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A00525 Fabyans cronycle newly prynted, wyth the cronycle, actes, and dedes done in the tyme of the reygne of the moste excellent prynce kynge Henry the vii. father vnto our most drad souerayne lord kynge Henry the .viii. To whom be all honour, reuere[n]ce, and ioyfull contynaunce of his prosperous reygne, to the pleasure of god and weale of this his realme amen; Chronicle Fabyan, Robert, d. 1513. 1533 (1533) STC 10660; ESTC S121369 944,722 854

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Raynys whan he had reygned in great trouble .xxi. yeres leuynge for hys heyre a sonne named Lothayr Anglia THE CLXXXVIII CHAPITER EDmunde y e brother of Ethelstan̄ and sonne of Edwarde the elder of Ethelwyda the thyrde wyfe of the sayd Edwarde begā hys reygne ouer Englande in the yere of our lorde .ix. hundred and .xl and the .vii. yere of the .v. Lewys thā kynge of Fraunce In the fyrste yere of hys reygne the Danys of Northumberland rebelled agayne hym And for to make theyr party the strōger they sent for a prynce of Danys named Aulaffe than beynge in Irlande The which brought wyth hym an other prynce or ruler of Danys named Reygnald wyth a great hoste of Danys other straūge nacyons and entred the foresayd countre and warred vppon the next borders in wastynge and spoylynge the inhabytaūtes of the same wherof whan kyng Edmund was warned anone he assembled his people and sped hym toward y e countre and lastly faught wyth the two sayd prynces of the Danys or at the leest chaced them from towne to towne tyll he forsyd them wyth all theyr cōpany of straunge nacyons to forsake vtterly that prouynce and bet down that countre of Cumberlande y t had mych fauoured and ayded the sayde enmyes agayne hym and toke therin greate prayes and deuyded them amōges hys knyghtes And y e done other for the good seruyce that Malcolyn̄ kynge of Scotlande hadde in thys vyage done vnto the kynge or for the trowth and allegyaunce that he in tyme folowyng shulde bere vnto hym or for bothe the kynge gaue there to the sayd Malcolyn̄ the countre of Cumberlande and seased all y e resydue of the kyngdom or lordshyp of Northumberlande and ioyned it vnto hys owne kyngdome But yet y e Danys retorned agayn in the tyme of Edredus the nexte kynge as after shal be shewed so that as yet the fyne or ende of thys kyngdome is not accompted In thys Edmundus dayes the authour of Polycronyca sayth that whan Edmunde hadde ended hys iourney and set that countree in an order he toke wyth hym the bones of the holy abbot Colfrydus and of that holy abbesse Hylda brought theym vnto Glastenbury and there shryned theym This Colfryde was abbot of Bedas abbey or of the abbey of Gyrwye Hilda was abbesse of Stenshalt or whytby And as affermeth y e sayd authour both places ben in y e North partyes of England Thys kynge Edwarde had a noble woman to wyfe named Elgina of whom he receyued two sonnes named Edwyne and Edgar And as testyfyeth Henry archedekē of Huntyngdon thys Edward had ofte warre wyth the Danes the whyche as he affermeth helde than many good townes in myddle England as Lyncoln̄ Nothinghm̄ Derby Stafforde Laycetour y e which by his knyghtly manhode he wanne from them And by the helpe of holy Dunstan he amēded many thynges within his realm y t had bē lōge tyme misordered by meane of y e Danys Of the ende or fyne of thys Edmunde dyuers opynyons there be For Marianus the Scot sayth that whyle thys kynge Edmunde endeuered hym selfe to saue his sewer frō the daūger of hys enemye that wold haue slayne hym at Pulkerchyrche the kynge in ryddynge of the fraye was wounded to the deth and dyed shortly after But wyllyam de regibus sayth that the kynge beynge at a feest at y e foresayd towne or place vppon the daye of saynte Augustyne espyed a felon syttyng in y e halle named Leof whych he before tyme for hys felony hadde exyled and lept ouer the table and plucked that thefe by the here of the hedde to the grounde In whych doynge the sayd felon wyth a knyfe wounded the kynge to the deth and also wyth the same knyfe wounded many other of the kynges seruauntes and at length was all to hewen dyed forthwyth If this be trewe it shulde seme that kynges at those dayes vsed not the honour that they nowe haue and exercyse But whych of these two meanes was vsed in the kynges deth by agreemēt of all wryters thys kynge dyed whan he had reygned .vi. yeres and more was buryed at Glastenbury the whyche before he hadde sumptuously repayred and lafte after hym two yonge sonnes as before is remembred Edwyne and Edgar But for they were to yonge to rule the lande therfore y e rule therof was cōmytted to Edredꝰ theyr vncle brother to theyr fader THE CLXXXIX CHAPITER EDredus y e brother of Edmūde and sonne of Edwarde the elder and of Ethylswyda hys thyrde wyfe began his reygne ouer the realme of Englande in the yere of our lorde .ix. hundred and .lxvii and the xiii yere of the fyfte Lewys thā kyng of Fraunce The whych as before is towched was admytted kyng by authoryte of hys barony For so myche as the two forenamed chylderne of Edmunde Edwyn and Edgar were thought to yonge and insuffycyent to take vpon them so great a charge The whyche Edrede was enoynted kynge of Oddo archbyshop of Caūterbury in y e towne of Kyngestowne And soone after he warred vpon the Danys that then were reentred into Northumberland or after some wryters there dwellynge vnder trybute of the kynge subdued before of Edmunde hys brother and bette theym downe and caused theym to holde and obeye vnto theyr former couenauntes And the Scottes than began to varye which he also brought vnto due obedyence After a certayne terme y e Danys of Northumberlande whyche euer contynued full of gyle and dowblenesse not beyng content to holde the couenaūtes before made promisses vnto Edredus the kynge called vnto theym theyr olde accessaryes and helpers and bereuyd from the kynges subiectes the cytye of yorke and other stronge townes and castelles to the great hurte of the coūtrey and vtter dyspleasure of the kynge wherfore he beynge therof aduertysed in goodly and conuenyent haste assembled hys people and spedde hym thyther and destroyed myche of the lande And in that fury brent the abbey of Rypon whyche the Danys kept for a fortresse and strength and wan from them myche of the strengthes that they to fore had wōne and broughte theym agayne vnder hys subieccyon when this kynge Edrede had thus spedde hys iourney and was retournynge into Englande nothynge suspectynge the sayde Danys a company of them by the excytyng of Hyrcus a kyng or prynce of the Danys thē folowyd the kinges hoste and on thys halfe yorke fyll vppon the kynges rerewarde and destroyed slew many a man For the whyche doyng the kynge was sore amoued tourned hys people agayne entendynge to haue destroyed y e countrey vtterly wherof the Danys beynge ware so lowely meked theym vnto hym gaue to hym suche gyftes that the kyng refrayned hym of the great yre that he had purposed to theym But amonges other articles y t he bounde them vnto one was that they shuld banyshe and vtterly refuse theyr fore sayde duke or kynge called Hyrcus whyche thynge with dyuers and many other graunted
holy Lewys or the tenth Lewys vnto Paris Of whom he was honorably receyued and lodged hym in his own paleys by y e space of an hole weke makynge to hym great feast gyuynge to hym and hys ryche many gyftes And from thens kynge Henry rode vnto saynte Denys where of the abbot and conuent he was receyued wyth processyon and taryed there by the space of a moneth In whyche season a maryage was concludyd betwene Iohn̄ duke of Brytayne and one of his doughters And at hys departynge he gaue to the abbot a cuppe of golde a basyn wyth an ewer of syluer And for hys more consolacyon kyng Lewys assygned vnto hym a certayne lordes other noble men of Fraunce to gyue attendaunce vppon hym and to conuey hym and to shewe hym a parte of Fraunce wyth all dysporte and huntynge and haukynge and other many pleasures of the countrey In whych passe tyme the Frenche kyng assembled hys parlyament at Parys where he shewyd vnto hys lordes that hys conscyence was grudgyd wyth y e withholdyng of all such landes as Phylyppe the second wan from kynge Iohn̄ in Normandye vpon y e whych he desyred theyr faythfull and frutefull counsayll where after many reasons and argumentes made yt was concludyd for a fynall concorde to be hadde betwene kynge Henry and hym that yf kyng Henry wyth the agremente of hys lordes wolde resygne into the Frenche kynges handes all suche tytle and ryghte as he hadde in the hole duchye of Normandye of Angeou poyteau and Mayne for hym and for his heyres for euer that then the Frenche kynge of his great bountye and grace shulde gyue vnto the kynge of Englande and to hys heyres kynges the lordshyppe of Guyan Angeou and Mayne and byryghtfull tytle callyd euer after duke of Guyan and ouer that he shulde be admyttyd for a Pere of Fraunce to all whyche condycyons as affyrmyth and wytnessyth the Frenche cronycle kynge Henry at hys retourne from hys dysporte was agreable and wyth consente of hys baronye and in theyr presence wyth also the baronye of Fraunce dyd hys homage vnto the sayde Lewys for the duchye of Guyan and after made hys othe accordynge to the same And after great gyftes receyued on eyther syde kynge Henry retourned vnto Burdeaux Of thys peace and concorde speketh a cronyculer named Guydo or Guy sayth that kyng Henry sayled into Fraunce and asked restytucyon of the forenamed Frenche kyng of all suche landes as hys ayle Phylyppe the seconde had wyth extorte power taken from kynge Iohn̄ hys father But for he fande the Frenche kynge straunge in his answere also had lytle truste in hys lordes for to haue theyr ayde he fell to agrement wyth the Frenche kynge and solde to hym all his tytle that he had in Normandye Gascoyn and Guyan y ● whych extendyd to the yerely value of .xx. thousande pounde takynge for the same tytle .iii. hūdred thousand poūd of small Turon money whereof a pounde is in value after sterlynge money but .ii. s. iii ● or there about so that he shulde after that rate haue for his sayde tytle after the value of sterlynge money .xxxiii. thousand seuen hundred and .l. pounde In the season and tyme that kyng Henry was thus occupyed in Fraunce dyssencyon fell in Englande betwene syr Edwarde the kynges son and syr Rycharde erle of Glouceter For appeasyng wherof a parleamēt whyche is to meane a counsayll of hys lordes was callyd at westmynster whyche contynued by the space of .iii. wekes and more To the whyche counsayll the lordes came wyth greate companyes and specyally the sayde syr Edwarde and the erle of Glouceter the whyche entendyd to haue lodged within the city wherfore the mayre yode vnto the byshop of worceter and syr Hugh Bygotte and syr Phylyppe Basset to whome the kynge wyth the archbyshoppe of Caunterburye had taken the rule of the lande in hys absence the whyche all went vnto the kynge of Almayne to haue hys aduyse in that mater where it was concludyd that nother the sayde Edwarde nor the erle shuld come wythin the cytye then there to be lodgyd nor none that helde vppon eyther of that partyes And forther yt was prouyded that all suche wythin the cytye as were of the age of .xv. yeres and aboue shulde be in harnes to watche and kepe the cytye bothe daye and nyght and that the gates shulde be kept shyt vppon the daye and a certayne men in harneys to kepe euery gate of the cytye And soone after for the sauegarde of the cytye and sure kepynge of the peace wythin the same the kynge of Romaynes wyth the sayde syr Hughe and syr Phylyppe came into the cytye and there were lodged with theyr companyes and suche other as they wolde assygne to strength the cytye yf nede requyred Then aboute the feaste of saynte Marke the kynge came to London from beyonde the see and was lodgyd at the byshoppe of Londons paleys After whose commynge by his assygnement the erle of Glouceter was then lodged wythin the cytye and syr Edwarde hys sonne was lodgyd in hys owne palays at westmynster And soone after the kynge commaunded hym to be lodgyd at saynt Iohn̄s and all the other lordes were lodgyd in other places wythoute the cytye And the kyng of Romayns remoued agayne to westmynster In whych tyme a direccyon was takē betwene the sayd ꝑtyes a new assemble and parlyament assygned to be kept at westmynster in the quindena of saynt Iohn̄ Baptyst And for that then all thynge myght not be sette in an order yt was prorogyd vnto the feast of saynt Edwarde at the which season all thyng was put at reste for a whyle In this yere also fell that happe of the Iewe of Tewkysbury whyche fell into a gonge vppon the saterdaye and wolde not for reuerēce of his sabbot day be plucked out wherof heryng the erle of Glouceter that the Iewe dyd so great reuerence to hys sabbot daye thought he wold do as myche to his holy daye whych was sondaye and so kept hym there tyll monday at which season he was founden dede Anno domini M.CC.lix   Anno domini M.CC.lx.   Adam Brownynge   wyllyam fyz Rycharde   Anno .xliiii.   Rycharde Couentre   IN this .xliiii. yere soone after the feast of Symonde and Iude the kynge kept a royall feaste at westmynster where he made dyuerse knyghtes Amonge the whych Iohn̄ duke of Brytayne whyche had maryed one of the kynges doughters was there made knyght And soone after was syr Hughe spencer made chefe iustyce After y e feast of Cādelmasse y e kyng commaūdyd a folkmoot to be called at Paulys crosse where he in proper persone wyth the kynge of Almayn the archebyshoppe of Caunterbury and many other nobles came where the kynge commaundyd vnto the mayre that euery strypelynge of the age of .xii. yeres and aboue shuld be before his aldermā be sworn the day folowynge to be trew to the kyng to hys
erle aregned at westmynster in the whyte hall and there endyted of treason and vpon the mōdaye folowyng adiuged that he shulde go frome the same place vnto the towre hylle and there to haue hys hede smytten of But as he was commynge from the sayde place of iugemente toward his execucyon the people presyd so inportunatly vpon hym for to se beholde hym that the sheryfes were fayne to tourne into the Flete and there to borowe gayoll for hym for that nyght And vpon the morowe after at afternoone beynge saynt Lukys day and xviii daye of Octobre he was ladde to the towre hylle where he toke his deth full paciently whose corps was after borne wyth the hedde vnto the blacke freres and there honourably buryed in a chapell standynge in the body of the churche whych he before tyme had founded And than was dayly awaytynge vpon the see syde for the landyng of quene Margaret and prynce Edwarde her sonne and also prouysyon made for the defence of landynge of kynge Edwarde and hys company Anno domini M.iiii C.lxx.   Anno domini M.iiii C.lxxi   Iohn̄ Crosby Anno Henrici .vi. primo Iohn̄ Stokton̄ mercer       Iohn̄ warde Anno Edwardi iiii.x IN thys yere whyche was in y e ende of the .x. yere of kyng Edwarde and beginnyng of the readopcion of kyng Henry that is to meane the thyrde daye of Nouembre quene Elizabeth beynge as before is sayde in westmynster seyntwary was lyghted of a fayre prynce And wythin the sayd place the sayd chylde wythout pōpe was after crystened whose godfathers were the abbot pryour of the sayd place the lady Scrope godmother And the .xxvi. daye of the sayd moneth folowyng began a parlyament frome thens proroged to Paulys where it cōtynued tyll Cristmas In the parlyamente syr Thomas Cooke before trowbeled as I haue shewed in the .vii. yere of kynge Edwarde put in a byll into the common house to be restored of the lorde Ryuers landes other occasyoners of hys trowble to the summe of .xxii. M. marke Of the whyche he hadde good comforte to haue ben allowed of kynge Henry if he had prospered and the rather for that that he was of the commō house and therwyth a man of great boldnesse in speche and well spoken syngulerly wytted well reasoned Than durynge thys parlyament kyng Edward was proclaymed vsurper of the crowne and the duke of Glouceter hys yonger brother traytour both attaynted by auctorytie of the sayd parlyament And vppon the .xiiii. daye of February came the duke of Exceter to London And the .xxvii. daye of y e sayde moneth rode the erle of warwyke thorugh y e citie toward Douer for to haue receyued quene Margarete but he was dyspoynted For the wynde was to her contrary that she laye at the see syde taryeng for a conuenyent wynde from Nouember tyl Apryll And so the sayde erle after he had longe taryed for her at the see syde was fayne to retourne without spede of hys purpose Thus duryng thys queysy seasō the mayre ferynge the retourne of kynge Edwarde fayned hym syke so kepte hys house a great season All whych tyme syr Thomas Cooke whyche than was admytted to hys former rome was sette in his place and allowed for hys deputye whych tourned after to hys greate trowble and sorowe Than fynally in the begynnynge of the moneth of Apryll kynge Edwarde landed in the north at a place called Rauynspore wyth a small cōpany of Flemynges and other so y t all hys company exceded nat the nōber of M. persones so drewe hym towarde yorke makyng hys proclamacyons as he wente in the name of kyng Henry and shewed to the people that he came for none entent but onely to clayme hys enherytaunce y ● dukedome of yorke so passed the countres tyll he came to the cytye of yorke where the cytezyns helde hym oute tyll they knew hys entent And whan he had shewed vnto theym as he before had done vnto other confermed it by an othe he was there receyued and refresshed for a certayne tyme so departed helde his waye towarde London and passed by fauoure fayer wordes the daūger of the lorde Marquys Mountagu whyche in that costes laye than in awayte for hym purposely to stoppe hys way had people dowble of nōbre that kyng Edwarde had of fyghtynge men whā kyng Edwarde was thus passed the sayd Marquys and sawe that hys strength was greatly amended that also dayly the peple drewe to hym he than made proclamacyons in hys owne name as king of Englande so helde on hys iournay tyll he came vnto London In whyche passetyme that is to meane vpon sherethursdaye the archebysshoppe of yorke beynge than at Londō wyth kyng Henry to the entent to moue the peoples hertes towarde y e kyng rode about the towne wyth hī and shewed hym to the people the whyche rather withdrewe mēnes hertes than other wyse And in thys season also syr Thomas Cooke before-named auoyded the lande entēdyng to haue sayled into Fraunce But he was taken of a shyp of Flaunders hys sonne heyre wyth hym and so sette there in pryson many dayes lastly was delyuered vnto kyng Edwarde Than vpon sherethursdaye at after noone kynge Edwarde was receyued into the cytye and so rode to Poulys and there offered at y e roode of the north dore and that done yode incontynently into the bysshoppes palays where he fande kynge Henry almoste alone For all such lordes and other as in the mornynge were about hym whan they harde of king Edwardes commynge anone they fledde and euery man was fayne gladde to saue hym selfe Than king Edwarde lodged hym where kynge Henry laye put hym vnder safe kepynge and soo rested hym there tyll Easter euyn Upon the whyche euyn heryng of hys brothers cōmynge y e other lordes wyth hym wyth a strōg hoste vnto saynt Albonis sped hym thyderward lay that nyght at Barnet In whyche season the duke of Clarence contrary hys othe and promyse made vnto the Frenche kynge refused the tytle of kyng Henry and sodaynly wyth the strengthe that he hadde rode streyghte vnto hys brother kynge Edwarde wherwith the other lordes were somdeale abasshed The whyche not wythstandynge the sayd lordes by the specyall comforte and exortacyon of the erle of Oxenforde as it was sayde helde on theyr iournay toward Bernet the sayd erle of Oxenford beyng in the vawarde and so came vnto y e playne without Bernet and there pyght theyr felde Then vpon y e morowe beynge Easter daye the .xiiii. daye of Apryll very erly both hostes mette wherupō that one party were two knyges present as Hēry the .vi. whych kynge Edward had brought thyder with hym and kyng Edward the .iiii. And vpon that other partye was the duke of Exceter the lorde Marquys Mountagu and the two erlys of warwyke and of Oxenford wyth many other men of name There the sayd erle of Oxenforde
Fabyans cronycle newly prynted wyth the cronycle actes and dedes done in the tyme of the reygne of the moste excellent prynce kynge Henry the vii father vnto our most drad souerayne lord kynge Henry the .viii. To whom be all honour reuerēce and ioyfull contynaunce of his prosperous reygne to the pleasure of god and weale of this his realme AMEN ¶ Prentyd at London By wyllyam Rastell 1533. ❧ CVM PRIVILEGIO MVSEVM BRITANNICVM The table of the fyrste volume of Fabyanes cronycle ALbyon and why thys ile of olde tyme so was called it apereth in the fourth lefe the fyrst chapytre Brute the sonne of Siluius and of hys orygynall and fyrste cōmyng into thys lande ca. ii folio iiii Brute of hys fyrst landynge ca. iii. fo v. Thys Brute the son̄ of Siluius Posthumus descended of the noble blode of Troyans entred fyrst y e ile of Albion which he after named Brytayne and now is called England in the yere of the worlde iiii thousande lxiii and before the incarnacyon of Chryst as in the begynnyng of this worke is more openly shewed reygned yeres .xxiiii. Troynuaunt or London of thys kynge was fyrst foūded ca. iiii fo v. Locrinus or Locryne the eldeste sonne of Brute beganne hys reygne ouer Brytayne in the countrye called Leogria or Logiers that after was named myddell Englande in y e yere of the worlde .iiii. thousande .lxxxvii. and reygned yeres .xx. capi v. folio vi Gwendoloena or Gwendoleyn y e wyfe of Locryne began to reygne as quene ouer the Brytons or countrey of Logiers in the yere of the worlde iiii thousande C.vii. and reygned yeres xv ca. vi fo vi Madan the sonne of Locrine and of the sayd Gwendolyne began hys reygne ouer the Brytons in the yere of the worlde .iiii. thousande C. and xxii and reygned after the agrement of many wryters and moste yeres .xl. ca. vii fo vi In the seconde yere of thys kyng● reygne ended the thyrde age of the world And Dauyd began to reygne ouer Israell Menpricus or Mempricius the sonne of Madan beganne hys rule ouer the Brytons in the yere of the world .iiii. M.C.lxii the yere before Chrystes incarnacyon and reygned yeres xx ca. viii folio vi Ebrancus or Ebrank the sonn̄ of Mempryce begā to rule the Brytōs in the yere of the worlde .iiii. M.C.lxxxii reygned yeres .xii. Thys kyng made the citie of yorke y e town of Acryncte the castelles of Dunbarre Eddynbourgh in Scotland ca. ix fo vii Brute vixii scutum or Brute Greneshelde sonne of Ebranke was made ruler of the Brytons in y e yere of the worlde .iiii. M.ii. C.xlii reygned yeres .xii. ca. x. fo vii Leylus or Leyr the sonne of the forenamed Brute beganne hys rule ouer Brytayn in the yere of y e world iiii M.ii. C.liiii and ruled yeres .xxv Thys kynge founded the towne of Carleyll ca. xi fo vii Lud Hurdibras or Rudibras the sonn̄ of Leyl begā hys dominiō ouer y e Brytōs in the yere of y e worlde iiii M.ii. C.lxxix ruled yeres .xxxix. This kyng made wynchester Caunterbury Septō now named Shaftysbury ca. xii fo vii Baldud the sonne of Lud began hys domynyon ouer the Brytaynes in the yere of the worlde .iiii. thousād iii. C.xviii and reygned yeres .xx. Thys kynge founded the towne of Bathe and the bathes wythin the same after some wryters ca. xiii folio vii Leyr or Leyer the sonne of Baldud was made ruler ouer the Brytons in the yere of the worlde .iiii. M iii. C. and .xxxviii and ruled yeres .lx. Thys kynge made the towne of Leycestre ca. xiiii fo vii Cordeilla the yongeste doughter of the forenamed Leyer beganne to rule the Brytons in the yere of the worlde .iiii. thousande .iii. C.xcviii ruled yeres .v. ca. xvi folio viii Cunedagius with Marganus his neuewes sonnes of the two sisters of Cordeilla beganne theyr dominyon ouer Brytayne in the yere of y e world iiii thousande .iiii. hundreth and .iii. cōtynued yeres .ii. ca. xvii fo viii This Cunedagius forenamed after that he in batayll hadde slayne Marganus beganne hys senyoury ouer the Brytons in the yere of the worlde .iiii. M.iiii C.v. and ruled after moste wryters yeres .xxxiii. ca. xviii fo ix Reynaldus or Rilalnus the sonn̄ of Cunedagius beganne to rule the Brytons in the yere of the world .iiii. thousande .iiii. C. and .xxxviii. reygned yeres .xlv. The .xxxii. yere of this kyng was Rome bylded of the twoo bretherne Remus and Romulus whyche was the yere of the worlde ca. xix fo ix Gurgustius Gurgusto or Gorbodian the sonne of Riuallus was made ruler of the Brytons in y e yere of the worlde .iiii. M.iiii C.lxxxiii and ruled yeres .xxxviii. ca. xx fo ix Sicillius or Siluius the brother or sonne of Gurgustus began hys domynyon ouer the Brytons in the yere of the world .iiii. thousand .v. C. and .xxi. and ruled yeres .xlix. ca. xxi folio ix Iago or Lago the neuewe of Gurgustius was made ruler of Brytayn in y e yere of the world .iiii. thousande v. hundreth .lxx. reygned yeres .xxv. ca. xxii fo ix Kinimacus the brother of Iago and after some wryters the sonne of Siluius began his seygnyorye ouer the Brytons in the yere of the world iiii thousand .v. C.xcv. ruled yeres .liiii. In the .xiiii. yere of thys kynge ended the .iiii. age the Iewes were captyued by the Babylons Also Isopus or Isoppe the feyner of fables in the latter days of thys Kinimacus in the countre of Grece florysshed fayned hys fables ca. xxiii fo ix Gorbodug whome Geffrey of Mōmouth nameth Grobodugo son̄ vnto Kinimacus began hys domynion ouer the Brytons in the yere of the world .iiii. thousande .vi. C.xlix ruled yeres .lxii. Aboute the .xxvi. yere of this kynges reygne was Holiferne slayne of Iudyth the wydow in the chamber of Papiliō As hath Iacobus Philippus ca. xxiiii fo ix Ferrex with hys brother Porrex sonnes of Gorbodug begā iointly to rule y e Brytōs in y e yere after Adam iiii M.vii C. .xi. ruled yeres .v. Here endeth the lyne or ofspryng of Brute ca. xxv fo x. The storys agre that after y e deth of the forsayd bretherne the Brytōs because there remayned no heyre of them were in great dyscorde a longe season were subdued vnder diuers kynges But bycause y e foresayd auctours do nat certyfye y e terme of this dyscorde and also do wryte dyuersly of the reygnes of the forsayd kynges so that some do assyne very few or no certayn yeres and some other many yeres so that in thaccomptyng of the yeres and of tymes there appereth a great alteracyō Therfore it is to be noted as affermeth Ranulph monke of Chester Guydo Galfryde and other that Cunedagius onely began to reygne in the yere of the world .iiii tyousande .iiii. hundreth and .v. And he reygned .xxxiii. yeres whyche maketh the yere of the worlde
fo c.xiiii Lotharius the eldest sonn̄ of y e .v. Lowis was anoīted king of Fraūce in the yere of our lord .ix. C. .xl and viii yere of Edwardus thā kynge of Englād reygned yeres after moste wryters .xxxix. ca. c.xc fo c.xiiii Edwynus y e eldest son̄ of Edmoūd brother of Ethelstane was enoynted kyng of Englāde in the yere of oure lord .ix. C.lvi the secōd yere of Lothayre thā kyng of Fraūce reygned yeres .iii. ca. c.xcii fo c.xvi Edgarus the secōd sonn̄ of Edmoūd brother of Edwyn begā to reygne ouer Englād in the yere of grace .ix. C. .lx y e .v. yere of Lotharius than kyng of Fraūce reygned yeres .xvi ca. c.xciii fo c.xvi Edward the son̄ of Edgare surnamed the Martyr begā hys reygne ouer the I le of Englād in the yere of our lorde .ix. C.lxxvii the .xxii. yere of Lothayre yet kyng of Fraūce and reygned yeres .iiii. ca. c.xcvi fo c.xix. Egelredus y e sonn̄ also of Edgare was made kyng of Englād in y e yere of grace .ix. C.lxxx one the .xxvi. yere of Lothayre yet king of Fraūce and reygned yeres .xxxvi. ca. xcvii folio c.xx. Lowys y e .vi. of y e name sonne of Lothayr begā his reygn ouer Fraūc in y e yere of our lord .ix. C.lxxxvi the v. yere of Egelbertus thā king of England reygned yeres .iii. In thys kyng endeth the lyne of Pepyn ca. cc.i. fo c.xxiiii Hugt Capet y e sonn̄ of Roberte y e tyraūt descended of Hugh le graūde begā to take vppō hym or vsurpe the crowne of Fraūce in the yere of oure lord .ix. C. .ix and y e .ix. yere of Egelrede and ruled yeres .ix. ca. cc.ii. folio c.xxvi Robert the sonn̄ of Hughe began to reygne ouer the Frēchmē in y e yere of our lord .ix. C.lxxx and .xviii. yere of Egelredus than kyng of Englād and reygned yeres .xxx. ca. cc.iii folio c.xxvii Edmoūde Ironsyde the sonne of Egelredus with also Canutus y e son̄ of Swanus begā to reygn ouer Englāde in the yere of our lord M. and xvii y e .xix. yere of Robert thā kinge of Fraūce reygned one yere ca. cc.iiii fo c.xxvii Kanutus which in y e Englysh boke is named Knougth begā after the deth of Edmoūd to reygn alone ouer Englād in the yere of grace M. and xix the .xx. yere of Robert thā kyng of Fraūce and reygned yeres .xix. ca. cc.v fo c.xxviii Hēry the sonn̄ of Robert begā hys domynyō ouer Fraūce in the yere of our lord M. .xxix the .x. yere of Canutus thā king of Englād reygned yeres .xxxi. ca. cc.vii fo Harolde surnamed Harefote y e son̄ Canutus began to reygne ouer England in the yere of our lorde M. and xxxix the .x. yere of Henry thā kyng of Fraūce and ruled yeres .iii. ca. cc.viii fo c.xxxi Hardikynitus or Hardiknought y e son̄ of Canutus of Emma was made king of Englāde in the yere of our lord M. .xli the .xii. yere of Hēry thā kyng of Fraūce and reygned yeres .ii. In this kyng ended the line of the Danes that had cōtynued in thys lāde in great persecuciō aboue ii C.l. yeres ca. cc.ix. fo c.xxxii Edward the holy cōfessour son̄ of Egelredus and of Emma his laste wyfe begā hys reygn ouer the realm of Englād in the yere of oure lorde a M. and .xliii the .iiii. yere of Henry thā kyng of Fraūce and reygned in vertue and holynes yeres .xxiiii. In this kynges tyme the chapell of walsynghm̄ was fyrst bylded in y e yere of our lord M.lxi. ca. cc.x. fo c.xxxiii Philippe the fyrst of y e name and son̄ of Hēry begā to gouerne y e Frēch mē in the yere of our lord a M.lxviii and the .xvi. yere of Edward the confessour thā kynge of Englande and reygned yeres .xlviii. Godfrey of Bulyō nat Boleyn̄ ī this Philippes tyme gat by strēgth the citie of Hierusalē was crowned king of y e same in the yere of our lord M.xcix. ca. cc.xv. fo c.xxxviii Harolde y e eldest son̄ of erle Goodwyn begā to reygn ouer Englyshmē in the yere of our lord M.lxvi and y e viii yere of Philippe than kynge of Fraunce and reygned yeres .ix. ca. cc.xvi fo c.xxxviii Thus endeth the .vi. parte that conteyneth .iii. C.lxxxi yeres WIllyam duke of Normādy the bastarde sonne of Robert the .vi duke of the sayd prouynce begā hys reygne ouer the realme of Englande in the .xv. day of Octobre and yere of our lord M.lxvii y e .ix. yere of y e fyrst Philipe yet kyng of Fraūce reygned yere vpō .xxii. In the .xx. yere of thys kyng the church of saint Poule wyth a great parte of Lōdon was burned Thys kyns foūded the monasteryes of Batell and Barmūdesey ca. cc.xix fo c.xlii wyllyam surnamed the Rede and sonne of wyllyam Cōquerour began hys reygne ouer Englād in the moneth of Iuly yere of our lord a M.lxxx .ix .xxxi. yere of Philippe forenamed yet king of Fraūce reygned yeres .xii. ca. cc.xxiii fo c.xlvii Henry surnamed Beawclerke and thyrd son̄ of wyllyam Conqueroure begā hys reygne ouer Englād in the yere of our lord M.C. one and in the .xliii. yere of the foresayd Phylyp yet kyng of Fraūce reygned yeres xxxv ca. cc.xxvi fo c.l. Lowys surnamed the greate and sonn̄ of y e fyrst Philippe was enoynted king of Fraūce in y e yere our lord M.C. .vii and y e .vi. yere of the first Henry than kynge of Fraunce and reygned yeres .xxix. capi folio Stephan erle of Boloyng sonn̄ vnto the erle of Blesens of the wyues syster of Hēry the fyrst begā hys reygne ouer Englāde in the yere of grace M.C. .xxxvi and the last yere of Lowys the great reygned yeres xix ca. cc.xxxii fo c.lvii Lowys the .viii. of y e name and son̄ of Lowys the great begā his reygne ouer Fraunce in the yere of our lord M.C.xxxvi the fyrste yere of Stephan than kyng of England reygned yeres .xliii. ca. cc.xxxiiii folio c.lx. Henry the seconde of that name sonne of Geffrey Plantaginet and of molde the emperesse begā hys reygn in Englande in the yere of our lorde M.C. and .lv and the .xix. yere of Lowys the .viii. than kyng of Fraunce and reygned yeres .xxxv. Saynt Edwarde the confessour was trāslated in the .ix. yere of thys kyng And about the .xvi. yere of hys reygne saīt Thomas of Caunterbury was martyred cap. cc.xxxvi folio c.lxii Philippe the second of that name surnamed a Deu don̄e sonne of the viii Lowys beganne hys reygne in Fraunce in the yere our lord a thousande C. and .lxxix and .xxiiii. yere of Henry the seconde than kyng of Englande and reygned yeres .xliii. ca. cc.xli fo c.lxviii Thus endeth the table of the fyrste volume FOR
called the Iaundyes that myche people therof dyed wherfore the sayde Sampson toke wyth hym the pall sayled into Armorita or lytell Brytayne and was there bysshoppe of Dolence or Dolences And from that tyme vnto the fyrst Henry●s tyme kyng of Englande hadde sytten at Menenia or saynte Dauids .xxi. byshoppes and all wythoute pall But whether yt were for lacke of connynge or ellys for pouerty it is not asserteyned Neuerthelesse alwaye from the tyme of the sayde Sampson vnto the foresayde Henry the fyrste tyme all the byshoppes of wales were sacred of y e byshoppe of Menenia or saynte Dauids And the archebyshop of Menenia was at all tymes sacred of y e bysshoppes of walys as of his suffragans and made no profession nor obieccyon to any other chyrche But after these dayes other byshoppes y t sat there were compelled to be sacred at Canterbury In token of whyche subieccyon Bonyface archbyshoppe of Caūterbury legate of the crosse sange in euery cathedrall chyrche of walys a solemne masse whyche was done by the sayde Boniface in the tyme of Henry the seconde beynge kynge of Englande But now ye shall vnderstāde there ben but two prymates or archbysshoppes in all Englande and walys That one ys at Caunterburye and that other is at yorke To the prymate of Caunterburye ben subiecte xiii byshoppes in England and .iiii. in walys And the prymate of yorke hath but two suffragans in Englād which be the byshoppes of Caerleyll and Durham And who so wyll be further instructe of the order and chaūges of bysshoppes see of Englande lette hym rede ouer the and lvii chapyters of the fyrste boke of Polycronycon or a ꝑte of holy Bedys work whyche he compyled of the same mater called historia Anglicana and there he shall haue euery thyng sette out clerely and truely And for to contynewe my processe of Lucius as wytnessyth myne authoure Gaufride when he hadde as before ys sayde stablyssyd orderyd the foresayde archeflamyns and flamyns and that they were also confermed of the pope he then endowed them wyth such landes and possessyons as before tyme were occupyed or gyuen to the maynteynynge and vpholdynge of the pagan rytes and lawe vsyd before tyme. And the temples of idollys thorough his land he causyd to be dedycate to Iesu Criste and his sayntes honoured them wyth myche great and large gyftes And when he had done after moste accorde of wryters by y e terme of .xii. yeres he dyed and was buryed in y e cytye of Claudiocestre or Glouceter without heyre of his body the which after grewe to great damage of the Brytons as after shal be shewed Of this Lucius yt is shewed in a table hangynge vpon the wall of the north syde of the yle in the backe of the quere of saynte Paules chyrche in London that the sayde Lucius reygned ouer the Brytons .lxxvii. yeres And ouer that the authoure of cronica cronicarum testyfyeth that after Lucius had receyued the fayth he assembled a great hoste of Brytons and sayled ouer into Gallia or Fraunce and thens into other countres passynge by Becia and the cytye called Augusta there subdued many of the enymyes of Crystes fayth where after many vertuouse dedys he restyd in good peace And his suster called Emerita as sayth the said authour was also martyred for Cristes sake But of this sayeng other the doute is assoyled in the foresayde table in y e begynnyng of this worke where yt shall apere that he reygned but .xii. yeres as aboue is shewed And for so myche as in this Luciꝰ endeth for a tyme the lyne of Britōs and the lande after this daye was ruled some dele by the Romayns therfore I will here ende the thyrd parte of this worke And for y e good spede I haue hyderto had and to the ende to inpetre the more grace in accomplyshyng y e other dele of this worke I here salute our moste blessyd lady wyth the thyrd ioye of the foresayde vii ioyes whyche begynneth Gaude splendens vas virtutum c. Hayle and be glad thou vessell moste shynynge Of vertues and grace at whose commaundement The hole courte of heuen is euer and byddynge And thou also arte amonge them ment Moste benygne and happy to euery good entent As dygne moder of Iesu with moste excellence Honoured in glorye with all theyr assystence This thyrde parte to be accompted from the ende of the .ix. yere of Cassibellan to the laste yere of Lucius includeth of yeres two hūdred .xli. TRouth yt is as affermyn all wryters that after the deth of the forenamed Luciꝰ for so mych as of his body remayned non heyre the Brytons amonge them selfe fyll at great dystaunce and warre The whyche warre and trouble endured to the greate dystourbaunce of the lande But howe longe the certayne is not sette out by any wryter that I haue seen excepte the englyshe cronycle sayth that yt endured .l. yeres The whych sayeng vnder correccyō can not stande wyth the concordaūce of other writers as yt is more playnly declared in the foresayde table where also yt shall appere that the sayde dyscorde amonge the Britons contynued but onely .xv. yeres After whyche terme of .xv. yeres expyred as after more clerely shall be shewed Seuerus beynge thē emperour of Rome beganne his domynyon ouer this lande of Brytayne So that ye shall nowe vnderstande that y e laste yere of this discorde was the yere of our lorde two hundred vii By reason wherof yt foloweth that the sayde .xv. yeres ioyned vnto the foresayde thyrde parte that the thyrde part cōteyneth and includeth of yeres .ii. hundred and .lvi. ¶ Thus endeth the thyrde parte THE FOVRTH PARTE THE LXI CHAPITER SEuerꝰ a Romayn at this daye emperour of Rome begane to rule this lande of Brytayn in the yere of our lordes incarnacyon .ii. hūdred and viii The whych as wytnesseth Gaufryde was before tyme sent from the senate of Rome with two legyons of knyghtes into Brytayne to appease the warre and stryfe amonge them and also for to wythstāde the Pictes and other enymyes whych dayly inuaded the land For dyuers wryters agree that this Seuerꝰ was made emperoure the yere of Crystes incarnacyon a hūdred .lxxx. and .xv and ruled the sayd empyre after the most wryters .xvi. yeres By whych rule yt shuld appere that he shuld be takē for gouernour of this realme of Brytayne the .xii. yere of his empyre It is sayde of this man that after he had subdued the Parthis and the Arabis he was named Particus was sent as before is sayde of the senate of Rome into Brytayne where he causyd to be made at the coste of the commoute a walle of turues and great stakes of the length as wytnes syth Policronica of a hundred .xii. myles as in the .xviii. chapyter of his .iiii. boke apperyth This wall after the exposycyon of the sayde Polycronica began at the ryuer of Tyne and enduryd to the Scottyshe see
Derbysshyre and wayted his tyme and lastly fand the kynge smally accompanyed and entended to haue ronne thorough the kynge wyth a sworde enuenemed But one Lilla the kynges trusty seruaunt dysgarnysshed of shylde or other wepyn to defende his mayster starte betwene the knyg the sword and was stryken thorough the body and dyed and the kynge was wounded with the same stroke And after he woūded the thyrde and was takē and confessyd by whom he was sent to worke that treason The other knyght that was secondly wounded dyed and the kynge laye after longe syke or he were helyd And the same nyght folowynge the quene was delyuered of a doughter the whyche kyng Edwyn caused to be crystened of Paulinus y e bysshop in tokē that he wolde fulfylle all suche promyse as he before had made And she was named Enfleda and halowed vnto god And after whytsontyde y ● kyng beynge scantly hole of the wounde assembled his hoste made towarde the kynges of westsaxon and after a greate and sore fyghte venquysshed them and theyr hoste But Edwyn for all thys vyctory and other thynges gyuen to hym of god as he that was in helthe of the worlde forgate his former promesse and had lytell mynde therof excepte that he by the preachyng of Paulinus forsoke his maumētrye and for his excuse sayde that he myghte not clerely renye his olde lawe that his forefaders hadde kepte so longe and sodeynly be crystened without authoryte and good aduyse of hys counceyle He also receyued letters of exhortacyon and cōforte to take the baptyme from y e .v. Boniface thā pope The whiche also sent to the quene lyke letters with a myrrour garnysshed with syluer and a combe of iuory and for the kyng a shyrte wrought in sōdry places with letters of golde But all this preuayled nothynge Then Paulinꝰ made his specyall prayers to god and had it shewed to hym by reuelacyon of the token that was gyuen to Edwyn in tyme of his trybulacyon After the which knowlege hadde Paulinus shortly after came vnto the kyng and layeng his hande on hys hed frayned of hym whyther he had any lyke remēbraūce of any lyke token The whyche whan the kynge hadde confessyd the holy bysshoppe sayde vnto hym Lo thou hast ouercomen thyne enemyes and wonne thy kyngdome holdest it in moste large wyse therfore perfourme thy promesse and be trew to hym that hath holpen thy It was not longe after that the kynge assemblyd hys counceyll and by theyr agremēt he was of the sayd Paulinus byshop of yorke baptysed wythin the sayde cytye the .xi. yere of hys reygne and the yere of grace as testifyeth Guido .vi. C.xxvii He was the fyrste crysten kyng that reygned in that coūtrey And after hym many of hys lordes subiectes were also crystened of the sayd Paulinus and the flamyns or bysshoppes of theyr false goddes were turned to Crystes faythe In token wherof they armed them as knyghtes bestrode good horses where before by theyr lawe they myghte vse none armoure nor ryde but onely on a mare From that tyme forthwardes by the term of .vi. yeres durynge the lyfe of kynge Edwyn Paulinus crystened contynuelly in bothe prouynces of Deyra and in Brēnicia in the ryuers of Gweuy Swala whyche he vsed for hys fontes and preached in the shyre of Lyndesey and buylded there a chyrche of stone at Lyndecoln or Lyncolne In thys tyme was so great peace in that kyngdome of Edwyne that a woman myghte haue gone from one towne to an other without grefe or noyaunce And for the refresshynge of waye goers this Edwyn ordeyned at clere wellys cuppes or dysshes of iron or brasse to be fastened to postes standynge by the sayd wellys sydes and no man was so hardy to take awaye those cuppes he kept so good iustyce and with that he was knyghtely of hys dedes He was the fyrste that wanne this ile of Eubonia now called the ile of man And by hys meanes Orpewaldus or Corpewaldus the sonne of Redwaldus kynge of Eest anglis or Norphis to whom as before is touchyd Edwyn had fledde for socoure was conuerted to the true fayth and a greate parte of his men with hym And for this Edwyn excellyd y e other kynges they enuyed at hym and specyally Penda kynge of Mercia the whyche excyted Cadwan kynge of Brytons agayne hym So that they two assemblyd a great hoste agayne Edwyn and lastly met in a palce called Hatfelde and after sharpe fyght on bothe sydes there Edwyne was slayne whan he had reygned ouer y e Northumbris .xvii. yeres in the yere of our lorde as sayth Guydo .vi. C. xxxiii when these two kynges Cadwan or Cedwalla and Penda hadde thus ouercomen the kynge and hym slayne and mych of hys people they became so cruell to men of that countrey that they destroyed therin mych people as men women chyldren as well religyous as other wherfore Paulinus the archebysshop beholdyng theyr cruelnesse toke with him the quene Enfleda hyr doughter fled by water into Kent And for the bysshoprych of Rochester was than voyde by reason that Romanus the last bysshop was adreynte Paulyne was there ordeyned and made bysshop of that see and there dyed And also lefte there his Paull as affyrmeth Policronycon and other the archebysshoppes see of yorke was voyde .xxx. yeres after But y e quene whyche was named Etherberga became a menchon sayled into Gallia or Fraunce wherein an abbaye called Brydgence or Bryggence she lyued an holy lyfe and dyed and hyr doughter Enfleda cōtynued hyr professyon and was afterwarde abbesse of Strenshalt in the vale of whitby After the deth of Edwyn Osrycus that was the sonne of Elfricꝰ which was brother of Ethelfridus toke vppon hym to be kynge of Deyra and Eaufricus the eldest sonne of Ethelfrida as before in the C. and. xxviii chapiter is touched was made kyng of Brennicia the whyche turned thē both frō Crystes fayth and became myscreaūtes For the whych goddes wrech fell vpon them in short whyle after for they were bothe slayne in y e yere folowynge of y e fornamed Cadwan and Penda And whan these sayde two kynges were thus slayne Oswalde y ● second sonne of Ethelfrid began his reygne ouer the prouynce of Brennicia as chefe of that kyngdome of Northumberlande and had the rule of Deira in lyke wyse wherof whan Cadwan or Cedwalla was ware he gathered hys Brytons and thoughte to slee Oswalde as he hadde before slayne his brother Eaufricus But Oswald whan he was warned of the greate strength of thys Cadwan he made his prayers to god and besoughte hym mekely of helpe to withstande his enemyes And or he yode to prayer he arreryd a crosse of tre before the whyche he knelyd a longe whyle in a felde whyche longe after was called Heuynfelde and at thys daye is had in greate worshyppe That place is nere vnto the town or chyrche of Agustalde in Brennicia the whyche chyrche was there
after the deth of his father But when he hadde scantly reygned thre yeres ouer the sayd Southmercis he was by the treason of hys wyfe slayne And after that kyngdome fell to wolferus the other brother the whyche hadde weddyd the doughter of Ercombert kynge of Kent named Ermenylda This wolferus was shortly after crystyned or before so that he is accōpted for the fyrste cristened kyng that reygned in Mercia This was fader to Keneredus that holy virgyne and menchon wereburga And for yt is longe that I spake of Kenwalcus kynge of westsaxons yt is to be noted that after he hadde ouercomen the Brytons as before is shewyd and at that tyme had not perfyted the byshoppes see of Kaerguent or wynchester he then besyed hym there about And accordyng to the wyll of kyngylsus hys father he gaue to the sustentacyon of the sayd see all the lande whyche laye wythin vii myles of the sayde cytye as affermeth the authoure of the Floure of hystoryes and fynyshed yt somdele to hys purpose But let no man thynke that it was buylded as yt is nowe For nother y t nor none other ben at this daye standynge monastery paleys nor other but y t they haue ben sens those daies alteryd and new chaūged and some clerely throwē downe and some new buylded all be yt that many stande vppon theyr fyrste foundacyon as thys yet dothe Soone after that Kenwalcus had endyd this worke he made warre vppon wolferꝰ of Mercia But in that iourney fortune was not to hym fauourable for he loste thereby wan nothynge of hys entent It was not long after that Ercombert kynge of Kent dyed and his son Egbert was kyng after hym .ix. yere And soone thereafter fell great mortalyte and sekenesse in thys lande of Brytayne the whyche cōtynued and encreasyd more and more durynge y e lyfe of Cadwall now kyng of Brytons and of Cadwaldyr hys successour or sonne after some writers In the whyche season and begynnynge of this mortalyte and sekenesse dyed many byshoppes in this lande in so myche that Uitalcanus then beynge pope ordeyned Theodorus archbysshoppe of Caūterbury to haue y e rule of the chyrches of Brytayne Somwhat before this tyme Benet that was in good fauour wyth kyng Ofwy dyscendyd of ryche kynne forsoke seruyce and house and all hys kynred and became Crystes seruaunt He went .v. sythes to Rome and came agayne and at euery tyme he brought wyth hym relykes or bokes of Crystes lore And lastely he was made munke and buyldyd .ii. abbeys that one ouer agayn y e other vppon the ryuer of wyre that renneth in the countrey of This Benet was the fyrst y t brought the crafte of glasyng into this lande and he was Abbot of both the foresayde abbayes and toke to hys lore Beda when he was but .vii. yeres of age and taughte hym durynge hys lyfe Of the vertue and pacyence of thys holy munke and byshoppe Benet I myghte make a longe rehersayll But for the holynes of his lyfe is declaryd in the legende of sayntes and other bokes of authoryte here for lengthynge of the tyme I ouer passe yt and wyll retourne agayne to Oswy The whyche when he had longe reygned ouer the Northumbers he made Cedda that was abbotte of Lastyngay archbishoppe of yorke more by wyll then by skyll and put out wylfrida the archbishop of that see But yt was not longe after that Cedda was depryued of that dygnyte by the authoryte of tharchebisshop Theodorus as he depryuyd dyuerse other that tyme whych came to theyr benefyces agayne the ordynaunce of the holy lawes of Crystes chyrche and made hym by great instaunce after thys byshoppe of westsaxons And about the .xxx. yere of the reygne of Cadwall Cissa that was father to Ine kynge of westsaxons buyldyd y e abbey of Abyndon In these dayes the munkes and clergye of Brytayne set all theyr myndes to serue god and not the worlde the herte and not the wombe wherfore they were then hadde in great reuerence honour so y t they were thē receyuyd wyth all worshyp And as they went by y e stretys wayes men that sawe them wold ronne to them and desyre thē blessynges And well was hym that thē myght gyue vnto them possessyons buyldyd to them houses chyrches But as they encreasyd in ryches of the worldly treasoure so they dyscreaced in heuenly treasour as in the dayes of Aluredus somdeale beganne and sythen that tyme hath spronge not all to the pleasure of god wherof all is to be cōmytted to his pleasure Then they plyed nothynge that was worldely but gaue them to prechynge and techynge of the worde of our sauyour and folowyd the lyfe that they preachyd by gyuynge of good example And ouer that they were so voyde of couetyse that they receyuyd no possessyons but yf yt were perforce THE CXXXV CHAPITER OSwy kynge of Northumberlande dyed and Edfrydus his sonne was kyng after hym .xv. yeres Hys fader had reygned wyth hys felowes Oswynus and Odyswalde xxviii yeres Edfrydus or Egfrydus had to wyfe that holy woman Ethelfryde y t before was the wyfe of Tonbertꝰ prynce of the south Eyrwayes the whyche whan Egfrydus hadde holden .xii. yeres as hys wyfe and myghte not in that whyle haue leue of hyr to deale wyth hyr carnally for prayer nor great gyfte he then gaue to hyr lycence to be a menchyon at Colud vnder Aebba that than was awnte vnto hym And after she remened to Ely and there was abbesse lyued in greate penaunce and abstynence and dyed there after she had ben .vii. yere abesse And Kenwalcus kynge of weste Saxon dyed about the yere of the reygne of Cadwall kyng of Brytōs the .xxxix. when he had regned ouer them .xxx. yeres And hys sonne Kenewinus succedyd hym after that Sexburga hys mother or wyfe to hys fader had ruled that prouynce one yere Cedda the bysshop of westsaxons dyed and hys deken wenfrede was hys successoure And whan he was put down the abbot of Medāpstede that now is called Peterboroughe was there bysshop after hym Sone after this tyme dyed wyna bysshop of Lōdon after whom was bysshop Erkenwald the whych was brother to Ethelburga or Alborough the Menchen and after abbesse of Berkynge in Essex Thys holy bysshop Erkenwalde foundyd the monasteryes of Chertsey in Southery and Berkynge afore sayde whyche place hath ben preserued sens y e fyrst foundacyon But that of Chertsey was throwen downe by the Danes and reedyfyed by Edgar kynge of Englande as after foloweth After the deth of wolpherus kyng of Mercia reygned hys brother Etheldredus And the wyfe of wolpherus named Ermenilda was made a menchon at Ely and wereburga his doughter was also made a nonne at Trikyngham and dyed at hamburgam where she laye in the Erth .iii. hundred yeres hole and sounde and after that she was conueyde to Chester Thys Etheldredus kynge of Mercia had .iii. holy doughters y t is to
say Mylburga Myldreda and Mylguida and a sonne of great holynesse named Meresyn But after some wryters all these forsayde chyldren shulde be the chyldren of wolpherus and not of Etheldrede And wolpherus also had .ii. holy susters named Kynedda and Kyneswyda bothe nonnes and buryed at Peterborough where saynte Ethelwolde buyldyd after an abbey of maydens ye haue harde before how wylfryd was put out of y e see of yorke wherefore he went to Rome and complayned hym to Agathon the pope and was well allowed in some thynges But the kynge and Theodorus had there such protectours and frendes that he retourned without spedynge of hys cause wherfore he retourned vnto the South Saxons and buylded an abbey in Silesey and preachyd to the south Saxons .xv. yeres and conuertyd myche people and shewed there a greate wonder For where by y e terme of .iii. yeres before hys commynge there fell no rayne vppon the grounde by hys prayer god sent to them rayne the groūde began to burgen and wax grene y t before was bareyn dryed for lacke of water He also taught to them the crafte of fysshynge Egfrydus kynge of Northumberlande claymed the lande that Etheldrede kynge of Mercia helde for the whyche dyuerse assembles of treaty bytwene them were had but all were dyssoluyd wythout agremēt wherefore eyther ꝑty gathered hys strēgth and met vppon a playne nere vnto y e ryuer of Trent where was foughtē bytwene them a longe and sharpe fyght In the whiche among a great nombre on bothe parties was slayn y e brother of Egfryde named Elswynus but Edfryde or Egfryde had the better Than after this batayle meanes of peace were agayn treatyd so y t fynally Edfryde had great summes of Money in recompencement of his Brothers deth so restyd the sayd .ii. kynges accorded In this batayll was takē as prisoner a knyght of Egfryde the which after hys takynge was solde to one Fryson by the knyghtes of Ethelfryde This Fryson to th entent to haue his prysoner the shortelyer redemed kept hym in bandes of iron which prysoner had to his brother a preest a vertuous man that for the delyuere of his brother prayed dayly By meane of whose prayers as oftē as y e sayd preste sang masse so often were the bandes of iron lousyd from the prysoner duryng the tyme of the masse The whyche so cōtynued tyll he was clerely delyuered and hys raunson payde And in thys yere apperyd stella comata a blasynge sterre whyche betokeneth deth or mortalyte of y e people And in the yere folowynge dyed of y e Epedemye sykenesse the holy abbes of Ely saynt Etheldrede hyr suster Sexburga that somtyme hadde ben wyfe to Ercobert kyng of Kent was hyr successoure And thys yere also dyed Helda y e holy abbesse of whythy before spoken of whiche was neuew to Edwyne lately kynge of Northūberlande In thys abbey were also bretherne vnder the rule of Hylda as at these dayes ben at Syō vnder the abbesse there wherfore sondry of thē were made bisshoppes as Besa wylfryde and other Amonge these bretherne was one named Cedman a man of greate perfeccyon y e which by inspyracyon was taught to make dytyes and songes to moue men to deuocion wherin he passyd all other at those dayes Soone after thys tyme Theodorꝰ for dyuerse causes kepte a synode or counceyll of Bysshoppes and other men of the chyrche at Hatfelde By authoryte of whych counceyll he deuyded the prouynce of Mercia that Sexwolphus then ruled alone into v. bysshopryches that is one to Chestre the seconde to worcetyr y e thyrd to Lychefelde the fourth to Cedema in Lyndesey the .v. to Dorchester About the .xlvi. yere of the reygne of Cadwall Kenewynus kynge of westsaxons had occasyon of warre agayne y e Brytons so that they met nere vnto the west see where after a sharpe skyrmysshe y e Brytōs were chasyd And soone after Egfrydus kynge of Northumberlande made warre vpon the Pyctes or Scottes bycause they fauouryd greatly y e cest anglis agayne hym But lastly by colour or fleyng backe they brought Edfryde into a streyte amonge Hylles and mountaynes and slewe hym there with a grete part of his people And after his deth a bastard brother of hys named Alfridus Notus was kynge of Northumberlande reygned there .xviii. yeres as wytnessyth willyam wryter of storyes of kynges And shortly after dyed Cadwall or Cadwalyne kynge of Brytōs when he hadde reygned as testyfyeth Galfryde Guydo other .xlviii. yeres But nother Polycronyca nor none of the other authours of authoryte which Policronica allegyd shewyth any lyke actes of thys Cadwall as Galfryde doth nor yet that he shuld be buryed to the terrour and fere of the Saxons or an image of brasse set of hym vppon an horse ouer the west gate of Londō called Ludgate or yet the chyrche of saynt Martyne there now stondynge shulde be buyldyd by the Brytons to the ende to pray for the sayd Cadwall and hys Frendes or y e Cadwaladrus whych of Beda is named Cedwalla shulde be hys sonne as of y e sayd Gaufryde is affermed Francia THE CXXXVI CHAPITER CLodoueus y e yonger sonne of Dagobert of Nautylda hys wyfe beganne hys reygne ouer the myddell parte of Fraunce and other partes therof in the yere of our lorde .vi. C.xlv and the .x. yere of Cadwall then kynge of Brytons And hys elder brother Sigebert was made kynge of Austracy or Lorayne accordynge to the wyll of Dagobert theyr fader Thys as before is sayd of some wryters is called Lowes the which was guyded by hys mother by the coūseyle of Agaynus than mayster of hys Paleys to whom the fader had by hys lyfe commytted hym for he at thys daye was yonge of age and of dyscrecyon And shortly after he was made kynge all suche porcyon as belonged to the ryght of hys brother Sigebert which was the thyrd of hys faders treasour and iewelles was to hym delyuered whych dystrybucyon made he sped hym to Orleaunce and thyder called to hym the lordes of Burgoyne and receyued of them feauty and homage ordeyned there for hys leutenaunte or deputye a noble Burgonyon named Flantas̄ gaue to hym in mariage the neuew of hys mother Nautylda named Ranebert And after with a due charge to hym gyuen for guydyng of the sayd countrey sent hym and the other lordes into Burgoyn But wythin a season of tyme after wilibaldus a great man of birth and myght enuyed this Flantas̄ in suche wyse that he had hym in dysdaynynge and began to dystourbe the countrey the kynges peace wherof herynge Clodoueus in all hast commaunded the sayd wilibaldus to appere before hym But whyle wilibaldus sent an erle a bysshop to y e kynges courte to purchace hym frendys about the kynge he was in that whyle slayne by the gyle of hys enemy Flantas̄ About the .iiii. yere of the reygne of Clodoueus dyed his mother Nautylda a
all pompe and pryde of thys worlde accompanyed hym in the felowshyp of poore men and yode vnto Rome in pylgrymage wyth great deuocyon when he hadde ben kynge of the westsaxons as before is sayde xxxvii yeres After whose departyng the foresayde Etheldreda hys wyfe went vnto barkynge .vii. mylys frō London where in the abbay before of Erkenwalde foundyd she contynued and ended an holy lyfe whē she hadde ben abbesse of the same place a certayn of tyme. It is sayd testifyed of wyllyam wryter of kynges that this Iue was the fyrste kynge that grauntyd a peny of euery fyre house thorow this realm to be payed to the courte of Rome whych at this daye is called Rome stote or Peter pens and yet is payed in many places of Englande But why yt was graunted the cause is not here shewed how be it yt shall be shewyd after Francia THE CXLII CHAPITER CLodoueus y e thyrd of y e name son of the secōd Theodoricus beganne his domynyon ouer the realme of Fraunce in the yere of grace .vi. hondred .lxxx. and .x and the thyrd yere of Iue then kyng of westsaxons Of this Clodoueus is of wryters lefte no maner of memorye soundynge to good or euyll but Pepyn before named contynued as master of the paleys by all the tyme of the reygne of y e sayd Clodoueus The whych after that he hadde borne the name by the space of .iii. yeres he dyed wythoute yssue and was buryed by his father By reason of whose deth the sayde kyngedome fell by successyon vnto hys brother Childebert THE CXLIII CHAPITER CHildebertus the second sonne to Theodoryche and brother of Clodoueus foresayde began his domynyon ouer y e realme of Fraūce in the yere of grace .vi. hundred .lxxx. and .xiii and the .vi. yere of Iue then kynge of westsaxons In tyme of whose reygne also the foresayde Pepyn contynued as chefe ruler of the kynges house all be yt y e he for such other charge as he had of ouerseyng of the realme set in hys place a subst●tute or depute as his sonne Grimonart and other Thys Pepyn contrary to the lawe of the chyrche helde besyde hys lawfull wyfe called Ple●trude a womā named Alpayd For the whyche the holy bysshop of Treet named Lamberte blamynge and rebukynge the sayde Pepyn of the brother of the forenamed Alpayde whyche is called Dodon or Dodoin was slayne martyred in the yere of our lorde .vi. hundred .lxxx. and .xii as testyfyeth Antoninus in the .vi. chapyter of the ●iii tytle of the seconde parte of hys worke called summa Antonini And as affermeth the sayde Antoninus also the Frenche cronycle the sayde Pepyn receyued of the sayd Alpayde a sonne whom he named Charlys whyche Charlys was after surnamed Marcellus was ryghte profytable to the realme of Fraunce as after shall appere Of the foresayd kyng Chyldebert is nothynge lefte in wrytyng worthy memory excepte that he receyued of hys wyfe a sonne named Dagobert and kepte the name of a kynge by y e terme of .xvii. yeres as sayth the cronycle in French and than dyed and was buryed in the abbey of Caus in y e chyrch or chapell of saīt Stephan THE CXLIIII CHAPITER DAgobertꝰ the seconde of that name and sonne of Chyldebert before named began his reygne ouer the Frenchmen in the yere of grace .vii. hundred and .x the .xxiii. of Iue than kynge of westsaxons The whyche was vnder the rule of Plectrude the wyfe of Pepyn than dede and of Theodowald than mayster of the paleys Thys Plectrude as before is shewed was stepmother to Charlys sonne of Pepyn and of Alpayde wherfore she berynge malyce to the sayd Charlys caused hym to be holden as prysoner wythin Coleyne where he so as prysoner remaynynge the foresayd Theoldowalde exercysed suche tyrannys and putte vpon the people suche exaccyons y e dyscensyon grewe bytwene hym and the lordes of Fraūce so that dyuers cōflyctes and skyrmysshes were had amonge the nobles of Fraunce for partyes were taken vpon eyther sydes whereby the kynges partye at length was wekyd And fynally the sayd Theoldowalde was depryued of hys rome and one Rangafredus was made mayster of y e paleys The whyche beynge Accompanyed with conuenyent strength toke with hym the kynge and cōueyed hym thorow the forest of Charbōnur tyll he came vnto y e ryuer of Mense In y e which passetyme the forenamed Charlys beynge as aboue is sayde prysoner by fauoure of hys kepars or otherwyse brake pryson and escapyd And shortly after dyed the kynge whan he hadde reygned or borne the name of a kynge as other of hys progenytours hadde done by y e terme of .xi. yeres leuyng after hym nother chylde as than knowynge nor nere of a lye whyche was cause of mysorder of the tytle of Fraunce as afterwarde shall appere THE CXLV CHAPITER DAnyell that of y e Frenchmen was after named Chilperich was by assente of them made kynge in the yere of grace .vii. hundred and xxi and the .xxxiiii. yere of Iue than kynge of westsaxons Thus as testyfyeth mayster Robert Gagwyne and also the Frenche cronycle was a preste or clerke and for his wysedome was cherysshed before tyme in the kynges paleys in y e whyche tyme and season he sufferyd hys crowne to be ouer growen Or ellys after Antoninus this Danyell after y e deth of Dagobert for so mych as he lefte after hym none of y e royall blode the Frenchemen supposynge hym to be apte for y e rule of the lond for suche experyence as before tyme in hym had be proued kepte hym secrete a certeyne of tyme tyll his heyre was fully growen and than declared hym to be the brother of Dagobert and chaungyd hys name and called hym Chylperych so by one assente admytted hym for kynge of Fraunce Charles before spoken of sonne of Pepyn beynge escapyd the daunger of prysonement sought and compassyd by all maner of wayes how he myghte obteyne the rome that sometyme hys fader occupyed And thys to brynge to effecte he purchasyd to hym a yonglynge of fayre goodly maners stature named Clothayre and sayd that he was descendyd of y e royall blode of Fraunce by meane wherof in shorte tyme he gaderyd to hym greate strength wherof heryng Chylperych commaunded Rangafrede to assemble hys knyghtes to wythstōde the purpose of Charlys And soone after bothe hostes mette nere vnto the forenamed ryuer of Mense where was foughte a strong and cruell batayle of y e whych Rangafrede was vyctor and compellyd Charles to forsake the felde But he shortly afterward assemblyd and gaderyd agayne togyder all suche as before were dysperklyd and fought efte wyth the sayde Rangafrede at a Place called Ablane Of the whyche batayle wyth great dyffyculte Charlys was lastly wyctour and chasyd Rangafrede and hys hoste greatly demynysshed lassyd Than thyrdly these two hostes met in a felde called the wyne felde where also was present the sayd Danyell or Chilperych hauynge in
kynges subieccyon Henry archbyshoppe of Huntyngdon that wrote myche of the cronycles of Englande in prayse of thys noble woman Elfleda made dyuers dytyes of the whyche some ben expressyd as foloweth Cesers tryūphes were not so myche to prayse As was of Elfleda that sheldes so ofte dyd rayse Agayne her enymyes this noble ven queresse Uirago and made whose vertue can I not expresse WHen Edwarde hadde reconciled these foresayde townes he then buylded a new towne for agayn the olde towne of Nothyngham on the south syde of the ryuer of Trent and made a brydge ouer the sayd ryuer betwene the sayd .ii. twones And as wytnessyth Policronica the yere folowynge in the sayde towne or cytye of Notyngham two kinges that is to saye of Scotlande and walys yeldyd them vnto kynge Edwarde The cause why nor of warre betwene theym to be contynued is not of hym expressyd How be yt dyuers bokes of writers of cronycles of Englande as of Marianꝰ the Scot wyllam of Malmesbury Henry of Huntyngdon other yt is shewyd that this Edwarde subdued the kynges of Scotlande and of Cūbrys aboute the .ix. yere of hys reygne And of the sayde authours yt is also testifyed that about the .xx. yere of the reygne of the sayde Edwarde these sayde kynges of Scottes and Cumbrys shulde chose this kynge Edwarde for theyr chefe lord and patrone whyche shuld be about this season before expressyd Then this noble prynce Edwarde after these thynges set by hym in an order he in the northe ende of Mercia by the ryuer of Merce buylded a cytye or towne and named yt Thylwall and strengthyd yt wyth knyghtes And after repayred the cytye of Maynchester that sore was defaced with warre of y e Danys After which notable dedis by y e puyssaunt prynce fynyshed wyth the maryage of hys chylder and many other whyche I omytte and passe ouer for length of tyme fynally this noble man dyed when he hadde reygned wyth great trauayle by the terme of .xxiiii. yeres at Faryngdon and from thens conueyed to wynchester and there enteryd in the monastery of saynt Swythyne leuyng after hym dyuers sonnes as before is shewed of the which Ethelstane was eldest Francia THE CLXXXI CHAPITER CHarlys surnamed the symple sonne of Lewys the .iiii. or Ryen Fayzand began hys reygne ouer the Frenchemen in the yere of our lordes incarnacyon as wytnessyth Iacobꝰ Philippus and other .ix. hundred .iiii and the thyrde yere of Edwarde the elder than kynge of Englande In tyme of whose reygne the Danys whyche contynuelly ouer the terme of .l. wynters that is to saye from y e x. yere of Charlys the Ballyd somtyme kynge of Fraunce vnto y e sayd dayes had wasted and spoyled the lande not wythstandyng y e agrementes made bytwene Charlys the emperour and them as before in y e story of the .iiii. Lewys is shewed yet they wyth greate hostes aryued in the coūtre of Neustria or Normandy robbed and spoyled the countre before them and slewe the people thereof wythout pytye and from cytye to cytye kepte on theyr iourney tyll they came vnto the cytye of Roan wherof the bysshop beynge in greate drede of subuersyon of the cytye and destruccyon of the crysten people wyth in the same delyuered the cytye by appoyntment that he wyth y e people myghte departe thens wythout bodely harme whyche vnto the sayde Danys was a greate strength and hurte to the lande of Fraunce Of thys hoste of Danys was ruler and leder a myscreaunt named Rollo the whyche was a man of lowe byrthe but he was of greate strength The whyche whan he had a season rested hym and hys hoste refresshed them wythin the cytye of Roan he than set forth hys waye cōmaūdyng hys vawnewarde to kepe theyr iourney towarde Parys And for y e more spede to be made he shypped hys Danis ryght there and one parte he sent by the ryuer of Sean the seconde by the ryuer of Lyger or Leyr and the thyrde by the water Geronde Than the Danys that passyd by the ryuer of Leyr came at length to the cyte of Nauntes and wan that cytye by strength and slewe therin moche people And the byshop of the same named Guymerte beynge at masse they slewe at the aulter And whan they had spoyled that cytye the countre there about than yode they to the cytye of Angiers brent and robbyd it most cruelly And that done they yode vnto Towres and layde syege to that cytye The which by the presens of the holy body of saynt Martyne whych at that tyme was wythin y e cytye it was a whyle preserued But soone after the munkes feryng the sworde of the Danys fled the cytye secretly and toke the body wyth them And soone after the Danes had the towne at theyr wyll and brent the abbay before the town or stādynge without the towne and spoyled and robbed the cytye townes thorough the countre of Guyan whan the Danys had thus subdued the more parte of Neustria or Normandy They wyth theyr duke Rollo by y e ryuer of Seyn̄ drewe towarde Parys And fyrst entred the landes of Burgoyne and Auerne in effecte to Senons wherof heryng the monkes of the monastery of Flory where the body of saynte Benet than rested they toke that holy treasoure and bare it vnto Orlyaunce layde it in the chyrche of saynt Anyan tyll the persecucyon were ouer passed Of thys monastery was at that dayes lyuynge a defensour by promyse before made whose name in latyne is called Sigillosus in Frēch Sigillophes an erle whych was taken for patrone of the same abbaye To whom in the nyght folowynge that the monkes were fled as before is sayd saynt Benet appered blamed hym y t he none other wyse had defended y e place of hys Sepulture wyth whych visyon the sayd erle beynge feryd gaderyd vnto hym vpon the daye folowyng such small power as he than myghte make set vpon the Danys and draue them backe slewe of them a great nomber And y e prayes that he there wan he offered to god and saynte Benet by whose prayers he knewe well that he opteyned that vyctory In tyme y t the Danys thus persecuted the countre of Fraunce and the kynge was not of power them to resyst for so mych as Charles knew well that the bysshop of Roan named Franke was in good fauour of Rollo he therfore sent hym in ambassade to the sayd Rollo to requyre a trewe or trewse for thre monethes the whych was graūted The which trewse ended the sayd Rollo beseged the cytye of Chartrys Duryng whiche syege the duke of Burgoyne named Richarde wyth hys retynue assayled the Danys In tyme of which fyght Ebalde erle of Poytowe was present and draue backe y e Danys wherwyth the bysshop of the cytye beynge encoraged toke wyth hym y e smocke of our lady whyche at those dayes was kepte there wyth greate reuerence and wyth the cytesyns other issued out of
peas contynued durynge theyr lyues THE CXCI. CHAPITER LOthayre thus beyng in loue and amytye wyth the Normans caste in his mynde howe he myght wynne from his neuewe Otthon kynge of Germany y e prouynce of Austracy or Lorayn y t in tyme passed was belongynge to his progeny tours And this to brynge to effecte he gaderyd in right secret wyse a chosen host of Frenchemen with them passed the countrey in such wise that he was entred the cytye of Aquisgrani or any great fame or noyse were therof made wherwith Ottho beyng dysmade fledde for that season suffred the sayde Lothayr for that tyme to execute his pleasure so y t the sayd Lothayre spoyled the kynges paleys and other places to the great enrychinge of hym his hoste And when he hadde taryed there a certayne of tyme he retourned wythout batayll wyth great pompe into Fraunce It is shewyd before in the begynnyng of the story of Ethelstane kyng of England that Henry duke of Saxony the whyche is ment for Germany sent vnto the sayde Ethilstane to haue his suster Alunda to mary vnto his sonne Ottho or Otthon ye shall vnderstande this Henry is of some wryters admytted for emperour But his sonne Ottho forenamed was emperour in dede whose sonne this Ottho was abouenamed and called the seconde of that name and emperour after hys father and son of the forenamed Alunda suster to Ethilstane Then this second Ottho emperour kyng of Germany beyng thus as ye haue hard surprised of his neuew Lothayre kyng of west Fraunce gaderyd a stronge hoste and entred the realm of Fraūce And as wytnessyth Gerardus wryter of hystoryes destroyed the coūtrey of Soysons and lastly came vnto Paris and brent y e suburbes of that cytye and hadde a great parte of his wyll of the sayde Lothayre But the frenche cronycle varyeth from this saynge and sayth that Lothayr by the helpe of the duke of burgoyne and of Hugh Capet erle of Paris after y e sayd Otthō had fyred the suburbes of the citye of Parys issued out of the towne faught wyth the emperoure and compelled him to gyue backe and fle whom the kynge pursued tyll he came to the ryuer of Isayr or Sue where eyther hoste encoūtred wyth other faught cruelly But at length the emperour was forced to forsake y e feld mych of his people slayn and droned with in the said ryuer And so grete a nomber as affermeth the frenche storye that the course of the water was stopped and ouerflowed the feldes nere vnto the sayde ryuer But this victory not wythstādyng as wytnessyth mayster Gagwyn the kynge cōtrary the mynde of the duke of Burgoyne and also of Hugh Capet releasyd vnto the emperour the tytle and ryghte of Lorayne The whyche was cause of couetynge of the realme by the sayde Hugh and vsurpynge of the same as affermeth the sayde authoure whyche agrement betwene the two princes stablisshed and ended eyther retourned into his own countrey After the which season no notable dede is put in memory of the sayde Lothayre so that he fynally sykened and dyed in the yere of our lorde .ix hundred .lxxx. vi when he had ruled his pryncypat vygurously by the full terme of .xxx. wynter and was buried in the mynster of saynte Remigius in the cytye of Raynes leuynge after hym a son named Lewys Anglia THE CXCII CHAPITER Edredus or Edwyne the eldeste son of Edmund brother of Ethil stane began his reygne ouer Englande in the yere of our lord .ix. hundred .lvi and the second yere of Lothayre then kynge of Fraunce This Edwyne was crowned kynge at Kyngistone or Kyngestowne besyde London of the archbyshoppe of Caunterbury The whych selfe daye of his ꝓfessyon or coronacion broke sodeynly from his lordes entred a secrete chāber there occupyed him selfe synfully wyth a nother mannes wyfe wherof saynt Dūstane hauyng knowlege rebuked and blamed hym greuously caused the woman to be voyded from his bed and company whose husband as one authour testyfyeth he slew for to haue y e vnlawful vse of her beaute not cōsideryng y e allyaūce of affynyte of kynred betwene them affermeth y e sayde authour Guydo writer of storyes sayth that Edwyn cōtrary y e lawes of y e chyrch held a woman as his cōcubyne wherfore holy Dūstane accused him vnto Oddo archbishop of Caūterbury by whose power the kynge was causyd to refuse forsake the cōpany of that woman For the which dede Edwyn bare great malice vnto the holy man Dunstane at length by his extorte power banyshed hym his lande and forced hym for a season to holde hym in Flaunders And for the malyce y e he bare towarde hym he dyd myche dyspleasure to all blacke munkes of Englande in so myche that at Malmysbury he put oute the mōkes and set in seculer prestes in theyr stede It is rad of hym that he also toke from the chyrch what he myght and specyally from the blacke monkes In so myche that such precyouse iewellys as Ethylstane hadde before receyued from Othon̄ the emperour gyuē vnto wynchester and Malmysbury he toke theym thens and gaue theym vnto alyauntes and straungers And thus was not onely vnkynde to god but also he vsyd suche tyranny and other vnlefull meanes to hys subiectes that lastely they rebelled agayn hym and specyally the inhabytaūtes of the countre of Mercia or myddell Englande and also of Northumbers and put hym clerely from all kyngely honour and dygnytye when he had reygned after most wryters the full terme of .iiii. yeres and was buryed after in y e cathedrall chyrche of wynchester leuynge none heyre of his body wherfore the rule of the lande fyll vnto Edgar his yonger brother Antoninus archebyshop of Florēce in this worke often before mynded amonges many myracles and vertues actes which he in y e .vi. chapiter of y e .xvi. title of his boke called Sm̄ Antonini reherseth of this holy man Dunstan̄ sayth that when he had vnderstandynge of the deth of thys Edwyn̄ by reuelacyon or otherwyse he made hys specyall prayer to god to know what state the soule of Edwyn̄ was in To whome after thys prayer made apperyd to the sayde Dūstane a great company of fēdes turmentynge the soule of the sayde Edwyn and ledynge yt vnto the places of peyne The whyche when this holy man hadde sene he fell to great wepynge and sorowe besechynge god with most deuocyon to haue pytye and compassyon of that soule And whyle he was occupied in his prayer the sayde cōpany of fendes returned wyth yellynge and cryenge shewynge to hym that thorough hys prayer the angelles of god had byrafte from them the soule of Edwyn THE CXCIII CHAPITER EDgar the seconde sonne of Edmunde and brother of Edwyn laste kynge began hys reygne ouer the realme of Englande in the yere of our lorde .ix. hundred and .lx and the .v. yere of Lotharius then kynge of Fraunce The whyche of dyuers wryters is wytnessed to be
were not of that blode as Eudo and Radulphus but admytted of the barony of Fraunce to rule the lande tyll two of that progeny that is to meane Charlys the symple and Lewys the .v were comen to theyr lawfull age So that from the fyrst yere of Pepyn whyche began his reygne in the yere of grace .vii. hundred .l. to the fyrst yere of Hugh Capet that began hys reygne in the yere of our lorde god .ix. hundred and lxxxix expyred or passed .ii. hundred .xxxix. yeres Pypyn the fader of Charlys the greate Charlys the great emperour Lowys the fyrste emperour The kynges of Germany Lothayre emperour and the sonne of Lewys the fyrst Lowys emperour the sonne of Lothayre Lothayre the seconde the son of Lothayre Charlys the .iii. and sonne of Lothayre Lewys kyng of Germany and broder vnto the sayd Lothayre Lewys the sonne of Lewys whyche was broder vnto Charlys grossu● emperour Lewys the son of Lewys which of some ys compted emperour Arnusphus the sonne of Lewys emperour Lewys the sonne of Arnulph last emperour of Fraunce The kynges of Fraunce Charlys the ballyd the sonne of Lewys the fyrst of hys .ii. wyfe emperour Lewys Balbus the son of Charlys the Ballyd Lewys Charlys sonnes of Lewys Balbus Lewys the .iiii. and son of the foresayd Charlys Charlys the symple the sonne of Lewys the forth Lewys the .v. and the sonne of Charlys the symple Lothayre the sonne of the foresayde Lewys Lewys the sonne of Lothayr and the last kyng of that flock THE CCII. CHAPITER HUgh the sonne of Robert the tyraunt descended of Hugh legraunde beganne to take the rule or to vsurpe the crowne of Fraunce in the yere of our lorde .ix. hundred and .lxxxix and the .viii. yere of Egelredus than kynge of Englande Thys as wytnessyth the Frenche Cronycle was erle of Parys and marshall of Fraunce And as sayth Antoninus he maryed one of the doughters of Edwarde the elder Thys also was named Capet for so myche as in hys youth he vsed in game to laye asyde hys felowes hodes In whose begynnyng Charlys that was the brother to Lothayre and vncle vnto Lewys the .vi. laste kynge herynge of the deth of hys neuewe Lewys wythout issue as nexte heyre wyth ayde of some lordes of Fraunce and also of Loreyn the whyche than he was lorde of gadered an army and entred Fraunce and than came to the cytye of Laone wythin whyche cytye he wyth hys wyfe and people by the treason of the bysshoppe of the same cytye was taken and delyuered wyth hys wyfe and chylder into the handes of hys enemyes the whyche sent them to Orleaunce there sauely to be kept Than thys Hugh was crowned in the cytye of Rayns and welded the lande wyth more suerty How be it the erle of Flaunders named Arnulphus or Arnolde before spoken of wolde not be vnder hys obedyence wherfore thys Hugh assembled hys kynghtes and by hys strength toke from hym the coutre of Artoys wyth many stronge holdes and castels and lastly forced the sayd Arnolde to fle into Normandy to aske ayde of Richarde the fyrste of that name before spoken of in the story of the .vi. Lewys By whose meanes after some wryters wyllyam Longa Spata fader to y e sayd duke Richarde was slayne But that not wythstandynge by frendshyp of the sayde duke Richarde thys Arnolde was reconcyled vnto the kynge and contynued after as hys subiecte In the cytye of Rayns was arch bysshoppe at thys daye a noble prelate named Arnolde sonne of baste of Lothayre and neuewe to Charlys than prysoner as before is touched The whyche for malyce that the kynge bare vnto hym for cause of the forenamed Charlys called a counsayle of the clergy of hys lande and layde agayne hym suche obieccyons that he by theyr assent was putte from that benefyce and sente hym to Orlyaunce there also to be kepte in pryson And set in hys place one Gylberte or after the Frenche boke Gerbres a connynge man in phylosophy whiche had before tyme ben tutor or mayster to Robert sonne of the sayde Hugh But after .iii. yeres pope Iohn̄ the .xvi. of that name sent downe hys maundement vnto Guyan archebysshop of Sens chargynge hym that he sholde remoue y e sayde Gerbers and restore the sayde Arnolde to hys proper see whyche was done shortely after and y e sayde Gerbers was after this preferred by one of the Othons emperour vnto y e chyrche of Rauenne and contynued there tyll the deth of the .xvii. Iohn̄ After whose deth he was electe pope of Rome and was named the secōde Siluester lyued as pope .iiii. yeres Than it followeth in the story whan thys Hugh had reygned full viii yeares and more he dyed in the yere of our lorde .ix. hundred .xciii. and was buryed at saynte Denys leuynge after hym a sonne named Robert THE CCIII CHAPITER RObert the sonne of Hugh Capet beganne his reygn in the yere of our lord .ix. hundred .xcviii and the .xvii. yere of Egelredus then kynge of Englande This was cōnynge in many scyences and a man of good maner vertue He made dyuers hymnes sequences respondes as O Iuda et Hierusulem O cōstantia martyrum As sit nobis scti spūs gratia or more cōgruely Sancti spiritus assit nobis gratia wyth dyuers other In y e beginnyng of his reygn while Bowcharde erle of Meleon̄ was at the kynges court Galtyer or walter a knyghte and seruaunt of the sayde Bowcharde to whom the sayd Bowcharde hadde delyuered his castell of Meleon̄ to kepe in his absence for great gyftes the sayde walter hadde delyuered the sayde castell unto Eudo erle of Carnotens wherfore the kyng at the request of the sayd Bowcharde sente streyghte commaundement vnto the sayd Eudo chargyng hym in all goodly wyse to restore the sayde castell vnto Bowcharde The whyche commaundement he vtterly refused to obey For y e whych ȳe kyng beyng so amoued sent for Rycharde the seconde of that name then .iiii. duke of Normandy and wyth theyr both armyes besyeged the castell vppon euery parte and at length wan yt and toke the sayd walter wythin the same whom the kinge for his vntrouthe commaunded soone after to be hanged vppon a gybet and the castell to be restored vnto y e forenamed Bowcharde and after returned euery man to his owne In the tyme of the reygne of thys Robert dyd Henry then duke of Burgoyne The whyche for lacke of yssue of his body bequethed his dukedome vnto kynge Robert But the Burgonyons wythstode that legacy and drewe to theym for an hed captayne Lawdry erle of Neuers and wyth hym helde by strength or for a strength the cytye of Anxerre wherof herynge kyng Robert sente for the foresayde duke of Normandye and so spedde theym towarde Burgoyne and besyeged the forsayd cytye But at length y e cytye was yolden and Lawdry put at the kynges grace And that done the kyng with his hoste besyeged a
kynge after hym To the whyche questyon was answered by Peter the kyngedome of Englyshemen is the kyngedome of god wherfore the kynges therof shall stande at goddes puruyaunce And also a nother doctour called Henry of Huntyngdon shewyd that an holy man warned Englyshe men y ● a lorde whyche they thought nothynge vppon shulde come out of Fraunce brynge them ryght lowe In the tyme also of thys Canutꝰ by agrement of many wryters fyll one thynge worthy mynde and memory In a town of Saxony named Calbis in y e dyocesys of Magburgh and parysshe of saynt Magii xviii men and .xv. women vppon the euen of the Natyuyte of our lorde began a daunce about the chyrche yarde of saynt Magu afore sayd the person or other prestes beyng than at masse wythin y e same chyrche which beyng troubled wyth the noyse of the mynstrellys also the dynne of the sayde men and women sent vnto them in monysshynge them to seace of that doynge But all was in vayne for they wolde not seace of theyr dysport for any commaūdement y t to thē was gyuen wherwyth the preste beynge dyscontented that they none other wyse reuerenced y e sacrament noryed that solempne season besought god and saynte Magii that they shulde contynue theyr daunce by the space of an hole yere The whyche prayer was harde in suche wyse that they contynued the same songe daunce tyll that daye twelue monethes and neuer eate nor dranke nor rested thē in all y e season And moreouer dewe nor rayne fyll vppon them in all that yere nor garment nor no thyng that was about them was impayred shoo nor other At the yeres ende Horobertus archbysshop of that dyocesys came vnto y e sayde place and lowsed them of that bonde whych the preste had bounde them in and before the awlter of the chyrche them reconsyled Of the whyche a prestes doughter and two other dyed forth wyth and the remenaunt yode to reste and slepte by the space of .iii. dayes and iii. nyghtes folowynge where after some of them dyed and suche as lyued fell lame of theyr lymmes And one of the same .xviii. men beyng named Ubertus or Hupertus wrote thys wonder wyth hys owne hande for a more recorde of the trowth Then let vs retorne to Canutus of whom it is redde that after hys cōmyng from Rome he beganne somdele to presume in pryde set more by hym selfe than good wysdome wolde In tyme of whyche exaltacyō of hys mynde he went vnto the Tamys syde and behelde howe the water swelled or flowed And so standynge nere the water the water touched hys fete Than he charged the water that he shuld flowe no hygher and that in no wyse he shulde to wche hys lordes clothes But the water kepte his course and wette at length the kynges thyes wherewyth y e kyng abasshed sterte backe and sayde all erthly kynges may know that theyr powers be vayne and that none is worthy to haue the name of a kynge but he that hath all thynges subiecte to hys hestes as here is shewed by worchynge of hys treature by thys water And for thys as wytnesseth Polycronycon and other he offered hys crowne to y e rode of wynchester and neuer bare it vpon his hed after It is also wytnessed of the sayde authour that Canutus maryed hys doughter hadde by hys laste wyfe vnto Henry sonne of Conradus the emperour the seconde of that name as also it is testyfyed of the authour of Cronica cronicarum And he repayred many monasteryes and specyally suche as before tyme were hurte or throwne downe in the tyme of hys fathers persecucyon And began and ended the monastery of saynt Edmundes Bury endowed it wyth ryche possessyons as before is towched And dyed fynally at Shaftesbury and was buryed at wynchester whan he hadde reygned .xix. yeres leuyng after hym two sonnes of hys wyues the eldest was named Harolde and the yonger Hardykynytus the whyche lyuyng hys fader was made kynge of Denmarke Francia THE CCVII. CHAPITER HEnry the sonne of Robert begā hys domynyon ouer the French men in the yere of our lord M.xxix and the .x. yere of Canutus than kynge of Englande To the whyche Henry Cōstantyne the moder was so vnkynde that she by her meanes wolde haue preferred her yonger sonne Roberte duke of Burgoyne to the rule of the lande before thys Henry so that by her meanes bothe cytyes and castels were wyth holden from hym and was by her suche other as toke her parte so ouer lad that he was forced to resorte to Robert than duke of Normandy for to aske helpe of hym to wythstande hys enemyes ye shall vnderstande that this Robert was the .vi. duke of Normandy and sonne of Richarde the seconde and also father vnto wyllyā bastard that conquered Englande Thys Roberte was lyberall and noble of condycyon but defamed of y e deth of hys elder brother Rychard the thyrde For the whyche murder as wytnessyth dyuers authours the vii yere of hys dowchery he went to Iherusalem and dyd in that pylgre mage many honourable and liberall actes the whyche in good order ben remembred in the .xix. chapyter of the vi boke of Polycronicon This Robert receyued kyng Henry wyth all honour and gaue vnto hym greate and ryche gyftes sent for hys frendes and knyghtes so y e the kynge had by hys ayde a greate myghty hoste And retorned agayn into Fraunce and in short whyle after recouered from hys sayde moder bothe cytyes townes and castelles that she and her fautours from hym wythhelde And fynally agreed so wyth her that he and she contynued frendes theyr lyfe tymes enduryng After whyche accorde about the .v. yere of hys reygne he made warre vppon Eudo erle of Champayne vppon Baldewine erle of Flaūders and in processe of tyme wan frō them certayne cytyes and castelles the whyche Constance his moder hadde before tymes gyuen to them in tyme of dyscencyon In thys warre was slayne Eudo erle of Champayne wherfore hys .ii. sonnes Stephen Thybaud maynteyned the warre agayne the kynge but to theyr bothe harmes in y e ende For Stephen loste therby the cytyes of Chartres and towers and Thybaude y e cytyes of Troyes Maulx wyth other whan Henry hadde ended thys warre set hys lande in some quyetnesse he thā buylded a monastery of saynt Martyne called Des Chāps besyde Parys and set therin seculer prestes In thys passetyme Robert duke of Normandy moued in conscyence to vysyte the holy sepulture of oure lorde called before hym hys lordes of hys lande wyllynge and cōmaundynge them to owe theyr trewe allegaunce vnto hys yonger sonne wyllyam and to take hym for theyr lord and duke yf he retorne not agayne And to thys he caused to swere Robert than archbysshop of Roan with the other of hys lordes and after departed vppon the sayd iourney and dyed in the cytye of Bethenia as he was cōmynge homewarde wherof y e lordes of Normandy beynge assertayned
accepted the foresayde wyllyam to theyr lorde and souerayne Of thys wyllyams procreacyon yt is wytnessed of Uyncent hystory all and other that his father passynge by the cytye or towne of Faloys in Normandy he sawe a company of maydens daunsynge by the strete Amonges the whych was one of passynge beautye called Arlet and doughter to a skynner To y e which duke Robert caste vnlefull loue in suche wyse y t he caused her to be broughte to his bed the nyght folowyng and helde her to his concubyne a certayn of tyme after begat on her this wyllyam whē his moder was wyth him cōceyued she dremed that her bowel lys were sprad ouer all Normandye and Englande And when he was borne of his moders wombe he fyll to the groūde and closed his handes wyth powder of the flore or pauement Therfore the mydwyfe made and exclamacyon and sayd this chyld shall be a kynge Then yt foloweth when thys wyllyam was thus admitted duke some of his lordes by the meane of y e kyng of Fraūce began to wythdraw them from hym In so myche y e erle Gylbert to whome duke Robert had betaken hys ponge sonne to gyde was slayne and other that were especyall frendes to the chylde There was fyghtyng and manslaughter and the countrey fowle faren with by reason of the opynyons that were amonges them selfe wherof Guy a Burgoyn was one of the chefe causers For he with his adherentes sayde alwayes that they wolde haue no bastarde to be ruler of them This Guy as saith the frēche boke was nere kynnesman vnto y e yonge duke descendyd of the doughter of the seconde Rycharde and entended to haue ben duke hym selfe For the which he ensensed y e kyng of Fraūce agayn hym in all that he myght but at length duke wyllyam toke hym and put hym to deth Thus the Frenche kynge forgettynge y e kyndnesse shewyd to hym by duke Robert hys father toke partye agayne hym to the vttermoste and ordeyned hym .ii. hostes wherof one he delyueryd to his brother Almaryk and warned hym to eutre y e countrey of Caus and he hym selfe ladde that other and entred with it the coūtrey of Eurour But wyllyam not ferynge the kynges great power beynge growen wele towarde mannes stature lyke a luste yonge knyght made towarde the kynges brother gaue to hym batayll hym ouercame and chased the Frenchemen to theyr great bylany wherof heryng the Frenche kyng wyth his people spedde hym toward wyllyam to reuenge the shame done to his men But in cōclusyon he wan there no honoure Then peace was made betwene the kyng and y e duke and the Frenche prysoners were delyueryd But this peace enduryed not long for the Frēch kyng callynge to remēbraūce the losse of hys men at Mort mere or dede see wyth other dysauauntages by hym sustayned of the sayde duke wyllyam called to hys ayde Geoffrey erle of Aungiers And whan hys hoste was assembled they entred y e prouynce of Normādy cōtynued theyr iourney tyll they came to an arme of the see where the hoste shulde passe ouer Of thys new warre duke wyllyā beynge warned in all haste assembled hys Normans and sped hym y e next waye to mete the Frenchemen In thys meane whyle the Frenche kynge had passed the water wyth certayne of hys hoste trustyng that the remenauaūt shulde haue folowed But soone after the water flowed so faste that hys people myghte not passe And in thys whyle came the duke and set vpon the kynges hoste and bet theym downe cruelly so that at length the kynge was compelled to flee and loste a great nomber of his knyghtes to consyder them y e were slayne wyth the other that were taken prysoners whan kynge Henry had well dysgested in hys mynde the wrongfull trouble that he by enuyous persons hadde put the duke vnto and remēbred the yll expedycyon that he had in that warre he recōsyled hym selfe and made meanes that the duke and he myghte be agreed and accorded The whyche by dyscrete solycytours was shortely after brought to good effecte so that they contynued as frēdes durynge theyr lyues after Than Henry abstayned hym from all warre vsed the reste of hys lyfe in peas and quyetnesse Thys Henry had two wyues and of the laste whyche was doughter to the kynge of Russy he had .iii. sonnes that is to say Phylyp y ● whych he made kyng of Fraunce by hys lyfe Robert that was after duke of Burgoyne and Hughe that was after named Hugh le graunde and was fader to Raufe erle of Uermendoyse And in thys kynges dayes Burgoyne that had ben vnder y e Frenche kynges obeysaunce ouer a hundred and .xxx. yeres refused the Frenche kynge aparte of them torned vnto Conradus the seconde of that name than emperour So that that parte whyche stretched to Champayne belonged to Fraunce and that other parte whyche stretched toward Basaynz belonged to the Almayns And that yere that the kynge had admytted hys sonne Phylyp to the gydynge of the realme he dyed and was buryed at saynt Denys leuyng after hym the issue forenamed whan he hadde reygned after moste wryters .xxxi. yeres Anglia THE CCVIII CHAPITER HArold the sonne of Canutus of Elgma y e erlys doughter of Hampton begā his reygne ouer Englande in y e yere of our lordes incarnacyon M. xxxix and the x. yere of Henry thā kyng of Fraūce Thys for his delyuernesse swyftenesse was surnamed Harefote In whose begynnynge stryfe was amonge the lordes for so myche as of hys byrthe shulde be doughte whyther he were the kynges son or not and specyally erle Goodwyne that dyd the vttermoste of hys power to sette hym by and put Hardykynitus his brother to that honour But Leo frycus that Canutus so mych loued and trusted wyth the ayde of the Danes wythstode so myghtely Goodwyne and hys sonnes that they fayled of theyr purpose Anone as thys Harold was crowned kynge he banysshed hys stepmoder Emma and toke from her suche goodes and iewelles as she had The whych Emma sayled than into Flaūders and there of Bawdewyne the erle was reuerently receyued there abode durynge the lyfe of thys Harolde The whyche contynued hys lyfe to lytell fruyte or profyte of the land nor yet of the subiectes so that of hym other for y e vyce that clerkes lyste nat to put in memory other for the rudenesse whyche is worthy no memory nothynge of hym is put in remembraunce but that he dyed at London or after some at Oxenford was buryed at westmynster when he had reygned as moste wryters agreen .iii. yeres and odde monethes leuynge after hym none heyre wherfore hys brother kyng of Denmarke was next kynge after hym THE CCIX. CHAPITER HArdikynytus the sonne of Canutus of Emma was made kyng of England in the yere of our lordes incarnacyon M.xli and the xii yere of Henry than kyng of Fraūce Thys of some wryters is named Hardykynytus and Hardyknough
and was anone after the deth of hys brother sent for into Denmarke and receyued ioyously and crowned at Londō of Ethelnotus than archybysshop of Caunterbury But this was of suche cruelty that he sent Alfrycus archbysshoppe of yorke and erle Goodwyne vnto westmynster commaundynge them for the iniury by hys brother Harolde before done vnto his moder Emma that they shuld drawe the corps out of y e place where it was buryed and to be throwen into the ryuer of Thamys which was done accordynge to hys wyll whych corps after as testyfyeth Guydo and other was founden by a fyssher and buryed vnreuerently within the chyrcheyarde of saynt Clement standyng wythout the Temple barre of London And as Polycronycon sayth for a more curelty he caused fyrst the hed of hys sayd brother to be smyten from the body and than throwen in to the sayd ryuer Lette the herers to thys gyue credence as them lyke for to me it semeth though the kyng had ben of suche cruelty that the bysshop forenamed wolde not haue ben the executour of so fowle a dede Thys kyng also leuyed the forenamed trybute named Dane gelt spent it to the lytell comforte of the realme but gaue vnto shypmen and maryners and other lewde persons greate and vnsyttynge fees and wages and was of suche prodegalyte that his bourdes and tabelles of his courte were spred .iiii. tymes in the daye and the people serued of great excesse both of mete also of drynke wyth leuyeng of the foresayd try bute the comons greatly grudged so that in worceter two of hys seruauntes whyche were assygned to gader that money were there slayne For the whyche dede the kynge was so sore dyspleased y t he brent a great parte of that towne Thys Hardykynutus after some authours maryed hys syster named Gunylda vnto the thyrde Henry emperour The whych was of passyng beaute and was the doughter also of Emma laste wyfe of Canutus But in processe of tyme thys Gunylda was falsely accused of spowsebrech for tryall wherof she was put to her champyon wherfore she beynge in greate agony lastely trustyng to god and knowyng her selfe without gylte of that offence putte a chyld that she wyth her had brought out of Englande in stede of the champyon The whyche fought wyth a man of geauntes stature and fynally hym slew and broughte vnto confusyon when Gunylda by dyuyne power hadde thus clered her selfe she vtterly refused the emperours company and ended her lyfe in the seruyce of hym the onely god that so hadde defended her ryght But yt shulde appere by Polycronycon and also by Antoninus that thys mayden was maryed to y e sayde Henry by the lyfe of her father Canutus and also durynge the lyfe of the sayde Henryes father named Conradus the second as before is touched in the storye of the sayde Canutus and not by thys Hardykinytus her brother It is rad that the kynge betoke all the rule of the lande vnto hys moder and erle Goodwyn the whyche had maryed as wytnessyth the englyshe cronycle the doughter of Canutus gotten vppon hys fyrste wyfe Elgina By whome many thynges were mysse orderyd and specyally by the subtylyte of this erle Goodwyn This erle had many sonnes as wytnesseth Polycrony con in the .xxv. chapyter of hys .vi. boke By his fyrste wyfe that was kynge Canutus syster not hys doughter as is aboue sayde he hadde one sonne The whyche by vndyscrete strykynge of an horse was throwen into the Thamys and drowned And the mother was lastely smyttē wyth lyghtenyng and so dyed Of whome yt is there remembred that she was so vngracyous and of so vyle condycyon that she set yonge womē to horedome for to gader by that vnlefull meane ryches After the whyche wyfe so dyed he maryed the seconde of whome he receyued .vi. sonnes That is to wyt Swanus Harolde Tostius wylnotus Sirthe or Surthe and Leoffricus and a doughter named Goditha whych after was maryed to Edwarde the confessour The two sonnes of Egelredus Alphredus and Edwarde whych as ye before haue hard were sent into Normādy by Emma theyr mother came in y e tyme of the reygne of thys kyng into Englande for to vysyte and se theyr mother brought wyth them a great nomber of Normans Then thys Goodwyne ymagyned in hys mynde howe he myght preferre hys doughter Godyth to one of these bretherne and thoughte in his mynde y t the eldest wold dysdayne that maryage And for he thought to ioyne her vnto the yonger and to make hym kynge and her quene he compassed the deth of y e elder And by this mean Goodwyn warned the lordes of Englande and sayde yt was a great ieoperdye for the lande to suffer so many straungers to entre the land without lycence wherfore yt were necessary that they were punyshed to the example of other By whych meanes he gat authoryte to order that mater as to hym semed beste or of his owne power because he was of moste myght nexte the kynge wherfore he yode and mette wyth the sayde Normans and slewe of theym the moste nomber For vppon Guylde downe he slewe alway .ix. saued the .x. And yet for he thoughte to many by that meane lefte a lyue he eft agayne tythed agayne the sayd tythe and slew euery tenth knyght of them and that by cruell deth as wyndynge theyr guttes out of theyr bodyes as sayth Polycronycon and amonge other put out the eyen of the elder brother Alphredus sent hym to Ely where he dyed in short tyme after all be it y e englyshe boke sayth y t he was slayne by the forenamed tormente And Edwarde was conueyed and by some other waye broughte to hys mother But she ferynge the treason of Good wyne sente hym soone ouer the see agayne Howe be yt the ynglyshe cronycle telleth all otherwyse when Goodwyne was after accused for thys cruell dede he sware depely y t he was forced of the kynge so for to do But in one cronicle I fynde that thys dede was executed by Goodwyne in the tyme of Harolde Harefote beynge kynge Then yt foloweth in the story this kynge Hardykynytus beynge at a feste at Lambehyth besyde London mery and iocande whyle he stode drynkynge he fyll downe sodaynly and dyed or waxed dumbe and lay tyll the .viii. daye after the whyche was the .viii. daye of the moneth of Iune and then dyed when he hadde reygned after moste wryters two yeres leuynge after hym none yssue of his bodye lawfull and was buryed by his father at wynchester Thus here endeth the lyne or ofsprynge of Swanus and all other Danys so that after thys kynge the blood of Danys was clerely extyncte and putte oute from all kyngly dygnyte wythin thys realme of Englande And also the persecution of thē seased clerely after thys kynges deth The whyche had contynued to rekē from theyr fyrst landynge in tyme of Brightricus kyng of west Saxon the .ix. yere of his reygne as in y e storye
Uincencius hystorialis Antoninus Iacobus Philippus and other wherfore it can not stande wyth reasō y t they shulde slepe vpon y e other syde after y e tournyng .lxxiiii. yeres as is aboue sayd nor that they shulde sterue in y e tyme of thys holy kynge and confessoure For hys tyme of reygne was after y e tyme of Theodociꝰ aforesayd more than .vi. hundred yeres But yf it be ment by some other For there are vii other slepers spoken of in y e .xxvi. chapyter of the fyrste boke of Polycronycon that hath slepte in a nother caue many yeres wherfore I remytte thys vnto other and folowe the order of the story wherein it is founde that whan this blessed kyng Edwarde had receyued by dyuyne monycyon that he shulde chaunge thys transitory and bryckell lyfe for the lyfe euerlastynge he sykened in the Crystmasse weke In tyme of whych sykenesse was shewed to hym a vysyon that he after shewed vnto suche as were about hym and sayde two men of relygion came to me that I somtyme was famylyer wyth in Normandye and shewed that they were sent from god vnto me to gyue vnto me warynynge of such thynges as foloweth And fyrste they sayde that for the dukes bysshoppes and abbotes of Englande be not goddes seruauntes but the deuyllys god hath taken thys kyngdome into the handes of enemyes for a tyme and fendes shall walke and destroble the people Than I besought god that the people myghte haue warnynge and do penaunce and be delyuered as the people were of the cytye of Ninyue Nay sayde they for these men be so indurate of harte y e they shulde do no worthy penaunce nor to them god shall shewe hys mercy nor forgyuenesse Than I asked of them whā myghte be hope of mercy and pardō They answered whan a grene tree is hewen downe and a parte therof cut from the stocke and layde .iii. fourlonge from the stocke and wythout mannes helpe or hande shall retourne to his stocke or rote and take agayne hys shappe and than flouryshe and brynge forth fruyte whan thys is done than maye be hope of comforte and of remedy In the tyme that this blessyd man shewed thus thys vysyon was present there wyth other Stygandus archebysshoppe of Caunterbury The whyche sayde vnto the other that the kynge raued or ellys doted for age and sykenesse as olde men done and accompted these wordes for foly and vanyte But not longe after Englande felte and conceyued thys prophecye whan it was in subieccyon of straungers and alyauntes as after shall be shewed Than who that is desyrous to knowe the exposycion of the prophecye of the grene tree lette hym rede in the ende of the lyfe of thys gloryous kynge and confessoure translated by wyllyam Caxton in the boke called the Legende of sayntes and there he shall fynde it All be it that in other places I haue sene it otherwyse interpreted the whyche I remytte to them that haue experyence in suche facultye And to conclude thys storye trouth it is that this blessyd kynge dyed the .iiii. daye of Ianuary whan he hadde reygned .xxiii. yeres vii monethes and odde days and was buryed in the monastery of westmynster y ● whych he before had gretly augmēted repayred but nat in that maner and fourme that it is nowe in For the chyrche that nowe there standeth was so reedyfyed and buylded newe of Henry the thyrde and sonne of kynge Iohn̄ The whiche also after some wryters translated thys blessyd kynge Edwarde from the lower parte of y e chyrche and shryned hym there he now lyeth And this kynge Edwarde laft after hym no chylde for he was accompted for a vyrgyn whan he dyed Francia THE CCXV CHAPITER PHylyp the fyrst of that name son of Henry began his dominiō ouer the Frenchemen in the yere of our lorde M.lviii the .xvi. yere of Edwarde the confessour than kynge of Englande And of thys Phylyp it is radde that he maryed a wyfe named Berta the doughter of Baldewyne erle of Holland and of Fryce Of the whyche Berta this Philyp receyued a sonne and named hym Lewis and a doughter y e was called Cunstaūce But in processe of tyme he haunted so myche the company of a woman named Bertande that he hated hys laufull wyfe and at length helde her in pryson and kept that other in her stede and gatte vppon the sayd Bertrande two sonnes named Phylyp Florys and a doughter which myne authour nameth not For thys aduoutry he was often monysshed of y e pope that he shulde leue the companye of that yll woman and take to hym hys lawfull wyfe y t he so longe had holden in pryson within hys castell of Monsfruell And for he wolde not be obedyent vnto the popes coūsayll he was fynally accused of pope Urbane the seconde of that name By meane wherof he was reconcyled and restored agayne to his wyfe and refused hys concubyne And in the tyme of thys Phylyp Godfrey de Bolliō with many other crysten prynces at the exortacyon of Peter the heremyte sayled into the holy lande and wanne the cytye of Hierusalē out of the Sarasyns handes whyche prynces lastly crowned the sayd Godfrey kynge of the sayde cytye And after it so contynued in possessyon of crysten men by y e terme of foure score and tenne yeres vnder ix crysten kinges and lenger myght haue endured hadde not discencyon fallen amonges them selfe And so by Antoninus Peter Disrey and other it is manyfestely shewed Thys vyage after moste accorde of wryters begā in the yere of grace M.lxxxvi and the .xxvii. yere of thys Phylyp And the sayd Godfrey was crowned kynge of the sayde cytye of Hierusalem after the affyrmaunce of y e sayde wryters in the yere of grace a thousande and foure score and .xix. Of thys Phylyp lytell worthy memory is lefte in wrytynge For lyke as hys fader Henry made hym kyng by his lyfe and suffered hym to haue the rule of the lande ryght so thys Phylyp after a certayne of tyme cōmytted the rule of the lande vnto Lewys his sonne And he sette hys mynde to huntynge and other dysportes and so ladde hys lyfe in all slowthe and idelnesse Than Lewys takynge vppon hym the charge of the realme subdued the erle of Mounte Merusy other that laboured to take from the chyrche of saynt Denys certayn preuyleges and also constrayned them to restore and satysfye all hurtes and harmes to the sayde chyrche by them done Thys Lewys as affermeth the Frenche cronycle maryed the doughter of Guy erle of Cotcheforde the whyche after for nerenesse of kynne was deforced from the sayde Lewys to the greate dyspleasour of the sayde erle Guy wherfore he moued warre agayne the sayd Lewys and toke from hym certayne holdes and castelles of the whyche the castell of Gurney was one But at length Lewys had y e better of that warre and recoueryd diuers of the sayd holdes And amonges other prysoners by hym and his knyghtes takē
