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A61053 A prospect of the most famous parts of the vvorld Viz. Asia, 3 Affrica, 5 Europe, 7 America. 9 With these kingdomes therein contained. Grecia, 11 Roman Empire, 13 Germanie, 15 Bohemia, 17 France, 19 Belgia, 21 Spaine, 23 Italie, 25 Hungarie, 27 Denmarke, 29 Poland, 31 Persia, 33 Turkish Empire, 35 Kingdome of China, 37 Tartaria, 39 Sommer Ilands, 41 Civill Warres, in England, Wales, and Ireland. You shall find placed in the beginning of the second booke marked with these [3 asterisks in triangle formation] and (5) together with all the provinces, counties, and shires, contained in that large theator of Great Brittaines empire. / Performed by John Speed. Speed, John, 1552?-1629.; Goos, Abraham,; Gryp, Dirck,; Speed, John, 1552?-1629. Theatre of the empire of Great Britaine. 1646 (1646) Wing S4882A; ESTC R218797 522,101 219

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Crosse of Saint George the Royall Ensign of England and a Rose the Kings badge as his faithfull Souldier receiving his pay dayly for himselfe and followers according to their degrees and estates Neither were the atchievements of Land services crowned with more plumes of Victories in the Helmets of the English then were their Sea services defensive and offensive both at home and abroad Their Navie Royall rightly te●rmed the Lady of the Seas and their Sea-Captaines farre out-stripping Vlysses in their Travailes and Descriptions for twise in our time hath the Sea opened her passage through the Straights of Magellan for Drake in his Pellican and Candish in his Desire to passe into the South World and to incirculate the Globe of the whole Earth whereby themselves and Souldiers all English have in those great deepes seen the wonderfull workes of the LORD But upon this subject I could willingly insist were it not that the argument of this present Description intends rather to speake of the Domestick and Civill warres of England then of the forraine and farre-fetched victories that have adorned and attended the Trophies of the English From the prosecution of the former and promulgation of the latter how unwillingly my Penne is drawne the roughnesse of the style and the slender performance of the whole doth manifestly shew They being for the most part civill Battailes fought betweene meere English-men of one and the same Nation wherein the parties victorers besides the losse of their owne side procured on the other the fall and ruine of them that were all of his owne Countrey many of them of his owne acquaintance and alliance and most of them perhaps his owne friends in any other cause then that in which he contended for But from this generall argument to proceed to some particulars it shall not be amisse to make some division of them according to their severall qualities of the severall quarrels in them which are found to be divers and of three severall natures Whereof the first were the invasions attempted by forraine Princes and enemies against the Kings and people of this Realme The second were meere Rebellions of Subjects against their annointed Princes And the third dissentious factions betwixt Princes of the bloud Royall of these three all these effusions of bloud have consisted And to begin with the first battell in this plot which was the first beginning of government of this state as it yet continueth Such was the attempt of William Duke of Normandy against King Harold the sonne of Earle Goodwin who prevailed so against him in fight at Battaile in Sussex a place so called by this event as the said Duke was afterward King of this Land and brought the whole Nation under his obedience as it hath beene continued to his posteritie ever since Such was the arrivall of Lewes son and heire to Philip King of France against Iohn King of England who being carried by his owne ambition accompanied with French Forces and assisted by the rebellious Barons of this Realme after variable fortune of fight in severall skirmishes battels and assaults was forced in the end without all honour or hope to prevaile to make a very shamefull retreate into his owne Countrey Such was also the entry made by Iames the fourth King of Scots against King Henry the eight of famous memory his brother in law and sworne allie at that time absent in the wars of France who contrary to his oath and alliance formerly made entred the North frontiers of England with a mightie Armie had the same discomfited and overthrowne and was himselfe slain in the field by the English forces under the leading of the Earle of Surrey at that time Lieutenant generall for King Henry And especially such was the late enterprise remaining fresh in memory of Philip late King of Spaine against our dread Soveraigne Lady now raigning in the yeare of our Lord 1588. attempting by his invincible Navie as he thought and so termed under the conduct of the Duke of Medina Celi which with great pride and crueltie extended against us arrived on our coasts to Englands invasion and subversion had yet neverthelesse here in the narrow Seas the one part of his Fleete discomfited taken and drowned and the other part forced to their great shame in poore estate to make a fearefull and miserable ●light about the coast of Ireland homeward so that of 158. great ships furnished for war came to their own coast of Spaine but few and those so torne and beaten by the English Cannons that it was thought they were unserviceable for ever and eleven of their ensignes or banners of Idolatry prepared for triumph and pride in Conquest were contrariwise to their shame and dishonour shewed at Pauls-Crosse and in other places of this Realme to Gods glory our joy and their endlesse infamy The INVASIONS OF ENGLAND And IRELAND With al their Ciuill Wars Since the Conquest The second sort of quarrels in these warres were meere rebellions of subjects against their annointed Princes and Governours and of these some have beene private and some generall Of the first kind for private occasions was that of Thomas Earle of Lancaster against King Edward the second his cosin-germane upon mislike of the Spencers greatly favoured by the King and as much envied of him who having his forces defeated at Borrow-bridge was there taken prisoner and after beheaded at Pomfret Of the same kind was that of Henry Lord Piercie surnamed Hot-spurre and Thomas Piercie Earle of Worcester his Vncle against King Henry the fourth at Shrewesburie where the said Lord Henry was slaine and the other taken prisoner and after beheaded in the same Towne So was that of Michael Ioseph the Black-smith in Cornewall and his company against King Henry the seventh for a Subsidie granted in Parliament to the same King who gathered a head of Rebellion so strong that at Black-heath neare London they abode battell against their Soveraigne but were there taken and afterward drawne headed and quartered at Tiburne Also such was that of Robert Ket the Tanner of Windham in Norfolk against King Edward the sixt pretended against inclosures and liberty to the weale publike was at Norwich taken in the field and afterward hanged on the top of the Castle of the same Towne And lastly so was that of Sir Thomas Wiat and the Kentish-men against Queene Mary for the bringing in of Philip of Spaine they being cut off at S. Iames and himselfe yeelded at the Court. Of the latter sort of Rebellions being generall were those of the Barons against K. Iohn and King Henry the third his sonne in their severall Raignes Against the father in bringing in of forraine powers and working a resignation of the Crown and Diadem to the great blemish of their King and Kingdome And against the sonne so prosecuted their attempts that their warres to this day are called and knowne by the name of the Barons-warres which had so lamentable consequence as that after the overthrow and
with Robert Vere Duke of Ireland maintained by King Rich. 2. against them with 5000. men slew Sir Tho. Molineux Constable of Chester and put the said D. to such strait that in swimming Thames ●e had almost lost his life 1387. r. Rich. 2.11 40 At Otterborne under the leading of Wil. Dowglas 1100. English men were slaine and 30000. put to flight Lord Henry and Ralph Percies sonnes to the Earle of Northumberland were taken prisoners notwithstanding the said L. Hen. had manfully slain that valiant Captaine Wil. Dowglas at the first encounter An. 1388. Rich. 2.12 41 At Flint castle K. Ric. 2. was by the falsenesse of Henry Percie Earl of Northumb. delivered into the hands of Henry D. of Lancaster and thence conveyed as prisoner to London committed to the Tower and shortly deposed thence sent to Loeds castle in Kent lastly to Pomfreit and there murdered Feb. 13. 1430. * At Circester the conspirators against K. Henry 4. were discomfited the Dukes of Exc●ster and Surrey the Earles of Salisburie Glocester and Huntington Sr. Thomas Blunt and Barnard Brocas knights were there taken and in sundry places beheaded 1400. Ian. 15. reg 2. 42 At Hallidowne hill againe another great and bloudy battell was fought Sep. 14. against the Scots by K. H. 4. wherin the said Scots were beaten down and slain and besides the losse of many thousand common Souldiers fourescore Earls Lords and Knights of account were also then slain An. 1402. reg 3. 43 At Pelale in Wales 110. Englishmen were slain by Owne Glendoure and Edmund Mortimer Earl of March taken prisoner reg H. 43. 1402. 44 At Shrewsbury a bloudy battell was fought against K. Henry 4. by the Percies Henry and Thomas wherein Henry L. Percie surnamed Hotspur was slaine in the place called Old field and Lord Thomas Earle of Worcester taken and beheaded there was slaine on both sides 6600. An. 1403. 45 The French coming to aide Owen Glendoure besieged Carmarden and spoiled it An. 1405. reg H. 4.6 46 At Bramham●moore Henry Percie Earle of Northumberland with Thomas L. Bordolfe and many ●●e in taking armes against K. Henry 4. were slain by Thomas Rockley Sheriffe of York shire 1408. reg 9. 47 On Black-heath twice Iack Cade naming himselfe Iohn Mortimer captain of the Kentish rebels camped against King H. 6. reg 28. An. 1450. 48 At Sennock the Kings power was overcome by Iack Cade and the two Staffords brethren slain by those rebels but from Southwarke they were di●●ers●d and Cade slaine lurking in a garden by Alexander Eden G●●● 〈◊〉 of Kent 1450. 49 At D●●●forth upon Bro●s 〈◊〉 Richard Duke of Yorke incomped himselfe with an army of 10000. men against King Henry 6. reg 30. An. 1452. 50 Saint Albons first Battell fought May 23. against King Hen. 6. by Richard Duke of Yorke wherein on the Kings side were slaine Edmund Duke of Sommerset Henry Earle of Northumberland Humfrey Earle of Stafford Iohn L. Clifford with many Knights of valour and 5000. men on their parties sides the King himselfe was wounded with an arrow and but onely 600. of the Dukes men slaine An. 1445. reg 33. 51 Blore-heath field fought on September 23. by Richard Earle of Salisbury against K. Henry 6. the Lord Audley being Generall for the King where the said Lord was slaine with many Knights of Cheshire on his part and with them 2400. persons lost their lives An. 1459. reg 38. 52 At Northampton the Earles of March and Warwick fought against K. Henry 6. in the quarrel of Richard Duke of York Wherein the King himselfe was taken and conveyed to London Humfrey Duke of Buckingham Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrewesburie the Lords Beamont and Egremont were there slain 1459. Iune 10. reg 38. 53 Wakefield Battell fought December 10. 1461. by Queen Margaret in defence of King Henry 6. her husbands title wherein the said Duke was slaine with young Edmund Earle of Rutland his sonne the two bastards Mortimers Knights and 220● more there Thomas Nevill Earle of Salisbury was taken prisoner and after beheaded at Pomfreit An. reg 39. 54 At Mortimers crosse Edward Earle of March in revenge of the death of Richard Duke of Yorke his Father obtained a great victory againts the Earles of Pembroks and Wiltshire in the quarell of Q. Margaret and there flew 3800. Englishmen Feb. 2. being the day of Maries Purification in this battel Owen Teuther was taken and beheaded An. 1461. reg H. 6.39 55 Saint Alb●●s last battell fought by Queen Margaret against the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk● the Earles of Warwick and Arundel that kept by force K. Henry her husband with whom by constraine be held and fought and lost the field there were slaine of Enlishmen 1916. persons Feb. 17. being Shreve-tuesday 1416. 56 Towton-field a most deadly and mortall Battell fought on Palme-sunday March 29. wherein were slain of Englishmen 35091. or as other have 36776. persons amōgst whom these Nobles died Earls Northumberland Shrewesbury and Devonshire Lords Clifford Beamont Nevill Willoughby Wels Ro●s Seales Grey Dacres Fitz-bugh Mollens Bechingam Knights the two Bastards of Excester Percie Heyron Clifton Hayms two Crakenthorps two Throlopes Haril Ormond Mollin Pigot Norbohew and Burton with many more Knights and others not named K. H. 6. with succh as escaped fled into Scotland leaving E. 4. victor 1461. 57 Hexam battell fought May 15. against King Henry 6. under the conduct of Iohn Nevill L. Mountacute wherein Henry Duke of Somerset with the L. Rooes Mollens and Hungerford were taken K. Henry flying into Lancashire remained there in wants and secret a years and more and whence by deceit he was taken and convaied to the Tower of London 1464. reg E. 4.4 58 Edgcoot-field fought upon Da●es-more Iuly 26. by the Northren Lords their Captaines being Sir Iohn Coniers and Robbin of Ridsdale against K. E. 4. under the leading of Wil. Herbert Earle of Pembrooke who together with his brother Ric. was taken as also Ric. Woodvile L. Rivers brother to the Q. with Iohn his sonne and all foure beheaded 5000. of their boast being slaine with most of the Wolch-men 1469. reg E. 4.9 * At Wolney King Edward 4. gathering his boast to recover his losse was taken prisoner by his brother George Duke of Clarence and Ric. the stout Earle of Warwick and convayed to Middleham Castle in York-shire whence shortly be escaped to London 1469. ** At Stamford the Lincoln-shire-men under the conduct of Sir Rob. Willes Knight instigated by Ric. Earle of Warwick against King Edw. 4. were overcome and 1100. of them slain the rest in flight so cast away their furniture that to this day the battell is called Losecote-field 1470. Edward 4.10 59 Barnes-field fought April 14. being Easter-day by the Earls of Warwicke Oxford and Marques Mountacute against K. Ed. 4. who led Henry 6. prisoner to the field wish him In this battell were slain Ric. Earle of Warwicke and Marques Mountocute his brother On K. Edwards part were slaine
the Lord Cromwell Say and Mountjoy the slaughter in all amounted to 10000. saith Hall 1471. Edw. 4.11 60 At Towkefoury King Ed. 4. obtained the diadem in subduing H. 6. under the leading of Prince E. who was there slaine and Q Margaret taken prisoner there died likewise Tho. Courtney E. of Devonshire Ioh. Sommerset Marq. Dorset and the Lord Wenlake of Knights Hamden Whitting Vans Harvy Deluys Filding Leukenor Lirmouth Vrman Seamer Roos and Henry Edm. D. of Sommerset was there taken and beheaded with Iohn Bough Lord Prior of S. Iohns May 4. 1471. E. 4.11 61 Bosworth-field fought upon Redmore Aug. 22 1458. and 3. of Ric. 3. where himselfe was slain with Iohn D. of Norfolke Wa. L. Ferres Richard Ratcliffe and Rob. Brakenbury Knights and 4000. more of his company on the Earle of Richmonds part only 10. persons the chiefe where of was Wil. Brandon Knight his Standard-bearer Earle Henry was there crowned in the field and the union of Lancaster with Yorke effected whose civill dissentions had cost more English bloud then twice had done the winning of France 62 Stoke-field Iun. 16. 1487. was fought to arrest Lambert a counterfeit Warwick against King Henry 7. where 4000. with the naked Irish were slain and with them died De la Pole Earle of Lincolne Francis L. Lovel Tho. Gerardine Chancellour of Ireland Martin Swart and Sir Tho. Broughton Knights generall against the King Lambert was there taken and made a turn-spit Hen. 7.2 63 At Cockeledge ●●r Yorke the Commons rose and slew Henry Earle of Northumberland for a tax collected by him granted in Parliament their Captain named Iohn a Cumber was hanged at Yorke 1489. H. 7.4 64 Excest besieged by Perkin Werbeck a counterfeit naming himselfe Ric. Duke of York before murdered in the Tower of London after he had in dammaged the North and North●●berl was from this City expulsed to Bewdley Sanctuary and lastly executed as Tiburn 1497. reg H. 7.13 65 This same City was again besieged by the rebels of Devon-shire a●d Cornwall the 3. of E. 6. under the leading of Hum. Arundel Holmes Winslow and Bury but was rescued by Iohn L. Russel with the Lord Grey and 4000. of them slain 1549. 66 On Black-heath again was fought a sore battell by Thomas Fla●●ock gent. Michael Ioseph Blackesmith and Iam. Twichet L. Andley with the Cornish rebels where 2000. of them were slaine by Giles L. Daubeney generall for the King and 1500. taken prisoners Iune 22. 1497. H. 7. 67 Flodden-field the 9. of September and 5. of King Henry 8. was fought against the Scots by L. Tho. Howard Earl of Surrey lieutenant generall for the King where Iames 4. King of Scots with 3. Bishops 2. Lord Abbots 12. Earles 17. Lords and 8000. souldiers were slaine and the dead body of K. Iames wrapped in Lo●d● was brought to shine in Surrey and there cast into a corner not long since remaining and seen 68 At Solommosse 15000. Scots under the leading of the L. Maxwell by Thou bastard Dacres and Iack Musgrave were valiantly vanquished and 21. of their Nobilitie whereof eight were Earles brought as prisoners to London and 200. mere of great account besides 800. common souldiers slaine and taken for very griefe whereof K. Iames fell sick and shortly after died 1542. H. 8.32 69 Muscleborrow-field fought September 10. 1546 by Edward D. of Sommerset L. Protector and Iohn Dudley Earle of Warw. against the Scots where 14000. were slaine 1500. taken prisoners onely 60. English then slaine E. 6.1 70 At Norwich in a commotion led by Rob. Ket Tanner of Wind 〈◊〉 Wil. Lord Marquesse of Northampton was put to flight and the Lord Sheffield slain the Citie fired and many outrages done 1549. E. 6.3 71 At Mount Surrey the Rebels with their leader Rob. Ket were by Iohn Dunley E. of Warwick overcome and forced to yeeld 5000. of them being slain and Ket taken and hanged on the Castle of Norwich or as some have upon the Oke of reformation Aug. 27. 1549. E. 6.3 72 Sir Tho. Wist with his company of Kentishmen driven to march from Southworke to Kingstone and thence to S. Iames yeelded himselfe at Temple-bar with the losse onely of 40. persons on both parts Feb. 7. 1554. Mary 1. 73 At Tadcaster Thomas Piercie Earle of Northumberland and Charles Nevil E. of Westmerland in thier commotions tooke 200. footmen repairing toward York for the defence of the City against those rebels 1596. Eliz. 12. 74 Durha●● taken by the rebels of the North under the leading of Piercy and Nevil Earles which had gathered 7000. and surprised Barnards Castle were by the Earle of Sussex Lieutenant generall for the Queens forced into Scotland and many of their Associates worthily put to death 1569. And lastly which God grant may be the last Thomas late Earle of Northumberland was beheaded in Yorke Aug. 20. 1572. Eliz. 14. THE BRITISH ILANDS PROPOSED IN ONE VIEVV IN THE ENGLISH MAP WITH A GENERALL DESCRIPTION OF GREAT BRITAINE UNDER THE ROMANES CHAPTER 1. THE State of every Kingdome well managed by prudent Government seemes to me to represent a humane Body guided by the soveraignty of the reasonable Soule the Countrey and Land it selfe representing the one the Actions and State affaires the other Sith therefore the excellencies of the whole are but unperfectly laid open where either of these parts is defective our intendment is to take a view as well of the outward body and Lineaments of the now-flourishing British Monarchy the Ilands Kingdomes and Provinces thereof in actuall possession for with others no lesse justly claimed in the Continent we meddle not which shall be the content of our first or Chorographicall Tome containing the foure first Bookes of this our Theater as also of its successive government and vitall actions of State which shall be our second or Historicall Tome containing the five last Bookes And here first we will by example of the best Anatomists propose to the view the whole body Monarchy intire as farre as conveniently we could comprise it and after will dissect and lay open the particular Members Veines and Ioynts I meane the Shires Rivers Cities and Townes with such things as shall occure most worthy our regard and most behovefull for our use 2 The Iland of Great Britaine which with her adjoyning Iles is here first presented containeth the Kingdomes of England and Scotland and is of many accounted the greatest Island in the World though Iustus Lipsius gives that praise to Cuba in America as the Orientall Navigators do unto Sumatra taken for Ptolomees Taprobana or to Madagascar the Island of S. Laurence both which are neere unto or under the Equinoctiall Line In which we will not contend as pleasing our selves with her other praises greater then her Greatnes yet with this honour also that is was without question the greatest Island of the Romane World and for any thing yet certainly knowne of all the rest Concerning whose
reigned three yeers till all the princes of the Ilands agreeing together rose up against him and made him flie into Ireland 6 An. Do. 1111. Olave the son of Godred Crovan aforesaid began his reigne and reigned fourtie yeers a peaceable Prince He took to wife Affrica the daughter of Fergus of Galway of whom he begat Godred By his Concubines he had Raignald Lagman and Harald besides many daughters whereof one was married to Summerled Prince of Herergaidel who caused the ruine of the Kings of the Ilands On her he begat four sons Dungal Raignald Engus and Olave 7 An. Dom. 1144. Godred the son of Olave was created King of Man and re●gned thirty yeers In the third yeer of his reign the people of Dublin sent for him and made him their King Which Mure-card King of Ireland maligning raised war and sent Osibeley his half brother by the mothers side with 3000. men at Armes to Dublin who by Godred and the Dublinians was slaine and the rest all put to flight These atchievemēts made Godred returned to Man and began to use tyranny turning the Noblemen out of their inheritances Whereupon one called Thorfin Otters sonne being mightier then the rest came to Summerled and made Dulgal Summerleds son king of the Ilands whereof Godred having intelligence prepared a Navie of 80. Ships to meet Summerled And in the yeer 1156 there was a battle fought at Sea on Twelfth day at night many slain on both sides But the next day they grew to a pacification and divided the Kingdome of the Ilands among themselves This was the cause of the overthrow of the Kingdom of the Iles. 8 An. 1158. Summerled came to Man with a Fleet of fiftie three sayle put Godred to flight and wasted the land Godred upon this crossed over to Norway for aide against Summerled But Summerled in the mean time arriving at Rhinfrin and having gathered together a fleet of a 160. ships coveting to subdue all Scotland by the just judgement of God was vanquished by a few and both himself and his son slain with an infinite number of people 9 The fourth day after Raignald began to reigne but Godred coming upon him out of Norway with a great multitude of armed men took his brother Raignald and bereft him both of his eyes and genitall members On the fourth Ides of November An. Dom. 1187. Godred King of the Ilands died and his body was translated to the I le of Ely He left behinde him three sons Raignald Olave and Yuar He ordained in his life time that Olave should succeed him because he onely was born legitimate But the people of Man seeing him to be scarce ten yeers old sent for Raignald and made him their King This caused great division and many turbulent attempts between the two Brethren for the space of thirty eight yeers which had no end till at a place called Tnigua●●a there was a battle struck between them wherein Olave had the victory and Raignald was slaine The Monkes of Russin translated his body unto the Abbey of S. Mary de Fournes and there interred it in a place which himself had chosen for that purpose 10 An. 1230. Olave and Godred Don who was Raignalds sonne with the Norwegians came to Man and divided the Kingdom among themselves Olave held Man and Godred being gone unto the Ilands was slaine in the I le Lodhus So Olave obtained the Kingdome of the Iles. He dyed the twelfth Calends of Iune An. 1237. in S. Patricks Iland and was buryed in the Abbey of Russin 11 Harrold his sonne succeeded him being foureteene yeers of age and reigned twelve yeers In the yeer 1239. he went unto the King of Norway who after two yeares confirmed unto him his heyres and successours under his Seal all the Ilands which his Predecessours had possessed 12 An. Do. 1242. Harrold returned out of Norway and being by the inhabitants honourably received had peace with the Kings of England and of Scotland The same yeer he was sent for by the King of Norway and married his daughter In the yeer 1249. as he returned homeward with his wife he was drowned in a tempest neer unto the coasts of Radland 13 An. Dom. 1249. Raignald the sonne of Olave and brother to Harrold began his reign and on the thirtieth day thereof was slaine by one Yuar a Knight in a meadow neer unto the holy Trinity Church and lyeth buried in the Church of S. Mary of Russin 14 In the yeer 1252. Magnus the son of Olave came to Man and was made King The next yeer following he went to the King of Norway and stayed there a yeer 15 In the yeer 1265. Magnus Olaves son King of Man and of the Ilands departed this life at the Castle of Russin and was buryed in the Church of S. Mary of Russin 16 In the yeer 1266. the Kingdome of the Ilands was translated by reason of Alexander King of Scots who had gotten into his hands the western Ilands and brought the I le of Man under his dominion as one of that number 17 An. 1340. William Montacute Earl of Salisbury wrested it from the Scotish by strong hand and force of Armes and in the yeer 1393. as Thomas Walsingham saith he sold Man and the Crown thereof unto William Scroope for a great summe of money But he being beheaded for high Treason and his goods confiscate it came into the hands of Henry the fourth King of England who granted this Iland unto Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland But Henry Percy entring into open rebellion the fift yeer following the king sent Sir Iohn Stanley William Stanley to seize the I le and Castle of Man the inheritance whereof he granted afterwards to Sir Iohn Stanley his heirs by Letters patents with the Patronage of the Bishopricke c. So that his heires and successours who were honoured with the Title of Earles of Darby were commonly called Kings of Man HOLY ILAND THis Iland is called Lindisfarne by the River Lied that is opposite unto it on the Coast of Northumberland Beda tearmeth it a Demy Iland The Britaines name it Inis Medicante for that it twice every day suffereth an extraordinary inundation and over-flowng of the Ocean in manner of an Iland which twice likewise makes it continent to the Land and returning unto her watry habitation laies the Shoare bare again as before It is called in English Holy-Iland for that in ancient times many Monks have been accustomed to retire themselves thither and to make it their receptacle for solitude having on the West and South Northumberland and more South-Eastward the Iland Farne 2 The form of it is long and narrow the West side narrower then the East and are both conjoyned by a very small spang of Land that is left unto Conies The South is much broader then the rest It is from East to West about two thousand two hundred and fiftie pases and from North to South twelve hundred and
likewise worshipped for a God by the name of Mannus The same account is rendred for Teutonia from Teuto a Captaine of the Germanes and their ninth from Tuisco Vnder these they continued till the Romanes entry after their Conquest over the Gals for whose likenesse to them both in feature and colour in goodly portraiture and carriage of their wars they were from that time called Germany as if brothers to the Gaules Yet there are two which compound the name of the Teutonike words Gar or Ger which signifieth all or wholly and man which retaines with us its prime signification of Man as if they were all men to the proofe or as others interpret as if they were a mixt Nation of all sorts of men from severall Countries 5 But this last agrees not with the conjecture of some Geographers that Germany hath not changed her Inhabitants since she was first possest quoniam non est verisimile saith one aliquos Asiâ aut Africâ aut quidem Italiâ relicta Germaniam pettisse terris informem Coelo asperam cultu tristem aspectúque minimè nisi indigenis gratam And this indeed differs not much from the report of Mela Tacitus other ancient Writers But the reason I hold not good for howsoever it might be true in their times of some and the most part perhaps of Germany as it was then limited that it was sylvis horrida paludibus faeda et fluviorum cursibus praepedita montium anfractibus exasperata ob idque maximè invia yet now she hath changed her hue and by the help of good husbandry is become so fertile and pleasant by the large additions to her Territories in these our after ages is growne so populous that she vayles not to France Spaine or Italy it selfe saith Quadus 6 By her first Geographers she was limited on the West with the River Rhene on the east with Ietula on the south with Danubius each of these tracts have won upon their neighbouring Countries and inlarged the compasse of Germany to a double extent of what it was before For on the West she passeth Rhene as farre as ●icardy and Burgundy parts of France Eastward is the German tongue and Empire exercised over the Region of Prussia Southward she reacheth beyond Danubius to the very Alpes which border upon Italy North-ward she hath ever kept her owne but hath beene curbd indeed from seeking new Kingdomes in that tract by the maine Ocean which divides her in part from Swevia Norway c. And to these limits we apply our Description No marvaile if it give her more honor then she had in former times For her compasse now is reckoned to be 2600. English miles Her ground fertile enough of it selfe and yet besides enjoyes the benefit of many Navigable Rivers which inrich her with trafique from other Kingdomes 7 Those of greatest fame are 1 Danubius the largest of Europe called by Pliny and others Ister It takes in sixtie Navigable Rivers and is at last discharged by many passages into the Pontus Euxinus 2 Rhene which hath its rising from the Alpes and runnes into the German Ocean From thence have we our best Rhenish Wines and upon his bankes stands the Citie Strasburg 3 Amasus Ems which glides by Westphalia into the German Sea 4 Maemu Megu whose head is in the Mountaines of Bohemia and from thence passeth by Francfort into the German Sea 5 Albis Elve which riseth from eleven Fountains meeting into one about the Sylva Hircinia 6 Odeca which hath not his passage immediately into the Sea but into the River Albis The middle mark of this Countrey is the Kingdome of Bohemia incompassed with the Sylva Hircinia 8 The chiefe Commodities of Germany are Corne Wine Salt Metals of all sorts Fruits good store Saffron c. The Ayre wholesome her Baths healthfull her Gardens pleasurable her Cities faire her Castles strong and her Villages very many and well peopled 9 The Inhabitants have put off their ancient rudenesse as the Countrey her barrennesse They are as goodly of person as ever as stout as ever and farre more civill then in the time of the Romanes It seems they were then esteemed but an ignorant and simple people more able to fight then to manage a battaile They were ever hardy enough but wanted Commanders of their owne of skill and judgement Since they have had Commerce with other Nations and have suffered the upbraid as it were of their Predecessors dulnesse they have beene in a manner shamed out of it and are now become rather by industrie then wit a most ingenious people and skilfull in the Latine Greeke and Hebrew learning famous beyond any others in Europe unlesse Belgia for the invention of many notable and usefull Engines The Gun and Gun-powder was first brought to light by one Bertholdus Swart a Franciscan which hath almost put by the use of any other warlike Instrument in those parts of the world where the practise is perfectly understood Generally the poorer sort are excellent Mechanikes and the rest for the most part Schollers 10 It bred Albertus Magnus Appian Gesuer Munster Luther Vrsin Zwinglius Scultetus Iunius Keckerman and many others in their severall kinds and Religions some Papists some Lutherans some Calvinists and among the rest many Iewes A. NEWE MAPE OF GERMANY Newly Augmented by Iohn Speed Ano. Dom 1626 12 The first which injoyed the institution of Pope Gregory was Radulphus Nabs purgensis 1273. after twelve yeares interregnum The last before him was our Richard Earle of Cornwall and brother to Henry the third King of England Since it hath continued firme in this course of Election howsoever not with that liberty as was intended For commonly the Emperour in being while he hath his power about him and can at least intreat if not command the Subjects of the Empire promise a choice of the Rex Romanorum who is no other then a successor designed to rule after his death or resignation And by this meanes it hath a long time continued in the house of Austria without any intermission 13 Thus we see much plotting great state many ceremonies to the making up of an Emperour and yet when it is well weighed it is little better then a bare title For howsoever these outward observances of the German Princes make shew of an humble subjection to the Emperour yet when it comes to trial he hath very little to do● in their Governments But each of them takes upon him as a free and absolute Commander in his owne Countrey permitteth or suppresseth the Religion which he either likes or dislikes makes and abrogates Lawes at pleasure stamps Coyn raiseth Souldiers and sometimes against their great Master as the Duke of Saxoni● against Charles the fifth and at this day divers others in defence of the Prince Palatine For of this quality and power there are many Dukes Marqueses Counts c. besides 64. Franc Cities which make onely some slight acknowledgement to the Emperour appeare perhaps at his Parliaments
