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A28828 The history of the execrable Irish rebellion trac'd from many preceding acts to the grand eruption the 23 of October, 1641, and thence pursued to the Act of Settlement, MDCLXII. Borlase, Edmund, d. 1682? 1680 (1680) Wing B3768; ESTC R32855 554,451 526

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Angliae tuerentur Jura Regia in Hiberniam Quique interdixerent nè sibi proprium Regem Eligerent Profecto circa initia Rebellionis immensum quantum obstitit in coeptis molitionibus Rebellium Illustrissimus Parens tuus destinatus ad id à potentissimo Rege Cui nota erat virtus fortissimi viri pacis belli artibus clari Cujus prudentia par erat animi Robori qui hacce virtute res nutantes ad ruinam properantes incompositasque firmavit adversus Consiliarios Magna negotia administrantes majori cum Studio privatae quam publicae Utilitatis quo in Conatu per virtutem vitamque piè innocenter actam muneri magis suo consuluit quam facultatibus parandis Cujus Vestigiis insistens Johannes ejus filius eques auratus frater tuus clarissimus ob res fortiter gestas Droghedam Rossam nec pro meritis pensatas non debuit à te praeteriri Quanquam nulla privata ratione sed solo Elatere veritatis proferendae commovearis ad imputandum publicò Historiam tuam Quae tua est Modestia Idus Novembris 1678. Vale. To this as a Resepect I must ever acknowledge I cannot but annex the following Letter lately receiv'd from the Honourable and Eminent Lord Bishop of Meath a constant Assertor of the English Interest and the Protestants Sufferings minding me from whom I had several Passages in the ensuing History A History which must want much of its due Method and more Eloquence not having his Doctor I Understood by Letters from London and after by Two from your self of your forwardness in the History of the Irish Rebellion Anno 1641. that being I find now in the Press How far you have therein proceeded or what is your way in that I know not that not having been to me by any communicated To that therefore I can say no more than that its passing your hands assures me of what may satisfie What may satisfie I mean not those who shut their eyes against light and even Rebel against it There are who contrary to all evidence confidently averr write and openly proclaim to the World that there was then no such Rebellion of the Irish neither such Massacres of the British and Protestants in Ireland but that they themselves the Irish and Papists of Ireland were then the Sufferers and that by the Protestants they say the first aggressors This bold assertion in the face of the Sun and in that very age when things were acted there having been many also then and some yet living who can speak to the truth in that This I say might gain on Strangers to the Kingdom and hath already on some even at home especially at this time about 40 years after But the contrary appear'd by those Collections which you had from me to which herein as in other particulars I refer And what do they in this but what was before and is by them done ordinarily Have they not with like confidence disclaimed that black and hellish Powder-Plot Nov. 5. 1605. from being Popish do they not give that out for false and as a forg'd Calumny cast on that Party of whom none of theirs they say was therein concern'd whereas it is well known that Hammond Baldwin Gerard and Tesmond Jesuits with their Provincial Garnet were all in that Conspiracy Thomson also a Jesuit boasted after at Rome that his shirt was often wet with digging under the Parliament-House in London besides others in that Conspiracy who were all Papists and many of them Suffering for their so practicing the publick proceedings on those Tryals remaining extant on Record And do They not now even now cry down what our eyes behold of their horrid and bloody Design and hellish Treason against the Royal Person of our Gracious Sovereign King Charles II. and against his Protestant Subjects and for total extirpation of the Protestant Religion out of the Three Kingdoms The truth of which is every day even as by miracle more and more evidenc'd to the Glory of Gods watchful Providence over this his Church and People Among which I find our selves threatned with a yet other like demonstration of zeal for the promoting of the Catholick Religion and Interest in Ireland Dr. Oates Nar. § 50. so they term those Massacres and Blood for rooting out the Protestant Religion and casting off the English Government in Ireland which their other demonstration of Zeal as they term it shews the former actings in that kind to have bin theirs and how such their Actings are by them esteemed a demonstration of Zeal for promoting the Catholick Religion But He that sits in Heaven laughs them to scorn and hath them in derision speaking to them in his wrath and vexing them in his sore displeasure saying yet or notwithstanding all such their Designs have I set up my King preserving our Gracious Soveraign the breath of our Nostrils by the care and vigilance of those our worthy Patriots whom God hath raised up happy instruments in it As to Ireland To evidence the restless Spirits of such there for mischief I shall mind here in brief what in the mentioned Collections had bin given you more at large so to lay all open at one view thereby not to wonder at Rebellions here than which comparing times nothing will appear so ordinary In which passing what occurs of that kind in elder ages and fixing only on such as had Religion for a pretence and was by Rome influenc'd and by its Emissaries fomented Therefore I begin with the Reign of that Queen of famous memory Queen Eliz. of whose Troubles in England from that Party I speak not as not of present consideration but recounting what work they found Her in this her Kingdom of Ireland only I. Anno 1567. There was a Rebellion in the Province of Ulster of Shane O-Neal who for the suppressing of the Title of O-Neal had bin by King Hen. 8. created Earl of Tyrone His Forces were broken by Sir Henry Sidney then Lord Deputy and he himself fleeing for succour to Alexander Mac Donnel then in the Clandeboyes with 600. Highlander-Scots He was by them there slain in revenge of one of theirs by him formerly killed his Head was June 20. 1567. sent to the Deputy by Captain William Piers then eminent for Service and Command at Carrickfergus and thereabout that Arch-rebels head was pitch't on the Castle of Dublin II. Since after Anno 1569. followed in the Province of Munster the Rebellion of James Fitz Mauris Fitz Gerald and John Fitz Gerald brothers to Gerald Earl of Desmond in which the Earl himself after declared Anno 1578. His Parties were considerable in Leimster to whom joyned the Viscount Baltinglas with the Pools Birns and Cavenaughs having also Foraign assistance the design being pretended for Religion the Pope and his giving therefore Aid and Countenance but Desmond being defeated he was after by his own murthered III. About 6. years after Anno 1595. brake out in Ulster also
for Religion another Rebellion that of Hugh O-Neal commonly called Tyrones Rebellion whose Forces together with the Spanish assistances were overthrown by Mountjoy Lord Deputy at Kinsale Dec. 24. 1601. he himself submitting March 1602. These were during the Reign of Queen Eliz. IV. After whose death King James succeeded and within one Month after Anno 1603. the Cities of Waterford Cork and Limerick stood out and opposed the Proclaiming the Kng he not being they said a Catholick these acted Hostility inviting all other Cities to a conjunction to which Kilkenny and Wexford were inclining but by the Deputy Mountjoys marching against them with an Army they were forced to Submission V. After Anno 1607. was a Providential discovery of another Rebellion in Ireland the Lord Chichister being Deputy the Discoverer not being willing to appear a Letter from him not subscribed was superscribed to Sir William Usher Clerk of the Council and dropt in the Council Chamber then in the Castle of Dublin in which was mention'd a Design for seizing that Castle murthering the Deputy c. with a general revolt and dependance on Spanish Forces c. and this also for Religion for particulars whereof I refer to that Letter dated March 19. 1607. which you have VI. The very next year Anno 1608. was the breaking out of Sir Cahie O Dogherty's Rebellion in Ulster by whom Derry was taken and burnt the Governor Sir George Paulet murther'd and Culmore Castle some miles distant surpriz'd that being the Magazine for Arms and Ammunition for those parts His Confederates were considerable his Forces increasing and expecting Tyrone and Tyrconnil's return with Forces from Flanders Against him was the Marshal Sir Richard Wingfield sent with a strong Party the Deputy following with more Forces from Dublin But this short yet smart Rebellion ended with the death of the Arch rebel and the dispersing his followers VII Seven years after Anno 1615. was a Providential discovery made by one Teige O Lenan to Sir Thomas Philips of Lemovadey in Ulster of a Design of Alexander mac Donel Bryan Crosse O-Neal and other the principal of the Irish in Tyrone and Tyrconnil with large Confederacies for Religion They first designed the taking Charlemount commanded by Sir Toby Caulfield where was then Prisoner Conne Greg O-Neal Tyrones Son and about the same time by severally appointed Parties was order'd the taking in the principal Forts and Towns in Ulster and murthering the Protestants in that Province and elsewhere They had promises of Foreign assistance from Spain France and Rome the particulars you have During the Reign of King James were these 4 last mentioned VIII After Anno 1634. under the Government of the Lord Viscount Wentworth Lord Deputy Ever or Emerus mac Mahon a Popish Priest privately discover'd to Sir George Radcliffe principal in trust with the Lord Deputy that there was a Design for a general rising in Ireland to be seconded and assisted from abroad The Discoverer having assurance of Pardon acknowledging himself engaged in that Conspiracy having been employed some years on that account in Foraign Courts soliciting supplies for carrying on that work for Religion This Discoverer was after the Popish Bishop of Down and after of Clogher Hereof the Lord Deputy inform'd his Majesty King Charles I. who thereupon by his Ambassadors watching practices in Courts abroad there were at length general and dark hints given of something tending to a Rebellion in Ireland but how or when or by whom was not then so appearing Hereof his Majesty by his Royal Letters Signed by Sir Henry Vane one of his principal Secretaries dated March 16. 1640. and directed to the then Lords Justices Sir William Parsons and Sir John Borlase did charge them with the care of that danger imminent of which his Majesties Letter you have likewise a Copy And this brings to that Rebellion Anno 1641. which on the 23d of October did break out unexpectedly notwithstanding all cautions concerning it this like a violent Hurricane bearing all down before it which gives you your work at present The result and design of all which thus here briefly collected shews 1. That from Shane O-Neals Rebellion Anno 1566. until that in 1641. there passed about 75 years a space of time within the ordinary age of a man 2. That within those but 75. years there had been in Ireland Five open Rebellions one as it were in the neck of another viz. Shane O-Neals Anno 1566. Desmonds Anno 1569. Hugh O-Neal called Tyrones Rebellion Anno 1595. O Doghertyes Anno 1608. and this Grand Rebellion 1641. this surpassing all before I know not why that Rebellion of the Cities of Waterford Cork and Limerick may not add to that number this being as open as any and dangerous and requiring the presence of the principal Commander and the marching of the Forces of the Kingdom to suppress it Add to these those 2 Discoveries mentioned Anno 1607. and 1615. not to mention apart that Anno 1634. falling into that of 1641. which 2 former had been dismal to the Kingdom if not by Gods providence seasonably and wonderfully discovered and happily prevented Therefore have we herein not to wonder at Rebellions in Ireland than which nothing there more common from generation to generation and may not the like be yet expected when opportunity shall be for it the same Spirit and Causes remaining This is not Sir to forestal your work but serves as an Index directing to what follows of yours giving also an edge to this desire of finding the breviat as by you enlarged if you have thought fit to make use of it I shall now end your trouble herein giving you the deserved praise of your labours and zeal to that necessary undertaking I rest Sir Your very affectionate Friend and Servant Henry Midensis Dublin May 27. 1679. Since I reduced the History to what it is I reflected on several to whom I might have adrest it some who having run through the Hazzard of that War and the Councils of that Age might well have own'd it it being in the main an Epitome of their Illustrious Actions Others being design'd to the Government but not aiming at the Work as too sensible of the English Interest to betray it justly challenges a respect and Title thereunto And not a few through whose Provision the Irish were subdued might well have contenanc'd the Event But considering how insignificant a great Title is where Truth must be the main support elated Dedications bespeaking Authors more ambitious than known I could not delude my Reason with a Conceipt that a Mecaenas as the Laurel exempts from Thunder and therefore countent with the Integrity of the Story having no ends to oblige me to a single respect I here comit it naked to the Decision of the Age. It may be some whose Excellency consists in Detraction will think by this I had a particular Design besides the bare History to preserve the Memory of some who otherwise in tract of time might
the State First they agreed That their Loyalty to his Majesty should be still reserv'd say they of the modest sort but both his Revenues and Government must be reduc'd to certain bounds His Rents none other than the antient Reservations before the Plantations and the Customs so order'd as to them should be thought fitting Secondly For the Government such as would be esteem'd Loyal would have it committed into the hands of two Lords Justices one of the antient Irish Race the other of the antient British Inhabitants in the Kingdom provided that they be of the Romish Profession Thirdly That a Parliament be forthwith call'd consisting of whom they shall think fit to be admitted wherein their own Religious Men shall be Assistants Fourthly That Poining's Act must be repeal'd and Ireland declar'd to be a Kingdom independent on England and without any reference to it in any case whatsoever Fifthly All Acts prejudicial to the Romish Religion shall be abolish'd and it to be Enacted That there be none other Profession in the Kingdom but the Romish Sixthly That onely the antient Nobility of the Kingdom shall stand and of them such as shall refuse to conform to the Romish Religion to be remov'd and others put in their room Howsoever the present Earl of Kildare must be put out and another put in his place Seventhly All Plantation Lands to be recall'd and the antient Proprietors to be invested into their former Estates with the Limitations in their Covenant express'd That they had not formerly sold their Interests on valuable Considerations Eighthly That the respective Counties of the Kingdom be subdivided and certain Bounds or Baronies assign'd to the Chief Septs and other of the Nobility who are to be answerable for the Government thereof and that a standing Army may be still in being the respective Governours are to keep a certain number of men to be ready at all Risings out as they term it they also being to build and maintain certain Fortresses in places most convenient within their Precincts And that these Governours be of absolute Power onely responsible to the Parliament Lastly For maintaining a Correspondency with other Nations and for securing the Coasts that also they may be render'd considerable to others a Navy of a certain number of Ships is to be maintain'd that to this end five Houses are to be appointed one in each Province accounting Meath for one of them that to these Houses shall be allotted an Annual Pension of certain thousands of Pounds to be made up of part of the Lands appropriate to Abbeys and a further Contribution to be rais'd in the respective Provinces to that end That these Houses are to be assign'd to a certain order of Knights answerable to that of Malta who are to be Sea-men And to maintain this Fleet that all Prizes are to be apportion'd some part for a Common Bank the rest to be divided to which purpose the selling of Woods serviceable for this use is forbidden The House for this purpose to be assign'd to the Province of Leimster is Kilmainham or rather Howth the Lord of Howth being otherwise to be accommodated provided he joyn with them that place being esteem'd most convenient in respect of situation which they have small grounds to hope for For the effecting of which they consider'd that the Forces of the Kingdom would easily amount to two hundred thousand able men wanting onely Commanders which as I have already took notice of might be supplied from O-Neals Regiment in Flanders and other places breeding up the Irish in Arms and Rebellion And for Money the other Sinew of War they were resolv'd not to want it if it could be rais'd-either from Tenant or the Farmers of the Customs who having it then ready were to bring it to their respective Banks So as nothing was omitted which rationally might further their design Which after the State by Proclamation had made known and many on suspicion were daily seiz'd on Certainties of its success were hourly brought to the State That night the Lord Blany brought the ill news of the Rebels seising upon Castle Blany in the County of Monaghan and his Wife and Children and Servants as also of the surprisal of Carrick Mac-ross a House of the Earl of Essex's and Sir Spotswood's in the same County burning divers Villages robbing and spoiling many English none but Protestants On Sunday Sir Arthur Tirringham gave intelligence that the Irish in Newry had broken up the King's Store of Arms and had seiz'd upon them and the Ammunition there listing themselves under the command of Sir Con Mac-Gennis Knight and one Creely a Monk Thus almost every hour some like Job's Messengers hasted to the State as preserv'd onely to acquaint them of the disasters of their Relations and the sufferings of the Protestants of which with all circumstances to it the Lords Justices and Council gave his Majesty an account by Sir Henry Spotswood being then in Scotland and sent Owen O Conally with Letters dated the 25th of October to the Earl of Leicester Lord Lieutenant of Ireland the effect of which Letter you may see in its proper place In the interim the State being from all parts terrifi'd with the insolencies of the Rebels they scarce knew how to steer their course no Money being in the Treasury and the main part of the Citizens being justly suspected for that being mov'd to advance Money on the occasion will Posterity believe it their whole Community would not reach 50 l. And such as had escaped the violence of the Rebels having nothing but their Persons for a prey could contribute little many of which were so frighted with what they had seen and suffered that like inanimate Bodies they appear'd sensless and stupid However the Lords Justices and Council having secur'd the Castle by a Company of Foot under the command of Sir Francis Willoughby one of the Privy Council a known and experienc'd Soldier and setled Sir Charles Coote also of the Privy Council in the Government of the City wherein as in other Services he proved afterwards signally eminent and noble They advertis'd the Earl of Ormond whom the Rebels boasted they had made of their Party then at his House at Carrick of what had hitherto happen'd desiring him to repair to Dublin with his Troop which he accordingly observ'd about the beginning of November About the 27th of October the Lords Justices and Council sent Commissions to the Lords Viscounts of Clandeboys and of the Ardes to raise the Scots in the Northern Parts they also writ to Sir William and Sir Robert Stewart with other Gentlemen of Quality in the North Giving them power to prosecute the Rebels with Fire and Sword yet so as to rescue such as should submit to his Majesties Grace and Mercy signifying withall That although by the said Commission they gave them full power thereunto yet they did then let them know that for those who were chief among the Rebels and Ring-Leaders of the
of the Lords seated in the House of Commons in an extraordinary manner undertook the charge and management thereof ordering at that time 500 l. in present for Owen O-Conally and 200 l. per annum till Lands of greater value could be order'd for him designing for the present Supplies of Ireland the sum of 50000 l. and had taken order for all Provisions necessary thereunto as by the Order of Parliament it appears An Order of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament in England concerning Ireland THE Lords and Commons in this present Parliament being advertis'd of the dangerous Conspiracy and Rebellion in Ireland by the treacherous and wicked Instigations of Romish Priests and Jesuits for the bloody massacre and destruction of all Protestants living there and other his Majesty's loyal Subjects of English blood though of the Romish Religion being ancient Inhabitants within several Counties and Parts of that Realm who have always in former Rebellions given testimony of their fidelity to this Crown And for the utter depriving of his Royal Majesty and the Crown of England from the Government of that Kingdom under pretence of setting up the Popish Religion have thereupon taken into their serious Considerations how those mischievous Attempts might be most speedily and effectually prevented wherein the Honour Safety and Interest of this Kingdom are most nearly and fully concern'd Wherefore they do hereby declare That they do intend to serve his Majesty with their Lives and Fortunes for the suppressing of this wicked Rebellion in such way as shall be thought most effectual by the Wisdom and Authority of the Parliament And thereupon have order'd and provided for a present Supply of Money and raising the number of 6000 Foot and 2000 Horse to be sent from England being the full proportion desired by the Lords Justices and his Majesty's Council resident in that Kingdom with a resolution to add such further Succours as the necessity of those Affairs shall require They have also resolv'd for providing Arms and Ammunition not only for those Men but likewise for his Majesty's faithful Subjects of that Kingdom with store of Victuals and other Necessaries as there shall be occasion And that these Provisions may more conveniently be transported thither they have appointed three several Ports of this Kingdom that is to say Bristol West-Chester and another in Cumberland where the Magazines and Store-houses shall be kept for the supply of the several Parts of Ireland They have likewise resolv'd to be humble Mediators to his most Excellent Majesty for the encouragement of the English or Irish who shall upon their own charges raise any number of Horse or Foot for his Service against the Rebels that they shall be honourably rewarded with Lands of Inheritance in Ireland according to their merit And for the better inducing of the Rebels to repent of their wicked Attempts they do hereby commend it to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland or in his absence to the Deputy or Lords Justices there according to the power of the Commission granted to them in that behalf to bestow his Majesty's gracious Pardon to all such as within a convenient time to be declar'd by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland or in his absence by the Lord Deputy or Lords Justices there according to the power of the Commission shall return to their due obedience the greatest part whereof they conceive to have been seduced on false grounds by the cunning and subtil practices of some of the most malignant Rebels enemies to this State and to the Reformed Religion and likewise to bestow such rewards as shall be thought fit and publisht by the said Lord Lieutenant Lord Deputy or Lords Justices and Council there upon all those who shall arrest the Persons or bring in the heads of such Traitors as shall be personally nam'd in any Proclamation publisht by the State there And they do hereby exhort and require all his Majesty's loving Subjects both in this and in that Kingdom to remember their duty and conscience to God and his Religion and the great and eminent danger which will befal this whole Kingdom in general and themselves in particular if this abominable Treason be not timely supprest and therefore with all readiness bounty and chearfulness to confer their assistance in their Persons or Estates to this so important and necessary Service for the common Good of all Jo. Browne Cleric Parliament And that the Army might be led by an honourable and promising Person the Lord Lieutenant being not permitted to come over speedily himself made the Earl of Ormond Lieutenant-General of the Army approved of afterwards by the King as one who by his Relation Integrity and Quality was pitch'd on as the fittest Person for that imployment of whose affection to the Protestant Religion and his Majesty's Service his Majesty had great cause to be assured Soon after his settlement in that Place he had notice from Sir Hen. Tichborn that the Rebels with 1300 Foot had sate down before Mellifont the 24th of November intending to surprize it but the Lord Moor whose House it was having plac'd 24 Musketeers and 15 Horsemen therein defended it with much resolution as long as their Powder lasted and at last the Foot yielded on Quarter the same day never observ'd by the Rebels but the Horse charged vigorously through the Enemy and came safe to Tredath This Siege of Mellifont somewhat retarded the Rebels unanimous approach to Tredath upon which the Lords Justices forthwith design'd 600 Foot and a Troop of Horse for the further strengthning of that Garrison They march'd from Dublin the 27th of November but under such a Conduct being newly rais'd and unexperienc'd that most unfortunately the Lord Gormanston's Groom giving intelligence of their approach to the Rebels not without his Lord's privity they were defeated the 29th of November near Julians-Towns at Gellingston-Bridge not above an hundred of the Men besides the Major that led them and two Foot-Captains escaping to Tredath This unhappy Defeat put such a disheartning on the State as it begat sad Suspicions who being surrounded with Rebels Sir Charles Coote the same day was commanded into Wickloe with such Forces as the State could then raise to relieve the Castle of Wickloe then besieged by the Rebels who some days before had with miserable slaughter and cruelty surpriz'd his Majesty's Forts of Cairis Fort Arkloe Fort Chichester Fort and all the Houses of the English in that County the Lord Esmond's House and the adjacent Parts of Wexford threatning to assault Dublin approaching within two miles thereof in actual Hostility Upon which Service Sir Charles Coote vigorously advanced and fought with the Rebels under the Command of Luke Toole conceiv'd to be a thousand strong himself not being many hundreds yet defeated them so shamefully as the terrour thereof rais'd a fear in the Rebels ever after of Sir Charles Coote who thenceforwards so well attended his Commands as to the Government of the City and
besiege the Town with a Fleet and having taken possession of the Abbey near adjoyning landed many of his Battering Guns But before he attempted any thing according to his Commission he first advised with the present Governour the Lord of Clanrickard affectionate to his Majesties Service As the Town seem'd to be placing his Majesties Colours on the top of their Tower charging Captain Willoughby Governour of the Fort with the breach of Pacification an Agreement it seems assented to by the State though in vindication of himself he and Captain Ashley alledg'd much Great straits he had been put to though at length happily reliev'd by the Earl of Clanrickard when he was closely Beleaguer'd together with the Archbishop of Tuam Richard Boyle and his Family besides 36 Ministers 26 of which serv'd as Soldiers and did their Duty After all the Lord Forbes being by the Town the Earl of Clanrickard and the President of Connaght with whom he had had several ineffectual Conferences daily delay'd in what he endeavour'd to give Captain Willoughby satisfaction in prepar'd to make his approach to the Town but not being strengthen'd by any supply he could get from the Lord President or Sir Charles Coot and dishearten'd by Captain Willoughby in that every House in the Town was a Fort he drew off being perswaded to a Composition to be paid in Money within two months which he never got And at the Lord Presidents return to Athlone the Soldiers Mutini'd both Officers and Soldiers offering to go to Dublin but the Common Soldiers being very weak not able to draw into a considerable Body the Irish Kerns killing all sick and fainty persons that could not accompany the Body of the Army that intent for the present was deferr'd though not long after they return'd with Sir Richard Greenvile whose seasonable relief and the Battel of Raconnel will be mention'd in its due place Whilst the Lord Forbes sail'd up Limerick River relieving some Places and without much opposition took in Fits-Geralds the Knight of the Valley or Glyn Castle furnish'd with all Utensils and Provisions for a Family About the 20th of June 700 Foot and two Troops of Horse under the Command of Colonel Gibson went into Wickloe where the Rebels not daring to face them they got much Prey burnt many Villages and return'd with success The Kings affairs now growing every day more straitned in England than other Sir Lewis Kirk at Court withdrew Sir Henry Stradling and Kettleby from guarding the Irish Coast whereby presently after there came in both Arms and Ammunition in great quantities to Wexford as also several Irish Commanders as Preston Cullen Plunket and others who having been Colonels in France were readily entertain'd there much to the heartning of the Rebels However in Ulster the 28th of June Sir Robert Stewart and Sir William Stewart Persons deserving excellently well of the State near Raphoe got a considerable Victory over the Rebels under Sir Phelim O-Neal slaying near 2000 of them though much inferiour in number Arms and Ammunition whilst Monroe sought them towards the Newry but had not so good luck to encounter them as he had the 23d of May preceding when he gave the Irish Committee of the Parliament of England this account That with 2000 Foot and 300 Horse he beat Owen Mac-Art O-Neal Sir Phelim O-Neal and Owen Mac-Art the General 's Son being all joyn'd together with their Forces and forced them to return upon Charlemont after quitting the Generals house to be spoil'd and burnt by them with the whole Houses in Louhgall being the best Plantation in Ulster and straightest for defence of the Rebels Thus in some places whilst we find the War succeeded the Lords Justices in the midst of August suspecting Preston's Forces should increase and according to the resolution of the Parliament at Kelkenny should first gain the Out-Garrisons and then besiege Dublin were forced to require the Lord Conway to come unto their aid with 3000 Foot and all the Horse he could procure to prosecute the War in Leimster Who return'd an Answer That their Companies were so weak they could not draw them together and that the Rebels having then receiv'd new Supplies were strong and that he was engag'd to meet the Earl of Leven the Scots General to encounter Owen O-Neal with all the Forces he could get Thus that Province reserved to it self its own strength not coming in as by the Tenth Article with the Parliament of England the Scots were engaged to In Munster the Scene was hot for the Parliament of England having sent over as into Leimster several Regiments of Foot and some Troops of Horse unto Sir William St. Leger Knight who having long serv'd in the Low-Countreys with singular reputation was some years before the Rebellion made Lord President of Munster a Command he discharg'd with much vigilance and courage in as much as the Enemy now fear'd no man more What he did upon the first breaking out of the Rebellion in hope to have stopt its current in that Province we have already mention'd and should have told you that the State to impower him thereunto admitted him to raise a Regiment of Foot consisting of 1000 men and two Troops of Horse 60 to each Troop which afterwards besides the supplies mention'd were listed in his Majesties Musters with Pay accordingly But the Design being general Munster at length was as well disturb'd as the rest of the Kingdom Cashel Clonmel Dungarvan and Featherd with other Places were all on an easie summons soon yielded to the Rebels raging through the Countrey which the Lord President endeavour'd to suppress as far as those small Forces he had with him would admit resolving near Redsheard to have given them Battle having at that time in his company the Earl of Barrymore the Lord Dungarvan the Lord Broghil Sir Hardress Waller Sir Edward Denny Serjeant Major Searl Sir John Brown Captain William Kingsmil with 600 Foot and 300 Horse But the Rebels on the other side the Mountain privately avoided them though four to one and getting to Cashel held there a general Rendezvous from whence Mountgarret went with his Forces to Kilmallock a Town treacherously surrendred to the Rebels a little before on demand situated on the Frontiers of the County of Limmerick towards Cork environ'd with a strong Wall which held out Loyally for the Crown all Tyrone's Wars though sometimes strongly besieged and highly distressed And the 9th of February 1641. he went to Butavant where the Gentry from all parts appear'd It is an antient Town belonging to the Earl of Barrimore in the Barony of Orrory an old Nest of Abbots Friers and Priests There the General Mountgarret exercis'd his greatness with reserv'd gravity and distance so as none except Serjeant Major Purcel who had now joyn'd himself with the Confederates contrary to the expectation the Lord President had of him were admitted to any Command in the Army more then they had over the Men they brought
