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A32663 The royal charter of confirmation granted by King Charles II to the city of London wherein are recited verbatim, all the charters to the said city, granted by His Majesties royal predecessors, kings and queens of England / taken out of the records, and exactly translated into English by S.G. gent ; together with an index or alphabetical table, and a table explaining all the obsolete and difficult words in the said charter.; Charter City of London (England).; S. G., Gent.; Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) 1680 (1680) Wing C3604A; ESTC R6880 135,372 274

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both them and the same City So long as the Customs be not contrary to right law and Justice Their Customs not to be against Law saving in all things the liberty of the Church of Westminster to the Abbots and Monks of the fame place to them granted by the Charters of us and our predecessors Kings of England But as touching our Jews and Merchant strangers Jews and strangers and other things out of our foresaid grant touching us or our said City we and our heirs shall provide as to us shall seem expedient These being witness R. King of Almain our Brother Edward our first Son Roger of Mortimer Roger de Clifford Roger Leybourn Robert Watrand Robert Aquiln Mi. Godfrey Gifford our Chancellor Walter de Merton Mr. John Cheshil Archdeacon of London John de la lind William de Aette and others Given by our hand at Westminster the 26th day of March in the 52th year of our Reign WE have seen a certain Charter which the Lord Edward the first sometimes Edw. 1. King of England made to the aforesaid Citizens of London bearing date the 18th day of April in the 26th year of his Reign in which Charter amongst other things it is contained That whereas our said Citizens by the Charters of our said progenitors have been accustomed hitherto to present every Mayor whom they have chosen in the said City yearly before the Barons of the Exchequer our progenitor or we not being To present ●he Mayor to the Barons of the Exchequer at Westminster that he may be admitted by the said Barons as Mayor for us notwithstanding that at the next coming of our Progenitor or of us unto Westminster or London he may be presented to our progenitors or to us and so admitted Mayor We willing to shew more ample favour to the said Citizens in that behalf do grant to them for us and our heirs The Mayor of the said City when he shall be chosen by the said Citizens and also the Sheriffs of the said City when they likewise at the accustomed time shall be chosen by the said Citizens we and our The Mayor and Sheriffs in the absence of the King and Barons to be presented to the Constable of the Tower heirs and our Barons not being at Westm or at Lond. they may or shall be presented and admitted to and by the Constable of our Tower of London yearly in such sort as they before were wont to be presented and admitted so as nevertheless that at the next coming of us or our heirs to Westminster or London the said Mayor be presented to us or our heirs and admitted for Mayor And also we have granted for us and our heirs to our said Citizens Citizens quit of Pannage Murage c. that they and their successors Citizens of the said City be for ever quit and free of Pannage Pontage and Murage throughout all the Realm and all our dominions Sheriffs of Lond. to be amerced as the Sheriffs of other Counties And that the Sheriffs of the said City as often as it shall happen them to be amerced in our Court for any offence they shall be amerced according to the measure and quantity of the offence as other the Sheriffs of our said Realm have been amerced for the like offence Wherefore we will and streightly charge and Command for us and our heirs that the said Citizens and their successors have all the liberties Citizens to enjoy their Customs freedoms Quittals and free Customs aforesaid and them may and shall use according to our confirmation renovation and grants aforesaid for ever as by the aforesaid Charter amongst other things more fully appeareth WE have also seen certain Letters Patents Edw. 2. of Lord Edward Son of Edward sometimes King of England our progenitor made in these words Edward by the Grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland and Duke of Aquitain To all to whom these present Letters shall come greeting Know ye that whereas the Mayor and the good men of the City of London have of late thankfully done us aid of armed footmen at our Castle of Leeds in our County of Kent and also aid of like armed The Aids granted to the King shall not be prejudicial to the City nor drawn into example men now going with us through divers parts of our Realm for divers causes We willing to provide for the indemnity of the said Mayor and men of our City of London in this behalf have granted to them for us and our heirs that the said aids to us so thankfully done shall not be prejudicial to the said Mayor and good men their heirs and successours nor shall they be drawn into consequent for time to come In Witness whereof we have caused those our Letters to be made Patents Witness my self at Aldermanston the 12th day of December in the 15th year of our Reign WE have also seen the Charter of Edw. 3. Char. 1. Lord Edward the third sometimes King of England our progenitor made in these words Edward by the Grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland and Duke of Aquitain To his Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors Earls Barons Justices Sheriffs Rulers Ministers and other his Bailiffs and faithful Subjects greeting Know ye that we for the bettering of our City of London and for the good and laudable service which our welbeloved Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City heretofore have often done to us and our progenitors with the assent of the aforesaid Earls Barons and all the Commonalty of our Realm being called to this our present Parliament at Westminster have granted and by this our Charter for us and our heirs confirmed to the Citizens of the aforesaid City the liberties hereunder written to have and to hold to them and their heirs and successors for ever First Magna Charta recited whereas in the great Charter of the liberties of England it is contained that the City of London may have all their Antient liberties and Customs And the same Citizens at the time of the making of the Charter from the time of Saint Edward King and Confessor and William the Conqueror and of other our progenitors had divers liberties and Customs as well by the Charters of those our progenitors as without Charter by Antient Custom whereupon in divers the Circuits and other the Courts of our said progenitors as well by Judgments as by statutes were invaded and of some of them adjudged We will and grant for us and our heirs that they may have the liberties according to the Usurpations of their Liberties revoked form of the abovesaid great Charter And that Impediments and usurpations to them in that behalf made shall be revoked and Annulled We have further granted for us and our heirs to the said Citizens their heirs and successors aforesaid that the Mayor of the aforesaid City which for time shall be shall be one of the Justices to be assigned
other Pleas whatsoever one writ shall suffice in all Pleas for every Kings time And that no summons Attachments or Executions be made by any the Officers whatsoever of us or our heirs by writ or without writ within the liberty of the said City but only by Ministers of the said City And that the Sheriffs of the same City which shall be towards the aid of the fame of that City may lawfully have the forfeitures of victuals and other things and Merchandizes according to the tenor of the Charter thereof made to the said Citizens and shall not be debarred thereof hereafter contrary to the tenor of the same Charters And that the same Citizens in the Circuits of the Justices from henceforth sitting at the Tower of London shall be guided by the same Laws and Customs whereby they were guided in the Circuits holden in the time of Lord John and Henry sometimes Kings of England and other our progenitors and if any thing in the last circuit was done or attempted contrary to their liberties and free Customs we will not they be prejudicial unto them but that they may be guided as of old time they were We have also granted for us and our heirs that the same Citizens from Citizens to be taxed in Subsidies as other Commoners and not as Citizens henceforth in and toward subsidies grants and contributions whatsoever to be made to the use of us or our heirs shall be taxed and contributory with the commonalty of our Realm as common persons and not as men of the City And that they be quit of all other Tallages and that the liberty of the said City shall not be taken into the hands of us or our heirs for any personal Trespass or judgment of any Minister of the said City Neither shall a keeper in the said City for that occasion be deputed but the same Minister shall be punished according to the quality of his offence And that no purveyor and taker Officer and other Minister of us or our heirs or of any other shall make any prices in the said No Purveyor of the Kings to make any price in Lond. without the consent of the party No prices of wines of Citizens City or without of the goods of the Citizens of the same City contrary to their will and pleasure unless immediately they make due payment for the same or else may have respit thereof with the good will of the seller And that no price be made of the wines of those Citizens by any the Citizens of us or our heirs or otherwise against their wills that is to say of one Tun before the Mast and another behind it nor by any other means but shall be quit thereof for ever Furthermore we forbid No Purveyor to be a Merchant of the same goods whereof he is Purveyer that any officer of us or our heirs shall Merchandize by himself or others within the said or without of any thing touching their Offices Also we grant that the Lands and Tenements lying without of the said Citizens which have been or hereafter shall be Ministers of the said City be bound to keep the said City harmless against us and our heirs of those things which concern their Offices as their tenements be within the said City and that no Market from henceforth shall be granted by us or our heirs to any within 7 miles in Circuit No Market within seven miles of London of the said City And that all inquisitions from henceforth to be taken by our Justices St. Martins Le grand or Ministers of the said City shall be taken in Saint Martins in London and not elsewhere Except the Inquisitions to be taken in the Circuits at the Tower of London and for the Goal-delivery at Newgate And that none of the freemen of the said City shall be impleaded or troubled at our Exchequer or elsewhere by bill except it be by those things which touch us or our heirs Wherefore we will and streightly No Citizen to be impleaded in the Exchequer unless it concern the King command for us and our heirs that the said Citizens their heirs and successors have all their liberties and free Customs and the same may use and enjoy for ever in form aforesaid These being witness W. Archbishop of Cant. J. Bishop of Ely our Chancellor and others Given at Westminster the 6th day of March in the 1st year of our Reign WE have seen also certain other Letters Edw. 3. Char. 2. Patents of Lord Edward the 3d. King of England made in these words Edward by the grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Aquitain To all to whom these present Letters shall come greeting Know ye that whereas our well beloved the Citizens of the City of London by their Petition exhibited before us and our Councel in our present Parliament at Westminster assembled have given us to understand that Felons Thieves and other Malefactors and disturbers of the peace who in the said and elsewhere have committed man-slaughters Robberies and divers other Felonies privily departing from the said City after those Felonies committed into the village of Southwark where they cannot be Attached by the Ministers of the said City and there are openly received and so for default of due punishment are more bold to commit such Felonies and they have beseeched us that for the confirmation of our peace within the said City bridling the naughtiness of the said Malefactors we would grant unto them the said village to have to them their heirs and successors for ever for the farm and rent therefore yearly due to us to be yearly paid at our Exchequer We having consideration to the Premises with the assent of the Prelates Earls Barons and Commonalty being in our present Parliament Southwark granted to the Citizens in Parliament aforesaid have granted for us and our heirs to the said Citizens the said village of Southwark with the appurtenances to have and to hold to them and their heirs and successors Citizens of the said City of us and our heirs for ever to pay to us by the year at the Exchequer of us and our heirs at the accustomed times the farms therefore due and accustomed In Witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents Witness my self at Westminster the 6th day of March in the first year of our Reign WE have also seen a certain other Charter of the same Lord Edward the 3d. in these words Edward by the Grace of Edw 3. Char. 3. God King of England Lord of Ireland and Duke of Aquitain To all to whom these present Letters shall come greeting Know ye whereas in our Parliament at York holden the morrow after the ascensio● of our Lord in the ninth year of our York Statute recited Reign It was ordained and enacted that all Merchant Strangers and English born and every of them of what estate or condition soever who would buy or
