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A96278 Englands Iliads in a nut-shell. Or, A briefe chronologie of the battails, sieges, conflicts, and other most remarkable passages from the beginning of this rebellion, to the 25. of March, 1645. Wharton, George, Sir, 1596-1672. 1645 (1645) Wing W1544; Thomason E1182_3; ESTC R208159 28,009 48

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Generall the Earle of Essex who with the Lord Roberts fled to Plymouth in a Cock-boat the night past this day yeelded up to his Majesty all their Traine of Artillery viz. 49. peeces of faire Brasse Ordnance 200 and odde barrels of Gunpowder with match ball c. proportionable above 700 Carriages and betwixt 8 and 9000 Armes His Majesty out of his wonted Clemency granting them their lives September 5. His Majesty having obtained so compleat a victory over the rebels did as formerly after the defeat of Waller from Tavestocke send his second message of Peace to Westminster In the beginning of this month his Majesties forces in Scotland under the command of his Excellency Iames Lord Marquesse of Montrosse and General Major Mackdonald who not long before landed in that Kingdom with 1000 Irish obtained a great victory over the rebels there upon Newbigging moore near Saint Iohns Town where were killed above 1200 rebels among which was the Laird of Rires and some others of note and 7 brasse Peeces taken this done his Majesties forces pursued them to St. Iohns Town and took it and therein and in the battell tooke 2000 of the rebels prisoners with 2 peeces of Ordnance more all their Arms Ammunition and Baggage and this done with the losse of not above 60 men on his Majesties part The rebels in this battell were commanded by the Earle of Tullibairne the Lord Drummond the Lord Elcho and Sir Iames Scot of Rossy their word was Jesus No quarter And within a fortnight after this successe his Excellency the Marquis of Montrosse Major Gen. Mackdonald obtained a second victory over another body of rebels in that Kingdom commanded by the Lord Forbes Burly and others neare Aberdeen wherein the Marquesse killed and took prisoners at least 1000. with 3 peeces of cannon and all their baggage without any considerable losse on his Majesties part among the prisoners taken by the Marquesse there was Sir William Forbes of Craigyvar and John Forbes of Boynly with others of note And soon after the Marquesse took the Towne of Aberdeen with all the Ordnance Ammunition and Armes and many of the fugitive rebels therein September 11. The Garrison of Basing after 18 weeks siege wherein the rebels lost many hundreds of their men was releived from Oxford by Sir Henry Gage September 12. Ilfercombe in Devonshire rendred to Generall Goring for his Majesty September 17. Barnstaple in Devonshire that had revoled upon the Earle of Essex his approach submitted to his Majesty and obtained from him their second pardon Septemb. 23. Colonell Iohn Fines having besieged the castle of Banbury above a month before hired his men to storme it in five places in all which they were shamefully beaten off with great losse October 7 In the night Sir Rich. Greenvile took the Town of Saltash by storming wherein 400 rebels were killed and at least 300 taken prisoners with their Arms this Town had been quitted by his Majesties forces not long before without any considerable losse Octob. 25. The Earl of Northampton and Sir Hen. Gage raised the siege of Banbury castle fell upon Colonell John Fines his flying troopes slew about 60 of them took above 100 prisoners with about 200 horses one peece of Ordnance all their Ammunition and many Armes Octob. 27. The rebels having thus lost two of their Armies called the third under the Earl of Manchesters command out of the Associated Counties and forced other Regiments out of London to withstand the King who was now advanced to Newberry with part of his Army where the rebels apprehending a great advantage in regard that the rest of his Majesties forces were not come up fell upon his Majesties quarters but were beaten off with the slaughter of about 1000 of their men whereof Major U●rey with some other of their prime Commanders were part with the losse of Sir Antho St. Leager and lesse then 100 others on his Majesties side who had the pillage of the field here the valiant Earle of Cleveland was casually taken prisoner having his horse first killed under him November 6 His Majesty had his rendezvouz on Bullington green betwixt Wallingford and Oxford November 9. His Army came to Dennington castle which since his Majesties marching thence had been againe besieged by the rebels and raised the siege the rebels not daring to withstand his Army November 17. The King having some dayes expected the rebels who it seemes were loath to hazard the last stake advanced towards them to Hungerford upon whose approach the rebels left the field Whereupon his Majesty sen● Sir Henry Gage with a party to supply the wants of Basing that had been besieged all this Summer by five Colonels and their Regiments but the rebels had raised the siege before his approach November 19. Monmouth that had lately been betrayed by Kirle was bravely regained by the Lord Herbert of Ragland wherein was taken the rebels whole Committee 14 peeces of Ordnance with store of Armes and Ammunition 30 Officers and common souldiers proportionable whereby South-Wales is much secured November 23. The King having thus victoriously defeated two of their Armies and driven away the third came to Oxford to entertaine an overture of Peace certaine Propositions being the same day come thither from London having disposed of his Army to their winter Quarters Novemb. 26. A Vote passed by the members of the House of Commons at Westminster for the utter abolishing and taking away of the book of Common Prayer with intention to set up a new device to be called a Directory in its roome Decemb. 