neuew vnto Edward the confessour as before is shewed beganne hys domynyon ouer thys realme of Englande the .xv. daye of October in the yere of our lordes incarnacyon a thousand .lxvii and y e ix yere of the fyrste Phylyppe then kyng of Fraunce and was crowned kynge of the same vppon Crystmas daye nexte folowynge of Aldredus archbyshoppe of yorke for so myche as at that tyme Stigandus archbysshoppe of Caunterbury was then absent or durste not come in the p̄sence of the kynge to whome he ought no great fauour as in the sequele shall appere when wyllyam had sette in quyet a great parte of thys lande he betoke the gydyng therof to his brother the byshop of Bayon and in lent folowynge sayled into Normandye and led wyth hym the chefe rulers of England for doute of sturryng in tyme of his absence Amonge the whyche the two erles Marcarꝰ and Edwyne rulers of Northumberlande Mercia were two wyth also Stigandus and Edgare Ethelynge To the why the Stigandus wyllyam shewed great reuerence and coūtenaunce of fauoure But all proued to great dissymulacyon after as was shewed by the depryuynge of the sayd Stigandus and prysonment of hym in wynchester towne by a longe terme and season In the next wynter whan wyllyam had sped hys besynesse in Normandy he retourned into England wyth greate pompe and sette a greuous trybute vpon the Englyshmen By reason wherof some partyes of the lande rebelled agayne hym and specyally the cytye of Excetour the whyche defended hym for a certayne of tyme. But lastly by force he wanne the sayde cytye and punysshed the cytesyns greuously For thys and other sterne dedes of wyllyam Marcharus erle of Northumberlande wyth Edgare Athelynge and dyuers other as hys moder and two systers Margarete and Crystyan sayled into Scotlande But another cronycle telleth y t Edgare entendynge wyth Agatha hys moder and hys two systers to haue sayled into Almayne where he was borne was by tempest of the see dryuen into Scotlande where of Malcolyne than kynge of Scottes they were ioyously receyued And in processe of tyme the sayde Malcolyne caste suche loue vnto the sayd Margaret that he toke her to wyfe as before is touched in the fyrste chapyter of the story of Canutꝰ Of the which Margaret the sayde Malcolyne receyued .ii. doughters and .vi. sonnes wherof thre named Edgare Alexaūder Dauyd were kynges of Scotlande nexte folowynge theyr fader And Molde one of y e foresayd doughters was after maryed vnto the fyrst Henry kynge of Englande And the other doughter Mary was maryed to Eustace erle of Bolongii Of Molde the fyrste doughter Henry receyued .ii. sonnes named wyllyam and Rychard the whych bothe dyed before theyr fader as after in y e story of the sayd Henry shall appere And he receyued also two doughters named Molde and Mary whych Molde or Mawde was maryed to y e fyfte Henry emperour of Almayne After whose deth she was agayne maryed to Godfrey of Geoffrey Plātagenet erle of Aungeowe Of whom descended Henry surnamed shorte mantell and kynge of Englande called Henry the seconde And the other doughter Mary was maryed vnto the erle of Blaynes of whō descended Molde or Mawde that was wyfe vnto kynge Stephen Than it foloweth that thys wyllyam after thys foresayd trybute so leuyed of the Englysshemen and knowynge of the depertynge of the lordes foresayde kepte the other the streyter But it was not longe after that Marcharus was reconsyled to the kynges grace and fayled agayn as folowynge shall be shewed For thys and other causes whyche were tedyous to shewe wyllyam exalted the Normans and gaue vnto them the chyefe possessyons of the lande so that they dayly encreased in great honour and welth and the Englysh men as faste decayed Kynge wyllyā also made .iiii. stronge castels where of two be sette at yorke the thyrde at Lyndetyngham or Notynghm and manned them wyth Normans and the .iiii. at Lyncolne About the thyrde yere of his reygne Harolde Canutus sonnes of Swanus kynge of Denmarke came on lande in the North of Humber wyth a stronge nauy and in all haste drew them towarde yorke Than the Normans whyche hadde the rule of the towne and castelles feryng that the Englysshemen wolde ayde the Danys and wyth the houses of the suburbes of the towne haue fylled the towne dyches sette the suburbes on fyre wherof y e flame was so bygge and wyth the wynde so stronge that it toke into the cytye brent a parte therof wyth the mynster of saynt Peter In tyme wherof the Danys by fauour of some of the citesyns entred the cytye and slewe more than thre thousande of the Normans But it was not longe or kynge wyllyam chased the Danys to theyr shyppes and toke so greate dyspleasure wyth the inhabytauntes of that prouynce that he destroyed the land lyenge bytwene yorke and Durham in suche wyse that .ix. yeres after or there about the lande laye vnlabored vntylled onely out taken saynt Iohn̄s lande of Beuerley the which was for borne by reason of a wreche done by dyuyne power vpon one of kynge wyllyams knyghtes The whych as he was besyed in wastyng and spoylynge of the sayde countre fyll sodeynly wyth hys horse so that hys horse brake hys necke and the knyghtes face was turned to his backe And of the famyne that the people of that countre susteyned wonders are reported that they shuld eate all maner of vermyn as cattes rattes dogges other so harde they were kepte by the warre of the kyng And in that yere also Molde or Mawde the wyfe of kynge wyllyā was crowned quene of England of Aldredus archebysshop of yorke In the .iiii. yere of the reygne of thys kynge the Scottes with Malcolyne theyr kynge entred Northumberlande and wasted and destroyed sore that countre and slewe there in myche people and many they toke prysoners helde thē as bonde men But in the .vi. yere of hys kyngdome wyllyam made such warre vppon the Scottes that he lastely forced the sayde Malcolyne to swere to hym bothe homage and feauty as it is wytnessed of wyllyam of Malmesbery and other wryters THE CCXX CHAPITER Kynge willyam by counsayle of the erle of Hortford and other caused the abbeyes of Englande to be serched And what money in them at that season was founde he caused it to be brought to hys treasour For the whyche dede after the exposycyō of some authours the sayd erle was punysshed as after shall be shewed Soone vpon thys in the tyme by twene Easter and wytsontyde was holden a solempne counsayle at wynchester of the clergy of Englande At the whyche counsayle were presente two cardynalles sent from y e second Alexaunder than pope In thys coūsayle Stygandus archebysshop of Caūterbury was depryued from his dygnytye and that for thre skylles The fyrste was for that he had holden wrongfully that bysshopryche whyle Robert the archebysshop was lyuynge The seconde cause was for that he hadde receyued the Paule
feuours amonges the people and also great hūger and barreynes of y e erth Also in this yere great hurt was done in many places of y e lande by fyre and specyally in the cytye of London where vpon the .vii. day of the moneth of Iulii sodayne fyre began the whyche brent a great parte of the chyrche of saynte Paule wyth also a great parte of the cytye Then kynge wyllyam beynge in Normandye was syke and kept his ●hamber at Roan̄ a longe time wherfore Phylyppe the Frenche kynge in hys game sayde that wyllyam lay in chyldbedde● and noryshed hys fatte wombe The whyche wordes when they were blowen to kynge wyllyās crys he was greuously dyscontent and sayde when I am chyrched I shall offer to hym a thousande candellys lyghte wyth the whyche he shall holde hym smally contented The whyche promyse he after performed For in the moneth of Iuly whē Corne fruyt and grapes were moste florishynge he entred Fraunce with a great army and sette on fyre many cytyes and townes in the west syde of Fraunce and lastely came to the cytye of Meaus and fyred yt brent a parte therof wyth the chyrch of our lady wherin he brent a womā beyng closed in the walle of the sayd chyrch as a recluse But of this thynge speketh not the cronycle of Fraunce Nor yet for the more parte of any thynge that soundeth to theyr dyshonour done vnto theym by Englyshemen In this hete or as some wryters haue by y e lepyng of an horse kyng wyllyam toke such a dysease or sykenes that yt was the cause of hys deth And when he felt hym thus greued he called his sonnes before hym and exhorted theym in his beste maner that they shulde charytably loue and fauoure euery of them the other and holde to gyder as louyng bretherne after made his testamēt and therin ordeyned wyllyam Ruffus or wyllyam the rede to be kynge of England And Normandye he beset vnto Rober Curthose And to Henry his yongest sonne he bequethed his treasour and mouable goodes And that done he enfourmed hys two eldest sonnes of the dysposycyon of both peoples and warned wyllyam to be louynge and lyberall to his subiectes and Robert to be sterne and sturdy vnto his Then he was moued with myldenes and delyueryd from prison hys own brother the byshop of Bayon Marcharus erle of Northūberlande wylnotus the sonne of Harolde or after some the sonne of Goodwyne that was sent to wyllyā by Edwarde the confessour to remayne for a pledge for his sayde fader Goodwyn And shortely after these thynges wyth other done he dyed in Normandye and was buryed in y e cytye of Caan̄ when he had reygned as kyng of Englande .xxi. yeres and vppon .x. monethes in the moneth of Iuly and the yere of hys duchery the .lii. when wyllyam was dede men spake of hym as they do of other prynces and sayd that he was wyse and gylefull ryche and couetous loued well to be magnifyed and praysed a fayre speker a greatr dyssymuler a man of skylfull stature but somdeale fatte in the bely sterne of face and stronge in armys and therwyth bolde and had therwyth great pleasure in huntyng and in makyng of great festes But he passed al other in leuyenge of taskes whyche condycyon hys subiectes construed .iii. maner of wayes and saydeyt was to the entente that he wolde excell all other in rychesse or ellys for to withstāde and defende his enymyes or ellys to staunche the appetyte of his couetyse mynde He buylded .ii. abbayes in Englande one at batayl in Sussex where he wanne the felde agayne Harolde and is at thys daye called the abbay of Batail y e other he sette besyde London vppon the south syde of Thamys and named yt Barmoundesay And in Normandye he buylded two also Thys man made the newe forest in the countrey of Southampton the whyche to brynge aboute he caste downe dyuers chyrches by the space of .xxx. myles and replenyshed yt wyth wylde bestes and made harde and sharpe lawes for the encreasyng of them as losyng of eyen and other And he helde Englyshemen so lowe that in hys dayes was almoste no Englyshe man that bare any offyce of honoure or rule But yet somedeale he fauoured the cytye of London and graunted to the cytezens the fyrste charter that euer they had the whych is wryten in Saxon tunge and sealed wyth grene waxe and expressed in .viii. or .ix. lynes THE CCXXIII. CHAPITER Wyllyam Rufus or wyllyam the erede the second sonne of wyllyam Conquerour beganne hys reygne ouer Englande in the moneth of Iulye and the yere of our lorde a thousande .lxxxix and the xxxi yere of the fyrste Phylyppe then kynge of Fraunce Ranulfe monke of Chester sheweth in hys boke of Polycronycon y t Robert Curthose eldest sonne of wyllyam Conquerour was at the tyme of hys fathers deth absent The whyche heryng that his father hadde preferred hys yonger brother to y e kyngdome of Englande was therwyth greatly amoued in so myche that he layde his dukedome to pledge to his brother Henry and wyth that good gatheryd to him a stronge army and so landed at Hampton̄ wherof wyllyam hys brother beynge warned in all haste sent vnto hym messangers to whome he gaue cōmyssyon to say in maner as foloweth Thy brother wyllyam prayeth y t to take no grefe with y t he hath done for he clepeth hym selfe not kynge but as vnder kynge to reygne vnder the and by helpe of the that arte gretter then he better rather borne And yf thou consyder yt well he hath nothynge mysused hym agayn the. For he hath taken vppon hym for a tyme bycause of thyne absence But for he is nowe in authoryte by thy sufferaunce he prayeth y t he may vnder the so contyue payeng to the yerely .iii. thousande marke wyth cōdycyon that who so ouer lyueth may enioye the kyngdome when Robert had harde that message to the ende he wagged hys hedde as he that conceyued some doublenesse in thys reporte But for he was lyberall and allowed more the honour then he dyd hys profyte as in other thynges folowyng of his dedes yt shall appere therfore he lyghtely assented to all that was desyred and returned shortly after into Normandye wyth pleasaunt wordes wythout profyte Thys wyllyam was crowned the xxvii daye of September vppon the daye of saynte Cosma and Damyan and was well ayded of Lamfrāk whyle he lyued He was dyuers unstable of maners so y t betwene hym his lordes was oftē dyssencyō In y e spryngyng of somer folowyng hys coronacyon Odo byshoppe of Bayō whych as before ye haue hard was delyuered out of pryson by wylliam Cōquerour came into Englād whom the kynge ioyously receyued and gaue vnto hym shortly after the erledome of Kent But he toke vppon hym in processe of tyme to rule in suche wyse as the kynge grudged wyth hys doynge And for thys the kynge and his sayde vncle fyll at vnkyndnesse
pytye that he suffered hym to be at hys lybertye whyche after the opynyon of wyllyam de regibus was done more of pryde than of compassyon THE CCXXV. CHAPITER IN the .xi. yere of the reygne of thys wyllyam the rede at a towne called Fynchanster in the coūtrey of Barke shyre a welle caste out blode as before it hadde done water And after by the space of .xv. dayes great flames of fyre were sene in the elemēt in sundry places and tymes Thys yere also y e two erles of Shrewesbury and of Chester eyther named Hugh by the kynges commaūdement entred wyth theyr knyghtes the I le of Man or Anglesaye slewe therin many welshemen and gelded many moo Amonge the whyche a preste named Kynredus was drawē out of a chyrch and serued of y e same wyse and also cut hys tunge out of hys hed and put out hys one eye But this preste was of such vertue that by myracle he was restored to helthe within .iii. dayes ensuynge In the whyche season and tyme the kynge of Northganys or Norwaye wan the iles called than Orcades and now Orkeys after came wyth hys strength into the foresayd ile of Man where at the same season were the sayde two erles Than bytwene them was mortall fyght in y e whyche Hugh erle of Shrewesbury was stryken with an arowe in y e eye and dyed wythin .viii. dayes after But as sayth Guydo the Danys were chased and the Englysshemen hadde the vyctory Kyng wylliam was mych in Normandye for so myche as Robert his brother was all thys season in the holy land of whose actes shall some deale be towched in y e story of Henry the fyrste And wyllyam had myche payne to rule the Normans for they rebelled often agayne hym In the .xii. yere of hys reygne he came out of Normandye and when he saw the hall of westmynster y t he had caused to be buylded he was therwyth dyscontented that it was so lytell wherfore as it is rehersed of some wryters he entended yf he had lyued to haue made a larger and y t to haue serued for a chaumber Robert Losaunge that somtyme had ben abbot of Ramsey and than bysshop of Thetforde by gyfte of a thousand pounde to the kyng repented hym after and bewept that vnskylfull dede and toke hys waye to Rome and dyd for it hys enioyned penaunce and after retorned into Englande and turned hys see from Thetforde to Norwyche founded there a fayre monastery of hys owne goodes not of the patrymony of crystes chyrch But therin is a dowt to consyder For he was fyrste an abbot and after a bysshop About thys tyme by the meanes of one Stephen Hardynge a munke of Sherbourne an Englyshman of y e order of Sisteaux or whyte mūkes had hys begynnynge in the wyldernesse of Cystery within the prouynce of Burgoyne as wytnesseth Ranulf munke of Chester But other wryters as Jacobus Phylyppus the authour of Cronica cronicarū Matheolus wyth other sayen that this Stephen was the second abbot of y e place y t it was fyrste foūded by the meanes of one Robert abbot of Molynēse in the yere of grace M.xcviii whyche to folow theyr sayeng shuld be in the .ix. yere of the reygne of this kyng This order was after brought into Englande by one called walter Espeke that foūded the fyrste abbay of that relygyon at Ryuall about y e yere of grace .xi. C.xxxi The whyche shulde be about the .xxxi. yere of the fyrste Henry than kyng of England Somwhat of theyr relygyon is towched in the .x. chapyter of the .viii. boke of Polycronycon After that kynge wyllyam as before is sayde was retourned out of Normandy many wonderfull prodygyes and tokyns were shewed in England as the swellyng or rysyng of y e water of Thamys in suche wyse that it drowned dyuers townes and dyd mych harme by out passyng his boundys in dyuers places about Lōdon and ellys where Also the deuyll was sene walke in mannes lykenesse wyth dyuers other thynges whyche I ouerpasse The kyng was warned of this and tolde by his famylyers y t god was not cōtent with his lyuing But he set all at nought and made of it a scoffe or a iape In the .xiii. yere of his reygne and begynnynge thereof as the thyrde daye of Auguste after the sayenge of Ranulfe thys kyng wyllyam beyng at hys dysporte of huntynge wythin the newe forest by glaunsynge of an arowe shot of a knyght named walter Tyrell was wounded to the deth in the .xliiii. yere of hys age After whyche dede the sayde walter escaped and saued hym self for few there were that hym pursued And so the kynge thus wounded was layde vppon an horse lytter and so conueyed to wynchester where shortly after he dyed and was buryed Of this man myghte be made a myche lenger story yf all hys dedes shulde be towched The whych toke vpon hym great thynges and mych gretter entēded yf he myght haue lyued The daye before he was slayne one axed of hym where he wold kepe hys Crystmasse At Poytiers sayde the kynge for the erle entendeth to go towarde Hierusalem and I woll assaye to haue hys erledome in morgage for well I knowe he must cheuyche for money to perfourme that iourney The day that wyllyā dyed he helde in his hādes the .iii. bysshopryches of Caūterbury of winchester and of Salysbury and dyuers abbayes of the whyche he let some to terme Also he refrayned y ● money y ● of olde tyme was payed to Rome called Rome scotte Of this wyllyā reportyth Henry of Hūtyngdō sayth y t though this mā were lyght of som thynges yet he was stedfast stable of his promyse so y t what he ꝓmysed good or euyll shuld be ꝑformed And though he were named couetous yet it shuld seme y t he was liberall as sheweth by this narracyō folowyng Upon a season when the abbot of a place in Englande was dede two munkes of the same place the which before hadde gatheryd money made theyr frendes to kynge willyam and offered large offers eyther of them to be promoted to that dygnyte There was also a thyrde munke the which of mekenesse of humylyte folowed the other two to the entent that vppon hym that the kynge had admytted for abbot he wolde haue gyuen attendaunce and as his chapelayn to haue wyth hym returned The kynge called before hym the .ii. munkys seuerally and eyther out profered other And as he caste hys eye asyde he espyed the thyrd the whych he demed hadde comen also for the same cause Then the kynge called hym and asked yf he wold geue any more then his bretherne had offered to be abbot But he answered to the kynge and sayde that he wolde nother offer nor yet gyue for yt one peny nor wold haue so great a charge by any meane wrongefull when the kynge had well vnderstanden thys thyrde munkes answere he sayde that he was best worthy to be
abbot and to haue the rule of so holy a charge and so he gaue vnto hym that benefyce wythout takynge any peny Thys kynge wyllyam vsed alway lemmans wherfore he dyed without yssue legyttymat when he had reyned as before is sayde fully .xii. yeres and odde dayes THE CCXXVI CHAPITER HEnry the .iii. son of wyllyam Cōquerour fyrste of y t name whyche for his connynge was surnamed beuclerk began hys reygne and domynyon as kynge of Englande the .v. daye of August in the yere of our lorde .xi. hundred one and the .xliii. yere of the fyrste Phylyppe then kynge of Fraunce was crowned at westmynster ryght shortly after of Thomas archebyshoppe of yorke and Morys byshoppe of London This Henry in his youth plyed him to such studye that he was instructe in the .vii. artes lyberall Anon he made holy chyrche free vsed saynt Edwardes lawes wyth the amendemēt of them He put out of his courte nyce and wāton men and closed Ranulphe byshoppe of Durham in the towre of Lōdon y e which as ye before haue harde was so great wyth wyllyam his brother and sent for Anselme archebyshoppe of Caunterburye whyche before was fledde fro the tyranny of wyllyam Rufus This Henry chastysed the olde vntrewe mesure and made a yerde of y e length of hys owne arme wyth dyuers other thynges reformyng that longe before his days had ben mysse vsed and abhorred excesse of metys and drynkes vsed to fyght more wyth coūsayll then wyth sworde In the seconde yere of his reygne Robert hys brother that by all thys season hadde ben occupyed in warres vppon Cristes enymyes hauyng worde of the deth of hys brother wyllyam and howe his brother Henry hadde taken vpon hym as kynge returned into Normandy and there made preparacyon for to come into Englande In this season also was brokē out of pryson Ranulfe byshoppe of Durham and comen to the sayde Robert into Normandy The whych excyted duke Robert in all that he myght to warre vppon hys brother Henry so that he assembled a stronge armye of knyghtes and toke shyppynge and landed in processe of tyme at Portysmouth But by medyacyon a peace was made and that in suche condycion that he shuld haue .iii. thousand markes yerely as before was promysed vnto hym by willyam Rufus his brother wyth other condycyons of successyon and other thynges the whyche I ouerpasse for length of tyme. Thus Robert beynge contented contrary to the myndes of his lordes after he a season hadde dysported hym in Englande retourned into Normandy where of his lordes he was for thys other dedes before done as after is shewed lytle or lesse and lesse setby For all be yt that by hys fathers lyfe he hadde vyctorye and vtterly dyspleased hym as some deale before ys touched yet by hys manhode and manfull dedes he fell into the fauoure of the people and dyd many and great notable actes and specyally at the wynnyng of the cytye of Acon vppon the myscreauntes and turkes For the whyche dedes yt apperyth by the sequele of the storye that he was also in the fauour of god For when the eleccyon shuld be made for the kynge of Hierusalem and certayne prynces and prynces peeres by ordynaunce made stode wyth theyr tapers abydynge the dyuyne purueyaunce that whose taper were fyrst wyth heuenly fyre lyghtened shulde be admytted for kynge the taper of thys duke Robert was fyrste onely wherfore by dyuyne purueyaunce he was then chosen kynge of Hierusalem The whyche he refused for the payne and trauayle that he shuld haue wyth all also for the couetyse of the crowne of Englande For as soone as he hadde knowlege of the deth of his brother willyam anon he parted the coūtrey and sped hym homewarde in all that he myght For the whych dede as affermeth myne authour he spedde the worse in all his dedes after Thys Robert was wyse in counsayll stronge in batayll and also ryght lyberall and in hys retourne from Hierusalem maryed the doughter of wyllyam de Auersana lorde of Apulia wyth whome he receyued grete sōmes of money for her dower the whych by meane of his liberalyte he spent shortly after Then fortune beganne to frowne vppon duke Robert and sette his owne lordes so agayn hym that they sent vnto kyng Henry hys brother wyllynge hym to come into Normandye and they wolde delyuer the coūtrey vnto him and holde hym for theyr chefe lorde and ruler wherunto as sayth the englyshe cronycle kynge Henry soone cōsented But or euer thys warre betwene the sayde duke Robert kyng Henry beganne thys Henry maryed Mawde or Molde the doughter of Malcolyne kyng of Scotlande and of Margarete hys wyfe doughter of Edwarde the outlawe as in the begynnyng of wyllyam Conqueroure is thouched Of the whyche Molde thys Henry receyuyd after some wryters two sonnes and .ii. doughters y t is to saye wyllyam and Rycharde Mawde Mary And also the sayd authour wyth other saye that Robert duke of Normandye came into Englande in the fourth yere of the reygne of kynge Henry and hadde good chere of his brother and syster For the which he at the request of his sayde syster released to his brother y e forenamed trybute of .iii. thousand markes But by yll tale tellers couetous of signory this broderly loue was after dissolued in such wise that the kynge with a strong army sayled into Normandy and held his broder Robert with so sharpe warre that he chased hym from one countrey to another and wanne from hym Roan Caan Faloys and all the good townes of Normandye and lastely constrayned hym to aske helpe of Phylyppe kyng of Fraunce after of the erle of Flaūdres but he fayled helpe of them both Then wyth such power as he could make he gaue batayll vnto his brother kynge Henry In the whyche he was taken and sent ouer into England and put into the castell of Cardyffe in walys where he remayned as prisoner whyle he lyued And when he was dede he was buryed at Glowcester In this tyme and season as it were in y e .iii. yere of kyng Henry y e chyrch of saynt Barthelmew in Smythfeld of London was begonne to be founded of a mynstrell of this kyng Henry named Rayer and after perfourmed and ended by good and well disposed cytezens of the citye of Lōdon This place of Smythfelde was at y e day a lay stowe of al ordure or fylth and the place where felons and other transgressours of the kynges lawes were put to execucyon THE CCXXVII CHAPITER SO as kynge Henry hadde fynyshed his warre in Normandye was returned into Englande Robert de Bolesyn which was the eldest sonne of Roger de mount Gomeryk erle of Shrewesburye arose agayne the kynge and manned his castellys of Shrewesbury of Brugg● of Arundell and of Tekynhyll and incoraged the walshmen agayne the kyng But the kyng pursued so cruelly the sayd Robert y t wythin .xl. days he wan all thoses castellis
slew many of his men and gat the fauour of the walshmen by gyftes and plesaūt wordes and also compelled the sayd Robert to forsake Englād The whyche then sayled into a corner of Normādye kept him there secretely tyll such tyme as to hym was thyther comen willyā erle of Cornewall which wyllyam was also erle of Nortom in Normandye when these two erles were assocyat they gaderyd to them a great strength of Normans dyd great harme wythin the prouynce wherfore the kynge sayled thyther made sharpe warre vppon them In the whych he loste many of his men But in y e ende he put frō them theyr strength and toke theym both prysoners and so helde them y e terme of theyr lyues And that done he sette that coūtrey in good reste and peace and after retourned into Englande After whyche returne kynge Henry made sharpe lawes agayne theues and other that vsed vnleful meanes In whyche lawes was conteyned losynge of lyfe of eyes of stones and other members of man as the gylte requyred And soone after Anselme archbysshoppe of Caunterbury assembled a great coūsayll at London of the clergy of England By authoryte of the which coūsayll dyuers abbotes and other were put from theyr dygnytie for that they had taken before tyme theyr abbayes by vnlefull meanes And amōges all other decrees one was y e prestes shulde forgo theyr wyues Then strife fell betwen y e kyng Anselme for that that he wold not sacre the prestes that hadde taken inuestyture of lewde mennys handes whyche before was forboden vppon payne of cursynge But Gyralde archebyshoppe of yorke for the pleasure of the kynge sacred suche bysshoppes wherfore Anselme beynge dyscōtent departed y e land and yode to Rome to shewe thys wyth other thynges to the pope whyche at that daye by moste accorde of wryters shulde be Pascall the seconde In the .vi. of the kynge the countrey of Flaūdres was sore blemyshed and hurte by meane of the see so that the Flemynges yode aboute to haue socoure of dwellynge and requyred of the kyng to haue lycence that they might inhabyt them in the eest parte of the ryuer of Twede the whych to them was graunted But after a certayn of yeres they were remoued ito westwalys where they remayned a longe whyle but after they sprad all Englande ouer In the .vii. yere of thys kynge vppon a frydaye at nyghte in the fyrste weke of clene lent was sene an vncouth starre betwene y e south and the weste the whyche nyghtely appered at one howre and cōtynued so by the space of .xxv. days And fore agaynst that oute of the eest parte appered a great leuyn or beme of bryghtnes whyche stretched towarde the sayde starre And vppon shere thursdaye nexte ensuynge were sene two monys that one in the eest and that other in the weste And in thys yere Anselme by the kynges agrement returned agayne from Rome and shortely after called a conuocacyon at London In the whyche by the popes authoryte yt was newely conformed and enacted that no temporall man after that daye shuld make inuesture with crosse or wyth rynge In the .viii. yere of the reygne of kynge Henry the fourth Henry emperour of Almayne the whyche had maryed Molde the eldeste doughter of kynge Henry when she was of the age of .v. yeres prysoned pope Pascall and dyuerse of the cardynallys This Henry also warred agayne his father Henry the .iii and lastely caste hym in stronge pryson For the whyche dede as assermeth Ranulphe he wylfully when he had ruled the empyre .xx. yere resygned hys dygnyte into the handes of Calixtus y e secōde of that name then pope after came secretely into England vnto Chester vnwyttynge hys wyfe or any of hys frendes where he lyued longe after a strayte lyfe and was buryed there at laste But to this sayeng dysagreeth the wryters of the storyes of emperours For of them yt is wytnessed that this Henry the emperour after he had ruled the empyre as before is sayd .xx. wynter he dyed at a place in Almayn called Spyre and there was buryed wyth this scrypture vppon his toumbe Filius hic pater hic auus hic preauus iacet hic whyche is to meane in our vulgare tunge as foloweth The son here lyeth with also y e fader The belsyre for y e great graūfader when Henry the emperour was thus dede as after yt shal be shewed when conuenyency of tyme requyreth what became of his wife it shall there be declared In the .ix. yere of y e reygne of kyng Henry the archebyshoppe Anselme professed Gerarde archbyshoppe of yorke to the yoke of hys obedyence as he was before taught by the lore of Lamfranke his predecessour And the .x. daye of Auguste folowynge he sacred .v. byshoppes at one tyme as of wynchester of Salysbury of Exeter of Herforde and of Glamurgan And kynge Henry ordeyned a byshoppes see at Ely and ordeyned there Henry that hadde ben bishoppe of Bangor and besette Cambrydge●shyre to the see of Ely And to the bisshoppes see of Lyncolne he gaue his owne towne of Spaldynge for he hadde mynyshed that see by the preferment of Ely In the .x. yere dyed Anselme archbyshop of Caunterbury After whose deth that see was voyde .v. yeres the goodes of the chyrch spent to the kynges vse And whē he was prayed to helpe y e chyrch that was wythout an hedde and a pastor he vsed to answere that his fader and also his brother had accustomed to set there the beste proued men y t they might fynd And to the entente that he myght do the same he toke the more tyme laysure wyth suche mylde answeres he so put of the tyme that be fylled hys cofers wyth the great sommes of y e benefyce And who that is desyrous to knowe of the great vertue of thys byshoppe Anselme lette hym rede in the .xiiii. chapyter of the .vii. boke of Polycronycon there he shall fynde a parte therof About this tyme as wytnesseth the frenche cronycle a cōtrauersy began betwene the kyng and Lewys kyng of Fraunce son to Phylyp the fyrste This Lewys was surnamed Lewis the great other for hys bygnesse of person or ellys for greatnesse of hys dedes This Lewys sent vnto kyng Henry beynge in Normandy gaue vnto hym monycyon of homage for the duchy of Normandy also that he shulde restore vnto hym or bete down to the groūde the castell of Gysours also to recompence and restore for hurtes and harmes that his Normans hadde done in those partes But all this of kyng Henry was denyed and shortely after skyrmysshes and cocke fyghtes beganne betwene the sayde two prynces kynge Henry lyenge at the sayde castell of Gysours and Lewys at a place called mounte Calue But thys encreased in suche wyse that after eyther prynce soughte more rome places whose knyghtes sundry tymes met But of any notable batayll I fynde no remembraunce all be yt that the
sayde warre contynued by the terme of two yeres In the ende of whych two yeres wyllyam the eldest sonne of kynge Henry beynge a chyld and wythin age contented so well the mynde of Lewys that he refrayned of hys warre for that tyme. In the .xiii. yere at Shrewesburye was a great erth quake and at Nothyngham from the morne to the vndertyde The ryuer of Trent was so fordryed in the moneth of June as sayth Guydo that men wente ouer drye And the starre called stella cometa or the blasynge sterre aperyde soone after Theruppon folowed an harde wynter great deth of the people and scarcete of vitayll by the great moreyn of bestes In thys yere also the kynge founded the abbay of Hyde wythoute the wallys of wynchester that of olde tyme was wythin the wallys THE CCXXVIII CHAPITER IN the .xv. yere of hys reygne y e kynge entēdyd to haue ●moted Faricus abbot of Abyndon vnto the see of Caunterburye But by a counsayll kept at wyndesoure of bysshoppes y e kynges mynde was chaūged and to that see was then admytted Raufe that was byshoppe of Rochester And the same yere one Thurstone was chosen archebyshoppe of yorke the whyche wythsayde hys professyon of obedience that he shuld owe to the see of Caunterbury wherfore at lengthe he was depryuyd of hys dygnyte But after by laboure that he made to Pascall the pope before named the sayde pope wrote vnto the kynge that he shulde restore Thurstone agayne to the see of yorke By whyche meane he was agayne restoryd but yet he disdayned to do hys lawefull obedyence vnto Raufe archebyshope of Caunterbury Then the stryfe was renewed which Lamfranke before as ye haue harde in the thyrde chapyter of wyllyam Conquerour dyd appeace and was brought in argument before the pope The whyche at the kynges request promysed y t he wolde nothyng do nor ordeyne that shuld be derogacion to the archbyshop of Caunterbury or to the dygnyte of his chyrche But in cōclusion the pope gaue such a defuse sentence in thys mater that he lefte the stryfe vndetermyned and vnassoyled And when y e kynges procuratours wyth also the archbyshop of Caunterbury were absent were yt for nede or for fauour the pope was so bowed that he forsoke y e olde rule vsed before hys days and sacred the sayde Thurstone and gaue vnto hym the pawle For this dede y e kyng was sore dyscontented wyth Thurstone and warned hym the entre of his lande wherfore the pope wrote after shortely to the kynge wyllyng hym to suffer Thurstone to occupye his see peaseably or he shulde be accused and suspended by the dygnyte of the offyce of Caunterbury and so Thurstone enioyed his see In the yere of our lorde .xi. hundred .xviii. as sayth the frenche cronicle whyche was the .xvii. yere of thys kyng Henry the fyrst the warre was agayn quyckened betwen kyng Henry and Lewys kynge of Fraunce wherof was the occasyon as sayth the sayde frenche cronycle Thybaude erle of Chartres whych Thybaude was greuyd by the Frenche kynge and for necessyte requyred kynge Henry of ayde and helpe to whome the kynge as to hys kynnesman sent ayde and socoure And afterwarde the kynge sayled ouer with a stronge armye and sente a nobleman named Stephan into the lordshyppe of Brye to defendeyt agayn the Frenche kynge when Lewys vnsterstode that kynge Henry was landed in Normandye wyth so great power he in all haste assembled a stronge power and drewe hym towarde the kynge But there were so stronge holdes mannyd wyth Normans also such depe and great ryuers that the Frenche kynge myght not wynne vnto kynge Henry Then lastely by a feate of warre whyche were longe to reherse he wan a town named Lyngues in Cause in the whyche towne was a brydge to passe the ryuer of Thee and so into Normandye when a certayne of the knyghtes of Lewes had thus wonne the foresayd towne the sayd Lewes wyth his people spedde hym shortly after and rescued his foresayde knightes then spoyled and robbed the towne the whyche was ryche for so myche as yt hadde ben in quyet and rest many yeres before He also slewe and toke prysoners all y e Normans there dwellyng put in theyr stede Frenchmē And that done he sped hym towarde kynge Henry the which was at a castell called Male assyse there made purueyaunce for the defence of the Frenchmen And when he hadde garnyshed yt to hys pleasure he departed thens But not longe after the Frenche kynge came thyther wyth his hole hoste of Frenchmen and after many sore cruell assautys wan the sayde castell and bette yt downe euen wyth the grounde After whych season as sayth the sayd cronicle fell to the Frenche kynge many and dyuerse mysfortunes For shortely after amonge other myssechaunces a noble captayn of hys named Angueran de Chanmount the whyche had done myche harme in Normandye to kynge Henry and wonne there some castelles and other stronge holdes dyed sodeynly And in shorte tyme after Baldewyne erle of Flaūdres a man of great strēgth and puyssaunce as he beseaged a castell was wounded in the face and dyed wyth in .vi. dayes after Then Fauques erle of Aungeos in whom also this Lewys affyed mych and trusted maryed his doughter vnto willyam the eldest sonne of kynge Henry and refused the kynge of Fraunce parte and ayded and assysted kynge Henry in all that he myght so that dayly the power of kyng Henry encreased and the Frenche kynges mynyshed Lastely these two prynces met wyth theyr both hostes in playne feld and foughte a dedely and cruell batayll where in the ende the Frenche kynge was ouercomen and loste myche of his people and was cōpelled to flee vnto a place called Audely for his sauegarde But thys ouerthrowe of Frenchemen is excused in the moste fayrest maner so y t they excuse them selfe and saye that kynge Henry set vppon kynge Lewys when he was not ware but hys knyghtes all oute of aray order and also kyng Henry had farre excedynge nomber of men ouer that theyr kyng had with other wordes of boste of them selfe slaunder of Englyshemen the whyche as to me appereth is an augmentacyon of theyr owne shame But Ranulfe the munke sayth shortely that kyng Henry ouercame the Frenche kynge royally in batayll Then yt foloweth in y e story fynally these sayde prynces were agreed and wyllyam the sonne of kyng Henry dyd homage vnto y e French kyng for the landes of Normandye by the agrement of his fader For the kyng thought hym selfe to good to be vnder the obeysaūce of y e Frenche kyng Then kynge Henry caused hys free men of Englande and of Normandy to do homage vnto his sonne wyllyam And soone after Fouques before named lefte hys erledome of Angeer or Angiers in guydyng of kynge Henry and yode hym selfe into the holy lande and wylled in his testament that yf he retourned not agayne that the sayde erledome shulde remayne vnto his sonne
in lawe wyllyam son of kynge Henry whyche hadde maryed hys doughter About the .xx. yere of the reygne of kyng Henry quene Molde or Mawde hys wyfe dyed in Normandy the whyche in her youthe was set by her father kyng of Scottes into a nunry and there ware vsed the vayle and habyte of a nunne For the whiche cause when kynge Henry was agreable to take her vnto wyfe thys mater fell in great despucyon Anselme then archebyshop of Caunterbury was sore agayne that maryage a season of tyme. But at length yt was suffycyētly proued that she was there as a fygure a woman worynge that habyte wythoute professyon of order And this was thus ordered by her father to the ende to put by vnworthy wowers Thys of wryters was reputed for a blessyd and holy woman after the lyuynge of a worldly woman when kynge Henry had contynued in Normandy vppon the season and terme of .iii. yeres he toke shyppyng at Haterflete in Normandy and sayled happely into Englande the same day that is to meane y e .xxiiii. day of Nouember as sayth some wryters And shortly after willyā duke of Normandy wyth Rycharde his brother Notha the countesse of Persye Rycharde erle of Chester with his wyfe the kynges nyce and the archdekyn of Herforde and other to the nomber of a hundred .lx. persones toke shyppynge at the sayde porte were all drowned a bocher onely excepte whyche mysfortune fell by the ouersyght of the maister and other which fell at a dyssencyon in the nyghte amonge them selfe by reason wherof they ranne vppon a rocke as shewed the foresayde bocher From this daūger wyllyam duke of Normādy was escaped and was in the shyppe bote nere vnto the lande But when he harde the lamētable crye of the Coūtesse Notha he commaunded the rowers to returne and saue the sayd Countesse whych done by what mysfortune I can not saye after she was receyued into the bote were it by tempeste or ouer chargynge of the bote or otherwise they were all swalowid of the see so that none of them was after foūde but ꝑte of theyr goodes Of this duke wyllyā some desclaunderous wordes are lefte in memory both in the englyshe cronycle and also of other wryters the whyche I ouerpasse THE CCXXIX CHAPITER IN the .xxi. yere of hys reygne kynge Henry made y e parke of wodestoke be syde Oxenforde with other plesures to the same And Fouques erle of Angiers returned out of the holy land and maryed the syster of her that before he had maryed vnto wyllam duke of Normandye vnto the son of Robert Curthose and gaue wyth her the erledome of Conomanna And stryfe began to kyndell betwene kynge Henry the sayd Fouques for the wytholdyng of the dowre or ioynture of hys fyrste doughter maryed wnto wyllyam the kynges sonne In the .xxiii. yere of kynge Henry dyed Raufe archbyshoppe of Caunterbury and one named wyllyā was set in y e see after hym And the kynge in thys yere beganne the foundacyon of y e abbay of Redyng And Iohn̄ a cardynall of Rome was sente from Calyxte the seconde of that name thē beynge pope for certayne maters cōcernynge the pope In the tyme of whyche hys so beynge here the cardynall made sharpe processe agayne prestes that norysshed Crysten moyles and rebuked them by open publyshement and otherwyse so that he wan hym here but small lytle fauoure But this dyssymuled doctour toke so great feruence in the correccyon of the iudgement of prestes of Englande that he forgate the lore and coūsayll of his famous pope Caton whyche in the boke of his counsayll or of wysedome thus sayth Quae cuspare soses ea tu ne feceris ipse Turpe est doctori cum cuspa redarguit ipsum The whyche two verses maye be englyshed as foloweth Auyse y e well let reason be thy guyde when other folke thou arte aboute to blame That suche defaute in the be not espyed For yf there be then shalt thou haue the shame A mannes honoure suche thynges woll reclayme It ys full foule when that a man woll chese If that hys dede agayne hys wordes preche This coūsayll was not remembred of the sayd Cardynall For in the euenynge after he had lewdely blowen his horne and sayde it was a detestable synne to aryse from the syde of a strumpet sacre the body of Cryste he was taken wyth a strumpet to his open shame and rebuke In the .xxv. yere of kynge Henry was called a counsayll at London where the spyrytualty condescended that the kynges offycers shulde punyshe prestes that cheryshed the foresayde mulys But the sayd offycers toke money and sufferyd the prestes to spurre theyr mulys at theyr pleasure whyche offyce at this daye is so clerely renoūced of al spyritual men y t neyther kyng nor bishop taketh for yt any synes nor yet correccyon necessarye to be done for the same In the .xxvii. yere of his reygne as reporteth an olde Cronycle the gray freres by procuryng of y e kyng came fyrste into Englande and had theyr fyrst house buylded at Caunterbury And aboute this tyme by moste accorde of writers dyed Henry the .iiii. emperour of that name whyche as before is touched maryed Molde the doughter of kyng Henry After whose deth the sayde empresse came vnto her father into Normandye when kyng Henry was ascertaynted of the deth of Henry the emperour for so myche as he hadde none heyre male he caused soone after the more party of hys lordes of England as well spirytuall as temporall to swere in his presence that they shuld kepe y e land of Englande to the vse of Mawde y e empresse yf he dyed wythoute yssue male and she then suruyued In the .xxviii. yere of kyng Henry Geffrey Plātagenet erle of Angeou maryed Molde the empresse Of the whyche two descended Henry the second that after Stephan was kyng of Englande In this yere also the kynge had dyuers monycyons and vysyons For amonge other ferefull dremys he saw a great company of clerkys with dyuerse wepons whyche manassed hym for dette that he shuld owe vnto them And when they were passed he thought y t he was manassed to deth of his own knyghtes And lastely apperyd to hym a great company of byshoppes whych thretened hym and wolde haue smytten hym wyth theyr crosses By this monicyon he toke remorce in his conscyence and dyd great dedes of charyte in Normandye where he hadde sene these visyons And after his cōmyng then into Englande in satysfaccyon of wronges done to the chyrche as affermeth Guydo he then founded the abbay of Redynge before spoken of And ouer that he releasyd vnto Englyshe men the Dane gelt that was by his father his brother renewed In the .xxx. yere of this kyng Henry dyed the erle of Flaundres and kynge Henry as sayth Ranulfe was by agrement of Lewys the Frenche kyng made erle as next heyr enherytour to the sayde erledome But it is not there expressed by
what maner of tytle or successyon In the .xxxii. yere of the kyng dyed Robert Curthose the kynges broder the whyche he hadde kept as prysoner in the castell of Cardyfe from the iiii yere of his reygn or there about whose corps as before is shewed was buryed at Glouceter before the hyghe alter And aboute this tyme was founded the pryorye of Norton in the prouynce of Chester by one wyllyam the sonne of Nychelle And the abbay of Combremer in the same prouynce was also founded aboute the same tyme. In the .xxxv. yere of kynge Henry was borne of Molde the empresse Henry shorte mantell or Henry the seconde The whyche as after shall be shewed was consentynge to the martyrdome of saynt Thomas of Caunterburye Kynge Henry beyng in Normandy after some writers fell from or wyth hys horse whereof he cought hys deth But Ranulphe sayth he toke a surfet by etynge of a lamprey ther of dyet when he hadde reygned full xxxv yeres and odde monethes Then y e kynges bowellys were drawen out of hys body and then salted wyth myche salte And for to auoyde the stenche whych hadde infected many men the body was lastely closed in a bulles skynne and yet yt was not all stynted He that clensed the hed dyed of the stenche of the brayn Then lastely the body was brought into England buryed in the abbay of Redynge that he had before founded Then y e fame of hym was blowen abrode as yt is blowen of other prynces and sayde y t he passed other men in .iii. thynges In wytte in eloquence and fortune of batayll And other sayde he was ouercomen wyth iii. vyces wyth couetyse wyth cruelty and wyth luste of lechery One other made these verys of hym as folowen Kynge Henry is dede bewte of the world for whom great dole Goddes now maken for theyr kynde brother For he is sole Mercurius in speche Marce in batayll harte stronge Appollo Iupiter in hest egall with Saturne and enymye to Cupido Kyng he was of right man of most myght and glorious in raynyng And when he left his crowne thē fell honour downe for mysse of suche a kynge Normandy than gan lowre for losse of theyr floure sange wel away Englande made mone Scotlande dyd grone for to se that daye Francia THE CCXXX CHAPITER LEwys the sonne of the fyrste Phylyp beganne hys reygne ouer the Frenchemen in the yere of our lorde .xi. hundred .vii. to reken his begynnynge from the deth of his father and the .vi. yere of the fyrste Henry then kyng of England This Lewys as before is touched was admytted to the rule of the land certayn yeres or hys father dyed and was surnamed Lewes the great for grossenesse of his body Anon as this Lewys had fynyshed the obsequy of the funerallys of hys father he wythoute taryenge called a counsayll of hys lordes spyrytuall and temporall at the cytye of Orleaunce where of the byshoppe of the same see wyth other adioynynge he was solemnly anoynted crowned But not wythout grudge of the archbyshoppe of Raynes for so mych as of custome the Frenche kynges vsed there to be crowned Soone after the coronacyon of Lewys Guy le Rous and Guy de Cressy his sonne whych before tyme hadde ben at debate and warre with Lewys and Lewys had from them taken y e castel of Gurnaye this Guy le Rous wyth hys sonne seynge they might not preuayle agayn the kyng awayted theyr tyme and season and espyed when Endo hys owne broder and erle of Corbueyll went forth on huntynge and toke hym as a prysoner kept hym in the castell of Bawdum whereof the cause was for so myche as the sayde Endo wolde not assyste nor ayde y e sayd Guyle Rous his brother agayne the kynge when thys was knowen anon the frendes and tenauntes of the sayde erle shewyd this mater vnto the kynge besechynge hym that he wolde ayde and assyste theym to recouer theyr naturall lorde wherunto the kynge gran̄ted and forth wyth sent a knyght or captayn of his named Auncelyne accompanyed with .xl. horsmen before for so myche as yt was shewyd vnto the kyng y t such as had y e rule of the castell wolde receyue suche persones as were sent from hym and delyuer the castell wyth the prysoner vnto them Uppon whyche appoyntemēt thys Ancelyne as before is sayd was sent to entre this castell But all contrary to the former ꝓmise made this Auncelyne was betrayed and taken and many of his men slayne hym selfe set in prison where the sayd erle of Corbuayll was wherof when the kynge was enfourmed he was passynge greuously dyscontent wherfore in all haste he sped him thyther compassed y e castell wyth a stronge syege and those that were wythin defended them manfully In the tyme of the whyche syege nother Guy the fader nor Guy hys sonne were with in the sayde castell of Baudum But Guy y e son as a lusty and iuperdous knyght put hym self in aduenture dyuers wayes and tymes to haue entred the sayde castell for comfort of his men but all was in vayn Fynally the kynge made so sore and cruell assautes that he wan the fyrst warde wyth great dyffycultye and after the hole and delyueryd the erle and Auncelyn his stewarde y e which were in great doute of theyr lyues And such as he toke prysoners of the soldyours some he put to deth and some he prisoned to theyr lyues ende to the terrour and fere of other In processe of tyme after at a place called the Roche of Guy whych one Guy of olde tyme had buylded dwel lyd at this daye one of that stocke named also Guy the whyche hadde to wyfe a fayre and good woman the doughter of one wyllyā a Norman whyche wyllyam entendynge to dysheryte the sayde Guy and to be lord of that stronge place vppon a tyme when the sayde Guy was in y e chyrch or chapell to here his dyuyne seruyce entred the chyrche wyth a certayn of harnessed knightes vnder theyr man tellys and fell vppon hym and all to hewe hym wherof herynge the wyfe ranne as a madde woman and fell vppon her husbande to the entēt to saue hym from the strokes But the tyrauntes were so cruell y t they forbare nothynge of theyr cruel tye but wounded her wyth her husbande so that both were slayne and that done entred the castell and slew all suche as they found therin when this willyam fader to y e wife of Guy or broder to her as affermeth maister Robert Gagwyne was possessed of y e castell of Guyon he thought therby to rule all the countrey enuyron But the gentylles and commons he rynge of thys shamefull murder assembled thē to gither of one mynde whyle some of them yode to the kyng to enfurme hym of that cruell dede the other prepared abyllementes of warre and layde syege to the sayde castell The kynge Lewys herynge of this shamfull dede and the wynnynge of so stronge
an holde ferynge the rescue of Englishmen and Normans leste that castell by that meane myghte fall in theyr handes sent his commyssyon vnto the rulers of that countrey chargynge theym wyth all dylygence to assaute that place And yf they myght wynne yt to put the executours of that murder vnto moste shamefull deth whyche commaundement receyued from the kynge stronge assaute cruell was made manfully yt was defended But the losse ran to theym of the castell so that in processe of tyme when this willyam conceyued well that he myght not contynue the defence therof he began to treate agreed that yf he myghte haue free yssue for hym and hys assuraunce that he wyth his knyghtes myght go quyetly vnto a place that he wold chose he wold then delyuer the castell wyth all that was therin The whyche requeste of dyuerse of the hedde captaynes was graunted and sworne But so soone as the castell was delyuered and the Frenchemen entred the multytude not wythstandynge the former promyse and othe fell vppon the sayde wyllyam and his soudyours them put vnto deth by many cruell tormētes fynally caste all theyr careyns into the ryuer of Sayne vppon the brynke wherof the sayde roche and castell was standynge And shortely after this ensued the warre betwene this Lewys kynge Henry of Englande as yt is before shewyd in y e .x. yere of y e sayde Henry And after the warre ended betwene these two prynces Hugh Puyssake a man of great myght at those dayes in Fraunce rebelled agayne y e kyng and warred greuously vppon or agayn the countesse of Chartres and robbed and pylled the chyrches of y e countrey as well as other places so that the sayd coūtesse with her yonge sonne Thybaude were fayne to seke socoure of the kynge wherfore the kynge called a counsayll at hys citye of Meleyne where agayne the sayd Hugh many greuous complayntes were put But for so myche as y e sayd Hugh at that tyme was not present to make answere vnto such thynges as then was layde to his charge the kynge commaunded that the castell of Terry or of Thoree in all haste shulde be manned vytayled to the ende that by the comforte strength of that castell the kynge yf nede requyred myght lay syege to the castell of Puyssake for so mych as that one was nere adioynynge vnto y e other In whych passe tyme the sayd Hugh was somoned to appere before the kynge and his counsayll but he refused to appere when the kynge was enfourmed of the garnyshyng of y e castell of Thorre and of the disobedyence of Hugh he assembled a stronge hoste and cōpassed the castell of Puyssake with a syege and set Thybaude son of the countesse vppon that syde that stode towarde the prouynce of Chartres so that stronge assautes and cruell warre was made on euery parte what shulde I make longe processe to tell of the ferefull shot of the gonnys vppon bothe partyes or of the sharpe shot of Arowes the castynge of stonys or scalynge of the wallys or fyllynge of the dyches the fyryng of the gates or yet the mortall and cruell fyght on bothe partes nor of y e manyfold dede bodyes maymed by reason of y e sayd assautes or yet y e manasses or mockes or great bosus or crakes vsed of the souldyours durynge this syege But fynally after the kynge hadde lyen before the sayd castell a certayne of tyme he wanne yt by pure force and toke the sayde Hughe wyth hys accessaryes The whyche he commaunded to be kepte as prysoners in the castell of Thorre for a season Then the kynge caste downe the sayde castell of Puyssake to the grounde excepte a lytle towre made of tymber the whyche he reseruyd for a lodgynge And that done some of the forsayd prysoners he put to deth and some he dysherityd after the grefe of theyr offence And so this foresayd countesse of Charters with her sonne Thybaude was in quyete of theyr countrey and castell of Puyssake belongynge to the sayde erledome But howe yt was in processe of tyme folowynge thys Thybaude entended to haue reedyfyed there a newe castell wherby as the kinge was enformed he wold haue encroched thynges appertaynynge to the crowne of Fraunce wherfore the kynge wythstode yt For this a grudge fell betwene the kynge and erle Thybaude so that in processe dedely warre was made betwen thē The whyche contynued in such wise to theyr both damages that fynally the warre was agayne reuyued betwene kynge Lewys and kynge Henry as in the .xvii. yere of the reygne of the sayde Henry is declared by meane of thys warre betwene the kynge and this erle Thybaude wherof the cyrcumstaunce wold axe a longe leysure to reherse as yt is shewyd in the frenche storye But fynally this erle Thybaude loste none honour all be yt that the frenche cronycle wonderfully fauoreth y e party of the Frenche kynge that the reader maye well apperceyue Quis pin xit leonem THE CCXXXI CHAPITER THis Lewys also hadde great warre wyth Henry the fourth of that name emperour the whyche maryed Molde the doughter of Henry the fyrste kynge of England as before is shewed whefore the occasyon was as sayth the Frenche cronycle for so myche as the sayd Henry the emperour hadde before tyme ben accursed of Gelasius the seconde of that name then pope at Raynes a citye in Fraunce For the whych cause as there is surmytted the sayde emperoure assembled an huge hoste of Almaynes and Italyens and entred the lande of Fraunce and dyd therin myche harme But in the ende when he knew of the great prouisyon y e Lewis made to mete him of his great power he then as affermeth y e frēch cronycle wythdrewe hym and so auoyded the lande of Fraūce wythout stroke strykyng But of this speketh nothyng the authour that wrote the story of this Henry the emperour After this the erle of Flaundres named Charlys the systers sonne of kynge Lewys nexte duke after Baldewyn whych dyed as before is sayd in the thyrde chapyter of the story of kyng Henry of a woūde in his face this foresayd Charlys was sore hated of the prouoste of Brudgys The whyche to bryng his malyce to some effecte counsayled wyth hys adherentes how he myght slee the sayde Charlys By whose coūsayle a meane was founde to brynge the erle to Brudgys a towne of Flaundres for the we le of the sayde towne After whose commynge vppon a daye he beynge in a chyrche and herynge his dyuyne seruyce was slayne of y e sayd prouoste and his complycys wherof herynge kynge Lewys anon wyth a great army entred Flaundres and besyeged the town of Brudges and lastely toke the sayde prouoste The whyche fyrst was bounden to a post then his eyen wyth a reede stryken out of hys hed And then shot wyth arowes lastely set vppon a whele where he remayned tyl he dyed And a felowe of hys named Bartopus y e
whyche was consentyng to the same murder was hanged vppon a galos by the waste and armys and by hym amastyfe or great curre dogge the whyche as soon euer he was smytten bote vppon the sayde Bartopus so that in processe he all to rent hym dyd to hym so great payne that lastely he endyd his lyfe in great mysery In the time of y e reygn of this Lewys the bishop of Clermōde was voyded his see by the cruelnes of the erle of Auerne wherfore the kyng assembled his knyghtes and by strength set the byshoppe in hys place agayne maugry his enymyes And agayne the second tyme when he was eft put out by the sayde erle the kynge restoryd hym and toke suche pledges of the erle that he remayned after in good quyet In y e later dayes of this Lewys his eldest sonne named Phylyppe wyth a conuenyent company vppon a daye for his dysporte rode about certayne stretys of the cytye of Parys and as he rode an hogge sodeynly starte amonge the horse fete of the chylde wherwyth the horse beynge frayde lepte sodeynly and cast the chylde to the grounde wyth so great vyolence that he dyed y e nyght folowynge For this myssehappe the kynge toke great heuynesse so that he waxed dayly more feble And for he was vnweldly by reason of ouer ladynge of fleshe and myghte not well trauayll he therfore by the aduyce of hys lordes admytted hys seconde sonne named Lewys to the rule of the realme and hym he crowned by his lyfe tyme and also maryed hym vnto Elynoure the doughter of the duke of Guyan by whych he was inherytoure vnto her father And shortely after the kynge sykened and to hys great payne in an horse lytter was brought vnto saynt Denys where he lyenge a season syke and knew that the owre of deth was nere commaunded suche as were aboute hym that they shulde spredde a tapytte vppon the ground and then laye hym vppon the sayde tappette and vppon hym to be made a crosse of asshes whyche all was done accordynge to his commaundement And there he so laye tyll he dyed in the yere of hys reygne to reken from the deth of his father to his owne endynge daye .xxx. yeres so that he reygned .xxix yeres full and odde monethes and was buryed in the monastery of saynte Denys with great pompe wyth thys scrypture folowynge vppon his tombe Illustris genitor Lodouict rex Lodouicus Vir clemens Christi seruorum semper amicus Institui fecit pastorem canonicorum In sella veteri trans flumen Parisiorum Hane vir magnanimus asmi victoris amore Auro reliquijs ornauit rebus honore Sancti Dionysi qui seruas corpus humatum Martyr antisles Lodouici solue reatum whyche versys may be expowned in our vulgar as foloweth The noble father of Lewys Lewys the kynge To Crystes seruauntes ryght meke and louynge Caused to be made of chanons an howse In a selle of Paris where the streme flowes whyche this man myghty for loue of saynte Victor wyth golde an relyquys enorued with great honor wherfore saynte Denys whyche kepest hys body graued Martyr and bishoppe pray that his soule be saued Angsia THE CCXXXII CHAPITER STephan erle of Boloyn and son of the erle of Blesence and of the wyues syster of Henry the fyrst named Mary beganne his reygne ouer the realme of Englande in the yere of our lord .xi. C.xxxvi the first yere of Lewes y e .viii. of y t name then kyng of Fraunce This was a noble man and hardy But contrarye hys othe after the affyrmaunce of some wryters that he made to Molde the empresse he toke vpon hym y e crowne and was crowned vppon saynte Stephans daye in the Crystemasse weke at westmynster of the archbisshoppe of Caunterbury the whyche in lykewyse had made lyke othe vnto the sayde empresse in presence of her fader as before is touched In punyshment wherof as men denied the sayde archbyshoppe dyed shortly after And many other lordes whyche dyd accordyng lyke went not quyte wythout punyshement A great causer of this periurye as rehersyth one authour was this one Hugh Bygot stewarde somtyme wyth Henry the fyrste immedyatly after the deceace of the sayde Henry came vnto England and before the sayde archbysshop and other lordes of the lande toke wyllfully an othe sware that he was present a lytle before the kynges deth when kynge Henry admytted chase for hys heyre to be kynge after hym Stephan hys neuewe for so myche as Molde his doughter had dyscontented hym wher vnto the archbyshoppe wyth the other lordes gaue to hasty credence But this Hugh scaped not vnpunyshed for he dyed myserably in a shorte tyme after when kyng Stephan was crowned he sware before the lordes at Oxynforde that he wolde not holde in hys hand the benefyces that voyded and that he wold forgyue the Dane gelt as kyng Henry before hym had done wyth other thynges whyche I passe ouer And for this Stephan drad the cōmynge of the empresse he therfore gaue lycence vnto his lordes y t euery of them myght buylde a castell or strong fortres vpon his own groūd And soone after he agreed wyth Dauyd kynge of Scottes receyued of hym homage after he had from hym wonne some townes and holdes The towne of Exetoure rebellyd agayne the kynge in the seconde yere of hys reygne But he in the ende he subdued theym And wyllyam archbyshoppe of Caunterburye dyed the same yere whose benefyce was after gyuen to Thibaude abbot of Becco in Normandye About the fourth yere of his reygne Dauyd kynge of Scottys repentynge hym of hys former agrement made wyth the kynge entred of newe the boundes of Northumberlande aboute the ryuer of Theyse towarde the prouynce of yorke and brent and slewe the people in moste cruell wyse not sparynge man woman nor chylde Agayne whome Thurstone by the kynges cōmaundement was sent The whych wyth his power quytte hym so knyghtly that he ouer threwe the hoste of Scottes and slewe of theym a great nomber and compellyd theym to wythdrawe agayne into Scotlande In the which passetyme y e kyng layde syege to the castell of Bedforde and wanne yt And that done he then made a vyage into Scotlande where he dyd lytle to hys pleasure or profyte Then in his retourne homewarde he toke Alexaunder byshoppe of Lyncolne and helde hym in duresse tyll he hadde yelded or gyuen vnto hym the castell of Newerke And then he chased Nygellus byshop of Ely Also in thys furye he toke suche displeasure with his louynge frende Roger byshop of Salysburye that he caste hym in bondes tyll the sayde Roger hadde rendred vnto hym the two castellys of Uyes and Shyrburne For the whyche thys Roger in remembrynge the great ingratytude of the kynge toke such thought that he dyed shortely after and left in redy coyne .xl. thousande marke whyche after hys deth came to the kynges cofers One cronycle sayth that kynge Stephan obteyned these foresayde castellys
to the entent he myght fortyfye theym wyth his knyghtes to wythstande the empresse whose cūmynge he euer fered And y e yere folowynge he wāne wyth strength the castellys of Glowceter of Herford of webley of Brystowe of Dudley of Shrewesburye for the whyche cause Robert erle of Glouceter began to wythdrawe hys allegeaunce from kynge Stephan This Robert was the son of Henry the fyrst by reason of baste and for thys dyspleasure sent letters vnto Molde the empresse hys syster promysynge to her great ayde to wynne her ryght In the meane whyle that the empresse made prouysyon for her iourney kynge Stephan concluded a maryage betwene Eustace his sonne and Constaunce the kynges syster of Fraunce doughter of Lewys the great the whyche contynued the amyte betwene England and Fraūce Then in the moneth of Iuly and vi yere of Stephan Molde the empresse as testyfyeth Henry the chanon in hys .ix. boke entred this land by the porte of Portesmouthe and so kepte on her iourney tyll she came to Brystowe and dyd great harme by the meane of her passage through the countrey In whyche tyme of her sayde landynge kyng Stephan laye at the syege of walyngforde castell But as soone as he harde of the landynge of the empresse he anon sente oute commyssyons for more strength and so drewe towarde hys enymyes But in this tyme and season Robert erle of Glowceter and Ranulfe erle of Chester wente vnto the empresse wyth all the power that they might make The empresse herynge the great power commynge wyth the kynge drewe to the cytye of Nycoll now called Lyncolne and there helde her a longe season for all that the kyng myght do But lastely the empresse wyth her people escaped and the kynge was possessyd of the cytye and there bode tyll Candelmas After whyche season erle Robert and Ranulfe before named with a great power of walshmen y e power of the empresse came agayn the kynge where as when bothe hostes were nere ioynyng the erle Ranulfe of Chester spake to his knightes and sayd I requyre you that I that am cause of your parell may be the fyrst that shall entre into the parell Then answered erle Robert and sayd yt is not vnworthy to the y t axeste the fyrst stroke and dignyte of this fyght For to the yt is syttynge for noblesse of blood and vertue of strength in the whyche thou passest other men But the kinges false othe moueth men to warre and to fyght where we muste now wynne the mastry or be ouercomē And he y t hath none other socour is cōstrayned to defende hym by knyghtly and stronge dedes of armes of manhode And so shall we now agayne theym that by entryked wyth gyle wyckednesse as Robert erle of Mellent the erle also of Albemarll and Symon of Hampton the which is a man of great boste and of small myght Then kyng Stephan prepayred to set forwarde hys people and erle Baudewyne had wordes of comfort to the kynges peple sayde Men y t shall fyghte to theym is behouefull thre thynges The fyrst is ryght of y e cause leste men fal in parell of soule The second is quantyte of men of armys leste men be oppreste wyth excedynge nomber And the thyrde is the effecte corage of strēgth of knightes y t the quarel shuld not fayle for lacke of hardy and assured fyghtynge As touchynge whyche thre poyntes I truste we be well sped But ye take hede farthermore what enymyes we haue fyrste we haue agayne vs Robert erle of Glouceter whyche vseth great manasses and executeth lytle or small dedys In mouth he is a lyon but in harte he is a shepe He is pompous in speche and darke in vnderstandyng There is also Ranulfe erle of Chester a man wythout reason and full of folehardynesse redy and preste to all conspyracy and vnstedfastnesse of maner and dedes hasty and furyouse of hart and vnware of parellys He assayeth oft to acheue great dedes but he bryngeth none to effecte And what he fyrsly and fresshely begynneth he cowardely and fayntly forsaketh as vnhappy and vngracyous in all his dedys and is ouercomen in euery place For he holdeth wyth hym banyshed men scullers And the mo of them that be in a company the soner they be ouercomē and weke they be in fyghtyng for eyther of theym putteth truste in his felowe whyle hym selfe is ouerthrowen But or he myght haue finyshed his wordes to moste mennys audyence the crye of the enymyes wyth noyse of trumpettes and gruntyng of horsys approched and smote to gyther and forth go the arowes and gresely cruell fyghte was contynued vppon bothe sydes for the whyle y t yt enduryd where through the grene feld was turned into a perfyte redde so that many a pale wan vysage was there sene yeldynge the gooste wyth armys and legges disseueryd and departed A longe whyle thys fyghte stode in questyon whyther partye shulde obteyne vyctorye But in the ende kynge Stephans partye gaue backe and fledde and he full knyghtly abode on felde wyth a fewe of his knyghtes and was taken and so was brought vnto the empresse the whyche commaunded hym to be conueyed vnder sure kepyng vnto Brystowe where he was kepte as a prysoner from the sayde tyme of Candelmasse vnto holy Roode daye next ensuynge Aboute this tyme was founded the Abbay of Stratforth Langthorne wythin .iiii. myles of London by a knyght called syr wyllyam de Moūtfychet THE CCXXXIII CHAPITER WHen the empresse hadde wonne this vyctorye and had commytted the kyng to warde as before ye haue harde she was not therwith a lytle exalted but thoughte in her mynde that she was in a suerty of the possessyon of the hole realme But she was disceyued for Kent toke partye wyth kynge Stephan But yet after this victory thus obteyned the empresse came vnto wynchester and after to wyltone to Oxenforde to Redynge and to saynte Albonys into the whyche cytyes and townes she was receyued wyth all honoure And fynally she came to London for to entre the state of the lande At her whyche there beynge the quene made assyduat laboure for the delyuerye of the kynge her husbande promysynge that he shulde surrender the lande into her possessyon and he to be come a religyous man other ellys a pylgryme to hys lyues ende But all was in vayne for she myght purchace no grace as then vppon no maner of condycyons The cytezens of London also made great laboure that they myghte vse the lawys of Edwarde the confessoure as they were graunted by wyllyam Conqueroure and not the lawys of her father whyche were of more straytnesse wherof in no wyse they of her coūsayll myght haue any graunte For this the cytezens were dyscontentyd and knowynge that the countrey of Kent wolde strength theyr partye ordeyned to haue taken her But she beynge therof warned departed in haste and lefte behynde her hyr store of housholde and so fledde vnto Oxynforde where she
abode her people the whyche was deuyded and scateryd And in thys whyle she sente vnto Dauyd kynge of Scottes and her vncle for to ayde her the whyche in all haste came vnto her and so yode to wynchester where she layde syege to the byshoppes towre the whyche the kynges brother at that tyme helde wyth strength Then the quene wyth ayde of her frendes of Kentyshemen and other made a stronge hoste wherof was capytayne a knyght named Guyllyam de Pre. whē the empresse harde of y e great strength of the quene and saw that her owne mynyshed rather then encreasyd she fled secretely and escaped vnto Glouceter And erle Robert her brother was taken soone after and put in pryson Then Dauyd kynge of Scottes herynge of thys returned into Scotland Then meanes was made vpon eyther syde for deliuery and exchaunge of the prysoners so that fynally yt was agreed that the kynge shulde be delyueryd for erle Robert But or thys agrement were concluded myche sorowe was wroughte wythin thys realme For the empresse pylled and spoyled on hyr partye and the quene by promyses and manaces borowed toke vppō y e other syde the soudyours stale and extorcyoned vpō both partyes so that riche men were made nedy and the poore were oppressed In thys meane whyle the empresse retourned agayne to Oxynforde vytayled and manned yt in her beste maner Then lastely the kyng was delyuered vpon holy Roode day in haruest and soon after he becleped Oxynford wyth a stronge syege from the tyme of Mychelmasse vnto the season of Crystemas at whyche tyme and season the empresse vsed a new gyle for constraynte and necessyte of vytayle In that tyme was great plente of snow fallen vppon the grounde and the frost was therwyth so great that Thamys wyth other great ryuers were then frosen ouer so that man horse myghte passe y e water vppō the yse The empresse then constrayned of nede as before is sayd apparayled her and her companye in whyte clothynge whych a farre of apered lyke the snow and so vpon a plumpe goyng to gyther as nere as they myght escaped the daunger of theyr fone so came to walyngforde And thens in processe of tyme she wyth a small companye departed and retourned fynally into Normandye vnto her husbande So soon as the empresse was thus departed from Oxenforde the town was yelden vnto y e kynge where the kyng had mich of the empresse stu●●e as wel harnes as other stuffe of housholde Thē he entendyd to haue pursued her But tydyngꝰ were brought vnto hym y t Ranulfe erle of Chester wyth an hoste of walshmen was commyng towarde hym But by medyacyon of frendes thys Ranulfe in the ende to the kynge was reconcyled and was wyth hym agreed About this tyme and season as yt is testyfyed of dyuerse authours the Iewes vpon Ester euyn crucyfyed a chylde named wyllyam in the cytye of Norwyche And in the tyme of Henry the second about y e .vi. yere of his reygn as sayth Policronicon they crucified an other at Glouceter In the .xxii. yere of his reygn kyng Stephan was agayne crowned at Lyncolne And soon after he toke frō Ranulphe erle of Chester the castell of Lyncolne Robert erle of Glouceter made also newe warre vppon the kynge had the better of the kynge at wyltone so that the kynge was lyke to haue fallen in Robertys daūger But yet the kynge escaped wyth myche payne And there was taken a baron of the kynges named syr willyam Martel for whose delyuery the kynge gaue after to the sayde erle the castell of Shyrbourne And that done y t sayd erle Robert began to foūde a stronge castell at Faryngdone wherof the kynge beynge enfourmed assembled his knyghtes and sped hym thytherwarde by meane wherof the worke was for that tyme empeached let In the .xv. yere of the reygne of kynge Stephan the ryuer of Thamys was so strongely ouerfrosen that horse and carte passed ouer vppon the yse In the .xvi. yere Ranulphe erle of Chester dyed that was surnamed Gercyous and was the .iiii. erle after the conqueste and his sonne Hughe was erle after hym which was a mā of great strength and vertue And in the same yere as wytnessyth Guydo and other dyed Geffrey Plantagenet husband of Molde the empresse After whose deth Henry short mantell that was the son of the sayde Geffrey and Molde was made duke of Angeous Normandye The which in few yeres after maryed Elyanour the doughter of the erle of Poytow the whych Elyanour was before maryed vnto Lewys kynge of Fraūce and from hym deuorced for nerenes of blood when he hadde receyued of her .ii. doughters named Mary and Alys as wytnessyth the frenche cronycle And so this Henry was erle of Angeous by his fader duke of Normandy by his mother erle of Poytowse by his wyfe It was not longe after that Eustace the sonne of kynge Stephan wyth ayde of the Frenche kyng warred vppon Henry duke of Normandye the whyche after some wryters was ymagyned by Stephan his father to the entent to let or stop hym y t he shuld not come into England to clayme his enherytaunce But duke Henry defended hym so knyghtly y t the sayde Eustace wanne therby lytle honour or profyte An old cronycle sheweth that kyng Stephan entended to haue crowned the sayde Eustace his sonne kyng of Englande by his dayes but the bysshoppes of Englande refused y e dede by cōmaundement of the pope In the .xxvii. yere the kynge layd syege vnto the castelles of Newebery of walyngforde and of warwyke or warwell the whyche hadde ben kepte by the empresse frendes from the tyme of her departyng vnto that daye and hoped of rescous by Henry duke of Normandy But y e kynge then wan the castellys of Newebery and of warwell and walyngforde defended the holders tyl the cōmyng of Henry the duke The whyche in the ende of y e sayde yere wyth a great armye entred Englande and fyrste wanne the castell of Malmysburye And thens he yode to London and wanne the towre as myche by Polycy and by fayre ꝓmyse as by strēgth And suche stuffe of vytayle and armoure as he fande therin he sent to walyngforde And that done he wēt to the towne of walyngforde wan such holdes as were there about Then kyng Stepan wyth his power drewe towarde the duke and fynally by meane of medyatours as Thybaude archbyshoppe of Caūterbury and other both prynces to comon of peace met nere vnto y e water of Uryn or Urn. But as fast as some laboured to haue peace so fast other laboured to haue warre so that at that communacacyon the peace was not concluded After the kynge and the duke were departed the kynge yode towarde Epyswyche in Suff. And the duke toke the way to Srewesbury where he wan the castell of the sayde town From thens the duke wente to Nothyngham and wan the towne wherfore the soldyours that helde the castell seynge that the
towne toke ꝑtye wyth the duke brake out vppon the nyght and fyred the town and brent a great parte therof In this while dyed and was drowned Eustace the sonne of kynge Stephan and was buried at Feuersham in Kent in the abbay that his father before had buylded Thybaude archbyshop of Caunterbury left not to labour conclude y e peace betwene y e kyng the duke endeuored hym selfe therin so dylygently wyth the assystence of other that in the yere folowynge the peace was cōcluded vppon dyurese condycyons wherof one was that y e kyng shulde contynue as kynge durynge his lyfe and immedyatly after y e conclusion of this peace the sayd Henry shuld be proclaymed in all the chefe cytyes and townes of Englande for heyr apparant be kynge after the deth of the sayde Stephan and that the kynge shulde take hym for hys son of adopcyon and ryghtefull heyr vnto the crowne To the whyche couenaūtes iustly to be holden y e kyng was fyrste sworne and after his lordes spyrytuall and temporall and so yode bothe to London where they were royally receyued And when y e kyng had fested the duke and gyuen to hym ryche gyftes he toke leue of the kynge and so returned into Normandye as affyrmeth the sayde authour the Floure of historyes Howe be yt the cronycle of England sayth that the accorde was made vpon dyuysyon of the lande betwene theym that is to meane that both shuld reygne to gyther and eyther of them to enioye halfe the lande But how that dyuysyon was made or whych parte of the lande eueryche of them shulde hold no mēcion therof is made And the former accorde shuld be as abue is sayde concluded .viii. days folowynge the Epyphanye of our lorde in the towne of Oxenford And y e kyng dyed in the moneth of October folowyng when he had reygned .xviii. yeres full and odde monethes and was enterred in theforsayde abbay of Feuyrsham Of dyuers authours as Ranulfe and other yt is recorded that thys Stephan lyued in great vexacyon and trouble all the terme of hys reygne It is sayde also that thys Stephan maryed Molde or Mawde the doughter of Mary the whyche was the doughter of Henry the fyrst and countesse of Boloyne by whome he claymed the tytle to be crowned as by the yonger doughter of Henry the fyrst and Henry shorte mantell claymed by the elder But after most certenty of wryters this Stephan was sonne of Eustace erle of Boloyne and of Mary syster vnto Molde that was maryed vnto Henry the fyrste whych Molde and Mary were doughters of Margarete wife of Malcolyn kyng of Scottes whyche Margaret was syster to Edgare Ethelynge and doughter of Edwarde the outlawe that was the sonne of Edmunde Ironsyde Then the eldest syster Molde bare Molde the empresse by Henry the fyrste And Molde y e empresse doughter of Henry the fyrst hadde by her second husbande Geffrey Plantagenet Henry the seconde And so by Henry shorte mantell or Henry the seconde returneth the bloode of the Saxons to the crowne of Englande and so it dyd by Stephan but moste conuenyently by Henry the fyrst as by the dyssent of his mother By whych reason yt foloweth that the blood of willyam conquerour continued but .lxx. yeres yf it be accompted from y e fyrst yere of wyllyam Conquerour vnto the laste yere of Henry the fyrste Thys kynge Stephan at the request of Molde hys wyfe buylded in the yere of grace .xi. hundred .xl y e abbey of Coggeshale in Essex and set therin whyte mūkes Also about the same tyme he founded the abbay of Feuersham in Kent where he nowe corporally resteth And the thyrde he founded in Furneys in Lancashyre and all he garnyshed wyth munkys of Cysteaux order dyed as before is sayde wythout yssue of his body Francia THE CCXXXIIII CHAPITER LEwys the .viii. of that name son of Lewys y e great began his reygn ouer the Frenche men in y e yere of our lord .xi. hundred .xxxvi y e fyrst yere of Stephan then kyng of Englande This also is called the yonger Lewys in whose begynnynge Iohannes de tēporibus dyed Thys Iohn̄ was somtyme a squyer in the house of Charlys the conquerour the whyche lyued ouer .iii. hundred yeres for whyche cause he was named Iohn̄ of tyme as he y t myght remēber thinges done of longe tyme passed This Lewys at y e tyme of his fathers deth was in the countrey of Guyan for to receyue the dower of his wyfe Elyanour as before in the storye and seconde chapyter of kyng Stephan is touched But when he harde of y e deth of his father he sped hym into Fraūce where after the necessaryes for the weale of his realme ordeyned he maryed his wyues syster named Alys vnto Arnolde erle of Uermendoze After whyche maryage solempnysed tydynges were broughte vnto hym that the crysten people beynge in the holy lande as warryours vppon the Turkes and Sarasyns were dystressed and ouerthrowen and dyuerse stronge holdes from them taken and wonne wherfore by the exhortacyon of that holy mūke Bernarde whych at this day is called saynt Bernard y e sayd Lewys wyth also Conradus the .iii. of that name then emperour of Almayne wyth Alphon then kynge of Spayne wyth dyuerse other nobles of Fraunce other prouynces toke vpon them the crosse and prouyded for the expedycyon of that iourney in the .iiii. yere of hys reygne after some wryters But of the takyng of hys iourney dyuers writers holde diuers oppinyons so that the doute resteth betwene the yere of our lord .xi. hundred .xl and the yere of .xi. hundred and .l. when all thynges were redy for that iourney the kynge the quene wyth the floure of the chyualry of Fraūce set forthwarde vppon that iourney and came in processe of tyme vnto Constantyn the noble where he met wyth Conradus the emperour and Alphons kynge of Spayne whom the prynce Emanuell then emperour of Constantyne the noble receyued ioyusly and made to theym by his outwarde contenaunce louynge and frendely chere and promised vnto theym ayde in that iourney bothe of vitayll and also for guydes for the nexte and surest waye But he contrary to his promyse dyd dysapoynte theym and nothynge ayded theym For he delyueryd vnto theym meale myngeled wyth lyme wherof grewe myche harme to the crysten hoste after And also he assygned vnto them suche guydes as brought them into places and coūtreys of sterylyte and other daunger so that hastely the Frenche kyng wyth great dyffyculte and losse of his men came vnto the citye of Danas and becleped yt with a stronge syege the whych he assauted and enpayred very sore and was lykely to haue wonne yt yf he had assauted y e place styll where he began But by counsayll of some false crysten men the whyche as wytnesseth Peter Dysroye and other had taken mede of the Turkes the kynge by theyr counsayll remoued the ordynaunce from the weker place vnto y
e strōger where after dyuers assautes made the kyng conceyued well y t he was dysceyued A cause of this treason as sayth y e foresayde Peter was this The erle of Flaūdres which by dyuerse experymētes saw that the cytye was lyke to be goten made supplycacyon to the kynge and the lordes that he myghte haue the rule of the cytye at suche tyme as yt were wonne the which to hym was graūted wherof beynge aduertysed dyuerse Suryons of y e coūtrey borne dysdayned that a straunger shuld be lorde of theyr enherytaunce and for that condescēded and agreed to that treason by mean wherof the crysten prynces loste theyr trauell Then the crysten prynces seynge y t they were thus deluded toke theyr aduyce howe they myght contynewe theyr pylgrimage vnto the holy citye of Hierusalem But in this counsayl sourded and quykened so many opynyons that eche was contraryous vnto other By mean wherof the emperour was so dyscontented that he toke leue of the Frenche kynge and other and so returned into hys own countrey But the Frenche kynge taryed there in that costes a yere after and dyd there but lytle worthye any memory All be yt of this vyage the frenche boke maketh a great longe processe touchynge the wynnyng of the cytye of Anteoche wyth hys beynge and counsayllys kepynge wythin Hierusalem other thinges there rehersed But for I se the mater dysagreable to other wryters and also thynke that myche therof is fayned I therfore passe yt ouer howe be yt that to some persones suche fablys ben full pleasaunte to here wherfore all suche I remytte vnto the sayde french cronicle somwhat I shall folowe the authour Gyraldꝰ y t which wyth other testyfyen that Lewys in his returne towarde Fraunce waxed syke for y e long forberyng of his wife wherfore by thaduyce of phisycyons also of byshops he was coūsayled to take a wenche because his wyfe was so farre from hym But y e kyng wythstode that counseyll and sayde that hym hadde bene leuer to be syke and dye of goddes hande then to lyue in spouse brekynge offende hys lawes And so the kyng put himselfe to the mercy of god and receyued helth shortly after Also it is told of hym that he vsed to faste euery frydaye brede and water and by his famylyers he was counsayled that he shulde leue that faste for wekynge of hym selfe fede a hundred of poore men euery frydaye the whyche vnto god shuld be myche more acceptable To this he answered and sayde we wold gladly fede so many poore men or mo but our fastynge woll we not breke For wythout the profyte that yt doth vnto the soule yt profyteth also right myche to the body For the purgacyon and reste of one daye helpeth myche to put of the superfluyte of the other and also yt maketh the sharper apetyte when Lewys was retourned into Fraunce for what happe yt is of the frenche cronycle made doutefull he was from Elyanour hys wyfe deuorced of the whych he hadde receyued before .ii. doughters as before is touched the whyche in processe of tyme folowynge was maried vnto Henry duke of Normandy whych maryage was a new occasyon of the warre betwene Englande and Fraunce For the landes of Poytowe wyth Gascoyne and Guyan Lewys claymed by his former possessyon Henry by reason of the maryag of y e sayd Elyanour as heyr to the sayde landes Of the whyche warre shal be shewed in the story of y e sayde Henry folowyng After whyche deuorce thus made kynge Lewys maryed the yongeste doughter of the kynge of Spayne that was named Cūstaunce and she dyed of her fyrst chylde Then for so myche as kynge Lewys hadde none heyr male by coūsayll of his barony he maryed the thyrd wyfe the whych was the yongeste doughter of Thybaude erle of Bloys was named Alys This sayde erle dyed and left after hym .iiii. sonnes and .v. doughters The eldest sonne named Henry was erle of Troys the seconde named Thybaude was erle of Bloys the thyrd named Stephan was erle of Sancorum or Sauncorer and y e fourth named wyllyam was archbysshoppe of Raynes The eldeste of the doughters was duches of Burgoyne the seconde was countesse of Barre the thyrde was maryed fyrst to the duke of Puell and after to a knyght named syr william de Goer the fourth was countesse of Perche and the fyfte as before is sayd quene of Fraūce whych was a woman garnyshed wyth many vertues as the storye declareth THE CCXXXV CHAPITER IN processe of tyme after the solemnisacyon of this maryage complaynte was brought before the kynge of the erles of Cleremoūt and Puy or Puyll sonne of the duke before rehersyd and of the erle of Plomet that they shuld spoyle and wast the chyrches and landes to the sayde chyrches belongynge For the which dedys the kynge commaunded the sayd .iii. erlys to warde but not with out warre and shedynge of blood And after the subduynge of y e sayd thre erlys a knyght or great man of myght called wyllyam y e erle of Chalon wyth a company of tyrauntes assembled for to robbe and spoyle the chyrche of saynte Peter of Cluny in Burgoyne wherof herynge the prestes and mynysters of the chyrche to the entent to mytygate to appeace the cruelty of the sayde tyraūtes dyd vpon them the ornamentes of y e sayd chyrche and yode agayne them with processyon wyth a great companye them folowynge of the people of the towne and the countrey there about in peseable and charytable wyse But when the sayde tyrauntes approched vnto the sayde cōpany with out compassyon and pyty as turkes ranne vppon crysten men or wyth lesse Pytye so ranne they vppon the prestes and other and spoyled them of all the sayde ornamētes and slew of that cōpany to the nomber of .v. hūdred or mo after spoyled the sayde chyrche of suche stuffe as was therin lefte It was not longe after or kynge Lewys had wyttynge of this cruell dede wherfore in auengynge the chyrche he gatheryd a conuenyent power and spedde hym thyther But the sayde wyllyam erle of Chalon herynge of the kynges cōmynge fled y e coūtrey so y t the kyng myght haue no certayne knowlege where he became wherfore the kyng entred and seased his landes and gaue the moyty therof to y e duke of Burgoyn as chefe lorde of that soyle and that other halfe he gaue vnto the erle of Neuers to whose auncetry in tyme passed the sayd moyty apperteyned And that done he commaunded inquyry to be made of his accessaryes the prebensons or prebendars of the whyche he punyshed by dyuerse maner of tormentes and dethes to the great contentacyon of the countrey when the kynge hadde thus fynished this vyage and was returned into Fraunce soon after was knowlege brought vnto him that the Burgonyons men of the towne of Uerdeley rebelled agayne the hed chyrch or abbay of that towne and entēdyd to haue done some vylany to the
abbot and munkes of the same wherfore the kynge spedde hym thyther in all haste But for theyr sauergarde the munkes were compelled to fortyfye the chyrche and to defende them by force of armys so that betwene them and the Burgonions many an arbalaster and stone was shot cast And for the kynge myght not so hastly furnyshe hym of his soldyours he therfore sent vnto the erle of Neuers by whose meane as to the kyng was shewed this ryot began commaundynge hym that he shuld se this ryot appeased and that the chyrch of Uerdeley were restored of suche harmys as to theym was done by the inhabytauntes of the towne But of thys cōmaundement the erle set but lytle so that the burgeses perseuered in theyr erroure wherfore the abbot sente agayne to the kynge besechyng hym of his moste gracyouse ayde and socoure Then the kynge herynge of the erles dysobedyence was therwyth greatly dyspleasyd and suspected y e erle to be partye in the cause sped hym y e faster thetherwarde But when the erle was enfourmed of the kynges cōmynge he somdeale feryd and mette wyth the kynge at a place called Moret and there demeaned hym in suche wyse that the kyng forgaue his offense Then he promysed that the kynges pleasure shulde be fullfylled in all thynge as he hadde before cōmaunded wyth more as yt lyked hym to dyuyse Uppon whych promyse so made he commaunded that the Burgonyons shulde fyrste refrayne theym of that rebellyon agayn the chyrch and that they shuld newly be sworne to be obedient vnto the abbot and vnto hys successours as theyr p̄decessours had ben ouer that for the hurtes harmys y t they had done to the place at that season they shulde paye to the sayde abbot and couēt .lx. thousand sous A sous is in value after sterlyng money i. d. ob so that .lx. thousand sous amounteth in sterlyng money .iii. hundred lxxv pounde After whych ende thus made the kynge retourned into Fraunce It was not longe after that y e kyng receyued of quene Alys hys wyfe a sonne and named yt Phylyppe But for y e kyng Lewys had made many pylgrymages and vsed many ways of charyte in gyuynge of almes and otherwyse for to haue a sonne to be his heyre therfore he surnamed this chylde A dieu done a chyld gyuen of god Then thys Lewys for the intollerable dedes of the Iewes whiche in these dayes had great inhabytynge wyth in the lande of Fraūce vsed vsery sleynge of Crysten chyldren he ponyshed many by deth and many he banyshed his lande but yet many remayned Of this Lewys dedes is lytle more cronacled excepte when his son Philyppe was of the age of .xiii. yeres his fader caused hym to be crowned and resygned to hym all the rule of the lande and dyed the yere folowynge at Parys in the moneth of October in the yere of grace .xi. hūdred and .lxxix. By whyche reason he reygned to reken from his faders deth to his owne vppon .xliii. yeres and was rychely enterred by y e meane of his last wife at the monastery of Barbell the whyche he founded in hys yonge days After whose deth y e sayd quene Alys adorned his sepulture in the moste rychest maner wyth gold syluer and precyous gemmys vppon whose tombe was grauen these two versis folowyng as a counsayll left vnto his sonne Phylyppe 〈◊〉 superos tu qui super es successor honoris Degener es si degeneris a laude prioris whyche versys are to be vnderstanden as after foloweth Nowe take good hede thou that doest ouer lyue Hym that in honoure and vertue dyd excelle Se thou alter not nor thy selfe depryue But folowe hym which was of honoure the well For yf thou do not men shall of the tell Thou arte degenerate and growen out of kynde Thy progenytours laude hauynge nothynge in mynde Anglia THE CCXXXVI CHAPITER HEnry the second of that named sonne of Geffrey Plātagenet erle of Angeou and of Molde y e empresse doughter of Henry y e first began hys reygn ouer the realme of England in the moneth of October the yere of our lorde god .xi. hundred and .lv and. y e xix yere of Lewys the viii then kynge of Fraunce Thys Henry was somdeale redde of face brode of breste shorte of body therwyth fatte the whych to aswage he toke the lesse of metes and drynkes and exercysed myche huntynge He was resonable of speche and well lettered orped and also noble in knyghthode wyse in counsayll and dred to myche distenyes He was also free and lyberall to straūgers and harde and holdynge from hys famylyers seruauntes And whome he loued enterely or hated harde it was to turne hym to the contrary He was slowe of answere vnstedfaste of promyse gylefull of dede open spouse breker hamour of holy chyrch and alwayes vnkynde to god He also loued reste and peace to the ende he myghte the more folowe hys delectacyon pleasure wyth mo vyces rehersed by Gyralde the whyche for length I passe ouer This Henry yet as wytnessyth Ranulfe was not all bareyn of vertues For he was of so gret courageousnes that he wolde often say that all the world suffysyth not to a coragyous harte And he encreasyd hys herytage so myghtyly that he wanne Irlande by strength and toke wyllyam kynge of Scottes and ioyned that kyngdome to his owne From the suthe Occean to the north ylandes of Orkeys he closed all the landes as yt were vnder one pryncypate and spradde so largely hys empyre that men rede not of none of hys progenytours that hadde so many prouynces and countreys vnder theyr domynyon and rule For besyde the realme of Englande he hadde in hys rule Normandy Gascoyn and Guyan Angeou and Chynon And he made subiecte to hym Aluerne and other landes And by hys wyfe he obteyned as her ryghte the mountes and hyllys of Spayne called montes Pyrany Of the whyche wyfe Elynoure by name deuorced as before ys sayde from the viii Lewys kynge of Fraunce he receyued .vi. sonnes and thre doughters Of the sonnes fyue were named wyllyam Henry Rycharde Godfrey and Iohn̄ The eldeste of the maydens hight Molde or Maude and was maryed to the duke of Saxon the seconde Elyanoure to the kynge of Spayne and the thyrd named Iane to wyllyam kynge of Scycyle Thys Henry was prosperouse in hys begynnynge and vnfortunate in hys ende and specyally in the last fyue yeres of hys reygne For in the fyrst of those fyue yeres his strength beganne to mynyshe the seconde yere he loste a vyage in Irlande the thyrde he loste Aluerne agayne the kynge of Fraunce the fourth yere he loste Butyrycan and the fyfte yere he loste the cytye of Cenomenea and Turon wyth many holdes to theym belongynge Thys Henry the seconde ascertayned of the deth of Stephan spedde hym into Englande and was crowned the sondaye before Crystemasse daye of Theobalde archbyshoppe of Caunterbury in westmynster chyrch
The fyrste yere of hys reygne he subdued Irlande And soone after Thomas Beketh whyche after was byshoppe of Caunterbury was made chaunceller of Englonde This kynge caste downe dyuers castellys that before in tyme of kynge Stephan were buylded other for dyspleasure of the owners or ellys for the fere they shulde be strengthed agayne hym And also he banyshed many of the lordes and gentylmen that kynge Stephan hadde in hys fauoure Aboute the thyrde yere of hys reygne in the moneth of October were sene in the fyrmament two sunnys and in the mone was sene a redde crosse But of thys wonder sheweth the authoure of Cronica cronicarū and sayth that aboute thys tyme in Italy in the moneth of Nouember appered thre sunnys by the space of thre owres in the weste and the yere folowynge appered thre monys whereof the myddle mone hadde a redde crosse ouerthwarte the face whyche there ys noted for a prodygy or a token of the scysme that after fell amonges the cardinallys for eleccyon of the pope Alexāder the thyrd whyche scysme by meane of the fyrste Frederyke then emperoure endured almoste .xx. yeres Also aboute this tyme Adryan the fourthe of that name was pope an Englysheman borne in the towne of saynte Albon of whome is more declared in the begynnynge of the .xxii. chapyter of the .vii. boke of Polycronycon Also in thys yere the kynge wente wyth a stronge armye into walys and after he hadde sette that countrey in an order and quyet he buyldyd a stronge castell at Rutlande and founded the abbaye of Basyngewerke In the .vi yere of hys reygne thys Henry maryed hys seconde son Henry vnto the kynges doughter of Fraūce that is to meane Lewys the viii whyche the sayde Lewys receyued of hys seconde wyfe named Constaunce the doughter of the kyng of Spayne as before ye haue harde in the seconde chapyter of y e story of the sayd Lewys This mayden was named Margaret By reason of whych maryage was appeased the warre that was begonne betwene Fraunce and Englande for the landes of Poy●owe and other the whyche kynge Henry helde by reason of hys wyfe In y e whych warre mych harme was done and more wolde haue ensued yf yt hadde not by thys meane haue ben agreed In the .vii. yere of his reygn Theobalde archbyshoppe of Caunterbury dyed and Thomas Beket chaunceller of Englande was archebysshoppe ▪ after hym of whome more shall folowe In the same yere kyng Henry with a stronge hoste yode to Scotlande and made so cruell warre vppon willyam kynge of that lande that lastely he was taken and dyd to the sayd Henry recompensacyon in yeldynge vnto hym the cytye of Carlell the castell of Bamburghe the newe castell vpon Tyne wyth dyuers other holdes and a great parte of Northumberlande the whyche he hadde wonne from the borderers And after fewtye and homage done by the sayde wyllyam vnto the kynge and a certayne summe of money by hym promysed wythin .ix. monethes folowynge the kynge suffred hym to go at large But an other authour sayth that the kynge of Scottys was not taken but strongely besyeged in a towne or castell so that fynally he was forced to agree to the foresayde couenauntes In the .viii. yere the cytye of Caūterburye was fyred by neglygence a great part therof brente And in that season the archbyshoppe Thomas beganne to replye agayne y e kynges mynde for thynges that the kynge dyd exercyse agayn the liberties of the chyrche THE CCXXXVII CHAPITER IN the .ix. yere of hys reygne the kynge for dyuerse causes cōcernyng y e nedes of his realme called a parliament at hys towne of Northampton Durynge whyche parlyament dyssencyon fell betwen the kynge and Thomas archbyshop of Caunterburye for dyuerse actes and ordinaunces that the kyng there procured to passe agayne the lybertyes of holy chyrch the whych Thomas gaynstode and denyed wherfore the kynge toke a great dyspleasure with Thomas in so myche that shortely after he was fayne to flee the lande and in processe of tyme spedde hym to Rome where he complayned hym to Alexaunder the .iii. of that name then pope and there contynued and in Fraunce and in other places in poore estate by terme of .vi. yeres and more when kynge Henry hadde certayne vnderstandynge that Thomas was thus departed out of hys lande he seased his maners and temporall landes into hys hande so that hys mouable goodes were spoyled and rauenyd amonge the kynges offycers In the .xiiii. yere of his reygne the kynge crowned Henry hys eldest sonne then lyuynge kynge of Englande at westmynster whyche was done to the derogacyon or harme of the archbyshoppe Thomas as yt is wytnessyd in hys legende and for that doynge Roger archbyshoppe of yorke whyche crowned hym was accursed But an other authour sayth that the kynge crowned Henry hys sonne to the ende he myght haue ful power and authoryte to rule thys lande and the people of the same whyle hys father was occupyed in Normandye and other countreys where hys landes laye In myche of thys season that thys blessyd man Thomas was thus banyshed the lande the kynge sente ouer byshoppes and proctours to complayne vppon hym to the pope for well nere all the bishoppes of Englande were agayne hym And yf any toke hys parte they durste not speke for the displeasure of theyr temporall lorde so that this blessed man defended the quarell of the chyrche alone In the .xvi. yere of y e reygne of kyng Henry Lewys the kynge of Fraūce agreed kynge Henry and the archbysshoppe the kynge then beynge in Normandye Uppon whyche agrement thys blessyd man came to hys owne chyrche of Caunterbury and there so restynge hym sente for such persones as had spoyled and taken perforce the goodes of the chyrche aduertysynge theym by fayre meanes to restore the sayde goodes and to be reconcyled to the chyrche as trewe crysten men shulde But when he sawe that he myght not reconcyle theym by fayre meanes he then vsed compulsaryes and denounced them accursed but if they restored the goodes of the chyrche by a certayne day wherewyth the partyes beynge agreued sayled ouer to the kynge into Normandye and shewyd vnto hym greuous complayntes and more greuouse then the cause or mater requyred For the whych the kynge which hadde not yet quenched the bronde of malyce in hys harte the whyche he bare agayne thys holy man gaue lyght credence vnto those complayntes and was sore feruētly amoued agayne the holy man Thomas in so myche that vppon a daye herynge the complayntes of this blessyd mannes aduersaryes he sayd in oppē audyence of hys knyghtes that yf he had any good knyghtes about hym he had ben aduēged of that traytour longe or that tyme. At the tyme of whyche wordes vtterynge was present syr wyllyam Bryton syr Hugh Moruyle syr wyllyam Tracy and syr Regnolde fytz Urle whych foure knyghtes thynkyng that they shuld to theyr mayster do a synguler pleasure yf they slewe thys blessyd man hastely takynge aduyse
