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A23592 Tabula; Chronicles of England. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. English. Selections.; Trevisa, Johncd. 1402. 1502 (1502) STC 9997; ESTC S121402 469,099 377

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yaue to the kynge a thousande marke of syluer ¶ Whan kynge Henry had be kynne .xliij. yere the same yere he his lordes erles barons of the reame wente to Oxforde and ordeyned a lawe in amendement of the reame And fyrst swore the kynge hymlself afterwarde alle the lordes of the londe that they wolde holde that statute for euermore and who that them brake sholde be deed But the seconde yere after that that ordynaūce the kynge thrugh counseyll of Edwarde his sone of Rycharde his brother that was erle of Cornewaylle also of other repented hym of that othe that he had made for to holde that lawe ordynaūce And sente to the courte of Rome to be assoylled of that othe And in the yere next comynge after was the grete darth of come in Englonde For a qurter of whete was worth .xxiiij. shelynges And the poore people ete netles and other wedes for hungre And deyed many a thousande for defawte of mete ¶ And in the .xlviij. yere of kynge Henryes regne began warre and debate bytwene hym and his lordes for by cause that he had broken the couenauntes that were made bytwone them at Oxforde ¶ And the same yere was y● towne of Northampton taken and folke slayne that were within for by cause that they had ordeyned wylde fyre for to brenne the cyte of London ¶ And in the moneth of Maye that came next after vpon saynt Pancras daye was the batayll of Lewes that is to saye the Wenesdaye before Saynt Dunstans daye And there was taken kynge Henry hym self syr Edwarde his sone Rychar de his broder erle of Corne wayll many other lordes And in the same yere nexte sewynge syr Edwarde the kynges sone brake out of the warde of syr Symonde of Moūtforth erle of Leycetre at Hert forde wente vnto the barons of the Marche they receyued hym with moche honour ¶ And the same tyme Gilbert of Claraūce erle of Glocetre that was in the warde also of y● forsayd Symonde thorugh the cōmaundement of kynge Henry that wente fro hym with a grete herte for cause that he sayd that the forsayd Gilbert was a foole wherfore he ordeyned hym afterwarde so helde hym with kyng Henry ¶ And on the Saterdaye next after the myddes of August syre Edwarde the kynges sone dyscomfyted syr Symonde de Mountforth at Kelyngworth but the grete lordes that were there with hym were taken that is to saye Baldewyne Wake Willyam de Moūchensye many other grete lordes And the Tewysdaye next after was y● batayll done at Eushā And there was slayne syr Symonde de Moūtforth Hugh the Spenser Moūt forth that was Rauf Bassettes fader of Draiton and other many grete lordes And whan this bataylle was done alle the gentylmen that had ben with the erle Symonde were dysheryted ordeyned togyder dyde moche harme to all the londe For they destroyed theyr enmyes in all that they myght ¶ Of the syege of Kenylworth how the gentylmen were dysheryted thorugh counseyll of the lordes of the reame of Englonde and how they came agayne and had theyr londes ANd the nexte yere comynge in May the fourth daye before the frest of saynt Dunstane was the batayle scomfyture at Chestrefelde of them that were dysheryted there was many of theym slayne ¶ And Robert Erle of Feriers there was taken also Baldewyne Wake Iohn oclahay with moche sorowe escaped thens And on saynt Iohans cue the Baptyst tho sewynge began y● syege of the castell Kenilworth the syege lasted to saynt Thomas eue y● apostle in whiche daye syr Hugh Hastynge had the castel for to kepe that yelded vp the castell vnto the kyng in this manere that hymself the other that were within the castell sholde haue theyr lyues lȳme as moche thynge as they had therin both hors harneys four dayes of respyte for to delyuer clenly the castell of themself of all other maner thynge as they had within the castell so they went fro the castell And syr Symonde Moūtforth the yonger the coūtesse his moder were gone ouer the see in to Fraunce there helde them as people that were exyled out of Englonde for euer ¶ And soone after it was ordeyned by the Legate Octobone by other greate lordes the wysest of Englonde that all tho that had be ayenst the kyng and were dysheryted sholde haue ayen theyt londes by greuous raūsons after that it was ordeyned And thus they were accorded with the kyng peas cryed th●●ughout all Englonde and thus the warre was ended And whan it was done the Legate toke his leue of the kyng of the quene of the g●rate lordes of Englonde went tho to Rome the .lv. yere of kynge Henryes regne and Edwarde kynge Iohns sone of Brytayne Iohan Vessi Thomas of Clare Rogere at Cly●●orde Othes of 〈◊〉 Robert le Bru● Iohan of Verdon and many other lordes of Englonde of be yonde the see tooke they waye towarde y● hooly londe And y● kyng Henry deyed in the same tyme att Westmestre what he had regned .lv. yere .xix. wekes on saynt Edmonds daye the Archebysshop of Caslterbury And he was enteryd on saynt Edmondes daye the kyng in the yere of the Incarnacyon of our lorde Iesu Cryste M.CC.lxxij ¶ Prophecye of Merlyn of the kynge Henry the fyrste erpowned that was kynge Iohans sone ANd of this Henry prophecyed Merlyn and sayd that a lamb● sholde come out of Wynchestre in y● 〈◊〉 re of the Incarnacyon of our lorde Ihesu Cryste M.CC. and .xvi. with true lyppes holynesse wryten in his herte● And he sayd so the for y● good Henry the kynge was borne in Wynchestre in the yere abouesayd he spake good wordes swete was an holy man of good conseyence And Merlyn sayd that this Henry sholde make the fayrest place of the worlde that in his tyme sholde not be fully ended he sayd soth For he made the newe werke of y● abbaye of saynt Peters chirche att Westmestre that is fayrer of syght than ony other place y● ony man knoweth thorugh out all ●ystendom But kynge Henry deyed are that werke were fully at an ende that was grete harme ¶ And yet sayd Merlyn that this lambe sholde haue peas the moost parte of his regne And he sayde full soth for he was neuer noyed thorugh warre neyther dyseased in no manere wyse tyll a lytell afore his dethe Merlyn sayd in his prophecye more in the regne ende of the fursayd la●● be a wulf of a straunge londe shall do● hym moche har●●● tho●●gh his 〈◊〉 And that he sholde at y● laste be mayste● thorugh helpe of a reed foxe that sholde come forth of the Northwest sholde hȳ ouercome And that he sholde dryue hȳ out of the water y● prophecye full well was knowen For within a lytell tyme or the kynge deyed Symonde of
Moūtforde erle of Leycetre that was borne in Fraūce began ayenst hym stronge warre thrugh whiche doynge many a good bacheler destroyed was deyed dyshe ryted ¶ And whan kynge Henry had the byctory at Eusham Symond the erle was slayne thorugh helpe myght of Gilbert of Clare erle of Glocetre that was in kepynge warde of the forsayd Symonde thrugh ordynaunce of kyng Henry that wente ayen vnto the kynge with moche power Wherfor the forsayd Symonde was destroyed and that was grete harme to the comyns of Englonde that soo good a man was slayne for the trouth deyed in charyte for the comyn profyte of the same folke therfore almyghty god for hym hath syns shewed many a fayre myracle to dyuers men wȳmen of the spkenesse dysease that they haue had for the loue of hym ¶ And Merlyn also sayd in his prophecye that after that tyme the lambe sholde lyue no whyle thenne his seed sholde be in straunge londe without ony pasture and he sayd soth for kynge Henry lyued no whyle after y● Symonde Moūt forde was slayne that kynge Henry ne deyed anone after hym And in the meane tyme syr Edwarde his sone that was the best kynge of the worlde of honour was tho in the holy londe gate there Acres And in that coūtree he begate there vpon dame Elenore his wyf Iohan of Acres his doughter that afterwarde was countesse of Glocetre made suche a vyage in the holy londe that alle the worlde spake of his knyghthode euery man dradde hym hye lowe thorugh out alle crystendome as the s●orye of hym telleth as after warde ye shall here more openly ¶ And from the tyme that kyng Henry deyed tyll that syr Edwarde was crowned kyng all the grete lordes of Englond were as faderles childern withoute ony socoure that theym myght mayntene gouerne and defende ayenst theyr deedly enmyes ORegorius the .ix. was pope after Honorius this man canonysed many sayntes defended myghtely the chirche ayenst Frederyk therfore he toke many prelates two Cardynalles the whiche wente to coūseyll ayenst hym This pope was segyd in the cyte of Rome by the Emperour he sawe the Romayns were corrupte by the moneye of the Emperour Thenne he toke in his honde the heedes of the appostles Peter Poule went with processyon fro the chirche of saynt Iohan Latranence to saynt Peters chirche ¶ And so he gate the hertꝭ of the Romayns the Emperour went fayr awaye fro y● cyte This pope made frere Ianond to compyle the fyue bolres of Decretales of many pystles decrees And after with many trybulacyons of this tyraunt other he decessyd and wente to heuen ¶ Celestinus the fourth was pope after Gregoriꝰ almoost a moneth he was in his lyfe in his connynge laudable And he was an olde man a feble decessyd there was no pope after hym almoost a .xij. month ¶ Innocenciꝰ the fourth was pope after hym almoost .xi. yere .vi. monethes this man canonysed many sayntes Frederyk the Emperour he deposyd cursyd as enmye vnto god in the thyrde yere that he was made pope he was holpe by the Ianuencꝭ ¶ Thenne was Henry the sixt chosen Wyllyam by the popes commaundement ayenst Frederyk that one after an other but chey preuayled not to ouercome his tyrāny for he was ouermyghty ne these were not crowned for they dece●●yd anone ¶ Thomas de Aquine an holy doctour Albertus magnus the bysshop of Ratisponens Eustacius Bonauenture a deuoute doctour were this tyme the whiche destroyed moche heresye enfected by the Emperour ¶ Alexander was pope after Innocencius .viij. yere lytell of hym is wryten ¶ Vrbanꝰ was after hȳ thre yere thre monethes this man dro ue awaye the hoste of the Sarrasyns by men marked with the crosse the whiche Maufred had sente ayenst the chirche And the pope toke the kyngdom of Cecyle to the kynges brother of Fraunce that he sholde fyght with Maufrede thenne he decessyd And Maufrede after lost his lyf his kyngdom by Karolus ¶ Alphonsus the kynge of Castell Rychardes brother to the kynge of Englonde erle of Cornewayle were chosen Emperours after the longe vacacyon of the Empyre for the chesers of the Emperour were dyuyded in sondre there was grete stryfe many yere At the laste decessyd Rycharde Alphonsus came amye afore Gregoriꝰ the .ix. by the sygne of peas vtterly renounced all his tytle of the Empyre and he had ony for he was a very wytty man a noble astronomer and his tables ben very famous the whiche he made for they be compendyous ¶ Clemens the fourth was pope after Vrbanꝰ .iij. yere .ix. monethes this Clemens was an holy man sayd thrugh the spyryte of prophecy that the enmyes of the chirche sholde perysshe as the smoke And it is to be byleued y● god sessyd the trybulacyons of the chirche thorugh his merytes This man afore had a wyf and childern and whan he was preest after bysshop he was sente in to Englond Legate and he no thynge knowynge was chosen pope and after decessyd bledssydly for his vertuous lyuynge ¶ Gregoriꝰ the .x. was 〈◊〉 after hym foure yere after he was made 〈◊〉 for the desyre that he had to the holy londe the whiche he entended to vysyte personally at Lodun̄ in Fraūce he made a solempne counseyll in the whiche the coūseyll of the Grekes the Tartars were there the Grekꝭ promysed to be refout med by the vnyte of the chirche And the Tartars were but a lytell afore baptysed promysed the same And there were gadred .vi. C. bysshops M. prelates therfore a certayne man sayd Gregorius gadred togrder all kynde of people And there was decreed that all persans vycaryes sholde be called preest no prelates that no man sholde assygne his tythes to what chirche he wolde as they dyde afore But they sholde be payde to his moder chirche And he dampned the pluralyte of benefyces deyed a blessyd man ¶ Innocenciꝰ the .v. was after hym .v. monethes lytell he dyde ¶ Adrianꝰ was after hym 00 moneth dyde lesse ¶ Iohs the .xxi. was after hȳ viij monethes he was in dyuers scyences a famous man but in maners a fole decessyd anone ¶ Nicholaus the thyrde was pope after Iohn 00 yere This man was in his dayes in buyldyng a noble man well gouerned the cyte all his dayes y● seconde yere he decessyd ¶ Radulphꝰ was Emperour .xviij. yere this man was erle of Hanebrugh a wyse mā in armes noble victoryous was chosen at Basyle And he toke the crosse on hȳ for the holy londe Thimperya● blessynge he had not but the pope alowed the eleceyon for fauour of the holy londe ¶ Anno dm̄ M.CC.lxxiiij MArtinus the .iiij. was 〈◊〉 after Nicholaꝰ iiij yere this man was a grete louer of relygyous men
for hostage were thenne beheeded ¶ Of the Conquest of Berwyke SO whan the twoo Cardynalles were gone agayne into Fraunce for to trete of the peas of Cambroy the kynge sent thether of his Erles and barons That is to saye syr Edmonde his broder erle of Lancastre of Lecetre syr Henry Lacy erle of Nicholl wyllya● Vessy Baron and of other baronettes abowte .xiii. of the best and wysest of englonde ¶ And in the same tyme the kȳge Edwarde toke his vyage to Scotlonde for to were vpon Iohn̄ Baylol kynge of Scotlonde ¶ And syr Robert Roos of Berewyk fledde fro the Englyshmen And wente to the Scottes And kȳge Edwarde wente hym towarde Barwyk and besegyd the towne And thoo that were within manly them defended and sette a fyre and brente two of kynge Edwarde shyppes and sayd in dyspyte and repreyf of hym wenyth kynge Edwarde with his longe shankys too haue gete Berewyk all our vnthankes gas pykes hym and whan he has doon gas dykes hym whan kynge Edwarde herde this scorne anone thrugh his myghtynesse be passed ouer the dyches and assaylled the towne and came to the ya●es and gate and conquered the towne and thrughe his gratyous power slewe xxv thousād .vij. hondred scottes kȳ ge Edward lost no man of renoune sauffyr Rychard of Cornewayle hym kylled a Flemynge out of the redde halle with a quarell as the forsayde Rycharde dyd of his helme and commaunded theym for to yelde them put them in the kȳges grace and the Scottes wolde notte wherfore that halle was brent and caste downe all tho that were therin were brent and kynge Edwarde lost no moo men at that vyage of symple estate but .xxvii. englysshmen And the wardeyn of the castell yaue vp the keyes of the castel wythout ony assawte And there was taken syr wyllyam Douglas Symond Frysell and the erle patryk yeldyd them to the peas But Ingham of Humlresmylle Robert the Brus that were wyth kynge Edwarde forsoke kynge Edwarde helde with the Scottes And afterwarde they were taken put into prysō And thoo lete kynge Edwarde close in Berewyk with walles with dyches after Robert Rous went to Tyndale set wuyerbrydge a fyre Exham Lamerstok and slew robbyd the folke of y● coūtre And after that he went fro thens to Dunbatre And the fyrst wenesdaye of Marche the kynge sent the erle of Garenne syr Hugh Percy and syre Hughe Spenser with a fayre company for too besege the castell But one that was called syr Rycharde Sywarde a traytoure and a fals man ymagyned for to begyle the Englysshemen And sente too the Englysshmen theym for to desceyue sayd That he wolde yelde to theym the castell yf they wolde graunte them .viii dayes of respyte that he myght sende telle too Syr Iohan Baylol that was kynge of Scotlonde howe his men fared that were within the castell ¶ And sende hym worde but yf he wolde remene the sege of the Englysshe men that they wolde yelde the castell vntoo the englysshe men ¶ The messenger thoo came to syr Iohn̄ Baylol that thoo was kynge of Scotlonde where that he was with his hooste and the messengre told hym alle the caas And syre Iohn̄ toke his hoste and came on the morowe erly towarde the castell and syr Rycharde sywarde sawe hym come that was mayster of the counsell keper of the castell sayd vntoo the Englysshmen Osayd he nowe I se a fayre company well appareylled I woll go ayenste theym and with them too mete and theym assaylle And syr Hugh Spenser sawe the falsnesse of hym and the treason and sayde to hym O traytour take and proue your falsnesse shall not auaylle you And hughe Spencer cōmaunded anone to bynde hym and all in hast went ayenst ther enmyes slewe of y● Scottes .xxii. thou sande For the Scottes had y● tyme noo man wyth them of honour sauf Patryk Graham that manly foughte longe and at the last he was slayne And thoo sayd the Englysshmen in repreyf of the Scottes Thyse scaterande Scottes holde I for scottes of wrenches vnware Erly in a mornynge in an euyll tymynge wente ye fro Dunbare ¶ As tho y● ware within the castell sawe y● scomfyture they yelded vp the castell vnto y● Englysshemen and bounde theyr bodyes godes and castels to kynge Edwarde And so there were take in that castell thre erles vii barons and .xxxviii. knyghtes .xi. clerkes and .vii. Pycardys all were presentyd to kynge Edwarde And he sent them to y● towre of Londō to be kept ¶ Howe kynge Edwarde of his greate grace delyuerede ayen the Scottes oute of pryson that were cheyftayns of that londe and they drew them to the Frensshemen thrugh couseyll of wyllyam waleys AS kynge Edwarde had made tho an ende of the werre takē the cheyfteyns of Scotlonde thoo came syr Iohn̄ Baylol yelded hym vnto kȳ ge Edwarde put hym in his grace he was ledde to London whan kynge Edwarde was come thether they were brought before hym And the kynge axyd how they wolde make amendes of y● trespaas and losse y● they hadde doon to hym they put heym in his mercy Lordynges sayd y● kynge I wyll not of your londes ne your goodes but I wyll y● ye make to me an othe vpon goddys body to be true te me neuer after this tyme ayenst me bere armys And all they consentyd to the kynges wyll swore vpon goddys body That is to saye syr Iohn̄ of Comyn y● erle of y● Strathorn y● Erle of Carryk also four bysshops vndertoke for all y● clergye so y● kynge delyuerd them yaue them sauf conduyt to go into ther owne londe And it was not longe afterward y● they nearyse ayē kynge Edwarde for cause y● they wyste well y● kynge Edwarde folke was take in Gsacoyne as before is sayd But syr Iohn̄ Baylol kynge of Scotlonde wyst well y● his londe sholde haue sorow and shame for theyr falsnesse And in haste went hym ouer see to his owne londes there he helde hym and came neuer ayē wherfore the Scottes chose vnto they re kynge wyllyam waleys a rybaude and an harlot comen vp of nought and moche harme dyd to the Englysshmen and kynge Edward thought how he myght haue delyueraunce of his people y● were take in Gascoyne And in hast went hȳ ouer these in Flaundres for to werre vppon the kynge of Fraunce And the erle of Flaundres receyued hym with moch honoure graūtyd hym alle his londys at his owne wyll And whan y● kynge of Fraūce herde tell y● the kynge of Englōde was aryued in Flaundres and came with a grete power hym for to dystroye he prayed hym of trewto for two yere so that the Englysshe marchauntes and also Frenche myghte saufly go come in bothe sydes The kyng Edward geaunted it so that he muste haue his men out of pryson y● were in
before hym into Scotlonde syr Aymer the valaūce erle of Penbroge syr Henry Percy baron with a fayre company y● pursewed the Scottes brente townes castels and afterwarde came the kynge hymself with erles and barons a fayre company ¶ How Robert Brus was dyscōfyted in bataylle howe Symonde Fryselle was slayne THe Fryday next before the Ass●s̄cyon of our lady kynge Edwar de mette Robert Brus besyde saynt Iohans towne in Scotlonde with his cō pany of the whiche company kyng Edwarde slewe .vij. thousande whan Robert Brus sawe this myscheyf he begā to flee hydde hym that no man myghte hym fynde But syr Symonde Frysell pursewed hym sore so y● he torned aren aboode bataylle for he was a worthy knyghte and a bolde of body And then glysshmen pursewed euer sore in euerye syde slewe the stede that syr Symonde rode vpon they toke hym lad hym vnto the hoste And syr Symonde begā for to flatre speke fayre and sayd lordes I shall yeue you four thousand marke of syluer myn hors harneys and all myn armoure become a begger Tho answerd Theobaude of Peuenes y● was the kynges archere Now so god me helpe it is for noughte y● thou spekeste For all the golde in Englonde I wolde not lete y● go with oute cōmaūdement of kyng Edwarde tho was he had vnto kynge Edward the kynge wolde not se hym but cōmaūded to lede hym away to haue his dome atte London on our ladies eue Natiuite he was hanged drawe his heed smyte of hangyd ayen with chey●es of yren vpon the galowes And his heede was set vpon London brydge vpon a sperr● ayenst Crystemasse the bodye was brente bycause that the men that kepte y● body by nyght they saw so many deuyls rampynge with grete yrē hokes rennȳge vpon y● galowes horrible tormēted y● body many y● thē sawe anone after they deyed for drede some wexed mad or sore syknes they had and in that batayll was take the bysshop of Baston the bysshop of saynt Andrewes and the abbot of Sconne all armyd with yren as men of armes as fals traytours and fals prelates ayenste theyr othe And they were brought to the kyng and the kynge sente them vnto the pope of Rome that he sholde do with theym what his wyll were ¶ How Iohn̄ therle of Alethes was taken and put to dethe ANd at that bataylle fled syr Iohan erle of Alethes wente to a chyrche and there hydde hym for drede but he myght haue there noo refute for cause that the chirche was enterdyted thrugh a generall sentence and in y● same chirche he was taken And this sir Iohn̄ went well too haue scaped fro the dethe for cause that he claymed kynred of kynge Edwarde And the kynge wolde no lēger be bytrayed of his traytours but sent hym to london in haste there was hangyd and his heed smyt of and his body brent all to asshes But at the prayer of the quene Margarete for cause that he claymed of kynge Edwarde kynrede his drawynge was foryeue hȳ ¶ How Iohn̄ that was wyllyam waleys brother was put to dethe AS the gretteste maysters of scotlonde were thus doon to euyll dethe and destroyed for theyr falsnesse Iohan that was wyllyam waleys brother was take and doon vnto deth as syr Iohan erle of Alehes was ¶ How Robert the Brus fled from scotlonde to Northway ANd at that same tyme was Robert y● Brus moche hated amonge the people of Scotlonde soo that he wyste not what he was beste to do and for to hyde hym he went to Norway to the kynge that had spousyd his syster there helde hym socour for to haue and Robert the Brus myght not be founde in Scotlonde So kynge Edwarde tho lete crye his peas thrugh out all the londe and his lawes were vsyd his mynystrys serued thrugh out all the londe ¶ Howe kynge Edwarde deyed SO as kynge Edwarde had abatyd his enemyes turned southwarde and sykned at Burgh vpon sande in the marche of scotlonde and callyd too hym Henry Lacy erle of Nichol. syrguy erle of warwyk syr Aylmer erle of Penbroke and syr Robert of Clyfforde baron and prayed theym vpon the fayth y● they hym ought that they sholde make Edwarde of Carnaruan kynge of Englonde assone as they myghte And that they sholde not suffre Peers of Ganaston come agayne into Englonde for to make his sone to ryot and they graunted hym with good wyll And the kynge toke his sacrament of holy chirche as a good Crysten man sholde and deyed in repentaunce and whan he had ben kynge .xxxv. yere he deyed and was buryed at westmestre with moche solempnyte Vpon whose soule god haue mercy ¶ Of Merlyns prophecyes that were declared of kynge Edwarde that was kyng Henryes sone OF this kynge Edwarde prophecyed Merlyn and called hym a dragon the seconde of y● .vi. kynges y● sholde regne in Englonde and sayde that he sholde be medled with mercy and also with strenth and sternesse that sholde kepe Englonde from colde and hete And that he sholde opene his mouthe toward walys and that he sholde sette his foote in wyk that he sholde close with walwes that sholde do moche harme to his sede And he sayd sothe for the good kȳge Edwarde was medled with mercye and with fyersnesse with mercy ayenste his enmyes of walys after of Scotlōde w●th fyernesse whan he put them to dethe for ther falsnesse traytoursly as they had deserued And well keped he englonde from colde heet syth he kept it from all maner of enmyes that ran vppon hym to do hym ony wronge ¶ And well he opened his mouth towarde walys made it quake thrughe hydour of his mouthe whan he conqueryd it thrughe dynt of swerd For the prynce Lewelyn Dauyd his brother Ris and Morgan were put to deth thrugh theyr falsnesse and theyr foly And he sette his fote into wyk conquerd Berwyk at the whiche conquest were slayne .xxv. thousande .vii hondred out take suche as were brent in the redde halle ¶ And the walles that he lete make shall be noyous vnto his sede as men shall here after in y● lyf of syr Edward of Carnaruan his sone And yet sayd merlyn that he shold make ryuers ren in blood with brayne y● semyd well in his werres ther as he had y● maystry And yet Merlyn sayd y● ther sholde come a people out of y● northwest durynge y● regne of y● forsayd dragon y● shold be lad by an yll greyhoūde that shold the dragon crowne kynge that afterward shold fle ouer y● se for drede of the dragō without comynge ayen y● was proued by syr Iohn̄ Baylol that kynge Edwarde made to be kynge of Scotlōde y● falsly arose ayenst hym after he fled to his owne londꝭ of Fraūce neuer he came ayen in to Scotlonde for drede of kyng Edwarde And yet
the ●ea me haddthym in dyspyte for his grete berynge wherfore syr Henry Lacy erle of Nicholl syr Guy erle of warwyk the whiche grete lordes the good kynge Edwarde syr Edwardes fader kyng of Englonde chargyd that Peers of Ganaston sholde not come into Englonde for to brynge his sone Edwarde intory of And all the lordes of Englonde assēble● he in a certayn day at the free●pre chers at London And there they spake of the dyshonour that kynge Edwarde dyd to his reame and to his crowne and so they assentyd all bothe erles and barons and all the comyne that the forsa yd Peers of Ganaston sholde be exyled oute of Englonde for euer more and so it was doon For he forswore Englond and went into Irlonde and there the kȳge made hym cheyfteyne and gouernoure of the londe by his commyscion And there this Peers was cheyfteyne of alle the londe And dyd there all that hym likyd and had power what he wolde and that tyme were the templers erylyd thru all cristiantee for bycause that men put vpon theym that they shold do thynges ayenst the fayth and good byleue Kyng Edwarde louyd Peers of Ganaston so moche that he myght not forbere his cōpany And somoche the kynge yaue and behyghte too the people of Englonde y● the exylynge of the forsayd Peers sholde be reuokyd at Stamforde thrugh them that hym had exyled wherfore Peers of Ganaston came ayen into Englonde And whan he was come ayen into his lōde he dyspysed the grettest lordes of this londe And callyd syr Robert Clare Et le of Glouce●re horesone And the Erle of Nicholl syr Henry Lacy brustenbely and syr Guy Erle of Warwyk the blacke hounde of Arderne And also he callyd the noble Erle Thomas of Lancastre churle and many other scornes and shamys them sayd and many other grete lordes of Englonde wherfore they were towarde hym full angry and wrothe and ryghtsore anoyed And in the same tyme deyed the Erle of Nychall But he chargyd or that he was deed Thomas of Lancastre Erle that was his sone in law that he sholde mayntene his quarel ayenste this same Peers of Ganaston vpon his blessynge ¶ And soo it befell thoroughe helpe of the erle Thomas of Lancastre and also of the Erle of Warwyk y● the forsayd syr Peers was herdes at gauersich beside warwyk in y● xix day of Iune in the were of grace M.CCC and .xii. wherfore the kynge was sore anoyed and prayed god that he myght se that day to be auenged vpon the deth of of the forsayd Peers ¶ And so it befell afterwarde as ye shall here Alas the tyme for the forsayd erle of Lancastre many other grete barons were putte to pyteuous deth and martred for cause of the forsayd quarell The kynge was tho at London helde a parlement ordeyned y● lawes of Symonde Moūforde wherfore y● erle of Lancastre the erles all clergye of Englonde made an oth thrugh coūseyle of Robert of wynchelse for to mayntene y● ordynaūces for euer ¶ How Roberte Brus came ayen intoo Scotlonde gadryd a grete power of men for werre vpon kynge Edwarde ANd whan syr Robert the Brus that made hym kynge of Scotlonde that before was fledde into Norway for drede of dethe of the good kynge Edwarde And also he herde of y● debate that tho was in Englonde bytwene the kynge and his lordys he ordeyned an hoste and came into Englonde in to Northumberlonde and cleue dystroyed the countre ¶ And whan kynge Edwarde herde this tydynges he lete assemble his hoste met y● Scottes at Edstreuelyn in y● day of y● Natiuite of saynt Iohn̄ Baptist in y● thirde yere of his regne in y● yere of our lorde M.CCC .xiiij. Alas y● sorowe losse that there was doon For there was slayne y● noble erle Gylbert of clare syr Robert Clyfforde barō the kynge Edwarde was scomfytyd Edmond of maule y● kyngꝭ Steward for drede went drowned hymself in a fresshe ryuer y● is callyd Bānokysborne wherfore they sayd in represys of kynge Edwarde for asmoche as he louyd to go by water also for he was dyscomfyted at Bānokysborne therfore the maydēs made a songe therof in y● coūtree of kȳge Edwarde in this manere they sōge Maydens of Englond sore may ye morne for tyzt haue lost your lēmans at bānokysborne with heuelogh what wenyth y● kynge of Englond to haue gote Scot londe with rombylogh AS kynge Edwarde was dyscoz fyted wonder sore fast he fled with his folke y● were left alyue went vnto Berwyk there helde hym after he toke hostages two chyldren of the rychesse of y● towne And y● kynge went to London toke coūseyll of thynges y● were nedefull to y● reame of Englonde ¶ And in the same tyme it befell y● tho was in Englonde a rybande y● was callyd Iohn̄ Tanner And he yede sayd y● he was y● good kynge Edwardes sone lete hym call Edward of Carnartuā And therfore he was take at Oxforde And there he chalenged frere Carmes chirche y● kynge Edwarde had yeue thē whiche was y● kynges halle And afterwarde was this Iohn̄ lad to Northamp ton drawen hangyd for his falsnesse or y● he was deed he cōfessyd sayd before all tho that were there y● y● deuyll behyght hym that he sholde be kynge of Englōde that he had serued y● deuyll thre yere ¶ How y● towne of Berewyk was take thrugh treason how two Cardynales were robbyd in Englonde ANd on myddyll lent sondaye in the yere of our lorde M.ccc.xvi Berwyk was loste thrugh false treson of one Pers of Spaldynge y● whiche Pe ers y● kynge had put there for to kepe y● same towne with many burgeyses of y● same towne wherfor y● childrē y● were put in hostage thrugh y● burgeyses of Berewyk folowed y● kyngꝭ marchalse mani dayes fettred in strōge yrens And after that tyme came two Cardynalles int●● Englonde as the pope had theym sente for to make peas bytwene Englonde Scotlonde And as they wente towarde Durhā for to haue sacred mayster Low ys of Beamont bysshoppe of Durham they were take robbyd vpon the moore of wynglesdom Of whiche robbery syr Gylbert of mytton was atteynt take and hangyd drawen at London his heed smytte of put vpon a spere set vpon newe gate the foure quarters sēte to foure cytes of Englonde y● same tyme befell many myscheues in Englō de for the pore people deyed in Englonde for hungre and somoche and so faste deyed that vnethe men myght bury thē For a quarter of whese was at .xl. shelynges and two yeres and an halfe a quarter of whete was worth .x. mark and ofttyme the poore people stole chyldren and ete them and ete also the houndes that they myght take and also hors cattes And after there fell a greate murreyne a monge bestes in dyuers coūtres of
Englonde durynge kynge Edwarde lyues tyme. ¶ How the Scottes robbyd Northumberlonde ANd in the same tyme came the Scottes ayen into Englonde dystroyed Northumberlonde and brent that londe and robbyd it and slew men wymmen and chyldren that laye in ther cradyls and brent also holy chirche and dystroyed cristendome and toke and bare Engl●●● mēnys godes as they had ben sara●●● 〈◊〉 or paynems And of y● wickydne●●● 〈◊〉 they dydde all the worlde spake 〈◊〉 ¶ How the Scottes wolde not amende theyr trespasse and therfore Scotlonde was enterdyted SO pope Iohn̄ y● .xxii. after saynt Petyr herde of the grete sorowe and myscheyf that y● Scottes wrought he was wonder sorye that crystendome was so dystroyed thrugh the Scottes namely they dystroyed so holy chirches wherfore the pope sente a generall sentence vnder his bulles of leed vnto y● archebysshop of Caūterbury to tharche● bysshopp of Yorke y● yf Robert y● Brus of Scotlonde wolde not be Iustifyed make amēdes vnto y● kynge of Englōde Edwarde theyr lorde make amendes of his losse of his harmes y● they had doon in Englonde also to restore y● goodes y● they had taken of holy ch●● che y● the sentence sholde be pronouncyd through out all Englonde And whan y● Scottes herde this they wolde not leue theyr malyce for y● popys cōmaūdemēt wherfore Robert y● Beus Iamys Douglas Thomas Radulf erle of Moref all tho y● with them comyned or them helpe in worde ordede were accursyd in euery chirche thrugh oute all Englonde euery day at masse thre tymes noo masse shold be sōge in holy chirche thrughe out all Scotlonde but yf the Scottes wold make restitueyō of the harmes that they hadd made vnto holy chirche wherfore many agoode preste and holy men therfore were slayne thrugh the reame of Scotlōde bycause they wolde not synge masse ayenst the po●ys commaūdement and ayenste his wyll to do fulfyll the tyrauntes wyll ¶ How syre Hughe Spensers sone was made the kynges chamberlayne and of the batayle of Mitone ANd it was not longe afterwarde that the kynge ne ordeyned a parlement at Borke And there was syre Spensers sone made Chambrelayne And the meane tyme while the werre lasted the kyng went ayen into Scotlonde that it was wonder for to wytte besegyd the towne of Berwyk but y● scottes wente ouer y● water at Sole wath y● was thre myle from y● kynges hoste and pryuely they stele away by nyght came into Englōde robbyd dystroyed all y● they myghte spared no manere thynge tyll y● they came vnto Yorke whan y● Englysshmen that were left at home herde thyse tydynges all tho that myght traueyll as well monkꝭ preestes freres chanons seculers came mett with the Scottes at Myton vp swale y● xii day of Octobre Alas for sorowe for the Englysshe husbonde men that coude nothynge of the werre y● there were kyllyd drowned in an arme of y● see And y● cheyfteynes syr wyllyam of Melton Archebysshop of Yorbe the abbot of selby with ther stedes fledde came to yorke and that was their owne foly that they had that myschaunce For they passed y● water of Swale the Scottes sette a fire the stackes of hey the smoke therof was so huge y● the Englysshmen myght not se the Scottes And whann the Englysshmen were goon ouer y● water tho came the Scottes with theyr wynge in maner of a shelde and came towarde y● Englysshmen in araye And the Englisshemen fled for vneth they had ony mē of armys For y● kynge had them almoost lost at the syege of Berwyk and the Scottes hobylers wente bytwene y● bridge and thenglyssmen And whan y● grete host them mette the Englysshe men fled bytwene the hobilers and the grete host And the Englysshmen almoost were there slayne and he that myght go ouer the water were saued but many were drowned Alas for there were slayne many men of relygyon seculers preestes and clerkes with moche sorowe tharche bysshop escaped and therfore the Scottes callyd that batayll the white batayl ¶ How kynge Edwarde dyd all manere thynge that syr Hughe Spenser wolde NOwe as kynge Edwarde herde this tydynges he remeued his sege trom Berwyk came agayn into englonde But syr Hugh Spenser y● was the kynges Chamberlayne kepte so the kynges chamber y● no man myzte speke with y● kynge But he had made with hȳ a fret for to do all his nedet that ouer me sure And this Hugh bare hym so stewte that all men had of hym scorne dyspyte the kynge hymselfe wolde not be gouerned ne rulyd by no manere of man but oonly by his fader by hym And if on● knyghte of Englonde had wodes maneyrs or londes y● they wolde coueyte ano ne y● kynge must yeue it them or elles y● man y● ought it sholde be falsly endyted of forfeyt or felony And thrughe suche doynge they dysheryted many a bachelere and somoche londe he gate that it was grete wonder And whā the lordes of Englonde sawe the greate couetyse falsnesse of syr Hugh Spenser the fader and of syr Hugh the sone they came to the gentyll Erle of Lancastre and axyd hym of counseyll of the dysese that was in the reame though syr Hugh Spenser his sone in hast by one assente they made a pryne assemble at Shirburne in Elmede they made there an othe for to brebe dystrouble y● daynge bytwene the kynge syr Hugh Spenser his sone vpon theyr power And they wente in to the marche of walys dystroyed the londe of the forsayd syr Hughes ¶ Howe syr Hugh Spenser and his fader were exyled out of Englonde SO whan kynge Edwarde sawe the grete harme distruction y● y● barons of Englond dyd vnto syr Hugh Spensers londe too his sone in euery place that they came vpon y● kyng tho thrugh his counseyll exyled syre Monbraye syr Roger Clyfforde and syr Gosselyn Dauyll many other lordes y● were to theym consente wherfore y● barons dyd tho more harme than they dyde before whan y● kynge saw y● the barons wolde not sesse of theyr cruelte y● kynge was so re adradde lest they wolde dystroye hym his reame for his mayntenaūce but if he assented to them And so he sente for them by his letters y● they shold come to London to his parlement at a certayne daye as in his letters were conteyned they came with thre bataylles well armyd at all poyntes euery batayll had cotarmours of grene clothe therof the ryghte quarter was yelowe with whyte bendes wherfore y● parlement was callyd y● parlemente of the whyte bende in y● company was syre Humfrey de bo houne erle of Herford syr Roger Cliftorde syr Iohn̄ Monbray syr Gosselyn Dauyll syr Roger Mortmer vn●●e of syr Roger Mortemer of wygmore syre Henry of Trays syr Iohn̄ Gyffarde syr Barthilmew of Badelest emore that was y●
wyllyam Fitz wyllam syr werreyn of Isell Syr Henry Bradborn syr wyllyam Cheyne barons all Iohn̄ page esquyer and sone after at Yorke were drawen hangyd syr Roger Clyfforde syre Iohn̄ of Mambray barons syr Goseline Deuyll knyght ¶ And at Brystowe were drawen and hangyd syr Henry of wemyngton syr Henry Mountforde barons ¶ And at Gloucetre were drawen and hangyd syr Iohn̄ Gaffarde and syr wyllyam of Elmebrugge barons at London were gangyd drawen Syr Henry Tyes baron ¶ And at wynchel se sye Thomas Clepepyr knyght And ferthermore to tell of this cruell occyon at wyndsore was drawe hangyd Syr Frauncys waldenham baron at Caūterbury was drawen and hangyd Syre 〈◊〉 Badeles more and syr barthyl●ew of Asshe 〈◊〉 barons at Cardyf in walys syr wyllyam Flemmynge baron ▪ ¶ How kynge Edwarde went into scotlonde with an hundred thousande men of armys myght not spede SO● whanne kynge Edwarde of Englonde had brought the floure of cheualry vnto theyr dethe thrughe sounsell consent of syr Hugh Spenser the fader syr Hugh y● sone he became as woode ● as ony lyon and what soo euer y● Spensers wolde haue it was done so well y● kynge louyd theym y● they myght do with hym all thynge that them lyked wherfore the kynge gaaf vnto sir Hugh Spenser the fader y● erldom of wȳchestre vnto syr Andrewe of Herkela theerldom of Cardoill● in preiudyce and in harmynge of his crowne And kynge Edwarde tho thrugh coūsell of y● Spēsers dysheryted all them that had be ayenst hym in ony quarell with Thomas of Lācastre And many other were dysheryted also bycause that the Spensers coueyted for to haue theyr lōdes And so they had all that they wolde desyre with wrōge ayenste all reason Tho made the kȳg Robert Baldok a false pylled clerke Chaunceler of Englond thrugh coūsell of the forsayd Spensers ¶ And he was a false rybaude And a coueytouse And so they counseylled the kynge moche that the kyng lete take to his owne warde all the goodes of the lordes that were put wronfully to the dethe into his owne honde And aswell they toke the godes that were within holy chirche as y● godes that were without lete theym be put into his tresoury in London lete them calle his forfeytes And by ther coūsell y● kynge wroughte for euer more he dys heryted them y● the godes oughte thrugh ther counsell lete ●●er a t●legge of all the goodes of Englonde wherfore he was the rychest kynge y● euer was in Englonde after wyllyam Bastarde that cuonquered Englonde And yet thrughe coūsell of them hym semyd that he had notte ynough But made yet euery toune of Englonde for to fynde a man of armys vpon theyr owne costes for to go werre vpon y● Scottes that were hys enmyes wherfore the kynge wente into Scotlonde with an h●ūdred thousande men of armys at wytsontyde in the yere of oure lorde Ihesu Criste M.CCC.xxii But the Scottes wente hyd them in moūteyns and in wodes and taryed the Englysshmen fro day to day that y● kynge myght for no manere thynge fȳde them in playne felde wherfore ma●● Englysshmen that had lytyll vytaylles deyed there for hungre wonder faste and sodenly in goynge and comynge and namely tho that had ben ayenst Thomas of Lancastre robbyd his men vpon 〈◊〉 londes whan kynge Edwarde saw that vytaylles fayled hym he was wonder sore dyscomfited bycause also that his men deyed for he myght not ●pede of his enmyes So at the laste he came ayen into Englonde anone after came Iames Douglas and also Thomas Rudulph with an huge hooste into Englonde in to Northumberlonde with them the Englysshmen that were dryuen oute of Englonde and came and robbyd y● coūtree and slewe the people and also bree● the towne that was callyd Northallerton many other townes to Yorke And wha● the kynge herde this tydynges be lete so mone all manere men that myght traueyller And so y● Englysshmen mette y● Scottes at the abbay of Beyg●elande the .xv. daye after Myghelmas in the same yere aboue sayd and the Englysshe men were there dyscomfyted And atte that scomfyture 〈◊〉 take Syr Iohan of Brytayne Erle of Rychmonde that helde the countre and the erldom of Lancastre and after he payed an huge raunsome and was lete god And after that he wente into Fraunce came neuer after agayne ¶ How syr Andrew of Herkelay was take put to deth●y t was erle of Cardoil THen at y● tyme was syr Andrew of Herkela that new was made erle of Cardoil for cause that he had taken y● good Erle Thomas of Lancastre ¶ He had ordeyned thrugh y● kynges cōmaūdement of Englonde for to brynge hȳ all the power that he myght for to helpe ayenst y● Scottes at y● abbaye of Beyghlande And whan the fals traytour had gadred all the people that he myght and sholde haue come to the kynge vnto the abbaye of Beyghelande the fals traytour ladde them by a nother coūtre thrughe Copelonde thrughe therldome of Lancastre wente thrugh ●he countre robbyd slew the folke all that he myghte And ferthermore the fals traytour had take a grete so●●●e of golde sylue● of syr Iamys Douglas for to be ayenste y● kynge of Englonde to be helpynge holdynge with the Scottes thrugh whose treason the kynge of Englonde was scomfyted at Beyghlande or y● he came f●yder wherfore the kynge was toward hym wonder wrothe lete pryuely enquere by y● coūtre abowte how that it was And some men enquered aspyed so at the laste y● trough was foūde soughte And he atteynte take as a fals traytour as y● gode erle Thomas of lancastre hym tolde or that he was put vnto deth at his takynge at Burbrugge to him sayd Or y● yere were doon he sholde be take holde a traytour And so it was as the holy man sayd ¶ wherfore y● kȳge sente pryuely too syr Anthoyn of Lucy a knyghte of the countre of Cardoil that he shold take syr Andrewe of Herkela put hym vnto the dethe And to brȳge this thynge vnto the ende the kynge sente his Commyssyon so that this same Andrewe was take at Cordoil ladde vnto the barre in y● manere of an erle worthyly arayed with a swerde gyrde about hym hosyd and sporyd ¶ Tho spake syr Authoyn in this maner syr Andrew sayd he the kynge puttyth vpon the for asmoche as thou hast be orpyd in thy de dys he dyd to the moche honoure made the erle of Cardoil● thou as a traytour to thy lorde laddest the peple of his countre that sholde haue holpe hym att the bataylle of Beyghelande and thou laddest them away by the countre of copelonde and thrugh the erldom of Lancastre wherfor our lorde the kynge was discomfy●d there of the Scottes thrugh thy treason falsnesse and yf y● haddest come bi
vpon all that ye shall mowe for fayte ayen vs. y● yf y● sayd Spenser oure enmye come within your power y● ye do hym hastely to be take and saufly kepte vntyll ye haue ordeyned of hym our wil and y● ye leue it notte in no manere wyse as ye desyre honoure profyte of vs all and of al the reame Vnderstondynge ye ryght well that yf ye do this our prayer and streyghte cōmaundement we thynke vs somoche y● more beholdynge vnto you And also ye shall gete you worshyp also profyte yf ye sende vs hastely answer of all youre wyll ayen at Baldok the syxte daye of Octobre whiche letter in the dawnynge of y● daye of saynt Denys was tachyd vpon the newe crosse in Chepe and many copyes of y● same letter were tackyd vpon wyndowes dores and vpon other places in she cyte of london that all men passynge by the waye myght them rede and se And in the same tyme kynge Edwarde was at London in the toure at his mete And a messager came into the hall and sayde that the quene Isabell was come to loude at Here wiche and hath broughte in her cōpany syr Iohn̄ of 〈◊〉 with him men of armes without nombre And with that worde syr Hugh Spenser the fader spake thus vnto the kynge sayd My moost worshypfull lorde kynger of Englonde now make good chere for certenly they been all oures The kynge sawe this worde comfortable yet he was full sorowfull pensyf in his herte And the kynge had not fully eten but there came into the halle a nother messager sayd that the quene Isabell was arryued atte Herewich besyde ypswytche in Southfolke syr Hugh Spenser y● fader spake to the messager sayd Tell soche in gode fayth my fayr frende is she come with a grete strenth Now certes y● soche for too saye syr sayd the messagere she ne hathe in her companye but .vii. houndred men of armys And with y● wordesyt Hughe Spenser the fader cryed with an hyghe voyce sayd Alas alas we ben all betrayed for certes with soo lytyll powere she had neuer come to loude but yf folke of this londe were vnto her consce●te therfor after ther mete they to be counsell went towarde wallys for to arere the walsshmen ayenst the quene Isabell Edwarde her sone all for to fyghte so they were in purpose euerychone ¶ How mayster water Stapylton bysshop of Excetre y● was the kynges tres●ter was heedyd at London ANd in y● same tyme kynge Edwarde was sore adredde leest y● men of London wolde yelde theym vnto the quene Isabell And too her sone Edwarde wherfore he set mayster 〈◊〉 ter Stapylton his cresorer for to be 〈◊〉 deyne and keper of the Cytre of London with the Mayrt And so came too the Gylde halle of London and axyd y● keyes of the yates of the Cyte● thr●ghe 〈◊〉 and strenth of his 〈◊〉 wolde haue had the kepynge of the cyte And the 〈◊〉 answerd sayd that they wolde kepe the cyte to the honoure of kynge Edwarde of Isabell the quene of the duke the kynges sone wythoute ony more The bysshop tho was so as 〈◊〉 swore othe● y● they all shold abye it anone as the kynge Edward were come oute of walys ¶ And the comuners all anone of y● cyte toke the bysshop lad hym anone amyddes of y● Chepe there they smote of his heed sethys heed in his ryghte honde forth with y● same comyns of the cytee of London by hedyd two of his squyres that helde with y● bysshop one of them was called wyllyam of wayle y● was y● bysshops neuew And y● other was callyd Iohn̄ of Pady●ton And also they toke a burgeys of Lōdon y● was callyd Iohn̄ Mershall y● was syr Hugh Spenser espye y● fader sinote of his heed also And in y● same tyme y● bysshop had in London a fayt tour in makynge in his close vpon y● tyuer Tese y● was without temple barte and he fayled stone to make therof an ende and he cōmaunded his men to go to y● frere Carmes ther they toke stone to make therwith y● toure moche sonde morter olde robous y● was lefte And for y● dyspyte y● the bysshop had done vnto holy chirch he his two squyres were buryed in that sonde as thoughe they had ben houndes there they laye .xi. wekes tyll that the quene Isabell sente her letters to the comuners prayed them that they wolde suffre graunt that the bysshop myght be take out of that place be buryed at Excetre at his owne chirch And so he was his two squyres were buryed at saynt Clementes chirche withoute temple barre And it was no wonder though that bysshop deyed an euyll deth● For he was a courytous man and had with hym no mercye euyll counseyled y● kynge And sone after was Arnold of Spayne take that assemyd too lede y● .v. of syluer in fyue batelles fetyers vnto the douzepers of Fraunce for to helpe hast y● quene Isabell to her dethe Edwarde her sone also thys Arnold was put to dethe with out y● cytr ¶ How kynge Edwarde and syr Hughe Spenser and the erle of Arundell were taken AS kynge Edwarde hadde sent mayster walter Stapylton his tresorer into London for to kepe the cyte vnto hym ayenst the quene Isabell ●● wyf ayenst Edwarde his sone anone hymself toke with hym syr Hugh Spenler the sone syr Iohn̄ of Arundell and mayster Robert Baldok his Chaunceler a fals pylled clerke toke the● waye towarde Brystow And there the kyng abode a lytyll tyme and made syr Hugh Spenser y● fader as Conestable keper of the castell And the kynge and that other Spenser went to shyppe and saylled towarde walys and toke no leue of the kynges Stewarde ne of none of the kyngys housholde and went ouer into walys for to ar●re the walsshmen apenste dame Isabell the quene and the duke her sone And the erle of Kent and syre Iohn̄ of Henaude And they wente and pursued after them And ther power encreacyd euery daye Soo at the laste the kynge was taken vppon an bylle in walys and Syr Hughe Spenser the sone in that othere syde of the same hylle the false pylled clerke mayster Roberte Baldok there faste besyde theym And were bronghte ayen in to Englonde as almyghty god wolde And the kynge hȳselfe was put in sauf kepynge in y● castel of Kenylworth hym kept syr Henry y● was saynt Thom●s brother of ●ancas tre and syr Nugh the fader came put hym in the quenes grace and Edwarde her sone duke of Gupon But syr Hugh Spenser after the tyme that he was take● wolde neuer ete no manere meete ●e drynke no manere drynke for he wyste to haue no mercye sauf only too be deed ¶ And the quene her coūsell had ordeyned that he sholde haue be
doon to deth at London But he was so feble for his moche fastynge that he was nyghe deed therfore it was ordeyned that he sholde haue his Iugement at Herforde at a place of the toure his heed was take frome his body alsoo fro Roberte Baldok that was a fals pylled clerk y● kynges chaūceler And men sette vpon theyr heedys chaplettys of sharpe nettles two squyres blewe in therecrys with two greate bugle hornes vpon the two prysoners that me● myght here ther. blowen oute with homes more than a myrle one Symōd of Rydynge y● kyngꝭ Marshall bare be fore them vpon a spere ther armys reuersyd in token y● they sholde be vndon foreuermore And vpon y● morowe was syr Hugh Spēser y● sone dampned to dethe was drawen hangyd heedyd hys bowels taken out of his body brent after that he was quartred his foure quarters were sente to the foure townes of Englonde his heed sente to London brydge And this Symond for cause y● he dyspysed quene Ysabell he was drawen and hangyd in a stage made a myddes y● forsayd syr Hughes galowes And y● same daye a lytyll frō thens was syr Iohn̄ of Arundell behcedyd bycause he was one of syr Hugh Spensers coūselers And anone after was syr Hughe Spenser fader hangyd and drawen hedyd at Brystow after hangyd ayeby the armys with two stronge ropes the fourth daye after he was hewen all to pecys houndes ete hym And bycause y● the kynge had yeuen hym y● erldom of wynchestre his heed was sent thether put vpon a spere And y● fals Baldok was sente to London ther he deyed in pryson amonge theues for men dyd hȳ 〈…〉 than they wolde 〈◊〉 vnto an hounde And so deyed the traytours of Englonde blessyd be almyghti god And it was no wonder for thrughe ther coūsell y● good erle Thomas of Lacastre was doon vnto dethe all y● held with Thomas of Lancastre thrugh the tratours were vndone all theyr heyres dysheryted ¶ Howe kynge Edwarde was put downe his dygnyte take from hym ANd andne after as all this was doon the quene Ysabell and Edwarde her sone all the grete lordes of Englonde at one assente sent to kynge Edwarde to the castell of Kenylworthe there as he was in kepynge vnder y● warde of syr Iohn̄ Hachin that was the bysshop of Ely and of syr Iohn̄ of Pereye a baron for bycause that he sholde ordeine his parlement at a certayne place in Englonde for to redresse and amende y● state of the reame And kynge Edwarde them answerde and sayd Lordes said he ye se full well how it is Loo here my seale and I gyue to you all my power for to calle ordeyne a parlement where that ye wylle ¶ And thenne they tooke theyr leue of hym and came ayen to the barons of Englonde And whanne thei hadde the kynges Patent of this thynge they shewed it to the lordes And the was ordeyned that the parlement shold be at westmestre at y● Vtas of saynt Hylari And all the grete lordes of Englonde lete ordeyned theym there ayenst that tyme that the parlement sholde be And atte whiche daye she parlement was the kynge wolde not come there for no m●nere of thynge as he had set hymself assygned And netheles the barons se●● vnto hymoo tyme other And he ●were by goddyss oute y● he wolde not come ther do fote wherfor it was ordey●ed by all the greate lordes of Englonde that he sholde no lenger be kyng but be dep● 〈◊〉 And sayd y● they wolde crowne Edwarde his sone y● elder y● was the duke of Guyhenne And sente tydynges v● to the kynge there y● he wa in warde vnder syr Iohn̄ erle of Garen syr Iohn̄ of B●thu● y● was bysshop of Ely and syr henry Percy a baron syr wyllyam Trussell a knyghte y● was with y● Erle syr Thomas of Lancastre for too yelde vp ther homages vnto hym for all thez of Englonde ¶ And syr wyllyā Trussell sayd thyte wordes ¶ Syr Edward for cause y● ye haue trayed youre people of Englonde haue vndone many grete lordes of Englonde withoute ony cause ye shall be deposyd now ye be withstand thankyd be god And also for cause y● ye wold not come to the parlement asye ordeyned at westmestre as in your letter patent ●●is conteyned for to treate with youre owne lyege men as a kynge sholde And therfor thrughall the comȳs ass●●●e all the lordes of Englonde I tell vnto you these wordes Ye shall vnderstande syr y● the barons of Englond at one assente wylle that ye be no more kynge oh Englond but vtterly haue put you o ute of your cryalte foreuer more And the bysshop of Ely sayd tho to the kyng Syr Edwade Iyelde vp feaute homage for all y● archebysshops bysshops of Englōd for all y● clergy Tho sayd syr Iohn̄ erle of Garenne● Syr Edwarde Iyelde vp here vnto you feaute homage for me and for all the erles of Englonde ¶ And syre Henry Percy yaue vp also his homage for hym for all y● barons of Englond And tho sayd syr wyllyam Trussell Iyelde vp nowe vnto you myn homage for me also for all the knyghtes of Englonde for all them that holde by seryauntre or by on● other thynge of you so y● from this day after ye shall not be clamyd kynge nother for hynge be holde but from this tyme afterwarde ye shall be holde for a sȳ guler man of all the people ¶ And soo they wente ●●ens too London ther● that the lordes of Englonde them abode syr Edwarde abode in pryson in goode kepynge And this was on the daye of y● Conuers●an of saynt Poule in the .xx. yere of his regne ¶ Of the prophecye of Merlyndedare ● uf kynge Edwarde the sone of kynge Edwarde the fyrste OF this kynge Edwarde prophecy ed Merlyn● sayd y● there sholde come a gote out of Carre y● sholde haue hornes of syluer a berde as where as snowe And a drope sholde come out of his nosethrylles that shold betoken mo the harme Hungre and dethe of people grete losse of his londe And 〈…〉 gynnynge of his regne sholde be haū●●d moche lechery And he sayd sothe alas y● tyme For kynge Edwarde y● was 〈◊〉 Edwardes sone was boine at Ca●naryuaun in walys forsothe he had homes of syluer and a berde as wh●●e as ●n we Whan he was made prynce of walys to moche he yaue hym to tyot and too toly And sothe sayd Merlyn in his prophery that there sholde come out of his ●ose a deope For in his tyme was grete hunger amonge the poo●e people strongr dethe amonge the ryche y● deyed in strannge londe with moche sorow in werre in Scotlonde And after he lost Scotlond and Gascoyne whyle that hymselfe was kynge there was moche lechery 〈◊〉 tyd ¶ And also Merlyn tolde and sayd that
Isabell and Edwarde her sone and syr Edward of wodstok the ●●ges brother of Englonde and syre Io han of Henaude and syre Rog●●e Motymer of wygmore and syre Thomas Rocelyn and syre Iohn̄ of C●omwelle and syr wyllyam Trussell and man●● other of the alyaunce of the gentyll erle Thomas of Lancastre that were e●yled out of Englonde for his quarell and were dyshertted of theyr londes orderned them a grete power and arryued at H●rewich in Sonthfolke And sone aft●● they pursewed y● Spensers tyll y● then were taken put to piteous deth as before is sayd ther cōpany also for y● grrate falsnes y● they dyd to kynge Edward to his peple And Merly sayd also more y● the gote shold be put in grete dystresse in grete anguyssh in grete sorow he sholde lede his lyfe And he sayd sothe For after the tyme that kynge Edwarde was take he was put into warde tyll y● the Spensers were put to dethe and also bycause that he wolde not come vnto his parlemente at London as he hadde ordeyned and assygned hymself vnto his baronage and also wold not gouer●● ●● rule his people●ne his trame as a kynge sholde doo wherfore some of the barons of Englonde came yelde vp ther homages vnto hym for theym all the other of y● reame in the daye of y● conuersyon of saynt Poule in y● yere of his regne .xx. And they put hym out of his ryaltee for euermore And euer lyued afterwarde in moche sorowe anguysshe LOdowicus was emperour after Henry foure yere this Lodewye was duke of Banare he dyspysed the corouacōn of the pope wherfor the pope deposyd hym and moche labour many perylles he had after And he trowbled gretly the vnyte of holy chirche And thē was chosyn ayenst hym Frederyk the duke of Ostryche he ouercame the duke and abode arebelyon to his ende and in grete peryll to his soule And at the last Rarolus was chosen ayenst hym y● whiche preuaylled and sodenly Lodewic fel downe of his hors and dyscessyd ¶ Iohn̄ Mandeuyll a douctour of physyh a knyght borne was in Englonde abowte this tyme. And he made a merueylous pylg●ymage for he went almoost abowte all the world he wrote his dedys in thre langages decessyd was buried at saynt Albons ¶ Benedictus the .xxii. was pope after Iohn̄ .vii. yeres more this man wos a monke in all his yongthe he was of good cōuersacyon a doctour of diuinite And whan he was made pope he refourmed thordre of saynt Benet in that thynge y● was nescessary he was a harde man to graunte benifyces lest he had graūtyd it to an vncunnynge man he made a deretall y● whiche began Benedictus deꝰ in donis suis And he was very cruell in his fayth for that of sōmen lytyll louyd He was so stoute a mā that almoost he wolde not know his owne cosyns ¶ Anno dn̄t M.CCC.xxii ¶ Of kynge Edwarde the chyrde after the Conqueste ANd after this kynge Edwarde Carnariuan regned syr Edwarde of wyndsore his sone y● whiche was crowned kynge anoynted at westmestre thrugh coūsell consent of all y● grete lordes of y● reame y● Sondaye in Candelmasse eue in y● yere of grace M. CCC.xxvi y● was of aege at that tyme but xv yere And for cause y● his fader was in warde in y● castell of Kenilworth and also was put downe of his ryaltee the reame of Englonde was without kyng from y● feest of saynt Katheryn frome y● yere aboue sayd to the feest of Candelmasse And tho were all maner ple●● of the kynges bynche astente And tho was cōmaunded to all y● Shy●efs of Englōde thrughe wrytte to warne the partyes to defendaūtys thrugh somnynge ayen And also ferthermore that al prysoners that were in the kynges gayolles that were attachid thrughe Shyrefs sholde be lete goo quyte ¶ The kynge Edwarde after his coronacōn at the prayer besechynge of his lyege of the reame grauntyd them a chartre of stedfast peas to all them that wolde it axe And syr Iohan of Henaude and his company toke his leue of the kynge and of the lordes of the reame and tor●yd home to they re owne coūtre ayen And eche of them had full ryche yeftes euery man as he was of value estate ¶ And tho was Englonde in rest peas grete loue bytwene y● kynge and his lordes And comyuly Euglysshmen sayd amonges them that the deuyll was dede ●ut the innumerable iresoure of the kynge his fader and the tresour of the Spensers bothe of the ●ader and of the sone and of the erle of Arundell of mayster Robert Baldok y● was y● kyngꝭ chaūceler was departyd after y● quene Isabelles ordynaūce sir Rogere Mortymers of wygmore soo that the kynge had no thynge there of but at her wyll and her delyueraūce 〈◊〉 of their londes as after warde ye shall here ¶ How kynge Edwarde went vnto stāthop for to mete the Scottes ANd yet in the same tyme was y● kynge in y● castell of kenylworth vnder the kepynge of syr Henri that was erle Thomas of Lancasters broder that tho was erle of Lcycetre And the kynge graūtyd hym y● erldome of Lancastre that the kyng his fader had seasyd into his hō de put out Thomas of Lancastres broder soo was he erle of Lancastre of Lcycetre also Stywarde of Englōde as his broder was in his tyme. But syr Edwarde that was kynge Edwardes fader made sorowe withoute ende bycause he myght not speke with his wyf ne wyth his sone wherfore he was in moche mischeyf For though it was so y● he was led de and rulyd by fals coūsell yet he was kynge Edwards sone callyd Edwarde with y● longe shankys came out of the worthyest blood of the worlde they to whome he was wonte to yeue grete yeftys large were moost preuy with y● kȳge his owne sone And they wre his enmyes bothe by nyght by daye procured to make debate contake bytwene hym and his sone and Isabell his wyf But the frere prechers were to hym gode frendes euer more cast both by nyght and by day how they myght brynge hym oute of pryson And amonge theyr company that the freres had prpurly brought there was a frere that was callyd Dunhened and he had ordeyned gadryd a grete cōpany of folke to kepe at y● nebe but the frere was taken put in the castell of pountfret there be deyed in pryson syr henry erle of Lancastre y● had y● kynges fader in kepynge thrugh cōmandement of the kynge delyuerd Edwarde the kynges fader by endenture to syr Thomas of Berkelay And soo syr Iohn̄ Matreuas they lad hym frō the castell of kenylworth to y● castell of Ber kelay kept hym there saufly ¶ And at Ester next after his coronacōn y● kynordeyned a grete huge hoste for to fyght ayenst y●
for it is do●n them to vnderstōde that yf my lady your wyfe came ony thynge nyghe you that ye wold her strā gle and slee and also that ye wolde do● to my lorde your sone in the same wyse ¶ Tho answerde he with symple there Alas alas am not I in pryson all 〈◊〉 youre owne wyll now god it wote I thought it neuer and nowe I wolde that I were dede ●o wolde god that I were for thenne were all my sorowe passyd ¶ It was not longe after that the kynge thrughe coūsell of Roger Mortimer grauntyd y● warde kepynge of syr Edwarde his fader vnto syr Thomas To●oursy to y● forsayd syr Iohn̄ Matreuers thrughe y● kynges letter put out hooly the forsayd syr Moryce of y● warde of y● 〈◊〉 ge And they toke and ladde the kynge vnto the castell of ●o●f y● whiche castell the kynge hatyd as ony dethe And they kept hym there tyll it came vnto saynt Mathewes daye in Septembre in the yere of grace M.CCC xx●u that the for sayd syr Roger Mortymer sent the manere of y● dethe how in what wyse he sholde be done to dethe And anone as y● forsayd Thomas Iohn̄ had see the ●et ter cōmaūdemente they made kyng Edwarde Carnari●an good cher● and good solace as they myght at that sou●tpere nothynge y● kynge wyst of y● traytory And whan tyme was for to go too bed the kynge went to his bedde laye slept fast And as the kynge laye slept the traytours fals forsworn ayenst ther homage f●uate came pryuely into the kynges chambre theyr company with them layed an huge table vppon his wombe with men p●ēssyd helde fast downe the foure corners of the table on his body wherwith the good man awoke and was wonder sore adradde to be deed and there slayne and torned his body vp tho so downe Tho toke the fals traytours tyraūtes an horne put it into his fundement as depe as they myght toke a spyt of cop●e brennynge putte it thrugh the horne into his bodye of● tymes therwith thy●led his bowels so they slewe ther lorde that no thynge was perceyued And after he was enteryd at Glouce●●e ¶ How kynge Edwarde spowsyd Phylyp y● erles doughter of Henaude at yorke ANd after Cristmasse tho nexte sewynge syt Iohn̄ of Henaude broughte with hym Philyp his brothers doughter y● was erle of Henaude his nece into Englonde the kynge spowsyd her at Yorke with moche honoure And syr Iohn̄ of Bothum bysshop of Ely syr wyllyam of Melton Archebysshopp of Yorke sange y● masse y● Sondaye on the euen of y● Conuersyon of saynt Poule In the yere of grace M.CCC.xxvii But bycause y● the kyng was but yonge tendre of aege whan he was crowned full many wronges were doon whyle y● his fader lyued by cause y● he trowed y● coūseyllers y● were fals a abowte hym y● coūseylled hym to do otherwyse than reason wolde wherfore greate harme was done to y● reame and to the kynge all men dyrected i● the kynges dede and it was not so almyghty god it wote wherfore it was ordeyned at the kynges crownynge ▪ y● the kynge for his tendre aege sholde be gouerned by .xii. of the grettest lordes of Englonde without whome nothynge sholde be doon That is to saye thar●h●bysshop of Caūterbury tharche bysshop of Yorke y● bysshop of wynches tre the bysshop of Herforde the erle of Lancastre ther●e Marschall the Erle of Kent y● were the kynges vndes and the erle of Garen●e syr Thomas wake syr Henry Percy syr Olyuer yngham and Iohn̄ Rous barons all thyse were sworn truely for to counseyll the kynge and they shold answer euery yere in parlement of that that sholde be done in y● tyme of theyr gouernall but that ordynaunce was sone vndoon and that was moche harme to all Englonde For the kynge all the lordes y● sholde gouerne hym were gouerned 〈…〉 y● quene his moder dame Isabell. 〈◊〉 sye Roger Mortimer as they wolde all thyn ge was done both amonge hygh lowe And they toke vnto theym castels townes londeꝭ tent● in greate harme and losse to y● crowne of the kynges estate oute of all mesure ¶ How the peas was made bytwene the Englysshmen the Scottes and alsoo of Iustifyenge of Troylles●aston Kynge Edwarde at wytsontyde in the seconde yere of his regne thrughe the counseyll of his moder sir Roger Mortimer ordeyned a parlement at Northampton And at y● parlement the kyng thrugh his coūsell none other of y● londe with in aege graūtyd to be accordyd with the scottes in this manere y● al y● feautees homages y● the scottes sholde doo to y● crowne of Englonde foryaue theym for euer more by his chartre ensealed And ferdermore an endenture was made of y● Scottes vnto kynge Edwarde y● was kynge Henryes sone whiche endenture they calle it ragman in y● whiche were conteyned all y● homages feaute●s Fyrste of y● kynge of Scotlonde of y● prelates erles barons of y● reame of Scotloyde with theyr seales set thero● other chartres remēbrauncys y● kynge Edwarde his barons had of theyr ryght in y● forsayd reame of scotlonde it was foryeue ayen holy chirche And also with y● blacke crosse of Scotlonde the whiche y● good kynge Edwarde conquered in Scotlonde brought it out of the abbaye of Scone y● is a full precyous relyque And also ferthermore he releacy● fully forgaue all the londes y● y● noble barons had before y● tyme in y● reame of scotlonde by olde conquest And ferther more y● this peas for to be holden continuelly laste y● Scottes were bounde vnto the kynge in .xxx. thousande poūde of siluer to be pay●● within th●e yere that is euery yere .x. thousande pounde by euen porcy●●● ¶ And ferther●●●● aboue all this they spake bytwene the partyes aboue sayd that Dauid Dri●●●autier that was kynge Robert B●us sone the fals tyraunt fals forsworn ayenst his othe that arose ayenst his lyege lorde the noble and good kynge Edwarde and falsly made hym kynge of Scotlonde that was of aege .v. yere And so this cursyd counseyll Dauyd spoused at B●rewyk dame Iohn̄ of the Toure that was kinge Edwardes syster as the gestes tellith vpon Mary Mawdeleyns daye in y● yere of grace M.CCC.xxviii too greate harme and ●mpayrynge of all y● kynges blode wherof y● gentyll lady came alas the tyme For wonder moche that fayre damoysell dysperagyd syth y● she was maryed ayenst all the comyns wyll assent of Englonde And frome the tyme that Brute had conquered Albyon and named the londe after his owne name Brytayne that now is callyd Englond after the name of Engist And so the reame of Scotlond was holde of y● reame of Englonde of the crowne by feaute and homage For Brute conquered that hande yaue it to Albana● y● was hys seconde sone And he
callyd that londe Albayn after his owne name so y● hys hey●es y● came after hym sholde holde of Brute of his heyres y● is to saye of the kynges of Brytayn by feaute homage And from y● tyme vnto this tyme of kynge Edwarde y● reame of Scotlonde was holde of the reame of Englonde by ●eaute seruyse as about is sayd in the Cronycles of Englonde of Scotlond be● ythe wytnesse more prenarely And accursyd be y● tyme that this parlement was holden at Northampton For there by fals coūseyll y● kynge was there falsly dysheryted yet he was within aege ¶ And yet whan that kynge Edwarde 〈◊〉 put oute of his ryaltee of Englond yet men put not hym out of the f●autes and seruyse of Sco●londe ne of the ●ra●nchyses dysher●ted hym for euer more ¶ And neuertheles the greate lordes of Englonde were ayenst to conferme the ●eas and the 〈◊〉 aboue sayd sauf only quene Isabell that tho was the kynges moder Edwarde and the bysshopp of Ely and the lord Mortimer But rea son and lawe wolde not that a fynalle peas sholde be made bytwene th● with out the comyn assent of Englonde ¶ Of the debate that was bytwene qu●ne Isabell and syr Henry erle of Lancas tre and of Leycetre and of the rydynge of Bedforde Then as the forsayd Dauyd had spowsyd dame Iohan̄e of y● tour in the towne of Berwy● as before is sayd The Scottes in dyspyte of the Englysshemen callyd dame Iohanne y●●●ātesse make peas for the cowardly peas y● tho was ordeyned But the kynges persone bare all y● w●te blame with wronge of the makynge of the accorde And all was done thrughe the quene Rogere Mortymer And it was not longe after that the quene Isabell ne toke intoo her hondꝭ all y● lordshyp of Poū●●rer almoste all the londes that were of ony value that apperteyned to the crowne of Englonde Soo the kynge had not to dyspende but of his vses and of his esscheker For the quene Isabell and the Mortymer had greate mayne of the 〈◊〉 y● folowed the kynges court euer mo●● went and toke the kynges pry●●s for her peny worthes ●tte good ●hepe Wherfo re the coun●●●e that they came in were fulle sore adradde and almooste dystroyed of theym ¶ Tho began y● comy●●l te of Englonde for to haue 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 bell the quene y● somoche louyd her before whann she came ayen for to pursue the fals traytours y● Spensers fro Fraunce And in y● same tyme the fals traytour Robert of Holonde y● bytrayed hys lorde syr Thomas of Lācastre was tho delyuerde out of pryson was wonder preuy with the quene Isabell also with Roger Mortymer but y● auaylled hym but lytyll For he was taken at Myghel masse y● tho came next after as he rode towarde quene Isabell to London and sir Thomas whither smote of his heed besydes the towne of saynt Albons And this syr Thomas dwelled with syr Henry erle of Lancastre he put hym asyde for drede of the quene For the quene loued hym wondermoche And prayed vnto y● kyng for hym y● the same Thomas myght be exyled out of Englonde And y● noble erle syr Henry of Lancastre had often tymes herde the comyn claymoure of the Englysshmen of y● dysease that we re doon in Englonde also for dyuers wronges y● were doon to the comyn people of y● whiche the kynge bare y● blame with wronge for he was but full yonge tender of aege And thought as a gode man for to do awaye slake the s●laūder of the kynges persone yf y● he might in ony manere a wyse so as y● kȳge was therof nothynge gylty wherfore he was in peryll of lyf lȳme ¶ And so he assēbled all his retenewe went spake with them of the kynges honoure and alsoo for to amende his astate And syr Thomas Brotherton erle of Marchall and syr Edmonde wodstok that were the kȳgys vncles and alsoo men of Londone made theyr othe hym for to mayntene in that same quarell And theyr cause was this that the kynge sholde holde his house and his meyne as a kynge ought for to do and haue all his ryaltce And that the quene Isabell sholde delyuer onte of her hondes in too the kynges honde alle manere of lordshyps rentys townes and castels that apperteyneth vnto the crowne of Englonde as othere quenes haue done here before and medle with none other thynge ¶ And alsoo that syre Rogere Mortimer sholde abyde and dwelle vppon his owne londes For the whyche londes he hadde holpe too dysheryt● motche people ●n soo moche that the comyn people were dystroyed and gretlye domaged thoroughe suche wrongfulle takynge ¶ And alsoo too enquere how and by whome that the kynge was bytrayed and falsly dysceyued at Stanhope and thrugh whose counseyll that the Scottes went awaye by nyght from the kynge And also how and thrugh whoo 's counseylle the ordynaunce that were made atte the kynges coronacyon was putte downe That is to saye that y● kȳge for amendement and helpynge of his reame and in honoure of hym shold be gouerned and rulyd by .xii. of the grettest and wysest lordes of the reame without them sholde nothynge be grauntyd ne done as before is sayd whiche couenaūtes were malycyously put downe fro the kynge where many harmes shamis and repreues haue falle to the kynge his reame and that is too vnderstonde for asmoche as Edwarde kynge of Englonde somtyme was ordeyned by assēt in playne parlemēt for to be vnder warde gouernaunce of Henry erle of Lancastre his cosyn for saluacōn of his bodi he was take out of y● castel of Kenilworth there that he was in warde thrugh colour of quene Isabell of y● Mortimer with out cōsent of ony parlement thei toke ladd hym there that neuer after none of his kynred myght with hym speke ne see and after traytoursly toke and mordred hym for whose dethe arose a sklaūdre thrugh all cristēdom whan it was done And also y● tresore y● syr Edwarde of Kerna● iuan lefte in manye places in Englonde and in walys and wastyd borne awaye without y● wyll of kynged warde his sone in dystruccyon of hym and of all his folke ¶ Also thrugh who se conseyll that the kynge yaue vp the kyngdom of Scotlonde for the whiche reame y● kyngys aūcetours had full sore traueyled so dyd many a noble man for theyr ryght was delyuerd vnto dauyd y● was Robert Brus sone all y● ryght y● no ryght had to y● reame as all y● worlde it wyst And also by whome the chartres remebaunces that they had of y● ryght of Scotlonde were take oute of y● tresory taken to y● Scottes y● kyngys enmyes to dysherytynge of hym of his successours to grete harme of his lyeges grete repreef to all Englysshmen for euer more ¶ Also wherfore dame Iohan of the toure the kynges syster Edwarde was
dysperagid maried vnto Dauyd y● was Robert Brus sone y● was a traytour enmye vnto Englonde and thrugh whoo 's coūseyll she was take in to oure enmyes hondes out of Englonde ¶ And in this meane while y● goode e●le Henry of Lancastre his companye toke coūseyll how those poyntes abouesayd myght be amended to the worshipp of the kynge to his profyte to y● profyte of his lyegs And y● quene Isabel thrughe coniectynge also of y● Mortimers lete ordeyne a parlement at Salisburye And at y● same parlement y● Mortimer was made erle of March ayenste all the barons wyll of Englonde in preiudice of the kynge of his crowne And syr Iohn̄ of Eltham the kynges brother was girde with a swerde of Cornewaylle And tho was callyd erle of Cornewayle and euer more quene Isabell procurydso moche ayenst her sone the kynge y● she had the warde of the forsayd syr Edwarde and of his londes And atte that parlement the erle of Lancastre wolde not come But ordeyned all his power ayenst quene Isabelle and the Mortimer And men of London ordeyned them with tyue houndred men of armys ¶ wharme quene Isabell wyste of the doynge ●hē swore by god and by his names full angerly that in an euyll tyme he thoughte vpō tho poyntes Tho sent y● quene Isabell y● Mortimer after theyr retene we after the kyngys retene we soo y● they had ordeyned amonge thē an huge hoste And they coūseylled y● kynge so that vppon a nyght they rode .xxiii. myles too Bedford there y● erle of Lancastre was wyth his company and thought to haue hym dystroyed and that nyght she rode besyde the kynge her sone as a kryghte for drede of dethe And it was done the kynge to vnderstonde that the erle Henry of Lancastre and his company wold haue dystroyed the kynge and his counseyll for euer more wherfore the kynge was somdele towardes hym heuy anoyed ¶ whan therle Marschall and therle of Kente the kyngys brother herde of this tydynges they rode soo in message bytwene them that the kynge grauntyd hym his peas to therle Henry of Lancastre for a certayn raunsōme of a .xi thousand poūde But that was neuer payed afterwarde And thyse were the lordes y● helde with syr Henry of Lancastre syre Beaumōt syr Fouk fytzwar●n syr thomas Rocelyn syr wyllyam T●ussel 〈◊〉 Thomas whyther and abowce an hūdred knyghtes moo that were too hym consented all those were ●ryled thrughe counseyll of quene Isabell of Mortymer For the Mortimer wayted to haue theyr londes yf that he myght thru ghe ony maner coniectynge For he was to coueytous and had to moche his wyll and that was grete pyte ¶ How kynge Edwarde wente ouer the see for too doo his homage vnto the kynge of Fraunce for y● duchye of Guy henne IT was notte longe after that the kynge of Fraunce thrughe counseyll of his douzepers sent to kynge Edwarde of Englonde that he sholde come to Parys doo his homage as reason it wolde for y● duchye of Guyon so thrugh counsell of y● lordes of Englōde kynge Edwarde went ouer see And at y● Ascencyon tyde he came vnto Parys y● thyrde yere of his regne for to do his homage vnto y● kynge of Fraūce y● kynge receyued his homage made of hym moche Ioy worshyp But whan kynge Edwarde had done his homage hastyly he was sent for into Englonde thrughe y● quene Isabell his moder and anone hastyly he came ayen into Englōde vpon wytsonday without ony takynge leue of y● kynge of Fraunce wherfore he was wonder wothe ¶ How syr Roger Mortymer bare him proudely and so hygh ANd now shall ye here of syr Roger Mortymer of wygmore that desyred and coueted to be at an hygh astate so that the kynge graūtyd hym to be callyd erle of Marche thrugh oute al his lordshyp And he became so proude hauteyn y● he wold lese forsake the name y● his elds had euer before for y● cause he let hym cal erle of marche And none of the comyns of Englonde durste calle hym by othere name for he was callyd so by y● kyngys crye that men sholde calle hym erle of Marche Mortymer bare hym so hauteyne so proude that wonder it was for to wyte alsoo dysguysed hym with wonder ryche clothes oute of all manere of reason both of shapynge of werynge wherof the Englysshmen had grete wonder howe and in what manere he myght contriue or fynde suche manere pryde And they sayd amonge them comynly y● his pryde sholde nott longe endure ¶ And the same tyme syr Geffray Mortymer the yonge That was Mortymers sone lete calle hym kynge of foly and so it befell afterwarde in dede for he was so fulle of pryde and of wretchydnesse that he helde a rounde table in walys to all mē that theder came counterfeted the doynge and the manere of kynge Arthurs table but openly he fayled for the noble kynge Arthur was the moost noble lorde of renomme that was in all y● world in his tyme yet came neuer none suche after For al y● noble knyghtes in all cristēdom of dedys of armys assayed dwellyd with kynge Arthur and helde hym for ther lorde and souerayne And that was well seen for he oconquerde in a batayll a Romayn that was callyd Froll and gate of hym the reame of Fraunce and slewe hym with his owne houndes and also he faught with a gyaunte that was callyd Dynabus slewe hym that had rauysshyd fayr Elayne that was kynge Howels nece kyng of lytyl Brytain after he slew in bataylle the emperoure of Rome that was callyd Lucie y● had assembled ayenst Arthur for to fyght with hym so moche people of Romayns and Pehites sarrasyns y● noo man cowde nombre them he dyscomfyted them al as the story tellyth ¶ And in that same tyme comyn voyce spronge in Englōde thrugh coniectynge ordynaūce of the frere prechers y● syr Edward of Carnariuan that was kynge Edwardes fader of whome the geste tellyth sayd y● he was alyue in y● castell of Corf wherof all the comyns of Englonde almoste werein sorowe drede whether y● it were so or not For they wyst not how traytoursly mortymer had hym done murthred ¶ Howe Edmonde of wodstok that was erle of kente and y● kynges brother Edwarde of Carnaryuan was heedyd atte wynchestre ANd vppon a tyme it befell soo that syr Edmonde of w●●●tok Erle of Kente spake vnto pope Iohn̄ the .xxii. at Auimon and sayd y● almyghty god had oft tymes done for Thomas loue of Lancastre many greate miracles to many men wȳmen that were thrughe dyuers maladyes vndoon as vnto y● worlde thrughe his prayere they were brought vnto ther helth so syr Edmōde prayed y● pope hertely y● he wolde graunte hym grace y● forsayd Thomas might be traūslatyd But the pope sayd nai that he sholde not be traunslatyd vnto y● tyme
Englond y● was borne in Yorke shyre that was callyd Iohn̄ of Barnaby this edwarde Bayllol louyd hym moche and was nyghe hȳ full preuy And so this Iohn̄ of Barnaby was in debate with a Frenche man in the towne of Dūpier so he slewe hym went his way in all the haste y● he myght into the castell for too haue socoure helpe of his lorde And a none came the offycers of the towne to take Iohn̄ of Barnaby as a felon and syr Edwarde his lorde holpe hym and rescowed hym by nyght made hym go out of the castell so he went his waye and came into Englonde withoute ony harme ¶ And whan y● kynge of Fraūce sawe y● syr Edwarde had rescowed hys felon he became wonder wrothe ayenstetyr Edwarde anone lete hym arestyd toke into his hondes all his londes Tho dwellyd syr Edwarde in pryson vnto y● tyme y● syr Henry of Beaumont came into Fraūce y● whiche Henry somtyme waserle of Anguysshe in Scotlon de and was put out therof whan thacordement was bytwene Englonde scotlonde thrugh y● quene Isabell syr Roger Mortimer their cōpany for y● mariage y● she made bytwene Dauyd that was Roberte Brussone dame Iohan of Tour kynge Edwards syster of Englonde well vnderstode this that at y● ende he sholde come to his ryght butyf it were syr Edwarde Bayllol that was ryghte htyre of the reame of Scotlonde ¶ And the kynge of Fraunce Lowyslsuyd moche this syr Henry And he was with hy● full preuy and thought for to make a delyuer a●mie of syre Edwarde Bayllof yf he myght in ony manere of wyse ¶ Tho prayed he the kynge that he wolde of his grac● graunte hym sy●● Edwarde Bayllols body vnto the next parlement y● he myght lyue with his owne rentes in y● meane tyme y● he myght stonde to be Iugyd with his perys at the parlement And y● kynge graūtyd hym his prayer made y● forsayd Edwarde to be delyuered out of pryson in y● manere aboue sayd anone as he was out of pryson syr Henry toke hym forth with hym ladde hym into Englonde made hym dwelle pryuely at the maneer of Sandhall vpon Ouse in yorke shyre with the lady Vescy And so he ordeyned hun there an huge retenew of Englysshmen and also of alyauntes for too conquere ayen his herytage and so he yaue moche syluer vnto y● souldyours and alyauntes for to helpe hym And they behyght for to helpe hym in y● they myghte but they faylled hym at his moost nede ¶ And at y● tyme Dauyd erle of Moryf herde telle how that syr Edwarde Bayllol was priuely come in to Englonde And came to hym and made with hym greate Ioy of his comynge sayd vnto hym behyght hym that all y● greate lordes of Englonde sholde be to hym entendaūte shold hym holde for kynge as ryght heyre of Scotlonde and dyd to hym feaute ¶ Tho came syr Henry of Beaumōte to kynge Edward of Englonde and prayed hym in y● way of charytee that he wolde graūt of his grace vnto syred warde Bayllol y● he myghte saufly goo by londe from Sandhall vnto● Scotlōde to conquere his ryght herytannce in scotlonde ¶ The kynge answerde and sayd yf that I suffre Bayllol go thrughe my londe into Scotlonde then the people wolde saye y● I sholde be assentȳge vnto y● company ¶ Now syr I praie you y● ye wolde yeue hym leue to take with hym souldyours of Englysshmen that they myght saufly lede hym thrugh your londe to Scotlonde And syr vpon thys couenaunt y● yf it so befall as god it forbydde that he be dyscomfyted in batayll thrugh the Scottes that I and also all the lordes that holde with Bayllol ben for euer more out of our rentes y● we haue in Englonde And there the kynge vppon this couenaunt grauntyd theyr bone as towchynge hym tho that were of the same quarell the whiche claymed for to haue londes and rentes in the reame of Englonde And thyse were y● names of those lordes that pursued this forsayd matere and quarell ¶ That is to saye Syre Edwarde Bayllol the whiche chalengyd the reame of Scotlonde ▪ syr Henry Beaumont erle of Ang●●●she syr Dauyd of Stroboly erle of atheles syr Geffray of Mombraye walter Comyn and many other that were put out of theyr herytage in scotlonde whan the peas was made bytwene Englonde and Scotlonde as before is sayd And ye shall vnderstonde that thyse sordes toke with theym fyue hundred men of armes and two thousande artbers and of fote men and tho went into shyppe atte Raue●spore sayled by the see tyl that they came vnto Scotlond came to lōde at Kynkehorne .xii. myle fro saynt Iobannes towne And anone sent out the●shyppes agayne for that they sholde not be hurte ne empeyred neyther that noo man sholde go in to the shyppes agayn though that they had nede but abyde alperylles not flee but stonde rather suffre dethe than flee for too mayntene theyr true quarell whan y● erle of Fysse a fyers man a sterne herde y● Bayllol was come for to take y● londe of scotlōde he came in hast to Kynkeborne with xii thousande Scottes for to dyshoye hym that he sholde not come to londe But syr Edwarde Bayllol and his cōpany there hym dyscomfyted at the whiche dyscomfyture syr Alysander Scton was there slayne and many other The erle of Fyffe was tho sore and full ruyl ashamyd that so lytyll a company bad hym dyscomfyted and shamefully putt hym all his company that were alyue for too flee ¶ Tho came syr Edwarde Bailloll toke the countree all aboute hym tyll he came vnto the abbay of Dūfermlin there he founde vitaylles for hym and for his folke and amonge all other thyng he fonde in a chambre aboute fyue hūdred of grete staues of fyue oke with longe pryckes of yren and of stele And he toke them and delyuerd them to y● moste strongest men of his companye And anone after he yede fro thens and lodged hym in a felde .ii. myles from saynt Iohannes towne And whan the burgeys of the towne herde how the erle of Fyffe was dyscomfyted thrughe Baylloll brake the brydges that they had made ouer the water of Erne so that Bailloll myght not go ouer wherfore he lodged hym there all that nyght but lytyllhede he toke of reste and sayde vnto his people Nowe dere lordes ye knowe full well y● we ben now lodged bytwene our enmyes and they may vs hampre there is no bote but deth wherfore yf we abyde styll all this nyght I wene it shal torne vs to moche harme For the power of Scotlonde may euery wexe and encre●e and we may not so do And we ben but lytyll people as ayenst theym Wherfore I pray you for the loue of almyghty god make we vs bolde and hardy and that we may myghtely take the Scottes this nyghte and boldly
