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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18174 A short catechisme, or playne instruction, conteynynge the su[m]me of Christian learninge sett fourth by the kings maiesties authoritie, for all scholemaisters to teache. To thys catechisme are adioyned the Articles agreed vpon by the bishoppes [and] other learned and godly men, in the last conuocatio[n] at London, in the yeare of our Lorde, M.D.LII. for to roote out the discord of of [sic] opinions, and stablish the agreme[n]t of trew religion: Likewyse published by the Kinges maiesties authoritie. 1553.; Catechismus brevis Christianae disciplinae summam continens, omnibus ludimagistris authoritate Regia commendatus. English. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556, attributed name. aut 1553 (1553) STC 4812; ESTC S119226 42,500 192

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¶ A SHORT Catechisme or playne instruction conteynynge the sūme of Christian learninge sett fourth by the Kings maiesties authoritie for all Scholemaisters to teache ¶ To thys Catechisme are adioyned the Articles agreed vpon by the Bishoppes other learned and godly men 〈◊〉 the last conuocatiō at London in the yeare of our Lorde 〈◊〉 D. L I I. for to roote out the discord of 〈◊〉 opinions and stablish the ●…mēt of trew religion Likewyse published by the Kinges maiesties authoritie 1553. 〈◊〉 Imprinted at Londō by Ih●… Day with the kinges most gracious licēce 〈◊〉 priuiledge Forbidding all other to print the same Catechisme ¶ An Iniunction geuen by the kyng our soueraigne Lord his most excellent maiesty to all scholemasters and teachers of youthe within all his Graces realme and dominions for auctorising and establyshyng the vse of thys Cathechisme EDwarde the Sixte by the grace of God king of England Fraūce and Irelād defēdoure of the faith and of the church of Englande and also of Ireland in earthe the Supreme head to all Scholemasters and teachers of youthe ¶ When there was presented vnto vs to be perused a short and playne order of Catechisme written by a certayne godlye and learned man we committed the debatinge and diligente examination therof to certain Byshoppes and other learned men whose iudgement we haue in greate estimation And because it semed agreeable with the scriptures and the ordynaunces of oure Realme we thought it good not onely for that agreement to put it forthe abrode to Print but also for the plainesse and shortnes to appoint it out for al Scholemasters to teach That the yet vnskilfull and yong age hauynge the foundations layed both of religion and good letters mai learn godlines together with wysdome and haue a rule for the rest of theyr lyfe what iudgement they ought to haue of god to whō all oure lyfe is applyed and howe they maye please God wherin we oughte wyth all the doynges and dutyes of oure lyfe to trauayle ¶ We wyll therfore and cōmaūd both all and eche of you as ye tender oure fauoure and as ye mind to auoyde the iust punishmente of transgressing our aucthoriti that ye truely and diligently teach this Catechisme in your schooles immediatly after the other brief Catechisme whych we haue alreadye setforth that yonge age yet tender and wauerynge beyng by authority of good lessōs and instructions of true religion stablyshed maye haue a greate furtherance to the ryght worshipping of God good helpes to lyue in alpointes accordinge to duety Wherewyth beinge furnyshed by better vsing dewe godlynes towarde God the author of all thynges obedyence towarde their Kynge the sheepeherde of the people Louynge affection to the common weale the generall mother of all they maye seeme not borne for theym selues but bee profytable and dewtyfull toward God theyr Kynge and theyr coūtrey ¶ Geuen at Grenewyche the. xx of May the. vii yere of oure Reigne ¶ The Copie of the Kynges Maiesties letters Patentes for the Printynge of this and the lytle Cathechisme EDWARDE the ●…irte by the grace of God King of England Fraunce and Irelād Defendour of the fayth and of the church of England and also o●… Ire land in earth the supreme hedde TO all maner of Printers Bokesellers and other our Officers Ministers and Subiectes gretyng We do you to vnderstand that of our grace especial we haue graunted and geuen Priuiledge and lycence and by these presentes doe grau●…t and geue priuiledge and licence to our welbeloued subiect Iohn Daye of our Citie of London Printer vnto his factours assignes to Print or cause to be printed as wel this Cathechisme i Englishe whiche we haue caused to be setfourth for the better instruction of ●…outh to be taughte in Englyshe Schooles as also an A. B. C. with the B●…ife Cathechisme alredy printed Any other priuiledge to the contrary in any wyse not withstandynge AND