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A14341 An abridgement of the notable woorke of Polidore Vergile conteignyng the deuisers and firste finders out as well of artes, ministeries, feactes & ciuill ordinaunces, as of rites, and ceremonies, commo[n]ly vsed in the churche: and the originall beginnyng of the same. Co[m]pendiously gathered by Thomas Langley; De rerum inventoribus. English. Abridgments Vergil, Polydore, 1470?-1555.; Langley, Thomas, d. 1581. aut 1546 (1546) STC 24656; ESTC S107600 129,908 356

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be y t say one Redo earle of mount Granel did institute them in Fessulus in the tyme of Gregorye the .xii. Yet there be that say that the originall of this brotherhod was instituted of Hierom in deserte that Eusebius of Cremona with other deuoute and holy men whiche kept conuersacion with him did enlarge and augment the familie of that profession As concernyng the Channons reguler ther be two opinions for some saye that Austen by and by after he was created byshoppe broughte hys Chānons in this rule and fourme of liuyng wherin they haue bene so lōg trayned and noseled vp other some bragge and make their vaunt that it was deuised of the Apostles and of this opinion was Thomas of Aquine But howsoeuer the matter go Austen was doubtles ether the inuentour of the secte or renewer of it and therfore maye be iustlye taken for an autoure of that faction and so was he likewyse of Augustines Hermites The Chanons clothyng was a white cote a linnyn rochet vnder a blacke coape with a scapuler to couer their head and shoulders The Hermites haue a contrary vesture a blacke coat with alike scapuler and another coat of whyte a lether gyrdle Of these there be diuerse orders As y e order of s Sauiour of the scopettines whiche wer ordeined by one Steuen Iames two men of Senes in the tyme of Vrbane the .v. the yere of Christ M.ccc.lxx and Gregory the .xi. by his consent confirmed thē in their hipocrisie The Frisonaries is another brood which began among the Hetrurians in the countie of Luces that is other wise called lateraneuse by the diuise of Iames Britiane in y e tyme of Ihō the .xxiiii. the yere of Christ M. cccc.xii thei were amplified encreased bi Eugenius the .iiii. The .iii. order is titled y e brethred of s Gregory de Alga this was ordeyned at Venece by Laurence Iustinian in the time of Innocencius the .vii. y e yere of our lord M cccc vii with diuers other orders whiche forsomuche as they rise sodēly like toad stoles in a raine I wyl omit thē Bruno of Colen y e red sometime the philosophi lecture at Paris did institute the Charterhouse monkes in the diocese of Gracianopolis at a place named Cartusia in the yere of our lord M.lxxx vnder Gregorye the .vii. their life was outwardly ful of painted holines in forbering flesh fasting bread and water eueri friday ful of solitarines muche silence euer pinned in and women were banished out of the house with other semblable ceremonies The Carmelites or white friers wer as some say begon in mount Carmelus after the example of Helias y e prophet which liued their lōg solitary they wer fyrst assēbled together by Almericus B. of Antioch y e yere of our lord M.clxx in y e time of Alexander the .iii. they wer so called our Lady friers of a chapel of our lady y t was in y e hil Carmelus Neuertheles vpon cccc yeares after in the tyme of Innocentius the third they were reformed by Albartus byshop of Hierusalem accordyng to the rule of Basilius and the colowre of their coape was turned into whyte by Honorius the third where afore it was russet The order of Pemōstratenses was instituted in the diocesse of Laudune by Northbergus a priest and the preceptes of that couent were gathered out of s Austens rules and admitted for good by Calixtus the seconde in the yere of our lorde M.C.xx. The Crouch or crosse Friers began about the yere of our lorde by the diuise of Cyriacus bishoppe of Hierusalem whiche shewed Helene mother of Constantine wher y e crosse lay hyd And in memorial of y e crosse he caused this brotherhod colledge of Friers to beare the crosse And yet they neuer knew what y e crosse weied in their bodyes or in their heartes forsomuche as they were sore wasted Innocentius the .iii. renewed the religion The .iiii. Chapiter ¶ Blacke and Gray friers the Trinite order Brigidians Iesuates new Hermites and Bonhomes ABOVTE the tyme of Innocentius the third arose two famouse founders of two supersticious sectes I meane Dominicke the Spaniarde and Frauncis the Italian of the countrie of Vmbria Dominicke at the fyrst was a Chanon but bycause he could not suffre to haue a superior and was also wery of the cloyster he inuented a newe fraternite named Dominicans black Friers or Friers preachers bycause they had the charge to preache y e Gospel without mixture of any pharisaical leauen The newe guyse of their vesture made innocente Innocentius to wonder But Honorius the .iii. by his bulle honorably admytted them the yeare of our lorde M.CC.xx. and Gregory the ninth putte the matter out of all doubt canonised Dominicke and by his bulle vnder lead alowed him for a sainct Frauncesse that was fyrst of y e friers Austens thinkyng that secte not to be sufficiently furnished with hipocrisie beganne a newe trade of liuyng in the mounte Appoeninus in a place named cōmonly Iauerna doubtles a ground worthy for suche a foūdacion as was besyde the worde of God it was set vp in the tyme of Honorius aforesayd They were named Minores of the humilitie lowlynes of hart that thei shuld haue but that was smally regarded furthest from their study Two yeres after y t was the yere of oure Lorde M.CC.xxix Frauncisse was sanctified by Gregory made a sainct Fraunciscanes afterward fel at cōtencion for the rules of their profession They that fayled somewhat of y e vnperfecte perfection of them retayned the name of Minorites styl the other titled them selues obseruauntes more worthy to be called obstinate The latter felowes were broughte into England by kyng Edwarde the iiii were greatly enhaunced by the famouse prince kyng Henry the .vii. At the same tyme was Clara the Vyrgyn countrie woman to sayncte Frauncisse whiche was a great foundresse of Nunnes of y e same rule that Frauncesse gaue his couent of them sprōg the basterde penitencers in the dayes of Iohn the .xxii. and the yere of our lord M.CCC.xv The order of the Trinite vnder the sayd Innocentius was begonne by Iohn Marta and Felyx Anachorita in Fraunce in the countrie of Meldine Then also was founded or els not long after in the tyme of Martin the fourth the brotherhod of Mayres seruauntes by one Philip of Florencia a Phisician and Benedicte the .xi confirmed it in the yere of our Lorde M.CCC.lxxxv The order of Brigidians was instituted by Brigidia a wyddowe that was princesse of Sueta vnder Vrbane the .v. in the yeare of oure Lorde M.ccc.lxx it was aswell of men as women albeit thei dwelled seuerally by them selues The familie of Iesuites was the inuēcion of Iohannes Colūbinus in the citie of Senes in the time of the same Vrbane the yere of
onely vsed in the congregacion first deuided theim into Patriarches and Archebishoppes Patriarches at the firste were of Roome Antioche Alexandrie Hierusalem and Constantinople Archbishoppes had their title to bee called Metropolitaines bycause their sea was in the mother citee of the prouence Clement the first ordaigned that all Patriarches and Archbishoppes should weare a paule whiche dooth signifie mekenesse and iustice wherwith thei should specially bee garnished Then also the inferior orders begonne too bee deuided as that the Archedeacon should bee aboue Deacon and Arche-prieste aboue the prieste and ouer theim the Deanes and then wer ordained cannons that syng in cathedrall churches Antherius permitted that a bishoppe might chaunge his bishoppericke for another vpon an honeste cause if he wer thought sufficient to discharge a greater for his learnyng and Godlinesse Caius firste made a statute that a prieste might not bee conuented afore a temporall iudge but least any manne should bee circūuēted by fraude or gyle Entichianus instituted that the accusacion should bee putte in writyng afore the iudge Likewise Cornelius decreed that a manne should not take or require an othe of a priest but onely in matters concernyng our religion and faithe THE maner of swearyng was in old time of this sorte He that should sweare tooke a stone in his hande saied if I deceiue you to my knowledge Iupiter banishe me out of all good mēnes compaignie preseruyng the reste of the citee as I cast awaie this stone from me And as Plinie dooeth write it was not lawfull for any manne too beare an office fiue daies onlesse he wer sworne In like maner our bishoppes kynges Priestes and other officers sweare afore the● bee admitted to the office Iustinianus emperour appoyneted firste that menne should sweare by the Gospell and now a daies al that sweare laie their hande on the booke and kisse it saiyng so helpe me God and the holy Gospell bycause as the Gospell of our religion and faithe maie for no cause bee violated so an othe in no case maie bee broken THE fashion of excomunicatyng menne that bee obstinate and dissobediente too the officers Or common transgressours came as some thinke out of the rites of the Iewes whiche banished out of their Sinagoge all those that ranne in obstinacy against their tradicions AND some suppose it sprong of the religiouse folcke in Fraunce named Druides whiche as Caesar recordeth If ether a priuate mā or officer wer not cōformably ordered after their ceremonies excluded hym out of their compaignie The .ix. Chapiter ¶ Consecratyng Nunnes takyng of our cappes kissyng the Popes feete and washyng of feet THE custome to consecreate Virgyns makyng a vowe of chastitee was first found by Pius the first whiche instituted ▪ also y t none should bee made afore she were twenty and fiue yeres olde and that thei mighte bee consecrated at no tyme but in the Epiphanie or twelfe daie Easter euen and on the feastes of the Apostelles oules it were when any vnprofessed wet in poyncte to die And Sotherus caused that a decre was made that no suche professed should touche coape or put e●sence into the Censoures the yere of our Lorde GOD an hundred thre score and fiftene It semeth too haue begonne of the Apostelles whiche is proued by Paules woordes wher he saieth Lette no widdowe bee chosen afore she bee three score yeres of age with diuerse like saiynges Linus byshoppe of Rome commaunded that no woman should entre into the congregacion or temple with her heade bare whiche appereth to haue bene taken of the Hebrues for the bishoppe in the olde lawe might not vncouer his head and in Arabia Cartage it was takē for an vnhonest and vnreuerent thyng if a woman should vncouer her head go bare The takyng offe of our cappes to our superiours signifieth y t wee should disclose and shewe them all suche thynges as we haue in our custodie The rite diabolike of kissyng the byshoppe of Romes feete tooke it originall of the maner of the Romaynes whiche in their Paganite vsed to kisse the feete of their priestes and other nobles in token of obedience as Seneca telleth howe Caius Caesar stretched out his left foote that Pompeius a Carthagien might kisse it Pōponius Laetus writeth that the Emperours vsed to gyue their handes to be kyssed of the nobles and then to take them vp to kysse their mouthes and the cōmons kyssed their knees but Caius Caligula and Dioclesianus made them to stoupe to their feete This Pagane example oure christen bishop and Goddes vicar ful vngodly and vngoodly doeth counterfet Al other bishoppes vsed to deliuer their right hand to be kyssed of suche as came to salute them for the right hande as Plinie saieth in the leuenth booke hath in it selfe a certain religion and therefore we make all couenaunces and promises with it The maner of salutyng with kysses is verie auncient for it was the vsage of the Hebrues to kisse straungers at their fyrst metyng as Iacob kyssed Rachel afore he broke vnto her that he was of her kyndred and Laban after he knewe him to be his sisters sonne embraced him with his armes kissed him And the Romaynes custome was to kysse theyr kinsfolke but afterward it was extēded to further familiaritie is now frequented very laciuiously Albeit in Rome it was an ordinaunce that women should kysse their kinsefolke bycause that yf she had dronke any wyne contrarie to the lawe made against the women for drinkyng of wyne by suche meanes she might be espied Washyng of feet on Maundye thursday that the priestes vse among them selfes and nobles to inferiour persons is a counterfeete of the institute of Chryste whiche to shew them a patron of humilitie and mekenesse washed the Apostles feet The kynges and quenes of England on y t day ▪ washe the feete of so many poore menne and women as they be yeres olde and geue to euery of them so many pence with a gowne and an other ordinary almes of meate and kysse their feete and afterward geue their gownes of their backes to them that they se most nedy of al the nomber It is a godly institute I would there were mo suche ceremonies to helpe the poore For they be now neglected not regarded but lye dead often in the stretes for lacke of sustenaunce The .x. Chapiter ¶ The institucion of priestes called Flamines with other religions of the Romaynes NVMA Pompilius the seconde kyng of Rome willyng to reclayme y t fierse nacion frō warre and chiuarie to the regarde of iustice and kepyng of peace ordayned to the highe God Iupiter a sacred persone called Flamen Dlalis that is Iupiters priest And to aduaunce the order he set him in a chariot of Iuorie and a costely robe but so sone as his wife was disceased he was discharged and gaue ouer his office He
