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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18468 A relation of the glorious triumphs and order of the ceremonies, obserued in the marriage of the high and mighty Charles, King of Great Brittaine, and the Ladie Henretta [sic] Maria, sister to the most Christian King of France Together vvith the ceremonie obserued in their troth-plighting, performed in the castle of the Louure, in his Maiesties chamber there. As also the Kings declaration containing a prohibition vnto all his subiects to use any traffique or commerce with the kingdome of Spaine. Published in the Parliament of Paris, the 12. of May, 1625. Whereunto the originall French copie is added.; Ceremonies et solennitez observees en l'eglise de Nostre Dame de Paris, au mariage du roy de la Grand' Bretagne, & de Madame soeur du roy. English and French. France. Sovereign (1610-1643 : Louis XIII). Proclamations, 1625-05-12. 1625 (1625) STC 5029; ESTC S107752 9,717 24

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A RELATION OF THE GLORIOVS TRIVMPHS AND ORDER of the Ceremonies obserued in the Marriage of the High and Mighty CHARLES King of Great Brittaine and the Ladie HENRETTA MARIA Sister to the most Christian King of France TOGETHER WITH THE CEREMONIE obserued in their Troth-plighting performed in the Castle of the Louure in his Maiesties Chamber there AS ALSO THE KINGS DECLARATION containing a Prohibition vnto all his Subiects to vse any Traffique or Commerce with the Kingdome of Spaine Published in the Parliament of Paris the 12. of May 1625. Whereunto the Originall French Copie is added LONDON Printed by T. S. for Nathaniel Butter and are to be sold at the signe of the Pyde-Bull neere S. Austens Gate 1625. THE GLORIOVS TRIVMPH AND ORDER OF THE Ceremonies obserued in the Marriage of the High and Mightie CHARLES King of Great Britaine and the Lady HENRETTA MARIA Sister to the most Christian King of FRANCE NOW at last God being fauourable vnto our Countrey of France hath pleased to grant what wee most desired so long since and those thicke cloudes which seemed to obscure the lustre of our Country and had as it were conspired to kill the fruite thereof in the very blossome are now scattered and blowne ouer together with the bad influence which threatned vs God in his secret will permitting that two of the most mighty and potent Kingdomes of Christendome should be vnited together by the most glorious Marriage that euer was seene in the world Therefore now our Inuincible King Lewis the Iust must needes promise to himselfe all felicity glory and happinesse heaped vpon him by this Vnion What great contentment hath France and Great Britaine profit to see themselues so inseparably vnited by a more vndissoluable knot then the Gordian and by a friendship better cimmented together then the Stones of the Babilonian walles founded by Semiramis For neuer shall any enemies be found strong enough to shake two so flourishing Kingdomes which deriue their greatnesse from heauen and their limits from the circumference of the Globe Let all good Frenchmen now then reioyce at such time as the aduersaries of our State trembling with amazement and feare haue their very soules afflicted with so goodly an alliance And that I may leaue an eternall memory thereof vnto all posterity I will most succinctly here declare the magnificent triumphes and true manner of this happy marriage ON Thursday the 8. day of May the King came forth into his Chamber and there appeared like the glorious Sunne out-shining the other Starres hauing his Queene with him his second light the Prince his onely brother my Lords the Dukes of Nemours and of Elbeuf the Marshals of Vitry and Bassompiere with other Lords of his Court and sent for the Ladie his Sister who came thither accompanyed with the Queene her mother the Princesses of Conde and of County the Dutchesses of Guise of Cheureuse and Elbeuf with many other great Ladies Her Gowne was of cloth of gold and siluer all poudered ouer with Flower-deluces of gold and enriched with many Diamonds and other precious stones and her traine was borne vp by the yong Ladie of Burbon As she entred into the Kings Chamber with a Maiestie correspondent to her birth my Lords the Earls of Carlile Holland Embassadours for the King of Great Britaine came likewise also in as richly clad as can possibly be expressed giuing vnto the King the Contract of Marriage which was read alowd by the Lord Chancellour after the King had agreed vnto the Couenants This done the Ambassadours with-drew themselues into the Duke of Cheureuse his Chamber which was ouer the Kings and hauing communicated the Contract vnto him He forthwith repaired vnto his Maiestie accompanied with the afore-said Ambassadors and many other great Lords apparelled in a Sute of Blacke the Paines whereof were all garnished with Diamonds and the very tags of his points