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A69811 The scrivener's guide being choice and approved forms of presidents of all sorts of business now in use and practice, in a much better method than any yet printed, being useful for all gentlemen, but chiefly for those who practice the law, viz. assignments, articles of agreement, acquittances, bargains and sale, bills, conditions, copartnerships, covenants, deeds, defeazances, grants, joyntures, indentures, letters of attorny, licenses, obligations, provisoes, presidents for parish business, releases, revocations, wills, warrants of attorny, &c. / by Nicholas Cobert ... Covert, Nicholas.; Bohun, William. 1700 (1700) Wing C6633A; ESTC R9889 290,539 478

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Perches And also so much of the said Saltmarshes as lies between the Channel and the said last mentioned Premisses and adjoins thereto and also a way and passage as well on Horseback as on Foot and for Carts Wayns Carriages and all manner of Cattel to go pass and repass in and through the aforesaid piece or parcel of Marshground called the c. containing by estimation seventeen Acres two Roods and six Perches unto and from the said piece or parcel of Marshground called the c. and in and through the same piece or parcel of Marshland called the c. and the aforesaid piece or parcel of Marshland called the c. unto and from the aforesaid piece or parcel of Marshland called the c. alias the c. at the will and pleasure of the said J. B. sen J. B. jun. and R. G. and their Assigns and the Heirs and Assigns of the said R. G. and J. B. jun. To have and to hold the said Messuage Lands Tenements Woods Marshes and Premisses herein before last mentioned to be assigned unto the said J. B. the elder J. B. the younger and R. G. and to the Heirs of the said J. B. the younger and R. G. in severalty for their proportion and in lieu of their two third parts aforesaid according to the respective Interests and Estates which the said J. B. the elder J. B. the younger and R. G. respectively had in the said two third parts before the making of these Presents And the said J. B. the elder doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant and grant to and with the said J. D. G. D. and R. F. their Heirs and Assigns by these Presents That he the said J. B. the elder hath not at any time done committed or willingly suffered any act or thing whatsoever whereby or wherewith the Premisses to the said J. D. G. D. and R. F. assigned in partition as aforesaid or any part thereof are or is or shall or may be impeached or incumbered in Estate Title Charge or otherwise howsoever And also That he the said J. B. the elder and his Heirs and all and every other person and persons having and lawfully claiming or which shall or may have or lawfully claim any Estate Right Title or Interest of in or to any part of the said Premisses herein before mentioned to be assigned to the said J. D. G. D. and R. F. in partition as aforesaid by from or under him the said J. B. the elder shall and will from time to time and at all times during the space of Ten years next ensuing the day of the date of these Presents upon the reasonable request and at the Costs and Charges in the Law of the said J. D. G. D. and R. F. make do acknowledge levy execute and suffer all and every such further and other reasonable Act and Acts Thing and Things Conveyance and Assurance in the Law whatsoever for the confirmation of the partition aforesaid and for the further better and more perfect conveying assigning and assuring unto the said J. D. G. D. and R. F. in form aforesaid all the said Lands and Premisses herein before mentioned to be assigned and delivered unto the said J. D. G. D. and R. F. in partition as aforesaid as by the said J.D. G.D. and R.F. or any of their Council learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised advised or required Like Covenants from J. C. Jun. and the like from R. G. And the said J. D. doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant and grant to and with the said J. B. the elder J. B. the younger and R. G. their Heirs and Assigns by these Presents That he the said J. D. hath not at any time done committed or wittingly and willingly suffered any act or thing whatsoever whereby or wherewith the Premisses to the said J. B. the elder J. B. the younger and R. G. assigned in partition as aforesaid or any part thereof are or is or shall or may be impeached or incumbred in Estate Title Charge or otherwise howsoever And also That he the said J. D. and his Heirs and all and every other person and persons having or lawfully claiming or which shall or may have or lawfully claim any Estate Right Title or Interest of in or to any part of the Messuage Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premisses herein before mentioned to be assigned to the said J. B. the elder J. B. the younger and R. G. in partition as aforesaid in by from or under him the said