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A07132 The Roman martyrologe according to the reformed calendar faithfully translated out of Latin into English, by G.K. of the Society of Iesus.; Martyrology. Rome Catholic Church.; Du Tielt, Guillaume, engraver.; Keynes, George, 1553-1611.; Wilson, John, ca. 1575-ca. 1645? 1627 (1627) STC 17533; ESTC S112359 160,108 650

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her Monastery was renowned for the vertue of Abstinence and Miracles ¶ And in other places of many other Saintes Martyrs and Confessors and Holy Virgins to whose prayers and merits we humbly commend our selues ℟ Prayse be to God In this manner the reading of the Martyrologe is alvvaies to end B The second Day THE Octaue of S. Stephen the Protomartyr At Rome the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs who contemning the Edict made by Diocletian the Emperour commanding That such as had any sacred Bookes should deliuer them vp made choice rather to deliuer theyr bodyes to the Executioners then to giue Holy things to dogges At Antioch the passion of Blessed Isidore Bishop At Tomis in Pontus of Asia of three holy Breethren Argeus Narcissus and Marcellinus a youth who being taken among the new Souldiers and refusing to serue was vnder Licinius the Empe●our beaten almost to death and for a long tyme starued in pryson at last drowned in the sea finished his Martyrdome but his two brethren were beheaded At Millane of S. Martinianus Bishop At Nitria in Aegipt of Blessed Isidore Bishop and Confessour The same day of S. Siridon Bishop In Thebais of S. Macarius of Alexandria Abbot C. The third Day THE Octaue of S. Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist At Rome in the way called Appia the birth-day of S. Anterus Pope who suffered vnder Iulius Maximinus was buryed in the Church-yard of Callistus The same day of S. Peter who at Aulona was crucifyed In Hellesponte of the holy Martyrs Cirinus Primus and Theogenes At Caesarea in Cappadocia of S. Gordius a Centurion in whose praise is extant an excellent Oration made by S. Basill the Great vpon his festiual day In Cilicia of the holy Martyrs Zosimus Athanasius a Notary Theopemptus and Theonas who suffered a famous Martyrdome in the persecution of Diocletian At Padua of S. Daniel Martyr At Vienna in France of S. Florentius Bishop who in the tyme of Gallienus the Emperour was banished and there ended his Martyrdome At Paris of S. Genouefa Virgin who consecrated to God by S. Germā Bishop of Auxerre was famous for her wonderfull vertues and miracles D. The fourth Day THE Octaue of the holy Innocents In Candia the birth-day of S. Titus who by S. Paul the Apostle was ordayned Bishop of that place where after he had faythfully performed his office of preaching made an holy end was buryed in the Church of which by the Blessed Apostle he had byn made Bishop At Rome of the holy Martyrs Priscus Priest and Priscillianus Clarke and of Benedicta a Religious woman who in the raigne of the most wicked Iulian were martyred by the sword Also of Blessed Dafrosa wyfe to S. Fabian Martyr who after the killing of her husband being first bannished was lastly vnder the same Prince beheaded At Bolonia of the Saints Hermes Aggaeus and Caius Martyrs who suffered vnder Maximian the Emperour At Adrumetum in Affrica the Cōmemoration of S. Mauilus Martyr who in the persecution of Seuerus the Emperour being by Scapula a most cruell Gouernour condemned to be deuoured of beasts receaued a Crowne of Martyrdome Moreouer in Affrica of the most famous Martyrs Aquilinus Geminus Eugenius Marcianus Quinctus Theodotus and Triphon At Langres of S. Gregory Bishop famous for miracles At Rhemes in France of S. Rigobertus Bishop and Confessour E The fifth Day THE Vigill of the Epiphany of our Lord. At Rome of S. Telesphorus Pope who vnder Antoninus Pius after many labors obtayned a glorious Martyrdome for the Confession of Christ. In Aegypt the Commemoration of many Holy Martyrs who in the persecution of Diocletian were killed in Thebais by diuers kinds of torments At Antioch of S. Symeon Monke who liued many yeares standing in a pillar was therof surnamed Stylites whose lyfe and conuersation was wonderfull In England of S. Edward King renowned for the vertue of Chastity and working of Miracles At Alexandria of S. Sincletica whose