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A35248 The surprizing miracles of nature and art in two parts : containing I. The miracles of nature, or the strange signs and prodigious aspects and appearances in the heavens, the earth, and the waters for many hundred years past ... II. The miracles of art, describing the most magnificent buildings and other curious inventions in all ages ... : beautified with divers sculptures of many curiosities therein / by R.B., author of the Hist. of the wars of England, Remarks of London, Wonderful prodigies, Admirable curiosities in England, and Extraordinary adventures of several famous men. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1683 (1683) Wing C7349; ESTC R11001 165,303 248

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Cross and an half Moon was visible in Italy Not long after the Spaniards kill Two Hundred Thousand Moors The Pope giveth away England from King John to Prince Philip of France who lands there and striveth for it The Flemish with the English take three hundred sail of Ships from him and burn an hundred more The King of Aragon is slain William King of Scots and soon after King John both dye In 1234 a great Eclipse of the Sun happened and strange sights appeared in the Moon for whereas she usually seems round she now visibly appeared with six squares The Sun was darkned so much that the Stars were seen This year the King of Bulgaria puts out the Emperors eyes Vienna is subjected to the Empire Constantinople is besieged by the Turks but released by the Venetians King Henry III. of England and his Nobles quarrel but are reconciled The King of Poland dyeth In 1243 was a great Comet fearful to behold A Hill of a vast greatness removes it self out of its place A noise like Trumpets is heard in the air in Italy These were followed by a great Plague in Greece and a miserable Famine in Constantinople the King of the Cumans is slain and the Turks take Jerusalem and kill many Prisoners In 1255 a great Comet appeared Strange Lightning fell from Heaven The Sea overflowed in many places in England Dismal and strange noises are heard in the air At this time the Geneveses take Venice and are expelled again The Duke of Lithuania invadeth Prussia five petty Kings are expelled Spain the Venetians take Padua E●●●line comes thither and kills twelve thousand Citizens Not long after Henry III. King of England dyes In 1277 there was a very great Rain about the Rhine in Germany the Sky was as bright in Poland at midnight as if it had been noon day Four Suns were seen in Russia and there was an Earthquake in England Now the Turks won all the lesser Asia from the Greeks The Pope is killed by a fall the Emperor slayes fourteen thousand Bohemians King Edward I. of England forceth the Welch to a Peace In 1285 a great Earthquake happened in Italy A Comet of notable greatness was seen this year A great swarm of divers coloured Flyes and mighty floods of waters were in England There was likewise about this time a battel or fight of Dogs in France saith Mr. Camden at a place called Genelon Castle wherein every one killed another being in number about Three Thousand no Dog escaping alive but only one Upon this followed the Invasion of Denmark by the Norwegians Hungaria is ruined by the Cumans the Helvetians war against the Emperor but are subdued The King of Sicily dyes and there was a great battel fought between the English and Scots wherein many of the Scots were slain the Sun the same day appeared as red as blood as long as the fight continued XXIII Launces and Darts of fire were seen in the Heavens in the year 1300 a great Snow fell and a Comet of a wonderful magnitude appeared In Germany Men and Horses were visible in the Air At this time the English beat the Scots The Turks invade the German Empire and commit great mischiess the Pope writes himself Vniversal Lord in Spirituals and Temporals Flanders is invaded and many Nobles are taken Prisoners Andrew King of Hungary dyes In 1310 was an Earthquake in England The Elements seem to burn many days together A Boy was born with four Arms and two Bodies Soon after the Polonians subdue Pomerania The Isle of Rhodes is taken from the Turks Robert Bruce King of Scotland wasteth that Countrey and drives out the English the Earl of Cornwal is banished and the Emperor burneth Brixia In 1322 the Sun in England for six hours together appeared like blood There was a great Earthquake in Germany and two Crosses appeared in the Heavens and a fiery Circle was seen about the Sun At this time the Scots oppose King Edward II. of England and put him to flight The King of Bohemia conquers Silesia and divers places in Lusatia The Emperor is taken in battel and imprisoned 3 years The King of England dyes In 1337 were two Comets seen together one of which continued four Months the other but three Blood rained in Rome wonderful flocks of Crows and Daws were seen in Germany The Lithuanians burn themselves their Wives Children and Goods to avoid taking The French burn Southampton The Scythians wast Thrace and take many Captives the King of Sicily dyeth About this time there happened a fearful Earthquake in the City of Venice which overturned divers Steeples and Palaces and among other dreadful Effects it caused many hundred women to miscarry in Child-birth and a terrible Plague sollowed it which reduced the City to such an height of misery that it was almost depopulated whereupon the Senate made a Decree that as many as would come to dwell at V●●ice should after they had continued there two years be free Ci●●●ens In 1341 a terrible Comet with many other apparitions were seen in the Heavens The Emperor A●●ronious about this time suffered death in an unheard of Tragical manner And the next year saith Mr. Camd●n October 11 when the Moon was eleven dayes old there were seen two Moons at Dablin in Ireland the one according to the ●ourse of nature in 〈◊〉 West the other in the East casting but a mean and slender Light In 1348 Divers Mocksuns appeared in the Sky and the Heavens seemed to burn There were several small Beasts rained from the Elements in the Eastern parts of the World There followed a gr●at Piague in England the English beat the Scots and recover much from them The Po●anders ●●solutely conq●er Russia In 1365 armed men were seen in the Heavens in England and fiery ●ance● in Italy Grashoppers cover Switzerland like Snow Soon after the Russians who rebelled in P●land were s●bdued The King of France is ex●●lled his Kingdom The King of Sweden is taken Prssoner in Dattel the T●rks expel the Christians from Adrianople In 1375 a Comet with a beard was seen many nights together in the Heavens Grashoppers eat up all the green things in France Mighty inundations in Germany and a very great Earthquake there After this five thousand Houses were burnt at Gaunt and seventeen other Towns in Flanders drowned the Christians kill twenty thousand Turks in Bosnia by a stratagem The Scots burn Roxborough there were great Calamities in Italy Prince Edward commonly called the Black Prince dyeth and not long after Edward III. King of England The French take the Isle of Wight and burn Rye and Hastings In 1378 a general Plague in a most miserable manner invaded the greatest part of the world It raged most among young Persons and Children In the City of Lubeck only in Germany it swept away ninety thousand persons there dyed of it in several places of bare-footed Fryers one Million two hundred forty four thousand four hundred thirty four The Jews were
the greatest part of the year gave so little light a● was only equal to that of the Moon though the Sky was clear and no Clouds or any thing to overshadow it After which there followed a great Famine Earthquakes and much War and bloodshed Narses winneth Liguria and Venice from the French The Romans rout the Persians at Phasido The Jews and Samaritans persecute the Christians and burn their Churches in Caesarea In 570 at York in England the Fountains ran blood Likewise blood fell from the Clouds in Lombardy in Kent a Boy laughed in his Mothers Belly and at London Trees seemed to be on fire This year the Persians begin a war with the Romans The Huns break into Germany and are expelled by the French There was so great a Famine in England that the People assembled together in flocks to throw themselves into the Sea In 590 was a great inundation in Constantinople there was a Comet this year which Blazed a Month together In the River Tyber at Rome was seen a Dragon and many Serpents and the water thereof overflowed the City an infinite company of Grashoppers are seen in Lombardy and many Locusts in France Not long after so great a Plague was in Rome that eight hundred men fell dead in an hour in the time of Procession Antharis is poysoned at Papia The Huns invade Italy and France the Emperor goes against them but was forced to return In 597 a dreadful Comet is seen at Constantinople the Elements seem to burn in Poland a fiery lance is seen in the Heavens at Rome An horrible Earthquake in Palestine A sign in the Heavens like a sword flamed thirty days together A Comet was seen for a month together at Jerusalem Soon after the Sclavi wast Thrace The Brittains and Scots invade the Saxons France and Poland are miserably wasted Brunchild a Daughter of the Royal Blood of France being found guilty of the death of Ten Kings she is tyed by the hair of the head and by the Arms to wild horses and torn to pieces The Romans and Persians differ and the Emperor is defeated in Thrace XV. In 639 was an Earthquake at Antioch and Horsemen were seen in the Air in Muscovia and blood rained at Naples A wonderful storm at Constantinople which spoiled the Fields and Gardens a fiery Dragon was seen in the Air there also After this the Saracens or Turks become Lords of all Mesopotamia Sigebert King of the East-Angles dies Dagobert becomes sole Monarch of France the Pope is imprisoned at Constantinople and afterward banished and starved In 674 appeared so horrible a fire and a Rainbow in the Element that many cryed out the world was at an end this was accompanied with Rain Thunder and Lightning which slew both Men and Beasts in Italy This year the Saracens besieged Constantinople and the s●ege continued 7 years till at last thirty thousand of them were slain and their Fleet is fired by Cariniceus who revolted from them Bamba warreth against the French Egbert of Kent dyeth King Lothari is slain with a dart The Goths overcome the Gascoigns In 687 there was a very great Comet at Christmass and several Mocksuns were seen in England the next year it rained blood seven days together through all Brittain In Campania Wheat rained from Heaven also Barly and Pulse in other parts of Italy two Comets of great magnitude were seen this year It rained blood seven days together through all Brittain and the milk cheese and butter turned into blood Soon after happened great controversy in Rome about a new Pope The King of Scots is slain by the Picts The Emperor defeateth the Sclavonians Kenwin the West-Saxon dyeth The French enter into Germany and subdue the Bavarians and Almains Italy began to choose themselves several Dukes this year In 735 a most Prodigious Hail fell in England Fire was seen to flame in the Heavens at Rome About this time Gregory the great being sent to the Emperor at Constantinople about some Ecclesiastical Affairs at his return to Rome the River Tyber swelled to such an immeasurable height that it ran over the Walls of the City and drowned a great part of it breaking into divers great houses and overthrowing many Antient Monuments flowing into the Granaries that belonged to the Church and carried away many thousand measures of Wheat Presently after which inundation there came down the River an innumerable company of Serpents and amongst the rest one so monstrous that it was as big as a great beam all which swimming down the River into the Sea were there choaked and their Carcasses being cast upon the shoar rotted there by the stink whereof the Air was inf●●●ed so that a dreadful Plague followed whereof th● 〈◊〉 many Thousands Yea Arrowes were visibly seen s●● 〈◊〉 Heaven and whoever was struck with them d●ed immediately and among others Pelagius Bishop of Rome This Judgment so raged in the City that many houses were wholly emptied of their Inhabitants An inundation likewise happened in Constantinowe Oyl raired in Spain a Comet appeared in the fashion of a sword Cro●●● fell from Heaven upon mens Garments An Earthquake in Palestim Fire rained from Heaven in many parts of France The French about this time enter the territories of the Goths and destroy their Ca●●●es A mighty Pestilence in Constantinople for three years which devoured so many that they wanted men to bury their dead Selred the East-Saxon is slain The Emperor beats the Saracens in Cyprus the Huns General slain in Transilvania XVI In 761 in the month of September happened a very great Eclipse of the Sun A Blazing Star was seen in the East for many dayes together This year the King of Scotland invadeth Northumberland and is slain There was a Rebellion in Galloway The Bulgarians invade the Empire Dominico the great Duke is deposed by the Venetians for his Tyranny and his eyes put out About this time the Turks brake forth from the Caspian Sea and there was such an extraordinary cold Winter that the Euxine Sea was frozen thirteen foot thick and men walked on the see for an Hundred Miles into the Sea Yea all the Countreys from Lycia to Danubius and on the other ●●de as far as to Euphrates were so joined together by the Frost as if they had been all one Continent And at the end of Winter began a very dry Summer so that the Fountains of water were dryed up Some pieces of Ice as big as Mountains fell upon and beat down the Walls of several Cities Stars were seen falling from Heaven so that men thought the end of the world had been come In 778 was another great Eclipse of the Sun Armies of men were seen in the Heavens in France This year it rained blood also Earth and Ashes fell from Heaven at Rome There were Meteors in the Air like unto fiery Serpents which fell in many parts of England Soon after Telerick King of Bulgaria is expelled by his people King Etheldred flyes from England
King Aswald is Murthered by Siga The Emperor slayes Six Thousand Saracens In 794 the River of Tiber overflows its Banks and doth much prejudice a very great Earthquake happened in Creet and Constantinople the event was that Alphonsus King of Spain killed Seventy Thousand of the Moors and took Lisbon in Portugal from them The Danes invade England but almost all of them perish The Armenian Legions rebel In 798 the Sun was darkened for seventeen dayes together This year Irene the Empress of Constantinople first governed the Empire with her son Constantius but she afterward deposed him put out his eyes and lastly murthered him In 808 the Sun and Moon were Eclipsed contrary to nature Armies of Men appear in the Heavens The Star Mercury is seen in the Sun like a black spot Blood rained in Holland At this time the Picts wast Scotland The Bulgarians kill six thousand Greeks and take Sardis The Danes subdue Friezland the Saracens disperse themselves into divers Countreys under six Princes In 820 a great and wonderful storm of Rain fell which rotted all the Corn in the Fields and such mighty floods and inundations followed that hindred the Countrey-men from sowing their seed Fiery apparitions were often seen in the Elements The effects that followed were a great Famine and Pestilence in France The King of England is slain by the East-Angles Asia is wasted Constantinople besieged and Reyner King of Denmark is expelled his Kingdom XVII In the year 840 sparks of fire like Stars were seen to run up and down the Heavens A great Comet appeared and the Sun was much Eclipsed swarms of Bees were seen at Westchester in England This year was prodigious for many wonderful Earthquakes Hails Whirl-winds Thunders and Lightnings which happened in most parts of the world Soon after the people of Spain rebel the Scots overcome the English who aided the Picts The Saracens are overcome by the Emperor and soon after Lothair their King with his Brethren and one hundred thousand men were slain The Danes enter the Thames with two hundred and fifty ships and take Canterbury and London and expel the King of England In 870 were great Hail Thunders and Lightning at Rome a Church at Worms burnt by it an Earthquake in England In Brixia near Italy it rained blood for three dayes and three nights together At this time the Danes were beaten out of Holland and the Saracens out of Italy The Danes land in Scotland and challenge Pictland for their King In 882 the Sun was so much obscured that the Stars appeared in the Sky in the day time There was an Earthquake in Normandy and a Blazing Star hung just over Spain Now the Brittains invaded Scotland Constantine their King was killed The Saracens break into Italy and are expelled by the Emperor In 912 four Rainbowes were seen at once in Scotland Fiery Torches are seen in the Air Many great floods happened in Saxony A great Comet and Stars were seen to run glittering to and fro in the Heavens Divers Mock-suns were visible in Italy and Spain This Winter was very wonderful for excessive cold The Sun appears for certain days as if it bled three Comets for a fortnight together were seen just over Germany About this time the Vandals invade Greece and the Saracens Calabria and take many Cities in Italy the Emperor dyeth his death being judged to be occasioned by his losses to the Hungarians The Pope is imprisoned and strangled The Scots assist the Danes but are overcome Gonsalvo poysoneth Sancho King of Spain The Russians in a malicious manner persecute the Christians The French King and the Emperor are reconciled and divers Conspirators against the Emperor are executed XVIII The year 956 produced many strange prodigies as a wonderful hail at Oxford in England strange Lightning killing many Priests in France Mighty Thunders Tempests c. Soon after the Hungarians invade the Emperor but are reconciled to him The Bishop of Strasburg calls one hundred thousand Hungarians into Batavia they are all slain there and the Emperors eyes pluckt out The Italians make war with the Pope In 968 Fire falls from Heaven there was a great Earthquake in France a Comet appeared there was wonderful increase of Vermine as Rats Mice c. This year the Empress murders the Emperor Nicephorus Donald murthered the King of Scotland for refusing to pardon a thief of his acquaintance In 979 was an Earthquake in Scotland Armies of Fire were seen a whole night together in the Air A Child was born in Rome with two heads not long after Harold King of Denmark is slain by an arrow The Danes land in Scotland and wast divers places the Scots put them to flight they land in Kent and spoyl the Isle of Thanet In 992 Fire rises out of the River Rhine saith my Author and burns many places in Germany In Spain three swords appeared in the Heavens like fire Now the Duke of Bavaria dyeth The Danes invade England with a very great Fleet the King of Denmark is slain by one of his own servants In 1002 a Fountain of water in Lorrain is turned into blood A Comet very horrible to behold was seen casting out flames of fire on every side The Danes being routed at Oxford fly to the Church and are there all burnt The Emperor Otho is poysoned with a pair of Gloves In 1022 swarms of Locusts came into France It rained milk at Rome there was a very great Eclipse of the Sun and this year the weather was so unseasonable that many dyed through too much heat Divers Polonians rebel against the Christians The Emperor overcomes the Greeks in Italy the Polanders subdue Ruisia and make it tributary The Vandals wast Saxony and take Brandenburg In 1043 five Suns at once appeared in England and a hairy Comet very large was visible the Emperor overcame the Russians who invaded his territories A great Famine happened in Germany and France The Prussians invade Poland and fifteen thousand of them are slain and twenty thousand taken Prisoners The Irish and Welch enter the River Severn and do a great deal of harm In 1033 when the Pope the great Antichrist was come to his height and the darkness of superstition and Idolatry had overspread the Christian world upon June 29 at six a Clock in the Morning the Sun began to be Eclipsed continuing till 8 a Clock in a very strange manner the body of the Sun was of the Colour of a Saphire so that the Countenances of men looked pale and wan as if they were dead and whatsoever was in the Air seemed of a yellow Saffron Colour to the great terror of all men Imper. Hist XIX There was a great increase of Rats and Mice in the year 1058 And stones of a mighty bigness mixt with Hail fell from Heaven and killed many two Blazing Stars this year hung over Poland The Saxons rebel against the Emperor twenty six thousand are drowned in a Pitfall by the stratagem of two Bishops in Holland
