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A22766 The boke of Magna Carta with diuers other statutes, whose names appere in the nexte lefe folowynge, translated into Englyshe.; Laws, etc. England.; Ferrers, George, 1500?-1579.; England. 1534 (1534) STC 9272; ESTC S122094 155,124 406

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The boke of Magna Carta with diuers other statutes whose names appere in the nexte lefe folowynge translated into Englyshe ⸫ ☞ Facessat calumnia ⸫ ☞ Anno Dn̄i 1534. ¶ A Table declaryng the names of all the statutes cōteyned in this boke as they stande in ordre ⸫ THe great chartour folio .i. He chartour of forest folio .x. Merton folio .xiiii. Marlebrydge folio .xviii. Westmynster fyrste folio .xxx. Gloucestre folio L. Exposicyons of Gloucestre fol .lvi. Westmynster secounde folio .lvii. Westmynster thyrde folio C. Wynchestre folio C .i. The statute of merchaūtes fo C .v. The statute of relygious fol .c. ix The statute of champartye fol .c. x. Vyewe of francpledge folio .c. x. Assyse of bread and ale fol .c. xii Artycles for the clergy folio .c. xiii Impanellyng assyses fo .c. xviii Iniquisicyon vpon the statute of wynchestre folio .c. xx Circumspecte agatis folio .c. xxi Artycles agaynste the kynges prohybicyon fo .cx. xi Dystresses of theschequer fol .c. xxii Diffinicion of conspiratours fo .c. xxiii Leuyeng of fynes folio .c. xxiiii Fynes makyng attorneys fo .c. xxvii The statute of defendynge ryght or resceyte folio .c. xxviii The statute of vouchyng fo .c. xxix The statute of yorke folio .c. xxx The kynges prerogatyue fo .c. xxxiii Doynge of homage fol .c. xxxviii The statute of wardes relyefes fo 139. Dayes in the benche fo .c. xl The statute of bigamy fol .c. xl The statute of toyntenātes fo .c. xlii Dayes in a wryt of dower folio .c. xlv The statute of Eschetours fol .c. xlvi The statute of sh●ryfes fol .c. xlvii The statute of Irelande fo .c. xlviii Quo warran to the fyrst folio .c. l. An ordinaunce of measures fo .c. l. A statute for theschequer fol .c. li. The statute of Essoynes fo .c. lv A statute of the pyllorye fol .c. lvi Breakers of prysons fo .c. lviii Of trespassers in parkes fol .c. lviii The wrytte of consultacion fol .c. lix The offyce of Coroners fol .c. lx The statute of proteccyons fo .c. lxi● The fourme of leuyeng fynes fo .c. lxiii The statute of Ga●elette fol .c. lxiiii The statute of knyghtes fo .c. lxv The statute of waste fol .c. lxvi Of weyghtes measures fo .c. lxviii Of Forstallours fo .c. lxviii The statute of pryses folio .c. lxix Of purchasyng lybertes fol .c. lxx A statute of the leape yere fo .c. lxxi Of persones appealled fo .c. lxxix The extent of a maner fo .c. lxxiii Quo warranto the secoūde fo .c. lxxiiii An ordināce of inquestes fo .c. lxxvii An ordināce of the forest fo .c. lxx●viii Of conspiratours fol .c. lxxix Of measuryng lande fo .c. lxxx The sta of Acton Burnell fol .lxxxi. Artycles vpō the chartours fo .c. lxxxiii And after foloweth a bryef colleccyon of the reygnes of the kynges of Englande with a propre table wherby on● may lyghtly fynde out the pryncypall matters conteyned within this boke ⸫ ¶ Faultes escaped in the pryntynge ⸫ IN the. 11. lefe the last lyne on the fore syde for lene rede leue the. 17. lefe the secounde lyne on the baksyde for lese rede leasse the. 17. lefe the. 23. lyne on the foresyde for more rede mere the. 23. lefe the. 24. lyne on the foresyde for Se rede So. the. 24. lefe the. 9. lyne on the baksyde for so moued somoned the. 26. lefe the. 6. lyne on the foresyde by the death is twyse put in and the. 11. lyne on the foresyde for countre rede courte the. 57. lefe the. 8. lyne on the foresyde for verely rede yerely the. 75. lefe the secound lyne on the foresyde for counte rede cuntre the. 76. lefe ye. 4. lyne on the foresyde after this worde haue rede power ye. 82. lefe the. 4. lyne on the baksyde for had put rede hath put hymself the. 86. lefe the. 3. lyne on the foresyde for handes rede landes the. 88. lefe the. 22. lyne for fayned rede fyned the. 95. lefe the laste lyne on the baksyde for clothe rede garment the. 114. lefe the. 21. lyne on the foresyde after this worde hereafter rede lye the. 119. lefe the. 10. lyne on the foresyde for merchaunt townes rede market townes and so in dyuerse other places of the boke the. 121. lefe and 19. lyne after spirituall rede goodes the 138. lefe the fyrste lyne on the foresyde for make rede do the same lefe in the. 5. lyne after the worde your rede man the 144. lefe and fyrste lyne on the baksyde for and rede had the same lefe and. 5. lyne after this worde called rede indicauit the. 148. lefe and. 15. lyne for this worde lande rede offyce the. 156 lefe the fyrste lyne on the foresyde after he rede the sheryfe the. 158. lefe the. 13. lyne on the foresyde after hath rede broken the same lefe and. 19. lyne for vnto rede after the. 160. lefe 28. lyne for one rede any the. 162. lefe 21. lyne for he rede hue the. 169. lefe and. 19. lyne after aswell rede vpon the. 178. lefe 8. lyne on the baksyde for this word escheate rede estate ⸫ ¶ The great Chartour made in the .ix. yere of kyng Henry the thyrd and confirmed by kyng Edwarde the fyrste in the .xxviii. yere of his reygne EDwarde by the grace of God kynge of England lorde of Irelande duke of Guyan To all archebyshops byshops abbottes pryours erles barōs iustyces sheryffes reuys offycers and to all baylyffes and other his faythfull subiectes greatynge We haue sene the greate Chartour of the lorde Henry somtyme kynge of Englande our father of the lybertyes of Englande in these wordes ¶ Henry by the grace of god kynge of Englande lorde of Irelande duke of Normandye and Guyan and erle of Angeoy To all archbyshops byshops abbottes pryours erles barons sheryffes reuys offycers and to all baylyffes and our faythfull subiectes whiche shall see this present chartour gretyng Knowe ye that we vnto the honour of almyghty god and for the saluacyon of the soules of our progenytoures and successoures kynges of Englande to the aduauncement of holy churche and amendement of our realme of our mere and fre wyll haue gyuen and graunted to all archebyshops byshops abbottes pryors erles barons and to all fre men of this our realme these lybertyes vnder wrytten to be holden and kepte in this our realme of Englande for euermore ¶ The fyrst Chapiter FIrste we haue graunted to god by this our present chartour haue confirmed for vs our heyres for euermore that the church of Englande shal be free and shall haue all her hole ryghtes and lybertyes vnhurt We haue graunted also and gyuen to all the fremen of our realme for vs and our heyres for euermore these lyberties vnderwryten To haue and to holde to them and to theyr heyres of vs and ou● heyres for euermore ¶ The secound Chapiter IF any of our erles or barons or any other our tenauntes that doo hold of vs in chyef by knightes s●●uy●e
as appertayne to vs and our heyres we shall obserue And all men of this our realme aswell spirituall as temporall as muche as in them is shall obserue the same agaynst all persones in lyke wyse And for this our gyfte and graunte of these lybertes and of other contayned in our chartour of lybertes of our forest The archebysshops byshops abbottes pryors erles barons knyghtes freholders other our subiectes haue gyuen vnto vs the .xv. part of all theyr moueables And we haue graunted vnto them on the other part that nether we nor our heyres shall procure or do any thyng wherby the lybertes in this chartour contayned shall be mynys●●● or brokē And if any thyng be procured by any persone contrarye to the premysses it shall be had of no force nor effecte These beyng wytnesses Bonyface archebyshop of Canterbury and byshop of London and other Gyuen at westmynster the .x. day of February the ix yere of our raygne We ratefyeng approuynge these gyftes and grauntes aforesayd confirme and make stronge al the same for vs and our heyres perpetually And by the tenor of these presentes do renew the same wyllyng grauntynge for vs and our heyres that this chartour in all and synguler his artycles for euermore shal be stedfastly surely and ●●●●olably obserued And if any artycle in the same chartour contayned yet hytherto peraduenture haue not ben obserued nor