famous actes S. Athanasius hath left wrytten At Rome of Aemiliana Virgin aunt to S. Gregory Pope who being called vnto God by her sister Tharsilla before departed went this day to our Lord. The same day of S. Apollinaris Virgin F The sixt Day THE Epiphany of our Lord. In the territory of Rhemes the Passion of S. Macra Virgin who in the persecution of Diocletian by commaundement of Rictiouarus Gouernour being cast headlong into the fire and receauing no hurt had her breasts cut off afterward afflicted with a loathsome imprysonment being also rolled vp and downe vpon sharpe potsheardes and burning coales in prayer departed to our Lord. In Affrica the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs who in the persecution of Seuerus tyed to a stake where consumed with fire At Reines in Britany of France of S. Melanius Bishop and Confessour who after innumerable signes of his vertues hauing his eyes cōtinually fixed vpon heauen gloriously departed out of this world At Geris in Aegypt of S. Milamon Anchoret who whilest he was drawen to haue beene made Bishop against his will in prayer gaue vp his soule to God G The seauenth Day THE bringing back of the Child Iesus out of Aegypt The same day the birth-day of Blessed Lucian Priest of the Church of Antioch and Martyr who famous for learning and eloquence suffered at Nicomedia for the Confession of Christ in the persecution of Maximinus and lyeth buryed at Helenople in Bithynia whose prayses are wrytten by S. Iohn Chrysostome At Antioch of S. Clerus Deacon who for the glory of his Confession being seauen tymes tortured and pyned long in pryson at last beheaded ended his Martyrdome In the Citty of Heraclea of the holy Martyrs Felix and Ianuarius The same day of S. Iulian Martyr In Denmarke of S. Canutus King Martyr At Pauia of S. Crispin Bishop and Confessor In Dacia of S. Nicetas Bishop who by preaching the Ghospell of Christ made milde and meeke most fierce and barbarous Nations In Aegypt of S. Theodorus Monke who was famous for holynes of life in the time of Constantine the Great of whome S. Athanasius maketh mention in the lyfe of S. Antony A The eyght Day AT Beauuais in France of the holy Martyrs Lucian Priest Maximian and Iulian of which the two last were by presently beheaded but blessed Lucian who came with S. Dennis into France after a great slaughter of his fellowes not fearing with a stoute voyce still to confesse the name of Christ at last receaued the same sentence of death which the former had suffered Also of Saint Eugenianus Martyr In Libya of the holy Martyrs Theophilus Deacon and Helladius who being f●●st most cruelly torne and then rolled vpon sharp potsheards at last throwne into the fire rendred vp their soules to God At Hierapolis in Asia of S. Apollinaris Bishop who vnder Marcus Antoninus Verus florished for sanctity and learning At Naples in Campania the birth-day of S. Seuerine Bishop brother to Blessed Victorinus
for constant refusing to worship the Idoll Serapis were cruelly put to death in the dayes of Theodosius the Emperour who being aduertised thereof gaue commaundement that the Temple of Serapis should be destroyed At Constantinople of S. Paul Martyr who vnder Constantinus Copronymus for defence of holy Images was burned In Irelād the birth-day of S. Patricke Bishop and Confessour who was the first that preached Christ there famous for his wonderfull sanctity and miracles At Cauaillon in France of S. Agricola Bishop At Niuelle in Brabant of S. Gertrude Virgin who descended of noble parentage despising the world and spending all her lyfe in the exercise of pious workes deserued at last to enioy her heauenly Spouse G The eighteenth Day AT Caesarea in Palestine the birth-day of S. Alexāder who cōming out of Cappadocia where he was Bishop to visit the holy Places at Hierusalem Narcissus Bishop of that Citty being a very old man tooke vpon him by diuine Reuelation the charge of that Church and afterward in the persecution of Decius being sent to Caesarea there shut vp in prison for the cōfession of Christ greatly reuerēced for his venerable yeares accomplished his Martyrdome At Ausburge of S. Narcissus Bishop who first preaching the Ghospell in Rh●tia went afterwards into Spayne and conuerted many to the Fayth of Christ at Girona where in the persecution of Aurelian togeather with Felix Deacon he