as they came against the Earl of Flanders In 1064 a little before the coming of the Normans to this Kingdom about the Feast of Easter there was seen for a week together a Blazing Star of an hideous and fearful form which occasioned in mens minds a fore-feeling of some dismal events In 1076 three Suns at once were seen in Naples A fiery Dart ran up and down in the Heavens in Italy women appeared in the Air of admirable shapes which mightily amazed the Beholders The Emperor deposeth the Pope and the Pope him and also excommunicateth him The Turks take Rhodes and Cyprus The Hollanders overcome the Frisons Northumberland in England is wasted In 1086 a great inundation happened in Italy Four Moons were seen at once in France and England Many tame Fowl became perfectly wild In Flanders a fiery Dragon was seen flying in the Air casting flames out of his mouth shortly after followed the burning Plague called Ignis sacer or Holy fire The Saxons defeat the Emperor the Turkish Emperor dyeth King William the Conqueror dyeth Prince Edmund and Ethelred are banished Scotland by Donald their Unkle and dye in England In 1094 a fiery dart was visible in the Heavens which through its violence flew from North to South There was a great Earthquake in England Horrible noises and strange groanings were heard in the Earth about Rome Soon after the King of Poland being envied by his Nobles causeth many of them to be banished Pedro of Spain taketh Osca and killeth thirty thousand Moors The English invade Normandy again Bretislaus gaineth the Kingdom of Bohemia by the aid of the Hungarians The year 1101 was very remarkable for Monsters Syracuse in Sicily is shaken with an Earthquake Three Suns a Sword and Crown are seen in the Air in Germany and likewise a Comet of wonderful bigness after this Conradus the Emperor dyeth in Italy The Russians invade Poland but are expelled by Boleslaus In England the Earl of Shrewsbury warreth against King Henry 1. The Earl of Flanders takes Cambray A League is concluded between the English and Scots In 1106 a great Comet appeareth for fifty dayes together The Emperor Henry 4. dyeth as supposed of grief that his Son had lately rebelled against him About the same time which was when the Christians were ingaged in Palestine in the Holy War for the recovery of Jerusalem three Suns appeared one on each side the true but smaller both in quantity and light a great white circle invironing them and in it a Rainbow of four Colours the Bow being toward the Sun and reaching to the other two Suns and shortly after the Stars of Heaven seemed to ram XX. In 1116 fiery Armies in the Heavens were seen in Germany with many Earthquakes and very great Whirlwinds then Bruges in Flanders was burnt Poland was wasted And the Emperor is Excommunicated by the Pope In 1135 was a very great inundation in Flanders Holland and Freizeland in England was a great Earthquake and Whirlwinds happened in France the light of the Sun appears sensibly to fail and decay Now many people perished in Flanders Judea is miserably wasted by the Saracens Henry I. King of England surfeits of Lampreys and dyes Baldwin de Rivers fortifies Exeter against King Stephen he is taken and banished In 1147 were great Thunders at Rome and an Earthquake in England Several Globes of Fire were seen in the Heavens a multitude of small worms were vi●●●e it rained blood and there were strange Lightnings at Rome Ling Lew●s of France about this time invades Syria he 〈◊〉 taken Prisoner by the Greeks but rescued by the ●●ing of Sic●●y Al●●●●s●s King of Spain took L●sbon and St. Iren from the Moores the King of Sueden is slain and soon after King Stephen of England dyeth in 1158 a very great Pillar of fire appeared in the Heavens in Germany There was a great Eclipse of the Su●● Two Dragons were seen to fight in the Air in 〈◊〉 This year the Emperor goeth against the A●●●●●s The Pope submitteth to the Emperor but soon after repents thereof and excommunicateth him The Venetians deny aid to the Greek Emperor against the King of Sicily In 1169 there appeared three Suns and three Moons beside the true ones and also a Comet there happened likewise a very great Earthquake not long after the Sultan of Egypt is flain by Syraconus The English invade Cumberland Malcolm King of Scots dyeth Catania in Sicily is destroyed and nineteen thousand People are swallowed up by an Earthquake The Romans rase the City of Alba. XXI In 1178 there was a wonderful inundation in ●●gland Two Armies were seen in the Heavens in Italy to fight a fierce battel The Sun was this year greatly Eclipsed At which time the English and Scots quarrel The Spaniards take several places from the Fr●●ch Wars were between the French and Flemmings In 1185 was another very great Eclipse of the Sun and likewise a great Earthquake also an Eclipse of the Moon ●●d Armies were seen in the air in Greece surrounded with fire At this time the Moors were defeated by the Spaniards and their King slain The greatest part of Bruges in Flanders was burnt Baldwin the fifth King of Jerusalem was poysoned by his Mother A rebellion happened in England The Greeks lose 70 sail of Ships by Pyrates In 1198 great stones fall from Heaven there was an Earthquake in the East which overthrew many Cities It rained blood in England Two fiery swords are seen in the Heavens in Spain Soon after the Kings of Castille and Aragon invade Navar The Sultan 〈◊〉 Iconi●●● is swallowed up by an Earthquake About this time saith A. B Spot●wood Adam Bishop of Cathness was barbarously used by some wicked people suborned by the Earl of Cathnes He was assaulted at his own house and his servant with a Monk who did ordinarily attend him were killed the Bishop was by force drawn into his Kitchen and when they had scourged him with Rods they let the Kitchen on fire and burnt him therein King Alexander 2 was at that time upon his Journey toward England and ●having notice of this cruel fact turned back and went in haste to Cathnes where he brought the Offenders and their Partakers to Tryal Four Hundred by publick sentence were executed and all their Male-Children gelt that no succession should spring from such wicked seed and the place where there Genitals were cast is to this day called the Stony-Hill The Earl because he did not help to rescue the Bishop had his Estate forfeited but yet he did not escape divine vengeance being murdered by some of his own Servants who conspired to kill him and to conceal the Fact set the House on fire and burnt his body whereby he was paid home in the same measure he had used to the Bishop A. B. Spotswood History Scotland Pag. 110. XXII In the year 1212 a dreadful Comet appeared for 18 days together Shapes all bloody were seen in the Heavens A Star with a
said to have poysoned the Fountains of water for which they were every where seized upon and burned About the same time likewise it rained blood and two Mountains were swallowed up by an Earthquake strange fires flames and a burning beam were seen in the Air. XXIV In 1382 A. Bishop Ceurtney appointed a Convocation to be held in London principally against Wickliff and those who declared against the many corruptions of the Romish Church at which time this memorable accident fell out when they were all met together at the Gray-Friers in London just at that very instant when they were beginning there business against Wickliff there fell out a wonderful and terrible Earthquake throughout all England whereupon divers of the Bishops being affrighted with the terror of it thought good to leave off their further proceeding therein In 1388 a Blazing Star appeared in the Heavens which burned for two Months together At Oxford the Image of a head spake thus Caput decidetur c. The head shall be cut off The head shall be lift up The feet shall be elevated above the Head This was followed by a Sedition in Oxford among the Schollers many of whom dislike the Government an Army of Forty Thousand are raised by the Duke of Glocester Earls of Warwick Derby and Nottingham Fifty Thousand Christians are slain in the Plains of Casovia very great Factions are at this time in France In 1390 a great Comet appeared after which King John of Castile dyed with a fall from his horse Presently after John Hus and Jerom of Prague oppose the Pope Mary Queen of Hungary dyes In 1399 a running River in Bedfordshire divides it self a Blazing Star was visible this year which shot wonderful Beams of fire from it About this time Scotland is wasted by the English The Frizons in Holland rebel King Sigismund executed 32 of the Nobles in Hungary The Pope is imprisoned by the King of France the Duke of Hereford being banished returns into England and soon after King Richard II is deposed and murthered the Duke succeeding by the name of King Henry IV. In 1402 a mighty Comet was seen in the Heavens and so the year after at this time Tamerlane Emperor of the Tartars enters Asia calling himself Iram Dei Vastitatem Terrae The wrath of God and the Destroyer of the earth He kills Two Hundred Thousand Turks takes Baj●zet Prisoner shackles him and puts him in an ●ron Cage and earries him Captive through all As●a making him his Footstool when he ascended his horse John Hus is condemned and burnt for an Heretick at Constans In 1415 strange Prodigies were seen in Brittain a Dragon encountring a Lyon in the air armies of fire were seen fighting and one party overcoming in the Heavens a great Eclipse of the Sun at which time the English fight with the French under King Henry V. at Agincourt the French lose twenty thousand men ten thousand b●●ng killed upon the place and as many taken Prisoners Pope Gregory dyes the English invade Norman●● The King of Spain sells the Canaries to the King of Sevil the Valentians are made Tributary to the Turks In 1421 another Comet appears in the Heavens King Henry V. of England dyeth and the next year Charls VI. King of France dyeth Zisca routs the Emperors Forces and burns Cathna which place for the sake of the Silver Mines he called The Purse of Antichrist he commanded that after his death his skin should be flead off and put upon a drum supposing that as he had been victorious against his enemies while he lived so that might have the same effect against them after his decease Not long before this there was such a terrible Earthquake at Lar in Persia as overthrew Five Hundred Houses XXV Very great Snows fell in Germany in the year 1428 and a mighty Earthquake happened in Italy The Winter was wonderful cold especially in all the Northern Countreys after this the Danes spoil Thirty Ships of great value which belonged to the Vandals and Hambnrgers the Turks take Thessalonica from the Venetians The English lose much in France In 1439 a Comet of a mighty magnitude is seen in Poland Swarms of Bees in England go in progress a great Earthquake happened in Hungaria Soon after an Universal Pestilence rageth throughout the whole world Albertus the Emperor dyeth and likewise the King of Bohemia The Marshal of France is burnt for Sorcery and Witchcraft Amurath the Great Turk wasts Hungary but is at last expelled by Corvinus Huniades The French are twice beaten by the English in Normandy The Polanders wast Silesia In 1450 another great Comet appeared Amurath Emperor of the Turks dies at the siege of Croia Scanderbeg the great overcometh Mustapha his Competitor XXVI In the month of June 1456 appeared two Comets and the same year August 24 there happened most tempestuous winds in Tuscany such as never had been before heard of which wrought most marvellous and memorable effects for an hour before day there arose from the Sea toward Ancona a great and dark cloud crossing Italy and entring the Sea toward Pisa stretching two Miles in compass This storm was furiously carryed either by natural or supernatural force and seemed divided into many parts as it were fighting among themselves and of those broken clouds some were hoised up toward Heaven some violently cast down and others with wonderful speed were turned round but always before these Clouds came a Wind with Lightnings and flashings of fire such as cannot be exprest of these broken and confused Clouds and of those furious Winds and great Flames there grew so strange a noise as moved the People to greater fear than any Earthquake or Thunder ever had done insomuch that every man thought the World was ended and that the Earth the Water and the Heavens would have returned to its first Chaos and Confusion this fearful storm wheresoever it passed wrought marvellous and wonderful offects but the most remarkable of all happened about the Castle of St. Cassiano This Castle is built upon a Hill which parteth the vales of Pisa and Greive 8 Miles distant from Florence Betwixt this Castle and the Town of St. Andrea built upon the same Hill this furious Tempest passed not coming to St. Andrea but at St. Cassiano threw down divers Turrets and Chimnies and near to it subverted whole houses even to the ground and carried away the roofs of the Churches of St. Martino a Bagnolo St. Maria della pace whole bearing them from thence unbroken above a Mile one man a Carrier was taken up and in the Valley near the Highway both he and his Mules were found dead Also all the greatest Oaks and ●strongest Trees which would not bend at the fury of the Tempest were not only blown down but violently carryed from the places where they grew The next day after this horrible tempest when some of the Inhabitants who fled for fear thereof returned they were strangely astonished for they found the
Countrey desolate and laid wast the houses and temples overthrown the people lamenting at the sight of their houses being blown down and under them their Goods their Cattel and their Parents slain which occasioned wonderful compassion in the beholders and hearers thereof by this means it pleased God rather to threaten than punish Tuscany for if so great a Tempest had fallen upon any City full of Houses as it fell upon these Oaks and Trees and small Houses one far from another without all doubt the destruction would have been greater then the mind of man could have conceived But it pleased God by that small example to revive in mens minds the memory of his power The same year there perished about Pivel and Naples forty thousand People by an Earthquake Mahomet the Great Turk is beaten from the siege of Belgrade by Hunniades who soon after dyes Ladislaus King of P●land and Alphonsus King of Naples both dye Matchiavil Hist Florence Lib. 6. XXVII In 1460. a most terrible Comet appeared to fight This year King Henry VI. of England is made Prisoner at Northampton The Civil Wars in France begin Charles VII King of France and Adolphus Duke of Holsatia both dye Cra●ovia a great City in Poland is destroyed ●●ith Fire and Sword Mahomet II. Emperor of the Tarks after many victories cruelly kills David the Emperor of Trapezund and his two sons the Duke of York is slain at the battle of Wakefield in Yorkshire In 1477 a Blazing Star of the colour of the Star Saturn appeared there ensued a most terrible Plague The Helvetians kill'd seventeen thousand French and Charles Duke of Burgundy The Turks wast Carinthia and the Tarta●● Pod●lia In 1484 happened a wonderful deep Snow in Germany and fiery darts were seen in the Sky the Sun was likewise much Eclipsed In England three Suns appeared about this time and in Poland there was seen saith my Author an Image of Christ Crucified with a Sword in his hand passing along the Air from West to South for two hours together The English invade Scotland but are repulsed The Venetians make war against the Turks The quarrel continueth in Germany about the Archbishoprick of Mentz A Rebellion was raised in France against the Queen for the Princes death In 1470 Hail of wonderful greatness fell at Rome the stones whereof weighed eight ounces in Germany Hail-stones fell as big as Goose eggs Soon after the Turks take Sabotz in Hungary and wast Germany The King of Sicily with the Venetians fight against them and spovl Leshos and Pergamus XXVIII In the Year 1478 the Sun is darkened without an Eclipse swarms of Grashoppers are seen in Italy A Glorious Star is seen to run along the Firmament Armies are observed fighting in the Air in Switzerland After this the Hungarians defeat the Turks and take Thirty Thousand Captives from them The Spanish Inquisition is first instituted in Castile against the Mo●s and Jews The Transilvanians overcome the Turks About this time King Charles VIII of France marched into Italy with an Army for the Conquest of the Kingdom of Naples a little before which were many strange Prodigies whereby divers Persons foresaw and foretold that there would be greater changes and more horrible accidents than in many years before had happened in any part of the world For there were seen in the night at Poville in Italy three Suns in the midst of the Firmament and many Clouds about them which sent forth most dreadful Thunders and Lightnings In the Territory of Aretzo were manifestly seen in the Air infinite numbers of armed men upon mighty Horses with a terrible noise of drums and Trumpets The Images of the Saints saith my Author did plainly sweat in many parts of Italy In several places divers Monsters were brought forth both of women and other Creatures with many other things against the order of nature which happened almost all at one time in divers places And whilst the French Army was in the City of Millain there happened an accident of no less wonder than fear which extreamly astonished the Souldiers as if the Heavens by manifest signs had forewarned them of their future calamities For upon St. Peters day the Sun being set and the Air and Firmament clear there fell down from Heaven a Light and a Fire just before the Gate of the Castle where at that time stood many barrels of Powder which were brought out of the Castle to be sent to other Places This Flash of fire seized upon the Powder with an horrible noise by the violence whereof the fair Tower of Marble which was over the Gate on the top of which stood a stately Clock was thrown down and rased from the very Foundation to the top thereof In which fury the Walls and Chambers of the Castle with other buildings adjoyning to the Tower had the same fate Yea in one instant the whole body of the Castle and the whole City of Milain trembled and shook with the fury of the blow which carryed into the Air from several places many great and huge stones which in their fall hurt and slew divers Persons And as in a common calamity a multitude have a share so it fell out here for many who had escaped the fall of the stones were overwhelmed by the ruines of the Walls under which they were smothered and pressed to death with these ruins the Castle green was so overspread and covered that it was very dreadful to behold such a sudden alteration but it was mighty surprizing even to the most couragious to see stones of such an incredible bigness to be thrown with the fury of the fire above five hundred paces from the place This happened at that very hour wherein people of all sorts were walking for their Recreation upon the Castle Green whereby there were slain above five hundred men who belonged to the Castle Guichardines Hist Italy Pag. 785. XXIX In the year 1492 a great Comet is visible in the Heavens Three Suns are seen in Poland another Comet appeared for two Months In Rome the Sky was seen to be on fire for many nights together These were succeeded by great Inundations and Floods in England The English go against the French the Jews are expelled Spain A Rebellion at Gaunt in Flanders The Hungarians enter Mysia and return back with much booty A rot of great Potentates Pope Innocent VIII dyes Alphonsus King of Portugal dyes by a fall from his Horse Frederick Emperor of Germany and Casimer King of Poland both dye A great part of Cracovia is burnt In 1500 a great fiery Dragon and of a monstrous shape is seen in Savoy A Comet of wonderful Magnitude appears for 18 days in Poland an Inundation in Germany Soon after the King of Sweden and the Queen of Bohemia dye The State of Millain rebel and are suddenly subdued again Next year Prince Arthur Son to Henry VIII dyeth and the Wife of King Henry VII of England The Turks take Modone and many other places
from the Venetians and destroy abundance of them together with divers French and Spaniards In 1506 there appeared two Comets the first on April 11. which lasted but five days the second in August following Alexander King of Poland dyes together with the King of Spain and Philip the son of Maximilian the Emperor In 1509 there was a great and terrible Earthquake in Constantinople and the Countreys thereabout by the violence whereof a great part of the Walls of that City with many stately buildings both publick and private were quite overthrown and thirteen thousand People overwhelmed and destroyed therewith The terror thereof was so great that Bajazet the Emperor himself and the People generally forsook their houses and lay abroad in the Fields It continued for a Month together with very little intermission after which ensued a great Plague whereby that City was almost made desolate there dying above an hundred and threescore thousand people Turkish Hist Pag. 476. XXX The next year 1510 there happened a Prodigy which is very strange to relate for in this year saith my Author there fell Twelve Hundred Stones from Heaven some weighing threescore pound others more Nay it is affirmed some of them weighed an Hundred and Twenty Pound which if true serves for a good Argument to prove that some other Stars or Planets may be habitable besides the Earth At this time the Lubeckers wast Denmark King Henry 8. goeth into France and besiegeth Turwiu Bajazet the Great Turk is poysoned The Spaniards take Tripoly and make war in Navar The Lubeckers worst the Danes at Sea the Switzers invade France and do much mischief there In 1512 there appeared a great Comet in Leo Pope Julius 2. and John King of Sweedland dye James 4. King of Scotland is slain at Flodden Field The King of Poland being at war with the Emperor of Muscovia kills forty thousand of his men in a pitcht battle In 1521 three Suns with a Rainbow were seen at Vienna in Germany and suddenly after a great burning Torch was visible in the Heavens which continued a Month A Circle and Cross appears with the Moon and a burning Pillar is seen in Germany Soon after the Venetians aid the Hungarians against the Turks The French lose Millain The English and French quarrel The Emperor invades Picardy in France King Henry 8. writes against the Pope Christian King of Denmark is expelled his Kingdom In 1530 a Blazing Star of wonderful greatness appeared and was visible through all Europe This year four hundred and four Parishes were drowned by a great Inundation of the Sea in Holland with all their People and Cattel the Turks take Buda in Hungary the Great Cardinal Woolsey dyes the English Clergy are fined and pay to the King an Hundred Thousand pound for divers misdemeanours the next year about Fourteen Hundred Houses were overthrown by an Earthquake at Lisbon in Portugal and about six Hundred more so extreamly shattered that they were ready to fall and many of the Churches were thrown to the ground In 1533 a very great Comet was visible in the Heavens this year Pope Clement 7 dyes Alphonsus Duke of Ferrara and the Duke of Millain dye strange factions and seditions are raised about Religion in Hungary A great Plague at Noremburg in Germany In 1538 a fiery Comet appeared in the Sign Pisces with a long tail Charles Duke of Gelderland dyeth This year was made famous for divers things For then the Kingdom of Denmark imbraced the Gospel The Emperor and King of France met together to treat of Peace the Bible was Printed in English at Paris the Overseer of which work was Bishop Bonner The University of Strasburg was erected The Sect of the Antinomians was detected The Duke of Brandenburg imbraced the Augustan Confession The Sea upon the Coasts of the Kingdom of Naples was wholly dry for eight Miles together out of which Fire and Ashes broke forth so abundantly that many places were miserably destroyed thereby This year Alexander Medices who was made by the Pope Duke of Florence was Marryed to Margaret Daughter of the Emperor Charles 5. the Nuptials were celebrated with great Pomp and Military Revels at which time a great part of the body of the Sun was darkened whilst they were at the Feast which much astonished the Guests and the very next year after this Alexander was murthered by his Kinsman Lorenzo Medices who was always very great with him and privy to all his debaucheries Strada Wars Low-Countries XXXI In 1539 a bloody Star and Cross were seen flying in the Air Armed men swords and funerals were visible in the Heavens in Germany there likewise appeared a Blazing Star This year John Duke of Cleve dyeth a great fire happened in Constantinople which burnt the Jayl and consumed seven hundred Prisoners therein John King of Hungary dyes the Irish invade the English and are beaten George Duke of Saxony dyes The People of Gaunt in Flanders mutiny and behead their Magistrates Isabella Empress of Germany dyeth and shortly after Katherine Queen of England is beheaded by King Henry 8. In 1545 a Comet appeared in the West in colour like blood Lodowick Prince Elector dyes Martin Luther dyes and the next year a war in Germany breaks out A bloody French Massacre was now perpetrated King Henry 8. of England and Francis 1. King of France both dye The Earl of Surrey is this year beheaded in England In 1548 November 6 there was a great chasme or opening in the Heavens and in some places fire fell to the Earth and flew up into the Air again This Jasper Crucifiger saw and thereupon much bewailed the great Commotions and Divisions in the Church which he foresaw by this Prodigy and accordingly it came to pass In 1550 it rained Corn from Heaven in Carinthia Three Suns were seen in England an Earthquake and Globes of fire were visible in the Elements Armies of men appeared in the Air in Saxony The Sun seemed to cleave asunder after this followed great troubles in Antwerp and the sweating sickness in England The French make war with the Emperor the Duke of Somerset in England is beheaded the Queen of Sweden dyes the Turkish Pyrates carry six thousand Christians into Captivity out of the Isle of Gaul near Malta The next year a very great multitude of Men and Cattle were drowned by a terrible Tempest the Clouds suddenly dissolving and the waters pouring down with such a stupendious violence that the strong and massy Walls of many Cities with divers Vineyards and fair Houses were destroyed thereby XXXII That may be looked upon as a Prodigy in the highest degree saith Mr. John Gadbury which my worthy friend Captain George Wharton in his Ephemeris for the year 1655 hath transcribed from one Tackius a German Doctor of Physick who likewise takes it out of one Casper That in the year 1554 not far from the City of Harmsted in Transilvania there were observed in fair and legible Characters to be read in
