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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A48277 A letter from Generall Leven, the Lord Fairfax, and the Earl of Manchester, to the committee of both kingdoms, and by them communicated to the Parliament concerning the great victory it hath pleased God to give them over the forces under the command of Prince Rupert and the Marquesse of Newcastle, at Marston-Moor, near York, July the second, 1644 / signed thus, Leven, Lindsey, F. Fairfax, Tho. Hatcher, Manchester ; expressing also what number of the enemy are slain, what number taken prisoners, and what ordnance, arms and ammunition the enemy lost ; also an order of the Commons assembled in Parliament, for Thursday the 18 of this present July, for a day of publike thanksgiving throughout the whole kingdom ... Leven, Alexander Leslie, Earl of, 1580?-1661.; Hatcher, Thomas, 1589?-1677.; Balcarres, Alexander Lindsay, Earl of, 1618-1659.; Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax, Baron, 1584-1648.; Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of, 1602-1671. 1644 (1644) Wing L1817; ESTC R37975 6,206 16

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our Horse had several misfortunes for betwixt them the enemy there was no passage but at a narrow Lane where they could not march above 3. or 4. in front upon the one side of the Lane was a Ditch and on the other an Hedge both wherof were lined with Musketiers notwithstanding sir Thomas Fairfax charged gallantly but the enemy keeping themselves in a body and receiving them by threes and fours as they marched out of the lane by what mistake I know not sir Tho. Fairfax his new levied Regiments being in the Van they wheeled about being hotly pursued by the enemy came back upon the L. Fairfax foot and the reserve of the Scottish Foot broke them wholly trod the most part of them under foot Sir Tho. Fairfax Col. Lambert sir Tho. his brother with 5. or 6. troops charged through the enemy went to the left-wing of horse the two Squadrons of Balgonies Regiment being divided by the Enemy each from the other one of them being Lanciers charged a Regiment of the Enemies foot put them wholly to the rout after joyned with the left-wing of Horse the other by another way went also to the left-wing The Earle of Eglintons Regiment maintained their ground most of the Enemies going on in the pursuit of the Horse Foot that fled but with the losse of 4. Lieuts The Lieut. Col. the Major and Eglintons son being deadly wounded Sir Charles Lucas and Gen. Major Porter having thus divided all our Horse on that wing assaulted the Scottish Foot upon their Flanks so that they have the Foot upon their front and the whole Cavalry of the enemies lest wing to fight with whom they encountred with so much courage resolution that having interlined their Musketiers with Pike-men they made the enemies Horse notwithstanding for all the assistance they had of their Foot at two severall assaults to give ground and in this hot dispute with both they continued almost an houre still maintaining their ground Lievtenant Generall Bailie and Generall Major Lumsden who both gave good evidence of their courage and skill perceiving the greatest weight of the battell to lye sore upon the Earl of Lindsayes and Lord Maitlands Regiment sent up a Reserve for their assistance after which the enemies Horse having made a third assault upon them had almost put them in some disorder but that the Earl of Lindsay Lievtenant Colonel Pitscotti Lievtenant Colonel to the Lord Maitlands Regiment behaved themselves so gallantly that they quickly made the enemies Horse to retreat killed sir Charles Lucas his Horse took him Prisoner and gained ground upon the Foot The Scottish Dragoons that were placed upon the left wing by the good managing of Colonell Frizell acted their part so well that at the first assault they beat the Enemy from the ditch and shortly after killed a great many and put the rest to the rout Lord Generall Cromwell charged Prince Ruperts horse with exceeding great resolution and maintained his charge with no lesse valour Generall-Major Lesly charged the Earle of Newcastles Brigade of White-coats and cut them wholly off some few excepted who were taken prisoners and after them charged a Brigade of Green-coats whereof they cut off a great number and put the rest to the rout which service being performed he charged the Enemies Horse with whom Lord Generall Cromwell was engaged upon the flank and in a very short space the Enemies whole Cavalry was routed on whom our fore-troops did execution to the very wals of York but our Body of Horse kept their ground Lieutenant Generall Cromwell and Major-Generall Lesly being joyned and receiving advertisement that our Foot were engaged with the Enemies Horse and Foot marched to their assistance and met with the Enemies Horse being retreated upon the repulse they had from the Scottish Foot at the same place