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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A82435 Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, duodecimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster, the five and twentieth day of April, an. Dom. 1660 In the twelfth year of the reign of our most gracious soveraign lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); England and Wales. Parliament. 1661 (1661) Wing E1095; Thomason E1075_27 58,399 149

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or be prejudicial to the Master Wardens Freemen and Commonalty of the Mystery of V●●tners of the City of London or to any other City or Town-Corporate but that they may use and enjoy such Liberties and Priviledges as heretofore they have lawfully used and enjoyed any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding Provided also and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not in any wise extend to debar or hinder the Major and Burgesses of the Burrough of St. Albans in the County of Hertford or their successors from enjoying using and exercising of all such Liberties Powers and Authorities to them heretofore granted by several Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England by Queen Elizabeth and King James of famous memories for the Erecting Appointing and Licensing of Three several Wine-Taverns within the Burrough aforesaid for and towards the maintenance of the Free-School there but that the same Liberties Powers and Authorities shall be and are hereby established and confirmed and shall remain and continue in and to the said Major and Burgesses and their successors to and for the Charitable use aforesaid and according to the tenor of the Letters Patents aforesaid as though this Act had never been made any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Provided also That it shall not nor may be lawful to or for any Officer or Officers to be appointed by His Majesty for the carrying on of this service to take demand or recei●e any Fees Rewards or summs of money whatsoever for or in respect of this Service other then Five shillings for a Licence Four pence for an Acquittance and Six pence for a Bond under the ●enalty of Ten pounds one moiety thereof to the Kings Majesty the other moiety to the person or persons who shall sue for the same by action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Wager of Law Essoign or Protection shall be allowed Any thing herein or any other matter or thing to the contrary notwithstanding And it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Merchant Vintuer Wine-Cooper or other person selling or retailing any Wine shall mingle or utter any Spanish Wine mingled with any French Wine or Rh●●ish Wine Sider Perry Hony Sugar Syrops of Sugar Molasses or any other Syrops whatsoever nor put in any Isinglass Brimstone Lime Raisins Iuice of Raisins Water nor any other Liquor nor Ingredients nor any Clary or other herb nor any sort of Flesh whatsoever And that no Merchant Vintner Wine-Cooper or other person selling or retailing any Wine shall mingle or utter any French Wines mingled with any Rhinish Wines or Spanish Wines Sider Perry Stummed Wine Vitriol Hony Sugar Syrop of Sugar Molasses or any Syrops whatsoever nor put in any Isinglass Brimstone Lime Raisins Iuice of Raisins Water nor any other Liquor or Ingredients nor any Clary or other herb nor any sort of flesh whatsoever And that no Merchant Vintner Wine-Cooper or other person selling or retailing any Wine shall mingle or utter any R●inish Wine mingled with any French Wines or Spanish Wines Sider Perry Stummed Wine Vitriol Hony Sugar Syrops of Sugar Molasses or any other Syrops whatsoever nor put in any Isinglass Brimstone Lime Raisins Iuice of Raisins Water nor any other Liquor or Ingredients nor any Clary or other herb nor any sort of flesh whatsoever And that all and every person and persons committing any of the offences aforesaid shall incur the pains and penalties herein after mentioned That is to say Every Merchant Wine-Cooper or other person selling any sort of Wines in gross mingled or abused as aforesaid shall forfeit and lose for every such offence One hundred pounds And that every Vintner or other person selling any sorts of Wine by retail mingled or abused as aforesaid shall forfeit and lose for every such offence the sum of Forty pounds of which forfeitures one moyety shall go unto the Kings Majesty His Heirs and successors the other moyety to the Informer to be recovered in any Court of Record by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Essoigne Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed Provided always and be it Enacted That from and after the First day of September One thousand six hundred sixty and one no Canary Wines Muskie or Alegant or other Spanish or sweet Wines shall be sold or uttered by any person or persons within His Majesties Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Twede by retail for above Eighteen pence the quart And that no Gascoigne or French Wines whatsoever shall be sold by retail above Eight pence the quart And that no Rhinish Wines whatsoever shall be sold by retail above Twelve pence the quart