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A65265 Historicall collections of ecclesiastick affairs in Scotland and politick related to them including the murder of the Cardinal of St. Andrews and the beheading of their Queen Mary in England / by Ri. Watson. Watson, Richard, 1612-1685. 1657 (1657) Wing W1091; ESTC R27056 89,249 232

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So it seems they can digest the Popes dispensations when they serve their turn The Abbots counsel being observed to make impression in the Governor some of the Courtiers took courage to confront his zealous party and one let flye a desperate speech That neither He nor his friends could ever be at quietness till a dozen of those Knaves that abus'd his Grace were hanged Some of them about him that had deserved it disliked the liberty taken to speak so much truth and secretly withdrew themselves Friar Guilliame being inhibited his licentious preaching went for Engand others had their dismission and the Lord Governour betook himself unto the Cardinal Lords better affected unto the Q. This was call'd renouncing the profession of Christ Iesus holy Gospell as if the Christian Creed were then confined to the Cabinet as since to the Consistory But this impetuous calumnie forc'd not through his resolution nor did his rash oath lately taken to the English Ambassadour oblige him to withstand the counsell of breaking the imperfect League the onely difficulty was how to raise mony for preparations requisite to a defensive warre which they must now expect from King Henry of England whose will in woing though for his Sonne must not be checked without ●evenge Toward this the Clergy upon the motion of the Cardinal who made it a case of conscience in the vindication of Religion raised great contribution and an opportunity of breaking the league offer'd it self when the hostages for the observance of conditions were to be delivered the denial of whom was seconded with the stay in Scotland of some noble personages late prisoners in England who had their liberty but on parole or bail none returning to custody but the Earl of Cassils who stood more upon his honor word passed unto King Henry then his duty to serve his Queen and Country for which singular instance of adhering unto his promise and for the hopes King Henry had that being gratified with his liberty he might gain him to some future service he commended his fidelity rewarded him and sent him home but being deceived in the rest and by the Governour in the contract he seiz'd upon all the Scotish Ships with●n his ports and proclaim'd a warre yet made no haste to it that Summe● but us'd the prudence and industry of his Ambassadour before he recall'd him and afterward of the party he had in Scotland to regain the Governours faith in the performance of his word In the mean time comes from France the young Earl of Lenox who setting aside the custom the Governour had by the Popes cherishing the divorce was reputed to have a near●r relation unto the Crown and so far said to be justified in his pretences by the deceased King as that he had intended to declare him succ●ssor in default of heirs Much contrivance is charged on the Queen Dowager and the Cardinal in and after the Earls coming over somewhat whereof may be not improbable to keep the Governour more firm to them to the title of whose estate as well as honour the Earl was rival and ready to step into all if the importunity of that par●y he first headed had ●ecovered him from the Court which prevailing not the Earl thereby frustrate of his hopes and the amarous addresses he made to the Queen Dowager not so entertained as to correspond with his ambition of a Royal marriage he takes livery and s●isin of what was left him the forlorn party of Reformers joyning his with their counsells and discontents His interest added somewhat to the number they got together out of anger against the Cardinal and now revenge against the Governour whom they took to be a creature of their own making and thought he would have continued to acknowledge their soveraignty while he did wear the badge of honour they bestowed upon him Those who on other reasons were of a faction for England came in to them Having modell'd their Army they send a challenge to the Cardinal at Edenburgh undertaking to give him and whatsoever forces would come out against them battail between that and Leith This the Cardinal seemed not to decline yet prudently judging the medley of those bravadoes could not be kept long together and that he might have a greater necessity ere long to use a better Army against the English than he had yet in readiness put the appointment off from day to day whereupon the more impatient part deserted them and some other by good conference received good s●tisfaction to that their General the young Earl became jealous of the remainder and thought it better policy to resign himself and pass over voluntarily than to stay till he were fetched by his enemies or delivered up by his despairing friends Thus perswaded he goes to Edenburgh where he was entertained with a lit●le more cu●tesie in the City than he would have been in the field yet he liked not the complement so well as to trust to it but by the advice of some friends withdrew in the night to Glascow and from thence having garison'd the Bishops Palace to Dunbarton Some offers were made of an accommodation between the Governour and the Earl but the jealousies on both sides were such as could not be concentred in a point of mutual satisfaction and so multiplied into counter designs and perturbations of publick p●ace This civil discord hastened King Henries preparations who in the beginning of May 1544. poured forces into Scotland by sea and land which troubled many the great ones there little as Sr. George Douglasse who being taken out of prison upon their approach said in meriment I thank King Henry and my gentle Masters of England And indeed he had so many fellow servants devoted to the English that the Governour and Cardinal could not raise a sufficient power of loyal subjects to make resistance So the Army having sacked and burn'd Edenburgh wrought their pleasure at Leith and other places adjacent returned home After this the Earl of Lenox sends an expresse into France with as advantageous pretenses as he could contrive for his proceedings in Scotland but King Francis who advised his going th●ther to some better purpose than upon a private quarrell he had against the Protector to raise a power against the Crown would vouchsafe his Messenger no hearing nor his Letters reading but set such a guard upon him as made him doubt whether he had the liberty of his person at least fear to hazard it by giving intelligence to his Lord about the counsels of that Court This straitned the Earl in the necessity he was reduced to of seeking some protection for himself In the midst of which distraction the Governour after few dayes siege took the Castle of Glascow and left no secure sanctuary for the Earl but England which he soon resolved on having promises of his welcome yet could not
or on this side her guilt and onely for the security of Queen Elizabeth and her Kingdom yet room was left for the Queens ingenuity to acknowledge that the former extraordinary and extrajudicial examples were not drawn cleer off from their Lees nor justifiable in every circumstance that accompanied them After this the Duke of Momorancie Ambassador from the King of France presseth a cessation of Arms in Scotland a free Parliament or at least delegates from both sides to treat at London with the like deputed by the Queen of England and French King but this could not be hearkened to and the aversion of Lord Grange with his Garrison in Edenburgh Castle from peace upon hopes of supplies out of France is made the only barr against a general accord Since the Earl of Marre's death there had been no Regent in Scotland but Christs viceroies in black took the care of both Swords and passed Assembly acts at pleasure authentick no question so long as the young King breathed in the Country who must pay the Church tribute for his life by an innocent compliance to enact what they list to which purpose they kept him and would not part with this Jewel to England nor France though both desired to have him out of the noise and danger of their Wars but this look'd like a Monarchy divinely limited by the boundaries of the Discipline which might sweeten their liberty by degrees to a silent desertion of all future Government by a King Queen Elizabeth therefore who was in a manner perpetuall Protectrice calls upon them to go about the election of a Regent The Earl Morton was the man they made choice of whereby they seem'd both to gratifie the Queen and provide a mercenarie creature to their purpose he having not long before delivered up the Earl of Northumberland who had fled to Scotland for refuge and for a piece of mony unworthily as to the point of personall honour betrayed an obliging Friend who had fed and harbour'd him in his exile The late Earl of Marre had broak the Assemblies Instructions in his Regency by offering at some restraint unto the Church which had been better doubted upon the Infant person of the King and therefore his Son might well be opposed in his hereditary priviledge to have the young King in his custody especially his own minority requiring rather to have than to become a Guardian yet conditions being made the charge was conferr'd upon him for to secure the main good order was taken by the new Regent That no Papist nor factious person under which were comprised all loyal Subjects should have accesse unto the King An Earl with onely two Servants attending him A Baron with one All others single and unarmed The Queen of Scots deplorable condition in England discouraged her principal abettors at home The Duke of Castle Herald and Huntley are drawn in to acknowledge the King and his Regent the Lord Grange Humes and Lidington maintain their loyalty so long as they can in Edenburgh Castle which after a siege laid to it by Queen Elizabeths Forces which she lent the Regent out of kindness hastened by her jealousie of the French from whom the Queens Royalists in Scotland expected succour was resigned and according to the Disciplinarian mercy the first was hanged the second scarcely pardoned at Queen Elizabeths intreaty the third having sometime been a Friend sent to Leith and yet upon-after-thought because of a subtile and active headpiece supposed very probably to be poison'd by which Christian proceedings the Presbyterian Rebells become absolute Masters rule King and Country without contradiction And now their work being done they turn their pack-horse Souldiers to grass some of whom get new entertainment in Swedeland others agree better with the imployment in France and the Low-Countries The cessation of armes in Scotland gives the restless Brethren some respite to bethink themselves how to work mischief abroad The Bishop of Rosse though a prisoner in England had his head at liberty to devise and too many hands in readiness to execute what he should command upon any visible advantage against them Their importunity being not able to prevail for injustice and cruelty enough to put him to death they accept of his exile out of England though they foresee that will not quit them of their fears Morton the