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A09944 A historicall relation of the famous siege of the citie called the Busse Herevnto is added a generall mappe of the whole campe and siege, with particular mappes of all the seuerall approches in euery quarter. Compyled togeather and designed according to the iust measure and rule of geometrie by Iames Prempart, ingener to his Majestie of Sweden. Prempart, Jacques.; Hondius, Hendrik, b. 1573, engraver. 1630 (1630) STC 20202; ESTC S121882 37,247 44

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Officers to the Parapet of the Vuchter-Gate sending a Drum which reported that there were some Gentlemen of qualitie overwhelmed and stifled in the springing of our Myne and requested that they might be sought for and burryed His Excellentie then being neere at hand sitting in the Gallerie gaue waye to their request but as indeed the matter being otherwise The Drum came vp againe and requested to speake with some of our Officers and tould them that the Governor Magistracy and Clergie in the Towne were mynded to parley with vs presentlie after came foure Personnes of quality downe the Breach to his Excellencie in the Gallerie desyring foure dayes time to writte to the Archduchesse and if so be they were not releeued within that time they would deliuer over the Citie vpon Composition But his Excellencie denyeing them this request They resolved notwithstanding to treate vpon a Composition and Hostages were receaued and deliuered on both sides In the meane time the Walls of the Citie were blacke of Burgers and Women and Spirituall Personnes to take viewe of our doeings and the danger they were in The 13. of September the Commissioners which the Towne had appointed dyned with the Prince in the afternoone they left their commissiō with the Prince the States and tooke their resolutiō with them The 14. the Aggreement was concluded to render vp the Citie with the Petler-Sconce to vs within three dayes after and so accordinglie was subscrybed by both parties In the meane time came manie thousands of people out of Holland and other Provinces thereabouts to see this famous Siege with the departure of the Enemie out of the Citie The 17. in the morning the Prince of Orenge appointed all his Army to stand in Battle order in euerie Quarter especially those of his owne Quarter as well Horse as foote and placed them in this manner Along Monsieur Pinsens Quarter where the Enemy was to march thorow first stood some threescore Companies of Footemen being Scotsh Dutchmen from Pinsens Quarter along the Hollandes-Dyke stood some 40. Companies of French and neere to the verie place where the Enemy was to march out of our Line stood some 40. Companies of English and without our Line along the heath stood some 30. Companies of Horse This being the Waye which his Excell had ordered for the Enemy to passe thorow Betweene the English and French stood a greate Batterie of twenty Peeces of Ordinance to playe vpon the Heath where his Excell caused twoo Princelie Tents to be set vp for the Princesse the Queene of Bohemia and the Ladies Gentlewomen which were there The Prince sitting on Horsebacke with the King of Bohemia and the Prince of Denmarke and some 40. more whereof most of them were Dukes Earles Barrons Lordes and the rest Coronells and of the Chiefe Commaunders besides this the greate number of our owne Burgers and people which came thither to behould this sight was so greate that they could hardlie gett beere for their monnie and manie of them were faine to sleepe in the feelde vnder the skie for want of better lodgings Nowe to relate the manner of their marching forth First in the morning there marched forth some 50. Horsmen and as manie firelocks and Musketteirs Then followed about eleauen hundred Waggons Karts whereof some 400. of them were loaden with sicke mayned Souldiers and the rest with goods houshouldstuffe Images Clergiemē Women and about eleauen of the clocke came the Iesuites Priests ryding vpon Waggons and some barefooted Monkes and Fryers goeing a foote His Excell being gone to dinner with the King Queene of Bohemia and the rest of the Lordes and Ladies which stood vpon the Batterie in the twoo Tents