diuerse lāguages that accordyng to the varietee of countries ther be sondry speches And therfore I thought it cōuenient to shew the occasion of y e same What tyme Nemroth the sōne of Cham that was sonne to Noe after the vniuersall flud went about to withdrawe men whiche dreade the daunger of drounyng from the feare of God supposyng all their hope to consist in their owne might power persuaded them to buylde a towre of suche altitude that the water should not be hable to ouer flowe it Whilest they were thus earnestly occupied aboute their enterprise God deuided their speches in suche sorte that one of them could not perceyue another by reason of the discord and disagreyng of their languages And thus began the diuersytee of tonges that we vse haue nowe The same o●casion was that the posterities of Noe were dispersed and scattered a broade For when one could not vnderstand anothers language it came to passe that euery mā departed into sundry prouinces and countries and there named places wherof they had the gouernaūce also cities whiche they builded after their owne names as Eusebius testifyeth The sōnes of Noe were Sem Cham and Iaphet The yssue of Sem was Elam whereof the Elamites came Assur of whom the Assirians were named Arphaxad was auctoure of the Arabians and Lud of the Lidians the children of Cham were Chus that named the Ethiopians and Mesre the beginner of the Egyptians Chanaan of whom the Cananites had their name the linage of Chus was Saba wherof the Sabees came Euila auctoure of the Euelites And semblably we must beleue that of them came al other nations and people of the worlde whiche be now in so great nombre that they cannot easely be nombred counted ❧ The .iiii. Chapiter ¶ The beginnyng of mariage and sundry rightes of the same GOD after that he had fully accomplished and perfectly polished the world and the rest of his creatures were in their kind cōsummate then as Moses teacheth made man last of all to be lorde and souereigne of the whole bodye of the world as one to whom the other his worke should be subiect in obedience bycause he was fashioned after his owne lykenes And lest so worthye a creature should by death peryshe or the world might wante his gouernor and ruler it lyked him to make woman out of the bodye of man and so with the bond of matrimony combined them together y t they should not lyue after the maner of brut beastes Therefore hath God ioyned Adam Eue in mariage in Paradyse afore they knewe sinne that by the cōgression and company of these two sexes and kyndes their yssue might be enlarged replinishe the whole world In this sorte was matrimonye instituted albeit antiquitee feyneth Cecrops kyng of the Atheniās to haue ordained matrimony for which cause he was reported to haue had two faces But all countries dyd not entre like bond of matrimony nether kept it after one fashion For the Numidians Egiptians Indians Hebrewes Persians Parthians Thracians and almost al the Barbarians euery one accordyng to his substaūce maried wyfes some .x. some mo The Scithians the Scottes and Atheniens vsed their children and wyfes in common and occupied with them abrode openly lyke beastes The Massagites maried euery one a wyfe but they vsed thē cōmonly Among Arabians it is the maner that al kynsmē should haue but one wife and he that came to meddle with her shoulde set his staffe at y e doore for their custome was to beare a staffe albeit she lay euery night by the eldest by this meanes they were all brethren An aduouterer was there condemned too death whiche was perceiued by this if he were of another familie or kynred Where chaunced on a tyme a straūge thing worthy to be had in memorye there was a certayne kynges doughter of excellent beutie whiche had .xv. brethren that loued her all interely well and vsed therefore one after another to resorte and companye with her she beganne by suche dayly daliaunce to be werye of theyr wanton companye and deuised this fea●e she prepared staues lyke her brothers staues and bi and bi as one was gone she set a staffe at the doore lyke to hys and by that deceyte the other when they came too the doore supposyng one to be within preased no further and it fortuned on a day when they were all together in the court one of them departed from the other and repaired to her house and when hee espied a staffe at the gate thinkyng it too be some aduouterer for he was assured that he lefte hys brethren in the court he ranne to his father and accused hys syster of aduouterye but when the matter was knowē it was perceiued that he had falsely sclaundered her The Assirians and y e Babilonians bought theyr wyues in open market at a common pryce whiche custome among the Saracens and Arabiens yet styl remayneth The Nasamones when they be fyrst maried vse to suffer their wifes the fyrst night to lye with all her gestes in the worshyp of Venus from thencefurth they kepe them selues chast and pure of liuyng A certayn people of the Carthagens whiche border on Egypt were wont to offre suche maydes as should bee maryed to the kyng of that regiō to defloure whom it pleased him In Scotland also the vsage was that the Lorde of the soile should lye with the bryde afore her husbande but for somuche as it was vnsittyng to be frequented among Christians their kyng Malcolme the third of that name aboute the yere of our Lorde M.xcix. dyd abolishe that beastly abhominacion ordeyned that euerye mayde should geue the Lorde for the redempcion of her maydenheade a croune of golde Some people liued single as certain nacions called Cristae Esseni amōg the Hebrues whiche did abhorre the calamities and trouble in Mariage Wedlocke was obserued syncerelye and reuerently of the Romaynes tyl deuorcement began which although it be an occasion that women should more earnestly keape theyr chastitee yet our religion doth scarcely permit it One Spurius Seruilius the yere after the cytie was foūded CCCCC xxii Marcus Pomponius and Caius Papirius beyng Consulles fyrste sued a deuorce frō his wyfe because she was barren for whiche facte albeit he toke openly another afore the censoures that he dyd it because too haue yssue yet he was among the comon sorte euyl spoken of This decre of deuorcyng was takē out of the lawes of Moses which made y e fyrst constitucion of that matter yet was there thys dyfference for by Moses it was onely lawful for the husband to forsake his wyfe but the Romaynes decree gaue theim bothe lyke lybertye The rytes of Mariage were diuers in Rome the maner was that two chyldren should leade the bryde and another bare afore her a torche of
whyte thorne in worshyppe of Ceres that lyke as she wyth fruytes of the yearth dothe noryshe menne so the newe Bryde lyke an housewyfe shuld bryng vp her children Whiche maner is vsed in Englande sauyng y t in steade of the torche there is borne here a basen of siluer or golde before A garlande also of corne eares was set on her heade or elles she bare it in her hande or if that were not when she came home whea●e was scatered abroade ouer her heade in tokenyng of plentie and fruytfulnesse Also afore she came to bedde to her husbande Fyre and Water were geuen her whiche haue powre too puryfye and clense sygnifiyng thereby that she should be chast and honeste of her body There were besydes these dyuerse rytes whiche I omit The maides of Grece and Rome as it maye appeare by Homere and Catullus vsed customablye to gyrde their preuitie with a lase or swathell tyll the daye of their mariage The Bryde anoynted the poostes of the doores wyth swynes grease because she thought by that meanes to dryue awaye all misfortune wherof she had her name in Latyn Neither might she step ouer the thresholde but must be borne ouer to declare that she loseth her Virginitie vnwillyngly with manye other supersticious ceremonies whiche be to long to reherse ❧ The .v. Chapiter ¶ The institucion of religion and who worshopped goddes fyrst with sacrific● IT is no doubte but men whiche at the fyrst with out any gouernour ledde an vplandysh and a rude maner of lyfe dyd highlye auaunce in honoure and prayses theyr fyrst kynges by the persuasion of the deuil either for theyr wōderful mālynes and vertue or to flatter the condicion of their dygnitie or for some special benefite that they receiued by them magnified them as goddes Wherby it came to passe that kynges beyng welbeloued of their people lefte a greate desyre and feruentnes of them selues among theyr subiectes and posteritee by reason wherof men made Images of them to take a comfortable pleasure of the beholdyng of them Afterward because to encorage men to vertue and cheualry thei reuerenced thē as goddes for eueri valiant courage would with more alacrite enterprise daūgerous aduētures for the cōmon weale when they perceyued the noble actes of worthy and puisant men to be recompensed with honoure and laude of the immortal goddes Thus temples beganne fyrst to be buylded and newe seruice of the goddes by the ordinaunce of Melissus in the tyme of Iupiter or not long afore Albeit that the trueth very original maye be absolutely knowen let vs appoint the custome of Idolatrye to haue begonne in the tyme of Belus kyng of the Assirians whiche reigned in the thre M.C.lxxx yeare of the worlde whom the Babilon●ans fyrst worshypped for a God and set vp an Image of him and therefore they that thynke Idolatry hath endured from the beginnyng of the worlde are deceyued Herodotus sayeth that the Egyptians fyrst buylded alters temples Images and made sacrifyce to the goddes and after taught them to straungers Some suppose that Mercurye shewed with what ceremonies goddes should be honoured some say it was deuised by kyng Numapompilius Diodorus thinketh that the Ethiopians did institute the rytes of sacrificyng to the goddes whiche thyng Homere in his Ilias witnesseth wher he telleth howe Iupiter the other goddes went into Ethiopia to the oblacions that were customably made there also repared thyther to feele the fragrant odours that perfumed frō the sacrifices And the Ethiopians receiued for a reward of their holynes that they should neuer be conquered but euer liue in libertie w tout any bondage Lactantius affyrmeth that Melissus kyng of Crete did fyrst sacrifice and ordeined other solemne rytes in the ceremonies of their goddes In Italy Ianus and his sonne Faunus appointed sacrifices to Saturne and after them kyng Numa set vp a newe religion Cadmus out of Phenice and Orpheus out of Trace brought fyrst into Grece the mysteries solemnyties dedicatyng of Images and hymnes of their goddes Albeit Herodotus sayeth that Cecrops kyng of Athens fette all suche constitucions and ordinaunces out of Egypte into Grece and fyrst inuocated Iupiter founded Images set vpalters and offered sacrifices that were neuer sene before in Grece But to God almighty whō we christians honor and serue Cain and Abel fyrst offered and Enos fyrst called vpō the name of God ❧ The sixt Chapiter ¶ Who founde the leters and the nomber of them LETTERS wherein is cōteyned the treasure of memorye and by whom thynges notable be preserued in freshe remembraūce after the opinion of Diodorus were foūd by Mercury in Egypt yet some say one Menon an Egyptian diuised them but in steade of the letters they of Egypte vsed to signify and declare the ententes and conceytes of their myndes by the fygures of beastes fishes foules tres Plinie sayeth he euer thought that the Assirians excogitated the letters whiche Cadmus brought out of Phenice into Grece whiche were but .xvi in nomber A. b. c. d. e. g. i. l. m. n. o p. r. s. t. v. to these Palamedes added in the battail of Troy other .iiii. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Simonides found as many 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Whose power is cōteyned in our letters Aristotle sayeth there were .xviii. of y e olde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and that Epicarmus put to the other two θ. and ω. Hermolaus supposeth he put to Υ. Herodotus writeth howe y ● the Pheniciens that came with Cadmus to enhabite Thebes brought letters into Grece whiche were neuer sene in vse there afore tyme. Some thinke the Ethiopians inuēted them and then taught them to the Egiptians that were one of theyr ꝓuinces But Eumolphus telleth vnfaynedly that the beginnyng of letters did procede of Moses whiche reignyng long afore Cadmus daies taught the Iewes the letters thence the Pheniciens receiued thē the Grekes lerned of thē Whiche thyng is cōformable to the saiyng of Plinie afore rehersed for Iury is a part of Syria the Iewes be syrians Neuertheles I find by Iosephus that writyng was afore Noe his flud for the sonnes of Seth wrote in .ii. pyllers one of bricke another of stoone the science of Astronomy whereof that of stoone in the tyme of Iosephus remained in Firia Philo ascribeth the inuēcion of them to Abraham whiche was elder then Moses albeit I had rather assigne to Sethes childrē the beginnyng of writyng As for the Hebrue letters whiche be nowe after the mynde of s Ierome were but newly inuented deuised by Esdras for afore that tyme the Hebrues Samarites vsed al one carecters and print of their letters The olde Greke letters the same y t the Romaynes vse now as Plinie cōiectureth by a certayne brasen table that came frō Delphos whiche was dedicated hāged vp in a librarye in the tēple of
or of the inuentoure as Aesclepiadical or of the quantitee as Iambus because it standeth of a shorte and a long whiche Archilocus founde fyrst or of the nombre of feete as Exameter and Pentameter whiche is also called Elegiacal the sheppeheardes songes Daphnis the sonne of Mercurie founde and other diuysed other songes whiche I let passe for my purpose is only to speke of the Inuentours of the Meter and not to persecute the particulars ¶ The .ix. Chapiter ¶ The beginnyng of Tragedies Comedies Satyres and newe Comedies TRAGEDIES and comedies had their beginning of the oblacions as Diodorus writeth whiche in olde tyme men deuoutly offered for their fruytes to Bacchus For as the aulters were kyndeled with fyre and the Goate leyed on it the quyre in honoure of Bacchus songe this Meter called a Tragedie It was named so either because a Gote whiche in Greke is called Tragos was the rewarde appoynted for him that was auctour of the song or because a Goate whiche is noyefull to the vynes whereof Bacchus was fyrst inuētour was sacrificed to Liber or of the groundes or dregges whiche in Greke is called Tryx with the whiche stage Players vsed to paynte their face afore that Eschilus diuised v●sers The beginner of them after the mynde of Horace was Thespis albeit Quintilianus saith Eschilus setfurth fyrst openlye Tragedies afore any other Sophocles Euripides dyd furnishe them more galantly In Rome Liuius Andronicus made the fyrst Tragedie wherin Accius Pacuuius Ouidius and Seneca excelled The Comedies began what tyme the Atheniens beyng not yet assembled into y e Cytie the youth of that coūtry vsed to syng solempne verses at feastes abrode in the villages and high wayes for to get monye they were so named of the Greke worde Comos for bankettyng or Come a strete and Ode a song Albeit it is vncertaine among the Grecians who founde it fyrst In this kynde of writyng Aristophanes Eupolis Cratinus bare the price of the Romanes Liuius Andronicus founde it fyrst In a Tragedie noble parsonages as Lordes Dukes Kynges and Emperours be brought in with an highe style In a comedie amorous daliaunce matters of loue deflouryng of maydens be conteyned Heuynes is apropried vnto a Tragidie and therefore when kyng Archilaus desyred Euripides to write a Tragidie of him be denied it wishyng that neuer suche thyng should chaunce to him as should be worthy of a Tragedye for it hath euer a myserable ende and a Comodie hath a ioyful ende A Satyre is a poesy rebukyng vyces sharpely not regardyng any persons There be two kyndes of Satyres the one is bothe among the Grekes and Romanes of auncient tyme vsed for the diuersytie of Meters muche like a Comodye sauyng that it is more wanton Demetrius of Tharsus and one Menippus a bondeman whom Marcus Varro did counterfeit were writers in this kynde The seconde maner of Satyres is verye railyng onely ordeyned to rebuke vyce and deuysed of the Romaynes vpon this occasion When the Poetes that wrot the olde Comodies vsed to handle for theyr argumentes not onely fayned matters but also thynges done in dede whiche although at the fyrst it was tollerable yet afterwarde it fortuned by reason that they inueyhed so liberally and largely at their pleasure against euery mā that there was