furthermore oure plesure is that the same Iohn Day hys factonres assygnes shall and may haue the onelye pryntynge from time to tyme of the same Cathechismes in recompence of his industry paynes and charges to be sustayned in that behalfe ¶ Streightly forbidding by these presents al and singulec our subiects aswel priuters as bokesellers as al other parsos within our Realmes and dominions whatsoeuer they be to prynt or cause to be printed ▪ within any our fair●… dominions these Cathechismes aforesa●…d or anye of them but only the said Iohn Day ▪ and his assignes neither to bie any other sortes of impressions then such as shal be printed by the said Iohn Day and his assignes vpō paine of our high displesure and that euery offēder therin shall forteit to our vse ▪ xls ▪ for euery such cathechisme so prin ted or bought cōtrari to the true meaning of this our present licence and priueledge ouer besides al such cathechismes to be forfaited to whom soeuer shal sustein the charges and sue the said forfai ture in our behalfe ¶ Willing therfore and cōmāding al our officers ministers as they tender our fauour and wil auoid our dysplesure and indignaciō for the cōtrary that thei and euery of thē if nede shal require do aide and assist the foresayd Iohn Day his factours and assignes in due exercising execuciō of this our present licence priueledge with the ffect accordynge to the true meanynge of the same I●… witnes wherof we caused these oure letters to be made patents Witnes oureselfe at Westemynstre the xxv day of March the vi●… yeare of oure ●…aygue The Table A Absent Chris●…e gouerueth hys churche absent fol. 24. b. Howe Christe is absent and presente in the world fol. 25. a ▪ Adam The names of Adam ●…ue fol. 16 a. Aduoutrie Aduoutrie fol. 7. a. Ascension Christes ascension fol. 20. b fol. 26. a. Out profit by Christes ascension fol. 30. a. Causes of Christes ascens●…on fol. 30. b. B Baptisme The ministratiō of bap tisme 48. b. The meanyng of baptisme fol 50. a. Breade The bread fol. 50. a. Our day●…y bread fo 59. a. Wvhat br●…ad meaneth fol. 19. a. Dayly bread or supernaturall 60. a. Wvh●… we aske our bread to be dayly fol 60. a. Brother The name of brethren fol. 66. a. C Ceremonies of the law Ceremonies fol. 12 a. Charitie Charitie fol. 66 ●… Degrees of Charitie fol. 67. b. Children Chyldren to be taught●… trew religion fol. 2. a Chirche The church fol 41. b. Christe gouerneth hys Church absent fol 24. b. The holye Churche fol. 37. a Wvho bee of Christes churche fol 38 a Markes of the Churche fol. 42. b. Wvhy the Churche is called vniuersal fo 45. a. Christ. Christes doynges for our behofe fol. 32. b. Christe an example of lyfe vnto vs. 33. b. Honour of Christ. 34. b Christes benefites to vs. fol. 66. a. Communion Communion of Saintes fol. 45. a. b. Contention The harmes of contention fol. 62. Couenant Gods couenants fo 19 b Our couenāt wyth god
thākes geuing and to be commended to the people of God ¶ Of ciuile Magistrates THe king of Englande is Supreame head in earth next vn der Christe of the churche of England and Ireland THe Byshoppe of Rome hathe no iurisdiction in th●…s realin of Englande THe ciuile magistrate is ordeined and alowed of god wher fore we must obey him not on ly for feare of punishment but also for conscience sake THe ciuile lawes may punyshe christen men with deathe for hainous greuous offences IT is lawfull for Christians at the commaundement of the ma gistrate to were weapons and to serue in lawfull warres Christian mennes gooddes are not commune THe riches gooddes of Christians are not commune as touchinge the righte title and possession of the same as certayn Anabapti●…es do fasly boast not withstanding euery man oughte of such thinges as he possesseth li berally to geue almes to the pore according to his hability ¶ Christian menne maye take an Othe AS we confesse that vayne rashe swearing is forbidden Christian men by our Lorde Iesu Christ his apostle Iames so we iudge that Christian religion doeth not prohibite but that ●… man may sweare when the Magistrate requireth in a cause of faythe and charitye so it be done according to the Prophetes teachynge in iustyce iudgemente and truthe The resurrectiō of the dead is not yet broughte to passe THe resurrecciō of the dead is not as yet brought to passe as though it only belonged to the soule which by the grace of Christ is raised from the death of synne but it is to be loked for at the laste day For then as Scripture 〈◊〉 most manifestly testifie to all that be dead theyr owne bodies ste she and bone shalbe restored that the whole mā may accordinge to hys workes haue other reward orpu nishment as he hath liued vertuoufly or wickedly The soules of them that depart this life doe neither die wyth 〈◊〉 the bodies nor sleape idly THey