solet The whythe versys to our vnderstandynge may thus as folowyth be englyshed and expowned The Rose of the worlde but not the clene floure Is here now grauen to whom bewtye was lent In thys graue full darke nowe ys her bowre That by her lyfe was swete and redolent But now y t she is frō this lyfeblente Though she were swete nowe fowly doth she stynke A myrrour good for all that on her thynke Longe tyme after the deth of the sayde Rosamounde in the sayde abbaye was shewed a cofer of the sayd wenches of the length of two fote in whych apperyd fyghtynge geaūtes stertlynge of bestes swymmynge of fyshes and flyenge of fowlys In the forsayde .xx. yere after the opynyon of Guydo the kynge had the seconde monicyon of mendynge of hys lyfe by an Iryshe man y t told vnto hym many secret tokens whyche the kynge supposyd no man had knowen but hym selfe But yet the kynge toke lytell hede therunto In the .xxii. yere of his reygne after the forsayde takynge of y e Scottyshe kynge and .ii. erlys the .xi. day before Septēber wyllyam kynge of Scottys by assent of the lordes spyrytuall and temporall dyd homage to kyng Henry at hys cytye of yorke where the sayde wyllyam graunted by hys letters patentys that he and his successours kynges of Scotland shuld make theyr homage and fydelyte vnto the kynges of Englande as often as they shal be necessaryly requyred And in sygne and token of that subieccyon the kyng of Scottes offered hys hatte his sadell vppon the aulter of saint Peter in y e chyrch of york whyche for a remembraunce of that dede the sayd hat sadell were there kepte many yeres after And ouer y t the lordes of Scotland swore that if theyr kynge at any tyme wold wythdrawe hym from allegeaunce they wold all aryse agayn hym and be to hym as enymyes tyll he were returned to his fayth kepyng of his promyse And for the more strēgth of the sayd cōposycyon the kynge of Scottis came after to y e kyng Henries parlyament holden at Northāpton and a nother season into Normandye Ranulfe munke of Chester sayth that Lewys the .viii. of that name kynge of Fraunce delyueryd vnto kynge Henry a doughter of hys to haue in guydynge and to haue ben maryed vnto Rycharde hys son the whyche after the deth of Rosamoūde he defloured of her vyrgynyte After whyche dede as affermyth the sayde authoure the kynge was in wyll to haue wedded that damoysell For expedicyon wherof he made great meanes ta Hugūcia a cardynall then beynge in his land that he wold make a dyuorce betwene hym and Elyanoure the quene And thys he dyd to the ende to haue the more fauoure of the Frenchemen that by theyr ayde he myghte the better dysheryte hys sonnes But he fayled of his purpose and also yt turned to hys owne harme For by this means he caused the sayde Rycharde hys sonne to shewe all hys demeanour vnto the Frenche kynge so that by hys informacyon vnkyndnesse kyndled betwene them two therof ensued mortall warre as sayth the englyshe cronycle and also Polycronycon But of thys warre speketh nothynge the frenche cronycle nor of none other durynge the lyfe of the sayd Lewys after this daye which dyed in the .xxiiii. yere of thys Henry But the warre that was betwen the two kynges of England and of Fraunce was betwene thys Henry and Phylyppe sonne of thys Lewys as after shal be shewed About the .xxiiii. yere of thys kyng as wytnessen dyuerse wryters fell wonderfull wederynge and tempest of thunder in myddewynter tyme in Hampshyre and other places by violence wherof a preste amonges other was slayn And in the somer folowynge about Mary Magdalene tyde fell hayle of suche bygnesse y t yt slew both men and bestes And about this tyme were the bonys of kynge Arture and his wyfe Gueynour founde in the vale of Aualon whose here of the hed of the sayde Gweynour was then hole and of freshe coloure but so soone as yt was touched yt fell in powder whyche bonys were translated and buryed wythin the chyrche of Glastenburye and were founden by a synger of gestis vnder an holow oke .xv. fote wythin the grounde whyche fyndynge and translatynge is an obiecte to y e fantastycall sayeng of the walshemen that afferme hys commynge agayne to reygne as he before dyd Then hadde kynge Henry the seconde monycyon by a knyghte called syr wyllyam Chesterby or Lyndesey the whyche warned hym specyally for the reformacyon of .vii. artycles The fyrste was that he shuld sette better dylygence to the defence of holy chyrche and maynteynynge of the same The seconde that he shulde se hys lawes executed wyth better iustice then at those days was vsed The thyrd was that he shuld surmyse no mater agayn ryche men and by that mean plucke from them theyr landes goodes The fourth that he shulde restore all suche landes and goodes gotten by suche vnlawfull meanes or by any other The fyfte that he shuld for no medetarye ryghtfull sentence but suffer the ryght to haue hys processe The vi that he shulde se to the payment of hys subiectes for suche stuffe as was dayly taken to his vse also to the payment of hys seruauntes and souldyours wages whych dayly fell to robbynge for defaute The .vii. and the laste was that he shulde in all haste voyde the Iewys of hys lande whyche dayly wrought great sorowe to his commons and to leue theym somwhat to spende in theyr iourney But as he toke the other monycyons so he toke thys and cōtynued hys lyfe as he before hadde done THE CCXXXIX CHAPITER IN the .xxviii. yere of his reygn after moste writers dyed Henry his eldeste sonne then lyuynge y e whych as before is sayde was crowned to the derogacyon of the martyr saynte Thomas And in thys yere whyche shulde be the .iiii. yere of Phylyppe the seconde or of Phylyppe surnamed Gyuen of god the warre beganne betwene kynge Henry and hym wherof was occasyon as testyfyeth the sayd Frenche cronycle the denyenge of the deferrynge of homage that shuld be done to the sayde Phylyppe of Rycharde then eldest sonne of kyng Henry for the lādes of Poytow An other cause also was that where certayne couenauntes were stablyshed and enrolled betwene kynge Henry and Lewys father of thys Phylyp at the maryage of Henry his sonne and Margarete syster of Phylyppe for certayne holdes and castellys wherof y e castell of Gysours was one whych were delyueryd in dower wyth the sayde Margarete vppon condycyon that yf the sayde Henry hadde yssue by y e sayde Margarete then the sayde castellys to remayne to the sayde heyres and yf the sayde yonge Henry dyed without yssue of y e sayde Margarete that then the sayde castellys and holdes to be reuerted vnto the crowne of Fraunce and for that kynge Henry denyed or deferred these two poyntes and wold not answere when he was called the Frenche kynge therfore entred the
land of Barry wyth great strength and wasted the countrey of Guyan wythout mercy wherof kynge Henry beynge warned in all haste assembled hys people then beynge in Normandye and d●ew hym towarde the Frenche kynge whyche then hadde layde syege vnto the castell called in frenche Raoull or the castell of Roaull when both hostes were nere and lykely to haue ioyned medyatours were sente vppon bothe partyes to treate a peace By meane wherof in processe a trewce was taken for a certayne terme so that eyther hoste departed wythoute strykynge of stroke at that season About thys tyme dyed Rycharde archebyshoppe of Caunterbury Of hym yt is redde that a voyce or vysyon was shewed to hym saynge to hym in the mouthe of Cryste For thou haste wasted the goodes of my chyrch I shal rote the out of y e erthe with which wordes he was so frayd that he dyed shortly after Then was Baldewyn byshoppe of worceter admytted to that see though the munkys of Caunterburye wythsayde yt wyth all theyr power In the .xxx. yere of the kynge Heraclius patryarke of Hierusalem came in to England to haue ayde agayne the Sarazyns that had wonne great parte of the landes that Cristen men had in the holy lande and for to defende the holy cytye whyche by Saladyne prynce of Surey was wonne shortely after For by the reporte of Peter Dysroy whyche made a boke in frenche of the wynnynge and losynge of the sayde cytye yt appereth that yt was wōne by Godfrey de Bulyon in the yere of Crystes incarnacyon a thousande .lxxx. and .xix and so cōtynued vnder the rule of .ix. crysten kynges tyll the laste kynge named Guyde Lesyngham or Lesynguam loste yt wyth the holy crosse in the yere of our lorde .xi. hundred lxxx and .ix. whych maketh the yere of the reygn of thys kyng Henry the xxxiiii Then yt foloweth in the story this Heraclius made besy request vnto the kynge for ayde and profered to hym the keys of the cytye and of our lordes graue and letters of Luciꝰ y e thyrd of y t name then pope chargyng him that he shuld take vppon hym y e iourney to haue mynde of the othe y t he before time had made The kyng deferred this answere and Baldwyne the archbyshop preached exhorted men to take y e crosse by whose meanes many there were y e auowed that iourney Lastely the kynge gaue answere and sayde that he myghte not leue hys lande wythoute kepynge nor yet leue yt to the praye and robbory of Frenchemen But he wolde gyue largely of hys owne to suche as wolde take vppon theym that vyage wyth thys answere the patryarke was dyscontent and sayde we seke a man and not money welnere euery crysten regyon sendyth vnto vs money but no lande sendyth to vs a prynce Therfore we aske a prynce that nedeth money and not money that nedeth a prynce But the kynge layde for hym suche excuses that the patryarke departed from hym dyscontentyd and comfortelesse wherof the kynge beynge aduertysed entendynge somwhat to recomforte hym wyth pleasaunte wordes folowed hym vnto the see syde But the more the kynge thought to satysfye hym wyth hys fayre speche the more the patryarke was dyscontented in so myche that at the laste he sayde vnto hym Hytherto thou haste reygned gloryously But here after thou shalt be forsaken of him y t thou at thys tyme forsakeste Thynke on hym what he hath gyuen to the and what thou haste yelden to hym agayne Howe fyrste thou were false vnto the kyng of Fraunce and after slewe that holy man Thomas of Caunterburye and lastely thou forsakeste the proteccyon of Crystes fayth The kyng was amoued wyth these wordes sayde vnto the patriarke Though all the men of my lande were one bodye and spake wyth one mouth they durste not speke to me such wordys No wonder sayde the patryarke for they loue thyne and not the. That ys to meane they loue thy goodes temporall and fere the for losse of promocyon but they loue not thy soule And when he hadde so sayde he offeryd hys hedde to the kynge sayenge Do by me ryghte as thou dyddest by that blessyd man Thomas of Caunterburye For I hadde leuer to be slayne of the then of y e Sarasyns For thou arte worse then any Sarasyn and thy people folowyth praye and not a man But the kynge kepte hys pacyence and sayde I maye not wende oute of my lande for myne owne sonnes wyll arryse agayne me when I were absent No wonder sayde the patryarke For of the deuyll they cōme and to the deuyll they shall and so departyd from the kynge in great ire After the patryarke was thus departyd the kynge sente John̄ his seconde sonne into Irlande In the whyche vyage he spente the kynge great goodys and dyd lytle profyte or none In the .xxxi. yere of kynge Henry the Iewes crucyfyed a chylde in the towne of Burye in Suff. named Robert for whome god shewyd after many myracles And the .xxxii. yere the kynge made a vyage into Irlande to redresse thynges there oute of order But fortune was to hym so contrarye that he loste hys trauayle lyke as the yere before hys sonne Iohn̄ had done In the .xxxiii. yere of thys kynge Henry at Dunstable in the ayre was sene a crucyfyxe and Cryste nayled theron whyche apperyd vysybly to many a mannys syghte And in thys yere the kynge loste the countrey of Aluerne when he hadde spente great goodes aboute the defence of the same Howe be yt of this warre speketh nothynge the frenche cronycle THE CCXI. CHAPITER IN the .xxxiiii. yere of the kynge Rycharde the erle of Poytowe arrered warre agayn king Henry hys father toke party with the Frenche kynge By meane of the whyche warre all suche summys of money as were before gatheryd by dymys and otherwyse for the helpynge of the croysye to be made into the holy lande by the sayde Rycharde and by many other nobles of the lande were spente in the same innaturall warre wherfore the kynge sayled into Normandy with a strōge armye But or the kynge were there landed the sayde Rycharde by helpe of the Frenchemen hadde wonne the cytyes of Towres of Meaus and also the castellys of Raoull and Gysours wyth other At the laste the Frenche kyng Phylyppe the second wyth the sayde Rycharde came vnto the cytye of Cenomanna entendyng to laye syege vnto the same wherof kynge Henry beynge warned sette the suburbes on fyre bycause hys enmyes shuld in thē haue no socour But the flame of the fyre was by the wynde dryuen into the cytye so sharpely that the kyng was compelled to forsake yt wherwyth y e kynge was so amoued that in hys departynge from the cytye he sayde these wordes For thou haste taken from me thys daye the cytye that I moste loued in the worlde I shall acquyte the for after thys tyme I shall bynome the that thynge y t shuld most haue pleased the in me whych ys myne
harte After thys he loste more dayly so that hys enymyes preuayled strongely agayne hym It is rede of hym that he shulde be at so great an after deale in thys warre that hastely he shuld put hym in the kynge of Fraunces mercy his honoure and hys crowne reserued But this is doutefull of credēce For sure I am yf the Frenche kyng had suche auauntage of hym yt shulde not haue fallen throughe the boke but haue ben regystred in the moste auauntynge maner where as in the frenche cronycle is touched no word of lyke mater But trowth yt ys that fortune was to him contrary in such wyse that wyth or for anger and impacyence he fell into a feuer wherof he lastely dyed in the castell of Conomeus or of Chynon in Normandye in the moneth of Iuly when he had reygned .xxxiiii. yeres and .viii. monethes wyth oddes dayes and was buryed at Fount Ebrade wyth thys epytaphy vppon his tombe Sufficit hic tumulus cui non sufficerat orbis Res breuis est ampla cui fuit ampla breuis Rex Henricus eram mihi plurima regna subegi Multiplicique modo duxque comesque sui Cui satis ad votum non essent omnia terrae Climita terrae modo sufficit octo pedun● Qui legis haec pensa discrimina mortis in me Humanae speculum conditionis habe Quod petis instante operare bonum quia mundus Transit inca●tos mors inopina rapit The whyche versys are thus myche to meane in sentence ¶ Suffysyth nowe this graue to whom all erthly thynge Syffysyd not my mynde so hyghe was sette Tyme that was shorte my name wyde dyd sprynge whyche fame by deth is into shortenesse fette Kynge Henry was I called no man I thought my bette whose mynde sometyme all erth not suffysed viii fote of ground now hath my bodye comprysed Thou that thys redest the parell of deth and in me Thou mayste beholde the course of euery wyght That erthely is wherfore prouyde and se That thou well maye do shortely do yt and tyght Defer not the tyme for I ascertayne the ryght The world is transytory and vnwarely men taketh Cruell deth from whome non estate escapeth Gerardus Cambrens̄ whyche in hys boke of dystynccyons sette oute the lyfe of thys Henry sayth dredefull yt is to allege agayne hym that maye putte a man oute of lande and to descrybe hym wyth many wordes that may exyle a man wyth one worde wherfore yt were a notable dede to tell the sothe of a prynces dedys and offende the prynce in no meane But yet when the prynce ys passed and gone then men wyll talke without fere that before tyme they spared for fere Then to folow the sooth this kyng Henry noryshed stryfe amonge hys chyldern wyth all dylygēce hopyng therby to lyue hym selfe in the more reste when men wolde aske of hym when he wolde leue his great dedes he vsed to answere that the worlde shulde fayle or a courageouse harte shulde sease of great dedes He was pereles in chyualry in warre and in lecherye He wedded Elyanoure wyfe of Lewys kynge of Fraunce contrary to the commaundement of hys father For he hadde shewed to hym that he hadde lyen by her when he was the sayde kynges stewarde He reygned .xxvi. yeres somdeale to hys wordely blysse and foure yeres somwhat to hys payne but the laste fyue yeres to hys great troweble and sorow Farthermore the sayd Gerarde descryueth the progenye of thys Henry whyche I ouer passe because yt is so common Rycharde hys sonne wolde often tell that wonder and vsed to saye no meruayle though they greued the peple that were comon of such kynd For of y e deuyll they came and to the dyuyll they shall It ys also redde of thys Henry that in a chaumber at wyndesore he caused to be paynted an egle wyth foure byrdes wherof thre of theym all rased the bodye of the olde egle and the fourth was cratchynge at the olde eglys eyen when the questyon was asked of hym what thyng that pycture shuld sygnyfye yt was answered by hym thys olde egle sayde he is my selfe and these .iiii. eglys betoken my foure sonnes the whyche sease not to pursue my deth And specyally my yongeste sonne Iohn̄ whyche nowe I loue moste shall most specyally awayte and imagen my deth Francia THE CCXLI. CHAPITER PHylyp the seconde of that name surnamed Dyeu done or gyuē of god and sonne vnto y e viii Lewys beganne to reygne ouer the realme of Fraunce in the yere of our lorde .xi. hundred and .lxxix and the .xxiii. yere of Henry the seconde than kynge of Englonde whyche sayde Phylyppe reygned somwhat of tyme by the lyfe of hys father which tyme is accompted vnto the reygne of hys father Thys in the fyrst yere of hys reygne for the great enormytyes that the Iewes vsed wythin the realme of Fraunce as crucyfyenge of chyldren and exercysynge of theyr detestable vsery he after due profe made put the malefactours to dethe and the other in auoydynge more daunger he exyled and put clere out of hys realme This Phylyp also as before in the story of Henry the seconde is towched excyted the sonnes of the sayde Henry to make warre vppon theyr father by whyche meane thys Phylyppe gate many holdes and townes from the sayde Henry wythin hys duchy of Guyon But after the deth of Henry thys Phylyppe gaue ouer all the sayde holdes and townes vnto Rycharde the eldeste sonne of the sayde Henry and receyued of hym homage for the same And as wytnessyth the French cronycle the sayd Rychard in token of obedyence was present at the coronacion of the sayd Phylyppe But ye shall vnderstande that than he was not kynge of Englande .x. yeres after But yf yt so were that he were present at the sayd coronacyon yet was he duke of Guyon onely Aboute the thyrde yere of hys reygne Eraclius patryarke of Hierusalem came into Fraunce and requyred ayde of thys kynge Phylyppe to wythstande the furye and persecucyon whyche Saladyne prynce of Turkes hadde excuted and dayly contynued in the countrey of Palestina agayne the Cristen to the great destruccyon of theym and vndoyng of the countrey and great ieoperdye of the losynge of the holy cytye of Hierusalem For thys the kynge assembled a great counsayll at hys cytye of Parys where the sayde Eraclius made requeste to the kynge as before he hadde done to Henry the seconde For he was in Fraunce in the yere of our lorde .xi. hundred .lxxx. and two and in Englande he was in the yere of grace .xi. hundred .lxxx. and .vii. After whyche counsayll there so holden yt was agreed that the kynge wyth ayde of the byshoppes and other of the spyrytualtye shulde ayde the sayde patryarke the whyche where sette forthe in all possyble haste But after the reporte of Peter Dysroye whyche made a recule or lytle boke of the wynnynge and losyng of Hierusalem they with mo crysten prynces were dryuen by tempeste of the
see vnto the porte of Damas where vnder coloure of a fayned trewce they were taken and caste the moste parte of theym in pryson And when kynge Phylyppe hadde thus delyuered the patryarke he then gatheryd hys knyghtes and made an armye agayne Hugh duke of Burgoyne the whyche at that season and tyme hadde beclypped the castell of Uergye wyth a stronge syege and hadde promysed not to departe thens tyll such tyme as he had wonne that holde by appoytement or otherwyse And for the defence of rescouse that myghte be made for the same he hadde māned foure castellys or towres there vnto adioynaunte wyth great strength of men of armys But after the kynge was thyder comen wyth hys hoste the sayde towrs were sone ouertourned and y e kynge wyth a certayne of hys people of Guy capytayne of the sayde castell of Uergy was ioyously into the same receyued and rendred to hym the castell and became hys lege man where wyth the sayde Hugh beynge ●ore amoued and dyscontented seynge there he was dyspoynted of his purpose departed thens wyth hys ordynaunce and people and robbed and spoyled the coūtre there aboute sparynge nother chyrche nor howse of relygyō in so cruell and greuous maner that the bysshoppes and abbottes of that partye of Burgoyne made pyteous request vnto the sayd Phylyp that he of his specyall grace wolde ayde and socoure them and theyr chyrches agayne the tyranny of the sayde duke Hugh The kynge beynge moued wyth thys pyteous requeste made sharpe warre vppon the sayde Hugh and at length wan from hym a stronge castell named Chastelone where wyth all the duke was put to suche a studyall and fere that he was forsed to seche meanes of treaty and of peace wherof the cōclusyon was that he shulde paye vnto the chyrches before by hym hurted harmed .xxx. thousande pownd whyche conclusyon taken and surelye sette for the same the kynge retorned vnto Parys where the kyng so restynge hym a certeyne of tyme and hauynge experyence of the intollerable and foule stenches that dayly grewe by the fylthe of the erthe and myre in the stretes made prouysyon dylygently wyth ayde and helpe of the cytesens whyche as than hadde londe wythin the cytye that the stretes were shortely paued after And at thys tyme whanne the cytye was thus paued as affermen many authours the name of it was chaunged from Lutesse or Lewcesse vnto Parysse THE CCXLII. CHAPITER IN the .vii. yere of thys kynge Phylyp as sayth the Frēche boke Margarete syster vnto thys Phylyp late wyfe vnto Henry late deceased and eldeste sonne of Henry the seconde kynge at this day of Englande was maryed vnto Belas kynge of Hungry In the .x. yere of thys kyng Phylyp the cytye of Hierusalem was taken of Saladyne prynce of Egypte and Guy de Lesyngnan laste crysten kynge of that cytye wyth the holy crosse was taken in the felde whych after that daye came neuer into crysten mennes possessyon Of thys sorowe heuynesse worde was broughte vnto kynge Phylyp wyth requeste of ayde to reskue certeyne cytyes as yet rested vnder the domynyon of the crysten as Tyre Tryple and Antioch wyth other small holdes For sauegarde wherof many nobles of Fraunce toke vpon them the crosse as the duke of Burgoyn the erle of Flaunders Theobalde erle of Bloyes the erle of Rochfo●d the erle of Champayne wyth many other noble knyghtes whyche for lengthe I passe ouer and also the reporte of theyr dedys for so myche as it cōcernyth nothyng the mater that I haue promysed to speke of In this iourney also kynge Phylyppe entēded to haue gone and for the same great taskes dymys were leuyed through oute his realme the whyche to this daye are called Saladynes dymes But the lette of this iourney as sayth the french cronycle was Rycharde duke of Guyan and after his father Henry the seconde that made warre vppon the Frenche kynge as before is touched in the storye of the sayd Henry Duryng whyche warre the sayde Henry dyed in the .xi yere of thys sayde Phylyppe About thys season and tyme the Iewes whych by meane of great gyftes had agayn purchased theyr dwellynge wythin the coūtrey of Fraūce wherof a wedowe was lady and mastresse called Branous in absence of the kynge toke a Crysten man surmysed agayne hym felonye and murder For the whyche by fauoure of the sayde lady the sayde Iewes set a crowne of thorne vppon the sayd crysten mannys hedde and after scourged hym and lastely in derysyon of Crystes relygyon and despyte of the same crucyfyed the same persone wherof when the kynge was enfourmed in all haste he sent into the sayd coūtrey or castell of Brayon and surprysed the sayde Iewys so sodaynly that none escaped and brent there of them to the nomber of .lxxx. for theyr malycyouse and abhomynable dede In the .xi yere of the reygne of thys Phylyppe dyed Isabell the quene of Fraūce his wyfe a womā of good fame and of great vertue In the .xii. yere of his reygne as sayth the frenche boke thys Phylyp toke vppon hym the crosse hauynge promyse of kyng Rychard then newly crowned kyng of Englād to kepe company wyth hym in that iourney But he kept not promyse wherwith thys Phylyppe beynge dyscontēted sayled before and layde syege vnto the cytye of Acon or Acre From this sayenge varyeth Policronica and also Peter Desroy For Polycronycon sayth that after the kynges of Englande and of Fraunce hadde made suerty betwen them for performaūce of this iourney they both to gyther taryed at Turon in Fraunce for to abyde the somer tyde And at spryngynge of the yere they of one wyll purpose toke theyr vyage towarde the holy lande that ys to wytte that one by water and that other by land and mette agayne in Cecilia where the Frēche kynge deꝑted from hym and so sayled to the sayde cytye of Acone or Acre and layde hys syege there vnto In whych pastyme kyng Rycharde warred vppon the kynge of Sypres hym wyth his land subdued after came vnto Acon̄ where the Frenche kyng had longe lyen at syege without gettynge of any great auauntage of his enymyes saynge vnto kynge Rycharde that he hadde spared the wynnynge of the towne tyll hys commynge to the ende that he at his commyng myght be parteyner as well of the honoure as of the wynnynge But how it was such vnkyndenesse fell betwene theym there after they hadde woonne the sayde towne as after in story of kynge Rycharde shal be shewed that this kyng Phylyppe retourned into Fraunce shortely after In the whych returne the sayde Phylyppe sykened and the duke of Burgoyne dyed And when kyng Phylyppe a season had soiourned in Fraūce he maryed Iugebert the doughter of the kynge of Denmarke The whyche maryage as sayth Ranulfe was desyred of the Frenche kynge to haue wyth her graunted the tytle whyche the Danes had vnto the crown of England wyth also .x. thousand markes of syluer for to wynne wyth y
enfourmed and also of the peace bytwene the erle of Thoners and the Frenche kynge he by meanes of one Roberte a legate of Rome sought meanes of treaty and of peace so that in processe by dylygence of the sayde Robert and other a peace was concluded for .v. yeres whyche peace concluded and assured eyther kynge returned into theyr owne prouynces wythin short whyle after y e Frenche kyng was returned into Fraūce he called to mynde the great vyctory had of the Almayns wyth also one other whych Lewys his son about y e same tyme had agayne or of kynge Iohn̄ in the countre of Aungeou at the castell of Moyne or Mayne For the whyche .ii. vyctoryes the kynge edyfyed a monastery besyde the cyty of Sayntles in the honour of saynt Uyctor and endowed it wyth fayre and ryche possessyons and named it the abbey of saynt Uyctor In the .xxxvi. yere of the reygne of thys Phylyppe Lewys hys sonne by procurynge and sturrynge of the lordes of Englande sayled into the sayde prouynces as more playnely shall be shewed in the .xvi. yere of the reygne of kynge Iohn̄ Many mo storyes actes myght I brynge in and set in thys story of thys kynge Phylyppe yf I shulde folowe the Frenche boke For he maketh there a rehersayll that conteyneth .xxxix. greate leuys of parchemyne Of the whyche I haue taken out suche as to me semeth moste conuenyent and haue ouer passed the other for lengthe of the tyme. Than it foloweth thys Phylyp after these dayes drewe hym to more quyet and reste so that after thys peace or trewce cōcluded wyth kyng Iohn̄ of Englande the authour speketh not or myndeth of any noble dede by hym done So that in the yere of our lorde .xii. hundred and .xxii whyche shulde be the yere of hys reygne .xliii the sayd authour begynneth and sayth that in that foresayd yere apered a greate eclypce of the son wherof the lyke hadde not ben seen in many yeres passed And in the yere folowynge dyed thys Phylyppe in the moneth of Iunii whan he hadde reygned vppon xliiii yeres Before whose deth apered a great comete or blasyng starre the whyche the Frenche men wyth also the foresayde eclypce they adiudged for pronostiquys and tokens of the kynges deth the whyche was buryed wyth excellent pompe in the monastery of saynt Denys in the yere of our lorde a thousand two hundred and .xxiii. and of hys age .lviii leuynge after hym the fore named Lewys whyche was enoynted kyng after hym Thys Phylyppe amonges other notable thynges ordeyned in hys testament be sette to the aydynge and wynnynge of the holy cytye of Hierusalem thre hundred thousande pownde of Parys money to the hospytall in Mount forte a hundred thousande pownde and to be dystrybuted amonges the poore comons of hys londe he gaue twenty thousande pownde But here is to be noted there is a great dyuersyte bytwene a pownd of Parys money and a pownde of sterlynge money For a pownde of Parys money is but two shyllynges and .vi. pence sterlynge or nere there about And so it foloweth that a thousande pownde of Parys is but a hundred fyue and twenty pownde sterlynge By whyche accompte it foloweth that thys kynge gaue to the ayde of the holy londe .xxxvii. thousande and fyue hundred pownde sterlynge to the hospytall xii thousande and fyue hundred pownde sterlynge and to the poore people two thousand fyue hundred pownde And thus here I make an ende of thys volume for cause and cōsyderacyon as after is shewed in the begynnynge of the nexte volume more manyfestely ¶ Lenuoye PRece forth rude volume and recōmende me To my derest frende experte in all scyence Praye hym at leysour the to ouerse And where in meter or prose he fyndeth offence Or congrewe englysshe or of perfyte sentence Humbly hym praye that he woll the correcte whyche in all hys faytes is so cyrcumspecte And shewe to hym forther hys meryt to encreace The seconde volume ys redy to hym dyght Praye hym he woll not therfore wyth the sursease Tyll that thy felow he haue by hys insyght And by hys scyence brought in so good plyght That to all readers it maye be delectable And to the herers frutefull and profytable And not to dysdayne my malapert rudenesse That to hys payne I shulde thus boldely sende Or hym to wyll to suche greate besynesse So rude a worke to correcte and amende But shew hym sothely that all that I entende Is for to enhaunce hys prayse and grea●e laude As he shall knowe I truste wythout frawde ¶ The seconde volume of Fabyans cronycle Conteynyng the cronycles of Englande and of Fraunce from the begynnyng of the reygne of king Rycharch the fyrste vntyll the begynnyng of the reyne of our moste redoubted souerayne lord kynge Henry the .viii. ❧ ¶ Prentyd at London By wyllyam Rastell 1533 ❧ CVM PRIVILEGIO THE TABLE THere begynneth the table of the seconde volume whiche denounces and sheweth all the actes done in euery kynges dayes conteyned in the sayde volume and that euery acte folowes by letter and by the noūber of y e lefe as in thys sayd table is expressed and begynneth at the wardes of London at kynge Rycharde the fyrste whose actes more at lēgth in thys sayd volume shal be shewed wyth other kinges ensuyng by letter in this sayd table as fyrste A.B.C. and so forthe ACrys a stronge citye in the holy lād was wonne by the crysten as appereth fo iiii Actes of the great Cane of Tartaris folio xxiii Abbotte of waltham was accorded wyth the citesyns of Lōdon fo xxviii Accorde made betwene kyng Henry the .iii. and hys barons fo xxxviii Actes done in Hethenes by Lowys the Frenche kyng fo xlviii Acris or Acon abouenamed cytye wōne agayn by y ● Turkes fo lxix Accorde or agrement was made bytwene Englād Scotlād fo xc Actes were made for weryng of sylk folio xci Actes in Fraunce done by the duke of Lancastre fo ciii Actes made by Frēchmē for the occupyeng of y e admissiō of y e enherytour of Fraunce folio cxxxvii Accorde made betwene the dukes of Orleaunce and of Burgoyne fo clx Accusacyōs by the duke of Burgoyn agayn the duke of Orleaunce fo clxi Accorde made betwene the sayde dukes folio clxi Acte made for gyuynge of lyuereys folio clxv Actes made agayn straungers se in folio clxxc Actes made for halowynge of the sondaye wythin the cytye of Londō folio cxci●i Abbay of Bury was spoyled fo cxiii Adyme was graunted to kyng Hēry the fyft fo clxxvii A quyndecyme was graūted to king Henry the .iii. fo xxi A letter deuysed by the barōs sente to kyng Henry the .iii. fo xxxvii A letter was sent by Rychard kynge of Romayns to the barōs fo xxxvii A quarter of where was solde for ii s. folio xc A fraye was made in Fletestrete vpō a bakers seruaunt fo cxlv A fray made in Fletestrete by one Her bottell fo cxcii
Andrewe Trollop dysceyued the lordes folio cciii A letter sent by Edward the .iii. vnto the kyng of Fraunce fo xciiii Agrement was made with the Scottes folio lxiii Answere made by the French kynge to kyng Edwardes letter fo xcv Answere made by the French kynge to kynge Henry fo clxxi Ambassade sent by the French kynge into Englande fo lxxxix Ambassade sent agayne by the sayde kynge folio lxxxix Ambassade sent into Fraūce fo lxxxix Ambassade sent frō the pope fo ccviii A parte of London brydge fylle into Thamys fo lxxxix Ayde graunted by kynge Iohan. folio cxxiii Ayde was graunted by the inhabytauntes of the countre of Languedok folio cxxiiii Archebysshoppe of Orleaunce was slayne fo lxx Archbysshop of Caunterbury was slayne folio cxlii Archebysshop of Caunterbury maketh a collacyon folio cliiii Archebysshop of yorke wyth other was taken in batayle fo clxvii Artycles of treason layde agayne syr Roger Mortymer fo lxxxviii Artycles of peace ratyfyed bytwene kynge Edwarde and kynge Iohn̄ folio cvi Artycles of dyspleasure shewed in wrytynge by the duke of Glocester agayne the bysshop of wynchester folio clxxx Archebysshop of yorke ouerturneth the Scottes folio xcix Artycles of peace concluded bytwen the erle of Flaunders and hys subiectes folio cxxxix Assembles made by lordes fo cxliiii Annyuersary honourable was foūden in Poulys chyrche fo cxi Auoutry was espyed fo ccxiii BArons warre began to grow in the .xli. yere of kyng Henry the thyrde folio xxx Barōs warre receyued and of newe kyndeled in the .xliiii. yere of Henry the thyrde folio xxxiii Barons assembled theyr companyes in the marches of wales in the .xlvi yere of the sayd kynge fo xxxiiii Barons entred the cytye of London folio xxxv Barōs dyscorded among them selfe folio xxxviii Barons were chasyd the .xiiii. yere of Edwarde the seconde fo lxxix Batayle of Lewys bytwene kynge Henry the .iii. the barons fo xxxvii Batayle called the whyte batayle loke in the .xi. yere of Edwarde the seconde folio lxxvii Batayle of Burbrydge bytwen king Edwarde the seconde and the barōs in hys .xiiii. yere fo lxxix Batayle very cruell agaynste the Scotte called Halydon fo lxxxix Batayle of Swyn or Sluce vppon the see bytwene the Frenchmen and Edwarde the thyrde in the .xv. yere of hys reygne fo xciii Batayle of Cressey in the .xxi. yere of Edwarde the thyrde fo xcviii Batayle of Potyers bytwene kynge Edwarde the thyrde and the French kynge folio ciii Batayle bytwene kynge Phylyp of Fraunce and the towne of Cassile in Flaunders fo cxvii Batayle of Shrowysbery in the .iii. yere of Henry the fourth fo clxvii Batayle at Blak pole in the .vi. yere of Henry the .iiii. fo clxvii Batayle of Agyncourt in the thyrde yere of Henry the .v. fo clxxii Batayle of saynte Albons fyrste the xxxiii yere of Henry the .vi. fo cc. Blore heth felde apperys in y e .xxxvii yere of kynge Henry the .vi. fo cciii Batayle of Ludlowe as it doth appere in folio cciii Batayle of Northamton as appereth in folio cciiii Batayle of wakefelde apperys and the batayle of sayn Albons fo ccv Batayle of yorke or Towton or Shyrborne fo ccvi Barnet felde fo ccxix Batayle of Tewkesbury fo ccxx Bartrā de Cleycō warred in Spayn and chasyd the kynge fo cix Blasynge sterre apperys in folio .xc. and fo cxviii and fo clix Blanke charters vses in Eng. fo cli Brekyng of peace bytwen England and Fraunce loke in the .xliii. yere of kynge Edwarde the .iii. fo cxi Brest a stronge towne of Brytayne besyeged fo cxiii Benyuolence was fyrste foūded and graūted in Edwarde the .iiii. dayes folio ccxxv Bysshop Groostehede and of his actes apperyth in y e .xxxiii. yere of kyng Henry the thyrde folio xxvi Bysshop of Exceter was beheded apperyth in the .xviii. yere of Edwarde the seconde folio lxxxii Bysshop of Norwyche made warre in Spayne by the popes cōmaundement in the .vi. yere of Rycharde the seconde folio cxliii Bysshop of London hath a memory of the cytesyns of London fo cxlvii Bysshop of wynchester lent to kyng Henry the fyfte .xx. thousand poūde folio clxxvii Bysshop of wynchester foresayd created cardynall folio clxxx Bysshop of Salysbury was slayne in the ende of .xxviii. of Henry the .vi. as more playnly is shewed fo cxcviii Bysshop of Chychester called Reynolde Pecok was abiured of heresye folio ccii Boke of prophecy was founden by a Iewe in Spayne folio xxiiii Blode of Cryste was broughte into westmynster by kynge Henry the .iii. folio xxv Bonifacius pope of hys cōdycyons folio lxxi Bull of the pope manyfested at Poulys crosse folio xxxiii Busshe Baggot and Grene and of theyr actes folio cli Brytōs resyst y e Frenchmē fo xxxix CHarles the .v. of that name surnamed the fayre and brother to Phylyp surnamed the longe sonne of the .iiii. Phylyp began hys reygne ouer the realme of Fraunce in the yere of grace M.iii. hundreth and .xxii and the .xv. yere of the secōd Edwarde kynge of Englande and reygned yeres .vi. folio lxxxiiii Cardynalles that were sent into Englande from the pope were robbed appereth in the .ix. yere of Edwarde the seconde folio lxxvi Caen a stronge towne in Normandye besyeged by kynge Edward the thyrde and won it folio xcviii Calys besyeged and gotten by kyng Edwarde the thyrde folio xcix Cardynall sent from the pope laboured for peas folio ciii Castell of Pount was yolden vp by appoyntement folio cxxv Careckes .iii. were taken by the duke of Clarence and the erle of Kente folio clxvii Charyte of kynge Lewys folio i. Charles de Ualoys brother to Phylyppe le Beawe vncle vnto Charles the .v. foresayd dyed folio lxxxvi Charles de Bloys was slayne in the batayle bytwene syr Iohn̄ Mountforte and the sayd Charlys fo cix Charles the .vi. of that name sonne of Iohn̄ bēganne to rule the French men in the yere of our lorde M.iii. C.lxiiii .xxxviii. yere of the thyrde Edwarde kynge of Englande and reygned yeres .xvi. folio xxxvi Charles the .vii. of y e name a yonge chylde and sonne of the .vi. Charlys began hys reygne ouer Fraunce in the moneth of september and yere of our lorde a thousand .iii. hūdreth and lxxx and the thyrde yere of the secōde Rycharde then kyng of Englande reygned yeres .xlii. folio clv. Charles the .viii. of that name and sonne vnto Charles the .vi. as sayen the Frenche authours but the Englysshe wryters sheweth the cōtrary as in the story of thys Charles shall appere thys began to reygne ouer y e Frenchmen in the yere of our lorde thousande .iii. hūdreth and .xxii and the laste yere of Henry the .v. thenne kynge of England reygned yeres xxxvi folio ccvii Chauntryes foūded in Poulys churche in London fo cxi Cerymonyes for the coronacyon of kynge Henry the .iiii as appereth folio clxiii Creacyō of dukes by kyng Rychard the .ii. fo cxliii Clement pope
dyspleased for that he myght gyue no bysshopryches withī the realme of Englande in the .xviii yere of kyng Edwarde the .iii. as apereth fo xcvi Cytezyns of London are tolle free folio xx Cytezyns of Londn were arrested folio xxx Clerkes of Orleaunces wythstande the kynge of Fraunces commaundement fo cxix Churche or monastery of westmynster was ended of buyldyng as apereth fo lviii Condycions made by the borough-maysters of the towne of Burgys agaynst theyr erle fo lxxxvi Constable of Fraunce was murdred by the aduyse of Charles kyng of Nauerne fo cxxii Constable of the towre of London was drowned whose name was called syr Thomas Ramston̄ as appereth folio clxviii Constantynoble was wonne by the Turkys as it is shewed in folio cxcix Colacyon made by the archebysshop of Caunterbury to the lordes for the deposycyon of kyng Rycharde the .ii. folio cliiii Conclusyon of maryage by kynge Henry the .vi. fo cxcii Condycyons of kynge Lowys as is shewed fo ccxxii Commynge of the emperoure into Fraunce and of hys honourable receyte folio cxxxvii Composycyon was made betwene kynge Henry the syxte and the duke of yorke as appereth folio ccv Copy of a letter sent from Edwarde the .iii. vnto the Frenche kynge and answere to the same made loke in folio xcv Copy of an instrument made for deposyng of kyng Rycharde as is shewed folio cliii Copye of a byll put into the parlyament house for the temporaltees as is shewed fo clxix Copy of a letter sent by the bysshope of wynchester vnto the duke of Bedforde folio clxxxi Copy of a pardon made by the kyng vnto the cytezyns of London as apereth fo xli Correccyon of aduoutry as is shewed folio lxxiii Coronacion of quene Katheryne as appereth fo clxxvi Courses of seruyce for the feest of the sayd coronacyon fo clxxvi Corps of kynge Henry the .v. was with great solempnite brought vnto the monastery of westminster as apereth fo clxxi Countesse of Henawde laboured to make a peace betwene kyng Edward the thyrd kynge Phylyp of Fraūce folio xcv Couenauntes betwene the regente the kynge of Nauerne are expressed and shewed folio cxxxi Couenauntes of maryage betwene kynge Henry the .v. and the Frenche kyng beholde in fo clxxv Crossed treers came fyrste into Englāde in the .iii. yere of kyng Edward the .ii. folio lxxv Crucyfix of golde belongyng to sait Denys church in Fraunce was axed by the kyng of the monkes for ayde folio cxx DAme Blaunche was ayded by Phylip the French kynge as appereth folio lii Dame Elynour Cobham was arrested of treason as it is shewed in folio cxci Dauyd brother of Lewyn prynce of walys wrought treason as it is shewed in fo lvii Dauyd aforesayd was taken folio lviii Daunsynge wonderfull beholde folio lix Derthe of corne folio lx Dede knyght apered to one mayster Morres in walys fo xiii Derknesse intollerable fylle in Paulys churche the bysshoppe beynge at masse folio xxi Deuorce betwene Charlys y e French kynge and Blaūche as it is shewed folio lxxxiiii Dede corpsys what noumbre in one yere were buryed in London fo c Depe a towne in Normandy was strongly assayled by the lord Talbot folio cxcii Denham esquyer toke the lorde Ryuers at Sand wyche folio cciiii Dyscencyon amonge the lordes of Englande fo xxxii Dyscencion fyll amōge the lordes in Normandy fo cxix Dyscencion grewe betwene y e Frēche kynge and the kynge of Nauerne folio cxxii Dyscencyon fylle amonge the Frēch men for cessynge of an ayde folio cxxiii Dyscencyon grewe amonge the thre astates of the realme of Fraunce folio cxxvi Dyuers inconuenyences fyll in Englande and in Fraunce as is shewed folio c Dyuerse vysyons and meruayles were sene in the ayer as it is shewed folio cviii Duke of Ostryche dyed and the hostages of kynge Rycharde were free delyuered folio ix Duke of Lancasters actes folio ciii Duke Iohn̄ of Lācastre made warre in Fraunce folio cxi Duke of Lancastre passed thorugh Fraunce wythoute fyghte folio cxiii Duke of Burgoyn complayneth vppon syr Iohn̄ Chalous knyghte folio cxviii Duke of Normandy maketh hys oracion to the cytesyns of Parys folio cxxviii Duke foresayde was proclaymed regente of Fraunce as it is shewed folio cxxx Duke of Lancastre reentred Fraūce folio cxxxvi Duke of Lācastre warred in Spayn̄ folio cxlv Duke of Glouceter spake sharpe wordes to kyng Rycharde the secōd folio cxlix Duke of Glouceter was arested and murdered folio cxlix Dukes of Herforde and of Northfolke fyll at dyscencyon for cause shewed folio cl Duke of Lancastre claymed the crowne folio cliii Duke of Orleaunce laboured agaīst the vnyuersyte of Parys folio clx Duke of Orleaunce was slayne folio clx Dukes of Orleaunce of Burgoyn maketh new warre fo clx Duke of Burgoyne was slayne folio clxiii Dukes and barons were put to deth for treason folio clxv Duke of Clarence was slayn folio clxxvii Duke of Glouceter was made protectour of Englande in the fyrste yere of the reygne of kynge Henry the syxte and the duke of Bedforde regente of Fraunce as it is shewed in fo c.lxxix Duke of Bedforde wynneth holdes in Fraunce se in fo clxxx Duchesse of Holād was taken prysoner loke in fo clxxxi Duke of Alenson was delyuered for hys raunsom fo clxxxii Duke of Northfolke was in greate ieopardy of drownyng fo clxxxiii Duke of Burgoyne turned from the Englysshe partye to y e French partye as is shewed in fo clxxxviii Duke of Burgoyn layde syege to Calays fo clxxxix Dukes erles were created as apereth in fo cxciii Duke of Suffolke was arrested folio cxcv Duke of Somerset was arrested as sheweth in fo c.xcviii Duke of yorke gathered people as apereth in fo cxcviii Duke of yorke dyscharge of hys protectourshyp fo cci Duke of yorke and othe were attaynted as apereth in fo cciiii Duke of Bukkyngham many other were slayne fo cciiii Duke of yorke taketh the kynges royall see fo ccv Duke of yorke with other was slayn folio ccv Duke of Burgoyne assisteth y e Frēch kynges sonne agaynst hys father as is shewed in fo ccix Duke of Brytayn other conspyred agayne theyr kyng fo ccix Duke of Somerset wyth other put to deth fo ccxv Duke of Clarence wyth other lāded at Dartmouh fo ccxviii Duke of Exceter was founde dede in the see folio ccxxi Duke Clarence was drowned in wyne fo ccxxii Duke of Glouceter was made protectour fo ccxxiiii Duke of Bukkyngham sheweth the tytle of kyng Rychard fo ccxxv Duke of Glouceter taketh possessyō at westmynster as appereth folio ccxxv Duke of Bukkyngham cōspyreth agaynst kyng Rychard was taken beheded at Salysbury fo ccxxv Duke of Orleaūce was taken in batayll as is shewed fo ccxxviii Duke of Brytayne dyed whereby great warre foloweth as it is shewed fo ccxxviii EDwarde the fyrste of that name sonne of Henry y e thyrde surnamed Edwarde Longe shanke began
hys reygne ouer England the xvii daye of Nouembre the morowe after saynt Edmond the archbisshop in the yere of our lorde M.CC lxxii the .ii. yere of the .iii. Phylype than kynge of Fraunce reygned nobly yeres .xxxiiii. fo lv Elyanoure mother to kyng Richard was enlarged fo iiii Edmounde Crouchbak was maried to the doughter of y e erle of Amnarle as apereth in fo xliiii Edmoūd wodstocke wroughte treason fo lxxxviii Edward the sonne of Henry foresayd distressed the barons as it is shewed folio xxxix Edwarde forsayd dystressed the Barons the seconde tyme as is shewed folio xxxix Edwarde the holy kyng and confessour was translated as it shewed in folio xliiii Edwarde was crossed into the holy lande and of hys feates there done folio xlv Edwarde of Carnaruan as apereth folio lviii Edward the second called Edwarde Carnaruan the sonne of the fyrst Edwarde began hys domynyon ouer Englande in the moneth of Iuly and yere of our lorde god M.iii. C. vii and the .xxi. yere of the .iiii. Phylyppe or Philip the fayre than kynge of Fraunce and reygned yeres full xix fo lxxiiii Edwarde the fyrst maryed to hys .ii. wyfe the Frenche kynges syster folio lxv Edwarde the .iii. of that name son̄ of Edwarde the secōde and of dame Isabell the doughter of Philippe le Beawe or the .iiii. Phylyp late kyng of Fraunce whych Edwarde aboute the age of .xv. yeres began hys reygn ouer the realme of England the .xxv. daye of Ianuary in the yere of grace M.iii. C. .xxvi and the .iiii. yere of Charles the fayre thā king of Fraūce the whyche reygned yeres .li. folio lxxxvi Edwarde Carnaruan was myserably slayne as is shewed fo lxxxvii Edwarde Bayloll was made kynge of Scottes fo lxxxviii Edwarde the .iii. sayled into Braban wyth hys wyfe loke in fo xci Edward the .iii. chalēged y e hole kingdome of Fraunce fo xciii Edward the eldest son̄ of the duke of yorke was electe for king of Englād loke in fo Edwarde the .iiii. of that name and eldest sone of Rychard duke of yorke whych was proclaymed heyre parāt to the crowne began hys domynyon ouer the realme of Englande in the iiii day of Marche in y e yere of grace M.iiii C.lx the .ii. yere of the .xi. Lowys than kyng of Fraūce reygned at that tyme .viii. monethes yeres viii fo cc.xiiii Edwarde the .iiii. beforenamed wan the felde of Barnet vpon Ester daye agayne kyng Hēry the .vi. in the yere of grace M.iiii C.lxxi yere of Lowys the French kyng aforesayd and reygned after that day .x. monethes and yeres .xii. So that fyrste laste he reygned ouer .vii. monethes assygned to Henry the .vi. dayes .xxxvi. monethes yeres .xxi. or wyth the sayde monethes of Henry the .vi. set to Edwardes reygne make .xxii. yeres and odde dayes fo cc.xx. Edwarde the .v. of that name sonne of Edward the .iiii. of the age of .xiiii. yeres and lasse began to reygne as kyng of Englād the .x. daye of Apryll yere of our lord M. iiii.lxxxiii the xxxv yere of the .xi. Lowys thā kyng of Fraunce and reygned tyll the .xx. day of Iuly next folowyng in which season passed dayes .lxxii. folio cc.xxiiii Elizabeth the holy womā doughter of the kyng of Hungery fo xxi Eleanoure quene of her progenye loke in fo lxi Emperoure of Almayne came into England fo c.lxvii Emperour forsayd came agayn into thys lande fo c.lxxii Enuye of Frenchmen fo v Enguerram was put to deth folio lxxxiii Epytaphye of Rychard the fyrste as apereth in fo x Epytaphye of Frederyke the emperour fo xxv Epytaphye of Edward the fyrst loke in fo lxviii Epytaphye of Edward the .iii. folio cxvi Epytaphye of kyng Rycharde the .ii. loke in fo clxvi Erthquake fell in Englād fo xxv Erle of Penbroke was ouerset with Frenchmen other fo cxiii Expressemēt of the grudges atwene kyng Rychard the fyrst the Frēche kynge fo iiii Eugeny pope and of hys actes folio clxxxvii FAlse Cryst was crucyfyed as is shewed in fo xix False clerke of Oxenforde whych fayned hym selfe madde came to wodstocke entēdyng to haue slayne king Henry the .iii. fo xxii Faytes or actes of warre done at Dōstable fo xcvi Fysshes wonderfull takē in the .xxxv yere of kyng Hēry the .vi. fo cci Floren̄ of golde was made by kynge Edward the .iii. fo xcvii Fryers mynors came fyrst into Englande loke in fo xix Fryers Augustynes in the .xxxv. yere of kynge Hēry the .iii. buylded theyr house in a place in walys called wodhous as is shewed fo xxvi Fryers were put to deth loke in folio clix Frenche kyng sent for hys doughter that was kynge Rychardes wyfe folio clix Frēch nauy dyscōfyted fo clxxiiii Froste excedyng loke in fo clxviii GAscoynes make warre agaīst Frenchmē borderers in kyng Charles the .v. days as is shewed in folio lxxxvi Gabell or taxe reysed vppon salte in Fraunce loke in fo cxix Guynes castell was yoldē to Englishmen loke in fo ci Grudge betwene Baldwyn and his monkes fo vii Grudge arose betwene kyng Iohn̄ hys lordes fo xvi Grudge and dyspleasure betwene y e bysshop of wynchester and the duke of Glouceter it is shewed in folio clxxxi Grudge and murmure toke place amonge the nobles of Fraunce as appereth fo cc.xxviii HArme done by thonder as appereth in fo cvii Haw●e wythout reuerence of the sacrament was slayne in the churche folio cxli Hastynges lord Chamberleyne was sodeynly put to deth fo ccxxiiii Henry the thyrd of that name sonn̄ of king Iohn̄ a chyld of .x. yeres began to reygne ouer Englāde in the moneth of Octobre and yere of oure lorde M.CC. .xvii and the .xxxvii. yere of Phylype thā kyng of Fraūce and reygned yeres .lvi fo xviii Henry Bolyng broke y e .iiii. of y e name and sonne heyre of Iohn̄ of Gaunt duke of Lācastre the whyche Iohn̄ was secōd sonne of Edwarde the .iii. lyuyng after theyr father or the .iii. sonne to rekyn prynce Edward this Henry after the deposiciō of Rychard in the ende of the moneth of Septēbre begā to reygne ouer Englāde in the yere of our lorde M.iii. C.lxxx xix and the .xix. yere of Charles y e .vii than kyng of Fraunce and reygned yeres .xiii. fo clxiii Henry the .vi. of that name sonn̄ of Henry the .v. of y e name sonne of Hēry the .iiii. began hys reygne ouer the realme of Englād vppon the morne after saynt Cuthbertys day or y e ●xi day of Marche in the ende of y e yere of grace M.iiii C. .xiii and y e ●xxii yere of Charles the .vii. than kyng of Fraūce and reygned yeres .ix. fo .clxx Hēry the .v. dame Kateryne doughter of Charles the .vi. or .vii. a chylde of halfe yere of age begā hys reygne ouer Englād Fraūce in the ende of the moneth of Iuly and yere
of our lord M.iiii C. .xxii and y e fyrst yere of Charles the .vii. or viii y e thāne amonge the Frenchemē was allowed for kyng and reygned yeres .xxxix. folio clxxix Henry of Derby wyth other landed at Rauēspore as is shewed fo cli Henry the fyfte foresayd sayled into Fraunce loke in fo clxxii Henry Derby forenamed and of hys issue is shewed fo cxliiii Henry the .iiii. aforesayd maryed the duchesse of Brytayne fo clxvi Heresye of Iohn̄ wyclyf apereth folio cxlvii Heretykes taken in saynt Gyles feld and after brent fo clxxi Homage done by lordes of Almayne to Rycharde erle of Cornewayll brother to kyng Henry the thyrde folio xxxviii Homage done by the kyng of Scottes to kyng E. the .iii. fo lxxxix Hughe holy bysshoppe of Lyncolne dyed fo xi Iohn̄ brother to Rycharde the fyrste was ordeyned kynge of Englande in the moneth of Apryll yere of our lord M.C.xcix the .xx. yere of the second Phylyp than kyng of Fraunce and reygned yere .xvii. The interdiccion of thys lande begā in the .vi. yere of thys kynge endured tyll the .xiii. yere Henry the sonne of Alwyn in the .x. yere of thys kynge was admytted for the fyrste mayre of Lōdō And in the sayd .x. yere of king Iohn̄ London brydge was begon to be made of stone fo x Iohn̄ the fyrst in Fraunce of that name sonne of Phylyp de Ualoys began hys reygne ouer the lande of Fraunce in the moneth of August yere of our lord M.iii. C. .l and the xxxiiii yere of y e thyrd Edward kyng of England reygned yeres xiiii Thys kynge was taken prysoner of Edwarde the prynce of Englande at the batayll of Poytyers in Fraūce folio cxxiii Iaphet was gotten by kynge Rychard fo v Iakys de Artyuyle fauoured the Englysshe partye fo xciii Iacke Strawe wyll waw made an insurreccyon fo cxlii Iacke Sharpe was taken and putt to deth folio clxxxv Iacke Cade and hys felowes folio cxcvi Iacke Cade wroughte moche of hys wyll in London after robbed so slayne fo cxcvii Iewes were banysshed thys lande folio lx Iewes were spoyled slayne fo clv. Iohn̄ brother of kyng Rychard was prowd fo iii Iohn̄ reconcyled to hys brother apereth in fo viii Iohn̄ duke of Lancaster dyed as is shewed fo c.l. Iohn̄ duke of Bedforde dyed folio clxxxviii Inquysycyons were made vpon the rulers of London as is shewed in folio xxix Iordan of the I le of Gascoyne grewe out of kynde fo lxxxv Inglysshe lordes wanne fyrst vppon Frenchmen fo xcviii Inglysshe soudyours slayne vnder safe conduyt fo cxxii Itenerarii plees were holden in South werke fo xxxi Ile of Ely holdeth banysshed men folio xlii Ile of Rodes fyrst wonne fo lxxv Isabell late wyfe vnto kynge Rycharde was maryed to the eldest son̄ of the duke of Orleaunce fo clx Issue dyssent of syr Roger Mortymer fo cxliiii Iustyces or iuges punysshed fo lx Iustes holden in Smythfelde folio cxliiii KInge Iohn̄ and hys lāde was enterdyted fo x Kynge Iohn̄ was reconcyled to the churche fo xvi Kyng Henry the .iii. sayled into Normandy fo xxiiii Kynge Henry the .iii. in proper ꝑsone sat in iugement fo xxix Kynge Iohn̄s fury serche in fo xiiii Kynge Iohn̄ of Fraunce was taken prysoner folio ciii Kyng Iohn̄ was delyuered fo cvii Kyng Iohn̄ dyed in Englande folio cviii Kyng Rychard sought many prouysyons folio iiii Kynge Rycharde sayled into y e holy lande folio iiii Kynge Rychard was takē prysoner folio vi Kyng Rychard was delyuered folio vii Hynge Rycharde sayled into Normandy folio ix Kynge Rycharde assayled the castell of Gysors folio x Kynge Rycharde was slayne fo x Kynge Henry the thyrd frayneth coūsayll of the mayre folio xxxiiii Kynge Henry sayled into Fraunce to be presente at the Frenche kynges parlyament folio xxxv Kynge Henry was taken of hys barons folio xxxvii Kynge Henry layd hys syege to London as it is shewed folio xliii Kynge Henry chosed shyrefes folio xliii Kynge Lowys toke vppon hym the crosse folio xlviii Kynge Edwarde the fyrst buylde castelles in walys folio lviii Kynge Edwarde sayled into Fraūce folio lix Kynge Edwarde the .ii. was taken also resygned the crowne fo lxxxii Kynge Edward the .iii. came secretly to London folio xcvi Kynge Edwarde warred sharply in Fraunce folio xcvii Kynge Edwarde chased the Spanyardes from the see fo ci Kynge Edwarde yode into Scotlande fo cii Kynge of Scottes was delyuered folio ciiii Kynge Edward spedde hym toward Parys fo cv Kynge of Nauerne was sodaynly taken as it is shewed fo cxxiii Kynge of Nauerne was set at large folio cxxvii Kynge Edwarde warred newly in Fraunce fo cxxxv Kynge Iohan was receyued into Fraunce fo cxxxv Kynge of Nauerne became feodory vnto the French kynge fo cxxxvi Kynge of Ermonye asked ayde of kynge Rycharde the .ii. fo cxliii Kyng Rychard ayded the Ianuayes folio cxlv Kyng Rychard maryed the Frenche kynges doughter fo cxlvii Kyng Richard sayled into Irelande folio cli Kyng Richarde was myserably put to dethe fo clxv Kyng Henry the .iiii. maryed the duchesse of Brytayne fo clx Kyng Henry the .v. sayled into Normandy fo clxxiii Kynge Henry maryed the Frenche kynges doughter fo clxxv Kynge Henry was receyued into Lōdon fo clxxvi Kyng Henry and hys wyfe sat crowned in Parys fo clxxvii Kyng Henry the .vi. shewed hys vertue beholde fo clxxix Kyng Henry was dubbed knyghte folio clxxxii Kinge Hēry was crowned fo clxxxiii Kynge Henry was crowned at Parys fo clxxxv Kynge of Scottes was murdered folio cxc Kyng Hēry the .vi. was taken fo ccv Kyng Edward the .iiii. was receyued into London fo ccvii Kynge Edwarde ayded the duke of Burgoyne fo ccxiii Kyng Edwarde spoused dame Elizabeth Graye fo ccxvi Kynge Edwarde fledde thys lande folio ccxviii Kynge Henry was taken oute of the towre fo ccxviii Kynge Edwarde was proclaymed vsurper fo ccxix Kynge Edwarde landed at Rauynspore fo ccxix Kynge Edwarde repossessed as apereth folio ccxx Kyng Hēry the .vi. dyed in the towre of London fo ccxx Kyng Edwardes chyldren were takē out of seyntwary fo ccxxiiii LAzars of Languedok were brent fo lxxxiiii Letter sente by the barons to kynge Henry fo xxxvii Lewelyn prynce of walys rebelled folio lvi Lewelyn was slayne as appereth folio lvii Letter takked vpō the crosse in chepe folio lxxxi Lordes assemble at Arundell as apereth folio cxlix Lordes put to deth fo clxxii Lordes fledde from Lodlowe feelde folio cciii Lordes proclaymed traytours as is shewed folio cciiii Lordes came to London fo cciiii Lordes of Fraunce warre vpō theyr kynge fo ccx Lordes contynue theyr malyce as is shewed fo ccxi Lordes dyscorde wythin them selfe folio ccxii Lorde Morley appeled the erle of Salysbury as it is shewed in folio clxv Lorde Straunge and syr Iohanne Trussell fyghte in the churche for cause
shewed in folio clxxiiii Lorde Talbot was slayne as appereth fo cc Lorde Egremonde was commytted to Newgate as is shewed fo ccii Lorde wellys conspyred agayne the kynge folio ccxviii Lorde chamberlayne beheded as is shewed fo ccxx Losse of Normandy as is shewed folio cxcviii Lowys sonne vnto the French kyng warred in Englande fo xvii Lowys retourned into Fraunce as appereth fo xviii Lowys sayled into the holy lande folio xxv Lowys gaue sentence agayne the barons fo xxxvi Lowys the .ix. of that name and son̄ of Phylyp the seconde beganne hys reygne ouer the Frenchemen in the yere of oure lorde M.CC. and .xxiii and the .vi. yere of the thyrde kynge Henry than kyng of Englande and reygned yeres .iii. By thys kynge retourned the blode of Charles into y e possessyon of the crowne of Fraunce folio xlvi Lowys the .x. of that name a chylde of .xii. yeres and sonne of the abouenamed the .ix. Lowys whyche is named saynt Lowys began his reygne ouer Fraunce in the yere of our lord M.CC. and .xxvi and the .ix. yere of the iii. Henry than kinge of Englād and reygned yeres .xliii as appereth folio xlvii Lowys the .xi. by accompt and sonne of Phylyp the .iiii beganne to reygn ouer Fraunce in the yere of our lord M.CCC and .xv and the .viii. yere of the seconde Edwarde than kynge of Englande and reygned yeres .ii. folio lxxxiii Lowys the .xii. of y e name afte the accōpt of thys boke .x. after the frēche accōpt wherof y e cause is before shewed son̄ of the laste Charles begā to rule y e Frenchmē in y e yere of our lord M.iiii C. and .lviii .xxxvi. yere of Hēry the .vi. thā kyng of Englande reygned yeres .xxvi. fo ccix Lowys refused lordes company and counsayll fo ccix Lowys rescueth Parys fo ccx Losse of townes and castelles in Normandy folio cxxxvii MAruayles sene in the fyrmament folio xii Mayre of London presenment loke in folio xxvii Mayr and hys bretherne foūd gylty in hurtyng the cōmons fo xxix Mayre and cytezeyns agreed to the lordes fo xxxi Macys of syluer were fyrste graūted to offycers of London fo xci Men of Norwyche enraged fo xlv Manhode of Mathew de Roya foli liiii Marchaunte straungers encroched vpō the cytezyns of Lōdon and were punysshed fo lix Maddocke a walshman rebelled as it is shewed fo lxi Mariage of the .ii. Edward fo lxxiiii Malyce sprange amonge the lordes of Flaunders fo lxxxv marueylous heyle fylle fo lx Mychaell Tony mayre of London adiuged loke in fo lvi mortmayne was fyrst enacted fo lvi Mortymer was howgely auaunced folio lxxxvii Mortymer was put to deth as it is shewed fo lxxxviii money borowed of the cytye of London folio xcii Martyn Pysdo Parycyen was put to cruell deth fo cxxxv maner of cysme in the church of Rome loke in fo cxxxviii Maner of the metyng of the kynges of Englande of Fraunce fo cxlvii many knyghtes of the bathe made folio clxiii Maruayles of Thamys fo clxx masses ordeyned by kyng Henry the fyfte as it is shewed in folio clxxviii Maner of treaty betwene the landes of Englande and of Fraunce loke in folio clxxxviii maryage was dyspoynted fo cxcii Maryage concluded fo cxciii manhode of chalons fo cxcv Maximilian and the Frenche kynge dyscorden fo ccxxviii Margaret syster vnto Edwarde the iiii departed from London towarde the see fo ccxvii monycyon dyuyne was gyuen to the Frenche kynge fo clviii Mountague a noble man was slayn folio clx mummyng made for treason as is shewed fo clxv Murder was punysshed fo clxvii NOumbre of wardes in y e citye of London fo ii Names of twelfe perys of England folio xxx New tolle was brought vp fo xliiii Nycholas Brembre wyth other was put to deth fo cxliiii Nauye of Frenchemen dystressed as is shewed fo lv Newe coyne of syluer was stryken folio lvii New dyspleasure kynge Rycharde toke agayne y e cytye of London fo cl Newe coyne of golde smitten as appereth in fo clxx OCtoboon the popes legate was pursued of the clergy of Englande for causes shewed in fo xxii Occasyon of the fraye in Fletestrete folio cxlv Occasyon of dyspleasure betwene kynge Rycharde and the duke of Glouceter fo cxlix Of the chere and curious receyuyng of kyng Henry by the Frēnche kyng folio xxxii Offycers charged and dyscharged as it is shewed folio xxxiii Of kyng Iohn̄s pledges fo cviii Ordre of seruytoures in the tyme of quene Katherins coronaciō fo clxxvi Orleaunce that cytye was besyeged folio clxxxii Othes sworne by the kynges of Englande and of Fraunce for peace kefolio cvii Olyuer Dāman and Danyell sometyme chyef counsayllours of Lowys the Frenche kynge were hanged as appereth fo ccxxviii PReface of thys werke as apereth fo I Peace was taken betwene the kynges of Englande and of Fraunce folio xi Phylyp kynge of Fraunce warred vpon kyng Iohn̄ fo xi Phylyp brake the peace fo xii Pope Innocente sente vnto kynge Iohn̄ fo xiii Parlyamente holden at London folio xix Pyers of Pountfret for hys vertue put to deth fo xvii Parlyament holden at Mertone folio xxii Periurye was punysshed as appereth fo xxv Parlyament holden at Oxenforde as apereth fo xxx Parlyament holden at westmynster folio xxxi Parlyament holden at Oxenforde as is shewed fo xxxvi Parlyament holden at westmynster folio xxxviii Parlyament holden at westmynster folio xlv Peace was made betwene the kynge and Gylbert de Clare as is shewed folio xliii Punysshement of Londoners as is shewed fo xl Phylyp the thyrde of that name and sonne of saynte Lowys was made kynge of Fraunce in the yere of our lorde M.CC.lxx and the .liii. yere of the thyrde Henry than kynge of Englande and reygned yeres .xv. fo li Phylyp the .iiii. of that name and son̄ of the .iii. Phylyp la beawe or fayre began to reygne ouer Fraunce in y e yere of our lorde a M.CC.lxxxvi the .xiiii. yere of the fyrste Edwarde than kyng of England and reygned yeres .xxxix. fo lxviii Phylyp the .v. of that name and surnamed the longe sonne of the fourth Philyppe and brother to Lowys the xi by accompt begā hys reygne ouer Fraunce in the yere of grace a M.iii C. and .xvii the .x. yere of Edwarde the .ii. than kynge of Englande and reygned yeres .v. fo lxxxiii Phylyppe de Ualoys erle of Ualoys and the sonne of Charlys de Ualoys brother to the fourthe Philippe was nat wythoute some stryfe chosen and ordeyned for protectoure of the lande of Fraunce and after kyng of the same the .ii. daye of February in the yere of oure lorde M.iii. C. and .xxviii and the .ii. yere of Edwarde the .iii. than kyng of Englande and reygned in greate trouble yeres .xxii. fo cxvi Phylyppes actes in Italye as appereth folio liiii Parlyament holden at westmynster folio lvi Plees remoued from London as is shewed fo lvi
Saynte Mychaell there Crepelgate warde xxv Saynte Mary magdaleyn in mylke strete Saynt Mary in Aldermanbury Saynt Mychaell in Hogynlane Saynt Albons in woodstrete Saynt Alphy by Crepulgate Saynt Olaff in Syluer strete Saynt Gylys wythout the gate The summe of the paryshe chyrches wythin London C.xiii. HEre after ensue the howsys of relygyon monasteryes colleges chapellys and other beynge no paryshe chyrches wythin the cytye The cathedrall chyrch of saynt Poule in the ende of Chepe The pryory of saynte Barthelmewe in Smythfelde The hospytall or spytyll a cell of the sayde pryory The charter house standyng wythin the warde of Crepulgate Elsynge spytall wythin the sayde warde The chapell of our Lady of Bedlem in Byshoppes gate warde The house of saynt Elyne in y e same warde of nunnys The pryory of Crystes chyrche with in Algate Saynte Anne abbaye wythin Portsokyn warde of whyte munkys The howse of y e Meneressys of close nunnys wythin the same warde The chapel of our lady of Barkyng in the towre warde An howse of crossed frerys in the same warde A colege of saynt Antony in y e warde of Bredstrete A colege of saynte Thomas called Acrys standynge in Chepe An house of frere Augustynes in Brode strete warde An house of gray frerys standyng in the warde Faryngedon wythin An house of blacke freres standynge by Ludgate within y e foresaid warde An house of whyte freres standynge in Flete strete A chyrche or college called the Temple standynge at Temple barre A chapel standyng in pardon chyrch yarde wythin Poulys A chapell standyng in y e chirch yarde at Poulys ouer the charnell house A chapell standynge wythin Crepell gate saynt Iamys in the wall A chapell called Pappey stādyng besyde Bishoppes gate founded by the prestes of that fraternyte A chapel of corpꝰ Cristi in y e Pultry A chapell of saynt Thomas of Caūterbury stādyng vpon Lōdonbridge A chapell standynge in yelde Hall yarde of our Lady A colege of prestes standynge by Poulys called saynte Martyne le graunde The summe of housys of relygyon chapellys and other .xxvii. westmynster The abbbaye of westmynster The kynges newe chapell Saynte Stephans chapell Saynt Margaretes chyrche A chapell at Totehyll A chapell of saynt Anne in Totehyll strete Saynte Iamys in the felde A chapell at Rauncyuale A paryshe chyrche therby of saynte Martyne A chapell of our lady of Pewe Chyrches monasteryes chapellys and other housys wherin god is dayly seruyd standynge in the cyrcuyte of the cytye wythoute the wallys and fyrste wythoute Algate A paryshe chyrche of our ladye standynge wythoute the barrys called whyte chapell A colege of saynte Katheryne standynge on the eest ende of the towre of London A paryshe chyrch or chapell wythin the sayde towre of saynte Peter Southwarke The monastery of Bermundsey A paryshe chyrch of Mary Magdaleyne standynge faste by A paryshe chyrche of saynt George A paryshe chyrch of saynt Magaret An hospitall or college of saynt Thomas A paryshe chyrche of saynte Olas A monastery of chanōs callyd saynt Mary Ouereys and with a paryshe chyrche of saynt Mary Magdaleyn standynge faste thereby wythout the Temple barre A paryshe chyrch of saynte Clement A chapell of saynte Spyryte Saynte Ursula at strande wythoute Smythfelde The pryorye of saynte Iohn̄ in Hierusalem A house of nūnys named Clerkēwel A a chapell in pardon chyrche yarde wythout Byshoppes gate Shordyche paryshe chyrche Saynte Mary spytell A house of nunnys callyd Halywell And of the dyuyne houses without the cytye .xxviii. The summe of all the dyuyne houses wythin the cytye and wythoute is a hundred and .lxviii. RIcharde the fyrst of that name and seconde sonne of Henry the second beganne hys reygne ouer Englād in the moneth of Iuly and yere of our lorde .x. hundred .lxxx. and .x and the .xi. yere of the seconde Phylyppe then kynge of Fraunce Thys Rycharde prouyded besely to sette good rule in Normādy when he hadde harde of hys fathers deth and after spedde him into England where he was ioyously receyued in the moneth of September folowynge and thyrde daye he was crowned at westmynster of Baldwyn archbyshoppe of Caunterburye Uppon the whyche daye the Iewys of Englande and specyally suche as dwellyd within London and nere about assembled of them a certayn nomber and presumyd farther then requyred for theyr authoryte For whyche presumpcyon they were fyrste rebuked after one of thē strykē which thyng sene of the cōmon people supposyd that to be done by the kynges commaundement wherfore in a fury as those that they hated as the deuyll for theyr vsury other vnhappy condycyons they fell vppon theym and chased them to theyr houses them robbed and spoyled wythout pytye and brent some of theyr housis wher of the rumour ranne to westmynster to y e kynges audyēce wherfore in all haste he sent downe gyuyng strayte cōmaundement that they shuld cease of that ryot But the people were in suche ire and wodenesse that they refrayned not for all the kinges sonde tyll they hadde executed the fyne of theyr malyce And all be yt that thys ryot was after greuously shewyd agayne the commons of the cytye yet yt passed vnpunyshed for the great nomber of the transgressours And the sayde daye of coronacyon all prysoners that lay in any pryson aboute London at the kynges sute or for other small or fayned accyons were frely delyueryd Soone after the kynge gaue many dygnytyes and to hys brother Iohn̄ he gaue the prouynces of Notyngham Deuonshyre and Cornewall and creatyd hym erle of Lancaster And then the kynge ordeyned the cytye of London to be ruled by two baylyues whose names were as foloweth Anno domini M.C.xc.   Anno domini M.C.xci.   Henry of Cornehyll   Balliui   Anno primo   Rycharde fyz Ryuer   IT was not longe after that y e the kynge hadde thus exalted hys brother Iohn̄ as before is shewwyd but that he also preferryd hym to the maryage of the erle of Glouceters doughter by reason wherof he was lorde of that erledome These great auaūcementis made him after vnkynde to his broder and by pryde therof to coueyt afterwarde the hole kyngdome Thys yere kynge Rycharde was assoyled of the offence that he had vsyd in rebellyon agayne hys father In recompēsacyon wherof as testyfyeth the authour Guydo he voluntaryly toke vppon hym and promysed to warre vppon Crystes enymyes All be yt that other wryters shewe that yt was for that that hys father had so wylled hym by hys lyfe But for what cause so yt was preparacyon and prouysyon for that iourney was made from that daye forthwarde Thys yere also the kynge enlarged Elyanoure hys moder whyche long before at the commaundement of his father her husbande was as a prysoner kepte in secrete kepynge After whych enlargyng y e land was mych guydyd by her counsayll And thys yere as sayth Ranulfe kynge Rycharde gaue ouer the castellis of Barwyke and Rochysburghe to y e Scottyshe kyng for the summe
sharpnes of Baldwyne had somdeale greued theym And though thys Baldwyne were a good man holy in his lyuynge yet one thyng he dyd to the derogacyon of the munkes of Caunterburye for he purposyd to put the prerogatiue of the eleccyon of the archbishoppe from the munkes And because therof he beganne to buylde great houses nere vnto the munkes chyrche by fauour of the kynge Henry the seconde but not wythout shedynge of blood and there entendyd to haue set in secular chanons with prebendys and suffraganes of bysshoppes for to treate wyth the sayde chanons of the foresayde eleccyon to put by the mūkes clerely But the munkes when they sawe they myght no lenger resyst Baldwyn they then appealed to the pope Innocent the thyrde by whose cōmaundemēt that worke ceasyd and so stode vnfynysshed tyll the sayde Baldwyne was dede After whose deth the munkes made that worke playne wyth the grounde Treuisa translatoure of Policronycon sayth yt was wonder that Baldwyn wolde in that maner deale wyth the munkes consyderyng he was fyrst archdeacon then white munke and then abbot after byshop of worceter and last archbysshoppe to brynge men of more imperfyte lyfe into y e place of men more perfyte to chaunge religyous men for seculer men But yet the sayde Treuisa allowyth Baldwynes dede or entent for good For he sayth that Criste was the hedde of holy chyrch and callid and made his apostles bysshoppes but none of them was munke or yet frere wherfore Baldwyne dyd better to preferre the relygyon whyche Cryste made then the relygyon whyche was instytuted and ordeyned by man Anno domini M.C.xcvii   Anno domini M.C.xcviii   Gerarde de Antiloche   Balliui   Anno .viii.   Robert Duraunt   IN in the moneth of Ianuary and .viii. yere of the reygne of kynge Rycharde when the sayde Rycharde had sufferyd harde prysonement vppon the terme of a yere and thre monethes he was deliuered out of Pryson for the summe of an hundred thousande pounde of sterlynge money For pledge wherof he lefte in the kepynge of the emperoure the bysshoppes of Roan and of Bathe But not for all for a great parte was payed or the kynge were delyueryd For payment of whyche raunsom all the wolle of whyte munkes chanons was taken and solde rynges and crosses of prelates wyth vessels and chalyces of all chyrches thorough y e land ouer that .xxvii. shrynes were scraped or spoylyd of y e gold syluer that vppon theym before tyme was layd for no pryuylege of holy chyrch nor other persone at that season was sparyd Then kynge Rycharde came vnto Swyne in Flaūdres and taryed there two monethes other to abyde the wynde or ellys to make prouysyon for thynges whych he neded There the emperours men had almost taken him agayn So the emperour forthought y e deliuery of king Rychard as Pharao forthought the delyuery of the chyldren of Israel Then the kyng toke shippyng and lāded in y e ende of Marche at Sandwyche from thens came streyghte vnto Lōdon where he was receyued wyth all ioye and honour And when he had a season rested hym there he wyth a certayn nomber of knyghtes rode to Nothyngam wan y e castell and after the castell of Tykhyll by force of armes and set the wardeyns of theym in warde And that done he called a counsayll of hys lordes at wynchester where by authoryte of the sayd coūsayll he depryued Iohn̄ hys brother then beynge in Fraunce of all honour and toke from hym al suche landes as he before had gyuen to hym crowned hym soone after agayn kyng of England in the sayd cytye of wynchester After the whych coronacyon he called a parlyament by vertue wherof he resumyd all parētes and annuytees fees and other grauntes before hys voyage by hym solde and graunted and caused the partyes to be contentyd wyth such reuenous and profytes as they had receyued of the sayde offyces or landes in tyme of hys absence and sparyd not any persone for any sufficience of wrytyng y t to hym before was made when kynge Rycharde hadde by these foresayd meanes gaderyd some money he then in the moneth of Iuly sayled into Fraunce and besegyd a castell callyd Arques and spedde there as wytnessyth Polycronyca dyuersly whyche worde dyuersly may well here be spoken For who so redyth the frenche cronycle he shall fynde that the Frenche kynge was vyctor But and he rede the englyshe boke than shall he fynde kynge Rycharde vyctour wherfore me thynketh Ranulphe sayde well when he sayde they spedde dyuersely For yt is so dyuerse by the reporte of wryters that the certayntie to whom the honoure shulde be gyuen is harde to be knowen All be yt that in the countrey of Bloys as wytnessyth y e sayde frenche cronycle kynge Rycharde scaryd the Frenche hoste and toke the kynges somer horse wyth parte of hys treasour But in shorte whyle after a trewce was concludyd betwene these two kynges for a yere Then Iohn̄ whyche hadde tourned to the Frenche kyng agayne his owne brother seynge that the fame and honoure of hys brother feblenesse of his own power made meanes to Elyanoure hys mother by whose medyacyon he was recōcyled to hys brother the kynge after became hys trew knyght when the kynge and hys brother Iohn̄ were thus agreed they rode ouer the lande to vysyte y e countreys and se howe they were guyded by the offycers of the kynge Amonge other two there were whyche shewyd that they wolde do many thynges to the kynges profyte the one was abbot of Cadonence wythin Normandye and that other was named wyllyam wyth the longe berde The abbot warned the kynge of the fraude of hys offycers wherby he thought by the ponyshement of hys offycers he shulde wynne great fauoure of the people Then thys abbot gate a warrant of the kynge and at London callyd dyuerse offycers before hym for to yelde to hym theyr accompte But he dyed shortly so that hys purpose came to small effecte And wyllyam wyth the longe berde shewyd to the kynge the outrage of the ryche men whych as he sayd sparyd theyr owne and pyllyd the poore people It is sayd that this willyam was borne in London purchasyd that name by vse of hys berde He was sharpe of wytte and somedeale lettred a bold man of speche and sadde of countenaunce and toke vppon hym greatter dedes then he coulde welde and some he vsyd cruelly as apperyth in appechynge of hys own brother of treason the whyche was a Burges of London and to hym hadde shewed great kyndnesse in his youthe This willyam styred and excyted the cōmon peple to desyre loue fredom̄ and lybertye and blamed the excesse and outrage of ryche men By suche meanys he drew to hym many great companyes and wyth all hys power defended the poore mennys cause agayne the ryche and accused dyuers to the kynge shewyng that by theyr meanys the kynge loste
versys folowynge Christe tui calicis praedo fit praeda caducis re breui reiecis qui tollit aera crucis Viscera Carleolum corpus fons seruat Ebardi Et cor Rothamagū magne Richarde tuum In terra diuiditur vnus quia plus fuit vno Non superest vno gratia tanta viro The which versys may be englysshyd as foloweth Cryste of the these whyche on the ryght hande was And axyd mercy to vs thou made a praye That we lyke wyse shulde for our trespasse Axe of the mercy and shewe no delay Nor for erthly thynges caste our self away For who of thy crosse accompteth lyttell store The meryte of thy passyon he losyth euermore Thys manfull knyghte thys prynce vyctoryouse whyche toke thy crosse on hym wyth great payne He folowed the thefe and axyd mercy thus For hys offence he warred thy foes agayne And shadde theyr blood on hyll and eke on playne And all for loue good lorde he hadde to the. wherfore swyte Iesu on hym thou haue pytye Of whom the bowellys at Carleyll and the trunke At fount Ebrarde full rychely ys dyght The harte at Roan into the erthe ys sunke Of the worthy Rycharde And so in thre is twyght That more than one whylom was in myght In erthe is separate that lyuynge more then one was and of grace founde lyke to hym none IOhn̄ brother of y e aboue named Rycharde yongeste son of Henry the seconde was ordeyned or proclamed kyng of England the tenth day of Apryll in the begynnynge of the yere of our lorde .xi. hundred .lxxx. .xix and the .xx. yere of the seconde Phylyppe then kynge of Fraunce Thys Iohn̄ at the daye of his brothers deth was in Normandy where at Chynon as soon as his brother Rycharde was dyseasyd he possessyd hym of hys brothers treasour and sent Hubert archbyshoppe of Caunterbury into Englande to make prouisyon for his coronacyon And vppon Ester daye folowyng he was gyrde with the sworde of the duchy of Brytayne sayled soon after into Englād where he was crowned kynge at westmynster vppon holy thursday next folowynge of the forenamed Hubert After whyche solemnitye done he ordeyned the same Hubert chaunceller of Englande In thys whyle the Frenche kynge helde a counsayll at Cenomannia in Turon where to the derogacyon of kynge Iohn̄ Arture the son of Geffrey Plantagenet and neuewe to the sayde Iohn̄ was made duke of Brytayne whyche incontynently after wyth a great army entryd the countrey of Angeou and toke possessyon therof And kynge Phylyppe wyth hys people entryd the duchy of Normandy and layde syege to the cytye of Euroux and wanne yt wyth all the stronge holdes there about and stuffyd theym wyth vytayll strengthed them with his owne knyghtes and that done wasted spoyled the the countrey tyll he came to the cytye of Meaus where met wyth hym the forenamed Arture dyd to hym homage for the countrey of Angiers In the moneth of May Elyanour somtyme wyfe of Henry the seconde and mother to kyng Rycharde came into Fraunce and so to the kynge to Meaus foresayde and made to hym homage for the coūtrey of Poytiers as her enherytaunce And soone after the kinge retourned into Fraūce and the duke of Britayne wyth hym whyche as yet was within age Kynge Iohn̄ heryng of this warre in Normandy and losse of the countreys aboue named assembled a coūsayll and axid ayde of his lordes and cōmons to wynne agayne y e foresayd landes had it graunted after some wryters .iii. s. of euery plough land thorough Englande besyde y e subsydy of y e spyrytuall landes And when he hadde made redy for that belonged to hys voyage he about heruest sayled into Normandy where he taryed tyll Octobre folowynge spendynge the tyme to hys losse and dyshonoure Anno domini M.CC.   Anno domini M.CCi.   Arnolde fyz Arnolde   Balliui   Anno primo   Rycharde fyz Darty   AFter Mychelmas in the moneth of October and fyrste yere of the reygne of kynge Iohn̄ a trewce or peace was concluded betwene the two kynges of Englande and of Fraunce from that daye tyll mydsomer nexte folowynge and in lyke wyse betwene the French kyng and Baldwyne erle of Flaundres And thys yere was made a deuorce betwene kynge Iohn̄ and hys wyfe the erle of Glocetyrs doughter because of nerenesse of bloode And after was he maryed vnto Isabell the doughter of the erle of Engolesym in Fraunce and had by her two sonnys Henry and Rychard and .iii. doughters Isabell Elyanoure and Iane. Thys yere dyed at London blessyd Hugh byshop of Lyncoln̄ and was conueyed to his owne chyrch there enterryd For whom god hath shewyd many myracles so that at thys daye he ys authorysed by the chyrche for a saynte At mydlent after kyng Iohn̄ sayled agayne into Normandy And after Ester he mette with kynge Phylyppe betwene Uernon and the yle Audeley where the peace betwene both realmes was stablyshed and cōfermed for terme of theyr two lyues and the landes deuyded betwene the two kynges as eyther of them shuld holde theym contentyd for theyr lyues after And in shorte tyme after Lewys the eldest son of kynge Phylyppe maryed dame Blanch doughter to Alphons kynge of Castylle and neuewe to kynge Iohn̄ To the whyche Lewys kyng Iohn̄ for loue of that woman shewyd to hym great bountye and gaue vnto her many ryche gyftes In the moneth of Iuly folowyng kyng Iohn̄ rode into Fraūce where he was receyued of the Frēche kynge wyth myche honour and so cōueyed into saynte Denys where he was receyued wyth processyon And vppon the morow the Frenche kyng accompanyed hym vnto Parys where he was receyued of the cytezens wyth great reuerēce and presentyd by the prouoste of the towne in name of the hole cytye wyth ryche presentis And there kynge Phylyppe festyd hym in hys owne paleys gaue vnto hym and hys lordes and seruauntes many ryche gyftes and after conueyd hym forth of that citye and toke leue of hym in moste louynge wyse And when kynge Iohn̄ hadde spedde his maters in Normandy he then returned into Englande Anno domini M.CCi.   Anno domini M.CCii   Roger Desert   Balliui   Anno secun   Iamys fyz Barth   IN y e moneth of december and seconde yere of kynge Iohn̄ Ranulphe erle of Chestre by the example afore shewed by kynge Iohn̄ lefte hys owne wyfe named Constaūce and countesse of Brytayne whych before he had maried by counsayll of kynge Henry the seconde wedded one Clemens One cronycle sayth he dyd so because he wolde haue yssue But the sayd authour sayth that after hys opynyon he dyspleased god so greatly that god wolde suffer hym to haue none yssue but the rather for that dede dyed wythout About thys tyme after opynyon of moste wryters the people or nacyon callyd Tartares beganne theyr domynyon These men dwellyd vnder the hyllys of Inde y t belonged to prester Iohn̄
Fraunce wyth great pompe and glory It ys affermed of some authours that the Frenche kynge made thys warre vppon kynge Iohn̄ by excytynge of the pope for hys contumacye agane the chyrche In thys yere also was a communycacyon of a peace to be hadde betwene kynge Iohn̄ and the archebyshope of Caunterbury and was dryuen to a nere poynte of accorde except restitucyon that kynge Iohn̄ shulde haue made to the archebysshop and other bishoppes the which his offycers hadde taken in the tyme of theyr absence To the whych restytucyon kynge Iohn̄ in no wyse wold be agreable wherfore the sayd communycacyon toke none affecte After thys communycacyon kynge Iohn̄ was so frette wyth malyce that in a fury he let proclayme in sondry placys of hys realme that all suche personys as hadde landes and possessyons wythin Englande spyrytuall or temporall that they shulde returne into Englande by Mychelmas next folowynge or ellys to be clerely excludyd from all suche landes And ouer that streyght commaundement was gyuen to eueryche officer in his countrey to make besye serche yf any wrytynges were broughte from the courte of Rome to any prelate of thys realme and yf any suche were founden to brynge hym and his wrytynges to the kynges presence And more ouer that they shuld sease to the kynges vse all suche landes as to any person were gyuen by the sayde archbyshoppe or by the pryour of Caunterbury syn the tyme of eleccyon of the sayd archebyshoppe and the woodes of the same to be fellyd and solde in all haste Anno domini M.CC.vii   Anno domini M.CC.viii   Roger wynchester   Balliui   Anno .viii.   Edmunde hardell   UPpon the fyrste daye of the moneth of October and .viii. yere of y e reygne of the kyng his fyrst sonne Henry by name was borne of dame Isabell his second wyfe in the cytye of wynchester And thys yere rebellyd the Iryshemē and dyd myche harme in that countrey whych rebellyon after some wryters was for so myche as the kynge wolde haue leuyed of thē greuous taskys to haue made warre wyth vppon the French kynge But at lengthe they greuyd or dyspleasyd the kyng in such wyse that he was fayne to sette a taske thorough hys land to oppresse theyr malyce And ouer that he asked of the whyte munkes of England .vi. thousande marke But they excused them by theyr generall hedde so that the kynge toke wyth theym great dyspleasure By reason wherof after his retourne oute of Irlande he vexyd theym sore and gatheryd of theym more then before he hadde desyred and caused some abbottys to forsake theyr houses Then he wyth a puyssaunte armye wente into Irelande and shortely subdued theym and after he hadde sette the countrey in a rule he retourned into Englande Anno domini M.CC.viii   Anno domini M.CC.ix.   Serle the mercer   Balliui   Anno .ix.   Hugh of saynt Albon   IN this .ix. yere the kyng consyderynge the great losse whych he had susteyned by the Frēche kyng in Normandy also in Angeou and Poyteau made ꝓuysyon of all thynges belongynge to the warre and after about mydsomer sayled ouer the see and landed at Rochell in Poyteau wyth a myghty hoste At whyche season the Frenche kynge was at Thymon and fortyfyed yt wyth also the castellys of London and Myrable and y e town of Poytyers whyche lytle before he had wonne and after wythoute taryenge returned into Fraunce Then kynge Iohn̄ herynge of the Frenche kynges departynge sped him to Angiers wanne that towne wyth lytle payne and destroyed y e sayd towne Thyther came to hym the vycoūt of Thonars whyche before was for drede become the Frenche kynges man by his ayde kynge Iohn̄ then recoueryd some parte of that countrey In thys meane whyle kynge Phylyppe gatheryd a new hoste and herynge of the vnstedfastnes of the vycoūt of Thonars entryd y e landes of the sayde vycounte and wasted and spoyled the countrey withoute pyty Then kynge Iohn̄ spedde hym towarde the Frenche kynge so that in shorte processe of tyme the two hostys were wythin lytle dystaunce But by what meane of fortune I can not saye for the meane therof ys not expressyd the two kynges there toke peace for two yeres folowynge and after eyther of theym retourned into his owne countrey In this yere the pope beyng ascerteyned of y e cruelnesse of kyng Iohn̄ executed agayne the whyte munkes of hys lande and also of his obstynacye that he perseuered in agayne holy chyrche sent done a new commyssyon by vertue wherof the curse of enterdytynge was newly denoūcyd and manyfestyd in sondry places of England And ouer that the pope by authoryte of the sayde bulle assoyled or acquyted all the lordes of Englād as well spyrytuall as temporall of all homage and feauty that they of ryght owyd to the kynge to the entent that they shulde aryse agayne hym and depryue hym of all kyngly honour But all this myght not moue the kynge from hys errour ABout the feast of saynt Medard in the moneth of Iuny and later ende of this foresayd .ix. yere the forenamed bayllyues were admytted to y e offyce and the olde that is to meane Roger wynchester and Edmunde Hardell were dischargyd for so myche as they wythstode the kinges purueyour of whete wold not suffer him to conuey certayn mesures of whete oute of the cytye tyll the cytye were storyd For thys the kynge toke such dyspleasure that he sent downe streyght cōmaundement vnto the .xxxv. heddes or rulers of the cytye that they shulde dyscharge the sayde two bayllyuys and to put theym in pryson tyll they knewe the kynges further pleasure wherfore the sayd .xxv. persons toke aduyse appoynted a certayne of theym selfe wyth other and rode to the kynge then beynge at Langley to empeter grace for the sayde bayllyues shewynge forther that at that season such dystresse of where was in y e cyty that the common people were lyke to haue made an insurreccyon for the same By whyche meanes and frendeshyppe whyche they had in the court the kynge was so satysfyed that he releasyd theym from pryson And in short tyme after the cytesyns of London made such sute to the kyng that they had graunted to them by y e kynges letters patentes that they shuld yerely chose to them self a mayre and two shryues After whyche graunte to theym confermyd they amonge them self ordeyned that the two shryues shulde be chosen yerely vppon saynte Mathewes daye .ix. dayes before Mychelmas and vppon Michelmas daye to take theyr charge and the mayre to be chosen vppon the same daye and chargyd wyth the other vppon the sayde daye of Mychelmas all be yt that now yt is otherwyse orderyd Anno domini M.CC.ix.   Anno domini M.CC.x. Primus maior       Peter Duke   Henry fyz Alwyn   Anno .x.   Thomas Neell   IN the daye of saynte Mychael the archaūgell and .x. yere of kynge Iohn̄
Henry the sonne of Alwyne was sworne charged as fyrst mayre of London and Peter duke wyth Thomas Neell sworn for shryues and the name of bayllyues was after this daye clerely auoyded wyth in the sayde cytye from that daye forewarde Also where before thys tyme the brydge ouer Thamys at Lōdon was made of tymber and was ruled guydyd or repayred by a fraternyte or college of prestes This yere by the great ayde of the cytesyns of London and other passyng that way the sayde brydge was begonne to be edyfyed of stone And in thys yere y e monastery of saynte Mary Ouereys in South warke was begonne of to be buylded And in thys yere the pope sente two legates or after some writers one legate named Pandulphus the whyche in the popys name had many sore wordes of monycyon of obedience to kynge Iohn̄ and charged hym to suffre the archebyshoppe of Caunterburye wyth the pryour and munkes of the same to enioy theyr ryghtes and possessyons wythin Englande and taryed here a certayne of tyme to brynge hys purpose aboute But all was in vayne for he yode agayn to Rome wythout releasynge of the enterdytynge Of y e maner of this enterdyccyon of this lande haue I sene dyuerse opynyons As some there be y e saye that the lande was enterdyted thorouly and the chyrches and housys of relygyon closyd that no where was vsed masse nor dyuyne seruyce By which reason none of the .vii. sacramētes in all this terme shulde be minystred or occupyed nor chylde crystenyd nor man confessyd nor maryed But yt was not so streyghte for there were dyuerse places in Englande whyche were occupyed wyth dyuyne seruyce all that season by lycence purchasyd then or before Also chyldren were crystyned thorough all the land and men houselyd and anelyd excepte suche persones as were excepted by name in the bull or knowē for mayteyners of the kynges yll entent Anno domini M.CC.x.   Anno domini M.CC.xi   Peter yonge   Henry fyz Alwyn   Anno .xii.   wyllyam Elande   IN this yere whych was the .xi. yere of kynge Iohn̄ after mydsomer or the terme of the trewce were fylly runne kynge Phylyppe wyth a stronge hoste entryd the countye of Guyan and made newe warre vpon the vycounte of Thonars and toke hys castell called Parteny wyth dyuerse other stronge holdes to y e sayd vycounte belongynge and mannyd theym wyth Frenche men and ordeyned one Guyllyam de Roches marshall of Fraunce chefe ruler of that countrey and after retourned into Fraunce But yt was not longe after the kynge was departed but that the sayd vycount of Thonars made sharpe warre vpon the Frenchemen with such power as he myght make and recoueryd a parte of hys lande But one daye when he hadde wonne a lytle holde and taken therin a certayne of prysoners in his retourne towarde hys holde where he lodged he was supprysed wyth the forenamed Guyllyam de Roches a great multytude of Frenchemen of y e whyche after longe fyght he was fynally taken wyth syr Hyugh Thonars hys brother syr Aymery de Lesyngnam sonne of the erle of Poytyers to the nomber of .l. persones of his cōpany y e whyche were all as prysoners then sent vnto y e Frenche kyng Anno domini M.CC.xi   Anno domini M.CC.xii.   Adam whetley   Henry fyz Alwyne   Anno .xii.   Stephan le Graas   IN this .xii. yere of kyng Iohn̄ the pope sente agayne Pandulphe his legate and monyshed the kynge in sharpe maner that he shuld receyue mayster Stephan Langton to hys benefyce of the see of Caunterbury and the pryour wyth hys munkes vnto theyr abbay Then y e kyng callynge to mynde the daūgers whiche he was wrappyd in both wythin hys owne realme and also in Normandy and the hurtes whyche dayly grew to hym by the same made a promyse by othe that he wold be obedyent vnto the courte of Rome and stande and obey all thynge that the same court woll adiudge hym Upon whyche promyse so made the legate sent knowlege vnto the pope had commaundement from hym that he shulde bynde the kynge to these artycles folowynge Fyrste that he shuld peasybly suffer y e forenamed mayster Stephan Langton to entre his land and to enioye the archebyshopryche of Caunterburye wyth all profytes and frutes belongynge to the same Secondaryly that he shulde in lyke maner and forme receyue the pryour of Caunterburye and hys munkys wyth all other before tyme exyled for the archbyshoppes cause and not at any tyme here after vex or punyshe any of the sayde persones spyrytuall or temporall for any of those causes Thyrdely that he shulde restore vnto the sayd archbyshop to all y e other all such goodes as were before tyme taken from any of them by hys offycers syn the tyme of thys varyance growynge And fourthly y ● he shulde yelde vp into the handes of the pope all his ryght and tytle that he hadde vnto the crowne of Englande wyth all reueneus honoures and profytes belongyng to the same as well temporall as spyrytuall and to hold yt euer after both he and hys heyres of the pope his successours as feodaryes of the pope And when these artycles were graunted and the lordes of the lande sworne to the mayntenaunce of the same the kynge knelyng vpon hys knees toke the crown from hys hedde and sayde these wordes folowynge to the legate delyuerynge hym the crowne Here I resygne vp the crowne of the realme of Englande and Irlande into the popes handes Innocent the thyrd and put me holy in hys mercy and ordynaunce After rehersall of which wordes Pamdulphe toke the crowne of the kynge and kepte the possessyon therof .v. dayes after in token of possessyon of the sayde realme of England And whē y e sayd .v. days were expyred the kyng resumyd y e crowne of Pandulphe by vertue of a band or instrument made vnto the pope y e whyche at length is sette out in the cronycle of Englande and other places wherof the effecte is y t the sayde kynge Iohn̄ his heyres shuld euer after be feodaryes vnto the forenamyd pope Innocent and to hys lawfull successours popys of Rome and to pay yerely to the chyrche of Rome a thousande marke of syluer that ys to saye for Englande .vii. h●ndred marke and for Irlande .iii. hundred marke And yf he or hys heyr fayled or brake that paymēt that then they shulde fayle of theyr ryghte of the crowne But Polycronycon sayth vii hūdred marke for Englande and two hundred marke for Irlande For the whyche summes after the affyrmaunce of that authour Guydo the money called Peter pens are at thys daye gatheryd in sondry places of Englande Anno domini M.CC.xii.   Anno domini M.CC.xiii   Iosne fyz Pet.   Henry fyz Aleyn   Anno .xiii.   Iohn̄ Garlonde   IN this .xiii. yere of kyng Ihon̄ and moneth of February mayster Stephan Langton archebyshop of
into Englande named Gualo or Swalo the whyche after hys commynge commaunded Lewys to returne into Fraunce and laboryd to the vttermost of his power to appease the kynge and hys baronye But all hys laboure was in vayne Anno domini M.CC.xvi.   Anno domini M. CC.vxii   Iohn̄ Trauers   wyllyam Hardell   Anno .xvii.   Andrewe Newlande   IN thys .xvii. yere of kynge Iohan the warre betwene hym and his lordes styll contynuynge he dyed of the flyxe as testyfyeth Polylycronycon at the towne of Newerke vppon the daye of saynte Calyxte the pope or the .xiiii. day of October How be yt the Englyshe boke or cronycle sayeth that he dyed at Sebynyshede an abbay aboute Lyncoln̄ by the impoysonynge of a munke of the same house the daye after saynte Luke or the .xviii. daye of October and was buryed at the cytye of wynchester But the authour of Policronycon sayth he was bowelled at Crongthon abbaye and buryed at worceter in the myddle of the quyer of munkes when he hadde reygned xvi yeres .vi. monethis .iiii. dayes leuynge after hym two sonnes Henry and Rycharde wyth sondry doughters Of thys Iohn̄ yt is redde that he founded the abbay of Belewe in the new forest in recompensacyon of the pa●ysh chyrches which he there ouer turnyd to enlarge that forest and an abbay of blacke munkes in the cytye of wynchester where after y e sayeng of the englyshe cronycle he shulde be buryed This kynge Iohn̄ also after some wryters maryed one of hys doughters vnto Otto the fourth of y e name emperour of Almayne and duke of Saxony the whyche helde warre agayne kynge Phylyppe of Fraunce as in the .v. chapyter of the storye of the sayde Phylyp before is declared whyche Otto for hys rapyne and extorcyon done to the chyrch of Rome was accursyd and the sayd Phylyp and also kynge Iohn̄ for theyr dysobedyence to the chyrche were also accursyd the whyche warred eyther wyth other so that eyther of thē greuyd and vexid other to the great hynderaūcis of them and eyther of them For the whyche consyderacyon a metrycyan made these balades of them as foloweth O quam mirabilia good lorde thy workes been In punyshement of synners by thy myght wondersly As by old storyes yt is playnely seen One synner the other hath correcte vtterly As Alexander wyth Iulius Pompey and Tholomy And many other whych as thy scourgys were To punyshe synners and theym self also dere In lyke wyse nowe reader yf thou lyste take hyde And well reuolue in mynde thys hystorye Of these thre prynces and loke well on theyr dede Thou shalte conceyue that they dyd wyckydly I meane kynge Iohn̄ Phylyppe and Ottony whyche vnto synne made them selfe so thrall That of pope Innocent they were accursyd all wherfore god sufferyd that one the other to greue And warre chase wyth dedely hate and stryfe Glad that one the other to mischeue Manassynge eche other wyth spere sworde and knyfe wyth cruell batayll durynge theyr synfull lyfe wherfore I maye conclude in factis horum That multa sunt flagella peccatorū HEnry the thyrde of y e name eldest son of kyng Iohn̄ a chylde of the age of .ix. yeres beganne hys reygne ouer the realm of Englande the .xx. daye of the moneth of October in the yere of our lorde M. two hundred and .xvi and the .xxxvi. yere of the seconde Phylyp yet kyng of Fraunce ye haue before harde of the cruell warre whyche Lewys son vnto the Frenche kynge wyth the ayde of the baronys of Englande maynteynyd agayne kynge Iohn̄ The whyche after the deth of the sayde Iohn̄ contynued for as mych as then some of the lordes that before hadde maynteyned the quarell of Lewis now forsoke hym toke parte with this Henry as theyr naturall and souerayne lorde wherof the chefe were the erles of Penbroke of Chester the whych wyth theyr retynewe helde sharpe warre wyth the sayde Lewys his affynyte the whych entēdyd to haue ben kynge of Englande by reason of couenaūtes made wyth certayne lordes of the lande when he was fyrste sent for by them wherfore the forsayd erles wyth the other of theyr partye to make theyr partye the strōger proclaymed the sayde Henry kynge of Englande vppon the foresayde .xx. daye of Octobre thorough the cytye of London and in all possyble haste after made prouysyon for hys coronacyon so that vppon the daye of Symonde and Iude next ensuynge he was crowned at Glouceter of Peter then byshoppe of wynchester Lewys the Frenche kynges son beynge then at Lyncolne In which yere stode styll as gouernoure of the cytye of London tyll Mychelmas nexte folowynge Anno domini M.CC.xvii   Anno domini M.CC.xviii   Iohn̄ Trauers   wyllyam Hardell   Anno .i.   Andrewe Newlande   SO soone as the kynge was crowned cōmyssyons where sent ouer in his name into all places of Englande to gather strength of men to wythstand the forenamed Lewys to put hym wyth his Frenche men and other allyaunces out of the land whych then hadde vnder theyr rule and custodye the castellys of Berkhamsted of Hertford dyuers other And for thys Lewys wold not sease of hys warre and retourne into Fraunce therfore the foresayd Gwalo or Swalo the popys legate accursyd hym fyrste by name and after all such as hym maynteyned or fauored in thys warre agayne kynge Henry Then the forenamed erlys accompanyed wyth wyllyam erle Marshall of Englande wyllyam le Bruyz erle of Ferrys wyth many other yode to Lyncolne and wanne that town vppon the straūgers where was slayne a French man called erle of Perches wyth many other souldyours And there was takē of Englyshmē Serle erle of wynchester and Hū●ryde Bohum erle of Herforde wyth dyuerse other of name And in thys whyle Lewelyn prynce of walis for that he ayded the partye of Lewys was accursyd and his lande enterdyted After the towne of Lyncolne was thus wōne from the Frenchmen Lewys wyth other parte of his souldyours drewe towarde London for so myche as word was brought to hym that his fader had sent to hym a new company of souldyours the whyche shulde lande in Englande shortely Trouth yt was that such an ayde of souldyours was made by the Frēche kyng cōmyttyd to a capytayn whyche in the cronycle is named Eustace the mūke the whych was encoūtryd vpon the see with a capytayn or mayster of the .v. portis called Hubert at Burgh gaue to hym batayll and scomfyght hym at length sent the hed of y e sayd Eustace vnto y e kynge when Lewys harde of these tydyuges and consydered howe dayly his strength mynyshed he was more inclynable vnto peace so y e in cōclusion he toke money as sayth Policronica yelded vp his castellis strengthis which he held after was assoyled so returned into Fraūce But of this money y e Lewis receyued ben diuers opinyons for the englyshe boke namyth yt a thousande marke
and the frenche boke sayth .xv. M. marke Anno domini M.CC.xviii   Anno domini M.CC.xix   Thomas Bokerell   Robert Serle   Anno .ii.   Rafe Gylande   IN thys seconde yere of kynge Henry when the lande was voyded of the stran̄gers then inquysycyons were made to knowe what persones hadde fauored the partye of Lewys agayne the kynge of the whyche the kynge pardonyd many of the lay fee. But y e spyrytuall were put to suche fynes y e they were compellyd to laye that they myghte to pledge to please the kynge and ouer that to sue to Rome to be assoylyd And thys yere Ranulphe erle of Chester for consyderacyons hym mouynge toke hys iourney into the holy lande But one cronycle sayth he toke that iourney vppon hym for so myche as hadde contrarye hys allegeaunce made homage vnto Lewis aboue named and for malyce whych he bare towarde kynge Iohn̄ entendyd at the tyme of that homage doynge to haue made the sayde Lewys kynge of Englande Anno domini M.CC.xix   Anno domini M.CC.xx.   Benetle Ceytur   Robert Serle   Anno .iii.   wyllyam Blounde   IN thys thyrde yere of kynge Henry a parlyament was holden at London by vertue wherof was graunted to the kynge .ii. s. of euery plough lande thorough England whych was for y e charge that he before had wyth Lewys warre Also this yere saynt Thomas of Caunterbury was trāslated in the .vii. day of this moneth of Iuly the whyche was done wyth so great a charge vnto mayster Stephan Langton then archibishop of Caunterbury that the charge therof was not contented many yeres after y e deth of the said Stephan And thys yere as wytnessyth Polycronycon kynge Henry began the new worke of the chyrche of westmynster whyche after that sayenge shuld be in the .xii. yere of hys age Anno domini M.CC.xx.   Anno domini M.CC.xxi   Iohn̄ wayle   Robert Serle   Anno .iiii.   Iosnele Spycer   IN thys yere Alexander kynge of Scottes maryed dame Iane or Iohan the syster of kynge Henry And this yere was great harme done in Englande by vyolence of a whyrlewynde and fyry dragons and spyrytys were sene fleynge in the ayer And this yere were proclamacyons made in London and thorough out Englande y e all straungers shuld auoyde the lande by Mychelmasse next folowyng except such as came wyth marchaūdyse and to make sale of them vnder the kynges saufe cōduyt which was chefely made to auoyde Foukes de Brent and his complycys whyche kepte the castell of Bedforde agayne the kynges wyll and pleasure And in thys yere was kynge Henry secondaryly crowned at westmynster the .xvii. daye of May. And thys yere the cytye called Damas in the holy land was by crysten men gotten from the Turkys And thys yere came out of the holy lande into Englande Ranulphe erle of Chester and beganne to buyld the castellys of Charteley of Bestone after he buylded the abbay of Delartesse of y e whyte o●der For charge and coste of whyche sayde castellys abbay he toke toll thorough all hys lordshyp of all such as passyd y e way wyth any chafire or marchaundyse Anno domini M.CC.xii.   Anno domini M.CC.xxii   Rycharde wymbeday   Robert Serle   Anno .v.   Iohn̄ wayell   IN thys .v. yere of kynge Henry at Oxenforde was holden a generall coūsayll of the byshoppes and clergye of thys lande In tyme of whyche counsayle a man was taken the whyche shewyd hym selfe to be Cryste and preached many thynges of errour whyche the clerkes at those dayes vsyd And to approue that he was Iesus the sonne of god and that he was comen to refourme those errours and other he shewyd the carectys and tokens of woundes in hys bodye handes and fete like to Iesus that was nayled on the crosse Then he was apposyd and approuyd a false dyssymuler wherfore by dome of y e counsayll he was iudgyd ●o be nayled to the crosse and so delyueryd to the executours the whyche at a place callyd Alburburye nayled hym to a crosse tyll he was dede Also this yere the kynge layde syege vnto the castell of Bedforde that Fowkys de Brent hadde so longe holden by strength Thys syege beganne vppon the euen of the Assencyon of our lorde and so contynued tyll our Lady daye assumpcyon In whyche passetyme many stronge assautys were made to the great losse of men on bothe partyes But fynally aboute thys foresayde daye of assumpcyon yt was taken by fyerse assaute wherein was taken the forenamed Fowkys de Brent and vpon the nōber of .lxxx. souldyours wherof the more parte were put to deth and the sayde Fowkys after he had lyen a certayne of tyme in pryson was for his fynaunce delyueryd and flemyd the lande And in this yere came the frere Mynors fyrst into Englande These are graye freres of the order of saynte Fraunces whych yf that be trewe they shulde come in to Englande vppon .vi yeres before the deth of saynt Fraunces For after affyrmaunce of the authoure of Cronica cronicarum Iacobus Philippus and other saynte Fraunces dyed in the yere of grace .xii. hūdred and .xxvii. And that order was fyrst confyrmed of Honorius the thyrde of that name pope of Rome in the yere of grace .xii. hundred and .xxiiii. Thys order fyrste beganne vnder a fewe nomber of frerys at the cytye of Caunterbury and after came vnto London and restyd theym there tyll they hadde an house there foundyd by Isabell wyfe of Edwarde the seconde as after shall be shewyd in the storye of the sayde Edwarde all be yt the sayde house was begonne of Margarete the wyfe of Edwarde the fyrste Anno domini M.CC.xxii   Anno domini M.CC.xxiii   Rycharde Renger   Robert Serle   Anno .vi.   Ioseus le Iosne   IN thys .vi. yere of the reygne of kynge Henry a conspyracy was made by one Constantyne the sonne of Arnulphe wythin the cytye of London for the whyche he was drawen and hāged the morow folowynge our Lady daye Assumpcyon This conspyracy was dysclosed by a cytezyn named walter Bokerell and was so heynous greuous to y e king that he was in mynde purpose to haue throwen downe y e wallys of the cytye But when he had well conceyued that the persones whych entēded this cōspiracy were but of the rascallys of the cytye that none of y e heddys or rulers of the same were therunto consentynge he aswagyd hys ire and greuouse dyspleasure whych he entendyd towarde the cytye Anno domini M.CC.xxiii   Anno domini M.CC.xxiiii   Rycharde Iyoner   Robert Serle   Anno .vii.   Thomas Lamberde   IN this seuenth yere Iohan kynge of Hierusalem came into Englande and requyred ayde of kyng Henry to wynne agayne that holy cytye but he retourned wyth small comforte And about this tyme Iohn̄ the sonne of Dauid erle of Angwyshe in Scotland and nere kynnesman vnto Ranulphe of Chester