she my Brother the Earl of Antrim hath taken the Castle and City of Dublin having lately moved thither for the same purpose and not to please the Dutchess as was given out and my brother Alexander mac Donnell according to the general Appointment hath taken the Town and Castle of Carrickfergus He the Deponent then asked what they meant to do with those whom they had disarmed and pillaged She said as long as their preservation should be deemed consistent with the publick safety they should injoy their lives when otherwise better their enemy perish than themselves which was but a very cold comfort to a Freshman prisoner as my self was And also said That Sir Phelim O Neil told this Deponent in December last that his stock in money amounted to 80000 sterling wherewith he said he was able to maintain an Army for one year though all shifts else failed And that Captain Alexander Hovenden told him that as soon as his brother Sir Phelim was created Earl of Tyron and great O Neil he wrote Letters and sent them by Friars to the Pope and Kings of Spain and France but would not discover the Contents And further saith That about the first of March last the said Alexander told the Deponent that the Friars of Drogheda by Father Thomas brother to the Lord of Slane had the second time invited Sir Phelim thither and offered to betray the Town unto him by making or discovering the Deponent knoweth not whether a breach in the Wall through which he might march six men a breast The Deponent saw this Friar the same time in Armagh whom Sir Phelim took by the hand and brought to the Deponent saying This is the Friar that said Mass at Finglass upon Sunday morning and in the Afternoon did beat Sir Charles Coote at swords I hope said the Friar to say Mass in Christ-Church Dublin within eight weeks And further Deposed that he this Deponent asked many both of their Commanders and Friars what chiefly moved them to take up Arms They said Why may not we as well and better fight for Religion which is the Substance than the Scots did for Ceremonies which are but Shadows and that my Lord of Strafford's Government was intolerable The Deponent answered That that Government how insupportable soever was indifferent and lay no heavier upon them then on him and the rest of the Brittish Protestants They replied That the Deponent and the rest of the Brittish were no considerable part of the Kingdom and that over and above all this they were certainly informed that the Parliament of England had a plot to bring them all to Church or to cut off all the Papists in the Kings Dominions in England by the English Protestants or as they call them Puritans in Ireland by the Scots And further deposeth That he asked as seeming very careful of their saftety what hope of Aid they had and from whom as also what discreet and able men they had to imploy as Agents to their Friends beyond the Sea They said if they held out this next Winter they were sure and certain in the Spring to receive Aid from the Pope France and Spain and that the Clergy of Spain had already contributed five thousand Arms and Powder for a whole year then in readiness They said their best and only Agents were their Priests and Friars but especially the forenamed Paulo Neil upon whose coming with advice from Spain they presently opened the War and that since the War began in the very dead of Winter he both went with Letters and returned with Instructions from Spain in one Month professing the good Cause had suffered much prejudice if he had been hanged in Dublin And this Deponent further saith That he demanded why sometimes they pretended a Commission from the King at other times from the Queen since all Wisemen knew that the King would not grant a Commission against himself and the Queen could not They being Commanders and Friars said That it was lawful for them to pretend what they could in advancement of their Cause That many of the Garrison Souldiers now their Prisoners whom they determined to imploy in the War and to train others would not serve them in regard of their Oath unless they were made so to believe That in all Wars rumours and lies served many times to as good purpose as Arms and that they would not disclaim any advantage But they said for the Queen in regard as a Catholick she had enemies enough already they would command their Priests publickly at Mass to discharge the people from speaking of her as a Cause or Abetter of the present Troubles And the Deponent also asked Sir Phelim O Neil what his demands were without which his Lordship and the rest would not lay down Arms At first he told this Deponent That they required only Liberty of Conscience But afterwards as his Power so his Demands were multiplied They must have no Lord Deputy great Officers of State Privy Councellors Judges or Justices of Peace but of the Irish Nation no standing Army in the Kingdom all Tythes payable by Papists to be paid to Popish Priests Church Lands to be restóred to their Bishops All Plantations since primo Jacobi to be disannulled none made hereafter no payments of debts due to the Brittish or restitution of any thing taken in the Wars all Fortifications and Strengths to be in the hands of the Irish with power to erect and build more if they thought fit all Strangers meaning Brittish to be restrained from coming over all Acts of Parliament against Popery and Papists together with Poynings Act to be repealed and the Irish Parliament to be made Independent But saith that others told him this Deponent that although all these Demands were granted yet Sir Phelim for his own part was not resolv'd to lay down Arms unless his Majesty would confirm unto him the Earldom of Tyrone with all the ancient Patrimony and Priviledges belonging to the O Neils And further saith that in March 1641. Alexander Hovenden by Sir Phelim's direction sent from the Camp before Drogheda a Prophecy said to be found in the Abbey of Kells importing that Tyrone or Sir Phelim after the Conquest and Settlement of Ireland should fight five set Battels in England in the last whereof he should be killed upon Dunsmore-heath but not before he had driven King Charles with his whole Posterity out of England who should be afterwards profugi in terra aliena in aeternum The Paper it self with the Deponents whole Library to the value of seven or eight hundred pounds was lately burnt by the Scots under the Conduct of the Lord Viscount Montgomery since that Prophecy the Deponent saith he hath often seen Captain Tirlagh mac Brian O Neil a great man in the County of Armagh with many others no mean Commanders drinking Healths upon the knee to Sir Phelim O Neil Lord General of the Catholick Army in Ulster Earl
Nettervile and others assemble at Swords fol. 41 Some of the Nobility desire the King to compose Extreams betwixt the Protestants and Confederates fol. 145 The Northern Scotch Forces refuse to aid ours in Lemster fol. 83 The Nuncio arrives in Ireland fol. 153 his exorbitant carriage fol. 161 besieges Dublin fol. 162 166 forbids those delegated to treat with the Lord Lieutenant about the Peace to proceed on censure of Excommunication fol. 163 his Excommunication fol. 165 is persued by the Confederates to Gallway fol. 190 a Narrative of his insolent carriage in Ireland fol. 191 his Answer to it from fol. 192 to 194 Summons a National Synod fol. 190 Quits the Kingdom ibid. O THe Oath of Association with several Acts depending thereupon fol. 95 to 98 of the Confederates against the Nuncio App. 99 against the Peace of 1646. taken by the Officers in Tredagh fol. 62 Owen O Conally's Examination fol. 20 sent to the Parliament with Letters fol. 27 rewarded fol. 36 slain fol. 225 The Lady Offalia's generous carriage against the Rebels fol. 77 Certain Officers out of Ireland their Address to the King fol. 112 receive his Answer fol. 113 Offers made to the Parliament disown'd by Inchiquin fol. 196 Sir Phelim O Neil's cruelties in the North for his Repulse at Tredagh fol. 68 besieges Charlemont fol. 28 present at Loghress when the Plot was determin'd fol. 24 approaches Lisnegarvy fol. 38 besieges Tredagh fol. 59 is beaten near Raphoe fol. 83 assists Clanrickard fol. 302 his Trial at the High Court of Justice fol. 304 hang'd drawn and quarter'd fol. 327 his character ibid. Daniel O Neil moves his Excellency to come with an Army into England fol. 152 sent by his Excellency to win over his Uncle fol. 227 Owen O Neil endeavours to surprize the Lord Lieutenant fol. 161 his Declaration for the Catholick Religion King c. fol. 194 persued by the Confederates retires to the great Towns fol. 190 endeavouring to relieve Port-Falkland worsted fol. 196 offers to be entertain'd by the Parliament ibid. falls upon Clanrickard's Party fol. 201 and the Parliaments party agree fol. 214 his Service in relieving Londonderry fol. 217 agrees with the Lord Lieutenant but before he brought his Forces to him dies fol. 228 The Order of Parliament of England concerning Ireland fol. 36 The Earl of Ormond made Lieutenant General of the Army fol. 37 visits Tredagh fol. 67 Gallantry at Kilrush fol. 75 The Marquiss of Ormond's Expedition to Ross fol. 108 just Edict against plundering fol. 111 unwillingness to yield to the Rebels unjust demands fol. 153 concludes the Peace 1646. fol. 155 Lord Lieutenant goes to Kilkenny fol. 159 besieged by the Nuncio in Dublin fol. 167 makes a shew to deliver the City to the Parliament ibid. forced to return to Dublin fol. 172 his Reason for his delivery up of his Power to the Parliament fol. 177 hath the King's concession fol. 179 delivers up Dublin fol. 183 goes into England ibid. has free access to the King fol. 184 is suspected by the Army fol. 185 Meditates to return to Ireland fol. 189 lands in Ireland fol. 197 his Declaration then ibid. Letters to the Councel of Kilkenny fol. 200 is congratulated by the Supream Councel ibid. concludes the Peace 1648. fol. 202 his Speech then ibid. endeavours to win Jones to his Party fol. 209 his Difficulty in forming his Army fol. 211 Marches towards Dublin fol. 212 appears before Dublin fol. 213 his Declaration touching affairs in Ulster fol. 215 blocks up Dublin fol. 218 after Rathmines defeat retires to Kilkenny fol. 222 not obey'd by the principal Towns fol. 224 intends to fight Cromwel fol. 226 uses means to bring in Owen O Neil fol. 227 his endeavour to impede Cromwell's return to Dublin fol. 230 his Gallantry in relieving such who intended to surprize Passage fol. 231 denied leave to hut his men under Waterford fol. 232 gives the King an Account of the Affairs in Ireland ibid. demonstrates to the Commissioners of Trust his ill usage fol. 233 receives the Grievances of the Deputies of the Counties fol. 239 goes to Limerick ibid. Summons the Romish Bishops thither fol. 242 Conference with them ibid. receives not outward Civility there fol. 243 calls an Assembly at Loghreogh its Effects ibid. 244 another Assembly at Loghreogh fol. 245 is addressed to by them fol. 246 Answer worthy himself fol. 247 248 Proposals to be received into Limerick fol. 251 is ill used by the Maior of that Town fol. 252 his Commission to the Bishop of Clogher on O Neils death ibid. Resentment of the Bishops voluntary meeting at Jamestown fol. 257 Answer to the Bishops Declaration at James-town fol. 261 clears himself of their Accusation from 261 to 267 Declaration upon the Confederates Resentment of the Declaration made in Scotland against the Peace 1648 fol. 269 272 is affronted by the Guard at Gallway fol. 273 his reply to the Confederates reasons for the removal of his Authority in him from 273 to 277 Deputes Clanrickard Deputy fol. 278 departs the Kingdom ibid. P THe Papists ready to contribute that a toleration might ensue fol. 1 of the Pale equasly involv'd in the Conspiracy fol. 41 countenanced the Robberies c. at Clantarf and Skerries fol. 43 join to infest Dublin ibid. after the Relief of Tredagh offer to come in fol. 66 rejected and why ib. Petition sent to the King fol. 112 The Parliament at Dublin why called fol. 3 meets fol. 32 prorogued fol. 35 's of Ireland Declaration to the Parliament of England fol. 178 Remonstrance to the Lord Lieutenant fol. 182 of England declares all Traitors who deserted the Service of Ireland fol. 223 A Parliament summon'd at Dublin fol. 319 under the Precedency of Sir Maurice Eustace and the Earl of Orrery Lords Justices and continued under the Duke of Ormond its Acts fol. 320 Sir William Parsons Lord Justice fol. 6 accused of misdemeanors fol. 123 Amiscreant Party no true Protestant ever justly charg'd with the King's Murther fol. 304 The Peace of 1646. concluded fol. 155 's Articles fol. 156 as necessary as the Cessation fol. 159 disclaim'd at Waterford fol. 160 1648. concluded fol. 204 's Articles fol. 205 refused by O Neil Antrim and the Scots fol. 206 The Peoples devotion to the Clergy fol. 267 Pope Urban the Eighth's Bull fol. 135 Indulgence to Owen Roe fol. 136 Milo Power 's good Service to the Lord Lieutenant fol. 231 The Presbytery at Belfast endeavour to draw Sir Charles Coot to their Party fol. 207 The President of Connaght esteem'd remiss fol. 101 Preston and O Neil's Letter and Demands to the L. Lieutenant fol. 166 beats Jones fol. 186 A Proclamation by the Lord Falkland against the Popish Clergy fol. 1 discovering the Plot fol. 22 forbidding strangers the City fol. 28 publishing the King's detestation of the Rebellion fol. 30 against people flocking to the City fol. 32 prizing Corn fol. 48 against Pillagers ibid. prohibiting the Souldiers to return to England
into Ireland out of Scotland * Fol. 290. * Nicholas Dowdall * The Author of the English and Scotch Bresbytery p. 222. The States Manifest in Answer to Nettervile and his Accomplices fears The Lords Justices Vindication of Sir Charles Coote See Sir J. Temple part 2. p. 30. as the Answer to the 9th Article of the Rebels Remonstrance at Trym p. 78. His Majesty's Works fol. 393 About the midst of December the Rebellion breaks forth in Munster The Rebellion appears in Connaght The Reasons why each Province burst not at once into a flame * The Author of the English and Scotch Presbytery p. 222. Scobels Acts fol. 197. Sir Simon Harcourt arriv'd out of England with the first Forces Sir Charles Coote goes to Swoards Five Regiments more arriv'd out of England His Majesties Proclamation against the Rebels the first of January His Majesties Reasons why his Proclamation came out so late The Rebels notwithstanding his Majesty's Proclamation grew more united * The Insolencies of the Polititian's Catech. briefly reflected on and what the English are charged with The Rebels endeavour principally to make themselves Masters of Leimster The Rebels begirt Tredath The Situation of Tredath The Siege of Tredath and its strength * Sir John Netterviles Sir Hen Tichborn enters the 4th of Novemb. Governour of Tredath * This Captain John Morris was Page to the Countess of Strafford one of singular courage through the whole War and a Colonel in England and Governour of Pontfract Castle for which Service having past many Fortunes he was Condemn'd and Executed at York the eight of August 1649. The first Relief of Tredath the xi of January The second Relief Febr. the 14th Appendix 6th * In his Speech the 13th of Febr. 1662. p. 17. 38. Tredath being freed several of the Lords of the Pale offer upon Conditions to come in The Earl of Ormond visits Tredath with 3000 Foot and 500 Horse Dundalk assaulted and gain'd Sir Phelim Oneal being disappointed at Tredath revenges himself on the British in other Parts The Irish taunt the Lords of the Pale with old Miscarriages The King offers to go for Ireland Sir Harcourt's Expedition into Wicklow Lieutenant Colonel Gibson pursues the Design and took Carrickmain May in his Hist. 8. p. 174. The Marquiss of Ormonds Expedition The Battle of Kilrush Some Transactions in Connaght The Lord Lisle lands at Dublin * This Lady Offalia was the only Daughter of Gerald eldest Son of Gerald Earl of Kildare who died before his Father Brother of Thomas beheaded the 28. of H. 8. She was Entituled Lady Offalia by the special Favour of King James in an Award betwixt her and George late Earl of Kildare else she could not have had that Title properly belonging to the eldest Son of the Earls of Kildare The Lord Lisle and Sir Charles Coot relieve the Lady Offalia They take in Trym The Rebels resolve to surprize Sir Charles Coot in Trym Sir Charles Coot slain at Trym The Battle of Balintober fought at a Place called now Na Nart the mid-way betwixt Oran and Balintober The account of some Affairs in the North. See the Article 6. of Aug. 1642. Kings Works fol. 534. The Affairs in Munster Mountgarret lodges at Moyallo The Lord Muskery contrary to his promises takes part with the Rebels A contest upon Mountgarret's leaving Moyallo who should be Chief Barry chosen General Muskery c. styled The Council of War Bealing's vain Summons of the Castle of Lismore The Lord President 's advance to Talloe Dungarvan taken by the Lord President The Battel near Cappaquin the first in Muster well fought and managed The Earl of Barrymore took in Cloghleagh Ardmore Castle taken in The Fort of Dunganon Limerick C. Archerstown Rathbarry Castle Dundede and Dunowen Castle Asketon Castle Matrix Castle of Loegar Castle Kilfinny An Abbreviate of Sir Cole's Services in his Fort of Eniskillin Sir Hamilton's Enterprises The Rebels under Garret Barry beaten before Cork Sir William St. Leger Lord President of Munster vigilant and faithful The Lord President of Munster dies The Lord Inchequin chosen in his Place The Lord Inchequin's excellent service at the Battel of Liscarrol Carickfergus delivered to the Scots The Bill of Loan passed at Westminster Several Sums prescrib'd * In a Declaration to all his loving Subjects in Answer to the Remonstrance of the Commons the 15th of Decemb 1641. The King expresses his deep Resentment for Ireland His Majesty's sense of Ireland and the Parliament's Return Ireland neglected The Parliament makes use of part of the Money collected for Ireland * In his Answer to the Parliament's Petition the 28th of April 1642. * Appendix 7th * In his Collection of Acts and Ordinances of Parliament fol. 197. * Fol. 740. The General Assembly at Kilkenny As also Mahone in his Disput. Apologet. p. 101. The Preamble to the Oath of Association The Oath of Association The Propositions Their Seal The Confederates Commission to a Privateer * Appendix 8. Custodiums allotted to the Soldiers Appendix 9. The Lord Mac-Guire and Mac-Mahon sent into England Their Trial at Westminster Mac-Mahon's Execution The Lord Mac-Guire's end * The 20th of August 1642. Causes why Affairs prospered no better The Lord Lisle's Expedition into Westmeath c. Cap. Vaughan's Resolution * October 14th * In Declar. 22. Octob. 1642. Goodwin and Reynolds arrive in Ireland See H●●b Collect fol. 248. They leave Ireland Colonel Monk relieves Balanokil Necessity of all things in Dublin upon the withdrawing of the Parliaments Committee Sir Richard Greenvile relieves Athlone The Battle at Raconnel The Lords Justices coin Plate with his Majesty's Stamp The Lords Justices Letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons in England touching Ross c. The Marquess of Ormond's Expedition against Ross. Ross Battle The Army from Ross return and quarter in Dublin to the further burthen of that City The Armies Remonstrance The Confederates Petition sent to his Majesty The Protestant Committe's Petition to his Majesty His Majesties Answer The Irish Remonstrance The Parl. Declaration concerning the Rise of the Rebels Husb. Collect. fol. 248. * Sir J. T. Hist. Irel. the Pref. * Printed by Edw. Husb. 1644. His Majesties first Letter of the 23d of April touching the Cessation An Abbreviate of the War in Munster The English Army routed The Irish worsted before Cappaquin * Colonel Myn after the Cessation went into England with his Regiment oftentimes encountring Massy who joyntly exprest much valour And in a conflict near Hartpury-fields in Glocestershire was slain by Massies Forces 1644. and by reason of his Gallantry buried at Glocester with the loss of the English Regiment he brought from Ireland Sanders H. C. 1. Fol. 731. The transactions in Connaght Galloway Fort taken by the Irish. Castle Coot Besieged The Irish break the Cessation Sir Jo. Borlase Sir Hen. Tichborn Lords Justices His Majesties second Letter about the Cessation See Husbands Collect. Fol. 160. The Lords Justices Letter to his Majesty of
the present state of Ireland * Fol. 216. His Majesties third Letter concerning the Cessation The Treaty towards a Cessation The Irish Commissioners the 23. of June 1643. first presented themselves to the Lieutenant-General Their Commission from the Supream Council The Treaty deferred against which the Commissioners excepted The Insolencies of the Irish in Reply to a Warrant of the State Colonel Monk against Preston The Lord Moor killed Read Husband 's Collect fo 340. The Rebels very audacious and active upon the very point of the conclusion of the Cessation The Cessation concluded His Majesties Motives to the Cessation fol. 355. Octob. 19. 1643. Reasons given in by the Judges for the continuance of this Parliament against a free one sought by the Rebels Sept. 13. 1643. His Majesties fourth Letter touching the Cessation and his care of his Army * Annals Eliz. Anno 1595. The Cessation begat great heats betwixt the King and his Parliament * His Majesties Answer to the Commissioners last Paper at Uxbridge fol. 557. Monro's Letter to the Lords Justices in dislike of the Cessation The Supream Council's Letter from Kilkenny to the Lords Justices touching the Scots breach of the Cessation Several Regiments transported into England The Oath imposed upon the Souldiers going for England * See his Majesties Message from Oxford the 24. of Jan. 1645. Fol. 227. * View their Letter again of the 15th of Octob. 1643. * Octob. 24. 1644. The Irish break the Cessation Agents being to go from the Rebels to Oxford the Protestants Petition the State that they might have some to attend at the same time his Majesties Pleasure Motions made upon the Cessation that some of the Confederates should be admitted unto their dwellings The Marquis● of Ormond made Lord Lieutenant the 21. of Jan. 1643. The Lord Lieutenant regulating of the Army * The Establishment of which with the rates set on each Commodity according to an Act of Council made at the Council Board the 4th of December was by Proclamation at the Castle of Dublin published the 9th of December 1644. As the 12th of Oct. preceding there had passed one of the same nature though this more large * Appendix 10. 11. * The Lord Viscount Muskery Sir Robert Talbot Dermot Mac Trag O Bryan c. The Confederates sent their Agents to Oxford The Lord Lieutenant from the Council Board sent others * Sir William Stewart Sir Gerard Lowther Sir Philip Percival Justice Donnelon to whom were added being resident at Oxford Sir George Radcliffe Sir William Sambach * Captain William Ridgeway Esquire Sir Francis Hamilton Sir Charles Coote Captain William Parsons the Insolencers of the Confederates Appendix 12. The Protestant Committee of the Irish Parliament pressed the execution of the Laws against the Rebels c. * The Lord Cottington Earl of Bristol Portland Lord George Digby Sir Edward Nicholas Sir John Culpeper Sir Edward Hide c. These of the Council much troubled betwixt the contests of the Rebels and Protestants The Irish Agents seemingly mov'd at what they were from the Confederates inforced to stand upon The King's Admonition to the Irish Agents at their departure * Appendix 13. The Irish Agents Behaviour on their Return into Ireland The Earl of Glamorgan's unjust Management of the King's Affairs in Ireland Legible in his Message dated at Oxford 29. Jan. 1645. * July 18. 1644 * The Lord Inchequin The Lord Broghil Sir Wil. Fenton Sir Percy Smith Lieut. Col. Wil. Brocket Lieut. Col. Tho. Serle Serjeant Major Muschamp The Lord Inchequin's revolt to the Parliament after the Cessation The Scots preserve themselves against the incursions of the Rebels 1645. * The Lord D. principal Secretary * The Lord I. from Ascot 27. Aug. 1645. * In a Letter printed at Oxford pag. 3. * Col. Fitz-Williams's Letter to Lord D. 16. July 1645. In his Letter from Caerdiff 3. August 1645 * To whom and the Irish Agents the King in his Letter to the Queen Jan. 30. 1644. advises not to give much Countenance 1646. The first Peace concluded The Lord Lieutenant upon Agreements on all sides repair'd to Kilkenny expecting there to receive Advance for his Majesty's Service * In his Works fol. 320. A Congregation of Clergy are summon'd contrary to his expectation to Waterford They inveigh against the Peace they had lately consented to The King of Arms barbarously used at Limerick The Confederates treachery to cut off the Lord Lieutenant The Congregation at Waterford declared Peace void The Nuncio's exorbitant carriage The Oath taken by General Preston The Nuncio besieges the Lord Lieutenant in Dublin and the Consequences thereof Some of the Supream Council being appointed to confer with the Lord Lieutenant the Nuncio admonishes them not to proceed That nothing yet might be ill resented of by the Lord Lieutenant the Supream Council wins on his Patience The Nuncio's Excommunication Matth. 16. 18 19. John 20. 23. 2 Cor. 2. 11. The two Generals Preston and O Neil being with the Nuncio engaged to sit down before Dublin sends a Letter with Propositions The Lord Lieutenant in great straits at the approach of the Nuncio to Dublin Upon the Irish breach of faith the Lord Lieutenant made a shew of delivering all into the Parliaments hands * Sir Gerr. Lowther Lord Chief Baron Sir Francis Willoughby Sir Paul Davis Knights The Parliament of England Voted Philip Lord Lisle Lord Lieutenant of Ireland He arrives in Ireland Knockmohun a strong Garrison Sir Rich. Osborn Governour His Expedition with his Commission soon determin'd being oppos'd by those who afterwards were accus'd * 7th of May. The Confederates upon Recruits out of England piece again with the Lord Lieutenant * Sir Thomas Wharton Sir Rob. King Sir John Clotworthy Sir Rob. Meredith Knights Rich. Salway Esq. The Lord Lieutenant not being admitted to send to the King the Treaty with the Parliaments Agents broke off The Marquis of Clanrickard's fidelity Upon the Marquis of Clanrickard's free dealing with the Confederates General Preston and others sign an Engagement Upon this there seem'd to be some Agreement betwixt the Lord Lieutenant and Confederates they taking Commissions from the Lord Lieutenant Yet after all the Officers of General Preston being not Excommunication-proof the Lord Lieutenant was again disappointed The Lord Lieutenant returns to Dublin which being not able to supply his Souldiers they were forced to be quarter'd on the Countrey where nothing but Victuals were taken by them The Assembly at Kilkenny justifie the Commissioners yet agreed with the Congregation at Waterford The Irish being in all things sound treacherous those who were most averse to the Parliament yet now wished the Lord Lieutenant might conclude with them The Lord Lieutenant's Conviction that the Irish intended to renounce the Crown of England A Motion to call in a forreign Prince The Kings Answer to the Lord Lieutenant upon his signification of his Streights in Dublin The Lord Lieutenant delivers Dublin to the Parliaments Commissioners though upon his
might have been offered with Respect to the Lord Lieutenant insolently published an Excommunication A malicious Declaration from the Bishops of Jamestown with Animadversions thereupon * In that Walsh is at large in his Append. of Instruments Fol. 99. The obstinate obedience of the People to the Clergy and the miserable result thereupon Upon the Excommunication People being absolved from the Lord Lieutenant think of agreeing with the Parliamentarians The Bishop of Clonfert and Dr. Kelly's Letter to the Officers of the Army giving them reasons why the Excommunication should be suspended His Majesties Declaration beingthen in Scotland against the Peace of 1648 concluded with the Rebels they being infamous August 12. The Lord Lieutenant upon the certainty of the Kings Declaration summons an Assembly at Loghreogh to clear the doubts arising on the King's Declaration The Commissioners reply to the Lord Lieutenant's preceding Letter The Commissioners of Trust go to the Committee of the Congregation at Galway but could not reduce them to reason The Bishops grew high alledging the Lord Lieutenant had suggested the grounds for his Majesties late Declaration Motions to return to their former Confederacy The Committee's Reasons why they pursued their Declaration against the Lord Lieutenant c. and his reply The Confederates violent for an Assembly that their Affairs might be ordered by them After all the Confederates agree that if compounding with the Enemy should be best for the People that should be consented to The Assembly at Loghreogh before-mention'd meets the Result thereupon Though the Lord Lieutenant had been so used as not to be confident of the Confederates obedience to his Majesty's Authority he yet at their Request deputes the Marquess of Clanrickard Deputy at the same time charging their Crimes home The Lord Lieutenant departs the Kingdom Lord Inchiquin c. The Condition the Confederates were in when the Marquess of Clanrickard accepts of the Government The Confederates notwithstanding the good Condition they were in and their Promises to the Deputy think of treating with Ireton Vide Carue Annal. Hib. p. 339. Others offer to return to their Confederacy without respect to the King Some yet seem'd affectionate to the King Ireton's Service from Kilkenny Finagh taken by Colonel Huson Sir Theophilus Jones's excellent Service 1651. Ireton sits down before Limerick The Lord Broghil routs the Lord Muskery coming to relieve Limerick The Marquess of Clanrickard thought to have engaged Sir Charles Coot but by a misfortune on the Earl of Castlehaven's men he and his Army were scattered The Lord Taaff intended to have gone to the King but being prevented enters into a Treaty with the Duke of Lorraign The Duke of Lorraign's Agent lands The Lord Deputy impowers a Committee to treat with Lorraign's Agent The Deputies honourable Reply to the Agent * Sir Nicholas Plunket Jeffrey Brown Esquires * Nicholas French Part of the Bishop of Fern's insolent Letter against the Lord Deputy * Which was part of that Letter mentioned before giving his Character of the Lord Deputy The Confederates cherish'd in a good opinion of the Independents Frier Geoghehan's carriage against the State Hugh O Neal M. G. Patrick Purcel David Roch Sir Richard Everard the Bishops of Limerick and Emly Frier Wolf Dominick Fanning Alderman Thomas Strick c. Ludlow made Commander in Chief on Ireton's death Hist. nostr Temp p. 348. .1 ☜ .2 ☜ .3 ☜ .4 ☜ .5 ☜ .6 ☜ .7 ☜ .8 ☜ .1 ☜ 1 Joh. 3. 12. Jude ver 11. Matth. 23. Heb. 11. 4. Heb. 12. 24. ☞ 2. Gen. 9. 5. ☞ 3. ☞ 4. Exod. 21. 12 24. Levit. 17. Numb 35. Numb 35. 31. Ver. 33. Deut. 19. 21. 1 Sam. 15. 32. Chap. 15. 3. 1 Sam. 11. 15. 2 Sam. 12. 9 10. 1 Kings 2. 5. 2 Sam. 20. 10. ☞ 5. Matth. 5. 18. ☞ 6. ☞ 7. ☞ 8. 1653. 1654. 1655. 1658. 1659. 1660. The Heirs of Sir Lucas Dillon Knight Sir Robert Talbot Baronet The Heirs of Sir Valentine Blake Baronet Sir Richard Blake Knight Doctor Gerrald Fennel Geffrey Brown John Brown of the Neal. John Walsh Thomas Terril Edmund Dillon John Talbot of Mallahide Francis Coghlan of Kilcolgan in the Kings County Robert Nugent of Cartlanstown Sir John Bourk of Derry Maclaghney Thomas Arthur Esquire Doctor in Physick Gerrald Flemming of Castle Flemming Luke Bath of Ackarn Burtholomew Stackpoole Esquires * At the passing of which Act his Grace the Duke of Ormond enlarg'd so well and elegantly on the Subject as his Speech cannot be ommitted without a blemish to the History Appendix 15. Declaration on the 1st Quaere Voted upon Question Declaration on the 2d Quaere Voted upon Question Declaration on the 3d Quaere Voted upon Question Declaration on the 5th Quaere Voted upon Question Declaration on the 5th Quaere Voted upon Question Declaration on the 6th Quaere Voted upon Question Declaration on the 7th Quaere Voted upon Question Declaration on the 8th Quaere Voted upon Question Declaration on the 9th Quaere Voted upon Question Declaration on the 10th Qu. Voted upon Question Declaration on the 11th Quaer Voted upon Question Declaration on the 12th Quaer Voted upon Question Declaration on the 13th Quaer Voted upon Question Declaration on the 14th Quaer Voted upon Question Declaration on the 15th Quaer Voted upon Question Declaration on the 16th Quaer Voted upon Question Declaration on the 17th Quaer Voted upon Question Declaration on the 18th Quaer Voted upon Question Declaration on the 19th Quaer Voted upon Question Declaration on the 20th Quaer Voted upon Question Declaration on the 21th Quaer Voted upon Question * mentioned sol 82. * The Rebels Remonstrance here mention'd as the Answer to it in the shuffling of Papers are unhappily lost though the one was not more insolent then the other resolute and loyal * Fol. 142. ** Since printed by Husbands 1644. entituled The false and scandalous Remonstrance c. Answered which though humbly desired and fled to upon all occasions was not read p. 114. Fol. 144. Anno Regni Car. 2di 14. die 27. Sep. 1662. * Fol. 61. * In his Declaration for the settlement of Ireland fol. 10. * Which being given in writing the Copies cannot be recovered though the main of what is there insisted on is here repeated ☞ Where by what was controverted by some as if the Reception of the English Articles abolish the Irish it was evident there was no such Intention * 30. of April 1642. mentioned fol. 77. * 342. * 344. Carul An. Hib. 314. Of which and the Consequences thereupon see Walsh f. 581. c. Where the Clergy especially Regullars opposed the Supream Authority of the Confederates Fol. 146. * Lord General Farrall vid. f. 230. putting by the Marquess of Ormond * In December 1649. in confidence of the weakness of his Forces and the wetness of the Season † August 20. 1652. * The Chief of every Sept who formerly at the beginning of each K. since the Conquest swore Allegiance
