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A15506 The English martyrologe conteyning a summary of the liues of the glorious and renowned saintes of the three kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Collected and distributed into moneths, after the forme of a calendar, according to euery saintes festiuity. VVherunto is annexed in the end a catalogue of those, who haue suffered death in England for defence of the Catholicke cause, since King Henry the 8. his breach with the Sea Apostolicke, vnto this day. By a Catholicke priest. Wilson, John, ca. 1575-ca. 1645? 1608 (1608) STC 25771; ESTC S120085 181,492 404

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monuments yet remaining erected and dedicated in his honour He died in the yeare of Christ six hundred and foure and lieth buryed in S. Peters Church at Rome THE same day in Scotland the Commemoration of S. Fethno monke and Confessour who being a disciple of S. Columbe the Great of Ireland came with him ouer into Scotlād togeather with eleuē other Cōpanions all Irishmen to preach the Christian faith to the Pictes that then inhabited that Kingdome where after their conuersion from Idolatry to the true knowledge of Christ famous for sanctity of life and other vertues he there ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ 580. B The thirteenth Day IN Scotland the Cōmemoration of S. Vigane Confel●our who de●●●nded of a very honourable parentage in that Kingdome became there a monke of the Venerable Order of S. Benedict of the Congregation of Cluniacke whose great learning and vertue hath not only i 〈…〉 rated very much the Order of his Religion but the whole iland also where he was borne There is yet extāt in diuers libraryes of Europe a famous worke of his intituled Sermones ad populum which he wrote about the yeare of Christ one thousand and two about which tyme also in great sanctity of life and venerable old age he departed to our Lord and was buryed in Scotland C The fourteenth Day A● Lindisserne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the Commernoration of S. Ceolnulph King of that Prouince and Confessour who leauing the care of his Kingdome to Eadbert his kinsman and reiecting all worldly pleasures and titles became a monke in the Abbey of Lindisserne where in all kind of 〈…〉 and exemplar good life he spent the rest of his dayes and finally in a good old age there gaue vp his soule to rest about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred thirty and seauen He was afterward buryed in the same place neere to the Venerable body of S. Cuthbert Bishop of that Sea at whose tombe many miracles are recorded to haue byn wrought in witnesse of his sanctity D The fifteenth Day AT Glastenbury in Somersetshire the festiuity of S. Aristobulus Bishop and Martyr who being a noble Roman by birth and one of the first Christians of that Citty as appeareth by S. Paul his salutation of him in his Epistle to the Romans was created Bishop by S. Peter the Apostle and sent by him into Britany to preach the Christian ●aith whereafter he had brought very many erring sheep to Christes fould most gloriously ended his blessed dayes by Ma●tyrdome about the yeare of Christ threscore and ten His memory hath byn famous in our Ilād vntill these later tymes of schismes and heresyes as being one of our first Apo●tles and Patrons E The sixteenth Day AT Ridall-Monastery the Commemoration of Blessed Alred Abbot and Confessor whose great learning and vertue hath much illustrated the Catholicke Church of Christ but especially our Iland of Great Bri●any where he was borne liued and died He was first a monke of the venerable Order of S Benedict and afterward became Abbot of an ancient Monastery called Rhieuallis now vulgarly Ridall where in great sanctity of life he ending his blessed dayes reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred threescore foure He wrote the life of King Edward the Cōfessour besides very many other lear●ed and p●ous bookes to the number of one and twenty all which are yet extant to be seene in diuers Libraries as well in England as other Countreyes of Europe F The seauenteenth Day IN Ireland the deposition of S. Patricke Bishop and Confessour Apostle of that I●and who borne in the Territory of Bristow in Somersetshire brought vp at Glastenbury went ouer in his youth into France to S. Martyn his Vncle then Bishop of Towers who was brother to S. Patrickes Mother of whome he was instructed in learning and other vertues afterwards going to Rome was there consecrated Bishop by Pope Celestinus and sent backe to preach the Christian faith in Scotland which he did for a tyme with great fruit of his labour and thence he went into Ireland because at that tyme the greatest part of the Scotts inhabited that Kingdome where he conuerted the whole Iland and so became their Apostle working wonderous miracles among them He liued an hundred and two and twenty yeares obtayning by his prayers that no venemous creature should liue or breed in Ireland and died in the yeare of Christ foure hundred fourscore and one His body was first interred in the towne of D●n in the Prouince of Vlster and afterward translated to the Archbishops Sea of Armachan in the same Kingdome about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred threescore and seauenteene as the ancient Records of Ireland do declare G The eighteenth Day AT Corse-castle in the I le of Purbecke in Dorcetshire the passion of S. Edward K. of the VVestsaxons and Martyr who through the trechery of his step-mother Queene Alfred desyrous that her owne sonne Ethelbert should be King was slayne by certayne souldiers hired by the forsaid Queene to that purpose whilst he was on hunting in the yeare of Christ nyne hūdred threescore and eighteene His body was first interred at VVarham and after at Shastesbury wherat it pleased God in witnesse of his Innocency to worke many miracles And last of all the same was translated to Glastenbury-Abbey in the yeare of Christ one thousand and one THE same day in Ireland the deposition of S. Christian Bishop and Confessour who borne in the same Iland became there first a monke of the Order of Cisterce and scholler to the famous S. Malachy Archbishop Primate of that Kingdome afterward Abbot of Mellisonte and last of all Bishop where in great sanctity of life he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred fourty and eight whose memory is yet famous throughout Ireland A The ninteenth Day AT Derby the Commemoration of S. Alkmund Martyr sonne to Alred King of Northumberland who being slayne in a battayle against the Duke of VVil●on in the behalfe of the Viceroy of VVorcester named Ethelmund that pretended to recouer certayne lands that VVolstan Duke of VVilton detayned from him wrongfully his body presently began to do miracles which being seene and witnessed the same was translated to Derby and there with great veneration interred most solemnly in a Church erected in his honour and called afterwards of his name S. Alkmunds which in former Catholicke tymes hath byn a famous pilgrimage especially for the Northerne people of England He suffered in the yeare of Christ eight hundred B The twentith Day AT Lindisserne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the deposition of S. Cuthbert Bishop and Confessour who descended of the Kings bloud of Ireland became a monke first of the famous Monastery of Mailros in the Marches of Scotland and
France and became Mai●●er to the Emperour Charles the Great by whose help he founded the Vniuersity of Paris about the yeare of Christ eight hundred and foure hauing himselfe byn scholler to our famous S. Bede in his youth His notable labours and workes in Gods Church are yet memorable throughout the Christian world He died at Towers in France about the yeare of Christ 813. was the first that composed the Masse Office of the blessed Trinity and of S. Stephen the Protomartyr which being afterward approued by our Mother the holy Catholicke Church is the same that now is vsually said in the Romā Missal Breuiary G The twentith Day AT Here●ord the festiuity of S. Ethelbert King of the Eastangles and Martyr who comming into Mercia to visit King Ossa and to treate of a Marriage with his daughter was through the malice of wicked Quendred wife to Ossa miserably slayne at a town now called Sutton-wallis foure miles distant from Here●ord partly for ambition therby to inioy his Kingdome and partly also for that he was a Christian. His body being presently brought to Heresord and there interred it pleased God forth with to shew the innocēcy of his cause by the wonderfull miracles wrought therat Ouer which King Kenulphus afterward erected a goodly Church in his honour placing there a Bishops Sea and which is now the Cathedrall Church of that Citty He suffered in the yeare of Christ 793. A The one and twentith Day AT Fin●hall among the Northumbers the deposition of S. Godricke Eremite who after he had lead a solitary life for threescore yeares togeather and twice on pilgrimage for deuotiō visited our Sauiours Sepulcher at Hierusalem and the blessed Apostles bodyes at Rome full of great sanctity of life veneble old age togeather with innumerable miracles he finally reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred seauenty His body was buryed at Fin●hall in an Oratory which himselfe had built wherat euen vntill the dayes of Queene Elizabeth many miracles were wrought THE same day at Constantinople the deposition of Blessed Constantine the Great who borne in our ●●and og Great Britany according to ancient Traditions was the first Christian Emperour that restored peace to the Church of God He is by the Greekes canonized for a Saint and his festiuity appointed on this day among whome also many goodly Churches and altars haue in former ages byn dedicated in his honour And in North wales of our Iland there is yet remayning to be seene a fayre Church ●r●ted and dedicated in his name B The two and twentith Day AT VVindesore the deposition of holy K. Henry the sixt of that name of England who being a most vertuous and innocent Prince was wrongfully deposed by King Edward the 4. cast into the tower of London where a little after he was most barbarously slayne by Richard Duke of Glocester in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred threescore and eleuen His body was first buryed in the Monastery of Cher●sey where presently it began to doe miracles which being s●ene it was with great solemnity and veneration translated to VVindesore and there honourably interred in the Chappell of S. Gregory wherat also it pleased God in wittnesse of his innocent life to worke many miracles Moreouer it is recorded that his Veluet ●at which he vsed to weare being put on mens heads that were troubled with the head-ake were presently cured He builded the famous schoole of Eaton and was the founder of the Kings Colledg in Cambridge King Henry the seauenth dealt which Pope Iulius the second about his Canonization but by reason of both their deaths the same was broken of C The three and twentith Day AT Rochester in Kent the deposition of S. VVilliam Martyr who borne in the towne of Perth in Scotland and taking his pilgrimage towards Hierusale on foote through England was by his owne seruant slaine in the high way a little frō the aforsaid Citty of Rochester whose body being brought to the towne it pleased God forthwith to worke many miracles therat in signe of his innocency where the same was after interred and kept with great veneration in the Cathedrall Church of S. Andrew in the same Citty vntill these our dayes The story of his martyrdōe miracles is writtē at large by Thomas Monmouth who liued about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred and threescore D The foure twentith Day AT Glastenbury in Somersetshire the Commemoration of holy King Edgar Confessour and first Monarch of England whose glorious actes in Gods Church are famous to all posterity He builded and reedified seauen and fourty Monasteryes that had byn destroyed by the incursions of other barbarous Nations and endowed them with great maintenance as also caused by his intercession to the Sea Apostolicke all the Clergy of his Realme to be reformed In the houre of his Natiuity it is recorded that S. Dunstan heard a voyce of Angells singing Pax Anglorum Eccles●ae c. Peace to the Church of England He died in all sanctity and holinesse of life in the yeare of Christ nyne hūdred threescore and fifteene whose body was with all solemnity and veneration honourably interred at Glastenbury which being takē vp in the yeare one thousand fifty and two almost fourscore yeares after his death by Aldar Abbot of that place was found whole and vncorrupt being cut fresh bloud issued therout as if he had byn newly dead wherupon he was put into a costly shrine of siluer which himselfe had somtime giuen to that Church and placed vpon the high altar togeather with the head of S. Apollinaris and the reliques of S. Vincent Martyrs wherat miracles are recorded to haue byn wrought And so continued there vntill the tyme of King Henry the eight and decay of that Monastery E The fiue twentith Day AT Sherborne in Dorcetshire the deposition of S. Adelme Bishop and Confessour nephew to Inas King of the Westsaxons who trauayling into France in his youth after his returne became first a monke of the Venerable Order of S. Benedict at Malmesbury and afterward being made Abbot of that Monastery went to Rome in company of King Ceadwall and was there created Bishop of Sherborne in Dorcetshire by Pope Sergius and sent backe to his bishopricke where after great labours and many notable bookes wrytten for the instruction of men in Christian Religion but especially one of Virginity which he dedicated to the Nunnes of Barkensteed and wherby many were moued to that holy kind of Religious life he finally reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and nyne His body was buryed at Sherborne first but afterward remooued to Maimesbury where the same was wont to be kept in Catholicke tymes with great veneration F The six and twentith Day AT Canterbury the deposition of S. Augustine Confessour and first Bishop of that Sea
