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A55222 The book of the general laws of the inhabitants of the jurisdiction of New-Plimouth collected out of the records of the General Court, and lately revised : and with some emendations and additions established and disposed into such order as they my readily conduce to general use and benefit by the order and authority of the General Court of New-Plimouth held at Plimouth, June 2d. anno Dom. 1685 reprinted and published, Nathaniel Clerk, secrt'.; Laws, etc. (Book of the general laws : 1685) New Plymouth Colony. 1685 (1685) Wing P2659; ESTC W479534 104,394 101

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The BOOK of the General LAWS OF the INHABITANTS of the JURISDICTION of New-Plimouth Collected out of the RECORDS of the GENERAL COURT And lately Revised And with some Emendations and Additions Established and Disposed into such Order as they may readily Conduce to General Use and Benefit And by the Order and Authority of the GENERAL COURT of New-Plimouth Held at Plimouth June 2d Anno Dom. 1685 Reprinted and Published Nathaniel Clerk Secrt ' SIGILLVM SOCIETATIS PLIMOVTII NOV-ANGLIA 1620 Be subject to every Ordinance of Man for the Lords sake 1 Pet. 2.13 BOSTON In NEW-ENGLAND Printed by Samuel Green 1685. A PREFACE Declaring the Warrantable Grounds and Proceedings of the first ASSOCIATES of the Government of New Plimouth In their Laying the first Foundation of this Government in their Making of LAWS and Disposing of the LANDS within the same VVHereas John Carver William Bradford Edward Winslow William Brewster Isaac Allerton and divers others the Subjects of our late Soveraign Lord JAMES by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. Did in the eighteenth Year of His Reign of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the fifty four which was in the Year of our Lord God 1620. undertake a Voyage into that parts of America called Virginia or New-England thereunto adjoyning there to Erect a Plantation and Colony of English intending the Glory of God the Inlargement of His Majesties Dominions and the special Good of the English Nation And whereas by the good providence of our Gracious God the said John Carver William Bradford Edward Winslow William Brewster Isaac Allerton and their Associates Arrived in New-England aforesaid in the Harbour of Cape Cod or Paomet Scituate and being in New-England aforesaid where all the said Persons entred into a civil Combination being the eleventh of November The Combination of the first Associates 1620. in the Year aforementioned as the Subjects of our said Soveraign Lord the KING to become a Body Politick Binding our selves to observe such Laws and Ordinances and obey such Officers as from time to time should be made and chosen for our well-Ordering and Guidance And thereupon by the favour of the Almighty began the first Colony in New-England there being then no other within the said Continent at a place called by the Natives Apaum alias Patuxet but by the English New-Plimouth All which Lands being void of Inhabitants We the said John Carver William Bradford Edward Winslow William Brewster Isaac Allerton and the rest of our Associates Entring into a League of Peace with Massasoit since called Woosamequin Prince or Sachem of those Parts He the said Massasoit freely gave them all the Lands adjacent to them and their Heirs for ever acknowledging himself content to become the Subject of our Soveraign Lord the KING aforesaid His Heirs and Successors and taking Protection of us the said John Carver William Bradford Edward Winslow William Brewster Isaac Allerton and their Associates the natural Subjects of our Soveraign Lord the King aforesaid But having no special Letters Patents for the said Parts of New-England but only the general leave and liking of His Majesty aforesaid for the free Exercise of the liberty of our Consciences in the publick Worship and Service of God wherever we should settle Being therefore now settled and Desiring and Requesting special License and Commission from His Majesty for the ordering our Affairs under his Gracious Protection had sundry Commissions Made and Confirmed by His said Majesties Council for New-England to John Pierce and his Associates whose Name we only made use of and whose Associates we were in the late happy and memorable Reign of our said Soveraign Lord King James but finding our selves still straitned and a willingness in the Honourable Council aforesaid to inlarge us partly in regard of the many Difficulties we had undergone and partly in regard of the good Service done as well in relieving His Majesties Subjects as otherwayes We procured a further Inlargement under the Name of William Bradford aforesaid and his Associatess whose Names we likewise used and whose Associates as formerly we still are By vertue of which Letters Patents liberty is given unto us derivatory from