13. His Majesty out of his wonted desire of Peace sent the Duke of Richmond and Earle of Southampton to the Houses of Parliament at Westminster for a Treaty as the best expedient for Peace About the middle of this month Helmsley Castle in Yorkshire which had been gallantly defended during 16 weeks siege by Captain Jordan Crosland and some others was delivered up to the Rebels under command of the Lord Fairfax upon honourable conditions to march away the Governour and Officers with their horses and Armes the rest without Armes In this siege the Defendants amongst others made one remarkable salley wherein they took Sergeant Major Generall Forbs a Scot prisoner with divers others here did Sir T. Fairfax also receive a shot in the shoulder from the Castle Decemb. 22. Colonell Eyre with some horse from Newarke took 2 Troops of horse at Upton belonging to the Rebels of Nottingham brought the men colours horses and Armes all safe to Newarke Decemb. 23. Sir Alex Carew was beheaded on Tower-Hill by Martial Law for intanding to deliver up the Island at Plymouth to His Majesty he was observed to be most violent against his Majesty in the beginning of this rebellion but it should seem he had of late some disposition to be a convert which made his fellow members think fit to dispatch him to another world Decemb. 24. Sir Will Vaughan Governour of Shrawarden castle for his
up by King Henry the seventh in his Chappell at Westminster was by order of the Houses reformed That is broken downe and sold to Tinkers Anno Dom. 1644. IAnuary 16. The perfidious Scots contrary to the solemn Pacification invaded this Kingdome January 22. The members of Parliament assembled at Oxford according to his Majesties Proclamation March 2. The Scots came over the river of Tyne Generall King pursuing their reare forced them into Sunderland whereupon the Marquesse of Newcastle sent for Sir Charles Lucas out of Yorkeshire who had been Ordered to stay there to fortifie Doncaster March 13. Hopton castle in Shropshire taken by Col. VVoadhouse for his Majesty March 18. VVardour castle in VViltshire after long siege was taken by Sir Francis Dodington for his Majesty March 22. Newarke after three weeks siege was happily releived by his Highnesse Prince Rupert in which action the rebels forces there were totally defeated all their Armes and Ammunition consisting of 4000 musquets 11. peeces of Brasse Ordnance 2 mortar peeces and about 50 barrels of powder c. were taken And soon after Lincolne Sleeford and Gainsborough were quitted by the rebels and many peeces of Ordnance with good store of Armes left behind them March 23. Sturton castle in Staffordshire rendred to Sir Gilbert Gerard Governour of VVorcester for his Majesty March 24. The Scots being much provoked to come out of Sunderland came to Bowdon hill whence with great losse they were forced back into their Trenches but next morning they came with many of their horse and foot on the Marquesse of Newcastles Reare and had so disordered it that the whole Army vvas endangered but Sir Charles Lucas who was then in the right Wing hasted to the Reare and with his owne Regiment fell upon the Rebels Lanciers and routed them which made the rest flye from pursuing their advantage March 24. Apley house in Shropshire Garrisoned by the rebels was taken by his Majesties Forces commanded by colonell Ellis Aprill 3. Longford house in Shropshire rendred to his Highnesse Prince Rupert wherein was taken 100 musquets c. and about the same time Tongue-Castle in the same county was likewise surrendred to his Highnesse Aprill 13. The rebels from Gloucester assaulted Newent then a Garrison commanded by Colonell Mynne but were gallantly repulsed and pursued leaving behind them two peeces of their Canon and many dead bodies before the Workes Aprill 17. The Queenes Majesty began her Journey from Oxford into the West Aprill 17. Brampton Bryan in Herefordshire a castle of Sir Robert Harleys after 3 weeks siege and the losse of 7 or 8 men summoned and rendred at mercy onely to Sir Michael VVoodhouse wherein was taken 67 men 100 armes 2 barrels of powder some plate and a whole yeares provision April 17. Dunfreize in Scotland taken in by the Marquesse of Montrosse c. for his Majesty with all the Ordnance Armes and Ammunition April 22. Stutcombe in Dorsetshire assaulted and entred by the force of his Highnesse Prince Maurice wherein was taken 5 Captaines and 16 other Officers 114 souldiers with all their armes 6 Colours one peece of canon and 2 Murtherers good store of Ammunition and one Seditious Lecturer May 6. His Majesties Forces in Latham house in Lancashire made amongst divers others a most remarkable sally wherein they killed many of the besiegers in their trenches and continued the execution to the park side slew neer 300 rebels took 3 great peeces of Ordnance having since the 10. of April then last taken 7 of their Cannon besides one mortar-peece many colours and killed above 600 of them May 12. The rebels from Plymouth assaulting Mount-Edgcombe house in Cornwall which was onely defended by 30 musquettiers were bravely repulsed and 80 of them killed in the place May 24. The rebels having formed two Armies consisting for the most part of the London trained bands and auxiliaries under the command of the Earle of Essex and Sir VVilliam VValler this day joyned about Blewbury in Berkeshire and bent their course towards Abingdon May 25. Prince Rupert assaulted and took Stepford a strong Garrison of the Rebels in Cheshire together with all their canon most of their Armes and Ammunition and about 800 of them prisoners Hereupon Latham house after at least 18 weeks siege was timely releived by his highnesse Prince Ruperts approach into those parts May 28. His Highnesse Prince Rupert summoned Bolton the Geneva of Lancashire as the brethren call