a law made that no man should from thencefurth reprehend any mā by name Then the Romaynes in the place of those Comodies substituted suche Satyres as they had newly imagined Then also began y e new Comedie whiche cōcerneth generally all men of meane estate and hath lesse bitternes and railyng but more pleasauntnes and pastime for the auditours Of this Menander and Philemon were auctours whiche aswaged all the crabbednesse of the olde writynges Of them learned Cicilius Neuius Plautus and Terentius the fourme to compyle Comodies albeit as Quintiliane saieth th●y vnneth attayned to the least portion of theyr patrone because the latin tong is not so fyt to receyue the ornamentes of eloquencie as the Greke tong is The Satyres had theyr name of vplandyshe goddes that were rude lassiuious and wanton of behauour In this fourme of writyng Lucilius Horatius Persius Inuenalis obtayned great fame and praise ❧ The .x. Chapiter ¶ The deuisers of Hystories Prose and Rhethorike HYSTORIES of all other writynges be mooste commendable because it infourmeth all sortes of people with notable examples of liuyng and doth excite noble men to ensue suche actiuite in enterprises as they reade to haue bene doone by their auncestours and also discorageth dehorteth wicked persons from attemptyng of any haynouse deede or cryme knowyng that suche actes shalbe regestred in perpetual memory to the praise or reproche of the doers accordyng to the deserte of their endeuoures Plinie writeth that Cadmus Milesius fyrst wrote hystories among the Grecians whiche conteined y e gestes of Cirus kyng of Persia Albeit Iosephus supposeth it to bee more probable that Hystories were begonne by the olde writers of the Hebrues as in the time of Moses whiche wrote the lyues of many of the eldest Hebrues and the creacion of the worlde or elles to the priestes of Egypte and Babilon For the Egyptians Babilonians haue bene of longest continuaunce verye diligente in settyng furthe thynges in writyng insomuche y t their priestes were specially appoineted to applye theim selues to that purpose of puttyng in writyng suche thynges as were worthy to be had in memory As concernyng the fyrst writers of Prose I cannot holde with Plinie whiche saieth Pheresides a Syrian wrote fyrst pro●e in the tyme of kyng Sirus For it is no doubt but he that wrote hystories wrote also prose first and Pheresides was long after Moses whiche was ccccccc.lxxxviii yeres afore Ioathan kyng of the Ieues In whose tyme the Olimpiades beganne and this Pheresides as Eusebius wryteth was but in the tyme of the fyrst Olimpiade Of the Gretians Xenophon Thusidites Herodotus Theopompus floryshed most in writyng histories of the Romanes Titus Liuius Caius Crispius Salustius with dyuerse other were had in highe estimacion Afore that tyme they vsed Annals or Cronicles whiche contayne onely the geastes and factes of euery daye seuerally The fyrst office of an historiographer is to write no lye the seconde that he shal conzel no trueth for fauoure displeasure or feare The perfection of an historie resteth in matter and wordes The order of the matter requyreth obseruaunce of tymes discripcions of places the maners lyues of men theyr behauoures purposes occacions dedes saiynges casualtes acheuynges finishyng of thynges The tenour of the wordes asketh a brefe perspicuite and syncere trueth with moderate and peaceable ornamentes We may be sure that by and by after men were formed thei receiued of God the vse of speche wherein what tyme they perceyued some wordes to be profitable and some hurtefull in vtteryng of theim they appoynted and
to Saturnus and Phillara was the fynder and deuised also salues for woundes soores and byles albee it some thynke it was Appollo some referre it to his sonne Aesculapius whom Chiron brought vppe some to the Samothracians But I suppose they attributed the inuencion of it to Chiron bycause he founde the Herbe Centaurie wherewith he healed the woūd that he had by Hercules shafres fallyng on his foote as he was hādlyng of his weapons notwithstandyng Celsus saieth that the arte of Phisike is verye aunciente but he maketh no mencion of the authoure of it onely he sayeth Asclepiades whiche was an excellente Phisicion dyd abholishe the vse of it for somuche as it annoyed the stomacke and engendered euil humours Mercurie founde the vse of Moly Achilles Yarowe Esculapius Panace and sondery menne founde sonderye Herbes Medicines of Hony Sol the sonne of Oceanus inuented and beastes taught men certayne Herbes necessarie for medicines As the Harte striken with an arrowe driueth it out with Detany if he be stynged with a Spider he healeth him selfe with eatyng Pilles or a certayn herbe named Cancer Selandyne that is a soueraigne herbe for the sighte was perceyued by the Swallowes whiche heled the eyes of their yong ones with it The Snaile or Torteise redy to fight with the Serpente armeth him selfe with Sauery or Maioram The Bore in his sickenes cureth him selfe with the Iuye Of the water Horse in Nilus menne learned to let blodde For when he is coarsye vnlustye he seketh by the ryuer syde the sharpest reede stalkes and striketh vayne in his legge against it w t great violence and so easeth his bodye by suche meane And when he hath done he couereth the wound w t the mudde The Ibis a byrde muche lyke the storke of the same countree taught Phisiciens to minister clysters For when she is ful she purgeth her selfe with her croked beake at the foundament The wesyl in chasyng the serpente preserueth her selfe with Rue and the storke with Organye In Grece Orpheus Museus Dioscorides in Rome Marcus Cato Pompeius Leneus wrote of the nature of herbes In this tyme Plinie thinketh that this arte was fyrst receiued among the Romaynes ¶ The .xviii. Chapiter ¶ The beginnyng of Magike Driuyng out of spirites Charmes prophesiyng in sundry maners MAGIKE had it beginnyng of medicine was the inuencion of Zoroastres kyng of the Bactriās whiche reigned .viii. C. yere after the siege of Troy the same tyme that Abraham and Ninus reigned aboute thre M.C.lxxxv yeres after the creacion of the worlde Lactantius and Eusebius thynke it was set furth among other deuelishe sciences by the euil spirites and Plinie calleth it of al artes the moost deceytful It is compacte of medicine or phisike supersticion and the mathematical artes The Thessaloniās most specially were slaundered with the frequent vse practisyng of this facultie The writer of this art was Hosthanes And Pythagoras Empedocles Democritus Plato w t diuers other sayled in far coūtries to learne it wherin Democritus was most famous CCC yere after the cytee was builded in whiche time Hippocrates published the facultie of Phisike ¶ The maner to dryue oute spirites out of men that were possessed with them and charmes to heale corporal maladies kyng Salomon taught as Iosephus witnesseth and he sawe it doone by Eleazar in his tyme afore Vespasianus then emperour The maner to heale them was suche He put to the nose of the possessed man a ryng wherein was enclosed a roote that Salomon had shewed so dreue out the spirite and straight way the man fel doune then he coniured him with suche orisons ande●orcismes as were appointed by Salomon to banishe the spirite out of y e Demoniake The sages or wyse men of Persye whiche in theyr language bee named Magi beyng wholy addict to the honoryng of their false goddes came to suche extreme folye that they professed openly that they could not onely by the obseruacion of y e sterres know thynges to come but also by other pretensed artes and mumblyng of a fewe woordes they could do bryng to passe auye thyng that they would ¶ Of them were inuented these sixe kyndes of Magike Necromancye whiche is by raisyng vppe of deade men as in Lucane one raysed from death telleth the aduentures of the battaile of Pharsalus Pyromantie that telleth thynges by the fyre and lightnyng as Tanaquilla the wyfe of Tarquinius Priscus prophesied that Seruius Tullius should be kyng of Rome because she se the fyre enuiron his head The findyng of this Plinie referreth to Amphiaraus ¶ Aēromantie that is a kynd of propheciyng by the ayre as by fliyng fedyng singyng of byrdes and straūge tempestes of wynd hayle Hydromantie was propheciyng by water as Varro writeth that a childe did se in the water the Image of Mercury whiche in C. and fiftie verses told al the chaūce of warre against Mythridates kyng of Pontus Geomantie was a diuinacion by openyng of the yearth ¶ Chiromantie is a coniecturyng by beholdyng the lynes or wryncles of the hādes called cōmonly Palmistry All whiche dayne illusions false persuasions it becōmeth al true christiens to eschewe and abhorre ¶ The .xix. Chapiter ¶ Two kyndes of diuinacion sothsaiyng castyng ●●ttes and readyng of dreames CICERO maketh .ii. kindes of diuinacions one natural and another artificial Natural is y t which procedeth of a certeine cōcitacion stirryng cōmocion of the mynde that chaunceth sometyme to men when they be in dreames or slepyng sometymes when they prophesye in a maner of fury rauishyng of mynde as it dyd to Sibilla diuerse other religious persons Of this kind were oracles of Apollo and Iupiter Hāmon Albeit they were often false because thei came of a deuilishe polycie mans subteltye but suche as come of the holye ghost and not of a phrenetike madnes be true ¶ The artificiall consisteth in those thynges whiche come of coniectures olde consideracions and obseruaunces of the entrailes of beastes fliyng of byrdes castyng of lottes ¶ The regardyng of the bowels of beastes beganne among the Hetrus●ians For as it fortuned a manne that plowed to rayse vp a deaper sorowe then he was wonte to do all sodeynly arose out of the yearth one Tages that taught thē al the feates of sothsaiyng but Plinie sayeth one Delphus found it The diuinacions by lokyng on the fedyng of byrdes Theresias a Thebane deuised Caras fyrst marked the chitteryng of them and Pythagoras obserued theyr fliyng Orpheus added the diuinacion by other beastes What store we ought to set by suche diuinacions Mossolanus a Iew techeth vs. When he was in the warres a certaine prophete cōmaunded euery man to stand styll tyl he had taken a coniecture of the bird that flowe by but Mossolanus toke priuely a bowe and shafte and kylled the byrde wherewith the wysarde diuerse other were
common wealth ROME whiche was of al the worlde the moost renoumed cytee bothe for y e valiaunce of armes and ciuile policie whereby it was gouerned had thre fourmes of regimentes In the beginnyng it hadde kynges for Romulus whiche was builder thereof reigned there after him .vi. other vnder whom the principalitee lasted CC.xliiii yeares after the cytie was buylded Then Tarquinius beyng banished for the notable cryme and rape of Lucretia commytted by his sonne it was ordered by .ii. cōsuls Iunius Brutus L. Tarquinius Colatinus They had the name and title of cōsuls of the cōsultacion prouision that they made for the cōmon wealth they ruled the empyre cōducted hostes and by these offycers because they were annual y e yeares were counted Not .xii. yeres after the expulsyng of the kynges when .xl. cyties of the Latines Octauius Manilius sonne in lawe to Tarquinius beyng theyr capitayne had made insurrection and conspired agaynst the Romaynes T. Largius was created dictator or great master whiche offyce was highest in auctoritee and as Dionisius thynketh it was takē of the Grekes among whō Elymnetae had the same power that Dictators had in Rome Liuius referreth the original of thē to y e Albanes y e Carthaginiēs had also theyr dictators This magistrate was neuer vsed sauyng in great daungers of the common welth it continued but .vi. monethes duryng that offyce al other magistrates were abrogated except the Tribunate or Prouostship of the cōmons The consuls duetye was to name and proclaime him and that no tyme but in the night albeit what tyme the Veients had wonne y e Romaynes campe A. Cornelius Cosus Marshal of the armye nede so cōstrainyng denounced Mamercus Aemilius for Dictatour cōtrary to that statute Aboute thre hūdreth yere after the buildyng of Rome y e publike state was transferred from the cōsulshyp vnto the rule of tenne called decem viri whiche endured but thre yeres for by reason of the outragiouse lust of Appius Claudius against the mayd Virginea thei were desposed consuls were substituted to supplye theyr roume Then the CCC.x yere of the cytie in the place of Consuls were chosen marshals or prouostes of armyes whō they named Tribunes Aulus Sēpronius Attacinus L. Attilius Lōgus T. Celicius Siculus The auctorytee of the commons beganne daylye sedicions and confederaties to encrease In suche sorte y e C. Cunuleius brought to passe that the cōminaltee maried with the nobilitie and the Tribunes by theyr earnest instance and sute caused that the highe offyces were permitted to thē of the cōmon sorte As the yere of the buyldyng of the Cytie P. Licinius Caluus was made tribune of the host the CCC.lxxxix yere L. Sextus Lateranus attayned the consulshyp the .ccc.xcix. yere C. Martius Lateranus was created Dictator From this maner of gouernaunce it was by Sylla and Marius brought to one rular or prince agayne Thus hath Rome had al kindes of administracion of the cōmon welth The emperiall ornamentes of the kynges of Rome as fardels of roddes the a●e the garlond of gold the chayre of Iuory the kyrtyl or cope chariot trapped horses rynges coote armoures robes mantels of estate enbrodered gounes with garmentes of baudkyn or motley with all other royal apparell beganne among the Tuscanes whiche Tarquinius Priscus subdued and vsed these fyrst by the permission and licence of the Senate The .xii. lictours or sergeantes Romulus fyrst appointed after the maner of the .xii. nacions of the Hetrurians whō he cōquered whiche gaue to euery of their kynges when he was crouned a lictour or sergeant whose dutie was to wayte on the magistrates bere the roddes are of execucion The roddes as Plinie writeth were of byrche The institucion of taxes or nomberyng the people Seruius ▪ Tullius kyng begāne in Rome fyrst but Moses long afore that nōbred the Israelites therfore the fyrst taxe subsidie or tribute was ordeyned by Moses among the Hebrues and the coūtyng of the nombre of the people Prysons fetters stockes gyues staues with lyke instrumētes to punishe malefactours Ancus Martius as Liuie saieth did fyrst appoint thē to kepe men in feare and good order The .iiii. Chapiter ¶ Who ordered the yere the diuersite of it monthes nones Ides halendes and prime HERODOTVS writeth that the Egyptians afore all other men fyrst found out the yere by the course of the planettes and deuided into twelue monthes Diodorus assigneth it to y e Thebanes whiche stādeth wel with the opinion of Heredotus because y e Thebanes be a nacion of Egypt and Egypt was somtyme named Thebe Seruius saieth that Eudoxus founde it fyrst after him Hipparchus Laertius semeth to ascribe it to Thales a Milesian whiche as he testifyeth fyrst perceiued the seasons and times of the yere and parted it into CCC.lxv daies but that as I thynke was but onely among the Grecians Iosephus witnesseth that y e yere was diuised by the Hebrues in Egypt afore Noe his flud There be diuerse fashions of diuidyng the yere the Archadiens finished their yere in thre monthes the Cariens Acarneus in .vi. monthes There was a yere that consisted in .xxx. daies whiche was coūted by the chaūge of the moone there was also y e great yere y t ended when all the planettes returned into one poincte or lyne after the mynde of Cicero it conteyned .xii. M. nyne C.liiii yeres of the sonne Iosephus in the fyrst of his antiquitie sayth it cōteyneth but sixe hundreth yere The other Grecians nombred the ful yere with CCC.liii daies Romulus fyrst deuided the yeare into ten monethes whereof Marche that he named of his father was fyrst April the secōd had that name of Venus because she was borne of the frothe of the sea whiche is called Aphros Maye of the auncient men Iune of the yong men The other he named of their order and nombre as quintilis sextilis Septēbre October Nouembre December Albeit afterwarde Quintilis was called Iulius in honor of Iulius Caesar and Sextilis was chaunged into Augustus for the memoriall of the emperour Augustus Caesar Not withstandyng for so muche as this yere that Romulus ordered did neither agree to the course of y e sōne nor chaūges of the Mone Numa applied it to the course of the Moone by puttyng to .lvi. dayes whereof he made ii monethes the one he named Ianuary of Ianus the fyrst king of the Latines y e other February of theyr god Februus whiche had the preeminēce ●u●t their purificacions Afterward Numa of a supersticious opinion y t he had suposyng God to be delighted with odde nōbres gaue to Ianuary April Iune August Septembre Nouembre December .xxix. dayes To Marche Maye Quintilis y t is Iuly and October .xxxi. and to February xxviii daies Last of al Iulius Caesar put to the whole yere .x. dayes syxe houres wherof he put