kepte we wyll and by our authoryte royall commaunde that from hēsforth they be surely obserued These beyng wytnes R. archbyshop of Canterbury prymate of Englande A. bysshop of Duresme and other Gyuen at westmynster with our owne hande the .xxviii. day of the moneth of March the xxviii yere of our reygne ¶ The chartour of the forestes EDward by the grace of God kyng of Englande lorde of Irelande duke of Guyan to all archbyshops bysshops abbottes pryors erles barons iustyces sheryffes prouostes minystres and to all our bayllyffes and faythfull subiectes greatynge We haue seen the chartour of the lorde Henry our father sometyme kynge of Englande concernyng the forest in these wordes Henry by the grace of god kyng of Englande lorde of Irelande duke of Normandye of Guyan c̄ as in the begynnyng of the great chartour ¶ The fyrst Chap. FIrst we woll that all forestes which kyng Henry our graundfather aforested made shal be vyewed by good and lawfull men And if he haue made forest of any other wood more then of his owne demeane wherby the owner of the wood hath hur● we woll that forthwith it be put out of the forest And if he haue made forest of no manis woo● but of his owne then we woll that it remayne forest styll Sauyng the comon o● herbage and of other thynges ī the same forest to them which before were accustomed to haue the same ¶ The .ii. Chapiter MEn that dwell out of the foreste fromhensforth shall not come before the iustyces of our foreste by no comon somons oneles they be impledyd there or be suretyes for some other that were attached for the forest ¶ The .iii. Chapiter ALl woodes which haue ben made forest by kynge Rychard our vncle or by kyng Iohan our father vnto ou● fyrste coronacion shall be forthwith put out of forest onles it be our demean wood ¶ The .iiii. Chapitre ALl archebyshops byshops abbottes pryors erles barons knyghtes other our freholders ▪ whiche haue theyr woode● in forest shall haue theyr woodes as they had them at the tyme of the fyrst coronacion of kyng Henry out graundfather so that they shal be quyte for euer more of all purprestures wastes and assartes made in those woodes syns that tyme vnto the begynning of the secound yere of our coronacion And those that fromhensforth do make purpresture without our specyal lycēse or make waste or assarte in the same shall aunswere vnto vs for the same wastes purprestures and assartes ¶ The .v. Chapiter OUr rangers shall go thorough the foreste to make regarde as it hath ben accustomed at the tyme of the fyrste coronacion of kyng Henry our graundfather and none otherwyse ¶ The .vi. Chapiter THe inquerye or vyew for lawynge of dogges within our forest shal be made fromhensforth when the regarde is made that is to saye euery .iii. yere then it shal be done by the vyew and testymony of honest men not otherwyse And he whose dogge is not lawed and so founde shal be amercyed and paye for the same .iii. s. And fromhensforthe no ore shal be taken for lawyng of dogges And such lawyng shal be done by the assyse comonly vsed that is to say that .iii. clawes of a forefo●e shall be cutte of by the skynne But frōhensforth such lawynge of dogges shall not be done but in places where it hathe ben accustomed from the tyme of the fyrst coronacion of the foresayd kynge Henry our graundfather ¶ The .vii. Chapiter NO foster or walker fromhensforth shall make scot all or gather garbe of o●es or any corne lambe or pygge nor shal make no gatheryng but by the syght and vpon the othe of the .xii. rangers when they shall make regarde ¶ The .viii. Chapiter NO swanymote fromhensforth shal be kepte within this our realme but thryse in the yere fyrste the .xv. daye before Myghelmas when that our gest takers and walkers of our woodes com togyther to take geste in our demean● woodes And about the feast of sayncte Martyne in wynter when that our gest takers shall receyue our pawnage And to these two swanymotes shall com ou● fosters verders gest takers and none other by dystres The thyrd swanymote shal be kept in the begynnyng .xv. dayes before the feaste of saynct Iohan Baptyste when that our gest takers or walkers do mete to hunte our deere and at this swanymote shall mete our fosters verders and none other by dystres Moreouer euery .xl. dayes through the yere our fosters and verders shall mete to see the attachmentes of the forest aswell for grenehue as for huntyng by the presentmēt of our fosters And they that by them afore were attached And the sayd swanymotes shall not be kepte but within the countyes in which they haue ben vsed to be kepte ¶ The ix Chapiter EUery fremā may put a geste in his owne wood within our foreste at his pleasure and shall take his pawnage Also we do graunte that euery freman may dryue his swyne frely and without impedymêt through our demean woodꝭ there to a gest thē in theyr owne woodes or els where they woll if theyr swyne rarye one nyght or lye within our forest they shall not be hurte therfore nor lese no thyng therby ¶ The .x. Chapiter NO man fromhensforthe shall lose nother lyfe nor mēbre for kyllynge of our deere but if any man be taken therwith conuyete for kyllynge of our deere he shal be greuously raunsomed if he haue any thynge wherof And if he haue nothyng to lese he shal be unprysoned a yere and a daye And
after the yere and day expyred if he can fynde suffycient suretyes he shal be delyuered And if not he shall abiure the realme ¶ The .xi. Chapiter UUhatsomeuer archbyshop byshop ●●le or baron comyng to vs at our commaundement and passynge by our forestes it shal be leful for hym to take kyll one or two of our deere with our foster if he be present or els he shall cause one to blowe an horne for hym that he seme not to stele our dere And lykewyse they shall do retournyng home from vs. ¶ The .xii. Chapiter EUery freman fromhensforth with out daungyer shall make in his owne wood or in his lande or in his water that he hath within our forest mylles sprynges poles ma●les dykes or crable grounde without inclosyng that crable grounde so that it be not to the anoyaunce of his neyghbours ¶ The .xiii. Chapyter EUery freman shal haue within his owne woodes eyres of hawkes sparowhawkes fawcons eglys herōs and he shall haue also the honye that is founde within his woodes ¶ The .xiiii. Chapiter NO foster frōhensforth that is not ●oster in fee payenge to vs ferme for his baylewyk shall take any chymynage or tolle within his baylewyk The foster in fee payeng vs ferme for his baylewyk shall take chymynage that is ●● saye for caryage by carie the halfe yere .ii. d. and for another halfe yere .ii. d. for an horse that beryth lo●es euerye halfe yere ob And of those onely that come as merchauntes through his baylewyk by lycense to bye bushes rymbre barke cole and to sell it agayne at theyr pleasure But for none other cariage by car● chymynage or toll shal be takē Nor chy ▪ mynage shall not be taken but in suche places onely where it hath ben vsed to be Those which bere vpon theyr backes brushment barke or cole to sell though it be theyr lyuyng shall paye no chymynage to our fosters excepte they take it within our demean woodes ¶ The .xv. Chapiter ALl that be outlawed of trespas within our forest syns the tyme of kyng Henry our graundfather vnto the fyrste yere of our coronacion shall come to our peas without let and shall fynde to vs suretyes that fromhensforth they shall not trespas vnto vs within our foreste ¶ The .xvi. Chapiter NO constable castyllayne or baylyf shall holde plee of forest nother for grene hughe nor huntynge but euerye foster in fee shall make attachementes for plee of forest aswell for grene hughe as huntynge and shall present them to the verders of the countye And when they be inrolled and inclosed with the seales of the verders they shal be presented to our chyef iustyces of our foreste when they shall come thyther to holde plee of forest and before them they shal be determyned And these lybertees of forest we haue graunted to all men sauyuge to all archbyshops byshops abbottes pryours erles barons knyghtes and to all other persons aswell spirituall and temporall templers hospytallars theyr lybertes and fre customes aswell within the forest as without and in warens and other places which they before haue had All