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A02128 The honorable historie of Frier Bacon, and Frier Bongay As it was lately plaid by the Prince Palatine his Seruants. Made by Robert Greene, Master of Arts.; Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592. 1630 (1630) STC 12268; ESTC S103422 35,044 65

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that shall serue the turne maruellous well my Lord Ermsby And I my Lord will haue Pioners to vndermine the Towne that the very Gardens and Orchards be carryed away for your Summer walkes Miles And with scientia and great diligentia Will coniure and charme to keepe you from harme That vtrum horum mauis your very great nauis Like Bartlets ship from Oxford doe skip With Colledges and schooles full loaden with fooles Quid dices ad hoc worshipfull Domine Dawcocke Clement Why harebraind Courtiers are you drunke or mad To taunt vs vp with such scurrilitie Deeme you vs men of base and light esteeme To bring vs such a fop for Henries sonne Call out the Beadles and conuay them hence Straight to Bocardo let the Roisters lie Close clapt in bolts vntill their wits be tame Ermsby Why shall we to prison my Lord Raphe What saist Miles shall I honour the prison with my presence Miles No no out with your blades and hamper these Iades Haue a flurt and a crash now reuell dash And teach these Sacerdos that the Bocardos Like Pezzants and clues are meet for themselues Mason To the prison with them Constable Warren Well Doctors seeing I haue sported me With laughing at these mad and merry wagges Know that Prince Edward is at Brazen-nose And this attired like the Prince of Wales Is Raphe King Henries only loued foole I Earle of Essex and this Ermsby One of the priuie Chamber to the King Who while the Prince with Frier Bacon staies Haue reuel'd in Oxford as you see Mason My Lord pardon vs we knew not what you were But Courtiers may make greater scapes then these Wil t please your Honour dine with me to day Warren I will master Doctor and satisfie the Vintner for his hurt only I must desire you to imagine him all this fore-noone the Prince of Wales Mason I will sir Raphe And vpon that I will lead the way onely I will haue Miles goe before me because I haue heard Henry say that wisedome must goe before Maiestie Exeunt omnes Enter Prince Edward with his poinard in his hand Lacy and Margret Edward Lacie thou canst not shroud thy traitrous thoughts Nor couer as did Cassius all his wiles For Edward hath an eye that lookes as farre As Lincaeus from the shores of Grecia Did not I sit in Oxford by the Fryer And see thee court the maid of Fresingfield Sealing thy flattering fancies with a kisse Did not proud Bungay draw his portasse forth And ioyning hand in hand had married you If Frier Bacon had not strooke him dumbe And mounted him vpon a spirits backe That we might chat at Oxford with the Frier Traytor what answer'st Is not all this true Lacy. Truth all my Lord and thus I make reply At Harlstone Faire there courting for your Grace When as mine eye suruaid her curious shape And drew the beautious glory of her lookes To diue into the center of my heart Loue taught me that your Honour did but iest That Princes were in fancy but as men How that the louely maid of Fresingfield Was fitter to be Lacies wedded wife Then Concubine vnto the Prince of Wales Edward Iniurious Lacy did I loue thee more Then Alexander his Hephestion Did I vnfold the passions of my loue And locke them in the clozet of thy thoughts Wert thou to Edward second to himselfe Sole friend and partner of his secret loues And could a glaunce of fading beauty breake Th' inchained fetters of such priuat friends Base coward false and too effeminate To be corriuall with a Prince in thoughts From Oxford haue I posted since I dinde To quite a Traitor 'fore that Edward sleepe Margret 'T was I my Lord not Lacy stept awry For oft he sued and courted for your selfe And still woo'd for the Courtier all in greene But I whom fancy made but ouer-fond Pleaded my selfe with lookes as if lou'd I fed mine eye with gazing on his face And still bewitcht lou'd Lacie with my lookes My heart with sighes mine eyes pleaded with teares My face held pitty and content at once And more I could not cypher out by signes But that I lou'd Lord Lacy with my heart Then worthy Edward measure with thy minde If womens fauours will not force men fall If beauty and if darts of piercing loue Is not of force to bury thoughts of friends Edward I tell thee Peggie I will haue thy loues Edward or none shall conquer Margret In Frigats bottom'd with rich Sethin planks Topt with the lofty Firs of Libanon Stem'd and incast with burnisht Iuory And ouer-laid with plates of Persian wealth Like Thetis shalt thou wanton on the waues And draw the Dolphins to thy louely eyes To dance Lauoltas in the purple streames Sirens with harpes and siluer Psalteries Shall wait with musicke at thy Frigots stem And entertaine faire Margret with her layes England and Englands wealth shall wait on thee Brittaine shall bend vnto her Princes loue And doe due homage to thine Excellence If thou wilt be but Edwards Margret Margret Pardon my Lord if Ioues great Royalty Sent me such presents as to Danae If Phoebus tyed in Latonas webs Come courting from the beauty of his lodge The dulcet tunes of frolicke Mercurie Not all the wealth heauens treasury affords Should make me leaue Lord Lacy or his loue Edward I haue learn'd at Oxford then this point of schooles Ablata causa tollitur effectus Lacy the cause that Margret cannot loue Nor fixe her liking on the English Prince Take him away and then the effects will faile Villaine prepare thy selfe for I will bathe My poinard in the bosome of an Earle Lacie Rather then liue and misse faire Margrets loue Prince Edward stop not at the fatall doome But stab it home end both my loues and life Marg. Braue Prince of Wales honour'd for Royall deeds T were sinne to staine faire Venus courts with blood