receaued the triumphant palme of Martyrdome At Nicomedia of ten thousand holy Martyrs who for the confession of Christ were put to death by the sword Also of the holy Martyrs Trophimus and Eucarpius In England of S. Edward King who killed by the treachery of his Stepmother was renowned for many miracles At Hierusalem of S. Cyril Bishop who hauing endured many iniuryes by the Arrians for the Catholique fayth and oftentimes driuen out of his Church famous for Sanctity of lyfe dyed in peace of whose vnspotted fayth a Generall Councell wryting to Pope Damasus giueth an honourable testimony At Luca in Tuscia the birth-day of S. Frigidianus Bishop renowned for miracles whose festiuity is kept vpon the eighteenth of Nouember when his body was translated At Mantua of S. Anselmus Bishop and Confessour A The ninetenth Day IN Iury the birth-day of S. Ioseph Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary At Sorrento of the holy Martyrs Quinctus Quinctilla Quartilla and Marcus with nyne others At Nicomedia of S. Pancharius a Roman who vnder Diocletian being beheaded receaued the Crowne of Martyrdome The same day of the Saints Apollonius and Leontius Bishops At Gaunt of the Saints Landoaldus Priest a Roman and Amantius Deacon who sent to preach the Gospell by S. Martin Pope became renowned for miracles after their death At the Citty of Pinna the birth-day of S. Iohn a man of great holynes who comming out of Syria into Italy erecting there a Monastery became Father of many seruants of God and when he had gouerned the same foure and fourty yeares renowned for holynes rested in peace B The twentith Day IN Iury of S. Ioachim Father to the blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of God In Asia the birth-day of S. Archippus Companion of S. Paul the Apostle of whome he maketh mention in his Epistle to Philemon and to the Colossians In Syria of the holy Martyrs Paulus Cyrillus Eugenius and foure others The same day of the Saints Photina a Samaritan Ioseph and Victor her sonnes and of Sebastian a Captaine Anatolius Photius Photides also Parasceues and Cyriaca systers who all suffered Martyrdome for the cōfession of Christ. At Amisus in Paphlagonia of seauen holy Women Alexandra Claudia Euphrasia Matrona Iuliana Euphemia Theodosia who were slayne for the confessiō of their fayth after whome Derphuta and her syster followed At Apollonia of S. Nicetas Bishop who sent into banishment for worshipping of holy Images gaue vp his soule to rest In the Monastery of Fontanelle of S. Wulfran Bishop of Sens who resigning his Bishopricke renowned for miracles there ended his dayes in rest In England the deposition of S. Cuthbert Bishop of Lindisfarne who euen from his childehood to his dying day was renowned for his holy workes and miracles At Siena in Tuscia of Blessed Ambrose of the Order of S. Dominicke famous for sanctity of life preaching miracles C The one and twentith Day AT Monte-Cassino the birth-day of S. Benet Abbot who restored the Monasticall discipline in the West almost decayed and wonderfully propagated the same Whose life renowned for sanctity miracles S. Gregory Pope hath written At Alexandria the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs who vnder Constantius the Emperour and Philagrius Gouernour were slayne in the Church vpon Good-fryday by the Arians and Gentils breaking in vpon them The same day of the holy Martyrs Philemon Domninus At Catania of S. Birillus who created Bishop by S. Peter hauing conuerted many Gentils to the fayth of Christ in a good old age rested in our Lord. At Alexandria of Blessed Serapion Anchoret and Bishop of Themuis a man of great Vertue who banished by the fury of the Arrians went vnto our Lord. In the Territory of Lyons of S. Lupicinus Abbot whose life was renowned for sanctity miracles D The two and twentith Day AT Narbone in France the birth-day of S. Paul Bishop and Confessour Disciple of the Apostles who is held by tradition to haue beene Sergius Paulus the Proconsull whome S. Paul the Apostle baptized left at Narbone when he went into Spayne where being made Bishop and carefully performing the office of preaching famous for miracles went vnto our Lord. At Terracina of S. Epaphroditus Disciple of the Apostles who was ordayned Bishop of that Citty by S. Peter the Apostle In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Saturninus