these lybertes and customes c. as in foloweth in the ende of the great chartour And we do cōfirme and ratefye these gyftes c. as in th ende of the sayd great chartour c. Here endeth the chartour of forest IT was prouyded in the courte of our soueraygne lorde the kyng holben at Merton the morowe after the feast of sayncte Vyncent the .xx. yere of the raygne of kyng Henry the sonne of kynge Iohan before w. archebyshop of Canterbury and other his byshops and suffraganes and before the greater partye of the erles and barons of England there beyng assembled for the coronaciō of the sayd kynge Alyanore the quene about which they were all called where it was treated for the comen welth of the realme vpō the artycles vnder wrytten Thus it was prouyded and graunted aswell of the foresayd archbyshops byshops erles and barōs as of the sayd kynge and other ¶ The fyrst Chap. FIrst for wydowes which after the death of theyr husbandes are deforced of theyr dowers and may not haue theyr dowers or quarētyn without plee we woll that who so euer deforce them of theyr dowers or quarentyne in the landes wherof theyr husbandes dyed sesed and that the same wydowes haue recouered syns by plee they that be conuyct of such wrongfull deforcement shal yelde damages to the same wydowes that is to say the value of tho●e dower to them belongynge from the tyme of the death of theyr husbandes vnto the daye that the sayd wydowes by iudgemēt of our court haue recouered season of theyr dowers and the deforcers neuertheles shal be amerced at the kynges pleasure ¶ The .ii. Chapiter ALso fromhensforth all wydowes may bequethe the croppe of theyr grounde aswell of theyr dowers as of other theyr landes and tenementes Sauyng to the lordes of the fee all such seruyces as be due for ther dowers other tenementes ¶ The .iii. Chapitre ALso if any be dyssesyd of theyr freholde and before the iustyces errātes haue recouered season by assyse of nouell dysseson or by confession of them which dyd the dysseson And the dyssesye hath had season delyuered by the sheryf if the same dyssesors after the vyage of the iustyces or in meane tyme haue dyssesed the same playntyf of the same freholde therof be conuyete they shall be forthwith taken and kept in the kynges pryson vntyl the kyng hath dyscharged thē by raunsome or by som other mean And this is the fourme how such beyng ●óuyct shal be ponyshed when the playntyfes com into the courte they shal haue the kynges wrytte dyrected to the she●yffe in whiche muste be contayned the playnte of dysseson done vpon dysseson And then it shall be commaunded to the sheryf that he takyng with hym the kepats of plees of the kyngꝭ corowne and other lawfull knyghtes in his propre persone go vnto the lande or pasture for which the playnte hath ben made And that he make by the fyrst iurrors other neyghbours and lawfull men dylygent inquerye therof and if they fynde hym dyssesyd agayne as before to sayd than let hym do accordyng to the prouysyon afore mēcioned And if it be found other wyse the playntyfe shal be amerced and the other shall go quyte nor the sheryfe shall not execute any such playnte without specyal cōmaundement of the kyng In lyke maner shal be done to them that haue recouered theyr season by assyse of mor●daūcetor And so of all landes and tenementes recouered in the kynges courte by ●nqueste if after they be dyssesed by the fyrst deforceours agaynst whō they haue recouered any wyse by inquest ¶ The .iiii. Chapiter ALso because many great men of Engelande whiche haue infeffed knyghtes and theyr freholders of small tenementes in theyr great maners haue complayned that they can not haue profyte of the resydue of theyr maners as of waste
couenaunt makyng mencyon that they maye do it and if they do and therof be conuycte they shall yelde full damages and be amerced greuously ¶ The .xxiiii. Chapiter THe iustyces errant shall not fromhensforth amerce towneshypes in theyr circuytes because all beynge .xii. yeres olde came not afore the sheryffes coroners to make inquery of robberyes burnynges of houses other thynges pertaynyng to the corown so that there come suffycient out of those townes to make such inquestes fully except inquestes for the death of a man where ●● all beyng .xii. yeres of age ought to app●ere oneles they haue reasonable cause of absence ¶ The .xxv. Chapiter MUrdre that chaunceth by mysfortune onely fromhensforthe shall not be inquered afore our iustyces but only for the murders of such as be slayne felonously and not otherwyse ¶ The .xxvi. Chapiter IT is prouyded that none beynge vouched to warrantye before our iustyc●s in a plee of lande shal be amerced fromhensforthe because he was not present when he was called to warrantye except the fyrst daye of the comyng of the iustyces but if he were vouched within the shyre then the sheryf shal be commaunded to cause hym to com with in the .iii. or .iiii. daye accordynge to the dystaunce of the place as it was wonte to be done in the circuyte of the iustyces And if he dwell without the shyre then he shall haue reasonable somons of .xv. dayes at the least after the dyscrecyon of the iustyces and the comen lawe ¶ The .xxvii. Chapitre IF a clerke for any cryme or offence touchyng the crowne be arrested ● afterwarde by the kynges commaundement let to bayle or repleuyzed so that they to whome he was let to bayle shold haue hym before our iustyces The sure tyes fromhensforth nor they to whome he was let to bayle shall not be amerced if they haue his body before our iustyces although he wyl not nor cā not aūswer before them by reason of clerkes pryuylege ¶ The .xxviii. Chapiter IT is prouyded that if any depredacyons or extorcions be done to abbottes or other prelates of the churche and they haue suyd theyr ryght for such extorcyōs and be preuented with death before iudgemēt gyuen therin theyr successours shall haue accyons to recouer the goodes of theyr churche out of the hādes of such trespasers Moreouer the successours shall haue lyke accyon for such thynges as were lately withdrawē by suche vyolence from theyr house and churche before the death of theyr predecessours though the sayde predecessors dyd not pursue theyr ryght during theyr lyues And if any abate into the landes or tenementes of such relygyous men in tyme of vacacyō of which landes theyr predecessours dyed sesyd as in the ryght of theyr church the successours shal haue a wrytte to recouer theyr season And damages shall be awarded them as in assyse of nouell dysseson is wont to be ¶ The .xxix. Chapiter IT is prouyded also that if suche alyenacyons wherupon a wrytte of entre was wont to be graunted hap to be made in so many degrees that by reason therof the same wrytte can not be made in the fourme before tymes vsed the playntyfes shall haue a wrytte to recouer theyr season without makyng mēcion of the degrees In whose handes so euer the same thyng shal happen to com by such alyenacyon and that by an orygynall wrytte to be prouyded therfore by the counsell of our soueraygne lorde the kynge ¶ Here endeth the statute of Marlebrygge ¶ Here begynneth the fyrste statute of westmynster made the .iii. yere of kynge Edwarde the fyrste THese be the actes of kynge Edwarde sone to kynge Henry made at westmynster at his fyrst parlyament generall after his coronacion the mondaye of Easter vtas the .iii. yere of his raygne by the counsell assence of arche byshops byshops abbottes pryours erles barons and all the comynalte of the realme beyng thyther somoned because our soueraygne lord the kyng had great wyll and desyre to redresse thestate of the realme in such thynges as required amē dement for the common profyte of holy churche and of the realme And because thestate of holy churche had ben euyll kepte the prelates and relygyous persones of the lande greuyd many wayes and the people otherwyse intreated then they ought to be and the peas les kept and the lawes ●es vsed and the offenders vnponyshed wherby the people of the realme feared the les to offend the kyng hath ordeyned and establyshed these actes vnderwrytten which he entendeth to be necessarye and profytable vnto the hole realme ¶ The fyrst Chapiter FIrste the kynge wylleth cōmaūdeth that the peas of holy churche and of the lande be wel kept mayntenyd