In the meane time came the Governors Wife in her Koach who was but 3. weekes ould in childbed accompanied with her daughter and her Child lyeing vpon the Nurses lap in the forepart of the Koach Generall Morgan some others courts her and made her staye before his Excell Tent till he with his trayne returned from dinner His Excell comming saluted her and had some small discourse with her and then tooke his leaue and let her passe Towardes euening came the Governor himselfe marching in the midst of his Troopes hee staid long because his Cannon was graveld and sunke into the ground that he could not drawe them away the night drawing on his Excell sent him word by the Sergeant Major Generall that he would send them after him on the morrowe The Governor had ordered his Men by three divisions the first were the Walloones consisting of sixe coulouts being some 400. Pikes firelocks and Musketteirs The second were Burgonians The third greate diuisiō were Highdutches with nine coulours These 3. diuisions were a matter 1400. men Then followed the Governor on Horsebacke and passing by his Excellencie had some small speech with him After the foote came three Troopes of Horse which brought vp the Reare the first was about 70. in number the second about 80. and the last Troope about 90. all well mounted well armed proper Men with red scarfes about them During this Siege the Enemye confessed there were slayne some eleauen hundred Souldiers and not aboue 16. or 18. Burgers by reason they refused to endanger themselues in the Outworkes They had with them according to the Articles of Composition three whole and three halfe Cannon verye faire peeces and twoo Granado Morters They lefte besides these in the Towne some 36. brasse Peeces of Ordinance and sixe Yron peeces the most parte of the Brasse Ordinance being Sling-peeces and Faukenetts and fewe halfe Cannons except some which the noses were brused and shott off And little or noe Powder to speake of which indeed was the principall occasion they yeelded vp their Sconces Traverses Halfe-moones and at last the Citie it selfe sooner then they needed In this Siege there happened manye strange passages which would be too tedious to rehearse onelie twoo things of note I cannot but make the gentle Reader acquainted with first in the Crossebrethren Cloyster a little before the Towne was yeelded there was a Monke in the Chancill sitting in one of the Seats of the Quire and reading in one of his Massebookes about midnight wee shott a Granado into the Towne which fell iust into the Seate where he sate and tooke him his Seate and Booke awaye that scarselie they could finde a Mommock lefte of him onely leauing the tincture of his blood vpon the Wall for a memoriall which is yet to be seene to this daye The second there was a strange shott hapned as in Ostend there was a Cannon Bullet of the Enemyes shott from the downe Batterie iust into the mouth of one of our Cannons which laye vpon the West-Bulwarke charged These twoo Bullets stryking togeather gaue fire to the loose cornes of Powder which were not driuen home Our Cannon went of and sent the Enemy their owne Bullet and ours backe to them againe So before the
A HISTORICALL RELATION Of the famous Siege of the Citie CALLED THE BVSSE Herevnto is added a generall Mappe of the whole Campe and Siege with particular Mappes of all the seuerall Approches in euery Quarter Compyled togeather and designed according to the iust measure and rule of Geometrie BY IAMES PREMPART Ingener to his Majestie of Sweden AT AMSTERDAM For Henrico Hondio M.DC.XXX TO THE READER WHereas I perceaue that as yet none haue taken in hande to set forth any thing for the content of desirous spirits touching the famous Siege of the BVSSE and that this Siege vvas so remarkable and vvorthy as euer vvas knovvne I haue thought good to imparte vnto you that which I haue gotten as vvell by my ovvne experience in the said Siege as that vvhich J haue from the principall Ingeners And for the better explayning of the particulars I haue placed in this Historicall Relation first a Mappe of tvvoo greate Leaues conteyning the vvhole Siege vvith all the circumferences Secondly a greate Leafe representing the scituation of the