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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22749 Articles of peace, entercourse, and commerce concluded in the names of the most high and mighty kings, Charles by the grace of God King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. and Philip the Fourth King of Spaine, &c. : in a treaty at Madrit, the fift day of Nouember after the old stile, in the yeere of Our Lord God M.DC.XXX. / translated out of Latine into English.; Treaties, etc. Spain, 1630 Nov. 5 England and Wales.; Spain. Treaties, etc. England and Wales, 1630 Nov. 5. 1630 (1630) STC 9251.3; ESTC S122628 11,033 72

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King for or vpon occasion of any depredations or spoyles committed The cause is to bee remitted to the Iudge of the Iurisdiction vnder that King against whose Subiect or Subiects the suit is commenced XXIX ITem That if the Hollanders and other Confederate States will propose conditions of pacification with the most renowned King of Spaine and his Successors through the meanes of the most renowned King of Great Britaine The said most renowned King of Spaine and his Successors will alwayes willingly hearken vnto that which shall bee proposed iust and reasonable therein And will desire that by the helpe of the said most renowned King of Great Britaine they may bee brought to propose equall conditions wherein they shall well vnderstand how much the said King of Spaine doth attribute vnto the authority of the said King of Great Britaine his louing brother XXX ITem Jt is concluded and accorded That in this present Treatie of Peace there bee comprehended the Adherents Friends and Confederates of the forenamed Kings That is to say On the part of the most renowned King of Great Britaine c. Ferdinand Roman Emperour with the Arch-Dukes of Austria and the Electors of the Empire together with the States Cities of the Empire The Duke of Lorraine The Duke of Sauoy The Dukes of Brunswick Lunenburg Meckelburg VVirtemberg The Landgraue of Hessen The Marquis of Baden The Dukes of Pomerania The Prince of Anhalt The Earle of East-Friesland The Cantons of Heluetia and the Grisons The Hauns Cities The French King The Kings of Denmarke and of Poland and of Swedland The Duke and State of Venice The Duke of Holstein and the Duke of Florence On the part of the most renowned King of Spaine Ferdinand Roman Emperour and his brethren and other Princes Arch-Dukes of Austria Princes of the Empire The Electors Cities and States subiect to the Empire The French King The King of Poland and Swedland The King of Denmarke The Duke and State of Venice The Duke of Sauoy The Duke of Baueere The Duke of Cleue The Duke of Holstein The Duke of Lorraine The Duke of Parma and Placentia The Bishop and Prouince of Liege The Duke of Florence The Duke of Mutine and Regium The Duke of Vrbine The Confederates and Cantons of the Heluetians and Grisons The Cities of the Haunse The Earle of East-Friesland without notwithstanding any preiudice of the right by the King of Spaine and Arch-Dukes pretended for their States The Duke and Common-wealth of Genua The Principall of the House of Columna The Prince of Oria. The Principall of the house of Vrsine The Duke of Sermoneta The Lord of Monacho The Earle of Mirandula The Prince of Massia The Earle of Sala and the Earle of Colorno XXXI ITem It is likewise accorded and concluded that the said most renowned Kings Charles by the grace of God King of Great Britaine France and Ireland c. and Philip King of Spaine c. shall sincerely and faithfully obserue and keepe and procure to bee obserued and kept by their Subiects and Jnhabitants all and singular the Capitulations in this present Treatie accorded and concluded Neither shall they directly or indirectly infringe the same or consent that the same shall bee infringed directly or indirectly by any of their Subiects or Inhabitants And they shall ratifie authorise and confirme all and singular the Conuentions before accorded and concluded by Letters Patents subscribed with their owne hands and sealed with their great Seales in sufficient auaileable and effectuall forme and the same so formed and made shall vpon the first occasion deliuer or cause to bee deliuered faithfully really and effectually whereby they may mutually binde themselues in the Word of a King and by oath to bee solemnely taken vpon the holy Euangelists to obserue and performe all and singular the premisses whensoeuer they shall be by either part thereunto required And furthermore they shall cause this present Treaty of Peace to be published in the manner and places accustomed so soone as conueniently the same may be ¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER Printer to the KINGS most Excellent MAIESTIE and by the Assignes of IOHN BILL M.DC.XXX
ARTICLES OF PEACE ENTERCOVRSE AND Commerce Concluded in the names of the most high and mighty Kings CHARLES by the grace of God King of Great Britaine France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. And PHILIP the fourth King of Spaine c. In a Treaty at Madrit the fift day of Nouember after the old Stile in the yeere of our Lord God M.DC.XXX Translated out of Latine into English ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie And by the Assignes of Iohn Bill 1630. ¶ By the King WHereas it is found meete and expedient vpon weighty considerations moued to His Maiestie by the intervention of some of His friends to lay aside Hostility with the King of Spaine and so to remooue by faire and peaceable means the cause of the Warre which hath bred interruption to the Amity betwixt the two Crownes vpon assurance giuen His Maiestie hereof by that King His most Excellent Maiestie hath condescended to renew the ancient Amity and good intelligence betwixt the two Crowns their Realmes Countreys Dominions Vassals and