the Heavens the following Letters I. N. R. I. M. D. L. V. I. I. A. R. E. I. N. E. N. D. E. D. I. S. E. S. R. E. I. C. H. S. Nay that Author further affirmeth that at Friburg in Germany the same year on a very fair day Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Iridi insidentem conspectum fuisse Our Lord Jesus Christ was beheld sitting upon a Rainbow as if upon his Tribunal to denounce the Vniversal Judgment In 1558 there was seen a Blazing Star in Spain at first somewhat dim at which time Charles the 5th Emperor and King of Spain sickned but as his disease increased so it grew in bigness at last shooting its fiery streams point blank against the Monastery where he lay in the very hour the Emperor dyed the Comet vanished The same year in the Month of August a Comet in the form of a spit appeared of a pale envious colour denoting a more then ordinary mortality of great Potentates Queen Mary of Hungary and Bohemia and Queen Mary of England both dye Christian the 2. King of Denmark dyes in Prison after 26 years imprisonment Henry 2. King of France is slain by running at Tilt Pope Paul 4. dyes and likewise the Dukes of Venice and Ferrara with fifteen Cardinals besides many other Princes In 1562 an Earthquake happened in Constantinople Clashing of Weapons in the Elements and armed men seen there Much Thunder was heard in England and five Suns seen in Holland After this the English take many Towns in France There was a great Plague in England the Muscovites invade Leiseland and the Danes and Lubeckers Sweden the Polanders beat the Livonians Nine Thousand men were slain at Dreux in Normandy and among them the King of Navar The same year December 19. Mr. John Calvin lying in his bed sick of the Gout it being Sunday and the North Wind having blown strongly for two days together some Friends coming to visit him he said unto them Truly I know not what is the matter but I thought that the last night I heard warlike Drums beating very loud and I could not perswade my self but it was so Let us go to Prayers for surely some great business is at hand And indeed this very day there was a great Battle fought between the Papists and Protestants not far from Paris in France news whereof came to Geneva a few dayes after Clarks Examp. 2 Part Pag. 564. XXXIII In 1568 were many Locusts in France The Heavens seem all on fire in Hungary In England when the true Moon was under the Earth there appears a Moon and a Cross with a refulgent Star at the top thereof Soon after the Third Civil War in France began the King of Sweden is deposed and imprisoned The Prince of Conde is taken and shot to death with a Pistol The Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland rebel against Queen Elizabeth Selymus Emperor of the Turks invadeth Cyprus The Polanders and Danes fight at Sea About this time the Duke of Alva came first into the Low-Countreys and the future calamities of his Government were presaged by a boy born at Leige with two heads four legs and as many hands the terror whereof was increased by a fire happening immediately after in the City of Mechlin by a spark falling amongst Gunpowder which took hold of threescore Barrels and caused such an horrid Thunder and Earthquake that in most of the Cities of Flanders the Men and Houses trembled at the dreadful noise Not long after when the Prince of Orange brought an Army against the Duke in the behalf of the Protestants there were seen in divers places on a clear night two Armies in Battalia brandishing their glittering Pikes as if they were ready for a charge The next year a Comet appears at the setting of the Sun near the Planet Jupiter Then followed a Famine in Austria Sweden Bohemia Bavaria Rustia Lithuania Joachimus 2. Elector of Brandenburg dyes and a little after Four Hundred Thousand People are drowned in Flanders and Holland besides Cattel In 1572 there appeared a Comet or New Star in Cassiopeia which continued Six teen Months Soon after which Charles 9. King of France who was the Author of the bloody Massacre in France dyed of extraordinary bleeding which issued from divers parts of his body cursing and swearing in a most dreadful manner saith Mr. Camden in his History of Queen Elizabeth Sigismund King of Poland likewise dyeth The Duke of Norfolk in England is beheaded A great Rebellion in Ireland XXXIV In 1577 Another Blazing Star of great magnitude appeared Sebastian King of Portugal dyed the next year of two wounds which he received in his head in his expedition for Africa In 1579 a fiery Dragon and great Troops of Ravens flew through the Air in Germany A mighty Tempest happened in Bohemia and an Earthquake in Holland Armies are seen in the Heavens at Antwerp Two armed men are visible in the Air in Gelderland That which followed was the Polanders take Livonia and Polotia from the Moscovite The Popish Clergy are expelled out of the City of Antwerp by the People The Emperor forbids the Protestant Religion at Aken In 1585 a Comet appeared for many weeks together and the next year it rained Locusts in Thracia and Ducks and Geese in Croatia as Leonclavius testifies who was an eye-witness thereof The Locusts fell in such multitudes that they devoured all the Countrey and on the contrary the Geese and Ducks fed and nourished many Cluverius Hist World Soon after Osman Emperor of the Turks and Stephen King of Poland both dye In 1593 there was another terrible Earthquake at Lar in Persia which overthrew Three Thousand Houses crushing to death above Three Thousand Persons in their Ruins yea the Castle though built upon the top of a solid Rock groaned in the like affrighting downfall Herberts Travels In 1598 Feb. 25 which was a little before the Earl of Essex went into Ireland the Sun being almost totally Eclipsed it was so dark for the time that the like had never been seen in the Memory of Man XXXV In the year 1602 there was an Earthquake in England a very great Blazing Star appeared Armies of men were seen in the Air in France and warms of Grashoppers are visible in Germany asster this the Spaniards invade Ireland but are beaten thence The Swedes in vain attempt Livonia The Turks loose Alba Regalis and therein Threescore Thousand men Queen Elizabeth of England dyeth In 1607 another Comet appeared There were great Wars between the Swedes and Danes and Charles Duke of Lorrain dyeth In 1610 fiery Darts and Lances were visible in the Heavens Four Crosses appeared in the Air at once in Spain where likewise happened Thunder and a very great Earthquake Now the Danes war against the Swedes The Persians invade Babylon and kill Twenty Thousand Turks Henry 4. ●●ing of France is murdered the Polanders overcome the Moscovites and Nine Hundred Thousand Meors are banished out of Spain J. G. This
such a destruction as is impossible to bed●scribed and at present 't is not throughly known what damage it hath done upon the eighth of this Moneth it pleased God not by any extraordinary rains from Heaven to our thinking to open the Mountains like Fountains and to cause the Seaso to swell that in less than four hours it overflowed the Town throughout sixteen foot high which prevented us not only from saving our Goods but also with great hazard of our lives have we escaped yet many lost their Lives with great destruction both of the Houses and Walls For my own part I feared my life for my house trembled under me extreamly so that not only my self but my whole Family had been destroyed had it continued but a small time longer though the Water ebbed not for Twenty four hours Many Iron Mills were destroyed many Thousand Loads of Charcoal were carryed away many bags of Wool spoiled All their Shops with their Goods were much damaged God knows the trouble we underwent and still I am every day in the mud half my height looking after my Goods and am fain to keep many men digging to find them and am looking out for bread to maintain my Family a little Chicken costs us two shillings in Spanish Plate In brief neither Horse Mule Hog nor any other Living Creature that goes upon the ground hath escaped drowning but only such as fled to the tops of the Mountains The destruction and losses of ●his Town are unspeakable the very pavement and ground being carryed away at least Ten Foot deep and the River hath altered its Chanel The first work that we now set upon by command of Authority is to throw away the Fish which the water brought with it which being tainted smells so abominably that we fear it will bring the Plague amongst us but we hope by to morrow night to throw it all into the River and thereby be rid of this stink and our next work must be to cleanse the River LXXII In 1652 There was a great Eclipse of the Sun and Two Eclipses of the Moon A Two handed Sword was seen in the Air in Cheshire and Armies of men encountring each other appeared in the North a Comet was visible in the Signs Gemini and Taurus from December 11 to the 30. This year the English subdued Scotland and beat the Dutch at Sea They beat the French at Sea this year also The English Parliament firnamed the Long are turned out of Doors by their own Army In 1653 Oliver Cromwell a private Gentleman by Birth but then General of the Army assumes the Government of Great Britain by the Title of Lord Protector of England Scotland and Ireland The King of the Romans and the Pope in two years after dye strange and unheard of Alterations in Law and Government here in England new Courts of Justice Council of State Major Generals In 1654 was another Eclipse of the Sun and an Earthquake in the West of England Apparitions are visible in the Air in the North of England A very great Rain falls in Bohemia At this time the English take Jamaica and make War with Spain The English and Swedes unite In 1655. Castles Cities and Towns appear in the Air in England and seem to be besieged the different Actions and Gestures of Men both Commanders and Souldiers being plainly visible This year Cardinal Guisi is made Pope by the Title of Innocent the 10. The Polanders are routed by the Swedes In 1656 An Earthquake happened in Cheshire doing much harm sinking the Ground and rending up many Trees by the Roots to the great damage of the Countrey In November a fiery Dragon was seen in the Air in Scotland This year the English land in Flanders and take Mardike from the Spaniards they become angry thereat and Wars between them grow high The King of Denmark was twice invaded by the King of Sweden There fell such abundance of Rain at Vienna in Germany that the River Danubius swelling above its banks the violence of the Waters broke down all the Bridges and most of their Mills Yea the Water came into their Suburbs called The Jews Suburbs drowning many Persons and carrying away a very great number of Cattel and did so great mischief to the Countrey that the loss was thought inestimable there being sixteen Towns and Villages swept away by the Flood Gadbury de Comet LXXIII In 1658 A great Whale came up to Greenwich near London a thing seldom known before This year Dunkirk was taken by the English Sir Henry Slingsby and Dr. Heuit being condemned by an High Court of Justice as they called it were beheaded at Towerhill and Sept. 3. following which used to be a great day of Triumph in Olivers Court for two great Victories at Dunbar and Worcester was turned into a day of Mourning by the Death of their Protector who dyed about 4 or 5 a Clock that day and Richard Cromwel confidently succeeds him in the Government as if it had been his just due Nay some People in England send such sugred Addresses to him that he believed himself to be what they flatteringly stiled him The King of Sweden loses much this year and dyes In 1659 there was a very great Inundation in Holland which overflowed Thirty Six Thousand Acres of Ground Also a great Eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio November 4. Lofty and strange unwonted Winds In May 1659 the Long Parliament returned and turned out Richard Cromwell but were soon after turned out themselves by Lambert and the Army A Committee of safety is set up The L. General Monk being troubled to behold the Confusions of the English Proceedings marched out of Scotland and after the Committee of Safety was fallen brings in the secluded Members of the Long Parliament who soon after dissolve themselves and call another Parliament who restore His Royal Majesty King Charles 2. to His just Rights and Priviledges whom God preserve with a Long and Happy Reign over us Gadbury of Prodigies LXXIV In 16●0 Feb. 20. At Dantzick in Poland when the Sun was going down there were seen seven Suns together very distinctly in the Heavens three of them coloured and three white besides the True Sun it self about which was a Circle much like a Rainbow In 1661. Jan. 28. There is a Relation that near Worsup in Nottinghamshire there was an appearance of a gallant Troop of Horse marching which a Justice of Peace having notice of related to a Person of Honour thinking them to be real Men and Horses but upon a strict inquiry it was concluded to be only an Apparition The same Relation says about that time there happened a strange and dreadful storm of Hail at Northampton and fire mingled with the hail in some places and that it did run upon the ground in great sheets of Fire for a considerable way together It fell upon some part of Wellinborough Town in Northamptonshire Upon February 18. this year very early in the morning began a
times they have brought forth a great tall Ship floating up and down which opened and split asunder of it self from whence issued out four or five hundred wild Beasts to he baited and then closing again it vanished away without any visible help sometimes they caused water to spout gently from the bottom of the Theatre which bubbling up to the very top sprinkled and refreshed that vast multitude And to preserve themselves from the violence of the weather they caused that huge compass to be overspread sometimes with purple Sails all curiously wrought with the Needle sometimes of Silk and other colours all which was done in the twinkling of an Eye either to spread or draw it back again The Nets likewise which they used to put before the people to save them from the danger of the wild baited Beasts were all woven of Gold Thred Montaigns Essays lib. 3. XIV The Bridge of Caligula was a new and unheard of Spectacle it reached from Puteoli to Bauli three miles and a quarter he built it upon Ships in a few days Over this he marched with the Senate and Souldiery in a Triumphant manner and in the view of the People Upon this he feasted and passed the night in dalliance and Gaming A Marvellous and great work indeed but such as the vanity thereof deprived it of Commendation for to what end was it raised but to be demolished Thus sported he saith Seneca with the Power of the Empire and all in imitation of Xerxes a Foreign Frantick unfortunate and proud King Hakewels Apology XV. Wales anciently extended it self Eastward to the River Severn till by the valour of Offa the great King of the Mercians the Welch or Brittains were driven out of the plain Countrey beyond that River and forced to betake themselves to the Mountains where he caused them to be shut up and divided from England with an huge Ditch called Offa's Dike which began where the River Wie comes into the Severn not far from Chepstow and extended fourscore and four miles in length even as far as Chester where the River Dee is mingled with the Sea which was a very stupendious work Concerning this Ditch there was a Law made by K. Harold That if any Welshman was found with a Weapon on this side of it he should have his right hand cut off by the Kings Officers Heylins Cosmography XVI China is bounden on the North with Altay and the Eastern Tartars from which it is separated by a continued Chain of Hills and where that Chain is broken off with a great Wall of four hundred Leagues or Twelve hundred English miles in length It was built as they say by Zaintzon the 117 King thereof it was six fathom high and 12 yards thick and was twenty seven years in building by the continued labour of seven Millions and Fifty Thousand men Herberts Travels XVII Ptolomeus Philopater built a Ship saith Pancirollus that the like was never seen before nor since It was two hundred and eighty Cubits in length fifty two Cubits in height from the bottom to the upper Decks It had four hundred Banks or Seats for Rowers four hundred Marriners and four thousand Rovers And on the Decks it could contain Three Thousand Souldiers There were also Gardens and Orchards on the top of it as Plutarch relates in the life of Demetrius XVIII The Escurial or Monastery of St. Lawrence in New Castile in Spain was built by K. Philip 2. A place of such Magnificence that no building in times past or the present is comparable to it The Front toward the VVest is adorned with three stately Gates the middlemost whereof leadeth into a most magnificent Temple or Monastery wherein were one hundred Monks of the Order of St. Jerom and a Colledge the Gate on the right hand openeth into divers Offices belonging to the Monastery that on the left hand to the Schools and outhouses belonging to the Colledge At the four Corners are four Turrets of excellent Workmanship and for height Majestical Towards the North is the Kings Pallace on the South part are divers beautiful and Sumptuous Gallerys and on the East side several Gardens and Walks very pleasant and delectable It containeth in all eleven several Quadrangles every one incloistered and is indeed so brave a Structure that a Voyage to Spain were well imployed were it only to see it and return Heylins Cosmography FINIS Advertisements There are lately published by R. Burton five very useful pleasant and necessary books which are all sold by N. Crouch I. EXtraordinary Adventures of several Famous Men with the strange Events and many signal Mutations and Changes in the Fortunes of many Illustrious Places and Persons in all Ages Being an account of a Multitude of Stupendious Revolutions Accidents and Observable matters in many Kingdoms States and Provinces throughout the whole World Namely The Adventures of Christoph Columbus and the manner of his Discovery of America or the New World How Bajazet Emp. of the Turks was carried about in an Iron Cage by the Emp. Tamerlane The Cruelties used by the Turks upon the Christians at Argiers their manner of selling Slaves c. The Travels of an Engglish Man into Barbary and Morocco with the Rarities thereof and of the Villany of the English Renegadoes The dreadful Mutiny in the City of Naples about their Priviledges in 1647 and how Massanello a Fisher-boy ruled there for 10 days with greater Power than any King or Emperour An Account of several Nations destroyed or driven from their Habitations by Gnats Moles Pismires Sparrows Locusts Hares Conies Fleas Frogs Mice G●asshoppers Serpents Worms and other inconsiderable Creatures The Tragical Deaths of John and Cornelius de Wit at the Hague in Holland The strange Revolution in Portugal in 1640. The woful Deaths of the Emp. of China his Wife and Daughter in 1640 Remarks on the Life and Death of Sir W. Rawleigh with his last Speech and Behaviour on the Scaffold with abundance of other Remarkable Instances of various kinds some of them being lively described in Picture for their better Illustration Price One Shilling II. ADmirable Curiosities Rarities and Wonders in England Scotland and Ireland or an account of many remarkable persons and places and likewise of the battels sieges prodigious Earthquakes tempests inundations thunders lightnings fires murders and other considerable occurrences and accidents for many hundred years past and among others The Preaching of K. Hen. 3. to the Monks at Winchester The manner of the horrid murther of King Edward 2. The battle of Bosworth and the miserable death of Crook-backt Richard The beheading of the L. Cromwel and the E. of Essex with their last Speeches The Rebellion of the Papists in Cornwal c. against the Common Prayer in King Edw. 6. time and the K. letter to them The Rebellion under Kett the Tanner and his Laws Ordinances in the Oak of Reformation near Norwich The Association in Q. Eliz. time The proceedings against Mary Q. of Scots Mother