and nyne others The same day of the holy Martvrs Callinica and Basilissa At Ancyra of S. Basill Priest and Martyr who enduring many torments vnder Iulian the Apostata gaue vp his soule to God At Carthage of S. Octauianus Archdeacō of many thousand Martyrs who were killed by the Wandalls for the Catholique fayth There also of S. Deo-gratias Bishop of Carthage who redeemed many of that Citty made Captiues by the Wandalls and famous for other pious workes went to rest in our Lord. At Osmo in Marc-Ancona of S. Benuenutus Bishop In Suetia of S. Catharin Virgin daughter to S. Brigit At Rome of S. Lea Widdow whose vertues and death S. Hierome relateth E The three and twentith Day IN Affrica of the holy Martyrs Victorianus Proconsull of Carthage and of two brethren of Aqua-regia also of Frumentius and of another Frumentius both merchāts who in the persecution of the Wandalls as wryteth Victor Africanus Bishop vnder Hunnericus the Arian King being most cruelly tormented for their constancy in the Catholique faith were famously crowned Moreouer in Affrica of S. Fidelis Martyr There also of S. Felix and twenty others At Caesarea in Palestine of
holy Martyrs Rogellus and Seruid●us who hauing their hands and feete cut off were beheaded In Scotland of S. Ninian●s Bishop and Confessor In England of S. Editha Virgin daughter to King Egdar who being consecrated to God in a Monastery from her tender yeares was rather ignorant of the world then forsooke it A The seauententh Day AT Rome in the way Tiburtina the birth-day of S. Iustin Priest Martyr who in the persecution of Valerian Gallienus renowned for his glorious Confession of fayth hauing buryed the bodies of S. Xystus pope S. Laurence Hyppolitus and of many other Saintes at last vnder Claudius accomplished his Martyrdome Also at Rome of the holy Martyrs Narcissus Crescention In Phrygia of S. Ariadna Martyr vnder Hadrian Emperour In England of the holy Martyrs Socrates Stephen At Neuers of the holy Martyrs Valerianus Macrinus ●ordianus At Austum of S. Flocellus a boy who vnder Antoninus Emperour Valerian Gouernour being sore afflicted and torne in peeces by wild beasts obteyned the crowne of Martyrdome At Liege of S. Lambers Bishop of Maestricht who out of zeale reprehending certaine abuses in the King● Court being for that cause slayne by wicked men entred into the Court of heauen there to liue for euer The same day of S. Agathoelia maid-seruant to an Infidell woman who being cruelly whipped a long tyme togeather and otherwise afflicted to make her deny Christ yet perseuering still in the confession of her fayth hauing her tongue cut out was finally cast into the fyre At Cordoua of S. Columba virgin and Martyr At Millan the deposition of S. Satyrus Confessor whose renowned acts are recounted by his brother S. Ambrose At Rome of S. Theodora Matrone who in the persecution of Diocletian diligently serued the holy Martyrs At Binghen in the Diocesse of Mentz of S. Hildegardes Virgin The same day the Commemoration of the holy Markes imprinted by the wonderfull fauour of God in the hands feet and side of S. Francis Foūder of the Order of Minorits which happened in the mountayne of Aluerne in Tuscany B The eightenth Day THE birth-day of S. Methodius Bishop of Olympia in Lycia first and after of Tyrus renowned for eloquence and learning who in the end of the last persecution as writeth S. Hierome at Chalcis in Greece was crowned with Martyrdome In the territory of Vienne in France of S. Ferreolus Martyr who hauing the Authority of a Tribune was by commaundment of Crispinus the wicked President first apprehended and cruelly whipped then loaden with a great weight of chaynes and thrust into pryson out of which his bands being miraculously loosed and the dores open he escaped but being taken againe by those that pursued him by losse of his head receaned finally the palme of Martyrdome Also of the holy Martyrs Sophia and Irenes At Millan of S. Eustorgius the first Bishop of that Citty much commended by S. Ambrose At Gortina in Candia of S. Eumenus Bishop and Confessor C The nynetenth Day AT Puzzuoli in Campania of the holy Martyrs Ianuarius Bishop of Beneuento Festus his Deacon and Desiderius Lector togeather with Sosius Deacō of the Church of Misenas Proculus Deacon of Puzzuoli E●●iches and Acutius who after many afflictions