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A23334 A ioyfull new tidynges of the goodly victory that was sent to the emperour, from the noble Capitayne Marcquis Delgasto shewing how and in what maner all the Fre[n]chme[n] that were in Italy with all theyr captaynes be ouercome and destroyed of the valea[n]t Prince of Salerne : yet another new tidinges, shewyng howe that Barbarossa the great Turkes leuetenat and admiral of the see, is gone out of Fraunce wyth a great army, takyng many noble lordes & galleyes, as ye shall heare hereafter. Vasto, Alfonso Avalos, Marqués del, d. 1546.; Mayler, John, fl. 1539-1545. 1543 (1543) STC 977.5; ESTC S1517 11,549 50

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¶ A ioyfull new tidynges of the goodly victory that was sent to the Emperour from the noble Capitayne Marcquis delgasto shewing how and in what maner all the Frēchmē that were in Italy with all theyr Captaynes be ouercome and destroyed of the valeāt Prince of Salerne ¶ Yet another newe tidinges shewyng howe that Barbarossa the great Turkes Leueten●● and Admiral of the see is gone out of Fraunce wyth a great army takyng many noble Lordes Galleyes as ye shall heate hereafter ¶ Ieremye ix THe LORDE sayth thus Let not the wyse man reioyse in hys wysdome nor the strong mā in his strengthe nether the ritche man in hys rytches But who so wyll reioyse lette hym reioyse in thys that he vnderstandeth and knoweth me for I am the LORDE which do mercy equyte and righteousenes vpon the earthe ¶ Imprynted in Botulphe lane at the sygne of the whyte Beare by Ihon Mayler for Ihon Ghoughe ❧ Cum priuslegio ad imprimendum solum OUr Lorde Iesu Christe that ordeyneth al thynges after his godly wyl punysshynge the wycked many and sundrye wayes and preseruethe them that feare hym from all maner of perelles pluckynge downe the proude men and exaltynge the meake and geueth to al men after ther worckes Thys myghty Lord I saye hath now of late begonne to poure oute hys plages vpon the Frenche Kynge as it dayly dothe appeare more more and all the cause thereof is synne vnrighteousenesse For lyke as the Israelites were plaged for the synne of Dauid ther Kynge wythe Pestilence Also be the Frenchmen nowe destroyedde and punysshed of God the Lorde for ther synne in despising of god and his word for the light is now come into the worlde but men haue loued darkenes moore then the lyght because theyr dedes be euel neyther wyll they comme to the lyght lesse theyr deades should be reproued Nowe when the Frenche Kynge consydered and marked wel that the Emperoure woulde set vpon hym wythe stronge hande of the borders of Artoyis and Loreyne So hath he ymagined and practised after his old vse and custome how after what waye he should breake this his purpose let hym from it to prolonge it as longe as he myght to the entent that the Sommer myght be spente or he shoulde haue anye power so that the Wynter myght come when the colde and wette should dryue thē oute of the felde Now hath the Frenche Kynge thought that he woulde set vpon the Emperoure in another countrey farre of to make the Emper. with his armye to get them thether Whervpon the Frenche Kyng sente the Dolphyne into Italye thorowe Sauoye wythe a verye great Armye And manye Earles Lordes Knyghtes as the eldest sonne of Mounsieur devendome and the eldest sōne of Mounsieur deguise and suche other with many Capitaynes for to destroye the Dukedome of Myliaene But God the gyuer of all victory hath ordeyned it otherwyse For as they wente towardes the Mountaynes of Italye they had great lacke of vytayle so that for lake of foode many of them dyed And when they came into Italy so dyd they destroye al afore them wherby the land sustayned great losse all thys was done to cause the Emperour to come thether helpe the Italyans that in the meane tyme the Sommer should be spent and the Wynter to come on them or they shulde beginne to do any thyng Now the Frenchemen beinge in Italy wrought all the meanes the ●●id to take townes and Castells● And so they beseged a towne called Caringi●en the which they stormed thenkyng to wynne it and to destroye