3 Moons were seen in one night by the Inhabitants all these Prodigies appeared about the end of the first Carthaginian War In the second War after Hanno was overcome by Scipio a Child of a Month old was heard to cry in the Street Triumphi Triumphi In the Fields near Rome Ships were discerned in the Sky and Men in long White Garments were perceived to march towards each other but never to meet It likewise rained Stones and the Sun and Moon were seen as it were to justle each other and in the day two Moons appeared in the Heavens At Phalascis the Heavens seemed to be rent in sunder and at Capua the Moon seemed to burn and to bend down towards the Earth A Green Palm-Tree in Naples took Fire and burned away to Ashes At Mantua a little Rivulet was turned into blood and at Rome it rained blood An Ox was likewise heard to speak these Words Cave tibi Roma Rome look to thy self Soon after several large tall Ships appeared upon the River of Taracina in Spain The Sun at divers times appeared of a bloody colour many Temples and Houses in Rome were beaten down with Thunderbolts from Heaven some of the Cities Ensigns or Field-Colours were observed to sweat Blood Two Suns appeared in the Heavens at one time It likewise rained Milk and Stones A Comet in the form of a burning Torch was discerned to reach from the East to the West In the Vileterman Fields the Earth rent asunder in such huge and frightful breaches that Trees and whole Houses were swallowed up in it and it rained blood for two whole days together about which time Hannibal received that notable overthrow by Scipio which was the destruction of the famous City of Carthage and the Conquest of that Countrey to the Romans Tit. Liv. Hist II. In the year of the World 3417 when Cyrus overcame Craesus King of the Lydians in Battel a Child of six Months old is said to have distinctly foretold in a Prodigious and wonderful manner That his Kingdom should be lost A Dog and a Serpent spake very plainly and articulately to King Tarquinius of which Sir G. Wharton writes thus When Romes perverse and giddy multitude Dissolved in Tarquin their Great Monarchy To doom the Act unnatural and Rude 'T is said a Serp●nt bark'd In the year of the World 3842 at Veios in Italy it rained Oyl extreamly and Wool was also rained out of the Clouds In the year that the Great Mithridates K. of Pontus was born there appeared a huge Comet which at first seemed but small but afterwards spread it self so much that it came as far as the Equinoctial Line so that its extent equalized that Region of the Heavens which we call the Milky Way Another Come● likewise appeared in the first year of his Reign which shined so bright night and day for 70 days together that the whole Heavens seemed all to be on a lig●●t Fire for the Tayl of it covered the fourth part of the Heavens and exceeded the Sun in brightness and also its rising and setting took up the space of four hours Just before the taking of Aristonicus a dangerous Enemy to the Romans news was brought to Rome that the Image of Apollo at Cuma had wept for 4 days together The Southsayers were so astonished at the Prodigy that they had thrown the Image into the Sea had not the old men at Cuma interceded for it but the more expert Astrologers said That thereby the Destruction of Greece was foretold from whence that Image was brought Junius Syllanus going Proconsul into Asia he with his Company saw a spark fall from a Star which increased in Bulk as it came nearer the Earth and being grown to the bigness of the Moon it gave as much light as if it had been a cloudy day and when it drew up towards Heaven again it grew into the fashion of a Lamp When Julius Caesar had crossed the River of Rubicon contrary to the Decree of the Senate the Heavens as foreseeing what miseries were to ensue thereupon rained blood and there happened a horrible Eclipse of the Sun of 10 parts and an half of which Lucan thus speaks The Sun hides When mounted in the midst of Heaven he rides In Clouds his burning Chariot to enfold The World in darkness quite Day to behold No Nation hopes The same day that the Battle between Caesar and Pompey was fought in the Pharsalian Fields the Image of Victory which stood in the Temple of Minerva at Eulide was seen to turn its face toward the Temple-door whereas before it looked to the Altar At Antioch in Syria such great noises and Clamours were heard twice a day about the Walls of the Town that the People affrighted with the supposed approach of the Enemy ran out of the City in their Arms In the Temples of Ptolemais Organs and other Instruments were heard to play of themselves before Julius Caesar was slain in the Senate House and there being a Colony sent to be planted in Capua according to the Julian Law and some Monuments being demolished to lay Foundations for New Houses In the Tomb of Capys who was said to be the Founder of Capua there was found a brazen Table wherein was ingraven in Greek Letters That whensoever the bones of Capys should be uncovered one of the Julian Family should be slain by the hands of his own Party and that his blood should be revenged to the great damage of all Italy At the same time also those Horses which Caesar had consecrated to Mars after his passage over Rubicon did abstain from all kind of Food and were observed to have drops falling from their Eyes after such a manner as if they had shed Tears Also the Bird Regulus having a little branch of Lawrel in her Mouth flew with it into Pomp●ys Court where she was torn in pieces by divers other Birds that pursued her where also Caesar himself was soon after slain with Twenty three wounds by Brutus Cassius and others Shortly after his Death about the time of the banishment of Antonius and ●●●idus an Ox being led out to the Plough uttered these words to his Master Why urge you me to work we shall want no Corn but men And a new Born Child did speak A. B. V●ers Annals Pearson's Va●●●●es III. About the time that our Lord and Saviour was born which was in the year of the World 3849 and the 43 year of the Reign of Augustus Caesar many wonderful and remarkable Prodigies shewed themselves in the Heavens and this more frequently than in former years as Jesphas in his Jewish Antiquities testifies which unusual sights occasioned the M●gi or Wise Men of those times in their Predictions to conclude That 〈◊〉 more than Ordinary Person would arise or appear in the World Which presages some Learned Persons applyed to Augustus C●●sar who then reigned prosperously But the more divinely inspired interpreted them to signifie him who as the Prophet Isaiah saith should
have his Government upon his shoulders Even the Saviour of the whole World for besides what the Evangelists mention as of the Angel appearing to the Shepherds and that Star which directed the wise men of the East to find out the place 〈…〉 As the Earth with a New Sun was blest So th' Heavens with a New Star is drest It is likewise recorded by Paul Horatius and Eutropius Secretaries to Augustus and likewise by Eusebius That at the time that Jesus Christ was born it happened in Rome that in a publick Inn was discovered and broke forth a Fountain of pure Oil which for the space of a whole day continually issued out in great abundance and that at high Noon in a clear and fair day a Circle was seen about the Sun as shining and resplendent as the Sun it self About the same time the Senate and People of Rome offered to Augustus the Title of Lord which he refused and would not accept of unknowingly prognosticating that a greater Lord than he was upon Earth to whom that Title belonged Comestor in his Scholastick History affirms That the same day of the Birth of Christ the Temple in Rome dedicated by the Romans to the Goddess Pax fell to the Earth ruined adding that when it was first built by the Romans they addressed to the Oracle of Apollo to know how long time it should endure who returned answer Even until a Virgin should bring forth a Child which they judged impossible and that therefore their Temple should last Eternally nevertheless at the Virgins bearing a Child even the King of Heaven it fell to the Earth Lucas de Tuy in his Chronicle of Spain writes That he hath found in the Ancient Histories of that Countrey That by Computation of time the same night wherein our Saviour was born there appeared in Spain at mid-night a Cloud which gave so great a Light that it seemed like mid-day I remember also saith my Author I have read in St Jerom That when the Virgin fled with her Son into Egypt all the Idols and Images of the Gods which were there tumbled from their Altars to the Ground And that the Oracles and Answers which these Gods or rather Devils used to give to such questions as were propounded to them then ceased and never answered afterwards Rarities of the Creation p. 84. IV. About the first year after the Birth of Christ there were many Prodigious Births in Germany Armies in the Air were seen at Rome A terrible Eclipse of the Sun and dreadful storms of Hail and Rain Soon after Tiberius obtains a Victory in Germany and subdues the Lombards The Panonians Rebel A very great Famine in Rome Varus is defeated and killeth himself About the Twelfth year there was a great Earth●●ake in C●prus which overthrew many Cities Jesus Christ disputes with the Doctors a great and terrible Comet then seen The Light of the Sun was seen apparently to fail The Heavens seemed to burn Fiery beams fell from Heaven Bloody Comets seen in other places The River Tiber overfloweth Rome 13 Cities in Africa destroyed with an Earthquake Noysome Flys come in great Swarms and Companies into Germany The Effects whereof were judged to be that a while after A●●●●s a great Commander was slain by the ●all of an Horse Calig●ia that Monster of Mankind was born King Agrippa was slain and Julia Daughter of the Emperor Augustus was starved to Death Caesar dyeth The Brittains are subdued In his 22 year Blood rained in Rome Great Flocks of Gra●hop●er Armies seen fighting in the Air in Rome and Po●●●d Fiery Torches a blazing Star like a Sword soon after 〈◊〉 Theatre was burned Sejanus chief ●●●ourite to the Emperour Tiberius is executed for A●●●ition his Son strangled his Daughter first de●lowred by the Hangman and then put to Death Drus●s the Emperors Son is poysoned The Arabians defeat H●●od the City of T●●●ias is drowned Tiberius turned T●●ant and commits all m●nner of horrid Cru●●ies upon the Romans Natura Prodig p. 43. V. In the Thirty Fourth year of our Blessed Saviours Life he was crucified by the wicked hands of the● Jews which produced prodigious Effects that were afterward attested as well by Heathens as Christians at the time of his Death a very great darkness happened in the day time which continued from six a Clock till nine and yet there was no Eclipse of the Sun for it was at a full Moon so that it was miraculous and contrary to the Order of Nature and only by the power of God who deprived the Sun of its light for that space of time And therefore Dennis the Areopagite being that day in Athens and seeing the Sun so darkened and also knowing as a man learned in Astrology and the course of the H●avens that such an Eclipse must needs be contrary to the Rule of Nature spake with a loud voice saying Either the World is at an end or the God of Nature suffers and upon this Account say some Authors the Wise Men of Athens being astonished at this Prodigy they presently caused an Altar to be built to the Vnknown God after which St. Paul coming thither reproved them for it declaring to them that Jesus Christ the Redeemer of the World who had suffered was that Unknown God whereby he Converted many of them to the Christian Faith which doth also demonstrate that the darkness was over the whole Hemisphere since it was seen at Athens and other places far remote from Jerusalem Yea the Moon being then at full and having no light but what she hath from the splendour of the Sun and being then in the Firmament that is under us she came to be violently eclipsed and darkned so that the darkness was universal over all the World because the Moon and Stars can give no light unless they receive it first from the Sun It was likewise very observable and is acknowledged by the famous Historian Plutarch though a Heathen that after the Death of Christ not only the Oracles of Egypt but throughout the World ceased of which he can give no reason being ignorant of Christianity but that there were some Devils or Demons dead However it was very remarkable that Satan should so plainly demonstrate himself to be subdued and overcome immediately after the Death of our Saviour that he could never after give any answers The Words of Plutarch to Emilius the Orator a prudent and humble man concerning this matter of which Eusebius writ to Theodorus as a thing of great note are as followeth That his Father coming one time by Sea toward Italy and coasting by night about an Island not inhabited called Paraxis when all in the ship were silent and at rest they heard a great and fearful voice which came from that Island that called upon Alaman who was Pilot of the Ship and an Egyptian born now though this voice was heard once or twice by Alaman and others yet no man had the Courage to answer till at the third Call he
answered Who is there who is it that calls and what would you have Then the voice spake more high and loud and said to him Alaman I require that when you pass near the Gulf of Laguna you remember to cry out aloud and make them to understand that the Great God Pan is dead At these Words all that were in the Ship were much astonished and at last after Consultation concluded that the Pilot should take no notice of the voice nor slay in the Gulf to utter such words if they could possibly go beyond it but go on in their Voyage But coming to the place which the voice had mentioned the ship stood still and the Sea was calm without wind so that they could sail no farther whereupon they all resolved that Alaman should perform his Ambassage and so he placed himself in the Poop of the Ship and cryed out as loud as he could saying Be it known unto you that the Great God Pan is dead He had no sooner uttered these words but there were so many mournful cryes groans and woful Lamentations that all the Air resounded again therewith these Complaints continued for some time and extreamly surprized those in the Ship but having afterward a prosperous Gale they followed on their Course and being arrived at Rome told of this Adventure which coming to the Ears of Tiberius the Emperour desired to be informed of the Truth thereof and had the former particulars fully confirmed to him whereby it is evident that the Devils in all parts were chased and banished from the World by the death of the Blessed Jesus and it is to be supposed that this Great God Pan is not to be restrained only to the God of the Shepherds but was rather some great Master Devil who had now lost his power and Empire as the others had before In the days of the aforesaid Tiberius the Emperor Publius Lentulus being at that time President in Judea writ an Epistle sometime before this to the Senate of Rome which was as followeth There appeared in these our days a man of great Virtue called Jesus Christ who is yet living amongst us and of the People is accepted for a Prophet but his own Disciples call him the Son of God He raiseth the Dead and cureth all manner of Diseases A man of stature somewhat tall and comely with a very reverend Countenance such as the Beholders may both Fear and Love His Hair is of the Colour of a Chesnut full ripe and plain almost down to his ears but from the ears downward somewhat curled and more Orient of colour waving about his shoulders In the midst of his head goeth a seam or partition of his Hair after the manner of the Nazarites His forehead very plain and smooth His Face without spot or wrinkle beautified with a comely red His Nose and Mouth so formed that nothing can be reprehended His Beard somewhat thick agreeable in colour to the Hair of his Head not of any great length but forked in the midst of an Innocent look his Eyes grey clear and quick In reproving he is severe in admonishing courteous and fairspoken pleasant in speech mixt with gravity It cannot be remembred that any have seen him laugh but many have seen him weep in proportion of Body well shaped and streight his hands and Arms very delectable to behold in speaking very temperate modest and wise A man for his singular beauty exceeding the Children of men Josephus likewise a Jew by Nation and descent in his Antiquities hath these words In these very times lived Jesus a very wise man if it be lawful to call him a Man because in truth he did marvellous things and was Master and Tutor to them that loved him and sought the Truth The Jews and Gentiles Assembled unto him and followed him in great Companies And though he was afterward accused by some of the Chief of our Religion and crucified yet he was not forsaken by those who before followed him and three days after his death he appear'd alive unto them according as the Prophets inspired by God had foretold and prophecied of him And now even in our time the Doctrine and the name of Christians continues and is spread over all the World These are the words of Josephus who writ of the destruction of Jerusalem as an eye-witness which happened forty years after the Death of Christ Josephus Antiquit. VI. In the 39 year after the birth of our Saviour a very great Light was seen in the Heavens and a voice encountred Saul going to Damascus to prosecute the Christians with all severity which said unto him Saul Saul why persecutest thou me c. This Prodigy was the Forerunner of St. Paul's Conversion At this time that Tyrannical Emperor Caligula commanded himself to be worshipped as a God and executed divers Roman Knights and Gentlemen for refusing it In 47. The Heavens seemed wonderfully to burn and a Comet of a very great magnitude appeared for many days together Lightning fell from Heaven upon the Standards of the Praetorian Souldiers soon after Vespasian goeth into Brittain and taketh the Isle of Wight The Romans overcome the Picts in Scotland Herod dyeth Twenty Thousand Jews are slain between the Gates of the Temple Messalina the Empress forces Silvis to put away his Wife and then is married to him but they were both slain In 50. A Phaenix was seen in Egypt and an Island of thirty Furlongs in length appeared in the Sea which was never before seen Three Suns appeared at one time in Rome and in and about the Coasts of England for certain days the Sea seemed as blood A Comet of a very great magnitude appeared for a long time together in Italy The Effects were a very great Famine in Rome Domitian the Roman Tyrant born The whole Countrey of Trevers in Germany is wasted by Clodomore The Emperor Claudius is poysoned by Agrippina Three thousand Romans are defeated in Scotland Agrippa poysoneth Sylanus also Narcissus for seventeen Millions of Money and likewise poysoneth Brittanicus Nero begins his Acts of Villany Cartismunda Queen in Brittain rejects Venutius her Husband he makes War against her the King of Scots takes her and buries her alive In 59. There was a terrible Eclipse of the Sun so that the Stars were seen Nero's Supper was burnt with Lightning an Earthquake happened at Rome and the Sun was Eclipsed again and again that is three times visibly in 3 years Many Jews perish in Caesaria Nero commits Incest with his Mother The Brittains slay Seventy Thousand of the Romans and Suetonius destroys Fourscore Thousand Brittains as he comes from the Isle of Anglesey St. Mark writes his Gospel In 63. A great Comet appears There was a very great Inundation in England The Ocean seemed to be blood A Prodigious Accident was seen at Colchester in England where the Image of Victory turned backward of it self An Earthquake in Asia A Comet appeared six Moneths and three Suns together Rome is fired by