THE ENGLISH MARTYROLOGE CONTEYNING A SVMMARY OF THE LIVES of the glorious and renowned Saintes of the three Kingdomes ENGLAND SCOTLAND AND IRELAND COLLECTED AND DISTRIBVTED into Moneths after the forme of a Calendar according to euery Saintes festiuity VVHERVNTO Is annexed in the end a Catalogue of those who haue suffered death in England for defence of the Catholicke Cause since King Henry the 8. his breach with the Sea Apostolicke vnto this day By a Catholicke Priest Eccles. 44. Nomen eorum viuet in generationem generationem Their memory shall liue from generation to generation Permissu Superiorum Anno 1608. Ecce Regni Anglia dulcis patriae excidiū dolendū c. Mar●yribus Confessoribus c. Behould the lamentable destruction of England so pleasant a Countrey c. An Iland so shining with Martyrs Confessours and holy Virgins that scarcely shall yow passe by any famous Village or streete where yow shall not heare the glorious Name of some new Saint or other c. Matth. Paris in Hist. Angl. Anno 1. Gul. Conquest NVsquam gentium vt opinor reperies c. No where I supose shall yow find so many incorrupted bodyes of Saintes as in England resembling that their euerlasting incorruptibility Which by diuine prouidence I thinke to be therfore so ordayned that a Nation situated almost out of the world should by consideration of their incorruption be more confidently animated to the hope of eternall Resurrection c. Author Continuat Hist. Ven. Bedae l. 2. cap. 30. Vixit anno 1110. EVery corner of S. Augustines Monastery at Cāterbury lieth full of the bodyes of Sayntes and those of no small Name or merit but euen of such as one wherof alone were sufficient to make England famous c. Idem eodem lib. cap. 33. TO THE CATHOLICKS OF ENGLAND SCOTLAND AND IRELAND WHEN I had almost brought this little worke to an end deare Catholicke Countreymen I began to thinke with my selfe to whome among many so dearely affected I might make bold to dedicate the same therby the better to patronize that which ouer bold presumption had cōceyued And though the thing it selfe needed none other Patrons or Protectors then the glorious Saintes themselues of whome we are now to treat yet because I might not seeme in a manner to defraude any heerin of their right interest which I imagined at last I thought it most conuenient that YOW whose hartes and myndes are firmely fixed in the honour and veneration of so glorious and elected wightes and for the imbracing wherof yow daily suffer so great and many persecutions should take vpon yow this Protection for whose comfort and consolation principally next after the honour of the Saintes themselues the same is published I do not heere offer vnto yow any new thing which is alwayes commonly the custome of such to do who dedicate their workes to others but that which so many ages since hath by a certaine inheritance as it were of your forfathers descended still by good right and title vnto yow and shall heerafter vnto your and all posterity Only this that I haue heere gathered togeather and restored vnto yow againe that which the iniury of tymes had violently taken from yow and sought to abolish all memory therof humbly presenting the same as a duty of my loue towards yow my dearest Countrey Wishing yow to take in good part what my poore endeauours haue byn able to produce heerin for your spirituall consolation in these your so great affictions and pressures with desyre to be made partaker of your good prayers This first of October 1608. Yours wholy deuoted I. W. Priest THE CALENDAR IANVARY 1 Midwyne Conf. * Eluane Bish. * 2 A Thousand holy Martyrs * 3 Meltorus Mart. * 4 Croniacke Conf. * 5 Edward King 6 Peter Conf. * 7 Ced Conf. 8 Guithelme Bishop Transl. William 9 Brituald Bishop Adrian Abbot Transl. Iudocus 10 Sethrid Virg. * 11 Egwyne Bishop 12 Benedict Abbot 13 Kentigerne Abbot 14 Beno Confessour * 15 Alfred King * 16 Henry Ermite 17 Milwyde Virg. 18 Deicola Abbot Vlfride Bishop * 19 Wolstan Bishop Henry Bishop 20 Elfred Virg. * 21 Malcalline Abbot 22 Brituald Bishop * 23 Boysill Abbot * 24 Sophias Bishop Cadocke Mart. 25 Conuersion Paul Eoglodius Conf * 26 Theorithgid Virg. * 27 Palladius Bish. * 28 Arwaldi Broth. Mart. * 29 Gildas Abbot 30 Amnichade Conf. 31 Adaman Conf. FEBRVARY 1. BRigit Virgin 2 Laurence Bishop Burchard Bishop 3 Wereburge Virgin 4 Gilbert Conf. Liephard Bish. 5 I●hn Indractus Mart. * 6 Inas King * 7 Richard King Augulus Bishop Transl. Helena 8 Edelsted Virg. * 9 Merigold Mart. 10 Transl. Wi●●rid Bishop 11 William Bish. Canoch Conf. 12 Edilwald Bishop * 13 Ermenild Queene Transl. Kilian B. 14 Conwane Conf. * 15 Sigfride Bishop 16 Tancone Bishop 17 Finan Bishop 18 Iohn Bishop * 19 Acca Bishop * 20 Mildred Virgin Vlsricke Ermite 21 Cymbert Bishop * 22 Transl. Gudwall Bishop 23 Transl. Milburge Virg. 24 Ethelbert King Berectus Conf. 25 Transl. Furseus Abbot 26 Iohn Bishop * Sexulfe Bishop * 27 Alnoth Martyr* Oswald Bishop MARCH 1 Dauid Bishop Switbert Bish. 2 Chad Bishop Willeicke Abb. 3 Wenlocke Abbot Furseus Abbot 4 Wilgise Confess * 5 Frodoline Abbot Kinisdred Virg. Kiniswide Virg. 7 Deifer Ermite * 8 Felix Bishop 9 Bosa Bishop * 10 Himeline Conf. 11 Transl Oswyn King 12 Gregory Pope Fethno Conf. * 13 Vigane Conf. * 14 Ceolnulph King * 15 Aristobulus Bishop 16 Alred Abbot * 17 Patricke Bishop 18 Edward King Christian Bish. 19 Alkmund Mart. * 20 Cuthbert Bish. Herebert Conf. 21 Isenger Bishop * 22 Hamund Bishop * 23 Egbert King * 24 Lansrancke Bishop 25 William Martyr 26 Many holy Martyrs * 27 Archibald Abbot 28 Transl. Fremund King 29 Baldred Conf. * 30 Pattone Bishop 31 Transl. Adelme Bishop APRIL 1 Sadocke Mart. * Adrian Mart. * 2 Ebba Abbesse * 3 Richard Bishop Burgundofora Virg. 4 Guier Priest * 5 Tigernake Bishop Gotebald Bishop * 6 Celsus Confessour Ethelwold King * 7 Sigene Abbot * 8 Duuianus Conf. * 9 Frithstan Bish. * 10 Paternus Confess Eschillus Bishop 11 Guthlacke Conf. 12 Hugh Bishop* Mechtild Virg. * 13 Elfled Virgin * 14 Ethelnulph King * 15 Eleua Oswald Bishop 16 Transl. Alban Protom 17 Marianus Conf. * 18 Oswyn Conf. * 19 Elphege Bishop 20 Ceadwall King Transl. Aldar B. 21 Anselme Bishop 22 Birstan Bishop * 23 George Martyr Etheldred King 24 Mellitus Bishop Egbert Abbot Inuent Iuo B. Tran. Wilfrid B. 25 Obodius Conf. * 26 Modan Confess * Midan Confess * 27 Walburge Virgin 28 Kortill Bishop * 29 Senan Conf. * 30 Erconwald Bishop MAY 1 Assaph Bish. Vltan Abbot 2 German Bishop Piran Conf. * 3 Walter Abbot 4 Ethelred King * 5 Algiue Queene* Scandalaus Conf. * 6 Edbert Bishop Tran. Dubritiu 7 Iohn Beuerley Bish. 8 Wyre Bishop 9 Beatus Conf. 10 Transl. Bede Priest 11 Fremund King Martyr 12 Remigius Bishop 13 Merwyne Virg. * 14 Edith Virg. * 15
Dympna Virg. 16 Symon Confess Transl. Alban Brandan Abbot 17 Transl. 11000. Virgins 18 Sewall Bishop 19 Dunstan Bishop Alcuine Abbot 20 Ethelbert King Mart. 21 Godricke Ermite Constātine Emper. 22 Henry King 23 William Martyr 24 Edgar King * 25 Adelme Bishop 26 Augustine Bishop Fugatius Conf. Damianus Conf. 27 Bede Priest 28 Ionas Abbot * 29 Burien Virg. * 30 Hieu Virg. * 31 Wolstan Martyr IVNE 1 Rufin Mart. * Vlfade Mart. * 2 Malcolme King * 3 Eleutherius Conf. * 4 Patrocke Bishop * 5 Boniface Bishop Mart. Eboam Bishop Mart. Adlar Bishop Mart. Vintruge Priest Mart. Walter Priest Mart. Abelhere Priest Mart. Hamunt Deacō Mart. Boso Deacon Mart. Gunderhere M. Mart. Wilhere Monke Mart. Adolph Monke Mart. 6 Gudwall Bish 7 Robert Abbot Transl. Wolstan 8 William Bish. Disibode Bish. 9 Columbe Abbot 10 Tran. Edmund King Margaret Queene Ithimar Bishop 11 Edilwald Conf. * 12 Agatha Virg. * 13 Elerius Abbot * 14 Transl Brandan Abbot 15 Eadburge Virg. Transl. Menigold Mayne Abbot 16 Transl Richard Bishop Leofgar Bishop Mart. 17 Botulph Abbot 18 Dunstan Abbot * 19 Iohn Bishop * 20 Transl. Oswald K. Transl. Edward K. 21 Engelmund Mart. 22 Alban Protomart Souldiar Mart Transl. Ortrude V. 23 Ediltrude Virgin 24 Rumwald Bishop 25 Amphibale Mart. Adalbert Conf. Transl. Lebuine Conf. 26 Nine hundred Mart. * 27 Iohn Conf. Transl. Leuine B. 28 Columbane Monke * 29 Peter Paul Apost Ethelwyne Bishop * 30 Deusdedit Bishop IVLY 1 IVlius Aaron Goluin Bishop 2 Swithin Bishop Oudocke Conf. 3 Transl. Lanfranke B. Guthagon Conf. 4 Odo Bishop 5 Modwene Abbesse Transl. Anselme Bishop 6 Sexburge Abbesse 7 Tran. Thom. of Cant. Hedda Bishop Willebald Bishop Edilburge Virg. Ercongote Virg. 8 Grimbald Abbot Kilian Bishop Colman Mart. Totnam Mart. Erwald Mart. 9 Edilburge Queene 10 Etto Bishop 11 Dronston Conf. * 12 Luane Abbot * 13 Transl. Mildred Virg. 14 Marchelme Conf. 15 Transl. Swithin Bishop of Winch. Plechelme Bishop Eadgith Queene Harrucke Bishop Dauid Abbot 16 Transl. Osmund Bishop 17 Kenelme King Mart. Iohn Abbot Frideg and Conf. 18 Edburge Virgin Transl. Odilia 19 Diman Conf. * 20 Ethelwide Queene * 21 Arbogastus Bishop 22 Wilfrede Queene * 23 Vodine Bish. Mart. * 24 Transl. Lewine Virg. 25 Wiaman Mart. * Vnaman Mart. * Sunaman Mart. * 26 Christian Virgin 27 Ioseph of Arimathia Hugh Martyr 28 Sampson Bishop 29 Lupus Bishop Owen Conf. * 30 Lefrone Abbesse Tacwine Bish. 31 Neoth Conf. AVGVST 1 EEthelwold Bishop Transl. Wenlock 2 Alricke Ermite * 3 Domitius Conf. * 4 Transl. Wallurge Virg. 5 Oswald King 6 Henry Bishop Alexander Conf. * 7 Maude Queene * 8 Fagane Confess * 9 Hugh Bishop 10 Malcus Bishop * 11 Gilbert Confessour * 12 Bertelme Conf. * 13 Wigbert Mart. * 14 Transl. Werenfrid Conf. 15 Margaret Prioresse * 16 Thomas Monke * 17 Thomas Conf. Ieron Martyr 18 Helen Empresse 19 Clintanke King 20 Oswyne King 21 Richard Bishop * 22 Arnulph Conf. * 23 Iustinian Mart. * 24 Alice Prioresse * 25 Ebba Martyr Thom. of Hereford 26 Pandwyne Virgin * 27 Decuman Mart. * 28 Rumbald Conf. * Agnes Virg. Mart. 29 Sebbe King Transl. Edwold 30 Fiaker Conf. 31 Aidan Bishop Cuthberge Abbesse Transl. Eanswide SEPTEMBER 1 Elphege Bishop * 2 Adaman Abbot * 3 Transl. Foillan Bish. 4 Tran. Cuthbert Bish. Marcellus Bishop 5 Altho Abbot * 6 Bega Virgin * 7 Transl. Dunstan Bish. 8 Ethelburge Queene * 9 Queran Abbot Wulfhild Virg. 10 Otger Deacon Conf. 11 Bather Abbot * 12 Eanswide Abbesse Quemburge Virg. * 13 Werenfrid Conf. 14 Bernard Conf. * 15 Chineburg Queene * 16 Ninian Bishop Edith Virgin Martyrs 17 Stephen Socrates 18 Transl. Winocke Abb. 19 Theodore Bishop 20 Cibthacke Confessour * 21 Edilhun Conf. * 22 Higbald Abbot * 23 Hereswide Queene * 24 Transl. Winibald Abb. 25 Ceolfride Abbot 26 Wulsy Abbot Iotaneus Conf. * 27 Sigebert King * 28 Lioba Abbesse 29 Cogan Abbot * 30 Honorius Bishop OCTOBER 1 ROger Bishop Tran. Guthagō Wasnulph Conf. 2 Transl. Thom. of Hereford 3 Ewaldi Martyrs 4 Edwyn King Mart. 5 Conwalline Abbot * 6 Ywy Conf. Comine Abbot * 7 Osith Virg. Transl. Hugh B. 8 Transl. Eloquius Keyna Virgin 9 Robert Bishop Gislen Conf. 10 Pauline Bishop Iohn Conf. 11 Edilburge Abbesse Canicke Abbot 12 Wilfrid Bishop 31 Transl. Edward K. Colman Martyr 14 Transl. Burchard Bishop 15 Transl. Oswald B. Tecla Abbesse 16 Lullus Bishop Gallus Abbot 17 Ethelbrit Mart. Ethelred Mart. Tran. Ediltrude 18 Mo●o Martyr 19 Fridesuyde Virgin Transl. Widebrord Ethbyn Abbot 20 Wendelm Abbot 21 Vrsula Virgin 22 Mellon Bishop Cordula Virg. Dovatus Bish. 23 Syra Virgin * 24 Maglore Bish. Maxentia Virg. * 25 Ardwine Conf. * 26 Eatta Bishop Albuine Bish. 27 Transl. Romwald B. 28 Symon Apostle Alfred King 29 Eadsine Bishop Motiser Conf. * 30 Egelnoth Bishop 31 Foillan Bishop NOVEMBER 1 Transl. Boniface B. Richard Ermite * 2 Vulganius Bishop 3 Wenefride Virgin Tran. Edith Virg. 4 Clare Martyr 5 Malachy Bishop 6 Winocke Abbot 7 Willebrord Bishop Florentius Bishop 8 Willehade Bishop 9 Congilia Abbesse * 10 Iustus Bishop Io●n Bishop 11 Bertuine Bishop 12 Liu 〈…〉 nus Bishop Lebuine Conf. 13 Kilian Bish. Conf. 14 Tran. Erconwald Laurence Bishop Dubri●ius Bishop 15 Macloue Bishop Edmund Bishop Margaret Qu. 17 Hugh Bishop Hilda Abbesse 18 Fulke Confess * 19 Ermenburge Queene 20 Edmund K. Mart. Humbert Bishop 21 Columban Abbot 22 Osmane Virgin * 23 Tathar Er 〈…〉 e * 24 Eanflede Queene * 25 Telean Bishop * 26 Egbert Abbot * 27 Oda Virgin 28 Edwold Conf. 29 Barucke Ermite * 30 Withbuge Virgin * DECEMBER 1 DAniel Confess * 2 Neede Virgin * 3Lucius King Birine Bish. Eloquius Conf. 4 Osmund Bishop Emerita Virg. 5 Christine Virgin * 6 Congellus Abbot* Floremina Virg. * 7 Odwald Abbot * Gallanus Conf. * 8 Conception of B. Virg. Agatha Queene * 9 Ethelgine Abbesse * 10 Chined Ermite * 11 Geruadius Bishop * 12 Elfred Virg. * 13 Iudocus Ermite Edburge Virgin 14 Mimborine Abbot * 15 Transl. Hilda Virg. 16 Bean Bishop Tibbe Virgin * 17 Tetta Abbesse * 18 Winibald Abbot 19 Macharias Abbot * 20 Comogel Abbot * 21 Edburge Abbesse * 22 Hidelide Virgin * 23 Imbware Virgin * 24 Ruthius Conf. * 25 Gregory Conf. * 26 Ethelfrede Virg. * 27 Gerrard Confess * 28 Transl. Elphege Bishop 29 Thomas of Canterbury 30 Eustach Abbot * 31 Eternane Conf. * AN ADVERTISMENT OF THE AVTHOR to the Catholicke Reader WHERAS all Bookes good Reader of what subiect soeuer that are published to the view of the world must passe the censures and iudgments of many sortes of people I haue thought it not amisse before thou enter any further into the contentes to giue thee two or three short aduertisments in this place as well therby to preuent all occasions of misconstruction or cauill that any man perchance may take against this little worke or Sanctiloge of myne as also the better to informe thy vnderstanding concerning diuers doubtes or other
A The ninteenth Day AT Hagustalde in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the Commemoration of S. Acca Confessour and Bishop of that Sea who being one of S. VVillebrord his coadiutors and going ouer with him into Saxony and Frizeland for the conuersion of those nations was sent backe againe into Englād to the Consecration of S. Switbert and there detayned and ordayned Bishop of Hagustalde by S. VVilfrid the second of Yorke which pastorall function whē he had most worthily performed for many yeares in great sanctity of life and godly conuersation full of venerable old age he reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred thirty and six B The twentith Day IN the I le of Thanet in Kent the deposition of S. Mildred Virgin daughter to Merualdus King of Mercia who contemning the vayne pleasures of this world went ouer in her tender yeares into France and there dedicated her selfe to God in a Monastery of Virgins at Kale but afterwards returning into England and gathering togeather seauenty other Virgins was consecrated Abbesse of a new Monastery erected in the I le of Thanet by S. Theodore Archbishop of Canterbury where famous for sāctimony of life miracles she gaue vp her soule to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ six hūdred threscore and foure The forsaid Monastery was afterward burned by the Danes with many others in our Iland There is yet to be seene a fayre Church dedicated in her honour in London in the Poultry commonly called S. Mildreds as also an old Chappell yet stāding erected likewise in her honour in a village or Flaunders called Milàn three miles distant from the Citty of S. Omers THE same day at Haselburrow in VViltshire the deposition of S. Vlfricke Confessor and Eremite whose wonderfull life in prayer and abstinence togeather with working of Miracles was very famous throughout England about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred fifty and foure about which tyme also he died and was buryed in a little Oratory at the forsaid village of Haselburrow which himselfe had built at whose body many miracles are recorded to haue byn wrought C The one and twentith Day IN the I le of Wight in Hampshire the commemoration of S. Cymbert Bishop and Confessour who being a monke of the venerable Order of S. Benedict Abbot of the Monastery of Redford in the same Prouince was in the raigne of Ethelhard King of the VVestsaxons ordayned Bishop and placed in the ●le of VVight where he confirmed the people in the Christian faith which S. VVilfride of Yorke had there planted some twenty yeares before in the tyme of his banishment from that Sea where in all kind of most godly conuersation and sanctity of li●e he gaue vp his blessed soule to rest about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and thirty D The two and twentith Day AT Gaunt in Flaunders the Translation of S. Gudwall Bishop and Cōfessour who being a noble Britan by birth ordayned Bishop in that Primitiue Church preached incessantly the faith of Christ with great profit in our Iland He built many Monasteryes and became himselfe a Father of an hundred and fourscore monkes And after all this thirsting the good of his neighbour-Countreyes he went ouer into the lower Germany and there taught the Christian faith in like manner with no lesse profit then in Britany And last of all full of venerable old age in great sanctity and holinesse of life he rested in our Lord about the yeare of Christ three hundred and fourty and was one of the first of our Iland that preached the Christian faith in Flaunders His body hauing byn brought into England was afterwards on this day in the second persecution of the Danes translated to Gaunt by Arnulph Earle of Flaunders and S. Gerard Abbot in the yeare of Christ nyne hundred and threescore Where the same is still preserued with great veneration of the Inhabitants E The three and twentith Day AT VVenlocke in Shropshire the Translation of S. Milburge Virgin daughter to Merualdus Prince of Mercia whose great sanctimony innocency of life it pleased God to manifest vnto the world after her departure by the manifold miracles wrought at her body which being miraculously reuealed to a certaine godly man in the raigne of K. VVilliam the Cōquerour was takē vp and found sound vncorrupt to the admiratiō of the behoulders and being put into a costly shrine was kept in the Monastery of VVenlocke which she had built with her owne inheritance vntill the tyme of King Henry the eight when the same was destroyed She departed to our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred threescore and foure vpon the six and twentith day of May but her feast is commonly celebrated on this day both in England and other Countreys Her life is wrytten at large by Gotzelinus a monke of the Monastery of S. Bertin in the Citty of S. Omers in Artoys F The foure twentith Day AT Canterbury the deposion of S. Ethelbert King of Kent and Confessour who first of all other Princes in our Iland after the Britans receyued the Christian faith by the preaching of S. Augustine and his fellowes sent from Rome by Pope Gregory the Great He built many goodly Churches and Monasteryes in his dominions and among the rest S. Augustines at Canterbury S. Andrewes at Rochester and S. Paules at London He departed this life in the yeare of Christ six hundred and sixteene and was buryed at Canterbury THE same day in Scotland the depositiō of S. Berectus Confessour who leading a Monasticall life in that Kingdome was famous for sanctity of life working of miracles about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and fourteene about which tyme also he ended his blessed dayes and was buryed in Scotland G The fiue twentith Day AT Perone in Picardy the Translation of S. Furseus Abbot and Confessour sonne to K. Philtan of Ireland who comming into England to Sigebert King of the Eastangles built there a Monastery and gathered many monkes togeather instructing them in all kind of vertue and good learning And then leauing the care therof to his brother called Foillan he went ouer into France and there built another Monastery at Perone where in his venerable old dayes full of great sanctity and holines of life he departed to our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred and thirty His body was buryed in the same Monastery of whome the Monkes of that place haue many particular hymnes in their Office the which being taken vp afterwards was on this day translated to a more eminent place of the forsaid Church of Perone where the same is kept with great veneration for the miracles that are recorto haue byn wrought therat A The six and twentith Day AT Constance in the higher Germany the Commemoration of S. Iohn Bishop Confessour who borne in Scotland