to these monthes Ianuary August Decēber euery of them .ii. daies And to April Iune Septēber Nouēber he gaue to eche of thē one day In this maner Iulius Caesar accōplished y e yere perfectely accordyng to the course of the sunne of the .vi. houres euery .iiii. yere amoūteth a day whiche causeth leape yere as we cal it in latine it is named bissextus because euery forth yere we coūte twyse the .vi. calend of Marche ¶ The monthes haue their name because they measure the space and course of the Moone Thus the yere hath .xii. monthes wherof April Iune Septēber and Nouēber haue .xxx. daies all y e rest hath .xxxi. dayes sauyng February whiche hath but xxviii in the yere be .lii. wekes and a day Daies there be CCC.lxv .vi. houres The calendes nones ides hath theyr appellacions of y e maner of rekenyng of the Romaynes Calēdes were named of callyng for at euery chaūge the chiefe rular of y e sacrifices called rex sacrificulus called to an assēbly in the Capitoly or place of Rome all them of the coūtree and sheweth thē theyr festiual daies and what it was lawful to do y e monthe The Nones had y e name because thei were the .ix. day frō the ides whiche ides be y e midde daies of euery mōth and had theyr appellacion of the Hetruscanes terme iduare that signifieth to deuide or seperate in y e middes This fashion of countyng the month endured to the CCCC.l. yeare of the cytie was kepte secrete among the byshops of theyr religion tyl y e tyme that C. Slauius P. Sulpitius Auerrio and P. Sempronius Sophullongus then beyng Consuls against the mynde of the Senatours disclosed al theyr solemne feates published thē in a table that eueri man might haue perseueraunce of them The Prime wherby we fynde the coniunction of the moue and all mouable feastes as Lent Easter Whytsondaye with other lyke was inuented by the great clarke sainct Barnarde ¶ The .v. Chapiter ¶ Who ordeyned the houres dyals clockes deuidyng the day and night HOVRES whiche beyng in nōber xxiiii accomplishe the space of a day night were so named of the sōne whiche in the Egyptians language is called horus They at the fyrst were appointed but twelue of this occasyon Hermes Trismegistus perceiuyng a certayne beast consecrated to theyr God Serapis to make water or pisse .xii. tymes in the day of equall distāce supposed therfore that y e day ought to be deuided into .xii. houres This nōber dyd continue long but afterwarde y t day parted in .xxiiii. houres Anaximene● a Milesian found in Lacedemony the fyrst dyal that declareth the houres by y e shadow of the Gnomon It was long afore they were vsed in Rome for as Plinie writeth in the .xii. tables there was onely rehersed the risyng goyng doune of the sunne a fewe yeares after Noone or midday was added whiche the Bedel or common crier dyd denounce This was but onely on cleare daies when they might perceyue the course altitude of the sōne The fyrst dyal was set vp on a pyller openly whiche stode behynd the cōmon pulpite or barre called rostra at y e cost of M. Valerius Messala then Consuls in the fyrst battail Punike The water dial was vsed fyrst in Rome by P. Scipio Nasica y e ix c yere of the cytie to deuide y e houres of the day night Albeit it was inuēted by C●esibius of Alexandria Afterwarde clockes made of metall were inuented by subtyl wittes and sād dials were imagined whose authours be yet vnknowen In some places the clockes strike .xxiiii. houres by order in other some as in the West partes of the worlde it smiteth twyse in the day .xii. houres in suche order that the .xii. houre is at noone and at midnight whiche is more cōmodiouse for the rekeners then the other The daies whiche be rekened in sundry wyse of diuerse nacions began in Egypt where the yere monthes were also deuised they take all the space from midnight to midnight for one day and the Romaynes vsed the same maner For as Plutarche writeth the sūne risyng is the beginnyng of all affayres functions the night is a tyme of counselyng apparaunce and they had assigned to euery houre a sōdry ministry as Martial in his Epigramme declareth The day vvas deuided in sundry vvise That euery hour had a seueral office The .ii. first serued for salutacion The third for lavvyers alteracion Tvvo next vvere spente in labours diuersly The sixt men might them selfes rest quietly The seuenth of vvorkes vvas resolution The eight vvas for vvrestlers and in conclusion The nynth vvas limitted for mennes repast And so furth the other of time vvas made no vvast ¶ The Babilonians called the space betwene the Sunne risynges a day The Atheniens named all that was betwene the goynges doune a daye The Vmbrians counte theyr day fro noone to noone but cōmonly the day is called the space from mornyng tyl night The night was diuided into iiii watches whereof euerye one as Hierom wytnesseth conteyned thre houres The .vi. Chapiter ¶ Who set furth bookes fyrst or made a library Printyng paper parchement arte of memory BOOKES whiche cōteyne the monumentes of ingeniouse wyttes and be a regestre of all valiaunt prowesse in Grece were fyrst published as Laertius thinketh by Anaxagoras as Gellius sayeth it was Pisistratus that made the fyrst booke exhibited it to be redde openly Notwithstandyng Iosephus declareth y t the Hebrues and priestes of Egypte and Chaldee set furth bookes fyrst The Atheniens seriously multiplied y e nōbre of bookes whiche Xerxes caried frō thence into Persie Seleucus kyng of Macedony caused them many yeres after to be conueighed to Athens again After that Ptolomeus kyng of Egypt gathered together vii C.M. bookes whiche were all brent in the former battaile of Alexandria Neuertheles Strabo recordeth that Aristotle dyd institute the fyrst lybrary and left it to Theophrast his disciple taught the kynges of Egypte howe they should order theyr lybrary Theophrast left it to Meleus of him Scepsis receyued it There was also a lybrarye at Pargamus verye auncient In Rome Asinius Pollio had the fyrste lybrarye whiche was occasyon that good wyttes emploied great and graue study in learnyng to the ample furtheraunce and commoditee of the common wealth of the cytie There be at this day many in Italy but the most famouse is the liberary whiche Frederike Feltrius duke of Vrbine dyd cause to be edified Truely the cōmodite of lyberaries is right profitable and necessary but in cōparison of the craft of Printyng it is nothyng both because one manne may Prynte more in one day then many men in many yeres could write And also it preserueth bothe Greke Latine auctours fro the daūger of corrupcion It was found in Germany at Magunce
by one I. Cuthenbergus a knight he found moreouer y e Inke by his deuise that Printers vse .xvi. yere after Printyng was foūd whiche was y e yere of our lord M. CCCC.lviii one Cōradus an Almayne brought it into Rome Nicolas Iohnson a Frenchemanne dyd greatly polishe and garnishe it And now it is dispersed through y e whole world almost Before y e vse of Paper men vsed to wryte in leaues of date trees and somtymes on the barke of trees Afterwarde they wrote y e publique writynges in plates or shetes of leade their priuate matters in tables waxe for tables as Homer testifieth were afore y e siege of Troy Paper was deuised by king Alexander as Varro affyrmeth it was made of a kynd of fenne rishes that grewe in the marishe groundes of Egypte But Plinie sayeth it was vsed in the tyme of kyng Numa y t reigned CCC yeres afore Alexander his bookes whiche were found in a chest of stone in fyld by L. Pitilius a Scribe were writen in paper In processe of tyme paper that we vse nowe was inuented it is made of lynen clothe beaten together in mylles made for that vse Parchement as Varro wytnesseth was found in Pargamus albeit the writers of Hebrewe stories as Iosephus sheweth vsed parchement they wrote also in goate skynnes shepe skynnes in olde tyme as Herodotus declareth There be diuerse maner of papers as paper royal paper deinye blottyng paper matchaūtes paper The vsage of writyng by caractes is very auncient and was found by Tyrotullius freman as Eusebius supposeth and Iulius Caesar vsed it muche in secrete and preuy counsels The arts of memorye was founde by Simonides in Thassalye For what tyme he was boden to a banket at a noble mannes house called Scopa it chaunsed that he was sente for to speake with .ii. yong men at the gate and straight waye the bankettyng house fel and destroyed al the gestes Then he because he remembred in what order and place euery man sate deliuered euery man his frende to be buried By that facte bothe he perceiued the order of the art of memory and what commoditee came to the remembraunce of man by suche places and images as bee conteyned in that feate In memory e●celled Cyrus kyng of Persye whiche could call euery man in his hoost by name Cyneas the ambassadour of Pyrrhu● the day after he came to Rome saluted euery order of nobles by their proper names Mithridates could speake x●ii languages Iulius Caesar could wryte reede endite and heare a tale al at ones Adrianus the emperour could do the same The .vii. Chapiter ¶ The beginnyng of warre with other thynges concernyng the same CHIVALRY wherein is declared the manly corage of noble captaynes was deuised as Tully sayeth by Pallas as Diodorus thynketh the maner of warre was found out by Mars Albeit Iosephus telleth that Tubalcain whiche was afore the flud dyd fyrst practise feates of armes whereby it appeareth that y e vse of warres is of great antiquitie but it is vncertayne who was the fyrst warrior Afore the findyng out of weapons menne vsed to fight with theyr fistes feete and bityng And thus beganne battaile as Lucretius writeth Handes gripen fote tothe nail VVere first vveapons vsed in batail Afterwarde they beganne to fight with staues and clubbes And therfore they assigne to Hercules a staffe and a Lyons skynne For men in the beginnyng vsed staues to reuenge their iniuries and quarels couered theyr bodyes with skynnes of wylde beastes in stead of armoure Palamedes ordered and set men fyrst in aray appointed watches and wardyng to be kepte and watche woordes in the battaile of Troy At the same tyme Synon excogitated bekons and fyres Plinie saieth that the Pheniciens inuented fyrst the polycies of warre Diodorus affyrmeth that Mars forged fyrst weapons and armed souldiers with thē and therfore the findyng out of thē is attributed to him but the instrumentes of warre were foūd by diuers men at sundry tymes Helmettes swordes and speares the Lacedemonians founde yet Herodotus supposeth the tergattes and salettes to be the inuencion of the Egyptians and so to haue comen into Grece The haberion was deuised by Midius Messenius shyldes by Pretus and Acrisius as they fought together ¶ Legge harnes and cristes of salettes were inuented by the Cariens Iauelynes Etolas Dartes with thonges or strynges by Etolus sonne to Mars billes by the Thraciens iustyng speares and morespikes by Tyrrhenus they were vsed first in the siege of Capua that Fulgius Flaccus laied to it penthesilea imagined poulaxes and Piseus huntyng staues bowe and shaftes sithes Iupiters sonne inuēted although Diodorus ascribeth the inuencion of thē to Apollo Notwithstandyng Artapanus whō Eusebius reciteth saieth that the inuencion of Armour began by Moses whiche beyng very young acheued the first hardy enterprise against the Ethiopians Of all enginnes of warre the Cretians founde firste the crosse bowes the Sirians quarelles or boltes and the Phaeniciens found brakes and slinges howbeit Vegetius holdeth opinion that Baleares a people whiche dwell in the Spanishe seas ordained slinges Cranes or vernes to wynde vp great weightes were the deuise of Ctesyphon The rammar called in latyn Aries wherwith walles be ouerthrowen was made by Aepeus at Troy Thei sought a tertise called in latyn Testudo too myne walles Artemon Clazemonius instituted But of all other that euer were deuised to the destruction of man the gōnes be most deuilishe whiche was perceiued by a certaine Almaine whose name is not knowen After this sorte it chaunced that he had in a morter pouder of brimstone that he had beatē for a medicine and couered it with a stoone and as hee strooke fyre it fortuned a sparke to fal into the pouder by and by there roase a greate flame oute of the morter and lyfte vp the stoone wherewith it was couered a greate heyght And after hee had perceiued that he made a pipe of yron and tempered the pouder and so finished this deadly engyn and taught the Venetians the vse of it when they warred against the Genuates whiche was in the yere of our lord M.ccc.lxxx For this inuencion he receiued this benefit that his name was neuer knowen lest he might for thys abhomynable deuise haue bene cursed and euil spoken of whilest the worlde standeth The waye to reclayme and ryde horses after y e iudgement of Plinie Bellerophon taught fyrst whiche rodde the swyfte Pegasus into a mountain of Libie called Chimera as Diodorus suppose it was Neptune Brydels bittes horseharnes or trappers the Peletronians a nacion of Thessalie found and as some thinke the cast to breake wyld horses was lerned of thē Also the Numidians rode their horses without sadles Cartes with two horses and waggons the Phrigians vsed fyrst chariotes Richthonius diuised fyrst in Grece fightyng on horsebacke the Centaures