Regent craves a league with England of mutual defense against all forraign Forces and would have a large pension for himself and some Scots his devoted guards against the pretended attempts to depose him but that would not be hearkened to somewhat else with lesse charge and slight proofs did accumulate gu●lt upon the Queen of Scots for contriving a dangerous Match between a Scotch Earl of the blood the Kings Vnkle and the Lady Elizabeth Candish the Countess of Shrewsburies Daughter for which her Mother and divers Ladies were imprisoned Soon after the good old Earl of Castleherault having taken no great content in changing sides and forsaking his quond●m pupill and Queen by the mod●rate way of disciplinar●an dispatch was vexed into a sickness and dyed In the year 1577 was discovered Don Iohn of Austria's designe to marry the Queen of Scots which the Brethren fores●eing would imply the liberty of her person and confusion of their cause were not wanting in d●ligence to quicken information and aggravate prejudice to the Queen of England The Don●ailing of strength and assistance to carry on this and other vast youthfull designes the next year as 't is thought took no other pestilent infection then grief which brought him to his Grave In the year following the face of Government in Scotland was alter'd Earl Mortons covetous converting that publick treasure to his temporal use which should maintaine Christs Ecclesiastick Kingdom in luster brings upon him the damnation of the Discipline in deposing him from his Regency being scarcely afforded the favour of communion with his Peers The King yet but twelve years of age was apprehensive enough of the tyranny he had been under and in capacity to accept any courteous tender as well of his liberty as of his Crown It was found convenient to trust him with the title of Governing but that he might be sure not to surfeit upon the power he had his twelve Godfathers to passe upon him for every year one Earl Morton was kept in to instruct the rest rather how to give in verdict upon His Majesties actions then Counsel to his person and had the cunning to keep himself fore-man of the Jury but unadvisedly endeavouring to improve his interest to the retroduction of detestable regency split his own with the twelve Members superintendency in pieces and to little purpose secur'd the King in the Castle of Sterling there being a Regal power pretended abroad that gave the Earl of Athol commission to leavy an Army to meet him in the Field Sir Robert Bowes the English
Ambassador composed the publick difference at present after which a better expedient was supposed to be found to prevent by poyson all further martial attempts of Athol while Earl Morton betook himself more unto his privacy than innocency at home The first salley of Regal government under the pretended personall conduct of the King put the Assembly brethren in mind to strengthen their incroachment upon the Church to which purpose follows a discharging of Chapters with their election of Bishops the titular Bishops are warned to quit their anti-christian corruptions in particular was instanc'd their receiving Ecclesiastick emoluments so that notwithstanding all former Acts and agreements for life their known assignation of benefice must be as well extinct as their Jurisdiction and office yet to please the young King who beyond his years had a discretive Judgement and held Episcopacy in a reverend esteem that they might seem to leave them somewhat to do they make them Itinerant Visiters of their Hospitals themselves being the Sacrilegious Collectors of the Rents Beside this they heave hard to obtain an establishment of the policy in the Second Book of their Discipline but as that yet could not be got to be incorporated with other Parliament Acts At this time two French Noblemen raise fears and jealousies in abundance the Duke of Alanson in England by endeavouring a Marriage with Queen Elizabeth with whom he held private conference but was suspected to aime at restoring the Queen of Scots Lord Aubignie in Scotland who was become the only favorite of the King The consequences of the Marriage were debated by the Lords in Council and their opposite possibilities or conjectures represented to the Queen The new humours of Esme Stuart Lord d' Aubignie whom the King had ●arely c●eated Duke of Lenox was a business undoubted to be of Ecclesiastical cognizance and therefore taken into consideration by the Assembly the Christian result of whose counsels was this To set up against him an emulous rival Iames Stuart of the Ochiltrie Family call'd Earl of Arran which title he attained by cession from one of the Hamiltons not well in his wits to whom he had been Guardian but these two were soon reconciled by the King and the Assembly Brethren defeated in their plot They can soon find means to be revenged and make the King hear of his misdemeanour A large complaint is sent up to Queen Elizabeth which being sweetned with the discovery of a feigned designe to conveigh the captive Queen out of rison laid to the charge of the Duke of Lenox rellisheth well in the Court and Council of England from whence come endeavours and Embassies to degrade him from favour if not his honour and dem●nds to have him bani●●ed out of Scotland The young King had now quit himself of his pupillage and with that of his custome to return suppliant answers by his Regent according to the instructions that ever accompanied the demands Sir Robert Bowes the Agent was admitted to deliver his Message but not with his condition to have Lenox removed from the Council and therefore went grumbling home without audience Humes was sent with a complement after him and had the like reception in England where he was turn'd over to Lord Treasurer Burleigh and could have no admission to the Queen Lord Burleigh at large expostulated with him about the miscarriage of some in the Scotch Kings Council The Queen of Englands succesfull endeavours were magnified and her tender care in preventing many eminent mischiefs from the French Some sharp language was used which was hoped would cut off the Kings affection to the Duke of Lenox and make way for Mortons restitution to favour but the issue was otherwise Morton was question'd for many great enormities especially the murder of the Kings Father Randolph is sent to intercede somewhat magisterially and hinder the proceeding against him for his life The King adhears to his Laws by which he answers he is bound to submit Delinquents to Justice Randolph by the help of the Assembly Brethren makes a strong faction of Lenox's enemies and Mortons Friends draws Argile Angus and many other of the Nobility to the party but their different interests caus'd division in their counsels made them quit the engagement and leave Morton after proof and his own confession of the murder to pay his Head ●o the Justice of the Law In this time passed many arrogant Acts in their general Assemblies one among the rest did confine the holy Kirk of Iesus Christ in that Realm to the Ministers of the blessed Evangel and such as were in communion with them excluding all the Episcopal party and de●iv●ring them up to Satan as being Members of a Kirk divided from the Society of Christs body They professed That there was no other face of Kirk no other face of Religion then was presently at that time established which therefore is ●ver stiled Gods true Religion Christs true Religion the true and Christian Religion admi●ting it seems no other Religion to be so much as Christi●n but that Beside th●s other Acts there were ent●enc●ing upon the civill authority whereupon the King by Letter required the Assembly to abstain from making any innovations in the Policy of the Church and from prejudging the decisions of the State by their conclusions to suffer all things to continue in the condition they were during the time of his minority They regard not his letter send a Committee to Striveling to contest with His Majesty and sit down again about the ordering their Discipline Set Iohn Craig a Presbyter about framing a most rigid * Negative confession of Faith Never let His Majesty have quiet untill himself and his Family subscribe it Wrest a charge from him to all Commissioners and Ministers to require the like subscriptions from all and upon this authority taken by violence play the tyrants over the Consciences of the people They censure the Presbytery of Striveling for admitting Montgomery to the temporallity of the Bishoprick of Glascow and him for aspiring thereto contrary to the word of God and Acts of the Kirk While they are thus fencing with the spirituall Sword in Scotland their pure Brethren in England execute their Commission by the pen where the marriage between Qu. Elizabeth and Alanson new Duke of Anj●u being in a manner concluded they set out a virulent book with this Title The Gulf wherein England will be swallowed by the French Marriage but the Author Iohn Stubbs of Lincolns-Inne a zealous professor as he must needs be who was Brother-in-Law to Cartwright and one William Page who dispersed the Copies soon after had their hands cut off on a Scaffold at Westminster and play'd their parts no more at that weapon But the civil Sword must have its turn and what no menacing bulls of the Assembly nor any pointed calumnies of mercenary pens can keep off must by a
take his leave without attempting some revenge upon a Territory belonging to the Hamiltons wherein he gratified his passion more than justified his prudence or satisfied his friends who were so sensible of the losse sustained by it that he could not prevail with them to engage again yet having an affected fondnesse to keep up the reputation of a party against the malignity of fortune they importuned the Earls retirement to Dunbarton Castle but his own courage being conquered he thought no place inexpugnable and so weather-beaten at land he put himself upon the mercy of the sea and King Henries kindness who furnished a pillow for his disquiet and dejected thoughts the breast of Lady Margaret Douglasse his fair N●ece whom he propounded acceptably unto him for a Wife The headlesse company he left behinde him fearing more the extremity of rigour from the Hamiltons which by their rashness they had merited than knowing how to protect themselves like desperate persons stood prepared to do mischief though with no hopes to survive it Upon consideration of whose perversness or compassion unto their persons the Queen Mother rescued them from their enemies and themselves taking them under her particular command and care and so preserved their lives against their hopes if not their wills but could ●ot secure their goods which by their incensed enemies were seized on and set to sale Several incursions were made afterward by the English with such successe that at last the Nobility some of whom were not so sensible of the publick dishonour and detriment done to their Countrey as of the damage themselves suffered in their private possessions which could not well be secured in a common devastation applied themselves more obsequiously to the Governour uniting their strength and compromising their counsels which helpt them to a little victory and that after their chasticement invited some auxiliaries from France commanded by Monseiur Montgomery de Lorge who had instructions to enquire after the disorders