of the Order of S. Benedict in the Monastery of S. Martins at Cullen and afterward at the forsaid towne of Fulda in an Abbey which S. Boniface Archbishop of Mentz had sometimes founded for the Scottish nation where in great holines and sanctity of life he reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ one thousand and threescore and raigne of K. Edward the Confessour of England He wrote many learned bookes which he left behind him to posterity and are extant to be read in diuers libraryes of Europe The Catalogue wherof yow may see set downe by diuers Catholicke writers in print C The eighteenth Day IN the Marches or borders of Scotland the Commemoration of S. Oswyn Confessour who descended of a noble British parentage contēned the vanityes of this world became a monke in an ancient Monastery called Lesting which S. Chad of Lichsield had sometymes founded in the Kingdome of the Northumbers where giuing himself to continuall fasting prayer and other bodyly pennāce famous for sanctity of life and miracles he departed this transitory world and reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred threscore and ten whose name and holinesse haue byn very memorable in former tymes in our iland of Great Britany especially among the Northerne people and borderers of Scotland D The ninteenth Day AT Green-wich in Kent the passion of S. Elphege Bishop and Martyr who being first Abbot of an ancient Monastery neere Bath in Somersetshire was thence promoted to the Bishopricke of VVinchester after to Canterbury And when the Danes came to inuade his Church of Canterbury and demaunding of him three thousand markes of money he like a good Pastour of his flocke manfully resisted refusing to giue the said summe from his Church Wherfore after seauen moneths imprisonment and diuers kinds of torments he was finally stoned to death at the forsaid towne of Green-wich by the enemyes of truth in the yeare of Christ one thousand and twelue whose body was first brought to London and afterward translated to Canterbury About this tyme also as it is recorded were slayne by the said Danes for the Christian faith six and thirty monkes of S. Augustines Monastery in Canterbury and eight thousand of the lay people in other places of England E The twentith Day AT Rome the deposition of Blessed Ceadwall King of the VVestsaxons and Confessour who before he was yet a Christian himselfe so much reuerenced the Christian Bishops and Clergy of the Church of England that when he had subdued the I le of VVight being Pagan he gaue the fourth part therof to S. VVilfride at that tyme expulsed from yorke wherin he caused him to preach plant the Christian faith afterwards wēt himselfe to Rome was there baptized by Pope Sergius where within a few dayes being yet in his Albes he departed to our Lord on this day in the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and nyne His body lieth buryed in the entrāce of S. Peters old Church at Rome as the ancient Tables and Records therof do declare wherof you may read S. Bede more at large in his history of England where he setteth downe two Epitaphes engrauē ouer the forsaid Kings tombe the one in verse the other in prose in memory of so famous an act to all posterity That in verse is this Culmen opes sobolem pollentia regna triumphos Exuuias proceres mania castra lares Quaeue Patrum virtus quae congesserat ipse Ceadual Armipotens liquit amore Dei. Vt Petrum Sedemue Pe●ri Rex cerneret hospes Cuius fonte meras sumeret Almus aquas Splendificumue iubar radianti carperet haustu Et quo viuisicus sulgor vbiue sluit Percipiensue alacer rediui●ae pramia vitae Barbaricam rabiem nomen inde suum Conuersus conuertit ouans Petrumque vocari Sergius Antistes iussit vt ipse Pater Fonte renascentis quem Christi gratia purgans Protinus ablutum vexit in arce Poli. Mira fides Regis Clementia maxima Christi Cuius consilium nullus adire potest Sospes enim veniens supremo ex Orbe Britanni Per varias Gentes per freta perue vias Vrbem Romuleam vidit Templumue verendum Aspexit Petri mystica dona gerens Candidus inter o●es Christi socialibus ibit Corpore nam tumulum mente superna tenet Commutasse magis Sceptrorum insignia credas Quam Regnum Christi promeruisse vides THE same day at Ersord in the higher Germany the Translation of S. Adlar Bishop and Martyr who being an Englishman by birth and a monke in the Kingdome of the Northumbers went ouer into Germany with S. Boniface to preach the Christian faith to that Pagan Nation where being consecrated Bishop of Erford he was togeather with S. Boniface and fifty others slayne by the barbarous people at a towne called Dockum in Frizland for the defence of Christian faith in the yeare of Christ seauen hundred fifty and foure His body was afterward on this day translated to Ersord and there is kept with great Veneration of the Inhabitants F The one and twentith Day AT Canterbury the deposition of S. Anselme Bishop Confessour who borne at Augusta in Burgundy came thence into Normandy to the Abbey of Becke and there became first a monke then Prior and lastly Abbot of the said Monastery And being afterward promoted to the Sea of Canterbury gouerned the same most laudably vntill the tyme of King VVilliam Rufus by whome he was banished the Realme but againe restored by King Henry the first He celebrated two famous Councells at London And after a most holy life ioyned with great piety learning full of venerable old age he ended his blessed dayes in the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred nyne and sixteenth yeare of his Gouerment and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church of Canterbury at the head of his predecessour Lanfranke at whose body it hath pleased God to worke many miracles G The two and twentith Day AT VVinchester in Hampshire the Commemoration of S. Birstan Confessour and Bishop of that Sea whose godly life and miracles haue much illustrated our Iland of Great Britany There is a story recorded how on a tyme after his death he appeared to S. Ethelwold his successor in the Sea of VVinchester togeather with S. Birine and S. Swithin all in great glory told him That he who was made worthy of so great glory in heauen had no reason to be de●rauded of his honour on earth After which tyme S. Ethelwold caused his body to be kept with more veneration reuerence then before He died in great sanctity and holynesse of life about the yeare of Christ nyne hundred forty and foure and was buryed at VVinchester A The three and twentith Day THE Celebrity of S. George Martyr whose feast for that he is Patron of England hath alwayes byn kept holy and serued
her prayers she raised to life S. Osith being thē but a girle that had byn drowned in a riuer three dayes as may be read in the Acts of S. Osithes life THE same day at Canterbury the Translation of S. Anselme Confessour Bishop of the same Sea whose rare learning vertues and labours in Gods Church togeather with his miracles and sanctity of life are yet famous to the Christian world He died in the yeare of Christ 1109. and in the nynth yeare of K. Henry the first his raigne His body was afterward on this day taken vp and translated to a more eminent place of his Church at Canterbury with great solemnity and veneration wherat through his meritts it hath pleased God to worke many miracles E The sixt Day AT Ely in Cambridgshire the deposition of S. Sexburge Queene and Abbesse wife to Ercombert K. of Kent and daughter to Annas King of the Eastangles who after the death of her husband gouerned his Kingdome for a while and built a goodly Monastery of Nunnes in the I le of Sheppey in Kent then became herselfe a Religious woman in the Monastery of Ely wherof also after the death of her sister S. Audry who had that dignity whilst she liued she was made Abbesse and there in most godly wise finally gaue vp her soule to her heauenly spouse Christ about the yeare of our Lord six hundred fourscore and nynteene and was buryed in the same place neere to her said sister S. Audry Whose body being taken vp seauen yeares after her death was found whole and vncorrupt which well declared the sanctimony and holines of her life whilst she liued F The seauenth Day AT Canterbury the Translation of S. Thomas Archbishop of the same Sea and Martyr who being violently oppressed by King Henry the second his seruantes was after many slaunders calumniations and banishment suffered in defence of Ecclesiasticall libertyes slayne in the tyme of Euensonge in his Pontificall vestments before the high altar in his owne Church of Canbury in the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred threescore and seauenteene His body being afterward on this day taken vp and put into a costly siluer shrine guilt and set with pretious stones was translated to a more eminent place of the same Church wherat it pleased God to worke infinite miracles King Henry the eight at his breach with the Sea Apostolicke destroyed this goodly monument and taking all the treasure therof to his owne vse caused his body to be burned to ashes dispersed in the ayre in the yeare of Christ 1538. THE same day at VVinchester in Hampshire the deposition of S. Hedda Confessour and Bishop of that Sea whose godly and innocent life was afterward confirmed by the miracles wrought at his body in VVinchester where he died and was buryed in the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and fiue THE same day also at Eyst in Germany the deposition of S. VVillebald Confessour and first Bishop of that Sea Sonne to S. Richard King of the English who going ouer to his vncle S. Boniface into Germany was by him ordayned Bishop of Eyst where full of great holines of life he reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ seauen hundred fourscore and one His body is buryed in the Cathedrall Church of that Citty and there preserued with great veneration THE same day in like manner at Brige neere Paris in France the depositiō of the Saintes Edilburge daughter to Annas King of the Eastangles and Ercongote daughter to King Ercombert of Kent who being both Abbesses of the said Monastery of Brige the one succeding the other and dying both on one day in diuers yeares deserued to haue their memoryes celebrated togeather on one and the selfe same day by our Mother the holy Cath. Church The former S. Edilburge died about the yeare of Christ six hundred and threescore and the other some foure yeares after and were both buryed at Brige aforsaid G The eight Day AT VVinchester in Hampshire the depositiō of S. Grimbald Abbot and Confessour whome King Alfred calling out of Trā●e into England vsed in all his consultations for the gouernment of his Kingdome He refused the Archbishopricke of Canterbury and chose rather to be Abbot of a new Monastery erected by the said K. Alfred in the Citty of VVinchester where in most godly wise he ended his blessed dayes in the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and foure THE same day at VVirtzburge in Franconia the passiō of S. Kilian Bishop togeather with the Saints Colmā Totnā Erwald mōkes and Martyrs who being borne in Ireland all of very honourable families and S. Kilian sonne to the King of that Iland went ouer into Germany where S. Kilian was ordayned Bishop of VVirtzburge and preaching the Christian faith in those partes were all at last by the enemyes of truth slayne for the defence therof vnder Gosbert King of Franconia about the yeare of Christ six hundred nynty and seauen Their Reliques are kept vntill this day at VVirtzburge with great veneration of the inhabitants A The ninth Day AT Barking in Essex the deposition of S. Edilburge Queene who being wife to Inas King of the VVestsaxons both she and her husband consented to enter into two Monasteryes and become religious wherupon the King himselfe going to Rome and there taking vpon him the habit of a monke of S. Benedicts Order the Queene likewise entred into the Monastery of Barking aforsaid and receyued the holy veyle of Chastity where in all kind of sanctimony of life she finally ended her blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and fourty Of this name of Edilburge there are three Saintes of our Nation to wit S. Edilburge daughter to Annas King of the Eastangles and Abbesse of Brige in France S. Edilburge sister to S. Erconwald Bishop of London and the first Abbesse of this aforsaid Monastery of Barking and this S. Edilburge wherof we now speake Queene of the VVestsaxons All which three being English women by byrth liued togeather within the space of lesse then an hundred yeares B The tenth Day AT Fisciacum in Hennalt the deposition of S. Etto Bishop and Confessour who being an Irishman by byrth and comming out of that Kingdome with S. Furseus and his fellowes went ouer into France and Germany to preach the Christiā faith which he did with as great fruite and profit as holinesse of life vntill his dying day which happened about the yeare of Christ six hūdred fifty six His body was afterward translated to Letias in the same Prouince and there is kept vntill this day with great honour and veneration of the inhabitants for the manifold miracles that it hath pleased God in signe of his sanctity to worke therat C The eleuenth Day IN Scotland the Commemoration of S. Dronston Confessour who borne in the same Kingdome of the bloud Royall and vncle to Aidan King of
