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A03269 An answere to a popish ryme, lately scattered abroad in the west parts, and much relyed vpon by some simply-seduced. By Samuel Hieron, minister of the word of God, at Modbury in Deuon Hieron, Samuel, 1576?-1617.; Marlorat, Augustin, 1506-1562. Catholike and ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy gospell after S. Marke and Luke. 1604 (1604) STC 13388; ESTC S119038 35,551 44

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Deuill had desire Brake his vowe k Herods vow is better broken then kept and marryed a Nunne And there your Sect l Our Sect is the same that Pauls was Act. 28.22 first begun m Eyther thou knowest this to be a lye or thou knowest nothing And fauoured in Saxony By a Duke that loued liberty And in King Edwards time truely n There were Englishmen in England who bare witnesse to this truth by suffering death for it long afore King Edwards time It first infected our Country For a thousand yeres you say That Papistry did beare the sway And during all that space No Protestant durst shew his face o The more they lay hid the greater was your Tyranny Who kept p Indeed you kept thē so fast that the people could haue no comfort by them the holy Scriptures then From the hands of wicked men Who had authority to ordayne Our Priests and Bishops agayne For he that entreth without Order As a thiefe doeth kill and murder And one thing maketh me to muse That no Priest you doe refuse q A very tale Being ordred by the Church of Rome But he was accepted soone If he would say the newe Seruice He should haue a Benefice Without any further order And accounted for the better r He that hath once bin an eger Papist is conuerted truly is to be the better thought of because hauing known the abomination of Popery hee must needs detest it more How can shée make a lawfull Priest If shée be not the Church of Christ Answere this O Protestant If thou canst I will recant s I beleeue you wil not be so good as your word But while an answere you deuise t A man need not bee long in making you an answere I counsell all men that are wise To hold the fayth mayntained heere The space of a thousand yeere Brought vnto vs Englishmen By our Apostle u Who made him an Apostle Saint Austen Who from Rome was bisher sent When Ethelbert was King of Kent Who learned his fayth of Gregory w This Gregory accounted him the Forerunner of Antichrist who so should seeke to bee called Vniuersall Bishop from this fayth you are gone His fayth was kept successiuely By threescore Bishops and thrée Since Saint Peters time truely Who learned his fayth of Christ Iesu Who is the Sonne of God most true The Protestants Answere I May not Papist suffer thée Because thy Questions idle bée And if my counsell thou wilt take Then heare the Answere I will make Thou tell'st of Sects that doe appeare And séemst the truth glad to enquire But euen in this I malice smell And see thy spitefull meaning well When thou these diuers sects doest name Thou would'st therby our Church defame a I haue reason so to thinke because the multitude of supposed sects amongst vs is a cōmon Imputation See Brist Motiues pag. 10. And make fooles think that we them lou'd When as with vs th' are not approu'd We doe not hang on Caluins sléeue Nor yet on Zuinglius we beléeue And Puritanes we doe defye If right the name you doe apply b Viz. If eyther by that name are vnderstood those anciēt Heretikes called Cathari who dreamed of a state of perfectiō in this life or else such factious ones among vs which haue soght the spoyle hauocke of the Church All giddy Sects among vs crept We wish out of our Church were swept No name doe we delight in more Then that at Antioch giuen of yore c Christians Act. 11.26 But now what sects you Papists haue I doe but thy owne witnesse craue Some Capucines some Franciscanes And some bee called Dominicanes Some Iesuites some Seculars d The emulation difference betwixt these 2. their Quodlibets doe shew Some gray some black some white Friars And that your store may not be spent New Locusts still from Hell are sent e Reu. 9.3 Those Locusts doe well represent the Popes Clergy they were bred of the smoke of the Pit so are these of Heresy Ignorance and Superstition they destroy the fruites of the earth so these spoyle the Church The reason why the Church is called Catholike Thou sayst thou wouldst the Church find out So that I sée thou art in doubt