Citie vvith the approches of euery Quarter Thirdly here follovve Mappes of the seuerall approches in euery Quarter and of the Princes Quarter set forth in tvvoo Leaues by reason the most force charge and labour passed there and because the Citie vvas vvonne there by degrees vvhich is alltogeather compyled and set forth according to the iust measure vvith greate care and industrie as by the Mappes more at large may appeare vvhich I hope vvill be acceptable and pleasing to you A LIST OF OUR NOBLEMEN VOLLUNTEIRS and Gentlemen of our Nation which bore Armes and trayled Pikes at the Siege of the BUSSE vnder the foure English Coronells Companies and first of those which were vnder my Lord Generall Vere his first Company Coronell of Dort MY Lord Haughton Sir Walter Erle Sir Roger Bartu Sir Henry Hungate Sariant Maior Groue Captaine Thelwall Captaine Wyborowe Lieutenant Price Lieutenant Pomroy Lieutenant Cansor Lieutenant Deemae Lieutenant Kettleby Ensigne Luttrell Ensigne Hammon Ensigne Weynd Ensigne Holman Ensige Grimes Ensigne Goldwel Ensigne Hudson Mr Winwood Mr Grifford Mr Byron Mr Thyne Mr Brigman Mr Fariefax Mr Hotham Mr Stone Mr Pellard Mr Bruster Mr Knevet Mr Langford Mr Wayeman Mr Absley Mr Rolt Mr Knasborow Mr Caue Mr Williams Mr Powel Mr Horner Mr Veyne Mr Wright Mr Basset Mr Berry Mr. Prat. Mr Bonnington Mr Bradshaw Mr Greene. Mr Langdon Mr Hooe Mr Ansell Mr Hangerford Mr Crewell Mr Wilmore Mr Cullum Mr Essex Mr Mildmay Mr Polley Mr Maddocks Mr Humfreys Mr Ellis Mr Banberie Mr Garling Of my Lord Generall Vere his second Company of Schoonhoven Captaine Francisco de Valrey Captaine Strasly Lieutenant Tumour Ensigne Quarles Cornet Harbart Mr Wrengham Mr Bammham Mr Weldon Mr Norman Mr Sprye Mr Slippon Mr Coope Mr Harecourt Mr Maycote Mr White Mr Hearle Mr Inglot Mr Browne Mr Copley Mr Brimingham Mr Rolt Mr Guyn Mr Chitwood Mr Knightly Mr Sanderson Mr Harmon Mr Sedgwicks Mr Wittington Mr Lee. M Throgmotton Mr Nancy Mr King Mr Williams Mr Black Volunteirs of my Lord Generall Cieils Company Vicount of Wimbleton Leames Lord of Doncaster Boswell Lord Peelding William Lord Grauen Sr Thomas Glemman Captaine Henry Tyllie Captaine Butler Captaine Lucan Sariant Maior Boules Lieutenant Froeman Lieutenant Caswell Mr Cicill Mr Whitepole Mr Clyford Mr Tate Mr Butler M Symon Mr Itby Mr Cheyncy Mr Broadbanke Mr Courtney Mr Downes Mr Footeman Mr Flood Mr Iohn Tate Mr Bois Mr Stuckling Mr Flemming Mr Rice Powell Mr Haughton Mr Hipsley Mr Appleyard Mr Ridley Mr Vackell Mr Solwin Mr Danniel Mr Colpher Mr Smith Mr Legg Mr Moynes Volunteirs Gentlemen of Generall Morgans Company Sr Thomas Bland Sr Shefeld Calpham Sr Iohn Cosling Mr Fowler Mr Mumford Mr Io Withers Mr William Withers Mr Isaack Absley Mr Henry Absley Mr Morgan Mr Tiffin Mr Elcott Mr Caruis Mr Reade Mr Andrewes Mr Booth Mr Merrick Mr Martin Mr Adam Mr Worly Mr Iohn Ashley Mr Williams Mr Turner Mr Warret Mr Garvis Wood Mr Marshall Volunteirs and Gentlemen of Coronell Harwoods Company Captaine Perkins Captaine Boules Captaine Lowe Lieutenant Smith Lieutenant Gamish Ensigne Dolman Ensigne Marison Ensigne Hering Mr Lucas Ensigne Byron Mr Muschamp Mr Snelling Mr Browne Gentlemen of quality Mr Crofts Mr Gorges Mr Saint Iohn Mr Bareford Mr Digby Mr Mosse Mr Gilby Mr Lehunt Mr Waller Mr Ieffryes Mr Fleetewood Mr Killegrey Mr Lambart Mr Knightly Lr Bagshot Mr Yonge Mr Frith Mr Boulton Mr. Stewtly Mr. Keckwich Mr. Bendish Mr Roe Mr Rassell Mr Carter Volunteirs and Gentlemen of Sr. Edward Veres Company deceased Lieu. Harewood Lieu. Turbot M Marshan M Mando M Gallope Of Captaine John Cromwels Company Mr Harry Cromwell Mr Rochester Karre Officers and Souldiers slayne before the BUSSE Of French The Baron of Courtemer and 8. Captaines more Of the Dutch Coronell Fama Monsieur Grenue Captaine Omkaes and Capt. Hatton Of English Sir Edward Vere Lieut. Colonell Capt. Roes Lieut. and Capt-Byroues Of Scotch Capt. Ramsey Lieut. Huns my Lord of Buckcloughs Ensigne Of all Nations according to the lift giuen vp about 1600. A SHORT DESCRIPTION OR Historicall Relation of the famous Siege of the BVSSE And such things as passed there as well within as without the Citie Vnder the commande of the Most Illustrious PRINCE OF ORENGE THE High