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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A84101 Lawes and ordinances of warre, established for the better conduct of the army, by His Excellency the Earl of Essex, Lord Generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament, for the defence of King and kingdom. Together with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, concerning the regulating of great inconveniences in His Excellencies army. England and Wales. Army.; Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of. 1591-1646. 1643 (1643) Wing E3315; Thomason E75_34; ESTC R15312 8,681 18

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Lawes and Ordinances OF WARRE Established for the better Conduct of the Army BY HIS EXCELLENCY The Earl of ESSEX Lord Generall Of the Forces raised by the Authority of the PARLIAMENT For the defence of KING and KINGDOM Together with a DECLARATION Of the LORDS and COMMONS in PARLIAMENT Concerning the regulating of great Inconveniences in His EXCELLENCIES Army LONDON Printed for John Partridge and John Rothwell 1643. ROBERT Earl of ESSEX Lord FERRERS of Chartley Bouchier and Lovain Captain Generall Of the Army raised by the Authority OF PARLIAMENT for the defence of KING and KINGDOME TO all the Officers of the Army Colonels Lieutenant-Colonells Serjeant-Majors Captains other Officers and Souldiers of Horse and Foot and all others whom these Laws and Ordinances shall concerne VVHich Laws and Ordinances hereby pulished all the said persons respectively and severally are required and commanded to observe and keepe on the Pains and Penalties therein expressed Lawes and Ordinances of Warre Of Duties to God Blasphemy I. FIrst Let no man presume to blaspheme the holy and blessed Trinitie God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost nor the known Articles of our Christian Faith upon pain to have his Tongue bored with a red-hot Iron Cursing II. Unlawfull Oaths and Execrations and scandalous acts in derogation of Gods Honour shall bee punished with losse of Pay and other punishment at discretion Neglecting Divine Worship III. All those who often and wilfully absent themselves from Sermons and publike Prayer shall be proceeded against at discretion And all such who shall violate Places of publike Worship shall undergo severe Censure Of Duties in generall Intelligence with the Enemy I. ALL such as shall practice and entertain Intelligence with the Enemy by any manner of means or slights and have any communication with them without direction from my Lord Generall shall be punished as Traitors and Rebels Relief of the Enemy II. No man shall relieve the Enemy with Money Victuals Ammunition neither harbour or receive any such upon pain of death Yeilding up of Ports III. Whosoever yeeldeth up any Town Fort Magazine Victuals Arms Ammunition or that motioneth any such thing but upon extremity and that to the Governour or in Councell shall be executed as a Traitor Carelesse Service IV. Whosoever shall be convicted to doe his Duty negligently and carelesly shall be punished at discretion Violating of a safeguard V. Whosoever shall presume to violate a Save-guard shall die without mercy Of Duties towards Superiours and Commanders Violating of the Lord Generall I. VVHosoever shall shall use any words tending to the death of the Lord Generall shall be punished with death Quarrelling with Officers II. No man shall presume to quarrell with his superiour Officer upon pain of Cashiering and arbitrary punishment nor to strike any such upon pain of death Departing from Captains and Masters Silence in the Army III. No Souldier shall depart from his Captain nor Servant from his Master without license though he serve still in the Army upon pain of death IV. Every private man or Souldier upon pain of Imprisonment shall keep silence when the Army is to take Lodging or when it is Marching or Imbattallio so as the Officers may be heard and their Commandments executed Resisting against Correction V. No man shall resist draw lift or offer to draw or lift his weapon against any Officer correcting him orderly for his defence upon pain of death Unlawfull Assemblies VI. No person shall make any mutenous assemblies or be present or assisting thereunto or in or by them demand their pay upon pain of death Resisting of the Provost-Marshall VII No man shall resist the Provost-Marshall or any other Officer in the execution of his Office or break prison upon pain of death Seditious words VIII None shall utter any words of sedition and uprore or muteny upon pain of death Concealing mutenous speeches IX A heavy punishment shall be inflicted upon them who after they have heard mutenous speeches acquaint not their Commanders with them Receiving of Injuries X. Whosoever shall receive an injury and shall take his own satisfaction shall be punished by Imprisonment and as it shall be thought fit by the Marshall-Court But he that is injured shall be bound if he do not forgive the injury to seek reparation by complaint to his Captain or Colonell or other superiour Officer and it shall be given him in ample manner Of Duties morall Drunkennesse I. DRunkennesse in an Officer shall be punished with losse of Place in a common Souldier with such penalties as a Court-Marshall shall think fit Unnaturall abuses II. Rapes Ravishments unnaturall abuses shall be punished with death Adultery III. Adultery Fornication and other dissolute lasciviousnesse shall be punished with discretion according to the qualitie of the offence Theft IV. Theft and Robbery exceeding the value of twelve pence shall be punished with death Provocation V. No man shall use reproachfull nor provoking words or acts to any upon pain of Imprisonment and further punishment as shall be thought fit to be inflicted upon enemies to discipline and service Seizing upon dead mens goods VI. No man shall take or spoile the Goods of him that dieth or is killed in Service upon pain of restoring double the value and arbitrary punishment Muther VII Murther shall be expiated with the death of the murtherer Of a Souldiers Duty touching his Arms. Full Armour I. ALL Souldiers coming to their Colours to watch or to be exercised shall come fully armed upon pain of severe correction Slovenly Armour II. None shall presume to appear with their Arms unfixt or undecently kept upon pain of arbitrary correction Loosing of Horses and Arms. III. If a Trooper shall lose his horse or Hackney or Foot-man nay part of his Arms by negligence or lewdnesse by Dice or Cards he or they shall remain in qualitie of Pioners and Scavengers till they be furnished with as good as were lost at their own charge Pawning or selling of Armour IV. No Souldier shall give to pawn or sell his Armour upon pain of imprisonment and punishment at discretion and wheresoever any Armour shall be found so sold or pawned they shall be brought again into the Armie Wilfull spoiling of Horses V. If a Trooper shall spoil his horse willingly of purpose to be rid of the Service he shall lose his horse and remain in the Camp for a Pioner Borrowed Arms. VI. If one borrows Arms of another to passe the Muster withall the borrower shall be rigorously punished and the lender shall forfeit his goods Imbezelling of Ammunition VII None shall presume to spoil sell or carry away any Ammunition delivered unto him upon pain of death Of Duty in Marching Waste and extortion I. None in their March thorow the Countries shall waste spoil or extort any Victuals