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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01759 The epistle of Gildas, the most ancient British author who flourished in the yeere of our Lord, 546. And who by his great erudition, sanctitie, and wisedome, acquired the name of sapiens. Faithfully translated out of the originall Latine.; Liber querulus de excidio Britanniae. English Gildas, 516?-570?; Abingdon, Thomas.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver. 1638 (1638) STC 11895; ESTC S103163 93,511 458

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swallowed but of purpose to shut up their mouths who otherwise might perhaps despightfully upbraide them with these old offences which truely they have no more reason to doe than those irreligious tongues who audaciously talking of the blessed Apostles call Saint Peter the denyer of his Master Saint Paul the Persecutor Saint Matthew the Publican for if wee should be esteemed as we have beene what were we other than the children of wrath but by the grace of God we are as we are and I beseech Christ his grace may not be voyd in us And now verily it is with great applause to be received that it hath pleased God to make the royall lines of these three severall people to meete in the Center of his Majesties person For of the first I meane the Britaines he is come by his last and best knowne descent out of our Country to wit the daughter of Henry the seventh whose Grandfather Owen Theoder was of their Princely blood For the second as cleere as the Sunne hee is by due originall lawfull King of Scotland and for the third it is knowne to those who have any experience in antiquities tha● Margaret from whom all the Kings of Scot●land have these fiv● hundred yeeres issued was the onely true in heritrice unto her great Vncle Edward the Confessour and her Grandfather Edmund Ironside and in one word to all the Saintly Saxon Kings of England so as a lineall right hath from that time hitherto remained in Scotland although William the conquering Norman did by the sword as especiall descider of kingdomes not onely obtaine the actuall possession of the Realme but also ever since leave the same unto his posteritie And yet moreover that none of the Norman race may in his Majesties enjoying of the Kingdome finde themselves agrieved God in his wisedome also disposeth as to the whole realme it is most apparent that he likewise rightly deriveth his title from the off-spring of the Conquerour Yea and that the Danish too if any now remaine who were planted here by their puissant Lords may have no cause to repine behold the Queene his Majesties Wife and their Sonne our Prince or exceeding hope are come of the Danish among whom that renowned Canatus was sometimes King of this Land in whom it is hard to determine whether his devotion to God his great conquests or his generall clemeney deserved high●st commendation In all which is to be considered hovv God of his goodnesse hath in one man conjoyned these mighty houses vvhich were not onely for descent and Country sometimes so diverse but also in deadly hatred so far disagreeing and in bloody wars so violent and contentious not unlike the frame of a perfect body which is contrived of the foure contrary and repugnant elements and also that those people which since the confusion of Babylon were ever severall should as loving brethren be now united in his Majesties Kingdome even as the Rivers which arising from contrary regions of North and South doe notwithstanding fall into one maine Sea and are made in the end one mighty water For as you shall perceive in this ensuing treatise the Britaines and Saxons were not onely sundry Nations but also in discord most dissenting to number the battailes that were fought betweene them were an endlesse labour they confronted either others many hundred yeeres in continuall hatred three Languages were most different their lawes customes divers the Britaines distressed and dispossessed of their noble fertile and Native soyle and driven by the power of their adversaries to live poorely in the barren mountaines of Cambria or Wales the English invaders raigned and disposed freely of all the rest of the Land untill it pleased the God of peace to make an end of all controversies The English in time having overcome them received the Britaine into the body of their Common-wealth and kingdome they never excepted at the diversitie that had beene betweene their lawes and ours they saw how in this very realme the Normanes had agreed before under one selfe-same rule and regiment with the Kentish Saxons notwithstanding their legall customes were of another fashion For as by skilfull Musitians is made of sundry instruments one delightfull consort and as by Lapidaries of diverse coloured stones one most rich Iewell and as of the Starres which vary in severall motions proceedeth the perfect harmony of the heavens So of these sundry Countries and customes of Britaines Saxons Danes and Normans is now framed one most excellent Commonwealth Neither yet was it objected that the Britaines having beene long starved with oppressing povertie would greedily raven on the English riches and Possessions for they were then neerer the time of Christ and so more perfectly instructed with his Charity who received the needy and sometimes prodigall child to bee partaker with his wealthy elder brother who rewarded him that entred into his worke at the latter end of the day with as large hire as the other who laboured from the morning who accepted into his favour as well the Gentiles as the Iewes And what insued hereupon hath any English-man beene hereby deprived of his profit No surely but although there have reigned 5 Kings and Queenes successively descended of the Britaine Nation although wee have had Generalls Councellours Iudges and Magistrates of that Country there was never as yet any Welchman as we call him boulstred out by their authority to afflict the English with any injuries The cōmodities that flowed from this blessed union were many first the charitie betweene both Nations a thing most acceptable in the sight of God the enlarging of the kingdome with the addition of so worthy a people the enriching of the same by making the marches and borders of the Country which heretofore lay waste by reason of the warre now subject to industrious husbandry the incorporating of that Land as a limbe now of England which was not onely sometimes a continuall adversary but also ever ready to entertaine and assist any forraigne invasion the fortifying of the power of the realme with the forces of those vvho deteined them before vvith discord at home from augmenting their dominion abroad the finishing of the unspeakeable charges of vvarre and expenses in maintaining garrisons on the fronteyres the stincking of all spoyle and stuffe and the ending of the effusion of Christian blood And novv if it bee easier to imitate a former example than bee the beginner of any action vvhy then doe not the English and Scottish seeing this vvith farre more readinesse conjoyne in one If discorde hath heretofore raigned betweene them the like hath also raged betweene the Saxons and Britaines if the Lawes of the one are diverse from us the Lawes of the other have beene as different if the discommodities of warre with the Britaines have beene so great and grievous no lesse have also beene those with the Scottish if the commodities of peace betweene the Britaines and us are so great and gracious why