it But when they marked that it colde not be wonne they thought to haue famyshed them But the gentyll Lorde noble Capitaine of the Emperoure called Marcquis delgasto hath withe all spede gathered an Armye to defend the Emperoures countrye And is come agaynst the Dolfine to the same for to vittayle it for the frēchmen had layd seage to it afore his comynge the spare of .v. wekes so that all that whyle no vyttayle colde come to the towne Wherfore thys noble Capitaine Marcquis delgasto entending to socoure helpe and rescue the towne with al his youre strēgth and to vy●●ple it Therfore he mente his awn● persone in the forwarde And the mayne battel were the most part hye douchmen whych played the men as hereafter shal be declared Nowe when they were come neate to the towne in the syght of the frencht Armey so shot they at the frenche oost most fearsly so that Marcquisdelgasto with his Sod yars the which were moost part Spanyardes and Italians ran fearsly vppon the frenchemē and fought longe with them and at the laste the Frenchemen were putte to flyghte and all theyr fyrste Armye that is to saye Lauangarde be all slayne And when the mayne batayle of the Frenchemen were fled then the Italians and Spaniardes begon to gather theyr spoyle amōge them that were slayne and so wēt cleane out of theyr araye thoughte of no nother thyng but euery mā for hymselfe seakyng after ryches thynkynge that the felde was all wonne wher vppon the Frenchemen seynge and perceyuynge the Italians and Spanyardes oute of ther araye and order gatheryng the spoyle So the mayne battell of the Frenchemē came on them withal the hast the cold to sleye them as they dyd for the Spanyardes and Italyans seyng them come on thē so fearsly dyd theyr best to come in theyr araye and battayle agayne but the Frenchmē came on thē so strōgly defendyng them that with great force the kept the Spanyardes Italyans that they cold come in no aray nor battayle so the forward of Marcquis delgasto were conquered ouercome the cause ther of was theyr couetousenes for lacke of better takinge hede And Marcquis delgasto was sore wounded and when he sawe that the Frenchemen had gotten the vpper hand so recolde he backe with his halbardes to his great Army the whych were most part Douche men And the Frenchemen folowed hym but whē his Armye saw him comming beynge theyr chefe Capitayne and sore wounded the opened theyr Leger and receaued him into them and closedde theyr Leger agayne and sought forthe wythe agaynste the Frenchemen which assayled them fearslye so the recolde backe a lytyl and a lytyll syghtynge with the Frenche men tyl they were come to the next towne and lyke valyaunt men of warre spite of the Frenchemen brought they theyr Capitayne in to it and so saued his lyfe Of thys feate the Frenchemen were not a lytyll glad thynkyng that they welde ouer runne al Italy wyn the towne also of Caringiaen by kepyng theyr vittailes from them and the Frenchmē dyd much myschefe in all parties wher they came And ther is an Earle in Italy called Picus Mirandula which fauoureth the frēchmen greatlye and so he tooke vp many Souldiers to the nomber of .xxiiij. M. to helpe the Frenchemen with all he thynkyng that they shuld wyn all Italy Now
But the wycked and vngodly whyche hath hardened theyr hertes as an Adamant stone and stopped theyr eares because the wolde not heare the wordes of God theyr Lord whiche he hathe sente into all the world so plenteously vnto al such I saye he sendeth his plages and some he scattereth among the He then where they be solde and entreated lyke as they were beastes and haue great scarsenes both of meate drynke and clothe c. And some he destroyeth withe the swerd some with honger some with Pestilence and after this world they he tormented wythe euerlastynge fyre as we may se by euydent tokens of gods fearse wrath how that he destroyed the Sodomytes and destroyed al the world wythe water saue Noe and hys chyldren whych shuld be an example to all them that lyue vngodly and wythoute the feare of God lest they perishe and be destroyed as other haue bene bothe of olde tyme and now of late dayes in