in all poyntes And that comon ryght be done to all aswell pore as ryche without respecte of persones And because that abbottes and relygyous men of the lande haue ben ouercharged and sore greuyd by the comyng of great men and other so that theyr goodes haue not ben suffycyent for themselues wherby they haue ben greatly hyndered and empoueryshed that they can not maynteyne themselues nor suche charyte as they haue ben accustomed to do It is prouyded that none shall come to eate or lodge in any house of relygion that is not of his owne foundacion at the costes of the house without he be requyred by the gouernour of the house before he came thyther And that none at his owne costes shall come in there to lye agaynst the wyll of them that be of the house and by this statute the kynge entendyth not that the grace of hospytaly te shuld be withdrawen frō such as nede nor that the foūders or patrones of such monasteryes shold ouer charge or greue them by to often comyng It is prouyded also that none neyther hygher nor lower by colour of patent specyalte or other promyse nor by any other occasyon shall not hunte in any parke nor fyshe in any ponde or ryuer nor come to ete or to lodge in the house or maner of a pre●are or any other religyous person agaynst the wyll of the lorde or his bayllyfe neyther at the costes of the lorde nor at his owne And if he come in or entre with the good wyll or agaynste the wyll of the lorde or bayllyffe he shall cause no dore locke nor wyndow nor no maner of place to be opened nor shal not fyshe hymselfe nor none other for hym nor shall take no maner of vytayll or other thynge by colour of byeng nor otherwyse and that none shall throsh corne nor take corne or any maner of vytayl nor other goodes of prelate mā of religyon or any other clerke or laye person by colour of byeng nor otherwyse agaynste the wyll and lycense of hym to whome the thyng belongeth nor of any wardeyn within a towne merchaunt or without And that none shal take horses oxen ploughes cartes shypps nor barges to make caryage without the assent of hym to whome such thynges belong And if
the grace of God c̄ To all his true and faythfull subiectes greatyng Forasmuch as many do purchase the proteccion of our soueraygne lorde the kynge affyrmynge that they were out of the realme in the kynges seruyce It is prouyded that if theyr aduersary wyl chalenge the proteccyō immedyatly whē it is shewed in the court wyl ●uerre that they were within the foure sees and out of the kynges seruyce in a place certayne so that they myght haue conueinently appered theyr chalenge shal be entred and the matter shall abyde without day accordyng to the nature of the proteccion And whan it shal be resomoned and the partye comyth into the courte to demaunde iudgement and to folowe his processe offeryth to auerre his chalenge If his aduersarye wyl attende and the coūtre doth passe agaynst hym ths proteccyon shall torne as a defaute to hym that caste it if he be tenaū● And if he be demaundaunt he shall les● his wryt and shal be ame●●yed vnto the kyng Eyuen at westmynster the .xviii. day of Nouēbre the .xxxiii. yere of kyng Edwarde sone of kynge Henry ¶ Finis ¶ The maner of leuyeng fynes made the .xviii. yere of kyng Edwarde .i. ⸫ WHan the wrytte origynall is delyuered in presens of the partyes a pledour shall say this Syr iustyce cōge daccorder And the iustyce shall saye to hym Syr R. And shall name one of the partyes then whan they be agreyd of the sume of money that must be gyuen to the kyng the iustyce shall commaunde the peace to be cryed and after the pledour shall saye In so much as the peas is lycenced thus vnto you w. S. and. A. his wyfe that here be do knowledge the maner of B. with the appurtenaunces conteyned in the wrytte to be the ryght of our soueraygne lorde the kynge whiche he hath of theyr gyfte To haue and to holde to hym and his heyres of the sayd w. A. and of theyres of the sayd A. as in demeanes tentes s●ygnouryes plces pu●chases wardes maryages relyefes e●chetes mylles aduousons of churches and all other fraunchyses and free customes to the sayd maner belongyng payenge yerely to K. his heyres as chyefe lordes of the fee the seruyces customes due for al seruyces And it is to be noted that the ordre of the lawe wyll not suffre a fynall accorde to be leuyed in the kynges court without the wrytte origynal And that must be at the lest before foure iustyces in the benche or in eyre and not otherwyse in presens of the parties named in the wrytte which must be of full age of good memorie and out of pryson And if a womā coueribe one of the partyes than she must be fyrst examyned by foure of the sayd iustyces And if she doth not assent therto the fyne shall not be leuyed And the cause wherfore suche solempnyte ought to be done in a fyne is because a fyne is so hyghe a barre of so great force of so stronge nature in hym selfe that it cōcludeth not onely such as be parties and preueys therto and theyr heyres but all other people of the world beyng of full age out of pryson of good memorie within the .iiii. sees the daye of the fyne leuyed if they make not they● ●ayme of theyr accyon ▪ within a yere ● a daye by the cuntre ¶ Finis ¶ A statute of gauelette in London made the .x. yere of K. Ed .ii. IT is prouyded by our soueraygne lorde the kyng his iustyces also graunted vnto the cytezyns of London that archbyshops byshops crles barōs and other that haue rentes in London and for som tenemētes the rentes are behynde and can not recouer those rentes that it shal be lawful for thē to dystrayne theyr tenaūtes for the arrerages so long as any thyng is founde in the fee wherby they may be dystraygned the tenātes shal be impleded by a wryt of gauelet of customes seruyces which may be well done by theyr fremē of the cyte p̄sented in theyr huystynges for the kepyng of theyr sute to gather theyr rētes so that if the tenantes do knowledge theyr seruyces they shall incontinēt without delay satysfye theyr lordes of theyr arrerages And if they denye them theyr seruyces the demandātes shal ymmediatly name two wytnesses whose names shal be inrolled shall haue a daye to bryng them forth at the next hustynges at which day if they brynge forth wytnesses and it is shewed by them in the full court of they● owne syght and hearynge that the same playntyfes haue any tyme receyued the rentes whiche they demaunde of the tenementes then the tenauntes shall lese theyr fees by awarde of the courte the playntyfes shall recouer theyr tenementes in demeane If they wyll knowledge the seruyces vnto theyr lordes as before is sayd and lykewyse they shall recouer the arrerages which shal be doubled and they shal gyue to the sheryfe for the wrōg full witholdynge if they be worth so muche without any g●udgyng the sum of an hundred s̄ And if they do not com in after due somons in the huystynges then the same fees shal be delyuered vnto the playntyfes in the full huystynges to be holden and kept in theyr owne handes for one ye●● a daye within the whiche tyme if the tenaūtes do come vnto them and do offere to satisfye them of the arrecages double and to the sheryfe for his amercyment as before is sayd than they shal haue theyr tenementes agayne but if it be after one yere and a daye accomplyshed such tenementes shall remayne vnto the lordes of those fees by iudgement of the courte in theyr demeane for ouer more And then suche landes shal be called forsch●k because such tenemētes shall remayne for euer in demeane to the lordes of the fees for the defaute of the seruyce The same ordynaunce shall be kepte and obserued if the tenauntes do confesse or knowledge the arrerages be not able to make satysfaccyon therfore as it is sayd before ¶ Finis ¶ A statute for knyghtes made the fyrst yere of kyng Edwarde the secounde ⸫ OVr soueraygne lorde the kyng hath graūted that all suche as ought to be knyghtes be not and haue ben dystrayned to take vpon them the ordre of a knyghte within the feaste of the Natiuyte of our lorde shall haue respyte to take the foresayd armes of a knyght vntyll the vtas of saynct Hyllarye with out occasyon and after that they shal be dystrayned except they make som other meane Also he hathe graunted that if any wyll complayne in the chauncery because he was dystrayned c̄ and hath not .xx. li. yerely in fee or for terme of lyfe and wyll proue that by the countre then it shal be wryten vnto the more discrete and sage knyghtes of the shyre to take the sayd inquysicyon and if it fortune to be tryed so by the same inqueste he shall haue remedye and the dystresse shall cease Also if