And so indeede Vncertaynty Is still the fruite of Popery Catholike IN our Bible thou hast read T is well in ours for yours is fled And lurketh in a tongue vnusde Whereby poore people are abusde The Church is Catholike as you say And so say we but why I pray Because to it it were disgrace To limit it to time or place It euer was and so shall be Since Christ excluding no degrée f Col. 3.11 Acts 10.34 35. It once was tyed vnto the Iewes But now no place g Austine sayth it is Catholike because spred ouer the world Ep. 170. and thereto agreeth the Scripture Acts 1.8 it doth refuse It is a very fond surmise Which you the Papists doe deuise To shut the Church within Rome wall And yet to call it generall h Catholike and General are all one and therfore one of their owne Councels sayeth The Romane Church is not the Vniuersall Church but of the Vniuersall Church Basil Con. sy 3 The very name which you pretend Whereby your Church you would defend To all which doe the meaning know Doth quite your fancy ouerthrow You say the charge which Christ once gaue The Romists well performed haue But marke how thou thy selfe doest hurt And lay Romes honour in the curt That charge i Viz. of preaching thorough the world was giuen first to them Which liued at Ierusalem k The Apostles Mat. 28. Acts 1. And thence the Gospel issued out l Acts 8.1 As Esay told m Isai 2.3 the world throughout By them the Nations turned were n We read in Histories as in Eusebius others how the Apostles deuided thēselues into al the quarters of the world And thence of Christ Rome first did heare Yet now the place o Ierusalem which others call'd To Turkish Empire is inthrall'd So though 't were true which is not so And neuer shal be prou'd I know That Rome to Christ the nations brought Yet this your reason were starke nought But now perhaps Rome doth you le say Bring home the wanderers to the way In déed the Spaniards louing Gold Haue brought the Indians to your fold The Frogs from Euphrates come out p Euphrates was a great Riuer running neere the olde Babylon in Chaldaea was the defence of the City Cyrus and Darius could neuer take the City vntil by policy they dryed vp the riuer Now in a spiritual sence it doeth signify the honour wealth and authority of Rome which hath of later yeeres decayed exceedingly and doth daily the frogs mentioned in Apoc. 16.13 doe well resemble the Iesuites who feeling Euphrates to dry vp bestirre
themselues are croaking like Frogs in euery corner labouring to maintayne the Popes authority I meane the Iesuited Rout Do spread themselues in each country To draw men to disloyalty They counsell Subiects kill their kings Stabbings they vse and poysonings q Our Countrey and times afford store of examples to proue this Christ gaue no such commaundement When first he his Disciples sent Of this Conuersion if you boast Whereby poore soule Hell hath engrost I yéeld you full willyngly It well agréeth with Popery To draw Disciples is no marke For so doeth many a fayned Clarke r 2. Pet. 2.1 2. Acts 20.30 The Church to trueth which doeth conuert We doe imbrace with all our heart Thou sayst Romes Fayth once ouer all The world was famous so sayth Paul s Rom. 1.8 And Rome did first conuert our Land And hereupon you greatly stand Romes Fayth indéede once bare the bell And so it did deserue it well But Rome's not now as heretofore The faythfull City 's made a whoore t If. 1.21 So it was said of Ierusalem which had more excellent particular promises thē Rome can alledge any If new Rome now were as the old Then we with Romanists would hold If Rome become Christs enemy Then we from Babylon must flye u Apoc. 18.4 To say that Rome is therefore sound Because of old it was renownd It may a Papist satisfie But men of iudgement it denye Paul neuer Rome did magnifie As he did those of Thessaly w See 1. Thes 1.3 4 5 6 7 8. Yet now that Church is cleane defac'd And there the Turk himselfe hath plac'd The Asian Churches x Ephesus Smyrna Pergamus Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia Leodicea Apoc. 1.11 famous once Are turned to an heape of stones The golden lights y Those seuen Churches were represented by seuen golden Candlesticks Apoc. 1.20 of Saint Iohns age Are now become euen Sathans Cage Proue thou that Rome hath not declinde From th' ancient Church by Paul refinde And then I le say thou hast done more Then euer Papist did before But for first turning of our Nation I trow thou namest it but