sell corn wine powderable wares fish or other victual All Merchant strangers as English should sell and buy in all Cities and Towns wools cloth wares or other vend●ble things whatsoever wheresoever they we●● either in Cities Towns Boroughs Por●● of the Sea Fairs Markets or other places in the Realm whether within liberties or without might without Impediment freely sell the same victuals or wares to whom they would as well to foreigners a● English born The enemies to us and our Realm only excepted notwithstanding the Charters of liberties to any Cities or places aforesaid granted to the contrary or custom or judgment upon the said Charters as in the foresaid state is more plainly contained yet nevertheless because in the statutes as well in our said Parliament as in other Parliaments of our Progenitors sometimes Ks. of Engl. made by us and our progenitors Citizens enjoy their Customs according to Magna Charta with the common consent of the Prelates Earls Barons and Commonalty of our Realm it was granted and establisht That the great Charter of the liberty of Engl. i● in all singular its Articles should be maintained and firmly observed And in the same Charter amongst other things it is contained the City of London may have its antient liberties and free customs unhurt And it hath been the intent and meaning as well of us as our Progenitors yet is that the said great Charter in all the Articles thereof may be still observed and that by pretext of the said Stat. or any other nothing shall be done to the prejudice or infringment of the said Charter or of any Article therein contained or of the antient liberties or customs of the said City may be unjustly burthened touching their said liberties and free Customs contrary to such intent with the consent of the Prelates Earls and Barons assistant with us in this our Parliament Have granted for us and our heirs that the Citizens of the said City their heirs and successors may have all their liberties and free customs unhurt and whole as before these times they more freely had the same The aforesaid statute for the said Merchants made to the hurt of the liberties and Customs of the said City notwithstanding In Witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents Witness my self at Westminster the 26th day of March in the 11th year of our Reign Edw. 3. Char. 4. WE have also seen a certain other statute of the said Lord Edward the 3d. late King of England made in these words Edward by the Grace of God King of England and France and Lord of Ireland To all to whom these our Letters shall come greeting Know ye that we being worthily careful of the conservation and increase of the name and honour of our City of London and at the supplication of the Mayor Sheriffs and Commonalty of the said City to us humbly made will and grant for us and our heirs that the Serjeants of Lond. may bear Maces of Gold or Silver Serjeants appointed to bear the Maces i● our said City may lawfully carry the● of Gold or Silver or Silvered or Garnished with the sign of our Arms or othe●● every where in the said City and in the Suburb of the same and in the County of Middlesex and other places to the liberties of the said City appertaining And also without the said City to meet with us our Mother Consort or the Children of us or of our heirs or other Royal Persons when we or any of us shall come to the said City and also in going forth with us or any of us when we shall depart from the said City as also in the presence of us our Mother or Consort or our Children when the said Mayor or Sheriffs or Aldermen of the said City or any of them shall come to us or our heirs at or without the command or warning of us or any of us and as often as it shall happen any of the said Serjeants to be sent to foreign places and without the said City to do their Office at the command of us or o● the Mayor or Sheriffs aforesaid they may lawfully carry going and coming publickly as our own Serjeant at Arms attending our presence do carry their Maces Any Ordinance or Commandment made to the contrary notwithstanding In witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents witness my self at Westminster the 10th day of June in the 28th Year of our Reign of England and of France the 15th WE have also seen certain Letters Patents Edw. 3. Char. 5. of our Lord Edward late King of England the third in these words Edward King of England and France and Lord of Ireland to all to whom these Letters shall come greeting Know Ye That whereas amongst other Liberties granted to the Citizens of our City of London by the Charters of our progenitors sometimes Kings of England which we have confirmed and by ours it hath been granted unto them that all Merchants strangers coming Merchant strangers to board and not to keep houses into England shall remain at board with the free Hosts of the City aforesaid and of other Cities and Towns in England without keeping any houses or societies by themselves And that there should be no Brokers of any Merchandizes from henceforth unless they were chosen thereunto by the Merchants in the Mysteries Brokers to be chosen by the Merchants of the mystery in which the said Brokers exercise their Offices and thereupon at the least do take their Oaths before the Mayor of the said City And also that the Merchants who were not of the Freedom of the said City should not sell by retail any Wines or other wares within the said City or the Suburbs thereof And now our welbeloved Subjects the Mayor Aldermen and other Citizens of the said City have humbly beseeched us by their Petition exhibited in these words To our Lord the King and his good Council do shew the Liege Mayor Aldermen and Petition of the Mayor and Aldermen to the King Commonalty of the City of London that whereas they have often sued in divers Parliaments to have consideration how that they are impoverished and undone by reason their Liberties by him and his progenitors to them granted are restrained and great part taken away and now at the last Parliament holden at Westminster it was answered to them that they should declare their Griefs specially and they should have good remedy therefore of which Griefs amongst divers others these be That every Stranger might dwell in the said City and keep a house and be a Broker and sell and buy all manner of Merchandizes by retail and one Stranger to sell to another to sell again to the great inhancing the prices of Merchandizes and a cause to make them remain there more than forty daies Whereas in time past no Merchant stranger might use any of these points contrary to the Franchises
of the said City before these times had and used by which Grievance the Merchants of the said City are greatly impoverished and the Navy impaired and the Privities of the Land by the said strangers discovered to our enemies by Spies and other strangers into these houses received May it therefore please your The prayer of the Petition Majestyand Council to ordain in this Parliament that the Merchants strangers may be restrained in the points aforesaid and the Mayor Aldermen and Commons in the said City may enjoy the said Franchises We for the special affection we bear to the said Citizens willing to provide for the tranquillity and profit of the said Citizens in that behalf with the Assents of our Prelates Nobles c. Have granted for us The King 's Grant to the City in Parliament and our Heirs to the said Mayor and Aldermen and Citizens of the said City and their successors upon condition that they put the said City under good government to our honour and profit of our Realm of England and right govern the same That no strangers from henceforth shall sell any wares in the same City or Suburbs thereof Strangers to keep no house in London nor be Broker by retail nor shall keep any house ●o● be any Broker in the said City or the Suburbs thereof any Statute or Ordinance made to the contrary notwithstanding saving always to the Merchants of High Almaine their Liberties to us and our progenitors to them granted and confirmed In witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents Witness my self at Westminster the fourth day of December in the 50th Year of our Reign of England and of our Kingdom of France the 37th WE have seen the Charter of our Lord Henry 4. Henry the fourth late King bearing date the 25th day of May in the first year of his Reign made to the Citizens aforesaid in which Charter is contained amongst other things as followeth And moreover of our ample grace we have granted to us and our heirs as much as in us is to the same Citizens their heirs and successors as aforesaid that they shall have the custody Citizens to have the keeping of the Gates of Newgate Ludgate Gathering Tolls as well of the Gates of Newgate and Ludgate as all other the Gates and Posterns of the same City and also the Office of gathering of the Tolls and Customs in Cheap and Billing sgate and Smithfield there rightfully to be taken and accustomed and also the Tronage that is to say Tronage the weighing of Lead Wax Pepper Allom Madder and other like wares within the said City for ever As by the said Charters amongst other things more plainly may appear WE have seen the Charter of Lord Edw. 4. Char. 1. Edward the 4th late King of England in these words Edward by the Grace of God King of England and France and Lord of Ireland To all Archbishops c. greeting Although as we understand such things alltogether as ought to be holden and determined by Conservators of the peace and Justices assigned for hearing and determining divers Felonies trespasses and misdemeanors in all the Counties of our Realm of England by the Kings Authority by vertue of the Ordinances and Statutes of our Realm aforesaid made for the good of the peace and rule of our people have alwaies time out of mind been used and well affirmed and yet be in our City of London Nevertheless to the end that from henceforth one good certain and undoubted manner may be continually had in our said City for the conservation of the peace and governing our people of the same And that the same may alwaies be and remain a City of peace and quietness We will of our meer motion and by tenor of these presents do grant for us as much as in us is to to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City aforesaid and to the Citizens of the same and to their successors for ever that they may have and hold all and singular their Mayor and Citizens to enjoy their Customs liberties and free Customs as whole and sound as ever they had and held them in all time of our Progenitors And further we grant for us and our heirs aforesaid to the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and to their successors the liberties and Authorities acquittals and franchises under-written that is to say That from henceforth the Mayor and Recorder of the said City who now be and their successors The Mayor Recorder such Aldermen as have been Mayors shal be Justices of the Peace and the Mayors and Recorders which for the time shall be as well those Aldermen which before this time have been Mayors of the same City as other Aldermen who shall hereafter sustain the charge of Mayoralty and shall be thereof dismissed as long as they shall there remain Aldermen for ever shall be conservators of the present peace of our City and the peace of our successors of the said City and liberties thereof as well by Land as by Water And To put all Ordinances for the preservation of the Peace in execution to keep or cause to be kept all Ordinances and Statutes made and to be made for the good of our peace and for the quietness rule and government of our people in all their Articles as well within the City aforesaid as the liberty and Suburbs of the same as well by Land as by Water according to all the force form and effect of the same And to chastise and punish whom they shall find offending contrary to the form and effect of the said Ordinances and Statutes as according to the form of the Ordinances and Statutes aforesaid should be done We will also and grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and The Mayor Aldermen Recorder to be Justices of Oyer and Terminer their successors that the now Mayor and his successors aforesaid and the Recorder of the said City which for the time shall be and such Aldermen as aforesaid or four of the same Mayor Recorder and Aldermen of whom we will that such Mayor for the time being and his successors to Mayor to be of the Quorum be one be Justices and have so assigned them Justices for us and our successors forever To enquire hear and determine as often and at such times as to them shall seem meet of all manner of Felonies Trespasses Forestalling and Regratings Extortions and other Misdemeanours within the said City or the Liberties or Suburbs thereof as well by Land as by Water by whomsoever or after what manner soever done or committed and which from henceforth shall happen to be done And also to hear and determine and execute all and singular other things which shall pertain to our Justices of the Peace within our Realm of England So alwaies that the said Mayor and Citizens and their Successors may have and hold all and singular
their great costs and expences born the Offices of Mayoralty shall not be put in any Assizes Juries or Attaints Recognizances or Inquisitions out of the said City and that they nor any of them shall be Tryer or Tryers of the same although they touch us or our Heirs or Successors or other whomsoever And that without that City neither they nor any of them be made Collectors Aldermen of Lond. not to be Collectors or Taxers out of the City or Collector Assessor Taxor Overseer or Comptroler of the Tenths Fifteens Taxes Tallages Subsidies or other charges or impositions whatsoever to us our heirs or successors hereafter to be granted or given And if they or any of them be elected to any of the Offices or Charges aforesaid and that the same Mayor or Aldermen do deny refuse or not do the offices or charges aforesaid then they or any of them shall not by any means Aldermen not to suffer for refusal of such Offices incur any contempt loss pain fine imprisonment or forfeiture by occasion of their so refusing or not doing nor shall for that cause forfeit any issues by any means And further as we understand Lord Edward sometimes King of Enland the 3d. after the conquest our Progenitor with the assent of the Prelates Earls Barons and Commonalty of the Realm of England assembled in Parliament holden at Westminster in the first year of his Reign at the Petition of the then Citizens of the said City by his Letters Patents granted for him and his heirs to the same Citizens the Town of Southwark with the appurtenances to have and hold to them and their successors Citizens of the same City of the same our Progenitors and their heirs for ever paying unto him by the year at the Exchequer of him and his heirs at the terms accustomed the farm therefore due and accustomed as in the said Letters Patents more fully is contained And now the Mayor and Commonalty of the same City and their predecessors have and hold certain liberties and Franchises in the Town aforesaid by vertue of those Letters Patents and do use the same as their predecessors have had and held them and have used and enjoyed them And they now fear that divers Doubt in the use of some Liberties in Southwark doubts opinions varieties and ambiguities controversies and dissentions may light and be likely to spring grow be imagin'd holden and had in time to come in and about the use and exercise of such liberties and franchises for want of more clear and full declaration and expressing of the same for that divers diversly interpret judg and understand we therefore to the end to take away from henceforth and utterly to abolish all and all manner of causes occasions and matters whereupon such opinions ambiguities varieties controversies and dissentions may spring be holde● and moved in this behalf have of our special grace and from our meer motion granted to the said Mayor and Commonalty of the said City which now be and their successors Southwark granted to the City of London Waifes Estrayes Treasure c. Mayor and Commonalty Citizen● of that City which for the time being shal● be for ever the Town of Southwark with the Appurtenances with all Chattels called Waif and Estray also Treasure found in the Town aforesaid and all manner o● handiwork goods and Chattels of Trayton Felons Fugitives Outlawed Condemned convicted and of Felons defamed and denying the law of our Land wheresoever or before whomsoever Justice shal● Goods disclaimed Escheats Forfeitures be done upon them And also goods disclaimed found or being within the Town aforesaid and also all manner of Escheats an● forfeitures which may there pertain unto us as fully and wholly as we should have them if the same Town were in ou● hands And that it shall be lawful to the The Mayor c. to put themselves in possession same Mayor and Commonalty and to their successors by their deputy and Ministers of the same Town to put themselves in possession of and in all the handiworks and Chattels of all manner of Traytors Felons Fugitives Outlaws condemned convicted and of Felons defamed and denying the Laws of our Land And also of and in all goods disclaimed found and being within the same Town and also of and in all the Escheats and forfeitures to us and to our heirs there pertaining And that the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their successors by themselves or their deputy or Ministers may have in the Town Assize of Bread aforesaid Assay and Assize of Bread Wine Beer and Ale and all other victuals and things whatsoever saleable in the said Town and also all and whatsoever doth and may Clerk of the Market appertain to the Office of Clerk of the Market of our house or of our heirs together with the correction and punishment of all persons there selling Wine Bread Beer Ale and other victuals and of all other inhabiting and exercising any Arts whatsoever and with all manner of Forfeitures and Fines forfeitures fines and amerciaments to be forfeited and all other which there do and in any time to come may there pertain to us our heirs or successors And that they shall have in the said Town the execution of all manner of writs of ours or of our Execution and return of Writs to be by the City-Officers heirs and successors and of all other wr●ts commandments precepts extracts and warrants with the return of the same by such their Minister or deputy whom they shall thereunto chuse So alwaies that the Clerk of the Market of our house or of the house of our heirs or the Sheriff or Kings Clerk of the Market nor the Sheriff of Surrey to intermeddle Escheator of the County of Surrey which now is or hereafter shall be do not by any means intermeddle enter or do any execution We have also granted to the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their successors for ever that they shall and may have yearly one Fair in the Town aforesaid for 3 days that is to say the 7th 8th and 9th dayes of September To be A Fair for three days in the year holden together with a Court of Pypowders and with all liberties and free Customs to such Fair appertaining that they may have and hold there at their said Courts before their said Ministers or deputy the said 3 days from day to day and hour to hour from time to time all occ●sions plaints and pleas of a Court of Pypowders together with all Summons Attachments Arrests Issues Fines redemptions and commodities and other rights whatsoever to the same Summons and Attachments Court of Pypowders any way pertaining without any impediment let or hindrance of us our heirs or successors or other our Officers and Ministers whatsoever and also that they may have there a view of Franckpledg and whatsoever there to pertaineth View of