August Altho Abbot 5. Septemb. Amnichade Conf. 30. Ian. Amphibale Mart. 25. Iune Anselme B. 21. Apr. 5. Iuly Arbogastus Bishop 21. Iuly Archibald Abbot 27. March Ardwyne Conf. 25. Oct. Aristobulus Bish. 15. Mar. Arnulph Conf. 22. August Arwaldi martyrs 28. Ian. Assaph Bishop 1. May. Audry vide Ediltrude Augulus mart 7. Febr. Augustine Bishop 26. May. B BAldred Conf. 29. March Barucke Conf. 29. Nou. Bather Conf. 11. Septemb. Bean Bishop 16. Decem. Beatus Conf. 9. May. Bede Priest 10. 27. May. Bega Virgin 6. Sept. Benedict Abbot 12. Ian. Beno Conf. 14. Ian. Berectus Conf. 24. Febr. Bernard Conf. 14. Sept. Bertelme Ermite 12. Aug. Bertuine Bishop 11. Nouemb. Birine Bishop 3. Decemb. Birstan Bishop 22. April Boniface B. 5. Iune 1. Nouem Bosa Bishop 9. March Boso Mart. 5. Iune Botulph Abbot 17. Iune Boysil Abbot 23. Ian. Brādan Abb. 16. May 14. Iun. Brigit Virg. 1. Febr. Brituald of Canterb. 9. Ian. Brituald of VVinch 22. Ian. Burchard B. 2. Feb. 14. Oct. Burgundosora Abbesse 3. Apr. Burien Virg. 29. May. C CAdocke mart 24. Ian. Canicke Abbot 11. Octob Canoch Conf. 11. Feb. Ceadwall King 20. Apr. Ced Bishop 7. Ian. Celsus Bishop 6. Apr. Ceolfride Abbot 25. Sept. Ceolnulph King 14. Mar. Chad Bishop 2. Mar. Chinede Ermite 10. Dec. Chineburge Queene 15. Sept. Christian Bish. 18. Mar. Christian Virg. 26. Iuly Christine Virg. 5. Decemb. Clare Mart. 4. Nouemb. Clintanke K. mart 19. Aug. Cogan Abbot 29. Sept. Colman Bishop 13. Octob. Colman mart 8. Iuly Columbe Abbot 9. Iune Columbane Abbot 21. Nou. Columbane Monke 28. Iune Conine Abbot 6. Octob. Comogel Abbot 20. Decemb. Cōception of our B. Lady 8. De. Congellus Abbot 6. Decemb. Congilla Abbesse 9. Nou. Constantine Emp. 21. May. Conwalline Abbot 5. Octob. Conwan Conf. 14. Feb. Cordula Virg. 22. Oct. Chroniacke Conf. 4. Ian. Cuthbert B. 20. Mar. 4. Sept. Cuthberge Abbesse 31. Aug. Cymbert Bish. 21. Febr. Cyhthacke Conf. 20. Sept. D DAmianus Conf. 26. May Daniel B. 1. Decem. Dauid Bish. 1. March Dauid Conf. 15. Iuly Decuman Mart. 27. Aug. Deicola Abbot 18. Ian. Deifer Conf. 7. March Deusdedit Bishop 30. Iune Diman Conf. 19. Iuly Disibode Bish. 8. Iune Domitius Conf. 3. Aug. Donatus Bish. 22. Octob. Dronston Conf. 11. Iuly Drusa Mart. 5. Febr. Dubritius B. 6. May. 14. Sept. Dunstan B. 19. May. 7. Sept. Dunstan Abbot 18. Iune Duuianus Conf. 8. April Dympna Virg. Mart. 15. May. E EAdgith Queene 15. Iuly Eadsine Bish. 29. Octob. Eadware Virg. 23. Decem. Eanslede Queene 24. Nou. Eanswide Abbesse 31. Aug. 12. Sept. Eatta Bishop 26. Octob. Ebba Mart. 25. August Ebba Virg. 2. April Eboam Martyr 5. Iune Edbert Bish. 6. May. Edburge of VVilson 15. Iune Edburge of Edburton 18. Iuly Edburge of Kent 13. Dec. Edburge of Peterb 21. Dec. Edelfled Abbesse 8. Febr. Edgar King 25. May. Edilburge Queene 9. Iuly Edilburge of Brige 7. Iuly Edilburge of Barking 11. Oct. Edilhun Conf. 21. Sept. Ediltrude Q 23. Iun. 17. Oct. Edilwald Bish. 12 Febr. Edilwald Ermite 11. Iune Edith of Polleswor 14. May. Edith of Wilton 16. Sept. 3. Nouemb. Edmund King Mart. 10. Iune 20. Nouemb. Edmund Bishop 16. Nouemb. Edward K. mart 18. March 20. Iune Edward K. Conf. 15. Ian. 10. Octob. Edwold Conf. 29. Aug. 28. Nouemb. Edwyn King mart 4. Octob. Egbert King 23. March Egbert Abbot of Scot. 24. Apr. Egbert Abb. of Eulda 26. Nou. Egelnoth Bish. 30. Octob. Egwine Bish. 11. Ian. Elerius Abbot 3. Iune Eleutherius Conf. 3. Iune Elsled Virg. 13. April Elsled Abbesse 20. Ian. Elfred Virg. 12. Decemb. Eloquius Conf. 8. Oct. 3. Dec. Elphage B. of Winchest 1. Sept. Elphege B. of Cant. 19. Apr. 28. Decem. Eluane Bishop 1. Ianuar. Emerita Virg. Mart. 4. Dec. Engelmund Mart. 21. Iune Eoglodius Conf. 25. Ian. Erconwald B. 30. Ap. 14. No. Ercongote Abbesse 7. Iuly Ermenburge Queene 19. No. Ermenild Queene 13. Febr. Erwald Mart. 8. Iuly Eschillus Mart. 10. Apr. Ethbyn Abbot 19. Octob. Ethelburge Queene 8. Sept. Ethelbert King Conf. 24. Feb. Ethelbert King Mart. 23. May. Ethelbrit Mart. 17. Octob. Ethelred Ethelsrede Virg. 26. Decemb. Ethelgiue Abbesse 9. Decemb. Ethelnulph King 14. Apr. Ethelred K. Mart. 23. Apr. Ethelred K. Abbot 4. May. Ethelwide Queene 20. Iuly Ethelwold K. Mart. 6. Apr. Ethelwold Bish. 1. Aug. Ethelwyne Bish. 29. Iune Eter●ane Conf. 31. Dec. Etto Bishop 10. Iuly Eustach Conf. 30. Decemb. Ewaldi Mart. 3. Octob. F FAgan Conf. 8. August Felix Bishop 8. March Fethno Conf. 12. March Fiaker Conf. 30. August Finan Bish. 17. Febr. Florentius Bish. 7. Nouemb. Florentina Virg. Mart. 6. Dec. Foillan B. 3. Sept. 31. O●●ob Fremund K. Mart. 24. March 11. May Fridegand Conf. 17. Iuly Frideswide Virg. 19. Octob. Frithstan Bishop 9. April Frodoline Abbot 6. March Fugatius Conf. 26. May. Fulke Conf. 18. Nouem Furseus Abbot 25. Febr. 4. March G GAllanus Conf. 7. Dec. Gallus Abbot 16. Octob. Gerard Conf. 27. Decemb. Gereberne Mart. 15. May. German Bish. 2. May. George Mart. 23. Apr. Geruadius Bish. 11. Decemb. Gilbert Bish. 11. Aug. Gilbert Conf. 4. Febr. Gildas Abbot 29. Ianuar. Gislen Conf. 9. Octob. Godricke Ermite 21. May. Goluin Bishop 1. Iuly Gotebald Bish 5. Apr. Gregory Pope 12. March Gregory Conf. 25. Decem. Grimbald Abbot 8. Iuly Gudwall Bishop 22. Feb. 6. Iune Guier Conf. 4. Apr. Gunderhere Mart. 5. Iune Guthagon Conf. 3. Iuly 1. Oct. Guithelme Bish. 8. Ianuar. Guthlacke Conf. 11. Apr. H HAmund Bishop 22. March Hamunt Deacon 5. Iune Harrucke Bishop 15. Iuly Hedde Bish. 7. Iuly Heiu Virg. 30. May. Helena Empresse 7. Febr. 18. Aug. Henry ●rmite 16. Ian. Henry of Opslo 19. Ian. Henry of VVinchest 6. Aug. Henry King 22. May. Herebert Conf. 20. March Hereswide Queene 23. Sept. Higbald Abbot 22. Sept. Hilda Ab. 17. Nou. 15. Dec. Heldelide Abbesse 22. Decem. Hildebrand Mart. 5. Iune Himeline Conf. 10. March Honorius Bish. 30. Sept. Hugh Mart. 27. Iuly Hugh B. of Ely 9. August Hugh B. of Lincolne 17. Nou. 7. Octob. Hugh B. of Roane 12. Apr. Humbert Bish. 20. Nouemb. I IEron Mart. 17. August Inas King 6. Febr. Indractus Mart. 5. Febr. Inthware Virg. 23. Decemb. Iohn of Beuerley 7. May. Iohn Conf. 27. Iune Iohn Abbot 17. Iuly Iohn of Le●is 5. Febr. Iohn of Birlington 10. Octob. Iohn of Constance 26. Febr. Iohn of Saltzburge 18. Febr. Iohn of Michelmburge 10. No. Iohn of Ely 19. Iune Ionas Abbot 28. May. Ioseph of Arimathia 27. Iuly Iotaneus Conf. 26. Sept. Isenger Mart. 21. March Ithimar Bish. 10. Iune Iudocus Ermite 9. ●anuar 13. Decemb. Iulius Mart. 1. Iuly Iuo Bish. 24. April Iustus Bishop 10. Nouemb. Iustinian Mart. 23. Aug. K KEnelme King 17. Iuly Kentigerne Abb. 13. Ian. Keyna Virgin 8. Octob. Kilian Mart. 13. Febr. 8. Iuly Kilian Con● 13. Nouemb. Kinisdred Virgins 6. Mar. Kinis●ide Kinneburge Queene 15. Sept. Kortil Bish. 28. April L LAnfranke Bishop 24. March 3. Iuly Laurence Bish. of Canterb. 2. Febr. Laurence B. of Dublyn 14. Nouemb. Lebuine Bish.
25. Iune 12. Nouemb. Lefrone Abbesse 3. Iuly Leofgar Mart. 16. Iune Leuine Bish. 27. Iune 12. Nouemb. Lewyne Virg. Mart. 24. Iuly Liephard Mart. 4. Febr. Lioba Abbesse 28. Sept. Luane Abbot 12. Iuly Lucius King 3. Decemb. Lullus Bish. 26. Octob. Lupus Bishop 29. Iuly M MAcharius Abbot 19. Decemb. Macloue B. 15. Nouemb. Maglore Con● 24. Octob. Maine Abbot 15. Iune Malachy Bish. 5. Nou. Malcaline Abbot 21. Ian. Malcus Bish. 10. Aug. Malcolme King 2. Iune Marcellus Bish. 4. Sept. Marchelme Conf. 14. Iuly Margaret Prioresse 15. Aug. Margaret Queene 10. Iune 16. Nouemb. Marianus Conf. 17. April Martyrs at Lichfield 2. Ian. Martyrs at Benchor 16. Iune Martyrs at Bardney 26. Mar. Maude Queene 7. August Maxentia Virg. 24. Octob. Mechtild Virg. 12. Apr. Meliorus Mart. 3. ●an Mellitus Bishop 24. Apr. Mellon Bish. 22. Octob. Menigold Mart. 9. Feb. 15. Iune Meresine Conf. 17. Ian. Merwyne Virg. 13. May. Midane Conf. 26. April Midwyne Conf. 1. Ianuar. Milburge Virg. 23. Febr. Mildred Virg. 20. Feb. 13. Iul. Milwide Virg. 17. Ian. Mimborine Abbot 14. Decem. Modane Conf. 26. Apr. Modwene Abbesse 5. Iuly Mono Mart. 18. Octob. Motiser Conf. 29. Octob. N NEoth Conf. 31. Iuly Ninian B. 16. Sept. O OBodius Ermite 25. Apr. Oda Virg. 27. Nou. Odilia Virg. 18. Iuly Odo Bish. 4. Iuly Odwald Abbot 7. Decemb. Ortrude Virg. 22. Iune Osith Virg. 7. Octob. Osmane Virg. 22. Nouem Osmund B. 16. Iuly 4. Dec. Oswald King 20. Iune 5. Aug. Oswald Bish. 28. Febr. 15. April 15. Octob. Oswyn King Mart. 11. March 20. August Oswyn Conf. 18. April Otger Deacon 10. Sept. Oudocke Bishop 2. Iuly Owen Conf. 29. Iuly P Palladius Bish. 27. Ian. Pa●dwine Virg. 26. Aug. Paternus Conf. 10. Apr. Pattone Bish. 30. Mar●h Patricke Bishop 17. March Patroke Bishop 4. Iune Paul Apost 25. Ian. 29. Iune Pauline Bish. 10. Octob. Peter Apost 29. Iune Peter abbot 6. Ian. Piran Conf. 2. May. Plechelme Bish. 15. Iuly Q QVemburg Virg. 12. Sept. Queran Abbot 9. Sept. R REmigius Bish. 12. May. Richard King 7. Febr. Richard of Chichester 3. Apr. 16. Iune Richard of Calabria 21. Aug. Richard Ermite 〈◊〉 Nouemb. Robert Bish. 9. Octob. Robert Abbot 7. Iune Roger Bish. 1. Octob. Romwald Bish. 24. Iune 27. Octob. Ru●in Martyr 1. Iune Rumbald Conf. 28. Iune Ruthius Conf. 24. Decemb. SAdoch Conf. 1. Apr. Sampson Bish. 28. Iuly Scandalaus Conf. 5. May. Sebbe King 29. August Senan Conf. 29. April Sethrid Virg. 10. Ian. Sewall Bishop ●8 May. Sexburge Virg. 6. Iuly Sexulse Bish. 27. ●ebr Sidwell Virg. 23. April Sigene Abbot 7. April Sigebert King 27. Sept. Sig●ride Bish. 15. Feb. Sop●ias Bish. 24. Ian. Souldier Mart. 22. Iune Socrates Mart. 17. Sept. Stephen Switbert Bish. 1. March Swithin Bishop 2. 15. Iuly Sunaman Mart. 25. Iuly Symon Apost 28. Octob. Symon Conf. 16. May. Syra Virg. 23. Octob. T Ta●win Bish. 30. Iuly Tancone Bish. 16. Febr. Tathar Conf. 23. Nouemb. Tecla Abbesse 15. Octob. Telean Bish. 25. Nou. Tetta Abbesse 17. Decemb. Theodore Bish 19. Sept. Theorithgid Virg. 26. Ian. Thomas of Canterb. 7. Iuly 29. Decemb. Thomas of Hereford 25. Aug. 2. Octob. Thomas of Northum 17. Aug. Thomas Monke 16. Aug. Tigernake Bish. 5. April Totnan Mart. 8. Iuly Tibbe Virg. 16. Decemb. Trans● of 11000. Vir. 17. May V VIgane Conf. 13. March Vintruge Mart. 5. Iune Vl●ade Mart. 1. Iune Vlsricke Ermite 20. Feb. Vl●ride Bishop 18. Ian. Vltan Abbot 1. May. Vnaman Mart. 25. Iuly Vodine Bishop 23. Iuly Vrsula Virgin 21. Oct. Vulganius B. 2. Nouemb. W VVAccare 5. Iune Walburge Virg. 27. Apr. 4. August Walter Abbot 3. May. Walter Mart. 5. Iune Wasnulph Conf. 1. Octob. Weede Abbesse 2. Decemb. Wendelin Abbot 20. Octob. Wenlocke Abbot 3. March Wenefride Virg. 3. Nou. Wereburge Virg. 3. Febr. Weren●ride 14. Aug. 13. Sep. Wiaman Mart. 25. Iuly Wigbert Conf. 13. Aug. Wilfride of Yorke 24. April 12. Octob. Wilfride of VVorcester 10. Febr. Wilfred Queene 22. Iuly Wilgise Conf. 5. March Wilgith Virg. 23. Decemb. Willeicke Conf. 2. March Willebrord Bish. 19. Octob. 7. Nouemb. Willebald Bish. 7. Iuly Willehade Bish. 8. Nouem Wilhere Mart. 5. Iune William of Yorke 8. Ianuar. 8. Iune William of Rochester 23. May William of Norwich 25. March William of Tyre 11. Feb. Winfride Abbot 6. March Winibald Abbot 24. Sept. 10. Decemb. Winocke Abbot 8. Sept. 6. Nouemb. Wolstan Bishop 19. Ianuar. 7. Iune Wolstan Mart. 31. May. Wulf hild Abbesse 9. Sept. Wulsy Abbot 26. Sept. Wyre Bishop 8. May. Y YVVy Deacon 6. Octob. THE AVTHORS Alleaged in this Booke out of whome the former Saintes Liues are gathered Abbo Floriacensis Adam Bremensis Ado. Alanus Copus Albertus Crantzius Albertus Stadensis Albinus Flaccus Almannus Monachus Aloysius Lippomannus Alredus Rhieuallensis Andreas Leucander Annales Baroniani Annales Heluetiorum Antonius Demochares Arnoldus Mirmannus Arnoldus Wion Asser Meneuensis Aymo Baronius Card. Beda Bernardus Bernardus Guido Breuiarium Cameracense Breuiarium Curiense Breuiarium Gandauense Breuiarium Moguntiuum Breuiarium Saltzburgense Breuiarium Sarum Breuiarium Sueticum Carolus Sigonius Chronicon Cameracense Chronicon Cluniacense Chronograph Britanniae Chronicon Hyberniae Concilium Tridentinum Continuator Bedae Cornelius Tacitus Egilwardus Monachus Extrauagans Xysti PP 4. Felix Crolandiensis Folcardus Doroborniensis Franciscus Cattanius Franciscus Belleforestius Franciscus Maurolycus Gaufredus Monumetensis Georgius Lilius Gerardus Liegh Gildas Sapiens Gotzelinus Morinensis Gregorius Magnus Gregorius Turonensis Gulielmus Eysengrenius Gulielmus Malmesburiēsis Gulielmus Neubrigensis Gulielmus Tyrius Gulielmus Ramesius Hector Boetius Hector Deidonatus Helmodius Presbyter Hermannus Contractus Herebertus Rosweyde Hieronymus Platus Historia Quadripartita Historia antiqua Scotorum Hucbaldus Monachus Humfridus Lhuide Iacobus Meyrus Ioannes Capgrauius Ioannes Frosyard Ioannes de Kirkstat Ioannes Lesleius Ioannes Maior Ioannes Magnus Ioannes Molanus Ioannes Nauclerus Ioannes Tritemius Ioannes Rouse Lambertus de Loos Laurentius Dunelmensis Laurentius Surius Marcellinus Monachus Matthaeus Parisiensis Mathaeus Westmonaster Mombritius Mosander Nicolaus Harpesfield Nicolaus Sanderus Olaus Magnus Osbertus de Stokes Paulus Diaconus Paulus Morigia Petrus Blesensis Petrus Cratepolius Petrus Gaselinus Petrus de Natalibus Petrus Sutor Petrus de Viel Polidorus Virgilius Prosper Aquitanius Ranulphus Cestrensis Registrum Cantuariense Registrum de Hide Registrum Lichfeldiense Registrum Lincolniense Registrū D. Pauli Londinēs Registrum Petriburgense Renatus Benedictus Rhenanus Richardus Vitus Rodulphus Agricola Rodulphus Monachus Rogerus Houeden Romanum Martyrologium Robertus Buckland Robertus Caenalis Robertus Salopiensis Senatus Brauonius Siluester Giraldus Sigebertus Sophronius Speculum Fr. Carmelitarū Stephanus Lusinganius Symon Dunelmensis Theodoretus Thomas Walsingam Turgotus Episcopus Vincentius Vsuardus Wernerus Rollewincke FINIS A CATALOGVE OF THOSE VVHO HAVE SVFFERED DEATH IN ENGLAND for defence of the Catholicke Cause synce the yeare of Christ 1535. and 27. of King HENRY the VIII his raigne vnto this yeare 1608. THE PREFACE IN the yeare of our Lord 1530. King Henry the viij after that he had raigned 22. yeares in great peace
of S. Sethird Virgin and Abb●sse daughter to Annas King of the East-angles and sister to S. Edilburge Virgin who in her yong yeares went ouer into France and became a Religious womā there in a monastery at the forsaid towne of Brige vnder the care of her said sister that then gouerned the same after whose death she was made Abbesse of the whole Monastery where in very great sanctimony of life ioyned with most godly Conuersation and Monasticall discipline she yielded vp her blessed soule to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ six hundred and threescore And was buryed in the same place D The eleuenth Day AT VVorcester the deposition of S. Egwine Confessor third Bishop of that Sea who being a man of very austere life made a payre of iron-shackles locked them close about his legges then cast the keyes therof into the Riuer of Seuerne an so went to Rome with O●●a King of Mercia desiring of God that the said shackles might not be loosed from his leges vntill he had made satisfation for all the synnes of his youthfull yeares and in his returne backe as he came ouer the sea vpon a suddayne a fish leaped into the shippe wherin he sayled which being taken and killed the forsaid keyes of the shackles that he had throwne into the riuer were found in the fishes belly the which being brought to the Blessed Bishop he forthwith applyed them to the shackles that were about his legges and straight vnlocking them to the admiration of the behoulders he came ioyfully home to his Bishopricke He founded the famous Abbey of Euesham neere VVorcester endowed it with great reuenewes possessions procuring from Rome diuers priuiledges and franchises for the same of Pope Constantine by the meanes of K. Coenred and K. O●●a that then resided in that Citty for deuotion sake And after many other workes of piety famous for miracles he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and sixteene and was buried at Euesham E The twelfth Day AT VVire-mouth in the Bishopricke of Durham the deposition of S. Benedict Abbot surnamed Biscopus who being descended of a noble parentage in our Iland went to Rome and after his returne thence built a goodly Monastery at the Riuer-banke of VVire in the Kingdome of the Northumbers wherin our famous S. Bede was afterward brought vp He founded there also a goodly Church dedicating the same to the Blessed Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul And after a second voyage to Rome to procure priuiledges for his said Monastery full of sanctity and holinesse of life he ended his venerable dayes about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and three and was buryed in the forsaid Church which himself had built wherat it pleased God to worke many miracles F The thirteenth Day AT Glasco in Scotland the deposition of S. Kentigerne Abbot and Confessour Sonne to King Eugenius the third of Scotland who being created Bishop of Glasco soone after resigned that