our Soveraign Lord King Charles bearing Date the thirteenth of January Liberties granted by our Patent 1629. being the first Year of His Reign of England Scotland France and Ireland and Signed by the Right Honourable Robert Earl of Warwick in the behalf of the rest of His Majesties said Council for New-England and Sealed with their common Seal allowed to Frame and Make Orders Ordinances and Constitutions for the Ordering Disposing and Governing of our Persons and Distributing the Lands within the said Limits to be holden of His Majesty His Heirs and Successors as of His Mannor of East-Greenwich in the County of Kent in free and common Soccage and not in Capite nor by Knights Service viz. All that part of New-England in America and Tract and Tracts of Lands that lie within or between a certain Rivolet or Runlet there commonly called Coahasset alias Conahasset towards the North and the River commonly called Narrhaganset River towards the South and the great Western Ocean towards the East and between and within a streight Line directly extending up into the main Land towards the West from the mouth of the said River called Narrhaganset River to the outmost Limits and Bounds of a Countrey or Place in New-England commonly called Pokenacut alias Puckenakick alias Sawaamset Westward and another like streight Line extending it self directly from the mouth of the said River called Coahasset alias Conahasset towards the West so far up into the main Land Westwards as the outmost Limits of the said Place or Countrey commonly called Pokenacut alias Puckenakick alias Sawaamset do extend together with one half of the said River called Narrhaganset and the said Rivolet or Runlet called Coahasset alias Conahasset and all all Lands Rivers Waters Havens Creeks Ports Fishings Fowlings and all Hereditaments Profits Commodities and Emoluments whatsoever Scituate Lying and Being or arising within and between the said Limits or Bounds or any of them Furthermore all that Tract of Land or part of New-England or part of America aforesaid which lieth within or between and extendeth it self from the outmost Limits of Cobbisecontee alias Comaseconte which adjoyneth to the River of Kenebeck alias Kenebekike towards the Western Ocean and a place called the Falls at Nequamkike in America aforesaid and the space of fifteen English Miles on each side the said River commonly called Kenebeck River and all the said River called Kenebeck that lieth within the said Limits and Bounds Eastward Westward Northward or Southward last above-mentioned and all Lands Grounds Soyles Rivers Waters Fishings Hereditaments and Profits whatsoever Scituate Lying and Being Arising Happening or Accruing or which shall Arise Happen or Accrue in or within the said Limits or Bounds or either of them together with free Ingress
Egress and Regress with Ships Boats Shallops and other Vessels from the Sea commonly called the Western Ocean to the said River called Kenebeck and from the said River to the said Western Ocean together with all Prerogatives Rights Royalties Jurisdictions Priviledges Franchises Liberties and Immunities and also Marine Liberty with the Escheats and Casualties thereof the Admiralty Jurisdiction excepted with all the Interest Right Title Claim and Demands whatsoever which the said Council and their Successors now have or ought to have or may have and require hereafter in or to any of the said Portion or Tract of Lands hereby mentioned to be Granted or any the premises in as Free Large Ample and Beneficial manner to all Intents Constructions and Purposes whatsoever as the said Council by vertue of His Majesties said Letters Patents may or can Graunt To Have and to Hold the said Tract and Tracts of Land and all and singular the premses above mentioned to be granted with their and every of their Appurtenances to the said William Bradford his Heirs Associates and Assigns for ever to the only proper and absolute use and behoof of the said William Bradford his Heirs Associates and Assigns for ever Yielding and Paying unto our said Soveraign Lord the King His Heirs and Successors for ever one fifth part of the Oar of the Mines of Gold and Silver and one other fifth part thereof to the President and Council which shall be had possessed and obtained within the Precincts aforesaid for all Services and Demands whatsoever allowing the said William Bradford his Associates and Assignes and every of them his and their Factors Agents Tenants and Servants and all such as he or they shall send and imploy about his said particular Plantation shall and may from time to time freely and lawfully go and return Trade and Traffick as well with the English as any of the Natives within the Precincts aforesaid with liberty of Fishing upon any part of the Sea-coast and Sea-shores of any the Seas or Islands adjacent and not being Inhabited or otherwise disposed of by Order of the said President