long imprysonment were beheaded vnder Diocletian Emperour The body of S. Ianuarius was brought to Naples and there honourably enterred in the Church where his holy bloud is kept in a violl of thristall euen vntill this day which being set neere to his head waxeth liquid and bubleth vp as though it were fresh At Nocer● the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Felix and Constantia who suffered vnder Nero. In Palestine of the holy Martyrs Peleus Nilus and Elias all Bishops of Aegypt who in the cruell persecution of Diocle●●an with many others of the Clergy were consumed by fyre The same day of the holy Martyrs Trophimus Sabbatius Dorimedon a Senator vnder Probus Emperor of whome Sabbatius by commaundment of Atticus President was so long whipped at Antioch vntill he gaue vp the ghost but Trophimus being sent to the President Perennius at Synnada after many torments togeather with Dorimedon being beheaded accomplished his Martyrdome At Cordoua in the persecution of the Arabians of S. Pomposa virgin and Martyr At Canterbury in England of S. Theodorus Bishop who being sent thither by Vi●alianus Pope was renowned for doctrine and holines of life At Tours of S. Eustochius Bishop a man of great vertue In the territory of Langres of S. Sequanus Priest and Confessor D The twentith Day THE Vigill of S. Matthew Apostle Euangelist At Rome the passion of the holy Martyrs Eustachius and Theopistes his wyfe with their two sonnes Agapius and Theopistus who vnder Hadrian Emperour being condemned to the beastes but by the power of God not touched by them were shut vp into a fiery brasen oxe and so accomplished their Martyrdome At Cy●icus in Propontis the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Fausta Virgin and Euilasius vnder Maximianus Emperour of whome Fausta hauing her head shauen to the horrour of the beholders was hanged vp tortured by the same Euilasius at that time an Idolatrous Priest who whē he would haue cut her in two and the Executioners could not hurt her being therat astonished belieued in Christ and whilst by commandement of the Emperour he was cruelly tortured Fausta being pierced in the head body with sharpe nayles and put into a hoate burning panne called by a voyce from heauen togeather with the sayd Euilasius went vnto our Lord. In Phrygia of th● holy Martyr● D●nnis and Priuatus Also of S. Priscus Martyr who being stabbed into the body with sharp-pointed daggers was beheaded At Pergen in Pāphilia of the Saints Theodorus Philippa his mother and their fellowes Martyrs vnder Antoninus Emperour At Carthage of S. Candida Virgin and Martyr who vnder Maximianus Emperour hauing her body all torne with whips was crowned a Martyr Also of the holy Mattyrs Susanna daughter to Arthemius an Idolatrous Priest and Martha The same day of S. Agapitus Pope of whose holynes S. Gregory the great writeth At Millan of S. Clicerius Bishop and Consessour E The one and twentith Day THE birth-day of S. Matthew Apostle Euangelist who preaching in Aethiopia was there Martyred The Ghospell written by him in Hebrew was by his owne reuelation found togeather with the body of S. Barnaby Apostle in the tyme of Zeno Emperour In the Land of Saar of S. Ionas Prophet who was buryed in Geth At Rome of S. Pamphilus Martyr There also in the way called Claudia twenty myles from the Citty the passion of S. Alexander Bishop who vnder Antoninus Emperour for the Fayth of Christ hauing ouercome fetters cudgells the torture Equuleus burning with torches tearing with iron hookes beasts and the fiery fornace at last beheaded obtayned a glorious crowne His body was afterward translated into the Citty by S. Damasus Pope vpon the six twenty day of Nouember on which
