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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A62476 A true narration of that horrible conspiracy against King James and the whole Parliament of England, commonly called the gun-powder treason written in Latine by Jacobus Augustus Thuanus ... ; faithfully rendred into English. Thou, Jacques-Auguste de, 1553-1617.; Stephens, Edward, d. 1706. 1674 (1674) Wing T1078; ESTC R4910 18,714 26

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Forreign Princes to their assistance but being doubtful of their faith and secresie they thought fit not to send to them till they had accomplished their design for commonly such Actions are not commended but by their Event They passed their Judgments upon them sevceally the Spaniards seemed to be more opportune for them but too remote and too slow in raising Forces The French was near but fearful and suspected for the close league he held with the Dutch The most present help was from Flanders from whence they might most commodiously expect Supplies for which Stanly was designed the Captain or Commander Moreover that they might the more easily deceive the world and least by their passing to and fro to those places they should give some cause of Suspition they go their several wayes some into the Countrey some a great way out of the Island waiting for the time appointed for the Execution Fawks went into Flanders that he might acquaint Stanly and Owen with the whole Matter nor did he return into England till the latter end of August Catesby that he might not be idle in the mean time gets Francis Tresham and Everard Digby to his Party agreeing with them for Supply of Money and the former promisd Two thousand pounds of English Money the other Fifteen hundred Piercy that was prodigal at another mans charge promised whatsoever he could scrape together of the Revenues of the E. of Northumberland In the mean time Ten more Barrels of Gun powder are added to the former and four more greater than the rest upon suspition least by the moistness of the place the former should have been spoiled and again they are all covered over with a great heap of stones and wood And now the time of the Parliaments convening drew on which was again put off till the Nones of November 5 Nov. Therefore the Conspirators did again repeat their consultation and some were appointed who on the same day that the Enterprize was to be Executed should seize upon the Lady Elizabeth the Kings eldest Daughter who was brought up under the Lord Farrington in Warwick-shire under pretence of an Hunting Match which Everard Digby who was privy to the matter had appointed with great preparation at Dunchuroh Her they decreed publickly to Proclaim Queen They taking to themselves the Titles of the Assertors of liberty * They purposed when the blow was first given but the success thereof doubtful to father the fact on the Puritans Fuller v. Foulis p. 690. did nothing less at first than profess themselves the Authors of the Fact or make any mention of Religion to the People but purposed to hold that in suspense for some time and by a Proclamation published in the Queens name to redress great grievances for the present and feed them with hopes of more for the future till the Faction growing strong either by favour or severity of new Edicts they might draw the People to their Parts and Obedience and the odiousness of their fact so by degrees discovering it self would in time and together with their good success grow off Nor came it in so long time into the minds of any of them how many Innocents all about them how many Infants how many that agreed with them in Religion how many who perhaps had deserved well of them that vast ruine would over-whelm Now all things are ready and the last Scene was going to be Acted when as by the unsearchable Judgment of God one who desired to save another brought destruction both to himself and his Associates There were ten dayes to the Parliament when upon Saturday in the Evening a Letter was brought as from a Friend to the Lord Monteagle but by whom written is uncertain and by whom brought unknown By it he was warned to forbear meeting at the Parliament for the two first dayes of the Session forasmuch as some great and sudden and unsuspected mischief did threaten that Meeting The hand of him that wrote it was unknown and the writing it self purposely so ordered that it could hardly be read No date to the Letter no subscription no inscription put to it and the whole composure of words ambiguous The Lord Monteagle was doubtful what he should do therefore late in the night he goeth to Robert Cecil Earl of Salisbury and chief Secretary to the King and giving him the Letter freely declared to him how he came by it and how little he valued it Cecil did not make much more account of it and yet thought it was not altogether to be neglected and Therefore shewed it to the chief Councellors Charles Howard Chief Admiral of the Seas the Earl of Nottingham to the Earls of Worcester and Northampton The thing being considered of amongst them although at first sight the Letter seemed of no great moment yet they thought that not the slightest discovery ought to be despised especially where the safety of the King was endangered nor such great care to be blamed in them to whom the preservation of His Majesty did both by Office and Duty belong The King was then gone to Royston to Hunt It seemed good to them to determine nothing