the Command of Nero who rejoyces in that Villany playing upon his Harp and singing the Destruction of Troy This year the Jews rebel against the Romans and many of them were slain Gassius Florus being killed by them Boadicia Queen of the Brittains being assisted by Corbred King of Scots killeth Seventy Thousand Romans Natura Prodig p. 46. VII In the Sixty Seventh year after the Birth of our Saviour and about the Fortieth after the Jews had with cruel hands crucifyed the Lord of Life that innocent blood which they desired might fall upon them and their Children began to be revenged upon them for soon after the Romans came and burnt down and destroyed the City and Temple of Jerusalem and kil'd multitudes of them as by the sequel will appear but before these woful Desolations happened there wanted not Prodigious Signs and warnings from Heaven of their Approaching Miseries For the year before Vespasian came against them there was seen a Star over the Temple so bright as if a man had held many drawn swords in his hand And at the same time which was the Passover that whole night the Temple was light and clear as at Noon-day and continued so seven nights together which wise men understood to be a very ill Prognostick though others thought it good A Sword and other Instruments of War were seen hanging in the Air directly over the City very dreadful to behold The same time likewise they brought a Heifer for a Sacrifice which when she was knocked down she calved a Lamb besides there was a certain Gate called the East-gate which could never be opened or shut without the help of Twenty men and the creaking of the hinges might be heard afar off This Gate was found open without any mans help and they could not shut it till a great number joyned their strength Moreover there was discerned on the Sanctum Sanctorum or Holies of Holies a whole night long the face of a man very terrible There appeared also at the same time four Chariots with Horsemen fighting fiercely against each other and great Blasts of Fire in the sky coming toward Jerusalem In the Feast of weeks the Priests heard a man walking in the Temple and saying with a wonderful terrible voice Come let us go away out of this Temple let us make haste away from hence At that time also there was this writing found graven on an old Stone At what time the building of the Temple shall be brought to a four square then it shall be destroyed Now when the Temple was besieged and the Walls bruised the Jews making haste to repair the Ruins without remembrance of the old writing they made the Temple four square These words were likewise found in the Walls of the Sanctum Sanctorum When the whole building of the Temple shall be four square then shall a King reign over Israel and that King and Ruler shall reign over all the Land of Israel Some interpreted this of the King of Israel but the Priests said it was meant of the King of the Romans These were the dreadful Presages of their ensuing Calamities which never ended till the whole People were almost utterly destroyed and they ceased to be any more a Nation which sad Judgment remains upon them to this day and whereof I shall here give a brief Account The beginning of their troubles happened in the time of King Agrippa during whose Reign the Wars began between the Jews and Romans which never ceased till the people of Judea were led captive into the Provinces of the Romans and the Temple was made desolate the rise whereof was on this occasion In the Twentieth year of his Reign the ninth day of the First Moneth which is July Nero Emperor of Rome sent a Present for a Burnt Offering to be offered at the Temple of Jerusalem requiring peace of the Elders of Judea and Jerusalem and that they would enter into League with him saying My request is that you would offer my Present to the Lord your God for his service and Religion pleaseth me very well therefore I desire you to joyn in Friendship with me according as you have done with the Emperors of Rome my Predecessors in time past I have heard what Cassius the Captain of mine Army hath done to you which displeaseth me out of measure wherefore I assure unto you a faithful League by the Consent and Counsel of the Senate of Rome that hereafter there shall never any Roman Captain stir hand or foot against you but rather your Magistrates Rulers and Judges shall be all Jews and of Jerusalem Yea Agrippa your King shall be Lord of all your Rulers and what he commands you shall do it the Romans shall only be called your Lords and shall have no more to do with you When these Embassadors came to Jerusalem they delivered their Message to Anani the Priest and placed Nero's present before him which was a Bull for a Burnt-Offering with a Crown of Gold upon his head his Horns were also covered with Gold upon his Body was a Cloth of Purple adorned with precious Stones before him some Persons carried Ten Talents of Gold and behind a great number of Sheep followed for Peace-Offerings But when Eleasar the Son of Anani heard of it he came and turned Nero's Presents out of the Temple saying We will not prophane and unhallow the Sanctuary of our Lord with the Offerings of Strangers for God will not accept either their Burnt-Offerings or Peace-Offerings When he had thus spoke he sounded a Trumpet and set his Men in Array against the Guards of the Romans who were quartered in Jerusalem and falling suddenly upon them slew many of them that day with one of their Captains and took another of them alive who being a Valiant man and seeing himself overpowred by the Jews he cryed out save my Life and I will yield upon which Eleazer the Rebel swore That he would not kill him but spare him for his valour he having slain many of the Jews in the Conflict whereupon the Captain yielded himself Prisoner Then said Eleazer to him Even as thy sword hath made many Women Childless so shall thy Mother be made childless of thee above all others and thereupon contrary to his Oath he commanded his Servants to kill him King Agrippa seeing this was extreamly troubled and therefore as he stood in the street cryed out O thou Rebel Eleasar I pray God that this mischief of which thou art the cause and thy wickedness may fall upon thee and thy Fathers House which when it cometh to pass we shall not be disturbed thereat It seems hard to keep Peace and Tranquillity in thy days for they are not like to be continued by thee How long wilt thou go on to bring us into Bryers thou Enemy and hater of the Lord Why dost thou destroy and wast the Vineyard of the Lord God of Hosts To whom Eleazar replyed Why takest thou upon thee the Name of King If thou be
Vespasian here with us a wise and valiant Commander who hath conquered many Cities and vanquished divers Warlike Nations How many puissant Kings hath he subdued to the Roman Empire and how hath he enlarged it far and wide And now when the Empire ought to have been bestowed upon Vespasian or some Person of the like merits because no such could be found among them they have bestowed it upon a Fool and a sottish Drunkard wherein they have done very undiscreetly however we are resolved the Empire of Rome shall suddenly have a better Emperor and thereto let God say Amen Hereupon the Princes who were present consulted together and decreed to make Vespasian Emperor and going all together to him they said Thou shalt be our Head for the Empire belongeth to such a one as thy self and thou shalt have Dominion over us But Vespasian refused to take it on him and would not be perswaded to consent thereto however they compelled him placing him in the Throne of Majesty and setting the Crown on his head which he would have taken away and pulled off with his hand because he would not be Emperor upon which the Roman Captains drew their Swords and said Thou shalt be Emperor and Reign over us therefore refuse it not if thou do thou shalt dye upon our swords Vespasian therefore seeing himself constrained being afraid of his Life was content to suffer himself to be proclaimed Emperor then all the Army swore Allegiance to him as he sate upon the Royal Seat as Emperor and King of Kings In the mean time the Civil Wars at Jerusalem increased dayly by reason of Jehochanan that Limb of the Devil who had escaped thither again There was likewise another Cut-Throat Ruff●●n called Schimeon who was discarded from his Command for his Villanys by Anani the Priest After which gathering together a rout of Thieves Rebels and Murderers throughout all Galilee to the number of Twenty Thousand he came towards Jerusalem to vex the Israelites who encountred with him with various success sometimes one Party prevailing and then the other but at length one Jacob a great man among the Edomites joyned with him and helped to subdue his own Countrey with whom being strengthned they approached the Walls of Jerusalem destroying the Corn and Fruits of the Ground Jehochanan having intelligence of his intentions to besiege the Town and being too weak to encounter him he issued out of the City and lay in Ambush for Schimeon at which time it happened that Schimeon's Wife who was fled out of Jerusalem with her Men and Women Servants for fear she should be killed for her Husbands sake passed by the place of Ambushment whom Jehochanan took not a little proud of such a prey and carryed into the City thinking Schimeon would comply upon any Terms to gain his Wife whom he dearly loved This came to Schimeons ear just at the time he had taken many of Jehochanan's men and cut off their hands sending them with such shame to Jerusalem to their Master He likewise sent Embassadors to Jehochanan to return his Wife or upon refusal he threatned him with the utmost Extremity since he was resolved to take the City ere long and to Jehochanans shame would cut off the Hands and Legs of all the Inhabitants Jehochanan being afraid Schimeon having with him Forty Thousand Fighting men he sent him his Wife whereupon he continued without the Town while Jehochanan played the Tyrant within his Souldiers ravishing the Citizens Wives and Daughters and shedding much innocent blood and whoever complained was presently slain so that the Condition of the Israelites was truly miserably for if any went out of the City they were slain by Schimeon and those within were continually murdered by Jehochanan The Citizens being therefore tyred by his Tyranny assembled together and encountred with Jehochanan where a multitude of them were slain and if the Edomites who were fled to Jerusalem from the Tyranny of Schimeon had not come in to their relief the whole People of Jerusalem had been utterly destroyed and slain every Mothers Son by Jehochanan his power was so great Then Anani the High Priest and other Grave Men not being able to suffer the wickedness of Jehochanan any longer resolved to deliver the City to Schimeon hoping he would slay Jehochanan who was at length prevailed with and promised to assist them against the Seditious but being entred with his whole Army he broke his promise and joyned himself with Jehochanan so that these two Rebels reigned in Jerusalem by course one of them one Moneth and the other another yet within two days they quarrelled about Eleasar the Priest whom Schimeon would have slain but Jehochanan defended so that ever after they fought one against the other During these Transactions at Jerusalem Vespasian had sent two Noblemen to Rome to make away the Emperor Vitellius whereby he might come and receive the Imperial Crown there They went therefore and raised an Army wherewith they fell upon Vitellius and slew him though not without much opposition for there were slain that day in Rome eighty Thousand valiant Souldiers Then Vespasian taking half his Army with him left the other part with Titus his Son to besiege Jerusalem but to continue at Alexandria till further order to whom Titus at his departing said I shall do dear Father according to your Commandment for to you it belongeth to command and to me to obey Vespasian took with him Agrippa and Menas his Son with Joseph the Priest for fear they should raise a Rebellion As he approached nigh Rome all the Citizens came forth to meet him and received him with great Joy and mighty shews and Triumphs and soon after he was solemnly crowned Emperor within a few days Vespasian was displeased with King Agrippa upon certain false Informations that he designed some disturbance upon which both he and his Son Munabas were put to Death This happened three years and an half before the destruction of Jerusalem at which time the continual Sacrifice ceased for One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety days as it is written in the 12 of Daniels Prophecy But Joseph was by the clemency of Vespasian set at Liberty and sent to Titus who was then at Alexandria in Egypt with Letters from his Father and was kindly received by him Titus soon after marched with a mighty Army to Caesarea where he stayd till the Winter was past before he would besiege Jerusalem But in the mean time the quarrels and murders in that City ceased not but Summer and VVinter the VVars continued between Schimeon Jehochanan and Eleasar for God had in Judgment sent a Spirit of Giddiness among the Citizens so that they were divided into three Parts The first and best sort of the People followed Anani the Priest who at that time had stained and suspended his Office of Priesthood Another part followed Seditious Jehochanan and the third were for Schimeon So that in the midst of Jerusalem there was nothing but slaughter and
Earthquake and a strange Bird of a notable greatness was seen at Rome also a blazing Star and two Eclipses of the Moon and contrary to Astronomical demonstration she appeared black and bloody Armed men were seen in the Air and many strange and wonderful Voices were heard in the Heavens In 77 another great blazing Star or Comet appeared and three Cities in Cyprus sell to the ground by an Earthquake A little before Nero slew his Mother Agrippina the Sun was strangely darkned as abhorring to behold such a sight and a Woman in Rome brought forth a Serpent In 81 A Terrible Comet appeared The Tomb of Augustus Caesar opened of it self and blood ●a●ned in Germany Three Suns were seen at once in Poland and there happened much Lightning and Thunder which consumed many brave buildings An Elm Tree saluted Apollonius Tyaneus and spake to him with an audible voice The Sun is this year Eclipsed and there was a great Earthquake in Naples These Prodigies were judged to portend the following accidents The Emperor Otho killeth himself Dardanus Tyrannizeth in Scotland and was slain by Corbred A very great Pestilence in Rome Most part of England is subdued by Agricola he putteth Karenoth the King to flight and the Scots also Vespasian dyeth of a Flux Haldanus the Sweed is restored to his Kingdom from which he was expelled The Emperor Titus dyeth Lynius a Bishop of Rome Martyred Domitian turns away his Wife and marries the Widow of Titus He sends two Armies against the Goths and they are both routed Philosophers and Mathematicians are Banished out of Rome Brittain is reduced into a single Province and at the Emperors own dispose Cocceius Nerva dyeth Two Saxon Kings rebel against Froto he overcomes them and makes them his Tributaries St. John writes his Epistles Rome and France fall at difference The third Heathen Persecution against the Christians began About the Year 105 in the Beign of Trajan who raised the third Persecution against the Christians October 22. there fell out one of the most terrible Earthquakes that ever was First there arose furious and violent winds which tore up trees by the roots made Birds fall to the Earth uncovered and overthrew many houses Then followed Thunder and Lightning which made the night like noon day then dreadful Thunder-bolts which broke down stately buildings and slew many men The Sea was wonderful tempestuous after which came such violent heat that people not being able to indure it stript themselves and then hid themselves under ground The Sky was so dark and the dust so great that one could not see another so that rushing together many fell down dead Divers Cities were ruined much people perished Several Mountains and Hills sunk and became Plains many Rivers were dryed up Fountains and Springs broke out where never were any before Almost all the houses in Antioch were destroyed Dion Hist VIII From the Year of our Lord 107 to 167 those following Prodigies happened A very great Earthquake in Asia many prodigious fights in the Air as fightings c. observed in Spain An Earthquake in Galatia At Rome Lightning from Heaven consumes the Temples of the Gods An Earthquake at Antioch Great Lightnings strange unusual winds together with horrible noises in the Earth Two great Earthquakes at Nice and two others in Palestine Milk rained at Rome and an Earthquake happened there and Three Hundred and Forty Houses though invi●oned with water were destroyed by a great Fire in that City A great Serpent was seen in Arabia and it rained Frogs at Constantinople three Suns likewise appearing and at the same time a Star and a Rainbow A very great Earthquake in Bythinia The waves of the Mediterranean Sea in a Calm elevated themselves to the top of a Mountain far distant from it and cast the foam a great way upon the main Land In this space of time the French and Saxons plant Colonies in Germany The Saracens and Arabians are subdued A Bishop of Jerusalem is Crucified Babylon and Seleucia are taken Nero's house is burnt The Jews rebel in Egypt and kill Two Hundred Thousand Men Ptolomy King of Egypt encounters them slayes Thirty Thousand Jews at once and forced those who survived to eat up their dead Carcases About the same time the Jews slay Two Hundred and Forty Thousand in Cyprus and at last are slain themselves The Chaldeans Brittains Scots and Picts rebel Christians are put to death in Asia Apollodorus is Cain by Hadrians Rollearpus is Martyred Aurelius Caesar seeing a wonderful Fire at Rome causeth the Persecution to cease by an Edict from himself Hermogenes ran out of his wits and dyed The Brittains repine against the Roman oppression and rebel Agricola subdueth them The Fourth Persecution began IX From 167 to 219 were these unusual Accidents A wonderful fire was seen in the Heavens which seemed to pass from East to West Wolves came in flocks near to Rome howling hideously Crosses were seen to sweat with Tears Rain mingled with Fire falls from Heaven at Prema A great and terrible Earthquake and many inundations at Rome Divers strange fires seen in the Air and some to fall from thence Great swarms of Locusts covered the ground and destroyed many Fields and Meadows A great Earthquake in Asia The Stars were seen all the day long at Rome and some apparitions hung streaming down in the very middle of the Air And there fell a wonderful Lightning from Heaven upon the Capitol and the fire increasing burnt the Library and all the houses near it All kinds of Creatures contrary to their natures brought forth prodigious Births this year Flames of Fire descend from Heaven There were seen at Rome three Stars about the Sun very glorious An Eagle alighted on the Image of a Souldier Bees wrought their Combs upon Souldiers Ensigns A sudden fire in the Air toward the North A great lowing and fire in the Earth A Whale comes ashore in the Haven of Augustus A Comet for many dayes together was seen at Rome A wonderful Lightning fell from Heaven upon the Image of Severus and blotted out three Letters of his name These things were judged to portend the ensuing effects The Germans with an Army enter Italy Pertinax is sent against them and beats them back The Senate adjudges Cassius an enemy to the State and he is slain by the Souldiers About this time was great jarring among the Bishops and Churchmen of most Nations concerning Religion Smyrna in Asia is quite destroyed Perennius and his son are executed for Treason Apollonius being accused for a Christian is sentenced and executed Cleander who succeeded Perennius is executed to please the People Two Thousand dye in a day of the Plague at Rome The Emperor Commodus removeth the head from a Colossus or Great Image and putreth one of his own upon it he grows ridiculous and the People taking notice thereof he executeth many of them he is at last strangled by Martia his Concubine In his Reign there appeared in the Sky
divers fearful signs Stars were seen continually in the day time and blazing Comets of a huge length hanging as it were in the midst of the Air All sorts of Creatures contrary to their kinds brought forth monstrous and deformed Births but that which most grievously afflicted the City of Rome and amazed them with the presage was that the Temple of Peace the most stately and dainty Monument in Rome was on a sudden without any Tempest foregoing but only a little Earthquake quite burnt to the ground whether by Lightning or Fire out of the Earth was uncertain That Temple was the richest and strongest of all others and was curiously adorned with gifts of massy Gold and Silver yea all Persons of Quality had there deposited and laid their Principal Treasures but the fire happening in the night made many rich men suddenly poor When the fire had consumed the Temple it burned down also many of the most beautiful buildings in the City continuing its rage for many days together Horodian Imp. History Pertinax is Emperor 87 dayes and then is slain by the Souldiers The King of Scots is slain by a Musician for causing one of his Kindred to be executed Severus goeth against Niger whom he beat three times and then slew him at Antioch Herod besiegeth Byzantium now Constantinople three years together Satrahel coming to rule Scotland kills many of the old Lords of the Kingdom Constantinople is taken by Famine Satrahel is strangled by his Servants The Brittains are beaten by Severus and the head of Albinus is sent to Rome About this time Scotland received the Christian Faith The fifth Persecution began Many fled from Jerusalem into the Wilderness to avoid the Persecution The Romans wast Arabia Strange Heresies broached by Praxeus Severus went into Brittain but never returned thence Fifty Thousand of his Army dye Many of the Scots upon a Rebellion were cruelly massacred X. From 219 to 257 the following signs appeared which were accompanied with remarkable Accidents An Eagle flying takes away the Cap of Diadumenus and he is slain within 14 months after The Brittains rebel and invade the Roman Territories Streams of fire and strange Lightnings are seen at Rome Armed men appear in the Air in Muscovia and Poland the Persians invade Armenia and wast the Roman Territories Alectus is slain in Battel The King of Scots is killed by his Guard the Emperor goeth into Persia and is overcome A Blazing Star is seen at Rome which exte●●●d it self a very great length and was seen both to burn and blaze many nights together Maximilian comes out of Germany and is slain by his own Souldiers his body is given to be torn and devoured of Dogs The Goths at this time became terrible to the Roman Empire In 241 was an Eclipse of the Sun which saith my Author was so great that it made the day seem as dark as the night Athirco King of Scotland kills himself strange Heresies spread themselves The Persians are vanquished and expelled Syria In 244 the Sun was totally Eclipsed and there was a great Earthquake which caused the Earth to gape so exceedingly that several Cities together with their Inhabitants were swallowed up and destroyed great Thunder is heard in the Earth with terrible darkness and another Earthquake The Goths take Chalcedon and Nice and ruin them both The Plague rageth in the Roman Army The Goths burn the Temple of Ephesus and enter Macedonia and Asia The Thirty Tyrants about this time engrossed and parcelled out the Roman Empire among themselves And the Sarmates subdued and robbed all Austria and Hungaria The Germans passing through France entred Spain to the City of Terragona which they ruined and the Empire was almost utterly destroyed Yea it was not only thus molested by men but the very Heavens and Elements conspired against it to plague it For the Heavens were darkened in such a manner that for many dayes space they never saw the Sun and the Earth opened and discovered great Vaults and Caves out of which there issued great streams of Salt-water and such horrid noises were heard as many dyed for fear The Sea broke its bounds overflowing and drowning many Cities After which there fell out the most woful Pestilence that ever was read or heard of so that in Rome there dyed thereof Five Thousand Persons in one day Imper. Hist Pag. 158. XI In 257 the Sea overwhelmed many Cities in Europe and Afri●a This year there were many exceeding great Earthquakes and darkness for many days together spears also were seen in the Element at Rome The Germans and Scythians wast the Empire The French destroy Italy Claudius Censorinus was made Emperor in Italy and slain there Donald usurped the Crown of Scotland and kept the Nobility in fear by threatning to kill their kindred whom he had got into his hands In 300 there was an horrible Earthquake in Tyre which destroyed many buildings and an innumerable Company of People Many Monsters were also born this year Dioclesian the Roman Emperor assumeth the Title of a God and would have Divine Honours given him Many Christians are burnt in a House in Nicodemia The Tenth bloody Persecution began One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand Christians are put to death in Egypt and Seven Hundred Thousand Banished In 314 a Banner with a Cross was seen in the Air and divers Armies fighting A hand was seen in Lateran at Rom● without a body which in the sight of many men writ upon the Wall these words Hodie venenum Ecclesiae infusurus To day is poyson poured into the Church This was interpreted to foretell the extraordinary Indulgence of Constantine the Emperor toward the Christian Bishops and his heaping Estates Riches and Honours upon them whereby they soon after lost their former Piety and Humility He was sirnamed the great and was the first Christian Emperor who publickly countenanced and imbraced the Gospel which he is said to have done on this occasion At the same time that he was saluted Emperor in Brittain Maxentius was chosen at Rome by the Praetorian Souldiers being pensive and sollicitous upon these Distractions he cast his Eyes up toward Heaven where he saw in the Air a lightsome Pillar in the form of a Cross wherein he read these words in Greek In this thou shalt overcome and the next night a vision appeared to him commanding him to bear that figure in his Standard and he should overcome all his enemies this he performed and was accordingly victorious from which time he not only favoured the Christians but became a zealous Professor of the Faith and Gospel Before his time it is observable that few if any at all of the Roman Emperors dyed a natural death they being 40 in all from the time of Julius Caesar though after they generally did Rome was likewise beautified by Constantine and Lamps and Wax Candles were first used in the Church in the day time Arius begins to broach his Heresies and is condemned by the Council of