unnecessarily caused by the Earl of Lenox and his party and to rebuke them as well as cherish others who had shewed more conscience in continuing loyal than curiosity in searching reasons and opportunity how or why they might not be so The countenance of these French forces much hastened the Scotch levies so that in a short time was raised an Army of 15000. men with which they marched to the borders of England where in the spoil of the Countrey they quitted some old scores and might have made a farther inroad if not divided in their counsels but they returned home with the reputation and booty they had gotten as soon after did De Lorge into France The late successe against the publ●ck enemy upon whose preparation or approach Scotland was never free from intestine tumults and disorders gave the Governour and Cardinal opportunity for a progresse and visitation through the Countrey to compose the ruptures in the Ecclesiastick and Civil body to encourage the hearts of such as were any way inclinable to peace and duty and to castigate persons whom they found refractory against the law and establishment of the Kingdom wherein though some of their proceedings may be censur'd for too much rigour yet somewhat must be indulged to humane infirmity that not alwaies in Rulers whether temporal or spiritual is guided by the sweet influence of Christian charity the perfection whereof is not onely to pardon but to do good for evil at least in judicature not to be over ballanced by the sense of any personall affronts so as to recompence them with revenge and make the sword of justice to execute more by the authority of their passion than the Law Beside whatsoever were the abuses crept into Religion when they finde improper persons and uncommission'd for that purpose not onely lopping off the superfluous boughs but laying the Axe unto the root of all with design to plant nothing of the word of God that they pretend to but wilde fancies of their own and not onely to argue out works but fight up their Faith and claim by their doctrine a propriety in all possessions whose owners submit not to it what prevention is used especially by persons in present government may in charity be hoped to ensue as well from a godly zeal to maintain the better part as a barbarous cruelty and perversness to keep up the worse which being all the apology I intend for them passing my word and promise that howsoever prejudiced I will relate no circumstance partially much lesse falsely to the disadvantage of the Reformers I will briefly instance the proceedings against such p●rsons as occur most notorious in their story Somewhat before this time in the year 1540. one Sr. Iohn Borthwick commonly called Captain Borthwick was in the Cloisters of S. Andrews before a multitude of the principal Clergy and Nobility process'd and condemned though absent and out of reach The articles are publish'd but because too succinctly and it may be not indifferently or impartially by his accusers and Judges I conceive it no injury to him to lay down for his sense and the substance of that he scattered before what I collect from the answers himself framed afterward and commended to his friends The first Article was His levelling the Pope of Rome with any other Bishop or Prelate whatsoever Where as he might have enlarged h●s Christian moderation to the allowance of some precedence and priviledges granted him by the submission and Canons of unsuspected Councils and given him for S. Peters sake a Patriarc●ate at least so much more might he have abstained from comparing the whole communion of that Religion to common Thieves and Robbers having the Pope for their Captain and b●cause they called him Holy Father a Title from Antiquity rendred to the dignity not only of that but other Sees affixing to the persons of all successively invested with it the guilt of Treason Murder Rapine and all kind of such evils A branch of the third Article for I omit all wherein he is to be commended for asserting the truth or not condemned for speaking modestly and prudently his own opinions that I say was concerning the lawfulness for all Bishops to be coupled and joyned in Matrimony In answer to which his business was not onely to exclaim against the practice of the Romane Church for prohibiting their Clergy marriage who cannot have the confidence to deny that a greater enlargement was left to them by S. Paul whose doctrine he chiefly urgeth and by the Cannons of the Christian Church a long time after which themselves have not expunged in their editions but rather ingeniously to clear this point and scruple Whether Saint Paul having said That all things which are lawfull are not convenient whensoever the Governours of a Church finde inconvenient what they know lawfull they may not innocently lay a restraint upon that liberty since they force no man unto the function but
which was pretended deserted their party and so infirmed their strength The remnant sent a Letter to their Majesties flattering their persons but enveighing against their Council putting in some caution for Religion and menacing a hard market for their blood if sought The Princes guessing this might be to gain time remitted no whit of their Military care but made hard marches the weather being very bad At St. Andrews Proclamation was publish'd to inform the subjects about the true state of the difference demonstrating to them that nothing lesse was mean'd than Religion most pretended how hardly they were used according to Mr. Knoxs's Doctrine like Boyes and Gyrls in their pupillage the Lords appointing their Council as their Guardians The Ministers all this while were no cyphars but knowing their Majesties were somewhat necessitated for money to pay their Army which was come to a considerable number of 18000 men thought it the fittest time to supplicate for their meanes This piece of impertinency was easily swallowed among greater troubles their authority being not such at this time as to stand upon termes and expostulate at length the Holy Lords of the Congregation being confiscate and banish'd Therefore they fall to their Prayers for patience comfort and constancy to the exil'd which Iohn Knox did not without honorable mention of them as the best part of the Nobility the chief Members of the Congregation But prayers and tears were not wont to be the onely arms of this new Church and though they had no other at present yet some course must be taken to reduce them into possession of such a power This cannot be done without the exil'd Lords return into the Countrey for which their Letters and missive supplicates not prevailing enquiry was made about the principal obstruction the common current of the Queens favour and mercy diffusive enough requiring naught of the most delinquent Subject but to take the paines to stoop and taste it as he pleased This was found to be David Rizio Her Secretary who by the excellency of his parts and fidelity of his service in these many turns of treachery and falsehood had rais'd himself to an intimacy with the Queen much beyond the quality o● his Birth or place in Her Court The Brethren had no such free accesse to the retirements of the Royal Palace as afforded them an opportunity to commit such a rape on Majesty as this nor could there be they thought a better hand than the King to rend in sunder the Queens heart and rifle thence by prerogative priviledge the counterfeit of her dearest servant whom they were resolved to have thrown out of the world that she might never more have benefit by his Counsel nor content by his presence and attendance But such transcendent wickedness as this requires supream providence to guide it nor can any miraculous mischief be wrought but by the plenipotence of Heaven To this purpose a Fast is proclaimed by the Assembly and observed No Fast for strife and debate nor to smite with the fist of wickedness such a Fast no doubt as the Lord had chosen to undo the heavy bu●thens to break the yoak and to let the oppressed go free The Kings head is daily possessed by convenient instruments with variety of jealousies about his Queen her privacies with David Rizio are suggested as no arguments of her matrimonial fidelity and the precedence of her name before his Her paramours invention did derogate as much from the due authority of an Husband as from the Majesty of a King Naught but David Rizio's removal can make way for the future innocency of the Queen and very just is it thought that his heart blood should blot out his hands error in the writs But bare-fac'd murder is not so beautiful as to draw a tender Conscience to embrace it Religious mask may hide somewhat of the horror and necessity of state animate an adventure to take it by the hand which the Lords of this black Council weighing with themselves propound three Atticles to the King Establishing the Religion Recalling the banish'd Lords and in the rear of these The murder of David Rizio His Royal word might vanish into ayr and be no standing evidence for the security of the actors who presse for a subscription by his hand The discourse alone upon this is enough for an after-claim to his consent and the counterfeit of his name to give his disavowing Majesty the lie Howsoever if his engagement were any the reverence of a Father that advised brought him half way upon the misse-taken borders of his duty and old Patrike Ruvens resurrection who had for many moneths been bed-rid but skipped very lively into this action might impose on his youth as an oracle from the dead Upon the Saturday before the Tuesday prefixed by the Queen for the attainder of the Lords this cripled assassin in the company of the Earl Morton Lord Ruthuen Lord Lindsay c. broke into the presence and in Her Majesties sight who was then great with child carry violently away her servant of greatest secresie and trust and within a Chamber or two by fifty three stroaks with their whingers or daggers murder him for the advancement of the Discipline which work now goes on a pace the Earl Murray and the banish'd Lords returning to the Court upon a pretended summons from the King These with the Murderers sit in Council desire the Queen to take the act for good service because hereby were so many Noblemen restored The poor Queen was fain to be silent in what she could not help and not knowing how soon her own turn was to come as an essay of their intentions desired the armed Guard might be dismissed for granting which the cruel Brethren count the King uxorious and simple the Earl Murray facile and the other Lords too inclinable to submit Her Majesty though good natur'd was neither stupid nor partial when indued with exercive power The blood of Rizio called upon her for Justice more then the memory of his good service or her own affection did incite her to revenge This opportunity she took to summon her loyal Subjects to Dunbar whither Her Majesty privately withdrew The guilty Lords did not like to have any armed assemblies appear but their own and accounted it an entrenchment on their priviledge for the Queen to act any thing but by their counsel At the same time and * place where they should have answered to their charge they convene to protest against the Q. proceedings yet wanting that which was wont more then either their authority or innocency to spirit their dispute they disperse themselves to seek each a single sanctuary in a corner The King and Queen in March were attended with a strong Guard to Edenburgh His Majesty having before by Proclamation quit himself not onely of the guilt but all fore-knowledge of the murder which is not