and Council forbidding all others to Traffick with the Natives or Inhabit any the said Limits without the special leave of the said William Bradford his Heirs or Associates and allowing the said William Bradford his Heirs and Associates to take apprehend seize and make price of all such Persons their Ships Goods as shall attempt to Inhabit or Trade with the Salvage People as aforesaid c. Moreover whereas in the first beginning of this Colony divers Merchants and others of the City of London and elsewhere adventured divers Sums of Money with the aforesaid John Carver William Bradford Edward Winslow William Brewster Isaac Allerton and the rest of their Associates on certain terms of Partnership to continue for the term of seven years The said term being expired the Plantation by reason of the manifold losses and crosses by Sea and Land in the beginning of so great a work The Associates Purchase of the Merchants Adventurers being largely Indebted and no means to pay the said Debts but by the sale of the whole and the same being put to Sale We the said William Bradford Edward Winslow William Brewster Isaac Allerton and other our Associates the Inhabitants of New-Plimouth and elsewhere being loth to be deprived of our Labours bought the same for and in consideration of eigteen hundred pounds Sterling with all and singular the Priviledges Lands Goods Buildings Chattels Ordnance Munition or whatsoever appertained to the said Plantation or the Adventurers thereunto belonging as appeareth by a Deed between the said Isaac Allerton then Agent for the said William Bradford and his Associates on the one part and John Pocock Robert Keyn Edward Basse James Sherly and John Beauchamp on the other part being thereunto deputed by the said Merchants and the rest Adventuring as aforesaid as appeareth by a Deed bearing Date Nov. 6th in the third Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord Charles by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland c. Anno Dom. 1627. Be it Known therefore unto all Men by these presents that according to our first intents for the better effecting the glory of God the enlargement of the Dominions of our said Soveraign Lord the King and the special good of His Subjects by virtue as well of our Combination aforesaid as also the several Graunts by us procured in the Names of John Peirce and William Bradford And their further Right in respect of Vacancy Donation Purchase of the Natives to Give and Graunt Lands c. their Heirs and Associates together with our lawful Right in respect of Vacancy Donation or Purchase of the Natives and our full Purchase of the Adventurers before expressed have given unto Allotted Assigned and Granted to all and every person or persons whose Name or Names shall follow upon this publick Record such proportion or proportions of Grounds with all and singular the priviledges thereto belonging as aforesaid to him or them his or their Heirs and Assigns successively for ever to be Holden of His Majesty of England His Heirs and Successors as of His Mannor of East-Greenwich in the County of Kent in free and common Soccage and not in Capite nor by Knights Service yielding and paying to our said Soveraign Lord the King His Heirs and Successors for ever one fifth part of the Oar of the Mines of Gold and Silver and one other fifth part to the President and Council which shall be had possessed and obtained as aforesaid And whatsoever Lands are or shall be granted to any by the said William Bradford Edward VVinslow William Brewster Isaac Allerton their Heirs or Associates as aforesaid being acknowledged in publick Court and brought to the publick Records of the several Inheritances of the Subjects of our Soveraign Lord the King within this Government it shall be lawful for the Governour of New-Plimouth aforesaid from time to time successively to give under the common Seal of the Government a Coppy of the said Graunt so Recorded Confirming the said Lands to him or them his or their Heirs and Assigns for ever with the several Bounds and Limits of the same which shall be sufficient Evidence in Law from time to time and at all times for the said party or parties his or their Heirs or Assigns to Have and to Hold the said portion of Land so Granted Bounded and Recorded as aforesaid with all and singular the Appurtenances thereunto belonging to the only proper use and behoof of the said party or parties his or their Heirs and Assigns for ever CHAP. I. The General Fundamentals Anno. 1636. and Revised 1671. 1. VVEE the Associates of the Colony of New-Plimouth coming hither as free born Subjects of the Kingdome of England Endowed with all and singular the Priviledges belonging to such Being Assembled Laws to be made by the Freemen or their represen tatives Do Enact