a spryngynge and wellynge vp of waters and also flodes bothe of the see alsoo of the fresshe ryuers and sprynges that the see bankes walles and costes brake vp that mennnys bestes and housys in many places and namely in lowe countrees vyolently and sodaynly were drowned fruytes dryuen awaye of the erthe thrugh contynuaunce and abundaūce of waters of the see euer more afterwarde were torned into more saltnesse and sourenesse ot sauoure ¶ The x. yere of kynge Edwardes regne kyng Edwarde entred the Scottes see after Mydsomer And to many of the Scottes he yaue batayll and ouercame them and many he treatyd and bowed vntoo his peas thrughe his doughtynesse and hardynesse ¶ And after the feest of saynt Myghell ▪ then next folowynge was the erle of Moryf had taken at Edenburgh and brought into Englonde and put into pryson ¶ And in the monethes of Iune and Iulii than next folowynge in the .xi. yere of his regne was seen and appyered in y● fyrmament a bemed sterre the whiche clerkes calle stella Cometa and that sterre was seen in dyuers partes of y● fyrmament ¶ where after anone there folowed in Englonde gode chepe and wonder greate plente of all chaffare vytaylles and marchaundyse and there ayenst honger scarsyte myscheyf nede of money ¶ In soo moche that a quartre of whete atte London was solde for two shellynge and a good fatte oxe at a noble and fyue gode douues byrdes for a peny In whiche yere deyed sir Iohn̄ of Eltham erle of Cornewayle that was kynge Edwardes brother and lyethe atte westmestre ¶ How kynge Edwarde made a duchie of the erldom of Cornewayle and also● of syxe othere erles that were newe made and of the fyrste chalenge of the kyngedome of Fraunce IN the yere of our lorde a thousande CCC.xxxvii and of kynge towarde .xii. in the moneth of Marche durynge the parlement at westmestre in lē te tyme kynge Edwarde made of the erledome of Cornewayle a duchye lete it calle the duchye of Cornewayle y● whiche duchye he gaf vnto Edward his hirste sone with the erldome of Chestre and also kynge Edwarde made at that same tyme syxe other erles that is for too saye syr Henry the erle of Lancastres sone erle of Leycetre wyllyam of Boghū erle of Northampton wyllyam of Mountagu erle of Salysbury Hugh of A●dell erle of Gloucestre Robert of Vfforde erle of Southfolke And wyllyam of Clyton er●e of Huntyngeton ¶ And in that same yere it was ordeyned in the same parlement that no man sholde were no clothe that was wrought out of Englonde as clothe of goldene of sylke or veluet or damaske or satyn baudkynne none suche other ne none wylde ware nefurres of beyonde the see But suche as myght spende an hondred pounde of rēte by yere But this ordynaūce and statute was but of lytyll effect for it was no thynge holden ¶ In the xiii yere of his regne kynge Edwarde went ouer see in to Braban with quene Philyp his wyf there berynge a chylde at And werpe there he dwellyd more than a yere for to treate with the duke of Braban and other alyed vnto hym of the chalengynge of the kyngdome of Fraunce to kynge Edwarde of Englonde by ryght and by herytage after the dethe of Karoll the grete kynge of Fraunce brother Germayne of quene Isal●● kynge Edwardes moder the whiche was holden and occupied vnryghtfull by Phylyp of Valoys the emes sone of kynge Karoll y● whiche duke and all his in the forsayd thynges all otherlongynge there to with all his men and goodes kynge Edwarde to●de redy vnto hym and made behyght hym suerte by good fayth truste and after y● the kynge hasted hym ayen into Englonde left there the quene styll be hynde hym in Braban Than in y● .xiiii yere of his regne whan all y● lordes of his reame and other that oughten to be at his parlemēt were called assembled togyder in y● same parlement holden at London after y● feest of saynt Hylarye The kynges nedes were put forth promothed as touchyng y● kyngdō of Fraūce For whiche nedes to be spedde y● kynge axed y● fyfte parte of all the meuable goodes of Englonde y● mulles y● .ix. sheep of euery corne And all y● lordes of euery towne where suche thynges shold be taxyd gadryd sholde answer too the kynge therof had it and held it at his owne lust wyll wherfore yf I sholde knowleche the very trouthe the ynner loue of y● people was torned in too hate the comyn prayers into cursynge for cause that the comune people were so strongely greued ¶ Also the forsayd Phylyp Valoys of Frauce had gadred vnto him a greate hoste destroyed in his parties kyngdom many of the kynges frendes of Englonde with townes castels many other of theyr lordshyppes many harmes shamys dystytes dyd vnto the quene wherfore kyng Edward whā he herde this tydynges strongly meued therwith and an angred sente dyuers letters ouer see to the quene to other y● were his frendes gladynge them certefienge them that he wolde be there hymself in all the hast y● he myghte ¶ And anone after Ester whan he had sped of all thynges y● hym neded to haue he wēt ouer set ayen Of whose comynge y● quene all his frendes were wonder gladd and made moche Ioy And all that were his enmyes and helde ayenst hym made as moche sorowe ¶ In the same tyme the kynge thrugh counseyll of his trewelyeges and counseyll of his lordes that there were present with hym write the kynge of Fraunces name toke medled the kynges armes of Fraunce quartred with tharmes of Englonde cōmaunded forth with his coyen of gold vnder discrypcyon writynge of y● name of Englonde of Fraūce to be made beste that myghte bee y● is too saye y● floreyne y● was callyd y● nobell pryce of .vi. shellȳge vii pens sterlynge y● halfe nobell y● valuc .iii. shellynge iiii pens y● farth●●ges the value of .xx. pens ¶ How kynge Edwarde come vnto the scluys and dyscomfyted all the powere of Fraunce in the hauen ANd in the next yere after●that is to saye the .xv. yere of his regne he commaūded lete wryte in his chartres wryttes and other letters the date of the regne of Fraunce the fyrst And w●yle that he was thus doynge and trauayllynge in Fraunce thrughe his counseyll he wrote to all the prelates dukes erles barons and the noble lordes of the cou●tre and also too dyuerse of the comune people dyuers lettres and maūdementes berynge date at Gandaut the .viii. daye of February And anone after within a lytyll tyme he came ayen into Englond with the quene her chyldren ¶ And in the same yere on mydsomer euen he began to saylle towarde Fraunce ayen manly fyersly he fell vpon Philyp of Valoys the whiche longe tyme laye and had gadryd to hȳ a
y● is to saye y● pe●y y● grote value of iiii pens the half grote of .ii. pens but it was of lesse weyght than y● olde 〈…〉 be .v. shellynge in y● pounde ¶ And in y● .xxvii. yere of his regne was the greate derth of vytayls y● which was called y● 〈…〉 And the .xxviii. yere of his 〈◊〉 in y● parlement holden atte 〈◊〉 after 〈◊〉 syr Henry erle of Lancastre was made duke of Lancastre in this yere 〈◊〉 so greate a drought y● frome the 〈…〉 to y● Monethe of Iuyll there fell no rayn o●● ther the wherfore all fruytes sedes herbes for the moost parte were loste in defaut wherfore come so greate dysease of men beestes derthe of vytayls in Englonde y● this londe y● euer afore had ben plēteuous had nede y● tyme to fe●e vytayls and refresshynge at other out 〈◊〉 coūtres And the .xxix. yere of kynge Edwarde it was accorded graūted and sworne bytwene y● kynge of Fraūce kyng Edwarde of Englonde y● he sholde haue a yen all his lond● lordshyppes y● longed to y● duchye of Guyhen of olde tyme y● whiche had ben with drawen wrongfully occupyed by dyuerse kyngꝭ of Fraūce before honde to haue to holde to kyng Edwarde to his heyres successours for euer more frely peasybly in goode quyete vpon this couenaūt y● the kyng of Englonde sholde leue of releasen all his ryght clayme that he had claymed of y● kyngdom of Fraūce of y● 〈◊〉 he toke therof vpon whiche 〈◊〉 couenaūtes it was sent to y● 〈…〉 Rome on bothe sydes of y● kynges 〈…〉 forsayd couenaūt shold be 〈…〉 god ordeyned better for the kynges ●●●shyp of Englōde for what thrugh fra●de dysceyte of the Frensshmen what thrughe lettynge of the pope and of the courte of Rome the forsayd couenauntes were dysquate and left of ¶ And in the same yere the kynge reuoked by his w● se and dyscrete counseylle the staple of wulles out of Flaundres into Englond wyth all the lybertees fraunches and fre customes that longed therto and ●deyned it in Englonde in dyuerse places y● is for to saye at westmystre Caunterbury Chychestre Brystowe Lyncoln and Hulle with all the forsayd thynges that longen therto And y●●hys thynge that sholde thus be done the kynge swo●● hȳself therto prynce Edwarde his sone with other many grete wyenesses y● ther● were presente ¶ And the .xxx. yere of his regne anone after wytsontyde in the parleamente ordeyned at westmenstre it was tolde certefyed to y● kynge y● Phylyg y● helde y● kyngdome of Fraūce was deed and y● Ioh●̄ his sone was crowned kynge and y● this Iohn̄ had gyuen Karoll his sone y● duchye of Guyhen of y● whiche thynge kynge Edward whan he wyst therof he had greate Indygnacōn vnto hym was wonder wrothe strōg ly meued And therfore afore all y● worthy lordes y● there were assembled at that parlement callyd Edwarde his sone vnto hym to whome y● duchye of Guyhen by ryght herytage sholde longe to gat it hym there byddynge and strenthyng hym y● he sholde ordeyne hym for to defende hym auenge hȳ vpon his enemyes saue mayntene his ryght And afterwarde kynge Edwarde hymselfe his eldest sone Edwarde went to dyuers places sayntes in Englonde on pilgrimage for too haue y● more helpe grace of god and of his sayntes And .ii. kal of Iuyll whan all thynge was redy to that vyage batayll all his retenue power assembled his nauye also redy he toke with hym y● erle of warwyk y● erle of Suffolk y● erle of Salesbury the erle of Oxford a thousande men of armes as many archers and in the Natyuyte of our lady toke theyr shyppes at plūmouthe began to sayll And whan he come was arryued in Guyon he was there worshypfully aken receyued of y● moost noblest men lordes of that countree ¶ And anone afer kynge Edwarde toke with hym his two sones that is to saye syr Lyonell erle of Vlton and sir Iohn̄ his brother erle of Rychemonde syr Henry duke of Lancastre with many erles and lordes and men of armes two thousande archers saylled towarde Fraū●e rested hym a whyle at Calays after y● kynge went with his host aforsayd with other souldyours of be yonde y● see y● there abode y● kyngꝭ comȳge the seconde daye of Nofuembre toke his Iourney toward kynge Iohn̄ of fraunce there as he trowed too haue founde hym fast by Odomarum as his letters and couenaūt made mencyon y● he wolde a byde hym there with his host And whā kynge Iohn̄ Fraūce herde telle of the kynges comynge of Englonde he went awaye with his men caryage cowardly shamfully fleynge wastynge all vytayls y● Englysshmen sholde not haue therof ¶ And whan kynge Edwarde herde telle y● he fledde he pursued hym with all his hoste tyll Henede than he beholdynge y● scarsyte and wantynge of vytayls also y● cowardyse of y● kynge of Fraūce he torned ayen wastynge all the coūtree ¶ And whyle all thyse thynges were a doynge y● Scottꝭ pryuely and bynyghte toke y● towne of Berwyksleyng theym y● withstode theym no manels but blessyd be god y● castell was saued kept by Englysshmen that were therin whan the kynge perceyued all this he torned ayen into Englonde as wroche as he myghte be wherfore in the parleament at westmynster was grauntyd to the kynge of euery sacke of wulle .l. shillyng● durynge the terme of .vi. yere that he myghte myghtlyer fyght and defend the reame ayenst the Scottes and other mysdoers And so whan all thynges were redy the kynge hasted hym towarde the syege ¶ How kynge Edwarde was crowned kynge of Scotlonde and howe prynce Edwarde toke the kynge of Fraunce syr Philyp his yonger sone at y● batayll of Peyters ANd in the .xxxi. yere of his regne the .xiii. daye of Iany●●re the kynge beynge in the castell of Berwyke with a fewe men but he hauy●ge there faste by a grete hoost The towne was yolden vnto hym without ony maner defence or dyffyculte Than the kinge of Scotlonde that is for to saye sir Iohanne Bayloll considerynge how that god dyd many meruaylles gracyous thynges for kynge Edwarde at his owne wyll fro daye to daye he toke gaaf vp y● reame of Scotlonde y● crowne of Scotlonde at Rokesburgh in y● kynges hondes of Englōde vnder his patent letter there made ¶ And anone after kynge Edwarde in presence of all y● prelat● other worthy men lordes y● were there lette hym crowne kynge of Scotlond And whan all thynges were done ordeyned in y● coūtrees at his wyll he torned ayen into Englonde with a grete worshyp ¶ And whyle this vyage was in doynge in scotlonde syr Edwarde prynce of wales as a man enspyred in god was in Guyhen in y● cyte of Burdeux treatȳ ge spekynge of the chalenge
of the kynges ryght of Englonde y● he had to the reame of Fraūce y● he wolde be auenged with stronge honde the prelates peres myghty men of y● coūtree consented well to hym Than syr Edward the prynce with a greate hoste gadred to hym the .vi. daye of Iuyll wente frome Burdeux goynge ●raueylynge bi many dyuerse coūtrees he toke many prysoners mo than .vi. thousand men of armes by the countre as he went toke y● towne of Remorantyn in Saloygne besyeged the castell .vi. dayes And at the vi dayes ende they yolde the castell vnto hym there was taken y● lorde of crowne sir Bursygaud many other knygheꝭ and men of armes moo than .lxxx. And fro thens by Toren Peten faste by Chyneney his noble men y● were with hȳ had a stronge batayll with Frensshemen an hūdred of theyr mē of armes wereslayne y● erle of Daūce the stewarde of Fraūce were taken with an ho●●dred men of armes In y● whiche yere y● xix daye of Septēbre fast by Pey●●● the same prynce with a thousande .ix. hondred men of armes and archers ordeined a batayll to kynge Iohn̄ of Fraūce comynge to the prȳce warde with .vii. M. chosen men of armes moche other people a greate nombre of the whiche were slayne the duke of Barbon the duke of Athenes many other noble mē of y● prynces men of armes a. M ▪ of other the trewe accompte rekenynge .viii. C And there the kynge of Fraūce was ●aken syr Philyp his yonger son● many dukes noble men worthy 〈◊〉 men of armes aboute two 〈◊〉 so the vyctory fell there to the pry●●● to the people of Englonde by the gra●● of god And many ●●at were taken prysoners were sette at theyr taunson and vpon theyr troush and knyghode were charged and hadde leue too go But the prynce toke with hym the kynge of Fraunce and Philyp his sone with all the reuerence that he myghte and went ayen to Burdeux with a gloryous vyc●ory y● somme of the men that there were take prysoners and of theym that were 〈◊〉 the daye of batayll .iiii. M.iiii C.xl. and in the .xxxii. yere of kynge Edwarde the v. daye of May prynce Edwarde wyth kynge Iohn̄ of Fraūce and Philyp h●● sone and many other worthy prysoners aryued gracyously in y● haue of 〈◊〉 the the .xxiiii. daye of y● same mo●●th aboute thre after none they came to Lōdon by London brydge so went forthe to the kynges pal●●s at westmynstre there came 〈◊〉 a multycude and presse of people abowee theym to behold and see that wonder and tyall syghte y● vnneth 〈◊〉 fro mydday syll nyght myght they ●ot come to westmyster And y● kynge ●●raunson of Fraunce was 〈◊〉 set to thre myllyons of 〈◊〉 of whom two sholde be worth a nobell And ye shal vnderstande that a myllyon is a thousande thousande and after some men his raunson was set at thre thousande thousande floreyns and all is one effect and this same yere were made Iustꝭ solempne in Smytfelde beynge present the kinge of Englonde y● kynge of Fraunce the kynge of Scotlonde many other worthy noble lordes ¶ The .xxxiii. yere of his regne y● same kynge Edwarde at wyndesore as well for loue of knyght hode as for his owne worshyp at reuerence of y● kynge of Fraunce of other lordes that were there at y● tyme he helde a wonder ryall costly feest of saynt George passyng ony that euer was holden afore wherfore y● kynge of Fraūce in scornynge sayd y● he sawe neuer ne herde suche a solempne festes ne ryaltes holden ne done with taylles withoute payenge of golde or syluer ¶ And in y● .xxxiiii. yere of his regne the .xiiii. kal of Iulii syre Iohn̄ erle of Rychmond kynge Edwardes sone wedded dame Blaunche duke Henryes doughter of Lancastre cosyn to the same Iohn̄ by dyspencyon of y● 〈◊〉 And ut the meane tyme were ordeyned Iustes at London thre dayes of rogatyons y● is for to saye y● Mayer of Londō with his .xxiii. aldermen ayenst all that wolde come in whos name stede the kynge pryuely with his foure sones Edwarde Lyonell Iohn̄ Edmonde and other .xix. greate lordes helden the felde with worshyp ¶ And this same yere as it was tolde and sayd of theym that saw it there come blood oute of the tombe of Thomas somtyme erle of Lancastre as freshe as that daye that he was done to dethe ¶ And in the same yere kyng Edwarde chose his sepulture and his lyggynge at westmestre fast by y● shryne of saynt Edwarde And anone after y● .xxvi daye of Octobre he went ouer see to Calays makynge protestacōn y● he wolde neuer come ayen into Englōde tyll he had full ended the warre bytwene Fraūce hym ¶ And so in y● .xxvi. yere of his regne in the wynter tyme kynge Edwarde was and trauaylled in the Ryne costes And abowte saynt Hyllarye tyde he departed his hoste and wente to Bourgon warde with whome than met peasybly the duke of Bourgon behyghtynge him lxx thousande floreyns that he shold spare his men his people y● kynge graūtyd at his requeste dwelled there vnto the .xvii. daye of Marche the which tyme come to kynges Edwardes cere that stronge theues were on the see vnder che erle of saynt Poule the .xv daye of Marche lyggynge a wayte vpon y● townes of Hastynge Rye and other places vyllages on the see cost hadden entred as enmyes into the towne of wynchelse and slewe all that euer withstode them and with sayd theyr comynge wherfore the kynge was gretly meued and wratthed and he torned ayen toward Parys and cōmaunded his hoste to dystroye sle all with strenth of swerde that he had before honde spared And y● .xii. daye of april the kynge come to Parys there departed his host in dyuers batayls with .iiii. C. knyghtes newe dubbyb on y● one syde of hȳ And syr Henry duke of Lancastre vnder peas y● trewes went vnto y● yates of y● cyte proferynge to thē y● wolde abyde batayll in y● felde vnder suche cōdycion y● yf y● kynge of Englōd were ouer comen there as god forbed it shold y● thā he sholde neuer chalenge y● kyngdom of Fraūce And there he had of theym but short scornfull answere came tolde it to y● kynge his lordes what he hadde herde what they sayd And then went forth y● new kynghtes with many othere makynge assawte to y● cyte they dystroyed y● subbarbes of y● cyte And while al these thȳges were doȳge y● Englysshmē made thē redy for to be auenged vppon the shame and dyspyte that was done y● yere at wynchelle and ordeyned a nauye of .lxxx. shyppes of men of London and of other marchauntes and .xiii thousande men of armes and archers and went and serched and skūmed y● see manly token and helde the yle of Caux wherfore the
the fyue lordes arosen at Rattecote brydge ANd in the regne of kyng Richarde the .xi. yere thenne fyue lordes arosen at Rattecote brydge in y● destruccyon of the rebelles y● were that tyme in all the reame ¶ The fyrste of these fyue lordes was syr Thomas of wodstok the kynges vncle duke of Gloucestre and the seconde was syr Rycharde erle of Arundell and the thyrde was syr Rycharde erle of warwyk the fourth was syr Henry Balynbrok erle of Derby y● fyfte was syr Thomas Mombray erle of Notyngham And these .v. lordes saw the myschyef mysgouernaūce and the falsnes of y● kynges counseyll wherfore they y● were that tyme cheyf of y● kynges counseyll fledde out of this londe ouer se that is to saye syr Alysander Neuell the Archebysshop of yorke and syr Roberte Lewe marqueyes of Deuelyne and erle of Oxforde and syr Mychell de la pole erle of South folk Chaūceler of Englonde And these thre lordes went ouer see and came neuer ayen for there they deyed ¶ And than these fyue lordes aboue sayd made a parlemente at westmynster and there they toke syr Robert Tresaly am the Iustyce and syr Nicholl Brembre knyght and cytezeyn of London and syr Iohn̄ Salesbury a knyghte of y● kȳges housholde vske sergeaūt of armes and many moo of other people were taken and Iuged vnto the dethe by y● counseyll of these .v. lordes in that parlement at westmynster for y● treason y● they putt vpon theym to be drawen frome y● toure of London thrugh out the cyte so forth vnto Tyburne there they sholde be haged and theyr throtes to be cutte thus they were serued deyed And after that in this same parlement at westmynster was syr Symond Beuerle y● was a knyght of the garter and syre Iohn̄ Beauchamp knyght that was stewarde of y● kynges housholde syr Iamys Berners were for Iuged vnto the dethe and than they were ledde on fote to the toure hylle there were theyr hedes smyten of and many other moo by these .v. lordes ¶ In this same parlement and in y● 〈◊〉 yere of kynge Rychardꝭ regne he lete 〈◊〉 ordeyne a generall Iustes y● is called a turnement of lordes and knyghtes And this Iustes turnement were holden at London in smythfelde of all manere of straūgers of what londe or coūtre y● euer they were thyder they were ryght welcome to thē to all other was holden open housholde grete festes also grete gyftes were gyuen too all manere of straungers And of the kynges syde were all of one sute their cotes ther armure sheldes hors trappure and all was white hertes with crownes about theyr neckes and chaynes of golde hangynge ther vppon and the crowne hangyng lowe before the hertes body the whiche herte was the kynges leueraye that he gaaf to lordes and ladyes knyghtes and squyres for to knowe his housholde frome other peple And in this feest camen to y● Iustes xxiiii ladyes and ledde .xxiiii. lordes of y● garter with chaynes of golde and all y● same sutes of hertes as it is before sayd frome the toure on horsbacke thrughe the cyte of London in to smyth felde there y● the Iustes sholde be holden And this feest and Iustes was holden generalle for all tho that wolde come theder of what londe nacyon y● euer they were And this was holden durynge .xxiiii. dayes of the kynges costes and these .xxiiii. lordes to answere all manere people that wold come thyder And theder came the erle of saynt Poule of Fraūce and many other worthy knyghtes with hym of dyuerse partyes full worthely arayed And out of Holande Henaude came the lorde Ostreuaūt y● was the dukes sone of Holand and many other worthy knyghtes with hym of Holland full well arayed And whan this feest Iustynge was ended y● kynge thanked this straūgers and gaaf them many ryche gyftes And soo they token theyr leue of y● kynge and of other lordes ladyes wente home ayē into theyr owne coūtrees with grete loue moche thanke ¶ And in y● .xiii. yere of kynge Rychardes regne there was a batayll done in the kynges palays at westmynster kytwene a squyer of Nauerne y● was with kynge Rycharde an othere squyre y● was called Iohn̄ walssh for poȳtes of treason y● this Nauerne put vpon this walssheman but this Nauerne was ouercomen yelde hym recreaunt to his aduersary And anone he was dyspoyled of his armure drawen on t of the palays to Tyburne there was hanged for his falsnes ¶ And the .xiiii. yere of kynge Rychardes regne syr Iohn̄ of Gaūt duke of Lancastre wente ouer see in too Spayne for to chalenge his ryght that he had by his wyfes tytle vnto the crowne of Spayne with a greate host of peple and men of armes and archers and he had with hym the duchesse his wyfe his thre doughters ouer see into Spayne there they were a greate whyle at the laste the kynge of Spayne began to treate with y● duke of Lancastre they were accorded togyder thrugh theyr both coūseyll in this manere y● the kynge of Spayne sholde wedde y● dukes doughter of Lancastre that was the ryght heyre of Spayne and he sholde gyue vnto y● duke of Lancastre golde and syluer y● were cast into greate wegges and many other Iewels as moche as .viii. charyetes myght carye And euery yere after durynge the dukes lyfe of Lancastre and of y● duches his wyf .x. thousāde marke of gold Of whyche golde the auenture chargꝭ sholde be to theym of Spayne yerely brynge vnto Bayon to the dukes assygnes by surete made And also y● duke maryed an other of his doughters vnto the kynge of Portyngale the same tyme whan he had done so he come home ayen in to Englonde and his goode lady his wyfe also but many worthy men deyed vpon the flyx ¶ In the .xv. yere of kynge Rychardꝭ regne he helde his cryst masse in the maner of wodstok and there the erle of Penbroke ayong lorde and tendre of aege wolde lerne to Iuste with a knyght that was called syre Iohn̄ of saynt Iohn̄ and roden togyder in y● parke of wodstoke and there this worthy erle of Penbroke was slayne with that other knyghtes spere as he cast it frome hym whan y● they had coupled and thus the good erle made there his ende and therfore y● kynge the quene made moche sorowe for his dethe ¶ And in the .xvi yere of kynge Rychardes regne Iohn̄ hēde beynge that tyme mayer of London and Iohn̄ walworth Henry vanner beynge shreues of London that same tyme a bakers man bare a basket of hors brede in too Fletstrete towarde an hostre and there came a yonge man of the bysshop of Salysbury that was called Romayn and he toke a hors lofe out of the basket of y● bakers he asked hym why he dyd so and this Romayn torned ayē and brake the bakers heed
commaundement of Englonde Ad that tyme therle Marchall was Capytayne of Calays And anone after by commaundemente of the kynge and by hys fals counseyll commaūded the capytayne to put hym to the dethe Add anone certayne yomen that had the good duke in kepynge toke theyr coūseyll how that they sholde put hym vnto dethe And this was theyr appoyntement that they sholde come vpon hym whanne he were in his bedde and a slepe on a fetheren bedde and anone they bounde hym honde and fote charged hym to lye styll And whan that they hadde done thus they token two smale towelles and made on theym two rydȳge knottes and caste the towelles about his necke than they toke y● 〈…〉 y● laye vnder hym cast it aboue hym than they drewe theyr to welles eche ●●yes and some laye vpon the fetheren 〈◊〉 vpon hym vnto the tyme that he 〈◊〉 bycause that he sholde make no 〈◊〉 and thus they strangled thys worthy duke vnto the dethe vpon whosoule 〈◊〉 for hys hyghe pyte haue mercy Amen ¶ And whan the kynge had rested thus this worthy duke and his vnde sente hym to Calays he came ayen to London in all the hast with a wonder greate people And as sone as he was comen he sēte for the erle of Arundell and for the gode erle of warwyk And anone as they came he arested theym hymselfe and syr Iohan Cobham and syr Iohn̄ Cheyne knyghtes he arested theym in the same maner tyll he made his parlemente and anone they were putte into holde but y● erle of Arundell wente at large vnto the parlemente tyme for he foūde suffycient surete to a abyde the lawe to answere to all manere poyntes that the kynge his counseyll wolde putte vppon hym ¶ And the .xxi. yere of kynge Rychardes regne he ordeyned hym a parlement at westmynster the whiche was called the greate parleamente And thys parleament was made for to Iuge thys three worthy lordes and other moo as they lyst at that tyme And for that Iugemente the kynge lete make in all the haste a lōge hous and a large of tymbre the whyche was called an halle couered with tiles ouer it was open all about on both sydes at y● endes that all maner of men myght se thrugh oute and there the dome was holden vpon these forsayd lordꝭ and Iugement gyuen at this forsayd parlement And for to come vnto this parlement the kynge sente his wryttes to euery lorde baron knyghte euery squyre in euery shyre thrugh out Englond y● euery lorde shold gadre brynge his retenue with hym in as shorte in the best araye that they myght gete in mayntenynge in the strengthynge of the kynge ayenste theym that were his enemyes and that this were done in all the haste and come to hym in payne of dethe And the kyngge hȳself sent into Chestreshyre to cheyf●ayns of y● coūtree and they gadred and brought a greate an huge company of people both of knyghtes squyres and 〈◊〉 of yomen of Chestreshyre y● whiche yomen and archers the kynge toke to his owne court and gaf them bowge of court and good wages to be kepers of his owne body both by nyght and by daye aboue all other persones and moste loued and beste truste the whiche sone afterwarde torned the kynge to grete losse and shame hyndrynge and his vtterlye vndoynge destruccyon as ye shall here afterwarde And that tyme came sir Hēry of Derby with a greate menye of mē of armes and archers and the Erle of Rutlonde come with a stronge power of peple bothe of men of armes and archers And the erle of Kente brought a greate power of men of armes and archers the erle Marchall came in the same manere And the lorde Spenser in this same manere The erle of Northumberlonde and syr Henry Percy his sone and syr Thomas Percy the erles broder And all these worthy lordes brought a fayr meny a stronge power eche man in his beste araye And the duke of Lancastre the duke of yorke came in y● same maner with men of armes and archers folowynge y● kynge And syr William shop 〈◊〉 of Englonde came in the same manere And thus in this araye came all 〈◊〉 thy men of this londe vnto ou● 〈◊〉 all these people came to London 〈◊〉 daye in soo moche that euery there and lane in London and in the subarbes were full of theym lodged and. 〈…〉 myle abowte London on euery waye And these people brought the kynge to westmynster went borne ayen to theyr lodgynge both hors and man and than on the mondaye the .xii. daye of Septembre the parlement began at westmynster the whiche was called the grete parlement ¶ And on the frydaye nexte afte the Erle of Arundell was broughte in too the parleament amonge all the lordes and y● was on saynt Mathewes daye the appostle euangelyst there he was for Iuged vnto y● dethe in this balle y● was made in the palays atte westmynster And this was his Iugement he sholde go on foot with his hondes boūde behynde hȳ frome the place that he was Iuged in so forth thrugh the cyte of London vnto the Towre hylle and his heed to be smiten of and soo it was done in dede in the same place And .vi. of the grettest lordes that sate on his Iugemente roden with hym vnto the place there he was done to the dethe and so to se that the execucyon were done after the dome And by y● kinges cōmaundement with them went on foot men of armes and archers a greate multytude of Chestreshyre men in strengethynge of the lordes that brought this erle to his dethe for they dredde leest the erle sholde be rescowed and taken from theym whanne they come into London Thus he passed forth thrugh the cyte vnto his dethe and there he toke it full pacyently on whos soule god haue mercye Amen And than come the frere Austins and toke vp the body and the heede of this good erle and bare it home to theyr place and buryed hym in theyr quyre in the morne after was syr Rycharde erle of warwyk brought into the parlemēte there as the erle of Arundell was for Iuged and they gaaf the erle of warwik the same Iugemente that the forsayd erle had but the lordes had compassyon of hym bycause he was of more gretter aege and released hym into perpetuall pryson put hym into the ylonde of Man And thenne on the mondaye nexte after the lorde Iohanne Cobham of Kente syr Iohan Cheyn knyghtes were alsoo brought into the same parlement in the same halle and there they were for Iuged for too be hanged and drawen but thrugh the prayers and greate Instaunce of all the lordes that Iugement was foryeuen to them and released into perpetuall pryson ¶ And in this same yere was Rycharde Wyttyngdon mayer of London and Iohn̄ wedecoke wyllyā Askam shreues
of London ¶ And they ordeyned at euery yate of London durȳge this same parlement stronge watche of men of armes and archers and thrughe out euery warde also And the kyng made .v. dukes and one markeys four erles and the fyrste of them was the erle of Derby he was made duke of Herforde And the seconde also was the erle of Rutlonde and he was made duke of Awemarle And the thyrde was the erle of Kent and he was made duke of Surre And the fourth was the erle of Huntyngdon and he was made duke of Excestre And the fyfte was the erle of Notyngham a he was made duke of Northfolke And the erle of Somersete he was made markeys of Dorset And the lord Spenser was made Erle of Goucestre And the lorde Neuyll of raby was made erle of westmerlonde And syr Thomas percy was made erle of worcestre And syr wyllyam scrope that was tresourere of Englonde was made erle of wylteshyre And syr Iohn̄ mōtagu erle of Salesbury And whan the kynge had thus done he helde the parlemente and ryalle fest vnto all his lordes and to all maner people that thyder wolde come ¶ And this same yere deyed syr Iohn̄ of Gaūt the kynges vncle and duke of Lancastre in y● bysshops inne in Holdorne and was brought fro thens to saynt Poule there the kynge made and helde this enterement well and worthely with all his lordes in the chirche of saynt Poule in London and there he was buryed besyde dame Blaūce his wyfe y● was doughter heyre vnto the good Henry that was duke of Lancastre In the same yere there fell a dyscencyon bytwere y● duke of Herforde and the duke of Norfolk in so moche y● they waged batayll and ●asten downe theyr gloues than they were taken vp ensealed y● batyyll Ioyne● the day set y● place assygned 〈…〉 and this sholde be at Cou●tre ¶ And thyder come the kynge wyth all hys 〈◊〉 at that daye and was set in the felde and than these two worthy lordes came into y● felde well and clene armed wel arayed with all theyr wepen redy too done theyr batayll were redy in the place for to fyght at vtteraūce But y● kyng had them cesse toke y● quarell into his honde And forth with ryght there presēte exyled y● duke of Herforde forterme of x. yere the duke of Norfolke for euere more And syr Thomas of Arūdell Archebysshop of Caūterbury was exyled y● same tyme for euer deposed out of his see for malyce of the kynge anone these thre worthy lordes were cōmaūded defēded y● kyngꝭ reame And anone they gate theym shyppes at dyuerse hauens and went ouer see into dyuerse londes eche his waye And the duke of Norfolke wente too Venece and there he deyed on whos soule god haue mercy Amen and than kynge Rycharde made a clerke of his syr Roger walden Archebysshop of Caunterbury ¶ And in the .xxii. yere of kynge Rychardes regne by fals coūseyll ymagynacyon of coueytous men y● were about hym were made ordeyned blanke chertres and made theym to be enseled of all maner ryche men thrugh oute the reame In so moche that they compelled dyuerle people to sette theyr seales therto And this was done for greate couetyse wherfore all gode hertes of the reame were clene torned awaye fro the kinge for euer after And that was vtterly his dystruccyon and ende to hym y● was soo hyghe and soo excellente prynce and kynge and thrugh couetous fals counseyll falsly betrayed Alas for pyte that suche a kynge myght not se ¶ And thā kynge Rycharde sette his kyngdome hys ryall londe of Englonde too ferme vnto four persones the whiche were the se Syr wyllyam strop erle of wyleshyre and tresourer of Englonde and syr Iohan Busshe and Henry grene and syr Iohan Bagot knyghtes that whyche torned theym too myscheyf and dethe with in a lytell tyme as ye shall fynde here afterwarde wryten ¶ And than kyng Rycharde made greate ordynaūce ●nte hymself ouer see in to I●londe many grete lordes with hym 〈◊〉 a grete hoste for to strenth theyr kynge with men of armes archers and moche greate stuff ryghte good ordynaūce as longed vnto warre And or he passed ouer see he ordeyned made syr Edmonde of Langley his vncle y● duke of yorke his 〈◊〉 of Englonde in his absence with she gouernaūce coūseyll of the●e 〈…〉 that had taken Englonde to ●●●me of the kynge And than he 〈…〉 see and came into Irlonde and 〈◊〉 was well worthely receyued And 〈◊〉 rebelles that ben called wolde 〈◊〉 came downe to the kynge yolde them to hym both body goodes all at his 〈◊〉 wyll and swore vnto hym to be 〈◊〉 lyege men and there dyd to hym 〈◊〉 and feaute and good seruyse thus he conquered the moost parte of Irlonde in a lytell tyme. ¶ And whyse that kyng Rycharde was thus in Irlonde syr Henry of Bolyngbroke erle of 〈◊〉 the kynge had made before duke of ●●●forde the whiche duke the kynge had ●●led out of this lond was comen 〈◊〉 to Englende for to chalenge the duke●● me of Lancastre as for his ryght new herytage he came downe out of Fraūce by londe vnto Calays And t●ere ●e● hym syr Thomas of Arūdell y● was Archebysshop of Caūterbury y● 〈◊〉 e●yled out of Englonde with hym came the erle of Arūdell his sone 〈◊〉 y● which was in kepȳg of syr Iohn̄ shelley knight sōtyme with the erle of 〈◊〉 with the duke of E●ces●● y● which was tho in y● castell of Reygate in southsex there he stale hym awaye came too Calays and there he was keped well worthely tyll these other two lordes were comen to Calays ¶ And than this worthy duke and syr Thomas of Arundell Archebysshop of Caūterbury shypped in y● hauen of Calays drewe theyr cours nor warde and aryued in yorke shyre at Rauensporne faste by wydelyngton there he came entred fyrste the londe two lordes with hym and theyr nauye And soo thanne moche people of the reame that whan they herde of his comynge knewen where that he was and anone they drewen vnto hym and welcomed these lordes and soo gaaf theym courage in all manere thynge and soo passed forth into the londe and gadred moche people to them ¶ And whan kynge Rycharde herde and wyste that these twoo lordes were comen ayen in to Englonde and also were londed Than the kynge lefte his ordynaunce in Irlonde and come in to Englonde warde in all the has●e that he myghte and come to the castell of Flynte and there he abode to take his counseyll and what myght he done but too hym come none And thanne syr Thomas Percy erle of worcestre y● was the kynges stewarde wyst and knewe all this anone he came into the hall amonges althe people he brake y● yerde of y● ryall kynges housholde
and anone euery man was dysparpled and wente hys waye forsoke theyr mayster and souerayne lorde left hym allone And thus was kynge Rycharde brought downe destroyed and stode hymself allone with out comforth or socoure or of ony goode coun●eylle of ony man alas for pyte of this ryall kynge And anone came worde that syr Henry of Bolyngbroke was vp with a stronge power of people and that all the squyres of Englonde reysen vp the shyres in strengthynge of hym a yenste kynge Rycharde ¶ And thus sone he was come oute of the North countre to Brystowe and the re he met wyth sir wyllyam Scrope erle of wyltshyre tresourer of Englonde with sir Iohn̄ Busshe and syr Henry greue and Iohn̄ Bagot but he escaped frome theym and went ouer see into Irlonde these thre knyghtes were taken theyr hedes smyten of thus they deyed for theyr fals couetyse ¶ And than was kynge Rycharde taken brought vnto the duke and a none the duke put hym in faste warde stronge holde vnto his comynge to London And than was there a rumore in Lōdon a stronge noyse that kynge Rycharde came to westmynster the people of London ranne thyder and wolde haue done moche harme hurte in ther woodnesse had notte the mayer and aldermen and othere worthy men cessed theym with fayre wordes and tornede theym home agayne vnto London And ther was syr Iohn̄ Slake dene of y● kinges chapell of westmynster taken brought to London put in pryson in Ludgate And Iohan Bagot was taken in Irlonde and so brought to London and put in pryson in Newgate there to be kepte abyde his answere ¶ And soon after the duke brought kynge Rychard pryuely vnto London put hym in the tour vnder sure kepynge as a prysoner And than came the lordes of the ream● wyth all theyr coūseyll vnto the Tour to kynge Rycharde sayd to hym of hys mysgouernaūce extorcyon y● he hadde done made ordeyned to oppresse all the comyne people also to all y● reame Wherfore all the comyne people of y● reame wolde hym haue deposed of his kyngdome And so he was deposed at y● tyme in the Toure of London by all his lordes coūsayll comune assent of all the reameAnd than he was put frome the Tour vnto the castell of Ledes in Kent there he was kept a whyle And thā he was had frome thens vnto the castell of Poūfret in the North coūtre to be kept in prison and ryght sone after there he made his ende ¶ And than whan kynge Rycharde was deposed and had resygned his crowne his kyngdome was kept fast in holde than all the lordes of the reame with the comyns assente by accorde chosen this worthy lorde syr Henry of Bolyngbroke erle of Derby duke of Herford duke of Lancastre by ryght lyne and herytage and for his ryghtfull manhode that the people founde in hym before all other they chose hym and made hym kynge of Englonde amonges theym INnocencyus the .vii. was chosen at Rome and lyued but two yere and than Gregory .xii. was after hym xii yere euer was debate Than was Alexander chosen in y● coūseyll of Pysā he was called fyrste Petrus de Candyda so was put stryf to stryf euerychone of those thre sayd he was pope than was there a coūseyll at Pysan where they began to make a concorde there they deposed y● two the thyrde stode so was worse deuysyon made than before for y● they ordeyned preuayled not ¶ Roberte was Emperour after wenselaus .ix. yere this man was duke of Bauary erle of Palatyn a Iust man and a good was crowned of Boneface the .ix. This man entred ytaly with a greate hoost of Almayns ayenst Iohn̄ the duke of Galyas but with an heuy hoost he torned ayē was had worthy to suffre for his ryght wysnes ¶ Iohan the .xxiii. succeded Alexander .iiii. yere fyrste he began well for an vnyte and he was in the coūseyll at Constantis offred hym to resygne the popehode after secretly vntruly he fledde awaye but it profyted him not for he was taken constreyned to peas and was made a Cardynall and buryed at Florens ¶ Sygysmundus was Emperoure after Robert .xxvii. yere and he was sone to Karolus and kynge of Vngarye and moost crysten prynce and he was so deuoute to god that he deserued too be canonysed This man holpe the chirche thrugh his merueylous prudence and wytte for he spared no labour ne no thynge y● he had tyll he had made a full peas amonge the clergye And he had .ix batayls ayenst y● Turke euer he had y● vyctorye what more all thynge y● euer was wryten in louynge to Constantyne Theodosio Karolo Otto may truly be wryten of him And he was crowned in Vngary decessed a blessed man ¶ Circa Annū dm̄ M. CCCC.vii ¶ Of syr Henry of Bolyngbroke Erle of Derby that regned after kynge Rycharde whiche was the fourth Henry after the Conquest ANd after kynge Rycharde the seconde was deposed and oute of his kyngdome the lordes and the com●nes all with one assent all other wo● thy of the reame chosen Henry of Bolȳgebroke erle of Derby sone and hey● of Iohn̄ the duke of Lancastre for his wor thy manhode that oft tyme had be fo●●de in hym and in dedes preued vpon 〈◊〉 Edwardes daye y● cofessour he was crowned kynge of Englond at westm●●ster by assent of all the reame next af●● y● deposynge of kynge Rycharde Than he made Henry his eldest sone pryn●● of wales duke of Cornewayle Erle of Chestre And he made syr Thomas of Arūdell Archebysshop of Caunterbury● ayen as he was before And syr Rogere walden that kynge Rycharde had made Archebysshop of caūterbury he made bysshopp of London for y● tyme it stode voyde And he made the Erles sone of Arundell that came with hym ouer these frome Calays into Englonde he made hym erle of Arūdell as his fader had ben put hym in possessyon of all his lōdes And he made homage f●aute vnto his lyege lorde the kynge as all other lordes hadde done ¶ And than anon● dyed kynge Rycharde in the castell of Poūfret in the North coūtre for there he was enfamed vnto deth by his keper For he was kept there .iiii. o● .v. dayes frome mete or drynke and soo he made his ende in this worlde yet mothe people in Englonde and in other londes sayd he was alyue many a yere after his dethe But whether he was alyue or dede the people helde theyr fals opynyon and byleue that many had moche people cam to grete myscheyf foule dethe as ye shall here afterwarde ¶ And whan kynge Henry wyst and knewe verely that he was de de he lete sere hym in the best manere closed it in a fayr chest with dyuerse spyces bawmes and closed hym
in a lynnyn clothe all sauf his vysage and that was left open that all men myght se his persone frome all other men And so he was brought to London with torche lyght brennynge to saynt Poules chirche there he had his masse dyrynge with moch reuerence solempnyte of seruyce And whanne all this was done than he was brought frome saynt Poule in to the abbare of westmynster there he had hys hole seruyce ayen And fro westmynster he was brought to Langley and there he was buryed vpon whos soule god haue mercy Amen ¶ And in the fyrst yere of kynge Henryes regne he helde his Cristmasse in the castel of wyndesore And on the .xii euen came the duke of Awemarle vnto the kynge tolde hym that he the duke of Surrey the duke of Excestre and the erle of Salesbury the erle of Gloucestre and other moo of theyraff ynyte were accorded to make a mommynge vnto the kynge on .xii. daye atte nyght there they purposed to sle y● kinge in the reuelynge thus he y● duke of Awemarle warned y● kynge And than the kynge came the same nyght to London pryuely in all y● hast that he myght to gete hym helpe socoure and comforth counseyll And anone these other that wolde haue put the kynge too dethe fled in all the hast that they myght for they knewe well that theyr coūseyll was bewrayed And than fled the duke of Surrey the erle of Salesbury with al ther menye vnto the towne of Cycestre And there the people of the towne wolde haue arested them and they wolde not stande to theyr arestynge but stode at defence faught manly But at the laste they were ouercomen and taken And there they smote of the dukes heed of Surrey and the erles heed of Salesbury and many other moo and there they put theyr quarters in to sackes theyr hedes on pooles borne on hyghe so they were brought thrugh the cyte of London too London brydge and there these hedes were sette vpon hyghe theyr quarters were sent vnto other good townes and Cytees of Englonde and sette vp there ¶ At Oxforde was taken Blounte knyghte and Benet Cely knyght and Thomas wȳtersell squyre and there byheded quartred the knyghtes hedes were set vpon pooles and brought to London and sett vpon London brydge and the quarters sent forth to other good townes ¶ And in the same yere at Pryttelwell in a mylle in Estsex there syr Iohn̄ Holande y● duke of Excestre was taken with the comynes of the coūtre they brought hym frome y● mylle to y● Plasshe to y● same place that kynge Rycharde had rested sir Thomas of wodstok y● duke of Gloucestre ryght there in y● same place they smote of the dukes heed of Excestre and brought it vnto London vpon a poole and it was sette vpon London brydge ¶ And in the same yere at Brystowe was taken the lorde Spenser that kynge Rycharde had made erle of Gloucestre y● comyns of y● towne of Brystowe toke hȳ and brought hym into the market place of the towne and there they smote of his heed and sent it vnto London and there it was set vpon London brydge ¶ And in this same yere was syr Bernarde brokey● knyght taken and arested and put in the Toure of London syr Iohn̄ shelly knyght and syre Iohan Mawdelyn and syre wyllyam Ferybe persones of kynge Rychardes and they were arested and putte in to the Toure of London And thyder came the kynges Iustices l●tte vpon theym in the Toure of London and there they were dampned all foure vnto the dethe and the dome was gyuen vnto syr Bernard Brokeys that he sholde goo on foote frome the Toure thrugh the cyte of London vnto Tybur 〈◊〉 and there to be hanged and after his heed smyten of syr Iohan Shelly knyght syr Iohn̄ Mawdelyn and syr wyllyam Ferybe persones were drawen thrughe oute the cyte of London to Tyburne there they were hanged theyr hedes smyten of seton London brydge in this same yere kynge Henry sente quene Isabell home ayen into Fraūce y● whyche was kynge Rychardes wyfe gaaf hir golde syluer many other Iewels and soo she was dyscharged of all hyr power and sent oute of Englonde And in y● seconde yere of kynge Henry y● fourthe was syr Roger Claryngton knyght and two of his men and the pryoure of Launde and .viii. freres mynors and some maysters of dyuynyte and other for treason that they wrought ayenst y● kynge were drawen hanged at Tyburne all .xii. persones And there began a greate dyscencyon and debate in the countre of wales bytwene the lorde Grey rythen Owen of Glendere squyre of wales this Owen arered a grete nombre of walsshmen kept all that coūtre abowt ryghte strongly dyd moche harme and destroyed the kynges to w●●es and lordeshyppes thrughe oute all wales and robbed and slewe the kynges people bothe Englysshe walesshe and thus he endured a .xii. yere largely And he toke y● lorde Grey tythen prysoner and kepte him fast in holde tyll he was raunsomed of prysoners of the marche and kepte hym longe tyme in holde And at the laste he made hym wedde one of his doughters and kepte hym there styll with his wyfe sone after he deyed ¶ And than kynge Henry knowynge this myschyef destruccyon treason that this Owen had wrought anone he ordeyned a stronge power of men of armes archers moche other stuff y● longed to warre for to abate destroye that malyce of this fals walsshe man And than that kynge came in to wales with his power for to destroy this Owen other rebelles fals walshmen and anone they fledde in to y● montayns and there myght the kynge do the no harme in no maner wyse for y● montayns so the kynge came ayen in to Englonde for lesynge of moche of his peple thus he spedde not there ¶ In this same yere was grete scarsyte of whete in Englōde for a quarter of whete was at .xvi. shel●●ge there was marchaundyse of Englō de sente in to Pruce for whete anone they hadde lade fraught shyppes ●●oughe came home in saufte thanked be god of all his gyftes ¶ And in y● 〈…〉 of kynge Henryes regne there was a sterre seen in the fyrmamente y● shewed hȳself thrugh all y● world for dyuerse tokens y● shold befall sone after the whyche sterre was named by clergye S●tellacometa on saynt Mary Mawde●●ne● daye nexte folowynge in the same yere was the batayll of Shrowesbury And thyder came syr Henry Perry the Erles sone of Northumberlonde with a grete multytude of men of armes and archers and gaaf a batayll to kynge Henry the fourth thrughe the fals and wicked coūseyll of syre Thomas Percy hys 〈◊〉 erle of worcestre and there was syr henry Percy slayne y● moste parte of his peple in y●
felde and syre Thomas Percy taken and kept fast in holde two dayes tyll the kynge hadde sette in rest his people on both sydes And thā syr Thomas Percy was Iuged to y● dethe to be drawen hanged and his heed smyten of for his fals treason at Shrowesbury hys heed brought to London and set on Lōdon brydge And the other people that there was slayne on bothe partyes the kynge leete bury And there was slayne on the kynges syde in that batayll the erle of Stafforde syr walter Blunte in the kynges cote armure vnder the kyngꝭ baner and many mo worthy men vpon whos soule god haue mercy Amen ¶ And in y● fourth yere of kynge Henryes regne came the Emperoure of Constantynople with many greate solaes and knyghtes and moche other people of his countre into Englonde to kynge Henry with hym to speke to dyspoite and to se y● good gouernaūce condycyons of our people too knowe y● cōmodytees of Englonde and our kynge with all his lordes goodly worshypfully receyued welcomed him all his menye that came with hym dyd hym all the worshyp that they coude myght And anone the kynge ●mmaūded all maner offycers that he sholde be serued as worthely and ryally as it longed to suche a worthy lorde Emperour on his owne cost as longe as the Emperour was in Englonde and all his men that came with hym ¶ And in this same yere came dame Iane the duches of Bryt ayne into Englonde and londed at fallemouthe in Cornewayle frome thens she was brought to y● cyte of wynchestre there she was wedded vnto kynge Hēry the fourth in the abbaye of sayntswythynes of wynchestre with all the solempnite that myght be done made And sone afterwarde she was brought frome thens to London And the mayer the aldermen with the comunes of the cyte of London rode ayenst hyr welcomed hir brought hir thrugh y● cyte of London to westmȳster there she was crowned quene of Englonde there the kynge made a ryall and solempne feest for hyr for all maner of men that thyder wold com ¶ And in this same yere dame Blaūch the eldest daughter of kynge Henry the fourth was sent ouer see with the erle of Somerset hir vncle with mayster Rycharde Clyfforde than bysshop of worcestre with many other lordes knyghtes ladyes worthy squyres as longed to suche a kynges doughter and came in too Colayne And thyder came the dukes sone of Barre with a fayr menye receyued this worthy lady and y● bysshop of worcestre wedded sacred theym togyder as holy chyrche it wolde And there was made a ryall feest a grete Iustin ge in the reuerence and worshyp of them all people that thyder came And whanne this maryage fest was done the erle the bysshop all theyr menye toke theyr leue of the lorde the lady came home ayen into Englonde in saufte thanked be god ¶ And in the .v. yere of kyng Hēryes regne the lorde Thomas his sone went ouer see y● erle of Kent and many other lordes and kuyghtes with men of armes archers a greate nombre to chastyse the rebelles that afore had done moche harme to our Englysshmen and marchauntes to many townes portes in Englonde on y● see costes And the lorde Thomas the kynges sone came in to Flaūdres before a towne that is called Scluse amonge all y● shyppes of dyuers nacyons that were there after there they roden with theyr shyppes amonge them went on londe sported thē there two dayes came ayen to theyr shyppes toke the brode see there they mette with thre Carackes of Iene that were ladē with dyuerse marchaūdyse well manned they foughte togyder longe tyme but the Englysshmen had the vyctory brought the Carackes into the Cambre before wynchelse and there they canted these goodes and one of these Carackes was sodaynly brent there And the lordes and theyr people torned theym home ayen wente noo further at that tyme. ¶ And the same tyme Serle yoman of kyng Rychardes robbes came in too Englonde out of Scotlonde and tolde too dyuerse people that kynge Rycharde was on lyue in Scotlonde so moche people byleued in his wordes wherfore a grete parte of the people of the reame were in grete errour grutchynge ayenst the kynge thrugh informacyon of lyes fals les ȳges that this Serle had made For moche people trusted byleued in his sayēge But at the last he was taken in the North coūtre therby lawe Iuged to be drawen thrugh euery cyte good burgh townes in Englonde so he was serued at the last he was brought to London vnto y● gylde halle before y● Iustyce and there he was Iuged for to be brought to the Tour of London there to be layd on an hurdell than to be drawen thrughe y● cyte of London to Tyburne and there to be hanged than quartred and his heed smyten of seton London bridge his quarters to be sent to foure gode townes of Englonde there sette vp thus ended he for his fals treason and decessed ¶ And in the .vi. yere of kynge Henryes regne y● fourth the erle of Marre of Scotlonde by saufe conduyt come into Englonde to chalenge syr Edmonde erle of Kente too certayne courses of warre on horsback And soo this chalenge was accepted graūted the place taken in smythfelde at London this erle of Marre y● Scott came proudly in to y● felde as his chalenge asked And anone came the erle of Kent rode vnto y● scot manly rode togyder with sharpe speres dyuerse courses but y● erle of Kente had the felde and gate hym moche worshyp and thanke of all manere men for hys manfull dedes ¶ And in the .vii. yere of kynge Henryes regne the fourth syr Rycharde Scrop Archebysshop of yorke the erle Marchall of Englonde gadred vnto theym a stronge power ayenst kinge Henry And the kynge herynge therof in all the haste that he myght came with his power Northwarde and mette with them at yorke and there were these two lordes taken and brought to the kynge And anone the Iuges were sette these two lordes brought forth and there they were dampned vnto dethe bothe their heedes smyten of there they made an ende on whos soules god for his pyte haue mercy Amen ¶ And whan this was done the kynge came too London ayen and there rested hym Anone god of his g●eate goodnesse wroughte and shewed many greate myracles for this worthy clerke Archebysshop of yorke that thus was done to dethe ¶ And in the .vii. yere of kynge Henryes regne dame Lu●e the dukes syster of Melayne came in to Englonde so too London there was wedded to syr Edmonde erle of 〈◊〉 in the pryory of saynt Marye oueres in southwarke with moche
solempnyte greate worshyp The kynge was there hymselfe gaf hir at y● chirche do●e and whan that they were wedded masse was done y● kynge his owne persone brought ladde this worthy lady into y● bysshoops place of wynchestre there was a wonder greate feest holden to all mane●e of people that wolde come And the same yere sir Robert Knolles knyzt a worth● warryour deyed at his maner in Northfolk frome thens he was brought to Londō on a hors bere with moche torche lyghte so he was brought vnto the white freres in Fletstrete there was do made for hym a solempne feest a ryall enterement for tho that thyder wolde come● both ryche pore there lyeth buryed by dame Constance his wyfe in the mydde of the body of the chirche on whos soule god for his pyte haue mercy Amen ¶ And thus in this same yere syr Thomas Rampston knyght Constable of the Toure of London was drenched at London brydge as he came fro westmȳster Inwardes to the Toure in a barge and all thrugh lewdenesse And in the same yere dame Phylip the yonger doughter of kynge Henry was ladde ouer se with syr Rycharde the dukes brother of yorke and syr Edmonde Courteney bys shop of Norwiche many other lordes knyghtes squyres ladyes gentylwomen that apperteyned to suche a kynges doughter came in to Denmarke and the kynge receyued this worthy lady for his wyfe welcomed these worthy lordꝭ and dyd vnto theym moche worshyp they were brought vnto a towne y● was called London in Denmarke and there was thys lady wedded and sacred to the kynge of Denmarke Norway and Swithen there was crowned quene of Dēmarke with moche solempnyte and there was made a ryall fest And whan this feest and maryage was done and ended these lordes and ladyes toke theyr leue of the kynge and the quene and came ayen in to Englonde in s aufte thanked be god ¶ And in the .viii yere of kyng Henryes regne there was a man that was called your walsshe clerke he apelyd a knyghte that was called syr Percyuale Snowdone of treason there they were Ioyned to fyght vnto the vtteraūce within Lystes the daye and place tyme assygned and lymytted to be done ended in smythfelde atte the whiche daye tho two persones camen into the felde and foughten sore myghtely togyder but at the laste the knyght ouercome y● clerke made hym yelde hym as recreaūt of his fals enpechement y● he had sayd on hȳ thā was he dyspoyled of his armure drawen out of y● felde to Tyburne there he was hanged y● knyght taken to grace was a goode man ¶ And in y● same yere the erle of Northumberlond and the Lorde Bardolfe camen out● of Scotlonde in preiudyce and destruccyon of kynge Henry wherfore they of y● Northe countree arosen vpon theym foughren with them scomfyted them and toke theym and smoten of they● hedes quartred theyr bodyes and sent the hede of the erle a quarter of the lorde Bardolf to London and there they were set vpon London brydge for fals treason that they hadde purposed ayenst the kynge ¶ And in the .ix. yere of kynge Henryes regne was syr Edmonde Holonde Erle of Kent made Amerall of Englonde for to kepe the see and he wente too the see with many ryall shyppes that were full welle arayed and enparelled and enarmed with many a goode man of armes and archers and of good defence of warre in the kynges name of Englonde so he londed at the last in y● coste of Brytayne in y● I le of Bryak with all his folke he besyeged y● castell assauted it they withstode hym with grete defence thengthe And anone he layd his ordinaunce in the lyenge of a gonne there come a quarell smote the good erle Edmonde in the heed there he caught his deed wounde but yet they lefte not tyll that they hadde goten the castell and al that were therin And there this goode lorde deyed on whos sonle god haue mercy Amen And than this menye came home ayen in to Englonde with the erles body was buryed amonges his aūcest res ryght worthely ¶ And in y● same ye re was a greate frost in Englonde y● du●ed xv wekes longe● ¶ And in y● .x. yere of kynge Henryes regne the fourthe came y● Seneschall of Henaude with other menye in Englonde too seke auentures and to gete hym worshyp in dedes of armes bothe on horsback and on foote a● all maner poyntes of warre And the seneschall chalenged the erle of Somerset the erle delyuered hym fulle manfully of all his chalenges and put his aduersary vnto the worst in all poyntes 〈◊〉 ne hym there grete worshyp and y● 〈◊〉 of the felde And on the next daye after came in to the felde an other man of armes of y● Seneschals partye And ayenst hym came syre Rycharde of Arundell knyghte and the Henaude had the better of hym on foot in one poynte for he brought hym on his knee And on y● thyrde daye come in an other man of armes in too the felde and ayenste hym there came syr Iohn̄ Cornewayll knyght and manly and knyghtly he quyte hym in all maner poyntes ayenste his aduersary had y● better in the felde And on y● fourthe daye come a nother man of armes of Henaude in too the felde and ayenste hym came syr Iohn̄ Chaynes sone and manly quyte hym ayenst his aduersary For he caste hors and man into the felde and the kynge for his manhode atte that tyme dubbed hym knyghte And on the fyfte daye there came an other mauof armes of the Henaudes partye in too the felde and to hym came in syr Iohan stewarde knyght and manfully he quyte hym in all maner poyntes had the better And on the syxthe daye after came an other Henaude and to hym came wyllyam porter squyre manfullye he quyte hym and hadde the better in y● felde and the kynge dubbed hym knyghte that same tyme And on the seuen the daye after came an other man of armes of Henaude in too y● felde and too hym came Iohan standysshe squyre and manfully he quyte hym on his aduersarye and had the better of hym in the felde and there the kynge dubbed hym kuyght that same daye And on the same daye came an other man of armes of Henau de and to hym came a squyre of Gascoyne and proudely and manly he quyte hym of his aduersary and had the better of hym in y● felde anone y● kynge dubbed hym knyght And on y● .viii. day came in to the felde two other men of armes of Henaude and with them mette two souldyours of Calays the which were two bretheren y● were called Burghes they well and manly quyte them selfe vppon theyr aduersaryes and hadden the better of theym in y● felde and thus
ended these chalenges with many greate worshyppes And thenne y● kynge at the reuerence of these worthy straūgers made a greate feeste and gaaf vnto theym many greate and ryche gyftes and thenne they token theyr leue and wente home ayen into theyr owne countrer ¶ And in the .xi. yere of kynge Henryes regne the fourthe there was a 〈◊〉 batayll doo in smythfelde bytwene two squyres that one was called Gloucest●e that was the appellaunte and A●thur was the defendaunte and well and ●●●ly they foughten togyder longe tyme and the kynge for theyr manfulnesse ● of his grace toke theyr quarellinto 〈◊〉 honde and made theym too goo oute of the felde atte ones and soo they were duyded of the batayll and the kynge gaf them grace ¶ And in the .xii. yere of 〈◊〉 Henryes regne y● fourth Rysd●e a squire of wales that was a rybelle a ryse●● supporter to Owen of Glendre y● dyd moche destruccōn to y● people of wales was taken brought to Londō there he came afore y● Iustic● was dampned for his treson than he was layd on an hurdell so drawen to Tyburne thrughe y● cyte there he was hanged lete downe ayen his heed smyten of y● body quartred sent vnto four townes his bede set on Londō brydge ¶ And in y● .xiii. yere of kinge Henryes regne t●o deyed syr Iohan Beauforde erle of Somersette that was Captaynt of Calays was buryed atte y● abbaye of y● Tour byll on whos soule god haue mercy amen And in the same yere the lorde Thomas kinge Henry●s sone wedded the Countesse of Somerset ¶ And in this same yere came the enbassat●urs of Fraūce into Englonde frome the duke of Burgoyne vntoo the prynce of Englonde kynge Henryes sone and heyre for to haue helpe socour of men of armes and archers ayenste the duke of Orlyaunce And tho went oner see y● erle of Arūdell si● Gylberte Vmfreuyll erle of Keme the lorde Cobham syr Iohn̄ Oldecastell many other good knyghtes worthy squyres men of armes good archers into Fraūce and came to Parys to y● duke of Burgoyn And there he receyued welcomed these Englysshmen the lordes all other meny And thann it was done hym to mete that the duke of Orlyaūce was comen into Semtclowe faste by Parys with a greate nombre of armes and arbalastres thyder went our Englysshmen and fought with them gate y● brydge of Semtclowe there they slew moche people of Frensshmen arbalastres the remenaūt fledde wolde not lenger abyde And than oure Englysshe men came ayen to Parys there they toke theyr leue of the duke came ayen in to Englonde in saufte the duke gaaf theym grete gyftes anone folowynge the duke of Orlyaūce sent enbassatours in Englonde to kynge Henry the fourth besechynge hym of his helpe socoure ayenst his dedely enemye y● duke of Burgoyn And than the kynge made Thomas his sone duke of Clarence and his other sone Iohn̄ duke of Bedforde and his other sone Humfrey duke of Gloucestre syr Thomas Beauford erle of Dorset the duke of Awemarle he made duke of yorke And than the kyng or deyned his sone syr Thomas the duke of Clarence Thomas Beauford erle of Dorset syr Iohn̄ Cornwyll with many other lordes knyghtes squyres and men of armes archers for to go ouer se in to Fraunce in helpynge and strengethynge of the duke of Orlyaunce And these worthy lordes with they re retenue shypped at Hampton and saylled ouere the see in to Normandye and londed at Hogges And there mette with theym y● sorde Hamble at theyr lōdynge with .vii thousande men of armes of Frensshmen thre Sergeauntes of armes with thē and all were put to flyght and taken of theym .vii. hondred men of armes and iiii hondred horses with out tho that were slayne in the felde And soo they rode forth thrugh out all Fraunce and token castels and townes and slewe moche peple of Frensshmen that withstode them and toke many prysoners as they roden And so they passed forth tylle they come to Burdeux there they rested theym a whyle set the coūtre in peas rested tyl the wynde was redy for to sayll ¶ And than y● duke with his menye come home in to Englonde in saufte thanked be god And in the same yere was y● byngꝭ coyn chaunged thrugh oute Englonde by the kynge his coūseyll that is to saye the noble half noble and ferthynge of golde ¶ And the .xiiii. yere of kynge Henryes regne the fourthe he lete make Galays of warre for he had hoped to haue passed the greate see so forth to Iherusalem there to haue ended his lyfe but god visyted hym so sone after with Infyrmitees grete sekenesse that he myght not well endure no while so feruently he was takē brought in bedde at westmynster in a fayr chambre And as he laye in his bed he asked his chamberlayn what they called that chambre that he laye in and he answered sayd Iherusalem And than he sayd that the prophecye sayd that he sholde make an ende deye in Iherusalem And thā he made hym redy vnto god dysposed all his wyll And soon after he deyed was caryed by water frome westmynster in a barge vnto Feuersham and frome thens he was caryed to Caūterbury by londe with moche torche lyght brennȳge in too the abbaye of Crychyrche and there he was entered and buryed besyde saynt Thomas of Caūterburyes shryne thus ended y● worthy kynge Henry aboute mydlenten sondaye in the yere of oure lorde a M. CCCC and .xxi. vpon whos soule god haue mercy Amen MArtyn the .v. was pope after Iohan xiii yere this man was chosen by the coūseyll of Constantynoble the other was deposed that stroff and so came peas in the chirche the whiche longe tyme afore was desyred necessarye for y● defence of the fayth This was the myghtyest pope that euer was of rychesse a greate Iuge he edefyed townes walles stretes he destroyed heresyes he dyd moche good thrugh the noble prynce Sygysmonde And he gadred moche moneye for to geten y● holy londe ayen but dethe came vpon hym letted hym he made a coūseyll afore his dethe for that mater there he decessyd ¶ Eugenius was pope after Martyn .xvii. yere this Eugenius was chosen peasyble aft the dethe of Martyn no man doubted but he was pope but soon after he was expulsed frome Rome for it was soo that he fled naked also he was cyted to y● coūseyll of Basylyens deposed but he dyscharged hym not for that began the stryffe ayen y● whiche stood to his dethe those that fauoured hym sayd he was worth moche louynge the contrary sayd those that were ayenste hym but what someuer he was after he had taken the dygnyte vpon hym afore he was of grete
all y● coūtre about he broughte them thrughe a quyckesande and so into an yle they toke many prysoners by the waye to warde the kynge in theyr Iourney so they camen vnto Cane And there the kynge welcomed hym toke his Iourney atte Argentun anone tho it was yolden to the kynge and they had theyr lyues and wente theyr waye And than our kynge remeued vnto a stronge towne that tho was called Cese and there was alfayre mynster they yelde it vp anone vnto y● kynge And than the kynge wente from thens to alaunsome wan the towne the brydge and the kynge sente y● erle of Warwyk to a towne that was called Belesme with a grete stronge power and anone they yelde it put them all to the kynges grace in his mercy soo dyde mauy stronge townes castels that were in tho parties And from thens they wente to Veruyll in Perche anone it was yolden vnto the kynge bothe the towne and the castell and bodyes and goodes to the kynges good grace and soo the kynge gate conquered all the townes castelles pyles strengthes and abbays vnto the cyte of rone ¶ And in y● fyfth yere of kynge Henryes regne y● fyfth syr Iohn̄ Oldcastell y● was the lorde cobham was arested for heresye and broughte vnto y● Toure of london anone after he brake the Tour and went in to wales and there he kepte hym longe tyme. And at the laste the lorde powys toke hym but he stode at grete defence longe tyme and was sore woūded or he wolde be takē so the lorde Powys men broughte hym oute of Wales vnto London agayne in a whyrlcole and so he was broughte to Westmynster and ther●was examyned of certayne poyntes that were put vpon hym he sayde not naye soo he was conuycte of the clargye for his heresye and dampned before the Iustyces vntoo the dethe for treaosn And tha●● he was ladde to the Toure ayen and there he was layde on an hurdell and drawen thrugh the cyte too saynt Gyles felde there was made a newe payre of galo●es and a stronge chayne and a coler of yren for hym and there he was hanged and brente on the galowes and all for his lewdenesse and his fals opynyons ANd in the .vi. yere of kynge Henryes y● fyfth he sent his vncle sir Thomas Beauforde duke of Excester with a fayre menye of men of armes archers beforethe cyte of Rone and there dyspleyed his baner sent herodes vnto the towne and badde them yelde that cyte vnto our kynge theyr lyege lorde● they sayde he toke them none to kepe ne none he sholde haue there but yf it were dere boughte meued with theyr hondes for other answere wolde they none giue but gonnes And there the duke toke gode auysemente of the grounde all about And anone there yssued out of the cyte a grette menye of men of armes bothe on horsback and on fote and anone our menye met with them ouerthrewe a grete hepe of them there were taken slayne xxx persones of full ryght good mennes bodyes the remenaunt fledde ayen in too the towne the duke wente vnto Pountlarge vntoo the kynge and tolde hym all howe that he hadde spedde and howe that he lyked the grounde ¶ And anone as the duke was gone they cate downe all the subarbes aboute the Cytee vntoo the harde grounde for by cause the kynge sholde there noo refresshynge haue at his comynge And vpon the frydaye before lammasdaye than nexte folowynge o●re kynge with his hooste came before Roone and anone he sette his syege rounde aboute that Cyte and anone he lete laye his ordynaunce vnto the towne And the kynge with his lordes were lodged within t●e Chartre house and grete strengthe al oute theym and y● was in the Eest party of the Cyte and than the duke of Cla●ence lodged hym with al his strengthe and power atte the Weste ende in a waste ●bba●e before the po●te Chanx And the ●uke of E●cester with his menye in the Northe syde before the porte Beauuesy● And bytwen● y● duke of Clarence and t●e duke of Er●estre was the Erle Mar●hal lodged with moche people and a strange power before the castell gate And thanne the erle of Ormonde with the ●nde Haryngton and alsoo the Lorde T●lb●t with the●re Retenue and compa●tye ne●te hym And thanne syr Iohan Cornewayle with many other noble kyng●tes and 〈◊〉 of name with all theyr ●tenue laye with the noble duke of Clare●ce And than●● frome the duke of Erce●●●r towardes y● kynge were lodged the lorde Roos and the lorde Wylleby with the Lorde Phehewe and syr Wyllyam ●orter knyghte with ther reter●●e before the porte of saynt Hyllary And than was ●he erle of Motayne with his reter●●e lo●ged in the ●●baye of saynt Katherynes And the erle of Salesbury with his 〈◊〉 saye o● that other syde of saynt Katherynes syr Iohan Gray knyghte was lodged atte the abbaye that is called mounte du saynt Mychell And ●yre Phylip Leche knyghte the kynges tresou●er was lodged bytwene the water of Sern and the abbaye and kepte the warde vnder the hylle And the baron of Caro●● was lodged vnder the water syde for too kepe the passage And Ieny●● the squyre laye nexte hym on the water syde and these two squyres kepte manly the water of Seyn and fought with ther enmyes oft tymes And on y● other syde of ▪ Seyn laye the erle of Hontyngdon mayster Neuyll the erles sone of westmer●onde and syre Gylbert Vmfreuyll erle of Keme and syr Rycharde erle of Arundell the lorde Feryers with theyr retenue before porte du Poūte eche of these lordes had stronge ordynaūce and y● kynge dyd make at Poūtlarge ouer the water of Seyn a stronge and a myghty chayn of Iron put it thrugh grete pylꝭ fast pyght in the grounde that went ouer y● Ryuer of Seyn that no vessell myght passe that in no kynde And about that chayn y● kynge lete make a brydge ouer the water of Seyn that man hors and all other caryage myght go too and fro at all tymes whan nede were And than came the erle of warwyk and had goten Doūfronte vnto kynge Henry of Englonde And anone the kynge sente the erle of warwyk to Cawdebeke for to be seyge it And whan he came before the towne he sent his heraudes vnto the Capytayne and hadde hym yelde vp y● towne vpon payne of dethe and anone he layde his seyge and y● Capytayn besought the erle that he myght come vnto his presence and it pleased hym and speke with hym and so the good erle graūted hym for to come And than he came out and four other burgeys came with hym and entreated so with this erle that this same towne was vnder composycyon too be done as the Cyte of Rone dyd and y● erle graunted and consented therto vppon this condycyon that
solde and y● Emperoure was slayne forenuye the Turke caused his heed to be smyten of whan he was deed And al moost all the fayth in the londe of Greke fayled ¶ Nicholaus the .v. a Ianuens was pope after Felyx .viii. yere This Nicholas was chosen at Rome in the place of Eugenye and yet the stryf henge styll and a lytyll a lytyll they obeyed hym all men merueyled y● a man of so pore a nacyon shold obteyne ayenst y● duke of Sauoy the whyche was cosyn and alyed al moost to all the prynces of crystendome and euerychone left hym Than in y● yere after there was a peas made Felix resygned for it pleased our lorde his name to be glorifyed by an obiect of y● worlde as that Ianuens was in comparysō of the duke the pope This Nicholas was a mayster in dyuynyte and an actiue man a ryche man in conseytes many thynges that were fallen he buyldyd ayen all the walles of Rome he renewed for drede of the Turke And there was a verse made of this vnyte publysshed in the cyte ¶ Lux fulsie mūdo cessit felix Nicholao And that in the yere of our lorde M. CCCC.xlix The yere of grace with a greate deuocyon was confermed and Innumerable people wēte to the appostles setes ¶ How kynge Henry the syxte regned beynge a chylde not one yere of aege and of the batayll of Vernayll in Perche AFter kynge Henry the fyfth regned Henry his sone but a chylde not fully one yere of age whos regne began y● fyrste daye of Septembre in the yere of our lord M. CCCC.xxii This kynge beynge in his cradell was moche doubted dradde bycause of the greate conquest of his fader and also y● wysdome guydynge of his vncles y● duke of Bedforde and the duke of Gloucestre ¶ This yere the .xxi. daye of Octobre deyed Charles the kynge of Fraūce lyeth buryed at saynt Denys And than y● duke of Bedford was made regent of Fraunce the duke of Gloucestre was made protectour defendour of Englonde ¶ And the fyrste daye of Marche after was syr wyllyam Taylour preest degraded of his preesthode on the morne after he was bryute in smythfelde for here syr ¶ This yere syr Iames Stewarde kynge of Scottes maryed dame Iane the duchesse doughter of Clarence y● whiche she had by hir fyrste husbonde y● erle of Somerset at saynt Mary ouerys ¶ Also this yere the .xvii. day of August was the batayll of Vernayll in Perche bytwene the duke of Bedforde regente of Fraunce the duke of Alaūsome whiche was a full grete batayll The duke of Bedford had on his syde y● erle of Salesbury Moūtagu the lorde Talbot all the power that they coude make in Normandye the garysons kept and also many Copycayns with moche peple of the duke of Burgoyns And on that other syde was the duke of Alaunsome the duke of Turon that was the erle of Douglas and the erle Boughan wyth many lordes of Fraūce a greate company of Scottes and Armynakys And than y● erle Douglas called the duke of Bedforde in scorne Iohn̄ with the leden swerde And he sent hym worde ayen y● he sholde fynde that daye that his swerde was of stele And the batayll Ioyned on bothe sydes and faught longe tyme. that there wyst no man who sholde haue the better a greate whyle but atte y● last as god wolde the vyctory felle vnto the Englysshe partye for there were slayne the erle Douglas whiche a lytell before was made duke of Turon the erle Boughan the erle Almarre y● erle of Tonuar the erle of Vaūtedor the vyscoūte of Nerbon whiche was one of them y● slew the duke Iohan of Burgoyn knelynge before the Dolphyn and many mo vnto the nombre of .x. thousand mo And there was taken prysoners the duke of Alaunsome and many nther lordes and gentylles of Fraunce but Scottes that daye were slayne downe ryghte the snbstaunce of them all ¶ And the thyrde yere of kynge Henry the syxth the duke of Gloucestre maryed the duchesse of Hollande went ouer see with hir in to Henaude for to take possessyon of his wyues enherytaunce where he was honors by receyued and taken for lorde of that londe 〈◊〉 sone after he was 〈…〉 torne home ayen to Englonde and lete his wyfe all his tresoure that he 〈◊〉 broughte with hym in a towne y● is called Mounse in Henaude whiche promysed hym to be trew to hym Notwithstādynge they delyuered the lady to the duke of Burgoyne whiche sent hir to Gaunte And frome thens she escaped in a mannes clothynge and came into zelan de to a towne of hir owne called Syrixe And frome thens she went to a towne in Hollonde called the Gowde aud there she was stronge ynoughe and withstode the forsayd duke of Burgoyne ¶ And sone after the duke of Gloucestre sente ouer see in to zelonde the lorde Fytzwater with certayne men of armes and archers for to helpe and socoure y● forsayd duchesse of Hollande whiche londed at a place in zelande called Brewers hauen where the lordes of the coūtee came downe and faughte with hym and in conclusyon he was feyne to withdraw hym and his menye to the see ayen But yet he slewe and kylde hurte dyuerse lordes and moche people of that same coūtre so retorned home ayen into Englōde with his menye preuayled no thynge ¶ And also this same yere the erle of Salesbury the erle of Suffolk the lorde wylleby y● lorde Scales with theyr retenue layd syege to y● cyte of Manus y● whiche cyte was yolden to theym wyth many other stronge townes and castels to y● nombre of .xxxvi. ¶ This tyme all Normandye and a greate parte of Fraūce vnto Orlyaunce was vnder the obeyssaūce of the kynge of Englonde and al the 〈◊〉 of Fraunce was in grete 〈◊〉 and myschyef ¶ How there was lyke to haue ben a grete fraye bytwene the Cardynall and the duke of Gloucestre And of the coronacyon of kynge Henry the syxte bothe in Englonde in Fraunce IN 〈…〉 greate w●●che in 〈◊〉 for a fraye y● was bytwene the bysshop of wynchestre the duke of Gloucestre protectour c. For the mayer with the people of the cyte wolde abyde by y● duke of Gloucestre as protectour defendour of the reame but by laboure of lordes that went bitwene and in especyall by the labour of the prynce of Portyngale there was a poyntemente taken that there was no harme done ¶ And after y● batayll of Vernayl in Perche the duke of Bedforde came ouer into Englonde And on wytsonday this same yere atte Leycestre he dubbed kynge Henry knyghte And forth wyth the sayd kynge Henry dubbed all these knyghtes w●os names folowen that is to wyte syr Rycharde duke of yorke also the sone and heyre of the Duke of North folke the erle of Orforde the erle of westmerlonde the sone