Italy as you haue harde wher the Frenche kynge hath lost the most part of the nobles of hys Realme wyth a great nomber of hys people and Artyllary and other ordynaunces perteyning to warre which hys Galleyes and other treasury taken awaye by Barbarossa so the the Frenche kynge hath loost the moost part of his power thorowe which he may wel mark that god is angry wyth hym and hath punyshed hym for hys despysyng of hys word and for hys wycked lyuynge for what a poyntmēt lege peace other wyse that he maketh wyth any prynce is neuer on his party hold nor yet kept As apart you shal heare For whā the Emperour began his rayne in the yere of our Lorde a M. CCCCC .xvi. the Emperour sent his legat to the Frenche Kynge for to make an euerlastynge Peace betwene them the which was done cousented and fully made on bothe partyes and a strong lege was made on bothe sydes whyche was not longe kepte of the Frenchekynge as his maner is to breake all his couenauntes to performe none as neare as be can but went and destroyed the Emperous lande Townes within short space after desroyed his countreyes wher he myght or colde seased not to worke such myschefe tyll that the Emperoure had taken hym prysoner a foore Pauien wher many a man lost ther lyfe and moost pytyously murdered and drowned among which the chefe Captayne of Fraunce loste his lyfe namedde Laydowycus Dela Truuoille with many other And not withstandynge that the Emperoure hadde hym Prysoner yet wold he not go forth to wyn and destroy his lande which he might wel haue done yf he had would and had therto good occasion geuen hym of the Frenche Kynge to haue taken in much of hys countrey the which was thā easye for hym to do the lād being without a heade and gouernoure Butte the Emperoure was so good that he after that he comened of the matter was contente to heare the treatye of peace the .xiii. daye of Ianuarye the which was concludedde at Madryll in Spaine and aboue that to make the frendshyp more greater hath gyuen hym hys owne syster to be his wife trusting that after that he shulde haue euerlastynge peace betwene them durynge theyr lyues But al this notwythstanding he was not longe in Fraunce agayne but he brake his couenasites of peace and would not keaps hys promes althoughe he hadde bound hymselfe so stronge therto as any man myghte whych was that he shuld delyuer to the Emperour all the Emperours Lordshippes townes and lande that he with held in Apulia Cecilia Lōbardie Burgon Flaunders Artoise and Dornicke vpon al whyche couenauntes he receaued the Sacramente and made a solom oothe that he shuld performe thē and suffer euery prynce to enioye hys owne lande by hym peceably all which he neuer performed but shortlye after in the yeare of oure Lorde a M.D.xxviij the .xxij. day of Ianuary the frenche Kynge sente hys Legate to Burgois in Spayne where the Emperours was that same tyme hath made hym there desyaunce proclaming open warre agaynste the Emperoure bothe to fyre and sword with moost spytefull and prowde wordes thretenynge hym greuouslye to the which the Emperoure mekelye aunswered as here after folowethe It doth not make me a lytel to maruel but moch aboue measure to wōder that your lord my prisoner somtyme was wyl thus begynne a newe warre agenst me the whiche I thoughte full lytell that he woulde haue done It is also a straunge thynge to me to heare nowe thys defyaunce seyng that he warred vpō me moore then .vj. yeares continually without any defyaunce sendynge Also he knowethe what aunswere I sente to him by his Legat that was with me and how I aunswered to him so reasonable that all men maye perceaue that no faulte is in me For after the consyderacion of the conclusion and agreemente that we made at Madryl is very many of my subiectes taken Prisoners and set them in his Gallyes agaynst all truthe and promyses made to the contrary for whyche causes sake I haue taken agayne of hys people prysoners nowe yf he wyll delyuer my people free I shall also delyuer hys wythoute any fayle led thē home ageyne Let your Kyng are his Legat what aunswere I made hym at Granaten and he shal well fynde that I haue done