Ordain and Constitute that no Act Imposition Law or Ordinance be Made or Imposed upon us at present or to come but such as shall be Enacted by consent of the body of Freemen or Associates or their Representatives legally assembled which is according to the free Liberties of the free born People of England Annually chosen by the free men 2. And for the well Governing this Colony It is also Resolved and Ordered that there be a free Electron annually of Governour Deputy Governour and Assistants by the Vote of the Freemen of this Corporation Justice to be equally and speedily administred 3. It is also Enacted that Justice and Right be equally and impartially Administred unto all not sold denied or causelesly deferred unto any None to suffer but according to Law and by due course process of Law 4. It is also Enacted that no person in this Government shall suffer or be indamaged in respect of Life Limb Liberty Good Name or Estate under colour of Law or countenance of Authority but by Virtue or Equity of some express Law of the General Court of this Colony or the good and equitable Laws of our Nation suitable for us in matters which are of a civil nature as by the Court here hath been accustomed wherein we have no particular Law of our own And that none shall suffer as aforesaid without being brought to answer by due course and process of Law 5. And that all Cases whither Capital Criminal or between man and man All Trials to be by Jury be Tried by a Jury of twelve good and lawful men according to the Commendable custome of England except where some express Law doth referre it to the judgment of some other Judg or Inferiour Court where Jury is not in which Case also any party agrieved may Appeal and have Trial by a Jury with liberty to challenge any of the Jury And it shall be in the liberty of any person that is to be tried by a Jury to challenge any of the Jurors and if the challenge be found just and reasonable by the Bench it shall be allowed and others without just exception shall be Impannelld in their room And if it be in case of Life and Death the Prisoner shall have liberty according to the Law of England to except against twenty of the Jury without giving any reason for the same what testimony required in cases 6. That no Person shall be Cast Condemned or Sentenced in any Case Capital Civil or Criminal without the testimony of two sufficient Witnesses or other sufficient Evidence or Circumstances equivolent thereunto unless in any particuler Case the Law hath otherwayes provided 7. And it is Enacted Being the Priviledge of our Charter That all Persons of the Age of twenty one Years Power to make Wills of right understanding and memory whether Excomunicated Condemned or other having any Estate properly theirs to dispose of shall have Power and Liberty to make their reasonable Wills and Testaments and other lawful Alienations of their Lands and Estates be it only here excepted That such as are sentenced for Treason against the King's Majesty An Exception or Realm of England or other Capital crimes shall forfeit to the King or Colony for the carrying on the Charge of Government their personal Estate Their Lands and real Estate being still at their disposal 8. That whereas the great and known end of the first Comers in the year of our Lord The great end of our coming into this Wilderness was Liberty to enjoy the pure worship of God without offence to others 1620. leaving their dear Native Country and all that was dear to them there transporting of themselves over the vast Ocean into this remote wast Wilderness and therein willingly conflicting with Dangers Losses Hardships and Distresses sore and not a few Wars that without offence they under the protection of their Native Prince together with the enlargement of his Majesties Dominion might with the liberty of a good Conscience enjoy the pure Scriptural worship of God without the mixture of humane inventions and impositions and that their Children after them might walk in the Holy wayes of the Lord And for which end they obtained leave from King James of happy Memory and His Honourable Council with farther Graunts from His Gracious Majesty Charles the 1. and His Honourable Council by Letters Patents for sundry Tracts of Land with many Priviledges therein contained for their better Encouragement to proceed on in so Pious a Work which may especially tend to the propagation of Religion c. as by Letters Patents more at large appeareth with further assurance also of the continuance of our Liberties and Priviledges both Civil and Religious under the Royal hand and Seal of our Soveraign Lord King Charles the II. And whereas by the good hand of our God upon us many others since the first comers are for the same end come unto us and sundry others rise up amongst us desirous with all good Conscience to walk in the Faith and Order of the Gospel whereby there are many Churches gathered amongst us walking according thereunto And whereas by the Grace of God we have now had above sixty Years experience of the good