Loues conquest ends my Lord in courtesie Spare Lacy gentle Edward let me dye For so both you and he doe cease your loues Edward Lacie shall die as Traitor to his Lord Lacy. I haue deserued it Edward act it well Marg. What hopes the Prince to gaine by Lacies death Edward To end the loues 'twixt him and Margaret Marg. Why thinks King Henries son that Margrets loue Hangs in th' vncertaine ballance of proud Time That death shall make a discord of our thoughts No stab the Earle and 'fore the morning Sun Shall vaunt him thrice ouer the lofty East Margret will meet her Lacy in the heauens Lacy. If ought betides to louely Margret That wrongs or wrings her honour from content Europes rich wealth nor Englands Monarchie Should not allure Lacy to ouer-liue Then Edward short my life and end her loues Marg. Rid me and keepe a friend worth many loues Lacy. Nay Edward keepe a loue worth many friends Marg. And if thy mind be such as fame hath blaz'd Then Princely Edward let vs both abide The fatall resolution of thy rage
THE HONORABLE HISTORIE OF FRIER BACON AND FRIER BONGAY As it was lately plaid by the Prince Palatine his Seruants Made by Robert Greene Master of Arts LONDON Printed by ELIZABETH ALLDE dwelling neere Christ-Church 1630 THE HONORABLE HISTORY OF FRYER BACON Enter Edward the first male contented with Lacy Earle of Lincolne Iohn Warren Earle of Sussex and Ermsby Gentleman Raph Simnell the Kings foole Lacie VVHY lookes my Lord like to a troubled skie When heauens bright shine is shadowed with a fog Alate we ran the Deere and through the lawnds Stript with our Nagges the lofty frolicke Bucks That scudded fore the teisers like the wind Nere was the Deere of merry Fresingfield So lustily pull'd downe by iolly mates Nor sharde the Farmers such fat venizon So frankly dealt this hundred yeeres before Nor haue I seene my Lord more frolicke in the chace And now chang'd to a melancholy dumpe Warren After the Prince got to the Keepers lodge And had bin iocand in the house a while Tossing of Ale and milke in countrie cannes Whether it was the Countries sweet content Or else the bonny Damsell fil'd vs drinke That seem'd so stately in her stammell red Or that a qualme did crosse his stomacke then But straight he fell into his passions Ermsby Sirra Raphe what say you to your master Shall he thus all amort liue malecontent Raphe Hearest thou Ned nay looke if he will speake to me Edward What saist thou to me Foole Raphe I pree thee tell me Ned art thou in loue with the Keepers daughter Edward How if I be what then Raphe Why then sirra I le teach thee how to deceiue Loue Edward How Raphe Raphe Marry sirra Ned thou shalt put on my cap and my coat and my dagger and I will put on thy cloaths and thy sword and so thou shalt be my foole Edward And what of this Raphe Why so thou shalt beguile Loue for Loue is such a proud scab that he will neuer meddle with fooles nor children Is not Raphes counsell good Ned Edward Tell me Ned Lacie didst thou marke the mayd How liuely in her country weedes she look't A bonier wench all Suffolke cannot yeeld All Suffolke nay all England holds none such Raphe Sirra Will Ermsby Ned is deceiued Ermsby Why Raphe Raphe He sayes all England hath no such and I say and I le stand to it there is one better in Warwickeshire Warren How prouest thou that Raphe Raphe Why is the Abbot a learned man and hath he read many bookes and thinkest thou he hath not more learning then thou to choose a bonny wench yes warrant I thee by his whole Grammar Ermsby A good reason Raphe Edward I tell thee Lacie that her sparkling eyes Doe lighten forth sweet Loues alluring fire And in her tresses she doth fold the lookes Of such a gaze vpon her golden haire Her bashfull white mixt with the mornings red Luna doth boast vpon her louely cheekes Her front is beauties table wherr she paints The glories of her gorgious excellence Her teeth are shelues of precious Margarites Richly enclosed with ruddie curroll cleues Tush Lacie she is beauties ouermatch If thou suruaist her curious imagerie Lacie I grant my Lord the Damsell is as faire As simple Suffolks homely townes can yeeld But in the Court be quainter Dames then she Whose faces are enricht with honors taint Whose beauties stand vpon the stage of fame And vaunt their trophies in the Court of Loue Edw. Ah Ned but hadst thou watcht her as my selfe And seene the secret beauties of the maid Their courtly coinesse were but foolery Ermsby Why how watcht you her my Lord Edward When as she swept like Venus through the house And in her shape fast foulded vp my thoughts Into the Milkehouse went I with the maid And there amongst the cream-boles she did shine As Pallas mongst her Princely huswiferie She turnd her smocke ouer her lilly armes And diued them into milke to run her cheese But whiter then the milke her cristall skin Checked with lines of Azur made her blush That Art or Nature durst bring for compare Ermsby if thou hadst seene as I did note it well How beauty plaid the huswife how this girle Like Lucrece laid her fingers to the worke Thou wouldst with Tarquine hazard Rome and all To win the louely maid of Fresingfield Raphe Sirra Ned wouldst faine haue her Edward I Raphe Raphe Why Ned I haue laid the plot in my head thou shalt haue her already Edward I le giue thee a new coat and learne me that Raphe Why sirra Ned wee ll ride to Oxford to Fryer Bacon oh hee is a braue scholler sirra they say he is a braue Nigromancer that he can make women of diuells and he can iuggle cats into Costermongers Edward And how then Raphe Raphe Mary sirra thou shalt goe to him and because thy father Harry shall not misse thee he shall turne me to thee and I le to the Court and I le Prince it out and he shall make thee either a silken purse full of gold or else a fine wrought smocke Edward But how shall I haue the mayd Raphe Marry sirra if thou be'st a silken purse full of gold then on Sundayes she 'le hang thee by her side and you must not say a word