reyned and dampned bothe to be drawen and hanged quartred but mayster Iohn̄ hume had his chartrel was pardoned by the kynge but mayster Roger was drawen to Tyburne where he confessed that he deyed gyltles of this mater neuer had trespaced in y● he deyed fore Notwithstandynge he was hanged heeded and quartred on whos soule god haue mercy Amen And Margere ●●rde mayn was brent in smythfelde ¶ Also this yere was a greate fraye in London in flete strete by nyghte tyme bytwene men of court men of London and dyuerse men slayne and some hurte and one Herbotell was the chyef causer of the mysgouernaūce affray ¶ Also this yere at y● chesynge of the mayer of Londō the comyus named Robert Clopton Raulyn Holande talyour and the aldermen toke Robert Clopton broughte hym at the ryghte hande of the mayer as custome is And thā certayn talyours and other hande craftes men ●yed nay nay not this man but Raulyn Holande wherfore the mayer that was Padyslye sente theym that so cryed too Newgate where they abode a grete whyle and were punysshed ¶ In this same yere were dyuerse enbassatours sente into Guyon for a maryage for the kynge for the ●●●les doughter of Armynake that whiche was concluded but by the meane of the erle of Suffolke it was lette and put a parte ¶ And after this the sayd erle of Suffolk went hymself ouer se in Fraūce there he treated the maryage bytwene the kynge of Englonde the kynges doughter of Cycyle and of Iherusalem And the nexte yere it was concluded fully that maryage by whiche maryage y● kynge sholde delyuer to hir fader the duchye of Angeo and the erldome of Mayn whiche was the keye of Normandye Than departed y● erle of Suffolke with his wyfe and dyuerse lordes knyghtes in the moost ryall astate that myght be oute of Englonde with newe chares palfreys whiche went thrugh the chepe and so wente ouer the see and receyued● hir and than after in the Lenten broughte hir vnto Hampton where she landed and there was ryally receyued ¶ And vpon Can●●masse euen before by a gr● tempeste of th●ndre and 〈◊〉 to at after none Poules steple was sett on fyre on the myddes of the shaft in y● tym ●re whiche was quenchyd by force of labour specyally by the morowe masse preest of the Bowe in chepe whiche was thought impossyble sauf only the grace of god ¶ This yere was y● erle of Staf forde made and create duke of Bukyng ham therle of wer wyk duke of war wyk the erle of Dorset markys of Dorset the erle of Suffolke was made markis of Suffolk ¶ How kynge Henry wedded quene Margarete and of hyr coronacyon THis yere kynge Henry maryed at Such wyk quene Margarete she came too London the .xxviii. daye of May. And by the waye all the lordes of Englonde receyued hir worshypfully in dyuerse places And in especyall the duke of Gloucestre on the black hethe the mayer with all the aldermen all the craftes in blewe gownes broudred with the deuyse of his crafte that they myght be be knowen met with hir with redde hodes brought hir to London where were dyuerse pagentys coūtenaunce of dyuerse hystoryes shewed in dyuerse places of the cyte ryally costely ¶ And y● .xxx. daye of May. y● forsayd quene was crowned at westmynster And there was Iustes thre dayes durynge within the Sayntwary before the abbaye ¶ This yere y● 〈◊〉 your of Kylmayn apeled therle of Vrmonde of treason whiche hadde a daye to theym assygned for to fyght in Smythfelde And the lystes were made and the felde dressyd But whan it came too poynt the kynge cōmaūded y● they shold not fyghte but toke the quarell into his h●nde And this was done at the Instaunce and labours of certayne prechers doctours of London as mayster 〈…〉 persone of 〈…〉 in Holborn and other ¶ Also this yere came a greate 〈◊〉 in to Englonde out of Fraūce for to haue cōcluded a parpetuall peas but in conclusyon it torned vnto a trewes for a yere ¶ About this tyme dyed sayne Barnar dyne a gray frere whiche began y● new reformacōn of y● ordre in many places in so moche that they that were reformed ben called Obseruauntes whyche obseruaūtes ben gretly encreased in yea ly and in Almayne This Barnardyn was canonysed by pope Nicholas the .v. in the yere of oure lorde M. CCCC.l ¶ Iohannes de Capistrano was his discyple whiche profyted moche to the reformacōn of y● ordre for god hathe shewed many a fayre miracle ¶ Also here is to be noted that frome this tyme forwarde kynge Henry neuer proffyted ne went for warde but fortune began to torne frome hym on all sydes as well in Fraūce Nor mandye Guyon as in Englonde some men holde oppinyon y● kynge Henry ya af commyssyon preuarly to syr Edwarde Hull sir Robert Roos Deane of saynt Senerynes and other to conclude a maryage for hym with the erle of Army nakes syster whiche was promysed as it was sayd and concluded after broken and he wedded quene Margarete as afore is sayd a full dere maryage for y● reme of Englōde for it was know verily y● for to haue hir delyuerde was y● duchy of Angeo the erldom of Mayn whiche was y● keye of Normandye for y● Frensshmen to entre ¶ And about thys the sayd Markys of Suffolke axyd in playne parlement a fyftene and an halfe for to fetche hyr out of Fraunce 〈◊〉 what a maryage was this as to the comparyson of that other maryage For the re sholde haue be delyuerde so many castels townes in Guyon soo muche gold sholde haue be yeuen with hir y● all Englonde sholde haue be therby euryrhed but contrary wyse fell wherfore euery grete prynce oughte to kepe his promyse For bycause of brekynge of thys promyse for maryage of quene Margarete what losse hathe the reame of Englonde had by lesynge of Normandye Guyon by dyuysyon in the reame y● rebellynge of comyns ayenst ther prynce lordes what dyuysyon amonge y● lordes what murdre sleynge of theym what feldes foughte and made in conclusyon so many y● many a man hathe loste his lyfe in conclusyon the kynge deposyd the quene with hyr sone fayne to fle into Scotlonde frome thens into Fraūce so to Loreyne the place y● she came fyrst fro Many men deme that the brekynge of y● kynges promyse to y● syster of the erle of Armynak was cause of his greate losse and aduersyte ¶ How the duke of Gloucestre the kynges vncle was arested at the parlemente of Bury and of his dethe and how Angeo in Mayn was delyuered IN the .xxvi. yere of kynge Henry was a parlement at Bury called faynt Edmondes bury abowte whyche was cōmaūded all the comyns of y● coūtre to be there in theyr moost beste defensyable araye for to wayte vpon y● kynge To whiche
parlement came the duke of Gloucestre Vmfrey y● kynges vncle whiche hadde be protectoure of Englonde all y● noncage of the kynge And anone after as he was in his lodgynge he was arested by y● Vycoūte Beaumont the Conestale of Englonde whome accompanyed the duke of Bukyngham many other lordes And forth with all his seruaūtes were cōmaūded to departe frome hym And xxxxii of the chyef of them were arested and sente to dyuerse prysons And anone after this sayd arest y● sayd duke was on the morow deed on whos soule god haue mercy but how he dyed in what maner the certente is not knowe Some sayd he dyed for sorowe some sayd he was murdred bytwene two federbeddꝭ some sayd y● a 〈◊〉 was put in his fūdmente But how he deyed god knoweth to whome no thynge is hydde then whan he was deed he was layed open y● all men myght hym see And soo bothe lordes knyghtes of y● shyre with burgeys came sawe hym lye dede but woūde ne token coude they not perceyve how he dyed here may men mark 〈◊〉 this worlde is ¶ This duke was a noble man a grete clerk 〈…〉 fully y● reame to y● kynges behoue nuuer cowde be foūde fawte to hym But enuye of them y● were gouernours had promysed the duchy of Angeo the 〈◊〉 dome of Mayn causyd y● 〈…〉 this noble man For they dradde 〈◊〉 wolde haue empeshyd y● 〈…〉 And after they sente his body to 〈◊〉 Albons with certayne lyghtes for 〈◊〉 buryed And so syr Geruays of 〈◊〉 had then y● charge for to conuey y● 〈◊〉 And so it was buryed at sayne 〈◊〉 in the abbaye And fyue persones at his housholde were sente too London and there were they reyned and Iug●d to be drawen hanged also quartred Of whome y● names were syr Roger ●ham brelayne a knyghte one 〈…〉 squyre Arthur a squyre and 〈◊〉 Nedbam whiche .v. persones were draw fro the Toure of London thrugh Chepe to Tyborn there lete downe 〈◊〉 thenne stryped too haue ben heeded and quartred and thenne the Marquay● of Suffolke shewed there for theym y● kynges perdon vnder his grete seale And so they were pardonned of the remenaunce of all that other 〈◊〉 had theyr lyued and so they were broughte ayentoo London and after freely delyuered Thus began trowble in this reame of Englonde for the dethe of thys noble duke of Gloucestre all the 〈◊〉 of the reame began for to murmure for it and were not content ¶ After that pope Eugeny was deede Nicholas the fyfth was elect pope this Nicholas was chose for Eugeny yet hangynge y● scysme not withstandyng he gate the obedyence of all crysten reames for after he was elect and sacred pope certayne lordes of Fraunce and of Englonde were sent in to Sauoy too pope Felyx for to entreate hym to scasse of the papacy And by the specyall laboure of the bysshop of Norwiche and the lord of saynt Iohannes he sessed the seconde yere after y● pope Nicholas was sacred And y● sayd Felyx was made Legate of Fraunce and Cardynall of Sauoy and he resygned y● hole papacy to Nicholas And after lyued an holy lyfe and deyed an holy man And as it is sayd almyghty god shewyth myracles for hȳ Thys was the .xxiii. scysme bytwene Eugeni and Felyx and dured .xvi. yere The cause was this the generall coūseyll of Basyle deposed Eugeny whiche was oonly pope and Indubytate for as moche as he obserued not and kepte the decrees statutes of the coū●eyll of Constance as it is sayd before Nother he rought notte to yeue obedyence to the generall coūseyl in no maner wyse wherfore arose a grete alteracōn among wryters of this matere pro et contra● whiche can not accorde vnto this daye one partye sayth that the counseyll is aboue the pope and that other partye sayth nay but the pope is aboue y● counseyll God blessed aboue all thynge yeue and graunte his peas in holy chirche spouse of cryste Amen Thys Nicholas was of Iene comen of lowe degre a doctoure of dyuynyte an actyf mā he reedyfyed many places that were broken ruynous and dyd make a walle abowte the palays and made the walle newe abowte Rome for drede of y● Turkys ¶ And the people wondred grete ly merueyllyd of y● ceasynge resynȳge of pope Felyx to pope Nicholas consyde rynge that Nicholas was a man of soo homely a byrth And that other was of affynyte to all the moost party of crysten prynces wherfore there was a verse publysshed as afore sayd ¶ How syr Fraunsoys Aragonoys toke Fogiers in Normandye and of the losse of Constantynople by the Turke IN the yere of kynge Henry .xxvii. beynge trewes bytwene Fraunce and Englonde a knyghte of y● Englysshe partye named syr Fraūces Aragony toke a towne in Normandye named Fogyers ayenste the trewes of whiche takynge began moche sorowe and losse for this was the occasyon by the whiche the Frensshmen gate all Normandye ¶ Abowte this tyme y● Cyte of Constantynople whiche was the imperyall cyte in all Grece was taken by the Turkes Infydels whiche was bytrayde as some holde oppinyon and them peroure takē and slayne and y● ryall chirche of saynt Sophia robbed and dyspoylled and the relyques and ymages and the rode draw enge about the stretes whiche was done in spyte of Crysten fayth and sone after all crysten fayth in Grece perysshed and cessyd There were many Crysten men slayne and innumerable solde and put in captyuyte By y● takynge of this towne the Turke gretly was enhauncyd in pryde a grete losse to all crystendome ¶ In the .xxviii yere was a parlement holden at westmynster and frome thens adiourned to the blacke freres at London after crystmas to westmynster ayen ¶ And this same yere Robert of cane a man of the westcoūtre with a fewe shyppes toke a grete flete of shyppes comynge out of y● bay lade with salt whyche shyppes were of Pruce Flaundres Holande and zelonde and brought thez to Hampton wherfore the marchauntes of Englonde beynge in Flaundres were arested in Brydges Ipre othere places and myghte not be delyuered ne theyr dettes dyscharged tyll they hadde made apoyntment for to paye the hurtꝭ of those shyppes whiche was payde by the marchauntes of the staple euery peny And in lyke wyse the marchauntes goodes beynge in Dansk were also are sted and made grete amendes ¶ This same yere y● Frensshmen in a mornyng toke by a trayne the towne of Poūte all Arche therin the lord Fawconbrydge was taken prysoner And after that in Decembre Rone was taken and lost beynge therin syr Edmonde duke of Somerset and the erle of Shrewesbury the whiche by a poyntment left pledges and lost all Normandye and come home in to Englonde And durynge the sayd parlement the duke of Suffolke was arested sent in to the toure there he was a moneth after the kynge dyd do
moche people And at wakefelde in Cristmas weke they were ouerthrowe and slayne by lordes of the quenes parti that is to wyte the duke of yorke was slayne the erle of Rotlonde Syr Thomas Neuyl many mo the erle of salysbury was take other as Iohan Harowe of London capytayne ruler of the fotemen haūson of hull whiche were brought to poūfret there beheeded ther hedes sent to yorke set vpon the yates thus was the noble prynce slayne the duke of yorke on whos soule god ha ue mercy And this tyme therle of Mar +che beynge in Shrowesbury herynge the deth of his fader desyred ayde of y● towne to auenge his faders dethe fro thēs went to walys at Candelmasse after he had a batayll at Mortimers crosse ayenst therle of Penbroke of wyleshtyre where the erle of Marche had the vyctori Then the quene with those lordes of the north after that they had dystressyd slayn the duke of yorke and his felysshyp came south warde with a greate multytude of people for to come to the kynge and defete suche conclusyons as had be take before by the parlement ayenst whoo 's comynge y● duke of Northfolke the erle of werwyk with moche peple ordynaunce went to sayne Albons and lad kinge Henry with them there encountred to vyder in suche wyse and faught so y● the duke of Northfolke therle of werwyk with many other of ther party fled and lost that Iourneye where that kynge Henry was taken with the quene and prynce Edwarde his sone whiche two had goten that felde Then the quene hir partye beynge at hir aboue s●nt anone to London whiche was on an Asshewenesdaye the fyrst daye of Lente for vi tayll for whiche the Mayre ordeyned by thaduys of the Aldermen y● certen cartes lade with vytayll sholde be sente to saynt Albons to them whan tho cartes camto Crepyll gate the comyns of the Cyte that kepte that gate toke the vytaylles fro the cartes and wolde not suffre it to passe Thenne were there certayn Alder men comyns apoynted to go vnto bernet to speke with the quenes counseylle to entreate that the northern men shold be sente home ayen in to theyr coūtre for the cyte of London drad to be dyspoyled yf they hadde come ¶ And duryng this treatyse tydynges came that the erle of warwyk had met with the erle of Marche on Cottes wolde comynge out of walys with a greate menye of walsshmen and that they bothe were comynge vnto London warde Anone as thyse tydynges were knowe the treatyse was broke for the kygne quene prynce all the other lordes y● were with the departed fro saynt Albons north warde with all ther people yet or they departyd thens they be heeded y● lorde Bonuyll sir Thomas Kryell whiche were taken in the Iourney done on Shrouetewesdaye ¶ Then the duchesse of yorke keynge at London he rynge of the losse of the felde of saynt Albon● sente ouer see hir two yonge sones George Rycharde whiche wente too Vtrech Philyp Malpas a ryche marchaunte of London Thomas Vaghan squyre mayster wyllyam Ha●clyf many other ferynge of the comynge of the quene to London toke a shyp at And werpe to haue gone in to zelande on that other coste were taken of one Colomyne a Frensshman a shyp of werre And he toke theym prysoners brought thē in to Fraunce where they payed greate good for theyr raunson there was grete gode rychesse in y● shyppe ¶ Of the deposynge of kynge Henry y● vi and how kynge Edwarde the fourthe toke possessyon of y● batayll on Palmsondaye how he was crowned THen whan the erle of Marche the erle of warwyk had mette to gyder on Cottyswold incontynent they concludyd to go to London sent word anone to the Mayre too the cyte that they wolde come and anone y● cyte was gladde of theyr comynge hopynge to be releuyd by theym and soo they came too London And whan they were come and hadde spoke with the lordes and estates beynge there concluded for as moche as kynge Henry was gone with them northwarde that he had forfeyted his crowne and ought to be deposyd accordynge vnto the actes made and passyd in the last parlement And so by the aduys of y● lordes spyrytuall and temporall thenne be ynge at London the erle of March Edwarde by the grace of god Eldest sone of the duke Rycharde of Yorke as ryght fulle heyre and nexte enherytour to hys fader the fourth daye of Marche the yere of our lorde god M. CCCC.lix toke possessyon of the reame at westmynster in the chirche of the abbaye offred as kynge with the ceptreryall To whome all the lordꝭ spyrytuall tēporall dyde hamage as to theyr souerayne lorde kynge And forthwith if was proclamid thrugh the cyte kynge Edwarde the fourth by name And anone after the kynge rode in his ryalle estate northwarde with all his lordes to subdue his subge●tꝭ y● tyme beynge in y● north and for to auenge his faders dethe And on Palmsondaye after he had a greate batayll in the northe coūtre at a place called Towton not fer from yorke where with the helpe of god he gate the felde and hadde the vyctory where were slayne of his aduersaryes xxx thousande men mo as it was sayd by them that were there In whiche batayll was slayne the erle of Northumber londe the lorde Clyfforde syr Iohn̄ Neuyll the erle of westmerlondes brother Andrewe Trollop many knyghtes squyres ¶ Thenne kynge Henry that had be kynge beynge with the quene the prynce at yorke herynge the losse of that felde somoche peole slayne and ouerthrowe anone forth with departed all thre with the duke of Somerset the lorde Roos other towarde Scotlonde And the next daye after kynge Edward with all his armye entred into yorke was there proclamyd kynge obeyed as be ought to be And y● mayre comyns swore to be his lyegemen whan they had taryed a whyle in the north that all the north coūtre hadde torned to hym he retorned southwarde leuynge behynde hym the erle of werwyk in tho partyes to gouerne rule that coūtre And about Mydsomer after the yere of our lorde M. cccc.lx the fyrste yere of his regne he was crowned at westmynster anoynted kynge of Englonde hauynge possessyon of all the reame CAlixtus the thyrde was pope after Nicholas thre yere .v. mone thes this Calixt was an olde man whā he was chose pope was contynuelly seke ne he myghte not fulfyll his desyre whiche he entended to do ayenste y● Turkes For dethe came vpon hym And he was chose in y● yere of our lorde M. cccc lv he deyed the .vi. daye in the whiche he made the fyguracyon and also he chanonysed saynt Vyncent a frere precher and there was a greate reformacyon of many monasteryes in
your self that shall be kynge regne And by the beeme that stondeth towarde the Eest is vnderstonde that ye shall gete a sone that shall conquere all Fraunce all the londes that belongeth to the crowne of Fraūce that shall be a worthyer kynge of more hononr than euer were ony of his auncetours ¶ And by the beeme y● stretched towarde Irlonde is betokened that ye shal gete a doughter that shal be quene of Irlonde ¶ And the .vij. beemes betoken that ye shall haue .vij. sones And euery one of them shall be kynge regne with moche honour And abyde ye no lenger here but go yeue batayll to your enmyes and fyght with them boldely for ye shall ouercome them haue the victory ¶ Vter thanked hertely Merlyn and toke his men wente towarde his enmyes they fought togyder mortally so he dyscomfyted his enmyes them destroyed And hymself slewe Passent that was Vortigers sone And his Brytons slewe Guillomer that was kyng of Irlonde all his men ¶ And Vter anone after that batayll toke his waye towarde Wynchestre for to do entyere Aurilambros kynge that was his brother But tho was the body bor● vnto Stonhenge with moche houour that he had done make in remembraūce of the Brytons that there were slayne thrugh treason of Engist that same daye that they sholde haue ben accorded And in the same place they entyered Aurilambros the seconde yere of his regne with all the worshyp that myght belonge to suche a kynge On whoo 's soule god haue mercy Amen ¶ Of Vter Pendragon and wherfore he was called so ye shall here And how he was ouertake with the loue of Igrey ne that was the Erle of Cornewaylles wyf AFter the dethe of Aurilambros Vter his brother was crowned and regned well worthely And in remembraunce of the dragon that he was lykened to he lete make two dragons thrugh counseyll of his Brytons And made that one for to be borne before hȳ whan he wente in to batayll and that other for to abyde at Wynchestre in the bysshops chirche And for that cause he was called euer after Vter Pendragon ¶ And Octa that was Engistes sone cōmended Vter but lytell that was made newe kynge And ayenst hym began to meue warre And ordeyned a grete power of his frendes of his kynne and of Ossa his brother and had taken all the londe from Humbre vnto Yorke But those of Yorke helde strongely agaynst them and wolde not suffre them to come in to the cyte neyther to yelde the cyte to them And he besyeged y● towne anone ryght yaue therto a stronge assawee But they of the cyte them kepte well strongely ¶ And whan Vter herde therof he came thyther with a grete stronge power for to helpe rescowe the towne put awaye the syege and yaue a stronge batayll And Octa and his company them defended as well as they myght But at the laste they were d●scomfyted and the moost partye of them slayne And Octa and Ossa were taken put in pryson at London ¶ And Vter hymself dwelled a whyle at Yorke and after he wente to London And 〈◊〉 the Eester after he wolde bere crowne and holde a solempne feest And lete somone all his Erles Barons that they sholde come to that feest And all those that had wyues sholde brynge them also to that feest And all the seygnoury came at the kynges commaundement as they were cōmaunded ¶ The feest was rychely arayed holden And all worthely sette to meete after y● they were of astate Soo that the Erle Gorloys of Cornewaylle and Igreyne his wyf sate next vnto the kynge And whan the kynge sawe the faytnesse of that lady the beaute that she had He was anone rauysshed for her beaute and often he made to her nyce countenaunce in lokynge and laughynge So at the laste the Erle perceyued the preuy lokynge laughynge and the loue bytwene them And rose vp frō the table in wrathe toke his wyf and called to hym his knyghtes and wente thens in wrath without takynge leue of the kynge ¶ The kynge anone sent after hym that he sholde come agayne go not thens in dyspyte of hym And the erle wolde not come agayne in no maner of wyse ¶ Wherfore the kynge was wroth and in wrath hym defyed as his deedly enmye And the erle wente thens in to Cornewaylle with his wyf in the castall of Tyntagyll ¶ And the kynge lete ordeyne a grete hoste and came in to Cornewaylle for to destroye the erle yf that he myght But he had put hym in suche a castell that was stronge well arayed called Tyntagyll wolde not yelde hym to the kynge ¶ And the kynge anone besyeged the castell and there dwelled .xv. dayes that neuer myght spede ●uer he thought vppon Igreyne vpon her layde so moche loue that he wyst not what to do ¶ So at the laste he called to hym a knyght that was called Vlfin that was preuy with hym and tolde hym all his coūseyll axed of hȳ what was best for to done ¶ Syr sayd he sende after Merlyn anone for he can telle you the best counseyll of ony man lyuynge Merlyn anone was sente after came to the kynge And the kynge tolde hym all his coūseyll his wyll Syr sayd Merlyn I shal do so moche thrugh crafte that I can that I shall make you come to nyght in the castell of Tyntagyll shall haue all your wyll of that lady ¶ How Vter begate on Igreyne that was the Erles wyf of Cornewaylle Arthur kynge MErlyn thrugh craft that he coude chaunged the kynges fygure in to the lykenes of the erle and Vlfin Garlois his Chambrelayne in to the fygure of Iordan that was the erles cham brelayne so that eche of them was transfygured in to others lykenes And whan Merlyn had so done he sayd to the kynge Syr sayd he now ye may go sodeynly to the castell of Tyntagyll axe entree there haue your wyll The kyng toke prpuely all the hoste to gouerne and lede to a knyght that he moche loued toke his waye towarde the castell and with hym toke Vlfin his chambrelayne and Merlyn whan they came thyder the porter demid it had ben his owne lorde And whan tyme came for to god to bedde the kynge wente to bedde with Igreyne the erles wyf dyde with her all his wyll And begate vpon her a sone that was called Arthur And vppon the morowe the kynge toke his leue of the lady wente ayen to his hoste And the same nyght that the kynge laye by Igre●ne in bedde that was y● erles wyf the kynges men gaaf a grete assawie vnto the castell And the erle his men manly them defended But at the laste it befell so that in the same assawie the erle hymself was slayne the castell taken ¶ And the kynge anone torned agayne to Tyntagyll
moche herde of the goodnesse of kynge Edwarde that he was so full of mercy of pyte He thoughte that he wolde go ayen in to Englonde for to seke to haue grace of the good kynge Edwarde that so mercyfull was that he myght haue ayen his londe in peas And arayed hym as moche as he myght put hȳ towarde the see came in to Englonde to London there that the kyng was that tyme all the lordes of Englonde and helde a parlyament Godewin sente to hym that were his frendes were the moost grettest lordes of the londe pray to them to beseche the kynges grace for hym that he wolde his peas his londe graunte hym The lordes ledde hym before the kynge to seke his grace And anone as the kyng hym sawe he apeled hym of treason of the deth of Alured his brother and these wordes vnto hym sayd Traytour Godewin sayd the kynge I the appele that thou hast betrayed slayne my brother Alured Certes syr sayd Godewin sauynge your grace and your peas your lordshyp I hym neuer betrayed ne yet hym slewe And therfore I put me in rewarde of the courte Now fayr lordes sayd the kynge Ye that ben my lyeges erles and barons of the londe that here be assembled full well ye herde myn appele and the answere also of Godewin and therfore I woll that ye awarde dooth ryght The erles barons tho gadred them all togyder for to do this awarde by themself and so they spake dyuersely amonge them For some sayd there was neuer alyaūce by homage seriment seruyce ne by lordshypp bytwene Godewin and Alured for which thynge they myght hym drawe And a●● the laste they deuysed and demed that he sholde put hym in the kynges mercy all togyder Tho spake the erle Leuerik of Couentree a good man to god and to all the worlde and tolde his reason in this maner sayd The erle Godewin is the best frended man of Englonde after the kynge well it myght not be agayne sayd that without coūsell of Godewin Alured was neuer putt to dethe Wherfore I awarde as towchynge my parte that hymself his sone euery of vs .xij. erles that ben his frendes go before the kynge charged with as moche golde syluer as we may bere betwixt our hondes prayenge the kynge to forgeue his euyll wyll to the erle Godewin receyue his homage his londe yelde ayen And they accorded vnto that a warde and came in this maner as is aboue sayd euery of them with golde syluer as moche as they myghte bere bytwene her hondes before the kynge there sayde the fourme the maner of theyr acorde of theyr awarde The kyng wolde not theym agaynsaye but as moche as they ordeyned he graūted confermed And so was the erle Godewin accorded with the kynge so he had ayen all his londe And afterwarde he bare hym soo well soo wysely that the kynge loued hym worder moche with hym he was ful preuy And within a lytell tyme they loued soo moche that there the kynge spowsed Godewins doughter made her quene And neuerthelesse though the kynge had a wyfe yet he lyued euer in chastyte clennesse of body without ony flesshly dede doynge with his wyf And the quene also in her halfe ladde an holy lyf two yere deyed And afterwarde the kynge lyued all his lyfe withoute ony wyf ¶ The kyng yaue the erledom of Oxenforde to Harolde that was Godewins sone made hym erle And soo well they were beloued bothe the fader he and so pryue with the kynge both the fader the sone that they myght do by ryght what thynge that they wolde For ayenst ryght wolde he no thynge do for no maner man so good and true he was of conscyence And therfore our lorde Ihesu Cryste grete specyll loue vnto hym shewed ¶ How kynge Edwarde sawe Swyne kynge of Denmark drowned in the see in the tyme of the Sacrament as he stode herde masse IT befelle vppon Wytsondaye as kynge Edwarde herde his masse in the grete chirche of Westmestre ryght at the leuacyon of Ihesu Crystys body as all men were gadred in to the chirche and came nygh the awter for to see the sacrynge the kynge his hondes lyft vp on hyghe and a grete laughter toke vp Wherfore all that aboute hym stode gretely ganne wonder And after masse they axed why the kynges laughter was Fayre lorde sayd kynge Edwarde I sawe Swyne the yonger that was kynge of Denmark come in to the see with all his power for to haue come in to Englonde vpon vs for to warre And I sawe hym all his folke drowned in the see and alle this I sawe in the leuacyon of Crystis body bytwene the preestes bonde and I had therfore so grete Ioye that I myghte not my laughter withholde ¶ And the erle Leueryk besyde hym stode at the leuacyon and openly sawe the fourme of brede torne in the lyknesse of a yonge childe toke vp his ryght honde and blessyd the kynge after the erle and the erle anone tomed hym towarde the kynge for to make hym see that holy syght And tho sayd the kynge ¶ Sy●● Erle sayd he I see well that ye see thanked be god that I haue honoured my god my sauyour visybly Ihesu Cryst in four me of man Whoo 's name be blessyd in all worldes AMEN ¶ How the rynge that sayne Edwarde bod gyuen to a poore pylgryme for the loue of god sayne Iohan Euangelyst came ayen to kynge Edwarde THis noble man sayne Edwarde regned .xiij. yere And thus it befell vpon a tyme are he deyed that two men of Englonde were gone in to holy londe had done theyr pylgrymage were goynge ayen in to theyr owne coūtree where they came fro And as they wente in the waye they mette a pylgryme that curteysly them saluwed axed of them in what londe in what coūtree they were borne And they sayd in Englonde Tho axed he who was kynge of Englonde And they answered sayd the good kynge Edwarde ¶ Fayre frendes sayd tho the pylgryme whan that ye come in to your coūtree ayen I praye you that ye wyll go vnto kynge Edwarde oftentymes grete hym in myn name and oftentymes hym thanke of his grete curteysye that he to me hath done namely for the rynge that he yaue me whan he had herde masse at Westmestre for saynt Iohans loue Euangelyst And toke the rynge toke it to the pylgrymes sayd I praye you go and bere this rynge take it vnto kyng Edwarde telle hym that I sende if hym a full ryche yefte I wyll hym yeue For vpon the .xij. daye he shall come vnto me euer more dwelle in blysse without ony ende ¶ Syr sayd the pylgrymes what man be ye and in what coūtree is your dwellynge ¶ Fayre frendes sayd he I
haue be auenged 〈◊〉 hym for by cause that y● erle Godewin that was Haroldes fader had lete ●lee Alured that was saynt Edwardꝭ 〈◊〉 pryncypally for by cause that 〈◊〉 was quene Emines sone that was Richardes moder duke of Norman dy that was a●●nll to the duke William And neuertheles whan the duke William had Harolde in pryson vnder his power forasmoche as this Harold was a noble wyse knyght a worthy of body that his fader he was accorded with good kynge Edwarde therfore wolde not mysdo hym But all manere thynges that betwixt them was spoken and ordeyned Harolde by his good wyll swore v●on a boke vpon holy sayntes that he sholde spouse wedde duke Willyams doughter after the deth of saynt Edwarde that he sholde besely do his d●uour for to kepe saue the reame of Englonde vnto the profyte auantage of duke Wyllyam ¶ And whan Harolde had thus made his othe vnto y● duke Wyllyam he lete hym goo ya●● hym many a ●●yche yettes And he tho wente 〈…〉 hym be amenged what 〈…〉 befell ¶ And anone 〈…〉 assemble a grete 〈◊〉 come in to Englonde to auenge hym vpon Harolde to conquert the londe yf that he myght ¶ And in the same yere that Harolde was crowned Harolde Herekynge kynge of Denmarke arryued in Scotlande thought to haue be kynge of Englonde he came in Englonde 〈◊〉 destroyed all that he myght tyll that he came to Yorke there he slewe many men of armes a thousande a h●●dred preestes Whan this tydydges came to y● kynge he assembled a grete power and wente for to fyght with Haralde of Denmark with his owne hondes he hym slewe the Danes were dyscomfyted and tho that were left alyue with moche sorowe fledde to theye shyppes And thus kynge Harolde of Englonde slewe kynge Haralde of Denmark ¶ Anno dm̄ M.lxvi. ¶ How William Bastarde duke of Normandy came in to England and slewe kynge Harolde ANd whan this batayll was done Harolde became so proude 〈◊〉 no thynge per●e with his people of the thynge that he had goten but hel 〈◊〉 all 〈◊〉 hymself Wherfore the moost parte of his people were ●●●the from hym 〈◊〉 is y● oonly with hym abode 〈◊〉 but his soldyours And vpon a 〈…〉 he sate at meete a messager came to hȳ sayd that Wyllyam bastarde the duke of Normandy was arryued in Englonde with a grete hoste had take all the lo●de about Haslynge also myned the castell Whan the kynge had herde this tydynges he went thyther with a lytell power in all the hast y● he myght for there were but fewe people with hym lefte And whan he was come thyder he ordeyned to yeue bataylle to duke Wyllyam But the duke axed hym of these thre thynges yf that he wolde haue his doughter to wyf as he made swore his othe behyght or that he wolde holde the londe of hym in truage or he wolde determyne this thynge in batayll This Harolde was a proude man a stronge trusted wonder moche vpon his streng the and faught with the duke William and with his people But Harolde and his men in this batayl were dyscomfyted and hymself there was slayne and this batayll was ended at Tombrydge in the seconde yere of his regne vppon saynt Calixtus daye so he was buryed at Walcham ¶ Of kynge Wyllyam bastarde how he gouerned hym well and wysely and of the greate warre bytwene hym the kynge of Fraunce AS Wyllyam Bastarde duke of Normandy had conquered all y● londe vpon Crystmasse daye then nexte he lete crowne hym kyng at Westmestre as a 〈◊〉 kyng yo●● vnto Englysh 〈◊〉 largely 〈◊〉 to his 〈◊〉 And afterwarde he wente hym ouer the see came in to Normandye there be dwelled a whyle And in the seconde yere of his regne he came ayen in to Englonde brought with hym Maude his wyf lete crowne her quene Englonde on Wyssondaye ¶ And tho anone after the kyng of Scotlonde that was called Malcol●● began to stryue wan● with the kynge Wyllyam And he ordeyned hym towarde Scotlonde with his men bothe by londe by see for to deshore kynge Malcolm But they were ●●●ded y● kyng of Scotlonde be 〈…〉 man belde all his londe of hym And kynge William receyued of hym his homage came ayen in to Englond And as kynge William had be kyng 〈…〉 it Maude y● quene deyed on whom 〈◊〉 ge William had begote 〈…〉 dern that is for to say Robert Curth a William Rous. Richarde also that 〈◊〉 ed. Henry Beauclerke and Maude 〈◊〉 that was the erles wyf of Bleynes other foure fayr doughters ¶ And after his wyues dethe grete de●ate began betwixt hym the kyng of Fraū●e Philip but at the laste they were accorded And tho dwelled the kynge of Englonde in Normandy noo man hym warned● he no man longe tyme. ¶ And the kynge of Fraunce sayd vpon a daye in 〈◊〉 ne of kynge William had longe tyme lyen in childe bedde longe tyme bad● rested hym there And this worde came to the kynge of Englonde there that he dyde lye in Normandye at Rone And for this worde was tho ruyll apayed● also wonder wroth towarde the kyng of Fraunce And swore by god that whan he were arysen of his skyenesse he wolde lyg●●● a thousande candelles to the kynge of Fraūce 〈◊〉 lete assemble a grete hoste of Normandy of Englysshe men And in the begyunynge of Her 〈◊〉 he come in to Fraunce bende all 〈…〉 that they come by 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 to here 〈◊〉 as moche as he myghte brea●e And hymselfe halpe therto alle that he myghte with a good wyll And there was a grete hete what of the fyre that was so grete of the sonne that it was w●der hote that it stuffed hym so that he became felle in to a grete dysease skynesse And whan he sawe that he was so stronge syke he ordeyned assygned all Normandye to Robert Curthos his sone all Englonde to Wyllyam the Rous and bequane to Henry Beauclerke all his treasour And whan he thus had done he receyued all the sacramentꝭ of holy chirche deyed the .xx. yere of his regne lyeth at Cane in Normandy ¶ Anno dm̄ M.lxvi. ORegorius the .vij. was pope after Alexander .xij. yere this man ordeyned in a generall Synodus that no preest sholde haue a wyf ne sholde dwelle with wȳmen but tho that y● holy Synodus of Micena other decrees hadde suffred And then y● preestꝭ sette nought or lytell pondred his ordynaunce This pope cōmaunded y● no man sholde here masse of a preest y● had a cōcubyne And he on a certayn tyme whan he was Cardynall Legate in to Fraūce proceded sharpely ayenst prelates preestes that were symoniers And among other was one bysshopp there that was gretely famed
Maude his doughter was deed and that she dwelled noo lenger in Almayne that she wolde come ayen in to Normandy to her fader And whan that she was come vnto hym he toke her tho to hym came ayen in to Englonde made the Englysshmen to do othe fraute to the Empresse And the fyrst man that made the othe was William y● Archebysshop of Caūterbury And that other Dauyd kyng of Scotlonde after hym all the barons erles of Englonde ¶ Also after that the noble man therle of Angoy that was a worthy knyght sente vnto the kynge of Englonde that he wolde graūte hym for to haue his doughter to spowse that is to saye Maude the Empresse And for by cause that her fader wyst that he was a noble man the kynge hym graūted consented therto And tho toke he his doughter ladde her in to Normandy came to y● noble knyghte Geffroy and there he spowsed the forsayd Maude with moche honour the Erle begate vppon her a sone that was called Henry the Empresse sone ¶ And after whan all this was done kyng Henry dwelled all that yere in Normandy And after that longe tyme a greuous sykenesse toke hym where thorugh he deyed And this kynge Henry regned .xxxv. yere foure monthes And after he deyed as is before sayd in Normandy And his herte was enteryd in y● grete chirche of our lady in Rouen And his body was brought with moche honour in to Englonde enteryd at Redynge in the abbaye of the whiche abbaye he was begynner founder HEnricus the fourth was Emperour in Almayn after Harry the thyrde .xv. yere This man put his owne fader in pryson there helde hym tyll he deyed And t●ke pope Paschall with his Cardynalles presente them as if is sayd afore For the whiche cause as it is supposed he lacked yssue For he wedded the kynges doughter of Englonde Maude But afterward he came to grace and all the lawes of the chirche freely he resyned to Calixtus the pope And besought hym to yeue hym in penounce that he sholde neuer come ayen to his Empyre that he myght haue remyssyon of his trespass And after the oppynyon of many a man he was wylfully exyled deyed and his wyf both at Chestre in Englonde ¶ Gelasius was pope after Paschall two yere And 〈◊〉 from Henry the Emperour in to Bourgoyne and there decessyd This Emperour chose Benedictus a Spanyarde to be pope the whiche storme with Calixtꝰ ¶ Calixtus was pope after hym two yere fyne monthes This Calixtus was the sone of the duke of Bourgoyne and was chosen in the place of Gelasius And whan he sholde come to Rome he toke the forsayd Benedictus and made hym to ryde afore hym shamefully For 〈…〉 ¶ Anno dm̄ M.C.xxxiij Innocencius was pope after Honorius .xiiij. yere and .vij. monthes This man was a very deuoute man with suche men he accompanyed hym And he had stryf ayenst Peyrs of Lyon the whiche named hym Anocletus And by strength he tooke the popchede The whiche Innocencius sawe with two Galeys he fledde in to Fraunce was worshyfully receyued of saynt Ben●●●de the whiche that tyme had all the kynges prynces in his honde And he prouoked them for to ●rynge this pope Innocencius in to his dygnyte ayen And att the laste all thynge was sessyd his enmyes were destroyed thrugh the Iugement of god And he was pope ayen lyued prouffytably and was buryed art Latranence ¶ How Stephen that was kynge Henryes systers sone was made kynge of Englonde AFter this kynge Henry that was the fyrste was made kynge his neuewes syster sone Stephen erle of Boloyne For anone as he herde the tydynges of his vncles deth thenne he passed the see came in to Englonde thorugh coūseyll strength of many grete lordes in Englonde ayenst the othe that they had made to Maude the Empresse toke the reame lete crowne Stephen kyng of the londe ¶ And the Archebysshopp Wyllyam of Caūterbury that fyrst made the othe of feaute to Maude the Empresse sette the crowne vpon Stephens herd hym anoynted And bysshop Roger of Salysbury mayntened the kyngꝰ parte in as moche as he myght ¶ The fyrst yere y● kyng Stephen began to regne he assembled a greate hoste wente towarde Scotlonde for to haue ●arred vpon the kynge of Scotlonde But he came ayenst hym in yeas in good manere to hȳ trustes But he made to hȳ noue homage for as moche as he hadꝭ made vnto thempresse Maude ¶ And in y● fourth yere of his regne Maude the Empresse came in to Englonde And tho began debate bytwene kynge Stephen Maude thempresse This Mande went vnto y● cyte of Nicholl the kȳge her besyged longe tyme myght not spede so well the cyte was kept defended And tho y● were wtin the cyte meruaylously scaped awaye wtout ony maner of harme And tho toke y● kyng the cyte dwelled therin tyll Candelmasse And tho came the barons y● helde with Empresse That is for to saye the erle Radulphe of Chestre the erle Robert of Glocestre Hugh Bygot Robert of Mor ley these brought with them a stronge power faught with the kynge yaue hȳ a grete bataylle In the whiche bataylle kyng Stephen was taken and sette in pryson in the castell of Brystowe ¶ How Maude the Empresse went fro Wynchestre to Orenforde after she escaped to Walynforde of the sorowe dysease that she had NOw as the kynge was taken brought in to warde in the castel of Brystowe this Maude the Empresse was made lady of all Englonde all men helde her for lady of the londe But those of kent helde with kynge Stephens wyf also Wyllyam of Pree his retenewe halpe them helde warte ayenst Maude thempresse And anone after y● kynge of Scotlonde came to them with a huge nombre of people And tho wente they togyder to Wynchestre there y● the Empresse was wolde haue taken her But the erle of Glocestre came with his power fought with them And the Empresse in the meane whyle that the batayll 〈◊〉 scaped from them wente 〈…〉 pryson And whan he was 〈…〉 of pryson he went 〈◊〉 vnto Oxenforde besyeged thempresse y● was tho at Oxenforde And the seyge endured fro Myghelmasse vnto sayne Andrewes tyde ¶ And the Empresse lete clothe her tho all in whyte lȳnen clothe for byc●nse she wolde not be knowen For in the same tyme there was moche snowe she escaped by the Tample from them awaye that were her enmyes And from thens she went to Walyngforde there helde her And the kyng wolde haue besyeged her but he had so moche to do with the erle Radulphe of Chestre with Hugh Bygot that strongely warred vpon hȳ in euery place that he not wyst whether for to torne And the erle of Glocestre halpe hym with
his power ¶ How Gaufride the erle of Angoy yaue vnto Henry the Empressse some alle Normandye ANd after this the kynge wente vnto Wyston wolde haue made a castell there But tho came to hym the erle of Glocestre with a stronge power there almoost he had taken the kynge but yet the kynge escaped with moche payne And William Martell there was token And for whoo 's delyueraūce they yaue vnto the erle of Glocestre y● good castell of Shyrbom y● he had taken ¶ And whan this was done the erle Robert all the kynges enmyes wente vnto F●ryngdon began there for to make a stronge castell but the kynge came thy● with a stronge power droue hym thou And in that same yere the erle ●●●dulphe of Chestre was accorded 〈◊〉 y● the kynge and came to his court at his 〈◊〉 And the erle 〈…〉 to come And the kynge anone lete take hym put hym in to pryson And myght neuer for noo thynge come out tyll y● he had yelded vp to the kyng the castell of Nicholl the whiche he had taken from the kynge with his strength in the .xv. yere of his regne ¶ And Gaufride y● erle of Angoy yaue vp vnto Henry his sone all Normandye And in the yere that nexte ●●sewed deyed the erle Gaufride And Henry his sone do anone tamen ayen to Angoy there was made erle moche honour of all his men of the londe And to hym dyde feaute homage the moost party of the londe And tho was this Henry y● Empresse sone erle of Angoy also duke of Normandy ¶ In the same yere was made a dynorce bytwene the kynge of Fraunce the quene his wyfe that was ryght heyre of Gascoyne For by cause that it was knowen and proued that they were sybbe nyghe of blood And tho spowsed her Henry the Empresse sone erle of Angoy the duke of Normandy duke of Gascoyne ¶ In the .xvij. yere of this Stephen this Henry came in to Englonde with a stronge power began for to warre vpon this kynge Stephen toke the castell of Malmesbury dyde moche harme And y● kyng Stephen hadꝭ soe moche wente that he wyste not whether for to go But at the laste they were accorded thrugh the Archebysshop Theobaldus thrugh other worthy lordes of Englonde vpon this condycyon that they sholde departe the Realme of Englonde bytwene theym two soo that Henry the Empresse sone sholde hooly haue the half of all the londe of Englonde And thus they were accorded and pe●s was cryed thrughout all Englond ¶ And whan the accorde was made bytwene the two lordes kynge Stephen became so sory for by cause that he hadꝭ 〈◊〉 half Englonde and felle in to suche a malady and deyed in the .xix. yere and ●iij wekes and .v. dayes of his regne all in warre and in contake And he lyeth in the abbaye of Feuersham the whiche he lete make in the .xvi. yere of his regne CElestunus the seconde was pope after Innocencu●s .v. monethes And lytell he dyde ¶ Lucius was after hym and lytell proffyted for they deyed both in a pestylence ¶ Eugen●us the seconde was pope after hym .v. yere and foure monethes This man fyrste was the dyscyple of saynt Bernarde after the abbot of saynt Anastalius by Rome And came to the chirche of saynt Ce●ary and was chosen pope by the Cardnalles he no thynge knowynge ther●● And for drede of the Senatours he was consecrated without the cyte this ma●● was an holy nan suffred t●ybula●yon And at the laste he decessyd and 〈◊〉 at saynt Peters And after anone de●●syd saynt Bernarde ¶ Petrus 〈◊〉 the bysshopp of Parys b●●ther to Granam compyled the some bokes of the Sentence this tyme. ¶ Petrus ●●mestor brother to Gracian to 〈◊〉 Lombardus made Hystonam 〈◊〉 and other bokes ¶ Freder●●us p●mus after Contradus was Emprerour in Almayne in Rome .xxxij. yere This man after the deth of Adryan the pope the whiche crowned hym dyde on sydly with Alexander to hym grete pr●edyce For he dyde helpe foure that stoute ayenst the appostles sete And he faught myghtely ayenst the kynge of Fraunce thrugh power of the Danys other nacyons But Richarde the kynge of Englonde halpe for to expulse hym And he destroyed medyolanum to the grounde Of the whiche cyte the walles were bygher than the walles of ony other cyte This man at the last after that he had done many vexacyons to the pope he 〈…〉 the holy londe and dyde many meruayl lo●s thynges th●●r almoost as moche as euer dyde ●arolus magnus And there he came by a towne that men calle Armeniam in a lytell water he was drowned at Ty●● he was buryed ¶ Anaslasius was p●pe after Eugenius foure yere and more Thi●●an was abbot of Rufy and thenne he was chose Cardynall after pope ¶ Of kyng Henry the seconde that was the Empresse sone in whose tyme saynt Thomas of Caunterbury was Chaunceller ANd after this kynge Stephen regned Henry the Empresse sone was crowned of the Archebysshop The●baldus the .xvij. daye before Cryst masse And in the same yere Thomas Be●●● of London Archebysshop of Caūterbury was made the kyngꝭ Chaūceler of Englonde ¶ The seconde yere that he was crowned he lete caste downe all the newe castels that were longynge to the crowne the whiche kynge Stephen had ●eue vnto dyuerse men them had made erles barons for to holde with hym to helpe hym ayenst Henry them presse sone ¶ And the fourth yere of his regne he put under his owne lordshypp the kyng of Walys And in the same ye 〈◊〉 the kyng of Scotlonde had in his owne 〈◊〉 that is to saye the cyte of Karkyll the castell of 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 castell vpon Tyne the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 ¶ The same yere the kynge 〈◊〉 grete power 〈◊〉 in to Waly● 〈…〉 in the 〈◊〉 yere 〈…〉 lorde 〈◊〉 y● 〈…〉 made 〈…〉 in that yere he 〈…〉 the .vi. yere of his reg●● he 〈…〉 hoste to Tolouse 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 y● vij yere of his regne dey●● 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 the almoost all the cy●e of 〈…〉 rugh myschyef was 〈◊〉 The .ix. yere of his regne Thomas 〈…〉 his Chaūceller was chosen 〈…〉 of Caunterbury And vpon saynt Bernardes daye he was sacred And in that yere was borne the kyngꝭ d●ught●● Ele nore ¶ And in the .x. yere of his 〈◊〉 saynt Edwarde the kynge was translated with moche hono●r ¶ And the .xi. ye te of his regne he helde his parlyament at Northampton fro thens 〈…〉 Thomas Archebysshop of 〈◊〉 for y● grete debate that was betwixt the kynge hym For yf he had be founde on the morowe he had be slaybe therfore he ●led● thens with thre felowes on foot oonly that no man wyste where he was wente ouer the ser to the pope of Rome And this was the pryncypall cause For asmoche as the
kynge 〈◊〉 haue put clerkes to de●h that were 〈◊〉 of felonye without ony 〈◊〉 of holy chirche ¶ And the .xij. yere of his regne was Iohn his so●e ●ome ¶ And the xii●j yere of his regne deyed 〈◊〉 the Empresse that was his m●der ¶ The .xiiij. yere of his regne y● 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 spowsed Ma●de his daughter 〈◊〉 he begate vpon her 〈…〉 led 〈…〉 ¶ And in the .xv. yere of his regne 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 in the same yere 〈…〉 ¶ And the xvi yere of his 〈…〉 and ●●ge Archebyshopp 〈…〉 of Yorke in 〈…〉 of Thomas Archebyshop of 〈◊〉 Wherfore this same Ro●es was accursyd of the pope ¶ How kynge Henry that was sone of kyng Henry the Empresse sone ● of the debate that was bytwene hȳ his fader whyle that he was in Normandye AFter the coronacyon of kynge Henry the sone of kynge Henry the Empresse sone That same Henry thempresse sone wente ouer to Normady there he lete marye Elenore his doughter of the Dolphyn that was kynge of Al●ayne And in the .vij. yere that y● Archebysshop saynt Thomas had ben out lawed the kynge of Fraunce made the kynge saynt Thomas accorded And then̄e came Thomas the Archebysshop to Caūterbury ayen to his owne chirche And this accorde was made in y● begynnynge of Aduente afterwarde he was slayne martred the fyfth daye of Crystmasse chenne folowynge ¶ For kynge Henry thought vpon saynt Thomas y● Archebysshop vpon Crystmasse daye as he sate at his mete these wordes sayd That yf he had ony good kynghtes with hym he had be many a day passed auenged vpon the Archebysshop Thomas ¶ And anone syr Willyam Breton syr Hugh Moruile syr Willyam Tracy syr Reygnolde Fitz vise beers sone in Englysshe pryuely wente vnto the see came in to Englonde vnto the chirche of Caūterbury there they hym mar●●● 〈…〉 in y● moder 〈◊〉 ¶ And that was in the yere of the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 Cryst M. C.lxxi● yere ¶ And anone after Henry the new kyng began for to make 〈◊〉 vp on Henry his fader vpon his 〈…〉 ¶ And so vppon a daye the kynge of Fra●●er all the kynges 〈◊〉 the kynge of 〈◊〉 all the grettest lordes of Englonde were rysen ayenst kyng Henry the fader And at the last as god wolde he conquered al his enmyes And the kynge of Fraūce he were accorded ¶ And tho sente kyng Henry specyally vnto the kyng of Fraūce te prayed hym herely for his loue that he wolde sende to hym the names by letters of them that were the begynners of that warre ayenst hym And the kyng of Fraunce sente ayen to hym by letters the names of them that began the warre ayenst hym The fyrst was Iohn his sone Rycharde his brotheer Henry the newe kynge his sone Th● was Henry the kyng wonder wroth 〈◊〉 the tyme that euer he hym begate 〈◊〉 the warre dured Henry his sone 〈◊〉 we kyng deyed sore repentynge his ●●●dedes moost sorowe made of ony man for by cause of saynt Thomas dethe of Caūterbury And prayed his fader was moche sorowe of herte mercy for his 〈◊〉 paas And his fader fo●gaaf hym and had of hym grete pyte And after he d●ed the .xxxvi. yere of his regne 〈…〉 Redynge ¶ How the crysten men lost all the holy londe in the forsayd kynges tyme ●e a fals Crysten man y● became a 〈◊〉 ANd whyle this kyng regned the greate bataylle was in the holy londe bytwene the Crysten men and the Sacrasyns but Crysten men were there slayne thorugh grete ●reason of the erle Ty●pe that wolde haue had to wyf the quene of Ierusalem that somtyme was Baldewynes wyf but ●●e forsoke hym and toke to her lorde a 〈◊〉 a worthy man that was called 〈…〉 Wherfore the erle Ty●pe was wroth wente anone ryght to the Soudan that was Soudan of Babylon and became his man and forsoke his crystendome and all crysten lawe And y● crysten men 〈…〉 of his 〈…〉 forsoke his owne nacyon And for were the crysten men there slayne with y● Sarrasyus ¶ And thus were y● crysten men slayne put to horryble deth and the cyte of Ierusalem destroyed and the holy crosse borne awaye ¶ The kynge of Fraunce and all the grete lordes of the londe lete them be crossyd for to go in to the holy londe And amonges them wen Rycharde kynge Henryes sone fyrst after the kynge of Fraunce that toke the crosse of the Archebysshop of Toures But he toke not the vyage at that tyme for cause that he was lette by other maner wayes and nedes to be done ¶ And whan kynge Henry his fader hadꝭ regned .xxxvi. yere and .v. monethes fourre dayes he deyed and lyeth at founteue●ad ¶ Anno dm̄ M.C.lvi ADuanꝰ the fourth was pope after Anastasius .v. yere This pope was an Englysshe man the voys of the comyn people sayth he was a boūde man to the abbot of saynt Albon in Englonde And whan he desyred to be made a monke there he was expulsyd he wente ouer see gaue hym to studye to vertue And after was made bysshop of Albanacens then he was made Legate in to y● londe of Wo●●acian he cōuerted it to the fayth Then he was made pope for the woūdynge of a Cardynall he 〈◊〉 all the cyte of R●me 〈…〉 William the kyng of C●●yle● and caused hym to 〈◊〉 hym This man the fyrst of all the popes of his 〈…〉 dwelle● in the olde cyte ¶ Alexander the 〈◊〉 was pope 〈…〉 hym .xij. yere This Alexander hadꝭ 〈…〉 the kynge of Si●culo● And this man 〈◊〉 saynt Thomas of Caunterbury in his exyle ¶ Nota. ¶ Saynt Bernarde was canonysed by this Alexander his abbot forh●de hym he sholde do no myracles for there was soo myghty concours of people And he obeyed to hym whan he was deed dyde no 〈◊〉 ¶ Lucius the thyrde was pope after Alexand. .iiij. yere two monethes Of hym lytell 〈◊〉 wryten In his dayes decessyd Henry the fyrste sone no Henry the seconde this is his Epytaphy Omnis honoris honor decor et decus vibis et orbis 〈◊〉 splendor gloria sumen apex Iulius ingenio vtutibus hector Achillis viribus augustus mo●bus ore paris ¶ Vehanus the thyrde was pope after Lucius two yere this man decessyd for sorowe whan he herde tell that Ierusalem was taken with the Sarrasyns ¶ Gregorius the viij was pope after hym foure monethes And he practysed myghtely how Ierusalem myght be wonne ayen but anone he decessyd ¶ Clemens the thyrde was pope after hym thre yere and lytell he dyde ¶ Of kynge Rycharde that conquered ayen all the holy londe that the crysten men had loste ANd after this kynge Henry regned Rycharde his sone a 〈◊〉 man and a str●nge a worthy and also holde And he was 〈…〉 of the 〈…〉 the thyrde daye of 〈…〉 ¶ And in the seconde yere of his 〈…〉 Rycharde hymself
a grete debate bytwene kynge Iohan and the lordes of Englonde for by cause that be wolde not graūe the lawes and holde the ●●che saynt Edwarde had ordeyned and had ben vsed and holden vnto that to me that he had them broken For be ●●de holde noo lawe but dyde alle thynge that hym lyked and dyshertysed many men without consente of lordes and ●●●tys of y● londe And wolde 〈◊〉 the good erle Rodulf of Ch●●h● for by ●●●se that he vndertoke hȳ of his wyckednesse and for cause that he dyde so moche shame and vylany to god and to holy ch●rche And also for he helde haunted his owne brothers wyf and laye also by many other 〈◊〉 greate lord●● doughters For be spared noo woman that hym lyked for to haue Wherfore all the lordes of the londe were wroche and 〈◊〉 the cyte of London To c●sse this debate the Archebtysshop and lo●des of the londe assembled before the feest of saynt Iohn Baptyst in a medowe belyde the towne of Stanys that is called 〈…〉 〈…〉 for the kynge hymselfe soone after dyde ayenst the poyntes of the same chartre that he had made Wherfore the moost parte of the lordes of the londes assembled and began to warre vppon hym ayen and ●●nned his towers robbed his folke and dyde all the sorowe that they myght made them as stronge as they myght with all the power they had and thought to dryue hym out of Englonde and make Lowys the kyngꝭ sone of Fraunce kyng of Englonde ¶ And kynge Iohn̄ sente tho ouer see and ordeyned so moche people of Normans of Pycardes and of Flemynges soo that the londe myght not susteyne them but with moche sorowe ¶ And amonge all this people there was a man of Normandye that was called Fawkis of Brent and this Norman his company spared nother chuches ne houses of relygyon but they brente robbed it and bare awaye alle that they myght take so that the londe was all destroyed what of ony syde and of other ¶ The barons and lordes of Englonde ordeyned amonge theym the beste spehers and wysest men and sente them ouer the see to kynge Phylypp of Fraunce prayed hym that he wolde sende Lowys his sone in to Englonde to be kynge of Englonde to receyue the crowne ¶ How Lowys the kynges some of Fraūce came in to Englonde with a stronge power of peple to be kyng of Englonde A None as kynge Philyp of Fraūce herde these tydynges he made ●etayne alyaunce bytwene theym by theyr comune eleccyon that Lowys kynge Philyps sone of Fraunce sholde go● with theym in to Englonde and dry●se 〈◊〉 kynge Iohn of the londe And alle that were in presence of Lowys made vnto hym homage and became his men 〈…〉 〈…〉 was sette before hym vppon the table And the monke sayd that the loof was worth but an half peny O sayd the kynge tho Here is grete chepe of brede Now sayd he cho and I may lyue ony whyle suche a loof shall be worth .xx. shelynges or half a yere be gone And so whan he sayd this worde moche he thought and often he syghed and toke and ete of the brede and sayd by god the worde that I haue spoken it shall be soth ¶ The monke that stode before the kynge was for this worde full sory in his herte and thought rather be wolde hymselfe suffre deth and thought yf he myght ordeyne therfore some manere remedye And anone the monke wente vnto his abbot and was shryuen of hym and tolde the abbot all that the kynge had sayd And prayed his abbot for to assoyle hym for he wolde yeue the kynge such a drynke that all Englonde sholde be glady there of and Ioyfull Tho yede the monke in to a gardeyne and founde a greate tode therin and toke her vp and put her in a cuppe prycked the tode thorugh wich a broche many tymes tyll that the venym came out of euery syde in the cuppe And tho toke the cuppe fylled it with good ale and brought it before the kynge knelynge sayenge Syr sayd he Wash sayll for neuer the dayes of all your lyf dronke ye of so good a cuppe ¶ Begyn monke sayd the kynge And the monke dranke a grete draught toke the kynge the cuppe and the kynge dranke also a grete draught and sette downe the cuppe The monke anone ryght wente in to 〈◊〉 and there deyed anone on 〈◊〉 soule god haue mercy Amen And fyne monkꝭ synge for his soule specyally and shall whyle that the abbay● standeth The kynge rose vp anone full euyll at ease and comaunded to remeue the table axed after the monke And men tolde hym that he was deed for his wombe was broken in sondre ¶ Whan the kynge herde this he comaunded for to trusse but it was for nought for his bely began to swelle for the drynke that he had dronke and within two da●●● he deyed on the morowe after saynt Luli● daye and had many fayre chidern of his body begoten that is to saye Henry his sone that was kynge after Iohn 〈◊〉 fader and Rycharde that was Erle of Comewalle and Ysabell that Empresse of Rome and Elenore that was quene of Scotlonde And this kyng Iohan whan he had regned 〈◊〉 and fyue monethes and fyue da●es be 〈◊〉 in the castell of newerbe And his body was buryed at Wynchestre ¶ Anno dm̄ M.CC. ERedericus the seconde was Emperour .xxx. yere This man was crowned of Honoriꝰ y● pope ayenst 〈◊〉 for by cause that be sholde frghte with hym the whiche be dyde and ●●pullyd hym And fyrste be nourysshed the ch●●che and afterwarde he dylpoyled it as a stepmoder Wherfore Honorius 〈◊〉 hym and all tho that were contrary to his opynyon the pope assoylled And the same sentence Girgoriꝰ the .ii. renewed And this same man put Henry his owne sone into pryson and there murdred hym Wherfore whan this Emperour an other season was syke by an other sone of his owne he was mindred in the tyme of Innocenicus the fourth ¶ Honorius the thyrde was pope after Innocencius x. yere confermed the ordre of frere Prechers and Mynors And made certayne Decretalles ¶ Of kyng Henry the thyrde that was crowned at Gloucetre ANd after this kynge Iohn regned his sone Henry was crowned at Gloucetre whan he was .ix. yere olde on seynt Symondes daye Iude of Swalo the Legate of Rome thrugh coūseyll of all the grete lordes that helde with kynge Iohan his fader that is to saye the erle Radulf of Chestre Willyam erle Marshall erle of Penbroke Willyam the Brener erle of Feriers Serle the manly baron And all other grete lordes of Englonde helde with Lowys the kynges sone of Fraūce And anone after whan kynge Henry was crowned Swalo the Legate helde his coūseyll at Brystowe at saynt Martyns feest And there were .xi. bysshops of Englonde of Walys of other prelates of holy chirche a grete nombre and erles barons many
knyghtes of Englonde And all tho that were at that coūseyll swore feawte vnto Henry the kynge that was kynge Iohns sone ¶ And anone after the Legate enterdyted Walys for cause that they helde with the barons of Englonde Also all tho that holpe or yaue ony coūseyll to meue warre ayenst the newe kynge Henry he accursyd them And at the begynnynge he put in the sentence the kyngꝭ sone of Fraunce Lowys And neuertheles the same Lowys wolde not spare for all that But wente toke the castell of Barcamstede and also the castell of Hertforde And from that daye afterwarde the barons dyde there somo che harme thrughout all Englonde and pryncypalle the Frensshe men that were with kynge Lowys Wherfore the grete lordes and all the comyn people of Englonde lete them dresse for to dryue Lowys his company out of Englonde but some of the barons Frensshe men were gone to the cyte of Nicholl toke the towne helde it to kyng Lowys profyte But chyther came kynge Henryes men with a grete power that is to saye the erle Radulf of Chestre Wyllyam erle Marshall Wyllyam the Brener erle of Feriers many other lordes with them yaue batayll vnto Lowys men And there was slayne the erle of Perchees and Lowys men were fowle dyscomfyted And there was taken Serle erle of Wynchestre and Humfroy de Boune erle of Hertforde Robert the sone of Walter many other that began warre ayenst the kynge there they were taken ledde vnto kynge Henry that was kynge Iohans sone ¶ And whan the tydynges came to Lowys of the dyscomfyture y● was the kynges sone of Fraūce He remeued fro thens wente vnto London and lete shytte the yates fast of the cyte And anone after the kynge sent to the Burgeys of London that they sholde yelde them vnto hym the cyte also And he wolde theym graunte all theyr fraunchyses that euer they were wonte to haue before And wolde conferme them by his greate newe chartre vnder his brode seale ¶ And in the same tyme a greate lorde that wat called Eustace the monke came out of Fraunce with a grete company of Lordes and wolde haue come in to Englonde for to haue holpen Lowys the kynges sone of Fraunce But Hubert of Brugh the fyue portes with .viij. shyppes tho mette with them in the hyghe see assaylled theym egrely and ouercame them with strength smote of Eustace the monkes heed And toke also .x. grete lordes of Fraunce put theym in to pryson And slewe almoost all the men that came with theym and anone drowned the shyppes in the see ¶ How Lowys torned ayen in to Fraūce and of the confermacyon of kynge Iohans chartre SO whan Lowys herde these tydynages he dradde sore to be deed lost And let ordeyne speke bytwene y● kynge Lowys by the Legate Swalo And thorugh the Archebysshopp of Caūterbury thrugh other grete lordes that all the prysoners on that one halfe that other sholde be delyuerd go quyte And Lowys hymself sholde haue for his costes a thousande pounde of syluer sholde go out of Englonde and come neuer more therin agayne And in this maner was the accorde made bytwene kynge Henry and Lowys And tho was Lowys assoylled of y● popes Legate that was called Swalo of the sentence that he was in the Barons of Englonde also And after this kyng Henry Swalo the Legate Lowys went to Merton there was y● peas confermed bytwene them ordeyned And after Lowys wente from thens vnto London tooke his leue was brought with moche honour vnto the see with the Archebysshopp of Caunterbury and with other bysshops also with erles barons and so wente in to Fraunce ¶ And afterwarde the kynge the Archebysshop and also erles and barons assembled them came to the cyte of London atte Myghelmas that next came tho sewynge and helde there a grete parlyament atte London And there were tho renewed all the fraūchyse that kynge Iohn had graunted atte Romney mede and kynge Henry tho confermed by his chartre the whiche yet ben holden thrugh out all Englonde ¶ And in that tyme the kynge toke of euery plough londe .ij. shelynges And Hubert of Brugh was made tho cheyf Iustyce of Englond And this was in the fourth yere of kynge Henryes regne ¶ And in the same yere was Saynt Thomas of Caūterbury translated the .l. yere after his martyrdom And after it was ordeyned by all the lordes of Englonde that all Alyens sholde go out of Englonde come nomore therin And kynge Henry toke tho all the castelles in to his honde that kynge Iohan his fader had yeue take to Alyens for to kepe that helde with hym ¶ But the proude Fawkis of Brytayne rychely lete araye his castell of Bedforde which he had of kynge Iohns yefte helde that castell ayenst kynge Henryes wyll with myght and strength And the kynge came thyder with a stronge power and be syeged the castell And the Archebysshop mayster Stephen of Langton with a fayre company of knyghtes came to the kynge hym for to helpe And from the Ascensyon of our lorde vnto y● Assumpcyon of our lady lasted the syege And tho was the castell wonne and take And the kynge lete hange all tho that wente in to the castell with theyr good wyll for to holde the castell That is for to saye .lxxx. men ¶ And tho afterwarde Fawkis hymself was founde and had in a chirche att Couentree and there he forswore all Englonde with moche shame and wente agayne in to his owne countree ¶ And whyles that kyng Henry regned Edmonde of Abyndon that was tresorer of Salysbury was consecrated Archchysshopp of Caunterburye And this kyng Henry sente ouer the see vnto the Erle of prouynce y● he sholde sende hȳ his doughter in to Englonde that was called Ellenore and be wolde spowse her And sho she came in to Englonde after Crystmas And on the morowe after saynt Hylaryes daye the Archebysshop Edmonde spowsed them togyder at Westmestre with grete solempnyte And there was a swere syght bytwene them That is to saye Edwarde that was nexte kynge after his fader floure of curteysy of largenesse and Margarete y● was after quene of Scotlonde Beau●●●e that was after countesse of Brytayne and Kachetyne that deyed mayde in relygyon ¶ Of the quinzeme of goodes that wete graunted for the newe chartre and of the purueaunce of Oxforde ANd thus it befell that the lordes of Englonde wolde haue some addicyons moo in the chartre of fraūchyse that they had of the kynge spake thus bytwene them And the kyng graūted them all theyr axynge And made to them two chartres that one is called the grete chartre of fraūchyses that other is called y● chartre of forest And for the graunte of these two chartres prelates erles barons all the comyns of Englonde
that kynge Edwarde yaf to Dauyd Lewelyus broder the lordshyppe of Frodesham made hym a knyght so moche honour dyd he neuer after to mā of walys bycause of hym Kynge Edward helde his parlement atte London whan he hadde do in walys y● he wolde and chaunged his money that was full yll kytte wherfore the people playned sore so that the kynge enquered of the tres passours And iii. hūdred were atteynted of suche maner falsnes wherfore some were hanged and some drawe and after hangyd And afterwarde the kynge ordeyned that the sterlynge halfpeny and ferthynge sholde go through out all his londe And commaunded that no man fro that daye afterwarde yaue ne feoffedhous of relegyon with londe tenement without specyall leue of y● kynge he y● dyde sholde be punysshed at the kynges wyll and the yefte shall be for noughte And it was not longe after that Lewelyn prynce of wales thrugh the tycemēt of Dauyd his brother and bothe theyr consent they thought to dysheryte kyng Edward in asmoche as they myghte so that thorough them bothe the kynges peas was broken And whan kynge Edwarde herde of this anone he sent hys barons into Northumberlonde and the Surreys also that they sholde go take theyr vyage vpon the traytours Lewelyn and Dauyd wonder herd it was for to warte tho For it is wynter in walys● whan in other countres is Somer And Lewelyn lete ordeyne and well araye and vytayll his good castell of Swādon and was therin an huge nombre of people and plente of vytaylles so y● kynge Edward wyst not where for to entre And whan the kynges men it perceyued also the strenthe of walys they lete come in the see bargees botes and grete plankys as many as they myght ordeyne and haue for to go to the sayd castel of Swandon with men on fote alsoo on hors But y● walsshmen had so moch people were so stronge y● they draue y● Englysshmen ayen so y● ther was somoche presse of people at y● tornynge ayen y● the charge the burden of men made y● barges the botes to synke there was drowned many a good knyghte y● is to saye syr Robert Clyfford syr wyllyam of Lyndeseye y● was syr Iohn̄s sone fitz Robert syr Rycharde Tanny and an huge nōbre of other all was thrughe ther owne foly For yf they had had gode espyes they had not be harmyd whā kynge Edwarde herde tell y● his people were so drowned he made sorowe inoughe but tho came syr Iohn̄ of Vessy frō y● kynge of Aragō brought with hym moche people of bachelers of Gascoynes were souldyours and dwelled with the sayd Iohn̄ of Vessy and receyued of hym wages and with hym were witholde noble men they were for to fyght brente many townes and slewe moche people of walsshmen all y● they myght take And all tho with strenthe and myght made assawte vnto y● castell of Swā don and gate the castell And whan da uyd the prynce brother herde of this tydynges he ordeyned hym to flyght and Lewelyn the prynce saw that his broder was fledde then he was sore abasshedde for he hadde no power to his warte for to mayntene And so Lewelyn gan for to flee and wende welle for to haue scapedde But in a morowe syr Roger mortymer mette with hym oonly with .x. knyghtes sette hym rounde aboute And to hym went smote of his heed and presentyd y● same heed vnto kynge Edwarde And in this manere Lewelyn the prȳce of walys was taken his hede smyten of and also all his heyres dysheryted for euermore thrugh ryghtfull dome of all the lordes of the reame ¶ How dauyd y● was Lewelyns broder prynce of walys was putte to dethe DAuyd that was y● prynces broder of walys thrughe pryde wende too haue he prynce of walys after hys brothers dethe and vppon this he sente after Walsshemen to his parlement at Dynbygh and folysshely made Walys too aryse ayenste kynge and began too meue werre ayenste kynge Edward and dyd all the sorowe and dysease that he myght by his power Whanne kynge Edwarde her●e of this thinge he ordeyned men to pursewe vpon hym and Dauyd fyersly hym defended tylle that he came to the towne of saynt Morice and there was Dauyd take as he fledde and ladde to the kynge And the kynge commaūded y● he sholde be hangyd draw en smyte of his heed quarter hym and send his hede to London the four quarters sende to the four chyef townes of walys for they sholde take ensample therof beware And afterwarde kyng Edwarde lete crye his peas thrugh oute all wales seased all the londe into his honde all the grete lordes y● were lefte alyue came to do feautee homage to y● kynge Edwarde as to theyr kynde lorde And tho lete kynge Edwarde amende the lawes of walys y● were defectyue And he sent to all y● lordes of Walys by letter patentes y● they sholde come al to parlemente And whan they were come the kynge sayd to them full curteysly lordynges ye be welcome me behouethe your coūseyll your helpe for to go into Gascoyne for to amende y● trespasse y● to me was done whan I was there for to entreate of peas bytwene y● kynge of Aragon y● prynce of Morrey all y● kȳges lyege men erles barons consented graunted therto And tho made hym kynge Ed warderedy went into Galcoyne lete amende all the trespasses y● hym was doon inGascoyne And of y● debate y● was bytwene the kynge of Aragon and the prynce of Morrey he sessed and made theym accorded And whyle good kynge Edwarde and Elynore his wyfe were in Gascoyne The gode erle of Cornewayll was made Wardeyn of Englonde tyll that kynge Edwarde came ayen And tho enquered be of his traitours that coniected falsnesse agaynste hym And eche of them all receyued therdome after that they had deserued But in the meane tyme that the good kynge Edwarde was beyonde the see too doo them for to make amendes that ayenste hym had trespassyd ther was a false the yf a traytoure that was called Rysapp Merydok begā for to make werre ayenste kynge Edward and y● was for cause of syr Payne Tiptot wrongfully greued and dyseased the forsayd Rysap merydok And whan kynge Edwarde herde all this matere it well vnderstode a none he sente by his letter pryue seale to the forsayd Rebellyon Rysap Merydok y● he sholde begynne in no manere wyse for to make reyse werre but y● he sholde be in peas for his loue whan he came ayen into Englonde he wolde vnder take the quarell amende all that was mysdon This forsayd Rysap Mer●dok dyspysed the kynges cōmaūdement and spared not to doo all the sorowe that he myght to the kynges men of Englonde But anone after he was take ladde to Yorke and there he was drawen hangyd
for his felonye ¶ Of dressynge y● kynge Edward made of his Iusti●ꝭ and of his clerkes y● they had doon for ther falsnes how he draue the Iewes out of Englonde for ther vsury and myshyle●e AS kynge Edwarde hadde dwelled thre yere in Gascoyne a desire came to hym for to goo into Englonde ayen And whanne he was come ayē he founde so many playntes made to hȳ of his Iustyces and of his clerkes that hadde done so many wronges and falsnesse that wonder it was to here and for whiche falsnesse syr Thomas waylond the kynges Iustice forswore Englonde at the toure of London for falsnesse that men put vpon hym wherfore he was atteynt and proued fals And anone after whan y● kynge had done his wyll of the Iustices tho lete he enquere espye how the Iewes dysceyned begyled his people thorough the synne of falsnesse and of vsury And lete ordeyne a preuy parlement amonge his lordes And they or deyned amonge theym y● all the Iewes sholde voyde out of Englonde for theyr mysbyleue also for theyr fals vsurye that they dyd vnto crysten men And for to spede and make an ende of this thynge all the comynalte of Englonde yaue vnto the kynge the .xv. peny of all theyr goodes meuable soo were the Iewes dryuen out of Englonde And tho went y● Iewes into Fraunce there they dwellyd thrugh leue of kynge Phylyp y● tho was kynge of Fraunce ¶ How kynge Edwarde was seased in all the londe of Scotlonde thrugh consente graūt of all y● lordes of scotlōde IT was not longe after that alex andre kynge of Scotlond was dede and Dauyd the erle of Huntyngdon that was the kynges brother of Scotlōde axyd claymed y● kyngdom of Scotlonde after that hys brother was deed for cause that he was ryghtfulle heyre But many grete lordes sayd nay wherfore greate debate arose bytwene theym and ther frēdes for asmoche as they wolde not consente to his coronacyon the meane tyme the forsayd Dauyd deyed And so it befell that y● sayd Dauyd had thre doughters that worthyly were maryed The fyrste doughter was maryed to Bailol the seconde to Brus and the thyrde to Hastynges The forsayd Baylol Brus chalenged y● londe of Scotlonde grete debate stryf arose bytwene hē by cause eche of thē wolde haue be kynge And whan the lordes of Scotlonde saw y● debate bytwene thē came to kȳge Edwarde of Englonde seased hȳin all y● lond of Scotlonde as chyef lord And whan the kynge was seased of the forsayd lordes the forsayd Baylol Brus and Hastynges came to the kynges courte and axyd of the kynge whiche of thē sholde be kynge of Scotlonde And kynge Edwarde that was full gentyll and true lete enquere by y● Cronycles of scotlonde and of the grettest lordes of Scotlonde whiche of them was of the eldest blood And it was founde that Baylol was the eldest and y● the kynge of Scotlonde sholde holde of the kynge of Englonde and do hym feaute and homa ge And after this was done Bailol wēte into Scotlonde there was crowned kynge of Scotlonde ¶ And the same time was vpon the see grete warre bytwe ne the Englysshmen and the Normans But vpon a tyme. the Normans arryued all at Douer there they martred an holy man that was called Thomas of Douer And afterward were the Normans slayne y● there escaped not one of them ¶ And so afterwarde kynge Edwarde sholde lese the duchye of Gascoyne thrugh kynge philyp of Fraūce thrughe his fals castynge of the Dousepers of the londe wherfore syr Edmonde y● was kynge Edwardis brother yaue vp his homage vnto the kynge of Fraunce ¶ And in that tyme the clerkes of Englond graunted to kynge Edwarde halfe deale of holy chirche goodes in helpynge too recouer his londe agayne in Gascoyne And the kynge sent thethere a noble company of his bachelers And hymself wolde haue gone to Po●tesmon the but he was let thrugh one Maddok of walys that hadde seased the castell of Swandon into his honde and for that cause the kynge tomed to walys at Crist masse And bycause that the noble lordꝭ of Englonde that were sent into Gascoyne hadde no comforth of ther lorde y● kynge they were take of syr Charlys of Fraunce that is to say syr Iohn̄ of brytayne syr Roberte Tiptot syr Rau●e Tanny syr Hughe Bardolfe and syr Adam of Cretynge And yet at the Ascensyon was Maddok take in Walys and a nother that was called Morgan and they were sent to the tour of Londō and there they were byheded ¶ How syr Iohn̄ Baylol kynge of scotlonde with sayd his homage ANd whan syr Iohn̄ Baylol kȳ ge of Scotlond vnderstode that kynge Edwarde was werred in Gascoyne to whome the reame of Scotlonde was delyuerd Falsly tho ayenst his oth with sayd his homage thrugh procurynge of his folke sent vnto the courte of Rome thrugh a fals suggestyon to be assoylled of the othe that he swore vnto the kynge of Englōde so he was by letter enbulled ¶ Tho chose they of Scotlonde dousepers for to benȳme Edwarde of hys ryght ¶ And in that tyme came two Cardynalles from the courte of Rome fro the 〈◊〉 Celestine to trete of acorde bytwene the kynge of Fraunce the kynge of Englonde And as tho cardynalles spake of acorde Thomas turbeluyll was taken at Lyōs made homage to y● warde of Parys putt his sones in hostage thought to go into Englonde to aspye the countre and tell them whan he came to Englonde that he had broken the kynges pryson of Fraunce by nyght sayd that he wolde do that all Englysshmen walsshmen sholde abowte the kynge of Fraūce And this thyng for to brynge to the ende he swore vpon this couenaūt dedes were made bytwene them and that he sholde haue by yere a thousand poundes worth of londe to brynge this thynge too an ende This fals traytour toke his leue wente thens and came intoo Englonde vnto the kynge sayd that he was broke out of pryson that he had put hym in suche peryll for his loue wherfor the kyng cowde hym moche thanke and full gladde was of his comynge ¶ And the fals traytoure fro that daye aspyed all the doynge of the kynge and also his counselle for the kynge loued hym full well and was with hym full preuy But a clerke of Englonde that was in the kynges hous of Fraunce herde of this treason and of the falsnesse wrote to another clerke that tho was dwellynge with Edward kynge of Englonde all how thomas Turbeluyll had done his fals coniectynge and all the counsell of Englōde was wryte for to haue sende vnto the kynge of Fraūce And thrugh the forsayd letter that the clerke had sente fro Fraūce it was foūde vpon hym wherfor he was led to London hangyd drawe there for his treason And his two sones that he had put in Fraunce
Gascoyne the kynge of Fraūce anone graūted and so they were delyuerd ¶ And in y● same tyme y● Scottes sent by the bysshop of saynt andrewes in to Fraunce to y● kynge to syr Charles his brother y● syr Charles sholde come with his power they of Scotlonde wolde come with theyr power so they sholde go into Englonde y● londe to dystroye from Scotlonde vnto they came to Kent And y● Scottes trustyd moche vpon y● Frensshmen but of y● thynge they had no manere graunte netheles the Scottes began to robbe and kylle in Northūberlonde dydd moche harme ¶ How wyllyam waleys lete reyse the londe of Scotlonde as cheyf lorde And syr Hughe of Cressynham of the bataylle of Fonkyrke AS tydynges was come to kyng Edward y● wylliam waleys had ordeyned suche a stronge power and also that all Scotlonde to hym was attendaunt and redy for to ●lee Englyssh●e and to dystoye the londe he was sore anoyed and sente anone by letter to therle of Garienne to syr Henry Perry to wyllyam Latomer and too syer Hughe of Cressynham his cresorer y● they sholde take power go into Northumber londe so forth into Scotlonde for too kepe y● coūtrees and whan wyllyam waleys herde of theyr comȳge be began to flee the Englysshmen hym folowed drout hym tyll he came to S●ryu●lyn there he helde hym in the castell And y● walsshmen euery daye them escryed menacyd and dyd all the dyspyer that they myght soo that the Englysshemen vpon a tyme in a mornynge wente oute fro the castell the moūtenaunce of .x. miles and passed ouer a brydge and wyllyam waleys came with a stronge power and droue theym abak for the Englysshmen had ayenst hym no power tho but fledde and they that myght take the brydge scaped but syr Hugh the kynges tresorer there was slayne and many other also wherfore was made moche sorowe ¶ Tho had kynge Edward sped all his maters in Flaundres was come ayen into Englonde in hast toke his way into Scotlonde came thederat y● Ascencyon tyde all y● he foūde he sette a fyre brent But the poore people of Scotlonde came too hym wonder thyck prayed hym for goddys loue y● he wolde on them haue Mercy and pyte wherfore tho the kynge cōmaunded y● no man sholde do them harme y● were yolden to hym ne to no man of ordrene to no hous of relygyon ne no manere chirche But lete espye all y● he myght wher y● he myght fynde ony of his enmyes tho came a spye vnto y● kynge tolde where y● the Scottes were assembled too abyde bataylle And on saynt Mary Mawdeleyns daye the kynge came to Fonkyrk and yaue bataylle to the Scottes and at that batayle were slayn .xxx. thousande Scottes and of Englysshemen .xviii. no mo Of y● whiche was a worthy knyght slayn̄e y● was a knyght hospytylere y● was callyd Frery brian Iay. For whan wyllyam waleys fledde from y● batayll y● same Frery brian hym pursewed fiers ly as his hors ranne it stert in a myre of a marys vp to the bely and wyllyam waleys torned tho agayne and there slewe the forsayd brian and that was moche harme ¶ And that whyle kynge Edwarde wente thorough Scotlonde For to enquere yf he myght fynde ony of his enmyes And in that londe he dwelled as longe as hym lyked And there was no enmye that durst hym abyde ¶ And soone after kynge Edwarde wente too Southampton for he wolde not abyde in Scotlonde in wynter season for esement of his people And whan he came to London he lete amende many mysdedys y● were done ayenst his peas lawes he beynge in Flaūdres ¶ Of the laste maryage of kynge Edwarde and how he wente the thyrde tyme into Scotlonde ANd after it was ordeyned thrughe the court of Rome y● kynge Edwarde sholde wedde dame Margarete y● was kynge Phylip syster of Fraūce And the archebysshop Robert of wȳ chelse spousyd them togyders thrugh y● whiche maryage there was made peas bytwene kynge Edwarde of Englonde kynge Philyp of Fraūce ¶ Kyng Edwarde went tho y● thyrde tyme into scotlond tho within y● fyrst yfre he had enfamyned y● londe so that he left not one that he ne came to his mercye sauf such as were in the castell of Estreuelyn that well were vytaylled stored for .vii yere ¶ How the castell of Estreuelyn was be seged and wonne BYnge Edwarde came to the castell of Estreuelyn with a huge power and besegyd the castell but it lytyll auaylled for he myght do y● Scottes none harme for y● castell was so stronge well kept kynge Edwarde sawe y● bethought hym vpon a queyntesy lett make anone two payr of hygh galowes before y● tour of y● castell made his othe that as many as were within y● castell Notwithstandynge were he Erle or Baron and he were take with strength but yf he wolde the rather hym yelde he sholde be hangyd vppon y● same galowes And whan tho that were within the castell herde this they came yelde them all to the kynges grace and mercy the kynge foryaa● them all his male talent and there were all y● grete lordes of scotlonde swore to kynge Edwarde y● they shold come to London to euery parlemēt and sholde stonde to his ordynaunce ¶ How Troylebastō was fyrst ordened THe kynge Edwarde went thens to London and wende to haue had reste and peas of his warre in whiche werre he was occupyed .xx. yere that is to saye in Gascoyne in Walys and in Scotlonde and thought how he myght recouer his tresour that he had spended abowte his werre lete enquere thrugh the reame of all the tyme that he hadde be out of his reame y● men called Troillebaston and ordeyned therto Iustices and in this manere he recouered tresour without nombre And his purpose was for to haue goon into the holy londe to haue werred vppon goddes enmyes by cause he was crossyd longe tyme before And netheles the law y● he had ordeyned dyd moche good thrugh out all Englonde to them y● were myshode For thoo y● trespassed were well chastysed and after more meke better the poore comyns were in reste and peas And the same tyme kynge Edwarde prysoned his owne sone Edwarde by cause that walter of Lanton bysshop of Chestre y● was y● kȳ ges tresorer had complayned on hym sayd y● forsayd Edwarde thrugh coūsell entysynge of one Ganaston a squyre of Gascoyne had broke y● parkꝭ of the forsayd bysshop this Pers coūselyd lad y● same Edwarde for y● cause y● kȳge exyled his sone out of Englonde ¶ Of the dethe of wyllyam waleys the fals traytoure ANd whan this kynge Edward hadde his enemyes ouercome in Walys Gascoyne and Scotlonde and dystroyed his traytours all but only that rybaude wyllyam waleys that neuer to the kynge wolde hym yelde and att the towne of saynt Domynyk