And according to these Rates for a greater and lesser quantity all and every the said Wines shall and may be sold upon pain and penalty that every such person and persons who shall utter or sell any of the said Wines by retail that is to say by Pint Quart Pottle or Gallon or any other greater or lesser retail-measure at any rate exceeding the rates hereby limited do and shall forfeit for every such Pint Quart Pottle Gallon or other greater or lesser quantity so sold by retail the sum of Five pounds the one moyety of which forfeiture shall be to our Soveraign Lord the King His Heirs and successors and the other moyety to him or them that will sue for the same to be recovered in manner and form as aforesaid Provided nevertheless That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Lord Chancellor of England Lord Treasurer Lord President of the Kings Council Lord Privy Seal and the two Chief Iustices or Five Four or Three of them And they are hereby Authorized yearly and every year between the Twentieth day of November and the last day of December and no other times to set the Prises of all and every the said Wines to be sold by retail as aforesaid at higher or lower rates then are herein contained so that they or any of them cause the Prises by them set to be written and open Proclamation thereof to be made in the Kings Court of Chancery yearly in the Term time or else in the City Burrough or Towns Corporate where any such Wines shall be sold And that all and every the said wines shall and may be sold by retail at such Prises as by them or any Five Four or Three of them shall be set as aforesaid from time to time for the space of one whole year to commence from the First day of February next after the setting thereof and no longer and no greater prises under the pains and penalties aforesaid to be recovered as aforesaid and afterwards And in default of such setting of prises by the said Lord Chancellor of England Lord Treasurer Lord President of the Kings Council Lord Privy Seal and the Two Chief Iustices or Five
by the Authority aforesaid That the Governor of the said Isle of Jersey or his Deputy for whom he will answer shall not make to any person or persons any writing or writings such as is above specified to authorise or appoint such person or persons as aforesaid to fetch e●port or transport out of the Port of Southampton aforesaid unto the said Isle of Jersey in one year accompting the year from the first day of January One thousand six hundred and sixty aforesaid any greater quantity of VVool then Two thousand Tods in any one year and that the Governor of the said Isle of Guernzey or his Deputy for whom he will answer shall not make to any person or persons any writing or writings such as is above specified to authorise and appoint such person or persons as aforesaid to fetch export or transport out of the Port above specified unto the said Isles of Guernzey with Alderny and Sarke in any one year accepting the year from the first day of January aforesaid any greater quantity of VVooll then One thousand Tods for Guernzey Two hundred Todds for Alderney and One hundred Todds for Sarke in any one year and that the Customer of the Port of Southampton aforesaid shall keep a true accompt of all the said quantity of Woolls so by him permitted to be loaden by vertue of this Act and shall not permit any greater quantity of VVoolls to be loaden then by this Act is prescribed in any one year to either of the said Islands respectively under any pretence whatsoever upon the penalty of the forfeiture of his place and the summe of One hundred pounds in money one moyety whereof to the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors and the other moyety to him or them that will sue for the same in any Court of Record wherein no Essoyne protection or wager of Law shall be allowed And if any of the Governors aforesaid or any their or either of their Deputy or Deputies of the said Isles or either of them shall give grant or make any Licence or Licences for exporting from Southampton aforesaid into the said Isles respectively of any greater quantity of such VVooll then is before by the true meaning of this Act limitted and appointed in that behalf That then the respective Governor or Governors of such of the said Isles shall forfeit and pay to the Kings Majesty His Heirs or Successors the summ of Twenty pounds of lawful money of ●ngland for every Todd of VVooll which shall be so licenced to be exported over and above the rate or proportion of VVooll in and by this Act or the true meaning thereof limited or appointed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the respective Governors aforesaid or their respective Deputies or any their Clerks Officers or Servants for the Granting making or Sealing of every such writing of Licence as is aforesaid and for the entring a Remembrance of the same into some book which they shall have and keep for that purpose may have and take the summ of Twelve pence and no more upon pain of Forfeiting to be partie grieved the summ of Five shillings for every penny which shall be taken over and above the said summ of twelve pence in and by this Act allowed to be taken and so after that