Now sir when she comes into a great presse of people for feare of the Cut-purse on a suddē she 'l swap thee into her plackerd then sirra being there you may plead for your selfe Ermsby Excellent policy Edward But how if I be a wrought smocke Raphe Then she 'le put thee into her chest and lay thee into Lauender and vpon some good day she 'le put thee on and at night when you goe to bed then being turn'd from a smocke to a man you may make vp the match Lacie Wonderfully wisely counselled Raphe Edward Raphe shall haue a new Coate Raphe God thanke you when I haue it on my backe Ned Edward Lacie the foole hath laid a perfect plot For why our Country Margret is so coy And stands so much vpon her honest points That marriage or no market with the mayd Ermsby it must be nigromanticke spels And charmes of Art that must inchaine her loue Or else shall Edward neuer win the girle Therefore my wags we 'le horse vs in the morne And poast to Oxford to this iolly Fryer Bacon shall by his magicke doe this deed Warren Content my Lord and that 's a speedy way To weane these head-strong puppies from the teat Edward I am vnknowne not taken for the Prince They onely deeme vs frolicke Courtiers That reuell thus among our Lieges game Therefore I haue deuised a policy Lacie thou knowst next Friday is St. Iames And then the Country flockes to Harlston faire Then will the Keepers daughter frolicke there And ouer-shine the troupe of all the maides That come to see and to be seene that day Haunt thee disguis'd among the Countrie swaines Faine th' art a Farmers sonne not farre from
and thine much Farewell Not thine nor his owne Edward Lacy Margret Fond Atae doomer of bad boasting fates That wraps proud Fortune in thy snaky locks Didst thou inchant my birth-day with such stars As lightned mischiefe from their infancy If heauens had vowd if stars had made decree To shew in me their froward influence If Lacy had but lou'd heauens hell and all Could not haue wrong'd the patience of my minde Poast It grieues me Damsell but the Earle is forst To loue the Lady by the Kings command Margret The wealth combinde within the English shelues Europes Commander nor the English King Should not haue mou'd the loue of Peggie from her Lord Poast What answere shall I returne to my Lord Margret First for thou camst from Lacy whom I lou'd Ah giue me leaue to sigh at euery thought Take thou my friend the hundred pound he sent For Margrets resolution craues no dower The world shall be to her as vanity Wealth trash loue hate pleasure despaire For I will straight to stately Fremingham And in the Abby there be shorne a Nun And yeeld my loues and liberty to God Fellow I giue thee this not for the newes For those be hatefull vnto Margret But for th' art Lacees man once Margrets loue Poast What I haue heard what passions I haue seene I le make report of them vnto the Earle Exit Poast Margret Say that she ioyes his fancies be at rest And prayes that his misfortunes may be hers Exit Enter Fryer Bacon drawing the courtaines with a white sticke a booke in his hand and a lampe lighted by him and the brazen head and Miles with weapons by him Bacon Miles where are you Miles Here sir Bacon How chance you tarry so long Miles Thinke you that the watching of the brazen head craues no furniture I warrant you sir I haue so armed my selfe that if all your deuils doe come I will not feare them an inch Bacon Miles thou knowst that I haue diued into hell And sought the darkest palaces of the Fiends That with my Magicke spels great Belzephon Hath left his lodge and kneeled at my cell The rafters of the earth rent from the poles And three-form'd Luna hid her siluer lookes Trembling vpon her concaue continent When Bacon read vpon his Magicke booke With seuen yeeres tossing Nigromanticke charmes Poring vpon darke Hecats principles I haue fram'd out a monstrous head of brasse That by th' inchanting forces of the Deuill Shall tell out strange and vncoth Aphorismes And girt faire England with a wall of brasse Bungay and I haue watcht these threescore dayes And now our vitall spirits craue some rest If Argos liu'd and had his hundred eyes They could not ouer-watch Phobeters night Now Miles in thee rests Fryers Bacons weale The honour and renowne of all his life Hangs in the watching of this brazen-head Therefore I charge thee by the immortall God That holds the soules of men within his fist This night thou watch for ere the morning starre Sends out his glorious glister on the North The head will speake then Miles vpon thy life Wake me for then by Magicke Art I le worke To end my seuen yeeres taske with excellence If that a winke but shut thy watchfull eye Then farewell Bacons glory and his fame Draw close the curtaines Miles now for thy life Be watchfull and Here he falleth asleepe Miles So I thought you would talke your selfe asleepe anon and 't is no maruell for Bungay on the dayes and hee on the nights haue watcht iust these ten and fifty dayes now this is the night and 't is my taske and no more Now Iesus blesse me what a goodly head it is a nose You talke of nos autem glorificare but here 's a nose that I warrant may be cal'd nos autem popelares for the people of the parish Well I am furnished with weapons now sir I will set me downe by a post and make it as good as a watch-man to wake me if I chance to slumber I thought goodman head I would call you out of your momento passion a God I haue almost broke my pate Vp Miles to your taske take your browne bill in your hand here 's some of your masters Hobgoblins abroad With this a great noise The Head speakes Head Time is Miles Time is Why Master Brazen-head haue you such a capitall nose and answer you with sillables Time is is this all my masters cunning to spend seuen yeeres studie about Time is Well sir it may be we shall haue some orations of it anon well I le watch you as narrowly as euer you were watcht and I le play with you as the Nightingale with the Slow-worme I le set a