Conspiracies hatch'd our ruine not discernable ere the Monster arriv'd at its Birth a Prodigy scarce credible in so vigilant a State Though when it 's consider'd how tenderly the great concerns of Religion the principal wheels of all Commotion in a State were handled the astonishment that things aspir'd to so much Villany may easily be unridl'd Towards the end of the Lord Falkland's Government there being great need of Money for support of the standing Army in Ireland and maintaining of 500 Horse and 5000 Foot much by extraordinary means having been otherwise disposed the Catholicks of Ireland glad of the occasion seem'd very forward to supply the State in hopes of a Connivance if not a Toleration of their Religion though therein they were onely to bear their share or rather offered their Mite with the Protestants which they improved to so great an insolence as the Lord Falkland with the Council was forced to take notice in a Proclamation dated the 1st of April 1629. That the late Intermission of Legal Proceedings against Popish pretended Titulary Arch-bishops Bishops Abbots Deans Vicars General Jesuits Friers and others of that sort that derive their pretended Authority and Orders from the See of Rome in contempt of his Majesties Royal Power and Authority had bred such an extraordinary insolence and presumption in them as he was necessitated to charge and command them in his Majesties name to for bear the exercise of their Popish Rites and Ceremonies Notwithstanding which their Insolencies afterwards so increased as that the power of the High Commission rais'd in respect of them being withdrawn they erected a new University at Dublin to confront his Majesties Colledge there continuing their Nunneries and Monasteries that thence many things were objected against the Lord Falkland's Government to clear which the Council of Ireland in his defence to the King the 28th of April 1629. declared That towards the insolencies of the Papists and the late outragious presumption of the unsetled Irish in some parts your Deputy and Council of late us'd particular Abstinence holding themselves somewhat limited concerning them by late Insinuations Letters and Directions from England And yet afterwards so mindful too were the Lords of the Council in England of what had been by the State of Ireland happily supprest that the 31 of January 1629. they return'd their acknowledgment and put the State of Ireland in mind How much it concern'd the good Government of Ireland to prevent in time the first growing of such evils for that where such People are permitted to swarm they will soon grow licentious and endure no Government but their own which cannot otherwise be restored than by a due and seasonable execution of the Law and of such Directions as from time to time have been sent from his Majesty and Council c. further encouraging them to carry a soft or harder hand according to their discretions Which I do not find but they prudently observ'd though all was too little to root out the Leven that had season'd the Batch during the Government of the then Lords Justices As Dr. Bedel the Reverend Bishop of Kilmore takes notice of at large with a deep and hearty resentment worthy his Piety Courage and Learning till the arrival of Thomas Lord Viscount Wentworth who by his singular Wisdom Courage and quick Intelligence so managed affairs there though some thought they were carried on too severely as doubtless the Nation in general was never more seemingly in obedience what ever afterwards was aggravated against that Noble Person whose behaviour was less pleasing to some men interess'd in the detection of their morose and sinister dealings than to the Nation which flourish'd under his Auspicious Government Reverence is that wherewith Princes are girt from God Yet then the contrivance of some Spirits was so restless as Anno 1634. being the 10th of King Charls the First they design'd to have engag'd the Nation in a War which one Ever Mac-Mahon an eminent Popish Priest privately discovered to some of the Privy Council at Dublin at whose feet he prostrated himself for mercy having with others been employ'd abroad to Foreign Princes viz. the Pope the Kings of France Spain and other Princes on that service as in the Relation writ by the Lord Macquire in the Tower is apparent the Design having been of as ancient a Date as the Isle of Rhee's Enterprise 1628. About which time the Earl of Tyrone and Cardinal Richlieu held an intimate correspondence though the King of France's Wars then in Italy frustrated for that time the Insurrection and Invasion Upon the discovery of which Ever Mac-Mahon seeming penitent had his Pardon So that the thing being onely treated of in general the prudence of the Governour giving the People no suspicion that he feared it and yet watched against it blasted their design The same Providence we may also believe this Noble Person had in the antecedent warnings which the Reverend Dean of Kilmore particularly mentions though he in reference to the Intregues of State mov'd not so visibly as to make every one capable of his foresight Prime Ministers are not to level their proceedings to the capacities of all who pretend vigilancy of the State yet thence during his Government all things in the Publick proceeded with a serene countenance so as the Lord Deputy Wentworth came for England and return'd into Ireland several times with his Majesties greatest Approbation and the Peace of the Nation Anno 1634. a Parliament was summon'd in Ireland by his motion 1. For that the Contribution from the Countrey towards the maintenance of the Army ended that December 2. For that the Revenues there fell short of his Majesties Charges 20000 l. yearly 3. That there was a Debt of 80000 l. upon the Crown 4. For that there had been no Subsidies but one since the beginning of King James's Reign and the People were now grown wealthy being continued in their Estates who ever had enjoy'd them twenty years By the Supply of which Parliament the Lord Deputy paid the 80000 l. Debt due from the Crown than which nothing was more to his Majesties Honour and his Servants Integrity in testimony of which his Majesty saith That they cannot but witness who know that Kingdom that during the Government there by Lieutenants of his choice that Kingdom enjoyed more Plenty and Peace than ever it had since it was under the subjection of the Crown of England Traffick by Sea and Trade by Land increas'd Values of Land improv'd Shipping multipli'd beyond belief never was the Protestant Religion more advanc'd nor the Protestants protected in greater security against the Papists Inasmuch as we must remember you the Parliament capitulating with him to nominate a Governour for Ireland that the present Rebellion was begun when there was no Lieutenant there and when the Power which had been formerly us'd in that Kingdom was question'd and disgrac'd when those in the Parliament there by whom that Rebellion was hatch'd
were countenanc'd in their Complaints and Prosecution And as to the Progress of Religion there receive from the Bishop of Derry this account in his Discourse of the Sabbath where having occasion to mention the incomparable and pious Primate Archbishop Usher he takes notice That having liv'd sundry years a Bishop in the Province of Ulster whilst the Political part of the care of that Church lay heavy upon his shoulders he prais'd God they were like Candles in the Levitical Temple looking one towards another and all towards the Stem no contention arising amongst them but who should hate contention most and pursue the Peace of the Church with swiftest paces inasmuch as if the high-soaring Counsels of some short-wing'd Christians whose eyes regarded nothing but the present Prey with the Rebellious practises of the Irish Enemy tied together like Samson's Foxes with Firebrands at their tails had not thrust them away from the Stern and chas'd them from their Sees with Bellona's bloody Whip They might before this time without either persecution or noise have given a more welcome and comfortable account of the Irish Church than our Age is likely to produce The last time this Noble Person the Earl of Strafford enter'd Ireland was the 18th of March 1639. when he arriv'd at Dublin Lord Lieutenant a little before having in an extraordinary Solemnity and conflux of Ambassadors and Peers been made Earl of Strafford at which time he appear'd in Parliament begun the 16th of March in the 14th of King Charles the I. expressing his Majesties Necessities in such terms as immediately Four entire Subsidies without further expostulation were unanimously consented unto the freedom of which added much to the largeness of the gift with which he rais'd 8000 Foot and 1000 Horse additional to the Veterain Forces which at the breaking forth of the Rebellion consisted but of 2297 Foot and 943 Horse And so having setled his Majesties affairs in Ireland he went for England to the Parliament at Westminster summon'd by his Mediation the 13th of April 1640. being attended from Ireland with the acclamations of the whole House of Parliament yet legible in a very remarkable manner in the Preamble of their Act of Subsidies Anno 16 Car. 1. yet afterwards we know his fate Never writes Perinshief sufficiently bewail'd by the King till the issue of his blood dri'd up those of his tears All the actions of his Government were narrowly sifted and though no one thing after the mercenary Tongues of the Lawyers had endeavour'd to render him a Monster of men could be found Treason many accumulated were so voted That him whom even now the Parliament of Ireland extolled as an excellent Governour and one for whose due and sincere Administration of Justice they had principally consented to so great a Subsidy they afterwards pursued as the cause of all their mischiefs and so by their Agents even those who afterwards complotted the Rebellion incens'd the Parliament at Westminster against him as they denied all that they had attributed to his Worth fixing on him what-ever might contribute to a praevious Government or the Kingdom 's impoverishment the state of which cannot be better clear'd than by what his Majesty in a full Council at White-hall the 27th of Ian. 1640. seem'd clearly to acquiesce in upon the Earl of Strafford's avowing of the Answer to the Irish Remonstrance against him ordering that a Copy thereof should be forthwith given by the Clerk of the Council to the Committee of Ireland then attending upon him since Registred among the publick Records Thus was this great Man accused thus justifi'd yet all was not sufficient to exempt him from the destructive Bill of Attainder suggesting His tyrannous and exorbitant Power over the Liberties and Estates of his Majesties Subjects in Ireland laying and assessing of Soldiers by his own authority upon the Subject against their consent saying also that he had an Army in Ireland which his Majesty might make use of to reduce this Kingdom meaning England as appears by the Act which passed the 10th of May 1641. His Majesty having Sign'd a Commission to the Earl of Arundel the Lord Privy Seal the Lord High Chamberlain and others to that intent which had an after Act vacating the authority of the precedent for future imitation sufficiently thereby saith his Majesty telling the World that some remorse touched even his most implacable Enemies as knowing he had very hard measure and such as they would be loth should be repeated to themselves And that it might remain to Potesterity to whom the Age is accomptable for her Actions what he suffered in his Trial and by what artifices he was brought to it the Act for the reversal of the Earl of Straffords Attainder Anno xiv Car. II. fully shows to which it may seem impertinent to add more Histories and the Occurrences of those times having presented his Actions at his Trial more significant than I dare pretend to such a Scene of Justice attended with that Magnificence in its Structure such Seats for their Majesties for Ambassadors and the most discerning Audience of England not being to be parallel'd Therefore I shall conclude as to Him with what his Majesty speaks in his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That his great abilities were prone to create in him great confidence of undertakings and this was like enough to betray him to great Errors and many Enemies whereof he could not but contract good store while moving in so high a Sphere and with so vigorous a Lustre he must needs as the Sun raise many envious Exhalations which condens'd by a Popular Odium were capable to cast a Cloud upon the brightest Merit and Integrity c. Yet saith this Excellent King I could never be convinc'd of any such criminousness in him having heard all the particulars of his great Cause from one end to the other as willingly to expose his life to the stroke of Justice and the malice of his Enemies However He suffered on Tower-hill the 12th of May 1641. taking his death with as much Christianity as Courage though some account nothing Christian that is not Effeminate of whom we should say more but must refer the rest to what is extant in Print The 19th of May following Robert Earl of Leicester was designed by his Majesty Lord Lieutenant of Ireland newly return'd from his Embassy in France where he had discharg'd his Trust with singular Prudence and Courage as he had done before in Denmark and elsewhere The choice of whom exceedingly endear'd his Majesties Wisdom to the most knowing and intelligent Party of the Nation the Earl having been one never engag'd in Monopolies one of the Grievances of the Times or the publick Complaints of the Kingdom but being long experienc'd in State-affairs promised nothing save his Majesties Honour and the Kingdoms security Being thought by his knowledge in Martial Affairs and other his great Abilities to be no doubt abundantly capable to reduce the Irish to
Relie and Roger Mac-Guire this Examinant's Brother dispatched a Priest one Toole O Conley who lived in Leimster unto Owen O Neal into Flanders to acquaint him with the Business concerning the General Rebellion then in preparation which said Priest return'd about a month before the time appointed for execution thereof And the Answer which the said Priest brought from the said Owen O Neal was That he would within 15 days after the People were up be with them with his best Assistance and Arms And it being demanded Why he the said Owen would bring Arms considering the Castle of Dublin was to be taken and the Arms therein this Examinant answer'd That they so provided for Arms that they might not want any in case they could not take the said Castle whereof they doubted And this Examinant acknowledgeth That the Castle of Dublin was to have been surpriz'd by himself Capt. Bryan O Neal Capt. Con O Neal Capt. Mac-Mahon one Owen O Relie Roger Moore Hugh Mac-Mahon Col. Plunkett and Capt. Fox and likewise further acknowledgeth That Hugh Mac-Phelim Capt. Con O Neal and Bryan O Neal brought from Owen O Neal out of Flanders the very same Message which the Priest brought And this Examinant further saith That he was told by Roger Moor that a Great Man was in the Plot but he might not name him for the present And at another time and during the sitting of the Parliament the last Summer he this Examinant was inform'd by one John Barnewell a Franciscan Frier then resident in this City That those of the Pale were also privy to the Plot meaning the present Rebellion And lastly saith That of those Persons who came to attend him this Examinant for the surprize of the Castle of Dublin only Cohonough Mac-Guire was privy to the Business in hand and that the last Meeting when the day appointed for the execution thereof was resolv'd on was at Loghross where were present only Ever Mac-Mahon Vicar-General of the Diocess of Clogher Thomas Mac-Kearnan a Frier of Dundalk Sir Phelim O Neal Roger Moor and Bryan O Neal. Charles Lambert Robert Meredith Concordat cum originali Ex. per Paul Harris Which Examination he also acknowledged before Judge Bramston Lord Chief Justice of England and Justice Mallet the 22. of June 1642. in the presence of Jo. Conyers W. Ayloffe Nath. Finch And being Prisoner in the Tower of London he delivered to Sir John Conyers then Lieutenant thereof a Relation of the whole Scene to be presented to the Lords in Parliament which being stor'd with many remarkable Circumstances sufficiently evidencing the dis-satisfaction long contrivance and general combination of the Natives I shall commit to posterity in his own words that it may be seen what Fucus soever is now endeavour'd to be cast on the horrid Conspiracy it was not any ill miscarriage of the State at that time or any real suspicions that the Irish had of any violence to be obtruded on their Religion or Persons which drove the Natives into a general revolt but the deliberate complotted Counsels of many years that anvil'd out the Rebellion in detestation of the English that was the Sore however skin'd which they endeavour'd again to exulcerate to which end Neal's Regiment in Flanders consisting most of Irish Papists was purposely rais'd to train up the Irish in Arms against a fitting opportunity as by Mac-Art's Examination is most evident Thus was this inhumane and treacherous Rebellion unanimously complotted which brake forth the 23. of October 1641. St. Ignatius his day that less than such a Patron might not be entituled to so close and bloody a Conspiracy fourty years before fore-warn'd by the incomparable and pious Archbishop Usher preaching soon after the overthrow of the Spaniards at Kinsale 1601. on the Vision of Ezek. Chap. 4. Vers. 6. whence in reference to a connivance of Popery following he drew this Application From this year a day being for a year I will reckon the sin of Ireland that those whom you now embrace shall be your ruine and you shall bear this iniquity A little before which time this Reverend Primate went for England I cannot say his reflecting on this Prophesie was the cause of his repair thither no! many things were thought to be in dispute which his moderation might probably have compos'd However writes Armachanus Redivivus towards the end Monitu proculdubio divino tempestivus ab Hibernia recessit priusquam funestae calamitates erupissent illi lupi bipedes belluaeque deproedatrices dispersas oves horribili Laniena jugulassent The Castle of Dublin as you have read was the chief Place they aim'd at as in the Lord Grey's Government 1580. it was then the design of the Rebels to have kill'd him and his Family and to have surpris'd the Castle of Dublin wherein was all the Provision of War The like was intended by the Conspirators about the beginning of the Reign of King James Sir Arthur Chichester Lord Deputy The full determination of the Conspiracy we now speak of was as Dr. Jones in his clear and excellent account he gives thereof in his Depositions took the 3d. of March 1641. design'd at the Abbey of Multifernan notwithstanding that Tyroen's Son who had long consulted it in Flanders was suddenly strangled about that time in Bruxels and the Earl of Tirconnel drown'd near the time of the Earl of Strafford's death prime Instruments in anvilling the Design abroad and great hopes of countenancing it at home where there was a Covent of Franciscans conven'd it seems on a pious intent in the County of West-Meath after the last Sessions of Parliament where amongst many other things there debated the question was What course should be taken with the English and all others that were found in the whole Kingdom to be Protestants Some were onely for their Banishment as the King of Spain dismis'd the Mores out of Granado with some of their Goods Others were urgent that all the Protestants should be universally cut off the King of Spain's lenity being his and his Queen's act not the advice of his Council which say they afterwards cost Christendom dear the Mores surviving to return with Swords in their hands and infest them as Algiers and Sally doth at present Those Disputes held long at last some lean'd a middle way neither to dismiss or kill And we find by the event each of these thoughts had some execution in some places All being generally put to the Sword or a more deplorable end in other places Imprisonment accompanied with the utmost extremity of that condition was the lot of many and others who being dismiss'd with their Goods were afterwards stript of all expos'd to Cold and Famine worse than Sword or Halter Thus having determin'd what to do with the Protestants which in general too sadly succeeded to their wishes they according to the presumption of the event consulted in the next place what course they would peruse in reference to their Government of
of November after the Rebellion brake forth found there many of the inferiour Irish and some of the Gentry in Rebellion in the County of Rescommon and Sligo with whom he dealt mildly presuming his former intimate Friendship and some Alliance might work on them but nothing prevail'd they were otherwise harden'd nor had he Force sufficient which they well knew to compel them their Swarms were so numerous their Cruelties so outragious so that at the last they block'd him up in the Castle of Athlone by the help of the Conspirators of Wess-Meath notwithstanding the Commissions of Government the Lords Justices and Council that nothing still might be wanting on the States side to evidence the confidence and trust they were willing to repose in the Prime Natives entrusted the Earl of Clanrickard the Lord Mayo the Lord of Costiloe and others with in which condition he remain'd till the Earl of Ormond Lieutenant General of his Majesties Army carried down two thousand Foot and some Troops of Horse to his Relief the Spring following Notwithstanding the Commission the Lord Rannelaugh had from those whom his Majesty entrusted of the Parliament in England to raise five hundred Protestants nearest adjoyning for the defence of the said Province and to name the Officers his Son Arthur Jones Esq being at the same time made Constable of the Castle of Roscommon in the County of Roscommon and allowed thirty one Protestant Warders to guard the Town and Castle As Sir Robert King at the same time was appointed in the like Command for the Castle of Abbey-boyle Yet the Rebels in the interim burnt the Town of Roscommon and the Bishops Town of Elphin besides many other Englishmen's Habitations surprizing also several Castles of the Earl of Clanrickards in the County of Galloway However Sir Charles Coote Junior vigilant in all concerns so mann'd and guarded Castle-Coot as that being in January 1641. besieg'd by Con O-Rourk with 1200 men he so notably encountred him as within a week he rais'd the Siege as he did Hugh O Connor Son of O Connor Dun of Balintober Titular Prince of Connaght lineally as he would have it descended from Rodderick O-Connor King of Connaght and Monarch of Ireland never afterwards durst make any formal approach against that Castle in as much as Sir Charles Coote fetch'd in Corn and Cattle at liberty Yet the second of March following O-Rourk came with all his Forces to fetch away the Prey of Roscommon before day hurrying them almost to Molinterim before our Forces could come up to him endeavouring to make good a Pass against our men who soon break their stoutest Ranks and killing most of the Rebels recovered the Prey took many Prisoners and amongst the rest Con O-Rourk Thus each Province was in a flame and that it burst not forth all at once was partly out of the backwardness of some who would first in the proceedings of the others see how far and with what security they might put themselves on the Work A horrid Work that had no promising or good Aspect And then others in the Counties of Dublin Meath Lowth who by the aforesaid compact should have furnish'd themselves with Arms from the State under pretence of service against Ulster missing of their Design in full halted a time and many declared not themselves at first by reason the surprising of the Castle of Dublin was prevented Nor did the noble and solemn Resentment of the Parliament in England a little startle others though after that the Winter came close upon them and that the English were almost every where harrast And the succours from England came not so soon as they were expected the Irish every where gathered that heat as in all Places to express their virulency Some will have it that the Gentlemen at Westminster instead of suppressing the Irish speedily by Arms made an Ordinance wholly to extirpate them whereby the Irish extirpated most part of the Protestant Colonies killing Man Woman and Child with most horrible Barbarousness Whereas it is apparent that the greatest and most horrid Massacres were acted before the Parliament could possibly know there was a Rebellion for after that the Plot was detected the Rebels somewhat slackned their first Cruelties though then they proclaim'd That if any Irish should harbour or relieve any English suffer'd to escape them with their lives that it should be penal even to death to such Irish So that though they put not those English actually to the Sword yet by that Design they cut them off more cruelly It being a certain truth not subject to the evasion of the Sophister that in all the four Provinces the horrid cruelties used towards the British either in their bloody Massacres or merciless dispoiling stripping and extirpation of them were generally acted in most parts of the Kingdom before they could gather themselves together to make any considerable resistance against their fury and before the State had assembled their Forces or were enabled by the power of his Majesties Arms to make any inroads into the Countreys possessed by the Rebels A circumstance which totally destroyeth all those vain pretences and fond recriminations which they have since most falsly taken up to palliate this their most abominable Rebellion or actings thereupon Besides in the first Order of the Lords Commons in Parliament of England touching this Concern for the better inducing of the Rebels to repent of their wicked Attempts they did thereby commend it to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland or in his absence to the Lord Deputy or Lords Justices there according to the power of the Commission granted them in that behalf To bestow his Majesties gracious Pardon to all such as within a convenient time to be declared by any of the said Magistrates should return to their due obedience Which rule the Lords Justices in all Commissions either to Officers or Marshals they had also before observed that if amongst them there had been any relenting they might have experienc'd the mercy of the State And thus much may be said even for the Parliament that after the expence of much blood and treasure for suppression of the horrid Rebellion in Ireland when they had brought that Affair to such an issue as that a total Reducement and settlement of the Nation was effected whereby they came to divide the Rebels Estates They manifested that it was not the Parliaments intentions to extirpate that whole Nation but they ordered Mercy and Pardon both as to Life and Estate should be extended to all Husband-Men Labourers Artificers yea to higher rank and Quality according to the respective Demerits and Considerations under which they fell and that all should enjoy the benefit of their Articles It is indeed Enacted in the Acts of subscriptions for Ireland that every Person who shall make enter into or take any Compact Bond Covenant Oath promise or agreement to introduce or bring into the said Realm of Ireland the authority of the See of Rome
Or their perfidious breach of Quarter as that of Captain Sanders which we rather remit to future Story not touching what they do in open War but their putting the blood of War in their Girdles in the time of Peace Though we must say that when the Instructions for the Protestant Agents of Ireland came afterwards to be consider'd great artifice there was that the cruelties committed against the Protestants after Quarter given Promises and Oaths for security or safe Convoy should be struck out But no more of this The State considering these sad truths and that none but a considerable Army was to appear abroad they provided 4000 Foot and 1500 Horse to be sent out under the Command of the Earl of Ormond Lieutenant General of the Army While Preparations were making for this Expedition Sir Simon Harcourt who loved always to be in action the 26th of March 1642. took a small Party of men and went out towards the County of Wickloe where he found the Rebels had possessed themselves of a Castle called Carrickmain within four miles of Dublin and seeing him draw near to it with those small Forces and finding him to have no Artillery so as their Walls were of sufficient strength to bear them out against any attempts he could make they began to brave him from within and to use reproachful signs from the top of the Castle thereby to express their contempt and scorn of him This his spirit was not well able to brook and considering the Castle was not invincible and that it would be very great advantage to the City of Dublin to remove so ill a Neighbour and that with two Pieces of Battery he could take it in some few hours he sent presently away to the Lords Justices to acquaint them with his Design and to desire them to send unto him the two Great Guns for the effecting of it They very well approv'd his Design and gave present order for the carrying them out together with all necessaries and provisions fitting for the service In the mean time he took special care for the surrounding of the Castle and disposing of his Men so as they might prevent the Rebels issuing out In which Service Serjeant Major Berry with 200 Fire-locks viewing the Castle was shot in his side though he died not till eight days after of a Feaver All things being put in order whilst they attended the coming of the Great Peeces now on their way Sir Simon Harcourt with some of the Commanders laid themselves down under the side of a little thatch'd house standing near the Castle which they took as a shelter to keep off the Enemies bullets from whence he suddainly rose up to call to the Souldiers to stand carefully to their Arms and to their Duties in their several Stations Which one of the Rebels from within perceiving discharged his Piece at him and shot him into his right breast under the neck bone and being so wounded he was carried off expressing his submission to the good hand of God and much joy'd to pour out his last blood in that Cause The pain of his Wound was so great as they could not bring him to Dublin but carried him to Mirian a house of the Lord Fitz-Williams where the next day he died to the great grief of the English and the prejudice of the Service His Lieutenant Colonel Gibson took the Command of that Party and the great Guns being come within the space of very few hours made a breach sufficient for the Souldiers to enter who being mightily enraged with the loss of their most beloved Colonel entred with great fury putting all to the Sword sparing neither Man Woman or Child The first Officer that led them on in the breach was Robert Hammond Brother to Doctor Hammond that famous and excellent Divine Ensign to Sir Simon Harcourt who carried himself very gallantly in this Service and from thence return'd into England where in the ensuing War by the several exploits he perform'd in the Reduction of the West of England under the Command of the Parliament he attain'd unto a very great Reputation and one of the chief Commanders in their Army And at the King 's coming to the Isle of Wight was Governour of Carisbrook Castle and of the Isle and upon his notice to the Parliament that the King was arriv'd there had Command to attend his Majesty with Respect and Honour with a promise that nothing should be wanting to defray the Kings expences in which service a ticklish task at that time I do not find that he forfeited his trust or otherwise demean'd himsélf then was well accepted At the time that Sir Simon Harcourt went forth the Lords Justices and Council finding what ill Instruments the Priests continued to be in kindling and fomenting the Rebellion caused as many of them as were in Town to be seized on who being put into French bottoms were shipt into France By this time the intended preparations to march forth under the Lieutenant General the Earl of Ormond were ready The Design was to relieve several Places of strength some besieged others much distressed by their wants and necessities but which way the Army was to march or what Place they were first to go to was kept as a secret However the Army Saturday the second of April 1642. marched from Dublin towards the Naas with 8000 Foot and 500 Horse arriving at Athy the 5th being 27 miles from Dublin from whence they sent out several Parties to relieve Carlow Marryburrough Balinokill the Burr Caterlagh Clogh-grevan Ballylivan and several other Castles and Towns then in distress which they did without much opposition releasing many Women Children and other unprofitable People much incommoding those Places Sir Patrick Weams Captain of the Lieutenant Generals Troop Captain Armstrong Captain Yarner Captain Harman Captain Schout Colonel Crafford Sir Richard Greenvile Sir Thomas Lucas and Sir Charles Coote in their several Commands doing excellent service in their Relief of these Castles and strong Holds The last passing with no little danger through Mountrath Woods whence Sir Charles Coote's Heir had his title worthy his and his Fathers merits to Marryburrough a Place of great consequence seated amongst ill Neighbours Whilst these things were acting the Rebels having gathered their Forces from Wickloe Wexford Caterlagh Kildare Queen's County Kilkenny Tipperary and West-Meath on Easter Sunday the 10th of April they displayed 40 Colours within two miles of Athy near the Barrow of which Colonel Crafford gave speedy intelligence under the Command of the Lord Viscount Mountgarret the Lieutenant General 's great Unkle making of the old English and Irish near 10000 men Horse and Foot which the Lieutenant General perceiving on the other side of the River of the Barrow to have sent out some Horse near Tankardstown over against Grangemellain His Lordship return'd to Athy giving out he would fight them the next day but their numbers vastly exceeding his and he having done the