it the first Towne in that County and consequently in England that put in execution the militia as the readiest means to ruine the Kingdome But they out of a zealous confidence hanged one of the Princes Capt which they had not long before taken prisoner whereupon the Prince stormed the town in the 2 attempt took it wherein were kild at least 800 rebels 600 prisoners taken with al their colours Ordnance Armes and Ammunition The justice of which act was foreseen by master Booker who about this time had noted it in his Almanack thus Authores dissentionum sanguinus profusionum absque dubio mercede sua mulctabuntur May 29. The Rebels Armies severed The Earle of Essex marching from Abingdon to Islip with purpose to distresse Oxford on the North part as VValler at Abingdon on the South part May 30. The Rebels attempted to crosse the river Charwell at Gosworth Bridge but were gallantly repulsed by a small party of his Majesties forces that had the guard of that passe May 31. VValler attempting to passe Isis at Newbridg and being then repulsed retired to Abingdon where he to revenge himselfe demolished Abingdon crosse defaced the Church burnt all the Tables and Chesse-boards in Abingdon plundered most of the people of their goods June 1. The rebels did attempt in severall places at once to crosse the river Charwell but could speed at none being still beaten off with great losse and particularly at Gosworth Bridge where they lost above 100 men Iune 3. His Majesty perceiving the rebels intention to besiege Oxford lest a sufficient strength for defence thereof and to disburthen the city of unnecessary Force marched with the rest of his Army this evening towards VVorcester Iune 4. The Earle of Essex perceiving the Kings Forces drawne away passed Charwell with his Army and hearing of his Majesties departure from Oxford hastned after but upon Campsfield neare VVoodstocke there fell upon his Army such a prodigious and violent storme of haile and raine accompanied with such terrible thunder and lightening for the space of two houres that some of them took occasion to say That the conjurers at Oxford had engaged all their Familiars to work them a despight there being some haile as bigge as Nutmegs Others more nearely touched with an apprehension of the wickednesse of their actions confessd That they suffered the violence of Heaven No such storm being seen at Oxford nor in any the adjacent Villages But the besotted Rebels contemning this presage from heaven went on to their own
ruine Iune 5. The Earle of Essex went this day as far as Chipping-Norton after the King Iune 6. But unwilling to lose his labour any longer returned to Burford where hee deputed Sir VVilliam VValler to proceed in the adventure of King-catching that himselfe might have the sole honour of taking in Les●ithiell Iune 11. Dudley castle which had been gallantly defended by Lieutenant Colonel Beaumont for 3 weeks before was releived and the siege raised by his Majesties forces sent from VVorcester who took a colours of the rebels horse 2 Majors of foot 2 Captains 3 Lieutenants killed about 100 in the fight and took above 50 common souldiers prisoners without any considerable losse on his Majesties part Iune 12. Colonell Gage with some forces from Oxford took in Borstall house a Garrison of the rebels in Buckinghamshire Iune 18. His Majesty in VVorcestershire having intelligence that the rebels Armies were now severed whilst Sir VVilliam VValler to get before the King ran into Staffordshire resolved to reinforce himselfe with the Regiments left at Oxford and encounter Sir William to which end he returned and came this day to Witney Iune 20. His Highnesse Prince Rupert being then in Lancashire clearing the county Colonell Shuttleworth with 400 rebels came to beat up some of his quarters and fell in at Blackburne Where that vigilant Commander Sir Charles Lucas was so ready for him that hee killed and took above 100 of the rebels making the rest run for their lives Iune 22. Sir VVilliam VValler having run himselfe out of breath gave over the pursuit of the King the rather for that his Majesty was provided for him whereupon his Majesty directed his march towards the rebels associated counties and came this night to Buckingham where he received the joyfull newes of his Queenes safe delivery of the Princesse Henrietta who was borne at Exeter the 16 of this month June 25. Sir Charles Lucas hearing Colonell Shuttleworth had gathered 300 horse and 100 Dragoones at Colne on the borders of Yorkeshire marched to him and fell on with such skill and courage that he totally routed all the rebels both horse and Dragoones had execution for 3 miles wounded Shuttleworth himselfe who with very few others escaped all the rest Sir Charles killed and took and brought their colours with the prisoners to Prince Rupert June 26. VValler to recruite his weary Army from the Garrisons of Gloucester VVarwick Coventry Northampton and Kenelmworth Castle had this day a rendezvouz in Keinton field whereof the King having notice turned his march towards him and quartered this night at Brackley June 28. This day the King comming before Banbury found VValler drawne up in Battalia Westward from the Towne on the side of Crouch hill taking advantage of the hils bogs and ditches June 29. His Majesty discerning that VValler would not come into the plaine nor could be assaulted as he lay but with much disadvantage removed somewhat Northwards to see if thereby he could draw him from his station which succeeded accordingly for Waller likewise advanced on the other side the river whereupon the King at Cropready marched further off the river leaving the Bridge in hope to draw them over which Waller greedily apprehending as an advantage put over 2000 horse and a great body of foot with 14 peeces of cannon The Rebels being thus divided were immediately charged