J. D. shall and will from time to time and at all times during the space of Ten years next ensuing the date of these Presents upon the reasonable request and at the Costs and Charges in the Law of the said J. B. the elder J. B. the younger and R. G. and the Heirs and Assigns of the said J. B. the younger and of the said R. G. make do acknowledge levy execute and suffer all and every such further and other reasonable Act and Acts Thing and Things Conveyance and Assurance in the Law whatsoever for confirmation of the partition aforesaid And for the further better and more perfect conveying assigning and assuring unto the said J. B. the elder J. B. the younger and R. G. and unto the Heirs and Assigns of the said J. B. the younger and of the said R. G. all the said Messuage Lands Tenements and Premisses herein before mentioned to be assigned and delivered unto the said J. B. the elder J. B. the younger and R. G. in partition as aforesaid As by the said J. B. the elder J. B. the younger and R. G. or their Assigns or the Heirs or Assigns of the said J. B. the younger and R. G. or any of them their or any of their Council learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised advised or required Like Covenants from G. G. and the like from R. F. In witness c. Covenants for levying Fines and Recoveries c. A Covenant by Husband and Wife to levy a Fine THis Indenture made c. Between R. C. and C. his Wife on the one part and J. F. and F. J. of the other part Witnesseth That it is covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and between the said parties to these Presents And the said R. C. for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for the said C. his Wife doth covenant grant and agree to and with the said J. F. and F. J. their Heirs Executors and Administrators by these Presents That they the said R. C. and C. his Wife shall and will before the end of the Term of St. Hillary next ensuing the date hereof by one Fine with Proclamation in due form of Law to be levied before the Justices of our Sovereign Lord the King of his Majesty's Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster or before any other person or persons sufficiently and lawfully authorized in that behalf between the said J. F. and F. J.
other the premisses and of all the Arrearages thereof if any be due And do at the end of every such Account made make just and true payment to the said J. F. his Heirs or Assigns And further do well and truly adminster serve and execute all Process to him to be directed from the Steward and Officers of the said J. F. his Heirs or Assigns concering the Premises or any part thereof and moreover do during all the said Term demean and behave himself as an honest and true Bayliff ought to do that then c. A Condition for a Wife to make a Will THe Condition c. That whereas the above-bound R. C. has appointed and agreed to marry and take to Wife A. B. late Wife of D. C. deceased by reason of which Marriage he the said R. C. will be much advanced in Substance and Riches In consideration whereof if the said R. C. after the said Marriage had and solempnized do quietly permit and suffer the said A. B. if she happen to depart this Life before the said R. C. to declare and make her Will in Writting or otherwise and thereby to dispose of 100 l. at her free will and pleasure And further if the said R. C. his Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them on reasonable request to be made to him them or any of them by such person or persons to whom any sum of Mony not exceeding the Sum aforesaid shall be bequeathed do well and truly pay or cause to paid such Sum or Sums of Mony so bequeathed and given by the said A. B. Then c. A Condition to save harmless for being bound for Appearance THE Condition c. That whereas the above named J. F. at the special instance and request of the above bound R. C. by one Obligation bearing date c. standeth bound joyntly and severally with the said R. C. and the within bound M. A. unto C. B. and B. C. Sheriffs of the City of London in the Sum of c. with a Condition thereunder written for the appearance of the said R. C. before the Justices of his Majesty's Court of Common Pleas at Westminster on the c. next c. to answer to J. V. of a Plea of Trespass as by the said Obligation and Condition thereof more at large appeareth If therefore the said R. C. his Executors and Adminstrators and every of them do from time to time and at all times hereafter save and keep harmless the said J. F. his Heirs c. and the Goods and Chattles of him them and every of them against the Sheriffs of the City of London and against all other Persons whatsoever of and from all Actions Suits Judgments Executions and Damages whatsoever which may arise or come for or by reason of the said Obligation and Condition Then c. A Condition to save harmless for being bound in a Sheriff's Bond. THE Condition of this Obligation is such That whereas the above-named N. C. at the special instance