were enriched with the like Being come before his Maiestie he presented vnto him his Procuration and the power which the King of great Brittaine had giuen him which was inserted at the end of the said Contract which the King signed and the Lady both the Queenes my Lord the Duke of Cheureuse and the Lords Ambassadors likewise This done my Lord the Cardinall De la Roche Foucault made them sure after the manner accustomed Now as such an vnion as this could not be performed without great pompe and infinite ioy and contentment So our Ladies Church was chosen for the Ceremonies of the accomplishment of the Marriage and was hung with rich tapistry and cloth of Gould and Siluer Tissue Then was there a faire and long Gallery raised beginning at the entry of the Archbishops pallace and reached euen vnto the Quire of the said Church This gallery was vnder-propped with many pillers which were couered at the top with Violet-colour Sattin embrodered with golden Flowre-deluces and below with faire fine lynnen trimmed with waxe through this same passed along all the Ceremonies of the Marriage as followeth First the hundred Suissers of the Kings Guard clothed in his Maiesties Lyuery their Drumbe beating and their Ensigne displayed After them 12. Haulbois clothed in the like lyuery which rauished the hearts of the hearers Then eight Drumbes couered with the like which were so lustily beaten vp that the most coward courages were animated with the noyse thereof Ten Trumpets also sounded so merrily that it reioyced all the hearers Then followed Monsieur de Rhodes great Maister of the Ceremonies brauely apparelled and well accompanied After him marched my Lords the Knights of the Order of the Holy Ghost all glistering with precious stones Then came seauen Heraulds of Armes with their Coats of Red Crimson Veluet powdered all ouer with golden Flower-deluces Then followed them my Lords of Vitry and Bassompiere Marshals of France After them my Lord the Duke of Elbeuf Then my Lord the Duke of Cheureuse apparelled in a Sute of Blacke-Cloath cut and lyned with cloath of Gould with a Cap also of cloath of Gould and vpon his head a Iewell which dazelled the eyes of the beholders a Scarfe spotted all ouer with Roses of Diamonds with a short Cloake all imbroidred with Gold and powdred with precious stones Then followed both my Lords the Ambassadors Extraordinary of the King of Great Brittaine c. clad in cloth of siluer Then came the King of France in a garment all imbroidred with Gold and Siluer holding the Lady his Sister in his right hand who had a crowne vpon her head and her Gowne powdred all ouer with Flower-deluces of Gold And Monsieur the Kings Brother on the other side who led her in his left hand being very brauely accoutred The Queene Mother followed next The Queene her selfe in a gowne all imbroidred with Gould Siluer and precious stones The Princesses of Conde and of County bearing vp the long Traine of the same The young Lady of Montpensier The Countesse of Seisons Madame De Guise Madame De
Chereuse Madame De Elbeuf with many Lords and Ladies of whom I cannot now make rehearsall the number of them was so great All this Royall and generous troupe stayed at the entry of the great Portall of the said Church before which was a place appointed to celebrate the Marriage in and whereon was raised a Canopie of inestimable vallew vnder which the King and Monsieur his Brother left the Ladye their Sister and consigned her into the hands of my Lord the Duke of Chevreuse and then my Lord Cardinall de la Roche Foucault espowsed the Ladye with the ordinarie ceremonies of the Church From thence all the Orders aboue said marched into the Quyer through a long Gallerie which was squared out by a line in the middest of the body of the Church all couered with Tapisterie the richest that might be In the middest of the said Quyer were all ready placed on the one side vpon emminent seates my Lords the Presidents hauing their Morters of gold on their heads and in their scarlet Robes lyned with Ermines and the Councellors of the Court of Parliament in the like Gownes On the other side fate alone the Prouost of the Marchants in a long Robe of Crimson and violet veluet being accompanyed with the Shirifes of the Towne In the Quyer of the said Church was there moreouer another floore raised three steps high vpon which was another great Canopie where the King the Queenes and Monsieur the Kings Brother were placed and conducted by the fore-named Duke of Chevreuse the Ambassadours who withdrew themselues into the Archbishops Pallace vntill the Seruice was ended and then afterwards returned to the King and the Queenes Prayers being done they returned all in the like order as before into the Archbishops Pallace where the whole Court supped During which was heard such a noyse and thundring of Cannon as men would haue iudged that heauen and earth had ioyned together In the like sort