inconsistent with what was said of an article propounded so they acquainted him not upon his refusal with their designe search is made by order after the actors and partizans care being taken that the Brethren which so zealously prayed and fasted for poor Rizio's death should not surfeit at their leisure on his blood The common hackney-interruption of every Royal enterprize or process was the humble and lamentable complaints of Her Highnesses poor Oratours the superintendents and Ministers c. who still want 〈◊〉 meanes and at this time it may be a reward for their late service But here they fetch their breath short and cannot lengthen out their supplicate as heretofore to abolishing the Mass antichristian Bishops the temporal sword was wanting which should strengthen their weak hands and confirme their feeble knees The Queen gratified their present modesty with a promise although the Assembly was nice in owning her gracious performance afterward for the writ of maintenance subscribed by Her Majesty being publickly presented they take time to deliberate about acceptance of it from her hand and answer very gravely That it was their duty to preach to the people the Word of God truly and sincerely and to crave of the auditors the things that were necessary for their sustentation as of duty the Pastours might justly crave of their flock and further it became them not to have any care Which plain contradiction can ad●mit of no other Salve but this That they wanted not the subsistence for which they so frequently and importunately petition'd nor had they any desire to be answered by a grant but this colourable pretence they could ever make use of to usher in their more peevish demands upon denial whereof or which they made ever equivalent delay the publick commiseration of their poverty who laboured in the Gospel melted the peoples loyalty into a tumult About this time comes matter of joy for all though upon several grounds and different hopes of advantage to be made by it the birth of a Prince of whom if the Brethren can get the godly education and mold the new d●scipline into his creed there can be Gospel enough beside Knox's Book against the Empire of Women or else club law which is better to prevail with the Queen for a surrender of the Crown and Scepter into his hand In reference hereunto after thanks and praises are made many supplications to God and wishes more powerfull perswasions being wanting that he might be Baptized according to the manner of the Reformed Churches in the Realm But the Bishop of St. Andrews is thought to have a more authentick mission then the Brethren and the Sacrament efficacious from his hand though none but boyes could be got to bear torches at the solemnitie of the Christening This check to the Discipline seemed ominous and if the future removes in the Princes education should be answerable the Brethren saw they might be mated in the end The King had either taken no impression by their counsel about Rizio or retain'd very little of it after his dispatch He had been so uxorious as to put the bloody Lords to shift for themselves and being given to his sports might possibly leave the yong child wholly to the Queens disposal at the best he was but a Cypher in Religion and fill'd up the room of a more significant figure a Regent or Protector of the Prince The strong reports of his engagement against Rizio hath wrought a visible suspicion in the Queen and that will be enough to draw a popular jealousie upon her self though Murray and his complices be the true politick Assassins that act a second Trajedy in the murder of the King Howsoever this bloody businesse was contrived and executed the Corps of the murder'd King was thrown into a Garden and one of his Servants strangled with him the house where he lay in Edenburgh blown up in triumph for the designe taking effect or as a signal to the Brethren to blaspheme God by their midnight Thanksgiving Now was the poor Queen once again reduced to her solitude without the comfort or assistance of a Husband in greater haz●rd of her peace and security then ever by what she foresaw would be act●d against her by the Reformers under the umbrage of her Son To prevent what she well could of this mischief she casts her self upon the despe●ate adventure of a sudden marriage The experience she had of Earl Bothwels trust and the clear opinion the world had of his courage led her nuptial affection unto his comely person by the hand The intended divorce between the Earl and his Lady upon the lawfull ground of too near consanguinity would assuredly set him at liberty for her purpose and Her Majestie thought Religion as well as policy might be had to justifie his help being then at leisure in supporting of a Crown she presum'd on her innocency to quit her from the slander of the Brethren about her former familiarity with the Earl and upon the justice of the Law to wash his hands in the sight of the world from the murder of the King What other inevitable difficulty she must encounter she left to providence and the fortune of war And if by all the faire meanes to be used the precise mouths could not be stopt from shooting bitter words and sharp arrows against her person or government she saw no way left but to hold their hands and ●ut their venemous tongues out with the Sword But the Brethren were never wont to be backward to raise a Rebellion in their own defense as they call'd it and much more unlikely is it they should be now when a young Prince was committed by Heaven unto their charge The fountain-head for sedition was most commonly at Edenburgh which now had for a Conduit Iohn Craig the Minister who declaimed fiercely against the divorce and marriage and as boldly as could be maintain'd his discourse when he was question'd for it before the Council Hence tumults beginning the Queen thought to seize the Castle of Edenburgh to suppresse them which she demands of the old Earl of Marre who though sick at Sterling advis'd by his Confessours would make no surrende● and exchange he would for no les● then the person of the Prince The condition was hard ●et at length consented to by the Queen who might have saved some part of her future trouble it may be her head if when she kissed and shook hands with her Babe she had taken off her Crown and thrown it into the cradle for now we hear of no more Supplicates and humble addresses to her they had now a Royal Infant in their hands whom as young as he was they had taught to speak far better language then his Mother and to act with good authority and judgement no question their hearts desire in behalf of the D●scipline The Queen may now proclaim
chusing Lords Protectors That they would set up and further the true worship of God and all that may concern the purity of Religion and life And for this to take arms if need require They should have added Where need requires another pretense they would take that for taking arms or if it please them take arms without any That all Princes and Kings hereafter in this Realm before their Coronation shall take Oath to maintain the true Religion which if they do to be sure theirs is out of protection This being done the Assembly brake up But all this while they were troubled how to r●d their hands of the Queen who though a prisoner had yet such authority at liberty as prevented the Brethren from being absolute in their power In consultation about her some were for a conditional restitution others for a legal Tryal deposition and condemnation to perpetual imprisonment but Knox and the meek-sp●rited Assembly-men upon some holy inspiration publish'd this mercifull censure in their Pulpits To have her divested of Royal authority and executed which took effect in the end although not in so short a time nor by the same hands they then hastily desired Queen Elizabeth of England whose Royal dignity did rather cherish her in then exempt her from an eager emulation which is very inseperable in some cases happily incident to her Sex partly by that and partly upon a conscientious care to preserve and enlarge what is call'd in the Mass the Protestant Religion the sincerity of which was ever pretended but never mean'd nor practis'd by the Presbytery in Scotland and farther upon the jealousie she had of the great reputation and growing power of her successor had from time to time recruited the strength and supported the fainting spirits of that faction yet at such opportunities and upon such politick advantages as gave all her actions the countenance of justice and her self the honour of being as bitter to theirs but when by the help of her Sword they had cut out their way and got the Royal Scepter in their reach like perfidious Rebells ungratefull and cruel Murderers as she call'd them they turn'd the point upon her self would stand no more to the courtesie of her imperious mediation denyed her Ambassador accesse to their Queen and sent him back with a French Proverb in his mouth Il perd le jeu qui la isse la partie to bid her have a care to continue a Friend to their party lest having got the fore-game for them she lose an after-game more considerable when she playes it for her self In the interim the Lords Lindsey and Ruthuen were sent to the Queen to have two Wri●s signed one for the renunciation of the Crown and Royal dignity the other to ordain the Earl of Murray Regent during the Princes minority They having by their hard usage brought upon Her Majesty some infirmity of body did her the courtesie to put her in mind of that as a fair pretense why she gave up her Crown and Government but to ballance that they threatned her with Death if she refused Whether Her Majesty set her Hand or no is not so certain as that it was proclaim'd she had at the Market-cross of Edenburgh and soon after the young Prince Crowned King at Sterlin where Iohn Knox sanctified his inauguration with a Sermon and Earl Morton one of them that kill'd his Father with Lord Hume that mean'd as much unto his Mother when he besieged her in Borthwike Castle took the Oath in his behalf That he should constantly live in the profession of the true Religion and maintain it c. It 's no matter whether the King knows it to be true or false he swears to The next solemnity was to proclaim the Regent who was returned out of France whither he had cunningly diverted to avoid the discovery about the murther of the King and his personal appearance in the deposit●on of the Queen After eleven moneths Imprisonment in all which time she was not once permitted the sight of her Son which she earnestly desired Her Majesty by the help of George Douglas Broth●r to the Regent makes an escape out of the Castle and Island of Lochlevin and within ten dayes got an handsome Army and fought a Battail for the recovery of her right but her Friends that were stronger in their affections then arms were unfortunately dispersed and her self narrowly escaped to the borders of England Afterward having sent a Letter to Queen Elizabeth to crave protection in her Kingdom as apprehending some danger in her stay where she was prevented the Queens answer by her coming to Carliste What passed before Queen Elizabeths