maryed the doughter of Lewelyn prynce of walys as yt were for a fynall accorde betwene the sayde Lewelyne and Ranulphe euer after to be contynued Anno domini M.CC.xxiiii   Anno domini M.CC.xxv   wyllyam Ioynour   Rycharde Reynger   Anno .viii.   Thomas Lamberte   IN thys .viii. yere of kyng Henry a parlyament was holden at where among other thynges the lordes and baronye of the lande graunted vnto the kynge and to his heyres kynges the warde and mariage of theyr heyres which dede was after of lerned men called Initium malorū that is to meane the begynnynge of yllys or of harmes Anno domini M.CC.xxv   Anno domini M.CC.xxvi   Iohn̄ Trauers   Rycharde Renger   Anno .ix.   Andrew Bokerell   IN thys .ix. yere of kynge Henry Frederyke the seconde of that name emperour of Almayne for his contumacy agayn the chyrch of Rome was accursyd of the .ix. Gregory then pope wherfore soon after he toke two cardynallys and dyuers prelatys as they were goynge to a generall counsayle kepte by the sayd pope at a place callyd Spolete a cytye of Italye Anno domini M.CC.xxvi   Anno domini M.CC.xxvii   Roger Duke   Rycharde Renger   Anno .x.   Martyne fyz wyllyam   IN thys .x. yere of the reygne of kynge Henry the plees of the crowne were pletyd in the towre of London In this yere also as wytnessyth the Frenche cronycle dyuerse souldyours whyche as to thys daye kepte certayne castellys in the countye of Poytiers as the castell of Monstruell the castell of Nyort and the townes of Angely and of Rochel were by the Frenche kynge so assautyd that they were constrayned to gyue them ouer to the Frenche kyng then beyng Lewis the nynthe of that name or after some writers the .viii and sonne of Phylyppe the seconde Anno domini M.CC.xxvii   Anno domini M.CC.xxviii   Stephan Bokerell   Roger Duke   Anno .xi.   Henry Cobham   IN thys .xi. yere of thys kynge Henry the shyrywyke of London and of Mydd were lettyne to ferme for the summe of .iii. hundred poūde by yere to the shryues of London And the .xviii. daye of February the same yere was graunted by the kynge that all werys in Thamys shulde by plucked vppe and destroyed for euer And the .xvi. daye of Marche folowynge the kynge graūted by hys charter ensealyd that the cytyzens of London shulde passe toll free thorough all Englande And yf any cytezyns were cōstrayned in any cytye borough or towne in England to paye any toll y t then the shryues of London to attache any man commynge to London of the sayde cytye borough or towne where suche toll was payed and hym and hys goodys to wythholde and kepe tyll the cytesyners of London be restoryd of all suche money payed for the sayde tolle wyth all costes and damagys sustayned for the same And the xviii daye of Auguste folowynge the kyng graūted to y e sayd cytesyns of London wareyn that is to meane that the cytesyns haue free lybertye of huntynge certayne cyrcuyte aboute London And in thys yere the towne of Lymosyn wyth dyuers holdes in Pyerregot and Aluerne in the countye of Guyan were geuen vppe to the forenamed Lewys the Frenche kynge wherfore the kynge sente ouer hys brother Rycharde erle of Cornewayll shortely after whyche landed at Burdeaux wyth .iii. hundred saylles Anno domini M.CC.xxviii   Anno domini M.CC.xxix   Stephan Bokerell   Roger Duke   Anno .xii.   Henry Cobham   IN the begynnyge of thys .xii. yere of kynge Henry mayster Stephan Langton archbyshoppe of Caunterburye dyed and the great deane of Paulys mayster Rycharde wethyrshed was hys successour And in thys tyme the fraunchyse and lybertyes of the citye were by the kyng confyrmyd to eueryche of y e sheryues was graūted to haue .ii. clerkes .ii. officers wythout mo And to the citesyns of Lōdon was also graūted thys yere that they shuld haue vse a common seale And in this yere Rycharde erle of Cornewayll besyeged the town of saynt Machayre in Guyan And whan he hadde wonne yt by strength he then layed hys syege to y e town of Rochell tyll yt was restoryd by the marshall of Fraunce Anno domini M.CC.xxix   Anno domini   walter wynchester   Roger Duke   Anno .xiii.   Robert fyz Iohn̄   In this xiii yere of kynge Henry vppon Trynyte sondaye or after an other authour vpon whyt sondaye whyle the byshoppe of London was at the hygh masse in saynte Paulys chyrch of Lōdon fell sodeynly suche thyckenesse of darkenesse of cloudes and therwyth suche stenche and tempeste of thunder and lyghtenynge that the people there assemblyd voyded the chyrche and the vycaryes and chanons forsoke theyr deskys that the byshoppe remayned in great fere alone excepte a fewe of his menyall seruauntys and suche as attendyd vpon hym at the aulter Also in thys yere the fame of that blessyd woman Elyzabeth doughter of the kynge of Hungarye beganne to spredde The whyche before and after the deth of her husbande Langraue duke of Thorynge in Almayne shamyd not for Crystes sake to weshe the sorys and bylys of lazars and of other poore men besyde other manyfolde dedes of charyte By vertue of whyche blessyd and vertuouse lyfe she by her lyfe thoroughe the power of god shewed many and dyuerse myracles Among the whyche by her prayer .xvi. men were from deth to lyfe arreryd and a man borne blynde to syght restoryd wherfore by Gregorye the .ix. of that name and pope of Rome she was amonge the college of the blessed nomber of sayntes ascrybyd and alowed and commaunded her feast to be halowed the .xiii. kalendas of December Anno domini   Anno domini M.CC.xxxi   Rycharde fyz wyllyam   Roger Duke   Anno .xiiii.   Iohn̄ wodbourne   IN this .xiiii. yere of the kinge was ordeyned by the mayre and rulers of the cytye of London that no shryue of that cytye shulde cōtynew lenger in offyce then one yere wherof the cause was that dyuerse of theym by contynuaunce of theyr offyce dyd dyuerse extorcyons and toke brybys of vytellers wyth other defautys whyche were founde and prouyd preiudycyall hurtefull to the common weale of the sayde citye Anno domini M.CC.xxxi   Anno domini M.CC.xxxii   Mychaell of saynte Elene   Roger Duke   Anno .v.   walter Denfelde   IN this .xv. yere the kynge had graūted tyll hym a quindecim or fyftene of the temporaltye and a dyme and an halfe of the spyrytualty to recouer hys lādes loste in Normandy Guyan and Poyteau And in this yere Huberte of Burgth y t at this daye was chefe iustyce of Englande hadde greuyd or dyspleased the kynge in suche wyse that he was compellyd to fle the kynges syght But he was so strayghtly pursued y t he was taken in a chapell of Brentwood in Essex and so cast in
pryson at the kynges commaūdement But after by labour of the blessyd byshop Edmunde of Pountenay he was recōcylyd to the kynges fauour when he had ben prysoned vppon .iiii. monethes and exyled vppon .xiii. monethis And this yere was done grete harme in London by fyre the whych beganne in an house of a widowe named dame Iane Lambert Anno domini M.CC.xxxii   Anno domini M.CC.xxxiii   Henry Eldementon   Andrew Bukerell   Anno .xvi.   Gerarde Batte   IN this .xvi. yere kynge Henry vppon complaynt brought before hym by the frendes of Lewelyn prynce of walys y e willyam le Bruce or Brunze shuld cōspyre agayne the kynge or after some for he kepte vnlawfully the wyfe of the forenamyd Hauylyn he was after longe prysonement hanged And this yere dyed Ranulphe erle of Chester Lyncolne Hūtyngedon And his systers son named Iohn̄ sonne vnto the erle of Angwyshe as before in y e .vii. yere of this kyng is declared was his heyre and helde that lordshyp after hym This Iohn̄ of moste wryters is called Iohn̄ Scot for so myche as his father was a Scotte This foresayd Ranulphe hadde no chylde all be yt he hadde .iiii. systers The eldeste hyght Molde or Mawde and was maryed to Dauid erle of Angwyshe and was moder to y e foresayde Iohn̄ Scot. The seconde was named Hawys and was maryed vnto the erle of Arundell The thyrd Agnes was ioyned to the erle of Derbye And the fourth named Mabely was maryed vnto the erle of wynchester called Robert Quynacye Thys Ranulphe dyed at walyngforde and was buryed in the chapter house of the munkys at Chester and ordeyned the forenamed Iohn̄ Scotte to be hys heyre for that he wolde not haue so noble a lordshyppe runne amonge or to be dyuyded betwene so many dystanys And thys yere dyed mayster Rycharde wethyrshed archbyshoppe of Caunterburye whose successour was blessyd Edmunde of Pountenay Anno domini M.CC.xxxiii   Anno domini M.CC.xxxiiii   Symonde fyz Marre   Andrew Bukerell   Anno .xvii.   Roger Blounte   IN this .xvii. yere of the reygne of kyng Henry the forenamed Edmunde of Pountenay or of Abyndon was sacred archebyshop of Caūterburye He was named of Pountenay for so myche as he was buryed at Pountnay in Burgoyne And he was named Edmunde of Abyndon by reason he was borne ī Albyndon Thys blessyd man as before in the xv yere is shewyd reconcylyd Hubert of Burgth to the kinges grace and causyd hym to be restored to his former offyce as chefe iustyce of this lande In thys yere also the kyng beganne the foundacyon of the hospytayll of saynte Iohn̄ wythout the Eestgate of Oxenforde In whyche yere also fyll wonderfull wether as thunder and lyghtenynge vnlyke vnto other And theruppon folowed an erthquake to the great fere of the inhabytauntys of Huntyngdon and nere there aboute Anno domini M.CC.xxxiiii   Anno domini M.CC.xxxv   Rafe Aschewy   Andrew Bukerell   Anno .xviii.   Iohn̄ Norman   IN thys .xviii. yere of kynge Henry the Iewys dwellynge at Norwyche were broughte to fore the kyng at westmynster to answere to a complaynte made agayne them by one callyd Iohn̄ Toly of the sayd towne of Norwyche that they shuld stele a chylde and yt cyrcumcysyd of the age of a yere and after kepte the same chyld secret to the entent to crucyfye yt in despyte of Crystes relygyon But howe the mater was folowed or howe so the Iewys acquytyd theym selfe by theyr answere trouthe yt is that they retourned vnpunyshed And in thys yere Frederyke the second of that name and emperour of Almayne maryed the syster of kynge Henry named Isabell as testyfyeth Policronica Anno domini M.CC.xxxv   Anno domini M.CC.xxxvi   Gerarde Batte   Andrew Bukerell   Anno .xix.   Robert Ardell   IN thys .xix yere the morow after saynte Hyllary or the .xiiii. daye of Ianuary Edmunde archbysshoppe of Caunterburye spowsyd the kynge and Eleanoure the doughter of the erle of Prouynce in his cytye of Caunterburye And in the vtas of the sayde Hyllary she was crowned at westmynster as quene of Englande where in the felde by westmynster lyenge at the weste ende of the chyrche was kepte royall solempnite and goodly iustes by the space of .viii. dayes And the same yere the statute of Merton was enacted whych is to meane certayn actes made by acte of parlyament holden by the kynge his lordes cōmons at y e towne of Merton where among other actys was ordeynyd a remedy for wydowes that were defrauded of theyr dowers also how heires with in age shuld be intreated remedies for such as were stolen or with holdē cōtrary y e gardeyns willis But more certaynly yt was ordeyned at a ꝑlyamēt at Merton foresayd which was holdē the .xxx. yere of this kyng in y e morowe folowyng the daye of saynt Martyn or the .xii. day of Nouēber Anno domini M.CC.xxxvi   Anno domini M.CC.xxxvii   Henry Cobham   Andrew Bukerell   Anno .xx.   Iurden Couentre   IN this .xx. yere of kynge Henry Iohn̄ Scot before named erle of Chester dyed wythoute yssue male whefore the kynge cōsyderyng the great prerogatyues belongynge to that erledome gaue vnto his doughters other possessyons toke the erledome into hys own hand Thys Iohn̄ dyed at Dorondale and was buryed amonge hys antecessours at Chester as affyrmeth Policronycon And also he sayth that he dyed wythout any chylde and that the foresayd exchaunge was made wyth the forenamed systers of Ranulphe before expressyd in y e .xvi. yere of this kyng Anno domini M.CC.xxxvii   Anno domini M.CC.xxxviii   Iohn̄ Thesalan   Andrew Bukerell   Anno .xxi.   Gerarde Cordwaner   IN this .xxi. yere Octoboon a legate of the .ix. Gregory and pope came into Englande and ordeyned many good ordynauncys for the chyrche But not all to the pleasure of the yonge clergy of England wherfore as he one daye passed thorough Oxenford the scolars sought occasyon agayn his seruauntes and fought wyth them slew one of the same and put the legate in suche fere that he for his sauegarde toke y e belfray of Osney and there helde hym tyll the kynges mynysters cōmynge from Abyndon wyth strength medelyd with fayre wordes deliueryd him and conueyed hym after wyth a competente companye vnto walyngford where he accursyd the misdoers and punyshed theym in suche wyse that the regentes maysters of that vnyuersyte were lastely compellyd to go barefote thorough Chepe to Paulys at London and there to aske of hym forgyues and hadde that trespace wyth great dyffyculte forgyuen Anno domini M.CC.xxxviii   Anno domini M.CC.xxxix   Iohn̄ whylhale   Rycharde Renger   Anno .xxii.   Iohn̄ Goundresse   IN thys .xxii. yere a false clerke of the foresayde vnyuersyte of Oxenforde whyche feyned hym selfe madde and beforetyme had espyed the secret places of the kinges court came by a wyndowe towarde the kinges
chamber at hys maner of woodstoke entendynge to haue slayne the kynge But he was espyed by a woman and taken and so conueyed to Couentre and there arreygnyd of that dede where after lawfull prouys of hys malycyous entent made he for the same was there drawen hanged And in thys yere vppon the euen of saynte Botolphe or the xxvi daye of Iuny was borne at westmynster Edward that after was surnamed Longeshanke This after his father was kynge Anno domini M.CC.xxxix   Anno domini M.CC.xl.   Remonde Bengly   wyllyam Ioynour   Anno .xxiii.   Rafe Aschewy   IN this .xxiii. yere of kyng Henry before the tyme of the eleccyon of the shryues of London one Symōde fyz Mary whych before in the .xvii yere of the kynge had ben in that offyce had purchased a cōmaundement of the kynge dyrected to the mayre and rulers of the cytye y t they shulde cause hym to be electe to that offyce for that yere folowynge But the mayre wyth the heddes of the cytye consyderynge that commaundement to be a derogacyon vnto the lybertyes of y e cytye wythstode yt and chase the forenamed Rafe Ashwy put the sayde Symonde by for the whyche he complayned hym to the kynge Then the kynge sente for the mayre and the rulers of the city and hadde vnto theym many wordes of dyspleasure for the dysobeyenge of his cōmaundement and fardermore discharged willyam Ioynour which that yere was agayne chosen newely to be mayre for the yere folowynge and chargyd the cytesyns to procede to a newe eleccyon for theyr mayre whyche then to satysfye the kynges pleasure chase Gerarde Batte By whose meanys and good polycye the sayde mayr wyth the cytesyns demeaned theym so well to the kynge that they obteyned hys gracious fauour and causyd the forsayde Symonde to fayle of his purpose and was not after admyttyd to that offyce tyll he hadde submyttyd hym to the rule of the mayre and rulers of the same cytye The whyche Symonde behaued him so well after that he was admyttyd for an alderman But in short processe after he demeanyd him so yll and so contraryously vnto the weale and good order of the cytye that he was dyscharged of hys aldermanshyp and dyschargyd from all rule and counsayll of the cytye as in the .xxxiiii. yere of thys kynge folowynge is touched Anno domini M.CC.xl.   Anno domini M.CC.xli   Iohn̄ Gysors   Gerarde Batte   Anno .xxiiii.   Mychaell Tony.   IN thys .xxiiii. yere of kynge Henry saynte Paulys chyrch of London was newely halowyd And the great Chaan of Tartarys before in the seconde yere of kynge Iohn̄ myndyd or touched of theyr begynnynge in thys yere after he had from the Turkys wonne myche of the Eest landes he sent an hoste into the lande of Hūgary the whych held the people of that countrey so shorte that as witnessyth the authour of Policronica and other they were constrayned of necessyte to ete theyr own chyldren and other vnlefull metys But the authoure of Cronica cronicarum sayth that this mysery fell to the peple of Hungary in the yere of our lorde .xii. hundred and .xxi. whyche after that sayenge shulde be in the fyfte yere of thys kynge Anno domini M.CC.xli   Anno domini M.CC.xlii   Iohn̄ Uyoll   Remonde Bengley   Anno .xxv.   Thomas Duresyne   IN this .xxv. yere of kynge Henry Gerarde Batte was agayn chosen mayre for this present yere And after whose eleccyon he was by the worshipfull of the citye conueyed vnto woodstoke and presentyd after the custome vnto the kynge But the kynge enfourmed of hys laste yeres dealynge by suche as ought to hym no good wyll sayde that he wolde not admytte hym to that offyce tyll such tyme as he came to westmynster wyth whyche answere the sayde Gerarde wyth his companye returned vnto London It was not longe after or the kyng came to westmynster where accordynge to theyr dutye the cytesyns of London agayn awayted vppon the kynge to know his pleasure where the kynge callyd before hym the sayde mayre and after certayne questyons to hym put he caused hym to be sworne in his presence After whyche othe to hym geuen the kynge charged hym by vertue of the same that he shulde not take of the bakers and bruers and other vytellars of the cytye .xl. pounde whyche other of his predecessours and also he that laste yere hadde taken And also that he incontynently after hys commynge to London shuld restore vnto the sayd vytellars and other cytesyns all suche money as he hadde wyth wronge in that precedyng yere taken of the comynaltye of the citye But for the sayde Gerarde allegyd for hym certayne consideracyons be sechynge the kynge to pardon hym of that restytucyon the kynge in dyspleasure swore a great othe that he shulde not that yere be mayre nor at any tyme there after And so the commons certyfyed of the kynges pleasure chase in his place or stede Reyner de Bungaye And this yere the kynge yode into walys wherof herynge Dauid then prynce of walys mette wyth the kyng at Ruthlande and submyttyd hym to the kynges grace Also this yere the blessyd Edmunde archebyshoppe of Caunterbury beynge at Pountnay in the prouynce of Burgoyne dyed and there was buryed was after translatyd into y e same place within .x. yeres after his deth by commaundement of Innocent the fourthe then pope of Rome because of his manyfolde myracles whyche god shewyd for hym after hys deth All be yt in hys legende yt is shewyd that he dyed twentye myle from Pountnay called Soly and was after buryed and translated at Poūtnay Of this blessed man Polycronycon shewyth many vertuyes in the .xxxv. chapiter of his .vii. boke whyche here I ouer passe for lengthynge of the tyme. And thys yere one wyllyam of the Marshe was at London for treason drawen and hanged Thys yere also were alder men fyrste chosen wythin the cytye of London whyche then hadde the rule of the cytye and of the wardes of the same and were then yerely chaūgyd as now the shryues be chaūged Anno domini M.CC.xlii   Anno domini M.CC.xliii   Iohn̄ fyz Iohn̄   Remonde Bongley   Anno .xxvi.   Rafe Ashewy   IN this .xxvi. yere of kyng Henry Bonyface was sacryd archbyshoppe of Caunterbury And this yere the kyng wyth a fayre company saylyd into Normandy whyche vyage as sayth y e frenche cronycle was made by the styrynge of a Frenche man named erle of the Marche for so myche as y e sayd erle refusyd to do homage vnto Alphons brother vnto Lewys the .x. of that name and surnamed saynte Lewys then kynge of Fraunce Thys Lewys the yere before hadde maryed his sayde brother vnto the doughter of the erle of Tholouse and hadde gyuen to his sayde brother the erledome of Poyteau wyth all the landes of Aluerne By reason wherof he wold haue causyd the sayd erle of Marche to haue done
homage vnto the sayde Alphōs for such landes as the sayd erle held of the sayde erledome of Poytyers But for y e sayd erle of Marche knew well that the ryght of Guyan belongyd to the kinge of England he therfore and for other allyaunces made bewene kynge Henry and hym refusyd the doynge of that homage and after came to kynge Henry and excytyd hym to make warre vppon the Frenche kynge By reason wherof the kynge made prouysyon and so landed with a stronge power at Burdeaux After the affyrmaunce of the frenche boke this erle of the Marchis had maryed the mother of kyng Henry Then it folowyth in this whyle the Frenche kynge warryd vppon y e landes of the erle of Marche and hadde wōne .ii. castellys of his named Foūteneys and Uyllers wyth dyuerse other whych I passe ouer And when he had beten downe some of them some storyd with new soudyours he then went vnto a castel named Maucoune and brake a brydge after him for so myche as he was warned that the kynge of Englande was nere vnto hym At the sayd brydge was a lyttell skyrmyshe but lytle harme was there done Then the Frenche kynge toke the way ouer the ryuer of Tharent towarde Taylbourgh wastyng and destroyenge the countrey as he went and so forth towarde the town callyd Saynces And kynge Henry wyth hys hoste made towarde hym in al that he myght In kepyng this course the vawarde of the kynge encountryd wyth the erle of Boleyne whyche was vppon the Frenche kyngys partye That season the erle of Saynces bare the banner of y e erle Marches beyng in y e vaward of the kynge Betwene these two erles was sore fyght so that many a man vppon both partyes was slayn among the whych the sayde erle of Saynces was slayne Then came on bothe strengthes vppon eyther syde so that both kynges fought in that batayll and great slaughter of men was vppon both sydes But in the ende the Frenche men were vyctours toke prysoners .xxii. men of name as knyghtes and of hygher degre and .iii. clerkes of great fame and ryches besyde other to the nomber of .v. hūdred of meane people as wytnessyth the frenche boke But of these men of name nor yet of the ryche clerkes none is named nor yet shewyd what good they payed for theyr raōsome wherfore me lyste to wryte no farther of this great victory all be it y t the sayd boke sayth farther that kyng Henry for fere tourned backe vnto Burdeaux and there made meanes to the kynge of Fraunce for a peace But of all thys fynde I no worde in the englyshe cronycles Then the erle of Marches by meane of his sonne was reconcyled vnto the Frenche kynge amd restoryd to hys landes excepte thre castellys whyche were named Mespyne Cretaye and Estardye the whyche the Frenche kynge retayned in his owne possessyon And soone after came vnto the Frenche kynge the lordes of the castellys of Myrabell of Mortaynge submyttynge theym also vnto the kynges grace besechyng hym of pardon that they hadde so to his hygh dyspleasure fauored hys enymy the kynge of Englande And after came in dyuerse other lordes capytaynes so that he was in possessyon of all the countrey of Guyan Poyteau vnto y e ryuer of Gyroūde I haue rehersyd the more of thys cronycle of Fraunce to the entente that the reders may well apperceyue the pryde and boste of the Frēchmen For in all theyr wrytynge when they come to any mater that soūdyth any thynge to theyr honour yt is wryten in the lengest and most shewyng maner to theyr honour and worshyppe But as I haue sayde before in the v. capyter of the storye of the .ii. Phylyppe kynge of Fraunce yf yt sound any thynge to theyr dyshonour then shall yt be abreuyatyd or hyd that the trouth shall not be knowen And that appereth well here by theyr own wrytynge For in y e .vii. yere of kyng Iohn̄ yt is shewyd howe Phylyppe the seconde then kynge of Fraunce had wonne all Normandy and Guyan And yet at thys daye thys kynge Lewys warryd agayne in the same countrey so that they euer tell of the wynnyng but they touche nothynge of the agayne losynge Then yt folowyth in the storye when kynge Henry hadde as before is sayde concludyd the foresayde peace of the which by myne authour is no terme sette the kynge retourned into Englande Anno domini M.CC.xliii   Anno domini M.CC.xliiii   Hugh Blount   Rafe Ashewy   Anno .xxvii.   Adam Basynge   IN this .xxvii. yere the kynge returned from Burdeaux into Englande And thys yere the plees of the crowne were kept in the towre of London And thys yere Gryffyth whych was sonne of Lewelyn lately prynce of walys entendyng to haue broken pryson fell ouer the wall of the inner warde of the towre of London and brake hys necke Anno domini M.CC.xliiii   Anno domini M.CC.xlv   Rafe Spycer   Mychael Tony.   Anno .xxviii.   Nycholas Batte   IN thys .xxviii. yere of kynge Henry as testyfyeth Polycronycon a Iew dygged the grounde in a place in Spayn called Tholeet to the entent to make him a more larger vyne yerde where in tyme of his dyggynge he fande a stone closyd on all partyes But for he perceyued yt to be holowe he brake the stone and founde therein a boke as bygge as a sawter wyth leuys all of tree This boke was wryte in nthre dyuers languagys in greke in ebrewe and in latyne and the mater therof was of thre worldes that shuld come Of the whyche he poyntyd the commynge of Cryste to the begynnynge of the thyrde worlde whyche was expressyd in thys maner of wyse In the begynnynge of the thyrde worlde goddes son shall be borne of a mayde when the Iewe had well beholden the contentys of the boke and sawe that yt conteyned so longe tyme as from Adam to Anticriste and shewyd many prophecyes that were fulfyllyd and paste he anon renouncyd hys iudaisme or Moysen lawe and was crystyned and lyued after as a crysten man Anno domini M.CC.xlv   Anno domini M.CC.xlvi   Robert Cornehyll   Iohn̄ Gysors   Anno .xxix.   Adam Bewly   IN thys .xxix. yere Nycholas Batte contrary the ordynaūce before in the .xiiii. yere of thys kynge made was agayne chosen shryue of London For the whych he was conuycte of periurye and so dyscharged and punyshed And for y t Mychaell Tony whych for this yere also was chosen mayre was by deposycyon of the Aldermen founde gyltye in the sayde cryme of periurye therfore he was deposyd from his offyce punisshed And for hym was chosen mayre Iohan Gysours and for Nicholas Batte was chosen shryue Robert of Cornhyll In this yere also as testyfyeth Ieffrey of Monmouth Robert Grosehed thē byshoppe of Lyncolne wyth other prelatys of y e land complayned theym vnto the kynge of the waste of the goodes and patry monye of the chyrche whyche dayly was
wasted and mysspent by the alyaunt byshoppes and clerkes of this lande Of the whych straungers one named mayster Martyne and nere kynnysman of Innocent the thyrde late pope was one The whyche the kynge by helpe of the Englyshe bysshoppes auoyded wyth other lyke offendours out thys realme Also in thys yere the patryarke of Hierusalem sente vnto the kynge a neume of bloode whych was kepte at saynt Thomas of Acris in Lōdon tyll the yere folowynge Anno domini M.CC.xlvi   Anno domini M.CC.xlvii   Symonde fyz Mary   Iohn̄ Gysors   Anno .xxx.   Lawrence Frowyke   IN this yere theneume of blood sent before to the kynge was wyth moste solemne processyon the kynge wyth great noumber of hys lordes beynge presente conueyed from saynt Thomas fore sayd vnto westmynster in ryght solemne wyse wyth processyon other acccordyng obseruaunces to suche a relyke apperteynynge And in this yere dyed Frederike the emperour of Almayn whyche as before is touchyd in the xviii yere of this kyng maryed Isabell syster vnto the kynge The whyche for his rebellyon agayn y e chyrch of Rome was accursyd fyrste of the ix Gregory and lastely of Innocēt the .iiii. he was agayne cursyd and depryued of his imperyall dygnyte gyuynge commyssyon lycēce to the electours of the emperoure to chose a new The whyche were of so many myndes in theyr eleccyon that some chase the duke of Thoryng some the erle of Holande and some chase the kynges brother Richarde erle of Cornewayll whyche causyd stryfe that enduryd longe after so that the onely emperoure of Almayne was not of all men alowyd tyll Radulphus duke or erle of Habspurghe in Almayne was chosen by one assente to that dygnyte and therunto admittyd by Gregory the .ix. of that name in the yere of our lorde .xii. hundred and .lxxiii. And so that varyaunce enduryd vppon .xxvii. yeres to y e great impoueryshyng of Italy and the landes of the empyre Then as before is sayd this Frederyk dyed vnassoyled was buryed in a cytye called Ferenciola wyth thys superscrypcyon vppon hys toumbe Si probitas sensus virtutis gratia census Nobilitas orti possent refistere morte Non foret extinctus Fredericus qui iacet intus whyche versys are thus myche to meane in Englyshe If excellente of wytte or grace of good vertue Or nobylnesse of byrth myght vnto deth resyste Then shuld thys Frederyke mortall fate exchewe whych hym hath closyd here now in hys chyste But none of these maye erthly man assyste To stryue wyth deth but all muste pay hym dette Noble and innoble there nothynge maye lette An other versyfyoure made these .ii. versys folowynge of the interpretacyon of this name Frederyke Frefremit in mundo de deprimit alua profundo Re res rimatur cus cuspide cuncta minatur The whyche may in this maner of wyse be englyshed Fre fretyth thys worlde and de confoundyth all Hyghe thynges of honoure into depenesse darke R●sercheth besyly y e goodes generall Of thys worlde both of the laye and clerke Makynge no questyon in hys moste cruell werke And cus with sworde all thyng doth manace And thys is Frederyke all deuoyde of grace Anno domini M.CC.xlvii   Anno domini M.CC.xlviii   Iohn̄ Uoyle   Pyers Aleyne   Anno .xxxi.   Nycholas Batte   IN thys .xxxi. yere of the reygn of kyng Henry Lewys which is surnamed saynt Lewis then kyng of Fraunce with a conuenyent hoste sayled into the holy lande and there warred vpon Crystes enymyes and wanne the cytye of Damas at hys fyrste landynge after taryed there frō y e begynnynge of y e moneth of Iuny to the .xxii. day of Nouember and after departyd thens towarde Babylon entendynge to haue layde syege to the cytye But fortune was to him so cōtrarye that by sykenesse other casueltyes he loste myche of his people and in the ende was hym selfe taken prisoner of the Turkis as more playnely shall be shewed in the story of the sayde Lewys folowynge And in this yere was a myghty erthquake in Englande that the lyke to yt was not sene many yeres before Also thys yere the kynge seasyd the fraunchyse of the cytye of London vppon the euen of saynte Bartholomew for a iudgement that was gyuen by the mayre and aldermen agayne a wedowe named Margaret Uyell and commyttyd the rule of the cytye to wyllyam Haueryll and Edwarde of westmynster tyll our ladye daye nexte folowynge At whyche season the mayre and shryues were agayne to theyr offyces admyttyd Anno domini M.CC.xlviii   Anno domini M.CC.xlix   Nycholas Ioy.   Mychaell Tony.   Anno .xxxii.   Geffrey wynton   IN thys .xxxii. yere of the kyng the wharfe of London callyd quene hythe was taken to ferme by the comynaltye of the cytye to paye yerely therefore .l. pounde The whyche was then commytted to the shryues charge and so hath contynuyd euer sen that tyme to thys daye whereof the profytys and tollys are so sore mynyshed that at thys daye yt is lytle worth ouer .xx. marke or xv pounde one yere wyth a nother And thys yere fell great dystemperaunce of wether in suche wyse that the grounde was bareyne vppon the same and other myshappys folowyd anon theurppon And thys yere when the mater aforenamed of Margarete Uyell wydow was well examyned the iudgement therof was founden good and trewe wherfore the cytezens enioyed the lybertyes wythoute interrupcyon all be yt the kynge was wyth theym some what agreuyd for so myche as they at his requeste wolde not exchaunge wyth the abbot of westmynster suche lybertyes as they hadde in Myddelsex of the kynges graunte for other to be hadde in other places Anno domini M.CC.xlix   Anno domini M.CC.l.   Rafe hardell   Roger fyz Roger.   Anno .xxxiii.   Iohn̄ Tosalane   IN the .xxxiii. yere of kyng Henry in the moneth of October dyed Robert Grosthede byshoppe of Lyncolne He was the maker of the boke callyd Pety Caton and many other This Robert for so mich as y e .iiii. Innocent pope greuyd y e chyrch of Englāde with taskis paymētes agayn reason he therfore sente vnto hym a sharpe pystle This pope than gaue vnto a chylde a neuew of hys a chanonry whych fell voyde in the chyrch of Lyncolne and sent the chylde vnto the byshoppe chargynge hym to admytte the sayd chylde and to sette hym in hys place But thys bysshoppe boldely denyed the resceyt of the chyld wrote vnto the pope y t he wold not nor shuld receyue such to y e cure of soule y t could not rule the self Therfore this Robert was somoned to apere before y e pope therupon accursyd Thē he appealyd frō Innocētis courte vnto Crystes owne trone Then after the deth of thys Robert as the pope laye in hys bedde at hys reste one aperyd to hym in clothyng of a byshoppe and sayde to hym aryse wretche and come to thy dome and
after smote hym wych hys crosse vpon the lefte syde Upon the morne after the pope was foūden dede and hys bedde all blody But of thys is nothynge in the cronycle or storye of Innocent After that sayenge of Polycronycon this byshoppe Grostehede shuld dye in the .xxxvii. yere of thys kynge Henry the whyche sayenge agreeth better with the storye except that the sayde pope lyued after the deth of the sayde byshoppe .vi. yere Anno domini M.CC.l.   Anno domini   Humfrey Basse.   Iohn̄ Norman   Anno .xxxiiii.   wyllyam fyz Rycharde   IN this .xxxiiii. yere was an excedynge wynde the whyche in sondry places of England dyd great harme whyche was in the begynnynge of this yere vppon the daye of Symon and Iude. About thys tyme in the duchy of Burgoyne as testyfyeth Fasciculus temporū and other an hyll remouyd from hys proper place and glode by many a myle and lastely ioyned hym vnto other hyllys In the whyche glydynge or ronnynge the sayde hyll oppressyd or slewe v. thousande people And thys yere Symon fyz mary alderman of London for hys dysobedyence and euyll counsaill that he gaue vnto Margarete Uyell before in the xxxi yere of thys kynge touchyd wyth other secret labours and maters entendyd by hym to the hurte of the cytye was dyschargyd of hys aldermanshyppe and put oute of the counsayll of the cytye Anno domini   Anno domini M.CC.lii   Laurence Frowyke   Adam Basynge   Anno .xxxv.   Nycholas Batte   IN thys .xxxv. yere of kynge Henry beganne the frere Augustynes to buylde or inhabyte them in walys in a place callyd woodhouse And in this yere maryed kyng Henry his doughter Mary or after some wryters Margarete vnto Alexander kynge of Scottys at the cytye of yorke and dyd receyue homage of the sayde Alexander for the kyngedome of Scottes or for the prouynce of Scotlande in lyke maner as many of his progenytours had done dyuerse and many tymes before as in this worke both before thys tyme and also after is shewyd Anno domini   Anno domini M.CC.lii   wyllyam Durham   Iohn̄ Toleson   Anno .xxxvi.   Thomas wymborne   IN thys .xxxvi. yere the kynge graunted vnto the shryues of London that they shulde yerely be alowyed of .vii. pounde for certayne pryuyleges or grounde belongynge to saynte Paules chyrche the whych at this daye is allowyd by the Barons of the kynges excheker to euerey shryue when they make theyr accompte in the offyce of the pype Also thys yere was graūted by the kynge for the citesens more ease that where before tyme they vsyd yerely to present theyr mayre to y e kynges presence in any such place as he then were in Englande that nowe from thys tyme forthwarde they shulde for lacke of the kynges presence beynge at westmynster presente theyr mayre so chosen vnto the barons of hys Excheker and there to be sworne admyttyd as he before tymes was before the kynge Anno domini M.CC.lii   Anno domini M.CC.liii   Iohn̄ Northampton   Nycholas Batte   Anno .xxxvii.   Rycharde Pycarde   IN thys .xxxvii. yere the water of the see aboute the daye of saynte Paulyn in the moneth of Ianuary rose of suche heyghte that yt drowned many vyllagys and housys nere vnto yt in dyuerse places of Englande And thys yere the kynge the quene and syr Edwarde his son wyth Bonyface archebyshoppe of Caunterburye and dyuerse other nobles of the realme sayled into Normandye and taryed at Burdeaux a certayne of tyme. But of theyr dedys or cause of theyr saylynge thyther is no mencyon made in the cronycle of England How be yt in the Frēche boke yt is shewed y t the cause was to ioyne Edwarde the kynges sonne vnto the syster of y e kyng of Spayne by maryage This yere also the water of Thamys sprange so hygh that yt drowned many housys about the waters syde by meane wherof myche ma●chaundyse was peryshed and loste And thys yere the cytezyns hadde graunted of the kynge that no cytesyns shulde paye scauage or tolle for any bestes by them brought as they before tymes hadde vsyd Anno domini M.CC.liii   Anno domini M.CC.liiii   Robert Belyngton   Rycharde Hardell   Anno .xxxviii.   Ranfe Aschewye   IN thys .xxxviii. yere by procurement of syr Rycharde erle of Cornewayll for dyspleasure whyche he bare towarde y e citye for exchaūge of certayne grounde to the same belongynge the kynge vnder coloure that the mayre hadde not done due execucyon vppon the bakers for lackynge of theyr syzys seased the lybertyes of the cytye That ys to be vnderstanden that where the mayre and comynaltye of the cytye hadde by the kynges graunte the cytye to ferme wyth dyuerse customys and offyces for astynted and ascertayned summe of money now the kyng sette in offycers at hys pleasure the whiche were accomptable vnto hym for all reuenues and profytes that grew wythin the sayde cytye But wythin foure dayes folowynge the feste of saynte Edmunde the byshop or by the .xix. daye of Nouember the cytesyns agreed wyth the sayde erle for .vi. hundred marke After whych agrement wyth hym concluded they soone after were restoryd vnto theyr lybertyes This yere syr Edward the kynges sonne and heyre was maryed vnto Eleanour y e kinges sister of Spayn And in the Cristmas weke the kyng landed at Douer and y e quene wyth hym wyth many other lordes when the kynge was comen to London he was lodgyd in the towre where he sent for to come vnto hym the mayre and the shryues wyth whom he resoued greuously for the escape of one callyd Iohn̄ Gate This Iohn̄ had murderyd a pryour allyed vnto the kynge The mayre layde the charge of this mater from hym vnto y e shryues for so myche as to theym belonged the kepynge of all prysons wyth in the cytye so that the mayre returnyd home and the shriues remayned there as prisoners by y e space of a moneth after or more And in theyr places and for theym were chosen Steuen Oystergate Henry walmoode But how the old shryues passyd out of the kynges daunger I fynde not Anno domini M.CC.liiii   Anno domini   Stephan Oystergate   Rycharde Hader   Anno .xxxix.   Henry walmoode   IN this .xxxix. yere in the feaste of saynte Etheldrede dame Eleanour wyfe vnto the kynges son syr Edwarde came vnto London where she was honorably receued of the cytesyns and the cytye rychely curteyned and garnyshed wyth dyuerse ryche clothes where the kynge was present at her commynge And she was honorably cōueyed through the cytye to saynte Iohn̄s wythoute Smythfelde and there lodgyd for a whyle But after she was remouyd vnto Sauoy It was not longe after y t the kyng seasyd the lybertyes of the cytye for certayne money whyche y e quene claymed for her ryght of the cytesyns so that about saynte Martyns tyde in
Nouēber they gaue vnto his grace iiii hundred marke and then were restoryd to theyr sayde lybertyes and the kynges vnder treasourer dischat ●yd the whych for y e tyme was made custos or keper of the cytye In the feast of saynte Scycyle or the .xxii. daye of nouember ensuynge were brought vnto westmynster .lxxx. and xxii Iewes from Lyncoln̄ the which were also accusyd of the crucyfyenge of a chyld at Lyncolne in the despyte of Crystes relygyon whyche Iewes were after sent vnto y e towre of London Of the whyche in processe of tyme after xviii were conuycte and hangyd the tother remayned long after in pryson In the vygyll of saynt Andrew syr Edwarde the kynges sonne came to London from beyonde the see And the kyng of Scottys with the quene hys wyfe came in the somer season vnto the kynge to hys maner of woodstoke where he dysportyd hym a season and after returned into Scotlande leuynge his wyfe wyth her mother tyll she were lyghted of chylde And vppon y e day of the decollacyon of saynte Iohn̄ the kynge the quene and the quene of Scottes came to London where they were honorably receyued and so conueyed vnto westmynster Anno domini   Anno domini M.CC.lvi   Mathew Bokerell   Rycharde Hardell   Anno .xl.   Iohn̄ Mynoure   IN thys .xl. yere entryd y e land dyuers lordes of Almayne the whych in Crystmas weke vppon the day of y e Innocentes made homage vnto syr Rychard erle of Cornewayl brother to the kynge the whych as then stoode kyng of Almayne and of Romayns And the thursdaye nexte folowynge he departed from the kynges courte and spedde hym wyth his wyfe and syr Henry his sonne vnto the see syde and after toke shyppyng in Iarnesay the .xxvii. day of Apryll and landed at Dordreth in Holande the fyrste daye of Maye nexte ensuynge And vppon assencyon day after he was crowned kynge of Romayns in the citye of Aquisgranum Thys yere vppon the fyrste daye of Auguste the kynge toke hys iourney towarde walys for to subdue Lewelyn the sonne of Gryffyth the whyche wyth his welshemen rebellyd agayne the kynge for so mych as syr Edwarde hys son to whom he hadde lytle before geuē the erledome of Chester wolde haue chaunged some of theyr skyttyshe condycyons And for to bryng hys purpose the better aboute he sente for an armye of souldiours into Irlande and taryed for theyr commynge at hys castell of Genocke But the yere passed farre on or hys people were gatheryd so that by the aduyse of hys lordes he strengthyd there a certayne castellys and returned for that yere into Englande And aboute the feaste of the Natyuyte of our ladye a concorde and a peace was cōcluded betwene y e Londyners the abbot of the holy crosse of waltham the whych hadde ben in suyte many yeres before for certayne dystresses takē by the abbottis offycers of the Lōdoners when they came wyth theyr mercymonyes vnto the fayre of waltham where as now yt is agreed that all suche dystressys shulde be restoryd and yf any were peryshed or loste for longe kepynge that then the abbot to contente and pay to the partyes the value in money of suche distressys so peryshed or loste and that the cytesyns shulde enioy the lybertyes of that fayre euer after wythoute payenge of any tollage or toll Anno domini M.CC.lvi   Anno domini M.CC.lvii   Rycharde Ewell   Rycharde Hardell   Anno .xii.   wyllyam Ashewy   IN this .xli. yere begynnynge of the same was founden in the kynges warderobe at wyndesore a byll or rolle closyd in grene waxe and not knowē from whens yt shuld come in the whyche rolle was cōteyned dyuerse articles agayne y e mayre and rulers of the cytye of London and that by theym the comynaltye of the cytye was greuously tasked and wrongyd whyche byll was presentyd at length to the kynge wheruppon he anon sent Iohn̄ Mancell one of his iustycys vnto London and there in the feaste of the conuersyon of saynt Paule by the kynges authoryte callyd at Paulys crosse a Folkmot beynge there presente syr Rycharde de Clare erle of Glouceter dyuerse other of the kynges counsayll where the sayde Iohn̄ Mancell causyd the sayde rolle to be redde before the comynaltye of the cytye after shewyd to the people that y e kynges pleasure and mynde was that they shuld be rulyd with iustyce and that the lybertyes of the cytye shuld be maynteyned in euery poynte And yf the kynge myghte knowe those persones that so hadde wrongyd the cominaltye of the citye they shuld be greuously punyshed to the example of other And that done the sayde Iohn̄ Mansell chargyd the mayre that euery Alderman in hys warde shulde vppon the morowe folowyng assemble hys wardemote that all those wardemotys shuld assemble in one place and chuse of theym selfe wythout any counsayll or aduyse of any of theyr aldermē .xxxvi. persons and them to present before the lordes and hym at the same houre of y e next day in the byshoppes paleys at Paulys Then vppon the morow all thynge was done accordynge to hys commaundement And when y e sayd xxxvi persones were presentyd before the sayde Iohn̄ Mansell Henry Baa iustycys other the sayd Iohn̄ sayde vnto theym that they vppon theyr othe shuld certyfye all such persones as they knewe gylty in the artycles before vnto the comynaltye shewyd wherunto the sayde .xxxvi. cytesyns answeryd y t yt was contrary theyr lybertyes to be sworne so many for any mater of trespas betwene the kynge and any of hys cytezyns wherfore they requyred a sparynge wyth whych answere the sayd Iohn̄ Mansell beynge dyscontentyd warnyd theym to appere before the kynges coūsayll at y e Guyldehall vppon the morowe folowynge where they kepte theyr daye And thyther came the sayde iustycys Iohn̄ Mansell Henry Baa syr Henry wengham chaunceller of Englande Phylyppe Louell vndertreasorer and dyuerse other of the kynges counsayll Then the sayde Iohn̄ Mansell exortyd the sayde personys to be sworne by many meanys as he the other daye hadde done But all was in vayne for they excusyd theym alway that yt was contrary theyr othe and lybertye of theyr cytye wherfore the kynges counsayll departed from the hall in partye dyscontentyd shewyd vnto the kynge the demeanour of the sayde cytesyns Uppon the euen of y e Purificacyon of our lady y t mayre beyng warned y t the kyng shuld come to westmynster he wyth the more parte of the Aldermen rode vnto Knyghtbrydge and houyd there to salute the kynge and to knowe his forther pleasure But when the kynge came nere that place and harde of theyr beynge there he sent vnto them a squyre of houshold and chargyd theym that they shulde not presume to come in hys syght wyth whyche message they beynge greatly dyscōfortyd retourned home to the cytye Afterwarde in the Octauys of the puryfycacyon of our Ladye returned from the courte
Mychaell Tony and Adam Basynge the whyche before were sente by the mayre to such frendes as they had in the courte to knowe the cause of the kynges hyghe dyspleasure The whych brought worde that the kyng was well mynded vnto the citye but he was in full purpose to haue suche persones chastised that hadde oppressyd the comynaltye of the same Uppon the morow folowynge came vnto y e Guyldhall Iohn̄ Mansell wyth other of the kynges counsayll the whych to the people there assembled shewyd many fayre plesaunt wordes Amonge the whych he declared that the kynges mynde wyll was to correcte all suche persones as had oppressyd the comynaltye of that his deryste belouyd cytye and asked of the commons whyther they wolde be agreable vnto the same The whych incontynently many suche as knewe litle what the mater ment cryed with out dyscrecyon ye ye ye nothynge regardynge the lybertye of the cytye And after y e graūt thus had of the cōmons the sayde Iohn̄ Mansell dyschargyd the mayre shryues chamberleyn of theyr offyces and delyueryd the custodye therof vnto the constable of the towre and putte in the rome of the shryues Mychaell Tony and Iohn̄ Audryan And ouer that all rollys of tollys and tallages before made were delyueryd vnto the sayd Iohn̄ Māsell the whych he there sealyd and redeliueryd them vnto the chamberleyne when the cōmons hadde beholden all thys besynesse they retourned vnto theyr housys all confusyd This mater thus orderyd the sayd Iohn̄ Mansell wyth dyuerse of the kynges counsayll kept theyr courtes dayly the sondayes excepte tyll the fyrste sondaye of lent the whych that yere was the .xxv. daye of February callyng before hym .xii. wardes of y e cytye Of the whyche .xii. wardes of eueryche of them was takē thre men so ▪ that of those .xii. wardes .xxxvi. mē were impanellyd and sworne for to enquyre of the foresayd artycles and what personys of the cytye had offendyd in them This courte thus kept and holden at Guyldehall no man was callyd to answere nor no questyon put vnto any person by the sayd enquest or by any other Uppon the sayd sonday of lent the mayre aldermen and shryues wyth the sayd enqueste foure men of euery warde were chargyd to appere at westmynster before the kynge at whych apperaunce they were coūtermaūdyd tyll vppon the nexte morowe At whyche season they commyng into the kynges exchekyr fonde syttyng there the erles of Glouceter and of warwyke Iohn̄ Mansell Henry Baa iusticys the cōstable of the towre the custos of the cytye and dyuers other of the kynges counsayll Then was callyd by name Rafe hardell that yere may ●e Nycholas Batte Nycholas fyz Iosne Mathew Bokerel Iohn̄ Tolesham and Iohn̄ le Mynoure aldermen Then sayde Iohn̄ Mansell y t the kynge by his lawes and inquysycyon of the cytesyns of the cytye had founden theym culpable that they had wronged and hurte the comynaltye of hys cytye by dyuers meanes as by the sayde inquysycyons apperyd and forthwyth causyd yt to be redde before them And whē the more parte therof was redde he sayd vnto theym thus may you se that the comynaltye of the sayde cytye hath ben by you greuously oppressyd and by your meanys and counsayll the common weale of the same dystroyed as by alterynge of the tollys and other good auncyent customys turnynge them to your synguler auauntage lucre All whyche maters the sayde Rafe and his company denyed and that the commons was not by any suche meanys by them nor none of them greuyd or hurte and that they offryd to be iustyfyed and iudged by the lawe and customys of the cytye Then Henry Baa iustyce askyd of them whyther they wolde byde the aduenture of the enquery that they hadde harde redde before or ellys stande vppon the sayeng of the other wardes that yet had not ben sworne but they kepte theym to theyr fyrste answere Then Iohn̄ Mansell frayned of y e mayre what was theyr lawe and custome The mayre answered and sayde that for trespace of a cytesyn done agayne y e kynge he shulde defende hym by .xii. of the sayde cytesyns and for murder or sleynge of a man by .xxx. cytesyns for trespace agayn a straunger by the othe of .vi. and hym selfe Then after many reasons made by the sayde Iohn̄ Mansell and also by the mayre and his aldermen daye was gyuen to them to appere vppon the morow before the kynge and his counsell Uppon the day folowynge y e kyng wyth many of his lordes syttynge in the sayde exchekyr the foresayde inquysycyon was redde And that done the mayre and aldermen were called in by name and two aldermen more whyche before were not callyd that is to saye Arnolde Thedmare Henry walmode when Rafe Hardell had harde the kynge speke in the mater he toke suche fere that he and Nycholas Batte wythout farther answere put them in the kynges grace sauyd to theym theyr lybertyes and fraunchyses of the cytye But the other .vi. besought the kyng of his ryght wysenes that they myghte then be demyd after the lawes and customys of the cytye Then was layde vnto theyr charge that ouer many wronges by theym done to the kynge and the comynaltye of the cytye they had alteryd y e kynges beame and orderyd it to the aduauntage of them selfe and other ryche men of the cytye wherun to the partyes answeryd and sayde that the alteracion of the beame was not done by them onely but by y e aduyce and consente of .v. hundred of the beste of the cytye For where before tyme the weyer vsyd the lene hys draught towarde the marchaundyse so that the byar hadde by that meane x. or xii pounde in a draught to hys aduauntage and the seller so myche dysauauntage nowe for indyfferencye and egalytye of both personys or marchaūtys was ordeyned that the beame shulde stand vpryght y e cle●●e therof enclynynge to neyther partie as yt doth in weyenge of golde and syluer and the byer to haue alowed of the seller for all thynges .iiii. poūde onely in euery draught After these reasons and other by theym made the kynge commaunded that vpon the mornynge folowynge a folkmoot shulde be callyd at Paulys crosse so that courte was dyssoluyd and the mayre the other returned to London Uppon the morowe the folkmoot beynge at Pawles crosse assemblyd these .vi. aldermen heryng the murmuracion of the common people and knowynge that the aldermen nor the worshypfull of the city shuld haue litle or no sayeng in thys mater ferynge theyr cause yode into a chanons house of Powlys where at that tyme the sayde Iohan Mansel and other sent from the kynge taryed the assemblynge of the people and shewyd vnto theym that they entedyd not any lenger to plede wyth the kynge but were contentyd to put them fully in the kynges grace and mercy sauyng alway to them and all other cytesyns theyr lybertye and fraunchyse of the cyte After whyche agrement the sayde
where they drew to them great power and warred vppon the landes and castellys of syr Roger Mortymer threw some of them vnto the grounde and spoyled of hys what they myghte fynde and ouer that brent of hys manours and houses In whose ayde syr Edwarde the kynges sonne commynge hys people were dystressyd and he almoste taken For redresse of whyche maters a newe parlyamēt was appoynted to be holdē at Oxenforde in the quindena of Eester nexte folowynge whyche came neuer to effecte All be yt an other cronicle sayth that from this parlyament then holden at Oxenforde the kynge and his lordes parted all dyscorded Then the barons drewe towarde London the kynge remayned at woodstok And then newe assuraunce by wrytynge endentyd was made betwene the comynaltye of the cytye and the Barons wythoute consent of many of the rulers of the sayde cytye wherfore the commons as men enraged made of theym self two capytaynes whych they named constables of the cytye y t is to say Thomas de Pyweldon Stephan Bukerel At whose commaundement by tollynge of the great belle of Paules all the cytye shulde be redy shortely in harnes to gyue attendaunce vppon theyr sayd capytaynes About the begynnynge of lent the constable of the towre syr Hughe le Spenser came wyth a fayre company of men of armys before hym into the cytye and desyred assystence of the forenamed constables The whyche commaunded the sayd belle to be ●olled By meane wherof the people shyt theyr shoppes and came out in harneys in great multytude The whyche after proclamacyon made that they shulde ●olowe theyr capytaynes wythout knowlege what to do or whyther to go folowed theyr sayde capytaynes and so yode vnto Thystelworth vppon two myles beyonde westmynster there spoyled the manour of the kynge of Romaynes and sette yt after vppon a fyre And that done hys water mylles other commodities that he there had put theym to vtter ruyne And after wyth great noyse and crye returned vnto London This dede as sayth myne authour was cause of the mortall warre folowynge For where before tyme the sayde kynge of Romaynes hadde ben for allyaunce that was betwene hym and the erle of Glouceter a treatye of peace to be hadde betwene the kynge and his Barons after that dede done he was enymy vnto them to the vttermoste of his power The kynge herynge of thys ry●●gaderyd vnto him great power And for he harde that syr Peter de Moūt forde was at Northampton gatherynge of people to strength the Barons partye he spedde hym thyder and wanne the towne vppon hym by force and slewe many of hys men and fynally toke hym syr Symon the son of the erle of Leyceter wyth dyuers other on lyue the which with many burgeyses of that towne that hadde take theyr partyes the kynge sent vnto dyuers prysons and some he closyd wythin the castell of y e same towne In thys passe tyme on Palmesondaye weke all the Iewes in London were spoyled and robbed the nomber of .v. hūdred of them were slayn and dyuers of theyr mansyons brent and destroyed and suche as of them were saued were conueyed for great mede vnto the towre and there kept from the fury of the commons wherof the occasyon was for so myche as a Iewe wolde haue forced a crysten man to haue gyuē to hym more then ii d. for the vsure of .xx. s. for a weke For ye shall vnderstand that at those dayes by lycence graunted vnto the Iewes of the kynge they myght take by vsury of euery man y t of theym wolde borowe money .ii. d. of a poūd for a weke lendyng and so of greter of smaller summes after that rate And soon after the Iewes were thus punyshed many houses of relygyon wythin y e citye and nere there about were serched for goodes of alliaūtis and myche founde wherof a parte was brought vnto the lordis but the more parte was stolen and brybed In whyche season the kynge passed by diuers coūtreys and lastely came into Southsex with a strong power wherof herynge the lordes made preparacyon to go towardes hym In all whyche tyme the wardeyns of the v. portes kepte the see wyth shyppes that no straungers shulde entre the lande to ayde the kynge agayne the Barons Then in the ende of Apryll the Barons wyth a multytude of the cytye whyche they put in vawarde departed from London takyng theyr iourney towarde the kynge And when they were well onwarde vpon they re way worde was brought vnto them that the kynge wyth an huge power was at Lewys wherfore they by an hole assent dyuysed a letter and sent yt in y e name of all the Barons vnto the kynge whose names here vnder folowe but not all Syr Symonde de Mounforde erle of Leyceter and hyghe stewarde of Englande Syr Gylbert de Clare erle of Glouceter Syr Robert Ferres erle of Derby Syr Hugh le Spenser chefe iustice and syr Henry de Mountford son and heyre to the erle of Leyceter Syr Rycharde Gray Syr Henry Hastynges Syr Iohn̄ fyz Iohn̄ Syr Robert de Uenpount Syr Iohn̄ Gyuyle Syr Robert Roos Syr wyllyam Marmyon Baldwyne wake Syr Gylbert Gyfforde Syr Nycholas de Megraue Syr Godfrey de Lucy Syr Iohn̄ de Ueysy Syr wyllyam de Mounthdesey whyche letter sealed wyth the seales of the sayde erle of Leycester and of Glouceter conteyned as foloweth TO the most excellent lord the kynge Henry by the grace of god kynge of Englande lorde of Irlande and duke of Gwyan the Barons other faythfull your seruauntes theyr fydelyte and othe to god and to you coueytynge to kepe sendyng to you due salutyng with all reuerence and honour vnder due obeysaunce Lyketh yt youre hyghnes to vnderstāde that many beyng about you haue before tymes shewyd vnto your lordshyppe of vs many euyll vntrewe reportes and haue founde suggestyons not alonely of vs but also of your selfe to brynge this your realme vnto subuersyon Know your excellency that we entende nothyng but helth and suerty to your person to the vttermoste of our powers and not onely to our enmyes but also to yours and of all this youre realme we entende vtter greuaunce and correccyon Besechynge your grace her after to gyue vnto theym lytell credēce for ye shall fynde vs your trew and faythfull subiectes to the vtter moste of our powers And we erle of Leyceter and erle of Glouceter at the request of other and for our selfe haue put to our seales the .x. day of the moneth of May. The answere vnto this foresayde letter HEnry by y e grace of god kyng of Englande lorde of Irland and duke of Guyan to Symonde de Mountforde Gylbert de Clare theyr cōplyces where as by warre generall ꝑturbaūce in this our realme by you begon contynued wyth also brennynges and other hurtes and enormytyes that euydently apperyth that your fydelyte to vs due ye haue not kept nor y e suerty of our person ye haue
lytell regarded for so mych as our lordꝭ other our trusty frendes whyche dayly byde wyth vs ye veryn and greue and theym pursue to the vttermost of your powers and yet dayly entēde as ye by the reporte of your letters haue vs ascertayned we the greue of them admyt take for our owne specyally when they for theyr fydelyte whyche they to vs dayly impende stande and abyde by vs to oppresse your ifidelyte and vntrouthe wherfore of your fauoure or assuraunce we sette lyttell store but you as our enymyes we vtterly defye wytnesse our selfe at our towne of Lewys the .xii. daye of this moneth of May. And ouer this the kyng of Romaynes syr Edwarde the kynges sonne and the other lordes beyng thē with the kynge sente vnto them a nother letter wherof the tenour ensuyth RIcharde by the grace of god kynge of Romaynes alwaye Augustus and Edwarde the noble fyrst begotten son of the kyng of England all other Barons fermely standynge and abydynge wyth our souerayne lorde the kynge to Symonde be Moūtford Gylbert de Clare and all other theyr false felowes By the letters whych ye sent vnto the kynge our moste souerayne lorde we vnder stande that we are defyed of you Neuerthelesse this worde of dyffyaunce apperyd vnto vs suffycyently before by the depredacyon and brennyng of our manours and carienge away of our goodes wherfore we wyll that ye vnderstande that we defye you as our mortall publyke enmyes And when so euer we may come to reuēgement of the iniuryes y t ye to vs haue done we shal acquit it to y e vttermost of our powers And where ye put vppon vs that nother trewe nor good counsayll to our souerayne lorde the kynge we gyue ye therin say falsely and vntrewly And yf y e saieng ye syr Symonde de Mountforde and syr Gylbert de Clare wyll iustifye in the courte of our souerayne lord we are redy to purchase to you suerty safe commynge that there we may proue our trew and faythfull innocencye your false and traytorouse lyenge wytnessyd wyth y e seales of Rychard kynge of Romaynes syr Edwarde forenamed Gyuen at Lewys the .xii. daye of May. WHen the Baronys had receyued these letters from the kyng and his lordes they perceyued well that there was none other mean but defēde theyr cause by dynt of sword wherfore they puttyng theyr trust in god spedde theym forth toward the kynge And vppon a wednysday beynge then the .xxiiii. daye of May erly in the mornynge both hostes met where after the Lōdoners had gyuen the fyrst assaute they were betyn backe so that they began to draw from the sharpe shot and strokes to the discomforte of the Barons hoste But y e Barons encoraged and comforted theyr men in suche wyse that not alonely the freshe and lusty knyghtes fought egerly but also suche as before were scomfyted recoueryd theyr vertue strength fought wythout fere in so myche that the kynges vaward lost theyr places Then was the felde coueryd wyth dede bodyes gaspynge gronyng was hard on euery syde For eyther was desyrous for to bryng the other out of life And the fader sparyd not the son nor the son y t fader Allyaūce at y e tyme was turned vnto dyffyaunce and crysten blood that daye was shad wythoute pytie Thus duryng the cruell fyght by the more parte of y e day lastely the victory fyll to the Barons so y t there was taken the kynge the kynge of Romayns syr Edwarde the kynges son wyth many other noble men to the nomber of .xxv. Barons and Banerettes people slayn a great multytude ouer .xx. thousande as sayth myne authours when the Barons had thus obteyned vyctorye prouysyon was made for y e saufe kepyng of the prysoners so that all were sent vnto dyuers castellys and prysons except the kyng his brother the kynge of Almayne syr Edwarde his son the whych the Barons helde wyth theym tyll they came to London Then a new graunte was made by the kynge that the foresayd statutes shuld stande in strength And yf any were thought vnreasonable they to be corrected and amendyd by foure noble men of the realme that is to meane .ii. of the spyrytualtye and .ii. of the temporaltye And yf those .iiii. myght not agree that then the erle of Angeou and duke of Burgoyn to be iudges of that mater And this to be fermely holden and obeyed by the kynge and hys brother the kynges graunted that theyr sonnes heyres shuld remayne wyth the Barons as prysoners tyll all thynge were fynysshed accordynge to the former agrement And vppon thys was a parlyament appoynted to be holden at London at Penthecoste folowynge but that came neuer to purpose Thē the tuesday before the Assencyon day peace was proclaimed in London betwene the kynge and hys Barons And vppon the daye folowynge the kynge the Barons came vnto London with the kynge of Romayns syr Edwarde the kynge sonne Then syr Edward as pledge for the kyng and syr Henry sonne vnto the kynge of Almayn were sent vnto the toure and there lodged and from thēs vnto Douer castell And the kyng was lodged in the byshoppes palays by Paules and the kynge of Almayne with dyuers other within the towre Then yt was agreed by the kynge that for his more suertye and for the weale of the lande that the erle of Leyceter shuld be ressyaūt in the kynges courte Uppon the whyche agrement other many of the prysoners were set at large In this passe tyme before the felde of Lewys y e quene the kyng of Romayns had sent ouer y e see for souldy ours to ayde the kynge agayne the Barons whych now were comen in great nomber vnto Douer there houed in y e see to haue lāded wherof herynge the Barons sent the kyng of Romayns to the castell of Berkham stede as prisoner tyll the sayde allyauntes were retourned and caused kynge Henry wyth a great power to ryde thyder and force the sayde hoste of straungers to retourne into theyr owne countreys And when the kynge had returned the sayde straungers he shortly after wyth agrement of the barons sayled ouer into Fraunce and retourned agayne wythin short terme Anno domini M.CC.lxiii   Anno domini M.CC.lxiiii   Osbert wynter   Thomas fyz Thomas   Anno .xlviii.   Phylyppe Taylour   IN this .xlviii. yere the lordes of the marches about the feast of Crystmasse assembled theym in those costes and dyd myche harme vppon the lordeshyppes and manours of the erlys of Leyceter and of Glouceter standynge in the marches of walys wherfore the kynge rode shortely after to Glouceter and called there a counsayl of his lordes By authoryte of whych counsayll yt was enacted that as many of y e sayd lordes as came not in by the octauis of saynte Hyllary nexte folowynge yelded them vnto the kynges grace shuld be exyled And by the sayd coūsayll was also agreed
that in y e sayd octaues shulde a parlyament be holdyn at westmynster At whyche daye the kyng wyth his lordes spyrytuall and temporall and commons of hys lande beganne his forsayde parlyament Durynge the whyche yt was there shewed the kynge beynge present that he nor syr Edward his son nor none of theym shulde after that daye greue or cause to be greuyd the erles of Leyceter and of Glouceter y e Barons Banerettes or knyghtes the citesyns of London and Barons of the .v. portes nor none other ꝑsons or persones of hyghe or low degree that was vpon the partye of the sayd erles for any mater of dyspleasure done agayne the kynge and the sayd syr Edwarde his sonne at any tyme before that day And that to vphold the kynge before hys lordes was sworne And after that was shewed and rad a charter of pardon concernynge the sayde cause and a confyrmacyon of the statutes of the foreste wyth many other actes and statutes before graunted of the kynge Then in the feaste of saynt Gregory folowynge or the .xii. daye of Marche syr Edwarde the kynges son y t beforne was also sworn to performe such promyses as the kyng had made before in the parliament was delyueryd at lyberte also syr Henry the kynges son of Almayne the whych had ben kept as pledge as ye before haue harde vppon the terme of .ix. monethes odde dayes vpon assuraūce made that y e sayd syr Edwarde shuld dwel and abyde in the kynges courte and not to departe from thens wythoute lycence of the kyng and of a certayne of the Barons After this many instrumentes bandes were made by the kynge and syr Edwarde his son for the performaunce of couenaunts paccyons made betwene the kynge and the Barons whyche shortly after came to small effecte In the season betwene Easter and Penthecoste for orderynge of the aforesaid statutes made at Oxenford fell deffencyon betwene the erles of Leyceter of Glouceter so that wordes of dyspleasure was vtteryd betweene them the kynge and they also beynge then at Glouceter Then the kynge and his Barons had laboure to set theym at vnyte and reste And vppon the see the Barons of the .v. portes robbed and spoyled all men that they myght take sparynge nother Englyshe marchauntes nor other Of whych prayes as y e cōmon fame then went some of the Barons of the lande hadde good parte In the whytson weke folowynge y e kynge wyth the erle of Leyceter and syr Edwarde hys sonne wyth many other lordes beynge at Herforde in y e edge of walys the sayd syr Edward secretly and wythout lycence departed from the courte and yode vnto Chester where he accōpanyed to him the erle of Glouceter and y e lordes of the Marches the erle of warēne syr Roger Mortymer and other from thens went vnto Glouceter breking the brydges as he went to the entent that he were not folowed tyll he had assembled his power when knowlege of thys came vnto the erle of Leyceter he in al hast sent vnto syr Symōde his son y t he shuld gather his knyghtes vnto hym The which accordyng to y e cōmaundemēt assembled vnto hym myche people with them drew toward wynchester so that he came before the cytye vppon the euyn of the translacyon of saynte Swythyn or the .xiiii. daye of the moneth of Iulye where he was shyt out for so mych as the cytesyns knewe not whyther he came as the kynges frende or not And also lytell before they hadde receyued a letter from syr Edwarde wyllynge theym to holde theym out of the cytye For these causes the citesyns closed theyr gates agayn the sayd syr Symonde and hys companye But yt was not longe or the cytye was yelden Then they spoyled the town and slewe the more partye of the Iewes that dwellyd wythin the same And that done layd syege vnto the castell and assauted it But for tydynges were fayned of the cōmynge of syr Edwarde with hys power they departyd shortely thens and so yode vnto Kenelworth Uppon the laste daye of Iuly syr Edwarde wyth hys hoste came vnto Kenelworth foresaid and fyll sodaynly vppon the hoste of the forenamed syr Symonde and wyth shedynge of lytell blood toke there prysoners the erle of Oxenforde wyllyam de mount Canyse Adam de Newmarket syr Balwyne wake and Hughe Neuyle wyth dyuers other and syr Symonde fledde into the castell and so escaped Then these forenamed prysoners were all sent vnto Glouceter and there putte in suer kepynge In this meane whyle syr Symonde erle of Leyceter toke leue of the kynge whyche then from Herforde passed the ryuer of Seuerne and so yode vnto worceter And y e erle with great payne passed the brydges before by syr Edwarde broken and passed the coūtreys in gaderynge of people as he went so y t in processe he had wyth hym stronge power wherof herynge syr Edwarde costed towarde hym and the .vi. daye of August met wyth hym at Euysham in worceter shyre where betwene theym was foughten a cruell fyght In y t whych at length was slayn the sayd syr Symonde and syr Henry his sonne and heyre syr Hughele Spenser syr Peter de Mountforde and many other noble men that helde vppon the Barons partye After whych scomfyture some malycyous dysposed persons in despyte of the erle cut of his hode his dimyssaryes and fastyned them vppon eyther syde of hys nose and after made a present therof vnto the wyfe of syr Roger Mortymer Hys fete also and his handes were cut from the body and sente to sondry places and the trunke of hys bodye buryed wythin the chyrch of Euysham Of this erle speketh Ranulphe mūke of Chester in his boke of Policronycon and calleth hym Symon the ryght wise sayynge that god wrought for hym myracles after his deth the whyche forfere of the kynge and syr Edwarde his sonne were kept close and secret so that no man durste speke of them Soone after this victory thus obteyned by syr Edward y e kyng he met by whose authorytyes all prysoners thē which were in hold in dyuers places by y ● cōmaundemēt of y e sayd syr Edward were set at lybertie many other dayly accused set in for them And about the natyuyte of our lady a parliamēt was holdē at winchester where by authoryte of y e same all statutes ordinaūces before made by y e Barons at Oxenforde in the .xli. yere of y e kyng were vtterly fordone set at nought and all bondes wrytynges made by the kyng or any other for the obseruynge of the same were cancellyd and broken Also at thys coūsayll was ordeyned that all such as had fauoured the Barons were they in pryson or at large shulde be disherited And then y e kyng resumed into his hande all grauntes before made and gyuen to any person And for syr Symounde de Mountforde myght not agree wyth the kynge at the parlyament he was restored to the castel of Kenelworth as he
of y e bayly of the castell of wyndesore iiii onely except that is to saye Rycharde Bonauenture Symō de Hadisstok wyllyam de Kent wyllyam de Grouceter all the other Lōdoners xxxiili s● nōber were delyuered came to erondon the Thursday folowynge the feast of saynte Luke in y e xxi day of Nouember the other .ix. were kepte styll in the toure of wyndesore Then dayly suyte laboure was made vnto y e kynge to haue hys gracyous fauour and to know hys pleasure what fyne he wolde haue of the cytye for theyr transgressyons displeasure by theym to hym done For the whyche the kynge asked .xl. and fermely helde hym at .l. M. marke But the cytye layde for them that the poore commons of the cytye whereof many were auoyded were the trespassours and ouer that the best men of the cytye by these ryotous ꝑsones were spoyled and robbed and by the rouers also of the see as the wardeynes of y t .v. portes and other in thys troublous seasō they had lost a great part of theyr substance For the whych cōsyderacyons and many other whyche were tedyous to wryt the cytezeyns besought the kynge of hys most gracious fauour and pyte and to take of theym as they myght bere Thys matter thus hangyng the kynge vppon seynt Nycholas euyn departed from westmynster towarde Northampton And lytell before hys departynge ordeyned syr Iohn̄ lynd knyght and mayster Iohn̄ waldren clerke to be gardeynes of the cytye toure the whyche were named in the kynges writtynge Senesshalles or stewardes of the cytye Uppon the daye folowynge that the kynge was ryden these .ii. forenamed stewardes sent for .xxiiii. of the mooste notable men of the cytye and warned theym to apere the day folowynge before y e kynges counsayle at westmynster where at theyr apparaunce was shewed vnto them by syr Roger Leyborne that the kynges mynde was that they shulde haue the rule of the cytye in hys absens vnder the foresaid Senesshalles for to se good rule kept wythin y e cytye they shuld be sworne there before hys counsayle The which there were then sworn countermaunded vnto the cytye And alwaye labour was made vnto the kynge for the fyne of the cytye so that in the Crystmas weke an ende was made wyth the kyng by labour of suche frendes as the cytye had about hym for the summe of .xx. M. marke for all transgressyons and offences by them before done certayne persones excepted whyche the kynge had gyuē to syr Edwarde hys sonne beynge as before is sayde in the tour of wynsore For the paymēt of which summe at dayes by agremēt set syr Roger Leyborne mayster Roberte wareyn clerke were assigned to take the suertyes for y e same After whych suertye by theym receyued and sente vnto the kynge to Northamptō the kynge sent immedyatly after vnto y e cytezeyns a charter vnder his brode seale whereof the effecte ensueth HEnry by the grace of god kīg of Englande lord of Irlande and duke of Guyan to al men helth Knowe ye that for the fyne of .xx. M. marke the whyche our cytezeyns of London to vs made for the redempcyon of the transgressions and trespaces to vs to our quene to our noble brother Rycharde kynge of Almayne and to Edward our fyrst begotē sonne done we remytte and pardone for vs and for our heyres to the sayd cytezeyns and they re heyres as moche as in vs is so that they haue and enioye all they re former grauntes and lybertees rentes and profittes from the feste of Crystmas laste paste and also that the sayde cytezeyns haue to theym all forfaytes of all malefactours of y e cytye which in the parturbaūce before made were endyted or for the same be yet for to be endyted Excepte the goodes and catalles of theym of the whyche we haue gyuen the bodyes vnto our forsayd sonne Edwarde and except the rentes and tenemētes of all those cytezeyns whyche now be and shal be our eschete by reason of the forsayde transgressyons And that all prysoners whyche now in our prysons remayne be freely delyuered excepte those ꝑsones whose bodyes we haue gyuē to Edwarde our sonne And y t the sayd cytezeyns be as fre as they before the sayd transgressyons were in all partes and costes of thys our landes In wytnes whereof we haue made these letters patentes wytnesseth my selfe at Northampton the .x. day of Ianuarii the yere of our reygne .xlix. After whyche pardone by the cytezeyns receyued all pledges for them beyng in the toure of Londō And also .iiii. of them that were in the toure of wyndesore that is to say Rychard Bonauenture Symō de Hadistoke wyllyam of Kente and wyllyam of Glouceter were delyuered Thanne also was dyscharged the forenamed stewardes syr Iohn̄ Lynde mayster Iohn̄ waldrē and the cytezeyns of them selfe chose for mayre wyllyā Fyz Rychard and for shyreffes Thomas de la fourde Gregory de Rokkysley Than for leuyng of this fyne were set as well seruauntes couenāt men as housholders many refuced the lyberties of the cytye for to be quyt of that charge whyle the kynge lay thus at Northampton syr Symō de Mountford put hym vpon the dome of the Popes legat Octobonus y t before was come into thys lāde to refourme thinges in the chyrche of Englande and also to set vnyte reste betwene the kynge and hys lordes To whose do me also of the kynge of romayns the forsayde syr Symond had bounden hym to stande Upon whych promyse and bande he was lybertied to be at large in the kynges courte and so contynued a season But in y e ende when the kyng was commē into Lōdon he departed sodaynly out of the courte rode vnto wynchelsee where he accompanyed hym with the rouers of the see and after some pryses taken departed from theym and so sayled into Fraunce and put hym in seruyce with holy Lowis than kyng of that prouynce Thys yere also vppon the euyn of saynt Iohn̄ baptyst the kynge begā hys syege about the castell of Kenelworth with a mighty power But syr Hēry Hastynges with suche as were within it defended it so strōgly that the kynge and all hys power myght nat wynne the sayde castell of a lōge tyme as after in the nexte yere shall appere It is before shewed howe y e quene by her purueiaūs had caused an host of straungers to prepare them to come into Englande for to ayde her lorde the kynge agayn the barons She had also purchased a curse of y e Pope to acurse all the sayde barons and all they re ayders helpers and had commyssiōs dyrected to certayn bysshoppes of Englande to execute the same as of London and of wynchester and of Chychester the which for fere of the barons than denyed deferred the execucyon and sentence of the sayd curse wherfore the quene made newe laboure to the pope than Urban the .iiii. and had it graūted that the sayde
Bysshoppes for theyr dysobedyence shulde be corrected And for thys Octobon the foresayde legate thys yere at a counsayl holden by hym and the clergy of Englande at Paules chyrche in Londō suspended the sayde Bysshoppes theym sente vnto Rome to be assoyled of the pope beynge at thys daye Clement the .iiii. Anno domini M.CC.lxv   Anno domini M.CC.lxvi   Edwarde Blont   Thomas fiz Thomas   Anno. .l.   Peter Aunger   IN thys .l. yere vppon the euyn of saynt Thomas the apostle before Crystmas was yelden by appoyntement the castel of Kenelworth At the whyche the kynge with hys power had lyen as before is sayd frō mydsomer tyll that day and thā gyuen ouer by syr Henry Hastynges hys complyeys vppon condycyon y t he and all the other shulde haue lyfe and lym and horse harneys with all thynges within the castell to thē belongynge and a certayne tyme of leyser to cary a way the same And in thys yere in the tyme of Lent were y e wardeyns of the .v. portes recōcyled to y e kynge by fauour of syr Edward the kynges sonne And natwithstandynge the greate harmys they had done by rouyng vppon the see aswel to Englysshe marchauntes as to other they had to them confermed all theyr fourmer pryuyleges And ouer that to theym was graūted y t yf any man Englysshe or other wolde sewe for restitucyon of good by thē before taken or for the deth of any of they re frendes before slayne that all suche complayntes shuld be sued shewed in theyr courtꝭ there to haue theyr maters determyned nat ellys where But what the cause was of thys ende thus made atwene y e kyng thē it is nat shewed But y e cōmon fame at y t day ran y t the sayd wardeins of y e v. portes had at thys day y e dominiō of the see wherfore y e kyng was fayn to folowe theyr pleasures About the feast of Philip Iacob y e kyng helde hys parlyamēt at Nort hāpton At y t whych were cōfermed y e olde fraunchyses lybertyes by the kyngꝭ progenytours before graūted vnto the cytye of Lōdon with a new graūt for y e shyre of Middelsex And at thys parlyament were dysheryted many noble men of the lande y t before tyme had taken the barons partie For whyche cause they accompanied theym togyder robbed and reuyd in diuers coostes of the lande toke the towne of Lyncoln̄ spoyled it after raunsomed many of the ryche burgeyses of the towne and toke the ile of Ely strēgthed it in suche wyse that they helde it longe after Anno domini M.CC.lxvi   Anno dn̄i M.CC.lxvii   Iohn̄ Adryan   willm̄ Fiz Rycharde   Anno .li   Luke Badecot   IN thys .li. yere at the chosyng of the mayre certayne contrauersies fyll attwene the rulers the commons of the cytye of London wherfore by aduice of the mayre and aldermen syr Roger Leydorne with other came vnto y e Guylhalle beyng harnesed vnder theyr gownes and vppon the fryday folowyng Alhalowyn called the commons to the eleccion of the new mayre where the best of the cytye gaue y e nominacyō vnto Alei sowch diuerse of y e other cryed vpon Thomas fyz Thomas whych at that tyme was prysoner in wyndesore castell wherfore the sayd Roger with y e assystence of the mayre and other toke the sayde Rascal and euyll disposed persones and sent thē vnto dyuers prysons Thys yere also the gentylmen that helde the I le of Ely brake oute sondry tymes and dyd moche harme in Northfolke in Suffolke and Cambrydgeshyre and toke the cytie of Norwyche and after the spoylynge thereof caryed awaye with theym many of the cytezeyns beynge ryche and fynaunced theym at great summes of money lyued therein that I le lyke vnto out lawes By thys and other many hurtes in dyuers places of the lāde was done by theuys and other yll dysposed people whereof the charge was euer layde vnto the fore name gentilmen Thē the legate laboured vnto the kynge that the sayde disheryted gentylmen myght purchase theyr lādes of hym by fyne and raunsome By whose laboure the kynge lastly agreed that the sayd gentylmē shuld haue theyr landes agayne by fynes of .v. yere value of theyr lande As he that myght dyspende .xx. li. by yere shulde paye an C. li. and so other after that rate except syr Robert ferers Erle of Derby syr Iohn̄ de la warre and hym that strake of y e fyste of the kynges purseuaūt And some other persones whyche were of small hauoure shulde be fyned by discrecyon of the kynges counsayll but this toke no conclusyon Anno domini M.CC.lxvii   Anno dn̄i M.CC.lxviii   Thomas Basynge   Aleyn South   Anno .lii.   Robert de Cornehylf   IN thys .lii. yere for what hap is nat expressed syr Gylbert de Clare erle of Gloceter refused y e king and in the marche of walys gadered vnto hī a stronge power To whome also drewe syr Iohn̄ Eyuile other of the company disherited And after the feest of Crystmasse with a greate hoost came nere vnto London that tyme the Popes legate Octobonus beynge lodged at the toure of Lōdō whan the mayre and aldermen of the cytye were ware of the erles commynge with so stronge a power nat knowynge whether he were the kynges frende or nat shytte the gates agayne hys fore ryders And for the kynge nor none of hys coūsayll was than nere vnto the cytye the mayre and aldermen went vnto the legate and requyred hys counsayl whether they shulde suffre the erle to entre īto the cytye or nat wherunto the legate answered that he thought nat the contrary for he knewe wele that he was the kynges trewe subyect frēde It was nat lōge after that a messanger came from the erle vnto the mayre wyllynge to haue lycence to passe thorugh the cytye into Southwerke where he entendyd to lodge hym and hys people whyche was graunted and so the erle passed thorough the cytye and was lodged in South werke To whō came shortly after by Southerey syde syr Iohn̄ Eyuile with a greate company Than the mayre kepte the gate of y e brydge shyt and watched it dayly with a certayne of armyd men and euery nyght caused the draw brydge to be drawen the waters syde dayly and nyghtly to be watched with many armyd men In lytell processe of tyme after the legate and the erle agreed in suche wyse that the erle by hys aduyce was suffered with a certayne of hys people to be lodged within y e cytye By reason wherof he dayly drewe more more of hys people into the cytye so that fynally many thynges were ordered by hym many of the commons toke hys partye agayne the mayre and aldermen Then in the Easter weke he toke y e keyes of the brydge and of the gates from the offycers of the cytye and delyuered them to
grew to makynge of partyes so that wyth the goldsmythes toke partye the felyshyp or craft of wyth the tayllours helde y e craft of stayners By meane of thys myche people nyghtly gaderyd in the stretes in harneys And at length as yt were prouyded y e thyrd nyght of the sayde partyes met vpon the nomber of .v. hūdred men on both sydes and ran to gyther wyth such violence y t some were slayn and many woūded Then outcrie was made so y t the shy reffes with strength of other cōmons came to the ryddynge of theym and of theym toke certayn persones and sent them vnto dyuers prysons and vppon the morowe suche serche was made that the moste of the chefe causers of that fray were taken and put in warde Then vppon the freday folowyng saynt Katheryns day sessyons were kepte at Newgate by the mayre and Laurēce de Broke iustyce and other where .xxx. of the sayd persones were arregned of felony and .xiii. of them caste and hanged And for one Godfrey de Beuerlay holpe to arme one of the sayd persons he was also caste amonge the other In lent folowyng the kynge beyng at westmynster commaūded the mayre of London to present vnto hym .vi. persones such as were able to be shyriffes Of the whyche .vi. so presented y e kyng chase .ii. for to be shyreffes that is to say wyllyam de Durham and walter Henry and then caused theym to be sworne that they shulde gader the profytes of the cytye and to gyue a trewe accompte before the Barons of the excheker And the morow after saynt Iamis daye or the .xxvi. daye of Iuly the kynge dyscharged syr Aleyn Souch mayre and made Stephā Edworth constable of the toure and custos of the cytye of London Of these rulers of the cytye after the yere that Thomas fyz Thomas was mayre are dyuers oppynyons For after some writers from that yere whyche as the xlviii yere of kynge Henry tyll the lviii yere of hys reygne in the whyche yere Iohan Adryan draper was mayre were all custodyes and gardeyns and no mayres and who to y e was then constable of the towre of Lōdon was also custos of the cytye About this tyme also by medyacy on and meanes of syr Edwarde all suche dysheryted persones as kepte the yle of Ely were reconcyled vnto the kynge and all fortresses and defences therin by theym made plucked away and destroyed And in thys moneth of Iuly Octobonus the legat after he had made many good rules in the chyrche not wythoute great charge of dymes leuyed of the same toke his leue of the kynge and rode towarde the see syde with great treasour and so returned in processe of tyme to Rome where after Innocent the fyft about the yere of our lorde .xii. hundred .lxxvi. he was chosen and created pope and then named Adryan y t .v. of y t name and dyed wythin .l. dayes of his ele●yon This yere also for so myche as many of the cytesyns of London for the great imposycyon charge that they were sette at towarde the fyne of .xx. thousande marke forenamed wyth other charges voyde the cytye wyth theyr housholdes and goodes enhabited them in dyues places of the lande thynkynge therby to be acquited of the sayd sessyng or charge the other of the cytye whych remayned made instant laboure to y e kyng and had yt graunted that all suche as for the sayde cause hadde voyded theyr goodes out of the cytye shulde be distrayned by the shyryff of y e shyre where they then dwelled and forcyd to paye all suche summes as they before were assessyd at And in the moneth of September the forenamed .v. cytesyns whych remayned prysoners in the towre of wyndefore that is to saye Thomas fyz Thomas Mychaell Tony Stephan Buckerell Thomas Pywelysdon and Iohn̄ de la Flete as before in the ende of the .xlviii. yere is expressyd made at thys season theyr ende wyth syr Edwarde the kynges sonne for great summes of money were delyueryd Anno domini M.CC.lxix   Anno domini M.CC.lxx   wyllyam Haddystoke   Thomas fiz Thomas   Anno .liiii.   Anketyll de Aluerne   IN this .liiii. yere beganne an harde froste about the feaste of saynt Andrew and enduryd tyll yt was nere vnto Candelmasse The whych was so feruent that Thamys aboue the bridge betwene London westmynster was so harde frosyn y e men and bestes passed ouer on fote from Lambhyth to westmynste and so vpward in dyuers places to Kyngstone and marchaundyse was caryed from Sandwych other hauens of the see vnto London by lande for that shyppes at y e season myghte not entre into the ryuer of Thamys And about the feaste of saynte Uedast fyll suche plent of water y e Thamys flowed and rose so hyghe y ● the lyke therof was not sene by men then lyuynge wherof ensued mych harme about London for the selers by the water syde were all drowned and in theym great plente of marchaundyse peryshed and loste In this yere in the begynnynge of lent y e kynge gaue vnto syr Edward his son the rule of the cytye of London with all reuenues and profytes to yt belongynge After whyche gyft y e sayd syr Edwarde made syr Hugh the son of Othon cōstable of y e towre and custos of the cytye And vppon the .ix. daye of Apryll ensuynge syr Edmunde the kynges other sonne surnamed Crouch bake maryed at westminster the doughter of the erle of Aumarle For solempnyte wherof the kynge kept there in y e great hall a great honorable feaste the sondaye folowynge And vppon the daye of saynte Erkenwalde or the laste daye of Apryll nexte ensuynge syr Edwarde y e kynges sonne commaunded the citesyns of London to presente vnto hym .vi. persones able to be shyreffes of London Of the whyche he admytted to that offyce wyllyam de Hadestoke Anketyll de Aluerne sware them to be accomptauntes as theyr predecessours were And the .vi. daye of May folowyng p̄sentyd at y e Guyld hall and there chargyd of new At these dayes a newe custome or toll was vsed to be payed by the cytysyns of London vnto the kynge whych toll syr Edwarde then hadde letten so ferme to a marchaunt straūger for .xx. marke by yere wherfore the cytesysn not wyllynge to be vnder the rule of a straūger made grete suyte vnto the sayde syr Edwarde and lastely agreed wyth hym to bye the sayde tolle free for the summe of two hundred marke And in the ende of this yere that is to meane the .xiii. daye of October the kynge lette translate wyth great solemnytye the holy body of saynte Edwarde kynge and confessour that before laye in the syde of the quere where the monkes nowe synge into the chapell at the backe of the hyghe aulter of westmynster abbay there layde yt in a ryche shryne And in this yere the kynge hadde graunted vnto hym towarde his vyage purposyd by hym
his marchaūtes myght vse theyr entercourse into Flaūdres as they before tymes had done such lossis as before was by theym susteyned shulde be recompensyd And so soone after an amytye betwene the kynge and her was concluded In this yere about y e ende of Marche dyed Rychard kynge of Almayn and erle of Cornewayle brother to the kynge and was buryed at Haylys an abbaye of whyte monkes by hym before tymes buylded after he hadde ben kynge of Almayne by the terme of .xv. yeres But after the rehersall made before in the .xxx. yere of this kyng Henry he shuld reygne xvi yeres In the moneth of Iuny y e monastery of y e Trinite in y e citie of Norwiche was consumed wyth fyre by reason of a fraye made betwene seruauntes of the abbaye and some of the cytezeyns of the cytye whyche grewe to a great skyrmysshe For the pryour of the same and other of the monkes purueyed sowdyours and helde y e belfray and the chyrch by force of armys and threwe out stones dartes and shotte many arrowes by reason wherof many of y e towne were bothe wounded slayne whyche broughte the comons and yonge men in suche a furye and madnesse that they fyrid the gates and after forced the fyre with rede and drye woode that the chyrche wyth the bookes all other ornamentes of the same and all houses of offyce belongynge to the same abbey were clene brent and throwen downe so that nothynge was preserued excepte a lytell Chapell whā tydynges of thys ryot came to y e kyngꝭ knowlege he was therwith greuously dyspleased so that he rode thyder soone after and there commaunded questes to be charged of knyghtes esquyres that dwelled in the countre aboute and to endyte all suche persones as were occasyoners and executours of that dede By reason of whyche enquery fynally were caste and iuged vppon the nombre of .xxx. yonge men of the towne the whyche were after drawen to the place of execucyon and there hanged and brent to the great dyscomfyture sorowe of the cytezeyns For they thought y e pryour of the place was the occasyoner of all that myschyef whych was borne out defended by the bysshop of Norwyche than beyng named Roger And this yere were diuers prodygies straūge tokens sene in dyuers places of Englande amōge y e whych at Grenewyche besyde London a lābe was yenyd hauynge .ii. perfyte bodyes wyth all membres and but one heed Anno domini M.C.lxxii   Anno domini M.CC.lxxiii   Rycharde Parys   Syr walter Henry   Anno .lvii.   Iohn̄ Bedyll   IN thys .lvii. yere of kynge Hēry and begynnynge of the same the kynge sykened so that he was forcyd to kepe his bed at westminster where he called before hym syr Gylberte de Clare erle of Glouceter and caused hym to be newly sworne to kepe the peas of the lande to the behofe of Edwarde hys sonne and than dyed vppon the daye of saynte Edmunde the bysshoppe or the .xvi. day of Nouembre and was buryed vppon the southesyde of saynte Edwarde in westmynster whenne he had reygned .lvi. yeres .xxviii. days leuynge after hym syr Edwarde beforenamed for hys heyre Edmūde Crowchbak In a table hāgyng vpō the tombe of the sayd Henry are written these verses folowynge Tercius Henricus iacet hic pietatis amicus Ecclesiam strauit istam quam post renouauit Reddat ei munus qui regnat trinus vnus The whyche may be Englysshed as foloweth The frende of pyte and of almesse dede Henry the thyrde whylome of Englande kynge who thys chyrch brake after hys mede Agayn renewed into this fayre buyldynge Nowe resteth in here whyche dyd so great a thynge He yelde hys mede that lorde in deyite That as one god reygneth in persones thre Francia LOwys the .ix. of y e name and sonne vnto the seconde Phylyp begā his reygne ouer the realme of Fraūce in the yere of our lorde .xii. C.xxiii and the .vii. yere of the thyrde Hēry then kynge of Englande Thys Lowys was crowned at Raynes vpon the daye of saynt Sixtus the pope or the .vi. day of August By the meane of thys Lowys as testifieth the frēshe cronycle retourned the blode of Pepyn to the enherytaunce of the crowne of Fraunce whose name was Isabell doughter of Bawdewyn erle of Henaut whych Bawdewyn was discendyd of Ermengaunte somtyme countesse of Namoure whyche was doughter to Charles duke of Lorayne the whyche Charles was lynyally dyscended of Charles the Cōquerour that was sonne of Charles Martellus the sonne of Pepyn whan thys Lowys had passed the solempnytye of hys coronacyon he made a vyage into y e countre of Poytiers and there wanne from the Englysshe men certayne castelles townes as before in the .x. yere of Henry the thyrde is touched The whyche vyage by hym fynysshed he at y e contemplacyon and prayer of kyng Iohan kynge of Hierusalem toke vpō hym the crosse to warre vpō the Turkes and after all thynges for that vyage made redy passed with hys hoost by Burgys Neuers and so to Lyon and from Lyon to Auygnd the whyche for dysobedyence to the chyrche of Rome had stande accursed vppon the terme of .vii. yeres But where as kynge Lowys supposed he shulde haue passed with hys people as he had passed the other cytyes y e cytezeyns closed the gates agayne hym wolde nat suffre hym nor hys to come within the cytye wherfore the kynge commaunded assaute to be made and so continued there hys siege tyll the myddell of August the whyche was begon aboute the ende of Nouēbre and loste there many of hys men amōge the whych Guy erle of saynte Paule a man of great fame was one with y e bysshop of Lemeryk and other to the nōbre of .ii. M. or theraboute wherewith thys Lowys was so amoued that he made a solempne othe that he wolde nat departe thens tyll he had wonne the towne when that the rulers of the towne had knowlege of the kynges a●owe and promesse that he had made they toke aduysemente and shortly after sent vnto the kynge .ii. noble men of the cytye to entreate and common of peas But peas was to them vtterly denyed except they wolde submytte theym hooly to the correccyon of the pope For the offence done to god hys chyrch of Rome after to stāde to the kynges dome for dyspleasure done agayne hym In the ende thoughe thys condycyon were greatly agayne theyr mynde it was lastly agreed vnto and the kynge with his people was receyued into the cytye And after he had restyd hym there a season that the cytezens had agreed theym with the popes legate and receyued of hym absoluciō with a new bysshop named Peter Corbio of the popes eleccyon than Gregory the .ix. with other thynges done accordinge to the sayd popes commaundement Then kynge Lowys commaunded fyrste the dyches of the towne to be fylled playne with the grounde And
that done he caused to be caste vnto the erthe .iii. C. of y e fayrest houses of the cytye And after certayne sūmes of money by hym receyued towarde hys charge he departed thens towarde Tholowse there by aduyce of hys barony for so moche as wynter was towarde he retourned into Fraunce so sped hym on hys iourney that vppō the euyn of all Saintes he came to a place called Moūte Pauncer in the prouynce of Aluerne where he was takē with stronge sykenesse and dyed within .iiii. dayes after whose corps with grete honour was conueyed vnto saynt Denys there buryed by hys father when he had reygned .iii. yeres leuynge after hym a sonne the whych is nowe named saint Lowys and was than of y e age of .xii. yeres or nere thereaboute LOwys the .x. of that name surnamed saint Lowys and son of the .ix. Lowys laste kynge began hys reygne ouer the lande of Fraūce in the moneth of Nouember and yere of grace .xii. C. .xxvi. and y e .x. yere of Henry the .iii. then kynge of Englande The whyche for hys tendernesse of youthe was thought insufficyent to take so greate a charge and specyally of y e duke of Brytayne thā named Peter Mancler the whyche encensed and styred many noble men agayne the sayde Lowys But at length by prouysyon of quene Blanche hys mother and other lordes he subdued hys enemyes at Raynes was crowned in the moneth of Decēber folowyng of the bysshop of Soy sons for so moche as at that tyme y e see of Raynes was voyde The .iiii. yere of hys reygne and of hys age .xvii. he buylded the house of relygyon called Royan mount settherin monkes of Cysteauxe ordre whyte monkes and endewed theym with ryche possessyons It was nat longe after that great varyaunce fyll betwene the vnyuersytye or studientes of Parys and the cytezeyns of the same in suche wyse that the studyentes were in purpose to haue lafte y e cytye to haue kepte theyr study ellys where Of y e whych stryfe the frenche boke expresseth nat the cause but saythe that the kynge made good spede to agree theym for so moche as kyng Hēry of Englande had made laboure to the sayde studyentes to come into hys countre to enhabyte theym there with many great pryueleges But in cōclusion y e frenche kynge so entreated thē that they agreed to reste there styll And that of a congruēce for they myghte dwell in no lande where they shulde more surely be defended For y e kyng of Fraunce bereth the floure de Lyce for one of that causes that is to saye for to defende the clergy And the fayth of Chryste betokeneth the myddle leef And the thyrde betokeneth Chyualry So that by the chyualry the clergy is defended whych may●teyne the faythe of the holy chyrche Aboute thys season kynge Lowys maryed to hys fere Margarete the doughter of the erle of Prouynce Soone after y e matrymony was solepnysed Frederyk the secōde before in y e story of Hēry the .iii. mynded Emperour of Almayne set vnto Lowis requyrynge hi y e he wolde mete hym at a place called Ualcolour to y e ende that he myght commō with hym whyche request kynge Lowys accepted with a goodly company kepte there hys daye of metynge But whan the Emperour was ware that he was commen thyder wyth suche a company he fayned hym syke and broke hys appoyntement wherfore the frenshmen construyed that yf the kynge had comen thyder with a small or weke company he wolde haue conueyed hym into hyghe Almayn and there to haue kepte hym tyll he had of hym hys pleasure concernynge the warre betwene kynge Henry and hym or in other thynges But when kynge Lowys espyed the delucyon of the Emperour he then retourned into Fraunce It was nat longe after that y e kynge was enfourmed of the obstynacy of the Albygensis the whyche of longe tyme had bē effected with dyuers poyntes of herysy and many tymes recōcyled by the kynges of Fraunce and other yet fallen agayne to the sayde errour wherfore the kynge sent vnto syr Iohan Beawmount the whych ioyned vnto theym chargynge hym to enuade that countre and to waste and distroy it tyll he had forced theym to restore to the chyrch suche goodes as they before had taken frome it and ouer that to cause theym to make amendes to the good chrysten people whyche they had harmed by meanes of theyr rapynes and exorcyōs Upō whyche commaundement thus frō y e kynge receyued the sayde Iohan with a competent nombre of knyghtes entred the sayd coūtre and layde syege to a strōg castell named Moūt Royall And after many forte assautes wanne the sayd castell manned it with Frenchemen And than yode to an other stronge holde than named Saygos and there lykewyse ordered the same And after wastyng the countre wan̄e from theym many townes holdes so that in the ende he forced the chyefrules of that prouynce to obey theym to all hys hestꝭ and delyuered to hym suertyes or hostagys for the perfourmaunce of the same So y t he retourned into Frāce with greate pompe and honour and receyued of the kyng at hys home cōmynge great thanke with many ryche gyftes Aboute the .xv. yere of kynge Lowys the warre was quyckened betwene thys Lowys Hēry the .iii. than kynge of Englande for causes before shewed in the .xxvi. yere of the sayde Henry And after that warre as there is shewed ended the kynge whyche was towarde the cytye of Lyon to haue vysyted the pope Innocent the .iiii. whyche thyder was fled for fere of Frederik the fore named Emperour was taken with a sykenesse named dyssenterya of the flux wherwith he was so greuously vexed that he laye longe at a towne called Poyntoyse and was in great ieopardy of lyfe where lastly after many pylgrymages for hym done with prayers and other obseruaunces longe to accompt lastly it came to hys mynde that yf it pleased god to restore hym to hys helth he wolde make a vyage into the holy lande there warre vpon Chrystes enemyes After whyche promyse solemply auowed he mended dayly and was sone after restored vnto hys helthe whan the kynge was recouered and retorned vnto Parys he called a coūsayll of spyrytuall and temporall there shewed vnto theym of the promesse whyche he had made requyryng thē of theyr assystence and ayde wherin he fonde hys lordes were agreable And in the tyme and season y t prouysyon was made for that iourney the kynge wyth a goodly company rode vnto the abbey of Cluny to vysyte the foresayd pope and he taryed with hym .xv. dayes And after hys matter with hym sped wyth playne remyssyon to hym graunted and all other that kept with hym that vyage he retourned into Fraunce And vpō wytsondaye folowynge he kepte a great courte of hys landes at Meleō where in presence of them he called before hym Beatryce doughter vnto the erle of Prouince and syster to
the more parte of theyr cōpany where thorugh that symple feleshyp whyche named them selfe Shepherdes was dysseuered sparkelyd whan thys blessed kyng Lowys was delyuered from the daūger of hys enemyes was broughte out of Egypte into Syrye he there executed many dedes of charyte and of mekenes and repayred the cytye of Ioppen and other standyng vpon the see syde and from thens went on pylgrymage vnto Nazareth and to the mount of Thabor And when he was retourned vnto Ioppen he receyued there tydynges of the deth of dame Blāch his mother where after dyuers obseruan̄ces prayers done for the soule of hys mother he toke there shyppynge and sayled towarde Fraunce And nat withoute trauayle and trouble of the see at the ende of xii wekes he landed in the Hauen of Marcyll or Martyll and so sped his iournay that he came to Parys in y e yere of our lorde .xii. C. and .liiii. and the .vi yere after that he toke vppon hym the voyage where of the cytezeyns he was receyued wyth mooste honoure and gladnes And there callynge a coūsayl he refourmed many thynges for the weale of hys realme made one lawe whych is specyally remēbred that is that no man beyng in auctorytye of any hygh offyce as Prouost Pretour or any lyke office shuld bye any landes or rētes within that lordshype y t he had rule of And for that cause that he shuld nat extort or wronge or bye suche landes y e better chepe by reason of hys myghte or power At thys day the Prouosty or chyef rule or offyce was in the handes of y e cytezeyns of Parys by reason of a seale therof made to theym by the kynges progenytours By meane wherof many iniuryes and wronges were done vnto the common people and many theuys and other transgressours by fauoure and money passed vnpunysshed wherof thys blessed kynge Lowys beyng enfourmed vpon suffycyent profe made dyscharged the cytezeyns therof and assygned a man named Stephan Boyle in that offyce assygnynge to hym yerely a certayne stipend for executyng of that office and ordeyned that euer after the Prouost of Parys shuld be named by the kynge and hys heyres kynges He also made ordenaunces to auoyde strumpettes out of the cytye and punysshement for all accustomable great swerers wyth many other good ordenaunces and lawes the whyche I passe ouer for lengthynge of the tyme. In this tyme and season were abydynge in Fraunce in a place called saynt Nicholas de Boys .iii. chyldrē borne in Flaundres the whych were sent thyder to lern y e maner of fraūce also to teche y e chyldrē of a knyghte named syr Guyllm̄ de Brunz to shot These chyldrē vpon a season passed the boūdes of the abbey groūde entred the warrayn of a lord of Fraūce called Enguerran lorde of Coucy there chased and shote at Conyes for theyr disport The whych were there takē of the seruaūtes of the sayd Enguerran presented to theyr lorde y e whych of hasty cruelnesse caused the iii. chyldrē with out pyte to be hāged wherof heryng y e Abbot of saint Nycholas cōplayned hym with the assystēce of y e fornamed syr Guillm̄ vnto the kyng The whych incōtynētly sēt to the sayd Enguerrā charging hym to apere before hys barony to answere to such matters as there shuld be layd vnto his charge wher in y e ende after many reasōs for hym layde he by great instāce of hys frendes was pardoned of y t greuous offence wyth cōdicion folowyng that is to meane fyrst he shuld pay vnto the kynge .x. M. li. of Parys money whych is to meane .xii. C. .l. li. sterling And ouer that he shuld warre vpō goddes enemyes in Syria by the space of .iii. yeres contynually vpon hys owne cost and charge And thyrdely he shulde buylde a chapel wherin two preestes shuld synge for euer for the soules of the sayd infauntes Or after mayster Gagwyne with the forsayd .x. M. li. other ayde of the kynge the hospytall in Parys named y e house of god in Pontoyse with the frayter of the freer minors or gray freers in Paris were made and repayred Than after many dedes of charite done by this vertuous prince as makynge of dyuers houses of relygyon seruyng of the poore people with his owne handes with fastinges other infynyte dedes of pytye he lastly in the .xxxiii. yere of hys reygne honourably receyued Hēry the .iii. thā kyng of Englande and stablyshed with hym a peas as before in the .xliiii. yere of the reygne of the sayd Henry is declared And that done he in the .xxxvi. yere of hys reygne maryed hys eldest son Phylyp vnto Isabell the doughter of Iamys kyng of Aragon By reason of whyche maryage the frenshe kyng gaue ouer to the sayd Iamys all suche ryght as he had in the lordshyppes of Besac Dampierre Rousselion and Barsellon And the sayde Iamys acquyted gaue ouer to Lowys all suche ryghte and tytle as he had in the lordshypes of Carcasson of Bygorre and of Anilly And soone after he sente Charles hys brother at the request of the .iiii. Alexaundre than pope into Cicilia with a great power to withstande y e vyolence of Manfrede sonne of Frederyke the second than Emperoure the whych agayne ryghte withhelde that kyngdome frome the chyrche of Rome whome Charles after longe fyght at a place named Boneuente slewe in batayll and after was made kyng of the sayd countre by auctorytye of the sayde pope Alexaunder payenge yerely vnto the chyrche of Rome .xl. M. ducates which is moch lyke after the rate of sterlyng money viii C.lxvi li. xiii s. iiii d. euery ducat accōpted at .iiii. s. iiii d. IT fyll so after that in the .xlii. yere of kynge Lowys Pope Clement the .iiii. of that name sent a legate vnto Lowys requyryng hym to ayde the crysten whyche in Siria were greuously warred with y e Turkes and Sarazyns At whose request the kyng called a counsayll wherin it was agreed y t socour shuld be made wherfore the kynge with hys .iii. sonnes Phylyp Iohn Peter toke on them the crosse And in the fyrste day of May the yere of hys reygne .xliii he with hys sayde sonnes and many other lordes of Fraunce as well spirytuall as temporall departed from Parys and frome thens rode vnto Cluny where he rested hym .iiii. days And from thēs sped hys iourney tyll he came to the forenamed porte of y t deed see where mette with hym a cardynall and legate of Rome with dyuers other bysshoppes of Fraunce the kyng of Nauarne the dukes son of Brytayn Alphōs erle of Poytiers the erles of Artoys and of Flaūdres with many other And whyle the kynge wyth hys hoost laye at the sayde porte taryeng a conuenable wynde a dyssencyon fyll betwene the Catholeynes and the men of Prouynce so that amonge theym was foughten suche a skyrmysshe that betwene theym was slayne vpon a hondreth men and many mo wounded or the stryfe myght