better order and cheefely above all had imbraced Christian and Catholike religion then behold what these Benjamins proved who by the British Iacob Gildas I meane are termed Lupi ● rapaces ravenous Wolves see if that was not truely fulfilled in them which was rightly prophesied of that worthy Benjamin S. Paul which is Mane rapit vespere dividit escas in the morning or at the first they gained their booties by spoyling but in the evening or at the last they distributed their foode or baites what foode but to satisfie the hungry soules of men what baites but to catch such fish as might serve for the festivall table of our Saviour Looke into Wales and Cornewall and see how many Townes beare yet the names of Irish Saints who harboured there not as before to punish the Britaines with death but to draw them to the rewards of eternall life Peruse the histories of the Countries beyond Humber you shall read how the Pictes and inhabitants of Scotland who sometimes broke downe the Northerne fortifications and invaded the Land did afterwards beate down the Bulwarke of hell delivered the soules which sinne did withhold in bondage and made them the blessed captives of Christ men undoubtedly of rare holinesse and unspotted conversation had they not beene a little blemished with an erronious opinion about the celebration of Easter which as venerable Bede signifieth continued the longer among them because inhabiting in a farre removed region of the world they had not heard of the Cannons of the Church which commanded the contrary Moreover as our Saviour did feede them bodily whom before he refreshed spiritually so did they of Scotland not onely with the bread of life releeve their neighbours but also received the Britaines when they were expulsed out of their Country by the Saxons into their bosome and suffered them quietly to inhabit by them in Cumberland and with like charitable affection entertained also the Saxons with their Prince Edgar when they fled from the countenance of the victorius Norman William the Conqueror And as touching their old barbarous misbehaviour which Gildas here mentioneth we have no more reason to upbraide the Scottish therewith then to cast in the teethes of the refined Italians what their Country was before Saturne did first instruct them in civility being a time so overgrowne with rudnesse as the Poets doe thereupon wittily descant that men of that age were borne out of the trunckes of trees For in processe of time by carefull diligence commeth the correction and amendment of Countries and by carelesse negligence falleth the corruption and destruction of Nations The last are the Saxons and English called by him a people odious to God and man to God because they were Idolatrous Infidels to man because they murthered and oppressed the Christian Britaines and although he enlargeth himselfe in the dispraise of the Nation let no man neverthelesse suppose that he uttereth this of any malice as stung with the dreadfull miseries with the which they vexed his Country For who knoweth not that the English were in his age enemies of Christ religion and the Land But according to Esay In the dennes wherein dragons did formerly dwell greene reedes and rushes did afterwards grow and after the sentence of Hosea Where it was sayd ye were no people of mine there shall the same persons bee named the sonnes of the living God Yea the Lyons the Liberds the Beares and the Wolves shall as the Prophet writeth quietly lodge and live with Oxen Sheepe Kiddes and Calves and a little child no doubt the Sonne of the Virgin shall governe them all For if ever the wilde Olive were changed into the rightfull Olive of our Lord or if ever tree brought forth the true fruits of goodnesse then were both these undoubtedly verified in the Saxons For although they came but lately into the Vineyard yet having entred they laboured diligently and undertaking the race of a Christian life they ranne most swiftly and gained the garland victoriously and who so thinketh I exceede in their commendation let him but cast his eyes round about this Realme and hee shall see the Churches and Monuments of religion some fevv onely excepted altogether founded by them and that vve may leave the dead buildings and come to the lively stones of the heavenly Ierusalem how are the Provinces shires and Parishes of the Land severally adorned with mighty number of English Saints and if we may measure by the Governours what the people were since unto the examples of their Rulers the subjects are commonly conformable let us but consider the royall off-spring of the Saxons and we shall finde that never in any land so many Princes left their worldly estates to embrace Christian poverty and draw in the Yoake of our Saviour and never so many of Kingly blood were canonised in the heavenly Register as in this our Country what shall I say more In omnem terram exivit sonus eorum their renowne is spread over the whole world and their glory fixed above the firmament in so much as William of Malmsbury deriving the Pedegree of holy Edward the Confessour sheweth a descent not onely of Kings but also of Saints so as to the Church then among us those Words of Esay may be fitly applyed Reges servient tibi and againe Mamilla regum lactaberis Kings shall doe service unto thee and with the teates of Princes thou shalt be nourished Let us leave the heavens and returne to the earth was the glory of the Saxons which now mounted in blessed vertues aboue the Skie bounded here below onely in the Cloystures of Monasteries No but as the shaddow followeth the body so likewise ensued all commodities requisite in a well ordered regiment and first as touching learning which manureth the mindes of men and maketh them in due season bring forth their timely fruites they foun●ded both the Vniversi●ties of Oxford and Cam●bridge For the ancien● lawes the most excel●lent helme which steared the state the bridle which restrayned distempered wils and the very soule of the body of the Common-wealth they were by them chiefely framed and did their prayse onely consist in matters of pietie and peace and was not their warlike glory equall to their civill government not so truely but as a well compacted body hath bones and sinewes sutable to the head so was their powerfull strength answerable to their other vertues and not-onely of singular proofe at home but also obtained a most high commendation abroad in forraigne Countries All which heroicall actions they accomplished in lesse than five hundred yeeres notwithstanding they were during the same time almost continually either invaded by strangers or molested by unquiet neighbours And thus have I somewhat inlarged my selfe in declaring the undoubted worthinesse of these three Nations because I shall be enforced in this my translation to discover their ancient imperfections neither have I used this commendation as sugar Whereby these distastfull pills may bee the better