in the yere of kynge Edward regne .xxxiii. y● fals traytour was take presentyd to the kynge But the kynge wolde not see hym but sent hym to London to receyue his Iugement and vpon saynt Barthylme●s eue was he hangyd and drawe his hedesmyte of his bowelles take oute of his body and brent his body quarteres and sent vnto foure of the best townes of Scotlonde his heed put vpon a spere and sette vpon London brydge 〈◊〉 ensample that the Scottes sholde haue in mynde for to do a mysse ayenst ther lyege lorde eftsones ¶ How the Scottes came to kynge Edwarde for too amende theyr 〈◊〉 they had done ayenst hym ANd at Mygkelmas tho next comynge kynge Edwarde helde his parlemēt at westmester thy●●● came y● scottes y● is to saye y● bysshop of saynt andrewes Robert y● Brus erle of caryk Symonde Frysell Iohn̄ y● erle of Athell they were accorded with y● kynge boūde by othe swore y● they afterwarde yf ony of them mysbare them ayenst kynge Edwarde y● they sholde he dysheryted for euermore And whan theyr peas was thus made they toke theyr leue pryuely went horne into Scotlonde ¶ Howe Robert Brus chalenged Scotlonde SO after this Roberte the Brus Erle of Caryk sente by hys letters to the Erles and barons of Scotlonde that they sholde come too hym to Scone in the morowe after the Concepcion of our lady for grete ●edis of y● lōde And the lordes came at the day assygned And the same day syr Robert the Brus sayd Fayre lordes full well ye knowe yts in my persone dwellyd the ryght of the reame of Scotlonde as ye wote well I am ryghtfull heyre syth y● syr Iohn̄ baylol that was oure kynge vs hath forsake lefte his londe and though it so be that kynge Edwarde of Englonde with wronfull power hath made me too hym assent ayenst my wyll yf that ye wyl graūte y● I may be kynge of Scotlōde I shal kepe you ayenst kynge Edwarde of enlonde ayenste all manere men w e that worde y● abbot of Scon arose vp before them all sayde y● it was reason for to helpe hȳ the londe to kepe defende And tho sayd in presence of them al y● he wolde geue hym a thousand poūde for to mayntene the londe all the othere graūted y● londe to hym with ther power hym for to helpe defyed kynge Edwarde of Englonde sayd that Robert Brus sholde be kynge of Englonde ¶ How syr Iohn̄ of Comyn ayenst sayd the crownynge of syr Robert Brus. LOrdynges sayd syr Iohn̄ of comyn thynke on y● truth othe ye made to kynge Edwarde of Englonde touchynge myselfe I wyll nott breke myn othe for no man so he wente frō y● company at the tyme. wherfore Roberte y● Brus all tho y● to hym consented were wrothe menaced syr Iohn̄ of comȳ Tho ordened they another counsell att Dumfris too whiche came y● forsayd syr Iohn̄ of Comyn for he dwelled but two myle fro Dumfris ther he was wont to soiourne and abyde ¶ How syr Iohn̄ was traytonrsly slayn SO whan Robert the Brus wyst that all the greate lordes were come of Scotlonde to Scone saufe Syr Iohn̄ Comyn y● soiourned thonygh scon he sent specyally after the sayd syr Iohn̄ to come and speke with hym And vpō that he came spake with hym at y● gray freres in Dumfris that was the thursday after Candelmasse day syr Iohn̄ graunted to go with hym And whanne he had herde masse he toke a soppe and dranke afterwarde he bestrode his palfroy rode to Dumfris whan Robert the Brus fawe hym come at a wyndow as he was in his chambre made Ioy inough came ayenst hym collyd hym aboute the necke made with hym gode semblaūt And whan all the erles barons of Scotlonde were there present Robert the Brus sayd syrs ye wote wel the cause of this comynge wherfore it is yf ye wyll graunt y● I be kynge of scotlonde as ryght heyre of the londe And all the lordes that were there sayd with on voys that he sholde be crowned kȳg of Scotlond y● they wolde hym helpe mayntene ayenst all maner men on liue for hym yf it were nede to deye y● gentyll knyght tho Iohn̄ of Comyn answerd Certes neuer for me ne for to haue of me asmoche helpe as the value of a boton For that othe that I haue made vnto kynge Edwarde of Englonde I shall holde while my lyfe woll laste And with that worde he went from y● cō pany wolde alyght vpon his palfroy Robert Brus pursewed hym with a drawen swerde bare hym thrugh y● body syr Iohn̄ Comyn fell downe vnto the erthe But whan Roger y● was syr Iohn̄ Comyns broder saw y● falinesse he stert to syr Robert the Brus smote hym with a knyfe but the fals traytour was armyd vnder so that y● stroke myght do hym no harme and somoche helpe came about syr Robert y● Brꝰ so that to bert Comyn was ther slaȳ all to heren in to peces Robert y● Brus torned ayen there that syr Iohan Comyn the noble baron lay wounded and pyued towarde his dethe besyde the hygh awter in the chyrche of the gray freres and sayd vnto syr Iohn̄ Comyn O traytoure thou shalt be dede and neuer after lette myn auauncement and shoke his swerde at the hygh awter and smote hym on his heed that the brayne felle downe vppon the grounde and the blood sterte on hygh vpon the walles and yet vnto this daye is that blood seen there that no water may wasshe it awaye And so deyed that noble knyght in holy chirche ANd whan this traytour Robert the Brus sawe that no man wolde lette his coronacyon he cōmaunded all them that were of power sholde come vnto his crownynge to saynt Iohans towne in Scotlonde And so it befell vpon our lady daye the Annūctacōn the bysshopp of Glaston the bysshop of saynt Andrewes crowned for ther kynge this Robert y● Brus in saynt Iohans towne made hym kynge And anone after he droue all thenglysshmen out of Scotlonde And they fled came compleyned them vnto kynge Edwarde how y● Robert the Brus had dryue them out of y● londe and dysheryted theym ¶ Howe that kynge Edwarde dubbyd at westmestre .xxiiij. score knyghtes ANd whan kynge Edwarde herde of this myscheyf he swore y● he sholde be auenged therof and sayde That all the traytours of Scotlonde sholde be hangyd and drawen and that they sholde neuer be raunsonned ¶ And kynge Edward thought vpon this falsnesse that the Scottes hadde to hym done And sente after alle the bachelers of Englonde that theye sholde come vnto London at wytsontyde he dubbyd at westmestre .xxiiij. score knyghtes ¶ Thō ordened y● noble kynge Edwarde for to go into scotlōde to werre vpon Robert y● Brus And sent
kynges steward y● the kynge had sente to Shirborne in Elmede to y● erle of Lancastre to all y● with hym were for to trete of accorde y● hym alyed to y● barons came with y● company syre Roger Dammory syr Hugh Dandale y● had spousyd the kynges neres lyster syr Gylbert of clare erle of Gloucetre y● was slayne in Scotlonde as before is sayd And tho two lordes hadde tho two partyes of y● erldom of Gloucetre syr Hugh Spenser had y● thyrde party in his wyues halfe the tyyrde syster and thoo two lordes wente to the barons with al theyr power ayenst syr Hugh theyr brothere in lawe And soo there came with them syr Robert Clyfforde syr Iohn̄ mōbray syr Goselyn Da●yll syre Rogere Mortymer of werk syr Rogere Mortymer of wykmore his neuewe syr Henry Trals syr Iohn̄ Gyffarde syr Barthil mewe of Bardesmore with all theyr cōpany and many other that to them were consente all y● grete lordes came vnto westmestre to y● kynges parlement And so they spake dyde y● bothe syr Hughe Spenser y● fader also y● sone were out lawed of Englonde for euermore And so syr Hugh y● fader went vnto Douere made moche sorowe fell downe vppon the grounde by y● see banke a crosse with his armes and sore w●pynge sayd Now fayr Englonde good Englond to almyghty god I the betake And ther● es kyssed y● ground venyd neuer to haue come ayen wepynge cursyd y● tyme y● euer he begate syr Hugh his sone and sayd for hym he had lost all Englonde And tho in presence of them all ● were abowte hym yaue hym his curse went ouer see to his londes But Hugh y● sone wolde not go out of Englonde but hel de hym in y●●ee he his company robbyd two drome dores besyde Sand 〈◊〉 toke bare away all y● godes y● was in them to the value of .lx. ¶ How y● kynge exyled erle Thomas of Lancastre all y● helde with hym how the Mortimer came yelded hym to the kynge and of all the lordes IT was not longe after y● the kȳge ne made syr Hugh Spenser the fader syr Hugh y● sone come ●yen in to Englonde ayenst y● lordes wy●l of the reame And sone after the kynge with a stronge power came and beseged the castell of Ledis and in the castell was y● lady of Bladelesmore for cause the she wolde notte graunte that castell to the quene Isabell kynge Edwardes wyfe but the pryncypall cause was for syrr Berthylme we was ayenste y● kynge and helde with y● lordes of Englond neuertheles the kynge by helpe s●coure of men of London and also of helpe of southeren men gate the castell maugre of thez all that were within and toke with thē all that they myght fynde And whan y● barons of Englonde herde thyse tydynges syr Roger Mortimer many other lordes toke the towne of Burggeworth with strenth wherfore y● kynge was wōder wrothe and lete outlawe Thomas of Lancastre Vmfroy de Bohoun●erle of Herford all tho that were assentȳge to the same quarell And y● kynge assembled an huge hoste came ayenst the lordes of Englonde wherfor y● Mortmers put them in the kynges grace And anone they were sente to y● toure of London there kept in pryson And whan y● barons herde this thyng they came to poūtfret there that the erle Thomas soiourned tolde hym how y● Mortimers both had yelde them to y● kynge put them in his grace ¶ Of the syege of Tykhyll SO whan Thomas erle of Lancastre herde this he was wonder wrothe all that were of ther company greatly they were dyscomfyted and ordeyned ther power togyder besyegyd that castell of Tykhyll but tho that were within manly defended them that the barons myghte not gete the castell whan the kynge herd that his castell was besegyd he swore by god by his names that the sege shold be remeued assembled an huge power of people went thederward to rescowe the castell his power encresyd fro day to day whan the erle of Lancastre the Erle of Herforde the barons of ther cōpany herd of this thynge they assēbled all theyr power went thē too Burtō vpon trent kepte the brydge that the kynge sholde not passe ouer but it befell so on the tenthe daye of Marche in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxi the kȳg and the Spen●er● syr Aymer Valaunce erle of Penbroke Iohn̄ erle of Arun dell theyr power went ouer the water and dyscomfyted therle Thomas and his company And they fled to the castel of Tetbury from thens they went to Pountfret and in that vyage deyed sire Roger Daumore in thabbay of Tetbury And in y● same tyme the erle thomas had a traytour with hym that was callyd Robert Holonde a knyght that the erle had brought vp of nought had nourysshed hym in his butrye had yeue hȳ athousand marke of londe by yere And somoche the erle louyd hym that he myghte do in the erles courte all that hym lyked bothe amonge them hyghe and lowe so craftly the theyf bare hym ayenst his lorde that he trustyd more vpon hym than ony man on lyue and the erle had ordeyned by his letters for to go into the erledome of Lancastre to make men aryse to helpe hym in that vyage That is to saye .v. hundred men of arm ys But the fals traytour came not there noo manere men for to warne ne for to make aryse to helpe his lorde And whan that the fals traytour herde tell that hys lorde was dyscomfyted at Burton vppon Trent as a fals traytour theyf stele away and robbyd in Rauensdele his lordes men y● came fro the scōfyture And toke of thezhors and harneys and all that they had and slewe of them all that they myght take and came and yeldyd hym to the kynge ¶ whan the good erle Thomas wyst that he was so bytrayed he was so abasshed sayd to hymself O almyghty god how myght robert Holonde fȳde in his hert me to betray syth y● I louyd hym so moche O god well maye now a man se by hym that no man may dysceyue a nother rather thā he that he trustyth moost vpō he hath full euyll yeldyd me mi goodnes the worshyp y● I haue to hym done thrugh my kyndnesse haue hym auauncyd and made hym hyghe where that he was low And he makyth me go from hyghe vnto lowe but yett shall he deye an euyll dethe ¶ Of the scomfyture of Brurbrygge THe good erle Thomas of Lancastre Hūfroy de Bohoune erle of Herford the barons that with theym were toke coūsell bytwene thē at y● frere prechers in Poūtfret tho thought Thomas vpon y● traytour Robert Holonde sayd in repreyf Alas Robert Holond hathe me betrayed aye is y● red of some euyll shred And by y● comyn assent
they sholde all go to y● castell of Dunstanbrughe y● whiche perteyned to therldo●● of Lancastre that they shold abyde ther tyl that the kynge had foryeue them his male talent ¶ But whan y● good erle Thomas this herde he answerd in this manere sayd Lordes sayd he yf we go towarde y● North y● Northen men woll saye that we go towarde the Scottes so we shall be holden traytours for cause of dystaūce that is bytwene kyng Edwarde and Robert the Brus that made him kynge of Scotlonde And therfore I say as touchynge myselfe that I wylle not go no ferder into the North than to mȳ owne castell at Poūtfret ¶ And whan syr Roger Clyfford herde this he arose vp anone in wrathe drewe his swerde on hygh swore by god almyghty and by his holy names but yf that he wolde go with them he sholde hym slee there the noble gentyll erle Thomas of Lācastre was sore aferde sayd Fayr syres I wyll goo with you whether some euere ye me bydde Tho went they togyder in to the north and with them they hadde vii C. mē of armys came to Burbrig And whan syr Andrew of Herkela that was in the north coūtree thrugh ordynaūce of y● kynge for to kepe y● countree of Scotlonde herde tell howe that Thomas of Lancastre was scōfyted and his company at Burton vpon trent be ordened hym a stronge power and sy● symonde warde also that was tho the shyref of Yorke and met the barons at burbrugge anone they brake the brydge that was made of tree ¶ And whan syr Thomas of Lancastre herde y● syr Andrewe of Herkela had broughte with hym suche a power he was sore adrad sent for syr Andrewe of Herkela with hȳ spake sayd to hym in this manere syr Andrewe sayd he ye may well vnderstōde that our lorde that kynge is ladde mysgouerned by moche fals coūsell thrugh syr Hugh Spenser y● fader syr Hugh his sone syr Iohn̄ erle of Arūdell thrugh mayster Roberte Baldok a fals pyllyd clerke that now is in y● kynges come dwellynge wherfore I praye you that ye wylle come with vs with all your power that ye haue ordeyned and helpe to dystroye the venym of Englond the traytours that ben therin we wyll yeue vnto you all the best parte of fyue Erldoms that we haue holde we wyll make vnto you an othe that we wyll neuer do thynge with out your counsell so ye shall be eft as well with vs as euer was Robert Holonde Tho answerd syr Andrew of Herkela sayd syr Thomas that wolde not I do ne consent therto for no manere thynge with out the wyll cōmaūdemēt of our lorde y● kynge for thē shold I be holden a tratour for euer more And whan that y● noble erle Thomas of Lācastre saw y● he wolde not consent to hȳ for no maner thȳg syr Andrew he sayd wyll ye not cōsente to dystroye the venymme of the reame as we be consente atte one worde Syr Andrewe I tell the that are this yere begoon that ye shall be take and holde for a traytour more than ony of you holde vs nowe and in worse dethe ye shall deye than e●er dyd ony knyghte of Englonde And vnderstonde welle that ye dyde neuer thynge That sorer ye shall you repente And now go and doo what you good lykyth and I wyll put me into the mercy of god And so went y● fals traytour tyraūt as a fals forsworn man For thrugh the noble Erle Thomas of Lancastre he receyued y● armys of chyualrye thrughe hym he was made a knyghte Tho myghte men see archers draw them in y● one syde in that other knyghtes also and fought tho togyder wonder sore And also amonge al other Humfroy de Boughon erle of Herforde a worthy knyght of renoune thrugh out all cristendome stode fought with his enmyes vppon y● brydge and as the noble lorde stode fought vpon the brydge a theyf rybaude sculkyd vnder y● brydge and fyersly with a spere smote the noble knyght into y●●ūdement so that his bowellys came out aboute his fete ther. Alas for sorow pyte For there was slayne the floure of solace of comforth also of curteysye ¶ And syr Roger Clyfforde a noble a worthy knyghte stode euer fought well and worthyly hym defended as a noble baron But atte the laste he was sore woundyd in his heed And syr wyllyam of Sullayande syr Roger of Benefelde were slayne at that batayll whan syr Andrewe of Herkela saw that syr Thomas men of Lancastre lassed and slakyd anone he and his company came vnto the gentyll knyght syr Thomas layd vnto hym in an hygh voyce Yelde the traytour yelde the. The gentyll erle Thomas of Lancastre answerd thenne and sayd Nay lordes traitours we ben none and to you we wyll neuer vs yelde whyle that our lyues last But leuer we hadde to be slayne in our truth than yelde vs vnto you And syre Andrewe ayen gardyd vppon syr Thomas and his company yellynge and crienge lyke a wode wulf yelde you traytours taken yelde you and sayd with an hyghe voys Beware syres that none of you be so hardy vppon lyfe and lymme tomysdo Thomas body of Lancastre And with that worde the good erle thomas yede into the castell and sayd knelynge vpon his knees and torned his vysage towarde the crosse sayd almyghty god to the I yelde holy I putte me vnto thy mercy and with that the vylaines and rybaudes lept abowte hym on euery syde as tyraūtes and wood tormētours dyspoyled hym of his armoure and clothed hym in a robe of ray that was of his squyres lyueray and forthe ladde hym vnto Yorke by water Tho myght men see moche sorowe and care For the gentyll knyghtes fledde on euery syde the rybaudes and the vyllayns egerlye th●● dyscryed cryed on hygh yeld you traytours yelde you whan they were yelden they were robbyd and boūden as theuys Alas the shame and dyspyte that the gentyll ordre of knyghthode had there at that batayll And the lōde was tho without lawe For holy chirche had tho nomore ereuerence than it had be a burdell hous And in that batayll was the fader ayenst the sone● and the vncle ayēst the neuewe For somoche vnkyndnesse was neuer seen before in Englonde as was that tyme amonge folkes of one nacyon For one kynred had no more pyte of that other than an hungry wulf hath of a shepe And it was no wonder For the greate lordes of Englonde were not all of one nacyon but were medlyd with othere nacyons That is for to saye some Brytons some Saxons some Danys some Pehypes some Frensshemen some Normans some Spanyerdes some Romayns some Henaude soom Flemynges and othere dyuers nacyons the whyche nacyons accordyd notte too the kynde bloodeof Englonde And yf so greate lordes
had be ●only weddyd to Englysshe people Thenne sholde peas haue ben and reste amonge theym without ony enuye And at that batayll was roger Clyfforde take syr Iohn̄ Monbrey syr wyllyam Tuc● it syr wyllyam fitz wyllyam and many other worthy knyghtes there were take at that batayll syr Hugh Dandell nexte daye after was taken and put into pryson sholde haue be doon to dethe yf he had not spousyd the kynges nece that was erle Gylbertes systre of Gloucestre anone after was syr Berthylmewe of Badelesmore takē at Stow parke a maneyr of y● bysshop of Lyncoln that was his neuewe many other barons baronettes wherfor was made noche sorowe ¶ How Thomas of Lancastre was hee dyd at Pountfret .v. barons hangyd and drawen there ANd now I shall telle you of the noble erle Thomas of Lancastre whan he was take brought to yorke many of y● cyte were full gladde and vpon hym cryed with an hygh voys O syre traytoure ye be welcome blessyd be god for now ye shall haue y● rewarde y● longe ye haue deserued And cast vpon hym many snowe balles many other repreues they dyd hym But the gentyll erle al suffred sayd nother o word nor other ¶ And at the same tyme the kynge herde of this scomfyture was ful glad Ioyous in grete haste came to Poūtfret syr Hughe Spenser syr Hughe his sone and syr Iohn̄ erle of Arundell and syr Edmonde of wodestoke the kȳges brother erle of Kent syr Aymer of Valaunce erle of Penbroke and mayster Robert Baldoke a fals pyllyd clerke that was pryue and dwelled in the kynges court all came theder with the kynge And the kynge entryd into the castell syr andrew of Herkela a fals tyraunte thrugh the kynges cōmaundement toke with hym the gentyll erle Thomas too Pountfret and ther he was prysoned in his owne castell that he had newe made that stode ayenst the abbaye of kynge edwarde ¶ And syr Hugh Spenser y● fader and the sone caste and thought howe in what manere the good erle Thomas of Lancastre sholde be deed without Iu gement of his perys wherfore it was ordeyned thrugh the kynges Iusticys that the kynge sholde put vpon hym poyntes of treason And so it befell that he was ledde to barre before the kynges Iustices bareheed as a theyf in a fayre halle in his owne castell that he hadd made therin many a fayre feste bothe to ryche too poore ¶ And these were his Iustices syr Hughe Spenser the fader Aymer of Valaunce erle of Penbroke syr Edmonde of wodstok erle of Kent syr Iohn̄ of Brytayne erle of Rychemonde syr ●obert Malemethrop Iustyce syr Robert hym acouspyd in this manere ¶ Tho●mas court excludeth you of all manere answer Thomas our lorde the kynge puttyth vpon you that ye haue in his lond ryden with baner dysplayed ayenst hys peas as a traytour ¶ And with y● word the gentyll erle Thomas with an hygh voyce sayd Nay lordes forsoth by ●aynt Thomas I was neuer traytoure ¶ The Iustice sayd ayen tho Thomas our lorde the kynge puttythe vpon you that ye haue robbyd his folke and murdred his people as a theyf Thomas also the kynge puttythe vpon you that he dyscomfyted you and your people with his folke in his owne reame● wherfore ye went and fledde to the woode as annutlaw and Thomas as a traytoure ye shall be hangyd by reason but the kynge hath foryeuen you y● Iugemente● for loue of quene Isabell. And Thomas reson wolde that ye sholde be hangyd but y● kynge hath foryeue you y● Iugemēt for by cause and loue of your lygnage But for asmoche Thomas as ye were taken fleenge and as an outlawe the kynge woll that your heed shall be smyten of Anone haue hym out of pre●s brynge hym to hys Iugement ¶ whan thelgen tyll knyght Thomas had herde all thyse wordes with an hygh voyce he cryed sore wepynge and sayd alas saynt Thomas fayr fader alas shall I be deed thꝰ Graunte me nowe blessydfull god answere But all auayled hym no thynge For y● cursyd Gascoyns put hym hyther thyther on hym cryed with an hyghe voys O kynge Arthur moost terryble dredefull well knowen shewed nowe is thyne open traytour And an euyll dethe shalt thou ryghte anone deye ▪ Haste thou not ryghte well deserued it ¶ And thenne thyse cruell folke sette vpon the gode knyght Thomas for very scorne an olde chaplet that was all to rent that was not worth an halfe peny And after that they sette hym vpon a white palfroy ful vnsemely and also all bara with an olde brydell And with an horryble noyse they draue hym out of the castell towarde his dethe and they caste vppon hym many balles of snow in dyspyte and as the traytours lad hym out of the castell tho sayd he these pyteous wordes hys hondes helde vp on hygh towarde heuē Now the kynge of heuen yeue vs merci for the erthly kynge hath vs forsaken a frere precher went with hym out of y● castell tyll he came to the place that he ended his lyfe vnto whome he shroue hym all his lyfe And the gentyll erle helde y● frere wonder faste by the clothes sayd to hym Fayr fader abyde with vs tyll that I be deed for my flesshe quakyth for drede of dethe ¶ And the sothe for to saye The gentyll erle set hym vpon his knees and torned hym towarde the eest but a rybaude that was called Hygone of mostoon sette honde vpon the gentyll Erle sayd in dyspyte of hym Syr traytour torne the towarde the Scottes thy fowle dethe to receyue torned towarde the North. The noble erle Thomas answered tho with a mylde voys sayd nowe fayr lordes I shall do your wyll with that worde the frere went from hym sore wepynge And anone a rybaude went to hym smote of his heed the .xi. Kalendas of Auerell in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxi ¶ Alas that euer suche a gentyll blood sholde be don to deth withouten cause and reason And traytoursly the kynge was coūseylled whan he thrugh the fals counseylle of the Spensers suffred syr Thomas his vncles sone to be put to suche a dethe and so be beheeded ayenst all manere of reason And greate pyte it was also that suche a noble kynge sholde be dysceyued and mysgouerned thrugh counseyll of the fals Spensers the whiche tho he mayntened thrughe loselry ayenst his honour and alsoo his proffyte For afterwarde ther fell grete vengaunce in Englonde for bycause of the forsayd Thomas deth ¶ Whane the gentyll erle of his lyfe was passyd y● pryour and the monkys of Pounfret gate the body of syr Thomas of the kyng buryed it before the hyghe awter on y● ryght syde ¶ That same day that thys gentyll knyght was dede were hangyd drawen for the same quarell at Poūtfret syr wyllyam Tuchet syr
Scottes And syr Iohn̄ y● erles brother of Henaude came from beyonde the see for to helpe kynge Edwarde brought with hym .vij. C. men of armys arryued at Douer they had leue for to go forth tyll they came to Yorke they y● kynge them abode y● scottes came the der to y● kyng for to make peas accorde but y● accordement lasted not bytwene thē but a lytyll tyme And at that tyme the Englysshmen were clothed all 〈◊〉 cotes hodes paynted with letters with floures full semely with longe berdes and therfor y● scottes made a byll y● was fastnyd vpon y● chirche dores of laynt Pen●to warde stangate thus sayd y● sarp●● re in dyspyte of Englysshemen Longe berdes hertles payntyd hodes wrotles g●●ye cotes graceles makyth Englōd thriftelees SO in y● Triny●● daye nerte after began y● contak in y● cyte of Yoke bytwene y● Englysshmen y● Henandes in y● debate were slayne of y● erldō of Nicholl murdred .lxxx. men after they were buryed in saynt clemētis chirche in Fosgate for cause y● y● Henaudes came to helpe y● kynge ther peas was cried vpon payne of lyf lȳme in y● other half it was foūde by an enquest of y● e●te y● the Englysshmen began y● debate ¶ Howe the Englysshmen stoppyd the Scottes in the parke of Stanope how they torned ayen into Scotlonde THis tyme the Scottes hadde assembled all theyr power came into Englonde and slewe robbyd all that they myght take and also brente dystroyed all the north countre thrughe oute tyll y● they came vnto the the parke of Stanhope in weridale there y● Scottes helde theym in a busshment but whā the kynge had herde thrugh spyes where y● scottes were anone ryght with his hoste besegyd them within y● forsayd parke so y● the scottes wist not where to go oute but oonly vnto ther harmes And they abode in the parke xv dayes vytaylles faylled them in euery syde so y● they were greatly peyred of bodyes syth that Brute came fyste into Brytayne vnto this tyme there was neuer seen so fayre an host what of Englysshmen of alyūtes of men of fote y● whiche ordeined theym for to fyght with y● Scottes thrughe eggynge of syr Henry of Lancastre of syr Iohn̄ Henaude y● wold haue gone ouer y● water of wyth for to haue fou ght with y● scottes But syr Roger Mortuner consentyd not therto for he hadd p●yuely taken mede of y● scottes them to helpe y● they myght go awaye into their owne coūtre●● ¶ And this same Mortymer coūseylled somoch Thomas of brotherton y● erle Marshall ●hat was kynge Edwardes vncle y● y● forsayd Thomas sholde not assemble at that tyme vnto y● Scottes And he assentyd but he wyste not the doynge bytwene y● Scottes the forsayd Mort●mer And bycause that he was Marshall of Englonde as to hyzperteyned euer y● vaūtwarde he sent hastely to y● erle of Lancastre to syr Iohn̄ of Henaude y● they sholde not fyght with the Scottes in preiudyce harmyng of hym his fee yf they dyd y● thei shold stonde to theyr owne paryll And the forsayd erle Marschall was all arayed with his batayll at y● reredoos of the erle of Lancastre for to haue fought with him with his folke yf he had go to fyghte with the scottes in this manere he was dysceyued wist no thynge of y● treason And thus was y● kynge pryncypally disceyued And whan it was nyght Mortymer y● had the watche for to hepe of the host y● nyght dystrobled y● watche y● noo thynge myght be doon And in y● meane while y● Scottes stele by nyght towarde theyr owne coūtre as fast as they myght ¶ And so was the kyng falsly betrayed y● wenyd y● all the traytours of his londe had ben broughte to an ende as it was sayd before ¶ Now here you lordes how traytoursly kynge Edwarde was dysceiued howe meruayllously boldly the Scottes dyd of werre For Iamys douglas with two hundred men of armys rode thrugh out all y● host of kynge Edwarde y● same nyght y● Scottes escaped towarde theyr owne coūtree as is aboue sayd tyll y● they came to y● kyngis pauilyon slewe there many men in they re beddes and cryed Naward naward a nother tyme a Douglas a Douglas wherfore y● kynge y● was in his pauylyō moche other folke were wonder sore afrayed But blyssyd be almyghty god y● kynge was not taken and in greate peryll was tho the reame of Englonde that nyght the moone shone full clere and bryght And for all the kynges men the Scottes scapyd harmeles ¶ And on the morowe whan the kynge wyste that the Scottes were escapyd into theyr owne countrey he was wonder sory fulle hertely wepte with his yonge eyen and yet wyst he notte who hadde hym done that treason But that fals treason was full welle I knowen a good while after as the storye makyth mencyon ¶ Tho kynge Edward came ayen vnto Yorke full sorowfull And his host departyd euery man went into his owne countre with full heuy chere and mornynge semblaunt And the Henaundes toke theyr leue and went into theyr owne countree And the kynge for theyr trauaylle hugely rewarded thē ¶ And for bycause of y● vyage y● kynge had dyspended moche of his tresoure and wastyd And in that tyme were seen two moones in y● fyrmament y● one was clere that other was 〈◊〉 as men myght see thrugh y● worlde ¶ And a grete debate was y● same tyme agaynst pope Iohn̄ y● .xxii. after saȳe petyr y● emperour of Almayn tho made hym emperoure ayenst y● popys wyll y● tho helde his see at Auinion wherfore the ●mperoure made his crye at Rome ordeyned another pope y● hyght Nicholas y● was a frere Minor that was a yenste y● ryght of holy chirche wherfore he was cursyd the power of y● othere pope soon layed And for cause that such merueylles were seen men sayd that the worlde was nygh at an ende ¶ Of the dethe of kynge Edwarde of Carnariuan ANd now go we ayen to syr Edwarde of Carnariuan that was kynge Edwards fader somtyme kynge of Englonde put downe of his dygnyte Alas for his trybulacōn sorow that hym befell thrugh fals coūsell y● he louid trustyd vpon tomoche y● afterward were dystroyed thrugh ther falsnesse as god wolde ¶ And this Edwarde of Carnariuan was in y● castell of Berkelay vnder y● warde kepynge of syr Moryce of ●erkelay also of syr Iohn̄ Matreues and to them he made his complaynte of his sorowe and of his disese And ofte● tymes axyd of his wardeyns what he had trespassed ayenst dame Isabell his wyfe and syr Edwarde his sone that was made newe kynge that they wolde not visite hym ¶ And tho answerde one of his ●●rdeyns sayd My worthy lorde dyspleyse you not that I shall telle you the cause is
that he were better certifyed of the clergye of Englonde seen by ther obedyence what thynge god had doon for the loue of saynt Thomas of Lancastre after the suggestion y● the forsayd erle of Kent had vnto hym made And whan this Edmond saw y● he myght not spede of his purpos as towchynge the traunsla cōn he prayed hym of coūsell as touchȳge syr Edwarde of Carnariuan his brother sayd y● not longe agon he was kȳge of Englonde what thynge myghte best be doon as touchynge his delyueraūce sythe that a comune fame was thrughe Englōd that he is alyue hole sauf whan y● pope herd hym tell y● syr Edward was alyue he cōmaūded y● erle vpon his blissynge that he sholde helpe with all y● power y● he myght that he were delyuerde out of pryson saue his body in all manere y● he myght And to brynge this thynge to a● ende he assoyled hym his company a pena culpa● all that halpe to his delyueraunce Tho toke Edmond of wodstok his leue of the pope came ayen into Englond whan syr Edmond was come some of the frere prechers came sayd that syr Edwarde his broder yette was alyue in y● castell of Corf vnder the kepynge of syr Thomas Gurnay tho sped hym y● forsayd Edmond as fast as he myghte tyll he came to the castell of Corf acquaȳted hym spake so fair to Iohn̄ Daueryll y● was conestable of the same castell yaue hym ryche yefꝭ for to haue acqueyntaūce of hym and to knowe of his counsell And thus it befel that the forsayd Edmonde prayed specially to tell hym pryuely of his lorde hys brother syr Edwarde yf y● he lyued or were deed yf he were alyue he prayed hȳ ones to haue a syght of hȳ And this syr Iohn̄ Daueryll was a hyghe herted mā full of courage answerde shortly to syr Enmond sayd y● syr Edward 〈◊〉 brother was in helthe vnder his 〈◊〉 ge durst not shewe hym vnto no man syth it was defended hym in y● kyng ●●●fe Edwarde y● was Edwardes sone of Carna●●an also by the cō naū●●●●●te of quene Isabell y● kynges moder 〈◊〉 of syr roger Mortymer y● he sholde shew his body to no man of y● worlde saufonly to them vponlyf lȳme 〈◊〉 tynge of his heyres for euer mor● But the fals traytour falsly lyed for he was not in his warde but was take thens● lad to y● castell of Berkley by 〈◊〉 Thoma● of Gurney by the cōm●●nde●●te of Mortymer tyll he was dede as 〈◊〉 is sayd But syr Edmonde of wodsto● wyst no thynge y● syr Edwarde his brother was deed wherupon he toke a letter vnto kynge Edwarde his brother as to his worthy lorde● receyued y● letter of hym behyght hym ryght faythfull to do his message without fayll And with that syr Edmonde toke leue of y● 〈◊〉 Ihon̄ and yede into his owne countre lordshyp in Kent that he had there Anone as this same Iohn̄ wyst that syr Edmonde was gone into Kent his owne lo● deshyp anone he went in all the ●aste y● he myghte fro the Castell of Corf and came vnto syre Rogere Mortymer and toke hym the letter that syre Edmonde of wodstok erle of Kent had taken hym closed and e●sealed with his owne seale And whan syre Roger Mortymer hadd receyued the letter ●e vncloysed it and sawe y● was ●●reyned the●●● began it to rede wherof the beg●●nynge was thy● ¶ Worshyppes and reuerence with brother alyegaunce subiec●yon syr knyz● worshypfull and dere broder yf it youe please I praye you hertely that ye be in gode comforth for I shall so ordeyn for you that ye shall come out of pryson be delyuerd of that dysese that ye been in And vnderstondyth of your grete lorde shyp that I haue to myn assentynge almoost all the grete lordes of Englonde with all theyr appareyll that is to saye with armoure with tresour without nōbre for to mayntene your quarell so fer forth that ye shall be kynge agayn as ye were before and that they haue sworne to me vpon a boke and as well prelates as erles and barons ¶ whanne syre Roger Mortymer saw and vnderstode the myghte and the strenth of the letter anone his herte for wrathe began to boll and euyll herte bare toward syr Edmōde of wodstok that was erle of Kent with all the hast that he myght he wente vnto dame Isabell y● quene that was the kynges moder and shewed her syre Edmonds letter his wyll and his purpose and how that he hadde coniected ordeyned to put downe kynge Edwarde of wyndsore her sone of his ryalte of his kyngdom Now certes syr Roger sayd she hath syr Edmōd done so nowe by my faders soule sayd she I wyll be therof auenged yf that god graūt melyfe and that in a short tyme. And wyth that quene Isabell went vnto kyng Edwarde her sone there he was at the parlement at wynchestre too haue amende the wrongys and the trespasses that were done amonge the people of his reame And thoo she toke and shewed hym the letter that syr Edmond of wodstok had made and ensealed with his owne seale and had hym vpon her blessynge that he sholde be auengyd vpon syr Edmonde as vpon his dedely enmye Tho was the quene sore wrothe towarde syr Edmonde erle of Kent and sessyd neuer to praye vntyll her sone tyll that he had sente in all the hast after hym And vpon that y● kyng sent by his letters after syr Edmōde of wodstok that he sholde come and speke with hym at wynchestre all manere thynge left And whan syr Edmond saw that the kynge sent after hym with his letters ensealed he hasted hym in al that he myght tyll that he came to wynchestre ¶ But whan the quene wyst that syr Edmonde was come to wynchestre tho anone she prayed and so fast wende vnto kynge Edwarde her sone that the good erle was arested anone and ladde vnto the barre before Robert of Hamōde that was Coroner of y● kynges hous holde And he associed vnto hym syr Roger Mortimer And tho spake y● forsaid Roger and sayd syre Edmonde erle of Kente ye shall vnderstonde that it is done vs to wyte and pryncypally vnto our lyege lorde the kynge Edwarde of Englonde almyghty god hym saue and kepe that ye be his deedly enmye and a tray toure and also a comune enmye too the reame and that ye haue ben aboute many a day for to make pryue delyueraūce of syr Edwarde somtyme kynge of Englonde your broder the which somtyme was put downe of his ryalte by the comyn assent of the lordes of Englonde in peasynge of our lorde the kynges estate also of his reame ¶ Tho ansuerd the good man and sayd Forsoth syr vnderstonde well that I was neuer traytour● to my kynge ne to the reame and that I doo me on god and on all y● worlde therfore by
my kynges leue I shal it preue defende as a man ought ▪ for to do ¶ Tho sayd Mortymer syr Edmonde it is so ferforth knowe that it maye not be well gaynsayd and that in prys●●e of all y● here been it shall be well proued Now had this fals Moltimer thesame letter that syr Edmond had take to syr Iohn̄ Daueryll in the castell of Cors for to take to kyng Edward his brother y● syr Edmonde wyst not of ne supposed no thynge that syr Iohn̄ Daueryll had be so fals to delyuer his letter in such wise vnto Mortimer thought no mane●● of thynge of y● letter Then Mortimer sayd to syr Edmonde shewed a letter sealed axid hym yf y● he knewe y● let● and the seale This syr Edmond lokyd theron auysed hym longe tyme on the prynte of y● seale for he myght not see y● letter within and wyst well y● it was his seale thoughte y● it had be sōme letter that had bore no greate charge thought no thynge of y● other letter And sayd openly in herynge of them all ye forsothe this is my seale I wyll it not forsake ¶ Lo sayd the Mortymer syres ye here all what he hath sayd y● he know legyth hym y● this is his letter his seale And now ye shall here what is conteined therin And then this Mortimer openyd the letter y● he had folde tofore togyder redde it openly worde by worde inherynge of theym all whan the letter was redde he sayd Loo syres ye haue herde all y● herin is wryten that he hath knowlegyd y● this is hys letter his seale he maye not go therfro And thenn they cryed yaue dome y● he sholde be hangyd drawen his heed smyten of i● a manere of a traytour he his heyres dysheryted foreuer more so he was ladde forth and put into pryson whan this was done the quene wyst that he was dampned by way of lawe bothe of lyf and of lȳme his heyres dysheritedted for euermore thrugh open knowlegynge in playn court where them thought that it were good that the forsayd syr Edmond were hast●ly slayne wythoute wyttynge of y● kynge or elles the kynge ●olde lyghtly foryeue hym his dethe then it sholde forme theym to moche sorowe so as he was emp●chis And anone the quene thrugh counseyll of y● Mortimer and without ony other counseyll sent in hast to the Baylyf of wynche●re that they shold smyte of syr Edmonds heed ●rle of Kent without ony manere abydynge or respyte vpo● payne of lyf lymme● And that he he sholde haue no ne other execusyon by cause of tatyeng notwithstondynge the Iugement Tho toke the baylyfs syr Edmond out of p●ison and sadde hym besyde the castell of wynchestre and there they made a gonfermer smyte of his heed for none other durst it do and soo he deyed there alas the while That is to say the tenthe day of Octobre the thyrde yere of kyng Edwards regne ¶ And whan y● kyng wist therof he was wonder sory and lete entyere hym at the frere Mynors at wynchestre ¶ Of the dethe of syr Roger Mort●mer erle of Marche ANd so it befell at that tyme that syr Roger Mortimer erle of the Marche was so prowde and so haute●● that he helde noo lorde of the reame his pere And tho became he so coueytous y● he folowed dame Isabell the quenes court that was kynge Edwardes mode● and beset his peny worth with the offycers of the quenes householde ●n the same manere that the kynges offycers dyd And so he made his takynge as touchynge of vytayle and also of caryages and all he dyd for bycause of expencys and too gadre tresoure And so he dyd without nombre in all that he myght ¶ T●●oo hadde he made hym wonder preuy with the quene ●sabell And so moche lorde shyppe and ●etenewe had y● all the greate lordes of Englond of hȳ were adrad wherfore the kynge and his counseylle towarde hym were agreued and ordeyned amonge them to vndo hym thoroughe pure reason lawe for cause y● king Edwarde y● was the kynges fader tray tourly thrugh hym was murdred in the castell of Corf as before is sayd moore playnly in some parte of this booke of his dethe ¶ And some that were of the kynges counseyll louyd Mortymer and tolde hym in preuyte how y● the kyng his counseylle were abowte frome daye to daye hym for to dystroye and vndoo wherfore mortymer was sore anoyed angry as the deuyll ayenst them of the kynges counseyll sayd he wolde of thē be auenged how so euer he toke on ¶ It was not longe afterwarde y● kynge Edwarde dame Phylyp his wyf dame Isabell y● kynges moder syre Rogere Mortimer ne went vnto Notyngham there for to sotourne And so it befell y● quene Isabell thrughe coūseyll of Mortymer toke to her y● keyes of y● yates of the castell of Notyngham so y● no man myghte come nother in ne out but thrughe cōmaūdement of Mortimer ne the kynge●ne none of his coūseyll ¶ And that tyme it fell that the Mortimer as a deuyll for wrath bolled also for wrathe that he had ayenst y● kynges men Edwarde pryncypally ayenst theym that had hym accusyd to y● kynge of y● dethe of sir Edwarde his fader ¶ And pryuely a counseyll was take bytwene quene Isabell the Mortymer the bysshop of Lyncoln syr Symonde of Bedford syr Hyghe of Trompyngton other preuy of theyr counseyll for to vndoo theym al y● the Mortimer hadde accusyd vnto y● kȳge of his faders dethe of treason and off felonye ¶ wherfore all tho that were of the kynges counseyll whan they wist of the Mortimers castynge pryuely came to kynge Edwarde sayd that Mortymer wolde theym dystroye bycause that they hadde hym accusyd of kynge Edwardes dethe his fader And prayed hȳ that he woldmayntene them in theyr ryght ¶ And thyse were the lordes that pursued this quarell Syr wyllyam of Mountagu syr wyllyam de Bohum syr wullyam his broder syr Rauf Stafforde syre Robert of Herforde syr wyllyam of Clynton syr Iohn̄ Neuell of Hornbyand many other of theyr consent And all thyse swore vpon a book to mayntene y● quarelle in as moche as they myght And if befell so after y● syr wyllyam Moūtagu ne none of the kyngꝭ frēdes muste not be herberowed in y● castell for y● Mortimer but went toke they re herberowe in dyuerfe place of y● towne of Notyngham And tho were they sore aferde leest y● Mortimer sholde theym dystroye And in hast they came vnto kyng Edwarde syr wyllyam of Moūtagu other that were in y● castell And pryuely hȳtolde that he ne none of his company sholde not take y● Mortymer without counseyll helpe of wyllyam of Elande cōstable of y● same castell ¶ Now truelye sayd the kynge I loue you well therfore I coūseyll
you y● ye go to the forsayd conestable and commaunde hym in my name that he be your frende and youre helpe for to take the Mortimer all thynge yleft vpon peryll of lyf and lymme ¶ Tho sayd Mountagu Syremy lorde graunt mercy ¶ Tho went forth y● for sayd Mountagu and came to the Constable of the castell tolde hym y● kyngꝭ wyll ¶ And he answerde sayd the kȳges wyll sholde be done in as moche as he myghte and that he wolde notte spare for no manere of dethe And that he swore and made his othe ¶ Tho sayde syr wyllyam of Mountagu to the Constable in herynge of them all that were helpynge to the same quarell Now certes dere frende vs behouyth to werke doby your aduys for to take the Mortymer syth that ye be keper of the castell hath the keyes in your warde ¶ Syre sayd the Conestable wyll ye vnderstonde that the castell yates ben lockyd with y● keyes that dame Isabell sente hyther by nyght she hath the keyes therof and layeth them vnder y● luesell of the bedde vnto y● morowe so ye maye not come into the castell by the yates by no manere of wyse But I knowe an aleye that stretchyth out of the warde vnder the ●● the into the forsayd castell that gothe into the west whiche aleye dame Isabell the quene ne none of her men ne y● mortimer ne none of his company knowith it not And so I shall lede you thrugh y● aley so ye shall come into y● castell with out aspyenge of ony man y● are your enmyes ¶ And y● same nyght syr wyllyaz Mountagu all the lordes of his quarell the same Conestable also wente theym to hors made semblaunt as it were for to go oute of Mortimers syght But anone as Mortimer herd thys tydynges he wende y● they wolde haue go ue ouer see for fere of hym ¶ And anone ryght he his company toke a counseyll amonge theym for to lete theyr passage sent letters anone to the porters soo y● none of the greate lordes shold go home to theyr owne coūtrees but yf thei were arested take And amonge other thynges wyllyam Eland Conestable of the forsayd castell pryuely ladde syr wil lyam of Moūtagu his company by y● forsayd waye vnder the trthe tylle they came into the castell went vp into the toure there y● Mortimer was in But sir Hugh of Trompynton theym ascryed hydously sayd a traytours it is all for nought y● ye ben comyn into this castell ye shall deye yet an euyll dethe euerichone And anone one of theym that was in Mountagues companye vp with a mare and smote the same Hughe vpon the heed that the brayne braste out and fel on the grounde and soo was he deed of an euyll dethe ¶ Tho toke they Mortymer as he armyd hym at the toures dore whan he herde the noyse of theym for drede ¶ And whanne the quene Isabel sa●e that the Mortimer was taken she made moche sorowe in herte and thyse wordes vnto theym she sayd Nowe fayre 〈◊〉 I praye you that ye do no harme 〈◊〉 his body a worthy knyghte oure 〈◊〉 f●●de and oure 〈◊〉 cosyn ¶ Tho went they thens and came and brought Mortimer presentyd hym vnto kynge Edwarde he cōmaunded to brynge hym in sauewarde ¶ But anone as they y● were consentynge vnto mortimers doynge herde tell y● he was takē they went hydde theym pryuely by nyghte went out of y● towne ethe one his way with heuy herte morninge chere liued vpon theyr londes as well as thei myghte ¶ And y● same yere that Mo●●mer was take he hadde ir score 〈◊〉 tes without squyers sergaun●es of armys fote men And thenne was Motimer ladde to London syr Edmonde of Bedforde was ladde with hym and was taken to the conestable of y● four to kepe ¶ But after warde was y● Mortymers lyf examined at westmestre before the kynge before all the greate lordes of Englonde for peryll that myght fal to the reame And to enquere also which were consentynge to sir Edwardes dethe the kynges fader and also thrugh who me the Scottes escaped fro Stanhope in Scotlonde without leue of kyng Edwarde ¶ And also how y● chartre of ●●●man was delyuered vntoo the Scottes therin the homages and feauters of the lordes of Scotlonde were conteyned y● the Scottes sholde do euer more too the Engysshe kynge for the reame of Scotlond wherfore he was Iugyd to be drawen and hangyd for his treason And this myscheyf came vnto hym on saynt Andrewes euen In the yere of the Incarcyon of our lorde Ihesu crist ¶ How kynge Edwarde gate ayen vnto hym gracyously the homages and frautres of Scotlonde wherof he was putte oute thrughe false counseylle of y● quene Ysabell his moder and syre Roger Mortymer that was newely made erle of Marche NOw haue ye herde how Iohane Bayllol in the tyme of peas was chosen to be kynge of Scotlonde for cause that he came of the eldest doughter of the Erle Dauyd of Huntyngton that was kynge Alysanders broder of Scotlonde that deyed without heyre of hys body begoten And how this Iohn̄ made his feauete homage to kynge Edwarde Henryes sone y● thyrde for his londes of Scotlonde And how he afterwarde withsayd his homage thrughe coūseyll of the Scottes in the yere of oure lorde M.CC.lxxiiii sent vnto y● pope thrughe a fals suggestyon y● he made his oth vnto y● forsayd kynge Edward ouer his astate his wyll of y● whiche o the y● pope hym assoyled thrugh his bullys to hȳysent ¶ And anone as kynge Edward wyst therof he ordeyne anone his barōs came vnto Berewyk conquered the towne at the whiche conquest there wereslayne .xxv. thosand .vii. hundred Bayllol that was kynge of Scotlond came and yeldyd hym to gode kynge Edwarde the kynge delyuerd hym out of the tour of London and all y● grete lordes with hym y● tho were taken at Barwyk yaue theym saufconduyte to go into Scotlonde And the Scottes sythe thrugh theyr falsnesse werred vpon the good kynge Edwarde And whan syre Iohn̄ Bayllol kynge of Scotland saw all this he went ouer see vnto Dimp●er lyued there vpon his londes as well as he myght tyll that the Scottes wolde amende theym of theyr mysdedys trespaas and ladde with hym syr Edward his sone wherfore the Scottes in dyspyte of hym callyd hym syr Iohn̄ Turnlabard for bycause that he wolde notte offende ne trespaas ayenste the good kȳge Edwarde of Englond And so he forsoke his reame of Scotlonde and sette therof but lytyll pryce And this syr Iohanne dwelled longe tyme in Fraunce tyll y● he deyed there syr Edwarde his fo●● receyued his 〈◊〉 rytage and 〈◊〉 mage to y● kynge of Fraūce for his londes of Dunpie● And so it befell afterwarde y● Edwarde y● was Iohn̄ Bayllols sone had● of hym a squyre of
the sege wēt thens by nyght ¶ whan this thyng was knowe thrugh Scotlonde how that the lordes knyghtes were dyscomfyted at Gaskemore of Scotlonde thrugh syre Edwarde Bayllol ye shall vnderstonde y● the lordes ladyes y● gentyls of scotlonde came wonder faste to saynt Iohānes towne yeldyd theym vnto Bayllol to hym dyd homage feautee for theyr londes yelde theym to his peas he theym receyued frely And fro thēs he went to the abbaye of Scone there he was crowned kynge of Scotlonde after he lete crye his peas thrughe oute all the londe ¶ And at that same tyme it befell that kynge Edwarde helde his parlemente amonge his lyeges atte the newe castell vpon Tyne for to amende the trespaces and the wronges that had ben done in his londe And syr Edwar de Bayllol kynge of Scotlonde came to hym thyther and dyd to hym homage and feautee for the reame of Scotlonde And in this manere kyng Edwarde of Englonde gadred ayen his homages and feautees of Scotlonde whereof he was put out thrugh counseyll and assent of dame Isabell his moder and of syr Roge Mortimer erle of Marche Tho toke Bayllol kynge of Scotlond his leue of kynge Edwarde of Englonde went thens into his owne londe of Scotlonde sette but lytyll by suche as had counseylled hym and holpen hym in his quarell wherfore they went from hym went lyued by theyr owne londes and rentes in scotlonde ¶ And sote befell afterwarde not longe y● the kynge of Scotlonde neremeued came to the toure of Anande there toke his dwellynge and thyder came to hym a company of knyghtes stronge men worthy yelded them vnto the kynge And bare theym so fayre in dede and in coūtenaūce so that he trustyd moche vpon theym And anone as the traytours sawe that he trustyd moche vpon theym they ordeyned amonge theym fyfty in a company and wolde haue slayne theyr lord the kynge But thragh the grace of almyghty god he brake thrugh a wall an hole in his chambre as god wolde scapyd theyr trechery all his men were slayne he escaped with moche drede vnto the towne of Cardoyll And there he helde hym sore anoyed And this befell vpon our ladyes euen the concepcyō ¶ Tho sent kynge Edwarde Bayllol to kynge Edwarde of Englonde howe falsly traytoursly he was in lytyll tyme put to shame and sorowe thrugh his lyege men vpon whome he trustyd wonder moche prayed hym for the loue of god y● he wolde mayntene hȳ helpe hȳ ayenst his enmies The kynge of Englō had of hym grete pyte behyght to helpe hym socour hym And sent hȳ worde y● he sholde holde hym in peas styl in y● forsayd cyte of Cardoyll tyll y● he had gadred his powere ¶ Thoo ordeyned kynge Edwarde of Englonde a counseyll at London and lete gadre his men in dyuers shyres of Englonde whan he was all redy he went toward y● tow of Berwyk vppon Twede and theder came to hym kynge Edwarde Bayllol of Scotlonde with his powee beseged y● towne And made without the towne a fayre towne of pauylyons and diche● theym all abowee so that they had noo 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 manye 〈…〉 and with other 〈…〉 wherwith they 〈…〉 houses chirches al 〈…〉 to y● erthe with grete 〈…〉 out of gonnes 〈…〉 And netheles y● scottes 〈…〉 y● towne y● tho two kinges myght not come therin longe tyme 〈…〉 y● kynges abode there soo 〈◊〉 tyll tho y● were within y● towne failed vytaylles also they were so wery of wakynge y● they wyste not what for to doo ¶ And ye shall vnderstonde y● tho Scottes that were within the towne of Berwyk thrughe comyn counseyll and theyr assent lete crye vpon the walles of the towne that they myghte haue peas of the Englysshmen therof they prayed the kynge of his grace mercy And prayed hym of trewes for viii dayes vppon this couenaunt y● yf they were nottrescowed in that sayd of y● towne towarde Scotlonde of y● Scottes within viii dayes that they wolde yelde theym vnto the kynge the towne also And to holde this couenaūt they prouffred too the kynge .xii. hostages out of the towne of Berwyk ¶ whan y● hostages were delyuerde vnto y● kynge anone tho of y● towne sent vnto y● Scottes tolde theym of theyr sorow and myscheyf And y● Scottes tho came pryuery ouer the water of Twede to y● bought of y● abbaye syre wyllyam Dyket y● was tho Stewarde of Scotlonde and many other that came with hym put theym there in greate peryll of themself at that tyme of ther lyfe For they came ouer a brydge y● was to brokeand the stonys awaye many of theyr company were there drowned But the forsayd wyllyam went 〈◊〉 other of his company and came by the shyppes of Englonde slewe in a 〈◊〉 of Hull .xvi. men and after they 〈◊〉 into the towne of Berwyk by the 〈◊〉 syde wherfore the Scottes helde 〈…〉 towne rescowed and askyd theyr 〈◊〉 ayen of the kynge of Englonde 〈◊〉 the kynge sente theym worde 〈◊〉 that they axyd theyr hostages with 〈◊〉 syth y● they came into y● towne of Englonde syde For couenaūt was bytwene theym y● the towne shold be rescowed by y● halfe of Scotlonde anone tho commauūded kynge Edwarde to yelde the towne or he wolde haue y● hostages and the Scottes sayd y● towne was rescowed well ynoughe therto the wolde theym holde whan kynge Edwarde sawe the Scottes breke they re couenaūtes y● they made he was wonder wrothe and anne lete syr Thomas Fytzwyllyam and syr Alysander of Feton warden of Berwyk the whiche Thomas was persone of Dunbarre lete them be take fyrste afore that otheyr hostages for cause y● syr Alysanders fader was keper of the towne ¶ And tho commaunded euerye daye two hostages of the towne tylle y● they were all doo to deth but yf they yelded the towne so he sholde teche them for to breks theyr couenauntes And whā they of y● towne herde thise tidyngꝭ they became wonder sory sent to y● kȳge y● he wold graūt thē other viii dayes of respite so y● bytwene two hūdre men of armys .xx. mē of armes myght by ●●●the go bytwene 〈◊〉 to y● towne of Berwyk theym for to 〈◊〉 y● towne 〈◊〉 be holde for 〈◊〉 And yf so were y● 〈…〉 more were slayne of thoo two hūdred before sayd y● y● towne sholde not be holde 〈◊〉 rescowed And this 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 they sent to hym other xii of the forsayd 〈◊〉 in hostage the kynge of Englonde grauntyd theym theyr 〈…〉 the hostages on saynt 〈…〉 of grace M CCC.xxxii the 〈…〉 power and came faste and sharply ayenst euensonge tyme And the same tyme was flood at Berwyk in the water of Twede y● no man myght go ouer on his hors nor on fote the water was bitwene tho two kynges and
walle and of all thynges that they myght bere caryen out was robbyd dyspoyled After y● kynge pas●sed forth by y● coūtre about y● brede of 〈◊〉 myle he wastyd all manere thynge that he founde whan Philyp of valors per ceyued this all though he were faste by hym with a stronge host● yet he wold not come nygh hym but breke all the b●●dg beyonde y● water of Seyn fro Ro●n too Parys hymself fledde vnto y● same ●● te of Parys withall y● hast y● he myght ¶ Forsothe the noble kynge Edwarde whan he come to Parys brydge found it broken within two dayes be lete make it agayne And in the morowe after y● Assumpcyon of our lady kynge Edwarde passed ouer the water of Seyn goy●ge towarde Cresey and dystroyed by the waye townes with the people dwellynge therin And in the feestr of Saynt Bartholomewe he passed ouer the water of sōme vn hurt with all his host there as neuer before honde ony manere wayne passage where two thou●d were slayne of them y● letted they re passage ouer ¶ Therfore the .xxvi. daye of Auguste kynge Edwarde in felde fast by Cresey hauynge thre batayl● of Englysshmen encoūtred mette with Philyp of Valoys hauynge with hym .iiii. batayls of whiche y● leest passed gretly y● nombre of Englisshe people And whan these two hostes mette togyder there fell vpon hym the kynge of Beme y● duke of Loreyn erles also of Flaūdres Dalaūson Bloys Harecourt Aumarle Neuors mani other er●es barons lordes knyghtꝭ and men of armes y● nōbre of a M.b. C.xlii. with out footmen other men armed that were not thynge rekened And for all this y● vngloryous Philyp withdrewe hym with the resydue of his people wherfore it was sayd in cōmune amonge his owne people Nerēbeall soy retreyt y● is to saye oure fayre withdraweth hym ¶ Than kynge Edward our Englysshmen thāked almyghty god for suche a vyctory after theyr greate labour taken to theym all thynge nedefull to theyr sustynaūce sauynge of theyr lyues for drede of theyr enmyes rested them there And ful erly in y● mornynge after y● Frensshmen with a grete passynge hoste come ayen for to gyue batayll fyght with y● Englysshe me● with whome mette encoūtred the erle of warwyk Northampton North folke with theyr company slewe two thousande toke many prysoners of the gentyls of thē And y● remenaūt of y● same host fled thre myle thens And y● thirde daye after y● batayll y● kynge went to Calays ward destroyenge all y● townes as he rode thyder whan y● he was comē y● is to saye y● thyrd daye of Septēbre he began to besege y● towne with y● castell cō tynued his sege fro y● forsayd thyrde day of Septēbre to the thyrd daye of August y● next yere after And in y● same yere durynge y● syege of Calays y● kyng of scotlonde with a greate multytude of scottꝭ came into Englonde to Neuyles crosse aboute saynt Lucas daye y● Euangelyst hopynge and trustynge for to haue fo●●d all y● londe voyde of people for as moche as the kynge of Englond was beyōde the see sauf oonly prestes and men of holy chyrche and women chyldren plowmen suche other labourers there they come robbyd dyd moche preuy sorowe But yet founde they ynough that theym withstode by the grace of almyghty god And so a daye of bataylle was assygned bytwene theym certayn lordes men of holy chyrche y● were of that countre with other comune people faste by the cyte of Duresme atte which daye thrugh the grace and helpe of god almyghty the scottes were ouercomen yet were there thre tymes so many of thē as of Englysshmen And there was slayne all the chyualrye knyghthode of the reame of Scotlonde And ther was taken as they wolde haue fledde thens Dauyd the kynge of Scotlonde hymself the erle of mentyf syr wyllyam Douglas and many other greate men of scotlonde ¶ And after that our Englysshe men whan they had rested theym a few dayes and hadde ordeyned theyr kepers of the north coūtree they came to Londō and brougt with them syre Dauyd y● kynge of Scotlonde and all the other lordes that were taken prysoners vnto y● toure of London with all the haste that they myghte and left them there in saut kepynge vnto the kynges comynge and went home ayen into theyr owne coūtre And afterwarde was the kynges raunson of Scotlonde taxed too an hondred thousande marke of syluer too be payed within .x. yere that is to saye euery yere .x. thousande marke ¶ How kynge Edwarde besyeged Calays and how it was wonne and yolden vnto hym IN the .xxii. yere of kynge Edwardes regne he wente ouer the see in the wynter tyme and laye all the wynter at the syege of Calays the whiche yere while the syege lasted endured Philyp the kynge of Fraūce caste purpoysed traytourously with fraude to put a wa ye the syege came y● .xxvii. daye of Iuyl ● y● same yere with a greate hoost and a stronge power neyghed to y● sege of Calays The whiche Phylip y● last daye of Iulii sent to y● kynge Edwarde worde y● he wolde gyue hym playne batayll the thyrde daye after y● about euensonge tyme yf he durste come fro the syege abide And whan kynge Edwarde herde y● withoute ony longe taryenge or longe auysement accept gladly y● daye houre of batayll y● Philyp had assygned And whan y● kynge of Fraunce herde y● the next nyght after he set his tentys a fyre remeued wente his waye thens cowardely Then they y● were in y● towne in the castell besyeged sawe all this that they had none other helpe ne socour of y● kynge of Fraūce ne of his men And also y● theyr vytayls within thē were spended wastyd for faute of vytayls of tefresshynge they eten horses hoūdes cattes and myse for to kepe theyr trouth as longe as they myghte And whan they sawe and was founde amonge them at the last that they had no thynge among them for to ete ne lyue by ne no socoure ne rescowe of the Frensshmen of y● other syde they wyst well y● they muste nedes deye for defaute or els yelde y● towne anone they went toke downe y● baners the armes of Fraunce on euery syde y● were hangen out went on the walles of y● forsayd towne on dyuerse places as naked as euer they were borne sauf only theyr shertes theyr preuy clothes helde theyr swerdes naked the poynte do●●warde in theyr hondes putten ropes halters about ther neckes yelded vp the keyes of y● towne of the castell to kynge Edwarde of Englonde wyth greate fere drede of theyr lyues godꝭ and drede of herte And whan kyng Edwarde sawe all this as a mercyable kȳge and lorde receyued them to grace a fewe of y● grettest prysoners
of the comynalte of the reame ¶ About this tyme at kynge Edwardes cōmaundement of Englonde whan all the castels and townes were yolden too hym y● longe were holden in Fraūce by a greate cōpany assembled to gyder syre Bartram Claykyn a nobled knyght and a good warryour went and purposed hym to put out Pers kynge of Spayne out of his kyngdom with helpe of the moost partye of the forsayd grete company trnstynge also vpon helpe fauour of y● pope for as moche as it come to his ceres y● the same Pers sholde lede vse a synfull lyfe y● whiche Pers smyten with drede of this tydynge fled into Gascoyne to prȳce Edward for to haue socoure of hym And whan he was fled out of Spayne Henry his broder y● was a bastarde by assent of y● moost party of Spayne thrugh help of that ferefull cōpany y● I spake of fyrst was crowned kȳge of spayne y● nōbre of that same cōpani was rekened set at the nōbre of .xl. M. fyghtynge men ¶ This same yere in y● moneth of Iune there come a grete cōpany a nauye of y● Danes gadred them togyder in the North see purposyng thē to come into Englonde to reue and too robbe and also to sle with whome they coūtred mette in the se. maryners and other gode fyghtynge men of y● countre dysperpled theym And they ashamyd went home ayen in too theyr owne coūtree But amonge the other there was a boystous vessell and a stronge of their nauye that was ouer saylled by the Englysshmen was perysshed drenched In the whiche y● Stewarde other worthy greate men of Denmarke were ta taken prysoners the kynge of Englōde his coūseyll prysoned them y● whiche lordes y● Danes afterwarde sought them all about for to haue had thē ayen with theyr goodes y● they had loste and they not well apayed ne pleased of the answer y● they had they torned homewardes ayen leuȳge behynde thē in ther Innes pryuely wryten in scrowes on walles yet shall Danes wast the wanes Thenne happed there an Englyssh writer wrote ayenst y● Dane in this manere here shall Danes fette theyr banys ¶ And in this tyme Pers the kynge of Spayne with other kynges that is too saye the kynge of Nauerne and the kynge of Malogre beynge meanes wenten bytwene and prayed coūseyll and helpe of syr Edwarde the prynce whos counseyll whan he had vnderstandynge ther artycles and desyre that he was requyred of of tho kynges loth he was ashamed to saye nay contrary to thē But netheles he was agast lest it sholde be oni preiudice ayenst y● pope longe tyme taryed thē or that he wolde graūt or consente therto tyll he had better coūseyll auysement with good delyberatyon of kyng Edwarde his fader But whan they were with hym euery daye contynually be sechynge of many noble men requyred spoken to with many prayers sente made bytwene thē than prynce Edwarde sent to his fader both vy cōplaynyng letters also by confortable conteynȳge all theyr suggestyous causes with all y● other kyngꝭ epystles letters for to haue conforte helpe of y● wronges not only done to y● kynge of Spayn but also for suche thyngꝭ as myght fall to other kyngꝭ Also yf it were not y● soner holpē amended thrughe y● dome helpe of knyghthode to them y● it asked desired ¶ The whiche letter whan the kynge his wyse coūseyll had seen suche a kyng spoylynge robbynge with moche merueyll And sent ayen comfortable letters to prynce Edwarde his sone to y● other kyngꝭ warned them for to arme them ordeyne theym ayenst that mysdoer to withstande them by y● helpe of god y● were suche enmyes to kynges whan this noble prynce had receyued this letters hymself with that other kynges before sayd all theyr coūseyll called 〈◊〉 he wolde vndertake the quard he boūd knytte sore y● kynge y● was deposed 〈◊〉 a greate o the that is to saye y● besholde euer after mayntene y● 〈…〉 and fayth of holy chirche and also with all theyr mynystreo ryghtes 〈…〉 defende frome all theyr cum 〈…〉 And all y● were ther● ayenst ●●●ly to punysshe destroble 〈…〉 lybertees preuyleges of holy 〈…〉 creace mayntene 〈…〉 y● were wrongfully taken with 〈◊〉 boren a waye by hym or by ou● other by cause of hym hastely to 〈…〉 dryue and put out saras● 〈…〉 mysbyleued people our o● his 〈◊〉 with all his strēgth and his po●er and suffre ne admitte none suche for no manere thynge ne cause too dwelle 〈◊〉 And that whan he had taken a 〈◊〉 woman he sholde neuer come in to non● other womans bedde ne none other m●nes wyfe too defoyle ¶ All thyse fo● sayd thynges trewely for to● kepe con tynue fulfyll as all his lyfe c●me be was boūdē by other afore notar●●s in presence wytnesse of tho kynges with other prynces ¶ And thanne that gra●●ous prynces Edwarde vndertoke the cause the quarell of the kynge that was deposed and behyght hym with the grace of almyghty god to restoe hȳ ayen to bys kyngdom lete ordeyne gadre ●●gyd forthwith in all haste his many with mē of armes for to warre and fyght in hys forsayd cause ¶ And in this same yere vpon the sande of y● Scottes see y● many a man sawe it thre dayes togyder there were seen two Egles of y● which y● one come out of y● southe y● other out of the north cruelly strongly they foughte togyder wrastled togyder y● southe Egle fyrst ouercome y● north egle all to rente hym with his bylle his clawes that he sholde not reste ne take no brethe and after y● south egle fleyth home to his owne costes ¶ And anone after there folowed was leen in y● morne after y● son rysynge after in y● last daye of Octobre sauynge one many sterres gadred togyder on an hepe felle downe to y● erthe le uynge behynde thē fyre bemes in maner of lyghtnynge whos flāmes brent cō sumed mens clothes mens heer walkȳge on y● erth as it was sene y● knowen of many a man ¶ And yet y● northern wȳde y● is euer redy destyrnate to all ylle fro saynt Katherynes eue thre dayes after lost greate good withoute nombre ¶ And in this same dayes there felle come also such lyghtnyng thondre snow ●●yll y● if wasted destroyed men bestes houses trees ¶ Of the batayll of Spayne besyde the water of Nazers that was bytwene prynce Edward syr Henry bastard of Spaȳ IN y● yere of our lord a M.CCC lxvii and of kynge Edwarde .xlii the thyrde daye of Aprylle there was a stronge batayll and a greate in a large felde called Pryazers fast by the water of Nazers in spayne bytwene syre Edwarde the prynce syr Henry y● bastarde of Spayne but the vyctory
themself yf the kynge wolde certaynly to preue it and stande by yf it were founden and preued afterwarde that the kynge had nede they wolde gladlye euery man after his power and state hym helpe and leue And after this were publysshed and shewed in the parleament many playntes and defautes of dyuers offycers of the reame and namely of the lorde Latymer y● kynges chambrelayne bothe to the kynge eke to the reame ¶ And also at the laste there was spoken treated of dame Alyce pers for the grete wronges euyll gouernaūce y● was done by hyr coūseyll in the reame the whiche dame Alyce pers y● the kynge had holden longe tyme to his lemman wherfore it was the lasse wonder though thrugh y● trealtee of the womans excytȳge and hyr sterynge he consented to hyr lewdenesse euyll cūoseyll y● whiche dame Alyce also y● lorde Latymer other suche that meued the kynge to euyll gouernaūce ayenste his profyte and the reme also all the comynalte asked and desyred that they sholde be remeued put awaye and in theyr stedes wyse men and worthy that were trewe and well assayd and proued and of good gouernaunce sholde be put in theyr stedes So amonge all other there was one amonge the comunes that was a wyse knyght and a trewe and an eloquent man whoo 's name was Pers delamare And this same Pe●s was chosen to be speker for the comunes in the parlement And for this same Pers tolde and publysshed the trouthe and rehersed the wronges ayenst the forsayd dame Alyce and other certayne persones of the kynges counseyll as he was bydden by y● comyns And also trustynge moche to be supported and mayntened in this mater by helpe and fauour of y● prȳce anone as y● prȳce was dede at y● instaūce requeste of y● foresayd dame alyce this pers de amare was Iugyd to perpetuall prysō in y● castell of Notȳghā ¶ And in y● .vi. kal. of Iule lastynge y● same parlemēt deyed prȳce Edward kȳge Edwardes fyrst sone y● is to saye in trynyte sondaye in worshyp of whiche feste he was wonte euery yere where y● euer he were in the worlde to holde and made y● moost solempnyte y● he myght whos name and fortune of knyghthode but yf it had he of an other Ectour all men both crysten hethen while y● he lyued was in good poynt wondred moche dradd hym wonder sore whos body is worshipfully buryed in Crychirche at Caūterbury And in this same yere y● men y● erles tenaūtes of warwyk arose malycyously ayenst y● abbot couent of Eueshā theyr tenaūtes destroyed thabbaye the towne woūded bete theyr men and slee many of theym and wente too theyr maners places dyd moche harme brake downe ther parkes closes slewe theyr wylde bestes chaced them brekynge theyr fysshe pondes hedes lete the water of theyr pondes stewes ryuers renne out toke y● fysshe bare it with them and dyd theym all the sorowe that they myght in so ferforth that forsoth they had destroyed perpetuall that abbay with all theyr membres apportenanūces but yf the kynge the soner had not holpen it taken hede therto the●fore y● kynge sent his letters to y● erle of warwyk chargynge hym cōmaūdȳge hym y● he sholde stynt redresse amende tho euyll doers brekers of his peas and so by meanes of lordꝭ other frendes y● peas was made bytwene thē for this hurlynge as it is sayd y● kynge wold not be gouerned at that tyme by his lordes that there were in y● parlement but he toke made his sone y● duke of Lancastre hys gouernour of y● reame y● whiche stode so styll as gouernoure tyll y● tyme that he deied ¶ The same yere after Candelmasse or y● parleament was done y● kynge asked a subsydye of the clargy of the lay fee it was graunted him that is to say that he sholde haue of euery persone of y● lay fee bothe man and woman that passed fourtene yere of aege four pens out taken pore beggers that were knowen openly for nede poore beggers ¶ And that he sholde haue of euery man of the holy chyrche that was benefyced or promoted twelue pens and all other that were not promomed .iiii. pens out taken the .iiii. ordres of y● frete beggers ¶ This same yere after Myghelmasse Rycharde prynce Edwardes son was made prȳce of wales to whome y● kynge gaaf y● duchye of corneway le with y● erldom of chestre And about this tyme y● Cardynale of Englōde y● .iiii daye before Mary Mawdalenes daye after dyner sodaynly was smyte with the palsye and lost his speche on mary Mawdalenes daye deyed ¶ Of the dethe of kynge Edwarde and how syr Iohn̄ Monsterwarth knyghte was drawen hanged for his falsnesse ' Byght anone after in the .lii. yere of kynge Edwarde in the begynnȳge of Octobre pope Gregorye y● .ix. broughte and remeued his courte with hym frome Auynyon to Rome ¶ And y● .xii daye of Apryll Iohn̄ Monsterwarthe knyght at London was drawen hangyd than quartred sent to four cheif townes of Englond his heed smyten of sette vpon London brydge for this same Iohn̄ was full vntrewe to y● kyng to the reame coueytous vnstable for he toke oftymes greate sōmes of money of y● kynge his coūseyll formen of armes wages that he sholde haue payed thē toke it to his owne vse he dradd that at the last he shold be shent accused for the same cause and fledde pryue ly to the kynge of Fraunce was sworne to hym and become his man behyght hym a greate nauye out of Spayn into confucyon and destroynge of Englonde But y● ryghtfull god to whome no preuyte is vnknowen suffred hȳ fyrste to be shente spylt or that he so traytoursly falsly betrayed his lyege lorde y● kynge of Englonde his people in his reame in y● which groūde this same Iohan was born wickydly thrugh batayll destroyed or he brought about his cursed purpose In the feest of saynt George thoe next kynge Edwarde gaaf to Rycharde of Burdeux his heyr y● was prȳce Edwardes sone at wyndsore thordre of knyghthode made hym knyght the whiche kyng Edwarde whan he had regned .li. yere the .xi. kal of Iune he deyed at Shene is buryed worshypfully at westmyster on whos soule god haue mercye ¶ This kynge Edwarde was forsothe of a passynge godenes full gracyous amonge all y● worthy men of y● world fo● he passed shone by vertue of grace gyuen to hym from god about all his predecessours y● were noble men 〈…〉 he was a well herted man an hard●● for he drad neuer no myshappes ne harmes ne euyll fortune y● myght talle a noble warryour a fortunate forboth on londe se in all batayls assebl●s with a passynge glory Ioy he had y● 〈◊〉
aege And in the seconde yere of his regne for the debate that was bytwene the lorde Latymer and syr Rauf Feryers knyghte that was ayenst Hawell and Shakell squyres for y● prysoner that was take in spayne by these two squyres the whiche prysoner the lord Latymer and syr Ra●fe Feryers wolde haue hadde the whyche prysoner was the Erle of Dene that they toke in y● batayll of Spayne wherfore these two lordes come into the chirche at westmyster and they founde this one squyre too herynge his masse besyde saynt Edwardes shryne and there they slew hym the whiche was called Hawell ¶ And Skakell was arested put in to the Towre of London And there he was longe tyme for he wolde not del●●uer the Erle of Dene his prysoner vnto these two lordes by syr Aleyn Burbyll conestable of the Tower and by Synt Raufe Feryers one of his aduersaryes tylle the kynge had graunted hym grace ¶ In the thyrde yere of kynge Rycharde came the Galays of Fraūce into Englonde vnto dyuerse portes and brente and robbed and slewe moche people of Englonde that is to saye atte wynchelsee Rye and Hastynge Portysmouthe and. Hampton Stormore and Granes ende and they dydde moche harme and wente home ayen ¶ And in this same yere was a parleamente holden at westmynster And atte that same parleament was ordeyned y● euery man womā chylde that were at y● aege of .xiiii. yere and aboue thrughe out all the reame pore folke and other sholde paye to the talage foure pens wherfore came and be felle afterwarde greate myscheyf moche dysease to all the comynalte of there me ¶ And in the .iiii. yere of kynge Rychardes regne the comynes arose vp in dyuerse partyes of the reame and dyden moche harme the whiche tyme they called y● hurlynge tyme. ¶ And they of Kente and of Estsex made them two cheyf tayns for to rule and for to gouerne the company of Kente and of Estsex That one was called Iacke strawe and that other Watte Tyler and they come and assembled theym vppon blacke heth in Kent And on Corpꝰ christi daye after they camen downe into Southwerke and braken vp the pryson hous that is to saye the kynges bynche and the marchelsee and delyuerde out all the prysoners And so the same daye they came in to London and there they robbed the peple and slewe all the alyens that they myght fynde in the cyte and about the cyte and dyspoyled all theyr godes and made auowe And on the frydaye nexte folowenge after that was on the morowe and than they came to the Toure of Lōdon and the kynge beynge therin they fette out of the Toure the Archebysshop of Caunterbury syr Symonde Sudbery and ser Robert halys hospyteler pryoure and mayster of syant Iohans house●● a whyte frere that was confessoure vnto kynge Rycharde and brought theꝭ vnto the Towre hylle and there they smote of theyr heedes and came agayne into London and slewe moche people of the Cyte ¶ And thenne they wente vntoo the dukes place of Lancastre beyonde saynt Mary of the stronde that was called the Sauoy and there they deuoured and destroyed all the goodes that they therin myght fynde bare them awaye and than they brente vp the place And than afterward they went to saynt Iohn̄ with out smythfelde destroyed the godes there and brent vp that hous to the harde grounde and wente too westmynster and saynt Martyns the graunte made theym go out of the senewary all that were within for ony manere of gylthe And than come vnto the Temple and to all other Innes of men of lawe and dyspoyle them and robbe theym of theyr godes and also toke theyr bokes of lawe thenne they came to London and brake vp the pryson of Newgate drofe oute all the prysoners felons and other and of bothe countrees and all the people y● were within theym and destroyed all the bokes of the counters And thus they cōtynued both saterdaye and sondaye vnto the mondaye next after in all theyr malyce and wyckydnes ¶ And than on mōdaye kynge Rycharde with his lordes that were with hym that tyme and with the mayer of London wyllyam walworth y● that was that tyme come with the aldermen and the comunes of the cyte they come into Southwerke too here and too knowe the entencyon of these rebelles mysgouerned people And this Iacke strawe made thanne a crye in the felde that all the people of accorde tholde come nerer and here his claymours his crye and his wyl And the lordes and the mayer and the aldermen with the comynaltee hauynge in dygnacōn of his couetyse falsnes his foule presumpcyon Anone wyllyam walworth that tyme beȳge mayer drewe out his knyfe slew iacke straw anone ryght smote of his hede set it vpon a spere so it was borne thrugh Lendon set vpon Londō brydge Anone these rysers mysgouerned pewere vanysshed as it had not be they then y● kynge of his grete godenesse by prayer of his lordes made there .vi knyghtꝭ of good worthy men of y● cyte of London that is to saye wyllyam walworthe that at tyme mayer slew iacke straw and the seconde was Nycholas ●rembre and the thyrde Iohn̄ Phylip●t the fourth Nycholas twyforde and y● fifte Roberte laundes and the syxte Roberte 〈…〉 y● kynge with his 〈…〉 aye● too the 〈…〉 there be tested by 〈…〉 and set ● 〈…〉 And ●han by process of 〈◊〉 as they myght to be 〈◊〉 these rebelles 〈◊〉 they 〈◊〉 vpon the next 〈◊〉 throgh out euery lord shyn in y● 〈◊〉 of Englōde by .xi. by xxx by .x. ● by xii euer as they myght be go●●● taken in any partes ¶ And in the v. yere of kynge Rychardes regne was y● grete erthe make was generall thrughe oute the worlde the wenesdaye after wy●●ondaye in the yere of oure lorde M. CCC.lxxxxi wherfore all maner peple were sore agast and aferde longe tyme for drede of vengraunge that our lorde shewed and dyd ¶ And in the .vi. yere of kynge Rycharde thenn syr Henrye spenser bysshop of Norwiche went with a greate company ouer se into Flaūdres and there they gete the towne of Graueuynge the towne of burbrughe Dunberk Newport and there they laded fraughted .li. shyppes with pelage for to haue comen in to Englonde with these shyppes and goodes And the bysshop of Norwyche and his counseyll lete brenne these shyppes with all the pelage in the same hauen all into harde asshes and at Dunkerk was done a greate batayl bytwene the Flemyngꝭ the Englysshmen And at y● batayll were slayne a grete and tyt●ge of the Flemynges a greate nombre And than wente the bysshop with his reteme to y●ers besyeged it a longe tyme 〈◊〉 it myght not be gotten so left that syege and come ayen into Englonde too our Englysshmen were souly destroyed many deyed on
y● flyr and in the yere come euerie Anne into Englōde 〈◊〉 to be spoused to kynge Rycharde hir ●●der was Emperour of Almaynt kynge of 〈◊〉 with hir 〈…〉 be of 〈…〉 and many other worthy 〈◊〉 knyghtes of hys 〈◊〉 of Beme and of other duche tonges to do hyr reuerence worshyp And syr Symonde veuerle a worthy knyght of y● garter and other knyghtes and squyres that were the kynges embassatoure● brought hyr in to Englonde and so forth to London And the people of y● cyte that is to saye the mayer the aldermen and all comynes roden ayenste hyr to welcome hyr and euery man in goode araye and euery craft with his mynstralsye in the best maner wyse and mette with hyr on the blacke hethe in Kent and so brought hyr vnto London thrugh the cyte and so forth vnto westmynster vnto the kynges palays And there she was spoused vnto kynge Rycharde well and worthely in the abbaye of westmynster and there she was crowned quene of Englonde And all hyr frendes that came with hyr had den grete gyftes were well cherysshed refresshed as longe tyme as they abode there ¶ And in this same yere ther was a batayll done in the kynges palays at westmynster for certayn poyntes of treason bytwene syr Iohn̄ Ansley knyght defendaunt and Carton squyre the appellaunt But this syr Iohn̄ of Ansley ouer came this Carton and made hym to yelde hym within y● lystes And anone was this Carton dyspoyled of his harneys drawen out of the lystes and so forth vnto Tyburne and there he was hanged for his falsnesse ¶ And in the .viii. yere of the regne of kynge Rycharde the seconde syre Edmonde of Langley the. Erle of Cambrydge kynge Rychardes vncler wente in too Portyngale wyth a fayr companye of men of armes and archers in strengthynge and helpynge the kynge of Portyngale ayenst y● kynge of spayne his power and there the kynge of Portyngale had the vyctory of his enemyes thrughe helpe and comforthe of oure Englysshmen And. whan that Iourney was done y● erle of Cambrydge come home ayen with his people into Englande in hast blessed be god and his blessyd gyftes Amen ¶ And this same yere kyng Rychard helde his Crystmas in the maner of Eltham ¶ And the same yere and tyme the kynge of Armony fledde out of his owne londe and come in to Englonde for to haue helpe and so coure of oure kynge ayenst his enmyes that hadde dryuen hym out of his owne reame And so he was brought vnto the kynge to Elcham there as the kynge helde his ryall feest of Crystmasse ¶ And there our kynge welcomed hym and did hym moche reuerence worshyp commaunded all his lordes to make hym al the chere that euer they coude And than he besought the kynge of his grace and of helpe of his comforth in his nede y● he myght be brought ayen to his kingdome and londe For the Turkes hadde deuoured and bestroyed the moost parte of his londe how he fledde for drede and come hyder for socout helpe And thenne the kynge hauynge on hym pyte and compassyon of his greate myscheif and greuous dysease anone he toke hys coūseyll and asked what was beste to do And they answered and sayd yf it lyked hym to gyue hym ony good it were weldone And as touchynge his people for to trauell so ferre into out londes it were a greate Ieoperdye And soo the kynge gaaf hym golde and syluer and many ryche gyftes and Iewels and betaughte hym to god and so he passed ayen oute of Englonde ¶ And in this same yere kynge Rycharde with a ryall power wē te into Scotlonde for to warre vpon the Scottes for the falsnes and destruccyon that the Scottes had done vnto Englysshmen in the Marches And thanne the Scottes come downe too the kynge for to treate with hym and with his lordes for trewes as for certayne yeres And so our kynge his coūseyll graūted theym trewes for certayne yeres and our kyng torned hym ayen into Englonde And whan he was comen vnto yorke there he abode and rested hy●● there And there syr Iohn̄ Holonde the erle of Kentes broder slewe the erles sone of Scafforde his heyre with a dagger in y● cyte of yorke wherfore the kynge was sore anoyed greued remeued thens came to Lōdon And the mayer with y● aldermen the comyns with all the solempnyte that myght be done ryden ayenste y● kynge brought hym ryally thrugh the cyte and soo forth vnto westmynster to his owne palays ¶ And in the .ix. yere of kynge Rychardes regne he helde a parlement at westmynster there he made two dukes a marqueys fyue erles The fyrst that was made duke was the kynges vncle syr Edmonde of Langle erle of Cambrydge hym he made duke of yorke his other vncle syr Thomas of wodstok that was erle of Bukyngham hym he made duke of Gloucestre And syr Lyonuer y● was erle of Oxforde hym he made marqueys of Deuelyne And Hernry of Balyngbrok the dukes sone of Lancastre hym he made erle of Derby And sir Edwarde y● dukes sone of yorke hym he made erle of Ruttelonde And syre Iohan Holonde that was the Erle of Kentes broder and hym he dyd make erle of Huntyngdon ¶ And Syre Thomas Mombraye hym he made Erle of Notyngham and the Erle Marshalle of Englōde And sir Mychelde lapole knyght hȳ he made erle of South folk and Chaūceler of Englōde And y● erle of y● Marche at y● same parlelemēt holden at westmynster in playne parlemēt amonges all the lordes comyns was proclamed erle of the Marche and heyre Parente to the crowne of Englonde aftere kynge Rycharde the whiche erle of the Marche wente ouer see in to Irlonde vnto his lordshyppes and londes for the erle of Marche is erle of Vlster in Irlonde and by ryght lyue and herytage And there atte the castell of hys he laye that tyme and there came vpon hym a grete multytude in busshmētes of wylde Irysshmen for to take hym and destroye hȳ And he come out fyersly of his castell with his people and manly faught with thē and there he was taken hewen all too pyeces and so he deyed vpon whos soule god haue mercy ¶ And in the .x. yere of kynge Rychardes regne the erle of Arūdell went to the see with a greate nauye of shyppes armed with men of armes good archers And whan they come in the brode see they mette with the hole flete that come with wyne lade from Rochell the whiche wyne were enemyes goodes And there our nauye sette vpon theym toke theym all and brought theym vnto dyuerse portes and hauens of Englonde some to London and there ye myghte haue had a tonne of Rochell wyne of y● heste for xx shellynge sterlynge and soo we had greate chepe of wyne in Englonde y● tyme thanked be god almyghty ¶ How