D The seauen and twentith Day IN Egaea the birth-day of the holy Martirs Cosmas Damianus Brothers who in the persecution of Diocletian after many torments hauing by the power of God ouercome fetters prison dangers of sea of fire crosses stoning and arrowes were beheaded with whome are sayd to haue suffered three of their brothers Anthimus Leontius ●nd Eupr●pius At Rome of S. Epicharides 〈◊〉 Senators wife who in the same persecution after she had beene beaten with leade● whippes was beheaded At Todi of th● holy Martyrs Fidentius and Terentius vnder the same Diocletian At Cordoua of the holy Martyrs Adulphus and Iohn Brothers who in the persecution of the Arabians for Christ were crowned with Martyrdome At Sitten in Suitzerland of S. Florentinus Martyr who togeather with S. Hilary after he had his tongue cut out dyed by the sword At Byblus in Phoenicia of S. Marke Bishop who is called also Iohn by S. Luke At Millan of S. Caius Bishop disciple to S. Barnaby the Apostle who baptized the Saints Geruasius and Protasius and hauing suffered many afflictions in the persecution of Nero went to rest in peace At Rauenna of S. Aderitus Bishop and Confessor At Paris of S. Eleazarus Earle In Hennault of S. Hiltrudes Virgin E The eight and twentith Day AT Rome of S. Priuatus Martyr who being a leaper and healed by S. Callistus Pope was after vnder Alexander Emperour beaten with leaden whippes for the fayth of Christ vntill he gaue vp the ghost There also of S. Stacteus Martyr In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Martialis Laurence twenty others At Antioch in Pisidia of the holy Martyrs Marcus a Sheepheard Alphius Alexander Zosimus his brothers also of Nicon Neon Heliodorus thirty souldiers who belieuing in Christ through the miracles wrought by the forsaid Marcus were in sundry places by diuers torments crowned Martyrs The same day the passion of S. Maximus vnder Decius Emperour In Bohemia of S. Wenceslaus Duke of the Bohemians Martyr renowned for holines miracles who killed in his brothers house went triumphantly to heauen At Tolosa of S. Exuperius Bishop Confessor who how sparing he was in regard of himselfe and how liberall towards others S. Hierome hath left a memorable testimony At Genu● of S. Salomon Bishop and Confessour At Brescia of S. Siluinus Bishop The same day of S. Eustochium Virgin daughter to Blessed Paula who being brought vp at the Manger of our Lord with other Virgins renowned for merits went to her Spouse In Germany of S. Lioba Virgin famous for miracles F The nyne and twentith Day IN the Mount Garganus the famous memory of S. Michael Archangell at what tyme a Church was there consecrated vnto his Name small in respect of the exteriour forme but greatly renowned with heauenly vertues In Thracia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Eutychius Plautus and Heraclea In Persia of S. Gudelia Martyr who after she had conuerted very many to the fayth of Christ and refusing to adore the Sunne the Fyre vnder Sapores King after many tormēts hauing the skin plucked off her head nayled to a post deserued a triumphant Crowne There also of the holy Martyrs Dadas Kinsman to King Sapores Casdoa his wyfe and Gabdelas their sonne who being depriued of their honour and dignity and put to diuers torments after long imprisonment were beheaded In Armenia of the holy virgins Ripsimes and her fellowes Martyrs vnder King Tiridates At Auxerre of S. Fraternus Bishop and Martyr At Pontecuruo neere to Aquino of S. Grimoaldus Priest and Confessour In Palestine of S. Quiriacus Anchoret G The thirtith Day IN Bethleem-Iuda the deposition of S. Hierome Priest and Doctor of the Church who excelling in all kind of learning and a dillgent imitatour of the most approued Monkes hauing with the sword of his doctrine slaine many monsters of Heresies at légth in a very old age wēt to rest in peace and was buryed there at the Manger of our Lord whose body being afterwards brought to Rome is kept with due honour and Veneration in the Church of S. Maria Maior The same day of S. Leopardus Martyr one of Iulian the Apostata his retinew who being beheaded at Rome his body was afterward translated to Aquisgrane At Solothurne in Suitzerland the passion of the holy Martyrs Victor and Vrsus two of the renowned Thebean Legion who first vnder Maximianus Emperour hauing byn cruelly tormented were through a bright light shining from heauen and the executioners falling to the ground deliuered but afterward apprehended againe and cast into the fyre without any hurt were finally beheaded At Placentia of S. Antoninus Martyr one also of the same Legion The same day of S. Gregory Bishop of Great Armenia who suffering very many afflictions vnder Diocletian at last went to rest in peace At Canterbury in England of S. Honorius Bishop and Confessour At Rome of S. Sophia Widdow Mother to the holy virgins Fides Spe● and Charitas THE MONETH OF OCTOBER A The first Day AT Rhemes in France of S. Remigius Bishop and Confessour who