Commissioners at York and herself at London whither the Regent came being only a discussion of the Scotch factions on all sides and including title of the Clericall proceedings I purposely omit The Regent being returned into Scotland meets with new commotions rais'd by the opportunity of his absence and afterward was overtaken by that which pleas'd him worse three desires from Queen Elizabeth in behalf of the banished Queen 1. That she might be restored to her former Authority and place Or 2. That she might be joynt Regent with her Son aad her Name as well as his in all publick Acts and Writings yet so as Murray should bear all the sway untill the King came to seventeen years of age Or 3. That if the Queen of Scots liked of it she might enjoy her peace in a private condition and with it what honour should not be prejudiciall to the Royal dignity of the King Beside the Queen of Scots sent 〈◊〉 Letter to demand a fair judicial hea●ring about the businesse of her marriage with Earl Bothwell that if 〈◊〉 were found illegal she might have the benefit of a divorce and be qui● of that engagement These were referred to a Parliament at Perth where the last of Queen Elizabeths propositions were yeilded to upon hopes to get her within the limits of their power when she could have no pretense to raise a party being divested of all her Royalties and to be acknowledged as no other then a private person and subject to the rigor of their Laws by which within a very short time she might be reduced to her former condition in the Castle of Lochlevin To the Queen of Scots Letter they make exceptions upon her assuming the title of Queen c. and when offer was made that that should be amended and urged as a strange Paradox that they which had so much pressed the illegality and impiety of that marriage would not now ye●ld unto a cognizance of the businesse they made many frivilous demurs as to have 60 dayes given for the summons of Earl Bothwell who was now in Denmark c. and at last spake plainly that they would have her send to the Danish King to take his Head off and then she was at liberty
to marry whom she pleased Queen Elizabeth not liking the Perth Parliaments answer nor the young Messenger that brought it they call'd another at Sterlin and from thence sent Pelkarn with a subtile enlargement about their declining the two former of her three Propositions but because they saw so long as the exil'd Queen had the countenance of Queen Elizabeth she had oppo●tunity to encourage and some means to assist their enemies which now began to be somewhat potent they take a sure way to set the two Queens at variance by severall suggestions wherein what was true had been done by Murray's advice if not fi●st procurement the private overture of a Marriage between the Queen of Scots and the Duke of Norfolk and what was false they were sure would incense Queen Elizabeth and prevent all possibility of farther mischief from the South Of this nature was That she had passed away to the D. of Andyn her right to the Crown of England That She and the Duke of Norfolke intended to cut off the present Royall poss●ssours of both Kingdomes which plot● must be discoverd by providence just at Pelcarnes coming to the English Court whereupon the Queen and Duke were presently secured After this the Regent Murray goes on with less opposition and better success in Scotland ye● in the midst of his victories was rewarded for his murders rebellions and falsehood being shot at Lithgow in the belly upon a private revenge and so prevented of dispatching the young Prince which may be very fairly guessed by his proceedings to be intended his Mother boasting her self to have been the Wife not the Harlot of Iames the fifth and so this her son the lawfull inheritor of the Crown The holy Brethren would fain had Murray cannoniz'd for a Saint and Martyr in the cause and his bloud reveng'd they car'd not upon whom so any of the Queens dutifull Subjests might be cut off To bring such upon tryal as stood most in their way were many popular supplicates presented and what reason was rendred for deferring the enquiry at least till the Assizes if not rather till the next Assembly in May they either take for a close compliance of their Peers with the Queens or an impolitick yielding advantage to their enemies At length some of the wisest began to put in questions by what authority they could proceed to this or any other execution of Laws the Queen being deposed the King in his non-age and no legal establishment to be made of a successor to Murray in his Regency of the Kingdome Fain would they have made use of an old by grant extorted from the Queen but that they found null by the former election of Murray and if now taken up for authentick might be thought a recalling her Majesties authority from the dead This not holding good they leave all their sawcy French Proverbs behind them and come fawning upon Queen Elizabeth in English she denies them as well advice as assistance having before made plausible promises of both to the Queen of Scots though her prisoner The Rebe●l● were sensible what ground the Qu●ens party daily got by their Anarchy though their necessities hastened them toward a conclusion of somewhat yet not knowing what they were to seek by what means and in what method to effect it Queen Elizabeth who seem'd not full● satisfied with the thing must not be disgusted by the person The Earl of Lenox the young King's Grandfather is pitcht on for several reasons looking that way and first upon some Assembly revelation he was chosen an Interrex or Interloping King which soon after by some divine counter-light was discovered to be a monster in Government suspected for Saturnes unnatural stomack that might possibly devoure the young King and Iesus Christs Scepter to boot which the Presbytery had given him to play with in his hand To avoid this danger they divest him of his intercalary Kingship and having no law upon earth to impower them they furnish him with a Regency from heaven And now in his time no question all Parliamentary as well as Assembly authority may plead to be by divine right and their proceedings are justified by this extraordinary providence of God Upon this Patent the new Regent reforms what he could by the sword according to the true sense of the Discipline The poor captive Queen in compliance with the principles of nature and likewise in discharge of her civil duty who had the trust though not possession of a Kingdome by submisse yet enough Majestick requests in England by a mediation from France and Spain agitates what she can for her liberty and this for stopping farther effusion of Christian bloud in her Countrey and preventing the progresse of oppressive tyranny over her party Queen Elizabeth sensible of these unchristian proceedings by her arbitrary power sometimes orders a truce between the Scots gives fair answers as well to her prisoner as forein Ambasdours that interceded for her adviseth with her Council Wherein some were mis lead by too facile credulity of false informations from the North others not improbably corrupted all too much ad●cted to their own interests and an overweening solicitude about the peace and security of England This begat an overture too high and imperious for a magnanimous free-born Princesse to yield to put new thoughts and designs into the Pope Spaniard and French enlarged the breach between her English Subjects for they had been divided and some unsatisfied in the proceedings relating to the Scotch Queen reviv'd and multiplied conspiracies at home Into all these did the northwind blow the sparkles of the Disciplinarian Rebellion which more or less encreased the flame where they lighted if upon matter ready to fire with a touch Queen Elizabeth finding her self environ'd with danger and apprehending no possible security but in a perfect composure of the Scotch differences in order to it calls upon the Presbyterian division for a new account about the deposition of their Queen They exhibit a large remonstrance upon it stuffed with so much pride and barbarous insolence as left no place for religion reason or law although they were great pretenders to the last pleading Ancient priviledge of the Scotch peoples superiority to their Prince This for which their Reformed Brethren may thank them they fortified with Calvins authority and in some cases enlarged it to imprisoning and deposing Kings what or wheresoever They not onely justified their censure but magnified their own lenity to their Queen as to the pa●doning of her life to the succession of her son who being in their power and standing onely by their pleasure no marvail if in this years Assembly and Parliament all Acts and Statutes made before by him and his Predecessors annext the freedom and liberty of the true Kirk of God a●e ratified by his name whenas yet he could not superscribe them with his hand Queen
stratagem be declined at first and yet the same afterward authorized by strength The long disconsolate captivity of the Queen and despair of ever obtaining her liberty had withdrawn her thoughts from her Scepter on earth and rais'd them to an higher kingdom than the Scots whereon that they might be fixed without any diversion she resolves to divest her self of the other interest and confer freely her Royal title upon her Son The Assembly Brethren have intimation hereof do not like to have their King become absolute or Reign by any other Title than what he had before received on courtesie from them The Duke of Lenox and Earl of Arran are two good Friends to his Majesty not to be instrumentall in promoting so just an advancement to his Crown and therefore it is the Presbyters tasks to preach them out of all favour with the people and then an opportunity is fairly taken in their absence from Court for the Earls Gowry Marre Lindsey and others to invite his Majesty to the Castle of Ruthen and by the Laws of Displinarian hospitality detain him prisoner dismiss his retinue deny him the liberty to stir abroad but at his peril Nor indeed could he well be at leisure to walk for the perpetuity of business they found him within doors forcing him first by a Writ to recall Earl Angus from England whither the guilt of his late rebellion had carried him by another after the imprisonment of His Majesties dearest Friend to command the Duke of Lenox into France who being in possession of Dunbriton Castle might have disputed the freedome of that Royal command if his clear awfull spirit had not dreaded the thought of the least disloyal averseness to obey And by a slight of singul●r cunning tyranny in a third fram'd into a Letter to Queen Elizabeth of England to justifie their act and contract the guilt of that unnatural sin in laying violent hands upon himself By a fourth to authorize the Convention of States indicted by them All acts of such transcendent rebellion that George Buchanan their never-failing advocate before could be wrought neither to advise by his Council nor justifie with his pen nay 't is said he turn'd penitent upon it retracted with tears what he had writ before in their cause and wished he could wash out all the spots the black calumnies he had dropt upon Royal Majesty with his blood yet further he would have writ retractions if being so old he could have hoped such a conversion would not have been interpreted an act rather