on horsbacke in the same felde and whanne he hadde ryden certayne courses assayed he myght not haue the better he gaaf it ouer and wolde nomore of his chalenge with syr Pers courtayne knyght y● kyngꝭ banerere of Englonde and torned his hors and rode home vnto his owne Inn And one Cockeborne a squyre of Scotlonde chalenged syr Nycholl Hawberke a knyghte of certayne courses yet wyth sharpe speres and roden fyue courses togyder and at euery course the Scot was caste downe bothe hors and man and thus oure Englysshe lordes thanked be god had the felde ¶ And in the .xvii. yer● of kynge Rycha●●● regne deyed the good 〈…〉 to kynge Rycharde in the manere of Shene in the shyre of Surrey vpon witsondaye and than was she broughte to London and so to westmynster and there was she buryed and worthely entered besyde saynt Edwardes shiyne on whose soule almyghty god haue pyte and in his mercy Amen ¶ How kynge Rycharde spoused dame Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce in the towne of Calays and brought hir into Englonde and lette hir be crowned quene in the abbaye of saynt Peters of westmynstre IN the .xx. yere of kynge Rychardꝭ regne he wente hymselfe ouer see vnto Calays with dukes erles lordes barons and many other worthy squyres with greate araye and comune people of the reame in good araye as longed to suche a kynge and prynce of his nobley of his owne persone to do hym reuerence obseruaūce as ought to be done too theyr lyege lorde so myghty a kynge Emperoure in his owne to abyde receyue ther y● worthy gracyous lady y● sholde be his wyfe a yonge creature of .xix. yere of aege dame Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraūce other worthy lordes of greate name both barons knyghtes with moche other people y● camen to the towne of Grauenynge two dukes of Fraunce y● one was the duke of Burgoyn and y● other the duke of Barre that wolde no further lesse than they had pledges And than kynge Rychard delyuerd two pledges for them for to go sauf come sauf his two worthy 〈◊〉 the duke of Gloucestre y● duke of york these two went ouer y● 〈◊〉 of graue ny●ge abode there as for pledgꝭ to the tyme y● the maryage was done and that these two dukes of Fraunce were come ayen vnto Grauenynge water And thā these two worthy dukes came ouer y● water at Grauenynge so to Calays with this worshypfull lady dame Isabell y● was the kynges doughter of Fraunce with hir came many a worthy lorde and eke lady knyghtes squyres in y● best araye y● myght be so brought hyr into the towne of Calays And there she was receyued with all the solempnyte worshyp that myghte be done vnto suche a lady And than they broughte hyr vnto the kynge and the kynge toke hir welcomed hir and all hir fayre company made there all the solempnyte y● myght be done ¶ And than the kynge his coūseyll asked of the Frensshe lordes wh●ther all the couenaūtes forwardes with the composycyon that were ordeyned made on bothe partyes sholde be truely kepte and holde bytwene theym And they sayd ye and there they swore and toke theyr charge vpon a boke and made theyr othe well and truly it to hold in all maner of poynts and cou●nauntes withoute contradyccyon or delay in ony maner wyse And than was she brought to saynt Nicholas chirche in Calays and there she was worthely wedded with the moost solempnyte y● ony kynge or quene myght be with Archebysshops bysshops all the mynystres of holy chirche and than they were brought to y● castell ●ete to mete And were serued with all delycasye of ryall metes drynkes plenteuously to all maner of straūgers all other no creature warned y● feest but al were welcome for there were greate halles tentes set vpon the grene without y● castell to receyue all manere of people and euery offyce redy for to serue theym all And thus this worthy maryage was solemply done ended with all ●yalte and thanne these two worthy dukes of Fraunce with theyr people token theyr leue of the kynge and of the quene and went ayen vnto Grauenynge water And there the Frensshe lordes that is to say the two dukes and all theyr menys 〈◊〉 comen ouer the water to Gra●●nynge they mette with our two dukes and euerychone toke leue at other and so they departed and our lordes camen ayen vnto Calays and the Frensshe lordes wenten ouer the water and so home into Fraunce ayen ¶ And anone after the kynge made hym redy with the quene and all his lordes and ladyes and all theyr people with theym and came ouer the se in to Englonde and so vnto London And the mayer and the shreues with all the aldermen and worthy comunes roden ayenst them vnto the blacke hethe in too Kente and there they mette with y● kinge and the quene and welcomed theym and that in good araye and euery man in the clothynge of his craft and they re mynstrels before them And so they brought theym vnto saynt Georges barre in Southwarke there they token theyr leue And the kynge and the quene roden to Kenyngton and than y● people of Lōdon torned home ayen And in tornyng ayen to London brydge there was soo greate presse of people both on hors on foote that there were deed on y● brydge xi persones of men women children on whos soules almyghty god haue mercy pyte amen ¶ And than afterwarde the quene was brought to the towre of London there she was all nyght on the morne she was brought thrugh the cyte of London and so forth vnto westminster and there she was crowned quene of Englonde and than she was broughte ayen vnto the kynges palays and there was holden open and a ryall feest at hir coronacyon of all maner people that the der come this was done the sondaye nexte after the feest of saynt Clemente in the .xx. yere of kynge Rychardes regne And than the .xxv. daye of Auguste next after by euyll excytacyon and fals coūseyll for grete 〈…〉 kynge had of 〈…〉 good duke of Glouerstre and to the erle n● Arūdell and too the erle of warwyk Anone the kyng by his euyll excytacyon and his euyll coūseyll malyce late in y● euenynge on the same daye aboue sayd made hym redy with his strēgthe rode into Estsex vnto the towne of Chelmesforde and so come to Plasshe sodenly the re syr Thomas of wodstok the good duke of Gloucestre laye and the good duke came to welcome the kynge anone the kynge arested the good duke hymselfe with his owne body so he was ladde downe to the water and anone put into a shyp and anone had to Calays brought into the Capytayns warde to be kepte in holde by the kynges
obstynaūce of gode fame what he dyd after that Ileue to the Iugement of god ¶ Circa Annū dm̄ M. CCCC.xxi ¶ Of kynge Henry the fyfte that was kynge Henryes sone ANd after the deth of kynge Henry the fourth regned kynge Henry his sone that was borne at Monmouthe in wales that was a worthy kynge a gracyous man and a grete conquerour ¶ And in the fyrste yere of his regne for grete loue goodnesse he sent to the freres of Langley there as his fader had do burye kynge Rycharde the seconde lete take his body out of the erthe ayen and dyd brynge it to westmynster in a ryall chare couered with blacke veluet baners of dyuerse armes abowte all the hors drawyng the chare were trapped in blacke beten with dyuerse armes many a torche brennȳge by all the waye 〈◊〉 he came to westmynster there he lett make for hym a ryall solempne enteremēte and buryed hym by quene Anne hys wyfe as his owne desyre was on ●●●ther syde of saynt Edwardes 〈…〉 the abbaye of saynt Peters in westminster on whos soule god haue mer●● 〈◊〉 ¶ And in this same yere were 〈◊〉 of lollers taken and fals heretykes that had purposed thrughe fals ●●eason 〈◊〉 to haue slayne oure kynge and 〈◊〉 destroyed all the clergye of the reame and they myght haue had ther● fals purpose But our lorde god wold not 〈◊〉 for in hast oure kynge had warnynge therof of all their fals ordynaū 〈◊〉 werkynge came sodeynly with his power to saynt Iohn̄s with out smythfelde and ne they toke a certayn of that lollers ● fals herytykes brought the too the kynges presence there they tolde all the● fals purpose and ordynaūce how they wolde haue do and wrought y● they myght naue regned and had theyr wyll and there they tolde whiche were theyr capytayns gouernours than the kynge cōmaūded theym to the tour of London th● toke mo too theym both within y● cyte with out sent them to Newgate to bothe coūters than they were brought in examycō● before the clergye the kingꝭ Iustices there they were conuyeted for theyr fals heresye dampned before the Iustice for theyr fals treason And thys was theyr iugemē● that they shold be drawen frome y● tour of London to saynt Gylys felde and there to be hanged brente on y● galowes Also there was taken syr Roger Acton knyght for heresye and el●● for treason ayenst the kynge and the reame he came afore y● clergye was cōuycte for his heresye dampned before y● Iustyce to be drawen frome the toure of London thrugh the cyte to laynt Gylys and to be hanged brent ¶ And in the seconde yere of kynge Henryes regne the fyft he helde a counseyll of all the lordꝭ of the reame at westmyster and there he put hym this demaūde and prayed and besought them of theyr goodnesse and of theyr gode coūseyll gode wyll to shew hym as touchynge the tytle of the ryght that he had to Normandye Gascoyne Guyhen the whiche the kynge of Fraūce withelde wrongfully vnryghtfully the whiche his aūcestres before hym had by trewe tytle of conquest ryght herytage the whiche Normandye Gascoyn Guyhen the good kynge Edwarde of wyndesore his aūcestres before hȳ had holden all theyr lyues tyme. And his lordes gaaf hym coūseyll to sende enbassatours vnto the kynge of Fraunce hys counseyll that he sholde gyue vp vnto hȳ his ryght herytage that is to saye Normā dye Gascoyne Guyhen the which his predecessours had holden afore hym or els he wolde it wynne with strengthe of swerde in shorte tyme with the helpe of almyghty god ¶ And than y● Dolphyn of Fraūce answered to our enbassatours and sayd in this maner that the kynge was ouer yonge too tendre of aege for to make ony warre as ayenste hym and was not lyke yet to be a good warryour to do and make suche a conqueste there vpon hym And somwhat in scorne and despyte he sente too hym a toune full of tenes balles bycause he wolde haue somwhat for to playe with all for hym and for his lordes for that wolde become hym better than for to mayntene ony warre ¶ And than anone oure lordes that were enbassatours toke theyr leue and came in to Englonde ayen tolde the kinge his counseyll of y● vngoodly answere that they had of the Dolphyn and of the present y● whiche he had sent too oure kynge ¶ And whan the kynge had herde theyr wordes and the answere of the Dolphyn he was wonder sore agreued ryght euyll apayed towarde the Frensshmen towarde the kynge and the Dolphyn thought to auenge hym on them as sone as god wolde sende hym gace myght and anone lete make tenes ●alles for the Dolphyn in all the hast that myght be and they were greate gon stones for the Dolphyn to playe with all And than anone the kynge sent for all his lordes and helde a greate counseyll at westmynster and tolde vnto them the an swere y● they had of y● Dosphyn and of his worthy present that he sent to hym and to his lordes to playe with all And ther the kynge and his lordes were accorded that they shold be redy in armes with ther power in y● best araye that myght be done and gete men of armes archers that myght be goten all other stuff that longed to warre and to be redy with all theyr retenue to mete at Southampon by Lammasse next folowyng without ony delay wherfore the kynge ordeyned his nauye of shyppes with all maner stuffe vytayll that longed to suche a wartyoure of all maner ordeynaunce in the hauen of Southampton in to the nombre of CC C. and .xx. saylles And than felle ther a greate dysease and a foule mychef for there were thre lordes whiche y● the kyng trusted moche on thrugh fals couetyse they had purposed and ymagyned y● kȳges dethe thought to haue slayne him all his bretherne or he had taken y● see the whiche thre lordes were named th●●slir Rychard erle of Cambrydg b●det to y● duke of yorke the seconde was the lorde Scrop tresourer of Englonde the thyrde was syr Thomas Gray knyghte of the North countree And these thre lordes afore sayd for lucre of money hadde made a promesse vnto the Frensshe men for to haue slayne kynge Henry the fyft all his brethern by a fals trayne sodaynly or they hadde be ware But god almyghty helde his holy honde ouer them and saued them frome these peryllous menye And for too haue done this they receyued of the Frensshmen a Myllyon of golde and that was there openly knowen and for theyr fals treason they were all thre Iuged vnto the dethe and this was the Iugement y● they sholde be ladde thrugh Hampton withoute North gate there to be heded thus they
a ryall kyuge with all manere of vytayls for suche a ryall people as well for hors as for man as longed for suche a warryoure that is to saye gōnes trypgytes engynes sowes bastyles brydges of lether scalynge laddres malles spades shoueles pyckes paueys bowes arowes bowe strynges tonnes chestes pypes full of arowes as neded for suche a worthy warryour that no thynge was to seche whan tyme come thyder came to hym shyppes laden with gōnes gōpoudre And whan this was redy his retenue come the kynge all his lordes with all his ryall hoost wente to shyp toke y● see sayled in to Normandye londed at Touke vpon Lammasse daye than next after there he made .xlviii. knyghtes at his londynge and thanne the kynge herynge of many enemyes vppon the see that is for to saye ix greate Carackes hulkes Galays shyppes y● were comynge to dystroye his nauye And anone he commaunded the erle of Marche to be chyef chyeftayne many other worthy lordes with hym with men of armes archers to go to y● se that none enmyes defouled his nauyene entred his londe in no partye for to dystroble his vyagene his Iourney And anone the erle toke his menye went to shyp scommed the see kept the see costes y● no manere of enmyes durste rowte vpon the see and anone the kynge sente his heraudes vnto y● Capytayn of Touke and charged hym for to delyuer him his castell and his towne and els he wolde neyther leue man ne chylde alyue anone the Capytuyne and foure othere burgeses of the towne broughte the keyes to the kynge and besoughte hym of grace And y● kynge delyuerd the keyes to syr Iohn̄ Kykelay and made hym capytayne cōmaūded hym for to put out all Frensshmen both of the castell and of y● towne And there besyde was y● castell of Louers and thyder the kynge sente y● erle Marchall with a fayre menye and assauted the towne and anone it was yolden to the erle and broughte hym the keyes and he broughte them to the kynge and the kynge toke them to hym ayē and made hym Capytayne of the castell of Louers of all y● longed therto and charged hym to delyuer out all the Frensshmen And thanne the kynge helde for the his waye too Cane y● was a stronge towne a fayre a ryall castell therin anone he sent his Heraudes to the Capytayne charged hym to delyuer y● towne his castell or els he wolde gete thē with strength of honde And they answered sayd that he toke them none too kepe ne none they wolde delyuere vnto hym And so anone he layde his syege vnto y● towne and layd gonnes on euery syde and betetowne bothe walles and toures and slewe moche people in theyr houses and also in stretes And the good duke of Clarence layde downe the walles on his syde vnto the bare grounde And so with in a whyle the kynge by his counseylle assauted the towne all about And anone the duke of Clarence was entred into the towne and slewe downe ryght tyll he come too the kynge and spared nothere man ne chylde and euere they cryed a Clarence a Clarence and saynt George And there was deed on the walles on y● kynges syde a worthy man y● was called Sprynges y● whiche the kynge cōmaunded to be buryed in the abbaye of Canefast by wyllyam conqueroure on whos soule god haue mercy Amen And than the kynge came into the towne with his broder y● duke of Clarēce many ot●er worthy lordes with moche solemp●●●●● myrthe And thanne the kynge com●●●●●ded the Capytayne for to delyuere 〈◊〉 his castell and he besought the kynge to gyue hym .xiiii daye of respytey● 〈◊〉 cowe wolde come yf none wolde come to delyuer hym the keyes and the 〈◊〉 at his cōmaundemente And vn●er this composycyon was the towne and 〈◊〉 castell of Bayous with other towne● 〈◊〉 tresses and vyllages in to the nomb●● 〈◊〉 xiiii vpon the hylle before the castell 〈◊〉 Cane our kynge pyght all his tentes 〈◊〉 semed a towne as moche as the 〈◊〉 by that tyme came tydynges that non● rescowe wolde come there And so 〈◊〉 xiiii dayes ende the Capytayne of y● castell came out and delyuered the 〈◊〉 the castell to oure kynge Bayous and the other .xiiii. townes were delyuered vnto hym also anone the kynge delyuered the keyes to the duke of Clarence made hym Capytayne bothe of the towne and also of the castell and made hym Capytayne of Bayours of all the other townes also And soo he entred the towne y● castell there he helde saynt Georges feeste and there he made .xv. knyghtꝭ of y● bathe ther was syr Lowys Robert Salyn Chaynye Mougomerye many other worthy men and y● kynge commaūded them for to put out all the Frensshmen and women and no man so hardy to defoule no woman ne take no maner of good awaye frame theym but lette them passe in peas on payne of dethe And there passed out of the towne in one daye mo than .xv. hondred womē And than the kynge lete stuffe the towne and castell with Englysshe men and ordeyned there two Capytayns that one for the towne and an other for the castell and charged them vpon theyr lyues too kepe well the towne and the castell And or that oure kynge wente thens he gate Valeys Newelyn and layde a syege too Chyrburgh and y● seyge layde y● duke of Gloucestre with a stronge power and a myghty and by processe of tyme made the a Capytayne of the same towne ¶ And this same tyme the good erle of Warwyk layde a syege vnto Dounfrōte and gate if and put therin a Captayne And for to speke more of the erle of Marche that the kynge ordeyned tho for to scomme the se● to kepe the costes of Englonde for all maner of enemyes the wynde arose vppon them that they wende all to haue ben loste but thrughe the grace of almyghty god goode gouernaūce they rodden afore the yle of wyght all that storme And there was loste two Carackes two Balyngers with marchaūdyse other grete goodes all the peple that were within theym and an othere Caracke droke vp before Hampton and threwe his maste ouer the walles of the towne and this was on saynt Bartholomeus daye And whan all this storme was cessed this worthy erle of Marche toke his shyppes with his menye went to the see and londed in Normandye at Hogges and soo roden forth towardes y● kynge and euer as he came the Frenssh men fledde And there came to them anthony pygge and folowed the hoost all the waye tyll they came to a grete water and there they dradde to haue be drenched for the water closed them so y● they myghte no where gete out But atte the laste god almyghty this pygge brought theym all sante onte and there they caughte them a gyde y● knewe
the kynges nanye of Englonde with his ordynaunce myght passe vp by the theym in saufte with out ony maner of lette or dysturbaunce and to his composycyon they set to theyr seales And the shyppes passed vp by thē in saufte and came before the Cyte of Rone in to an hondred shyppes there they caste theyr ankers and thanne this Cyte was besyeged bothe by londe and by water And whan all this was done and the shyppes comen vp thanne came the erle of warwyk ayen to the kynge lodged hym bytwene y● abbaye of saynt Katherynes and the kynge tyll that the abbaye entreated and so was yolden vnto the kynge And thanne he remeued hym thens and lodgyd hym before the porte Martenuylie and tho was the erle of Salesbury commaunded by the kynge for to make hym redy for to ryde but there came hasty tydynges made hym to abyde And soo he reformed ayen lodged hym besyde the goode Erle of Huntyngdon tyll that the syege was ended ¶ And thenne came the good duke of Gloucestre the kynges brother from the syege of Chyrbourghe the whyche he hadde wonne and goten and stuffed it agayne vnto the kynges behoue and profyte vnto the crowne of Englonde And whan he was comen to the kyng before Rone he lodged with grete ordynaūce before y● porte saynt Hyllary more nerer y● towne his enmyes than ony other laye by .xl. roddes of lenth with in shot of quarell with hym laye y● erle of Southfolke the lorde of Bergeyency with all his retenue stronge ordynaūce manly proudly faughte euery daye with theyr enemyes euer whan they yssued out of the cyte ¶ And thanne came the pryoure of Kylmayne of Irlonde ouer y● see too the kynge with a fayre meny of men of armes of theyr owne coūtre gyse y● somme of .xvi hondred goode mennys bodyes the kynge welcomed them made them good chere ¶ And than came tydynges vnto the kynge that the kynge of Fraū●e and y● Dolphyn with the duke of Burgoyne wolde come downe rescowe the cyte of Rone with a stronge power of all manere of nacyons and breke the syege And casteth hym to entre on the northe syde of the hoste by cause that ther was the beste entrynge and mooste playne thrrfore y● kynge assygned y● pryour of Kylmayne with his power lodged hym on the north syde of the hoost for to stoppe theyr passage was by the foreste of Lyons of this ordynaunce they wer●full gladde and so they went forth in all hast kept y● grounde and y● place that the kynge his coūseyll had assygned they quyte theym as good warryours vnto theyr kynge ¶ Nowe wyll I telle you whiche were y● chyef Capatayns gouernours of y● cyte of Rone Mon syr Guy Botyler was chyef Capytayn bothe of the cyte and of the castell And Mon syre Termygan he was Capytayne of porte Canx Mon syre de la Roche he was Capytayne of the Dysners Mon Syre Anthony he was Lyuetenaunt to Mon syr Guy Botylere Henry Chant fyen he was the Capytayne of the porte de la Pounte Iohan Mantreuas was Capytayne of the porte de la Castelle Mon syr de Preanx he was Capytayne of the porte of saynt Hyllary The bastarde of Tyne he was Capytayne of the porte Martenyulle And graunt Iakes a worthy warryoure he was Capytayne of all men of warre and he was gouernoure outwarde bothe on horsbacke and on foot of all men of armes whan they yssued oute of the cyte of all y● portes thanne he arayed them as they shold encountre with our menye And eche of the Capytayns ladde fyue thousande men of armes some moo And at the fyrste comynge of our kynge there were nombred by Heroudes in to thre hondred thousande of men women chyldren what yonge olde amonge all these was many a manfull man of his hondes and so they preued them whan they yssued out of the cyte both on horsback on foot for they came neuer at one gate allone but at thre or foure gates at euery gate two or thre thousand of gode mennys bodyes armed manfully encoūtred with our Englysshmen moch peple slayne dyuerse tymes with gonnes quarelles and other ordynaūce And this syege dured .xx. wekes and euer they of the towne trusted too haue be rescowed but there came none so at the laste they kept the towne so longe that there deyed many a thousandes with in the towne for defaute of mete of men chyldren for they hadde eten theyr horses dogges and cattes that were in the towne And oftē tymes the men of armes drofe out y● pore people out at the gates of y● towne for spendynge of ●ytaylles and anone our Englysshmen drofe theym in to y● towne ayen Soo at the laste y● Capytayne of the towne sawe the myschyef and y● they were notte rescowed and also the scarsyte of vytayll and 〈◊〉 y● people deyed so for defaute of mete euery daye many thousandes also sawe yonge 〈◊〉 lye and souke theyr moders pap●● 〈◊〉 were deed Than anone they sent 〈◊〉 kynge besechynge hym of his 〈…〉 mercye and broughte the keyes 〈…〉 ne vnto the kynge and delyu●●● y● 〈◊〉 en to hym and all the soudyours 〈◊〉 the towne with ther horses and 〈◊〉 and the comunes of the towne for 〈◊〉 de and dwelle styll in the towne ye 〈◊〉 to paye to hym to his success●● 〈◊〉 all manere customes and 〈…〉 katerenmes And than the kyn●● 〈◊〉 in to the towne and rested hy● in y● castell tyll the towne was sette ●n rule and in gouernaunce ¶ How the kynge of Englonde was made enheyrytour and reg●nte of Frace how he wedded quene K●●heryne ANd anone after that Rone wa● goten Depe and many other townes in y● basse Nor●●●ndye gaaf thē ouer with out stroke or syeg whan they vnderstode y● y● kynge had goten Rone Also this yere had be a pe●● made sworn bytwene y● duke of Bur●oyne y● Dolphyn whiche were sworne on goddes body that they shold lone assyste eche other ayenste theyr enemy●s And after this contrary to this othe y● duke Iohan of Burgoyne was slayne and pyteously murdred in the presence of the Dolph● wherfore y● Frensshmen were gretly deuyded of very necessyte laboured to haue a treatye with the kynge of Englonde For the kynge of Englonde wanne dayly of them townes castels fortresses ¶ Also this same yere was quene Iane arested brought in too the castell of Ledes in Kent And one frere Radulf a doctour of dyuynyte hir confessour whiche afterwarde was slayne by the persone of the Tour fallynge at wordes and debate And afterwarde quene Iane was delyuered ¶ And in the .vii. yere both the kynge of Fraunce and of Englōde were accorded and kynge Henry was made heyre and regent of Fraunce and wedded dame Katheryne the doughter of Fraunce at Troyes in Champayne on
Trinite sondaye And this was made by the meane of Philyp newe made duke of Burgoyne whiche was sworne to kynge Henry to●auenge his faders dethe and was become Englysshe ¶ And than the kynge with his newe wyfe wente to Parys where as he was ryally re ceyued And frome thens he went with his lordes and the duke of Burgoyne many other lordes of Fraunce and layd syege to dyuerse towes castels y● helde of the Dolphyns partye wanne them but the towne of Mylon helde longe tyme for therin were good defenders In the .viii. yere the kynge the quene cam ouer see and londed on Candelmasse daye in the morne at Douer And the .xiiii daye of Feuerer the kynge came to London And the .xxi. daye of the same monthe y● quene came And the .xxiiii. of the same she was crowned at westmynster ¶ Also that same yere anone after Ester the kynge helde a parlement at westmȳster atte whiche parlement it was ordeyned that that golde in Englysshe coyn sholde be weyed and none receyued but by weyghte And anone after wytsontyde the kynge saylled to Calays and passed forth so in to Fraunce And in y● .xxii daye of Marche before the kynge came ouer the duke of Clarence was slayn in Fraūce dyuerse other lordes taken prysoners as the erle of Huntyngdon y● erle of Somerset with dyuerse other and al was bycause they wolde nott take none archers with theym but thought to haue ouercome the Frensshmen themselfe with out archers And yet whan he was slayne the archers came rescowed the body of the duke whiche they wolde haue caryed with them god haue mercye on his soule he was a valyaunt man And the same yere bytwene Crystmasse and can delmasse the towne of Mylon was yolden vnto the kynge ¶ In the .ix. yere on saynt Nycholas daye in Decembre was borne Henry the kynges fyrste begoten sone at wyndesore whos godfaders attthe font stone was syr Henry bysshop of wynchestre and Iohn̄ duke of Bedford and the duchesse of Holonde was godmoder and Henry chychelay Archebysshop of Caūterbury was godfader at confermynge ¶ And in the .x. yere the Cyte of Mews in Bry was goten whiche hadde ben longe beseyged And this same yere the quene shypped at Hampton sayled ouer to the kynge in Fraunce where she was worshypfully receyued of the kynge also of the kynge of Fraūce hir fader and of hir moder And thus kynge Henry wanne fast Fraūce helde grete astate sate at a greate feest in Parys crowned the quene also whiche hadde not been seen before all people resorted vnto his court but as to the kyng of Fraunce he helde none astatene rule but was lefte almoost alone ¶ Also this yere the wedercoke was set vppon Poules steple at London And this yere in y● moneth of August the kynge waxed seke at Boys de vyncēt whan he saw he sholde deye he made his testamēt ordeyned many noble thynges for his soule and deuoutelye receyued all the ryghtes of holy chirche in so ferre forth that whan he was anoynted he sayd the seruyfe with the preest and at the verse of y● psalme of Miserere mei deus y● was Benigne facdn̄e in bona voluntate tua syon vt edif●centur mury Iherusalem he ●adde tarye there and sayd thus O good lorde thou knowed y● myn entent hath ben yet is yf I myghte lyue too reedyfye the walles of Iherusalem And thanne the preest proceded forth and made an ende And anone after this moost noble prynce and vyctoryous kynge floure in his tyme of crysten chyualrye whome all the worlde doubted gaf his soule in to y● handes of god and deyed and made an ende of his naturall lyfe at y● forsayd Boys de vyncent besyde Parys the .xxxvi. yere of his aege vphon whos soule god haue mery Amen ¶ Than was the body enbamed and ceryd layd in a ryall chare and an ymage lyke too hym was layd vpon the corps open with dyuerse baners horses couered rychely with y● armes of Englonde Fraunce and also y● olde armes of saynt Edwarde saynt Edmonde and other with grete multytude of torches with whome went the kyng of Scotlonde and many other lordes whyche accompanyed y● body tyll it came vnto westmynster by London in Englond in euery towne by y● waye he had solēpnely his dyryge on y● euen and masse on the morne moche almes was gyuen to poore people by y● waye the .vii. day of Nouembre after y● corps was broughte thrugh London with grete reuerence solempnyte to westmyster where as he now lyeth it was worshypfully buryed after was layd on his tombe a ryall ymage lyke hymself of syluer gylde which was made at y● coste of quene Katheryne And thus ended is entered and buryed the noble kynge Henry the fyfth vpon whos soule and all crysten soules god haue mercy Amen ¶ Of the lawe of kynge Henry y● fyfth and what he ordeyned for kyng Rycharde and for hymselfe after his dethe HEere is to be noted that this kynge Henry y● fyfth was a noble ●tȳce after he was kynge and crowned how it before in his yongth he had ben wylde recheles spared no thynge of his luste ne desyres but accōplysshed thē after his lykynge but as sone as he was crowned enoynted sacred anone soda●ly he was chaunged in to a newe man and set all his entent to lyue vertuously in maynte nynge of holy chirche destroynge of heretykes kepynge Iustyce defend●nge of his reame subgectes ¶ And for as moche as his fader had deposed by his ●abour the good kynge Rycharde pre●●ously made hym to deye for y● 〈◊〉 done to hym ayenst his legeaūce he had sente to Rome for to be assoyled therof For whiche offence oure holy fader ●●e pope enioyned hym to make hym to be prayed for perpetually lyke as he had done too be taken frome hym his naturall lyfe therfore he sholde do foūde four tapers to b●ēne perpetually about his body y● for y● ertynccōn of his bodely lyf his soule may euer be remēbred lyf in heuē in spyrytuall lyfe And also y● he sholde euery weke on y● daye as it come aboute of his dethe haue a solempne masse of requyem on y● euen afore a dy●yge with ix lessons a doole to poore people alwaye on y● daye of a .xi. shellynges and .vii pens to be deled peny mele and ones in the yere at his annyuersarye his termente to be holden in the moost honeste wyse and to be deled y● daye .xx. pounde in pens to poore people And to euery monke .xx. shellynge whiche all these thynges performed this noble kynge for his fader for kynge Henry the fourth his fader performed it notte durynge his lyfe of wome as it is sayd that god dyd touche hym and was lep●e o● that he deyed ¶ And alsoo this noble prynce lete doo calle all the abbottes and pryours of
London ANd than about this tyme deyed 〈◊〉 Martyn And after hym Eugeny the fourth was 〈◊〉 This ma was peasably chosen in the court of Rome by the Cardynales and was very 〈◊〉 indubytate pope But within a 〈◊〉 ●●me after he was putte and erpul●ed out of Rome in suche a maner that he was fayne for to flee naked ¶ In this same tyme was the counseyll of Ba●yle to y● whiche counseyll Eugenye the pope was cyted to come And bycause that he ●ame not they deposed hym but he rought notne set not therby but gate y● cyte of Ro●me abode styll pope .xii. yere ¶ Thys tym about wytsōtyde y● heretykꝭ of Praghe were dystroyed for atte two Io●●neys were dystroyed of theym mo than xxii thousande with theyr Capytaynes that is to were Procapius Sapl●o Lupus prespyter ¶ Also there was taken on lyue mayster Peers clerke an Englysshe man and an heretyke ¶ And also thys same yere was a strōge frost a long durynge the whiche lasted xi wekes for it beganne vppon saynt Katherynes euen and lasted vnto saynt Scolastycus day in Feuer yere in the whyche tyme the vyntage that came frome Burdeur come ouer shotres hylle ¶ This yere was y● coūseyll of aras a grete neate by●wene the kynge of Englonde and y● kynge of Fraūce where were assēbled many grete lordes of bothe partyes at whiche coūseyll was offred to the kynge of Englonde greate thynges by the meane of a Legate that came fro Rome y● whiche was Cardynall of saynt Crosse whiche offres were refused by the Cardynalle of Englonde other lordes y● ther were for the kynge wherfore the duke of Burgoyn y● whiche hadde ben longe Englysshe sworne forsoke oure partye retorned Frensshe by the meane of y● forsayd Legate made a peas with the Frensshe kynge receyuynge of y● kynge for recompensynge of his faders dethe y● coūte of Pontui y● lordshyp of Macon with moche other as is specyfyed in y● sayd treaty And soo oure embassatours came home ayen in worse caas than they went oute For they loste there the duke of Burgoyne whiche hadde ben with his Burgoynons Pycardes a synguler helpe in all the conqueste of Normandye of Fraūce This same yere was a greate batayll on the see bytwene the Ienewes the kynge of Aragon of whiche bataylle y● Ienewes had the vyctory for they toke the kynge of Aragon y● kynge of Nauerne y● grete mayster of saynt Iames in Galyce with thre hondred knyghtes squyrꝭ moche other people this was on saynt Dominic● daye And this same yere were seen thre sones at ones anone folowed the thre folde gouernaunce in the chirche that is to wete of Eugeny of the coūseyll and of neutralyte ¶ Also thys same yere a M. CCCC.xxxiiii was a passynge grete wynde by whiche steples houses trees were ouerthrowen About this tyme was an holy mayde in Hollonde called Lyd with whiche lyued only by miracle not etynge ony mete Thys yere the duke of Burgoyne beganne his ordre atte Lyle of the golden Fleys and ordeyned certayne knyghtes of the same ordre and made statutes and ordynaunces moche accordynge vnto the ordre of the garter ¶ Also this same yere y● Frēsshmen had enterprysed too haue stolen Calays in the fysshyng tyme for many botes of Fraūce had safeconduytes to come to Cal●●● for to take herynge And the sondyours of the towne had a custume to come to the chirche leue theyr stanes standynge at the chirche dore which staues the Frensshe men that were arayed lyke fysshers hadde purposed for to haue stolen theyr staues and wepen for to haue wonne so the towne but one of them laye with a comune woman y● nyghte before and he tolde to hyr ther coūseyll and she on the morne tolde it to y● Lyuetenaunte whiche forthwith all cōmaunded that euery man sholde kepe his wepen in his honde sakerynge tyme other And whan the Frensshmen perceyued this that they were myspoynted they saylled streyghte to Depe stale toke y● towne And on New yeres daye after they toke Harflete And thus y● Englysshmen began to lese a lytyll and lytyll in Normandye ¶ How Calays Guynes were besyeged by the duke of Burgoyn how they were rescowed by y● duke of Gloucestre THis yere was a greate noyse all Englonde thrugh howe y● duke of Burgoyne wold come besyege Calays wherfore the erle of Mortayne with his armye that he had to haue go with hȳ into Fraūce was cōmaūded charged y● he sholde go to Calays whiche was atte y● tyme well vytayled manned for syr Iohn̄ Ratclyfe was Lyuetenaunte of y● towne for y● kynge the baron of Dud lay Lyuetenaunt of y● castell ¶ And the ix daye of Iulii the duke of Burgoyne with all the power of Flaundres and moche other people came before Calays sette his syege about the towne and euery towne of Flaundres hadde theyr tentes by themself And this syege endured thre were In the meant whyle the duke of Gloucestre beynge protectour of Englonde toke y● moost parte of all the lordes of Englonde went ouer the see to Calays for too rescowe the towne or for to fyghte with the duke and his hoost yf they wolde haue byden This tyme Lōdon and euery good towne of Englonde sente ouer these to this rescow certayne people well arayed of the best chosē men for y● warre ¶ And the second day of August the forsayd duke of Gloucestre aryued at Calays with all his army .v. hondred shyppes and moo ¶ And the duke of Burgoyne all his hoost y● laye in the syege as sone as they aspyed the sayles in y● see before they approched Calays hauen sodaynly in a mornynge departed frome the syege leuynge behȳde hym moche stuff and bytayle fledde in to Flaūdres and Pycardye in lyke wyse dyd the syege y● laye befor Guynes where as they of Gwenes toke the gregonne of brasse called Dygeon many othere greate gonnes serpentes And than whan the duke of Gloucestre was aryued with his hoost he went into Flaundres and there he was .xii. dayes and dyd but lytell harme excepte y● he brente two fayre vyllages Poperynge Belle other houses whiche were of no stronge buyldynge so he retorned home avē ¶ And this same yere the kynge of scotlonde besyeged Rokesburgh with moch people But syr Raufgray departed frome the castell ordeyned for a rescowe But as sone as the kynge of Scotlond vnderstode his departynge sodaynly he brake his syege and wente his waye and lefte moche ordynaunce behynde hym where he gate hym no worshyppe This same yere the seconde daye of Ianyuere quene Katheryne the whiche was the kynges moder and wyfe too kynge Henry the fyfte deyed departed out of this worlde and was brought ryally thrugh London so too westmynster and there she lyeth worshypfully buryed in oure la dyes chapell ¶ And also this same yere the fourth
erles of Marche werwik and Salysbury entred in too Calays how the erle of werwyke wente in to Irlonde THen kynge Henry with his host in the felde notte knowynge of this sodeyne departynge on the morow foūde none in the felde of the sayd lordes sent out in all the hast men for to folowe pursue after to take them but they met not with them as god wolde And then the kynge went to Ludlowe dyspoyled the castell the towne And sent the duchesse of yorke her chyldren to the duchesse of Bokyngham her syster where she was kept longe tyme after And forth with the kynge ordeyed the duke of Somerset to be Capytayne of Calays and thyse other lordes so departed as afore is sayd were proclamyd rebels and greate traytours Then the duke of Somerset toke to hym all the souldyours y● departyd fro the felde and made hym redy in all the hast for to go too Calays and take possessyon of his offyce And whanne he came he fonde therle of werwyk therin as Capytayne the erles of Marche of Salysbury also then he londed by Scalys went to Gynes there he was receyued And it fortuned that some of thoo shyppes y● came ouer with hym came in to Calays hauen by ther fre wyll for y● shypmen ought more fauour to therle of werwyk than to y● duke of Somerset in whiche shyppes were take dyuerse men as Ienyn Fynkyl Iohan felowe Kaylles and Purser whiche were beheded sone after in Calays and after this came men dayly ouer these to thyse lordes too Calays and began for to wexe stronger and stronger and they borowed moche goode of the Staple on that other syde the duke of Somerset beynge in Gynes gate people too hym whiche came out and scarmysshed wyth theym of Calays and they of Calays with them whiche endured many dayes Durynge this skermysshynge moche peple came ouer dayly vnto thyse lordes ¶ Then on a tyme by thaduys counseyll of the lordes at Calays sente ouer mayster Denham with a grete felyshyp to Sandwytche whiche toke the towne therin the lorde Ryuers the lorde Scalys his sone toke many shyppes in the hauen brought them all to Calays with whiche shyppes many maryners of ther fre wyll came to Calays to serue therle of werwyk And after this the Erle of werwyk by the aduys of the lordes toke all his shyppes and manned theym wel and sayled hymself in too Irlonde for too speke with the duke of yorke and to ke hys aduys how they sholde entre into Englond And whan that he had be there and done his erandes he retorned ayē towardes Calays and broughte with hym his moder the countesse of Salysbury And comynge in the weste countre on the see y● duke of Excetre Admirall of Englonde beynge in y● grace of du●c cōpanyed with many shyppꝭ of werre met with the erle of werwyk his flete but they faught not for y● substaūce of y● peple beynge with the duke of Excetre ought better wyll fauoure to the erle of werwyk than to hym they departed came too Calays in sauftee ¶ Then the the kynges coūseyll seynge y● thyse lordꝭ had goten those shyppes fro Sandwhtche taken the lorde Ryuers his s●ue ordeyned a garyson at Sandwytche 〈◊〉 abyde kepe y● towne made one 〈◊〉 forde capytayne of y● towne ye●●●vytaylle ne marchaust y● shold ge to 〈◊〉 unders sholde go to calays Thithes of Calays seynge this made D●●ham many other to go to Sandwytche as sayled y● towne by londe by water 〈◊〉 it brought y● capytayne ouer se and smote of his heed yet dayly men came ouer to theym fro all partyes ¶ How therle of Marche and of W●●wyk and of Salysbur● catred in to E●tglonde of y● felde of Northapton w●ere dyuerse lordes were llayne ANd after this y● forsayd erles of Marche warwyk Salysbur● came ouer to Douer with moche people there londed to whome all y● count●e drewe came to London all armyd for to lete the lordes of y● kynges coūsell knowe theyr truth also they entente● assembled theym and tolde theym that they entended no harme to y● kyngꝭ persone sauf y● they wolde put frome hym suche persones as were about hym And so departed frome London wyth a grete puyssaunce towarde Northampton where the kynge was accompanyed with many lordes and made a stronge felde withoute the towne And there both partyes met was fought a greate batayll In whyche batayll were llayne the duke of Bokyngham and therle of Shrewesbury the vycount Beamonde y● lorde Egremonde and many other knyghtes and squyres and other also and the kȳge hymself was taken in the felde and afterwarde brought to London And a none after was a parlement at westmȳster durynge whiche parlement the duke of Yorke came out of Irlonde with the erle of Rutlonde rydynge with a greate felyshyp into the palays atte westmynster and toke the kynges palays came in to the parlement chambre there toke the kynges place claymyd the crowne as his propre enherytauūce ryghte caste forth in wrytynge his tytle also how he was ryghtfull heyre wherfor was moche to doo but in conclusyon it was appoynted cōcluded the kyng Henry sholde regne be kynge durynge his naturall lyfe for as moche as he hadde be kynge so longe was possessyd after his dethe the duke of Yorke shold be kynge his heyres kynges after hym forth with sholde be proclamyd heyre apparaūt shold also be protectour regete of Englonde durynge y● kyngꝭ lyf with many other thyngꝭ ordened in the same parlement yf kynge Henry durynge his lyf went frome this apoyntmente or ony artycle cōcludyd in y● sayd parlemēt he sholde be deposyd the duke sholde take the crowne be kynge all whyche thynges were enacted by thauctoryte of y● same at whiche parlement the comyns of the reame beynge assembled in the comyn hous comynyng and treatyng vppon the tytle of the for sayd duke of yorke sodeynly fell downe the crowne whiche henge thenne in the myddes of the sayd hous whiche is the frayter of the abbaye of westmynster whiche was taken for a prodyce or token y● the regne of kȳge Henry was endyd also the crowne whiche stode on the hyghest toure of the stleple in the castell of Douer fell downe this same yere ¶ How the 〈◊〉 of Yorke was slayne and of the felde of wakefelde and of the seconde Iourneye at saynt Albons by the quene and the prynce BIcause the quene with the prynce her sone was in the northe and absent her fro the kynge and obeyed not suche thynges cōcluded in the parlemente was ordeyned y● the duke of yorke as protector sholde go northwarde to bryn in y● quene subdue suche as wolde not obey with whome went the erle of Salysbury syr Thomas Neuyll his sone with
Rome Monarchia Grecorum Alexander kynge Achym of the lyne of Cryste Symon and Eleazarus bysshoppes Dolobela Emilius Marcus Curius Genutius Consules of Rome Ptholomeus kynge of Egypte Elyud of the lyne of Cryste Omias and Symon bysshoppes Sempronius Appius Claudius and many mo Senatours of Rome Ptholomias kynge of Egypte Hanyball kynge of Penorum leaf d v Lucacius Simpronius Valerius ✚ were Consules at Rome Epiphanes kynge of Egypte Antrochus kynge of Syrre Onias and Symon bysshoppes Eleazar of the lyne of Cryste Onias bysshop Paulus Scipio Senatours at Rome Philometor kyng of Egypte Mathathias an holy man Iudas Machabeus and Ionachas his brother bysshoppes Antiochus kynge of Syrry Quintus Marchus and Tiberius were Senatours of Rome Mathon of the lyne of Cryste Symon and Iohannes bysshoppes Publius Lucius Lucius and Lucius Senatours of Rome leaf d vi Ptholomeus kynge of Egypte Aristobolus kynge and preest Alexander bysshop Seruius Lucius Fabius Senatours of Rome Ptholomeus kynge of Egypte Iacob of the lyne of Cryste Alexandra wyf and bysshop Hircanus kynge of Iewes Virgyll the grete poete Oracius and Salustius hystoricus Quintus Gaius Consules of Rome Pompeius Marcus and Iulius were dictatours of Rome leaf e i Cathon phylosopher Cassybolon kynge of Englonde Andragen kynge of Englonde Ioseph of the lyne of Cryste Anthigonus bysshop leaf e ij Titus Liuius and Ouidius historicus Octauian Emperour The husbondes of saynt Anna Herode Ascolonita kynge of Iewes Kymbalyn kynge of Englonde ¶ Here begynneth the fourth parte cō tynued to the comynge of the Saxons leaf e iij The Natyuyte of Cryste leaf e iij Anninus Rufus and Valeriꝰ Graccu● bysshoppes Pylatus the Iuge Of Pylatus natyuyte Ouidius Naso Tyberius Emperour Mathia the appostle ✚ Iudas scaryoth leaf e iiij The makynge of the Credo The foure Euangelystes Peter the fyrst pope Gaius Emperour ✚ Gynder kynge of Englonde leaf e v Armager kynge of Englonde Westmer kynge of Englende Coill kynge of Englonde leaf e vi ✚ Claudius Emperour Iames the more the appostle Nero Emperour ✚ Seneca Neroes mayster Iuuenalis and Lucanus poetes Iames the lesse the appostle Linus a martyr and pope ⸫ Galba Emperour Otho Emperour ✚ Vitellus Emperour Vespasianus Emperour Cletus a martyr and pope Titus Emperour leaf f i ✚ Domician Emperour Clemens a martyr pope Nerua Emperour Tratanus Emperour Anacletus a martyr and pope Plinius Orator Euaristus a martyr and pope ✚ Alexander a martyr and pope Sixtus a martyr and pope Adrianus and Eustachius Emperours Thelesphorus a martyr and pope leaf f ij Ignius a martyr and pope Anthonius Emperour Pompeius hystoriographus ✚ Pius a martyr and pope Anicetus a martyr and pope Galienus a leche Marcus and Lucius Emperours Lucie kynge of Englonde Astelepades kynge of Englonde Coill kynge of Englonde leaf f iij Constance kynge of Englonde Constantyne kynge of Englonde Octauian kynge of Englonde Maximian kynge of Englonde leaf f iiij Of the .xi. thousande mardens Gracian kynge of Englonde leaf f v Constantyne kynge of Englonde Constance kynge of Englonde Sother a martyr and pope Elentherius a martyr and pope leaf f vi Marcus Anthonius and Lucius Lomodius were Emperours Helius Emperour Victor a martyr and pope Zepherinus a martyr and pope Origenes the noble clerke Calistus a martyr and pope Anthonius Emperour Anthonius Marcus Emperour Alisander Emperour Vrbanus a martyr and pope Poncianus a martyr and pope Anteros a martyr and pope Marimianus Emperour Gordian Emperour Phylyp Emperour Decius Emperour Fabranus a martyr and pope Comelius a martyr and pope Lucius pope Gallus and Volucianus Emperours Valerian Emperour Stephanus a martyr pope Sixtus a martyr pope Dyonisius a martyr pope leaf g i Felir a martyr and pope Claudius Emperour Euticianus a martyr and pope Aurelius Emperour Tantus Emperour Probus Emperour Carus and his two sones Emperour● Dyoclesian Emperour Maximian Emperour Gaius pope and martyr Arcellinus a martyr and pope Marcellus a martyr and pope Eusebius a martyr and pope Melchiades a martyr and pope Galerius Emperour Siluester pope Constantyne Emperour Saynt Nicholas Anastasius bysshop and he made Quicūque vult saluus esse Mercus pope Iulius pope Constantinus Emperour ✚ leaf g ij Liberius pope Felir pope Iulianus apostata Emperour Iominianus Emperour Valentinian Emperour Damacius pope Valens Emperour Augustinus rethoricus ✚ Siritius pope Theodosius Emperour Claudius poeta Arcadius Emperour Honorius Emperour ✚ Ierom the doctour Sanctus Heracides Iohannes Crysostomus Anastasius pope Innocencius pope Zozimus pope ✚ leaf g iij Bonifacius pope Celestinus pope Theodosius Emperour Sixtus and Leo popes Marcianus and Valentinianus were Emperours ¶ Here begynneth the .v. parte and contynued to the comynge of the Danys leaf g iiij Engist Vortiger kynge of Englonde Vortimer kynge of Englonde leaf g iiij v vi and h i Aurilambros kynge of Englonde leaf h i ij Vterpendragon kynge of Englonde leaf h ij iij iiij Arthur kynge of Englonde leaf h iiij v vi and i i ij iij iiij Constantyne Adelbright Edell Curan ✚ Conan Cortyf Gurmonde all kynges of Englonde leaf i iiij v vi Adelbright Sicwith Elfride Brecinall all kynges of Englonde leaf i vi Cadewan Oswalde Oswy Edwyn Cadwalin all kynges of Englonde leaf k i Cadwaldre kynge of Englonde leaf k ij Offa Osbryght Elle all kynges of Englonde leaf k iij Saynt Edmonde Edelf Eldred all kynges of Englonde ¶ Here begynnen the popes and Emperours other notable thynges in the tyme of the Saxons beynge in Englonde leaf k iiij Leo the fyrst Emperour Leo pope Hellarius pope Simplicius pope Zeno Emperour Felix pope Gelasius pope Anastasius Emperour Anastasius pope Simachus pope leaf k iiij Clodianus kynge of Fraunce Hornusda pope Iustinus Emperour Priscianus grāmaticus Iohannes pope Felix the fourth pope Iustinianus Emperour Bonifacius pope Iohannes the seconde pope Agapitus a confessour pope Siluerius a martyr pope Virgilius pope Synodus quarta Pelagius pope Iohannes the thyrde pope Iustinus the seconde Emperour Tyberius the seconde Emperour Benedictus pope Pelagius Emperour Mauricius Emperour leaf k v What tyme saynt Austyn came in to Englonde Focas Emperour Gregorius the fyrst pope Saninianus pope Bonifacius the thyrde pope Bonifacius the fourth pope Heraclius Emperour Deus dedit pope Bonifacius the fyfth pope Machomite the duke of sacrasyns leaf k vi Constantyne the thyrde Emperour Martinus the fyrst pope Eugenius pope Vttellianus pope Adeodatus pope Constantyne the fourth Emperour Demus a Romayne pope Bonifacius pope Agatho pope Leo pope Benedictus the seconde pope Iustinianus the seconde Emperour leaf l i Iohannes the fyfth pope Zeno pope Sergius pope Saynt Beda Leo the seconde pope Liberus Emperour Leo the thyrde pope Iohannes the sixte pope Iohannes the .vij. pope Iustinianus Emperour Sysmius pope Constantyne pope Philyp the seconde Emperour Anastasius the seconde Emperour Gregorus the seconde pope Theodosius Emperour leaf l ij Leo and Constantyne Emperours Gregorius the thyrde pope Constantinus Emperour Zacharias pope Stephanus the seconde pope Paulus a Romayne pope Constantyne the seconde pope
sore corrected dyed vnhappely vt pꝪ ij● para ¶ This tyme Helyas was rauysshed in to the Paradyse ¶ Ochosias or Asarias kyng of Iewes regned oo yere lyued not as his fader dyde anone was slayne with all the hous of Achab. ¶ Athalia moder to Asarias toke the kyngdom slewe all the kynges blood regned .x. yere And the vij yere of Iotada bysshop she was slayne iiij regū This Asarias his sone Ioas his neuewe Amasia Matheus the gospeller putteth not in the lyne of Cryste for ther offences ¶ Ioram kyng of Israell regned .xij. yeres the whiche began to regne the .xviij. yere of Iosaphat for his brother Ochosie cursedly he lyued and was slayne of Iehen with all his faders housholde vt pꝪ ¶ Iehen anoynted of the childe of Helysevpon Israell slewe Achariam the kyng of Iewes Ioram the kynge of Israell and Iesabell moder to Ioram and .lxx. childern of Achab and .xlij. brethern of Azari all the preestes of Baall And he regned .xviij. yere ¶ Athalia moder to Azari kynge of Iewes doughter to Achab regned on the Iewes .vi. yere and slewe the kyngꝭ blood of Ioram except Ioas the sone of Azari the whiche was kepte amonge shepeherdes and after she was slayne ¶ Anno mundi .iiij. M.iij C.ix. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .viij. C. lxxxxiij IOam sone to Achazie regned in the Iury .xi. yeere whom Ioiada y● bysshop crowned kyng at .vij. yere of age And he lyued well as longe as he was ruled by Ioiada but after he forsoke god marted Azarias y● tyme bysshop sone to Ioiada for he blamed hym y● he forsoke his god Vide plura .ij. para ¶ Ioachas sone to Ieben regned in Israell .xvij. yere in whoo 's dayes Helyse the prophete deyed And he began to regne the .xx. yere of Ioas Vide plura .iiij. regū ¶ Ioam sone of Ioathas regned in Israell xvij yere he troubled Amazia Plura vide .iiij. regū .xiij. ¶ Of kynge Leyr sone to Bladud and of the answere of his yongest doughter that gracyously was maryed to the kynge of Fraunce AFter kyng Bladud regned Leyr his sone And this Leyr made y● towne of Leycetre lete calle the towne after his name he gouerned y● towne well nobly This kyng Leyr had thre doughters The fyrst was called Gonorill The seconde Rigan And the thyrd Cordeill and the yongest doughter was fayrest best of condicyons The kyng ther fader became an olde man wolde y● his doughters were maryed or y● he dyed But fyrst he thought to assaye which of them loued hym moost best For she y● loued hym best sholde best be maryed And he axed of the fyrst doughter how well she loued hym And she answered sayd better than her owne lyf Now certes sayd her fader that is a grete loue Thenne he axed the seconde doughter how moche she loued hym And she sayd more passynge all the creatures of the worlde Per ma foy sayde her fader I may no more axe And sho axed he of y● thyrde doughter how moche she loued hym Certes fader sayd she my systers haue tolde you glosynge wordes but I shall tell you the truth for I loue you as I ought 〈◊〉 loue my fader And for to ●●ynge you more in certayne how I loue you I shall tell you As moche as ye be which so shall ye he loued The kynge her fader wende y● she had scorned hym became wonder worthe swore by heuen erthe she sholde neuer haue good of hym but his doughters y● loued hym so moche sholde be well auaunced maryed And the fyrst doughter he maryed to Mangles kynge of Scotlonde And the seconde he maryed to Hanemos erle of Cornewayle And they ordened spake bytwene them y● they sholde departe the reame bytwene theym two after the dethe of kynge Leyr ther fader so that Cordeill his yongest doughter sholde no thynge haue of his londe But this Cordeill was wonder fayre of good condicyons and maners That the kynge of Fraunce Agampe herde of her fame sente to the kynge Leyr her fader for to haue her vnto his wyf and prayed hym therof And kynge Leyr her fader sent● hym worde y● he had departed his londe yeuen it all vnto his two doughters before sayd he sayd he had no more londe wherwith her to marye And whan Agampe the kyng of Fraūce herde this answere he scute anone ayen to Leyr and sayd That he axed no thynge with her but oonly her clothynge her body And anone kyng Leyr sente her ouer see to the kynge of Fraunce And he receyued her with moche worshyp and with solempnyte he spowsed her and made her quene of Fraunce ¶ How kynge Leyr was dryuen oute of his londe thorugh his folke And how Cordeill his yongest doughter halpe hȳ in his nede THus it befell afterwarde that the two eldest 〈◊〉 wolde not abyde tyll Leyr her fader was deed but warred vppon hym whyles that he was on lyue dyde hym moche sorowe shame wherfore they toke from hym holy the reame bytwene them had ordeyned y● one of them sholde haue kyng Leyr to soiourne all his lyfe tyme with .lx. knyghtes squyres that he myght worshypfully ryde go whether that he wolde in to what countree that hym lyked to playe to solace So that Maugles kynge of Scotlonde hadde kynge Leyr with hym in the maner as is aboue sayd And or the other half yere were passed Gonorill that was his eldest doughter quene of Scotlonde was so anoyed of hym of his people that anone she her lorde spake togyder wherfore his knyghtes half his squyres fro hȳ were gone no moo lefth with hym but oonly .xxx. And whan this was doue Leyr began to make moche sorowe for by cause that his state was empeyred And men had of hym more scorne despyte than euer they had before Wherfore he wyst not what to done And at the last thought that he wolde go in to Cornewayll to Rigan his other doughter And whan he was come the erle his wyf that was Leyrs doughter hym welcomed with hym made moche Ioye And there he dwelled with .xxx. knyghtes squyres And he had not dwelled scarsly .xij. monethes there y● his doughter of hȳ was wery his company And her lorde she of hym had grete scorne despyte so that from .xxx. knyghtes they brought vnto .x. And afterwarde had he but fyue so they lefte hym no moo Thenne made he sorowe ynough and sayd sore wepynge Alas that euer I came in to this londe sayd Yet had it be better to haue dwelled with my fyrst doughter And anone he wente thens to his fyrste doughter ayen but anone as she sawe hym come she swore by god by his holy name and by as moche as she myght that he sholde haue no
Northumberlonde toke all the castelles lete them he arrayed kepte the costes of the see that Brenne sholde not arryue in no syde but that he were taken ¶ The kynge Olsynges lete assemble a grete hoste and delyuered his doughter to Brenne all the people that he had assembled And this damoysell Samie had longe tyme loued a kynge that was called Gutlagh to hym she tolde all her counsell how that Brenne sholde her haue and her lede with hym for euer more and so he sholde lese her but that she myght forsake Brene And whan Gutlagh had herde this tydynges he lay for to aspye Brenne with as many shyppes as he myght haue Soo the two fletes mette togyder longe tyme they faught soo that Brennes men tourned ayen were dyscomfyted And kynge Gutlagh toke Samie put her in to his shyppe And Brenne shamefully fledde thens as a man dyscomfyted And this kynge Gutlagh wolde haue gone in to his owne coūtree but there came vpon hym suche a grete tempest that fyue dayes lasted so that thorugh that tempest he was dryuen in to Brytayne with thre shyppes no moo and tho that kepte the costes of the see toke Gutlagh Samie all his folke and them presented to Belin. And Belin put them in pryson ¶ How Belin droue out of his londe kȳge Gutlach of Denmark Samie IT was not longe after that Brenne came agayne with a grete nauy and sente to his brother Belin that be sholde yelde ayen his londe to his wyse and his folke and his castelles also O●elles he wolde destroye his londe ¶ Belin dradde noo thynge his malyce and wolde no thynge do after that he hadde sayd Wherfore Brenne came with his folke and fought with Belin. And then Brenne was dyscomfyted and his folke slayne and hymself fledde with .xij. men in to Fraunce And this Belin that was Brennes brother wente thenne to Yorke and toke counseyll what he sholde do with kynge Gutlagh For kynge Gutlagh profered to become his man and for to holde his londe of hym yeldynge yerely of syluer for euermore for surenesse of this couenaūt to be kep●e Gutlagh sholde brynge hȳ good hostage to hȳ sholde do homage his folke yet he sholde swere vpon a boke that it sholde neuer be broke ne fayled Belin tho by coūseyll of his folke graūted hym his arynge so Gutlagh became his man And Belin vndertoke of hym his homage by an othe by wrytynge the same couenaūtes And vpon these couenaūtes kynge Gutlagh toke Samie his folke went thens torned ayen to Denmark Euer more after were the couenauntes holden the treuage payed tyll the tyme that Honelus was kyng of Denmark also of this londe thorugh his wyf Gildeburh that he had spoused for she was ryghte heyre of this londe ¶ This Belin dwelled tho in peas worshypfully hym helde amonge his barons he made foure ryall wayes one from the eest in to the weest that was called Watlynge strete an other from the north vnto the south that is called Ikelme strete And two other wayes he made in bossynge thrugh out the londe that one is called Fosse that other Fosse dyke And he mayntened well the good lawes that Donebant his fader had made ordened in his tyme as before is sayd ¶ How acordement was made bytwene Brenne and Belin thorugh Cornewenther moder BRenne that was Belins brother had longe tyme dwelled in Fraūce there had conquered a greate lordshyp thrugh maryage For he was duke of Bourgoyne thorugh the doughter of the duke Fewyn that he had spoused that was ryght heyre of the londe And this Brenne ordened a grete power of his folke also of Fraūce came in to this londe for to fygh with Belin his brother And Belin came ayenst hym with a grete power of Brytons wolde tho haue ye●en hym batayll But ther moder Cor●ewen that tho lyued had herde y● that one brother wolde haue destroyed that other went bytwene her sones the● made acorde with moche payne So that at the last tho two brethern with moche blysse wente togyder in to new Troy that now is called London there they dwelled a yere And after they toke ther coūseyll for to go conquere all Fraūce so they dyde and brente townes destroyed the londe bothe in lengthe in brede And the kynge of Fraunce yaue them batayl with his power but he was ouercome yaue truage vnto Belin to his brother And after that they wente forth vnto Rome conquered Rome all Lombardy Germany toke homage feaute of erles barons of all other And after they came into this londe of Brytayne dwelled there with Brytons in Ioye rest And tho made Brenne the towne of Brystowe after he wente ouer to his owne lordshyp ther dwelled he all his lyf And Belin dwelled at newe Troy there he made a fayre gate that is called Belynges gate after his owne name And whan this Belin had regned nobly .xi. yere he dyed and lyeth at newe Troy ¶ How kyng Cormbratꝰ slewe the kynge of Denmark for by cause that he wolde not paye his truage as he sholde ANd after this Belin regned his sone Cormbratus a good man and a worthy And the kynge of Denmark wolde not pay to hym his truage that is to saye a thousande pounde as he had sworne by othe for to paye it also by wrytynge recorde to Belin his fader Wherfore he was euyll apayed wrothe and assembled a grete hoste of Brytons and wente in to Denmark slewe the kynge Gutlagh and brought the londe in subgeccyon all newe And toke of the folke feautes and homage and after went ayen in to his owne londe And as he came forth by Dehency he founde .xxx. shyppes full of men and ●●●●men besyde y● cos●e of the see And the kynge axed what they were And an Erle that was mayster of them all curteysly answered vnto the kynge sayd That they were exiled out of Spayne and so that they had traueyled half a ye re and more in the see to wyte yf they myght fynde ony kynge in ony londe that of them wolde haue pyte or mercy to gyne them ony londe in ony coūtree wherein they myght dwelle and haue rest and become his lyege men and to hym wolde do homage and feaute whyle that he lyued and to his heyres after hym and of hym and of his heyres holde that londe And whan the kynge this herde he had pyte of hym and yaue them an yle all wyldernesse there that no man was dwellynge sauf oonly wylde beestꝭ And the Erle thanked moche the kynge and became his man and dyde hym homage and feaute and toke all his folke and wente in to the same yle And the Erle was called Irlamall and therfore he lete calle the londe Irlonde after his owne
Cathon the moost named phylosopher seeynge Iulius Cezar haue the victorye whome he fauoured not at a towne called Vticam dyde slee hymself iuxta illud Mauult cato mari quā deroget vrbis honorari But for y● after Austyn he was not excused of synne ¶ This tyme the Iury was trybutarye to the Romayns for percyalyte of two brethern Aristobolus Ercanus both of them for enuye of other cast them to the Romayns y● they myght regne ¶ This tyme thre sonnes appered in heuen towarde the ●est parte of y● worlde the whiche by lytell lytell were broughte in to one body A grete synge it was that Affrica Asia Europa sholde be brought in to one monarche that the lordshyp of Anthony the Senatoure and L●cius Anthontij sholde tourne in to one lordshyp ¶ Marcus Cicerio Tullus the moost noble Rethoryeen was Counsull of Rome this tyme. ¶ How that the Brytons graūted vnto Cassybolon whiche thenne tofore y● was Luddes brother the londe In whoo 's tyme Iulius Cezar came twyes for to conquere the londe of Brytayne AFter the deth of kynge Lud regned his brother Cassybolon became a good man moche beloued of his Brytons so that for his goodnes curteysy they graunted hym the reame for euer more to hym and to his heyres And the kynge of his goodnes lete nourysshe worthely bothe the sones that were Lud his brother And after made the eldest sone erle of Cornewayle and the yongest sone he made erle of London And whyle this kynge Cassybolon regned came Iulius Cezar that was Emperour of Rome in to the londe with a power of Romayns wolde haue had this londe thrugh strength but Cassybolon ouercame hȳ in batayll thrugh helpe of the Brytons droue hym out of this londe And he wente ayen to Rome assembled a grete power an other tyme came agayne in to this londe for to gyue bataylle to Cassybolon but he was dyscomfyted thrugh strength of the Brytons thrugh helpe of the Erle of Cornewayle the Erle of London his brother thrugh helpe of Gudian kynge of Scotlonde Corbonde the kynge of Northwalys of Brytayll kyng of Southwalys And in this bataylle was slayne Neunon y● was Cassybolons brother wherfore he made moche sorowe And so wente Iulius Cezar out of this londe with a fewe of Romayns y● were lette a lyue And then Cassybolon went ayen to London made a feest to al folke y● tho hȳ had helped And whan that this feest was done thenne euery man yede in to his owne countree ¶ Of the debate that was betwixt Cassybolon the Erle of London of the truage that was payed to Rome ANd after it befelle thus vpon a daye that the gentylmen of the kynges houshold the gentylmen of the Erles housholde of London after meete wente togyder for to playe And thrugh debate that arose amonge them Enelin that was the Erles cosyn of London slewe Irenglas that was the kyngꝭ cosyn Wherfore the kynge swore that Enelin sholde be hanged But the Erle of London that was Enelins lorde wolde not suffre hym wherfore the kyng was gretely wroth vtred towarde the Erle thought hym to destroye And pryuely the Erle sente letters to Iulius Cezar that he sholde come in to this londe for to helpe hym hym auenge vpon the kynge and he wolde helpe hym with all his myght And whan themperour herde this tydynges he was full gladde ordeyned a stronge power and came ayen the thyrde tyme in to this londe and the Erle of London helped hym with viij thousande men and at the thyrde tyme was Cassybolon ouercome dyscomfyted and made peas to the Emperour for thre thousande poūde of syluer yeldynge by yere for truage for this londe for euermore ¶ And thenne half a yere after passed the Emperour Iulius Cezar wente ayen vnto Rome and the Erle of London with hym For he durste not abyde in this londe And after Cassybolon regned .vij. yere in peas and tho he deyed the .xvij. yere of his regne and lyeth at Yorke ¶ How that the lordes of the londe after the deth of Cassybolon for by cause he had none heyre made Andragen kynge AFter the dethe of Cassybolon for as moche as he hadde none heyre of his lefull body begoten the lordes of the londe by the comyns assente crowned Andragen erle of Cornewayle made hym kynge And he regned wel and worthely he was a good man well gouerned the londe And whan he had regned .viij. yere thenne he deyed and lyeth at London ¶ Circa annū mundi .v. M.C.lix Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .xl. IOseph of the lyne of Cryste was about this tyme borne and after was husbonde vnto our lady ¶ Anthigonus was bysshoppe this tyme in the Iury. This Anthigonus was sone vnto Aristoholy and on euery syde he was false For he obeyed not to the Romaynes and a grete plage he brought vnto the londe for to destroye Hircanꝰ his vnde that he myght regne kynge and so Hircanꝰ was expulsed Flaccus was slayne Herode was exiled But whan Herode came vnto Rome tolde the Senatours all these thyngꝭ the Emperour created hym kynge sendynge with hym anhoste the whiche toke Ierusalem And Anthigonū the bysshop taken ledde to Anthony the Senatour the whiche made hym syker so was Herode confermed in to his kyngdom And he a straūger regned on the Iewes so the kyngdome of the Iewes cessed as Iacob had sayd ¶ Titus Liuius historicus Duidius were this tyme. ¶ Incipiunt imperatores augusti et dictus est augustus quia augebat populum OCtauyan was Emperour of Rome .lvij. yere .vi. monethes and .x. dayes This Octauyan neuewe to Iuly whan he was a yonge man toke y● Empyre vpon hȳ His flourysshynge youthe he spended in warre Fyue thousande bataylles he dyde And shortly after many bataylles he brought all the worlde in to one Monarche y● man had no felowe And in his dayes peas was in alle the worlde thrugh the prouysyon of the very god That the temporal peas myght glorifye the natyuyte of our saupour Cryste Ihesu This Octauyan was the fayrest man y● myght be hyghe in wytte the moost fortunate in all thynges And he lacked not the vyce of his flesshely luste This man made all the worlde to be mesured And in the .lij. yere of his regne was our lorde Ihesu Cryst borne the Sauyour of this worlde the whiche graunteth eternall peas to his louers ¶ Hic nota dscdin Ieronimū that Anna and Emeria were systers And of Emeria was borne Elyzabeth moder to Iohan y● Baptyst And she was fyrst wedded to Ioachim of whome she toke Mary moder of Cryst The seconde husbonde was Cleophe he gate on her Maria Cleophe the whiche was wedded to Alphe of whom proceded Iames y● lesse Symon Cananeus Iudas Tadeus Ioseph the whiche is called Barsabas The thyrde tyme Anna was wedded to Salome
Thenne he was martred and buryed in saynt Peters ¶ An●cetus was pope after Piꝰ almoost .x. yere this man made many decrees of the Canon and for bysshopes Vt in caꝰ Violatores c̄ ¶ Galienus a leche goten in Pergamo was in grete fame at Rome The whiche not alonly expowned the bokes of Ypocras but he put many of them to his bokes And of this man is sayd for his dyscrete abstynence the whiche he vsed he lyued an hondred and .xl. yeres He neuer ete nor dranke his fylle ¶ Nota abstinenc●am ¶ He neuer toke rawe fruytes Alwaye he had a swete brethe He deyed all oonly thrugh aege no sykenesse ¶ Marcus Anthonius the true and Lucius Comodus were Emperours .xix. yere These toke the Empyre after Anthony the meke and thenne began two Emperours to regne but Lucius Comodus decessed And Anthony was Emperous alone the whiche was a victoryous man and a noble but that he made the fourth persecuycon to kylle crysten men This Marcus was of so grete sadnesse and stedfastnesse that for no chaunce he lough neuer ne chaunged no chere nother for gladnesse ne for sorowe And whanne he was a childe he was of suche manhode that on a certayne tr●●e whan he loked his tresourand had 〈◊〉 that whiche he myght gyue his knyghtes and his men whan he wente to fyght ayenst the Germayn● the Sclauons and Sarmathus he wolde hurte ne greue no body but had leuer to selle his wyues golden vessel and her arayment her beddynge all her ryall stuff than take taxe of the Senatours or of his prouynce vnder hym But he gate the victorye of his enmyes and recouered all ayen released the prouynces of ther trybutes And those that wolde selle hym his wyues tresour ayen he restored them ther moneye those that wolde not he neuer greued them But the tables of ther dettes betwixt hym them he brente openly in the market place and thanked them that they helped hym in his necessyte ¶ How kynge Lucie regned after his fader that was a good man and after he became crysten AFter this kynge Coill regned Lucie his sone that was a good man to god to all the people He sente to Rome to Eulentre that then was pope sayd He wolde become a crysten man receyue baptym in the name of god tome to the ryght fayth byleue Eulentre sente two Legates that were called Pagan an other Elybain in to this londe baptysed the kynge all his meyne And after wente from towne to towne baptysed the people tyll all the londe was baptysed And this was in the yere an hondred .lvi. after the Incarnacyon of our lorde Ihesu cryste And this kyng Lucie made tho in this londe two Arche bysshops one at Caunterbury an other at Yorke other many bysshops y● yet ben in this londe And whan these two Legatꝭ had baptysed all this londe they ordeyned prestes for to baptyse children for to make the sacrament and after they wente ayen to Rome And the kynge dwelled in his londe regned with moche honour .xij. yere and after dedye and lyeth at Gloucestre ¶ How this londe was longe without a kyng how the Brytons chose a kyng THis kyng Lucie had none heyre of his body begoten that was afterwarde grete harme sorowe to the londe For after this kynge Lucies deth none of the grete lordes of the londe wolde suffre an other to be kynge but lyued in warre debate amonges themself .l. yere without kynge But it befell afterwarde that a grete prynce came from Rome in to this londe that was called Seuerie not for to warre but for to saue the ryght of Rome But neuertheles he had not dwelled half a yere in this londe but that the Brytons slewe hym And whan they of Rome wyst that Seueri was so slayne they sente an other grete lorde in to this londe that was called Allec that was a stronge man a myghty of body dwelled in this londe longe tyme and dyde moche sorowe to the Brytons So that after for pure malyce they chose a kynge amonge theym that was called Astelepades And assembled a grete host of Brytons wente to London to seke Allec and there they foūde hym slewe hym al his felowes And one that was called Walon deffended hym fyersly fought longe with the Brytons but at the last he was dyscomfyted the Brytons toke hym and bonde his hondes feet and cast hym in to a water Wherfore that water was called euer more Walbroke ¶ Tho regned Astelepades in peas tyll one of his Exles that was called Coill made a fayr towne ayenst the kynges wyll lete calle the towne Colchestre after his owne name Wherfore the kynge was full wroth thought to destroy hym And began to warre vpon hym and brought grete power of men yaaf the Erle batayll And the Erle defended hym fyersly with his power and slewe the kynge hymself in that batayll And tho was Coill crowned and made kynge of this londe This Coill regned and gouerned the londe well nobly for he was a noble man well beloued amonge the Brytons ¶ Whan tho of Rome herde that Astelepades was slayne they were wonder gladde and sente an other grete prynce of the Romayns that was called Constance And he came to the kynge Coill for to chalenge the trybute that was wonte to be payed to Rome And the kynge answered well wysely sayd that he wolde paye to Rome al that ryght reason wolde with good wyll And so they accorded tho with good wyl and without ony contake And so bothe they dwelled togyder in loue ¶ Kynge Coill yaaf to hym his doughter Eleyne for to haue her to his spowse that was both fayre wyse and good well lettred And this Constance spowsed her there with moche honour And it befell soone after that this kynge Coill deyed in the .xiij. yere of his regne and lyeth at Colchestre entyred ¶ Of kynge Constance that was a Romayne that was chosen kynge after the deth of Coill for as moche that he hadde spowsed Eleyne that was kynge Coils doughter AFter this kyng Coill Constance was made kynge crowned for almoche as he had spowsed kyng Coils doughter that was heyre of that londe The whiche Constance regned well worthely gouerned the londe And he begate on his wyf Eleyne a sone that was called Constantyne And this kyng bare true fayth And truly dyde vnto them of Rome all his lyf And whan he had regned .xv. yere he deyed lyeth at Yorke ¶ How Constantyne that was kynge Constance sone and the sone of Saynt Eleyne gouerned and ruled the londe was Emperour of Rome AFter kynge Constance deth regned Constantyne his sone the sone of saynt Eleyne y● founde the holy crosse in the holy londe And how Constantyne became Emperour of Rome ¶ It befell soo in y● tyme there was
an Emperour at Rome that was a Sarrasyn a tyraunt that was called Ma●ence that put to deth all that byleued in god destroyed holy chirche by all his power slewe all Crysten men that he myght fynde And among all other he lete martyr Saynt Katheryne And many other crysten people that hadde drede of deth fledde came in to this londe to kynge Constantyne tolde hym of the sorowe that Maxence dyde to the Crystyanytee Wherfore Constantyne had pyte made grete sorowe and assembled a grete hoste a grete power and wente ouer vnto Rome and there toke the cyte and slewe all that there was in that were of mysbyleue that he myght there fynde And tho was he made Emperour and was a good man and gouerned hym so well that all londes to hym were attendaunt for to be vnder his gouernaunce ¶ And this deuyll and tyraun Marence that tyme was in the londe of Grece herde these tydynges and sodeynly became wood and sodeynly he deyed and so he ended his lyf ¶ Whan Constantyne wente from this londe vnto Rome he tooke with hym his moder Eleyne for the moche wysedome that she coude thre other grete lordes that be moost loued that one was called Hoell an an other was called Taberne the thyrde Morhin And toke all his londe to kepe vnto the Erle of Comewayle that was called Octauian And so anone as this Octauian wyste that his lorde dwelled at Rome Incontynent he seased all the londe in to his honde and therwith dyde all his wyll amonge hyghe lowe they helde hym for kyng ¶ Whan these tydynges came to Constantyne the Emperour he was wonder wrothe towarde the erle Octauian And sente Taberne with .xij. M. men for to destroye the erle for his falsenesse And they arryued at Portesmouth ¶ And whan Octauian wyst that he assembled a grete power of Brytons dyscomfyted Taberne and Taberne fledde thens in to Scotlonde ordeyned there a grete power and came ayen in to this londe an other tyme to yeue batayll to Octauyan ¶ Whan Octauian herde that he assembled a grete power came ayen towarde Taberne as moche as he myght soo that those two hostes mette togyders vppon Stanesmore and strongely smote togyder tho was Octauian dyscomfyted and ●ledde thens vnto Norwaye And aberne seassed all y● londe in his honde townes castelles and as moche as they ther had And syn Octauian came ayen from Norway with a grete power seased all the londe in his honde droue out all the Romayns was tho made kynge regned ¶ How Marimian that was the Emperours cosyn of Rome spowsed Octauians doughter was made kynge of this londe THis Octauian gouerned the londe well nobly but he had none hey●●●aue a doughter that was a yonge childe that he loued as moche as his lyf And for as moche as he wexed syke and was in poynt of deth myght no lenger regne he wolde haue made one of his neuewes to haue be kynge the whiche was a noble knyght a stronge man that was called Conan Meriedok and he sholde haue kepte the kynges doughter haue maryed her whan tyme had ben But the lordes of the londe wolde not suffre it but yaaf her coūseyll to be maryed to some hyghe man of grete honour thenne myght she haue all her lust the coūsell of the Emperour Constantyne her lorde And at this coūseyll they accorded those tho Cador of Cornewaylle for to go to the Emperour for to do this message And he toke the waye went to Rome tolde the Emperour this tydynges well and wysely And the Emperour sent in to this londe with hȳ his owne cosyn y● was his vncles sone a noble knyght a stronge that was called Maximian And he spowsed Octauians doughter was crowned kynge of this londe ¶ How Maximian that was themperours cosyn conquereed the londe of Armorycam yaaf it to Conan Meriedok THis kynge Maximian became so ryall that he thought to conquere the londe of Armorycam for the grete rychesse that he herde telle that was in that londe so y● he ne lefte man that was of worthynes knyght squyre ne none other man that he ne toke with hym to the grete damage to all the londe For he lefte at home behynde hym no man to kepe the londe but toke them with hȳ fro this londe .xxx. thousande knyghtes that were doughty mennes bodyes and wente ouer to the londe of Armorycam and there slewe the kynge that was called Imball and conquered all the londe And whan he had so done he called Conan sayd For as moche as kyng Octauian made you kynge of Brytayne and thrugh me ye were lette dystroubled that ye were not kynge I gyue you this londe of Armorycam you therof make kynge And for as moche as ye be a Bryton I wyll that this londe haue the same name nomore be called Armorycam but be called Brytayne And the londe from whens we be comen shall be called moche Brytayne And soo shall men knowe that one Brytaytayne fro that other Conan Meridok thanked hym greetly so was he made kynge of lytell Brytayn And whan all this was done Maximiam wente from thens vnto Rome tho was made Emperour after Constantyne And Conan dwelled styll in lytell Brytayn with moche honour there lete ordeyne .ij. thousande ploughmen of the londe for to culture the londe to harowe it for to sowe it feffed them rychely after that they were And for asmoche as kyng Conan none of his knyghtes ne none of his other people wolde not take wyues of the nacion of Fraūce he tho sente in to grete Brytayne to the Erle of Cornewayle y● men called Dionothe y● he sholde chese thorugh out all this londe .xi. M. of maydens That is to saye .viij. M. for the meane people and .iij. M. for the gretest lordes that sholde them spouse And whan Dionoth vnderstode this he made a cōmaundement thorughout all the londe of Brytayn And as many as the nombre came to he assemblid togyder of maydens for there was no man y● durst withstande his cōmaundements for as moche that all the londe was take hym to warde kepe to doo all thynge that hȳ good lyked ¶ And whan these maydens were assembled he lete them come afore hym at London And lete ordeyne for them shyppes hastely and as moche as them neded to that vyage And toke his owne doughter that was called vrsula that was the fayrest creature that ony man wyst And he wolde haue sent her to kynge Conan that sholde haue spoused her and made her quene of the londe But she had made pryuely to god a vowe of chastyte that her fader not wyst ne none other man elles that was lyuynge vpon erthe ¶ How Vrsula and .xi. thousande maydens that were in her company wente towarde lytell Brytayne and all
be And tho began crystendome ayen in this londe And anone this kynge Constantyne as he was crowned anone after he spowsid his wyf thrugh coūseyll of the Brytons And he begate thre sones on her The fyrste was called Constance y● other Aurilambros the thyrde Vter This Constance the elder brother whan he ca ma to aege he made hym a monke att Wyncestre This Constantyne ther fader thrugh treason was slayne ¶ For it befell on a tyme that a Pehite came to hȳ vpon a daye in message as it were And sayd that he wolde speke with foe kyng pryuely in coūseyll The kyng lete voyde his chambre of the men y● were there within there abode noo moo but the kynge the Pehite And he made a coū tenaunce as though he wolde haue spoken with the kynge in his eere And there he slewe hym with a longe knyf And after that he went meruaylously out of the chambre in to an other chamre so at the laste no man wyst where he was become ¶ Whan the kynges men west that theyr lorde was so deed they made then so moche sorowe that they wyst not what to do For as moche as his two sones Aurilambros and Vter were so yonge that they myght not be kynge and the thyrde was a monke as is sayd before But Vortiger that was Erle of Westsex thought pryuely in his herte thrugh queyntaunce for to be kyng hym selfe And wente to Wynchestre where that Constance was monke and sayd vnto hym Constance sayd he your fader is deed your two brethern that ben with Gosselyn the bysshopp of London to nourysshe be so yonge that none of them may be bynge Wherfore I coūsell you that ye forsake your habyte and come with me And I shall make suche a meane vnto the Brytons that ye shall be made kynge ¶ Of Constance that was kynge Constantynes sone that was a monke atte Wynchestre and how he was made kynge after his faders dethe thorugh counseyll of Vortiger that was erle of Westsex for as moche as Aurilambros and Vter his two brethern were but yonge of aege And Vortiger lete slee hym for to be kynge hymself THis Vortiger coūselled this Constance so moche tyll he forsoke his abbot wente with hym And anone after he was crowned kynge by thassent of the Brytons This kynge Constance whan he was crowned made kynge he wyst ne knewe but lytell of y● worlde ne coude nothyng what knyghthode axed And he made Vortiger his chyef mayster coūseyller gaaf hym all his power for to ordeyne do as moche as to the reame aperteyned So that hymself nothynge entremedled but oonly bare the name of kynge Whan Vortiger sawe that he had all the londe in his warde gouernall he thought a preuy treason to slee Constance the kynge that he myght hymself be crowned and made kynge regne And lete sende after an hondred knyghtes of Pehites the worthyest of all the londe them helde with hym for to dwelle as to be kepers of his body as he wolde go thorugh the londe to ordeyne thynges that apperteyned to a kyng And this Vortiger honoured so moche the hondred knyghtes so moche yaue them of golde syluer and so ryche Iewelles robes horses other thynges plentee wherfore they helde hȳ more lorde than they dyd the kyng And Vortiger tolde them yf he myght be kȳge ye as it were thrugh treason he wolde make them rychest of the londe Soo at the last thrugh grete gyftes y● he had gyuen largely they cryed thrugh y● courte that Vortiger were better worthy to be kyng than Constance Wherfore Vortiger made semblaunt as he hadde ben wroth And he departed thens from the court sayd he must go elles where for thynges that he hadde to do And so the traytour sayd for by cause that they sholde slee hym that is to saye Constance ¶ Whad this Vortiger was gone it befell soone after that tho hondred knyghtes of Pehites brake the doores of y● kynges chambre and there they hym slewe and smote of his heed bare it to Vortiger there that he dwelled And so whan Vortiger sawe that heed he wepte full tenderly with his eyen and neuertheles he was somdeale gladde in his herte of his deth ¶ And anone this Vortiger toke those hondred knyghtes of Pehites badde his seruauntes bynde theyr hondes behynde them ladde them to London and there they were dampned vnto deth as fals traytours And anone after all the Brytons of the londe by the comyn assente crowned Vortiger made hym kynge of the londe ¶ Anno dm̄ C.lxxiiij SOther a martyr was pope after Anicetū .ix. yere y● whiche decreed that a Nōne tholde not touche the palle of y● awter nor put in sence therto And y● she sholde were a wymple aboute her heed And many perylles he sawe about matrymony Therfore he ordeyned y● no woman sholde be called a leful wyf but yf she were blessyd of the preest ¶ Elentherus a martyr was pope after Sother xv yere the whiche ordeyned y● crysten men sholde refuse no meete resonable y● was mānes mete Nota ¶ Also that no man vnaccused in a cryme sholde be put from his dygnytee or degree tyll he were conuycted thorugh ensample of Cryst the whiche kepte styll Iudas Scaryoth not accused Cryste knewe hym gylty And what someuer he dyd amonge the apostles for the dygnyte of his seruyce abode ferme stable And he sente also Legates vnto Lucie the kynge of Brytayne the whiche baptysed hym his people And Fagus Domianus legates the whiche the pope sente fyrste preched in Englonde and this crystendome dured in Brytayne two hondred yere vnto the tyme of Dyodesian the Emperour whan saynt Albon was martred ¶ Marcus Anthonius Luciꝰ Comodus were Emperours but Marcus ●eyed anone Lucius Comodus regned Comodus was called prouffytable of scorne for he was to euery man vnprouffytable He was yeuen vtterly to lechery Many Senatours Crysten men he made to be slayne He dampned his owne wyf to deth for aege He deyed a sodeyne deth with struglynge amonge maydens ¶ Helius Pertinax after this man was Emperour .vi. monethes and was a man of grete discrecyon whome Iulian the grete lawer slewe And he entred the Empyre was slayne the .vij. monethe of Seuerus ¶ Victor a martyr was pope after Elenthertū .x. yere And for the dyscorde of the paschall tyme he called a coūsell in Alexander where he was prescute that tyme many other Where he decreed that Eester daye sholde be kept on the Sondaye but he must kepe the chaūge of the moone of Apryll and that was to dyfferre fro Iewes for many bysshops of the rest abode that tyme the same daye that the yewes dyde halowe that feest ¶ Also he ordeyned y● in the tyme of nede childern myght be crystened in euery place in euery water ¶ Zepherinus a martyr a Romayne was pope after