and request of the above-bounden G. S. and H. F. together with them in and by one Obligation bearing date with these Presents is become bound unto J. B. Esq Sheriff of the County of Sussex in the penal Sum of forty pounds conditioned to be void if the said G. S. shall appear before the Justices of our Lord the King at Westminster from the day of St. Martin in fifteen days to answer H. S. of a Plea of Trespass and also to answer the said H. according to the Custom of the Court of Common-Pleas in a certain Plea of Debt upon demand of ten pounds If therefore the said G. S. shall appear before the said Justices of our Lord the King at Westminster from the said day of St. Martin in fifteen days to answer the said H. S. of the said Plea of Trespass And also to answer the said H. according to the said Custom of the Court of Common-Pleas in the said certain Plea of Debt upon demand of ten Pounds And also if the said G. S. his Executors and Administrators shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said N. C. his Executors or Administrators all such Sum and Sums of Mony as shall become due unto the said N. C. for Fees and Expences in and about the defence of the said Suit Then this Obligation to be void or else to stand and be in full force Another Condition to save harmless for being bound in a Sheriffs Bond. THE Condition of this Obligation is such That whereas the above-named N. C. at the special instance and request of the above-bound J. P. together with the said J. in and by one Obligation bearing date with these Presents is become bound unto W. G. Baronet Sheriff of the County aforesaid in the penal Sum of fourscore Pounds with Condition to be void if the said J. P. shall appear before the Justices of our Lord the King at Westminster from the day of St. Martin in fifteen days to answer J. F. Esq in a Plea of Debt of forty Pounds as by the said Obligation and Condition more at large appeareth If therefore the said J.P. shall appear before the said Justices of our Lord the King at Westminster at the day aforesaid to answer the said J. F. in the Plea aforesaid in discharge of the said Obligation And also if the said J. P. shall within two Months next coming cause the said recited Obligation to be redelivered up to the said N. C. Then this Obligation to be void or else to stand and be in full force A Condition not to become Surety without License THE Condition c. That if the above-bound R. C. do not at any time hereafter engage or bind himself in by or with any Bond Bill Specialty or Contract or otherwise to or for the payment of any other Debt or Debts or Sum or Sums of Mony than such Debts and Sums of Mony only as now are or hereafter shall be contracted and owing by the said R. C. in respect or by reason of his own Trade or Business without the consent and agreement of the above named J. F. his Executors Administrators or Assigns That then c. A Condition not to sell his interest in a Shop before J. F. has refused to buy it THE Condition c. That whereas the above bound R. C. hath and is possessed of one Shop situate c. for the Term of twelve years as yet to come and unexpired as by a Lease thereof made to the said R. C. by one A. B. by Indenture dated c. it doth more fully appear If therefore the said R. C. do not at any time hereafter grant bargain sell or assign his said interest and Term of years yet to come in the said Shop to any person or persons without first having the refusal of the said J. F. in writing to buy or purchase the same Then c. A Condition to leave two parts in three of Land and Goods
for Life may make a Jointure to any other Wife if the present should die 253 A Proxiso that a Tenants for Life may make a Jointure if he Marry 254 390 Another to Settle a Rent for a Jointure 255 Proviso that Tenant for Life and his Issue may make Leases and Jointures by Deed or Will 257 Proviso that Tenant for Life may make Leases for what Terms and Rents he pleaseth 259 Proviso that an Estate limited to Daughters shall cease on payment of their Portions by the Heir 260 A Deed to revoke uses in a Settlement according to a power reserved 174 Survivorship See Partnership Voluntary Settlements See in Settlements Limitation of uses See Fines Recoveries Sttlements and Limitation A Warrant A Warrant to acknowledge satisfaction on a Judgment 363 A Warrant to confess a Judgment in Debt 72 A Warrant to confess a Judgment upon a Bond ibid. A Warrant to keep Court A Warrant to summon a Copyhold Court 168 Wills The Form of the beginning of a Will 182 A Clause in a Will to enable the Executor to sell Lands 169 BOOKS Printed for and Sold by Charles Harper at the Flower-de-Luce over-against St. Dunstan 's Church in Fleet-Street Law-Books THE Reports of Sir Peyton Ventris Knight late one of the Justices of the Common-Pleas in two Parts The first containing select Cases adjudged in the King's-Bench in the Reign of King Charles II. The Second Part containing choice Cases adjudged in the Common-Pleas