consistancy of these Churches with Loyalty to our Prince civil Peace and Order and also with spiritual Edification together with the welfare and tranquility of the Government It is therefore for the honour of God and the propagation of Religion and the continued welfare of this Colony The Churches of Christ to be protected Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof That the said Churches already Gathered or that shall be orderly Gathered may and shall from time to time by this Government be Protected and Incouraged in their peaceable and orderly walking and the faithful able And the Ministers of the Gospel to be provided for orthodox Teaching Ministry thereof duely incouraged and provided for together with such other orthodox able Dispensers of the Gospel which shall or may be placed in any Township in this Government where there is or may be defect of Church Order All the foregoing Fundamentals inviolably to be preserved 9. And finally It is Ordered and Declared by this Court and the Authority thereof that all these aforegoing Orders and Constitutions are so Fundamentally Essential to the just Rights Liberties Common Good and Special End of this Colony as that they shall and ought to be inviolably preserved CHAP. II. Actions 1. IT is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof That all Act●ons about Title of Land shall be first Tried in the County where the Lands lieth Title of Land to be tried in the County where it lieth other Trials where one of the parties dwell Trials before a Magistrate and all other Actions Tryable at a County Court shall be Tried at any of the Counties where either Plaintiff or Defendant dwelleth or resideth as the Plaintiff pleaseth
and shall be allowed a Coat of Duffels or twelve shillings for Wolf Whelps there shall be allowed a quarter price and the Constable of each Town to signifie under his hand the Names of the Men and the number of the Wolves and how many killed by English and how many by Indians of all he hath passed Receipts for unto June Court such Sum to be raised with other Countrey charges and discounted with the seseveral Towns out of their proportion of the Country Rates and such in the Town as produce those Receipts to have it discounted with them or paid to them by the next Constable and if the Constable shall wittingly give in to the Treasurer a false Account or if any person kill Wolves out of the Patent and come here for pay for the same each shall be liable to such reasonable penalty or punishment as the County Court shall think fit Wrecks 1. IT is Ordered That where any Wreck shall be cast upon any Shore of this Colony or taken in any River Creek or Bay belonging to the same How Wreckt Goods shall be secured disposed such Goods shall be seized by the chief Marshal or Constable of such Town where they shall be cast and by them secured and delivered according as they may have Order from some one or more of the Magistrates to some person or persons to keep and secure the same that if any Sue for the same and make it appear before two Magistrates that they are the Owners thereof any time within a Year and a day that such Goods shall then without delay be delivered to him or them so proving or appearing to be the Owners thereof he or they making due satisfaction to all Persons and Officers who were imployed in saving and securing the same But if no Owners appear in the year and a day then all such Goods shall be delivered to the Countrey Treasurer for the Colonies use who shall make due satisfaction to all Persons Officers who were imployed in saving and securing the same And if any person shall presume to feize receive or take any such Goods and not give speedy notice thereof to Authority here established he shall be Imprisoned and Fined not exceeding double the value thereof No violence or wrong be offered to persons or goods in vessels driven ashore 2. Ordered That if any Ship or Vessel be driven ashore be it Friend or Enemy there shall be no violence used nor wrong offered to their persons or Goods their Persons shall be Relieved and Harboured and their Goods preserved in safety until Authority may be certified and give further order therein The Secretaries Fees   L S D FOR Entring a Freeman 00 00 06 The Fees of the Recorder of the Court of Assistants and County Court Clerk shall be as followeth   L S D FOr a Warrant for the Peace Good Behaviour or any other by Order of Court of like nature 00 01 00 For a Bond of the Peace or Good Behaviour 00 02 06 For a Release of such Bond 00 02 06 For Entring of an Action 00 02 00 For a Supeny 00 00 06 For Transcribing of any Evidence for every Page consisting of twenty eight Lines eight Words in a Line and so proportionable to eight pence a Page for what it doth exceed Eight pence per Page       For Entring of Deeds Verbatim not exceeding twelve pence a Page and proportionably to eight pence a Page for what it doth