consumption of sundry most noble and ancient houses of England and both parties wearied with warres the conclusions of peace which ensued are reported in regard of the precedent murders to be written with bloud The third sort of these quarrels in these Civill warres and dissentions were factious dissentions between Princes themselves of the bloud Royall ambitiously aspiring to the Crown of this Kingdome and titles of Kings thereof Of which kind there have beene two most notable knowne amongst us The first fell betwixt Stephen of Bloyse Earle of Bolloigne wrongfully succeeding his uncle King Henry the first in the Crown of England on the one partie and Maud the Empresse Daughter and sole heire to the said King Henry and Henry D. of Normandie his sonne and heyre who afterward succeeded the same King Stephen on the other part which was followed with such variable successe of fortune in many conflicts on both parts that K. Stephen himselfe was taken prisoner and laid in Irons with extremitie used and the Empresse to save her life dangerously adventured thorow the Scouts of the Enemy in the snow slenderly guarded and before that was driven to such distresse that faining to be dead she was laid as a livelesse coarse in a Coffin and so conveyed away in a Horse-litter But the second and last of these two being the greatest of all the rest was that which happened betweene the House of Yorke descended of Lio●ell of Andwerp D. of Clarence second sonne to K. Edward the third and the House of Lancaster issued of Iohn of Gaunt the third sonne living of the same King The occasion of a civill warre that raged most cruelly for a long time together but at that time most extreamely when there raigned two Kings of either Family one of Lancaster Henry the sixt another of Yorke Edward the fourth betweene whom with the favourers and followers there were twelve severall Battailes fought in little more then twelve yeares space In so much as one of our own Writers Edward Hall the great Chronicler saith that in these Civill warres betwixt these two Families it cost more English bloud then twice had done the winning of France and of forraine Writers Philip Comines Lord of Argentine in France reporteth that it consumed no lesse then fourescore Princes of the bloud Royall and Paulus Iovius a Bishop of Novo Como in Italy resembleth the state of these warres to the most tragicall story of the Citie Thebes So let these few examples shewed in these 3. generall heads suffice in this briefe Description instead of many that might be brought for by these we may judge of the rest Now the benefit that may be gathered by perusing the severall sorts of them shall be to consider in the first the blessing of God poured upon us in preserving our Countrey and Nation against the severall Invasions of forraine enemies notwithstanding their severall and many attempts In the second the fall and ruine of rebellious Subjects taking Armes against their annointed Kings Princes and Governours And in the third the power of God and his heavie punishments in●licted upon us for our sinnes in making the one partie the scourge or maule of the other with revenging murder by murder working the depopulation of our fruitfull Countrey and ruinating of our Cities at home with losse and revolting of the territories in subjection unto us by just title of inheritance and conquest abroad And in all of them representing unto us the lamentable Stories of the times fore-passed and gone to compare with the same the peaceable estate of the happy times possest and present wherein Martiall men have leisure to winne honour abroad the rest to live in quiet and wealth at home all factions forgotten and all rebellions surceased and repressed and for these blessings to yeeld due thankes unto Almightie God that hath provided for us such a Prince and so directed her in her governement over us that with ease and pleasure we may both behold the one and enjoy the other esoecially in these dangerous dayes of these latter times when all hostility and outrage of civill warres broiles and dissentions have seemed by the power of the Almightie hand of God stretched forth in our defence to have beene transported out of this Iland over the Seas into other Countries in so much as notwithstanding this calme securitie of our owne at home our neighbour-Nations of all sides abroad either through the licentious tyrannie of ungodly Princes that have laid persecution upon their Subjects or the mutinous dissentions of disobedient people that have raised Rebellions against their Princes have beene so turmoyled with garboyle of warres as they have been pitifully enforced to pray and seeke ayd at her Majesties hands and to submit themselves under the protection of her whom with us they acknowledge to be the very De●endresse of the Christian Faith and Peace and the most naturall Nurse to the true Church of God By all loyall dutie therefore we are indebted to yeeld obedience unto her Majesty and to her Majesties most religious government by which we have received such peace as the world doth admire and following ages to her eternall fame shall record and with faithfull hearts pray that peace may ever dwell within her wals and prosperity abide within her Pallaces and that the abundance of her peace may continue as long as the Sunne and Moone endureth Cease civill broyles O Englands subject cease With streames of bloud staine this faire soyle no more As God so Kings must be obey'd with peace Yeeld thou thy due to them their right restore Wash with repentance these thine acts before Give loyall pledge with might resist her wrongs That raignes thy Prince to her thy Sword belongs 1 AT Battaile the 14 of October being Saturday the yeare of Christ 1066. William Duke of Normandy obtained this Land by Conquest and slew Harald King thereof with Gerth and Leofwin his brethren with 67974. Englishmen 2 Yorke burnt and 3000. of the Citizens and Normans slaine by the Danes under the leading of Harald and Canutus sonnes to Sweno King of Denmarke for the recovery of the Crowne to the Danish bloud 1069. W. C. reg 3. 3 Malcolme King of Scots invaded Tefidale Holdernesse and Cumberland charging his Souldiers to spare neither sex nor age of the English Nation A● 1071. but the yeare following was himselfe forced to do homage to W. C. reg 5. 4 Elie surprised and wonne by the Conquerour the last part of this Land that stood out against the Normans under Hereward their most valiant Captain An. reg Conq. 7. 1073. 5 The first seating of the English in Wales through the dissention of their Princes who being called for partakers tooke from the Welch that which they could not againe recover 1090. reg 1. Ruf. 3. 6 At Al●wick Malcolme King of Scots invading Northumberland with his sonne Edward was slaine and all his boast discomfited by Rob. Mowbray Earle of North. reg Ruf. 5. 1029. 7
Northampton endammaged and the Countrey adjoyning spoyled through the civil dissention of the three brethren William Robert and Henry sons to the Conq. H. 1. An. 7. 1106. 8 Powes land invaded by King Henry 1. and resisted so by the Welch being strooke with an arrow on the breast that it had almost cost him his life An. reg 21. 1121. 9 At Cardigan a sore battell was fought in Octob. 1136. whereinmany thousands were slaine and men by women led away captives reg Steph. 1. 10 Bristow taken by Robert Earle of Glocester in the defence of his sister Maud the Empresse against K. Stephen reg 3. 1138. 11 David K. of Scots invading Northumberland made his spoyle as far as Alverton in Yorkeshire where being encountred by Thurstan Archbishop of Yorke William Earle of Albemarle Wa. Espeke Wil. Peverel and the two Lacies Aug. 22. was with his sonne Henry put to flight and ten thousand Scots slain 1139. Sep. 4. 12 Nottingham taken and burned by Rob. bastard Earle of Glocester in defence of his sister Maud the Empresse 1140. Steph. 5. 13 At Lincolne by Ranulph Earle of Chester and Rob. Earle of Glocester K. Stephen was taken prisoner had to Glocest. thence to Bristow and there laid in irons Feb. 2. 1141. reg 5. 14 From Winchester Maud the Empresse her Armies both of Scots and English dispersed overcome fled to Lutegarshall to Vies and thence to Glocester laid in a horse-litter fained to be her dead corps and her brother Rob. taken prisoner reg Step. 6. 1141. 15 From Oxford Maud the Empresse with five persons ●●e apparelled in white sheets to deceive the Kings Scout-watch fled through the snow and so escaped that besieged Town An. 1142. Steph. 7. 16 At Edmundsbury Robert Earle of Leicester with Petronill his Countesse were taken prisoners and 20000. taken and slain by Richard Lucie L. chiefe Iustice and Humfrey d● Bohun high Constable of England Octob. 17. 1173. H. 2.19 17 At Aluwick W. King of Scots was taken prisoner by Rob. Scotvile Randulph Mandevile Barnard Bailiol W. Vescy Capt his army containing 80000. fighting men Iuly 7. 1174. he was sent to London and by K. Henry carried into Normandy imprisoned at Roan and ransomed at 4000. pounds 18 At Lincolne all the English Barons with 400. Knights that took part with Lewes were overthrown and taken May 19. 1217. and first of H. 3. 19 At Montgomery Llewellen Prince of Wales through the practise of a traiterous Monk overcame and slew many of the Kings power An. 1231. reg H. 3.15 20 At Chesterfield a conflict was done wherein Robert Ferrers Earle of Darby was taken and many slain An. H. 3.41 1256. 21 Northampton surprised by King Henry 3. ag●inst his rebellious Barons April 4 1263. reg 48. 22 At Lewes May 12. 1264. King H. 3. by his unfaithfull Barons with his brother Richard King of Alman and his son Prince Edward were taken prisoners There were slain about 4500. by Simon Montfort Gil. Clare Earl● of Leicest Glocest. reg H. 3.48 23 At Evesham the 5. of Aug. 1265. a sore battell was fought wherein K. H. 3. prevailed against the Barons through their owne dissentions and most of them slain as Sim. Monfort Earl of Leicest and 17. Lords and Knights besides Humfrey Bohun and with him tenne men of great account taken prisoners and slaughter of all the Welch-men An. reg 48. 24 Berwick won and 25000. Scottish slain An. E. 1.24 1296. 25 At Bluith Leolin the last Prince that bare rule of the Britains coming from Snowdown by Rog. Strangb was slaine and his head crowned with Ivie set upon the Tower of London Edward 1.10 An. 1282. 26 At Mitton 3000. Yorkeshire men were slaine encountring with the Scots invading their Countrey called the white battell for that it consisted most of Clergie●men An. 1318. reg E. 2.12 27 Vnto Preston in Andernesse Rob. Bruse King of Scots invaded England burned the same Towne and haried the Countrey before him reg E. 2.14 An. 1322. 28 Borrowbridge battell fought betwixt E. 2. and his Barons Mar. 16. 1322. under the leading of Andr. Hercley Earle of Carlile where Tho. Earle of Lanc. was taken and with him 65. Lords and Knights Hum. Bohun being thrust into the fundament through a bridge was slaine An. reg 14. 29 At Blackamore the Scots following the English army took prisoners the Earle of Richm. and the French Ambassadour the King himselfe hardly escaped An. reg E. 2.15 1323. 30 At Glamorgan K. E. 2. by his unnaturall and cruell wife was taken November 16. 1326. and conveyed to Monmouth to Ledbery to Kenilworth to Corffe to Bristow thence to Barkley Castle and there lamentably murdered Septem 21. 31 At Stannop park the Scots intrenched themselves and against the English made rimes of disgrace as followeth An. Edw. 3.2 1328. Long beards heartlesse painted hoods witlesse Gay coates gracelesse make England thriftlesse 32 At Halidow-hill a great battell fought against the Scots wherein were slaine 8. Earles 1300. horse-men and common souldiers 35000. and their chiefe Champion Turnbul overcome by Rob. Venall Knight of Norfolke An. E. 3.7 1333. 33 Southampton sackt by Genoway Pirates under the leading of the King of Sicils son yet the Townes-men sl●w 300. of them and their Captaine brained by a husbandmans club An. 1338. E. 3.12 34 Carleil Penreth and many Towns else burnt by the Scots under Wil. Dowglas yet lastly are overcome by the manhood and policy of Tho. Lucy Rob. Ogle the B. of that sea An. reg E. 3.19 1345. 35 At Nevils Crosse David Bruse King of Scots invading England with 60000. souldiers was taken prisoner by Io. Copland Esquire and conveyed to London with many of his Nobility besides many noble men slain in the field under the leading of Wil. Yong. Archb. of Yorke vicegerent the Lords Mowbray Percie and Nevill Q. Phillip in her owne person present encouraging her people to fight reg E. 3.20 1346. 36 The insurrection of the commons under the leading of Iack Straw Wat. Tiler and others after many rebellious acts done in Kent and Essex from Black-●eath Mile-end and Smith-field were dispersed where the said Wat. Tiler was worthily slain by Wil. Walworth Maior of Lond. on Saturday Iun. 15. reg Rich. 2.4 An. 1381. 37 At North-Walsham the rebellious commons by the instigation of Io. Wraw who had gathered 50000. in Suffolke and under the leading of Iohn Litisar of Norwich Dyer calling himselfe King of the Commons were by Henry Spencer Bishop of that City overcome and their rusticall King drawn hanged and beheaded who had by violence carried with him the Lord Seales the Lord Morley Stephen Hales and Robert Sale Knights to serve at his Table and take his assayes Rich. 2.4 1381. 38 Neare Hatfield the rebellious commons of Essex were overcome and 500. of them slaine by Thomas Woodstock Duke of Glocest. An. 1382. Ric. 2.5 39 At Radcot-Bridge Tho. Duke of Glocester the Earls of Arundel Warwick Darby and Nottingham encountring
the lowest rowe whose trade circuit and seat doth equall most places of the Land besides It seemeth this Towne hath beene walled about both by a Rampire of earth mounted along her North and West parts and places of entrance where gates have stood which no doubt by the Danes were cast downe in the yeare of Christ Iesus 991. when they sacked with spoyle all these Sea-coasts and again in the yeare one thousand laid the streets desolate and the houses on heaps yet afterwards recovering both breath and beauty her buildings from Stoke-Church in the South to S. Margarets in the North now containe 1900. paces and from S. Helens in the East to S. Matthews Church in the West are no lesse then 2120. full of streets plenteously inhabited wherein are twelve Parish-Churches seated besides them suppressed such were Christ-Church S. Georges S. Iames the White the Blacke and Grey-Friers The Site of this Towne is removed from the Equator unto the degree 52.25 minutes and by Mercators observation from the first West-points 22. degrees 9 minutes and is yearely governed by two Bailiffes and ten Port-men all wearing Scarlet with twenty foure of their Common-Counsell in Purple a Recorder a Towne-Clerke five Sergeants whereof one is for the Admiraltie a Beadle and Common-Crier all in blew with the Towns Armes on their Sleeves The other Eye of this Shire is the Saxons Bedericgueord By Abbo the Royall Towne wherein at the day-breake of the Saxons conversion Sigebert King of the East Angles founded a Christian Church and upon the occasion of King Edmunds buriall who at Hoxon was shot to death hath been ever since called S. Edmunds-bury where was built to his honour one of the fairest Monasteries in the world hegun by King Canute much affrighted with the seeming appearance of that Martyrs Ghost who to expiate the sacrilegious impietie of his Father Suenus enriched the place with many endowments and offered up his owne Crowne upon the holy Martyrs Tombe For the beautie and buildings of this Abbey and Towne let Leyland for me declare The Sunne saith he hath not seen a Citie more finely seated so delicately upon the easie ascent of an hill with a River running on the East-side nor a more stately Abbey either for revenues or incomparable magnificence in whose prospect appeareth rather a City then a Monastery so many Gates for enterance and some of them brasse so many Towers and a most glorious Church upon which attend three others standing all in the same Church-yard all of them passing fine and of a curious workmanship Whose ruines lie in the dust lamenting their fall moving the beholders to pitie their case Neere unto this Town a great Battle was fought by Robert Bossu Earle of Leicester against his Soveraigne King Henry the second but was worthily overcome by Richard Lucy the Kings high Iustice himself and wife taken with many Flemings and Engligshmen slaine 7 Other places worthy of remembrance this Countie affords such is Exning in the West formerly famous for the birth of S. Audrey daughter to King Anna one of the three names of the Shires division Rendlisham in the East where Redwald the first Christian in this Kingdome held his Court and Hadley in her South where Guthrum the Dane whom Elfred baptized was buried And things of stranger note are the limits of the East-Angles Territories running along Newmarket heath vulgarly called the Devils ditch the like fable is formally told by Nubrigensis that at Wulpet in the heart of this Shire two green boves of Satyres kind arose out of the ground from the Antipodes beleeve it if you will and Ralfe Coggshall in the Monuments of Colchester declareth that a Fish in all parts like a man was taken neere Orford and for six moneths was kept in the Castle whence after he escaped againe to the Sea As strange but most true was a crop of Pease that without tillage or sowing grew in the Rocks betwixt this Orford and Aldebrough in the year 1555. When by unseasonable weather a great dearth was in the Land there in August were gathered above one hundred Quarters and in blossoming remained as may more where never grasse grew or earth ever seene but hard solide Rockes three yards deep under their roots 8 Places separated from common use and devoted to God and his service by religious Princes were at S. Edmunds Ipswich Ikleworth ●lithborow Clare Leston Burgh Castle wherein Sigebert King of the East-Angles entered the profession of a Monke but was thence forced by his people to fight against the Mercians in which Battle he was slaine And Dunwich where Foelix founded his Episcopall See These with many others in this County were suppressed in the fall of the Monasteries and their Revenews assumed by King Henry the Eight 9 This Shire is principally divided into three parts which are called the Celdable S. Edmunds and S. Audreys Liberties subdivided into twenty-two Hundreds and them againe into 575. Parish-Churches wherein are seated seaven Castles and twenty eight Market Townes whose names are in the Table annexed SUFFOLKE described and divided into Hundreds The situation of the fayre towne IPSWICH shewed with the ARMES of the most noble families that have bene either Dukes or Earles both of that Countie as also of Clare HUNDREDS in Suffolke 1. LAckford 2. Thingoe 3. Risbridge 4. Baberghe 5. Thedwastrie 6. Blackborne 7. Stowe 8. Cosforde 9. Bosmere 10. Sampford 11. Col●eis 12. Ca●leford 13. Thredlinge 14. Hartesmere 15. H●xone 16. Loo●s 17. Wilforde 18. Plumesgate 19. Blithing 20. Wangford 21. Mutford 22. Lothingland A Acton Baberg Akenham Bosmer ALDERBURGHE Plum Aldham Cosford Alderton Wilford Aldringham Blith Allington Hoxon Alpheton Babergh Ampton The● S. Andrewes VVang All Saints VVang Arwerton Sam. Ashbye Lothing Ashe Looes Ashe Bocking Bosmer Ashefeild Thred Ashefeild Black Aspall Hartes Assington Baberg Aye Hartes B Backton Hartes Badley Bosmer Baddingham Hoxon Badwell Black Baiton alias Beighton Thed Bardwell Black Bargham black Barham bosmer. Barkinge● bosmer. Barn●ye Mut. Barningham black Barrowe Thingoc Barsham VVang Barton Thed Barton little Lack. Batisford bosmer. Baudsey VVilford Bawdsey haven Coln Bayleham bosmer. Bealings great Carlef. Bealings little Carlef. BECKLES VVang Bedfeild Hoxon Bedingfeild Hoxon Bellstead Samp. Belton Lothing Beneker Blith Benhall Plum Bentley samp Bernerdiston Risbridge Bildeston Cosfor Bildeston street Crosfor Blakenham great bosmer. Blakenham little bosmer. Blaxhall Plum BLIGHBOROUGHE Bli. Blithford blith Blith ●lu Blundeston lothing BONGEY VVang Bouldge Wilf BOTYSDALE Hartes Boxford baberg. Boxted baberg. Boyton VVilf Boyscott VVang Bradfeild Combusham Thed Bradfeild Monks Thed Bradfeild S. George Thed Bradfeild S. Cleere Thed Bradley great Risb. Bradley little Risb. Bradwell Loth. Bramford bosmer. Bramp●eild blith Brampton blith Brandeston Looes BRANDON FERRIE Lack. Brantham Samp. Brasiard Plum Bredfeild Wilf Brent Ely Baberg Bresworth Hartes Bretton flu Brettenham Cosford Brightwell Carlef. Brockelie Thingoe Brockford Hartes Brome Hartes
and from the entrance of Cherwell into this shire unto the fall of Weland and Nene neere unto Crowland are by measure fourtie sixe miles and the broadest part is from Ouse unto Avon which is not fully twenty the whole in circumference one hundred and nineteene miles 3 The aire is good temperate and healthfull the soile is champion rich and fruitfull and so plenteously peopled that from some Ascents thirty Parish Churches and many more Windmilles at one view may be seene notwithstanding the simple and gentle sheepe of all creatures the most harmelesse are now become so ravenous that they begin to devoure men wast fields and depopulate houses if not whole Town ships as one merrily hath written 4 The ancient people knowne to the Romanes and recorded by Ptolemy were the Coritani who possessed this County and were branched further thorow Leicester Lincolne Nottingham Rutland and Darb●e-shires these joyning with the Icenians with them were fettered with the chaines of subjection when for Claudius Publius Ostorius Scapula entred his Lieutenantship in Britaine and in battle subdued all betwixt the Rivers Nene and Sabrina But when the Romans were content to let go that which so long was desired and had cost so much in the getting the Saxons a most warlike Nation put into these parts and made it a portion of their Mercian Kingdome but their government also grown out of date the Normans seated themselves in these faire possessions the branches of whose Stems are spread abroad in these parts most fruitfull and faire 5 Commodities arising in this Shire are chiefly gotten by tillage and plough whereby corn so plentifully aboundeth that in no other County is found more or so much the pastures and woods are filled with Cattle and every where sheepe loaden with their fleeces of wooll 6 The chiefe Towne in this Shire is Northampton whereof the County taketh name which for circuit beauty and building may be ranked with the most of the Cities of our Land It is seated at the meeting and confluence of two Rivers the greater whereof beareth to name Nen. This Towne hath beene built all of Stone as by many foundations remaining to this day is seen and is walled about both strong and high excepting the West which is defended by a River parted into many streames In the depredations of the Danes Suen their King set this Town on fire and afterwards it was sorely assaulted by the disobedient Barons of King Iohn who named themselves The Army of God but the loyaltie of this Towne stood nothing so sure unto King Henry his sonne whence the Barons with displayed Banners sounded the Battle against their Soveraign And yet after this a wofull field of Englands civill division was fought whence Richard Nevel the stout Earle of Warwicke led away prisoner that unfortunate man King Henry the sixth Upon the West part of this Towne standeth a large Castle mounted upon an hill whose aged countenance wel sheweth the beautie that she hath borne and whose gaping chinkes doe daily threaten the downe-fall of her walles To this upon the South the Towns wall adjoyneth and in a rouud circuit meeteth the River in the North extending in compasse two thousand one hundred and twenty pases whose site so pleased the Students of Cambridge that hither they removed themselves upon the Kings Warrant in mind to have made it an Universitie from whence the North-Pole is elevated 52. degrees 36. scruples for Latitude and in Longitude is removed from the West 19. degrees and 40. scruples being yearly governed by a Maior two Bailiffes 12. Magistrates a Recorder Towne-Clerke a Common-Councell of fourtie eight Burgesses with five Sergeants to execute businesse 7 But the devotions of the Saxon Kings made Peterborow more famous formerly called Meddeswell where Wolphere King of Mercia began a most stately Monasterie to the honour of S. Peter for satisfaction of the bloud of his two sonnes whom he had murdered in case of Christianity but himselfe being for the like made away by his mother his brother Penda continued the worke with the assistance of his brother Ethelred and two sisters Kineburga and Kineswith This among the Danish Desolations was cast downe yet was it againe restored to greater beautie by Ethelwold Bishop of Winchester with the help of King Edgar and of Adulph his Chancellor who upon prick of conscience that in bed with his wife had over-laid and smoothered an infant their onely son laid all his wealth upon the reedifying of the place and then became Abbot thereof himselfe The Cathedrall is most beautifull and magnificall where in the Quire lie interred two unfortunate Queenes on the North side Katharine Dowager of Spaine the repudiate wife of King Henry the eight under an Hearse covered with black Saye having a white Crosse in the midst and on the South side Mary Queene of Scotland whose Hearse is spread over with black velvet The Cloister is large and in the glasse-windows very curiously portrayed the History of Wolthere the Founder whose Royall Seat was at Wedon in the street converted into a Monasterie by S. Werburg his holy daughter and had beene the Roman Station by Anto●ine the Emperour called Bannavenna So likewise Norman-chester was the ancient City Durobrivae where their Souldiers kept as by the monies there daily found is most apparent 8 Houses of Religion devoted to Gods Service by the pious intents of their well-meaning Founders were at Peterborow Peakirke Pipewell Higham Davintree Sulby Sausecombe Sewardesleg Gare S. Dewy S. Michell Luffeild Catesby Bruch Barkley Finshed Fathringhay Wedon and Withrop besides them in Northampton all which felt the stormes of their owne destruction that raged against them in the reigne of K. Henry the eight who dispersed their revenewes to his owne Coffers and Courtiers and pulled the stones asunder of their seeming ever-sure Foundations and in the time of young Edward his sonne whose mind was free from wronging the dead the Tombes of his own Predecessours were not spared when as Edward slain at Agincourt and Richard at Wakefield both of them Dukes of Yorke were after death assaulted with the weapons of destruction that cast downe their most faire Monuments in the Collegiate Church of Fatheringhay Castle 9 Eight Princely Families have enjoyed the title of the Earledome of Northampton whereof the last Henry Hayward late Lord Privie Seale a most honourable Patron to all learned proceedings that I may acknowledge my dutifull and humble service hath most honourably assisted and set forward these my endevours 10 This Shires division for service to the Crowne and imployments of business is into twenty Hundreds hath been strengthened with ten Castles and is still traded with ten Market-Townes and God honoured in three hundred twenty sixe Parish Churches NORTHAMTON SHIRE HUNDREDS in Northampton-shire 1. NAssaburgh 2. Willibrook 3. Corby 4. Polbrook 5. Navisford 6. Huxloe 7. Rothewell 8. Guilesburrowe 9. Orlington
blacke Channons of the Order of S. Augustine founded by th● Bigrames and at the Suppression valued at 62. l. 12. s. 3. d. ob It stood within the reach of the great Mannor Kimbolton once an Hundred which was the land of Earle Harold the Usurper after by Graunt it came with the Chase of Swinesheved to Fitz-Peter from whom by Magnavil to Bobum who in time of the tumultuous Barons built there a ●orcelet and so to Stafford by whose attainture forfeited it was given by Henry the eight to the Familie of Wingfield that now possesseth it At Bugden the See of Lincolne hath a seat and was Lord of Spaldwick and the Soke given in compensation from the Church of Ely when rent from them it was by the first Henry made a Bishopricke untill of late that Church gave up their interest in Spaldwicke to the Crowne Brampton was given by King Iohn at Mirabel to Earle David and by Ada his youngest Daughter fell to Hastings Earle of Pembroke and now is reverted to the King To the same Earle David by gift of the former King came Alcumesbury and by the bountie of Iohn Scot his sonne to Segrave and so to the Lord Barkley the late possessor To Serlo de Quiney Earle of Winchester was Keston by Henry the second given by whose Heire generall Ferrars it came to the late Earle of Essex and by exchange to the Crowne 10 TOULESLAND HUNDRED taketh name likewise of a Town therein situate In the out Angle of this to the memory of S. Neotus a Monke of Glastenbury but the supposed sonne to Ethelwolfe K. of the West-Saxons whose body from Neost●ck in Cornwall was transferred to Arnulphesbury then of Arnulphus a holy man now Eynesbury named Earle Alrick and Ethel●●eda turned the Palace of Earle Elfred into a Monastery of blacke Monks which was razed by the Danes but out of the ashes of this R●isia wife to Richard the sonne of Earle Gilbert to God our Lady de Becco and S. N●o● as a Cell to the Abbey of Becco in Normandy erected up of blacke Monks in the yeare 1113. the late Priory of S. Ne●es suppressed by Henry the eight and valued at 256. l. 15. d. q. At So●tho the Land of Eustachius the Sheriffe Lovetote made the seat of that Seignory on which in this Shire 13. Knights Fees and a halfe depende● But from his line by gift of Ve●don and Vesey drowned were these in the honour of Gloucester Near to this at Cretingsbury dwelt Sir Adam de Cretings famous in Edward the thirds warres of France whose Heire Generall Wa●ton doth now possesse it Staunton given by the first William to Gilbert de Gaunt after the death issuelesse of De Rupes escheated to the King who gave it to Ioan his sister Queene of Scots She on the Abbey of Tarent bestowed pa●t the rest reverting being given to Segra●e descended to the Barons of Berkly Godm●nchester or Gormonchester so named of that Da●e to whom Aelfred at his Conversion granted some regiment in these parts was the old land of the Crowne now the Inhabitants in ●ee-farme by grant of King Iohn pro Sexies viginti libris pondere numero It is flat seated by as fruitfull and flowrie Meadowes as any this Kingdome yeeldeth and is the most spacious of any one Parish in fertile tillage oft having wa●ted on the Soveraigne Lords with ninescore Ploughes in a rurall pompe Some from the name Gunicester which this often beareth in record suppose it the Citie where Machutus placed his Bishops Chaire But for certaine it was that Ro●ane Town Durosi●o●● of the Bridges named so many hundred yeares untill the light of our Britaine Story overshone it forgotten Thus as this Citi● so the old ●amilies have been here with time outworne few onely of the many former now remaining whose Surnames before the raigne of the last Henry were in this Shire of any eminency But Non indignemur mortalia Nomina solvi Cernimus exemplis Oppida posse mori Let 's not repine that Men and Names doe dye Since Stone-built Cities dead and ruin'd lye This Description I received from a right worthy and learned Friend ¶ An Alphabeticall Table of all the Tovvnes Rivers and memorable places mentioned in Huntington-shire THE HUNDREDS NOrman-Crosse Hurstingston Leightenstone Tosland A Abbottesley Tosl Agden mill Leigh Alerton Norm Alkmundbury wood Hurst Alkmundbury Leigh S. Andrews Chappell Norm B Barham Leigh Beggers bush Tosl Bigen Hurst Billingbrooke Norm Birtholme Lodge Leigh Bithorne Leigh Bluntsham hurst Botsey hurst Botulph Bridge Norm Brampton leigh Brinton leigh Brik-Mere Norm Broughton wood hurst Broughton hurst Bruc-Castle Norm Buckworth leigh Buckworth grove leigh Buckworth Beacon leigh Bugden Tosl Bury Hurst C Cal●ot Norm Calfo wood leigh Canutus Dike or Sword Dyke Norm Great Catworth Leigh Little Catworth Leigh Catworth mili leigh The Chase hurst Chesterton Norm Colne hurst Conington Norm Conquest Loode Norm Copinford leigh Covington leigh Cretingesbery Tosl D Dantree Norm Denton Norm Denton and Calton ●enne Norm Diddington Tosl Durosiponte Tosl E Easton leigh Ellington leigh Elton Norm Elton-Parke Norm Elton-Mill Norm Erith hurst Ermin-streete Norm Everton Tosl Eynesbury Tosl F Farset Norm Farset Kings del●e Norm Fenton hurst Folkesworth Norm G Gramsey hurst Great Gidding leigh Little Gidding leigh Steeple Gidding leigh Glatton Norm Glatton Fenne Norm Godmanchester Tosl Great Grandsden Tosl Grasham leigh H Haddon Beacon Norm Haddon Norm Haddon Mill Norm Hamerton leigh Hamerton Mill leigh Haleweston Tosl Heathmangrove hurst Hemingford Abbey Tosl Hemingford Grey Tosl Herford hurst Highney Norm Highney-lodge Norm Hilton Tosl Hinchingbrooke hurst Holm-lood Norm Holy well hurst Holy well Fen hurst Horsey Bridge Norm Houghton hurst HVNTINGTON hurst I S. IVES hurst S. Ives street hurst K Keston leigh KIMBALTON leigh L Leighton Leigh Leighton Mill leigh Luddington Leigh Lutton Norm M Molesworth leigh Monkeswood hurst Morborn Norm The Moore Tosl Myddlo● Tosl N Nedingworth hurst Neen flu Norm S. NEOT Tosl New-dike Norm New-parke leigh O Offord Cluny Tosl Offord Dacy Tosl Ogerston Norm Overton Longvill Norm Overton Watervill Norm Ould Hurst hurst P Papworth Agnes Tosl Little Paxton Tosl Great Paxton Tosl Pertenhall leigh Pidley hurst Pirry leigh Pits water Norm Portmed Tosl R Ramsey hurst Ramsey Meere hurst Ramsey Fenne hurst Ramsey Moore Norm Little Reveley hurst Great Reveley hurst Ripton Abbots hurst Ripton Parke Hurst Kings Ripton hurst Rowey hurst Romerstreeme lood Norm S Salom-wood leigh Saltrey-Mill Norm Saltrey Ab●ey Norm Saltrey Grange Norm Saltrey Judith Norm Saltrey Moynes Norm Saltrey Beumes Norm Saply Parke hurst Sibthorpe leigh Small dike Norm Somersham fenne hurst Somersham parke hurst South-hoo Tosl Spaldwick-mill leigh Spaldwick leigh Fenny Stanton Tosl Stibinton Norm Stilton Norm Stilton Fen Norm Stilton mill Norm Stongate hole leigh Stonly leigh Stonly Priory leigh Great Stoughton Tosl Stow leigh Stranground Norm Little Stukeley hurst Great Stukeley hurst Swineshead leigh T Terwerth T●●l Thurning leigh Toseland