in the Reign of King Charles II. and King James II. and in the three first years of his now Majesty King William and the late Queen Mary while he was a Judge in the said Court with the Pleadings to the same with the allowance and Approbation of the Lord Keeper and all the Judges Two Volumes Folio Pr. 1 l. 14 s. The Second Part of Modern Reports being a Collection of several special Cases most of them adjudged in the Court of Common-Pleas in the 26 27 28 29 and 30 Years of the Reign of King Charles II. when Sir Francis North was Chief Justice of the said Court To which are added several select Cases in the Courts of Chancery King's-Bench and Exchequer Carefully collected by a Learned Hand Printed 1698. Price 12 s. The Third Part of Modern Reports being a Collection of several special Cases in the Court of King's Bench in the last years of the Reign of King Charles II. in the Reign of King James II. and in the two first years of his present Majesty Together with the Resolutions and Judgments thereupon None of these Cases ever printed before Carefully collected by a Learned Hand Price 14 s. The Lord Coke's Reports in English Folio Judge Crook's Reports in three Volumes the third Edition with Reference to all the Late Reports The Lord Coke's Commentary on Littleton Folio His Commentary on Magna Charta Folio His Pleas of the Crown or the third part of the Institutes Folio His Jurisdiction of Courts or fourth Part of the Institutes His Eleven Reports in French Folio Bulstrode's Reports with new References Folio Leonard's Reports in Four Parts with New References Folio The Year-Books in ten Volumes the last Edition with new Notes and Tables to them all Folio The Reports of the Lord Keeper Littleton in the time of King Charles the First Folio The Reports of the Learned Judge Sir Henry Hobert the Fourth Edition corrected and amended Folio Reports in the Court of King's-Bench at Westminster from the 12th to the thirtieth Year of King Charles the Second By Joseph Keble of Grays-Inn Esq In three Volumes Folio Kelway's Reports with new References to all the late Reports By Joseph Washington Esq Reports of several especial Cases in the Court of Common-Pleas in the Reign of King Charles the II. By S. Carter of the Inner-Temple Esq Folio An Assistance to Justices of the Peace for the easier performance of their Duty the first part containing the particular Clauses of all such Statutes from Magna Charta until the first of King James II. that do any ways concern a Justice of Peace in the other part the whole Office of a Justice of Peace is methodically digested with the most approved Presidents under proper Heads to which is now added a Table for the ready finding out the Presidents with a large Table of the Matters never before Printed By Jos Keble of Grays-Inn Esquire An exact Abridgment of the Records in the Tower of London being of great Use for all that are concerned in Parliamentary Affairs and Professors of the Laws of this Realm Collected by Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronet Folio The Commentary of Edward Plowden Esq with References whereunto is added his Quaeries Fol. The Laws in Jamaica in II. Parts in Fol. with a large Map of the Island An exact Abridgment of the Statutes of King William and Queen Mary and of King William III. in Force and use Begun by Joseph Washington of the Middle-Temple Esq and since his Death revised and continued to the End of the last Sessions of Parliament April 27. 1696. And thence continued to the 5th of July 1698. 8vo Price 6. s. 6 d. The Scrivener's Guide being choice and approved Forms of Precedents of all sorts of Business now in Use and Practice in a much better Method then any yet Printed being useful for all Gentlemen but chiefly those who Practise the Law 8vo Styles's Practical Register begun in the Reign of King Charles the First Consisting of Rules Orders and principal Observations concerning the Practice of the Common-Law in the Courts of Westminster particularly the King's-Bench as well in Matters Criminal as Civil Carefully continued down to this time The third Edition 8vo Price 6 s. An exact Abridgment of all the Statutes in Form and Use from the beginning of Magna Charta begun by Edmund Wingate and since continued by J. Washington to the Year 1689. In this Impression many hundred of false References are corrected Price 7 s. Two Dialogues in English between a Doctor of Divinity and a Student of the Laws of England of the Grounds of the said Laws c. Price 2 s. 6 d. The New Natura Brevium of the most Reverend Judge Mr. Anthony Fitzherbert Corrected and revised The Laws against Bankrupts or a Treatise wherein the Statutes against Bankrupts are explained By T. Gooding Serjeant at Law 8vo The Entring Clerk's Vade Mecum being an Exact Collection of Presidents in 8vo By W. Brown Divinity and Miscellanies THE Life of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Chirst An Heroic Poem Dedicated to Her most Sacred Majesty in Ten Books Attempted by Samuel Wesley M. A. each Book illustrated by necessary Notes explaining all the more difficult Matters in the whole History Also a Prefatory Discourse concerning Heroic Poetry The second Edition revised by the Author and improved with the Addition of a large Map of the Holy-Land and a Table of the Principal Matters with 60 Copper-Plates by the celebrated Hand of W. Faithorn Fol. An Epistle