by the Kings Reare The brave Earle of Clevelands horse and Sir Bernard Astleys foot routing all that had past the bridge whilst the Earle of Northampton charged the rest of the Rebels horse that were fording over In this fight were slaine at least 300 rebels and many of them taken prisoners with their 14 peeces there were slain on his Majesties part two gallant Knights Sir William Butler and Sir William Clarke and not above 14 common souldiers besides and so much for Wallers Army this Summer July 3. The King having thus defeated one of the Rebels Armies bent Westwards after the other and came this day to Evesham to refresh his souldiers after their hard duty from whence he sent to Westminster his message for Peace of the 4 of Iuly In the beginning of this month his Highnesse P. Rupert marched out of Lancashire with a considerable Army for the releife of Yorke which had bin two months besieged by an aggregate body of Rebels consisting of the Earle of Manchesters Army the Lord Fairfax and the rebellious Scots under command of Lesley The Prince had no sooner releived Yorke but drew forth after the Rebels and in Marstone Moore there began a terrible fight wherein his Highnesse had at first much the better took the Rebels Ordnance and many of them prisoners insomuch that Lesley and the Lord Fairfax thinking all had been lost fled many miles from the place where the battell was fought and never came to the remainder of their Armies till 2 dayes after the fight but in conclusion whether by fate which attends the event of war or by neglect I know not the fortune of the day turned and the Rebels recovered their lost Ordnance and took some of the Princes baggage and with it Sir Charles Lucas Colonell Porter and Colonell Tillier prisoners In this battell were slaine on his Majesties part the Lord Cary Sir Thomas Metham Colonell Ewer Colonell Townley with some others of note and about 1500 common souldiers On the Rebels part were slaine Sir Charles Fairfax younger sonne to the Lord Fairfax with many other of their commanders and at least 3000 common souldiers This done the Rebels rally and sit downe againe before York which was valiantly defended for 3 weeks after by Sir Tho Glenham and then delivered upon honourable conditions to march away with Armes begge and baggage which conditions were most perfidiously broken by the Rebels Iuly 6. The Lord Hopton routed 350 of the Rebels neare Warmister which were pursued above twenty miles by Sir Francis Dodington July 15. The King came to Bath with his Army which day the Queens Majesty arrived safe at Brest in Britanny notwithstanding 50 great sho made at her by Batty the rebels Vice-Admirall Iuly 23. The King made his speech to the Sommersetshire men on Kings-moore who came in to his Majesties assistance very cheerfully Iuly 31. Middleton the Scot furiously assaulted Denington Castle and received a most shamefull repulse leaving dead behind him one Col. 8 Captains 1 Sergeant Major with many inferiour Officers and Souldiers August 1. His Majesty with his Army passed into Cornwall over Tamar at Polton bridge in pursuit of the Earle of Essex whom he had now chased through Devonshire August 25. The King gained from the Rebels the Castle of Lestithiel where their Army lay strongly encamped and in it took Col Butler some others prisoners August 30. The rebels horse in the night passed between his Majesties Quarters and fled towards Plymouth August 31. The rebels foot making towards Foy were beaten from 5 peeces of their Ordnance September 2. The rebels being deserted by their
10 Colours and a Troop of Horse and yeelded the Town and Castle to the King at which time the Earl of Essex with his shattered Force were crept over the river Aven into Warwick full 8 miles backward from the place where they were beaten there to secure those few he had left under the protection of the strong scituate Towne and Castle leaving behind him above 20 waggons loaded with powder and other Ammunition November the 12 His Majesty after 48 houres fight forced the Towne of Brainford where Lievtenant Colonell Quarles that commanded in chiefe was slaine and at least 400 more of the Rebels killed and drowned as many taken prisoners with little losse to his Majesties part these thus taken and killed were observed to be the best foot souldiers the Rebels had November the 13 being Sunday certain of the Rebels had come downe the Thames from Kingston with 13 peeces of Ordnance which so soone as they could see they fired against Sion house and His Majesties Traine of Artillery but did little or no harme Whereupon Order was presently given for drawing downe some Peeces into the Meadow and to the River side against them which was accordingly done and likewise a Demy-Canon planted neare the South-end of the Towne All which were so judiciously plyed that they shot through their Boates and Barges and at last fired the Powder in one of them which blew up divers of the Rebels Those Rebels which escaped took them to their heeles leaving behind them their mangled Boats and Barges with all their Ordnance and the remainder of their Ammunition on which His Majesty presently seized and afterwards made an honourable and safe retreat to the City of Oxford December the 5. His Majesties Forces under the command of Lieutenant Generall Wilmot having his owne Regiment of Horse with the Lord Grandisons and Lord Digbies and Sir William Pennimans and Colonell Blagues Regiments of Foot and Col Ushers Colonel Grayes of Dragoones took the Town of Marlborough defended by Robert Ramsey a Scot and about 500 Foots Ramsey and divers of the chiefe rebels brought prisoners to Oxford all their Armes taken and foure Colours On the same 5 day the Earle of Newcastle laid siege to Tadcaster where at that time was all the strength of the rebels in Yorkeshire excepting Hull and by severall assaults on