dignity and built himselfe a Monastery in the same Kingdome gathering togeather six hundred Monkes whome he instructed in all kind of vertue and good learning and was a myrrour to the Christian world And when he had thus cōtinued for very many yeares full of venerable old age ioyned with sanctity of life and miracles he gaue vp his blessed soule to rest about the yeare of Christ six hundred and eight and was buryed in the same place G The fourteenth Day IN North-wales the Commemoration of S. Beno Priest and Confessor who leading an Eremiticall life in the West part of England was by an angell admonished to go into VVales to a noble man called Trebuith S. VVenefrides Father who gaue him a part of his lands and possessions to build a Monastery as also his daughter VVenefride to be instructed and brought vp in a Religious manner whose head being soone after cut of by Cradocus sonne to Alane King of the same Contrey for not yielding to his vnlawfull lust he miraculously set on againe she liuing fifteene yeares after He ended his venerable life full of sanctity and miracles about the yeare of Christ six hundred and threescore whose body hath alwayes byn had in very great reuerence in our iland especially of the Ancient Britanes of VVales A The fifteenth Day AT Mailros in the Kingdome of Northumberland the Commemoration of Blessed Alfred Confessour and eighteenth King of that Prouince who being a most vertuous Prince in the one and twentith yeare of his raigne contemning all worldly pompe and honour to the admiration of all Christendome both he and his wife the Queene with mutuall consent entred into Monasteryes became Religious she being veyled a Nunne at a place called Dormundcaster two miles from Peterburrow and he taking the habit of a Monke in the forsaid Monastery of Maylros where in great sanctity of life obseruance of Monasticall discipline he spent the rest of his dayes and finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and twenty and was buryed in the same place B The Sixteenth Day AT Tyn-mouth in Northumberlād the deposition of S. Henry Confessor and Eremite who borne in Denmarke of very honourable parents came ouer into England and obtayned leaue of the Prior of Tyn-mouth to lead a solitary or Eremiticall life in the Iland of Cochet where he liued many yeares with only bread and water and afterward he came to eate but thrice in the weeke and three dayes also a weeke he kept sylence On a tyme he would haue gone to Durham but had no boate to passe ouer the riuer of VVire Wherfore being solicitous how to get ouer a boate that was fastened on the other side of the water brake loose and of it selfe came ouer vnto him wherin he passed Towards the end of his dayes he got a swelling in one of his knees through ouer much praying which growing to an vlcer at last brake and when certayne little wormes crept therout he would take and put them in againe saying Go into your inheritance where yow haue byn nourished c. And so perseuering in a most godly and Saintly life for a long tyme when the houre of death drew neere he went into a little Chappell in the same iland and taking the belrope in his hand when he had rung it he departed this life A monke of the next Monastery hearing the bell ring made hast thither and found him dead sitting vpon a stone with the belrope in his hand and a candle standing lighted by him which did yield so cleere a light that it dazeled the eyes of the behoulders His body was brought to Tyn-mouth and there buried in the Church of our B. Lady neere to the body of S. Oswyn King and Martyr in the yeare of Christ 1120. which yeare also he died C The seauenteenth Day AT Canterbury the Commemoration of S. Milwyde Virgin daughter to Merualdus
and descended there of a noble parentage became in that Kingdome first a monke of the Venerable Order of S. Benedict and thence went ouer into France to S. Gallus Abbot that then was famous in those partes of whome being throughly instructed in all kind of Monasticall discipline was at last ordayned Bishop of Constance where after many yeares of most approued vertue and sanctity of life he happily reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty and foure and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church of Constance B The seauen twentith Day AT Lichfield in Staffordshire the Commemoration of Blessed Sexulfe Bishop and Confessour who being the first Abbot of the Monastery of Medshamsted now called Peterburrow by whose persuasion VVulferus K. of Mercia had newly founded the same was ordayned Bishop of Lindisserne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers and afterward translated to Lichfield in the place of VVinsrid that was deposed by S. Theodore of Canterbury In both which Seas he most worthily behaued himselfe in teaching and instructing his flocke for many yeares And at last full of venerable old age ioyned with sanctity of life he departed to our Lord about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred THE same day in the Prouince of the Eastangles in the Diocesse of Ely the Cōmemoration of S. Alnoth Martyr who being heardsman to S. VVereburge Abbesse of the Nunry of Ely became an Anchoret leading a most strict and seuere recluse life for the loue of God whome when he had so serued for some yeares he was slayne by certaine wicked theeues in hatred therof and so receyued his crowne of Martyrdome about the yeare of Christ 670. C The eight twentith Day AT Yorke the deposition of S. Oswald Bishop Cōfessour nephew to S. Odo Archbishop of Canterbury who being first made Chanon of VVinchester then Bishop of VVorcester was lastly promoted to the Archbishopricke of Yorke whose godly vertues and innocency of life was afterward declared by the manifold miracles wrought at his body Amongst other works of Charity he was wont euery day to giue dinner to twelue poore men or pilgrims seruing them at table with his owne hands wash their feet giue them money in almes and alwayes at Easter to giue them new apparrell He died on this day in the yeare of Christ nyne hundred fourscore and twelue and was afterward translated to VVorcester vpon the fifteenth of October on which day his principall festiuity is celebrated in our Catholicke Church of England of whome also in that place we haue made a large Relation THE MONETH OF MARCH D The first Day AT Meneuia in Penbrookshire the deposition of S. Dauid Bishop and Confessour sonne to Xantus Prince of VVales and Vncle to the valiant King Arthur who was so famous for working of miracles in his life tyme that he became a great pillar and vphoulder of the British Primitiue Church especially in extinguishing the Reliques of the Pelagian heresy He translated his Bishopricke which was at Carleon vpon V. ske vnto Meneuia now called in the British tongue of his name Twy Dewy in English S. Dauids where finally after he had built twelue Monasteryes and replenished the same with monkes being of the age of an hundred fourty six yeares he ended his blessed dayes was buryed in his owne Church about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred fourscore twelue It is recorded by the British antiquityes that by his prayers he obtayned the heate and vertue that the waters of Bath in Somersetshire haue in curing and asswaging many deseases though others do assigne it to haue byn found out long before He was afterward canonized for a Saint by Pope Ca 〈…〉 us the second THE same day at VVerdt in Cleeu-land the deposition of S. Suitbert Confessour and first Bishop of that Sea Sonne to Sigebert Earle of Nottingham who going ouer into the lower Germany and thence into Saxony Frizland with S. VVillebrord and his company to preach the Christian faith was there elected Bishop of VVerdt and sent backe into England to be consecrated and then returning to his Sea after much fruite wrought in that haruest in great sanctity and holines of life he reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ seauen hūdred seauenteene His body is kept at VVerdt where he died with great veneration of the inhabitants He was canonized by Pope Leo the third E The second Day AT Lichfield in Staffordshire the deposition of S. Chad Confenour and Bishop of that Sea whose most exemplar life togeather with working of manifold miracles is yet famous throughout England The Cathedrall Church or Minster of that Citty is dedicated to our Blessed Lady and S. Chad. There is also a VVell neere to the same Church commonly called S. Chads VVell In the bottome whereof lieth vntill this day a cleere great marble stone wheron S. Chad was wont to kneele and pray in his Oratory the water of which Well is very wholsome soueraigne for many diseases He died in the yeare of Christ six hundred threscore and foure and lieth burved in his owne Cathedrall Church of Lichfield THE same day at VVerdt in Cleeu-land the deposition of S. Willeicke Abbot and Confessour who going out of England with S Switbert and his company to preach the Christian faith to the Pagans of the lower Germany and Saxony was constituted Abbot of a monastery at VVerdt which S. Switbert had newly founded where after the reaping of a fertile haruest in the conuersion of infinite soules to God full of sanctity miracles reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ 727. F The third Day AT Tauracum in little Britany the deposition o● S. VVenlocke Abbot and Confessour who descended of the royall bloud of o● Great Britany and nephew to Francanus Viceroy of that Kingdome went ouer into litle Britany and was ordayned Abbot there of an ancient Monastery called Tauracum whose li●e replenished with sanctity and miracles was famous aswell in our Kingdome as in France and Flanders about the yeare of Christ foure hundred and fourscore about which tyme also he reposed in our Lord. His body was afterward translated to Gaunt in Flanders in the Normā persecution and there is kept vntill this day with great veneration of the Inhabitants for the oftē miracles that haue byn wrought therat G The fourth Day AT Perone in Picardy the deposition of S. Eurseu● Abbot and Confessour sonne to Philtan King of Ireland who cōming into England to Sigebert King of the Eastangles built there a goodly Monastery and filled the same with monkes wherof himselfe was ordayned Abbot And then after a while leauing the care therof to his brother Foillan he went ouer into France and built another Monastery at Perone where in most godly and saintly exercise of life he died on this day about the yeare of Christ six hundred thirty and six
afterward was ordayned Bishop of Lindisserne which Bishopricke after he had gouerned some two yeares he resigned and became an Eremite leading a most strict and seuere kind of life in the Iland of Farne and so continued vntill his dying day which happened about the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and eight He was very famous for sanctity and working of miracles both aliue and dead THE same day and same place the deposition of Blessed Herebert Priest and Cōfessour a man of great holinesse of life who often repayring to S. Cuthbert aforsaid alwayes vsed his counsell and direction for the affayres both of his body and soule And one day S. Cuthbert telling him that himselfe was shortly to leaue this world passe to the other Herebert fell downe at his feet and importunely besought him that he might also passe to the next life with him that had so long inioyed his company heere on earth At whose earnest intercessiō S. Cuthbert falling to his prayers finally obtayned the same And so with in a while after they both falling sicke went both to our Lord vpon the one and selfe same day and houre in the yeare of Christ 688. and were both buryed at Lindisserne C The one and twentith Day AT VVerdt in Cleeu-land the Commemoation of S. Isenger Bishop and Martyr who descended o 〈…〉 a noble Scottish family contemned the vanityes of the world and became first a monke in that Kingdome of the venerable Order of S. Benedict and afterward Abbot there of the Monastery called Amarbaricke which whē he had gouerned for diuers yeares mooued with zeale of conuerting his neighbour-Countreyes went ouer into Flanders and Germany and being there ordayned Bishop o 〈…〉 VVerdt was a little after slayne in defence of the Christiā faith by the infidels of that Countrey about the yeare of Christ eight hundred twenty and foure His body being brought to VVerdt there interred in his owne Cathedrall Church was kept for a long tyme with great honour veneratiō of the Inhabitātes D The two and twentith Day AT Sherborne in Dorcet●hire the Commemoration of S. Hamund Bishop of that Sea and Martyr who in the Danish persecution vnder the Captaynes Hingar Hubba was for the Confession of Christ most barbarously slayne at Merdune by those Tyrannicall Pagans who in the vastation of England spared neyther Ecclesiasticall nor Religious person whatsoeuer His Martyrdome happened about the yeare of Christ eight hundred threescore and eleuen and in the raigne of Alfred King of the VVest saxons E The three and twentith Day AT Lindisserne the Commemoration of Blessed Fgbert King of the Northumbers and Confessour who after he had gouerned that Prouince most laudably for twenty yeares contēned his Crowne dignity of a King leauing the same to his sōne Oswulph entring into the Abbey of Lindissern aforsaid became there a monke of the venerable Order of S. Benedict where in very great sanctity of life humility obseruance of Monasticall discipline and other vertues he finally ended his peaceable dayes in our Lord about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred threescore and eight He endowed the Archbishopricke ●f Yorke whilst he was King with gr 〈…〉 〈…〉 newes where also he founded a worthy Library and furnished the same with all good Authors that could then be gotten F The foure twentith Day AT Canterbury the depositiō of S. Lanfrāke Confessour and Archbishop of that Sea who borne at Pauia in Lombardy became first a monke of the Abbey of Becke then Abbot of Cane in Normandy and afterward ordayned Archbishop of Canterbury at the request of King VVilliam the Conquerour whose most pious life good learning ioyned with extraordinary charitie to the poore and assistance of the Church of England is yet memorable throughout the Christian world Of this man there is a story recorded how that in his yōger dayes he trauayling by the way chācing to be robbed by theeues tooke the same so impatiently that by no means he could be pacified for a tyme but at lēgth cōming to himself againe he brake forth into these words VVhat haue I so much learning knowledge both in Philosophy Diuinity and Scriptures and yet haue not learned to be patient in aduersity Surely 〈…〉 uall not cease vntill I fynd out that learning And vpon this he presently went into France and thence into Normandy where comming to the Abbey of Becke he lay secretly for many yeares in that Monastery being reputed for an Idiot and simple man vntill at length his learning and wisdome being discouered he was made Prior of Becke and presently afterward Abbot of S. Stephens in Cane aforsaid and finally Archbishop of Canterbury He died in the yeare of Christ one thousand fourscore and nyne and was buryed in his owne Church at Canterbury G The fiue twentith Day AT Norwich in the County of Norsolke the passion of S. VVilliam Mareyr who being a boy of the same Citty of some ten yeares old was by his Father set an apprentice to a glouer of the same towne whome the Iewes of Norwich secretly stealing away crucified on a Crosse in despite of Christ his blessed Mother vpō the feast of her Annūciation His body they cast into a wood or thicket neere to the said Citty which being foūd brought vnto the towne with a sollemne procession of the Clergy was placed in the great Church or Minster of that Sea and there was wont to be kept with great veneration His Martyrdome happened in the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred forty and six in the eleuenth yeare of the raigne of K. Stephen A The six and twentith Day AT Bardney in Lincolnshire the Commemoration of Many holy Monkes Martyrs who in the first Danish persecution in our Iland were slayne by those Pagan people in their owne Monasteryes in hatred of Christian Religion At what tyme also the said Danes ranging abroad the Countreyes slew saith the Story the Abbot the Monkes of the Monastery of Croyland and fiered their Church and houses belonging thervnto At Peterburrow also they made the like slaughter of Religious persons and comming to the Nunry of Ely they put the Religious Virgins all to the sword without compassion and so receyuing theyr Crownes of Martyrdome they went vnto our Lord. All which happened in our Countrey about the yeare of Christ eight hundred threescore and ten B The seauen twentith Day IN Scotlād the depositiō of S. Archibald Abbot Confessour descended of a very noble parentage in that Kingdome whose rare 〈…〉 e conuersation togeather with the singular gifts of clemency towards the poore and orphanes hath in former tymes byn famous both in England and Scotland His feast is recounted to haue byn celebrated on this day by the ancient Records of Scotland and Ireland among both which Nations many altars and some Churches also haue heertofore byn dedicated in his