F. J. his Heirs Executors or Administrators or any of them or against his their or any of their Lands Tenements Goods or Chattels and with him them or any of them to compound or agree at his will and pleasure for the same and the benefit and profit thereof to his own use to take and him the the said F. J. to sue arrest implead and imprison and out of Prison to discharge and release at his will and pleasure and all and every other thing and things which in or about the obtaining and getting of the said debt and damages or any part or parcel thereof shall be needful and necessary to be done to execute and do in as large ample and beneficial manner and form to all intents and purposes as we the said R. C. and C. R. may can might could should or ought to do by virtue force or reason of the said recited Obligation or the Condition thereof or by virtue force or reason of the said Judgment thereupon had In witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands and Seals this 10th day of December c. A Letter of Attorney or Assignment of a man's whole Estate in consideration of several Debts and Ingagements TO all to whom these presents shall come I. R. C. of c. send greeting Whereas I am indebted unto J. F. in the Sum of 50 l. of lawful Monies of England And the said J. F. and one F. J. of c. stand jointly and severally ingaged for me the said R. C. in several Bonds or Obligations for several Sums of Monie Now know ye That I the said R. C. for and towards the payment and satisfaction of the said Monies and for divers other good considerations me thereunto moving have granted assigned bargained and sold and by these presents do freely and absolutely grant assign bargain and sell unto the said J. F. and F. J. All and all manner of Goods Chattels Debts Monies and all other things of me the said R. C. whatsoever as well real as personal of what kind nature or quality soever To have and to hold the same and every part and parcel thereof unto them the said J. F. and F. J. their Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever to the only proper use of them the said J. F. and F. J. their Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever in c. A Letter of Attorney to receive Monie which is not yet become due upon a Bond. TO all Christian People to whom this present writing shall come I R. C. of C. in the County of S. send greeting Whereas J. V. of c and V. J. of c. by their Obligation bearing date the c. last past are and stand bound unto the said R. C. in the Sum of c. with Condition for the payment of c. on the c. now next coming as by the said Obligation it doth more fully appear Now know ye that I the said R. C. have hereby made ordained constituted and authorised my loving friend J. F. of c. to be my lawful Attorny and Assignee for me and in my name to demand and receive the said Sum of c. at the time limited for the payment of the same And if the same shall not be then paid to sue for and recover the Sum of c. being the penalty of the said Obligation And I the said R. C. shall and will allow and maintain all and every Action Plea and Process which he the said J. F. shall in my name bring or sue for the obtaining and recovery thereof In witness whereof I have hereunto sent my hand and Seal this tenth day of March in the first year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King William c. Annoque Dom. c. Sealed and delivered in the presence of _____ A General Letter of Attorney TO all c. I R. C. c. send greeting Know ye that I the said R. C. for divers good reasons and considerations me hereunto moving have appointed constituted and authorized and in my stead and place deputed and by these presents do appoint constitute and authorize and in my stead and place depute my loving Friend J. F. to be my true and lawful Attorney irrevocable for me and in my name and to my own proper use and behoof to ask demand and require sue for recover and receive all such Debts Duties Sum and Sums of Mony Rents yearly Payments Merchandizes Goods Chattels Legacies and Monies due or to be due on any Bill or Bills of Exchange or otherwise and all other demands whatsoever which now are or hereafter shall be due payable or any way belonging unto me by or from any Person or Persons or Bodies Corporate or Politick whatsoever or howsoever And for default of payment of any Rent or Rents which now is or hereafter may become due unto me to enter into all or any of my Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments or any of them or any part thereof and to distrain for the same Rent or Rents and for