that the Grecians in their bākettes crouned both theyr heades and cuppes also wherof the Iomās were auctours By this sort of crounes Cleopatra empoysoned Antony as Plinie writeth and Artaxerxes vsed crounes or garlādes in his feastes to thys Virgill alluded in his Aeneidos They set furth their goldē goblettes And crouned them vvith freshe chaplettes Oyntmentes as Iosephus writeth notwithstandyng that Plinie sayeth the contrary were vsed long afore y e battaile of Troye for Iacob sente to his sonne Ioseph in Egypt oyntmentes And Moses that was CCC.l. yere afore the siege of Troy maketh mencion of oyntmentes concernyng the sāctificacion of the tabernacle priestes of the olde testament Albeit it is not knowen who was fyrst diuiser of them Plinie Solinus reporte that Alexander when he wanne the campe of Darius found among other iewels and spoyles a casket of oyntmētes that muche pleased him But Herodotus doth declare that it was in frequent vse afore Darius tyme. For Cambyses Cyrus sonne sent ambassadours to Aethiopus kyng of the Macrobians with great presentes wherof a bore of oyntmētes was parcel When the kyng had learned the maner of y e confection of it he cōtemned and neglected it as a thyng of no value It is not certayne when they came into Rome But I fynd in Plinie that the CCCCC lxv yere of the cytie Antiochus beyng vanquished Asia subdued and conquered P. Licinius Crassus and Iulius Caesar then Censours cōmaunded that no forrein nor straunge confection of oyntmentes should be sold in the cytie ❧ The .xii. Chapiter ¶ Who found out metals smith●s toles fyre candels and belowes OF al metal wherin worldly substaunce consisteth ▪ gold that all men so sore couer to haue is the most preciouse For the desyre herof they haue digged into the depe botomlesse abi●se of the yearth at y e length as Phaletius sayd they wyl digge Pluto out of hel for it And Diogenes what tyme he was asked why gold loke so pale answered very wel saiyng because it hath many that lye in wayte for it Cadmus as Plinie affyrmeth foūd it in the moūt Pāgaeus in T●race or as some thynke it was Thoas and Eaclis that inuented it in Panc●aia Syluer Erichthonius of Athens or Ceacus foūd out I thinke they reporte that gold was found in Pangaeus because there is great plētye in that hyl as Herodotus dothe write The fyue brethren named Idei Dactyli found yron in Crete Midac●itus fe● leade out of the Ilelandes against Spayne called Cassitrides as Strabo declareth Brasse was foūd by Ciny●as in y e ile of Cypres Solinas ●ayeth it was found in Crete Ciny●as also deuised the tōges fyle or tape leuer and stythe Notwithstandyng Clement sayeth that Selmētes and Damnameneus two Iues foūd yron fyrst in Cypres the Pānoniās brasse Aristotle holdeth opiniō that Lydus a Scithian fyrst taught to melte worke brasse Theophrast thinketh it was Delas a Phrigian Strabo writeth that a certayne people named Telchines wrought yron and brasse fyrst they made a swerd named Harpe which they gaue to Saturne The smithesforge some thinke the Calibians found some suppose it were the Ciclopes whiche fyrst vsed the smithes craft Diodorus holdeth the opinion that Idei Dactili Vulcanus were auctours of fyre yrō brasse syluer gold al y t is wrought with the fyre Sotheryng of yron Glaucus founde and Cadmus meltyng of golde Neuerthelesse I take it that all these afore named foūd the vse of suche thinges in their coūtries where they were inhabitauntes For the vse of al suche metal was perceyued in the beginnyng of the worlde by Tubalcain whiche was sonne to Lamech and occupied smithe crafte Clement referreth the temperyng of yron to Delas Fyre is supposed to be the inuencion of Vulcanus Victriuius sayeth that the trees tossed and shaken with wyndes by beatyng together of theyr boughes excited fyre But it had bene more conuenient to haue ascribed the gyfte of it to God whiche gaue it to man to be remedye against the daūger of colde Pyrodes fyrst stroke fyre out of flinte Prometheus taught fyrst to kepe it in matches Plinie telleth howe the spyes in armies and campes or els the shepardes diuised to smyte fyre by rubbyng of two peces of wood together Laurel and Iuye be best for that vse Belowes were found by Anacharsis as Strabo wytnesseth Candels the Egyptians inuented The .xii. Chapiter ¶ Who ordeyned coynes lokyng glasses rynges with preciouse stones COYNAGE of what metal soeuer it was made as it maye appeare by Iosephus is verye auncient For Cain Adames sonne was very gredy in gatheryng together of mony Herodotus wryteth that the Lydians fyrst coyned syluer and gold to bye and sel with For afore the siege of Troy as wytnesseth Homere menne vsed to chaūge stuffe ●or stuffe Albeit in the tyme of Abrahā there was mony currant for he bought the duble caue to burye his wyfe Sata of the Hethi●e Ep●ron for CCCC sycles of syluce whiche was afore the siege of Troye many yeres In Rome the fyrst coine of gold was smitten the ccccc.clvii yere of the cytie And it was named a ducate after it beganne to be vsed in many places at sundry tymes Phaedon begāne siluer coyne in y e ile Egina It was minted in Rome cccc.lxxxiiii yere after the cytie was builded the printe of it was a Chariot w t two horses some with foure Iänus dyd cause brasse to be coyned with a face on the one syde a shyp on the other syde to y e entent to gratifye Saturnus whiche arryued there in a ship by settyng furth his memory to their posteritee successours Seruius Tullius fyrst coined brasse with an Image of a shepe and an oxe as Plinie writeth Lokyng glasses of siluer were diuised by Praxiteles in y e tyme of Pompeius Magnus There were also inuēted lokyng glasses of steele leade christal glasse mingled stuffe wherin we behold our visages Albeit it is vncertayn who dyd fyrst fynd thē sauyng that Plinie saieth one Sydon imagined thē of glasse Rynges w t a pece of stone wrought in them be reported of Plinie to haue bene made of Iupiter for to kepe in memory y e punishement of Prometheus for that he deluded the goddes of the element of fyre did traduce it to mans vse but that is a fable of smale credite For y e vsage of rynges preciouse stones is of great antiquitie for I rede in Genesis that Iudas gaue his doughter in law Thamar a ryng broches as pledges of his promise And Moses y t was CCC yere before the battaile of Troy speaketh of rynges preciouse stones for makyng of the arke vestures of Aaron as onyches smaragdus or emrode In Rome at the fyrst they vsed rynges of yron euery mā sauyng the tribunes
writeth in Phoenice Albeit I thinke the inuēcion of suche artes may more iustly be ascribed to Cayn or the posterite of Seth whiche did make two pillers one of brycke and another of stone and wrote in them al the art of Astronomy at which tyme I suppose pillers and brycke were fyrste made wherby it appeareth that the cast of buildyng hath bene from the beginnyng of the worlde Neuertheles I denye not but these afore named dyd begyn edifiyng in sundry countries Marble was vsed in buyldyng at Rome of riche men to shew their sūptuouse magnificence As M. Scaurus beyng aediles caused .ccc.lx. pillers of marble to be caried to the makyng of a stage wheron an Enterlude should be played but Lucius Crassus was fyrst that had pyllers of Marble M. Lepidus made the gates of his house with Marble of Numedie not without reproche He was consul the yere of the cytie cccccc.lxxvi Mamurra a knight y t was master of Iuli. Caesars workes in Fraunce pynned fyrst the walles of his house with brokē marble In grauyng Marble Dipoenus Scylus borne in Crete floryshed fyrst afore kyng Cyrus reigned in Persie The .vi. Chapiter ¶ Who made the fyrst citie tentes temples and pyttes WHEN men wer somwhat clamed of their vplādishe behauoure by reason y t thei were refreshed of their extreme colde by fyre suche houses as they had deuised they gathered them substaunce goddes to the sustentacion of their housholdes and families But after they perceyued that mightie and strong men did inuade and dispoile them of suche stuffe as they had they knytte them selues together in a companye and dwelled in one cir●uite whiche they walled about and named it a cytie Notwithstandyng there is muche diuersitie of opinions among writers whiche was fyrst For Plinie sayeth Cecrops buylded the fyrst Cytie and called it by his owne name Cecropia whiche was afterwarde called Athens Strabo writeth that Phoroneus builded fyrst Argos The Egyptians say that Diospolis in their countrie was long afore whiche is credible to be so bycause they be a verye auncient nacion Trafon fyrst made walles towers as Aristotle saieth the Cyclopians edifyed but Theophrast thynketh the Phenicians buylded them And Vergil referreth that feate to Pallas But to say the trueth Cain as Iosephus declareth made the fyrst Cytie and named it Enochia after his sonne Enoch And the yong men that came of Noe his linage by the aduyse of Nembroth buylded the fyrste towre of an exceadyng heyght whiche was called afterwarde Babylon Tentes Iobal sonne of Lamech inuented notwithstandyng that the Phenicians affirme that the nepheues of Seculus found them Temples as Diogenes supposeth were found by Epimenides in Crete But Victruuius affyrmeth that one Pythius a Carpenter made the fyrste Temple in Prienne in the honoure of Pallas Herodotus saieth that the Egyptians instituted the temples fyrst In Rome Romulus builded the fyrst temple in the worshyppe of Iupiter Seretrius To almightie God Salomon kyng of the Hebrues builded the fyrst temple thre thousande an hundreth and two yeares after the creacion of Adam in Ierusalem Pyttes Danaus dygged fyrst as Plinie teacheth after he came out of Egypte into Argos a countrye of Grece Neuerthelesse to tell the verye origynall of them Isaac hys shepherdes dygged the fyrste pyttes as appeareth in Genesis And Moses caused pittes to be digged in the wildernes when he dyd conduct the Israelites out of Egypte whiche was ccc lxxxxiii yere afore that Danaus came into Argos neither was it Danaus but his doughters that dygged the pytte at Argos The .vii. Chapiter ¶ The Laborynthes turrettes sundry fashions of burials LABORINTHES which we may cal Mases were certain intricate wyndyng workes with many entries and dores in suche sort that yf a mā were once entred he could not yssue oute without ether he had a perfect guide or els a clewe of thredde to be his cōducte There were foure of them moost notable as it is reported The fyrst was in Egypte and was called of some the palace of kyng Motherudes of some the sepulthre of Meres but there bee other that saye it was buylded in honoure of the sonne by kyng Petesucus or Tithoes albeeit Herodotus saieth it was the commō toumbe of the kynges of Egipt this stoode a litle from the Poole of Myrios The second was made in Crete by Daedalus at the commaundement of kyng Minos wherein Theseus of Athens slewe the Minotaure The third was wrought in the Isle Lemnos by Zmilus Rhodus and Theodorus carpēters of the same countree The fourthe Porsena kyng of the Hetrurians caused too bee made and sette vp in Italy for his sepulchre it was all of free stone vaulted The high steples or turrettes that the Egipciās cal Pyramides wer betwene Memphis and Delta twoo citees of Egipte of suche highte that it was meruaill how the stone and morter could be caried so high One of them that was greatest was the worke of three thousande and .lx. menne in .xx yere at the coste of kyng Chemis whom Herodotus nameth Cheopis Chabreus brother to the same kyng made the second turret not equall in hight The thirde kyng Mycerinus caused to bee wrought .xx. ●ote shorter then his fathers was The occasiō that thei wer made as Plinie telleth was leaste the people should bee idle and Iosephus saieth the Egipcians enforsed the Hebrues to buylde those Pyramides bicause thei should bee in subieccion too theim and that thei might bee made slaues and drudges or els leaste the kynges should leaue so muche treasure to their successours that it might moue them to sedicion or treason Mausoleum that was the toumbe of Mausolus kyng of Caria his wife Artemesia builded moste sumteously and for that faithfull loue that she bare to hym she remaigned a widowe all her life tyme. The maner of buriall in diuerse coūtrees is of sundry fashions as y e Massagetes Derbians iudge theim that die in sickenesse verie wretches and therfore when their parentes kinsfolke waxe aged thei strangle theim and eate theim supposyng that it is better that thei should eate them thē y e wormes The Albanes that dwell by the mount Caucasus take it to be a mortall crime if thei regard or once name theim that bee ded The Thracians kepe solemnely the funeralles of the ded corps of men with greate ioye solace bicause thei bee dispatched by the death of the miseries humane and rest in felicitee e●e●ne and cōtrariwise at the birth of their children thei make greate sorowe and lamentacion bicause of the calamities that thei must sustain in this miserable life The women of Inde take it for a greate honesty and triumphe if thei maie bee buried with their housbande for it is graunted to her that loued hym beste there bee other diuerse maner of buriynges emong the