honour He florished about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and eight about which tyme also he desceased C The eight twentith Day IN the Marches of VVales the Translatiō of the glorious ●ody of S. Fremund King and Martyr sonne to Ossa King of Mercia who setting aside his crowne and kingdome for the loue of Christ in the second yeare of his raigne became an Eremite in a little Ilād of the Marches of VVales called in the British tongue Illesage where at last he was slayne by Osway the Apostata in hatred of Christiā Religion in the yeare of Christ seauē hundred fourscore and sixteene He being afterward canonized for a Saint in the yeare of our Lord 1157. and raygne of King Henry the third his body was taken vp on this day translated to a more eminent place of the same Church where it lay before wherat it pleased God to worke miracles His principall festiuity is celebrated vpon the eleuenth day of May of whome in that place we haue made mention againe D The nine twentith Day IN Scotland the Commemoration of S. Baldred Confessour whose memory in ancient tymes hath byn very famous in that Kingdome For that he hauing sometymes preached to the people of three villages neere adioyning one to the other in Scotland called Aldham Tiningham and Preston was so holy a man of life that when he was dead the people of ech village contended one with another which of thē should haue his body in so much that at last they not agreeing therabout tooke armes and ech of them sought by force to enioy the same And when the matter came to issue the said sacred body was found all whole in three distinct places of the house where he died so as the people of ech village comming thither carrying the same away placed it in their Churches and kept it with great honour and veneration for the miracles that at ech place it pleased God to worke He liued in the tyme of S. Kentigerne and S. Columbe the Great about the yeare of Christ six hundred and ten about which tyme also he gaue vp his soule to rest in our Lord. E The thirtith Day AT VVerdt in Cleeu-land the depositiō of S. Pattone Bishop of that Citty and Confessour who descended of a worthy bloud in Scotland was first made Abbot of the Monastery called Amarbaricke in the same Kingdome and thence going ouer into the lower Germany and Saxony was at last consecrated Bishop of VVerdt where in great sanctity of life and other vertues diligently attending to his flocke preaching the Christian faith among them he ended his venerable old dayes about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred threscore and two and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church at VVerdt where his body was wont to be kept with great veneration of the Inhabitants F The one thirtith Day AT Malmesbury in VViltshire the Translation of S. Adelmus Bishop Confessour nephew to Inas King of the VVestsaxons who trauayling in his youth into France and Italy through his diligence in studdies attayned to great learning both in the Greeke and Hebrue tongues but especially in Diuinity In the knowledg wherof he was in his dayes accompted excellent After his returne into England he first became a monke of the Order of S. Benedict at Malmesbury and then Abbot of the whole Monastery and afterward going to Rome with King Ceadwall he was there created Bishop of Sherborne by Pope Sergius and sent backe to that Sea where after great labours taken in the Gouernment therof and many notable bookes wrytten for the instruction of men in Christian life he finally reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and nyne whose body was afterward solemnly on this day translated to Malmesbury and there kept in Catholicke tymes with great honour and veneratiō for the manifold miracles that are recorded to haue byn wrought therat THE MONETH OF APRIL G The first Day AT Pontoyse in France the Commemoratio of the Saintes Sadoch Adrian Priestes Confessours who being Irishmen by birth came ouer into France to preach the Christian faith to the people and inhabitants of Picardy where they were honourably receyued and intertayned by S. Richarius a noble man of that Countrey and afterward Abbot of Pontoyse And when they had laboured in that new haruest for many yeares and reaped therin most aboundant fruite in the conuersion of infinite soules from their Idolatrous superstitiō to the true worship of one God they finally ended their happy dayes in a venerable old age about the yeare of Christ six hundred and forty Their sacred Reliques are kept vntill this day by the Religious men in the forsaid Monastery of Pontoyse with great veneration of the Inhabitants A The second Day AT Coldingham in the Marches of Scotland the Commemoration of S. Ebba Virgin and Abbesse daugher to Ethelfride King of Northumberland and sister to S. Oswald and Osway Kings of the same Prouince who cōtēning the vanities of the world became a Religious woman and receyued the holy veyle of chastity at the hands of Blessed Finan Bishop of Lindisserne but afterward building two goodly Monasteryes of her owne one vpon the riuer of Derwent called of her name Ebbecester and the other at the forsaid Coldingham she became Abbesse of the later and ruled the same in all perfection and holines of life hauing very many noble and vertuous virgins vnder her amōg whome S. Audry Queene and flower of the I le of Ely was one And after she had heaped vp store of heauenly treasure in a good old age she went to her spouse about the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and foure whose memory hath in tymes past byn very famous both in England Scotland where many goodly Churches and Chappels haue byn erected and dedicated in her honour and one yet standing to be seene in Oxford commonly called S. Tabbes as also in the forsaid Marches of Scotland neere to Coldinghā there is a little port or hauen in the promōtory of that Prouince still retayning the name of S. Tabbes-head B The third Day AT Chichester in Sussex the deposition of S. Richard Confessour and Bishop of that Sea whose wonderfull life and doctrine ioyned with the greatnes of his miracles hath byn sufficiently manifested to the Christian world He was borne at VVich in VVorcestershire and died at Douer in Kent the ninth yeare of his Presulshippe and yeare of Christ one thousand two hundred fifty and three Whose body being brought to Chichester so shined with miracles that among others it is recorded that three dead men were at the same by his meritts againe raised to life He was canonized for a Saint by Pope Vrban the fourth seauen yeares after his death and of Christ 1260. THE same day at Eureux in France the deposition of S. Burgundosora Virgin and Abbesse who descended of a noble
among the Welch-men And in Cornwall there is yet a Village and Hauen of his name commonly called S. Senans A The thirtith Day AT London the deposition of S. Erconwald Confessour and Bishop of that Sea sonne to Offa King of the Eastsaxons who being first Abbot of Chertsey in Surrey which himselfe had built was thence promoted to the Bishopricke of London wherin he so excelled in all sanctity and holines of life that it pleased God to manifest the same to posterity by the wonderfull miracles wrought by him both aliue dead He deseased in the yeare of Christ six hundred threescore and fiue and was buryed at London He founded another goodly Monastery of Nunnes at Barking in Essex wherof he ordayned his owne sister Edilburge Abbesse The feast of his Translation was wont to be kept in our Countrey in Catholicke tymes with great solemnity vpon the fourteenth of Nouember in which place we haue againe made mention of him especia●ly in the Diocesse of London where it was appointed holy-day as the ancient Recordes of S. Paules Church do declare THE MONETH OF MAY. B The first Day AT S. Assaphs in Flint-shire of VVales the deposition of S. Assaph Confessour and first Bishop of that Sea who of a monke and disciple of S. Kentigerne Abbot of Glasco in Scotland was ordayned Bishop of an old towne in Northwales named Elgoa but afterwards called S. Assaphes of his owne name where he excelled in all kind of vertue and singular holines of life vntill his dying day which happened in a venerable old age about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred fourscore and sixteene THe same day at Fossis in the Territory of Namures in the lower Germany the deposition of S. Vltan Abbot and Confessour sonne to Philtan King of Ireland brother to S. Furseus and S. Foillan who going ouer into France and Flanders built a Monastery or hospitall for the intertaynment of poore pilgrims at a place called Fossis in the forsaid Territory of Namures which he obtayned of S. Gertrude Abbesse of Niuelle And after infinite workes of piety and deuotion in that kind he there finally went to our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred and threescore and was buryed at Fossis C The second Day IN the lower Germany the festiuity of S. German Bishop and Martyr who being an Englishman by birth went ouer into the low Countreyes to preach the faith of Christ where finally for his reward he receyued a Crowne of Martyrdome His life is to be read at large in wrytten hād extant in a Monastery of the Low-Countreyes as testifieth a Reuerend Priest of the Society of Iesus whose festiuity he appointeth on this day in his booke intituled Fasti Sanctorum c. THE same day at Padstow in Corn-wall the Commemoration of S. Piran Confessour who borne in Ireland of a Kings bloud for the loue of God contemned the world and became an ●●●mite in that Kingdome leading for many yeares a very str●ct and seuere kind of life in so much that it pleased God to worke by him many miracles Among which one is recorded that with the flesh of three kyne he sus●ayned ten armyes of nē for eight daye as also raysed diuers dead men to life And after all this he came ouer into England and liued at Padslow in Corn-wall where in great sanctity of life he finally reposed in our Lord and where in like manner his body hath byn kept with great solemnity and veneration in a Chappell of the forsaid towne o Padslow which Chappell is there to be seene vntill this day D The third Day AT Mailros in the Kingdome of Northumberland the deposition of S. Wal●er Abbot and Confessour sonne to Dauid King of Scotland who forsaking the dignities and honours of the world and refusing the Archbishopricke and Metropolitan Sea of S Andrewes in the same Kingdome became a monke and afterwards Abbot of the goodly Monastery of Mail●os situated in the Marches of Sco●land in the Kingdome of the Northumbers where in very great sanctity of life and working of miracles he ended his blessed da●es about the yeare of Chri●● one thousand and one hundred His memory is yet famous throughout the whole Realme of Sco●land where many Chappell 's and altars haue in Catholicke tymes byn dedicated in his honour but now quite destroyed and defaced by the enemyes of Gods truth to the great lamentation of the Christian world E The fourth Day AT Bardney in Lincolnshire the Commemoratiō of Blessed Ethelred Con●essour and King of the Mercians or middle Englishmen who after he had ruled that Kingdome most laudably for thirty whole yeares togeather left the same to Cocured his Nephew contemned the world and tooke the habit of a monke in the Monastery of Bardney of the venerable Order of S. Benedict and afterward became Abbot of the same p●ace where he so greatly excelied in all kind of vertue and sanctity of life that his name was very famous in those dayes throughout England He died about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and ten and was buryed in in the same Monastery F The fifth Day AT Shepton in Warwickshire the Commemoration of S. Algi●e Queene mother to King Edgar of blessed memory and Monarch of England who so greatly excelled in piety deuotion and other eminent vertues whilst she liued that her body in the yeare of Christ nyne hūdred threescore and fourteene which was some thirty yeares after her death being miraculously reueyled at Shepton it pleased God to worke many miracles therat in testimony of her holinesse increase of deuotion in our Iland of Great Britany THE same day in Ireland the Commemoration of S. Scandalâus mōke Confessour disciple to S. Columbe the Great of that Nation who comming ouer into Scotland with a dozen other Companions in company of the forsaid S. Columbe for the Conuersion of the Pic●es who then inhabited that Kingdome was famous for sanctity and holines of life about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred and four score about which tyme also he reposed in our Lord. G The sixt Day AT Lindis●erne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the deposition of S. Edbert Confessour and Bishop of that Sea who taking vp the venerable body of S. Cuthbert eleuen yeares after his death and finding it altogeather vncorrupt put the same into a new coffin and said Happy were that man who might lye in the old and within a few dayes after full of sanctity and holines of life he being called out of this world was himselfe layd therin according to his wish At whose body it pleased God to worke many miracles in token of the innocency of his life This happened in the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and eighteene THE same day at Landaffa in Clamorganshire the Translation of S. Dubritius Bishop and Confessour who being somtime Archbishop of Carleon vpon Vske and Metropolitan