and Mightie Lordes the States Generall with the most Illustrious Prince of Orenge taking nothing more to harte then the Prosperitie of these Free Vnyted Provinces and the good Inhabitants in the same had seuerall assemblies with the Prins of Orenge consulting howe to take in hand and haue in readinesse whatsoeuer should be needfull and fitting for a Famous Siege and so resolved to besiege the citie called the Busse but before wee wil speake further of this Siege wee shall first informe you of the scituation Antiquitye power and Renowne of this place This place where the Busse is nowe scituated hath beene formerly according to the generall opinion of all men a Wood or Parke where the Duke of Braband did vse to hunte and for this purpose himselfe did cause a cottage or small dwelling place to be built there for his Hunters and Houndes But by reason the same place was verie comodious and had running streames of fresh Water through it many people of seuerall Townes did meete there on Market dayes to trade with one another And some of them built a few houses there for to entertaine and lodge people and others for to haue there comodities allwayes in readinesse But the Burgers of Heusden envyeing theire good did destroye them twyse Neuerthelesse those people complayning to the Duke of the wrongs done vnto them he did graunte them to environ themselues with Walles and Moates After which this place did greatlie increase as well of trade as of people yea manie strangers came to liue there and prospered well insomuch that the Duke made it the fourth chiefe Citie in Braband yet retayning the name of 's Hertogenbos which by in interpretation is
BUSSE a Souldiers presenting his Musket to giue fire vpon the Enemye The Enemie being quicker then hee discharged first vpon him and shott iust into the Bore of his Musket parte of the lead beating out at the Tutch-hole and so by the prouidence of God this Souldier escaped a scouring To returne againe where I lefte hauing related vnto you the departure of the Enemye so in the morning about eight a clocke his Excellencie sent into the Towne his owne Guarde with sixe other Companies to take possession of the Bulwarkes and about the euening came in some tenne Companies more The 18. all strangers were suffred to come into the Towne and viewe all the Enemyes Workes Churches and Nonneries one of them clymed vp to the top of Sainct Iohns Church steeple and sett an Orenge silke Flag aboue the Wethercocke The Burgers for the mostparte were verie well provyded of all kinde of Victualls except Cheese and Butter The same daye his Excellencie came into the Towne but returned suddenlie backe againe The 19. our Ministers preached in three of the Churches and in the greate Church were three Children baptised where the PRINCE OF ORENGE the King of Bohemia and the Princesse of Orenge were Godfathers to them After this his Excellencie placed newe Magistrates in the Towne and discharged the ould Magistrates and all the rest of the Burgers of the oath which they had made to the King of Spaine and receaued them into the oath of the States of these Unyted Provinces And so left the Baron of Brederode with 36. Companies of foote and 10. Companies of Horse for Garrison in the Towne The States prescrybing a daye of Thanksgiuing to the Lord throughout the Provinces for these Victories ARTICLES Granted by his Ex cie my Lord the Prince of Orengie to the Gouernour of the Busse the Captaines Officiers and Souldiers therein I. THAT the Gouernour of the Busse with all the Officers of ware and for diers of what quality or condition so euer they be aswell Horsemen as foot none excepted yea though they haue abandoned the seruice of my Lords the States and giuen themselues into that of the King of Spaines shal goe out of the Towne without any disturbance or molestation with their armes and Baggage The horse by the sound of the trumpet their Cornets displayed armed Compleate and their Pistolles in their hands The foote beating their drummes their Coullers flying their matches lighted at both ends bullet in mouth and in rancke and forme as they vse to march in Battaile with their goods and the safety of their liues to the towne of Diest II. They shall