of dotage then devotion The Queen of Scots much affected with this treasonable surprisal of her Son complains at large to Queen Elizabeth in a Letter appeals to her conscience for Justice and summons her to her plea about the differences between them before the highest Tribunal of Heaven yet very charitably imputes the obstruction of intercourse between her and her Son for a twelvemoneth before as likewise Queen Elizabeths long silence notwithstanding some former importunate letters not unto her self but some malignant disposition in her Council Queen Elizabeths blood and thoughts had many quick motions upon this querulous writing many ebbs and flows of resolutions and fears at length Mr. Secretary Deale an austere man and no Friend at all unto the Royal Prisoner was joyn'd in Commission with the Earl of Shrewsbury to expostulate the business with the captive Queen and yet treat with her about articles of enlargement but the Disciplinarian Scots being called in about what concern'd them raised new spirits of division by interposing ungrounded jealousies of one Father Holt a Iesuit and some other Emissaries lately come over as they alledged on purpose to plot the invasion of England and therewith a violent rescue of their Queen As little truth as there was in this calumny there was Sophistrie enough to prevaile with Queen Elizabeth to lay aside the complaint of her prisoner and to imploy her two Agents in Scotland Bowes and Davison in vying Courtship with two other from the French to gaine upon the affection of the King The News of the Duke of Lenox's death at Paris though accompanied with that which confounded his enemies who thought they had undone him by traducing him for a Papist puts life into the Kings banded Jailers who take assurance by this they had him prisoner during pleasure but His Majestie escapes soon after to the Castle of Saint Andrews makes them curse the lying spirit in their Prophets and desperate enough to become executioners of themselves but the good King repriev'd them by his mercy offering pardon unto all that could find confidence to ask it but this appear'd in none but Earl Gowrie who corrupted the benefit of it unto his bane The rest not long after being banish'd went some into Ireland others into France only Angus ask'd and had a confinement unto his Earldom Queen Elizabeth sends Sir Francis Walsingham to the King not so much to gratulate his liberty as to instill some sententious Counsel how to use it He meets with a greater luster and gallantry in the Scotch Court then he expected and a young King as grave a politician as himself He was entertained better than his carriage to the captive Queen had deserved and returned with an answer no less modest than Majestick Though many acts had passed the Assemblies of late derogatory to the safety and Royal authority of the King yet none more than the justifying the late Treason requiring the Ministers in all their Churches to commend it unto the people and threatning excommunication to such as subscribed not though against their Conscience to the unjust judgement of the Assembly And in the year 1582 the Assembly at Saint Andrews proceeded violently against one Montgomery Bishop of Saint Andrews cutting off the appeal he had made unto the King rejecting both his Letter and Messenger sent on purpose to inhibite them The late treasonable justification voted by the Assembly though nipt in the bud by the Kings unexpected escape and all the leaves scattered by the breath of his displeasure into several corners of the world began now to sprout again in a second conspiracy many of the Traitors being at that time appointed by Gowry return'd again and under the colour of care and courtesie to the King attempting a second surprizal of his person But the Earl of Arran whom they had not now time or opportunity to secure seizeth upon Gowrie at Dundee and the Kings martial appearance suddenly affrights his Complices out of the Castle of Sterlin which they had taken Queen Elizabeth whose Court because the Cathedral of Religion was ever abused as a sanctuary after a Scotch rebellion had now a new address to make by mediation unto their King And her Secretary Walsingham by the no justifiable priviledg of his place issued out Writs in Her Majesties name though without her knowledg for
their admission into the Holy Island The Letters were not obeyed by Earl Hunsdon who d●sputed the Secretaries single separate authority nor was the Queen hearken●d to otherwise then by yeilding a legal tryal which cost Gowrie h●s Head for all the promises he had of better success from o●e Maclen a W●tch whom he had consulted in the case To ballance this somewhat must be done by the Disciplinarian undertakers in England who frame divers L●tters in the name of the Queen of Scots and some English fugitives conveigh them into the Papists houses and then make discovery of a plot Hereupon as slight and improbable as the proofs were the Earls of Northumberland and Arundel were confined his Lady imprison'd divers examin'd and the Lord Paget scarcely by h●s prudent innocency protected Queen Elizabeth though facile in hearing their complaints was not so barbarous as to execute the cruelty of their Counsels but called her Judges to account for their extream serverity against the Papists granting indemnity and liberty to many Iesuits and Priests Yet Mendoza the Spanish Ambassador was sent home and Throckmorton whom he was said to have encouraged in an intricate conspiracy being neither constant in denying nor clear in confessing nor at all cunning in concealing or disguising his guilt was hang'd A new Treaty between the two Queens is now commenc'd and Sir William Wade imployed in an overture unto the Queen of Scots but the Agitators of differences between them renew their division by unseasonable jealousies and fears and Wade falls to pasting Father Creyghtone the Iesuits torn papers together neglecting a far more Christian and honourable artifice which he might ha●e s●ewed by cementing the unhappy rupture in two so Royal and magnanimous Ladies hearts This new discomposure gave the Scottish partizans in England a colourable pretense to enter into an association for Queen Elizabeths security from danger which was managed by the policy of the Earl of Leicester The Queen of Scots took hence an alarum o● her ruine yet chose rather to submit somewhat of her spirit then in an humour sacrifice her life unto their malice She sends her Secretary Nave with Articles so near Queen Elizabeths demands as had wrought undoubted reconcilement if it had been consistent with the Discipline of the Kirk but this the Scotch Ministry declared to be otherwise in their Pulpits call out for help as if both Kingdoms had been on ●ire and Christian Religion in danger to be consumed by the flames inve●gh bitterly against their Queen King and his Council slight the Kings summons to answer stand upon their Ecclesiastical exemption and Presbyterian privilege of immunity from his censure The King began from hence to apprehend it better for his safety and more agreeable with his honour to restore the Mi●er to the Church then cast away his Crown to a mungrel lay-Clerical Assembly Hereupon he recalls Bishops to their primitive jurisdiction and dignity inhibites all Presbyteries and their Synods together with the popular parity of Ministers and among other Acts pas●eth this in the eight Parliament●olden at Edenburgh May 22. 1584. which alone cuts off all their vaine ●retences to this day For as much as some persons being ●ately called before the Kings Maje●ty and his secret Council to answer ●pon certain points to have been enqui●ed of t●em concerning some treaso●able seditious and contumelious ●●eeches uttered by them in Pulpits ●chools and otherways to the disdain ●nd reproach of his Highness his Pro●enitors and present Council con●●mptuously declined the judgement of ●is Highness and his said Council in that behalf to the evill example of others to d● the like if timely remedy be not provided Therefore our S●veraigne Lord and his thre● Estates assembled in this present Parliament ratifieth and approveth and perpetually confirmeth the Royal power and authority over all Estates as well spiritual as temporal within this Realm in the person of the Kings Majesty our Soveraigne Lord his Heirs and Successors And also statuteth and ordaineth that his Hign●ss his Heirs and Successors by themselves and their Councils are and in time to com● shall be judges competent to all person His Highnesses subjects of what estate degree function or condition so 〈◊〉 they be spiritual or temporal in 〈◊〉 matters wherein they or any of the● shall be apprehended summoned 〈◊〉 charged to answer to such things 〈◊〉 shall be enquired of them by our 〈◊〉 Soveraigne Lord and his Council And that none of them which shal● happen to be apprehended called 〈◊〉 summoned to the effect aforesaid pr●sume to take in hand to d●cline 〈◊〉 judgement of his Highness his Heirs and S●ccessors or their Council in the Premises under the pain of Treason This Act puts many of the Assembly birds upon the wing who i●n●cent D●●es take none but a Virgin breast for their refuge Queen Elizabeth whose too industri●us infirmi●y it was to keep up her popular interest with all as well as to enjoy the honour and more clear content of an impartial conscience within her self although she gave no ear to their querulous Remonstrances in private nor permitted their publick libelling in her Churches yet cherished their persons and very unproperly imployed their endeavours to preserve Religion from innovations which made no such real impressions in Scotland as some untrue aggravating relations had in the time●ous minds of her Reformed English Subjects and her self This practise of Her Majesty being observed by those who looked ou● of the Scotch Kings Court put the Earl of Arran upon a forward tender of his Service to meet Her Majesties desires and Her Agent the Lord Hunsdon upon the borders but before the time the Sterlin fugitives whom she had protected were prescribed and at it charged by the Earl with their treason against the King The complement he left of his real intentions at parting took place until Patrike Grey came with another Embassie and particular Articles from King Iames But the ill offices it was suspected he did at the same time to the captive Queen gain'd him no reputation with her party and put her upon some such extraordinary courses as betrayed her into a new prison under more restraint and L●icester 't is said upon murderous designes who would not hear of her liberty lesse of her succession to the English Crown To cover whose private spleen and malitious attempts new fears are fetched from the Romane Catholicks and their designes magnified in a mist unto the people whereby a sharper edge is set upon the severity of the Laws This alteration encouraged some of the precise Scottish Religion to pursue the Queens commands for pressing in Parliament to have the Bishops reformed and to others as may be not improbably conjectur'd to murder the Earl of Northumberland in the Tower because a known Friend to the Queen of Scots though they left the pistol wherewith they acted it in
