of Spain to take a Town to day and lose it to morrow for it is almost impossible to hope for a Conquest in this kinde the King of Spain being so able by Land but let the King our Soveraign be Master of the Wars elsewhere and make a Diversion and let the Enemy be compelled to spend his Money and Men in other places and our Allies in those parts will be suddenly and perceivedly strengthened and enabled and by this kinde of War you send no Coyn out of the Land you issue nothing but Beef Mutton and Powder and the Kingdom is not impoverished but may make good Returns Object 11. But where is the Enemy Answ. Make the Fleet ready to go out and the King bids you name the Enemy your selves put the Sword into his Majesties hands
and he will improve it to your honor and the good of Religion as you issue nothing that is loss so you will bring home something that is gain and henceforward maintain the War by the perquisites thereof make but once an Entrance it may afterwards be maintained with profit when the Enemy is declared you may have Letters of Mart none shall be denied I have not been so idle but I shall make Propositions of advantage whither your selves may go and shall have the honey of the business August 9. 1625. After the Commons returned from the House of Lords they made Report of this Business unto the House which occasioned variety of Opinions Some were for giving the King present Supply who had made so gracious an Answer to the Petition for Religion and given direction that the same should be Inrolled pressing further That this Supply was not for the Kings own particular Wants but for the Honor and Defence of the Kingdom and that it might prove dangerous not to comply with the King in a modest and just desire Others were of a contrary minde and said It was requisite to present to his Majesty the means how he may live glorious at home and how he may be feared abroad by having his Designs better mannaged and an Enemy Declared Then may spurs be added to the Sea-horse and the King of Spain infested at a lesser charge and we better secured from Papists at home whose hearts are knit with the Spaniard and whose Estates may liberally contribute to the War and the great Sums given for Honors and Offices would go far in setting forth a Fleet at Sea and the Subject not be always importuned for Supply But the further Debate of this Business was put off till the next day being Wednesday the Tenth of August The next day the King sends a Message to the Commons wherein he takes notice that the House intended to enter into Consideration of divers heads concerning the King and the Common-wealth that he was pleased with their good intentions but desired them to consider his Affairs which require a speedy dispatch the season of the year was far spent yet the time not unseasonable for the Design that if the Plague should happen in the Navy the Action would be lost that if any of the House should be touched with the sickness much inconvenience would ensue by an abrupt breaking up therefore desires a present Answer about Supply if not he will take more care of the Commons then they will of themselves and will make as good a shift for himself as he can to go through with this present occasion and offereth that the Parliament shall meet again in Winter at what time they please upon his Royal word and hold together till they have perfected all things for the good of the Common-wealth and the King which are now in conception and desires them to consider it was the first Request that ever he made unto them Hereupon some earnestly pressed the giving of two Subsidies and two Fifteens his Majesties honor and the Necessity of his Affairs requiring it as it appeared out of Considerations already frequently represented Others replied that Necessity is a dangerous Counsellor and is a continual Argument of Supplies in all Parliaments that those Counsellors who have put the King and Kingdom into such a Necessity and hazard ought to answer for it whosoever they be that if the State of things will not admit a Redress of Grievances surely there is not so much necessity for money to give Subsidy upon Subsidy in one Parliament is not usual in the Eighteenth year of Henry the third there was one punished for pressing of more Subsidies when Subsidies had been granted before in that Parliament In the end it was proposed that a Report be made to the King that they have regard to his Honor Necessity and Safety and the safety of the Kingdom and that they will assist his Majesty in any honorable Action grounded upon sound Councils and that something be drawn up in writing to that purpose accordingly the House agreed upon a short Declaration which was assented unto without a Negative WE the Knights Cittzens and Burgesses of the Commons House of Parliament being the Representative body of the whole Commons of this Realm abundantly comforted in his Majesties late gracious Answer touching Religion and his Message for the care of our health do Solemnly protest and vow before God and the world with one heart and voice that we are all resolved and do hereby declare that we will ever continue most Loyal and obedient Subjects to our most gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles and that we will be ready in convenient time and in a Parliamentary way freely and dutifully to do our utmost endeavors to discover and reform the Abuses and Grievances of the Realm and State and in like sort of afford all necessary Supply to his most Excellent Majesty upon his present and all other his just Occasions and Designs most humbly beseeching our said Dear and Dread Soveraign in his Princely wisdom and goodness to rest assured of the true and hearty affections of his poor Commons and to esteem the same to be as we conceive it is indeed the greatest worldly reputation and security that a just King can have and to accompt all such as slanderers of the peoples affections and Enemies to the Common-wealth that shall dare to say the contrary This Declaration was sent to the King by such of the Privy-Council as were Members of the House Notwithstanding the King perceiving the House resolved against Supply without Redress of Grievances and in their Debates to reflect upon some great Persons near unto him the 12th of August sent to the House of Peers a Commission directed to several Lords for the Dissolution of the Parliament whereupon the Gentleman-Usher was commanded to signifie to the Speaker of the House of Commons that the Lords had received his Majesties Commission which was read unto both Houses whereupon the Commons with their Speaker went up presently to the Lords heard the Commission read and the Parliament declared to be dissolved At this Parliament begun and holden by Prorogation at Westminster the 18th day of Iune Anno Regis Caroli Primo 1625. these Acts were passed 1. AN Act for the punishing of divers Abuses committed on the Lords-Day commonly called Sunday 2. An Act to enable the King to make Leases of Lands parcel of the Dutchy of Cornwal 3. An Act for the ease of obtaining Licenses of Alienation and in the pleading of Alienations with licence or of Pardons of Alienations without licence in the Court of Exchequer or elsewhere 4. An Act to restrain Tipling in Inns and Ale-houses 5. An Act for the Subsidy of the Clergy 6. An Act for the two Subsidies of the Temporalty 7. An Act that this Session of Parliament shall not determine by his Majesties assent to this and some other Acts. 8. An Act
State when they were none Recovered Henry the Fourth of France his Kingdom when he had nothing left but the Town of Diep Conquered the Invincible Navy of Spain in Anno 1588. Took Towns in Portugal the Year following and marched One hundred miles upon the Firm ground Fired or brought away the Spanish Navy before Cadiz and sack'd the Town took the Spanish ships daily and spoiled the Port-Towns of the West-Indies never losing but one ship during the Spanish War reducing the Condition of that King from a Fifth Monarchy to so low an Ebb that in one Year he paid Two thousand five hundred Millions of Duckets for Interest so as after he was enforced to beg Treaties of Peace and low Terms at the last Queen-Regents hands III. The Cause of the good Success then A Carriage and readiness to assist their Soveraign in purse and person A Wisdom and Gravity of Council who ordered nothing but by publick Debate and then assisted with the Military Professors either by Land or Sea of the best repute and such only imployed IV. In what Condition we now stand By the loss of Reputation by the ill success in the Voyage for Algier in the Palatinate in the Expedition with Mansfield in the last to Cadiz The Reasons are The uncheerfulness we have either to adventure our purses or persons occasioned by a distrust we have of the success the want of the like Courses and Councils that were formerly used It was wished that for every of the Four Heads there were a particular Committee to examine and prepare a Report for the Houses and the House upon every Report to put it self into a Committee of the whole Assembly and after a full and deliberate Debate to order a Model or Form for a Conference with the Lords and so together humbly to present to his Majesty a Remonstrance of their Labor offering withall a second Consultation and Debate amongst themselves for finding out the fittest means both for the defence of the State and our Allies Reformation of the Errors and a constant way to raise such Supplies as may enable his Majesty to proceed cheerfully and as they hoped assuredly in this his glorious Action not only for himself and State but all that profess the same Religion and are like to be overwhelmed in the Ambition of the Spanish Monarchy Also a Committee was named concerning Religion and the Growth o● Popery and Montague's Appeal to Caesar was again brought in question This Book the Commons referred to the Committee for Religion from whom Mr. Pym Reported to the House the several Erroneous Op●nions therein contained and the House passed their Votes thereupon That Mr. Montague endeavored to reconcile England to Rome and to alienate the Kings affections from his well-affected Subjects The Articles exhibited against him were these Articles exhibited by the Commons against Richard Montague Clerk THat he the said Richard Montague in or about the 21. year of the Reign of our late Soveraign Lord King Iames of famous memory hath caused to be Printed and in his name to be Published one Book called An Answer to the late Gagg of Protestants and in or about Anno 22. of the same King he caused to be Printed and Published one other Book Entituled A Treatise of the Invocations of Saints and likewise in the First year of his Majesties Reign that now is he procured to be Printed and in his name to be Published another Book Entituled An Appeal to Caesar In every of which Books he hath maintained and confirmed some Doctrine contrary or repugnant to the Articles agreed by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Provinces and the whole Clergy holden in the Convocation at London Anno Domini 1562. according to the computation of the Church of England for avoiding Diversity of Opinions and for establishing Consent touching true Religion All which appears in the places hereafter mentioned and in divers other places and passages of the same Books And by his so doing hath broken the Laws and Statutes of this Realm in that Case provided and very much disturbed both the Peace of Church and Commonwealth I. Whereas in the Five and thirtieth Article of the Articles aforementioned it is declared That the Second Book of Homilies doth contain a Godly and wholesom Doctrine in the sixteenth Homily of which Book it is determined That the Church of Rome as it is at present and hath been for the space of Nine hundred years and odd is so far wide from the nature of a True Church that nothing can be more He the said Richard Montague in several places of his said Book called The Answer to the Gagg and in his other Book called The Appeal doth advisedly maintain and affirm That the Church of Rome is and ever was a True Church since it was a Church II. Whereas in the same Homily it is likewise declared That the Church of Rome is not built upon the Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles and in the Eight and twentieth Article of the said Articles That Transubstantiation overthroweth the nature of a Sacrament and in the Five and twentieth of the same Article That five other reputed Sacraments of the Church of Rome are not to be accounted Sacraments yet contrary and repugnant hereunto he the said Richard Montague doth maintain and affirm in his Book aforesaid called The Answer to the Gagg That the Church of Rome hath ever remained firm upon the same Foundation of Sacraments and Doctrine instituted by God III. In the nineteenth of the same Article it is further determined That the Church of Rome hath erred not onely in their living and matters of Ceremony but also in matters of Faith He the said Richard Montague speaking of those Points which belong to Faith and good manners Hope and Charity doth in the said Book called The Gagg affirm and maintain That none of these are controverted in their Points meaning the Protestants and Papists and notwithstanding that in the One and thirtieth Article it is resolved That the Sacrifice of Masses in which as it is commonly said the Priest did offer Christ for the Quick and the Dead to have remission of Pain and Guilt too is a Blasphemous Fable and dangerous Deceit this being one of the Points controverted between the Church of England and the Church of Rome The said Richard Montague in his Book called The Gagg doth affirm and maintain That the controverted Points are of a lesser and inferior nature of which a man may be ignorant without any danger of his Soul at all a man may resolve to oppose this or that without peril of perishing for ever IV. Whereas in the second Homily Entituled Against Peril of Idolatry contained in the aforesaid Book of Homilies approved by the Seven and thirtieth mrticle aforementioned It is declared That Images teach no good Lesson neither of God nor Godliness but all Error and Wickedness He the said Richard Montague in the Book of Gagg aforesaid doth affirm and maintain
thereupon their Lordships will be pleased to take care that the Grand-Iury men either by Evidence or their own Knowledge indict them which are not already indicted before the end of the Assises and that their Lordships admit no Traverse unless the Persons convicted have first yeilded their bodies into the custody of the Sheriff as their Lordships know well all the Iudges with one voice resolved the Law to be 3 That there be special care taken of Schoolmasters and Teachers of any kinde who are Popish that they be presented and proceeded against 4. That their Lordships give knowledge to the Counties where they sit that the married Women who are Popish Recusants convicted by the Law ought to be committed to the Common-Goal without Bail unless their husbands redeem their liberty by the constant payment of 10 l. a moneth and that it must be executed Your Lordships ready to be commanded ROB. HEATH Inner-Temple Mar. 7. 1625. The Commons proceeded in the Examination of Grievances and had a Report made unto them That the reason wherefore our Merchants Ships and Goods were seised in France was by reason of Sir Iames Bagg Vice-Admiral for Cornwal and other mens dealings towards the French in seising upon their goods in several Ports in England and particularly the seising of the Ship called the Peter of New-haven and brought into Plymouth by order from the Lord Duke after the King and Council had ordered this Ship to be restored upon a just Claim and that the Court of Admiralty had also released her That till this action the French did not begin to seise any English Goods or Ships That twenty and three bags of silver and eight bags of gold were by Sir Francis Steward delivered to the Lord Duke the Duke having notice hereof said he would justifie the stay of the Ship by order from the King The Council of War appointed to manage the business for the relief of the Palatinate were called into the House of Commons and this Question was propounded unto them Whether their Advice was followed which they gave for the four Ends mentioned in the Act of Parliament 21 Iacobi for which the moneys given by that Act were to issue Lord Carey Earl of Totnes and Lord Brook desired to be excused from answering the Lord Vere said He had been much absent in the Low-Countries and could say little the Lord Grandison said that since Iuly last they had seldom met Sir Robert Mansel and Sir Iohn Oyle desired a Copy of the Question and that they might all confer together before they gave Answer to a Question of this Concernment Afterwards the same persons except the Lord Vere were called in again who gave unsatisfactory answers when they were pressed to deal clearly and fully in the business It was answered by some of them That they conceived by the Act of Parliament they were bound to make no other Answer then what they had done Others desired before they answered that they might have the Kings consent first That obtained and a special Order of the House requiring an Answer Sir Robert Mansel declared his readiness to give a cleer and full Account While matters were thus debated Mr Secretary Cook delivered a Message from the King to the Commons declaring his Majesties occasion for Supply This Message was strengthened by a Conference which the Lords desired with the Commons where William Earl of Pembrook represented the Affairs of Christendom how they stood before the breach of the Treaties with Spain and how at that present shewing That the condition of the Palatinate was nothing bettered That Count Mansfiels Army was raised for the diversion of the League Catholick in Germany That the King of Denmark had thereupon engaged himself to stand or fall in this Quarrel in case of Supplies That the Swedes were forward and lastly That his Majesty had made a strict Alliance with the Hollander upon these terms That they shall bear a fourth part of the expence of our Navy and onely have a fourth part of the spoils the Lands and Cities conquered to be the Kings The fruits of all rich advantages will be lost if a speedy Assistance be not resolved on The Commons not thinking fit to take into consideration the matter of Supply at present call for a Report from the Committee appointed to consider of the Causes and Remedies of Evils which being made by Mr Wandesford it was resolved That the Diminution of the Kingdom in strength and honor is a general Evil which we suffer under a second the increase and countenancing of Papists a third the not guarding of the narrow Seas a fourth Plurality of Offices in one hand a fifth sales of Honors and places of Judicature a sixth delivery up of Ships to the French a Seventh misimployment of three Subsidies and three fifteens c. And they further ordered That the Duke whom these Misdemenors especially reflected on have notice that the Commons House intend suddenly to resume the debate of these things and Mr Clement Cook said openly That it were better to die by an Enemy then to suffer at home The Lords at that time more readily complying with the Kings desires appointed a Committee to consider of the safety and defence of the Kingdom in general and particularly of the safeguard of the Seas the store of Ammunition and Arms and all things incident thereunto and of strengthening the Forts for this the King gave them thanks and desired them to proceed with alacrity The Committee of Lords made haste and reported their advice to the House That one Fleet be presently set to Sea against the King of Spain to annoy him and to prevent the Invasion of this Kingdom That another be set out to defend our own Coasts and the Merchants from Pirats and that consideration be had of maintaining the Armies under the King of Denmark and Count Mansfield but the House would give no opinion thereupon till they had Conference with the House of Commons which was desired upon this occasion To which Message the Commons onely returned this Answer That they desire to have a good correspondency with their Lordships and will be ever carefull of the safety and defence of the Kingdom and maintain their own priviledges as is fitting and immediately proceed with the debate concerning the Duke which was a little interrupted as well by a Letter of the Kings to the Speaker as by a Message delivered by Sir Richard Weston touching Supply King Charles to the Speaker Trusty and Welbeloved c. HAving assembled the Parliament early in the beginning of the year for the more timely help and advice of our People in our great and important Affairs and having of late not onely by Message but also of our self put our House of Commons in minde of our pressing occasions and of the present Estate of Christendom wherein they have equal interest with us as well in respect of their own former engagements
not but to give you an honest accompt of all my Actions herein And if I shall first to my grave I desire if you find me cleer the reputation of an Honest man and an English-man may attend me thereunto Thus I rest Your dutiful and humble Servant SAMUEL TURNER To the Honorable Sir Henage Finch Speaker of the House of Commons The Monday following Sir W. Walter if the Name be not miswritten in our Collections represented to the House That the Cause of all the Grievances was for that according as it was said of Lewis the Eleventh King of France All the Kings Council rides upon one horse And therefore the Parliament was to advise his Majesty as Iethro did Moses to take unto him Assistants with these qualities 1. Noble from among all the People not Upstarts and of a Nights growth 2. Men of Courage such as will execute their own Places and not commit them to base and undeserving Deputies 3. Fearing God who halt not betwixt two opinions or incline to False worship in respect of a Mother Wife or Father 4. Dealing truly for Courtship Flattery and Pretence become not Kings Councellors but they must be such as the King and Kingdom may trust 5. Hating Covetousness No Bribers nor Sellers of Places in Church or Commonwealth much less Honors and Places about the King and least of all such as live upon other mens ruines 6. They should be many set over Thousands Hundreds Fifties and Tens one Man not ingrossing all Where there is abundance of Counsel there is Peace and Safety 7. They must judge of small matters the greater must go to the King himself not all to the Council much less any one Counsellor must alone manage the whole weight but Royal actions must be done only by the King 8. Lastly Moses chose them Elders not Young men Solomon by miracle and revelation was wise being young but neither his Son nor his young Counsellors had that priviledge No more is it expected in any of our Counsellors until by age and experience they have attained it Sir Iohn Elliot continued the Debate and thus spake WE have had says he a representation of great fear but I hope that shall not darken our understandings There are but two things considerable in this business First the Occasion of our Meeting and secondly the present State of our own Country The first of these we all know and it hath at large been made known unto us and therefore needeth no dispute The latter of these we ought to make known and draw and shew it as in a Perspective in this House For our wills and affections were never more clear more ready as to his Majesty but perhaps bauk'd and check'd in our forwardness by those the King intrusts with the affairs of the Kingdom The last Action was the Kings first Action and the first Actions and Designs of Kings are of great observance in the eye of the World for therein much dependeth the esteem or disesteem of their future proceedings And in this Action the King and Kingdom have suffered much dishonor We are weakned in our strength and safety and many of our men and ships are lost This great Design was fixed on the person of the Lord General who had the whole Command both by Sea and Land And can this great General think it sufficient to put in his Deputy and stay at home Count Mansfield's Actions were so miserable and the going out of those men so ill managed as we are scarce able to say they went out That handful of men sent to the Palatinate and not seconded what a loss was it to all Germany We know well who had then the Kings ear I could speak of the Action of Algier but I will not look so far backward Are not Honors now sold and made despicable Are not Judicial Places sold and do not they then sell Justice again Vendere jure potest emerat ille prius Tully in an Oration against Verres notes That the Nations were Suitors to the Senate of Rome that the Law De pecuniis repetundis might be recalled Which seems strange that those that were Suitors for the Law should seek again to repeal it but the reason was it was perverted to their ill So it is now with us besides inferior and subordinate persons that must have Gratuities they must now feed their great Patrons I shall to our present Case cite two Presidents The first is 16 H. 3. The Treasure was then much exhausted many Disorders complained on the King wronged by some Ministers many Subsidies were then demanded in Parliament but they were denied And then the Lords and Commons joined to desire the King to reassume the Lands which were improvidently granted and to examine his great Officers and the Causes of those Evils which the People then suffered This was yielded unto by the King and Hugo de Burgo was found faulty and was displaced and then the Commons in the same Parliament gave Supply The second President was in the Tenth year of Richard the Second Then the Times were such and Places so changeable that any great Officer could hardly sit to be warmed in his Place Then also Monies had been formerly given and Supply was at that Parliament required but the Commons denied Supply and complained that their Monies were misimployed That the Earl of Suffolk then overruled all and so their Answer was They could not give And they petitioned the King that a Commission might be granted and that the Earl of Suffolk might be examined A Commission at their request was awarded and that Commission recites all the Evil then complained of and that the King upon the Petition of the Lords and Commons had granted that Examination should be taken of the Crown-Lands which were sold of the Ordering of his Houshold and the Disposition of the Jewels of his Grandfather and Father I hear nothing said in this House of our Jewels nor will I speak of them but I could wish they were within these walls We are now in the same case with those former Times we suffer alike or worse And therefore unless we seek redress of these great Evils we shall find disability in the wills of the People to grant I wish therefore that we may hold a dutiful pursuance in preparing and presenting our Grievances For the Three Subsidies and Three Fifteens which are proposed I hold the proportion will not suit with what we would give but yet I know it is all we are able to do or can give and yet this is not to be the stint of our affections but to come again to give more upon just occasions In the heat of these Agitations the Commons notwithstanding remembred the Kings Necessities and took the matter of Supply into consideration and Voted Three Subsidies and Three Fifteens to be paid the last day of Iune and the last of October next following and that the Act be brought in as soon as Grievances are
unfortunate mistaking of the Speeches I used to Mr. Clark I shall conclude by entreating your Lordships favor That I may understand from you as I hope for my comfort that this Letter hath given his Majesty satisfaction or if there should yet remain any scruple That I may have a clear and plain signification of the Kings pleasure which I shall obey with all Humility Your Lordships humble Servant BRISTOL The Earl of Bristol petitions the House of Lords shewing That he being a Peer of this Realm had not received a Summons to Parliament and desires their Lordships to mediate with his Majesty that he may enjoy the Liberty of a Subject and the Priviledge of his Peerage after almost two years restraint without being brought to a Tryal And if any Charge be brought in against him he prayeth that he may be tryed by Parliament The business is referred to the Committee of Priviledges and the Earl of Hartford reported from that Committee That it is necessary that their Lordships humbly beseech his Majesty that a Writ of Summons may be sent to the Earl of Bristol as also to such other Lords whose Writs are stopped except such as are made uncapable to sit in Parliament by Judgment of Parliament or some other Legal Judgment Hereupon the Duke signified to the House That upon the Earl of Bristols Petition to the King His Majesty had sent him his Writ of Summons And withal he shewed to the Lords the Copy of a Letter written from the King unto the said Earl being as followeth WE have received your Letter addressed unto us by Buckingham and cannot but wonder that you should through forgetfulness make request to us of favour as if you stood evenly capable of it when you know what you behaviour in Spain deserved of us which you are to examine by the observations we made and know you well remember how at our first coming into Spain taking upon you to be so wise as to foresee our intention to change our Religion you were so far from disswading us that you offered your advice and secresie to cocurre in it and in many other Conferences pressing to shew how convenient it was to be a Roman Catholick it being impossible in your opinion to do any great action otherwise And how much wrong disadvantage and disservice you did to the Treaty and to the Right and Interest of our dear Brother and Sister and their Children what disadvantage inconvenience and hazard you intangled us in by your Artifices putting off and delaying our return home the great estimation you made of that State and the low price you set this Kingdom at still maintaining that we under colour of friendship to Spain did what was in our power against them which you said they very well knew And last of all your approving of those Conditions that our Nephew should be brought up in the Emperors Court to which Sir Walter Ashton then said that he durst not give his consent for fear of his head you replying unto him that without some such great Action neither Marriage nor Peace could ●e had Upon the receipt of the Writ Bristol again Petitions the House of Lords and annexes to his Petition the Lord Keepers Letter and his own Answer thereto and desires to be heard in accusation of the Duke The humble Petition of Iohn Earl of Bristol Humbly shewing unto your Lordships THat he hath lately received his Writ of Parliament for which he returneth unto your Lordships most humble thanks but ioyntly with it a Letter from my Lord Keeper commanding him in his Majesties name to forbear his personal attendance and although he shall ever obey the least intimation of his Majesties pleasure yet he most humbly offereth unto your Lordships wise considerations as too high a point for him how far this may trench upon the Liberty and Safety of the Peers and the Authority of their Letters Patents to be in this sort discharged by a Letter missive of any Subject without the Kings hand And for your Lordships due information he hath annexed a Copy of the said Lord Keepers Letter and his Answer thereunto He further humbly Petitioneth your Lordships That having been for the space of two years highly wronged inpoint of his Liberty and of his Honor by many sinister aspersions which have been cast upon him without being permitted to answer for himself which hath been done by the power and industry of the Duke of Buckingham to keep him from the presence of his Majesty and the Parliament l●st he should discover many crimes concerning the said Duke He therefore most humbly beseecheth That he may be heard both in the point of his Wrong and of his Accusation of the said Duke wherein he will make it appear how infinitely the said Duke hath both abused their Majesties the State and both the Houses of Parliament And this he is most confident will not be denied since the Court of Parliament never refuseth to hear the poorest Subject seeking for redress of Wrongs nor the Accusation against any be he never so powerfull And herein he beseecheth your Lordships to mediate to his Majesty for the Suppliants coming to the House in such sort as you shall think fitting assuring his Majesty That all he shall say shall not onely tend to the Service of his Majesty and the State but highly to the Honor of his Majesties Royal Person and of his Princely vertues And your Suppliant shall ever pray for your Lordships prosperity The Lord Keeper to the Earl of Bristol March 31. 1626. My very good Lord BY his Majesties commandment I herewith send unto your Lordship your Writ of summons for the Parliament but withal signifie his Majesties pleasure herein further that howsoever he gives way to the awarding of the Writ yet his meaning is thereby not to discharge any former directions for restraint of your Lordships coming hither but that you continue under the same restriction as you did before so as your Lordships personal attendance is to be forborn and therein I doubt not but your Lordship will readily give his Majesty satisfaction And so I commend my service very heartily unto your Lordship and remain Your Lordships assured Friend and Servant THO. COVENTRY C.S. Dorset-Court March 31. 1626. His Answer to the Lord Keeper May it please your Lordship I Have received your Lordships Letter of the 31 of March and with it his Majesties Writ of Summons for the Parliament In the one his Majesty commandeth me that all excuses set aside upon my Faith and Allegiance I fail not to come to attend his Majesty And this under the Great Seal of England In the other as in a Letter missive his Majesties pleasure is intimated by your Lordship that my personal attendance should be forborn I must crave leave ingenuously to confess unto your Lordship that I want judgement rightly to direct my self in this Case as likewise that I am ignorant how far this may trench