the warde sauyng to hym his accyon at an other tyme if he haue any ryght to the same In suche cases where the wardshyps belonge to the kepars of the wardes beyng within age and where the kepars demaunde the wardshyp which be l●●geth to theyr inherytaūce such heyr●●●●y●g within age shall not lese theyr 〈…〉 nce by the neclygence or rebel ly●● of theyr kepars as in the case afore rehersed but let the comen lawe ●enne in lyke maner as it hath ben accustomed to do ¶ The .viii. Chapiter THey whiche be taken and imprysoned for reddyssesyn shall not be ●elyuered without specyall commaundemēt of the kyng shall make fyne with the kynge for theyr trespas And if it be founde that the sheryf delyuereth any cōtrarye to this ordynaunce he shal be greuously amerced therfore And neuertheles they whiche are so delyuered by the sheryfe without the kynges commaundement shal be greuously ponyshed for theyr trespas ¶ The .ix. Chapitre FOr makyng sutes vnto the courtes of great lordes or of meanet persones from hensforth this ordre shall be obserued that none that is infested by dead from hensforth shal be dystrayned to do such sute in the courte of his lord without he be specyally bound therto by the fourme of his dede Prouyded alway that this acte shall gyue no benefyte to thē whose aūcetors or they thēself haue vsed to do such sute before the fyrst voiage of the sayd kyng H. into Brytayne syns which .xxxix. yeres an halfe are passed vnto the tyme that these statutꝭ were enacted lykewyse no feffee frō hensforth with out dede from the tyme of the conqueste or some other auncyent feffement shal be distrayned to do such sutes without that he or his auncetors vsed to do it before the sayd voyage And they that are infessed by dede to do a certayne seruyce as for free seruyce of so many shyllynges by yere to be acquyted of all seruyce frō hensforth shall no be bound to suche sutes or to other lyke contrarye to the fourme of theyr feffemēt And if any inherytaūce wherof but one sute is due discend to many heyres as to parceners he that hath theldyst parte of the inherytaunce shall do that one sute for hymselfe his felowes and the other coheyres shall be contrybutaryes accordyng to theyr porciō for doyng such sute And if in any feffees be sesed of an inheritaunce wherof but one sute is due the lord of the fee shal haue but that one sute nor shal exact of the sayd inherytaunce but that one sute as hath ben accustomed to be done before And if those feffees haue no warraunt or meane which ought to acquyte them thē all the feffees accordyng to theyr porcyō shal be contrybutoryes for doyng the sute for them And if it chaunce the lordes of the fee to dystrayne theyr tenauntes for such sutes contrary to this acte then at the complaynte of the tenauntes the lordes shal be attached to appere in the kynges courte at a shorte daye to make aunswere therof and shall haue but one essoyne therin if they be within the realme and immedyatly the bestes or other dystresses taken vpon this colour shal be delyuered to the playntyfe And so shal remayne vntyll the plee betwyxte them be determyned And if the lordes of the courtes which toke such dystresses come not at the daye that they were attached or do not kepe the daye gyuen to them by essoyne then the sheryf shal be commaunded to cause them to come at another day at which day if they come not then he shal be cōmaunded to dystrayne them by all the goodes and catalles that they haue in the shyre so that the sheryfe shal aunswer to the kyng of the issues of the sayde inherytaunce And that he haue theyr bodyes before our iustyces at a certayn day lymytted Se that if they com not at that day the party playntyfe shal go without daye and his bestes or other dystresses taken by that colour shall remayne delyuered vntyll the same lordes haue recouered by award of the kynges courte and in the meane tyme such dystresses shall ceasse sauyng to the lordes of the court theyr ryght to recouer these sutes in fourme of lawe when they wyll plede therfore and whē the lordes of the courtes come into aunswer the playntyfes of suche trespasses and be conuyete therupon then by awarde of the kynges courte the playntyfes shall recouer agaynst them the damages that they haue sustayned by occasyō of the sayd dystres lykewyse if the tenauntes after this acte withdrawe from theyr lordes such sutes as they were wonte to do whiche they dyd before the tyme of the sayde voyage and hytherto vsed to do then by lyke spedynes of iustyce as of the lymyttyng of dayes and awardynge of dystresses the lordes of the courtes shall optayne iusty●● to recouer theyr sutes with theyr damages in lyke maner as the tenauntes sholde recourt theyrs And this recoueryng of damages muste be vnderstande of withdrawynges frō themselues and not of withdrawynge from theyr auncetors neuertheles the lordes of the courtes can not recourt season of suche sutes agaynst theyr tenauntes by defaute as they were wont to do and as touchyng sutes withdrawen before the tyme afore mencyoned let the comen law ●●●n● as it was wont before tyme. ¶ The .x. Ca. For the turues of sheryffes it was prouyded that archbyshops bysshops abbottes pryouts erles barons nor any relygious men or women shall not nede to be there excepte theyr apparaunce be specyally requyred for some other cause but the turne shall be kept as it hath ben vsed in the tymes of the kynges noble progenitours and if there be any that haue hundredes of theyr owne to be kept they shall not be bounden to app●ere at no such turnes but in the lord shyps where they be dwellyng the turnes shal be kepte after the fourme of the great chartour as they were vsed ut the tymes of kyng Rych kyng Iohā IT is prouyded also that that from ¶ The .xi. Chapiter hensforth nether in the circuyte of iustyces nor in shyres courtes hundredes court barons no fynes shal be takē of any mā for fayre pledyng nor so that any occasiō shal be And it is to be knowē that by this acte certayn fynes or lonys assessyd syns the tyme that our soueraygn lord the kyng fyrst passed into Brytayne are not taken away ¶ The .xii. Chap. IN a plee of dower that is called vnde nichil habet from hensforth foure dayes shal be gyuen in the yere at the least and mo if it may conuenyently So that they shall haue .v. or vt dayes a● the teste in the yere in assyses of darreyn presentemēt and in a plee of Quare impedit of churches beyng voyde dayes shal be gyuen from .xv. to .xv. or from .iii. wekes to .iii. wekes as the place happe to be nere or farre And i a ple of Quare impedit if the dystourbour come no● at
examynacyon shal be fallen in the cuntre before a iustyce of the place where the plee is accōpanyed with a substanciall man of the cuntre knyght or other so that a certayne day be gyuē in the bench and a certayne day place in the cuntre in presence of the partyes demaundyng the same And also inquestes and iuries in plees of lande that requyre greate examynacion shal be taken in the cuntre in the maner abouesayd before two iustyces of the benche And the iustyces or iustyce shall haue power to record nonsuytes and defautes in the cuntre at the dayes and places assygned as afore is sayd And that they shall do in the thynges aboue mencioned shal be reported in the benche at a day certayne there to be inrolled and therupon iudgement shal be gyuen And the kyng intendyth not that the sayd inquestes and iuries shulde not be taken in the benche if they come nor that this statute shuld extende vnto greate assyses and also a iustyce of the one place and of the other beynge associate with a dyscrete man of the cuntre knyght or other at the request of the playntyf shall take inquestes vpō plees pledyd and to be pledyd that be mouyd by attachement and dystres and shall haue power to recorde nonsuytes as aboue is sayd and to take inquestes vpon defautes there made And as to such inquestes as are to be taken vpon wryttes of Quare impedit the