his Chamber and the opinion of self-assasinate at his door Not long after was Sir Edward Wotton sent Ambassador into Scotland to renew a league and present the King with his English retinue which the Regents in his Minority had neglected or pawned for auxiliary support of their power While conditions about this and a marriage with the King of Denmarks daughter were making at Court some others were broken at a meeting upon the borders where though the usual Oath for mutual security was taken the Earl of Bedford was slaine and though by whom not known yet the Lord Fernihurst Governor of the middle Borders was accus'd and imprisoned because a firm adherent to the Queen of Scots and the Earl of Arran c●nfined b●cause a favorite of the Kings The charge was fiercely prosecuted by the English who in the name of the Queen demanded to have their persons delivered which not obtain'd the E●rl of Angus Marre Glames and other presc●ibed Fugitive● are sent home who have no sooner set foot in Scotland but by the advice and assistance of the Assembly brethren they summon all ●n the Kings name to them for defense of the Evangel removing ill Counsellors from the King and conserving the old amity with the English Being got into a body of 8000 at Fankirk Arran transgresseth the rules of his confinement to expres●e a more considerable duty to the King unto whom he accuseth Patrike Grey of this Treason which he cunningly declines and fortifies Sterlin in d●fense of the King but the work was not done when the Rebells drew near and began to set their scaling Ladders to the walls The Earl of Arran knowing his p●rson was principally aim'd at for Lord Fernihurst was lately dead in prison conveighs himself and one Servant away privately by a bridge and then the Town-garrison retreat unto the King in the Castle The Rebells display their banners in his sight Lord Grey is sent out to demand the reason of their coming receives a meek answer To kiss the Kings hands The King expresseth no liking of their armed love offers restitution of all their goods if they will depart They will have the interest of admission to his presence and when they have it capitulate for his Castles and chief holds which there being no remedy are granted with the delivery up of divers noble-men Earls Montross Crawford Rothsay c. their pardon signed and the Treaty for a league with the Queen of England renewed One Article whereof had it be●n sooner agreed on had preserved both Kingdoms in better security fetter'd the unruly Di●cipline to its duty viz That neither Prince should for time to come afford assistance or favour to any Traytor or Rebell or any that had made a publick defection nor suffer them to be relieved by others nor harbour them publickly or privately in their Dominions c. And had another been omitted which when before care had been taken for defense of the Christian and Catholick Religion draws in the rea●m of The pure Reformation which the Catholick Romans interpreted by the Scotch negative confession and the Catholick Protestants by the many Assembly Acts condemning and branding the sacred Episcopal order and jurisdiction as Antichristian happily the persons of both Princes had not been engaged in such after-hazard nor had such designes been prosecuted for the invasion of their Kingdoms For this Treaty was no sooner concluded but a most desperate conspiracy in England broak out supposed to be long since laid by the too zealous consistory at Rome but took life now being hastily hatched by some preternatural Scotch Assembly● hear in this agreement The chief actors in it were Father Ballard a Priest of the Seminary at Rhemes Babington a a young ingenious and learned Gentleman of a good extraction and Family in Darby-Shire Sarisbury of Derbigh-shire Tichbourne of Hampshire with ten other Gentlemen of good quality all which were afterward hanged and some dismembred alive in St Giles's fields the common place of their meeting Their designe was to have kill'd Queen Elizabeth set at liberty the Queen of Scots and by the help of For●eign strength to have altered the face of Religion in both kingdoms The Q. of Scots though suspected to be private unto all three in the general yet p●ofess'd to her death that she encouraged none but that which nature suggesting and justifying conduced to the liberty of her injured person and half restitu●ion to ●er Crown Her two Secretaries Nave and Curle were brought in by Walsinghams cunning if not corrupted rather by his cost very unnaturally to accuse her who as from the beginning he daily instructed a false Brother with as much hypocrisie and perjury as could be to carry on this fatal contrivance so 't is not certain whether by him and other polit●ck instruments he had he discovered or made more of what was desperate in the plot Before the Queen of Scots came to her tryal several judgements passed upon her in private anticipating the enquiry after better evidence and the●r Soveraigns prerogative in granting pardon at her pleasu●e They whom neither the fury of Disciplinarian zeal nor any private malignant spirit had possessed deliliberately sounding the shallowness of her guilt and computing the shortness of her life by her sickness adjudged her only to a stricter confinement and adventu●'d to have the possibilities of ●ischie● prevented by the p●udence of the State Others who had been lighted to a Religion that made murder and innocence consistent did not care if some wickedness were invented to d●spach her quickly any way so by the Law Leicester as otherwise so desirous to become voluptuous in revenge ●n●used his sentence in a cup of ling●ing poyson that he might take at leisure his delight in the preassurance of her death And wanting an help to discourse at his Feast invited Walsingham to accompany him in judgement and sent a Presbiterian Divine to prepare his Conscience by a Classica●l indulgence but he pretends he had refused a less courtesie to Morton who it may be to ballance the guilt of both Kingdoms had advised to have her sent into Scotland and executed on the Borde●s yet having compromised his Vote as the major part should determine it begins to rectifie their method and puts them upon debate by what Law they should proceed There were but two cited for their purpose one of 25 Edward 3. the other 27 Eliz. The latter was concluded the more proper because in effect confessed to be made upon designe and so more naturally operative for the end it was intended to Those of the Iuncto knew what arguments were most prevalent with the Queen to signe a Writ of Delegacy for enquiry wherein a multitude were nominated who must not deny to serve up their honours and sacrifice their conscience in appearance unto their Queens name but indeed to some more
the Laws and Customes of Nations that have been or can be brought for or against Poligamy are urged and answered interchangably by two persons Daphnis and Chloe a most sweet amarous and pleasant Pastoral Romance for young Ladies Translated out of Greek by George Thornly Gentleman A Physical Dictionary or an interpretation of such crabbed Words and Terms of Art as are derived from the Greek or Latin and used in Physick Anatomy Chirurgery and Chymistry With a definition of most Diseases incident to the Body of Man and a description of the Marks and Characters used by Doctors in their Receipts The Wise mans Crown and the Way to Blisse two Books of Chymical and Rosie-Cra●ian Physick will be Published for the benefit of Posterity by Iohn Heydon a servant of God and Secretary of Nature G. Buchan Epig. ad Mariam illustriss Scotorum Regina● {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} cap. 13. Archbishop Spotswood At Schidam in Holland ' Dr. Ier. Taylors Epist. Ded. before his Further Explic. of the Doctr. of Orig. s●n H. Scripture more at large had been the best rule to reform by That we have suffi●ient The supplement from the Catholick Church which is indulgent enough to keep all in a Christian communion Gods judgement and hers upon Schismaticks and Separatists The defection and division of Churches not here handled The Scotch reformation irregular and impious K. Iames 4 The Lollards Accus'd for Rebels Against War Priests consecrating Tythes Episcopal benediction Excommunication Sacrament of the L. Supper Divorce Miracles Praying in Churches Prelates K. Iames 5. 1657. The King pardoned them Patrick Hamilton goes for Germany Returns to reform Scotland Is accused by Cambell False doctrine in his bo●● abou● t●e law Faith Iustification Works 1 Cor. 6.9 Gal. 5.19 Mat. 16.27 Speculative Christianity Some young students and Friars his sect●ries Logie Maire Friar Arithe Lindseys advice to the Archbishop of S. Andrews Al. Seton the Kings Confessor p●t from him His Letter to the King Hi retraction The Reformation interrupted in Scotland Begins in England 1534. Straton denies Tyth-fish Is anathematized Instructed to maintain his errou● by Dun Arskin Mat. 10.33 Mar. 8 38. Matth. 23.23 Matth. 10.33 David Straton executed Fri●r Killors play He and others burnt G Buchanan encourageth schism and rebellion 1539. Escapeth out of prison K. Iames de●lines an interview with K. Hen. 8. A war between them The Scotch Army defeated This discomfiture w●s called Gods fighting agai●st pride for his own little flock Knox saith God as ev●dently here fought against K. Iames as K B●nhadad bu●●n his parralell he findes out noth●ng for the detect●on of the Nobles out of distast at the General chosen by the King The King dies 1542. Q Mary A Protector or R●gen●s by the Kings will They are rejected by the Reformers and the Earl of Arran declared Governour The Kings treasur● c. delivered to him They set him to study controversies Shew him the bloudy Sc●ol● and instruct him by it Friar Guilliame a pointed to preach down Superstition A Ballad made against his doctrine by Witsow servant to the Bishop of Dunkell The Cardinal of S. Andrews imprisoned Set free The Bible in the vulg●r tongue The ill use made of it qui estis quando unce venistis quid in meo agitis non mei mea est possessio ol●m possid●o prior possi●eo Ego sum haeres Apostolorum Vos certe exhaeredaverunt semper as dicaverunt ut extraneos ut inimicos De Praescr c. 37. The contract of Marriage between Prince Edward of England and Q Mary celebrated The Commissiners questioned for it The Abbot of Paisly and Mr. D. Painter come from France with advice to the Governour The Courtiers conf●ont the Reformers Fr. Guilliame forbid to preach He and others Banisht The Governor lesse resolved than formerly Prepares for war with England An opportunity to break the Le●gue Earl of Cassils kept parrole The Scotch ships seiz'd on in England A w●r proclaimed Earl of Lenox comes from France His pretences against the Governour His address to the Q. Dowager His heading with the Reformers They challenge the Cardinal The Earl leaves them and resigns himself Yet withdraws again and garrisons The English invade Scotland having a party there Earl Lenox sends his Apology into France to no purpose Castle of Glascow taken by the Governour Earl Lenox makes a rash attempt upon the Hamiltons Flies into England where he mar●ies K. H. Niece Q. Mother protects the party he leaves behinde The Scotch Nobility weary of their English friends De Lorge brings over French forces They with the Scots march to the borders and return with booty The Governour and Cardinal make a ●rogress to set all in order A moderate sense of their proceedings Sr. Jo. Borthwick proc●ss'd and condemned when absent He is unjust