then he desired their Lordships not to think it tedious for him to proceed and lay open his Case unto them which being granted he began as followeth HE said that he had the honor to serve the late King his Master of happy memory for the space of twenty years and a long time as a Counsellor and in seven Forein Ambassages In all which time in point of his Negotiation he had never received one check or rebuke until the return of the Duke of Buckingham out of Spain and therefore from thence he would begin his present Narration The very day that his Majesty departed from Spain he was pleased to tell him That he had no wayes offended him but did him the honor to trust him with the custody of the powers for his Marriage and after his return into England wrote unto him some Letters which did in no kinde express any distrust or displeasure against him About the same time he wrote unto his Majesty several Letters as in duty he was bound not for any earthly respect whatsoever to conceal from him the true state of his Affairs in which Letter he set down truly and honestly That he conceived that the distastes grown there betwixt the King of Spain and his Ministers and the Duke of Buckingham would disorder and utterly overthrow all his affairs if his wisdom prevented it not hinc illae lacrymae The Duke of Buckingham got a sight and knowledge of the Letters and fearing lest the Earl at his return should discover unto his said late Majesty his practises and misdemeanors in Spain he resolved That his access to the King was no wayes to be admitted and therefore labored and endeavored that he might be committed to the Tower presently upon his arrival and conceiving That the Lord Maquess Hamilton in regard of his Friendship with the Earl and the Alliance which was then intended between them might oppose this course he earnestly pressed him therein and moved him to deal with my Lord Chamberlain to the same purpose vowing That there was no hurt intended to the Earl but onely that he feared that if he should be admitted to the King he would cross and disturb the Course of Affairs but they were so honorable that neither of them would condescend thereunto and so that intention of his took no effect and therein the Earl desired my Lord Chamberlain that he would be pleased upon his Honor to deliver his knowledge This Design of the Duke not taking he fell upon other things indeed to have frightened the Earl out of his Country and honor and thereupon laid some great and sinister aspersions upon him in both Houses of Parliament thinking thereby to have terrified him that he should not return saying That if he kept not himself where he was and laid hold of those great offers which he heard were made unto him in Spain it would be worse with him Then the Earl of Bristol proceeded and said That the knowledge of these aspersions cast upon him in the Parliament came first unto him at Burdeaux in France where he was coming home at leisure in the company of his wife and family having formerly sent a Post of purpose to the Lord Conway to know if his speedy return would be any way useful to his Majesties service Who answered him That he might very well return at leisure with his family And in the mean time he was fallen upon by the Duke of Buckingham in Parliament in such sort as your Lordships well remember of whose Declaration he said he would boldly affirm unto their Lordships that there was scarce any one thing concerning him in it which was not contrary to or different from the truth From Burdeaux the Earl took Post making haste for that he hoped to clear his Honor in Parliament before it should break up and being arrived at Calis he sent over to have one of the Kings Ships for which there was publick Order given but although both wind and weather were as fair as could be and the Kings Ships lay at Boloign having carried over Count Mansfield and might every day within three hours have been with him yet the Ship came not in eight days expectance so that the Earl fearing the Parliament would be dissolved was enforced to pass the Sea in a Boat with six Oars as he did having with him Thirty or Forty thousand pounds of the Kings Jewels Upon his landing at Dover hoping that if his Arrest should have been deferred until his coming to London he might have gotten directly to the Kings presence which the Duke resolved was by no means to be admitted The Earl was there by a Letter of the Lord Conway's delivered unto him by a Servant of his in his Majesties name commanded to retire himself to his House and not to come to the Court or the Kings presence until he should have answered to certain Questions which his Majesty would appoint some of the Lords of the Council to ask him Hereupon he sent presently to his Majesty who sent him word That his restraint was neither for any ill meaning unto him nor that it should last long but was intended for his good to keep the Parliament from falling violently upon him And the same reason the Duke alleadged to some of his Friends and all those his troubles which have followed upon his first restraint have been procured by the Dukes Art under colour of Favor But the Earl having received his Message from the King became a most humble Suitor unto his Majesty that he would expose him to the Parliament for that if he had not served him honestly in all things he deserved no favor but to be proceeded against with all severity And in this particular he pressed the King as far as could stand with duty and good manners but received answer from his Majesty That there should but few more days pass before he would put an end to his affairs And about this time the Parliament was dissolved He still continued his sollicitation to be admitted to the Kings presence Who sent him word and confirmed it by oath That as soon as he should have answered the Questions which the Commissioners were to propound to him he would both see him and hear him and wondred that he should so much doubt thereof He then sollicited with all earnestness to have the Questions sent unto him which was promised should be within few days In the interim his Majesty being desirous that the business should have been accommodated sent secretly to him by a Gentleman who is ready to depose it this Message That he should write a fair Letter to the Duke and leave the rest to Him Hereupon the Duke sent a Gentleman one Mr. Clark with fair Propositions offering to procure him whatsoever he could reasonably pretend only he must not be admitted to the Kings presence for some time and that the Duke would have the disposing of his Vice-chamberlains Place having been therein formerly
he had heard by several ways the King suffered much and was infinitely pressed by the Duke concerning the said Earl and his affairs and this he said was the suffering he had spoken of to their Lordships the other day The Earl craved leave of their Lordships to specifie some other particulars whereby it should appear that his Majesty was in no kind ill opinioned of him till his dying day viz. That several persons will depose that they have heard his Majesty say that he esteemed him an honest man And that he was pleased to accept of Toyes by way of Present from him graciously and in good part and at last was likewise pleased to give him leave to come to London and to follow his own affairs and that his pleasure was signified unto him by the Duke his own Letter Whereupon he determined to come to London intimated to the Duke his intention of going to his Lodging in Whitehall but the Duke was therewith incensed again and said he mistook the Kings meaning which was that he might privately follow his own business And this he said was the true State and Condition when it pleased God to take unto his mercy his late most gracious Majesty Upon his Majesties coming to the Crown he said he wrote a most humble Letter unto his Majesty imploring his grace and goodness and desiring the Dukes mediation But he was pleased to answer by his Letter of 7 Maii 1625. That the resolution was to proceed against him without a plain and direct Confession of the Point which he had formerly required him to acknowledge and in a Courtly manner of menace telleth him That he would take the freedom to advise him to bethink himself in time what will be most for his good But in the interim his Majesty was graciously pleased that his Writ of Parliament should be sent him and thereupon he wrote unto the Duke of the receipt of the said Writ but that he should do nothing but what he should understand to be most agreeable to his Majesties pleasure Whereunto the Duke answered in his Letters of May in this manner I have acquainted his Majesty with your requests towards him touching your Summons to the Parliament which he taketh very well and would have you rather make excuse for your absence notwithstanding your Writ then to come your self in person Whereupon he sent humbly to desire a Letter of leave under his Majesties hand for his Warrant but in stead thereof he received from the L. Conway an absolute Prohibition and to restrain and confine him in such sort as he hath been in the late Kings time And although he was indeed absolutely set free he could never get cleared by the Lord Conway though he sent him all the Papers to examine and when he could make no further reply he said he conceived he was under restraint and that his liberty expired with the late Kings death when indeed Restraint may expire but Liberty is natural After this he continued for the space of three quarters of a year in the Country without moving in which time he was removed from those Places and Offices he held during his late Majesties life and the greatest part of his Estate being laid out in their Majesties service by their particular appointment he could never be admitted so much as to the clearing of Accompts Yet hereof he never made the least complaint But against the time of his Majesties Coronation he thought it fit to lay hold of that occasion when Princes do Acts of grace and favor to be a most humble Suitor to his Majesty for his grace and goodness and addressed his Letters unto the Duke of Buckingham from whom he received a Letter all written in his own hand and therein a Letter inclosed from his Majesty so different from some gracious Message which he had received from his Majesty since the said Earl returned into England upon the occasion of a great sickness and likewise from his speeches several times delivered to his Wife to wit That he had never offended him and that for his faults he no ways held them criminal but to be expiated by any easie acknowledgment That he confessed he knew not what judgment to make of the said Letter neither hath presumed hitherto to make any Answer thereto although by reducing the occasions of speeches and circumstances to his Majesties memory he no ways doubteth but he shall be able to give unto his Majesty such satisfaction to every particular as his Majesty would not remain with the least scruple in any one point After this he said that his Writ of Parliament was detained whereupon he addressed himself to the Lord Keeper that he would be a Suitor to his Majesty for him in that behalf which diligences not taking effect by Petition he became a Suitor to their Lordships for their Honorable mediation to his Majesty and thereupon his Writ of Parliament was awarded But the Duke of Buckingham upon that took occasion as he had published Copies of the said Letter over all the Kingdom to read it likewise in that Honorable House as was best known unto their Lordships and the Writ was accompanied with a Prohibition from the Lo●d Keeper whereupon he addressed himself for Justice to that Honorable House being possessed of his Cause by his Petition for both redress of his own wrongs and likewise of Complaints against the Duke for many Crimes And that Honorable House being possessed of his Cause by his Petition there is preferred against him a succeeding Complaint amounting as high as Treason as it is pretended although he for divers years hath not been questioned yet since his Complaint against the Duke he hath been fetcht up like a Prisoner and brought into that House as a Delinquent And the Duke of whom he hath complained for his great Crimes is admitted still to sit in the House as one of his Judges The which with all that he hath formerly said together with his Life Fortunes and Honor he did with all willingness humility and duty submit to the Justice and Honor of that House Then the Lords asked him When he would bring in his Answer He promised to answer as soon as might be but knew not how far he should have occasion to use his antient Dispatches The Lord Keeper told him that Mr. Attorney might help him by letting him know it The Attorney said that his Charge should in nothing look further back then to the year 1621. Which he desired might be recorded Whereupon the Earl thanking their Lordships for their patience he was carried away by Mr. Maxwell the Gentleman-Usher in whose house and custody he remained Then were read the Earls Articles against the Duke and the Lord Conway viz. Articles of the Earl of Bristol whereby he chargeth the Duke of Buckingham bearing Date the First day of May 1626. I. THat the Duke of Buckingham did secretly combine with the Conde of Gondomar Ambassador for the King of Spain before
King nor any other but with that express Clause and Condition That he should be bred in his own Religion and have such Tutors and Servants as his Father should appoint XI That the Lord Conway hath been the cause of all the Earl of Bristol's Troubles by his dubious and intrapping Dispatches and in●erring That the said Earl hath failed in his Directions when it shall be made appear that his Dispatches contained no such Directions as he hath alledged were given The House not being satisfied to commit the Earl to the Tower let him remain where he was before with the Gentleman Usher and further ordered That the Kings Charge against the Earl of Bristol be first heard and then the Charge of the said Earl against the Duke yet so that the Earls Testimony against the Duke be not prevented prejudiced or impeached The day following the Lord Keeper delivered a Message from the King to the House of Lords THat his Majesty taketh notice of the Articles exhibited against the Duke of Buckingham by the Earl of Bristol and he observeth that many of them are such as himself is able to say more of his own knowledge then any man for the Dukes sincere carriage in them That one of them touching the Narrative made in Parliament in the One and twentieth of King Iames trencheth as far upon himself as the Duke for that his Majesty went as far as the Duke in that Declaration and that all of them have been closed in the Earls own breast now for these two years contrary to his Duty if he had known any crime of that nature by the Duke and now he vents it by way of recrimination against the Duke whom he knows to be a principal Witness to prove his Majesties Charge And therefore That his Majesty gave them thanks that they gave no way to the Earl of Bristol's unreasonable motion of putting the Duke under the same restraint that they had put the Earl thereby eschewing what the Earl aimeth at to alter their dutifull Procedings toward his Majesty That thereby they had made his Majesty confident that as they have so they will put a difference between his Majesties Charge against one that appeareth as a Delinquent and the recrimination of the Earl of Bristol against his Majesties Witness and they will not equal them by a proceeding Pari Passu At this time there was an endeavor to take the Earls Cause out of the House and to proceed by way of Indictment in the Kings-Bench To which manner of proceeding why the Lords should not give way these ensuing Reasons were offered to consideration I. IT was ordered That in all Causes of moment the Defendants shall have Copies of all Depositions both pro and contra after publication in convenient time before hearing to prepare themselves and if the Defendants will demand that of the House in due time they shall have their learned Council to assist them in their defence And their Lordships declared That they did give their assents thereto because in all Cases as well Civil as Criminal and Capital they hold That all lawfull help could not before just Judges make one that is guilty avoid Justice and on the other side God defend that an Innocent should be condemned II. The Earl of Bristol by his Petition to the House complained of his restraint desiring to be heard here as well in points of his wrongs as in his accusations against the Duke whereof his Majesty taking consideration signified his pleasure by the Lord Keeper April the 20 That his Majesty was resolved to put his Cause upon the honor and justice of this House and that his pleasure was that the said Earl should be sent for as a Delinquent to answer the offences he committed in his Negotiation before his Majesties going into Spain whilest his Majesty was there and since his coming thence and that his Majesty would cause these things to be charged against him in this House so as the House is fully possessed of the Cause as well by the Earls Petition as by the Kings assent and the Earl brought up to the House as a Delinquent to answer his offences there and Mr. Attorney hath accordingly delivered the Charge against him in the House and the Earl also his Charge against the Duke And now if he be proceeded withal by way of Indictment in the Kings-Bench these dangerous inconveniences will follow viz. 1. He can have no Counsel 2. He can use no Witness against the King 3. He cannot know what the Evidences against him will be in a convenient time to prepare for his Defence and so the Innocent may be condemned which may be the Case of any Peer 4. The Liberties of the House will be thereby infrigned the Honor and Justice thereof declined contrary to the Kings pleasure expresly signified by the Lord Keeper All these things are expresly against the Order 5. The Earl being indicted it will not be in the power of the House to keep him from Arraignment and so he may be disabled to make good his Charge against the Duke Therefore the way to proceed according to the Directions and true meaning of the Order and the Kings pleasure already signified and preserve the Liberties of the House and protect one from injury will be First To have the Charge delivered into the House in writing and the Earl to set down his Answer to it in writing and that the Witnesses may be examined and Evidences on both sides heard by such course and manner of proceedings as shall be thought fit by the House and if upon full hearing the House shall finde it to be Treason then to proceed by way of Indictment if doubtfull in point of Law to have the opinion of the Judges to clear it if doutfull in matter of Fact then to refer it to a regal Fait And the rather for that 1. It appears that the Earl in the space of two years till now he complained hath not been so much as questioned for matter of Treason 2. He hath been examined upon twenty Interrogatories and the Commissioners satisfie that his Answer would admit of no Reply 3. The Lord Conway by several Letters hath intimated That there was nothing against him but what was pardoned by the Parliament Pardon of 21 Iac. And signified his Majesties pleasure That he might rest in that security he was and sit still His Majesty hath often declared both to the Countess of Bristol and others That there was neither Fellony nor Treason against him nor ought else but what a small acknowledgment would expiate Some Cases happened in Parliament 1 2 Caroli wherein the Judges opinions were had viz. THis Question was put to all the Justices Whether a Peer impeached for Treason shall be tried in Parliament And the chief Justice in the name of all the Justices delivered his opinion that the course by Law was Indictment and this to be signified in Parliament before the Lord Steward vide 10
the Articles of several High Treasons and other great and enormous Crimes Offences and Contempts supposed to be committed by him against our late Soveraign Lord King James of Blessed Memory deceased and our Soveraign Lord the Kings Majesty that now is wherewith the said Earl is charged by his Majesties Attorney-General on his Majesties behalf in the most High and Honorable Court of Parliament before the King and the Lords there And not acknowledging any the supposed Treasons Crimes Offences and Contempts wherewith he is charged in and by the said Articles to be true and saving to himself all advantages benefit and exception to the Incertainty and Insufficiency of the said Articles and of the several Charges in them contained And humbly praying that his Cause may not suffer for want of Legal form whereunto he hath not been used but may be judged according to such real and effectual Grounds and Proofs as may be accepted from an Ambassador the ground of the Charge growing thence and that he may have leave to explain himself and his own meaning in any thing that may seem of a doubtful Construction For Answer saith as followeth I. THe First Article he denieth and because the Matters contained in the said Article consist of several parts viz. The loss of the said Palatinate and the Match with the said Lady of Spain and of the several Employments as of one Extraordinary Ambassage to the Emperor and another to the King of Spain in the years 1621.22 and 23. He humbly craves leave of this most Honorable Court to separate the businesses and distinguish the times And beginning with the Palatinate first to give an account of his Ambassage to the Emperor and so to make as brief a Deduction as he could of the whole carriage in that business from the beginning of his employment to the time he left it in his Ambassage to the Emperor he propounded all things faithfully according to his Instructions and the Answers which he returned to his late Majesty of Blessed Memory were the very same and no other then such as were given by the Emperor under his Hand and Imperial Seal the which according to his duty he faithfully sent unto his said Majesty and withal did honestly and truly advertise his said Majesty what he understood and thought then upon the place but was so far from giving to his Majesty any ill-grounded hopes in that behalf that he wrote unto the Lords of the Council here in England from Vienna 26 Iuly 1624. in such sort as followeth I Am further to move your Lordships That there may be a Dispatch made presently into Spain to his Majesties Ambassador and Mr. Cottington that they deal effectually for the repairing and ripening of the business against my coming that they use some plain and direct Language letting the Ministers there know That the late Letter sent by the King of Spain to the Emperor was colder and more reserved then his Master had reason to expect I shall conclude with telling your Lordships That although I dispair not of good success in that knotty business yet I hope his Majesty and your Lordships lay not aside the care of all fitting preparations for a War in case a Peace cannot be honorably had And amongst other things I most earnestly commend unto your Lordships by your Lordships unto his Majesty the continuing yet abroad for some small time of Sir Robert Mansels Fleet upon the Coasts of Spain which in case his Majesty should be ill used will prove the best Argument we can use for the Restitution of the Palatinate And this his Advice he saith was wholly intended by his Actions by being the cause as he returned homeward out of Germany to bring down Count Mansfield whereby the Town of Frankendale was relieved by supplying of his Majesties Army then in great distress with Moneys and Plate to the value of 10000 l. meerly out of his zeal and affection to the good of the King and his Children having no Warrant or Order but that his heart was ever really bent in effects more then in shews to serve the Kings Son-in-law and his cause as by the discourse of this business will appear And how acceptable these Services were will more appear by the Letters of the Queen of Bohemia in these words following My Lord HAving understood from Heidelburgh how you have shewed your affection to the King and me in all things and in the help of Money you have lent our Soldiers I cannot let so great Obligation pass without giving many thanks for it by these lines since I have no other means to shew my gratefulness unto you Howsoever assure your self that I will never be forgetful of the Testimonies you give me of your love which I intreat you to continue in doing the King and me all good Offices you can to his Majesty You have been an eye-witness of the miserable estate our Countreys are in I intreat you therefore to solicite his Majesty for our help you having given me an assurance of your affection I intreat you now to shew it in helping of us by your good endeavors to his Majesty and you shall ever binde me to continue as I am already Your very affectionate Friend ELIZABETH Which Letters were seconded with others about the same time both from the King of Bohemia and Council of Heidelburgh to the same effect And how much satisfaction his late Majesty received in that behalf and touching that business will plainly appear several ways and particularly by his Speech in Parliament And the said Earl likewise appealeth to both Houses of Parliament to whom by his late Majesties Order he gave a just and true accompt of that employment with what true zeal he proceeded and how he pressed that single Treaty and Promises no longer be relied on but that a fitting preparation for War might go along hand in hand with any Treaty of Accommodation And for a conclusion among many of his late Majesties approbations of his carriage in this employment he humbly desireth that a Letter of the Duke of Buckinghams under his own hand bearing date the Eleventh of October 1621. may be produced being as followeth My Lord I Am exceeding glad that your Lordship hath carried your self so well in this employment that his Majesty is infinitely pleased for your Service you have done for which he commanded me to give your Lordship thanks in his Name until he see you himself You of all men have cause to commend his Majesties choice of such a man that unless your heart had gone with the business you could never have brought it to so good a pass Amongst other things his Majesty liketh very well the care of clearing his Honor whereof he will advise further with your Lordship at your next coming over I hope you will not finde your Negotiation with the Infanta of such difficulty as you seem to fear in your Letter seeing my Brother Edward hath brought with him a Letter
of future Actions the Copy whereof is this as followeth SIR THe Opinion which I have ever presumed humbly to offer unto his Majesty concerning your Highness Marriage hath been that both in regard of Conscience and satisfaction unto his Majesties People and Alleys likewise for the security and quiet of your Majesties estates Your Highness might take for Wife some Protestant Princess although she neither were Daughter to a King nor had so ample a Portion as might relieve the Kings present Necessities and Wants for then there might be many ways found to help the Kings wants either by some few years providence and frugality or by winning the affections of the people to the supplying of his Majesty by way of Subsidies in Parliament whereas contrariwise if the number and power of the Papists shall be increased as undoubtedly they will be by your Highness matching with any Catholick Princess through the Concession which must be of necessity for the exercise of her Religion for her self and Family within your Highness Courts and thereby by degrees these two different Religions shall grow to an equality of power it will be of great hazard and disquiet to the State and not to be redressed without great danger and courses of more violence then is usual for this State to put in practice But in case his Majesty out of his wisdom and consideration best known to himself hold it fittest that your Majestie match with France or Spain or any other Catholick either for that the present time affordeth no Protestant Princess who is for years or Blood suitable for your Highness or that can in any considerable measure by the portion supply his Majesties present wants I then conceive that the Match by which this State shall suffer least inconveniency and cumbers and whereby his Majesties necessities shall by the greatness of the Portion be the most relieved is with Spain is such a Match may be made with such Conditions of Religion as other Catholick Princes will contract themselves withall Thus much I thought sit humbly to present unto your Highness for that I see my Imployment liable to the Censure of many worthy Persons with whom though I concur in my Opinion yet I seem much to differ from them many ways For that it is more proper to me to be true to my Masters ends and services then by declaring this to procure their satisfaction Only to your Highness I thought fit to make this Declaration and shall be a Suitor to you for your favor as you shall see me really labor to put this in effect And if his Majesty shall either upon motion of Parliament or any other Proposition that can be made unto him think it fit to proceed with a Protestant Match as I shall wish as well unto it as any man living so I hope in such sort to manage the present business that I have in hand that it shall rather much further then any way cross or hinder it But in case his Majesty shall not be drawn to any Proposition for a Protestant Match I then conceive that your Highness both doth and will approve that I really and effectually labor to procure a Match for your Highness in Spain upon such Conditions in point of Religion and Portion as to his Majesty shall seem fit Besides which Declaration of his Opinion He hath all the days of his life and in all places lived and allowed himself to be a Protestant never having done any the least act that was not suitable to that Profession And in all his former Imployments for the space of Fourteen years of more then Five hundred persons of all qualities that attended on him there was never any perverted in his Religion saving two Irish Footmen who in Ireland had been bred Papists And he humbly desireth the Testimony of Doctor Mason and Doctor Wren his Majesties Chaplains who were with his Majesty in Spain and of Master Sampford one of the Prebends of Canterbury Master Boswell Parson of S. Laurence in London and Master Frewen Divinity-Reader in Magdalen-Colledge in Oxford and now one of his Majesties Chaplains who were his Majesties Chaplains in Spain as well for the frequent use of the Sacrament as constant profession and exercises of Religion and the testimony of such Catholicks as are known to have been his antient Acquaintance and Friends to examine them upon oath Whether publickly or privately in Spain or in England they had known him in any kind to make shew or so much as to forbear upon all occasions to declare the Religion he professeth And that the said Mr. Frewen and Mr. Wake may be also examined Whether in extremity of several sicknesses whereinto he hath of late years fallen he hath not ever setled his Conscience withthem towards God and made a Confession of his Faith resolving as be-fitting a Protestant or good Christian. VIII To the Eighth Article the Earl saith That he did not at any time or in any place endeavor to perswade the Prince touching his religion to become a Roman Catholick and to be obedient to the usurped authority of Rome Neither did the said Earl to that end and purpose or otherwise use unto his Majesty then Prince the words in the Article mentioned But the said Earl acknowledgeth that upon occasion of a Letter that came to his Majesty then Prince putting his Majesty in mind of the great actions of his Royal Progenitors in the Holy War that the great Kings of those times did not only imploy their Forces but in their persons went into the Holy Land The Earl believeth that by way of discourse only and not otherwise he may have said That in regard of the difference in Religion it was of more difficulty to undertake such great actions now then in former Ages and it might well be instanced in the present Treaty of the Marriage wherein the Popes consent was to be obtained And to this effect and upon the like grounds he is confident there were very many that have nay few of neerness about his late Majesty that have not often heard his Majesty say That he was the true Martyr that suffered more for his Religion then all the Princes of Christendom besides instancing in divers particulars but especially in this That he could not match his Children with Kings of his own rank without the Popes leave But the said Earl saith He never alleaged any such thing to any other purpose then to shew that only Conscience and love to Truth in which regard Protestants suffered much not any temporal respects made men constant and zealous to the profession of our Religion By which discourse he ever attributed much to the honor and security of Protestant religion but never used it as an argument to perswade to the contrary as in the Accusation is insinuated Besides he conceiveth by way of Answer thereunto the said Question may be asked which his Majesty was pleased to ask of the Earl in the Seventh Article viz.