proportion the said penalty or Forfeiture for the taking above Twelve pence as aforesaid to be recovered by Bill Plaint or Information in any Court of Record at Westminster or elsewhere wherein no Injunction Protection Priviledge Essoyne or wager of Law shall be admitted or allowed Anno Regni CAROLI IJ. REGIS Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae DUODECIMO At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day or April An. Dom. 1660. In the Twelfth Year of the Reign of Our most Gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES By the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. LONDON Printed by JOHN BILL Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty 1660. CUM PRIVILEGIO Anno XII CAROLI II. Regis An Act for Confirmation of Marriages WHereas by vertue or colour of certain Ordinances or certain pretended Acts or Ordinances divers marriages since the beginning of the late troubles have bee● had and solemnized in some other manner then hath been formerly used and accustomed Now for the preventing and avoyding of all doubts and questions touching the same It is Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the advice and assent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the ●ame That all Marriages had or Solemnized in any of his Majesties Dominions since the first day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty and two before any Iustice of Peace or reputed Iustice of Peace of England or Wales or other his Majesties Dominions and by such Iustice or reputed Iustice so pronounced or declared And all Marriages within any of His Majesties Dominions since the same first day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty two had or solemnized according to the direction or true intent of any Act or Ordinance or reputed Act or Ordinance of one or both Houses of Parliament or of any Convention sitting at Westminster under the name Stile or Title of a Parliament or assuming that name Stile or Title shall be and shall be adjudged esteemed and taken to be and to have been of the same and no other force and effect as if such Marriages had been had and solemnized according to the Rites and Ceremonies established or used in the Church or Kingdom of England any Law Custome or Vsage to the contrary thereof notwithstanding And be it further Enacted that where in any Suite commenced or to be commenced in any of the Courts of the Common Law any issue hath beén joyned and not already tryed or determined or shall be joyne● upon the point of Bastardy or lawfulness of marriage for or concerning the marriages had and solemnized as aforesaid the same issues shall be tryed by Iury of twelve men according to the course of Tryal of other issues tryable by Iury at the Common Law and not otherwise any Law Statute or Vsage to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Anno XII CAROLI II. Regis An Act for Prohibiting the Planting Setting or Sowing of Tobacco in England and Ireland YOur Majesties loyal and obedient Subjects The Lords and Commo●s in this present Parliament Assembled considering of how great concern and importance it is That the Columes and Plantations of this Kingdom in America be defended protected maintained and kept up and that all due and possible encouragement be given unto them and that not onely in regard great and considerable Dominions and Countries have been thereby gained and added to the Imperial Crown of this Realm But for that the strength and welfare of this Kingdom do very much depend upon them in regard of the
any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided alwayes That neither this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend to restore any person or persons to any Headship Fellowship or Scholarship of any Colledge or Hall or to any Chaplains or 〈◊〉 place in any Colledge or Hall in 〈…〉 the Vniversities or to any Lecture or Readers place that is or shall be before the first day of January One thousand six hundred and sixty eiected out of their respective Headship Fellowship Scholarship Chaplain or Clerks-place or out of any Lecture in the said Vniversities by his Majesties Commissioners under the Great Seal for not having been legally and according to the severall Statutes of the said respective severall places nominated elected or admitted in or to the same Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding Anno XII CAROLI II. Regis An Act for prohibiting the Exportation of Wooll Woolfels Fullers Earth or any kind of Scouring Earth FOr the better preventing and avoiding of such Losses and Inconveniencies as have happened and daily do and may happen to the Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales and to the Kingdome of Ireland by and through the secret and subtile exportation and transportation and by and through the secret and subtle carrying and conveighing away of Wooll Woolfells Mortlings Sherlings Yarn made of Wooll Woolflocks Fullers Earth and Fulling Clay out of and from the Kingdome and Dominion aforesaid and for the better setting on work the poor people and Inhabitants of the Kingdomes and Dominion aforesaid And to the Intent that the full and best use and benefit of the principal native