ren●ing up some few Trees and killed 4 men some years after this City of Rati●bone was straightly besieged and assaulted by the Imperial and Bavarian Army consisting of Thirty Thousand Foot and Fifteen Thousand Horse being battered night and day with an Hundred Pieces of Ordnance but were valiantly repulsed by the Swedish Garrison with the slaughter of Four Thousand Imperialists in the last assault they defending the place to admiration the Imperialists confessing they lost Eight Thousand men upon the place and Six Thousand who ran away They made Fifteen Thousand Canon shot upon the Town and cast above Two Thousand Granadoes into it endured Four Hundred Sixty Five Sallies from within the City and at last they surrendred it to the Imperialists upon Honourable Terms XLII In the year 1625 near Troppaw in Sil●sia a great multitude of little Crows or Jackdaws appeared in the Air who fought as it were in a set Battle and skirmished so eagerly that abundance of them were slain and the Boors gathered some sacks full of dead ones which they brought into the City The year after the Weinmar●h Forces killed Four Thousand Imperialists near this Town and a while after in another battle the Saxons killed Five Thousand more of the Imperialists In February the same year in divers places in Silesia were exceeding great Tempests accompanied with Thunder and Lightning At Breslau the spires of two Chief Churches the Foundation of the Statehouse and many other curious buildings were overturned into the Town great Trees and a new strong built Bridge were torn up and driven to divers places so that the next day nothing of them remained At Nissa another City the chief Church was struck with a terrible Thunder-clap and the Steeple thereby battered to the very ground work Not long after at Breslau the Moon appeared bigger than ordinary and four great Ordnance or Canon were visible in the Air to the great terror of the Inhabitants which afterward seemed to be shot off with incessant Thunders and Volleys against each other Soon after the Swedes and Saxons beat the Imperialists near this City Twelve Hundred of them being slain May 3. 1627 a Circle appeared about the Sun at H●mborough and in the edge thereof five other Suns were visible with a Rainbow between them Afterwards two other Suns with another part of a Rainbow were seen one of them extending toward the West the other toward the South at last all vanished in a burning smoak Some Miles from this City soon after the Imperialists ●●t in pieces 300 Danes and took three Thousand of their Horsemen who stuck in the Moorish places Prisoners Another Conflict likewise happened between Hamborough and Sto●d about this time where a Sweedish Regiment of 〈◊〉 and four Companies of Monroes were all killed by Papenheim 19 Colours and some Captains and Officers being taken Prisoners This year a great Beam was visible in the Air in France An Earthquake happened in England Now the Polanders recover many places from the Tartars The Persians beat the Turks The English take the Isle of Rhee and lose it again The Hollander beats the Spaniard in the Indies Jo. Gad. of Prodigis XLIII The year 1628 was full of portentous Prodigies which were seen in many places at Sunderburg in Pomerania the Heavens being open an Army appeared coming from the North in the Van were Muskets and Pioneers after whom followed Canons and Ordnance the Rere was brought up by Horsemen Another Army came forth on the other side against them where began a hot fiery skirmish between them but the victory inclined to the Northern Army at last a Beam with fiery Rayes hovered over the head of the Northern Conqueror which continued thus prodigiously for many hours A great Astronomer of the English Nation gave his Judgment upon the great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter July 18. 1623 to this purpose that the effects thereof would be felt in the North and North-East parts of Europe in particular and in general that it would produce Wars Famines Plagues c. over all and the places subject thereunto he nameth that is Italy France Bohemia Silesia and Germany Of Provinces he likewise nameth Prussia Brandenburg Stiria Hassia and Saxony Yea he descendeth to Cities naming Rome Prague Magdenburg Coblentz Ulme Brunswick Ausburg He sayes likewise it will go hard with the Roman Empire Clergy and Jesuits He speaks of a King of a true Religion who should do all this and that much happiness should succeed How this Observation was verified was visible to all For in the year 1630 Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden having conquered many Towns from the King of Poland both in Prussia and Livonia came with an Army of about Twelve Thousand men out of a Northern Corner of the World and landed first in Pomerania not far from Sunderburg where the aforesaid Prodigy was seen from whence he first beat out the whole Imperial Army and never returned without the Olive Branches of Victory so that it will be judged rather Romance then true History in Ages to come to relate these German Conquests of his For how can it be easily believed that two thirds of Germany should in about two years space be wrested from so puissant an Emperour formidable for his greatness and confident upon the power of his Colleagues and Upholders vast in extent terrible for its Armies and Commanders beyond expectation succesful in all its Enterprizes and which knew no bounds but the Alpes and the Ocean And yet that this Empire with its Forces and Garrisons which held so many Princes at a bay was at last it self constrained to take the Sweedish Yoak which was put upon it by him who entred into it with only Eleven or Twelve Thousand men and performed it all in two years and an half This I say is truly admirable and if he had gone on another year what might he not have performed In this year 1628 March 11. at Bishein a Village near Strasburg a poor woman was delivered of a strange Monster which was two Females whose Bodies were joined together about the middle their hands feet and heads being perfect and whole but there was only seen in them one Heart and one Lungs This Prodigy might presage the great mischiefs dammages depredations and vast impositions which usually accompany the Wars and the unruly Souldiers and fell very severely upon the Inhabitants in and about Strasburg Strange was that Thunder-clap which happened at Brig in Silesia the same year wherein the immediate power of God appeared About Noon May 29 1628 a Thunderbolt fell upon one of the Churches of that Town broke down the door and slew a poor woman in the Porch as she was praying wounding in its passage many other Women and Children After this it went to another Church in the Suburbs where the Minister was reading doing him no more harm but only singing the hair of his head neither were the People hurt thereby who at the same instant fell down flat
with their faces on the ground October 13 the same year a terrible Thunder fell upon the Church at Sagan another Town in Silesia from whence it burst out of a Window attended with such Wind Rain Hail and Tempest that it tore up the Trees by the very Roots blasted the Herbs and Fruit trees and so harrassed the Countrey for a League about that the damage was very considerable After the Thunder and Tempest there appeared just over the Church fiery beams like a sword and a rod the Bells in the Steeple began to sound and ring without the help of man and 3 miles off the Heavens for the space of an hour seemed open and fiery Not long after a terrible fight happened between this Town of Sagan and Sternaw both in Silesia where the Swedes and Saxons killed about two thousand Imperialists and not far thence soon after two thousand more were slain XLIV In 1630 a very miraculous thing happened at Geismar in Hassia two souldiers lying for safety in that Town one of them complained to the other who was in bed with him that he was very cold the other answered he could not believe it in regard that his own body was very hot and wet intreating him to touch and feel his side which when he had done finding his hands exceeding wet and as it were glued and congealed together he suspected something extraordinary and looking on his hands by the light of the Moon he judged them to be bloody whereat being much terrified he called for a Candle and found his fellow souldier very weak and his left side and the sheets of the bed to be bloody and endeavouring to wash off the blood from his side presently more blood issued 〈◊〉 at length after the space of an hour it ceased of it self About three handfuls of blood were taken out of the sheets this with the relation of other circumstances they presented in the morning to their Commander who inquired of him how he had felt himself that Night the souldier answered That he had been extream ill for some time but was afterward restored to his former health The two next years after this Prodigy this goodly Countrey of Hassia was miserably harrassed by several Armies and the Inhabitants were barbarously and inhumanely treated by the Emperors ' Army and if the Prince or his poor subjects did at any time complain and petition for Justice or redress they were only scorned and rejected for their labours so that they were forced to endure quarterings taxpatiens burnings robberies and sacking of their Towns and Villages yea the slaughter of innumerable innocent Subjects of all sorts without being able to obtain any pity or compassion from their enemies The same year 1630 in May the Noremberg Carrier and several Passengers in their journey toward Hamborough passing by the Town of Coburg at night they observed with great admiration a prodigious fire going in and out of the Town and heard a mighty noise like the discharging of Canons Two years after which General Wallestein assaulted this Town with his Souldiers and great Guns but was so stoutly entertained by those within that after the loss of a great many of the Imperialists he was forced though he had besieged it above Twenty Months to break up his siege and depart XLV In May 1631 at Hall in lower Saxony the water was turned into blood and about the middle of this Month this Town was taken by Tilly and afterward retaken from him by their natural Lord and presently again repossessed by Tillies Forces and he himself after the battle of Leipsick made his escape thither that night and had his wounds dressed by the Town Barber Whilst Tilly's Army lay in the Town one of his Chief Officers saw blood prodigiously dropping from the House wherein he lay whereupon he said What Must we bleed will the King of Sweden beat us That 's impossible But it happened otherwise for Hall was not above 7 Dutch Miles distant from the place of battle wherein the Imperial Army was utterly routed and miserably destroyed in the chase and if the King had but had 3 hours more of day-light it was judged that hardly a Thousand of the Enemy had escaped one of their own Relations affirming that there were Fifteen Thousand of the Imperialists slain upon the place and in the pursuit that night and the day following It s said Tilly's couragious heart could not refrain from tears when he perceived such woful destruction among his brave old Souldiers his Army consisting of Forty Four Thousand stout men being usually termed I●vincible The next day the King besieged Hall which was yielded to him and soon after the Castle But a while after Pappenheim and the Imperialists again retook this City exercising all manner of Barbarism upon the Inhabitants This year likewise in the time of the siege of Magdeburg a City Captains Wife dying in Child-bed desired to be ript open which being done they found a Boy almost as big as one of 3 years old who had an head-piece and an Iron Breastplate on his Body great boots of the French fashion and a bag by his side with two things therein like Musket bullets This horrible Prodigy no doubt portended the deplorable destruction of that City which happened May 10. 1631 when a general assault was made upon the Town by the Imperialists the Walls were mounted in an instant the Town entred and the Souldiers fell to killing At the same instant a fire none knew how broke out and it being a very windy day on a sudden all became one mighty Flame the whole Town being in twelve hours time turned to Cinders except some few Fisher-houses six Goodly Churches were burnt the Cathedral by the diligence of the Monks and Souldiers being preserved There were at least Twenty Thousand People killed burnt and smothered beside Six Thousand drowned in the River Elbe Two days after Tilly came into the Town and finding some Hundreds of Women and Children in the great Church he gives them their lives and some bread to maintain them XLVI June 18. 1631 at Asherleben in the lower Saxony toward Evening two strong Armies were observed in the Heavens who prepared themselves to fight one came out of the North and the other out of the South after a long fight the Northern Army obtained the victory This Prodigy was seen two days in a cleer Sky for the space of an hour after the battle a Person in a long Garment appeared two several times shooting with a Bow at the Leader of the Southern Army The very next Month July 8. happened a sharp conflict between this Town and Tangermond where the ●ing of Sweden routed Twenty Companies of the Imperialists and took 14 Ensigns and soon after 1500 more were slain These slaughters Count Tilly resolving to revenge sets forward toward the King with twenty six thousand men and fell upon him in his Trenches but were beaten off with a miserable butchery so that it was judged
Tilly lost in the whole by these encounters near seven thousand men In this year 1631 upon the fatal seventh of September in the bloody battle of Leipswick General Tilly himself was wounded twice or thrice with Pistol shot and his whole Army routed as aforementioned Upon the place of Battle which the Enemy had left for the King of Sweden there sate a flock of Birds which springing up at the King 's coming took their flight directly over Tillies Army and fetching a Circle about them which the Romans would have counted a happy presage they turned again toward the Kings Army as it were to fetch him victory But the King had a better presage on his side than a Flock of Birds God with us was his Watch-word which together with his Valour and his Sword obtained him the Victory XLVII In 1632 General Tilly received another shot of a Musket a little above his Knee at a skirmish between the King of Sweden and himself whereof he dyed April 20 after having 4 splinters cut out of his Thigh A few years before that long cruel and bloody battle was fought at Lutzen the water of the Ditch in that Town was turned to blood which Prodigy seemed accomplished November 6 this year wherein the Swedes after nine hours continual fighting absolutely overthrew the Imperial Army The morning wherein this great battle was fought was very misty the King of Sweden had a Divine to pray with him and other Ministers at the head of every Regiment about 10 a Clock the Fog cleared up and the King going first to his own Subjects spake to this purpose My dear Brethren carry your selves bravely this day fight valiantly in Gods Name for your Religion and your King which if you do Gods Blessing and the Peoples praises shall be your Reward and 〈◊〉 shall for ever retain an honourable memorial nor will I forget to reward you Nobly But if you play the Cowards I here take God to witness not a bone of you shall ever return again to Sweden To the Germans who joyned with him he thus expressed himself My Brethren Officers and Fellow-Souldiers I most earnesily intreat and beseech you to make full Tryal of your valour this one day fight manfully against your enemies this day both with me and for me be not faint-hearted in the battle nor upon any account discouraged set me before your eyes even me who without the least fear or dread am ready for your cause to adventure both Life and Bloud if you do this no doubt God himself will reward you from Heaven with a most glorious victory of which your selves and your posterity shall have the benefit if you do not farewel for ever to your Religion and your selves must for ever remain in slavery The Souldiers of both Nations answered the King with joyful Acclamations who thereupon added Now my hearts let us fall bravely on our enemies and the God of Heaven prosper our endeavours and so casting up his Eyes to Heaven with a loud voice he said Jesus vouchsafe this day to be my strong helper and give me courage to fight for thy glory and for the honour of thy Name Then drawing his sword he waved it over his head and advanced the foremost of all his Army Amongst the Kings own Guard were several English and Scottish Gentlemen He himself was attired in a plain Buff Coat without Armour and being required to put on his Corslet he said The Lord God is my Armour His word was God with us The Imperialist was Jesus Maria The King said I thank God I have both Wind and Sun to favour me The Field where the Battle was fought was a plain Champian Countrey but yet it had many Ditches which served Wallestein the Imperial General for Breast-works and the Kings Horse in passing over them were some of them overthrown there were likewise two little Hills upon which Wallestein had planted his Great Guns and his Army was so large that it extended 2 Miles in length the Armies coming within view the Canon began to play on both sides but those of the Imperialists being planted upon steady and fixt Batteries did very great Execution Whereas the Kings gave fire in motion which he observing and not liking the sport caused his Army to advance upon the very mouth of the Canon The Imperialists kept their ground expecting the Swedes fury would be over before they could get over the Ditches and beat out the Musqueteers yet they overcame these difficulties and their left Wing engaged with Wallesteins right Then the Ring advancing with his right Wing and observing where the Croats or Crabats stood and where the Curassiers were who were covered with black Armour from head to foot calling Colonel Stalbansh to him he said As for those Fellowes the Crabats I care not for them 〈◊〉 charge me those black Fellows soundly for they are the men that will undo us The King fought at the head of his Squadron himself being foremost with his Pistol in one hand and his Sword in the other and thus charging upon the Curassiers he was there overlaid with numbers insomuch that his men being in danger to be incompassed were forced to give ground and retire towards their body where the King received a snot in his Left Arm which he not feeling at first would have led on still but soon after perceiving the blood to issue out abundantly and that part of his bone was broken he called to Duke Albert of Saxon Lavoenburg saying Coren I am sore wounded help me to make my retreat which whilst the Duke and his Assistants were about to do an Officer of the Curassiers who too well knew the King comes up and said This is the right Bird and so discharging his Pistol shot him through the body and himself was presently shot dead upon the place The King was held up in his saddle but presently fell His horse also was shot and so ran away without his Master Just at this time fell a great mist the Sun which before shined very brightly on a sudden muffling up his face in a mourning Cloud as if not able to look upon the fall of the King of Sweden The Imperialists being now masters of the Kings Body fell to stripping it one getting his spurs another his sword another his Ring and another his Buff-coat c. every one being greedy to get some part of his spoils But before they could carry away his Body the Swedes returned and so charged their Enemies that they were forced to retreat whereupon Stalhaush recovering his Body carryed it away in an Ammunition Waggon privately so that few of his own Army knew of his death All this while the four Swedish Brigades of Foot were hotly ingaged and got ground of the Imperialists The horse likewise after an hours fight drove them back and got possession of seven Pieces of their Ordinance but by this time the mist was so extreamly thickned by the smoak that the Swedes could not