muche better than I had promysed to hym at Madrylen And after that the Emperour had spoken these wordes he commaunded to hys Secretary that he shulde be we●l entreated and that they shoulde be broughte to theyr lodgyng and that they shuld tary for theyr aunswere whych thyng they dyd Now to consider the gētle answere of so noble an Emperour to hys enemyes spiteful and proude wordes manye men maye learne to refrayne themself from folyshe hastynes and rashe iudgement by thys man beyng so hy in degre mightye of poure hauing so great a cause and yet doth recōpence good for yll but no doubte therbe many men that be muche ●oore prouder of hart then thys noble Emperoure whych wyl be avēged for euery trifle the Lord gyue to all suche better grace Now whyle that the Legat taryed for hys aunswere came vnto hym the Emperours chefest Secretary named M. Iohn Aleman and delyuered to hym in wryting hys full and sufficient aunswere sayeng heare is the ful aunswere go and showe it to youre Kynge where in he shall playnlye se that he doth fare otherwyse wyth hys workes thē he dyd promis with hys wordes at Toleten and Madryll And shewe hym that from the begynnynge of hys Kyngedome he neuer ceased from warre to shed the Christen bloud moost vnrighteouslye Now when al thys came to the Frenche Kyng and had redde the aunswere of the Emperoure he was exceadyngelye full of wrathe and angery therat so that incontinent he begon a newe to warre vppon the Emperour in the yeare of oure Lorde a M.D.xxvij causing his see robbers and other to do all the myschefe the coulde both by water and by lande And when the Emperour saw this he
dyd his best to wythstand hym to preserue his poure subiectes and because he wold stoppe hys tyrany that the Christen bloud shuld not be shedde he sente to the Frenche Kyng to haue peace and truse saieng he had spilt the christens bloud long I noughe wherfore he prayed him of truse which the Frenche kynge graunted at the laste and so the truse was proclamed the fyrst daye of Iuly Anno. Dn̄i M.D.xxvij for .viij. yeres Not longe after thys the French Kynge made alyaunce withe the Veneciās to the entēt they shuld also be hurtefull and noysome to the Emperour had consented agreed together to be seage Naples whiche was in the yeare of our Lorde a M.D.xxix. because they wolde dryue the they wolde dryue the Emperour Emperour oute of Italye But God dyd ordeyne it other wyse for theyr hole Armye was destroyed some thorowe Pestilence dyed another part were stayne among whyche was the Lorde Lotrechte theyr Chiefest Captayne and Lorde of the hoale Armye wythe many other gētyl mē so that very few escaped ageine in to Frasice Thus was the frenchemen with al them that toke tyer partes moost shamefullye destroyedde where by menne maye well marke it was no nother but the verye plage of God for theyr wycked Imaginacions When the Frenchekynge sawe thys he held hym more styller thē to foore and consentedde to haue peace and quietnes wher vpon the frenchekynges Mother came to Camerike An. Dn̄i M.D.xxix. Whos 's name was Ludouica and met ther wythe the Emperoures Aunte Lady Margrit and ther was moued on both sydes manye wayte and difficultye matters so at the last the cōcluded on both sydes to haue peace whyche was proclamed in Camerycke the .v. daye of August a M.D.xxix. Now men hoped that this peace shuld continew and not be broken for as moche as the Frenche Kynges Mother had consented therto and was partly cause therof But with in shorte space therafter that is to saye in Anno. M.D.xxxv When the Emperoure was purposed to go warre vpon the Turke he thinkyng that the peace shuld neuer be broken agayne betwene the frenche Kynge and hym and also preparyng all thynges for his Iourney the therward to syght agaynste the Turke the vtter enemye of al Chrinstendōe and to delyuer the Christen Prysoners whych were in his handes moost cruelly handeled wher vpō the Emperour takynge his Iourney from Spayne towardes Afryka for to putte the Turke to flyght and so he dyd and wan the hoole Kyngedome of Tunis and put Barbarossa to flyght the which is the moost Tyraunte that euer was to the