the Town from 10 of the clock in the morning till 7 at night killed Captain Lyster and about 60 more of the rebels who found such hot service that they stole away in the night to Cawood and Selby leaving Tadcaster fortified for His Majesties service Ianuary the 19. A great victory was obtained by the Lord Hopton neare Bodmin in the County of Cornwall where was slaine in the pursuit 200 of the Rebels and 700 taken prisoners amongst whom was Sir Shilston Colmadee and 8 Colours good store of Ammunition and 5 excellent Brasse Guns and one of Iron Ianuary the 22. the Lord Hopton assaulted Saltash forced the Towne where hee took 10 peeces of Ordnance 700 more prisoners 4000 Armes and a ship with 16 peeces of Ordnance January the 27. certaine of the rebels under the command of Master Iohn Hampden to the number of 1800 foot and 7 or 8 Troopes of horse with two peeces of Ordnance came before Brill and made an assault upon it But were so bravely repulsed by his Majesties forces there under the command of Sir Gilbert Gerard the then Governour thereof that they made all possible hast away his Majesties horse having the pursuit of them for above 4 miles about 80 of them being found dead and betwixt 40 or 50 men wounded which they had left together in a private house February the first Lieutenant Generall King and Lieutenant Generall Goring comming from Newcastle with a great Convoy of much Arms and Ammunition and being faced at Yarum with 400 foot 3 Troops of Horse and 2 pieces of Ordnance of the Rebels fell upon them slew many took the rest of the Foot and most of the Horse prisoners with their Ordnance and Baggage February 2. Cyrencester or Cicester in Gloucestershire was taken by his Highnesse Prince Rupert with the losse of lesse then 20 men of his Army there being above 300 of the Rebels stain and neare 1200 taken prisoners Of Colours taken one Coroner two of Dragoons and fourteen foot Ensignes together with all their Ordnance Armes and Ammunition February 13 the QVEENS Majesty left the Hague and went to Sciveling And on the 16 day Her Majesty imbarked again in the Princesse Royall of Great Brittaine And on the Sunday after came within sight of Flamborough-head February the 20 She cast Anchor in the Harbour of Burlington bay And the 22 day following upon sight of 1000 of his Excellency the Earle of Newcastles Horse landed at Burlington Key February the 24 in the morning foure Ships and a Pinnace in the Rebels service which came over night into the Road made above 100 great shot at the houses in the Key for two houres shooting Crosse-barre-shot and bullets of 12 pound weight all of them aiming so neare as they could at the house where the Queen lay Insomuch that her sacred Majesty was forced to make what hast she could out of Her Bed and to get under an hill to save Her life from the fury of those bloody Rebels who endeavoured to murther Her But God Almighty preserved Her Majesty both by Sea and Land March the 18 and 19 was a great battaile on Hoptonheath in Staffordshire wherein Gell and Brereton two cowardly Rebels were routed by his Majesties forces under the command of the Right Honourable Spencer then Earl of Northampton in which fight above 300 of the Rebels were taken and killed at the least 200 more wounded above 300 of their horse taken 4 peeces of Canon and a case of Drakes with some Ammunition here was the most noble valiant Earl of Northampton unfortunately slain with C. Middleton some few others on his Majesties side March the 23. Grantham was taken in by some of His Majesties Forces under the Command of Colonell Charles Cavendish wherein were taken 360 prisoners with all the Captaines and Officers three foot Ensignes 2 Cornets together with 3 loads of Armes and Ammunition And afterwards the works demolished Anno Dom. 1643. APril the third Prince Rupert entred and possessed that seditious Town of Burmingham wherein was 300 foot and two Troops of Horse who being gallantly charged by the Welch-men in lesse then halfe an houre forsook their Breast-workes and retired to their Barricadoes within the Towne wherein they found such slender defence that they took them to their heeles and that so fast that though they were pursued as scone as the Prince had possessed the Town yet few of their Horse were overtaken only about 80 of the rebels were killed and as many prisoners taken together with about 150 Musquets and betwixt 4 and 500 swords and 3 Colours In this service the noble Earle of Denbigh received
whereof 44 Officers 22 Colours of Foot being all the Rebels had and 26 Standards of Horse with 34 double barrels of Powder and a proportionable quantity of March and Bullet and 2500 Foot Armes besides Horse Armes and other spoile In this action were slain many of the Rebels chiefe Officers as Colonel Armyn Col Thornton Col Malevery with others On His Majesties part no Officer slaine and but very few common Souldiers March 6. Sir Charles Compton with his Regiment of horse took 72 Pack-horses at Hawford on the borders of Warwickshire being richly laden with the rebels wealth of Gloucester and intended for London with these Sir Charls also took their Convoy of at least 100 Horse and neere 70 Prisoners with a Lieutenant 1 Cornet and his Colours having first killed 12 Rebels on the place without losse of any one man and but one hurt March 7. Major Abercromy a rebellious Scot was slain neere Stratton Audley in Buckinghamshire and 17 of his men taken by a party from his Majesties Garrison of Borstall house March 14. Colonel Long the High Sheriffe of Wiltshire with his owne Regiment of horse onely gallantly charged a great body of Wallers horse neere the Devizes and did good execution on them but being much over-powered by the Rebels numbers was at length taken Prisoner with some part of his Regiment which was within few dayes after sufficiently requited by the Lord Goring