which say that the soules of suche as depart hence dooe sleepe beyng wythout al sence feling or perceiuing vntyl the day of iudgmente ▪ or affirme that the soules dye with the bodies and at the last day shalbe raised vp wyth the same do vtterly dissente from the righte belefe declared to vs in holye Scripture Heritikes called Millenarii THey that go aboute to renewe the fable of heretickes called Millenarii be repugnaunt to holy scripture and cast thē selues headlong into a Iewishe dotage ¶ Al men shall not be saued at the length THey also are worthy of condēnation who endeuout at thys tyme to restore the daūgerous opinion that al men be theineues so vngodly shal at length be saued whē they haue suffered paynes for theyr synnes a certayne tyme appoynted b●… Gods iustice The ende of the Articles ¶ A generall Confession to be sayd in the Morning AL mighty and most merciful father we haue erred and strayed from thy wayes like lost shepe We haue followed to mutche the deuises and desires of our owne hartes We haue offended agaynst thy holye la●…es Wee haue lefte vndone those thynges whyche we ought to haue done ●… we haue done those things whiche we ought not to haue done and ther is no health in vs but thou O Lord haue mercye vpon vs miserable offendours Spare thou them O God whych confesse theyr faultes Restore thou them that be ●…tent accordyng to thy prompses declared vnto mankynde in Christ Ieso our Lord. And graunt O most mercifull father for his sake that we may here 〈◊〉 li●…e a godly righteous and sober lyfe to the glorye of thy holy name Amen A prayer to be sayd in the Mornynge OMercifull Lord God he●…uenlye father I rēder most high laudes praise and thanks vnto the that thou hast preserued me both thys nyght and all the tyme and dayes of my lyfe hitherto vnder thy protection and hast suffered 〈◊〉 to liue vntill this present houre And I beseeche the hartely that thou wilt vouchesafe to receiue me this day and the residue of my whole lyfe from hence forth into thy tu●…ion ▪ rulyng and gouernyng 〈◊〉 with thy holy spirite that all maner of darkenesse of misbeliefe infidelitie and of carnal lu●… and affections may be vtterly chased and driuen oute of my hearte and that I may be iustified and saued both bodye and soule thorow ●… ryght and a perfect fayth and so walke in the light of thy most godlye truth to thy glorye and prayse and to the profyt and furtheraunce of my neighbour thorow Iesus Christ our Lorde and Sauiour Amen ¶ A Praiet to be saied of Children before they studie their lesson at schole OBlessed Lorde whiche arte the welspring of al wisdom and knowledge sithēs it hath pleased the of thy mercy to prouyde for me such meanes to be instructed in my tēder age as wherby I may haue knowledge to vse my selfe honestlye and to behaue my selfe godlye to leade the whole course of my life in thy holy seruice let it be thy pleasure also to illumynate my darke wyt and blynde vnderstandinge so that it may be able to receyue accordyngly the learning that shall be vttered refreshe thou my memorye yea imprinte thou it in my remembraūce that I may kepe it assuredlye dispose thou my hearte also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and frame my wyll that ●…mape apply my minde to recei●…e it with such affec●…ion and feruente desire as it beho●…eth to to this end that the most happye occasyon which thou offerest vnto me do not pea●…ish through my vnth●…kfulnes and that these thinges may come to passe let it stād with thy gracoius pleasure to powre out thy holy spirit into my heart thy spirit I saye of vnderstanding of truth iudgment wisdō●… knowledge whe●…eby I may become apt to learne and my scholemaster not lese his payne in teachyug me and what study soeuer I apply my mynd vnto I may reduce ●… bryng it to the right end that is to glorif●… the in our sauiou●… Christ to who●…e wyth the and the holye ghost be all honoure and glorye for euer and euer Amen ¶ A Prayer for the Kinges Maiestye ALmightye God whose kingdome is euerlastyng and power infinit haue mercye vpon the whole congrega●…yon and so rule the heart of thy chose●… seruaunt Edward the sixth ou●… king and gouernoure that he knowyng whose myny●…er he is may aboue al thynges seeke thy honour and glory and y ● we his subiectes duly cōsidering whose authority he hath maye faythfullye serue honour and humbly obey him in the and for the according 〈◊〉 thy blessed woorde and 〈◊〉 Thorow Iesus Christ our Lord wh●… 〈◊〉 the and the holy ghost liueth and 〈◊〉 euer one God worlde wythout 〈◊〉 Amen ¶ A Prayer to be sayde at nyghte going to bed OMercifull Lorde God heauenly 〈◊〉 ther whether we sleepe or wake liue ordye we are alwayes thyne Whe●… fore I beseche the hartelye that thou wy●…●…ouchsafe to take care and charge of me not to suffer me to