conuerted the French-men to the Christian Fayth and baptized Clodoueus their King and when he had been Bishop threescore and ten yeares renowned for holines and miracles departed this life vpon the thirtenth day of Ianuary but his feast is kept on this day when his holy body was translated At Rome of S. Areta Martyr and of fyne hundred and foure others At Tomis in Pontus of the holy Martyrs Priscus Crescens and Euagrius At Lisbone in Portugall of S. Verissimus Martyr togeather with Maxima Iulia his systers who suffered in the persecution of Diocletian At Tournay of S. Piato Priest Martyr who comming from Rome into France with S. Quinctin and his fellowes to preach the fayth of Christ did afterward in the persecution of Maximianus accomplish his Martyrdome At Thessalonica of S. Domninus Martyr vnder the same Maximianus At Gant of S. Bauo Confessor At Oruieto of S. Seuerus Priest and Confessor B The second Day AT Nicomedia of S. Eleutherius a Souldier with innumerable others who being falsely accused for setting on fire the Pallace of Diocletian were by commaundment of that most cruell Emperour killed by heapes of whome some were cut in peeces others burned in the fyre and some others cast into the sea but the chiefest of them Eleutherius being long tortured at euery tormēt found more couragious then before finally as gold tryed in the fire accomplished his victorious Martyrdome In the territory of Arras the passion of S. Leodegarius Bishop of Austum whome Ebroinus high Steward to King Theodoricus after he had byn diuersly afflicted and tormented for the truth commaunded to be killed There also of S. Gerinus Martyr Brother to the sayd S. Leodegarius who was stoned to death in the same place At Antioch of the holy Martyrs Primus Cyrillus and Secundarius At Constantinople of S. Theophilus Monke who being
ended his Martyrdome His holy Reliques were first broght to the Citty of Edessa and afterwards translated to Ortona in Apulia In Tuscany of the holy Martyrs Iohn and Festus In Lycia of S. Themis●ocles Martyr who vnder Decius Emperour offering himselfe to the Persecutours in the place of Dioscorus who was sought for to death being racked vpon the torture Equuleus dragged and beaten with cudgells obteyned the crowne of Martyrdome At Nicomedia of S. Glycerius Priest who in the persecution of Diocletian being many wayes tormented at length cast into the fire ended his Martyrdome At Antioch of S. Anastasius Bishop Martyr who in the time of Phocas Emperour was most barbarously slayne by the Iewes At Treuers of S. Seuerinus Bishop and Confessour F The two and twentith Day AT Rome in the way Lauicana betwixt the two Bay-trees the birth-day of thirty holy Martyrs who suffered all on one day in the persecution of Diocletian In the same place of S. Flauianus who hauing bene sometyme gouernour of the Citty was by Iulian the Apostata first marked in the face and then banished to the Waters called Taurinae where in prayer he gaue vp his soule to God At Ostia of the holy Martyrs Demetrius Honoratus and Florus At Alexandria of S. Ischyrion Martyr who for refusing to sacrifice vnto Idolls after many iniuries reproaches being thrust throgh the bowells with a sharp speare ended his Martyrdome In Aegypt of S. Chaeremon Bishop of Nilopolis and very many other Martyrs of whome some in the persecution of Decius being dispersed abroad by flight wandering in the wildernes were slaine by wild beasts others consumed with famine cold and sickenes other some also being killed by barbarous people and theeues were all crowned with the glory of Martyrdome At Nicomedia of S. Zeno a Souldier who deriding at Diocletian the Emperour for sacrificing vnto Ceres hauing his iaw-bones broken and his teeth stroken out was finally beheaded G The three and twentith Day AT Rome of S. Victoria Virgin and Martyr who in the persecution of Decius Emperour being betrothed to Eugenius an Infidell when she would neither marry nor sacrifice vnto Idols after many miracles wroght by which she cōuerted many Virgins to Christ was by cōmandment of her Spouse by the hang man stroken through the hart At Nicomedia the birth-day of twēty holy Martyrs who in the persecution of Diocletian after that they had bene afflicted with most grieuous torments were put to death In the same place the passion of the Saints Migdonius and Mardonius