the other Knight being Robert Clifford it was agreed in Parliament that he should have the voices of both because the other must of necessity be absent And they both amongst other things petitioned the Council that if the King in his Person should come on the Sea they might have such a liberty to wait upon him as they might make their Lieutenant during the time for the service of their places But the Council that allowed the rest or most of their demands answered to that Le Councel ne pent faire Then he estimated the nature of the offence by the consequences which follow the not guarding of the Seas viz. 1. The losses already shewed 2. The prevention of Trade which gives life to the wealth of the Kingdom 3. The weakning of the Naval strength the Merchants being thereby discouraged from building ships which they cannot use In 1 Rich. 2. the Commons opened the two chief and almost whole Causes of the weakning the Kingdom at that time the neglect of Chivalry and eminent vertue not regarded nor rewarded the decay of Trade since the Navy was grown weak besides all the loss of quiet possession of so large a Territory as the Seas of England and Ireland by the free use of which the ancient glory and greatness of the Crown of England hath so constantly subsisted Then he instanced in Michael de la Pool Lord Chancellor who in 9 Rich. 2. mis-spent Subsidies given pro salva custodia maris as appears in the Roll and was adjuged in Parliament though for other offences because some other Lords of the Council had been trusted with him and it was not fit to impeach him sans les companions they taking it for a crime without question fit to be complained of Secondly in William Duke of Suffolk who for the same fault being Admiral onely in the right of Henry Earl of Exeter his Ward was by the King extraordinarily commanded into banishment Then he brought examples of such who had been put to death and confiscated for not safe-guarding Towns and Castles and Forts which are of like nature with not safe-guarding the Seas and with losing the possession of the Crown To the Fifth he said The staying of the ship called the Peter of Newhaven and detaining part of the goods was against the Marine Laws of England against the Common Laws against the Laws of Merchants and consequently the Law of Nations By the Marine Laws agreeable to the Civil Laws sentence given by any Subject or other against the King may upon new proof be revoked but not without new proof He made by his Patent a Judge of all Maritine Causes as well as Keeper of the Seas his Jurisdiction was to be exercised juxta leges nostras civiles Maritimas and accordingly to hear all Causes and generally to proceed ex officio mero mixto promoto secundum leges nostras Civiles Maritimas Against the Common-Laws All Justices and all other deputed to do Law or Right are commanded by Act of Parliament to permit the course of ordinary Justice and although they be commanded to do the contrary that they do execution aright and according to justice as far as in them lies and so for any Letters of Commandment which may come unto them from us or from any other or by any other cause Against the Law of Nations Against what is agreed by the Leagues between us and Forain Nations That the Subjects of Nations in Amity with us shall be well used and permitted without Molestation for what cause or occasion soever according to the Laws and Customs of the places where they shall be Lastly against the Laws of Merchants which is to have Celerem justitiam The Consequences of this Offence are 1. Great damage to our English Merchants that have suffered by reason of it in Forain Parts as they alleadge 2. It is a discouragement to those that are Subjects to the Marine Jurisdiction 3. An example that may serve hereafter to justifie all absolute Authority in the Admiral without Law or Legal course over the ships and good of all Merchants whatsoever and so no security to Merchants Lastly He instanceth in the Duke of Suffolk who was adjudged in Parliament for Treason and among other offences it was laid to his charge that he took to his own use goods Piratically taken and expresly against the Order determined by the Lord Protector and the whole Council whereunto his hand had been for the restitution of them Next were read the Sixth Seventh and Eighth Articles viz. VI. Whereas the honor wealth and strength of this Realm of England is much increased by the Traffick chiefly of such Merchants as imploy and build great warlike Ships a consideration that should move all Counsellors of State especially the Lord Admiral to cherish and maintain such Merchants The said Duke abusing the Lords of the Parliament in the One and twentieth year of the late King Iames of famous memory with pretence of serving the State did oppress the East India Merchants and extorted from them Ten thousand pounds in the subtil and unlawfull manner following About February in the year aforesaid he the said Duke hearing some good success that those Merchants had at Ormus in the parts beyond the Seas by his Agents cunningly in or about the moneth aforesaid in the year of the said late King endeavored to draw from them some great sum of money which their poverty and no gain by that success at Ormus made those Merchants absolutely to deny whereupon he the said Duke perceiving that the said Merchants were then setting forth in the course of their Trade four Ships and two Pinaces laden with goods and merchandise of very great value like to lose their voyage if they they should not speedily depart The said Duke on the first of March then following in the said year of the said late King did move the Lords then assembled in the said Parliament whether he should make stay of any Ships which were then in the Ports as being high Admiral he might and namely those ships prepared for the East India voyage which were of great burthen and well furnished which motion being approved by their Lordships the Duke did stay those ships accordingly but the fifth of March following when the then Deputy of that Company with other of those Merchants did make suit to the said Duke for the release of those Ships and Pinaces he the said Duke said he had not been the occasion of their staying but that having heard the motion with much earnestness in the Lords House of Parliament he could do no less then give the order they had done and therefore he willed them to set down the reasons of their suit which he would acquaint the House withall yet in the mean time he gave them leave to let their said ships and Pinaces fall down as low as Tilbury And the tenth of March following an unusual joynt action was by his procurement entred
their Lordships as followeth YOur Lordships may have observed how in handling the former Articles I have in my Discourse used the method of time which I hold to be best for the discovery of the truth I shall therefore by your Lordships patience whereof now I have had some good experience use the like order in my enlargment upon these later Articles touching which that which I have to say is thus In or about the Two and twentieth year of the reign of our late dear Soveraign Lord King Iames of famous memory there being then a Treaty between our said late Soveraign and the French King for a Marriage to be had between our then most Noble Prince now our most gratious King and the French Kings Sister our now Queen and for entring into an Active War against the King of Spain and his Allies in Italy and the Valtoline Our said late Soveraign passed some promise to the French Kings Ambassador here the Marquess D' Effiat for procuring or lending some Ships to be employed by the French in that Service upon reasonable conditions but without thought or intent that they should be employed against the Rochellers or any others of our Religion in France For it was pretended by the French Kings Ministers to our King That the said Ships should be employed particularly against Genoa and not otherwise But afterwards some matter of Suspition breaking forth from those of our Religion in France that the Design for Italy was but a pretence to make the Body of an Army fall upon the Rochellers or other of our Religion in that Kingdom the King grew so cautious in his Conditions that as he would perform his promise to lend his Ships so to preserve those of our Religion he contracted or gave directions that the greater part of the Men in the same Ships should be English whereby the power of them should be ever in his hands And the Duke of Buckingham then and yet Lord Great Admiral of England well knowing all this to be true pretended he was and would be very careful and proceed with art to keep the said Ships in the hands of our King and upon our own Coasts and yet nevertheless under hand he unduly intended practised and endeavored the contrary For afterwards by his direction or procurement in or about the Two and twentieth year aforesaid a Ship of his Majesties called the Vantguard being of his Majesties Royal Navy was allotted and appointed to be made ready for the service of the French King and seven other Merchants Ships of great burthen and strength belonging to several persons Natural Subjects of our said late Soveraign Lord were by the Dukes direction impressed as for the service of his said late Majesty and willed to make themselves ready accordingly The Names and Tunage of the said Seven Merchants Ships were as followeth 1. The Great Neptune whereof Sir Ferdinando Gorge was Captain 2. The Industry of the burthen of Four hundred and fifty Tuns whereof Iames Moyer was Captain 3. The Pearl of Five and forty Tuns Anthony Tench was Captain 4. The Marigold of Three hundred Tuns Thomas Davies Captain 5. The Loyalty of Three hundred Tuns Iasper Dare Captain 6. The Peter and Iohn of Three hundred and fifty Tuns Iohn Davies Captain 7. The Gift of God of Three hundred Tuns Henry Lewen Captain Also about the same time a Contract was made by and between Sir Iohn Cooke and other the Commissioners of his Majesties Navy as on behalf of his Majesty for his said Ship the Vantguard and on behalf of the Captains Masters and Owners of the said Seven Merchants Ships but without their privity or direction for the service of the French King upon conditions to be safe and reasonable for our King this Realm and State as also for the said Captains Masters and Owners of the said seven Merchants Ships and for the Companies For Sir Iohn Cooke drew the Instructions for the Direction of the said Contract which Instructions passed and were allowed by the King and such of the Council as were made acquainted therewith and used in this business In which Instructions as Sir Iohn Cooke hath since alleaged in the House of Commons there was care taken for provision to be made that the said Ship of his Majesty called Vantguard should not serve against the City or Inhabitants of Rochel or those of the Religion in France nor take into her more men of the French then she could from time to time be well able to command and master But whether the Instructions for the Merchants Ships and the Kings said Ship were all one is not yet cleared unto the Commons howbeit it appeareth not but that the intent of our King and State was to be a like careful for both Nevertheless a Form of Articles dated the Five and twentieth day of March in the Three and twentieth year of his said late Majesties raign was prepared ingrossed and made ready to be sealed without the knowledge of the Captains Masters and Owners of the said Merchants Ships between the said Marquess D' Effiat the Ambassador on the one part and the several Owners of the said Merchants Ships respectively on the other part viz. A several Writing or Instrument for every of the said Ships respectively whereby amongst other things as by the same appeareth it was covenanted and agreed by and on the part and behalf of the owners to and with the said Marquess D' Effiat to this effect namely 1. That their said Ships respectively with a certain number of men for every of them limitted with Ordnance Munition and other necessaries should be ready for the French Kings service the Thirteenth of April then next following 2. That they should go on in that Service under a French General to be as Captain in every of the said Merchants Ships respectively of the appointment of the French King or his Ambassador 3. That they should serve the French King against any whomsoever but the King of Great Britain 4. That they should take in as many Soldiers into their said several Ships as they could stow or carry besides their Victual and Apparel 5. That they should continue six moneths or longer in the Service so that the whole time did not exceed eighteen moneths 6. That they should permit the French to have the absolute Command of their Ships for Fights and Voyages And it was amongst the said Articles besides other things Covenanted and agreed by the said Marquess D' Effiat as for and on the behalf of the French King to this effectly namely I. That there should be paid to every owner a moneths freight in hand after the rate agreed on and freight for two moneths more after the same rate within Fifteen days after the date of the Articles the computation of the moneths to begin from the 28 of March II. And that the Ships should be ready in a certain form prescribed at the end of the Service When all things were in a
the King of great Britain in conformity of the Contract formerly passed between d' Effiat and them 2. That they should consent and agree in consideration of the assurance given them by the Ambassadors to the Articles of March 25. 1625. whereby the French King should be made Master of the said ships by indifferent Inventory that then they should by him be warranted against all hazards of Sea-fight and if they miscarried then the value thereof to be paid by the French King who would also confirm this new Proposition within fifteen dayes after the ships should be delivered to his use by good caution in London 3. That if the French King would take any men out of the said ships he might but without any diminution of freight for or in respect thereof The said Iames Moyer having gotten the French Instrument interpreted answered 1. they would not go to serve against Rochel 2. nor send their ships without good warrant for their going and 3. not without sufficient security to their liking for payment of their freight and reddition of their ships or the value thereof for the Ambassadors security was by them taken not to be sufficient and they protested against it and utterly refused this peraffetted Instrument Here also Sir Iohn Epsley and Sir Thomas Love disswaded the Duke from this enterprise telling him he could not justifie nor answer the delivery of the ships to the French The Lord Duke being at Rochester and there acquainted with all these proceedings commanded the said Moyer and the rest before these Ambassadors that they should obey the Lord Conways Letter and return to Diep to serve the French and that so was our Kings pleasure howbeit herein his Majesties pleasure appeared not but the contrary yet privately at the same time the Duke told them that the security offered or formerly given by the Ambassador was insufficient and that though they went to Diep yet they might and should there keep their ships in their own power till they had made their own conditions to their own liking Iuly 16. 1625. The Duke of Chevereux and Monsieur Villocleox finding that they could not accomplish their designs at Rochester but they must be fain to defer the getting thereof till the coming of the ships back again to Diep where it was thought that better opportunity and more advantage for their ends would be had did to that purpose make and ordain the Marquis d' Effiat their Deputy to contract with the Captains and Masters of the English ships for the French Kings service as effectually as themselves might do thereby transferring their power in that behalf to the said d' Effiat who intended to go over to Diep forthwith about this business The Duke of Buckingham having thus the second time dealt with the Captains and Masters to go to Diep and armed and prepared d' Effiat how and in what manner there to circumvent them sent over to Diep privately and underhand his Secretary Mr Edward Nicholas together with d' Effiat Mr Nicholas at and before the going over had Instructions from the Duke by word to see the execution of the Kings pleasure signified by the Letter from my Lord Conway and to procure the Captains and Masters of the said Merchants ships to deliver over their ships into the hands of the French upon the security peraffetted at Rochester by the three French Ambassadors and by them delivered to the Duke of Buckingham who committed the same to the said Mr Nicholas as the security which in that behalf he was to take and accept Mr Nicholas according to those Instructions went to Diep with d' Effiat and was there very urgent to get the ships delivered to the French according to the said Instructions at their coming over to Diep d' Effiat entred a Suit and Protest against our Captains and Masters and their original Articles the better to enforce them to perform the same without respect to the Dukes verbal pretences or Allegations made to the Captains and Masters at Rochester and in other places formerly to the contrary The Captains and Masters came over again to Diep about Iuly 20. where they found themselves in a strait by reason of the said Protest there entred against them the Dukes instructions by word being too weak to exempt them from obtaining their Contract under their Hands and Seals also Mr Nicholas using the Kings name with threatning words was there very earnest from day to day and very vehemently pressed them to deliver over their ships before security given to their content contrary to the former Proposition viz. the Lord Dukes word to them at Rochester which they refusing to yeild unto Advertisement thereof was speedily sent to the Duke of Buckingham and to his Agents into England and Mr Nicholas continued still at Diep about his former Negotiation Iuly 27. 1625. Sir Ferdinando Gorge Anth. Touching James Moyer Henry Lewen Tho. Davies Jasp. Dard and Iames Davies as owners and Captains of the said seven English ships hired for the French did express in writing that they held it fit they should not quit ships their till they had made their own reasonable conditions and were freed from the questions and troubles they were in and in particular 1. They prayed to be free of the said Protest that they might the better treat of their affairs 2. If the the French King would have delivery of their ships into his power and possession that then they might have security by money deposited in London without Revocation for satisfaction of their ships the former security by Merchants being insufficient and a stop already made of their pay which upon that security they know not how to come by 3. Because their ships being Fortresses of this Kingdom and the delivery of them over into the hands of a Forein Prince without good warrant concerneth even their very lives that they might have a warrant in that behalf under the Great-Seal of England before they should be bound to deliver them over 4. To be free of their bonds entred into for not selling their Ordnance and also free of punishment in that behalf and they shewed how they were more cautious herein for that Commissioners drew the first Articles which were now wholly broken and these Articles were to be done by themselves And this writing they sent from their ships by one Mr Basset Cole to present on shore to the Marquis d' Effiat at Diep appointing the said Mr Cole to treat for a speedy conclusion according to these Articles who treated accordingly And the said Marquis to induce him to yield to his demands shewed a Letter in French signed by the Duke of Buckingham whereby the Duke promised his endeavors to get the Marquis's turn served touching these ships The next day viz. 28 Iuly 1625. Mr Nicholas came aboard the Neptune and declared in writing under his hand how and why he was sent over by the Duke of Buckingham as before and craved the Captain and Masters
then to believe That the said ships were never meant or any way in danger to be imployed against the Rochellors or those of our Religion in France and herein he did great injury and disservice to his Majesty to the great scandal and prejudice of our Religion and Affairs and highly abused both the Lords and Commons by this cautelous and subtile Speech and Insinuation and thereby gave both Houses occasion to forbear Petitioning or suing to his Majesty for Redress in this Business while the time was not then passed for the ships were not as then actually imployed against the Rochellors albeit in truth they were then delivered into the French Kings power And the same time before the Parliament was dissolved Captain Pennington who could have opened the whole truth of the business for the Service of the King and the Realm came to Oxford but was there drawn to conceal himself by means of the Duke and not to publish in due time his knowledge of the Premisses as was there shortly after reported The truth whereof the Lords in this Parliament may be pleased to examine as they shall see cause the Parliament at Oxford being shortly after viz. Aug. 12. unhappily dissolved In or about September 1625. The said ships were actually imployed against the Rochellors and their Friends to their exceeding great prejudice and almost utter ruine It hath been said by some of the French that the Vantguard she mowed them down like grass To the great dishonor of our Nation and the scandal of our Religion and to the disadvantage of the great affairs of this Kingdom and all Christendom Also the Ships themselves were in eminent peril to be utterly lost for lack of sufficient Cautions If they be come home since this Parliament sate down long after the matter was here expounded and taken into examination It may be well presumed that it is by some underhand procuring of the Duke and the secret complying of the French with him to colour out the matter which the Lords may examine as they see cause The one and onely English-man that presumed to stay in one of the Ships and serve against the poor Rochellors of our Religion at his return was slain in charging a Peece of Ordnance not by him well sponged In February last 1625. Monsieur de la Touche having speech with Master Thomas Sherwell a Member of the Commons House of Parliament at Salisbury as he was coming up to the Parliament and Monsieur de la Touche going down into Somerset-shire to Master John Pawlets to Monsieur Sobysa He told Master Sherwell in the hearing also of one Master Iohn Clements of Plymouth who is now in Town the words that the Duke had spoken to him the last Summer touching these Ships and thereupon used these words Ce Duque est un meshant homme Upon this whole Narration of the Fact touching the manner of Delivery of the Ships to the French divers things may be observed wherein the Dukes offences do consist As In betraying a Ship of the Kings Royal Navy unto a Foreign Princes hand without good Warrant for the same The dispossessing the Subjects of this Realm of their Ships and Goods by many artifices and subtilties and in conclusion with high hand and open violence against the good will of the Owners In breaking the duty of Lord Admiral and Guardian of the Ships and Seas of this Kingdom In varying from the original good Instructions and presuming to give others of his own head in matters of State In violating the duty of a sworne Privy-Counsellor to his Majesty In abusing both Houses of Parliament by a cautelous Misinformation under a colour of a Message from his Majesty And in disadvantaging the Affairs of those of our Religion in Foreign parts Offences of an high and grievous nature For the proof of some parts thereof which are not the least I offer to your Lordships consideration the Statute of the 2 3 E. 6. touching the Duke of Somerset wherein is recited That amongst other things he did not suffer the Piers called the Newhaven and Blackerst in the parts beyond the Seas to be furnished with victuals and money whereby the French were encouraged to invade and win the same Aud for this offence amongst others it was Enacted That a great part of his Land should be taken from him And if Non-feazance in a matter tending to lose a fixed Castle belonging to the King be an high offence then the actual putting of a Ship Royal of the Kings into the hand of a Foreign Prince which is a moveable and more useful Castle and Fortress of the Realm must needs be held a greater offence I will forbear to cite any more Presidents of this kind because some of those who have gone before me have touched at divers Presidents of this nature which may be applied to this my part Only because the abuse of the Parliament which is the chiefest Council of State and Court of Judicature in the Realm is not the least offence in this business I shall desire your Lordships to take into consideration the Statute of Westm. 1. cap. 30. whereby such as seem to beguile Courts of Justice are to be sore judged in the same Courts and punished as by that Statute appeareth So he concluded and left the Duke to their Lordships equal Justice The Ninth and Tenth Articles were read next IX Whereas the Titles of Honor of this Kingdom of England were wont to be conferred as great Rewards upon such vertuous and industrious Persons as had merited them by their faithful service The said Duke by his importunate and subtile procurement hath not only perverted that antient and most honorable way but also unduly for his own particular gain he hath enforced some that were rich though unwilling to purchase Honor As the Lord R. Baron of T. who by practice of the said Duke and his Agents was drawn up to London in or about October in the Two and twentieth year of Reign of the late King Iames of famous memory and there so threatened and dealt withall that by reason thereof he yielded to give and accordingly did pay the sum of Ten thousand pounds to the said Duke and to his use For which said sum the said Duke in the moneth of Ianuary in the Two and twentieth year of the said lake King procured the Title of Baron R. of T. to the said Lord R. In which practice as the said Lord R. was much wronged in his particular so the Example thereof tendeth to the prejudice of the Gentry and dishonor of the Nobility of this Kingdom X. Whereas no Places of Judicature in the Courts of Justice of our Soveraign Lord the King nor other like Preferments given by the Kings of this Realm ought to be procured by any Subject whatsoever for any Reward Bribe or Gift He the said Duke in or about the moneth of December in the Eighteenth year of the Reign of the late King Iames of famous
no man amongst the Thebans was to take upon him any Place of Government in the Commonwealth if that he were a Merchant unless there were ten years distance between And the reason is this Because Merchants are used to buying and selling It is their Trade and Art to to 〈◊〉 Money so that their fingers are accustomed to that which they cannot leave when they come to Places of Trust and Judicature Nay further in honor of the Merchants He is accounted the wisest Merchant that gains most so that if any such comes to Offices and Places of Trust he thinks it best to advance his profit Next to the Pagans the Popes a Generation full of Corruption yet they by their Bulls are full of Declamation against such And this is plain by a Bull of Pius Quintus who lays the Penalty of Confiscation of Goods of any that do for money acquire any Offices and condemns them by his Papal sentence to be great sinners So Gregory the Thirteenth condemns the like And now to come nearer home to come to that which will principally lead your Lordships which are the Judgments of your Ancestors in Parliament wherein it appears by the Statute of 5 H. 6. that the same Statute condemns the Seller and Receiver as well as the Buyer and Giver It further appears by the Preamble of that Statute that such offences were against the Law and they foresaw the Corruptions of those that came into those Places by those means and that it is a hinderance of sufficient and worthy men from those Places And also 2 3 E. 6. which was likewise cited in the Case of the Duke of Somerset by which he was to forfeit his Estate that one thing was for selling of Places in the Commonwealth for money And certainly with your Lordships favor it is most just and probable that they that profess themselves to be Patriots and shew by their actions that they aim at their own lucre and labor to hinder the distributing of Iustice it is most just and proper that those men should return back again to the Publick Treasury of the King and Kingdom what they have by their unsatisfied lucre gotten And so my Lords craving Pardon of you for my boldness confusion and distractions in going through this business I humbly leave my self to the judgments of your favors and charities and this Great man the Duke to your wise Censure and Justice Then was read the Eleventh and Twelfth Articles XI That he the said Duke hath within these ten years last past procured divers Titles of Honor to his Mother Brothers Kindred and Allies as the Title of Countess of Buckingham to his Mother while she was Sir Thomas Compton's wife the Title of Earl of A. to his younger Brother Christopher Villiers the Titles of Baron of M. P. Vicount F. and Earl of D. to his Sisters Husband Sir W. F. the Titles of Baron of S. and Vicount P. to Sir Iohn Villiers elder Brother unto the said Duke and divers more of the like kind to his Kindred and Allies whereby the Noble Barons of England so well deserving in themselves and in their Ancestors have been much prejudiced and the Crown disabled to reward extraordinary Vertues in future times with Honor while the small Estates of those for whom such unnecessary Advancement hath been procured ar● apparently likely to be more and more burthensom unto the King notwithstanding such Annuities Pensions and Grants of Lands annexed to the Crown of great value which the said Duke hath procured for those his Kindred to support these their Dignities XII He the said Duke 〈◊〉 contented with the great Advancement formerly received from the late King of famous memory by his procurement and practice in the Fourteenth year of the said King for the support of the many Places Honors and Dignities conferred on him did obtain a grant of divers Manors Parcel of the Revenue of the Crown and of the Duchy of Lancaster to the yearly value of One thousand six hundred ninety seven pounds two shillings halfpenny farthing of the old Rent with all Woods Timber Trees and Advowson part whereof amounting to the sum of Seven hundred forty seven pounds thirteen shillings four pence was rated at Two and thirty thousand pounds but in truth of a far greater value And likewise in the Sixteenth year of the same Kings reign did procure divers other Manors annexed to the Crown of the yearly value at the old Rent of Twelve hundred pounds or thereabouts according as in a Schedule hereunto annexed appeareth In the Warrant for passing of which Lands he by his great favour procured divers unusual Clauses to be inserted viz. that no Perquisites of Courts should be valued and that all Bailiffs Fees should be reprised in the particulars upon which those Lands were rated whereby a president hath been introduced which all those who since that time have obtained any Lands from the Crown have pursued to the damage of his late Majesty and of our Soveraign Lord the King that now is to an exceeding great value And afterwards he surrendred to his said Majesty divers Mannors and Lands parcel of those Lands formerly granted unto him to the value of Seven hundred twenty three pounds eighteen shillings and two pence half-penny per annum in consideration of which surrender he procured divers other Lands of the said late King to be sold and contracted for by his own Servants and Agents and thereupon hath obtained grants of the same to pass from his late Majesty to several persons of this Kingdom and hath caused Tallies to be stricken for the money being the consideration mentioned in those Grants in the Receipt of the Exchequer as if any such monies had really come to his Majesties Coffers whereas the Duke or some other by his appointment hath indeed received the same sums and expended them upon his own occasions And notwithstanding the great and inestimable gain by him made by the sale of Offices Honors and by other Suits by him obtained from his Majesty and for the countenancing of divers Projects and other Courses burthensom to his Majesties Realms both of England and Ireland The said Duke hath likewise by his procurement and practise received into his hands and disbursed to his own use exceeding great sums that were the monies of the late King of famous memory as appeareth also in the said Schedule hereunto annexed And the better to colour his doings in that behalf hath obtained several Privy-Seals from his late Majesty and his Majesty that now is warranting the payment of great sums to persons by his named causing it to be recited in such Privy-seals as if those sums were directed for secret Services concerning the State which were notwithstanding disposed of to his own use and other Privy-seals by him have been procured for the discharge of those Persons without accompt and by the like fraud and practice under colour of free gifts from his Majesty he hath gotten into
his hands great sums which were intendded by his Majesty to be disbursed for the preparing furnishing and victualling of his Royal Navy by which secret and colourable devices the constant and ordinary course of the Exchequer hath been broken there being no means by matter of Record to charge either the Treasurer or Victualler of the Navy with those sums which ought to have come to their hands and to be accompted for to his Majesty and such a confusion and mixture hath been made between the Kings Estate and the Dukes as cannot be cleared by the Legal Entries and Records which ought to be truely and faithfully made and kept both for the safety of his Majesties Treasure and for the indempnity of his Officers and Subjects whom it doth concern And also in the Sixteenth year of the said King and in the Twentieth year of the said King he did procure to himself several Releases from the said King of divers great sums of the Money of the said King by him privately received and which he procured that he might detain the same for the support of his Places Honors and Dignities And these things and divers other of the like kinde as appeareth in the Schedule annexed hath he done to the exceeding diminution of the Revenues of the Crown and in deceit both of our Soveraign Lord the King that now is and of the late King Iames of famous memory and to the detriment of the whole Kingdom Before Mr Sherland entred to open and enlarge upon the Twelfth Article he discoursed in general concerning Honors mentioned in the preceding Article and spake as followeth My Lords IT hath pleased God who hath the disposing even of all things in his hands to cast this service now upon me who did formerly my endeavor to decline it considering the weightiness of the business the greatness of this presence and my manifold defects best known to my self But another that should have with better contentment I doubt not performed this service being fallen now sick there is a necessity imposed on me by the House of Commons wherein I shall be very plain and short according to the warning I had yet I shall deal plainly and faithfully according to the sense of that House by whose command I now appear And since I am now thrust as a Bush into the Gap I hope your Lordships will not expect such a composure and strength of Speech which you have had from others of my Companions The Subject that falls to my lot to speak of before your Lordships are Honor and Iustice two great Flowers of the Crown I confess my self exceeding unfit and unable to speak of these Points before so great an Assembly of such Persons of so great Honor and such Superior Judges of this Kingdom but I must take my Lot It pleaseth your Lordships as in Sphere to take knowledge of the Grievances presented by the Commons House which I desire and hope your Lordships will not take presumption May it please your Lordships the parts of this Charge as you discern upon the reading of it are two the one general the other particular The general is perverting the ancient and noble course of attaining to the Titles of Honor. 2. The other the compulsion or inforcement of men unwilling to purchase Honor. For the first by way of Protestation I am commanded by the House of Commons to say that they repine not at their advancement upon whom those Honors were conferred but they think them worthy thereof yet they wish for their sakes and the safety of this Nation their vertues had solely raised them and that they had not been forced and constrained to contribute to this bottomless Gulf to attain their Titles They complain again of this unworthy way brought in by this great man they fall upon this in this manner and found the Evils under which the Commonwealth suffers and the Causes of them being two principal Evils which are the decay and stopping of the Trade and the Determination of Honor. In examination of which second Evil the Trade and Comerce of Honor we have as the Commons do conceive confitentem reum For he endeavouring to colour the matter sayes for himself That he was not the onely introducer and first bringer in of this but they finde that he was the first that defiled this Virgin of Honor so publickly making an accompt that all things and persons should stoop and subject themselves to his vain desires and extravagancy Now that this comerce of Honor is an Offence then to prove what kinde of Offence it is is the onely thing I shall trouble your Lordships with 1. And first that it is an Offence I shall draw my first Argument from the Nature of Honor Honor is a Beam of Vertue now this Honor can be no more fixed upon an undeserving Person for Money then Fire can be struck out of a Stick 2. From the Suject of Honor which is Merit for the which no price ought to be paid to any great man by any undeserving person for the same but their own merit and desert Then he passed to the Grievances which are caused by the selling of Titles and they are Three 1. First it is prejudicial to the Noble Barons of this Kingdom 2. To the King by disabling him to reward extraordinary vertues 3. To the Kingdom which comprehends both King Lords and people For the first He said he would not trouble their Lordships with recital how Ancient how Famous the Degree of Barons hath been in these Western Monarchies He said the Baronage of England hath longer upheld that Dignity and doth yet retain a greater height then in any other Nation they are great Judges a Court of the last resort they are great Counsellors of State and not onely for the present but as Law-makers Counsellors for the time to come and this not by Delegacy and Commission but by Birth and Inheritance So that when any man shall be made a Member of this great Body who is not qualified for the performance of such noble Functions it must needs be a prejudice to the whole body and dishonor to the head As if a little water be put into a great vessel of Wine as it receives spirit and strength from the Wine so it doth impart some degrees of its own infirmity and coldness to the Wine Secondly It is prejudicial to the King not that it can disable him from giving Honor for that is a power inseparable but by making Honor ordinary it becomes as an incompetent Reward for extraordinavertue when men are made noble they are taken out of the Press of the common sort and how can it chuse but fall in estimation if Honor it self be made a Press Thirdly It is prejudicial to the Kingdom the Stories and Records are full of the great assistance which the Crown hath received from the Barons both in Forein and Domestick Actions not onely by their own persons but by their Retinue and