Frankpledg together with all Summons Attachments Arrests Issues Amerciaments Fines Redemptions Profits Commodities and other things whatsoever which there may or ought therefore pertain to us our heirs or successors And furthermore the aforesaid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their successors may by themselves or by their Minister or deputy in the said Town appointed take and arrest all manner To carry to Newgate Thieves taken in Southwark of Felons Thieves and other Malefactors found within the said Town and may lead them to our goal of Newgate safely to be kept until they shall be by process of Law delivered And further the said Mayor A Grant of what Liberties the King had or should have in Southwark and Commonalty and Citizens their successors may for ever have in the Town aforesaid all manner of liberties Priviledges Franchises Acquittals Customs and Rights which we should or might there have if the said Town were and remain'd in our hands without any thing to be by any means given or paid to us or our heirs beside only ten pounds for the antient farm therefore due and without Impeachment Let molestation or disturbance of us or our heirs or successors Justices Escheators Sheriffs Officers or Ministers of ours or of our heirs or successors whatsoever The The right of the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury excepted rights liberties and Franchises of right belonging to the most Reverend Father and Lord in Christ Lord Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury and of other persons there always saved although express mention be not here made of the true yearly value of the premises or of any other gifts or grants to the Mayor or Aldermen Sheriffs and Citizens or to their Successors or any of them made according to the form of the statute there of had made and provided or any other statute Ordinance Act thing cause or matter whatsoever not withstanding These being witness The Reverend Father Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury William Archbishop of York George of Exon Chancellor and William Bishop of Ely and our dear Brother George of Clarence and Richard of Glocester Dukes and others Given by our hand at Westminster the 9th day of November in the 2d year of our Reign WE have also seen certain other Letters Edw. 4. Char. 2. Patents of the same Lord Edward la●e King of England the 4th made in these words Edward by the Grace of God King of England and France and Lord of Ireland To all to whom these present Letters shall come greeting Know ye that for certain and notable causes us specially moving of our special grace and certain knowledg we have granted to the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of our said City Tonnage granted to the City of London That the Tonnage and weigning and measuring laying up placing and housing of whatsoever woolls by whomsoever from whatsoever parts brought or to be be brought to the City aforesaid or which have before time been accustomed to be Weighing pf Woolls to be at Leaden-Hall and in no other place within 3 miles brought to the staple of Westminster shall from hence be and be made in the place called Leaden-Hall within our City aforesaid and in no other place within three miles of the said City To have the laying up placing and housing aforesaid together with all sees profits and emoluments to the same laying up placing and housing or any of them due used or accustomed to the aforesaid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the same City and their successors for ever without any account to be made or any other thing therefoe to us to be paid although express mention be not in these presents made of the clear yearly value or certainty of the premises or of any other gifts or grants by us or our progenitors to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their successors by any means made or any other statute Act ordinance or any other thing whatsoever made to the contrary notwithstanding In witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents Witness our self at Westminster the 27th day of August in the third year of our Reign Edw. Char. 3. Moreover we have seen certain other Letters Patents of the aforesaid Lord Edward late King of England the 4th made in these words Edward by the grace of God King of England and France and Lord of Ireland to all to whom these present Letters shall come greeting Know ye that whereas the sum of twelve thousand nine hundred twenty three pounds nine shillings eight pence is by us amongst other things due to our beloved and Faithful Subjects the Mayor Commonalty Citizens of our City of London as in the receipt of our Exchequer more plainly appeareth of which sum the said Mayor Commonalty are willing to remit and release unto us 1923 l. 9 s. and 8. p. To the intent we should vouchsafe to grant them license that they and their successors might purchase Lands Rents and Services and other possessions whatsoever to the value of 200 marks by the year over all charges and reprizes although they should be holden of us of others by any manner of service of whatsoever person or persons willing to give bequeath or assign the same to them to have and to hold to the same Mayor and Commonalty and their successors aforesaid for ever in form following We inwardly pondering not only the premises but also the manifold pleasures to us by the Mayor and Commonalty of the said City before this time acceptably done and willing as we are bound before all other things wholly to pay and recompence our debts have of our special grace and for that the Licence to purchase 200 Marks per annum in Mortmaine Licence to any to grant to the City 200 Marks per annum in Mortmaine said Mayor and Commonalty for them and their successors have remitted and altogether released unto us the said sum of 1923 l. 9 s. 8 d. granted and given licence and by these presents do grant and give licence for us and our heirs as much as in us is to the said Mayor and Commonalty that they and their successors may purchase Lands Revenues Rents Services and other possessions whatsoever to the value of 200 marks by the year over all charges and reprizes of any person or persons willing to give grant bequeath or assign the same unto them although they be holden of us or others by any manner of service in full satisfaction and contentation of the said sum of 1923 l. 9 s. 8 p. to them by us due without any fine or fee to be paid to the use of us or our heirs to have and to hold to the same Mayor and Commonalty and their successors for ever and we have by tenor of these presents given special licence to the same person and persons that he or she may give grant bequeath or assign Lands Tenements Rents Possessions and services to the yearly value aforesaid over and
above all reprizes and charges as aforesaid unto the said Mayor Commonalty and to their successors as aforesaid for ever without hindrance of us or our heirs our Justices Escheators Sheriffs Coroners Bailiffs or other the Ministers of us or our heirs whatsoever And this without any other the Kings Letters Patents or any inquisitions upon any writ of ad quod damnum Without other Writ of Ad quod damnum c. or any other the Kings commandments in this behalf by any means to be had prosecuted and taken The statute concerning Lands and Tenements not to be put in Mortmain or any other statute act or ordinance made to the contrary notwithstanding To have as many writs ad quod damnum c. And we also will and grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty that they and their successors may have so many and such writs ad quod damnum and other Royal Letters Patents Executory from time to time upon the licence aforesaid in full satisfaction and contentation of the said sum of 1923 l. 9 s. 8 d. In Witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents Witness my self at Westminster the 20th day of June in the 18th year of our Reign We have seen also other Letters Patents Edw. 4. Char. 4. of Lord Edward late King of England the 4th in these words Edward by the grace of God King of England and France and Lord of Ireland to all to whom these present Letters Patents shall come greeting Know ye that whereas the sum of 12923 l. 9 s. 8 d. is amongst other things due by us to our welbeloved the Mayor Commonalty of our City of London as in the receipt of our Exchequer more fully appeareth This Charter confirmed by Parliament in the third year of Henry 8. of which said sum the Mayor and Commonalty are willing to remit and release unto us the sum of 7000 l. to the intent that we should vouchsafe to grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty and their Successors the Offices and Occupations 7000 l. the consideration of this Charter under-written to be had in form following We inwardly pondering not only the Premises but also the manifold pleasures to us by the Mayor and Commonalty of the said City before time acceptably done and willing as we are bound before all other things to pay or recompence our debts have of our special grace and for that the said Mayor and Commonalty have for them and their successors remitted and released unto us 7000 l. parcel of the said 12923 l. 9 s. 8 d. granted and by these presents do grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty and their successors in full satisfaction and contentation of the said sum of 7000 l. to them by us due the Offices or Occupations of packing all Grant of the Office of Packing to the City manner of Wollen-Cloaths Sheep-skins Calves-skins Goat-skins Vessels of Amber and of all other Merchandizes whatsoever to be packed tunned piped barrelled or any wise to be included with the oversight of opening all manner of Customable Merchandizes arriving at the Port of Safety as well by Land as by Water within the Liberties and Franchises of the said City and Suburbs of the same as well of the goods of Denizens as of Aliens wheresoever they shall be accustomed And also the Office of packing all Woollen-cloaths Sheep-skins Lamb-skins Goat-skins and Calves-skins with kipping and poundring of the same and all Ambervessels and of all other Merchandizes to be packed picked and poundered in London or the Suburbs of the sume or to be carried by Land or to be Customed as well concerning the goods of Merchants Denizens as of Aliens and also of the The Office of Portage Office of Carriage and Portage of all Woolls Sheep-skins Tynn-bails and other Merchandizes whatsoever which shall be carried in London from the Water of Thames unto the houses of strangers and contrariwise from the said houses to the same Water or of other Merchandizes which ought to be carried being in any house for a time And also the Office on Occupation of Garbling of all manner of Office of Garbling Spices and other Merchandizes coming to the said City at any time which ought Gawging to be Garbled And the Office of Gawger within the said City And also the Office of Wine-drawers to provide for the carrying Wine drawer of Wines brought to the Port of the said City and laid on Land wheresoever it be and elsewhere to be carried to have the Occupations and Offices aforesaid and every of them and the Dispositions Ordinances Oversights and Corrections of the same Together with all fees profits and emoluments to the same Offices or occupations and other the premises and every of them due used and accustomed to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the same City and to their successors for ever And ●o be exercised by them or their Depuries also the exercising of the same Offices by themselves or by their sufficient deputies without any account or any other thing to us or our heirs therefore to be given or made in full satisfaction and contentation of the said sum of 7000 l. And further whereas our most dear Cozen Anthony The Coroners place of London pretended to belong to the chief Butler of England Earl Rivers hath of our grant by our Letters Patents the Office of our chief Butler of England under a certain form in the said Letters Patents specified by reason of which Office the Earl hath granted and pretendeth to grant the Office of Coroner within the said City and suburbs of the same We likewise in satisfaction and contentation of the said sum of 7000 l. Grant of the Coroners place to the City to the said Mayor and Commonalty as is aforesaid due Have of our special grace granted to the same Mayor and Commonalty and their successors may lawfully and safely grant the said Office of Coroner to any person who shall please the said Mayor and Commonalty and their successors and may make a Coroner there whom shall please them immediately and as soon as the said Office of chief Butler of England of the Office of Coroner aforesaid shall happen to be void or to come to our gife by the surrender of the said Earl or by any other Cause whatsoever And we will by these presents that the same Office of The Offices of Chief Butler and Coroner severed Coroner be from henceforth severally and distinctly and altogether separated from the Coroner so made by the said Mayor and Commonalty or their successors may have full power and Authority to exercise and do all and singular things which to the Office of Coroner within the said City and the suburbs of the same do pertain to be exercised and done so that none other ou● Coroner nor of our heirs or successors shall by any means intermeddle within the said City or the suburbs of