in the same persecution of whome one being burned and the other throwne into a pit dyed At what tyme also suffered a Deacon of S. Anthimus Bishop of Nicomedia who as he carried letters to the Martyrs being apprehended by the Gentils and stoned departed to our Lord. In Candia of the holy Martyrs Thcodulus Saturninus Euporus Gelasius Eunicianus Zeticus Cleomenes Agathopus Basilides and Euaristus who in the persecution of Decius after many cruell torments were beheaded At Rome of S. Seruulus of whome S. Gregory Pope writeth that from his tender yeares vntill the end of his life lying sicke of the palsie in a Porch neere to S. Clements Church at length inuited by the harmony of Angells he went thence to the glory of Paradise At whose Sepulcher it pleased God to shew often miracles A The foure and twentith Day THE Vigill of the Natiuity of our Lord Iesus-Christ At Antioch the birth-day of fourty holy Virgins who in the persecution of Decius ended their Martyrdome by diuers kinds of torments At Spoleto of S. Gregory Priest and Martyr who in the time of Diocletian Maximian Emperours being first beaten with knotted cudgels then cast into pryson and layd vpon a hoate grydiron hauing his knees also broken with iron barres and his sides scorched with burning lampes was finally beheaded At Tripolis of the holy Martyrs Lucianus Metrobius Paulus Zenobius Theotimus and Drusus At Nicomedia of S. Euthymius Martyr who in the persecution of Diocletian hauing sent many before him to Martyrdome being thrust through with a sword followed himselfe to the same crowne At Burdeaux of S. Delphinus Bishop who in the time of Theodosius flourished for sanctity of life At Rome the birth-day of S. Tharsilla Virgin Ant to S. Gregory Pope of whome he writeth that in the houre of her death she saw IESVS comming to her At Treuers of S. Irmina Virgin daughter to King Dagobertus of France B The fiue and twentith Day THE yeare from the Creation of the world when in the beginning God created Heauen and Earth fiue thousand one hundred ninety and nine from the floud of Noe two thousand nyne hundred fifty and seauen from the Natiuity of Abraham two thousand and fifteene from Moyses the comming forth of the people of Israel out of Aegypt one thousand fiue hundred and ten from the annoynting of Dauid one thousand thirty and two the sixty and fiue weeke according to the Prophesy of Daniel the hundred nynety and fourth Olympiade from the building of the Citty of Rome seauen hūdred fifty two the two and fourtith yeare of the Empire of Octauianus Augustus when the whole world was in peace in the sixt age thereof Iesus-Christ Eternall God and Sonne of the Eternall Father intending to sanctify the world with his most blessed Presence hauing byn conceaued of the Holy Ghost nyne monethes past after his Conception is borne in Bethleem-Iuda of the Virgin Mary and made man The Natiuity of our Lord Iesus-Christ according to the flesh The same day the festiuity of S. Anastasia who vnder Diocletian Emperour first suffering a harsh and rigorous restraint by her husband Publius in which neuerthelesse she was greatly comforted and encouraged by S. Chrysogonus a holy Confessour of Christ afterwards by Florus President of Sclauonia a longer imprisonment at length hauing her hands and feete stretched out bound to stakes with fire kindled about her accōplished her Martyrdome in the Iland of Palmaria into which she had byn carried with two hundred men and seauenty women who all by diuers kinds of death there ended their Martyrdome At Rome in the Churchyard of Apronianus of S. Eugenia Virgin who in the time of Gallienus Emperour after she had wrought very many miracles and gathered togeather many holy Virgins in the seruice of Christ being along time afflicted vnder Nicetius Gouernour of the Citty was finally beheaded At Nicomedia the passiō of many thousand Martyrs who when in the Natiuity of Christ they were assembled togeather in the church to heare Masse Communicate Diocletian the Emperour commaūded the Church-doores to be shut and fire to be made round about it as also a vessell with Incense to be placed before the doores and the common Cryer to pronounce with a lowde voyce that such as would escape burning should go forth and offer Incense to Iupiter when they all with one voyce answered that they would rather and more willingly