Tenants and therefore they are called by Bracton Robur Belli how can we now expect the like from such as have no Tenants and are hardly able to maintain themselves But this is not all for the prejudice grows not primitively by defect of that assistance which they might give the State but positively they have been a great burthen to the Kingdom by Gifts and Pensions already received and yet stand in need of more for the future support of their Dignities This makes the Dukes offence the greater that in this weakness and consumption of the Commonwealth he hath not been contented alone to consume the qublick Treasure which is the blood and nourishment of the State but hath brought in others to help him in this work of destruction And that they might do it more eagerly by inlarging their Honors he hath likewise inlarged their Necessities and their Appetites He did second his Charge with two Presidents the first 28 Henry 6. in the Complaint against the Duke of Suffolk in the One and thirtieth Article of that Complaint this was one of his Charges That he William de la Pool Duke of Suffolk had procured one who had married his Niece to be made Earl of Kendal and obtained for him One thousand pounds per annum in the Dutchy of Guienne and yet this Party was the Son of a Noble and well deserving Father So you see this is no new thing for the House of Commons to complain that those that are neer the King should raise their Kindred to an unnecessary Honor and if that were worthy of punishment for advancing of one then what punishment is he worthy of that hath advanced so many The second President is 17 Edw. 4. There passed an Act of Parliment for the Degrading of Iohn Nevil Marquis Montague and Duke of Bedford the reason expressed in the Act is because he had not a Revenue sufficient for the maintaining of that Dignity to which is added another reason of that nature that when men of mean birth are called to a high Estate and have not livelihood to support it it induceth great poverty and causeth briberies and extortions imbraceries and maintenance And now my Lords how far these Reasons shall lead your Judgements in this Case I must leave it to your Lordships Then he read the Twelfth Article being the second part of his Charge the Title whereof was The Exhausting Intercepting and Misimploying the Kings Revenues My Lords This Article consists of several Clauses which in some respects may be called so many distinct Charges for though they all tend to one end and scope the diminishing the Kings Treasure yet it is by divers wayes so that every Clause is a particular Branch Therefore he desired to break it into parts and to select the most material either in point of offence or grievance inten●ing to pass through them with this order first to declare the state of the proof and then to add such reasons and inforcements as he did conceive most conduceable to that Judgement which the Commons were to expect from their Lorships He made two main Branches of this Article The first concerns Lands obtained from the Crown the second concerns Money in Pensions Gifts Farms and other kinde of profit Touching the Lands he observed four Things 1. The sum of Three thousand thirty five pounds per annum of old Rent besides the Forest of Layfield of which we have no value and we can finde no Schedule granted by the late King to my Lord of Buckingkham within ten years past as appeareth by the several Grants vouched in the Schedule annexed and it was in it self a great grievance That in a time of such necessity when the Kings Revenues are not able to support such a great charge that so much Land should be conveyed to a private man This he acknowledged was not the Dukes case alone for others had received divers Grants from the King but none in so great measure And because the Commons aim not at Judgement onely but at Reformation he wished That when the King should bestow any Land for support of Honors that the caution which was wont to be carefully observed might again return into use that is to annex those Lands to the Dignity lest being obtained and wasted the Party repair to the King for a new support by which provision the Crown will reap this Benefit That as some Lands go out by new Grants others will come in by spent Intails He said he would not trouble their Lordships with repetition of the Laws heretofore made for preventing the alienation of the Kings Lands and for resuming those that had been alienated nor of the Ordinances made in this high Court for the same purpose and Fines set upon those that presumed to break such Ordinances he onely added as a further enforcement of the Grievance That when the Kings Revenues be unable to defray publick necessities the Commons must needs be more burthened with Supplies 2. His second Point was the unusual Clauses which the Duke by his greatness hath procured to be inserted into the Warrants for passing of those Lands of which two were mentioned the first That the casual profits should not be rated in the particulars the second That all Bailiffs Fees should be reprised Both which are to be proved by the Warrants remaining with the Auditor of the Rates and other Auditors whereupon he presented these Considerations First That it was a mark of Ingratitude and Insatiableness in the Duke thus to strain the Kings Bounty beyond his intention and that he would not receive this Bounty by the ordinary way but by the way of Practice Secondly It argued Unfaithfulness in him that being a sworne Counsellor he should put the King into such Courses of so much prejudice deceitfully in concealing the value of that which he bought so that the King gave he knew not what For under the proportion of Two thousand pounds he gives it may be Four thousand pounds And by this the King did not only sustain great loss for the present but it opened a way of continual loss which hath ever since been pursued by all those who have passed Lands from the Crown Thirdly The King is hereby not left Master of his own Liberality neither in proportion nor certainty for it might so fall out that the Quantity passed from him might be treble to that he intended 3. The third was The Surrender of divers Parcels of these Lands back to the King after he had held them some years and taking others from the King in exchange Where he noted That the best of the Lands and most vendible being passed away the worst lay upon the Kings hand that if he shall have occasion to raise money by sale of Lands that Course is not like to furnish him Besides that in the mean time betwixt the Grants and the Surrenders opportunity was left to the Duke to cut down Woods to infranchise Copiholds to make long Leases and yet
his Covetousness and therefore their Lordships need not wonder if the Commons desire and that earnestly to be delivered from such a Grievance That this complaint and proceedings of theirs may appear to be suitable to the proceedings of their Predecessors in like Cases he alleaged three Presidents which he said were Presidents in kinde but not in proportion because there hath never been the like The first 10 Rich. 2. in the Complaint against Michael de la Pool Earl of Suffolk out of which he took Three Articles the first That being Chancellor and sworn to the Kings profit he had purchased divers Lands from the King more then he had deserved and at an under rate yet this was thought to be an offence against the State The second That he had bought of one Tydman an Annuity of Five hundred pound per annum which Grant was void by the Laws yet he being Chancellor procured the King to make it good by a new Grant upon Surrender of the old This was complained of in Parliament and there punished The third Whereas the Master of St. Anthonies being a Schismatick had forfeited his Possessions into the Kings hand this Earl took them in Farm at Twenty Marks a year converting the overplus which was One thousand Marks to his own profit which should have come to the King The next President II Rich. 2. in the Judgment against Robert de Vere of Oxford and others out of which he took two Articles the Fifth and the Seventh The Fifth was for taking Mannors and Lands annexed to the Crown whereby they themselves were inriched and the King made poor the Seventh was for intercepting the Subsidies granted for the defence of the Kingdom The third President is that of 28 Hen. 6. in the Parliament Roll out of the Complaint against William de la Pool Duke of Suffolk Article 29. That he being next and primest of Council to the King he had procured him to grant great Possessions to divers persons whereby the King was much impoverished the expence of his House unpaid Wages Wardrobe Castles Navy Debts unsatisfied and so by his subtile Council and unprofitable Labor the Revenues of the Crown and the Dutchy of Lancaster and other the Kings Inheritances so much diminished and the Commons of the Kingdom so extreamly charged that it was near to a final destruction The fourth was That the Kings Treasure was mischievously distributed to himself his friends and well-willers so that for lack of Money no Army nor Ordnance could be provided in time and because these great persons were not brought to judgment upon these Articles alone but for other misdemeanors he made this observation That ravening upon the Kings Estate is always accounted with other great faults that deserve judgment Then he said he had done with that which had been left to him and so he left the Duke to their Lordships Justice That as he had exceeded others in this Offence so he might not come behinde them in punishment And so he humbly desired their Lordships to be pleased to pardon his Delivery and to give a favorable censure of him Lastly The Thirteenth Article was read XIII Whereas especial care and order hath been taken by the Laws of the Realm to restrain and prevent the unskilful Administration of Physick whereby the health and life of men may be much endangered And whereas most especially the Royal Persons of the Kings of the Realm in whom we their Loyal Subjects humbly challenge a great interest are and always have been esteemed by us so sacred that nothing ought to be prepared for them or administred unto them in the way of Physick or Dyet in the times of their sickness without the consent and direction of some of their sworn Physitians Apothecaries or Surgeons And the boldness of such how near soever to them in place and favor who have forgotten their Duties so far as to presume to offer any thing unto them beyond their experience hath been always ranked in the number of high Offences and Misdemeanors And whereas the sworn Physitians of our late Soveraign Lord King Iames of Blessed memory attending on his Majesty in the moneth of March in the Two and twentieth year of his most glorious Raign in the times of his sickness being an Ague did in due and necessary care of and for the recovery of his health and preservation of his Person upon and after several mature Consultations in that behalf had and holden at several times in the same moneth resolve and give directions That nothing should be applied or given unto his Highness by way of Physick or Dyet during his said sickness but by and upon their general advice and consents and after good deliberation thereof first had more especially by their like care and upon like consultations did justly resolve and publickly give warning to and for all the Gentlemen and other Servants and Officers of his said late Majesties Bed-chamber That no Meat nor Drink whatsoever should be given unto him within two or three hours next before the usual time of and for the coming of his Fit in the said Ague nor during the continuance thereof nor afterwards until his cold Fit were past The said Duke of Buckingham being a sworn Servant of his said late Majesty of and in his Majesties said Bed-chamber contrary to his duty and the tender respect which he ought to have had of his Majesties most Sacred Person and after the Consultations Resolutions Directions and Warning aforesaid did nevertheless without any sufficient warrant in that behalf unduly cause and procure certain Plaisters and a certain Drink or Potion to be provided for the use of his said Majesty without the direction or privity of his said late Majesties Physitians not prepared by any of his Majesties sworn Apothecaries or Chirurgeons but compounded of several ingredients to them unknown Notwithstanding the same Plaisters or some Plaister like thereunto having been formerly administred unto his said Majesty did produce such ill effects as that some of the said sworn Physitians did altogether disallow thereof and utterly refused to meddle any further with his said Majesty until these Plaisters were removed as being hurtful and prejudicial to the health of his Majesty yet nevertheless the same Plaisters as also a Drink or Potion was provided by him the said Duke which he the said Duke by colour of some insufficient and slight pretences did upon Monday the One and twentieth day of March in the Two and twentieth year aforesaid when his Majesty by the judgment of his said Physitians was in the declination of his Disease cause and procure the said Plaisters to be applied to the Brest and Wrists of his said late Majesty And then also at and in his Majesties Fit of the said Ague the said Munday and at several times within two hours before the coming of the same Fit and before his Majesties then cold Fit was passed did deliver and cause to be delivered several quantities of the
the Ship to be out of their Jurisdiction if the Warrant come from the Lord Admiral they will pretend it to be within the Jurisdiction of the Cinque Ports And so whilst the Officers dispute the opportunity of the service is lost 7. When the Kings Ships lie near the Ports and the men come on shore the Officers refuse to assist the Captains to reduce them to the Ships without the Lord Wardens Warrant 8. If the Kings Ships on the sudden have any need of Pilots for the Sands Coasts of Flanders or the like wherein the Portsmen are best experienced they will not serve without the Lord Wardens or his Lieutenants Warrant who perhaps are not near the place 9. When for great occasions for the service of the State the Lord Admiral and Lord Warden must both joyn their Authority if the Officers for want of true understanding of their several Limits and Jurisdictions mistake their Warrants the service which many times can endure no delay is lost or not so effectually performed For these and many other Reasons of the like kinde the Duke not being led either with ambition or hope of profit as hath been objected for it could be no encrease of Honor to him having been honored before with a greater place nor of profit for it hath not yielded him in any matter any profit at all nor is like to yield him above Three hundred pounds per annum at any time but out of his desire to make himself the more able to do the King and Kingdom service and prevent all differences and difficulties which heretofore had or hereafter might hinder the same He did entertain that motion and doth confess that not knowing or so much as thinking of the said Act of Parliament before mentioned he did agree to give the said Lord One thousand pounds in money and Five hundred pounds per annum in respect of his Surrender he not being willing to leave his place without such consideration nor the Duke willing to have it without his full satisfaction and the occasion why the Duke of Buckingham gave that consideration to the Lord Zouch was because the Duke of Richmond in his life time had first agreed to give the same consideration for it and if he had lived he had had that place upon the same terms And when the said Duke of Richmond was dead his late Majesty directed the Duke of Buckingham to go thorow for that place and for the Reasons before-mentioned to put both these Offices together and to give the same consideration to the said Lord which the Duke of Richmond should have given and his late Majesty said he would repay the money And how far this act of his in acquiring this Office accompanied with these Circumstances may be within the danger of the Law the King being privy to all the passages of it and encouraging and directing it he humbly submitteth to your judgement and he humbly leaves it to your Lordships judgments in what third way an antient servant to the Crown by age or infirmity disabled to perform his service can in an honorable course relinquish his place for if the King himself give the Reward it may be said it is a charge to the Crown if the succeeding Officer give the Recompence it may thus be objected to be within the danger of the Law And howsoever it be yet he hopeth it shall not be held in him a crime when his intentions were just and honorable and for the furtherance of the Kings service neither is it without president that in former times of great employment both these Offices were put into one hand by several Grants To this Article whereby the not guarding of the Narrow Seas in these last two years by the Duke according to the trust and duty of an Admiral is laid to his charge whereof the consequence supposed to have been meerly through his default are the ignominious infesting of the Coasts with Pirats and Enemies the endangering of the Dominion of these Seas the extream loss of the Merchants and the decay of the Trade and Strength of the Kingdom The Duke maketh this Answer That he doubteth not but he shall make it appear to the good satisfaction of your Lordships that albeit there hath hapned much loss to the Kings Subjects within the said time of two years by Pirats and Enemies yet that hath not hapned by the neglect of the Duke or want of care and diligence in his place For whereas in former times the ordinary Guard allowed for the Narrow Seas hath been but four Ships the Duke hath since Hostility begun and before procured their number to be much increased for since Iune 1624. there hath never been fewer then Five of the Kings Ships and ordinarily Six besides Pinnaces Merchants Ships and Drumblers and since open hostility Eight of the Kings Ships besides Merchants of greater number and Pinnaces and Drumblers and all these well furnished and manned sufficiently instructed and authorised for the service He saith he hath from time to time upon all occasions acquainted his Majesty and the Council-Bord therewith and craved their advice and used the assistance of the Commissioners for the Navy in this service and for the Dunkirkers who have of late more infested these Coasts then in former years he saith There was that Providence used for the repressing of them that his Majesties Ships and the Hollanders joyning together the Port of Dunkirk was blocked up and so should have continued had not a sudden storm dispersed them which being the immediate hand of God could not by any pollicy of man be prevented at which time they took the opportunity to Rove abroad but it hath been so far from endangering the Dominion of the Narrow Seas thereby as is suggested That his Majesties Ships or Men of War were never yet mastered nor encountred by them nor will they endure the sight of any of our Ships and when the Duke himself was in person the Dunkirkers run into their Harbors But here is a necessity that according to the fortune of Wars interchangeable losses will happen yet hitherto notwithstanding their more then wonted insolency the loss of the Enemies part hath been as much if not more then what hath hapned to us and that loss that hath faln hath cheifly come by this means that the Dunkirkers Ships being of late years exercised in continual hostility with the Hollanders are built of a Mold as fit for flight as for fight and so they pilfer upon our Coasts and creep to the shore and escape from the Kings Ships But to prevent that inconvenience for the time to come there is already order taken for the building some Ships which shall be of the like Mold light and quick of sail to meet with the adverse party in their own way And for the Pirates of Sallie and those parts he saith it is but very lately that they found the way into our Coasts where by surprise they might easily do
to be guided by ordinary Presidents In like manner the Lord Major and Commonalty of London petitioned the Council for an Abatement of the Twenty Ships rated upon them unto Ten Ships and two Pinnaces alleadging disability whereunto the Council gave this following Answer That the former Commandement was necessary the preservation of the State requiring it and that the charge imposed on them was moderate as not exceeding the value of many of their private estates That Petitions and Pleadings to this Command tend to the danger and prejudice of the Commonwealth and are not to be received That as the Commandment was given to all in general and every particular of the City so the State will require an accompt both of the City in general and of every particular And whereas they mention Presidents they might know that the Presidents of former times were Obedience not Direction and that Presidents were not wanting for the punishment of those that disobey his Majesties Commands signified by that Board which they hope shall have no occasion to let them more particularly understand Hereupon the Citizens were glad to submit and declared their consent to the Kings Demands and by Petition to the Council had the favor to nominate all the Officers of those Twenty Ships the Captains onely excepted the nomination of whom appertained to the Lord High Admiral of England Then there were likewise issued forth Privy Seals to several persons to others the way of Benevolence was proposed And because the late Parliament resolved to have given the King Four Subsidies and Three Fifteens the sums which the King required were according to that proportion And to prevent misunderstandings it was declared unto the Countrey That the Supplies now demanded were not the Subsidies and Fifteens intended to be given by the Parliament but meerly a free gift from the Subject to the Soveraign upon such weighty and pressing occasions of State The Justices of Peace in the several Counties were directed by the Privy Council to send for persons able to give and to deal with them singly by using the most prevailing perswasions Amidst these Preparations the Kingdom being exposed to dangers both Forein and Domestick a general Fast was observed on the Fifth of Iuly in the Cities of London and Westminster and places adjacent and on the Second of August throughout the Kingdom to implore a blessing upon the endeavors of the State and the diverting of those judgments which the sins of the Land deserve and threaten And for the defence of this Realm threatned with a powerful Invasion extraordinary Commissions were given to the Lords Lieutenants of the several Counties to Muster the Subjects of whatsoever degree or dignity that were apt for War and to try and array them and cause them to be armed according to their degrees and faculties as well Men of Arms as other Horsmen Archers and Footmen and to lead them against publick Enemies Rebels and Traytors and their adherents within the Counties of their Lieutenancy to repress slay and subdue them and to execute Martial Law sparing and putting to death according to discretion And in case of Invasions Insurrections Rebellions and Riots without the limits of their respective Counties to repair to the places of such Commotions and as need required to repress them by battel or any forcible means or otherwise either by the Law of this Realm or the Law Martial In like manner lest the deserting of the Coasts Ports and Sea Towns should expose those places to become a prey and invite the Enemy to an Invasion the Inhabitants and those that had withdrawn themselves to Inland places were required to return with their Families and Retinues and there to abide during those times of Hostility and Danger And for securing of the Coasts from Spain or Flanders some of the Kings Ships were employed in the River Elbe to prevent the furnishing of Spain from those parts with materials for shipping which occasioned a great discontent in those of Hamburgh for that their Neighbors of Lubeck and other Towns of the East Sea were free from this restraint insomuch that they resolved to force their passage by a Fleet of Fifty or threescore sail of Ships Whereupon the Lord Admiral informed the Council that his Majesties charge at Hamburgh was expended to little purpose except also the Sound could be shut up against all shipping that should carry prohibited Commodities especially since the Hamburgers send their Commodities by Land to Lubeck to be transported from thence into Spain and that the States and the King of Denmarks Ships are departed from the Elbe and have left the English alone Moreover the King prepared a Royal Fleet which was now at Portsmouth ready to put to Sea under the command of the Lord Willoughby and given out to be designed for Barbary The King of Denmark having put forth a Declaration of the Causes and Grounds wherefore he took up Arms against the Emperor declared one cause thereof to be FOrasmuch as the Elector Palatine by the procurement of the King of Great Britain and him the King of Denmark had offered his Submission to his Imperial Majesty and to crave Pardon and thereupon was in hopes to have his Patrimony with the Dignities of his Ancestors restored Yet notwithstanding the Emperor did still commit great spotles and acts of hostility in his Countrey giving no regard to the said Submission and had much damnified the Lower Saxony by the Forces which he had brought thither under Tilly. Whereupon he sayes the Princes of the Lower Saxony have desired the aid and assistance of him the King of Denmark to settle the Peace and Liberty of Germany who was resolved to take up Arms and with whom he was resolved for to joyn having the like assurance from the King of Great Britain who had déeply engaged to assist in this War for the restitution of the Elector Palatine Therefore the King of Denmark declares That séeing all Prayers Mediations and Accessions cannot prevail with his Imperial Majesty he will endeavor to procure a peace and settlement by force which he should have béen glad would have béen ordained unto him upon fair terms of Treaty In the beginning of the year divers Towns were taken by the King of Denmark and some retaken by Tilly but the Seven and twentieth of August decided the Controversie on which day the King of Denmark upon the approach of Tilly desiring to decline battel with the Emperors old Soldiers many of his own men being new levied Soldiers endeavored to make his retreat but Tilly followed so close his Rear-guard that he kept them in continual action till the King of Denmark saw no remedy but that he must either fight or lose the Rear of his Army and Train of Artillery Whereupon his Commanders advised him to resolve of a place of advantage and face about and give battel which accordingly they did and both Armies drew up near Luttern
Judgment and Execution of such Offenders as in time of War and some were executed by those Commissions Nevertheless the Soldiers brake out into great disorders they mastered the people disturbed the peace of Families and the Civil Government of the Land there were frequent Robberies Burglaries Rapes Rapines Murthers and Barbarous Cruelties Unto some places they were sent for a punishment and where ever they came there was a general outcry The High-ways were dangerous and the Markets unfrequented they were a terror to all and an undoing to many Divers Lords of the Council were appointed to repair into their several Countreys for the advancement of the Loan and were ordered to carry a List of the names as well of the Nobility and Privy Counsellors as of the Judges and Serjeants at Law that had subscribed to lend or sent in money for the Publick service to be a Patern and leading Example to the whole Nation But Sir Randolph Crew shewing no zeal for the advancing thereof was then removed from his place of Lord Chief Justice and Sir Nicholas Hide succeeded in his room A person who for his parts and abilities was thought worthy of that preferment yet nevertheless came to the same with a prejudice coming in the place of one so well beloved and so suddenly removed but more especially by reason the Duke appeared in his advancement to express a grateful Acknowledgment to that Knight for the care and pains he took in drawing the Dukes Answer to the Impeachment in Parliament against him This business of the Loan occasioned a Complaint to the Lords of the Council against the Bishop of Lincoln for publickly speaking words concerning it which was conceived to be against the King and Government Whereupon Sir Iohn Lamb and Dr. Sibthorpe informed the Council to this purpose That many were grieved to see the Bishop of Lincoln give place to unconformable Ministers when he turned his back to those that were conformable and how the Puritans ruled all with him and that divers Puritans in Leicestershire being Convented his Lordship would not admit proceedings to be had against them That Dr. Sibthorpe being desired to stay at Leicester this year as Commissary for the High Commission there the Countrey being much over-spread with Puritanism Sir Iohn Lamb and the said Doctor did inform the Bishop of Lincoln then at Bugden what Factious Puritans there were in the County who would not come up to the Table to receive the Communion kneeling and that there were unlawful Fasts and Meetings kept in the County and one Fast that held from nine in the Forenoon till eight at night and that Collections for moneys were made without Authority upon pretence for the Palatinate And therefore they desired leave from the Bishop to proceed against those Puritans Ex Officio The said Bishop replied He would not meddle against the Puritans for his part he expected not another Bishoprick they might complain of them if they would to the Council Table for he was under a Cloud already and he had the Duke of Buckingham for his Enemy and he would not draw the Puritans upon him for he was sure they would carry all things at last Besides he said the King in the First year of his Reign had given Answer to a Petition of the Lower House in favor of the Puritans It appeared also by the Information of others who were present at the Conference at Bugden That Sir Iohn Lamb and Dr. Sibthorpe did notwithstanding the Bishops aversness again press the Bishop to proceed against the Puritans in Leicestershire the Bishop then asked them what manner of people they were and of what condition For his part he knew of none To which Sir Iohn Lamb replied Dr. Sibthorpe being present That they seem to the World to be such as would not Swear Whore nor Drink but yet would Lie Cozen and Deceive That they would frequently hear two Sermons a day and repeat the same again too and afterwards pray and sometimes fast all day long Then the Bishop asked whether those places where those Puritans were did lend money freely upon the Collection of the Loan To which Sir Iohn Lamb and Dr. Sibthorpe replied That they did generally resolve to lend freely Then said the Bishop no man of discretion can say That that place is a place of Puritans For my part said the Bishop I am not satisfied to give way to proceedings against them At which Dr. Sibthorpe was much discontented and said He was troubled to see that the Church was no better regarded These Informations being transmitted to the Council Table were ordered to be sealed up and committed to the Custody of Mr. Trumbal one of the Clerks of the Council nevertheless the Bishop of Lincoln used such means as he got a Copy of them For which and some other matters an Information was afterwards preferred against him in the Star-Chamber Of which more at large when we come in our next Volume to treat of the great and high proceedings of that Court. Bishop Laud not long before this Passage with the Bishop of Lincoln was informed That the Bishop of Lincoln endeavored to be reconciled to the Duke and that night that he was so informed he dreamed That the Bishop of Lincoln came with Iron Chains but returned freed from them That he leaped upon a Horse departed and he could not overtake him The Interpretation of this Dream may not unfitly be thus applied His Chains might signifie the imprisonment of the Bishop of Lincoln afterwards in the Tower his returning free to his being set at Liberty again at the meeting of the Parliament his leaping on Hors-back and departing to his going into Wales and there commanding a Troop in the Parliaments Service and that Bishop Laud could not overtake him might portend that himself should become a Prisoner in the same place and be rendred thereby incapable to follow much less to overtake him At this time the King had Six thousand Foot Soldiers in the Service of the United Provinces under the Command of Sir Charls Morgan Sir Edward Herbert Sir Iohn Burlacy Sir Iames Leviston c. for the assistance of the States against the increasing power of Spinola Upon the present occasion these Forces were called off from the States services to joyn with the King of Denmark under the Command of Sir Charls Morgan against the common enemy the King of Spain and his adherents Some few moneths after One thousand three hundred foot more were embarqued at Hull to be transported by Captain Conisby to the Town of Stoad in Germany and there to be delivered over to the charge of the aforesaid Sir Charls Morgan General of the English Forces in the service of the King of Denmark a person of known Valor and fit for conduct of an Army But the Assessment of the general Loan did not pass currantly with the people for divers persons refused to subscribe their names
and Command all and every other person and persons whom it may any way concern in their several places or Offices to be Attendant Observant and Obedient to you and every of you in the execution and performance of this Our Royal Will and Command as they and every of them will answer the contrary at their utmost perils Nevertheless We do hereby declare Our Royal Pleasure to be That they the said Sir Henry Martin Sir Charls Caesar Sir Thomas Ridley and Nathaniel Brent in their several Offices and places aforesaid and all other Registers Officers and Ministers in the several Courts Offices and Iurisdictions appertaining to the said Archbishop shall quietly and without interruption hold use occupy and enjoy their several Offices and places which they now hold by the Grant of the said Archbishop or of any other former Archbishop of Canterbury in such Manner and Form and with those Benefits Priviledges Powers and Authorities which they now have hold and enjoy therein or thereout severally and respectively they and every of them in their several places being Attendant and Obedient unto you the said George Bishop of London Richard Bishop of Durham John Bishop of Rochester John Bishop of Oxford and William Bishop of Bathe and Wells or to any four thrée or two of you in all things according to the Tenor of this Our Commission as they should or ought to have béen to the said Archbishop himself if this Commission had not béen had or made In witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patents witness Our Self at Westminster The Nineth day of October in the Third year of Our Reign Per ipsum Regem Edmonds For a Memorial of these Proceedings the Archbishop left to Posterity this following Narrative penned with his own hand Archbishop ABBOT his NARRATIVE Pars Prima IT is an Example so without Example that in the Sunshine of the Gospel in the midst of Profession of the true Religion under a Gratious King whom all the World must acknowledge to be blemished with no Vice a man of my place and years who have done some service in the Church and Commonwealth so deeply laden with some furious infirmities of Body should be removed from his ordinary Habitation and by a kinde of deportation should be thrust into one end of the Island although I must confess into his own Diocess that I hold it fit that the reason of it should be truly understood least it may someways turn to the scandal of my Person and Calling Which Declaration notwithstanding I intend not to communicate to any but to let it lie by me privately That it being set down impartially whilst all things are fresh in memory I may have recourse to it hereafter if Questions shall be made of any thing contained in this Relation And this I hold necessary to be done by reason of the strangeness of that which by way of Censure was inflicted upon me being then of the age of Sixty five years incumbred with the Gout and afflicted with the Stone having lived so many years in a place of great service and for ought I know untainted in any of my actions although my Master King Iames who resteth with God had both a searching Wit of his own to discover his Servants whom he put in trust whether they took any sinister courses or no and wanted not some suggesters about him to make the worst of all mens actions whom they could misreport Yet this Innocency and good Fame to be overturned in a moneth and a Christian Bishop suddenly to be made Fabula Vulgi to be tossed upon the Tongues of Friends and Foes of Protestants and Papists of Court and Countrey of English and Foreigners must needs in common opinion presuppose some Crime open or secret Which being discovered by the King albeit not fully appearing to the World must draw on indignation in so high a measure I cannot deny that the indisposition of my Body kept me from Court and thereby gave occasion to Maligners to traduce me as withdrawing my self from publick services and therefore misliking some courses that were taken which abstaining perhaps neither pleased the King nor the great man that set them on foot It is true that in the turbulency of some things I had no great invitements to draw me abroad but to possess my Soul in Patience till God sent fairer weather But the true ground of my abstaining from solemn and publick places was the weakness of my Feet proceeding from the Gout which disease being hereditary unto me and having possessed me now nine years had debilitated me more and more So that I could not stand at all neither could I go up or down a pair of Stairs but besides my Staff I must have the service of one at least of my men which was not fit to be admitted in every place where I was to come And although I was oft remembred by the wisest of my Friends that I might be carried as the old Lord Treasurer Burleigh was yet I did not think my service so necessary for the Commonwealth as his Lordships by long experience was found to be I did not value my self at so high a rate but remembred that it was not the least cause of overthrow to Robert Earl of Essex that he prized himself so as if Queen Elizabeth and the Kingdom could not well have stood if he had not supported both the one and the other Now for me thus enfeebled not with Gout onely but with the Stone also and Gravel to wait on the King or the Council Table was by me held a matter most inconvenient In the Courts of Princes there is little feeling of the infirmities belonging to old age they like them that be yong and gallant in their actions and in their cloaths they love not that men should stick too long in any room of greatness Change and alteration bringeth somewhat with it What have they to do with Kerchiefs and Staves with lame or sickly men it is certainly true There is little compassion upon the bodily defects of any The Scripture speaketh of men standing before Kings it were an uncouth sight to see the Subject sit the day before the Coronation when on the morrow I had work enough for the strongest man in England being weak in my Feet and coming to Whitehal to see things in a readiness against the next day yet notwithstanding the Stone and Gout I was not altogether an inutile servant in the Kings Affairs but did all things in my house that were to be done as in keeping the High Commission Court doing all inferior Actions conducing thereunto and dispatching References from his Majesty that came thick upon me These Relations which are made concerning me be of certain truth but reach not to the reason wherefore I was discarded To understand therefore the verity so it is That the Duke of Buckingham being still great in the favor of the King could endure no