Subiects And doeth accordingly make knowen to all His louing people that the sayd Peace and Friendship being so established not onely all Hostilitie and Warre is to cease on both sides from henceforward But also the former Trade and Commerce as it stoode in the vse and obseruance of the Treatie made by His Maiesties blessed Father is restored and confirmed betweene the sayd Kings their Kingdomes Territories and Subiects aswell by Land as Sea and Fresh Waters Which His Maiestie hath thought fit to declare vnto all manner of His Subiects of whatsoeuer estate they be strictly charging and commanding them to obserue and accomplish all that hereunto belongeth As it is certainly promised to be published on the side of the King of Spaine the Date of these Presents Giuen at His Maiesties Palace of Westminster the fift day of December in the sixt yeere of His Maiesties Reigne God saue the King HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE DIEV · ET · MON · DROIT ¶ The Preface or Introduction to the Treatie with Spaine BEcause the present effect and benefit of the reconciliatiō lately concluded betwixt the Kings most Excellent Maiestie and the King of Spaine will consist in the renewing and frequenting of a free and open Trade by the Subiects of both Crownes His Maiestie hath thought it expedient for the better encouragement of the Merchants and their direction in the said Commerce to publish the Articles of the said Treaty Peace being in substance the same with the former Treatie made by his blessed Father of glorious memory Sauing that besides what is priuately agreed concerning Forreigne parts it is prouided both by publique and priuate stipulation that Commissioners shal be appointed on either side to redresse and settle all defects and controuersies in matter of Trade betwixt the subiects of the two Crowns which is agreed shall bee done with all conuenient expedition ❧ Articles of the Treaty FIrst it is concluded and accorded that from this day forward there shall bee a good sincere true firme and perfect Amitie League and Peace to endure for euer and inuiolably to be obserued and kept aswell by Land as Sea and Fresh-water betwixt the most renowned King of Great Britaine France and Ireland c. And the most renowned King of Spaine and their Heires and Successors whomsoeuer their Kingdomes Countries Dominions Lands Peoples Liege men and Subiects now beeing or which hereafter shall bee of whatsoeuer condition state or degree they are or may bee so as the said Vassals and Subiects from henceforth are each of them to fauour other and to vse one another with all kinde and friendly Offices II. AND that from hencefoorth all Hostilitie and Enmitie shall cease and all Offences Jniuries and Damages which either part in time of the troubles hath sustained by the other shall bee taken away and forgotten in such sort as that hereafter neither partie against the other for and vpon occasion of any Damages Offences Depredations or Spoyles past may pretend any matter but that there shall bee a perfect Abolition of all and euery of them vntill this present day And that all actions for the same shall bee held and reputed to bee extinguished excepting all such Depredations which shall bee committed within the Narrow Seas after the space of fifteene dayes and betwixt the Narrow Seas and the Jslands after the space of three Moneths and beyond the Line after the space of Nine Moneths fully ended to be reckoned from the Publication of the Peace Or immediately after the notice of the Peace sufficiently giuen in the said places by Authenticall Actes or Leters respectiuely to bee shewen Because of these an account and full restitution is to be made And each partie shall hereafter abstaine from all Depredations Offences and Spoyles as well by Sea as Land and fresh Waters in whatsoeuer the Kingdomes Dominions Places or Gouernments of the other Neither shall the aforesaid Kings consent that any of the Grieuances before mentioned be done by any of their Vassals Inhabitants or Subiects And they shall also cause Restitution to be made of all Depredations and Spoyles which heereafter shall be committed and of the Damages growing by meanes thereof III. ITem That none of the forenamed most Renowned Kings their heires or Successors whosoeuer by himselfe or by any others shall Doe Treate or Attempt any thing against the other or against their Kingdomes Lands or Dominions whatsoeuer in any place on Land or Sea or in the Ports or Fresh Waters by pretence of any cause or vpon any occasion neither any of them shall giue Assistance or Consent vnto any Warre Counsell Attempt or Treaties had made or to be made in the preiudice of either or against the other IV. ITem That neither of the former parties shall themselues giue or shall consent to be giuen by any of their Vassals Subiects or Jnhabitants Aide Fauour or Counsell directly or indirectly on Land Sea or Fresh Waters Nor shall supply and minister nor consent to be supplyed and ministred by their said Vassals Inhabitants and Subiects vnto the Enemies or Rebels of either part of what nature or condition soeuer they be Whether they shall inuade the Countries and Dominions of either of them or withdraw themselues from their Obedience and Subiection any Souldiours prouision of Victuals Monies instruments of Warre Munitions or whatsoeuer other aide else to maintaine Warre V. ANd furthermore the foresaid Kings shall renounce as by the Tenour of these Presents euery of them hath and doth renounce Whatsoeuer League Confederation Capitulation and Jntelligence made by what manner soeuer in the preiudice of the One or the Other which doth or may repugne against this Peace or Concord and all and singular the Contents thereof All which and euery of them so farre as they doe concerne the effect aforesaid they shall annull and make void and declare to be of no force