the same although express mention of the true yearly value or certainty of the premises or any of them or of any other gift or grants by us or our progenitors to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens or to their predecessors before this time by any means made be not in these presents made or any statute Act Ordinance or provision thereof made published or ordained to the contrary or any other thing whatsoever notwithstanding In witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents Witness my self at Westminster the 20th day of June in the 18th year of our Reign And whereas in and by certain Letters Henry 7. Patents of Lord Henry late King of England the 7th our progenitor made under the great seal of England bearing date the 23d day of July in the 20 year of his Reign amongst other things it is recited that of all time of which the memory of man is not to the contrary for the Common weal of the Realm and City aforesaid it hath been used and by Authority of Parliament approved and confirmed that no stranger from the liberty of the City may Merchanchandize foreign bought and sold forfeit to the City buy or sell from any stranger from the liberties of the same City any merchandize or wares within the liberties of the same City upon forfeiture of the same The said Mayor Commonalty and Citizens and their predecessors by all the time aforesaid have had and received and have been accustomed to receive perceive and have to the use of the same Mayor Commonalty and Citizens all and all manner of Merchandizes and wares bought and sold within the liberties of the same City as aforesaid and forfeitures of the same Merchandizes and wares until of late past time they were troubled or molested The same Lord Henry the 7th by his Letters Patents as aforesaid for pacifying and taking away from henceforth controversies and ambiguities in that behalf and to fortify and by express words to explain and declare the liberty and custom aforesaid to them the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their heirs and successors and willing the said liberties to be peaceably and quietly had possessed and enjoyed to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their successors with the forfeitures aforesaid against the said late Lord K. Henry his heirs and successors granted and by his said Charter confirmed to the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their successors that no stranger from the liberties of the same City may buy or sell from any other stranger to the liberty of the same City any Merchandizes or wares within the liberties of the same City And if any stranger to the liberty of the same City shall sell or buy any merchandizes or wares within the liberty of the same City of any other stranger to the liberty of the same City that the same Mayor Commonalty and Citizens and their successors may have hold and receive all and all manner of such like Merchandizes and wares so bought and to be bought sold or to be sold within the liberty of the said City between whatsoever strangers to the liberty of the same City as forfeited and all the forfeitures of the same and also penalties fines and redemptions whatsoever any waies forfeited lost or to be lost or to be forfeited or due thereon to the use and profit of the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their heirs and successors without hindrance of the same late King his heirs or successors and without any account or any other thing to be rendred or paid thereof to the said late King his heirs and successors any statute Act or ordinance of us or our progenitors made to the contrary notwithstanding although the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City or their predecessors have before that time used abused or not used those Customs and liberties saving alwaies that the great men Lords and Nobles and Strangers may buy things in the gross for their own use but not to sell again other English and strangers of what condition soever they shall be may freely whatsoever Merchandizes in gross for their families and proper uses within the liberties of the said City without any forfeiture loss or hindrance whatsoever so that they do not sell again the said Merchandizes to any other and further the same late King of his more ample grace by his said Letters Patents amongst other things did give and grant to the Mayor Commonalty and Citizens of the same City of London and their successors the Office of The Office of Gawger Gawger within the said City and the deposing Ordering Surveying and Correction of the same To have hold exercise and occupy the said Office and other premises with all fees profits and emoluments to the same Office in any manner belonging or appertaining to the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens by themselves or by their sufficient deputy or deputies from the 22d day of August in the first year of his Reign for ever without any account to be made thereof or any other thing rendring and paying ●o the said Lord Henry 7th his heirs of sucessors as by the said Letters Patents more plainly may appear WE have also seen the Letters Patents Henry 8. Char. 1. ●f Lord Henry the 8th late King of England our progenitor made in these words Henry by the grace of God King of England and France and Lord of Ireland to all to whom these presents shall come greeting Whereas Edward the 3d. sometimes King of England our progenitor by his Letters Patents amongst other things hath granted to the Citizens of the City of London that all Inquisitions from hence to be taken by the Justices and other the Ministers of the men of the said City should be taken at great Saint Martins in London and not elsewhere except inquisitions to be taken in Circuits in the Tower of London and for the Goal-delivery of Newgate Know ye that we for some urgent causes reasonable as moving at the petition of the Mayor and Commonalty aforesaid and of the Citizens of the same City have of our special grace and from our certain knowledg and meer motion granted And by these presents do for us and our heirs as much as in us is grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty and unto their successors and unto the same Citizens of the same City that all inquisitions by the Justices or other our Ministers or of our heirs to be from henceforth of the Inquisitions formerly taken in S. Martins to be in London men of our City aforesaid shall be taken at the Guild-Hall within the City aforesaid or at any other place within the same City where it shall from time to time be thought to our Justices for the time being before whom those Inquisitions ought hereafter to be taken most expedient and most convenient and not elsewhere except inquisitions to be taken at the
Circuits of Except Inquisitions in Eyre in the Tower of London the Tower of London and for the Gaol-delivery at Newgate In Witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents Witness my self at Westminster the 16th day of June in the 10th year of our Reign Moreover we have seen other Letters Henry 8. Char. 2. Patents of the same Lord Henry late King of England our progenitor made in these words Henry the 8th by the grace of God King of England and France De●ender of the Faith and Lord of Ireland ●o all to whom these present Letters shall ●ome greeting whereas we by our Letters Patents the date whereof is the 18th ●ay of June in the 13th year of our Reign ●ave of our special grace and from our certain knowledg and meer motion given and granted for us and our heirs forasmuch as in us then was to Sir William Sidney Knight the Office of Keeper of ●he great beam and common ballance or weight within our City of London for ●eighing of all Merchandizes of Avoir ●u pois and also all weights whatsoever within the same City which Office one William Stafford deceased lately exercised and occupied by what name soever the ●●me Office was named or known And have ordained made and constituted the said Sir William Sidney keeper of the great beam ballance and weight and of all other weights whatsoever and also of the weights of all spices wares commodities Merchandizes and things in the City aforesaid there to be weighed and accustomed and used to be bought and sold by weight And have granted also by our said Letters Patents to the said Sir William Authority and power to make name and assign from time to time all manner of Clerks Porters Servants and Ministen of the great Beam and Ballance and of the Iron Beam and of the Beam of the Stillyard and of the weights aforesaid and also all other Clerks Porters Servants and Ministers to the same Office belonging and also to remove the same or any of them and other or others to make put and constitute in his or their place as often as to him shall seem expedient To have occupy and exercise the Office and Office● aforesaid together with the Authority aforesaid to the said Sir William Sidney by himself or by his deputy or deputies during our pleasure to his proper use and behoof with all and singular commodities houses advantages profits fees and emoluments to the said Office in our time or in the times of any our progenitors Kings of England due and accustomed pertaining or belonging in as ample manner and form as any person having or occupying such Office before this time had received or enjoyed the same And have given and granted the same commodities houses advantages profits fees and emoluments and all and singular the premises for the exercise and occupation of the Office aforesaid in manner and form aforesaid to the said Sir William during our pleasure to the use and behoof of the said Sir William without account or any other thing to us or our heirs in this behalf for the premises to be made given or paid Although express mention be not made of the true yearly value or of any certainty of the premises or any grant or grants by us or any of our progenitors to the said Will. before this time made contained in the said Letters Patents above specified or any Statute Act Ordinance Restraint or Provision before this time made or provided to the contrary or any other thing cause or matter whatsoever in any thing notwithstanding as by the same our Letters Patents fully appeareth Which our pleasure in that behalf we will by these Sir William Sidney's Patent cancelled shall be determined And which Letters Patents the same William Sidney hath surrendred into our Chancery to be cancelled to the intent we would vouchsafe to grant our Letters Patents to the Mayor Commonalty and Citizens of our City of London And because now of late we understand of the grievous complaint of our welbeloved the Mayor Commonalty and Citizens of our said City of London that the said Lord Edward sometime King of England the 2d our progenitor by his charter dated the 18th day of June in the 12th year of his Reign amongst other things granted to the then Citizens of our said City predecessors to the now Mayor Commonalty and Citizens aforesaid that the weights and Beams for the weighing of Merchandizes between Merchants and Merchants of which the profits growing and knowledg of the same pertain to the Commonalty of the said City should remain to be kept at the will of the Commonalty in the custody of two sufficient men of the same City expert in that Office to be thereunto chosen by the Commonalty of the same City And that they should in no wise be committed to any others than to such as should be so chosen as by the same his Letters Patents which we have seen more fully appeareth And because also the Lord Henry sometimes King of England the fourth our progenitor by his Letters Patents dated the 25th day of May in the first year of his Reign of his favourable Grace amongst other things Tronage granted to the City by H. 4. granted to the said Citizens of the said City Tronage that is to say the weighing of Lead Wax Pepper Allo● Madder and all other such wares within the said City for ever Which Letters Patents we of our special grace by our charter dated the 12th day of July in the first year of our Reign ratified and confirmed to the same then Citizens and to their successors as by the same our Letters Patents more fully appeareth By which Letters Patents and by the continual keeping of the Office of Beam Ballance Weights and of other the premises time out of mind by the said Citizens and their predecessors and by the exercise and occupation of the same within the said City without any Keeping the Beams Weights pertain to the City by prescription challenging It is manifest and without any difficulty evident and apparent unto us that the said Office of the great Beam and common Ballance ordained for weighing between Merchants and Merchants and the Office of keeping of the great Ballance or weight within our City of London for the weighing of all Merchandizes of Avoir du pois and also of all weights whatsoever within the said City and also of all Spices Wares Merchandizes and things in the City aforesaid there to be weighed and also the Authority and power to make name and assign all and all manner of Clerks Porters Servants and Ministers of the said great Beam and Ballance and of the Iron Beam and of the Beam of the Stillyard and also all other Clerks Porters Servants and Ministers to the said Office pertaining and the Issues and revenues thereof coming and all and singular the premises pertaining and of antient right belonging to the Mayor Commonalty and
Citizens we will in no wise be wronged And to the end that from henceforth all Ambiguity in such case might be taken away And that the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their successors may not in time to come be impeached impleaded or grieved by us or our heirs or successors or any of our Justices or Ministers of or for the premises or any of them we will and grant to the now Mayor Commonalty and Citizens and to their successors that the weights and Beams for weighing of Merchandizes Weights Beams to be in the hands of persons chosen by the Commonalty between Merchant and Merchant whereof the profits growing and the knowledg of them to pertain to the Commonalty of the City aforesaid shall remain at the will of the Commonalty of the same City to be kept in the custody of good sufficient men of the same City expert in that Office and to be thereunto chosen by the Commonalty aforesaid and that to others then so to be chosen i● no wise they be committed And that they shall have Tronage that is to say Tronage the weighing of Wax Lead Pepper Allom Madder and all other such like wares within the said City for ever Willing also to do the said Mayor and Commonalty a more ample pleasure in this behalf we have of our favourable grace and from our certain knowledg and meer motion given and granted and by these presents do give and grant to the same Mayor Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London the aforesaid Office of keeper of the great Beam and common Great Beam commo● Ballance Ballance ordained for weighing between Merchant and Merchants and also the Office of the great Beam and weights within the said City for weighing of Merchandizes of Avoir du pois and also of all weights whatsoever within our said City and of all Spices Wares Merchandizes and things in our said City there to be weighed by whatsoever name the said Office is named or known And do by these presents make ordain and constitue the same Mayor Commonalty and Citizens and their successors keepers of the great Beam Ballance and Weights aforesaid and other Weights whatsoever The Mayor Commonalty and Citizens ordained Keepers of the Beams Weights and also the weighing of all Spices Wares Merchandizes and things in the City aforesaid there to be weighed and accustomed to be bought and sold by weight within our said City And also we do give and grant to the Mayor Commonalty and Citizens of our City aforesaid Authority and Power to make name and assign from time to time all and all manner of Clerks Porters Servants and Ministers of the Great Beam and Ballance and of the To assign Clerks of the several Beams Iron Beam and of the Beam of the Still-Yard and Weights aforesaid and also all other Clerks Servants and Ministers to the same Office pertaining and also to remove them or any of them and to make constitute and place other in his or their place as often as to