incredible charge of his own Purse hanging many though of his own kindred whom he found imbrued in Blood greatly resenting the Barbarism and Inhumanity of the Irish In as much as Hubert Boy Bourk and Sir Ulick Bourk his near Relations preying on the English he often frustrated by discovering their Designs and furnishing Sir Charles Coot from time to time with supplies of Arms and Ammunition to oppose them and impoverish their Country So that at last by the advice of Colonel Walsh and others they erected a standing Camp near the Kreggs to molest and pen up our Garrison of Castle-Coot which being almost compleated the Garrison issued out upon them who receiv'd us with a good volly of Shot which ours answer'd not according to command till we came close to them which being done with great resolution their hearts fail'd them and they betook themselves to the next Bog which being at some distance gave our Horse and Foot a fair opportunity to hew them down before they could reach it in which service Major Walsh behav'd himself well with Courage and Rhetorick endeavouring to make the Rebels stand but in vain he at length being forc'd to take the Bog for his own refuge leaving in the Camp Bread Arms Powder Corn Meal c. in great quantity which being more then we could carry away we were forced to burn In the Spring following Sir Charles Coot being inform'd of a good Prey of Cattle in the Barony of Athlone towards Balniaslo in the O Mores Country he with his Forces adventur'd thither got some Cattle great quantity of Cloth and other necessaries killing many of their Souldiers in their beds though in his return he was fought with by the Rebels sculking in in-accessible Places from whence he at last got free with no small hazard to his Person and loss to the Enemy Major Sumner in this as in the whole Siege of Castle-Coot and other places in Connaght doing excellent service as Councellor Engineer and Souldier worthily keeping his promise with one Kelly a Gentleman of good Quality and a kin to the Earl of Clanrikard whom begging his life he saved ransoming himself afterwards for 10. l. in money ten barrels of Wheat and as much Salt which at the following Siege of Castle-Coot proved of great value being sold then at 2s a Quart After which in Easter week 1642. Sir Charles Coot attempted to relieve Athlone and after some small dispute did it though the access to the Place was such as a few men might have been able to have stop'd 1000. he found his greatest difficulty was to fill up the trenches that the Enemy had made as his Horse might have free access which at last he compass'd relieving the Place with what Cattle and other Provisions he got in his Expedition not being a little startled that by such a Troop as the President there had and other Conveniencies no more should have been before attempted Nor had Roscommon Tulsk Elphin Knockvicar Abbeyboyle Belanfad Persons less active in their defence even from the first surprizals of the Rebels acting to amazement when nothing but their own courage secur'd their Forts though the last for want of Water was compell'd after a long siege to yield to the Rebels after that the Governour 's two Brothers the Kings from Boyle with Sir Charles Coot had resolv'd to have reliev'd him but at Carickdrumroosk Sir Charles Coot having intelligence that his own Castle was assaulted he was forced to retire back and very happily prevented that Design in the nick of execution though thereby the other Design was frustrated The 30th of April the Lords Justices and Council appointed a Fast to be observed monthly upon each Friday before the Sacrament to continue until Declaration were made to the contrary for the wonderful discovery of the late Plot against the State and true Religion as for the happy and prosperous success which God in his mercy had given his Majesties Forces against the Rebels and for the avoiding Gods just indignation for the future Upon the return of our Forces from the Battle of Kilrush within few days Philip Sidney Lord Viscount Lisle eldest Son to the Earl of Leicester Lord Lieutenant of Ireland landed at Dublin his Regiment having arriv'd before He was a Member of the House of Commons in England and by them recommended to his Father to be made Lieutenant-General of the Horse in Ireland though very young Assoon as he landed being desirous to put himself upon action he undertook the relieving of the Lady of Offalia Relict of Sir Robert Digby who upon the most insolent Menaces of the Rebels had return'd a noble answer seconding that though then very aged with an unparallel'd and gallant defence besieged in her Castle of Gheshell in the Kings-County by a numerous company of Rebels in a place of most difficult access by reason of the Bogs and Woods which encompassed it on every side The Rebels Letter to the Lady Offalia at Gheshel Honourable WE his Majesties loyal Subjects being at present imployed in his Highnesses Service for the taking of this your Castle you are therefore to deliver unto us free possession of your said Castle promising faithfully that your Ladyship together with the rest in the said Castle restant shall have a reasonable Composition otherwise upon the not yielding of the Castle we do assure you that we will burn the whole Town kill all the Protestants and spare neither Man Woman nor Child upon taking the Castle Consider Madam of this our offer and impute not the blame of your own folly unto us think not that here we brag Your Ladyship upon submissiion shall have a safe Convoy to secure you from the hands of your Enemies and to lead you where you please A speedy Reply is desired with all expedition and thus we surcease Henry Dempsy Charles Dempsy Andr. Fitz. Patrick Con. Dempsy Phelim Dempsy John Vicars James Mac Donnel Superscrib'd To the Honourable and thrice Vertuous Lady the Lady Digby These Give The Lady Offalia her Answer to the Rebels Superscrib'd For her Cousin Henry Dempsy and the Rest. I Receiv'd your Letter wherein you threaten to sack this my Castle by his Majesty's Authority I am and ever have been a loyal Subject and a good Neighbour amongst you and therefore cannot but wonder at such an Assault I thank you for your offer of a Convoy wherein I hold little safety and therefore my resolution is that being free from offending his Majesty or doing wrong to any of you I will live and die innocently and will do my best to defend my own leaving the issue to God and though I have been and still am desirous to avoid the shedding of Christian Blood yet being provoked your threats shall no whit dismay me Lettice Offalia Sir Charles Coot accompanied the Lord Lisle in this Action which with 120 Foot and 300 Horse was perform'd without much difficulty the Rebels not daring to attend their Approaches to
Athlone wherein he made a breach and commanded a Party to storm it The Rebels killed many of our Men that day by shot besides what perish'd by Stones and other Materials thrown from the top of the Castle the Night afterwards the Rebels stole to a Bog not far distant through the negligence of our Guards and left us the Castle The next Exploit of my Lord President was with the remnant of the two English Regiments and what could be spared out of our Garrisons thereabouts a March towards Balintober to which he was provoked by the Enemy and stimulated on by his own Party impatient of further delays O Conner Dun of Balintober ever since his Son was taken till now that is the middle of July 1642. had acted nothing though the tacit Votes of the Province did seem to own him as their King Prince Roy telel or what Name of Supremacy in that Province could be greatest who seeing that those Forces which were sent from England to the Lord President to subdue that Province which at first much frighted the Rebels had done nothing of moment through a supine negligence if not worse and were much less considerable than those Forces which we had before he began to awake out of his Ale and Aqua-vitae and to call in Subjects to help him out of all the Parts of Connaght but above all that came to joyn with him none were more forward or came in greater numbers than the County of Maio-Men and the rather because in all the Conflicts of Connaght with the English few of that great County came to fight with us They drew together 1800 or 2000 Foot and 160 Horse and more had joyn'd with them if we had defer'd to visit them It was therefore adjudged necessary by the Lord President Sir Charles Coot Sir Mich. Earnly Sir Abraham Shipman Sir Edw. Povey Sir Bernard Ashley and others of the Council of War That we should draw out all the Men sick or sound that were able to march and march to Balintober It was a wonder to see with what alacrity and courage our new-come English put themselves on this service even they that were ready to die as divers of them did on the way rejoycing that they might expire doping their Countrey the best service they could as Souldiers and not as Dogs on a Dunghil Our March that day was from Roscommon through Molinterim and over the Hill of Oran near Clalby which is little more than 2 miles from Balintober from thence we might see the Enemy coming with all speed to meet us The Lord President was of opinion that our Forces should retreat and commanded it but the rest were otherwise resolv'd and without his Orders drew on towards the Rebels whilst he washed his hands from what evil might accrew Our Commanders as they march'd agreed how to order their Men and on what piece of Ground but the Enemy came on so fast that they could not gain the Ground desired which made the Work on our part more difficult for all the way on that Hill till we come near Balintober is boggy with great long Heath in all places very unfit for Horse-service However when the Rebels came near us Captain Rob. King with his Troop well mounted and well arm'd with Back and Brest and as well disciplin'd as any in Ireland was commanded to pass by their Front to their left Flank as Sir Charles Coot and Sir Edw. Povey with the rest of their Troops being before nearer to the top of that ridge of Ground were almost past that they might make way for our forlorn Hope of Musketiers to play in the Front of their great Body of Pikes coming on Captain Rob. King an old Souldier in executing of this saw by the badness of the Ground he march'd on and by the Rebels haste to come up that he should not without disorder get by the left Point of this Battalia gave order to his Men to fire in flank all at once when they should be close up with the Point of the Battalia over one another's Horses Manes which was a thing seldom heard of or practised yet was no new thing either to him or his for he had taught them this amongst other Points of War he had long nurtur'd them in which they exactly perform'd when he was come within two Pikes lengths of the Enemy with their Carbines At which time our forlorn Hope of Foot being come up fired with excellent success on that part of the Front that lay to the right hand so that by this unexpected way of firing by the Horse timely assisted by the Foot the Enemy was soon put into disorder with the loss of many Men which breach Captain King soon apprehending and finding the Pikes of the fall'n Men to have intangled and galled others he rush'd in with his Horse and breaking the left corner of the Battalia so amazed the Rebels as they fell into disorder who quitting their Pikes all at once made a great noise and began to run but before their running that was almost as soon as Captain King was got into their Front Sir Charles Coot and Sir Edward Povey charg'd them in the Flank with their Troops with which they had kept the upper Ground on purpose to encounter with the 160 Horse of the Rebels and to them was Captain Robert King drawing to second them or to fall into the Flank of this Battalia which he had new broken but the Rebels Horse fled before they were able to come near and therefore they had leisure to fall into the Flank of the Foot This Battalia of Pikes was supposed to be 1200. They had 1000 Musketeers which either by bad way or staying longer than the other for to receive Ammunition were not come up to begin the Battel but were within Musket-shot who also ran for company Our men pursued and killed most of them but were commanded not to come too near Balintober where the Credulous were to believe some had seen beyond the Castle another great Body of Men so as not pursuing this Victory we lost the benefit of it In this Battel there was a young Gentleman on the Irish side who very gallantly behav'd himself after that his Party was fled getting to the corner of a Ditch where with his Pike he withstood the encounter of five Horse that had spent their shot till an Agantick Soldier of the English getting within him slew him And amongst the dead one pulling a Mountero from the head of one there fell down long Tresses of flaxen hair who being further search'd was found a Woman After this the President consider'd what was to be attempted and it was resolv'd to go into the County of Galloway But as in all other Designs many Objections were alledg'd and the Lord President with a few accompani'd with the Marquis of Clanrickard went to Galloway before which the Lord Forbes Lieutenant General under the Lord Brook was come the 9th of August 1642. to
Walls of Cork with great Forces not far from whence the Confederates promising General Garret Barry with the consent of his Council of War the Lord Muskery and others planted his Camp at Rochforts Town holding thereby Cork in a manner besieg'd on the North-side whilst my Lord Roch the Lord of Ikern Dunboin the Baron of Loghmo Mr. Richard Butler with the Tipperary Forces were drawing down on the South till by the valour of those few English then in Town viz. the Lord Inchiquin Col. Vavasor and 400 Musketeers and 90 Horse they were beaten off with the loss of 200 of their Men their Tents and whole Bag and Baggage being taken In the whole Service Sir William St. Leger as long as he had health was active with the meanest Officers of the Army doing many times a private Soldiers duty as well as a careful Generals But finding at length the Rebels multitudes to increase and his Men to decay even in being victorious and the Supplies of Men and Money with Provisions which he expected out of England to come over very slowly and far short of what the necessities of that Province required well understanding too the difference then in England betwixt his Majesty and the Parliament and what were the designs of some putting fair Glosses on the Rebellion of Ireland which his Soul apprehended as one of the most detestable Insurrections of the World These things so troubled his Spirit as being discouraged in the desperate undertakings necessity and the honour of his Nation put him daily upon so deep an impression fixed in his mind as the distemper of his body increasing he wasted away and died at his house at Downrallie four miles from Cork in the County of Cork 1642. and was there buried a little before whose death he writ the second of April 1642. a most significant Letter to the Lord Lieutenant touching the Affairs of that Province and his utter detestation of the Rebels Remonstrance sent him after a motion made for a Cessation which he would have seconded with further testimony of his aversion to their insolency as would have tended much to their dis-encouragement had he been enabled with any reasonable strength so to have done The Command of the Forces in this Province was after the death of Sir William St. Leger for the present by the Lords Justices and Council committed to the Lord Inchequin who had married his Daughter and during his Father in Law 's life had shewed himself very forward in several Services against the Rebels He was a meer Irish-man of the antient Family of O-Brian's but bred up a Protestant and one that had given good testimony of the truth of his Profession as his hatred and detestation of his Countrey-mens Rebellion and having match'd into the Lord President 's Family was held the fittest Person to cast the Command upon till there were another Lord President made by the King or he confirm'd by his Majesty in that Province In the mean time the Lord Inchequin takes some opportunity and having beaten the Rebels Forces at the Battel of Liscarrol in the County of Cork got great reputation by that action The Battel was fought on Saturday the 3d. of September 1642. in which on the English Party was kill'd Lewis Boyle Lord Viscount Kynalmeaky second Son to the late Earl and Brother to this of Cork who behav'd himself most nobly in that Expedition and was buried at Youghall in his Fathers Tomb. And on the Irish side was slain Captain Oliver Stephenson Grandson of him who in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth had done eminent service in the Wars against the Earl of Desmond And afterwards the Division increasing in England the sending over a new Lord President was neglected so as the Lord Inchequin continu'd in the Government managing affairs there sometimes for the King against the Parliament sometimes for the Parliament against the King as he conceiv'd might bring on the absolute settlement of that Government upon himself of whom we shall speak more hereafter And now having shewed you the effects of the English Courage strangely reviv'd and managed against the Rebels it will be seasonable to acquaint you by what means the Forces there have been animated to so eminent a Service You have already read the generous resolutions of the Parliament in England upon the first discovery of the Rebellion as the encouragement his Majesty gave them upon his first and second appearance in the House of Lords after his return from Scotland And you have read if it would have been admitted how he would have adventured his Royal Person thither and have rais'd 10000 English Volunteers speedily for that Service if so the House of Commons would have declared that they would pay them which would not be accepted but instead thereof the 24th of January following the Town and Castle of Carickfergus were advised by the two Houses to be given in Command and Keeping to the Scots 2500 of which were to be transported thither and paid by England so as to be accountable according to their Order the 22. of Jan. to the King and Parliament and the Lord General in his Place for all their actions in that Service Which his Majesty was loath to grant as prejudicial to the Crown of England and employing too great trust for Auxiliary Forces Though at the importunity of the Parliament it was so setled at Windsor the 27th of January 1641. But what service the Scots did in those Parts more than subsist by English Pay deserves an enquiry It will now be convenient to acquaint you that after many necessary Propositions to the King from the Parliament passionately affected with the miseries of Ireland it was in the Petition of the House of Commons December the first mov'd That his Majesty would be pleas'd to forbear to alienate any of the Forfeited or Escheated Lands in Ireland which shall accrue to the Crown by reason of this Rebellion that out of these the Crown may be the better supported and some satisfaction made to his Subjects of this Kingdom England for the great Expences they were like to undergo in this War To which his Majesty answer'd That concerning Ireland he understood their desire of not alienating the forfeited Lands thereof to proceed from their much care and love and likewise that it might be a Resolution very fit for him to take But whether it be seasonable to declare resolutions of that nature before the event of a War be seen that he much doubted Howsoever we cannot repli'd his Majesty but thank you for this care and your chearful Engagement for the suppression of that Rebellion upon the speedy effecting whereof the Glory of God in the Protestant Profession the safety of the British there our Honour and that of the Nation so much depends all the Interests of this Kingdom being so involv'd in that business We cannot but quicken your affections therein and shall desire you to frame your
Act of Additions and Explanation of certain Clauses in the former Act as also an Act giving further time to Subscribers for Lands in Ireland with an Advantage of Irish Measure By vertue of which great sums were rais'd and in truth the Forces of Ireland yet competently well supplied But his Majesty perceiving a defect in the necessary Transportations of what was requisite he by the Advice of his Council declares That he hopes that not only the Loyalty and good Affections of all our loving Subjects will concur with us in the constant preserving a good understanding between us and our People but at this time their own and our Interest and compassion of the lamentable condition of our poor Protestant Subjects in Ireland will invite them to a fair Intelligence and Unity amongst themselves that so we may with one heart intend the relieving and recovering of that unhappy Kingdom where those barbarous Rebels practise such inhumane and unheard of Outrages upon our miserable People that no Christian Ear can hear without horrour nor Story parallel And yet further to dis-burthen his thoughts for Ireland he was pleas'd to signifie to both Houses of Parliament the 24th of Feb. 1641. That for Ireland in behalf of which his heart bleeds as he hath concurred with all Propositions made for that Service by his Parliament so he is resolv'd to leave nothing undone for their relief which shall fall within his possible power And because his Majesty's removal to York from the Parliament should not hinder the Supplies for Ireland he from Huntingdon the 15th of March 1642. declares That he doth very earnestly desire that they will use all possible industry in expediting the Business of Ireland in which they shall find so chearful a concurrence by his Majesty that no inconvenience shall happen to that Service by his absence he having all that passion for the reducing of that Kingdom which he hath expressed in his former Messages and being unable by words to manifest more affection to it than he hath endeavour'd to do by those Messages having likewise done all such Acts as he hath been mov'd unto by his Parliament therefore if the misfortunes and calamities of his poor Protestant Subjects shall grow upon them though his Majesty shall be deeply concern'd in and sensible of their sufferings he shall wash his hands before all the World from the least imputation of slackness in that most necessary and pious Work Thus his Majesty resented that horrid Rebellion having nothing left further to express the deep sense he had of the publick miseries of his Kingdom Yet the Parliament who conceiv'd themselves deeply intrusted with the Concerns of Ireland the prosecution of that War being left to them but not so as to exclude his Majesty replied That they humbly besought his Majesty to consider how impossible it is that any Protestation though publisht in your Majesty's Name of your tenderness of the miseries of your Protestant Subjects in Ireland c. can give satisfaction to reasonable and indifferent Men when at the same time divers of the Irish Traitors and Rebels the known Favourers of them and Agents for them are admitted to your Majesty's Presence with Grace and Favour and some of them imployed in your Service and when Cloaths Munition Horses and other Necessaries bought by your Parliament and sent for the supply of the Army against the Rebels there are violently taken away some by your Majesty's Command others by your Minister's To which it 's replied That those Cloaths c. entring into Coventry his Majesty had good reason to believe they would have been dispos'd of amongst the Souldiers who there bore Arms against him putting the Parliament besides in mind That he was so far from diverting any of those Provisions made for the relief of Ireland the thought of whose miserable condition made his heart bleed that 3000 Suits of Cloaths being found at Chester for the Souldiers in Ireland he commanded that they should be speedily transported thither no necessity of his own Army being sufficient to prevail with him to seize on them Thus both the King and Parliament interessed in the great Concern of Ireland were passionately affected with her sad condition whilst the distractions and jealousies at home so dis-cemented their Forces as the Irish Harp hung on the Willows and those noble Souls which even now return'd with Laurels droopt betwixt the living and the dead Affairs standing in this posture neither of them prov'd at leisure to consider more than in Declarations the miserable condition of bleeding Ireland inasmuch as they were so far from sending over thither any further supplies of Men Money or Ammunition how incessantly soever they were mov'd to it from the Lords Justices and Council as the Parliament at that time finding themselves under great Necessities for want of Money order'd the sum of 100000 l. of the Adventurers Money then in the hands of the Treasurer for the relief of Ireland to be made use of for the setting forth their Army under the Command of the Earl of Essex then ready for his March against the King at Nottingham notwithstanding a Clause in that memorable Act That no part of that Money shall be imployed to any other purpose than the reducing of those Rebels This rais'd a great noise and highly reflected upon the Parliament That they who so heartily on all occasions had complain'd of the King's neglect of his poor Protestants in Ireland should now make use of that Money to raise Arms against him in England and so leave the remnant of those suffering Souls in Ireland to the Insolencies of the Rebels and their own Forces Flesh of their Flesh sent over with so much Charge for the suppression of that horrid Rebellion to neglect and scorn for want of a seasonable and just supply Upon which his Majesty from York the 30th of August 1642. sent a Message to the House of Commons requiring them to retract that Order To palliate which they alledg'd many things against the King As the denying the Lord Wharton to go with 5000 Foot and 500 Horse for the relief of Munster the hindring of two Pieces of Battery writ for by the Lords Justices the detaining of the Lord Lieutenant the Earl of Leicester when the Affairs of Ireland were known to suffer for want of a Commander in Chief notwithstanding his Majesty had charged them that they had detain'd the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on whom writes he he relyed principally for the conduct and management of Affairs there never regarding his earnestness formerly prest when he was thought to be stayed by the Parliament that he should repair to his Command of which the Earl of Leicester in a Letter to the Earl of Northumberland is not silent order'd by the Parliament to be printed the 26th of September 1642. To which the Parliament adds The calling away of Sir Charles Lloyd Captain Green and others in actual imployment against the
remisly attended leaving their Provisions of all sorts behind them The Lord Lisle after this success better much then he could expect with so small Forces having put a Garrison in the Place returned to Dublin About one month after my Lord Lisle's return to Dublin the State was inform'd by the Lord Moore that Carrickmacross was besieged by near 2000 Rebels and that if it were not suddainly relieved not onely the Place would be taken but our men lost whereupon it was resolv'd to send away presently 1000 Foot with some Troops of Horse under the Command of Sir Henry Tichborn and my Lord Moore to raise the Siege And it fell into debate what should be done with the Place and upon a due consideration of all Circumstances and an impossibility on our part to Man and Victual the Place from hence an Act of Council was made for the demolishing of the house and bringing of our men back before this was put in execution Letters came from Captain Vaughan from Dundalk to acquaint the State that with 100 Foot and 50 Horse he had been to see in what state Carrick was that he found the men well Victualled for 14 days and that the Siege was raised that there came upon him in his return 2000 of the Rebels who charged him and as Captain Martin said shot near 5000 shot at his men who thereupon began to be somewhat in disorder so as he saw they could not well retire Whereupon he charged them with his Horse routed them killing 30 or 40 of them and got some Arms Yet the resolution taken to demolish Carick was not alter'd The Summer being thus spent the Winter apace drew on and the Provisions of the County failing where the Souldiers lay in Garrison in the Custodiums the greatest part of them return'd to Dublin where they took up their Quarters to the great grievance of the Inhabitants And now the differences between the King and his Parliament in England were grown so high and their preparations to encounter one another in a set Battle so considerable as upon that fatal day the 23. of October 1642. They came to an Engagement at Edge-Hill where the encounter was so fiercely maintain'd on both sides with so much courage and resolution headed by the Earl of Lindsey for the King and the Earl of Essex for the Parliament manfully discharging the parts both of Generals and Souldiers as the loss being in a manner equal both reported themselves Conquerors but neither were thenceforth in a condition to administer sufficient relief to the distressed Estate of the poor Protestants in Ireland whereby the Army though but lately sent over out of England was wholly neglected which made many of the Commanders take up thoughts of quitting that service and repairing to the King at Oxford having as it was said secret invitations thereunto which being understood by the Parliament and finding that from the Battle of Kilrush which was fought in April 1642. till October following the Army in Leimster had not been so active as reasonably might have been expected The Parliament to quicken the War to inform themselves of the wants and defects of the Army and of all other things that might enable them the better to send thither and dispose of there such Forces Moneys Ammunition and necessaries for that service according to the Statute which enabled the Lords and Commons in Parliament from time to time to direct thought it very expedient though by Secretary Nicholas from his Majesty expresly commanded to the contrary to send into Ireland a Committy for that purpose in the depth of Winter Members of the House of Commons Mr. Robert Goodwin and Mr. Robert Reynolds authorized from both Houses called by his Majesty their Ambassadors to which the Citizens of London joyn'd one Captain Tucker who carried with them 20000 l. in ready money besides 300 Barrels of Powder ten Tun of Match and other Ammunition They arriv'd at Dublin the 29th of October by long Sea and upon the 2d of November presented them to the State producing the Ordinance of Parliament together with their instructions to be read The Lords Justices and Council ordered their Reception with respect which they improv'd to the voluntary putting on of their Hats sitting behind the Council on a Form nor could this their carriage be reproved though resented Affairs at that time having brought on those Exigencies which their coming could onely relieve during whose abode there having Votes onely in Military Affairs they saw that Parties were continually sent forth to encounter the Rebels and when there was a failing either in Money or Provisions they engaged their own particular Credits to make up the defect Yet in respect of their being admitted as they were consequently were thought to be spies on his Majesties Ministers there His Majesty much disliked their Address and in a Letter deliver'd to the Lords Justices and Council the 10th of February Order'd their removal which was done with much content by the Board but some regreets to the Commissioners who resolv'd presently to quit Ireland and to speak truth it soon appear'd by the Index of some mens spirits what hazard they might have run should they have been obstinate therein though many suspected as it fell out their return would certainly slacken the relief of the Protestant Army against the Irish. There were three main things principally intended by this Committee during their stay in Ireland 1. They used their utmost endeavours to satisfie the Officers of the Army of the great care the Parliament took to provide their Pay and to send over money and in the mean time to furnish the Army with all manner of Provisions and Ammunitions that should be thought necessary for the carrying on the War against the Rebels 2. They made a Book wherein they desired that all the Officers of the Civil List as well as the Army should subscribe and declare their free consent that some part of their Pay and Arrear due to them for their service there should be satisfied out of the Rebels Lands when they were declared to be subdued Upon which many great sums were under-written but upon information of his Majesties dislike thereof the Commissioners being sharply threatned returned the Book so that most struck out their Names frustrating thereby a Design which would infinitely have obliged others to have subscribed In reference to which the Kings Commissioners at Uxbridge ascertain'd That his Majesty never sent any such Letter to divert the course of the Officers subscribing but the Souldiers were meerly discouraged from the same by discerning that for want of Supplies they should not be able to go on with that War 3. They finding that most of the Officers of the Army had lodg'd their Troops and Companies in their Custodiums which were most of them Places of strength enough at least to keep them from being surprized suddainly by the Rebels and that there were 7 or 8000 of the Army quartered