bordering Neighbour Newely described ¶ An Alphabeticall Table of all the Tovvnes Rivers and memorable places mentioned in Rutland-shire HVNDREDS in Rutland-shire 1. EAst Hund. 2. Allstoe Hund. 3. Okeham Sook 4. Martinsley Hund. 5. Wrangedyke Hund. A Ashgate Oke Ashwell Allst. Austhorpe All. Austhorpe grove All. Ayston Mart. B Barinsdale All. Barlythorp Oke Baroughdon hey Wrang Baroughdon VVrang Barrowe All. The Beacon hill Wrang Beamont Mart. Beehill Wrang Belmesthorp East Belton Oke Bittewell Oke S. Butulphe East Bayal-wood East Bradgate VVrang Braunstun Oke Brokemell wood East Brock Oke Burley All. Burley wood All. Bysbrooke Wrang C Caldecote VVrang Casterton little East Casterton bridge East The Vale of Catmouse Oke Catmouse mill Oke Chatter Flu. Clipsham Oke Coldlees Oke Cottesmore All. Cottesmore wood All. Creston Mar● Crosse mill East D Deepedale Martin E Eastwood East Edgeton Oke Ediweston Mart. Ediweston wood Mart. Eleshare VVrang Empingham East Empingham wood East Exton All. Ezeden East F Fauldall wood East Fregthorp VVrang Frithwood East Five mile Crosse East G Geeson Wrang Glaiston VVrang Greetham All. Greetham wood All. Guash Flu. Gunthorpe Mart. H Hamleyton Mart. Hamleyton wood Mart. Hardwicke East Hermitage Oke Horne East Horne mill East I Ingthorpe East Iostors bridge East K Kelstone VVrang Kelthorpe VVrang Ketton East Kilpisham East Kings Road VVrang The Kings Lodge Oke L Lamley Lodge Oke Langham Oke Leefeld forest Oke Lee Lodge Oke Littlehall wood All. Lovedall All. North Luffenham VVrang South Luffenham VVrang Lyddington VVrang Lyddington parke VVrang Lynden Mart. M Manton Mart. Market overton All. Martinsthorpe Mart. Morecott Wrang Muley hill Oke N Newbottle VVrang Normanton Mart. O OKEHAM Oke Osburnall wood East P Pickworth East Preston Mart. Prisley hill VVrang Pylton VVrang R Rankesborow hils Oke Redgate VVrang Ridlington Mart. Ridlingtonparke Mart. Rullers stone East Rushpitt wood All. Ryall East S Snewton VVrang Seyton VVrang Stirwood Oke Sto●edrye VVrang Stretton All. Stretton wood All. T Tarringley wood All. Thisselton All. Tholthorpe East Thorpe VVrang Turne course wood East Tyckencote East Tyghe All. Tymwell East Tyxover VVrang V VPPINGHAM Mart. Vppingham parke Mart. W Wadeland Flu. Wadley Oke Weand Flu. W●●ton All. Westland wood All. Weston fees Oke W●issenden All. W●itwell All. W●cheley heath East W●nge Mart. The Wispe Oke Wolfoky wood All. Woodhead wood East LEICESTER-SHIRE lying bordred upon the North with Nottingham-shire upon the East with Lincoln and Rutland upon the South with North-hampton-shire and upon the West with Watling-street-way is parted from Warwick-shire the rest being bounded with the confines of Darby is a Countrey Champion abounding in corn but spary of woods especially in the South and East parts which are supplyed with Pit-coales plenteously gotten in the North of this Province and with abundance of Cattell bred in the hills beyond the River Wreack which is nothing so well inhabited as the rest 2 The aire is gentle mild and temperate and giveth appetite both to labour and rest wholsome it is and draweth mans life to a long age and that much without sicknesse at Carleton onely some defect of pronuntiation appeareth in their speech 3 The Soile thus consisting the commodities are raised accordingly of corn cattle and coals and in the rockes neere Bever are sometimes found the Astroites the Star-like precious Stone 4 The ancient people that inhabited this Countie were the Coritant who were spread further into other Shires but after that the Romanes had left the land to it self this with many more fell to be under the possession and government of the Mercians and their Kings from whom the English enjoyeth it at this day 5 In Circular wise almost the compasse of this Shire is drawn indifferently spacious but not very thick of Inclosures being from East to West in the broadest part not fully 30. miles from North to South but 24. the whole circumference about 196. miles whose principall Citie is set as the Center almost in the midst from whom the Pole is elevated 53. degrees and 4. minutes in Latitude and for Longitude 19. degrees 22. minutes 6 From this Towne the Shire hath the name though the name of her selfe is diversly written as Legecestria Leegora Legte-ceste by Ninius Caer-Lerion by Matthew of Westminster if we doe not mistake him Wirall and now lastly Leicester ancient enough if King Leir was her builder eight hundred forty and four years before the birth of our Saviour wherein he placed a Flamine to serve in the Temple of Ianus by himselfe there erected and where hee was buried if Geffrey ap Arthur say true but now certain it is that Ethelred the Mercian Monarch made it an Episcopall Sea in the yeare of Christ Iesus 680. wherein Sexwulph of his Election became the first Bishop which shortly after was thence translated and therewith the beauty of the Towne began to decay upon whose desolations that erectifying Lady Edalfled cast her eies of compassion and both rectified the buildings and compassed it about with a strong wall where in short time the Cities trade so increased that Matth. Paris in his lesser Story reporteth as followeth Legecester saith he is a right wealthy City and notably defended and had the wall a sure foundation were inferiour to no City whatsoever But this pride of prosperity long lasted not under the Normans for it was sore oppressed with a world of calamities when Robert Bossu the Crouch-back Earl of that Province rebelled against his Soveraigne Lord King Henry the second whereof hear the same Author Paris speake Through the obstinate stubbornes of Earle Robert saith he the noble City Leicester was besieged and throwne down by K. Henry and the wal that seemed indissoluble was utterly razed even to the ground The peeces of whose fragments so fallen downe remained in his daies like to hard rocks through the strength of the Morter cementing whole lumps together and at the Kings command the City was set on fire and burnt the Castle razed and a heavy imposition laid upon the Citizens who with great sums of money bought their own Banishments but were so used in their departure that for extreme feare many of them took Sanctuary both at S. Edmunds and S. Albanes In repentance of these mischiefes the author thereof Earle Robert built the Monastery of S. Mary de Pratis wherein himselfe became a Canon Regular and for fifteen yeeres continuance in sad laments served God in continuall prayers With the like devotion Henry the first Duke of Lancaster built an Hospitall for an hundred and ten poor people with a collegiate Church a Deane twelve Canons Prebendaries as many Vicars sufficiently provided for with revenewes wherein himselfe lieth buried and it was the greatest ornament of that Citie untill the hand of King Henry the eight lay over heavy upon the like foundations and laid their aspired tops at his own feet The fortunes of another Crouch-back K. Richard the Vsurper were no lesse remarkable in this Citie
La. Tost Bell. Tost Walsh Tothill Cal. Totney Brod. The Tower Gart. Towes Walsh Toynton Bull. Trent Flu. Tumbey Horn. Thurleby Cal. Turrington East Wrag Terrington West Wrag Tu●ham Gart. Tylney Lang. V Vanby Abbey Bel. Vffington Nosse Vlsebye Y ar Vlsebye Cal. Vpton Well Vsselbye Walsh Vtterby Lud. W Waddingham Man Waddington Booth Waddington Linc. Waddingworth Gar. Wailesbye Well WAINFLEET Can. Waithe Brod. Walcotts Man Walcott Lang. Walcott Avel Waldram hall Nos Wallton Wive Walshcrost Walsh Waltuth Cor. Waltting Cor. Waltham Brod. Waplade drove P●r. Wapton W●v● Warton Cor. Washenburgh Lan. Water Willowby Avel Welbourne Booth Welbye Wive Well Cal. Wellane Flu. Wellinghore Booth Welton Can. Welton Law Welton Louth Wostborough Louth Westby Bel. Weston Ellow Westwood Man Whapledd Ellow Whiconbye Wrag Whitton Man Whystye Booth Wiberton rode Kirt Wickham Ellow Wigtost Kirt Wikam Wrag Wikkenbye Wrag Wilberton Kirt Wildmore sen Horn. Wildsworth Cor. Willingham south Wrag Willingham north Wals. Willingham Asla Willingham Well Willisforth Wive Willoughby Cal. Willowby Love Willowby Asw. Willsby Horn. Wilsthorpe Nosse Winceby Hill Wingsby Bulling Winthorpe Cand. Wintringham Man Wintrington Man Wispington Gar. Witham north Bel. Witham south Bel. Witham Bel. Witham Flu. Withcall Louth Witherne Cal. Witlingham Law Woodhall Gar. Woodthorpe Cal. VVollstrope Gran. VVorke Man VVorlaby Y ar VVotron Y ar VVowld Newton Brod. VVragholme Lud. VVrangle Skir. VVragby Wrag VVraubie Y ar VVrighthold Avel VVyllyton Asla VVylsthorp Noss VVyngall Walsh VVysham Lud. VVytham Bel. Y Yarburgh Louth NOTTINGHAM-SHIRE CHAPTER XXXIII NOTTINGHAM-SHIRE from Nottingham her chiefest Town hath the name and that somewhat softned from the Saxons Snoddengaham for the many Dens or Caves wrought in her Rocks and under-ground lyeth bordered upon the North and North-west with York-shire upon the East a good distance by Trent is parred from and with Lincoln-shire altogether confined the South with Leicester-shire and the West by the River Erwash is separated from Darby-shire 2 For forme long and Ovall-wise doubling in length twice her bredth whose extreames are thus extended and distance observed From Finingley North to Steanford in the South are thirty eight English miles her West part from Teversall to Besthorp in the East are little more then nineteene whose circumference draweth much upon one hundred and ten miles 3 The Aire is good wholesome and delectable the Soile is rich sandy and clayie as by the names of that Counties divisions may appeare and surely for Corne and Grasse so fruitfull that it secondeth any other in the Realme and for Water Woods and Canell Coales abundantly stored 4 Therein groweth a Stone softer then Alablaster but being burnt maketh a plaister harder then that of Paris wherewith they floore their upper roomes for betwixt the Joysts they lay onely long Bulrushes and thereon spread this Plaister which being throughly dry becomes most solide and hard so that it seemeh rather to be firme stone then mortar and is trod upon without all danger In the West neere Worksop groweth plentie of Liquorice very delicious and good 5 More South in this Shire at Stoke in the Raigne of King Henry the seventh a great battle was fought by Iohn De-la-pole Earle of Lincoln which Richard the Usurper had declared his Heire apparant but Richard losing his life and De-la-pole his hopes in seeking here to set up a Lambert fell downe himself and at Newarke after many troubles King Iohn got his peace with the end of his life 6 Trade and commerce for the Countries provision is frequented in eight Market-Towns in this Shire whereof Nottingham is both the greatest and best a Town seated most pleasant and delicate upon a high hill for buildings stately and number of faire streets surpassing and surmounting many other Cities and for a spacious and most faire Market place doth compare with the best Many strange Vaults hewed out of the rocks in this Towne are seene and those under the Castle of an especiall note one for the Story of Christs Passion engraven in the Walls and cut by the hand of David the second King of Scots whilest he was therein detained prisoner Another wherein Lord Mortimer was surprised in the non-age of King Edward the third ever since bearing the name of Mortimers Hole these have their staires and severall roomes made artificially even out of the Rocks as also in that hill are dwelling houses with winding staires windows chimneys and roome above roome wrought all out of the solide Rocke The Castle is strong and was kept by the Danes against Burthred Ethelred and Elfred the Mercian and West-Saxon Kings who together laid their siege against it and for the further strength of the Towne King Edward surnamed the Elder walled it about whereof some part as yet remaines from the Castle to the West-gate and thence the foundation may be perceived to the North where in the midst of the way ranging with this banke stands a gate of Stone and the same tract passing along the North part may well be perceived the rest to the River and thence to the Castle are built upon and thereby buried from sight whose circuit as I tooke it extendeth two thousand one hundred and twentie pases 7 In the warres betwixt Stephen and Maud the Empresse by Robert Earle of Glocester these Walles were cast down when also the Towne it selfe suffered the calamitie of fire but recovered to her former estate hath since increased in beauty and wealth and at this day is governed by a Maior and sixe Aldermen clad in skarlet two Sheriffs two Chamberlains a Town-clerke and six Sergeants with Maces their attenders whose position hath the pole elevated fiftie three degrees 25. minutes in Latitude and hath the Meridian nine degrees and 25. minutes This town hath been honored by these Princes titles and these Princes dignified with the Earldom of Nottingham whose severall Armes in the Card it selfe is inserted to sight Religious houses that have been erected and now suppressed in the compasse of this County chiefly were Newsted Lenton Shelford Southwell Thurgarton Blith Welbeck and Radford in Nottingham the White and Gray Fryers besides a little Chappell dedicated to S. Iohn All which shew the devotions of those former times which their remembrance may move if not condemn us that have more knowledge but farre lesse pietie The Shires division is principally into two which the Inhabitants terme the Sand and the Clay but for Taxe to the Crowne or service for State is parted into eight Wapentakes or Hundreds wherein are seated 168. Parish-Churches THE COUNTIE OF NOTTINGHAM described THE SHIRE TOWNES SITUATION AND THE EARLS THERE OF observed 1. BAssetlawe Wapen 2. Northclay Divis. 3. Southclay Division 4. Newarke Wapentake 5. Broxtow Wapentake 6. Thurgarton Wapent 7. Bingham Wapentake 8. Rushcliffe Wapentake A Akering Southclay Akley Basset Allerton Basset S. Ambrose Bing Ampton Southclay Ansley Brox. Ansley woodhouse Brox. Arnold Brox. Ashfeild Brox. Askam Southclay Astakton
Longon off Longnor tot Longton pyr Loxley tot Loynton pyr M Madeley pyr Madeleholme tot Mair pyr Manye flu Marbroke tot Marchington tot Marchingdon tot Marston pyr Marston cud Marton great cud Mason off Materfeild tot Mavestone Ridware off Meare pyr Meare cud Meare pyr Milwich pyr Mitton cud Moreland hilles tot Moreton cud Morocopp hill pyr Morsall off Mose flu Moseley seis Muckleston pyr N Nedwood Forrest tot Newborowe off Newbold off NEW CASTLE VNDER LINE pyr New Chappell pyr Newton cud Newton pyr Norbury cud Narrowdale tot Norton pyr Norton cud Norton off Norton off Norton in the Mores pyr O High Of●ley pyr Oken seis Okover tot Oldbury off Oncot tot Onely pyr Orgrave off Orton seis Otherton cud Overpen seis Ousley bridge cud P Painsley tot Parkhill tot Patsell seis Pattingham seis Pelfalle off Over Pen seis Nether Pen seis Pencl● pyr Pencle pyr Penkirch cud Penke flu Penford seis Penset chase seis Peribury off Peryhall off Perton seis Pellington cud Pellington hall cud Pipe off Placdwick cud Ponke flu Prestwood seis Prestwood tot R Ramsor tot Rannton pyr Rannton Monastery pyr Rickardscott cud Rickardscott pyr Ridgley cud Ridware off Pipe Ridware off Hill Ridware cud Robaston cud Rolston off Rowcester tot Rowley seis Rowley seis Rowley parke off Rudiard tot Rushall off Rushton tot Rusheles seis Riddsley cud S Salte pyr Sandon pyr Sandwall off Sardon great cud Sardon little cud Sawe flu Scotfeild off Season seis Sedgeley seis Seigford seis Seisdon pyr Shareshull Cud. Shawford pyr Shene tot Shenston off Sherishales cud Shire Okes off Shitterford seis Shobnall off Shredicott cud Shugborow cud Skelton pyr Smestall flu Smethwick off STAFFORD pyr Stafford Castle cud Standon pyr Stanton tot Statford off Stoke pyr Stokeley off The three Shire-Stones tot STONE pyr Stowe pyr Stranshill tot Stratton Castle off Stretton off Stretley hall off Stretlie off Stretton cud Stoure flu Stubby lane off Sturton Castle seis Sutton cud Swinford Kings seis Swinfeld hall off Swinshead pyr Swithanley tot Swynerton pyr T Talke pyr TAMWORTH off Tatenell off Teane tot Teane flu Terley pyr Tettenhall Kings seis Tettenhall Clice seis Thickbrome off Thorne hill tot Thorpe off Thorpe off Throley tot Tillington pyr Tipton seis Titterfore pyr Tixall pyr Treislie seis Trent flu Trent flu Trentham pyr Trescott seis Trisell seis Tunstall Court pyr Tunstall pyr Turburie off Tyne flu Typton off V Voxall off VTTOXCESTOR tot W Walgrang tot Wall off WALLSHALL off Wallfall Forrest off Walton pyr Walton cud Warslawe tot Waterfall tot Weddsbury seis Wednesfeild off Wednesbury off Weford off Welobridge parke pyr Weston pyr Weston Jones cud Weston under Lisiard cud Weston upon Trent pyr Wharnford tot Whattley hall off Whichnor off Whitmore pyr Whitstone cud Whittendon off Whittenton seis Whittgreene pyr Whittington off Wichnor off Wiggendon off Wilbrighton cud Wilenhall off Wilnall seis Witton tot Wo●ley off Woken seis Wolaston cud Wolstanton pyr WOLVERHAMPTON● Womborne seis Worley little seis Worley great seis Wotton tot Wrottesley seis Y Yardley pyr Yendon flu Yoxall off SHROP-SHIRE SHROP-SHIRE by the ancient Saxons writen Sciripscyre is both large in circuit well peopled and very fruitfull for life It lieth circulated upon the North with th● County Palatine of Chester upon the East altogether with Stafford-shire upon the South with Worcester Hereford and Radnor-shires upon the west with Mountgomery Denbigh 2 The form thereof is almost circular or round whose length from Wooferton below Lodlane South to Over neere unto the river Trent in the North is thirtie foure miles the broadest part is from Tong in the East to Oswestre sited at the head of Morda in the West twentie and five the whole in circuit about extending to one hundred thirtie and foure miles 3 Wholesome is the ayre delectable and good yeelding the Spring and the Autumne seed time and harvest in a temperate condition and affordeth health to the Inhabitants in all seasons of the yeare 4 The soile is rich and standeth most upon a reddish clay abounding in Wheat and Barley Pit-coales Iron and Woods which two last continue not long in league together It hath rivers that make fruitfull the Land and in their waters containe great store of fresh-fish whereof Severne is the chiefe and second in the Realme whose streame cutteth this Countie in the middest and with many windings sporteth herselfe forward leaving both pastures and meadowes bedecked with flowers and greene colours which every where shee bestoweth upon such her attendants 5 This River was once the bounds of the North-Britaines and divided their possession from the Land of the Saxons untill of latter times theirs began to decay and the Welsh to increase who enlarged their lifts to the River Dee So formerly had it separated the Ordovices from the Cornavij those ancient Inhabitants mentioned by Ptol●mie The Ordovices under Caractacus purchased great honour whilst he a Prince of the Silures removed his Warres thence among them where a while he maintained the Britaines libertie with valour and courage in despight of the Romans His Fort is yet witnesse of his unfortunate fight seated neere Clune Castle at the confluence of that River with Temd where in remembrance of him the place is yet called Caer-Caradoc a fort of his wonne by P. Ostorius Lieutenant of the Romans about the year of grace 53. The Cornavii were seated upon the North of Severne and branched into other Counties of whom we have said 6 But when the strength of the Romans was too weake to support their owne Empire and Britaine emptied of her souldiers to resist the Saxons set foot in this most fair soile and made it a part of their Mercian Kingdome their line likewise issued to the last period and the Normans beginning where these Saxons left the Welshmen tooke advantage of all present occasions and brake over Severne unto the River Dee to recover which the Normans first Kings often assayed and Henry the second with such danger of life that at the siege of Bridge-north he had been slain had not Sir Hubert Syncler received the arrow aimed at him in stepping betwixt that Shaft and his Soveraigne and therewith was shot thorow unto death In the like danger stood Henry Prince of Scotland who in the strait siege of Ludlow begirt by King Stephen had beene plucked from his saddle with an iron-hooke from the wall had not Stephen presently rescued him Anno 1139. 7 This then being the Marches of England and Wales was sore afflicted by bloody broiles which caused many of their Townes to be strongly walled and thirtie two Castles to be strongly built lastly into this Countie the most wise King Henry the seaventh sent his eldest sonne Prince Arthur to be resident at Ludlow where that fair Castle
and strongly built with foure faire Gates opening into the fou●e winds besides three posternes and seven Watch-Towers extending in compasse one thousand nine hundred and forty paces On the South of this City is mounted a Strong and stately Castle round in forme and the base Court likewise inclosed with a circular wall In the North is the Minster first built by Earle Leofrike to the honour of Saint Werburga the Virgin and after most sumptuously repaired by Hugh the first Earle of Chester of the Normans now the Cathedrall of the Bishops See Therein lyeth interred as report doth relate the body of Henry the fourth Emperour of Almaine who leaving his Imperiall Estate led lastly therein an Hermites life This City hath formerly been sore defaced first by Egfrid King of Northumberland where he slew twelve hundred Christian Monkes resorted thither from Bangor to pray Againe by the Danes it was sore defaced when their destroying feet had trampled downe the beauty of the Land But was againe rebuilt by Ethelfleada the Mercian Lady who in this County and Forrest of Dilamer built Eadesburg and Finborow two fine Cities nothing of them now remaining besides the Chamber in the Forrest Chester in the dayes of King Edgar was in most flourishing estate wherein he had the homage of eight other Kings who rowed his Barge from S. Iohns to his Palace himselfe holding the Helm as their supreme This City was made a County incorporate of it selfe by King Henry the seventh and is yearly governed by a Major with Sword and Mace borne before him in State two Sheriffes twenty foure Aldermen a Recorder a Town-Clerke and a Sergeant of Peace foure Sergeants and six Yeomen It hath been accounted the Key into Ireland and great pity is it that the port should decay as it daily doth the Sea being stopped to scoure the River by a Causey that thwarteth Dee at her bridge Within the walls of this City are eight Parish-Churches S. Iohns the greater and lesser in the Suburbs are the White Fryers Blacke Fryers and Nunry now suppressed From which City the Pole is elevated unto the degree 53.58 minutes of Latitude and from the first point of the West in Longitude unto the 17. degree and 18. minutes 8 The Earledome whereof was possessed from the Conquerour till it fell lastly to the Crowne the last of whom though not with the least hopes is Prince Henry who to the Titles of Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall hath by Succession and right of inheritance the Earlddom of Chester annexed to his other most happy Stiles Vpon whose Person 〈…〉 of Iacobs God may ever attend to his 〈…〉 Britaine 's happinesse 9 If I should urge credit unto the report of certaine Trees floating in Bagmere onely against the deaths of the Heires of the Breretons thereby seated and after to sinke untill the next like occasion or inforce for truth the Prophecie which Leyland in a Poeticall fury fore-spake of Beeston Castle highly mounted upon a steepe hill I should forget my selfe and wonted opinion that can hardly beleeve any such vaine predictions though they be told from the mouths of credit as Bagmere Trees are or learned Leyland for Beeston who thus writeth The day will come when it againe shal mount his head aloft If I a Prophet may be heard from Seers that say so oft With eight other Castles this Shire hath been strengthened which were Old-Castle Shoclach Shotwitch Chester Poulefourd Dunham Frodesham and Haulten and by the prayers as then was taught of eight religious houses therein seated preserved which by King Henry the eight were suppressed namely Stanlow Ilbree Maxfeld Norton Bunbery Combermere Rud-heath and Vale-Royall besides the White and Blacke Fryers and the Nunnery in Chester This Counties division is into seven Hundreds wherein are seated thirteene Market-Townes eighty six Parish-Churches and thirty eight Chappels of ease THE COUNTYE PALATINE OF CHESTER With that most aNCIENT CITIE described Hundreds in Cheshire 1. Wyrehalo 2. Eddesbury 3. Broxton 4. Northwiche 5. Bucklow 6. Nantwiche 7. Macclesfeild A Acton Eddes Acton Nant. Acton Grange Buck. Adynton Mac. Aggeton Brox. Akedone Buck. Nether Alderleigh Mac. Over Alderleigh Mac. Aldelym Nant. Alford Brox. Aldresey Brox. Allostock North. Almare Hall Brox. Alpram Eddes Alsacher Nant. Alstanston Nant. Alton Eddes ALTRINGHAM B. Alvandeley Eddes Alvaston Nant. Anderton Buck. Appleton Buck. Arclydd North. Areley Buck. Armitage North. Arwe Wyre Ashefeild Wyre Assheley Buck. Asheton Eddes Assheton Buck. Aston Nant. Aston Grange Buck. Aston Chappell Buck. Ayton Eddes Ayton North. B Bache Brox. Backford Wyre Badileigh Nant. Baggeleigh Nant. Bagmere Mere North. The Baites Brox. Barkesford Nant. Barnshaw North. Barnston Wyre Little Barrow Eddes Great Barrow Eddes Barterton Buck. Bartherton Nant. Barthynton Buck. Barton Brox. Bartumleigh Nant. Bathynton Nant. Over Bebynton Wyre Nether Bebynton Wyre The Beacon Mac. Becheton Nant. Beeston Eddes Beeston Castle Eddes Bexton Buck. Bickerton Brox. Beleigh North. Birkin Flu. Blakenhall Wyre Blakenhall Nant. Bnyrton Brox. Bolyn Mac. Bollyn Flu. Bolynton Buck. Bolynton Mac. Boseleigh Mac. Bostock North. Bought●n Brox. Bouthes Buck. Bowdon Buck. Bradford North. Bradley Brox. Bradley Buck. Bradwell North. Bredbury Mac. Brereton North. Briddesmeyre Nant. Brindeleigh Nant. Brinston Wyre Bromall Mac. Bromehall Nant. Bromley Nant. Broton hils Brox. Broxton Brox. Broxton hils Brox. Brunburgh Wyre Brunscath Wyre Brunynton Mac. Bucklow Buck. Budeston Wyre Budworth Eddes Great Budworth Buck. Buglawton North. Bukkeley Brox. Bunbury Eddes Bureton Nant. Burland Nant. Burton Eddes Burton Wyre Burton Brox. Burwardley Brox. Butteleigh Mac. Byrches North. Byrchelles Mac. C Caldey Wyre Great Caldey Wyre Caldecott Brox. Calveleigh Eddes Capenhurst Wyre Capensthorne Mac. Cardyn Brox. Caringham North. Carrynton Buck. Chalkyleigh Nant. Chad Chappell Brox. The Chamber in the Forrest Edde Chappell in the street Buck. Chedle Mac. Chelford Mac. WEST CHESTER Bro. Childer Thotron Wyre Cholmton Eddes Cholmundley Brox. Cholmundeston Nant. Chorleigh Nant. Chorleigh Mac. Chorleton Nant. Chorleton Brox. Chorleton Wyre Chowley Brox. Churchenheath Brox. Churton Brox. Chydlow Brox. Clareton Brox. Claughton Wyre Clifton Buck. Clotton Eddes Clutton Brox. Clyve North. Codynton Eddes Coddynton Brox. Coggeshall Buck. Coiley Nant. Combermere Nant. CONGLETON Nan. Conghull Brox. Church Copenhall Nant. Coton North. Coton Brox. Crabball Wyre Cranage North. Crauton Eddes Crew Nant. Crew Brox. Church Cristleton Brox. Little Cristleton Brox. Rowe Cristleton Brox. Croughton Wyre Croxton North. Cumberbache Buck. D Dane Flu. North. Dane Flu. Mack Dane Inche North. Dareley Eddes Darford Nant. Darnall Grange Eddes Davenham North. Davenport North. Delamere Forrest Edd. Deresbury Buck. Disteleigh Mack Dodcot Nant. Doddynton Nant. Dodleston brox Dodynton Brox. Dokenfeild Mack Dokynton Brox. Downes Mack Dunham Buc. Dunham Eddes Dudden Eddes Dutton Buc. E Eaten boat Brox. Ecchelles Mac. Eccleston Bro. Edlaston Nant. Edge Bro. Eggerton Bro. Elton Edd●● Elton North. Erdley hall Mac. Estham Wyre F Fadisleigh Nant. Fallybrome Mac. Farndon Bro. The Ferye Wyre Finborow Eddes Flaxyards Eddes