first to direct and make Laws There is no Law made till the King assent unto it but if it be put simply to make Laws it will make much startling at it 3. Page 10. If nothing may excuse from active obedience but what is against the Law of God or of Nature or impossible How doth this agree with the first Fundamental Position Page 5. That all Subjects are bound to all their Princes according to the Laws and Customs of the Kingdom wherein they live This is a fourth Case of Exception 4. Page 11. The Poll-Money mentioned by him in St. Matthew was imposed by the Emperor as a Conqueror over the Iews and the execution of it in England although it was by a Law produced a terrible effect in King Richard the Second's time when onely it was used for ought that appeareth 5. Page 12. It is in the bottome view the Reign of Henry the Third and whether it be fit to give such allowance to the Book being surreptitiously put out 6. In the same Page let the largeness of those words be well considered Yea all Antiquity to be absolutely for absolute Obedience to Princes in all Civil and Temporal things For such cases as Naboths Vineyard may f●ll within this 7. Page 14. Sixtus Quintus was dead before the year One thousand five hundred and eighty 8. In the same Page weigh it well How this Loan may be called a Tribute and when it s said We are promised it shall not be immoderately imposed How that agreeth with his Majesties Commission and Proclamation which are quoted in the Margent It should seem that this Paper did prick to the quick and no satisfaction being thereby accepted Bishop Laud is called and he must go to answer to it in writing This man is the onely inward Counsellor with Buckingham sitting with him sometimes privately whole hours and feeding his humor with malice and spight His life in Oxford was to pick quarrels in the Lectures of the Publick Readers and to advertise them to the then Bishop of Durham that he might fill the ears of King Iames with discontents against the honest men that took pains in their places and setled the truth which he called Puritanism in their Auditors He made it his work to see what Books were in the Press and to look over Epistles Dedicatory and Prefaces to the Reader to see what faults might be found It was an observation what a sweet man this was like to be that the first observable act that he did was the marrying of the Earl of D. to the Lady R. When it was notorious to the World that she had another Husband and the same a Nobleman who had divers Children then living by her King Iames did for many years take this so ill that he would never hear of any great preferment of him insomuch that the Bishop of Lincoln Doctor Williams who taketh upon him to be the first promoter of him hath many times said That when he made mention of Laud to the King his Majesty was so averse from it that he was constrained oftentimes to say That he would never desire to serve that Master which could not remit one fault unto his Servant Well in the end he did conquer it to get him to the Bishoprick of St. Davids which he had not long enjoyed but he began to undermine his Benefactor as at this day it appeareth The Countess of Buckingham told Lincoln that St. Davids was the Man that undermined him with her Son and verily such is his aspiring nature that he will underwork any man in the World so that he may gain by it This Man who believeth so well of himself framed an Answer to my Exceptions But to give some countenance to it he must call in three other Bishops that is to say Durham Rochester and Oxford tryed men for such a purpose and the whole stile of the Speech runneth We and We. This seemed so strong a confutation that for reward of their service as well as for hope that they would do more Doctor Neal Bishop of Durham and the Bishop of Bath were sworn of the Privy Council The very day being Sunday Mr. Murrey was sent unto me with a Writing but finding me all in a sweat by a fit of the Stone which was then upon me he forbore for that time to trouble me and said That on the morrow he would repair unto me again I got me to Bed and lying all that night in pain I held it convenient not to rise the next day And on the Monday Mr. Murrey came unto me which was the Eighth time that he had been with me so uncessantly was I plyed with this noble work I had shewed it before to a friend or two whereof the one was a Learned Doctor of Divinity and the other had served many times in Parliament with great commendation We all agreed That it was an idle work of a Man that understood not Logick that evidently crossed himself that some times spake plausibly and in the end of his Sermon fell so poor and flat that it was not worth the reading Mr. Murrey coming to my Bed-side said That he was sent again by the King and had a Paper to be shewed unto me Archb. You see in what case I am having slept little all this last night but nevertheless since you come from the King I will take my Spectacles and read it Murrey No my Lord you may not read it neither handle it for I have charge not to suffer it to go out of my hands Archb. How then shall I know what it is Murrey Yes I have order to read it unto you but I may not part with it Archb. I must conceive that if I do not assent to it his Majesty will give me leave to reply upon it which I cannot do but in my Study for there are my Books Murrey I must go with you into your Study and sit by you till you have done Archb. It is not so hasty a work it will require time and I have not been used to Study one sitting by me but first read it I pray you The yong Gentleman read it from the one end to the other being two or three sheets of Paper Archb. This Answer is very bitter but giveth me no satisfaction I pray you leave the Writing with me and I shall batter it to peeces Murrey No my Lord I am forbidden to leave it with you or to suffer you to touch it Archb. How cometh this about Are the Authors of it afraid of it or ashamed of it I pray you tell his Majesty that I am dealt with neither Manly nor Schollar-like Not Manly because I must fight with Adversaries that I know not not Shollar-like because I must not see what it is that must confute me It is now Eight and forty years ago that I came to the University and since that time I have ever loved a Learned Man I have disputed
to his duty To this Sir Thomas Darnell replied That such words never came into his thoughts And did humbly pray they might make no impression upon the Court to the disparagement of his Cause for he was accused of that he was in no manner guilty of Upon which Sir Nicholas Hide Chief Justice said That he had made a fair and temperate Answer And you may perceive said the Chief Justice the upright and sincere proceedings which have been in this business You no sooner moved for a Habeas Corpus but it was granted you you no sooner desired Council but they were assigned you though any Council might move for you without being assigned and should have had no blame for it The Kings pleasure is his Law should take place and be executed and for that do we sit here And whether the Commitment be by the King or others this Court is the place where the King doth sit in person to do right if injury be done And we have power to examine it and if it appear that any man hath wrong done him by his Imprisonment we have power to deliver and discharge him if otherwise he is to be remanded by us to Prison again And the Attorney-General after the Chief Justice had spoken said Though this be a Case which concerns the King in an high degree yet he hath been so gracious and so just as not to refuse the Examination and Determination thereof according to the Laws of the Kingdom Then the Court proceeded to hear the Arguments made in the Prisoners behalf Mr. Noy argued for Sir Walter Earl Serjeant Bramston for Sir Iohn Heveningham Mr. Selden for Sir Edward Hampden Mr. Calthrop for Sir Iohn Corbet who were all assigned of Council with the Prisoners by the Court of Kings-Bench upon a Petition delivered by them to that purpose After they had argued Mr. Attorney had a day appointed to argue for the King It is not our intention to take up the Readers time with the Arguments at large either by the one side or the other We shall only hint unto you some generals chiefly concerning the form of the Return of the Writ The first Exception taken by the Council for the imprisoned Gentlemen was to the form of the Return 1. For that the Return is not positive but referred to the signification made by another by the Lords of the Council 2. The Keepers of the Prisons have not return'd the Cause of the Commitment but the Cause of the Cause which they held not to be good 3. That the Return of the Commitment is imperfect for that it sheweth onely the Cause of the detaining in Prison and not the Cause of the first Commitment Lastly That the Return is contradictory in it self For that in the first part thereof it is certified that the detaining of those Gentlemen in Prison is per speciale mandatum Domini Regis And when the Warrant of the Lords of the Council is shewn it appeareth that the Commitment is by the command of the King signified by the Lords of the Council The second general Exception was to the matter of the Return and that was touching the Imprisonment per speciale mandatum Domini Regis by the Lords of the Council without any Cause expressed Wherefore said Mr. Selden by the constant and setled Laws of this Kingdom without which we have nothing no man can be justly imprisoned either by the King or Council without a Cause of the Commitment and that ought to be expressed in the Return The Law saith expresly No Free-man shall be imprisoned without due Process of the Law Nullus liber homo capiatur vel imprisonetur nisi per legem terrae c. And in the Charter of King Iohn there are these words Nec eum in carcerem mittimus We will not commit him to Prison that is The King himself will not This right said Serjeant Bramston is the onely means that a Subject hath whereby to obtain his Liberty and the end of it is to return the Cause of the Imprisonment that it may be examined in this Court whether the parties ought to be discharged or not Which cannot be done upon this Return for the Cause of the Imprisonment is so far from appearing particularly by it that there is no Cause at all expressed And the Writ requires that the Cause of the Imprisonment should be returned and the Cause ought to be expressed so far as that it ought to be none of those Causes for which by the Laws of the Kingdom the Subject ought not to be imprisoned and it ought to be expressed that it was by Presentment or Indictment or upon Petition or Suggestion made unto the King For said he observe but the consequence If those Gentlemen who are committed without any Cause shewn should not be bailed but remanded the Subjects of the Kingdom may be restrained of their Liberty for ever and by Law there can be no remedy We shall not reflect upon the present time and Government but we are to look what may betide us in time to come hereafter The Laws are called the great Inheritance of every Subject and the Inheritance of Inheritances without which we have nothing that deserves the name of Inheritance If upon a Habeas Corpus a Cause of Commitment be certified then said Mr. Noy the Cause is to be tryed before your Lordships but if no Cause be shewn the Court must do that which standeth with Law and Justice and that is to deliver the party The Commons did complain in Ed. 3. his time that the great Charter and other Statutes were broken They desired that for the good of himself and his people they may be kept and put in execution and not infringed by making any Arrest by special command or otherwise And the Answer which was given them was this That the said great Charter and other Statutes should be put in execution according to the Petition without disturbance of Arrests by special command And the King granteth the Commons desire in the same words as they were expressed in their Petition And afterwards complaining again That notwithstanding this Answer of the King they were imprisoned by special command without Indictment or other legal course of Law The Kings Answer was upon another Petition unto him That he was therewith well pleased And for the future he added further If any man be grieved let him complain and right shall be done And forasmuch as it doth not appear to the Court that there was any Cause of the Commitment of these Members no Charge against them no Indictment or Process according to the Laws Wherefore Mr. Noy prayed they might be no longer detained in Prison but be bailed or discharged Admit the Commitment of the Command of the King was lawful yet said Mr. Calthorp when a man hath continued in prison a reasonable time he ought to be brought to answer and not to continue still in prison without being brought to answer For that it appeareth
get them to a Rendevouz and when they were come to a Rendevouz and he ready to set sail with the whole Fleet the winds proved contrary But some of the chief Commanders when they came into England spake somwhat loudly of other miscarriages at Rhee pleading much on the behalf of the Council of War And now when the unfortunate Action of Rhee was known and published throughout the Nation the cry of the People was so great and the Kings necessities so pressing that it was in every mans mouth A Parliament must needs be summoned For we have now provoked two potent neigbor Kings and near Enemies our Coasts and Ports were unguarded our able Commanders worne away or not imployed The Mariners come in multitudes to the Court at Whitehall in great disorder and confusion crying out for Pay and much ado there was to appease them The Enemies come into our Harbors survey our Rivers and the Fishermen can scarce look out A vast number of our Ships have been lost and taken in the three years past and the Merchants cease to build more because they were prest for the Kings service at a low rate and not paid and the Mariners flee from their own imployment fearing to be prest again And our Enemies grow upon us especially in the Eastern Countries We give you here a brief Account of such Arrearages as were behind and unpaid for Freight of Ships Seamens Wages and Materials for Shipping in the Years 1625 1626 1627. FOr freight of Merchants and Newcastle-Ships imployed in his Majesties service and for several Bills of provisions yet unpaid in the years 1625 1626 according to the former Estimates Privy-seals passed for the same l. 60000 s. 00 d. 00 For the freight of sundry Merchants and Newcastle-ships imployed in his Majesties service to the Isle of Rhee and other places in the year 1627 19560 12 04 For Seamens wages in the same year 1627 ending the last of this moneth 61957 19 08 The repairing of the Hulls Masts of the said Ships to make them fit only for imployment in the Narrow-Seas together with repair and for setting forth of the Nostredame and Sea-waller two Prise-ships 05761 10 04 For repairing the said Ships mentioned in the margin for their Hulls Masts c. at 1000 marks apeece 08000 00 00 For supply of 700 Tuns of Cordage taken out of his Majesties Stores for furnishing to Sea of several Fleets at 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. per Tun being demanded upon several Estimates to be made good at the end of each service and yet unpaid 18666 13 04 Besides these Arrears there were Demands made by the Navy for supplying the Stores with Mast Timber Plank Deal Sales Ropes Tar Tallow Iron Anchors c. the Sum of 26000 00 00 The Rochellers after the Dukes arrival in England sent their Deputies to his Majesty for succor and relief in their distressed condition and presented their Desires in nature of a Remonstrance to the King and the Lords of the Council wherein they gave his Majesty most humble thanks for the great assistance and comfort they had received by the Fleet sent in Iuly last whereof the Duke of Buckingham was Admiral which would have been of greater assistance unto them had the season of the year permitted their stay longer there or that the supply of Victuals and Ammunition had come unto them which his Majesty had assigned That they are given to understand that there is application made to the King of Denmark to propound the making of a Peace between the two Crowns of England and France a thing to be wished if really intended But the Proceedings of France with the Reformed Churches there hath hitherto been such as when they spake most fair and nothing but Peace uttered nothing less was intended and great advantages thereby have been taken against the Reformed Churches But in case the Treaty do proceed they humbly prayed that then his Majesty will be pleased to insist upon the Capitulation which was made upon his mediation and for which he passed his word that the Reformed Churches should perform on their part which they kept inviolable till there were Forces placed and kept in Forts against them contrary to Capitulation and more Forces drawn down in order to the reduction of the Remonstrants and a Fleet unexpectedly come upon them to destroy their Navigation when nothing on their part was offered in violation of the Treaty They did further remonstrate That now the Forces of France are breaking down apace about them totally to block them up by Land and do intend to make a Barracado cross the Channel leaving a narrow passage for the flux and reflux of the Sea and by that means to stop all manner of Provisions by Sea which evidently remonstrates their further ruine if they with all expedition have not succor and help from his Majesty of Great Britain For their necessities and straits are very great already by reason their Magazines are consumed their monies spent and the Inhabitants reduced to small allowances And therefore do beseech his Majesty with all possible diligence to send them supply of all sorts of Provisions fit for a Siege and to succor them once more with the Navy-Royal to interrupt the blocking up of the River otherwise they are inevitably lost And lastly they did humbly beseech his Majesty and the Lords of his Council to have also so far pity of their indigencie and need as to permit a General Collection to be made in England and Scotland of such persons whom God shall move to contribute to their succor and relief And declare that they are resolved still to hold out hoping yet a Relief would come that might be of advantage unto them and they were assured thereof by the Duke of Buckingham at his departure that he would once more come in person to their assistance In this state of Affairs it is said Sir Robert Gotton being thereunto called presented his Advice to certain Lords of the Council in manner following AS soon as the House of Austria had incorporated it self with Spain and by their new Discoveries gotten to themselves the Wealth of the Indies They began to affect and have ever since pursued a Fifth Monarchy The Emperor Charls would lay the first Foundation of Italy by surprising Rome From this he was thrust by force and respect of Religion Hen. 8. being made Caput Foediris against him He then attempted High-Germany practising by faction and force to reduce them first to Petty States and so to his absolute power In this Hen. 8. again prevented him by laying the Lutheran Princes under this Confederacie and assistance His Son the Second Philip pursued the same Ambition in the Netherlands of Germany by reduction whereof he intended to make his way further into the others This the late Queen of England interrupted by siding with the afflicted people on the one part and making herself the Head of the
of the Land for freemen to be taxed but by their consent in Parliament Franchise is a French word and in Latine it is Libertas In Magna Charta it is provided that Nullus liber homo capiatur vel impriso●etur aut disseisietur de libero tenemento suo c. nisi per legale judicium parium suorum vel per legem terrae which Charter hath been confirmed by good Kings above thirty times When these Gentlemen had spoken Sir Iohn Cook Secretary of State took up the matter for the King and concluded for redress of Grievances so that Supplies take the precedency And said I had rather you would hear any then me I will not answer what hath been already spoken my desire is not to stir but to quiet not to provoke but to appease my desire is that every one resort to his own heart to reunite the King and the State and to take away the scandal from us every one speaks from the abundance of his heart I do conclude out of every ones Conclusion to give to the King to redress Grievances all the difference is about the manner we are all Inhabitants in one House the Commonwealth let every one in somewhat amend his house somewhat is amiss but if all the House be on fire will we then think of amending what 's a miss will you not rather quench the fire the danger all apprehend The way that is propounded I seek not to decline illegal courses have been taken it must be confessed the redress must be by Laws and Punishment but withal add the Law of Necessity Necessity hath no Law you must abilitate the State to do what you do by Petition require It is wished we begin with Grievances I deny not that we prepare them but shall we offer them first will not this seem a Condition with his Majesty do we not deal with a wise King jealous of his Honor All Subsidies cannot advantage his Majesty so much as that his Subjects do agree to Supply him This will amaze the Enemy more then ten Subsidies begin therefore with the King and not with our selves This dayes Debate said Sir Robert Philips makes me call to minde the custom of the Romans who had a solemn feast once a year for their Slaves at which time they had liberty without exception to speak what they would whereby to ease their afflicted minds which being finished they severally returned to their former servitude This may with some resemblance and distinction well set forth our present State where now after the revolution of some time and grievous sufferings of many violent oppressions we have as those Slaves had a day of liberty of speech but shall not I trust be herein Slaves for we are free we are not Bondmen but Subjects these after their Feast were Slaves again but it is our hope to return Freemen I am glad to see this mornings work to see such a sense of the Grievances under which we groan I see a concurrence of grief from all parts to see the Subject wronged and a fit way to see the Subject righted I expected to see a division but I see honorable conjunction and I take it a good Omen It was wished by one that there were a forgetfulness of all let him not prosper that wisheth it not No there is no such wayes to perfect remedy as to forget injuries but not so to forget as not to recover them It was usual in Rome to bury all injuries on purpose to recover them It was said by a Gentleman that ever speaks freely We must so govern our selves as if this Parliament must be the Chrysis of all Parliaments and this the last I hope well and there will be no cause for the King our Head to except against us or we against him The dangers abroad are presented to us he is no English man that is not apprehensive of them We have provoked two Potent Kings the one too near who are too strongly joyned together the dangers are not Chimerical but real I acknowledge it but it must be done in proportion of our dangers at home I more fear the violation of Publick Rights at home then a Forein Enemy Must it be our duties and direction to defend Forein dangers and establish security against them and shall we not look at that which shall make us able and willing thereunto We shall not omit to confide and trust his Majesty otherwise our Councils will be with fears and that becomes not Englishmen The unaccustomed violences I have nothing but a good meaning ●rench into all we have To the four particulars already mentioned wherein we suffer one more may be added Lest God forbare to hear me in the day of my trouble our Religion is made vendible by Commissions Alas now a tolleration is granted little less and men for pecuniary annual rates dispenced withal whereby Papists without fear of Law practise Idolatry and scoff at Parliaments at Laws and all it is well known the people of this State are under no other subjection then what they did voluntarily consent unto by the original contract between King and people and as there are many Prerogatives and Priviledges conferred on the King so there are left to the Subject many necessary Liberties and Priviledges as appears by the Common Laws and Acts of Parliament notwithstanding what these two Sycophants have prated in the Pulpit to the contrary Was there ever yet King of England that directly ever violated the Subjects Liberty and Property but their actions were ever complained of in Parliament and no sooner complained of then redressed 21 E. 3. there went out a Commission to raise money in a strange manner the succeeding Parliament prayed redress and till H. 8. we never heard of the said Commissions again Another way was by Loan a worm that cankered the Law the Parliament did redress it and that money was paid again The next little Engine was Benevolence what the force of that was look into the Statute of R. 3. which damned that particular way and all other indirect wayes Since the Right of the Subject is thus bulwarkt by the Law of the Kingdom and Princes upon complain● have redressed them I am confident we shall have the like cause of joy from his Majesty I will here make a little digression The County I serve for were pleased to command me to seek the removal from them of the greatest burthen that ever people suffered It was excellently said Commissionary Lieutenants do deprive us of all Liberty if ever the like was seen of the Lieutenancy that now is I will never be believed more They tell the people they must pay so much upon a warrant from a Deputy Lieutenant or be bound to the good behavior and sent up to the Lords of the Council it is the strangest Engine to rend the Liberty of the Subject that ever was there was now a Decemviri in every County and amongst that
onely an Award and no Judgement and in the L. Chief Justice his Argument there was no word spoken that the King might commit or detain without cause For the King to commit a man is indignum Regi Mercy and Honor flow immediately from the King Judgement and Justice are his too but they flow from his Ministers the Sword is carried before him but the Scepter in his hands These are true Emblems of a good King The Law admits not the King power of detaining in Prison at pleasure In antient times Prisons were but pro custodia carceres non ad poenam sed ad custodiam Admit the King may commit a man yet to detain him as long as he pleaseth is dangerous and then a man shall be punished before his offence Imprisonment is a Maceration of the body and horror to the minde it is vita pejor morte Mr Selden last of all produced the Statutes Presidents and Book-Cases which were expresse● in point to the Question in hand and the House commanded that Case in the Lord Chief Justice Andersons Book all of his own hand-writing to be openly read And for the President● cited by the Kings Council in 34 years of the Queen as the Opinion of all the Judges certainly there was a great mistake in it and the mistake was the greater when it passed as currant by the Judges of the Kings-Bench in the last Case of the Habeas Corpus And that the truth of the Opinion may clearly appear let us read the words out of the Lord Chief Justice Andersons Report out of the Book written with his own hand which will contradict all those Apocrypha Reports that go upon the Case The words of the Report were these Divers persons fueront committes a several temps a several prysons sur pleasure sans bon cause parte de queux estiant amesnes en banck le Roy. Et parte en le Commune banck fuerunt accordant a le ley de la terre mise a large discharge de le imprisonment pur que aucunt grands fueront offendus procure un commandment a les Iudges que ils ne fera ainsi apres Ceo nient meins les Iudges ne surcease mes per advise enter eux ils fesoint certain Articles le tenour de queux ensus deliver eux al seignieurs Chancelor Treasurer eux subscribe avec touts lour mainies les Articles sont come erisnoint We her Majesties Iustices of both Benches and Barons of the Exchequer desire your Lordships that by some good means some order may be taken that her Highness Subjects may not be committed or detained in prison by commandment of any Noble man or Councellor against the Laws of the Realm either else to help us to have access to her Majesty to the end to become Suitors to her for the same for divers have been imprisoned for suing ordinary Actions and Suits at the Common-Law until they have been constrained to leave the same against their wills and put the same to order albeit Iudgement and Execution have been had therein to their great losses and griefs for the aid of which persons her Majesties Writs have sundry times been directed to sundry persons having the Custody of such persons unlawfully imprisoned upon which Writs no good or lawfull cause of imprisonment hath been returned or certified Whereupon according to the Laws they have been discharged of their imprisonment some of which persons so delivered have been again committed to prison in secret places and not to any common or ordinary Prison or lawfull Officer or Sheriff or other lawfully authorized to have or keep a Goal So that upon complaint made for their delivery the Queens Courts cannot tell to whom to direct her Majesties Writs and by this means Iustice cannot be done And moreover divers Officers and Serjeants of London have been many times committed to Prison for lawfull executing of her Majesties Writs sued forth of her Majesties Court at Westminster and thereby her Majesties Subjects and Officers are so terrified that they dare not sue or execute her Majesties Laws her Writs and Commandments Divers others have been sent for by Pursevants and brought to London from their dwellings and by unlawfull imprisonment have been constrained not only to withdraw their lawfull suits but have been also compelled to pay the Pursevants so bringing such persons great sums of money All which upon complaint the Iudges are bound by Office and Oath to relieve and help by and according to her Majesties Laws And where it pleaseth your Lordships to will divers of us to set down in what Cases a Prisoner sent to custody by her Majesty or her Councel are to be detained in Prison and not to be delivered by her Majesties Court or Iudges We think that if any person be committed by her Majesties command from her person or by order from the Council board and if any one or two of her Council commit one for high Treason such persons so in the Cases before committed may not be delivered by any of her Courts without due Trial by the Law and Iudgement of acquittal had Nevertheless the Iudges may award the Queens Writ to bring the bodies of such Prisoners before them and if upon return thereof the causes of their commitment be certified to the Iudges as it ought to be then the Iudges in the Cases before ought not to deliver him but to remand the Prisoner to the place from whence he came which cannot conveniently be done unless notice of the cause in general or else in special be given to the Keeper or Goaler that shall have the Custody of such a Prisoner All the Iudges and Barons did subscribe their names to these Articles Ter. Paschae 34 Eliz. and delivered one to the L. Chancellor and another to the L. Treasurer after which time there did follow more quietness then before in the Cause before mentioned After the reading of this Report Sir Edw. Cook said That of my own knowledge this Book was written with my L. Andersons own hand it is no flying report of a young Student I was Solicitor then and Treasurer Burley was as much against Commitment as any of this Kingdom It was the White Staves that made this stir Let us draw towards a conclusion The Question is whether a Feeman can be imprisoned by the King without setting down the cause I leave it as bare as Aesops Crow they that argue against it Humores moti non remoti corpus destruunt It is a Maxime the Common-Law hath admeasured the Kings Prerogative that in no Case it can prejudice the Inheritance of the Subjects had the Law given the Prerogative to that which is taken it would have set some time to it else mark what would follow I shall have an Estate of Inheritance for life or for years in my Land or propriety in my Goods and I shall be a Tenant at will for my liberty I shall have
and ought not to be denied and is directe● to the Keeper of the Prison in whose custody the Prisoner remains commanding him that after a certain day he bring in the body of the Prisoner cum causa detentionis and sometimes cum causa captionis and he with his return filed to the Writ bringeth the Prisoner to the Bar at the time appointed and the Court judgeth of the sufficiency or insufficiency of the retu●n and if they finde him baylable committitur Marescallo the proper Prison belongeth to the Court and then afterward traditur in ball But if upon the return of the Habeas Corpus it appear to the Court that the Prisoner ought not to be bayled nor discharged from the Prison whence he is brought then he is remanded and sent back again to continue till by due course of Law he may be delivered and the ent●y of this is remittitur quousque secundum legem deliberatus fuerit or remittitur quousque c. which is all one and the highest award of Judgement that ever was or can be given upon a Habeas Corpus Your Lordships have heard the resolution of the House of Commons touching the enlargement of a man committed by the command of the King or the privy Councel or any other without cause shewed of such commitment which resolution as it is grounded upon Acts of Parliament already shewen the reason of the Law of the Land being committed to the charge of another to open unto unto you so it is strengthened by many Precedents of Records He then produced twelve Precedents full and directly in the point to prove that persons so committed ought to be delivered upon bayl which were distinctly opened and read to their Lordships then he also offered to their consideration other kind of Precedents which were solemn resolutions of Judges things not of Record but yet remain in Authentick Copies which Precedents and Authorities we omit for the length thereof He then proceeded and said The House of Commons desiring with all care to inform themselves fully of the truth of the resolution of the Judges in the 34. year of the Queen cited in the case of Sir Iohn Heveningham by the Kings Councel as Arguments against his not being bayled have got into their hands a Book of select Cases collected by the reverend and learned Judge Chief Justice Anderson all written with his own hand which he caused to be read being the same which hath been already mentioned in the Collections of this Parliament which Precedents saith he do fully resolve enough for the maintenance of the ancient and fundamental point of Liberty of the Person to be regained by Hab. Corp. when any is imprisoned Then he concluded that having thus gone through the charge committed to him by the House of Commons he should now as he had leave and direction given him lest their Lordships should be put to much trouble and expence of time in finding and getting Copies at large of those things which he had cited offer also to their Lordships Authentick Copies of them all and so left them and whatever else he had said to their Lordships further consideration LAst of all Sir Edward Cook took up the Argument as to the rational part of the Law and began with this Introduction Your Lordships have heard 7. Acts of Parliament in point and 31. Precedents summarily collected and with great understanding delivered which I have perused and understand them all throughly 12. of the Precedents are in terminis terminantibus a whole Jury of Precedents and all in the point I am much transported with joy because of the hope of good success in this weighty business your Lordships being so full of Justice and the very Theme and Subject doth promise success which was Corpus cum cansa the freedom of an English man not to be imprisoned without cause shewn which is my part to shew and the reason and the cause why it should be so wherein I will not be prolix nor copious for to guild Gold were idle and superfluous And after he had cleared some doubts made of the Statute of Westminster which saith That the Sheriffs and others in some cases may not replevin men in Prison he proceeded further and said That all those Arguments offered unto your Lordships in this last conference are of a double nature 1. Acts of Parliament 2. Judicial Precedents For the first I hold it a proper Argument for your Lordships because you my Lords temporal and you my Lords spiritual gave your assent unto those Acts of Parliament and therefore if these cannot perswade you nothing can For the second which are Judicial Precedents it is Argumentum ab authoritate and Argumentum ab authoritate valet affimative that is I conceive though it be no good Argument to say negatively the Judges have given no opinion in the point 3. It is good Law which I fortifie with a strong Axiome Neminem oportet sapientiorem esse legibus Now these two arguments being so well pressed to your Lordships by my Colleagues I think your Lordships may wonder what my part may be it is short but sweet it is the Reason of all those Laws and Precedents and Reason must needs be welcome to all men for all men are not capable of the understanding of the Law but every man is capable of Reason and those Reasons I offer to your Lordships in affirmance of the antient Laws and Precedents made for the Liberty of the Subject against Imprisonment without cause expressed 1. A re ipsa 2. A minore ad majus 3. From the remedies provided 4. From the extent and universality of the same 5. From the infiniteness of the time 6. A Fine The first general Reason is a re ipsa even from the nature of Imprisonment ex visceribus causae for I will speak nothing but ad idem be it close or other Imprisonment and this Argument is three-fold because an imprisoned man upon will and pleasure is 1. A Bond-man 2. Worse then a Bond-man 3. Not so much as a man for mortuus homo non est homo a Prisoner is a dead man 1. No man can be imprisoned upon will and pleasure of any but he that is a Bond-man and villain for that Imprisonment and Bondage are Propria quarto modo to villains now Propria quarto modo and the species are convertible Whosoever is a Bond-man may be imprisoned upon will and pleasure and whosoever may be imprisoned upon will and pleasure is a Bondman 2. If free men of England might be imprisoned at the will and pleasure of the King or his commandment then were they in worse case then Bondmen or villains for the Lord of a villain cannot command another to imprison his villain without cause as of disobedience or refusing to serve as it is agreed in the year books And here he said that no man should reprehend any thing that he said out of Books or Records he said he would prove