we at first desired we might well have had those Provisions arriv'd here by the 10th of March as we agreed However we now desire that that Money if it be not already paid may be yet paid to Mr. Anthony Tierens in London or Mr. Wibrants in Amsterdam that so those Provisions may arrive here speedily which considering that Summer is now near at hand will be very necessary that when our Supplies of Victuals Munition Cloaths Money and other Provisions shall arrive we may not in the publick Service here lose the benefit and advantage of that Season And so we remain From his Majesty's Castle of Dublin the 4th of April 1643. This Letter as you see was writ some weeks after the Battle of Ross however in brief it gives you a faithful Account Yet that a more particular one may also be committed to Posterity accept of the following from the Pen of a chief Officer in that Expedition March the 2d 1642. the English Army march'd forth from Dublin toward Kilkenny consisting of about 2500 Foot and 500 Horse together with two Pieces of Battery and four small brass Pieces the Marquess of Ormond being Lieutenant General of the Army and my Lord Lisle General of the Horse The 3d. the Army being come nigh Castlemartin the Rebels then possessing it gave it up to the Lieutenant General upon his promise of fair Quarter which they accordingly had to march away thence with the safety of their Lives they being in number above 400 Men and Women and the same day 3 Divisions of Foot were sent to Kildare and a Castle called Tully which the Rebels then quitted and left unto us The 4th the Army came to Tymolin where finding two Castles possest by some Rebels our Cannon compell'd them to submit to mercy very few of them escaping with their Lives there being about 100 of them slain and also of the English Army was slain Lieutenant Oliver and about 12 Souldiers The 11th my Lord Lisle march'd from the Army at Temple-soul before day towards Ross having with him Sir Richard Greenvile Sir Thomas Lucas and about 400 Horse and also Sir Foulk Huncks with about 600 Foot Being come within two miles of Ross our Horse took 4 Horsemen of the Rebels Prisoners who inform'd us that the Army of the Rebels lay then about 3 miles distant thence being near 4000 Men. Shortly after my Lord Lisle came before the Town of Ross and by a Trumpeter he sent to the Town to have some one of Quality therein to come to treat with him concerning the surrender of the same to the King's use which they refused to do Then Sir Thomas Lucas fearing the safety of the Army by reason he understood that the Rebel's Army lay the last night within 2 miles of the English Army importuned my Lord Lisle to march back with all his Horse to secure the Army leaving Sir Foulk Hunks with his Division of Foot to guard a Pass in that way And then after a few miles riding further the English Army appear'd at hand which march'd on towards Ross nigh before which that night a great part of our Horse and Foot lodged And the next morning our Cannon were drawn and planted against the Town and continued battering with two Pieces on a part of the Town-Walls about two days together which made a fair breach therein which Sir Foulk Huncks undertook to assault with his Men and attempted it but were beaten back with some loss which so much dis-heartned the Souldiers that they would not be drawn on again and finding that the besieged had both daily and nightly very many Men and much Ammunition and other Recruits conveyed by Boats into the Town and understanding that the Rebel's Army was grown very strong within few miles of ours and our Lieutenant General finding Bread to be grown scarce in our Army resolv'd to leave Ross as it was and gain Honour by a Battle with the Irish. The 18th our Army being march'd away about 2 miles distant from Ross the Irish Army appear'd fairly in view who hastned their Forces into Battalia on a Ground of some advantage nigh the way our Army was to pass Whereupon our Commanders endeavour'd with all diligence to draw their Forces into Battalia to confront the Rebels within the distance of Cannon-shot our Cannon being plac'd at the Front of our Infantry which was winged by our Horse-Troops and advanc'd forwards before our Army within Musket-shot of the Enemy's fore-Troops Sir Richard Greenvile having that day the Vauntguard of the Horse had his Division for the right Wing of the Army likewise my Lord Lisle's Division having the Battle had the left Wing of the Army Sir Luca's Division having the Rearguard of the Horse had the one half of his Division appointed to stand for Reserves for both the Wings of Horse Both Armies being order'd against one another Sir Richard Greenvile sent forth towards the Rebels a forelorn Hope of 60 Horse commanded by Lieutenant White which advancing towards 2 Troops of the Rebels they seem'd to shrink from Then our Cannon beginning to play Captain Atkins commanding a forelorn Hope of about 100 Musketiers march'd forwards directly before our Foot-Army towards the Rebels who had mann'd a Ditch in a High-way lying right before their Army with a great number of Musketiers during which time certain other Divisions of the English Foot followed orderly their forelorn Hope Captain Atkins with his shot excellently performing his part by exchanging shot with the Rebels that lay in ambush Sir Richard Greenvile with his Division on the right Wing advanced to begin the Battle in the interim whereof Sir Thomas Lucas being Major General of the Horse came and took upon him the chief Command thereof and so leading those Troops on towards the Enemy being come past a deep High-way that lay between both Armies presently at hand advanc'd towards those Horse a Division of Horse and Foot of the Rebels Sir Richard Greenvile being then in the head of his own Troop which had the right hand of that Division commanded his Men to keep together and charge home without wheeling which was no sooner spoken but immediately Sir Thomas Lucas call'd aloud to our Troop to wheel to the left hand which they presently performing were gotten into a Lane in some disorder and before they could get out of the same and come into any good order again a Troop of above 100 of the Rebel's Horse all Gentlemen of Quality and Commanders led by Cullen their Lieutenant General charg'd our Horse on the left Flank Whereupon Sir Richard Greenvile encouraged several of his Troops by his example to charge the Enemy where meeting with Colonel Cullen in the head of his Troops divers blows pass'd betwixt them mean while my Lord Lisle with his Troops gallantly charg'd Cullen's Troop on his Flank and Rear whereby they were so routed that the Troops were all intermixed one with another and the execution of both Parties continued violent
to meet an Enemy in the Field not to Besiege the Town He released the Lady Humes and her Son Prisoners at Kilmallock for one Burget a Prisoner at Cork whether the Lord Inchequin march'd whilst Sir Charles Vavasor after a well regulated Dispute stoutly defended by the Rebels took in Cloghleigh commanded by one Condon wherein was 20 Men 11 Women and about 7 Children some of which the Soldiers stript in readiness to kill them but Major Howel drawing out his Sword defended them and whilst he went to Colonel Vavasor then at Ballyhindon Mr. Roche's House where he was invited that day to Dine committed them to Captain Wind who leaving them to a Guard of Horse they stripped them again and afterwards fell upon them with Carbines Pistols and Swords a cruelty so resented by Sir Charles Vavasor that he vowed to hang him that commanded the Guard and had certainly done it had not the next days action prevented it which was the most considerable loss the English ever received from the Rebels a mischief they might have avoided had they been less confident and given greater credence to their Intelligence The 4th of June being Sunday early in the morning before break of day quarter Mr. Hill with a Squadron of Horse was sent to Scout about Cloghline and Castlegrace in the County of Tipperary and before day-light he was encompassed by the Enemies Horse so that he with his Company with great difficulty escap'd and bringing word to the Leaguer at Cloghleigh the Alarm was up and presently our Foot drew themselves into two Divisions in a Field next the Mountain where the Enemy came down when presently two or three Bodies of the Enemies Horse appear'd on the side of a Hill a mile and a half from us In the mean time Sir Charles Vavasor lying the night before at Castle Logons was sent for and he without delay came away as fast as his Horse could carry him but before he came a Party of Musketeers to the number of 200 under the Command of Captain Philip Hutton and a Troop of Horse commanded by Captain Freek drew up nearer to the Enemy by half a mile and there stood for the space of two hours some of the Horse in the interim advanc'd further founding their Trumpets on both sides At length Christopher Brian the Lord Inchequin's Brother desir'd to Parle with Quartermaster Page and after some Complements and Discourses past they parted as did afterwards Captain Richard Fitz-Morris the Lord of Kirries Brother with the said Christopher Bryan Presently after notice was given that the Enemy was advancing but we could discover no Foot all this while their management of this business being very close Whereupon Sir Charles Vavasor demurr'd upon it and took order for what was needful and called back the said Hutton and the Horse from the Mountain In the interim Captain George Butler a Native of this Kingdom a man of undanted spirit and well experienc'd in Martial Discipline came to Sir Charles from the Lord Inchequin with a Letter importing That the said Butler's Company and Sir Brown's were marching from Moyalloe towards him and now within a mile and half to him were at his disposal Upon that Sir Charles and the rest of the Officers consulted what was best to be done and concluded such a Body of Horse could not be without a considerable Body of Foot and therefore fully resolv'd to make good a Retreat giving order that all the Carriages with the Artillery that were now at a stop on the Manning Water should hast away till they recovered the Black Water at the Ford of Farmoy to help to make good that Pass in case he should be hard put to it After this Sir Charles staid a while so long as he might well conceive the said two Companies Carriage and Ordnance to be at the Ford and then presently marched on to Castle Lyons the Front led by Lieutenant King the Body by Major Howel and the Rear by Sir Charles himself a Forlorn-hope of about 160 Musketeers in the Rear was commanded by Captain Pierce Lacy Captain Hutton and Lieutenant Stardbury and all our Horse in the Rear likewise who no sooner came over the Manning Water and recovered the top of the Hill but the Enemies Horse were at our heels From this Hill to the Ford there is a dangerous Passage of a Narrow Lane which the Enemy knew full well and so did our Men too And the Enemy perceiving that most of our Men were marching within this Lane excepting the Forlorn-hope and the Horse charged us in the Rear coming on as the Moorish and Getulian Horse mention'd by Salust in Jugarth's War not in Order and Warlike manner but by Troops and scattering Companies at adventure that the Fight rather resembled an Incursion than a Battel and so hemm'd in and prest on our Horse being but 120 that they were able to move no way but fall into that Lane amongst the Foot which they did thereby routing our whole Foot The Ordnance by this time was not carried ●●er the Black Water nor the two Companies as yet come to make good the Passage so that all our Colours save one brought off by Dermot O Grady Ensign to Captain Rowland St. Leger who gallantly sav'd It and himself were taken our two Pieces of Ordnance surpriz'd and Sir Charles himself together with Captain Wind Lieutenant King Ensign Chaplain Captain Fitz-morris and divers others taken Prisoner besides those that were kill'd in the Place viz. Captain Pierce Lacy Captain George Butler Lieutenant Walter St. Leger three Natives of this Kingdom Lieutenant Stradbury Lieutenant Rosington Lieutenant Kent Ensign Simmons with divers other Lieutenants and Ensigns besides common Soldiers to the number of 300 some affirm 600. Upon which success they boldly attempted Cappaquin which more gallantly withstood them in as much as after all their attempts the Assailants were shamefully beaten off towards the end of June and forc'd to retreat having lost upon the first Assault 62 men afterwards attempting it again they were repuls'd and fearing the Lord Inchequin's approach marched away having lost in that enterprize Lieutenant Colonel Butler Brother to the Lord of Armally Captain Saint John of Saint Johnstown Captain Pierce Butler of Ballypaddin in the County of Tipperary Captain Grady desperately hurt one Ensign killed as were four Serjeants and two hurt besides several Prisoners taken one of their Horsemen compleatly arm'd ran to us who amongst other passages discovered the particular losses of the Enemy their chief Gunner was likewise slain in this service Upon the retreat and marching away a Party of our Horse commanded by Sir John Brown sallied out of the Town after them and killed some of their Men and Pillagers in the Rear of their Army who found 25 graves after them in the Camp wherein they buried their dead by 4 and 5 in a grave as by veiw appear'd Yet though the Enemy had no success in taking in Cappaquin we by Colonel Myn
his Majesty the 18th of April 1644. did agree with their sence in order to the present condition of the Kingdom Whereby it 's thought that if it had been said that the 24 Propositions had been agreed to by the Protestants in general there would have been an Endeavour to have got some to have signed an Instrument against the Agent 's Proceedings and therefore their Proceeding was acknowledged to be according to their Instructions and their Correspondent's Advice in Town As in the Answer May it please your Lordships IN Obedience to your Lordship's Commands signified in your Order of the 5th of June 1644. directed to us the Persons under-named requiring us to certifie your Lordships Whether the 24 Propositions of his Majesty's Protestant Agents of Ireland presented to his Majesty do agree with our sence in order to the present condition of this Kingdom We the said Persons do humbly certifie That we have perused the Propositions in the said Order mention'd and do humbly conceive them to be in substance pursuant to the humble Petition of his Majesty's Protestant Subjects as well Commanders of his Majesty's Army here as others a Copy of which Petition hath been formerly presented to your Lordships and from that Honourable Board transmitted to his Sacred Majesty and by him graciously receiv'd as may appear by his Majesty's Letters of the 6th of November last whereof your Lordships were pleas'd to grant the Petitioners a Copy And that the said Propositions are as we humbly conceive in substance pursuant unto certain Instructions entituled Instructions for the Agents who are to attend his most Sacred Majesty on the behalf of his Majesty's Protestant Subjects of Ireland Which Instructions were also presented at that Honourable Board and there upon serious Debate according to the Pleasure of your Lordships in some things altered and so a Copy thereof was delivered to your Lordships And we humbly conceive that the said Propositions are such in substance as if way may be found whereby his Majesty may bring to pass the Particulars therein conceiv'd they would conduce to the Establishment of the true Protestant Religion the Honour and Advantage of his Majesty and the future Security of his Highness his Royal Posterity this his Kingdom and the Protestant Subjects therein But how these Propositions stand in order to the present condition of this Kingdom is a thing far above us to resolve All which we humbly leave to your Lordship's Grave Considerations Signed Will. Cooley Will. Usher Hen. Jones Anth. Dopping Will. Plunket Theod. Schoute Peter Wybrants When the Irish Confederates Agents return'd into Ireland most of them as far as acted in view perform'd their Promise and Engagements to the King so as many of the Nobility and Gentry and most of the Persons of considerable Fortune together with the moderate Clergy who are easie to be number'd were convinc'd of the necessity of submitting themselves entirely to the King till he was able to grant them more that they might not be glad to accept of less But the evil Genius of that People condemn'd to wilful ruine and misfortune soon evidenc'd how unripe they were for mercy and that it was not so easie to allay the Spirits they had conjur'd up as to foment and irritate them The Nobility and Men of known Fortune whom self-Interest by this time had taught Loyalty found that they had lost their Power and the Reverence they had parted with to the Clergy had much Influence on he common People who devoting themselves solely to their Clergy's Dictate oppos'd all Conclusions which according to Wisdom and true Policy were to be the Ingredients of a happy and lasting Peace And so above 2 years were spent after these Agent 's departure from the King in fruitless and in-effectual Treaties the Earl of Glamorgan in the interim treating in that wilde order with the Rebels as under a pretended sufficient Authority from the King utterly disown'd he blew them up to such a pernicious Expectation by the feigned Articles he sign'd to them the 25th of August 1645. so destructive both to Church and State and so repugnant to his Majesty's publick Professions and known Resolutions as the Treaty of Peace proceeding on more agreeable Terms by the Lord Lieutenant found many rubbs and impediments Whilst the Strength and Power of the Parliament's Forces in England exceedingly increased and his Majesty's Forces were defeated and himself for want of Succours promis'd out of Ireland was compelled to deliver up himself to his Scottish Subjects and was shortly after by them given into the hands of the Parliament of England who being at last split into several Factions so varied Councils as in conclusion he was betrayed and suffer'd to the astonishment of the World But that I may not o're-slip the Series of this Story which through a conflux of Matter will sometimes unavoidably be disturbed I must take notice that the first Cessation being near determin'd the 5th of Sept. 1644. there was a new Cessation agreed on by the Lord Lieutenant and the Irish Commissioners to begin on the 15th of September and continue till the 1st of December following And in respect that the Treaty of Peace had several Matters of weight and consequence which necessarily required further time to be prepared and drawn into writing it was agreed on at the Castle of Dublin the 2d of Octob. anno praedict that the Treaty should be adjourn'd to the 4th of November ensuing the Irish Agents in the interim to have liberty to continue in or come to Dublin as often as they should think fit which time they improved and Affairs were so managed as there was never any other Cessation till the Peace About which time the Earls of Thomond Clanrickard and St. Albans the Lord Rannelagh Fitz-williams Taaff and Dillon who had never receded from his Majesty's Commands writ to him That betwixt two Parties one if they were disposed to make Invasion upon them and the other who sticking to the Covenant dis-obey'd the Cessation they were like to be ruin'd and therefore implor'd his Majesty to reconcile the Difference betwixt those who were too high either of the Confederates or Protestants in their Demands and declare against the Scots who would make little distinction were it in their power between them and those whom they now assaulted In treating of Peace we must not forget that the Lord Inchequin having been easily wrought on to agree to the Cessation carried over many of his Munster Forces to the King who in memory of his service bestowed on him a noble Wardship and would have made him an Earl But the Presidency of Munster pre-dispos'd of to the Earl of Portland being his aim he returns again into Ireland and from Cork the 17th of July 1644. he and other Officers there writes to his Majesty That no Peace could be concluded with the Irish Rebels which would not bring unto his Majesty and the English in general a far greater prejudice than
Ja. Ware God save the King An Abreviate of the Articles of Peace concluded by the Marquiss of Ormond Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Commissioner for the King and the Lord Mountgarret President of the Supream Council the Lord Muskery Sir Robert Talbot Dermot O Brian Patrick Darcy Jeffery Brown and John Dillon Esquires Commissioners for the Irish. 1. THat the Professors of the Roman Catholick Religion in the Kingdom of Ireland or any of them be not bound or obliged to take the Oath of Supremacy expressed in the second of Queen Elis. commonly called the Oath of Supremacy 2. That a Parliament may be held on or before the last day of November next and that these Articles agreed on may be transmitted into England according to the usual Form and passed provided that nothing may be passed to the Prejudice of either Protestant or Catholick Party other then such things as upon this Treaty shall be concluded 3. That all Acts made by both or either Houses of Parliament to the Blemish or Prejudice of his Majesties Roman Catholick Subjects since the 7th of August 1641. shall be vacated by Acts of Parliament 4. That no Actions of Law shall be removed before the said Parliament in case it be sooner called then the last of November And that all Impediments which may hinder the Roman Catholicks to sit in the next Parliament shall be remov'd before the Parliament sit 5. That all Debts do Stand in state as they were in the beginning of these Troubles 6. That the Plantation in Connaght Kilkenny Clare Thomond Tipperary Limrick and Wickloe may be revoked by Act of Parliament and their Estates secur'd in the next Sessions 7. That the Natives may erect one or more Inns of Court in or near the City of Dublin they taking an Oath as also one or more Universities to be Govern'd as his Majesty shall appoint as also to have Schools for Education of Youth in the Kingdom 8. That Places of Command of Forts Castles Garrisons Towns and other Places of Importance and all Places of Honour Profit and Trust shall be conferr'd with equal Indifferency upon the Catholicks as his Majesties other Subjects according to their respective Merits and Abilities 9. That 12000 l. Sterling be paid the King yearly for the Court of Wards 10. That no Peer may be capable of more Proxies then two And that no Lords Vote in Parliament unless in 5 years a Lord Baron purchase in Ireland 200 l. per anum a Viscount 400 l. and an Earl 600 l. or lose their Votes till they purchase 11. That the Independency of the Parliament of Ireland on the Kingdom of England shall be decided by Declaration of both Houses agreeable to the Laws of the Kingdom of Ireland 12. That the Council Table shall contain itself within its bounds in handling Matters of State as Patents of Plantations Offices c. and not meddle with matter betwixt Party and Party 13. That all Acts concerning Staple or Native Commodities of this Kingdom shall be repeal'd except Wooll and Woollfels and that the Commissioners the Lord Mountgarret and others named in the 26 Article shall be Authoriz'd under the Great Seal to moderate and ascertain the rates of Merchandize to be exported and imported 14. That no Governor be longer Resident then his Majesty shall find for the good of his People and that they make no purchase other then by Lease for the Provision of their Houses 15. That an Act of Oblivion may be passed without extending to any who will not accept of this Peace 16. That no Governor or any other Prime Minister of State in Ireland shall be Farmers of his Majesties Customs 17. That a Repeal of all Monopolies be passed 18. That Commissioners be appointed to regulate the Court of Castle-Chamber 19. That Acts Prohibiting Plowing by Horse-tails and burning of Oats in the Straw be repealed 20. That Course be taken against the Disobedience of the Cessation and Peace 21. That such Graces as were promised by his Majesty in the Fourth year of his Reign and sued for by a Committee of both Houses of Parliament and not express'd in these Articles may in the next ensuing Parliament be desir'd of his Majesty 22. That Maritine Causes be determin'd here without Appeal into England 23. That the increase of Rents lately rais'd upon the Commission of defective Titles be repeal'd 24. That all Interests of Money due by way of Debt Mortgage or otherwise and not yet satisfi'd since the 23. of Octob. 1641. to pay no more than 5l per Cent. 25. That the Commissioners have power to determine all Cases within their Quarters until the perfection of these Articles by Parliament and raise 10000 Men for his Majesty 26. That the Lord Mountgarret Muskery Sir Dan. O Bryan Sir Lucas Dillon Nich. Plunket Rich. Bealing Philip Mac-Hugh O Relie Terlogh O Neal Thomas Flemming Patrick Darcy Gerald Fennel and Jeffery Brown or any five of them be for the present Commissioners of the Peace Oyer and Terminer and Gaol-Delivery in the present Quarters of the Confederate Catholicks with power of Justice of Peace Oyer and Terminer and Gaol-Delivery as in former times of Peace they have usually had 27. That none of the Roman Catholick Party before there be a Settlement by Parliament Sue Implead or Arrest or be Sued Impleaded or Arrested in any Court other than before the Commissioners or in the several Corporations or other Judicatures within their Quarters 28. That the Confederate Catholicks continue in their Possessions until Settlement by Parliament and to be Commanded by his Majesties Chief Governour with the advice and consent of the Commissioners or any Five of them 29. That all Customs from the perfection of these Articles are to be paid into his Majesties Receipt and to his use as also all Rent due at Easter next till a full Settlement of Parliament 30. That the Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol-Delivery shall have power to hear and determine all Offences committed or done or to be committed or done from the 15th day of September 1643. until the first day of the next Parliament Thus the Marquess having perform'd all on his part that could be expected from him and was in his power to do and having receiv'd from other Parts all the assurance he could require there being no other way of engaging the publick Faith of the Nation than that to which they had so formally engaged themselves to him in he intended nothing then but how his Majesty might speedily receive some fruit of that Peace and Accommodation he thence expected by sending assistance to him And to that purpose with advice and upon invitation of several Persons who had great Authority and Power amongst the Confederate Catholicks the Lord Lieutenant took a Journey himself to Kilkenny where he was receiv'd with that Respect and Reverence as was due to his Person and to the Place he held and with such expressions of Triumph and Joy as gave him cause
Toleration of the Romish Catholick Religion had in truth prov'd for the extirpation of the Protestant when they should think fit to put the same in execution Nor was the only Argument and Excuse which they published for these Proceedings more reasonable than the Proceedings themselves which was That the Concessions and Promises made unto them by the Earl of Glamorgan were much larger and greater security for their Religion than those consented to by the Marquess Whereas in truth those Concessions and Promises made by the Earl as we have took notice were dis-avowed and dis-own'd by the Lord Lieutenant before the Peace was concluded and the Earl committed to Prison for his Presumption which though it produced some interruption in the Treaty yet was the same after resumed and the Peace concluded and proclaimed upon the Articles formerly mention'd so that the Allegation of what had been undertaken by the Earl of Glamorgan can be no excuse for their violating the Agreement afterwards concluded with the Marquess Whereby it appears let the most favourable Fucus imaginable be put upon it that though they released the Commissioners for the Treaty as justifiable yet Herod and Pilate were then made Friends each Party consenting to dam the Peace This last wonderful Act put a period to all Hopes of the Marquess of Ormond which Charity and Compassion to the Kingdom and Nation and his discerning Spirit would fain have cherisht in that in-evitable ruine and destruction both must undergo from that distemper of mind that possessed them and had so long boy'd them up against his experience and judgement And now those whose Natures Dispositions and Interest made them most averse to the Parliament of England grew more affrighted at the thoughts of falling under the Power of the Irish so that all Persons of all humours and inclinations who lived under his Government and had dislikes and jealousies enough against each other were yet united and reconciled in their opinions against the Irish. The Council of State besought the Lord Lieutenant to consider whether it were possible to have any better security from them for the performance of any other Agreement he should make than he had for the performance of that which they now receded from and disclaimed And since the Spring was now coming on whereby the number power and strength of their Enemy would be increas'd on all sides and their hopes of Succours was desperate and so it would be only in his election into whose power he would put those who had deserved as well from his Majesty by doing and suffering as Subjects could do whether into the hands of the English who could not deny them protection and justice or of the Irish who had not only dispoil'd them of all their Fortunes and prosecuted them with all animosity and cruelty but declared by their late carriage that they were not capable of security under them they therefore entreated him to send again to the two Houses of Parliament and make some agreement with them which would probably be for their preservation whereas with the other what-ever could be done it was evident it would be for their destruction That which amongst other things of importance made a deep impression in the Marquess was the knowledge that there had been from the beginning of these Troubles a Design in the principal Contrivers of them entirely to alienate the Kingdom of Ireland from the Crown of England to extirpate not only the Protestant but all the Catholicks who were descended from the English and who in truth are no less odious to the old Irish than the other and to put themselves into the protection of some foreign Prince if they should find it impossible to erect some of the old Families And how impossible and extravagant soever this Attempt might reasonably be thought in regard not only all the Catholicks of the English Extraction who were in Quality and Fortune much superiour to the other but many Noble and much the best and greatest Families of the ancient Irish perfectly abhorred and abominated the same writ some Yet it was apparent that the violent Part of the Clergy that now govern'd had really that intention and never intended more to submit to the King's Authority whosoever should be intrusted with it And it had been proposed in the last Assembly by Mr. Anthony Martin and others That they should call in some forreign Prince for protection from whom they had receiv'd Agents as from his most Christian Majesty Monsieur de Monry and Monsieur de Molin from his Catholick Majesty Don Diego de Torres his Secretary from the Duke of Lorrain Monsieur St. Katherine and from Rome they had Petrus Franciscus Scarampi and afterwards Rinuccini Archbishop and Prince of Fermo Nuncio Apostolick for Ireland whose exorbitant Power was Earnest enough how little more they meant to have to do with the King and as it would be thought gave no less an umbrage offence and scandal to the Catholicks of Honour and Discretion than it incensed those who bore no kind of Reverence to the Bishop of Rome to whom as their publick Ministers they sent their Bishop of Ferns and Sir Nicholas Plunket as before Mr. Richard Bealing to Spain they sent Fa. Hugh Bourk to Paris Fa. Matthew Hartegan and to the Duke of Lorrain by general Commission Theobald Lord Viscount Taaff Sir Nich. Plunket and Mr. Geoffry Brown some of whose Instructions we shall here give you that the Temper of that Council and the Affections of those Men what pretence soever veils their Designs may appear from the Instruments themselves Kilkenny 18. Jan. 1647. By the Supream Council and others the Lords Spiritual and Temporal here under-Signing and the Commons of the Confederate Catholicks of Ireland Instructions to be observed and by the Lord Bishop of Fernes and Nicholas Plunket Esq Commissioners appointed and authorized by and in the behalf of the Confederate Roman Catholicks of Ireland in the Court of Rome 1 Imprimis YOu are to represent unto his Holiness the deplorable Condition wherein the Confederate Catholicks are and for your better information to take with you the Draught of the Representation of the present Condition of the Countrey which you are to enlarge and second by your own Expressions according to your knowledge and therefore desire in regard Ireland and Religion in it is humanely speaking like to be lost that his Holiness in his great Wisdom and Piety will be pleased to make the Preservation of a People so constantly and unanimously Catholick his and the Consistory of the Cardinals their Work And you are to pray his Holiness to afford such present effectual Aids for the preservation of the Nation and the Roman Catholick Religion therein as shall be necessary 2. You are to let his Holiness know That Application is to be made to our Queen and Prince for a settlement of Peace and Tranquillity in the Kingdom of Ireland And that for the effecting thereof the Confederate Catholicks