and having his Legs bare a Fox pursued him even amidst the Earls Servants and would not forbear biting of his Legs and heels for extream hunger till they gave him a blow on the neck and so took him alive The eyes of the Fox were sunk in his head his bones stuck out and he was so extream lean that his ribs almost clung together they carryed him alive with them in the Coach and after a few days he dyed Another English Gentleman who came about that time through Germany into England by the by-ways thereby to escape the Souldiers reported that Wolves Foxes and other Wild Beasts lay dead for want of Food and that in some Places men lived only upon Robbery and the spoil of Strangers or of one another so that Thievery was the only Trade then practiced among them LXIII Thus much of this tremendous Judgment of Famine In the last place let Pestilence Sickness and Diseases bring up the Bere of this lamentable Scene of sorrow These Distempers are oft-times the Companions or Effects of War it is very rare for a great Army to stay long in a place and not to leave some Infection behind them Beyond the River Dona after the Swedes departure from thence with their Forces the Plague and several unheard of Diseases swept away a multitude of people the like happened in the Palatinate and Bohemia After Mastricht was taken the Town and Countrey were grievously afflicted with Feavers Fluxes and the Pestilence above all and the same year the Armies of the Duke of Lorrain and the Rhinegrave dyed miserably in the like kind in Alsatia The Army of the Prince of Orange having taken Rhineberg left such infection in Brabant that the Inhabitants the year after were afraid to live in their own Houses About the same time General Holck being sent with six thousand men to invade Saxony he plundered the City of Leipswick and committed as great outrages as Tillies Army had done before but such a Plague overtook both him and his Army that most of his Souldiers dyed like rotten sheep and being infected himself he offered six hundred Rix dollars for a Protestant Minister to instruct and comfort him But both he and his Souldiers had so behaved themselves that no Minister was to be found In the mean time all his Friends and Servants forsook him except his Concubine who stayed with him to the last He had been both Protestant and Papist but revolted from both so that being guilty of his own perfideousness and the execrable Murders and Rapines he had occasioned he dyed utterly despairing of future happiness In the City of Basil above Twenty Thousand dyed of the Plague Their Popish Neighbours of the City of Trent rejoyced at their sufferings as being their Enemies in Religion but their Joy was very short for the Winter following the Pestilence raged dreadfully among them and though that City was not great yet above Three Thousand Persons were buried out of it This Plague was extraordinary virulent and altogether incurable Some dyed raging others were killed with their Carbuncles others were swoln and discoloured as if they had taken poyson and some dyed most strangely spotted If any Souldier were but slightly wounded it presently turned to a malignant Ulcer defying all means of Cure when the Infection got into a Kindred it destroyed Parents Children and most times all of the blood which demonstrates that a divine hand was very conspicuous in this woful visitation though the Food and Air might also much conduce to impoyson the Bodies In the Siege of Hannover above twenty two thousand People were buried of the Sickness and had not it pleased God hereby to diminish their numbers they had yielded the Town for want of Victuals In the same Seige Souldiers who went seemingly well and with their Eye-sight upon the Guard came off again in a few hours struck stark blind even Thirty at a time were thus afflicted but the Disease afterward falling into their Legs most of them recovered About this time almost all Germany felt this punishment in a grievous manner In Swaben Tyrol and all along the Rivers of Rhine and Main the Plague raged furiously The King of Hungary was fain to dissolve his Court and send his Servants away to other Cities for their security The Inhabitants of Memingen Campden and Isnen in Swaben were utterly consumed and none left alive In the Countrey thereabout formerly inhabited by above Thirty Thousand men there were not Four hundred Souls to be found In the Confines of Bavaria the living were not sufficient to bury the dead but Rats and Mice devoured their Carcases to the great horror of Passingers Holland and the Low Countreys smarted very sore likewise The University of Leyden buried Thirty Thousand The Countrey Villages and the Hague were miserably afflicted and also Brussels and Antwerp The Cities of Nimegen Emerick Rees Guelders with other places neer were not only visited therewith whereof the Marquess of Avtona the Spanish General and other Commanders dyed but there happened new contagious Diseases among others strange Fluxes and a Pox hitherto unknown The Emperors Army forraging and dispersing themselves all over the Countrey scattered the Contagion from their Quarters at Hailburn to the Land of Wirtenburg and many places became hereby utterly depopulated But after Gallas his taking in the Towns upon the Rhine such an Infection happened through the stink of the dead unburied bodies that in the Bishoprick of Mentz alone there dyed of this and Famine Twenty Four Thousand People In Saxony Brandenburg Pomerania Mecklenburg c. the Pestilence and other Diseases were so Universal that these and the Sword seemed to contend which should be the greatest destroyers It consumed in Saxony no less than Sixteen Thousand Souls in two Months time Thus as by the print of the foot of Hercules you may guess at his stature so by these few particulars of the miseries of some places we may judge of the lamentable Condition of the whole Countrey where these dreadful Judgments have left such wounds as perhaps posterity for some Generations will see the scars of And so I have done with this particular Relation of the Prodigies and Miseries of Germany for several years and shall now proceed more generally according to my former method LIV. In the year 1638. Six Suns were seen at once in Cornwall and several Apparitions of men in the Heavens preparing to fight with each other Also Navys of Ships were visible in the Sky The Scots at this time make an Insurrection the King goes in Person to appease them they renounce the Bishops and Prelacy and set up Presbytery in Scotland In this year 1638. happened a terrible Earthquake in the Island of St. Michael one of the Agores or Tercera's belonging to the Spaniard in the Atlantick Ocean Westward Upon June 26. 〈◊〉 Island began universaly to quake and tremble 〈◊〉 which continued eight days so that the People leaving the Cities Towns and Castles were forced to 〈◊〉
dreadful storm of Wind accompanied with Thunder Lightning Hail and Rain which killed divers Persons by the fall of Houses and Chimneys and did very great damage in many places of England In 1662 about six a Clock in the Evening there appeared saith my Author in the Heavens near Dover on the South-side of the Town a fiery Meteor in the form of an Ensign and Banner broad at one end and narrow at the other according to the Judgment of the Spectators about 14 yards in length it was of a fiery red colour and flew with great swiftness from about the Seamark called the Devils drop toward Dover Castle and so over the Castle about a mile in length winding in its motion and then gradually vanishe This was attested by the Spectators themselves LXXV In 1664. About the beginning of December a Comet appeared in Europe the body whereof was very large and its Tail of a very great length it pointed Westward both as it arose and as it sate and this constantly from the beginning of its appearance to the time of its vanishing They writ from Edenborough that it was very remarkable in that it had a stream issuing from the side of it like a red flame out of the mouth of a Furnace and Mr. Gadbury relates that a Letter which he received from Cranfeild in Bedfordshire gives an Account that upon December 27. not far from the Comet was the appearance of a blue and purple colour all full of Leprous Spots it was round and as big as five Moons not long before this saith Mr. Gadbury we had news of the shape of a black Coffin seen in the Air at Hamburg and other parts in Germany and Flanders And the very day that the last Prodigy was seen saith he I met with a Letter in our News-books dated from Erford in Germany Decemb. 27. the Contents whereof were these We have had our part here of the Comet as well as other places besides which here have been other terrible Apparitions and noises in the Air as Fires and Sounds of Canon and Masket-shot and here has likewise appeared several times the resemblance of a black man who has made our Sentinels to quit and run away from their Posts Now saith he though I have no great Faith in Apparitions of this Nature as knowing that Melancholy heads by the strength of Fancy and Imagination may conceit they see such things that really are not yet when such Fancies shall really possess the General Opinion it is to be presumed that something more than common will befall mankind and our fears do seem to prepare us for the embraces of that mischief we dread This year began a War with the Hollanders and His Majesties Fleet off Portsmouth took an hundred and twelve Ships small and great from the Dutch most of which were adjudged Lawful Prize A Mountains of Cinders B The Eruptions C The Castle of Catania D River of Fire runs into if sea The Lamentable Irruption of Aetna the Burning Mountain in 1669. Page 161. LXXVI And here I cannot omit what I find related in the History of Ceilon an Island in the East-Indies published by Captain Robert Knox who was a Captive there for near Twenty years It happened saith he that in December 1664. there was a dangerous Rebellion in this Countrey against their King about which time there appeared a fearful Blazing Star Just at the instant of this Rising the Star was right over our heads and one thing I very much wondred at that whereas before this Insurrection the Tail stood away toward the West from whence this Rebellion sprung yet the very night after for I well observed it the Tail was turned and stood away toward the East and by degrees it diminished quite away At this time I say the People of this Land having been long and sore oppressed by this Kings unreasonable and cruel Government contrived a Plot against him He used to shed a great deal of blood without the least Reason his Cruelty appearing both in the Tortures and painful deaths which he inflicted and in the extents of his punishments in destroying whole Families for the miscarriage of one Person For when he is displeased with any he does not always command to kill them outright but first to torment them which is done by cutting and pulling away their flesh with Pincers burning them with hot Irons clapt to them to make them confess their Confederates whereby they many times confess more than they ever saw or knew to be rid of their Torments After Confession he sometimes commands to hang their two hands about their necks and to make them eat their own flesh and Mothers to eat their own Children and so to lead them through the City in publick view to terrifie all to the place of Execution the Dogs following to eat them who are so accustomed to it that seeing a Prisoner led away they follow after At the place of Execution there are some always sticking upon Poles others hanging up in Quarters upon Trees besides what lye killed by Elephants on the ground or by other ways His wrath is not appeased as aforementioned by the Execution of the Malefactor but oft times he punisheth all his Generation it may be he kills them altogether or gives them all away for Slaves so far is he from regarding the good of his Countrey that he rather endeavours the destruction thereof for being now between seventy and eighty years old therefore Nature tells him he must leave it However there is no love lost between the King and his People which occasioned them to enter into the aforesaid Conspiracy against him The Design was to assault the Kings Court in the night and to slay him and make the Prince his Son King He being then about 15 years of Age and was with his Mother the Queen in the City of Cande The time appointed to Act it was Decemb. 20. 1664 at twelve a Clock at night and having got about two hundred men not needing any more since they had so many Confederates at Court in the dead of the night they came marching into the City of Nillemby where the King then was The Captain of the Watch was thought to be of their Party but if he were not it was not in his power to resist them however he was afterward executed for it Being entred the City they hastened down to the Court and fell upon the Great men who lay then without the Palace upon the Guard Many who were not intrusted with the Design were killed and those that could make their escape got in unto the King who was secured only with a Clay wall thatched which was all his strength yet these People were afraid to assault his Person lying still till the morning At which time the King made his escape unto the Mountains with only Fifty Persons There were some Horses went with him but the ways were so bad that he could not ride They were fain to drive an
a great part of the Church killing only one man and in Hampshire a Justice of Peace riding by the way was slain and burnt by Lightning In August 1666 Sir Robert Holmes destroyed above one hundred and fifty Sail of Dutch Ships at the Fly in Holland and burnt the Town of Bandaris upon the Island of Schelling containing at least a Thousand Houses Sept. 2. about one a Clock in the morning a sudden and lamentable Fire broke out in the City of London beginning in a place called Pudding-Lane near New Fish-street which in 4 days time burnt down Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Houses LXXVIII In 1668 in Autumn a great part of Asia and some parts of Europe were infested with extraordinary Earthquakes The Cities of Constantinople and Adrianople felt its sad Effects but not with that violence and continuance as in other Places In some parts of Persia it continued for above fourscore days Torqueto and Bolio two considerable Cities were by its great violence layd even to the ground and all or most of the Inhabitants buried in the Ruins above six thousand Persons perished in the first of them and above eighteen hundred in the latter And in all the adjacent Cities it raged with extraordinary fury destroying and ruining the Buildings killing many of the People and the rest were forced to quit the Towns and take up their Lodgings in the Fields About the beginning of August 1669 there came two Whales and a Grampas up the River of Thames whereof one of the Whales and the Grampas were killed and the other Whale which was the bigger returned back into the Sea September 4. following saith Mr. Clark news was brought to our Kings Majesty of the Death of the Que●n Mother who dyed in France July 31. in the Sixtieth year of her Age. LXXIX In March the beginning of this year 1669 there happened a most dreadful Earthquake and Irruption of Mount Aet●a in Sicily of which before I give a particular Account it may not be unproper to describe the Mountain it self as it has been related by divers famous Historians Aetna or Mount Gibello called by Pindar the Celestial Column or Pillar is the highest Mountain in Sicily from whence all the Island may be seen at once and in a clear day the Eye may even reach Africa it rears up its top or Spire Thirty miles into the Sky and may be seen forty or fifty miles at Sea but its compass is sixty others say an hundred miles space it appears Eastward with two shoulders having an eminent head in the middle The lower parts are luxuriously fruitful and the abundance of fat oyly matter which is cast out of it makes the Soyl thereof as well as of the whole Island Incredibly fruitful in the best Wine Oyl Honey Saffron Minerals also of Gold Silver Silks and Allom with variety of excellent and delicious Fruits and abundance of all sorts of Grain so that it was called in old time The Granary of the Roman Empire The middle of the Mountain is woody and shady the upper part rocky steep and almost covered with Snow yet smoaking in the midst like many conjoyned Chimneys and vomiting intermitted flames usually discernable only by night as if heat and cold had left their Contentions and imbraced one another for though it continually ●●rns with most servent smoak and fire yet round about the top are seen perpetual and most deep ●nows the uppermost top is broken and cragged with unstable Cinders and Pumice stones and cleavs open with a most vast Crater or mouth twelve miles in compass which in a steep descent streightens it self narrower even to the bottom of Hell as it were A most horrible pre●●pice it is exceeding formidable with flames and fumes from the very bottom and sides of the Mountain with an horrendous roaring and bellowing not unlike the bursting forth of Thunders so that the very imagination and thoughts of the Fire and Ruins so nigh at hand cannot but at first sight amaze and afright any humane Creature and make him start from it as from the Infernal Gulph of Hell On one side within are most dark and dreadful Dens one whereof is so vast as to be capable to contain Thirty Thousand Men In many places you may see the tracts and paths of huge Torrents of melted matter In the very top Snows and Ashes or Cinders as if they had concluded an Eternal Wedlock are seen to overwhelm all things with a sad and doleful countenance which are very dangerous to unwary Visitors because under them there lye concealed deep holes and devouring Gulphs without bottom or end which have swallowed up very many coming unadvisedly too near without a Guide and by their ruine have left warnings to others not rashly to venture upon these hidden deceits which have cheated mortals of their Lives In the utmost bottom of this Hellish Gulf the Fire is at no time extinguished but always sends forth either boyling heat smoak or flame yet outwardly it begins to grow fierce and terrible only at certain intervalls of time more or less according to the Combustible matter heaped together and by how much longer it hath ceased by so much it bursts forth with greater violence and together with the Flame sends forth huge heaps of Sands and Prodigious Stones of wondrous weight These Fires have broke forth in several Ages of the World to the great terror and destruction of the Inhabitants and all the adjacent Countreys As in the year of the world 2600 when the Posterity of Janus went to seek new Colonies they first entred Sicily where at that time there was so great a burning of the Mountain that the new Planters leaving the Island for fear of Desolation went to seek new habitations in Italy after them followed the Sicaneans who were likewise driven away from these Eastern Parts to the Western by these dreadful Aetnean burnings In the year of the world 3180 and for above four hundred years after this Mountain was all on fire with three huge burnings A little after the Mountain raging anew it is said to have drawn Pythagoras himself into the highest admiration Also in the Reign of Hero at which time Histories deliver that Empedocles an Observer of the Mountain was destroyed In the time of Julius Caesar about fifty years before Christ Diodorus relates That Aetna raged most violently which they said portended the Death of Caesar It is reported to have been so great that the Sea with its fervour and boyling heat burnt even the very Ships even as far as the Vulcanello's All the Fish being destroyed and boyled to death yea within twenty years the Mountain burnt four times In the Reign of Caius Caligula forty nine years after Christ the Mountain raged so that the Emperor at that time in Sicily was so affrighted that he betook himself to safer stations yet they relate that the Emperor Adrian out of the greatness of his mind did ascend the Mountain very far to consider more nearly
Egyptian Kings intended these for their Sepulchres yet it happened that they were not buried therein For the People being inraged against them for the slavery and toilsomness of the work and for their Cruelty and oppression they threatned to tear in peices their dead Bodies and with scorn and ignominy to throw them out of their Sepulchres whereupon these Princes commanded their Friends that when they were dead they should bury them in some obscure place The Tomb is cut smooth and plain without any sculpture or ingraving The outsides contain in length 7 Foot 3 Inches and half in depth 3 foot 4 Inches and the same breadth the hollow part within is about six foot long the depth two foot whereby it appears that mens bodies are as big now as they were Three Thousand year ago for it is near so long since this Tomb was made The charge whereof was so great that though the workmen had no other Food but Garlick Radishes and Onions yet it cost that King eighteen Hundred Talents Some with great labor and pains have climbed to the top of this Pyramid but being above they have seemed as it were to lose their sight by looking down judging themselves to be above the clouds whereby their Brains were much troubled Next to this in bulk and beauty is said to be the Pyramid of a Daughter of Cheops who as Authors report to finish her Fathers undertaking and raise her own to the height prostituted her body to all Comers requiring but one stone toward the work from each one of her Customers Treasury of Time Not far from this Pyramid are the Egyptian Mummies which are the Graves of the ancient Egyptians into which are descents like the narrow mouths of Wells some near Ten Fathoms deep leading into long Vaults hewn out of the Rock with Pillars of the same Between every Arch lye the Corps ranked one by another of all sides which are innumerable shrouded in a number of Folds of Linnen and swathed with Bands of the same the breasts of many being marked with strange Hieroglyphick Characters The Linnen being pull'd off the bodies appear solid uncorrupt and perfect in all their dimensions To keep these from Putrefaction they draw the Brains out at the Nostrils with an Iron Instrument filling the head with preservative spices then cutting up the Belly with an Ethiopian Stone they take forth the Bowels cleanse the inside with wine and so stuffing it with a composition of Myrrhe Cassia and other odours they closed it up again The same the poorer sort effected with Bitumen fetched from the Lake of Sodom whereby they have been preserved to this day having lain there for above Three Thousand years Clarks Mirrour First Part. On the Bank of the River Nilus stood that famous Labyrinth built by Psammiticus King of Egypt situate on the South side of the Pyramids and North of Arsinoe It contained within the compass of one continued Wall a Thousand Houses Herodotus says three Thousand five hundred and twelve Royal Palaces all covered with Marble and had one only entrance but innumerable turnings and returnings sometimes one over another and all very difficult to such as were not acquainted with them The Building was more under ground than above the Marblestones being laid with such Art that neither wood nor cement was imployed in any part of the Fabrick The chambers were so ordered that the doors upon there opening gave a Report no less terrible than a crack of Thunder The chief entrance was all of white Marble adorned with stately Columns and most curious Imagery Having got to the end of it a pair of stairs of ninety steps conducted into a gallant Porch or Portico supported with Pillars of Theban Marble which was the entrance into a fair and stately Hall the place of the General Convention or meeting of the Nobles of the Kingdom all of polished marble set out with the Statues of their Gods A work which afterward was imitated by Dedalus in the Cretan Labyrinth though it fell as short of the Glories of this as Minos the King who was at the charge thereof was inferiour to Psammiticus in power and Riches Heylins Cosmography The lake of Maeris was likewise a most admirable work undertaken and finished by Maeris one of the Egyptian Kings which for greatness and colour is like the Sea It is about six hundred furlongs from the City of Memphis the circumference thereof containing some hundreds of furlongs the depth fifty fathom or three hundred feet many Millions of men were imployed several years about it the benefit of it to the Egyptians and the wisdom of that King cannot be sufficiently commended for since the rising of the River Nilus is not alwayes alike and the Countrey is more fruitful by the moderateness thereof He digged this Lake to receive the superfluity of the waters that neither by the greatness of the Inundation it should cause Marishes or by the scarcity of water the Earth should not yield her strength ●he therefore cut a ditch from the River to this Lake fourscore furlongs long and three hundred feet in breadth by which sometimes receiving in and sometimes diverting the River he gave at his pleasure a sufficient quantity of water to the Husbandmen In the midst of this Lake King Maeris built a Sepulcher and 2 Pyramids each of them an hundred fathoms high placing upon them two Marble Statues fitting on a Throne one representing himself the other his wife designing hereby to make his Memory Immortal The Revenues which rise by the Fish of this Lake he gave to his wife to buy sweet Ointments Ornaments and Jewels which was so great that it amounted to above a Thousand pound a day For it was mightily replenished with Fish of Twenty sorts so that very many were continually imployed in catching and salting of them Diodorus Siculus Hist 5. The Fourth Marvel or Wonder of the World was the Tomb of Mausolus King of Caria a Province in the Greater Asia built by his Queen Artemisia who as Historians report so dearly affected her husband that she is by many recorded as an absolute pattern of Conjugal Affection After his death she lamented his loss with extraordinary Sorrow and Complaints and resolved to erect a Tomb or Sepulcher for him answerable to the extream Love she had for him and such indeed it proved to be being accounted for rare workmanship and costly magnificence one of the Worlds Wonders The Stone of the whole Structure was of most curious Marble four hundred and eleven foot in Circuit and 25 Cubits high supported with Thirty gallant Pillars excellently ingraven This building was open on all sides with Arches 73 foot wide framed by the most exquisite workmen of that Age and the perfection of the work was so admirable that ever after all sumptuous and beautiful Tombs were called Mausolaea of which Martial thus writeth Mausolus Tomb which hangeth in the skie The Men of Caria's Praises Deifie It is recorded that Artemisia after