as to the Pope and uncharitable to the best of that Religion His answer for Bishops marriage not very apposlic 1 Cor. 6 12. A question put in behalf of the Romane Church The Reformed Churches restrain from marriage 1 Cor. 7.7 S. Paul misinterpreted Sir John impetuous against the Pope A separation from all Churches In some cases spiritual men may have temporal jurisdiction A limitation in sequestring Church revenues An unchristian comparison The Church hath power to make Canons The reasons why The Reformation in England no good pa●tern for Scotland Monks in the primitive Church And reverence given to Relicks My opinion of the senten●e against Sr. J●h● Borthwick Vnlikely stories about the Bishop of Dunkelden The Priests at Dundee Dean Thomas and six Friars 4. Hanged in St Iohns town The Reformers abuse the Image of St. Francis and raise tumults An impartial censu●e of the R●formed Martyrs Knox and Buchanan a ●loudy couple The Scotch Reformation raked out of Mr. George Wishearts ashes His course of life at Cambridge His return to Scotland where he passed for a Prophet Inhibited to preach Divers Noblemen encourage him The Gentry flock to him He envies and threatens where they do not He is seiz'd on by Earl Bothwel And imprisoned in the castle of St. Andrews He is brought to his Tryall He makes an Apologetical Oration With what moderation he might have demeand himself He cannot pretend to the same liberty with the Apostles Chap. 5.29 Chap. 2.2 Nor to self Ordination Rev. 1.6 1 Pet. 2.9 The abstinence and feasts of the Church to be observed His extream insolence in renouncing obedience to General Councils and professing his neglect to read their Canons What reason his Iudges might have to condemn him Yet they are to be blamed for the pomp And he for popularity and want of charity at his execution His disciples make great haste to murder the Cardinal They do it barbarously Melvins grave speech in the act non solum factum probarunt sed gratulatum ad liberta●is publicae auctores venerunt quidam etiam vitam ●ortunasque cum illis conjunxerunt Knox professeth himself merry
of marrying E. Bothwel Having forecasted all difficulties to be encountred Iohn Craig declaims against it and excites the people to rebellion The Queen demands Edenburgh Castle and obtains it on an hard condition for the person of the Prince the original of her ruine They address now no more supplicates Isai. 22.23 Their malitious calumnie of the Queen and E. Bothwell's resolution to murder the young Prince The Queen raiseth an Army Yet proclaims great concessions They besiege Her Majesty at Borthwike-Castle Thence they go to Edenburgh Yet incline to disband but are prevented by the Queens approach An unfortunate Treaty by the French Agents means The Queens Army discouraged Her Majesties discourse with L. Kirkaldic of Grange while E. Bothwell slips away Her horrid entert●inment in the Rebells Army She is thrust into an Inne at Edenburgh and guarded Thence posted away to the Isle of Lochlevin The Ministers ●ssemble Four Commissioners deputed by them to summon in the Hamilton's c. Articles agreed on by the Rebells They are yet p●rplex'd in their thoughts what to do with the Queen Queen Elizabeths emulation c. made her countenance some of their proceedings Their ingratitude and scorn return'd upon her The Queen moved to q●it her Crown and permit Murray to be Regent K Iames 6. The Prince Crowned at Sterlin K. Iames 6. Murray returned out of France and proclaimed Regent The Queen escapes out of prison Her last ill success in Battail She escapes to England for protection Queen Elizabeth's three Desires unto the Regent Queen of Scots demands a hearing about her last marriage All discussed in the Parliament at Perth Whence the two Queens reeeive little satisfaction They demurre about E. Bothwell Pelkarne sent with their apology to Queen Elizabeth Their subtilty in making a diff●rence between the two Queens by much falsehood mixed with little truth Q. of Scots and D. of Korfolk s●cured Regent M●rray kill'd The Brethren prosecute revenge A sc●upulous question put to them T●eir applicatlons to Q. Eliz. rejected They confer regall power upon the Earl of Lenox Divest him again of it and make him Regent Q of Scots by all means endeavours her liberty Queen Eliz giveth fair answers to her and her intercessors Q. E●izabeths Councill how affected at this time K. Iames 5. They involve her in a multitude of difficulties She calls the Scots to accoun● about the deposition of their Queen They exhib●te a large Remonstrance rebellious and antimonarchiall enough K Iames 6. 1571. Queen Eliz dislikes it Yet persists in her high demand from the Qu of Scots Commissioners Their modest answer L Keepers sharp reply K. Iemes 5. A truce between the divided parties in Scotland made by Q Eliz. The Regent and his do notwithstanding what they please They hang up the Ar●h-Bishop of St Andrews K Iames 6. Revenge taken upon the Regent They make the E of Marre his successor who is so vexed by them that he shortly dies with gr●ef The Parliaments fierce proposition to Q Eliz. about the Queen of Scots Rejected A resolution taken by the Rebells in Scotland fatall to the Queen and her party Divers executed in England The Duke of Norfolk Beheaded The Brethren well-pleased at the successe of their designes and approach of the Ax so near their Queen To whom Commissioners are sent to expostulate The French interceding are answered with instances from their own and other Nations Momoranchies propositions not hearkened to The Assemblies domineer while no Regent in Scotland Q. Elizabeth calls upon them to chuse one They take E Morton as fittest for their purpose The young E of Marre becomes Guardian to the King Orders made by the new Regent The Queens party in Scotland faint Edenburgh Castle taken by the help of the English Forces The Scotch army disbanded Bishop of Rosse banish'd England upon the Scots importunity Morton cannot obtain a league c. with England Queen of Scots a●cused of cont●●ving a Match E Castleherault dies with grief Don Iohn of Austria faileth in his design to marry the Q. of Scots And dyeth Morton deposed from his Regency Twelve appointed to assist the King in governing Morton one of them but defeated in his purpose to do all The King begins to shew himself to the terror of the Assembly Preserves the Bishops in some part of their Rights and revenues whereof the other would deprive them 2 B of Discip. cannot ye● pass in Parliament D of Alanson attempts a marriage with Q Eliz. D. of Lenox and E of Arran set at difference by the Assembly Reconciled by the King Then they accuse Lenox to Q Elizabeth Who demands to have him banish'd The King will not part with him Humes his Agent hears of this from the L Treasurer in England Morton questioned Randolphs sent to intercede but prevails not Arrogant Assembly Acts. 1579. No Christianity allowed but in Scotland and where is a conf●rmity in Religion unto the Kirk Th K checks th●m They contest with him by a Committee And extort his subscription to the Negative Confession with a c●mmand of the like from all * This is that Craig and this that confession which K Iames reflects upon in Hampton-Court conference saying That with his I renounce and abhor his detestations and abrenuntiations he did to amaze the simple people that they not able to conceive all those things utterly gave over all falling back to Popery or remaining still in their former ignorance yea if I saith his Majesty should have been bound to his form the confession of my Faith must have been in my Table-book not in my head A publick stratagem practis'd by the Brethren The Queen of Scots directs her thoughts to an higher kingdom and means to resign all up to her Son Whereupon the Brethren put all into confusion The King invited to the Castle of Ruthen and detained prisoner They press him most insolently to do their business Buchanan deserts them and repents of what he had done heretofore Queen of Scots complains to Queen Eliz. Queen Eliz very uncertain what to do Sends two Commissioners to the Queen of Scots The Disciplinarians make new jealousies about Fa Holt. Qu Eliz by her Agents Courts King Iames kindness D Lenoxs's death King Iames makes an escape Offers pardon to all that ask it Sir Francis Walsingham sent to counsell him The Assemblies justifie their late Treason And commit new Gowrie c attempt again the surprisal of the King But himself is seised on c. Walsinghams Letters not observed by E Hunsdon E Gowrie beh●aded Letters feigned in the n●me of the Queen of S.o.s. Vpon whi●h divers Nobles are questioned And the Iudges for their severity against Papists Throckmorton hanged A reconciliation between the two Queens prevented An ●ssociation in England Queen of Scots sees a necessity of complying with Q Eliz The Scots Presbytery foreseeing the effect of it declaim ●gainst her their King● and Council in the Pulpit Vpon their flighting the Kings summons they are inhibited and Episcopacy setled The Kings supr●macy established by Act of Parliament Hereupon ●ivers Mi●isters take their flight Q Eliz restrains ●heir violence but counten●nceth them too much Earl of Arran offers a meeting with L Hunsdon upon the borders The fugitives proscribed Patrike Grey sent Ambassador for England Qu of Scots practises too much for her self And Leicester against her and her party Queen Eliz requires a reformation of Scots Bishops Earl of Northumberland ●urdered in the Tower Sir Edward Wotton sent Ambassador into Scotland E of Bedford slain at a meeti●g u●on the borders L Fernihurst imprisoned E of Arran confined Qu Eliz demands their persons is denyed She sends home the Scottish Fugitives A rebellious army raised by them E of Arran accuseth P Grey of Treason Is besieged and narrowly escapes The Rebells answer to L Grey They capitulate and h●ve what they ask of the Ki●g A league renewed with England A considerable Article had it been agreed and kept heretofore Another about Religion the ambiguity whereof doth more hurt than good A Conspiracy in England discovered Many executed for it The Queen of Scots how far concerned in it Walsingham and her own Secretaries charge more upon her then she owns She is prejudged too soon by persons uncommission'd The more prudent yet as loyal grue milder censures Leicester wo●l● have her poi●on'd Walsingham not prevailed with to consent Yet d●rects the contrivers to a methodical proceeding Queen Elizabeth yeilds to their perswasions for signing a Writ o● Delegacy The Queen of Scots prudent d●meanour reward the Delegates at Fotheringham Castle Lord Treasur●r rigid wit● her Her Majesty answ●rs him accordingly Submits to a Tryal but on condition Iustice Gawdies too particular n●rration The Queen protests against it Nave disclaims his p●pers The English Parlia●ent passeth sent●nce according to the sense of the Delegates But Q Eliz makes no hast to signe the Bill King Iames endeavours to pre●erve his Mother but ●ann●t Commands the Ministers to pr●y in p●blick for her who deny him and her that respect Pa●rike Greys proverb to Qu E●iz Who is troubled in mind about her execution V●certain instructions given to Davison with the feigned Bill He is fined and imprisoned for g●ing be●ond t●e meaning of them The Queen very reso●ute and ●eligious at her death A Priest denied her Fletcher Dean of Peterburgh Iustice blushed when she suffered