there in hys owne persone they were the more egre vppon the Aragons to the entente to haue taken or siayne theyr kynge So that fynally they compelled theym to forsake the felde to saue them selfe by flyght by reason wherof the kynge with the more parte of his knyghtes were saued from the daūger of theyr enemyes But in this fyght Peter kyuge of Aragone was so hurte that he dyed shortly after whan these foresayd knyghtes with theyr prysoners were returned vnto the Frenche kynge had shewed vnto hym of that vyctory he reioyced therof greatly more wolde haue done yf he had knowen how sore his enemy Peter was woūded But to brynge to fyne his purpose he dayly more and more assauted the towne In y e tyme that Gereonde or Gyrōde was thus besyeged of y e Frēche kynge the erle of Foyz that to the capytayne of the towne ought great fauour many tymes by lycence of y e kynge yode into the towne and had dyuers comunycacyons with hym so that he lastly knowynge the sayde towne to be bare of vytayle shewed to the kynge that he wolde laboure the sayde capytayne named syr Raymōde de Cerdon y t the towne myght be gyuē vp into the kynges handes so that soone after y t sayde capytayne desyred a respyte of .viii. dayes to send vnto y e king of Aragō to knowe whether he wolde rescowe the towne or nat Upon y ● whiche graūte made the messangers were sente and returned with a certaynte of the kynges dethe Upon whiche knowledge had the sayde capytayne agreed to delyuer the towne vpon cōdicion to haue with thē suche mouables as he with y e cytezyns sowdyours had within the towne All whiche condicions assured the kynge receyued the towne of Geronde into his possessyon The whiche whan he had manned with knyghtes of his owne he the by cousayle whiche tourned after to his harme diuided his nauy and sente a parte of them into Fraunce and the other into Tholous wher the kynge entended to tary the wynter folowynge But so spone as his nauy was thus deuyded the Aragons mette with them that rested in the hauen of Russilian and gaue to them suche batayle that they toke many of them and slewe the kynges admyrall and many other noble men of Fraunce and helde the Frenchemen so shorte that for so moche as they wolde nat that so good shyppes shulde come to the handes of theyr enemyes they set fyre vpon the remenaūt brent thē and after resorted vnto the kynge whē kynge Phylyp was ascertayned of the losse of his nauy he toke it greuously in somoche that for that and other thynges that he myght not brynge to his purpose he fyll into a feuer was therwith greatly anoyed Than for strengthe of his enemyes whiche kepte the passage of the mountaynes called in latyn Mōtes Pireni and for wekyng of hym selfe by reason of his sekenesse he passed by the strayte places tyll he came to Parpynyan where his sekenes encreased so sore that he dyed in shorte tyme of his thyder cōmynge in y t moneth of October whā he had regned xv yeres lackynge certayne dayes whose bowelles were buried at Nerbon and his body at saynt Denys This Phylyp had .ii. wyues By the fyrst Isabel by name and doughter of the kynge of Aragon Iaques or Iames by name he had .iii. sōnes Lewes whiche was poysoned Phylyp whiche for his beaute and fayre shappe was named Phylyp le Beau or Phylyp the fayre Charles the Ualoys And by Mary his wyfe and doughter of the duke of Braban he had Lewes Margaret Blaūche whiche Margarete was after maryed to Edwarde the fyrste than kynge of Englande Thus endeth Phylyp the .iii. of Fraunce Anglia EDwarde y e fyrst of that name sone of Henry y e thyrde surnamed lōge shāke begā his reygne ouer Englāde in the moneth of Nouember and .xvii. day of y e same and the yere of our lorde .xii. C.lxxii seconde yere of the thyrde Phylyp than kynge of Fraunce This Edwarde as before is shewed in the .lv. yere of his father was in y e holy lāde whan his father dyed there at the cytie of Acon or Acris he dyd many feates of warre wherof the cronycle maketh certayne mencyon where he beynge so exercysed in Marciall actes tidīges was brought vnto hym that his father was deed wherfore in all hast he spedde hym into Englād so that he came to London the secōde day of August and was crowned at westmynster the .xiiii. day of December folowyuge whiche was in the begynnynge of the seconde yere of his reygne Anno dn̄i M.CC.lxxii   Anno dn̄i M.CC.lxxiii   Iohan Horne   Syr walter Heruy   Anno primo   walter Potter   IN this fyrst yere of kynge Edwarde the fyrst vpon the daye of Symon and Iude were certayne attemptes made by some of the cytyzyns to haue made suche a mayre as they had lysted but for they were dyspoynted of theyr accessaryes they let for that tyme whiche in the yere folowyng vpon the same day toke further effecte as in the begynnynge of the nexte yere shal be towched In y e ende of this yere and seconde day of Auguste kynge Edwarde came to London from his great iourney of y e holy lande where of the cytezyns he was receyued with all ioy honour and so conueyed vnto westmynster where he kepte great obseruaunces for his father by a certayne tyme after Anno dn̄i M.CC.lxxiii   Anno dn̄i M.CC.lxxiiii   Nicholas wynchester   Henry waleys   Anno .ii.   Henry Couentre   IN thys seconde yere of this kynge and daye of Symon Iude whan Phylyp le Tayloure which before was chose to be mayre shulde as that daye haue taken his charge in the Guyldehall of Londō dyuers cytezyns put hym besyde the mayres seet and set therin syr walter Heruy that the yere before had been mayre For the whiche great rumour and grudge arose amonge the cytezyns wherfore the mater was after brought before the kyng the whiche herynge the reasons of bothe partyes for somoche as he coude not agre theym he putte bothe the sayde syr walter and the sayd Phylyp asyde and chase Henry Forwyk for custos of the cytye the whych so contynued tyll Cādelmas after At whych tyme by dyscrete and wyse peasyble meanes the forenamed syr walter Heruy was set in auctorite as mayre and so contynued the full of the yere after Thys yere vppon the .xiiii. daye of Decembre was the kynge crowned at westmynster of mayster Roberte kylwarby than archebisshop of Caūterbury For Bonyface hys predecessour dyed the yere that kynge Henry dyed At thys coronaciō was present Alexandre kynge of Scottes the whyche vpon the morowe folowyng dyd homage to kyng Edward for the kyngdome of Scotlande After the Solempnytie of the coronacyon was ended the kyng heryng of the rebellyon of Lewelyne prynce of walys that dysdayned to come to hys coronacyon anone
Leycester whych after grewe to the great dysturbaūce of dyuers townes of Englande and specyally of the cytye of London as after some dele shall appere Anno domini M.CC.lxxxiiii   Anno dn̄i M.CC.lxxxv   Stephen Corn̄hyll   Gregory Rokesle   Anno .xiii.   Robert Rokesby   IN thys .xiii. yere vpon the day of the conuersiō of saynt Paule or y e .xxv. day of Ianuarii y e kynge ceased the fraunchese and lybertyes into hys handes and discharged the mayre of London thā beyng Gregory Rokkisle admytted for custos or gardeyn of the cytye Stephā Sādewyche The whyche contynued in that offyce tyll the mōday folowyng the puryfycacyon of our Lady At whyche season the sayd Stephā was dyscharged and syr Iohn̄ Breton̄ knyght charged for the resydue of y e yere The cause of thys dyspleasure that the kyng had vnto the cytye is nat shewed of no certaynte But in an olde panflete it appereth that the sayd Gregory Rokkisley toke certayne brybes of the bakers and suffered them to sell brede lackynge .vi. vnces or .vii. oz in a peny lofe for y e whyche the kynge shuld be sore dyspleased But yet to me it semeth no conuenyent cause to sease the lybertyes of the cytie for the offence of one man wherfore it is to presuppose y t it was for a more greuous cause And in this yere was fully fynisshed and ended the new werke of y e chyrch of westmynster vnto the ende of the quere begonne as before is shewed in the thyrde yere of the .iii. Hēry By whyche reason it shuld apere y t thys chyrche shuld be in edyfyenge vpon lxvi yeres Of the fyrste fundacyon of thys chyrche are dyuers opiniōs For as before is shewed in y e thyrde Chapytre of the story of Carce and v. parte of thys werke thys chyrche was fyrste founded by a cytezeyne of Londō and after reedyfyed by saynt Edwarde and lastly by kynge Hēry the .iii. But in the same abbey of west mynster where of lykelyhode y e most certaynte is to be had it is regystred that thys sayd chyrche was a temple of the Brytons longe or they receyued the fayth of Chryste And in the tyme of theyr crysten kynge Lucius it was hallowed of Augustyne hys felowes And secundaryly it was reedyfyed by Sebertus than kynge of Estsaxons or Essex aboute the tyme whan Ethelbert kyng of Kent buylded saynt Paules chyrch of Londō whyche was after the tyme that Lucyus receyued the fayth of Chryste vppon .iiii. C. yeres Than thyrdly it was buylded by saynt Edwarde the confessoure whiche reygned vpon CCCC and .xl. yeres after the sayde Sebertus And fourthly or lastly by the foresayd Henry y e thyrde whiche began his reygne after the dethe of saynt Edwarde C.l. yeres Anno domini .xii. C.lxxxv   Anno domini M.CC.lxxxvi   walter Blount   Rauffe Sandewyche   Anno .xiiii.   Iohan wade   IN the .xiiii. yere of kynge Edwarde at a parliament holden at westmynster were made y t statutes called Additamenta Gloucestrie whiche is to meane addiciōs of statutes made and put to suche as before tyme were made at y e parlyamēt holdē at Glouceter The which statutes were made to refourme suche ꝑsones as mysused the landes and tenementes commynge to them by reason of y e dower or landes of theyr wyues so that the the chyldren of the seconde husbande putt by y e ryghtfull enherytoures or suche as were nexte alyed vnto the fyrst donours By reason of whiche statutes and addicions now in this parliamēt made suche mysorder was refourmed In this yere or nere there aboute in a towne of Almayne called Traiect many men and women as wytnesseth y e auctour of Cronica cronicarum were daūsyng vpō a brydge whiche lay ouer a ryuer called Moose In whiche tyme of theyr dysporte daūsynge came by a preest berynge the sacramēt towarde a seke man wherof the sayd men and women beynge in reuell toke no regarde vnto the sacrament nor dyd to it any honour reuerence But were it by the wreche of god or otherwyse shortly after the preest was passed ouer the brydge brake by meanes wherof nere vnto the nombre of CC. persones were drowned And aboute this same season in the coūtre called in Englysshe the Swetezers a woman was delyuered of a chylde that from y e nauyll vpwarde had .ii. complete bodyes as iiii armes and two hedes with two bodyes to the wast and downeward but .ii. legges the whiche with y e fore sayd armes be clypped eyther others body And an other woman bare a chylde or a monstre wherof the heed and the face was lyke vnto a man all the body lyke vnto a lyon with tayle and fete and all other fetures accordynge to the same In this yere also a cytezyn of London named Thomas Pywylesdon y t whiche in y e tyme of y e barons warre before in the story of kynge Henry shewed had ben a capytayne and a great styrrer of the commons of the sayd cytie for to maynteyne the barons partie agayne the kynge was newly accused that he with other of euyll dysposycyon shulde make conuentycles and assembles to the newe dystourbaunce of the cytie wherof reporte was made vnto the kynge the whiche remytted the enquery therof vnto syr Rauffe Sandewyche than custos or gardeyne of the cytie Thē the sayde Thomas with other was putte in sure kepynge tyll the mater were duly enquyred of After whiche inquysycyon made and founde reporte was made vnto the kynge Then the kyng sent downe a wrytte and commaunded it to be proclaymed shortly after within the boundes of the cytye wherof the effecte was thus that the sayde Thomas Pywelysdō wylyam de Heywoode Rycharde de Coundris Rycharde le Cofferre Robert de Derby Albyne de Darby wyllyam Mayo Mercer and Iuo Lyng Draper with diuers other to y e nōbre of .l. persones shuld be banysshed out of y t cytye for euer And if any of the sayd .lviii. persones were at that tyme of the proclamaciō voyded y e cytye for fere or otherwyse that they shuld so remayne and nat to retourne vnto the cytie vpō payne of lyfe losynge In thys yere also where as of olde tyme longe before thys season y e marchauntes straūgers commynge with theyr marchaundyse were lodged within cytezeyns of the cytye of London and solde all theyr marchaundyses by the procuryng of hys host for the whyche hys sayd hoost had a certayne of euery .li by meanes of the sayd marchauntes straūgers it was at thys daye brought to passe y t they myght hyre to thē houses for to dwel in and for stowage of theyr wares so that no cytezeyne shulde entermedle hym with the sayd straūgers nor yet theyr wares by meane whereof they vsed many disceytes bothe i vtteraūce of false wares and also by theyr weyghtes whyche they vsed in theyr owne houses to the great hurt of the hole realme of Englande wherfore sodaynly serche was made and
theyr weyghtes founde and proued false And ouer y t all suche wares as they shuld have weyed at the kynges beame they weyed moche therof in theyr sayd houses to the hynderaunce of y e kynges custome For whyche offēces agayne theym proued to the nombre of .xx. of the sayd straungers were arrested and sent vnto the toure of Lōdon and theyr weyghtes brent consumed in westchepe of London the thursdaye before the feast of Symon and Iude. And fynally the sayd marchauntes were delyuered by fyne makynge to the kyng of a thousande .li when they had suffered by a season harde vyle prysonement Anno domini M.CC.lxxxvi   Anno dn̄i xii C.lxxxvii   Thomas Crosse.   Syr Iohn̄ Bryton   Anno .xv.   wyllyam Hawteyn   IN thys .xv. yere the Iewes of Englande were sessed at great summes of money whych they payd vnto the kyng But of one other auctour it is sayd that the commons of Englande graunted to the kyng the v. parte of theyr mouables for to haue the Iewes banysshe out the lāde For whiche cause the sayd Iewes to put the commons from theyr purpose gaue of theyr free wylles great summes of money to y e kyng whych sayeng appereth to be trewe for the sayd Iewes were exyled within few yeres after Thys yere about the begynnynge of May the kynge sayled to Burdeux and frome thens he rode into Fraunce where as witnesseth y e frēsh boke he was honourably receyued of Phylyp le Beau or Philyp the fayre than kynge of Fraunce and after receyued homage of the sayd Edward for the duchy of Guyan And when kynge Edwarde had taryed a season in Fraunce he retourned vnto Burdeux whyther came vnto hym a certayne ambassadours from the kyng of Spayne with the whych he helde longe dalyaunce wherfore of y e frēsh kyng he was suspected that he shuld allye hym with the kyng of Spayne agayne the Frenche kynge And thys yere as testyfyeth Policronycon the somer was so excedyng vote that men dyed for hete And thys yere whete was so plentuous that it was solde at London for a quarter Anno domini .xii. C.lxxxvii   Anno domini M.CC.lxxxviii   wyllyam Herforde   Rauffe Sandewyche   Anno .xvi.   Thomas Stanys   IN thys vvi yere of kynge Edwarde saynt Thomas of Herforde was translated And thys yere fyll dystaūce betwene syr Payne Tip toft wardeyn of certayn castels in walys a walsh knyght called syr Ries ap Mordek So y t sundry skyrmysshes were foughten betwene them many men slayne vpon bothe sydes to the great dystourbaunce of all y e countre Thys yere vpon saynt Margaretes euyn or the .xix. daye of Iulii fyll wonderfull great hayle that the lyke therof was nat of men than lyuynge seen And after that ensued cōtynuell rayne whyche dystēperyd the groūd in such wyse that the yere folowyng whete was sold for .xviii. d. a busshel and thys yere for .xiiii. d. And so encreased yerely after duryng y e reygne of the kynge and after in hys sōnes days tyll it was lastly solde for .xl. s. a quarter and aboue Anno domini .xii. C.lxxxviii   Anno domini M.CC.lxxxix   wyllyam Betayn   Rauffe Sandewyche   Anno .xvii.   Iohn̄ of Caunterbury   IN thys .xvii. yere the warre before in the yere laste paste betwene syr Payn Typtoft syr Ryes contynuynge to the entente that the sayd Ryes myght reuenge hys cause agayne the sayd syr Payne he arrecyd a greate multytude of walshemē and brent and wasted dyuers fownes in walys so that the kynge then beynge in Normandy sente 〈◊〉 the ●tle of Cornewayll then beynge the kynges lyeu tenaunte in Englande that he shuld sende thyder an army of knyghtes to withstande the malyce of the walshmen The whych preparyd shortly an army yode with them into the borders of Northewalys where he with hys cōpany bare hym so knyghtly that in the ende the sayd Ryes was takē brought vnto porke where he was after drawen hanged and quartered Anno domini .xii. C.lxxxix   Anno dn̄i M.CC.xc   Full 〈◊〉 saynt Edmunde   Rauffe Sandewyche   Anno .xviii.   Salaman Langforde   IN thys .xviii. yere vppon once Lady cuyn Assumpcion kyng Edwarde was honorably receyued of the cytezeyns of London and so conueyed vnto westmynster where shortely after were broughte before hym many greuous complayntes of dyuers of hys iustyces as syr Thomas weylande Adam Stretton and other The whych the kynge caused streyghtly to be examyned and lastly were founde gylty of such trespasses and causes as they were accused of wherfore some of theym were outlawed and loste suche goodes as they hadde and the other punysshed by longe enprysonemente and lastely delyuered by payenge of greate fynes Anno domini M. CC.lxc   Anno domini M. CC.lxci   Thomas Romayn   Rauffe Sandewyche   Anno .xix.   wyllyam de Lyre   IN thys .xix. yere the kynge ordeyned y t all woll whych shuld be sold vnto straungers shulde be brought vnto Sandewyche where the staple therof longe after was as it is now at y e towne of Caleys And thys yere were the Iewes banysshed the lande for the whych cause the cōmons gaue vnto the kyng a quindecym or fyftene Thys yere also syr Gylbert de Clare erle of Glouceter maryed dame Iane doughter of kyng Edwarde Thys was called Iohanne of Acrys for she was born at Acrys whē kyng Edwarde was there vpon hys great iourney And soone there after in the same yere the duke of Brabannys sonne wedded Margarete the syster of the sayd Iohanne Anno domini .xii. C. lxci   Anno domini M. CC.lxcii   Rauffe Blount   Rauffe Sandewyche   Anno .xx.   Hamonde Boxe   IN thys .xx. yere begynnynge of the maryes yere and also of the kynges .xx. yere that is to meane vpon the euyn of saynt Andrewe or the .xxix. day of Nouēbre dyed quene Elyanore the kynges wyfe and was buryed at westmynster in the chapel of saynt Edwarde at the fete of Hēry the thyrde where she hath .ii. were tapers brennyng vpon her tumbe both daye and nyght whyche so hath contynued syne the day of her buryenge to thys present daye Thys gentyll woman as before is towched in the xxxviii yere of kyng Henry the third was syster vnto the kyng of Spayn By whome kyng Edwarde had .iiii. sonnes that is to saye Iohn Henry Alphons and Edwarde whych Edwarde succeded his father by reason that the other .iii. died before theyr father Also he had by her .v. doughters The fyrste Elyanore was maryed vnto wyllyam erle of Barre the seconde Iohan of Acrys was maryed as before is sayde vnto the erle of Glouceter the thyrde Margarete was maryed to the dukes sonne of Brabāt the .iiii. Mary by name was made a menchon at Ambrysbury the .v. named Elyzabeth was maried vnto the erle of Holande and after hys deth she was maryed vnto Humfreye Boherum erle of Hereforde And
thys yere dyed also the olde quene Elyanore wyfe vnto Hēry the thyrde and mother to thys kyng Edwarde whose herte was buryed at the graye freres in London and her body at Ambrysbury in the house of Nunnes Anno domini M.CC.xcii   Anno dn̄i M.CC.xciii   Henry Bale   Rauffe Sandewyche   Anno .xxi.   Elys Russell   IN thys .xxi. yere the kyng helde hys great courte of parlyament at London to the whyche with dyuers lordes of that prouince came the kyng of Scottes And after he had contynued there a conuenyente season he was cōueyed with dyuers lordes ferre vpō hys iourney towarde hys owne countre And in thys yere as one Rychard Bagle offycer of the sheryfes of London was ledynge a prysoner towarde the Gayole the whyche he before had arrested thre men rescowed the sayde prysoner and toke hym from the offycer The whych were pursued and taken and by iugemente and lawe than vsed broughte into westchepe and there had theyr ryghte handes smyten of by the wrestes Anno dn̄i M.CC.xciii   Anno dn̄i M.CC.xciiii   Robert Rokysley   Rauffe Sandewyche   Anno .xxii.   Martyn Awbry   IN the .xxii. yere of kynge Edwarde vpon the daye of saynt Tyburce and Ualeryan or the .xiiii. daye of May fyll a wōderfull snow and therwith and excedynge wynde By vyolence wherof greate harme was done in sundry places of Englande In remembraunce whereof a Metrycyan made these verses folowynge Crastino Tiburci sanctorum Valeriani Nix cadit immanis ventus vehemens boriasis Euulsit siluas vulsit quas reperit herbas ●des dampnose detexit impituose Quas clam prostrauit sic plurima dāpna para●it The whyche verses may thus be Englysshed as here after foloweth The morow folowynge Tiburce Valerian The blessed sayntes of snow fyll suche plentie That at that day was no lyuyng man That myght remembre of so great quantyte The Northyn wynde blewe wyth such fyerste That houses trees with herbys it ouer cast And many other harmes by sande eke by see Of that wynde came the whyse that it dyd laste IN thys yere also about y e ende of the moneth of Iulu dyed freer Pekham than archebysshop of Caunterbury In whose see was after stalled mayster Robert of wynchester And aboute the myddes of Septembre folowynge the erle of Barre a frenche man maryed Elyanore y e kynges doughter in y e towne of Brystowe And about the ende of thys yere dyed Alexandre kyng of Scottes where soone after ensuyd great warre and trouble for the enherytaunce of that lande as in some parte shall after appere And thys yere whete was solde at London for .ii. s. a busshell In this yere also as wytnesseth the Frenche cronycle Phylyp le Beawe thā kyng of Fraunce made warre in Gascoyne and Guyau for the cause as there is shewed sayeng that kyng Edwarde vnder coloure to haue made a vyage into the holy lande gathered a great army and sodeynly entred into Normandy bothe by lande and water dyd moche harme in spoylynge and takyng dyuers shyppes of Fraunce and brynnyng and spoylyng diuers townes of the same and after came vnto the towne of Rochell where to it the Englysshemen made dyuers assautes wherby the dwellers also the towne susteyned moche harme wherof the kynge of Fraunce beynge enfourmed sent vnto kyng Edward monisshing hym to come vnto hys parlyamente also to make satysfaccyon for suche harmys as hys people had done within hys domynyon of Fraunce and Normandy But for that kyng Edwarde refused that to do therfore y e sayd Phylyp le Beawe sent Rauffe de Neell thā cōstable of Fraunce into Gascoygne with a greate myghty power the whyche made sharpe warre vppon y e Gascoynes But the Gascoines with helpe of the Englysshemen defended theym in suche wyse that great hurt was done vpon bothe partyes Thā fynally as testifyeth the sayd frenche cronycle to the entent that kyng Edwarde myghte make the better clayme to al the hole duchy of Normādy he sent the Frenche kynge worde y t he wolde gyue ouer into hys handes the duchye of Guyan holde no lande of the kyng of Fraunce Anno domini M.CC.xciiii   Anno domini M.CC.xcv   Henry Boxe   Syr Iohn̄ Bryton   Anno .xxiii.   Richarde Glouceter   IN thys .xxiii. yere the walshemen by styrryng of one named Madok rebelled agayne the kynge wherfore he in all haste spedde hym vnto westchester and about the feast of saynte Nycholas wan frome the walshmen the ile called Anglesya or the I le of Manne and buylded newe the cytye castell of Beau Maryse and broughte the vnstedfast walshemen to newe reclayme then caused the woodes of y e countre to be hewyn downe wherein before tymes they vsed to hyde theym as a cony dothe in hys claper and repayred so the castelles and stronge holdes with buyldynge of some newe that he caused the walshmē to thryue agayne theyr wylles For by the strengthe of those castelles they were kepte from theyr olde accustomed rauyns and stelynges and put so in execucyon by the rulers of the sayd castelles stronge holdes that they fyll vnto occupacyon and to byenge and sellyng and gathered treasoure and beganne to lyue after the maner of Englisshemē so that more and more that countre grewe to more restefulnesse and peace In thys yere also the frenchemen arryued at Douer wyth a certayne of shyppes beynge vnder the rule of syr Mathew de mounte morency and of syr Iohan Harcourte knyghtes and spoyled that towne and brent a parte of yt In whych skyrmysshe was slayne or martyred an holy man named saynte Thomas of Douer And in this yere as testifieth y e frenche cronicle Charles de Ualoys brother vnto kyng Phylyp of Fraunce was sent by hys sayd brother into Gascoygne with a greate hooste The whyche Charles layde hys syege vnto the castell of Ryon wherin at that tyme were syr Iohan Seyn Iohn̄ Iohn̄ de Brytayne the whych manfully vygorously defendyd the sayd castel agayne the Frenchmen all that yere and more as in the next yere shall appere Anno domini M.CC.xcv   Anno dn̄i xii C.xcvi   Iohn̄ Dunstable   Syr Iohn̄ Bryton   Anno .xxiiii.   Adam Halyngbery   IN this .xxiiii. yere the kyng for the great warre y t he had wyth the Frenche kyng and els where cōmaunded a new subsidie to be leuied vpon all the sarplers of wolle goyng out of Englande with all fellys and hydes in lyke maner And ouer that all suche money as before was graūted by the clergy of Englande towarde the defence of the holy lande the kyng then for reporte that he hadde from Rome of the popes maners thā Bonyface the .viii cōmaunded it to be brought vnto hys tresoury And by a cōuocaciō made of the sayd clergye he had graunted towarde hys nedes halfe of theyr spyrytuall temporall landes begynnyng at .xx. marke benifice so ascendyng vpward the whych was nat
payd in one yere but by deuided porcions in .iii. yeres ensuyng And of the lay fee or temporall men of Englāde he had graūted to hym the .x. peny of theyr mouables the which was payd in .ii. yeres next ensuyng And thys yere in y e moneth of Marche was drawen hanged at London for treason done in Fraunce a knyghte called syr Thomas Turbeuyle And aboute y e tyme of Easter whan Charlys de Ualoys as ye before in that other yere haue harde had lyen longe at the castell of Ryon myght nothyng wynne vpō the Englyshmen but dayly loste of the best of hys knyghtes he sent for more ayde and socoure At whyche tyme came vnto hym syr Rauffe Nele constable of Fraunce with a fressh company and thā assawted it of new But whan they had lyen there a season sawe they preuayled nothynge agayn theyr enemys they yode vnto an holde there by named Poudency and it assauted for so moche as the more nombre of the sowdyours there were Normans and after .viii. days by appoyntemente or otherwyse gat the sayd holde so that all the Englisshemen had theyr lybertye goodes and the Normans taken as prysoners the whyche they brought after vnto the castell of Ryon and there in syghte of the sowdyours hanged al or the more partye of the sayde Normans whan the Gascoynes beynge wythin the towne and castell of Ryons sawe then theyr cosyns and coūtrey men hanged before theyr eyen they caste in theyr myndes that yt was done by treason of the Englysshmen and that they wolde at length deale wyth them in lyke maner By reason wherof stryfe and varyaūce arose betwene the Englysshemē and the Gascoygnes so that eyther of theym feryd the treason of the other For the whyche cause syr Iohan Seyn Iohan syr Iohn̄ de Britayn syr Robert Typtoft syr Rauffe Tāny syr Hugh Bardolfe syr Adam Cretynge with dyuers other fledde by see and in that maner saued them selfe and soone after the sayd towne and castell of Ryons was wonne by the Frenchemen and the inhabytaūtes of the same sworne vnto the frēch kynge ye haue harde before in the .xxii. yere of thys kynge howe after the dethe of Alexander kyng of Scottes many questyons fyll amonge y ● sayd scottes who by ryght of enherytaūce shulde be kynge of that lande consyderynge that the sayde Alexander had lefte after hym thre doughters the whyche lyuyng theyr father were maryed The fyrste to syr Iohan Bayloll the seconde to Roberte le Bruze and the thyrde to one named Hastynges Many of the lordes of Scotlande wolde haue crowned syr Iohan Bayloll by reason that he maryed the eldest of the doughters But the frendes of Robert le Bruze withstode it with all theyr power And other there were that he●de with Hastynges so that after greate stryfe and longe varyaunce the matter was broughte before kynge Edwarde as chyef lord and soueraygne of that lande promysinge to hym to abyde all suche determynacyon and iugemente as he shulde sette therin Than kynge Edwarde to the ende that the scottes shulde knowe perfytely that the kyng of Englāde ought of ryghte to be there chyefe hede and soueraygne shewed vnto theym suche olde wrytynges as he lyttell tofore had caused to be serched and founde in the whyche it was conteyned by the auctorytye of olde cronycles and wryters as Maryanus y e scotte wyllyam of Malmesbury Roger of Huntyngdon and other that in the yere of our lorde .ix. C.xx kynge Edwarde the elder made subget vnto hym the kynges of Cumbrys and scottes Also in the yere of grace .ix. C. and xxi the foresayd scottes Cumbrys chase the sayd Edwarde the elder to be theyr chyefe lord and patron And in y e yere of our lord .ix. C.xxvi Ethelstane than kynge of Englande subdued constantyne than kyng of scottes and after admytted the sayd Constantyne to reygne as kynge vnder him by othe of obeysaūs with feaute and homage Also Edredus brother to the sayde Ethelstane subdued of newe the scottes with the Northumbrys and receyued of them agayne othe and homage And ouer that it is founde in the sayd cronycles that Edgar ouercame Alphunius the son of Kynadus kynge of Scottes and receyued of hym feawty homage and helde hym vnder hys obeysaūce as he had done hys father Kynadus before tyme. Moreouer it is there wytnessed that Canutus in the .xvi. yere of hys reygne subdued Malcolyne than kyng of scottes and receyued of hym feawty and homage Furthermore wyllyam Conquerour in the .vi. yere of his reygne subdued Malcolyne kyng of Scotlande the whyche before tymes had receyued the sayde kyngdome of the gyfte of Edwarde kynge and confessoure And wyllyam the rede dyd in lykewyse vnto the sayde Malcolyne and vnto hys two sonnes that reygned in Scotlande the one after the other Also Dauyd kynge of scottes dyd homage vnto Stephane than kyng of Englande And wyllyam kynge of scottes dyd homage vnto Henry the thyrde at the tyme of hys coronacyon and after came vnto hys father Henry the seconde whan the forenamed Hēry was deed in Normandy made hys homage to hym agayne Thys Henry that was sonne vnto Henry the seconde is of many wryters named Henry the thyrd for so moche as he was the .iii. kyng that was crowned of that name But for he dyed before hys father hys dedes ben lytell spoken of so that of some wryters he is nothyng mynded And it foloweth in the story howe that Alexādre kyng of Scottes in y t .xxxv. yere of Hēry the thyrd or son of kyng Iohn̄ maryed at yorke Margarete doughter of the sayd Henry and dyd vnto hym homage for the realme of Scotlande and boūde hym and hys heyres kynges of Scotlande by hys letters patentes to be trewe vnto the sayd Hēry vnto his heyres kynges of Englande lyke as before tyme wyllyam kyng of Scottes had oblyged hym vnto the seconde Henry as before in the .xxii. yere of hys reygne is more manyfestly shewed And more to them was shewed y ● popes bulles the whych were sent before tymes into Scotlande by auctoryte wherof the kynges of Scotlāde were accursed for they wolde nat be obedyent to theyr lordes kynges of Englande WHan all these presedentes were sene by y e Scottes a day was assygned of metyng at Norhm̄ in the marches betwene Englande and Scotlande whyther vnto the kyng came the chief rulers of the Scottes where they excused them to be boūde vnto the kyng for the obseruynge of the kynges ordenaunce for so moche as they lacked a kynge an hede by whome all suche ordenaunces shuld be maynteyned and holdē But after by aduyce of bothe parties agremēt was made by the scottes that they shuld be bounde to obey the kynges iugement wheruppon bondes were made vpon bothe partyes that is to meane the kyng was bounde to thē in an hondreth thousande pounde y t within .ii. monethes after he had receyued the possessyon of the lande he shulde gyue it vnto
hym that was thought most ryghtfull enherytour And the scottes were agayne boūde vnto hym that they shuld holde ferme stable all suche decre and iugement as the kyng shuld gyue in that mater and also that they shulde vpholde maynteyne for theyr kyng ruler hym that the kynge shulde admitte chose and none other After whych bondes made and delyuered vpon bothe sydes the scottes seased kyng Edwarde and delyuered vnto hym by theyr chartours the possessiō of Scotlande with castelles with rightes with customes and al other appertynaūces to that kyngdome belongynge and sette wardeynes in the townes maners and castelles that shuld saue to hym that the kyng admytted al aduauntages and profytes of the sayde townes and other in that meane whyle growyng And whan all assuraūce was made and fynysshed to the agrement of bothe parties the kyng called before hym and hys counsayll all those partyes that made clayme vnto y e kyngdome of Scotlande And after theyr reasons were wele and suffycyently argued and debated vpon al sydes by aduyce aswell of some of the lordes of Scotlande as by hys owne counsayll he fynally admytted for kynge syr Iohan Bayloll as moste ryghtefull enherytour to the crowne of Scotlande The whych receyued it of hym thankefully and for the same in presence of the barony of Englande and of Scotlande dyd vnto the sayde kynge Edwarde hys homage and sware vnto hym feawty And that done the scottes with theyr newe kynge retourned into Scotlande And thys yere was takē the forenamed Madok or Meredok whych as ye before haue herde in the .xxiii. yere caused the walshemen to rebell and was drawyn and hanged at London Anno domini .xii. C. cxvi   Anno dn̄i M. CC.cxvii   Thomas de Suff.   Syr Iohn̄ Bryton   Anno .xxv.   Adam de Fullam   IN thys .xxv. yere the kyng commaunded in dyuers shyres of Englande great quantyte of whe●e to be gadered sent it into Gascoyne and Guyan to the nombre of an C.M. quarters after some writers and soone after sent thyder syr Edmunde hys brother erle of Lancastre syr Hēry Lacy erle of Lyncolne syr wyllyam Ueysy barō with diuers other lordes knyghtes to strength suche people as he there had redy whyle he prepared an other army to haue agaynst the scottes ye haue herde in the precedynge chapytre howe syr Iohan Bayloll kyng of scottes made othe homage vnto kyng Edwarde for y e kyngdom of Scotlande Of the whych othe he shortly repēted hym after by meane of coūsayll of the abbot of Menros as sayth Polycronycō All be it that it shuld seme to be as wel by the coūsayll of the kyng of Fraūce by wordes that ben wrytten in the frenche cronycle But how so it was by one or by both full vntrewly he forsoke hys former othe promyse arrered warre agayne the kynge wherfore kyng Edward sped hym thyder with a great hoost in processe layde hys syege vnto the towne of Berwyk But the scottes defēded it egerly bete the Englysshe men backe and brent some of the Englyssh shyppes wyth the whyche enterpryse they were so enflamyd wyth pryde that in derisiō of the kyng they made this mokkysshe ryme folowyng ¶ what wenys kyng Edwarde with hys longe shankys To haue wonne Berwyke all oure vnthankys Gaas pykes hym And whan he hath it Gaas dykys hym WHan kynge Edwarde herde of y e pryde of the scottes and knewe of theyr scornefull ryme he was somdeale amoued encouraged his knyghtes in suche wyse that they wanne the dyche of the towne after in processe with greate laboure and daunger the Bulwerkes so that they came vnto the gates and made there so stronge assawte that in the ende they wanne the towne slewe of the scottes as wytnesseth dyuers wryters ouer the nombre of .xxv. M. and tooke prysoners syr wyllyam Douglas syr Symon de Freysell the erle Patryk syr Robert Bruze wyth dyuers other and in shorte tyme after the wardeyn of the castell of Berwyke seynge that to hym was sent no socoure yelded vp the sayd castell by appoyntement And whā the kyng had possession of the towne and castell of Berwyke he than strengthed theym wyth Englysshe men And after wanne the holdes of Tyndall of Exham of wyerbyrd and of Lamerstoke wyth dyuers other And whyle y t kyng Edwarde was thus besyed about the wynnyng of these forsayd holdes he sēt syr Hugh Spencer with syr Hugh Percy and other noble men with a parte of his host to laye siege vnto Dunbarre where whē they had layne a certayne of tyme an host of Scottes came thyder to remoue the syege with whome the Englysshe men had a fyers and cruel batayle But in y e ende by helpe of god and saynt George the Englysshe mē had the vyctorye slewe of the Scottes aboue the nombre of .xx. M and lost of the Englysshe company a very fewe in nombre wherfore the Englysshe mē in reproche of the Scottes made this ryme folowynge These scaterande Scottes Holde we for sottes Of wrenches vnware Erly in a mornynge In an euyll tymynge Came they to Dunbarre ANd after this vyctorye the towne castell of Dunbarre was wonne in the whiche were takē prysoners thre erles vii barons and xxvii knyghtes with dyuers men of the churche Than the kynge spedde hym to Edenborow and in processe of tyme wanne the towne with the castell In the whiche were founde y e regalyes of Scotlāde y t is to meane the crowne with the septre clothe of astate the whiche after were offered by kynge Edwarde at the shryne of saynt Edwarde vpon the morowe after the feast of saynt Botholfe or y e xviii day of Iunii in the yere folowynge And when the kynge had thus subdued the Scottes and set the coūtre in a rule he retourned with many prysoners into Englāde In whiche tyme and season the Englysshemen susteyned many harde shoures in Gascoyne Gyan Among y e whiche one is remembred in the Frenche cronycle sayenge that Edmunde duke or erle of Lancastre dyed at Bayon After whose dethe whyle the towne and other stronge holdes prepared them to withstande the Frenchemen Robert erle of Artoys whiche a lytel tofore had encoūtred with syr Iohn̄ had ben of hym ouerset resembled his cōpany and made hym an other skyrmysshe In the whiche he slewe vpon an hundreth Englysshmē and Gascoynes and toke prysoners the forenamed syr Iohan Seyn Iohan syr wyllyam Mortymer and other to the nombre of .lxx y ● whiche were sente into Fraunce vnto dyuers prysones Anno dn̄i xii C.xcvii   Anno dn̄i M.CC.xcviii   Iohn̄ de Stortforde   Syr Iohn̄ Bryton   Anno .xxvi.   wyllyam de Stortforde   IN this .xxvi. yere kynge Edwarde with a pusaunte armye in the moneth of August toke shyppynge at douer sayled into Flaunders to ayde and to helpe Guy than erle of Flaunders agayne y e Frenche kynge The which at that tyme was
sore warreyd of the Frenche kynge in somoche that he hadde wonne the towne of Margquet and the countre theraboute And for to put the sayde Guy vnto the more trouble the sayd Frenche kynge caused Robert erle of Artoys to inuade the coūtre of Flaūdres toward Pycardy encountred with y e sayd Guy nere vnto a towne called Furnes wher atwene y e said .ii. erles was foughtē a sharpe bata●l so that many men were slayne vpon bothe partyes After whiche fyght the Erle of Flaunders spedde hym towarde Gaunt where as kynde Edwarde than soiourned the erle of Artoys drewe hym towarde y e Frēche kynge the whiche shortly after was receyued into the towne of Bruges In whiche tyme and season whyle y e sayd .ii. kynges laye thus at eyther towne a meane of peas was there treated of so that fynally a peas was cōcluded atwene the .ii. kynges and atwene the Frenche kynge and Guy erle of Flaūders vnto the feest of all sayntes than next ensuenge And frō that day vnto the feast of all sayntes thā .ii. yeres folowyng After whiche peas so stablysshed kynge Edwarde departed from the towne of Gaunte yode to Burdeaux And y e Frenche kynge retourned into Fraunce And prysoners were delyuered on bothe partyes In this tyme and season whyle kynge Edwarde was thus occupyed in Flaūders the Scottes by the entysement of the Frenche kynge to the entent to cause kynge Edwarde to kepe his countre that he shulde nat ayde the erle of Flaunders beganne to make warre vpon the kynges soudyours whiche y e kynge had lafte there in dyuers holdes And also entred vpon y e borders of Northūberlande made sharpe warre vpon the inhabytauntes of that countre And for that syr Iohn̄ Bayloll theyr kynge after some wryters was at y ● tyme prysoner in the towre of London or els voyded the coūtre for fere of the kynge of Englande therfore the sayde Scottes made them a capytayne the whiche was named wyllyam waleys a man of vnknowen or lowe byrth to whom they obeyed as vnto theyr kynge Anone as y e kynge herde of the rebellyon of the Scottes which to hym was no great wonder consyderynge theyr greate vnstedfastnesse he wrote his letters vnto syr Hēry Persy erle of Northūberlande to syr wyllyam Latymer and to syr Hugh Cressyngham than tresourer of Englande and to other that they in all goodly haste shulde make prouysyon to withstande the Scottes The whiche persones after receyte of the kynges letters spedde them all in spedy maner so that they entred Scotlande shortly after and cōpelled y e Scottes to returne backe vnto a towne named Streuelyn where ī a skyrmyssh foughtē atwene the Englysshe and the Scottes syr Hugh Cressyngham forenamed with dyuers Englysshemen was slayne But yet the Scottes were holden so strayte of the Englysshe hoost that after that skyrmysshe they wolde nat of a certayne tyme come in playne felde but kepte theym within theyr castelles and strōge holdes And this yere atwene Easter and wytsontyde certayne ꝑsones of Londō brake vp the tunne in the warde of Cornhyll and toke out certayne persones that thyder were commytted by syr Iohn̄ Bryton then custos or gardeyn of the cytie for nyght walkynge For y ● whiche ryot the sayde persones that is to meane Thomas Romayne and viii other were afterwarde greuously punysshed as fyrst by prysonmēt and after by fynes And this yere the kynge in y e moneth of October came into Englāde and so to wynchester where the cytezyns of London made suche laboure vnto his grace that shortly after they opteyned graunte of theyr lyberties and fraunchyses that had in some parte be kepte from them by y e terme of .xii. yeres more So that vpon the daye of the translacyon of saynt Edwarde kynge and confessour next folowyng they chase them a mayre of them selfe where by all the foresayd tyme theyr custos or gardeyn was appoynted by y e kyng or by suche as y e kyng wold assygne But ye shall vnderstande that this was not redemed without great summes of money For after some wryters the cytezyns payde for it to the kynge .iii M. marke Also this yere kyng Edwarde put out of his proteccyon certayne Alyauntes whiche were rychely benefyced in England The cause was for the sayd alyauntes wolde nat ayde y e kynge with theyr goodes as y e other of his lande dyd but purchased an inibicyon of pope Boniface the .viii that they and theyr goodes shulde be fre from all the kynges dymes or taskys Therfore y e kyng ceased theyr temporaltyes and suffered thē with theyr spyritualtes tyl they were agreed with the kynge Anno domini M.CC.xcviii   Anno domini M.CC.xcix   Richarde Reffham   Henry waleys   Anno .xxvii.   Thomas Sely.   IN this .xxvi. yere after Chrystmasse certayne persones made a dyggyng and a serche in y e churche of saynt Martynes le graūde in Lōdon for certayne tresoure that there shulde be hydde as it was reported of a gardiner But theyr labour was in vayne for nothynge was there founde For the whiche dede y e deane of Poules the seconde sonday of lent folowynge denounced all thē accursed that were at that dede doynge or consentynge to the same In this yere aboute y e begynnyng of Aprell the kynge rode towarde Scotlande and appoynted his lordes with theyr companyes to mete with hym at yorke where with hym met a great hoost y t whiche he ladde into Scotlande and brent and spoyled the countre as he went and taryed a season at Barwyke And from thens he spedde hym in wynnynge of the townes and castelles as he went tyll he came nere to a towne named Fawkyrk or Fankyrk where vpon y e day of mary Magdaleyne or y e .xxii. day of Iulii met with hym y e power of Scotlande and gaue vnto hym a sore fyght But in the ende the vyctory fyll vnto the Englysshmē so that of the Scottes were slayne in y e felde as affyrme dyuers wryters ouer the nombre of .xxxii. M. and of Englysshmen but barely .xxviii. persones After whiche scomfyture the Scottes yelded to the kynge the more partye of the stronge holdes castelles that they tofore had holden agayne hym and made vnto hym newe othe and promysse and yelded them selfe vnto his grace and mercy And whan he had set that countre in an ordre and rule he thā retourned into Englāde and so to Lōdon where by y e aduyce of some of his counsayll he sodeynly dāpned certayn coynes of money called pollardes crocardes rosaries caused thē to be broughte to newe coynage to his great aduaūtage ye haue before herde in that other yere how that a truce or a peas was stablysshed at wene the kynge and y e kynge of Fraunce for the space of .ii. yeres and more the whiche fynally was concluded this yere that kynge Edwarde for a peas to be had bytwene both regyons shulde take vnto wyfe Margarete the suster of Philip
by ordre of lawe or iustyce In thys yere also floured y e holy man called Robert a chanon of the house of Brydlyngtone the whyche of some wrytters is accompted for a prophete for verses that he made of thynges to come after in Englande whyche I passe ouer at thys tyme. Anno domini M.CCC.viii   Anno domini M.CCC.ix   wyllyam Basynge   Nycholas Faryngdone   Anno .ii.   Iohn̄ Butler   IN thys .ii. yere kyng Edward callynge to mynde the dyspleasure done vnto hym and to hys famulyer Pyers of Gauestone by the bysshoppe of Chester mayster walter Lanton as before is towched in the xxviii yere of the reygne of Edwarde hys father commaunded hym vnto the toure of London where he was streyghtely kepte many dayes after Than the lordes of the lande and specyally syr Henre Lacy syr Guy syr Aymer de Ualance erle of Lyncolne of warwyke of Penbroke to whome y e noble prince Edwarde y e .i. had gyuē so great charge y t Pyers of Gauestone shuld no more come into Englande sawe the rule of the lāde and howe the kynges treafoure by meane of the sayd pyers was wasted assembled them in counsayll of one assent with ayde of other lordes of y e realme spake so with the kynge that contrary hys pleasure he was auoyded the lande and banisshed into Irelande for that yere But the kynge sent vnto hym oftentymes secret messangers and comforted hym wyth many ryche gyftes or made hym hys chyef ruler of the countre Anno domini M.CCC.ix   Anno domini M.CCC.x.   Iamys of saynt Edmunde   Thomas Romayne   Anno .iii.   Roger Palmer   IN thys .iii. yere dyuers grudges began to moue sprynge betwene the kyng and his lordes for the exilynge of Pyers of Gauestone wherfore to contente amyte betwene hym them the sayd Pyers about y e feast of the natiuite of our Lady was fette home agayne and so contynued to the more myschyef of y e realme About thys tyme as testifyeth Cronica Cronicarum other the knyghtes of the ordre of saynte Iohn̄ Baptyste called saynt Iohn̄ of Hierusalē by theyr knyghtly manhode put out of the I le of Rodes or Rodhis y e Turkys and infidelis that to that day occupyed the sayd I le after that wanne vpon the sayd Turkys dayly and yerely so that at thys day they haue in theyr domynyon moche of the landes whyche at that day and longe after was in the power of the sayd Turkes Thys relygyō also was greatly preferryd by the fall of the templers whose possessyons and lādes were to them gyuen as it is before expressed in the thyrde chapytre and .xxi. yere of Phylyp the fayre Thys yere also after some wryters the crowched freres came fyrste into Englande Anno domini M.CCC.x.   Anno domini M.CCC.xi   Symon Croppe   Rycharde Roffham   Anno .iiii.   Petyr Blacnay   IN thys fourthe yere the rule and power of Pyers of Gaue stone more and more encreasynge in so moche that he hauynge the guydynge of all the kynges iewellys and treasoure yode vpon a day vnto west mynster and there out of the kynges iewell house toke a table a payre oftrestyllys of golde and conueyed them wyth other iewellys oute of the lande to the greate inpouerysshyng of the same and ouer that broughte the kynge by meane of hys wanton condycyons to manyfolde vyces as auoutry and other wherfore the foresayde lordes seynge the myschyefe that dayly encreased by occasyon of thys vnhappy man toke theyr counsayll togyther at Lyncolne and there concluded to voyde hym agayne out of Englande so that shortly after he was exyled into Flaunders to the kynges great dyspleasure Anno dn̄i M.CC.xi   Anno dn̄i M.CC.xii.   Symon Merwode   Iohn̄ Gysours   Anno .v.   Rycharde wylforde   IN thys .v. yere vpon the day of saynt Bryce or the .xiii. daye of Nouembre was borne at wyndesore the fyrst or eldest sonne of kyng Edwarde y t after hys father was kynge of Englande and named Edwarde the thyrde And this yere was agayn reuoked by the kynge Pyers of Gaueston out of Flaunders the whych after hys agayne commyng demeaned hym worse than he before dyd In so moche that he dysdayned the lordes of Englande and of them had many dyspytous and sclaunderouse wordes wherfore the lordes of one mynde assented to put this Pyers to deth soone after assembled theyr powers and besyeged hym in the castell of Scarburgh in proces wan that castell toke hym and brought hym vnto Gauersede besyde warwycke and there the .xix. daye of Iunu smote of hys hede wherof whan the kynge hadde knowlege he was greuously dyspleased agayne the sayd lordes and made hys auowe y e hys deth shuld be reuenged By meane of thys the rancoure that before betwene the kynge and hys lordes was kendeled now began further to sprede so that after thys day the kyng sought occasyō agayn hys lordes howe he myght put theym to greuaunce and dyspleasure In thys whyle dyed syr Henry Lacy erle of Lyncolne the whych lyeng vpon his dethe bedde requyred syr Thomas erle of Lācastre that had maryed hys doughter that he wolde stande with the other lordes in theyr defence for the weale of Englande The whyche request the sayd erle graunted and so fermely kepte or obserued it that at length he wyth many other loste theyr lyues as after in the story shall be shewed Anno dn̄i xiii C.xii.   Anno dn̄i xiii C.xiii.   Iohn̄ Lambyn   Iohn̄ Pontenay   Anno .vi.   Adam Lutekyn   IN thys .vi. yere the kyng held hys great court or counceyl of parlyamēt with the lordes spirituall temporall at London where by the aduyces of theym many good ordenaunces and statutes were made to oppresse the ryottouse and other myscheues that at those days were vsed Than the kyng was sworne to kepe those ordenaunces and after all his lordes to theyr powers After the whyche othe so takyn Robert archebysshope of Caunterbury blessed all theym that vphelde the sayde statutes and accursed all such as attēpted to breke any of the same It was nat longe after that worde was broughte vnto the kynge howe Robert le Bruze was retourned into Scotlande and hadde caused the Scottes to rebell of newe ye haue before harde in the .xxxiiii. yere of Edwarde the fyrste howe the sayd Edward chased the forenamed Roberte le Bruze oute of Scotland into Normandy But whenne he had harde of the mysguydynge of the realme of Englande and specially of the dyuysyon betwene the kynge and hys lordes he anone wyth a small ayde of the Norgans or Norwayes retourned into Scotlande where he demeaned hym in suche wyse to the lordes of Scotlāde that he in shorte processe was agayne made kynge of that realme and warred strongely vppon the kynges frēdes and wanne from theym castelles and strōge holdes and wrought vnto Englysshe men moche sorowe and
his enemyes For subdie wherof the cytezyns of London were constrayned to fynde at theyr propre costes an hundred men of armys the whyche contrary theyr lybertyes with a condycyon that after that daye it shulde be no president they sent vnto Portchestre In thys season passe tyme the quene with syr Edwarde hyr son with a small company of Englysshemen and a crewe of Henawders of the whych syr Iohn̄ of Henawde the erles brother was capytayne toke shyppynge in those partyes had y e wynde so fauorable vnto them that they landed in Englande at a porte called Orwell besyde Harwyche in Suffolke the .xxv. day of Septēbre without any resistens of mē of warre agayne hyr made To whome after hyr landyng the people of the coūtre drewe by great companyes so sped hyr towarde London At thys tyme of the quenes thus lādyng the kyng was at hys cytye of Londō But whē he harde of the great people y t drewe to hyr out of all countres he fered wherfore in safegardyng of hym self he fled wyth a small companye towarde walys lefte mayster walter Stapyltō bisshop of Exceter behynd hym to haue the rule of the cytye of London It was nat longe after the kynges departyng that y e quene sent a letter vnto the mayre comynaltie of the cytye requyred of them ayde to subdue the oppressours of y e comō weale of the realme But to that letter was made none answere Therefore she wrote the secōde tyme aduertysyng them of theyr landynge of the entent that she had to refourme y e enormytyes mysgouernaūce of the lande in admonestyng them of theyr ayde socoure as by the tenure of y e sayd letter more playnly appereth wherof the circumstaūce I haue left out of thys boke for so moche as I fynde varyaunce in the contentes thereof and also for the copyes there of ben sette oute in the cronycles of Englande and dyuers other bokes Than thys sayde letter was tacked vpon the crosse in Chepe whyche at that daye was called the newe crosse In the nyght before the day of saynt Denys or the .ix. day of October And other copyes of the same were fastened in dyuerse other places of y e cytye wherof one was fastened vpō the mayres gate After whyche letter thus publysshed in the cytye the bisshop of Exceter to whome as before is sayd the kyng had commytted the rule of the cytye sent vnto the mayre to haue the keyes of the gates of the cytye by vertue of hys commission By the whych he stode so fermely vsed so sharpe wordes in the kynges name that varyaunce grew betwene hym the cytezyns so ferfourth that the commons of the cytye in theyr rage toke the sayd bysshop the .xiiii. day of Octobre and hym with .ii. of hys housholde esquyers beheded vnreuerently at y e standard in weschep And the same daye was taken for a spye a cytezyn called Iohn̄ Marshal whych fauoured the Spensers ꝑtye in y e same place also beheded without processe of lawe And then the corps of y e sayde bysshop with hys .ii. seruaūtes were haryed to Thamys syde where the sayd bysshop had begonne to edyfye a toure and there in the rubbusshe and sande of the same they buryed or conueyed these thre bodyes whyche dispyte to hym was done after some auctoures for so moche as he had vsurped of the comō grounde of the cytie in settyng of the sayd toure But for what cause was he thus vngoodly vnreuerentely delte with no mencion is made And in thys passe tyme the quene easely a foote space folowed y e kyng which by thys season was cōm● to Brystow hauyng with hym the Spēsers his dyffamed chaūceller mayster Robert Baldocke syr Iohn̄ erle of Arundell other where by theyr counsayls it was agreed that syr Hugh Spēser the father shulde remayne there and haue the rule of the towne castell whyle the kynge with the other toke shyppynge sayled frome thens into walys to rayse the walshemen And so the kyng with syr Hugh Spenser the sonne the other toke shyppyng at Brystowe so sayled into wa●ys when the certaynte therof came vnto the quene anone she sent to Brystow the erle of Kent the kynges brother syr Iohn̄ of Henawde wyth dyuerse other for to take syr Hugh Spenser the father The whyche put them in suche deuour that they tooke the sayde syr Hugh and lefte a certayne to holde the towne castell tyll the quene with hyr power came thyther ▪ In the whyche tyme they sped them into walys and in processe tooke y e kynge hys chaunceller the erle of Arundell and syr Hughe Spenser the sonne and broughte them all to the towne of Hereforde And in thys whyle the cytezeyns of London wan the towre of Londō and kept it vnto the quenes vse Anno dn̄i xiii C.xxv   Anno dn̄i xiii C.xxvi   Gylbert Moordon   Rycharde Betayne   Anno .xix.   Iohn̄ Cotton   IN thys .xix. yere and begynnynge of thys mayres charge vppon the morowe folowynge the feaste of Symon and Iude the same daye that the mayre rode to westmynster to take hys charge the same day at Brystow was syr Hugh Spenser the father putte to dethe and after buryed at wynchestre And vppon saynte Huys daye folowynge or the .xviii. daye of Nouembre was syr Hugh hys sonne drawē hanged and quartered at Herforde and hys hed sent to London and set amonge other vpon the brydge The comon fame of hym went that after he was taken he wolde take no maner sustenaūce wherfore he was the sooner put vnto deth Of this Hugh a versyfyer made these two verses folowynge Punis cum lignis a te miser ensis ignis Hugo securis equus abstulit omne decus whiche verses to them that vnder stande no latyne maye in thys wyse be expowned or englysshed wyth ropes were thou bounde and on the galowe honge And from thy body thyne hed wyth swerde was kytte Thy bowels in the fyre were throwe and burned longe Thy body in foure pecys eke wyth an axe was slytte wyth horse before drawyn fewe men pytyenge it Thus wyth these turmentys for thy synnes sake from y e wretched Hugh all wordly welthe was take In thys meane tyme and season the kynge was conueyed vnto the castell of Kenelworthe and there kepte vnder the garde of syr Henry of Lancaster or brother vnto the erle Thomas of Lancaster that was behedyd at Pounfrette And mayster Robert Baldoke the kynges chauncelloure was sent vnto London and put into the pryson of Newgate where after he dyed myserably The erle Iohn̄ of Arundell was also put to deth at Herforde wythin foure dayes of syr Hugh the yonger Spenser Then y e quene wyth syr Edwarde hyr sonne and with a goodly company of lordes and gentylmen retourned vnto London and there of the cytesyns wyth greate honoure and ioye was receyued vppon the daye of saynte Barbara or the .iiii.
y e secōde Edwarde yet kynge of Englande was crowned at Raynes the .xii. day of February nexte ensuynge After whiche solempnyte fynysshed ended he in short proces of tyme after sent vnto the .xxii. Iohan than pope assertayned hym of y e gossyprede y t was atwene hym and Blanche his wyfe wherof the examynacyon by y e sayd pope was commytted vnto the bisshoppes of Paris of Beauuais mayster Godfrey de Blessys prothonotayr of the countre of Rome The whiche after due and perfyte examinacyon in that mater made they founde that Mawde countesse of Artoys and mother to the fore named quene Blanche was godmother vnto kynge Charles her husbande Of the whiche whan they had made reporte vnto the pope he gaue sentēce that the sayd matrymony was not legyttymat and cōmaunded a deuorce and a separacyon to be made atwene those .ii. persones The whiche was shortly after executed In the seconde yere of this Charles dyed Robert erle of Flaūdres without yssue wherfore the sayd erledam fell into y e Frenche kynges handes so that of it he was in processe by thagrement of the lordes of the same put in peasyble possessyon all be it the erle of Neuers made therunto a pretēce tytle And in this yere kynge Charles about the feest of saynt Mathewe in Septēbre maryed his seconde wyfe named Mary the syster of the kynge of Bohemy or Beme and doughter of Henry erle of Lucenbourgh and late emperoure of Almayne named in the lyne of the emperours Henry the .viii or after some wryters y e .vii. Also in y ● sayd yere one named Iourdan of the I le a Gascoyne borne a man of noble lynage but lowe vyle of condycyons to whom the foresaid pope Iohn̄ in maryage hadde gyuen hys nyese for reuerence of his byrth thys season by the meane of his vyle condycyons and suche dyshoneste cōpanye as he drewe vntyll hym he fell into many sclaūderous vyces so that lastly he was accused of rape murder and of felony Of the whych he was at length in .xviii. artycles by due profe made cōuycte by the lawe and iudged to be hanged But the kynge at the request of the pope and for the honoure of hys blode graunted to hym a charter and pardoned hym of all former transgressyons But that not wythstandynge he in processe of tyme fell or retourned vnto hys olde accustomyd condicyons And among other greate crymes by hym executed he slewe a sergeaunt of armys belongynge to the kynge that to hym was sent in message For whyche murder and other detestable dedys he was newely accused and vppon that somonyd to apere at Parys before the kynge and hys counsayle At whych day of apparence he came to the sayde cytye wyth a great companye and some noble men whiche were to hym nere of kynne and excused him to the vttermost of theyr powers But agayne hym and to accuse hym came many other lordes barons Of the whyche the marques of Ampton or Dampton wyth hys sonne were chyefe that put causes of complaynt agayne hym The which made suche prouys and declaracyōs agayne the sayde Iourdan that he was cōmytted vnto the chastelet of Parys there to remayne as a prysoner And in processe of tyme suche maters and trespaces were prouyd vpon hym that he by authoryte of a parlyament holden at Compeyng was lastly iudged to dye And soone after that is to meane the .vii. day of Maye he was drawyn to the gybbet of Parys and there hanged In the thyrde yere of his reygne thys Charlys gaue vnto the erle of Neuers y t before tyme hadde made clayme to the erledome of Flaunders y ● sayde erledom the whyche of the Flemynges and inhabytauntes of that coūtrey was wel and ioyously receyued Than he in shorte whyle after gaue vnto the townes of Gaunt Brugys Ipre and other dyuers pryuyleges and grauntes to theyr great auauntage profyte But it was not longe after that he wanne of them as mych grudge and hatred as he to fore had loue good wyll And all for a taxe y t he set vpon the dwellers of Brugys and the coūtrey nere there vnto and specyally of them that dwelled in the countrey For they thought y t theyr charge exceded farre the charge of y e dwellers within the towne wherfore by secrete meanys they appoynted a daye of assemble amonge them selfe and sodeynly well armed entred the towne of Brugys and slewe therin dyuers of the erles seruauntes and some of the borough maysters of the sayde towne suche as they suspected to be of counseyle of the leuyenge of the sayd taske In the .iiii. yere of his reygne thys Charlys after the dethe of Mary hys seconde wyfe by dyspensacion of the pope the .xxii. Iohn̄ he maryed Iane his cosyn Germayn the doughter of Lewys erle of Euroux and vncle vnto thys kynge Charlys or brother to hys father Phylyppe le Beawe IN this abouesayd .iiii. yere the quene of Englande and syster vnto thys kyng Charlys of Fraūce to treate an vnite and peace bytwene hyr lorde and hyr brother for the warre made in Gascoyne as before is towched in the .xv. yere of Edward the seconde hyr lorde and husbande and there taryed and retourned as aboue in the sayde yere is expressed In thys yere also the erle of Flaūders fore named for suspeccyon that he hadde to Robert of Flaūders hys vncle leste he for hys synguler auaūtage wold supplant hym of that erle dome he made letters vnto the gouernours of the towne where y e sayd Robert was resyaunt and abydyng that they shulde put hym to dethe But by the warnyng of his olde and trusty frende the erlys chaūcellour he was warned and so auoyded that towne For thys greate malyce and rancoure arose bytwene this Robert and the erle whyche was not shortly pacyfyed But it was not longe after that a nother taske or imposycyon was leuyed of the townes of Gaunt Brugys Ipre and other townys of Flaunders The whyche taske was leuyed in recompensemēt of suche warres made vpon Flaunders by Phylyp le Beawe or more dyrectely for paymēt of twelue thousand pownde awardyd by Ioselyn the cardynall as before is shewed in the seconde yere of the .v. Phylyppe that the Flemynges shulde paye to the French kyng for byenge of theyr peace Of thys taske to be leuyers or gaderers was assygned the pryncypall men of the sayde townes y t whiche by theyr demeanure in the leuyenge therof demeaned them in suche wyse that they ranne in great hatred of the comon people In so myche that they accusyd theym and sayde that they hadde leuyed or gatheryd moche more than the sayde taske amounted wherfore they desyred of the erlys counsayle that the sayde persons myghte be called to accoūpt But thys requeste myght not be opteyned whyche caused the comons to runne in further grudge and murmure An other thynge also caused suspeccyon for the erlys counsayle and the sayde collectours hadde so
had reygned fyue yeres and odde dayes leuynge after hym none heyre of hys body excepte the quene was than wyth chylde whyche chylde dyed soone after y e byrthe wherfore some questions for that kyngedome were moued as before touched in the ende of the fourthe yere of thys Charles after shal be forther expressed Anglia Edwarde the thyrde EDwarde the .iii. of that name sonn̄ of Edward the seconde and of Isabell y e alonely doughter chylde of Phylip le Beawe or Phylyppe the fayre father to Charles laste kynge of Fraunce beganne to reygne as kynge of Englande his father yet lyuynge the syx twenty daye of Ianuary in the ende of the yere of grace a thousande thre hundreth and syx and twenty and the fourth yere of Charles the fyfth last kynge of Fraunce and was crowned at westmynster vppon the daye of the puryfycacyon of oure Lady nexte ensuynge In hys begynnynge came forthe plentye and gracyous happes for the erthe tooke plentye the ayre tempoure the see quyetnesse and to the chyrche grewe peace In thys fyrste yere he confermed the lybertyes and fraunchyses of y e cytye of London and ordeyned that the mayre for the tyme beyng shuld sytte in all places of iugement within the lyberty of the same for chiefe iustyce the kynges persone onely excepte that euery alderman that hadde ben mayre shuld be iustyce of peace in all London and Myddelsex eueryche alderman that hadde not be mayre shulde be iustyce of peace wythin his owne warde And also he graunted to the cytezyns the fee ferme of London for .iii. hundreth pownde that they shulde not be constrayned to go out of the cytye to fyghte or defende the land for any nede Also that after that daye the fraunchyse of the cytye shulde not be seasyd into the kynges handes but onely for treason or rebellyon done by the hole cytye And Southwerke was admytted to be vnder the correccyon and rule of the citye and the mayre of London to be baylyffe of Southwerke and the mayre to chose ordeyne such a baylyffe of that borough as hym lyked whiche ordinaunce endureth to this day In the moneth of Apryll for so mych as meanes were made by the frere prechours or the blacke freres for the delyuery of kynge Edwarde the .ii. out of pryson therfore he was had out of the castell of Kenelworth cōueyed vnto y e castel of Berkeley where after about saynt Mathewys tyde the sayde Edward by y ● meanes of syr Roger Mortimer was myserably slayne Of this Edward are lyke opinyōs as were of Thomas of Lancaster whyche I referre to goddys iudgement For certayne it is that for hys former wyld and insolent lyuynge he toke greate repentaunce And so he hadde great cause for durynge hys reygne there was hedyd and put to deth by iugement vppon xxviii barons and knyghtes ouer y t noble men that were slayne in Scotlande by hys infortunyte Kynge Edwarde as yet beynge of tender age not passing .xv. yeres heryng of the great pryde and presūpcyon of the Scottes and howe they dayly warred vpon the borders and entryd the lande in brennynge and spoylyng his people assembled hys people about Easter so sped hym toward Scotland In whych meane tyme the Scottes were entred the land were comen as farre as Stāhop in Uiridale and had lodged thē in the woddes of Stanhop parke in dyuers bushementys wherof y ● kyng beyng enfourmed made such prouysyon that he beset them roūde about and trusted well to haue brought thē vnder hys subieccyon But when the kynge thoughte to be of them moste sure by treason of some of hys hoste the Scottes were clene escaped and retourned into Scotlande wherof y e fame ranne vpon syr Roger Mortymer But how so it was y ● kyng loste that iournay and retourned into Englande with lytle worshyppe And here ye shall vnderstand that to this day the olde mayre and shyry●●es y t is to meane Hamunde Chyckwell Benet Fulham and Iohn̄ Canston stode in offyce tyll y e day folowyng of Symō Iude which was almost y ● full of y e fyrst yere of y e sayd Edward the .iii. And then for the residue of the fyrst yere for the more party of the second yere was electe and charged the mayre and shyryffes folowynge Anno domini M.CCC.xxvi   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xxvii   Henry Darcy   Rycharde Betayne   Anno .i.   Iohn̄ Hawteyne   IN the ende of the fyrste yere of thys kynge Edwarde begynnyng o● thys mayres yere the kynge after Crystmas maryed dame Phylyppe y e erles doughter of Henawde in the cytye of yorke in the euyn of y e conuersiō of saynt Paule or y e .xxiiii. daye of Ianuary And soone after the kyng about y e feast of Pentecoste helde hys parlyament at Northampton At the whych parlyament by euyll coūsayl wherof syr Roger Mortymer the olde quene bare the blame the kynge made wyth the Scottes an vnprofytable and a dyshonorable peace For fyrste he released to theym theyr feauty and homage Also he delyuered vnto theym olde auncyent wrytynges sealed wyth the seales of the kynge of Scottes and of dyuerse lordes of that lande bothe spyrytuall temporall with many other charters patentes by the whyche y e kynges of Scottes oblyged them to be feordaryes vnto y t crowne of Englande At whyche season also was delyuered certeyne iewelles whych before tymes had ben wōne frō y e Scottes by kynges of England Amonge the whych the blacke crosse of Scotlande is specyally named a relyke accompted of great preciosyte And nat alonely the kyng by hys synystre coūsayll lost hys tytle and ryght that he had to the realme of Scotlande as farre as the sayd coūsayl might helpe it but also all lordes barones all other men of England that had any landes or rentes within Scotlande loste theyr ryghte in lyke maner excepte they wolde dwel vpon the sayd landes and becomme the kynge of Scottes lyege men And soone after was concluded a maryage betwene Dauyd le Bruze sonne of Robert le Bruze and Iane the kynges syster whyche of diuerse writers is surnamed Iane of the towre or Iohan of Towers Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xxvii   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xxviii   Symon Fraunces   Hamonde Chyckewell   Anno .ii.   Henry Combmartyn   IN thys yere whyche at thys daye was the seconde yere of the kyng Dauyd foresayd the son of Roberte le Bruze thā kynge of Scottes maryed vppon the daye of mary Magdaleyne at hys towne than of Berwyke y e fore named Iane syster vnto the kynge of Englande But it was nat longe after or the Scottes in despyte of the Englysshemen called hyr Iane make peace And also to theyr more derysyon they made dyuerse truffes roundes and songes of the whyche one is specially remembred as foloweth ¶ Longe beerdys hartles Paynted hoodes wytles Gay cotes graceles Maketh Englande thryfteles whyche ryme
as saythe Guydo was made by the Scottes pryncypally for the deformyte of clothyng that at those dayes was vsed by Englysshemen Thanne the kynge at hys parlyamēt holden at Salysbury made syr Roger Mortymer erle of the Marche and syr Iohan of Elthā hys owne brother he made erle of Cornewayll where after the sayd syr Roger toke moche more vppon hym than other lordes were cōtented wyth so that by the kynges mother and hym all thynge was ruled and guyded And suche lordes as before tyme were assygned to haue the rule and guydynge of the kynge as the erle of kent syr Edmunde of wodestock y e kynges vncle y e erle of Lācastre y e erle marshal with dyuers bysshoppes barons knyghtes to the noumbre of .xii. in short proces of tyme for the more party were set by so that the allonely rule of the lande rested in the quene and the sayde syr Roger. By meane wherof many and great thynges of the realme grewe out of ordre whiche were tedyous to reherce Anno domini M.CCC.xxviii   Anno domini M.CCC.xxix   Rycharde Lazar.   Iohan Grauntham   Anno .iii.   Henry Gysours   IN this thyrde mayres yere y ● aboue sayde syr Edmunde of wodestoke erle of kente entendynge the reformacion of the mysse ordre of the realme beynge enfourmed that his brother syr Edward was in lyfe deuysed certayne letters towchynge the delyuery of his sayd brother and sent them to his sayd brother of whiche dede he was shortly after accused and by auctoryte of a parlyamēt holden at westmynster aboute Penthecost folowynge he for that dede was iudged to haue his hede smyten of wherof execucyon was doone the fyue and twenty day of May folowynge in the foresayd cytye of wynchester And soone after kyng Edwarde sayled into Fraūce and dyd homage vnto Phylyp de Ualoyes then newly made kynge of Fraūce for the duchy of Guyan in the towne of Amyas After whiche homage so doone he was rychely feasted of the Frenche kynge and solaced in dyuerse maner of fourmes as by iustes huntynge hawkynge and many other pleasures and then in louynge maner toke his leue of the kynge and so returned into Englande The fyfthtenth day of Iune folowynge was borne the kynges fyrst sonne and at wodestoke crystened and named Edward whiche in proces of tyme dyd growe to a noble and famouse man and is moost comunely called in all cronycles prynce Edwarde Of whome in this story some excellente dedes shall be expressed In the moneth of Octobre vpon the .xvii. daye euen of saynt Luke syr Roger Mortymer before named bi meanes of syr wylliā Moūtague syr Rafe Staforde syr Iohn̄ Neuyle other bi a cōpased meane was takē in y e castel of Notynghā not withstādynge y t the keyes of y e sayde castell were daili nyghtly vnder his ward and kepynge the kynge the quene the olde quene with dyuerse other nobles thā beynge in the same castell lodged The maner of the takyng of this erle syr Roger Mortymer I passe ouer for the dyuersyte that I haue sene therof of sundry wryters But many agreen that he with syr Symonde of Bedforde and other were in that nyght taken and after sente vnto the towre of London and there put in strayte kepynge Then the kynge in shorte processe after called a parlyament at London for the reformacyon of many thynges mysordered in the realme by meane of y e foresayde syr Roger as the comune fame went than Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xxix   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xl   Robert of Ely   Symon Swaylond   Anno .iiii.   Thomas Harworde   IN this .iiii. mayres yere ende of the thyrde yere of this kyng duryng the foresayd parliamente as aboue is touched at Londō the foresayd syr Roger Mortymer was accused before the lordes of the parliamēt of these artycles with other whereof v. I fynde expressed And fyrste was layed vnto hys charge that by hys meanes syr Edwarde of Carnaruan by mooste tyrrannouse deth in the castell of Barkley was murdered Secundaryly that to the kynges great dyshonoure dammage the Scottes by hys meanes treason escaped frō the kyng at y e parke on Stāhope whych then shuld haue fallen in the kynges daūger ne had ben y t fauour of the sayd Roger to thē thā shewed Thyrdely to hym was layed that he for execuciō of the sayd treason receyued of y e capytayne of the sayd Scottes named syr Iames Dowglas great summes of money And also for lyke mede he had to the kynges great dyshonoure and hurte of hys realme concluded a peace betwene y e kyng and the Scottes caused to be delyuered vnto theym the charter or endenture called Ragman wyth many other thynges to the Scottes great aduaūtage inpouerysshyng of this realme of Englād Fourthlye was layed to hym that where by synystre vnlefull meanes contrary y t kynges pleasure wyll or assente of the lordes of the kynges counsayl he had gotten into hys possessyō moche of the kynges treasoure he vnskylfully wasted mysspent it By reason wherof the kyng was in necessyte dryuen parforce to assaye his frēdes Fyfthlie that he also had enpropered vnto hym dyuerse wardes belōgyng to the kyng to hys great lucre the kynges great hurt and that he was more secrete with quene Isabell the kynges mother than was to goddes pleasure or the kynges honour The whych artycles wyth other agayne hym proued he was by auctoryte of the sayd parlyament iuged to dethe And vpō saynt Andrewes euyn next ensuyng at London he was drawen hanged About the begynnynge of August folowyng syr Edwarde Bayloll the sonne of syr Iohan Bayloll some tyme kynge of Scottes by meanes before purchased opteyned suche fauoure that wyth the ayde of syr Henry Beawmoūt syr Dauyd of Stroley syr Geffery Moubray and wyth the ayde of .ii. M. Englysshemē entred into Scotlād by water wher in short space drew vnto thē such multitude of scottes y t the sayd Edwarde was lord of a greate hoste so kepte on his way tyll he came to a place called Gledismore or after some writers Crakismoore where he was encountred of y e power of Scotlād fought there a cruell batayl in y e which were slayn a great multitude of Scottes By reason of whych victorie he was crowned kyng of scottes at y t towne of Scone shortly after And shortly after he mette wyth kynge Edward at the towne of Newe castell and there vnto hym made hys homage feawty for the lande of Scotlāde Anno dn̄i   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xxxi   Iohn̄ Mockynge   Iohn̄ Pountnay   Anno .v.   Andrew Awbrey   IN thys fyfth mayres yere and syx yere of the kynge in the moneth of Iuly for so moche as y e Scottes had busyed theym to haue slayne Edwarde Bayloll theyr kynge and hym had constrayned to auoyde hys lande or elles to kepe hym in somme stronge holde tyll he myghte by hys frendes or lyeges
Derbye and of Northampton wyth other and for the Frenche kynge the dukes of Burbon of Burgoyne with other for hys party But thys agremente stoode to lytle effecte For it nat wyth standynge the warre betwene these two kynges was contynued so that eyther fortyfyed theyr frendes and allyes And soone after happened that where Iohan duke of Brytayn dyed wythout issu variaunce fel betwene Charles de Bloys and Iohn̄ erle of Mountforde for the tytle of that dukedome so that betwene thē mortall warre was exercysed as in the story of Phylyppe de Ualoyes shall after more playnly be declared whyche warre so contynuynge the kynge of Englāde ayded y e party of the erle of Mountforde and the Frēch king ayded Charles de Bloys And ouer that duryng the terme of y e sayde treuce the French kyng made warre vpon the Gascoynes as after shall apere And in Scotlande some styrynge was made thys yere by excytynge of the Frenche kynge in so mych that the kynge was fayne to sende thyder a crewe of soudiours to strength suche holdes as he there helde And in thys yere was y e quene delyuered of a man chyld at y e towne of Langeley the whyche after was named Edmunde and surnamed Edmunde of Langley Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xli   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xlii   Iohn̄ Luskyn   Symond Fraunces   Anno .xvii.   Rycharde Kyslyngbury   IN thys .xvii. yere kynge Edwarde at the request of dyuers of hys yonge lordes and knyghtes suffered to be exercysed certayn poyntes and feates of warre as iustys turnamentes and other whych were executyd at Dunstable where the kynge and the quene were present wyth the more partye of the lordes and ladyes of the lande Thys yere dyed the forenamed Iohn̄ duke of Brytayne by reason of whose deth the warre as in the precedynge yere is touchyd grewe bytwene the sayde Charlys de Bloyes and the erle of Mountforde Thys Charlys de Bloyes made his claym to that duchery by tytle of his wyfe that was doughter of Guy vycount of Lymogys and seconde brother of the foresayde Iohn̄ duke of Brytayne And Iohn̄ erle of Mountfort claymed by the tytle that he was thyrde brother vnto the forenamed duke But of thys mater I entende to shewe more playnely and of the ende therof in the story of Phylyp de Ualoys as before I haue sayde and rather there than here bycause the fayte therof was not done in Englande but in Brytayne wherof the sayde Phylyppe pretendyd rule and chyefe sygnory Anno domini M.CCC.xlii   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xliii   Iohn̄ Stewarde   Iohn̄ Hamonde   Anno .xviii.   Iohn̄ Ayleshm̄   IN thys .xviii. yere the kynge shortely after Easter callyd a parlyament at westmynster In tyme wherof Edwarde hys eldeste sonne was creatyd prynce of walys And many ordynaūces for the weale of y e lande there were enactyd whych for length I passe ouer In thys yere also Clement the .vi. of y e name whyche newly was made pope toke vpon hym to gyue dyuers bysshopryches and benefyces which then fell voyde in Englande wherwyth the kynge was nothynge contented in so mych that he sent out cōmyssyons and strayte commaundementes that no man in tyme folowynge shulde present or inducte any suche persone or persones that so by the pope were promoted wythout y e agremente of the kynge as farre as towchyd hys prerogatyue The sayd pope Clement was fyrste archebysshoppe of Roan and munke of saynt Benettes order a Frencheman of byrth and before called Peter a man of excellent cunnyng but a waster of goddes patrymony promoted to y e dygnyte by instaunt laboure of the Frenche kyng which sent hys sonne Iohn̄ duke of Normandy the duke of Burgoyn vnto the cytye of Auynyon or Auygnō to procure and further the eleccyon By meane wherof he was there chosen pope aboute the vii day of May and tronysed in the sayd moneth of May in the begynnynge of the yere of grace after thaccompte of the chyrche of Englande M.CCC .xliii. By meanes and fauoure of whyche pope the Frenche kynges causes and maters betwene kynge Edwarde and hym were some deale promoted For as testyfieth the Frenche boke the French kyng thys yere put to deth one mayster Hēry de Malestrete a graduat man and brother vnto syr Godfrey de Malestrete knyght lately also put to deth by the sayde Frenche kynge for theyr fydelyte whyche they bare towarde kyng Edward as hys feodaryes wherof kynge Edwarde made hys cōplaynt vnto the pope of thys and other thynges to be done contrary the constytucyons of the former peace concluded by the two cardynalles and had therof no remedye In thys yere also kynge Edwarde made a coyne of fyne golde and named it the Floryne that is to say the peny of the value of syxe s. viii d. the halfe peny of the value of thre s. iiii d and the far thynge of the value of .xx. d. whyche coyne was ordeyned for hys warres in Fraunce for the golde therof was nat so fyne as was the noble whyche he before in hys fourthen yere of hys reygne had caused to be coyned Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xliii   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xliiii   Geffrey wychyngham   Iohan Hamonde   Anno .xix.   Thomas Legge   IN thys .xix. yere the kyng held a solempne feaste at hys castell of wyndsore where betwene Candel masse and lent were holden or executed many marcyall actes as iustes tournamentes with diuerse other at the whyche were present many straūgers of other landes And in y e ende therof he there deuysed the order of the garter and after stablisshed it as at thys daye it is contynued In this yere about midsomer kyng Edward wyth a stronge armye sayled vnto Sluse and so into lytle Brytayne But for he was dyspoynted of the ayde of the Flemynges by reason of the deth of hys trusty frende Iaques de Artyuele whyche than was slayn of the Flemynges of Gaunt by a cōspyracy that they made agayne hym by suche as fauoured the partye of y e French kyng he tourned home into Englande agayne the same yere leuynge behynde hym the erle of Salysbury with a stronge company to ayde Iohn̄ erle of Moūtforde agayn syr Charles de Bloys The whyche Iohn̄ by the ayde of the Englysshmē wan diuerse townes holdes in Brytayne vpō the sayd syr Charles his Frenchmē But in the ende of thys yere he was taken with such sykenes y t he dyed in a towne called Corentyne After whose deth the sayd Charles posseded the more parte of the duchye of Brytayne Thys yere the kyng sent y e erle of Derby with a strōg army into Guyā for to ayde the erle of Northāpton whome y e kynge before had left there at Burdeaux to strēgth that coūtrey agayne the French men To whome after the dethe of the forenamed syr Iohn̄ erle of Mountforde drewe many of the soudyours that were on his partye Anno domini M.CCC.xliiii  
whiche was repayred in so stronge wyse that he hys hoste passed there ouer withoute parell Howe be it that in the tyme of repayrynge of it the French kyng sent thyder .ii. M. men to let the sayde werke But the archers kept theym of wyth theyr shot in so sharpe maner that y e more partye of them was slayne and the werke ꝑfyghted as aboue is sayd Than kyng Edwarde entred the coūtrey of Pycardy the French kynge remoued frome saynte Denys vnto saīt Germains frō thens to a town called Aubeuyle in Poyteau from thens to Antoygne In thys whyle kyng Edward with baner dysplayed came vnto the cytye of Beauuayze assayled the towne But the towne was wel garnisshed with soudyours which defēded theyr enemyes vygourously wherfore kynge Edwarde cōsyderynge he myghte nat lyghtely wynne that towne sette the bulwerkes on fyre and so departed thens yode vnto a place called in Frenche Soygnouile or Blāke Tache where he passed the water of Sum vpon a frydaye the .xxv. daye of August and lodged hym hys people nere vnto a forest called Cressy or Crecy wherof whan the French kyng was ware anone he sped hym frome the fore named towne of Antoygne vnto Aubeuyle agayne where after he hadde refresshed hym and hys people he rode vnto an abbey faste by the forenamed towne of Cressy In thys passe tyme Iohn̄ duke of Normandy and sonne of Phylyp de Ualoys whyche as in the precedyng yere is towched layd hys syege vnto the castell of Aguyllon herynge that hys father was thus warreyed wyth the kyng of Englande brake vp his syege and came with hys strengthe vnto hys father THese .ii. greate hostes thus lodged within lytle compasse nere vnto the forenamed towne of Cressy vpon the saterdaye folowyng the feaste of saynt Bartholmewe beynge the .xxvi. day of the monethe of August eyther cruelly assayled other and foughte there a mortall sharpe batayll whereof in the ende kynge Edwarde gloryouslye was victoure and chaced the Frenche kynge and slewe in that fyght after the sayenge of moste wryters the kynge of Bohemy or Beame sonne of Henry y e Emperoure vii or the. eyght the duke of Loreyne the erle of Alenson brother vnto the Frēche kynge Charles erle of Bloys the erles of Flaunders of Sancer of Narcourt and of Fyennes wyth dyuerse other to the noumber of eyght bysshoppes and erles xvii lordes of name and of banerettes knyghtes and esquyers beyōde the noumber of .xvi. hūdreth so that as concludeth the Frenche hystorye in that batayll was slayne the floure of the Chyualrye of Fraunce and of the cōmons vpō .viii. M. men that the realme of Fraūce that day susteyned such confusiō that the lyke therof had nat be sene many yeres passed and y t be people and men of no reputacyon as archers by the vyolence of theyr importune shot whych hors nor man myght stande agayne Thā the Frenche kyng with a small company fledde sore hurte vnto a towne called Broy lodged there y e nyght folowynge And kyng Edwarde beynge warned that an other hoste of enemyes was commynge towarde hym abode styll in the same feelde set good watches made great fyres thorough the hoste and so cōtynued tyll the monday folowynge Upon whyche day in the mornynge apered to them a new hoste of Frenche men to the whych they gaue batayle and slewe of them more in noumbre thā was slayne vpō the saterday before But of capytaynes or men of name the auctor reherseth none Than kyng Edwarde gaue great thankes vnto god of his tryumphāt vyctory and after departed frō that towne of Cressye and toke hys waye towarde Moustruell and from thēs to Boleyne and lastlye to Caleys wherof than was capytayne vnder y e Frenche kyng a Burgonyō knyght named syr Iohn̄ de Uyēne to whom kyng Edwarde sent that he shuld delyuer vnto hym the sayde towne of Caleys But for the kynge receyued from hym no comfortable answere he immedyatly layde hys syege vnto the sayd towne whych was vpon the thyrde day of the moneth of Septēbre there abode a certayn of tyme in makynge of assautes to the same In whyche tyme and season the erle of Derby lyenge at Burdeaux and hauynge the rule of Gascoyne and Guyan wan dyuerse townes holdes from the Frenchemen as the townes called Sayntez in Poyteaw saynt Iohn̄ de Angely and y e towne of Poytyers In the whyche he had excedyng treasoure and rychesse soo that he hys sowdyours were greatly enryched by the pyllage that they wan in those townes and coūtrey to them adioynaunt And whā the sayd erle had spoyled the sayd townes brent a greate parte of the foresayde cytye of Poytyers and the kynges palays within the same he than at hys pleasure retourned vnto Burdeaux In thys passe tyme also the Frēch kyng to the entente to haste kyng Edwarde into Englande sent Dauyd le Bruze some tyme kynge of Scottes into y e lande with a strōge army The which gathered vnto hym such lordes and knyghtes of Scotlande as before tymes fauoured hys party and with them entred the boundes of Northumberlande spoyled that countrey without pyte But it shall apere by other auctoures that thys Dauyd le Bruze at thys daye hadde recouered the crowne of Scotlande and that Edwarde de Bayloll was than dede whych before was kynge Than it foloweth whan the archebisshop of yorke with other lordes than lefte in Englande herde tell that the Scottes were thus entred the lande anone the sayd archebysshppe with syr Henry Perse syr Rafe Neuyle syr Gilbert Umfreyle knyghtes and other gentylmen aswell spyrytuall as other apparayled theyin in theyr best maner and sped them towarde y e Scottes so that they mette with thē and gaue vnto them batayll vpon y e euyn of saynt Luke or the .xvii. daye of Octobre in a place faste by Durhā called at that daye Neuyles crosse where god shewed to the Englysshe men suche grace that they scōfyted y e Scottes and slew of them great foyson and toke prysoners the sayd Dauid le Bruze syr wyllyam Dowglas syr Thōlyn Fowkys with other of y e nobles of Scotlande the whyche shortely after were surely conueyed vnto the towre of London and there kepte as prysoners whā kynge Edward from the .iii. day of Septembre as before is sayd hadde by sondry tymes assayled the towne of Caleys and sawe well he he might nat shortly wynne it he prouyded for hī hys people to lye there all y e wynter folowynge so y t for the lodging of hym his hoste he made so many houses lodges that it semed an other Caleys wherfore in ꝓces of tyme duryng y t syege of the vytelers suche as dayly resorted vnto y e kynges hoste it was named newe Caleys where y e kyng in proper persone abode al the wynter folowyng the more parte of the next somer as after shall apere Anno dn̄i xiii C.xlvi   Anno
at his sendyng to come in all spedy wyse But so soone as the sayde syr Godfrey was nere vnto the towre a busshment of sawdyoures were sente out at a possterne the whiche closed hym and his Frenchemen vpon all sydes slewe of them many Amonge the whiche syr Henry de Boys knyght with syr Gautyer de Ualence and syr Robert of Beuuays knyghtes were slayne And the sayd syr Godfrey taken sore wounded and the lorde of Mountmorency escaped with great daūger the whithe gaue warnynge vnto the other company and returned theym into Fraunce Than the sayd Godfrey de Charney was layde vpon aborde and so presented vnto kynge Edwarde the whiche had suche pyte of hym that he cōmaunded his owne surgyons to loke vnto hym and to cure hym in theyr best maner And whā he was somdeale cured he was sente as a prysoner with other into Englande In this yere also the kynge caused to be coyned grotes halfe grotes the whiche lacked of the weyght of his former coyne .ii. s. vi d. in a li. Troy And aboute the ende of August sessed the mortalyte or dethe in London y e whiche was so vehemet and sharpe within y e sayd cytie that ouer the bodyes buried in churches and churcheyerdes monasteries and other accumed buryeng places was buryed that same yere in the charterhouse yerde of London .l. M. persones and aboue This yere also was y e yere of Iubile or clene remyssyon whiche is kept at Rome at euery .l. wynter ende lyke as the yere of Iubile or grace is contynued at Cauntorbury And thys yere by the laboure of two cardynalles sent from pope Clemēt the .vi was a peace cōcluded bytwene the two kynges of Englande of Fraūce for a yere nere vnto the owne of Caleys wherefore the stablysshynge of the sayde peace for the sayde yere assembled the two sayde cardynalles And for the kynge of Englande the bysshoppe of Norwyche than treasourer and chyefe chanceller of the kynge with other vnto hym by the kynge assygned And for the Frenche kynge was there the bysshop of Laone and the abbot of saynt Denys wyth other And the .xxiii. daye of the moneth of Auguste In thys yere and yere of our lorde .xiii. hundreth and fyfthty dyed Phylyppe de Ualoyes kyng of Fraunce Anno domini M.CCC.xlix   Anno domini M.CCC.l.   Iohn̄ Notte   Rycharde Kyllyngbury   Anno .xxv.   wyllyam worcestre   IN thys .xxv. yere about y e feast of the decollacyon of saynte Iohn̄ Baptyste in the latter ende of August a noble man of Spayne called syr Charles to whome kynge Iohan of Fraunce had newely gyuē the erledome of Angolesme entendynge to wynne some honoure vpon the Englysshemen wyth a stronge nauy of Spaynardes entrede y e Englysshe stremys and dyd moche harme vnto kynge Edwardes frendes So that the kyng about the season abouesayde mette wyth the sayde nauy vpon the cooste of wynchelsee where betwene the kynge and them was a longe and mortall fyghte to y e greate losse of moche people vppon bothe partyes But in the ende god sente vnto the kyng vyctory so that he chased hys enemyes and wanne frome theym .xxii. of theyr shyppes after moost wryters wyth many prysoners And thys yere syr Thomas of Agorne whiche as in the .xxii. yere of thys kyngꝭ reygne toke prysoner syr Charles de Bloys and other was slayne by chaunce medle of a knyght of Fraunce or Brytayne called syr Rauffe de Caours And thys yere were solempne messangers sente vnto Rome for to conclude and parfyte the peace betwene the two kynges of Englande and of Fraunce So that kynge Edward shulde resygne and gyue vp all hys tytle and clayme that he made vnto the crowne of Fraunce the French kynge shulde clerely gyue vnto hym all the duchye of Guyan wyth all suche landes as at any tyme before were taken by any of hys progenytoures from it And that kyng Edwarde and hys heyres kynges shuld freely holde and occupye the sayde duchye wythout doynge of homage to any Frenche kyng after that day But the conclusyon of thys matyer was so prolonged and deferred by y ● pope and such delayes as dayly ben vsed in the courte of Rome that the erle of Derby wyth other whyche were appoynted for the kynge of Englande retourned wythoute spede of theyr cause wherfore kynge Edwarde made new prouisyōs to warre vpon kyng Iohn̄ of Fraunce Anno dn̄i   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lii   Iohn̄ wrothe   Andrewe Awbry   Anno .xxvi.   Gybbon̄ Stayndrope   IN thys .xxvi. yere the castel of Guynys was yolden vnto the Englysshmen dwellynge in Caleys whyche as testyfyeth the French cronicle was done by treason of a Frēch man named Guyllyam de Beaucōroy For the whyche treason the sayd Guyllyam was shortely after put in execucyon in the towne of Amyas And about the myddell of August vppon the euyn of our Lady assumpcyon syr Guy de Neale than marshall of Fraunce wyth a stronge cōpany gaue bataylle vnto the Englysshemen than beynge in Brytayn in the whych the sayde syr Guy with the lord of Brykebet and the Chaste leyne of Beaunais with many other noble men were slayne many takē prysoners Anno domini   Anno domini M.CCC.lii   Iohn̄ Peche   Adam Fraunceys   Anno .xxvii.   Iohn̄ Stodeney   THe somer of thys .xxvii. yere was so dry that it was many yeres after called the drye somer For from the latter ende of Marche tyll the latter ende of Iuly fyll lytell rayne or none by reason wherof many inconuenyences ensued And one thynge whyche is specyally noted corne the yere folowynge was scante whereof the pryce thys yere began to enhaunce greatly and beuys and mottons were also dere for scantnesse of grasse and pasture and that aswell was expert in Fraunce as in the I le of Englāde Anno domini M.CCC.lii   Anno domini M.CCC.liii   Iohn̄ welde   Adam Fraunceys   Anno .xxviii.   Iohn̄ Lytell   IN thys .xxviii. yere kynge Edwarde holdynge hys parlyament at westmynster amonge other thynges there enacted soone after Pentecoste created the erle of Derby duke of Lācastre ●yr Rauffe Stafforde was created erle of Stafforde Than thys duke of Lancastre was sent agayne ouer the see wherein the ende of this yere as witnesseth Iohn̄ Froysarde he was appealed of the duke of Bryswyke a duke of the coūtre of Almayne of certayne wordes contrary hys honoure for the whych he waged batayll with the sayd duke in the court of the Frenche kyng Than thys Henry whych of some wryters is named Henry Bolyngbroke duke of Lancastre purchased hys sauffe conduyte of the Frenche kyng and kepte hys day appoynted for that bataylle in a felde called in Frenche La preauxclers where for them was ordeyned a place lyested and cloosed in goodly wyse kynge Iohan beynge presente wyth the more parte of hys nobles of Fraūce And there came in fyrst into that feld the
shortly after was called a greate coūsayll for maters whyche in the story of kynge Iohanne shall after be shewed whan the feelde was thus fynysshed prynce Edward after dewe thākes and louynges gyuen to god and saynt George for thys tryūphaūt vyctory he with his sayd prysoners sped hym toward Burdeaux where y e sayd kyng was kept tyll Easter after Anno dn̄i xiii   Anno dn̄i xiii C.lvi.   Rycharde Notynghm̄   Henry Pycharde   Anno .xxxi.   Thomas Dosell   IN thys .xxxi. yere that is to say the .xvi. daye of the moneth of Apryll y e noble prynce Edwarde thā vppon the age of .xxviii. yeres toke shyppynge wyth hys prysoners at Burdeaux and arryued in Englāde shortly after And the .xxiiii. daye of Maye he was with great honoure gladnesse receyued of the cytezyns of London and so conueyed vnto the kynges palays at westmynster wher the kynge syttynge in hys astate in westmynster hal receyued hym with due honour and after conueyed to a lodgynge for hym prouyded where he laye a certayne season And after was y e sayd French kyng had vnto a place called Sauoy whyche thanne was a pleasaunt palays fayre lodgynge belongynge that tyme vnto y e duke of Lancastre and after brente dystroyed by Iak Strawe and hys fawtours in the .iiii. yere of Rychard the seconde nexte kyng of Englande as in y e sayd yere after shal be shewed In whyche place the sayde Frenche kynge laye longe after And in the wynter folowyng were royall iustes holden in smythfelde of Londō and many goodly knyghtly feates of armys doon to the great honoure of the kyng all his realm and gladdyng of all beholdours At the whych dysporte was present the kyng of Englande the Frēch kyng and y e kyng of Scottes wyth many noble astates of all the .iii. prouinces or kyngdomes wherof the more partye of the straungers were than prysoners Anno domini M.CCC.lvi   Anno domini M.CCC.lvii   Stephyn Caundysshe   Iohn̄ Stody   Anno xxxii   Bartylmewe frostelynge   IN thys .xxxii. yere pope Innocent the syxte of that name sent into Englande twoo cardynalles to treat of a peace betwene y e two kyngꝭ The whyche two cardinalles taryed the more parte of a yere in London other places of the lande to brynge theyr purpose to some effecte but they sped lytell of theyr cause And in thys yere after moste wryters Dauyd le Bruze kyng of Scottes was delyuered frome the castell of Odyhm̄ at hys lybertye whan he had put kynge Edwarde in a suerty of an hundreth thousande markes for hys raunsome Anno dn̄i xiii C.lvii   Anno dn̄i xiii C.lviii   Iohn̄ Bernes   Iohn̄ Luffyn   Anno .xxxiii.   Iohn̄ Burys   IN thys .xxxiii. yere as wytnessyth the Frenche cronycle syr Robert Knollys syr Iames Pype with other of theyr retynewe warred in Brytayne And as testyfyeth the Frenche cronycle in the moneth of Marche and x. daye of the sayd moneth the sayde capytaynes wyth one whyche the Frenche boke nameth Thomlyn Fowke came erely in the mornynge vnto a towne that was nere vnto Incerre called Kegennes beynge in the rule of Englysshmen where the sayde capytaynes takyng wyth thē more strēgth yode streyght vnto the foresayde towne of Ancerre beyng wythin two Englyshe myles and scaled the walles wyth ladders and quyt them so māfully that they had the rule of the town or the sonne rysynge And in that castell was taken prysoner syr Guyllyam de Chalon the sonne of the erle of Ancerre hys wyfe and many other In takynge of whyche towne and castell fewe folkes were slayne how be it there were of armed men aboue two thousande as sowdyours to defende the towne Then the Englyshmen serched so nere that as the comō fame wente they fande iewellys as they hadde ben preuy to the hydyng of theym and that of greate value Amonge the which as sayth the sayd cronycle they fande certayne skynnes the whyche were valued at .v. thousande motons of golde ye shall vnderstande that a moton is a coyne vsed in Fraunce and Brytayne and is of value after the rate of sterlynge money vppon .v. s. or there aboute whan the Englysshemen hadde pylled and spoyled the towne by the space of .viii. dayes and raunsomed suche as were of any substaunce then they shewed vnto the rulers of the towne that they wolde sette it vppon a fyre excepte that they wold gyue vnto theym a certayne summe of money For the whych after longe treaty of thys mater the rulers of y e towne to haue possessyon therof and to haue it preserued frō fyre agreed to gyue vnto the Englysshe capytaynes .xl. thousande motons and lx perlys valued at .x. thousande motons whyche .l. thousande motons shulde amounte after the rate of sterlynge money to .xii. thousand and .v. hundreth pownde or nere aboute So that what they fande wythin y e towne of any value they bare it with theym excepte the iewellys and ornamentes of the chyrch of saynt Germayne the whyche goodes and iewelles they toke for pledge of suche money as was vnpayde of the foresayd .xl. M. motons of golde for the raūsome of the towne For y e whyche goodes the towne of Ancerre was bounde vnto the hedes of the chyrch to pay for or to redeme y e sayd goodꝭ by the feastes of mydsomer nexte folowynge or ellys to paye yerely inperpetuyte to y e sayd chyrch in maner of quyte rent .iii. M. motōs wherof y e value is shewed in the fyrst chapyter of Phylyp the .iiii. And ouer all thys the dwellers of the towne agreed that y e Englyshmen shuld brenne the gates of y e towne and in dyuers partyes of the towne throw the wallys to the grounde Uppon .iiii. dayes folowynge the ende of the sayd agremente the foresayd syr Iames Pype and syr Othā of Holande other to the nombre of xvi or .xviii. Englysshmen entēdyng to haue wonne some enterpryse were layd for by the sowdyours of a place called the great Semyre and by thē taken holden as prysoners And in the moneth of Apryll next ensuyng a towne called in Frenche Dabygny sur le Metre was by the Englysshemen gotten in lyke maner fourme as was the foresayd towne of Ancerre And the .ii. daye of Maye was wonne by syr Robert Knolles hys company a towne called Chasteleyn sur Lounayn and pylled it as they dyd the other And after wyth theyr pyllage and prysoners amōge the whyche were many women and chyldren of .iiii. of fyue yeres of age the sayd Englyshmē yode to the new castell vpon Loyre And ye shall vnderstande that the partye of the Englysshemen was greately strengthed by the helpe of the kyng of Nauerne and of syr Phylyppe his brother and other as more playnely shal be shewed in the Frenche cronycle or story of kynge Iohan folowynge And thus the sayde syr Roberte Knolles wyth ayde of the kynges men of Nauerne dayly wanne many
y t he wyth hys sonnes shuld dyne with hym vpon the morowe folowynge whyche of the kynge was graunted to be vpon the monday folowynge y e xii daye of the moneth At which day kynge Edwarde was fyrst set kept the astate than secundaryly y e frēch kynge Thyrdly the prynce of walys and fourthly the duke of Lancastre without mo at y e table In the tyme of whych dyner came to y e castell the erle of Flaunders whome the Frēch kyng welcomed in moste louyng maner And whan the sayde dyner wyth all honour was ended .ii. of y e kynges sonnes of Englāde two of y e Frech kynges toke leue of theyr fathers rode towarde Boleyn̄ where at that tyme the regent of Fraūce was The whyche mette theym in the myd way betwene Caleys and Boleyn̄ so cōueyed them vnto Boleyn̄ and rested there wyth theym that nyghte vpō the morowe lafte theym there and hym selfe came vnto Caleys fyrst to hys father and after hys father and he came bothe to the kynges palays to dyner whyche kynge Edwarde receuyed wyth moche ioye honoure and made vnto theym a sumptuous feaste Uppon the fourthtene daye of Octobre the sayde regente departed frome Caleys and retourned vnto Boleyn̄ and the two sonnes of kyng Edwarde retourned from Boleyne to Caleys And vppon a saterdaye the .xxiiii. daye of the moneth of Octobre both kyngꝭ beyng in .ii. trauersys in one chapell at Caleys a masse was sayde before them to the offeryng of which masse nother of theym came But whan the pax was borne fyrst to the French kynge and eft to kynge Edwarde eyther refused to kysse it fyrste the Frenche kynge rose vp came towarde kyng Edwarde wherof he beyng ware rose vp and mette wyth hym refused the pax and kyssed eyther other At the whyche masse eyther of them was solemply sworne to maynteyne the articles of the sayd peace And for more assuraunce of y e same many lordes vpon bothe partyes were also sworne to maynteyne the same to theyr powers ye shal also vnderstande that in thys season that the Frenche kynge so●ourned thus at Caleys bothe for the paymente of hys raunsome also for the deliuery of certayn holdes and townes which as yet were nat deliuered he putte in such suerties as foloweth The duke of Orliaunce the duke of Burgoyn the duke of Burbone the erles of Angeou of Poyteau of Bloys of Alenson of saynte Poule of Escamps of Ualentynoys of Brame of Ew of Longeuyle of Cācaruyle of Ancerre of Dampmartyne of Uendature of Salysbruge and of Uendosme the vycountes of Baudemoūt of Beawmount of Ancuerre the lordes of Craon of Deruall of Dabyguy of Cousy of Fyers of Preaux of saynt Uenant of Garancyers of Aluerne of Mountmorency and of Angest also the lord or wardeyne of the forestes and kynghtes syr wyllyam de Craon syr Lowys de Harcourt syr Iohn̄ de Laguy and syr Galtyerde Donehame Of the whyche .xxxviii. persones dyuers of theym as before is touched were takē prysoners at y e batayll of Poytyers For the whyche it was agreed that as many as had nat payde theyr fynaunce before the thyrde daye of Maye laste past shuld be acquited by the kynges fynaunce wyth dyuers other condycyōs which I passe ouer Than vpō the morowe folowyng of the takynge of the foresayde othe by the two kynges that is to say son daye the xxv daye of Octobre the Frenche kyng was freely delyuered the which the sayd day before noone departed frome Caleys and rode towarde Boleyn whome kynge Edwarde conueyed a myle vppon hys waye At whyche myles ende they de parted with kyssynge and other louynge maner and prynce Edwarde kept on hys waye with kyng Iohn̄ so conueyed hym to Boloyn where he taryed that nyghte And vpon the morowe the sayd prynce Edwarde Charles duke of Normandy wyth y e erle of Escamps and other noble mē there than beynge p̄sent were agayn sworne to maynteyne and holde the sayde peace wythout fraude colour or dysceyte And that done the sayde prynce takynge hys leue retourned that nyghte vnto Caleys And so yt now appereth vnto you that kynge Iohn̄ stode as prysoner by the space of .iii. yeres and asmoche as frome the .xix. day of Septembre vnto .xxv. daye of Octobre And whan kynge Edwarde had sped his nedes at Caleys he after as shal be shewed in the yere folowynge sayled into Englande It is also to be noted y t thys yere whyle the kyng was occupyed in his warres in Fraunce as before is touched the erle of Seynpoule wyth an army of Frenchemen sayled aboute the borders of Kent and Sussex and lāded in sundry places as Rye wynchelsee and Hastynges and spoyled the townes and slew many of y e men and dyd moche harme to the poore fysshers Anno domini M.CCC.lix   Anno domini M.CCC.lx   Iohn̄ Denys   Iohn̄ wroth   Anno .xxxv.   walter Borney   UPon the euyn of saynt Quyn tyne or the .xxx. daye of Nouembre in the ende of the .xxxiiii. yere of kyng Edwarde and begynnynge of thys mayres yere the kynge toke shyppynge at Caleys and sayled towarde Englande bryngynge wyth hym certayne of hys hostages That is to saye Lowys the secōde sonne of kynge Iohan newely made duke of Aniou of Mayn which before was erle of Angeou Iohn̄ hys brother newely made duke of Aluerne and of Berry which before was erle of Poytyers whyche erledome nowe belonged to kynge Edwarde by reason of the foresayde treaty He also hadde wyth hym syr Lowys duke of Brabant and the erles of Alenson and of Escampes whyche were nere of the Frenche kynges blode with eyghte other erles and lordes named in the Frenche cronycle with the which the kynge lāded at Douer shortly after and so came to London the .ix. day of Nouembre And in thys .xxxv. yere men and beastes were perysshed in Englande in dyuers places wyth thōdre lygh tenynge and the fende was sene in mannes lykenesse spake vnto men as they trauayled by the waye Anno domini M.CCC.lx   Anno domini M.CCC.lx   wyllyam Holbech   Iohn̄ Pecche   Anno .xxxvi.   Iames Tame   IN thys .xxxvi. yere prynce Edwarde wedded the countesse of Kent whyche before was wyfe vnto syr Thomas Holande before that wyfe vnto the erle of Salesbury and deuorsed frō hym and maryed vnto the sayde syr Thomas In thys yere also was great mortalitie of men in England duryng the whyche the noble duke Henry of Lācastre dyed Thys of wryters is named the seconde mortalitie For it was y e seconde that fylle in thys kynges dayes whan duke Henry was dede syr Iohan of Gaunt the kynges thyrde sonne whyche had maryed the sayde dukes doughter was made duke of that duchye In thys yere also were sene two castels in the ayre whereof that one appered in the south east and that other in the south west out of y e which at sondry