4 The Soyle for the generalitie is not very fruitfull yet it produceth such numbers of Cattle of such large proportion and such goodly heads and hornes as the whole Kingdome of Spaine doth scarce the like It is a Countrey replenished with all necessaries for the use of man yeelding without any great labour the Commoditie of Corne Flaxe Grasse Coales and such like The Sea also adding her blessing to the Land that the people of that Province want nothing that serves either for the sustenance of nature or the satietie of appetite They are plentifully furnished with all sorts of Fish Flesh and Fowles Their principall fuell is Coale and Turfe which they have in great abundance the Gentlemen reserving their woods very carefully as a beautie and principall ornament to their Mannors and houses And though it be farre from London the capitall Citie of this Kingdome yet doth it every yeare furnish her and many other parts of the Land besides with many thousands of Cattle bred in this Countrey giving thereby and otherwise a firme testimony to the world of the blessed abundance that it hath pleased God to enrich this noble Dukedome withall 5 This Counties ancient Inhabitants were the Brigantes of whom there is more mention in the description of Yorke-shire who by Claudius the Emperor were brought under the Romane subjection that so held and made it their Seat secured by their Garrisons as hath beene gathered as well by many Inscriptions found in walles and ancient monuments fixed in stones as by certain Altars erected in favour of their Emperours After the Romanes the Saxons brought it under their protection and held it for a part of their Northumbrian Kingdome till it was first made subjugate to the invasion of the Danes and then conquered by the victorious Normans whose posterities from thence are branched further into England 6 Places of Antiquitie or memorable note are these the Towne of Manchester so famous as well for the Market-place Church and Colledge as for the resort unto it for clothing was called Mancunium by Antonine the Emperour and was made a Fort and Station of the Romanes Riblechester which taketh the name from Rhibell a little River neere lithero though it be a small Towne yet by tradition hath beene called the richest Towne in Christendome and reported to have beene the Seat of the Romanes which the many Monuments of their Antiquities Statues peeces of Coyne and other severall Inscriptions digged up from time to time by the Inhabitants may give us sufficient perswasion to beleeve But the Shire-town is Lancaster more pleasant in situation then rich of Inhabitants built on the South of the River Lon and is the same Longovicum where as we find in the Notice Provinces a company of the Longovicarians under the Lieutenant Generall of Britaine lay The beautie of this Towne is in the Church Castle and Bridge her streets many and stretched farre in length Vnto this Towne King Edward the third granted a Maior and two Bailiffes which to this day are elected out of twelve Brethren assisted by twenty-foure Burgesses by whom it is yearely governed with the supply of two Chamberlaines a Recorder Town-Clerke and two Sergeants at Mace The elevation of whose Pole is in the degree of Latitude 54. and 58. scruples and her Longitude removed from the first West point unto the degree 17. and 40. scruples 7 This Countrey in divers places suffereth the force of many flowing tydes of the Sea by which after a sort it doth violently rent asunder one part of the Shire from the other as in Fourenesse where the Ocean being displeased that the shore should from thence shoot a maine way into the West hath not obstinately ceased from time to time to flash and mangle it and with his fell irruptions and boysterous tydes to devoure it Another thing there is not unworthy to be recommended to memory that in this Shire not farre from Fourenesse Fels the greatest standing water in all England called Winander-Mere lieth stretched out for the space of ten miles of wonderfull depth and all paved with stone in the bottome and along the Sea-side in many places may be seene heapes of sand upon which the people powre water untill it recover a saltish humour which they afterwards boyle with Turfes till it become white Salt 8 This Countrey as it is thus on the one side freed by the naturall resistance of the Sea from the force of Invasions so is it strengthned on the other by many Castles and fortified places that take away the opportunitie of making Roades and Incursions in the Countrey And as it was with the first that felt the furie of the Saxon crueltie so was it the last and longest that was subdued under the West-Saxon Monarchie 9 In this Province our noble Arthur who died laden with many trophies of honour is reported by Ninius to have put the Saxons to flight in a memorable battle neere Douglasse a little Brooke not farre from the Town of Wiggin But the attempts of warre as they are severall so they are uncertaine for they made not Duke Wade happy in this successe but returned him an unfortunate enterpriser in the Battle which he gave to Ardulph King of Northumberland at Billangho in the yeare 798. So were the events uncertaine in the Civill Wars of Yorke and Lancaster for by them was bred and brought forth that bloudy division and fatall strife of the Noble Houses that with variable successe to both parties for many yeares together molested the peace and quiet of the Land and defiled the earth with bloud in such violent manner that it exceeded the horrour of those Civill Warres in Rome that were betwixt Marius aud Sylla Pompey and Caesar Octavius and Antony or that of the two renowned Houses Valoys and Burbon that a long time troubled the State of France for in the division of these two Princely Families there were thirteene fields fought and three Kings of England one Prince of Wales twelve Dukes one Marques eighteene Earles one Vicount and three and twentie Barons besides Knights and Gentlemen lost their lives in the same Yet at last by the happy marriage of Henry the seventh King of England next heire to the House of Lancaster with Elizabeth daughter and heire to Edward the fourth of the House of Yorke the white and red Roses were conjoyned in the happy uniting of those two divided Families from whence our thrice renowned Soveraigne Lord King Iames by faire sequence and succession doth worthily enjoy the Diademe by the benefit of whose happy government this Countie Palatine of Lancaster is prosperous in her Name and Greatnesse 10 I find the remembrance of foure Religious houses that have beene founded within this County and since suppressed both faire for structure and building and rich for seat and situation namely Burstogh Whalleia Holland and Penwortham It is
Cattle being neither stored with arable grounds to bring forth the one norpasturage to breed up the other the principal profit that the people of this Province raise unto themselves is by Cloathing 7 The chiefest place of which is Kandale or Kendale called also Kirkeby Kendale standing on the bank of the river Can. This Towne is of great trade and resort and for the diligent and industrious practice of making Cloath so excels the rest that in regard thereof it carrieth a supereminent name above them and hath great vent and traffick for her woollen Cloaths through all the parts of England It challengeth not much glory for Antiquitie onely this it accounteth a great credit that it hath dignified three Earles with the title thereof as Iohn Duke of Bedford whom Henry the fift being his brother advanced to that honour Iohn Duke of Sommerset and Iohn de Foix whom King Henry the sixt preferred to that dignitie for his honourable and trustie services done in the French Warres It is a place of very civill and orderly Government the which is managed by an Alderman chosen every yeare out of his twelve Brethren who are all distinguished and notified from the rest by the wearing of Purple garments The Alderman and his Senior Brother are alwayes Justices of Peace and Quorum There are in it a Town-Clerke a Recorder two Sergeants at Mace and two Chamberlaines By Mathematicall observation the site of this Towne is in the degree of Longitude 17.30 scruples from the first West point and the Pole elevated in Latitude to the degree 55. and 15. minutes 8 Places of memorable note for Antiquitie are Verterae mentioned by Antonine the Emperour and Aballaba which we contractly call Apelby In the one the Northern English conspired against William the Conquerour in the beginning of the Norman government In the other the Aurelian Maures kept a station in the time of the Romanes their high street is yet apparantly to be seen by the ridges therof which lead by Apelby to a place called Brovonacum mentioned in the Booke of Provinciall notices The anticke pieces of Roman Coyne otherwhiles digged up hereabouts and some inscriptions not long since found shew of what continuance they have been although Time which devoureth all things hath so fed upon their carkasses many ages together as it hath almost consumed both houses and Inhabitants For Apelby now is bare both of people and building and were it not for the antiquitie that makes it the more estimable in whose Castle the Assises are commonly kept it would be little better in account then a Village Verterae is long since decayed and the name of it changed into Burgh for it is cōmonly named Burgh under Stanemore In which it is said a Romane Captain made his abode with a band of Directores in the declining age of the Roman Empire These two places William of Newborough calleth Princely Holds and writeth that William King of Scots a little before he himselfe was taken prisoner at Alnewicke surprized them on a suddain but K. Iohn recovered them after and liberally bestowed them upon Robert Vipont for his many worthy services 9 There is mention made but of one religious house that hath bin in all this Country and that was a little Monastery seated neere unto the River Loden built by Thomas the sonne of Gospatrick the sonne of Orms where there is a fountaine or spring that ebbes and flowes many times a day and it is thought that some notable act of atchievement hath been performed there for that there be huge stones in forme of Pyramides some nine foote high and fourteen foot thick ranged for a mile in length directly in a row and equally distant which might seeme to have bin there purposely pitched in memory thereof but what that Act was is not now knowne but quite worne out of remembrance by times injury 10 Other matters worthy observation are onely these that at Amboglana now called Amble-side neere the upper corner of Wimander-mear there appeares at this day the ruines of an ancient Citie which by the British Brickes by Roman-money oftentimes found there by High-wayes paved leading unto it and other likelihoods seemes to have beene a worke of the Romanes The Fortresse therof so long fenced with a ditch and rampire that it tooke up in length one hundred thirty two Ells and in bredth eight There are also neere Kendale in the River Can two Catadupae or Waterfals where the waters descend with such a forcible downefall that it compels a mighty noise to be heard which the neighbour Inhabitants make such use of as they stand them in as good stead as Prognostications for when that which standeth North from them soundeth more cleare and with a louder eccho in their eares they certainely looke for faire weather to follow But when that on the South doth the like they expect foggy mists and showres of raine 11 This Province is traded with foure Market-Towns fortified with the strength of seven Castles and hath 26. Parishes in it for the celebration of Divine service THE COUNTIE WESTMORLAND AND KENDALE THE CHEIF TOWNE DESCRIBED With the Armes of Such Nobles as have bene Earles of either of them ¶ An Alphabeticall Table of all the Tovvnes Rivers and memorable places mentioned in Westmorland A AMbleside APPLEBY Great Ashby Little Ashby Askham B Banton Barborne Chappell Barnside Barrow Flu. Barton The Beacon Below Flu. Betham Blaterne Bolton Branton Brederdale head Brederdale foote Brigsterparke Brougham Castle Buley Castle Burberk Flu. Burgh Castle Buriels Burton Burton C Caber Camswick Parke Chappollan Claperyate Cleborn Cliston Colnhead Parke Cottes flat Coulby Cowgarth Crakenthorp Croke Crosby-Garret Crosby-Ravensworth Croscrake Crostermond Crosthwaite D Depedale Dribek Drivevers Duston E Eden Flu. F Farleton Farleton Fawsetwood Firbanke G Gilse Glenkroden Glenkwen Flu. Grarigge hall Gresmere H Harberwen Hartshop hall Hartley Castle Hawse Helbeck Helstonlathe Helton Helton Heltondale Helvillon hill Hoffe Holimill Crosse. Howgill Castle I The Inges K Saint Katharins Kellathe KENDALL Kendall Castle Kentmere Killington KIRKBY Steven KIRKBY Landall Kirkby Thuet Kirkland Knock. Knothill L Little Langdale Great Langdale Langdale Langrig Lanridge Lanton Levens Bridge Lowther Lune Flu. M Mallerstange Mallerstange Forrest Malmesborne Markendale Chappell Marton Meborne Methap Middleton Milborne Milkinthorp Morlan Morton Morton Great Musgrave Little Musgrave Mylnthorp N Naneworth Nathy Newbiggin Newbiggin Nine Churches O Oddelden Oddelden Parke Little Ormeside Great Ormeside Orton P Paterdale Pendragon Castle Preston Chappell R Raisgill hall Rasebeck Rasgill Ravinstangdale Regill Runthwate S Seggeswick Selfted hall Shales Shapp Siserghe Sleddale Slegill Sleelmere Smardale Soulby Sowerby Sput Flu. Striklands Stainmore Stanley Stokbridge Sunbiggin T Templesowerby Thornthwate Thurnby Trout Bek Trout Bek Tybay V Vnderbarrow W Warcop Wastall head Wastall foote Watland Warton hall Whinfield Whinfield hill Whinfield Forrest Wickerslack Winderworth Winton Witherslak Wynster Flu. Wynster Chappell
Enas 69 Cantreu Coch or Forrest Avena the Forrest of Deane 70 21 The last is Brecknock-shire for the most part full of mountaines woods and rivers This Countrey is both great and large being full of faire Plaines and Vallyes for Corne it hath plentie of thicke VVoods Forrests and Parkes It is full also of cleare and deepe Rivers of which Severne is the chiefest although there be other faire Rivers as Vske and the like Brychee vioc 20 Can. Selyf Cwm. Selyf 71 Trahayarne 72 21 Can. Canawl Cwm. Talgarth 73 Ystrat yw 74 Eglwys Iaiil or Brwynllys 75 22 Can. Mawr Cwm. Tir Ranwlff al. Raulph 76 Lliwel 77 Cruc Howel 30. 78 22 Thus farre concerning the ancient Welsh division by Talaiths Cantreves and Commots but the present division distributeth them more compendiously into two Countries and twelve Shires enacted so by Parliament under King Henry the eight The Countries are North-wales and South-wales which have shared and as it were devoured between them all Powys-land each of which Countries containes sixe Shires North-wales Angelesey South-wales Caerdigan North-wales Caernarvon South-wales Pembroke North-wales Merionyth South-wales Carmarden North-wales Denbigh South-wales Glamorgan North-wales Flint South-wales Brecknocke North-wales Montgomery South-wales Radnor But whereas Monmouth-shire and Radnor were anciently parts the first of South-wales the other of Powys-land Monmouth-shire by Act of Parliament also under the same King was pluckt away wholly from Wales and laid to England one of whose Counties and Shires it was from that time forward and is at this present reckoned and Radnor-shire as it were in lieu thereof is comprehended in South-wales Humphrey Hluyd a Welsh Gentleman in his Epistle and Map of old Wales maketh mention of a West-wales which he calleth Demetia and Dyfer the one the Latine and the other the British name thereof but because it is wholly swallowed up by this last division we will not perplexe the Reader with superfluous and impertinent recitals PEMBROKE-SHIRE CHAPTER III. PEMBROKE-SHIRE the furthest Promontorie of all West-Wales lieth parted on the North from Cardigan-shire with the Rivers Tyuy and Keach and on the East is confronted by Caermarden-shire the South and West shooting farre into the Irish Seas is with the same altogether washed 2 The forme thereof is longer then it is broad for from S. Gouens South-point to Cardigan-bridge in the North are twenty sixe miles the Easterne Landenie to Saint Davids point in the West are twenty the whole in circumference is ninety-three miles 3 The ayre is passing temperate by the report of Giraldus who confirmeth his reason from the site of Ireland against which it butteth and so neer adjoyned that King Rufus thought it possible to make a bridge of his ships over the Sea whereby he might passe to Ireland on foot 4 Anciently it was possessed by the Demetia further branched into Cardigan and Caermarden-shires as in that County hath beene said and in the Saxons Conquest and Heptarchie by the Britaine 's forced into those parts for refuge whither Henry the first and third of the Normans King sent certaine Flemings whose Countrey was overwhelmed with the breaking in of the Seas to inhabit the maritime Tract called Rosse lying West upon the River Dougledye These Dutchmen saith Giraldus were a strong and stout Nation inured to warres and accustomed to seeke gaine by Clothing Traffique and Tillage and ever ready for the Field to fight it out adding withall that they were most loyall to the English and most faithfull to the English-men Whereupon Malmesbury writeth thus Many a time did King William Rufus assaile the Welsh but ever in vain which is to be wondred at considering his other fortunate successe But saith he it may be the unevennesse of the ground and sharpnesse of the aire that maintained their courage and impeached his valour which to redresse King Henry his brother found means for those Flemings who in regard of his mothers kindred by the Fathers side sorely pestred and endammaged the English he sent into Wales both to purge and disburden his own Kingdome and to quell and keepe backe the courage of his enemies These then here seated deceived not his expectation but so carried themselves in his quarrell that they seldome communicated with their neighbors so that to this day they speake not the Language and the Countrey is yet called Little England beyond Wales 5 The commodities of this Shire are Corne Cattle Sea-fish and Fowle and in Giraldus his daies of saleable wines the Havens being so commodious for ships arrivage such is that at Tenby and Milford an Haven of such capacitie that sixteene Creeks five Bayes and thirteene Roads known all by severall names are therein contained where Henry of Richmond of most happy memory arrived with signall hopes of Englands freedom from under the government of an usurping Tyrant 6 Neer unto this is Pembroke the Shire-towne seated more ancient in shew then it is in years and more houses without Inhabitants then I saw in any one City throughout my Survey It is walled longwise and them but indifferent for repair containing in circuit eight hundred and fourescore pases having three gates of passage and at the West end a large Castle and locked-causey that leads over the water to the decaied Priorie of Monton The site of this Towne is in the degree of Longitude as Mercator doth measure 14. and 55. minutes and the elevation from the North-pole in the degree of Latitude 52. 7 A City as barren is old Saint Davids neither clad with Woods nor garnished with Rivers nor beautified with fields nor adorned with Meadows but lieth alwaies open both to winde and stormes Yet hath it been a Nursery to holy men for herein lived Calphurnius a Britaine Priest whose wife was Concha sister to Saint Martin and both of them the parents of Saint Patricke the Apostle of Ireland Deui a most religious Bishop made this an Archiepiscopall See removed from Isca Legionum This the Bitaines call Tuy Dwey the house of Deui the Saxons Dauyo Mynden we Saint Davids A Citie with few Inhabitants no more houses then are inserted in the draught yet hath it a faire Cathedrall Church dedicated to S. Andrew and David in the middest of whose Quier lieth entombed Edmund Earle of Richmond father to K. Henry the seventh whose Monument as the Prebends told me spared their Church from other defacements when all went down under the hammers of King Henry the eight About this is a faire wall and the Bishops Palace all of free stone a goodly house I assure you and of great receit whose uncovered tops cause the curious workes in the walles daily to weepe and them to feare their downfall ere long 8 But Monton the Priory and S. Dogmels places of devout piety erected in this Countie found not the like favour when the commission of their dissolutions came down against them and the axes of destruction
sterilitie of soile and make the fields bring forth a kind of Rye or Amellcorne in such plenty as is hardly to be beleeved 5 The ancient Inhabitants of this Countrey were the Ordovices who be also named Ordovices or Ordovicae a puissant and courageous people by reason they kept wholly in a mountainous place and took heart even of the soyle it selfe for they continued longest free from the yoke both of Roman and also of English dominion They were not subdued by the Romans before the dayes of the Emperor Domitian for then Iulius Agricola cōquered almost the whole Nation nor brought under the command of the English before the Raigne of King Edward the first but lived a long time in a lawlesse kind of libertie as bearing themselves bold upon their owne magnanimitie and the strength of the Countrey 6 The Mountains of this Countrey yeeld sufficiencie of Neat Sheep and Goats The Vallies in most places are very plenteous of Corn especially Eastward on this side betwixt the rivers of Alen and Dee but the more Westerly part is healthy and altogether barren The heart of the Shire shews it self beneath the hils in a beautifull and pleasant Vale reaching seventeen miles in length from South to North five miles or ther-abouts in breadth and lieth open onely toward the Sea It is environed on every side with high hils amongst which the highest is Moillenlly on the top whereof is a warlike Fense with Trench and Rampire and a little Fountain of clear water From these hils the River Cluyd resorts unto this Vale and from the very Spring-head increased with becks and brooks doth part it in twain running through the midst of it whereof in ancient time it was named Strat Cluyd for Marianus maketh mention of a King of the Strat Cluyd of the Welsh And at this day it is commonly called Diffryn Cluyd that is The Vale of Cluyd This thing is worthy observation as a matter memorable both for admiration and antiquitie that in the Parish of Llan-sanan within this Countrey there is a place compasse cut out of the main Rocke by mans hand in the side of a stony hill wherein there be foure and twenty seats to sit in some lesse some bigger where children and young men coming to seek their cattell use to sit and to have their sports And at this day they commonly call it Arthurs round Table 7 Henry Lacy Earle of Lincolne obtaining Denbigh by the grant of King Edward the first after the conviction and beheading of David brother of Llewellin for high treason was the first that fortified it w th a wal about not large in circuit but very strōg and on the south-side with a fair castle strengthned with many high towers But he gave it over left the work unfinished conceiving griefe as a sorrowfull father that his onely sonne came to untimely death and was drowned in the Well thereof The same of this Town spreads it selfe farre for repute as being reckoned the most beautifull place in all North-Wales it is of no lesse report for the castle adjunct unto it is impregnable for fortificatiō And this strange accident hapning there in the yeer 1575 deserves not to be omitted being left as a continual remembrance of Gods mercifull providence and preservation at that time that where by reason of great Earth-quakes many people were put into great fear and had much harme done unto them both within and without their houses in the Cities of York Worcester Glocester Bristow Herefored and in other Countries adjacent yet in the Shire-hall of Denbigh the bel was caused to toll twice by the shaking of the earth and no hurt or hindrance at all either done or received The governmēt of this town is managed by two Aldermen two Bailiffes who are yeerly elected out of twenty five Burgesses that are their assistants It hath one Recorder one town-Clerk and two Sergeants at Mace and by observation of the Mathematicks the Pole is elevated in the degree of Latitude 53. 49. scruples and from the first West point in Longitude 16. and 45. 8 This County with them of Flint and Carnarvon-shires are not divided by pricks into their several hundreds in their Cards according to the rest of this work the want of their particulars in the Parliament Rowls so causing it which for the good of these 3. Shires I earnestly sought to have supplied from the Nomina Villarum in their Sheriffes books had promise of them that might easily have procured the same But whether a fearlesse jealousie possessed their spirits lest the riches of these Shires by revealing such particulars should be further sought into I cannot say yet this I have observed in all my Survey that wher least is to be had the greatest fears are possessed Take these Shires therefore to be done as I could and not as I would that wish both the wealth of them all and their esteem to be of better regard by those that may do them good 9 This Shire then is divided into twelve Hundreds for the readier ordering of businesses necessary to the State of the Countrey wherein are placed 3. Market Towns fit for buying and selling and other negotiations It hath 5. Castles to defend her selfe and to offend her enemies and 57. Parishes for Gods divine service and worship as this Table more particularly expresseth DENBIGH SHIRE ¶ An Alphabeticall Table of all the Tovvnes Rivers and memorable places mentioned in Denbigh-Shire HVNDREDS in Denbigh-shire 1. BRomfeild 2. Yale 3. Chirkland 4. Issallet 5. Vchallet 6. Istulas 7. Vochdulas 8. Kynmerche 9. Ruthin 10. Llannerche 11. Collion 12. Dogvylyn A Abenbury Abergele Aled Flu. Alen Flu. Alen Bachan Flu. Almere Alwen Flu. B Bachinbid Barrog Barhavern Bers Bettus Bodederis Landegley Breynegloys Bystock C Place Cadogan Chirk Chirk Castle Christioneth Flu. Clawedok Flu. Clawedok Flu. Clocanok Cluyd Flu. Cluyd Flu. Comon wood D Dasart Castle Denas brayn DENBIGH Derwen E Eglos Egluyseg Elwy Flu. F Foxholes Chappell Funhown vaier G Chappell Garmon Gresford Gwenurow Flu. Gwetheryn Gyrow Flu. H Hauotawern Hendray Hespyn Flu. Heullan Holt parke Holt Castle Holyn I Iscoid Chappell K Kenlet Flu. Keriog Flu. Chappell Ky L Llanarmon Llanarmon Llanarmon Defrine Keriog Llanbeder Llancadwalater Llanddlas Llandisilio in Devouret Llandurnog Llanegwa●t Abbey Llanelian Llanelidan Llanganhaual Llangedwin Llangiruew Langollen Llangum Llangwiuen Llanhiclian Llankerigedredion Llanrayder Llanrust Llansanfrayd in Glyn. Llansanfraid Llansaiman Llanshanshare Llansyllyn Llanthiged Llanvaier Llanvarog Llanverres Llanusyd Llannunnis Llanyader Amoughnant Llaruth Llavaier Lleuenye Lleueny Flu. Lleueny Llynaled M Manyan Flu. Markwiell Maysmynan Melendydar Flu. Moyluinlle hill Chappell Moynglathe N Nanclin Neag Flu. Newhall P Chappell Pentreuidog Pergwerne Plasward R Ru●bon RVTHIN Ryader Flu. S Snediok parke T Tauat Tiherion V Vagli Veneghtid W Wheler Flu. Whitchurch WREXHAM Y Place Ycha Yspity FLINT-SHIRE stretching out in length broad
old time 57.5 Cole in pits of what substance 83.4 Cole-pits in the Bishopricke of Durham 83.4 Cole in pits at Cole-Overton in Leicester-shire 61.1 Colchester by whom built 31 7 In Colchester Constantine the great borne 31.7 Colchester how fortified 31.7 whereof it taketh name 31 7 The civill government and graduation of Colchester ibid. Colledges which were first endowed with lands in all Christendome 45.7 Columbkill where the Kings of Scotland Ireland and Norway were entombed 132.18 Combat betweene Edmond Ironside and Canutus 47.10 Comius Attrebas or of Arras 27.5 Commodus the Emperour his Hercules-like Statue 79.7 Concani See Gangani Concha mother to Saint Patricke 101.7 132.12 Condercum See Chester in the Street Coning i. King why so called 4.7 Connaught Province how it is bounded 143.1 The forme and dimension thereof 143.2 The Aire and Bogghes ibid. 3 By whom inhabited in old time 143.5 Extream famine there 143.8 What religious houses there 143.9 Counties and Townes there 144 Constantius Chlorus the Emperour died at Yorke 78.9 His Sepulcher 78.11 Conwy river how named in old time 123.6 Iohn Cobland a famous and valiant Esquire In the Map of Durham Bishopricke Cobland a part of Cumberland 87.2 Copper-Mine at Wenlocke in Shropshire 71.9 In Cumberland 87.4 Corinaeus 22 Coritani where they inhabited 55.4 59.6 61.4 67.4 Corham or Coverham Abbey 79.8 Corke Countie in Ireland sometime a Kingdome 139 Corke Citie in Mounster how seated 139.6 An Episcopall See ibid. The marriage of the Citizens ibid. Cornavii what countries they held 51.4 53.4 69.5 71.5 73.5 Cornwall why so called 3.2 21.1 Of what temperature for aire it is 21.2 Almost an Isle 21.4 The soile 21.3 The dimension thereof 21.3 The ancient and moderne Inhabitants 21.5 It giveth title of Earle and Duke 21.6 What commodities it yeeldeth 21.7 Religious houses therein 21.10 Hundreds and Townes therein 22 Cottons Family of Coningham in Huntingtonshire 58.8 Coventry a well walled Citie 53.5 A Corporation and Countie by it selfe 53.5 Counsell of the Marches of Wales ordained 71.7 Counsell at Yorke erected 78 9 Courts of Iustice altered by King William Conquerour 5.3 Caway Stakes 29.6 Crediton or Kirton a Bishops See translated to Excester 19.6 Cretingsbury 58.10 Sir Adam de Cretings ibid. Robert Bossu Crouch-backe Earle of Leicester rebelleth 61.6 Buildeth the Abbey of St Maries de Pratls neere Leicester 61.6 Hee becommeth a Canon Regular 61.6 Cuba an Island 1.2 Cumberland how bounded 87.1 The form and aire of it 87 2.3 Whence it tooke name 87.5 Commodities thereof 87.4 The ancient Inhabitants 87.5 A Kingdome ibid. Antiquities therein 87.6 Townes therein 88 Cumri 99.2 Custodes See Lieutenants Cuthbert Bishop of Lind●ssarne 93 The tutelar Patron of Northerne English-men against the Scots 83.6 A Saint and much adored 83.6 His Tombe much visited by Kings in Pilgrimage ibid. D Lord Dalbney or Daubney with Cornish Rebels overthrown upon Black-heath 7.10 Danelage 5.3 Danish Law 4.8 Danmonii where placed Danewort hearb why so called 31.5 Darby-shire how bounded 67.1 The forme and dimension of it 67.2 The aire and soile thereof ibid. 3 The Inhabitants of it in old time 67.4 Commodities thereof 67 5 What Religious Houses therein 67.9 Hundreds Towns thereof 68 Darby Towne how named in times past 67.6 Alhallowes Steeple there by whom built ibid. The government and graduation thereof ibid. Darnii people of Ireland 145.5 David Disciple of Dubricius uncle to King Arthur Arch-bishop of Menevia 6.6 David 2. King of Scots prisosoner in Nottingham castle 65.6 Saint Davids Citie 101.7 A Nurcerie of holy men ibid. An Archiepiscopall See 101.6 The Cathedrall Church thereof ibid Saint David Bishop refuteth the Pelagians 113.7 Dee River glideth through Pimple meere without mixture 117.5 Deemsters in the Isle of Man 91.5 Deheubarth i. South Wales 110.15 Deirwand 81.8 Dela his five sonnes seated in Ireland 137.10 Demetia or Dimetia i. South-Wales 100.15 Demetiae what Nation and where planted 101.4 103.4 Or Dimetae 113.5 Denbigh Towne and Castle in North wales 99.11 119.7 An Earth-quake there without harme 119.7 How governed ibid. The graduation of it ibid. Denbigh-shire how limited 119.1 The forme and dimension thereof 119.2 The aire and soile thereof 119. 3.4 By whom inhabited in old time 119.5 The Commodities thereof 119.6 Hundreds and Townes thereof 120 Depopulation in England complained of 4.10 Derwent River 67.3 Earle of Desmonds Rebellion suppressed 139.9 Himselfe beheaded by a Souldier ibid. Deucalidonian sea 99.1 Devils arse in the Peake 67.8 Devils ditch 33.7 37.7 Devon-shire name whence derived 91.1 How bounded 91 1 The dimension thereof 19.2 The aire and soile of it 19.3 What Ports and Havens it hath 19.4 What commodities it yeeldeth 19.5 It giveth titles of Duke and Earle 19.8 What Religious houses in it 19.9 Hundreds Towns therein 20 Diamonds gotten in Cornewall 21.7 In Somerset-shire 23.6 Dyffrin Cluid 119.6 The fairest valley within Wales 99.11 Divelin or Dublin Countie destitute of wood 141.3 Divelin Citie the chief in Ireland why called in Irish Bala Cleigh 141.6 Loyall to the Crowne of England 141.10 How adorned ibid. 11 How governed ibid. Divet i. Pembroke-shire 100 17 Division of this whole worke or Theatre 1.1 A division of England fourefold in Canute his days 4.11 Division of England according to Iurisdiction Archiepiscopall 5.4 Dobuni where seated 45.4 47.4 Domesday booke why so called 5.8 Dopnald King of Man tyrannizeth and flieth into Ireland 92.5 Dorchester by Oxford an Episcopall See 45.4 Removed to Lincolne 6.9 Had Archiepiscopall jurisdiction 6.8 How seated 17.5 The civill government thereof 17.5 The graduation of it 17.6 Dorcester-shire whence it took name 17.1 How bounded ibid. The forme and measure of it 17.2 The aire and soile thereof 17.3 By whom possessed in old time 17.4 The commodities it yeeldeth 17.5 What memorable places there 17.6 What religious houses 17 7.8 What Castles 17.9 Divisions Hundreds and Townes therein 18 Dover the Locke and Key to England 7.5 Downes in Sussex 9.4 Sir Francis Drake compassed the Globe of the earth by Sea 19.4 Drax an Abbey 77.7 Dropping Well 78.11 Dubricius Arch-bishop of Caerlion 6.6 Dunstan against Priests marriage his supposed Stratagem 2● 6 Duwich an Episcopall See 339 Durol rivae 58.8 Duro sipont See God-Manchester Durotriges where seated 17.4 Durham Bishopricke how bounded 83.1 The forme and dimension of it 83.2 The aire and soile 83.3 4 The ancient Inhabitants of it 83.5 Townes in the Bishopricke 84 Bishops their Royalties 83.6 Durham Citie a Bishops See Ibid. A Countie Palatine Ibid E Eadesburg where now the Chamber in the Forrest 73.7 King Eadgars triumph at Chester ibid. Ealdermen who in times past 4.7 East-England 4.11 East-Riding how bounded 81 East-Riding how seated 77.4 The aire soile and commodities 81.2 3 In East-Riding what Hundreds and Townes 82 Edel●fleda built Glocester Church 47.7 Edel-fleda beneficiall to Leicester 61.6 Edith a Saint 45.7 Edmund Earle of Richmond father to King