the power of the House to adjourn it self to the end that it being now yielded unto in obedience to his Majesty it might not turn to prejudice in time to come SIr Edward Cook spoke to the same purpose and said I am as tender of the Priviledges of this House as of my life and they are the Heart-strings of the Commonwealth The King makes a Prorogation but this House adjourns it self The Commission of Adjournment we never read but say This House adjourns it self If the King write to an Abbot for a Corody for a vallet if it be ex rogatu though the Abbot yield to it it binds not Therefore I desire that it be entred that this is done ex rogatu Regis Hereupon a Message was sent to the King That the House would give all expedition to his Majesties Service notwithstanding their purpose of recess To which Message his Majesty returned this Answer That the motion proceeded from himself in regard of his engagement in the affairs of Christendom wished them all alacrity in their proceedings and that there be no recess at all FRiday the 11. of April Secretary Cook moved the expediting of Subsisides and turning of the Votes into an Act We have many Petitions to the King said he and they are Petitions of Right we have freely and bountifully given five Subsidies but no time is appointed and Subsidie without time is no Subsidie let us appoint a time SIr Dudley Diggs quickned his motion and spoke roundly We have said he freely concluded our Liberties we have offered five Subsidies his Majesty hath given us gracious Answers we have had good by our beginnings what have we hitherto done for the King nothing is done that the King can take notice of the world thinks that this Parliament hath not expressed that resolution that it did at the first how much doth it concern the King that the world be satisfied with his Honor Our success and honor is the Kings Princes want not those that may ingratiate themselves with them by doing ill offices There is a stop and never did a Parliament propound any thing but it hath been perfected sooner then this is may not the King say What have I done they grow cold have I not told them I will proceed with as much grace as ever King did He will settle our proprieties and goods have we not had a gracious answer are we hand in hand for his supply shall it be said that this day it was moved but denied it may put our whole business back wherein can this disadvantage us this binds us not I dare say confidently we shall have as much as ever any Subjects had from their King SIr Thomas Wentworth proposed a middle way viz. That when we set down the time we be sure the Subjects Liberties go hand in hand together then to resolve of the time but not report it to the House till we have a Ground and a Bill for our Liberties this is the way to come off fairly and prevent jealousies Hereupon the Committee of the whole House resolved That Grievances and Supply go hand in hand Saturday 12. of April Mr. Secretary Cook delivered another Message from the King viz. His Majesty having given timely notice to this House as well of the pressure of the time as of the necessity of Supply hath long since expected some fruit of that which was so happily begun but finding a stop beyond all expectation after so good beginning he hath commanded me to tell you that without any further or unnecessary delay he would have you to proceed in this business for however he hath been willing and consenting his affairs and ours should concur and proceed together yet his meaning was not that the one should give interruption to the other nor the time to be spun out upon any pretence upon which the common cause of Christendom doth so much depend he bids us therefore take heed that we force not him to make an unpleasing end of that which was so well begun I will discharge my duty I shall humbly desire this honorable House not to undervalue or overstrain this Message if we conceive any thing in it to tend as if his Majesty threatned to dissolve this Parliament we are deceived his Majesty intends the contrary and to put us in such a way that our business may have speedy success His Majesty takes notice of a peremptory order whereby he conceived that his business was excluded at least for a time that which doth most press his Majesty is time believe that the affairs now in hand press his Majesties heart more then us let us remove delaies that are more then necessary let us awaken our selves he intends a speedy dispatch I must with some grief tell you that notice is taken as if this House pressed not upon the abuses of Power onely but upon Power it self this toucheth the King and us who are supported by that Power Let the King hear of any abuses of Power he will willingly hear us and let us not bend our selves against the extention of his Royal Power but contain our selves within those bounds that we meddle onely with pressures and abuses of Power and we shall have the best satisfaction that ever King gave I beseech you all concur this way and use that moderation we have had the honor yet to gain Being moved to explain what he meant by the word Power which he said we did oppose he answered I cannot descend to particulars or go from that his Majesty gave me warrant or power to deliver This Message was very unpleasing to the House and many debates succeeded thereupon And SIr Robert Phillips said he hoped their moderation would have given a right understanding to his Majesty of their loyalty OThers proposed to finde out a way by Gods providence to make this Message happy to King and People it concerning the Kings honour abroad and our safety at home that this Parliament be happy Let us prevent say they these mischiefs which by frequent messages thus obstruct us let those Gentlemen neer the Chair see that we have endeavored to apply our selves to his Majesties service notwithstanding this Message In 12. Iac. a message of this nature produced no good nothing so endangers us with his Majesty as that opinion that we are Antimonarchically affected whereas such is and ever hath been our loyalty if we were to choose a Government we would choose this Monarchy of England above all Governments in the world ABout two days after Mr. Secretary Cook again did quicken the business of supply alledging that all negotiations of Ambassadors are at a stop while the House sits and that this stop is as a frost upon the earth that hinders the sweet vapors between his Majesty and his Subjects and that as matters stand the Soldiers can neither be disbanded nor put in service THis motion comes unexpectedly but it is fit to receive
full of truth and confidence in your Royal Word and Promise as ever House of Commons reposed in any of their best Kings True it is they cannot but remember the publique Trust for which they are accomptable to present and future times and their desires are That your Majesties goodness might in Fruit and Memory be the Blessing and Joy of Posterity They say also That of late there hath been publique violation of the Laws and the Subjects Liberties by some of your Majesties Ministers and thence conceive that no less then a publique remedy will raise the dejected hearts of your loving Subjects to a chearful supply of your Majesty or make them receive content in the proceedings of this House From those considerations they most humbly beg your Majesties leave to lay hold of that gratious offer of yours which gave them assurance That if they thought fit to secure themselves in their Rights and Liberties by way of Bill or otherwise so it might be provided with due respect to Gods Honor and the publique Good you would be graciously pleased to give way unto it Far from their intentions it is any way to incroach upon your Soveraignty or Prerogative nor have they the least thought of stretching or enlarging the former Laws in any sort by any new Interpretations or Additions the Bounds of their desires extend no further then to some necessary Explanation of that which is truly comprehended within the just sense and meaning of those Laws with some moderate provision for execution and performance as in times past upon like occasion hath been used The way how to accomplish these their humble desires is now in serious consideration with them wherein they humbly assure your Majesty they will neither lose time nor seek any thing of your Majesty but that they hope may be fit for Dutiful and Loyal Subjects to ask and for a gracious and just King to grant His Majesties Answer was delivered by the Lord Keeper Mr. Speaker and you Gentlemen of the House of Commons His Majesty hath commanded me to tell you that he expected an Answer by your Actions and not delay by Discourse ye acknowledge his Trust and Confidence in your proceedings but his Majesty sees not how you requite him by your confidence of his Word and Actions For what need Explanations if ye doubted not the performance of the true meaning for Explanations will hazard an incroachment upon his Prerogative And it may well be said What need a new Law to confirm an old if you repose confidence in the Declaration his Majesty made by me to both Houses and your selves acknowledge that your greatest trust and confidence must be in his Majesties Grace and Goodness without which nothing ye can frame will be of safety or avail to you Yet to shew cleerly the sincerity of his Majesties intentions he is content that a Bill be drawn for a confirmation of Magna Charta and the other six Statutes insisted upon for the Subjects Liberties if ye shall choose that as the best way but so as it may be without Additions Paraphrases or Explanations Thus if you please you may be secured from your needless fears and this Parliament may have a happy wished for end whereas by the contrary if ye seek to tie your King by new and indeed impossible bonds you must be accomptable to God and the Countrey for the ill success of this meeting His Majesty hath given his Royal Word that ye shall have no cause to complain hereafter less then which hath been enough to reconcile Great Princes and therefore ought much more to prevail between a King and his Subjects Lastly I am commanded to tell you that his Majesties pleasure is That without further Replies or Messages or other unnecessary delays ye do what ye mean to do speedily remembring the last Message that Secretary Cook brought you in point of time His Majesty always intending to perform his Promise to his power NOtwithstanding the intimation of his Majesties good pleasure for a Bill Mr. Secretary Cook Tuesday May 6. again pressed the House to relye upon the Kings Word saying That he had rather follow others then begin to enter into this business loss of time hath been the greatest complaint the matter fallen now into consideration is what way to take whether to relye on his Majesties Word or on a Bill If we will consider the advantage we have in taking his Majesties Word it will be of the largest extent and we shall choose that that hath most Assurance An Act of Parliament is by the consent of the King and Parliament but this Assurance by Word is that he will govern us by the Laws the King promiseth that and also that they shall be so executed that we shall enjoy as much freedom as ever this contains many Laws and a grant of all good Laws nay it contains a confirmation of those very Laws Assurance which binds the King further then the Law can First it binds his affection which is the greatest bond between King and Subject and that binds his Judgement also nay his Honor and that not at home but abroad the Royal Word of a King is the Ground of all Treaty nay it binds his Conscience this Confirmation between both Houses is in nature of a Vow for my part I think it is the greatest advantage to relie on his Majesties Word He further added this Debate was fitter to be done before the House and not before the Committee and that it was a new Course to go to a Committee of the whole House Whereunto it was replied by Sir Iohn Elliot That the proceeding in a Committee is more Honorable and advantagious to the King and the House for that way leads most to Truth and it is a more open way and where every man may adde his reason and make answer upon the hearing of other mens Reasons and Arguments This being the general Sense the House was turned into a Committee to take into consideration what was delivered to the King by the Speaker and what was delivered to them by the Lord Keeper and all other Messages and the Committee was not to be bounded with any former order the Key was brought up and none were to go out without leave first asked In the Debate of this business at the Committee some were for letting the Bill rest but Sir Edward Cooks reasons prevailed to the contrary Was it ever known said he that general words were a sufficient satisfaction to particular grievances was ever a verbal Declaration of the King verbum Regni when grievances be the Parliament is to redress them Did ever Parliament relie on Messages they put up Petitions of their Grievances and the King ever answered them the Kings Answer is very gracious but what is the Law of the Realm that is the question I put no diffidence in his Majesty the King must speak by a Record and in Particulars and not in General Did you ever
Liberties of the Subject and of the Crown and that the word Leave was debated amongst them and thereby they meant to give no new but what was before for the words Soveraign Power as he is a King he is a Soveraign and must have Power and he said the words were easier then the Prerogative As for the word that which is a relative and referred to that Power that is for the safety of the People and this said he can never grieve any man being thus published it is not Soveraign Power in general but now in confutation of our Reasons he saith Magna Charta was not with a Saving but said he You pursue not the words in Magna Charta and therefore it needs an addition As for the 28 of E. 3. he said there was a Saving and an ill exposition cannot be made of this and both Houses have agreed it in substance already the Commons did it in a Speech delivered by our Speaker and that we said we have not a thought to incroach on the Kings Soveraignty and why may ye not add it in your Petition Upon this Report Mr. Mason readily spake his opinion in maner following IN our Petition of Right to the Kings Majesty we mentioned the Laws and Statutes by which it appeared That no Tax Loan or the like ought to be Levied by the King but by common assent in Parliament That no Freeman ought to be imprisoned but by the Law of the Land That no Freeman ought to be compelled to suffer soldiers in his house In the Petition we have expressed the breach of these Laws and desire we may not suffer the like all which we pray as our Rights and Liberties The Lords have proposed an addition to this Petition in these words We humbly present this Petition to your Majesty not onely with a care of our own Liberties but with a due regard to leave intire that Soveraign Power wherewith your Majesty is intrusted for the Protection Safety and Happiness of your People And whether we shall consent unto this addition is the subject of this days discourse and because my Lord Keeper at the conference declared their Lordships had taken the words of the Petition apart I shall do so too The word Leave in a Petition is of the same nature as Saving in a Grant or Act of Parliament when a man grants but part of a thing he saves the rest when he petitions to be restored but to part he leaveth the rest Then in the end of our Petition the word Leave will imply that something is to be left of that or at least with a reference to what we desire The word Intire is very considerable a Conqueror is bound by no Law but hath power dare Leges his Will is a Law and although William the Conqueror at first to make his way to the Crown of England the more easie and the possession of it more sure claimed it by Title but afterward when there were no powerful pretenders to the Crown the title of Conquest to introduce that absolute Power of a Conqueror was claimed and that Statute of Magna Charta and other Statutes mentioned in our Petition do principally limit that Power I hope it is as lawful for me to cite a Jesuit as it is for Doctor Manwaring to falsifie him Suares in his first Book de Legibus Cap. 17. delivered his opinion in these words Amplitudo restrictio potestatis Regum circa ea quae per se mala vel injusta non sunt pendet ex arbitrio hominum ex ambigua conventione vel pacto inter reges regnum And he further expresseth his opinion that the King of Spain was so absolute a Monarch that he might impose Tribute without consent of his people until about Two hundred years since when it was concluded between him and his people that without consent of his people by Proxies he should not impose any Tribute And Suares opinion is That by that agreement the Kings of Spain are bound to impose no Tribute without consent And this Agreement that Author calls a restraining of that Soveraign Power the Statutes then mentioned in our Petition restraining that absolute Power of Conqueror if we recite those Statutes and say we leave the Soveraign Power intire we do take away that restraint which is the vertue and strength of those Statutes and set at liberty the claim of the Soveraign Power of a Conqueror which is to be limited and restrained by no Laws This may be the danger of the word Intire The next word delivered by the Lords as observeable is the particle That because it was said That all Soveraign Power is not mentioned to be left but onely that with which the King is trusted for our Protection Safety and Happiness But I conceive this to be an exception of all Soveraign Power for all Soveraign Power in a King is for the Protection Safety and Happiness of his People If all Soveraign Power be excepted you may easily judge the consequence all Loans and Taxes being imposed by colour of that Soveraign Power The next word is Trusted which is very ambiguous whether it be meant trusted by God onely as a Conqueror or by the people also as King which are to govern also according to Laws ex pacto In this point I will not presume to adventure further onely I like it not by reason of the doubtful Exposition it admits I have likewise considered the Proposition it self and therein I have fallen upon the Dilemma that this addition shall be construed either to refer unto the Petition or not if it do refer unto the Petition it is meerly useless and unnecessary and unbefitting the judgement of this grave and great Assembly to add to a Petition of this weight If it hath reference unto it then it destroys not onely the virtue and strength of our Petition of Right but our Rights themselves for the addition being referred to each part of the Petition will necessarily receive this construction That none ought to be compelled to make any Gift Loan or such like charge without common consent or Act of Parliament unless it be by the Soveraign Power with which the King is trusted for the Protection Safety and Happiness of his People That none ought to be compelled to sojourn or billet Soldiers unless by the same Soveraign Power and so of the rest of the Rights contained in the Petition And then the most favorable construction will be that the King hath an ordinary Prerogative and by that he cannot impose Taxes or Imprison that is he cannot impose Taxes at his will to imploy them as he pleaseth but that he hath an extraordinary and transcendent Soveraign Power for the protection and happiness of his people and for such purpose he may impose Taxes or billet Soldiers as he pleaseth and we may assure our selves that hereafter all Loans Taxes and Billeting of Soldiers will be said to be for the Protection Safety and Happiness
were made which was about one hundred years before 2 H. 5. besides the differences between these Savings and this Clause I doubt not but I shall give ample satisfaction to your Lordships that the Commons as well in this as in all their other Reasons have been most careful to rely upon nothing but that which is most true and pertinent Before the second year of King H. 5. the course was thus When the Commons were Suiters for a Law either the Speaker of their House by word of mouth from them the Lords House joyning with them or by some Bill in writing which was usually called their Petition moved the King to Ordain Laws for the redress of such mischiefs or inconveniences as were found grievous unto the people To these Petitions the King made answer as he pleased sometimes to part sometimes to the whole sometimes by denial sometimes by assent sometimes absolutely and sometimes by qualification Upon these Motions and Petitions and the Kings Answers to them was the Law drawn up and Ingrossed in the Statute Roll to binde the Kingdom but this inconvenience was found in this course that oftentimes the Statutes thus framed were against the sense and meaning of the Commons at whose desires they were Ordained and therefore in the 2 H. 5. finding that it tended to the violation of their Liberty and Freedom whose right it was and ever had been that no Law should be made without their assent they then exhibited a Petition to the King declaring their right in this particular praying that from thenceforth no Law might be made or Ingrossed as Statutes by additions or diminutions to their Motions or Petitions that should change their sense or intent without their assent which was accordingly established by Act of Parliament ever since then the use hath been as the Right was before that the King taketh the whole or leaveth the whole of all Bills or Petitions exhibited for the obtaining of Laws From this course and from the time when first it became constant and setled we conclude strongly that it is no good Argument because ye finde Savings in Acts of Parliament before the second of H. 5. that before those Savings were in the Petitions that begat those Statutes for if the Petitions for the two Loans so much insisted upon which Petitions for any think we know are not now extant were never so absolute yet might the King according to the usage of those times insert the Savings in his Answers which passing from thence into the Statute Roll do onely give some little colour but are not proof at all that the Petitions also were with Savings Thus much for the general to come now to the particular Statute of 25 of Edw. 1. which was a confirmation of Magna Charta with some provision for the better execution of it as common Law which words are worth the noting It is true that Statute hath also a Clause to this effect That the King or his Heirs from thenceforth should take no Aids Taxes or Prises of his Subjects but by common assent of all the Realm Saving the ancient Aids and Prises due and accustomed This Saving if it were granted which is not nor cannot be proved that it was as well in the Petition as in the Act yet can it no way imply that it is either fit or safe that the Clause now in question should be added to our Petition for the nature and office of a Saving or Exception is to exempt particulars out of a general and to ratifie the Rule in things not exempted but in no sort to weaken or destroy the general Rule it self The body of that Law was against all Aids and Taxes and Prises in general and was a confirmation of the common Law formerly declared by Magna Charta the Saving was onely of Aids and Prises in particular so well described and restrained by the words Ancient and Accustomed that there could be no doubt what could be the clear meaning and extent of that exception for the Kings Right to those ancient Aids intended by that Stature to be saved to him was well known in those days and is not yet forgotten These Aids were three from the Kings Tenants by Knights service due by the common Law or general Custom of the Realm Aid to ransom the Kings Royal Person if unhappily he should be taken prisoner in the Wars Aid to make the Kings Eldest Son a Knight and Aid to marry the Kings Eldest Daughter once but no more and that those were the onely Aids intended to be saved to the Crown by that Statute appeareth in some clearness by the Charter of King Iohn dated at Runningmede the 15 of Iune in the 5th year of his Reign wherein they are enumerated with an exclusion of all other Aids whatsoever Of this Charter I have here one of the Originals whereon I beseech your Lordships to cast your eyes and give me leave to read the very words which concern this point These words my Lords are thus Nullum scutigium vel auxilium ponatur in Regno nostro nisi per commune Consilium Regni nostri nisi ad Corpus nostrum redimendum primogenitum filium nostrum militem faciendum ad filiam nostram primogenitam semel maritandam ad hoc non siat nisi rationabile auxilium Touching Prises the other thing excepted by this Statute it is also of a particular Right to the Crown so well known that it needeth no description the King being in possession of it by every days usage It is to take one Tun of Wine before the Mast and another behinde the Mast of every Ship bringing in above twenty Tuns of Wine and here discharge them by way of Merchandise But our Petition consisteth altogether of particulars to which if any general Saving or words amounting to one should be annexed it cannot work to confirm things not excepted which are none but to confound things included which are all the parts of the Petition and it must needs beget this dangerous Exposition that the Rights and Liberties of the Subject declared and demanded by this Petition are not theirs absolutely but sub modo not to continue always but onely to take place when the King is pleased not to exercise that Soveraign Power wherewith this Clause admitted he is trusted for the protection safety and happiness of his People And thus that Birthright and Inheritance which we have in our Liberties shall by our own assents be turned into a meer Tenancy at will and sufferance Touching the Statute of 28 Edw. 1. Articuli super Chartas the scope of that Statute among other things being to provide for the better observing and maintaining of Magna Charta hath in it nevertheless two Savings for the King the one particular as I take it to preserve the ancient Prices due and accustomed as of Wines and of other goods the other general Seigniory of the Crown in all things To these two Savings besides the former Answers which
things better yet certainly the state and condition of the several parts for which we serve their dispositions and inclinations their apprehensions their fears and jealousies are best known unto us and here I pray your Lordships to give me leave to use the Figure called Reticentia that is to insinuate and intimate more then I mean to speak Our chief and principal end in this Parliament is to make up all Rents and Breaches between the King and his Subjects to draw them and knit them together from that distance whereof the world abroad takes too much notice to work a perfect union and reconciliation how unproperly and unapt at this time this Addition will be in respect of this end we cannot but foresee and therefore shun it and do resolve that it is neither agreeable to the Persons of such Counsellors of whom we are nor answerable to that Love and Duty which we owe to his Majesty to hazard an end of such unspeakable consequence upon the admittance of this Addition into our Petition whereof as we have shewed the omission at this time can by no means harm the Kings Prerogative the expression may produce manifold inconveniences and therefore since this admittance of your Lordships Addition into our Petition is incoherent and incompatible with the body of the same since there is no necessary use of it for the saving of the Kings Prerogative since the moderation of our Petition deserveth your Lordships cheerful conjunction with us since this Addition is unseasonable for the time and inconvenient in respect of the place where your Lordships would have it inserted and lastly may prove a disservice to his Majesty I conclude with a most affectionate Prayer to your Lordships to conclude with the House of Commons in presenting this Petition to his Sacred Majesty as it is without this Addition Monday 26. of May The Lord Keeper made this Speech at a Conference Gentlemen YE that are Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons I have many times this Parliament by Command from my Lords declared the great zeal and affection which my Lords have to maintain and nourish the good Concurrence and Correspondency which hath hitherto continued between both Houses that there might be a happy issue in this great business for the common good of the King and Kingdom Now that which I have to say this day from my Lords is to let you know this fair proceeding is not a profession of words onely but really and indeed concerning the Petition which hath been long in agitation as the weight of the cause required since the last Conference my Lords have taken it into their serious and instant consideration and at length are faln upon a Resolution which I am to acquaint you with The Lords have unanimously agreed with you in omnibus and have voted that they will joyn with you in your Petition with the onely alterations of the word means to be put in stead of the word pretext and for the word unlawful to be put out and in place thereof to adde not warrantable by the Laws and Statutes of the Realm which two alterations your selves consented unto So that concerning this business there remains nothing now but that ye having the Petition in your hands will if ye have not already vote it as they have done and so prepare it for his Majesty and my Lords will take order that the King be moved for a speedy access to present the same to his Majesty And after some pause he said There rests one thing which my Lords have commanded me to adde that in regard this Petition toucheth upon certain Charges raised by the Lords Lieutenants and other Persons many times for good use for the service and safety of the Kingdom That ye take it into your Care and Consideration and to provide a Law for assessing of such Charges as the occasion of the time shall require The Lords and Commons being thus happily accorded the Petition with the aforesaid amendments was read in the House two several times together Then it was Voted upon question and that it should be ingrossed and read the third time and the House to sit in the afternoon till it was ingrossed and read and ordered to be presented to the King to which there was not a negative Vote And the Bill of Subsidie was also read the second time and committed Wednesday 28 May the Lords and Commons had a Conference about the maner of delivery of the Petition and Sir Edward Cook reported That their Lordships were agreed that no Addition or Preface be used to the King but that the Petition be preferred to his Majesty by command of the Lords and Commons and his Majesty be desired that to the content of his People he would be pleased to give his gracious Answer in full Parliament About this time Mr. Rouse brought in a Charge against Doctor Ed. Manwaring which some days after was seconded with a Declaration Mr. Speaker I Am to deliver from the Committee a Charge against Mr. Manwaring a Preacher in Divinity but a man so Criminous that he hath turned his Titles into Accusations for the better they are the worse is he that dishonors them Here is a great Charge that lies upon him it is great in it self and great because it hath many great Charges in it Serpens qui serpentem devorat fit draco his Charge having digested many Charges into it becomes a Monster of Charges The main and great one is this Plot and Practise to alter and subvert the Frame and Fabrick of this Estate and Commonwealth This is the great one and it hath others in it that gives it more light To this end 1. He labors to infuse into the Conscience of his Majesty the perswasion of a power not bounding it self with Laws which King James of famous Memory calls in his Speech to the Parliament Tyranny yea Tyranny accompanied with Perjury 2. He endeavors to perswade the Conscience of the Subjects that they are bound to obey Commands illegal yea he damns them for not obeying them 3. He robs the Subjects of the propriety of their Goods 4. He brands them that will not lose this propriety with most scandalous Speeches and odious Titles to make them both hateful to Prince and People so to set a division between the Head and the Members and between the Members themselves 5. To the same end not much unlike to Faux and his fellows he seeks to blow up Parliaments and Parliamentary Powers The fifth being duly viewed will appear to be so many Charges and they make up all the great and main Charge a mischievous Plot to alter and subvert the frame and government of this State and Common-wealth And now though you may be sure that Mr. Manwaring leaves us no propriety in our Goods yet he hath an absolute propriety in this Charge here himself making up his own Charge Here he read several Passages out of his Book and then