Christen people The frenchekynge markynge that the Emperour was farre of out of hys lande hys falshed and disceyte to declare that laye hyd within him raysed a great Army and toke his iourneye towardes Italy and toke the towne Genua with much land and many other townes he destroyed with the coūtreyes rounde aboute them and burnte Sauoye The Emperour hearyng thys is incontynente with all spede come backe into Italy draue the kynge out wyth all his Armey And he made all his wippes in a redynes with all other ordinaunce redy agaynste the next Sommer to set ageane vpon the Turke the which the frenchkyng had letted many tymes to sore for the Emperoure knew well that there was a great leage betwen the frēch-Kynge and the Turke agaynste hym and all Christendome What shuld a man saye to this wycked Kynge whome the Bysshop of Rome callethe the mooste Christen Kynge but hys deades declare hym to be the mooste vn-Christen Kynge lyke as the Bysshoppe of Romes worckes declare hym to be very Antechriste For these two that is to say the frēch-Kynge and the Bysshop of Rome hath taken vpō them the name of Christen Rulers but yet ther be nomen moore agaynste Christes doctrine and his flocke then these men are But the booke of wysdō say the. Eccle .xlj. The chyldren of the vngodlye are abhomynable chyldren and so are they that kepe company with the vngodlye Thus the french-kinge hath done wyckedly to forsake his God and hath vaynely Imagyned to trust vnto the Turke for helpe ayde and hath not rather turned hym from hys wycked wayes and deades vnto the almyghty God for the man is blessedde in deade that hathe his hope and trust onely in God the Lorde of all Lordes and kynge of all kynges for a kyng is not helped onely by his great power a strong man is not delyue red by hys strēgthe For it is god that geueth the victory Therfore cursed in any mā or ī any creature But blessed happy is the mā whose helpe is the God of Iacob and whose hope stādeth vpō the Lord his god Nowe to proceade forthe The Emperour wtin shorte spare after in the yeare a M.D.xxvi came to Rome in Lent where he receaued the holy Sacramente wasshed the feate of .xii. poure men a also gaue them foode and rytche gyftes both golde a syluer wherat his enemyes marueled to le the goodnes of the Emperoure And the morow after the Emperoure came before the Frenche Embassadoure and Legat and hath spokē these wordes followynge openly that all men myght heare them I beleue and know of a 〈◊〉 that it is not knowen howe that I haue alwayes is spoken and labored for peace and quietnes that we shuld be of one mynde al Christendome together and that ther soulde be no warre amonge the Christen but that we shulde al together warre vpō the Turke the enemy of our Lorde Iesu Christ And it is also well knowen howe that this Fraunces the Frenche king hath bene alwaies froward and ouertwart vsynge allwayes no nother against me nor against my forefathers but craft and dissimulaciō as agaynst Marimiliā lykewyse Fardināders to whom he neuer kept any promes that he made to thē For Marimilianus last wordes were these when that he made peace the last tyme wyth the frenchekynge Behold sayth he this is now the leauenth tyme that I haue made peace wyth him the whyche neuer kepte anye of hys promyses Also it is wel knowē how that he dyd breake his promes at Naples and at Nauerne contrarye to hys oothe and couenauntes and what confederacion and alyaunce that he hath made wyth the Turke and howe he ayded hym when we were withe oure greate Army in Hungry where as God byd gyue vs great vyctory forwe put to flyght an excedyng greate nomber of Turkes and also flew manye of them And so I desyred thre tymes of hym prayenge him earnestly that he wold helpe and ayde me as all Christen Princes dutie is To dryue the Turke out of Christendome and help and defende the poore Christen from his cruel tyranny And so he made me an aunswere that it was not possyble for hym to helpe or ayde me any thynge because of his greate mysfortune that he hath had The second tyme I haue desyred him of his ayde and helpe against the Turke to the whiche he made aunswere agayne