who took above 700 of Wallers horse in those parts March 15. A party of his Majesties horse from Pontfract Castle fel on Colonel Brandlings Quarters at Badsworth foure miles from Doncaster took 67 rebels Prisoners whereof 13 Officers 130 Horse and 1000. l. in money March 18. The Earle of Northampton with his three young brothers in all whom Gallantry is hereditary routed a great Body of the rebels horse of Northampton neere Abthorp killed neere 30 rebels whereof Captaine Lidcote was one and hurt many more took 26 Prisoners and this with the losse of 5 Troopers onely on his Majesties part The same 18. of March Beeston castle in Cheshire that had been bravely defended for 17 weeks before by Capt. Valot and as vainly besieged by Sir VVilliam Brereton was opportunely releeved by Prince Ruperts approach into those parts March 24. The Lower Members at Westminster Vote the clause for preservation of His Majesties Person to be left out in Sir Thomas Fairfax his Commission Thus doe the Rebels 1. Sweare to live and dye with their owne General Essex yet upon second thoughts they disoblige themselves from that Oath and casheire him of his command 2. Covenant to preserve His Majesties Person and Authority and yet afterwards authorize Sir Tho Fairfax to kill him if he can 3. They vow to maintaine the Protestant Religion yet condemne and discountenance the essentiall parts thereof and introduce Irreligion and Prophanesse Now tell me Reader what Tropologicall sense can save this jugling from flat and literall Perjury not all the addition of their Abrogative to their Legislative power For this is indeed to abrogate Christianity as wel as Loyaltie out of the world To give leave to kill the Kings Person in the field and yet to cheat men into a conceipt of preserving His Majesty in VVilliam Lenthalls chaire To make the world beleeve they are Protestants when they permit and authorize an illiterate Assembly of Non-Divines to discountenance the 39 Articles dispute about expunging the fift Article of the Apostles Creed To antiquate the Lords Prayer out of the Church Service and turne out the long-setled Service of Common-Prayer out of the Church to give way to a long-winded extemporary non-sense in the roome thereof O tempora O mores Are not these sine Law-makers who violate the Lawes of God and holy Church as well as those themselves were borne unto to make way for their owne Chymeraes Would not any true Zelot pawne his soule upon these mens consciences who make no conscience of breaking their owne oathes Would not any wise man melt his Fortunes to maintain these mens Cause who have no cause for what they doe Yes he that could be made to beleeve Perjury were Fidelity Treason Loyalty Blasphemy Sanctity Atheisme Religion the Speakers Cushion the Kings Majesty may likewise possibly beleeve that these Rebels intend the Churches Kings and Common-wealths good Post-monita THe Reader may take notice of two omissions The first in Feb. 1642. about which time His Majesties Forces from Hereford commmanded by Sir Rich: Lawdy encountred the rebels of Gloucester at Cover on the borders of that County routed their whole Body killed and took most of the Rebels Commanders and many common Soldiers with 4 Drakes yet this Victory came not off without some losse for Sir Rich: Lawdy himself was here slain by a shot out of a window in Cover Town with 5 common Souldiers onely on his Majesties part The other in the beginning of July 1643. about which time Colonel now Lord Jermyn with those Forces that guarded her Majesty out of the North assisted by Colonel Hastings now Lo Lowghborough took Burton upon Trent in Staffordshire by assault wherein there was taken Col Houghton the Governour with all the inferiour Officers above 400 common Souldiers 8 Peeces of Ordnance and good store of Ammunition and this done without any considerable losse The End
ENGLANDS ILIADS IN A NVT-SHELL OR A briefe Chronologie of the Battails Sieges Conflicts and other most remarkable passages from the beginning of this Rebellion to the 25. of March 1645. CICERO Incerti sunt exitus pugnarum Marsque est communis qui saepe spoliantem jam exultantem evertit perculit ab abjecto OXFORD Printed in the Yeare 1645. THE PREFACE Readers YOu have here presented to your view a Little-great Book Little in respect of its bulk but Great in its Contents Wherein the sad effects of a Triennial Rebellion are epitomiz'd with candour and impartiality Herein whoever considers the number of persons slaine the destruction of Houses and Families the desolation of Cities and Townes the increase of Widdowes and Orphanes may easily determine whether Jupiter or Mars whether the white Angel or the black whether Jehova or Abaddon gave beginning to this pretended Parliament and whether hath had the greater influence on their actions who being inspired by a fatall Genius have plotted to bring this late flourishing Kingdome to utter ruine In a word if the representment of the crying guilt of bloud may worke any remorse of conscience in the Rebellious or the evidence of a good cause infuse any encouragement into His Majesties loyall Subjects it is the utmost aime this labour looks to and may happily be a meanes of the continuance of this Work till such time as Almighty God in his goodnesse shall please to set a period to this Rebellion by rewarding it with its due Guerdon by restoring Religion to its genuine purity freed from Sectaries and profanenesse by re-establishing the King in his just rights and prerogatives by re-inforcing the known Laws of the Land freed from Fellow-Subjects Tyranny and Arbitration and by re-estating the Subject in his ancient Liberties freed from Rapine and Plunder Which that wee may quickly see let it be the subject of every good Christians Prayer May 20. 