fourme conteyned in the statute of westmynster secounde shal be kept and the iustyces shall haue power to recorde nonsutys defautes in the cuntre and to gyue iudgemēt therupon as they do in the bench and there to reporte that that they haue done there to be inrolled And if it happen the iustyce or iustyces that shal be assygned to take suche inquestes in the countre do not come or if they come into the countre at the daye assygned yet the partyes and persones of suche inquestes shall kepe theyr daye in the bench And because it is many tymes cōplayned in the kynges courte vpon retournes that bayllyfes of fraunchyses hauyng full power to retourne the kynges wryttes haue delyuered to sheryfes haue ben afterwarde chaunged otherwyse retourned in the kynges courte to the damage of the partyes and the delay of ryght It is agreyd that for suche retournes as hereafter be delyuered to sheryfes by suche bayllyfes of fraunchy●es an inden●ure shall be made betwene the bayllyf of the fraunchyse by his proper name and the sheryf by his propre name And if the sheryf chaunge the retourne so delyueryd to hym by indenture and be therof conuycte at the sute of the lorde of the fraunchyse of whome he receyued the retourne if the lord haue had any damage or if his fraunchyse be dystayned or at the sute of the lorde of the party that hath sustayned losse through that occasyon he shal be ponyshed by the kynge for his false retourne shal yelde vnto the lorde and to the partye double damages Also it is agreyd that fromhensforth sheryfes and other bayllyfes that receyue the kynges wryttes retournable in his court shall sende theyr owne names with the retournes so that the courte may knowe of whome they toke such retournes if nede be And if any sheryf or other bayllyf leue out his name in his retournes he shal be greuously amerced to the kynges vse Also for the comō profytte of the people it is agreyd that no offycer in cyte or towne that by reason of his offyce ought to kepe assyses of wynes and vytaylles in asmuche as he is attendaunt to his offyce shall not by wynes nor vytaylles neyther in grose nor by retaylle And if any do be therof conuyct the merchaundyse wherfore he is conuyct shal be forfayte to the kynge and the .iii. part therof shal be delyuered to the partye that suyd the offendour as the kynges gyfte in suche case h● that wyll sue for a thynge so forfayted shal be receyued And the chauncellour treasourer barons of the eschequer iustyces of eyther benche and iustyces assygned to take assyses shall admytte such playntes by wryttes without wryttes and shall determyne them shall perfourme all thynges contayned in these articles in fourme abouesayd and neuerthelesse the kynge may assygne his iustyees to execute this thyng in cytes boroughes when and where it pleaseth hym ¶ Here endeth the statute of yorke ¶ The kynges prerogatyue made the .xvii. yere of Ed .ii. OVr soueraygne lorde the kyng shal haue the ward of all the landes of suche as holde of hym in chye● by knyghtes seruyce wherof the tenātes were seased in theyr demeane as of fee at the day of theyr death of whom so euer they holde els by lyke seruyce so that they helde of auncyent tyme any lande of the crowne vntyll the heyre com to his law full age excepte the fees of the archbysshop of Canterbury the byshop of Durham betwene Tyne Tese fees of ●●les and barons in the marches where the kynges wryttes do not lye wherof the sayd archbyshops byshops erles barōs ought to haue such wardes though they held of the kyng in som other place ¶ The fyrst Chapitre ALso the kynge shall haue the maryage of an heyre beynge within age and in his warde whyther the landes of such heyres haue appertayned to the crowne of auncyent contynuaunce or that it came by reason of escheare beyng in the kynges handes or that he had the maryage by reason of the warde of the lordes of suche heyres without any respectes to the prioryte of feffement all be ●● they helde of other ¶ The .ii. Chapitre ALso the kynge shall haue prymer season after the death of suche as helde of hym in chyefe of all landes and tenementes wherof they were seased in theyr demean as of fee of what age that theyr heyres be takynge the issues of the same landes and tenementes vntyll inquysicion be made as the maner is and ●●●tyll that he hath taken homage of such heyres ¶ The .iii. Chapitre ALso he shall assygne to wydowes after the death of theyr husbandes that helde of hym in chyef the dower that to them belongeth c. though the heyres be of full age if the wydowes wyll such wydows before assignemēt of theyr dower shall swere that they shall not marye themselues without the kynges lyceuse whyther the heyres be of full age or not And if they marye without lycēse then the kynge shall take into his handes by waye of dystres all suche landes tenemētes as they hold of hym in do wer vntyll he be satysfyed at his owne wyll so that she shall take nothynge of the issues c̄ for after suche dystresses they or theyr husbandes muste fyne at the kynges wyll And his wyll in the tyme of kynge Henry father of kynge Edwarde was estemed to the one yeres value of her dower one●es they had the greatter fauour women that holde of the kynge in chyef of what so euer age
that they be shall swere lykewyse that they shall not marye themselues without the kynges lycense And if they do theyr landes and tenementes shal be taken in lyke maner into the kynges hādes vntyl they haue satysfyed at the kynges wyll ¶ The .iiii. Chapitre ANd if one inheritaunce that is holden of the kynge in chyefe dyscende to many partyners then all the heyres shall do homage to the kyng and the same inherytaunce so holden of the kynge shal be deuyded among those heyres so that euery of them after that shal holde theyr parte of the kynge ¶ The .v. Chapiter IF a womā before the death of her auncetour that helde of the kynge in chyef be maryed before she be maryable then the kynge shall haue the warde of the bodye of the same woman vutyll she be of age able to cōsent and then she may chuse whyther she wyll haue hym to whome she was fyrst maryed or hym that the kynge wyl offer her None that holdeth of the kynge in chyef by knyghtes seruyce may alyene the more part of his landes so that the resydue therof be not suffycyent to do his seruyce excepte he haue the kynges lycense but this may not be vnderstanden of membres parcelles of such landes ¶ The .vi. Chapitre OF seriauntyes alyened without the kynges lycense the kyng hath vsed to rate such seriauntyes at a reasonable extent therof to be made ¶ The .vii. Chapitre OF churches beyng vacaunt the aduousons wherof belōg to the kyng and other present to the same wherupō debate aryseth betwene the kynge and other if the kyng by awarde of the court do recouer this presentacion though it be after the lapse of syx monethes from the tyme of the aduoydaunce no tyme shall preiudice hym so that he present within the space of syx monethes ¶ The .viii. Chapitre THe kynge shall haue warde of the landes of naturall foolys takyng the profyttes of them without waste or dystruccion and fynde to them theyr necessaryes of whose fee someuer that the landes be holden And after the death of suche idiotes he shall rendre it to the ryght heyres so that suche idiotes shall not alyene nor theyr heyres shal be dysheryted ¶ The .ix. Chapitre ALso the kyng shall prouyde when any that before tyme hath had his wytte and memorie happē to fay●e of his wytte as there are many per luc●da interualla .i. by euydent spaces that theyr landes tenementes shal be saufely kept without waste or distrucciō and that they and theyr housholde shall lyue and be conueniently maynteyned with the profyttes of the same and the resydue besydes theyr sustentacion shall be kept to theyr vse to be delyuered vnto thē when they come to ryght mynde So that suche landes and tenementes shall in no wyse be alyened And the king shal take nothyng to his owne vse and if the partye dye in suche estate then the residue shal be distrybute for his soule by aduyse of the ordinarye ¶ The .x. Chapiter ALso the kynge shall haue wrek of the see thorough out the realme whales great sturgeons taken in the see or els where within the realme excepte in certayne places pryuyleged by the kynge ¶ The .xi. Chapiter ALso the kynge shal haue escheates of the landes of Normans to whose fee someuer they belonge sauyng the seruyce apperteynynge to the chyefe ordes of the same fee. And this also is to be vnderstanden where any inherytaunce discendyth to any that is borne ●n the partyes beyonde the see whose ●●ncetours were from the tyme of kyng Iohan vnder thalligeaunce of the kynges of Fraunce and not of the kynges ●● Englande as late it happened by the baronye of Monmouth after the death of Iohan of Monmouth whose heyres were of Brytayne and other places Kynge Henry by the foresayd occasyon recouered many eschetes of Normans landes out of the fees of other men and gaue them to be holden of the chyef lordes of the fee by seruyces and customes due and accustomed therunto ¶ The .xii. Chapitre UUhen any that holdeth of the king in chyef dyeth and his heyre entryth into the lande that his anncetour helde of the kynge the day that he dyed before he hath done homage to the kyng and receyued season of the kyng he shal gayne no freholde therby and if he dye seasyd durynge that tyme his wyfe shall not be indowed of the same lande as it came late in vre by Maude doughter to the erle of Herforde wyfe of Maunsell the marshall whiche after the death of wyllyam Marshall of England his brother toke his season of the castell and maner of Scrogoyll and dyed in the same castell before he had entryd by the kyng and before he had done homage to hym Wherupon it was agreyd that his wyfe shulde not be indowed because that her husbande had not his entre by the kyng but rather by intrusyon howe be it this statute doyth not meane of socage and other small tenures ¶ The .xiii. Chapitre ALso the kynge shall haue eschetes of landes of the freholders of atch byshops and byshops when such tenaūtes be attaynted for felonye in tyme of vacacyon whyles theyr temporaltes were in the kynges handes to gyue at his pleasure sauynge to suche prelates the seruyce that therto is due and accustomed ¶ The .xiiii. Chapitre UUhen our soueraygne lorde the kynge gyueth or graunteth lande or a manoyr with the appurtenaunces without he make expresse mencyō in his dede or wrytynge of knyghtes fees aduouzons of churches and dowers when they fall belongyng to suche manors or landes then at this daye the kynge reserueth to hymsef such fees aduousons and dowers all be it that amonge other persones there shal be implyed no suche reseruacyon ¶ The .xv. Chapitre ALso the kyng shal haue the goodes of al felons attaynted or that run awaye where som euer they be founde And if they haue freholde then ●● shal be forthwith takē into the kynges handes And the kyng shall haue all profyt●es of the same by one yere and one daye the lande shal be wasted and dystroyed in the houses wodes gardeyns and in al maner of thynges belongynge to the same lande exceptyng men of certayn places priuyledged by the kynge therfore And after the kyng hath had the yere day● ● waste then the la●de shall be restored is the chyef lorde of the fame fee onles that he fyne before with the kyng for the yere the daye the waste Neuertheles it is vsed in the countie of Gloucestre by custome that after one yere one daye the landes and tenementes of felons shal reuerte be restored to the nexte heyre ●● whome it ought to haue descended if the felonye had not ben done And in Ken● in Gauelkynd The father to the bough the sonne to the plough There all heyres males shal dyuyde theyr inherytaūc● but women shall not make 〈…〉 with men And a woman after the death of her husband shal be indowed
let out by the yere Also foren pasture that is comon how many and what beastes and catell the lorde may haue in the same howe much the pasture of euery beast is worth by the yere to let Also it is to be inquered of parkes demean woodes whiche the lord may assarte and improue at his pleasure and howe many acres they contayne and howe much the vesture of an acre is worth and howe much the lande is worth after the wood is fellyd howe many acres it conteyneth and howe muche euery acre is worth by yere Also it is to be inquered of foreyn woodes where other men haue comon and howe much the lord may improue to hymselfe of the same woodes howe many acres and for howe much the vesture of euery acre maye be solde and howe muche the grounde is worth yerely after that the woode is fellyd and howe many acres it cōtayneth what euery acre is worth by the yere Also it is to be inquered wether the lord may gyue or sell any thyng of the resydue of the foresayd woodes what suche geftes or sales are worth by the yere Also it is to be inquered of pawnage and herbage of the towne and all other profyttes of forestes woodes ryuers ¶ The newe statute of Quo warranto made the .xxx. yere of K. Ed .i. ⸫ THe yere of our Lord M. CC .lxxviii. the .vi. yere of the reygne of kynge Edwarde at Gloucestre in the moneth of August the kynge hymselfe prouydyng for the welthe of his realme and the more full mynistracyon of iustyce as to the offyce of a kyng belongyth the more dyscrete men of the realme aswell of hyghe as of low degre beyng called thyther It was prouyded and ordeyned that where the realme of Englande in dyuerse cases aswell vpon lybertes as otherwyse wherin the lawe fayled to auoyde the greuous damages and innumerable disherytes that the defaute of lawe dyd brynge in had nede of dyuerse helpes of new lawes certayne new prouisyons that these prouisyons statutes and ordynaunces vnderwryten shall fromhensforthe be straytly and inuiolably obserued of all the inhabitauntes of his realme where as prelates erles barōs and other of our realme that clayme to haue dyuerse lybertes whiche to examyne and iudge The kynge had prefyxed a day to such prelates erles barons and other It is prouyded agreyd and ordayned that the sayd prelates erles barons and other shal vse such maner of lybertes after the fourme of wryt here folowynge Rex vic̄ salutem Cum nuper in parliamento nostro apud westmonasterium per nos consilium nostrū prouisum sit proclamatum quam prelati comites barones al●● de regno nostro qui diuersas libertates per cartas progenitorum nostrorum regum Anglie habere clamant ad quas examinandas iudicandas diem prefixe●imus in eodē parliamēto libertatibus illis taliter vterentur quam nihil sibi per vsurpacionem seu occupacionem accrescerent nec aliquid super nos occuparent Tibi precipimus quam omnes illos de com̄ tuo libertatibus suis quibus hucusque rationabiliter vsi sunt vti gaudere permittas in forma predicta vsque ad proximum aduentum nostrū per comitatum predictum vel vsque ad proximum aduentum iustic̄ i●inerantiū ad omnia placita in comitatu vel donec aliud inde preceperimus saluo semper ture nostro cum inde loqui voluerimus Teste c̄ In lyke maner in the same fourme And if percase they wyll challenge and saye that they are not bounden to aunswere in the origynall wrytte then if it may apere by any mean that they haue vsurped any lybertes vpon the kynge or his predecessours of theyr owne hed or presumpcion they shal be comaunded to aunswere incontynent without wrytte And moreouer they shall haue such iudgement as the courte of our soueraygne lorde the kyng wyll awarde And if they wyll saye further that theyr auncetours dyed seased therof they shal be hard and the truth shal be inquered incontynent accordyng to that iudgement shal be gyuen And if it appere that theyr auncetours dyed seased therof then the kynge shal haue a wrytte out of the chauncery in this fourme Rex vic̄ salutem Sum. perbonos summoni● talem quam sit coram nobis apud talem locum in proximo aduentu nostro in comitatu predicto vel coram iusticiarus nostris ad proximā assisam cum in partes illas venerint often ▪ surus quo warranto tenet visum francipleg in manerio suo de N. vel sic quo warranto tenet hundredum de S. in comitatu predicto vel quo warranto c●amat habere tholoneum pro se heredibus suis per totum regnum nostrum Et habeas ibi hoc breue Teste c̄ And if they come in at the same day they shal aunswere and if they do not come nor be essoyned before the kynge and the kyng do tarye lenger in the same shyre suche ordre shal be taken as is in the circuyte of iustyces And if the kyng depart from the same shyre they shal be aiourned vnto short dayes and shal haue