their Quarters In the interim the Parliament of Ireland then sitting at Dublin finding into what straights the Kingdom was brought and how his Excellency had strugled with the greatest difficulties imaginable for his Majesties and their Interest they the 17th of March sent this Remonstrance in acknowledgment of great Care and Indulgence The Remonstrance of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled declaring the Acknowledgment of their hearty thankfulness to the most Honourable James Marquis of Ormond Lord Lieutenant General of Ireland his Excellency WE the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament in our whole Body do present our selves before your Lordship acknowledging with great sense and feeling your Lordships singular goodness to us the Protestant Party and those who have faithfully and constantly adhered unto them who have been preserved to this day under God by your Excellencies providence and pious care which hath not been done without a vast expence out of your own Estate as also to the hazarding of your Person in great and dangerous difficulties And when your Lordship found your self with the strength remaining with you to be too weak to resist an insolent and upon all advantages a perfidious and bloody Enemy rather than we should perish you have in your care transferred us into their hands that are both able and willing to preserve us and that not by a bare casting us off but by complying so far with us that you have not denied our desires of Hostages and amongst them of one of your most dear Sons All which being such a free Earnest of your Excellencies love to our Religion Nation and both Houses do incite us here to come unto you with Hearts fill'd with your love and Tongues declaring how much we are oblig'd to your Excellency professing our resolutions are with all real service to the utmost of our power to manifest the sincerity of our acknowledgment and affections unto you and to perpetuate to posterity the memory of your Excellencies merits and our thankfulness We have appointed this Instrument to be entred into both Houses and under the hands of both Speakers to be presented to your Lordship Rich. Bolton Canc. 17 die Martii 1676. intr per Val. Savage Dep. Cler. Parl. Maurice Eustace Speaker Int. 17. die Martii 1676. per Philip Fernely Cler. Dom. Com. What effect this made upon his Excellency you will here see My Lords and Gentlemen WHat you have now read and deliver'd hath much surpriz'd me and contains matter of higher obligation laid upon me by you than thus suddenly to be answer'd yet I may not suffer you to depart hence without saying somewhat to you And first I assure you that this Acknowledgment of yours is unto me a Jewel of very great value which I shall lay up amongst my choicest Treasures it being not onely a full confutation of those Calumnies that have been cast upon my actions during the time I have had the Honour to serve his Majesty here but likewise an Antidote against the virulency and poison of those Tongues and Pens that I am well assur'd will be busily set on work to traduce and blast the Integrity of my present Proceedings for your preservation And now my Lords and Gentlemen since this may perhaps be the last time that I shall have the Honour to speak to you from this Place and since that next to the words of a dying man those of one ready to banish himself from his Country for the good of it challenge credit give me leave before God and you here to protest That in all the time I had the Honour to serve the King my Master I never receiv'd any Command from him but such as spake him a Wise Pious Protestant Prince zealous of the Religion he professeth the welfare of his Subjects and industrious to promote and settle Peace and Tranquility in all his Kingdoms and I shall beseech you to look no otherwise upon me than upon a ready Instrument set on work by the Kings wisdom and goodness for your preservation wherein if I have discharg'd my self to his Approbation and Tours it will be the greatest satisfaction and comfort I shall take with me where-ever it shall please God to direct my steps And now that I may dismiss you I beseech God long long to preserve my Gracious Master and to restore Peace Rest to this afflicted Church and Kingdom But to return In conclusion the Commissioners from the two Houses of Parliament having performed all that on their part was expected the Marquis of Ormond delivered up Dublin and the other Garrisons into their hands the 17th some write the 18th of June 1647. on condition to enjoy his Estate and not to be subject to any Debts contracted for the support of his Majesties Army under his Command or for any Debts contracted before the Rebellion That he and all such Noblemen and Officers as desir'd to pass into any part of that Kingdom should have travelling Arms and free Passes with Servants for their respective Qualities That he should have 5000 l. in hand and 2000 l. per Annum for five years till he could receive so much a year out of his own Estate And that he should have liberty to live in England without taking any Oaths for a year he engaging his Honour to do nothing in the interim to the prejudice of the Parliament However he delivered not up the Regalia till the 25th of July at which time he was transported with his Family into England where they admitted him to wait on the King and to give his Majesty an account of his Transactions who received him most graciously as a Servant who had merited highly from him and fully approved all that he had done The straits his Excellency was then put to were great and in consideration into whose hands the Government might fall his surrender of Dublin to the Parliament seem'd extreme hazardous yet Providence so steer'd his Resolution in that act as doubtless the ground of his Majesties Sovereignty and the English preservation how many Channels soever it past through first proceeded thence Before He came away the Soldiers had receiv'd such a tincture of Mutiny as Mr. Annesly and Sir Robert King for fear of violence privately quitted the Kingdom before which they with Sir Robert Meredith Colonel Michael Jones and Colonel John Moore took notice of the insolency of the Soldiers to exact Contribution and free Quarters at their pleasure forbidding them so to do c. by a Proclamation at Dublin the 20th of June 1647. Soon after the Parliaments Commissioners were warm in the Government having regulated their Militia they put their Sickle into the Service of the Church where they found many so ten●cious to the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy and their Vows to their Ordinaries as they could not be wean'd from the Liturgy of the Church of England in which Ministery they desir'd to finish their Course with joy and the 9th of July
this Proceeding Monsieur Rinuccini hath given the World an occasion to believe that he had private and secret Commission to change the Government of Ireland and to separate that Island from the Crown of England And this Opinion is the more confirmed since that one Mahony a Jesuit hath printed a Book in Portugal wherein he endeavours to prove that all the Kings of England have been either Tyrants or Usurpers of Ireland and so fallen from the dominion of it exhorting all its Natives to get thither and to use all Cruelty against the English with expressions full of Villany and Reproach and to chuse a new King of their own Countrey And this Book so barbarous and bloody dispersed through Ireland is yet credited by the Catholick and Apostolick Chair And the Continuation of the History of Cardinal Baronius was published at the same time under the Name of Olderico Raynaldo in which he endeavours to establish the supream Right and Dominion in the Apostolick Chair even in Temporalibus over England and Ireland I leave to every Man to consider whether all these Actions are not apt enough to beget Jealousies and naughty Blood and whether I ought not out of great respect to the publick Good to represent with some ardency to your Holiness the Actions of Monsieur Rinuccini so unpleasant and directly contrary to those Ends for which it was supposed he was imployed And I beseech your Holiness if any King not only Protestant but Catholick had seen an Apostolick Nuncio to lord it in his Dominions in such a manner as Monsieur Rinuccini hath done in Ireland what Jealousies what Complaints and how many Inconveniencies would thereby follow Thus as to the Nuncio from the Confederates themselves Though he gives this account of himself For the better understanding of this saith he Recourse must be had to the first rising of the Irish which was upon this occasion The Parliament of England having enter'd into an Agreement with the Kingdom of Scotland called the large Treaty in which there was a clause to joyn against the common Enemy wherein the Catholicks of Ireland as well as others if not chiefly did apprehend themselves comprehended to ballance which or to prevent the misery that might fall upon them thereby being sensible of the Earl of Stafford's death which purported some to be sent as Governour that was not like to carry so fair to them as he had done the same being to be approv'd at least by the Parliament then sitting For better security they endeavoured the supplanting all Protestants within that Kingdom and though at that time without Arms or Ammunition got possession of most part of the Kingdom whereupon was established a Council of 24 part of Civil and part Ecclesiastical Persons of which 12 were to reside in Kilkenny or other place as occasion and need called with this Resolution agreed to hold a Parliament every year by or in which the said Council should be chang'd or continu'd By this it was resolv'd and after sworn by all the Catholicks never to lay down Arms until the Roman Church was settled as of old in Ireland and the King secur'd in all his Priviledges that of calling and putting period to Parliaments at pleasure with a Negative voice being chiefly meant and then in great hazard to be lost The Earl of Ormond and Inchequin Protestants fearing the issue of this League and fore-seeing the in-ability to oppose it treated with the Earl of Clanrickard Lord Muskery and other Lords Catholicks that possessed many Church-Benefices a way erected by Queen Elizabeth thereby to extinguish the Catholicks and advertised them that the Restitution of the Catholick Discipline would out them of all the said Profits gain'd them to the other side though they continued still of the Council in which they were a prevalent party taking to them such when any went out as were of Ormond's mind and design by which means a Peace was suddainly concluded upon supposition that the Affairs of the Catholicks requir'd it although there was no mention of the Interest of that Church in the Accord About that time the King sent to this Council the Earl of Glamorgan with full power to accord to the Catholicks as they desired if they should send him 10000 Men as they had offered Ormond then at Dublin under pretext of Treating drew Glamorgan thither took from him his Commission and made him Prisoner and certified the King that himself could make a far better and more advantagious Peace with the Catholicks which he did in 30 Articles This breach of Oath made by the Council gave occasion to the Nuncio John Baptist Rinuccini Archbishop and Prince of Firmo who had brought some succours of Money and Arms into Ireland to assemble the Clergy in Waterford and Excommunicate all such as should adhere to the Peace Which notwithstanding the said Marquiss advanc'd to Kilkenny to execute the same but O Neil returning victorious from the defeat of 20000 Scots in two Battles at Benburgh and Tirconnel Ormond goes back without doing of any thing whereupon were imprison'd the 7 that signed the Peace Ormond seeing himself out with the Catholicks both because he had ill treated them and by the violence exercised by his Army no sooner return'd to Dublin but he treated with the Parliament of England for the delivery of the Towns he held which was done accordingly Coming after to London where he expected to be gratified by the Parliament of England proportionable to the service done them but finding there no such disposition he went secretly to the Queen at St. Germains to justifie himself and perswade her That his rendring Dublin and other Towns were serviceable to the King her Husband then Prisoner to the Parliament because said he it is better that they have them then the Catholicks whom he affirm'd to have fail'd in their Fidelity to their King although they renew'd the abovemention'd Oath yearly About this time another Assembly of Catholicks sent to the Queen and the Princes her Children to desire certain concessions in the absence and because of the Detention of the King her Husband deputing others to Rome with Instructions to the former Deputies to act jointly with these but contrary those to the Queen not waiting the Resolution or Concurrence of them at Rome Muskery and Brown two of those Deputies notwithstanding the opposition of the Marquiss of Antrim who was chief proposed and obtain'd of the Queen that she send into Ireland the Marquess of Ormond as formerly to be Lord Deputy or Vice-Roy Who being brought into that Kingdom by the support of the said Supream Council of which 7 always favour'd him they again concluded a Cessation of Arms with Inchequin then reduced to such necessities that he was ready to fly into Holland whither then he had dispatch'd part of his Goods with good store of Money pick'd up there The Suspension not to be hindred by the Nuncio notwithstanding the offers of Money to satisfie the pressing necessities
by a Letter from Sir Robert Stewart they were pacified and all the Affairs of that Province managed by Sir Charles Coot Sir Robert Stewart being at Liberty upon his Parole Before this Townsend and Doily two Colonels under Inchequin in Munster sent over to the Committee at Derby-House some Propositions for the surrender of the Towns in Munster upon Condition of indempnity and receiving part of the Arrears for the whole Army this was pretended to be acted by the consent of Inchequin and that he with his own hand had approved and interlin'd them in several Places Hereupon the Committee at Derby-House sent back Colonel Edmond Temple with an Answer to those Colonels and Power withall to Treat with the Lord Inchequin about somewhat more certain and more reasonable to be propounded by him But before his arrival there Sir Richard Fanshaw the Princes Secretary was come from the Prince to Inchequin with a Declaration of the Princes Design to send the Duke of York into Ireland with such of the revolted Ships as remain'd in Holland and to let him know the hopes he had that by his assistance and the Army under his Command both he and his Father might be restored This so puft up Inchequin as that he would hear of no Overtures and made him absolutely dis-avow to have had any knowledge of the Propositions sent over and thereupon imprisoned Townsend and Doily thereby putting an issue to that Negotiation Fortifying besides all the Harbours against the Parliaments Forces placing and displacing their Officers as he thought most convenient to introduce the Kings keeping a Correspondence with the West of Ireland as yet free to all Trade and holding frequent intelligence with Jarsey where the Prince was said would keep his Court Thus the Interest of the Parliament was wholly lost in Munster where Sir William Fenton Colonel Fair Captain Fenton and other Officers for their affections to the Parliament being imprison'd were exchang'd in December for the Lord Inchequin's Son imprison'd in the Tower about October 1648. Near this time Owen Roe attempted to rescue Fort-Falkland besieged by the Lord Inchiquin and Colonel Preston joyn'd but he was repulsed with the loss of many men as his Lieutenant General Rice Mac-Guire and Lewis More dangerously hurt which put Owen to such straits as he made an Overture to Colonel Jones by his Vicar-General O Rely to surrender Athy Mary-burrough and Rebban and lay down his Arms if he and his Confederates might have the priviledges they had in King James's time But Jones could better improve the Offers to a beneficial delay than ascertain any thing Though afterwards Owen Roe and his Council of Officers further offered That if he nor the new expected Army from England would not molest him in his Quarters but give him leave to depart with his Forces into Spain he would not joyn with Ormond Preston or Inchiquin And here we must resume our account of the Marquis of Ormond who after he had in vain solicited supplies of Money in France to the end that he might carry some Relief to a Kingdom so harrassed and worn and be the better thereby able to unite those who would be sure to have temptation enough of Profit to go contrary to the Kings obedience his Excellency was at last compelled being with great importunity called by the Lord Inchiquin and the rest who were resolv'd to uphold his Majesties Interest to transport himself unfurnish'd of Money sufficient Arms or Ammunition considerable and without any other Retinue than his own Servants and some old Officers of the Kings And in this Equipage he Embarqu'd from Haure de Grace in a Dutch Ship and arriv'd about the end of September 1648. at Cork where he was receiv'd by the Lord Inchiquin Lord President of Munster and the Irish with much contentment soon after whose arrival even the 6th of October he published the ensuing Declaration By the Lord Lieutenant General of Ireland ORMOND TO prevent the too frequent prejudices incident through jealousies distrusts and mis-constructions to all undertakings We account it not the least worthy our labour upon the instant of our arrival to prepare this People whose welfare we contend for with a right understanding of those intentions in us which in order to his Majesties Service we desire may terminate in their good To enumerate the several Reasons by which we were induc'd for preservation of the Protestant Religion and the English Interest to leave the City of Dublin and other his Majesties Garrisons then under our Power in this Kingdom in the hands of those intrusted by his two Houses of Parliament were to set forth a Narrative in place of a Manifest It may suffice to be known that those Transactions had for one main ground this confidence That by being under the Power of the Houses they would upon a happy expected composure of Affairs in England revert unto and be revested in his Majesty as his proper right But having found how contrary to the inclinations of the well-affected to his Majesties restauration in England the Power of that Kingdom hath unhappily devolv'd to hands imployed onely in the art and labour of pulling down and subverting the Fundamentals of Monarchy with whom a pernicious Party in this Kingdom do equally sympathize and co-operate And being filled with a deep sense of the Duty and obligations that are upon us strictly to embrace all opportunities of employing our endeavours towards the recovery of his Majesties just Rights in any part of his Dominions Haing observed the Protestant Army in the Province of Munster by special providence discovering the Arts and practises used to intangle the Members thereof in engagements as directly contrary to their Duties towards God and Man as to their intentions and resolutions to have found means to manifest the Candor and Integrity thereof in a disclaimer of any obedience to or concurrence with those Powers or Persons which have so grosly vari'd even their own professed Principles of preserving his Majesties Person and Rights by confining him under a most strict Imprisonment his Majesty also vouchsafing graciously to accept the Declaration of the said Army as an eminent and seasonable expression of their fidelity toward him and in testimony thereof having laid his Commands upon us to make our repair unto this Province to discharge the duties of our Place We have as well in obedience thereunto as in pursuance of our own duty and desire to advance his Majesties Service resolved to evidence our approbation and esteem of the proceedings of the said Army by publishing unto the World our like determination in the same ensuing particulars And accordingly we profess and declare First to improve our utmost endeavours for the settlement of the Protestant Religion according to the example of the best Reformed Churches Secondly to defend the King in his Prerogatives Thirdly to maintain the Priviledges and Freedom of Parliament and the Liberty of the Subjects that in order hereunto we shall oppose
Lieutenant-General of the Army with a strong Party of Horse to pursue Jones his Horse which were sent for Tredagh which he did so successfully that he surprized one whole Troop and afterwards encountred Colonel Chidley Coot in the head of 300 Horse whereof he slew many and routed the rest who in great disorder fled to Tredagh The Lord Inchequin presently sent advertisement of this success and that he had reason to believe that if he pursued this advantage and attempt the Town while this terror possessed that Party he should make himself Master of it whereupon in respect of the great importance of the Place the reduction whereof would produce a secure correspondence with and give encouragement to the Scots in Ulster who made great professions in which they were ever free of Duty to the King and had now under the conduct of the Lord Viscount Montgomery of Ards driven Sir Charles Coot into the City of London-derry and upon the matter beleagu'd him there the Lord Lieutenant by the advice of the Council of War approved the Lord Inchequin's Design and to that purpose sent him two Regiments of Foot and two Pieces of Artillery and such Ammunition and Materials as could be spared wherewith he proceeded so vigorously that within 7 days he compelled the besieged to yield to honourable Conditions so reduced Tredagh to the Kings Obedience after he had been twice beaten off the Town having not above 600 Men who had spent all their Ammunition left to defend so large a circuit some of which afterwards revolted to the Marquess and Colonel Coot with 150 Horse and near 400 Foot march'd to Dublin There was now very reasonable ground for hope that the Parliaments Party would quickly find themselves in notable streights and distresses when it was on a suddain discover'd how very active and dexterous the spirit of Rebellion is to reconcile and unite those who were possessed by it and how contrary soever their Principles and Ends seem to be and contribute jointly to the opposing and oppressing that Lawful Power they had both equally injured and provoked The Parliament Party who had heap'd so many Reproaches and Calumnies upon the King for his Clemency to the Irish who had founded their own Authority and Strength upon such foundations as were inconsistent with any toleration of the Roman Catholick Religion and some write so bitter are their Pens even with Humanity to the Irish Nation and more especially to those of the old Native Extraction the whole Race whereof they had upon the matter sworn to an utter extirpation And Owen O Neal himself was of the most antient Sept and whose Army consisted onely of such who avowed no other cause for their first entrance into Rebellion but Matter of Religion and that the Power of the Parliament was like to be so great and prevalent that the King himself would not be able to extend his Favours and Mercy towards them which they seem'd to be confident he was in his gracious disposition inclined to express and therefore professed to take up Arms against the exorbitant Power onely of them and to retain hearts full of Devotion and Duty to his Majesty and who at present by the under-hand and secret Treaties with the Lord Lieutenant seem'd more irreconcilable to the Proceedings of the General Assembly and to the Persons of those whom he thought govern'd there then to make any scruple of submitting to the Kings Authority in the Person of the Marquess to which and to whom he protested all Duty and Reverence These two so contrary and dis-agreeing Elements had I say by the subtile and volatile spirit of Hypocrisy and Rebellion the Arts of the time found a way to incorporate together and Owen O Neal had promised and contracted with the other that he would compel the Lord Lieutenant to retire and draw off his Army from about Dublin by his invading those Parts of Leimster and Munster with his Army which yielded most yea all the Provisions and subsistance to the Marquess and which he presumed the Marquess would not suffer to be spoil'd and desolated by his Incursions for the better doing whereof and enabling him for this Expedition Colonel Monk Governor of Dundalk who was the second Person in Command amongst the Parliaments Forces had promised to deliver to him out of the stores of that Garrison a good quantity of Powder Bullet and Match proportionable for the fetching whereof Owen O Neal had sent Farral Lieutenant General of his Army with a Party of 500 Foot and 300 Horse At that time Tredagh was taken by the Lord Inchequin who being there advertised of that new contracted friendship resolved to give some interruption to it and made so good hast that within few hours after Farral had receiv'd the Ammunition at Dundalk he fell upon him routed all his Horse and of the 500 Foot there were not 40 escaped but were either slain or taken Prisoners and got all the Ammunition and with it so good an Account of the present state of Dundalk that he immediately engaged before it and assisted by the Lord of Ards who a little before had been chosen by the Presbyterian Ministers their Commander in Chief thereby possessing himself of Carrigfergus and Belfast in two days compelled Monk who would else have been delivered up by his own Souldiers to surrender the Place where was a good Magazeen of Ammunition Cloath and other Necessaries for War most of the Officers and Souldiers with all alacrity engaging themselves in his Majesties service though the Governor Shipt himself for England and landing shortly after at Chester he went immediately to Bristol where Cromwel the Parliaments Lord Lieutenant was then to come for Ireland who receiv'd him very courteously but after he had remain'd some days there advised him to go up to the Parliament to give them satisfaction in the Cessation he had made with Owen Roe O-Neal the 8th of May 1649. which he did And the business of that Cessation being brought into the House it was much resented and after some debate more then ordinarily had on other occasions several severe Votes passed against it onely Colonel Monk being conceived to have made it out of a good intent for preserving the Interest of the Parliament was held to be clear and not thought fit hereafter to be question'd But this was taken as a fair way of laying him aside whereupon Colonel Monk retir'd to his own Estate unhappy onely in being the Instrument of their preservation who were not sensible of his Merits And now that all Parties might be kept entire the Marquess of Ormond publishes a Declaration upon Instructions from the King design'd purposely for Ulster AFter my hearty Commendations upon some Representations that have been lately made unto us we have thought fit to send you down the ensuing Instructions First That so far as your Power extends you cause every Person without distinction who have submitted to his Majesties Authority
and to the Peace of this Kingdom to be put into the actual possession of his Estate he paying and contributing to the maintenance of the Army and necessary burdens of the Countrey proportionable to the rest of his Neigbours 2. That you cause the Articles of War to be put in execution amongst all the Forces under your Command whereof we send you down herewithall a Copy 3. Whereas it is well known to belong to us as General of the Army in this Kingdom under his Majesty to dispose of all Military Offices and Commands whether in Chief or Subordinate which Right we cannot in Honour suffer to be lost from the Sword and whereas some Commissions lately have been Procured giving Power to other Commanders to name and place all sorts of Military Officers under the respective Commands in which Commissions nevertheless and much more in the Instructions there is an express reference to us and to our Approbation from which they are to receive their validity We do therefore Order and Declare our Pleasure thereby That no Commander whatsoever within the Province of Ulster do assume to themselves the nomination of Military Officers as Colonels Lieutenant-Colonels Majors Captains Lieutenants Cornets or Ensigns upon pretence of any late Commission but leave them to our discretion as in this Kingdom hath ever been accustomed 4. If any Person shall speak or act to the prejudice of his Majesties Authority or Affairs let him upon proof be forthwith Imprisoned and his Estate secured and an Information sent up to us of the nature of his Crime that we may give further Order therein And if any Ecclesiastical Person in his Prayer or Sermon shall presume to exercise the People to Sedition or Disobedience or shall intermeddle in Pulpit or Consistory with the managery of Civil Affairs or shall derogate from the present Government or Governours of this Kingdom or shall teach that his Majesty is not to be admitted to the possession of his Crown until he hath given satisfaction to his Subjects or until he have taken such Oaths and Covenants as are impos'd upon him without his Consent without Law contrary to the Dictates of his own Conscience upon proof thereof without further Circumstance let his Estate be confiscated to the use of the Army and himself be either imprisoned or banished or tryed for his Life as the Enemy shall deserve 5. If there be any Person whose Loyalty is suspected let the Chief in Command upon the Place administer unto him the Oath of Allegiance and if he refuse it let them secure both his Person and Estate and send up an information to us that we may cause proofs to be made against him 6. Although we cannot now take notice of the Scotch Army in this Kingdom or of any distinct from that which is committed into our hands by his Majesty we expecting a joynt obedience of all Forces English Scotch and Irish indifferently as branches of the Army under our Command yet in respect your old Quarters are straightn'd by the Garrison of Belfast by our very good Lord the Lord Vicount Montgomery of the Ards we are well pleased in lieu thereof to assign unto you for the enlargement of your Quarters so much of the Countreys of Antrim as was possessed or enjoyed by Sir John Clotworthie's Regiment now disbanded of themselves and because we cannot but judge that this dissolution of them proceeds from the aversness to his Majesties Service and therefore we require that none of them be admitted into any Troops as Horsemen or Dragooners 7. For Answer to your other Proposition if any Postage shall be sent down from them or from the other Provinces of the Kingdom into Ulster for his Majesties Service upon any occasion it is our Pleasure they have their Quarter and Provision for the present in these Quarters through which they pass but the whole Province of Ulster is to contribute proportionably towards the Charge 8. Let the Siege of Derry be prosecuted by the common advice of the Lord Vicount Mountgomery of Ardes Robert Stewart Sir George Monro and Colonel Audley Meryin 9. We desire the said four Persons last mention'd likewise to consider and certifie what fit Augmentation of Quarter and further Provision may be assign'd to the Regiment and Troops of Esteline without prejudice or with the least prejudice to any other of his Majesties Forces ORMOND Upon the Lord Inchiquin's success at Dundalk the lesser Garrisons of Newry Narrow-water Green-Castle and Carlingford were easily subjected and the Lord Inchiquin in his return being appointed to visit the Town of Trim the onely Garrison left to the Parliamentarians in those parts except Dublin in two days after he had besieged it he made himself Master of it and so return'd with his Party not impair'd by the Service to the Lord Lieutenant in his Camp at Finglass Owen O Neil still continued his affection to the Parliamentarians and when he found that his design of drawing the Marquis of Ormond's Army from Dublin could not prevail he hastned into Ulster and upon the payment of 2000 l. in money some Ammunition and about 2000 Cows he rais'd the Siege of London-derry the 8th of August the onely considerable Place in that Province which held for the Parliament under Sir Charles Coot and which was even then reduc'd to the last extremity by the Lord Viscount Mountgomery of Ardes Sir George Monro Sir Robert Stewart Colonel Audley Mervin and others and must in few days have submitted to the Kings Authority if it had not in that manner been relieved by the Irish under O Neil with whom Colonel Richard Coal in the behalf of Sir Charles Coot Lord President of Connaght had made Articles of Cessation as Colonel Monk had done before on the grounds of necessity the 22. of May 1649. the benefit of which he acquainted the State with desiring that the Propositions presented by him might be accepted which was thought by them a demand so extravagant and of such dangerous consequence to the whole Kingdom as it was ill resented Owen Roe and his Party having been first engaged in those horrid Massacres and presently rejected And though Sir Charles Coot was not censur'd because it was presum'd he did it out of necessity yet several Votes passed against him as to that Cessation though he was continued in his Imployment and having received the pleasure of the Parliament concerning the Cessation made by him with Owen Roe presently acquainted him therewith who according to Articles betwixt them did soon retire and as we shall see afterwards came to an agreement with the Marquis of Ormond finding he could not by any means he could use draw himself or his Party to be accepted of by the Parliament an attempt he earnestly solicited engaging to maintain their Interest with the hazard of his Life and Fortune against all opposers whatsoever with whom joyn'd the Lords Gentry and Commons of the Confederate Catholicks of Ulster though many were of