him of the fact with great sorrow and cont●ition came to S. Chad and asking him forgiuenes receyued the Christian faith wherupon destroying all the Tēples of the Idolatrous Gods in his Dominions did in their places build Churches and Monasteryes and amōg the rest he founded the goodly Abbey of Medeshamsteed now called Peterburrow dedicating the same vnto God and S. Peter the Apostle and enriching it with many and large poss●ssions F The second Day AT Dunfermelling in Scotland the Commemoration of B●essed Malcoline the third King of that name and husband to the famous S. Margaret Queene of Scotland whose godly workes of piety deuotiō are famous all to posterity especially to his successors as well in that Kingdome as to other Princes of bloud in Europe He was so zealous in the loue of God that he became more holy then any of his predecessors had byn before him being wholy addicted to the repayring and erecting of Churches Monasteryes and Bishoprickes Moreouer he was accustomed with his Religious Qu. S. Margaret euery day to serue with his owne handes 300. poore people with meate drinke he on the one side and she on the other was the first King of that Natiō that created Earles in Scotland Which Kingdome after he had gouerned in all vertuous and pious manner for six and thirty yeares cōming into England was violently oppressed and slayne at Anwicke in the borders of Scotland by Robert Mowbray Earle of Northumber land togeather with his eldest sonne Edward to the great lamentation of his Countrey and was buryed at Dunfermelling in the yeare of Christ one thousand fourscore and twelue G The third Day AT Arke in Apulia in the Kingdome of Naples the Commemoration of S. Eleutherius Confessour who borne of a very good parentage in England and taking his iorney to Hierusalem for deuotion returned thence backe by Italy where for the loue of God he became an Eremite or pilgrime leading a strict and seuere kind of life so far from his natiue Countrey at what tyme the plague infecting sorely those partes full of great sanctity and holynes of life he finally rested in our Lord. His body is kept at the forsaid towne of Arke vntill this day with due honour and veneration of the inhabitants for the Miracles that by his merits it hath pleased God to worke therat and there is visited as chiefe Patrone of the Village A The fourth Day AT Bodmin in Corn-wall the deposition of S. Patrocke Bishop Cōfessour whose most godly life and vertues haue byn very famous in former ages throughout our whole Iland but especially in Corn-wall where his memory is fresh vntill this day and where many altars and Oratories in Catholicke tymes haue byn erected and dedicated in his honour He liued about the yeare of Christ eight hundred and fifty is said to haue byn the first bishop of Corn-well placing his Episcopall Sea at the fornamed towne of Bodmin which Bishopricke was afterwards translated to S. Germans at Cridington now called Kirton in the same Prouince lastly to Excester in Deuonshire by King Edward the Cōfessour in the yeare of Christ one thousand and fifty B The fifth Day AT Dockum in VVest-frizland the passiō of S. Bonisace Archbishop of Mentz and Apoltic of Germany who being an Englishman by birth went ouer into Germany th●ce to Rome where he was created the first Bishop of the forsaid Citty of Mentz and sent thither to preach the Christian faith which he did incessantly for sixteene yeares togeather reducing many thousands from their Idolatry to the true worship of Christ building Churches Monasteryes for the cōtinuation and propagation therof And at last going into Frizland to preach to that people was there ●●ayne by the enemyes of Christ at the forenamed towne of Dockum in the yeare of our Lord seauen hundred fifty and foure His body was afterward translated to Mentz and there honourably placed in the Monastery of Fulda which himselfe had founded THE same day also and same place the passion of S. Eboam S. Adlar Bishops S. Vintruge S. VValter and S. Adelhere Priests S. Hamunt and S. Boso Deacons S. VVaccare S. Gunderbere S. VVilbere S. Hildebrand and S. Adolph Monkes and others to the number of fifty most of them Englishmen who were with the forsaid S. Bonisace martyred in Frizland for preaching the Christiā faith And as they were his fellowes in trauaile labours of propagating the name of Christ so were they worthy to be made partakers of his Martyrdome Their bodyes are most of them kept at Maestricht vpon the Riuer of Mosa with great veneration of the Inhabitants C The sixt Day IN the Monastery of Blandine neere Gaunt in ●landers the depositiō of S. Gudwall Bishop and Confessour who borne of a noble and ancient Brittish bloud and despising all worldly honours and preferments built many Monasteryes in our Iland and became Father to an hundred and fourscore mōkes which he instructed in all kind of vertue good learning at last being made Bishop he went ouer into France and Flanders to preach the Christian faith in those parts where famous for sanctity of life and miracles he finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ foure hūdred and three His body was first buryed in the forsaid Monastery of Blandine but being afterward brought into England was thence againe in the second persecution of the Danes translated to Gaunt by Arnulph Earle of Flanders and S. Gerrard Abbot about the yeare of our Lord nyne hundred and fifty D The seauenth Day AT Knaresburge in Yorkeshire the deposition of S. Robert Abbot Confessour who borne in the same Prouince became first a mōke at VVhitby and then at Fountaines and last of all was ordayned Abbot of Knaresburge of the Order of Cisterce whose most holy life cōuersatiō hath byn wittnessed by the manifold miracles wrought at his body after his death out of which in the time of King Henry the third there distilled a pretious sweet oyle very soueraigne for many diseases He was wont in his life time to recite euery day an hundred and fifty psalmes in honour of Christ and the blessed Virgin Mary He died in the yeare of our Lord one thousand one hundred and fifty was buryed in his owne Monastery THE same day at VVorcester the Translation of S. VVolstan Confessour and Bishop of the same Sea whose wonderfull life and miracles haue byn famous throughout Englād His body being takē vp on this day was found sound vncorrupted togeather with his Pontificall vestments wherin he was buried which was more thē an hūdred yeares after his death and was very solemnely and with great veneration set in a more eminent place of his owne Cathedrall Church of VVorcester in the yeare of Christ 1218. It is recorded that the said Church being afterward burned by casuall fire the tombe wherin
care and gouernment of her owne mother VVilsrede after whose descease she was made Abbesse of the same place where in all sanctimony of life she gaue vp her soule to her heauenly spouse in the yeare of Christ nyne hundred fourscore and foure There are many goodly Churches and monumentes of her name yet to be seene in diuers places of Englād one particularly at a Towne called Church-Eaton in Staffordshire where there is a little well-spring of water very soueraigne for many diseases cōmonly called by the name of S. Ediths well A The seauenteenth Day IN South-wales the passion of the Sayntes Stephen and Socrates Martyrs who being two noble ancient Britans by byrth and conuerted to the faith of Christ in our Primitiue Church by the preaching of S. Amphibale Priest and Martyr were in hatred therof put to death in our Iland in the persecution of Dioclesian the Emperour by most exquisite tormentes togeather with many others for the same cause about the yeare of Christ three hūdred foure There are diuers Churches yet remayning in Wales that in ancient tymes haue byn dedicated in their honour among whome also their memory is yet famous vntill this day especially in Monmouthshire and the Southerne partes adioyning B The eighteenth Day AT Berghen in Flanders the Translation of S. VVinocke Abbot and Confessour who descended of a noble British bloud and going ouer into the Low Countreyes to S. Bertin Abbot of the Monastery of Sitheù now called S. Bertins in the Citty of S. Omers was by him ordayned Abbot of an ancient Monastery named VVoromholt called afterward of his name S. VVinockes where in all kind of sanctity of life Regular discipline famous for miracles he reposed in our Lord. His body was afterward on this day translated to the forsaid towne of Berghen by Baldwyn Earle of Flanders about the yeare of Christ nyne hundred and there is yet conserued with great veneration of the Inhabitants for the manifold miracles which it hath pleased God to worke therat C The ninteenth Day AT Canterbury the deposition of S. Theodore Archbishop of that Sea and Confessour who borne at Tharsis in Cilicia of a noble parentage became first a Monke of the Venerable Order of S. Benedict and afterward was ordayned Archbishop of Canterbury and sent thither from Rome by Pope Vitalianus He celebrated two Prouinciall Synods in our Iland the one at Hartford the other at Hedtfeld concerning the Reformation of the Clergy of England And when he had in all vertuous and Saintlike behauiour gouerned the forsaid Sea of Canterbury for two and twenty yeares in most godly wise he finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred and nynty and was buryed at Canterbury with a famous Epitaph in heroicall verse some part wherof yow may read in S. Bede setdowne in the fi●th Booke and eight Chapter of his History of England D The twentith Day IN Scotlād the Cōmemoratiō of S. Cybthacke Priest Cōfessour who being an Irishman by birth and Nephew to S. Columbe the Great of that Nation despised all worldly preferments and came ouer into Scotland with his said Vncle to preach the Christian faith to the Pictes who then inhabited part of that Kingdome And at last entring into a Monastery became a Monke of S. Benedictes Venerable Order in the Iland of Hoy vnder the care of the forsaid S. Columbe who had newly founded the same and was then Abbot therof where famous for sanctity of life and miracles throughout the whole Kingdome there ended his blessed dayes in rest about yeare of Christ six hundred and foure E The one twentith Day IN Ireland the Commemoration of S. Edilhun Confessour who being an English-man by byrth of great learning and vertue and brother to another Edilhun of the same name then Bishop of Lindisferne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers went ouer into Ireland to lead a more quiet kind of life remote from the world where after he had passed a few yeares in very great holines and sanctity he gaue vp his soule to rest about the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty and fiue He had for companion in this his peregrination into Ireland a noble yong man named Egbert with whome liuing in a Monastery there called in the Irish tongue Rathmelsig whilst the plague infected sorely that Countrey he had a vision of his owne departure out of this life and of the escape of his fellow Egbert to whome when he had related the whole in an quietnes of spirit he gaue vp the ghost F The two and twentith Day AT ●indissa in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the Commemoration of S. Higbald Abbot and Confessour whose integrity of life and conuersation hath byn ●amous in tymes past throughout the whole Iland of Great-Britany He was Abbot of an ancient Monastery in the forsaid Kingdome of Northumberland in the tyme of VVulhere King of the Mercians and ended his happy dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore fiue He went into ●●eland a little before his death to visit the holy Abbot Egbert who at that tyme was there very famous for the great opinion of his sanctity and holines of life with whome he had very many spirituall conferences and amōg other thinges discoursing of the death of S. Chad Bishop of Lichfield being a little before desceased holy Egbert related to haue seene his foule carried vp to heauen by the hands of Angells that descended thence to accompany the same G The three and twentith Day AT Kale in France the Commemoration of Blessed Hereswide Queene ne●ce to S. Edwyn King of Northumberland and Martyr sister to S. Hlida and wife to King Ethelwold of the Eastangles who after the death of her Lord and husband forsaking all worldly pleasures friends and other prefermentes whatsoeuer went ouer into France there taking a Religious habit receyued therwith the holy veyle of Chastity in the forsaid Monastery of Kale where in very great humility and sanctimony of life she spent the rest of her dayes in prayer and contemplation of heauenly things and finally gaue vp her blessed soule to her heauēly spouse about the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and ten A The foure twentith Day AT Eyst in the higher Germany the Translation of S. VVinibald Abbot and Confessour Sonne to S. Richard King of the English who going ouer into Flanders Germany with S. VVillebrord and his fellowes to preach the Christiā faith to those people founded a Monastery in the Prouince of Franconia called Heydelmaine and became himselfe Abbot therof which when he had gouerned for ten yeares in great sanctity holines of life ●he happily reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and threescore His body was afterward on this day solemnely translated to the forsaid Citty of Eyst and there placed in the Cathedrall Church togeather with the Venerable body
where being finally slayne by certaine P●gan theeues in hatred of his Religion he happily attayned to the palme o● Martyrdome His body is buryed in the forsaid Village of Nassoin belonging to the Abbey of S. Huvert in a Church which himselfe had there somtyme bu●lt and is kept with great veneration o● the Inhabitants of that place E The ninteenth Day AT Oxford the Depositiō of S. Frideswide Virgin and Abbesse daughter to Didan Duke of Oxford who being so●licited by one Algarus a noble yong man to yield vnto his ●ust escaped miraculously his violence he being on the suddaine stroken blynd by Gods Iustice for offering the same She was afterward made Abbesse of a Monastery erected by her Father in the same Citty which Monastery in the tyme of King Henry the first was conuerted to a Priory of Chanous Regular and so continued vntill King Henry the 8. when as Cardinall VVolsey obtayned the same of the Pope towards the founding of Christs-Colledge which is now built in the same place She died in all sanctimony and holines of life about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred thirty and nyne There is an ancient Chappell yet to be scene dedicated in her honour in a Village of Artoys ca●led Bomy some foure leagues di●tant from the Citty or S. Omers where her festiuity is kept with due veneration of the Inhabitants THE same day at Maestricht in Brabant the Translation of S. VVillebrord the first Bishop of that Sea and Con●essour who being borne in Yorkeshire went ouer into the low Countreyes with a dozen other Companions all holy men and conuerted the greatest part of those Prouinces to the Christian faith and so became their chiefe Apostle He died in all sanctity and holines of life about the yeare of Christ 736. and was afterward on this day translated to Maestrcht and there is kept with great honour and veneration as principall Patron o● that Diocesse where also his feast is celebrated with an Office of nyne lessons ALso the same day in Ireland the Deposition of S. Ethbyn Abbot and Confessour whose godly life and miracles haue in tymes past byn famous through the Countreys round about He died about the yeare of Christ six hundred and ten F The twentith Day AT Toleys in France the deposition of S. VVendelyn Abbot Con●e●sour Sonne to the King of Scotland who forsaking all temporall preferments and his owne inheritance to that Crowne and Kingdome went ouer into France and there became a Religious man and afterward Abbot of the Monastery of Toleys where famous for sanctity of life and Miracles he reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred twenty and there lieth solemnly intombed Ouer whose body is also built a goodly Chappell which for the cōcourse of people that come thither on deuotion to visit the same and the miracles that are dayly wrought therat the Towne is now cōmonly called by the name of S. VVendelyns G The one and twentith Day AT Cullen in the higher Germany the Passion of S. Vrsula Virgin and Martyr daughter to Dionocus King of Cornwall who togeather with an eleuen thousand other British Virgins as ancient Authors do recount being shipped at London to passe ouer into France to be maried there to two Legions of British souldiers vnto whome Maximus that was by them chosen Emperour had giuen the Countrey of Armorica were by a contrary wynd driuen downe to the mouth of the Riuer o● Rhene and there neere vnto Cullen were all slayne by the barbarous Hunnes and Pictes in defence of their Virginity about the yeare of Christ three hundred fourscore and three Most of their bodyes were brought to Cullen and there interred with great honour and veneration and their memoryes celebrated vpon this day throughout the Christian world There was afterward a goodly Church built in Cullen in their honour called the Church Of the holy Virgins which alwayes hath byn had in such reuerence among the Inhabitants that they neuer buried any other body there Neyther will the ground or earth of that Church receyue any other body no not the corpes of yong Infants newly baptized but as if were vomiting them vp againe in the night they will be cast aboue ground as hath oftentymes byn tried A The two and twentith Day AT Roane in France the