Paganes and Heathen people whiche for so muche as thei excede the bondes of humanitie haue in them no hope of resurreccion at this presente I omit and ouer passe thē The Romaines bicause the dedde coarses that died in externe battaill were after their buriall digged oute of the grounde instituted the maner of burnyng the carcases of menne departed whiche rite was executed on Sylla chief of al the house and kyndrede of the Corneliās whiche feared leste he should bee serued as he had vsed Marius Thei had also in Rome a maner of deifiyng or hallowyng their emperoures ded bodies after this sorte Whē the emperour was ded and his body reuerently buried with greate exequies thei fourmed an Image of the emperour pale as though he wer sicke and laied it at the gate of the palace in a bed of Iuory and the phisicions resorted thither to the bed .vi daies continually the lordes of the senate and noble ladies and matrōs stādyng on euery side of the bed The seuēth daie the young lordes and nobilitie bare hym on their shulders in the bed ▪ first into the old place of iudgementes called Forum Vetus and then into the felde named Campus Martius where thei chose their magistrates and highe officers where thei laied hym in a tente buylded for the nones like a towre and filled it with drie woode and swete oyntemētes and after thei had finished the rites and ceremonies of their lawe he that should succede in the empire put a fire brande to the tente and then other laied to the fire good plēty And by and by after all was burned thei let flie an Egle out of the top of the turret whiche as thei supposed caried the solle of the emperour to heauen and from thence furth thei honored hym as a God Commendacions to the worship of ded bodies at funerales Valerius Publicola first made in y e praise of Brutus and that was long afore the Grekes had any notwithstandyng Gellius writeth that Solon ordained that lawe in Athens in the tyme of Tarquinnins Priscus The Romaines vsed to praise the women at their burialles bicause on a time thei wer contented to giue their goldē iuelles to make a boulle to sēd to Delphos to the God Apollo The .viii. Chapiter ¶ Who made spires called Obelisti the markes of the broches the Egipcians letters firste Sanctuary OBelisti whiche maie bee called lōg bruches or spires wer great and houge stones in Egipte made of masons from the botome smaller and smaller of a large lēgth and were consecrated to the Sonne bicause thei bee long muche like the beames of the sonne The first of thē was instituted by Mitres whiche reigned in Heliopolis beyng commaunded by a vision too make it and so it was recorded and writtē in thesame Kyng Sothis set vp foure that were euery of theim xlviii cubites long Ramises in whose tyme Troy was destroyed reared vp one fourty cubites of length another of eight hundred and nyntene foote euery side was foure cubites broade Ptolomaeus Philadelphus made one at Alexandria of fourescore cubites And Phaeron set twoo in the temple of the Sonne of an hundred cubites length a pece and foure cubites broade on this occasion It fortuned that this kyng for a greate cryme that he had committed was stryken blynde and cōtinued so tenne yeres and after by reuelacion at the citee Bucis it was tolde hym that he should receiue his sight if he washed his yies with the water of a woman that was neuer defiled with any strange manne but was alwaie contente with her housbande Firste he tried his owne wife and afterward many other til at the last he receiued his sight and maried her by whose vryne he was healed and recouered his sighte and all the other with his first wife he caused to bee burned at once Then for a remēbraūce he made his oblaciō with the twoo foresaied spires in the tēple of the Sonne Augustus Caesar brought two of these broches into Rome and sette one in the greate Tilte yarde or Listes if I maie call Circus in those termes the other he sette in the felde called Campus Martius In these broches for the moste parte wer written Images of beastes wherby their posteritie and successoures mighte perceiue the renowme of suche princes and the maner of their vowes and oblacions FOR the Egipcians vsed the Images of beastes in the steade of letters and as Cornelius writeth thei declared their myndes by the figures and shappes of beastes as by the Bee they sygnified a Kyng rulyng his commons with greate moderaciō and gentlenesse by the Goshauke thei mente spidie perfourmaunce of their affaires Sanctuary as Stacius writeth made firste by Hercules neuewes in Athēs and was called the temple of mercie From thence it was not lawfull to take any manne violētly that repared thither for ayde and comfort notwithstādyng Moses whiche was lōg afore Hercules did institute three franchised tounes wither it was permitted for theim to go that had doen any murther vnware or by chaunce-medly Next after hym Romulus ordained a sanctuary in Roome to encrease his citezens and to haue more numbre too buylde the citee There was a sāctuary in the Isle Calauria dedicated too Neptune and another in Egipte at Canobicus consecrated to Hercules another to Osyridis in Siria one halowed to Apollo And there bee many at this daie in chrstēdome and namely in Englande but now the libertie and numbre of them is sore minished bicause thei wer occasion of greate crimes enormites The .ix. Chapiter ¶ Of Theatres and Amphitheatres and Bathes THEATRES wer certain places as scaffoldes with pentises wherin the people of Athens stoode to beholde the enterludes that were shewed and thei were made like halfe a circle with benches one aboue another that thei might without any impedimente see the places Dionisius did firste institute theim in Athens in the middes of the scaffolde or theatre stoode the stage wherin Comodies Tragedies with other shewes were exibited too the common sorte Of theim the Romaines toke example to make suche scaffoldes whiche Quintus Catulus caused to bee couered with linen clothes and hanged it with silke where as afore thei had no vaulte to bere of the sonne or raine But Marcus Scaurus beeyng Aedil that is hauyng the ouersight of all publike and priuate buyldynges made the firste in Rome that endure● for the space of thirtie daies it was made vp with pillers of Marble Caius Curio at his fathers buriall builded twoo theatres of timber after suche a fashion that thei might in time of enterludes stād one cōtrary to another in suche wise that neither plaie should disturbe other and whē it liked hym he turned theim together and made an Amphitheatre whiche was a roūde scaffold full of benches of diuerse hightes wherin he
should bee withoute filth in their quoridian sacrifices THE significacion of the priestes crounes is to declare that thei ought to reiecte terrene and yearthely substaunce reseruyng to theimselfes only a compitente sufficience Anacletus first forbad priestes to haue beardes or long side heire Siricius decreed that all those men that were twyse maried or wedded a widdowe should bee no prieste Anastasius cōmaunded that none that was lame or maymed should bee admitted to bee a priest Bonifacius instituted that no manne could bee a priest afore he wer thirty yeres olde for that was the age of pristes in the olde lawe But the counsail of Laterane thought it sufficient if he were xxv yeres olde after the example of the Leuites whiche at that age ministred in the tabernacle Anacletus also appoyncted that euery Bishoppe should bee stalled and consecrated of their other auncient bishoppes ¶ The .vi. Chapiter ¶ Who diuised Parishes and Dioceses the order of Cardinalles Notaries and Chamberlaynes AFTER that the priesthod was ordaigned bothe least the cure should bee ouer greate and also that euery manne mighte know what his charge was and how farre his office extended Dionisius y ● yere of our lorde cc.lxvii deuided bothe in Rome and other places churches churcheyardes and parishes to curates and dioceses to bishoppes and commaunded that euery manne should bee contented with his prescript bondes But a fore that Euaristus appoin●ted titles of cures to y e priestes in Rome whose dutie was to christen all that wer cōuerted from Paganisme to christē religion and resorted thither to receiue the faith and to bury the dedde And afterwarde Marcellus decreed that there should bee .xxv. in number THESE bicause thei wer y e chief priestes in Rome and had the prerogatiue afore the rest wer named Cardinalles and of them without doubt the ordre of Cardinalles sprong first whiche for somuche as thei were in daiely presence with the bishoppe of Rome that then had the primacie of christendome wer had in great reputacion and reuerence And Innocencius the fourth of that name whiche was aboute the yere of our lorde M twoo hundred fiftie and foure willyng to augmente and auaunce their dignity commaunded by decree that from thencefurthe thei should ryde when thei came to the bishoppes palace and were a redde hatte wherby was mente that thei oughte to bee in ar●dinesse too auenture theimselfes for the lawe of religion and spende their bloudde in Christes cause And Paulus bishoppe ordained that thei should haue scarlet roabes or kittelles This order standeth of three sortes for some bee bishoppes and be in numbre sixe The Cardinalles of Hostia Sabine Portua Tuculane Praenestine and Albane the other were either priestes or deacons albeeit in no certain or speciall numbre But there is another order in Roome of Notaries whiche were appoyneted by Iulius the firste of that name too write the actes of all godly martyrs and confessoures and registre theim for a perpetual example of constante verteous liuyng Albeeit I thinke it rather to bee the inuencion and diuise of Clemente whiche ordained seuen Notaries too enrolle the notable deedes of Martyres And Antherius after did more firmely ratify it Also Leo the firste a godly and well disposed manne seyng the people repaire thither from all partes of the worlde for pardon appoyncted certain officers of the priestes whom he named Chamberlaynes too kepe the toumbes and sepulchres of the Apostelles and Martyres that thei perceiuyng the holy reuerēce aboute the Apostelles graues mighte bee more enflammed with deuocion BVT all suche offices bee nowe peruerted and turned frō that godly purpose to vain worldely ostentacion and pompe bee redy marchandise in Rome the promocions be so great ❧ The .vii. Chapiter ¶ The prerogatiues of the bishoppe of Roome and his eleccion ONE special prerogatyue and preuiledge of y e bishopp of Rome is y t he maie chaunge his name if it seme to hym not very pleasaunte too his ear●s As if it bee a malefactor he maie call his name Bonifacius if he bee a coward he maie be called Leo for a carter Vrbanus and for a cruell manne Clemens This was the ordinaunce of Sergius and thei saie thei dooe it after the example of Christe whiche chaunged Simon Bariona his name into Peter And of this it came too passe that euery bishoppe when he was elected chose the name of one of his predicessoures THE bishoppe of Rome is also borne on mennes shulders whiche custome came of the eleccion of Stephanus the seconde whom the people for his greate vertue and godlinesse with muche ioye of the eleccion bare on their shulders The maner of the pompe of bearyng was admitted but the counterferryng and folowyng of his vertue and syncere liuyng was omitted Albeeit it mighte spryng of a gentle custome that was ●mong the Romaines that euery riche manne or highe potestate should bee borne of h●s seruauntes in a bed THE authoritee too chose the bishoppe of Rome belonged firste too the Emperoure of Constantinople the deputie of Italy till the tyme of the Emperour Constantyne whiche licenced the Cardinalles and the people of Rome to elect hym This was aboute the yere of Christ cccccc foure score fiue A fewe yeres after Gregory the thirde with other his successoures when thei were vexed by the Lumberdes seyng thei could not haue redy helpe of the Emperoure of Cōstantinople required aide of Charles Marcel●e Pippin and Charles the great kyng of Fraunce For whiche benefites Leo the thirde made and denounced Charlemayne Emperoure and gaue hym authoritee to ratify and confirme the elecciō of the bishop of Rome but Nicolas y e secōd restrayned the eleccion onely too the Cardinalles whiche custome remaineth at this daie THE greate possessions that the bishoppes of Rome hath contrary to the example of Christe whose vicars thei name theimselfes and Peters pouertie their predecessoure wer gyuen them by Charles and Lewes emperoures And yet notwithstandyng all that large benignitee and kyndenesse shewed too hym and his auncetoures Ihon the twelfe made Otho kyng of Germany Emperoure and afterward Gregori the third a Germaine borne bycause too gratifie the Emperoure his countree manne decreed that the bishoppes of Magunce Treuerence and Colyne the Merques of Brandbrough the countie Palatyne Duke of Saxone and Kyng of Boemie should haue ful power to chose the Emperoure Aboute the yere of our Lorde one thousande and twoo THVS the bishoppes of Roome haue been enhaunced in worldly power that thei thynke theimselfes equall with Princes Kynges and Emperoures But as it was falsely vsurped so shall it by the woorde of GOD bee roted out and extirped as an vnprofitable tree The .viii. Chapiter ¶ The deuidyng of Priestes into sūdry degrees a maner of sweryng and excomunicacion GREGORY surnamed the greate where afore tyme Priestes and chiefe Priestes were
oure lord M.ccc.lxviii they were no priestes nor consecrated persons but wer men of the laye sort geuen addicted to praiers had the name of Iesuites bycause the name of Iesus should be often in their mouth they be muche like to our bedemen in England The secte of new Hermites began in Vrbine a cytie in Italy in the coūtre of Vmbria where Polidor Vergile was borne and was the deuise of one Petrus an Hetruriane and they had in the same cytie a goodly hospital or guylde hal The Bonhomes were instituted in England by Edmunde sonne of Rychard erle of Cornewel whiche was brother to Henry the .iii. and was elected kyng of the Romanes heyre apparant to the Empyre by the princes electours aboute the yere of oure Lorde M.CC.lvii The special head place of that religion was Astrige wher the noble kyng Henry the .viii. hath nowe a goodly Palace This Edmund brought the blood of our sauiour as it was sayd into the realme The .v. Chapiter ¶ The original of sacred knightes and white secte WHILEST the cytie of Ierusalem afore our christenmen had cōquered it in y e yere of our lord M.xcix. was in subieccion to the Saracēs the Latine christians that liued ther tributaries purchased a lycence to buylde nere vnto the holye sepulchre dwellyng houses and among other they made an hospital of our lady to receyue the straunge pilgrimes and appoincted a prouost to entertain thē This was in Siluester the fyrst hys tyme the yere of our Lorde .ccc.xiiii. and renewed the yere of Chrst M.ccc xcvii in the tyme of Celestine the .iii. bishop of Rome After the paterne of this house was deuised a like house of virgyns in me mortal of Mari Magdalen to receiue the women that resorted thether It beganne in the .ii. Vrbanes daies the yere of our Lorde M. lxxxxix Notwithstandyng because the multitude of latine pilgrimes waxed very great they builded thre hospitals of s Ihō Baptiste as some saye albeit some thynke it was of Iohn Eleemosinarius that was the patriarke of Alexandria in the reigne of the emperour Phoca This secte one Gerardus adourned with a white crosse in a black vesture grand captain of these knightes was Ramundus when Clement the .v. had the sea of Rome about the yere of our Lorde M.ccc.x yet some affirme that the beginnyng of them was in the .iii. Alexanders dayes the yere of Christ M.c.lxxix and they be called of y e order of s Iohn or knightes of the Rhodes because thei wāne the Rhodes from the Turkes which afterwarde they lost againe in Ianuary in the yere of oure saluacion M. CCCCC.xxiii albeit they dyd long defend it manfully The templers order was begon in Gelacius the .ii. his daies in the yere of Christes incarnacion M.C.xxviii by Hugo Paganus and Gaufradus de sancto Alexandro they were named templers bycause they kept in a parte of the buyldynges neare to the temple they kepte Barnardus rule in their liuyng But Clement the .v. deposed thē partly for that they renoūced the faith conspired w t the Turkes partly forother notable crimes The order of Tentonickes or dutch Lordes beganne in Hierusalem by a Dutche manne whose name is not knowen Their office was to fight against the enemies of Christes crosse it began in the dayes of Clement the third the yere of Christes incarnacion M.C.xc. Petrus Fardinandus a Spaniarde began the order of sainct Iames knightes that lyued after s Austens rule vnder Alexander y e .iii. and in the yere of our lord M. c.lx.iii the same bishoppes daies ¶ Sāctius a kyng ordeyned the factions of Calatrauean knightes which professed the rule of y e Cisterciences Of the same profession be they of the order of Iesus Christes knightes whiche were instituted by Iohn the xxii bishop of that name in Portingale to resist the Saracens Alexandrians brotherhod of knightes in the realme of Castel y t begonne in Gregories tyme the .ix. aboute the yere of oure