read in the success 3. Witness the last voyage to Rotchel which needs no observation and is fresh in memory 4. Head is the ignorance and corruption of our Ministers Survey the Court survey the Countrey the Church the City the Bar the Bench the Courts the Shipping the Land the Seas all will yield variety of proofs The Exchequer is empty the reputation thereof gone the ancient Lands are sold the Jewels pawn'd the Plate ingaged the debt still great almost all charges both extraordinary and ordinary by Projects 5. The oppression of the Subject it needs no demonstration the whole Kingdom is a proof and that oppression speaks the exhausting of our treasures what waste of our Provisions what consumption of our Ships what destruction of our men have been witness the voyage to Algier witness that of Mansfield witness that to Cales witness the next witness that to Ree witness the last witness the Palatinate witness the Turks witness the Dunkirks witness all we were never so much weakned nor had less hopes how to be restored These Mr. Speaker are our dangers these are they do threaten us and those are like that Trojan Horse brought in cunningly to surprize us in these do lurk the strongest of our enemies ready to issue on us and if we do not now the more speedily expel them these are the sign the invitation to others These will prepare their entrance that we shall have no means left of refuge or defence for if we have these enemies at home how can we strive with those that are abroad if we be free from these no other can impeach us Our ancient English vertue that old Spartan valor cleared from these disorders being in sincerity of Religion once made friends with Heaven having maturity of Councels sufficiency of Generals incorruption of Officers opulency in the King Liberty in the People repletion in Treasures restitution of Provisions reparation of Ships preservation of Men Our ancient English vertue thus rectified I say will secure us and unless there be a speedy reformation in these I know not what hopes or expectations we may have These things Sir I shall desire to have taken into consideration that as we are the great Councel of the Kingdom and have the apprehension of these dangers we may truly represent them unto the King wherein I conceive we are bound by a treble Obligation of duty unto God of duty to his Majesty and of duty to our Countrey And therefore I wish it may so stand with the Wisdom and Judgement of the House that they may be drawn into the body of a Remonstrance and therein all humbly expressed with a Prayer unto his Majesty for the safety of himself and for the safety of the Kingdom and for the safety of Religion That he will be pleased to give us time to make perfect inquisition thereof or to take them into his own Wisdom and there give them such timely reformation as the necessity of the Cause and his Justice doth import And thus Sir with a large affection and loyalty to his Majesty and with a firm duty and service to my Countrey I have suddenly and it may be with some disorder expressed the weak apprehension I have wherein if I have erred I humbly crave your pardon and so submit to the censure of the House IT seemed to others not sutable to the wisdom of the House in that conjuncture to begin to recapitulate those misfortunes which were now obvious to all accounting it more discretion not to look back but forward and since the King was so near to meet him that the happiness expected might not be lost and these were for petitioning his Majesty for a fuller Answer IT was intimated by Sir Henry Martin that this Speech of Sir Iohn Elliot was suggested from disaffection to his Majesty and there wanted not some who said it was made out of some distrust of his Majesties Answer to the Petition but Sir Iohn Elliot protested the contrary and that himself and others had a resolution to open these last mentioned Grievances to satisfie his Majesty therein onely they stayed for an opportunity Which averment of Sir Iohn Elliots was attested by Sir Thomas Wentworth and Sir Robert Phillips WHilst Sir Iohn Elliot was speaking an interruption was made by Sir Humphrey May expressing a dislike but he was commanded by the Commons to go on and being afterward questioned for a Passage in that Speech viz. That some actions seemed to be but conceptions of Spain he explained himself That in respect of the affairs of Denmark the ingagement of that unfortunate accident of Ree he conceived was a conception of Spain rather then to have any motion from our Councel here IN this Debate Sir Edward Cook propounded That an humble Remonstrance be presented to his Majesty touching the dangers and means of safety of King and Kingdom which Resolution was taken by the House and thereupon they turned themselves into a Grand Committee and the Committee for the Bill of Subsidies was ordered to expedite the said Remonstrance A Message was brought from the King by the Speaker THat his Majesty having upon the Petition exhibited by both Houses given an Answer full of Justice and Grace for which we and our posterity have just cause to bless his Majesty it is now time to grow to a conclusion of a Session and therefore his Majesty thinks fit to let you know That as he doth resolve to abide by that Answer without further change or alteration so he will Royally and Really perform unto you what he hath thereby promised and further That he resolves to end this Session upon Wednesday the 11 of this Moneth and therefore wisheth that the House will seriously attend these businesses which may best bring the Session to a happy conclusion without entertaining new matters and so husband the time that his Majesty may with the more comfort bring us speedily together again at which time if there be any further Grievances not contained or expressed in the Petition they may be more maturely considered then the time will now permit After the reading of this Message the House proceeded with a Declaration against Doctor Manwaring which was the same day presented to the Lords at a Conference betwixt the Committees of both Houses of Parliament and Mr. Pimm was appointed by the House of Commons to manage that Conference The Declaration of the Commons against Dr. Manwaring Clerke and Doctor in Divinity FOr the more effectual prevention of the apparent ruine and destruction of this Kingdom which must necessarily ensue if the good and fundamental Laws and Customs therein established should be brought into contempt and violated and that form of Government thereby altered by which it hath been so long maintained in peace and happiness and to the Honor of our soveraign Lord the King and for the preservation of his Crown and Dignity The Commons in this present Parliament assembled do by this their
meanings Touching which it was observed that most of his places are such as were intended by the Authors concerning absolute Monarchies not regulated by Laws or Contracts betwixt the King and his People and in answer to all Authorities of this kinde were alledged certain passages of a Speech from our late Soveraign King Iames to ●he Lords and Commons in Parliament 1609. In these our times we are to distinguish betwixt the state of Kings in their first original and between the state of setled Kings and Monarchs that do at this time govern in Civil Kingdoms c. Every just King in a setled Kingdom is bound to observe the paction made to his People by his Laws in framing his Government agreeable thereunto c. All Kings that are not Tyrants or perjured will be glad to bound themselves within the limits of their Laws and they that perswade them to the contrary are Vipers and Pests both against them and the Commonwealth It was secondly observed that in the 27. page of his first Sermon he cites these words out of Suarez de legibus lib. 5. cap. 17. Acceptationem populi non esse conditionem necessariam ex vi Iuris naturalis aut gentium neque ex Iure communi the Jesuit adds neque ex antiquo Jure Hispaniae which words are left our by the Doctor lest the Reader might be invited to enquire what was antiqu●m jus Hispaniae and it might have been learned from the same Author in another place of that Work that about two hundred years since this liberty was granted to the People by one of the Kings that no Tribute should be imposed without their consent And the Author adds further that after the Law introduced and confirmed by Custome the King is bound to observe it From this place he took occasion to make this short digression That the Kings of Spain being powerful and wise Princes would never have parted with such a mark of absolute Royalty if they had not found in this course more advantage then in the other and the success and prosperity of that Kingdom through the valor and industry of the Spanish Nation so much advanced since that time do manifest the wisedom of that change The third observation of fraud in perverting his Authors was this In the twentieth Page of the first Sermon he cites these words out of the same Suarez de legibus li. 5. ca. 15. fol. 300. Tributa esse maximè naturalia prae se ferre Justitiam quia exiguntur de rebus propriis This he produceth in proof of the just right of Kings to lay Tributes And no man that reads it doubts but that in Suarez opinion the Kings Interest and Propriety in the Goods of his Subjects is the ground of that Justice But the truth is that Suarez in that Chapter had distributed Tributes into divers kinds of which he calls one sort tributum reale and describes it thus Solent ita vocari pensiones quaedam quae penduntur regibus principibus exteris agris quae a principio ad sustentationem illis applicata fuerunt ipsi vero in feodum aliis ea donarunt sub certa pensione annua quae jure civili Canon appellari solet quia certa regula lege praescripta erat So that the issue is this which Suarez affirms for justification of one kinde of Tribute which is no more then a Fee farm of rent due by reservation in the grant of Kings own lands the Doctor herein worse then a Jesuit doth wrest to the justification of all kinds of Tribute exacted by Imposition upon the goods of the Subjects wherein the King had no interest or propriety at all 4. The last aggravation was drawn from his behaviour since these Sermons preached whereby he did continue still to multiply and increase his offence yea even since the sitting of the Parliament and his being questioned in Parliament upon the fourth of May last he was so bold as to publish the same doctrine in his own parish Church of St. Giles the points of which Sermons were these That the King had right to order all as to him should seem good without any mans consent That the King might require in time of necessity Aid and if the Subjects did not supply the King might justly avenge it That the Propriety of Estate and Goods was ordinarily in the Subject but extraordinarily that is in case of the Kings need the King hath right to dispose them These Assertions in that Sermon he said would be proved by very good testimony and therefore desired the Lords that it might be carefully examined because the Commons held it to be a great contempt to the Parliament for him to maintain that so publikely which was here questioned They held it a great presumption for a private Divine to debate the Right and Power of the King which is a matter of such a nature as to be handled only in this High Court and that with moderation and tenderness and so he concluded that point of aggravation In the last place he produced some such precedents as might testifie what the opinion of our Ancestors would have been if this case had fallen out in their time And herein he said he would confine himself to the reigns of the first three Edwards two of them Princes of great glory He began with the eldest Westm. 1. Ca. 33. By this Statute 3. Edw. 1. provision was made against those who should tell any false News or devise by which any discord or scandal may arise betwixt the King his People and great Men of the Kingdom 27. Edw. 3. Rot. part nu 20. It was declared by the Kings Proclamation sent into all the Counties of England That they that reported that he would not observe the Great Charter were malitious people who desired to put trouble and debate betwixt the King and his Subjects and to disturb the peace and good estate of the King the People and the Realm 5. Edw. 2. Inter novas ordinationes Henry de Beamond for giving the King ill Counsel against his Oath was put from the Councel and restrained for coming into the presence of the King under pain of confiscation and banishment 19. Edw. 2. Clause Minidors Commissions were granted to inquire upon the Statute of W. 1. touching the spreading of News whereby discord and scandal might grow betwixt the King and his People 10. Edw. 3. Clause M. 26. Proclamations went out to arrest all them who had presumed to report that the King would lay upon the Wools certain sums besides the antient and due Customes where the King calls these reports exquisita mendacia c. quae non tantum in publicam laesionem sed in nostrum cedunt damnum dedecus manifestum 12. Edw. 3. Rot. Almaniae The King writes to the Archbishop of Canterbury excusing himself for some impositions which he had ●aid professeth his great sorrow for it desires the Archbishop by Indulgences and other ways to stir up the
People to pray for him hoping that God would enable him by some satisfactory benefit to make amends and comfort his Subjects for those pressures To these temporal Precedents of antient times which were alledged he added an Ecclesiastical Precedent out of a book called Pupilla Oculi being published for the instruction of Confessors in the Title De participantibus cum excommunicatis fol. 59. All the Articles of Magna Charta are inserted with this direction Hos articulos ignorare non debent quibus incumbit confessiones audire infra provinciam Cantuariensem He likewise remembred the Proclamation 8. Iac. for the calling in and burning of Doctor Cowel's book for which these reasons are given For mistaking the true state of the Parliament of the Kingdom and fundamental constitution and priviledges thereof For speaking irreverently of the Common Law it being a thing utterly unlawful for any Subject to speak or write against that Law under which he liveth and which we are sworn and resolve to maintain From these Precedents he collected that if former Parliaments were so careful of false rumors and news they would have been much more tender of such doctrines as these which might produce true occasions of discord betwixt the King and his People If those who reported the King would lay Impositions and break his Laws were thought such hainous offenders how much more should this man be condemned who perswaded the King he is not bound to keep those Laws If that great King was so far from challenging any right in this kinde that he professed his own sorrow and repentance for grieving his Subjects with unlawful charges If Confessors were enjoyned to frame the Consciences of the People to the observance of these Laws certainly such Doctrine and such a Preacher as this would have been held most strange and abominable in all these times The third general part was the conclusion or prayer of the Commons which consisted of three Clauses First they reserved to themselves liberty of any other accusation and for this he said there was great reason that as the Doctor multiplied his offences so they may renew their accusations Secondly they saved to themselves liberty of replying to his Answer for they had great cause to think that he who shifted so much in offending would shift much more in answering Thirdly they desire he might be brought to examination and judgement this they thought would be very important for the comfort of the present age for security of the future against such wicked and malitious practises And so he concluded that seeing the cause had strength enough to maintain it self his humble suit to their Lordships was That they would not observe his infirmities and defects to the diminution or prejudice of that strength NOt long after the Commons by their Speaker demanded Judgement of the Lords against the Doctor who not accounting his submission with tears and grief a satisfaction for the great offence wherewith he stood charged gave this Sentence 1. That Dr. Manwaring Doctor in Divinity shall be imprisoned during the pleasure of the House 2. That he be fined one thousand pounds to the King 3. That he shall make such submission and acknowledgement of his offences as shall be set down by a Committee in writing both at the Bar and in the House of Commons 4. That he shall be suspended for the time of three years from the exercise of the Ministery and in the mean time a sufficient preaching Minister shall be provided out of his livings to serve the Cure This suspension and provision to be done by the Ecclesiastical jurisdiction 5. That he shall be hereafter disabled to have any Ecclesiastical Dignity or secular Office 6. That he shall be for ever disabled to preach at the Court hereafter 7. That his said Book is worthy to be burnt and that for the better effecting of this his Majesty may be moved to grant a Proclamation to call in the said Books that they may be all burnt accordingly in London and both the Universities and for the Inhibiting the printing thereof upon a great penalty Doctor Manwarings submission was in these words MAy it please this Honorable House I do here in all sorrow of Heart and true Repentance acknowledge the many Errors and Indiscretions which I have committed in preaching and publishing those two Sermons of mine which I called Religion and Allegiance and my great fault in falling upon this Theame again and handling the same rashly and unadvisedly in my own Parish Church of St. Giles in the Fields the fourth of May last past I do humbly acknowledge those three Sermons to have been full of many dangerous Passages Inferences and scandalous Aspersions in most part of the same And I do humbly acknowledge the Justice of this Honorable House in that Judgement and Sentence passed upon me for my great offence And I do from the bottom of my Heart crave pardon of God the King and this Honorable House and the Church and this Common-wealth in general and those worthy Persons adjudged to be reflected upon by me in particular for these great Errors and Offences Roger Manwaring Another Message was brought from his Majesty by the Speaker Tuesday 5 of June HIs Majesty wished them to remember the Message he last sent them by which he set a day for the end of this Session and he commanded the Speaker to let them know that he will certainly hold that day prefixed without alteration and because that cannot be if the House entertain more business of length he requires them that they enter not into or proceed with any new business which may spend greater time or which may lay any Scandal or Aspersion upon the State-government or Ministers thereof SIr Robert Phillips upon this occasion expressed himself thus I perceive that towards God and towards man there is little hope after our humble and careful endeavors seeing our Sins are many and so great I consider my own infirmities and if ever my Passions were wrought upon then now this Message stirs me up especially when I remember with what moderation we have proceeded I cannot but wonder to see the miserable straight we are now in What have we not done to have merited Former times have given wounds enough to the peoples Liberty we came hither full of wounds and we have cured what we could and what is the return of all but misery and desolation What did we aim at but to have served his Majesty and to have done that that would have made him Great and Glorious if this be a fault then we are all Criminous What shall we do since our humble purposes are thus prevented which were not to have laid any aspersion on the Government since it tended to no other end but to give his Majesty true information of his and our danger And to this we are enforced out of a necessity of duty to the King our Countrey and to Posterity but we
House fearing a sudden dissolution fell into consideration of the weak estate of the Kingdom and of our Friends and Allies abroad of the great strength of the House of Austria and the King of Spains ambition aspiring to an universal Monarchy and his present great preparations for war Hereupon the House was moved to name a select Committee to represent these things to his Majesty with the danger like to insue to this Kingdom if the Parliament be dissolved without a happy conclusion But being satisfied by the Lords of the privy Councel that there was no such cause of fear as the House apprehended the naming of a Committee was for that time deferred Having met in our Collections with a Letter of Mr. Allureds to old Mr. Chamberlain of the Court of Wards and being a concurrent proof to the Passages this day in the House We have thought fit here to mention it viz. Sir YEsterday was a day of desolation among us in Parliament and this day we fear will be the day of our dissolution Upon Tuesday Sir John Elliot mo●ed that as we intended to furnish his Majesty with money we should also supply him with Counsel which was one part of the occasion why we were sent by the Countrey and called for by his Majesty And since that House was the greatest Councel of the Kingdom where or when should his Majesty have better Counsel then from thence So he desired there might be a Declaration made to the King of the danger wherein the Kingdom stood by the decay and contempt of Religion the insufficiency of his Generals the unfaithfulness of his Officers the weakness of his Councels the exhausting of his Treasure the death of his men the decay of Trade the loss of Shipping the many and powerful Enemies the sew and the poor Friends we had abroad In the enumerating of which the Chancellor of the Dutchy said it was a strange language yet the House commanded Sir John Elliot to go on then the Chancellor desired if he went on that himself might go out whereupon they all bad him begon yet he stayed and heard him out and the House generally inclined to such a Declaration to be presented in an humble and a modes● manner not prescribing the King the way but leaving it to his Iudgment for reformation So the next day being Wednesday we had a Message from his Majesty by the Speaker that the Session should end on Wednesday and that therefore we should husband the time and dispatch the old businesses without entertaining new intending to pursue their Declaration they had this Message yesterday morning brought them which I have here inclosed sent you which requiring not to cas● or lay any aspersion upon any Minister of his Majesty the house was much affected to be so restrained since the House in former times had proceeded by finding and committing John of Gaunt the Kings Son and others and of late have medled with and sentenced the Lord Chancellor Bacon and the Lord Treasurer Cranfield Then Sir Robert Philips spake and mingled his words with weeping Mr. Prynne did the like and Sir Edward Cook overcome with passion seeing the desolation likely to ensue was forced to sit down when he began to speak through the abundance of tears yea the Speaker in his Speech could not refrain from weeping and shedding of tears besides a great many whose great griefs made them dumb and silent yet some bore up in that storm and incouraged others In the end they desired the Speaker to leave the Chair and Mr. Whitby was to come into it that they might speak the freer and the frequenter and commanded no man to go out of the House upon pain of going to the Tower Then the Speaker humbly and earnestly besought the House to give him leave to absent himself for half an hour presuming they did not think he did it for any ill intention which was instantly granted him then upon many Debates about their Liberties hereby infringed and the eminent danger wherein the Kingdom stood Sir Edward Cook told them he now saw God had not accepted of their humble and moderate carriages and fair proceedings and the rather because he thought they dealt not sincerely with the King and with the Countrey in making a true Representation of the causes of all these miseries which now he repented himself since things were come to this pass that he did it not sooner and therefore he not knowing whether ever he should speak in this House again would now do it freely and there protested that the author and cause of all those miseries was the Duke of Buckingham which was entertained and answered with a chearful acclamation of the House as when one good Hound recovers the scent the rest come in with a full cry so they pursued it and every one came on home and laid the blame where they thought the fault was and as they were Voting it to the Question whether they should name him in their intended Remonstrance the Sole or the Principall cause of all their miseries at home and abroad The Speaker having been three hours absent and with the King returned with this Message That the House should then rise being about eleven a clock and no Committees stould sit in the afternoon till to morrow morning What we shall expect this morning God of Heaven knows We shall meet timely this morning partly for the businesse sake and partly because two days since we made an Order that whosoever comes in after prayers payes twelve pence to the poor Sir excuse my hast and let us have your prayers whereof both you and we have here need So inscribling haste I rest Affectionately at your service Thomas Alured This 6. of June 1628. The Message mentioned in this Letter of the 6. of Iune is already before expressed Friday 6. Iune Mr. Speaker brings another Message from the King the day following IN my service to this House I have had many undeserved favours from you which I shall ever with all humbleness acknowledge but none can be greater then that testimony of your confidence yesterday shewed unto me whereby I hope I have done nothing or made any representation to his Majesty but what is for the honour and service of this House and I will have my tongue cleave to my mouth before I will speak to the disadvantage of any Member thereof I have now a Message to deliver unto you Whereas his Majesty understanding that ye did conceive his last Message to restrain you in your just Priviledges to complain of any of his Ministers These are to declare his intentions that he had no meaning of barring you from what hath been your Right but only to avoid all scandals on his Councel and Actions past and that his Ministers might not be nor himself under their names taxed for their Counsel unto his Majesty and that no such particulars should be taken in hand as would ask a longer time of consideration then what
London SHEWING THat in the Parliament held in the years 1627 and 1628 it was voted and declared by the honourable house of Commons That whosoever shall counsel or advise the taking or levying of the Subsidie of Tonnage and Poundage not granted by Parliament or shall be any Actor or Instrument therein shall be reputed an Innovator in the Government and a capital Enemy to the Kingdom and Commonwealth and if any Merchant or person whatsoever shall voluntarily yeild or pay the said Subsidie of Tonnage and Poundage not being granted by Parliament they shall likewise be reputed Betrayers of the Liberties of England and Enemies to the same as may appear by the said Order upon Record In submission and obedience whereunto the Petitioner first opposed and withstood the payment of Tonnage and Poundage until they were setled by Parliament and all other illegal Taxes for which submission and obedience in the years 1628 and 1629 the Petitioner had 7060 pounds of his Goods wrongfully taken and detained from him by the late Kings Officers and Farmers of the Custome-house of London for pretended duties and a heavy Sentence and Fine in the Star-Chamber which was imposed upon him in the year 1629. besides which losses the Petitioner further suffered in his person by six whole years imprisonment in the Fleet for not submitting to that Sentence and Fine and in the year 1637 nine moneths imprisonment in Newgate for withstanding ship-money by which losses and imprisonments the Petitioner was put by the exercise of his calling and was wounded in his credit and reputation Which sufferings the honourable house of Commons upon the Petioners complaint in the year 1640 taking into their grave considerations were pleased to refer the examination thereof to a Committee of 50 Members wherein were included the Committee for the Navy and Customs who being well satisfied of the truth thereof by oath and other good sufficient proofs upon Record drew up their Report That the Petitioner ought then to have 13680 pounds in part of Reparation leaving the rest of those Reparations to the further judgement of the honourable House as by the annexed Copy of that report may further appear In pursuit of which report the Parliament then levied and received from the old Farmers and Officers of the Customs 50 thousand pounds for wrongs and abuses done to the Petitioner chiefly and other Merchants intending first to give to the Petitioner satisfaction out of the same because he was the first man that opposed the pretended duties and the greatest sufferer Whereupon in the year 1642. the Petitioner was chosen Alderman and in the year 1644. Sheriff of the City of London which places the Petitioner earnestly endeavoured to shun but such were the earnest importunities and perswasive encouragements of divers Members of the honourable House who then desired to have the Petitioner in place of trust for his former service to the Commonwealth that the Petitioner was constrained to accept not onely of the place of Alderman but further underwent the office and charge of Sheriff of London which stood the Petitioner in 4000 pounds that year But notwithstanding the aforesaid promises and intents of the Parliament to give the Petitioner satisfaction such were the great compulsive exigents and urgent necessities of those times caused by the publick distractions that the said monies were converted to the publick use therefore the Parliament desired the Petitioner to have a little patience promising him speedy satisfaction as well for the forbearance as for the principal debt but the distractions continuing and the Petitioner had neither interest nor any part of his principal the Parliament in the year 1648 in part of satisfaction setled the Petitioner in the office of Surveyor and Check in the Custom-house of London then worth at least 600 pounds per annum but the Petitioner having enjoyed that place onely eight months was causlesly outed by sinister information of intruders who have enjoyed that office and divided the profit thereof between them ever since that intrusion Moreover the late King by Privy Seal owes to the Petitioners wife who is the Relict of Mr. Thomas Ferrer for Linen Cloth 5000 pounds and for money lent 1200 pounds for which she was assigned satisfaction out of the Customs of Tobacco besides she was further assigned out of Sir Thomas Dawes Office 100 marks per annum all which debts likewise lie wholly unsatisfied to the Petitioners great prejudice Besides the aforesaid losses hinderances expences sufferings and forbearances of the profit of the said Office the Petitioner from time to time hath laid out himself for the common good in acting lending spending and serving when others refused exposed himself to that eminent danger at Branford by leading out a Troop of Horse for the Priviledges Liberties and Rights of the City of London and Commonwealth insomuch that thereby and for want of his satisfaction aforesaid the Petitioner having consumed his Estate hath been constrained to sell and morgage some part of his Lands to pay Creditors and to maintain his Family having a Wife and nine Children and is likely to be undone for obeying the Parliaments Commands unless by the justice and commiseration of this honourable Assembly he be speedily relieved and righted for that ever since the said reported sum the Petitioner from time to time hath made his humble addresses to the supreme powers for the time being for satisfaction thereof and to be restored to the said Office but could not prevaile The Petitioner therefore humbly prays That he may not perish for acting for the publick good according to the Declaration of Parliament but that now after 26 years suffering whereof twelve years in fruitless and wearisome waitings this honourable Assembly would now be pleased to take the unparallel'd sufferings of the Petitioner into their grave considerations for some speedy course for the Petitioners satisfaction to pay his Debts and redeem his Lands by ordering him the one moyety of his Debt in ready money out of the dayly customs of London from whence his first losses and sufferings sprang and the other mo●ty to be discompted upon such Goods as the Petitioner shall make entries of by Exportation or importation in the Custome-house London until his debt with the interest be fully satisfied and paid or any other speedy way as in your grave wisdoms shall seem meet and in like manner for his wives Debt which is to pay Debts and Legacies and that the Petitioner may forthwith be restored to and setled in the said Office and have Reparations from the Intruders And the Petitioner with his shall as in all duty ever pray c. Richard Chambers Sept. 6. 1654. The Petitioner being wearied out with twelve yeers attendance upon one Parliament in hopes of reparation for his imprisonment troubles and losses during the eleven years former interval of Parliament in standing for the Liberty of the Subject grew infirm and being not relieved was reduced to a low estate
Our People may discern that these provocations of evill men whose punishments we reserve to a due time have not changed Our good intentions to Our Subjects We do here professe to maintain the true Religion and Doctrine established in the Church of England without admitting or conniving at any back-sliding either to Popery or Schism We do also declare That vve will maintain the antient and just rights and liberties of Our Subjects with so much constancy and justice that they shall have cause to acknowledge That under Our government and gratious protection they live in a more happy and free estate then any subjects in the Christian world Yet let no man hereby take the boldnesse to abuse that liberty turning it to licentiousnesse nor misinterprett the Petition by perverting it to a lawlesse liberty wantonly or frowardly under that or any other colour to resist lawfull and necessary authority For as We will maintain Our Subjects in their just liberties so We do and will expect that they yield as much submission and duty to Our Royal prerogatives and as ready obedience to Our authority and commandments as hath been performed to the greatest of Our Predecessors And for Our Ministers We vvill not that they be terrified by those harsh proceedings that have been strained against some of them For as we will not command any thing unjust or dishonourable but shall use Our authority and prerogatives for the good of Our People so we will expect that Our Ministers obey Us and they shall assure themselves We will protect them As for Our Merchants We let them know We shall alwaies endeavour to cherish and enlarge the Trade of such as be dutifull without burthening them beyond what is fitting but the Duty of Five in the Hundred for guarding of the Seas and defence of the Realm to which we hold Our selves still obliged and which Duty hath continued without interruption so many succession of Ages We hold no good or dutifull Subject will deny it being so necessary for the good of the whole Kingdom And if any factious Merchant vvill affront Us in a thing so reasonable and vvherein we require no more nor in no other manner than so many of Our Predecessors have done and have been dutifully obeyed Let them not deceive themselves but be assured that We shall find honourable and just means to support Our Estate vindicate Our Soveraignty and preserve the Authority vvhich God hath put into Our Hands And now having laid down the truth and clearnesse of Our proceedings all wise and discreet men may easily judge of those rumours and jealous fears that are malitiously and vvickedly bruited abroad and may discern by examination of their own hearts whether in respect of the free passage of the Gospel indifferent and equall administration of Justice freedom from oppression and the great peace and quietnesse which every man enjoyeth under his own Vine and Fig-tree the happinesse of this Nation can be parallel'd by any of Our neighbour-Countries and if not then to acknowledge their own blessednesse and for the same be thankfull to God the Author of all goodnesse A Proposition for His Majestie 's Service to bridle the Impertinency of Parliaments Afterwards questioned in the Star-Chamber THe Proposition for your Majestie 's service containeth two parts the one to secure your State and to bridle the impertinency of Parliaments the other to increase your Majestie 's Revenue much more then it is Touching the first having considered divers means I find none so important to strengthen your Majesties Regall authority against all oppositions and practises of troublesome spirits and to bridle them than to fortifie your Kingdome by having a Fortresse in every chief Town and important place thereof furnished with Ordnance Munition and faithfull Men as they ought to be with all other circumstances fit for to be digested in a businesse of this nature ordering withall the trained Souldiers of the County to be united in one dependency with the said Fort as well to secure their beginning as to succour them in any occasion of suspect and also to retain and keep their Armes for more security whereby the Countries are no lesse to be brought in subjection than the Cities themselves and consequently the whole Kingdom your Majesty having by this course the power thereof in your own hands The reasons of the suggests are these 1. That in Policy it is a greater tye of the People by force and necessity then meerly by love and affection for by the one the Government resteth alwaies secure but by the other no longer then the people are contented 2. It forceth obstinate subjects to be no more presumptuous than it pleaseth your Majesty to permit them 3. That to leave a State unfurnished is to give the Bridle thereof to the Subject when by the contrary it resteth onely in the Prince's hands 4. That modern Fortresses take long time in winning with such charge and difficulty as no Subjects in these times have means probable to attempt them 5. That it is a sure remedy against Rebellions and popular Mutinies or against forraigne powers because they cannot well succeed when by this course the apparent means is taken away to force the King and Subject upon a doubtfull fortune of a set Battle as was the cause that moved the pretended invasion against the land attempted by the King of Spain in the year 1588. 6. That your Majestie 's government is the more secure by the people's more subjection and by their subjection your Parliament must be forced consequently to alter their style and to be conformable to your will and pleasure for their words and opposition import nothing where the power is in your Majesties own hands to do with them what you please being indeed the chief purpose of this discourse and the secret intent thereof fit to be concealed from any English at all either Counsellors of State or other For these and divers other weighty reasons It may be considered in this place to make your Majesty more powerfull and strong some orders be observed that are used in fortified Countries the government whereof imports as much as the States themselves I mean in times of doubt or suspect which are these Imprimis That none wear Arms or Weapons at all either in City or Country but such as your Majesty may think fit to priviledge and they to be inrolled 2. That as many high-waies as conveniently may be done be made passable through those Cities and Townes fortified to constrain the passengers to travell through them 3. That the souldiers of Fortresses be sometimes chosen of another Nation if subject to the same Prince but howsoever not to be born in the same Province or within forty or fifty miles of the Fortresse and not to have friends or correspondency near it 4. That at all the Gates of each walled Town be appointed Officers not to suffer any unknown passengers to passe without a Ticket shewing from