Deposition of S. Mellon Bishop and Con ●●●ou● who being a noble Britan by byrth and sent to Rome in the tyme of Valerian the Emperour to pay Tribute for the Kingdome of Britany was by Pope Stephen instructed in the Christian faith and baptized and after created the first Bishop of Roane and sent into France to his Bishopricke where in all kind of sanctity o● life miracles he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ two hundred and fourscore His body is kept vntill this day at Roane in the Cathedrall Church of that Citty neere to the body of S. Nicasius with great honour veneration of the Inhabitants THE same day at Cullen the passion of S. Cordula Virgin and Martyr one of the eleuen thousand that suffered with S. Vrsula who being terrified the first day with the slaughter of her companions hid herselfe but on the morrow repenting her therof discouering herselfe to the Hunnes was finally also crowned with Martyrdome about the yeare of Christ 383. Aller●us Magnus caused her body to be brought to Cullen where the same is kept with great honour ALso the same day at Fesuli in Tuscane the Deposition of S. Donatus Bishop and Confessour who borne in Scotland and descended of an honourable family was created Bishop of F●s●li where famous for sanctity o●●●fe and miracles in a good old age he happily rep●sed in our Lord. His feast is kept at Fes●li a orsaid on this day with great solemnity and deuotion of the Inhabitants B The three and twentith Day AT the Monastery of Brige neere Paris in France the Commemoration of S. Syra Virgin daughter to K. Eugenius the fourth of Sco●land who reiecting all worldly pōpe preferments in her tender yeares went ouer into France with her brother S. ●i●ker where the receyuing the holy veyle of Cnastity became a Religious woman in the forsaid Monastery of Brige vnder S. Phara Abbesse therof where excelling in all kind of sanctimony of life and godly conuersation especially in the vertue of humility she gaue vp her pure soule to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ six hundred and thirty and was buryed in the same place C The foure twentith Day AT Paris in France the festiuity of S. Maglore Bishop and Confessour who being a noble Britan by birth and kinsman to S. Sampson succeeded him afterward in his Bishopricke of Dole in little Britany and last of all became an Ermite in France where leading a strict and austere kind of life famous for miracles he finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ
eighteenth Day AT Santo-Padre a Village in the Kingdome of Naples the Commemoration of S. Fulke Cōsessour who being an English-man by byrth and descended of a noble family in our Iland tooke vpon him for the loue of Christ a long peregrination to visit the holy Sepulcher at Hierusalem And as he returned homeward by Italy the plague at that tyme sorely raging in those partes in very great sanctity and holines of life he receyued the reward of his labour and ended his blessed dayes in rest His body is vntill this day kept with great honour and veneration in the forsaid Village called by the Italiās Santo-Padre for the manifold miracles that are dayly wrought therat wherby the same place is now become a pilgrimage of deuotion to visit his body especially among the Neapolitans and people of Calabria A The ninteenth Day IN Kent the festiuity of S. Ermenburge Queene and Abbesse daughter to Ercombert King of Kent and wife to Merualdus King of the Mercians or midle Englishmen and mother to the three famous Virgin-Saintes Milburge Mildred and Milwyde who hauing built a goodly Church and Monastery in Kent in honour of her two kinsmen Ethelbrit and Ethelred Martyrs gathered togeather seauenty other Virgins and holy women and with consent of her husband entred into the same as Abbesse and Gouernesse of the rest where in all sanctimony of life and vertuous conuersation she ended her blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty and foure and was buryed in the same place B The twentith Day AT Hexam in Northumberland the Passion of S. Edmund King and Martyr who being a Saxon by bloud borne in the Citty of Noremberge in that Prouince and nephew to Ossa King of the Eastangles was by him adopted successour and heyre of that Kingdome And when had most Christianlike gouerned the same for fifteene yeares was in the first Danish persecution vnder the Captaines Hinguar and Hubba for the Confession of Christ first whipped sorely and then tied to a tree and his body shot full of arrowes was finally beheaded Whose head the Danes carrying into a wood neere by cast among briars and bushes And when the Tyrants forsooke those partes and the Christians seeking for the same lost themselues in the forsaid wood and one calling vpon another asking with a loude voyce VVhere art where art where art the blessed Martyrs head answered Heere Heere Heere By which miraculous voyce they found out the same He suffered in the yeare of Christ eight hundred and seauenty TH● same day and same place also the passion of S. Humbert Bishop and Mart●● who being Counsellour and companion to the ●orsaid King Edmund in the administration of his Kingdome deserued to be made partaker with him of his martyrdome so obtayned a crowne of glory in the yeare o● our Lord aboue mentioned C The one and twentith Day AT Bobia in Lombardy the deposition of S. Columb● Abbot and Confessour who being an Irishman by byrth and first a monke then Abbot of the Monastery of Benchor in the fame Kingdome went ouer into France there founded a Monastery at Luxouium and thence passing into Italy he there also founded another at Bobia by the helpe of Agilulph King of the Lombards of which himselfe became Abbot And after all these and diuers other labours and toyles taken for the aduancement of Christian Religion in Gods Church full of wonderfull sanctity of life and miracles he ended his venerable dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred and fourteene and was buried in the forsaid Monastery of Bobia D The two and twentith Day IN France the Cōmemoration of S. Osmane Virgin descended of the Bloud Royall of Ireland whose parentes being Pagans she notwithstāding in her tender years was priuately instructed in the Christian faith But afterward being to be espoused to a Noble mā of the same Kingdome but an Ethnicke forsooke both Countrey and friends and fled secretly ouer into France accompanied only with a mayd-seruant that wayted on her called Aclitenis where in a wood neere to the Riuer of Loyre she liued a very austere life being clad with a coate made of bulrushes and feeding her hungry body only with hearbes It chanced one day that a wild boare being chased in that wood by the hunters came running to her as it were for succour The huntesmen eagerly pursuyng the beast stroke him with their speares with all their force but could not once pearce his skynne Heerupon the Virgin being discouered was suspected to be a witch being brought to the Bishop and found to belieue in Christ was by him baptized had a little territory assigned her a Gardener appointed to cultiuate the same for her bodily reliefe and sustenance who being on a tyme deluded by the diuell to attempt some thing against her was by diuine iustice suddainly stroken blynd wherof he repenting himselfe was by her prayers againe restored to his sight And so she perseuering a longe tyme in that holy conuersation full of sanctimony of life was finally called thence vnto Christ her spouse whome she had so entyrely loued and serued E The three and twentith Day AT Chepslow 〈◊〉 Mōmouthshire of VVales the Cōmemoratiō of S. Tathar Confessour and Eremite● who being descended of a noble British lynage cōtemned the world became an Ermite in the Mountaynes of Monmouthshire in the raigne of Cradocke King of South-wales about which tyme also in great sanctity of life and miracles he ended his blessed dayes He built of his owne inheritance a goodly Church in the forsaid Towne of Chepstow togeather with a fayre Schoole for the education of youth in learning and vertue for which his memory is yet famous in our Iland especially among the ancient Britans of South-wales F The foure twentith Day AT Strenshalt in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the Commemoration of Blessed Eanslede Queene daughter to Edwyn and wife to Oswy Kinges of Northumberland who after the death of her Lord and husband setting aside all worldly pompe and pleasure tooke a Religious habit and became a Nunne in the Monastery of S. Peter at the forsaid place of Strenshalt vnder the care and Gouernement of her owne daughter Ethelfred that then was Abbesse of the same Where in all kind of profound humility sanctimony of life and other vertues she ended her blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred and fourscore G The fiue twentith Day AT Landaffa in Clamorganshire of VVales the Commemoration of S. Telean Martyr and second Bishop of the same Sea whose rare life learning other eminent vertues haue in tymes past byn famous throughout England especially among the ancient Britans of our Nation where his memory is fresh euen vntill this day He was very nobly borne and brought vp vnder S. Dubritius Archbishop and Metropolitan of VVales togeather with S. Dauid And a little after his comming
reclused life in great holines and sanctimony vntill her dying day which happened about the yeare of Christ six hundred threescore and nyne and was buryed with her forsaid Kinswomen at Dormundcaster A The seauenteenth Day AT VVimborne in Dorcetshire the Commemoration of S. Tetta Abbesse sister to Cuthredus King of the VVestsaxons who forsaking the vanityes of the world and receyuing the holy veyle of Chastity in the Monastery of VVimborne aforsaid was after the death of S. Cuthberge foundreste therof made Abbesse of the same place where in very great sanctimony of life obseruance of monastical discipline she gaue vp her blessed soule to rest about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and six There is a letter yet extant wrytten by S. Boniface Archbishop of Mentz to this S. Tetta for the sending of the Virgins Tecla Lioba Agatha and others out of her Monastery into Germany in the beginning of that Primitiue Church to be made Abbesses and directresses of diuers new Monasteryes which S. Boniface aforsaid had erected in that Countrey B The eighteenth Day AT Heydelmayne in Franconia the Depositiō of S. VVinibald Abbot Cōfessour Sonue to S. Richard King of the English who going ouer into the low-Countreys and Germany with S. Boniface his V 〈…〉 cle Archbishop of Mentz and Apostle of the Germans was by him ordayned Abbot of a Monastery which himselfe had there founded in the same Prouince called Heydelmayne which when he had gouerned for ten yeares in great sanctity of life glorious for miracles and other renowned vertues he ended his blessed dayes in rest in the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and threescore and was buryed in the same Monastery with this Epitaph engrauen on his tombe Hic VVinibaldus Richardi silius almus Qui Regnū Anglorū 〈…〉 ox linquens hoc Monachorū Claustrum fundauit Benedictique dicauit Nomine septingento quinquagesimoue anno His body was afterward translated to Eyst in Germany and there interred with his brother S. VVillebald where it is kept with great Veneration C The ninteenth Day AT VVirtzburgh in the higher Germany the Commemoration of S. Marcharius Abbot and Confessour who borne in Scotland of a worthy family and taking vpon him a Monasticall habit in the same Kingdome went ouer into France and thence into Germany and was ordayned Abbot there of an ancient Monastery in the forsaid Citty of VVirtzburgh where in very great sanctity of life renowned for miracles he ended his blessed dayes in peace about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred and fourty Among other his Miracles one is recounted that sitting at a banquet he turued wyne into water to the astonishment of all the behoulders there present D The twentith Day IN Ireland the Commemoration of S. Comogel Abbot and Confessour whose holy life and doctrine haue byn famous in tymes past in the Kingdome of Ireland especially for the reformation obseruance of Monasticall discipline He was Abbot of the great and ancient Monastery of Benchor in Ireland maister to the famous S. Columbane of that Nation whome he instructed in all kind of good learning and other vertues before his sending into France and Italy And when he had gouerned the same Monastery for many yeares full of sanctity and venerable old age he finally gaue vp his soule to rest in our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred and foure E The one and twentith Day AT Dormundcaster two myles from Peterburrow in Northamptonshire the Commemoration of S. Edburge Virgin and Abbesse daughter to Penda the Pagan King of the Mercians who contemning all worldly and temporall pleasures became a Religious woman in the Monastery of Dormundcaster aforsaid vnder the care of S. Kinneburge her sister after whose death she being chosen Abbesse gouerned the same in all sanctimony of life and other vertues vntill her dying day which happened about the yeare of Christ six hundred and fourscore and was buryed in the same place neere to her said sister This holy woman is different from the other three of the same Name whose festiuall dayes are celebrated vpon the fifteenth of Iune eighteenth of Iuly and thirteenth of December And besides these there was another Edburge also Virgin and Abbesse daughter to Ethelnulph King of the VVest saxons who gouerned the Monastery of holy Virgins at VVinchester in Hampshire full of renowned holynes and same about the yeare of Christ eight hundred and threescore F The two and twentith Day AT Barking in Essex the Commemoratiō of S. Hildelide Virgin and Abbesse who for her great vertue and sanctimony of life was made Abbesse of the Monastery of holy Virgins at the forsaid towne of Barking and succeeded in that office S. Edilburge inter to to S. Erconwald Bishop of London by whome the said Monastery was crected where in the exercise of all kind of vertue obseruāce of Monasticall discipline renowned for miracles she ended her blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ scauē hūdred There is a story recorded how that three blynd womē on a tyme came to this said Monastery of Barking to beseech the help and patronage of three holy Virgins there desceased and all famous for holines to wit the forsaid Edilburge VVulfhild and this our Hildelide and there praying a long tyme they were at last restored to their sight but ech one by the intercessiō of that particular Saint to whome she prayed This Monastery was afterward in the Danish persecution burned to the ground defaced and spoyled to the great lamentation or all England C The three and twentith Day IN VVales the Commemoration of S. Inthware Virgin and martyr who being descended of the ancient British bloud in our Iland liued a most godly and vertuous life in her Fathers house being wholy occupied in intertayning seruing of pilgrims and strangers that resorted thither After her Fathers death she being enuied for her holines of life by her stepmother was by a malitious deuise of hers accused to her own brother called Bana to be an harlot whervpon in this rage he slew her with his owne hands as she came one day from the Church Whose innocency was presently testified by this wonderfull miracle that hauing her head cut of she instantly with her owne handes tooke it vp from the ground and carried it to the Church from whence she came as also in the same place where she was beheaded there sprang vp a fountaine of cleere water very soueraigne for many diseases She suffered about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred About which tyme also there liued three sisters of hers all very holy women called Edware VVilgith and Sidewell who as they were conioyned to her by neernes of bloud and byrth so where they also vnited in singular sanctimony of life F The foure twentith Day IN Scotland the Commemoration of S. Ruthius Monke and Confessour who being an Irishman by byrth descended of a noble