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king_n earl_n great_a lord_n 27,730 5 3.6766 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00433 [Howe Howleglas deseyued a wynedrawer in Lubeke]; Till Eulenspiegel. English. 1519 (1519) STC 10563; ESTC S117876 7,562 18

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¶ Howe Howleglas de●eyued a wyne drawer in Iubeke O On a tyme cā Howlegias to Iubeke where is very strayght Iustyce And whyle the Howleglas was there abydynge he harde tell of a wyne drawer the was in a Iordes seller that was very prowde and presumtyouse and sayd that there was no man that culde deseyue hym or passe hym in wysdome and there was none of all the lordes that loued hym Than thought howleglas in his mynde howe he myght deseyue hym Thā vpon a tyme toke Howleglas ij pottes one of water and the other empty and he hyd the empty pot that nomā sawe it and cam to the seller and gaue the wyne dramer the empty pot and bad hym fyll the pot with wyne and so he dyd and whā it was full he browght it vp to Howleglas and than he loked a syde and in the meane whyle howleglas set the pot of water in the pot or wynes place and hyd the pot of wyne than ashyd he the drawer what he shulde pay and the drawer sayd x. wytten that sayd howleglas the wyne is to dere for me / For I haue but viij wytten Than was the wyne drawer angerye and sayde wyll ye set another pryce on the wyne than the lordes haue set Than sayd howleglas I haue no more money and I shall nath●●ue it so thā take your wyne ageyne for I knewe it nat before / Than was the wyne deawer very angery and toke the ●●ot with the water bare it downe into the seller and pored out the water into the vessell went it had ben the wyne cam and gaue Howleglas the pot and sayd make ye me fyll wyne and ye haue no money to pay for it ye wene I be a fole than sayde Howleglas pe be begyled of a fole and with that worde wēt his waye with the pottes / and than the drawer mystrustynge Howleglas for the wordes that he sayde and toke a sergant and ouer toke hym and serched hym and than they founde that he had two pottes vnder his mantell thā toke they Howleglas peched hym for a thefe browght hym to pryson and than sayd some that he had deserued to be hanged a some sayde that it was done for the nonse to deseyne the wyne drower and that was but well done For be shulde haue sene therto before for he sayth dayly that no mā shulde begyle hym but they that loued nat howleglas sayde that he was a thefe that he shulde be hanged and thā was Howleglas browght before the Iuges and they gaue sētence that he shulde be hanged and on the morowe was he browght vnto the galowes for to be hanged for they that loued hym nat wolde fayne haue sene iusteyse done on hym and there were gathered many of the cowne to se Howleglas suffer dethe / but the lordes of Iubeke were soryefor hym for some went that he culde socery or wytchecrafre that he therwith simlde be delyuered and as he was led towarde the galowse he lay all styll as thowght he had bene all deed and when he cam under the galowes than desyred he to speke with the lordes when the lordes were cum he fell upon his knes and prayed them that they wolde graunte hym a boue and the lordes sayde that shulde be his lyfe that he wolde aske And than sayde How leglas it shall not be my lyfe not money nor it shulde nat coste them one pennye of coste And all the lordes of Iubeke went to the other syde of the galowes and toke acounsayll they repeted his wordes and than agreed to graunt hym his peryeyon cam to hym and bad hym aske whatsoeuer he wolde saue those wordes that were a boue rehersed And than thanked howle glas the lordes and sayd I pray you that euery oon of you wyll gyue me your handes thereon thā all to gyther gaue hym they hādes so that all the lordes had graūted hym both he with worde and hande Than sayd Howleglas to the lordes by cause I howe that ye be so faythefull of your wordes I shall showe to you my bone and than he sayd this is my bone that euery lorde of Iubeke to cū kysse my at s when that I am hanged vpon the galowes by the space of .iij. dayes longe with his mowth in the mornynge fastynge and the Gorowghe mayster fyrste and all the lordes after in order Than answered the lordes to Howleglas and sayd that that was a vnmanerly bone for to be asked And then sayd howle glas to the lordes of Iubeke I knowe the coun seyll of Iubeke so sure of theyr ꝓmyse that they wolde holde that they haue ꝓmysed bothe with hande mowthe Then wentethe lordes ayene to counsayll and than sayde the oon to the other this thynge that he askes of vs it is vnlaufully asked for it were a great shame for vs ●ll that we that be the greatteste lordes of the towne shulde cum and kys his ars better it were for vs to gyue hȳ his pardone let hym goo his waye for it is but asmall faure that he hath done than agreed all the lordes and sayde that it was beste for to do / than called the lordes the Sergeaūtes and bad theym that they shulde vnbynde Howleglas let hym go at large for they all had gyuen hym his ꝑdon than dyd they vnlose Howleglas when Howleglas was at large he thanked the lordes and than departed he fro Iubeke was delyuered and neuer cam there after ¶ Howe Howleglas becam a maker of spectakles and howe he culde fynde no worke in no lāde wheresoeuer he cam O● on a tyme the Seniatours of Ro●● h●● great dyscorde amonge them selfe whiche of all the lordes shuld be Emperoure And at the laste was the Erle of Supplem browgh kyngs of Romanes and emperoure of Rome but there were many other that loked for it So when he was made he laye vi wekes longe before that towne of Frankeforde 〈◊〉 bydynge there for a● other lordes to tourment where was a great cōpany assembled And this herynge Howleglas thowght in his mynde to goo thyder and so he and for there he thowght to get some gyfre and it were no more but the emperours syluer harnepse And as Howleglas passed be frankeford he met with the Bysshop of Taer and by cause that he was clothed auenturelye he asked hym what he was and Howleglas answered I am a spectacle maker cum out of Grabant and I cā fynde no worke than sayde the bysshop m● thȳke that youre crafte shulde be better dayly for the people the longer the syue the lesse syght they haue therfore your crafte shulde be better dayly / than sayd Howleglas to the bysshop my lorde ye say trewthe but there is oon thynge that destroyeth our crafte and if that ye wyll nat take no despleasure I shall showe it to you / and than the bysshop bad hym say what he wolde than