pricke against my brest now rest there Miles Lord haue mercy vpon me I haue almost kild my selfe vp Miles list how they rumble Head Time was Miles Well Frier Bacon you haue spent your seuen yeeres study well that can make your Head speake but two words at once Time was yea mary time was when my Master was a wise man but that was before he began to make the Brazen-head You shall lye while you arse ake and your Head speake no better well I will watch and walke vp and downe and be a Peripatetian and a Philosopher of Aristotles stampe What a fresh noyse Take thy Pistols in hand Miles Here the Head speakes and a lightning flasheth forth and a hand appeares that breaketh downe the Head with a hammer Head Time is past Miles Master master vp hell 's broken loose your head speakes and there 's such a thunder and lightning that I warrant all Oxford is vp in armes out of your bed take a browne bill in your hand the latter day is come Bacon Miles I come O passing warily watcht Bacon will make thee next himselfe in loue When spake the Head Miles When spake the Head did not you say that he should tell strange principles of Philosophy Why sir it speakes but two words at a time Bacon Why villaine hath it spoken oft Miles Oft I mary hath it thrice but in all those three times it hath vttered but seuen words Bacon As how Miles Mary sir the sirs time he said Time is as if Fabuis Commentator should haue pronounst a sentence he said Time was and the third time with thunder and lightning as in great choler he said Time is past Bacon T is past indeed A villaine time is past My life my fame my glory all are past Bacon the turrets of thy hope are ruin'd downe Thy seuen yeeres study lieth in the dust Thy Brazen-head lies broken through a slaue That watcht and would not when the Head did will What said the Head first Miles Euen Time is Bacon Villaine if thou hadst cald to Bacon then If thou hadst watcht and wakte the sleepy Fryer The Brazen-head had vttered Aphorismes And England had beene circled round with brasse But proud Astmeroth ruler of the North And Demegorgon master of the
Lacy which contents you best To be a Nun or else Lord Lacies wife Lacy. A good motion Peggie your answere must be short Marg. The flesh is frayle my Lord doth know it well That when he comes with his inchanting face Whatsoere betide I cannot say him nay Off goes the habit of a maidens heart And seeing fortune will faire Fremingham And all the shew of holy Nuns farewell Lacy for me if he will be my Lord Lacy. Peggie thy Lord thy loue thy husband Trust me by truth of Knighthood that the King Stayes for to marry matchlesse Ellinor Vntill I bring thee richly to the Court That one day may both marry her and thee How saist thou Keeper art thou glad of this Keeper As if the English King had giuen The Parke and Deere of Fresingfield to me Ermesby I pray thee my Lord of Sussex why art thou in a browne study Warraine To see the nature of women that be they neuer so neere God yet they loue to dye in a mans armes Lacy. What haue you fit for breakefast we haue hied and poasted all this night to Fresingfield Margret Butter and cheese and humbles of a Deere Such as poore Keepers haue within their Lodge Lacy. And not a bottle of wine Margret Wee le find one for my Lord Lacy. Come Sussex let 's in wee shall haue more for shee speakes least to hold her promise sure Exeunt Enter a Deuill to seeke Miles Deuill How restlesse are the ghosts of hellish sprites When euery Charmer with his Magicke spels Cals vs from nine-fold trenched Phlegiton To scud and ouer-scoure the earth in poast Vpon the speedy wings of swiftest winds Now Bacon hath raisd me from the darkest deepe To search about the world for Miles his man For Miles and to torment his lazy bones For carelesse watching of his brazen-head See where he comes Oh he is mine Enter Miles with a gowne and a corner cap Miles A Scholler quoth you mary sir I would I had been made a bottle-maker when I was made a scholler for I can get neither to be a Deacon Reader nor Schoole-master no not the Clarke of a Parish some call me dunce another saith my head is as full of Latine as an eg 's full of oate-meale thus I am tormented that the Deuill and Frier Bacon haunts me Good Lord here 's one of my masters Deuils I le goe speake to him what master Plutus how cheere you Deuill Doost thou know me Miles Know you sir why are not you one of my masters Deuils that were wont to come to my master Doctor Bacon at Brazen-nose Deuill Yes mary am I Miles Good Lord M. Plutus I haue seene you a thousand times at my masters and yet I had neuer the manners to make you drinke but sir I am glad to see how conformable you are to the state I warrant you he 's as yeomanly a man as you shall see marke you masters here 's a plain honest man without welt or gard but I pray you sir doe you come lately from hell Deuill I mary how then Miles Faith t is a place I haue desired long to see haue you not good tippling houses there may not a man haue a lusty fire there a pot of good Ale a paire of cardes a swinging peece of chalke and a browne toast that will clap a white wastcoat on a cup of good drinke Deuill All this you may haue there Miles You are for me friend and I am for you but I pray you may I not haue an office there Deuill Yes a thousand what wouldst thou be Miles By my troth sir in a place where I may profit my selfe I know hell is a hot place and men are maruellous dry and much drinke is spent there I would be a Tapster Deuill Thou shalt Miles There 's nothing lets me from going with you but that t is a long iourney and I haue neuer a horse Deuill Thou shalt ride on my backe Miles Now surely here 's a courteous deuill that for to pleasure his friend will not sticke to make a Iade of himselfe but I pray you goodman friend let me moue a question to you Deuill What 's that Miles I pray you whether is your pace a trot or an amble Deuill An amble Miles T is well but take heed it be not a trot But t is no