exceed       For Attesting the Record on the Original Deed six pence and in like manner for Wills and Inventories       For Entring an Order for the settling of Intestates Estate twelve pence or more according to the proportion of the Writing       For Entring of the Proceedings in any Criminal Cases or Presentments with the Judgment of the Court therein to be paid by the Delinquent 00 02 06 For Entring a Judgment Acknowledged 00 01 00 For making an Execution 00 02 00 For Entring and Recording of the Execution with the Officers Return 00 02 00 For Bonds of Appeal 00 01 00 Chief Marshals Fees   L S D FOr Levying an Execution five shillings and for his Journey out two pence a Mile and Home two pence a Mile out of his own Town       For Serving an Attachment 00 02 06 For Serving a Summons 00 01 00 For Distress for a Rate 00 01 00 For keeping a Prisoner committed to him by the Court per day 00 02 06 And for Commitment of such Prisoner to him 00 02 06 For every Action Entred 00 00 06 The Jaylors Fees   L S D FOr Commitment to Prison 00 02 06 For Release out of Prison 00 02 06 For keeping of a Prisoner with Diet four pence per day besides what he is allowed out of the Treasury       The Oath of the Governour WHereas You T. H. Esq are Chosen to the place of Governour over this Jurisdiction of New-Plimouth for this Year ensuing and till a new be Chosen and Sworn You shall Swear to be truly Loyal to our Soveraign Lord the King His Heirs and Successors and according to that measure of Wisdom understanding and discretion that God hath given you faithfully equally and indifferently without respect of persons according to the Laws of this Colony Administer Justice in all Cases coming before You as the Governour of this Colony of New-Plimouth You shall in like manner faithfully duely and truly Execute the Laws and Ordinances of the same and shall labour to advance and further the good of the several Plantations within the limits thereof and oppose any thing that shall seem to hinder the same by all due means and Courses The Oath of the Deputy Governour VVHereas you W. B. are Chosen to the Place of Deputy Governour over this Colony of New-Plimouth c. as in the Governours Oath Mutatis Mutandis The Oath of the Assistants YOu shall all Swear to be truly Loyal to our Soveraign Lord the King His Heirs and Successors And you shall faithfully truly and justly according to that measure of discerning and discretion God hath given you be Assistant to the Governour for this present year for the Execution of Justice in all Cases and towards all persons coming before you without partiality according to the nature of the Office of an Assistant Moreover you shall diligently duely and truly see that the Laws and Ordinances of this Corporation be faithfully executed and shall labour to advance the good of the several Plantations within the limits thereof and oppose any thing that shall hinder the same by all due means and courses So help you God who is the God of Truth and Punisher of Falshood The Oath of Fidelity or of any residing in this Government YOu shall be truly Loyal to our Soveraign Lord the King His Heirs and Successors and whereas you make choice at present to Reside within the Government of New-Plimouth you shall not
keep all persons which shall be committed to your Custody You shall readily obey and execute all such Commands and Sentences of the Governour or any of the Courts as according to your Office you ought to do by Law You shall deal justly and uprightly and without partiality in the Discharge of your Office You shall extort no Fee Gift or Reward for doing your Office but only what you may take by order of Law The Oath of the Under-Marshall or Goal-Keeper YOu shall well and truly serve in the Office of Under-Marshall and Goal-Keeper for the Colony of New-Plimouth you shall readily Receive into your Custody all such persons as by Warrant or Mittimus from Authority or Order of Law shall be brought to you and them in safe Custody shall keep till they shall thence be delivered by due Course of Law You shall personally attend all such Courts of Assistants and General Court as shall be holden at Plimouth You shall Execute and Inflict all such Sentences and Punishments as by Authority shall be adjudged to be Inflicted upon any Delinquents or Offenders without favour or partiality and shall take only such Fees for doing your Office as by Law are allowed So c. The Oath of a Constable YOu shall Swear to be Truly Loyal to our Soveraign Lord the King His Heirs and Successors You shall faithfully serve in the Office of Constable in the Award of Plimouth for this present year during which time you shall carefully endeavour the Conservation of the Peace of our said Lord the King You shall Arrest all Traitors Fellons Perturbers of the Peace and all other Suspicious Persons that you shall know or be informed of and carry them before the Governour or some