before they had consulted the King For they said that they had oftentimes experienced the quick apprehension and happy conjecture of the King in unriddleing things that were liable to greatest doubtfulness Upon the Calends of November 1 Nov. the King returned to the City and forth with Cecil taking him aside unfolds the matter and shews him the Letter which it seems worth while to insert here for the perpetual remembrance of it forasmuch as not without cause it afforded such matter of dispute between him and his Councellors The love which I bear to some of your Friends makes me careful for your safety Wherefore I advise you as you love your life that you would invent some excuse for your absence from the Parliament For God and Men as it were by agreement do hasten to punish the wickedness of this Age. Do not make light of this warning but depart as soon as you can into your own Countrey where you may securely expect the event For although no signs of troubles do appear yet I admonish you that that meeting shall receive a terrible blow and shall not see who smiteth them Do not despise this discovery it may be profitable to you it cannot hurt you For the danger is over as soon as you have burnt this Letter I hope by the grace of God you will make good use of this Counsell to whose protection I commend you The King having read the Letter though through the generousness of his mind he was no way prone to suspicion did conjecture that some strange thing did lye hid under it and that the notice given was by no means to be neglected On the other side Cecil said it was certainly written by some Mad man For no man well in his wits would speak at this rate of a danger which he doth
admonish so much to beware of The danger is over as soon as you shall burn the Letter How small a danger could that be which should vanish in so short a moment On the other side the King in whose breast the first suspition had now taken deep root urged the foregoing words That assembly shall receive a terrible blow and shall not see who smiteth them And whiles walking in the Gallery he deeply thought of these things from one particular to another it came into his mind that a sudden blow by Gun-powder was intended by those words For what more sudden then a blow by Gun-powder Thus the King and Salisbury so broke off their discourse that the King did strongly persevere in his conjecture Salisbury to free the Kings mind from fears and cares seemed in his presence to make light of this notice given but in the mean time admiting within himself the Kings uncouth and unusual interpretation and so presently suspecting it did conclude that it was not lightly to be regarded The next day the thing being again considered of by the King and His Counsellors it seemed good that the Palate with the places near adjoyning should be diligently searched and that business was assigned to the Lord Chamberlain who upon the Monday which preceded the Parliament about the Evening that he might give no occasion of Rumours goes with the Lord Monteagle to those places entring into the house that Percy had hired they found a great heap of Billets and Fagots and Coal in a Vault under ground and Wineard the Keeper of the Kings houses being there present Wardrobe he was asked for what use they were brought in thither they understood that the house was hired by Percy and that heap was brought in by him Moreover the Chamberlain spying Fawks standing in a corner of the Cellar asked who he was and what business he had there Who answered that he was the Domestick Servant of Percy and the Keeper of that house in Percy 's absence Having thus done they return to the Court reporting what they had seen and conjecturing worse things then formerly they had done For it came into Monteagles mind upon the mention of Percy that he was highly addicted to the Popish Religion that they had formerly been acquainted and lived as Friends and it might be that he was the Author of that Letter which gave ground to all this suspition The Lord Chamberlain among other suspicious matters did revolve in his mind that that store of wood in the house of Percy where he seldom resided was not brought in thither to no purpose and that that Servant of Percy whom he saw in the Cellar looked like a desperate wicked Knave All which things did increase the Kings suspition who would have that Vault further searched again but least if nothing were found the Counsellors should make themselves ridiculous to the People as if they were afraid of every light report and moreover fearing least whiles they appeared to suspect Percy who was allied in Blood to the chiefest Peers of the Realm they should seem to suspect the Earl of Northumberland himself yet when the safety of the King did prevail upon them they so ordered the matter that search should be made without noise or injury to any It was given in command to Sir Thomas Knevet Justice of Peace for Westminster that in the dead of the Night he should go with a convenient company to that house and should take Wineard a long with him under pretence that he had lost some Hangings and Tapestry Thither Sir Tho. Knevet going finds Fawks Percy 's Domestick Servant who under a feigned name called himself John Johnson before the House booted and habited for a Journey and he gives command presently to lay hold on him From thence going into the Cellar he speedily removes the Wood and Coal which being removed the Treason appeared one little Barrel of