Earl of Castlehaven to command the Forces in Leimster and in Munster with like Advice and Approbation we have imployed Colonel David Roch to command for a necessary Expedition besides there is always upon the Place one general Officer that will readily receive and imploy any that shall be prevail'd with to take Arms as is promised and in case we find fitting Obedience and Reception from the City of Limerick we shall in Person be ready to receive and conduct such Forces in the said Province In Ulster we have in pursuance to an Agreement made with that Province given Commission to the Bishop of Clogher and in Connaght the Lord Marquess of Clanrickard commands the Army We know no use to which any Money rais'd upon the People hath been imployed but to the maintenance of the Forces if you do we shall desire to be therein informed to the end that any past mis-application thereof may be examined and punished and the like prevented in future To conclude We seriously recommend to your Consideration the ways of procuring such Obedience to his Majesty and his Authority in the general and particularly from the City of Limerick as may enable and encourage us with Honour and hope of Success according to our desire to use our utmost industry and encounter all hazards for the defence of this Kingdom and Nation against the Tyranny that will certainly be exercised upon them and the unsupportable Slavery they will be subject unto if the Rebels prevail And so we bid you heartily farewel For the Archbishops Nobility Bishops the Commissioners authorized by us in pursuance of the Articles of Peace and others assembled at Loghreogh These From Loghreogh May 1. 1650. Your very loving Friend ORMOND Upon the receipt of this Letter they made another Address to the Marquess in writing in which they said They were very far from intending by any expressions they had used to excuse that Deportment of the City of Limerick nor could any Man they said more feelingly than they resent their personal Dis-respects towards his Excellency while he was lately in that City whereof they had in their Letters then ready to be sent by a Committee imployed by them to that Corporation taken notice And they did hope that they would by their Deportment hereafter merit to have it understood that it proceeds from ignorance rather than malice and that concerning the garrisoning of the City the Clergy that had met lately there and the Commissioners of Trust had written very effectually to them and imployed two of the Commissioners of Trust thither to solicit their compliance to his Excellency and to represent to them the danger and prejudice that would ensue their refractoriness And though it had not taken that effect with them which was expected yet they humbly offered his Excellency that a second Essay was to be made and his Excellency's further positive Commands to be sent thither whereunto if they would not listen they promised in as much as in them lay that they would in their respective Degrees and Quality and according to their respective Powers so far as should be thought fit and necessary upon consideration had of what had been proposed hitherto between his Excellency the Commissioners of Trust and them concerning the garrisoning of that City co-operate to reclaim them and bring them to a perfect obedience humbly desiring that what resolution soever should be taken by that City yet that his Excellency would be pleas'd not to impute it to any Dis-affection in them or want of Zeal in the Nation to advance his Majesty's Service And in regard the transacting of that Business might take up some time it was humbly desired his Excellency would be pleas'd to apply his immediate Care for the forwarding of the Service and setling of Affairs in other Parts of the Kingdom answerable unto the present dangers and condition wherein it was that there might be some visible opposition to the growing Power of the Enemy At the same time that they sent this Address to the Marquess signed by the Names of the Bishops and Commissioners which was the 2d of May 1650. they likewise sent the Archbishop of Tuam and Sir Lucas Dillon to Limerick with as reasonable and pressing Letters to that Corporation for receiving a Garrison and obedience to the Marquess's Orders This demeanour in the Assembly and all the visible Results of their Consultation together with so deep professions of Loyalty to the King and of respect to his Lieutenant prevail'd so far with the Marquess that he again declined his purpose of quitting the Kingdom and thereupon dismissed a Frigat which he had bought and fitted for his own Transportation and though the Archbishop of Tuam and Sir Lucas Dillon return'd from Limerick without that entire submission from the City which was expected yet he was willing to make the best interpretation of their general professions of Duty and to believe that they would by degrees be induced to do what they ought and that he might be the nearer to them to encourage any such inclination he removed to Clare 12 miles from Limerick and gave Orders to the Troops which for conveniency of Quarters were scattered at a greater distance to be ready to draw to a Rendezvous And he was shortly after very reasonably induced to be almost confident that the City was well disposed for having one day about the 11th of June visited some Troops which he had assembled within 4 miles of Limerick and returning at night to Clare the next day 2 Aldermen of the City came to him with this following Letter from the Maior of that Corporation May it please your Excellency THe City Council have given me Command to signifie and humbly to offer to your Excellency That it was expected by them that you would being so near the City yesterday bestow a Visit upon it which is no way doubted had been done by your Excellency if your greater Affairs had not hindred you from the same and yet do expect when those are over your Excellency will be pleas'd to step hither to settle the Garrison here the which without your Presence cannot be as is humbly conceiv'd so well done or with that expedition as our necessity requires the Particulars whereof we refer to Alderman Piers Creagh and Alderman John Bourk their Relation to whom we desire Credence may be given by your Excellency and humbly to believe that I will never fail to be Limerick 12 June 1650. Your Excellency's most humble Servant For his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant General and General Governour of Ireland John Creagh Maior of Limerick This Letter might very well have raised an expectation and assurance that there would be no more scruples of receiving a Garrison yet the Aldermen who brought it made such pauses in answering some necessary Questions that the Marquess return'd them the same night with this Answer AFter our hearty Commendations We have receiv'd your Letter of this days date by the Conveyance
and General Governor of the Kingdom of Ireland Chancellor of the University of Dublin and Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter To our Trusty and Well-beloved Bishop Ever Mac Mahon ORMOND WHereas upon the Treaty with General Owen O Neal deceased it was amongst other Particulars Concluded and Agreed upon that in case of death or removal of him such other General or Commander in Chief should be authorised by Commission from us to Command his Majesties Forces of the Province of Ulster Natives of the Kingdom as should be by general consent of the Gentry of that Province elected and made choice of for the same And whereas in a general Meeting lately held by the Gentry for that purpose it was agreed upon and so represented unto us that you should exercise that Command over the said Forces We therefore upon the Consideration thereof and of the Care Judgment Valour and Expedience in Martial Affairs as also of the readiness and good affections of you to do his Majesties Service have nominated and appointed and we do hereby nominate and appoint you the said Bishop Ever Mac Mahon to be General of all his Majesties said Forces of Horse and Foot of the Province of Ulster Natives of the Kingdom Giving thereby unto you the said Bishop Ever Mac Mahon full Power and Authority to take the said Charge and Employment upon you and the said Forces and every of them to Lead and Command according to the use and discipline of War and such further Order and Instructions as you shall from time to time receive from us or other his Majesties chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom the time being in that behalf willing and hereby requiring all the Officers Troopers and Soldiers of the said Forces to obey you as their General and to be at and perform your Commands as they shall issue unto them upon all occasions of his Majesties Service as they will answer the contrary In witness whereof we have Signed this our Commission and caused our Seal of Arms to be thereunto affixed at Loghreogh the first day of April 1650. In execution of which the Bishop with great activity and courage proceeded in infesting the English Garrisons and Army in that Province as much as was in his Power And having an Army consisting of about 5000 Horse and Foot about the 20th of June 1650. when the Lord Lieutenant himself could not draw 1000 men together or keep them if together the space of 48 hours he encountred not far from London-derry with Sir Charles Coot who Commanded the Parliaments Forces in Chief in that Quarter and was then inferior in Foot to the Bishop though otherwise he had a great advantage of him by having near treble the number of Horse Notwithstanding which inequality the Irish for a while behaved themselves handsomly but in the end were totally defeated so that the Bishop was compelled after he saw the day was irrecoverably lost to quit the Field with a small party of Horse The next day in his flight he had the misfortune near Eniskelin to meet with the Governor Major King of that Town in the Head of a Party too strong for him against which however the Bishop defended himself with notable courage though after he had received many wounds he was taken Prisoner and soon after by the positive Order of Sir Charles Coot whom within less then a year he had reliev'd when in great extremity hang'd This was a most happy Victory for the Parliament in that 3000 of the Rebels were there slain all meer Irish out of an opinion they could not prosper as long as they had any English joyn'd with them and for that end had throughly purg'd their Army which being stiled by them the Confident Victorious Army of the North had a full return of Gods Vengeance they being the first Incendiaries and Actors in those barbarous Cruelties which ensued their Insurrection This was the unfortunate end of that unhappy Prelate of whom since he bore so great a Part in the Troubles of Ireland and was much superior in Parts to any man of that Party it will not be impertinent or uncharitable to mention some Passages of his Life that thereby his nature and disposition may be the better collected and indeed the spirit and temper of mind which those kind of men were possessed with who had the greatest abilities to do hurt Some few years before the Rebellion this Ever Mac Mahon being then an Arch Priest and residing for the most part in or near Dublin repair'd as you have heard to a Prime Instrument of State and discovered to him the Contrivances abroad in reference to bring Troubles upon that Kingdom who being thereupon Pardon'd still as any thing of that nature proceeded inform'd the State thereof And though according to the formality of Law he should have sued out his Pardon yet that he might still be confided in by the Confederates who knew not who the Discoverer was he meerly trusted to the Kings Mercy and Clemency and through the Government of the Earl of Strafford he prov'd faithful to the Crown From the beginning of this Rebellion his Power was very great with those that were opposite to any Reconciliation upon the first and 2 Conclusion of Peacy by the Confederate Catholicks continuing firm to that Party which followed Owen O Neal or rather Govern'd Owen O Neal who commanded that Party and over and above those demands which concern'd Religion to which they seem'd to adhere with more then ordinary zeal and thereby drew a dependency of that Clergy to them they insisted upon the Restitution of the great Estates in Ulster which was not in the Power of the Crown to make without violation of several Acts of Parliament and defeating many descents and purchases which had passed without any interruption or claim for the space of 150 years This impossible expectation kept both Owen O Neal and the Bishop of Clogher from concurring with the Confederate Catholicks in the Peace they made with his Majesty 1648. and the Animosity they contracted against the Confederates inclined them to relieve London-derry when as is remembred before it was even ready to be reduced by his Majesties Forces rather then to submit to the Peace made by them with the Lord Lieutenant To whose Divisions the State of England saith Rely Archbishop of Armagh ows their present Possession of Ireland and therefore infers that that Party of the Irish Natives ought to be not onely on that account Favour'd and Trusted but because also they never had affection for the King or his Family Yet after they had found it necessary to make that agreement with the Marquess in 1649. being neglected by the Parliament it must be acknowledged that the Bishop performed and observ'd it very justly as he was punctual in what he promised and applied himself with all dexterity and industry to the advancement of his Majesties Interest so that during his time he restrain'd the Clergy
and set at liberty by him and whom the Bishops themselves in their Letter of the 12th of September 1650. to the Earl of Westmeath c. do acknowledge to be preserved by the Marquess and for which many will rather expect an Apology than for any Jealousie he could entertain of the Persons who behaved themselves in that manner towards the King's Lord Lieutenant They charge him with having represented to his Majesty that some Parts of the Kingdom were dis-obedient which absolutely deny any Dis-obedience by them committed and that thereby he had procured from his Majesty a Letter to withdraw his own Person and the Royal Authority if such dis-obedience was multiplied and so leave the People without the Benefit of Peace This was the Reward his Excellency out of his Envy to a Catholick Loyal Nation prepared for their Loyalty and Obedience seal'd by the shedding of their blood and the loss of their substance Whether the obstinate and Rebellious carriage of Waterford Limerick and other Places which brought destruction upon themselves did not deserve and require such a Representation to be made unto the King may be judged by all men upon what hath been before truly set down of those Particulars and if the Places themselves had not acknowledged that dis-obedience yet the Prelates seemed to lament those Acts of Dis-obedience and most earnestly disswaded him from leaving the Kingdom promising all their endeavours to reduce the People to Obedience which was onely in their Power to have done else the Marquess would not so long have exposed Himself and his Honour to those Reproaches or suffered his Person with the Impotent Title of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to have remained in that Kingdom and every day to hear of the rendring and betraying of Places to the Enemy which he could no more remedy then he could infuse a Spirit of Obedience Unity and Understanding into that unhappy infatuated Nation Yet he was so far from wishing that his Majesty should absolutely withdraw his Royal Authority from them how unworthy soever they made themselves of it that he offered to leave the Kings Power in the Person of the Marquess of Clanrickard as he afterwards did hoping that since their great exception was to him for being a Protestant they would with all Alacrity have complied with the other who is known to be a most zealous Roman Catholick yet a great Royalist They reproach'd him That while he was an Enemy to the Catholicks he had been very active in unnatural executions against them and shedding the blood of poor Priests and Churchmen But since the Peace he had shewed little of action keeping himself in Connaght and Thomond where no danger was or the Enemy appear'd not Here you see they would neither suffer him to have an Army to oppose the Enemy nor be content that he should retire into those Places where the Enemy could least infest him and from whence with those few Troops which remained with him he defended the Shannon and kept the Enemy from getting over the River while he staid there And for the former activity and success against them which they were content to impute to him it was when he had a free election of Officers an absolute Power over his Garrisons where he caused the Soldiers continually to be exercised their Arms kept in order and from whence he could have drawn his Army together and have march'd with it to what place he would which advantages he was now without and the Enemy possessed of and therefore it was no wonder that they now obtain'd their Victories as easily as he had done formerly But since they were so disingenious and ungrateful there being many amongst them whose lives he had saved not without suspicion of being favourable to them when he should have been just to charge him with being active in unnatural executions against them and in shedding the blood of poor Priests and Church-men and for the Improvement and Propagation of Calumny it hath pleased some Persons to cause that Declaration to be Translated in Latin and Printed thereby to make him odious to the Roman Catholicks and have named two Priests who they say were by his order Executed and put to death in cold blood and after his promise given to save their lives whose names were Mr. Higgins and Mr. White It will not be impertinent to set down at large the Case of these two Persons that from thence men who have no mind to be deceived and mislead may judge of the Candor and Sincerity of those Persons who would obtrude such Calumnies to the World It must therefore be known that when these two Priests were put to death the War was conducted and carried on by the two Houses of Parliament that the Government of Ireland was in the hands of the two Lords Justices who upon the inhumane and barbarous Cruelties first practised by the Irish Catholicks in the beginning of the Rebellion had forbidden any quarter to be given to those whom they found in Arms and principally against all Priests known Incendaries of that Rebellion and prime Actors in exemplary Cruelties and the Marquess of Ormond was then onely Lieutenant General of the Army and received all Orders from the Lords Justices and Council who having intelligence that a Party of the Rebels intended to be at such a time at the Naas order'd him to draw some Troops together with hope to surprize them And the Lieutenant General marching all night came early in the morning into the Town from whence the Rebels upon notice were newly fled In this Town some of the Souldiers found Mr. Higgins who might it's true have easily fled if he had apprehended any danger in the stay When he was brought before the Marquess he voluntarily acknowledged that he was a Priest and that his Residence was in the Town from whence he refused to fly away with those that were guilty because he not onely knew himself very innocent but believ'd he should not be without ample Evidence of it having by his sole Charity and Power preserved very many of the English Protestants from the rage and fury of the Irish and therefore he onely besought the Marquess to preserve him from the violence of the Souldiers and to put him securely into Dublin to be tried for any Crime which the Marquess promis'd to do and perform'd it though with so much hazard that when it was spread abroad amongst the Souldiers that he was a Priest the Officer into whose Custody he was intrusted was assaulted by them and it was as much as the Marquess could do to relieve him and compose the mutiny When he came to Dublin he informed the Lords Justices and Council of the Prisoner he had brought with him of the good Testimony he had receiv'd of his peaceable Carriage of the pains he had taken to restrain those with whom he had Credit from entring into Rebellion and of very many charitable Offices he had perform'd of which there wanted not
childless among women And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal The next case is that of David David writes to Joab by Uriah to set Uriah in the fore-front of the hottest of the Battel and to retire from him that he may be smitten and die Joab did so and so Uriah was slain The Lord by Nathan the Prophet tells David That he had killed Uriah with the sword of the children of Ammon and therefore the Sword shall never depart from his house The case of Joab is remarkable Joab was a kinsman to David and he was Captain of his Hoast he did many great Services and grew old in his Service yet for all this David charges Solomon that he should not let his hoary head go down to the grave in peace because he had shed the blood of war in peace in killing of Abner and Amasa And though Joab flies to the Tabernacle and took hold of the horns of the Altar yet Solomon commands him there to be slain to take way the innocent blood which Joab had shed in killing Abner the son of Ner Captain of the hoast of Israel and Amasa the son of Jether Captain of the hoast of Judah I will onely add Ahab's case Ahab covets Naboth's Vineyard his Wife Jezebel undertakes the business Ahab leaves the matter to her management she writes Letters in Ahab's name feals them with his Seal and so carries the business that Naboth is stoned to death and Ahab takes possession of the Vineyard The Lord sends Elijah the Prophet unto Ahab saying Thus saith the Lord Hast thou killed and also taken possession c. In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick thy blood even thine And of Jezebel also saith the Lord The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the walls of Jezreel I have remembred these Cases and Presidents because they may be useful to us in this service That of Agag and Joab to admonish us not to spare Murderers That of Ahab and David to instruct us that the Authors the Contrivers the Counsellors and the Abettors are guilty of the Murther as well as the Actors be their Plots and Devices never so subtilly and secretly carried I come next to the Law under the Gospel Those Laws against Murther are confirmed by our Saviour in the Gospel Matth. 26. 52. Revel 13. 10. He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword Verily I say unto you Till Heaven and Earth pass away one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law till all be fulfilled And in Verse 21. approves the Law against Murther and also reproves the narrow and literal Gloss and Exposition of the Pharisees upon it and gives us a larger and more spiritual sense of it viz. that whosoever is angry with his brother without cause is in danger of judgment The Law of England Murther by the Law of England is a Felony of death without benefit of the Clergy or Sanctuary and by the Law it is esteemed so high and grievous a Crime that it is prohibited by many Acts of Parliament to grant any Pardon for Wilful Murder This Law of England answers to that of Deuteronomy Thine eye shall not pity but life shall go for life The Laws of Ireland By the Laws of Ireland Wilful Murther is High Treason which is of a Temporal offence esteemed in Law to be the highest Crime and hath been censur'd with the severest Judgment and Punishment viz. for a man to be drawn upon a Hurdle to the Place of Execution and there to be hanged by the neck to be cut down alive his Intrals and Privy Members to be cut forth of his Body and burnt within his sight his Head to be cut off and his Body to be divided into four Quarters or Parts c. For a man to be drawn upon a Hurdle to the Place of Execution and there his Bowels to be burned It is considerable why and upon what grounds or reasons Murther was made a more horrid and execrable Crime in Ireland than in England and punished with a greater severity viz. both with Torture and with Death the Statute Decimo Hen. 7. in Ireland which enacts it to be so gave the reason of the difference Praying the Commons saith the Law Forasmuch as there have been unusual Murthers of malice prepense used and had in this Land of Ireland c. contrary to the Law of Almighty God without any fear of due punishment in that behalf Therefore the Statute doth enact Wilful Murder to be High Treason That sin was grown universal in Ireland and therefore the punishment must be extraordinary the universality of the crime causeth the increasing of the punishment or the severity thereof Ut metus ad omnes poena ad paucos perveniet But it will admit another Quoere How it came to pass that Malice and Murther was universal in Ireland more than in England I conceive these two Reasons may be given for it as new 1. We have been these many years weltring in blood by the frequent Rebellions in Ireland that have silenced the Laws 2. Their was a main defect in their Irish Laws and Customs viz. their Brehowne Law which the Irish continued amongst themselves and the degenerate English embraced it notwithstanding the introduction of the just and honourable Laws of England Now by their Irish Custome or Brehowne Law Murther was not punished with death but onely by Fines or a pecuniary Mulct which they called an Errick Therefore when Sir William Fitz-Williams being Deputy told Mac-guire That he was to send a Sheriff into Fermanagh being lately before made a County The Sheriff said Mac-Guire shall be welcome but let me know his Errick the price of his Head aforehand that if my People cut it off I may put the Errick upon the County Now for the reformation of these grievous abuses in the Land in the 10th year of King Hen. 7. in the Government of Sir Edward Poinings Knight then Deputy of Ireland there were three good and profitable Statutes made which were called Poinings Acts viz. the Statute of 10 H. 7. cap. 8. for the reviving confirming and putting in execution of the Statute of Kilkenny held before Lionel Duke of Clarence by which Statute at Kilkenny the Brehowne Law was abolished and decreed to be no Law but a lewd Custom The Statute of 10 H. 7. cap. oct by which it was Enacted That if any person took any money or other amends for the death of his Kinsman or Friend then the Law would permit meaning the Law of England the same shall be Felony by this Law the Errick was taken away The Statute of 10 H. 7. cap. vicessimo primo by which Murther is made High Treason in the Actor Provoker and Procurer of it So that by these three Statutes their Brehowne Law and lewd Custom was abolished their Errick taken away and Murther declared to be High Treason And thus
most traiterously combined in the wicked and abominable Councils of the said five other persons last above named and have been partakers with them in their most bloody design for the extirpating of the British and Protestants and depriving his Majesty of the Soveraignty of this His Kingdom of Ireland many of which Rebells stand Indicted of High Treason We do therefore make known and declare to all men as well His Majesties loving Subjects as all others That whosoever under the degree of a Knight other than the said Phillip mac Hugh mac Shane O Rely and Collo mac Brian Mahowne and other than the said Luke Toole and other than the Children and Grand-children of the late traiterously descended Traitor Feagh mac Hugh Birne and other than the said Rory alias Roger More We not holding it fit that the most maglignant Conspirators should obtain pardon for so high and heynous offences and the causeless destruction of so many thousands of Innocents upon the only service of cutting off persons of no greater consideration shall betwixt this and the five and twentieth day of March next kill and bring or cause to be killed and brought in to Us the Lords Justices or other chief Governour or Governours of this Kingdom as aforesaid the head or heads of the said Patrick mac Cartan Art oge mac Glasny Magenis Ever mac Phelim Magenis Rory mac Brien oge Magenis Phillip mac Hugh mac Shane O Rely Phillip mac Mulmorry O Rely Mulmorry mac Edmond O Rely Hugh Boy mac Shane O Rely Owen mac Shane mac Phillip O Rely Rory Magwire Donogh Bane Magwire Brian mac Cowcannaght Magwire Tirlagh Roe O Neale Tirlagh Groom O Quin Cormock mac Owen O Hagan Patrick Modder O Donnelly Art mac Tirlagh mac Henry O Neale Tirlagh mac Henry mac Tirlagh O Neale Hugh oge O Neale Donnogh oge O Murchie Collo mac Brien mac Mahowne Neale mac Kena Coolo mac Ever mac Mahowne Art Roe mac Patrick mac Art Moile mac Mahowne Captain Hugh mac Phelim Birne Shane mac Brien mac Phelim Birne Luke alias Feogh O Toole Luke alias Feogh mac Redmond Birne Redmond mac Feogh Birne Phelim mac Redmond Birne Dermot mac Dowlin Cavenagh Lewis alias Lisagh mac Owny Dempsie Art O Molloy Hubert Fox Owen O Molloy Florence mac Shane Fitz-Patrick Barnabie Dempsie Daniel Doine Barnabie Fitz-Patrick James mac Fergus mac Donell Francis mac Faghny O Farrall Will. Farrall James mac Conell Farrall Oliver Boy Fitz-Gerrald Pierse Fitz-Gerald Maurice Eustace Nich. Sutton Roger alias Rory O More Will. Fiz-Gerald Robert Preston James Fleming Patrick Cusake Edw. Betagh Gerald Leins Luke Netervill George King Richard Barnewall Colonel Richard Plunkett Matthew Talbot John Stanley John Bellew Christopher Barnewall and Oliver Cashel or any of them he shall have by way of reward for every of the said last mentioned persons so by him to be killed and his or their head or heads brought to Us the Lords Justices or other chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom as aforesaid four hundred pounds and pardon for all his or their offences that shall bring in or cause to be brought in the said head or heads and whosoever under the degree of a Knight as aforesaid other than the said Phillip mac Shane O Rely Collo mac Brien mac Mahowne Luke Toole and the Children and Grand-children of Feagh mac Hugh aforesaid and the aforesaid Rory alias Roger O More shall by any means within the said time slay or kill the said Traitors viz. Patrick mac Cartan Art oge mac Glasny Magenis Ever mac Phelim Magenis Rory mac Brien oge Magenis Phillip mac Mulmorry O Rely Mulmorry mac Edmond O Rely Hugh Boy mac Shane O Rely Owen mac Shane mac Phillip O Rely Donogh Bane Magwire Brian mac Cowcannaght Magwire Tirlagh Roe O Neal Tirlagh Groome O Quin Cormock mac Owen oge O Hagan Patrick Modder O Donnelly Art mac Tirlagh mac Henry O Neale Tirlagh mac Henry mac Tirlagh O Neal Hugh oge O Neale Donnogh oge O Murchie Neal mac Kena Collo mac Ever mac Mahowne Art Roe mac Patrick mac Art Moyle mac Mahowne Captain Hugh mac Phelim Birne Shane mac Brien mac Phelim Birne Luke alias Feagh O Toole Luke alias Feagh mac Redmond Birne Redmond mac Feagh Birne Phelim mac Redmond Birne Dermot mac Dowlin Cavenagh Lewis alias Lisagh mac Owny Dempsie Art O Molloy Hubert Fox Owen O Molloy Florence mac Shane Fitz-Patrick Barnabie Dempsie Daniel Doine Barnabie Fitz-Patrick James mac Fergus mac Donell Francis mac Faghny O Farrall William Farrall James mac Conell Farrall Oliver Boy Fitz-Gerrald Pierse Fitz-Gerald Maurice Eustace Nicholas Sutton Roger alias Rory O More William Fitz-Gerrald Robert Preston James Flemen Patrick Cusacke Edward Betagh Gerrald Leins Luke Netervill Geroge Kinge Richard Barnewall Colonel Richard Plunkett Matthew Talbot John Stanley John Bellew Christopher Barnewall and Oliver Cashell or any of them though such person or persons so slaying or killing the said Traitors or any of them bring not or cause not to be brought to Us the Lords Justices or other chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom as aforesaid the head or heads of the said Traitor or Traitors yet being justly proved shall forthwith upon proof so made receive the reward of Three hundred pounds for every of the said last named persons so killed and proved and shall have pardon for all his or their offences that shall slay or kill the said Traitors or any of them Given at his Majesties Castle of Dublin the 8. day of Febr. 1641. Ormond Ossory R. Dillon Cha. Lambert Ad. Loftus Cha. Coote Tho. Rotheram Fra. Willoughby Rob. Meredith J. Temple God save the King Sir William St. Leiger's Letter to the Lord Lieutenant the Earl of Leicester touching the Affaires in Munster mentioned fol. 89. Right Honorable my very good Lord SIthence my last by my Lord of Dungarvan my own indisposition and imbecillity hath been such as in mine one person I have not been able to attempt any thing but have by my Sickness been confined to my Chamber but the forward earnestness and zeale to the service in my Lord of Inchequin Colonel Vavasor Captain Jephson and the rest of the Officers of the small Army here hath accomplished some Exploits whereof you may please to receive the ensuing Relation I being besieged on the North side of the City by my Lord Muskry Mr. Carty Leath and all the rest of the Western Forces and having notice that my Lord Roche my Lord of Ikarne Donboin the Barron of Loghmay Mr. Richard Butler and all the tipperary Forces were drawing up to beleager me on the South I dispatched away the two Troops then newly landed under the Command of my Lord Inchequin and Captain Jephson into the Lord Roches Country in expectance to divert him from his intended course hitherwards which to so good purpose as that I since understand the tipperary Forces have forsaken him and
that in all likelihood he shall not live to come to that place the second time which we humbly conceive will be a great discouragement to any person of Honour and Fortune to serve your Majesty in that high Trust and for their purchasing Lands in that Kingdom your Majesty may be pleased to leave them to the Laws and punish them severely if they commit any offence or exercise any oppressions under colour of purchasing of any Lands or Estates whatsoever 15. Pro. That an Act may be passed in the next Parliament for the raising and setling of Trained-bands within the several Counties of that Kingdom as well to prevent foraign Invasion as to render them the more serviceable and ready for your Majesties service as cause shall require Answ. The having of Trained-bands in Ireland for the present cannot under favour be for your Majesties service or the safety of that Kingdom for that the Protestants by the said sad effects of the late Rebellion are so much destroyed that the said Bands must consist in effect altogether of the Confederates Catholicks and to continue them in Arms stored with Ammunition and made ready for service by Mustring and often Training will prove under colour of advancing your Majesties service against foraign Invasions a meer Guard and Power of the Popish Confederates and by force of Arms according to their late Oaths and Protestations to execute all their cruel designs for extirpation of the Protestant Religion and English Government both which they mortally hate however in cunning they dissemble it and to prevent the setling an Army of good Protestants without which your Maiesties good Subjects cannot live securely there 16. Pro. That an Act of Oblivion be passed in the next free Parliament to extend to all your Majesties said Catholick Subjects and their Adherents for all manner of Offences Capital Criminal and Personal and the said Act to extend to all Goods and Chattels Customs Mesne Profits Prizes Arrears of Rents taken received or incurred since these troubles Answ. We humbly pray that the Laws of force be taken into consideration and do humbly conceive that your Majesty in Honour and Justice may forbear to discharge or release any Actions Suits Debts or Interests whereby your Majesties Protestant Subjects who have committed no offence against your Majesty or your Laws should be barred or deprived of any of their legal remedies or just demands which by any of your Majesties Laws and Statutes they may have against the Popish Confederates who are the only Delinquents or any of their party for or in respect of any wrongs done unto them or any of their Ancestors or Predecessors in or concerning their Lands Goods or Estates since the contriving or breaking forth of the Rebellion the said Confederates having without provocation shed so much innocent Blood and acted so many Cruelties as cannot be parallel'd in any Story and we conceive it to be high presumption in them upon so weak grounds to propound an Act of Oblivion in such general terms some of the Confederates having been Contrivers or Actors of such cruel Murthers and other Acts of Inhumanity as cry to God and your Sacred Majesty for Justice and they having of your Majesties Revenues Customs Subsidies and other Rights of your Crown in their hands are disbursed by them to the value of two hundred thousand pounds and more 17. Pro. For as much as your Majesties said Catholick Subjects have been taxed with many inhumane Cruelties which they never committed your Majesties said Suppliants therefore for their vindication and to manifest to all the the world their desire to have all such hanious Offenders punished and the Offenders brought to Justice do desire that in the next Parliament all notorious Murthers breaches of Quarter and inhumane Cruelties committed of either side may be questioned in the said Parliament if your Majesty think fit and such as shall appear to be guilty to be excepted out of the said Act of Oblivion and punished according to their deserts Answ. We conceive this Proposition is made but for a Florish and if the Confederates be so desirous to try their innocency as they pretend they need not stay for another Parliament in Ireland but submit to that which is now in being which is an equal and just Parliament as in some of our Reasons touching that point is expressed and the offering to draw it to a new Parliament is in effect to desire that they may be their own Judges for as that Kingdom is now imbroiled and wasted the chief Delinquents or their Confederates will be so prevalent a faction in the next Parliament that they will be able and doubtless will clear all the Popish party how guilty soever and condemn all the Protestants how innocent soever These Answers to the high and unexpected Demands of the Confederates we have have framed in humble obedience to your Majesties directions but being very sensible as of the weight and great importance of the business so also of our own weakness and want of time and well knowing that some of your Majesties Privy-Councillors Judges and Officers of that Kingdom are now in Town sent for over and here attending by your Majesties Command who by their long observations and experience of the affaires and State of Ireland are better able to give your Majesty more full and satisfactory Answers touching the premises then we can and conceiving that the Collection in Answer to the said Confederates Remonstrance which we humbly presented to your Majesty the 17th of the last Month of April may in many things give your Majesty more light then these our Answers do or can We humbly beseech your Majesty that the said Privy-Counsellors Judges and Officers as occasion shall require may be called upon and heard to give your Majesty the more satisfaction in these particulars and that to the same purpose the Book of the said Collections may be perused and considered of as your Majesty shall find most requisite After reading of which Propositions and Answers thereunto the King asked the Protestant Agents whether they had Answered unto the Rebels Propositions as they were to be granted by Him in Law and Justice and fit for the Security of the Protestants of Ireland or prudentially as the times were who humbly made Answer to his Majesty That they looked upon the Rebels Propositions as they appeared to them destructive to his Majesties Laws Government and Protestant Subjects of Ireland Then the Earl of Bristol said That if they asked what by Law and Justice was due from the Rebels their Answers were full But now the King expected from the said Agents what prudentially was fit for his Majesty to do seeing the Protestants were not in a Condition to defend themselves And that the King would not admit the Protestants to joyn with the new Scots or any other that had the Covenant To which the Agents conceived not fit to Answer more then what before in their Propositions and