them shall seem expedient To have occupy and exercise the Office aforesaid together with the Authority and Power aforesaid to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their Successors by themselves their Deputy or Deputies for ever to their own proper use and behoof together with all and singular Commodities Houses Advantages Profits Wages Fees and Emoluments in our time or in the times of any of our Progenitors Kings of England due and accustomed pertaining or belonging to the same Office in as ample manner and form as the same Citizens and their Predecessors or any other person or persons having or occupying the same Office before this time had and received or enjoyed the same And also we give and grant by these presents to the said Mayor Commonalty and Citizens and to their Successors the Commodities Houses Advantages Profits Fees and Emoluments and all and singular the Premises for the exercise and occupation of the said Office to the proper use and behoof of the said Mayor Commonalty and Citizens and their Successors without Account or any other thing to us or our Heirs to be delivered made given or paid in this behalf for the Premises or any of them in these Letters Patens specified and contained Although express mention be not in these presents made of the true value or certainty of the Premises or of their Gifts or Grants by us to the said Mayor Commonalty and Citizens of the said City before this time made or any Statute Act Ordinance Provision or Restraint thereof made ordained or provided to the contrary or any other thing cause or matter whatsoever in any wise notwithstanding In witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents Witness my self at W●stminster the 13th day of April in the 22th year of our Reign WE have seen also the Letters Patents Edw. 6. of Lord Edward late King ●f England the 6th our progenitor made in these words Edward the 6th by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland Desender of the Faith and and in Earth Supream Head of the Church of England and Ireland To all to whom these present Letters shall come greeting Know ye that for the summe of 647 l. 2 s. and 1 d. of Lawful The consideration of the Charter mony of England paid to the hands of the Treasurer of our Court of Augmentation and Revenues of our Crown to our use by our welbeloved the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London whereof we acknowledg us to be fully satisfied and paid and the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their successors to be thereof acquitted and discharged by these presents and for other causes and considerations us thereunto especially moving have of our special grace and from our certain knowledge and meer motion and also with the advice of our Council given and granted and by these presents do give and grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens Grant of several Messuages in Southwark To the Mayor c. of the City of London all that our messuage or tenement with the appurtenances now or late in the tenure of Simon Sebatson scituate and being next our Mansion late Charles late Duke of Suffolk in Southwark in the County of Surrey and all that our messuage or tenement with the appurtenances next the broad gate of the same our mansion in Southwark aforesaid And all that our close of ground called Moulters close containing by estimation fifteen acres lying in Newington in our said County of Surrey and all that our close of ground containing by estimation 2 Acres now or late in the tenure of John Parrow lying and being in Saint Georges dunghil in the Parish of Saint George in Southwark aforesaid and also all that one close of ground late in the tenure of John Billington lying in Lambeth-marsh in the parish of Lambeth in the said County of Surrey
part or parcel of it by which our title in and to the said premises ought to be found before the making of these our Letters Patents And notwithstanding any defect in not reciting or ill reciting of any Lease or Leases Grant or Grants heretofore made for term of life or lives or years or otherwise of the premises or of any part or parcel of them being upon Record or not upon Record or otherwise however And notwithstanding the ill naming or not right or certain naming any Village or Hamlet Parish Ward Place Precinct or Country in which the premises or any part of them is or are And notwithstanding any defect in not mentioning or not fully rightly or certainly mentioning the name or names of all or any Tenements These Letters Parents to be sealed without paying any Fine in the Hamper Forms Possessions or Occupations aforesaid and all and singular other the premises or any parcel thereof or of the Annual rent reserved in and upon the premises or any part thereof And notwithstanding any defect uncertainty or Computation or declaration or omission of the true value of the premises or any part of them in these present Letters Patents expressed And notwithstanding any defect in not mentioning our true right state or title of or to the same premises or any part or parcel of them And notwithstanding the statute of Lord Henry the 6th late King of England our Ancestor made and published in the year of his Reign and notwithstanding the statute of Lord Henry the 4th late King of England our Ancestor made and published in the first year of his Reign And notwithstanding the statute aforesaid of not putting Lands and Tenements in Mortmain And notwithstanding the statute made in the Parliament of Edward the first in the third year of his Reign And the statute made in the Parliament of Edward the third in the twenty eight year of his Reign concerning choosing of the Coroners And notwithstanding any other statute or statutes of this our Kingdom of England or any other defects whatsoever and notwithstanding the not mentioning the natures kinds species quantities of the premises or any of them or any part or parcel of them We will also and by these presents grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City of London that they shall and may have these our Letters Patents made and sealed under the great Seal of England without ●endring paying or making Fine or Fee great or little to us in our hamper or otherwise to our use any way for that express mention is not made of the true yearly value or of the certainty of the premises or any of them or of other gifts or grants heretofore made by Us or by any of our Progenitors or Ancestors to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of of the City of London or any other statute Act Ordinance Proclamation Provision or Restriction made Published Ordained or provided to the contrary or any other cause or matter whatsoever in any thing notwithstanding In Witness whereof we have made these our Letters Patents Witness my self at Westminster the 18th day of October in the 14th year of our Reign Fees taken by the Common Outroper FOr selling of all Goods ¼ in ever Shilling For writing and keeping the Books 1 Penny per l. To the Cryer for crying the Goods 1 s. Fees taken by the Register for Broakers FOr the Bond to be entered into by every Broaker Brogger and Huckster to the Chamber 8 d. For every Bargain Contract Pawn for or upon which there shall be lent or given 1 s. or above and under 5 s. ¼ For every the like for which shall be lent 5 s. or more and under 20 s. ½ For every the like on which shall be lent 20 s. or more and under 40 s. 1 d. For every the like on which shall be lent 40 s. or more 2 d. Court of Conscience in London Clerks Fees FOr every Plaint 2 d. For every Appearance 2 d. For every Order 4 d. For every Remittance to the Common Law 4 d. For every Precept or VVarrant to Committo Prison 6 d. For every Search 2 d. For every Satisfaction acknowledged on an Order 6 d. For VVarning every Person within the Liberties 4 d. For VVarning every Person without the Liberties 6 d. For serving every Precept or VVarrant 4 d. VVE have also seen a certain other Charter of our said most dear Father Charles the First late King of England of Blessed Memory made in these words CHARLES by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom these present Letters shall come greeting WHEREAS Out Well-beloved the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London and their Predecessors within the Port of London within the Liberties and Franchices of our City of London and Suburbs thereof have had exercised and enjoyed or claimed to have exercise and enjoy the Paccage of Cloths c. Office of Paccage of all Cloths Woolls Woollfells Calves skins Goat-skins Bales of Tinne and of all other Merchandizes whatsoever to be packed casked piped barrelled or otherwise vesselled out of the said Port to be transported to any the parts beyond the Seas of the Goods and Merchandizes as well of Aliens and Persons born under any Forreign Allegiance in any parts beyond the Seas wheresoever they should be Customed and also the Office as well for Surveying or Scavage of all Goods or Wares of any Merchant either Alien or Denizen whose Father was or should be an Alien born without our Allegiance and from the parts beyond the Seas to be brought to the said Port by way of Merchandize as also for the surveying delivering or balliage of Balliage of Goods all Goods and Wares of any such Merchants aforesaid to be exported from the said Port into the parts beyond the Seas or otherwise on the account of Merchandizes upon and through the River Thames within the said Port in any Ship Boat Barge or Vessel whatsoever floating laden remaining or being off of any Shore of the said River of Thames and upon any Wharffe or Shore of the same River which should happen there to remain and be delivered or unladen as well by Water as by Land within the Port aforesaid within the Franchices and Liberties of the said City and Suburbs thereof all which they have enjoyed time out of mind and by vertue of several Charters or Letters Patents of Edward the Fourth late King of England in the First and Eighteenth years of his Reign to them granted and also by vertue of a certain other Charter or Letters Patents of Henry the Eighth late King of England to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens aforesaid granted in the Third year of his Reign ●y whatsoever Name or Names the same are called in the said Letters Patents by Authority of Parliament confirmed or by colour of the same Letters
We have also seen a certain other Charter of the said Lord William our Progenitor made in these words William King greet William Bishop c. We have also seen another Charter of our most dear Father Lord Charles the First late King of England of blessed Will. Conq. ch 1. memory made in these words Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom these present Letters shall come greeting WE have seen the Charter of Lord William sometimes King of England our Progentior in these words William King greet William Bishop and Godfrey Portgreve and all the Burrough-men To enjoy your Laws without London French and English friendly I give you to understand that I will that you enjoy all the Laws that you enjoyed in the daies of King Edward And I will that each child be his Fathers Heir after his Fathers death And I will not suffer that any man do you wrong God give you health We have seen also a certain other Charter Charter 2. of the same VVilliam our Progenitor made in these words VVilliam King greet VVilliam c. We have also seen the Charter of the Henry 1. Lord Henry sometimes King of England our progenitor made in these words Henry by the grace of God King of England to the Bishop of Canterbury and to the Bishops and Abbots Earls and Barons Justices and Sheriffs and to all his faithful Subjects Choose the Sheriffs of Middlesex of England French and English greeting KNOW ye that I have granted to my Citizens of London to hold Middlesex to farm for three hundred pounds upon accompt to them and their Heirs so that the said Citizens shall place as Sheriff whom they will of themselves and shall place whomsoever or such one as they will of themselves for keeping of the Pleas of the Crown and of Keep Pleas of the Crown the pleading of the same and none other shall be Justice over the same men of London and the Citizens of London shall not None to plead without Lond. Free from Scor c. plead without the walls of London for any Plea And be they free from Scot and Lot and Daneguilt and of all Murther And none of them shall wage Battel And if any Battel of the Citizens shall be impleaded concerning the Pleas of the Crown the man of Discharge of Pleas of Crown London shall discharge himself by his Oath which shall be adjudged within the City And none shall lodge within the walls neither None lodge in the City per force Toll-free throughout England of my houshold nor any other nor Lodging delivered by force And all the men of London shall be quit and free and all their goods throughout England and the Ports of the Sea of and from all Toll and Passage and Lestage and all other Customs Passage Lestage Churches Citizens to enjoy their Cust And the Churches and Barons and Citizens shall and may peaceably and quietly have and hold their Sokes with all their Customs so that the strangers that shall be lodged in the Sokes shall give Custom to none but him to whom the Soke appertain or to his Officer whom he shall there put And a man of London shall not be adjudged in a merciaments of money but of 100 shillings I speak of the How Citizens shal be amerced No Miskenning in the Courts of the City Hustings to sit every Monday Pleas which appertain to money And further there shall be no more miskenning in the Hustings nor in the Flock-mote nor in any other Pleas within the City And the Hustings may sit once in a week that is to say on Monday And I will cause my Citizens to have their Lands Premisses Bonds and Debts within the City and without And I Citizens to enjoy their goods debts c. according to the Law of the City will do them right by the Law of the City of the Lands of which they shall complain to me And if any shall take Toll or Custom of any Citizen of London the Citizens of London in the City shall take of the Borough or Town where Toll or Custom was so taken so much as the man of London gave for Toll and as he received damage thereby And all Debtors which do Debts owing to Citizens to be discharged in London owe debts to the Citizens of London shall pay them in London or else discharge them themselves in London that they owe none But if they will not pay the same neither come to clear themselves that they owe Attachments in Withernam for debts to Citizens none the Citizens of London to whom the debts shall be due may take their goods in the City of London of the Borough or Town or of the County wherein he remains who shall owe the debts And the Citizens of London may have To hunt in Essex Surry and Middlesex their Chases to Hunt as well and fully as their Ancestors have had that is to say in Chiltre and in Middlesex and Surry witness the Bishop of Winchester and Robert Son of Richard and Hugh Pigott and Almer of Totnes and William of Albsprima and Hubert Roger Chamberlaine and William de Mount Fitchett and Hangul Taney and John Ballett and Robert Son of Steward of VVest Furthermore We have seen the Charter Henry 2. of Lord Henry the second sometimes King of England our Progenitor made in these words Henry King of England Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine and Earl of Anjou To all Archbishops Bishops Abbots Earls Barons Justices Sheriffs Ministers and to all his faithful Subjects French and English of all England greeting Know ye that I have granted to my Citizens Citizens not to plead without the walls except in foreign tenures Except Monyers Acquit of Murther Not wage Battel To discharge themselves of Pleas of the Crown of London that none of them plead without the walls of the City of London upon any Pleas except only of Pleas of foreign tenures my Monyers and Officers excepted Also I grant to them acquittal of Murther within the City and in Portsoken thereof And that none of them shall wage Battel And of the Pleas of the Crown they may discharge themselves according to the old usage of the City No man shall take Lodging by force or by delivery of the Marshal And also I have granted to them That All the Citizens of London shall be quit from Toll and Lestage throughout all England and the Ports of the Sea And that none shall be adjudged for Amerciaments None amerced but according to the Law of the City of mony but according to Law of the City which they had in the time of K. Henry my Grandfather And that there shall be no miskenning in any Plea within No Miskenning Hustings once a week Right to be done Citizens of their Lands this City And that the