Gun-powder being first discovered by it self and afterward the heap being removed 36 Barrels of different magnitude were found there Then turning to the Prisoner and examining his Garments they found in them tinder and three Match cords But he being taken in the Fact and not able to deny the case being now desperate he of his own accord confessed the Crime and with an unappalled countenance as he was a man of a resolute mind to undertake any desperate attempt he added that it was well for them that they found him before the house now lately come out of the Cellar in which all things were ready for if they had found him within he would not have stood to have buried himself and them together by putting fire to the Train Knevet having discovered the matter returns forthwith rejoicing to the Palace about Four a Clock in the Morning and acquaints Salisbury and the Lord Chamberlain who presently with a noise rush into the Kings Bed Chamber and tell him the Treason was detected and they had the Author of it in Custody and Bonds The same of this being spread abroad for in so great a matter of Joy it could not be concealed the Conspirators fly some this way some that way and meet together at Holbech at the house of Stephen Littleton in the borders of Stafford-shire Thither came those that were privy to the Conspiracy out of Warwick shire and Worcester-shire although they were ignorant of the discovery of the Plot having taken away by force from Gentlemens houses their Warr-horses thereby giving a manifest token what they would have done when they had got the power in their hands when as they ravaged with such boldness while the event was yet doubtful The Leaders of the Faction trusted that great numbers of Men and a considerable Army would flock into them as soon as they should appear in Arms. But the Lieutenants and Sheriffs being before while the Treason was only suspected Commanded by the King to ride about their Counties their attempts were all made void and scarcely an Hundred of all that number appeared in Arms. And they were encompassed by Richard Walsh High Sheriff of the County of Worcester who came upon them unexpectedly with a strong power of Men so that they could not escape When despairing of Pardon and their troubled Consciences putting them upon desperate exploits the Gun-powder that was drying by the Fire took fire by a sparkle that fell into it and so suddenly burnt the Faces Sides Arms Hands of the Besieged that they were rendered unable to handle their Arms and so lost their strength and courage together Catesby and Percy that were most active together with Tho. Winter while they betake themselves to a corner of the house are both shot through with a Leaden Bullet Winter being wounded fell into the hands of the Kings Party both the Wrights were slain Grant Digby Rockwood and Bates were taken Prisoners Tresham whiles shifting his Lodgings in London he sometime escaped yet at last was taken Robert Winter and Littleton a long time wandring up
his breast were transparent to all that his People might behold the most secret recesses of his heart But when he judged it might conduce much to Example and Publick Security that he should severely punish the Authors of so horrid a Crime and because there was a suspition arising from Letters Confessions and Proofs made that Gerard alias Braek Hen. Garnet Oswald Tesmond alias Greenwell were either privy to or promoters of this Conspiracy therefore upon the XVIII of the Kalends of February 14 Jan. a Proclamation is published against them and a reward proposed to him that should discover and bring them to their Tryal as also a Penalty added against those who after the publishing of this Proclamation should entertain nourish conceal or be any way aiding the persons named in that Proclamation or should at all indeavour that those who are accused of this horrid Crime should not be found out and apprehended In order hereunto diligent search is made and strict enquiry after them who concealed themselves at length Hen. Garnet and Hall and Garnets Servant were taken in the house of Abington a Papist and sent to London and cast into the Tower The wretched Servant for fear least he should be forced by torments to accuse his Master or despairing upon some other account did lay violent hands upon himself in the Prison and with a blunt knife for he was not permitted to have a keen one by him he cut up his own Belly and drew out his Bowels and although his wound was bound up yet before he could be Examined he dyed Garnet was very gently used in his Imprisonment as he himself afterward confessed At first be denyed all things and when it did appear that nothing could be drawn from him voluntarily and the King that he might avoid calumny was unwilling to use torments upon him resolves by craft to illude his cautious pertinacy and to bring him to larger Confessions who would answer little or nothing whether he would or not He secretly imploys a man who by deep groans and frequent complaints against the King and his Counsellors and the deplorable condition of the Catholicks in England did in the end perswade Garnet that he was Popishly enclined and so crept into intimate familiarity with him This man he sends with a Letter to a Gentlewoman that was Imprisoned for her Religion who kept her family at Whitweb and other places and received with great hospitality those whom he commended to her In which Letter he wrote plainly and yet sparingly what things he