matter I le preuent it Deuill What doest Miles Mary friend I put on my spurs for if I find your pace either a trot or else vneasie I le put you to a false gallop I le make you feele the benefit of my spurs Deuill Get vp vpon my backe Miles Oh Lord here 's euen a goodly maruell when a man rides to hell on the Deuils backe Exeunt roaring Enter the Emperour with a pointlesse sword next the King of Castile carrying a sword with a point Lacy carrying the Globe Edward Warraine carrying a rod of gold with a Doue on it Ermsby with a Crowne and Scepter the Queene with the faire maide of Fresingfield on her left hand Henry Bacon with other Lords attending Edward Great Potentates earths miracles for state Thinke that Prince Edward humbles at your feet And for these fauours on his martiall sword He vowes perpetuall homage to your selues Yeelding these honours vnto Ellinour Henrie Gramercies Lordings old Plantagenet That rules and swayes the Albion Diademe With teares discouers these conceiued ioyes And vowes requitall if his men at armes The wealth of England or due honours done To Ellinor may quite his Fauorites But all this while what say you to the Dames That shine like to the christall lampes of heauen Emperour If but a third were added to these two They did surpasse those gorgeous Images That gloried Ida with rich beauties wealth Margret T is I my Lords who humbly on my knee Must yeeld her horisons to mighty Ioue For lifting vp his handmaide to this state Brought from her homely cottage to the Court And graste with Kings Princes and Emperours To whom next to the noble Lincolne Earle I vow obedience and such humble loue As may a handmaid to such mighty men Ellinor Thou martiall man that weares the Almaine Crown And you the Westerne Potentates of might The Albian Princesse English Edwards wife Proud that the louely star of Fresingfield Faire Margret Countesse to the Lincolne Earle Attends on Ellinour gramercies Lord for her T is I giue thankes for Margret to you all And rest for her due bounden to your selues Henrie Seeing the marriage is solemnized Let 's march in triumph to the Royall feast But why stands Fryer Bacon here so mute Bacon Repentant for the follies of my youth That Magicks secret mysteries misled And ioyfull that this Royall marriage Portends such blisse vnto this matchlesse Realme Hen. Why Bacon what strange euent shall happē to this Lād Or what shall grow from Edward and his Queene Bacon I find by deepe praescience of mine Art Which once I tempred in my secret Cell That here where Brute did build his Troynouant From forth the Royall Garden of a King Shall flourish out so rich and faire a bud Whose brightnesse shall deface proud Phoebus flowre And ouer-shadow Albion with her leaues Till then Mars shall be master of the field But then the stormy threats of wars shall cease The horse shall stampe as carelesse of the pike Drums shall be turn'd to timbrels of delight With wealthy fauours plenty shall enrich The strond that gladded wandring Brute to see And peace from heauen shall harbour in these leaues That gorgeous beautifies this matchlesse flower Apollos Hellitropian then shall stoope And Ʋenus hyacinth shall vaile her top Iuno shall shut her Gilliflowers vp And Pallas Bay shall bash her brightest greene Ceres carnation in confort with those Shall stoope and wonder at Diana's Rose Henrie This Prophesie is mysticall But glorious Commanders of Europa's loue That makes faire England like that wealthy Ile Circled with Gihen and first Euphrates In Royallizing Henries Albion With presence of your princely mightinesse Let 's march the tables all are spred And viandes such as Englands wealth affords Are ready set to furnish out the bords You shall haue welcome mighty Potentates It rests to furnish vp this Royall Feast Only your hearts be frolicke for the time Craues that we taste of nought but iouysance Thus glories England ouer all the West Exeunt omnes Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit vtile dulci. FINIS
you his cooke with a shoulder of mutton to make it exceed Hostesse Oh where am I or what 's become of me Bacon What art thou Hostesse Hostesse at Henly mistresse of the Bell Bacon How camest thou here Hostesse As I was in the kitchen mongst the maids Spitting the meate against supper for my guesse A motion moued me to looke forth of dore No sooner had I pryed into the yard But straight a whirlewind hoisted me from thence And mounted me aloft vnto the cloudes As in a trance I thought nor feared nought Nor know I where or whither I was tane Nor where I am nor what these persons be Bacon No know you not master Burden Hostesse Oh yes good sir he is my daily guest What master Burden 't was but yesternight That you and I at Henly plaid at cardes Burden I know not what we did a poxe of all coniuring Fryers Clement Now iolly Fryer tell vs is this the booke that Burden is so carefull to looke on Bacon It is but Burden tell me now Thinkest thou that Bacons Nicromanticke skill Cannot performe his head and wall of brasse When he can fetch thine hostesse in such poste Miles I le warrant you Master if Master Burden could coniure as well as you he would haue his booke euery night from Henly to study on at Oxford Mason Burden what are you mated by this frolicke Fryer Looke how he droops his guilty conscience Driues him to bash and makes his hostesse blush Bacon Well Mistris for I will not haue you mist You shall to Henly to cheere vp your guests Fore supper ginne Burden bid her adew Say farewell to your hostesse fore she goes Sirra away and set her safe at home Hostesse Master Burden when shall we see you at Henly Exeunt Hostesse and the Deuill Burden The Deuill take thee and Henly too Miles Master shall I make a good motion Bacon What 's that Miles Mary sir now that my hostesse is gone to prouide supper coniure another spirit and send Doctor Burden flying after Bacon Thus Rulers of our Academicke State You haue seene the Fryer frame his Art by