same to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their Successors We for us our heirs and successors do restore by these presents as fully freely and wholly and in as ample manner and form as they or their Predecessors had used or enjoy the same in any times of our Progenitors or Predecessors once Kings and Queens of England We will also and by these presents for us our heirs and successors grant That it shall be lawful for the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London aforesaid any Authority Office Jurisdiction Liberty Priviledge Franchise Immunity Quittals Free Customs mentioned in the Letters Patents or Charters aforesaid or any of them or other their Customs which hitherto they have used or perhaps have abused or not claimed when they ought to have claimed That they nevertheless the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London and their Successors may henceforth for ever fully have enjoy and use any matter cause or thing whatsoever in times past had made or provided to the contrary thereof notwithstanding without hindrance or Impediment of Us our Heirs or Successors our Justices Sheriffs Coroners Escheators or any other Bailiff or Minister of Us our Heirs or Successors whatsoever the same Authorities Offices Jurisdictions Liberties Priviledges Franchises Immunities Quittals and free Customs whatsoever in likewise not used or abused or not claimed or any of them And to the intent the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City and their Successors in time to come may the more safely freely and quietly hold and enjoy to them and their Successors for ever all and singular the premises in the said Letters Patents or Charters before mentioned or intended to be given or granted by the same And for the intent that no ambiguity controversy doubtful construction or question of or about the premises may henceforth arise but be altogether taken away We for the considerations aforesaid and of our special grace for Us our Heirs and Successors do give and grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London and their Successors for ever all and singular the mannors Lands Tenements Offices Fees Rewards Liberties Priviledges Jurisdictions Immunities Ordinances Quittals Hereditaments and all and singular other things whatsoever in the said Letters Patents or Charters afore-recited or any of them contained or mentioned to have been given or granted with all and singular the appurtenances except such as in the same Charters or Letters Patents or in these prgsents are excepted as fully plainly freely and wholly to all intents and purposes as if they had been expressed named mentioned declared and manifested severally and namely and word for word in these presents To hold all and singular the premises by these presents mentioned to be granted or confirmed with all Appurtenances of Us our Heirs and Successors by such the same or the like Services Fees Fee-farm Rent Sums of Money and demands whatsoever by which or what and as all and singular the same premises were formerly held of Us or our predecessors or were intended to be held by the same Letters Patents Charter or otherwise And whereas Lord Henry the fixth Recital of the Charter of the 26th of Octob. 23. Henry 6. late King of England our predecessor by his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England bearing date at Westminster the 26th day of October in the 23d year of his Reign granted unto the Citizens of the City aforesaid amongst other things that the same Citizens and their Successors for ever The Soil of the Streets and Thames granted to the City should have all Soils Commons Purprestures and Improvements in all Wasts Commons Streets Ways and other places in the City and Suburbs aforesaid and in the Water of Thames within the limits of the same City together with the profits of the same Purprestures and Improvements and that they may improve and Rent and enjoy the rents of them and their Successors for ever and likewise several other things as in the said Letters Patents more fully appears And whereas in the Parliament of the said Lord Henry the 6th late King of England held at Westminster in the 28th year of his Reign it was enacted by Authority of the same Parliament that the same King should take resume seize and retain into his hands and possession all Honours Castles Lordships Towns Villages Mannors Lands Tenements Wasts Rents Reversions Fees Fee-farms and services with all Appurtenances in England Wales and the Marches of the same Ireland Guiana Calice and the Marches of the same which the said Lord Henry by his Letters Patents or otherwise had granted from the first day of his Reign and all Honours Castles Lordships Towns Villages Mannors Lands Tenements Wasts Rents Reversions Fees Fee-farms and services with all their Appurtenances which were of the Dutchy of Lancaster and by the King himself conveyed by grant or grants of the same King and the said King to have hold and retain all the same premises in the like state he had them at the time of such like concession made by the same King of the same And that all Letters Patents by the All Charters of K. Henry 6.1 1 made void said King or any other person or persons at the request and desire of the said King to any person or persons made of the premises or any of them should be void and of no force in Law As by the same Act of Parliament amongst other things doth more fully appear And whereas our most famous Progenitor Henry the 7th late King of England c. by his Letters Patents under the great Seal of England bearing date at Westminster the 23 of July in the 20 year of his Reign reciting amongst other things all and singular donations confirmations grants restitutions innovations ordinances and all other Articles and things in the said Letters Patents contained he did accept and approved and ratified and confirmed all and and singular the said things to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City and their Heirs and Successors by the same Letters Patents and did grant confirm by his said Letters Patents all and singular those things as fully plainly and wholly as if they had been severally and word for word expressed declared and manifested in the said Letters Patents of the same Lord Henry the 7th to the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their Successors as by the said Letters Patents amongst other things more plainly appears And whereas there are divers questions lately risen concerning the validity as well of Doubts concerning the validity of the Charter of the 20th of Henry 7. the said Letters Patents of the said Lord Henry the 6th as of the said Lord Henry the 7th thereupon made by reason or pretence of the same Act of Parliament concerning resumption aforesaid We willing that all questions thereof should be from henceforth taken away and to the intent
Guild-Hall of the said City as by the said Act fully appears We will and for us ou● heirs and successors ordain and constitute th●● from time to time and in all future times ●here be and shall be a certain Office Clerk and his Fees of the Clerk of the Court of Reques● aforesaid And that there be and shall be from time to time and in all future times one fit person to be named and appointed by the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City assembled in Common Council of the same City or the greater part of them to be a Clerk of the same Court to make write enter and register Warrants Precepts Process Acts Orders and Executions of that Court And for labour and Attendance to have and receive his fees and wages expressed in a Schedule annexed to these presents And that there be from time to time and in all future times shall be a certain Office of Beadle of Beadle and his Fees the Court of Requests aforesaid to be named and appointed by the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City assembled in Common Council of the same City or the greater part of them To summon all such persons to appear in the same Court to answer to such like persons as are appointed in the said Act of Parliament and to serve and execute Warrants Precepts and Process of the same Court and to receive for his labour in the same Office the Wages and Fees expressed in a certain Shedule hereunto annexed And whereas divers Burglaries Felonies Roberies clandestine Stealings and Thefts of Goods Jewels Apparel and Houshold-stuff and other things are daily committed within our City of London and liberties of the same to the grievous damage of some of our Subjects inhabiting there or in the parts adjoyning We for the better discovery of such like offenders and of things so lost will and for Us our Heirs and Successors by these presents do ordain grant and constitute that from henceforth for ever within Register of Brokers of Pawns c. the said City of London and the liberties of the same there be and shall be a certain Office of Register of all and for all sales and pawns made or to be made to retailing Brokers within the said City and liberties of the same and for any Goods Jewels Apparel Houshold-stuff and other things so to be sold or pawned by any persons and for Us our Heirs and Successors We now do give and grant by these presents the same Office to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City and their Successors to have and exercise the said Office by them or their Officer Deputy or Minister or Officers Deputies or Ministers first to be allowed and admitted thereto by the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City assembled in Common Council of the same City for the time being or the greater part of them And that it may and shall be lawful for the said Mayor and Citizens of the said City and their Successors and their Deputy or Deputies Officer or Officers to demand take or have and rerain in their power to the use of them the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City the Wages and Fees expressed in a certain Schedule annexed to these presents without any account or any thing else to be rendred or made to us our heirs or successors And further we do give and grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City and their Successors that it may and shall be lawful to the Citizens of the same City and any of them for the time being to expose and hang in and over the Citizens may hang out Signs Streets and Ways and Alleys of the said City and Suburbs of the same Signs and posts of Signs affixed to their Houses and Shops for the better finding out such Citizens Dwellings Shops Arts or Occupations without impediment molestation or interruption of us our heirs or successors or any Officers or Ministers whatsoever of us our heirs or successors And whereas Lord Henry the eighth late King of England c. by his Letters Patents bearing date at Westminster the 13th day of January in the 28th year of his Reign amongst other things for him and his successors did give and grant to the said Bethlem and its Charter Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City and their Successors the keeping ordering and governing of the House and Hospital of him the late King called Bethlem situate without and near Bishopsgate of the said City of London and all Mannors Lands Tenements Possessions Revenues and Hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever lying and being belonging and appertaining unto the same Hospital or House called Bethlem and made and constituted by the same his Letters Patents these the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London and their Successors Masters Keepers and Governours of the said House and Hospital called Bethlem and of the said Mannors Lands Tenements and other Premises belonging to the same House or Hospital To have hold and enjoy the said Custody Order and Government of the said House or Hospital called Bethlem And the said manner Lands Tenements Possessions Revenues Hereditaments belonging to the same House and Hospital called Bethlem To the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City and their Successors for ever to the uses and intents which are in and upon the Foundation ordered and provided by the said late King his Heirs or Successors And that the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City of London and their Successors might be better able to support the but then and expences of the poor in sustaining the House House of the Poor in West-Smithfield called the House of the Poor in West-Smithfield and other burthens assigned and appointed to the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City and their Successors by Indenture mentioned to be made between the said late King and those the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City in the said letters Patents As by the same his Letters Patents amongst other things more fully appears Know ye that we from our Soul affecting and intimatley desiring to support and establish the said works for us our Heirs and Successors do grant and confirm to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City and their Successors the said Custody Ordering and Government of the said House and Hospital called Bethlem and all Mannors Lands Tenements Possessions and Revenues whatsoever and wheresoever lying and being belonging and appertaining to the same House and Hospital called Bethlem And do make ordain and constitute by these presents Mayor c. Governors of Bethlem those the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City and their Successors Masters Keepers and Governors of the said House and Hospital called Bethlem and of the said Mannors Lands Tenements and