tymes as it were about the noone tyde issued of eyther of thē an hoste of armed men to mānes syght And that hoste whyche issued oute of the castell of the south easte appered whyte and that other apered blacke These two hostes apered as though they faught eche of them with other and shewed as the whyte was fyrste vyctoryous and lastly ouercomen so dysapered In thys yere also a greate company of dyuers nacyons assembled theym in Brye and Champayne whereof the ledders or capytaynes were Englysshemen the whiche dyd moche harme in Fraunce But after the affyrmaunce of the Frenchē cronycle thys company whyche there is called the newe company beganne theyr assembles in the forenamed countre of Brye or kyng Iohn̄ were delyuered frome Caleys And whan they were ware of hys delyueraūce they departed out of Brye and yode into Champayne and toke there diuers holdes and spoyled and robbed dyuers small townes raunsomed many mē And in thys yere as sayth the frenche boke they toke the brydge and towne of saynt Sprytes vpon the daye of the Innocentes or the .xxviii. day of Decembre And as affermeth Policronycon aboute the same tyme another company in lykewyse assembled thē in Italye whiche was called the whyte company and molested that countre in lyke maner And in the moneth of Apryll folowynge kynge Iohn̄ sente the erle of Cācaruyle the erles of Salesbrugh of y e Marchez of Forezstes of Ioyn guy the whyche erles with theyr retinue met wyth the sayd company at a place than named Bruke nere vnto Lyō sur Rosne At whych place was foughten a cruell fyghte But in the ende the Frenche men were ouerset scomfyted so that the sayde erle of Cancaruyle was takē prysoner and the two erles of Marchez and Forestes slayne wyth moche of the comō people Anno domini M.CCC.lxi   Anno domini M.CCC.lxii   Iohn̄ of saynt Albones   Stephen Caundissh   Anno .xxxvii.   Iames Andrew   IN thys .xxxvii. yere vppon the daye of saynt Mauryce or the xv daye of Ianuary blewe so excedyng a wynde y t the lyke thereof was nat sene many yeres passed This began about euēsongtyme in y e south cōtynued with such sternes y t it blew downe stronge mighty buyldyngꝭ as to wres steples houses and chymneys cōtynued for the more partye in suche sternesse by the space of fyue dayes after And in thys yere .xxiiii daye of the sayd moneth of Ianuary came Iohn̄ kyng of Fraūce vnto Eltham besyde Grenewych and dyned there that daye wyth the kynge And vpon that after noone he was honorably conueyed thorough the cytie of London vnto Sanoye as well by y e cytezyns as other the whyche mette wyth hym vpō Blakheth wel horsed in a lyuery of one colour And whyle the sayd kynge Iohn̄ laye at y e sayde place of Sauoy about y e begynnyng of March folowyng a greuous sykenesse toke hym of the whych he dyed the .viii. daye of Apryl folowynge in the begynnynge of the yere of grace xiii C.lxiiii after was caryed into Fraūce and buryed at saynt Denys the .vii. daye of May folowynge And in thys yere kynge Edwarde created syr Leonel his sonne duke of Clarence syr Edmunde hys other sonne erle of Cambryge And in the ende of thys yere .xvii. day of Septembre began a great frost y e whych endured to the begynnyng of the moneth of Apryl By reasō wherof moch harme grew ensued of the same Anno domini M.CCC.lxii   Anno domini M.CCC.lxiii   Rycharde Croydon̄   Iohn̄ Notte   Anno .xxxviii.   Iohn̄ Hyltoste   ANd that yere came .iii. kynges into Englād for to speke wyth kynge Edwarde Fyrst y e kyng of Fraunce the kynge of Sypres the kynge of Scottes IN this .xxxviii. yere prynce Edward sayled to Burdeaux and receyued the possessyon of Guyan y e kynge Edwarde had newely gyuen vnto hym For the whyche he after dyd hys homage to hys father in lykewyse and maner as his father other kynges of England were wont to do for the sayde duchye vnto the kynges of Fraunce And vpon Myghelmasse day beynge thā vppon a sonday before the castell of Danhoy fast by the cytye of Uaunes in Brytayne mette y e hostes of syr Charles de Bloys and of syr Iohn̄ de Mountfort whyche longe before had stryuē as before is shewed for the sayd duchy of Brytayne and there foughten a cruell batayll But by the helpe of god of the Englysh archers the victorye fyll to syr Iohn̄ Mountfort And in that fyghte syr Charles de Bloys was slayne and many Frenchemen Brytons that toke hys partye After whyche victorye natwythstandynge that the wyfe of the sayde syr Charles laye within that countre there was agayne the sayde syr Iohn̄ made no resystence but that he enioyed that countre in peasyble wyse Thā Charles the .vi. of that name newly crowned kynge of Fraunce in the ryght of the woman sente y e arche bysshop of Reynes the Marshal of Fraunce into Brytaygne for to sette an vnyte and restfull peace betwene the sayd syr Iohn̄ the laste wyfe of syr Charles The whyche endeuored them so well that in the moneth of Apryll folowynge the sayde batayll they agreed them so that the enherytaunce of that duchye shuld remayne to the sayd syr Iohn̄ his heyres for euermore the wyfe of syr Charles shuld holde her contēted wyth y e erledome of Penyture the vycoūtye of Lymoges the whyche of olde tyme belonged to her ancetours And aboute thys tyme was an ordenaunce and statute made that sergeauntes prentyses of the lawe shulde plede theyr plees in theyr mother tonge But that stode but a shorte whyle Anno domini M.CCC.lxiii   Anno domini M.CCC.lxiiii   Symonde Mordon̄   Adam of Bury   Anno .xxxix.   Iohn̄ of Metforde   IN thys .xxxix. yere after some wryters kynge Edwarde vppon saynt Stephans daye fynisshed hys warres wherfore in the worshyp of god and saynt Stephan he thys yere after the opynyons of the sayde auctours began y e foūdacion of saint Stephans chapell at westmynster The whyche was fynysshed by Rycharde the .ii. and sonne of prynce Edwarde next kyng of Englande after thys thyrde Edwarde Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxiiii   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxv   Iohn̄ Brykylsworth   Iohn̄ Luskyn̄   Anno .xl.   Iohn̄ Drelande   IN thys .xl. yere and moneth of February was borne the fyrste sonne of prynce Edwarde and was named Edwarde the whyche dyed whan he was aboute the age of .vii. yeres And in thys yere one named Barthran de Claycon a Norman wyth an armye of Frenchemē entred the lande of Castyle warred vpon Peter than kynge of that lande so behaued hym that in lesse than .iiii. monethes space he chased the sayde Peter out of hys owne lande crowned hys brother named Henry kyng of Castyle at a towne called Burges vpon Easter daye wherefore the sayd Peter constrayned of
necessyte was compelled to come to the cytye of Burdeaux for to haue aske ayde of prynce Edward Thys Peter was ryghtefull heyre vnto the crowne of of Castyle and Henry hys brother after moste wryters was bastarde But thys Peter was so vyle of condycyons that hys subgectes had to hym but lytell fauoure And so the warre contynued a season betwene hys brother and hym as after shall appere in the whych prynce Edward wyth hys archers toke partye wyth thys Peter and the Frenche kynge wyth hys speres tooke partye wyth Henry And in thys yere at the kynges cōmaundement Adam Bury thanne mayre of London was dyscharged y e xxviii daye of Ianuary and for hym electe and chosen mayre Iohn̄ Loue kyn grocer And as wytnesseth Polycronicon other thys yere was cōmaunded by the kynge that Peter pens shulde no more be gadered in Englande nor payde vnto Rome as they of longe tyme had ben vsed and graūted in the tyme of Iuo or Iewe somtyme kynge of west Saxons as before in hys story is shewed But howe so at that dayes it was than by the kynge forbodē yet neuer thelesse at thys present tyme and season they be gadered in sondry shyres of Englande Anno domini M.CCC.lxv   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxvi   Iohn̄ warde   Iohn̄ Louekyn   Anno .xli.   wyllyam Dykman   IN thys .xli. yere was borne the secōde sonn̄ of prynce Edward at Burdeaux named Rychard in the moneth of Apryll and the thyrd daye of the sayd moneth The sayd prynce Edward wyth the kyng of Nauerne and the foresayd Peter kynge of Castyle mette wyth Henry Bastarde vsurper of the sayde kyngdome nere vnto a towne called Domyng wher betwene them was a cruell and long fyght Howe be it in the ende the victorye fyll vnto the Englysshemen Henry and hys men were chased In thys bataylle was taken syr Barthram de Glaycon syr Arnold Dodenhamme thanne Marshall of Fraunce wyth other aswell French as Brytaynes and slayne vppon fyue thousande men vpon the partie of the sayde Henry and vppon .xvi. hondreth vppon prynce Edwardes partye After whyche vyctory the prynce wyth the sayde Peter spedde theym vnto the cytye of Burgys whyche was yolden to thē shortly after theyr commynge and after holpe the sayd Peter to wynne other cytyes and holdes so that he taryed there tyll the moneth of August folowynge At whych season as sayth the cronicle of Fraunce he retourned vnto Burdeaux wythout paymente of wages for hys sowdyours that before was to hym by the sayde Peter promysed In thys season that prynce Edwarde was thus in Spayne Henry Bastarde fledde wyth hys wyfe into Fraunce abode in a place or coūtre called Carcasson But so soone as he was warned that prynce Edwarde was retourned vnto Burdeaux he gadered to hym a new cōpany passed by the moūtaynes of the forestes so entred the sayd lande of Castile the .xxvii. daye of the moneth of Septembre folowynge had the citie called Calahore yolded vnto hym whervnto hym drewe moche people of the countre so that hys strengthe encreased hougely Than frō thens he yode vnto the cytye of Burgys where he was ioyously receyued behaued hym in suche wyse y t in short whyle after he had the hole rule of the lāde of Castyle hys brother was fayne to auoyde the lāde and to seche ayde of the Sarazyns as affermeth y e foresayde cronycle And in thys yere aboute the monethe of Iuny the company before mynded in the .xxxvi. yere of thys kynge entred the duchy of Guyan and there helde them in doyng moch harme to that countre lyke as they before hadde done in dyuers places of Fraunce by all that season of iiii yeres passed And in the moneth of Decembre they departed from thens and yode into the coūtrees of Auerne and Berry And in the moneth of February they passed the ryuer of Loyre and toke the waye towarde Marcyll and after entred the countre of Burgoyne And euer as they passed the countrees they raunsomed men and spoyled many townes as they wente And all be it that the French kyng appoynted dyuers of hys lordes and knyghtes to go agayne them yet at suche seasōs as they drewe nere vnto them they wolde suffre theym to departe wythout batayl For they were so many that they were nombred at lx M. But of theyr capytaynes is none named Howe be it there were Englyshmen Gascoynes Pycardes Frenchemen men of Nauerne and of many other nacyons whych the cronycle reherseth nat contynued in theyr force and strengthe longe after to the greate dammage of the countrees whyche they passed thorough as Normandy Gascoygne Guyan Burgoyne and all the chyef countrees of Fraunce and lyued by rauen and pyllage to the great enpoueryssynge of the sayde countrees and townes which they passed by or lodged in Anno dn̄i xiii C.lxvi   Anno dn̄i xiii C.lxvii   Iohn̄ Torgolde   Iames Andrewe   Anno .xlii.   wyllyam Dykman   IN thys .xlii. yere and moneth of Marche apered Stella cometa that is a blasynge sterre And in the moneth of Apryll next ensuynge that is to saye the syxt day of the sayde moneth Leonell y e sonne of thys kynge Edwarde entred the cytye of Parys where he was of the dukes of Berry and Burgoyne honourably receyued and so by theym cōueyed vnto theyr brother the kyng of Fraunce vnto Louure where he at that seasō was lodged Of whome he was also ioyously receyued logged wythin the kynges palays dyned souped wyth the kynge at hys owne table And vppon the morowe folowynge he dyned wyth the quene at a place of the kynges nere to saint Poule where the quene thā was lodged And whan after dyuer he had a whyle daunsed and passed the tyme wyth other dysportes he than wyth the sayd .ii. dukes was agayne conueyed vnto the kynge souped with hym agayne that nyght And vppon the mornynge beynge tuysdaye the sayd dukes fested the sayde syr Leonell at a place of theyrs in Parys named Artoys And vpō the wednesdaye he dyned souped agayne wyth the quene And vpon the thursday morowe folowynge the sayde syr Leonell toke hys leue of the kyng quene the whyche gaue vnto hym gyftes to suche as were in hys cōpany to y e value of .xx. M. floryns aboue was cōueyed wyth noble men as the erle of Cancaruyle other tyll he was comen to Sens wyth knyghtꝭ tyll he came to the borders of Fraūce where he gaue vnto theym ryche gyftes wyth great thankes And after he contynued hys iourney tyll he came vnto y e cytie of Mylayne where shortly after he maryed the doughter of Galyace duke of the sayde cytye and coūtre had by her greate possessyons by reason that her sayde father dyed shortely after And in the ende of thys yere the erles of Armenak of Bret and of Perygort wyth dyuers other nobles of the duchye of Guyan
appeled the prynce of walys in the Frenche kynges courte that he hadde broken the peace and wronged theym contrary the peace stablysshed betwene Englande Fraūce requyred the Frēch kyng y t the sayd appeale myght haue due processe agayne the sayd prynce The whyche as sayth the French cronicle kynge Charles deferred for certayne causes there towched whyche were to longe to reherce Anno dn̄i xiii C.lxvii   Anno dn̄i xiii C.lxviii   Adam wymbynghm̄   Symon Mordon̄   Anno .xlii.   Robert Gyrdeler   IN thys .xliii. yere or more certaynly in the ende of the precedynge yere one walter Bernes mercer was vpon the day of y e trāslation of saynt Edwarde kyng and confessoure or the .xiii. daye of Octobre chosen by the mayre aldermen mayre of the cytye of London But howe it was for lacke of substaunce or by other impedymente which is nat noted the sayd walter vpon the daye of Symonde Iude folowynge whā he shulde haue taken hys othe at Guylde halle apered nat wherfore in hys rome by eleccyon of the foresayde mayre and aldermen was admytted for that yere folowynge Symonde Mordon̄ fysshmonger mayre of that cytye And in thys yere and moneth of Marche Peter kynge of Castyle whyche by the ayde of the Sarazyns dwellyng in the borders of Spayn hadde wonne and recouered somme parte of the lande of Castyle encountrede wyth hys bastarde brother Henry beforesayde and gaue vnto hym batayll nere to a towne called Sybylle where after longe fyght the sayde Peter was scomfyted and moche of hys people slayne and hym dryuen vnto a castell oute of the whyche he was shortly after by treason gottē presented vnto hys brother forenamed by whose sentēce he was īmedyatly byheded After whose deth the sayd Henry enioyed the hole lande of Castyle whych infortunytie myschaūce fylle to thys Peter after dyuers wryters for so moche as he cruelly slew hys owne wyfe y e doughter of the duke of Burbon̄ And in thys yere and moneth of Maye the kynge of Fraunce in hys hyghe court of parlyamente holdē at Parys proceded in iugemente vpon the appellacyons before made by the erle of Armenak the lorde of Bret and erle of Perogort agayne prynce Edward as before is towched in the precedynge yere wherupon dyscorde and varyaunce began to take place betwene the .ii. kynges in so moche y t by meane of the sayd .iii. lordes natwythstandyng that they were before sworne to be to the kyng of Englāde trewe lyege men dyuers townes of the countre of Poyteaw yelded them to the Frenche kynge as Albeuyle Rue the more partye of the sayde townes of the sayd countre wherupō ambassades were sente vppon bothe partyes dyuers meanes of treaty were comoned whyche conteyneth a longe werke wyth resonynge made vpon the same But in conclusyō all came to none effecte So that breche of the peace whych before betwene y e ii kynges was so substācially concluded was brokē eyther kyng for his partye made prouysiō for the warre In so moch y e kynge Charles spedde hym to Roan in Normandy there in y e moneth of Iuly rigged his nauy to set theym forewarde for to warre vpon Englande In whyche tyme season y e kyng Charles was thus occupyed in Normādy the duke of Lācastre lāded at Caleys with a strōge company of archers other warryours frō thens passed to Thorouēne so to Ayre in wastyng the countre with irne fyre as he went wherfore y e French kyng in defence of those partyes sente the duke of Burgoyne with a puyssaunt armye to withstāde the sayde duke of Lācastre The whych duke of Burgoyne sped hym ī such wyse y t about y e .xxiiii. day of August he lodged hys hoste vpon the moūtayne of Turnehan nere vnto Arde. And the English hoste was lodged betwene Gygowne Arde so that y e frountes of both hostes were within a myle Betwene whome were dayly skyrmysshes and small bykerynges without any notarye batayll And whā the sayd duke of Burgoyn̄ had thus kept the sayde mount frō the .xxiiii. day of Auguste vnto the .xii. day of Septēbre he remoued hys hoste yode vnto Hesdē For the whych dede he was after blamed of kyng Charles hys brother After whych departure of the Frēchemen the duke of Lancastre with hys hoste tooke y e waye towarde Caus or Caux passed the ryuer of Sūme so rode toward Harflew entendynge as sayth the Frēche boke to haue fyred the Frenche kynges nauy But at theyr cōmyng thyder y e towne was so strōgly māned y t they dyd there lytell scathe wherfore the sayd duke departed shortly thens and spedde hym into the countrye of Poyteau and so came vnto the towne of Albeuyle where wythout the Frenchemen encountred hym and gaue vnto hym batayll In the whych was taken syr Hugh Chastelon̄ knyght with other knyghtes esquyres burgeyses of the towne and vpō .xvi. score Frēchmen slayne whyche sayde prysoners to the nombre of fyue fourty were sent vnto Caleys y e duke with hys company yode vnto Burdeaux in spoylyng of the Frēchmē as he went Anno dn̄i xiii C.xlviii   Anno dn̄i xiii C.lix   Iohn̄ Pyell   Iohn̄ Chychester   Anno .xliiii.   Hugh Holdyche   IN thys .xliiii. yere and moneth of Ianuary dyed the erle of warwyke at Caleys after he was retourned from the duke of Lancastre whyche was a man of great fame And in y e moneth of August dyed that noble woman quene Phylype wyfe vnto Edwarde the thyrde The whyche was a greate benefactoure vnto the chanōs of saynt Stephans chapell at westmynster And soon after dyed dame Blaūch somtyme the wyfe of Henry duke of Lancastre was buryed at Poules vpon the no●thsyde of the hyghe aulter by her husbande where she ordeyned for hym and her .iiii. chaūtres for euer an annyuersarye yerely to be kept At the whych ouer great thynges be set vnto the deane chanons of the churche she ordeyned that the mayre beynge presente at the masse shuld offre .i. d. and take vp .xx. s the shyryffes eyther of them a peny and to receyue eyther of them a marke y e chāberlayn of the cytie .x. s the sword berer .vi. s. .viii. d and euery officer of the mayres there present .xxii. d and to euery offycer to the nombre of .viii eyther of theym .viii. d. admytted for the shyreffes The whyche obyte at thys daye is holden But by reason that the lande is decayed these forenamed summes ben greately mynysshed so that the mayre at thys daye hath but .vi. s. viii.d bothe the shyreffes syxe s. eyghte d and other after that rate In thys yere also the kynge helde hys parlyament at westmynster In the whych was graunted vnto hym iii. fyftenes to be payde in .iii. yeres folowynge And by a conuocacyon of the clergye was also grauted vnto hym .iii. dysmes to be payde in lyke maner And in thys yere
kept to the entent that at all tymes when any cytesyne wolde borowe any money that he shulde haue it there for the space of a yere to laye for suche a summe as he wold haue plate or other iewellys to a suffycyente gayge so that he excedyd not the summe of an hundreth marke And for the occupyenge therof yf he were lerned to saye at hys pleasure De profundis for the soule of Iohn̄ Bernys and all christen soules as often tymes as in hys summe were comprysed .x. markes As he that borowed but .x. marke shulde saye but ouer that prayer And yf he had .xx. marke then to saye it twyes and so after the rate And yf he were not lerned then to saye so often hys Pater noster But how so thys money was lent or gyded at thys daye the cheste remayneth in the chamber of London wythout money or pledges for the same Anno domini M.CCC.lxx   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxi   Robert Hatfelde   Iohn̄ Bernes   Anno .xlvi.   Robert Gayton̄   IN thys .xlvi. yere and moneth of February kynge Edwarde helde hys parlyamente at westmynster In the whych he asked of the spirytualtye .l. M. li as moch of y e laye fee. The whych by the temporal was graunted but the clergye kepte them of wyth plesaunt answeres So that the kyng and hys coūsayll was with them dyscontented in so moche that to theyr dyspleasures dyuers offycers as the chaunceler the pryuye seale the tresourer and other were remoued beyng spyrytuall men and in theyr offyces places temporall men set in And shortly after the foresayde cardynall of Beauuays came into Englande to treate of the peace betwene the .ii. realmes But he spedde nothyng to the effect therof wherfore in the moneth of Iuly y e Frenche kyng sente into the countre of Poyteaw the forenamed syr Barthram de Claycon̄ wyth a stronge armye where he wan dyuers holdes fortresses from the Englyshmen In whyche season kynge Edwarde for strengthyng of the coūtre specially to defende y e towne of Rochell which as aboue in the other yere is shewed was at this yere besieged by the sayd syr Barthran sente the erle of Penbroke wyth other noble men to forty fye the sayde towne and to remoue y e syege But or he myght wynne to the sayd towne he was encountred with a flote of Spaynardes the whyche kyng Henry of Castyle had sent into Fraunce to strength the French kynges partye Of the whyche flote after longe and cruell fyght the sayde erle was taken wyth syr Guycharde de Angle and other to the nombre of C and thre score prysoners the more partye of hys men slayne and drowned wyth the losse of many good shyppes And in the begynnyng of the moneth of Septembre folowyng a Gascoygne borne a man of good fame whome the kyng of England had admytted for hys lyeutenaunt gouernoure of the countre of Poyteaw named le Captall de Bueffe faughte wyth an armye of Frenchmen before a towne named Sonbyse where in conclusyon hys men were slayne and chased he wyth .lxx. of hys partie taken prysoners Than the dukes of Berry of Burgoyne vppon the .vi. daye of Septembre came before Rochell and had certayne communicaciōs with y e rulers of the sayd towne for the delyuery therof In this passe tyme season kyng Edward heryng of the takyng of the erle of Pēbroke of the losse that he dayly had of hys men in dyuers partyes of Fraunce with also the ieopardye that y e towne of Rochell and other stode in made hasty prouysyon entendyd to haue passed the see But the wynde was cōtraryous that he myght haue no passage wherfore he retourned as sayth Policronicō agayne into the land Than vpon the .viii. daye of Septembre beforesayd the captayne of Rochell hauynge no cōforte of short rescous yelded vppon certayne appoyntementes the sayde towne vnto the forenamed dukes vnto the Frēch kynges vse And shortely after were also yolden to theym the townes of Angolesme of Exāctes of saīt Iohn̄ de Angely wyth dyuers other Anno domini M.CCC.lxxi   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxii   Iohn̄ Phylpotte   Iohn̄ Pyell   Anno .xlv.   Nycholas Brember   IN thys .xlvii. yere at a wrestelynge holden vpon blake Heth besyde London was slayne a mercer of Londō named Iohn̄ Northwode For the whyche greate dyssencyon grewe amonge the felyshyppes of y e cytye to the houge dystourbaunce of it and a good season after or the rancoure thereof myghte be duely appeased In thys yere also the duke of Lācastre syr Iohn̄ of Gaunt syr Edmūde his brother erle of Cambriged wedded the two doughters of Peter whyche was late kynge of Castyle put to deth by Hēry hys bastarde brother as before I haue shewed in the xliii yere of thys kyngꝭ reygne Of y e whyche two doughters syr Iohn̄ of Gaunt maryed the eldest named Cōstance hys brother the yonger named Isabell so that by these maryages these .ii. bretherne claymed to be enherytours of the kyngdome of Castyle or Spayne And in thys yere after the duke of Brytayne had receyued many exortacyons requestes frome the Frenche kyng to haue hym vpon hys partye he sente for certayne sowdyours of Englishmen strengthed with them some of thys castelles holdes wherof heryng kyng Charles sent thyder wyth a stronge power the forenamed syr Barthran de Claycon warnyng theym to make warre vpon them as an enemye vnto the house of Fraūce The whyche accordynge to theyr cōmission entred the lande of Brytayn in wastyng it with irne fyre and in shorte processe had yolden vnto hym the more partye of the chyef townes excepte Brest Aulroy and Deruall Than in the ende of Iuny the sayde syr Barthran layd syege vnto Brest the lord of Craon wyth other laye before Daruall In all whyche season the duke of Brytayne was in Englande For so soone as he hadde as before is sayd bestowed the foresayd Englyshe sowdyours he sayled into Englande to speke wyth kynge Edwarde In the moneth of Iuly the duke of Lācastre wyth syr Iohn̄ de Moūt forde duke of Brytayne other with a myghty puyssaunce landed at Caleys And after they had rested them there a certayn days they rode vnto Hesden and lodged them within the parke an other season And after passed by Dourlōs by Benquesne and so vnto Corbye where they passed y e ryuer of Some and rode vnto Roy in Uermendoys where they rested them by the space of .vii. dayes At whych terme ende they set fyre vpon the towne toke theyr way towarde Laemoys and burned spoyled the countre as they wēt And in processe of tyme passed the ryuers of Osne Marne and of Aube rode thorugh Chāpayne by the erledome of Brame streyghte vnto Guy passed the ryuer of Seyn so towarde y e ryuer of Leyr and vnto Marcynguy y e nōnery And whan they were passed the sayd nonnery they kepte theyr waye
cytye And in the same moneth syr Godfrey de Harcourte whych as before is sayde alyed hym with kynge Edwarde and wolde nat apere after certayne sommons was now opēly banysshed as traytour enemy to y e crowne of Fraunce And in the same moneth was syr Iohn̄ de Moūtforte delyuered out of pryson vppon such condicions as before is rehersed in y e xiii yere of this kyng And soon after were put vnto deth at Parys syr Iohan de Malestreet syr Godfrey de Malestreet the father the sonne syr Iohn̄ de Moūtalbone syr wyllyam de Bruys syr Iohn̄ de Cablat syr Iohn̄ de Plessys knyghtes esquyres Iohn̄ de Malestrete neuew to y e forsayd knyghtꝭ Guyllm̄ de Bruze Robert de Bruys Iohn̄ de Senne and Dauy de Senne And shortely after at Parys were put in execucion thre Norman knyghtes for affynyte or fauour whych they had borne towarde syr Godfrey de Harecourt and theyr heddes sent vnto saynte Loup in Constantyne a cytye of Normādy whych sayd knyghtes were called sir wyllyam Bacon syr Roulande de la Roche tessone and syr Rycharde de Percy IN the .xvii. yere of thys Philip one mayster Henry de Malestrete clerke deakē brother to the aboue named syr Godfrey before put in execucion whych sayd mayster Hēry was mayster of the requestes with kyng Philip for so moch as he after y e deth of hys sayd brother yode vnto kyng Edward and coūsayled hym agayne kyng Philip after by assygnemēt of kynge Edwarde was set in great auctorite wythin the towne of Uannys in Brytayne whych towne was after goten by the Frenchmē he therin as one of the chefe capytaynes of the same taken was imprysoned within the castell of Parys Out of the whyche at thys season he was taken thens and set in a tumbrell thereunto fastened wyth chaynes of yren and so cōueyed bareheded with dynne and crye thorugh y e hygh stretes of Parys tyll he came vnto y e bysshoppes palays of Parys and there deliuered vnto the bisshop And soon after by vertue of a commissyō purchased by kynge Philip of the pope to haue the sayd mayster Henry dysgraded he was depryued of all degrees and ordres of the churche and thā deliuered vnto the execucioners The whyche by .iii. days cōtynuall a certayn season of y e day set hym vpō a ladder in y e syght of all people to y e entēt that euery man chyld might throwe at hym all fylth ordour of y e strete the whiche was done without all compassion and pyte in so cruell wyse that by the thyrd dayes ende he was dede and after buryed vnreuerently In the sayde .xvii. yere of kynge Philippe also as before is shewed in the .xix. yere of kynge Edwarde the thyrde Iaques de Artyuele whych was especiall promoter of the sayde kyng Edwardes causes came vnto y e towne of Gaunt and shewed vnto theym dyuers apoyntmentes to be holde betwene theym and other townes of Flaūdres where vpon the .xv. day of Iuly by diuers cōspiratours of the sayd towne of Gaunte he was pursued from one house to an other and lastly slayne murdred by them to the kynges of Englande great displeasure hurt wherefore the sayde kyng Edwarde was fayne to retourne into Englande wythoute spede of hys purpose lyke as before in y e sayd xix yere of his reygne is declared In thys yere also and the moneth of Decembre dyed syr Iohn̄ erle of Moūtfort which as before is sayd claymed the duchy of Brytayn and lefte after hym a sonne named also syr Iohn̄ erle of Moūtfort the whyche in lykewyse claymed the sayd duchy of Brytayn maynteyned the warre agayn syr Charles de Bloys as hys father before had done In the .xviii. yere of kyng Phylyp fyrste daye of Iuly at Parys was than putte to deth by cruel execuciō a cytezyn of Compeyn̄ named Symonde Poylet a man of greate ryches The whych for he had sayd in open audience that the ryght of the crowne of Fraunce belonged more ryghtfully vnto kyng Edward than to kynge Philip he was fyrste hanged vpon a tree lyke as an oxe is hāged in the bochery there dismembred as fyrst the armys and after y e legges cut from hys body and lastly hys hede stryken of and the trunke of hys body hanged by chaynes vpō the commō gybet of Parys And vppon a saterdaye beynge the .xxvi. day of August in the foresayde .xviii. yere of kynge Philippe was foughten at Cressy the batayll before expressed in the .xxi. yere of kynge Edwarde the thyrd where the floure of the chyualry of Fraūce was slayne taken prysoners Than soone after kyng Philippe for the defence of the charge of hys warres asked a subsidie of the monkes of saynt Denys And amōg certayne iewelles of that place to be had he demaūded the greate crucyfyx of golde standynge ouer y e hyghe aulter of that monastery wherunto the monkes answered y t they mighte nat departe with that crucifyxe for Eugenius the thyrde of that name pope accursed al them that layd any hande vpon that crucifyxe to the entent to remoue it from that place as it appereth by wrytynge set vnder y e fote of the sayd crosse by whyche answere the kyng was pacifyed And in the moneth of Decēbre syr Godfrey de Harecourte wyth a towell double folden about hys necke came vnto y e presence of kyng Philip and yelded hym holy to hys mercy and grace the whyche graunted vnto hym hys pardon And in shorte whyle after all the Lumbardes vsurers wythin y e realm of Fraunce were taken and sente to dyuers prysons And all suche persones as stode boūden vnto them for any bargeyn or lone of money by way of vsury it was ordeyned that y e sayd persones beyng dettours to the sayd vsurers shulde paye the pryncypall dette vnto the kynge at theyr dayes of payment the resydue whyche remayneth to the vsurer for hys lucre of gayne for the lone of hys money shulde be pardoned to the dettour And after the sayd Lumbardes vsurers were delyuered from pryson by payenge of greate and greuous fynaunce In the .xix. yere of thys Philippe for so moche as wytnesseth the Frēch cronycle that y e Flemynges by great manacis and perforce had constrayned theyr erle to be assured by bonde of assuraunce vnto the doughter of kyng Edward contrary hys volūte and wyll the sayde erle nat wyllyng to accomplysshe that maryage in the Easter weke by a cautele deꝑted out of Flaūdres and came to y e Frenche kyng to Parys of whome he was honourably and ioyously receyued And in the same yere one named Gawyn de Belemount an aduocate of the spirituall lawe entendynge to betray y e cytye of Laon̄ acqueynted hym with a poore mā than dwellyng in that citie of Meaus named Colyn Tomelyn y e whych before tyme was fled the cytye of Laon was thā for lacke of substaūce comyn to Meaus there mayntened
about Dunkyrke they gaue vnto hym suche assaute that he was constrayned to gyue backe And for the said shippes and goodes shulde nat come vnto the possessyon of his enemyes he sette them on fyre within the hauen and so was wasted bothe shyppes and goodes And all be it that after this mysse happe he recouered his strengthe layed syege vnto y e towne of Ipre and wrought the flemynges moche care and trouble shortely after suche syckenesses fell amonge his people as the flyre and other that his souldyours dyed of them great noumbre for the whiche he was compelled to leaue hys iourney and to retourne into Englāde In this yere also was a batayle or feates of armes done in the kynges palays of westmynster atwene one called Garton Appellaunt and syr Iohn̄ Ansley knyght defendaūt of whiche fyght at length the knight was vyctor and caused his enemye to yelde hym For the whiche the sayd Garton was from that place drawen vnto Tyburne and there hanged for his false accusacyon and surmyse Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxiii   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxiiii Grocer Symonde wynchecombe   Nycholas Brembre   Anno. vii   Iohn̄ more     Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxiiii   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxv   Nycholas Exton   Nycholas Brembre   Anno. viii   Iohn̄ Frenshe   THis yere king Rycharde holdynge his Christmas at Eltham thyther came vnto hym the kynge of Ermony whiche was chased out of his lande by the Infydels and Turkes and required ayde of y e kynge to be restored vnto his dominyon The kynge fested and comforted him according to his honour after coūsell taken with hys lordes concerninge that mater he gaue vnto him great sommes of money and other ryche gyftes with the whiche after he had taryed in Englande vpō ii monethes he departed with glad countenaunce And soone after Ester the kynge with a greate armye yode towarde Scotlāde But whan he drewe nere vnto the borders such meanes were sought by the Scottes that a peace was concluded atwene bothe realmes for a certayne tyme. After whiche conclusion so taken the kynge returned vnto yorke and there restyd hym a season In which tyme varyaunce fell atwene Iohn̄ Holāde brother to the erle of Kent and the erles sonne of Stafforde by reason of whiche varyaunce in conclusion y e sayd sonne of the erle was slayne of the hande of the same syr Iohn̄ Hol̄ade for the whiche dede the kynge was greuously amoued departed shortely after with his company toward London Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxv   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxvi Grocer Iohn̄ Organ   Nycholas Brembre   Anno. ix   Iohn̄ Chyrcheman   THis yere kynge Rycharde assembled at westmynster hys highe court of parliamēt Durynge the whiche amonge other many actes in the same counsell concluded he created .ii. dukes a marques and .v. erles Of the whiche firste syr Edmonde of Langley the kynges vncle and erle of Cambrydge was created duke of yorke syr Thomas of woodstoke his other vncle erle of Buckyngham was create duke of Gloucester syr Lyonell Uere y t was erle of Oxenforde was made marques of Deuelyn sir Henry Bolingbrooke sonne and heyre of Iohn̄ of Gaūt duke of Lancastre was made erle of Derby syr Edwarde sonne heyre vnto the duke of yorke was made erle of Rutlande syr Iohn̄ Holande brother to the erle of Kent was made erle of Huntyngdone syr Thomas Monbraye was made erle of Notyngham and Marshall of Englande and syr Mychaell de la Poole was made erle of Suffolke Chaūceller of Englāde And by auctoryte of the same parlyamente syr Roger Mortymer erle of the Marche and sonne and heyre vnto syr Edmonde Mortymer and of dame Philyppe eldest doughter and heyre vnto syr Lyonell y e seconde sonne of Edward the thyrde was soone after proclaymed heyre paraunt vnto the crowne of Englande The whiche sir Roger shortely after sayled into Irelande there to pacifye hys lordeshyppe of wulster whiche he was lorde of by his foresayde mother But whyle he was there occupyed aboute the same the wylde Irysshe came vpon hym in noumbre and slewe him and moche of his company This sir Roger hadde Issue Edmonde and Roger Anne Alys and Elynoure that was made a nunne The .ii. foresaid sonnes died without issue and Anne eldest doughter was maryed to Rycharde erle of Cambrydge whiche Rycharde was sonne vnto syr Edmonde of Langley before named The which Rycharde hadde issue by the sayde Anne Isabell ladye Bouchier Rycharde that after was duke of yorke father to kynge Edwarde the .iiii. whiche sayd Richarde erle of Cambridge was put to deth by Henry the .v. as after shall appere In this yere also syr Hēry Bolingbroke erle of Derby maryed the Countesse doughter of Herforde by whome he was lorde of that countrey And by her he had issue Henry that after him was kynge Blaunche duches of Barre and Philippe that was wedded to the kynge of Denmarke Also Thomas duke of Clarence Iohn̄ duke of Bedforde Humfrey duke of Gloucester Anno domini M.CCC.lxxxvi   Anno domini M.CCC.lxxxvii Goldesmythe wyllyam Stondon   Nycholas Exton   Anno. x.   wyllyam More   IN this .x. yere the erle of Arundell was sent into the duchye of Guyan for to strengthe suche soudyours as the king at that tyme had in those parties or after some wryters to scoure the see of rouers enemyes The whiche erle in kepynge his course or passage encountred a myghtye flote of Flemynges laden with Rochel wyne set vpon them and distressed them theyr shyppes and so broughte them vnto dyuers portes of Englāde By reason wherof the sayde wyne was so plenteous in Englande that a tonne thereof was solde for a marke and .xx. s. the choyse And amonge other in that flote was taken the Admyralle of Flaunders whyche remayned here longe after as prysoner Anno domini M.CCC.lxxxvii   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxviii Goldesmythe wyllyam Uenour   Nycholas Exton   Anno. xi   Hughe Fostalfe   THis .xi. yere of kyng Rycharde syr Thomas of woodstocke duke of Gloucester the erle of Arundell with the erles of warwyke of Derby and of Notyngham consyderynge howe the king and hys lande was mysse ladde by a fewe persones aboute the kynge entendyng reformacion of the same assembled them to haue a counsell at Radecoke brydge and after arrered great people so with a stronge power came to London there caused y e king to call a ꝑliament wherof herynge maister Alexander Neuyle than archebysshop of yorke sir Lyonell Uere marques of Deuelyn and syr Mychaell de la Poole Chaunceller and erle of Suffolke fearyng punisshement fledde the lande and so died in straunge countreys Than the kynge by counsell of the other aboue named lordes durynge the parlyament caused to be taken syr Roberte Treuylian chefe Iustyce of Englande syr Nycholas Brembre late mayre of the cytie of London sir Iohn̄ Salysbury knyghte of housholde s●r Iohn̄ Beauchāp stewarde also of the kynges house
or strōge holde gotten with great difficulte by māhode of your noble progenitours To this y e kyng with chaūged countenaūce answered sayd Uncle how say ye thoses wordes Than y e duke boldelye recyted y e foresayd wordes wherunto the king beynge more discontented said wene ye y t I be a marchaūt or fole to sell my lāde by saynt Iohn̄ baptist nay But trothe it is y t our cosyn the duke of Brytaine hath rendred vnto vs al such sūmes of money as our progenitours lente vnto him or his auncetours vpon the said towne of Brest For the whiche reason good conscience will y t he haue his towne restored agayne By meane of whiche wordes thus vttred by the duke suche rancoure and malyce kyndelyd atwene the kinge hym y t it ceased nat tyll the sayde duke was put to dethe by murdre vnlefully Than the duke apperceyuynge the kinges misledynge by certayne persones about him entendyng thereof reformacion for y e weale of the kinge and his realme called vnto him the abbot of saynte Albons the abbot pryour of westmynster and shewed to them his secrete mynde By whose counselles he made assemble shortely after at Arundell to which assemble came at the day appoynted dyuers lordes bothe spirituall temporall as him selfe the erle of Arundell and other Also thyther came the erle of Notyngham than marshall of Englande the erle of warwyke of spirituall lordes the archebisshoppe of Caunterbury the abbottes of saynte Albones and of westmynster with other After whyche assemble thus made and eueryche of theym to other sworne within the castell of Arundel the .viii. day of August they toke there theyr counsell and condiscended yts dyuers lordes about the king as the duke of Lancastre the duke of yorke and other shulde be putte from suche auctoryte and rule of the lande as they than bare and other offycers suche as were thought preiudicial vnto the weale of the lande shulde be dyscharged and punisshed for theyr demerytes whan this with many other thynges was amonge them concluded eueryche of theym departed tyll the tyme of an other metynge atwene theym appoynted But the erle of Notyngham contrarye his othe and promyse fearing the sequell of the matter yode shortely after vnto the kynge and dyscouered vnto hym all the premisses wherefore the kynge in all haste called a secrete counsell at London in the said erle of Notynghames place or after some at the place of the erle of Huntyngdone where it was concludyd y t the sayd erle of Huntyngdone other shulde by strengthe fetche vnto the king the erles of Arundell and of warwyke And in the meane whyle the kynge in propre ꝑsone arested his vncle syr Thomas of woodestoke at Plasshy in Essex as sayeth the Englysshe cronycle All be it an other wryter in la●yne saythe that kyng Rycharde in propre persone rode vnto the Manoure of Grenewyche in the nyghte tyme there toke hym in his bedde commaūded hym vnto the Towre of Lōdon whiche shortely after was conueyed vnto Calays and there pyteously murderyd And soone after were the foresayd erles of Arundell warwyke brought vnto the towre of London with also syr Iohn̄ Cobham syr Iohn̄ Cheynye knightes But the erle of Arundell was taken to bayle and wente at large vnder suertie tyll the begynnynge of the parlyament In whiche season dyuers other were brought to sondrye prysones Than the kynge sente out his commissyoners vnto the lordes of his realme for to come vnto hys parliament which began after vpon the .xvii. day of Septembre in the begynninge of the .xxi. yere of y e kynge and later ende of thys mayres yere Here it is to be noted that Adam Bame mayre dyed in the begynning of the moneth of Iune For whome was after chosen and admytted the viii day of y e sayd moneth for mayre Rycharde whytyngton to occupye the full of that yere that is to meane tyll the feest of Symonde and Iude. But vpon saynt Edwardes day folowyng whan the newe mayre is accustomed to be chosen Than was he electe agayne for that yere folowynge And so he stode in the offyce of mayraltye an hoole yere and .v. monethes Than to returne to our fyrst mater whan the kyng hadde assembled his lordes y t whiche came with so stronge and myghtie companyes that the cytie suffysed nat to lodge the people but were fayne to be lodgyd in small townes and vyllages nere vnto y e same within short tyme after the sayde parlyamente was begonne the erles of Arundell and of warwyke were broughte before the lordes of the parlyamente holden at westmynster and there fynally iudged as foloweth the erle of Arudell to be ladde on fote from westmynster and place of his iugemēt thoroughe the highe stretes of the cytie vnto the towre hylle where hys hede to be stryken of and the erle of warwyke was also iudged to dethe But for his great age by meane of hys frendes his iugemente was pardoned and altered to perpetuall prison where as the kyng wolde cōmaunde hym whiche after was had vnto y e Ile of Man in Lancasshyre where he consumed the resydue of hys olde dayes And the erle of Arundelle accordinge to the sentence vpon him gyuen vpon the morowe folowyng the feest of saynte Mathewe beynge saterday the .xxii. day of Septembre was ladde on fote vnto y e towre hyll beyng accompanyed with great strengthe of men for so moche as it was demyd y t he shuld haue ben rescued by the waye how be it none suche was attempted but peasably he was brought vnto the sayde place of execucyon and there pacientlye mekely toke his dethe whose body after was by the freres Augustynes borne vnto theyr place within the warde of Bradestrete of London there in the northe syde of the quyer solempnely buryed and after vpon his graue a sumptuous toumbe of marble stone sette and edifyed And by auctoryte of the said parlyament the archebysshoppe of Caunterbury was exyled the realme And vpon the monday folowynge beynge the xxiiii daye of Septembre syr Iohn̄ lord Cobham and sir Iohn̄ Cheyny knyght were iudged to be drawen hanged and quarteryd But by instaunce and labour of their frendes that iugement was chaunged vnto perpetuall prison And thys done y e kynge ordayned a royall feeste and helde open housholde for all honeste comers For as affirmeth Peter Pyctauyence a wryter of historyes this prynce kynge Rycharde passed all other of his progenytours in lyberalytie and boun●ie The whiche feest and also parlyament yet holdynge the kynge created .v. dukes a marques and .v. erles As fyrste the erle of Derby syr Hēry of Bolygbrooke sone and heyre of Iohn̄ of Gaunte duke of Lācastre was created duke of Herforde The secōde whiche was erle of Rutlande was created duke of Amnerle The thyrde beynge erle of Kent was created duke of Surrey The fourthe beynge erle of Notyngham was created duke of Norfolke And the fyfte was the erle of
y t whiche shortely after was vsed thoroughe all countreys of Englande Anno domini M. CCC.lxxxxviii   Anno dn̄i M. CCC.lxxxxix Goldesmythe Iohn̄ wade   Drewe Barentyne   Anno .xxii.   Iohn̄ warner   IN this .xxii. yere of kynge Rycharde y e cōmon fame ranne y t the kyng had letton to ferme y e realme of Englande vnto sir wyllyam S●ope erle of wylshyre than treasourer of Englāde to sir Iohn̄ Busshey syr Iohn Bagot and syr Henry Grene knightes y e whyche returned shortly after to their great cōfusyōs This yere also Thomas y e son and heyre of y e erle of Arundell lately beheded y e whiche Thomas nat all to his pleasure was kepte in y e house of the duke of Exceter passed y e see by y e meanes of one wyllyā Scot mercer yode vnto his vncle y t archebisshop of Caūterbury so contynued with him in the cytie of Colayne than beynge In this pastyme great purueyaunce was made for y e kynges iourney into Irelāde so y t whan all thinges necessarye to the honoure nede of the kynge his people was redy he set forthwarde vpon his iourney in the moneth of Apryll leauyng for his leutenaunt in Englange sir Edmonde of Langley his vncle duke of yorke and after toke shippyng at Brystowe and sayled with a mighty stronge hoste into Irelande where he had so prosperous spede that in processe of tyme with manhode and good polycie he subdued to him that coūtrey In the whiche voyage were it for acte that he dyd or of y e kynges bounte Henry sone and heyre of the duke of Herforde than exiled was of y e kyng made knyght This Henry was after his father crowned kynge of Englande named Henry the .v. Kynge Richarde thus beynge occupyed in Irelande and receyuynge of the capytaynes of the wylde Irysshe into his subieccyon and orderyng of that countrey to set in an ordre and rule Henry of Bolyngbroke duke of Herforde before exyled with the archebysshoppe of Caunterbury and Thomas of Arundel and other landed with a small company at Rauyns spore in the Northe countrey in the moneth of August and vnder colour of the clayme of his ryghtfull enherytaunce ceysed the people as he wente to whome in short processe great multytude of the people drewe and gatherd Of this landyng king Rycharde beynge warned for hasty spede of returnyng into Englande left in Irelāde behynde hym moche ordenaūce and landed at Mylforde hauen in the begynnyng of Septembre begynnynge also of the .xxiii. yere of his reygne so yode vnto the castell of Flynte in wales and there rested him and his people and entended there to gather vnto hym more strength In the whiche meane tyme the foresayd Henry that than hadde proclaymed him selfe duke of Lancaster in the ryght of Iohn̄ of Gaūte his father was comyn to Brystowe and there without resystence toke sir wyllyam Scrope erle of wylshyre treasourer of Englande syr Iohn̄ Busshey and syr Henry Grene. Also there was taken sir Iohn̄ Bagot but after he escaped and fledde into Irelande Than were the other thre there iuged put in execucyon And kinge Rycharde styll beynge at the castell of Flynte herynge of the great strengthe y t was about y e duke fearyd sore of him selfe And in lyke wyse so dyd all suche as were about hym wherfore syr Thomas Percye erle of worcetyr and than stewarde of the kynges housholde contrarye his allegeaunce brake openly the whyte rodde in the hall commaundyd euery man to shifte for him selfe By reason whereof the people voyded and the kynge lefte without cōforte so that he was shortly after taken and presented vnto the duke The whyche put hym vnder safe kepynge shortly after spedde him toward Lōdon And whā he came nere vnto y e cytie he sente king Rycharde with a secret cōpany vnto y e Towre there to be safely kepte tyll his commyng wherof many euyll disposed persones of the cytie beyng warned assembled them in great noumbre entended to haue mette him without the towne there to haue taken him from such as ladde him so to haue slayne him for the great cruelte that he before tyme had vsed vnto the cytie But as god wolde the mayre rulers of the cytie were enfourmed of theyr malycyous purpose and gathered to theym the worshypfull commoners and sadde men by whose polycyes nat without great diffyculte they were reuoked frome theyr euyll purpose all be it that lastynge that rumoure they yode vnto westmynster and there toke mayster Iohn̄ Slake deane of the kinges chapell and frome thens broughte him vnto Newgate and there caste on hym yrons Shortly after the duke came vnto London there by the consent of kyng Rycharde a ꝑlyament was begone vpon the .xiii. day of y e moneth of Septembre Endurynge whiche ꝑlyament many accusacyons artycles of mysrulynge of the lande were layed vnto the charge of thys noble prince kyng Rycharde whiche be engroced at length in .xxxviii. artycles For the which volūtarely as it shuld seme by y e copy of an instrumēt here after shewed he shulde renounce wylfullye be deposed from all kynglye mageste the monday beynge the xxix day of Septembre and the feest of saynt Myghell the archaungell in the yere of our lordes incarnacyon after the accom●te of the churche of Englande M. lxxxxix and the xxiiii yere of the raygne of the sayde Rycharde The copye of whiche instrumente here vnder ensueth THis present instrumente made the mondaye the .xxix. daye of Septembre and feeste of saynt Mychaell tharchaungell in the yere of our lorde god M.CCC.lxxx and xix and in the .xxiii. yere of kynge Rycharde the seconde wytnesseth that where by the auctoryte of the lordes spirytuall and temporall of this present parlyament and cōmons of the same the ryght honorable and dyscrete ꝑsons here vnder named were by the sayde auctoryte assygned to go vnto the towre of London there to here and testifye suche questyons and answeres as than there shude be by the said honorable and discrete persones harde knowe all men to whome these presente letters shall come that we sir Richarde Scroope archebysshoppe of yorke Iohn̄ bisshoppe of Herforde Henrye erle of Northumberlande Rafe erle of westmerlande Thomas lorde of Barkeley wyllyam abbot of westmynster Iohn̄ pryour of Caunterbury wyllyam Thyrnynge and Hughe Burnell knyghtes Iohn̄ Markeham Iustyce Thomas Stowe Iohn̄ Burbage doctours of the lawe Cyuyle Thomas Feryby and Denys Lopham notaryes publyke the day yere abouesayd atwene the houres of .viii. .ix. of y e clocke before noone were present in the chyefe chaumber of the kynges lodgynge within the sayde place of the towre where was rehersed vnto the kynge by y e mouth of the forsayde erle of Northumberlande that beforetyme at Conwey in Northwalys the kynge beynge there at hys pleasure and lybertye promysed vnto the archebysshop of Caunterbury than Thomas of Arundell and vnto the
admytted it were nedefull vnto the realme in auoydyng of all suspeccyon and surmyses of ylle dysposed persones to haue in wrytynge and regestred the manyfolde crymes and ●efautes before done by the sayd Rycharde late kynge of Englande to the ende that they myghte fyrste be openly shewed vnto the people and after to remayne of recorde amonge the kynges recordes The whyche were drawen and compyled as before is sayde in .xxxviii. artycles and there shewed redy to be radde But for other causes than more nedefull to be preferred the redynge of the said artycles at that season were diff●ered and put of whyche artycles for that that they wolde aske longe tyme to wryte also wolde to some reders ●e but small pleasure to rede I haue therfore lefte theym out here of thys worke which at lengthe are sette ou● in the boke of the Mayres and yere of Drewe Barentyne than mayre of London Than for so moche as the lordes of the parlyament hadde well consydered this voluntary renouncement of kynge Rycharde and that it was behouefull necessary for the weale of the realme to procede vnto the sentence of his deposayll they there appoynted by auctorytie of the states of the sayde parlyament the bisshop of saynte Asse the abbotte of Glastenburye the erle of Gloucester the lorde of Barkeley wyllyam Thyrnynge iustyce Thomas Erpyngham and Thomas Graye knightes that they shulde gyue and ●ere open sentence to the kynges deposicyon whervpon the sayde commyssyoners leynge there their hedes together by good delyberacion good coūsell and auysement and of one assent agreed amonge them that the bishop of saint Asse shulde publisshe the sentence for theym and in their names as foloweth In the name of god Amen we Iohn̄ bysshope of saynt Asse or Assenence Iohn̄ abbot of Glastynbury Rycharde the erle of Glocester Thomas lorde of Berkeley wyllyam Thyrnynge Iustyce Thomas Erpyngham and Thomas Graye knyghtes chosen and deputed specyall commyssaryes by the thre estates of thys present parlyament representynge the hole bodye of the realme for all suche maters by the sayd astates to vs committed we vnderstandynge and considerynge the manyfolde crymes hurtes and harmes done by Rycharde king of Englāde and mysgouernaunce of the same by a longe tyme to the great decaye of the sayde lande and vtter ruyne of the same shortly to haue ben ne had the especiall grace of our lorde god therevnto put y e soner remedy also furthermore auertysinge y t the sayde kinge Rycharde knowyng his owne insufficiencie hath of his owne mere volunte and fre wyll renounced and gyuen vp the rule and gouernaunce of this lande with all ryghtes and honoures vnto y e same belongynge and vtterly for his merytes hath iuged hym selfe nat vnworthy to be deposed of all kyngely mageste astate royall we the premysses well consyderynge by good and dilygente delyberacyon by the power name and auctoryte to vs as aboue is sayd cōmytted pronounce discerne and declare the same kynge Rycharde before thys to haue be to be vnprofytable vnable vnsufficyent and vnworthy to the rule and gouernaūce of the foresayde realmes and lordeshyppes all other thappurtenaunces to the same belongynge And for the same causes we pryue him of all kyngely dygnyte and worshyppe of any kynglye worshyppe in him lefte And we depose him by our sentence ●ifynityfe forbyddynge expressely to all archebysshoppes bysshoppes all other prelates dukes marqueses erles barons and knyghtes to all other men of the foresayd kyngdome and lordeshyppes or of other places belongynge to the same realmes and lordeshippes subiectes and lyeges what so euer they be y t none of them from this tyme forthwarde to the foresaid Rycharde as kynge lorde of y e foresayde realmes lordeshyppes be neyther obedyēte nor attendaunt After whiche sentence thus openlye declared the said astates admytted forthwith the same persones for theyr procuratours to resygne and yelde vp vnto kynge Rycharde all theyr homage fealtie whyche they had made oughte vnto hym before tymes and for to shewe vnto hym if nede were all thynges before done that concernyd his deposynge The whych resygnacyon at that tyme was spared and put in respite tyll the morowe nexte folowynge And anone as thys sentence was in thys wyse passyd and that by reason therof the realme stode voyde without hede or gouernoure for the tyme the said duke of Lancaster rysing frō y e place where he before sate standing where all myght beholde hym he mekely makynge the sygne of the crosse vppon his forhede and vpon hys breste after sylence by an officer was commaunded sayd vnto the people there beyng these wordes folowyng In the name of the father sonne and holy ghoste I Henry of Lancastre clayme the realme of Englande and the crowne with all the appurtenaunces as I that am dyscended by ryght lyne of the bloode commynge from that good lorde kynge Henry the thyrde through y e ryght that god of hys grace hath sente to me wyth helpe of my kynne of my frendes to recouer the same y t which was in point to be vndone for defaut of good gouernaunce due iustyce After whyche wordes thus by hym vttered he retourned set him down in the place where he before had sytten Than the lordes apperceyuynge and herynge thys clayme thus made by thys noble man eyther of theym frayned of other what he thoughte And after a dystaunce or pau●e of tyme the archebysshope of Cauntorbury hauyng notycyon of the lordes myndes stode vp asked of the commons yf they wolde assente to the lordes whych in theyr myndes thoughte the clayme by the duke made to he ryghtefull and necessary for the welthe of the realme of them all wherunto with one voyce they cried ye ye ye After whyche answere the sayde archebysshop goynge vnto the duke settynge hym vpon hys kne had vnto hym a fewe wordes The whyche ended he rose takynge the duke by the ryght hande ▪ ladde hym vnto the kynges sete wyth greate reuerence sette hym therein after a certayne knelynge and orison made by the sayde duke or he were therein sette And whan the kynge was thus set in hys trone to the greate reioysynge of the people the archebysshoppe of Cauntorbury beganne there an oracion or colacyon in maner as after foloweth U●● dominabitur in populo primo Regū capitulo .ix. These ben the wordes of the hygh and mooste myghty kynge spekynge to Samuel hys prophete techyng hym how he shuld chose and ordeyne a gouernoure of hys people of Israel whan the sayde people asked of hym a kynge to rule theym And nat wythout cause maye these wordes be sayde here of oure lorde the kynge that is For yf they be inwardely conceyued they shall gyue to vs mater of consolacion and comforte whan it is sayde that a mā shall haue lordeshyp and rule of the people nat a chylde For god threteneth nat vs as he sometyme thret the people by I saye sayenge
standyng vpon hys fete sayd vnto the lordes commons present Syrs I thanke you my lordes spyrytuall temporal and all the states of thys lande and do you to vnderstāde that it is nat my wyll that any man thynke that by the waye of conqueste I wolde dysheryte any man of hys herytage fraunchyse or other ryghtes that hym oughte to haue of ryghte nor for to putte hym oute of that whyche he nowe enioyeth and hath hadde before tyme by custome of good lawe of thys realme excepte suche pryuate persones as haue ben agayne the good purpose and the cōmon profyte of the realme And thys speche thus fynysshed all sheryfes and other offycers were put in theyr auctorytyes whiche seased for the tyme that the kynges see was voyde and after euery man departed And at after noone were proclamacions made in accustumat places of the cytye in the name of kynge Henry the fourthe And vppon the morowe folowynge beynge wennysdaye and the fyrste daye of October the procuratours aboue named yode vnto the towre of London there certified hym of the admissiō of kyng Henry And the foresayd iustyce wyllyam Thirnynge in y e name of the other for all the states of the lande gaue vppe vnto Rychard late kyng all homage fealte to hym before time due i lyke maner fourme as before I haue shewed to you in y e xix yere of kynge Edwarde the .ii. And thus was the noble prynce pryued of all kyngly dygnyte honour by reason of hys euyll counsayll and suche vnlafull wayes meanes as he by hys insolency in his realme suffered to be vsed whan he had reygned .cxii. yeres thre monethes .viii. dayes ¶ Charles the .vii. Francia CArolus or Charles the .vii of y e name or the .vi. after thaccompte of y e Frēche hystory a chylde of xiii yeres of age sonne vnto Charles the .vi began hys reygne ouer the Frenchemen in the moneth of Septembre yere of our lorde M.CCC .lxxx and the thyrde yere of the seconde Rycharde than kyng of Englande Thys Charles was crowned kynge wythin the age of .xiiii. yeres contrary a lawe made in the .xi. yere of hys father And where by hym he was commytted vnto the rule of Lewys his vncle duke of Angeou to the tyme of the ful of .xiiii. yeres yet after the deth of the father suche vnkyndenesse begā to spryng betwene the lordes of the realme that for the comon welthe of the same it was agreed by the more partye that thys Charles shulde be crowned at Raynes i all hasty spede The whyche was done in short seasō after so contynued nat wythoute dysturbaunce of malyce whych kyndeled betwene hys two vncles and other inconueniences by the space of iii. yeres ensuyng The .iiii. yere of hys reygne the cytesyns of Parys murmurynge and grudgynge for dyuerse imposycyons taskes of them leuyed sodeynly arose in greate multytude entendynge to haue dystressed some of the kynges housholde seruaūtes such as were men of ꝑson But by medyacyon of one dyscrete parsone named Iohn Marsyle with assystence of the prouost of the marchauntes the rumoure was somdele appeased in so mych that the greate multytude was wythdrawen and retourned to theyr occupacyons But some euyll dysposed whyche in suspycyous congregacyon euer vse to exyte and styrre the people vnto robbynge and other vnlefull acres reassocyate them sayde and cryed that they wolde haue the Iewys banysshed the cytye To whom it was answered that the kynge shuld be enformed of theyr desyre and that vppon it they shulde haue knowlege of the kynges pleasure wherupō in a rage they ranne vnto the houses of the Iewes and entryd them by force in robbynge and spoylynge them and bare awaye what they myght cary in sleynge suche of the Iewes as any resystēce and defence made agayn them neuer after restored y e sayd goodes not wythstandynge that the kyng in that byhalfe gaue sore and strayte cōmaundementes It was not longe after that suche as were of y e kynges secrete counsayle consyderynge the great charges and nedes of y e kyng and the weykenesse of his treasoure by authoryte of the kynges cōmyssyons called before them the rulers of Parys of Roan and other good cytyes The whyche beynge assembled to them was shewed the many and importune charges whyche y e kynge dayly had for the defēse of hys realm and subiectes wherfore by all wyse polytyke meanes that they myghte vse they exorted the sayde commons to graūte vnto the kynge in waye of subsydye of the poūde of all wares at that dayes curraūt To the whyche requeste in conclusyō after aduyse taken of theyr neyghbours it was answered that the peple were so sore charged in tymes passed that they myght nat susteyne or bere any more charges tyll theyr necessytie were otherwyse releuyd so that in cōclusyō at thys season the kynge and hys coūsayll were dyspoynted In the .vi. yere of thys Charles y e Flemynges whych by a certayne season had rested theym frome batayll were it for necessyte or synguler couetyze of Lewys theyr duke he asked of them a greate ayde or taske And for he knewe well that yf he myghte wynne the fauoure and graūt of the towne of Gaunt he shulde the soner haue hys pleasure of the resydue therefore he fyrste began by meanes of fayrenesse And after whā thereby he sawe he myght take none aduaūtage he added therunto manasses thretenynges the whyche nat wythstandynge the Flemynges bode stedfast in one opynyon denayed styfly theyr dukes request whereuppon he lastly departyng from Gaunt wyth great displeasure sayd I shall shewe my selfe to be lorde soueraygne of thys towne of the obstynat people of the same And shortly after y e duke made sharpe warre vpō thē of Gaūt they in lykewise defēded them vigurously so that theyr enemyes wā of them lytle auaūtage And after thys warre hadde bē a season contynued nat wythoute losse of many men vppon bothe partyes the Gaunteners remembrynge the obedyence and fydelyte whyche they shulde bere to theyr souerayne lorde duke made meanes that they myghte be harde After graunte whereof they sente vnto hym certayne oratours whyche hadde vnto hym the wordes in sentence folowynge Mooste souerayne nexte god we deny nat but we accept the for our prynce and leder to the as thyne it becommeth vs to obey wyth all reason And thou agayne arte bounde to defende vs. If we any thyng by our ouersyght neclygence haue agayn the trespassed we mekely beseche the of forgyuenesse And furthermore besechynge the that suche fraunchyses lybertyes to vs by thy noble progenytours before graūted thou wyll nat from vs withdraw nor abrydge by reason wherof thy people of Gaūt maye nat to any taxe contrary theyr volunte be cōstrayned But to thy nede of warres thou haue necessytye of ayde of thy commons they of free wyll all cōstraynte sette a parte are redy to ayde and helpe
waters whyche they myghte sonest attayne ●nto and so wyth greate dyffyculte saued theym selfe In meane tyme whereof the chaūber beynge wyth the same tyred grewe in so greate a flame that in shorte whyle the more parte of that lodgynge was consumed to y e great fere of y e kynge and other astates thā there beynge presente and augmentynge agayne of his former sykenes so that certayne appoyntementes to be holdē betwene hym and Rychard kynge of Englande were for that tyme put of IN the .xvi. yere of thys Charles the maryage of peace betwene bothe realmes was concluded and fynysshed at Calays as before I haue shewed to you in the .xix. yere of kyng Rycharde And that triumphe fynysshed Charles at the cōtemplacyon and prayer of the kynge of Hungry sent vnto hym Phylyp erle of Arroys wyth dyuers other knyghtes in good noumber to ayde y e sayd kynge agayne the Turkys The whyche after that they hadde there a season warred the capytaynes the more party of the Frenchemen of the Turkys were dystressed slayne many taken prisoners to theyr great charge Thys Charles thus contynuyng hys lykenesse two freres of saynte Augustynes order beynge desyrous of money toke vppon theym to cure the kyng And after they had shauen hys hede and mynistred to hym medicyns the kynge dayly febled in suche wyse y t he was nye dede For whiche cōsyderacyon they examyned by phylosophers and doctours of physyke founden vncunnynge were degraded of theyr presthode after behedded To thys folye were these fretes broughte by the excytynge of the duke of Burgoyne as the common fame went In the .xix. yere of thys Charles the lande of Fraunce was greuously vexed wyth the plage of ipydymye of whyche sykenesse a greate multytude of people dyed And that yere was there also sene a blasynge starre of wonderfull bygnes wyth stremes apperynge to mēnes syghte of moste feruent brennynge In thys yere also Charles herynge of y e subduyng of kynge Rycharde sente into Englande two of hys housholde knyghtes requyrynge kynge Henry the fourth than newelye made kynge to sende home hys doughter Isabell latelye maryed vnto kyng Rychard wyth suche do war as wyth hyr was promysed In doynge of whyche message kynge Henry toke such dyspleasure that as sayeth Gagwinus myne auctour he threwe the sayde twoo knightes in prysone where through one of theym named Blanchet dyed in Englande and that other called Henry after greate sykenesse retourned into Fraunce And shortely after kynge Henry sente the sayde dame Isabell vnto Calays where she was ioyously receyued of the Frenchemen and so conueyed vnto hyr sayde father whyche as yet was nat of hys sykenesse cured By reason whereof among the lordes of Fraūce eueryche of them coueytyng to haue rule great dyssencion malyce begā to kendle and specyallye betwene the dukes of Orleaunce of Burgoyne and of Berry Than the duke of Orleaunce entēdyng to promote hys cause vnknowyng the other lordes allyed hym wyth y e duke of Geldre strēghthed hym wyth .v. C. men of hys so entred the feeldes of Parys And in lyke maner y e duke of Burgoyne wyth a stronge cōpany kept an other cooste of y e countrey Natwythstandyng by meanes of other lordes these two dukes were kept a sunder at lenghte y t duke of Orleyaunce by the kynges comaundement that somewhat was than amended was ordayned regente of the realme The whiche anone as he was sette in auctoryte fell to all rauyne and oppressed the people with cotydyan taskes and tallages and y e spirituall men with dymes other exaccyons wherfore by reason of the studyentes of Parys he was at lengthe discharged of that dignyte and the duke of Burgoyne for hym put in auctoryte Than the duke of Orleyaunce beynge discontented yode vnto Lucēbourgth a towne in highe Almayne sought agayne ayde of the duke of Geldre foresayd But by his frendes he was so aduertysed y t with his owne folkes he returned into Fraunce But yet the malyce and stryfe a twene hym and the duke of Burgoyne seased nat About this season or soone after dyed the duke of Brytayne And as affermeth the auctour afore named kyng Henry y e .iiii. maryed his wyfe wherof hering y e duke of Burgoyne with a company of .vi. M. knyghtes entred Brytayne there by strength toke from her her .iii. sonnes named Iohn̄ Richard Arthure presented them vnto kynge Charles In y e xxii yere of this Charles was borne of Isabell hys wyfe a man chylde which also was named Charles the which after the deth of his father vnto y e great aduersyte of all the realme of Fraūce was king of that realme contrary the appointment taken a twene Henry the .v. after kynge of Englande and thys Charles the father nowe of Fraunce kynge as after shall more appere in the story of the sayde kynge Henry the fyfte In this yere also was dame Isabell somtyme wyfe of Rycharde latelye kynge of Englande maryed vnto Charles eldeste sonne of the duke of Orleyaunce And Iohn̄ the eldyste of the .iii. forenamed sonnes of the duke of Brytayne lately dede toke to wyfe Margarete y e doughter of kynge Charles And Phylyppe duke of Burgoyne dyed soone after leauynge an heyre after hym named Iohn̄ The whyche after he was gyrde with the swerde of the duchye of Burgoyne he anone by euyll entysynge and counsell areryd warre agayne the duke of Orleyaunce to the great dysturbaunce of all the realme For the sayde duke of Orleyaunce was a prynce of a wonderfull hyghe courage and desyrous of great honoure and after the sayenge of Gagwynus coueyted to be kynge of Fraunce The whyche went to Auyngnyon where as than sate the .xiii. Benet thā pope duryng the scisme and admytted by some of the Cardynalles after the dethe of Clement y e .vi. To whiche Benet the said duke made great labour to depryue the Uniuersite of Parys from y e great auctoryte y t it at those dayes stode in whiche was of merueylous auctoryte than as sayeth the forenamed auctour In thys whyle thus endurynge the lande full of myseryes aduersites the quene which y t moche fauoured the dukes partie accompanyed with the sayd duke rode to take her dysporte of huntynge in to the countrey of Meldon To whiche place she sente letters vnto the Dolphyn by y e duke of Bauary her brother that he with hys wyfe whiche was doughter vnto the duke of Burgoyne shulde come for to dysporte theym whereof Iohn̄ thanne duke of Burgoyne beynge warned suspected the quene that she wyth ayde of the duke wolde conueye the Dolphyn into Germanye and there to holde hym at theyr pleasures And to e●peche that purpose he ī all ha●e sped him towarde y e Dolphyn and contrary the mynde of the duke of Bauarye whiche than was vpon his waye with the sayd Doulphyne towarde the quene retourned hym and lodged him in a stronge castell called Lupar whereof herynge the duke
wysedome the whych forecastynge the great shedynge of chrysten mannes blode with many other inconuenyences lykely to haue ensued of this varyaunce atwene these two dukes made suche affectuous labour that with great diffyculte he pacifyed them agayne for that tyme and brought them to personall communicacyon and lastely to amyable and frendely departynge After whiche concorde and amyte thus agayn concluded the duke of Burgoyne departed into Pycardy leauynge behynde him the fore named Peter Essayr to rule the cytie of Parys The whiche shortely after drewe to hym suche persones as before tyme had vexed and distourbed y e duke of Orleyaunce frendes seruauntes with in that cytie By whose meanes the sayd Peter sought fyrste occasyon agayne a knight named Uenyt Thorney and by false suggestyon smote fyrste of his hede and after dyd hys body to be hanged vpon the cōmon gybet of Parys in dyspyte of y e sayd duke as testifyeth myne Auctoure wherwith y e duke beynge wondersly amoued resembled his knyghtes spedde hym towarde a towne named And for to strengthe another towne named he sente a certayne nombre of his knyghtes chargyng them with the dwellers to withstande the force of his enemies Of this hearynge the duke of Burgoyne anone gathered vnto him the noumbre of .xvi. M. flemynges and Pycardes and sped hym vnto the sayde towne of And so with his instrumentes of warre assayled the gate of the sayde towne whyche leadeth towarde saynt Quintyne y t in shorte space the sayde Flemynges wan the entre of the towne In whyche meane season the dwellers wyth the other soudyours by a backe way or water wherof the maner by thys auctoure is nat expressyd lefte the towne yode vnto the duke of Orleyaunce beynge as yet at the foresayde towne of whan the Flemynges were entered the towne foūde it deserte of people and pillage were it for that they lacked theyr praye or for other cause here nat shewed they toke suche vnkyndenes agayne the duke that for prayer nor yet for manasses they wolde nat with hym any lenger tary but returned them home in all hastely spede towarde theyr owne countrey So that the duke was fayne to withdrawe and for the more suretie to aske ayde and helpe of Englysshemen and so was holpen by the prynces comforte Henrye sonne of Henry the .iiii as after shall be touched in the .xii. yere of the .iiii. Henry IN the .xxxi. yere of thys kynge Charles whiche was the .xii. yere of the .iiii. Henry than kynge of Englande the duke of Orleyaunce seynge his enemye was turned from Parys caused suche Brydges as before by his said enemye were broken to be reedyfyed By the whyche he passed the ryuer tyll he came to saint Denys where as than he fande a capytayne a noble man named syr Iohn̄ Cabylon of the dukes of Burgoyne there lefte by hym to strength the towne The whiche syr Iohn̄ cōsideryng y e wekenes of y e said towne with also his lacke of strēgth yelded him the towne vnto the duke swerynge to him by solempne othe that after y e daye he shulde neuer bere armes agayne hym In this pastyme an other capytayne of the Burgonyons called Gancourt secretely by night wan vpon the frenche men the brydge of saynte Clodalde But nat longe after the duke of Orleaunce sent thyther certayne Brytons the whiche agayne recouered the sayde brydge helde it vnto y e sayd dukes vse In whyche tyme and season the duke of Burgoyne recouerynge hys strength passed the brydge of Melent so came vnto the cytie of Parys and the daye folowynge wyth helpe of the cytesyns recouered the abouesayd brydge of saynt Clodald and dystressed vpon a M. Brytons whyche had the warde of the same Then the duke of Orleaunce made out of saynte Denys ouer Sayne brydge towarde Parys wherof that other duke beynge warned refused the cytye and with the kynge than there beynge present remouyd wyth the Dolphyne to the towne called Stamps and sent y e erle of Marche named Iamys wyth a certeyne knyghtes to a towne named to strength it ageyne the duke of Orleaunce The whyche of the sayde dukes knyghtes was encountred with and taken and so sent to pryson wherof herynge the duke of Burgoyne in shorte processe after retourned vnto Parys wyth the kyng and dolphyne and the duke of Orleaūce yode to a towne called Seyntclowe And in the .xxxii. yere of thys sayd kynge Charles by counceyll of the duke of Berry and other seyng that the sayde cytye of Parys was so let agayne hym wyth also the kynge the dolphine sent a noble man of his hoste named Alberte vnto Henry the iiii yet kynge of Englande to requyre hym of ayde to withstande the tyrannye of the duke of Burgoyne that wyth hys complyces entendyd to subuerte the realme of Fraunce To this requeste kynge Henry gaue good eare and lastely graunted to hys petycyon sent thyder as sayth the Frenche cronycle Thomas hys sonne duke of Clarence also y e duke of yorke wyth Iohn̄ erle of Cornewayle accompanyed wyth .viii. C. knyghtes and sowdyours a thousande archers The whych company when they were landed in Fraunce herde y t the French lordes were in treaty of peace no man to thē gaue wages as they tofore were ꝓmysed fell vpon a towne called and it ryffled therin toke as prysoners the abbot of that monastery wyth other and cōueyed thē to Burdeaux and after into Englande where for theyr fynaunce other money due of olde by the Frenche kynge as affermeth Gagwyne they remayned many yeres after And that the Englysh men were thus departed albeit that in the Englysshe cronycle and .xiii. yere of the forenamed kynge Henry of them is other report made the lordes of Fraunce retourned to theyr olde discēcyon contynued in longe stryfe wherof the cyrcūstaunce were longe and tedyouse to tell to shewe the vnstablynesse of them how some whyle the duke of Orleaunce was fauoured of the kynge and the dolphyne and there agayne the duke of Burgoyne cleyne out of conceyte The which cōtencyō thus enduryng kyng Henry y e iiii dyed and Henry his son y e .v. Henry was admitted for kyng of Englande after hym that shortly after sent his ambassadours vnto the Frenche kynge arynge of him his doughter Katheryne in maryage as affirmeth the frenche boke But dyuers other wryters shewe y t he asked the hoole landes due to him within the realme of Fraūce by reason of the composicion made in tyme passed atwene his progenytour Edwarde the thyrde Iohn̄ than king of Fraunce And for he was dysdeynously answered he therfore made vpō them sharpe warre as in the .iii. yere of y e sayd Hēry after some deale dothe appere By reason of whyche warre the cyuyle batayle or stryfe y e longe whyle had cōtynued amonge the frenche men than dyd aswage For in the .iii. yere of this Henry whiche was the .xxxv. yere of this Charles the said Henry inuaded y e
realme of Fraunce had at Egyncourte a tryumphant victory as in the sayde thyrde yere of Hēry the .v. is more at lengthe declared Than it foloweth in the story after many townes and stronge holdes by the englysshe men in sondry places of Fraūce opteined in y e .xxx. .viii. yere of this Charles a frenche man named y e lorde of the I le of Adam Iohn̄ Uyllers in proper name gatheryng to hym a company of tyrauntes to the nombre of CCC or mo wherof many were old seruaūtes of the kynges housholde than put out by y e Dolphyn other that than had the rule of the kynge by treason of a clerke opteyned the keyes of one of the Gates of Parys and so entred the cytie by nyght by a watche worde amonge them deuysed assocyate to them many Burgonyons and so beynge stronge yode where the kyng was and gate y e rule of his ꝑsone And that done all suche as they myght fynde that than bare any rule they slewe by one meane other so that vpon y e day folowyng was nombred of dede corfes wythin the cytie vpon .iiii. M. Amonge the whiche of noble men was Henry de Marle than Chaunceller of Fraūce Graun●pre with many other And for to haue the more assystence of the cōmon people the sayd Uyllers set y e kyng vpon an horse and ladde hym about the cytie as he that had small reason to guyde hym selfe so ruled all thyng as he his cōpany wolde wherfore the Dolphyn feryng to fall in the daunger of so wylde a cōpany yode to Meldune or and there called to hym suche as then were lefte on lyne to withstāde these tyrauntes and y e duke of Burgoyne than beynge within the cytie compasser of all thys myschefe as some construed and demed After whyche company to hym gathered he returned to the cytie of Parys and assayled one of the gates But whanne he sawe y e cytezens toke partye agayne hym he thoughte his trauayle loste wherfore without great assaute makyng he called thence his knightes and so departed agayne to the place whiche he came fro and from thens vnto Thuron in appeasynge the countreys townes as he went whiche at those dayes were farre out of frame And than in the .xxxix. yere of the sayd Charles king Henry the .v. landed with a strōge power at a place called Touke in Normandy and after layde syege to manye stronge holdes and townes them wanne as Cane Phaleys Roan and other as in the .vi. yere of the sayd Henrye folowynge is more at lengthe declared In tyme of whyche warre thus made by kynge Henry the Dolphyn and the duke of Burgoyne eyther of them prouyded to defende the malyce of the other in so moche that as testyfyeth the frenche cronycle the duke was aduysed to haue taken partie with the Englisshemen This sayeng as wytnesseth an auctour named Floure of hystoryes which toucheth in laten many gestes dedes done by kynges of Englāde sayeth that the Frenche men bryng in that for to excuse theyr infortune cowerdyse by reason whereof they loste nat all onely theyr lande but also the honoure name of the same Than lastely the duke beynge of mynde by exortacyon of Phylyppe Iosquyne and Iohn̄ de Tolongn̄ with also a lady called the countesse of Grat the duke was reconsyled vnto the Dolphyne and a day of metynge apoynted at Monstruell where eyther of them shulde be accōpanyed with .x. lordes onely without mo At whyche day the sayd prynces with theyr assygned lordes beynge assembled many reasons and argumētes were layde and replyed vpon bothe sydes By occasyon wherof one of the Dolphyns company sodainly drewe hys knyfe and strake the duke vnto the harte so that he dyed soone after whyche murder was supposed to be done by a knyght called Tanguyde de Chastell whyche oftyme passed had ben famylyer seruaunt with the duke of Orleyaūce before slayne by meanes of the sayde duke of Burgoyne After whiche murder thus commytted the lande of Fraunce was broughte in moche more stryfe varyaunce in so moche that Phylyppe the sonne of the sayde Iohn̄ duke of Burgoyne beynge than in Parys hauynge the rule of y e kynge and the cytie toke partie with the Englysshe men agayne y e Dolphyn By reason wherof as sondry wryters agre king Henryes ꝑtie was greatly augmented holpen so that fynally kynge Henry opteyned moche of his wyll shortly after maryed dame Katheryne doughter of Charles kynge in the .xli. yere of his reygne with assuraunce promyse of the inherytaūce of the realme of Fraunce to him and his heyres after the dethe of the said Charles as to you more plainly shal be shewed in the .viii. yere of the said Henry the fyfte After whyche maryage concluded and fynysshed yet y e Dolphyn ceased nat to make newe mocyons sterynges Durynge the whiche kynge Charles dyed in Octobre and was buryed at saynt Denys whan he had reygned in greate trouble vpō the poynt of .xlii. yeres leauyng after hym as is affirmed by the forenamed auctour Gaguyne a sonne Dolphyn of Uyenne called Charles whiche after was kyng of Frenchemen and was named Charlys the .vii. or the .viii. after some wryters Henry the .iiii. Anglia HEnry the .iiii. of that name and sonne of Iohn̄ of Gaunte late duke of Lācaster toke possessyon of the domynion of y e realme of Englande as before in the ende of the story of the seconde Rycharde is shewed vpon the laste daye of Septembre in the yere of our lorde a M. CCC.lxxxxix and in the .xix. yere of Charles y e .vii. than kyng of Fraūce After whyche possessyon so by hym taken anone he made newe officers As the erle of Northumberlande he made Constable of Englande the erle of westmerlāde was made Marshall syr Iohn̄ Serle Chaunceller Iohn̄ Newebery esquyer tresorer and syr Rycharde Clyfforde knyght keper of y e priuey signet And y t done prouysyon was made for hys coronacyon agayne the day of translacyō of saynt Edwarde the confessour nexte than commyng And the parlyament was prolonged tyll the tuysdaye folowynge the sayd daye of coronacyō Than vpō the euyn of the sayd daye of coronacyon the kynge wythin the towre of Londō made .xli. knyghtes of the bate wherof .iii. were hys owne sonnes .iii. erles .v. lordes And vpon mondaye beynge the sayd daye of saynt Edwarde the .xiii. daye of October he was crowned at westmynster of the archebysshop of Caūtorbury After whych solempnyte fynysshed an honorable feest was holden wythin the greate halle of westmynster where the kyng beyng set in the mydde see of the table the archebisshop of Caūtorbury with .iii. other prelates were set at the same table vppon the ryght hāde of the kyng the archebysshoppe of yorke wyth other iiii prelates was set vpō that other hāde of the kyng Hēry the kynges eldest sonne stoode vppō the ryghte hande wyth a poyntlesse
swerde holdyng vp ryght the erle of Northhumberlāde newely made constable stode vpō the left hāde wyth a sharpe swerd holdē vp ryght And by eyther of those swerdes stode .ii. other lordes holding .ii. scepters And before y e kyng stode all the dynerwhyle the dukes of Amnarle of Surrey of Exceter wyth other .ii. lordes And y e erle of westmerlāde thā newly made Marshal rode about the halle with many typped staues aboute hym to se the roume of y e halle kepte that offycers myghte wyth ease serue the tables Of the whych tables the chyefe vpō the ryghte syde of the halle was begunne wyth the Barons of the fyue portes at the table nexte the cupborde vppō the lefte hande sate the mayre and hys bretherne the aldemē of Londō whych mayre than beynge Drewe Barentyne goldsmyth for seruice there by hym that daye done as other mayres at euery kynges quenes coronacion vse for to do had there a stādyng cuppe of golde Thā after the seconde course was serued syr Thomas Dymmoke knyght beynge armed at all peaces syttynge vpō a good stede rode to the hygher parte of the halle there before the kynge caused an herowde to make proclamacyon that what mā wolde saye that kynge Hēry was nat ryght full enherytoure of the crowne of England ryghtfully crowned he was there redy to wage wyth hym batayl than or suche tyme as it shuld please the kynge to assygne whyche proclamacyon he caused to be made after in iii. sundry places of the halle in Englyshe in Frenche wyth many mo obseruaunces at hys solemnyte exercysed done whyche were longe to reherse Than thys feest wyth all honour ended vpon the morne beyng tuysday the parliamēt was agayne begunne And vpon wednysdaye syr Iohanne Cheyny that before that tyme had occupyed as speker of that parlyamēt by hys owne labour for cause of such infyrmytyes as he than hadde was dyscharged and a squyer named wyllyam Durwarde was electe to that roume for hym And thanne was the parlyament and the actes thereof laste called by kynge Rycharde adnulled and sette at noughte and the parlyamente holden in the .xi. yere of hys reygne holden for ferme and stable And the same daye Henry the kynges eldeste sonne was chosen admytted prynce of walys and duke of Cornewalle and erle of Chester and heyre apparaunte to the crowne Uppon the thursdaye folowynge was putte into the comon house a byll deuysed by syr Iohn̄ Bagot than prysonere in the Towre whereof the effecte was that the said sir Iohn̄ confessed that he harde kynge Rycharde saye dyuers tymes and at sondry parlyamentes in hys tyme holden that he wolde haue hys entente and pleasure concernynge hys owne maters what so euer betyde of the resydue And yf any withstode hys wyll or mynde he wolde by one meane or other brynge hym out of lyfe Also he shewed farther that king Rycharde shulde shewe and saye to hym at Lychefelde in the .xxi. yere of hys reygne that he desyred no lenger to lyue than to see hys lordes commons to haue hym in as great awe and drede as euer they had of any of hys progenytours so that it myghte be cronycled of hym y t none passed hym of honour and dygnite with condycyon that he were deposed and put from his sayde dygnytie the morowe after And yf euer it came so to that he shulde resygne hys kyngelye magestye he sayde his mynde was to resygne to the duke of Herforde as to hym that was moste ableste to occupye that honoure But one thynge he feared leste he wolde do tyrannye agayne the churche More ouer he shewed by y e said byll that as the sayde syr Iohn̄ Bagot rode behynde the duke of Norfolke towarde westmynster the sayd duke layed to hys charge that he with other of y e kynges counsell had murdred y e duke of Glocetyr y ● which at y e tyme to the said duke he denyed sayd at y e day he was on lyue But within .iii. wekes after the sayde syr Iohn̄ by y e kynges cōmaundemente was sent with other ꝑsones vnto Calays where for fere of his owne lyfe he sawe y e said murdre put in execucion And farthermore he shewed y t there was no man of honour at that dayes more in fauour with king Rycharde thā was y e duke of Amnarle that by his coūsell he toke y e lordes wrought many other thinges after y e said dukes aduyce Also he shewed y t he harde the kynge beynge than at Chyltrynlangley swere many great othes y t the duke of Herforde nowe kyng shulde neuer returne into Englande and rather than he shulde agayne enheryte hys fathers landes he wolde gyue them vnto the heyres of the duke of Glocetyr and of the erles of Arundell and of warwyke at the laste parliament adiuged And farther he shewed that of all these matters he sent the said duke knowlege into Fraunce by one named Roger Smerte admonastynge hym to prouyde by his wysedome to wythstande the kynges malyce whyche shewed hym to be hys mortall enemye And lastelye he shewed in the sayde byll that he harde the duke of Amnarle say vnto sir Iohn̄ Busshey and to syr Henry Grene I had leuer than x● thousande pound that thys man were dede And whan they had axed of him whyche man he said the duke of Herforde nat for drede that I haue of hys persone but for sorowe and rumours that he is lykely to make within this realme whiche bylt was than borne vnto the kynges parlyamente chaumbre there ●adde After redynge whereof the sayd duke of Amnarle stode vp and sayd as touchynge suche artycles as in that byll were putte agayne hym they were false and vntrewe that he wolde proue vpon hys body or otherwyse as the kynge wolde commaunde hym Upon fryday the said syr Iohn̄ Bagot was brought into the sayd parlyament Chambre and examyned vpon euery artycle of his byll all the whych he there affermed Than it was axed of hym what he coulde saye y e duke of Exceter where unto he answered and sayed that he coulde laye nothyng to hys charge But there is he sayd a yomā in Newgate called Halle y t can say somwhat of you Than sayd the duke what so euer he or ye can or lyste to say of me thys is trouthe that I shall here expresse Trouth it is that the last tyme that the kyng was at woodstoke the duke of Northfolke ye haue hadde me to you into the chapel and closed the dore vpon vs. And there ye made me to swere vpō the sacrament there present to kepe suche counsayll as there ye shuld than shewe vnto me where after ye shewed to me that ye coulde neuer brynge your purpose about whyle syr Iohn̄ of Gaunt late duke of Lācastre lyued wherfore ye were aduysed for to haue shortely after a coūsayll at Lychefelde by the whyche ye cōdiscended y t the sayd syr Iohn̄ shuld be arested in
such maner that he shuld haue occasyō to disobey y t areste by reason wherof by chaūce medley he shuld be there slayn wherunto my coūsayl thā was y t the kyng shulde calle hys secrete coūsayll yf they agreed thereunto I for my part wolde agree vnto y e same To which sayeng syr Iohn̄ Bagot gaue none answere And vpō saterday the sayd Bagot Halle were bothe broughte into the parlyament chaūbre there examined and after coūtrymaunded to prysone And as soone as they were departed the lorde Fitz water stoode vp and sayde Moste redoughted souerayne lorde where as y e duke of Amnarle hath before tymes and nowe lately excused hym of the deth of the duke of Glouceter I saye and wyll iustyfye it that he was cause of hys deth and that I shall proue vpō hys body yf your grace be so contented To the cōtrary whereof the duke wyth sharpe wordes answered so that gaugys of batayll were offered of bothe partyes and sealed and delyuered vnto the lorde Marshall Than partyes beganne to be taken amonge the lordes in so moche that the duke of Surrey toke party● with the duke of Amnarle and sayde that all that by hym was done was done by constraynte of Rycharde thanne kynge and he hym selfe and other consented parforce to the same where agayne the sayde lorde Fytz water and other replyed wherfore sylence was commaūded and forthwyth the fore named Halle for that he hadde confessed before the lordes that he was one of theym that putte to deth the duke of Gloucetyr at Calays he therefore was iuged to be drawen frome the towre of London vnto tybourne and there to be hanged and quartered The whyche execucion was done vppon the mondaye folowynge Thus wyth these causes and many other thys parlyamente contynued tyll a newe mayre named Thomas Knolles grocer was admytted and sworne vppon the daye folowynge the feaste of Symonde and Iude. Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xcix   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC Grocer wyllyam walderne   Thomas Knolles   Anno .i.   wyllyam Hyde   IN this fyrst yere of king Henry the .iiii. yet lastinge the foresayd parlyament vpon the wednysdaye nexte folowyng the feest of Symonde and Iude the lorde Morley appealed the erle of Salesburye of treason caste his hoode for a gage to trye with him by batayle The whiche sayenge he replyed and caste from him his gloues for a gauge to proue his sayeng false and vntrewe whiche were there sealed and delyuered vnto y e lorde Marshall And vpon the monday passed an act that no lorde nor other persone of no degre shulde after that day laye for his excuse any constraynte or coartynge of hys prynce in executynge of any wronge iugemente or other crymynous and vnlefull dedes sayenge y t for feare they durste none otherwyse do for suche excuse after that daye shall stande hym in none effecte And also that all sheryffes may yelde accompte in the escheker vppon theyr othes and that they be chaunged in all shyres yerely And also that no lorde nor other man of myght gyue any gownes or lyuereys to any of theyr tenauntes or other persones excepte onely theyr housholde meynyall seruaūtes And also than was enacted that all repyers and other fysshers from Rye and wynchylsee other coostes of the sees syde shulde sell it them selfe in Cornehyll chepe and other stretes of London to all men that wolde of theym bye it excepte fysshemongers and other that wolde bye the sayde fysshe to make sale of it agayne And vpon the wednysday folowynge was enacted that Rycharde late kynge of Englande shulde for hys mys gouernaunce of the realme be holdyn in suche prysone as the kynge wolde assygne durynge hys naturall lyfe And than the kynge graunted to all persones generall pardones so that they were fette out of the Chauncerye by Alhalownetyde nexte folowynge excepte suche persones as were present at the murder of the duke of Gloucester And in thys whyle was the archebysshop of Caunterbury restored to his churche of Caunterburye and doctour Roger whyche there was sette by kynge Rycharde was remoued and sette in the see of London with the whyche he was ryghte well contented And thanne was the erle of Arundelles sonne restored to all hys fathers la●des with dyuers other before by kynge Rycharde dysheryted And shortely after was the said parlyament dyssolued and euerye man had deycence to departe to hys owne And than was Rycharde late kynge had vnto the castell of Ledes in Kente a● there kepte And prouisyon was hade at wyndesore for the kynge to ●epe there hys Chrystmas In whiche pastyme the dukes of Amnate of Surrey and of Exetyr wit● the erles of Salesburye and of Glocester with other of theyr affyny● made prouisyon for a dysguysynge or a mummynge to be shewe● to the king vpon Twelf the nyght● and the tyme was nere at hande and all thynge redy for the same Upon the sayde .xii. daye came secrete●ye vnto the kynge the duke of Amnarle and shewed to hym that he with the other lordes afore named were appoynted to slee hym in the tyme of the foresayd dysguysyng shewynge wherfore he aduysed hym to pro●yde for hys owne suretye At who'e warnynge the kynge secretelye d●parted frome wyndesore and came the same nyghte to London wherof the sayd lordes beynge ware and that theyr counsell was bewrayed fledde in all haste westwarde But the kynge caused hasty pursute to be made after thē so that shortely after the duke of Surrey the erle of Salysbury were taken at Syrcetyr where they were streyght behedyd and theyr heddes sent at London and sette vpon the brydge And at Oxenforde were taken syr Thomas Blont and sir Benet Sely knyghtes and Thomas wyntercell esquyre the whych were there hedyd and quarteryd and theyr hedes sent to London brydge And at Pytwell in Essex was taken syr Iohn̄ Holland duke of Exetyr after brought to Plasshy a place faste ●y where he was behedyd and after ●ys hedde was sent to London and lette there wyth the other vppon 〈◊〉 brydge pyght vpon a stake And 〈◊〉 about the same tyme at Bry●o●e was taken the lorde Spencer than erle of Glouceter and there be●●dyd and hys hede sent vnto London brydge And in the same yere s●● Barnarde Brokeys syr Iohn̄ Se● syr Iohn̄ Maundeley and syr Iohi Fereby knyghtes and clerkes wee taken as prysoners in the towre of Londō and soone after foriudged ●●nged and 〈◊〉 and theyr heddes ●●so set vppon London brydge In ●hyche passetyme Rycharde late kyng was remoued frome the castell of Ledys in Kent and sent vnto Pou●tfreyt castell In this yere also as before is towched in the .xix. yere of the .vii. Charlys kynge Henry sent vnto C●●eys Isabell late quene of England and wyfe vnto Rycharde lately kynge and wyth hyr greate treasour and many ryce Iewellys as te●yfyeth the Englysshe cronycle and there receyued by the Frenchmen undersafe conduyte passynge and by them conueyed vnto hyr father into
Fraūce and after maryed vnto Charlys son and heyre to the duke of Orleaunce as before I haue shewed in the .xxii. yere of hyr sayde fathers reygne Than it foloweth in the story of kynge Henry whan he hadde fermely consydered the greate conspyracy agayne hym by the forenamed lordes and other persons entendyd and imagyned to hys distruccyon and releuynge of Rycharde late kynge he in auoydynge of lyke daunger prouyded to put the sayde Rycharde out of thys present lyfe and shortely after the opynyon of moste wryters he sente a knyghte named syr Pyers of Exton vnto Pountfreyte castell where he wyth .viii. other in hys companye fell vppon the sayde Rycharde late kynge and hym myserably in hys chaumber slewe but not wythout reuengemente of hys dethe For or he were felled to the grounde he slewe of the sayde .viii. foure men with an axe of theyr own But lastely he was wounded to deth by the hande of the sayde syr Pyers of Exton and so dyed After execucyon of whyche dedely dede the sayde syr Pyers toke great repentaunce in so myche that lamentably he sayde alas what haue we done we haue now put to deth hym that hath ben our souerayne drad lorde by the space of .xxii. yeres by reason wherof I shall be reproched of all honoure where so I after thys daye become and all men shall redounde thys dede to my dyshonour and shame Other opynyons of the dethe of thys noble prynce are lefte by wryters as by waye of famyne and other But thys of moste wryters is testyfyed and alleged whan the deth of this prynce was publyshed abrode he was after opē vysaged layed in y e mynster of Poūfrayt so y t all men myght know and se that he was dede And the .xii. daye of Marche folowynge he was wyth great solempnyte brought thorough the cytye of London to Paules and there layed open vysaged agayne to the ende that hys deth myght be manyfestly knowen whyche was doutfull to many one specyally to suche as ought to hym fauoure And than after a fewe days the sayd corps was caryed vnto the freers of Langley there entred But after he was remoued by kynge Hēry the .v. in the fyrst yere of hys reygne wyth great honoure and solempnyte cōueyed vnto the monasterye of westmynster and there wythin the chapell of saynt Edwarde honourably buryed vppō the south syde of saynt Edwardes Shryne wyth hys epytaphy vppon hys toumbe as foloweth Prudens mundus Richardus iure secundus Per fatum victus iacet hic sub marmore pictus Verax sermone fuit plenus ratione Corporae procerus auimo prudens vt omerus Ecclesiam fauit elatos subpeditauit Quemuis prostrauit regalia qui violauit ¶ whyche verses are thus to be vnderstande in our vulgare Englysh tonge as foloweth Parfyght and prudent Rycharde by ryghte the seconde Vaynquysshed by fortune lyeth here nowe grauen in stone Trewe of hys worde therto well resounde Semely of persone lyke to omer as one In wordely prudence euer the churche in c●ie Vphelde fauoured castyng the proud to groūd And all that wolde hys royall state confounde But yet alas though that this metyr or ryme Thus doth enbelysshe this noble princes fame And that some clerke whiche fauoured hym some tyme Lyst by hys connynge thus to enhaūce his name ▪ Yet by his story apereth in hym some blame wherfore to princes is surest memory Theyr lyues to exercyse in vertuous constancy whanne thys mortall prynce was thus dede grauen kyng Hēry was inquyet possessyon of the realme and fande great rychesse y t before tyme to kynge Rycharde belonged For as wytnesseth Polycronycon he fande in kyng Rychardes tresoury .iii. hundreth thousande li. of redy coyne besyde iewelles and other ryche vessels whyche were as moche in value or more And ouer that he espyed in the kepyng of the tresourers hādes an C. and .l. M. nobles and iewels and other stuffe that cūteruayled the sayd value And so it shulde seme y e kynge Rycharde was ryche whan hys money iewelles amūted to .vii. C.M. li. And in the moneth of Octobre and ende of thys mayers yere was brent in smythfelde of Londō a preest named syr wyllyam Sawtry for certayne poyntts of heresy Anno dn̄i M. CCCC   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.i Goldsmyth Iohn̄ wakele   Iohn̄ Fraunces   Anno .ii.   wyllyam Ebot   IN thys seconde yere of kynge Henry and moneth of Frebruary were drawen and hanged for treason a knyghte named syr Roger Claryngeton at tybourne wyth two of hys seruauntes the pryour of Lāde and eyghte freres mynours of gray freres of the whyche some were bachelers of dyuynyte And in thys yere began a greate dyscencion in walys betwene y e lorde Gray Ryffyn a welsheman named Howen of Glendore whyche Howen gathered to hym greate strenghte of welshemen and dyd moche harme to that coūtrey nat sparynge the kynges lordshyppes nor hys people and lastlye toke the sayd lorde Gray prysoner helde hym prysoner tyll contrarye hys wyll he hadde maryed the sayde Howēs doughter After which matrymony fynysshed he helde the sayde lorde styl in walys tyll he died to the kynges great dyspleasure wherfore the kynge wyth a strōge army spedde hym into walys for to subdue the sayde Howen̄ hys adherentes But whan the kyng wyth his power was entred y e coūtre he with hys fawtours fledde in to the mountaynes helde hym there so that the kyng myght nat wynne to hym with out dystruccion of hys hoste wherefore fynally by the aduyce of hys lordes he retourned into Englande for that season In thys yere also whete other graynes beganne to fayle so that a quarter of whete was solde at London for .xvi. s derer shuld haue bē had nat ben the prouysyon of marchaūtes that brought rye rye floure out of Spruce wherwyth thys lāde was greatly susteyned and eased Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.i   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.ii   wyllyam Uenour   Iohn̄ Shadworth   Anno .iii.   Iohn̄ Fremynghm̄   IN thys yere the cōduyte standyng vpon cornhylle in London was begon to be made And in the somer folowynge syr Thomas Percy erle of worceter and syr Hēry Percy sonne heyre vnto the erle of Northumberlande gadered a greate power and vppō the daye of saynte Praxede the vyrgyne or the .xxi. daye of Iuly mette wyth the kynge nere vnto Shrowysbury and there gaue vnto hī a cruell batayll but to theyr owne confusion For in that fyght y e sayd syr Thomas Percy was taken and hys neuew the foresayde syr Henry wyth many a stronge man vppon theyr partye was there slayne And vpō y e kynges partie the prynce was woūded in the hed the erle of Stafforde wyth many other slayne And the .xxv. daye of Iuly folowynge at Shrowysbury the sayd syr Thomas Percy was beheded and after hys hed caried to London there set vpō the brydge In thys