reasonable delayes accordyng to the discreciō of the iustyces as it is vsed in personal acci●s Also the iustyces errāt in theyr circuyte shall do accordyng to the foresayd ordynaunce and accdrdyng as suche maner of plees ought to be ordered in the circuyte Concernyng complayntes made and to be made of the kynges baylly●es and of other it shal be done accordyng to the ordynaunce made before therupon and accordynge to the inquestes taken therupon heretofore and the clause subscribed shal be put in a wryt of comō somōs in the circuyte of the iustyces assygned to comō plees dyrected to the sheryf c̄ that shal be such Rex vic̄ salutē Precipimus tibi quam publice ꝓclamari facias quam omnes conquerentes seu conqueri volentes tam de ministris et aliis balliuis nostris quibuscunque quam de ministris et balliuis aliorum quorumcunque et aliis ventāt coram iusticiarus nostris ad primam assisam ad quascunque querimonias suas ibidem ostendendas and competentes emendas iude recipiendas secundum legem et consuetudinem regni nostri et iuxta ordinationem per nos iude factam et iuxta tenorem statutorum nostrorum et iuxta articulos eisdem iusticiarus nostris iude traditos prout predicti iusticiaru tibi scire faciant ex parte nostra Teste meipso c̄ decimo die Septembris Anno regni nostri trigesimo ¶ Finis ¶ An ordynaūce of inquestes made the .xxxiii. yere of kyng Edwarde the fyrste ⸫ OF inquestes to be taken before any of the iustyces wherin our soueraigne lorde the kyng is partye howe so euer it ●e It is agreyd and ordayned by the kyng and all his counsell that fromhensforth notwithstandyng it be alledged by them that sue for the kynge that the iurours
graunted that he and all his successours shulde be trybutaryes vnto my lorde the pope payeng yerely for Englande .lxx. markes and for Irelande two hundred 10. Henry the thyrde sone of kyng Iohan began his reygne the .xviii. daye of Octobre the yere of grace M. CC .xvii. And was crowned the .xvi. daye of Iuly next folowyng And dyed the .xvi. day of the moneth of Nouembre And reygned lvi yeres .vi. monethes xxviii dayes And lyeth buryed at westmynster And in the tyme of this kynge began the pylgrymage to Bromeholme And in the tyme of this kynge sayncte Thomas of Canterbury sayncte wolstane of worcestre were translated And this kynge in the .xxii. yere of his reygne made his fyrste voyage into Gascoygne and his ii voyage in the. xxv yere of his reygne 11. Edwarde the fyrst son of Henry the thyrde began to reygne the .xvi. daye of Nouembre the yere of grace M. CC .lxxii. And was crowned the .ix. daye of Auguste next folowynge And dyed the vii daye of Iuly And reygned .xxxiiii. yeres .viii. monethes and .ix. dayes And is buryed at westmynster 12. Edwarde the secounde his sone began to reygne the .vii. daye of Iuly the yere of our lord ▪ M. CCC .vii. And was crowned the .xxiiii. daye of Februarye next folowynge And dyed the .xxv. daye of Ianuary And reygned .xix. yeres vii monethes and .vi. dayes And lyeth buryed at Gloucestre 13. Edwarde the thyrde sone to the secounde Edwarde began his reygne the xxv day of Ianuary the yere of our lord M. CCC .xxvi. And was crowned the secounde daye of February nexte folowynge And dyed the .xxi. daye of Iune And reygned L. yeres .v. monethes and vii dayes And lyeth buryed at westmynster This kyng vanqu●shed the Scottes at Halydon hyll in whiche battayll he ●●ewe xxxv thousande and after he toke the towne and castell of Berwyke And after he obtayned the vyctorye vpon the french men in the ●●●el of Sluys where he slewe .xxx. M. of them 14. Rycharde the secounde sone of Edwarde that was prynce of wales sone to Edwarde the thyrde was borne hauyng no skynne and therfore was kept vp in ghote skynnes began his reygne the .xxi. daye of Iune the yere of grace M. CCC .lxxvii. And was crowned the xvi daye of Iuly next folowynge And dyed the .xxix. daye of Septembre And reygned .xxii. yeres .iiii. monethes and two dayes And is buryed at westmynster durynge the reygne of this kynge one Iacke straw accōpanyed with m●ny other rebelles of Rent made an insurreccion in the realme And in his tyme also began the opinions of Iohan wy●lefe 15. Henry the fourth so●e to Iohan of Gaunt duke of Lancastre beganne his reygne the .xxix. daye of Septembre the yere of our lorde M. CCC lxxxxix And was crowned the .xiii. daye of Octobre nexte folowyng And dyed the .xx. day of Marche A●d reygned .xiii. yeres .v. monethes and .xviii. dayes And is buryed at Canterbury 16. Henry the .v. son to the said Henry began his reygne the .xx. day of March the yere of our lorde M. CCCC .xii. And was crowned the .ix. day of August next folowyng And dyed the .xxxi. daye of August and reygned .ix. yeres .v. monethes and .xxiiii. dayes And is butyed at westmynster And in the tyme of this kynge there was an insurreccion of lorlardes made agaynst hym in a place called fyckettes felde but they were taken and hanged And lykewyse in his tyme the dolphyn of Fraunce in decision sent hym a tonne full of reuys balles into Englande And not longe after duryng his reygne was the battayll of Agyncourt at the which a great multitude of french men were slayne 17. Henry the .vi. son of Henry the. b. began his reygne the .xxxi. daye of August the yere of grace M. CCCC xxii And was crowned the .vi. day of Nouēbre the yere of grace M. CCCC .xxiii. And dyed the fourth day of Marche the yere of our lorde M. CCCC .ix. And so reygned .xxxviii. yeres .vi. monethes and xvii dayes And lyeth buryed at wyndezor And in the .xxv. yere of this kynge the parlyament was bolden at S. Edmōdes Buty in Suthfolke where Hum frey duke of Elocestre was put to death And be beyng but an enfaunt was crowned kynge of Fraunce at Parys 18. Edwarde the fourthe beganne his reygne the fourth day of Marche in the yere of our lorde M. CCCC .lx. And was crowned the .xxvi. day of Iune next folowyng and dyed the .ix. day of Apryl And so reygned .xxii. yeres one moneth .viii. dayes is buryed at wyndezor 19. Edwarde the .v. sonne to Edwarde the fourth began his reygne the. i● day of Apryl the yere of our lord M. CCCC lxxxiii and was neuer crowned And so his reygne dured but two monethes xviii dayes and dyed in the towre of London 20. Kycharde the thyrde duke of Gloucestre beganne his reygne the .xxii. daye of Iune the yere of our lorde M. CCCC .lxxxii. And was crowned the .vi. daye of Iulye nexte folowynge And was slayne at the battell of Bosworth the .xxii. day of the moneth of August the yere of grace M. CCCC lxxxvi And so reygned two yeres two monethes and fyue dayes And is buryed at Leycestre 21. Henry the seuēth of that name erle of Rychmonde beganne his reygne the xxii daye of Auguste in the yere of our lord M. CCCC .lxxxv. And was crowned the .xxx. day of October next folowynge And dyed the .xxi. day of Apryl the yere of grace M. CCCCC .ix. And so reygned .xxiii. yeres .viii. monethes and vii dayes In the thyrde yere of his reygne be obtayned the victorye in battell besydes Newer●e agaynste the erle of Lyncolne and Martyn swart And in the .xii. yere of his reygne he ouercam the comons of Cornewal in Blackbeth felde And the same yere he toke one Parken warbeck which sclaunderously and ●●aytorously named hymselfe the secoūd sone of kynge Edwarde the fourth but afterwarde the same Parken and his mayster were both hanged at Tyburne for theyr treason 22. Henry the eyght began his moste gracyous reygne the .xxi. day of Apryll in the yere of our lorde M. CCCCC .ix. And was crowned the .xxiiii. daye of the moneth of Iune next ensuyng whose moste fortunate and prosperous reygne almyghtye God of his greate goodnes longe contynue ¶ Finis ¶ Here ensuyth a table for the boke after the ordre of the Alphabete Abiuracyon Folio 115. Able and not able folio 110. Accessorye folio 35. Account folio 27. 47. 151. Accusacion folio 7. Ad quod damnum folio 170. Age. folio 48. 51. 92. Ayde of the kynge folio 140. 141. Aiornement folio 4. 83. Alienacion folio 51. 135. Allowance folio 41. Amercyament folio 5. 26. 27. 38. Admesurement folio 68. 69. Appelle folio 8. 54. 75. Approuementes folio 12. 217. Armoure folio 114. Arestes folio 33. 158. Assyse folio 4. 41. 77. 80. 83. Attachement folio 14. Atteynt folio 45. 49. Attorney fol. 14. 53. 73. 127. 138. 47. Aduouson