1645. Memorable Occurrences since the beginning of this Rebellion Anno Dom. 1641. IN December 1641. The House of Commons publisht a Remonstrance of the State of the Kingdome therein setting forth all the errors of his Majesties Government a meer designe to alienate the affection of his Subjects from him The tenth of Ianuary following his Majesty with the Queen Prince and Duke of Yorke left White-hall and went to Hampton Court to avoide the danger of those frequent tumults then hazarding the safety of his royall person February the 23. the Queens Majesty took shipping at Dover having been driven before from White-Hall by the frequent tumults of the Rebels And soon after his Majesty went to Newmarket and from thence to Yorke where after the rebels had Guards for 3 monthes before the Gentry of the countrey raised a Guard for his Maiesties person Anno Dom. 1642. MAY the 20. it was voted by both Houses That the King intended to levie war against the Parliament which they did on purpose to excuse themselves for raising a Rebellion against His Majesty as appeared within few dayes after July the second the Kings ship called the Providence landed in the Creek of Kenningham neer Hull till which time his Majesty had not a Barrell of powder nor any Armes or Ammunition whatsoever Iuly the 12 the pretended two Houses Voted That the Earle of Essex should be Generall of their Army and that they would live and die with him August the first the Earl of Essex caused all the men then raised being in number about 10000 to be committed to Officers and divided into Regiments which men had been raising ever since the 12 of Iuly 1642. at which time he was made Generall of the Rebels August the 6. the Earle of Bedford having fruitlessely besieged the Lord Marquesse of Hertford in Sherburn Castle for 4 dayes before retreated to Yevell the Noble Marquesse sallied after him and with a small number fell on that great body of the Rebels killed above 140 whereof 9 Commanders took divers prisoners and routed the rest so as he marched away and after divided his small Forces going himself into Wales and Sir Ralph now Lord Hopton into Cornwall of both which there followed so good an effect August the 22. His Majesty set up his Standard Royall at Nottingham for raising of Forces to suppresse the Rebels then marching against him September 23. Prince RVPERT with about 11 Troops of Horse gave a great overthrow to the Rebels in Wikefield neare Worcester where Colonell Sands that commanded in chief received his mortall wound Major Douglas a Scot and diverse other Captaines and Officers slaine and drowned Captaine Wingate a Member of the House of Commons with four Coronets taken and two more torne in pieces This body of the Rebels was observed to be the flower of their Cavalrie October the 23 was that signall great battell fought between Keynton and Edge-hill by his Majesties Army and that of the Rebels led by the Earle of Essex wherein the Rebels lost above 70 Colours of Coronets and Ensignes and his Majesty but onely 16 Ensignes and not one Coronet The exact number that were slaine on both sides in this Battaile is not knowne But it is certaine that the Rebels lost above three for one Men of eminence of his Majesties Forces who were slaine in the battaile were the two Noble and valiant Lords Robert Earle of Lindsey Lord High Chamberlaine of England and George Lord D. Aubigney brother to the Duke of Richmond and Lenox Sir Edmund Verney Knight Marshall to His Majesty with some other worthy Gentlemen and Souldiers but besides these three named here was not one Noble-man or Knight killed which was an extraordinary mercy of Almighty God considering what a glorious sight of Princes Dukes Marquesses Earles Viscounts Barons Knights and Gentlemen of all Orders were not only present but engaged themselves against the Rebels as much or more then Common Souldiers which they most cheerfully did by example of his sacred MAJESTY whose Royall undaunted Courage put life into every man exposing His Sacred Person to so much danger as all good men doe tremble to remember His Royall Sonnes the two young Princes CHARLES Prince of Wales and JAMES Duke of Yorke being also in the field in very much danger if God whose cause it was had not covered their heads in the day of battaile The Rebels as they had few men of quality to lose so those they had were sensible of their guilt which then they expressed by their flight some sculking into holes and Saw-pits and others running out before they were well in the field They lost of note the Lord Saint Iohn eldest sonne to the Earle of Bulling brooke Sir Charles Essex with many inferiour Officers October the 27 His Majesty to compleat his victory in Keynton field drew his whole Army before Banbury but after the firing of one peece of Ordnance the Rebels submitted to His Majesties mercy which were in number about 800 foot of the Earle of Peterboroughs and Lord Says Regiments with
a wound whereof he afterwards died Aprill the 11 there was a fight neare unto Ancaster in the County of Lincolne betwixt the Kings Forces under the command of Colonell Cavendish and the rebels of that County under young Hotham their then Generall in which fight the most part of the rebels were slaine and taken prisoners their Generall put to flight and their whole Body totally routed On the 21 day being Friday the Close at Lichfield after three wekees siege and the losse of some men was yeilded upto Prince Rupert together with the Ordnance and Ammunition all sorts of Armes except the Horse-mens Armes and a certaine number of Musquets and all such Treasure which had been formerly conveyed in thither and did not properly belong to the Souldiers there These souldiers were part of those Forces under the command of the late Lord Brook a great Leader in this Rebellion and a malicious enemy to the Church who was killed in his assaulting this Church by a shot into the eye on Saint Chads day who