THE Royal Charter OF Confirmation Granted by KING Charles II. To the CITY of LONDON Wherein are Recited Verbatim All the CHARTERS to the said CITY granted by His Majesties Royal Predecessors KINGS and QUEENS of ENGLAND Taken out of the RECORDS And exactly Translated into English By S. G. Gent. TOGETHER With an Index or Alphabetical Table and a Table explaining all the Obsolete and Difficult Words in the said CHARTER LONDON Printed for Samuel Lee and Benjamin Alsop at the Feathers in Lombard-street near the Post-Office and at the Angel in the Poultrey over against the Stocks-market To the Right Honourable Sir ROBERT CLAYTON Knight Lord Mayor Of the CITY of LONDON My Lord THe Principle Inducement to the making your Lordships Name Preliminary to the ensuing Publication proceeds from a Contemplation in me that nothing could be more proper in the prosecuting such an Attempt than to Dedicate that to your Lordship which comprehends not onely the Royal Charter and Priviledges granted by Our Gracious Soveraign King Charles the Second but also those of all his Royal Ancestors and Predecessors to one of the most Ancient and Glorious Cities in Europe in which City your Lordship now attains the Highest and most Eminent Place of Honour and Authority And the main reason of the Publication it self receives its Rise First From a Desire in me to make it appear to my Fellow Subjects how far this Famous and Celebrated Metropolis hath been Esteemed and Honoured by those Great Monarchs of this Isle who have been pleased again and again to illustrate the same by many Eminent Sanctions under the Great Seal of England for I may be bold to aver that no City or Corporation in the Christian World and so consequently in the Universe did ever arrive to a more immense Greatness than this City of London hath derived from the Gracious Inclinations of the Prince which have been validated by so many Acts of Parliament and their Laws and Franchises thereby made as it were unalterable by the unanimous Consent of the King Lords and Commons the Body of the whole Nation for the establishing to them a more lasting Estate and Condition of Wealth and Prosperity in Ages to come And Secondly To the intent that the several Members of this great Body might the better know how to yield an Entire Obedience to those sacred Laws under which they are so strictly bound for the Common-Weal of the City and so live in Peace and Quiet under the Government of an Indulgent and Gracious Prince to whom they owe their Protection and Support For these Reasons my Lord I hope you will vouchsafe to grant me your Pardon for this Presumption and accept the same as the Offering of him who is a hearty Well-wisher to the Prosperity of this Great and Opulent City and who shall ever remain with all respect MY LORD Your Lordships most Humble and Devoted Servant S. G. A TABLE OF Obsolete and Difficult words contained in the Charter AMerciament a pecuniary punishment in Court of an Offender against the King or any other Lord. Avoir-du-pois a French word signifying in our Common Law two things 1. A kind of Weight different from that called Troy-weight which contains but twelve ounces to the pound whereas this contains sixteen 2. It signifies such Merchandizes as are weighed by this Weight Brid-toll or Bridgetoll a Duty or Tax for passing over a Bridge Blank-sterling from the French word Blanch i. e. white a Coin that was coined in the parts of France by King Henry the fifth when they were subject to England the value whereof was 8 d. These were forbidden to be currant within this Realm 2 H. 6. The reason why they were called Blanks was to distinguish this Coin by its colour from a certain piece of Gold which was then coined at 22 s. Childwite an old Saxon word signifying a power to take a Fine of your Bond-woman begotten with child without your consent Corody A sum of money or allowance of meat and drink due to the King out of an Abby or Religious House whereof he is Founder towards the maintenance of such one of his servants as he shall think fit to make a Pentioner there Dane-guilt a Tribute laid upon our Ancestors of 12 d. for every Hide of Land throughout the Realm by the Danes for clearing the Seas as they pretended of Pirates Denizen i. e. an Alien born enabled by the King's Letters Patents to purchase Lands hold Offices c. and his Heirs to inherit But this difference lies That a person naturalized by Act of Parliament may inherit Lands by descent which a Denizen cannot though his Heirs may inherit from him Deodand In Latine signifies a thing given or forfeited to God for the pacification of his wrath for any accident whereby a Christian comes to his death without the default of any reasonable creature As if a Horse kill his Keeper or a Cart run over a man the Creatures and Instruments are forfeited to the King to be distributed to the poor Flackmote or Folkmote a Saxon word signifying a Court holden in London wherein all the people of the City did complain of Irregularities and Mis-governments within the City Frank-pledge a Pledge or Surety for Freemen of fourteen years of age except Clerks and Knights their finding Sureties towards the King and His Subjects or else they were to be sent to prison Guild a Fraternity or Company combined together by Orders and Laws made among themselves by the Prince's Licence Husting a French word signifying the principal or highest Court in London Jeresgive an antient Tax or Toll in the time of the Saxons Infangtheft a Saxon word signifying a Liberty granted to certain Lords of Mannors to judge any Thief taken within their Fee Keddals Wares for Fishing Lastage or Lestage i. e. a Burthen a Custom challenged in Fairs and Markets for carrying of things Whence comes a Last of Herrings a Last of Pitch and Tar c. Miskenning Changing of Speech in Court Murage a Contribution gathered for repairing old Edifices or Walls Outfangtheft a Liberty granted to the Lord to try any Thief taken out of his Fee Passage The Hire a man pays for Transport over the Seas Portsoken The Liberties within the Port of London Pannage or Pawnage or Herbage A Duty given to the King for Pasturage of Cattle as also for Fruits Trees Masts Hedge-rowes c. Pontage Contribution towards the repairing of a Bridge Pypowder In Latine Curia Pedis pulverizati a Court held in Fairs for redressing all Disorders committed therein Soke The Liberty in Court allowed to Tenants Scotale Punishment of an Officer who doth keep an Ale-house causing men to come to his house and spend their money for fear of displeasure Taillage From the French word Taille i. e. a piece cut out of the whole signifying the paying a part or share of a man's substance by way of Tribute Toll or Tax Toke Seems to come from the River Teuke unde Teukesbury Treasure-trove
Citizens None to harm them of what to the Sheriffwick belong What shall be given away appertaining to the Sheriffwick to be allowed on accompt in the Excheq of London of these things which to the said Sheriffwick do or were accustomed to appertain Also we will and command that if we or our heirs or any of our Justices shall give or grant to any person any of those things which to the form of the Sheriffwick appertain the same shall be accounted to the Citizens of London in the acquittal of the said Farm at our Exchequer Witness Edw. of Ely S. of Bath Bishops Will. Marshal Earl of Pembrook Ralph Earl of Chester Will. Earl of Arundel Robert Son of Walter Will. Son of Albin Given by the hands of H. Archbishop of Canter our Chancellour at the good Town upon Toke the 5th day of July in the first year of our Reign WE have seen one other Charter of the Joh. Ch. 3. aforesaid Lord John our progenitor made in these words John by the Grace of God K. of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy Aquitain and Earl of Anjou To his Archbishops Bishops Abbots Earls Barons Justices Sheriffs Stewards Castle-keepers Constables Bayliffs Ministers and all his Faithful Subjects greeting Know Ye all that we for our Souls health and for the Souls health of Hen. our Father and all our predecessors and also for the Common-weal of our City of London and of all our Realm have granted and stedfastly commanded that all the wares which are in the Thames or in Medway be amoved wheresoever they shall be within the Thames and Remove Wares in Thames and Medway Medway and that no wares from henceforth be put any where in the Thames or Medway upon forfeiture of ten pounds sterling also we have clearly quitclaimed all that which the Keepers of the Tower of London were wont yearly to receive of the said wares Wherefore we will and stedfastly Keeper of the Tower not to exact any thing for wares command that no keeper of the said Tower at any time hereafter exact any thing from any body nor trouble or molest any person by reason of the said wares for it is sufficiently manifest to us and by the Right Reverend Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury and by other our Faithful Subjects it is sufficiently given us to understand that very great detriment and discommodity hath grown to our said City of London and also to our Realm by occasion of these wares which to the intent it may continue both firm and stable for ever we do fortifie the same by inscription of this present page and putting to our seal these being Witnesses VVilliam of Lona Ed. of Ely G. of VVinchester Bishops Jeffery Son of Peter Earl of Essex VVilliam Marshal Earl of Pembroke H. Earl of VVarren Earl Roger Pigott R. Earl of Clare Earl de Braos Robert Son of Roger Hugh Bord VVilliam Brewer Stephen Turnham VVilliam VVarren Simon of Pattishel given by the hands of Hubert Archbishop of Cant. our Chancellour at Shoreham the 17 day of June in the first year of our Reign WE have also seen a certain other Charter John Ch. 4. of the aforesaid Lord John made in these words John by the Grace of God K. of England Duke of Normandy Aquitain and Earl of Anjou To his Archbishops Bishops Abbots Earls Barons Justices Sheriffs Rulers and to all his Keeper of Tower not to exact any thing for wares Faithful Subjects greeting Know ye that we have granted and by this our present writing confirm to our Barons of our City of London that they may choose to themselves every year a Mayor who to us may be faithful discreet and fit for Government of the City so as when he shall be chosen to be presented unto us or our Justice if we shall not be present and he Mayor to be presented to the K. or his Justice At the end of the year to amove the Mayor and chuse another or the same Confirmation of all the Liberties Saving the Chamberlainship to the King shall swear to be faithful to us and that it shall be lawful to them at the end of the year to amove him and substitute another if they will or the same to retain so as he be presented unto us or our justice if we shall not be present We have granted to the same our Barons and by this our present Charter confirmed that they well and in peace freely quietly and wholly have all their liberties which hitherto they they have used as well in the City of London as without and as well by water as by land and in all other places saving to us our Chamberlainship wherefore we will and streightly command that our aforesaid Barons of our aforesaid City of London may chuse unto themselves a Mayor of themselves in manner and form aforesaid and that they may have all the aforesaid liberties well and in peace whole and fully with all things to the same liberties appertaining as is aforesaid VVitness the Lords P. of VVinton VVilliam of VVorcester VVilliam of Ceventry Bishops VVilliam Brigword Peter Son of Herbert Godfrey d'Lucy and John Son of Hugh Given by the hands of Mr. Richard Harrister our Chancellor at the new Temple London the 19th day of May in the 16. year of our Reign Furthermore We have seen a certain other Job Char. 5. Charter of the abovesaid Lord John made in these words John by the Grace of God K. of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy and Aquitain Earl of Anjou To his Archbishops Bishops Abbots Earls Barons Justices Sheriffs and to all his Bailiffs and Faithful Subjects greeting Know ye that we at the request of our Mayor and Citizens of London have granted and by this our present writing confirmed that the Guild of Weavers shall not from henceforth be in the City of London neither shall be at all maintained but because we have accustomed yearly to receive 18 marks in mony every year of the said Guild our said Citizens shall pay unto us and our heirs twenty marks in money for a gift at the feast of St. Michael at our Exchequer VVitness Hubert Archbishop of Cant. Earl of Ely VVilliam of Albemarlo Bishop Hugh of Gornar Robert of Harcourt Thomas Basset P. of Stoke R of Remars Given by the hands of Hub Archbishop of Cant. at the Gormer the twentieth day of March in the 3d year of our Reign WE have also seen a Charter of the Henry 3. Ch. 1. Lord Henry the Third sometimes King of England our progenitor made in these Terms Henry by the Grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy and Aquitain Earl of Anjou to his Archbishops Bishops Abbots Earls Barons Justices Sheriffs Rulers and to all his faithful subjects greeting KNOW ye that we have granted and by these presents do grant and confirm unto the Confirmation of the Sheriffwick of Lond. and Middlesex Citizens of London the
Sheriffwick of London and Middlesex with all the Customs and things to the same Sheriffwick belonging within the City and without by Land and by water to have and to hold to them and to their heirs of Paying yearly 300 l. us and our heirs paying therefore yearly to us and our heirs three hundred pound of blank money sterling at two times of the year that is to say at the Easter Exchequer 150 l. and at Michaelmas Exchequer 150 l. saving to the Citizens of London all their Liberties and free Customs And further we have granted Liberty to chuse and remove the Sheriffs of Lond. and Middlesex to the Citizens of London that they among themselves may make Sheriff whom they will and may amove them when they will And those whom they make Sheriffs they shall present to our To present them at the Exchequer Justices who may answer to us and our Justices in our Exchequer of those things which to the Sheriffwick appertain whereof they ought to answer us and unless they shall well answer and satisfie us the Citizens of London shall answer and satisfie the Amerciaments and the farm If the Sheriffs do not answer the Citizens must Saving to the same Citizens their liberties as is aforesaid and saving to the Sheriffs the same liberties which other Citizens have so that if they which shall be appointed Sheriffs for the time being commit any thing whereby they ought to incur any Amerciament in mony they shall not be condemned for any more then to the Amerciament of 20 l. and this without damage of other The Amerciament of Sheriffs not to exceed 20 l. Citizens if the Sheriffs be not sufficient for the payment of their Amerciaments but if they do any offence whereby they ought to incur the loss of their lives or members they shall be judged as they ought to be adjudged according to the law Sheriffs offending to be tryed by the City Law of the City but of these things which to the Sheriffwick belong the Sheriff shall answer before the Justices of the Exchequer Saving to the Sheriffs the liberties which other Citizens have Also the grant and confirmation we have made to our Citizens of London for the amendment of the said City and because it was antiently to be at the farm of 300 l. therefore we will and streightly command that the Citizens of London and Citizens to hold the Sheriffwick of Lond. and Middlesex their heirs aforesaid may have and hold the Sheriffwicks of London and Middlesex with all that to the said Sheriffwicks belongeth of us and our heirs and hereditarily freely and quietly honourably and wholly by the farm of 300 l. per annum At 300 l. per annum as the Charters of Lord John our Father famous King of England which we have seen doth witness and forbid that no person do presume to do any hurt impediment or diminution to our said Citizens of things which to the said Sheriffwick belong or were accustomed to appertain Also we do will and command that if we or our heirs or any of our What the King takes away to be allowed on accompt of the Farm Justices shall give or grant to any person any thing which to the farm of the said Sheriffwick appertain the same shall be accounted to the Citizens of London in the acquittal of the said farm in the Exchequer yearly as the Charter of King John our Father which they have concerning the same doth reasonably testify Witness Lord Eustace of London P. of Winchester Joslin of Bath Robert of Salisbury Bishops Herbert of Burgh Earl of Kent our Justice Gilbert de Clare Earl of Glocester and Hertford Richard Son of Nicholas Richard of Argentine our Steward Given by the hands of the Reverend Ralph Bishop of Chichester the 18 day of February in the 11 year of our Reign WE have also seen a certain other Henry 3. Char. 2. Charter of the same Lord Henry made in these words Henry by the Grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy Aquitain Earl of Anjou To his Archibishops