default of payment thereof to enter in the name of the whole and possession thereof to take and to make seal and deliver in my name any Lease or Leases of Ejectment thereupon for any Term or number of years as in such case is usual and to use all lawful ways and means for recovery of the Premisses And to pay any Sum or Sums of Mony lawfully due from me to any person or persons whatsoever And to contract for lett sett bargain and sell all or any of my Messuages and Lands Tenements or Hereditaments Goods or Cattels whatsoever for Term of years or otherwise as he shall think fit And to sue implead or make answer prosecute or defend in any Court of Law or Equity and before any Judges or Justices or other person or persons in any Suit Action Matter or Cause with me for me or against me as the Case shall require And to deal and intermeddle in any Action Suits Affairs and Business any way concerning me as my Factor or Agent or otherwise Giving and granting by these presents to my said Attorney my full and lawful Power and Authority in the Execution and performance of all and singular the Premisses and to make any Composition or Agreement for or concerning the Premisses And to make seal and deliver any Discharge or Acquittance for me and in my name as shall be requisite And Attorney or Attorneys under him to make and at his pleasure to revoke and generally to do determin and execute all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Act and Acts Device and Devices whatsoever which in and about the Premisses shall to my said Attorney seem fit to be done as fully and amply as I my self might or could do if personally present ratifying allowing and confirming whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done in my name by force hereof In witness c. A Letter of Attorny to enter
to gather and buy Cony-Skins and such kind of Small Wares within the County aforesaid and not elsewhere Provided that this our Licence shall continue good only for the Term of one whole Year next ensuing the date hereof and no longer In witness c. A License or Pass for a Poor Man to go to his Friends To all Constables Bursholders Bailiffs and other his Majesty's Officers of the same County and to every of them Sussex ss R C. and C. R. Esquires two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the same County Greeting Forasmuch as A. B. of E. the Bearer hereof being reduced to great Poverty and Necessity hath desired a Testimonial or License for his safe travel unto the City of L. in the County of M. where he saith he was born and hath some Friends yet living by whose means and Friendship he hopeth to be fully relieved and holpen In consideration whereof Know ye that we the said R. C. and C. R. as far as in us lies have licensed the said A. B. to travel the direct way from E. unto the City of L. so that his Journey be not for longer or further continuance than thirty days next after the date hereof praying you and every of you not to molest or trouble the said Poor Man in his Travel but to permit and suffer him to pass so that he shew himself in no respect offensive to his Majesty's Laws In witness c. A License to Travel by Water on the Lord's Day WHereas by an Act of Parliament made c. It was Enacted That no person or persons shall use imploy or travel upon the Lord's Day with any Boat Wherry Lighter or Barge except it be upon extraordinary occasions to be allowed by some Justice of Peace of the County or some Head Officer or some Justice of Peace of the City Burrough or Town Corporate where the Fact shall be committed upon pain that every person so offending shall forfeit and lose the Sum of five shillings for every such Offence as by the said Act amongst other things it doth and may appear And forasmuch as R. C. of c. having extraordinary occasion to travel on the next Lord's Day to C. in the County of K. and to use and employ a Boat Wherry or Barge in his said Journey hath desired my allowance thereof These are therefore in pursuance of the said Act to will and require all Constables Churchwardens Overseers of the Poor and all other Officers whom these Presents may concern to permit and suffer the said R. C. quietly and peaceably to perform his said Journey on the next Lord's Day as aforesaid and to use and employ any Boat Wherry or Barge at his discretion without any molestation or disturbance whatsoever at their peril Given under my Hand and Seal c. A License to Travel on the Lord's Day To all Constables c. THese are to certifie that R. C. of C. c. where he now dwelleth having informed me that he hath a Kinsman living at A. in the County of K. who lieth now very sick and he hath a desire to see him Know ye That for this Cause I do license him to travel upon the next Lord's Day the direct way to his Kinsman willing and requiring you not to molest or hinder him in his said Journey so that he behave himself orderly in his Travel Given c. A License for a Badger of Corn. 6 E. 6. c. 14. 13 E. 25. 5 E. 5. 31 E. 5. 