batayl was many a noble man slayne vpō eyther partye And it was the more to be noted vengeable for there the father was slayn of the sonne the son of the father and brother of brother neuewe of neuewe And in the moneth of August folowynge the duchesse of Brytayne landed at Fulmouth in the prouince of Cornwayll from thēs was conueyed to wynchester where in shorte tyme after kyng Hēry maryed her in the cathedrall churche of the sayde cytye And soone vpō was the eldest doughter of kyng Hēry named dame Blāche maryed at Coleyn to the dukes sonne of Bayer Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.ii   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.iii   Rycharde Merlewe   Iohn̄ walcot Draper   Anno .iii.   Robert Chichele   IN this yere and .xiiii. day of the moneth of Septembre was y e foresayd duchesse of Brytayne and wyfe of y e kyng receyued wyth great honour into the cytye of London so by the mayre and the cytezyns conueyed vnto westmynster where vpō the morowe folowyng she was crowned quene of Englande wyth greate honoure and solempnite the cyrcumstaunce wherof I passe ouer In this yere also Rupertus which after the deposynge of wessenselans was by the electours of the empyre and by auctoryte of Bonyface the●●r ▪ than pope admytted for Emperoure of Rome and came into Englande wyth a goodly companye onely to se the countre and commodytyes of the same The whyche of the kynge was honourably receyued and fested and lastely conueyed by the kynge towarde the see syde where eyther departed from other wyth exchaunge of ryche and precious gyft For thys Rurpartus was named of wryters a man of excellente bounte and largesse And he gaue more lyberally for so moche as all the tyme of hys beynge in Englāde he laye here at the kynges costes And whyle he was at Londō he was lodged at the house of saynte Iohann●s in smythfelde Thys yere also vpō saīt Laurēce euyn or the .ix. day of August a lorde of Brytayne named the lorde of Castyle in Frenche lāded within a myle of Plymmouth wyth a great cōpany of Normās and Brytons and came vnto the sayd town and lodged there all night and spoyled and robbed the sayd towne And vpon the day folowynge whan they had done what they wolde they retourned agayne to theyr shyppes with plente of pyllage and prysoners suche as they fande Anno domini M. CCCC.iii   Anno domini M. CCCC.iiii   Thomas Fawconer   wyllyam Askam   Anno .v.   Thomas Pooll   IN thys yere soone after Cādelmasse the foresayd lorde of Castyle trustynge to wynne a l●ke enterpryse as in the yere passed he hadde done he beynge accompanyed wyth a stronge nauy of Frēche men Brytons was encountred wyth the Englyshe floot within .ii. myles of Deermouth at a place called Blak●pooll ▪ where after lōge and cruell fyghte y e sayd lord was slayne wyth the more partye of the people and dyuers of hys shyppes takē as wytnesseth the Englysshe cronycle wyth dyuers other Englysshe auctours But the Frēche boke excuseth thys scomfyture of Frēchmen and sayeth that by treason o● a Gascoyne named Pe●y● or Perot de Languyle whyche shewed vnto the sayd lorde Castyle that he had espyed certayne Englysshe shyppes in a Greke lyghtly wythout resystence to be takē caused the sayd lorde to make sayle towarde the sayd towne of Dartmouthe where after he had contynued a certayne tyme hys course he espyed the hoteflo●e of Englyshe men whyche made toward hym and so at the sayde Blake pool encount●●d and faughte and lastely escaped the daunger of hys enemyes as testyfyeth the sayde French cronycle ▪ but ●atte unhurt for he was so woūded in that fyght that he dyed shortly after And the moneth of Apryll folowynge the duke of Clarence wyth the erle of Kēt many other lordes toke shyppynge at Meregate so sayled vnto Scluce in Flaūders And after the sayde duke had there refresshed hym hys company he toke shyppynge agayne and holdynge hys course towarde Swyn̄e he was encoūtred wyth .iii. greate carykes of Ieane the whyche he assayled and after longe bekerynge them toke beynge laden wyth marchaūdyse so wyth that pray retourned to Cambre before wynchelsee in the whyche hauen the sayd goodes were cāted and shared But how it was by varyaūce amonge them selfe or otherwyse one of the sayde carykes was sodeynly fyred so cōsumed For restytucyon of whyche goodes shyppes y e marchaūtes Ianuēce made after great longe sute to the kyng his coūsayl in whyche passetyme they borowed cloth wolle other marchaundyses amountyng vnto great and notable sommes of dyuers marchauntes of Englande And whanne they sawe that they myghte haue none hope of recouery of theyr loste they sodeynly auoyded the lāde and lafte y e foresayde notable summes vnpayde to the great hynderaunce and vtter vndoynge of many Englysshe marchauntes In thys yere a yoman named wyllyam Serle somtyme yomā of kyng Rychardes Robys was takē in the marches of Scotlāde and broughte vnto Londō there in the guildhall areygned for the murder of the duke of Glouceter at Calays Upō which murder he was attaynt conuyct vppō the .xx. daye of Octobre he was drawē from the towre vnto tyborne and there hāged and quartred hys hed was after set vpō Londō brydg hys .iiii. quarters were sent to .iiii. sondry good townes Anno domini M. CCCC.iiii   Anno domini M. CCCC.v   wyllyam Lowfte   Iohn̄ Hyende Draper   Anno .vi.   Stephen Spylman   IN thys yere and moneth of Ianuary were certayne courses of warre ron in smythfelde betwene syr Edmūde erle of Kent the lorde Moryfa Barō of Scotlāde vppō y e chalēge of the sayd scottysshe lorde But the erle of Kēt bare hym so valy auntly that to hym was gyuē y e price of that iourney to hys great honour And in the same yere syr Rycharde Scrope than archebisshop of yorke and y e lorde Moubraye thā marshal of Englād with other to them allied for grudge that they bare agayn the kynge gadered vnto theym greate strēgth entēdyng to haue put downe the kynge as the ●ame than wente wherof the kyng beyng enfourmed in all haste sped towarde theym and met wyth them on thys syde yorke where after askyrmysshe by the sayd lordes made they were thā takē and after presented vnto y e king at yorke where they were bothe demed to suffre deth for theyr rebellyō Than whan the bysshoppe came vnto the place of execucion he prayed y e bowcher to gyue to hym .v. strokes in the worshyp of christes fyue woundes for hys more penaūce At eueryche of whyche .v. strokes kynge Henry beynge in hys lodgyng had a stroke in hys necke in so moch that he demed that some persone there beynge with hym present hadde stryken him And forthwyth he was stryken wyth the plage of lepyr so that than he knewe it was the hande of god and
repēted hym of that hasty iugement without auctoryte of the churche And soone after god shewed many myracles for the sayde bysshop whyche called the kynge vnto the more repentaunce Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.v   Anno dn̄i M.iiii   Henry Barton̄   Iohn̄ woodcok Mercer   Anno .vii.   wyllyam Crowner   IN thys yere dame Lucye the duke of Myllanys syster came into Englande and was maryed vnto syr Edmunde Holande erle of Kent in the churche of saynte Mary ouerey in Southwarke vppon the xxiiii daye of Ianuary where the kyng was present and gaue her that daye vnto the preest And after the solempnyzacion of the maryage was fynysshed she was wyth greate honour conueyed vnto the bysshoppe of wynchesters palays there fast by where that daye for her was holden a sumptuous and pumpous feaste And in the same yere and moneth of May dame Phylyppe the yongeste doughter of kynge Henry accompanyed wyth dyuers lordes spyrytuall and temporall was shypped in the Northe and so conueyed into Denmarke where in a towne or cytye called London she was maryed vnto y e kynge of the sayde countre In thys yere also syr Thomas Ramston̄ than constable of y e towre by ouersyghte of hys botemen as he wold haue passed the brydge toward the sayde towre was drowned And in the same yere for the greuous cōplayntes that before tyme hadde ben shewed and euydently proued before the kynges counsayl and also before the mayre and hys bretherne of the great dystruccion of frye and yonge fysshe by reason of werys standynge in dyuers places of the ryuer of Thamys wherby the fysshe of the sayde ryuer was greately mynysshed and wasted and that also yf the sayd werys so contynued the sayde ryuer shuld in shorte processe be dystroyed wherfore the mayre hys bretherne the aldermen as conseruatours of y e ryuer made suche laboure vnto the kynge and hys counsayll that they opteyned commyssyon to pull vp all the werys that stode betwene Londō and .vii. myles beyōde Kynston̄ and in lykewyse for suche other as stode betwene London and Grauysende aswell crekes or seuerall groundes and other the whyche commyssyon by the sayde mayre and hys offycers was thys yere putte in execucyon And in thys yere syr Robert Knolles knyght the whyche in Fraunce and Brytayne hadde before tyme done so many victorious actes as in y e .xxxiii yere of Edward the thyrde and other yeres of hys reygne is somdele towched made an ende of hys werke at Rochester brydge and chapell at the sayde brydge fote and dyed shortely after whanne he hadde newe reedyfyed the body of the whyte fryers churche standynge in Fletestrete done to that house many notable benefytes where after he was buryed in the body of the sayde churche whyche churche and place was fyrste founded by the auncetoures of the lorde Gray Cotnore Anno dn̄i M.   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.vii   Nycholas wotton   Rycharde whytyngton̄ Mercer   Anno. viii   Godfrey Brook   IN thys yere moneth of Nouembre one named the walche clerke apeched a knyghte called syr Per●yuall Sowdan of treason for tryall wherof daye was gyuen to thē to fyght in smythfylde the day aboue sayde At whych daye eyther apered and there faught a season But in the ende the clerke was recreaūt wherefore immedyately he was spoyled of hys armour layde vpō an hardyl and so drawen to tyborne and there hanged And in thys yere also syr Henry erle of Northumberlande the lorde Bardolf commyng out of Scotlāde wyth a stronge company to the dyspleasure hurt of the kynge as they entended were met and encountred wyth the gentylmen and comons of the northe and foughten wyth and dystressed and after strake of theyr heddes and sente theym to London whyche thanne were pyghte vppon the brydge amonge many other Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.vii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.viii.   Henry Ponfreyt   wyllyam Stondon̄ Grocer   Anno. ix   Henry Halton   IN thys yere and moneth of Decembre begā a frost the which contynued by the space of .xv. wekes after or therupō so that byrdes were wōderly famysshed and dystressed by violence of the same And in the same yere syr Edmōde of Holande erle of Kente was by the kynge made admyrall of the see The which scowred skymmed y e see ryght well and manfully lastly landed in the coost of Brytayne besieged there a castell named Briak and wan it by strength But in the wynnyng therof he was so dedely wounded wyth an arowe in the hede that he dyed shortly after And than hys corps was brought agayn into Englāde buryed amōge his aūcetours And in the begynnyng of thys yere was slayne murdered the duke of Orleaūce in Parys lyke as before it is more at lēgthe shewed in y e .xxviii. yere of Charles y e .vii. kyng of fraūce Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.viii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.ix.   Thomas Duke   Drewe Barentyne Goldsmyth   Anno. x.   wyllyam Norton̄   IN thys yere the seneshal of Henaude came into thys lande wyth a goodly companye of Henauders other straungers for to do parfourme certayne faytes of armes agayne dyuers nobles gentylmen of thys lāde And fyrste the sayd Seneshall chalenged the erle of Somerset and other of hys company other gētylmen of thys lāde as after shall apere For executyng of whyche dysporte the place of smythfelde by the kynge was appoynted and barred fensed for the same entent and daye set for euery mā to be redy by the .xi. daye of At whych daye the seneshall as chalenger entred y e felde pompously And after with a goodly company of men of honour was the erle of Somerset broughte into the same where they ranne togyder certayne courses and executed other faytes of armys wherof the pryse honour was gyuen by the herawdes vnto the erle so that he wanne that day great honour Than the seconde daye came in a knyght Henauder as Chalengeoure To whome as defendaunt came syr Rycharde of Arundell knyghte the whyche ranne certayne courses on horsebak after went togyder with axes on fote where syr Rychard was putte to the worse for the Henauder brought hym vpō hys kne Than the thyrde daye came in an other knyght of Henaude Chalēger To whome as defendaunte came in syr Iohn̄ Cornewayl knyght and so well bare hym that he put the straunger to the worse Upon the .iiii. daye came into the felde an esquyre Henauder Agayne whome ranne the sonne of syr Iohan Cheyny The whych at the seconde course sette hys stroke so egerly that he ouer threw the Henauder horse and mā for whyche dede y e kyng dubbed hym forthwith knight Upon the .v. day played togyder an Henauder and a squyre called Iohn̄ Stewarde whyche daye also the Englyssheman wan the worshyp Upon the .vi. daye skyrmysshed there togyder an Henauder and an Englysshe esquyer named wyllm̄ Porter the whyche gatte suche
whyche thynge no man than lyuynge cowde remembre that lyke to be sene And in thys yere was the lorde Thomas sonne to the kynge created duke of Clarence And in thys yere the kynge at the requeste of the duke of Orleaunce sente ouer the forsayd duke his sonne to ayde the sayd duke of Orleaūce agayn the duke of Burgoyne Of whose actes and hys company I haue before made report in the story of Charles the .vii. kynge of Fraunce And in thys yere the kyng caused a newe coyne of nobles to be made whyche were of lesse value than the olde noble by .iiii. d. in a noble In thys yere also the kynge created Iohn̄ hys son duke of Bedforde And hys other sonne Humfrey duke of Glounceter He made also syr Thomas Beauforde erle of Dorset and the duke of Anmarle he created duke of yorke Anno domini M. CCCC.xi   Anno domini M. CCCC.xii   Rauffe Leuenhm̄   wyllyam waldren̄ Mercer   Anno .xiiii.   wyllyam Seuenok   IN thys yere and .xx. daye of the moneth of Nouembre was a great counsayll holden at the whyte freers of London By the whyche it was amonge other thynges concluded that for the kynges greate iournay that he entended to take in vysytyng of the holy sepulcre of our lord certayne Galeys of warre shulde be made and other purueaunce concernynge the same iournay whereupon all hasty possyble spede was made But after the feaste of Crystemasse whyle he was makynge hys prayers at saynte Edwardes shryne to take there hys leue and so to spede hym vpō hys iournay he became so syke that suche as were aboute hym fered that he wolde haue dyed ryght there wherfore they for hys comforte bare hym into the abbottes place and lodged hym in a chambre and there vpō a paylet layde hym before the fyre where he laye in greate agony a certayne of tyme. At length whā he was commyn to hym selfe nat knowynge where he was he freyned of suche as than were aboute hym what place y t was The whych shewed to hym that it belonged vnto the abbot of westmynster and for he felte hym selfe so syke he commaunded to aske yf that chābre had any speciall name where unto it was answered that it was named Hierusalem Than sayd y e kyng Louyng be to the father of heuē For nowe I knowe I shall dye in thys chambre accordynge to y e prophecye of me beforesayd that I shuld dye in Hierusalē And so after he made hym selfe redy dyed shortly after vppō y e daye of saynt Cuthbert or the .xx. day of Marche whā he had reygned .xiii. yeres v. monethes .xxi. dayes leuynge after hym .iiii. sonnes that is to meane Hēry that was kyng Thomas y e was duke of Clarence Iohn̄ duke of Bedforde and Hūfrey duke of Glouceter and .ii. doughters that one beyng quene of Denmarke and that other duchesse of Barre as before is shewed whan kynge Henry was deed he was conueyed by water vnto Feuersham and from thens by lande vnto Caunterbury and there entered by y e shryne of saynt Thomas Anglia ¶ Henrici quinti. HEnry the .v ▪ of y e name and sonn̄ of Henry the .iiii begā his reygne ouer this realm of England the xxi day of y e moneth of Marche In the yere of our lorde ende of the same .xiiii. C. xii And in the .xxxii. yere of Charles the .vii. yet kynge of Fraūce And the .ix. daye of Apryll folowynge whych was that yere passiō sondaye beyng a day of excedyng rayne he was crowned at westmynster Thys man before the deth of hys father applyed hym vnto all vyce insolency drewe vnto hym all riottours wyldly dysposed ꝑsones But after he was admytted to y e rule of the lande anon sodaynly he became a new mā tourned all that rage wyldnes into sobernes wyse sadnes the vyce into cōstāt vertue And for he wolde cōtinewe y e vertue and nat to be reduced thereunto by the famylyarytye of hys olde nyse company he therfore after rewardes to them gyuen charged them vppon payne of theyr lyues that none of thē were so hardy to come wythin .x. myle of such place as he were lodged after a daye by hym assygned In thys begynnyng of thys kyng Henry the olde mayre and shryues continued theyr offices to the termes accustomed Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.ii   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.iii   Rauffe Leuyngham   wyllyam waldern Mercer   Anno .i.   wyllyam Seuenok   ANone as kynge Henry was crowned and the solempnyte of the feest of Eester was passed he sent vnto the fryers of Lāgley where the corps of kynge Rycharde was buryed and caused it to be takē oute of the erth so wyth reuerence and solempnyte to be cōueyed vn to westmynster vppon the southe syde of saynt Edwardes shryne there honourably to be buryed by quene Anne his wyfe ▪ whyche there before tyme was enterred And after a solempne interment there holden he prouyded that .iiii. tapers shulde brēne day and nyght about hys graue whyle the world endureth and one daye in the weke a solempne Dirige and vppon the morowe a masse of Requiem by note after whyche masse ended to be gyuen wekely vnto poore people .xi. s. viii d. in pens And vpon the daye of hys annyuersary after y e sayd masse of Requiem is songe to be yerely destrybuted for his soule .xx. li. iii. d. And about Heruest tyme was syr Iohn̄ Oldcastell knyghte appreched for an heretyke cōmitted to pryson But howe it was he escaped for that tyme out of the towre of Londō and so yode into walys where he lyned ouer .iiii. yeres after Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xiii   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xiiii   Iohn̄ Sutton̄   wyllm̄ Crowmer Draper   Anno .ii.   Iohn̄ Mycoll   IN thys yere and moneth of Ianuary certayne adherentes of the forenamed syr Iohn̄ Oldcastell entendynge the dystruccion of thys lande subuerciō of the same assembled them in a felde nere vnto saynte Gyles in great nombre wherof the kynge beyng enfourmed toke y e felde before theym so toke a certayne of them Amonge the whyche was syr Roger Acton̄ knyghte syr Iohn̄ Beuerley preest and a squyer called syr Iohn̄ Browne The whyche wyth xxxvi mo in nombre were after conuycte of heresy and treason and for the same hanged and brent wythin y e sayd felde of saynt Gyles And in the same yere Iohn̄ Claydon skynner Rycharde Turmyne baker were for heresy brente in Smythfelde And thys yere the kyng helde his parlyamente at Leyceter where amonge other thynges the foresayd bylle putte vp by the commons of the lande for the temporaltyes beynge in y e churche as it is before touched ī the .xi. yere of y e .iiii. Hēry was agayne mynded In fere wherof lest the kyng wolde thereunto gyue any cōfortable audyence as testyfye some wrytters certayne bysshoppes and other hede men of the churche putte
y e kyng in mynde to clayme his right in Fraunce And for the exployte thereof they offcede vnto hym great and notable summes By reason whereof the sayde byll was agayne put by and the kynge set hys mynde for the recouery of the same so that soone after he sente hys letters vnto the Frenche kynge concernyng that mater and receyued frome hym answere of dirision as affermeth the Englysshe boke And Gaguynus sayeth in hys Frenche cronycle that kynge Henry sente hys oratours vnto Charles the vii thanne kynge of Fraunce for to haue dame Katheryne hys doughter in mariage with other requestes touchynge hys ryght and enherytaunce whereunto it was answered by the counsayll of Fraunce that the kyng hadde no leyser to entende suche idelnesse wherupon kynge Henry made quycke prouision for to warre vpon the Frenche kynge as after appereth In thys yere also by procuremēt of Sigismunde thanne Emperour a greate counsayll or synod of bysshoppes were assembled at a cytye in hygh Almayne called constaunce for the vnion of the churche And for to auoyde the Scisme whyche began in the .xiiii. yere of Charles the .vi as before in the sayde .xiiii. yere is touched In the sayd synode or generall counsayll was the .xxiii. Iohn̄ than pope put downe or resygned by hys volunte And by auctoryte of y e same coūsayll the opynyons and heresy of wyklyf were vtterly anulled dampned and two of hys disciples there presente named Iohn̄ Hus or Husse and Ierom the herytyke were there brente And many notable actes for the we le of y e church there were enacted And fynally whan the sayde coūsayl had endured nere vpon the terme of iiii yeres they there by an hole asset chase a newe pope and named hym the .v. Martyne whyche occupyed Peters chayre .xiiii. yeres and odde monethes as indubitat pope and so other after hym Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xiiii   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xv   Iohn̄ Mychell   Thomas Fawcomer Mercer   Anno .iii.   Thomas Aleyn   IN thys yere after the kynge had made suffycient prouision for all thynges cōcernyng his warre to be made vpon the Frenche kyng he wyth hys lordes honourably accōpanyed rode thorugh London vpon the .xviii. daye of Iuny towarde the porte of Southamton̄ where he had appoynted hys hoste to mete wyth hym And whyle the kyng there was shyppynge of hys people dyuers of hys lordes that is to say syr Richard erle of Cambrydge and brother vnto y e duke of yorke whyche syr Rychard beryng the name of Langley hadde wedded dame Anne the doughter of syr Roger Mortymer erle of March and wolster by whome he had yssue Isabell whyche after was maryed vnto the lorde Boucher erle of Essex Rycharde whyche after was duke of yorke father to kynge Edward y e iiii To whome also wasassētyng syr Rycharde Scrop than treasourer of Englande and syr Thomas Graye knyght were there arrestyd for treason and areygned and so examyned vppon the same that the .xxix. day of Iuly folowynge they were all thre behedyd After whyche execucyon so done the kynge vpon the morowe or shortely after wyth hys lordes toke shyppynge there landed at a place called Kydcaus in Normandy And the .xvi. daye of Auguste he sayde syege vnto the towne of Harflew assayled them by land and by water and contynued so hys syege vnto the xxii daye of September At whyche daye as sayth the French Gaguinꝰ it was delyuered by Albert thā there capytayne vppon condycyon that kynge Henry myghte sauely wynne or passe to Calayes and so he beyng there the towne to be yolden vnto hym But the Frenche wryter Gaguinus vpholdeth the honour of the Frenchemen in all that he maye and boroweth of hys conscyence for sparynge the trouth in reporte of many thynges For after moste wryters y e sayde towne after sondry appoyntementes of rescouse was delyuered vnto the kynge wythout any condycyon the daye aboue sayde where after the kynge had ordeyned syr Thomas Beauforde hys vncle and erle of Dorser capytayne of that towne he spedde hym towarde Calays Than the dolphyn with other lordes of Fraunce whyche at that tyme hadde the realme of Fraunce in gouernaunce for so moche as the Frenche kynge was vysyted wyth suche malady as before I haue shewed brake the brydge to let y e kynge of his passage ouer y e water of Sum. wherfore he was cōstrayned to draw towarde Pycardy so passe by y e ryuer of Peron̄ wherfore the Frēchmē beynge ware assembled and lodged thē at certayne townes named Agyncourt Rolandcourt and Blangy wyth all the power of Fraunce And whan kyng Henry sawe that he was so besette wyth hys enemies he in the name of god saynt George pyght hys felde in a playne betwene the sayd townes of Agyncourte and Blāgy hauyng in hys companye of hoole men that myght fyght nat passyng the nombre of .vii. M. But at those dayes the yomen hadde theyr Lymmes at lybertye for theyr hosyn were than fastened wyth one poynt and theyr iackes were lōge easy to shote in so that they myghte drawe bowes of great strength shote arowes of a yerde longe besyde the hedde Than the kyng consyderynge the great nombre of hys enemyes that the acte of Frenchmē standeth moch in ouer rydyng of theyr aduersaryes by force of speremē he therfore charged euery boweman to ordeyne hym a sharpe stake to pytche it a slope before hym and whā y e sperys came somdeale to drawe bak so to shote at the horsemen And at the proper requeste of the duke of yorke he ordeyned hym to haue y e vawewarde of y e felde And whā kyng Hēry had thus prouydently ordered for hys batayll ouer night vpon the morowe beyng the .xxv. daye of Octobre and y e daye of the holy martyrs Cryspyne Cryspinian the kyng caused dyuers masses to be songen And where that nyghte before the Englysshe hoste was occupyed in prayer and confessyon he thanne caused the bysshoppes and other spyrytuall men to gyue vnto theym generall absolucyon And that done wyth a comfortable chere ordered hys people as they shuld fyght hauyng vnto thē good comfortable wordes so abode y e commynge of theyr enemyes whych of dyuers wryters were and are remembred to be about .xl. thousande fyghtynge men The whyche aboute .ix. of y e cloke in the mornynge wyth greate pryde set vppon the Englysshe hoste thynkynge to haue ouer ryden them shortely But the archers lyke as before they were taught pyght theyr sharpe stakes before them And whan they sawe the French galantes approche they a lytell yode backe receyued them as here after ensueth The batayll of Agyncourt THat is to meane they shotte at theym so feruently y t what wyth the shotte and goryng of theyr horses wyth the sharpe stakes they tumbeled one vpon an other so that he or they which ranne formest were the confusyon of hym or them that folowed so y t in a shorte
whyle a great multytude of horse men were layd vpon the grounde And after theyr shotte spent they layde aboute them with theyr glaynes and axes that by the greate grace of god and comfortable ayde of the kynge the vyctory fell that daye to the Englysshemen and with lytell losse of theyr cōpany For after the opynyon of sondry wryters were slayne y t daye of Englishemen the dukes of yorke and of Suffolke not ouer .xxvi. parsons moo But of Frenchmen were slayne that daye after Englysshe wryters ouer the nomber of .x. thousande Albeit y e French Gaguinus sayth that of the Englyshe hoste were slayne the duke of yorke and with hym .iiii. hundreth men and of the French hoste .iiii. M. men of name besyde other whiche he numbreth not Also he affermeth to be horsmen at that felde vppon the Frenche partye .x. thousande ouer and besyde the fotemen and that the Englyshemen were nombred at .xv. C. spere men xviii M. of yomen and archers At thys sayde batayle was taken prysoners the duke of Orleaūce the duke of Burbon̄ y e erle of Uēdosme of Ewe of Rychemount and Bursigaunt thanne marshall of Fraunce wyth many other knyghtes esquyres whych were tedyous to name to the nōber of .xxiiii. hūdreth aboue as wytnesseth the boke of mayres And in thys batayle were slayne of the nobles of Fraunce the dukes of Barre of Alanson and of Brabā viii erles and barons aboue .lxxx. wyth other gentylmen in cote armours to the nomber of .iii. thousāde and aboue By reason of whyche pyllage the Englysshemen were greatly auaunced For the Frenchmen were so assuryd of vyctory by reason of theyr great nōber that they brought the more plenty of rychesse wyth thē to the ende to bye prysoners eyther of other and also after the victory by them opteyned to shewe vnto Englysshemen theyr pryde pompous araye But god whyche knewe the presumpcion and pompe tourned all thynge contrary to theyr myndes ententes whan the kynge by grace and power of god more thā by force of man hadde thus gotten this tryumphaūt vyctorye and retourned hys people frome the chase of theyr enemyes tydynges were brought vnto hym that a newe hoste of Frēchmen were comynge towarde hym wherfore he anone commaunded his people to be enbatayled and that done made proclamacions thorough the hoste that euery man shulde slee hys prysoner By reason of whych proclamacyon the duke of Orleaunce and the other lordes of Fraunce were in such fere that they anone by lycence of y e kyng sent such worde vnto the sayd hoste that they wythdrewe them And the kynge wyth hys prysoners vpon the morow folowyng toke hys waye toward his towne of Caleys where he rested hī duryng this mayres tyme. Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.v   Anno dn̄i M.   wyllyam Cambrydge   Nycholas wotton Draper   Anno .iii.   Aleyn Euerarde   THys yere and .xxix. daye of Nouember as the mayre rode towarde westmynster for to take hys charge a pursyuaūt of y e kynges came wyth letters vnto the mayre gyuyng to hym knowlege of the kynges good spede wherfore the byshop of wynchester than chaūceller of England hauynge lyke wyttynge came that daye to Poulys and there caused Te deum to be songē wyth great solempnyte And in lyke wyse was lyke obseruaunce done in y e parysshe chyrches and other relygyous houses thorough the cytye of London And at Poulys by the sayd chaūceller standyng vpon the steppes at the quyerdore were the sayd tydynges denounced vnto the people And vpon the morow folowynge y e sayd chaunceller wych other bysshoppes and tēporall lordes wyth a generall procession of the mayre and comynaltye of the cytye yode from Poulys to westmynster on fote and offered at saynt Edwardes shryne so retourned to theyr owne houses Thanne kyng Hēry wyth hys prysoners shypped at Calays and so landed at Douer And after he had ben at Caunterbury and there made hys offerynge vnto saynt Thomas he than spedde hym on hys iournay tyll he came vnto Eltham where he rested hym a season Upon the .xxiii. day of Nouembre he was met with the mayre hys bretherne vpō the Blak heth so conueyed wyth all honour thorugh the cytye vnto westmynster wherein dyuers places of the sayd cytye as the brydge crosse in chepe were ordeyned certayn pagentes to the kynges great comforte The maner wherof with all processyons and other seremonies I passe ouer for letthyng of the tyme. In thys yere also Sigismunde Emperour of Almayn came into England And in the moneth of May by the kynges cōmaundement .vii. daye of the sayd moneth the mayre and bretherne mette hym vpō Blakheth And at saynt Georges met hym the kyng and hys lordes in great nōbre and so conueyed hym vnto westmynster with great honour lodged hym in hys own palays And shortly after was the feast of saynte George holden at wyndesore whyche before was deferred for hys cōmyng In tyme of whyche solempnyte durynge y e dyuyne seruyce the kynge kepte the astate But in syttyng at the feest ▪ the Emperour kept y e astate The seruice sotyltees of whiche feeste with syttynge of y e lordes after theyr degrees I passe ouer And shortly after came the duke of Holande into this lande for certayne causes concernynge the Emperour whome the kynge honourably receyued and lodged hym in the bisshoppes palays of Ely in Holbourne And so the kynge entreated and chered these straungers that for the season that they taryed in Englande they laye here at the kynges coste and charge And y e emperoure and he were made knyghtes of the garter and also a greate duke of y e emperours named duke of Bryga And whan the emperour hadde taryed vpō .vii. wekes and odde dayes in Englande which after some wryters was to th entent to set an vnyte and reste bytwene the Frenche kynge and kynge Henry he after toke mynde to retourne into Almayne ▪ whom the kynge for hys comforte and nedes that he had to do at Caleys accompanyed hym thyder where eyther wyth gyftes thankes departed from other And the duke of Hollande went wyth the emperour into Hollande and other countrees whyle the kynge was thus at Calys to hym came thyder vnder saufe conduyt the duke of Burgoyne and hadde wyth the kynge dyuers communycacyons and after retourned to hys owne And soone after y e kyng retourned into Englande and came to westmynster vpon saynte Lukes euyn or the .xvii. daye of October Thys yere and season whyle the kynge was at Calayes y t is to mene vppon the daye of Assumpcyon of our blessed lady the duke of Bedforde accompanyed wyth the erle of Marche and other lordes hadde a greate conflycte and batayle wyth dyuers carikkes of Ieane and other shyppes where after longe and sore fyght y e honour fyll to hym and hys Englysshemen to the greate losse of the straungers bothe of theyr men and also of theyr shyppes
as some drowned .iii. of the grettest of theyr carykkes taken Anno dn̄i M.   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.vii   Roberte wodtyngton   Henry Barton Skynner   Anno .v.   Iohn̄ Couentre   THys yere the kynge holdynge hys parlyamēt at westmynster to hym was graunted by auctoryt of the same a Fyftene And by a conuocacyon of the clergy was graūted to hym a dyme for the mayntenaunce of hys warrys wheruppon newe prouysyon was made for hys seconde vyage into Fraunce By authoryte of this parlyament also Rycharde whyche was sonne heyre of y e erle of Cambrydge which erle was put to deth at Southampton was created duke of yorke whiche after was maryed vnto Cecyle y e doughter of Daraby erle of westmerlande by reason that he brought his wardshyp of the kynge By the whiche lady Cecyle he hadde Henry that dyed yonge Edward that after was kynge Edmunde erle of Rutlande Anne duchesse of Exceter Elyzabeth duchesse of Suffolke George duke of Clarence Rycharde duke of Glouceter and after kynge and Margaret duchesse of Burgoyne And whā all thynge was redy for the kynges vyage he ordeyned Iohn̄ duke of Bedforde hys brother protectour of thys land in the tyme of his absence And that done he wyth hys lordes aboute wytsontyde toke hys shyppyng at Southamptō and so sayled into Normandye and landed vpon Lāmas daye at a place called Toke or Towke And after he was wyth hys hoste there landed for so moche as he was warned of certayne shyppes of warre y e entendyd to do some harme in Englande beynge than vppon the see he therfore to wythstāde theyr malycyouse purpose sent the erle of Marche the erle of Huntyngdon wyth other to scowre the see The whyche encountred the sayde enemyes and after a lōge and cruell fyght them vēquysshed ouercame whyche fyght was vpon the daye of saynt Romayne or the .ix. day of Auguste as hath the Frenche cronycle And of the French nauy was chyefe capytayne the vycount of Narbon whych in that fyght was taken with great plēty of treasour For as sayth Gaguinus he with one Mountney an other capytayne to whom y e sowdyours wages was cōmytted of one assent of theyr synguler lucre wythhelde the sayde wages By reason wherof whan they shuld ioyne in batayll many of them wyth theyr shyppes withdrew last theyr capitayns in the daūger of theyr enemyes But this is lyke to be a fayned excuse of y e sayd Gagwyne to saue the honoure of the Frēchmen as he many tymes semblably dothe in many places of hys boke Then to retourne vnto kyng Henry whan he was thus landed he sent vnto y e rulers of the town of Towke and had it vnto hym delyuered But the castell was defended agayn hym tyll saynt Laurence daye folowyng the whyche he gaue after vnto hys brother the duke of Clarēce wyth all the sygnory therunto belongynge And thys done the kynge spedde hym toward Cane layde his syege therunto vpon y e .xvii. day of the foresayd moneth of August The whych contynued tyll the feest of the Natyuyte of our lady than won vpon y e ꝑty y t the duke of Clarēce assawted But the castel helde by apoyntemēt yf no rescouse were had tyll the .xiiii. day folowyng At whych day y e sayd castel was delyuered with other .xiiii strōge holdes which had before takē y e same apoyntmēt Than the kynge made the foresayd duke of Clarence capytayne of the sayd town castell And in this passetyme were dyuers other townes strōge holdes goten by dyuers of y e kynges retynew as y e erle Marshall the erle of warwyke other y e which wan Louers Faloys Newelyn Cherburgth Argētyne Bayons the citye with many other strōge abbays pilys Thā the king helde there saynt Georges feest and dubbyd there .xv. knyghtꝭ of y e Bath after cōtynued his warres duryng this mayres yere in wynnyng vpon the Frēchmen by apoyntementꝭ and otherwyse wherof the cyrcumstaūce were very longe to declare in order In this yere also vpō the festfull day of Ester tyll a chaunce in Lōdō which to y e fere of all good crystē men is necessary to be noted For vpō the hygh solēpne day by excytyng of y e deuyll yll disposyciō of .ii. women that is to mene the wyfe of the lorde Straūge y e wyfe of syr Iohn̄ Trussell knyght such vnkyndnes fyll bytwene theyr two husbādes y t eyther wold haue slayne other within y e parysh chyrch of saynt Dūstanes in the Eest In ꝑtyng of which persons dyuers men were hurt sore woūded one named Thom̄ Petwardē slayne out of hand which was a freeman fysshemōger of the cyty Than lastly both frayers were takē brought vnto the Coūtour in y e Pultry And for the sayd lorde Straūge was demed culpable of y e begīnyng of this fray he therfore vpō the sōday folowyng for suspendyng of the chyrche was denoūced acursyd at Poulys crosse in all parysshe chyrches of Londō And fynally he was demed to open penaunce dyd it and made greate amendes vnto the wyfe of the sayde Thomas for the deth of her husbād And in the ende of thys yere where at Lōdō was sold for .ii. s. a busshell Anno domini M. CCCC.xvii   Anno domini M. CCCC.xviii   Henry Rede   Rycharde Merlowe Iremonger   Anno .vi.   Iohn̄ Gedney   IN thys yere syr Iohn̄ Oldcastell lorde Cobhm̄ the whyche as before is shewed in the ende of the fyrste yere of thys kynge escaped out of the Towre of London was in the moneth of sent vnto London by the lorde Powys out of walys The whyche syr Iohn̄ for heresye treason was conuycte in the moneth of folowynge and for the same drawen vnto saynt Gyles feld where he was hanged vppon a newe peyre of galowes wyth chaynes and after consumed wyth fyre And about that season the person of wortham in Norfolke whyche longe tyme had haunted Newmarket heth and there robbed spoyled many of the kynges subgettes was nowe with his concubyne broughte vnto Newgate where he lastly dyed And kynge Henry beynge styll in Normandy deuyded hys people in thre partes wherof one he reserued vnto hym selfe the seconde he commytted to the rule of the duke of Clarence and the thyrde vnto the erle of warwyke whyche sayde duke erle employed theyr armes so well and valyauntly that eyther of theym encroched sore vppon the Frenchmen and wanne from them many stronge holdes and pyles And the kynge after longe syeges by hym contynued aboute Argentyne Cressy saynte Launde and other he then in y e ende of thys yere that is to saye vppon y e daye of the translacyon of saynt Edwarde or the .xiii. daye of October layde hys syege vnto the cytye of Roan and contynued the same tyll the .xii. daye of Ianuary folowynge In the whych passetyme the olde mayre was chaunged to a new
as foloweth Upon the .ix. day of October dyed Iohn̄ Bryan sheryfe and for hym was chosen to that offyce Iohn̄ Parnes Draper Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xviii   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xix   Iohn̄ Bryan   wyllyam Seuenoke Grocer Rauffe Barton Anno .vii.   Iohn̄ Parnesse   THys yere the foresayde syege aboute the cytye of Roan cōtynuynge vpon the .xii. daye of Ianuary foresayde the Frenchmen offeryd to treate whych treaty y e kyng admytted vnto the erlys of warwike and Salysbury wyth other And for the Frenche party was appoynted the captayne of the cytye named syr Guy de Bocyer other By reason of whyche treaty it was agreed that y e sayd capitayne vpon the .xix. day of the sayd present moneth of Ianuary at such an houre as it shuld please y e kynge to assygne shulde delyuer vnto suche persons as the kynge wolde appoynte the cytye castell of Roan in all peasyble wyse excepte the sayd cytye and castell be rescowyd by the dolphyne of Fraunce before the sayd xix daye And the .xxii. daye of the sayd moneth the inhabytauntes of the sayde cytye to paye vnto the kynge .xv. C. scutes of golde wherof two shulde alwaye be worth and englysshe noble And other .xv. hūdred of lyke scutes they shulde paye vpon the .xxiii. daye of February next folowynge whiche couenauntes with many and diuers other cōprysed to .xxv. artycles were by the assuraunce of both partyes surely ratifyed and assured And for no rescouse by the sayde dolphyn or any other Frenchman was made by the daye aboue lymytted therfore y e said capytayne accordynge to hys bonde and promysse delyuered the sayd cytye and castell vppon the .xix. day of Ianuary afore sayde beyng the daye of saynt wolstan The wynnynge of thys cytye of Roan ascrybeth Gaguinus vnto y e ciuyle dyscord that was bytwene the cytesyns and theyr fyrste capytayne named erle of Danmale whom they expulsyd y e cyty with a strong power of Normans But yet as he affermeth the cytesyns helde the cyty tyll they were cōstrayned for lacke of vytayll to eate horses dogges cattes rattes and other vermyn whan kynge Henry had set y e cyty of Roan in an order he then passed y e countrees towarde Fraunce so that he subdued the cityes and townes as he rode And the .xx. daye of Maye he came to Troys in Chāpayne where he was honourably receyued In whyche passetyme Iohn̄ duke of Burgoyne that before tyme had ben the occasyon of the murder of the duke of Orleaunce was now slayne in the presence of the dolphyn lyke as before I haue shewed to you in y e xxxix yere of Charles the .vii. wherfore Phylyppe hys sonne and duke after hym refused the dolphyns partye and drewe hym vnto kynge Henry and delyuered to hym the possessyon of Charlys the Frenche kynge and dame Katheryne hys doughter as affermyth Gaguinus Then were meanes of concorde and vnyte soughte and laboured by the Frenchemen in so effectuall maner that shortely after for a fynall peas to be hadde bytwene both realmes kynge Henry at Troys in Chāpayne forsayde by the meanes of the sayde Phylyppe duke of Burgoyn maryed the forenamed Katheryne vppon Trynite sondaye than beyng the .iii. daye of Iuny Before solempnysacyon of which maryage a treaty and conclusyon of a peas conteynyng .xxxvii. artycles bytwene bothe kynges was concluded wherof y e effecte was that kyng Henry shulde be admytted and named regent of Fraunce and y t Charles shulde be kynge for terme of hys lyfe and receyue the issues and profytes of the same and quene Isabell hys wyfe to enioye her dower for terme of her lyfe to quenes of Fraūce due and accustomed And quene Katheryne kynge Henryes wyfe to haue her dower in Englande to the value of .xl. thousande scutes whyche shulde be in value tenne thousande marke Englysshe And yf the ouerlyued kynge Henry then she to haue dower of the realme of Fraunce to y e value .xx. thousande frankes yerely to beleuyed of suche lordshyppes as Blaunche somtyme wyfe to Phylyple Beaw helde And after the dethe and tyme of the forsayde Charlys the crowne wyth all ryghtes belongynge to the same of the realme of Fraunce to remayne vnto kynge Henry and to hys heyres kynges B●d for the sayde Charlys was vysyted wyth sykenesse the kynge as regent shulde haue the hole gouernaunce of the sayde realme and defence of the same specyally agayne the dolphyne whyche entended and dyd hys vttermost power to distourbe the sayde peas And that the lordes and nobles of Fraunce as well spyrytuall as temporall shall make othe vnto kynge Henry to be obedyent vnto his lefull commaundmentes concernynge the foresayd gouernaunce and defence and they with y e hedes and rulers of cytyes castelles and townes to mayntayne vphold the sayde peas to the vttermost of theyr powers and after the dethe of y e sayd Charles to become his trewe subiectes and lyege men And that al suche lordshyppes as after that daye shulde be be conquered or wonne fro the Dolphyn and other dysobedyentes that they shulde remayne to the vse of the sayd Charles durynge his naturall lyfe Prouyded that yf any were wonne within y e duchy of Normandy that they shulde incontynently remayne to kynge Henryes vse And that after the dyscease of the sayde Charles the duchy of Normādy all other lordshyppes therunto belongynge to be as one monarchye vnder the crowne of Fraūce And also that durynge the lyfe of the sayde Charles kynge Henry shulde nat name or wryte hym selfe kynge of Fraunce And that the sayd Charles shulde in all his wrytynges name kynge Henry his moost derest sonne Henry kynge of Englande and enherytour of the crowne of Fraūce And that none imposycyon or taske shuld be put vpon the comons of Fraunce but to the necessary defeuce weale of the realme And that by the aduyce of bothe coūsayles of the realmes of Englande and of Fraunce suche stablysshed ordynaūces myght be deuysed that when the sayde realme of Fraunce shulde fall to the possessyon of kynge Henry or his heyres that it myght with suche vnyte ioyne vnto the realme of Englāde y e one kynge myght rule both kyngdomes as one monarchye reserued alwayes to eyther pryncypate or realme all ryghtes lybertyes frāchyses and lawes so that nother realme shulde be subiecre vnto other And that perpetuall amyte and frendshyp with all famylyer conuersacion aswell by byenge sellynge and all other lefull to be cōtonued atwene bothe subiectes for euer all customes and pryuyleges to eyther realme to be payde and obeyed And that kynge Charles nor Phylyp duke of Burgoyne shulde make any concorde or pea● with the Dolphyn of Uyen without the assent agrement of kynge Henry Nor he in lykewyse without the consent of the sayde Charles and Phylyp And the sayd Charles duryng his lyfe shulde honorably be founde and entreated and to haue in his housholde and aboute hym noble men of his owne nacyon with all other
thynges concernynge his estate and to be lodged in notable places of his realme wher the people to hym shulde be moste obedyent After whiche artycles by the consentes of bothe prynces well and nobly ratysfyed and confermed and solempnyzacion of the foresayd maryage ended kyng Henry with his people sped hym towarde Parys where he was honorably receyued And whan he had with his newe wyfe rested hym there a season he than with the duke of Burgoyne and dyuers other lordes of Fraunce layde seyge vnto dyuers townes whiche helde vpon the Dolphyns partye them wanne by strengthe or by appoyntment and lastly layde syege and his ordenaunce aboute a stronge towne named Meldune or Meleon wherof was capytayne a noble warryour named Barbasan the whiche defended that towne manfully Than the kynge seynge the foresayde sternesse of y e capitayne beclipped that towne with a stronge syege lyenge hymselfe on that syde towarde the wood and the duke of Burgoyne vpon the other syde agayne the temple or monastery of saynt Peter whiche syege so con●●ued durynge this mayres yere Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xix   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xx   Robert whytyngham   Richarde whytyngham Mercer   Anno .viii.   Iohan Butler   THis yere continued styll the former syege aboute Meleon tyll aboute the mydle of Nouembre At whiche tyme the fore named capytayne sore famysshed sought me anes of treaty By meane wherof it was agreed that he with all other shulde sauely auoyde by a daye lymyted excepte all suche persones as before tyme had ben consentynge vnto the dethe of Iohn̄ lateli duke of Burgoyne For the whiche cryme the forenamed capytayne named Barbasan was after accused with many other and sent vnto Parys and there holden in pryson And that done kynge Henry layde his syege vnto a towne called Melden The whiche fynally was also gyuen vp by a lyke apoyntment wherin were founden certayne persones detected of y e foresayde murther for the whiche after due examynacyon made they were hanged vpon an elmen tree standynge by y e way ledynge vnto Parys whan kynge Henry had thus wrouthte moche of his wyll in Fraunce he toke leue of his father the Frenche kynge with the quene his wyfe sayled into Englande landed at Douer vpon Candelmas day leuynge in Fraunce for his deputye his brother the duke of Clarence Than the kynge sped hym on his iournay towarde London came thyder on the .xiiii. daye of February And the quene came thyder vpon the .xxi. day of y e same moneth But here for lengthe of tyme I wyl passe ouer the great and curyous ordynaunce prouyded by the cytezyns for the receyuynge of the kynge and quene aswell of theyr ordinate metynge wyth theym vpon horsebacke as the sumptuous and honourable dyuyses prepayred wythin the cytye to the kynges and quenes greate re●ioysynge And forthe I wyll procede to shewe vnto you some parte of the greate honour that was vsed and exercysed vppon the daye of the sayde quenes coronacyon whyche was after solempnysed in saynte Peters churche of westmynster vppon the daye of saynte Mathy the apostle or the foure twenty day of February After whyche solempnysacyō in that chyrche endyd she was conueyed in to the greate halle of westmynster and there set to dyner Upon whose ryghte hand satte at the ende of the same table the archebysshop of Caūtorbury and Henry surnamed the ryche cardynall of wynchester And vppon the lefte hande of the quene satte the kynge of Scottes in hys astate the whyche was seruyd wyth coueryd messe lyke vnto the forenamed bysshoppes but after them And vppon the same hande and syde nere to the bordes ende satte the duchesse of yorke and the countesse of Huntyngdon The erle of y e Marche holdynge a ceptre in hys hande knelyd vppon the ryght syde The erle marshall in lyke maner knyled vppon the left hande of the quene The coūtesse of Kente satte vnder the table at the ryght foote and the countesse Marshall at the left foote The duke of Glouceter syr Humfrey ●as that daye ouerloker and stode before the quene bare heded Syr Rychard Neuyll was that day caruer to y e quene y e erles brother of Suffolk cupberer syr Iohn̄ Steward Sewar the lord Clyfford panterer in stede of the erle of warwyk the lord wyllughby boteler in stede of the erle of Arūdell The lord Gray Ruthyn or Ryffyn naperer The lord of Awdeley amner in stede of the erle of Cambrydge The erle of worceter was that daye erle Marshall in absence of the erle Marshall the whyche rode about the hall vpon a great courser wyth a multytude of typped staues about hym to kepe the roume in the hall Of the which hall the barons of the .v. portes begā the table vpon the ryght hande towarde saynt Stephēs chapell beneth thē at the table sat the bowchyers of the chauncery And vpon the lefte hande next vnto the cupborde sat the mayre and hys bretherne aldermē of Lōdō The bysshops began the table foreagayne the barons of the .v. portes the ladies the table agayn the mayre Of whyche .ii. tables for the bysshoppes began y e bysshop of London and the bysshop of Durham and for the ladyes the countesse of Stafforde the coūtesse of Marche And ye shall vnderstande that thys feast was all of fysshe And for the orderyng of the seruice therof were diuers lordes appoynted for hede offycers as stewarde controller surueyour and other honourable offyces For the whyche were appoynted the erles of Northumberlande of westmerland the lorde Fitz Hughe the lorde Furneuall the lorde Gray of wylton̄ the lorde Ferers of Groby the lord Ponynges the lorde Haryngton̄ y e lord Darcy the lorde Dacre and the lord Delaware The whyche wyth other orderyd the seruyce of the feest as foloweth thus for the fyrst course Brawne and mustarde Dedellys in Burneux Frument wyth Balien Pyke in Erbage Lamprey powderyd Trought Codlyng Playes fryed Marlyng fryed Crabbys Leche lumbarde florysshed Tartys And a sotyltye called a Pellycane syttyng on hys nest with her byrdes and an image of saynte Katheryne holdyng a boke and dysputyng with the doctours holdynge a reason in her ryghte hande saynge Madame le Royne and y e Pellycan as an answere Ce estia signe et du roy pur tenir ioy et a tout sa gent esse mete sa entent The seconde course Gely coloured wyth columbyne floures whyte potage or creme of almandes Breme of the see Counger Solys Cheuen Barbyll wyth Roche Fresshe Samon Halybut Gurnarde Rochet broyled Smelth fryed Creuys or lobster Leche Damask witw the kynges worde or prouerbe flourysshed Vne sanz plus Lamprey fresshe baken Flampeyne flourisshed wyth a scochon̄ royall and therin .iii. crownes of golde plantyd with floure delyce and floures of camemyll wroughte of confeccions And a sotyltye named a Panter wyth an image of saynte Katheryne wyth a whele in her hande a rolle wyth a reason in that other hande
sayeng La Royne ma fise in ceste ile per bon reson aues renount The thyrde course Dates in compost Creme motle Carpe deore Turbut Tenche Perche wyth goion Fysshe sturgeon wyth welkes Porperies rosted Mennes fryed Creuys de eawe douce Pranys Elys rosted wyth lamprey A leche called the whyte leche flourysshed wyth hawthorne leuys and redde hawys A march payne garnysshed wyth dyuers fygurs of angellys amonge the whych was set an image of saynt Katheryne holdynge thys reason I lest escrit pur voir et eit per mariage pure cest guerre ne dure And lastely a sotyltye named a Tigre lokynge in a myrrour and a man syttynge on horse backe clene armed holdyng in hys armes a Tyger whelpe wyth thys reason Par force sanz reson ie ay pryse ceste beste And wyth hys one hande makynge a coūtenaunce of throwynge of myrrours at the great Tygre The whych held thys reason Gile the mirrour ma fete distour And thus wyth all honour was fynysshed thys solempne coronacyō After the whyche the quene soiourned in the palays of westmynster tyll Palme sondaye folowynge And vppon the morne she toke her iournaye towarde wyndesore where the kyng and she helde theyr Eester And after that hygh feest passed y e kynge made prouysyon for hys warre in Fraūce durynge the terme of thys mayres yere Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xx   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxi   Iohn̄ Boteler   wyllyam Cambryge Grocer   Anno .ix.   wyllyam weston   THis yere vppon Eester euyn beynge than the .xxii. daye of Apryll the duke of Clarence brother vnto the king whō at his departyng out of Fraūce he hadde laft there for his deputye was at a place called in French Baugy or Bauge ouerset slayne by a Frēch capytayne named syr Iohn̄ de la Croyse And the erlys of Huntyngdon of Somerset with many mo gentlymē of England and Gascoyne takē prysoners to y e kynges great displeasure Than shortly after y e king held his pliamēt at westmynster By autoryte wherof of a cōuocaciō of y e clergy holden at Poulys was graūted to hym a Fyftene dyme And for y e money therof shuld not be hastely called on of y e comōs the byshop of wynchester of his own fre mynde lent to the kyng .xx. M. li. And about Pentecoste folowynge kyng Henry shypped at Douer say led to Calays from thens yode the thyrde tyme into Fraunce where he warred duryng thys mayres yere Anno domini M. CCCC.xxi   Anno domini M. CCCC.xxii   Rycharde Gosselyn   Robert Chycheley Grocer   Anno .x.   wyllyam weston   IN the begynnyng of thys mayres yere and .vi. daye of Decēbre was kyng Henry the .vi. borne at wyndesore And in y e .ix. day of y e sayd moneth began a parlyament at Poulys By the whych was graunted to the kyng a fyftene and a deme of the clergy And for the coyne of golde at those dayes was greatly mynysshed wyth clyppyng wasshyng to great hurte of the commynaltye therefore at thys parlyament it was enacted agreed that in the paymente of thys ayde to the kyng graunted hys offycers shulde receyue all lyght coynes of golde so that they wanted nat in weyghte ouer the rate of .xii. d. in the noble And yf any noble wāted more than x.i d or any other pese of golde after the rate thā the owner to make vp the value to .vi. s. viii. d. By reasō of thys also syluer as grotes pens were geson for all men put forth the golde and made store of syluer This yere also after Easter the quene toke shyppyng at Southampton sayled to the kynge into Fraūce where she was honourably receyued of her father and mother of the cytyes good townes And in the cytye of Parys vpon whytsonday the kyng and she sat crowne at Dyner whych had nat before tyme ben sene of any kyng of Englande In thys mayres yere also but the x. yere of the kyng and .x. daye of August a new wedyrcok was sette vpō the crosse of saynte Paulys steple of London Thā kyng Hēry beyng styll occupyed in hys warres in Fraunce dayly wynnyg vpon the Frenchmē in thys sayd moneth of Auguste and x. yere of hys reygne he waxed syke at Boys in Uincente and dyed there lyke a good crysten man vpō the last daye of August whan he had reyned ix yeres .v. monethes and .x. dayes leuyng after hym hys onely yonge son Henry of the age of .viii. monethes odde dayes And than hys body was enbawmed and ceryd and after broughte vnto westmynster as in the begynnynge of the nexte mayres yere shal be shewed And in the moneth of Octobre folowyng dyed the French kyng father vnto the quene as in his story before is declared who that wolde take vppon hym to reherce all the conquestes and triūphaunt victoryes opteyned by thys moste vyctorious prynce wyth other laudable dedes he shulde to reherce thē ceryously make a great volume But where to fore I haue shewed to you breuely some part of the famous dedes of thys excellente prynce touchynge the actuel dedys of his body nowe I wyl breuely touche the actes done by hym for the meryte of hys soule And fyrste for asmoche as he knewe well that hys father hadde laboured the meanes to depose y e noble prynce Rycharde the second after was cōsētyng to his deth for y e which offence hys sayde father had sente to Rome of that great crime to be assoyled and was by the pope enioyned y e lyke as he had beraft hym of hys natural and bodely lyfe for euer in this world that so by contynuall prayer and suffragyes of y e churche he shuld cause hys soule to lyue perpetually in the celestyall worlde whyche penaūce for that hys father by lyfe dyd nat perfourme thys goostly knyght in most habūdaūt maner ꝑfourmed it For fy●st he buylded .iii. houses of relygyon as the Charterhous of mōkes called Shene the house of close nonnes called Syon and the thyrde was an house of obseruauntes buylded vpon that other syde of thamys and a●ter let fall by hym for the skyll that foloweth as testyfyeth the boke or Regyster of mayres where it is reported that after this noble prynce had thus founded these sayd .iii. houses and endowed theym wyth cōpetent landes he of a goostly dysposicion wyth a secrete cōpany for to vpsyt them and to se how they kepte theyr dyuyne seruyce wolde dyuers tymes go fro hys manour of Shene nowe called Rychemounte vnto the sayde thre places for y e causes abouesayde At whyche tymes and seasons he euer founde the twoo houses of monkes and nonnes occupyed as theyr statutes requyred But the thyrde hous whyche was of Frenche fryers he fande sondry tymes neglygente and slacke in doyng of theyr duety wherefore he called before hym y e father wyth some other of that place and reasoned wyth thē sharply why none otherwyse
they entended theyr diuyne seruyce praied more specyally for hym as they were bounde of duety whereunto it was after pardon requyred lastely by the sayde father answered that in conuenyent wyse they naturally might nat praye for hym and hys good spede consyderynge that he dayely warred vpon theyr fathers and kynnesmen and slewe of theym and spoyled thē dayly and enpouerysshed that lāde whyche they of very kynde ought to loue and praye for After whyche answere thus by them made the kynge auoyded the hous of them and turned the lande thereof to suche vse as hym best lyked and suffred the hous to fall in ruyne And ouer thys great acte of foūdyng of these .ii. religious houses he ordeyned at westmynster to brenne perpetually wythoute extinccion iiii tapers of waxe vppon the sepulture of kyng Rychard and ouer that he ordeyned therto to be continued for euer one day in y e weke a solempne Dirige to be songe vppon the morowe a masse after which masse ended certayn money to be gyuē as before is expressed with other thynges in y e begynnyng of this kynges reygne And ouer thys his great besynesse in warre natwithstādyng this most cristē prīce by his lyfe chase his place of sepulture within the foresayd monastery there ordeyned for hym to be songe .iii. masses euery day in the weke whyle the world lasteth in maner and forme as by these verses folowyng doth appere Henrici missae quinti sunt hic tabulatae Quae successiue sunt per monachos celebratae ¶ Prima fit Assumptae de festo virginis almae Poscit pusiremam Christus de morte resur gens Dominica ¶ Prima salutate de festo virginis extat Nunciat angelicis laudem postrema choreis ●unc ¶ Esse deum natum de virgine prima fatetur Commemora natam sic vltima missa Mariam Martis ¶ Prima celebretur ad honorem neupmatis almi Vltima conceptam denunciat esse Mariam Mercurij ¶ Semper prima coli debet de corpore Christi Vltima fit fata de virgine purificata Iouis ¶ Concedet vt prima celebretur de cruce sancta Atque salutate fiet postrema Mariae Veneris ¶ Omnes ad sanctos est prima colenda supernos Vltima de requie pro defunctis petit esse Sabati ¶ Semper erit media de proprietate dei Omni die ¶ Missa Assumptionis M●tiae Missa dn̄ieae resurrectionis 1 ¶ Missa salutationis Mariae Missa annūciatiōis Mariae 2 ¶ Missa natiu●tatis Christi Missa natiuitatis Mariae 3 ¶ Missa sancti spiritus Missa conceptionis 4 ¶ Missa corporis Christi Missa purificationis 5 ¶ Missa sanct̄ae crucis Missa salutationis Mariae 6 ¶ Missa omnium sanctorum Missa de requie 7 ¶ Missa diei quotidie ¶ whyche verses may thus to vnletteryd be englysshed Loo here is noted and put in memory That ouer these actes noble and Marcyall Thys excellent prynce thys fyfte kyng Henry Hys soule to endowe he was memoryall For wyth suffrages whyche euer laste shall Of masses thre that folowe ceryously At westmynster he ordeyned to be sayde dayly Upon sondaye the fyrste masse to begynne Deuoutly to be sayd of the Assumpcion Of our blessed Lady and nat thereafter blynne But than the latter of the resurreccion And on the mondaye of the Uisitacion The fyrste masse after ordeyned is Of the Annunciacion the latter masse sayd is Upon the tuysday to kepe the ordre iust The fyrste to be sayd of crystes Natiuite Than of our Lady byrth the latter folow muste On wednysdaye the holy ghost halowed to be And of the Concepcion the thyrd wylled he The thursday to synge the fyrste of Corpus xp̄i Of the Purificacion the laste of our Lady Upon the frydaye a masse of crystes crosse And of the Salutacion the latter for to synge And for of daye or tyme shuld be no losse Upon saterdaye the fyrste of that mornynge A masse of all sayntes to pray for the kynge Than masse of Requiem to be laste of all And euery day the day masse amyd these masses to fall ¶ Lenuoy ¶ O mercifull god what a prynce was this Whiche his short lyfe in marciall actes spent In honour of conquesi that wonder to me it is Howe he myght compasse suche dedys excellent And yet for that his mynde nothynge detent Al● ghostly helthe for his soule to prouide Cut of his world or he fatally shulde slyde So that though I had Tullyes eloquence Or of S●●ek the great moralyte Or of Salomon the perfyght sapience Or the swete dyties of dame Caliope Yet might I nat in prose or other dytte Accordyngly auaunce this princes fame And with due honour to enhaunce the same Consideringe his actes wherof percell appere In this rude w●rke with many mo left out The tyme also whiche was lesse than ten yere That he so shortly brought all thynge about By diuine grace forthryd without doute That myghtfull lorde he hal●e his ghostly knyght With grace honour to passe this worldes sight And to haue rewarde dowble condigne And first for marciall actes by hym doone To be auaunced amonge the worthys Ny●e And for his vertues vsed by hym efte soone With many good dedes which he in erth had done Aboue the Hierarches he is I trust now stalled That was on erth kyng of kynges called Anglia ¶ Henry the syxte HEnry the .vi. of y e name and onely sonne of Henry the .v of quene Kathryn doughter of Charles y e seuenth kyng of Fraunce began hys reygne ouer the realme of Englande the fyrst day of September in the yere of our lorde M.iiii C. .xxii. and in the ende of the laste yere of the reygne of the foresayde .vii. Charles than kyng of Fraunce Thys Henry for the insufficience of hys age whyche as before ys shewed was but of .viii. monethes and odde days was commytted vnto the rule of hys vncles the dukes of Bedforde and of Glouceter The whyche durynge hys none age ruled the realmes of Englande of Fraunce honourably as the duke of Glouceter protectour of Englande and duke of Bedforde regent of Fraunce Than vpon the .xxi. day of October duryng thys mayres yere Robert Chyceley dyed at Parys the aboue named vii Charles kynge of Fraunce By reason of whose deth by force of appoyntemēt before made betwene Hēry the .v. and hym as before is towched in the seuenth yere of the sayde Henry the realme of Fraunce right thereof fylle vnto the yonge kynge Henry To whose vse the nobles of Fraunce excepte a fewe of suche as helde wyth the Dolphyne delyuered the possession therof vnto the duke of Bedforde as regent therof durynge that nonage of thys kynge Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxii   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxiii   wyllyam Estfeylde   wyllyam walderne   Anno primo   Robert Tatersale   IN the begynnyng of thys mayres yere and fyrste yere of the
kyng that is to say the .vii. daye of y e moneth of Nouembre the corps of y e excellent prynce kyng Henry the fyft was wyth great solempnyte and honour brought vnto the monastery of westmynster and there at the fete of saynt Edward wyth due reuerēce enterred to whose soule Iesus be mercyfull And vpon the .ix. day of y e sayd moneth was a parlyament called at westmynster By reason whereof the kynges gouernaunce durynge hys nonage was prouyded for wyth all the rule of bothe realmes of Englād and of Fraunce And by auctoryte of the same the duke of Glouceter syr Humfrey was ordeyned protectoure of England and duke Iohn̄ of Bedforde regent of Fraunce And durynge the parlyament was graūted vnto y e kyng for a subsydie for .iii. yeres v. nobles of euery sacke of wolle that shulde passe out of the lande And the fyrste daye of Marche after was of hys preestehode deregraded and heretyke named wyllyam Tayllour and brēt to asshes in smythfeld whose opynyons for the herynge of them shulde be tedious and vnfrutefull I therfore wyll nat wyth theym blot my boke In thys moneth of Marche also was the town of Poūt Melane deliuered by apoyntmente vnto the regent of Fraunce Of the whych apoyntemēt one artycle was that all horses abylmētes of warre harneys and other shulde be lefte within the sayd place and also golde and syluer and other iewelles there to remayne hooly And yf that any persone were within y e holde founde whiche before tyme had ben gylty or consentynge to the dethe of the duke of Burgoyne that he shulde be delyuered to the regent and not to take any benefyte or pryuylege by that appoyntment And this yere the west gate of the cytye called Newgate was newly buylded and repayred by the executours of Rycharde whytyngton late mayre of Londō And this yere after mydsomer fyll great water or rayne so that for the more party euery daye atwene the begynnynge of Iuly and ende of Septembre it rayned lytell or moche and yet that not withstandynge that yere was cōuenyent plentye of al grayne so that whete passed not eyght shyllynges at Lōdon and malte fyue shyllynges Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxiii   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxiiii   Nycholas Iames.   wyllyam Crowmer draper   Anno .ii.   Thomas wadeforde   THis yere that is to meane in the begynnge of this mayres yere and .xiii. day of Nouembre the kynge and the quene his mother remoued from wyndesore towarde Lōdon and came that nyght vnto Stanys and on the mo●owe beynge sonday whan he was borne towarde his mothers chare he shyrled and cryed so feruently that the noryce with her brestes nor nothynge elles that the quene coude deuyse myght contente hym wherfore the quene beyng fered that he had ben dyseased retourned agayne to her chambre where anone he was in good rest and quyet This of some wryters is noted for a dyuyne monycyon y t he wolde not trauayle vpon the sonday But how it was the quene taryed with hym ther that nyght on the mo●owe he was borne to y e chare with glad semblant mery chere and so came to Kyngeston that nyght and vpon y e morow vnto his manour of Kyngeston Upon wednysday the quene syttynge in her chare and he vpon her lappe passed with great tryumphe thorughe the cytye and so vnto westmynster where than was holden his parlyament there set in his kyngly mageste within the parlyamēt chambre amonge all his lordes where the speker of the parlyament made a famous preposicion wherof the effecte was of the grace y t god had endewed the realme with for the presence of so toward a prynce and soueraygne gouernour as he was with many other wordes of commendacyon which I passe ouer The .xxvi. day of the same moneth of Nouēbre the kynge with y e quene remoued from westmynster vnto waltham holy crosse And after he had there a season soiourned here moued vnto Hertford where he held his Crystmasse and y e kyng of Scottes with hym And y e foresayd parlyamēt was iourned vnto y e .xx. daye of Crystmas In y e whiche parlyament amonge other actes was ordeyned y t what prysoner y t for graūd or pety treason was cōmytted to warde after wylfully brake the same it shulde be demed pety treason and that the goodes of hym so escapynge shulde be forfeyted to the lorde of that soyle that they were founde in In the moneth of Februari syr Iames steward kynge of Scottes maried in the face of the churche of saynt mary Ouereys in Southwerke dame Iohane y e duchesse doughter of Clarence whiche was doughter vnto the erle of Somerset fyrste husbande vnto the sayde duchesse And the feest was holden in the bysshop of wynchesters place by And soone after vpon the xiii day of February the foresayde parlyament beynge agayne holden at westmynster for brekynge of the foresayde acte of brekynge of pryson syr Iohan Mortymer was accused by a yoman named wyllyam Kynge and seruaunt vnto syr Robert Scot knyght and keper of y e towre of London of dyuers poyntes of treason as folowen Fyrst he coūseyled with the sayd wyllyam Kynge to the ende to breke out of pryson and promysed to hym for the same the yerely value of xl li. lande in processe an erledome Also the sayd Mortymer shulde saye that he wolde go into wales vnto the erle of the Marches and there he wolde rayse .xl. M. mē and with that power he wolde entre this lande and stryke of the heddes of the lorde protectour and of the bysshop of wynchester to the entent that he myght tell or play with some of his money And ferthermore he accused hym that the sayde Mortymer shulde say that the erle of Marche shulde be kynge by ryght enherytaunce that he hymself was nexte ryghtfull heyre to the sayd crowne after the sayd erle of Marche wherfore yf the sayde erle wold not take vpon hym y e crowne rule of y e lande he sayde that he elles wolde And ouer this the sayd wyllyam alledged to the sayde syr Iohan Mortymer that he shulde say that yf he fayled of his purpose and myght not wyn̄e vnto the erle of Marches that than he wolde sayle vnto y e Dolphyn and ayde and take his partye where he wyst well he shuld be accepted and haue good ayde of hym to brynge aboute his purpose All whiche maters were duely approued by the sayde wyllyam agayne the sayde syr Iohan before the lordes and comons of the sayde parlyament for y t whiche treasons he was after drawen and hanged In this yere also the duke of Bedforde beynge in Fraunce as regene warred strongly vpon y e Dolphyn wanne from hym many stronge holdes and townes as Crotey Basyde Ryol Rulay Gyroūde Basyle Mermoūde Mylham Femel Seintace Iensak Mauron Duras Mountsuer La venak Palageeu Cerneys Noelam Cusak and Doual with dyuers other and so contynued tyll he came vnto Uerneyll in Perche
CCCC.xxvi   wyllyam Mylrede   Iohn̄ Couentre Mercer   Anno .iiii.   Iohn̄ Brokle   IN thys yere the .xxix. daye of Octobre and selfe same daye that the mayre for the yere folowyng yerely at westmynster taketh hys charge at suche tyme as he was holdynge hys great dyner he was by y e lorde protectour sent for in spedy maner And whan he was comyn to hys presence he gaue to hym a streyghte commaundemente that he shulde se that the cytye were suerly watched in that nyght folowyng and so it was Than vpon the morowe folowynge about .ix. of the clok certayne seruaūtes of the forenamed bysshope wolde haue entred by the brydge gate But the rulers therof wolde nat suffre thē in so great nombre but kepte theym out by force lyke as before they were commaunded wherwyth they beyng greuously dyscontented gaderyd to them a more nombre of archers and men of armys and assauted the gate wyth shot other meanes of warre In so moche that the commōs of the cytye herynge thereof shytte in theyr shoppes sped them thyder in great nombre And lykely it was to haue ensued great effusyō of blode shortly therupon ne had ben the dyscrescion of y e mayre and hys brethern that exorted y e people by all polytyke meane to kepe the kynges peas And in this passe tyme the archebysshop of Caūtorbury wyth the prynce of Portyngale and other toke greate laboure vpon them to pacyfye thys varyaūce betwene the lord protectour and the bysshope in so moche that they rode betwene theym .viii. tymes or they might brynge them to any resonable conformyte Than lastly they agreed to stāde to the rule of the regēt or of suche as he wolde assygne wherupō y e cytye was set in a more quiete Thā the bisshop of wynchester wrote a letter vnto y e duke of Bedforde or lord regēt wherof y e tenure ensueth RIght hyghe and myghty price ryght noble and after one leuest erthly lord I recommaunde me vnto your grace wyth all myne hert And as ye desyre the welfare of the kyng our soueraygne lorde of hys realmes of Englande of Fraunce your owne weale wyth all yours haste you hyder for by my trouthe ye tary longe we shall put thys lāde in ieopardy wyth a felde such a brother ye haue here god make hym a good man For your wysdome knoweth well that the profyte of Fraūce standeth in the welfare of England Ryght hygh myghty prynce I beseche you holde mayster Iohan Estcourt your coūcellour excused of hys taryeng for it is moche agayne hys wyll But the counsayll here hath made hym do cōtrary hys mynde And that it may lyke you to gyue credēce vnto your chamberlayne syr Robert Boteler And the blessed Trinite kepe you wryten in great haste at Lōdon the laste day of Octobre Upō the .x. day of Ianuary nexte ensuynge y e sayde duke of Bedforde wyth hys wyfe came vnto London And with thē came also the sayd bysshop of wynchester And the mayre the cytezyns receyued hym at Merton cōueyed hym thorugh y e cytye vnto westmynster where he was lodged in y e kyngꝭ palays the bysshop of wynchester was lodged wythin y e abbottes lodgynge Than vpō the morow folowynge or y e .xi. day of Ianuary y ● mayre presented the regēt wyth a payere of basyns of syluer ouer gylte in them a M. marke of golde But the bisshop had so incenced hym agayn the cytye that they receyued but a small thāke for all theyr labour and coste Upon y e .xxi. day of February thā began a great coūsayl at saīt Albonys and after it was adiourned vnto Northampton But for due conclusyons myghte nat be dryuen by the sayde counsayll therfore vppon the xxv daye of Marche ensuynge was called a parlyament at Leyceter the whyche endured tyll the xv daye of Iuny folowynge Thys was cleped of the comon people the parlyament of battes The cause was for proclamacyons were made that men shuld leue theyr swerdes other wepyns in theyr innys the people toke great battes stauys in theyr neckes and so folowed theyr lordes maysters vnto the parlyament And whan y e wepyn was inhybyted them thanne they toke stones plūmettes of lede and trussed them secretly in theyr sleuys bosomys Durynge the parliament amōge other notable thynges for the weale of the realme the varyaunce that was betwene the forsayd lordes was herin debated argued In so moche that the duke of Glouceter put in a byll of cōplaynt agayn the bysshop conteynyng .vi. artycles wherof the fyrst was that where the lorde protectour wolde haue had his lodgynge wythin the towre of London he was by the comforte ayde defended let of the bysshop and of Richard wydeuile esquyer thā being Lyeutenaunt of the same The secōd was for that that the bysshop wolde haue remoued y e kyng from Elthm̄ haue sette hym at hys gouernaūce without the aduyce and counsayle of the lorde protectour The thyrde was that whan the duke was enformed of the bysshoppes entent and he entendynge accordynge to his offyce and duetie in peasyble wyse to haue rydē to y e kyng to haue gyuē vpō him attendaunce y e bysshop entēdynge y e distrucciō of y e duke assēbled a great multytude of men of armes and archers in Southwarke ther drewe the cheyne at the brydge fote and set vp pypes other engynes to stoppe the kynges hye way ordeyned mē to stande in chambres and solers to throwe stones and by theyr ordenaūces and pollycy to haue destroyed y e duke and his company The .iiii. artycle was that kynge Henry the fyft shulde by his lyfe tyme shewe vnto y e sayde duke that by the openynge of a spaynell a man was taken behynd a tapet in one of the kynges chābres The whiche man after examyned by the erle of Arundel confessed that he was sent thyther by y e sayde bysshop to the ende to murther kynge Henry the forth After whiche cōfessyon the sayd erle let sakke that man and so cast hym into the Thamys The fyft was that the sayd Henry the fyft beynge prynce and heyre parant to the crowne the sayd bysshop shuld come vnto hym and say that for somoche as his father was vexed with greuous sekenes was not apte to come in conuersacion of the people nor myght not conueniently gyde the realme that he therfore shulde take vp on hym the rule and gouernaunce of the same and put his father from all kyngly power The .vi. and last artycle was that sediciously the sayd bysshop hadde by his letters sent lately vnto the duke of Bedforde wrongfully accused hym in that he shulde areyse the kynges people and iuparde this lande by a felde contrary to the kynges peas and comon wele of this lande All which articles were by y e bysshop wele and suffycyently answered and replyed so y t he layde from hym the blame
And fynally by the prouydent counsayle of the lorde regent al the sayd artycles and matiers of varyaunce atwene the sayd two lordes hangynge were put to the examynacyon and iudgmente with the assystence of y e lordes of the parliamēt of Henry the archebysshop of Caunterbury of Thomas duke of Exceter of Iohn̄ duke of Northfolk Thomas bysshop of Durhm̄ of Phylype bysshop of worceter or Iohn̄ bysshop of Bathe of Humfrey thā erle of Stafforde of Rauffe lorde Cornewell of mayster wyllyam Alnewyke than keper of the preuy seale The whych lordes wyth assystence of the other lordes of the parlyament made a decre and a warde so that eyther party toke other by the hande wyth frēdly louyng wordes none hauyng amēdes of other except the bysshope had wordes of submyssyō vnto the duke in requyryng hym of hys fauoure good lordshyp And y e accorde thus fynysshed the parlyament was adiourned tyll after Easter Uppon whytsondaye folowynge was a solempne feest holden at Leyceter forsayde where the regente dubbyd kynge Henry knyghte And than forthwyth the kynge dubbyd Rycharde duke of yorke that after was father to kynge Edwarde Also he dubbyd knyghtes the sonne and heyre of the duke Iohan duke of Northfolke and the erles of Oxenforde and westmerlande wyth other lordes and gentylmen to the noumbre of .xxxiiii. And after that feeste wyth all honour was endyd the kynge wyth the regente and other of hys lordes drew towarde London And so the regente contynued wyth the kynge in Englande by the full terme of thys mayres yere Anno. dn̄i M.iiii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.vii.   Iohn̄ Arnolde   Iohn̄ Raywell Fysshmonger   Anno .v.   Iohn̄ Hyghthm̄   IN thys .v. yere and moneth of February the regent with hys wyfe housholde meyny passed the see vnto Calays and so thorugh Pycardy into Fraunce But or he departed thens that is to meane vpon the daye of annuncyacion of our Lady the bysshop of wynchester within the churche of our Lady of Calays was created cardynall by auctoryte of y e bulles of pope Martyne the .v. of y e name And after that solēpnyte don the regente toke hym on hys ryghte hande so conueyed hym vnto hys lodgynge Thys yere was vnresonable of wederyng for it reyned moste part contynually frome Easter to Myghelmasse where thorugh hay and corne was greatly hyndered And in thys yere the duke of Alēson that before was taken prysoner at the batayll of Uernell in Perche was delyuered for a raunson of .ii. C M. scutes of golde as testyfyeth Gaguinus whyche is fyfty M. marke sterlyng money In thys yere also the erle of Salysbury whych of dyuers wryters is named the good erle accompanyed wyth the erle of Suffolke the lorde Talbot and other layde a stronge syege vnto the cytye of Orleaunce helde the cytezyns very streyght and maugre the duke of Orleaunce and the Marshal of Fraunce thanne named Boussaak the Englysshemen wanne from theym dyuers stronge holdes adioynynge to the cytye and forced them to brenne a greate parte of the subbarbes of the cytye But sorowe it is to tell and doolfull to wryte whyle one day the sayd good erle syr Thomas Mountagu rested hym at a bay wyndow and be helde the compas of the cytie and talked with his familiers a gonne was leueyled out of the cytie from a place vnknowen whiche brake the tymbre or stone of the wyndowe with suche vyolence that the pecys therof all to quasshed the face of the noble erle in suche wyse that he dyed within thre dayes folowyng Upon whose soule all crysten Ihesu haue mercy Amē This after dyuers wryters was initium malorum For after this myshappe the Englysshmen loste rather ther than wanne so that lytell and lytell they loste all theyr possessyon in Fraūce And all be it that somewhat they gate after yet for one that they wanne they loste thre as after shall appere Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xxvii   Anno dn̄i M. iiii.xxviii   Henry Frowyk   Iohan Gedney draper   Anno .vi.   Robert Otley   IN this .vi. yere begynnynge of the same the kyng helde his parlyament at westmynster By auctoryte wherof was graunted to hym a subsydye in maner as foloweth Fyrst of euery tonne of wyne y t came into this lande from y e feest of saynt Ambrose or the fourth day of Apryll tyll the ende of that yere the kynge shulde haue .iii. s. belongynge to a denyzyn or the kynges lyege man Also of all marchaundyse passynge or cōmynge into this lāde shypped by denyzon the kynge to haue of euery xx s. .xii. d. excepte woll fell clothe Also to hym was graunted that of all parysshens thorughout his realme beynge the benefyce of the valewe of .x. marke that .x. of the sayde parysshons shulde paye of theyr mouables syxe shyllynges eyght pēs after y e rate of eyght pens euery mā And of all benefyces that were of .x. li. x parysshons to paye .xiii. s. and iiii d. all cytyes and borowes to be excepted And so rate rate lyke from the lowest benefyce to the hyghest And for the inhabytauntes of cyties boroughes it was enacted that eueman beynge it valewe of .xx. s. aboue his stuffe of houshold his apparayl and his wyfes shulne paye iiii.d so after the rate vnto the rychest In this yere also and day of saynt Gyles or the fyrste day of Septēbre the cardynall of wynchester was met by the mayre and his bretherne and certayne cytezyns on horse backe without the cytie and so broughte vnto his palays in southwerke Aboute the same tyme a Bryton that a good wydow and honeste woman hadde cherysshed and brought vp of almes dwellynge in whyte chapell paresshe without Algate murdred the sayde woman in a nyght slepynge in her bedde and after conueyed suche iewelles and stuffe as he myght carye But he was so pursued vpon y e for fere he toke a churche in Estsex there forsware y e kynges lande And y e constables caused hym be brought to London and so entended to haue cōueyed hym westward But so soone as he was commen in to the parysshe where before he had commytted the murther the wyfes caste vpon hym so moche fylthe and ordure of the strete not withstandynge the resystence made by the cōstables they slewe hym there out of hande Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xxviii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xxix   Thomas Dushous   Henry Barton skynner   Anno .vii.   Raffe Holande   THis yere vpon the .viii. daye of Nouembre the duke of Norffolke accompanyed with many gentylmen toke his barge at saynt mary Ouereys entendynge to haue passed thoroughe the brydge and so vnto Grenewytche But by the mysgydynge of the sterysman he was set vpon the pyles of the brydge and y e barge whelmed so y t all were drowned excepte the duke and a fewe persones that lepte vpon the pyles whiche after were drawen vp with ropes and so
saued And in the moneth of I●ny folowynge the cardynall of wynchester with a warly company passed the see entendynge to haue made warre vpon the heretykes or lollers inhabyted in the countre of Prage But how it was for nede of men that the regēt hadde in Fraūce the cardynall chaūged his purpose and taryed there a season with the sayde regent After some wryters it was for to strengthe and replenysshe certayne holdes that weked by reason of a cōflycte that the Englysshemen hadde with the Frenchemen At the whiche the lorde Talbot was taken prysoner and the lorde Scalys with many other to the nombre of .iii. M. Englysshe men were slayne and taken But after the opynyon of the Frēche cronycle this vyctorye shulde be opteyned by Iane or Iohan called in Frenche la puzele de dieu in the .xi. yere of this kynge Of y e forsayd heretykes of Prage speketh somdeale the auctour of Cronica Cronicarum and sheweth that the chyef capytaynes of theym were named Procapius Saplicius and Lupus a preest with other bothe lerned and vnlerned And Policronicō sheweth in y e .xix. chapyter of his laste boke that in the twelfe yere of kynge Henry the foresayd thre capytaynes were slayne with one mayster Peter clerke beynge an Englyssheman taken on lyue with dyuers other and of y e sayd heretykes slayne at .ii. iournayes ouer two and twenty thousandes Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xxix   Anno dn̄i M.iiii   wyllyam Ruffe   wyllyam Estfelde mercer   Anno .viii.   Raffe Holande   IN this eyght yere vpon y e day of saynt Leonarde the .vi. day of Nouembre kynge Henry beynge vpon the age of nyne yeres was solemply crowned ī saint Peters churche of westmynster At whose coronacyon were made syxe thyrty knyghtes of the bathe And after that solempnyzacyon in the sayde churche fynysshed an honorable feest in the great hal of westmynster was kepte where y e kynge syttyng in his astate was serued with .iii. courses as here vnder ensueth Frument wyth venyson Uyand royall planted losynges of golde Bore hedes in castelles of golde and enarmed Befe wyth motten boylyd Capon stewyd Sygnet rosted Heyron rosted Great pyke or luce A rede leche wyth lyons coruyn therein Custarde royall wyth a lyoparde of golde syttyng therin and holdyng a floure delyce Frytour of sunne facyon wyth a floure delyce therein A sotyltye of saynt Edwarde and saynt Louys armyd vppon eyther hys cote armoure holdyng betwene them a fygure lyke vnto kyng Hēry standynge also in hys cote armoure and a scrypture passyng from theym both sayeng beholde .ii. parfight kynges vnder one cote armour And vnder the fete of the sayde sayntes was wryten thys balade Holy sayntes Edwarde and saint Lowice Conserue this braunche borne of your blessed blode Lyue amonge cristen moste soueraygne of price Enheritour of the flouredelice so gode This sixt Henry to reygne and to be wyse God graunt he may to be your mode And that he may resemble your knightehude and vertue Pray ye hertely vnto our lord Jesu Uiand blank barred wyth golde Gely party wryten noted wyth Te deum laudamus Pygge endored Crane rosted Byttore Conyes Chekyns Partryche Pecok enhakyll Great Breme A whyte leche planted wyth a rede antelop wyth a crowne aboute hys necke wyth a chayne of golde Flampayne powdered wyth leopardes floure delyce of golde A frytoure garnysshed wyth a leopardes hede .ii. Estryth feders A sotyltie an emperour a kynge arayed in mātelles of garters which fygured Sigismūde y e emperour and Hēry the .v. And a fygure lyke vnto kyng Hēry y e .vi knelyng tofore them wyth this balade takkyd by hym Agayne miscreaūtes the emperour Sigismūde Hath shewed his myght which is imperiall And Henry the .v. a noble knyght was founde For Christes cause in actes marciall Cherysshed the churche to lossers gaue a fall Gyuyng example to kynges that succede And to theyr braunche here in especiall Whyle he doth reygne to loue god drede Quynces in compost Blaūd sure powderyd wyth quarter foyles gylt Uenyson Egrettes Curlew Cok and partryche Plouer Quayles Snytes Great byrdes Larkys Carpe Crabbe Leche of .iii. colours A bake meate lyke shylde quartered red whyte set wyth losynges gylt floures of borage A frytour cryspyd A sotyltie of oure Lady syttynge wyth her chylde in her lappe and she holding a crowne in her hāde Saint George saynt Denys knelynge on eyther syde p̄sented to her kyng Henryes fygure beryng in hāde thys balade as foloweth O Blessed lady Christes mother dere And thou saynt George that called art her knight Holy saint Denys o marter moste entere The sixt Henry here present in your syght Shedeth of your grace on hym your heuēly lighte His tender youth with vertue doth auaunce Borne by discent by title of right Iustly to reygne in Englande in Fraunce THis solēpne coronacyon with all honour and ioye finysshed prouycyon was made for the kynges iournay into Fraunce In whyche passetyme that is to meane vpon y e xxiii daye of Ianuary an heretyke was brent in Smythfelde And vpon the morowe next folowynge was in that felde foughten a stronge fyght betwene Iohn̄ Upton̄ Appellant Iohn̄ Downe Defendant But for they quyt theym bothe so manfully the kynge at length relesed theyr quarell and pardoned thē of theyr trespas Than vppon saynt Georges day folowyng or the .xxiii. day of Apryll the kynge toke shyppynge at Douer and landed the same daye at Calays hauynge in hys company .ii. dukes of yorke and Northfolke thre bysshoppes of Bathe Ely and Rochester eyght erles that is to meane of Huntyngdon Stafforde warwyke Orenforde Deuynshyre Morteyne of Ewe and of Urmund and .xi. barons that is to saye lord Bowchier Beawmounde Typtost Fytzwater Roos Arundell Awdeley Fawcunbrydge Gray Codnoor the lorde Scroope and the lorde wellys In thys tyme and season that the kynge laye thus at Calays many skyrmysshes were foughten betwene the Englysshemen and the Frenchemen in dyuers partyes of Fraunce And greately the Frenchemen preuayled by y e helpe of a woman which they as before is touched named the Mayden of god So that lastly she wyth her company came to a towne called Compeyne to the entent to remoue the syege layde thereunto by y e duke of Burgoyne and other of the Englysshe capytaynes And theruppon the .xxiii. daye of May she gaue batayll vnto Englysshmen and Burgonyons and faughte wyth theym longe tyme. But in the ende by the manhode of a Burgonyon knyghte named syr Iohn̄ Luxemburghe she was taken on lyue and her company dystressed and she caryed to the citie of Roan and there kept a season for so moch as she feyned her with child But whanne the contrary of it was knowen she was there foriuged and brente Of thys woman Gaguynus maketh a great processe of her parenty and of her fyrste takynge vppon her whereof a parte I entende to shewe after in the .vi. yere of Charles nexte folowynge kynge of
Fraunce And in thys tyme and season one Rychard Hounden wolle pakker of London was conuycte of heresy and brent at towre Hylle Than kyng Hēry thus lodgynge at Calays was asserteyned of the takyng of the foresayd woman by the letters of y e duke of Burgoyne And after he toke hys small iournayes tyll he came into Fraunce and so vnto Parys Of whose cytezyns he was honourably receyued taken for the soueraygne kynge and there so taryed all thys mayres yere In whych seasō as wytnesseth Gaguynus the Frenchemen wan dyuers holdes of Englyshemen and Burgonyōs in the countrey of Brye And a capytayne named Barbasan scomfited .viii. M. Englyshmē and Burgonyōs at a place called in latyne Cathalamencis as affermeth the foresayd auctour Anno dn̄i M.iiii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xxxi   water Chertsey   Nycholas wotton   Anno .ix.   Robert Large   THys .ix. yere aboute mydlent a preest named syr Thomas Bagley and vycar of a vyllage in Essex called Manueden a lytell frome walden was detect of heresy Uppon the whych he was degrated and thā brent in the place of Smythfelde And soone vpon Easter folowynge the lorde protectour was warnyd of an assemble of heretykes at Abyndō wherfore he sent thyder certayn persones or rode thyder him self as som wryters afferme there arrested the baylly of that town named wyllyam Maundeuyle a weuer the whyche was appoynted for a capytayne of y e sayd heretykes And for to drawe the people vnto hym he chaunged hys name called hym self Iak Sharpe of wygmorys lande in walys But after he was examyned he confessed to haue wroughte moch sorow agayne preestes so that he wolde haue made theyr heddes as chepe as shepe heddes so that he wolde haue solde .iii. for a peny or .x. after some wryters And the same season were takē many of hys complycys which were sent vnto dyuers prysons And the sayd Iak Sharpe was for his offence drawen hanged and hedyd at the forenamed towne of Abyndon vpon the tuysday in whytson weke and hys hede was sent to London there pyght vppon the brydge And the other of hys fawtours were put in execucyon in dyuers places and countrees to the terrour of other And vppon the .xiiii. daye of Iuly that yere was one named Rycharde Russell a wolle man drawen hanged and quartered at tyborne for treason And thys yere the kynge beynge styll in Fraunce the erle of Arundell accōpanyed wyth .ii. M. of Englyshe sowdyours sente a certayne of hys companye vnto a town called Beale Mount to prouoke the Frenchemen to issue out of the towne whyche smal company whan Bossycant and Seyntrales thā capytaynes beheld anone they wyth theyr sowdyoures of that towne spedde theym forthe to take the sayde Englysshemen The whyche lytell and lytell gaue bake tyll they had tolled the Frenchemen a good space from the town and thā sette vppon theym wyth a sterne courage and helde theym on hande tyll the sayde erle wyth hys company rescowed theym Than betwene theym was a cruell fyghte But in the ende the Frenchemen were chased and y e sayde Seyntrayle wyth many foote men of the sayde towne were slayne at that iournay And shortly after the duke of Burgoyne wyth ayde of the Englysshemen at a place called Barre scomfyted a greate company of Frenchemen and toke .ii. capytaynes belongyng to the duke of Barre the whyche were named Renat and Barbazan for whose raunsome the duke had yelded to hym the Uale of Cassyle in Flaundres Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxxi   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxxii   Iohn̄ Adyrlee   Iohn̄ welly Grocer   Anno .x.   Stphyn Browne   IN thys .x. yere and .vii. day of Decēber kynge Henry the .vi. was crowned in Parys of the cardynall of wynchester At the whych coronacyon was present the lorde Regent the duke of Burgoyne and dyuers other nobles of Fraūce whose names Gaguinus putteth not in his boke for reproche of the Frenchmen And after the solempnyte of this fest was ended wherof the cyrcūstaunce to shewe in order wolde aske a longe leysour the kynge departed frome Parys and so came to Roan where he helde his Crystmas that done he sped hym to Caleys And whan he had soiourned there a season he toke shyppynge and retourned into Englande and landed at Douer the .ix. daye of February Than he was mette vppon Baram Downe or Baram Howth that ys betwene Douer and Cauntorbury wyth a greate company of gentyls comoners of Kent all cladde wyth rede hodes The whyche accompanyed him tyll he came to Blak Heth where he was mette with the mayre and the cytesyns of London vpon a thursdaye beynge the .xxi. day of February the cytesyns beynge cladde in whyte wyth dyuers werkes or conysaunces browderyd vppon theyr sleues after the facultye of theyr mysteryes or craftes And y e mayre and hys brethern were all clothed in scarlet And after due obeysaunce and salutynge of the kynge they rode on before hym towarde the cytye whan the kynge was comen to the brydge there was deuysed a myghty Gyaūt standynge wyth a swerde drawyn hauyng thys speche wryten by hym All tho that ben enemyes to the kyng I shall them clothe with confusion Make hym myghty by vertuous lyuyng His mortall soon to oppresse bere downe And hym to encrease as Christes champion All mischeues from hym to abridge With grace of god at the entry of this brydge ANd whan the kynge was passed the fyrste gate and was comen to y e drawe brydge there was ordeyned a goodly towre hāged and apparayled with sylke and clothes of aras in moste ryche wyse Out of whiche sodaynly appered .iii. ladyes rychely cladde in golde sylke with coronettes vpon theyr heddes wherof y e fyrst was named dame Nature the seconde dame Grace the thyrde dame Fortune the whiche vnto the kynge had this speche We ladies thre all by one consent Thre goostly gyftes heuynly dyuyne To the sir kynge as now we do present And to thyne hyghnes here we do this tyme Vtterly shewe them determyne As I Grace fyrst at thy comynge Endowe the with scyence and connynge And I Nature with strengthe and fayrnesse For to be loued and drad of euery wyght And I Fortune prosperyte and rychesse The to defende and to gyue the myght Longe to enioye and to holde thy trewe ryght In vertuous lyfe with honour to procede That thy two ceptours thou may well possede There was also in the sayd towre xiiii vyrgyns all clothed in whyte wherof .vii. stode vpon y e ryght hāde of y e sayd .iii. ladyes .vii. vpon y e left hande The .vii vpon y e ryght hande had bawderykes of saphyr colour or blewe And y e other .vii. had theyr garmētes powdred with sterres of gold Thā the fyrst .vii. presented y e kynge with the .vii. gyftes of y e holy ghost as sapyence intellygence good counsayll strengthe cunnynge pyte and drede of god
And the other .vii gaue vnto hym the .vii. gyftes of grace in maner as foloweth God the endowe with crowne of glory And with the ceptre of clennesse and pytye And with a swerde of myghte and victorye And with a mantell of prudence clad thou be A shylde of fayth for to defende the An helme of helthe wrought to thyne encreace Gyrte with a gyrdyll of loue and parfyte peace And after they had thus saluted the kynge anone they beganne thys roundell wyth an heuenly melodye and songe as foloweth Souerayne lorde welcome to your cytye Welcome our ioye and our hartes pleasaunce Welcome our gladnesse welcome our suffysaunce Welcome ▪ welcome ryghte welcome ●ut ye be Syngynge before thy royall mageste We saye with harte withouten varyaunce Souerayne lorde now welcome out of Fraunce The mayre and cytesyns with all the comynaltye Reioyse your comynge newly out of Fraunce Wherby this cytie and they rescuyd be Of all theyr sorow and former greuaunce Wherfore they saye and synge without greuance Welcome welcome welcome our hartes ioye Welcome you be vnto your owne newe Troye Than the kyng rode forth a softe pase tyll he came at the entre of Corn hylle where vpon y e hylle was ordeyned a tabernacle of curyous worke in the which stode dame Sapyence and about her the .vii. artes or scyences lyberall as fyrst gramer logike rhetoryke musyke arithmetyke geometry and astronomye euerych of them exercysynge theyr connynge facultye and the lady her selfe hadde thys speche to the kynge Lo I chyefe pryncesse dame Sapience Shewe vnto you this sentence of scripture Kynges that ben most of excellence By me they reygne and moste ioye endure For through my helpe and my besy cure To encrease theyr glory and theyr hygh renowne They shall of wysdome haue full possession Than the kynge passed on tyll he came to the conduyte in Cornehylle where was set a pageāt made cercle wyse in the summet or toppe therof was set a chyld of wonderfull beaute apparayled lyke a kyng Upō whose ryght hand satte lady Mercy vpon the lefte hande lady Trouth and ouer them stode dame Clennese embrasyng the kynges trone Then before the kynge stode two iudges viii sergeauntes of the coyfe And dame Clennesse had thys speche to y e vi Henry the kynge Lo by the sentence of prudent Salomon Mercy and ryght preseruyn euery kynge And I Clennesse obserued by reason Kepe his trone from myschyefe and fassynge And maketh it stronge with longe abydynge So I conclude that we ladyes thre A kynge preserue in longe prosperite And Dauyd sayd the psalme beryth wytnesse Lorde god thy dome thou to the kynge And gyue to hym thy trouth and ryghtwysnesse The kynges sonne here on erth lyuynge And thus declared he by his wrytynge That kynges and prynces shuld about thē drawe Folke that ben trewe and well lerned in lawe After hys speche thus declared y e kynge rode forth a quycker pase tyll he came vnto the conduyt in Chepe where were ordeyned dyuers wellys as y e welle of mercy y e welle of grace and the welle of pyte And at euery welle a lady standynge that mynystred the water of euery welle to such as wold aske it and that water was turned into good wyne About these welles were sette dyuers trees wyth flouryshynge leues and fruytes as orenges almandes pomegarnardes olyues lymones dates pepys quynces blaūderelles peches other more comon fruytes as costerdes wardēs pomewardōs rycardōs damysyns and plūmes wyth other fruytes longe to reherse y e which were so cūnyngly wrought that to many they appered naturall trees growynge In the bordour of thys delicious place whych was named Paradyse stode two forgrowen faders resemblynge Enocke and Hely the whych hadde thys sayenge to the kynge Ennok fyrste with a benygne chere Prayed god to vpholde his prosperite And that none enemyes haue of the power Nor that no chylde of false iniquyte Haue power to pertu●be thy feiycyte This olde Ennok to processe can well tell Prayed for the kynge as he rode by the welle After Helias with his sokkys hore Sayde well deuoutely sokynge on the kynge God conserue the and kepe euermore And make the blyssed here on erth lyuynge And preserue the in all maner thynge And specyall amonge kynges all In enemyes handes that thou neuer fall And that speche fynyshed y e kyng rode forthe a lytell forther And there was ordeyned a tower garnysshed wyth the armys of Englande and of Fraunce Thys tower was wonderfull to beholde for there was shewed in order the tytle whyche the kynge hadde vnto the crowne of Fraunce And vpryght by thys tower stode .ii. grene trees artifycyally wyth grene leuys garnysshed and wrought that one verynge the genelogy of saynte Edward and that other of saynt Lewys and garnyshed with leopardes and flourdelyces And ouer these .ii. foresayde trees was ordeyned the thyrde whyche was made the forthe spryng of Iesse wherin was shewed the genelogy of our blessed lady sette out in moste curyous wyse And vpō the front of thys tower were wryten these verses folowynge By these .ij. trees whiche here gr●we vpright From saynt Edwarde also sent I owys The rote I take palpable to eche syght Conueyed by syne from kynges of great pryce Whiche some bare Leopardes som flourdelice Armys excellent of honour haue no lacke Which the .vi. Hēry may now bere on his backe As in degre of iust successiowne As olde cronicles truely determine Vnto this kyng is now discended downe From eyther partye right as any syne Vpon whose hede now fresshesy doth shyne Two ryche crownes moche soueraygn pleasaūce To bringe in peas betwene Englande Fraūce Than from thys the kyng passed on tyll he came at the cōduyt at Paulys gate where was pyghte a celestyall trone and therein was sette a personage of the Trinyte wyth a multytude of aungels playenge and syngynge vpon all instrumentes of musyk And vpon the front of y e sayd trone was wrytten these verses or balades folowynge the whych were spoken by the father vnto the kyng To you my aungels this precept ye assure This prince that is so yonge tender of age That ye entende do your besy cure To kepe saue hym from all maner damage In hys lyfe here duryng all his age That his renowne may sprede shyne ferre And of his two realmes to cease the mortal warre And I will ferther as I shewe to hym here Fulfyll hym with ioye worldly habundaunce And with lengthe of many a holsome yere I shall comfort helpe with all pleasaunce And of his lieges to haue faythfull obeysaunce And also multiply encrease his lyne And cause his nobles thorugh the worlde shyne ANd thys done he entred the churcheyarde where he was mette wyth processyon of the deane the chanōs of Paulys wyth whome also in pontificalibus came the archbysshop of Cauntorbury and chaūceler of Englande with the bysshop of Lyncolne of
Bathe of Salysbury of Norwyche of Ely of Rochestre the whiche so conueyed hym into the churche and there made his oblacyons And that done he toke agayne his stede at the west dore of Paules and so rode forth vnto westmynker where agayne he was of the abbot couent receyued with procession and by them cōueyed vnto saynt Edwardes shryne and there taryed a whyle Te deum was songe in the Quyer And that finysshed he was of his lordes conueyed vnto his palays And than the mayre with his cytezyns returned ioyusly to London Than vpon the saterday folowynge beynge the .xxiii. day of Februarii the mayre and aldermen yode vnto the kyng and presented hym with an hamper of golde therin a thousande poūde of fayre nobles for the whiche the kynge yelded vnto them louynge thankes This yere also by reason of y e sowdyours of Calays a restraynte was made there of the wolles for they were not cōtēt of theyr wages wherfore the regent of Fraūce beynge thā Capytayne of Calays came downe thyder in the easter weke At whiche tyme beynge the wednesdaye in the sayde weke many sowdyoures were arested and put in warde And whan he had so done he rode to Tyrewyn there by the meanes of the bysshop of Tyrewyn he maried y e erle of saint Paules doughter and shortly after returned to Calays and caused the sayde sowdyours to be enquyred of and fynally .iiii. of them were demed to dye whiche .iiii. y t is to say Iohan Maddely Iohan Lundaye Thomas Palmer and Thomas Talbot were beheded at Calays the .xi. day of Iuny And an hundreth and .x. sowdyours were banysshed the towne ouer syr score banysshed before that tyme. And vpon mydsomer euen folowynge the sayd lorde regent with his newe spouse came vnto London and so taryed in Englande tyll the later ende of August Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxxii   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxxiii   Iohan Olney   Iohan Parneys Fysshmonger   Anno .xi.   Iohan Pa●dystey   IN this .xi. yere after some wryters was by the auctoryte of pope Martyn̄ the .v. of that name y e coūsayl of Basyle gadered Duryng the whiche the heretykes of Prage otherwyse called of Bohemy or Beme were somoned thyder The whiche vnder a suertye or saufe cōduyte sent thyder for thē with other an Englysshe Clerke named mayster Peter a renegate The whiche defended so styfly theyr erronyous opynyons that they returned without reconsylyacyon Thus hāgynge this coūsayll pope Martyn dyed for hym w●schosen Eugeny the fourth The whiche beyng admytted demeaned hym so nycely in the begynnynge that he was put out of Rome dyuers prynces toke partye agayne hym in suche wyse that he was lykely to be deposed But after he bare hym so sadly y t he recouered such as he had loste contynued the see by the space of .xvi. yeres and ruled so that of some wryters he is called Eugeniꝰ gloriosus And that is of relygyous men for vnto theym he hadde a specyall zele and fauoure And vpon the eyhgte day of Iuly kynge Henry this yere beganne his parlyamet at westmynster and so contynued it tyll it was Lammas and than it was aiourned vnto saynt Edwardes daye And this yere in the southe weste appered a sterre whiche was lyke to a blasynge sterre and of some it is so named The erle of Huntyngdon̄ also this yere was sente into Fraunce with a warly company and dyd ther great feates as saythe the Englyssh cronycle But of y t is nothynge towched in the Frenche boke Anno dn̄i M.iii. C.xxxiii   Anno dn̄i M.iii. C.xxxiiii   Thomas Chalton̄   Iohan Brokley draper   Anno .xii.   Iohan Lynge   IN this .xii. yere and .ix. daye of Nouembre the terment of the erle of saynt Pawle father vnto the duchesse of Bedforde was solemply holdē in Pawles churche of Londō where the more partye of astates of this realme were present And the .ix. day of Marche folowynge the lorde Talbot with a goodly company passed thoroughe the cytye of London towarde the see into Fraunce where he wrought moche wo vnto y e Frēch men wherof the partyculers be not towched Contynuynge the foresayd warre in Fraūce the towne of saynt Denys which is within .ii. Englyssh myles of Parys was goten by treason or practyse of one named Iohan Notyce a knyght of Orleaūce from Mathew Gougth and Thomas Kyryell capytayns and slewe there many Englysshemen and many they toke prysoners But soone after the sayde capytaynes with strengthe taken to theym of the Parysyens and other layde suche a stronge syege rounde aboute the sayde towne of saynt Denys that fynally they agreed to redelyuer y e towne yf they were not rescowed of the Frenche kynge within fyftene dayes so that y e sayde dayes expyred it was retourned to the Englysshemē But this not with standynge the Frenchemen wanne dayly vpon the Englysshe men both in those partyes and also in Normādy Amōg whiche gaynes y e Frēche Gaguyne bryngeth in a matyer of game as he reherseth to y e mockage of Englysshemen and saythe that in this yere and feest of Myghelmas at a place called Fewgeri in Guyan a stronge fyghte was foughten bytwene the Englysshmen and the Frēchemen Durynge the whiche one named Boosaprest a Frēch Knyght for fere fledde frome that fyghte and hydde hym in a couerte of busshes and there stoode styll tyll the fyghte was ended and the Englysshemen scomfyted and scared Of the whiche two of aduenture to sauegarde them selfe fledde to the sayd thycke busshe where the cowarde Frenche knyghte stode The whiche whan he hadde espyed and lerned of theym that the Frenche partye hadde wonne the felde he became so coragyous that he forced the sayde two Englysshemen to become his prysoners and so with theym entredde the hoste of the Frenchemē and bare a countenaūce as he hadde wonne theym in the foresayd fyght But at lengthe whan all his demeanoure was knowen he was for his feate hadde in great derysyon and by his chefe capytayne named Guyllā de saynt Albyne pryued of his prysones And in this season also the erle of Arundell whiche in Normandy had manly borne hym herynge that one Hyrus a Frenche capytayne hadde fortyfyed a strōge castell named Gerborym before distroyed of Englysshe men toke with hym a certayn of sow dyoures and gyrde the castell with a stronge syege and assawted it by sondry tymes māfully as sayth the Frēche cronycle But Gagwyne in his cronycle sayth that or the syege were fully layde or the castell were fully repayred the sayd Hyrus with his company yssued out of the castell gaue vnto y e sayd erle a cruell skyrmysshe in the whiche the sayde erle receyued a deedly wounde and dyed shortly after And that vyctory so by y e Frēche men optayned that castell was to y e hurte of the Englysshemen reedyfyed and a place called Dyepp̄ with other also wonne from them Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxxiiii   Anno dn̄i M.