Henry the seaventh 101.7 His tomb ibid. Saint Edmunds bury how named in the Saxons time 33.6 Saint Edmunds-Bury Abbey and Towne praised ibid. King Edward the second first of the English Race Prince of Wales 123.6 Murdered by the meanes of Isabel his wife 47.7 Enterred in Glocest. Church where his Monument remaineth ibid. Einesbury alias Arnulphsbury 58.10 Elden hole 67.8 Eleanor wife to King Edward the first commended 63.7 Eleanor widow to King Henry the third becommeth a Nunne 25.9 Elfred or Alfred the first that divided his Kingdomes into Shires 3 4. 5 His noble care in restoring the Vniversitie of Oxford 45 7 Elie 37.5 Ella King of Northumberland slaine 78.9 Elmet 78.10 Elmham a Bishops See 35.8 Emerill stone found in Garnsey 94.6 England on this side Humber how divided into Hides 3.3 Little England beyond Wales 101.4 England shared into Principalities by whom and to what purpose 57.30 Enis-Kelling a strong Fort in Vlster 145.9 Eorles i. Earles 4.7 11 Erdini people in Ireland 145 5 Erminstreet 37.7 Essex why so named 31.1 The forme and dimension 1.2 How bounded ibid. 3 The aire and soile 31.4 The ancient Inhabitants 31.5 What commodities it yeeldeth 31.6 What religious houses therein 31.9 Hundreds and townes therein 32 Excester Citie whence it named that name 19 6 It was a Dukedom Marquisate and Earledome 19 8 The description thereof 19 6 Her magnificent Cathedrall Church by whom built ibid. The Bishops See ibid. It withstood the Saxons 465 yeares ibid. How valiant against all her Sieges ibid. VVhat losses it hath felt ibid. Resisted William Conquerour till the walles fell downe ibid. How loyall to King Edward the sixt ibid. The Climate thereof ibid. How governed ibid. The birth-place of the matchlesse Poet Iosephus Isanus ibid. Exchequer Court first erected 5.3 Exmore Monuments in Devon-shire 19.7 F Falmouth Haven commended 21.7 Farne Isle how bounded 93 The form aire soile and commodities ibid. Feldon or Felden a part of Warwick-shire 53.3 Finborow a Citie where now the Chamber in the Forrest 73.7 Fingall King of Man 9.2 Rich. Fitz-Ralph against Mendicant Friers 145.9 Flamins and Arch-Flamins 6.5 Their places converted into Bishops Sees ibid. Flavia Caesariensis a part of Britaine why so called 2.15 How limited 2.16 Fleg a part of Norfolke 35.1 Flemins inhabiting Rosse in Wales 101.4 Flint-shire how bounded and of what form 121.1 The dimension ibid. 2 The aire and Climate 121 3. 4 The commodities 121.5 The ancient Inhabitants 121.6 Hundreds and Townes there 122 Flint castle by whom founded and finished 121.7 The graduation thereof ibid. Flodden-field 89 10 Foelix Bishop of Dunwich 35.8 A Font of solide brasse 39.5 Forrest both name and thing whence it came 57.2 Forrest justice 57. ● Forresters office ibid. Fotheriaghay Castle and Collegiate Church 55.8 Fouldage in Norfolke what it is 35.2 Fountain ebbing and slowing 85.9 Fountaines Abbey 77.7 Freshwater Isle 15.14 Friburgi 57.4 G Gallena See Wallingford Galloglasses what they are 138.19 Galloway County how commodious 143.4 Galway the third City in Ireland and an Episcopall See 143.6 Gangani a people in Ireland 143.5 Gaothel with his wife Scota come into Ireland 137 11 Garnsay Island how it is situate 94.1 The dimension thereof ibid. The forme of it 942. Sometime called Sarnia 94.1 The government originall and language of the Inhabitants 94 5 8 Market-Townes Castles and Parishes therein 94 8 No Toade Snake or venomous creature there 94.3 Order of the Garter 27.8 Gateshed 89.8 Pierce Gaveston beheaded 53.4 Gessrey ap Arthur of Monmouth why so called 107.4 Geese where they sail as they slie 81.6 Saint Germane confuteth the Pelagian Heresie 77.7 H● sin●ieth at Oxford 45.7 Giants teeth and bones digged up 31.8 Giants dance translated out of Leinster to Salisbury Plaine by Merlin 141.14 Gildas the old Britaine Student in Oxford 45.7 Gilling Monastery 79.5 Gisburg Abbey 81.8 Glamorgan-shire how limited 100.19 109.1 What Cantreves and Commots it hath 100 19 The forme and measure of i● 105.2 The aire and soile thereof 105.3 The Commodities it standeth upon 10● 3 Castles and religious houses in it 105.8 Hundreds Townes and memorable places therein 106 Glastenbury Abbey first begunne by Ioseph of Arimathea 23.9 Glocester-shire how it is bounded 47.1 The dimension of it 47.2 The forme aire and soile 47.3 The commodities thereof 47.3 5 By whom in ancient time inhabited 47.4 Hundreds and Towns therein 48 Glocester Citie how called in old time 47.6 A Cathedrall See 47.7 The graduation of it ibid That Dukedome fatall ever to her Dukes 47 11 Godiva Earle Leofrikes wife released Coventry of Tributes by riding naked thorow it 53.5 Godmanchester or Gormanchester 107.4 Godred the sonne of Syrricke King of Man 92.1 His death 92.2 Godred Crovan warreth upon the Manksmen 92.3 Conquereth the Isle of Man and is King 92.3 Buried in Ila an Island ibid. Godred sonne of Olave King of Man 92.7 King of Dublin 92.7 He vanquished and slew Osibeley 92.7 Hee tyrannizeth in Man ibid. Put to slight by Summerled 92.7 King of the Isles also 92.9 His death buriall and issue ibid. Godred Don sonne of Reginald King of the Islands slaine 92.10 Goodwin Sands dangerous shelves 7.6 Gog-Magog 21.1 Gog-Magog hilles 37.7 Grantbridge 37.4 Grantcester an ancient Citie 37.4 Arthur Baron Grey suppresseth Desmonds Rebellion 139.9 Gromebridge in Sussex 9.8 Grounds in the Irish Sea what they be 141.7 Grounds made fruitfull with burning ashes 119 4 Guartiger Maur 111.5 Gwent a part of South-Wales now Monmouth-shire how confined 100.20 How it is divided into Cantreves and Commots ibid. Guith i. the Isle of Wight 15.7 Guy of Warwicke beheadeth Piers of Gaveston 53.4 Guy-Cliffe 53.7 Guorong the Lieutenant of Kent 7.11 H Hadrians Wall limiting the Romane Province in England 6.9 Hadria● 4. Pope where borne and his death 36.6 Hales Monastery 47.11 Blood of Hales ibid. Halifa● a great Parish why so called 77.8 Halifas Law ibid. Haly-werke folke 83.6 Hant-shire how bordered upon 13.1 The dimension thereof 13 2 The aire and soil thereof 13.3 4 What Havens Creekes and Cas●les it hath 13.5 By what people inhabited in old time 13.6 What commodities it yeeldeth 13.8 What Religious Houses Hundreds and Townes therein 13.11 Hardy-Canute his death 11.6 Lord ●ohn Harrington Baron of Exton 59.5 His draught of Rutland-shi●● ibid. Harb●h a great towne in Merio●th-shire 99.10 Harb●h towne castle 117.6 The position thereof 117.7 Harod Godwins sonne King of England vanquisheth Harold Harfager King of Norway 92.1 Harold Olaves sonne King of Man drowned in a tempest 92.12 Havering how it tooke name 31.9 Hawad●n Castle 121.7 Hegl●andmen 2.12 Heil Saxon Idol 17.6 Helb●ks 79.3 Hell●ettles 83.7 Hel●et of gold digged up in Li●oln-shire 63.6 Hen●st beheaded 78.10 Hen● Prince of Wales Duke of ●ornwall Englands great ho● 21.6 Hen● Prince of Scotland ha●y escapeth death at the sie● of Ludlow 71.6 He● the 4. Emperour of Amaine buried in Saint W●burgs Church at Cheste● 73.7 Phil Herbert first
Earle of Motgomery 115.5 Her●rd-shire how bounded 49.1 T●e climate of what temp●rature 49.2 Hu●dreds and townes th●rein 50 Heref●rd Citie and Bishopric●e 49.5 Th● circuit and graduation th●reof ibid. Th●●ivill Magistracy thereof ibid. Herbe●t Losinga B. of Norwi● what Churches and Monasteries he built 35.8 Herefordshire how bounded 39.1 The forme and dimension of it ibid. The ayre soyle and commodities 39.3 The ancient Inhabitants 39.4 H●●dreds and Townes ●erein 40 Her●rd towne 39.6 The ●●aduation thereof 49.8 Hib●ia whence it tooke man 138.12 Hidosland what it signifieth 3.3 57.3 Hig●andmen naturall Scots 11.4 See Heghlandmen Hill●ie Isle 9● 8 Sain● Hilda his miracle 81.6 Himinbrooke Nuunery 57.6 Histricall Tome of this Vorke 1.1 Hobies Irish in Leinster 141.5 Ho Island See Lindisferne Ho well See Winifrids well Ho crosse in Tipperary within Mounster 139.11 Ho●nd a third part of Linc●n-shire 63.10 Hlanders fishing by license ●on the North-East coasts England 81.3 H●ry Holland his high desent and calamitie 19.8 H● Castle in Bromfield 100 12 Horse Muscles full of good earle 132.15 Horse-shooe in the Shire-Hall at Oak●ham 59.7 ●orsa slaine in battell 7.11 At Horsted his Monument ibid. ●orton See Halifax ●ospitall at Leicester with a Collegiate Church built 61.6 Charles Howard defeated the the Spanish Armada at Sea 19.4 Hubblestone in Devon-shire whence it tooke name 19.7 Humber as arme of the Sea 79.3 Hundreds what they are 3.4 Hunting●on-shire how it is bounded 57.1 How ●ivided 57.3 What manner of Iurisdiction therein at first 57.4 Hundreds townes and memorable places therein 58 10 Huntingdon town why so named and how seated 57.5 Their Common-seale ibid. Their Priory of Black-Canon ibid. The Castle ibid. The River there sometime Navigable 57.6 Hurles in Cornewall what they be 21.9 I Iames●he ●he fourth King of Scots slain 89 10. Iames 5. King of Scots dyeth for griefe of heart 87.5 Iceni ●hat people and where seated 33.4 35.3 Icat or black Amber 81.6 Iersey Island how seated 94 The form and dimension of it 94.2 The ayre and soyle 94.3.4 Stockings there made 94.4 The originall and language of the Inhabitants 94.5 The Commodities 94.6 How governed 94.7 An Island floating 132.15 Ilchester in Somerset-shire 23.10 Kingdome of the Islands divided 92.17 Iohannes de sacro Bosco borne at Halifax 77.8 King Iohn his Monument and Portraiture 51.5 Saint Iohns Tombe in Scotland 132.6 Iona i. Columkil 132.18 Iosephus of Exceter or Iscanus his praise 19.6 Ipswich commended 33.6 The dimension and site of Ipswich ibid. How governed ibid. Ireland how divided into Provinces and Countries 135 What names it hath 137 1 The name whence derived 137.2 The most Westerne Island 137.2 Why called the holy Island 137.3 Thought to bee Ogygia in Plutarch 137.3 Called also Scotia ibid. The third Island for bignesse in the known world 137.4 When and how it received Christianitie 135.22 Christianity there much decayed 139.8 Ireland of what forme it is 137.4 How bounded ibid. The aire and temperature 137.5 The soile 137.6 The Commodities 137.7 The ancient and originall Inhabitants 137.8 By whom divided into five Provinces 138.12 Called little Britaine ibid. Irish-mens Cottages in Anglesey 125 The manners customes of the Irish in old time 138.14 The manner of Baptizing 138.15 Their Children how nurced ibid. Their fantasticall conceits 138.16 Addicted much to Witchcraft ibid. Their Idolatry ibid. Their attire 138.18 They forsake their wives at their pleasure 145.8 Their manner of Warre 138.19 Their mourning for the dead 138.20 Irish BB. Consecrated by the Arch-Bishop of Canterburie 145.8 Isca Silurum i. Caer-lion 107.4 Ithancester See St Peters upon the wall ibid. S. Ivo a Persian Bishop 15.7 S. Ivoes Priory a Cell to Ramsey Abbey ibid. K Katherine Dowager of Spain● where interred 55.7 Keyes of the Isle of Man 91.5 Kendale or Candale whence it taketh name 85.4 Kendale Towne 85.7 How governed ibid. Graduation of it ibid. Kendale Earles 85.7 Kent how it is bounded 7.1 The length breadth and circumference of it ibid. The forme site and position of it 7.2.3 The soile and Commodities 7.4 Rivers navigable therein 7 5 Kent unconquered 7.7 Receiveth Christianitie first in this Isle ibid. Troubled with civill dissentions 7.10 How governed 7.11 Made a Kingdome ibid. Made an Earledome ibid. Earles thereof with the Armes of their severall families ibid. How divided into Hundreds and Parishes 7.8 Kesteven a third part of Lincolne-shire 63.10 Kildare adorned with an Episcopall See 141.8 Kilkenny a faire Burrough-town in Leinster 141.8 Kimbolton Mannour 58.9 Kings-delfe See Swords-delfe Kingstone upon Hull 81 4 When built ibid. How governed ibid. The graduation of it ibid. Kirkstall Monastery 77.7 Kirkstall battell 78.10 Knights-fees how many in England in William the Conquerours dayes 4.10 Knocktoe battell 143.7 L Henry Lacy Earle of Lincolne his onely sonne drowned in a Well 119.7 Lactorodum See Stonystratford Laford i. Lord what it importeth 47 Lagetium See Casterford Lagman King of Man 92.4 He taketh the badge of the Crosse of Ierusalem 92.4 In his journey dieth ibid. His crueltie to his brother Harold 92.4 Lambeth commended 11.7 Lampe burning many ages 78.11 Llanbadarn vaur an Episcopall See 113.7 Lancaster Countie Palatine 7● 1 How confined ibid. The forme and dimension of it 75.2 The soile and commodities thereof 75.4 Hundreds and Townes therein 76 By whom anciently inhabited 75.5 Lancaster Towne 75.6 The position of it ibid. How governed ibid. Lancaster House and Yorke conjoyned 75.9 Lancastrians put to flight 78.10 Llandaff city how sited 105.5 An Episcopall See ibid. Llandevi breve why so called 113.7 Langley in Hertford-shire 39.6 Lath what it is 4.6 Lawes i. great stones 89.13 Lawes of three sorts in England 4.8 5.3 Law-troubles none in the Isle of Man 91.5 Lawes ought to bee written and certaine 5.3 Law-land men 2.12 Lavatrae See Levatre Saint Laurence Island 1.2 Lead-Mines in Darby-shire 67.5 Lead-blacke in Cumberland 87.4 Leet whence it tooke name 4.6 Legeolium See Casterford Leicester-shire how bounded 61.1 The Commodities and aire thereof 61.2 3 What Religious Houses therein 61.8 Hundreds and Townes therein 62 By whom inhabited in old time 61.4 Leicester Citie or Towne the Center of the Shire 61.5 The position of it ibid. What names it had beside 61.1 An Episcopall See ibid. Built long before Christs Nativitie ibid. Well traded and as well walled in times past ibid. The graduation thereof 61 5 Destruction thereof 61.6 Leinster Province in Ireland how called 141.1 How bounded ibid. The forme and dimension thereof 141.2 The ayre soyle and Commodities 141.3 5 By whom inhabited in old time 141.4 Religious Houses therein 141.14 Irish therein mischievous one to another 141.2 Countries and Townes therein 142 Lonn or Linn an ancient Borrough 35.6 Made a Corporation ibid. Lenn Episcopi 35.6 Lenn Regis ibid. Laeth what it is 4.6 Lettustan Hundred in Huntingdon-shire 58.9 Le-trim Countie plentifull of grasse 143.4 Levatrae See Bowes Lewes Battell in Sussex 9.7 Llewellin Prince of Wales where slaine and beheaded
and of what forme ibid. The measure and name ibid. The position soyle and ayre ibid. Commodities thereof 35 2. 8 Commodious Rivers there 35.3 Families of Gentlemen there and their loyaltie 35.3 How Norfolk is governed ibid. By whom inhabited in old time ibid. Replenished with Churches and Monasteries 35 3 The first Earle of Northfolke 35.4 Hundreds and Townes in Northfolke 36 North-Riding in Yorke-shire how it lieth 77.4 How bounded 81.1 The aire soile and commodities 81.2 3 Hundreds and Townes therein 82 Northumbre 4.11 Northumberland how it is bounded 89.1 The forme aire and soyle of it 89.2 3. 4 The ancient inhabitants 89 5 The Commodities thereof 89.6 Battels there 89.10 Antiquities there 89.12 Townes Parishes therein 90 North-Wales how bounded 99.6 Divided into four parts 99 7 What Shires it containeth 115.5 Norwich whence so called 35.5 How afflicted with Pestilence and other calamities ibid. A Bishops See 35.8 Nottingham-shire why so named 65.1 How bounded ibid. The forme and dimension thereof 65.2 The aire and commodities 65.3 Hundreds Wapentakes and Townes therein 66 Nottingham towne commended 65.6 How governed 65.7 The position thereof ibid. O Oaten bread 91.4 Odiam Castle in Hant-shire of what strength 13.5 Offaes dike 3.2 How it runneth 99.3 111.6 Offchurch the Palace of King Offa 53.7 Oisters of Essex the best 31 6 Oister-hills in Hertford shire 39.7 Okam where borne 11.7 Okham alias Oukham Royaltie 59.5 The seat in times past of the Ferrars 59.7 Okham or Oukham Castle 59 9 Okenyate 71.9 Olave son of Godred Crovan King of Ireland 92.6 His wife concubines and issue ibid. Olave the second King of Man 92.10 King of the Isles ibid. His death and buriall ibid. Ordovices a puissant Nation 115.5 Where planted 71.5 115.5 117.4 119.5 121.6 123.5 125. Orewood a weed of the Sea 21.3 Orkenary Islands how many 132.20 By whom discovered and subdued 132.21 How they descended to the Kings of Scotland 132 21 Osbright King of Northumberland slaine 178.9 Oswestry Lordship 100.12 Otho Bishop of Bareux first 〈◊〉 of Kent 7.11 〈…〉 where 〈◊〉 89.5 Otter●●●●e battell 89.12 Ounsb●ry hill fore-sheweth 〈◊〉 and raine 181 Ou●● River greater and lesse 35.3 〈◊〉 in Hertford-shire stayeth h●s course 41.5 ●wen Glendower his rebellion and death 117.4 Oxford and Oxford-shire whence so named 45.1 How bounded ibid. The aire and soile 45.2 Rivers thereof ibid. The dimension of it 45 3 The ancient inhabitants 45 4 Hundreds and Parishes there 46 Oxford how ancient an Academie 45.7 The prerogative thereof by generall Councell ibid. The second schoole of Christendome and pillar of the Church ibid. The generall Vniversitie for all England Wales Scotland and Ireland In Oxford thirtie thousand Students 45.7 An Episcopall See ibid. The site of it 45.8 Ox-gauge what it is 57.3 P Palladius Apostle to the Scots 132.13 Palme-Sunday Battell 78 10 Parishes in England divided by Honorius Arch-Bishop of Canterburie 5.4 In England how many ibid. How many in the Conquerours time 4.10 Passerumurbs See Circester Patricke the first Apostle for Ireland 158.22 His life 138.23 His Purgatorie 145 7 Where he lived died and was buried 145.9 Strife about his Sepulchre 13● 22 Paulinus Arch-Bishop of Yorke baptized in one day ten thousand 79 6 Peaceable and safe travelling over all England in King Elfreds dayes 3.4 Pembroke-shire how limited 107. 101.1 What Townes Cantreves and Commots therein 101.2 How neere it is adjoyning to Ireland 101.3 The ancient Inhabitants 101.4 The Commodities thereof 101.5 What Religious houses dissolved 101.8 Castles therein ibid. Hundreds and Townes there 102 Pembroke Towne 100.17 The site of Pembroke ibid. Pearles in Cumberland 87.4 Engendred in Caernarvon-shire 123.5 Perry a drinke in Worcester-shire 51.3 Perth See Saint Iohns Towne Saint Peters in Cornehill an Arch-Bishops Cathedrall Church 6.5 29.7 Saint Peters Port 94 Saint Peters upon the wall 31.8 Peter-house in Cambridge built 37.4 Peterborow Towne and Monasterie 55.7 Peterborow the Cathedrall Church ibid. Pichford famous for a Well of Bitumen 71.9 Picts Wall 3.2 It was the Romanes onely Partition North-ward ibid. Picts the in-borne and naturall Britaines 131.4 Why so called ibid. Pimble-Mere in Merioneth-shire of what nature it is 117.5 Plaister of Lincoln-shire harder then that of Paris 65.4 Plantius first Romane Prefect in Britaine 2 Plimmouth famous wherefore 19.4 Plimlimmon Hill 113.3 Plough-land what it is 57 3 Pomona an Iland of the Orcades an Episcopall See 132.20 What commodities it yeeldeth ibid. Pontfret plentifull of Liquorice and Skirworts 78 8 Port the Saxon 17.4 Port-land in Dorset-shire ibid. Port-greeves 4.7 Pondbery a Trench 17.5 Powis-land how divided 99 12 Powis Vadoc ibid. Powis between Wye and Severne 100.13 Powis Wenwinwyn 100 14 Powis Vadoc what Cantreves and Commots it hath 100 12 Powis betweene Wye and S●verne what Townes and Castles it hath 100 13 Powis Wenwinwyn what towns Cantreves and Commots it hath 100 14 Prestaine a Towne of Commerce in Radnor-shire 111 6 Processe and pleading in the French tongue 5.3 R Radnor-shire how it bordereth 111.1 The forme and circuit of it 111.2 The aire and soile thereof 111.3 4 The ancient Inhabitants 111.5 Rivers there 111.7 Hundreds Townes c. there 102 Radnor Towne the seat and graduation thereof 111 6 Radulph Earle of Norfolke 35.5 Ramsey Abbey 57.6 Called Ramsey the rich and why ibid. Reading alias Redding in Bark-shire beautified with an Abbey by King Henry the first 27.6 The Castle rased by King Henry the second ibid. The graduation of it Ibid Reafen the Danes banner 19 7 Redhorse Vale 53.8 Redmore where King Richard the third was slaine 61 7 Regni what people and where seated 9.5 11.4 Reignald sonne of Olave usurpeth the Kingdome of Man 92.9 Deprived of his eyes and genitories by his brother Godred ibid. Reignald son of Godred King of Man 92.9 Slaine ibid. His body where interred 92.9 Reignald or Reignald the second son of Olave King of Man 92.13 Slaine by Yvas ibid. His buriall ibid. Repandunum See R●pton Repton 67.7 Rere-crosse or Rey-Crosse upon Stanemore 6.10 Restitutus Bishop of London in Constantine the great his time 29.7 Ribble-Chester ancient and sometime very rich 75 6 Richard Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury commended 11 7 Richard Earle of Cambridge beheaded at Southampton 13.1 Richard Earl of Cornewall enriched by Tin-mines in Cornwall 21.3 King Richard the third slaine and buried 61.6 King Richard the second taken prisoner by Henry of Bullingbrooke 121.7 Richmond chiefe Towne of North-Riding 79.4 How imployed ibid. By whom built and so named 79.6 How governed ibid. The position thereof ibid. Ringwood in Hantshire whence so named 13.6 Riplay the Alchymist 11 7 Robogdii people in Ireland 145.5 Rochester by whom built 7.9 Rodericke the great King of Wales 99.5 His division thereof ibid. Rollericke stones 43 5 Rosamund Clifford poisoned by Queene Eleanor King Henry the second his wife 45.8 Roscaman a commodious Territorie in Connought 143 4 Rugemont Castle a Kings
and they say are bound to furnish him at need with 3842. hor●e among them and 16200. foot 14 The chiefest Regions of Germany best knowne to us and noted by our Geographers with a more eminent Character then the rest are these 1 East Friz●land 2 Westphalia 3 Cullen 4 Munster 5 Triers 6 Cleve 7 Gulick 8 Hassia 9 Alsatia 10 Helvetia 11 Turingia 12 Brunswicke and Luneburg 13 Franconia 14 Palatinatus Rhene 15 Wittenburg 16 Ausper 17 Bayden 18 Mentz 19 Bamberg 20 Weirstberg 21 Saxonia 22 Anhalt 23 Mansfield 24 S●evia 25 Bavaria 26 Brandeburg 27 ●usatia 28 Tirolum 29 Misnia ●0 Bohemia 31 Silesia 32 Moravia 33 ●omerania 34 Mecklinburg 35 Austria 15 East-Frizeland is on the West side of Germany and bounded with the North Sea Her chiefe Towne is Embden 2 Westphalia is on the South of East Frizeland It is most famous for Swine and excellent Bacon which is esteemed with us one of our greatest dainties to commend a feast Part of it belongs to the three next Bishops of Cullen Munster and Triers 3 Cullen her Arch-bishop is an Elector The chiefe Towne was called Vbiopolis afterward Agrippina and lastly Cullen from a Colony which was there planted by the French It is a received tradition among the Inhabitants that the bodies of the Wisemen which came from the East to worship Christ are here interred None almost but hath heard of the three Kings of Cullen 4 Munster Her chiefe Citie is Munster notable since the yeare 1533. at which time a company of brainsicke Anabaptists named it Ierusalem and raised them a new Governour by the title of the King of Sion 5 Triers Her Arch-bishop an Elector Her chiefe Citie Triers of great antiquitie founded by Trebeta the sonne of Ninius and Bopport sackt by our Earle Richard King of the Romanes 16 6 Clivia or Cleave-land a Dukedome of name Her chiefe Cities are Wesell Emrick and Cleve Her Commoditie the Tophus-stone of which they make Cement 7 Iuliacum Gulick a Dutchy Her principall City is Aken or Aquisgranum where the Emperour receives his Silver Crowne for Germany and doth great worship to a clout which they take to be our Saviours mantle in which he was wrapped 8 Hassia a mountainous Countrey but fruitful Her Metropolis Marpurgum an Vniversitie and the chiefe place of her Lant-grave is Cassels It comprehends likewise the Countes of Nassaw and Hanaw 9 Alsatia Her chiefe Citie is S●r●sburg famous for a Clocke of wonderfull art and a Tower of five hundred seventy eight paces high Other Townes here are of note as Bing Wormes Confluence and Andernach 10 Helvetia Switzerland on the East of France and North of Italy It containes thirteene Cantons Zurich Berne Lucerne Vraenia Glavis Zugh Basell Friburg Vnderwalt Solour Shaffnansen Ape●sol and Suits Her chiefe Cities are Zurike or Tigurum whe●● Zwinglius was martyred And Sengall or Civitas Sancti Galli and Basell where a generall Councel was decreed to be above the Pope in the yeare one thousand foure hundred thirty one 17 Turingia Her Prince a Lant-grave Her ground though not of large extent not above twelve German miles either in length or bredth saith Maginus yet it is very rich it comprehends twelve Counties as many Abbies a hundred fourty foure Cities as many Townes above two thousand Villages two hundred and fiftie Castles Her Metropolis is Erford 12 Brunswick on the East of Westphalia a Dukedome whose principall Cities are Brunswick Halberstade Wolsheiten and Luneburgh which gives title to another Dukedome whose chiefe seat is Cella 18 13 Franconia It lyeth on the West of Turingia and joynes to Hassia Northward The Inhabitants were converted to Christianity by Boniface In this Province stands Franckefort famous for her two Marts every yeare and Noremberg within the territories are comprehended the seven other which belong to this section 14 The Palatine of Rhene some seventy two miles from North to South and from East to West ninety sixe Her chiefe Citie is Heidelberge Her Prince an Elector and hath many more priviledges then the other sixe In the vacancy he is Governour of a great part of Germany 15 Wirtenberge The chiefe Townes are Tubing an Vniversity Studgard c. 16 Auspech a Marquisate Her chiefe Town Auspech 17 Baden a Marquisate pleasant and fruitfull betwixt the Rivers Rhene and Neccar Her chiefe Cities are Turlach and Baden in which there be Bathes that cure many diseases 18 Mentz Moguntia a Bishoprick The Prince is a Spirituall Elector and sits alwaies at the right hand of the Emperour 19 Bamberg a Bishoprick of it selfe of large rev●newes In this stand Fochia where they say Pontius Pilate was borne 20 Weirstberg Her Bishop is intituled Duke of Franconia 19 21 Saxoni● on the East of Hassia and South of Br●nswick and North of Turingia In this Province was Luther borne at Isleben Within her bounds are likewise comprehended these two other Principalities of Anhalt and Mansfield 22 Anhalt whose Governour with great courage and power bore Armes in defence of the Palatines right to the Kingdome of Bohemia 23 Mansfield an Earledome the more famous for the valiant acts of the present Count who to this day wars upon the Emperours party in the behalfe of the Illustrious Palatine and his unparalleled Lady Elizabeth Sister to his Royall Majesty of England 20 24 Swevia on the South of Franconia It is a Countrey full of people and those of goodly personage great wit and valiant In this Province is the head of Danubius and runs through the middle of the Countrey Her chiefe Townes are Vlme Lindawe and Auspurg or Augusta Vindelicorum Norlingen c. 25 Bavaria on the South of Bohemia and ●ranconia There is both the upper and lower Bavaria Of the first the chief Cities are Muchen Ingolstad● Frising and about thirty foure Townes more equall to most Cities of the lower Bavaria the principall are Ratisbone Patavium Pussan Lanshutum and Saltspurge In this City lyeth buried Paracelsus 26 Brandeburge on the East of Saxonie a Marquisate of five hundred and twenty miles in compasse It was heretofore inhabited by the Vand●les The Metropolis is Brandeburge and Francfort ad Odicum for so it is distinguished from the other Francfort in Franconia and Berlium Here are fifty five Cities and sixty foure Townes 27 Lusatia it lookes Westward toward Saxony The chiefe Citie is Gorlitzia 28 Tyrolum on the South of Bavaria and East of Helvetia Her chief cities are Oonipous Inspruck Brixen Tridentum Trent where the Generall Councel was held one thousand five hundred fourtie sixe 29 Misnia on the East of Lusatia a fruitfull Region Her chiefe Cities are Misnia Drisden Lipsia a place of learning and Torga many Writers place this Province with Saxonie 21 30 Bohemia on the South of Saxonie and Misnia encompassed with the Sylva Hircinia a fruitfull and pleasant Countrey It may deserve a particular description of it selfe and therefore I will mention it here with no other solemnitie then I doe the rest of Germany Her Metropolis
of the Christian King of France his eldest son the Dolphin of France by their Salique Law no woman or heirs may inherit how justly I may not determine But yet the English have good reason to examine the Equitie For it cost our Edward the Third his Crowne of France to which he was heire in generall by marriage of a Daughter But the truth is we have beene ever easie to part with our hold there or at least forced to forgoe it by our civill dissentions at home else after all those glorious Victories of our Predecessors we might have had some power more to shew there as well as title FRANCE revised and augmented the attires of the French and situations of their cheifest cityes obserued by Iohn Speede. Are to be sould in Pops head alley by Geo●Humble Ano. 1626 THE SCALE OF MILLES 12 Aquitania lyeth on the West of France close upon the Pyrenaean Mountaines and Contunies 1 Another part of Biscay mentioned in the Mappe of Spaine and indeed differeth from that but very little 2 Gascoigne and Guien The first to this day keeps its name with a very little change from the Spanish Vascones The chiefe City is Burdigala or Burdeaux a Parliamentary and Archiepiscopall seat and Vniversitie of good esteeme was honoured with the birth of our Richard the second Another Citie of note is Tholouse a seate Parliamentarie and supposed to be as ancient as the Rule of Deborah in Israel This Gascoigne containes in the Earledom●s of Forie Comminges Armeniaci and the Dutch Albert. 3 Pictaria Poictu on the North of Guien a pleasant Region and a plentifull It containes three Bishopricks Poitiers Lucon and Mailazai Her chiefe Cities are Poictiers an ancient and the largest next Paris in all France Castrum Heraldi once the title of the Scotch Earles of Hamildon In this Province was fought the great Battel betwixt our Black Prince and Iohn of France where with eight thousand he vanquished fortie thousand tooke the King Prisoner and his sonne Philip 70. Earles 50. Barons and 12000. Gentlemen 4 Sonictonia severed from Poictiers but by the River Canentell and so differs but little from her fertility Her Metropolis Saints Her other chiefe Bourg Blay Marennes Saint Iohn D'angely and Anglosme Betwixt this Country Poictiers stands Rochell a place the best fortified both by nature and art of any in Europe And is at this time possest by those of the Reformed Religion where they stand upon their guard and defend their freedome of conscience against the Roman Catholikes of France 5 Limosin in limo sita saith some Maginus takes it from Liwoges her chiefe Citie toward the North which revolted was recovered by our Black Prince Her other Towns of note are Tulles and Vxerca and Chaluz where our Richard the first was shot It hath beene by turnes possest by French and English till Charles the Seventh Since we have had little hold there 6 Berry regio Biturigum from her chiefe City Bituris now Burges an Archiepiscopall See and Vniversitie It is exceedingly stored with sheepe and sufficiently well with other Merchandize of value 7 Burbone from her chiefe City Burbone heretofore Boya a Dukedome and much frequented by Princes and the Nobility of France by reason of her healthfull ayre and commodious Baths 8 Tureine the Garden of France Her chiefe Cities Bloys Amboys Trurs and a little higher upon the Loyre stand Orleance 13 Lugdunensis or Celtica lyeth betwixt the Rivers Loyre and Seyne and takes the name from Lugdunum or Lions her chiefe Citie This Province comprehends 1 Britany heretofore Armorica till subdued by Maximinus King of England about the yeare 367. since it hath had the name of Britany and for distinction from this of ours it is commonly styled Minor Britannia There is yet remaining a smatch of the Welsh tongue which it seemes the Invaders had so great a desire to settle in those parts as a trophie of their Conquests that when they first mingled in marriage with the Inhabitants they cut out their wives tongues as many as were Natives that no sound of French might be heard among their Children It hath few Rivers but that defect is in some measure made up by their neighbourhood of the Sea in so much that the Countrey is reckoned one of the most fertile in all France for Corne Wine and Wood. It breeds good Horses and speciall Dogges Iron Leade c. Her chiefe Cities are Nants Rhenes St. Brenie and Rohan It is divided into Britanniam inferiorem the base or lower Britanie Westward neerest England and Superiorem toward the Loyre Eastward Her chiefe ports are St. Malo and Breste 2 Normandie a part of the Region which was heretofore called Newstria and took the name it hath from the Norwegians Their first Duke was Rollo and the sixt from him our William the Conquerour It was lost from his Successors in the time of King Iohn Her chiefe Cities are Rhothomagus or Rhoan the Metropolis Constance and Cane memorable for the siege of our English H. the fift And Verveile besieged by Philip the second of France in the time of our Richard the first which when the King heard as he sate in his Palace at Westminster it is said he sware he would never turne his back to France till he had his revenge and to make good his oath brake through the wals and justly performed his threat upon the besi●ger Her principall parts are Harflew the first which King Henry the fift of England assaulted and New Haven given up by the Prince of Conde to Queene Elizabeth as a Pledge for such Forces as she would supply him with to maintaine Warres with the King in defence of Religion And Deepe c. 3 Anjoue regio Andegavensis a fertile Countrey and yeelds the best Wine of France excellent Marble and other faire stone for buildings Her chiefe Citie is Anjers which Ortelius takes to be Ptolemy's Iuliomagum It is now an Vniversitie To this Dukedome there are foure Earledomes which owe a kind of homage Manie Vandosme Beufort and Laval 4 Francia which gives name to the whole Kingdome and received it her selfe from the Germane Francones which before inhabited the great Forrest called Sylva Hircynia Her chief City and the glory of France is Paris or Lutetia auasi in lu●o sita in compasse twelve miles is reckoned the first Academie of Eu●rope consists of fiftie-five Colledges And here was Henry the sixt Crowned King of France and England In this Province stands St. Vincents where Henry the fift died and S●isons and the Dukedome of Valoys c. 5 Campaigne and Brye partners in the title of Earledome it is severed from Picardie onely with the River A fertile Countrey and hath many eminent Cities The principall is Rheimes where the Kings most commonly are Crowned and annointed with an Oyle sent they say from Heaven which as oft as it hath beene used never decreaseth It is the Seat of an Arch-bishop and Vniversitie of ●ote especially with our