carry with them sixe peeces of Ordinance and two Morters at the choise of the Gouernour with all their traine equipage and munition of warre sufficient to discarge euery one a dussen shott III. They shal be furnished with horse Waggons and their Conductours sufficent to draw Ordinance and Morters with all their trayne and Munition vnto the towne of Diest IIII. All munitions of warre of Victualls appertaining to the King of Spaine shal be deliuered by such as his Excell shall appoint to this effect sauing those Victualls which were sould before the 12. of this moneth when wee began to treate which shall remaine sould without search or making inquiry after any man that made any saile of them V. All Officers and Souldiers aswell sick as hurt in the Gesthouse or in any other place shall remaine there till they haue recouered their healths and are able to goe away giuing them safe Conuoy and commodity to bring them their Armes and Baggage to the towne of Diest or Breda VI. A sufficient number of waggons and horse which the Gouernour shall require aswell for his perticular seruice as for the Officers Souldiers to carry their goods and Baggage to Diest is graunted them comprehending therein all their Armes yea the souldiers of the garrison of the Towne absent sicke dead hurt or fled and that the said waggons shall in noe case be visited VII Those which will desire to carty their Goods and Baggage to Antwerpe shall haue boates without any charge to them to bring them thither thorow Holland freed from all manner of taxes toles or impositions permitting them men to looke vnto their goods and Baggage which shall not be visited nor stayed in any place vnder any pretence whatsoeuer but shall passe to Antwerpe without disbarking themselues VIII The Gouernour Chiefs Officers military Iudges Souldiers and all others receiuing paye from the King of Spaine aswel Clergy men as Laye-men none excepted as also the widdowes and children which haue in the said Towne any houses Inheritances Rents either vpon the States of Brabant in these quarters or the Towne or vpon houses or particular grounds other goods moueable or immoueable shall haue the space time of two yeeres after the signing of this Treatie to trāsport them to morgage them at their wills or otherwise to dispose of their goods and during the said time shall enioy their Rents hyres of houses fruites and goods got or to be gotten of what nature and condition soeuer they be IX That the Officers an souldiers of what charge or condition soeuer they be may leaue their wiues children in the towne during this terme of two yeeres may dispose of their goods moueable and immouable situated in the said Towne or els where none excepted without any confiscation or prize to be made of them X. That the Officiers and souldiers leauing their charg and seruice within the time of two yeeres may freely returne into the said Towne and enioy this Treatie as other Burgers and Inhabitants doe prouided that first they giue notice thereof to his Excell or the Gouernour of the said Towne XI Noe Officers or Souldiers goods or Baggage shal be arrested here for any debts whether he goes out with the garrison or being sick or hurt or at his going out when he is recouered XII The prisoners aswell on the one side as on the other of what Condition soeuer they be shal be sett at liberty without paying of ransome but onely for their dyet according to the taxation of the place XIII That all the boote made by those of the Towne aswell before as during the siege shall not be restord back by them but shall remaine with them XIV After the Articles of this Composition are signed time shall be giuen to the Gouernour of the Busse to send an expresse messenger to the Serenissime Infanta of Spaine with safe Conduct and assurance to giue her aduice of what is past and it is to be vnderstood that the Gouernour may doe that the same day as the articles are signed XV. The Conditions being concluded two dayes at the least shall he giuen to the Gouernour and souldiers to prepare themselues for their departure XVI The time limited being expired the said Gouernour and Officers doe promise to depart the garrison to wit on Munday next betime in the morning which wil