the awter ¶ Celestinus a Romayne was pope after Bonifacius .viij. yere ix dayes the whiche ordeyned the psalme afore masse Iudica me deus c̄ And att the begynnynge of the masse sholde be sayd a verse of a psalme and at the Grayle and that the Offertorye sholde be sayd afore the sacrynge This same man sente saynt Patryke to Irlonde to conuerte that londe and Palladiꝰ deaken of Rome to the Scottes to be conuerted ¶ And in the fourth yere of this man there was a generall Synody at Ephysina of thre hondred bysshops ayenst Nestorium an heretyke ¶ Theodosius the yonger with Valentinian his neuewe regned .xxvij. yere In his tyme was the feest ordeyned whiche is called Aduincula sancti petri And in his tyme deyed saynt Austyn in the yere of his aege .lxxvi. And this tyme was reysed the .vij. slepers the whiche sleped two hondred yeres This man deyed at Constātynople there was buryed ¶ This tyme the Saxons entred Englonde and anone by lytyll and lytell they grewe vp myghtely And at the laste they opteyned all the londe ¶ Sixtus a Romayne was pope after Celestinus .viij. yere This was a holy man and a meke And lytell of hym is wryten but that he buylded Sancta Maria maior ¶ Leo Tuscus a Confessour was pope after Sixtus This man was as holy as ony man Fyue tymes in a daye or more he wolde saye masse And on a tyme after it befell whan a certayne woman kyssed his honde he was tempted with her And for the trespaas that he hadde done vnto his penaunce he made his honde to be stryken of And whan the noyse rose vpon hym that he myght not saye masse as he was wonte to do thenne he was ryght sory And all oonly betoke hym in prayer to our lady to helpe hym And our lady restored hym his honde ayen and thenne he sayd masse as he was wonte for to doo And soo that myrade was openly shewed to all people And in the tyme of this pope Marcian the Emperour beynge there was congregate at Calcedany the fourthe vnyuersall Synody of .vi. hondred and .xxx. bysshops agaynst Eusticem the abbot of Constantynopoliton and Alterandruen episcopū qui negauerunt in rp̄o ve●am carnem fuisse et etiam negabant carnis nostre resurrectionem ¶ And after he had made many notable sermons epystles he decessed ¶ Marcianus and Valentinianus were Emperours this tyme vij yere In whose tyme was the grete Synody afore reherced whan Eusticem Dyoscorus were condempned IN the tyme that Marcianus was Emperour Vortiger was kynge in Brytayne now called Englonde In whose tyme the Sarons came in to Brytayne made many kynges That is to wyte as is playne by the Cronycles .vij. And by cause it is tedyous to mannes reason to reherce many dyuerse names togyder as .vij. kynges of Englonde and in one tyme the Emperours and Popes Therfore the Cronycles of Englonde shall be sette togyder tyll that we shall treate of Alured In whose tyme the Danes came in to Englonde And the Popes and the Emperours and other kynges in the same tyme shall be sette togyder ¶ Circa annū dm̄ CCCC .xlix. ¶ How the wardeyns that had those childern to kepe that were Constantynes ladde theym to lytell Brytayne for the treason the falsenesse of Vortiger THis tyme came the Saxons that were pagans fyrst in to Brytayne now called Englonde vnder Vortiger the whiche was crowned kynge of this londe ¶ This tyme those that had these two childern in kepynge the which were Constantynes sones That is to saye Aurilambros Vter thrugh ordynance of Gosselin y● was bysshop of London after the faders deth that is to saye Constantyne durste not dwelle in this londe with those childern but conueyed them vnto the kynge of lytell Brytayn For as moche as he tho wyst the treason of Vortiger that tho was made kynge Thorugh whome Constance the elder brother was slayne wherfore the hondred knyghtꝭ of Pehites were put to deth bore all the blame as y● Vortiger had not wyst therof ne consented And so the kepers of those two childern dradde lest Vortiger sholde put them to deth thrugh his treason falsenesse as he had done the brother before And therfore they were ladde ouer in to lytell Brytayn the kyng them receyued with moche honour lete them to nourysshe And there they dwelled tyll they became fay●● knyghtꝭ and stronge fyers And thought to be auenged vpon Constance theyr brother whan they sawe theyr tyme soo they dyde as ye shall here telle afterwarde ¶ It was not longe afterwarde that the tydynges came ouer see to the kynrede of the hondred knyghtꝭ of Pehite● that were dampned put to deth thrugh Vortiger in this londe therfore they were wonderly wrothe and swore that they wolde be auenged of theyr kynnes mens deth And came in to this londe with a grete power and robbed in many places and slewe dyde all the sorowe that they myght Whan Vortiger it wyst he made moche sorowe was sore anoyed And in an other place also tydynges came to hym that Aurtlambros and Vter his brother assembled a grete hoste to come into moche Brytayne that is to say in to this londe for to be auenged vpon Constance theyr brothers deth Soo in that one half and in that other he was brought in to soo moche sorowe that he ne wyst whether to go ¶ How Engist and an .xi. thousande men came in to this londe to whome Vortiger yaa●e a place that is called Thongcastell ANd soone after this sorowe tydynges came to Vortiger that a grete nauy of straungers were arryued in y● coūtree of Kent he wyst not whens they were ne wherfore they were come in to this londe ¶ The kyng sent anone a messager thyder that some of them sholde come speke with hym for to wyte what folke they were what they axed in to what countree they wolde ¶ There were two brethern maysters prynces of that stronge company that one was called Engist that other Horne Engist wente to the kynge tolde hym the cause wherfore they were come in to this londe sayd Syr we ben of a coūtre that is called Saxonie that is the londe of Germayne wherin is so moche sorowe y● of the people ben so many that the londe may not them susteyne And the maysters and prynces that haue the londe to gouerne and rule They made to come before them men and wymmen that boldest ben amonge theym for to fyght and that best may trauayll in to dyuerse londes And so they sholde them yeue horse harneys armour and all thynge that them nedeth And after they shall saye to them that they go in to another countree where that they mowe lyue as theyr Auncetrees dyde them before And therfore syr kynge yf ye haue ought to do with our company we ben comen in to your londe and with good wyll you
hȳ of a loue daye sayd he was not comen in to this londe for to fyght but for to haue his londe ayen yf he myght accorde with the Brytons of them to haue loue grace The kynge Vortiger thrugh coūseyll of his Brytons graūted hym a loue day And thus it was ordeyned thrugh the Brytons y● the same daye sholde be holden fast besyde Salisbury vpon a hylle And Engist sholde come thyder with foure hondred knyghtes without moo And the kynge with as many of the wysest men of his londe And at that daye the kynge came with his counseyll as it was ordeyned But Engist had warned his knyghtes pryuely them cōmaunded that euery one of them sholde put a longe knyf in his hose And whan he sayd Fayre syres now is tyme to speke of loue peas euery man Anone sholde drawe out his knyue slee a Bryton And so they slewe a M .lxi. knyghtes with moche sorowe many of them escaped And the kynge Vortiger there hymself tho was taken ladde to Thongcastell put in pryson And some of Engistes men wolde that the kynge had be ●ente all quycke And Vortiger tho for to haue his lyfe graūted them as moche as they wolde axe yaue vp all the londe townes castelles cytees borughs to Engyst and to his folke And all the Brytons fledde thens in to Walys and there they helde them styll And Engist wente thorugh the londe and seased all the londe with fra●●chyses And in euery place lete cast a do●ne chirches houses of Religyon And wasted and destroyed crystendome thrughout all this londe And lete chaūge the name of this londe called Brytayne that noo man of his were so hardy after that tyme to calle this londe Brytayne but calle it Engist londe And thenne he departed all the londe to his men and there made .vij. kynges for to strength y● londe that the Brytons sholde neuer after come therin ¶ The fyrste kyngdome was Kent there that Engist hymself regned and was lorde and mayster ouer all the other ¶ The other kynge had Southsex that now is called Chichestre ¶ The thyrde kynge hadde Westsex ¶ The fourth hadde Eestsere ¶ The fyfth had Estangill that now is calld Nortfolke Southfolke Merche merik that is to saye therldome of Nicholl ¶ The sixth had Leycheter shyre Northampton shyre Herforde Huntyngdon ¶ The seuenth had Orenforde Glouchestre Wynchestre Werwyke and Derby shyre ¶ How that Vortiger went in to Walys and beganne there a castell that wolde not stande without morter tempred with blood AS Engist had departed all the lond in this maner bytwene his men delyuered Vortiger out of pryson sufffed hym freely to go whyther that he wolde And he toke his waye went in to Walys there y● his Brytons dwelled for as moche as y● londe was stronge wycked to wynne And Engist neuer came there ne neuer knewe it before that londe ¶ Vortiger helde hym there with his Brytons and a●●d counseyll what hym was best to do And they yaue hym counseyll to make a stronge castell that he myght hymself there in kepe and defende yf nede where Masons in hast tho were fette began to werke vpon the hylle of Breigh but certes thus it befell that all the werke y● the masons made a daye downe it felle the nyght they wyst not what it myght be Therof the kynge was sore anoyed of that chaūce wyst not what to do Wherfore he lete sende after the wysest clerkes also lerned men than were thorugh out Walys that myght be founde for they sholde telle wherfore the foūdament so fayled vnder the werke that they sholde hym tell what was best for to do And whan these wyse men longe tyme had studyed they sayd to the kyng that he sholde do seke a childe borne of a woman that neuer had with man to do And that childe sholde be slayne and tempre with his blood the morter of the werke And soo sholde the werke euer endure withouten ende ¶ How the kynge lete seke Merlyn thorugh out all Walys for to speke with hym AS the kynge herde this he cōmaunded his messagers anone to go thrugh out Walys to seke y● childe yf they myght hym fynde that they sholde hym brynge forth with them vnto hym And in recorde in wytnesse of this kynge he had take them his letters that they ne were distroubled of no man ne lette And tho the messengers wente thens spedde so fast y● they came in to a towne that was called Carmardyne And as they passed forth ther waye they foūde two children of xxilij yere of aege chidynge togyder with hasty wordes And one of them sayd to that other Donebat sayd he ye do all wronge to chyde or stryue with me for ye haue no wytte ne no reason as I haue Certes Merlyn sayd he of your wytte ne your reason I make no force For men telle comynly that ye haue nothynge of god almyghty syth ye had neuer fader but euery man knoweth who was your moder ¶ The messengers of y● kynge Vortiger whan they herde the stryue betwixt the two gromes they axed of them that stode besyde them whens that Merlyn was borne also whome hym nourysshed And the folke them tolde that a grete gentyll woman hym bare in Carmardyne that was called Adhan But neuer myght no man wyte who was his fader ¶ Whan the kynges messengers herde these tydynges they went anone to hym y● was Wardey ne of y● towne tolde hȳ the kyngꝭ wyll shewed hȳ his letter wherfore they were come thyder ¶ Merlyn his moder were fetched before y● Wardeyne of the towne And he cōmaunded them y● they sholde go to the kynge as it was ordeyned by his messengers ¶ Merlyn his moder wente thens came vnto y● kyng there they were receyued with moche honour And the kynge axed of y● lady yf that childe were her sone whome hym begate The lady answered full tenderly wepynge sayd She neuer had company of worldly man But syr sayd she As I was a yonge mayden in my faders chambre other of grete lygnage were in my company that oftentymes went to playe solace I be lefte alone in my chambre wolde not go forth for brennynge of the sonne And on a tyme there came a fayre bacheler entred in my chambre there y● I was alone But how he came in to me where I wyst it neuer ne yet knowe I not For y● doores were fast barred with me he dyde 〈◊〉 of loue For I ne had myght ne power hym to defende from me And often he came vnto me in the forsayd maner so that he begate this childe But neuer myght I wyte what he was ¶ Of the answere of Merlyn wherfore the kyng axed why his castel myght not stonde that he had begonne ne pro●e SO whan Merlyn had herde all that his moder
had sayd He spake to the kynge in this 〈◊〉 ¶ 〈◊〉 how I was begoten axe ye no more For it falleth not to you ne to none other to wyte But telle me the cause wherfore I am to you brought and wherfore ye haue sente after me ¶ Truely sayd y● kynge my wyse counseyllers haue done me to vnderstonde that the morter of a werke that I haue begonne behoueth to be tempred with your blood or the fundament shall fayle for euer more ¶ Syre sayd Merlyn Wyll ye slee me for my blood to tempre with your mortere Ye sayd the kynge or elles my castell shall neuer stande as my counseyllers doo me to vnderstonde Tho answered Merlyn to the kynge Syr he sayd lete them come before me those wyse counseyllers I woll preue that they sayen not well ne truly And whan the wyse men were comen Merlyn axed yf his blood were the cause to make this werke to stonde and endure All tho wyse men were abasshed coude not answere Merlyn tho sayd to the kynge Syr I shall tell you the cause wherfore your werke thus fayleth and may not stande There is vnder the mountayne there that ye haue buylded your toure a grete ponde of water and in the botome of the ponde vnder the water there ben two dragons that one is whyte and that other reede that fyght togyder ayenst your werke Do ye myne depe tyll your men come to the ponde and cause your men to take awaye the water all out and thenne ye shall see the dragons as I haue you tollde that togyder fyght ayenst your werke and this is the cause wherfore your fundament fayleth The kynge anone lete dygge vnder tyll that men came to the ponde and lete do awaye the water and there they founde two dragons as Merlyn had tolde them y● egerly fought togyder The whyte dragon egerly assayled the reede and layde on hym soo strongely that he myght not endure but withdrewe hym and rested in the same ca●e And whan he had a whyle rested hym he wente before and assayled the reede dragon angrely and helde hym so sore that he myght not ayenst hym endure but withdrewe hym and rested And after came ayen the whyte dragon and strongely fought with the reede dragon and bote hym euyll and hym ouercame that he fledde from thens and nomore came agayne ¶ Of the sygnyfycacyon of those two dragons that were in the botome of the ponde that fought togyder THis kyng Vortiger and his men that sawe this batayll had grete meruayle and prayed Merlyn to tell hym what it myght betoken Syr quod Merlyn I shall telle you The reede dragon betokeneth yourself and the whyte betokeneth the folke of Saxon that fyrste ye toke and helde in your londe that fyght ayenst you and you haue dryuen and enchaced ¶ But Brytons of your lygnage ouercame them droue them awaye And sythen at the comynge ayen of the Saxons they recouered this londe and helde it for euer more And droue out the Brytons and dyde with this londe all theyr wyll and destroyed crystendome thrugh out this londe Ye had fyrste grete Ioye with theyr comynge but now it is corned to you grete damage sorowe For tho two brethern of Constance that was kynge the whiche ye lete slee shall come before a quinzeme passed with a grete power from lytell Brytayne shall auenge the deth of theyr brother And they shall brenne you fyrst with sorowe and after they shall slee a grete parte of Saxons and shall dryue out all the remenaunt of the londe And therfore abyde ye here no lenger to make castell nor other werke But anone go elles where your lyues all for to saue To god I you betake trouthe I haue sayd to you of thynges that shall befall ¶ And vnderstande ye well that Aurilambros shall be kynge But he shall be enpoysoned lytell tyme shall he regne ¶ Of kynge Aurilambros how that he pursewed Vortiger Engist and how they deyed MErlyn and his moder departed from the kynge and torned agayne to Carmardyn And soone after tydynges came to the Brytons that Aurilambros and Vter his brother were arryued at Totuesse with a greate hoste And anone y● Brytons assembled them and wente to receyue Aurilambros and Vter with grete noblesse And had them vnto London and crowned Aurilambros and made hym kynge and dyde vnto hym homage And anone he axed where Vortiger that was kynge myght be founde for he wolde be auenged on his brothers dethe and after he wolde warre vppon paynems And they tolde hym that Vortiger was in Walys and so they ladde hym thytherwarde ¶ Vortiger wyst well that tho brethern came hym to conquere and fledde thens in to a castell that was called Gerneth that stode vppon an hyghe mountayrie and there hym helde Aurilambros and Vter his brother and theyr folke had besyeged the castell full longe tyme for the castell was stronge and well arrayed ¶ So at the laste they casted wylde fyre and brent houses and men and all theyr araye and as moche as was within the castell So that Vortiger was brente amonge all other and soo he deyed with moche sorowe ¶ Tho was Engist in Kente and regned there and herde this tydynges and anone fledde and wolde haue gone in to Scotlonde for to haue had socoure But Aurilambros and his men mette with hym in the north countree and yaue hym batayll And Engist and his men defended whyles that they myght But he and his folke were dyscomfyted and slayne And Octa his sone fledde vnto Yorke And Aurilambros hym folowed egrely And Octa a lytell whyle withstode hym But afterwarde he put hym to his mercy And Aurilambros receyued hym and to hym and to his men gaaf the countree of Galeway in Scotlonde and there they dwelled ¶ The kynge Aurilambros wente thorugh out the londe and put awaye the name of Engistlonde that Engist after his name had called it before Tho lete he it calle agayne grete Brytayne and lete make ayen chirches houses of relygyon castelles cytees and borughs ▪ and townes that the Saxons hadde destroyed And came to London and lete make the walles of the cyte whiche Engist and his folke hadde caste downe ¶ The Brytons ladde hym vnto the mount of Ambriam that somtyme was an hous of relygyon that tho was destroyed thrugh the paynems ¶ Wherof a knyght that was called Ambri some tyme was founder of that house And therfore the same hylle was called the mounte of Ambrian And after it was called Ambresbury And shall be so for euer more ¶ How Aurilambros dyde redresse the londe of greate Brytayne that whiche was dstroyed thorugh the Saxons before sayd HOw the kynge Aurilambros lete amende and redresse the house of Ambresbury and there in put monkes But now there ben Nonnes a lytell fro the place that was called Salysbury are that the Saxons slewe the Brytons where Engist and they sholde haue made a
loue daye In the whiche tyme were slayne a thousande knyghtes .lxi. thrugh treason of Engist The kynge therof had grete pyte thought to make in mynde of them a monumēt of stone y● myght endure to the worldes ende And of this thynge they toke ther coūseyll what therof was best for to do ¶ Tho spake to the kynge the bysshop of London y● was called Ternekyn y● he sholde requyre after Merlyn For he coude best tell how this thynge myght best be made And Merlyn after was sought and foūde came to y● kynge And the kynge tolde hym his wyll of the monument that he wolde haue made Merlyn answered to the kynge sayd There ben grete stones in Irlonde longe vpon the hylle of Kyan y● men called Gyauntes karoll And yf they were in this place as they ben there they wolde endure for euer more in remēbraūce of those knyghtes that here be entyred ¶ Per may foy sayd the kyng As harde stone ben in my londe as in Irlonde ¶ Soth sayd Merlyn but in all your londe ben none suche For gyauntes sette them for grete good of themself For at euery tyme that they were woūde or in ony maner hurte they wysshe the stones with hote water and thenne they wysshe them therwith anone they were hoole ¶ How the Brytons wente for to seke the grete stones in Irlonde ASsoone as the Brytons had herde of this thynge they yede and swore amonge them they wolde go seke those stones And toke with them Vter the kynges broder to be chyef capitayne .v. thousande men Merlyn coūselled thē for to go vnto Iolonde so they dyde And whan the kynge of Irlonde y● was called Guillomer herde telle that straūgers were arryued in his londe he assembled a grete power fought ayenst them But he his folke were dyscomfyted ¶ The Brytons wente before tyll they came to the mount of Kyan clȳmed vp vnto the mount But whan they sawe the stones the maner how they stode they had grete meruaylle sayd bytwene themselfe that noo man sholde them remeue for no strength ne engyne so grete they were so longr But Merlyn thrugh his crafte he remeued them brought them in to theyr shyppes and came ayen in to this londe And Merlyn sette the stones there that the kyng wolde haue them And sette them in the same maner that they stode in Irlonde And whan the kynge sawe that it was made he thanked Merlyn and rychely hym rewarded at his owne wyll And that place lete calle it Stonhenge for euer more ¶ How Passent that was Vortigers sone and the kynge Guillomer came in to this londe and how a traytour that was called Cappa enpoyseneu the kynge Aurilambros ANd men shall vnderstande that Passent that was Vortigers sone lyued the same tyme and came in to this londe with a grete power arryued in the north coūtree wolde be auenged of his faders deth Vortiger strongely trusted vppon the company that he had brought with hym out of y● londe of Germayne had conquered all the North coūtree vnto Yorke ¶ And whan kyng Aurilambros herde this he assembled a grete power of Brytons wente for to fyght with Passent he dyscomfyted Passent all his people But Passent escaped thens with some of his men fledde thens in to Irlonde and came to kynge Guillomer prayed hym of helpe socour The kynge graunted hym with good wyll sayd that he wolde helpe hym vpon that couenaūt that I my selfe muste go with you with all my power in to Brytayne And I wolde 〈◊〉 aduenge vpon the Brytons the rather for they came in to my londe toke the stones with strength y● is called Gyaūtes karoll ¶ The kynge Guillomer le te ordeyne his shyppes wente to the see with .xv. thousande men arryued in Walys began to robbe moche sorowe he dyde ¶ It befell so that kynge Aurilambros laye syke at Wynchestre myght not helpe hymself So that he sente in his name Vter his brother with a power to helpe Walys And thytherwarde he wente as moche as he myght ¶ The kynge of Irlonde and Passent herde telle that Aurilambros was syke to hym there came a Sarrasyn that was called Cappa sayd Syre dwelle ye here all in peas with your hoste I behyght you thorugh my quayntesye y● I shall slee the kynge Aurilambros that is syke Thenne sayd Passent yf ye do so I shall you rychely auaūce The traytour Cappa put vpon hym an habyte of religyon lete shaue hym a brode crowne came vnto the kynges courte and sayd that he wolde helpe the kynge of his malady Tho sayd the traytour Cappa vnto the kynge Syr be of good comforte For I shall yeue you suche a medycyne that ye shall swete anone ryght lyste to slepe haue good reste And the traytour yaaf hym suche poyson to slepe anone ryght and deyed in his slepynge And the traytour sayd that he wolde go out in to the felde tyll he were awaked so escaped he awaye For no man had to hym suspeccyon for by cause of his habyte that he was clothed in and also for his brode shauen crowne But whan the kynges men wyst that he was deed they became wonder sory and fast soughte the traytour but they myghte not fynde hym For that Cappa torned ayen vnto the hoste from whens that he came ¶ Whan Aurilambros deyed a sterre in the morne was seen with a clere lyght at the bought of the beeme was seen she heed of an horryble dragon SO whan the kyng Aurilambros was deed enpoysoned at Wynchestre On the morne after he was deed about the tyme of Pryme there was sene a sterre grete clere the beeme of that sterre was bryghter than the sonne And at the bought of the beeme apperid a dragons heed out of his mouth came two huge lyghtes that were as bryght as ony fyre brennynge that one beeme towarde Fraunce and streyght ouer the see thytherwarde And out of that beeme came .vij. beemes full clere longe as it were the lyght fyre ¶ This sterre was seen of many a man but none of them wyste what it betokened ¶ Vter that was the kynges brother that was in Walys with his hoste of Brytons sawe that sterre the grete lyght that it yaue they wondred therof gretly what it myght betoken And lete calle Merlyn and prayed hym for to telle what that it myght betoken ¶ Of the betokenynge of the sterre MErlyn sawe that sterre behelde it longe tyme. And sythen he quoke wept tenderly And sayd Alas alas that so noble a kyng worthy is deed And I do you to vnderstande that Aurilambros your brother is poysoned y● I see well in this sterre And yourself is betokened the heed of the dragon y● is seen at the bought of the beeme that is
this londe arryued at Totnesse and wente out of the shyppes toke the londe and dene robbed it and moche people slewe tooke all the armour that they myght fynde And so they wente forth tyll they came vnto Bathe But the men of the towne shytte faste theyr yates and wolde not suffre theym to come within the towne And they deffended them well orpedly ayenst them ¶ How Arthur yaue bataylle vnto the Saxons whan they came agayne in to this londe had besyeged the towne of Bathe and them ouercame ANone as Arthur herde this tydynges he lete hange the hostages lefte Howell of Brytayne his neuewe for to kepe the marche towarde Scotlonde with half his people hym self wente to helpe rescowe the towne of Bathe Whan he came thyther he yaue a stronge batayll to Cheldrik slewe almoost all the people y● he had For no man myght hym withstonde ne endure vnder the stroke of his swerde And there bothe were slayne Colegrin Bladult his brother Cheldrik fledde thens wolde haue gone to his shyppes ¶ But whan Arthur it wyst he toke .x. thousande knyghtes to Cador y● was erle of Cornewaylle for to lette stoppe his to mynge And Arthur hymself wente towarde y● marche of Scotlonde For mesengers tolde hym that the Scottes had besyeged Howell of Brytayne there that he laye syke therfore he hasted hym thytherwarde ¶ And Cador pursewed after Cheldrik toke hym er he myght come to his shyppes slewe Cheldrik his people And whan Cador had done this vyage he hasted hym ayen towarde Arthur as fast as he myght founde hym in Scotlonde there that he had rescowed Howell of Brytayne but the Scottes were ferre within Nounref there they helde them a whyle But Arthur them pursewed they fledde thens in to Limoigne that were in that countree .lx. Iles grete plente of byrdes grete plente of Egles that were wonte to crye fyght togyders and make grete nose whan folke came to robbe that londe warne as moche as they myght so they dyde For the Scottes were to grete rauenours that they tooke all that they myght fynde in the londe of Limoigne without ony sparynge there with tharged ayen the folke in to Scotlonde for to wende ¶ How kynge Arthur axed of Merlyn the aduentures of .vi. of the laste kynges that were to regne in Englonde how the londe sholde ende SYr sayd Merlyn In the yere of the Incarnacyon of Ihesu Cryst M.CC.xv. shall come a lambe out of Wynchestre shall haue a whyte tonge true lyppes he shall haue wryten in his herte holynes This lambe shal make many goddes houses he shall haue peas the moost parte of his lyf And he shall make one of y● fayrest places of the worlde y● in his tyme shall not fully be made an ende of ¶ And in the ende of his lyf a wulf of a straunge londe shall do hym moche harme sorowe thrugh warre But at the ende the lambe shall be mayster thrugh helpe of a reed fore that shall come out of the Northwest hym shall ouercome the wulf shall deye in water And after that tyme the lambe shall lyue no whyle but he shall deye ¶ His seed shal be in a straūge londe And the londe shall be without a gouernour a lytell tyme. ANd after this shall come a dragon medled with mercy also with woodnesse And y● shall haue a berde as a gote y● shall gyue in Englonde a shadowe shall kepe the londe fro colde hete and his owne foot shall be sette in Wyke y● other in London And he shal enbrace Inhabitaūces And he shal open his mouth towarde Walys And y● tremblynge of the hydour of his mouth his eeres shall stretche towarde many habtacyons coūtrees And his b●eth shall be ful swete in straūge londe And in his tyme shall the ryuers renne blood with brayne And he shall make in places of his londe walles y● shall do moche harme vnto his seed after his tyme. ¶ And thenne shall there come a people out of the Northwest durynge his regne y● shal be ladde thrughout a wycked hare that the dragon shall do crowne kynge that afterwarde shall flee ouer the see without comynge ayen for drede of the dragon ¶ And in y● tyme the sonne shall be as reed as a blood y● men shall see thorugh out all the worlde that shall betoken grete pestylence deth of folke thorugh dynt of swerde And that people shall be faderles tyll the tyme that the dragon deye thrugh an hate that shall meue ayenst hym warre vnto the ende of his lyf that shall not fully be ended in his tyme. ¶ This dragon shal be holde in his tyme the best body of the worlde And he shal deye besyde the marches of a straūge londe y● londe shall dwel ●faderles without a good gouernour men shall wepe for his dethe from the yle of Shepey to the hauen of Mart●yll ¶ Wherfore Alas alas shall be there longe of faderles folke that shall ouer lyue in his londe destroyed ANd after this dragon shal come a gote oute of Kae y● shall haue hornes a berde of syluer there shall come out of his nosethryll a dompe that shall betoken hungre sorowe grete deth of the people And moche of his londe in the begynnynge of his regne shall be wasted ¶ This gote shall go ouer vnto Fraūce shall open the floure of his lyf deth ¶ In his tyme there shall aryse an egle in Cornewayle that shall haue fethers of golde y● of pryde shall be without pere of the londe And he shal despyse lordes of blood And after he shal flee shamefully by a beer at Gauersech after shall be made brydges of men vp on the costes of the see and stones shall fall from castestelles many other townes shall be made playne ¶ In his tyme shall seme y● the beer shall brenne a batayll shall be done vpon the armes of the see in a felde ordeyned as a shelde And at y● batayll shall deye many whyte heedes wherfore this batayll shall be called the whyte batayll And y● forsayd beer shall do this gote moche harme it shall come out of the Southwest of his blood Thenne shall y● gote lese moche of his londe tyll that the tyme y● shenshyp shal hym ouercome And then shall he close hym in a lyons skynne And thenne shall be wynne that he had before loste more therto For a people shall come out of the North west y● shall make the gote so sore aferde that he shal be in grete perplexite And he shall aduenge hym on his enmyes thrugh coūseyll of two owles that fyrst shall be in peryll for to be vndone But y● olde owle shall wende a waye a certayne tyme after he shall come ayen in to this longe These two owles
mercy say de Syre gentyll kynge myghty haue mercy pyte vpon vs. And as yourself be of the ryght lawe to holde mayntene Crystendome For full greate dyshonour it sholde be to slee hym y● byleueth in almyghty god as ye do And for goddes loue haue mercy pyte on vs suffre vs. For we haue had moche sorowe payne For y o Saxons haue many tymes passed through our londe But y● is not ynough to you for oftenymes they haue done vs sorowe dysease For our castelles they haue taken our beestes slayne eten and moche harme they haue vs done And y f ye molde vs now slee it we re●none honour to a kynge to slee them that crys hym mercy For ynough ye haue done to vs haue vs ouercome And for the loue of god y● ye wyl suffre vs for to lyue haue mercy on crysten people that byleue in Cryste as ye do ¶ Whan kynge Arthur herde this sorowe he had pyte of them yaue them lyf lymme without ony more harme And they fell downe to his feet thanked hym became his lyege men he tooke of them homage ¶ And after that kyng Arthur torned ayen with his hoste came vnto Yorke and made there his bydynge durynge that vyage And tho gaue he all Logrys to Aloth y● had spowsed his syster other gyftes grete plente And tho was Gawyn his cosyn but of yonge aege And to all his other men that hym had serued in his warre he gaue ryche gyftes he thanked them moche of all theyr good seruyce ¶ How kynge Arthur spowsed Gūnor that was Gūnors cosyn Erle of Cornewayle and after he conquered of Guillomer all Irlonde ANd whan Arthur had brought his londe in peas reste and in good state all was well in euery coūtree Tho toke he wedded a wyf that was called Gūnor made her quene a fayr lady a gentyll y● Cador the erle of Cornewayle had nourysshed in his chambre that was his cosyn But neuer they had children togyder And neuertheles kyng Arthur loued her wonder well deyely And anone as Wynter was passed he lete assemble a grete hoste all his Barons sayd that he wolde go in to Irlonde for to conquere the londe And he caryed not longe y● he ne passed ouer into Irlonde ¶ And Guillomer the kynge lete assemble a grete hoste yaue bataylle to kynge Arthur but Guillomer was hys comfyted yelded hym to the kynge became his man to hym dyde fewte and h●mage of hym helde all y● londe fro that tyme forwarde And after passed kynge Arthur ferthermore conquered Gutlonde Islonde toke homage of the folke of the londe and there dwelled .xij. yere in peas regned with Ioye and myrthe And there warred no man ne woman vpon hym And he became so curteys large honorable that the Emperours courte of Rome ne none other thrugh out all the worlde was not accounted to kynge Arthurs that ony man wyst of ne none so well praysed And therfore the best kynghtꝭ of all maner landes came vnto hym there for to dwelle And he theym receyued with good wyll and reuerence ¶ And all the knyghtes were so good that no man knewe the werste And therfore kynge Arthur made a roūde table that whan they sholde sytte on ther meete all sholde be ylyke hyghe euenly serued at the table that none of them sholde make auaunt that one of them were hygher thanne an other And kyng Arthur had at that table Brytons Frenshmen Normans and Flemynges Burgoyns Mausers Lotherins of al the londes a this half the mount Goue of his londe of Brytayne and of the grete Corne waylle of Walys of Irlonde and of Scotlonde And shortly to tell of all the londes y● wolde worshyp chyualry suche came to kynge Arthurs courte ¶ How kynge Arthur yede in to Fraūce conquered y● londe of Froll that was a Romayne how he slewe hym SYth it befell that thrugh coūsell of his barons lordes kyng Arthur wolde go conquere all Fraūce that tho was called Galle thrugh Romaynes that tho helde that londe in theyr power in theyr gouernaunce And the Romayns had taken that londe to a noble knyzt a worthy of body that was called Froll And whan he wyst that Arthur came he ordeyned an hoste of a grete power fought with the kynge And he his folke were dyscomfyted fledꝭ vnto Parys entred y● cyte closed the yates there helde them ¶ Whan Arthur wyst that Froll was gone to Parys be pursued after came thyder hym besyeged But the cyte was so stronge well arayed tho that were therin deffended theym well manly ¶ Kynge Arthur dwelled there more than a moneth there was so moche people in the cyte that they dyspended all theyr dytayle y● they had within And so grete hungre be came amonge them that they deyed wonderly thycke within the cyte for hungre And came vnto Froll prayed hym to be accorded with kynge Arthur for to haue peas they wolde yelde theym vnto hym the cyte also ¶ Froll sawe that he myght no lenger holde the towne ayenst theyr wyll trusted gretly vppon his owne strength sente to kynge Arthur that he sholde come fyght with hȳ body for body so sholde they departe Fraūce bytwene them two ¶ Kynge Arthur anone graūted it And wolde not y● none of his people vndertoke the batayle for hym ¶ And vpon the morne both came well arayed without Par●s theret that they sholde fyght And anone they smote togyders so fyersly so well they fought on bothe sydes y● no man demed the better of them so it befell y● Froll yaue Arthur suche a stroke that he kneled to the grounde wolde be nolde he And as Froll woūded kynge Arthur in the forhede y● the blood fell downe by his ●yen his face Arthur anone sterte vp hertely whan he felte hȳ hurte as a man that semed almoost wood And he toke taburne his good swerde drewe it vp on hyghe and yaaf Froll suche a stroke that therwith he claue his heed downe to the sholders so that his helme myght not be his warraunt so he fell downe deed in the place And thenne tho of the cyte made greate sorowe for Froll And euerychone yelded them to kyng Arthur and the towne also became his men dyde to hym homage feaute And he receyued them toke of them goodly hostages And kyng Arthur after that wente forth with his hoste conquered Augien Angiers Gascoyne Pehito Nauerne and Bourgoyne Berry Lotherne Turin and Peithers and all the other londes of Fraunce he conquered all holy Whan he had conquered taken by homages and feautees he torned ayen to Parys and there he dwelled longe tyme ordeyned peas longe tyme ouer al
the countree and thorugh all Fraunce ¶ And whan peas was made ouer all thorugh his noble kynghthode that he hadde and also for his owne worthynes And no man were he neuer soo greate a lorde durste not meue warre ayenst hym nother to aryse for to make the londe of Fraunce inquyete And in peas he dwelled there .ix. yere and dyde many greate wondres repreued many proude men euyll tyrauntes theym chastysed after theyr demerytes ¶ How kynge Arthur auaunced all his men that had trauaylled in his seruyce ANd afterwarde it befell thus at Eester there that he helde a fest at Parys rychely he gan auaunce his knyghtes for the seruyce that they hadꝭ hym holpen in his conquest He yaue to his stewarde that was called Kay Augien Angiers And he yaue to Bedwer his butler Normandye that tho was called Neustrie And to Holdin his chambrelayne he yaue Flaundres and Mance And to Dorell his cosyn he yaue Boleyne And to Rycharde his neuewe he yaue Pountyf to all other he yaue large londes fees after they were of estate And whan Arthur had thus his knyghtes feoffed at Aueryll next after suynge he came ayen in to Brytayne his owne londe And after at Wy●sontyde sewynge by counseyll of his barons he wolde he crowned kyng of Glomergon helde a solempne feest And lete somone barons erles knyghtes that they sholde come thyder euerychone And there was Scater kynge of Scotlonde Cadwere kynge of Southwalys Guillomer kynge of Northwalys Maded kynge of Irlonde Malgamus kynge of Gutlonde Achilles kynge of Islonde Aloth kynge of Denmarke Gone was kynge of Norwaye and Hell his cosyn kynge of Dorkeney Cador kynge of lytell Brytayne Morwith Etle of Cornewaylle Mauran erle of Gloucetre Guerdon erle of Wynchestre Boell erle of Hartforde Vrtegi erle of Oxforde Cuisall erle of Bathe Ionas erle of Chestre Enerall erle of Dorchestre Kymare erle of Salysbury Waloth erle of Caunterbury Iugerne erle of Chichestre Arall erle of Leycetre the erle of Werwyke and many other moo ryche lordes Brytons there came mo that is to saye Dippon Donaude Gennes many other that be not named here were at the feest And many a fayre feest kynge Arthur hadꝭ holde before but neuer none suche ne so solempne that lasted .xv. dayes with moche honour and myrthe ¶ Of the letter that was sente fro Rome for pryde to kynge Arthur THe thyrde daye as kyng Arthur latte att his meete amonge his kynges and amonge them that sate att the feest before them came in .xij. men of aege rychely arayed and curtously they salewed the kynge and sayd they came fro Rome sente as messengers fro the Emperour And toke hȳ a letter that thus moche was to vnderstande ¶ Gretely vs meruaylleth Arthur that thou art ones so hardy with thyn eyen in thy heed to make open warre or contake ayenst vs of Rome that owne all y● worlde to deme for thou hast neuer yet before this tyme proued ne assayed thy strength of the Romayns therfor thou it shall in a lytell tyme. For Iulius Cezar conquered all the londe of Brytayne and toke therof truage our folke haue it longe y● had now thorugh thy pryde thou withholdest it Wherfore we of Rome cōmaūde the that thou it yelde ayen yet hast thou more foly done that thou hast slayne Froll that was our baron of Fraūce with wronge And therfore all the comyns of Rome warneth the cōmaunde y● vpon lyf lymme that thou in haste be at Rome amendes for to make of thy mysdedes that thou hast done And it so be that thou come not we shall passe the hylle of Ioye with strength we shall the seke where euer thou may be founde and thou shalt not haue a foot of londe of thyn owne that we ne shall destroye it afterwarde with thy body we shall do all our wyll Whan this letter was redde all men it herde they were anoyed all that were at that solempne feest And the Brytons wolde haue slayne the messengers but the kynge wolde not suffre them sayd that y● messengers sholde haue no harme and may by reason none deserue But commaūded them to be worshypfully serued And after meete he toke coūseyll of kynges erles and ●arons what answere he myght yeue ayen to y● messengers And they coūseylled hym atons that he shol de assemble a grete power of all the londes of whiche he had lordshyp manly auenge hym vpon the Emperour of the despyte that he had sende hym suche a letter And they swore by god and by all holy his name that they sholde hym pursewe and brenne as moche as they myght And sayd that they wolde neuer faylle kynge Arthur and rather to be deed And they lete wryte a letter to sende to the Emperour by the same messengers in this manere of wyse ¶ Of the bolde answere that kynge Arthur sente to the Emperour of Rome to the Romayns UNderstondeth amonge you of Rome that I am kyng Arthur of Brytayne and freely it holde shall holde And at Rome hastely I wyll be not to yeue you truage but for to are truage For Constantyne that was Eleyns sone that was Emperour of Rome and of all the honour that therto belongeth And Maximsan kynge conquered all Fraūce Almayne and mount Ioye passed conquered all Lombardy And these two were myn auncetours that they helde had I shall haue thorugh goddes wyll ¶ Of the reuerence that kynge Arthur dyde to the Emperours messengers ANd whan this letter was made and ensealed kynge Arthur to these messengers yaue grete yeftes after that the messengers toke theyr leue and wente thens and came to the courte of Rome agayne And tolde the Emperour how worthely they were receyued And also of suche a ryall company that he hadde hym for to seme and how he was more ryally serued than the Emperour of Rome or ony other kyng lyuynge in all the worlde ¶ And whan the Emperour had ouerseen the letter and hadde herde what was therin and sawe that Arthur wolde not be ruled after hym He lete assemble and ordeyne a grete hoste for to destroye kynge Arthur yf that he myght ¶ And kynge Arthur as touchynge his power and partye ordeyned his power of knyghtes of the table rounde ¶ Of the kynges and lordes that came for to helpe kynge Arthur agaynst the Emperour THe kyngꝭ of Scotlonde of Irlonde of Gutlonde of Denmarke and of Almayne euery of them had .x. thousande men The duke of Normandye Gascoyne Flaūdres Peh●to of Boloyne eche had .iiij. thousande Gerin of Charthres had .x. thousande Howell of Brytayne had .xij. thousande And hymself of his owne londe .xij. thousande And of Arbalastres of Archers and of other folke on foot that no man cowde theym nombre ¶ And whan all were redy to go Kyng Arthur his londe and Gūnor his wyf toke to kepe to one of
In this batayll were slayne thrugh kyng Arthurs fyne kynges of the Paynems of other wonder moche people kynge Arthurs men fought so well that the Romayns and paynems had no more strengthe to withstonde them than .xx. shepe ayenst fyue wulues ¶ And so it befelle that in this batayll in the shoure that was wonder harde longe durynge in that one syde in that other the Emperour amonge them there was slayne but ther was noo man that wyste for very sothe who hym slewe ¶ How kynge Arthur lete entyere his knyghtes that he had lost there in batayll how he sente the Emperours body to Rome that there was slayne in batayll SO whan y● Romayns wyst that the Emperour was deed they forsoke the felde y● paynems also And kynge Arthur after them chaced tyll it was nyght so many of them slewe that it was wonder to telle And tho torned kynge Arthur ayen whan it was nyght thanked god of his victorye And on the morowe he lete loke serche all the felde for his knyghtes that he there lost That is to saye Borell erle of Maunt. Bedwere Kay and Lyegiers erle of Boleyne Vortiger erle of Baac Aloth erle of Wynchestre Cuisall erle of Chestre and after Holden erle of Flaundres These were the grete lordes that kynge Arthur last in that batayll with other worthy knyghtes them amonge And some he lete entere in abbayes by the coūtree some he lete to be borne in to theyr owne coūtre ¶ And the Emperours body he l●te take put vpon a beyr sent it to Rome And sayd to the Romayns that for Brytayne Fraunce whichehe helde other truage wolde he none paye ¶ And yf they axed hym ony other truages ryght suche truage he wolde theym paye ¶ The kynge lete bere Kay to Kenen his owne castell there hym entered And Leygier was borne to Boleyne there he was lorde And Holden was borne to Flaundres there he was entered And all the other he lete entere with moche honour in abbayes in houses of relygyon in the coūtre that they were slayne ¶ And Arthur hymself soiourned y● same yere in Bourgoyne with his hoste thought the same yere folowynge to passe the mount Ioye and haue gone to Rome also to haue taken the cyte haue put the Romayns in subgeccyon but the wycked tyraunt Mordred hym letteas after ye shall here ¶ How the traytour Mordred to whom kynge Arthur toke his londe to kepe his castelles helde them ayenst hym AS Arthur had takē to Mordred his reame to kepe gone ayenst the Emperour of Rome was passed the see Mordred anone toke homages fea●tees of all theym that were in this londe wolde haue had this londe to his owne vse toke castelles about and lete them be arayed And after this falsenesse he dyde an other grete wronge for ayenst the lawe of crystente he tooke his owne emys wyf as a traytour sholde ordeyned hym a grete hoste ayenst Arthurs comynge to holde the londe ayenst hym with strength for euer more to slee kynge Arthur yf he myght sente by the see by londe lete assemble paynems crysten peple And he sente to Saxons to Danys for to helpe hȳ And also Mordred sent to Cheldrik to sende men to hym out of Saxon that was a worthy duke promysed hym yf that he broght with hym moche people he wolde graunte hym Inherytaūce for euer all the londe fro Humbre to Scotlonde all the londe that Engist had of Vortigers yefte whan that he spowsed his doughter ¶ And Cheldrik came with a grete strength and power of people and Mordred hadde assembled also on his half that they had .xl. thousande of stronge knyghtes whan that they had nede ¶ How Arthur enchaced Mordred the traytour how he was slayne also kynge Arthur wounded to the deth AS this tydynges came to kynge Arthur there that he was in Bourgoyne he was full sore anoyed toke all Fraunce to Howell for to kepe with half deale of his men And prayed hym that he wolde it kepe tyll he came ayen For hymself wolde passe in to Brytayne auenge hym vpon mordred that was his traytour And forth with Arthur wente his waye came to Wytsande and made his men to go in to shyppe wolde haue arryued at Sandwyche and brought with hym a grete hoste of F●enshe●en also with his owne londe men But or that he myght come to londe with his peple that were come out of his shyppes Mordred was come with all his power yaue a stronge batayll soo that kynge Arthur loste many a man are that he myght come to londe For there was Gawayne his neuewe slayne and Anguysshell that helde Scotlonde and many other wherof kynge Arthur was full sory But after they were come to londe Mordred myght not ayenst them endure But anone was dyscomfyted fledde thens the same nyght with his men and vpon the morne came to London But tho of the cyte wolde not suffre hym to come in And from thens he fledde to Wynchestre and there he hym helde with his people that came with hȳ ¶ Kynge Arthur lete take the body of Gawayne his cosyn the body of Anguysshell lete that one be borne in to Scotlonde and the other to Douer and buryed Anone after kynge Arthur toke his waye for to destroye Mordred he fledde thens in to Cornewayle ¶ And the quene Gunnor that was kynge Arthurs wyf that tho soiourned at Yorke herde that Mordred was fledde thens that he myght not endure ayenst kynge Arthur she was sore aferde had grete doubte and wyste not what was best of all for to done For she vnderstode well that her lorde kynge Arthur wolde neuer of her for to haue mercy for the grete shame that she had done vnto hym And toke her waye pryuely with foure men without moo and came to Karlyon and there she dwelled all ther lyue and neuer after was seen amonges the folke her lyf durynge ¶ Kynge Arthur wyst that Mordred was fledde in to Cornewayle and lete sende after his men in to Scotlande and Northumberlonde vnto Humbre and lete assemble folke without nombre came fro thens in to Cornewayle to seke and pursewe after Mordred ¶ And Mordred had assembled to hym all the folke of Cornewayle had people without nombre and wyst that Arthur was comynge and had leuer to deye take his chaunce than longer flee and abode and yaue an harde batayll to kynge Arthur to his people so that moche people was slayne what of one syde what of that other that no man wyst who had y● better party But so it befell at the last that Mordred was slayne all his folke and the good chyualry that kynge Arthur had gadred nourysshed of dyuerse londes and also the noble knyghtes of the rounde table that
so moche were praysed thorugh out all the worlde were there slayne kynge Arthur hymself was wounded vnto deth But he lete hȳ to be borne to 〈◊〉 ●un to be heeled of his woundes And yet the Brytons supposen that he lyued in an other londe that he shall come yet conquere all Brytayne But certes this is the prophecye of Merlyn He sayd that his deth shall be doubtous sayd soth For therof yet men haue doubte and shall haue for euer more as men saye For men wote not whyther that he is on lyue or deed ¶ Arthur was borne at Auioun the .xxij. yere of his regne after the Incarnacyon of our lorde Ihesu Cryste .v. C.xlvi yere ¶ How kynge Arthur delyuered the trame vnto Constantyne the sone of Cador his neuewe AS kynge Arthur wyste that he myght no lenger regne he lete come before hym Constantyne that was Cadors sone erle of Cornewayle his cosyn to hȳ betoke all his reame to hȳ sayd badde hȳ therof to be kyng tyll that he came ayen for as moche as he had none heyre of his body begoten And grete damage was it● that so noble a kyng so doughty as he was had no childe of his body begoten But all thynge y● god woll haue done must be done whose name be blessyd without ende ¶ How kynge Constantyne was vexed of Mordred two sones THis Constantyne was a noble knyght a worthy of body And th● two sones that Mordred had begoten had grete enuy of Constantyne that tho was crowned kyng And so it befell that they meued warre ayenst hȳ And assembled a grete hoste of them that were before with Mordred had ben dryuen awaye that dyde moche sorowe an guysshe thrughout all that londe That one brother ordeyned purposed hym towarde the auncyent cyte of London for to take the cyte And that other wente to Wynchestre But Constantyne came to London and slewe hym that was there And after he went to Wynchestre and slewe hym that was there also So that bothe his enmyes were deed ¶ And whan Constantyne had regned well worthely foure yere he deyed and lyeth at London ¶ Of the kynges Adelbright and of Edell AFter kynge Constantynes deth there were two kynges in Brytayne that one was called Adelbright y● was a danoys And he helde the coūtree of Northfolke Southfolke That other hyght Edell was a Bryton he helde Nicholl Lindeser all the londe vnto Humbre These two kynges faste warred togyder but after accorded they were loued togyder as they had ben borne of oo body ¶ The kynge Edell had a syster that was called Ore●●enne And he gaf her thrugh grete frendshyp to kynge Adelbright to wyf And he begate vpon her a doughter that was called Argentyll And in the thyrde yere after came vpon hym a strange syknesse that nedes he must deye And he sente to kynge Edell his broder in lawe that he sholde come speke with hym he came to hym with a good wyll ¶ Tho prayed he the kynge and coniured hym also in the name of god that after whan he were deed he sholde take his doughter Argentyll the londe that he kepte her well and nourysshe her in his chambre And whan she were of aege she sholde be maryed to y● strōgest worthyest man that he myght fynde thenne he sholde yelde vp her londe ayen ¶ Edell it graūted by othe confermed his prayer And whan Adelbright was deed enteryd Edell toke the damoysell Argentyll nourysshed her in his chambre she became as fayre as ony myght be ¶ How kynge Edell maryed that damoysell to a knaue of his kechyne THis kynge Edell that was vncle to Argentyll bethought how y● he myght fallely haue the londe fro his nece for euer more falsely ayenst his othe thought to dysceyue y● damoysell to marye her to a knaue of his kechyn that was called Curan he became the worchyest strongest man of body that ony mā wyst in ony londe y● tho lyued to hym he thought her shamfully haue maryed for to haue had her londe afterwarde but he was clene disceyued For this Curan was Hauelockis sone that was kyng of Kyrkelane in Denmark this Curan conquered his wyues londe afterwarde slewe kyng Edell that was his wyues vncle had al her londe as in an other place it telleth more openly he regned but thre yere for Saxons Danes hȳ slewe that was grete harme to all Brytayne Brytons bare hym to Stonehenge and entyred hym honourably ¶ Of kyng Conan that was Curans cosyn AFter this Curan regned his cosyn Conan that was a wonder proude knyght And regned coude haue noo maner of loue but euer he was medlynge with his people And toke his vncle with warre slewe his two childern ¶ The Saxons warred ayenst hȳ oftentymes but he them ouercame so he was in peas all his lyf tyme. And he regned .xiiij. yere and after he deyed lyeth at London ¶ Of kynge Cortyf and of Gurmonde that came thorugh the paynems in to Brytayne AFter this Conan regned his cosyn Cortyf that was beha●ed of al his peple no thynge beloued And this Cortyf lost all Brytayne thrugh warre And in his tyme fell y● grete myscheyf in Brytayne y● crystendom was destroyed all the Brytons were dryuen out of y● londe the londe lost without ony recouer But afterwarde lefte the londe to the Saxons as ye afterwarde shall here For in that tyme there was a paynem that was called Gurmonde that was the kynges sone Daufrices of the parnems folke that hadde the reame after his fader was kynge sauf he be●uaue yaue it to his broder And sa●d that he nolde neuer be kynge but yf that he myght gete and conquere a reame in a straūge countree For he was bolde and stronge of body And of hȳ prophecyed Merlyn sayd● that he sholde be a wul● of the see And he lete assemble 〈◊〉 without nombre lete appareylle shyppes and wente by many londes toke homages and fea●tees of many And so he wente by the see conquered ma●ny dyuerse londes Soo that he came in to Irlonde conquered that londe that oftentymes warred vpon Brytons and Brytons vpon them oft wonne oft lost yaue hostages to Brytons And so they sente to Gurmonde there that be was in Irlonde● that he sholde come in to Brytayne and helpe them ayenst the Brytons to helpe them to delyuer that londe of them they wolde hym holde gladly for theyr lorde For he was a paynem● they were paynems● the Brytons were crystened Well ought he them for to helpe so as they were all of one lawe Whan Gurmonde herde this prayer he hasted hym as moche as he myght and arryued in Scotlonde and came in to Northumberlonde there that the Saxons were dwellynge they confermed
whan I wente out of the castell he wente out also whether he shall escape or depe at goddes wyll muste it all be ¶ Whan saynt Edmonde hadde named god by that worde wyste they well all that it was hymself And anone Hubba hungar toke hym sayd that he sholde god forsake all crysten lawes as many other had done hym before ¶ And saynt Edmonde sayd that he wolde neuer but rather he wolde suffre deth for goddes loue his lawes to ¶ Tho toke they kynge Edmonge bonde hym vnto a tree made theyr archers to shote at hym with arowes tyll that his body stycked as ful of arowes as an orchen is full of pre● kes But for all the payne that they hȳdyde he wolde neuer god forsake And in the same payne torment he deyed betoke his soule vnto almyghty god ¶ And whan they sawe that he was dede they smote of his heed And of this maner as ye haue herde was saynt Edmonde martred ¶ How Hubba Hungar toke the towne of Redynge SO whan Saynt Edmonde was martyred Hungar Hubba yede thens with all the Danys vnto Redyng And as they wente thytherwarde they brente townes cytees slewe all crysten peple that wolde not forsake god cast downe chirches came to Redynge toke the towne there helde them tyll that the kynge Edelf of Westsex came thyther with all his power for to take y● townes Tho came out the Danys for to yeue batayll to Edelf at that batayll was slayne an erle of the Danys that was called Sidiak Vpon the morowe came kynge Eldred and his brother Alured with a stronge power and a grete hoste And the kynge Edelf came agayne that had foughten the daye before to that bataylle And the Danyo tho came out for to fyght with theym And the bataylle was wonder stronge for many a man was there slayne and the Danys that daye had the vyctorye And the kynge Eldred his broder Alutrd that daye were dyscomfyted ¶ But the fourth daye afterwarde the Danys y● Englysshe fought togyder an other tyme vpon Elkedene there was slayne a kynge of Denmarke that was called Rafin foure erles of grete power And that daye had the Danys shame for they we redryuē vnto Engilfelde ¶ And the .xv. daye after the Danys the Englysshe men fought an other tyme at Rafynge there were the Englysshmen dyscomfyted from thens a dane that was called Roynt wente to redynge with his hoste destroyed all that he myght take And kynge Eldred faught with hym but he was wounded sore wherfore he deyed And he regned but .v. yere and lyeth at Womborn ¶ Circa annū dm̄ .iiij. C.xlix LEo the fyrst was Emperour after Marcianus .xvij. yere In his tyme were the Rogacyon dayes ordeyned afore the Ascensyon of saynt Marmet bysshop of vyenne ¶ The pope of Rome at that tyme hyght Leo a noble clerke and with hym had many clerkes ¶ Hellariꝰ was pope after Leo .vij. yere This man ordeyned that no bysshop sholde ordeyne his successary vt pꝪ .viij. lx i. ¶ Simplicius was pope after hym whiche ordeyned that no clerke sholde take no garment to be clothed in after the seculer maner of a laye man by the reason of his offyce or of his benefyce ¶ Ze no was Emperour after Leo .xv. yere this man was an heretyke and cruell ayenst crysten men And in this mannes dayes the bodyes of saynt Mathewe the Euangelyst saynt Barnaby were foūde with them the gospell that saynt Mathewe wrote ¶ About this tyme there was a certayne comyn woman bare vij childern at oo byrth of the whiche one was made after kynge of Lomb●●dye ¶ Felix the thyrde was pope after Simplicius thre yere .viij. monethes This man ordeyned that respyte sholde be yeuen to a man that was accused that be myght auyse hym how he sholde answere And that the Iuges the accusers sholde be suche that they sholde take all suspeccyon spotte ¶ Gelasius a Romayne was pope after Felix .v. yere this man ordeyned the Canon of the masse with the Preface ympnes tractes orysons as saynt Ambrose made them that ordres sholde be yeuen foure tymes in the yere ¶ Anastasiꝰ was Emperour after Zeno .xxvij. yere he was a cursyd man an heretyke and hatefull to god man And he was slayne with lyghtnynge And in his tyme deyed saynt Patryk the fyrst bysshop of Irlonde in the L. xxij yere of his aege And his felowe was the abbot of Columba saynt Brygyda whom saynt Patryk made a Nōne And they were buryed in one tombe at dyuers tymes this is the Epitaphi Hij tres in gelido tumulo tumulantur in vno Brigida patricius atque columba pius ¶ Anastasius a Romayne was pope after Gelasius two yere and thre monethes The whiche ordeyned that no preest for wrath ne hate sholde leue of to saye his dyuyne seruyce in the chirche excepte the masse And he cursyd themperour Anastasius for he was an heretyke it is wryten of hym that afterwarde he torned for drede to y● opynyon of the Emperour And he is called the seconde euyll famed pope that is in Catholico pontificū And afore hym was Liberius famed in heresye ¶ Anno dm̄ .iiij. C.lxxxiiij SImachus was pope after hym .xv. yere with hym was ordeyned an other pope that was called Laurencius and betwixt them was a grete dyscencyon And they bothe put them to the Iugement of Theodoria the kynge he Iuged that he that was fyrst ordened that moost men of the chirche helde with sholde be pope And Symachus preualid the whiche loued the clergy poore men for Paschalius the deaken Cardynall helde ayenst Symachus with the parte of Laurence to his dethe Therfore he was put to the paynes of purgatory to kepe the batthes after his deth as Gregory sayth in his booke of Dyalogis This man ordeyned that Gloria in excelsis sholde be sayd euery sondaye and feestes of martyrs ¶ Nota ¶ That Englonde was longe tyme Crystened afore Fraunce CLodianus the fyrst crysten kynge of Fraunce was this same tyme baptysed of saynt Remigio he had a crysten woman to his wyf she meued hȳ many tymes to the fayth sayd He sholde be fortunable victoryous yf he wolde torne so he was neuer afore ¶ Hornusda was pope after Synachus ix yere This man was of grete mercy almesse to poore men ornamentꝭ he yaue many to chirches And he reconsyled the Grekes the whiche were cursyd for theyr heresye ¶ Iustinus was Emperour after Anastalius And he regned ix yere was a very crysten man all y● euer themperour Anastasꝰ had done ●yenst the chirche he reuoked obeyed the pope Hornusda called ayen that bysshops y● were exyled by his predecessours ¶ Priscianus grāmacicus was this tyme And this yere the whiche is the .lxxi. fro the comynge
thynge the whiche the holy man had ordeyned ¶ Anastasius was pope after hym two yere ¶ Laudo was pope .v. monethes lytel they dyde ¶ Iohannas the .x. was pope thenne This Iohānes was the sone of Sergius pope both of nature of maners And he was pope by myght And wretchedly slayne of Guidols knyghtꝭ for they put on his mouth a pylowe and stopped his breth And after hym was a nother put in but anone he was out and therfore he is not named as pope ¶ Henricꝰ the duke of Saxon was Emperour of Almayne .xvij. yere this Henricꝰ was a noble man but he is not nombred amonge themperours for he regned but aloonly in Almayne And he had a very holy woman vnto his wyf her name was Matylda on whom he gate two sones that is to saye Otto Harry And Otto succeded hȳ in the Empyre And Harry had moche londe in Almay ne And he gate an other sone y● hyght Brimen he was a very holy man was bysshop of Coleyne And he foūded the monastery of Panthaleon ¶ Of kynge Adelstone NOw after this Edwarde regned Adelstone his sone And whan he had regned foure yere he helde batayle ayenst the Danys And droue kynge Gaufride y● was kyng of the Danys all his hoste vnto the see and rested by Scotlonde toke strongely all the coūtree an hoole yere And after that tho of Comberlonde of Scottes of Westmerlonde began to warre vpon kynge Adelstone And he gaue them so stronge batayll that he slewe so many of them y● no man coude telle the nombre of them And after that he regned but thre yere And he regned in all .xxv. yere lyeth at Malmesbury ¶ Of kynge Edmonde THenne after this Adelstone regned Edmonde his brother For kyng Adelstone had no sone this Edmonde was a worthy man a doughty knyght of body as noble also And y● thyrde yere after that he was kynge he wente ouer Humber in to that coūtree in the whiche coūtree he foūde two kynges of Danys That one was called Enelaf that other Renant This kynge Edmonde droue them both fro y● londe after went toke a grete proye in Comberlonde This Edmonde regned but .vij. yere lyeth at Glastenbury ¶ Of kynge Eldred ANd after this Edmonde regned Eldred his broder that auenged Edwarde his fader of his enmyes that dyde hym slee And after he seased all Northumberlonde in to his honde And made the Scottes for to bowe meke vnto his wyll And in the seconde yere of his regne came Arnalaf Guyran that was kynge of Denmarke seased all Northumberlonde helde that londe two yere And after that came kynge Eldred draue hym out of this londe And this kyng Eldred was a noble man a good of whoo 's goodnes saynt Dunstane preched And this kyng Eldred regned .xi. yere lyeth at Wynchestre ¶ Of kynge Edwyn ANd after this Eldred regned Edwyn the sone of Edmonde And he was a symple man towarde god and the people For he hated folke of his ow ne londe and loued honoured straūge men And sette lytell by holy chirche And he toke of holy chirche all the tre● sour that he myght haue That was gre te shame vylany to hymself and peryll to his soule And therfore god wolde not that he sholde regne no lenger than foure yere deyed and lyeth at Wyncheste LEo the sixt a Romayne was pope .vi. monethes ¶ Stephanus the .vij. was after hym two yere ¶ Iohannes the .xi. a Romayne was pope thre yere ¶ Stephanus the .viij. a Germayne was pope after hym .viij. yere ¶ Martinus the thyrde was pope after hym thre yere of these .vi. popes is no thynge had in scrypture For what cause I can not telle ¶ Anno dm̄ .ix. C .liiij. AGapitus a Romayne was pope after Martinꝰ .ij. yere .viij. monethes no thynge of hym is wryten ¶ Iohēs the .xij. a Romayne was pope after Agapitus .viij. yere he had a fader y● hyght Alberyke was a worthy man in the cyte of Rome He Induced the noble men to swere y● after the deth of Agapitus they sholde these Octauianus his sone pope soo it was done was named Iohn he was a hunter a lecherous man so y● openly he kepte wȳmen Wherfore certen Cardynalles wrote vn to Otto the Emperour of Saxon that he sholde come to Rome for to helpe to destroye the sclaūdre of y● chirche This the pope perceyued y● honde that wrote the pystle he made to be cutte of And many tymes he was warned by the Emperour the clergy that he sholde correc te hymself but he nolde for no thynge Thenne he was deposyd Leo was put in to his place Wherfore the Emperour was anoyed and came ayen besyeged Rome so longe tyll they toke Benedicte to hym restored Leo. ¶ Of kynge Edgar that regned aboue the kynges of Scotlonde of Walys how he was begyled thrugh the takynge of his wyf ANd after this Edwyne regned Edgar his brother a man that moche loued god peas and the ryght of holy chirche also And he was a worthy man and a grete lorde of blood and myghty maytened well this londe in peas And this Edgar was lorde kynge aboue all the kynges of Scotlonde of Walys fro the tyme that Arthur was gone neuer was sythen kynge of his power ¶ And this Edgar was Saynt Edwardes fader And whan Edgars wyf was deed that was saynt Edwardes moder enteryd he herde speke of the fayrnesse of Estrylde that was Oxgarus doughter a baron of Deuenshyre that was so fayr a woman that al men dyde speke of her He called one of his knyghtes that he moche loued trusted vpon tolde hym God sayd he to the noble baron Orgarus of Deuenshyre and see yf that his doughter be so fayre as men speke of yf it be soth I wyll haue her vnto my wyf ¶ This knyght that was called Edelwolde went forth his waye as the kynge hym had sayd came there that y● lady was And whan he sawe her so fayre he thought to haue her hymself to wyf And therof spake to Orgarus her fader And her fader was an olde man had no moo childern but oonly her sawe that Edelwolde was a fayre yonge knyght worthy ryche and was well beloued with the kynge thought his doughter sholde well be maryed besette vpon hym and graūted hym his doughter yf the good lorde the kynge wolde consente therto ¶ And thenne this Edelwolde came ayen vnto the kynge tolde hym that she was fay re ynough vpon to see but she was won der lothly ¶ Tho answered the kynge and sayd that he toke but lytell charge Syr sayd Edelwolde she is her faders heyre I am not ryche of londes and yf ye wolde consente graunte that I myght
conuerted And he helde with hym pope Benedictus the vsurper of the popeheede in to Saxonye And there he decessyd in his exyle And this Emperour decessyd a ryche man in vertue goodnes ¶ Otto the seconde was Emperour after his fader And he was a noble man to the chir che as his fader was And many a batayll he had ayenst the fals men of byleue And att the laste he almoost loste all his hoste in Kalabur Yet forsothe with all his mynde besought saynt Peter to helpe And meruayllously saynt Peter delyuered hym And his wyf was the doughter of the Emperour of Constantynopolitan of the Romayns blood And this man was crowned of Benedictus the pope ¶ Of saynt Edwarde the martyr how Estrylde his stepmoder lete kylle hym for to make Eldred her owne sone kynge ANd after this Edgar regned Edwarde his sone that he begate vpon his fyrst wyf that well and nobly gouerned the londe For he was full of all maner of goodnes and ledde a full holy lyf And aboue all thynge he loued god holy chirche And the quene Estrylde that was his stepmoder lete slee hym by cause to make her owne sone Eldred kynge And thus on a daye he was slayne as ye shall here afterwarde ¶ It befell thus vppon a daye that the kynge Edwarde wente in to a wood for to playe in the south countree besyde a towne that is called Warham In whiche forest was grete plente of hartes and hyndes And whan he had ben a whyle there hym for to playe he thought vpon his broder Eldred that was with his moder the quene for her place was nygh the forest and thought for to go thyder and vysyte and see his brother And toke with hym but a lytell meyne wente hym towarde his stepmoders hous that in that tyme soiourned in the castell of Corfe And as he rode in the thyckenesse of a wood to aspye his game it befell that he wente amysse and lost his meyne that with hym came And at the last he came out of the wood And as he loked hym about he sawe there fast besydes a manere that his stepmoder dwel led in and thyderwarde he wente alone And anone it was tolde the quene how that the kynge was comen alone without ony company And therfore she made Ioye ynough and thought how that she myght do that he were slayne as pryuely as she myght and called to her one of her knyghtes To whome she had tolde moche of her coūseyll bytwene them And bothe they came to the kynge and turteysly hym receyued ¶ And the kynge tolde that he was come to vysyte and also for to speke with Eldred his broder The quene many tymes hym thanked and hym prayed for to alyght and herborugh with her all that nyght ¶ The kynge sayd that he myght not But agayne he wolde go vnto his folke yf he myght theym fynde ¶ And whan the quene sawe that he wolde not abyde she prayed hym that he wolde ones drynke and he graunted her And anone as the drynke was come the quene dranke vnto the kynge And the kynge tooke the cuppe and sette it to his mouth And in the meane whyle that he dranke the false knyght that was with the quene with a knyfe smote the kynge vnto the herte and there he felle downe deed vnto the erthe of his palfroy The quene for this dede gaue the knyght golde and syluer grete plente and of other ryches ynough And the knyght anone as this was done wente hym ouer the see And so escaped he out of this londe ¶ Whan this kynge Edwarde was thus martred It was in the yere of the Incarnacyon of our lorde Ihesu Cryste .ix. C.lxxx and he had regned .xij. yere and an halfe and lyeth at Glastenbury ¶ Of the kynge Eldred and how the kynge Swyne of Denmarke helde Englonde and how Eldred that was saynt Edwardes brother was not beloued in his Realme and therfore he fledde in to Normandye SO after this Edwarde regned Eldred his brother And saynt Dunstane crowned hym And this sayn te Dunstane deyed soone after that he had foryeuen the quene her trespaas bycause that she was cause of kynge Edwardes deth And saynt Dunstane had her assoylled penaunce had her enioyned And she lyued after a chaste lyf and a clene ¶ This kynge Eldred wedded an Englysshe woman on her begate Edmonde Irensyde and an other sone that was called Edwyne And after dey ed the quene theyr moder ¶ And in that tyme came Swyne in to Englond that was kynge of Denmark for to chalenge to conquere all that his auncetrees had before that tyme. And so he conquered had it all at his axynge ¶ For the good erle Luthberte of Lyndeleye and all the people of Northumberlonde and almoost all the grette of Englonde helde with Swyne that was kyng of Denmark for soo moche as they loued not kyng Eldred for by cause that his good brother Edwarde was slayne for loue of hym And therfore no man sette but lytell by hym Wherfore kynge Swyne had all his wyll and toke all the londe And Eldred the kynge fledde tho in to Normandye And soo spake to the duke Richarde that the duke yaue hym his syster Emme to wyf Vpon the whiche be gate two sones that one was called Alured and that other Edwarde And whan Swyne had conquered all the londe he regned nobly lyued .xv. yere and thenne he deyed lyeth at Yorke ¶ How kynge Eldred came ayen from Normandy and how Knoght the Dane regned of the warre betwixt hym and Edmonde Irensyde THus after the dethe of Swyne that was a Dane Knoght his sone dwelled in Englonde and wolde haue ben kynge And tho came agayne Eldred out of Normandye with moche nombre of people and with a stronge meyne that Knoght durste not abyde but fledde thens in to Denmarke The kynge Eldred had agayne his reame helde so grete worshyp that he began for to destroye all tho that halpe Swyne that was a Dane ayenst hym And afterwarde came agayne this Knoght from Denmark with a grete power so that kynge Eldred durste not with hym fyght but fledde from thens vnto London there helde hym ¶ Tho came Knoght hym besyeged soo longe tyll that kynge Eldred deyed in the cyte of London lyeth at saynt Poules And he regned .ix. yere BOnus was pope after Benedictus one yere This man abode but a lytell tyme. ¶ Bonifacius was pope after hym fyue monethes ¶ Benedictus was pope after hym .x. yere This man crowned Otto the seconde and made many Romayns to be taken And he gadred a counseyll agaynst the kynge of Fraunce where Gylberte the Nygromancer was deposyd ¶ Iohānes the .xiiij. was pope after hym .viij. monethes And he was put in the castell Aungell and was famyned to dethe ¶ Iohānes the .xv. was pope after hym foure monethes ¶ Iohānes the .xvi. was pope after hym almoost .xi. yere This
his owne meyne wente vnto the chambre there that he sholde take his nyghtes reste And as he loked hym about he sawe a fayre ymage well made and in semblaunt as it were an Archer with a boowe in the boowe a fyne arowe ¶ Kynge Edmonde wente tho nere for to beholde it better what it myght be And anone y● arowe smote hym thrugh the body there slewe the kynge For that engyne was made for to slee his owne lorde traytoursly ¶ And so whan kynge Edmonde was thus deed slayne he had regned but .x. yere And his people for hym made moche sorowe And his body they bare vnto Glastenbury there they hym entyred ¶ And this fals traytour Edrith anone wente vnto the quene that was kynge Edmondes wyfe that wyst not of her lordes deth Anone he toke from her two sones that were fayre yonge that her lorde had vpon her goten that one was called Edwarde that other Edwyne ladde theym with hym to London toke them vnto kynge Knoght that he sholde do wish them what his wyll were And tolde hym how subtylly he had slayne kynge Edmonde for by cause loue of hym so that kynge knoght all Englonde in his power hooly myght haue ¶ O thou fals traytour hast thou my true brother that was soo true thus slayne for me the man I moost loued in the worlde Now by my heed I shall for thy trauell the well rewarde as thou hast deserued anone lete hym be take bounde honde foot in manere of a traytour lete cast hym there in to Tamyse in this maner the fals traytour ended his lyf The kynge toke the two childern put them vnto the abbot of Westmestre to warde to kepe tyll that he wyst what was best with them to do ¶ How kynge knoght sente kynge Edmondes sones both in to Denmarke to be slayne how they were saued SO it befell soone after that kynge knoght had all the londe in his honde spowsed the quene Emme thorugh consente of his baronage For she was a fayre woman the whiche was Eldredes wyf and the dukes syster of Normandy they lyued togyder with moche loue as reason wolde The kynge axed vpon a daye counseyll of the quene what was best to do with the sones that were Edmonde Irensydes Syr sayd she they ben the ryght heyres of the londe yf they lyue they wyll do moche sorowe with warre therfore lete sende them in to a strange londe a ferre to some man that may them defoyle destroy The kyng anone lete call a dane that was called Walgar cōmaūded hȳ that he sholde lede tho two childern in Denmark so to do ordeyne for them y● he sholde neuer here more of theym Syr sayd this Walgar gladly your cōmaūdement shall be done anone tho two childern he toke lad them in to Denmark And for as moche as he sawe that the childern were wond fayre also meke he had of them grete pyte ruche wolde them not slee but lad them to the kyng of Hungry for to nourysshe for this Walgar was well beknowen with the kynge well beloued Anone the kyng axed whens the childn were Walgar tolde hym sayd that they were the ryght heyres of Englond therfore men wolde destroye theym And therfore syr vnto you they be come mercy helpe for to seke And forsothe yf they may lyue your men they shall become and of you they shall holde all theyr londe The kynge of Hungry receyued them with moche honour lete them worthely be kepte ¶ And thus it befell afterwarde that Edwyne the yonger brother deyed Edwarde the elder brother lyued a fayre man a stronge a large of body gentyll and curters of condycyons so that all men hym loued And this Edwarde in the Cronycles is called amonge the Englysshmen Edwarde the outlawe ¶ And whan as he was made knyght the kynges doughter of Hungry hym moche loued for his goodnes and his fayrnes that she hym called her derlynge The kyng that was her fader perceyued well the loue that was betwixt them two and had no heyre but only that doughter and the kynge vowchesauf his doughter to no man so well as he dyde to hym that she loued so well he her and yaue her vnto hym with a good wyll Edwarde her spowsed with moche honour The kynge of Hungry sente after all his baronage and made a solempne feest a ryche weddynge And made all men to vnderstande that this Edwarde sholde be kynge of that londe after the decesse of hym And of that tydyngꝭ they were all full gladde This Edwarde begate vppon his lady a sone that was called Edgar Helynge afterwarde a doughter that was called Margarete that afterwarde was quene of Scotlonde And by the kyng of Scotlond that was called Mancolin she had a doughter that was called Maud that was quene afterwarde of Englond thrugh kynge Henry that was the fyrst sone of the conquerour that her wedded And he begate on her a doughter that was called Maude that afterwarde was Empresse of Almayn And of this Maude came the kynge of Englonde that vnto this daye is called Henry y● Empresse sone And yet had this Edwarde an other doughter by his wyf that was called Crystyan she was a Nonne ¶ How kynge Knoght that was a proude man conquered No●●andy how he became afterwarde meke mylde NOw haue ye herde of Edmonde Irensydes sones that kyng Knoght wend they had ben slayne as he had cōmaūded Walgar before And this kyng Knoght had in his honde all the reame of Englonde Denmarke And after that they wente vnto Norwaye that londo for to conquere But the kynge of the londe that was called Elaf came with his people wende his londe to haue well kepte defended so there he faught with hym tyll at the last he was slayne in that batayll And tho this Knoght toke all the londe in to his honde And whan he had conquered Norwaye taken feaute homages there he came ayen in to Englonde helde hymself so grete a lorde that hym thoughte in all the worlde his pere noo man was And he came so proude and hauteyne that it was grete wonder ¶ And so it befell vpon a daye as he had herde masse at Westmestre wolde haue gone in to his palays the wawes of the Tamyse so swyftely ayenst hym came that almoost they touched his feet Tho sayd the kyng with a proude herte I cōmaunde the water to torne ayen or elles I shall make the The wawes for his cōmaūdement wolde not spare but flowed euer in heyght more more The kyng was so proude of hert that he wolde not flee the water bete it with a rodde that he had in his honde cōmaunded the water that it sholde go no ferder But for all his cōmaūdement