of dis-advantage where they had routed our Horse formerly and indeed their successe was answerable if not much worse for we routed them wholly killed and took their chief Officers and most part of their Standards After which wee set upon the Rear of their Foot and with the assistance of our main Battell which all this time stood firm we put them wholly to the rout killed many and took their Officers and Colours and by this time we had no Enemy in the Field Wee took all their Ordnance being in number 25. near 130. barrels of Powder besides what was blown up by the common souldiers above an hundred Colours ten thousand Armes besides two Waggons of Carbines and Pistols of spare Armes There were killed upon the place 3000. whereof upon a judicious view of the dead bodies two parts appeared to be Gentlemen and Officers There were 1500 prisoners taken whereof Sir Charles Lucas Lieut. Gen. of the Earle of Newcastles Horse Major-Gen Porter Major-Gen Tillier besides divers Colonels Lieut. Col. and Majors The losse upon our part blessed be God is not great being onely of one Lieutenant-Col some few Captains and not 300. common Souldiers Upon Wednesday the day after the fight Prince Ruperts Sumpter-horse was found in the Wood with some of their provisions Upon Thursday morning the Souldiers being drawn to their Arms upon a false Alarm occasion was taken to march towards York to our old Leaguer about seven of the clock the Town was summoned to render upon mercy whereunto answer was returned under Sir Thomas Gl●nhams and the Major of the Towns hands that they could not give it up upon such termes And if they shall continue in their obstinate refusals wee are resolved by Gods assistance to storme it once this weeke following for our Scaling-ladders and all other necessaries for a storm are in readinesse there not being 500. fighting men in the Town besides the Citizens especially the Enemy having quitted their great Fort for want of men to maintain it We hear that there have been some differences between the Prince and the Earle of Newcastle which appear to be more reall that they have parted since the Earle of Newcastle Generall King and the Lord Widrington are gone to Scaresborough and as we understand since are shipped for Holland and Prince Rupert toward the North his Rendezvous was twelve miles on the North side of York where appeared about fifteen or sixteen hundred horse and eight hundred foot Upon Thursday at night hee was at Richmond so that it is yet doubtfull whether he intends for the Bishoprick of Durham or Lancashire if he shall go to Durham and those parts wee hope Calender who for certain is before Newcastle will entertain him however we have sent after him all the Scottish Cavalry all the Lord Manchesters one thousand of the Lord Fairfaxes and one thousand Dragoons in all seven thousand While I was about to close my Letter we received information that the Lord Clavering with about 2000. Foot and Horse are joyned with the Prince and that he is gone to Lancashire whereupon Sir John Meldrum with
A LETTER FROM Generall Leven the Lord Fairfax and the Earle of Manchester To the Committee of both Kingdoms And by them communicated to the Parliament Concerning the great VICTORY It hath pleased GOD to give them over the Forces under the command of Prince RUPERT and the Marquesse of New-castle at Marston-Moor near York July the Second 1644. Signed thus Leven Lindsey Tho Hatcher F. Fairfax Manchester Expressing also what number of the Enemy are slain what number taken prisoners and what Ordnance Arms and Ammunition the Enemy lost Also an Order of the Commons assembled in Parliament for Thursday the 18. of this present July for a day of publike Thanksgiving throughout the whole Kingdom Die Mercurii 10. Julii 1644. ORdered by the Commons in Parliament That this Letter be forthwith printed and published H Elsynge Cl. P. D. Com. Published by especiall Command AND Re-printed at Edinburgh by EVAN TYLER Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty 1644. the issue was the totall Routing of the Enemies Army the losse of all their Ordnance to the number of 20. their Ammunition and Baggage about 100. Colours and ten thousand Armes There were killed upon the place about 3000. of them whereof many are chief Officers and 1500. prisoners taken amongst whom there are above 100. Officers in which number is Sir Charles Lucas Lieutenant-Generall to the Marquesse of Newcastles Horse Porter Major-Generall and Major-Generall Tillier besides diverse Colonells Lieutenant-Colonells and Majors Our losse God be praised is not very great being onely of one Lieutenant Colonell some few Captains and about two or three hundred common Souldiers The Prince in a great distraction with a few Horsemen and almost no Foot marched the next morning from York Northwards Wee are now lying down again in our old Leaguer before York which we are in hopes in a few dayes to gain and are resolved to send a great