Commodities of the same Kingdomes and Dominion may come redound and be unto and amongst the Subjects and Inhabitants of the same and not unto or amongst the Subjects and Inhabitants of the Realm of Scotland or of any Foreign Realms or States as the same now of late in some great measure hath done and is further likely to do if some severer punishment then heretofore be not speedily inflicted upon such Offenders as shall be Actors or Assistants in and to such Exportation and Transportation and in and to such carrying and conveying away thereof as aforesaid Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That no person or persons whatsoever from and after the fourteenth day of January One thousand six hundred and threescore shall directly or indirectly Export Transport carry or convey or cause or procure to be Exported Transported carried or conveyed out of or from the Kingdome of England or Dominion of Wales or Town of Barwick upon ●wede or out of or from the Isles of Jersey or Guernzey with Sarke and Alderney being under the Government of Guernzey aforesaid or out of or from any of them or out of or from the Kingdome of Ireland aforesaid into any parts or places out of the Kingdomes Isles or Dominion aforesaid any Sheep or Wooll whatsoever of the breed or growth of the Kingdomes of England or Ireland or Isles or Dominion aforesaid Or any Wooll fells Mortlings or Shorlings or any Yarn made of Wooll or any Woolflocks or any Fullers Earth or any Fulling Clay whatsoever nor shall directly or indirectly pack or load or cause to be packed or loaded upon any Horse Cart or other Carriage or Load or lay on board or cause to be loaden or laid on board in any Ship or other Vessel in any place or Port within the Kingdomes of England or Ireland or Town of Berwick or Isles or Dominion aforesaid any such Sheep Wooll Woolfells Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wooll or Woollflocks or any Fullers Earth or Fulling Clay to the intent or purpose to export transport carry or convey the same or to cause the same to be exported transported carryed or conveyed out of the Kingdomes of England or Ireland Town of Berwick Isles or Dominion aforesaid or with intent or purpose that any other person or persons should so export transport carry or convey the same into any parts or places out of the Kingdomes of England and Ireland Town of Berwick Isles or Dominion aforesaid into the Kingdome of Scotland or any Foreign parts And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Wooll Woolfells Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wooll Woollflocks or any Fullers Earth or Fulling Clay shall be from and after the fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and threescore exported transported carried or conveyed out of the Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick or Kingdome of Ireland or out of any Port or place of the said Kingdomes respectively unto the Isles of Jersey or Guernzey or to Sarke or Alderney Except as in this Act shall be hereafter limited or appointed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every the Offender Offenders offence and offences aforesaid shall be subject and lyable to the respective pains penalties and forfeitures hereafter following That is to say The said Sheep Woolls Woolfels Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wooll Woolflocks Fullers Earth and Fulling Clay so exported transported carryed conveyed packed or loaden contrary to the true intent of this Act shall be forfeited and that every offender and offenders therein shall forfeit Twenty shillings for every such Sheep and Three shillings for every pound weight of such Wooll Woolfels Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of wool wool-flocks Fullers earth or Fulling Clay And also the owners of the said Ships or Vessels knowing such offence shall forfeit all their Interest in the said Ships or Vessels with all their Apparel and furniture to them and every of them belonging And that the Master and Mariners thereof knowing such offence and wittingly and willingly aiding and assisting thereunto shall forfeit all their Goods and Chattels and have Imprisonment for the space of three moneths without Bail or Main-prise the one moiety of which said penalties and forfeitures shall be to the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the other moiety to him that will sue for the same by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in any of his Majesties Courts of Record or before the Iustices of Assize or in the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace In which Suit no Essoyn protection or wager of Law shall be allowed And be it further Enacted That if any Merchant or other person or persons shall after the said fourteenth day of January transport or cause to be transported any Sheep Wool Wool-fels Mortlings Shorlings Woollen-yarn Wool-flocks Fullers-earth or Fulling-clay contrary to the true intent of this Act and be thereof lawfully convicted That then he shall be disabled to require any debt or Accompt of any Factor or others for or concerning any Debt or Estate properly belonging to such offendor Provided alwaies and it is nevertheless declared That this