6 The place of most account in this Shire is Chichester by the Britaine 's called Caercei and by the Saxons Cissan-Ceasr a Citie beautifull and large and very well walled about first built by Cissa the second King of the South-Saxons wherein his Royall Palace was kept And when K. William the first had enacted that Bishops Seas should be translated out of small Townes unto places of greater resort the Residence of the Bishop untill then held at Selsey was removed to this Citie where Bishop Raulfe began a most goodly Cathedrall Church but before it was fully finished by a sudden mischance of fire was quite consumed Yet the same Bishop with the helping liberalitie of King Henry the first began it again and saw it wholly finished whose beauty and greatnes her fatall enemy still envying againe cast downe in the dayes of King Richard the first and by her raging flames consumed the buildings both of it and the Bishops Palace adjoyning which Seffrid the second Bishop of that name reedified and built anew And now to augment the honour of this place the Citie hath born the Title of an Earldome whereof they of Arundell were sometimes so stiled Whose Graduation for Latitude is removed from the Equator unto the degree fiftie fiftie five minutes and for Longitude observing the same point in the West whence Mercator hath measured are twentie degrees 7 With whom for frequencie bignesse and building the Towne Lewes seemeth to contend where King Athelstan appointed the mintage of his Moneyes and William de Warron built a strong Castle whereunto the disloyall Barons of King Henry the third in warlike manner resorted and fought a great Battle against their own Soveraigne and his sonne wherein the King had his horse slaine under him Richard King of the Romans surprized and taken in a Wind-mill and Prince Edward delivered unto them upon unequall conditions of Peace But a greater Battle was fought at Battle when the hazard of England was tried in one dayes sight and Harold the King gave place to his Conquerour by losing of his life among sixtie seven thousand nine hundred seventie foure Englishmen besides whose blood so spilt gave name to the place in French Sanguelac And the soyle naturally after raine becomming of a reddish colour caused William of Newbery untruly to write That if there fell any small sweet showers in the place where so great a slaughter of the Englishmen was made presently sweateth forth very fresh blood out of the carth as if the evidence thereof did plainely declare the voice of blood there shed and cryed still from the earth unto the Lord. 8 But places of other note in this Shire are these From Basham Earle Harold taking the Sea for his delight in a small boat was driven upon the coast of Normandie where by Duke William he was retained till he had sworne to make him King after Edward Confessors death which oath being broken the Bastard arrived at Pensey and with his sword revenged that Periurie At West-Wittering also Ella the Saxon before him had landed for the conquering of those parts and gave name to the shore from Cimen his son But with greater glory doth Gromebridge raise up her head where Charles Duke of Orleance father to Lewes the twelfth King of France taken prisoner at Agincourt was there a long time detained 9 The commodities of this Province are many and divers both in Corn Cattell Woods Iron Glasse which two last as they bring great gaine to their Possessors so doe they impoverish the Countie of Woods whose want will be found in ages to come if not at this present in some sort felt 10 Great have been the devotions of Religious persons in building and consecrating many houses unto the use and only service of Christ whose Bead men abusing the intents of their Founders have caused those foundations to lament their own ruines for in the tempestuous time of King Henry the Eight eighteene of them in this Countie were blowne down whose fruit fell into the lappes of some that never meant to restore them again to the like use This Country is principally divided into six Rapes every of them containing a River a Castle and Forrest in themselves besides the severall Hundreds whereunto they are parted that is the Rape of Chichester into seven of Arundell into five of Bramber into ten of Lewes into thirteene of Peuensey into seventeene and of Haslings into thirteene in all fiftie six wherein are seated ten Castles eighteene market Towns and three hundred and twelve Parish Churches as in the Table following appeareth SUSSEX Described and divided into Rapes with the fi●sation of Chichester the cheife citie thereof And the armes of such Nobles as have bene dignified with the title of Earles since the conquest and other accidents therein observed Hundreds and Rapes in SVSSEX Chichester Rape 〈…〉 hund 〈…〉 hund Dump or hund 〈…〉 Manbou● 〈◊〉 Bex and 〈…〉 hundred Al●weck hund Arundel Rape West A 〈…〉 Botherbridge 〈◊〉 P●ling 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Bary 〈◊〉 Bramber Rape West 〈◊〉 hund 〈…〉 hund 〈◊〉 hund 〈◊〉 hund 〈…〉 〈…〉 Fishe●gat● hund Tipnoke hund 〈…〉 hund S●ingle●●●sse hund Lewes Rape Bark●●● and Hamsey 〈◊〉 S 〈…〉 H 〈…〉 I 〈…〉 U 〈…〉 H 〈…〉 F 〈…〉 P 〈…〉 Battinghill North hund Battinghill South hund Wyncham hund 〈◊〉 North part Streat South part Peuensey Rape East gri●●te● hund H 〈◊〉 hund Rutherfield hund Fox●●ald Kings hund Tinfield and Bucklie hun Ringomer hund I●field hund Rushmonden hund Danchill horste● hund Danchill Sheffeild hund Sheplake hund Dill hund Longbri●ge hund Willington hund Eastborne hund Alsiston hund Flexborow hund Hastings Rape Foxenall hund D●nill hund Shewswell hund Goldespure hund Staple hund Hanksborough hund Nethersfeild hund Boxhill hund Ba●sloc hund Gestling hund Gostrowe hund Nenvill hund Henhurst hund A ADrington Arund Alberton Bramb Alborne Bramb Adingborone Chich. Adrington ●ewes Almanington Chich. Aldfrisian P●u●n Alsiston Peuen Amberlie Arund Amersham Chich. Angleton Lewes Angmering West Arund Angmering East Arund Angton Arund Anstye Lewes Apoledrum Chich. Apsl●y Bramb Ardingleigh Lexes Arundell forrest Arund ARVNDEL Arund Arundel flu Ashburnham Hast. Ashefeuld Arund Athurst Bramb Assington bramb Aylworth chich B Badw●rth parke Arun. Balcombe L●w●● Balesd●ane lewes Balteslow Beacon hast Barcombe lewes Barlavington arund Barlugh arche● lewes Barnham arund BATTLE hast Bayles Court arund The Beach peuen. Beawbush bramb Beckley hast Bedingham peuen. Bedingstreat bramb Bentley peuen. Bepton Chich. Bersted South chich Bersted North chich Berwyke peuen. Bexill hast Bidlington bramb Bigmo●e arund Bignor arund Billinghurst arund Bilson arund Binderton chich Binsted arund Bishophurst bramb Blackdow Beacon chich Blackhouse peuen. Blackston bramb Bletchington lewes Bletchington peuen. Bogner ●ocks chich Bodgiham hast Bolbroke peuen. Bolney le●es Bony●k bramb Borcham Chapp●ll hast Bormer lewes Borsill hast Borstye lewes Boscham chich Bosgrav● chich Bowes bramb Bowley chich Bramber bramb Bramble peuen. Brantsnap lewes Breed
walls inmured to their middle in the earth which the rubbish of her owne desolations hath filled 11 Chiefe Religious houses within this Country erected and againe suppressed were these Christs-Church Beaulieu Wherwell Rumsey Redbridge Winchester Hyde South-hampton and Tichfield The honour of this Shire is dignified with the high Titles of Marques and them Earles of Winchester and South-hampton whose Armes of Families are as thou seest and her division into thirty seven Hundreds and those againe into two hundred fifty three Parishes as in her Table shall appeare HANTSHIRE described and devided Hundreds in Hantshire 1. Evinger 2. Kingscleere 3. Holshott 4. Odiham 5. Crundall 6. Alton 7. Barmanspit 8. Chutley 9. Basingstook 10. Overton 11. Pastrow 12. Andevor 13. Wherwell 14. Micheldever 15. Buntesborow 16. Sutton 17. Selborne 18. Eastermeane 19. Meanestoake and Suberton 20 Fawley 21. Buddlesgate 22. Kingsunborne 23. Bartonstacy 24. Thornegate 25. Newforest 26. Fordingbridge 27. Ringwood 28. Christ-Church 29. Redbridge 30. Waltham 31. Mansbridge 32. Tichfield 33. Portsdown 34. Portsmouth Liberty 35. Bosmere and Hayling 36. Fartham 37. Finchdeane A ABbots worthy Michel Abbots Ann Andovor Abboteston Buntes Abshot Tichf. Aldershot Crund. Alungton Mansb. Allow-house Christ. Altesford old Fawley ALRESFORD Su. ALTON Alton Alwardstoake Tichf. Amberlam Ester Amner Ferme Hamble Amport Andevor ANDEVOR And. Anfeild Mansb. S. Andrewes Castle Man Anport And. Anne little Wher Appleshaw And. Arnewood Christch Ashe Overt Ashely Christch Ashly Kingsun Ashmansworth Evi Ashton Walth Aven Christch Avington Fawley B Baddesley Mansb. Badsle South New Baghurst Eving Baldoxsee Redbr. Barmeston Redbr. Barkley Kings New Baropey Basing Barrend Michel Harton Peverell Mans. Bartonstacy Barton BASINGSTOOK Basing Bascombe Christch Basing Basing Batrumsly New Beacon Newf. Beacon Walth Beamond Ports Beare Budles Beareweeke Budl Beare Forest Portesd Bearehouse Ports Beawley New Beaworth Fawley Beckam Fording Bedhampton Ports Bedham Kings Bensteed Alton Bentley Crund. Bentworth Odiham Berseldon Tichfeild Beriton Finch Bighton Sutton Bisterne Ringwood Bittern Walth Bisterene Barkley Redbr. Bishopstoake Fawl Blacke Cliffe Christ. Blackwater Crund. Blendworth Finch Boldre Newforest Borocote Mich. Borow Cleere Eving Bossington Thorn Botley Mansb. Bowdeane Ester Boyate Mansb. Bradley Overt Bradley Barmans Bramdeane Sutt Bramere Fording Bramley Basing Bramsbury Budles Bramsell Hold. Bramshot Crund. Bramshot Alton Brickton Fording Britaine Lee Tichf. Brodlands Redbr. Brokenhurst New Brooke Kingsun Broughton Thorne Browne Candaver Bunts Broxton Alton Buckholt Forest Thorn Buckland Ports Bullington Wher Bure Christch Burgate Fording Burghcleere Eving Burly New Buticourt Alton Burrant West Ports Burrant East Ports Burstlin Walth Burton Christch Burwell Mean Bushwaltham Walth Butter-hill East Butteren Walth Butesashe New Byndley Eving C Cadland New Calshot Castle New Cams Tich Caunterton New Caston Fawley Catcombe Port. Cavehurst Kings Chalton Finch Charke Tich Charford North Ford. Chaiford South Ford. Charlcott Eving Charton And. Castle South Por● Chawton Alton Cheryton Fawley Chewton Christch Chidden Hamble Chilboulton Budles Chilcombe Fawley Chillinge Tich Chilton Candaver Bunts Chilworth Mans. Chineham Basing Choldwarton And. CHRIST-CHURCH Chr. Chure Forest Ando Clanfeild And. Clanfeild Finch Clatford upper Ando High Cleere Eving Cleerewoodcot Kir Clydseden Basing Cockerfeild Alton Coldre Alton Colderton And. Colmer Barton Combe Past. Combe Easter Compton Budles Compton Kings Copperhouse Christ. Cornhampton Mea. Cove Crund. Cowderidge Walth Crokham Crund. Cramborne Michel Crawley Budles S. Crosse Budles Croston Tishf Crowdhill Fawley Croxeston Past. Crundall Crund. D Deane Overt Dean East Thorn Derly Loperwood Red. Dibden Redbr. Dimnead Hamb S. Dionies Walth Dipnall Crund. Drogmersfeild Odi Drayton Ports Droxford Walth Dummer Barm Dunbury-hill Ando Durly Walth E Earlston Kings East Walban Alton Eastermeane Ester Eastly Mans. Easton Farme Ports Easton Past. Easton Fawley Edmonosthorp Kin. Edsworth Finch Egbury Eving Eling Redbr. Ellingham Ford. Elvetham Odiham Empshott Selbor Empsworth Bosmer Enham Ando Ervells Hamble Etchinswell Eving Eversl●y Hold. Ewshott Crund. Exbury New Exton Fawley F Fackham Past. FARHAM Tich Faringdon Selborne Farley Kings Farley Barmans Farlington Ports Farnborrow Crund. Farnhamsdean Past. Fartham Farth Faston Ferme Faston Past. Faushot Crund. Fawly New Ferlington Ports Fernboro Odib Fontley great Tichf. Fontley little Tichf. Fordingbridge Ford. Forton Wher Foxcott Andover Fremanton Kings Fritham New Frobury Kings Froxfeild Ester Froyle Alton Frysalke Eving Fryvoke Eving Fulflude Budles Fullerton Kings Fyfeild Andover Funtley great Tichf. Funtley little Tichf. G Gallare Wher Gynus New Gittins New Gildable Kings Glidden Hamble Godshall New Goodworth Clatford Wher Godsfeild Buntes Gosporte Tichf. Grange Bu●tes Gratly Andover Gertham Alton Grewell Odi Groveplace Redbr. H Hale Fording Hale New Haliborne Alton Hamble Have Man Hambledon Hamble Hamblerise Mans. Hame Barton Haninton Chu● Hanington Laurence Kings Hardu●dge Ringw Hardley New Harneden Finch Hartley Wespell Hold. Hartley Mawdit Alton Hasell Basing Hatherden Andov Havant Bosm. Haughton North Kings Hawley S●lborne Hawley Crund. Hayling Bosm. Headley Sutt Headborn worthy Bart. Heath Christch Heathouse Finch Heckfeild Hold. Helliouse Chut Hengesbury head Chris Henley Eving Henton Dawbney Finch Henton Amner Fawl Heriott Barman Herford bridge Odi Hertley-row Odi Hertley Alton Hertley Odi Highcleere Hill Walth Hilside O●i Hinton Christch Hithe New Hoddington Fawley Hoe Mean Holbury New Holdshot Hold. Holiborn Alton Holmhurst Christc Hooke Tich Hordwell Christch Horbridge Ford. Howghton Bud. Hownd Mans. Hunton Bud. Hurton Christch Hurne Christch Hursboorne Past. Hursboorne Eving Hursley Bud. Hurst East Kingsun Hurst West Kings I Ibbesley Ford. Ifford Christch Ilfeild Barm Inhurst Bart. Insteed East Sel. Insteed West Sut. Itchell Crund. Itching Walth Itchin Stoake Bunt Itchin Abbots Bunt K Katrington Finch Kempshot Basing Keppernham Kings Keyhaven Christch Kimpstone Fa●ley KINGS CLEEVE Kings Kingley Alton Kingston Ports Kingston Ringw Kingsunborne Kings Kingswo●thy Bart. Kirbridge Walth Kympton Ando L Ladnam Thorne Langly New Langly Red. Langrish Est. Lassam Odi Laverstooke Overt Lawnsle●●ll Kings Leape New Leckford Kings Lebritan Tich Lee Earles Kings Lichfeild Kings Linchford Crund. Lindhurst Parke New Lippocke Alton Littleton Bud. Littleton Ando Lockerley Thorn Lovington Fawley Long-parish Wher Long Sutton Crund. Longstocke King Lungford Fawley LYMINGTON Christ. Lyghe Port. Lindhurst New Lynwood New Lysse Odiham M Magdaline Faw Malchanger Chut Malwood Castle New Mappledorwell Bas. Mapledurham Finch Marchwood Red. Lee Markes Tich Martin worthy Fawley S. Maries Walth S. Ma●y boorne Evi Mattingley Hold. Maxston Ando Maxwell Fawley Meane East Mean Meane West Faw Meanestoake Mean Medsted Fawley Memsted New Micheldevor Mich. Michelmersh Budl Migiam Ford. Midleton Wher Milbrooke Budles Milbrooke Hill Walth Milcourt Alton Milford Christch Milton Christ. Minsted Newf. Morecot Red. Moresteed Fawley Morrall Odi Mortymer Hold. Motteffont Thorn Moyles Court Ringw Munkeston Ando Mycheldever Mich. Mynley Hold. N Nashe Christch Nastwood Past. Natley Severs Bas. Natley upper Bas. Newton Valence Selbor Newton Bery Redb Netham Alton Netley Mans. Newnam Basing Newton Eving Newton Selb Newtonstacie Bart. Ninkenholt Past. Northbrooke Mich. Northington Mich. Northwood Bosmer Norton Selbor Nursling Bud. Nursting Red. Nurstead Finch Nutley Barmans
georg Sutton Vpwim. Sutton waldron red Sutton Cul. Sutton points pud Swier Vg. Sydlin Saint Nicholas Tot. and Mod. Sylton Red. T Tarrant keniston Pimp Tarrant muncton Vpwim. Tarrant launston pimp Tarrant hinton pimp Thornford sher Thornhull Bad. Thornhill brown Throupe pud Tinham east hasler Tinham west hasler Tinkleton pud Todber Newton Tollerdwelve Red. Toller fratrum Toll Toller Percorum Toll Tolpuddell pud Tompson Comb. Turnewood pimp Turnerspuddell Barrow Turnworth Cramb. Twi●ord Vpwim. V Vanchurch Tol. Vernen●nster Cramb. Upsidling Yeat Upway Vgscomb Upwimbon Vpwim. W Waby house Pud Wadden frier Vgscomb Waldishe goder Walterston pud Walton georg Wambroke Whit. WARHAM Winf. Warmwell Winf. WAYMOUTH Vgs. Weeke Kings pud Welland Whit. Wenford Whit. Westbury Sher. Westhall Sher. Weston brown Westworth Rush. Whatcomb Coomb Whitchurch pimp Whitchurch Coomb Whitchurch tithing Whit. Whitc●i●●e Rowbar Withart vale or ●lakemore Sherb Whitlovington Barrow Wichampton Cramb. Widd●n Fryer Vgscomb Wilton Eggar●on WIMLORN MINSTER Bad. Wimborne S. Cyles Knowl Wimborn Alhallows Knowl Winfrith Winf. Winford Eagle Tollerf Winterborn Rush. Winterborn Pimp Winterborn Eggar Winterborn Kingston Beer Wirtwood Bad. Woodcotes Cramb. Woodland Knowl Woodford Winf. Woo●e Rush. Woolcomb Yeat Worgret Barrow Worthe Rowbar Worthe Rowbar Wotton fitzpaine Whit. Wotton Sher. Wotton Glanfeild Buk Wraxhall Eggar Y Yetminster Yeat DEVON-SHIRE by the Cornish Britaines called Devinan by the English-Saxons Deven-schyre and by contraction of the vulgar Den-shire is not derived from the Danes as some would have it but from the people Danmonii the same we have spoken of in Cornwall and whom Ptolemie hath seated in these Westerne Borders 2 The West of this County is bounded altogether by the River Tamar the East is held in with the verge of Sommerset-shire and the North South sides are washed wholy with the British and Severne Seas Betwixt whose shores from Cunshere in the North unto Salcombe Haven entering in at the South are fifty-five miles and from the Hartland Point West to Thorncombe East are fiftie-foure the whole circumference about two hundred and two miles 3 The Ayre is sharpe healthfull and good the Soile is hilly wooddy and fruitfull yet so as the hand of the Manurer must never be idle nor the purse of the Farmer never fast shut especially of them that are farre from the Sea whence they fetch a sand with charge and much travell which being ●spread upon the face of the earth bettereth the leannesse thereof for graine and giveth life to the Glebe with great efficacie 4 As Cornwall so this hath the same commodities that arise from the Seas and being more inlanded hath more commodious Havens for Shippings entercourse among whom Totnes is famous for Brutes first entrance ●if Geffrey say true or if Havillan the Poet took not a Poeticall liberty when speaking of Brute he wrote thus The gods did guide his sail and course the winds were at command And Totnes was the happy shoare where first he came on land But with more credit and lamentable event the Danes at Teigue-mouth first entered for the invasion of this Land about the yeare of Christ 787. unto whom Brightrik K. of the West-Saxons sent the Steward of his house to know their intents whom resistantly they slew yet were they forced back to their Ships by the Inhabitants though long they stayed not but eagerly pursued their begun enterprises With more happy successe hath Plimouth set forth the purchasers of fame and stopped the entrance of Englands Invaders as in the raigne of that eternized Queene the mirrour of Princes Elizabeth of everlasting memory for from this Port Sir Francis Drake that potent man at Sea setting forth Anno 1577. in the space of two yeares and ten moneths did compasse the circle of the Earth by Sea And the Lord Charles Howard Englands high Admirall did not onely from hence impeach the entrance of the proud invincible Spanish Navy intending invasion and subversion of State but with his Bullets so signed their passage that their sides did well shew in whose hands they had beene as seals of their own shame and his high honour 5 The commodities of this shire consist much in Wools and Clothings where the best and finest Kersies are made in the Land Corne is most plenteous in the fruitfull Vallies and Cattle spreading upon the topped Hils Sea-fish and Fowle exceedingly abundant Veynes of Lead yea and some of Silver in this Shire are found and the Load-stone not the least for use and esteeme from the rocks upon Dartmore hath beene taken Many fresh Springs doe bubble from the Hils in this Province which with a longing desire of Societie search out their passage till they meete and conjoyne in the Vallies and gathering still strength with more branches lastly grow bodied able to beare Ships into the Land and to lodge them of great burden in their Bosomes or Fals whereof Tamar Tave and Ex are the fairest and most commodious 6 Vpon which last the chiefe Citie and Shire-Towne of this County is seated and from that River hath her name Excester this City by Ptolemie is called Isca by the Itinerary of Antonius Emperour Isca Danmoniorum by the English Saxons Exanceasder and Monketon and by the Welsh Pencaer It is pleasantly seated upon the gentle ascent of an hil so stately for building so rich with Inhabitants so frequ●nt for commerce and concourse of strangers that a man can desire nothing but there it is to be had saith William of Malmesbury The wals of this Citie first built by King Athelstane are in a manner circular or round but towards the Ex rangeth almost in a straight line having sixe Gates for entrance and many watch-Towers interposed betwixt whose compasse containeth about fifteene hundred paces upon the East part of this Citie standeth a Castle called Rugemont sometimes the Palace of the West-Saxon Kings and after them of the Earles of Cornwall whose prospect is pleasant unto the Sea and over against it a most magnificent Cathedrall Church founded by King Athelstan also in honour of S. Peter and by Edward the Confessor made the Bishops See which he removed from Crediton or Kirton in this County unto the Citie of Excester as saith the private History of that place whose dilapidations the reverend father in God William now Bishop of the Diocesse with great cost hath repaired whom I may not name without a most thankfull remembrance for the great benefits received by his carefull providence toward me and mine This Citie was so strong and so well stored of Britaines that they held out against the Saxons for 465. years after their first entrance and was not absolutely wonne untill Athelstan became Monarch of the whole who then peopled it with his Saxons and enriched the beautie thereof with many faire buildings but in the times of the Danish desolations this Citie with the rest felt their destroying hands for in the yeare 875. it was
by them sore afflicted spoyled and shaken and that most grievously by Swane in the yeare of Christ Iesus 1003. who razed it downe from East to West so that scarcely had it gotten breath before William the bastard of Normandy besieged it against whom th● Citizens with great manhood served till a part of the wall fell downe of it selfe and that by the hand of Gods providence saith mine Authour since when it hath beene three times b●sieged and with valiant resistance ever defended The first was by Hugh Courtney Earle of Devon-shire in the civill broyles betwixt Lancaster and York then by Perkin Warbeck that counterfeited Richard Duke of York and lastly by the Cornish Rebels wherein although the Citizens were grievously pinched with scarcitie yet continued they their faithfull allegiance unto King Edward the sixt and at this day flourisheth in tranquillitie and wealth being governed by a Mayor twentie-foure Brethren with a Recorder Towne-Clerke and other Officers their attendants This Cities graduation is set in the degree of Latitude from the North Pole 50. 45. scruples and for Longitude from the West to the degree 16. and 25. scruples Neither is Ioseph that excellent Poet whose birth was in this Citie the least of her Ornaments whose Writings bare so great credit that they were divulged in the Germane language under the name of Cornelius Nepos The like credit got Crediton in her birth-child Winefred the Apostle of the Hassians Thuringers and Frisians of Germany which were converted by him unto the Gospel and knowledge of Christ. 7 Places memorable in this Countie remaining for signes of Battels or rather antiquities are these upon Exmore certaine Monuments of Antique worke are erected which are stones pitched in order some triangle-wise and some in round compasse these no doubt were Trophies of victories there obtained either by the Romans Saxons or Danes and with Danish letters one of them is inscribed giving direction to such as should travell that way Hublestow likewise neere unto the mouth of Tawe was the buriall place of Hubba the Dane who with his brother Hungar had harried the English in divers parts of the Land but lastly was there encountred with and slaine by this Shires Inhabitants and under a heape of copped stones interred and the Banner Reasen there and then taken that had so often been spread in the Danes quarrell and wherein they reposed no small confidence for successe 8 A double dignitie remaineth in this Countie where Princes of State have borne the Titles both of Devon-shire and Excester of which Citie there have b●en entituled Dukes the last of whom namely Henry Holland Grand-childe to Iohn Holland halfe-brother to King Richard the second siding with Lancaster against Edward the fourth whose sister was his wife was driven to such misery as Philip Commineus reporteth that he was seen all torn and bare-footed to beg his living in the Low Countries and lastly his body was cast upon the Shore of Kent as if he had perished by shipwrack so uncertaine is Fortune in her endowments and the state of man notwithstanding his great birth 9 Religious houses in this Shire built in devotion and for Idolatry pulled downe were at Excester Torbay Tanton Tavestoke Kirton Ford Hartland Axmister and Berstable 10 And the Counties divisions are parted into 33. Hundreds wherein are seated 37. Market Townes and 394. Parish-Churches whose names shall appeare in the Table following DEVONSHIRE WITH EXCESTER DESCRIBED And the Armes of such Nobles as haue borne the titles of them HUNDREDS in Devon-shire 1. BRanten 2. Sherwell 3. South Moulton 4. Bampton 5. Tyverton 6. Witheridge 7. Fremington 8. Hartland 9. Shebbeare 10. North-Tauton 11. Black Torrington 12. Winckley 13. Creditor 14. West Budley 15. Halberton 16. Hemyock 17. Axmister 18. Cullington 19. Hayrudge 20. S. Mary O●●ry 21. Clifton 22. East Budley 23. Wonford 24. Tingbridge 25. Exmister 26. Heytor 27. Liston 28. Tave stock 29. Roborough 30. Plympton 31. Armington 32. Stanborough 33. Colridge A ABbotesham Sheb Agelsortwell Hey Alesbeare East b. Alhallowes Hayrtd Alsheraphe Witbr Allington east stan Allington west stan Alme Flu. Alphington won Aluerdiscot fre Alwington sheb Ansley Mary wit● Annary sheb S. Annes Chappell Brant Anstie east southmo Anstie west southmo Apeley Frem Apledon s●eb Arlington sher Arme Flu. Armington arm Armouth arm Armington arm Ashe Brant Ashe king● Northt Ashberry Black ASHBERTON Ti. Ashbright Bam. Ashcomb Exm. Ashford Brant Ashford Bam. Ashprington Col. Ashregny Northt Ashton With. Ashton Exm. Ashwater Black Atherington Northt Audley sheb Aueton gifford arm Aune Flu. Austerston sheb AVTREY Mary Ot. Ax Flu. Axmister Axm. Axmouth Axm. B Bag-point North. BAMPTON Bam. BARNSTABLE B. Barnstable Bam. Bathe Northt Beaford sheb Beare clifton Beareferris Rob. Beere cull Bediford sheb Bediston lyft Belston black Bery point Heyt Bery Castle heyt Bery pomcry heyt Berrynerbert brant Beworthy Black Bickley hayrid Bickligh Robor Bickington Ting Bickington high North. Bickington Abbors Black Bicton East Bud. Bigbury arming Bittedon brant Blakauton colr. Blakdon heyt Bonitracye Ting Bosingsale colr. Bounden colr. BOWE North. Bradford black Bradford Hayr BRADINVCH Ha. Bradston lifton Bradworthy Black Brampford speke Won Branscombe cull Branton brant Bratton lovelly lift Bratton flemyng Bra. Bray Flu. Braye high sher Brendon sher BRENT south stanb. Brentor tavest Briddestow lift Bridgford VVonford Bridgreuell black Brightley southm Brixham Heyt Brixton Plymp Brodwood kelly bla Brodwood wigier ●i Brushford Northt Buckland east brant Buckland west brant Buckland north Rob. Buckland towsan col Buckland Monachop Rob. Buckland Bruer sheb Buckland in the moore Heyt Buckland fylly sher Buckfastleigh stan Buckerell Hem. Budleigh east East b. S. Budox Robor Bulkworthy bart Bult poynt stanb. Bundley Northt Burrinton plymp. Burrington Northt Burlescombe bamp. Butterley clift C Cadbery Hayr Cadbury VVest b. Cadley hayrid Callaton Northt Cannanleigh Bamp Cave Tyvert Caverleigh Tyvert Chareles sherw Chareles south●m Charleton colrid Challeigh Northt Chanon VVonf. Chawley VVith CHEG●ORD Won Chekston East b. Cheldon VVith Cherinton Fitz-paine West Cherinton bishops Won Cherston heyt Chestowe stanb. Chettescomb Tyvert Chevelston col CHIDLEIGH Ex. Chi●ton colr. Chylinleigh With. Chymley sher Chitlehampton south Chittenholt wood south Cholacombe sher Churstaunton hem Citington heyt Clavell har Clayhaydon hem Clayhanger Bamp Clannaborough Nor. Clawton Black S. Clement colr. Cliffe S. Mary East b. Cliffe S. George Ea. Cliffe S. Laurence Cl. Cliffe honiton East b. Cliffe brode clif Cliffe bishops East b. Cliffe hiedon clift Clouelly hart Cockatree Northt Cockingtor● bey Coffinswell bey Colbrooke cred Collaton arm Collaton Rawley East b. Columb John VVon Columb David Hem. Columpton Flu. COLVMPTON H Colruge Northt Culmestoke hem Cookberry black Combe VVest b. Combe Frem Combe cull Combs poynt Colr. Combe in tern hey Combing tynhead VVon Combyne axm. Comb martyns bran Compton bey Compton gifford Rob. Comranley axm. Coplaston cred Connsbury sher Cornewood arm Corneworthy colr. Cotleigh cull Cullacombe lift
VVytheridge With. VVithycombe stan VVithycombe hey Withycombe rawlew East Withycombe Chappell East VVognell East Hey VVognell West Hey Wolfradisworth Ha. VVholley sheb Wolesworthy With. VVood stan VVood Hay VVoodbury East b. VVoodland hey VVoodland a●m VVoodley stan VVorington Black VVorlington East With. VVorlington West With. VVorthiham lift VVortley southm Y Yalme moth Arm. Yalme Flu. Yaneton Bran. Yaneton Court Bran. Yarckcombe Axm. Yealmpton plym. Yarnescombe Hart. Youlston sher Z Zaelmonaco Northt CORNVVALL as Matthew of Westminster affirmeth is so named partly from the forme and partly from her people for shooting it selfe into the Sea like a Horne which the Britaines call Kerne and inhabited by them whom the Saxons named Wallia of these two compounded words it became Cornwallia Not to trouble the Reader with the Fable of Corineus cousin to King Brute who in free gift received this Countie in reward of his prowesse for wrastling with the Giant Gogmagog and breaking his necke from the Cliffe of Dover as he of Monmouth hath fabuled 2 Touching the temperature of this Countie the aire thereof is cleansed as with Bellows by the Billows that ever worke from off her environing Seas where-thorow it becometh pure and subtill and is made thereby very healthfull but withall so piercing and sharpe that it is apter to preserve then to recover health The spring is not so early as in the more Easterne parts yet the Summer with a temperate heat recompenceth his slow fostering of the fruits with their most kindly ripening The Autumne bringeth a some what late harvest and the Winter by reason of the Seas warme breath maketh the cold milder then elsewhere Notwithstanding that Countrey is much subject to stormie blasts whose violence hath freedome from the open waves to beat upon the dwellers at Land leaving many times their houses uncovered 3 The soile for the most part is lifted up into many hilles parted asunder with narrow and short vallies and a shallow earth doth cover their out-side which by a Sea-weed called Ovewood and a certaine kinde of fruitfull Sea-sand they make so ranke and batten as is uncredible But more are the riches that out of those hills are gotten from the Mines of Copper and Tinne which Countrey was the first and continueth the best stored in that Merchandize of any in the world Timaeus the Historian in Pliny reporteth that the Britaine 's fetched their Tinne in wicker boats stitched about with Lather And Diodorus Siculus of Augustus Caesars time writeth that the Britaine 's in this part di●ged Tinne out of stony ground which by Merchants was carried into Gallia and thence to Narbone as it were to a Mart. Which howsoever the English-Saxons neglected yet the Normans made great benefit thereof especially Richard brother to King Henry the third who was ●arl● of Cornwall and by those Tinne-workes became exceedingly rich for the incursions of the Moores having stopped up the Tinne-Mines in Spaine and them in Germanie not discovered before the yeare of Christ 1240. th●se in Cornwall supplyed the want in all parts of the world This Earle made certaine Tinne-Lawes which with liberties and priviledges were confirmed by Earle Edmund his sonne And in the dayes of King Edward the third the Common-weale of Tinne-workes from one body was divided into foure and a LordWarden of the Stanniers appointed their Iudge 4 The Borders of this Shire on all parts but the East is bound in with the Sea and had Tamer drawn his course but foure miles further to the North betwixt this Countie and Devon shire it might have been rather accounted an Iland then stood with the Mayne Her length is from Launston to the Land-end containing by measure sixtie miles and the broadest part stretching along by the Tamer is fully fortie lessening thence still lesser like a horne 5 The ancient Inhabitants knowne to the Romans were the Danmonii that spread themselves further into Devon-Shire also by the report of Diodorus Siculus a most courteous and civill people and by Michael their Poet extolled for valour and strength of limmes nor therein doth he take the libertie that Poets are allowed to adde to the subject whereof they write but truely reporteth what we see by them performed who in activitie surmount many other people When the Heathen Saxons had seated themselves in the best of this Land and forced the Christian Britaines into these rockie parts then did Cornwall abound in Saints unto whose honour most of the Churches were erected by whose names they are yet knowne and called To speake nothing of Vrsula that Counties Dukes daughter with her companie of canonized Virgin-Saints that are now reputed but to trouble the Calendar These Britaine 's in Cornwall to fenced the Countrey and defended themselves that to the raigne of King Athelstane they held out against the Saxons who subduing those Westerne parts made Tamer the Bounder betwixt them and his English whose last Earle of the British Bloud was called Candorus 6 But William the Bastard created Robert his halfe-brother by Herlotta their mother the first Earle of the Normans race and Edward the Blacke Prince the ninth from him was by his Father King Edward the third invested the first Duke of Cornwall which Title ever since hath continued in the Crowne 7 The commodities of this Shire ministred both by Sea and Soyle are many and great for besides the abundance of Fish that doe suffice the Inhabitants the Pilchard is taken who in great skuls swarme about the coast whence being transported to France Spaine and Italie yeeld a yearly revenew of gaine unto Cornwall wherein also Copper and Tinne so plentifully grow in the utmost part of this Promontory that at a low water the veines thereof lie bare and are seene and what gaine that commoditie begets 1s vulgarly known Neither are these Rockes destitute of Gold nor Silver yea and Diamonds shaped and pointed Angle-wise and smoothed by Nature her selfe whereof some are as bigge as Walnuts inferiour to the Orient onely in blacknesse and hardnesse Many are the Ports Bayes and Havens that open into this Shire both safe for arrivage and commodious for transport whereof Falmouth is so copious that an hundred Ships may therein ride at anchor apart by themselves so that from the tops of their highest Masts they shall not see each other and lie most safely under the windes 8 This Countie is fruitfull in Corne Cattle Sea fish and Fowle all which with other provisions for pleasures and life are traded thorow twenty-two Market-Townes in this Shire whereof Launston and Bodman are the best from which last being the middle of the Shire the Pole is elevated to the degree of Latitude 50.35 minutes and for Longitude from the first West point 15.13 minutes as Mercator hath measured them 9 Memorable matters both for antiquitie and strangenesse of fight are these At Boskenna upon the South-west of her Promontory is a Trophy