had already confessed what he was not yet examined upon and by what means he would excuse those things which he had confessed and conceal these He wrote likewise to Rookwood the Priest who was Prisoner in another Prison and wrote his Letter with Ink in the middle about some familiar matters that any one might read but left broad Margents on both sides which he filled with his Secrets written with the juice of an Orange denying all whatsoever he had confessed before the Lords As to the Spanish Expedition he said he had obtained the Kings Pardon As to this last Conspiracy he should avoid Judgment because he knew they could make no sufficient proofs against him But however it went he added having too high an opinion of himself that which was spoken of the only Redeemer of the world It would be necessary that one man should die for the People The Letter was by the Kings Councellors who smelt out the cunning held to the fire and presently the writing appear'd and the fraud was discovered He being every day more and more confident of his instructed Keeper told him he did exceedingly desire to have some conference with Hall his Companion He promised to bring it about and brought both of them to a place where they might easily hear one another and where he himself to avoid all suspition might be seen by them both In the mean time he placed two men of known credit near the place who they knowing no such thing and minding only the return of their Keeper who was gone abroad might hear whatsoever passed between them There each of them freely discover'd what they had confessed what they had been Examined about what excuses and evasions for these were their words they had prepared for every particular and many other such things which being carefully taken were delivered to the Counsel in writing The next day the Prisoners suspecting no such thing Delegates from the King came to them and Examine Garnet and Hall a part and object to them that they had yesterday held private conference with one another Garnet thinking they spoke this only upon conjecture † Upon his Soul reiterating it with so many detestable execrations as wounded the Lords hearts to hear him Proceedings Y 3. stifly denyed it and forswore it upon the word of a Priest At last Hall having confessed the Fact and he finding that there was no avoiding it begged Pardon for his contrary asseveration which he sought to elevate by a forced Interpretation or Equivocation And professing that he would speak the truth ingenuously He answered that he had hitherto so constantly denyed it because he knew that no man living but one he meant Greenwell could accuse him as guilty of the late Fact But now that he saw himself encompassed with such a cloud of witnesses he would no longer dissemble but did confess that above V moneths agone he was acquainted by Greenwell with the whole matter That before that Catesby had in general told him that the Catholicks in England were attempting some great thing as to Religion and asked whether if good men should be involved in the danger this were to be made matter of Conscience But that he who had a contrary command from the Pope that he should not engage in any Conspiracy refused to hear any further of it That he did pour out Prayers for the good success of the great cause and amongst other things used the Hymn that was commonly Sung in the Church but intended nothing else when he did so but only prayed God that in the next Parliament no grievous Lawes might be made against the Recusants so they are called in England who keeping within their own houses have their liberty and refuse to Joyne in worship with the Protestants Garnet being twenty times Examined 12 Feb. and 26 Mar. between the Eids of Febr. and the VII of the Calends of April two dayes after he is arraigned at the Publick Tribunal in London * The reason whereof the Earl of Salisbury declared at his Tryal See the Proceedings Y Guild Hall Here the Crimes are layed to the charge of the Prisoner by Sir John Crook which are afterwards enlarged on in a long Speech by Sir Edward Cook the Kings Attorney General Then after Garnes had said something for himself and especially something concerning Equivocation he was Examined by Cecil and others that sate as Judges in that case And
and down the Woods at last fell into the hands of the Guards and were all committed to the Tower at London Being Examined without the rack for only Fawks was put under this way of Examination and that but moderately they severally discovered the whole series of the matter as we have before recounted and taxed none in Holy Orders which many looked upon as purposely avoided because they were bound by Oath not to do it When as Franois Tresham had before he dyed in Prison of his own accord nominated Henry Garnet being admonished thereof by his Wife he wrote a Letter to the Earl of Salisbury and excusing his too rash confession he so discharged Garnet as much as in him lay by a solemn adjuration interposed that he did entangle himself in a notorious lye affirming † He took it upon his Salvation even in articulo mortis a lamentable thing for within three hours after he dyed Proceedings against the late Traitors C c 2.3 that he had not seen Garnet of sixteen years when as it did appear afterward by the confession of Garnet * And of Mrs. Anne Vaux who confessed that she had seen Mr. Tresham with Garnet at her house three or four times since the Kings coming in and that they were at Erith