Bishops Abbots Earls Barons Justices Sheriffs Rulers Bailiffs and his Faithful Subjects greeting Know ye that we have granted and by this present Charter confirmed to our Barons in our City of London that they may chuse to themselves a Mayor of themselves every year who To chuse a Mayor yearly may be to us faithful discreet and fit for the Government of the City so as when he is chosen he may be presented To present him to the King or his Justices unto us or our Justices if we be not present and shall swear to be faithful to us And that it shall be lawful for them in the end of the year to amove To amove the Mayor and chuse another him and to substitute or if they will to retain him still so as alwayes that he be presented to us or to our Justices if we be not present Also we have granted to the said Barons and by this present Charter confirmed that they may have well and in peace freely quietly and wholly all their liberties To enjoy their Liberties which hitherto they used as well in the City of London as without and as well on the Water as on the Land and in all other places Saving to us our Chamberlainship wherefore we will and Saving the Chamberlainship streightly command that our Barons of our said City of London may chuse to themselves a Mayor of themselves every year in manner aforesaid and that they have all their liberties well and in peace wholly and fully with all that to the said liberties belongeth as the Charter of the excellent Lord John King of England which we have seen doth reasonably testify Witness the Lord Eustace of London P. of Winton Jo. of Bath Robert of Salisbury Bishops Hubert de Burgo Earl of Kent our Justice Gilbert de Clare of Glocester and Hereford Ralph Son of Nicholas R. of Argentine our Steward Given by the hands of the Reverend Father Ralph Bishop of Chichester the 18th day of Feb. in the 11th year of our Reign WE have seen a certain other Charter Henry 3. Char. 3. of the said Lord Henry our progenitor made in these words Henry by the Grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy Aquitain Earl of Anjou To the Archbishops Bishops Abbots Earls Barons Justices Sheriffs Stewards Castle-keepers Constables Bailiffs Ministers and all his Faithful Subjects greeting Ye shall know that we for our souls health and for the souls health of King John our Father and for the souls health of all our Ancestors and also for the Commonweal of our Remove Wares out of Thames and Medway City of London and of all our Realm have granted and strictly commanded that all the wares which are in the Thames or in Medway shall be amoved and that no wares from henceforth be
of the Goal-delivery of Newgate be named in every Commission thereof to be made And that the said Citizens may have Infangtheft and outfangtheft Infangtheft and Chattels of Felons of all those which shall be adjudged before them within the liberties of the same City and of all being of the liberty aforesaid at the aforesaid Goal to be adjudged And whereas also by the Charters of our progenitors it was granted to the same Citizens that they should hold the Sheriffwick of London and Middlesex for 300 l. yearly to be paid at our Exchequer and they are charged with the payment of 400 l. yearly every year to be paid at our Exchequer for the Sheriffwicks contrary to the form of the said Charters We will and grant for us and our heirs that the said Citizens their heirs and successors may henceforth the aforesaid Sheriffwicks hold for 300 l. yearly to be yearly paid at our Exchequer according to the tenor of the aforesaid Charters and that they be from henceforth acquitted of the said 100 l. Furthermore we have granted for us and our Citizens may devize in Mortmain or otherwise Lands in London heirs to the said Citizens that they their heirs and successors may bequeath their tenements within the liberties of the aforesaid City as well in Mortmain as in other manner as of Antient time they have been accustomed to do And whereas in a certain Charter of the Lord Edward late King of England our Father to the said Citizens made amongst other things it is conteined that the Sheriffs of the said City as often as they shall happen to be amerced for any offence in the Court should be a merced according to the measure and quantity of their offence as other the Sheriffs of our Realm were wont to be amerced for like offences and the Sheriffs of the aforesaid City after the Sheriffs of Lond. shall not be amerced in other manner for escapes then other Sheriffs are wont to be making of that Charter were otherwise amerced for the escape of thieves then othr Sheriffs were on this side Trent for such like escapes are amerced only as it is said 100 s. we will and grant for us and our heirs that the Sheriffs of the same City which for the time shall be in no wise be amerced or charged for the escape of Thieves in any other wise then as other the Sheriffs on this side Trent And that the aforesaid Citizens shall not be charged for the Custody of those that fly Sanctuary to the Churches within the aforesaid liberty for to have immunities otherwise then of old hath been accustomed to be charged any thing in the last circuit at the Tower of London made or adjudged notwithstanding And that the said Citizens may remove and take away all the Wares in th Waters of Thames and Medway and may have the punishments thereof to us belonging Also we will and command Merchant strangers to sell their commodities within 40 daies Not to keep houses but be with Hosts The King's Marshal S●e ward or Clerk not to sit in London No Citizen to plead out of the City No Escheator to meddle within Lon. streightly that all Merchant Straggers coming to England shall sell there Wares and Merchandizes within 40 days after their coming thither And shall continue and board with free hosts of the said City and other the Cities and Towns in England without any households or societies by them to be kept And also we will and grant for us and our heirs that the Marshal Steward or Clark of the Market of our household may not sit from henceforth within the liberty of the aforesaid City nor Exercise any offence there nor any way draw any Citizen of the said City to plead without the liberties of the said City of any thing to happen within the liberties of the same And that no Escheater or other Officers may The Mayor made Escheator of London from henceforth Exercise the Office of the Escheator within the liberties of the said City But that the Mayor of the said City for the time being may do the Office of the Escheator within the said liberty so as alwaies that he take his Oath that he Take an Oath and Account Exercise the said Office and that the answer thereof to us and our heirs as he ought to do And that the said Citizens from henceforth Citizens not to be compelled to war out of the City shall not be compelled to go or send to war out of the said City And that the Constable of the Tower of London for the time being shall not make any prizes by land or by water of victual or other thing whatsoever of the men of the said City nor of any other coming towards the said City or going thence neither shall or may arrest or cause to be arrested the Ships or Boats bringing victuals or other such like goods to or from the said City And forasmuch as the Citizens in all good Fairs of England were wont to have Fairs among themselves keepers to hold the Pleas touching the Citizens of the said City Assembling at the said Fairs We will and grant as much as in us is that the same Citizens may have such like keepers to hold such like Pleas of their Covenants Sheriffs of Lond. not to take any Oath in the Exchequer but upon their Accompts as of Antient time they had except the Pleas of Land and of the Crown Furthermore we grant for us and our heirs that the Sheriffs of the said City for the time being shall not be compelled to take any Oath at our Excheq but upon the yielding up of their accompts Also whereas the said Citizens in the Circuit of Henry Stanton and his fellow Justices of the Lord Edward late King of England our Father last Circuit at the Tower of London were compelled contrary to their Antient Customs to claim their liberties and free Customs and thereupon did claim divers liberties by the Charters of our said progenitors and of other their liberties and free Customs of old use and custom which said claims do as yet hang before us undecided We will and grant for us and our heirs that Claims of Liberties undecided the same Citizens their heirs and successors may have the liberties and free Customs and may use them as of old time they were wont And that they may record their said liberties and free Customs before us our Justices and other Ministers whatsoever in such sort as they were wont to do before the said Circuit Notwithstanding that the said Citizens in the said Circuit were impeached upon some like record and liberties and free Customs aforesaid and also notwithstanding any statutes or judgments made or published to the contrary And that to the allowance of their Charters to be had before us in One writ of Allowance of their Charters to be sufficient for one Kings time our Exchequer and
and Newton aforesaid or either of them And all o● annual rent of 20 d. and the services going out of five acres of ground now or late 〈◊〉 phen Middletons lying and being at the 〈◊〉 of Southwark and Newington aforesaid or either of them And all that our annual 〈◊〉 of 4 d. and the service going out of four cres of Land now or late William Champion lying and being in Southmead in Walm Field in the Parish of Newington in our County of Surrey And all that our annual rent of 20 d. ¼ and the service going ou● the Messuage or Tenement called Ciro● Southwark and Newington aforesaid and ●● of them And all other our Messuage Lands Tenements Rents Reversions vices and Hereditaments whatsoever which were parcel of the Possessions Rents and Revenues of the Archbishoprick and Bishoprick of Canterbury in Southwark in the said County of Surrey We furthermore give and for the considerations aforesaid and with the advice aforesaid do grant by these Presents to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens A Grant of the premises in as large manner as the Luke of Suffolk or any Abbot of Bermondsey or Archbishop of Canterbury did enjoy the same of the City of London all and all manner of Woods Underwoods and Trees whatsoever growing and being of in and upon all and singular the premises and the soyl and ground of the same and also whatsoever Reversions of all and singular the premises and every part thereof and all the rents and yearly profits whatsoever reserved upon whatsoever Demises and Grants made of the premises or any part thereof by any means We also give and by these Presents grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London all and singular the premises with the appurtenances as fully and in as ample manner and form as the said Charles late Duke of Suffolk or any other Abbot of the late Monastery of Bermondsey or any Archbishop of Canterbury or any of them or others before this time having or possessing the said Mannours and other premises or any parcel thereof or being thereof seized ever had held or enjoyed or ought to have or enjoy the same or any parcel thereof and as fully freely and wholly and in as As largely as it came to Edward the 4. or H. 8. large manner and form as all and singular the same came or ought to have come to our hands or to the hands of our most dear Father Hen. the 8. late King of England by reason or pretence of any Charter Gift Grant or Confirmation or by reason or pretence of the dissolution of the said late Monastery or by any other means or right they came or ought to have come or as the same now be or ought to be in our hands Know ye moreover that we as well of our grace knowledge and motion aforesaid and with the advice aforesaid as for the sum of five hundred Marks Consideration of five hundred Marks of lawful Money of England paid into the hands of our Treasurer of our Court aforesaid to our use by the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City of London whereof we confess us to be fully satisfied and the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their Successors thereof to be acquitted and discharged by these presents Have given and granted and by A Grant of several things to the Mayor c. these presents do give and grant for us and our Heirs to the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City aforesaid and to their Successors in and through all the Borough and Town of Southwark aforesaid and in and through all the Parishes of S. Saviours S. Olaves and S. Georges in Southwark and i● the Parish and through all the Parishes la●● called S. Thomas Hospital and now called the Kings Hospital in Southwark aforesaid and elsewhere soever in the said Town and Borough of Southwark aforesaid and in Kentish-street and in Blackman-street aforesaid and the Parish of Newington and elsewhere in the said Town and Borough of Southwark all Goods and Chattels waved Estrays and Waifes Estrayes Treasure found all Treasure found in the Town and Precinct aforesaid and all manner of handy-work Goods of Traytors Deodands Goods of Felons Deodands Goods of Fug●tives Deodands Goods of Outlaws Deodands Goods and Chattels of all manner of Traytors Felons Fugitives outlawed condemned convicted and of Felons defamed and put in exigent Felons of themselves and Deodands and denying the Law of our Land wheresoever or before whomsoever Justice ought to be done of them and all goods disclaimed found and being within the Borough Town Parishes and Precincts aforesaid and also all manner of Escheats and forfeitures to us and our Heirs may there pertain as fully and wholly as we should have them if the said Town and Borough were in the hands of us or of our Heirs and that it shall be lawful to the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their Successors by their Deputy or Ministers of the same Town and Borough to put themselves in seizin of in all the handy-works and chattels of all manner of Traytors Felons Fugitives Outlawed Condemned Convicted and of Felons defamed and denying the Law of our Land and of other premises and also of and in all goods disclaimed found or being within the same Borough Town Parishes or Precincts aforesaid and also of and in all Escheats and forfeitures to us and our Heirs there pertaining And that the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their Successors by themselves or their The Mayor and Commonalty shall have the Assize of Bread Wine c. within the Borough and Parishes Deputy or Minister or Ministers shall have in the Borough Town Parishes and Precincts aforesaid the Assize and Essay of Bread Wine Beer and Ale and of all other Victuals and things whatsoever set to sale in the Town aforesaid and also all and whatsoever doth or may pertain to the Clerk of the Market of our house or of the house of our Heirs together with the correction and punishment of all persons selling Wine Bread Beer Ale and other Victuals there to be sold and of others there dwelling or exercising Arts howsoever and with all manner of forfeitures fines and amerciaments to be forfeited with all other things which therefore do or may there pertain to us or our Heirs or Successors in time to come And that they shall have there the Execution of all manner of Execution of Writs Writs of ours or of our Heirs and Successors and of all other Writs Commands Extracts and Warrants with the Returns of the same by such their Ministers Return of Writs and Deputies whom they shall thereunto choose and that the same Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens and their Successors shall every year have there and through all the Town Borough Parishes A Fair in Southwark for three days and Precincts aforesaid one Fair or Mart