were by famine and sword wasted to 560. at which time the Earle escaping by Ship his Wise upn composition yeelded the Castle and followed In William Rufus time it was growne famous for Merchandize and concourse of people so that Herbert then translating the Bishopricke from Thetford thither made each of them an ornament to other In variety of times it felt much variety of fortune By fire in An●o 1508. By extreame plagues whereof one in An. 1348. was so outrage us as 57104. are reported to have dyed thereof between the Calends of January and of July By misery of warre as sack●d and spoyled by the Earle of Flaunders and Hugh Bigod Anno 1174. In yeelding to Lewis the French against their naturall Lord King Iohn Anno 1216 By the disinherited Barons Anno 1266. By tumult and insurrection between the Citizens and Church-men once about the yeare 1265. which if Henry the third had not come in prison to appease the City was in hazard to be ruined The second time in Anno 1446. for which the Major was deposed and their Liberties for a while seised In Edward the sixths time by Ketts rebellion whose fury chiefly raged against this City Since this it hath flourished with the blessings of Peace Plentie Wealth and Honour so that Alexander Nevil doubteth not to preferre it above all the Cities of England except London It is situate upon the River Hierus in a pleasant valley but on rising ground having on the Last the Hilles and Heath called Mussold for Moss-would as I take it In the seventeeth yeare of King Stephen it was new founded and made a Corporation In Edward the firsts time closed with a faire Wall saving on a part that the River defendeth First governed by foure Bayliffes then by Henry the fourth in Anno 1403. erected into a Majoralty and County the limits whereof now extend to Eaton-bridge At this present it hath about thirty Parishes but in ancient time had many more 6 Lenn having been an ancient Borrough under the government of a Bayliffe or Reve called Praetositus was by King Iohn in the sixt yeare of his Reigne made Liber Burgus and besides the gift of his memorable ●up which to this day honoureth this Corporation endowed with divers faire Liberties King Henry the third in the seventeenth yeare of his Reigne in recompence of their service against the out-lawed Barons in the Isle of Ely enlarged their Charter and granted them further to choose a Major Loco Praepositi unto whom King Henry the eight in the sixteenth yeare of his Reigne added twelve Aldermen a Recorder and other Officers and the bearing of a Sword before the Major But the Towne comming after to the same King he in the nine and twentieth yeare of his Reigne changed the name from Lenn Episcopi to Lenn Regis 7 Yarmouth is the Key of the Coast named and seated by the mouth of the River Yere Begun in the time of the Danes and by small accessions growing populous made a Corporation under two Bayliffes by King Henry the third and by his Charter about the fifteenth yeare of his Reigne walled It is an ancient member of the Cinque Ports very well built and fortified having only one Church but faire and large founded by Bishop Herbert in William Rufus dayes It maintaineth a Peere against the Sea at the yearely charge of five hundred pound or thereabout yet hath it no possessions as other Corporations but like the children of Aeolus and Thetis Maria 4. ventos as an Inquisitour findeth Anno 10. Henry third There is yearely in September the worthiest Herring-fishing in Europe which draweth great concourse of people and maketh the Towne much the richer all the yeare but very unsavoury for the time The Inhabitants are so courteous as they have long held a custome to feast all persons of worth repairing to their Towne 8 The Bishoprik of Norwich had first her seat at Dunwich in Suffolke and was there begun by Foelix who converted this County and the East-Angles to the Faith Being brought out of Burgundy by Sigebert the first Christian King of the East-Angles he landed at Ba●ingley by Lenn and there builded the first Church of these Countries which in his memory is at this day called by his Name The second he built at Sharnbourn then of wood and therefore called Stock-Chappell After Foelix and three of his Successours this Bishoprick was divided into two Sets the one with eleven Bishops in sucession continuing at Dunwich the other with twelve at Elmham in Northfolke Then united againe in the time of King Edwyn the entire See for twelve other Bishops remained at Elmham and in the Conquerours time was by his Chaplaine Arfustus being the thirteenth translated to Thetford from thence by Herbert his next successour save one bought of William Rufus for nineteene hundred pounds and brought to Norwich This Herbert surnamed Losinga a Norman builded the Cathedrall Church there and endowed it with large possessions Not far from thence hee also builded another Church to S. Leonard a third at Elmham a fourth at Lenn S. Margarets a very faire one and the fifth at Yarmouth before mentioned By the Cathedrall Church he builded a Palace for the Bishops and founded the Priory there now converted to Deane and Chapter and another Priory at Thetford Since his time the Bishops See hath immoveably remained at Norwich but the ancient Possessions are severed from it and in lieu thereof the Abbey and Lands of S. Benedict of Holme annexed to it The Commodities of this County I have contained in these foure Verses Ingenio populi cultu Norfolcia clara est Hinc fluviis illinc Insula clausa mari Quaratis vellus frumenta cuniculus agnus Lac scatet pisces pabula mella crocus This Description of Northfolke I received from the Right Worshipfull Sir HENRY SPELMAN Knight NORFOLK WITH THE A COVNTIE ARMES OF SVCH FLORISHING NOBLE FAMILES POPVLOVS AS HAVE BORNE DESCRIBED THE TITLES AND DEVIDED THEROF WITH THE ARMES OF SVCH NOBLE FAMILES AS HAVE BORNE THE TITLES THEROF HVNDRED● in Northfolke 1. SMethdon 2. Brothercrosse 3. North-Grenchoe 4. H●lse 5. North Erpingham 6. Tunstad 7. Happing 8. West-Flegg 9. Blowse●ld 10. Tavarham 11. south-Erpingham 12. Eynsford 13. Gallowe 14. Fr●cbridge 15. Laundiche 16. Mitsorde 17. Forchoce 18. Humbleyarde 19. Heustead 20. Lod. 21. Clave●●ng 22. Earsham 23. Depwarde 24. Dysse 25. Gyltcrosse 26. Shorpham 27. Waylond 28. South-Grenchoe 29. Walsham 30. Cla●kelosse 31. Grymshooc A Accle Blow Aileswythorpe Fr●cb Alby Southerpe Albu●rough Norther Alburghe Earsh Aldeby clav Alderford Eyns Alpington clav Althorpe Gal. Anmer Fr●cb Antingham Norther Appleton Fr●cb Armingale Henst. Ashby Fl●g Ashby clav Ashill Wayl Ashmonhangle Tuns Ashwelthorp Depw. Aslacton Depw. Attlebridge Tav●r Attleburgh s●rop AYL●SHAM S. Er. Aylmerton Norther B Baconsthorp southe Bagthorpe Gal. Banham Gyl Baningham souther Barford Forc Barmer Gal. Barney Norther Barneham Forc Barningham Northwood N E
Dynton Ales. E Eaton New Eaton Stock Edgcott Buck. Edlesburrough Coll. Elsborough Ales. Emmerton New Eydroppe Ash. F Farnam royall Bur. Fawly Dis. The Feath Burn. Filgrane New Fingerst Dis. Folcott Buck. Fulbro● Col. Fullmere Stock G Gamboro Ash. Gawcott Buck. Mershe Gibbeen Buck. Gotehurst New Grendon long Ash. Greneland Dis. Grove Coll. H Hadnam Ales. Hambleden Dis. Little Hamden Ales. Great Hamden Ales. Leck Hamsted Buck. Hanslop New Hardmere New Hardwick Coll. Hardwood great Coll. Hardwood little Coll. Hardwell Ales. Haversham New Haulton Ales. Hawridge Coll. Hedgeley Stock Hedstor Dis. Hillesden Buck. Hitchendon Dis. Hoggerston Col. Hogshawe Ash. Horidge Ales. Horsenden Ales. Horsingdon Ash. Horton Stock Hucket Ales. I Ilmere Ash. Ipston Dis. Iuet Stock IVINGOE Coll. K Kimbers Ales. Kingsey Ash. Krestow Coll. L Langley marish Stock Lan●icke Ales. Latimers Burn. La●ndon New Lee Ales. Snipton Lee Ash. S. Leonards Ales. Lillingstone dayrell Buck. Linchlad Coll. Lithershall Ash. Littlecott Coll. Lothbury New Loughton New Luffeild Buck. Lynford little New Lynford great New M Marlowe little Dis. Marlowe great Dis. Marlowe florens Dis. Marshe gibbon Buck. Mayes morten Buck. Mednam Dis. Mentmore Coll. Little Merdon Ash. North Merston Ash. Mersworth Coll. Middleton keynes New Great Missenden Ales. Little Missenden Ales. Morton Dis. Moulso New Mursley Coll. N Nashe Coll. Nettleden Coll. Newington longfield New Newington blomareile New NEWPORT Ne● Nothey Ash. O Ockley Ash. OVLNEY Ne● Oulswick Ales. Ouse Flu. P Padbury Buck. Penne Burne Pichcote Ash. Pitston Col. Poundon Buck. Prebend end Buck. Preston Buck. Q Quainton Ash. R Radnage Dis. Ratley Buck. Ravenstone New Over Rendon Ash. Rickmansworth Bur. Princes Risborough Ales. Monkes Risborough Ales. Rowsham Coll. S Sabbinton Ash. Sander●on Dis. Aston Standford Ash. Saulden Coll. Shaulton Buck. Sheney New Sherley brooke end Coll. Sherington New Sh●pton Coll. S●ckle-●urrow Coll. Spnam Burn. Sapton Coll. Staunton New Stoke golding New Stoke poges Stock Stoke manuill Ales. Stoke hamond New Stone Ales. STONY STRATFORD Ne. Stowe Buck. Fenny Stratford New Waters Stratford Buck. Stuckley Coll. Sulbury Coll. Swanburne Coll. Sympson New T Tame Flu. Thorneborowe Buck. Thornton Buck. Thurringham New Tingwick Buck. Tinweston Buck. Topley Burn. Tottenhoo Coll. Tousey Ash. Turfeild Dis. Turvye New Twyford Buck. V Vpburne denicourt Dis. Vpton Stock Vuing Ash. W Waddosdon Ash. Walton Ales. Walton New Over Wamden New Warrington New Waysbury Stock Weeden Coll. Wendover florens Ales. Wendover Ales. Westbury Buck. Westcote Ash. Weston under wood New Weston turvill Ales. Wexham Stock Whaddon chase Coll. Whaddon Coll. Whitchurch Coll. HIGH WICKHAM Bur. West Wickham Dis. Nether Winchington Ash. Vpper Winchington Ash. Wing Coll. Wingrave Coll. WINSLOWE Coll. Winslow heath Coll. Wolston little New Wolston great New Wolverton New Woodsham Ash. Wormenall Ash. Wotton underwood Ash. Woughton New Wyllyne New OXFORD-SHIRE receiveth her name from that famous Vniversitie and most beautifull Citie Oxford and this of the Foord of Oxen say our English Saxons though Leiland upon a ground of conjecture will have it Ousford from the River Ouse by the Latines called Isis which giveth name likewise to the adjoyning Iland Ousney The North point of this Shire is bordered upon by the Counties of Warwicke and North-Hampton the East with Buckingham the West by Gloucester-Shire and the South altogether is parted from Barke-Shire by Thamisis the Prince of British Rivers 2 The blessings both of the sweet-breathing heavens and the fruitfull site of this Counties soyle are so happy and fortunate that hardly can be said whether exceeds The ayre milde temperate and delicate the Land fertile pleasant and bounteous in a word both Heaven and Earth accorded to make the Inhabitants healthfull and happie The hils loaden with woods and cattle the vallies burthened with corne and pasturage by reason of many fresh springing Rivers which sportingly there-thorow make their passage whereof Evenlod Charwell Tame and Isis are chiefe which two last making their Bed of Marriage neere unto Dorchester runne thence together in one channell and name 3 The length of this Shire is from Cleydon in the North-West unto Caversham in her South-East neere unto Thamisis and amounteth almost to fortie miles the broadest part is in her Westerne Borders which extending from the said Cleydon in the North unto Faringdon seated upon the River Isis in the South are scarcely twenty sixe and thence growing narrower like unto a Wedge containing in Circumference about one hundred and thirty miles 4 The ancient Inhabitans known to the Romanes were the Dobuni part whereof possessed further Westernly into Glocester-shire and neerer East-ward betwixt the bowing of Thamisis were seated the Ancalites who sent their submission unto Iulius Caesar when report was made that the Trinobantes had put themselves under his protection whereof followed the Britaines servitude under the proud yoke of the all-coveting Romans yet afterwards this Counties people being very puissant as Tacitus termes them and unshaken by warres withstood Ostorious Scapula the Romane Lieutenant choosing rather to yeeld their lives in Battle then their persons to subjection Of later times it was possessed by the Mercian-Saxons as part of their Kingdome though sometimes both the West Saxons and the Northumbrians had the dispose of some part therof for Beda affirmeth that King Oswold gave the then-flourishing Citie Dorchester unto Berinus the West-Saxons Apostle to be his Episcopall See whence the good Bishop comming to Oxford and preaching before Wulpherus the Mercian King in whose Court Athelwold the South-Saxons heathenish King was then present he with all his Nobles were converted to the faith of Christ and there baptized whereby Berinus became the Apostle also of the South-Saxons 5 Other places of memorable note either for actions therein happening or for their owne famous esteeme are the Roll-rich-stones standing neer unto Enisham in the South of this Shire a monument of huge stones set round in compasse in manner of the Stonehenge of which fabulous tradition hath reported forsooth that they were metamorphosed from men but in truth were there erected upon some great victory obtained either by or against Rollo the Dane who in the yeere 876. entered England and in this Shire fought two Battles one neere unto Hoch-Norton and a second at the Scier Stane 6 Rodcot likewise remaineth as a monument of Oxfords high stiled Earle but unfortunate Prince Robert de Vere who besides the Earledome was created by King Richard the second Marquesse of Dublin and Duke of Ireland but at that Bridge discomfited in fight by the Nobles and forced to swimme the River where began the downfall of his high mounted fortunes for being driven forth of his Country lastly died in exile and distressed estate But more happie is this Countie in producing far more glorious Princes as King Edward the Confessor who in Islip was borne Edward the victorious black Prince in Woodstock and in Oxford that warlike Coeur de Lion King Richard the first the sonne
Wales And upon what ground I know not let Lawyers dispute it the Inhabitants in some part of this Shire enjoy a private custome to this day that the goods and lands of Condemned Persons fall unto the Crown but only for a Yeare and a Day and then returne to the next Heyres contrary to the custome of all England besides 5 The generall Commodities of this Shire are Corne Iron and Wools all passing fine besides Pasturage Fruits and Woods which last are much lessened by making of Iron the only bane of Oke Elme and Beech. 6 These with all other provisions are traded thorow twenty five Market-Townes in this County whereof two are Cities of no small import The first is Glocester from whom the Shire taketh name seated upon Severne neere the middest of this Shire by Antonine the Emperour called Glevum built first by the Romans and set as it were upon the necke of the Silures to yoke them where their Legion called Colonia Glevum lay It hath been walled about excepting that part that is defended by the River the ruines whereof in many places appeare and some part yet standing doth well witnesse their strength This City was first won from the Britaine 's by Cheulin the first King of the West-Saxons about the yeare of Christ 570. and afterwards under the Mercians it flourished with great honour where Osrik King of Northumberland by the sufferance of Erhelred of Mercia founded a most stately Monastery of Nuns whereof Kineburgh Eadburgh and Eve Queenes of the Mercians were Prioresses successively each after other 7 Edelfled a most renowned Lady Sister to King Edward the elder in this City built a faire Church wherein her self was interred which being overthrowne by the Danes was afterwards rebuilt and made the Cathedrall of that See dedicated unto the honour of Saint Peter In this Church the unfortunate Prince King Edward the second under a Monument of Alablaster doth lye who being murdered at Barkley Castle by the cruelty of French Isabel his wife was there intombed And not far from him another Prince as unfortunate namely Robert Curthose the eldest sonne of William the Conquerour lyeth in a painted woodden Tombe in the middest of the Quire whose eyes were pluckt out in Cardiffe Castle wherein he was kept prisoner twenty six yeares with all contumelious indignities untill through extreame anguish he ended his life And before any of these in this City say our British Historians the body of Lucius our first Christian King was interred and before his dayes the Britaines Arviragus The graduation of this County I observe from this City whence the Pole is elevated in the degree of Latitude 52. and 14. minutes and in the Longitude from the West 18. and 5. minutes 8 The other City is Bristow faire but not very ancient built upon the Rivers Avon and Fro●me for trade of Merchandize a second London and for beauty and account next unto Yorke This City standeth partly in this County and partly in Sommerset-shire but being a County of it selfe will acknowledge subjection to neither 9 A City more ancient hath been Circester by Ptolemy called Cerinium by Antonine Durocornovium by Giraldus Passerum Vrbem The Sparrowes City upon a flying report that Gurmund a Tyrant from Africke besieging this City tyed fire unto the wings of Sparrowes who lighting in the Towne upon light matter set flame upon all The circuit of whose walls extended two miles about wherein the Consular Port or wayes of the Romans met and crossed each other This City was won from the Britaine 's by Cheulin first King of the West-Saxons afterwards it was possessed by the Mercians and lastly by the Danes under Gurmund the former no doubt mistaken for him wherein a rable of them kept the space of a yeare Anno 879. and never since inhabited according to the circuit of her walles 10 Places of memorable note are these the Iland Alney neere unto Glocester wherein Edmund Iron-side the English and Canutus the Dane after many battels and blood fought in single combat hand in hand alone untill they compounded for the Kingdomes partition Barkley Castle where King Edward the second was thorow his fundament run into his bowels with a red burning Spit Tewkesbury the fatall period of King Henry the sixt his government and the wound of the Lancastrian Cause for in a battell there fought in Anno 1471. Prince Edward the only son of King Henry had his braines dashed out in a most shamefull manner the Queen his Mother taken prisoner and most of their favourites slaine and beheaded And at Alderley a little Towne standing eight miles from the Severne upon the hilles to this day are found Cockles Periwinkles and Oysters of solid stone which whether they have been Shel-fish and living creatures or else the sports of Nature in her workes let the Naturall Philosophers dispute of and judge 11 The places of piety set apart from other worldly Services and dedicated to religious uses by the devotions of Princes erected in this Shire were Tewkesbury Deorhust Glocester Minching Barkley Kingswood Circester Winchcombe and Hales which last was built with great cost by Richard Earle of Cornwall King of the Romans wherein himselfe and his Dutchesse were interred Their son Earle Edmund brought out of Germany the blood of Hales supposed and said to be part of that which Christ shed upon his Crosse. In this place with great confluence and devotions of Pilgrimage it was sought to and worshipped till time proved it a meere counterfeit when the glorious light of the Gospell revealed to eye-sight such grosse Idolatries and the skirts of Superstition were turned up to the shew of her owne shame 12 Dukes and Earles that have borne the title of Glocester the first of every Family are by their Armes and Names within the Card expressed ever fatall to her Dukes though the greatest in blood and birth The first was Thomas Woodstocke son to King Edward the third who in Callis was smoothered in a Feather-bed to death The second was Humfrey brother to King Henry the fift by the fraudulent practise of the malignant Cardinall and Queen made away at Saint Edmundsbury And the last was Richard brother to King Edward the fourth who by the just hand of God was cut off in battell by King Henry the seventh 13 This Shires division is principally into foure parts subdivided into thirty Hundreds and them againe into two hundred and eighty Parish-Churches whose names are inserted in the Table upon the other part of this Card. GLOCESTERSHIRE contriued into thirty thre seuerall hundreds those againe in to foure principall deuisions The Citie of Glocester Bristow discribed with the armes of such noble men as haue bene dignified with the titlles of Earles Dukes therof HUNDREDS in Glocester-shire 1. BErkley 2. Grombaldashe 3. Langley and Swinshed 4. Thornebury 5. Henbury 6. Pockle-Church 7. Kings Barton 8.
favour of the Conquerour disseised Aluric and his heires forfeited it to the Crowne but since it hath passed by annuall election and hath united to it the Countie of Cambridge 5 Having thus farre spoken of the Shire in generall next in observation falleth the Shire-Town Huntingdon Hundandun or the Hunters Downe North seated upon a rising banke over the rich meadowed River Owse interpreted by some Authors the Downe of Hunters to which their now common S●ale a Hunter seemeth to allude Great and populous was this in the fore-going age the following having here buried of fifteene all but three besides the Mother-Church S. Maries in their own graves At the raigne of the Conquerour it was ranged into foure ●eilings or Wards and in them 256. Burgenses or Housholds It answered at all assesments for 50 Hides the fourth part of Hurstingston Hundred in which it standeth The annuall rent was then 30. l. of which 25 of three Minters there kept the King had two parts the Earle the third the power of Coynage then and before not being so privatively in the King but Borowes Bishops and Earles enjoyed it on the one side stamping the face and stile of their Soveraigne in acknowledgement of subordinacie in that part of absolute power and on the reverse their own name to warrant their integritie in that infinite trust 6 The Castle supposed by some the work of the elder Edward but seeming by the Book of Domesday to be built by the Conquerour is now known but by the ruines It was the seat of Walthcof the Great Saxon Earle as of his succeeding heires untill to end the question of right between Sentlice and the King of Scots Henry the second laid it as you see yet doth it remaine the head of that honour on which in other Shires many Knights Fees and sixteene in this attended Here David Earle of this and Anguise father of Isabel de B●●s founded the Hospitall of S. Iohn Baptist and Lovetote here upon the Fee of Eustace the Vicount built to the honour of the blessed Virgin the Priory of Blacke Channons valued at the Suppression 232. l. 7. s. ob Here at the North end was a house of Fryers and without the Town at Hinchingbrooke a Cloister of Nunnes valued at 19. l. 9. s. 2. d. founded by the first William in place of S. Pandonia at El●esley by him suppressed where neer the end of the last Henry the family of the Cromwels began their Seat To this Shire-Town and benefit of the neighbour Countries this River was navigable untill the power of Grey a minion of the time stopt that passage and with it all redresse either by Law or Parliament By Charter of King Iohn this Town hath a peculiar Cotoner profit by Toll and Custome Recorder Town-Clerkes and two Bayliffes elected annually for government as at Parliament two Burgesses for advise and assent and is Lord of it selfe in Fee-Fa●me 7 The rest of the Hundred wherein this Shire-Town lyeth is the East part of the County and of Hurst a Parish in the center of it named HURSTINGSTON it was the Fee-farme of Ramsey Abbey which on a point of f●rtile land thrust out into the Fennes is therein situate founded in the yeare 969. to God our Lady and S. Benedict by Earle Aylwin of the Royall bloud replenished with Monks from Westbury by Oswold of Yorke and dedicated by Dunstan of Canterburie Arch-bishops By Abbat Reginald 1114. this Church was reedified by Magnavill Earle of Essex not long after spoyled and by Henry the third first of all the Norman Princes visited when wasted with the Sicilian warres Regalis mensae Hospitalitas ita abbreciata fuit ut cum Abbatibus Clericis viris satis humilibus hospitia quaesivit prandia This Monastery the shrine of two martyred Kings Ethelbright and Ethelre● and of Saint Ivo the Persian Bishop by humble pietie at first and pious charitie ascended such a pitch of worldly fortune that it transformed their Founder religious povertie into their ruine the attribute of Ramsey the rich for having made themselves Lords of 387 Hides of land whereof 200 in this Shire so much as at an easie and under rent was at the Suppression valued at 1903. l. 15. s. 3. d. q. but by account of this time annually amounts to 7000. l. they then began to affect popular command and first inclosing that large circuit of land and water for in it lyeth the Mile-square Meere of Ramsey as a peculiar Seignory to them called the Ba●cuc or Bandy bounded as the Shire from Ely and from Norman-Crosse with the Hundred Meere by Soveraigne Graunt they enjoyed regall libertie And then aspiring a step further to a place in Parliament made Broughton the head of their Baronie annexing to it in this Shire foure Knights Fees Thus in great glory it stood above 400 yeares untill Henry the eight amongst many other once bright Lamps of Learning and Religion in this State though then obscured with those blemishes to wealth and case concomitant dissolved the house although Iohn Warboys then Abbot his 60 black Monks there maintained were of the first that under their hands and conventuall Seale protested Quod Romanus Ponti●ex non habet majorem aliquam Iurisdictionem collatam sibi a Deo in Regno Angliae quam quivis ali●s externus Episcopus A Cell to this rich Monastery was S. I●oes Priory built in that place of Slep by Earle Adelmus in the raign of the last Edmund where the incorrupted body of S. Ivo there once an Hermit in a vision revealed was by Ednothus taken up in his Robes Episcopall and dedicated in the presence of Siward Earle of this Countie and that Lady of renowned pietie Ethelsleda to the sacred memory of this Persian Bishop Not farre from this is Somersham the gift of the Saxon Earle Brithnothus to the Church of Ely before his own fatall expedition against the Danes It is the head of those five Towns of which the Soke is composed and was an house to the See of Ely well beautified by Iohn Stanley their Bishop but now by exchange is annexed to the Crown As these so all the rest of this Hundred was the Churches land except Rippon Regis ancient Demaine To which Saple reserved Forrest adjoyned and the greater Stive●ly given by the last David Earle of Huntingdon in Fee to his three Servants S●mli●e Lakervile and Camoys HUNTINGTON BOTH SHIRE AND SHIRE TOWNE WITH THE ANCIENT CITIE ELY DESCRIBED 9 LETTUNESTAN HUNDRED hath that name from Leighton a Town in the middest of it given by Earle Waltheof to the Church of Lincolne which after shared it into two Prebendaries One the Parsonage impropriate which still remaineth the other the Lordships was resumed by Henry the eight and now by the Heire of Dar●y matched to the Lord Clifton is become the seat of his Barony This Hundred had in it no house of Religion but Stonley a Priory of seven
not much different in length and breadth being where it reacheth out in length from Beau-marish East-ward to the utmost Promontorie West-ward which we call Holy-head twentie miles and in bredth from Llanbaderik North-ward to the point of Menai Southward seventeen miles the whole circuit or circumference amounting towards seventie miles 3 The aire is reasonable gratefull and healthfull and not generally subject to diseases excepting certain Agues at sometimes which are occasioned by the fogs and mi●ty exhalations which arise from the Sea called Mare Virginium with the which this Isle is encompassed 4 The commodities that commend or rather beautifie this County are in corne and cattle wherewith it not only enricheth it self exceedingly but sendeth out great provision thereof to others to supply their defects and although the ground may seeme dry and stony or unpleasant and nothing sightly wherein for the outward quality it resembleth some other parts of Wales that are not so fruitfull yet for the inward bounties of nature it is farre unlike for above all the coasts of Wales it is most plentifull of Wheat in so much as by Giraldus Cambrensis report they are wont to say in Welsh by way of a Proverbe Mon Mam Cambry which is to say Mon is the mother of Wales for that when other Countries harvest fails round about or their provision is exhaust and drawne dry this alone like a provident full-brested mother is able to sustain the rest Whereunto Nature most povidently hath added another benefit serviceable and necessary to the former in that the Countrey produceth also those kinde of stones which are called Molares as of all other fittest to make Mill-stones or Grind-stones In some places also it yeeldeth an earth of Aluminous qualitie out of which some not long since began to make Alom and Coperose who like unflesht souldiers gave over their enterprise without further hope because at first they saw it not answer their over-hastie expectations 5 The ancient Inhabitants of this Countrey were the Ordovices mentioned before in the precedent Provinces of Denbigh-shire Flint-shire and Carnarvon-shire And this very Island was that ancient so much enobled seat of the British Druids who so amated the army of Romane invaders as Tacitus reports as els-where we have related in the 6 t Book and 7th chapter of our ensuing History 6 This Nation was attempted first by Paulinus Suetonius in the raigne of Nero but brought under the Romane Empire by Iulius Agricola When the Empire of the Romanes in Britaine began to decline and goe downe-ward some out of Ireland entred into this Isle by stealth and nestled themselves there as may be gathered by certaine Mounts of earth entrenched about and yet to be seene which they call the Irish-mens Cottages as also by a place named of the Irish-men yn Hiericy Gwidil who did there as is recorded put the Britains to flight under the leading of Sirigus The Norwegians also were often infestuous to this Island but K. Ethelreds Fleet having in the yeere 1000. scoured the Seas round about this Isle farre exceeded all both Irish and Norwegian depopulations for they wasted the Countrey in all hostile manner 7 After this two Hughs both Normans did greatly afflict this Island The one being Earle of Chester and the other of Shrewesbury at which very time Maginus the Norwegian arriving there shot Hugh Earle of Shrewesbury thorow with arrow and departed after he had ransacked the Island It was afterwards grievously infested by the Englishmen who never gave over from time to time to invade it untill in the raign of King Edward the first it was wholly brought under his subjection 8 The principall Towne in this Isle is Beaumarish which the said King Edward the first built in the East side thereof and for the faire situation though in a Moorish place gave it the name which it now beareth whereas in times past it was called Bonover which hee also fortified with a goodly Castle 9 The Major is the chiefest Magistrate of the Towne who is yearely chosen and hath the assistance and help of two Bayliffes two Sergeants at Mace and one Towne-Clerke by whose carefull diligence the affairs of this Towne are orderly managed and commanded whose latitude is 54. and longitude 15.45 minutes 10 Not far from hence is Lhaanvais in times past a faire Religious house of the Friers Minors which although it be now in a manner razed out of memory yet antiquity maketh mention that it hath beene of great regard among the Kings of England who have shewed themselves very bountifull Patrons unto that Covent both in respect of the sanctimonious life of such as conversed there as also because there the bodies of very eminent persons as the daughter of K. Iohn the son of a King of the Danes as likewise of many great Lords Knights and Squires were interred that were slaine in the wars against the Welsh in the times of many illustrious Kings of England 11 This Isle is reckoned to have had anciently many Villages in it even to the number of three hundred threescore and three and the same even at this day is very well peopled The division of this Isle for disposition of affairs that belong either to the state of the Crowne or to the condition of the countrey is into six hundreds in which are seated two Market-towns and seventie-foure Parish-Churches for Gods divine honour and worship as is Alphabetically gathered in the Table following ANGLESEY Antiently called MONA Described 1680 ¶ An Alphabeticall Table of all the Tovvnes Rivers and memorable places mentioned in Anglesey HVNDREDS in Anglesey 1. TAlibolion 2. Twrkelyn 3. Llyfon 4. Malltraeth 5. Meney 6. Tyndaythwy A Aberfro Mall Abermenai ferye Meney Alow Flu. Amlwoch Twrk B. BEWMARIS Tyn. Boddon Mall Bodedrin Llyf. Bodmon hill Twrk Bodowervcha Meney Bodowerissa Meney Bodwrog Lly Brant Flu. Brant Flu. C Caergiby Taly D Dinas wethon Taly Dulas Flu. G Gronait Taly Gweger Flu. Gynt Flu. H Hardravie Meney Henregadog Men. Hillary point Twrk Holy-head Taly I Inys wealt Llyf. Inys lygod Twrk Chappell Ithon Twrk K Saint Katherins Tyn. Kevenye Flu. Kirghhiog Llyf. L Llanallgo Twrk Llanarghymeath T. Llanbabo Taly Llanbadrig Taly Llanbedor Tyn. Llanbeullan Llyf. Llanddniolvab Mene. Llandegvayne Tyn. Llandruum Meney Llandona Tyn. Llandourodok Twrk Llandisilio Tyn. Llandrygarn Llyf. Llandifrydog Twrk Llaneaston Tyn. Llanedwen Meney Llaneigred Twrk Llaneleth frenyn Twrk Llanelian Twrk Llanfechel Taly Llhanfinan Meney Llanflewin Taly Llangaffo Meney Llangefin Meney Llangnewin Meney Llangriftioles Mall Llangourday Tyn. Llangoyhlog Mall Llangwildog Llyf. Llangwyfen Mall Llangyd walader Mall Llangynwen Mall Llanheneglos Mall Llanllawen vawryn ros golyn Mene. Llanllibio Llyf. Llanridfel Meney Llanridlad Taly Llauroderis Twrk Llanrwydrys Taly Llansadurne Tyn. Llansanfraid Taly Llanthowywer Me. Llanthufuam Tyn. Llanvachraith Taly Llanvaethly Taly Llanvaier up wradige Twr Llanvaier Taly Llanvaiet eubroll Llyf. Llanvaier Inhenering