was the first Bishop of this See in memory of whom this Cathedrall was built and called Saint Chads Church The last day of Aprill his Excellency the Earl of Newcastles Forces encountered with and totally routed a whole Body of the rebels consisting of above 3000 men which were going to releive the Towne of Leedes killed 150 of them in the place took 240 prisoners 3 peeces or Ordnance together with all their victuall Ammunition May the 6 Iames Earle of Northampton the true heire of his Fathers Loyalty and valour encountered with a Body of the Rebels in Middleton Cheny Town-field near Banbury consisting of about 700 foot and 5 Troops of Horse where he wholly routed their Foot killed 217 upon the plaine took above 300 prisoners all their Ordnance and Ammunition 416 Musquets 150 Piques and above 500 swords pursued the fugitive horse and killed and took many of them the rest made what hast they could to Northampton In this fight his Lordship lost but three men and those not of any note Nor had above one Officer so much as hurt Upon the 16 of May the Lord Hopton assaulted the great rebellious Body then intrenched neare Stratton on the Borders of Devonshire fought with them full tenne houres and having spent his Ammunition insomuch that he had not powder left to serve one houre longer fell upon the rebels with Swords Piques and Musquet stocks And with unexpressible valour wholly routed the rebels Army killed many hundreds of them in the place wounded many more took 1700 prisoners whereof above 30 Commanders all their Canon being 11 Peeces of Brasse Ordnance and 4 of Iron 2 Morter peices 75 Barrels of Powder with Shot and March proportionable betwixt 2 and 3000 Armes and 3000l in mony there being not above 46 of the Kings Forces killed and hurt and amongst those not any one Commander or Gentleman of Quality May the 23. The Queen was most traiterously voted a Traitour for her love so exemplarily expressed to the King her husband May the 30. Master Robert Yeomans and Master George Boucher two Citizens of Bristoll were there publiquely murthered by Colonell Nathaniel Fines for their loyalty to His Majesty Iune the 18 1643. His Highnesse Prince Rupert beat up the Quarters of the rebels at Postcombe and Chinner in Oxfordshire killed some 50 of the rebels there Quartered took about 120 prisoners almost all their Horses and Armes and three of Sir Samuel Lukes Dragoon-Cornets obtained a great victory in Chalgrove field and utterly defeated the rebels horse-men and Dragooners slew divers of their Commanders especially Colonell Iohn Hampden one of the five Members accused of high Treason who in this fight received his mortall wound in this very Chalgrove field where he first mustered and drew up men in Armes to put in execution the rebellious Ordinance for the Militia On Friday the last of Iune His Excellency the Earle of Newcastle obtained a great victory against the Northern rebels under the Lord Fairfax upon Aderton heath within the County of Yorke In which fight my Lord soon put the rebels into such confusion that they could not be reduced again into any Order untill hee had gained all their 5 peeces of Canon which hee presently turned against them the sight whereof did so terrifie them that they made what hast they could towards Leedes But finding that his Excellencies horse had intercepted that passage their last shift was to recover Bradford which was done in such a disorderly manner that his Excellency in the pursuit of them killed and took above 2000 whereof above 1500 prisoners As for their Generall Fairfax hee with much adoe made shift with one poore Troop of horse to get at night into Leedes leaving the rest to the mercy of the Victor Iuly the 1. The Earle of Essex being with his Army at Tame in Oxfordshire sent Colonell Middleton with 500 horse and Dragoones to Padbury to way-lay Prince Rupert and his Forces from returning from Buckingham to Oxford while Essex with his Army fell on the Prince but Sir Charles Lucas by his Scouts discovered the rebels designe and accordingly met them with three Troops of his own Regiment wherewith hee routed all Middletons 400 horse and dragoons pursued them to their passe at Werthill brooke followed them through the foard in despight of all their Muskettiers there slew above 100. took 40 prisoners and prevented the rebels hopefull designe The same day the Marquesse of Newcastle besieged Bradford bestowed upon it above 40 shot from his great Artillery and the morrow after made himselfe master of the Town In which he took 2000 prisoners with all the Horse Armes and Ammunition which either the rebels found in the Towne or brought thither with them Hereupon the rebels deserted the Towne of Hallifax and presently after Sir Hugh Cholmely fell upon Beverly and took it for his Majesty Iuly the 5. Master Tomkins and Master Challoner were most barbarously murthered by the rebells in London for their Fidelity to his Majesty And the same fifth day there was a fight on Landsdown-hill betwixt his Majesties forces under the command of the Marquesse of Hartford and the rebels under Sir William Waller vvho after 11 houres fight stuck their lighted matches in the hedges and ran quite avvay leaving behind them above 500 Musquets 14 barrells of povvder a vvhole Stand of Piques vvith good store of all sorts of Armes Their foot vvere absolutely routed and all dispersed his losse of Officers and horse vvere great many hundreds of his men vvere killed his Majesties force having the pillage of the field And here vvas that most valiant Knight Sir Bevill Greenvill unfortunately slain in the Front of his men with some others of lesse quality The 13 of Iuly about 4 a clock in the afternoone the King and Queens Majesty met at Edge-Hill vvhere the rebels had received their maine overthrovv and the same day and houre his Majesties Forces under the Command of the