the death of her Husband lived in continual Tears and mourning and that she died before the Work could be fully finished having drunk the bones of her Husband beaten into Powder which she buried in her own body as the choicest Sepulchre she could provide for him 6. The Fifth Wender of the World was The Temple of Diana at Ephesus in Ionia a Province of Asia Pliny saith it was built by the Amazons and contained four hundred Twenty five foot in length and two hundred and Twenty in breadth so artificially contrived that it was two hundred and Twenty years in finishing It was founded in a Lake to prevent the danger of Earthquakes and it is said that a great quantity of Coal-dust and Wool were laid under the Foundation to secure the moist places It had one hundred and Twenty seven Pillars of Marble seventy foot in height of which Twenty seven were most curiously ingraven and all the rest of Marble polished each of these Pillars were erected at the charge of so many Kings of Asia The doors of the Temple were of Cypress which after four hundred years were as fresh as if they had been new made The roof was of Cedar The Image of Diana which the superstitious vulgar were made to believe came down from Jupiter out of Heaven was made by one Camesia some say of Ebony others of the Vine which having many holes was filled up with Spikenard the moisture whereof closed up the rifts It was adorned with rich and unvaluable Gifts It was contrived by Ctesiphon and after it was finished was fired seven times But last of all by Erostratus who observing the Soveraign Magnificence thereof was resolved to burn it to get himself a Name which he did accordingly but to disappoint him the Princes of those Countreys as some Authors affirm forbid that any man should speak write or record his name yet all this was to no purpose for latter Historians name him and call him Erostratas This glorious Temple was burnt the same night that Alexander the Great was born which gave occasion to that witty scoff That Diana who was counted one of the Goddesses of Midwifry could not attend the Preservation of her Temple being then busied at the birth of so great a Prince Some write that this Temple was afterward rebuilt much more sumptuous and magnificent than before and that the Master of the work was named Democrates 7. The sixth Wonder of the World was the Idol or Image of Jupiter Olympas which stood in his Temple at Achaia between the Cities of Elis and Pisa This Statue was much renowned as well for artificial persections and admirable Workmanship as for the greatness thereof being no less than sixty Cubits high composed by that excellent workman Phidias of Gold and Ivory Some say that Phidias was taxed with only one imperfection that he had not proportioned the Image to the bigness of the Temple because he had made it sitting and so large that if the standing upright were considered the Temple would no ways have been able to have contained it In honour of this Jupiter the Olympicks Games were instituted by Hercules and celebrared on the Plains near this City in the year of the World 2757. The exercises in them were for the most part bodily as running in Chariots running on foot wrastling fighting with Clubs and the like But yet there repaired thither Orators Poets and Musicians and all that thought themselves excellent in any laudable quality to make Tryal of their several Abilities the very cryes who proclaimed the Victories contending who should cry loudest and best play his part The rewards given to the Victors were only Garl●●ds of Palm or such slight remembrances and yet the Greeks no less esteemed this small sign of Conquest and Honour than the Romans did their most magnificent Triumphs those who were Conquerors therein were met by the Principal Men of the City wherein they lived and a Passage was broken through the main VValls of the Town for their Reception as if the ordinary Gates were not capable of so high an honour or able to afford them entrance The Judges of these Games were some Citizens of Elis appointed for that purpose Of these Games Horace thus writes Some in Olympick dust take Pride Their Chariots and themselves to hide Whom the won Mark and Palm so priz'd Like to the Gods hath Eterniz'd Such as like heavenly Angels come With an Elean Garland home VIII The seventh Wonder of the World was The Tower of Pharos which stood in an Isse of that name near the City of Alexandria in Egypt a mile distant from the Land but joyned to the Continent by Cleopatra Queen of Egypt upon this occasion The Rhodians then Lords of the Sea used to exact some Tribute and acknowledgment out of every Island within those Seas and consequently out of this Their Ambassadors being sent to Cleopatra to demand this Tribute she detained them with her 7 days under pretence of celebrating some solemn Festivals and in the mean time by making huge dams and banks in the Sea with incredible charge and speed she united Pharos to the shoar so that it was no longer an Island which finished she sent away the Rhodians empty handed with this witty jeer That they were to take Toll of the Islands but not of the Continent A work of great Rarity and magnificence both for the bigness of it taking up seven Furlongs of ground and for that incredible speed wherewith it was finished As for the Watch-Tower called Pharos by the name of the Island it was built by Ptolomy Philadelphus King of Egypt for the benefit of Saylors the Sea on that coast being very unsafe and full of flats to guide them over the Bar of Alexandria Deservedly esteemed one of the Worlds seven Wonders It was of a wonderful height ascended by degrees and having many Lanthorns on the top wherein Lights were burned every night flaming like a Beacon for direction to Seamen It was erected of Marble marvellous in curious Workmanship and scituate upon a Mountain incompassed with Water the chief Workman was Sostratus who ingraved on the work this Inscription Sostratus of Cnidos the Son of Dexiphanes to the Gods Protector for the Safeguard of Saylors This Inscription he covered with Plaister and thereon ingraved the name and Title of the King who was the Founder to the end that the Kings name being soon wasted and washed away his own which was written in Marble might be eternized to Posterity as the Founder thereof Nigh unto Pharos Caesar pursuing Pompey into Egyt and having discontented Plolomy the King thereof by demanding pay for his Souldiers Caesars Navy lying here at Anchor was assaulted by Achilles one of young Ptolomys Commanders Caesar himself being then at Alexandria but hearing of the skirmish he hastned to Pharos resolving to succour his Navy in Person but the Egyptians coming upon him on all fides he was compelled to leap into the Sea and swim for his
the Treafury supported with mighty Pillars All the Gates were covered with Plates of Gold and Silver only one was covered with Corinthian Brass which for beauty far excelled the other dazling and surprizing the Eyes of the Spectators In every Gate were two Doors each of them 30 Cubits high and 15 broad and on each side they had seats 30 Cubits long and 40 in height each of them supported with 2 Pillars 12 Cubits thick only the Gate which was covered with Corinthian Brass was 〈◊〉 Cubits high and the Gates 40 more richly adorred than the rest Lastly the Holy of Holies or Sanctum Sanctorum was scituate in the midst of all and had 12 stairs to go up to it the fore-part of it was an hundred Cubits high and as many broad backward it was 40 Cubits on each side it had as it were two shoulders rising up in height 20 Cubits The first Gate was 20 Cubits high and 25 wide and had no doors to shew That Heaven was always open c. All the sore parts were guilded and all within was covered with fine gold The inward part was divided into 2 rooms whereof the first only might be seen which was in height 90 Cubits in length 40 and in breadth 20. Round about the Wall was a golden Vine whereon hung many Grapes in Clusters all of Gold every cluster being about six foot long It had golden Gates 55 Cubits high and 16 broad It had curious hangings of the same length admirably wrought with purple violet and scarlet silk all the Fabrick was so exquisitely and richly wrought that none could possibly imagine any Workmanship it wanted For it was all covered with a massy plate of pure Gold which astonished the Beholders The top was all set with Rods of Gold sharp like Pikes at the ends lest Birds should sit thereon and defile it The stones wherewith it was built were 45 Cubits in length six broad and as many thick Josephus Hist lib. 6. Jerusalem was a principal City in Josua's time when Adonth●zek was King who was slain by him yet did the Jebusites hold it almost four hundred years after till David won it though the Inhabitants did so much rely on the place that they boasted their lame and blind men should defend it 2 Sam. 5.6 David having conquered it strengthned it with a Castle and beautified it with many Palaces And after his time Solomon inlarged and further beautified and fortified it extreamly The Pallaces Gates and Walls could not be matched in all the World it had an hundred and fifty thousand Inhabitants besides Women and Children The Trench about it was sixty foot deep cut out of the Rock and 250 foot broad the like scarce ever heard of Not long after Shishak Kin Aegypt took and sackt it and became Master not only of Solomons ●●●es but of all K. Davids spoils which he had taken from many Nations 2 Kings 14. It was again plundred and part of the Wall broken down by Joas King of Israel in Amazia's Reign 2 Kings 16. Not long after Ahaz the fifteenth K. of Juda impoverished the Temple to present Tiglathpilnezer with the Treasures thereof and Manasses lost what remained 1 Chron 5. And Nebuchadnezzar laid this glorious City with the Temple Pallaces Walls and Towers thereof even to the Ground 2 Kings 19. It was built again by Nehemiah Chap. 12.34 and again the Temple and City were spoiled by Bugoses Leiutenant to Artaxerxes Then by Ptolomeus the First Then by Antiochus Epiphanes And again by Apollonius his Deputy After which it was taken by Pompey and robbed by Crassus in his Parthian Expedition yet all the losses that the Temple and City sustained were repaired by Herod the Great who inlarged the City new built the Temple and adorned it with many sumptuous Works and left it in a more stately and glorious condition than it was in the days of Solomon Lastly about 40 years after the Death of Christ the sins of the Jews being come to the height it was destroyed by Titus the Roman General who made it so desolate that they which saw it afterward could scarce believe there had ever been such a City in that place only he left the 3 Herodian Towers as well for Lodgings for the Roman Garrisons as to make his Victory more glorious yet afterwards some of the despised Jews began to build and inhabit some part of the City but after 65 years as aforementioned when they began to revolt again Aelius Adrianus the Emperor slew many Thousands of them and overthrew the three Towers of Herod with all the rest not leaving stone upon another as our Saviour had foretold But when his fury was appeased he took one part without the VVall wherein stood Mount Calvery and Christs Sepulcher and made it a capacious City which he called after his own name Aelia Capitolia And in the Gate toward Bethel he caused a Sow to be cut in Marble and set it in the Front to despite the Jews making an Edict That thenceforth none of them should ever enter into that City not dare so much as to behold or look toward it from any high place Yet the Christian Religion flourishing in Palestine it was inhabited by all Nations especially Christians and so it continued five hundred years And in 639 it was taken by the Egyptian Saracens who held it above four hundred years In 1099 it was regained by Godfrey of Bullein who being elected King refused to be crowned with a Crown of Gold since Christ for whom he fought was there crowned with Thorns It continued to him and his Successors for 88 years till in 1197 it was retaken by Saladine King of Aegypt and lastly in 1517. the Turks beat out the Aegyptians and hold it to this day calling it in their Language Cuzumbarec or The Holy City Rawleighs Hist World X. The City of Nineveh as it was more ancient than almost any other City so in greatness it excelled all those that were famous in old time The Plot or ground of it is said to be four hundred and eighty Furlongs The Walls were in height one hundred foot and the breadth of them such that three Chariots might meet on the top of them On the Walls there were Fifteen Hundred Towers each of them Two Hundred Foot high it was called Tetrapolis as being divided as it were into four Cities Nineveh Resena Forum and Cale and was reckoned three days Journey in the time of Jonas the Prophet 11. The Capitol of Rome seated on the Tarpeian Rock seemed to contend with Heaven in height and no doubt but the length and depth were every way answerable The excessive charge that the Emperor Domitian was at in building it Martial after his flattering manner hath wittily described and which may be thus translated So much has Caesar given the Gods above That should be call it in and Creditor prove Though Jove should barter Heaven it self away This mighty debt he never could repay We may partly
to K. James with her last words on the Scaffold The Lady riding naked through Coventry Together with the natural and artificial rarities in every County in Eng. and very many other observable matters with several curious Sculptures Price one Shilling III. WOnderful prodigies of judgment and mercy discovered in above 300 memorable Histories containing 1. Dreadful judgments upon Atheists blasphemers perjured villains c. As of several forsworn wretches carried away by the Devil and how an horrid blasphemer was turned into a black dog c. 2. The miserable ends of many magicians witches conjurers c. with divers strange apparitions and illusions of the Devil 3. Remarkable predictions and presages of approaching death and how the event has been answerable with an account of some Appeals to Heaven against Vnjust Judges and what vengeance hath fallen upon them 4. The wicked lives and woful deaths of several Popes Apostates and Persecutors with the manner how K. Hen. 2. was whipt by the Popes Order by the Monks of Canterbury and how the Q. of Bohemia a desperate Persecutor of the Christians was swallow'd up in the Earth alive with all her followers c. 5. Fearful Judgements upon bloody Tyrants Murderers c. with the terrible Cruelties used by those monsters of men Nero Heliogabalus Domitian and others upon the Christians also how Popiel K. of Poland a Cruel Tyrant his Q. and Child were devoured by Rats and how a Town near Tripoly in Barbary with the Men Women children Beasts Trees Walls Rooms Cats Dogs Mice and all that belonged to the place were turn'd into perfect Stone to be seen at this day for the horrid crimes of the Inhabitants also the wonderful discovery of several Murders c. 6. Admirable Deliverances from imminent Dangers and Deplorable Distresses at Sea and Land Lastly Divine Goodness to Penitents with the dying Thoughts of several famous Men concerning a future state after this life as S. Austin the Emp. Ch. 5. Philip 3. K. of Spain The E. of North. Galleacius H. Grotius Salmasius Sr. F. Walsingh Sr. P. Syd Sr. H. Wotton A.B. Usher E. of Rochest L. C. J. Hales and others Imbellished with divers Pictures Price One Shilling IV. HIstorical Remarks and Observations of the Ancient present State of London and Westminster shewing the foundations Wall Gates Towers Bridges Churches Rivers Wards Halls Companies Government Courts Hospitals Shcools Inns of Court Charters Franchises and Priviledges thereof with an account of the most remarkable Accidents as to Wars Fires Plagues and other occurrences for above 900 years past in and about these Cities and among other particulars the poisoning of K. John by a Monk The Rebellion of Wat Tyler who was slain by the Lord Mayor in Smithfield and the speech of Jack Straw at his Execution The Murder of K. Hen. 6. and likewise of Edw. 5. and his Brother by Rich. 3. called Crook-back The Execution of Empson and Dudley the Insurrection in London in K. Hen. 8. time and how 411 Men Women went through the City in their Shifts Ropes about their Necks to Westm Hall where they were pardoned by the King With several other Remarques in all the Kings and Queens Reigns to this Year 1681. And a description of the manner of the Trial of the late L. Stafford in West Hall Illustrated with Pictures with the Arms of the 65 Companies of London and the time of their Incorporating Price one Shilling V. THE 4th Edition of the Wars in England Scotland and Ireland being near a 3d. part enlarged with very considerable Additions containing an impartial Account of all the Battles Sieges and other remarkable Transactions Revolutions and Accidents which have happened from the beginning of the Reign of K. Ch. 1. 〈…〉 to His Majesties happy Restauration 1660. And 〈…〉 ●articulars The Debates and Proceedings in the 4 〈…〉 Charles 1. The murder of the D. of Buck. by Felt. The Tumults at Edenb in Scotl. upon reading the Common Prayer The Insurrection of the Apprentices and Seamen and their assaulting of A. B. L's House at Lamb. Remarks on the Trial of the E. of Strafford and his last Speech The horrid and bloudy Rebellion of the Papists in Ireland and their murdering above 200000 in 1641. The Death of Arch-Bishop Laud. Mr. Chaloner and Tomkins Sir J. Hotham Sir Alex. Carew Duke Hamilton E. of Holland L. Capel M. Love M Gibbons Sr. H. Slingsby Dr. Hewet and others The Treaties and Propositions at Uxbridge and Newp in the Isle Wight The Illegal Trial of K. Ch. 1. at large with his last speech at his suffering His Majest Reasons against the pretended Jurisdiction of the H. C. of Justice With the most considerable matters which happened till 1660. And the K. most Gracious Declaration from Breda with Pictures of several Remarkable Accidents Price one Shilling THE Young Mans Calling or the whole Duty of Youth in a serious and compassionate Address to all young Persons to remember their Creator in the days of their Youth Together with Remarks upon the Lives of several excellent Young Persons of both Sexes as well ancient as modern who have been famous for Virtue and Piety in their Generations namely On the Lives of Isaac and Joseph in their youth On the Martyrdom of the 7 Sons and their Mother and of Romanus a Young Noble-Man with the invincible courage of a Child of 7 years old who was martyred On the Martyrdom of divers holy Virgins and Martyrs On the Life of that blessed Prince King Edw. 6. with his earnest Zeal for the Protestant Religion and his ingenious Letters to his Godfather A. B. Cranmer when but 8 years old with his last words and Prayer against Popery On the Life and Death of Q. Jane as her learned Dispute with Fecknam a Priest about the Sacrament her Letters to her Father the D. of Suffolk to her Sister and to Harding an Apostate Protestant On the Life of Q. Eliz. in her Youth with her many sufferings and dangers from bloody Bonner and Gardiner and her joyful Reception to the Crown On the Religious Life and Death of the most noble and Heroick P. Henry eldest Son to K. James And also of the young L. Harrington c. With 12 curious Pictures illustrating the several Histories Price Eighteen Pence All six sold by Nath. Crouch FINIS