Bon-fires squibes and such like were not spared throughout all the streetes and it may well be verified that France neuer sawe so much reioycing And God I pray who hath euer beene propitious vnto vs maintaine our Countrie in her greatnesse and graunt our King a glorious triumphe ouer his enemies and a large extent of his Dominions The Order of the Royall Feast THe Suppper was kept in the Archbishops great Hall and the Table reached from the one end thereof vnto the other The King sate in the middest of the Table serued by my Lord the great Prior who represented the great Masters person before him there marched a number of Drummes Trumpets and Clairons accompanyed with Monsieur de Beaumont great Steward of the Kings House and thirtie two others Stewards of his Maiesties House-hold with their staues in their hands The meate was carryed by my Lords the Princes Dukes Peeres and Marshals of France followed by the Gentlemen of the Court and their seruants Monsieur de Joinuille serued as great Pantler Monsieur d' Elboeuf as Cup-bearer and my Lord the Earle of Harcourt as Caruer The Queene Mother sate on the right hand of the King serued by my Lords the Dukes of Belgarde d'Vzais and Luxembourg The Queene her selfe on the right hand of the Queene Mother serued by my Lords the Dukes d' Alvin Brissac and de Chaune The Queene of great Brittaine sate on the Kings left hand serued by the Marshall de Vitry as great Pantler the Marshall d' Aubeterre as Cup bearer and my Lord of Bassompierre as Caruer My Lord the Duke of Chevrouse sate next the Queene of great Brittaine serued by the Lord of Rochefort The extraordinarie Ambassadous of great Brittaine sate next vnto the afore said Duke of Chevreuse My Lord the Kings Brother sate neere vnto the Queene and next them all the Princes serued in most magnificent and Royall manner The Kings Declaration contayning a Prohibition vnto all his Subiects to haue any Trafique or Commerce with the Kingdome of Spaine Published in the Parliament the 12. of May. LEVVIS by the grace of God King of France and of Nauarre To all vnto whom these pre-sent Letters shall come greeting Vpon the complaints which haue bin made vnto vs by many of our Subiectes traffiquing into Spaine of a Decree made the 2. of this month by our most deare wellbe-loued Brother and Brother in law the Catholique King vnto his Officers to seaze vpon and stay in all his Ports and Hauens the Shippes Goods and Merchandize of the French our Subiects vnder pretext of Reprisals of some summes of money which Our most deare and well-beloued Cousin the Duke of Guise our Gouernour and Lieuetenant Generall in Prouence did make stay of certaine Barques not far from Marseilles as belonging vnto some Genoway Merchāts as also because they haunted the desert Hauens of our said Country of Prouence to the preiudice of our Ordinances Prouisions made by Our Court of Parliament of Aix The said King pretēding that some part of the said mony did appertain vnto his Subiects which is a thing not yet verified and part thereof vnto the said Genowaies NOW therefore because it is a matter of great importance for our Subiects good to preuent them from receauing any further losse or hinderance of such their seizure and detention of their Shippes and Goods as is ordained in Spaine wherein there can be no better order taken then a generall interdiction of Commerce in those places where the Merchants Our Subiects can no longer be at their libertie WEE make it knowne That hauing deliberated of this affayre in Our Councell where was present Our most honoured Lady and Mother some Princes of Our Blood other Princes and Officers of Our Crowne Lords and notable Personages of Our sayed Councell WITH THEIR ADVICE and of Our owne knowledge full power and royall Authority We haue made and doe by these presents signed with Our hand make most expresse prohibition vnto all Our Subiects of what Quality and Condition soeuer they be to haue any Trafique or Commerce in the Kingdome of Spaine of any Corne Wine Cordage and generaly neither to carry thither transport or buy any Merchandize whatsoeuer vpon paine vnto the Offenders of the confiscation of their Vessels and Goods and to bee punished according to the rigour of Our Lawes and this to continue vntill a restitution be fully made of Our Subiects Goods seazed vpon in Spaine or that by Our Letters Pattents We shall otherwise ordaine WHEREFORE Wee charge and command all Our louing and loyall Officers in Our Courts of Parliament that they cause these Our present Letters to be read published and Registred and the contents thereof to bee kept and executed each one apart and Our general Procurors or their Substitutes to make for the due execution of the same all diligent necessary persuite and inquirie Also We giue charge vnto Our Gouernors and Our Liuetenants Generall in Our Prouinces particuler Captaines and Gouernors of Our Towns and places chiefely