for fashion For they that looke in History Thereof can find no certainty Simon Zelotes as some say z Niceph. lib. 2. cap. 40. Did first Christs Gospell here display Euen whilest that Emperour did raigne By whom our Sauiour Christ was slayne a Gildas Lib. de victoria Aurelij Ambrosij Some say that he of Arimathy b Ioseph who buryed Christ In the yeere of grace sixty thrée From France by Philip c Philip the Apostle was sent ouer To vs the Fayth for to discouer d So sayth Gildas also Hereto agréeth a learned man That ancient Clarke Tertullian That by th' Apostles Brittanny Was turn'd to Christianity e Tertullian in his book against the Iewes amongst other places couerted by the Apostles reckoneth diuers partes of France and of Brittayne So doth Origene Hom. 4. vpon Ezekiel Pope Eleutheriuo long agoe f About the yeere of Christ 180. As his Epistle plaine doth show g This Epistle hath bin found out of the ancient records of the Kings of England Vnto king Lucius hither sent Ere Ethelbert was king of Kent h Which was about 600. yeres after Christ We hold the Fayth that then was taught But you the same do set at naught i Eleutherius referred K. Lucius to the Scriptures clean against the Papists course now and called him Gods Vicar in his kingdome which Title the Pope alone doeth now challenge When Rome the Trueth doth once forsake Then we of Rome our leaues must take If that our Church were Catholicke To come to Church thou wouldst not sticke If of the word thou knewst the sense Thou soone would'st leaue that fond pretēce Our Church that Truth doth firme imbrace Which all those hold in euery place Who leauing mens Traditions cleane Vpon the Scriptures onely leane k That is truly Catholike which euery where alwayes by all viz. true Christians is beleeued Vincent cont Haer. cap. 3. Let Papists proue that the word Catholike being takē in that sence ours is not the Catholike church Prophet THou cit'st a Text of Malachy l Mal. 1.11 Hoping to prooue thy Masse thereby Alas the reason is but small And helpes that Idol not at all In it God threateneth the Iewes Who their great Priuiledge did abuse And thought the Lord was tyed to them And vnto their Ierusalem The Prophet telles that God elsewhere Will find out those which shall him feare And in an order without blame Shall call vpon his holy Name Speaking to their capacity The Legall termes he doth apply m So Ioel 2.28 the holy Ghost foretelling the plenty of spirituall enlightening which the people shall haue vnder Christ doeth deliuer it vnder the names of visions and dreames which notwithstanding were not ordinary in the times of the Gospell And calls our Gospel-like Seruice A pure n Pure in Christ being accepted of GOD through him 1. Pet. 2.5 and spotlesse Sacrifice What ground is here then for the Masse It stil remayneth as it was A grosse deuice defaming Christ Who is our true and onely Priest o See more of this hereafter in speaking more directly of the Masse The speach of Dauid of the Skyes p Psal 19.3 But according to their account Psal 18. Vnto the Apostles Paul applyes q Rom. 10.18 And sayth their sound went farre and neere As in the stories doeth appeare Tell mee I pray what good to you This place you haue alledg'd can doe It maketh nought for Popery Or for your idle trumpery Indéed th' infamous Fame is spred Of Antichrist your hideous head And all Gods children him doe sée The man of sinne r 2. Thes 2.3 alone to bee Th' Apostles Faith was farre disperst And heere in England was reherst Sith then our doctrine is the same To it belongs part of their fame Continuance YOu say Christs Fayth must still endure I yéeld that nothing is more sure And alwayes God a Church will haue Though thereat Sathan rage and raue s Math. 16.18 It glads my hart that Christ hath prayd Thereby I know my Fayth is stayd t Luke 22.32 The Comfort of Gods holy Sprite Is eche good Christians sole delight This prooues there still a Church shal bée And herein thou and I agrée To prooue the Church tyed to one Sea Requireth yet a better Plea The Fayth of Christ may styll abide Though Rome should into Tibur slide Gods spirit is frée and is not bound v Iohn 3.8 Within the Lists of Romish ground When thou canst proue by holy writ Christs Fayth to Rome by Charter knit Then shall thy tale some credit find Where now it turneth all to wind But yet Continuance is a Note Of Gods true Church Paul hath wrote That there should still some teachers be w Eph. 4.11