King 2. It stands not with the dignity of the King to arrest any man C. 4. 73. The King makes a Lease for years rendring rent with condition of re-entry for non-payment he shall take advantage of the condition without any demand and the reason there given is that a decorum and conveniency might be observed So it is not befitting for the King in person to arrest any man but the King may command another to do it Bracton lib. 2. de acquirendo rerum Dominio fol. 55. sayes That the Crown of the King is to do justice and judgment and facere pacem without which the Crown it self cannot subsist Severall constructions are to be made upon those severall words and the last words facere pacem imply that the King hath a coercive power Britton f. 1. amongst the Errata The King said in person Because we are not sufficient in person to do every thing We divide the charge into many parts We are the peoples Iustice and a Iustice implies one that hath power to do justice in every kind to wit by imprisonment or otherwise 20 H. 7.7 C. 11.85 it is said That the King is the chief Iustice. And Lambert in his Justice of Peace fol. 3. saies That in antient Histories the chief Iustice of England is called Capitalis Justicia Prima Justicia after the King in England So that the King hath the same power of Iustice as the Chief Iustice had This imprisonment here which is before conviction for any offen● is not used towards the Subject as imprisonment for any fault but is rather an arrest or restraint to avoid further inconveniencies 14 H. 7.8 A Iustice of Peace may arrest men riotously assembled for prevention of further mischief And the Book also saies That he may leave his servants there to arrest men for safeguard of the peace It is a case well known that if a house be set on fire every man may pull down the next house for prevention of greater mischief so it seems concerning the Incendiaries of the State they ought to be restrained and supprest lest others should be stirred up by them to the same combustion 22 ass 56. and 22 E. 4.45 in false imprisonment the Defendant justifies because the Plantiff was mad and out of his wits and that he had done some harm and that he had bound and beat him to avoid further harm which might have happened by his madnesse And the justification was held good So it is in matter of Government to avoid commotions the King ought to use his coercive power against those that are enraged The objection was that this course was against the Petition of Right But I answer That this case is out of the words of that Petition the words of the Petition were Whereas by the Statute called The great Charter and by the Statute of 28 E. 3. no free-man may be taken or imprisoned yet against the tenour of the said Statute c. divers of your subjects have of late been imprisoned without any cause shewed and when for their deliverance c. they were brought before the Iustices by Writs of Habeas corpus there to undergo and receive as the Court should order and their Keepers commanded to certifie the cause of their deteyner and no cause was certified but that they were detained by your Majesties speciall command signified by the Lords of your Council and yet were returned back to severall prisons without being charged with any thing to which they might make answer according to Law These last words are observable Without being charged with any thing to which they might make answer These words do not refer to the Return of the Habeas Corpus for the cause returned therein cannot be traversed 9 H. 6. 54. but the Court took it as true But the setting forth of the cause and the answer to the same cause is to be upon other proceedings to wit upon the indictment for the offence or otherwise And there is great difference between the return of a Writ to which a man may answer and the return of an Habeas corpus 10 E. 4. 3 H. 7.11 are that if the Sheriff return Rescous all certainties of every circumstance ought to be shewed because it is fitting that a thing certain be brought into judgment And upon shewing of the grievance as above the Petition is that no free-man in any such manner as before is mentioned be imprisoned or detained such and it hath relation to such imprisonment which is mentioned in the premises And imprisonment mentioned in the premises of the Petition is where no cause at all was mentioned then where any cause is shewed is out of the Petition and that such is the word relative appears by C. 11 62. where many cases are put to the same purpose which see The third objection was That the Return was generall and uncertain The Counsell on the other side had divided the words of the Return but that is to offer violence thereunto for an exposition shall not be made by fractions but upon the whole matter For the first words notable contempts It hath been said that the addition of the word notable is but to make a flourish But I say That notable is not the emphasis of the Return but it onely expresseth the nature of the offence and yet notable is a word observable by it self in the Law and implyes that the thing is known and noted By 27 E. 1. Sheriffs shall be punished that let notorious offenders to bayl and by the Statute of 4 H. 4. chap. 3. a notorious or common thief shall not make his purgation and 26 E. 3.71 in a trespasse for fals imprisonment the Defendant said That the Plantiff came into the Town of Huntington and because he was seen in the company of R. de Thorby who was a notorious thief he as Bailiff of Huntington took him upon suspition I confesse that for contempts is generall yea it is genus generalissimum and within the Petition of Right but the words are against Our Self It hath been said That this might be by irreverent words or gestures and Our Government It hath been said that this might be by contempt to the Kings Writ or by Retraxit as Beechers case is To this I answer That those words which are spoken to one purpose ought not to be wrested to another and this is against the common meaning of the words C. 4. Thou art a murderer the Defendant shall not afterwards explain it to be a murderer of Hares for the highest murder is intended So here the highest Government is intended 4. It hath been objected that for stirring up of sedition against Us may perhaps be but an offence Finable But those words joyned with the former words shew this to be an offence of the highest nature sedition is a speciall contempt And although sedition in it self may be but a generall offence yet here it is Sedition against Us and Our Government which makes
and others was now moved by Mason to have the resolution of the Iudges and the Court with one voice said That they are now content that they shall be bailed but that they ought to find Sureties also for the good behaviour And Jones Iustice said that so it was done in the case which had been often remembered to another purpose to wit Russell's case in 9 E. 3. To which Mr. Selden answered with whom all the other Prisoners agreed in opinion That they have the Sureties ready for the bayl but not for the good behaviour and desire that the bayl might first be accepted and that they be not urged to the other Sir Robert Heath the Kings Atturney-generall exhibited Information in this Court against Sir John Eliot Knight Denzill Hollis and Benjamin Valentine Esquires the effect of which was That the King that now is for weighty causes such a day and year did summon a Parliament and to that purpose sent his Writ to the Sheriff of Cornwall to chuse two Knights by vertue whereof Sir John Eliot was chosen and returned Knight for Cornwall And that in the same manner the other Defendants were elect Burgesses of other places for the same Parliament And shewed further that Sir John Finch was chosen for one of the Citizens of Canterbury and was Speaker of the House of Commons And that the said Eliot publickly and malitiously in the House of Commons to raise sedition between the King his Nobles and People uttered these words That the Councill and Judges had all conspired to trample under-foot the Liberties of the Subjects He further shewed that the King had power to call adjourn and dissolve Parliaments And that the King for divers reasons had a purpose to have the House of Commons adjourned and gave direction to Sir Jo●n Finch then the Speaker to move as adjournment and if it should not be obeyed that he should forthwith come from the House to the King And that the Defendants by confederacy afore-hand spake a long and continued Speech which was recited verbatim in which were divers malitious and seditious words of dangerous consequence And to the intent that they might not be prevented of uttering their premeditate speeches their intention was that the Speaker should not go out of the Chair till they had spoken them the Defendants Hollis and Valentine lay violent hands upon the Speaker to the great afrightment and disturbance of the House And the Speaker being got out of the Chair they by violence set him in the Chair again so that there was a great tumult in the House And after the said speeches pronounced by Sir John Eliot Hollis did recapitulate them And to this information the Defendants have put in a plea to the Iurisdiction of the Court because these offences are supposed to be done in Parliament and ought not to be punished in this Court or in any other but in Parliament And the Atturney-Generall moved the Court to over-rule the plea to the Iurisdiction And that he said the Court might do although he had not demurred upon the plea. But the Court would not over-rule the plea but gave day to joyne in Demurrer this Tearm And on the first day of the next Tearm the Record shall be read and within a day after shall be argued at Barre But Hyde chief Iustice said to the Counsell of the Defendants So far light we will give you This is no new question but all the Iudges of England and Barons of the Exchequer before now have oft been assembled on this occasion and have with great patience heard the Arguments on both sides and it was resolved by them all with one voice That an offence committed in Parliament criminally or contemptuously the Parliament being ended rests punishable in an other Court Jones It is true that we all resolved That an offence committed in Parliament against the Crown is punishable after the Parliament in another Court and what Court shall that be but the Court of the Kings Bench in which the King by intendment sitteth Whitlock The question is now reduced to a narrow room for all the Iudges are agreed That an offence committed in Parliament against the King or his Government may be punished out of Parliament So that the sole doubt which now remains is Whether this Court can punish it And Crook agreed That so it had been resolved by all the Iudges because otherwise there would be a failer of Iustice. And by him If such an offence be punishable in another Court what Court shal punish it but this Court which is the highest Court in the Realm for criminall offences And perhaps not onely criminall actions committed in Parliament are punishable here but words also Mason of Lincolns-Inne argued for Sir John Eliot one of the Defendants The charges in the Information against him are three 1. For speeches 2. For contempts to the King in resisting the Adjournment 3. For conspiracy with the other Defendants to detain Mr. Speaker in the Chair In the discussion of these matters be argued much to the same intent which he had argued before upon an information brought in the Star-Chamber against the same Defendants and others for the same offences therefore his Argument is reported here very briefly 1 st For his speeches They contain matter of accusation against some great Peers of the Realm and as to them he said That the King cannot take notice of them The Parliament is a Councill and the grand Councill of the King and Councills are secret and close none other hath accesse to those Councills of Parliament and they themselves ought not to impart them without the consent of the whole House A Iury in a Leet which is sworn to enquire of offences within the said Iurisdiction are sworn to keep their own counsell so the House of Commons enquire of all grievances within the Kingdom and their counsells are not to be revealed And to this purpose was a Petition 2 H. 4. numb 10. That the King shall not give credit to any private reports of their proceedings To which the King assents therefore the King ought not to give credit to the information of these offences in this case 2 ly The words themselves contain severall accusations of great men and the liberty of accusation hath alwaies been Parliamentary 50 E. 3. Parliament-Roll numb 21. The Lord Latimer was impeached in Parliament for sundry offences 11 R. 2. the Arch-Bishop of York 18 H. 6. numb 18. the Duke of Suffolk 1 Mar. Dy. 93. the Duke of Norfolk 36 H. 6. numb 60. un Uickar Generall 2 3 E. 6. c. 18. the Lord Seymer 18 of King James the Lord of St. Albans Chancellor of England and 21 of King James Cranfield Lord Treasurer and 1 Car. the Duke of Buckingham 3 ly This is a priviledge of Parliament which is determinable in Parliament and not else-where 11 R. 2. numb 7. the Parliament-Roll Petition exhibited in Parliament and allowed by the King That
Soldiers commanded not to disband Trade prohibited with Spain Trained Bands exercised Part of Michaelmas Term adjourned The Term at Reading Hopes of a Parliament Sir Edward Cook High Sheriff his exceptions to the Sheriffs Oath The Seal taken from Bishop Will●ams sequestred formerly and given to Sir Thomas Coventry A Parliament Summoned Recusants to be Excommunicated The King resolved to leave Mr. Montague to the Parliament Preparations for the Kings Coronation A Proclamation for all that have Forty pound per annum to come and receive the Order of Knighthood A Thanksgiving for the Plagues ceasing Number of those who died of the Plague The Ceremonies at the Kings Coronation Archbish. P.P. The Kings Answer A Second Parliament meets The Lord Keepers Speech Sir Hennage Finch chosen Speaker His Speech Grievances taken into consideration Grievances laid open Articles against Mr Montague People prohibited for going to Mass at Ambassadors Houses The Atturney's Letter to the Judges concerning Recusants The Council of War for the Palatinate questioned in the House of Commons The Earl of Pembroke at a Conference presseth Supply Reports from the Committee concerning Evils and Remedies A Committee of the Lords House to consider of the safety of the Kingdom comunicated to the Commons Not well resented The Kings Letter to the Speaker Sir Richard Westons Message The Commons Answer to the Kings Message by Sir Richard Weston The Kings Reply Doctor Turners Queries against the Duke Another Message from the King by Sir Richard Weston Dr. Turners Explanation Dr. Turners Letter to the Speaker Sir W. Walters opinion of the Cause of Grievances Sir Iohn Eliot pursues the Argument against the Duke Three Subsidies and Three Fifteens Voted Debate concerning the Duke resumed The Kings Speech March 29. The Lord Keepers Speech The King proceeds The Duke at a Conference explains the Kings late Speech and the Lord Keepers Declaration The Duke renders an account of his Negotiation in the Low-Countreys The Lord Conway vindicates the Duke A List of Moneys disbursed for the War The Lords Petition touching Precedency chalenged by Scots and Irish Nobles The Lord Conways Letter to the Earl of Bristol The Earl of Bristols Letter to the Lord Conway The Earl of Bristol petitions the House of Lords The Petition referred to the Committee of Priviledges The Kings Letter to the Earl of Bristol The Earl of Bristol Petitions the Lords upon receipt of his Writ A Message from the King to the House of Lords The Marshal of Middlesex's Petition touching Priests The Commons Remonstrance to the King in Answer to his Majesties and the Lord Keepers Speech The House adjourned for a week Private advice given to the Duke The Bishops commanded to attend the King The Dukes answer to a Message from the Commons reported Glanviles report from the Committee The Kings Message touching new matter against the Duke The Earl of Bristol brought to the bar of the Lords House Articles against the Earl of Bristol The Earl of Bristols expressions at the time of his Accusation The Earl of Bristols speech at the Bar of the Lords House at the delivery of his Articles against the Duke He layes open his Case to the Parliament The Lord Chamberlain attests the truth of what the Earl had said The Earl proceeds The Earl of Bristols Articles against the Duke The Earl of Bristols Articles against the Lord Conway A Message from the King to the Lords concerning Bristol's Articles against the Duke The Reasons The Earl of Bristols Speech by way of Introduction before he gave in his Answer His Service to the Palatinate when he was Ambassador to the Emperor His Service to the Palatinate before his Ambassie to the Emperor His arrival in Spain and behavior there His carriage concerning the Match Means to shew that the Match was intended by the Spaniard Bristol not the cause of the Delays in Spain He never disswaded the King to take Arms. He advised both King and Prince to a Protestant Match He never moved his Majesty to set Priests at liberty A Declaration signed by my Lord Conway in behalf of Roman Catholicks He perswaded not the Prince to change his Religion He advised both King and Prince if they will Match with a Catholick rather to Spain then France but cheifly to a Protestant Princess He constantly professed the Protestant religion King Iames proposeth a Match to the Prince Palatine between his eldest son and the Emperors daughter The Earls Reasons why he was forward to consummate the Match til warrant came to the contrary The restitution of the Palatinate promised by the King of Spain and Olivarez The advantages of the Spanish Match to England The Commons Articles against the Duke His ingrossing many Offices Plurality of Offices His buying of Offices His buying the Cinque 〈◊〉 the Lord Zouch The first Article enlarged by Mr. Herbert The second and third enlarged by him His neglect of guarding the Seas His taking a Ship called St Peter of Newhaven The fourth Article enlarged by Mr Selden The Fifth Articles enlarged by Mr Selden His delivering Ships into the hands of the King of France Those ships to be used to his knowledge against Rochel Mr. Glanvile enlargeth the Sixth Article Mr. Glanvile inlarges the Seventh and Eighth Articles Mr. Pym enlargeth the 11. Article The 10. Article enlarged His imbezling and engrossing the Kings money and Lands Mr Sherland enlarges the Ninth Article He enlargeth the Twelfth Article The Thirteenth Article enlarged by Mr. Wandesford Sir Ioh ●ll●●●● speech concluding the Dukes Impeachment Sir Iohn Elliot and Sir Dudley Diggs committed to the Tower Private Suggestions to the King in behalf of the Duke Kings Speech concerning the Duke The Commons Message by Sir Nath. Rich to seeure the Duke The Dukes Speech against the Commons The Commons discontented at the imprisonment of their Members Sir Dudley Carleton's Speech The Commons Protestation touching words imputed to Sir Dudley Diggs Sir D. Diggs released out of prison protests he never spake the words charged on him The King is satisfied that the words were not spoken The Duke dissatisfied Thirty six Lords protest they heard not the words supposed to be spoken at a Conference S●r Iohn Elliot is released out of the Tower Is charged by Sir Dudley Carlton for his Speech against the Duke He dischargeth himself The Lords Petition to the King about the Earl of Arundel imprisoned in the time of Parliament The Kings Message to the Lords touching the Earl of Arundel The Lords resolved to maintain their priviledges A Remonstrance and Petition of the Peers in behalf of the Earl of Arundel The Kings first Answer to the Remonstrance and Petition The King promiseth to answer the said Remonstrance The Lords are urgent for an Answer The King returns another Answer to the Lords touching the Remonstrance Another Petition to the King touching the Earl of Arundel The King takes exception at the Petition The Lords desire to know of his Majesty to what part of the Petition he takes
in writing against the Sermon Bishop Laud is employed to Answer these Objections King Iames was a long time offended with Bishop Laud. He was advance by Bishop Williams Bishops of Durham and Bathe sworn of the Privy Council Mr. Murrey brings the Answer to the Archbishops Objections The Archbishop is not suff●red to see the Writing but Mr. Murrey reads it Sibthorps Sermons Licenced by the Bishop of London Mr. Selden The Duke presseth his Majesty to have the Archbishop sent away before he set to Sea The Archbishop commanded to withdraw The Lord Conway tells the Archbishop the reason why he is commanded to retire The Archbishop writes to the Lord Conway to know if his Majesty will give him his choice of two houses to retire to The Lord Conway 's Answer The reason why the Duke was thought to be offended with the Archbishop The Archbishop accustomed to Hospitality King Iames injoyned the Archbishop to live like an Archbishop The Duke was not pleased that Sir Dudley Diggs frequented the Archbishops house The Archbishop was Tutor to Sir Dudley Digs at Oxford The Duke was offended that Sir Thomas Wentworth frequented the Archbishops House The Archbishop commanded to meddle no more in the High Commission Commendations of the High Commission Court The High Commissioners chargeable to the Archbishop The Archbishops infirmity permitted him not to come to the Star-chamber or Council-Table The Archbishops observation concerning the rise of the Duke Various Reports concerning the Army at Rhee A further Supply preparing for Rhee and to be conveyed thither by the Earl of Holland The Citadel at Rhee relieved Sir Iohn Burroughs slain Toras sends intelligence to the King of France The Rochellers at last declare for England A Treaty for Surrender between the Duke and Toras The Citadel reliev'd again A Retreat resolved on Sobiez against it The Citadel stormed The Army retreats The Enemy engageth the Rear of the Army Several opinions concerning this Expedition to Rhe. The misfortune of Rhee-Expedition causeth a clamor in the Nation A List of Arrearages for freight of ships and Sea-mens wages Anne-Royal Repulse Assurance Nonsuch Waltspite Adventure Triumph Victory S. George S. Andrew Rainbow Vantguard Red-Lion S. Esperite Gard-Land Convecline Antelop Entrance Sir Robert Cotton's Advice touching the present state of affairs A resolution to call a Parliament Order of the Council to set at liberty the Gentry imprisoned for the Loan-money A Parliament summoned A Commission for Impo●itions Thirty thousand pounds paid to Burlemach to be returned by Bill of Exchange to raise Forein Forces Recusants taken at Clerkenwell A Letter from a Jesuite concerning the ensuing Parliament The King's Speech at the opening of the Parliament The Lord Keepers Speech Sir Iohn Finch being chosen Speaker made this Speech to his Majesty The Speech without doors Grand Committees setled Petition for a fast Debates touching Grievances Sir Francis Seimour Sir Thomas Wentworth Sir Benjamin Rudyard acts the part of a Moderator Sir Edward Cook Mr Secretary Cook Sir Robert Philips * Sibthorp and Manwaring * Sommersetshire * Scots Secretary Cook moves for Supply for his Majesty In Clerkenwel Thursday March 15. Mr Secretary Cook tenders Propositions touching Supply The House turned into a Committee Habeas Corpus and the Liberty of the Subject debated Mr Creswel Sir Robert Philips Sir Edward Cook Judge Whitlock in justification of the Proceedings in the Upper-Bench upon the Habeas Corpus Judge Doderidge the like Mr Hackwel resumes the Debate of the Habeas Corpus Mr Selden Judge Andersons Reports Sir Edward Cook Resolves touching the Subjects liberty in his Person The Kings Propositions to the House of Commons touching Supply A Conference between the Lords and Commons managed by Secretary Cook against Recusants The Lord Keepers Speech at the presenting a Petition from both Houses against Recusants The Kings Answer to the Petition 1. Article 2. Article 3. Article 4. Article 5. Article 6. Article 7. Article 8. Article Debates touching his Majesties propositions Sir Francis Seimor Sir Nath. Rich. Secr. Cook Sir John Elliot Sir Ed. Cook Sir Thomas Wentworth Sir Henry Martin The House waves c. Mr. Selden Sir T. Hobby Sir Peter Hayman about forein imployment Mr. Hackwel Sir E. Cook Sir Thomas Wentworth Sir John Elliot The King sends a Message to the House of S● Cook touching some words said to be spoken by the Duke Debates on the Message Friday 4 April Secretary brings another Message from the King Mr. Pym. 5. Subsidies resolved on Mr. Secretary Cook report the Kings acceptance of five Subsidies The Duke of Buckinghams Speech at the Councel Table thereupon It is ill taken by Sir John Elliot that the Dukes name was intermingled with the Kings by Secretary Cook Sir Dudly Diggs begins the Conference by way of Introduction Mr. Littleton Mr. Selden Sir Edward Cook 1. Obj. Answ. 2. Obj. Answ. His Majesties Message for non-recess The Message not approved Sir Ro. Phillips Sir E. Cook Sec. Cook to expedite Subsidies Sir Dudly Diggs Sir Thomas Wentworth Mr. Secret Cook delivereth another Message concerning Supply Sir Rob. Phillips Secr. Cook Mr. Wandesford Sir Humphry May. Mr. Speakers Speech to the King at the delivery of the Petition for billeting of Soldiers The Petition concerning billeting of Soldiers Martial Law debated Serj. Ashley questioned for some words Archbishops Speech at a Conference concerning the Petition of Right Propositions tendred to the Commons by the Lords touching the Petition of Right Sir Dudley Diggs replies to this Speech The Lord Keepers Speech to both Houses concerning supply by the Kings command Sir Ben. Rudyards Speech concerning that motion A Committee ordered to draw up a Bill in order to the Petition of Right Mr. Secretary Cook brings a Message to relye on the Kings Word Sir Thomas Wentworth The King gives notice to both Houses that he intends shortly to end this Session Sir John Elliot The Speakers Speech to the King in answer to several Messages His Majesties answer to the Speakers Speech Mr. Secretary Cook brings another Message to relie on the Kings Words Sir John Elliot Sir E. Cook Lord Keepers Speech communicating a Letter from the King His Majesties Letter The Lords Proposition at a Conference about an addition to the Petition of Right The Lords addition to the Petition of Right Mr. Alford Mr. Pimme Mr. Hackwell Sir Ed. Cook Sir Thomas Wentworth Mr. Noy Mr. Selden Mr. Glanviles Speech at a Committee of both Houses concerning Soveraign Power Sir Henry Martins Speech as to the rational part of the matter of the Conference The Lords and Commons agreed touching the Petition of Right Mr. Rouse against Dr. Ed. Manwaring 9. Hen. 3.29 28. Ed. 3.3 37. Ed. 3.18 38. Ed. 3.9 42. Ed. 3.3 17. Ric. 2.6 25. Ed. 3.9 9. Hen. 3.29 25. Ed. 3.4 28. Ed. 3.3 The Petition The Answer debated Sir Jo. Elliots Speech in the laying open of grievances Some against the recapitulating of Grievances Exceptions to Sir John Elliots Speech More exceptions Sir
and condition he died in Summer 1658. being about the age of seventy years Trinity 5. Car. Banco Regis The first day of this Term upon a Habeas Corpus to Sir Allen Apsley the Lieutenant of the Tower to bring here the body of Iohn Selden Esq with the cause of Detencer he returned the same cause as was in Mr. Stroods Case And Mr. Littleton of the Inner-Temple of Counsel with Mr. Selden moved that the Return was insufficient in substance therefore pray'd that he might be bayled and said that it was a matter of great consequence both to the Crown of the King and to the Liberty of the Subject But as for the difficulty of Law contained in it he said under favour the Case cannot be said Grand And so proceeded to his Argument which for the Reasons before mentioned we have postponed and concluded that the Prisoner ought to be bailed The same day Sir Miles Hubbord Benjamin Valentine Denzil Holles Esq were at the Bar upon the Habeas Corpus directed to several Prisons And their Counsel were ready at the Bar to have argued the Case for them also But because the same Return was made for them as for Mr. Selden they all Declared they would rely on this Argument made by Mr. Littleton Some few days after Sir Robert Heath the Kings Atturney General argued that this Return was good and that Mr. Selden and the rest of the parties ought not to be bailed and that within the Return there appears good cause of their commitment and of their detaining also He said The Case is great in expectation consequence and concerns the Liberty of the Subject on one part whereof the Argument is plausible and on the other part it concerns the safety and Soveraignty of the King which he said is a thing of greater weight and that the consideration of both pertains to you the Judges without flighting the one or too much elevating the other and so proceeded to his Argument of which more at large hereafter and concluded that the Prisoners ought to be remanded When the Court was ready to have delivered their opinions in this great business the Prisoners were not brought to the Bar according to the Rule of the Court. Therefore Proclamation was made for the keepers of the several Prisons to bring in their Prisoners but none of them appeared but the Marshal of the Kings Bench who informed the Court that Mr. Strood who was in his custody was removed yesterday and put in the Tower of London by the Kings own warrant and so it was done with the other Prisoners for each of them was removed out of his prison in which he was before But notwithstanding it was pray'd by the Counsel for the Prisoners that the Court would deliver their opinion as to the matter in Law but the Court refused to do that because it was to no purpose for the Prisoners being absent they could not be bailed delivered or remanded The evening before there came a Letter to the Judges of this Court from the King himself informing the Court with the Reasons wherefore the Prisoners were not suffered to come at the day appointed for the resolution of the Judges These were the words of the Letter To our Trusty and welbeloved Our Chief Justice and the rest of Our Justices of Our Bench. C. R. TRusty and welbeloved we Greet you well Whereas by our special commandment we have lately removed Sir Miles Hubard Walter Long and William Stroud from the several prisons where they were formerly committed and have now sent them to our Tower of London understanding there are various constructions made thereof according to the several apprehensions of those who discourse of it as if we had done it to decline the course of Iustice We have therefore thought fit to let you know the true Reason and occasion thereof as also why we commanded those and the other Prisoners should not come before you the last day We having heard how most of them a while since did carry themselves insolently and unmannerly both towards us and your Lordships were and are very sensible thereof and though we hear your selves gave them some admonition for that miscariage yet we could not but resent our Honour and the Honour of so great a Court of Iustice so far as to let the world know how much we dislike the same And having understood that your Lordships and the rest of our Iudges and Barons of our Court of Common Pleas and Exchequer whose advices and judgments we have desired in this great business so much concerning our Government have not yet resolved the main Question we did not think the presence of those Prisoners necessary and until we should find their temper and discretions to be such as may deserve it we were not willing to afford them favour Nevertheless the respect we bear to the proceedings of that Court hath caused us to give way that Selden and Valentine should attend you tomorrow they being sufficient to appear before you since you cannot as yet give any resolute opinion in the main point in Question Given under our Signet at Our Mannor at Greenwich this 24 Iunii in the 5 yeer of our Reign Within three hours after the receit of those Letters other Letters were brought unto the said Judges as followeth To Our trusty and well-beloved Our Chief Justices and the rest of Our Justices of Our Bench. C. R. TRusty and well-beloved we greet you well Whereas by our Letters of this days date we gave you to understand our pleasure That of those prisoners which by our Commandment are kept in our Tower of London Selden and Valentine should be brought tomorrow before you now upon more mature Deliberation we have resolved That all of them shall receive the same treatment and that none shall come before you until we have cause given us to believe they will make a better demonstration of their Modesty and Civility both towards us and your Lordships then at their last appearance they did Given under our Signet at our Mannor at Greenwich this 24 day of Iune in the fifth year of our Reign So the Court this Term delivered no opinion and the imprisoned Gentlemen continued in restraint all the long Vacation Note That in this Term a Habeas Corpus was prayed to the Pursevant of Arms for four Constables of Hertfordshire to whose custody they were committed by the Lords of the Privy-Council and the Habeas Corpus was granted on their behalf but then they were committed to the Custody of other Pursevants and so upon every Habeas Corpus they were removed from Pursevant to Pursevant and could have no fruit of their Habeas Corpus all this Term. There wanted not some who upon the Kings dissolution of this Parliament and his ill success in two former Parliaments did advise that his Majestie for the future might be no more troubled with the impertinencies of Parliaments holding out for example the like
discontinuance of assembling the three Estates in France which was in time about four years before the blazing Star by Lewis the eleventh King of France who by reason the third Estate representing the Commons did incroach as he declared too much upon the Clergie and Nobility the King dissolved that Parliament of the three Estates and never had a free Election of the third Estate afterwards but ordained another kind of meeting instead thereof which is called L' assembli des Notables An assembly of certain eminent persons of his own Nomination whereunto he added some Counsellour out of every Court of Parliament there being eight in all in France and being few in number and of his own Nomination would more readily comply with the Kings proposals and not dispute his will and pleasure as the general assembly of three Estates had wont to do when the King trenched upon the liberty and property of the Subject which alteration of the Government as to the third Estate hath ever since exposed the Commons to much vassalage and misery as at this day is apparent by the meanness of their livelyhood and wearing of wooden shoes That which gives us occasion to mention this last particular is a little Tract composed to the said end and purpose and which did this Trinity long Vacation walk abroad and went from hand to hand sometime at Court sometime in the Country and sometime at the Innes of Court which we here set down verbatim in the Appendix that the humour of the Author thereof may be the more clearly discerned and when we come to its proper time and place you shall see what success this Pamphlet had when it was questioned in the Star-Chamber Towards the latter end of his Vacation all the Justices of the Kings Bench being then in the Country received every one of them a Letter to be at Sergeants Inne upon Michaelmas day These Letters were from the Council-Table and the cause expressed in them was That his Majesty had present and urgent occasion to use their service The Judges came up accordingly on Tuesday being Michaelmas day The next morning about four a clock Letters were brought to the chief Justice from Mr. Trumbal Clerk of the Council then attending that he and Judge Whitlock one of the Judges of that Court should attend the King that morning so soon as conveniently they could which the Chief Justice and that Judge did at Hampton that morning where the King taking them apart from the Council fell upon the business of the Gentlemen in the Tower and was contented they should be bayled notwithstanding their obstinacy in that they would not give the King a Petition expressing That they were sorry he was offended with them he shewed his purpose to proceed against them by the common Law in the Kings Bench and to leave his proceeding in the Star-Chamber Divers other matters he proposed to the said Judges by way of advice and seemed well contented with what they answered though it was not to his minde which was That the offences were not capital and that by the Law the prisoners ought to be bailed giving security to the good behaviour whereupon the King told them That he would never be offended with his Judges so they dealt plainly with him and did not answer him by Oracles and Riddles both these Judges did at that time what good office they could to bring the King on to heal this breach The first day of Michaelmas Term it was moved by Mr. Mason to have the Resolution of the Judges and the Court with one voice said That they are now content that they shall be bayled but that they ought to finde sureties also for the good behaviour and Iones Justice said That so it was done in the Case which had been often remembred to another purpose two wit Russels Case in 9 E. 3. To which Mr. Selden answered with whom all the other prisoners agreed in opinion That they have their sureties ready for the bayl but not for the good behaviour and desire that the bayl might first be accepted and that they be not urged to the other and that for these Reasons First the Case here had long depended in Court and they have been imprisoned for these thirty weeks and it had been oftentimes argued on the one side and the other and those that argued for the King alwaies demanded that we should be remanded and those which argued on our side desired that we might be bayled or discharged but it was never the desire of the one side or the other that we should be bound to the good behaviour And in the last Term four several days were appointed for the Resolution of the Court and the sole point in question was If baylable or not therefore he now desires that the matter of bayl and of good behaviour may be severed and not con●ounded Secondly because the finding of sureties of good behaviour is seldome urged upon Returns of Felonies or Treasons And it is but an implication upon the Return that we are culpable of those matters which are objected 3. We demand to be bayled in point of Right and if it be not grantable of Right we do not demand it but the finding of Sureties for the good behaviour is a point of discretion meerly and we cannot assent to it without great offence to the Parliament where these matters which are surmised by the Return were acted and by the Statute of 4 Hen. 8. all punishments of such nature are made voyd and of none effect Therefore c. Curia The Return doth not make mention of any thing done in Parliament and we cannot in a judicial way take notice that these things were done in Parliament And by Whitlock The surety of good behaviour is as a preventing medicine of the damage that may fall out to the Commonwealth and it is an Act of Government and jurisdiction and not of Law And by Crook It is no inconvenience to the Prisoners for the same bayl sufficeth and all shall be written upon one peece of parchment And Heath Atturney General said That by the command of the King he had an information ready in his hand to deliver in the Court against them Hide Chief Justice If now you refuse to find sureties for the good behaviour and be for that cause remanded perhaps we afterwards will not grant Habeas Corpus for you inasmuch as we are made acquainted with the cause of your imprisonment Ashly the Kings Sergeant offered his own bayl for Mr. Holles one of the Prisoners who had married his daughter and heir But the Court refused it for it is contrary to the course of the Court unless the Prisoner himself will become bound also And Mr. Long that had found sureties in the Chief Justices Chamber for the good behaviour refused to continue his sureties any longer inasmuch as they were bound in a great summe of 2000 l. and the good behaviour was a