saluacion M.CC.xl. but who was auctor of thē is vncertaine Iames kyng of Aragonia dyd foūd ii sectes of knightes one named of s Mari de Mercede of those the office was to raunsom suche as were taken prisoners in warres against the Turkes The other sect is called Montasian knightes and they were a redde crosse both these orders Gregory the xi did alowe the yere of our lord M. The order of Minimes or lest brethren were founded by one Franciscus Paula a Silician after the example of Frauncisse his Mmorites The Apostolike brethren begāne in the yere of our lord M.cclx by the institucion of Gerardus Sagarelus in the toune named Perma in Lōbardie in the tyme of Alexander the fourth The whyt sect sprong vp in the Alpes descended into Italye hauyng apriest for their captayn But Bonifacius perceiuyng they should do no good to his honourable estate if they continued caused their captain to be headed at Viterbium as attainted of some heresie the yere of our lord M. cccc They wer a great nomber dyd no other thyng but lamēt the state of mākynd bewayle the sinnes of the people Theren as of this fashion both men women were called the whit sect because they weare whyte clothyng The .vi. Chapiter ¶ The Niniuites Assirians Antonians and Ceretanes NO lesse supersticion is in the fraternite of the Niniuites although they auaunce thē selues to haue receyued their maner of liuyng of y e Apostles for the end of their doynges is to worke their owne saluacion by dedes satisfactory to God wher in dede they derogate the effecte and power of Christes blod The rites be specified with outward holines as often assēblyng to praier hiryng of chauntry priestes supportyng pouertie be clothed in sackcloth and scourge one another w t whippes Of this painted penaunce they call them selues Niniuites as though they appeaced Gods wrathe in the same wyse as they of Niniuie dyd where in deede they had heartie cōtricion for their offēces these haue but pretenced holines and penitence they beganne vnder Clement the .iiii. the yere of our lorde a thousand two hundreth threscore and fiue The maner of theyr whyppyng came of the Romayne sacrifices and Lupercalia whereof I spake afore for thei vsed the same custome of a supersticious opinion Or if a manne wold be curious in boultyng out the original of their beatyng it may appeare to haue proceded of an obseruaūce of the Egyptiens For y e vsage was there that whilest they offered a cow with many ceremonies to their gret Idole as Herodotus witnesseth during y e burnyng therof they shuld one beate another miserably with wandes or roddes The title of their fraternitie came of the Romaynes whiche had diuers felowshyppes as Sodales Titii and Fratres Aruales that sacrificed to Ceres Goddesse of corne Another sort there is not onely idle but also
Camillus lv Cancer xxxii Candelles lix Candelmas day C. Canis lii Canonisyng of saīctes c.xxv. Cappes xcvii Cardinalles xcii Carpēters arte lxxviii Cartagens were fyrst marchauntes lxxx Castyng lottes xxxv Castyng mony abrode C.ii. Cecrops viii xii Centaurie was found by Chiron xxxii Ceres xxxvii Ceres Image lxiii Ceremonies why they were so named C.xiii. Chaldees xxi xxvi Chalices of wood C.xxviii Chalices of siluer and golde Idem Chamberleines xciii Chariotes l. Charmes xxxiii Chaunces lii Chaunters lxxxviii Chery trees lxvii Chese makyng lxvi Chesse li. Chippe are lxxviii Chiromancie xxxiiii Chiron auctour of salues xxxi Chitteryng of byrdes xxxv Chius lii Chrisippus ii Chrisme c.iii. Christ authour of our priesthod lxxxviii Christal lxi Christmas lordes c.ii. Christenyng of infantes lxxxvi Churches and churche yardes xcii c Cicero xxi Circenses lii Circumsion lxxxv Ciuil croune lvi Ciuil law ▪ xxxvii Cleanthes ii Cleophantus inuented colours lxiiii Clergie lxxxvii Clockes xliiii Cocke boate lxxx Coynyng lix Collage of secretaries c.xlix Comedies xviii Cōmēdacions to dead bodies lxxiiii Cōmon welth xxxviii Cōmon women lxxxi Communion c.xiii Compasse lxxviii Confession c.xv. Confirmacion c.iiii. Coniurers lxxxviii Constantine forbadde putting to death of the crosse c.vii. Constantyne borne in England fyrst christen emperour c lvi Consuls of Rome xl Corax gaue rules of Rhethorike xxi Corne sowyng lxv Corona triumphalis lvi Corporaces c.xxviii Corpus Christi daye c.xxiiii Couering of scaffoldes lxxvii Counsailes c.lii. Countyng by nayles xxix Cranes or vernes xlix Cratus taught grammer in Rome xv Cries liii Crosse bowes xlix Crosse daies c.xxiiii Crosse forboden to be made c.vii. Crounes of brasen plate lvi Crounes of diuers sortes lvii Cuppes were crouned lvii D DAies of euerye moneth xliii Dayes turned into feries c.xxi Daies named of y e planetes Ibidem Dayly communion c.xiiii Daphis foūd the shepherdes earolles xvii Dardanus Crezenius xxiiii Dartes xlviii Dauid song in metre xxiii Daunsyng li. c.ii Decking of churches c Declamator xxi Decrees xl Dead bodies lxxiiii and .c.xxv. Dedalus slewe his neuewe lxxix Dedicaciō daies c.xxv. Dedicatyng of Churches c.viii Degrees of kynred inhibited to mary Deifiyng of the Emperour lxxiiii Deleyng of wines lxvi Demaratus taught the Hetruriās letters xiiii Demaratus lxiiii Democratia begāne in Rome xli Democracie xxxviii Democritus vi Demosthenes xxi Denoūcyng the Dictator xl Deseases xxxi De●any xxxii Deuisiō of naciōs vii Deuorcement x. Diagoras ii Dialles xliiii Dialoges xxvi Debutades lxiiii Dyce li. Dictatoures fyrste in Rome xl Dictatours office Ibi. Diyng of wolle lxix Diyng of heare lxxxii Diocesses xcii Dioclesian a great persecutour Diodorus xii Dionisius lxv Dirceus captaine of y e Lacedemonians xxiiii Diriges or Exequies C.xxvi Disguisyng C.iii. Diuerse deuisions of the yere xlii Diuerse deuisions of the day xlv Diuerse kyndes of meter xvii Diuerse maners of paper xlvii Diuersitee of speches vii Diuisions of the night xlv Dreames xxxvi Drinkyng on maundy thursday C.i. Druides xxv Drumslades in warre xxiiii Dulcymers xxiiii Dungyng land lxv E EAster C.xix Easter appointed to be kept on the Sonday C.xxi. Easter instituted by the Apostles C.xxii. Easter is to be kepte in Marche C.xxii. Earyng of fleshe lxvii Eclipse of the Sunne and moone xxvii Egges lxviii Egiptiās ii xxvi.lxxii Egyptians are superstitious lxxxiii Egyptians letters xii Egiptians foūd Geometry ●xviii Egyptians founde the yere xlii Election of the bishop of Rome xciiii Electoures of the Emperour Ibidem Eliazer driueth out spirites xxxiiii Elymnete lx Embryng daies C.xix Embroderyng lxvii Ennius called the Poetes holy xvi Empedocles vi xxi Endimion perceiued y e course of the Moone xxvii Enos xii lxxiii Epicarmus xiii Epicurus ii Epicurus taught grāmer fyrst xv Epulones C. Ethiopians xii Ethiopians opiniō of man vi Euander broughte letters into Ital. xiiii Euen and odde lii Eumolphus xiii E●comunicacion x●vi Exequies or Diriges C.xxvi Exercises l. Extreme vnction c.iiii. F FAmous Phisicians xxxi Fanes xx●viii Fastyng C.xviii Faunus i. Feastes instituted by y e Apostles C.xxiii Feastes instituted at y e counsail of Lyons C.x iiii Februarie xliii Fac●ales Sacerdotes xcix Fedyng of birdes xxxv Fery boates l●xx Fetters xli F. was taken of y e Ay●lians xiiii F. for .v. cōsonant xiiii Fidlers pipers xxiiii Fightyng on horsebacke l. Figures of Arithemetike xxix Fyre iiii lviii.c.viii Fyre and water gyuen in token of chastitee x. Fyrst masse of priestes c.i. Fyrst churche of y e christians Fyrst churche in Rome c.vii. Fishyng lxviii Fleshe was not eaten before Noe. c xviii Fliyng of birdes xxxv Fyue partes of Philosophi xxvi Foreheades lxxxii Frederike Feltrius liberary xlvi Fullers crafte lxix Funeralles lxxiiii Funeral plaies li. G GAley lxxx Games li Garlandes lv lvi Gates of marble lxxi Geomancie xxxiiii Gymnosophistes xxv Glasses to loke in lix Glasse lx Glewe lxxviii God his nature iii. God made made vi God what he is iiii God was the authour of lawes xxxvii God is made manne lxxxiiii Gods mercy Ibidem Goddesses of fauoure xxiii God father and Godmother lxxxvii Godbrother and godsister Golde lvii lix Gonnes when they were fyrst made xlix Good angelles i. Goshauke lxxvi Grace at meate c.xxi Grāmer .ii. partes xv Grauers in marble lxxi Grecians lerned in Egypt xxvii Gregory stablished the single lyfe of priestes c.v. Greke stories xx Grindyng lxv HAberion xlviii Allowing of priestes vestures Cxxviii Hampers lxxviii Hangynges lxix Harneis xlviii Harpe lviii Harpe who found it xxiii Hebrue letters xiii Hebrues were authores of Poetry xvi Hebrues were authores of philosophi xxv Hebrues after Iosephus founde Geometrye xxix Hebrues ordaygned Democracie xxxviii Hechwall xxxi Helene founde the crosse Cvii Helmettes xlviii Herbe called balī xxxi Herbes were created for manne Ibidem Hercules basilicꝰ lii Hercules lxi Heretickes Cli. Heroicall verse xvii Hiperbius lxvii Hippocrates xxx Histories xix Hoye lxxx Holy breade Cxxxii. Holy daies Cviii. and Cxxii Holy water Cix Hony lxvii Horsses xlix Hostanes wrote bokes of magike xxxiii Houres xliii liii Houses lxx Huntyng lxviii Huntyng staues xlix Housbandry lxv I IAcob made a league liiii Ianuarie xliii Ianus xii Ianꝰ coines of bras lix Iauelyns xlviii Icarius lxvi Idei dactili lviii Ides xliii Idolatry xi Iehosuah liiii Iginius made firste orders xc Ihon Baptist Cx. Ihon Cuthenbergus found printyng xlvi Images lxi cxxxi Images of kynges xi Images of waxe C. Institucion of wedlocke viii Instrumentes of husbandry lxv Instrumentes of phisicke xxx Iob. xvi Ioseph lxxxii Iron lviii Isaac digged pittes lxxii Isis i. Iubile C.xlvii Iulius Cesar made the yere perfect xliii Iupiter ii Iustes ī Rome lxxii Iustyng speares xlix K KEele lxxx Epyng y e secramēt in churches cxiiii Kyngdome beganne in Egipt xxxviii Kynges how thei behaued thēselfes Ibi. Kīges of Rome xxxix Kynges and Quenes of Englande xcviii Kynges and priestes wer anoynted C.iii. Kynred inhibited too mary Kissyng the bishop of Romes feete xcvii Knightes weare rynges for difference lx Knightes of the Rhodes C.xli. Knightes of saincte Iames C.xlii. Knightes of Iesus Christe Ibidem
Knittīg nettes lxviii L LAborinthes lxxii Aborers passe the time with sōges xxii Lacedemonians maner of warre xxiiii Lacedemonians offerynges lv Layitee lxxxvii Lamech had two wiues Lame mēne maie not bee priestes xci Lammas day c.xxiiii Lampes Ci. Latyn stories xx Lawe xxxvi Lawe for drynkyng of wyne xcvii Law makers xxxvii Lawes of mournyng C.xxvi Lawes natural xxxvi Leade lviii Leagues liii Leape yere xliii Legendes C.xvii Legge harneis xlviii Lent C.xix Leoncious Gorgias Image lxiii Letanies Letters xii Letters too coumpte with all xxix Lettyng of blod xxxii Leuer lviii Leuites lxxxviii Libertie of y e old Satyres xix Libraries xlviii Licinius Caluus xli Lycurgus xxxvii Lidians lix Lighter lxxx Lyne lxxviii Lynnen lxxii Linus xvi Liuius Andronicꝰ xvi Lookyng glasses lix Lottes xxxv Lucrecia lxxxvii Lupercalia lii M MAgiciens xxv MAgi xxxiiii Magike xxxiii Mahometes sect cxlv Maydes of Cipres lxxi Maydes of Rome and Grece x. Maiyng C.ii. Maioram xxxii Malcolme kyng of Scottes ix Maners of diuerse nacions in mariages viii Maner of rekenyng yeres xxix Mantill lxix Manumission xxxix Marble lxx Marchaundise lxxx Marche xli Marcus Cato banished phisicians out of Rome xxxi Marcus Tuditanus xvii Marcus Valerius ordaigned a Diall in Rome xliiii Mary the Virgyn died lxxxv Mariage beganne in paradise viii Mariage of diuerse nacions Ibidem Mariage of priestes Ciiii. Marius xli Mars author of cheualry xlviii Martyres Cxlvii and C.liiii Maskes lxxxi Cii Massagetes viii Masse y e partes therof C.x. C.xiii ▪ Mastes lxxx Marches lix Matyns Prime and Houres Cxxvi. Measures and weightes xxix Meates forbidden on fastyng daies Cxxi Melissus xi Meltyng brasse lviii Memory xlvii Memorye of martyres Cxxv. Menander xix Menne drified i. Menne liued by acornes lxv Menne of greate memory xlvii Menne wer first called christians in Antioche lxxxiiii Menne were sacrificed by the Gentyles Cviii. Menne wrote in plates xlvi Menon xii Mercury xxvi Mercury founde the concordes xxii Mercury founde the Harpe xxiii Mercurius Trimegistus appoyncted twelfe houres in the daie xiiii Metalles lviii Meter diuerse kyndes therof xvii Mice engender of the mudde v. Milke lxviii Ministers lxxxviii Minos xxxvii Minos had the firste rule on the sea lxxix Mirre lxi Moly xxxii Monarchie xxxviii Monethes xliii Monethes myndes Cxxviii Money lix Monkes Cxxxv. Morispikes xlix Moses xiii xvi.lvi and lxxii lxxvi Moses did prouulgate the first lawes xxxvii Moses did write the firste story xx Moses founde the trompe xxiiii Moses ordaigned deuorcementes x. Mossolanus xxxv Motleis lxix Mouldes lxiiii Mournyng C.xxvi Mournyng is supersticious Hypocrisy Cxxvii Mummius destroied Corinth lxiiii Murall croune lvi Musicke xxii Musicke maketh a man effeminate xxiii N NAbles xxiiii Aked games li. and lii Nasamones ix Naturall xxxv Nature gaue musike to menne xxii Nature of oyle Ciii Nauall croune lvi Necromancie xxxiiii Nemi li. Neptunus ● Neptunus had the Empire of the sea lxxix Nero firste persecuter Clv. Nesyng Cxxx. Nettes lxvii Newe yerares gyftes C.ii. Night sacrifices are abholished Cxx. Nilus dooeth ouerflowe Egipt xxviii Ninꝰ did enlarge his Empire xxxviii Noha made the firste aulter lxxxviii and Cvii Noha planter of the vine lxvi Noone xliiii Noones xliii Notaries xcii and Cxlix Numa added too the yere xiii Numbers xxix Nunnes xcvi O. OPelisti lxxv Obseruyng of dayes xxvi xxx Obseruyng of dyete was beginnyng of phisicke xxx Ob●idionall crowne lvi Occasion of Idolatrie xi Ochus xxv Odde and euen lii Offeryng C. Offices sold ī Rome xciii Oyle C.iii. Oyntementes lvii Olimpiades l. Oliue oyle lxvi One God iii. Opinion of philosophiers ii Opinion of the birth of manne v. Oracle lxii Oracles doubtfull i. Oracles seased at Christes commyng C.viii. Oratour xxi Order of Cardinalles xcii Order of manumission xxxix Orest●us lxvi Organes lxxxii Organie xxxiii Orpheus xii xvi.xxi and xxv Original of Heathen goddes i. Otho a Germayne made emperour xciiii P PAyntyng lxii Alamedes araye xlviii Pallas ii Pamphilia lxix Panace xxxii Panci●s lvi Paper xlvii Parchement Ibidē Pardons C●lvii Parishes xcii Partes of Rhethoricke xxi Partes of the nighte xlv Parthians xxxii Paschall Candelles C.xxiii Pater patratus C. Patriarches xcv Paule is conuerted lxxxv Pecocke lxviii Pelagius caused subdeacons to forsake their wifes C.v. Peniten●ers C.xlix Pensill lxiiii Pentecost C.xxiii Persecutors C.liiii Peter and Philippe had wifes C.v. Peter crucified lxxxv Peter conuerted thre thousande lxxxiiii Phedon lix Pherisides xx Phidias lxiii Philippe Emperour proclaimed an hereticke C.xxxi Philosophie xxv Philosophie in three or fiue partes xxvi Phirrhus daunce li. Phisicions famouse xxxi Phisicians lxxxii Phisike xxx Phoroneus xxxvii Pillers lx● Pipers fidlers xxiiii Pirodes stroke fire out of flinte lix Piromancie xxxiiii Pisistraius made the first booke xlvi Pithagoras called hym selfe a philosophier xxv Pithagoras obserued the day sterre x●vii Pithagoras rule lxxix Pittes who first digged theim lxxii Plaies or shewes l. and lii Plato v. Plinie xiii Plough lxv Plucking out of teth xxx Poetes vi Poetes bee called holy of Ennius xvi Poetry xv Polares xlix Polignotus lxiii Ponishement for aduoutry ix lxxxi Ponishemēt for omittyng oblaciōs cviii Pontifex Maximus xcix Possessions permitted too the clergi C. and xxxii Posthumius lv Potters crafte lxiiii Potters frame Ibi. Praier Cix Preachyng Cx. Price of writtes C. and xlix Priestes xcv Priestes first Masse C.i. Priestes forbidden to mary Cv. Priestes of Egypte lxviii Priestes of Egypte wrote stories xx Priesthode lxxxvii and lxxxviii Primatiue churche lxxxix Prime xliiii Princes Electoures xciiii Printyng xlvi Prisones xli Prognosticacions xxviii Promotheus lx lxii Prophesiyng xxxv Prose xx Protagoras ii Psalter of Dauid xvi Psammaricus v. Ptolomeus libraries xlvi Pultryes lxviii Punishement for aduoutrie viii Purificacion of women Cvi Purple coloure lxix Purple roabe Ciii Q Q Letter xiiii Varelles xlix R RAmmers xlix Eaders lxxxviii Readyng the bible at meate C.xxi. Reclaimyng of horsses xlix Reconynges xxix Reconsiliation of churches C.xxv Regalles xxiiii Religion vii lxxxiii Religions from the Cxxxvii too the. C. and xiv lefe Reliques C.xlvi Repentaunce a remidy for synne Cl. Rewardes l. Rex sacrificulus C. Rhethorician xxi Rhethoricke xx Right hande xcvii Rynges lx Ryngyng to seruise C.xxxi Rites of buriyng lxxiii Rites of mariage x. Royall ornamētes xli Romaynes burned their dedde bodies lxxiiii Romaynes league liiii Rome made orders xc Romulus xxxvii Romulus ordered the yere xlii Rowyng in boates lx ix Rudders lxxx Rue xxxiii Rulyng cōmon welth xxxviii S. SAbbothe daies of the Iewes C.xxi. Sacramente of the aulter Cx. Sacrifices lxii Sayles lxxx Salomon xvi lxxii Salomon made the first temple Salte lxviii Salutyng with kysses xcvii Sanctuaries lxxv Sand diall xliiii Satyres xviii Saturnalia games liii Saturnus father of the goddes ii Sauery xxxii Sawe lxxviii Scaffoldes lxxvii Scarlet roabes xcii Schismes C.lii Scithians league liii Scotlande vse ix Scribes Cxlviii Secretaries C. xllx Sectes from the C. and .xxxiiii. too the C.xlv lefe Selandyne xxxii Senio lii Seruius Tullius lix Sethis posterite xxvii Sextyns lxxxviii Shaftes xlix Shalmes xxiii Shauen crounes xc Shildes xlviii