together the last Summer and that Garnet and she were not long since with Mr. Tresham at his house in Northampton-shire and stayed there Proceedings ibid. that they had often and for a long time together conversed one with another before the six Moneths last past Digby confessing the matter as it was in truth endeavoured † He sought to clear all the Jesuits of those practises whith they themselves have now confessed ex ore proprio Proceedings ibid. Even at the time of Garnets Tryal was current throughout the Town a report of a Retractation under Bates his hand of his accusation of Greenwell Proceedings ibid. to excuse the horridness of the Fact MDCVI which he acknowledged and seemed to detect by the desperateness of their condition For being made to hope that the new King upon his coming to the Kingdom would indulge liberty of Conscience to those of the Popish Religion and would permit the exercise thereof with some restriction This being denyed it drove those miserable men unadvisedly to pernicious Counsels Here the Earl of Northampton and Cecil who together with the Earl of Nottingham Suffolk Worcester and Devonshire did sit as Judges in that Cause interposed affirming that the King never gave them any hope of liberty nor ever engaged his word for it but factious persons did maliciously throw such a report abroad that they might have a pretence wherewith to excuse both themselves and such as they were for the Seditions which they raised in the Kingdom At length being Convicted and found Guilty they are condemned to the punishment wont to be inflicted by the Laws of the Realm upon Rebels and Traytors Everard Digby Robert Winter John Grant and Thomas Bates were Executed at London nigh the Western Gate of St. Paul's Church in the later end of January The day following Tho. Winter Ambrose Rockwood Robert Keies and Guido Fawks who confessed that they had wrought in the Vault were Executed at Westmonaster in the Old Palace yard near the Parliament house Upon this many who for this cause were banished or of their own accord changed their Native Soil were most courteously received at Calice by Dominick Wikes Vicus the Governour there for so the King commanded Of whom one was of such a perverse mind that when Wikes did shew himself to bewail his and his Companions fortune and for their comfort added Though they had lost their Native Countrey yet by the Kings grace they had a Neighbouring one allowed them Nay saith the other It is the least part of our grief that we are banished our Native Countrey and that we are forced to change our Soil because every good man counts that his Countrey where he can be well this doth truly and heartily grieve us that we could not bring so generous and wholsom a design to perfection Which as soon as Vicus contrary to his expectation had heard he could hardly for anger abstain from throwing that man into the Sea who gloryed in such a Plot as was damned by all men For so I remember I have heard Vicus often say when together with Alexander Delbenius he came courteously upon the account of our Ancient friendship to visit me a little before he went from us The Plot being discovered the Parliament among publick rejoycings was held with great security To whom the King made a most weighty Oration and set forth the inexpressible Mercy of God over all his works towards Himself his Family and His whole Kingdom largely aggravating the thing from its several circumstances This temperament being * And this conclusion with no less truth That as upon the one part many honest men seduced with some errors of Popery may yet remaine good faithful Subjects So as on the other part none of those that truly know and believe the whole ground and School conclusions of their Doctrine can ever prove either good Christians or faithful Subjects He had said a little before That many honest men blinded peradventure with some opinions of Popery yet do they either not know or at least not believe all the true grounds of Popery which is indeed the mysterie of Iniquity with great Justice added That he did not say All that were addicted to the Romish Religion were to be included as guilty of this Crime for that there were many among them who although they are involved in Popish Errors so he called them yet had they not lost their true Loyalty to Princes but did observe the Duty both of a Christian man and of a good Subject and that he in return had good thoughts of them and that he thought the Severity of the Puritans was worthy of flames who deny that any Papist can be received into Heaven This likewise was worthy the Wisdom of a most just Prince that he did Judge that no Forreign Prince nor Common-wealth nor none that did manage affairs for them had any hand in this Conspiracy as who did judg of them according to his own mind and temper and would think of others what he would that they should think of him Therefore he did will and require that when any mention should be made of this Conspiracy in Parliament every one should speak and think honourably of them Which thing was done for the respect that he bore to the Spaniards with whom desiring to keep that peace which he of late made with them he would not leave any the least appearance of an alienated affection or a suspicious mind He added this most generously That he would that all men should understand that resting in Gods protection the tranquility and quiet of his mind was not at all disturbed by this accident and that he did wish that