proofe And as the Colledge called Brazen-nose Is vnder him and he the Master there So surely shall this head of brasse be fram'd And yeeld forth strange and vncoth Aphorismes And Hell and Heccate shall faile the Fryer But I will circle England round with brasse Miles So be it nunc semper Amen Exeunt omnes Enter Margaret the faire mayd of Fresingfield with Thomas and Ione and other clownes Lacie disguised in Country apparell Thomas By my troth Margret here 's a wether is able to make a man call his father whorson if this wether hold we shall haue hay good chape and butter and cheese at Harlston will beare no price Margret Thomas maids when they come to see the faire Count not to make a cope for dearth of hay When we haue turn'd our butter to the salt And set our cheese vpon the rackes Then let our fathers prise it as they please We Countrie sluts of merry Fresingfield Come to buy needlesse noughts to make vs fine And looke that young-men should be francke this day And court vs with such fairings as they can Phoebus is blithe and frolicke lookes from heauen As when he courted louely Semele Swearing the Pedlers shall haue empty packs If that faire weather may make chapmen buy Lacie But louely Peggy Semele is dead And therefore Phoebus from his Palace pries And seeing such a sweet and seemely saint Shewes all his glory for to court your selfe Margret This is a fairing gentle sir indeed To sooth me vp with such smooth flatterie But learne of me your scoffe 's to broad before Well Ione our beauties must abide their iests We serue the turne in iolly Fresingfield Ione Margret a Farmers daughter for a Farmers sonne I warrant you the meanest of vs both Shall haue a mate to leade vs from the Church But Thomas what 's the newes what in a dumpe Giue me your hand we are neere a Pedlers shop Out with your purse we must haue fairings now Thomas Faith Ione and shall I le bestow a fairing on you and then we will to the Tauern and snap off a pint of wine or two All this while Lacie whispers Margret in the eare Margret Whence are you sir of Suffolke for your tearmes are finer then the common sort of men Lacy. Faith louely girle I am of Beckles by Your neighbour not aboue six miles from hence A Farmers sonne that neuer was so quaint But that he could doe courtesie to such Dames But trust me Margret I am sent in charge From him that reueld in your fathers house And fild his Lodge with cheere and venison Tyred in greene he sent you this rich purse His token that he helpt you run your cheese And in the milkehouse chatted with your selfe Margret To me you forget your selfe Lacy. Women are often weake in memory Margret Oh pardon sir I call to minde the man T were little manners to refuse his gift And yet I hope he sends it not for loue For we haue little leisure to debate of that Ione What Margret blush not maides must haue their loues Thomas Nay by the masse she lookes pale as if she were angrie Richard Sirra are you of Beckles I pray how doth goodman Cob my father bought a horse of him I le tell you Margret a were good to be a Gentlemans iade for of all things the foule hilding could not abide a dung-cart Margret How different is this Farmer from the rest That earst as yet hath pleas'd my wandring sight His words are witty quickened with a smile His courtesie gentle smelling of the Court Facill and debonaire in all his deeds Proportion'd as was Paris when in gray He courted Aenon in the vale by Troy Great Lords haue come and pleaded for my loue Who but the Keepers Lasse of Fresingfield And yet me thinkes this Farmers ioylly sonne Passeth the proudest that hath pleas'd mine eye But Peg disclose not that thou art in loue And shew as yet no signe of loue to him Although thou well wouldst wish him for thy loue Keepe that to thee till time doth serue thy turne To shew the griefe wherein they heart doth burne Come Ione and Thomas shall we to the Faire You Beckles man will not forsake vs now Lacy. Not whilst I may haue such quaint girles as you Margret Well if you chance to come by Fresingfield Make but a step into the Keepers Lodge And such poore fare as Woodmen can affoord Butter and cheese creame and fat venizon You shall haue store and welcome therewithall Lacy. Gramarcies Peggie looke for me ere long Exeunt omnes Enter Henry the third the Emperour the King of Castile Elinor his daughter Iaques Vandermast a Germane Henry Great men of Europe Monarkes of the West Ring'd with the walls of old Oceanus Whose lofty surges like the battlements That compast high built Babell
Banish thou fancie and imbrace reuenge And in one toombe knit both our carkases Whose hearts were linked in one perfect loue Edward Edward art thou that famous Prince of Wales Who at Damasco beat the Sarazens And broughtst home triumph on thy Lances point And shall thy plumes be puld by Venus downe Is 't princely to disseuer Louers loues Leaue Ned and make a vertue of this fault And further Peg and Lacy in their loues So in subduing fancies passion Conquering thy selfe thou get'st the richest spoile Lacy rise vp Faire Peggie here 's my hand The Prince of Wales hath conquered all his thoughts And all his loues he yeelds vnto the Earle Lacy enioy the maid of Fresingfield Make her thy Lincolne Countesse at the Church And Ned as he is true Plantagenet Will giue her to thee frankly for thy wife Lacy. Humbly I take her of my Soueraigne As if that Edward gaue me Englands right And rich't me with the Albion Diadem Margret And doth the English Prince meane true Will he vouchsafe to cease his former loues And yeeld the title of a Country maid Vnto Lord Lacy Edward I will faire Peggie as I am true Lord Margret Then Lordly Sir whose conquest is as great In conquering loue as Casars victories Margret as milde and humble in her thoughts As was Aspatia vnto Cyrus selfe Yeelds thanks and next Lord Lacy doth inshrine Edward the second secret in her heart Edward Gramercy Peggie now that vowes are past And that your loues are not to