saieth that Polygnotus an Athenian found it yet Plinie agreeth nether w t Theophrast nor yet w t him selfe for in his ●xxv booke he saieth that Polygnotus a Thasian dyd fyrst paynt women in single apparel trimmed theyr he●des w t calles of sundrye colours set furth pictures to the shewyng more decente in openyng their mouthes and made theyr tethe to be sightly the visages more fauourably to behold but who found it it is vncertayne For the Egyptians saye they had that arte .vi. M. yeres afore it came in Grece And they of Grece affyrme it was begōne by the Sicyomans some of the Corinthians Albeit all cōfesse it begāne of the drawyng of a mā with lynes In ꝓcesse of time it waxed more sumptuouse w t colours Drawyng pictures with lines or shadowes Philodes an Egyptian or Cleantes a Corinthian diuised Thelephanes a Sicyonian Ardices of Corinthe vsed fyrst this arte without colours and Cleophantes of the same countries inuēted fyrst colours Apollodorus obtayned muche praise with the pensyl In this excelled Tymagoras Pythys Polygnotus Agla●phon w t other that Plinie reciteth in the .xii. boke And Raphael Sanctus and Vr●inate is very excellent in expressyng of liuely Images of men in this faculte The potters occupacion that worketh all thinges in clay and yearth Chorebus an Athenian foūd as Plinie in his .vii. booke telleth In his .xxxv. booke he ascribeth y e original of it to Dibutades at Corinth which by helpe of his doughter inuēted this craft for after she vnderstod that a yong man her louer should depart into a straūge nacion for the tender loue y t she bare to him she drewe his Image on a wal after y e patron of his shadow by cādel light which her father fylled fashioned w t clay and made it into a figure resēblaunce of his body dried it w t the fyre set it in y e ●ōmon hoote house where y e maides women kept bathes And there it remayned tyl Mummius destroyed Corinth Some say it was found by Rhetus Theodorus in y e Ile of Samos And Demaratus father to Tarquinius Priscus kyng of the Romaines brought it into Italy after him Eucirapus Eugrāmus amplified y e science more coptousely Makyng of mouldes the way to worke images in thē Lisistratus a Sicioniā inuēted The potters whele or frame as Ephorus saieth Anacharsis a philosopher of the coūtree of Scythia foūd Some say it was Talus Dedalus sister sōne The special workemen in this arte were Dimophius and Gorgasus ❧ Here endeth the abrydgement of the second booke The third booke The fyrst Chapiter ¶ The inuencion of husbandry with other thinges concernyng the same HVSBANDRY or tyllynge the ground Diodorus sayeth was excogitat by Dionisius amonge the Egyptians In Grece Asia by Triptolemus as Iustine writeth in Italy Saturnus but Virgil wytnesseth that Ceres was fyrst inuentrice of it Neuertheles Iosephus declareth that it was perceiued and founde by Cain Adams eldest sōne In the beginnyng men liued by Acornes and other frutes of the yearth tyl Ceres as Plinie telleth taught thē of Athens Italy Sicilie to sowe corne whiche afore grewe among other herbes Diodorus referreth the inuencion of it to Isis Albeit Iustine affyrmeth that Triptolemus found it in the tyme of Herichtheus kyng of Athens but Diodorus saieth he lerned of Ceres and had commaundemente to teache it abroade In Italy Saturne instituted sowyng as Macrobie testifyeth Pitumnus taught men fyrst to mucke compasse their land and his brother Pilumnus taught menne to bake and grynde but Plinie saieth that Argeus a kyng in Grece taught menne to dunge their lādes in the tyme of Homere And Hercules afterwarde published it in Italy Diodorus witneseth that Dionisius the seconde yoked oxen to the plough fyrst wheras afore it was laboured by hande Briges an Athenien or as some reporte Triptolemus some say one Osiris found the plough Trogus dyd saye that it was Habis kyng of Spayne that taught fyrst to plowe and sowe Instrumentes of husbandry as Virgyl supposeth Ceres founde out but we must take it that these men afore rehersed dyd teache it fyrst in sundry places for it is manyfest that afore their tyme the Hebrues and Egyptians had knowledge of this science As Iacob when there was a greate derth of corne in Canaā sent his sonnes into Egipt to bie grain And therfore without doubt the Hebrues dyd fyrste fynde out the waye of tyllyng corne grindyng with other rustical instrumentes Syues sarces of here we●e found in Fraunce as Plinie telleth and bultres of linnen in Spaine In Egipt they were made of fenne rishes and bulrishes The .ii. Chapiter ¶ Wyne oyle honye chese and strange trees brought into Italy DIODORVS saieth y t Dionisius dyd fyrst perceiue the nature of the vyne and taught men af Grece to plant it and to presse wyne out of the Grape as Saturnus dyd in Italye Some saye it was Icarus father of Penelope that founde it in Athens And was afterward slain of the husbandmen when they were dronken Athenaeus in one place writeth that Oresteus sonne to Deucalion fyrst foūd the vyne about the moūt Aetna in Sicilie In another place he saieth that it was found at y e cytie Plithina in Egypt Aruntes a Tirhene banished out of his coūtre by Lucinon whō he brought vp of a chyld caried fyrst wyne into Fraūce Seculus the sōne of Ventus inuented the fyrst food of men of the trees and Eumolphus an Athenian taught the maner of orderyng of them but afore all these Noe was the fyrst that either tylled the lande or planted the vyneyarde And when he had dronke of the fruit of y e grape he was dronken Wyne tauernes were set vp fyrst by the Lidians a people of Asia whiche also foūd diuerse games Staphilus as Plinie sayeth deleied wyne fyrst Drynke that is made of barlye whiche we cal ale and was the common drynke of the Egyptians was diuised by Bacchus And he taught it to suche nacions as had no grapes growyng And for y t cause England Scotlande Irelande Fraunce and Germany and all that border on the west and north seas vse this drynke Albeit the Germanes put hoppes in it and cal it bere In Grece as Diodorus holdeth opiniō Pallas shewed the Oliue and the way to make oyle And Aristaeus gathered fyrst y e cruddes of mylke and made chese honye And the oyle mylle as Plinie witnesseth notwithstandyng the Oliue was afore Noes fludde and Moses speaketh of oyle that was vsed in sacrifices wherby it may be perceiued that oyle was inuented of the Iewes Iustine sayth Gargorus kyng of Curetes found the fashion of gatheryng of honye he dwelled in the forrest of Carchesia in Spain Ther grewe no Oliue in Italy Spayne nor Affrike In
the tyme of Tarquinius Priscus the C.lxxiiii yere of the cytie And afterwarde y e cccc.xl yere of the cytie there were some howbe it they were nere the sea But in dede honye was gathered fyrst of the Hebrewes shepherdes The cheritres L. Lucullus brought out of Ponthus the yere of the Cytie .vi. C.lxxx Zinzipha Tuberes .ii. kyndes of appletrees S. Papinius cōueighed out of Siria and Affrike into Italy in y e tyme of s Augustine The Plane tree the Laurel tree the Fygge tree apple trees w t other which is not nedeful to reherse wer brought in by diuers men whose names are not spoken of by any auctours The .iii. Chapiter ¶ Who named beastes instituted sacrifices huntyng fait pultries BEASTES after they were all created in theyr kynde were named by Adam with the same names that they bee nowe called Hiperbius sonne to Mars killed them fyrste but I had rather referre that to Abel Adams sonne for he dyd fyrst offre to God the fyrst begotten of his flocke and from him it spredde abroad among the Hebrues and also other countries Of al other swyne were the fyrst that were sacrificed of the Gentiles In the sacrifices of Ceres godesse of corne as Va●ro witnesseth In leages of peace in Mariages At lengthe they came to suche outragious crueltee that they sacrificed mē Fleshe was not vsed to be eaten vntyl the tyme of Noe and then God permitted it but many coūtries long after that forbare kepte great abstinence from fleshe As in the golden world vnder Saturne men onely lyued by fruytes of the yearth The priestes of Egypt refrayned frō fleshe egges and mylke bycause as they thought egges were but tendre and softe fleshe and mylke was blod sauyng that the coloure was turned And the Essenes in Iurye Iupiters priestes in Crete eat neuer fleshe Bākettyng dyshes and delycates were made in Ionia and then the euyl custome was takē vp by other coūtries Albeit there were lawes made in Lacedemony by Lycurgus and in Rome by Fannius For the abolishyng of suche excessiue feastyng I would some good man would prescribe now a daies a lawe to be precisely obserued of all men for I thynke there neuer was such riot in feastyng as ther is in this tyme. Huntyng fishyng the Phenicians found Salt and the vse therof was perceiued by Misor Selech In Rome Q. Hortensius did fyrst setfurth a Pecocke at y e Augurs feast Pultries of al kynd of foules were instituted by Marcus Laelius Strabo a knight of Brundusie And Alexander Emperour had also suche pultries Warrens and parkes wer made fyrst by Fuluius Hirpinu● And now they be euerywher vsed but most cōmonly in Englād to the great domage of good pastures that might feed other cattel The Wolfe y e minotaure the horse the bore were cognisaunce of the Romanes armies And Caius Marius in his seconde consulshyp appointed the Egle for a badge of his armye and legyon with many other nowe a daies whiche be in cote armours of noble men The .iiii. Chapiter ¶ Who found flaxe and wolle with suche instrumentes and artes as long to the same and sylke LYNNEN or Flare as Plinie saieth was found by the beautyfull Ladye Arachne of Lidia she taught also the waye of knyttyng nettes to take beastes fyshe foules Minerua instructed the people of Athens fyrst in spinnyng weuyng wolle but in one place Plinie semeth to ascribe y e feate of weuyng to y e Egyptians The walkers or fullers craft was inuēted by Nicias a Megarien The Lidians in Sardes died wolle fyrst ¶ Spindels for wolle were fyrst inuented by Closter sonne to Arachne ¶ Hangynges of arryse whiche be vsed in halles or chambers Attalus king of Asia deuised Pallas taught the vse of clothyng or apparel as Diodorus writeth Eusebius sayeth one Vso a Silician borne made fyrst clothyng apparel for men of beastes skinnes but in dede Adam whō God dyd fyrst create made the fyrst lether coates for himselfe his wyfe Eue our old mother leauyng therby a patron to al his posterite of that crafte The shomakers art one Boethoius found Attalus taught men fyrst to weue golde in clothes And the Phrigians inuented broderyng The Grekes deuised the mantyle and the Hetrurians found the roobes of estate And mynglyng of diuerse colours in apparel was the inuēcion of the Babilonians Sylke whiche in al countries is occasion of muche dissolut be hauour in apparel was found of the Cerites growyng on theyr trees and with wetyng they combe it of and make it fyt for their vses Spinnyng and weuyng of sicke that commeth of wormes Pamphila the doughter of Platis diuised it the Ile Coo. Purple colour was found as Pollux witnesseth by this occasion As Hercules beyng in loue with a beautyfull lady named Tyro walked on the sea clyffes his greyhound chaunsed to fynde a shel fishe called a purple and when he had eaten it the oryent coloure of the blodde remayned on his snowt whiche freshe colour the lady espiyng threatened Hercules that he should neuer company with her more onelesse he brought her a clothe died with that preciouse coloure Then Hercules willyng to accomplishe his ladies wyll sought the purple fyshe and caried the blod to his souereigne lady And thus beganne the purple colour among the Tyrians The .v. Chapiter ¶ Buildynges made of clay bricke stone with other matters MEN at the fyrste lyued lyke wyld beastes in caues and wyldernes and also fed on fruytes and rotes of the yearth but after they had perceiued the commoditie of fyre and felte therby a great comforte agaynste the vehemencye of colde some beganne to edify cotages of boughes of trees and some digged caues in the mountaynes and by often experiencyng of suche meanes they attained to a greater perfection in buildyng And afterward as wittes of men be inuentiue they learned to fashion buildyng with walles that they set vp with long proppes And dyd wynde them aboute with smale roddes and so dawbed them and to kepe out the stormes they couered them with reede boughes or fenne sedges Thus in processe of time they came to the arte of buildyng whiche as Diodorus saieth is ascribed to Pallas but I can rather thinke that either Cain or els Iobal sonne of Lamech found out this craft Houses of claye Doxius sonne of Gēllius dyd fyrst inuent and set vp takyng example at the swallowes nest Brycke buildynges were inuented by Euryalus and Hyperbius two brethrē of Athens as Plinie iudgeth albeit Diodorus referreth it to Vesta daughter of Saturnus Epimenide● of Crete fyrste vsed to hallowe his house and feldes with expiations Tyle and slate to couer houses were the inuencion of Sinyra sonne of Agriopa in the Ile of Cipres Stone delues or quarels were foūd by Cadmus in Thebes or as Theophrast