for the warre apparayled wherof London sente at theyr charge men Than vpon the .ix. daye of Iuyll the duke of Burgoyn with a great multytude of Burgonyons and Flemynges appered before Calays and there pyght his pauylyons and tentes so that euery towne of Flaūdres had theyr tentes by themselfe At whiche season was Lyeutenaunt of Calays syr Iohn̄ Ratclyf knyght of the castell was lieutenaunte the baron of Dudley And so that syege endured vpon .iii. wekes In whiche seson many knyghtly actes were done and exercysed vpon bothe partyes whiche for lengthynge of the tyme I passe Than vpon the seconde day of August the duke of Glouceter protectour of Englāde with a company of .v. C. sayles as some writers haue landed at Calays and entended vpon the thyrde day folowynge to haue yssued out of the towne and to haue gyuen batayll to y e Flemynges But as testyfyeth all Englysshe wryters so soone as y e duke of Burgoyn was ware of the great power of the lorde protectour he toke with hym of his ordenaūce that he myght lyghtly cary and the other that were heuy and combrous he lefte behynde hym Amonge the whiche one was lefte before Guynes a great gunne of brasse named Dygon ouer dyuers serpentynes and other great gunnes And the Flemynges lefte behynde them a great quantyte of bere besyde wyne and floure and other vytayle But of this vyage wryteth otherwyse Gaguyne sayth that y e duke well and manfully as a valyaunte knyght ī his actes cōtinued his syge before Calays ouer two monethes And there dyd many noble actes in assaylyng of his enemyes And after y e Flemynges by reason of theyr murmure and rebellion had refused hym and in maner lafte hym almost with out company yet not withstādynge he dayly assayled his enemyes and after with suche small company as was laft hym whā he sawe he myght not preuayle he returned into his coūtre And so thus alway in all the sayd Gagwynus boke he wypeth from y e Englysshemen in all that he may the honoure and excuseth theyr enemyes to his power whan the duke with his host was thus fledde the lorde protectoure with his people folowed hym into the countre by the space of xi dayes In whiche season he brent but two townes whiche were named and yet be Poperynge and Bell and returned to Calays after into Englande And this yere was the castell or towne of Rokkesborouth in Scotlande besyeged of the kynge of Scottes But so soone as he had wyttyng that syr Rauffe Gray knyght was comynge with a competent nombre for to remoue that siege anone he departed leuynge some parte of his ordenaunce behynde hym to his great dyshonoure Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxxvi   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xxxvii   Thomas Morsted   Iohn̄ Mychell   Anno .xv.   wyllyam Gregory   IN this .xv. yere thyrde daye of Ianuarii quene Katheryne mother vnto Henry the syxte wyfe of Henry the fyfte dyed at Barmundissey in southwarke after with due solempnyte brought thorughe the cytie and so conueyed to westmynster and there buryed in y e myddes of our lady chapel vnder a tōbe of marbell But whan our soueraygne lorde Hēry the .vii. than beynge kyng caused the chapell to be taken downe buylded a newe without the lyke ther vnto as now to men dothe appere than the corps of y e excellent prynces was taken vp and set by the tombe of her lorde and husbande durynge y e tyme of the buyldynge of the sayde newe chapell and after buryed by her sayd lorde within the sayde chapell And y e xiiii day of y e sayd moneth fyll downe sodeynly the furthest gate towarde Southwarke with y e towre therupon and .ii. of the furthest arches of y e sayd brydge but as god wold no creature was therwith perysshed that is to meane of humayne persones And the .xxi. day of this same moneth of Ianuarii the kyng beganne his parlyament at westmynster whiche before was purposed to haue benholden at Cambrydge To this parlyament came y e bysshop of Turuyn and the counsayle of the erle of Armynak wherof I fynde not y e cause expressed And after easter was a day of dyot holdē bytwene Grauenynge and Calays for maters touchynge y e kynge and the duke of Burgoyne where for the kynge appered the cardynall of Englande y e duke of Norffolke and the erle of Stafforde with dyuers other And for the dukes partye appered there the duchesse his wyfe with dyuers other of the sayde dukes counsayle where by meanes of the sayde persones an abstynence of warre was taken for a certayne tyme in the duchesse name For the kynge wolde take none appoyntmēt with the duke for somoche as he had gone from his truthe allegeaunce that before tyme he had made with y e kynge And vpon the seconde daye of Iuly this yere dyed quene Iane the whiche somtyme had ben the wyfe of kynge Henry the .iiii and before that the wyfe of the duke of Brytayne was caryed from Barmundessey to Cauntorbury and there buryed by her husbāde Henry the .iiii. And this yere fell a chaunce that had not ben sene many yeres before For all ●yons dyed in the towre the whiche had cōtynued there a longe season In this yere also y e kyng of Scottes was trayterously murthered by seruauntes of his owne Of the whiche traytours the capytayne of them was named Robert Grame y ● which after was with other of his company taken and put vnto moost paynfull dethe This sayd kynge of Scottes had ●en prysoner fyftene yeres in Englande Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xxxvii   Anno. dn̄i M.iiii C.xxxviii   wyllyam Chapman   wyllyam Estfelde Mercer   Anno .xvi.   wyllyam Halys   IN this .xvi. yere and moneth of Nouembre kynge Henry caused to be kepte a solempne obyt or terment within the churche of Paules for Sygysmonde the emperour and knyght of y e garter This was a man of merueylous great worthy fame as by the auctour of Cronica Cronicarum is expressed After whose dethe the gydynge of y e empyre fyll to Albert that had maryed the onely doughter of y e sayd Sygysmonde Anno. dn̄i M.iiii C.xxxviii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xxxix   Hugh Dyke   Stephen Browne Grocer   Anno .xvii.   Nycholas yoo   IN this yere vpon newe yeres daye in the after noone a stake of woode fyll downe sodaynly at Baynardes castell vpon Thamys syde and slewe .iii. men and hurte dyuers other And at Bedford this yere at the kepynge of a shyre day by the fallynge of a steyer were .xviii. murthered slayne besyde many other sore hurte and maymed And the last day of Apryll dyed in Roan syr Rycharde Beauchamp called of comon fame y e good erle of warwyke This was lyeutenaunt of y e kynge in Normandy and demened hym there full well and manfully whose body was after brought vnto warwyke there in a newe chapell buylded vpon
Theodalde Guyllyam Rychauyll knyghtes The whyche rescous nat wythstandynge the sayde lorde Talbot well māfully cōtynued hys syege assawted the towne in ryght cruell maner so that they were fayne to call for more ayde whereof the lord Talbot beyng ware thynkynge that shortly the Frenchmen shuld be constrayned to gyue ouer the towne left the gydyng of the syege vnto syr wyllyam Poyton syr Iohn̄ Ryppelād or Tryppelande knyght after departyd After whose departyng with in short whyle y e Dolphyn of Uyēne Lowys by name and sonne vnto the forenamed Charles Frenche kynge accompanyed wyth the erle of saynte Paule other to the nombre of .xvi. C. knyghtes came vnto the rescous of the sayd towne And after he had a day rested hym and hys sowdiours he sente the forenamed Theodalde wyth a strength of .iiii. C. men for to assayle the forsayde towre of tymbre but lytell hurt dyd they therunto Than the sayd Dolphyn sente an other strength of .vi. C. men to assayle it but the Englyshemen quyt theym so manfully that they slew .viii. score Frenchmen woūnded ouer .iii. C. wherwyth the Dolphyn beynge greuously amoued assembled the vttermost strength he myght make aswel of the towne and other and set vpon the Englysshe men whiche were ●ore brused with dayly fyght and fewe in nombre and fynally scomfited them and slewe of theym vpon CCC and toke y e rest prysoners Amonge y t whiche the foresayd two Englysshe capitaynes were taken and a kynnesmā of the lorde Talbottes or more veryly one of his baste sones And thus was Depe rescowed the Englysshmen dyscomfyted after they had māfully maynteyned that syege by the space of .ix. wekes and odde dayes Also this yere in y e moneth of August was a great affray ī Fletestrete atwene the getters of the ynnes of courte and the inhabytauntes of the same strete whiche affray began in y e nyght and so contynued with assawtes and small by kerynges tyll y e next day In whiche season moche people of the cytie thyder was gadered and dyuers men of bothe partyes were slayne and many hurte But lastly by the presence dyscrecyon of y e mayer and shyreffes this affraye was appesed Of the whiche was chyfe occasyoner a man of Clyfforde ynne named Herbotell In this yere also by certayne ambassadoures y t were sente out of Englād into Guyon a maryage was cōcluded in the begynnynge of the yere folowynge atwene the kynge and y e erles doughter of Armenak whiche conclusion was after dysalowed and put by by the meanes of the erle of Suffolke whiche kyndled a newe brande of brunynge enuy atwene y e lorde protectour and hym and toke fyre in suche wyse that it lefte not tyll bothe partyes with many other were consumed and slayne wherof ensued moche myschefe within the realme and losse of all Normandy as after to you shall appere Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xlii.   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C. xlili   Thomas Beaumount   Ion̄ Athyrley Irenmonger   Anno .xxi.   Rycharde Nordon   IN thys .xxi. yere the foresayde erle of Suffolke whych as before is touched had fordon the cōclusyon of the maryage takē by the ambassadours betwene the kyng and y e erle of Armenakes doughter wente ouer hym selfe wyth other vnto hym assygned there in Fraūce concluded a mariage betwene the kyng and dame Margarete the kynges doughter of Cecyle and of Hierusalem as sayth the Englyshe cronycle And for that mariage to brynge about to the sayd kyng of Cecyle was deliuered y e duchye of Angeou and erledome of Mayne whych are called the keyes of Normandy But the Frēche wryter Gaguyne sayth in hys latyne cronycle y t about thys tyme the erle of Suffolke came vnto Charles the Frenche kyng to a towne in Lorayn named Naunce or Naūt axed of hym his doughter to be quene of England but he gyueth to her no name The whyche request of the sayd Charles to the sayde erle was graūted Also he affermeth lytel tofore that season a peace betwene bothe realmes was concluded for the terme of .xxii. moneths whych peace endured but a whyle after And thys yere vpon Candelmas euyn the steple of sait Poules church in Londō was set on fyre by tempest of lyghtnynge and lastly quēched by greate dylygence and laboure of many persones But of all that there laboured the morowe masse preeste of Bowe church in chepe was moste commended and noted Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xliii   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xliiii   Nycholas wyfforde   Thomas Catworthe Grocer   Anno .xxii.   Iohn̄ Norman   THys .xxii. yere y e erle of Stafforde was made or created duke of Bukkyngham the erle of warwyke duke of warwyke the erle of Dorset marques of Dorset and the erle of Suffolke marquys of Suffolke The whyche marquys of Suffolke soone after wyth hys wyfe and other honourable personages aswell of men as of women with great apparayl of chayres and other costyous ordenaunce for to conuey the forenamed lady Margarete into England sayled into Fraūce where they were honourably receyued and so taryed there all thys mayres yere In thys yere was also an acte made by auctoryte of the common coūsayll of London that vppon the sondaye shuld no maner of thynge with in the fraunchyse of y e citie be bought or solde nother vytayll nor other thynge nor none artyfycer shulde brynge hys ware to any man to be worne or occupyed that daye as tayllours garmentes or cordewayners shoys and so in lykewyse of all other occupacyons The whyche ordenaunce helde but a whyle Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xliiii   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.xlv   Stephyn Foster   Henry Frowyke Mercer   Anno .xxiii.   Hughe wyche   THys .xxiii. yere and moneth of the foresayd lady Margarete came ouer into Englād and in the moneth folowynge she was maryed vnto kyng Hēry at a towne called Sowthwyke in the countre of Hamshyre And frō thens she was honourably conueyed by the lordes and estates of thys lād whyche mette wyth her in sondry places wyth greate retynewe of men in sondry lyueryes wyth theyr sleuys browdered and som betyn wyth gold smythes werkes in moste costly maner And specyally the duke of Glouceter mette wyth her wyth fyue hundreth men in one lyuerey And so she was conueyed vnto Blacke heth where vppon the .xviii. day of May she was mette with the mayre aldermen and sheryfes of the cytye and the craftes of the same in brown blewe wyth brawderyd sleuys That is to meane euery mystery or crafte wyth conysaunce of hys mystery and red hoodes vppon eyther of theyr heddes and so the same daye broughte her vnto London where for her were ordeyned sumptuous and costly pagētes and resemblaūce of dyuerse olde hystoryes to y e great comforte of her and suche as came wyth her y e maner whereof I passe ouer for lengthynge of the tyme. And so wyth great tryūphe she was broughte vnto westmynster where vppon the
nor to any of his counsayll beynge louers of y e cōmon weale and of hym and of his lande but his entēt purpose was to remoue from hym a fewe euyll disposed persones by whose meanes y e cōmon people was greuously opressed and the comynaltye greatly enpouerysshed Of y ● whiche he named for principall the duke of Somerset Of whome it was fynally agreed by the kyng ▪ that he shulde be cōmytted to warde there to abyde answere vnto suche artycles as the duke of yorke wolde lay agayne hym Upon whych promesse so made by the kyng the fyrst day of Marche beyng thursdaye the duke brake vp hys felde so came vnto y e kynges tente where cōtrary the former promyse made he fāde the duke of Somerset as chefe awayter next vnto the kyng And thā was y e duke of yorke sence before to Londō was holden somedeale in maner as prisoner more streyghter shuld haue ben kepte ne had ben tydynges whych dayely sprāge that syr Edwarde hys sonne thā erle of y e March was commyng toward London wyth a stronge power of welche men March mē whych fered so the quene and hyr counsayl that y e duke was lyberted to go where he wolde And so after he departed vnto hys owne countrey and peace was dyssymuled wyth feyned loue for a whyle Ann odn̄i M.iiii C.lii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.liii.   Rychard Lee.   Godfrey Feyldynge   Anno .xxxi.   Rychard Alley   IN thys .xxxi. yere y e kynge helde a solempne feest at westmyster vpon the .xii. day of Cristmas where he created .ii. erles the whyche were hys bretherne vpō the mothers syde quene Katheryne that after the deth of kynge Henry the .v. was maryed vnto a knyghte of walys named Dwayne the whych begate vpō hyr these forsayd .ii. sonnes wherof that one thys sayd daye was created erle of Rychemoūt which was named sir Edmonde the yōger called syr Iasper was creat the erle Penbroke The whych lastly was created duke of Bedforde by our souerayne lorde kyng Hēry the .vii. so dyed And in Marche folowyng as witnesseth Gaguyne was the towne of Herf●ewe wonne by the Frēchmen And soone after the cytye of Bayons was gyuē vp by appoyntment so that the souldyours shuld leue theyr armoure behynde them And for euery woman there beyng was graūted an horse to ryde vpon to euery horse mā .x. scutes to pay for theyr costes to euery fote man .v. wythout more by theym to be taken And thys yere the kynge laye longe syke at Claryngdowne was in great ieopardye of hys lyfe And in y e ende of thys mayres yere begynnynge of the .xxxii. yere of the kyng that is to meane vpon the day of trāslacyon of saynt Edwarde or y e xiii day of Octobre y e quene at westmynster was delyuered of a fayre prynce For the whyche greate reioysyng and gladnesse was made in sundry places of Englande and specyallye wythin the cy●ye of London where of the expressemente of the cyrcumstaunce wolde are longe leysoure to vtter Thys prynce beynge wyth all honour and reuerence sacred and crystened was named Edwarde and grew after to perfight and good lye personage and lastly of Edward the fourthe was slayne at Tewkysburye feelde as after to you shall be shewed whose noble mother susteyned nat a lytle dysclaunder obloquy of the cōmon peple sayeng that he was nat the naturall sonne of kynge Henry but chaunged in the cradell to hyr greate dyshonour heuynesse which I ouer passe Thys yere also whyche was the yere of grace M.iiii C.liii. Mahumet thā prynce of Turkes in the moneth of Iuny and .iiii. daye of the sayde moneth beynge the thyrde yere of hys empyre or reygne after .l. dayes of cōtynuall assaute by his innumerable multytude of Turkes to the cytye of Constātyne the noble with excedyng force and crueltye made and excercysed wan and opteyned the domynyō and rule of the same to the greate hynderaūce and shame of all crystendome and enhaūcynge of the power and myghte of the sayd Turkes Of the excedynge noumber of men women and chyldren that in that cytye at that daye were slayne I wyll not speke of for the great dyuersyte that I haue seen of wryters Amonge the whyche the emperour named Paleogolus with many other nobles of the cytye beynge taken on lyue were thā behedyd and many a preste and relygyous man put vnto deth by sundry cruell turmentes After whych great crueltye wyth many other longe to reherce put in execucyon a commaūdement passed from the sayde emperoure of Turkes that all chyldren beynge aboue the age of .vi. yeres as well men as women kynde shulde be streyght put vnto deth the whyche after some wryters excedyd the nomber of .iiii. M. Here for tydeousnesse and lamentable processe whyche I myghte shewe in the rehersall of the abomynacyon of the moste dampnable and accursyd Turkys by thē done vnto the crucyfyxe and other images of the chyrches and temples wythin the cytye I cease For paynefull it were to rede more paynefull and sorowfull to here that the fayth of Chryst shulde in so vyle maner be dyspysed Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.liii.   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.liiii Draper Iohn̄ walden   Iohn̄ Norman   Anno .xxxii.   Thomas Cooke   IN thys .xxxii. yere Iohn̄ Norman foresayd vpō the morowe of Symonde and Iudys day the accustomyd day whan the newe mayre vsyd yerely to tyde wyth greate pōpe vnto westminster to take his charge this mayre fyrste of all mayres brake that auncyent and olde cōtynued custome and was rowed thyther by water for the whiche y e watermen made of hym a roundell or songe to hys great prayse y t whiche began Rowe y e bote Norman rowe to thy lemmā and so forth wyth a longe processe ye haue in your remēbraunce how I before in the .xxx. yere of thys kyng shewed to you of the apoyntement taken bytwene the sayd kyng y e duke of yorke at Brent heth which apoyntement as before is sayde was soone broken and set at nought By reason wherof greate enuye and dyscencyon grewe bytwene y e kynge and dyuers of hys lordes and most specyally bytwene the quenes counseyll and the duke of yorke and hys blode For all contrary y e kynges promyse by meanes of the quene whiche than bare y e cure and charge of the land the duke of Somerset was sette at large and made capytayne of Caleys and had as greate rule about the kynge as he before dayes hadde wherwyth not onely some of the nobles of the land grudgyd but also the comons whyche by hys counsayll and other than rulers as the fame went susteyned many greuous imposycyons charges Thys fyre rancour and enuye by y e space of .xvii. or .xviii. monethes smokynge and brennynge vnder couert dyssymulacyon now at this day brake out in greate and hote flamys of open warre and wrath in so mych that the duke
greate daunger toke hys barge so in all haste rowed to London nat wythout great maymys hurtys receyued by many of hys seruauntes For thys the old rācour malyce whyche neuer was clerely cured anon begā to breke oute in so moche that the quenes coūsayll wolde haue had the sayd erle arested and committed vnto the towre wherfore he shortly after departed toward warwyke and by polycy purchased soone after a commyssiō of the kyng and so yode or sayled vnto Calays Thanne encreased thys olde malyce more more in so moche that where the quene and hyr coūsayll sawe that they myght nat be auenged vppō the erle that so vnto Calays was departed than they malygned agayne hys father the erle of Salysbury imagened how he myght be brought out of lyfe And in processe of tyme after as he was rydynge towarde Salysbury or after som from hys lodgyng towarde London the lorde Audeley wyth a strōg company was assygned to mete wyth hym as prysoner to bryng hym vnto Londō whereof the sayde erle beynge warned gathered vnto hym the mo men kepyng hys iourney mette wyth the sayd lord Audeley at a place called Bloreheth where both companyes ran together had there a strōge by keryng wherof in the ende the erle was vyctoure and slewe there the lorde Audeley many of hys retynew At thys skyrmys she were the .ii. sonnes of the sayd erle sore woūded named sir Thomas and syr Iohn̄ the whyche shortly after as they were goynge homeward were by some of the quenys party taken as prysoners sente vnto Chestry whan thys was knowen vnto y e duke of yorke and to the other lordes of hys party they knewe understode that yf they ꝓuyded nat shortly for remedy for them selfe they shulde all be destroyed And for that they by one assent gathered to them a strōge hoste of men as of Marche men and other in the moneth of Octobre y t was in the begynnyng of the .xxxviii yere of the reygne of kynge Henry the later ende of thys mayres yere they drewe them towarde the kynge to the entent to remoue frō hym such persones as they thought were enemyes vnto the commō weale of Englande But the quene and hyr counsayll heryng of the entent strength of these lordes caused the kyng in all haste to sende forthe cōmyssyons to gather the people so that in shorte whyle the kyng was strongely accōpanyed so spedde hym vppon hys iourney to warde the duke of yorke hys company wherof heryng y e sayd duke thā beyng wyth hys peple nere vnto the towne of Ludlowe pyghte there a sure strōge feelde that none of hys foes myght vppon any parte entre where he so lyeng came to him frome Calays the erle of warwyke wyth a stronge bande of mē amonge the whyche was Andrewe Trollop and many other of y e best souldiours of Calays The duke thus kepynge hys feelde vpon that one party and the kyng wyth hys people vpon that other vpon the nyght precedyng the daye that bothe hostes shulde haue met the forenamed Andrewe Trolloppe wyth all the chefe soudyours of Calays secretly departed frome y e dukes hoste and wente vnto the kynges where they were ioyously receyued whā thys thynge to the duke and the other lordes was asserteyned they were therewhyth sore dysmayed and specyally for the sayd lordes had to the sayd Andrew shewed the hoole of theyr ententes whych thanne they knewe well shuld be clerelye dyscouered vnto theyr enemyes wherfore after coūsayll for a remedye taken they concluded to flee to leue the feelde standyng as they had ben presente and styll abydyng And so incontynently the sayd duke wyth hys twoo sonnes a few other persones fledde towarde walys and from thens passed sauely into Irelande And the erles of Salysbury of Marche of warwyke and other wyth a secrete company also departed and toke the waye into Deuonshyre where a squyer named Iohan Dynham whyche after was a lorde and hyghe tresourer of Englande so lastlye in Henry the .vii. dayes and xvi yere of hys reygne dyed bought a shyp for a C. .x. markes or a leuen score nobles and in the same shyppe the sayd lordes went so sayled into Gerneley And whā they had a seasō there soiourned and refresshed them selfe they departed thens as in the begynnyng of the nexte mayres yere shal be clerely shewed Uppon the morowe whan all thys couyne was knowen to the kynge and the lordes vpon hys party there was sendynge and rūnynge wyth all spede towarde euery cooste to take these lordes but none myght be foūde And forthwith the kyng rode vnto Ludlowe dyspoyled the towne and castell sente the duchesse of yorke wyth hyr chyldren vnto the duchesse of Buckynghā hyr syster where she rested lōge after Anno. dn̄i M. CCCC.lix   Anno dn̄i M. CCCC.lx Fysshemonger Hohn̄ Plummer   wyllyam Hulyn   Anno .xxxviii.   Iohn̄ Stocker   THys yere that is to meane vppon the fryday next ensuyng Alhalowen day after the sayde erles of Salysbury of Marche of warwyke had as before is said refresshed them in the I le of Gernesey they vpō the fryday foresayd lāded at Calays and there were at a posterne by theyr frēdes ioyously receyued Thā anon vpon this these foresayd lordes were proclaymed rebellys traytours the yonge duke of Somerset was made capitayne of Calays wherfore in all haste he made purueyaunce saylyd thyther to take possessyon of y e town But he fayled of hys purpose for the foresayde erles there beynge kept so y e towne that there he myght haue no rule natwythstandyng that he shewed the kynges letter patētys wyth many other strayght commaūdementes of the kynge For whyche cause the sayd duke yode vnto Guynys and there helde hym for a seasō And anone as the sayd duke was lāded some of the shypmen which had brought hym thyther for good wyll that they owed vnto the erle of warwyke cōueyed theyr shippes streyght into Calays hauen brought wyth them certayne persones named Genyn Fenbyll Iohn̄ Felowe Kayles and Purser whyche were enemyes vnto the sayde erle of warwyke the whyche were presented vnto the lordes and soone after wythin the sayd towne of Calays they were beheded Thys rumoure thus contynuynge dayly came vnto these lordes greate socoure out of Englāde And vppon that other partye the duke as before is sayd lyeng in the castel of Guynes gate vnto hym ayde and strengthe of souldyours made out and skyrmysshed wyth them of Calays many and sundry tymes In whych assautes many mē were slayen hurte vppon both partyes but moste wekyd the dukes partye For all be that the lordes lost many men yet they dayly came so thycke to them out of dyuers partyes of Englāde that theyr losse was nat espyed so that they wantyd no mē but money to maynteyn̄ theyr dayly charge with For remedy wher of they shyfted wyth the staple of
Calays for .xviii. M. li. whyche summes of money whan they had receyued y e sayd lordes of one assent made ouer y e forenamed mayster Iohn̄ Dynham wyth a stronge company sent hym vnto Sandwyche to wynne y e kynges nauye than there lyenge and other thynges for theyr nedes necessary The whyche sped hym in suche wyse that he toke the lord Ryuers in hys bedde wanne the town toke the lord Scalys sonne vnto the sayd lord Riuers with other ryche prayes and after tooke of the kynges nauy what shyppes them lyked and after retourned vnto Calays nat without consent agremēt of many of y e mariners whych owyd theyr synguler fauours vnto the erle of warwyke In thys iourney was the sayde Iohan Dynham sore hurt that he was may med vpon the legge haltyd whyle he lyued after Than after this iourney thus acheuyd the sayd lordes by tayled and māned the sayd shyppes sent wyth them as chefe capytayne the erle of warwyke into Irelande to speke wyth the duke of yorke and to haue hys counsayll for maters cōcerning theyr charge as reentre into this lande and other where whā he had happelye sped hys nedys he retourned towarde Calays bryngyng wyth hym hys mother the coūtesse of Salysbury also kepte hys course tyll he came into the west coūtrey where at that tyme was the duke of Gretyr as admyrall of the see wyth a competēt noūber of shyppes well māned in so moche that the erle of warwyke prouyded to haue gyuen batayll vnto ●he sayd duke yf he hadde made any coūtenaunce toward him But the duke harde suche murmure speche amōge hys owne company whych foūded vnto the erle of warwykes fauoure that he thoughte it was more vnto hys profyte to suffre hym to passe than to fight with him But were it for thys cause or for other which y e commō fame rūneth vppō which were lōge to wryte certayn trouth it is that the sayd erle passed wythout fyghte came in sauete to Calays In thys passe tyme a parliament or great coūsayll was holdē at Couentre By auctoryte whereof the duke of yorke and all the other foresayde lordes wyth many other were attaynted and theyr lādes goodes seased to the kynges vse And for the more surer defēce that they shuld nat efte lande in Kēt prouisiō was made to defende the hauēs portys vppon the sees syde And at Sandwyche was ordeyned a new strēgthe wyth a capitayn named syr Symōde Moūforde And ouer thys prouision was ordeyned that no marchaūt passyng into the costys of Flaūders shulde passe or go by Calays for fere that any shuld come to y e ayde of the sayd lordes But thys prouysyon natwythstandyng comfort to them was sent dayly out of Englād Than these lordes herynge of all thys prouysyon made vppō the sees syde to wythstāde theyr lādynge sent out an other company vnto Sādewyche the whych there skyrmysshed wyth the sayd syr Symōde Mountforde in the ende toke hym broughte hym vnto Ryse Banke there smote of hys hede The foresayd lordes than cōsyderynge the strengthe whych they had wyth them and manyfolde frendes hartys which they had in sundry places of Englād condyscēded for to sayle into Englande so to bryng about theyr entēt purpose whych was as the cōmon fame went to put a parte frome the kynge all suche persones as were enemyes to the cōmon weale of the lāde And thys to bryng aboute after they had set the towne of Calays in an order sure kepyng they toke shyppynge so sayled into Englāde landed at Douer and from thēs helde on theyr iourney thorughe Kente so that they came to Londō the .ii. daye of Iuly And after they had there refresshed theym and theyr people they departed thense sped theym towarde the kynge which at y e same tyme of theyr lādynge was at Couentry and there gathered his people so came vnto Northampton where he pyght hys felde wherof the sayd lordes beynge enfourmed sped them thytherward so that vpō the .ix. day of Iuly bothe hostys there mette foughte there a cruell batayll But after long fyght the victory fell vnto the erle of Salysbury and the other lordes vpō his partye the kynges hoste was sparcled chased many of hys noble men slayen Amōge the whyche was the duke of Buckynghan the erle of Shrowsbury y e vycoūt Beaumoūd the lorde Egremōde wyth many other knyghtes and esquyers and the kyng taken in the felde After whych victory thus by these lordes opteyned they in goodly haste after retourned vnto Londō and broughte wyth them the kynge kepyng hys estate lodged hym in the bysshop of Londō palays And after spedye knowelege sent of all the premysses vnto y e duke of yorke yet beyng in Irelāde a parlyamēt in the name of the kyng was than called holden at westmynster Durynge whych parlyament y e duke of yorke came vnto westmynster vpō the frydaye before saynte Edwardes day or the .x. day of October and lodged hym in the kynges palays wherof anone arose a noyse thorugh the cytye that kynge Henry shuld be deposed the duke of yorke shulde be kynge Uppō thys this parlyamente thus contynuynge the duke came one daye into the parlyament chaumber there boldely beyng the lordes present sette hym downe in the kynges sete so there sittynge made a pretence and clayme vnto the crown affermyng it to be hys ryghtfull enherytaūce had there certayn bolde wordes in iustyfyenge of the same wherewyth all the lordes presente were greatly dysmayed For thys great many opynions were moued among the lordes Howe be it aswell dyuers of hys frendes as other were of the mynde that he shuld nat be admytted for kynge duryng the lyfe of kyng Henry For appeasynge wherof many great coūsayles were kepte aswell at the blacke freres as at westmynster In all whych tyme and season the quene wyth suche lordes as were of hyr affynyte helde them in the north coūtrey assembled to theym greate strengthe in the kynges name to the ende to subdue as she sayde the kynges rebelles and enemyes Thus contynuynge thys vnkyndenesse betwene the kynge and the duke all be it that at that season bothe the kynge and he were bothe lodged within the palays of westmynster yet wolde he natte for prayer nor instaunce ones bysyte the kynge nor see hym tyll the counsayll were concluded vppon some fynall ende concernyug thys greate matter the whyche so continued the full terme of this mayres yere Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lx.   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxi. Grocer Rycharde Flemynge   Rycharde Lee.   Anno .xxxix.   Iohn̄ Lambarde   THys yere whyche was in the begynnynge of the xxxlx yere of kyng Henryes reygne that is to meane vpō the euyn of all sayntes or the laste day of October it was condyscended by the lordes spyrytuall temporall by the hole auctoryte of the sayd parliament that
kyng Hēry shuld cōtynue reygne as kynge durynge hys naturall lyfe after hys deth hys sonne prynce Edwarde to be sette a parte the duke of yorke hys heyres to be kynges incontynentely the duke to be admytted as protectour and regēt of the lāde And yf at any tyme after the kynge of hys owne free wyll and mynde were dysposed to resygne gyue vp the rule of the lāde that thā he shulde resigne vnto the duke yf he than lyued and to none other to hys heyres after hys dayes wyth many other maters and cōuencyōs whyche were tedious to wryte All whyche conclusyons as than by mannes wytte myght be assuryd for the parfourmaunce of theym whanne tyme requyred parfyghted the kynge wyth the duke many other lordes thā there present came that nyght to Poulys there harde euynsong vppon the morow came thyther agayn to masse where the kyng yode in procession crowned wyth great royalte so lay styll in y e bysshoppes palays a season after And vppon the saterdaye folowynge beyng the .ix. daye of Nouember the duke was proclaymed throughe the cytye heyre paraunt vnto the crowne of Englāde all hys progeny after hym Than for as moche as quene Margarete accompanyed with price Edwarde hyr sonn̄ the dukes of Somerset of Excetyr and diuers other lordes helde hyr in the northe as aboue is sayd and wolde nat come at the kynges sendyng for therefore it was agreed by the lordes thā at London presence that the duke of yorke shulde take wyth hym the erle of Salysbury wyth a certayne people to fetche in the sayde quene lordes abouesayde The whyche duke erle departed from Londō with theyr people vpon the secōde daye of December so spedde theym northwarde wherof the quene with hyr lordes beynge ware and hauyng wyth theym a greate strength of Northernemen mette wyth the duke of yorke vppon the .xxx. daye of December nere vnto a towne in the northe called wakelfeld were betwene them was foughten a sharpe fyght In the whych the duke of yorke was slayne wyth hys sonne called erle of Rutlande and syr Thomas Neuyll sonne vnto the erle of Salysbury wyth many other and the erle of Salysbury was there taken on lyue wyth dyuerse other whanne the lordes vppon the quenes partye had gotten thys vyctory anone they sente theyr prysoners vnto Pountfreyte the whyche were after there behedyd that is to meane the erle of Salysbury a man of London named Iohn̄ Narowe and an other capytayne named Hāson whose heddes were sente vnto yorke and there sette vppon the gates And whan the quene hadde opteynyd thys vyctory she wyth her retynewe drewe toward London where at that tyme duryng this troublous season greate watchys were kepte dayely and nyghtelye and dyuerse opynions were amonge the citesyns For the mayre and many of the chefe comoners helde vppon the quenes partye but the comynaltie was with the duke of yorke hys affynyte whanne tydynges were broughte vnto the cytye of the commynge of the quene wyth so greate an hoste of Northernemen anone suche as were of the contrary partye broughte vp a noyse thoroughe the cytye that she brought those Northernemen to the entente to ryfle and spoyle the citye where thoroughe she was encreasyd of enemyes But what so hyr entente was she wyth hyr people helde on hyr waye tyll she came to saynte Albons In the whyche meane tyme the erle of warwyke and the duke of Northfolke whyche by the duke of yorke were assygned to gyue attendaunce vppon the kynge by consent of the kynge gathered vnto theym strengthe of knyghtes and mette wyth the quenes hoste at saynt Albons foresayde where betwene them a strōge fyght was foughten vppon shroue tuysday in the mornyng At y t whych the duke of Northfolke the sayd erle in the endewere chased and kyng Henry takē efte vpō the felde brought vnto the quene And y e same after noone after some wryters he made his sonn̄ price Edward knyght whych than was of the age of .viii. yeres wyth other to the noubre of .xxx. persones whan quene Margaret was thus commen agayne to hyr aboue anon she sente vnto the mayre of London wyllyng commaundynge hym in y e kynges name that he shuld in all spedy wyse sende to saynt Albonys certayne cartes wyth lentyn stuffe for y e vytaylyng of her hoste whyche commaundement the mayre obeyed and wyth great dylygence made prouysyon for the sayd vytayll and sent it in cartys towarde Crepylgate for to haue passed to the quene where whā it was cōmyn the commons many there beynge whych had harde other tydynges of the erle of Marche as after shal be shewed of one mynde with stode the passage of the sayd cartes sayde it was nat behouefull to fede theyr enemyes whyche entended the robbyng of the cytye And nat wythstandynge that the mayre wyth hys bretherne exorted the people in theyr best maner shewyng to theym many great daungers whyche was lyke to ensue to the cytye yf the sayd dytayll went nat forthe yet myghte he nat tourne them from theyr obstynat errour but for a cōclusyon was fayne to apoynt the recorder wyth hym a certayne of aldermē to ryde vnto the kynges coūsayll to Barnet and to make requeste vnto theym that the Northē mē myght be retorned home for fere of robbynge of the cytye and ouerthys other secrete frendes were made vnto the quenes grace to be good gracyouse vnto the cytye Duryng whych treaty dyuers cytesyns auoyded the cytye and lande Amōge the whych Phylip Malpas whych as before is shewed in the .xx. and .viii. yere of thys kynge was robbed of Iacke Cade whyche Malpas other was mette vpō the see wyth a Frēchman named Columpne and of hym takē prysoner after payed .iiii M. marke for hys raunsome Thus passyng the tyme y e tydynges which before were secrete now were blowē abrode and openly was tolde that y e erles of Marche of warwyke were mette at Cottyswolde and had gathered vnto thē great strength of Marchemen were wel spedde vpō theyr waye to warde London For knowelege whereof the kynge and y e quene wyth theyr hoste were retourned Northwarde But or they departyd from saint Albonis there was beheded the lord Bonuyle syr Thomas Teryll knyghet whyche were taken in the forenamed felde Thā the duchesse of yorke beyng at Lōdon herynge the losse of thys felde sent hyr two yonger sonnes that is to meane George whyche after was duke of Clarēce and Rychard that after was duke of Glouceter into Utrych in Almayne where they remayned a whyle Thā the foresayd erles of March and of warwyke sped them towarde Londō in suche wyse that they came thydervpon the thursday in the fyrst weke of lent To whome resorted all the gētylmen for the more partye of the south eest partye of Englād And in thys whyle that they thus rested at London a great coūsayl was called
of all lordes spyrytuall temporall that than were there aboute By the whyche fynally after many argumentes made for so mothe as kynge Henry contrary hys honoure and promysse at the last parlyament made and assured and also for that y ● he was reputed vnable and insuffycyent to rule the realme was than by theyr assentes deposed and dyscharged of all kyngely honoure and regally And incontinently by auctoryte of the sayde counsayll and agrement of the commons there present Edwarde the eldeste sonne vnto the duke of yorke thā was there elected and then chosen for kynge of Englande After whyche eleccyon and admyssyon the sayde erle of Marche gyuyng lawde and preyse vnto god vpō the .iiii. day of Marche accompanyed wyth all the foresayde lordes multytude of comons was cōueyed vnto westminster and there toke possessyon of the realme of Englāde And syttynge in hys astate royall in the great halle of the same wyth hys sceptre in hand a question was axed of the people than presente yf they wolde admytte hym for theyr kynge soueraygne lord the whyche wyth one voyce cryed ye ye And thā after y e accustumed vse to kynges to swere and after the othe takē he went into the abbey where he was of the abbot munkys mette wyth processyon conueyed vnto saint Edwardes shryne and there offered as kyng that done receyued homage feaute of all suche lordes as there than were present And vpō y e morowe folowynge were proclamacyōs made in accustomat places of the cytye in the name of Edwarde the .iiii. thanne kynge of Englande Vpō whych day the kyng came vnto the palays at Poulys there dyned and there restyd hym a season in makynge prouysyon to go Northwarde for to subdue hys enemyes Than vpon the saterdaye folowynge beyng the daye of Marche the erle of warwyke with a great puyssaunce of people departed oute of London northwarde And vppon wednysdaye folowynge the kynges fotemen wente towarde the same iourney And vppon frydaye nexte folowynge the kynge tooke hys voyage through the cytye wyth a great hāde of men and so rode forth at Bysshop pesgate In whych selfe same day whyche was the .xii. daye of Marche a grocer of London namyd walter walker for offence by hym done agayne the kynge was behedded in Smythfelde But hys wyfe whyche after was maryed to Iohn̄ Norlāde grocer lastely alderman had suche frendes aboute the kynge that hyr goodes were nat forfayted to y e kynges vse The kyng than so holdyng his iourney mette wyth his enemies at a vyllage .ix. myles on thys halfe yorke called Towtō or Shyreborn and vpon Palme sonday gaue vnto theym batayll The whyche was so cruell y t in the felde and chace were slayne vppō .xxx. thousande mē ouer the men of name of the whyche here after some ensue That is to saye the erle of Northumberlande the erle of westmerlande the lorde Clyfforde y e lorde Eyromonde syr Iohn̄ syr Andrewe Trollop and other to the noumber of .xi. or mo And among other at the same felde was taken the erle of Deuonshyre after the erle of wylshyre whych said erle of Deuonshyre was sente vnto yorke and there after beheded Hēry than whyche lately was kynge with the quene theyr sonne syr Edward the duke of Somerset the lord Rose and other beynge than at yorke herynge of the ouerthrowe of theyr people and greate losse of theyr men in all haste fledde towarde Scotlande And vppon the morowe folowynge the kynge wyth moche of hys people entred into yorke and there held hys Easter tyde And vpon Easter euyn tydynges were broughte vnto London of the wynnynge of thys felde wherfore at Poulys Te deum was songē wyth greate solempnyte so thorugh the cytye in all paryssh churches And thus thys goostly man kynge Hēry lost all whā he had reygned ful .xxxviii. yeres .vi. monethes odde days And y e noble moste boūteous princesse quene Margarete of whome many an vntrew surmyse was imagened tolde was fayne to flye comfortlesse and lost all that she had in Englāde for euer whan that kyng Edwarde with greate solempnyte had holden the feest of Easter at yorke he than remoued to Durham And after hys busynesse there fynysshed he retourned agayne Southwarde lefte in those partyes y e erle of warwyke to se the rule guydyng of that countrey Than the kyng coosted and vysyted the coūtreys Southwarde Eestwarde that about the begynnyng of the moneth of Iuny he came vnto hys manour of shene now called Rychemoūt In all whych pastyme purueyaūce was made for the kynges coronacyō In accōplysshyng whereof the kyng vpō the .xxvii. day of Iuny beyng fryday departed from y e sayde manour rode vnto the towre of Lōdon Upō whome gaue attēdaunce y t mayre hys bretherne all cladde in scarlet and to the noumbre of .iiii. C. cōmoners well horsed cladde all in grene And vpon the morne beynge saterday he made there .xxviii. knightes of the bath after that .iiii. moo And the same after noone he was wyth all honour cōueyed to westminster the sayd .xxxii. knyghtes rydyng before hym in blewe gownes hoodes vpon theyr shulders lyke to prestes with many other goodly and honourable ceremonyes y t whych were longe to reherse in due order And vpon the morne beyng sonday sait Peters day he was wyth great tryūphe of the archebysshop of Caunterbury crowned enoynted before the hygh aulter of saynt Peters churche of westmynster And after thys solēpnysacyon of the crownyng of y e kyng wyth also the sumptuous honorable feest holdē in westminster hall was fynysshed the kynge soone after created George hys brother duke of Clarence And in the moneth of Iuly folowynge at the stādarde in chepe y e hāde of a seruaunte of the kynges called Iohn̄ Dauy was stryken of for that he had stryken a man wythin the palays of westmynster Francia ¶ Carolus .viii CArolus or Charles the .vii. of y e name after the accompte of this boke or the vii after the Frēch hystory sonne of Charlys the .vii. or .vi beganne hys reygne ouer the Frenchmē in the moneth of October in the yere of oure lorde M.iiii C. .xxii and in the begynnyng of Henry the .vi. than kyng of Englāde Of thys Charlys sundry wryters sunderly wryte in so moche as some afferme hym to be the naturall sonne of Charles the .vii some afferme hym to be the sonne of the duke of Orleaunce borne of the quene and some there ben that name hym the sonn̄ of Charles fore named gotten in the baste vppon hys mooste beauteous paramour named Agnes the whych as testyfyeth Gaguynus excelled all other women in feture beaute and for the same to be surnamed the fayer Agnes Thys in hyr myddell age dyed was so ryche y t hyr testamēt amoūted to .ix. M. scutes in golde the whyche in sterlynge money amoūteth to the summe of .x. M. li. Thā to
retourne to thys Charlys lykely it is that he was nat y e naturall sonne of the forenamed Charlys for as moche as hys sayd father ordeyned and wylled the realme of Fraūce vnto Katheryne hys doughter and wyfe vnto kynge Hēry the .v and agreed wyth the consente of the more parte of y e lordes of hys realme bothe spyrituall temporall that duryng hys lyfe the sayd kynge Henry shuld be regēt of Fraūce after hys deth to be kyng of the sayd reg●ō as more at lengthe before I haue shewed vnto you in the .vii. yere of the sayd Henry the .v. But whether he be hys legyttymat sonne or nat where uppō I purpose no lēger to stande trouth it is that he was by his father admitted made dolphyne of Uyen by reason wherof he was in a greate auctoryte wan to hym fauoure of som lordes of Fraūce whych strōgly maynteyned hys partye durynge the lyfe of kyng Hēry the .v after all y t season whyle the duke of Bedforde occupyed there as regent of that regyō was of some parties of Fraūce reputed for kyng Howe be it he was neuer crowned so lōge as the sayde duke of Bedforde lyued Neuerthelesse he by meane of polycy hys frēdes so defended hym selfe that lytle by the Englyshemē was wonne vpō hym of suche lādes as he fyrste was in possessyon of But polytykely he defended theym lytle and lytle so preuayled agayne them that in the ende he all onely wanne nat to hym the possessiō of that prouince y t which is named Fraūce but also he wanne to hym in the ende the kynge of Englandes olde enherytaunce that is Normandy wyth all domynyons to the same apperteynynge The maner of wynnynge of them I woll nat in thys story speke of for so moche as in the former yeres of kynge Henry the .vi. I haue there expressed the maner of somme parte therof But that I shall speke of thē shal be of thynges done betwene hym other prynces And for that I before in the .viii. yere of Hēry the vi promysed in the .vi. yere of thys Charles to shewe vnto you som what of the maydē or pucel which y e Frēch men named la pucelle de dieu her for a messenger from god to be sente reputed I shall here folow y e saying of Gaguyne whyche sayeth as foloweth In the .vi. yere or there aboute to rekyn from the deth of thys Charles father a wēche or mayden beyng bred in a strete or vyllage called in latyne Ualli color in thys tyme beynge sprōge to the age of .xx. yeres or there about hauing to father a poore man named Iakes Delarch and hyr mother Isabell she also berynge the name of Iane or Iohan required by dyuers sundry tymes an vncle of hyrs beyng prefecte of the foresayde vyllage that he wolde presente hyr vnto the Frēche kynge for thynges cōcernyng greatly the weale of hym of hys realme whyche sayd prefect after many delayes for so moche as in hyr wordes he had lytle truste yet at lēgthe hyr sayd vncle beynge named Robert Baudryncourt sent hyr wyth a cōuenyent company vnto the kyng wyth letters certyfyenge hym of all the maner of thys mayde wherof the sayd Charles beynge asserteyned thought he wold vse som meane to knowe the vertue of thys wenche And for he had perfyghte experyence that before tymes thys woman had neuer sene hys persone he thoughte he wolde chaunge hys rome and habyte to se whether she by hyr vertue coulde knowe hym frome other and that done he standynge amonge other of his familiers as one of them she was called into the chaumber demaunded yf euer before tyme she had sene the kynge And after she hadde answered nay she was byddē to espye oute the kynge whych there stode amonge that companye The whyche anone wythout dyfficulte him fande and saluted as king And all be it that he refused hyr reuerēce sayd y t she erred in hyr choyse yet she parseuered kneling at his fete and sayde that by goddes purueyaūce she was taught that he was hyr very soueraygn prince none other wherfore the kynge all hys lordes had in hyr the more affyaūce that by hyr the lāde shulde be releuyd whych at that daye was in passyng mysery Than after dyuers questyōs to hyr made what was the cause of hyr thyther commynge she answered sayd that she was sent frome god to stablisshe the kynge in hys realme and that by hyr she beynge leder capytayne of hys people by dyuine grace onely the kynge shulde shortely subdue hys enemyes By reasō of which wordes the kyng wyth hys lordes were somedeale comforted Upon thys armour sword was sought for this maydē the whych as sayeth my sayd auctour was foūden myraculously wherof the processe to me appereth so darke fātastycall y t therewith me list nat to blot my boke but suffre it to passe by Than thys wēche being purueyed of all thinges necessary to the warre a company of knyghtes soudyours to hyr by the kynge was assygned And so she rydynge as a man in mānes habyte contynued by the space of .ii. yeres more and dyd many wonderful feates and gat from the Englysshemen many strōge townes and holdes wherefore amonge Frenchemen she was wordshypped for an aūgell or a messynger sent frome god to releue theyr great myserye And as affermeth the sayd auctour she by hyr prouydence caused the sayd Charles as kynge of Fraunce to be crowned at Raynes in the yere of oure lord M. foure hundreth and .xxix. All be it nouther the Frenche cronycle nor other whyche I haue sene testyfyeth that but affermyn that he was nat crowned duryng the lyfe of the duke of Bedforde But almyghty god whyche for a season suffereth suche sorcery and deuelyssh ways to prospere reygne to the correccyon of synners lastely to shewe hys power and that good men shuld nat fall into any erroure he sheweth the clerenesse of suche mystycall thynges and so he dyd in thys For lastely she by a knyghte Burgonyon was taken after sent to Roan and there brēt for her demerytes as in the .viii yere of Henry the .vi. is more at lēgth shewed Thā the tyme forth passyng and cōtynuall warre betwene Englande Fraūce contynuyng among many trybulacions by thys Charles susteyned one that was hys owne sonn̄ named Lewys comforted and assysted by the dukes of Burbō and Alēson wyth other mē of name rebelled agayne hys father and warred vppon hym and by strengthe wan frome hym certeyne townes strong holdes For remedy whereof the sayde Charles made warre vppon the forenamed duke of Burbon and wasted wyth iron and fyre the countreyes of the sayde duke of Burbon By meane whereof after thys vnkyndely warre hadde duryd by the space of syxe monethes or more a peace and vnyte betwene the father sonne was treated by meanes of the erle of Ewe a cōcorde vnite betwene
them was fynally cōcluded he y e sayd Lewys all suche as wyth hym were reteyned or allied were for thys offēce by y e sayd Charles clerely pardoned one persone all only excepted named Iaket or Iakis by whose treason the castell of Maxente was loste and taken for whyche offence he was after drawen hanged also quartered Thā in processe of tyme folowyng the flemynges of Gaūte rebelled agayne theyr duke or erle named Philyp The cause of whyche rebellyon was for that he areryd a greuouse taske vpō salte put the people ther by to greuouse charge wherevppon dedely warre betwene the duke and hys subiectys arose to the dystrucciō of moche people vpō bothe partyes wherof the cyrcumstaūce were lōg to wryte Howe be it in the ende y e duke or erle by ayde of the Frēche kynge was vyctour helde them of Gaūte so streyghte that they were compelled by force to bye theyr peace wyth great summes of money to theyr other many folde domages About the .xxxi. yere of thys sayde Charles came vnto hym from pope Nycholas the .v. of that name an ambassade for to requyre ayde agayne the Turkys for the defēce of Cōstantyne the noble whyche the Turkys purposed shortly after to assayle To whyche ambassade by the sayd Charlys it was answeryd that to hym it was right greuouse to here of the intollerable persecucyō whych y e cristē dayly susteyned of the Turkys But he was of y e Englysh nacyō so vexed and warred that he myghte nat leue hys lāde wythout an hedde to the cōforte of other to lose hys owne But to the entent that he before tymes myght haue warred vppon the sayd Turkys he for that cause onely had offered vnto the kynge of Englande many reasonable offers And if of the Englysshe party any lyke offers myghte be to hym profered he wolde gladly theym accepte turne hys spere incōtynētly agayn the fore named Turkes And ouer that he wolde for the furtheraūce of the matter sende wyth them vnto the kynge of Englāde certayne ambassadours to se yf that as yet any reasonable peace myght be betwene them cōcluded For accomplisshemēt wherof as testyfyeth myne auctour Gaguynus he sente the archebysshop of Raynes wyth other honorable persones The whych whan they to kyng Henry and hys counsayll hadde shewyd theyr legacyō it was to them shortly answered that at suche season as the Englysshemē hadde wonne agayne so moche lāde as the Frenchemen by cawtelys had wōne from theym thā were it good tyme season to treate of accorde nat before By reason of whiche answere the popes ambassade retourned to Rome wythoute ayde or comforte And thus y e Frēche wryters lay euer the charge frō theyr prynce put it vnto other But of thys ambassade or answere fynde I no memory of any Englysshe wryters Aboute the .xxxiiii. yere of y e reygn of thys Charlys Lewys hys sonne before named beynge a mā of greate lyberalitye and largesse thought his father departed nat wyth hym of his mouables possessyōs as he hadde cause to do For the whych by cōfort of yōge persones as he had aboute hym he rebelled thys seconde tyme agayne hys sayde father by reason of hys largesse lyberalyte drewe vnto hym moche wāton wylde people wyth theyr assystence warred vppō hys fathers frēdes entendyd to depryue hys father of all gouernaūce of the realme wherof herynge hys father in all possyble haste gathered to hym greate strengthe and spedde hym towarde hys sayd sonn̄ But whā Lewys was warned of the cōmyng of hys father wyth so great an hoste consydered hys quarell wekenesse he wyth a fewe persones fledde towarde Burgoyne whereof herynge the father sente in all ●haste people to kepe the passages and dyd that he myghte to haue stopped hym of hys waye But that prouysyon notwythstandynge the sayd Lewys escaped and came sauely vnto the presence of Phylyppe then duke of Burgoyne the whyche hym receyued wyth gladde chere and entreatyd hym accordyng to his estate and so kepte hym durynge his fathers lyfe Nowbeit he made for hym great sute and labour to wynne him to his fathers grace But all was in vayne For what by obstynacy of the same y t he wolde not submytte hym to his father and comme vnto hys presence when he was sente for for the great stomacke of the father that he wold not be condycyoned with of the son thys varyaunce contynued bytwene them as aboue is sayd y e terme of his fathers lyfe In the whyche passe tyme thys Charlys concluded a maryage bytwene hys doughter called Magdaleyne and Ladyslaus kyng of Beme Hungary and of Polayne But whyle the bryde wyth great apparayle and pompe was conueyed towarde her husbande to be maryed her sayde husbande was taken sodenly with sykenesse and dyed with in .xxiiii. houres after that he fyrste cōplayned hym whych was by force of poysone as most wryters agreen Of whych tydynges when Charlys was asserteyned he therwyth toke such a pēsyffenesse that he dyed shortely after whan he had ruled a parte and the hole realme to reken from y e deth of hys father .xxxvi. yeres How be it of Frenche wryters no certeyne terme of hys reygne to hym is assygned for so myche as kyng Henry the vi longe after the deth of hys father was alowyd in Parys and many other Cytyes of Fraūce for souerayne and kynge of that regyon Thys Charlys thus beynge dede lefte after hym two sonnes that is to saye Lewys that after hym was kynge and a yonger named Charlys wyth y e forenamed doughter named Magdaleyne or after some Margarete And after wyth greate pompe hys corps was conueyed vnto saynt Denys and there buryed Francia Lewys the .xi. LEwys the .xi. of y ● name after the accompte of thys boke and .x. after the Frenche accompte whereof y e cause is before shewed sonne to Charles last dede beganne his dominyon ouer the realme of Fraunce in the moneth of October in the yere of grace M.iiii hundreth and .lviii. and the .xxxvi. yere of Henry the .vi. than kynge of Englande This of Gaguinus is called the sturdy or fel Lewys The whiche at the tyme of his fathers deth beyng as aboue is sayd vnrecoūsyled in the prouynce of Burgoyne herynge of the deth of his father wyth ayde of the foresayd duke Phylyp shortly entred y e realm of Fraunce toke vpon hym y e rule in euery good cytie town as he passyd as kyng of y e same so y t many lordes hed offycers drewe vnto hym By meane wherof he was stronge put such vnto sylence as after y e wyll purpose of his father wolde haue preferred his yōger son named Charlys Than this Lewys by strengthe of his frendes was shortely after at Raynes crowned kynge of Fraunce After whyche solempnyte fynysshed he repayred vnto Parys and there by consent of hys counceyll made a law y t no man of what degre
before hym all the cunnyng maysters of musyke wythin hys realme that by the melodyous soūde of theyr instrumentes he myghte be eased of his peyne But whan he had assembled of the best an C. and .xx. in noumber a fewe shepardes pypes were to hym more solace than all the other or any parte of them y t whych he helde styll in hys court commaūded that euery day the sayd shepherdes shulde play a certeyn dystaunce from the place where he laye And ouer thys he sent for all ankers and other relygyous men that were famed for holy parfight men and for them ordeyned places within Turō that by the meane of theyr prayers he myght be released of hys contynuall paynes And to haue lenger contynaunce of lyfe myne auctour sayeth y t thys Lewys had so greate a desyre to haue lengthe of lyfe for so moche as he knewe well that the realme of Fraunce shulde be in great trouble vexacyon shortly after But nat wythstandynge all these prouysyons and ordenaunces wyth many moo whyche longe were to wryte fynally thys Lewys dyed whā he hadde ben kyng of Fraūce by the terme of .xxvi. yeres or there vppō and after was buryed in the churche of our Lady of Raynes where before tyme he prouyded hys sepulture in tyme of hys sykenesse l●ye in it a certayne season whyle that certeyne orysons were ouer hym sayde Anglia ¶ Edwarde the .iiii. EDwarde the .iiii. of that name son̄ of Rycharde duke of yorke as before is touched began hys reygne ouer y e realme of Englād the .iiii. daye of Marche in the ende of the yere of grace to reken after the churche of Englande M.iiii C. .lx and the .ii. yere of Lewys the .xii. thāne kynge of Fraunce The whych Edwarde after hys possessyon takynge at westmynster gettyng of the feelde at Toutō by yorke was crowned anoynted for kynge at westmynster foresayde the .xxix. daye of Iuny as before is shewyd in the ende of the laste yere of Henry the .vi. After whyche solempnyte fynysshed the kynge in August after rode to Cauntorbury frome thēs he rode to Sandewyche and from thens a longe by the sees syde to Southamptō so into the march of walys retourned by Brystowe where he was wyth all honour receyued and after visited sundry parties of hys realme In whych season or soone after the tyme of Rychard Lee mayre of Lōdon expyred and Hughe wyche mercer was admytted for the yere folowynge Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxi.   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxii.   Iohn̄ Looke   Hughe wyche   Anno .i.   George Irelande   THis yere beyng the later ende of the fyrste yere of Edwarde the .iiii and the begynnynge of thys mayres yere that is to say the fourth daye of September a parlyamente was begonne at westmynster And vpon y e morow folowyng dyed Iohn̄ duke of Northfolke the whyche had ben a speciall ayder of the kyng And vpō Alhalowen daye before passed y e kyng created Rycharde hys yonger brother duke of Glouceter the lorde Bowchyer erle of Essex the lorde Fawcumbrydge erle of Kent vpon the .xii. day of February was the erle of Oxenforde wyth the lorde Aubry hys elder sonne syr Thomas Todēham̄ willyā Tyrell other brought vnto the towre of Lōdon And vpon the .xx. day of the sayd moneth y e sayd lorde Awbry was drawen from westmynster vnto the towre hylle there beheded And vpon the .xxiii. daye of the same moneth syr Thomas Todēham wyllyā Tyrell and Iohn̄ Mōgomory were also there beheded And vpon the fryday next ensuynge or the .xxvi. daye of the sayd moneth the erle of Oxenforde was ladde frō westmynster vpon hys feete to y e sayd place of there also beheded whose corps was after borne vnto y e frere Augustynes and there buryed wythin the quyer for that tyme. And in the later ende of the moneth of Iuly was the castell of Awnewyke yelden vnto the lorde Hastynges by appoyntement whan kynge Edwarde was thus stablysshed in this realme great sute and labour was made to hym for the repayment of the foresayd .xviii. M. li. to hym and other delyuered by the stapelers as before in y e .xxxviii. yere of Henry the .vi. to you I haue before shewed wherof was laborer were it by the agrement of the sayd stapelers or otherwyse one named Rycharde Heyron a marchaunt of pregnaunte wyt and of good maner and speche To whome at length was answered by the kynges counsayll that y e sayd xviii M. pounde wyth moch more the whyche was couertly kept frome the kynges knowlege belonged of ryght vnto y e erle of wylshyre which at the tyme of delyuery of the sayde goodes was hyghe tresourer of Englande and after for treason by him done agayne the kyng the sayd erles landes and goodes were forfayted vnto the kynge wherfore the kynge reteyned the sayde .xviii. M. li. as parceyll of hys forfayture wolde reteyne as hys owne Upon whych answere thys heyron seynge that of the kyng he myght haue no remedy and for so moche as moch of the sayd good belonged to hys charge he thā resorted vnto the stapelers for contētacyon of the sayd money But howe it was that there be fāde no comfort he fynally sued the mayer of the staple and hys company and put them vnto greate vexacyon and trouble And in the ende fande suche fauoure in the courte of Rome that he denoūced all the merchauntes stapelers accursed Howe be it that soone after they purchased an absolucyon And he in conclusyon after longe beyng ī westmynster as a seyntwaryman wythoute recouery of hys costes or dutye dyed there beynge greatly endetted vnto many persones Anno domini M.iiii C.lxii.   Anno domini M.iiii C.lxiii   wyllyam Hampton   Thomas Cooke   Anno .ii.   Barth Iamys   THys yere and begynnyge of y e moneth of Nouember Margaret late quene of Englād came out of Fraūce īto Scotlād frō thēs īto Englande wyth a strength of Frēch men Scottes wherfore the kynge sped hym into the north wyth a strōg hoste wherof herynge the quene brake hyr araye and fled and toke a caruyle therein entended to haue sayled into Fraūce But suche tempest fell vpon the see that she was cōstrayned to take a fysshers bote and by meane therof landed at Barwyke so drewe hyr vnto the Scottysshe kynge And shortly after her lādyng tydynges came to her that her sayde caruyll was drowned wythin the whyche she had greate treasoure and other rychesse And the same daye vpon .iiii. C. of the Frenchemen were dryuen vppon lande nere vnto Bambourth where they for so moche as they myght nat haue away theyr shyppes they fyred thē after for theyr sauegarde tooke an ilande wythin Northumberland where they were assayled of one called Maners wyth other in hys company of them slayne taken prisoners as many as there were whan y e kynge was ware of the quenes thus auoydynge
he entēded to haue folowed to haue made warre vpon the Scottes But he was than vysyted with the sykenes of pockes y t he was forced to leue that iournay In the weke of Crystemas folowynge the Scottes wyth a strōge power perced the lande entendynge to haue rescowed certayne castelles in the north But they retourned shortly wythout harme doynge And shortly after the duke of Somerset and syr Rauffe Percy submitted them to the kynges grace whanne the kynge was cured retourned southwarde the Scottes aboute the tyme of lent entred agayn into Englande layde a syege vnto Banbourth castell and wanne it wherfore the kynge in the moneth of Auguste folowynge rode agayne northewarde wyth hys power and ouer that vytayled certayne shyppes in the west countre manned them sent them thyder to make warre vppon the see coost And in the latter ende of this mayres yere the duke of Somerset herynge that kynge Henry was commynge into the lande wyth a newe strength departed secretly wente agayne to hym Anno. dn̄i M.iiii C.lxiii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxiiii   Robert Basset   Mathewe Phylyp Goldsmyth   Anno .iii.   Thomas Muschampe   IN this yere moneth of May whyche was in the begynyng of the .iiii. yere of kyng Edwarde the lorde Iohn̄ of Mountagu hauynge than the rule in the northe partyes beynge warned of the commynge of Henry late kynge wyth a greate power out of Scotlande assembled the Northynmen and mette wyth hym about Exhm̄ and there skyrmysshed wyth y e Scottes at length wan y e vyctory of hys enemyes and chased Henry so nere that he wan from him certayne of hys folowers trapped wyth blewe veluet and hys bycoket garnysshed wyth two crownes of golde and fret wyth perle and ryche stone He also toke at the sayd iourney y e duke of Somerset the lorde Hungerforde the lorde Roos whych sayde duke was shortly after put to deth at the sayd towne of Exhm̄ the other ii lordes were soon after beheded at new castell And other whyche were after that fyght taken in a wood fast by as syr Phylyp wētworth syr Edmond Fiz knyghtes Blacke Iaquis Iohn̄ Bryce Thomas Hunt were also put to deth at Exhm̄ foresayd or Myddelham after some wryters syr Thomas Husey knyght was beheded at yorke And in the moneth of Iuly next folowyng the sayde lorde Mountagu wyth ayde of hys brother erle of warwyke wan by strēgth the forenamed castel of Bamburgth wherin as one of the said capitaynes was taken wyth other syr Rauffe Gray whyche shortly after at yorke was drawen hanged quartered In such passe tyme in moste secret maner vpon the fyrste daye of May kynge Edwarde spoused Elizabeth late the wyfe of syr Iohan Graye knyghte whyche before tyme was slayne at Toweton or yorke felde whych spousayles were solempnised erely in the mornynge at a towne named Graston nere vnto Stonyngestratforde At whyche maryage was no persones present but the spouse the spousesse the duches of Bedford her mother the preste two gentylwomen a yong mā to helpe the preeste synge After whyche spousayles ended he wēt to bedde so taried there vpon .iii. or .iiii. houres and after departed and rode agayne to Stonyng stratforde and came in maner as though he had ben on huntyng and there went to bedde agayne And wythin a daye or .ii. after he sente to Graston̄ to the lorde Ryuers father vnto hys wyfe shewyng to hym that he wolde come and lodge wyth hym a certayne season where he was receyued wyth all honoure so taryed there by the space of foure dayes In whyche season she nyghtely to hys bedde was brought in so secrete maner that almooste none but her mother was of counsayll And so thys maryage was a season kepte secrete after tyll nedely it muste be dyscouered dysclosed by meane of other whyche were offered vnto the kyng as the quene of Scottes other what oblyquy ran after of thys maryage howe the kyng was enchaunted by the duchesse of Beforde and howe after he wolde haue refused her wyth many other thynges concernynge thys matyer I here paūe it ouer And thys yere was kynge Henry taken in a wood in the north countre by one named Cantiowe and presented to the kynge and after sente to the towre where he remayned longe after Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxiiii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxv.   Iohn̄ Tate   Rauffe Iosselyne Draper   Anno .iiii.   Iohn̄ Stone   IN this yere was a new coyne ordeyned by y e kyng y t whyche was named y e Royall was yet is in value of .x. s. the halfe royal .v. s the ferthyng .ii. s. vi d. And ouer y t he ordeyned y e secōd coyne of golde named it y e angel which was yet is in value of .vi. s. viii. d the half angel iii. s. iiii d. He ordeyned also a newe coyne of grotes halfe grotes pens whych were of lasse weyght than the olde grote was by .viii. d. in an vnce And thā was fyne gulde auaūsed frō s. to .xl. s an vnce other baser goldes after y e rate And syluer that before was at .viii. grotes and .xxx. d. an vunce was hyghed to .xl. d. an vunce and .iii. s. ii d. And in thys mayres yere and begynnyng of the .v. yere that is to say the .xxvi. day of May that yere whyt sonday quene Elizabeth was crowned at westmynster wyth great solēpnytie At the whyche season at the towre the nyghte before the coronacyon amonge many knyghtes of the bathe there made was as of that cōpany syr Thomas Cooke syr Mathewe Phylyp syr Rauffe Iosselyne and syr Henry wauyr cytezyns of Lōdon thanne and there made knyghtes Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxv.   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxvi   Syr Henry wauyr   Rauffe Uerney Mercer   Anno .v.   wyllyam Constantyne   IN thys yere that is to saye the xi daye of the moneth of February was Elizabeth pryncesse and fyrste chylde of kyng Edward borne at westmynster whose crystenynge was done in the abbaye wyth moste solempnyte And the more bycause the kynge was assured of hys physycyons that the quene was conceyued wyth a prynce and specyally of one named mayster Dominyk by whose counsayll greate prouysyon was ordeyned for crystenynge of the sayde prynce wherfore it was after tolde that thys mayster Domynyk to the entente to haue greate thanke and rewarde of the kynge he stode in the second chamber where the quene trauayled that he myghte be the fyrste that shulde brynge tydynges to the kynge of the byrth of the prynce And lastly whan he harde the chyld crye he knocked or called secretly at y e chāber dore and frayned what the quene had To whome it was answered by one of the ladyes what so euer y e quenes grace hathe here wythin suer it is that a fole standeth there wythout And so confused wyth hys answere he departed wythoute saynge of the kynge for
thorugh the cytye of London that the kynge hadde pardoned the Northyrnmē of theyr ryot aswell for the deth of the lorde Ryuers as all dyspleasures by them before that tyme done And soone vppon thys a new styrryng begā in Lyncoln̄ shyre whereof the occasyoner was the lorde wellys as the fame than went For whome the kynge sent by fayre meanes promysyng hym to go safe and come safe as it was sayd But trouth it is after hys commyng to the kyng had he before suche promyse or nat he was shortly after beheded Than in February folowyng by medyacyon of lordes a treatye of vnytie and concorde was laboured betwene the kyng hys brother and the erle of warwyke For whyche cause the sayd erle came thanne vnto London And shortly after came the sayd duke as vpon shrouesonday folowyng And vpon the thuysday folowyng the kynge the sayde duke mettte at Baynardes castell where y e duchesse of yorke theyr mother than laye In the whyche passetyme y e erle of warwyke was retourned to warwyke and there gadered to him such strēgth as he myght make as it was reported And in Lyncoln̄shyre syr Robert wellys sonne vnto the lorde wellys before put to deth in thys whyle had also assembled a greate bend of men purposed to gyue the kyng a felde Of all whyche tydynges whāne the kynge was assertayned he wyth his sayd brother the duke spedhim north warde and in that whyle sente to the sayd syr Robert wellys wyllyng him to sende home hys people come to hym and he shulde haue hys grace But that other answered that by like promysse hys father was dysceyued and that shulde be hys example But in conclusyon whan the kynge wyth hys power drewe nere vnto hī he toke suche fere that he fledde and soone after was taken and with him syr Thomas Dymmok knyght and other the whyche were shortly after put to deth In thys season was the duke of Clarence departed frome the kynge and was gone vnto the erle of warwyke to take hys parte To whome the kynge in lykewyse sente y t they shuld come to hys presence wythout fere where vnto they made a fayned answere And than consyderynge theyr lacke of power agayne y e kyng departed and wente to the see syde so sayled into Fraunce and requyred the .xi. Lowys than kyng of that regyon that he wolde ayde and assyste them to restore kynge Henry to hys ryghtfull enherytaunce wherof the sayd Lowys beyng gladde graūted vnto them theyr requeste helde thē there whyle they wyth the counsayll of quene Margarete prouyded for theyr retourne into Englande whan the sayde lordes were thus departed the lande the kyng cōmaūded them to be proclaymed as rebelles and traytours thorugh oute hys realm And in the Easter weke folowynge syr Geffrey Gate one named Claphā whyche entended at South ampton to haue taken shyppynge to haue sayled to the sayde lordes were there taken by the lorde Hawarde and sente vnto warde whych sayde Clapham was beheded soone after and the sayde syr Geffrey Gate fande suche frendshyp that lastly he escaped or was delyuered so that he yode after to seynt wary Thanne was the lorde of saynte Iohn̄s arrested But at instaunce of the archebysshop of Caunterbury he went a season at large vnder suerty and was fynally commytted to the towre In whych passetyme the erle of Oxenforde gat ouer vnto the foresayd lordes Thus enduryng thys trouble a stirrynge was made in the north partyes by the lord Fitz Hugh wherfore the kyng sped hym thyderwarde But so soone as the sayd lord knewe of the kynges cōmyng anone he lefte hys peple fledde into Scotlande And the kyng whych thā was commyn to yorke rested hym a season there and there about In the moneth of Septembre .x yere of the kyng the forsayd duke of Clarence accōpanyed wyth the erles of warwyke of Penbroke of Oxenforde other many gentylmen landed at Dartmouth in Deuynshyre there made theyr proclamacyons in the name of kyng Henry the .vi and so drewe ferther into the lāde wherof herynge the commons of that coūtre other drewe vnto theym by greate companyes Than the Kentyshemen beganne to were wylde assembled theym in great companyes and so came vnto the out partyes of the cytye of London Rad●lyffe saynte Katherynes and other places robbed and spoyled the Flemynges and all the bere houses there as they came Thā the foresayde lordes holding on theyr iournaye drewe towarde y e kynge beyng in the northe as aboue is sayde wherof he beyng warned and hauyng wyth hym as than but small strength wherof some to hym were nat very trusty he wyth a secret company toke the next waye toward the wash in Lyncolneshyre and there passed ouer wyth great daunger nat wythout losse of dyuers of hys company and so passed the coūtrees into Flaunders and stynted nat tyll he came to Charles hys brother thanne duke of Burgoyne wyth whome he rested a season whā the quene which than was in the towre harde of the kynges auoydynge anone she departed frome thens and yode vnto westmynster and there regystred her selfe for a seyntwary woman and in lyke wyse dyd many of kynge Edwardes frendes And than about the begynnynge of Octobre syr Geffrey Gate that till that tyme had holden the sayde seyntwary and other wyth hym wente vnto the prysons aboute London all suche as they had fauoure vnto toke them out and sette them at lybertye And than shypmen other euyll dysposed persones as than drewe to the sayd Geffrey Gate robbed agayn the berehouses set some of them in fyre and after resorted vnto the gates of the cytye there wolde haue entred by force But the cytezeyns wythstode theym wyth suche force that they were compelled to departe thens Upon the .xii. day of October the towre was gyuē vp by appoyntmēt kyng Henry was takē from the lodgyng where he before laye and was than lodged in the kynges lodgyng wythin the sayde towre In whyche passetyme the duke the forsayd lordes drewe nere vnto the cytye And vpon saterday than nexte folowyng the sayd duke accompanied wyth y e erles of warwyke of Shrowysbury and the lord Stanley rode vnto the towre and there wyth all honour and reuerence fet out kynge Henry conueyed hym to Poulys there lodged hym in the bysshoppes palays so was thā admytted taken for kyng thorugh all the lande Readoptio Henrici .vi. HEnri y e .vi. of that name before by Edwarde y e .iiii. put down was agayne restored to the crowne of Englande the. daye of Octobre in the yere of grace M.iiii C.lxix and the .x. yere of Edwarde y e iiii the .xii. yere of the .xii. Lowys than kynge of Fraunce In whose begynnyng of readopcyon the erle of worceter whych for hys cruelnesse was called the bochier of England was taken and putte in streyght pryson And vppon the xv daye of October was the sayde
and his company quyt them so manfully that he bare ouer that parte of the feeld whyche he sette vppon so ferforthly y e tydynges came to London that kynge Edwarde had loste the felde And yf hys men had kepte theyr araye not fallen to ryfflyng lykely it hadde bene as it was after tolde that the vyctory hadde fallen to that partye But after longe and cruell fyght in conclusyon kyng Edwarde optayned the vpper hande slewe of hys ennemyes the marques Mountagu and the erle of warwyk hys brother wyth many other And vppon the kynges party was slayne the lorde Barnes And of the comōs vppon bothe partyes were slayne vpon .xv. C. men and mo Of the mystes and other impedymentes whyche fyll vpon the lordes party by reason of the incantacyons wrought by fryer Būgey as y e fame wēt me lyst not to wryte But trouth it is that after thys vyctory thus wonne by kynge Edwarde he sente the dede corps of the sayd Marquys and erle of warwyke vnto Poulys chyrche where they laye two dayes after naked in .ii. coffyns that euery man myghte beholde and se theym And the same after none came kyng Edwarde agayn vnto London and offered at y e roode of the North dore at Poulys and after rode vnto westmynster and there lodgyd hym And soone after that the kynge was thus passed tho ▪ ough the cyty was kyng Henry brought rydynge in a longe gowne of blewe veluet and so conueyed thoroughe Chepe vnto westmynster and frome thens vnto the Towre where he remayned as prysoner all hys lyues tyme after The repossessyon of Edwarde the .iiii. EDward the .iiii. before named began agayne his domynyon ouer the realme of England the .xiiii. daye of Apryll in y e begynnyng of the yere of our lord M.iiii C.lxxi the .xii. yere of Lewys the Frenche kynge and reposseded all thynges as he before hadde done And when the sayde two corps hadde lyen in Poules openly from the Sondaye tyll the Tuysdaye they were hadde from thens buryed where y e kynge wolde assygne them The kynge then beynge in authoryte made prouysyon for the defence of the landynge of quene Margaret and hyr sonne the whyche all thys whyle laye at the see syde taryenge the wynde and so lastely landed at and came with a strength of Frenchmē other as farre within thē lande as to a vyllage in called Tewkysbury where the kyng mette wyth her and hyr dystressyd chasyd her company and slewe many of them In the whyche batayle she was taken syr Edward her sonne and so brought vnto the kynge But after the kynge had questyoned with the sayd syr Edwarde and he hadde answered vnto hym cōtrary his pleasure he thenne strake hym wyth hys gauntelet vpon the face After whiche stroke so by hym receyued he was by the kynges seruauntes incōtynently slayne vpon the .iiii. daye of the moneth of May. whan kynge Edwarde had thus subdued hys enemyes anone he sent quene Margarete vnto London where she restyd a season and fynally she was sent home into her countre And the goodes of syr Thomas Cook were agayne ceasyd and hys wyfe put forth and commaunded to be kepte at the mayers Uppon the .xiiii. daye of May folowynge the bastarde of Fawconbrydge that vnto hym had gaderyd a ryottous and euyll dysposyd companye of shypmen and other wyth also the assystence of y e comons both of Essex and of Kent came in greate multytude vnto the cyty of London And after that the sayd cōpany was denyed passage thorough the cytye they set vpō dyuers partyes therof as Bysshoppes gate Algate Londō brydge and alonge the waters syde and shotte gonnes and arowes and fyred the gates wyth cruell malyce as Bysshops gate and Algate and faught so fyersly that they wanne y e bulwerkes at Algate and entred a certayne wythin the gate But the cytesyus wyth comfort and ayde of Robert Baset alderman assygned to the gate wythstode the sayd rebelles so manfully that they slewe all such as entred the gate and compellyd y e other to drawe a backe and forsoke the gate Uppon whom the cytesyns pursued and chased theym vnto the forther Stratforde and slewe toke many of them prysoners wherof herynge the other whyche assayled the other partes of the cytie fledde in lyke wyse whom the other cytesyns pursued as farre as Depforde in sleynge and takyng of them prysoners in great nomber and after them raunsomed as they hadde ben Frenchemen And the bastarde with hys shypmē were chasyd vnto theyr shyppes lyenge at Blackwall and there in the chase many slayne And the sayde bastarde the nyghte folowynge stale out hys shyppes out of y e ryuer and so departed and escaped for the tyme. Than vpon Assencyon euyn next ensuynge the corps of Henry the .vi. late kynge was brought vnreuerently from the tower thorough the high stretes of the cyty vnto Poulys chyrche and there lefte that nyght and vppon the morowe conueyed wyth gleyuys and other wepens as he before thyder was brought vnto Chertyssey and there was buryed Of the deth of this prince dyuers tales were tolde But the moste comon fame went that he was stycked wyth a dagger by the handes of the duke of Glouceter whyche after Edwarde the .iiii. vsurped the crowne and was kyng as after shall appere Than kyng Edwarde after thys victory thus hadde at Tewkesbury retourned vnto London and vpon the mondaye folowynge Assencyon daye he toke hys iournay into Kent hauyng with hym a strength of people and there sette hys iustyces and made inquysycyons of the ryot before done by the bastarde and hys accessaryes For the whyche at Caunterbury and other good townes in Kent dyuers were put in execucyon Of whom the hedes were sent vnto London and set vpon the brydge And in lyke maner inquysyciōs were made in Essex and some also of them put in execucyon Of whyche a capytayne named Spysynge was hanged and hys hede set vpon Algate And many of the ryche commons of Kent were set at greuous fynes both for them selfe and for theyr seruauntes And when the kyng hadde thus spedde his iournaye he retourned came to Londō vpon whytson euyn And that done soone after was bysshop Neuyll archebysshop of yorke sent vnto Guynes and there kepte as prysoner longe after Thys was brother to the lorde marquys Moūtagu and to the erle of warwycke Also in the ende of thys mayers yere was the forenamed bastarde of Fawconbrydge taken about Southamton and there put to execucyō whose hed was sent to London and pyght vpon London brydge among other Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxxi   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxxii   Iohn̄ Aleyn   wyllyam Edwarde Grocer   Anno .xi.   Iohn̄ Chelley   IN thys yere the erle of Oxenforde whych syn the season of Barnet felde hadde holden saynte Myghellys mounte was by an appoyntement taken thens and shortely after sente to the castell of Guynes where he remayned prysoner tyl the last yere of Rycharde
Than to retourne vnto the noble prynce and hys company whanne he was commyn vnto the lande he incōtynently kneled downe vpon y e erth wyth meke countenaunce pure deuocyon began thys psalme Iudica me deus decerne causam meam c. The whyche whan he had fynysshed to y e ende and kyssed the groūde mekely and reuerently made the signe of the crosse vppon hym he commaunded suche as were aboute hym boldly in the name of god saynte George to set forewarde whan the landyng of thys prynce was blowen about the lande many was the man that drewe vnto hym aswell suche as were in sondry seyntwaryes as other that were abrode so that hys strēgth encreased shortly Than the kyng gadered hys power in all haste and spedde hym in suche wyse that vpon the .xxii. daye of August begynnyng of the thyrde yere of hys reygne he mette wyth the said prynce nere vnto a vyllage in Leycetershyre named Bosworth nere vnto Leyceter where betwene theym was foughten a sharpe batayll sharper shulde haue ben if the kynges partie had ben fast to hym But many towarde the felde refusyd hym yode vnto that other partye And some stode houynge a ferre of tyl they saw to the whyche partye the vyctory fyll In conclusyon kynge Rycharde was slayne and vppon hys partye y e duke of Northfolke before tyme named lorde Hawarde wyth Brakyngbury Lieutenaunt of the towre and many other And amonge other was there taken on lyue the erle of Surrey sonne to the foresayde duke of Northfolke sent vnto the towre of London where he remayned as prysoner longe tyme after Than was the corps of Rychard late king spoyled naked as he was borne caste behynde a man and so caryed vnreuerently ouertwharte y e horse backe vnto the fryers at Leyceter where after a season that he had lyen that all men myght beholde him he was there wyth lytell reuerence buryed And thus with misery ended thys prynce whych ruled most what by rygour and tyrannye whan he in great trouble agony had reygned or vsurped by the space of .ii. yeres .ii. monethes and .ii. dayes And than was the noble prynce Henry admytted for kynge and so proclaymed kyng by the name of Hēry the .vii. The whych sped hī shortly to London so that vpopn the .xxviii. daye of the sayd moneth of Auguste he was by the mayre and the citesyns met in good araye as the mayre and aldermen in scarlet and the cytesyns in vyolet at harnesey parke frome thens conueyed thorugh the cytye vnto the bysshop of Londōs palays and there for that tyme lodged And vpon the .xi. day of Octobre next folowyng than beyng the swetynge sykenesse of newe begon dyed the sayd Thomas Hylle than of London mayre And for hym was chosen as mayre syr wyllyam Stokker knyght Draper whyche dyed also of the sayd sykenesse shortly after And than Iohn̄ warde Grocer was chosen mayre whyche so contynued tyll the feest of Symonde and Iude folowynge Francia Charles the .ix. KArolus or Charles y e .ix. or .viii. of y e name sonn̄ vnto the .xi. Lowys begā his reygn ouer y e realm of Fraūce the fourth daye of Septembre in the yere of oure lorde god M.iiii C.lxxxiiii and the secōde yere of Rycharde the thyrd at y e tyme kyng of Englande Thys Charles was noble of wytte and meke of condycyō the which his father wolde nat set to lernyng of letters in hys youth leste that by suche study he shulde at hys lawfull age haue therby the more refrayned hym from knyghtly and marcyall actes But whan he came to mannes astate he than was ryghte sory and wolde saye full often to hys famylyers A prynce is greatly blemysshed whan he lakketh connynge of lecture He was also in hys youth so weke impotēt that he lakked natural strēgth as was accordynge to hys age in so moche that he myght nat go And whan he shuld ryde he had alway on eyther syde of the hors .ii. men to stay hym and to gyue on hym lyke attendaunce Than after solempnytie of hys coronacyon ended at the cytye of Raynes whyche there was solempnised wyth great pompe vpō y e sonday nerte ensuyng the feast of saynt Denys commissions were sent out into all coostes of hys domynyon for to enquere of all superfluous giftes gyuen before tyme by hys father the whyche shortly after were resumed into the kynges handes And in that season Olyuer Damman whome Lowys had in many greate romes offyces set and by hys dayes hadde hym in synguler loue and fauoure in so moche as before I haue shewed in the ende of the story of the sayd Lowys he made a specyall request vnto thys Charles hys sonn̄ that he shuld specyally cherysshe thys sayd Damman now was appeched of treason wyth one Danyell a Flemynge The whyche after inquisycyon of theym made bothe after the lawe of that lande were iuged to deth and so put in execucyon of hangynge whose deth of the nobles and astates of the realme was lytell ruyd consyderyng the rome that he bare by kynge Lowys dayes and the ignobilitie of his byrth as an handcrafty mā and barbour After whose deth a metrycyan compyled these verses folowyng SVnt tua criminibus ridētia tēpora tōsor Currere quae subito ꝓuida parc● vetat Hoc poteras osim sōge prenoscere damma Vt saltem horr●res tollere cede pios Te natura humilem cum mater Flandra tulisset Arte vna noras radere Cesariem Hunc talem seruum te saepe Lutetia vidit Tutus ab hac poteras ducere sorte dies Raptus ad excelsam Lodowici principis aulam Mox herebifur surias moribus ante venis Et caput huic tendeus dū suffers singere ficos Pre ducibus regi regulus alter eras Quid tibi nen sicuit sobeles tam dira Neronis Nemo non vixit te reserente reus Nemo deisacra censuram nemo gerebat Gaudia qui renuit premere dona tibi Protenus exilium vel mors vel mulcta negantem Pressit eras Iudex lictor exicium Regnasti satis est surgunt n●ua sedera mundo Turba coelestorum territa luce sugit Agnosce o to●sor quo te scoelus extulit atrox Et te praecepitem depulit in laqueos Te Daniel te dira cohors te menimius odit Et scelerum auctorem dampnatet insequitur Nescio quid de te superi velfata deponunt Seu lictore cades seu cruce liber eas Vna tamen vulgi constans sententia furcas Expedit vt faciet te periunte odium Interea vinctus culpas absterge gemendo Peccasti morte est nunc redimenda salus The whyche metyr or verses to theym that haue none vnderstandyng in latyne maye be expouned in maner as foloweth The laughynge tymes wyth theyr crymes spent Thou barboure are ronne the whyche by sodayne fate Are nowe forboden wherof the clere entent Thou myght haue knowen Damma
ryght well the state whan thou by meanes whyche were inordynat Put vnto deth many an innocent man By cruell malyce and well remembred than That of lowe byrth Flaundres thy mother the fledde And taught the a crafte the here well to shaue Lutecia that cytye where thou thy lyfe ledde wytnesseth the a seruaunt therin thy lyuynge to craue And for thy dayes an honest lyfe to haue But whan thou were in Lowys court vp brouht Than had thou no mynde that thou were come of nought But lyke the helle hounde thou waxed full furyous Expressynge thy malyce whan thou to honour styed Thynkynge for so moche as that prynce bounteuous Hys hed and berde to the he nought denyed And wyth all worldly pleasure he also the allyed The before hys prynces makynge hys gouernour Thy selfe thou blyndest wyth wordly vayne honour whyche made the so proude thou sonne of harde Neron That none myght lyue that thou accused of cryme No man was cursed nor none had punyssyon That wolde thy hande wyth golde of gyftes lyme And who that nat hys gyfte offred in tyme Other deth or exyle to hym was soone applyed For as iuge and hangman thou all thynge excercysed Thou reygned longe ynough but now are sprongē newe Sterrys to the worlde and fled is nowe clerely The scelerat flokke wherfore thou barbour yet rewe Thyne odyous actes whyche haue the sodaynly Cast downe from welth in snares vytterly For also Daniell thy moste odyous fere Dampneth the of cryme whyche wyth the dyeth here I knowe nat what of the the vpper bodyes aboue Haue defyned whether by sworde or by gybet Thou shuld ende the lyfe But one thynge I approue The sentence hooly of the people is sette That on a galowe thou shuld paye deth hys dette Inwardly therfore bewayll so thyne offence That by thys deth to god thon mayste make recompence THus execucyon of thys Damman hys felowe ended and fynysshed to the lytell compassion of the people wythin fewe dayes after another of the affeccionat seruaūtes of kyng Lowys named Iohn̄ Doyacon for trespasse and hatered by hys occasyon and deserte vnto the common people was wyth all shame brought vnto y e market place of Parys there beraft of bothe hys erys After whych vylony to hym done he was there ryght banysshed the court for euer And thus two of the moste special and derest beloued seruauntes and counsayllours of kyng Lowys were shortly after hys deth broughte vnto confusyon By reason wherof as affermeth myne auctoure Gaguyne arose a prouerbe among the Frenche men sayeng Principibus obsequi haereditariū non es●e The whyche is to meane the seruyce of princes is nat hereditable Thys tyme thus passed wyth many other matyers whych I ouer passe the season approched that variaunce and ●nny began to moue amōg some nobles of the lāde in so moche that y e duke of Orleaunce dysdayned that Anne syster to the kynge wyth suche as she wolde call to counsayll hadde all the rule about the kyng wherfore he entendyng to haue the sayde rule for so moche as he had maryed that other doughter of Lowys gadered vnto hym strength of knyghtes purposely to remoue from the kyng such as he lyked and to sette aboute hym suche persones as he thought conuenyente But how it was for lacke of wyse orderynge of hys people or other neglygence at a place called saint Albynys he was taken of hys aduersaryes so by the kyng commaunded to pryson to the castel of Byturicēce where he remayned lōge tyme after It was nat longe after that Marymylyan the whych had maryed duke Charles doughter of Burgoyne gathered hys soudyours to haue releued the foresayd duke of Orleaunce out of pryson but he preuayled nat Durynge whyche warre Fraunceys duke of Brytayn dyed whose doughter named Anne enherytour of that duchye Maxymylyan hadde before trouth plyted for hys lawfull wyfe wherfore he herynge of the deth of y e sayd Fraunceys shortely entred the terrytory of Brytayne and seased it for hys But Charles with his Frēchmen wythstode hym by suche force y t he was constrayned to axe helpe of our soueraygne lord kynge Henry y e vii The whyche in moste bounteous maner ayded assysted hym bothe wyth men and money to the kynges excedyng great charge and coste Howe be in the ende the French kyng had his entent than maryed y e said Anne duchesse of Brytayne and refused Margarete y e doughter of Ma●imylyan whyche he before had maryed at Ambasy as before I haue shewed to you in the ende of the story of hys father Lowys After whych vyctory thus opteyned by thys Charles in Brytayn he made clayme and pretence vnto the lande of Scicilia or Scicilie And by the exortacion and styrryng of the pope Alexāder the .vi. he wyth a strong hoste entred y e same bothe by lande and by water To whome was a great ayde the duke of Mylayne by whose meanes he shortly wan a strōge citie or towne named Campania and diuers other townes and in processe Naples the chyef citie that belonged vnto the kyng of Naples In so moche that he constrayned Alphounce that than was kynge of Naples and of Scicile to forsake that countre and so had the dominiō of the more parte of bothe the sayde countrees The whyche when he had set in suche order as he thoughte conuenyent he toke hys iournaye home warde into Fraūce thorough Italy In whyche passage thys Charlys was beset of the Uenecyans other Italyans the whyche entendyd to haue stoppyd hys waye and metyng wyth hym at a place called in latyne Fornouiences gaue vnto hym batayle wherof as sayth myne authour he wan the vyctory to hys greate honour consyderynge his fewe sowdyours agayne theyr multytude and strength But to thys sayenge repugne the Italyans dwellyng in London and say that yf the sayd Charlys had not spedde hym fastly into Fraunce he had not comen there that yere But how so it was he eetourned home in sauete And soone after pope Alexāder foresayd toke such dyspleasure agayne y e sayd Charlys that he styrred almost all crysten prynces of the worlde agayne hym he hadde such hatred to the great honoure of y e Frēche kynge as sayth myne authour Gagwyne y t whyche in all hys werkes extolleth the dedes of Frenchemen forther thā maye be veryfyed in moch of his wrytynge But what so he wryte of the pope it is to be demyd that he wolde not take so great partye agayne this Charlys and exite other prynces to do the same excepte it hadde ben for great and vrgēt causes and not for malyce as he affermeth onely And thus the sayde Gagwyne endeth the story of the sayd Charlys in the yere of our lorde god M.iiii C. xcv and the .xi. yere of the reygne of the same Charlys thanne presently reygnynge and guydyng the realme of Fraunce whyche was the .x. yere of our most redoutyd prynce kynge Henry the .vii. Henry the seuenth HEnry the
.vii. of y e name sonne vnto the erle of Richemoūt began his domynyon ouer the realme of Englande the .xxii. daye of Auguste in y e yere of our lorde god M.iiii C.lxxxv and the secōde yere of the .viii. Charlys then kynge of Fraūce And the .xxx. daye of October folowynge with great solempnyte y e sayd Henry was crowned at westmynster And here accordynge to my fyrste sayenge in the begynnynge of thys rude worke I make an ende of the vii parte and hole worke the .vii. day of Nouember in the yere of our lord Iesu Crystes incarnacyon M.v. C. and .iiii and the .xx. yere of our moste crysten and drad soueraygne lorde kynge Henry after the conquest of y e name the .vii. For whyche expedycyō and good exployt that I haue hadde in the accomplysshyg of thys work wherin is included to rekyn from the landynge of Brute in thys I le of Albyon vnto the fyrste yere or begynnyng of the reygne of our most dead sayd souerayne lord ii C. and xx yeres I here agayne salute and gyue thankes vnto that moste excellent vyrgyn our lady saynt Mary with the last and .vii. ioye of the foresayd vii ioyes begynnynge Gaude virgo mater pura c. Be ioyfull and glad virgyn and moder pure For ferme and stedfast thy ioye shall abyde And these .vii. ioyes shall euermore endure And neuer hereafter minishe by tyme nor by tyde But euer shall encreace ●●ory●●e and abyde By worldes all euer in one to laste Tyme to come tyme presēt tyme that is past And thus than endyth thys seuenth part the which from the fyrst yere of wyllyam Conquerour to y e laste yere of Rycharde the thyrde includeth iiii C.xvii yeres Lenuoy Limas adest praecessit opus ne li●idus assis Lector habent mendas denia presa suas Quoduis ingenium quadam vel parte redundat Vel rudū vel mancū est vel graue vel fluidū Concio ●rebra tibi culpatur furta Maronis Est Cicero elumbis pes tibi naso ceser Non satis historiae Crispi praefatio quadrat Nil adeo cultum liuor iniquus habet Non minus hoc poterit tantillum capere morsor Laeserit illustres cum fera lingua viros Sed quid agas residem taxabit inertia mutum Scriptorem risor extenuabit inners Audendum tamen est spernendi m●lle latratus Occidet a busto murmur inuidia The whyche verses to them that ben vnlettered may be Englyshed in maner and fourme as foloweth An ende of thys boke or of thys rude warke Here is now fyned wherof the sence precedyth Thou that shall it rede be thou laye or clerke Be not enuyous consyder how it ledyth The reygne of prynces And where as mendement nedyth If thou experte be the fawtes therof amende And hym ascrybe no sclaunder that dyd but well entende Consyder euery scyence in parte that it is suche To rude or to curyous to breef or to longe Some blamyn Liuins for that he wrote so moche Some other Uyrgyle and Cicero amonge For he was to scarse Salust that dytyes songe So excelently yet is he not vnblamed So that to all men nothynge is duely framed Than syn the olde wryters whyche were so excellent Myghte not all men please wyth theyr famous wrytynge No maruayll though I whyche neuer connynge h●nt Myghte order thys mater to euery mannys lykynge And specyally to suche as haue theyr delyghtynge Euer wyth dysclaunder moste wryters to lacke And barke whyle they maye to sette good wryters a backe But though that ignoraunce and derysyon ben mette And reproue the maker in all that they can why shulde any good worke for theyr malyce be lette For though they grudge scorne yet euery wyse good man wyll take the entent and prayse the maker than And hym allow for hys laborous dede And requyre of god that he maye haue hys mede Anno domini M.iiii C.lxxxv   Anno domini M.iiii C.lxxxvi   Iohn̄ Tate   Hugh Bryce Goldsmyth   Anno .i.   Iohn̄ Swan   IN thys yere a prest was made to the kynge of .ii. M. li of the whyche the mercers grocers drapers lent .ix. C.xxxvii li. and .vi. s. The coronacyō was holden at westmynster the .xxx. day of October And this yere whete was at .iii. s. y e busshell baye salt at the same pryce Anno domini M.iiii C.lxxxvi   Anno domini M.iiii C.lxxxvii   Iohn̄ Percyuall   Syr Henry Colet   Anno .ii.   Hugh Clopton   In thys yere the kynge maryed kyng Edwardes eldest doughter named Elizabeth This yere was slayn at Stookfelde the erle of Lyncolne And in the moneth of Septēber was borne prynce Arthur Anno domini M.iiii C.lxxxvii   Anno domini M.iiii C.lxxxviii   Iohn̄ Fenkyll   wyllyam Horne   Anno .iii.   wyllyam Remyngton   THys yere was the quene crowned at westmynster vpon saynt Katheryns daye And this yere was a prest of .iiii. M. li. wherof mercers grocers Drapers lent .xvi. C. .xvi. li. And thys yere was an other prest of two thousād And thys yere Iohn̄ Ashley wyth other two were putte in execucyon at the Towre hylle Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxxxviii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxxxix   wyllyam Isaak   Robert Tate Mercer   Anno .iiii.   Rafe Tynley   IN thys yere the comons of the North slewe the erle of Northumberlande and Chamberlayne theyr capytayne wyth dyuers other were after at yorke hanged Thys yere was the taske of the tenth peny of mennes landes and goodes This yere was the felde ōf Dykysmew in Flaunders foughten by the lorde Dawbeney Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxxxix   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xc.   wyllyam Capell   wyllyam whyte   Anno .v.   Iohn̄ Brook   IN this yere one named Roger Shauelok slew hym selfe For whose goodes was besynesse bytwen the kynges amner and the sheryffe But the amner optayned Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xc.   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xci.   Henry Coot   Iohn̄ Mathew Mercer Robert Reuell Anno .vi.   Hugh Pemberton   IN this yere dyed Robert Reuel shyryffe in his stede was chosen Hugh Pēberton And in March syr Robert chāberlayne knyght was behedyd And thys yere was a great benyuolence graunted vnto y e kynge for his iournay into Fraūce where vnto the felysshyp of the Drapers graunted more than any other felysshyp of the cytye and euery aldermā of London that tyme beynge payed volente nolente two hundreth pound Ouer whyche somme the comoners somme extēdyd to .ix. C.lxxxii li. xvii s. iiii d. And this yere was a busshell of whete at .xxii. d. Anno domini M.iiii C.xci.   Anno domini M.iiii C.xcii   Thomas wood   Hugh Clopton Mercer   Anno .vii.   wyllyam Browne   IN thys yere a yoman of the crowne named was put to deth at Tybourne for treason And in thys yere was the cytye of Garnad gottē by y e kyng of Spayn And ī this
Scotland for terme of both kynges lyues And in December a carpenter called Godfrey toke downe the wedercok of Poulys slyple set it vp agayne And this yere in Crystmas weke was a part of the kinges palayes of Rychemoūt brent And this yere vppon the .ix. daye of Iuny the forenamed Parkin beyng at large in the kynges court went secretely awaye and lastly went to the fader of Syon And after the second pardon to hym by the kynge graunted he was shewed at westmynster in Chepys syde with moch wonderment and fynally had to the Towre and there keped Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xcviii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xcix   Thomas Bradbery   Syr Ion̄ Percyuale   Anno .xiiii.   Stephyn Ienyns   IN thys yere vpō the .xxx. daye of Octobre came my lord price through y e cytye wyth an honorabell cōpany toward westmynster And vppon shroue tuysdaye was put in execuciō at saynt Thomas warrynge a strepelyng of .xx. yeres of age whych had auaūced hym selfe to be the sonn̄ or heyre to the erle of warwykes landes was the sonne of a cordyner of Londō And thys yere mayster Iohn̄ Tate aldermā begā y e new edefyinge of saynt Anthonies church And this yere vpō the .xvi. day of Iuly beynge sonday vpō the sonday folowyng stode .xii. heretykes at Poules crosse shryned wyth fagottes Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xcix   Anno dn̄i M.v. C.   Iamys wylforde   Nycholas Alwyn   Anno .xv.   Rychard Brond   IN this yere the .xvi. day of Nouēber was areyned in y e whyte halle at westmynster the forenamed Parkyn .iii. other The whych Parkyn and one Iohn̄ Awatyr were put shortly after in execuciō at Tyborne And soone after was the erle of warwyke put to deth at the towre hylle one Blewet Astwood at Tyborne And thys yere in May the kyng the quene sayled to Calays And thys yere was Babrā in Northfolke brēt And in Iuly was an olde heretyke brēt in Smythfelde And thys yere was a great deth in Londō whereof died ouer xx M. of all ages And this yere dyed doctour Mortō cardynall and chaunceler of Englande in the moneth of October Anno. dn̄i M.v. C.   Anno dn̄i M.v. C.i.   Iohn̄ Hawys   wyllyam Remyngton   Anno .xvi.   wyllyam Stede   IN this yere the .xxi. daye of Decēber in the nyght was an hydyous thūder And this yere was the name of the kyngꝭ palays of Shene chaūged called after y e day Rychemoūt And this yere in August departed secretly out of this lāde the duke of Suffolke And the .iiii. daye of October lāded at Plymmowth Kateryn̄ doughter of y e kyng of Spayn And thys yere was fynysshed by mayster Tate the church of saynt Anthony Anno domini M.v. C.i.   Anno domini M.v. C.ii.   Syr Laurence Aylemer   Syr Iohn̄ Shaa   Anno .xvii.   Henry Hede.   IN this yere began the mayre hys bretherne to ryde to the barge other places Upō sait Erkēwaldes day was my lord prince maryed to the kyng of Spaynes doughter And this season the duke of Bukkyngham wyth other was chief chalēgeour at a royall iustyce turney holdē in the palays of westmynster And thys yere came a greate ambassade out of Scotlād by reason wherof cōclusion of maryage was made betwene the king of Scottes dame Margarete eldest doughter to oure soueraygne lord Also thys yere was an excedyng great fysshe taken nere vnto Quynbourgh And in Marche syr wyllyam of Deuynshyre syr Iamys Tyrell his eldest son̄ one named welborne were arested for treason And in Apryll ●olowyng dyed y e noble prynce Arthur in the towne of Ludlow And upō y e last day of April were set vpō y e pyllory .ii. yōgmen for defamyng of y e kynges coūsayll and there erys cut of Also aboute thys tyme y t gray fryers were cōpelled to take theyr old habit russet as y e shepe doth dye it And the .vi. day of Maye Iamys Tyrell syr Iohn̄ wyndhm̄ knyght were beheded at y e towre hyl And a shypmā for the same treason was the same day drawē to tyborne there hāged quartered And soone after a purseuaūt named Curson a yoman called Mathew Ionys were put in execuciō at Guynys all was for aydyng of syr Edmōd De la pool Also thys yere about mydsomer was takē a felowe whych hadde renewed many of Robī hodes pagētes which named him selfe Greneleef And this yere begā the new werke of y e houses offyce wythin the Guyldhall of London And in the ende of October was proclaymed a peas betwene the king the archeduke of Burgoyne And y e sonday before saint Symōd Iude was shewed a bull by vertue wherof were denoūced at Poules crosse as accursed syr Edmōd de la pool late duke of Suffolke syr Roberte Curson knyght .v. other persones And all such as ayded any of thē agaī y e king Anno domini M.v. C.ii.   Anno domini M.v. C.iii. Goldsmyth Henry Kebyll   Bartholmew Rede   Anno .xviii.   Nycholas Nynys   IN this yere begā the new werk of the kynges chapell at westmynster And vpō the .xi. daye of February dyed quene Elizabeth within the towre lieng in chyldbed And vpō the fyrst sonday of lēt was solemply accursed at Poules crosse wyth bel candell syr Edmōd de la pool syr Robert Curson other all y t the ayded agayn the kyng And in th ēde of the moneth of marche was y e pryour of y e Charterhous at Shene sinfully murdered wyth an other mūk of the same house by synyster meanes of a munk of the same place named Good wyne other mischeuous ꝑsones And this yere the felisshyp of tayllours of Lōdon purchased a graūt of the king to be called marchaūt tayllours And y e viii day of August was the kynge of Scottes maried vnto y e eldest doughter of y e kyng Also in Iuly were areyned at the Guyldhall Olyuer saynte Iohn̄ Robert Simpson wellys●orfi before named Pool bayly of Thorok amp .iiii. other all beyng cast for treason whereof the sayde Olyuer and Pool wyth hyppemen were putte in execucion at Tyborne and the other were pardoned Anno. dn̄i M.v. C.iii.   Anno dn̄i M.v. C.iiii. Draper Chrystoffer Hawys   Syr wyllyam Capell Robert wattes Anno .xix.   Thomas Granger   IN thys yere the .xiii. day of Nouēber in the palays of y e archebysshop of Caūterbury at Lābehyth was holdē the sergeaūtes feest And the .xxi. day of Nouēber in the begynnyng of y e nyght was a dredeful fyre vpō the north ende of Londō brydge And vppō the .vii. daye of Ianuary were certeyne houses cōsumed wyth fyre agayn saynt Botulphis churche in Thamys strete Upō the .xxv. daye of Ianuary begā a parliamēt at westmynster And y e .xxvii. day of March was an house brēt agayn saynt Mattyus le graūt And the same day was hurt
done wyth fyre in the paryshe of faynt Peters the pore And in the forenamed parlyamēt was ordeyned a new coyne of syluer as grotes half grotes shyllynges with half faces And in the forsayde parlyamēte was graunted to the kynge an ayde of xxxvi thousand .li. And a correccyon was dyuysed for clipped grotes Anno domini M.v. C.iiii.   Anno domini M.v. C.v. Grocer Roger Achylley   Iohn̄ wyngar   Anno .xx.   wyllyam Browne   IN thys yere the cytezyns of Lōdon graūted to the kyng .v. M marke for confermaciō of theyr lybertyes wherof a M. marke was payde in hāde .iiii. M. mark in .iiii. yeres next ensuyng Upō sat Georges day y e kyng went in procession in Poules church where was shewed a legge of saynt George closed in syluer whych was newly sent to the kyng And vppō the .xxv. day of Apryll was a money maker one of the coyners of the towre drawē to tyborne there hanged And in y e later ende of thys yere came the thyrde cappe of mayntenaunce from the pope Anno domini M.v. C.v.   Anno domini M.v. Fysshemonger Rycharde Shore   Thomas Kneysworth   Anno .xxi.   Roger Groue   THys yere vppō .xii. euyn the kinges chāber at Rychemoūt was brēt And vpō the euyn of saynt Maury begā an hidious wid which endured vppō .xi. dayes folowynge more or lasse in cōtynuall blowyng by meane whereof the wedercok of Poules was blowē downe moche other harme done And by force of thys tempest the archeduke of Burgoyne was dryuē to lāde in the west coūtre And vpō the second sonday of lēt stood at Poules crosse the pryour of saynt Osyes .v. other heretykes And in y e ende of y e moneth of March syr Edmōd de la pool was conueyed through the citie vnto the towre and there left as prysoner And in Maye moneth was the lord of Burgeueny cōmytteth to the towre for a certayn displeasure whych cōcerned no treason Thys yere a new bylded galerey fyll in the nyght at Rychemoūt And thys yere in the ende of Iuly was a gracyous myracle shewed by oure Lady image of Barkyng by a mayden chylde that a carte laden wyth stone yode ouer Anno domini M.v.   Anno domini M.v. C.vii. mercer wyllyam Copynger   Syr Rychard Haddon Thomas Iohn̄son Anno .xxii.   wyllyam Fytz wyllyam   IN thys yere about Crystmas was the bakers house in warwyke lane brēt And thys yere was a wonderfull easy softe wynter with out stormys or frostes And this yere the kyng of hys goodnesse delyuered out of all prysons in Lōdō as many prysoners as laye for .xl. s. vnder And this yere was Thomas Kneysworth late mayer hys .ii. shyreffes condēpned to the kyng in great sommes of money ouer paynfull prysonement by theym in the marshalsy susteyned Anno domini M.v. C.vii.   Anno domini M.v. C.viii. mercer wyllyam Butler   wyllyam Browne   Anno .xxiii.   Iohn̄ Kyrkby   THys yere in the ende of April dyed the sayd wyllyam Browne and for hym was immedyatly chosen syr Laurence Aylemer for the resydue of that yere Anno supradicto   Anno supradicto Draper wyllyam Butler   Syr Laurence Aylemer   Anno predicto   Iohn̄ Kyrkby   IN thys yere vpon the last daye of Iuny was an house in Southwarke nere vnto the brydge consumed wyth fyre And thys yere was syr wyllyam Capell agayne put in vexacyon by sute of the kynge for thynges done by hym in the tyme of hys mayralte Anno. dn̄i M.v. C.viii.   Anno dn̄i M.v. C.ix. Tayllour Thomas Exmew   Stephyn Ienyns   Anno .xxiiii.   Rychard Smyth   IN the begynnyng of the mayres tyme syr wyllyam Capell after his prysonement in the coūtour shyreffes house was by the kynges counsayll commaūded to the towre where he remayned tyll the kynge dyed shortly after was delyuered wyth many other And in lykewyse was syr Laurēce Aylemer dalt with cōmytted to the warde or house of Rychard Smyth shryfe there remayned as prisoner by y e space aboue sayd Thys yere vppō the saterdaye next before saynt Georges day in the nyght whych saterdaye was the .xxi. daye of Apryll dyed the kynge oure soueraygne lorde at hys manour of Rychemount vpon whose soule and all chrysten Iesu haue mercy Amen And so thys foresayd noble prince reygned .xxiii. yeres and .vii. monethes and one daye therof lakkynge THys magnyfycent excellent prynce Hēry the .vii. thus payed to deth his dette of nature as before is sayd Of whome suffycient laude prayse can nat be put in wrytyng cōsyderyng y e cōtynuall peace trāquylete whyche he kept thys his lande comons in wyth also the subduynge of hys outwarde enymyes of the realmes of Fraunce Scotland by hys greate polycy wysedome more thā by shedyng of cristē bloode or cruell warre And euer ruled so myghtly hys subgectes mynystred to them suche iustyce y t nat allonely they loued and drad hym but all crysten prynces heryng of hys gloryous fame were desyrous to haue wyth hym amyte allyaunce And for that he in all tēporall polycies prouisions exceded all prynces by hys tyme reygnynge dyuers popes as Alexander the syxte Pius the .iii Iulius the .ii. nowe beynge pope by theyr tymes eyther of thē sunderly wyth auctorytie cōsent of theyr spyrytuall deuyne coūsayll elected chase thys excellente prynce and admytted hym for chyefe defensour of Chrystes church before all other crysten prynces And for a confermaciō of the same sente vnto thys inuyncibyll prince by .iii. sundry famous ambassades thre swerdes with .iii. cappes of mayntenaunce what myght I wryte of the stedfaste contynēcy great iustyce mercyfull dealyng of thys prynce what myght I report of hys excellēte wysedome moste sugred eloquence or of hys inmouable pacience wonderfull dyscressyon Or what shuld I tell of his most beautyfull byldynges or excedyng charges of manifest reperaciōs and ouer all thys of hys excedynge treasoure rychesse innumerabyll But as who wolde saye to consider in order all his notabyll actes which wolde aske a lōge tract of tyme with also the lyberall somptuous endowemēt of the monastery of westmynster other to wryte I myghte conclude y t hys actes passed all the noble actes of hys noble ꝓgenytours syne the conquest and may moste cōgruly aboue all erthly prynces belykened vnto Salamō kyng of y e Israelytes and be called the seconde Salomon for hys great sapience actes by him done hys lyuys tyme executed All whyche premysses tenderly considered euery naturall Englysshmā now lyuyng hath cause ought deuoutly to pray for the soule of this moste excellent prynce Henry the .vii that he maye atteyne that celestyall mansiō whych he and all trew crysten soules are enheritours vnto the which god hym graunt Amen And the rather because of the exellēt vertuous bryngyng and leuynge vnto vs by goddes ayde and prouysyon
of our moste gracyous and moste d●ad soueraygne lord Henry y e viii of that name as tyghtfull enherytour vnto the .ii. crownes of Englande and of Fraunce The whyche began hys moste gracyous reygne y e xxii day of Apryll in the yere of oure lord god M.v. C. and .ix. HEnry the .viii. of that name and second sonne of the forenamed excellente prynce Henry the seuith began his moste gracyous reygn ouer the realme of Englande the .xxii. daye of Apryll in the yere of our lord god M.v. C. and .ix. To whome by all honour reuerēce ioyfull contynaūce of prosperous reygn to the pleasure of god weale of thys hys realme Amen Thus endeth Fabyans cronycle Confederacy * Wycked punysshement Roma scotte * Iustyce and cōtynence † Prestes wyues Thre thynges requysyte to fyght A kynges chas●y●e A pacyēt man Ornamētes of the chyrche folde Fyrst mayred ●●yryffe● * Peter pen● The graūt of warde maryage An erthquake Statute of Merton The 〈…〉 presence * Fyrst older men of London An appele from the pope * Scutage Singla● profyte A ●e●ter sent by the 〈◊〉 to the kyng * Cruell and detestable Batayle D●rf takyng ✚ De●● 〈◊〉 of Rychard kynge of ●smayne A mōster The ●●ome de Lyce To myche 〈◊〉 cause of repētaūce Statute of M●p●mayn F●r●● coygnyng of half pens and farthynges Bew the beati●●emen w●re trapned from vanyn Crueltye 〈◊〉 Frenche 〈◊〉 * Inqui●●ciō de Troylbasion Shamfull minder Victory agaynste the Scottes Byshoppes periured Aryght notable policy Boniface the viii pope The fyrste wynnyng of Rody● Byrth of Edwarde the thyrde * Batayle of Estryuelyn Traiferous p●●●um●●yd of a ●●●agn Berwyke loste Decasion ●● mor●a●● 〈◊〉 The parlyamēt of Northamton * Byrth of Lyonell * The mansy co●rage of Edward the thyrde A letter sent by kyng Edward to the Frēch kyng Tinc● Breche Clement the ●i pope kynge Edwardes Floryne ‡ Th order of the garter * Cane conquered Affeccyō of Historiographers ‡ whā Calys was go●●e * A great 〈◊〉 in London Dethe of Pylyppe de Valoys ‡ Kynge Edwardes 〈◊〉 on the 〈◊〉 Delayes of the course of Rome Berwyke recouered The batayl of Poytiers Iustes holdē in Smithfelde ●akyng of 〈◊〉 El moton of golde ‡ The forme of p●ace betwene Englande and Fraunce A peasyble kysse ‡ The secōd mortalyte ‡ The batayle of Dāhey Foūdacyō of saynt Stephans chapell at Westmynster ‡ Byrth of 〈◊〉 the seconde Dethe of 〈◊〉 Phylyppe A taske ●e●ynge ‡ A mayres 〈◊〉 to the 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 A●hysme ‡ Dethe of kynge Edwarde the thyrde Phylyp de Valoys ●ioned kyng of Fraunce Discomfyte of the Flemynge● D●th of syr Robert of Artoys Iaques de Artyuese murdred At what age the heyre to the crown of Fraūce shuld be crowned ● A scysme ●●gonne in the chyrche ●● Rome ‡ A terryble my 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 execu●●●n Dethe of kyng Charles ‡ The 〈◊〉 of Cou●tray Deth of Charles kynge of Nauerne Coronaciō of Henry y e fourth The batayle of Shr●wysbu●y ‡ A Byshop beheded A byll p●● vppe in the parlyamēt Dethe of kyng Henry the .iiii. A fraye on Eester day Syr Iohn̄ Oldcastell lorde Cobham put to dethe Byrthe of 〈◊〉 the fy●te Sonday Monday Tuysday wednysdaye Thursdaye Frydaye Saterdaye Quotidie Kyng Henry the .vi. crowned Kyng Henry the .vi. crowned in Parys ‡ Countyse of Basyse ▪ Bugeny y e pope Calys besyeged kynge of Scottes murdred A derthe Pope Eugeny deposed Dyf●rrcyō of wolf † 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 Insurrecciō in Kent † Th ende of Iacke Cade Byshop of Salysbury s●ayne Constanty noble conquered of Turkes A good 〈◊〉 ‡ The 〈…〉 ‡ The bata●ll of sa●●te Albons ‡ Coronacyon of Edwarde the fourth ‡ La ●ucesse de dieu Th ende lapucelle de dieu The wordes of king Lewys dyenge to his sonne Printed by w Rastell fynysshed the laste daye of December in the yere of our lorde M.v. C. and XXXiii CVM PRIVILEGIO
so sharpely that he was constrayned to leue the countrey and sayled into Fraunce and lefte the nūne behynde hym the whych the kynge caused to be restoryd agayn to the house y t she was taken fro The nexte yere folowyng the sayd Clito wyth his cōpany landed in eest Englande gaderyd to hym y e Danys of that countrey and with theyr ayde destroyed and pylled the countrey about Crekynforde Criklade And then passed y e ryuer of Thamis spoyled the land to Bradenestoke and so frō thens retourned into eest Anglia y t is Norffolke Suffolke The kynge folowed his enymyes and spoyled of theyr landes whyche they helde by composycyon from the ryuer of Owse to the bordure of saynte Edmundus lande commaundynge hys knyghtes of hys hoste that none shulde dragge or tarye after hys hoste for fere that they were not beclyppyd of theyr enmyes But the Kentyshe men whych trusted to myche in theyr owne strength dysobeyed that commaundement wherfore the Danys awaytynge theyr praye fyll vppon them by bushementes and slewe the more partye of theym wherwyth the kyng was sore dyscontentyd Soone after bothe hostes mette where after longe fyght Clyto wyth many of the Danys was slayne and the remenaunt constrayned to seche peace the whyche was graunted vppon certayne condycyons that they shulde holde theym wythin the boundes to theym lymytted and ouer that paye yerely a certayne money in waye of trybute After whyche peace wyth them stablyshed he repayred cytyes townes and castellys that by the sayde Danys were shatered and broken And about the .viii. yere of his reygne kynge Edwarde repayred the wallys and also the cytye of Kaerlyon that now is called Chester To the whych were great helpers Etheldredꝰ duke of Mercia Elfleda his wyfe doughter of Alurede as before is shewyd suster of this kynge Edwarde And that done the kynge buylded a stronge castell at Herforde in y e egge of walys And he enlarged so greatly y e walles of Chester y t the castell whych before tyme was wyth out the wall is now wythin And the .ix. yere of his reygn Etheldredꝰ duke of Mercia by coūsayll of his wyfe trāslated y e bones of y e holy kyng Oswald frō Bradony to Gloucestre there buylded a fayre monastery in the worshyp of saynt Peter In the .xii. yere of kyng Edwardes reygne the Danes repentynge them of theyr couenauntes before made myndyng entēdyng y e breche of the same assēbled an hoste met with y e kynge in Staffordeshyre at a place called Toten halle and soone after at wodenesseylde At whyche .ii. places the kynge slew two kynges two erlys and many thousandes of the Danys that then occupyed the countrey of Northumberlande And soon after dyed the noble man Etheldredus duke or erle of Mercia or myddell Englande After whose deth the kynge for so myche as he hadde often prouyd her wysedome he toke the rule of that countrey to hys wyfe Elfleda London alonely exceptyd the whyche he toke vnder his onwe rule THE CLXXX CHAPITER OF this noble woman Elfleda yf I shulde shewe all the vertues yt shuld aske a long tyme and leasure But amonges other of her noble dedes she buylded and newly repayred many townes cytyes and castellys as Tomworth besyde Lychefeld Stafforde warwyke Shrowesbury watrysbury Eldysbury in the forest besyde Chester that nowe is ouer tourned and destroyed Also she buylded a cytye wyth a castell in the Northe ende of Mercia vpon y t ryuer Merce that in those dayes was named Runcofan̄ but now yt is called Runcorn̄ And she also buylded a brydge ouer the ryuer of Seuern̄ whyche is or was named Brymmysburye brydge This stronge virago fauour of cytezeyns and fere of enymyes halpe myche the kyng her brother in gyuynge of counsayll buyldynge of cytyes Of her is told that when she hadde ones assayed the wo and sorowe that women fele and suffer in berynge of a chylde she hated the enbrasynge of her husband euer and toke wytnesse of god and sayde that yt was not cōuenyent or semely to a kinges doughter to vse such flesshely lykynge wherof suche sorowe shuld ensue or folowe In the .xiii. yere of the reygne of this Edwarde a great nauy of Danys whych in tyme of Alurede were driuen into Fraunce now retourned agayn and sayled about the west coūtrey and landed in dyuers places toke prayes and went to theyr shyppes agayn And at one time amōges other they robbed and spoyled at a place called Irchynfeylde and toke a Brytyshe byshop and caryed hym to theyr shyppes and fynally raunsomed hym at .xl. pounde But as soone as kynge Edwarde had knowlege of theyr beyng he assembled his knyghtes and sped hym westwarde by lande and sent a nother hoste by shyppe to encounter the Danys vppon the see wherof heryng the sayd Danys fledde into Irlande and by that course voyded the land and handes of the kynge Then the kynge for strengthynge of the countrey made a castell at the mouth of the water of Auene and a nother castell at Bokyngham and the thyrd faste therby y t is to meane vpon eyther syde of y e ryuer of Owseone And after retourned into Northamtonshyre and Bedfordshyre faughte there wyth the Danys of these coūtres and at length subdued the● wyth theyr leder or duke called Turketyllus About the .xvii. yere of this kynges reygned Elfleda lady of Mercia before mynded gaderyd her knightes And where the Brytons or walshe men brake into the lande about Brekenoke she wyth her people wythstode theym and amonge other prysoners prayes toke there the quene of walshemen And the yere folowynge kynge Edwarde buylded or newly reedyfyed the townes of Towsetour and wygmore and destroyed the castell that the Danys hadde made at Temesforde And that yere the noble Elfleda wanne the towne of Derby from the power of the Danys where they put her in such aduēture that foure knyghtes whyche were called Gardeyns of her corps were slayne faste by her And y e .xviii. yere of his reygne dyed that noble pryncesse Elfleda in the moneth of Iune and was buryed in the monastery of saynt Peter which her lorde and she before tyme hadde buylded wythin the towne of Gloucetour as aboue is touched ouer the bones of that holy kynge saynte Oswalde whyche monastery was after throwen to grounde by the Danys But Aldredus byshop both of yorke of worcetour made there an other whyche is now chefe house or abbay of that towne or cytye when Elfleda was deed her doughter named Elswyna helde the lordeshyppe of Mercia a season But for the kynge cōsydered yt to be to great a thynge for her to rule he therfore dyscharged her therof and ioyned it to his kyngedome but not all wythout stryfe For dyuers townes kepte of the kyng for a tyme as Snotyngham or Nothyngam Tomworth Derbye and other supposynge the doughter wold haue defended them as the mother by her lyfe had done But finally they came to the
was dyscarged of his offyce and syr Hugh Bygotte then admytted for hym And for the foresayde Pyers harde of the murmure in the courte ferynge that the kynge shuld be aduertysed shortely to alter from his promyse therfore they entēdyng to make theyr partye the strōger vppon the morowe folowynge Marye Magdaleyns daye the kyng beyng at westmynster the erle Marshall the erle of Leyceter wyth dyuerse other came vnto the Guyldehall of Lōdon where the mayre aldermen and comynaltye of the cytye were assembled where the sayd lordes shewyd an instrument or wrytynge at the whyche hynge many labellys wyth sealys as the kynges seale syr Edwarde hys sonnes seale wyth many other of the nobles of the lande the whyche was the contente of the artycles whych were ordeyned and made at Oxenforde wyllynge the mayre and aldermen cūsyderynge the sayd actys were made to the honoure of god fydelyte vnto the kynge profyte of the realme that they wold also in vpholdynge of the same sette theyr common seale of the cytye After which requeste thus to the mayre and the cytesyns made after aduyse and counsayll amonge theym selfe taken they desyred a sparyng of the lordes tyll they myght speke wyth y e kyng and know his pleasure in that behafe But fynally no sparynge at that tyme myghte be graunted so that in the ende by the laboure that the lordes made wyth helpe of suche solycytoures as they hadde wythin the cytye the common seale was put to and the mayre and dyuerse of the cytye sworne to maynteyne the same theyr allegeaunce sauyd to the kyng wyth preseruacyon of the lybertyes and fraunchyses and so departed Then daye by daye after the sayd douze Perys assemblyd at the newe temple in where they kept theyr counsaylys and courtes for the reformacyon of the olde greuys and remoued from the kynge dyuerse of hys menyall of houselde and sette in theyr places and offycys suche as lyked theym And vppon the .ix. daye of August proclamacyon was made in dyuerse accustomyd places of the sayde cytye that none of the kynges takers shulde take any thynge wythin the cytye wythout the wyll of the owner excepte two tunne of wyne whyche the kyng accustomably hadde of euery shyppe commynge from Burdeaux payenge but .xl. s. for a tunne By meane of whyche proclamacyon nothynge was taken by the kynges offycers but yt were streyght payed fore wythin the cytye and lybertye of the same whyche vsaunce contynued but a whyle Anno domini M.CC.lvii   Anno domini M.CC.lviii Draper Thomas fyz Rycharde   Rycharde Hardell   Anno .xlii.   Robert Catelyon   IN this .xlii. yere the kyng held one parlyamēt at westmynster and a nother or ellys prorogyd the same to wynchester And in this yere syr Hugh Bygotte iustyce wyth Roger Turkelay and other kept his courte at saynte Sauyours and helde there the plees callyd Itinerii The wyche is to meane the trauaylynge or the waye plees For ye shall vnderstande that at those dayes they were kepte in dyuerse places of Englande whyche nowe ben holden at westmynster and iudgys ordeyned to kepe a cyrcuyte as now they kepe the syzys in tyme of vacacyō At this sayde courte these iudges ponyshed sore baylyes and other o●ycers that before theym were conuycte for dyuers trespassys and specyally for takynge of merceamentes otherwyse then the lawe theym commaundyd For the whych the sayd chefe iustyce prysoned them and after sessyd them at greuous fynys Also he somonyd the cytesyns of London to come vnto the sayde courte for tollys that they hadde taken vppon the farther syde of the water But yt was answered that the tollys that they there toke were takē lawfully as they were redy to proue in places and court cōuenyent to the same whyche was wythin the precyncte of theyr lybertye But not wythstandynge that answere the sayde syr Hughe chargyd vppon queste .xii. knyghtes of Surey to enquyre of that mater and other the whych acquyted the sayde cytesyns and shewyd that the sayde tolle belongyd to them of ryghte In processe of tyme after the sayd syr Hugh wyth other came to Guyld hall and kepte hys courte and plees there wythout all order of lawe and contrarye to the lybertyes of the cytye and there punyshed the bakers for lacke of syze by the Tumberell where before tymes they were punysshed by the pyllory and orderyd many thynges at hys wyll more then by any good order of lawe Thys yere vppon Candelmasse euen came vnto Lōdon from beyonde the see Rycharde kynge of Almayne and erle of Cornewayll wyth hys wyfe and chyldren whyche had ben there and taken possessyon of that kyngedome as before is shewyd Agayne whose commynge the cytye of London was rychely hāged wyth clothes of sylke and aras ioyously he was receyuyd of the cytesyns Anno domini M.CC.lviii   Anno domini M.CC.lix Peperer Iohn̄ Adryan   Iohn̄ Gysours   Anno .xliii.   Robert Cornehyll   IN thys .xliii. yere the frydaye folowynge the feaste of Symonde and Iude in the parlyament holden at westmynster were radde in presence of all the lordes and comynaltye at sondry tymes all the actys and ordynaūces before made in y e parliament holden at Oxenforde wyth certayn other artycles by y e fore sayd xii Peers there vnto added After redyng of which articles there beynge reuested the archebyshoppe of Caunterbury wyth dyuerse other to the nomber of .ix. byshoppes besyde abbotes other denouncyd all them accursyd that attemptyd in worde or dede to breke the sayd actes or any of them In this parilamēt also was graunted vnto the kynge a taske callyd the Scutage that is to meane xl s. of euery knyghtes fee thorough Englande the whyche extendyd to a great summe of money For after dyuerse writers there be in Englāde in possessyon of the spyrytualtye and of the temporaltye or at that dayes were ouer beyonde .lx M. kynghtes fees whych after y ● rate shuld extēde vnto .vi. score M. li. more And yf it shuld be gadered of y e tēporal mē onely than yt shulde not amounte ouer the summe of .lxiiii. thousande pounde The kynge vppon the daye of saynte Leonarde or the .vi. daye of Nouember came vnto Pawlys where by his commaundement was assembled the courte of Folkmoot where the kynge accordynge to the former ordynaunces made axyd lycence of the comynaltye of the cytye for to passe the see promysed there in the presence of a great multytude of people that he wolde be good and gracyous lorde vnto the cytye by the mouth of syr Hugh Bygotte hys chefe iustyce and to maynteyne theyr lybertyes vnhurte For y t whyche the people for ioye made an excedynge showte Uppon the .viii. day of Nouember the kynge rode thoroughe the citye towarde the see syde And vppon the daye of saynte Bryce or the .xiii. daye of Nouember he toke hys shyppe and so sayled vnto Burdeaux where when he had taryed a season he rode vnto the Frenche kynge then beyng
before was assured the whyche he wyth syr Henry de Hastynges and other kept longe after when the parlyament was ended the kyng came vnto wyndesore with a great power entendynge as the fame then went to destroye the cytye of London for the great ire and dyspleasure that he hadde vnto yt wherof heryng the mayre and aldermen were striken in a wonderfull fere all be yt many of the rabbysh and wylde cōmoners were in full purpose to haue defended the cytye agayne the kynge And thus amonge them were dyuers and many opinyons And no wonder for at those dayes the cytye was inhabyted with many maner of nacyons whyche then were admytted for cytesyns LAstely by grace and sad counsayll of the beste of the cytye they condescended to make a supplycacyon to y e kynge send yt by some religyous person Of the which they made dyuers and sent them by sondry persones but all auayled ryght nought For the kynge was so greuously encensyd by some of his counsayll agayne the cytesyns y t he wold not loke vppon none of theyr supplycacyons And yf any man spake for theym he soone wold make such coūtenaunce that men whyche were in his fauoure feryd to speke for them Then the cytesyns were counsayled by theyr frēdes y t they shuld make a writyng and seale yt with theyr common seale by vertue whereof they shulde offer theym selfe to put theym holly in the kynges grace and mercy touchynge theyr lyues goodes Accordynge to the whyche counsayll they deuysed a wrytynge and sealed yt wyth theyr cōmon seale and that done chose .viii. persons of the cytye such as had frēdes in the courte and sent them toward wyndesore the .vi. daye of October Uppon whych day they encountered beyonde Colbroke a knyght of the kinges callyd syr Roger Leyborne the whych turned the sayde .viii. persones vnto the cytye and he also rode wyth theym tyll he came nere vnto the cytye and there departed from them and rode vppon the backe syde of the towne vnto the toure But at his departynge he wyl led them to warne the mayre wyth a certayne of the cytye to mete wyth hym vppon the morow at Berkynge chyrche whyche standeth nere vnto the towre Uppon the morow when the mayre and the sayde syr Roger were met he after a longe processe made shewed to them of the kynges greuous displeasure whyche he bare towarde the cytye and the meanes that hadde be vsed by theyr frendes and louers to obteyne grace for the cytye Lastely he expressed y t no grace for them myght be had excepte they wolde by theyr common seale bynde theym selfe fully and holly to stande at y e kynges grace and to put in his mercy theyr lyues and goodes wherunto in the ende the cytesyns graunted and delyueryd the forsayde wrytynge vnto the foresayd Roger prayenge hym to be good meane for them to y e kynge The whych departyd towarde y e kyng vpon the morow and returned agayne the .vi. daye after and wylled the mayre and aldermen to mete wyth hym agayne at the foresayd chirch where he shewyd to them that the kynge by great instaunce of theyr frendes hadde receyued theyr wyrtynge and wold fyrste for the begynnynge of cōtentacion of his mynde that all the chaynes whych stode in euery strete and lanes ende wythin the cytye shuld be lousyd frō theyr postes and the post also drawen out of the erthe and all to be brought vnto the towre and that done that the mayre wyth a certayne of y e cytesyns to the nomber of .xl. persones shuld the daye folowynge be at wyndesore to comferme the graunt of theyr wrytyng And y t they shuld go come in safe suer wise he delyuered to them the kynges letter seale for y e terme of foure dayes whyche all was done accordynge to theyr former deuyse and the mayre wyth the foresayd persones was redy at wyndesore vppon the morow beynge sondaye by one of the clocke and there taryed tyll .iiii. of the same daye At whyche season the kynge commynge from his dysporte entred the castell wythout contenaunce or castyng his eyen vppon the Londoners And when the kyng and his peole was entred the castell the Londoners wolde haue folowed But they were warned to abide with out Then short tyme after the kyng causyd a proclamacyon to be made that no man of hygh or low degre to the Londoners shulde make any sayynges of dyspleasure or make to thē any quarell And in the euenynge came vnto them the foresayd syr Roger syr Robert waleys knyghtes and brought theym into the castell and sayde the kynges pleasure was not to speke wyth them that nyght And after the sayde knyghtes delyueryd them vnto the cōstable of y e castell which closyd them all in a large toure where that nyght they hadde small chere and worse lodgynge Then vppon the morowe beynge mondaye towarde nyght they were taken oute of that toure and delyueryd vnto y e baylly of the sayd castell and lodged by his assygnement except .v. persons that is to mene Thomas fyz Thomas then mayre Mychaell Tony Stephan Bukkerell Thomas Pywellyson and Iohn̄ de Flete The whyche .v. persones the kynge hadde gyuen to syr Edwarde his sonne at whose commaundemēt they remayned styll in the saide toure longe after not wythstandynge the kynges saue conduyte to theym as before is shewed made when tydynges hereof came vnto the cyte of London all be yt that for fere many before were auoyded then there auoyded many mo conueyed theyr goodes in secrete wyse into dyuers countreys of Englande so that many of them neuer returned after Anno domini M.CC.lxiiii   Anno domini M.CC.lxv   Thomas de la Fourdeous   Thomas fyz Thomas   Anno .xlix.   Gregory Rokkylse   IN thys .xlix. yere vppon the daye of saynt Leonarde or the vi daye of Nouember y e kyng came vnto westmynster And shortly after he gaue vnto diuers of his houshold seruaūtes vpon thre score houses housholdes wythin the citye so y t the owners were compellyd to agre and redeme theyr houses and housholde wyth all goodes as in them were or ellys to auoyde and suffer such persons to enter as y e sayd houses were gyuē vnto not alonely that but also all suche landes and tenementes goodes catalles as the sayde cytezeyns had in any other places of Englande And than he made custos or gardeyn of the cytye syr Othon constable of the toure whych syr Othon chase to be bayllyues vnder hym and to be to hym accomptable to the vse of the kyng Iohn̄ Adrian walter Heruy cytezeyns of the same cytye And after thys the kynge toke pledges of the best mēnes sonnes of the cytye that hys peas shulde be surely kepte within the same The whiche were put in the toure of Londō and there kepte at the coste of theyr parentes And shortly after by great laboure suyte made all the forsayd persones which were in the kepynge
that tyme. Anno domini M.iiii C.lxvi   Anno domini M.iiii C.lxvii   Iohn̄ Browne   Syr Iohn̄ yonge Grocer Henry Bryce Anno .vi.   Iohn̄ Stokton   IN thys yere and moneth of dyed the forenamed Hēry Bryce and for hym was chosen immedyatly a sheryfe for thys yere Iohn̄ Stokton And in the moneth of Iuny folowynge were certayne actes and feates of warre doone in Smythfeld betwene syr Antony wy deuyle called lorde Scalys vpō that one partye and the bastarde of Burgoyne chalengour on that one partye Of whych the lord Scalys wan the honour for the sayd bastard was at the fyrste course rennynge wyth a sharpe sperys ouerthrowen horse man whyche was by the rage of the horse of the sayd bastarde and nat by violence of the strokē of hys enemy by a pyke of iron standyng vppon foreparte of the sadell of y e lord Scalys wherwyth the horse beyng blynd of the bastarde was stryken into the nose thrylles and for payne thereof mounted so hyghe vpon the hynder fete that he fyll bakwarde Upon the seconde daye they met there agayne vpon fote and faughte wyth theyr axes a fewe strokes But whan the kynge sawe that the lorde Scalys had auauntage of the bastarde as y e poynt of hys axe in the vysour of his enemyes helmet and by force therof was lykely to haue borne hym ouer the kyng in hast cryed to such as had the rule of the felde that they shulde departe them and for more spede of the same caste downe a warderer whych he than helde in hys hande so were they departed to the honour of the lorde Scalys for bothe dayes Upon the morow folowynge the other dayes were certayne actes of warre done betwene dyuers gentylmen of thys lande and certayne of the sayd bastardes seruauntes Of the whyche also the Englyshmen wan the honour In thys yere also one named Iohn̄ Derby alderman for so moche as he refused to cary or to paye for the caryage awaye of a dede dogge lyenge at hys dore for vnsittynge langage whyche he gaue vnto the mayre he was by a court of aldermen demed to a fyne of .l. poūde whyche he payde euery peny Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxvii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxviii   Humfrey Heyforde   Thomas Owlegraue   Anno .vii.   Thomas Stalbroke   IN thys yere of the mayre and in the begynnynge of the .viii. yere of thys kyng Edwarde that is to meane vpon saterday next ensuīg the feest of corpus christi dame Margarete syster vnto the kyng rode thorugh London towarde the sees syde to passe into Flaunders there to be maryed to Charlys duke of Burgoyne before named in the story of y ● xi Lowys kyng of Fraūce After whose departure syr Thomas Cook late mayre which before was peched of treason by a seruaūt of the lordes wenlokkes called Hawkyns and at the request of the sayd lady Margarete vppon suertie suffered to go at large than was arrested sent vnto the towre his goodes seased by the lorde Ryuerse than tresourer of Englande and hys wyfe put oute of hys house and cōmytted to the charge of the mayer in whose place she laye a season after And after the sayde syr Thomas had lyen a tyme in y e towre he was brought vnto the Guyldhal and there areygned of the sayde treason and quyt by sondry enquestes after that commytted vnto the countour in Bradstrete and frome thens to the kynges bēche in Southwark where he laye wythin the sayd prysō tyll hys freendes agreed wyth syr Iohn̄ Brandon than kepar of y e sayd prysō to take hym home to hys place where to hys great charge he remayned as prysoner longe after In whych tyme and season he lost moch good for bothe hys places in the countre and also in London were vnder the gydynge of the sayde lordes Ryuers seruauntes and of the seruauntes of syr Iohn̄ Fogge than vndertresourer the whych spoyled dystroyed moche thynge And ouer that moche of hys iewelles and plate wyth great substaunce of the marchaundyse as cloth of sylkes and clothes of aras were dyscouered by suche persones as he hadde betaken the sayd goodes to kepe came to y e treasourers handes which to the sayd syr Thomas was a great enemye And fynally after many persecucyons and losses was compelled as for a fyne sette vppon hym for offence of mysprysyon to paye vnto the kynge .viii. thousand poūd And after he hadde thus agreed and was at large for the kynges interest he was thanne in newe trouble agayne the quene The whyche demaunded of hym as hys ryght for euery thousande .li. payde vnto the kyng by way of fyne an hundreth marke For the whiche he had after longe sute and greate charge and in conclusion was fayne to agre and to gyue to her a greate pleasure besyde many good gyftes that he gaue vnto her counsayll Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxviii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.lxix   Symonde Smyth   wyllyam Taylour Grocer   Anno .viii.   wyllyam Haryot   THys yere and .xxi. day of Nouēbre a seruaunt of the dukes of Exceter named Rychard Sterys after hys iugement was drawen thorugh the citie vnto the towre hyl and there parted in two pesys that is the hede from the body And vpon the daye folowynge two persones beyng named the one Poynys that other Alforde were drawē west ward to tyborne and there whā they shuld haue ben hanged there chartours were shewed and so preserued And about thys season or soon after was the erle of Oxenford which before tyme was taken by a surmyse in ielosy of treason awayted for and after deliuered In the latter ende of this mayres yere .ix. yere of y e king the marchauntes eesterlynges were condempned vnto the marchauntes auenturers Englyssh after longe sumptuous exspences in the lawe before the kynges counsayll in .xiii. M.v. C. and .xx. li. whereof the payment was kept secret frome wryters In thys yere the dyssymuled fauoure whiche betwene the kyng and the erle of warwyke had styll contynued syne the maryage of the quene beganne to appere in so moche that the erle wythdrewe hym frome the kynge and confedered vnto hym the duke of Clarence that before hadde maryed hys doughter whereupon the commons of the north beganne to rebell and chase theym a capytayne whome they had named Robyn of Ryddysdale The whyche dyd many feates and lastly bare hym so wysely that he hys cōpany were pardoned of the kyng In the which rumour and styrryng the lord Ryuers and syr Iohn̄ hys sonn̄ that before had maryed the old duchesse of Northfolke lyenge at a place by Charynge crosse called the Muys were taken by Lyncoln̄shyre men and brought vnto Northamtō and there beheded Anno domini M.iiii C.lxix   Anno domini M.iiii C.lxx.   Rycharde Gardyner   Rycharde Lee Grocer   Anno .ix.   Robert Drope   THys yere soone after Alhalowen tyde proclamaciōs were made