be reuolt Once Lacy friends againe come we will poast To Oxford for this day the King is there And brings for Edward Castile Ellinor Peggie I must goe see and view my wife I pray God I like her as I loued thee Beside Lord Lincolne we shall heare dispute Twixt Fryer Bacon and learned Vandermast Peggy we 'le leaue you for a weeke or two Margret As it please Lord Lacy but loues foolish looks Thinke footsteps miles and minutes to be houres Lacy. I le hasten Peggie to make short returne But please your Honour goe vnto the Lodge We shall haue Butter Cheese and Venison And yesterday I brought for Margret A lusty bottle of neat Clarret wine Thus can we feast and entertaine your Grace Edward 'T is cheere Lord Lacy for an Emperour If he respect the person and the place Come let vs in for I will all this night Ride poast vntill I come to Bacons cell Exeunt Enter Henry Emperour Castile Ellinor Vandermast Bungay Emperour Trust me Plantagenet these Oxford Schooles Are richly seated neere the Riuer side The mountaines full of fat and fallow Deere The battling pastures laid with Kine and Flocks The Towne gorgeous with high built Colledges And Schollers seemely in their graue attire Learned in searching the principles of Art What is thy iudgement Iaques Vandermast Vander. That Lordly are the buildings of the Towne Spatious the roomes and full of pleasant walkes But for the Doctors how that they be learned It may be meanely for ought I can heare Bungay I tell thee Germane Haspurge holds none such None read so deepe as Oxenford containes There are within our Academicke state Men that may lecture it in Germany To all the Doctors of your Belgicke Scholes Henry Stand to him Bungay charme this Vandermast And I will vse thee as a Royall King Vandermast Wherein darest thou dispute with me Bungay In what a Doctor and a Fryer can Vandermast Before rich Europes Worthies put thou forth The doubtfull question vnto Vandermast Bungay Let it be this Whether the spirits of Piromancy or Geomancy be most predominant in Magicke Vander. I say of Piromancy Bungay And I of Geomancy Vander. The Cabbalists that write of Magicke spels As Hermes Melchre and Pythagoras Affirme that 'mongst the quadruplicity Of elementall essence Terra is but thought To be a punctum squared to the rest And that the compasse of ascending elements Exceed in bignesse as they doe in height Iudging the concaue Circle of the Sunne To hold the rest in his Circumference If then as Hermes sayes the fire be great'st Purest and onely giueth shapes to spirits Then must these Demones that haunt that place Be euery way superiour to the rest Bungay I reason not of elementall shapes Nor tell I of the concaue latitudes Noting their essence nor their quality But of the spirits that Piromancy calls And of the vigour of the Geomanticke Fiends I tell thee Germane Magicke hants the grounds And those strange Negromanticke spels That worke such shewes and wondring in the world Are acted by those Geomanticke sprites That Hermes calleth Terrae filij The fierie spirits are but transparent shades That lightly passe as Heralds to beare newes But earthly Fiends cloz'd in the lowest deepe Disseuer mountaines if they be but char'd Being more grosse and massie in their power Vandermast Rather these earthly Geomantike spirits Are dull and like the place where they remaine For when proud Lucifer fell from the heauens The spirits and Angels that did sin with him Retain'd their locall essence as their faults All subiects vnder Lunas Continent The which offended lesse hang in the fire And second faults did rest within the aire But Lucifer and his proud-hearted fiends Were throwne into the Center of the earth Hauing lesse vnderstanding then the rest As hauing greater sinne and lesser grace Therefore such grosse and earthly spirits doe serue For Iuglers Witches and vild Sorcerers Whereas the Piromanticke Genij Are mighty swift and of farre reaching power But grant that Geomancie hath most force Bungay to please these mighty Potentates Proue by some instance what thy Art can doe Bungay I will Emper. Now English Harry here begins the game We shall see sport betweene these learned men Vandermast What wilt thou doe Bungay Shew thee the Tree leau'd with refined gold Whereon the fearefull Dragon held his seate That watcht the Garden cald Hesperides Subdued and wonne by conquering Hercules Vandermast Well done Here Bungay coniures and the Tree appeares with the Dragon shooting fire Henrie What say you Royall Lordlings to my Fryer Hath he not done a point of cunning skill Vander. Ech Scholler in the Negromanticke spels Can doe as much as Bungay hath perform'd But as Alemenas bastard rais'd this Tree So will I raise him vp as when he liued And cause him pull the Dragon from his seate And teare the branches piecemeale from the roote Hercules Prodi Prodi Hercules Hercules appeares in his Lyons skin Hercules Quis me vult Vandermast Ioues bastard sonne thou Libian Hercules Pull off the sprigs from off the Hesperian Tree As once thou didst to win the golden fruit Hercules Fiat Here he begins to breake the branches Vander. Now Bungay if thou canst by Magicke charme The Fiend appearing like great Hercules From pulling downe the branches of the Tree Then art thou worthy to be counted learned Bungay I cannot Vander. Cease Hercules vntill I giue thee charge Mighty Commander of this English I le Henrie come from