until his whole body became as it were one continued wound and thereafter flung him out upon the Dunghill where he died partly of his said wounds and partly of famine none daring to relieve him Robert Maxwell Jurat ut supra William Aldrich John Watson THE INDEX A THe Abby of Multifarnan the place where the Conspirators first considered what to do after they had rais'd a Rebellion fol. 25 An Anniversary Act to be observ'd on the 23 of October fol. 323 An Address of certain Commissioners to the King about Ireland and his Answer fol. 122 Affairs why they proceeded so slowly in 1642. fol. 101 Agents sent to Kilkenny fol. 233 from the Confederates sent to the Duke of Lorrain fol. 286 The Earl of Antrim sent by the Confederates with others to the Queen at Paris fol. 199 Arguments why the Irish Souldiers should not be transported to Spain fol. 8 c. The Army of 8000 foot and 1000 horse rais'd in Ireland fol. 4 disbanded They being too good Englishmen to wish that a standing Army should be kept in the Bowels of that Country fol. 10 Atherdee taken by the English fol. 67 Sir Arthur Aston made Governour of Tredagh fol. 223 slain ibid. The General or National Assembly begins fol. 95 justifies the Commissioners fol. 172 agree with the Congregation at Waterford ibid. Acts when the Earl of Clanrickard is Deputy fol. 279 Assembly at Clanmacnoise convene fol. 234 their acts from fol. 235 to 239 B BAggatrath ordered to be fortified fol. 219 Balintober Battel fol. 81 Sir James Barrie's account of King Charles the First 's Letter of a Plot. fol. 8 Lieutenant General Barry beaten before Cork fol. 88 Colonel Barry imploy'd to compose Differences with the Greatest fol. 233 The Earl of Barrimore's Success at Cloghleigh fol. 86 Bealing's repulse at Lismore fol. 85 is sent to Rome brings in the Nuncio fol. 153 Dr. Bedel Bishop of Kilmore his Information of the Papists Insolencies fol. 2 Death and Character fol. 32 Belfast surrendred to the Parliamentarians fol. 225 The Bishop of Clogher defeated fol. 253 his Death fol. 253 Character fol. 253 of Fern's insolent Letter touching the M. of Clanrickard fol. 286 Ossory's Excommunication fol. 163 Ross hang'd fol. 240 The Bishops at James-town publish an Excommunication fol. 261 a malicious Declaration ib. The Lord Blaney c. give Intelligence of the Rebels Proceedings fol. 27 Sir John Borlase Senior and others hath Letters directed to him to regulate affairs fol. 6 when instituted Lord Justice fol. 7 receives a Letter from Sir Henry Vane of a Plot. ibid. his answer to the Parliaments Committee of Ireland for Arms. fol. 12 hath the Plot discovered to him fol. 20 is again made Lord Justice fol. 121 quits his Justiceship fol. 141 Sir John Borlase Junior goes to Tredath fol. 29 his Service there fol. 63 is sent to the State from thence fol. 64 returns ibid. his Service at Colp fol. 66 in Lowth and Meath fol. 101 his Regiment reduced fol. 180 disbanded fol. 225 The Lord Broghill gallantly defends Lismore fol. 85 defats Muskery in a pitch'd Battle fol. 283 the Bishop of Ross. fol. 240 Murtogh O Bryan stood longest in Rebellion fol. 315 Lieut. Col. Byron goes to Tredath fol. 29 is one of the Commissioners from Tredath to the State fol. 64 his excellent Service at Tallaghallon fol. 66 Prisoner at Tredath fol. 195 C DR Cale brings Propositions to the State fol. 45 is sent with Propositions to the Rebels fol. 48 Cappaquim Battle fol. 86 Carrickmacross order'd to be demolished fol. 102 Cavan's Remonstrance and the History of that County fol. 31 The Treaty of Cessation begings at Castle-Martin fol. 125 proceeds at Sigginstown fol. 127 is concluded fol. 130 begets Heats betwixt King and Parliament fol. 134 is broken by the Irish. fol. 139 is renew'd fol. 145 The Character of the Irish. fol. 14 The Marquiss of Clanrickard's good usage of the English fol. 76 his fidelity to the Lord Lieutenant fol. 179 mediating Col. Preston signs to come in fol. 170 made Lieutenant General of the Army fol. 171 is desired Governour but till an Assembly fol. 275 accepts of the Government fol. 279 his Proclamation to inhibit any to leave the Irish Quarters fol. 281 routed by Coot fol. 284 impowers a Committee to treat with Lorrain's Agent fol. 285 his Reply to him fol. 286 his excellent Letter to the Duke of Lorrain fol. 290 his Reasons against complying with the Confederates clandestine proceedings with Lorrain evidencing his integrity to his Prince and Nation fol. 292 deceived by the Irish in their obedience fol. 293 demands Justice against Geoghehan ibid. notwithstanding assists the Irish at Gallway fol. 301 after the Surrender of Gallway persues the King's Interest fol. 302 is beaten by Coot fol. 303 quits the Kingdom ibid. his Character ibid. The Protestant Clergies Remonstrance to the Parliaments Commissioners fol. 184 The Popish Clergy foments misconceits of the Lord Lieutenant fol. 233 their reply to the Lord Lieutenant from Jamestown from fol. 258 to 260 Cloaths bestowed upon the strip'd Protestants of Ireland fol. 94 Sir William Coles Information of the suspicion of Troubles fol. 19 Service at Eniskellin fol. 87 Commissions to raise forces for the Spaniards Service fol. 8 sent into the North fol. 27 Munster fol. 27 Connagh fol. 27 of Martial Law granted to several Papists fol. 28 Most of the Irish Committee engaged in the Rebellion fol. 13 The Parliament of England's Committee arrive in Ireland fol. 103 depart so necessities encrease fol. 105 The Committee from the Councel-board in Ireland at Oxford much troubled betwixt the Protestant and Confederate Agents fol. 142 Commissioners authorized to state the Condition of the deplorable English fol. 15 sent from the Parliament in England into Ireland fol. 151 as also fol. 256 Supream Councel to Waterford fol. 164 forreign Princes fol. 174 Commissioners from the Parliament treaty about surrendring Dublin The Effect fol. 169 of Trust constituted fol. 204 dissent from the L. Lieutenant fol. 227 suspected not to be entire fol. 233 their address to the Marq. of Ormond's Letter fol. 249 The Convention called how long it lasted what it gave to the King D. of York Glocester fol. 316 A Confederacy betwixt the Irish and old English of the Pale the Oath fol. 56 The Confederates treat about a Peace fol. 152 unite with the Lord Lieutenant fol. 168 are treacherous so the Lord Lieutenant agrees with the Parliament fol. 173 send Agents to Oxford fol. 141 their high demands fol. 142 the King's admonition to them fol. 143 Agents behaviour at their return to Ireland fol. 145 come to the Lord Lieutenant at Carrick fol. 201 desire a Privy Councel fol. 242 meet at James-town fol. 256 think to treat with Ireton fol. 280 cherish good opinion of the Independents fol. 293 in Munster meditate a compliance with the Parliament fol. 301 The Congregation at Waterford declare the Peace of 1646. void fol. 161 The Conspiracy though discovered
yet the Massacres continued fol. 30 Sir Charles Coot Senior Governour of Dublin fol. 27 his success in Wickle fol. 38 vindicated from the Rebels aspersions fol. 41 beats the Enemy from Clantarf fol. 43 Swords fol. 52 with the Lord Lisle relieves the Lady Offalia fol. 78 takes Trim ibid. is killed ibid. After whose death much was not attempted till the Battle of Ross where the Gallantry of the English and the Life of their General wonderfully appeared fol. 80 Sir Charles Coot Junior prospers against Con ORourk c. in Connaght fol. 50 beats the Rebels in Connaght fol. 76 relieves Athlone ibid. his good Service in Connaght fol. 146 his Reply to the Presbytery at Belfast fol. 207 208 censured for complying with Owen O Neil fol. 217 takes Colrain fol. 218 besieges Carickfergus ibid. routs the Scots in Ulster fol. 229 beats the Marquiss of Clanrickard fol. 284 defeats a Party of Fitz. Patricks and Odwyrs forces fol. 300 streightens Gallway fol. 301 has it delivered to him ibid. impeaches several fol. 316 his and other Officers memorable Declaration ibid. Captain Richard Coot's Service in Connaught fol. 120 Lord Costiloe presents to the State the Longford Letter fol. 34 goes for England ibid. The Covenant or Solemn League disown'd fol. 141 The Supream Councels insolent Letter to the Lords Justices fol. 120 Letter touching the Scots fol. 137 to the Pope touching the Nuncio fol. 154 Col. Crafford beats the Enemy from Finglass fol. 43 his good Service at Kilrush fol. 75 his Service at Monaster even with 1300 foot not 13000 fol. 112 against those who alarm'd Dublin fol. 128 Cromwell appointed the Parliaments Lord Lieutenant in Ireland fol. 209 lands at Dublin fol. 222 storms Tredath fol. 223 takes Trim ibid. Carlingford ibid. Newry ibid. returns to Dublin fol. 225 takes Wexford c. ibid. his Assurance that Mass was not to be allow'd in the Parliaments Quarters fol. 226 takes Ross fol. 227 is beaten from Waterford fol. 229 goes to Dungarvan having taken Passage-Fort fol. 230 begins the Campaign fol. 239 takes Clonmel ibid. disturbs the-Rebels Councel in VVestmeath ibid. is summoned into England fol. 241 to be pray'd for not the King by Popish Injunction ibid. Henry Cromwell goes for Ireland fol. 316 indulges Learning fol. 316 is well accepted fol. 316 yields up all to Steel fol. 316 leaves Ireland fol. 316 The Rise of Custodiums fol. 98 D AN Abbreviate of the Parliaments Declaration of the miserable condition of Ireland fol. 124 The Lord Dillon one of the Lord Justices soon displaced fol. 6 Dowdall's Deposition touching the union of the Pale and the Northern Rebels fol. 39 Dundalk recovered by the English fol. 67 The Lady Dowdall's magnanimous defence of Kilfinny-Castle fol. 87 E UPon Edge-hill fight the Supplies for Ireland fail'd fol. 103 By what means the English proceeded in the Warr from 89 to 92 Ever mac Mahon discovers to the Lord Deputy VVentworth a Plot fol. 2 Exceptions taken against the Irish Commissioners Title and Cause fol. 126 The Excommunication against the Marquiss of Ormond why suspended fol. 268 The Clergy's Excommunication not forcible against the Commons resolve to deliver Limerick to Ireton fol. 295 F FAnning displaces the Maior of Waterford and by the Rebels is made Maior fol. 161 is countenanced by the Nuncio ibid. The Lord Forbes against Gallway fol. 82 Forces going to strengthen Tredath beaten at Gellingston-bridge fol. 37 Under Col. Venables Hnnks and Reynolds land at Dublin fol. 218 A Fast Proclaimed fol. 38 by the King's Order the 8th of Jan. fol. 54 to be observed Monthly fol. 77 Fitz-Gerald Edict stating his Cause App. 8 The Anniversary Form of Prayer for the 23 of Octob. App. 88 The Fate of those who had egregiously fail'd in their Duty to the King in Limerick fol. 300 Fleetwood goes for Ireland fol. 302 encourages the Sectarians fol. 315 Col. Flower 's Regiment reduced fol. 180 disbanded 225 sent Prisoner to Chester fol. 195 G GAlbreth gives security being found to have made fictitious Matters fol. 152 The Garrisons in Munster revolt to the Parliament fol. 228 Geoghehan's Insolency against the State fol. 293 Gibson takes Carickmam fol. 73 goes into VVickloe fol. 83 Glamorgan's Agency with the Rebels disown'd fol. 145 Gormanston General of the Pale fol. 42 Defects of Government happily correed though Carue in his Annals of Ireland p. 389. will have it that the King promoted One in Ireland Ex mero odio in hibernos ad tantam honoris amplitudinem an Expression like himself The Person having been entire to his Principles and Allegiance fol. 16 18 Several Graces vouchsafed to the Irish fol. 6 Sir Richard Greenvile's good Service in Kilrush Battle fol. 75 at Raconnel fol. 105 Ross fol. 109 H SIr Frederick Hamilton's Service at Mannor Hamilton fol. 88 Ensign Hammond first enters Carrickmain fol. 73 Sir Simon Harcourt arrives at Dublin fol. 52 his Expedition into VVickloe fol. 72 death at Carrickmain fol. 73 The Herauld at Arms barbarously used at Limerick fol. 160 King Henry the Eighth's Censure of the Popish Clergy fol. 301 A High Court of Justice erected in Ireland fol. 303 where first instituted fol. 304 cut not off above two hundred Persons fol. 315 I JEalousies arise in the Lord Lieutenants Army when the Munster Garrisons are delivered up to Cromwell fol. 228 The L. Inchequin appointed President of Munster fol. 89 his carriage at the Battle of Lis●arrel ibid. and the Munster Forces withstand the Gessation fol. 146 his Letter and Declaration to 150 revolt to the Parl. how taken fol. 151 articled against fol. 168 his good Service at Knocknones fol. 187 Letter to the Speaker fol. 188 joyns with the Marquiss of Ormond fol. 190 his Cessation with the Irish fol. 209 Attempts to bring over Jones fol. 209 beats a Party of Jones's Horse fol. 213 routs Col. Chidley Coot ibid. takes Tredagh fol. 214 beats Farrall fol. 215 takes Dundalk ibid. Trim fol. 217 suspecting Cromwell would land in Munster went there fol. 219 is address'd to by the Irish as One acceptable to his Country fol. 245 leaves Ireland fol. 278 his character fol. 278 Instruments of State not to be censured by every Capacity fol. 3 Intermission of Legal Proceedings against the Papists the cause of the Irish Insolencies fol. 1 Quo tempore Carolus VValliae Princeps in Hispania immorabatur omnes Religiosi Ordinis Pontificiae Religionis sibi domicilia pro divino Cultu celebrando Extruxêrunt quae tamen postmodum jussu Regis Vice-comes Faulkland tum Hiberniae Prorex in Coronae profanos usus convertit So belches Carue in his Annals of Ireland fol. 318 Col. Mich. Jones arrives at Dublin fol. 180 is made Governour thereof and Commander of the Lemster Forces ibid. beaten by Preston fol. 186 gains the Battle at Dungan-hill ibid. his good Service with Monk fol. 187 fortifies Dublin fol. 195 sends several suspected into England ibid. his Answer to the L. Lieutenants Letter fol. 209 L. Inchequin's Letter ibid.
inclination the Irish endeavour to delude him * Arthur Annesly Esq. Sir Robert King Sir Robert Meredith Colonel John Moore Colonel Michael Jones who carried over a Regiment of Horse and 1000 Foot and was made Commander in chief of all the Forces within the Province of Leimster and Governor of Dublin who upon his entrance upon the Place found 11 old Regiments of Foot which he reduced to 7. viz. The Earl of Kildare's the Lord Moor's Sir Henry Tichburn Sir John Borlase Jun. Colonel Francis Willoughby Colonel Baily and Flowers in all about 4000. no Recruit being sent to any of them 1647 * Edw. Parry Laonensis Jac. Margetson nunc temporis Armachanus Ben. Culme Anibr Anngier Ja. Sybald Godf. Rhodes Hen. Hall exin Episc Acadensis Jos. War Jo. Brookbank Gilbert Dean Dud. Boswell Rob. Parry Joan. Creighton Can. Edw. Syng exin Ardfertensis Rob. Dickson Rand. Ince Hen. Byrch Rich. Powell The Marquis of Ormond having free access to the King acquaints him of the Impression he had made in many for his Service Some of the Scots being convinc'd of what they had done amiss in his Majesties Service better resolve and encourage the Marquis of Ormond to return into Ireland The subtilty of the Independent Army The Marquis now suspected by the Army Gen. Preston routs Colonel Jones Preston's advance on a design to Dublin * The Lord Digby Dungan-hill Battel the 8. of Aug. 1647. by some term'd Linch-Knock Battel Jones's and Monk's good Service The Battle of Knocknones or Knockness Inchiquin meditates the Alteration of his Party The Marquess of Ormond provides to return into Ireland pre-possessing the Marquess of Clanrickard and the Lord Taaff with the Design The Lord Inchiquin of the same Party 1648. The Nuncio pursued close and then quits the Kingdom Viz. 23. of Feb. 1648 9. An Express of the Nuncio's Behaviour Jones finding Clanrickard active stirs forth and takes in someCastles Several suspected to be for the Marquess of Ormond sent into England Colonel Monk seizes on Carickfergus Some suspicions that the Lord Inchequin would have submitted to the Parliament The Lord Inchequin taken off his inclinations by hopes of greater Honour The Marquis of Ormond's return into Ireland The Marquis of Antrim and the Lord Muskery sent to the Queen and the Prince in France to consider the Confederates Condition The Queen and Prince's Answer His Majesties Answer to the Parliaments Message touching the Lord Lieutenant The Confederates Commissioners come to the Lord Lieutenant at Carrick The Peace of 1648. concluded * Sir Richard Blake Knight The Lord Lieutenant's Speech upon the presenting of the Articles of Peace The LordLieutenant by the Commissioners of Trust infinitely abridged in his Office The Commissioners of Trust. * Thomas Lord Viscount Dillon of Costeloe Lord President of Connaght Donnogh Lord Viscount Muskery Francis Lord Baron of Athunry Alexander MacDonnel Esq Sir Lucas Dillon Knight Sir Nicholas Plunket Knight Sir Richard Barnwal Baronet Geoffry Brown Donnogh Ocallagham Tirlagh O Neal Miles Reily Gerald Fennel Esquires Owen O Neal and Antrim refuse to submit to the Peace The Scots not yet willing to joyn in the Peace The Lord Lieutenant treats with Jones to come in 1649. Inchequin does the like but in-effectually The difficulty the Lord Lieutenant encountred in forming his Army The Lord Lieutenant finds Arms and Money no ways answerable to his expectation The Lord Lieutenant constitutes the Officers of the Army to march against Dublin The Lord Lieutenant begins the Campaign in May but was forced to use his own Credit to begin the service some write but with 8000 Foot and 2000 Horse Dublin resolv'd to be first attempted The Lord Lieutenant appears before Dublin The Lord Inchequin defeats a Party of Jones's Horse sent to Tredagh The Lord Inchequin takes in Tredagh Owen O Neal and the Parliaments Party agree Inchequin routs Farral Takes in Dundalk Colonel Monk dismissed the Parliaments Service Inchequin takes in Trim. Owen O Neal in behalf of the Parliament raises the Siege of Londonderry Sir Charles Coot censured for his compliance with Owen O Neil The Lord Lieutenant upon the view of his Army found it considerable rather to Block up the City than make a Regular Siege Colonel Reynolds Hunks and Venables arrive at Dublin Cromwel accepts of the Lieutenantship The Lord Inchequin suspecting Cromwel might land in Munster went thither A Party sent to fortifie Baggatrath under Purcel * Major General Parcel The Lord Lieutenant's Forces routed at Rathmines The Defeat at Rathmines alter'd Consultations The Lord Lieutenant from Rathmines retires to Kilkenny Colonel Jones besieging Tredath was raised by the Lord Lieutenants coming to Trim. Cromwel lands at Dublin Cromwel gains Tredath by Storm c. * Near Eniscorfy there was a Monastery of Franciscans which upon the approach of the Army quitted the Place and their Provisions very considerable Cromwel takes in Wexford The Lord Lieutenant sought all opportunities to fight Cromwel Carrick taken in The Means the Lord Lieutenant took to reduce O Neal. The Commissioners of Trust dissent from the Lord Lieutenant O Neal dies The Garrisons in Munster revolt to the Parliament The Revolt of the Munster Garrisons begot a Jealousie in the Irish Army Cromwel makes his Attempt upon Waterford but draws off to his Winter-Quarters Cromwel draws off from Waterford goes to Dungarvan Colonel Jones dies about the 18th of Decem. The Lord Lieutenant's Endeavour to impede Cromwel The Lord Lieutenant's gallant Attempt to relieve the Party that went to take in Passage The Lord Lieutenant disappointed in retaking of Carrick and good Service done by Colonel Milo Power The Treachery of Waterford against the Lord Lieutenant His Account of the State of Ireland to the King The Clergy the Fomentors of all mis-conceits against the Lord Lieutenant His desire to clear their suspicions being by their Orders onely met at Kilkenny The Clergies Assembly at Cloanmacnoise whence they intitle their Merits The Deputies of the Counties adjourn to Juni 1650. The Siege of Clonmel Limerick so far from complying as it performed not outward Civility The Assembly appointed at Loghreogh The Citizens of Limericks animosity against the Lord Inchiquin The Citizens of Limerick insinuate to the Lord Inchiquin as much against the Lord Lieutenant as before they did against him The second Assembly at Loghreogh The Lord Lieutenant had license from the King on the disobedience of the Irish to withdraw The Assembly at Loghreogh address to the Lord Lieutenant upon his resolves to leave the Kingdom Wolf's Insurrection Limerick still refractory and contemptious The Bishop of Clogher defeated His Character The Confederate Clergies Resolution to meet at Jamestown The Lord Lieutenants Reply to the Clergies insolent Letter The Clergies Answer The Bishop of Dromore and Doctor Kelly's Negotiation with the Lord Lieutenant The Message from the Bishops being justly resented by the Lord Lieutenant he writes to them to meet him at Loghreoh but they augment their Contempts The Bishops of Jamestown instead of what
p. 1. Jane Hughes p. 2. Eliz. Williams p. 2. All of the County of Monaghan Rob. Aldrich p. 3. C. Monaghan James Gowen p. 2. C. Monaghan Heneragh Beamond p. 1 C. Monaghan Francis Winn C. Fermanagh p. 1. Eliz. Northop C. Monaghan p. 1. Geo. Cottingham C. Monagh p. 1. Hen. Steel C. Monagh p. 1. Bridget Leigh C. Monagh p. 1. Jo. Mongomery C. Monaghan p. 11. Jane Hughes C. Monaghan p. 1. John Martin C. Monaghan p. 1. Eliz. Clerk C. Monaghan p. 1. Geo. Cottingham C. Monaghan Will. Holland C. Monaghan p. 2. John Carpenter Queen's County p. 2. Walter Dishcome Q. C. p. 1. Emanuel Beale Q. C. p. 1. Thomas Berry Q C. p. 1. John Berry Q C. p. 1. Eliz. Baskervile Q. C. p. 2. Thom. Holt Q. C. p. 1 2 3. Elinor Reges Q. C. p. 1. Samuel Ring Q. C. p. 2. Amy Mamphin Q. C. p. 1. Joseph Wheeler Esq. C. Kilk. p. 2. Lieut Hen. Gilbert Q. C. p. 1. William Parkinson Esq. C. Kilkenny p. 4. Joan Bidel of Montrah Edw. Pierson C. Roscommon p. 1. Eliz. Holywell C. Roscommon p. 1. John Dodwell C. Roscommon p. 2 Andr. Adaire Esq. C. Mayo p. 6. Edw. Braxton C. Sligo p. 1. Amy Hawksworth C. Roscommon Ralph Lambert C. Gallway p. 3. Hen. Langford C. Rosc. p. 1 2 3. Rob. Brown C. Rosc. p. 1 2 3. James Brown C. Rosc. p. 1 2 3. Will. Welsh C. Sligo p. 3. John Harrison Esq. C. Sligo p. 1. John Goldsmith Clerk C. Mayo p. 8. Jane Stewart C. Sligo p. 1. as her Examination before Sir George Shurley John Shrawly Clerk C. Sligo p. 1 1. Idem p. 2. Andrew Adaire C. Mayo p. 4. Jane Brown p. 7. John Harrison Esq. p. 1. Hen. Langford C. Rosc. p. 3. Andr. Adaire Esq. C. Mayo p. 4 John Rutledge Sir John Temple's Hist. p. 100. Edw. Banks Clerk p. 1 2. Anne Sherring C. Tipperary p. 1. William Tims C. Tipperary p. 1. John Powell C. Tipperary p. 1. William Tims C. Tipperary Anne Long widow C. Tipperary Examination Gertrude Carlisle C. Tyrone p. 2 3 John Perkins Esq. C. Tyrone p. 1. Anthony Stratford C. Armagh p. 1. Idem Perkins p. 6. Idem Stratford p. 1. Idem Stratford p. 1. Idem p. 2. Idem p. 3. John Naghtin C. Westmeath p. 2 Thomas Fleetwood Clerk C. Westmeath p. 6 7 8. Thom. Hollway C. Wickloe Will. Leeson C. Wickloe p. 1. Eliz. Leeson C. Wickloe p. 1. Anne Hill C. Catherlagh p. 1. The Conspirators joy'd at the coming in of the Scots dejected at their going out from Newcastle The Irish before their grand Eruption borrowed what they could of the English * Christopher Wendisford Esq. Powder otherwise then by such little Quantities not to be parted with so ordered by the State † See the History f. 20. * A Favour not the first of that kind The English Papists charg'd with the knowledge of the Irish Rebellion The Gentry besides those of Ulster accused It is a known Truth that though he took not the Castle yet all his Horses in the Stable were both ready furnished and in good equipage which by several was observ'd and wonder'd at * As is evident in the History f. 63. Reasons why the Rebels assumed Arms. Paul O Neil a prime Instrument in the Rebellion How the King and Queen came to be charg'd with the Rebellion Reasons why the Queen not to be nam'd Sir Neil's Motives to the Rebellion * Commissions however so large without the title of O Neil not satisfactory † The Vanity Sir Phelim was heightned with The perfidiousness of the City Aldermen to the State Sir Neil's carriage at Strabane The Earl of Antrim expected to have joyn'd with Sir Phelim O Neil The Reasons why Antrim complied not Mrs. May of Dublin Sir Phelim's Intelligencer Monroe's Neglect The last that suffered were those who had complied 154000 slaughtered by the Priests estimate The Scots destroyed Sir Phelims design to have cut off Dr. Bramhall Bp. of Derry The Deponents Brother murther'd and his Wife drown'd Watson roasted alive Others barbarously murther'd Cruelties to Beasts Echline and his Son constant in the Faith Sir Phelim's Mother charitable Captain Hovenden's good Service The Protestants trusting to Convoys were betray'd Some sensible of the Protestants condition Dead women abused One not able to stir forced to eat grass Some burned alive Drown'd at Portadown Bridge Drown'd in other places Apparitions of those flung over Portadown Those of the Pale cruel * How this was resented see the History f. 69. Cruelties in which their children were encouraged
of Tyrone and King of Ireland But the Deponent professeth in verbo Christiani he did never pledge that Health although sometimes he fled it with hazard of his life if he had been observed And this Deponent further saith That Art oge O Neil his eldest Son whose name if it be not Art he hath forgotten now and of a long time a Captain and one of the stoutest Rebels in the County of Armagh was as he told the Deponent in Dublin at School and dieted at an Aldermans house whose name he also doth not remember in the beginning of the rebellion and that being found in Dublin the Alderman aforesaid became bound at Council-board in one thousand pounds for his forth-coming but afterwards seeing how business sorted he came unto this young man and said Boy get you gone and shift for your self Alas saith he Sir you are bound for me in one thousand pounds No matter Boy said he I must loose that and many thousands more whereupon he faith he fled upon foot and escaped to the Army about Drogheda that same night And further saith That in May 1642. Captain Walter White told Edward Bleeke an Englishman and the Deponent in Hovenden's Garden that amongst others Roger Moore or Moore and Bryan O Neil were designed to take and man the Postern door of the Castle of Dublin and that he was in Dublin and himself of the Plot that told them this of his own knowledge It may be enquired if there were any more Bryan O Neils in Town at that time then one the Deponent durst not ask what Bryan he meant And further saith That Tirlogh oge O Neil told him in Armagh three or four days before the Irish Army went to Strabane that the Lady of Strabane had by Letters invited Sir Phelim thither assuring that the Town should be betrayed unto him or yielded he knoweth not whether And Sir Phelim himself at his return from taking Strabane told him the same over again yet he said when he came to the Castle to avoid suspicion they shot ten or twelve shots over him He told the Deponent likewise that nothing withstood his present marriage with the said Lady but the want of a Dispensation impetiable from their Lord Primate for a Vow which she made not to marry for three years to come He said also That at his entrance into the Castle the Ladies Priest a Scotch Jesuit exacted and ministred an Oath unto him that he and those his noble Cavaliers came thither for the propagation of the Catholick Faith and not in any way to violate the Lady since it is reported very credibly that they are married Captain Alexander Hovenden told the Deponent that when Sir Phelim brought her to Kynard from her own Castle of Strabane she did pray him to burn and raze it least thereafter it might be useful to the Scots and was of opinion Sir Phelim did very ill in neglecting so good advice The Deponent and the rest of the Brittish expected much favour by her means but immediately after her coming to these parts the Sword was let fly whether at her intreaty or not the Deponent cannot affirm More the Deponent hath heard but because it is not Treason and she is a Lady nobly descended he will not publish it And further the Deponent saith That in March last a Footman of the Earl of Antrims was denied lodging as was reported by Mrs. Hovenden Sir Phelim's mother which gave much occasion of Discourse in the Country and that he heard Dr. Daly say That Sir Phelim would never have undertaken the Province of Ulster if he had not been perswaded that the said Earl would have taken up Arms as soon as himself and he himself hath heard others say that his approbation of the business was as much as theirs but that when it came to Action he durst not shew his face in the field for fear of discomposing his clothes And that Owen mac Clymon at his parting from the Earl in March last as himself reported to divers in the Country told him that the common Cause suffered by his Non-concurrence But he replied The business was already spoiled especially in Ulster by bloodshed and robbery and that he would not declare himself either one way or other until after May-day following And the Deponent hath heard many of the Rebels call Sir Phelim a Confident of the Earls for letting him go when he was taken Prisoner by the Captain of Charlemont saying That he deserved to loose his Head for some words he spake going through Armagh about the last of April or first of May last viz. That he saw nothing amongst them but desolation and execrable cruelty for which God's wrath and the King 's just revenge hung over their heads and would very speedily overtake them As he rode through the Parish of Derenoose he would very gladly although the Deponent is a stranger unto him have seen him the said Deponent but could not procure the Friars Guides to send a messenger for him they were afraid as some of them told him afterwards that he would have rescued the Deponent but he the Deponent thinketh they more feared least he might have laboured to divert his Lordship from joyning with them which was then presently expected so that a man can see no part of This Tragedy wherein there is not a Devil or a Friar or both And the Deponent further saith That he was certainly informed by the chief of the O Donnellies and O Donnellies and O Lappans and many others whereof some were very near unto Sir Phelim and it is generally reported in those parts where the Deponent lived that Mrs. May Widow to Mr. Edward May late of Dublin a meer Irish woman whom the General long kept for his fancy and thereafter married out of Conscience is and was ever since the Rebellion began Sir Phelim's chief and unsuspected Intelligencer that he addressed all his Packets sent to Dublin unto her and by her means and for the most part by Owen mac Clymon aforesaid and other of her Servants received Answers perhaps the truth may be found out by suddain search for Letters or unexpected examination of her and her Servants apart And also saith that he hath heard many of the Rebels say amongst themselves that they feared nothing so much as the corrupting and spoiling of their Harvest and that if G. M. Monroe had put three thousand men in the Towns of Armagh Dungannon and Monaghan before they were burnt he had made himself absolute Master of all the Corn in the three Counties without which they could not possibly subsist this Winter And saith moreover That Sir Phelim O Neil his deputed Lieutenants and Governours in all their Commissions Passes and Warrants leave out these words in his Majesties name yet if any be tendred by the Brittish in the old stile they seldom except against them de nomine and as seldom sign them And the Deponent also saith that