one of his Assistants and there attend such Order therein as shall be given You shall readily and truly Serve all Attachments Summons and Warrants whatsoever you shall receive from the Governour Assistants or others Authorized thereunto You shall faithfully Levy Collect and gather all Executions Rates Fines Forfeitures which you shall Receive or have Order for and the Money Goods Chattels or Lands so levyed gathered or distrained you shall deliver to the Party or Parties concerned or to whom it is due You shall readily Obey and Execute all such Commands and Sentences of the Governours Assistants or any of the Courts as according to your Office you ought to do by Law and shall faithfully endeavour the Execution of those Laws which refer to your Office and in all things you shall deal justly and uprightly in the Execution of your Office So c. The County Marshalls Oath YOu shall be Truly Loyal to our Soveraign Lord the King his Heirs and Successors you shall carefully endeavour the Conservation of the Peace of our said Lord the King as the Marshal of the County of Plimouth You shall Arrest all Traitors Fellons and Perturbers of the Peace that you shall know or be informed of and carry them before the Governour or some one of his Assistants and there attend such Order therein as shall be given you You shall attend Personally at all County-Courts you shall readily serve all Attachments Summons Presentments and Warrants whatsoever which you shall Receive from the Governour Assistants or others Authorized thereunto You shall faithfully Levy Collect and Gather all such Rates Fines Forfeitures and other dues whatsoever belonging to the County or such as you shall by Order of Law or Warrant from Authority be required to do and the same deliver unto the County-Treasurer or Party concerned therein You shall truly Leavy and Serve all Executions you shall Receive from Authority and the Money Goods Chattels or Lands you shall Leavy by such Execution you shall deliver to the Party or Parties to whom due or belonging You shall carefully keep all persons which shall be Committed to your Custody you shall readily Obey and Execute all such Commands and Sentences of the said Authority as according to your Office you ought to do by Law You shall deal justly and uprightly and without partiality in the discharge of your Office You shall Extort no Fee Gift or Reward for doing your Office but what you are allowed by Law The Oath of the Jury of Trials between the King and Prisoner YOu shall well and truly try and true deliverance make between our Soveraign Lord the King and the Prisoner at the Bar whom you shall have in Charge and true Verdict give according to your Evidence So help c. The Oath of a Jury of Trials between Party and Party YOu shall well and truly Try the issue between Party and Party and true Verdict give therein according to your Evidence So help c. The Oath of a Jury to inquire of the Death of any Person YOu shall faithfully inquire how or by what means and in what manner and when and where R. K. came by his Death and if you find he was murdered that you inquire by whom and who were Accessaries and that you shall true Verdict give according as you find So help you c. To the Marshal of the County of P. Greeting WHereas A. B. of P. at the County Court held at P. the third tuesday of March last by the Judgment of the said Court Recovered Debt Damage and Costs to the value of Pounds Shillings in Money against C. D. of M. as by Record of said Court appeareth These are therefore in His Majesties Name to Require you on Receipt hereof to repair to the House or Place of usual abode of the said C. D. and there demand the said Sum and two shillings for this Execution and your allowed Fees and upon Refusal or Non-payment that you Levy the same by Distress on the Goods and Chattels and for want thereof upon the Lands of the said C. D. according to Law and for want of Estate that you Levy it on his Body and deliver him to the Keeper of His Majesties Goal at P. there to remain till satisfaction be made of the said Debt Damages and Charges and that you make a true Return hereof and doings hereupon to the Clerk of the said Court Dated c. Per Curiam R. B. Clerk TO the chief Marshal or Marshals of the County of P. or Constable of S. c. you may put in only one of them as the case may be Whereas A. B. of P. Complaineth ahainst C. D. of M. in an Action of Debt to the Damage of five Pounds in Money for Non-payment of fifty shillings in Money due to the said A. B. by Bill Dated c. or by Book or by Account or by Covenant or Contract or for Money Lent or the like which the faid C. D. unjustly detaineth THese are therefore in his Majesties Name to Require you on Receipt hereof to Summon the said A. B. to make his Appearance at the County-Court to be holden at P. the third Tuesday in March next to answer the said Complaint Hereof fail not and make a true Return