as also for the faithfull loyaltie which it hath alwayes shewed to the Imperiall Crowne of England for ever since it was wonne by Richard Earle of Pembroke it still performed the obedience and peaceable offices of dutie andervice unto the English as they continued their course in the conquest of Ireland whence it is that the Kings of England have from time to time endowed it with many large Franchises and l●berties which King Henry the seventh did both augment and confirme 8 Although since the time if S. Patricke Christianitie was never extinct in this Countrey yet the government being haled into contrary factions the Nobilitie lawlesse and the multitude wilfull it hath come to passe that Religion hath wa●ed with the temporall common sort more cold and feeble being most of them very irreligious and addicted wholly to superstitious observations for in some parts of this Province some are of opinion that certaine men are yearely turned into Wolves and made Wolfe-men Though this hath been constantly affirmed by such as thinke their censures worthy to passe for currant and credible yet let us suppose that happily they be possessed with the disease and maladie that the Physitians call Lycanthropi which begetteth and engendreth such like phantasies through the malicious humors of Melancholy and so oftentimes men imagine themselves to be turned and transformed into formes which they are not Some again embrace another ridiculous opinion and perswade themselves that he who in the barbarous acclamation and outc●y of the Souldiers which they use with great forcing and straining of their voyces when they joyne battell doth not howte and make a noise as the rest doe is suddenly caught from the ground and carryed as it were flying in the aire out of any Countrey of Ireland into some desert vallies where he feedeth upon grasse drinketh water hath some use of reason but not of speech is ignorant of the present condition he stands in whether good or bad yet at length shall be brought to his own home being caught with the helpe of Hounds and Hunters Great pitie that the soule fiend and father of darknesse should so grievously seduce this people with misbeliefe and that these c●rrours be not chased away with the truth of Christian Religion whereby as they carry much grace in their countenance● they may also not be void of the inward grace of their soules and understanding 9 This Province hath been sore wasted in the rebellions of Desmond to whose aide Pope Gregory the thirteenth and Philip K. of Spaine sent certaine companies of Italians and Spaniards who arrived not farre from Dingle fortified themselves and gave it the name of Fort de Ore sounding loud threats against the whole Countrey But Arthur Baron Grey Lord Deputie of Ireland at the first onset decided their quarrell by sheathing his sword in their bowels and Desmond●earefully ●earefully flying into the Woods was by a Souldier cut shorter by the head And againe when the Kingdome of Ireland lay bleeding and put almost to the hazzard of the last cast Don Iohn D' Aquila with eight thousand Spaniards upon confidence of the excommunications of Pius the fift Gregory the thirteenth and Clement the eight Popes all of them discharging their curses like unto thunderbolts against Queene Elizabeth of blessed memory landed neere unto Kinsal● presuming that the rebellions of Tyrone had turned the hearts of the Irish for Rome Sir Charles Blunt Lord Montjoy in the depth of Winter and with his tired souldiers so daunted their Spanish hearts that with one victory he repressed their bragging boldnesse and recovered the Irish that were ready to revolt 10 God hath oftentimes shewed his tender love and affection to this people in laying his fatherly chastisements and afflictions upon them sometimes by windes sometimes by famine and dearth and sometimes againe by opening his hand of plentie into their laps to convert them to himselfe and to divert their hearts from superstitions In the yeare 1330. about the Feast of Saint Iohn Baptist there began such a dearth of Corne in this Countrey by the abundance of raine and the inundation of waters which continued untill Michacimas following that a Cranoc of Wheat was sold for twentie shillings a Cranoc of Oates for eight shillings a Cranoc of Pease Beanes and Barley for as much The windes the same yeare were so mightie that many were hurt and many slaine ●ut-right by the fall of houses that was forced by the violence of the same The like whereof were never seene in Ireland In the yeare 1317. there was such a dearth of corne and other victuals that a Cranoc of Wheat was sold for twentie three shillings And many Housholders that before time had sustained and relieved a great number were this yeare driven to begge and many famished In the time of which famine the mercy of God so disposed that upon the 27. day of June in the yeare 1331. there came to land such a mightie multitude of great Sea-fishes that is Thurs●eds such as in many ages past had never been seene that the people were much comforted in this distresse and received great reliefe and sustenance by the same 11 Places of Religion in this Countrey were the two Abbies at Yoghall called the North-Abbey and South-Abbey The two Abbies at Limcricke S. Francis Abbey and S. Dominicke Abbey The two Abbies at Corke the Abbey of the I le and S. Francis Abbey and the famous Abbey in times past of the holy Crosse which hath had many priviledges and liberties granted unto it in honour of a peece of Christs Crosse that was as they say sometimes preserved there Thus were Christians perswaded in ancient times And it is a wonder in what Troopes and Assemblies people doe even yet conflow thither upon devotion as unto a place of holinesse and sanctitie so firmely are they setled in the Religion of their Fore-fathers which hath been increased beyond all measure by the negligent care of their Teachers who should instruct their ignorance and labour to reduce them from the errours they persevere in This Province is governed by a Lord President who hath one Assistant two learned Lawyers and a Secretary to keepe it in dutie and obedience It was in times past divided into many parts as Towoun that is North-Mounster Deswoun that is South Mounster Hierwoun that is West-Mounster Mean-Woun that is Middle-Mounster and Vrwoun that is the Front of Mounster But at this day it is distinguished into these Counties Kerry Desmond Limericke Tipperary Holy-Crosse Waterford and Corke which Countie in times past had been a Kingdome containing with it Desmond also for so in the Grant given by King Henry the second unto Robert Fitz-Stephen and to Miles de Cogan it is called in these words Know ye that I have granted the whole Kingdome of Corke excepting the Citie and Cantred of the Oustmans to hold for
de Na. ●erum lib. 2. ●u●laeus in Prod●mata Arist. Will. Malmes Annales of the Abbey of Winchester Clementin 5. See the Disceptation in the Councell printed a● Loran 1517. Armachan 5. Wil. R●shing M.S. Wadham Colledge newly builded The bounds of Glocester-shire The Length The Bredth The Forme Wil. Malmes The Soyle The Inhabitants The Commodities Market-towns Glocester City The Graduation Bristow Circester Alexander Necham Marianus Memorable places Barkley Tewkesbury Shel-fish congealed into stones Religious places Dukes and Earles of Glocester The Shires division The m●a●ure and cir●u●f●rence of this Shire The Climate The ancient Inhabitants Tacitus in vita Agricolae Sutton the Court of King Offa. Her●ford the chiefe Citie An. Dom. 1055. Bone-well Marcley Hill Iob 28 9. Esay 40.12 Religious Houses The number of Castles in this S●●●e Market-towns The anci●nt Sax●n name The bounds The forme The length b●edth ●n● circumference The Aire Aboundant in fruits Corn●lius Ta● in his description of Germany The ancient Inhabitants Worcester the chiefe Citie Can●t● D●●m●sdayes Bo●ke King Steph●n King Iohn Prince Arthur The Magistracie of the Citie Vpton Malverne Hils No certaine place is reccided of this Oke but held to be in this Shire Many Townes in other Shires belonging to this County Religious Houses Castles The Shires division and Market Townes The bounds of VVarwicke-shire The forme of the Shire The Length The Aire The Feldon Gen. 12.10 The Woodland The ancient Inhabitants The Battles * Or rather of an Elephant being not so little as a yard in length Iohn Rosse The name of Northampton-shire The forme The length The bredth The circumference Sir Tho. Mores ●topia Tacit. Annal. lib. 12. cap. 8. The Commodities of it Northampton the chiefe Towne Hen. Huntingd. King Iohn King Henry the sixt Ann. 1460. A.D. 1261. Peterborow An D. 546. An. D. 960. Katharine Dowager of Spaine Queene Mary Religious Houses King Edward the sixth Edward Richard Castles 1. Maxey 2. Fothringhay 3. B●rnwels 4. Rockingham 5. Goddington 6. Brabroke 7. Heigham 8. Northampton 9. Benifeild 10 Alderingham Market towns Ptolem. Chro. Sax●nica Iugulph Crouland● gist Abbat de Chertsey Malmes●●● Teg. Alfred Registrum S. Albam 12. Hen. 7.17 Flucux Leg. Cama Sax. Lect. divers saper Stat. de Foresta Lib. Domesday Rot. Forest. in 〈◊〉 de Comit. Rutl●nd 33. Hen. 3. Ger●●s Tilb. de n●cess obs 〈◊〉 Liber Niger in 〈◊〉 Iob. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Itine Foresiae Histor. Iornalensis Mat. West Hist. Dor. ●aus A. 7. E● 1. R●t Car. A. 28. 29. Ed. primi in arch Tur. L●nd Placit in Bane Reg. Hil. 33. Eliz. Liber Niger in 〈◊〉 33. Lib. Domesday pro Comita● Hunt S●ras●am Reg. M●●●●t S. Petri de Bargo 〈◊〉 in 〈…〉 Epi. 〈◊〉 Domes Ex Heji Elicus cap. 13. 42. Et pia a st apud Cant. 14. Ed. 1. Ex R 4. in arch T●r. Lon● de Ha●● in 〈◊〉 Hund. Ex Regi● Rom. vocat Dearslether in Sca●●ar 13. Edw. 3. f. Br●●f 241. Ex lib. rub in S●●c in quo volunt H. 2. Ex lib. Domes Ex Rot. comp in Scac. Tacitus de mor●●● Germ. Leg. S. Ed. c 7.19 Leg. H. pri c. 22. Ex Car● Hen. primi de liberta●ibus Leg H pri c. 10. Regist. Elieud 2 Leg. Her primi Ex Cart. Regis W●ll primi Remigio Ep. Lincoln Leg. Hen. 1. Gi●al 〈◊〉 in Simb Elect. Domesday in sine in com Hun. Marian Scotus Hen. Hunting Regist. Prior de Hun. Domesday Ex num 〈◊〉 antiquae Ex. cit Waltheoph com Hunt Ex Benedicto Monacho in vita Hen. 2. Ex inquisit de Feod●● milit Ex carta original● Da●id Comitis Ex cartis amiquis in Tur. Lond. Ex Rot cur augment Ex cart amiquis Itiner Iob. ●eland● Ex●ct de Quo Warranto temp Edw. primi Parliam 50. Edw. 3. Excart Reg. Iob. in Arch. Tur. Lond. Ramsey insula arictis Ex Regist. Ram. E●●lesiae Ex vita Abbat Rams Matth. Paris Hist. Major Chron. Ioh. de Walingford Monach. S. Albani Ex lib. de translat S. Iuonis Ex Regist. tertarium Monast. Ram. Cart. Hen. 3. Rot. de Quo Warrant Edw. Primi Broughton Ex protest Original sub sigil Convent Gocclinus in vita S. Iuonis Capgrave Leg. Sanct. Angliae Ex Lib. transla S. Iuonis Hist Elicus l. 2. Ex vita Episco Elicus E●●● Lib. Domes Regist. Priorat de Bernwell Ex Inquis in Arch. Tur. Lond. Ex Evident Familiae Domesday Cart. Hen. 8. Ex Certificat Com. temp H.S. Domesday Cart. Regis Iob. Ex Chron. Ab bat de Lecest. Ex Regist. S. Mar. de Lincoln Rot. Hundred de Leightoni● E. 1. Cart. Reg. Iohn Rot. Hun. Ed. 1. Ex vita S. Neai Ex Regist. Priorat S. N●ott Lib. Domesd. Eschet temp dr●ers R●g R●● H●nd temp Ed 1. Fr●sard Domesday Rot. Hund. d●●ous●and Chron. Saxon. Domesday Cart. Reg. I●hn Rot. de Quo Warranto Ed● primi Vi●a S. Ma●●u● * Ca●●ide● The bounds of this Shire The forme and occasion of the name Many places named from the nature of their soyle The dimension of it Ayre Soyle The Lord Harrington Okham Royaltie Homigers to the Lord Harrington The Earle of Lincolne The ancient people Romanes Saxons Normans King William the C●●q●●rour The 〈◊〉 of the F●rr●●s Stanford not s●●ted in this S●ire * Stanford an Vniversitie untill Augustines time Brasen-nose Colledge in Stanford Two Market-townes onely in this Shi●e The S●i●es partition At Cole Overton in Gas co●e hundred The Aire The Soyle Commodities Leicester Citie the Center of the Shire The names of Leicester Geffrey Mon● Leicester a Bishops See An. D. 914. Leicester destroyed through the Rebellion of Robert Crouch-backe Camden The Citizens grievously used King Richard the third A drinking for horses made of his stone Coffin Places of note Camden Maria. Scotus Bosworth-field in Anno 1485. August 22. Religious houses built and suppressed The Shires division The length of this Shir● The Ayre The Forme The Soyle Commodities Plin. Nat. Hist. Greg. Agric. Mineral l●b Market-Townes Lincolne the chiefe Towne An. D. 516. An. D. 940. An. D. 1140. An. D. 1217. An. D. 1123. An. 1186. Wil. Malmes Ann. 1536. Ann. 1549. Castles 1. Nicole 2. Clifford 3. Brum●e 4. Stanford 5. B●●am 6. Swin●shead The name of Nottingham The Borders The Forme The Ayre Commodities Battels Nottingham R●g Hoved. Asserius I●gul●his Hen Hunting Places of Religion erected and suppressed The Shires division The bounds of Darby-scire The forme The Length The Bredth The Circumference The Aire The Soyle The ancient people Tacit. An. l. 12. cap 8. The Commodities Pliny Darby Athelward Saint Maries Bridge Little-Chester Repton Melborne Buxton Well Elden-hole Devils Arse in the Peake Religious houses The division of Darby-shire The ancient name of this Shire The confine● of it The forme and dim●nsitude The Aire The Soyle * Cornavii the ancient people of it Tamworth An. D. 911. Beda The commodities of it Ten Rivers Stafford the chief Towne Iohn Capgrave King Iohn King Edward the sixt Dukes of
Buckingham Recorders of Stafford Thomas Werswick Leichfield Iohn Rosse An. D. 606. An. D. 676. An. D. 718. An. 1148. Houses of Religion Castles Alton Carswall Chesterton Madeley Chatley Stafford Leichfield Tamworth Hely Newcastle Duddeley Tutbury Eccleshall The Saxonish names of this Shire The limits The forme Aire Soyle Severne Severne once the bounds of the North-Britaines Ordovices Caractacus Caer-Caradoc Cornavii This Shire a part of the Mercian Kingdome Henry the second Sir Hubert S. Clerc Henry Prince of Scotland King Stephen Shrop-shire the Marches of England and Wales King Henry the seaventh Prince Arthur King Henry the eight Shrewsbury the chiefe Towne Commodities Strength for warlike defence Magistracie Graduation Roxalter * Berry a Citie famous in Arthur dayes Castles 1. Whittenton 2. Ellismere 3. Oswestree 4. Wem 5. Red-castle 6. Morton-Corbeti 7. Knockin 8. Shrawerdon 9. Watlesburgh 10. Rowton 11. Brocard 12. Cause 13. Ponderbach 14. Atton-Burnell 15. Carleton 16. Dalaley 17. Tong. 18. Bridgnorth 19. Howgate 20. Bramcroft 21. Corsham 22. Clebery 23. Ludlow 24. Shipton 25. Hopton 26. Cl●n 27 Newcastle 28. Bishopscastle 29. Bruges 30. Shrewesbury 31. Holgod 32. Lavemuste The borders of Chesse-shire The forme The Ayre and Climate The Soyle The ancient Inhabitants CORNAVII CANGI Tacit. Annal. lib. 12. cap. 8. * Chester Romans Saxons Annal. Britan. Cheshire made a Principality Nic. Trevet A. D. 1255. The Gentility of Chesse-shire Cheshire chiefe of men Cheshire women very faire Ranulph Cest. lib. 1. cap. 48. An. Do. 70. Hen. Bradshaw Chester described The Minster built Henry the 4. Emperour of Almaine buried in S. Wereburgs Eadesburg Finborow Eadgar triumph Marianu● Scot●● Ioh Fik. Wil Malmes Ran. Higden Roger Hoven Alfrid Beverid Flores Hist. The Causey The Earles The confines Forme Dimensitie Ayre Soyle Commodities Woods carefully preserved in this Shire The old Inhabitant● Roman Saxon. Dane Norman Manchester Riblechester Lancaster more pleasant then full of people The grant of King Edward the third unto the Towne of Lancaster It is severed in some places by the force of the Sea Winander-mere It was last made subject to the West-Saxon Monarchy Arthur put to flight the Saxons Duke Wade put to the worst The civil wars of Yorke and Lancaster Their happy conjunction Castles Hundreds Market towns Parishes The benefits of Antiquitie Yorkeshire a great Province Mens affections most set to moderne matters Yorkeshire how bounded Full of Trees How bounded North. East West South Humber Yorkeshire divided West-Riding East-Riding North-Riding The Soile The Antiquities Columnes Altars Bric●es Abbeys Whitby Bolton Kirkstall S. Maries in Yorke Fountaines Monast. Saint Wilfrid Drax. Selby Causes of diminishing Church-livings Memorable places Halifax Pomfret Yorke Citie Yorke a pleasant Citie Egbert Arch-●ishop of York Rich. the third Hen the eight Severus Empe●our Goddesse Bellona Constantius surnamed Chlorus Osbright and Ella Ath●lstan The Citizens cost since Will. Conquerour The Magistracie of Yorke Citie The Battles Conisborough Aurelius Ambrosius Kirkstall Casterford Palme-Sunday Battle Lancastrians put to flight Places of other note Giggleswicke S. Wilfrids Needle Constantius Sepulchre An ancient Romane custome York●shire delightfull The bounds of the West-Riding The Ayre The S●yle Copper Lead Stone-Coale Lead-Oare Inhabitants Richmond the c●iefe towne The occasion of building it Oswy King of Northumberland The M●gi●tr●cie of Richmond The graduation Matters memorabl● A Copper Mine Cockles on the top of the Mountaines Swale River Paulinus Archbishop of York Places of Antiquitie Bayntbridge Bowes or Levatrae A Thracian Cohort there Exploratores band there Spittle Maiden Castle Burgh Aurelius Commodus Statue Catarick Religious Houses Richmond Cover●ham Fois Ignorance F●ith Castles Market towns The bounds of the North and East-Ridings The Aire The Soile and other Commodities H●rrings Kingstone upon Hull Stock-fish Beverly a Sanctuary Places where are stones found like Serpents Where Geese fall Where a Sea-man was c●ught Water for diseased eyes Black Amber or Jette Round stones with stone-Serpents in them The Battle of Battlebridge The Battle of the Standard David King of Scots Mowbray King Henry the second Religious houses Dunsley Gisburgh Kirkham Deirwa●d Market-Townes The bounds of this Province The Forme The Dimensitude The Ayre The Soyle Coale-pits Cambden The ancient Inhabitants The priviledge of this people S. Cuthbert The devotion of divers kings to S. Cuthbert Beda his tomb The Monks idlenesse the cause of their overthrow Hell-kettles A salt proceeding of stones Binchester Condercum Castles Hilton Bransp●th Ra●ye Durham Luml●y Wa●ton Ba●nard The bounds of Westmorland The Length The Bredth The Forme The Soyle Inhabitants Commodities Kendale the chiefe Town Earles of Kendale The Magistracy of Kendale Graduation of it Places of chief 〈◊〉 verterae Apelby Roman Coyns here sound Sessions at Apelby Castle A Romane Station at 〈◊〉 King Iohn One House of Religion Notes of Anquitie Amble side The River Ca● The Commodities of it Market towns Cumberlands bounds The forme The Ayre The Commodities The ancient Inhabitants Marian Scotus King Edmund King Stephens gift to the Scots Henry the Second Oliver S. Clere. Iames the sixt King of Scotland Carlile the chiefe Citie Edward the First Castles 1. B●w 2. Askirton 3 Scal●y 4. Nowath 5. Castlesteed 6. Castle-carock 7 Corhy 8 Lyndstok 9. Rawcliffe 10 Drumbugh 11. A●●allwat 12. The Roseca 13 High●ate 14 Wulsly 15. Clad●k 16. Haton 17 Grastok 18. Pemeth 19 Daker 20. Pape Cast. 21. Cokermouth 22. Werkinton 23 Hay 24 Egremand 25. Millum The bounds of Northumberland The Forme The Aire The Soyle Inhabitants Commodities New-castle A rich towne The occasion of naming it New-castle Richard the second Henry the sixt Barwick The situation of Barwick The Governour Battels in this Country Battels at Otterburne Anwick Brumridge Flodden-field Hexam Dilston Antiquities Halyston Busy-gap Light Horsemen A Martiall kinde of men Morpeth Market-towns Diversitie of names Forme Dimensitie Aire Soile Oaten-bread Commodities Freedom from vexation in Lawing The Magistrates manner of warrant for summoning a partie before him Bala-Curi the Bishops palace Religiousnesse of the people Matters worthy of note The womens girdles when they go abroad The manner of death for Malefactors The partition of this Isle 1 Syrric King of Man 2 Fingall 3 Godred Crovan King 4 Lagman King 5 Dopnald King 6 Olave King 7 Godred the second King 8 Raignald King of Man 9 Olave the second King 10 Harrold King of Man 11 Raignald the second King 12 Magnus King of Man Beda in the life of Cuthbert Verstegan lib. Rest●s cap. 5. Offa made M●ar between his Kingdome and Wales The breadth and length of Wales Rodericus Magnus divided it into three Regions Ann. Christ. 870. * Shrewsbury * D. Powel Gwyneth or North-wales * Anglesey * Caernarvon * M. Tate * Hist. of Wales Mon or Anglesey the first part of North-wales Beau-marish the chiefe towne of Anglesey Arvon or Caernarvon the second part of North-wales Caernarvon the Shire-towne of the Countie of Carnarvon Merioneth the third part of North-wales Y Bervedhwlad the fourth part of
North-wales * D. Pow. Hist. of Wales Powys between Wye and Severne the second part belonging to Mathraval Powys Wenwynwyn the third part of Mathraval South-wales the third Kingdome Cardigan the first part of South-wales The towne of Caerdigan Dyvet or Pembroke the second part of South-wales Caermarden-shire the third part of South-wales Glamorgan-shire the fourth part of South-wales Gwent the fifth part of South-wales Brecknock-shire the sixt part of South-wales * An. 35. c. 25. * An. 27. c. 27. Pembroke-shire bounds The Forme The Ayre Giral Cambden The ancient Inhabitants Henry the first planted Netherlanders in this Shire W. Malm. lib. 5. The Commodities Pembroke the chiefe Town S. Davids Edmund Earle of Richmond Castles 1. Kilgarren 2. Newport 3. Marberbury 4. Walwin cast 5. Roch cast 6. The Block-house 7. Haverford 8. Benton 9. Carew cast 10. Red castle 11. Narbarth 12. Pickton 13. Rise cast 14. Castle Bigh 15. Castle Male. 16. Hayes The name of this Shire The Forme The Aire The ancient Inhabitants of this Shire Tacitus in vita Agricol● Cambden The commodities The chiefe Town Me●lin a phantasti●all Wizard Carreg-Castle The Rivers and Market-Towns How this Shire took his name The Forme of it and measure The Aire Tave the chief River Caerdif the chiefe Towne of all South-Wales Beauclark Curthose The graduation of Ca●dif Landaffe Giraldus Things of strange note Clemens Alex. Stromat ●● 7. A strange Well ●olybius Minyd-Ma●●●● The number of Castles in this Shire Religious Houses The division of this Shire The name of Monmouth-shire The borders of Monmouth-shire The Forme The Ayre The Soyle The ancient Inhabitants In the life of Tathie In Itinerar Cambr. Giral Monmouth Towre King Henry the fifth borne in Monmouth Religious houses suppressed Castles Market-towns The Shires division Girald Cambr. The bounds of Breknock-shire The length and breadth Girald in lib. ●iuer Camb. The nature of the Soile The ancient Inhabitants Tacitus in vita Agricola Arthurs Chaire Llynsauathans Meere Girald Cambr. The Market Townes Breknock The divisions The bounds of Radnor-shire The forme The Circuit The Ayre The Soyle The ancient people Tacitus in vita Agricola Polychron Anno 1282. Radnor In the Book of Notices Cambden Prestayn Knighton In his Polycraton Iohn Salub●●y Raihader Gowy The ancient name Limi●● The Forme Dimensitie Aire Soyle The Beaver in former time found here The Salmon The Salmons Leape The commodities of this Shire The ancient people Iuli. Frontinus King Rufus King Henry the first Cardigan the chiefe Towne The wals of it The Castle The graduation Market Townes Religious houses Hoveden Llan-Deui-breui The Pelagian heresie refuted The Shires division The bounds of Mountgomery-shire The forme Severne The Inhabitants Market-Townes The Earle The Shires division The borders of Merioneth Sbire The forme Giraldus Wil. Mal. The Inhabitants Anno D 1282. The Townes Pimble-meare d ee Harloch The limits The forme and Dimensitude The Ayre The harvest-mans Almanack The Soyle Good husbandry The ancient Inhabitants King Edward the first The Commodities Moillenlly hill King Arthurs round Table Denbigh the chiefe Towne The fairest of all North-Wales An Earthquake The Magistracie of Denbigh Graduation of it This Shire and others not divided in the Map The Shire division Market-towns Castles Parishes The limits of it The circumference The Ayre The climate Soyle d ee River Commodities Inhabitants Castles Fl●nt●astle ●astle the chiefest Henry 2. Edward 1. Richard 2. Hawarden Castle Coles-hill Fons Sacer. A Spring arising miraculously A Chappell built over it The strange opinion held of this Spring Kilken Banchor Bedaes report of Banchor Monastery Port Hogham and Port Cleis Varis Vale. Llan-Elwy or Asaph Kentigern Bishop of Glasco His Monastery The Governour of it Basingwarke Offae● Ditch The Shires division The divers names of this Shire The Welsh turn M into V or F. So Caer-merdhin Caer-Frydhin Luid Breu. of Brit. The measure The Ayre The Soyle Very unpasseable British Alpes Snowdon Hills The People Pearles Places of note Seioni Ninnius Mat. Westminst Caernarvon Caernarvon in danger of the Sea The Government of it King Edward the second borne at Caernarvon Ban●hor Owen Glendowerdwy Conwey River Caer-hean Aber-Conwey Florilegus The Fish Torcoch Market-towns The first name The forme Length Bredth Aire Commodities A Welsh Proverbe Grindstones Alome Inhabitants Roman Governour Jnvaded by the Irish. Edward the first Beau-mariso chiefe town The Government of Beau-marish Antique Religious houses Many English Nobilitie there buried The partition of this Shire M. Timothy Ponn Cambde Brit●in d●script Pict English Annals Beda lib. 1. c. 1. * Hect. Boet. lib. cap. 12. That Law was made by King Edwin the 3. * Which is yet called the Merchets of women How Ireland hath been named in times past The divers names of Ireland Orpheus Aristotle Eulogi●m Ptol Geogr. c. 1. Ireland a Westerne Island In his publike readings in Paris upon Pomponius Mela. Vaine conjectures Festus Avienus in his Orae maritimae No ven●mous Beasts in Ireland Ireland called Scotia Ireland the third Iland for largenesse in the world The forme of Ireland The bounds The ayre Pompon Mela. The plenty Giral Cambre The soyle The danger Commodities Pompon Mela. Mantles Horses Bees The ancient Inhabitants Bartholanus one of Noahs progenie His three sons Languinna Salanus Ruthurgus Giants of the stock of Nimrod Starius Garbancles Anuinus Fergusius Gandius Geuandius S●gandus Rutheranius Slanius Ireland divided into five Provinces Irish British word● agree Tacit. in vita Agricolae Ireland never subject to the Romanes Or●sius The manners and customes of the wilde Irish. Strabo Mela lib. 3. Soli. cap. 24. Giraldus Cam. The mortall disposition of the Irish. The fantasticall conceits of the Irish. Superstitious of the Irish. Their grosse Idolatry Many wives The attire of the men The attire of the women Their manner in Warre Their ridiculous conceits Their excessive mourning for their dead Their diet Christianitie in Ireland Vincentius li. 3. cap. 7. Pro. Aquitanus An. D. 431. Ninius Henricus Antisiodorenfis Strife for Patrickes bones The life of S. Patricke The Bounds South North. East West The length from South to North. The bredth from East to West The Forme Ayre Soyle Good and commodious Ancient Inhabitants Luceni West Velabri West Vicermi West Oudiae South or Vodiae South Coriondi South A supposall touching the Luceni The ri●h commodities of Mounster Spaniards and Portugals make here a good profit by fishing Limericke the chie●e of this Province Fortified by King Iohn Ann. 1332. What happened in this City by Insolencie by Valour The graduation of it Corke Citie Encompass●d with wi●d Irish that often infest it The Irish Marriages Waterford the second Citie in Ireland Alwayes loyall to the English Crowne King Henry the s●venth his bountie to it Christianitie in Ireland how it decayed Men turned into Wolfe-men The effects of Melancholy A ridiculous opinion Of mute souldiers in battell A good motive for the converting of the Irish to Christ. The Pope and King of Spains bad dealings Desmonds rebellion suppressed by the Lord Gray 8000. Spaniards landed in Ireland Tyrones rebellion extinguished by the Lord Montioy Windes Dearth Famine Ann. 1330. what hapned More the same yeare Ann. 1317. the effects of it Ann. 1331. a miraculous reliefe Religious places An unprobable opinion of the Crosse of Christ. The Irish misled by fault of their teachers The government of this Province The old division of it The new at this day King Henry the seconds grant King Henry the sixts grant Market towns Castles At Dunkeran At Dungarvan At Limericke Shandon Castle Cahir Castle The bounds The forme The Aire The Soile Divelin destitute of word Inhabitants Commodities The three Sisters The Grounds Kilkenny Kildare Wexford Divelin The antiquitie Divelin 〈◊〉 by Ha●●●● K. of England Divelin is the Royall seat of Ireland Henry the second Henry Loundres Iohn Comin Arch-bishop of Divel●● Henry the fourth Edward the sixt The Irish mischievous one against another The Irish wast Leinster The Irish of Leinster raise warre The Giants Dance The Religious places Market Townes The bounds The forme Ayre Soyle Twomond Galway Maio. Slego Le-Trim Roscomen The ancient Inhabitants The Citie of Galway The Ilands called Arran A superstitious observation The battell of Knoc-toe An. D. 1516. The rebellion of the posteritie of Mac-William Sir Richard Bingham The Rebels scattered They submitted themselves They entred into rebellion afresh They yeelded againe and were received Three thousand Scots drowned at Moin A slaughter of the Irish of Connaught Places memorable Inis Ceath Inis Bovind A Monastery at Maio. Beda lib. 4. c. 4. Curlew hills The Abbey of Beatitude Castles Market towns The bounds of Vlster The forme The ayre The soile Plenty of Salmons Negligence of husbandmen The ancient Inhabitants Their custome to sweare by S. Patrickes Staffe Their custome to chuse their King S. Patrickes Purgatory Ellan u'Frugadoric Matters memorable The Arch-bishop of Canterbury wont to consecrate the Bishops of Ireland Irishmen wont to forsake their wives at their pleasure Armagh Vita Patricii Marian Scotus S. Patricke lived and died here S. Malachy Rich Fitz-Ralf Enis Kelling The Salmons Leape Places of Religion Market-towns Castles The division of Vlster