part of our Cavalrie after Prince Rupert Wee having nothing to adde but as the glory of all the successe belongeth unto God and the benefit wee hope shall redound to the whole Kingdome Wee have appointed this next Sabbath for a day of publicke Thanksgiving thorowout the Armies So your Lordships would appoint a day for the same to be kept throughout the Kingdom and notice sent to us thereof that we may altogether joyn in it and we shall continue Your Lordships affectionate friends and servants Leven Lindsey Tho. Hatcher F. Fairfax Manchester From the Leaguer before York 5. July 1644. A FULL RELATION Of the late VICTORY OBTAINED Through GODS Providence By the Forces under the command of Generall Lesly the Lord Fairfax and the Earl of Manchester Being about twenty seven thousand Horse and Foot Against his Majesties Forces under the command of Prince RUPERT and the Earle of NEWCASTLE Being much about the same number Fought on MARSTON-MOOR within 5. miles of YORK on the second of July 1644. With a Relation of Prince Ruperts march towards Lancashire and of the Forces sent in pursuit after him as also of the Earle of Newcastles and Generall Kings taking Ship for Holland With the weak condition that YORK is now in having quit their great Fort there not being 500 Souldiers in the Town beside Citizens Together with a LIST of the Cornets and Ensignes taken with their severall Mottoes Sent by the three GENERALS to the Parliament by Captaine STEWART Published by Authoritie SIR MY earnest desire to satisfie your expectation and the fear which I have lest our affairs here should not be truely represented unto you hath moved me to give you this short account of the late Fight Upon Munday last understanding that Prince Rupert with about Twenty thousand Foot and Horse did march towards us our whole Army arose from the Siege and marched toward Longmarston Moor about 4 or 5 mile from York where we quartred that night But the Prince having notice of our march passed with his Army by the way of Burroughbridge so that by reason of the interposing River we could not hinder his passage into York Whereupon we marched to Todcaster to prevent his going southward but before our Van was advanced within a mile of Todcaster we were advertised that the Prince was upon our Reare and was come the length of Longmarston where he drew up his Armie in a place of great advantage having the addition of the Earle of Newcastles Forces reported to be about 6000. With as great expedition as could be our Army was called back In the mean while the Enemy perceiving that our Cavalry had possessed themselves of a Corn Hill and having discovered neer unto that Hill a place of great advantage where they might have both Sun and Winde of us advanced thither with a Regiment of Red Coats and a party of Horse but we understanding well their intentions and how prejudiciall it would be unto us if they should keep that ground we sent out a party which beat them off and planted there our Left Wing of Horse having gained this place Generall Lesley gave order for drawing up of the Battell The Right Wing of Horse was intrusted to Sir Thomas Fairfax a man of known Valour and Resolution it did consist of his whole Cavalry and three Regiments of the Scottish Horse commanded by the Earle of Dalhousie Earle of Eglinton and Lord Balgony Next unto them was drawn up the Right Wing of the Foot consisting of the Lord Fairfax his Foot and two Brigades of the Scottish Foot for a Reserve In the main Battell was the Regiments of the Earle of Lindsey Lord Maitland Earle of Cassils and Kelheads and two Brigades of the Earle of Manchesters In the Reserve was the Earle of Balcleugh his Regiment the Earle of Lowdons Earle of Dumfermlings Lord Coupers Generall Hammiltouns Generall of the Artillery Edinburgh Regiment and a Brigade of Manchesters Upon the Left Wing of Horse was the Earle of Manchesters whole Cavalry under command of Lieutenant Generall Cromwell and three Regiments of the Scottish Horse commanded by Generall Major Lesly and upon their Left hand neer a crosse Ditch where the Enemy had a Regiment of Foot was placed the Scottish Dragoones under the command of Colonel Frizel Orders being given to advance the Battell was led on by General Hammiltoun Lieutenant General Baylie and Major General Crawford The Reserve being committed to the trust of General Major Lumsden There was a great Ditch between the Enemy and us which ran along the Front of the Battell onely between the Earle of Manchesters Foot and the Enemy there was a Plain in this Ditch the Enemy had placed four Brigads of their best foot which upon the advance of our Battel were forced to give ground being gallantly assaulted by the E. of Lindsayes Regiment the Lord Maitlands Cassils Kelheads Gen Major Crawford having overwinged the enemy set upon their flank did very good execution upon the enemy which gave occasion to the Scottish Foot to advance passe the Ditch The right wing of