the water wolde not cesse but euer wexed more more on hygh so that the kynge was all wete stode depe in the water And whan he sawe that he had abyden there to longe the water wolde noo thynge do his cōmaundement tho soone he withdrewe hym and tho stode he vpon a stone and helde his hondes on hyghe sayd these wordes herynge all the people ¶ This god that maketh the see thus aryse is kynge of all kyngꝭ of all myghtes moost And I am a caytyf a man deedly and he may neuer deye all thynge doth his cōmaundement and to hym is obedyent ¶ To that god I praye that he be my warraunt For I knowlege me a caytyf feble and of no power And therfore I wyll go vnto Rome without ony longe lettynge and my wyckednesse for to punysshe and me to amende For of god I clayme my londe for to holde of none other And anone made redy his heyre and hymself wente to Rome without ony lettynge And by the waye dyde many almesse dedes and whan he came to Rome also And whan he had be there for his synnes do penaūce he came ayen in to Englonde became a good man and an holy And lyued and left all manere of pryde and stoutenes and lyued an holy lyf after made two abbayes of saynt Benet one in Englonde and an other in Normandye for as moche as he loued saynt Benet more specyally than other sayntes And moche he loued also saynt Edmonde y● kynge And oft he yaue grete yeftes to the house wherfore it was made ryche And whan he had regned .xx. yere he deyed and lyeth at Wynchestre ¶ Anno dm̄ M.xviij BEnedictus the .ix. was pope after Iohannes he was a grete le●hour therfore he was dampned and he aperyd to a certayne man vnd a meruaylous fygure an horryble His heed his take was lylae an asse that other part of his body lyke a beer And he sayde to this man to whom he aperyd Be not aferde for I was a man as ye now be but I apeyre now for I lyued vnhappely in olde tyme lyke a beest whan I was pope In this mannes tyme there was grete dyuysyon sclaunder to the chirche for he was put out in two tymes ¶ And here Tholome●● noteth that the pryde of bysshops had euer an euyll ende And it was euer the occasyon of moche vnrest and batayll ¶ Conradus the fyrst was Emperour after Henricus .xx. yere This man made many lawes and cōmaunded peas to be kepte moost straytly of ony man But the erle of ●udolf was accused he fledde from his londe desyred more to lyue lyke a churle than lyke a gentylman yet meruayllously his sone was made Emperour by the cōmaūdement of god ayenst the wyll of Conradus And at the laste they were accorded And he toke Corodis doughter to his wyf ¶ Of kynge Harold that leuer had go on foot than ryde on hors THis Knoght of whome we haue spoken of before had two sones by his wyf Emme that one was called Hardiknoght that other Harold And he was so lyght of foot y● men called hȳ moost comynly Harold Hare foot And this Harold had no thynge the condicyons the maners of kyng Knoght that was his fader For he sette but lytell pryce of chyualrye ne noo curteysy nother worshyp but oonly by his owne wyll And he became so wycked that he exyled his moder Emme And she wente out of the londe in to Flaūdres there dwelled with the erle wherfore after there was neuer good loue betwixt hym his broder For his broder hated hȳ deedly whan he had regned two yere a lytell more he deyed lyeth at Westmestre ¶ Of kynge Hardiknoght that was Haroldes brother AFter this Harold Harefoot regned his brother Hardiknoght● a noble knyght a worthy man moche loued chyualry all maner of goodnes And whan this Hardiknoght had redned a lytell whyle he lete vncouere his brother Harold smote of his heed that was his broder at Westmestre● lete cast the heed in to a gonge the body in to Tamyse And after came fysshers toke the body with theyr nettes by nyght bare hym to saynt Clementes ch●●che there hym buryed And in this maner auenged hym Hardiknoght of his broder for in none other maner he myght be auenged This kynge Hardiknoght was so large a yeuer of meete drynke that his tables were sette euery daye thre tymes full with ryall meetes drynkes for his owne meyne and for all that came vnto his courte to be rychely serued of ryall meetts ¶ And this kynge Hardiknoght sente after Emme his moder made her to come ayen in to Englonde for she was dryuen out of Englonde whyle that Harold Harefoot regned thrugh counseyll of the erle Godewin that tho was the grettest lorde of Englonde next the kynge moost myght do thrugh out all Englonde what he wolde his cōmaundement for as moche as he had spowsed the doughter of the good kynge Knoght that was a Dane● whiche doughter he hadde by his fyrst wyf ¶ And whanne this quene was dryuen out of Englonde come to the Erle of Flaūdres that was called Baldewyne her cosyn he foūde her there all thynge that her neded vnto the tyme that she wente ayen in to Englonde that the kynge Hardiknoght had sent for her that was her some made her come ayen with moche honour This kynge Hardiknoght whan he had regned fyue yere he deyed and lyeth at Westmestre ¶ Of the vylany that the Danys dyde to the Englysshmen Wherfore fro that tyme after was no Dane made kynge of this londe ANd after the deth of this kynge Hardsknoght for as moche as he had noo thynge of his body begoten The erles barons assembled made a coūsell that neuer more after no man that was a Dane though he were neuer so grete a man amonges them he sholde neuer be kynge of Englonde for the despyte that the Danes had done to Englysshmen For euermore before yf it were so that the Englysshmen y● Danys hapned for to mete vpon a brydge the Englysshmen sholde not be so hardy to me●e ne styre a foot but stande styll tyll the Dane were passed forth And more ouer yf that Englysshmen had not bowed downe theyr heedes to do reuerence vnto the Danys they sholde haue ben beten defoylled And suche maner despytes vylany dyde the Danys to our Englysshemen Wherfore they were dryuen out of y● londe after tyme y● kyng Hardiknoght was deed for they had no lorde that theym myght mayntene ¶ And in this maner auoyded the Danys Englonde that neuer they came ayen ¶ The erles barons by theyr comyn assente by theyr coūseles sent vnto Normandy for to seke those two brethern Alured Edwarde that were dwellynge with the duke Richarde that was theyr
came in entente for to crowne Alured the elder brother hym make kynge of Englonde And of this thynge to make an ende the erles ●arons made theyr othe But y● erle Godewin of Westsex falsely traytoursely thought to slee these two brethern anone as they sholde come in to Englonde in entent to make his sone Harold kynge the whiche sone he had begote vpon his wyfe the whiche was kynge Knoghtes doughter that was a Dane And so this Godewin pryuely hȳ went vnto South hampton for to mete there the two brethern whan that they sholde come vnto londe ¶ And thus it befell the messengers that wente in to Normandy foūde not but oonly Alured that was the elder brother For Edwarde his brother was gone in to Hungary for to speke with his cosyn Edwarde the outlawe that was Edmondes sone with the Irensyde The messengers tolde sayd Alured how that the erles barons of Englonde sente after hym that he boldely sholde come in to Englonde receyue the reame For kynge Hardiknoght was deed all the Danes dryuen out of the londe ¶ How Godewin the fals traytour toke Alured vppon Gyldesdowne whan that he came from Normandy to be kynge of Englonde how he caused hym to be martyred in the yle of Ely AS Alured herde these tydynges he thanked god And in to shyppe went with all the hast that he myght and passed the see arryued at South-hampton there Godewin the fals traytour was And whan this traytour sawe that he was come he welcomed hym receyued hym with moche Ioye sayd that he wolde lede hym to London there that all the barons of Englonde hym abode to make hym kynge And so they wente on theyr waye towarde London And whan they came on Gyldesdowne tho sayd the traytour Godwin vnto Alured Take kepe about you bothe on the lyfte syde ryght syde of all ye shall be kynge of suche an hondred more Now forsothe sayd Alured I behyght you yf I be kynge I shall ordeyne make suche lawes wherfore god man shall be well pleased Now had the traytour cōmaunded all his men that were with hym that whan they were come vpon Gildesdowne that they sholde slee all that were in Aluredes company that came with hym fro Normandy after that take Alured lede hym in to the yle of Ely after put out bothe his eyen of his heed afterwarde brynge hym to deth so they dyde For they slewe all the company that there were the nombre of .xij. gentylmen that were come with hym fro Normandy after toke they Alured in the yle of Ely they put out his eyen rent his wombe toke the chyef of his bowels put a stake in the grounde an ende of the bowels therto fastened with nedyls eylesse of yren they pryched the good childe and so made hym to go about the stake tyll that all his bowels were drawen out of his body so deyed Alured there thorugh treason of the erle Godewin ¶ Whan the lordes of Englonde had herde wyst how Alured that sholde haue be theyr kynge was put to deth thrugh the fals traytour Godewin they were wonder wroth And swore bytwene god them that he sholde deye a more wors dethe than dyde Edrith of Stratton that had betrayed his lorde Edmonde Irensyde they wolde haue put hȳ to deth but the theyf traytour fled thens in to Denmark there helde hȳ foure yere more lost all his londe in Englonde SIluester the thyrde was pope after Benedictus This Siluester was chose and Benedictus was ●●pulsyd And afterwarde was he expulsyd Benedictus was put vp ayen And after he was put out and Gregorius was made pope And he was but a symple lettred man therfore he chose an other man for to be consecrate with hym And whan many men were dyspleased with this gydynge of two popes the thyrde was brought in the whiche sholde occupye the place of bothe tho two And soo they stroue amonge themself But Henry the Emperour came thenne to Rome deposyd them all and made Clement the seconde pope whome he made anone to crowne hym And he sayd to the Romayns they sholde neuer ch●se pope without his assent And so fyue beynge popes the sixte was put in But many men saye this Gregorus was an holy man ¶ Dama●ius the seconde was after Clement .xx. dayes This man was an vsurper of the popeheed and soo he deyed sodenly And anone the Romayns asked to haue a pope that the Almaynes sholde haue none For they were soo harde herted that they myght not enclyne to the entente of the Emperour the whiche sayd There sholde be no pope chosen but yf he wolde be of counseyll of the eleccyon But for all that they putt in this holy man Leo after he bad of that conscyence refused And anone he was chosen by the comyn assent this Leo put Cryste in the fourme of a Las● in his owne bedde in the morowe he founde no thynge there ¶ Of saynt Edwarde the Confessour that was Aluredes brother how he was kynge of Englonde ANd whan this was done all the barons of Englonde sent an other tyme in to Normandy for that Edwarde sholde come in to Englonde 〈◊〉 moche honour ¶ And this Edwarde in his childehode loued almyghty god and hym dradde And in honeste clennesse had ladde his lyf hated synne as deth And whan he was crowned anoynted with a ryall power he forgate not his good maners condycyons that he fyrst vsed And forgate not al good customes for no manere honour ne for ryches ne no manere hyghnes But euer more and more yaue hym to goodnesse and loued god and holy chirche passynge all other manere thynge And poore men also he loued them helde as they had ben his owne brethern And to them oft he yaue grete almesse with full good wyll ¶ Of the fyrst specyal loue that god shewed to saynt Edwarde lyuynge IT befell on a daye as he wente from the chirche of Westmynstre had herde masse of saynt Iohan the Euangelyst for as moche as he loued saynt Iohn Euangelyst more specyally after god our lady than he dyde ony other saynt And so there came to hym a pylgryme prayed hym for the loue of god our lady saynt Iohn the Euangelyst some good hym for to yeue And the kynge pryuely toke his rynge of his fynger that no man perceyued it yaue it to the pylgryme he it receyued went thens ¶ This kynge Edward● made alle the good lawes of Englonde that yet ben moost vsed holden And was so mercyable and so full of pyte that no man myght be more ¶ How the erle Godewin came ayen in to Englonde had ayen all his londe and afterwarde saynt Edwarde wedded his doughter AS the Erle Godewin that was dwellynge in Denmarke had
am Iohn the Euangelyst I am dwellynge with almyghty god your kyng Edwarde is my frende I loue hym in specyall for by cause that he hath euermore lyued in clennesse is a clene mayde I praye you my message fulfyll as I haue you sayd Whan that saynt Iohn y● Euangelyst had them thus charged sodenly he voyded out of theyr syghtꝭ both The pylgrymes tho thanked almyghty god went forth theyr waye And whan they had gone two or thre myle they began to waxe very sette them adowne for to rest them so they felle on slepe And whan they had slepte well one of them awoke lyfte vp his heed loked about sayd to his felowe Aryse vp walke we in our waye What sayd that one felowe vnto that other where be we now Certes sayd that other it semeth me that this is not the same coūtree there we layde vs downe in for to rest slepe For we were from Ierusalem but thre myle They toke vp theyr hondes blessyd them wente forth in theyr waye And as they went in theyr waye they sawe sheperdes goynge with theyr shepe y● spake none other langage but englysshe ¶ Good frendes sayd one of the pylgrymes what coūtree is this who is lorde therof ¶ And one of the sheperdes answered sayd this coūtree is the coūtree of Kente in Englonde of the whiche the good kyng Edwarde is lorde of The pylgrymes thanked tho almyghty god saynt Iohn Euangelyst wente forth in theyr waye came to Caunterbury fro thens vnto London there they foūde the kyng And tolde hym all from the begynnynge vnto the endynge asmoche as saynt Iohn had them charged of all thyngꝭ how they had sped by the waye And toke the rynge to kynge Edwarde he toke it thanked almyghty god saynt Iohn Euangelyst And tho made hym redy euery daye fro daye to daye to departe out of this lyf whan god wolde for hym sende ¶ How saynt Edwarde deyed the Twelfth daye ANd after it befell thus on Cryst masse euen as the holy man Edwarde was at goddes seruyce matyns for to here of that hyghe solempne feest he became full syke and in the morowe endured with moche payne the masse for to here And after masse he lete hym be ladde in to his chambre there for to reste hym But in his halle amonge his barons and his knyghtes myght he not come theym for to comforte and solace as he was wonte for to do at that worthy feest Wherfore all theyr myrth and comfort amonge al that were in the halle was tonned in to care sorowe bycause they dradde for to lese the good lorde the kyng ¶ And vpon saynt Iohn daye Euangelyst that came next the kyng receyued his ryghtes of holy chirche as it befalleth to euery crysten man abode the mercy that wyll of god And the two pylgrymes he lete before hym come yaue theym ryche yeftes betoke theym to god Also the abbot of Westmestre he lete before hym come toke hym that rynge in the honour of god saynt Mary of saynt Iohan the Euangelyst And the abbot toke it put it amonge other relykes so that it is at Westmestre euer shall be so laye the kyng syke tyll the twelfth eue And tho deyed the good kynge Edwarde at Westmestre there he lyeth For whoo 's loue god hath shewed many a fayre myracle ¶ And this was in the yere of the Incarnacyon of our lorde Ihesu Cryste M.lxv. And after he was translated put in to y● shryne by the noble martyr saynt Thomas of Caunterbury UIctor the seconde was pope after Leo of hym lytell is wryten ¶ Henry y● seconde was Emperour after the fyrst Henry .xvij. yere this man was cosyn to Conradus he was borne in a wood twyes taken for to be slayne whan he was a childe but god defended hym euermore Whan he was made Emperour many a monastery he made in the same place in the wood where he was borne This man was a victoryous man he entred in to Ytaly there he toke Padulphus the prynce of Campany ¶ Strepha●●s the .ix. was pope after Victor .ix. monethes ¶ Benedictus after hym he toke the dygnyte of the pope Stephanus by strength kept it .ix. monethes thenne decessyd ¶ Henry the thyrde was Emperour after Henry the seconde this Henry was an 〈◊〉 man many tymes troubled that holy man Gregorius the .vij. And fyrst he axed forye●enesse was assoyled But he per●euered not longe but brought in an other pope ayenst hym and sayd he was an heretyke And Gregoriꝰ cursyd hym And the chesers of the Emperour they chose the duke of Saxon for to be Emperour whom this Henry in batayle ouercame And thenne he came to Rome with his pope pursewed pope Gregorius the Cardynalles also ¶ And thenne anone Robert the kynge of Naples droue hym thens and delyuered the pope his Cardynalles Neuerthelesse yet he was a man of grete almesse And .xij. tymes he faught in batayll and a●● the laste he deyed wretchedly for he was put there by his owne sone For so as he dyde to other men so was he done vnto ¶ Nicholaꝰ the seconde was pope after Benedictus two yere this Nicholaꝰ called a coūseyll ayenst the Archedeken of Turonoseus the whiche was an her●tyke he taught ayenst the fayth For he erred in the sacrament after he was cōuerted was an holy man but he coude neuer cōuerte his dyscyples Nota. ¶ Alexander y● seconde was pope after hym .xij. yere this Alexand was an holy man he ordeyned y● vnder payne of cursynge that no man sholde here a preestꝭ masse whom men knewe had a lemman Vt pꝪ .xxxij. p̄ter hoc He had stryue with one Codulo but he expulsyd hȳ as an vsurper put hym out as a symonyer ¶ How Harolde that was Godewins sone was made kyng how he escaped from the duke of Normandy AS saynt Edward was gone out of this worlde was passed to god worthely enteryd as to suche a grete l●●de ought the barons of the londe wolde ●●●ad Edwarde Elingus some to Edwarde the outlawe that was Edmonde ●rensydes sone to be kynge● For as moche as he was moost kyndest kynges blood of the reame ¶ But Ha●des sone thrugh the erle Godewin the strength of his fader Godewin and torugh other grete lordes of the reame that were of his kynne vnto hȳ sybbe seased all Englonde in to his bonde anone lete crowne hym kynge after the enterement of Saynt Edwarde This sy●olde that was Godewines sone the seconde yere afore that saynt Edwarde was deed wolde haue gone in to Flaundres but he was dryuen thrugh tempest in to the coūtree of Pountyse there he was taken brought to duke Wylliam And this Harolde wende that tho this d●ke Wyllyam wolde
olde testament y● newe the lawes of the prophecyes the gospell the canons of appostles all the decrees of the popes of Rome that al they helde I holde that that they dampned Idampne moost specyally that preuylege graunted to Henry the Emperour the whiche rather is graunted to venge his malyce than to multeplye his pacyence in vertue For euer more I dampne that same preuylege ¶ Of kyng Henry Beauclerk that was Wyllyam Rous brother and of the debate bytwene hym Robert Curthos his brother ANd whan Wyllyam Rous was deed Henry Beauclerk his 〈◊〉 was made kynge by cause Wyllyam Rome had no childe begote on his body And this Henry Beauclerk was crowned kyng at London the fourth daye after that his brother was decessyd that is to saye the fyfth daye of August ¶ And anone as Ancelmus that was Archbysshop of Caūterbury that was at y● court of Rome herde tell that William Rous was deed he came ayen in to England the kynge Beauclerk welcomed hym with moche honour And the fyrste yere the kynge Henry regned was crowned He spowsed Maude that was Margaretes doughter the quene of Scotlonde And the Archebysshop Ancelmus of Caūterbury wedded them And this kynge begate vpon his wyfe two sones a doughter that is to saye Wyllyam and Richarde Maude And this Maude was afterwarde y● Empresse of Almayne ¶ And in the seconde yere of his regne his broder Robert Curthos that was duke of Normandy came with an huge hoste in to Englond for to chalenge the londe But thrugh counseyll of the wyse men of the londe they were accorded in this manere That the kynge sholde yeue his brother the duke a thousande pounde euery yere And whiche of them that lyued lengest sholde be that others heyre and so bytwene them sholde he no debate ne stryfe ¶ And then whan they were thus accorded the duke wente home agayne in to Normandye ¶ And whan the kynge had regned foure yere there arose a grete debate bytwene hym and the Archebysshop of Counterbury Ancelmus For by cause that the Archebysshopp wolde not graun●e to hym for to talenges of chirches at his wyll And the reforde ef●ones the Archebysshope Ancelmus wente ouer the see vnto the courte of Rome there he dwelled with the pope And in the same yere the 〈◊〉 of Normandy came in to Englonde to speke with his 〈◊〉 ¶ And 〈…〉 other thynges the duke of Normandye ●ory●●e vnto the kynge his brother the fousayd thousande poūde by yere that he sholde paye vnto the duke And with good loue the kynge the duke departed there y● duke wente ayen in to Normandy ¶ And whan tho two yere were agone thrugh the entycement of the deuyll of symple men a grete debate arose bytwene the kynge the duke soo that thrugh coūseyll the kynge wente ouer y● see in to Normandy whan the kynge of Englonde was come in to Normandy all the grete lordes of Normande torned vnto the kynge of Englonde helde ayenst y● duke theyr owne lorde hȳ forsoke to the kynge them yelde all the good castelles townes of Normandy And soone after was the duke taken ladde with the kynge in to Englonde And the kyng lete put the duke in to pryson this was the vengeaunce of god ¶ For whanne the duke was in the holy londe god yaue hym suche myght grate that he was chosen for to haue be kȳge of Iherusalem and he forsoke is and wolde not take it vpon hym and therfore god sente hym that shame despyte for to be putt in his brothers pryson The seased kynge Henry all Normandy in to his honde helde it all his lyfe tyme. ¶ And in the same yere came the bysshop Ancelmus fro the courte of Rome in to Englonde ayen And the kyng he were accorded ¶ And in the next yere comynge after there began a grete debate bytwene the kynge Phylyppe of Fraunce kynge Henry of Englonde Wherfore kynge Henry wente in to Normandye there was stronge warre bytwene them two And tho deyed the kynge of Fraūce lowys his sone was made kynge anone after his deth And th● 〈◊〉 kynge Henry ayen in to Englonde maryed Maude his doughter vnto Henry the Emperour of Almayne ¶ Of the debate that was betwixt kynge Lowys of Fraūce kynge Henry of Englonde how kynge Henryes two sones were loste in the hyght see AS kynge Henry hadꝭ be kynge xvij yere a grete debate arose betwixt kynge Lowys of fraūce kynge Henry of Englonde for by cause that y● kynge had sente in to Normandy to his men that they sholde be helpynge vnto therle of Bloys asmoche as they might in wane ayenst the kynge of fraunc● And that they sholde be as 〈◊〉 to hym as they were to theyr owne lorde for by cause that therle had spowsed his 〈…〉 Maude And for this cause y● kenge of Fraūce dyde moche sorowe to Normandy Wherfore the kynge of Englonde was wonder wroth in haste wente ouer the see with a grete power same in 〈◊〉 Normandy for to defende that 〈◊〉 And the warre bytwene them lasted two yere tyll at the last they two 〈◊〉 togyder And the kynge of fraūce was dyscomfyted vnnethes escaped aware with moche payne the moost part●●e of his men were taken And the kynge dyde with theym what hym best lyked And some of them he lete go freely and some he lete be put vnto the deth But afterwarde those two kyngꝭ were 〈◊〉 And whan kynge Henry had hooly all the londe of Normandye 〈◊〉 his enmyes of Fraunce he torned agayne in to Englonde with moche honour And his two sones William Rycharde wolde haue come after the fader went to the see with a grete company of people But are that they myght come to londe the shyppe came ayenst a roche all were drowned that were there in saue ●o man that was in the same shyppe that escaped And this was vpon saynt Katheryns daye these were the names of them that were drowned Willyam and Rycharde the kynges son● a the erle of Chestre Octonell his brother Geffroy Rydell Walter 〈◊〉 Godefray Archedeken the kynges doughter the countesse of Perches the kyngesnece the countesse of Chestre many other ¶ Whan kynge Henry other lordes arryued in Englonde herde these tydynges they made sorowe ynough And all theyr myrth Ioye was torned in to mornynge sorowe ¶ How Maude y● Empresse came ayen in Englonde how she was afterward wedded to Geffroy therle of Angoy ANd whan that two yere were agone that the Erle had dwelled with the kynge the erle wente from the kyng began to warre vpon hym dyde moche harme in y● londe of Normandy toke there a stronge castell there he dwelled all that yere And tho came to hym tydynges that Henry the Emperom of Almayne y● had spowsed
and Baldewy●e the Archebysshop of Caunterbury and 〈◊〉 bysshop of Salysbury and Radulf 〈◊〉 of Glocetre and other many lordes of Englonde went in to the holy londe And in that vyage deyed the Archebysshop of Caunterbury And kynge Rycharde wente before in to the holy londe and rested not tyll that he came forth in his waye vnto Cypres and toke it with grete force And after that kyng Richarde went forth towarde the holy londe gate there as moche as the crysten men had there before lost And conquered the londe ayen thorugh grete myghte sauf oonly the holy crosse And whan kynge Rycharde came to the cyte of Acres for to gete the cyte there arose a grete debate bytwene hym the kynge of Fraūce so that the kynge of Fraūce wente ayen in to Fraunce and was wrothe towarde the kynge Rycharde But yet for alle that are kynge Rycharde wente ayen he toke the cyte of Acres And whan he had take it he dwelled in the cyte a whyle But to hym came tydynges that the erle Iohn of Oxerforde his brother wolde haue seased alle Englonde in to his honde and Normandy also and wolde lete crowne hym kynge of all the londe ¶ And whan kyng Rycharde herde tell of these tydynges he wente ayen towarde Englonde with all the spede that he myght But the duke of Oshyche mette with hym and toke hym and broughte hym vnto the Emperour of Almayner And the Emperour hym broughte vnto pryson And afterwarde he was delyuered for an huge raunson that is for to saye an honored thousande poūde And for the whiche raūson to be payed eche other chalyce of Englonde was molten made in to moneye And all the monk●● of the 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 alle 〈…〉 ¶ How kynge Rycharde came agayne from the holy londe and auenged hym of his enmyes SO as this kynge Rycharde was in pryson the 〈…〉 warred vpon hym 〈◊〉 in Normandy Iohn his 〈…〉 in Englonde But the 〈…〉 ●ons of Englonde 〈…〉 all theyr power that 〈…〉 toke the castell of 〈…〉 stelles And the forsa●d 〈…〉 he had no myght ne 〈…〉 ●ons of Englonde 〈…〉 none went hȳ oue● the 〈…〉 of Fraunce ¶ And 〈…〉 came out of person and 〈…〉 and came in to 〈…〉 Candelmast●in grete 〈…〉 to Notyngham 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 comfyted he his brother 〈…〉 that with hym helde 〈…〉 vnto the ryte of 〈…〉 he lete hym crowne 〈…〉 And after he wente vnto 〈…〉 to warre vpon the byng of 〈…〉 the kynge of fraunce 〈…〉 died knyghtꝭ towarde 〈…〉 Rycharde mette 〈…〉 haue reue hym batayll But the 〈…〉 of Fraunce fledde t●o and an hund●●d knyghtes of his were taken 〈…〉 died stedes that were crapped 〈…〉 ¶ And anone after 〈…〉 for to be●y●ge the castall 〈…〉 And as he tode vppon a dare 〈…〉 for to take 〈…〉 vpon hym that he 〈◊〉 that he 〈◊〉 for noo manne of thynge ¶ He 〈…〉 sharpely all his men for to assaylle the castell See that the castell was taken or he deyed And so manly his men dyde that all the people that were in the castell were taken and the kynge dyde with them what he wolde And commaunded his men that they sholde brynge before hym the man that hym s●● hurte so wounded And whan he came before the kyng the kynge axed hym what was his name And he sayd my name is Bertram Gurdon Wherfore sayd the kynge hast thou me slayne syth I dyde the neuer none harme Syre sayd he Though ye dyde me neuer none harme ye your self with your owne honde slewe my fader my broder and therfore I haue quyte now your trauaylle Tho sayd kynge Rycharde He y● deyed vpon the crosse to brynge mannes soule fro payne of helle foryeue the my deth I also foryeue it the. Tho cōmaunded he that noo man sholde hym mysdo But for all the kyngꝭ defendynge some of the kyngꝭ men hym folowed pryuely hym slewe And the vi● daye after the kynge dyde shryue hym sore repentaunce hauynge of his mysdedes and was houseled and enoynted ¶ And this kynge regned but .ix. yere and .xxx. wekes deyed lyeth besyde his fader at Fontenerad HEnricus the fyfthe was Emperour .viij. yere This Henricꝰ was sone to Frederyk he wedded Constance the kyngꝭ doughter of Cecyle thorugh the occasyon of her he subdued all the kyngdom of Apulye he droue all the people out y● enhabyte y● londe ¶ Celestinus the thyrde was pope after Clemens almoost thre yere This man was crowned vpon Eisterdaye the daye so lowynge he crowned Henry the Emperour And he made a ●alays at saynt Peters decesyd ¶ 〈◊〉 the thyrde was pope after hym .viij. yere and .v. monethes This man was well 〈◊〉 And he made a 〈◊〉 of y● 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 Apeculū 〈…〉 This man 〈◊〉 y● 〈…〉 Ioachim y● whiche he made 〈…〉 ster Pey●● Lombarde the maker of the Sentence This tyme decessyd the Emperour Henry And y● prynces of 〈◊〉 dyscorded for s●me chose Otto and some chose Phylyppe brother to Henry Thenne Phylyppe was falsely slayne Otto was crowned of Innocenciꝰ in Fraūce the whiche anone faught with the Romayns for they y●ue hym no dewe honour And for that cause ayenst the popes wyll he toke the kyngdom of Apulye from Frederyk wherfore the pope cursyd hym Thenne after the fourth yere of his regne the prynces of Almayne made Frederyk Emperour and vyctoryously he subdued Otto ¶ Wyllyam of Parys this tyme began the ordre of the freres Austyn the whiche ben called fratres mendicantes ¶ Franciscus an Ytalyon a man of grete perfeccyon and an ensāmple to many a man dyde many a myracle this tyme. And he ordeyned the frere Minores ¶ And the .vi. yere of pope Innocenciꝰ the thyrde the ordre of the frere Prechers beganne vnder Domynyk but it myght not be confermed tyll the fyrst yere of Honorius ¶ Of kynge Iohn that in the fyrst yere of his regne lost all Normandye AS kynge Rycharde was deed by cause that he hadꝭ none heyre nother sone ne doughter thenne his brother Iohan was made kynge and crowned at Westmester of Hubert that tho was Archebysshop of Counterbury And whan he began for so regne he became so meruayllous a man and 〈◊〉 ouer in to Normandye warred vpon the the kyng of Fraunce And so longe they 〈◊〉 togyder tyll at the laste kynge Iohn lost all Normandy Angoy wher fast he was sore anoyed and it was no meruaylle ¶ Tho lete he assemble before hym at London Archebysshops bysshops abbots pryours erles barons helde there a grete parlyament and axed there of the Clergye the tenthe of euery chirche of Englonde for to conquere gete ayen Normandy Angoy that he had lost They wolde not graile that thynge wherfore he was wonder wrothe ¶ And in that same tyme deyed Hubert The pryour and the couent of Caūterbury ●hose ayenst the kyng● wyll to be Archebysshop Stephen of Langton a good clerke
the kynge full wroth And sente two Legates vnto the kynge that one was called Pandulf that other Duraunt that they sholde warne the kyng in the popes name that he sholde cesse of his persecucyon that he dyde vnto holy chirche amende the wronge the trespasse that he had done to the Archebysshop of Caūterbury to the pryour vnto the monkes of Caunterbury to all the clergye of Englond And that he sholde restore al the goodes ayen that he had taken of them ayenst theyr wyll elles they sholde curse hym by name And to do this thynge and to conferme the pope toke them his letters in bulles patentes ¶ These two Legates came in to Englonde came to the kynge to Northampton there that he helde his parlyament full curteysly they hym salewed sayd Syr we come fro the pope of Rome the peas of the holy chirche and the londe to amende And we admonest you fyrst in the popes half that ye make full restytuc●n of the goodes that ye haue rauysshed taken of holy chirche of the londe And that re recerue Stephen Archebysshop of Caunterbury in to his dygnytee the pryour of Caūterbury his monkes And that ye yelde ayen vnto the Archebysshop all his londes rentes without ony withholdynge ¶ And syt yet more ouer that 〈◊〉 shall make restytucyon vnto all holy chirche wherof they shall holde 〈◊〉 well a●a●ed ¶ Tho answer●d the kynge as touch●nge the 〈…〉 of Caunterbury 〈…〉 sayd I wyll do gladly 〈…〉 ye wyll ordeyn● But as 〈…〉 Archebysshop I shall 〈…〉 as it lyeth That the 〈…〉 leue his Archebysshop 〈…〉 pope thenne for hym 〈…〉 thenne vppon 〈…〉 some other bysshop●●●●● to 〈…〉 Englonde And vpon 〈…〉 wyll hym accepte 〈…〉 theles as Archebysshop in 〈…〉 he abyde he shall neuer haue 〈…〉 saufconduyte but that be 〈…〉 ¶ Tho sayd Pandulf vnto the 〈…〉 Syre holy chu●che was wonte 〈…〉 dyscharge an Archebysshoppe 〈…〉 cause resonable But eue● it hath 〈◊〉 to chastyse prynces that to god 〈◊〉 chirche were ●nobedyene● ¶ 〈◊〉 how now sayd the kyng menace 〈◊〉 Naye sayd Pandult but ye now 〈◊〉 haue tolde as it standeth in your 〈◊〉 And to ●ou we wyll tell what is the 〈…〉 wyll And thus it standeth that ●e hath you hooly enterdy●ed 〈…〉 for the wronges that ye haue done to holy chirche and to the clergye And for as moche as ye dwelle and beth in wyll to abyde in malyce in 〈◊〉 and wyll not come out therof ne to amende ye shall vnderstande that this tyme afterwarde the senteence is vpon you 〈◊〉 and holdeth stede strength and vpon all tho that with you hat co●●ned before this tyme●whether ther ben erles 〈◊〉 ●s knyghtꝭ or ony other what so euer y● they be we them assaylle saufly vnto this daye And fro this tyme afterwarde of what condycyon someuer that they ben we them accurse that with you comyne ony worde do we sentence vpon them openly specyally And we assoyle clene erles barons knyghtes and all other men of theyr homages seruyces feaute●s that they sholde vnto you do And this tydynge to comferme we yeue playne power to the bysshop of Wyn chestre to the bysshop of Norwyche And the same power we yeu● in to Scotlonde to the bysshops of Rochestre of Salysbury And in Walys we yeue the same power to the bysshop of saynt Dauid and of Landaf of saynt Asse And more ouer we sente thrugh out all Crystendom that all the bysshops beyonde the see that they do accurse all tho that helpe you or ony coūseyll yeueth you in ony maner nede that ye haue to do in ony parte of the worlde And we assoylle them also all by auctoryte of the pope and cōmaunde them also with you for to fyght as with hym that is enmye to all holy chirche ¶ Tho answered the kynge What may ye doo more to me ¶ Tho answered Pandulf We saye to you in the worde of god that ye ne noo heyre that ye haue neuer after this daye may be crowned ¶ Tho sayd the kynge By hym that is almyghty god I had wyst this are that ye came in to my londe that ye had brought me suche tydynges I sholde haue made you ryde al one yere ¶ Tho answered Pandulf Full well wende we at our fyrst comynge that ye wolde haue be obedyent to god holy chirche haue fulfylled the popes cōmaundement now we haue shewed vnto you pronounced the popes wyll as we were charged therwith And as now ye haue sayd that yf ye had wyst the cause of our comynge that ye wolde haue do vs to ryde all an hole yere And as well ye myght haue sayd that ye wolde haue taken 〈◊〉 hoole yere of 〈…〉 ¶ But for to suffre what deth ye 〈◊〉 ordeyne we shall not spare for to telle you hooly all the popes message his wyll that we were charged with ¶ How Pandulf delyuered a clerke that had falsyd coū●●●●●tyd the kyngꝭ moneye before the kynge hymself ANd anone the commaunded the kyng the Syrefs Bayly●s of Northampton that were in the kynges presence that they sholde kynge forth all the prysoners that they myght be done to deth before Pandulf for by caus● the kynge wened that they wolde haue gaynsayd theyr dedes for cause of the deth all thynge that they had spoken afore ¶ Whan the prysoners were come before the kynge the kynge cōmaunded some to be hanged some to be drawen and some to drawe out theyr eyen out of theyr heed And amonge all other there was a clerke that had fullyd the kynges moneye And the kynge cōmaūded that he sholde le hanged and drawed And whan Pandulf herde this commaundement of the kynge he sterte hȳ vp ryght quyckly anone axed a booke a candelb and wolde haue cursyd the kynge all theym that wolde sette vppon the clerke ony honde And Pandulf hymself wente for to seke a crosse And the kyng folowed hym delyuered hym the clerke by the hotde that he sholde doo with hym what he wolde And thus was the clerke delyuered wente them ¶ And Pandulf and Duraunt his felowe wente fro the kynge came agayne to the pope of Rome And tolde hym that kynge Iohan wolde not amended be But euer abode so accursyd ¶ And neuertheles the pope graunted that yere 〈◊〉 out all Englonde that 〈◊〉 myght 〈…〉 chirches and 〈…〉 body gyue it to syke men whiche were lykly to passe out of this worlde And also y● men myght crysten childern ouer all y● londe ¶ And whan the pope wyste and sawe that the kynge wolde not be vnder the rule of holy chirche for no maner thynge The pope thenne sente to the kynge of Fraunce in remyssyon of his synnes that he sholde take with hym all the power that he myght go in to Englonde for to destroye the kynge Iohn ¶ Whan these
tydynges came to kynge Iohn thenne was he sore anoyed sore dradde lest he sholde lese his reame hymself be done to the deth ¶ Thenne sent he to the pope messengers sayd He wolde be Iustifyed and come to amendement in all thynges wolde make satysfaccyon to all maner of men after the popes ordynaunce ¶ Thenne sente the pope ayen in to Englonde Pandulf other messengers and came to Caunterbury to the kynge there abode And the .viij. daye of May the kynge made an othe for to stande to the popes ordynaunce before Pandulf y● Legate in all maner of thynges in whiche he was accursyd And that he sholde make full restytucyon to all men of holy chirche of relygyon and of the goodes that he had taken of them ayenst theyr wyll And all the grete lordes of Englonde swore vppon the boke by theyr holydom that yf the kynge wolde not holde his othe they sayd that they wolde by strength make hym holde it ¶ Thenne put the kynge hym to the courte of Rome and theme gaaf he vp the reame of Englonde and of Irlonde for hym and for his heyres for euer mo●e that sholde come after hym 〈◊〉 that kynge Iohn and his ●eytes sholde take the two reames of the popes hondes And sholde euery yere paye ferme vnto the courte of Rome a thousande marke of syluer And tho toke the kynge the crowne of his heed and sette it vpon his 〈◊〉 And these wordes sayd he in herynge of all the grete lordes of Englonde Here I resygne vp the crowne and the realme of Englonde in to the pope Innocenciꝰ hondes the thyrde and put me hooly in his mercy in his ordynaunce ¶ Tho receyued Pandulf the crowne of kynge Iohn and kepte it fyue dayes as fore seasynge takynge of two realmes of Englonde of Irelonde And cōfermed all maner thyng by his realtre that foloweth after ¶ Of the letter oblygatorye that 〈◊〉 Iohan made to y● court of Rome wherfore the Peters pens ben gadred thrugh out all Englonde TO all crysten people 〈…〉 all the worlde dwellynge 〈◊〉 by the grace of god kynge of Englonde gretynge to your vnyuersyte And 〈◊〉 knowen that for as mocke as we haue gr●●●d and offended god out 〈◊〉 holy chirche of Rome And 〈…〉 as we haue nede vnto the 〈◊〉 of our lorde Ihesu Cryst And also we 〈◊〉 thynge so worthy offre as competen● satysfaccyon to make to god and to holy chirche but yf that it were our owne body as with our reames of Englonde of Irlonde Thenne by the grace of god we desyre to meke vs for the loue of hȳ that meked hȳ to the deth of the crosse Thorugh couseylle of these noble erles and barons we offre all freely graunte to god and to the appostle saynt Peter and saynt Poule and to our moder chirche of Rome and to our holy fader pope Innocenciꝰ the thyrde and to all the popes that cometh after hym all the reame and patronages of ch●rches of Englonde and of Irlonde with theyr appertenaunces for remyssyon of our synnes and for helpe helth of our kyn●e soules and of all crysten soules So that from this daye afterwarde we wyll rec●yue holde of our moder chirche of Rome as fee f●rme dooynge 〈◊〉 to our holy fader pope Innocenciꝰ the thyrde and soo to all the popes that cometh after hym in the same manere abouesayd And in presence of the wyse man Pandulf the popes Subdcaken we make lyeges homage as it were in the popes presence and before hym were And shall do all manere thyngꝭ aboue sayd And therto we bynde vs and all that cometh after vs and our heyres for euer more without ony agaynsayenge to the pope and che the warde of chirche vacauntz And in token for this thynge for euer to laste we wyll conferme and ordeyne that our specyal rentes of the for 〈◊〉 sauynge saynt Peters pens 〈◊〉 to the moder chirche of Rome payenge by yere a thousande marke of lyluer and two termes of the yere for all manere customes that we sholde d●●fe the forsayd reames that is to say 〈◊〉 Myghclmas and at Eester That is to saye .vii. hondred marke for Englonde and thre hondred marke for Irlonde Sauynge to vs to our heytes our Iustyces and other fraunchyse and other ryaltees that perteyne vnto the crowne And these thynges that before ben sayd we wyll that it be ferme stable with out ende And to that oblygacyon we our successours our heytes in this manere be bounde that yf we or ony of our heytee thorugh any presumpcyon falle in ony poynt ayenst ony of these thynges aboue sayd and he be warned and wyll not ryght amende he shall thenne lese y● forsayd reame for euer more And that this chartre of oblygacyon and our 〈◊〉 for euer more be ferme and stable with out ony gaynsayenge We shall from this daye afterwarde be true vnto god and to the moder of holy churche of Rome and to the pope Iunocincius the thyrde and to all that cometh after hȳ 〈…〉 ¶ How the clerkes that were 〈◊〉 came agayne and how kyng Iohn was assoylled SO when this chartre was made and ensealed the kynge receyued agayne his crowne of Pandulfus honde And sente anone vnto the Archebysshop Stephen and to all his after clerkes and lewde men that he had exiled out of this londe that they sholde come ayen in to Englonde and haue agayn theyr londes and also theyr rentes And that he wolde make reflytucyon of the goodes that he had taken of theyrs ayenst theyr wyll ¶ The kynge hymself tho and Pandulf and erles and 〈◊〉 went vnto Wynchestre ayenst the Archebysshop Stephen ¶ And whan he was come the kynge wente ayenst hym and fell adowne to his feet and thus to hym sayd Fayre syre ye be welcome And I crye you mercy by cause that I haue trespassed ayenst you ¶ The Archebysshop toke hym vp tho in his armes and kyssyd hym curteysly oftentymes and after ledde hym to the doore of saynt Swythunes chirche by the honde and assoylled hym of the sentence and hym ●●●●syled to god to holy chirche And that was on Saynt Margaretes daye And the Archebysshop anone went 〈…〉 〈…〉 she asked The Legate wente thenne agayn to the pope after Cryst●●●e And the kynge sence ouer see to Iulyan that was kynge Rychardes wyf for to haue a relace of that she axed of hym ¶ And so it befell that Iulyan deyed anone after Eester And in soo moche the kynge was quyte of that thynge that she ared ¶ But thenne at the feest of saynt Iohn that came next after thorugh the popes cōmaundement the enterdytynge was fyrst releasyd thrughout all Englonde the seuenth daye of Iulij And vii 〈◊〉 was the londe enterdyted And on y● mornynge men ronge and sayd masse thorugh out all London and soo after thorugh out all Englonde ¶ And the next yere after there began
grete attendynge to vertuous werkes This man cursyd the Emperour of Constancy nople in so moche as he promysed for to torne to the fayth in the generall connscyll dyde not for y● whiche he suffred many passyons all holy chirche Also he cursyd the kyng of Aragon for he expulsyd the kyng of Cecyle fro his kyngdome And after he had done many bataylles ayenst men of mysbyleue many trybulacōns suffred he decessyd dyde many myracles ¶ Nicholaus de lyra a noble doctour of dyuynyte was this tyme at Parys this man was a Iewe of nacyon he was conuerted myghtley profyted in the ordre of frere Mynours he wrote ouer all the Byble Or elles he was in y● yere of our lorde some man saye he was a Braban y● his fader his moder were crystned but for pouerte he vysyted y● scole of the Iewes so he lerned the Iewes langage or elles this Nicholaus was informed of the Iewes in his yonge aege Honorius the fourth was pope after Martinus two yere lytell of hym is wryten but that he was a temperat man a dyscrete ¶ Nicholaus the fourth was pope after hym foure yere this man was a frere Mynor alle though he was a good man in hȳself yet many vnhappy thynges felle in his tyme to the chirche For many a batayll was in the cyte thrugh his occasyon for he drewe to moche to y● one parte And after hym there was no pope two yere .vi. monethes ¶ Of kynge Edwarde that was kynge Henryes sone ANd after this kynge Henry regned Edwarde his sone the worthyes knyght of the worlde in honour for goddes grace was in hym for he had the vyctorye of his enmyes as soone as his fader was deed he came to London with a noble company of prelates exles barons and all men dyde hym moche honoure For in euery place that syr Edwarde roode in London the stretes were couered ouer his heed with sylke of tapyser other ryche couerynges And for Ioye of his comynge the burgeys of the cyte caste out att theyr wyndowes golde and syluer hondes full in tokenynge of loue and worshyp seruyce and reuerence And out of the condyte of Chepe ranne whyte wyne and reed as stremes doth of the water euery man dranke therof that wolde at theyr owne wyl And this kyng Edwarde was crowned and enoynted as ryght heyre of Englonde with moche honour And after masse the kyng wente in to his place to holde a ryall feest amonge them that dyde hym honour And whan he was sette to meete the kynge Alexander of Scotlonde came to do hym honour and reuerence with a queyntesye an hondred knyghtes with hym well horsyd arayde And whan they were alyght of theyr stedes they lete theym goo whether they wolde who that myght take them toke at theyr owne wyll without ony chalenge And after came syr Edmond kynge Edwardes brother a curteys knyght a gentyll of renowne and the erle of Cornewaylle and the erle of Glocestre and after thenne came the erle of Penbroke the erle of Garenne And eche of them by themself ladde in theyr honde an hondred knyghtes gayly dysguysed in theyr armes And whan they were alyghted of theyr horses they lete them go whether that they wolde who that myght them catche them to haue styll withoute ony chalenge And whan alle this was done kyng Edwarde dyde his dylygence and his myght for to amende and dresse the wronges in the beste manere that he myght to the honour of god and holy chirche and to mayntene his honour and to amende the noyaunce of the comyn people ¶ How Ydeyne that was Lewelyns doughter of Walys prynce Aymer that was the erles brother of Mounforde were taken in the see THe fyrste yere after warde y● kynge Edward was crowned Lewelyn prynce of wales sente into Fraunce to the erle Mountforde y● thorough coūseyll of his frendes the erle sholde wedde his doughter And y● erle tho auysed hȳ vpon this thynge and sente vnto Lewelny sayd that he wolde sende after hys doughter and so he sent Aymer his broder after the damoysell Lewelyn arayed shyppes for his doughter for Syr Aymer and for her fayre company that sholde goo with her And this Lewelyn dyd grete wronge for it was couenaūted that he sholde yeue his doughter to noo manere man without counsell and consent of kynge Edwarde And so it befel that a Burgeys of Brystow came in y● see with wyne laden and mette them toke them with myght and power And anone the burgeys sente theym to the kȳ ge And whan Lewelyn herde this tydȳ ges he was very wrothe and also sorow full and gan to warre vpon kynge Edwarde and dyd moche harme vnto Englysshmen and bete downe the kynges castels and began for to dystroye kyng Edwardes londe And whan tydynges came vnto the kynge of this thynge he wente into walys and somoche he dydd thoroughe goddes grace and his greate power that he drofe Lewelyn vnto grete myscheyf that he fledde all maner of strenth came yelded hym vnto kynge Edwarde yaue hym .l. marke of syluer to haue peas And toke the damoysel all his herytage made an oblygaciō to kynge Edwarde to come to his parlemente two tymes of the yere And in y● seconde yere after that kynge Edwarde was crowned he helde a generall parlement at westmestre there he made the statutes for defaute of lawe by the comune assente of all his baronage And atte Ester nexte sewenge the kynge sente by his letter vnto Lewelyn prynce of wales that he sholde come too his parlemente for his londe for his holdynge in wales as the strenthe of his letter oblygatory wytnessyd Tho Lewelyn had scorne and dyspyte of the kynges commaundement And for pure wrathe ayen began werre vpon kynge Edwarde and dystroyed his londes And tho whanne kynge Edward herd of thyse tydynges he wexed wonder wrothe vnto Lewelyn and in hast assembled his people wente hym toward wales And warred so vpon Lewelyn the prynce tylle that he broughte hym in moche sorowe and dysease And Lewelyn sawe that his defence myghte hym notte auaylle and came ayen and yelded hym to the kynges grace 〈◊〉 hym mercye and longe tyme kneled before the kynges fote The kynge 〈◊〉 hym pyte and commaunded hym for●● aryse And for his mekenes foryaue 〈◊〉 his wrathe and to hym sayd that yf he trespassed to hym a nother tyme that he wold dystroye hym for euermore ¶ Dauyd that was Lewelyns broder that same tyme dwelled with kynge Edwarde and was a felle man and a subtyll and enuyous and also ferre castynge moche treason thoughte and euermore made good semblaunt and semed so true y● no man myght perceyue his falines ¶ How Lewelyn thrugh eggynge of his brother Dauyd werryd agayn vpon kyge Edwarde IT was not longe after that tyme
sayd Merlyn y● people that sholde lede the sayd greyhoūde sholde be faderles vnto a certayne tyme soth he sayd For the people of Scotlonde gretly were dysesyd after syr Iohn̄ bayllol was fled And Merlyn sayd the sone sholde become in his tyme as redde as ony blood in tokenynge of grete morta lyte of people And that was knowe wel whan the Scottes were slayne And syth sayd Merlyn y● same dragon shold nourysshe a Fox that sholde meue grete w●re ayenste hym that sholde not in his tyme be ended that semed well by Robert the Brus. that kynge Edwarde nourysshed in his chambre that sythen stale away meued grete werre ayenst hym whiche werre was nott ended in his tyme And yet sayd Merlyn that the dragon shold dep in the marche of an other londe that his londe sholde be longe withoute a goo●● keper And y● men sholde wepe for his de the from the yle of Shephey vnto y● I le of Mercyll wherfore alas shall be theyr songeamonge the comyn people fader les in the lond wastyd And that prophecye was knowe ouer all full well For y● good kynge Edwarde deyed at Burgh vp sandys that is vpon the Marche of Scotlonde where the Englysshmen were dyscomforted and sorowed in Northūberlonde For cause that kynge Edwardes sone set by the Scottes no force for the ryot of Peers of Ganaston wherfore alas was the songe thrughe oute all Englonde for defawte of theyr goode wardeyne from y● I le of Shephey vnto the yle of Marcill the people mad mo the sorowe for good kynge Edwardes dethe ¶ For they wend that gode kyng Edwarde sholde haue gone into the holy londe For y● was hooly his purpoos ¶ Vpon whoo 's soule god for his hygh Ingynyte grace haue mercy ¶ Anno dm̄ M. C.C.lxxxii.ij CElestnꝰ was pope after Nicholas fyue monthes and nothynge noble of hym is writen but that he was a vertuous man ¶ Bonefaciꝰ y● eyghte was pope after hym .viii. yere This bo nifacius was a man in those thynges y● whiche perteyneth to court For he was very experte in suche materes And bycause he had no pere he put noo mesure to his prudence And toke so grete pryde vpon hym y● he sayd he was lord of al y● worlde many thynges he dyd with his myght power y● which fayled wret chydly in y● ende He yaue an ensample to all prelatys that they sholde not be hault ne proude but vnder y● fourme of a very shepeherde of god they sholde more study for to be louyd of ther subgectes than dradde This man is he of whome it is sayd y● he entred as a fox he lyued as a lyon deyed as a dogge ¶ This tyme the yere of grace was ordeyned from an hūdred yere to an hoūdred yere And the fyrst Iubyle was in the yere of our lorde Ihū 〈◊〉 a thousand thre hundred ¶ Benedictus the enleuenth was after Bonefacius enleuēth monthes this mā was an holy man of the ordre of the fre re prechers lytyll whyle lyued b●t dyssessyd anone ADulphus was Emperoure .vi. yeres This man was y● erle of Anorone And this Adulphus was not crowned by the pope for he was slayne in batayll Albertus was Emperoure after hym .x. yere This man was the Duke of Astrye and fyrst was repreued of the pope and after was confermed bi the same pope for the malyces of the kȳke of Fraunce the whiche was an enmy vnto the chirche And to that Alberte the same pope yaue the kyngdome of Fraūce as he dyd other kyngdoms but it proffyted not for at the laste he was slayne of his neuewe ¶ Clemens was pope after Benedictus almooste .ix. yere and he was a grete buylder of castels and other thynges And he dampnyd the ordre of Templaryes he ordeyned the .vii. boke of y● Decretales the whiche be callyd y● questyons of Clementyns And anone after in a counseyll the whiche he helde at Vyenna he reuokyd the same boke y● whiche his successary Iohn̄ callyd ayen in incorporyd it publysshyd it This Clement fyrste of all popes translatyd the popes sete fro Rome to Auinion whether it was doon by the mocion of god or by the boldenes of man dyuers men meruaylle ¶ Iohn̄ the .xxii. was pope after hym .viii. yere This man was all glorious as for those thynges y● were to be vsyd thrughe y● actyf lyfe And he publyshid the Constitucions of y● clementynes sent them to all y● vnyersi tees And many sayntes he canonysed thyse fatte bysshopryches he deuydyd he ordeyned many thynges ayenst y● pluralyte of benefyces many herytykes he dampned but whether he was saued or not our lorde wolde not shewe to those he louyd very well ¶ Henry the .vii. was emperour after Albert .v. yere this Henry was a noble man in werre and he coueytyd too haue peas by londe and water He was a glorious man in batayll And neuer ouercome with enmyes And atte the laste he was poysened of a frere whan that he houselyd hym by receyuynge of the sacrament ¶ Of kynge Edwarde that was kynge Edwardes sone ANd after this kynge Edwarde regned Edwarde his sone that was borne at Carnariuan and this Edwarde wente hym into Fraunce and there he spousyd Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce the .xxv. daye of Ianuari atte the chirche of oure Lady atte Boloyne in y● yere of oure lorde Ihū Cryste M.CCC.vii And the .xx. daye of Feuerer the next y●ere that came after he was crownyd solemply at westmestre of the Archebysshop of Caunterbury And the re was so grete presse of people that syr Iohn̄ Bakwell was slayne murdred And anone as the good kynge Edwarde was deed syr Edwarde his sone kȳge of Englonde sent after pers Ganaston into Gascoyne and somoche louyd hym that he callyd hym brother And anone after he yaue vnto hym y● lordshyp of walyngforde it was not longe after y● be ne yaue hym therldom of Cornewayll ayenst all the lordes wyll of Englonde ¶ And tho brought syr walter of lāgeton bysshop of Chestre into pryson duraūce in the toure of London with two knaues alonely hym to serue For y● kynge was wrothe with hym for bycause that syr water made complaynt on hym too his fader wherfore he was put in pryiō in the tyme of Troylebaston y● forsayd Pers of Ganaston made so grete mays tryes y● he went into y● kynges tresory in y● abbay of westmestre toke y● table of golde with y● trestyls of y● same many other ryche Iewels y● sōtyme were y● no gode kynge Arthurs toke them too a marchaūt y● was callyd ameri of Fris cōhande for he sholde bere them ouer y● set into Gascoyne and so he went thēs and they came neuer ayen after wherfore it was a grete losse to this londe And whan this Peers was so rychely auaun syd he became so proude and so stowte wherfore all the greate lordes of
tymes he had had the batayll treason thou didest for the gre● sōme of gold syluer that thou receyued of Iamys Douglas a Scot the kyngꝭ enmye And out lorde the kynge wyll that y● ordre of knyghthode by y● whiche than receyued all thyne honoure and ●●●shyp vpon thy body be all brought to nought and thyn estate vndoyne that other knyghtes of lower degree mowe after be ware whiche lorde hath the auaunted hugely in dyuerse countres of Englonde and that all maye take ensample by ther lorde afterwarde truly for to serue ¶ Tho commaunded he anone a knaue to hew of his spores on his helys and after he lete breke the swerde ouer his heed y● whiche the kynge yaue hym for too kepe defende his londe therwith whanne he made hym Erle of Cardoyll And after he lete hym be vnclothed of his furred taberd and of his hode and of his furryd cotes and of his gyrdyll And whā ne this was done syr Anthony sayd thē ne vnto hym Andrewe sayd he Nowe art thou no knyght but a knaue for thy treason y● kynge wyll that thou shal be hangyd and drawen thy heed 〈◊〉 of and thy bowels take out of thy body brent before the thy body quartryd thy heed sente to Londō there it shal stonde vpon London brydge the foure quarters shall be sent to foure townes of Englonde that all other may beware and chastised by the And as Anthony sayd so it was done all manere of thynge in the laste daye of Octobre in y● yere of grace M.iij C.xxii. yere And y● sonne torned in to blood as y● people it sawe y● dured from y● morne tyll .xi. of y● clocke ¶ Of the miracles that god wroughte for saynt Thomas of Lancastre wherfore the kynge lete closein the chirche dores of the pryory of Pountfret that no man shold come therin for to offre ANd sone after that the good erle Thomas of Lancastre was martryd there was a preest y● longe tyme had be blynde dremed in his slepe that he sholde go to the hyll there the good erle Thomas of Lancastre was doon vnto dethe he sholde haue his syght ayen so he dremed thre nyghtes sewynge and the preest lete lede hym to the same hyll and whan he came to that place that he was martryd on full deuowtly he made there his prayers And prayed god saynt Thomas that he myght haue his syghte ayen And as he was in his prayers he layed his ryght honde vpon the same place that the gode man was martryd on and a drope of drye blood and smale sonde cleuyd on his honde therwith stryked his eyen And anone thrughe the myght of god and saynt Thomas of Lancastre he hadde his syghte ayen And thankyd tho almyghtye god and saynt Thomas And whanne this miracle was knowen amonge men the people came thyther on euery syde and knelyd and made theyr prayers atte hys tombe that is in the pryory of Poūtfret and prayed that holy martyr of socour of helpe and god herde ther prayer ¶ Also there was a yonge chylde drowned in a well in the towne of Pountfret and was deed thre dayes and thre nyghtes And men came and layed the deed chylde vpon sayd Thomas tombe y● holy martyr and the chylde arose from dethe to lyfe as many a man it sawe ¶ And also moche people were oute of ther mynde god sent them theyr mynde ayen thorough vertue of y● holy man ¶ And god hath yeue there also to cry●●pyls theyr goynge to crokyd thyr hondes and ther fete to blynde also they● syght to manyseke folke ther helth of dyuers maladyes for the loue of this gode martyr ¶ Also there was a ryche man in Coū●dom in Gascoyne and suche a malady he had that all his ryghte syde rotyd fell awaye from hym that men myghte see his lyuer his herte● and so he stanke that vnneth they myght come n●gh● hym wherfore his frendes were for him wonder sory But at the last as god wolde they prayed to saynt Thomas of ●a castre that he wold pray almyghty god for that prysoner and be●yght for to go to Pountfret for to do theyr pylgrymage he thoughte that the Martyr saynt Thomas came to hym and anoynted all hys syke body and therwith the gode man awoke and was all hoole and his flesshe was restored ayen that before was rotyd and fallen away For whiche myracle the good man and his frendes louyd god and saynt Thomas euermore after And this good man came into Englonde And toke with hym foure felowe●● came to Poūtfret to y● holy martyr dyd theyr pylgrymage the gode man that was syke came thyther all nakyd sauf his preuye clothes And whan they had done they torned home ayen in to theyr owne countre and tolde of the miracle wheresoeuer y● they came ¶ And also two men haue been heelyd there of the mormale thrugh helpe of y● holy martyr though that euyll be holde in curable And whan the Spensers herde y● god dyd suche Miracles for this holy man they nolde byleue it in no manere wyse but sayd openly that it was gret he resye suche vertue of hym to byleue and whan syr Hugh Spenser y● sone sawe al this doynge anone he sent his messager from Poūtfret there that he dwelled to kȳ Edwarde that tho was at Grauen at scypton for cause that the kynge sholde vndo y● pylgrymage And as the rybaude y● messager went towarde the kynge for to do his message he came by the hylle there y● good martyr was doon to dethe in the same place he made his ordure whan he had done he rode towarde the kynge a stronge flyxe came vpon hym or that he came to Yorke tho he shed all hys bowelles at his fūdment And whan sir Hugh Spenser herde this tydynges sōdele he was adradde thoughte for too vndo this pylgrymage yf he● myghte by ony manere a waye anone he went to the kynge sayd that they shold be in grete sklaūdre thrugh out all crystendome for y● deth of Thomas of Lancastre if that he suffred y● people to do ther pylgrymage at Poūtfret so he coūseled y● kynge that he cōmaūded to shyt y● chirche dores of Poūtfret in y● which chirche y● holy martyr was enterid thus they dyd ayenste all fraūchyses of holy chirche so y● foure yere after myght no pylgryme come to y● holy bodye bycause y● monkes suffred men to come honoure that holy bodye of saynt Thomas the martyr thrugh coūsell of syr Hugh Spenser y● sone thrughe coūsell of mayster Robert Baldok y● fals pylled clerke that was y● kyngꝭ chaūceler that kynge consented that they shold be sette to theyr wages lete make warde yn● ouer ther owne good longe tyme thorough commaundement of the forsayd syr Hughe Spenser .xiiii. Gascoynes well armyd kept the hylle ther
that the good man saynt Thomas was don vnto his deth so that no pylgrym myght come by that way Full well went he to haue take cristis myght and hys power and the grete boos of miracles that he shewed for his martyr saynt Thomas thrugh al crystendom And y● same tyme y● kȳge made Robert of Baldok y● false pylled clerke thrughe prayere of syre Hugh Spenser sone was made Chaūseler of Englonde And in that same tyme was the castell of walyngforde holden ayenste the kynge thrugh prysoners that weren within the castell for saynt Thomas loue of Lancastre wherfore the people of the coūtre came toke the castell of the prysoners wherfore syr Iohan of Goldyngton knyght and syr Edmonde of Becche prysoners were taken and sent vnto the kynge to Pountfret there they were done in pryson and that for sayd Roger was sent vnto Yorke there he was drawen hangyd And anone after syr Roger Mortymer of wygmo● brake oute of y● toure of London in this manere The forsayd Roger he●de that he sholde be drawe and hangyd atte Lōdon in y● morow after saynt Laurēce dai on the daye before he helde a fayre feste in y● toure of London there was syr Stephen Segraue conestable of y● tour many grete men with them whan ther sholde soupe y● forsayd Stephen sēte for all y● officers of y● tour they came souped with hym And whan they sholde take ther leue of hȳ a squyre that was callyd Stephē that was full preuy with y● forsaid Rogere thrugh his coūsell yaue them al suche a drynke that the leest of thē all slepe two dayes two nyghtes in y● meane tyme he escaped awaye by water by the tamys went ouer the see helde hym in Fraunce wherfore the kynge was sore anoyed put the same Stephen out of his Constabelery ¶ How the quene Isabell wente in to Fraunce for to treate of peas bytwene her lorde the kynge of Englonde and the kynge of Fraunce her broder THe kynge wente tho vnto Londō and there thrugh counsell of syr Hugh Spenser the fader of his sone of mayster Robert Baldok a fals pylled clerke his Chaunceler lete sease thoo all y● 〈◊〉 londes into his hondes and also all y● londes that were syr Edwardes his sone were so put to theyr wagys ayenst all maner of reson that was thrughe the falsnesse of y● Spensers ¶ And whan y● kynge of Fraunce that was quene Isabelles brother herde of this falsnesse he was sore anoyed ayenst y● kynge of englonde his fals counsellers wherfore he sent a letter to kynge Edwarde vnder his seale that he sholde come at a certaine daye to do his homage therto he so ●oned hym els he shold lese all Gascoyne And so it was ordeyned in Englōde thrugh the kynge his coūsell y● quene Isabell sholde goo into Fraunce for to treate of peas bytwene her lorde and her broder y● Olyuer of Yngham sholde go into Gascoyne haue with hym vij M. men of armys moo to be Seneschall wardeyne of Gascoyne and so it was ordeyned that quene Isabell came into Fraūce with her wente syr aymer of Valaunce erle of Penbroke that was there murdred sodenly in a preuysege but that was thrugh goddes vengaūce for he was one of the Iusticys that consented to saynt Thomas deth of Lancastre wolde neuer after repent hym of that wyckyd dede at y● tyme syr Olyuer of Yngham went ouer into Gascoyne dyd moche harme to the kyng of Fraūce 〈◊〉 he gate ayen y● kynge Edwarde had lost moche more therto ¶ How kyng Edwarde sent syr Edwarde his sone the eldest into Fraunce THe quene Isabell had but a quarter of a yere dwelled in Fraunce whan syr Edwarde her eldest sone axyd leue tho for to go into Fraūce for to speke with his moder Isabell the quene his fader y● kynge graūtyd hym with a good wyll sayd to hym go my fayre sone in goddys blessynge myn thynke for to come ayen as hastely as y● maye And he wente ouer the see into Fraūce y● kynge of Fraūce his vncle receyued hym with moche honoure sayd vnto hym Fayr sone ye be welcome for by cause that your fader come not to do his homage for y● duchye of Guyon as his aūcetourrs were wont for to do I yeue you that lordshyp to holde it of me in her●tage as all maner aūcetours dyde before 〈◊〉 wherfore he was callyd duke of Guyon ¶ Howe the kynge exyled his quene Ysabell Edwarde her eldest sone AS kynge Edwarde of Englonde herd tell how y● kyng of fraūce had yeue y● d●chye of Guyon vnto sir Edwarde his sone● without consent and wyll of hym that his sone had receyued the duchye he became wonder wrothe● sent to his sone by letter that they shold come ayen into Englonde in all y● haste that they myghte And the quene Isabel and syr Edward her sone were wonder sore adradde of y● kynges menaced of his wrathe pryncypally for y● falsnesse of y● Spensers both of y● fader also the sone at his cōmaūdement they wolde not come wherfore kynge Edwarde was full sore anoyed lete make a crye at Londō that yf quene Isabell Edwarde his eldest sone came not in Englond that they sholde be holde as oure enmyes bothe to the reame and also too the crowne of Englonde for that they nolde come into Englonde but bothe were exyled the moder and her some ¶ whan the quene herde thyse tydynges ▪ she was sore adradde to be dystroyed thrugh the fals coniectynge of y● Spensers went with the knyghtes y● were exyled out of Englonde for saynt Thomas cause of Lancastre his to saye syr Roger of wig more syr● wellyam Trussell syr Hohn̄ of Cromwell many other good knyghtrs wherfore they toke theyr coūsell and ordeyned amonge them for to make a mariage bytwene y● duke of Guyhenne the hynges sone of Englonde y● erles doughter of henaude that was a noble knyght of name a doughty in his tyme●● yf y● thynge myghte be broughte a bowte then stode they trowynge with y● helpe of god with his helpe to recouer theyr herytage in Englonde wherfore they were put out thrugh y● fals coniectynge of the Spensers ¶ How kynge Edwarde thrugh wūsell of the Spensers sent to y● Douzepers of Fraunce ▪ that they sholde helpe that the quene Isabell her sone syre Edwarde were exyled out of Fraunce AS hynge Edwarde the Spensers herde how y● quene Isabell syr Edwarde her sone had alyed thez to y● erle of Henaude too them y● were exyled out of Englonde for cause of thomas of Lancastre they were so sory that they wyst not what for to do ▪ wherfor sir Hugh Spenser the sone sayd to syr hughe y● fader in this manere wyse Fader
cursyd be y● tyme y● counsell y● euer ye consented y● the quene Isabell sholde go into fraunce for to treate of accorde betwene y● kynge of Englond her broder the hynge of Fraunce for y● was youre costsell for at that tyme forsoth your wyt fayled for I order me sore leest thrugh her her sone we shall be dystroyed but yt we take the better counseylle ¶ Nowfayte syres vnderstonde howe merueylo●● felony and falsho●●e y● Spensers ymagyned castr for pryuely they lete fyll fyue b●●●lles fercours with syluer y● 〈◊〉 me amoūtyd .v. M. pounde and they sent those barelles ouer see pryuely by an alyaunte that was callyd Arnold of Spayne y● was a broker of London That he sholde go to the Douzeper● of Fraunce that they shalde procure and speke to the kynge of Fraunce that quene Isabell her sone Edwarde were driuen exyled oute of Fraunce And amōge all othere thynges that they were brought to the deth as pryuely as they myght but almyghty god wold not so for whā this Arnolde was in the hyghse he was take with Sclanders that mette hym in the hyghe see and toke hym and ladde hym to the erle of Henaude they re lorde moche Ioy was made for that taky●●ge And at the laste this Arnold pryuely stele away from thens came to Lond●̄ And of this takynge of other thynges the erle of Henaude sayd to y● quene Isabell Dame make you mery be of gode there for ye be rycher than ye ●ene● for to be take thyse fyue barelles full of syluer that were sent to the douzepers of Fraunce for to slee you and your sone Edwarde ▪ and thynke you hastely for to goo into Englonde and take with you syre Iohn̄ of Henaude my brother and v. houndred men of armys For mani of them of Fraūce in whome ye haue had greate truste done you for to scorne and almyghty god graunte you that grace your enmyes to ouercome ¶ The quene Isabell sente tho thrugh Henaude and Flaundres for her souldyours and ordened her euery daye for to go into Englōde ayen And so the had in her company syr Edmonde of wodstok that was erle of Kent that was syr Edwardes broder of Englonde ¶ How kynge Edwarde lete kepe y● costes by y● see lete trye all y● pryce men of armys fote men thrugh Englonde AS kynge Edwarde herde telle y● quene Isabell Edwarde her sone wolde come into Englonde with a grete power of alyaūtes with them y● were outlawed out of Englond for therreb ellyousnesse he was sore adradde to be put downe for to lese his kyngdom wherfore he ordeyned to kepe his castels in walys as well as in Englonde wyth ●ytaylles and they re appareylles and lete kepe his ryuers also the see And at the feste of Decolation of saynt Iohan Baptyst th● Cytezyns of London sent to y● kyng to Porchester an C. men of armys And also he cōmaunded by his letters ordeyned y● euery hundred wepentake of Englonde too trye as well men of armys as men on foote y● they sholde be put in .xx. sōme and in an hundred sōme And commaūded y● alle tho men were redy whan ony shoute or crye were made for to purpose take y● alyaun●s that came to Englonde for to benō me hym y● londe for to put hym out of his kyngdom And moreouer he lete cry thorough his patent in euery fayre in euery market of Englonde y● the quene Isabell syr Edwarde his cloest sone the erle of Kent that they were take saufly kept wythout ●ny manere harme vnto them doynge all other manere people that come with them anone smyte of ther hedys withoute ony maner raunsom takynge of them And what man myght brynge syr Roger●s Mortymer heed of wygmore shold haue an hildred pounde of money for his trauayl ¶ And ferthermore he ordeyned by his patent ●dmaūded to make a fyre vpon euery hyll besyde y● ryuers and u● lowe coūtrees for too make hyghe bechenesse of tymbre That yf it so were that the alyauntes came vnto londe by nyght tyme y● then the Inhabytaūtys there abow●e sholde endeuoyr them self in goodly haste to lyght fyre y● bek●nes y● the coūtre maye be warned and come and mete ther ennemyes And in the tyme ●eyedlyt Roger Mortymer his vn●e in y● toure of London ¶ How the quene Isabell 〈◊〉 Edwarde duke of Guyhenne her sone came into London at her wich how they dyde AS quene Isabell syr Edwarde her sone duke of Guyhenne syr Edwarde of wodstok erle of ●●nte syr Iohn̄ the erles brother of Hena● de ther company dradde no●●●● 〈◊〉 of y● kynge ne of his traytours fo 〈◊〉 trusted all in godd is grace and came to Herewich in Southfolke y● 〈◊〉 d●y of Septībre in y● yere of grace 〈◊〉 xrv● And the quene syt Edwarde 〈◊〉 sone sente letters to the Mayre co●●s nalte of London requytynge them that they sholde be helpynge● y● qua●●● and cause that they had that is so say to dystroye the traytours of the ●●ame ▪ But none answeres were sent aye●● Wherfore the quene and sy● Edwarde her to ●e seute another patent letter vnder th● scales the tenour of whiche letter here forlowyth in this maner ¶ Isabell by the grace of god quene of Englond la●y of Irlonde countesse of Pountif and we Edwarde the eldest sone of the bynge of Englōd duke of guyon ●le of Chestre of Paūtyf of moush●●ll to y● Ma●re and to all the comynal●●● of the ryts of London lendyed gretynge for asmoch● as we haue before the sy●ue ●ent to po●● by our letters how we become into this londe in good arraye and in good manere for the honour and profyte of holy thir●he and of our dere lorde the hyng all the ●eame with all oure myght and power to kepe and inayutrne● as we 〈◊〉 all y● gode folk of the forsayd reame are holden to doo And vpon y● we pray you that ye w●ll be helpynge to vs in as moche as ye maye in this quarell the is for y● comune profyte of the forsayd reame we haue had to this tyme no●● answere of y● forsayd letters ne knowe not your mynde in y● party wherfore we sende to you ayen praye charge you y● ye bes te you so ayenst vs y● we haue no cause to greue you but y● ye ben vnto vs help y● ge by all the wayes y● ye maye or maye knowe For wytte ye well in certen that we all y● be come with vs into this reame thynke not to doo ony thynge but y● thynge that shall be for the comyn profite of all the reame but ●only to dystroye Hugh Spenser our enmye enmye too all y● reame as ye it well knowe wherfore ye praye you charge you in y● faith that ye owe vnto our lyege lorde y● kyng to vs
this gore sholde seke the floure of lyt of deth he sayd sothe For he spousyd Isabell the kyngꝭ syster of Fraunce And in his tyme Merlyn sayd that there sholde be made brydge● of folke vppon dyches of the see and that was wel seen att Bannockes home in Scotlonde whan be wa●● dys cōfyted thereof y● scortes And Merlyn tolde also that stones sholde fall from castels and many toune● sholde be made playne And he sayd sothe For whan kynge Edwarde was dyscomfyted in Slotlonde came thoe south warde the Scottes besegyd tho castels dyd them moche barme brente townes into the herd erthe ¶ And after warde Merlin tolde that an Egle shold come out of Cornewayle that shold haue feders of golde y● of pryde shold haue no pere and he sholde dispyse lordes of blood after he sholde dey thrugh a beer at Gauersich that prophecy was full wel knowe funde soth for by the egle vnderstonde syr Pers of Ganaston that tho was erle of Cornewayle that was a wonder proude man that dyspysed the baronage of Englonde but afterwarde he was heeded at Gauersych thrugh the erle of Lancastre thrugh therle of war wyh y● And Merlyn tolde that in his tyme it sholde seme that the beer shold brē ne and that bataylle sholde be vpon an arme of the s●e in a felde arayed lyke a sheld where sholde deye many white he des And he sayd sothe For by the bryunynge of the beer it betokenyd grete drede thrughe hyttynge of swerdes at y● bataple of Miton for there came the Scottes in manere of a slelde in manere of a wynge and slewe men of relegyon pr●st●s and seculers wherfore the Scottes callyd that batayll in dyspyte of the Englysshmen the white batayll And after Merlyn sayd the forsayd beer sholde do the gote moche harme y● sholde be vppon the southweste also vpon his blode And sayd also that the gote sholde lese moche deale of his londe tyll the tyme that shame sholde hym ouercome thē he sholde clothe hym in a lyons skynne and sholde wynne ayen that he had lost and more thrughe people that sholde come out of the Northwest that sholde make hym to be a ferde hym auenge vppon his enmyes thrugh counsell of two ●●les that fyrst sholde be in paryll too be vndon And that tho two o●●kes shelde go 〈◊〉 see 〈◊〉 stranngs londe● and there they sholde dwell vnto a certayne tyme. and then they sholde come unto englonde ayen And tho two owles sholde do moche harme vnto many one that they sholde coūsell the gote to 〈◊〉 ●erre aycust the forsayd beer And the gote and che owles sholde come to as arme of the set at Burton vpon tre●●t y● sholde goouer that for drede the beer sholde flee with a swanne in his companye to Bury towarde the North. thrugh an vnkynde outpulter that the swanne thenne shall be slayne with sorowe and the beer sholde be slayne full nyghe hys owne nest that sholde stonde vpon poūtftet vpon whome the sonne shall shede his beemes And many folke hym shall seke for vertue And he sayd sothe For y● good Erle Thomas of Lancastre was borne in the Northwest and cosyn to the kynge his vncles sone And by law he made the kynge lese moche londe y● whiche he had pu● chacyd wylfully tyll at y● last the kynge toke therof shame himselfe slew with ●●uelte And after he ga te ayen that he had lost and moche more thrugh folke that he lete assemble out of the north west that made hym too be adradde And auengyd hym on his barons thrugh counsell ofsyt Hugh spenser the fader and of syt Hughe the sone that before were outlawed for they● wye kydnesse But afterwarde they came a yen into Englonde syr Hugh Spenser the fader cameout of Fraūce somoche counseled the hynge that he sholde werre vpon Thomas of Lancastre So that the kynge and the Spensers and the erle of Arundell and theyr power mette with Thomas of Lancastre a● Burton vpō trente and hym there dyscomfyted and lyr Vmtroy erle of Herforde was in his company And after fledde the forsayd Thomas and Humf●oy with theye ●●pany to 〈◊〉 metynge with 〈◊〉 Andrew of Herkela that is callyd y● vnkynde outpulter also syre Symonde warde erle of Yorke came mette with Thomas of Lancastre with an huge power them dyscomfyted in y● scomfyture the erle of Herforde was slayne vppon the brydge cowardly with a spere ī the fūdement the erle Thomas was take lad vnto Poūtfiet tho was he dyd besyde his owne castell But afterwarde many hym sought for miracles y● god dyd for hym ¶ And in y● tyme merlyn sayd for sorow harme sholde deye a people of his londe wherfore many lōdes sholde be vpon hym y● more bolder he sayd sothe for bycause of his barōs y● were doon to dethe for saynt thomas quarell of Lancastre people of many lōdes became y● bolder for to meue werre vpon y● kynge for their blood was torned to many nacyons ¶ And afterwarde Merlyn tolde sayd y● y● forsaydowles sholde do moche harme vnto y● flour of lyf deth they sholde brynge her to moche dysese so y● she sholde go ouer see in to Fraūce for to make peas to y● floure delyce there sholde abyde tyll a tyme her sede sholde come fetche her tho they sholde abyde bothe tyll y● tyme y● they sholde clothe them with grace tho two owles she sholde seke put thē to pyteuous dethe y● prophecy was ful well know was full sothe for syr hughe Spenser y● fader syr Hughe the sone dyde moche sorow persecucōn vnto y● quene Isabell thrugh theyr procurement to her lorde y● kynge so they ordeined amonge them y● she was put vntoo her wagys That is to saye .xx shelyngꝭ in the daye wherfore y● kynge of Fraunce her brother was sore anoyed sent in englonde by his letters vnto kyng Edwarde to come vnto his parlement to Parys in Fraunce But kynge Edwarde was sore adrad to come there for he wend to haue be arestyd tyll that he had made amendes for y● trespase y● syr Hugh Spenser the fader and the sone had done and for the harme that they had done vnto quene Isabell his syster wherfore thrughe his ordynaunce and consent of the. Spensers the quene Isabell went ouer see into Fraunce for to make accorde be twene kynge Edwarde and the kynge of Fraunce her brother ▪ And there dwellyd she in Fraunce tyll Edwarde her eldest sone came her for too seke and so they dwellyd there both tyll that alyaū●ce was made bytwene them and the gētyll erle of Henaude that yf they wyth ther vertue myght dystroye and ouercome the venym and the falsnesse of the● Spensers that spr Edward shold spowsedame Phylip the worshypfull lad●● the erles doughter of Henauds wherfore the quene
the reame of Englonde And y● tyme abode the scottꝭ in y● other syde for cause y● the Englysshmen shold haue be drowned ¶ This was the araye of the Scottes how that they came in batayll ayenst y● two kynges of Englonde and of Scotlonde In the vaunt warde of Scotlonde were thyse lordes THerle of Moryf Iamys Frysell Symond Frysell walter Stewarde Reynolde Cheyn Patryk of Greham Iohn̄ le graūt Iamys of Cordoll Patryk Parkeys Robert Caldecottes Philyp of Melledrū Thom̄s Gylbert Rauf wyseman Adam gurdon Iamis Gramat Robert Bo●d Hugh Park with xl knyghts new dubbyd vi Cmē of atmes .iii. M. of comyns In y● fyrst parte of ●halfe batayll were thyse lordes y● Steward of Scotlonde y● erle of Mory Iamys his vncle wyllyā Douglas Dauyd of Lyndesey Marcolyn Flemynge wyllyam of Keth Dn̄ken Canbok with xxx bachelers newe dubbyd ¶ In the seconde parte of y● batayll were thyse lordes Iamis Stewarde of Corden Alem Stewarde wyllyam Abbrehin wyllyā Morys Iamys Fytzwyllyam Adam lemose walter Fytz. Gylbert Iohn̄ of cerleton Robert wallam with .vii. C men of armes .xvii. M. comyns ¶ In y● third parte of y● batayll of Scotlonde were thise lordes The erle of Moref the erle of Ruf therle of Strahern y● erle of Soth erlond wyllyam of Kyrkkelay Iohn̄ cā●●● Gylbert of Hey Wyllyam ramsey wyllyam Prendrgest Kyrston Harde Wyllyam Gurde Arnolde Garde Thomas Dolphyn with .xl. knyghtes newe bubbyd .ix. C. men of armys .xvM. of comyns ¶ In the fourth warde of y● batayll of Scotlonde were thyse lordꝭ Archbalde Douglas y● erle of Leneuax Alysander le Brus. y● erle of Fyff Iohn̄ Canbell erle of Atheles Roberte Lawether wyllyam of Vypount wyllyam of Constō Iohn̄ de Labels Groos de She renlaw Ihon̄ de Lyndesey Alysander de Gray Ingram de Vmfteuille Patryk●de Pole●worthe Dauyd de wymes Mychell Scot. wyllyam Landy Thomas de Boys Roger Mortimer with .xx. bachlers newe dubbyd .ix. C men of armys xviii M. iiii C. of comyns The Erle of Dunbar keper of y● castell of Berewyk halpe the Scottes with .l. men of armys ¶ And syr Alysander of Ceton keper of y● forsayd towne of Berewyk with an C. men of armys And also the comyns of the towne with .iiii. C men of armys and with .viii. C of fote men ¶ The sōme of therles lordes aboue sayd amounteth .lxvi. ¶ The sōme of bachlers newe dubbyd amounteth to an C.lx. ¶ The sōme of men of armys amounteth .iii. M.C. ¶ The sōme of the comyns amounteth liii M. .iii. C The sōme totalle of the people abouesayd a mounteth .lxv. M.vii C.xlv And thyse lx .vi. greate lordes ladde all the other greate lordes abouesayd in foure bataylles as it is tolde beforen all on fore and kynge Edwarde of Englonde and Edwarde Baylloll kynge of Scotlonde hadde well appareylled they re folke in foure bataylles for too fyght on fote ayenst the Scottes theyr enmyes ¶ And the Englysshe mystrels blewe theyr trūpets and theyr claryons and hydously ascryed the Scottes And tho had euery Englysshe batayll two wynges of price archers The which at that batayll shot arowes so fast so sore that y● Scottes myght not helpe themself And the● 〈◊〉 the Scottes thousandes vnto he groūde And they began for to flee fro the englysshmen for too saue theyr lyues And whane the Scottes knaues saw y● scomfyture the Scottes fall faste to y● groūde they pryckyd fast theyr maysters horse with y● sporys for to kepe theym from peryll sette theyr maysters at no force And whan thenglysshmen sawe y● they lept on theyr horses faste pursued the scottes all that abode they slewe downe ryghte ¶ There men myghte see the doughtynesse of y● noble kynge Edwarde of his men how manly they pursewed y● Scottes y● flow for drede And the remen myght see many a Scottysshmā caste downe vnto y● groūde the baners dysplayed hackyd into peces many agode haberyoyne of stele in y● blode bath And many a tyme y● Scottes were gadred into companyes but euer more thei were dyscomfyted ¶ And so it befell as god almyghty wolde that the Scottes had that daye nomore foyson ne myght ayenst the Englysshmen than .xx. shepe amonge .v. vulues And so were y● scottes dyscōfyted yet the scottes was wel v. men ayenst one Englysshman And y● batayll was done on Halidoune hyll be syde y● towne of Berwyk atte y● whiche batayll were slayne of the Scottes .xxxv tousande .vii. hundred and .xii. And of y● Englysshmen but only .xiii. And thys vyctory befell too the Englysshmen on saynt Margaretes euen y● holy vyrgyn martyr in the yere of oure lorde Ihe●n Crist M.CCC.xxxii ¶ And while this doynge lastyd the Englyssh pages toke the pylfre of the Scottes that were slayne euery man that he myght take without ony chalengynge of ony man And so after this gracyous vyctory the kyng tornyd hym agayne vnto the same syege of Berewyk ¶ And whanne they be syeged sawe and herde howe kynge Edwarde hadde spedde they yelded to him the towne with the castell on y● morow after saynt Margaretes daye ¶ And thenne the kynge dydde ordeyne syr Edwarde Bayllol with othere noble and worshypfull men too be kepets and gouernoures of all Scotlonde in his absence And hymselfe torned ayen and came into Englonde after this vyctorye with moche Ioy and also worshyp and in the nexte yere folowynge after that is for to saye in the yere of the Inca●acyon of oure lorde Ihesu Cryst M.CCC xxxiii And of kynge Edward .vii he wente ayen into Scotlonde in wynter tyme Atte the whiche vyage the castell of kylbrygge in Scotlonde for hym and for hys men that were with hym he recouered and hadde ayenste the Scottes 〈◊〉 atte his owne luste ¶ And in that same yere syre Edwarde Baylloll kynge of Scotlonde helde his parlement in 〈◊〉 londe with many noble lordes of Englonde that were atte that same parlement bycause of theyr londes and also lordshyps that they had in the reame of Scotlonde And helde alle of the same Bayllol ¶ And in the .viii. yere of hysregne abowte the feest of saynt Iohan Baptist syr Edwarde Bayllol the ver 〈◊〉 and true kynge of Scotlonde as by herytage ryghte lyne made his homage feaute vnto kynge Edwarde of Englonde for y● reame of Scotlond at new castell vpon Tyne in y● presence of many a worthy man and alsoo of comyns bothe of the reame of Englonde and also of Scotlonde ¶ And anone after in the same yere kynge Edwarde of Englonde receyued of the duke of Brytayne his homage for the erldom and lordshyp of Rychmonde And so folowynge in the .ix. yere of his regne after Myghelmas rode into Scotlond and there was faste by saynt Iohannes towne almoste all the wynter tyme And soo be helde hys Crysteman atte the castell of Rokesbourgh ¶ And in the same yere thrughe out all Englond abowte saynt Clementys tyde in wynter ¶ There arose suche