in with Towres Welcome my Lords welcome braue westerne Kings To Englands shore whose promontory cleeues Shewes Albion is another little world Welcome sayes English Henry to you all Chiefly vnto the louely Eleonor Who darde for Edwards sake cut through the seas And venture as Agenors Damsell through the deepe To get the loue of Henries wanton son Castile Englands rich Monarke braue Plantagenet The Pyren mounts swelling aboue the clouds That ward the wealthy Castile in with walls Could not detaine the beautious Eleanor But hearing of the same of Edwards youth She darde to brooke Neptunus haughty pride And bide the brunt of froward Eolus Then may faire England welcome her the more Elinor After that English Henry by his Lords Had sent Prince Edwards louely counterfeit A present to the Castile Elinor The comly pourtrait of so braue a man The vertuous fame discoursed of his deeds Edwards couragious resolution Done at the holy Land fore Damas walls Led both mine eye and thoughts in equall links To like so of the English Monarchs sonne That I attempted perils for his sake Emperour Where is the Prince my Lord Henrie He posted downe not long since from the Court To Suffolke side to merry Fremingham To sport himselfe amongst my fallow Deere From thence by packets sent to Hampton house We heare the Prince is ridden with his Lords To Oxford in the Academy there To heare dispute amongst the learned men But we will send forth letters for my sonne To will him come from Oxford to the Court Emp. Nay rather Henry let vs as we be Ride for to visit Oxford with our traine Faine would I see your Vniuersities And what learned men your Academy yeelds From Haspurg haue I brought a learned Clerke To hold dispute with English Orators This Doctor surnam'd Iaques Vandermast A Germane borne past into Padua To Florence and to faire Bolonia To Paris Rheims and stately Orleans And talking there with men of Art put downe The chiefest of them all in Aphorismes In Magicke and the Mathematike rules Now let vs Henry trie him in your Schooles Henry He shall my Lord this motion likes me well Wee le progresse straight to Oxford with our traines And see what men our Academy brings And wonder Vandermast welcome to me In Oxford shalt thou finde a iolly Fryer Cald Fryer Bacon Englands only flowre Set him but Non-plus in his magicke spels And make him yeeld in Mathematicke rules And for thy glory I will bind thy browes Not with a Poets Garland made of Bayes But with a Coronet of choicest gold Whilst then we sit to Oxford with our troupes Le ts in and banquet in our English Court Exit Enter Raphe Simnell in Edwards apparell Edward Warren Ermsby disguised Raphe Where be these vagabond knaues that they attend no better on their master Edward If it please your Honour we are ready at an inch Raphe Sirra Ned I le haue no more poste-horse to ride on I le haue another fetch Ermsby I pray you how is that my Lord Raphe Mary sir I le send to the Ile of Eely for foure or fiue dozen of Geese and I le haue them tide sixe and sixe together with whip-cord Now vpon their backs will I haue a faire field bed with a Canopy and so when it is my pleasure I le flee into what place I please this will be easie Warren Your honour hath said well but shall we to Brazen-nose Colledge before we pull off our bootes Ermsby Warren well motioned we will to the Fryer Before we reuell it within the towne Raphe see you keepe your countenance like a Prince Raphe Wherefore haue I such a company of cutting knaues to wait vpon me but to keepe defend my countenance against all mine enemies haue you not good swords and bucklers Enter Bacon and Miles Ermsby Stay who comes here Warren Some Scholer and we 'le aske him where Fryer Bacon is Bacon Why thou arrant dunce shall I neuer make thee good scholer doth not all the Towne crie out and say Fryer Bacons subsiser is the greatest block-head in all Oxford why thou canst not speake one word of true Latine Miles No sir yes what is this else Ego sum tuiu homo I am your man I warrant you sir as good Tullies phrase as any is in Oxford Bacon Come sirra what part of speech is Ego Miles Ego that is I mary nomen substantiuo Bacon How proue you that Miles Why sir let him proue himselfe and a will I can be heard felt and vnderstood Bacon Oh grosse dunce Here beate him Edward Come let vs breake off this dispute between these two Sirra where is Brazen-nose Colledge Miles Not farre from Copper-smiths hall Edward What doest thou mocke me Miles Nor I sir but what would you at Brazen-nose Ermsby Mary we would speake with Fryer Bacon Miles Whose men be you Ermsby Mary scholler here 's our master Raphe Sirra I am the master of these good-fellowes maist thou not know me to be a Lord by my reparrell Miles Then here 's good game for the hawke for here 's the master foole and a couie of Cockscombes one wise man I think would spring you all Edward Gogs wounds Warren kill him Warren Why Ned I thinke the deuill be in my sheath I cannot get out my dagger Ermsby Nor I mine Swones Ned I thinke I am bewitcht Miles A company of Scabbes the proudest of you all draw your weapon if he can See how boldly I speake now my master is by Edward I striue in vaine but if my sword be shut And coniured fast by magicke in my sheath Villaine here is my fist Strike him a boxe on the eare Miles Oh I beseech you coniure his hand too that he may not lift his armes to his head for he is light-finger'd Raphe Ned strike him I le warrant thee by mine honour Bacon What meanes the English Prince to wrong my man Edward To whom speakest thou Bacon To thee Edward Who art thou Bacon Could you not iudge when all your swords grew fast That Fryer Bacon was not farre from hence Edward King Henries sonne and Prince of Wales Thy foole disguis'd cannot conceale thy selfe I know both Ermsby and the Sussex Earle Else Fryer Bacon had but little skill Thou comest in poast from merry Fresingfield Fast fancied to the Keepers bonny Lasse To craue some succour of the iolly Fryer And Lacy Earle of Lincolne hast thou left To treat faire Margret to allow thy loues But friends are men and Loue can baffle Lords The Earle both wooes and courts her for himselfe Warren Ned this is strange the Fryer knoweth all Ermsby Apollo could not vtter more then this Edward I stand amazed to heare this iolly Fryer Tell euen the very secrets of my thoughts But learned Bacon since thou knowest the cause Why I did poast so fast from Fresingfield Helpe Fryer at a pinch that I may haue The loue of louely Margret to my selfe And as I am true Prince of