full lōge boystous meny of dyuers nacyons in y● hauen of Scluys and there they foughten togyder y● kyng of Fraūce he with their hostes fro myddaye to thre of y● clocke in the morne in the which batayll were slayne xxx thousande men of the kynges company of Fraunce and many shyppes and cogges were taken And so thrugh goddes helpe he had there y● uyctorye bere thens a gloryous chyualrye ¶ And in the same yere abowte saynt Iames tyde without the yates of saynt Omers robert of Arthoys with men of Englonde Flaundres faught ayenst the duke of Burgon the Frensshmen at whiche batayll were slayne take of y● Frensshmen xv barons .lxxx. knyghts shyppes barges were take vnto y● nombre of CC. .xxx. ¶ The ●ame yere y● kynge makynge abydynge vpon the sege of tornay y● erle of Henaude with Englysshe archers made assaute vnto y● towne of saynt Amande where they slewe ●knightes many other also destroyed the towne ¶ And in y● .xvi yere of his regne folowynge in y● wynter tyme the kynge dwelled stylle vpon the forsayd seyge sent oftyme into Englonde vnto his tre sorer other purueyours for golde and moneye y● sholde be sente vnto hym there in his nede but his proctours messyngers cursedly full clously serued hȳ at his nede deceyued hym on whoo 's defaute latches the kynge toke trewes bytwene hym the kynge of Fraunce And then kynge Edwarde full of shame and sorowe in his hert withdrew hȳ fro the sege come into Brytayne there was so grete stryue of vatayll y● he loste many of his people And whā he had done there that he come for he dressyd hȳ ouer see into Englonde warde ¶ And as he saylled towarde Englonde in the hygh see the moost myshappes stormes and tempestes thondre and lyghtnynge felle to hym in the see the whiche was sayd that it was done and araysyd thrughe euyll spyrytees made by sorcery and nygromancye of thē of Fraūce wherfore the kynges herte was full of sorowe anguisshe wellȳge syghynge sayd vnto our lady in this wyse ¶ Oblessyd lady saynt Mary what is y● cause y● euer more goynge into Fraūce all thynges wethers fallen to me Ioyfull lykynge as I wolde haue them but alway tornynge into Englonde warde all thygꝭ fallen vnprofytable and very harmfull neuersheles he scapyd all perylles of the see as god wolde came to the tour of London by nyght ¶ And the same yere the kynge helde his Crystmas at Meneres sent worde to the Scottes by hys messyngers y● he was redy and wolde do fyghte with theym but the Scottes wolde not abyde y● but fledde ouer the Scottes se hyd them as well as they might ¶ And in y● xvii yere of his regne about the feest of the Cōuersyon of saynt poul kynge Edwarde whan he hadde ben in Scotlonde sawe y● the Scottes were fledde tho he come ayen into Englonde ¶ And a lytell before lent was the turnement at Dunstable to the whiche turnement come all the yonge bachelary and chyualry of Englonde with many other erles and lordes Atte the whiche turnement kynge Edwarde hymself was the re present ¶ And the next yere folowynge in the .xviii. yere of his regne atte his parlement holden at westmynster the auyzeme of Paske kynge Edward y● thirde made Edwarde his fyrste sone prynce of walys ¶ And in the .xix. yere of his regne anone after in Ianyuer before lēte the same kynge Edwarde let make full noblle Iustes grete feestes in the place of his byrthe at wyndesore y● there was neuer none suche seen therafore At whiche feest ryaltee were two kynges and two quenes y● prynce of walys the duke of Cornewayle .x. Erles .ix. Countesses barons and many burgeys the whyche myght not lyghtly be nombred and of dyuerse londes beyonde the see werē many straungers And atte the same tyme whan y● Iustes were done kyng Edwarde made a grete souper in y● whiche he ordened began his roūde table ordened stedfasted the daye of the rounde table to be holden there at wyndesore in y● Wytsone weke euer more yerely And in this tyme Englysshmen so moche haunted and cleuyd to the woodnes foly of she straungers y● frome tyme of comynge of Henaudees .xviii. yere passed they ordeyned chaunged theym euery yere dyuerse shappes dysguysynge of clothynge of longe large and wyde clothes destitute dyserte frome all olde honest gode vsage And an other tyme shorte clothes strayt wastyd dagged kyt on euery syde slatered botomed with sleues tapytis of surcotes hodes ouer longe ouermoche hangynge y● yf I the sothe shall saye they were more lyke too tormentours deuyls in theyr clothyng shoynge other araye than to men the wymen more nycely yet passed y● mē in araye and curyouslyer for they were soo strayt clothed y● they lete hange foretayles sewed byneth within ther clothes for to fele and hyde theyr arses the whyche dysguysynges pryde parauenture afterwarde brought forth caused many mysshappes myscheyf in y● reame of Englond ¶ The .xx. yere of kynge Edwarde he went ouer into Brytayne Galcoyne in whos cōpany wente the erle of warwyk y● erle of Suffolke the erle of Huntyngton the erle of Arundell many other lordes comune people in a greate multytude with a greate Nauye of CC. .xl. shyppes anone after mydsomer for to auenge hym of many wronges harmes too hym done by Philyp of Valoys kynge of Fraūce ayenste the trewes before honde graūtyd the whiche trewes he falsly vntrewely by cauelacōns losed disquatte ¶ Howe kynge Edwarde saylled intoo Normandye and arryued at Hogges with a greate hoste IN y● .xxi. yere of his regne kȳg edward thrugh coūseyll of all y● grete lordes of Englonde callyd gadryd togider in his parlemēt at westmestre before Ester ordeyned hym for too passe ouer y● see agayne for to disease distroble the rebelles of Fraunce whan hys Nauye was come togyder made redyhe went with a greate host y● xii day of Iulii saylled into Normandye and arryued at hogges ¶ And whan he hadde rested hym there vi dayes for by cause or trauaylynge of the see and for to haue out all his men with all theyr necessaryes out of theyr shyppes he went toward Cadomun brennynge wastynge and destroyenge all the townes that he founde in his waye ¶ And the .xxvi. dayes of Iuly at the brydge of Cadony manly and nobly strengthed and defended 〈◊〉 normans he had there a stronge 〈◊〉 a longe durynge thrugh whiche a 〈◊〉 multytude of peoble were slay●e And there were taken of prysoners the erle of Ewe the lorde of Tankeruyll and a● hundred of other knyghtes and men of armes and .vi. hondred of footmen 〈◊〉 bred and the towne and the subbarbes vnto the bart
of estate of gouernaūce of y● towne he sent intoo Englonde there for to abyde theyr raūson and the kynges grace And all the commynalte of the towne the kyng lete goo wheder they wolde in peas and without ony harme and lete them bere with them all theyr thynges that they myght bere and carye awaye kepynge the towne and the castell to hymselfe Thenne thrugh meditacyon of Cardynales that were sent frome the pope trewes was ●●ke there bytwene Fraunce and Englonde for .ix. monethes than next folowyng And about Myghelmas kynge Edwarde come ayen into Englonde with a gloryous vyctory ¶ And in the .xxiii. yere of his regne in the E●st partyes of y●●worlde there arose and began a pestylence ● dethe of Sarasyns and Paynyms that so greate a dethe was neuer herde of a fore and that wasted awaye the people so that vnneth the tenthe persone was lefte alyue ¶ And the same yere abowte the southe countrees and also in the west countrees there fell so moche rayne and so grete waters y● from Crystmas to mid somer there was vnnethes nos daye ●enyght but y● it rayned somwhat thrugh whiche waters y● pestylence was so enfted so habūdante in all countre● namely acout y● court of Rome other places see costes y● vnneth there were left lyuynge folke for to bury theym y● were dede honestly But made greate dyches pytt● y● were wonder brode depe and therin buryed thē made a re●ge of dede bodyes caste a lytell erthe to fele thē aboue than caste in a nother renge of bede bodyes and an other renge aboue theym and thus were they buryed none otherwys● but yf it were so that they were men of greate estate soo that they were buryed as honestly as they myght ¶ And after all this in the .xxiiii. yereof kynge Edwardes regne it was done hȳ to wete vnderstande of a treason that was begon at Calays ordeyned for to sell y● towne for a greate somme of Florens vnto kynge Phylip of Fraūce thrughe y● flasnesse ordynaūce of a knight that was called syr Geffrey of Cherney was wonder preuy with kynge Phylyp of Fraūce And whan kynge Edwarde herde this he toke with hym y● noblest gētyllest lordꝭ many other worthy mē of armes y● were there presente with hym for the solempnyte of y● hygh fest And well wisely in all y● hast y● he myght as pryuely as he myght he went ouer se towarde Calays And y● same yere y● gode kynge Edwarde helde his Ceystmas at Hauerynge y● morne after newe yeres daye y● kynge was in y● castell of Calais with his men of armes that none of the alyens wist therof And that fals conspiratour traytoure Geffrey of Cherney syth that he myght not openly haue his purpose of the castell pryuely and stelȳ gely he come in held y● towen with a grete hast And whan he with his men were comen in he payed y● forsayd sōme of floreyns as couenaūt was to a Geneweye in the towne that was keper of y● castell and consentynge to the same Geffreye in all his falsnesse and trechorye boū den the Englyssh mynstrels and seruaū●es that were in the castell y● they myght not helpe themselfe ne lette thē of theyr purpos And than wenynge y● they had ben sure ynough thenne they spaken all theyr wyckydnesse and falsnesse openly on hygh that all men myght here And now shall ye here how they were deceyued for they came in by a pr●uy posterne ouer a lytyll brydge of tree whan they were comen in subtyly pryuely y● brydge was drawen vp and kept that none of thē that came in myght go out neno mo myght come to thē anone oure Englysshmen went out at preuy holes wyndowes 〈◊〉 y● walles of the towne of the castell wente taught manly with y● Frensshmen y● were with out had che better of thē y● whiche whan they were occupyed by thēself on theyr syde the kynge y● was with in y● towne hauyng scarsely but .xxx. men of armes drew out his swerde with a loude voys he cryed on hygh O saynt Edwarde A saynt G●orge And whan y● people herde y● they come rennynge to hym gaaf there to theyr enmyes so greate assawte y● there were mo than two hondred men of armes many mo other slayne and many fledde away And so by y● grace of god alimighty the vyctory fell vnto the Englysshemen Thenne the kynge toke with him this Geffray y● was fynder of this trechory and also many other Frenssh prysoners and thenne within a whyle after he come agayne into Englonde and in this same yere and in the yere afore and alsoo in the yere nexte folowynge was so greate a pestylence of men frome the ●●st in to the weste and namely thorughe botches that thoo that sykened as on this daye deyed on the thyrde daye after to the which men that so deyed in this pestylence hadde but lytell respyte of lyggynge ¶ The pope Clemente of his goodnesse and grace gaaf they us fulle remyssyon and forgyuenesse of all theyr synnes that they were shiyuen of and this pestylence lasted in London fro Myghelmas vnto August next folowynge almoost an hole yere ¶ And these dayes was dethe withoute sorowe weddȳges without frendshyp wylfull penaūce and derth without scharsyte fleȳge without refute or socour for many fledde frome place to place bycause of y● pestylence but they were enfected myght not escape the deth after that the prophete Isay sayth who that fleeth fro theface of drede he shall falle into the dyche And he that wyndethe hym oute of the dyche he shall be holde and tyed 〈◊〉 a 〈…〉 this pestylence was 〈…〉 vnnethes the tenth 〈…〉 people was left on lyue And 〈…〉 a wonder thynge 〈…〉 after y● pestylē 〈…〉 in theyr heed lasse 〈…〉 hadde afore ¶ How kynge Edwarde hadde a greate batayll with Spanyardes in these fast by ●ynchelsee ANd in the .xxx. yere of his regne about saynt Iohn̄s daye in haruest in y● see fast by wynchelse kynge Edwarde had a greate bataylle with men of Spayne where y● theyr shyppes and nauye laye chayne togyder y● other they muste fyght or be drenched soo whan all our worthy men of armes of y● se costes fast by wynchelse romeny were gadred togyder our nauye shyppꝭ al redy to y● warre y● Englysshmen mette manly strongly with theyr enmyes comynge fyersly ayenst them ¶ And whā the Spayn● vessels nauye were closed all about there men myghte see stronge batayll on both sydes longe duryng in y● whiche batayll was but fewe y● faught but they were pytously hurte And after y● batayll there were .xxiii shyppes taken so y● Englysshmen had y● better And in y● next yere folowynge of his regne y● is to saye y● .xxvi. yere y● kynge thrugh his coūseyll let ordeyne make his new money
Frensshmen that is for to saye the abbot of Cluyn the erle of Tanker uyll y● Bursygaude y● tho was stewarde of Fraūce with many other men of the same coūtre by y● cōmune assent of y● lorde Charles y● two was regent of Fraūce they hastyd thē went to y● kynge of Englonde askynge besechynge hym sted faste peas euerlastynge vpon certayne conditiōns y● there were shewed wryten The whiche whan y● kynge his counseyll had seen it it pleased hym neuer a deale but syth it wolde be none other wyse y● tyme of better accorde delyberacy on y● Frensshmen besely with greate instaūce asked trewes for y● see costes y● kynge graūty thē ¶ And in y● morow after y● vtas of Pasche the kynge torned hym with his hoste towarde Orlyaūce oes troyenge wastynge all y● coūtre by the way And as they went thederward ther felle vpon theym suche a storme tēpest that none of our nacyon neuer herde ne sawe none suche thrugh y● whiche thousandes of our mē theyr horses in their Iourney as if were thrugh vengeaun●r sodeynly were slayne perysshed y● whyche tempestꝭ were full grete yet fered not y● kynge ne moche of his people but thei went forth in theyr vyage y● they had be gōne wherfore aboute y● fest of Philyp and Iacob in May fast by in Carnocū the forsayd lordes of Fraunce metynge there with the kynge of Englonde a pesyble accorde a fynall vpon certayne condicōs graūtes artycularly gadred wryten togyder euermore for too laste dyscretly made to both y● kynges prof fytable to both theyr reames of one as sent of Charles y● regent gouernoure of Fraūce of Parys of y● same reame wryten made vnder date of carnocum the .xv. daye of May. they offred prof fred to y● kynge of Englonde requyrynge his grace in all thynges wryten that he wolde benyngly admit thē hold thē ferme stable to thē to ther heyres for euermore thens forth the whiche thyngꝭ and articles whan kynge Edward had seen thē he graūtyd them so y● both partyes sholde be sworne on goddes body on y● Euangelyst y● theforsayd couenaunte sholde be stablysshe so they accor ded gracyously Therfor were ordeyned dressed on euery syde two barons two baronet●ꝭ two knyghtes to admitte receyue y● othes of y● lorde Chatles rege● of Fraūce of syr Edwarde y● fyrste sone heyre of kynges Edwarde of Englond And y● .x. daye of May there was longen a solemyne masse at Parys and after y● thyrd Agnꝰ der sayd to dun●● bis pacem in presen●e of y● forsayd mē that were ordeyned to Admit●e and ●●ceyue the othes and of all other y● there myght be So Charles layd his ryghte honde on the patent with goddes bodye and his left honde on the myssa ● 〈◊〉 we N. sweren on goddes bodye y● holy gospels y● we shal trewly stedfastly holde towarde vs y● peas y● accorde made bytwene y● two kynges in no maner to do y● contrary there ameng all his lordes for more loue strenthe of 〈◊〉 he dealed departed y● relyques of y● crowne of Cryst to y● knyghtes of Englonde they token c●tously theyr leue y● fryday next y● same othe in presene of y● forsayd knyghtꝭ of other wo●●vi mē prynce Edwarde made at Louers Afterwarde both kynges theyr sones the moost noble men of bothe ●eames with in the same yere made the same other for to strength all these thyngꝭ afore sayd y● kynge of Englōde axyd y● grettest men of Fraūce had his askȳge y● is to saye vi dukes .viii. erles .xii. ordes all noble barona good kuyghts And whan the place and tyme was allygned in whiche both kȳges with theyr coūseyll shold com togyder all y● forsayd thynges bytwene theym spoken for to ret●ye make ferme and stable the kynge of Englond a none were towarde the see and at Hou● flet began to saylle leuynge to his hostes that were lefte behynde hym by cause of his absence made moche heuynes and after the .xix. daye of Maye he came into Englonde and wente to his palays atte Westmynster of saynt Dunstans daye and the thyrde daye after he vysyted Iohan kynge of Fraunce that was in the coure of London and delyuerde hym frely frome all maner of pryson sauf fyrst they were accorded of thre myllyons of floreyns for his raunsōme and the kynge comfortyd hym cheryd hym in all places with all solace and myrthes that longen to a kynge in his goynge homewarde ¶ And the .ix. daye of Inlii in the same yere this same Iohn̄ kynge of Fraunce that afore laye here in hostage wente home ayen into his owne londe too treate of tho thynges and other that longed fallen to the gouernaunce of hys reame ¶ And afterwarde mette came togyder at Calays bothe two kynges with bothe theyr counseyll abowte all Halow en tyde and there were shewed y● condycyons the poyntes of y● peas of the accorde of bothe lydes wrytten there without ony with sayenge of bothe sydes gracyously they were accorded And there was done songen a solempne masse and after the thyrd Agnꝰ dei vpon goddes body and also vpon the masse boke both the kynges and theyr sones and the gretteste lordes of both reames and of theyr counseyll that there were presente and had nott sworne before the forsayd other that they had made and tytled bytwene theym they behyghten to kepe all other couenaūtes y● were bytwene thē ordeyned ¶ And in this same yere men beestes trees houses with sodayne tem peste and stronge lyghtnynge were perysshed and the deuyll apperyd bodely in mānes lyknes to moche people as thei went in dyuers places in the countrees and spake to theym in that lyknes ¶ How the greate company arose in Fraūce the white cōpany in Lombardye and of other meruaylles BYnge Edwarde in the .xxxvi. pere of his regen anone after crystenmasse in the feste of the conuersyon of saynt Poule helde his parlemente atte westmestre in y● which parlement was put forth and shewed the accorde and y● treates that was stablysshed and made bytwene the two kynges whiche accorde pleased to moche people and therfore vi the kynges cōmaūdement there were gadred and come togyder in westmynster chirche the fyrste sondaye of lent that is to saye y● .ii. kal of Frebruary the forsaid Englysshmen Frensshmen where was songe a solempne masse of the Trynyte of the Archbysshop of Caūterbury maister Symonde Islepe And whan Agnꝰ dei was done the kynge beynge there with his soues and also the kynges sones of Fraunce and other noble and grete lordes with candell lyght crosses brought forthe all that were callyd therto that were not sworne afore swore that same othe that was wryten vpon goddes body and on the masse booke in this wyse we N. and N sweren vpon goddes body and on
fell to prynce Edwarde by the grace of god ¶ And this same prynce Edwarde had with hym syr Iohn̄ duke of Lancastre his broder other worthy men of armes about y● nō bre of .xxx. thousande ¶ And the kynge of Spayne had on his syde men of dynero nacyons to the nombre of an hondred thousande mo wherfore y● shar penesse and fyersnesse of his aduersary with his full boystous greate strenthe made and dryue the ryghtfulle partye a backe a greate waye but thrugh the grace of almyghty god passynge ony mannes strenthe that greate hooste was dysparpled myghtfully by the noble duke of Lancastre and his hoost or that prynce Edward came nyghe hym And whā Henry bastarde sawe that he torned with his men in so greate hast and strenthe for to flee that a greate company of thē in the forsayd floode and of the brydge therof fellen downe and perysshed And also there were taken the erle of Dene syr Bartram Cleykyn y● was cheyf maker causer of the warre also cheyftayne of the vaūtwarde of y● batayll with many other greate lordes and kuyghtes to the nombre of two thousande of whom two hondred were of Fraūce many al so of scotlonde and there were felled in the felde on our enmyes syde of lordes knyghtes with other meyn people to the nombre of .vi. thousande and moo and of Englysshmen but a fewe And after this the noble prynce Edwarde restored the same Peers to his kyngdom ayen y● whiche Peers afterwarde thrugh trechery and falsenes of the forsayd basterd of Spayne as he satte at his mete he was strangled and deyed But after this vyctorye many noble men of Englonde also hardy in Spayne thrughe the flyx and dyuers other sekenesses toke theyr dethe ¶ And also in the same yere in y● Marche was seen stella Cometa bytwene the north costes y● west whos bemes stretched towarde Fraūce ¶ And in the next yere folowynge of kynge Edwardꝭ regne .xliii. in Apryll syre Lyonell kynge Edwardes sone that was duke of Cla rence wente towarde Melayne wyth a chosen meyne of the gentyls of Englonde for to wedde Galoys doughter haue hyr to his wyf by whome he sholde haue halfe y● lordshyp of Melayne but after y● they were solēply wedded about y● Natyuyte of our lady y● same duke of Melai ne deyed And in y● same yere y● Frensshe men brake y● peas y● trewes rydyng on y● kyngꝭ groūde lordshyp of Englōde in y● shyre coūtre of Poūtyfe tokē helde castell townes bere y● Englyssh men on honde falsly subtyll y● they were cause of brekȳge of trewes and in this same yere deyed y● duches of Lancastre is buryed worshypfully in saynt Poules chirche ¶ The .xliiii. yere of kynge Edwardes regne was y● grettest pestylēce of men of grete bestes by y● grete fallynge of waters that felle at that tyme there fell grete hyndrynge destroyenge of corne in so moche that the next yere after a busshell of whete was solde for .xl. pens And in this same yere about y● last ende of Maykyng Edwarde helde tho his parlement at westmyster in which parlement was treated spoken of y● o the trewes that was borken bytwene hym the kyng of Fraūce how he myght best be auenged vpon his wronge ¶ In this same yere in y● Assūpcyon of our lady deyed quene Philyp of Englonde a full noble gode lady at westmyster full worshypfully is buryed entered And about mydsomer y● duke of Lancastre the erle of Herforde with a grete cōpany of knyghtes went into Fraūce where as they gate them but lytell worshyp name for there was a greate hooste of y● Frensshmen vpon Calkhull brydge an other hoste of Englysshmen fast by y● same brydge y● longe tyme had lyued there And maniworthy greate men of Englond ordei ned yaf coūseyll for to fyght yaf batayll to y● Frensshmen but y● forsayd lordes wolde not consent therto for no maner thynge ¶ And anone after it happe ned y● the erle of warwyk come thyderwarde for to warre whan y● Frensshe men herde of his comynge or y● he came fully to londe they left theyr senses pauylyons with all theyr vytayls sled wēt awaye pryuely And whan y● erle was comen to londe with his men he went in all hast towarde Normandye deshored y● I le of Caur with strenth of swerde thrughe fyre But alas in his reformynge to Englonde warde home ayen at Calays he was taken with sykenes of pestylence deyed not leuynge behynde hȳ after hys dayes so noble a knyght of armes ¶ In which tyme regned warted y● noble knyght syr Iohn̄●●●wkewod y● was an Englysshman borne hauynge 〈…〉 at his gouernaūce y● whyte cōpany 〈…〉 forsayd y● whiche o tyme ayenst 〈◊〉 ●●●che an other tyme ayenst lord 〈◊〉 ordeyned grete batayls there in 〈◊〉 me coūtree he dydde many merueylleu● thynges ¶ And about y● 〈…〉 of saynt Poule y● kyng whan he had ended done y● entrynge crequyes with ●●●te costes ryaltees aboute y● scpule●●e buryenge of quence Phylip his wife 〈◊〉 helde a parlement at westmyster 〈◊〉 ●●●che parlem̄t was ared of y● clergre 〈◊〉 yeres dyme that is for to saye a greedy me to be payed thre yere durynge And the clargye put it of and wolde not 〈◊〉 it vnto Ester next comynge 〈◊〉 they graunted well that in thre 〈…〉 certayne termes y● dyme sholde be 〈◊〉 also of the lay fee was a thre yere 〈◊〉 graunted to the kynge ¶ How sir Robert Knolles with other certayne lordes of y● teame went ouer sent to Fraūce of theyr gouernaūce ANd in the .xlv. yere of kynge Edwarde in y● begyunynge kynge Edwarde with vnwyse coūseyll and vndyscrete borowed a greate sōme of golde of y● prelaces marchaūtes other tyche men of his reame saynge y● it sholde be spended in defendynge of holy chirche of his reame Netheles it profyted nothȳge wherfore aboute mydsomer after he made a grete host of y● worthyest men of his reame Amonges whome weresome lordꝭ that is for to say y● lorde Fytzwater y● lorde graūson other worthy knightꝭ of which knyghꝭ y● kygne ordeyned syr Robert Knolles a proued knyzt a well assayd in dedes of armes for to be gouernour y● thrugh his coūseyl gouernaunce all thȳge sholde be gouerned dressed And whan they come into Fraūce as longe as they dwelled helde them hole togyder y● Frensshmen durst not fall vppon thē And at the laste about the begȳ nynge of wynter for enuye couetyse y● was amonge them also dyscorde they sondred parted thē into dyuerse cōpanyes vnwysely folely But syr Robert Knolles his men went keped theym sauf within a castell in Brytayne And whan y● Frensshmen sawe that ouer men felaushyp were deuyded into dyuerse
cōpanyes places not holdynge ne strengthynge theym togyders as they out for to do they fell fyersly on our men for y● moost partye toke thē or slewe them and tho y● they myght take ledde with them prysoners ¶ And in the same yere pope Vibane come fro Rome to Auynyon for this cause y● he sholde accorde make peas bytwene y● kynge of Fraūce the kinge of Englonde for euermore But alas or he began his treates he deyed with sekenesse y● .xxi. daye of Decembre was buryed as for y● tyme in the cathedrall chir che of Auynyon fast by y● hygh awter the next yere after whan he had lyen soo his bones were taken out of the erthe buryed newe in the abbaye of saynt vyctorye fast by Marcyle of y● whiche abbaye he was somtyme abbot hymself And in bothe places y● he was buryed in there be many grete miracles done wrought thrugh the grace of almyghty god to many a mannes helpe to the worshyp of god almyghty ¶ And after whome folowed next and was made pope Gregorye Cardynalle Deken that before was called Pyers Roger. ¶ In this same ye re the cyte of Lymoge rebelled and faught ayenste the prynce as other cytes dyd in Guyhen for greate taxes costages raunsons that they were put and sette to by prynce Edwarde whiche charges were importable to chargeable wherfore they torned fro hym and fellen to y● kynge of Fraūce And whan prynce Edwarde sawe this he was sore chafed and agreued and in his tornynge homewarde ayen into Englonde with sore scarmusshes and fyghtynge and greate assautes fought with theym and toke the forsayd cyte and destroyed it almoost to the grounde and slewe all that he found in the cyte And than for to saye the soth for dyuerse sekenes maladyes that he had and also for defaute of money that he myght not withstande ne tary on his enmyes he hyed hym ayen into Englonde with his wyfe and menye leuynge be hynde in Gascoyne the duke of Lancastre and syr Edmonde erle of Cambrydge with other worthy and noble men of armes ¶ In the .xlvi. yere of kynge Edwarde at the ordynaunce and sendynge of kynge Edwarde the kynge of Nauerne come to hym to Claryngdon to treate with hym of certayne thynges touchyng his warre in Normandye where kynge Edwarde had left certayn syeges in his stede tyll he come ayen But kynge Edwarde myght not spede of that that he asked hym And so the kynge of Nauerne with greate worshyp y● greate gyftes toke his leue went home ayen ¶ And about begȳnynge of Marche whā y● parlement at westmyster was begon y● kynge asked of y● clergye a subsydye of .l. M poūde y● whiche by a good auysement by a generall cōuocacōn of y● clergye it was graūted ordeyned y● it sholde be payed reysed of y● lay fee. And in thys parlement at y● request askynge of the lordes in hatred of men of holy chirche the Chaunceler and the tresourer that were bysshops the clerke of the pryue sale were remeued put out of offyce and in theyr stede were seculer men put in And whyle this parlement lasted there come solempne embassatours fro y● pope to trete with the kynge of peas sayd that the pope desyred to fulfyl his predecessours will but for all theyr comynge they sped not ¶ Of the besyegynge of Rochell how the erle of Penbroke his company was taken in that hauen with Spanyerdes and all his shyppes brente THe .ix. daye of Iune kynge Edwarde in y● .xlvii. yere of his regne helde his parlement at wynchestre it lested but .vii. dayes to y● whiche parlement were sompned by wryte of men of holy chirche .iiii. bysshoppes .iiii. abbottes without ony moo This parlemente was holdē for marchaūtes of Londō of Norwyche of other dyuerse placꝭ in dyuerse thynges poyntꝭ of treason y● they were defamed of y● is to say y● they were rebell wolde aryse ayenst y● kynge this same yere y● duke of Lancastre the erle of Lambrydge his brother come out of Gascoyne into Englonde toke wed ded to theyr wyues Peters doughters sō tyme kynge of Spayne Of whiche two doughters y● duke had y● elder y● the erle the yonger And that same tyme there were sent two Cardynals fro y● pope that is to saye an Englysshe Cardynall a Cardynall of Parys to treate of peas bytwene these two reames y● which whā they had ben both longe eche in his prouynce coūtrees fast by treatyng of y● forsayd peas at the laste they toke with theym y● lett es of procuracye y● went ayen to Rome without ony effect of theyr purpose ¶ In this yere was there a shronge batayll in y● se bytwene Englysshmen and Flemynges the Englysshmen had the vyctory toke .xxv. shypps with salt sleynge and drenchynge all y● men y● were therin vnwetynge theym they were of y● countre And moche harme sholde haue fallen therof had not peas accorde sone be made bytwene thē ¶ And in thys same yere the Frensshmen besyeged the towne of Rochell wherfore y● erle of Pēbroke was sent into G●scoyn with a grete company of men of armes for to dys troye y● syege whiche passed y● se came sauf to y● hauen of Rochell y● whan they were there at y● hauen mouthe or y● they myght entre sodaynly come vpon them a stronge nauye of Spanyerdes 〈◊〉 whyche ouercome y● Englysshmen in moche blemysshynge hurtynge sleynge of many people for as moche as the 〈◊〉 men were than notredy for to 〈…〉 were ware of theym And as the 〈◊〉 yerdes came vpon them all the Englysshmen other they were taken o● 〈◊〉 and .x. of theym were sore wounded t●● the dethe and all theyr shyppes 〈◊〉 and there they toke the erle with a greate tresour of the reame of Englonde and many other noble men also on 〈◊〉 somer eueu y● whiche is saynt Edeld●● daye ledde them with them into Spne And of this myscheyf was no greate wonder for this erle was a fulle ylle l●uer as an open lechoure And also in a certayne parlement he stode and was a yenst the ryghtes and fraūchyle of holy chirche And also he counseylled the kȳge and counseylle that be sholde are mo of men of holy chirche thanne other persones of the laye men And for the kynge and other men of his counteyll accepted and toke rather ylle opy●●ons and causes ayenste men of holy churche than he dyde for too defende mayneene the ryght of holy chirche it was after seen many tymes for lacke of fortun● and grace they had not ne bare alwaye so grete vyctory ne power ayenste theyr enemyes as they dyd before ¶ This same yere y● kynge with a greate hooste entred these to remeue the syege of Rochelle but the wynde was euer contrarye vnto hym suffred hym not a longe tyme to go fer fro y● londe wherfore he abode
he was meke benygne homely 〈◊〉 soft to all men as well to straūgers as 〈◊〉 his owne subgettes to other were vnder his gouernaūce He was deud oute●●●ly both to god holy chirche for he worshypped holpe mayntened holy 〈◊〉 theyr mynystres with all maner 〈…〉 he was treatable well auyled ●●●porall worldly nedes wyse in coūse●ll dyscrete and meke to speke with 〈◊〉 dedes and maners gentyll and wel ●●●●ght hauynge pyte of them that were in dysease plenteuous in geuynge 〈◊〉 benefaytes almoses besy curyous in burldynge lyghtly he bare suffred w●enges and harmes and whan be was gruō to ony occupacyon he lefte all other thȳge for the tyme and tended therto semely of bodye and a meyne stature hauyn ge alwaye to hyghe and to lowe a goode chere And there sprōge shone so moch grace of hȳ y● what man had behold his face or had dremed of hȳ he hoped y● day y● all thynge sholde hap to hym Ioyfull and lykynge And he gouerned his kȳgedome gloryously vnto his aege he was large in geuyng and wyse in spences he was fulfylled with all honeste of goode maners and vertues vnder whome to lyue it was as for to regne wherfore his fader and his loos spronge so ferre that it came into hethenes Barbary shewynge and tellynge his worthynes mā hode in all londes and that no londe vnder heuen had brought forth soo noble a kynge so gentyll so blessyd or myghte reyse suche an other whan he was dede Neuertheles lechery and meuynge of his flesshe hauntyd hym in his aege wherfore the rather as it is to suppose for vnmesurable fulfyllynge of his luste his lyfe shorted the soner ¶ And here of take good hede lyke as his dedys bereth wytnesse for as in his begynnynge all thynges were Ioyfull lykynge to hym to all people And in his myddell aege he passed all people in hygh Ioy worshyp and blessydnes Ryght so whan he drew into age drawynge donwarde thrugh le chery and other synnes lytell and lytell all tho Ioyfull and blessyd thynges and prosperyte decreased mysshapped and vnfortunate thynges and vnprofytable harmes with many euyls began for to sprynge and the more harme is it contynued longe tyme after CLemens that .vi. was pope after Benedict .x. yere this man in name and dede was vertuous and many thȳges that Benedict was rygous in he made easy and certayn that he depryued he restored and y● rygousenes of the fayth of Benedict was laudable But moche more laudable was y● mekenesse of Clement This man was a noble prechour and many sermons he gadred and lete no man passe frome hym but he gaaf hȳ good coūseyll dessessyd a blessyd man ¶ Karolus the .iiii. was Emperour after Lodewyk .xxxi. yere This man was kynge of Beme a wyse man and a myghty And this man was chosen Emperour by the commaundement of Clemēs Lodewyk beynge a lyue in his contemacy and bycause he asked mekely the popes blessyng and to be crowned of hym as other goode kynges dyde therfore he was protected of god and preueyled ouer all his enmyes And many fauourable lawes he made to spyrytuall men y● whiche yet are called Karolma at the last he decessed a ryche man in vertu goodes ¶ Innocentiꝰ the .vi. was pope after clement .x. yere and he was a grete louer of relygyous men and he founded a monestery in Fraunce of the ordre of Cartusyens and was a greate canonyst ¶ Vrbanus the .v. was pope after Innocent this man was abbot of Myssolens of the ordre of saynt Benet a doctour and is taken for a saynt he made the crosse to be preched ayenst the Turkes and he made a passage to the Turkes And to hȳ saynt Brygyt was sent frome Crist for the confyrmacyon of theyr rule than̄e he was poysened and decessyd ¶ Gregory the .ix. was pope after hym .viii. yere This Gregory dyd lytell And after hȳ folowed the trybulacyon the which our lorde shewed to saynt Brygyt for y● sinne of the clargye ¶ Venselaus sone too Kacolus aforsayd was Emperour .xiiii yere And he was a chylde and was chosen whan his fader was on lyue but he toke no kepe of th empyre and whan he was warned many tymes for to take hede vnto it and wolde not he was deposed For he gaaf all his delyte and luste to lechery and his ende was without honoure for he went gretely frome the maners and the vertues of his noble fader And he was crowned with themperyall dyademe and the wysdome of his fader passed into Sygysmonde his brother as after it shall appyrel ¶ Vrbanus was pope after Gregorye .vi. yere this Vrba ne was chosen in the cyte of Rome by y● strenth of the Romayns but the Cardynals dyd that for drede and not wyllȳgly wherfore they fledde vnto the Cyte of F●ndo●● And they sayd that he was not pope and chose in his place syre Robert of Gebennys the same yere the whiche was called Clement y● .vii. ¶ Nota. And here began the .xii. stryfe in the chirche And it was more worse than euer was ony other before for it was so subtyll y● the wysest men that were and the best of conscyence coude not deserne with who me it was best to saye and to holde And this stryfe dured .xl. yere with a greate sclaūdre vnto all the clergye and greate peryll vnto mennys soules for heresyes and other euyll thynges y● whiche were brought in than In so moch y● ther was no doctryne in y● chirche for mysdoynge And therfore frome this Vrbant the .vi vnto Martyne I knowe not whoo was pope ¶ The fest of y● vysytacyon of our lady was ordeyned by Vrbane y● .vi. aft the fourme of y● sacramente of y● awter for a peas an vnyte to be had amonge them thrugh the merytees of our blessyd lady ¶ Bonefactus the .ix. was pope after Vrbane .xv. yere ¶ This Boneface was chosen at Rome in y● stede of Vrbane the stryfe contynued For Benedictus was chosen in Auynyon in the place of Clement was called Petrus de luna he dured to the coūseyll of Constantynus then he wolde not obaye but euer abode obstynate And at y● last he decessed in y● kyngdome of Aragon And he cōmaūded his Cardynals to chese an other pope y● whiche they dyd anone And they sette vp an ydoll named hym Clement but they profyted not ¶ Circa annū dm̄ M.CCClxxx ¶ And after kynge Edwarde the thyrd that was borne in Wyndesore regned Rycharde of Burdeux that was pryme Edwardes some of wales y● whiche part Edwarde was kynge Edwarde sone ANd after the gode kynge Edwarde the thyrde that was borne at wyndesore regned Rycharde the seconde that was the good syr Edwardes sone prynce of wales the whiche kynge Rycharde was borne in y● cyte of Burdeux in Gascoyne and was crowned at westmynster in the .xi. yere of his
And neyghbours came out and wolde haue arested this Romayn he brake frome them fledde to his lordes place and the Constale wolde haue had hym oute but the bysshops men shette fast the yates and kept y● place y● no man myght entre and than moche more people gadred thyder and sayd that they wolde haue hym out or els they woldr brenne vp y● place and all that were within And than came the mayer and shreues with moche other peple cessyd y● malyce of the comyns and made euery man to go home to ther houses kepe peas And this Romayns lorde the bysshop of Salesbury mayster Iohan waltham y● at y● tyme was tresourer of Englonde went to syr Thomas Arūdell Archebysshop of yorke Chaūceler of Englonde there y● bysshop made his complaynt vnto y● Chaūceler on the peple of the cyte of London And thā these two bysshops of greate malyce vengeaūce come vnto the kynge at wyndesore made a greate cōplaynt vpon y● mayer shreues And anone all the cyte afterwarde came before the kynge and his coūseyll they caste vnto the cyte a greuous herte a wonder grete malyce And anone sodeynly the kyng sent after the mayer of London for the two shreues they came to hym vnto the castell of wyndsore And the kynge rebuked the mayer and shreues full foule for the offence that they had done ayenst hym his offycers in his chambre at London Wherfore he deposed and putte oute the mayer and both shreues and this was done the .xiiii. dayes afore the feeste of saynt Iohan Baptyst And thanne the kynge called to hym a knyght that was called syr Edwarde dalyngrygge made hym wardeyne gouernoure of the cyte and chambre of London ouer all his people therin And so he kepte that offyce but foure wekes bycause that he was so gentyll tendre too y● cytezeyns of London wherfore the kynge deposed hym made syr Baudewyne radyng●o knyght y● was Courtrouller of y● kynges houshold wardeyne gouernour of his chambre and of his people theryn and chose to hym two worthy men of the cyte to be shreues with hym too gouerne kepe y● kynges lawes in y● cyte that one was called Gylbert mawefelde 〈◊〉 other Thomas newenton shreues And than the mayer the two shreues and al the aldermen with all y● worthy 〈◊〉 of London went on foot vnto the to●re of London there came out the 〈◊〉 table of the towre gaaf y● mayer and the shreues theyr othe and charge as 〈◊〉 sholde haue taken in y● Escheker of ●●●●mynster in the kynges court of his 〈◊〉 Barons of y● Escheker thanne went they home ayen And than the 〈◊〉 his counseyll for y● greate malyce despyte y● they had to y● cyte of London remeued all his courtes frome westm●●ster vnto the cyte of yorke y● is to 〈◊〉 y● Chauncelar y● Escheker y● kynges bynche and the comune place there they helde all these courtes of lawe fro my● somer that is to saye the feest of saynt Iohan Bastyst vnto the feest of Cryste masse next comynge And thanne y● k●nge his coūseyll sawe it not so proffytable there as it was at London than anone he remeued it ayen to London so to westmynster for grete ease of his officers a vauntage to y● kynge all y● comunes of the reame ¶ And whanne the peple of London sawe and knewe that these courtes were comen ayen and y● kynge his people also than y● mayer the aldermen wyth the chyef Comunes of the cyte lete gadre a grete somme of golde of all the Comunes of the Cyte and ordeyned made greate ryaltees ayens his comynge to London for to haue his grace good lordshyp also theyr lybertees and fraūchyses graūted vnto them ayen as they were wonte too haue afore tyme. And thrugh greate instaūce prayer of the quene of other lordes ladyes the kynge graūted theym grace And this was done at Shene in Sutherey ¶ And than the kynge within two dayes after came to London the mayer of y● cyte with the shreues aldermen al the worthy men of y● cyte afterwarde rode ayenst hym in good araye vnto y● he the on this syde of Shene y● mayer submyttynge theym homely mekely with all maner obeyssaūce vnto hym as they oughten to doo And thus they broughte the kyng y● quene to London and whā the kynge came to y● yate of Londō brydge there they presented hym with a mylke whyte stede sadled and brydled and trapped with clothe of golde and reed partyed togyder and y● quene a palfrey all whyte ut the same araye trappyd with whyte reed and all the conduytes of London ranne with wyne both whytel ●eed for all maner peple to drynke who wolde And bytwene saynt Poules and the crosse in thepe there was made a stage a ryall standyng vpon hygh and therin were many angelles with dyuers me lodyes and songes And than an angelle came downe frome the stage on hygh by a vyce and let a crowne of golde pyght with ryche perles precyous stones vppon the kynges heed and an other vpon the quenes heed And soo the cytezeyns brought the kynge and the quene to westmynster in to theyr palays And than on the morne after the mayer the shreues and the aldermen of London camen vnto the kynge to his palays at westmynster presente hym with two basyns of syluer and ouergylted full of coyned golde the somme of .xx. hondred poūde prayenge hym of his hyghe mercye grace and lordshypp and specyally grace that they myght haue his good loue with the lybertees and Fraūchyses lyke wyse as they were wonte for too haue before tymes and by his letters patentes and his chartre confermed And the quene and other worthy lordes ladyes fell on ther knees besought the kynge of grace to conferme this Than the kynge toke vp the quene and grauted hir all hir askynge And than they thanked the kynge the quene wente home ayen ¶ And in xvi yere of kynge Rychardes regne certayne lordes of Scotlond came into Englonde for to gete worshyp as by feet of armes this were the persones The erle of Marre he chalenged the erle Marshall of Englond to Iuste with hym certayne poyntes on horsbak with sharpe speres they rode togyder as two worthy knyghtes lordes certayne courses but not the full chalenge y● the Scottes erle made for he was cast both hors and man two of his rybbes broken with y● falle so he was borne thens out of smythfelde home to his Inne And within a lytell tyme after he was caryed home in a hors lytter and at yorke he deyed And syre wyllyam Darell knyghte and the kynges banerer of Scotlonde than made an other chalenge with syr Pers courtayne knyght and the kynges banerer of Englond of certayn courses yet
hym ¶ And anone oure kynge lette crye that euery man sholde doo sle his prysoners that he hadde taken and anone to make theym ayen redy for to fyghte wyth the Frensshe men And whan thei sawe that oure men kylled downe theyr prysoneres thanne they dyde wythdrawe them and brake theyr batayll all their araye And thus our kynge as a worthy conquerour had that daye the vyctory in the felde of Agyngcourte in Pycardye And than our kynge reforned ayen ther that the batayll was for to see what people were slayne of Englysshmen and if ony were hurte that they myghte be holpen And there were dede in the felde the duke of Barrye y● duke of Alaūsome y● duke of Braban y●erle of Nauerne chy ef Censtable of Fraūce .viii. erles the Archebysshop of Saūce of gode barōs an hondred and moo of worthy knytes of greate alyaūce of cote armures a thousande .v. hondred And so of Englysshmen was deed that daye the good duke of yorke and the erle of Southfolke and of all other Englysshmen there were not deed passȳge .xxvi. bodyes thāked be god And this batayll was on a frydaye whiche was saynt Cryspyne Cryspynyanes daye in the monethe of Octobre and anone the kynge commaūded to bury them and the duke of yorke to be caryed forth with hym and the erle of Southfolke And there were prysoneres the duke of Orlyaūce y● duke of Burbon the erle of Vendome the erle of ewe the erle of Rychemonde syre Bursygaūt Marchall of Fraūce many other worthy lordes were taken there in thys batayll of Agyngcourt were brought vnto the towne of Calays so ouer the see with the kynge into Englonde landed at Douer in Kent with all his prysoners in saufte thanked be god almyghty and so came to Caunterbury and offred at saynt Thomas shryne so he rode forth thrugh y● countre of Kent the next waye vnto Eltham there he restted tyll that he wolde come to London And than y● mayer of London the aldermen shreues with all the worthy comuners and craftes came to the blacke hethe well and worthely arayed for too welcome our kynge with dyuerse melodyes thanked almyghty god of hys gracyous vyctory y● he shewed for hym And so the kynge his prysoners passed forth by theym tyll he came to saynt thomas waterynge there met with hym all relygyous men with processyon and welcomed hym so y● kynge came rydinge with his prysoners thrugh y● cyte of Lōdon where y● them was shewed many a fayre fyght at all y● conduytes at the crosse in chepe as in heuenly araye of angelles ar chaūgelles patrya●kes prophetes virgynes with dyuerse melodyes sensynge syngynge to welcome y● kyng all the conduytes rennynge with wyne the kynge passed forth to saynt Poules and there met with hym .xiiii. bysshops all ●euessed mytred with sensers to welcome the kyng there they songe for his gracyous vyctory Te deum laudamus And there the kynge offred toke his hors rode to westmynster than the mayer toke his leue of the kynge and rode home ayen ¶ And in the thyrde yere of kynge Henryes regne y● fyfth come the Emperoure of Almayne kynge of Rome and of Hungrye in to Englonde so to the cyte of London And the mayer the aldermen with y● shreues worthy craftes of London by the kynges cōmaudement met with hym on the blacke heth in the best araye that they coude on 〈◊〉 And there they welcomed hym and brought hym vnto London with moche honoure greate reuerence And at saynt Thomas waterynge there met with hym the kynge with all his lordes in gode araye And there was a worthy metynge bytwene the Emperoure and kynge Hēry the fyfth there they kyssed togyder enb●aced eche other and than y● kyng toke the Emperoure by the honde soo they came rydyng thrugh y● cyte of Lōdō vnto saynt Poules ther they alyghted and offred and alle the bysshoppes stode reuesshed with sensers in theyr ●ondes sensynge to theym And than they toke theyr horses and rode vnto westmȳster And y● kynge lodged the Emperour in his owne palays and there he rested hym a greate whiche all at the kyngꝭ coste ¶ And soone after came y● duke of Hollonde in to Englonde to come and se there the Emperoure and to speke with hym and with our kynge Henry of Englonde and he was worthyly receyued lodged in the bysshops Inne of Ely all at the kynges coste ¶ And whan y● Emperour hadde well rested hym and seen the londe in dyuerse partyes and knewe the commodytees than by processe of tyme he toke his leue of the kynge but or he yode he was made knyght of the garter and receyued and wered the lyueray And than he thanked the kynge and all his lordes And than the kynge he wente ouer the see vnto Calays and aboden there longe tyme to haue an answere of the Frensshe kynge and at the laste it came and pleased hym ryghte noughte so the Emperoure toke his leue of y● kinge and passed forth in goodes name and our kynge came ouer ayen in to Englōde in all the hast that he myghte and y● was on saynt Lucas euen y● he came to Lambythe and on y● mondaye nexte he came in to the parleament at westmynster ¶ And in this same yere was a grete derth of corn in Englonde but thanked be god it lasted not longe ANd in the fourth● yere of kynge Henryes regne the fyfth he held his parlemente at westmynster in y● begȳnynge of Octobre last to y● puryfycacyon of our lady than nexe after And there was graūted vnto hym to mayntene his warres both of spyrytualtee of tēporalte an hole taxe a dyeme than anone y● kynge prayed all his lordes too make them redy to strength hym in hys ryght And anone he lete make a newe retenue and charged all his men to be redy at Hampton in wytson weke thanne next after with out ony delaye And there the kynge made the duke of Bedford protectoure and defender of his reame of Englonde in his absence charged hȳ to kepe his lawes and mayntene bothe spyrytuall and temporall And whan y● kynge had thus do sette all thynge in his kynde On saynt Markes daye he toke his hors at westmynster came rydȳge to Poules there he offred toke his leue and so rode forthe thrugh the cyte takynge his leue of all maner of people as well pore as ryche praynge theym all in generall to praye for hym And so he rode forth too saynt Georges there of fred toke his leue of y● mayer charginge hym to kepe well his chambre And so he rode forth to Hampton and ther abode tyll his retenue were redy comen for there was all his nauye shyppes with his ordynaunce gadred togyder and well stuffed as longed to suche
daye of Ianyuer felle downe the gate with y● to●re on it on Londō brydge towarde Southwerke with two arches all y● stode theron ¶ This same yere was a greate treate holden bytwene Grauenynge Calays bythene the k●nge the duke of Burgoyne where was in the kynges name the Cardynalle of Englonde the duke of Norfolk many other lordes for the duke of Burgoyn was the duchesse hauynge full power of hyr lorde as regent and lady of hys londes where was taken by thaduyse of ●o the partyes an abstynence of watre for a certayne tyme in y● name of y● duchesse and not of the duke bycause he had gone frome his othe and legeaunce that he hadde made to kynge Henry the fyfthe therfore the kynge neuer wolde weytene appoynt ne haue to do with hym after but all in the duchesse name ¶ Also this same yere quene Iane deyed y● second day of Iule whiche had ben wyf to kyng Hēry y● fourth was caryed frome be●●ōd sey to Caūterbury where she lyeth buryed by kynge Henry hir husbonde Thys same yere dyed all the Lyons in y● toure of London the whiche had not ben seen many yeres before ¶ How Owen a squyre of wales that hadde wedded quene Katheryne was arested and of the seysme bytwene Eugenye and Felix IN the .xv. yere of kynge Henry the syxth deyed Sygysmondꝰ Emperoure of Almayne and knyghte of the garter whos termente the kynge kepte atsaynt Poules in London ryally where was made a ryall heerse the kynge in his astate clad in blew was at euen at dyryge on the morne at masse ●c And after hym was clecte and chosen Albert duke of Osteryk whiche hadde wedded Sygysmondus doughter for to be Emperoure This man was taken receyued to be kynge of Beme Vngary bycause of his wyfe that was Sygysmondus doughter whiche left none other heyre after hym This Albert was Emperour but one yere for he was poysoned so deyed some sayth y● he deyed of flix but he was a vertuous man pytefulle so moche y● all the people y● knewe hym sayd that the worlde was not worthy to haue his presence ¶ This same yere one Owen a squyre of wales a man of lowe byrth whiche hadde many a daye before secretely w●dded quene Katheryne hadde by hir thre sones and one doughte● he was taken and cōmaunded too Newgate to pryson by my lord of Gloucestre protectour of y● reame And this yere he brake the pryson by the meane of a priest y● was his chapelayn after was taken ayen by my lorde Bemonde and brought ayen to Newgate and after warde delyuerd at large And one of his sones afterwarde was made erle of Rychemonde and an other erle of Penbroke and the thyrde a monke of westmynster whiche monke deyed sone after ¶ This same yere also on Newe yeres daye atte Bernardes castell fell downe a stake of wood sodaynly at after none and slewe thre men myscheyfly foule hurt other ¶ Also at Bedforde on a shyresday we re .xviii. men murdred without stroke by fallynge downe a stayr as they come out of theyr comune halle and many foule hurte ¶ In the .xviii. yere syr Rycharde Beauchamp the good erle of warwyke deyed atte Rone he beynge that tyme lyuetenaunte of the kynge in Normandye and frome thens his body was brought to warwyk where he lyeth worshypfully in a newe chapell on the south syde of y● quere ¶ Also this yere was a grete derth of corne thrugh out all Englonde for a busshell of whete was worth .xl. pens in many places of Englonde and yet they myght not haue ynoughe wherfore Steuen browne that tyme mayer of Londō sente in to Pruce and broughte to London certayn shyppes laden with rye whiche dyd moche good to the poore people for corne was so scarse in Englonde y● in someplaces of Englonde poore people made them brede of fern rotes ¶ Thys yere the generall coūseyll of Basyly de posed Eugeny they chose Felix which was duke of Sauoy than began the scysme whiche endured vnto the yere of oure lorde M CCCC xlviii ¶ Thys Felyx was a deuoute prynce sawe hys sones sone and after lyued an holy lyfe was chosen pope of the coūseyll of Basyle Eugeny deposed And so the scysme was longe tyme this Felix had but lytell obedyence by cause of the nautralyte for the moost parte well nyghe all crystendome obeyed reputed Eugeny for very pope of them bothe for both occupyed duryng y● lyfe of Eugeny This same yere syr Rycharde whiche was by carye of Hermettesworth was degraded of his preesthode at Poules brent atte Toure hylle as for an heretyke on saȳe Botulphus daye how well at his dethe he deyed a good crysten man wherfore after his dethe moche people come to y● place where he was brent offred made an hepe of stones set vp a crosse of tree helde hym for a saynt tyll y● mayer shreues by y● kynges cōmaūdement of bysshoppes dystroyed it made there a doūge hylle Also this same yere y● shreues of Londō fet out of saynt Martyns the graunte of the sentwary fyue persones whiche afterward were restored ayē too the sentwary by the kynges Iustices ¶ And after Alberte the thyrd Frederyk was chosen Emperoure This Frederyk duke of Osteryk was longe Emperour dyfferred to be crowned at Rome bycause of the scysme but after that vnyte was had he was crowned with the Imperyall dyademe with grete glorye and tryumphe of pope Nicholas y● .iiii. This was a p●●yble man quyete and of synguler pacyence not hatynge the chirche he wedded the kynges doughter of Portyngale ¶ How the duchesse of Gloucestre was arested for treason cōmytted to perpetuall pryson in y● I le Man of the dethe of mayster Roger Bolyngbrok IN this same yere Elynoure Cobham duchesse of Gloucestre was arested for certayne poyntes of treason layde ayen hyr wherupon she was examyned in saȳt Stephens chapell at west mynster afore the Archebysshop of Can̄terbury And there she was enioyned to open penaūce to go thrugh chepe berynge a taper in hir honde after to perpetuall pryson in y● I le of Man vnder y● kepynge of sir Thomas stanley Also that same tyme was arested mayster Thomas south well a chanon of westmynster mayster Iohn̄ hane a chapelayne of the sayd lady mayster Robert Bolynbroke a clerke vsynge Nygromancy and one Margery iourdemayn called the wyche of Eye besyde westmynster there were arested as for beynge of coūseyll with the sayd duchesse of Gloucestre for mayster Thomas suth well deyed in y● Tour the nyghts before he sholde haue be reyned on y● morne for he hymself sayd that he sholde deye in his bedde not by Iustyces ¶ And in y● .xx. yere mayster Iohn̄ hume and mayster Roger Bolyngbrok were brought to the gylde hall in London and there before y● Mayer the lordꝭ and chyef Iustyces of Englonde were
fetche hym oute for whiche cause all the comunes were in a greate rumoure what for the delyueraunce of Angeo Mayn and after lesynge of all Normandye and in especyall for the dethe of the good duke of Gloucestre in soo moche in some places men gadred and made them Capytayns as Blewherde other whiche were take putte to dethe And then the sayd parlement adiouned was to Leycetre And theder the kynge brought with hym the duke of Suffolk And whan y● comyns vnderstode that he was oute of the Toure and comen thyder they desyred for to haue execucyon on them that were cause of the delyueraūce of Normā dye and hadde be cause of the dethe of the duke of Gloucestre and hadde solde Gascoyn Guyan of the whiche they named to be gylty the duke of Suffolk as chyef the lorde Saye the bysshop of Salysbury Danyell many mo And for to pease y● comyns the duke of Suffolke was exyled out of Englonde for .v yere ¶ And so durynge the parlemente he wente in to Norfolke and there he toke hys shyppynge for to goo oute of the reame of Englonde in to Fraunce And this yere as he saylled on the see a shypp of werre called Nicholas of y● tour mett with hys shyp and founde hym therm whome they toke out and brought hym in to theyr shyppe to the mayster and y● capytayne and there he was eramyned and atte the laste Iuged too dethe And soo they putte hym in a caban and hys chapelayne wyth hym for to shryne him And that done they brought hym in too Douer rode and set hym in to the 〈◊〉 and smote there of his heede And broughte the body a londe vpon the 〈◊〉 and sette the heede therby ¶ And thys was done the fyrst daye of May. ¶ 〈◊〉 what auayled hym nowe all his 〈◊〉 raūce of Normandye And here 〈◊〉 se how he was rewarded for the deth of y● duke of Gloucestre thus began sorow vpon sorowe dethe for dethe ¶ How this yere was Insurreccōn 〈◊〉 te of the comyns of whome Iack 〈◊〉 an Irysshe man was Capytayne THis yere of our lorde M. CC●● was the greate grace of the Iubyle at Rome where was grete 〈◊〉 in so moche y● frome all places in 〈◊〉 dome greate multytude of people 〈◊〉 tyd thyder And in this same yere was a greate assemble and gaderynge togy●der of the comunes of Kente in to grece nombre And made an Insurreccyon rebelled ayenste the kynge and his lawes And ordeyned theym a Capytayne called Iohan Cade an Irysshman whiche named hymself Mortymer cosyn to the duke of yorke And this Capytayne helde theym togyder made ordynaunces amonge theym and brought theym to the black hethe where he made a byll of petycyons to the kynge his coūseyll and shewed what Iniuryes and oppressyons y● poore comyns suffred vnder colour for to come to his aboue he had a grete multytude of people ¶ And the xxvii daye of Iune the kynge many lordes Capytayns men of werre went towarde hym to y● black heth And whā the Capytayne of Kent vnderstode y● comynge of the kynge with so greate puyssaūce he withdrewe hym his peple to senok a lytell vyllage ¶ And the .xxviii day of Iune he brynge withdrawen and gone y● kyng came with his armye set in ordre enbataylled to y● black heth and by aduys of his coūsell sent syr Vmfrey Stafforde knyght wyllyam Stafforde 〈◊〉 two valyaunt Capytayns with certayne people for to fyght with the capytayne to take brynge hym his accessaryes to the kynge whiche went too Senol And the Capytayne with hys felyshyp and mette with them fought ayenste theym and in conclusyon slewe theym bothe and as many as abode wolde not yelde theym were slayne ¶ Durynge this skyrmysshe felle a gretr varyaunce amonge y● lordes men and comyn people beynge on black heth ayēste them lordes capytayns saynge playnly y● they wolde go vnto the capytayne of Kent to assyst helpe hym but yf they myght haue execucōn on the traytours beynge about the kynge wherto y● kynge sayd nay And they sayd playnly that the lorde Saye tresourer of Englōde and the bysshop of Salysbury and y● baron of Dubby the abbot of Gloucestre Danyell Treuilyon many mo were traytours and worthy to be dede wherfore for to please the lordes meny also some of the kynges hous y● lorde Saye was arested and sent to the toure of London And then the kynge herynge tydynges of the dethe and ouerthrowenge of the Staffordes he withdrewe hym to London and frome thens to Kelyng worth For the kynge ne the lordes durst not truste theyr owne housholde men ¶ Then after that the Capytayne had had this vyctory vppon the Staffordes anone he toke syre Vmfreys salette and his Brygantynes smyten full of gylte naylles and also hys gylte sporys and arayed hym lyke a lorde a ●apytayne and resorted with all his menye also mo than he had before to the black heth ayen To whome came y● Archebysshop of Caunterbury and the duke of Bokyngham to the blacke hethe and spake with hym And as it was sayd they founde hym wytty in his talkynge and his requeste so they departyd ¶ And the thyrde day of Iuly he came entred into London with all his people And the re dyde make cryes in the kynges name and in his name that noo man sholde robbe ne take no manere goodes but yf he payed for it And came rydynge thrughe the cyte in greate pryde and smote his swerde vppon London stone in Can wyk strete ¶ And he beynge in y● cyte sēte to the toure for to haue the lorde Say And so they fette hym brought him to the yelde halle before the mayre th alder men where y● he was examyned And he sayd he wolde and oughte to be Iugyd by his perys And the comyns of Kente toke hym by force frome the Mayer offycers that kept hym and toke hym to a prest to shryue hym And or he myght be halfe shryuen they broughte hym to the standarde in the Chepe syde there smote of his hede on whos soule god haue mercy Amen And thus deyed the lorde Saye tresourer of Englonde After this they sette his heede vpon a spere bare it all aboute the cyte And the same daye abowte Myle ende Cromere was beheeded And the daye before atte after noone the Capytayne with certayne of his men wente to Phylyp Malpas house and robbyd hym and toke awaye moche good And frome thens he went to saynt Margaretes patens to one Gertys hous and robbed hym toke away fro hym moche good also At whiche rob bynge dyuerse men of London of theyr neyghbours were at and toke part with theym ¶ For this robbynge the peoples hertes felle frome hym and euery thryfty man was a ferde for to be serued in lyke wyse For there was many a man in London that awayted
and wolde fayn ha●e seen a comyn robbery whiche almighty god forbyd For it is to suppose yf he hadde not robbed he myght haue gone ferre or he had be withstonde for the kynge and all the lordes of the reame of Englonde were departed except the lorde Scalys that kept the toure of London ¶ And the fyfte daye of Iuyll he dyd do smyte of a mannes hede in south werke And the nyghte after the Mayer of London with the aldermen the comynes of the cyte concluded to dryue away the Capytayne and his hoost And sente to the lorde Scalys to the toure and too Mathe gough a Capytayn of Norman dye that they wolde that nyght assayll the Capytayne with them of Kent And so they dyd come too London brydge in Such werke or the Capytayne had ony knowlege therof and they fought with them that kept the brydge And the Kētysshmen wente to harnes and came to the brydge shot and foughte with thē and gate the brydge and made theym of London too flee and slewe many of them this endured all the nyght to fro tylle one of the clocke of the morow And at the laste they brente the drawe brydge where many of theym of Londō were drowned In the whiche nyght sutt●n an Alderman of London was slayn Roger Heysaunte Mathe Gough and many other And after this the chaunceler of Englonde sent to the Capytayne a pardon generalle for hym an other for his menye And then they departed fro Suth werke euery man to his owne hous ¶ And whan they were all departyd and goon there was proclamacyons made in Kent Southsex and other places y● what man coude take the capytayne quycke or deed sholde haue a thousāde pounde ¶ And after this one Alexander yden a squyre of Kent toke hym in a garden in Southsex and in taken Iohn̄ Cade capytayne was slayne beheded and his heede set vpon London brydg●● And anone after the kynge came in to Kente and dyde his Iustyces sytte atte Caunterbury enquered who was causers and cheyf cause of this Insurreccōn And there were .viii. men Iugyd to the dethe in one daye and in other places mo And frome thens the kynge went in to Southsex and in to the weste countree where a lytell before was slayne the bysshop of Salysbury And this same yere there were so many Iugyd to dethe that thre heedes stode vppon London brydge atte ones ¶ Of the felde y● the duke of yorke toke at Brentheth in Kent of the byrth of prynce Edwarde and of the fyrste bataylle atte saynt Albons where the duke of Somerset was slayne IN the .xxx. yere of y● kynge the duke of yorke came out of the Mar che of walys with therle of Deueush●●● the lorde Cobham grete 〈◊〉 for reformacyon of certayne 〈◊〉 wronges and also to haue Iustyce vpon certayne lordes beynge about y● kynge toke a felde at Brentheth besyde ●●● ford in Kent whiche was a strong felde for whiche cause the kynge with all his lordes went vnto the blacke hethe with a greate and a stronge multytude of peple armyd and ordeyned for y● werre in the beste wyse And whanne they hadde mustred on y● hethe certayne lordes were tho sente vnto hym for to 〈◊〉 make apoyntment with hym whiche were the bysshop of Ely the bysshop of wynchestre therles of Salysbury and of war wyk And they concluded that the duke of Somerset sholde be hadde to warde and to answere to suche artycles as the duke of Yorke sholde put on hym And then the duke of yorke sholde breke hys felde come to the kynge whiche was all promysed by the kynge And soo the kynge cōmaunded that the duke of Somerset sholde be hadde in to warde and thenne the duke of Yorke brake vp his felde and came to the kynge And whan he was come contrary to the promyse a fore made the duke of Somerset was presente in the felde awaytynge and cheyf abowte the kynge And made the duke of Yorke ryde before as a prysonere thrugh London And after they wold haue put hym in holde But anoyse arose that therle of Marche his sone was comynge with .x. thousande men to Londō warde wherfore the kynge and hys coūseyll feryd And theme they concluded that the duke of yorke sholde departe at his owne wyll ¶ Abowte this tyme beganne greate deuysyon in Spruce bytwene the greate mayster and the knyghtes of the duchye ordre whiche were lordes of that countree For the comyns townes rebelled ayenst the lordes and made so greate werre that at the laste they called the kynge of Pole to be theyr lorde the whiche kynge came was worshyp fully receyued And besyeged the castell of Mariengburgh whiche was the cheyf castell of strength of all the londe and wanne it droue out y● mayster of Daske all othere places of that londe and so they that hadde ben lordes many yeres lost all theyr seygnou●ye possessyons in tho londes ¶ And in the yere of y● Incarnacōn of our lorde M. cccc.liii on saynt Edwardes daye quene Margarete was delyuerde of a fayr prynce whiche named was Edwarde That same day Iohn̄ Norman was chosen for too be mayer of London And the daye that he sholde take his othe at westmynster he went thyder by water with all y● craftes where afore tyme y● mayer aldermē the craftes rode on horsbacke y● which was neuer vsyd after For syn that tym they haue euer goon by water in botes barges ¶ Ye haue well vnderstond before how y● contrary to the promyse of the kynge also the conclusyons take bytwene the kynge the duke of yorke at Brentheth the duke of Semerset went not to ward but abode about the kynge hadde grete rule And anone after he was made Capytayne of Calays ruled the kyng his reame as he wolde wherfore the grete lordes of y● reme also the comyns were not pleased For whiche cause the duke of Yorke the erle of warwyk the erle of Salysbury with many knyghtes and squyres and moche other people came to remeue the sayd duke of Somerset and other fro the kynge And the kyng herynge of theyr comynge thoughte by his coūseyll for to haue gone westwarde not for to haue mette with them And had with hym the duke of Somerset y● duke of Bokyngham y● erle of Stafforde the erle of Northūberlond the lorde Clyfforde many other ¶ And what tyme that the duke of yorke and his felyshypp vnderstode that the kynge was departed with the lordes frome London anone he chaūged his way costed y● coūtre and came to saynt Albons the .xxiii. day of May. and there mette with the kynge to whome the kynge sence certayne lordes and desyred theym to kepe the peas depart But in conclusyon whyle they treated on y● one syde the erle of wer wyk with the Marche men and other entred in to the towne on that
other syde and fought ayenst the kynge his partye so began the batayll and fyghtynge whiche endured a greate whyle But in conclusyon the duke of yorke obteyned and hadde the vyctory of that Iourneye In whiche was slayne the duke of Somerset the erle of Northumberlonde the lorde Clyfforde many knyghtes squyres many moo hurte And on the morne after they broughte y● kynge in grete astate to London whiche was lodged in y● bysshops palays of London And anone after was a grete parlement at London in whiche parlemente the duke of yorke was made protectour of Englonde the erle of werwyk Capytayne of Calays the erle of Salysbury Chaunceler of Englonde And all suche persones as had the rule before aboute the kynge were set a part myght not rule as they dyd before ¶ And this same yere deyed pope Nicholas the fyfte and after hym was Calixt y● thyrde This Calixt was a Catalane the actes of hym shall be shewed here after folowynge ¶ In this same yere fell a grete affraye in London ayenste the Lumbardes the cause began bycauce a yonge man toke a dager frome a Lumbarde brake it wherfore the yonge man on the morne was sente fore to come before y● Mayer the aldermen and there for the offence he was commytted to warde and thenne the mayer departed fro the yelde halle for to go home to hys dyner But in the Chepe the yonge men of the mercerye for the moost partye prentyses helde the Mayre Shyrefs styll in Chepe and wolde not suffre theym too departe vnto the tyme that theyr felowe whiche was commytted to warde were delyue red and so by force they rescowed theyr felowe frome pryson And that done the Mayre departed and the Shyrefs also the prysoner delyuerd which yf he had be put to pryson he had be in Ieoperdye of hys lyfe And theme beganne a rumoure in the cyte ayenst the Lumbardes And the same euenynge the hondcrafty men of the towne arose and ranne to y● Lumbardes houses and dyspoyled and robbed dyuers of them wherfore y● May ●● and the Aldermen came with the honest people of the cyte and droue them thens and sent some of theym that had stollen to Newgate ¶ And y● yong man that was rescowed by his felowes sawe this greate rumoure affraye robbery ensewed of his fyrste meuynge to y● Lombarde departyd went to westmynster to sayntwary Or elles it had coste him his lyfe for anone after came downe an Oyer determyne for to do Iustyce on al theym that so rebelled in the cyte ayenst the Lumbardes On whiche sate with y● Mayre that tyme wyllyam Marowe y● duke of Bokyngham many other lort des to se execucyon done But the comynes of the cyte secretly made them redy and dyd arme them in theyr houses and were in purpoos to haue rongen the comyne belle whiche is callyd bowe belle but they were lette by sadde men which came to the knowlege of the duke of ●●kyngham other lordes And in contynent they arose for they durst no lenger abyde for they dowtyd that the hole 〈◊〉 te sholde haue rysen ayenst theym But yet neuertheles two or thre of the cyte we re Iugyd to dethe for this robbery and were hangyd and Tyberne ¶ Anone after the kynge and the quene other lordes rode to Couētre withdrewe theym fro London for this cause And a 〈◊〉 before y● duke of yorke was sent for to g●●●newych there was dyschargyd of the protectourshypp therle of Salysbury of his Chauncelershyp And after thys they were sent fore by preuy scale for too come to Couentre where they were almoost dysceyued the erle of wer wyke also sholde haue ben dystroyed yf they had not seen well to ¶ Howe the lorde Egremonde was take by the erle of Salysbury sones and of y● robbynge of Sandwytche THis yere were taken foure grete fysshes bytwene Ereth Londō That one was called Mors Maryne y● seconde was a swerde fysshe the other ●●eyne were whalys ¶ In this same yere for certayne affrayes done in y● nor the countre bytwene lorde Egremond the erle of Salysbury sones the sayd lorde Egremond whome they had condēpned in a greate somme of moneye to the sayd Erle of Salysbury and therfor he was commytted into pryson in Newegate in London where whan he had be a certayne space he brake the pryson and thre prysoners with hym escaped and went his waye Also this yere y● erle of warwyk his wyfe went to Calays with a fayr felysshyp toke possessyon of his offyce ¶ Abowte this tyme was a grete reformacyon of many monesteryes of relygyon in dyuerse partyes of the worl de whiche were refourmed after y● fyrste Instytucyon contynued in many places ¶ This same yere was a greate batayll in the Marches bytwene the londe of Hungry and Turkey at a place called Septedrad where Innumerable turkys were slayne more by miracle thann by mannes honde for oonly the hond of god smote theym Saynt Iohn̄ of Capystrane was there present prouokyd the crysten people beynge theme aferde for co pursue after the Turkys where an Infynyte multytude were slayne and dystroyed the Turkys sayd that a grete nombre of armyd men folowed them that they were aferde to turne ayen and they were holy angelles ¶ This same yere the prysoners of Newgate in London brake theyr pryson and went vpon the ledes and fought ayenst theym of y● cyte and kepte the gate a longe whyle But atte the laste the towne gate y● pryson on theym And thenne they were put in fettres and yrens were sore punysshed in ensample of other ¶ In this yere also there was a greate erthquake in Naples in so moche that there perysshyd xl thousande people that sanke therein to the erthe ¶ Also in the .xxxvi. yere saynt Osmonde somtyme bysshop of Salysbury was canonysed at Rome by pope Calist. y● .x. day of Iuly he was trāslatyd at Salysbury by the bysshopp of Caūterbury many other bysshoppes ¶ And in August after syr Pers de brasay seneschall of Normandye with the Capytayne of Depe many other Capytaynes men of werre went to the se with a greate Nauy came into y● downes by nyghte And on the morne erly before daye they londed and came to Sand wytche bothe by londe water toke the towne and ryfled and dyspoyled it And toke many prysoners and left the towne all bare whiche was a ryche place and moche goode therin And ladde with theym many ryche prysoners In this same yere in many places of Fraūce Almayne Flaundres Holonde and zelonde chyldren gadred theym togyders by greate companyes for to goo on pylgrymage to saynt Myghels mounte in Normandye whiche came fro ferre coūtrees wherof the people merueyled And many supposyd y● some wyckyd spyryte meued thē to do so but it dured not long by cause of the
longe way also for lac of vytaylle as they wente ¶ In this yere Reynolde Pecok bysshop of Chestre was foūde an heretyke and the thyrde daye of Decembre was adiured at Lambeth in presence of the Archebysshop of Caunterbury many other bysshoppes doctours lordes temporall and his bokes brent at Poules crosse ¶ And ye haue herde before howe certayne lordes were slayne atte saynt Albons wherfore was alwaye a grutchynge and wrathe hadde by y● heyres of thē that so were slayne ayenste the duke of yorke the erles of werwyk and of Salysbury wherfore the kynge by the aduys of hys counseyll sente for theym vnto London to whiche place the duke of Yorke came the .xxvi. daye of Ianueri with four hundred men and lodged hym at Baynerdes castell in his owne place ¶ And the .xv. daye of Ianuer came the erle of Salysbury with .v. hundred men was lodged in therber his owne place ¶ And then came the duke of Excetre of Somerset with .viii. C. men laye withoute temple barre ¶ And the erle of Northūberlonde and the lorde Egremonde the lorde Clyfforde with .xv. hundred men lodged without the towne ¶ And the Mayre that tyme Geffraye Boloyne kepte greate watche with the comyns of the cyte and rode abowte the cytce by Holborne and Fletestrete with a .v. thou sande men well arayed and armyd for to kepe the peas ¶ And the .xiii. day of Feuerer y● erle of warwyk came to London fro Calays well beseen worshypfully with .v. hundred men in redde Iakectes broudred with a ragged staff behynde and before and was lodged at y● gray freres ¶ And the .xv. daye of Marche the kynge came to London the quene And there was accorde peas made among y● lordes they were set in peas And on our lady daye y● .xv. day of Marche in y● yere of our lorde M. cccc.lviii the kynge the quene all y● lordes went on processyon at Poules in London anone after y● kynge the lordes departed in this yere was a grete fraye in Flete strete bytwene men of courte men of y● same strete In whiche fraye the quenes Attourney was slayne ¶ How the kynges housholde made a fraye ayenst the erle of werwyk of the Iourneye at bloreheth ALso this same yere as the erle of werwyk was at coūseyll at west mynster all the kynges housholde meny gadred them togyder for to haue slayne the sayd erle But by the helpe of god his frendes he recouerde his barge and escapyd theyr euyll enterpryse how well the cokes came rennynge out with spyttes and pestels ayenst hym And the same daye he rode towardes warwyk and sone after he gate hym a commyssyon and went ouer the see towarde Calays ¶ Sone after this therle of Salysbury comynge to London was encoūtred att Bloreheth with the lorde Audley 〈◊〉 other people ordeyned to dystroy 〈◊〉 But he hauynge knowlege y● he sholde be mette with was accompanyed with his two sones syr Thomas and 〈◊〉 Iohan Neuell a grete felyshyp 〈…〉 men And so they faught togeter 〈◊〉 theerle of Salysbury 〈…〉 And the lorde Audley was 〈…〉 many gentylmen of 〈…〉 people hurte the erles two 〈…〉 hurte goynge homewarde 〈…〉 they were taken had to 〈…〉 quenes menye ¶ After Calixt Pius was pope 〈◊〉 chose this yere M. cccc 〈…〉 was callyd before Eneas an 〈…〉 man and a poete 〈…〉 embassatour of y● Emperour before 〈◊〉 And he wrote in the 〈…〉 a noble treatyse for 〈…〉 me Also he canoursed 〈…〉 of Senys This pope ordeyned 〈…〉 dulgence and pard●●● 〈…〉 de go werre ayenst the 〈…〉 te a pystle to y● greate Turke 〈…〉 hym to become crysten And in 〈◊〉 ordeyned a passage ayenstre y● 〈◊〉 Ankon to whiche mo●ke people drewe out of all partyes of 〈…〉 whiche people he sence many home 〈◊〉 by cause they suff●●● not anone after he dyed at y● sayd Ankon y● yere of oure lorde M. cccc.lxiii the .xiiii. daye of August ¶ How Andrewe Trollop and the soul dyours of Calays forsoke the duke of yorke theyr mayster therle of warwyk in the weste countre THe duke of yorke y● erles of warwyk and of Salysbury sawe the gouernaunce of the reame stode mooste by the quene and hir counseyll and how the greate prynces of the londe were not callyd to coūseyll but sett a parte not oonly so but it was sayd thrugh the reame y● tho sayd lordes shold be dystroyed as it openly was shewed at Blorehethe by them y● wolde haue slayne the erle of Salysbury Then for sauacōn of theyr lyues also for y● comyn we le of y● reame thought for to remedy thyse thyngꝭ assembled them togyder with moche peple and toke a felde in the west countre to whiche therle of warwyk came fro calars with many of the olde souldyours as Andrewe Trollop and other in whose wysdome as for the werre he trustyd moche vpon And whan they were thus assembled made theyr felde y● kyng sent out his cōmyssyons preuy seales vnto all y● lordes of his reame to come wayte on hym in theyr moost beste defensable araye And so euery man came in suche wyse y● the kynge was stronger and had more people than the duke of yorke therles of werwyk of Salisbury for it is here to be notyd the euery lorde in Englonde at this tyme durst not dysobeye the quene so she rulyd peasybly all that was done abowt the kynge whiche was a good and a well dyspoysed man And then whan the kynge was come too the place where they were the duke of yorke his felyshyp made theyr feld in y● strongest wyse purposyd veryly to abyde haue fouzte But in the nyght Andrwe Trollop all the olde souldyours of Calays with a greate felyshyppe sodeynly departyd out of the dukes hoost wente strayte vnto the kynges felde where they were receyued Ioyously for they knewe th entent of thother lordꝭ also the maner of theyr felde And then the duke of yorke with y● other lordes seynge thez dysceyued toke a counseyll shortly in the same nyght and departed frome the felde leuynge behynde them the moste partye of theyr people to kepe the felde tylle on the morowe Then the duke of york with his seconde sone departyd thrughe walys towarde Irlonde leuynge his eldest sone therle of Marche with the erles of werwyk of Salysbury whiche rode togyder with thre or four persones strayght in to Deuenshyre there by helpe ayde of one Denham gate a shyp whyche coste a .xi. score nobles with the same shyp sayled fro thens in to Gernescy there refresshed theym frome thens sayled to Calays where they were recey ued in to y● castell by the postern̄ or they of the towne wyst of it And the duke of yorke toke shyppynge in walys and sayled ouere in too Irlonde where he was well receyued ¶ How the
name This kynge Cormbratus came ayen in to his londe and regned .xxv. ye re and after he deyed and lyeth at newe Troy ¶ Anno mundi .iiij. M.iiij C.xl. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .vij. C.lvi. IOathan sone to Osias regned in the Iury .xvi. yere of this Ioathan no thynge is wryten of but that he toke not awaye excelsa as other dyde vt pꝪ .ij. para ¶ Amarias was bysshop And Ysayas the noble prophete was in his dayes ¶ Olympias with the Grekes began the fyrste yere of Ioathan after Iosephus And after Beda Troy was destroyed foure hondred yere afore the fyrst Olympias began vnder Esal● a Iuge of Athens In whiche Corsh●● gate the chyualry amongꝭ all men Olympus is the name of an hylle in Grecia the whiche for his precyousnesse is called the hylle of god And after Ierom one Olympias conteyneth fully foure yere in the whiche foure yere foure yerely prynces are made And these Olympus des are places ordeyned to the worshyp of Iupater vnder the hylle of Olympo And the lawe of this is this That who some euer is best in ony chyualry what gyfte someuer he desyreth he shall haue ¶ Anno mūdi .liij. M.iiij C.lvi. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .vij. C.xliij ACham the sone of Ioathan regned on the Iewes .xvi. yere of this Acham noo thynge that is good is wryten for he forsoke our lorde And our lorde stroke hym with his owne people strongely and with the kynges of Serri vt pꝪ .ij. para .xxviij. ¶ Achitob this tyme was bysshop Ozee kyng of Israel regned .ix. yere the whiche began to regne the .xij. yere of Acham kyng of Iewes This Ozee dradde not god for he lyued nought And he was the last kynge of Israel And in the .ix. yere of his regne he was taken of Salmanasar And Israel was translated in to Assirias vt habet̄ .iiij. regū .xvij. ¶ Anno mūdi .iiij. M.iiij C. 〈◊〉 Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .vij. C.xl. ¶ Rome AFter Euseby Rome was made in y● hylle of Palatin the fourth yere of Acham kynge of Iewes of two brethern Romulus and Remus .xi. kal Maij. the .vij. Olympiades begynnynge Iosephus and Bede sayen the .vi. Olympiades and so they dyfferre a yere Neuertheles it is redde other men to haue regned aboute that place myghtly in Ytaly That is to wyte Ianus Picus Famus Latinus the whiche vnto Eneas regned about two hondred yere And thenne afterwarde from this Eneas to Romulus it was regned vnder .xv. gouernours iiij C. xxxij yere After that fro the cyte was made vnto the laste yere of Tarquyne the proude it was regned vnder .vij. kynges about two hondred and .xliij. yere Thenne afterwarde vnder Senatours and Counsellers vnto Iulius Cezar Emperour by foure hondred .lxiiij. yere Romulus the fyrst of Romayns of whom they ben called in latyn Romans made the cyte to be named Rome after his name The whiche gad●ed togyder the people on euery syde an hondred of the sage men wysest he chose thrugh the coūsel of whom all thynge he dysposed the whiche he named Senatours for y● tyme of ther aege And he made ther names to be wryten in golden letters wherefore the wryte noble faders thynges so yet Also he called M. men of armes the whiche he named Milites a numero millenario But these were no noble blood Therfore as saynt Austyn sayth de ciuita dei also ther was longe warre betwixt the Sabyns them For Romulus toke many wymmen of the noble blood of Sabyns maryed theym to that vnnoble blood Of this Romulus Orosius wryteth moche euyll vt patet in libro suo ¶ About this tyme Merodach the kynge of Babylon sende grete gyftꝭ to Ezechie the kynge of Iewes vt pꝪ .iiij. regum xx And thenne the kyngdom of Babylon begon ¶ Anno mundi .iiij. M.lxxij Et ante xp̄i nateuitatē .vij. C.xxvij EZechias the .xiiij. kynge of Iewes a good childe of a cursyd fader regned with a parfyte herte to oure lorde And he restored the hous of god there was none lyke hym afore nor after amonge the kyngs of Iewes therfore our lorde god glorifyed hȳ For whan Sennacheryb the kyng of Assuriorum came ayenst Ezechias with a myghty hoste our lorde stroke his people and slewe an C. lxxxv of fyghtynge men Sennaches ryb fledde shamfully vt pꝪ .iiij. regū .ix et ij para .xxxij. ¶ Sadoch this tyme was hyghe bysshop there ¶ Anno mūdi .iiij. M.v. C.i. Et an̄ xp̄i natiuitatē .vi. C. lxxxxviij MAnasses kynge of Iewes regned lv yere and he was an euyll childe of a good fader for be dyde more cursedly than ony y● was afore hym For he slewe the prophetes of god that the stretes in Ierusalem were all blody And he made Ysai the prophete to be sawen the peces with a sawe of tree Wherfore the kynge of Assuriorum wasted the Iury toke Manasses put hym in pryson And after Manasses repented his trespaas cryed for mercy to our lorde and was herde Thenne he was restored to his kyngdom he amended his lyf vt pꝪ .iiij. regū .xxi. et ij para .xxxiij ¶ Sellum was bysshop Echias after hym This tyme the .vij. wyse men had worshyp in Grece s. Tale. Solon Chilon Poreandus Eldobolus Bias. Pitacus This Talus founde fyrst the defawte of the sonne the moone Vide plu august viij de ci dei ¶ Numa the seconde kynge this tyme regned in Rome .xlij. yere the whiche was a grete worshyper of fals goodes He fulfylled Rome soofull y● he myght haue no place for hym self to dwelle in This man put Ianuary February to the begynnynge of the yere Vide plura in august de ciui dei ¶ Aboue all reason it is meruaylle that suche men so excedyng in wytte in all thynges that was ylle receded fro the knowlege of very god ¶ Amon kynge of Iewes regned two yere the whiche was nought in his lyuynge he was stryken of his seruauntes and he deyed without ony repentaunce ¶ Anno mūdi .iiij. M.v. C.lviij Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .vi. C.xli. IOsias the sone of Amon at .viij. yere of his aege began to regne regned .xxxi. yere a good childe of a peruerse fader in his yonge aege he sought the grace of god And in that grace laudably abode vnto his ende His relygyous lyf his werkes ye may see iiij regst xxij et ij para .xxxiiij. ¶ Azast●● the sone of Elchie was bysshop ¶ Tobias about this tyme deyed And he was a very holy man And he prophecyed to the destruccyon of Ierusalem ¶ Tulius Hostilius was the shyrde kynge in Rome And saynt Austyn sayth in his boke deciuitate dei that from Rome was made vnto August the Emperour there was so contynuell bataylle that if was take for a meruaylle and they were one yere without bataylle excepte .xlij. in Nume dayes in the whiche was contynuell peas And this Tulius by cause he