21 Jac. 22. 2 Inst 1 Quorum not for above a year Sussx ss AT the General Sessions of the Peace holden at C. in the County aforesaid this present day J. W. of C. in the County aforesaid is admitted licensed and appointed by the Justices of the Peace of the said County to be a Common Badger Lader Kedder Carrier Buyer or Transporter of all manner of Corn or Grain in any Market or Fair within the Realm of England and the same so bought to convert to Meal and the same to carry to the City of L. or the Suburbs of the same or to any other Market or Fair so that he use the same according to the Tenour and true Meaning of the Statute in that case made and provided against Forestallers Regraters and Ingrossers and not otherwise The same License to have continuance from the day of the date hereof until the next General Sessions of the Peace after the Feast of c. next coming to be holden at C. aforesaid In witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands and Seals this c. A. B. C. D. E. F. A Deed of Exchange between a Vicar and another for Land of the Vicaridge Glebe THis Indenture made c. Between R. D. Clerk Vicar of the Vicaridge of C. in the County of S. of the one part and W. G. of F. in the County aforesaid Esq of the other part witnesseth That the said R. D. hath given granted and confirmed and by these Presents doth fully clearly and absolutely give gant and confirm unto the said W. G. and his Heirs for ever in exchange all that one Close and Pasture lying in C. aforesaid called the Great Carryers containing by estimation two Acres adjoining to a Field called the Inland Close now in the occupation of T. P. on the North West to the River on the East and to the Brook Lands now in the occupation of the said W G. on the South and also all that Close of Pasture called Little Carryers containing by estimation one Acre lying in C. aforesaid and adjoining to a Field called the Hoe now in the occupation of the said T. P. on the West to a Field called Clymping Mead on the South and to the Brook Lands now in the occupation of the said W. G. on the East To have and to hold the said two Closes of Pasture with the appurtenances before in these Presents given granted and confirmed unto the said W. G. his Heirs and Assigns to the only sole and proper use and behoof of the said W. G. and of his Heirs and Assigns for ever And this Indenture further witnesseth That the said W. G. hath given granted and confirmed and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely give grant and confirm unto the said R. D. and his Successors Vicars of C. aforesaid in exchange for the two Closes of Pasture before-mentioned all that parcel of Land in c. containing by estimation twelve Acres adjoining to a Wall called New Wall on the North to a Close of Land called by the name of Garson now in the occupation of J. P. on the West and to the Brook Lands now in the occupation of the said W. G. on the South and West To have and to hold the said Close of Land with the appurtenances last before in these Presents given granted and confirmed unto the said R. D. and his Successors Vicars of C. aforesaid to the only sole and proper use and behoof of the said
until the full end and term of One and twenty years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended Yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year during the said term unto the said R. C. and C. his Wife their Executors Administrators and Assigns respectively the yearly Rent or Sum of Eight pounds of lawful Mony of England at the four must usual Feasts in the year That is to say c. or within 30 days next after any of the said Feasts With the usual Covenants in Leases to be added A Covenant to levy a Fine with a render of Rent THis Indenture made c. Between R. C. and C. his Wife of the one part and C. R. of the other part Witnesseth That for divers good Causes and Considerations it is covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and between the said parties to these Presents for them their Heirs Executors and Administrators that before the end of Hillary Term next at the costs and charges of the said C. R. his Executors or Administrators one Fine with Proclamations in due form of Law shall be levied and acknowledged by and between the said parties to these presents by the names of c. in and by which said Fine the said C. R. shall remise release and quitclaim from the said C. R. and his Heirs unto the said R. C. and C. his Wife and the Heirs of the said R. C. all his Right Title Estate and Interest of in and to the aforesaid Messuages c. with the appurtenances For which remise release and quit-claim the said R. C. and C. his Wife shall by the said Fine grant and render unto the said C. R. his Executors Administrators and Assigns one Annuity or yearly Rent of Fifty pounds of good and lawful Money of England to be issuing and going out of the aforesaid c. with the appurtenances To have hold receive and enjoy the said Annuity of Fifty pounds per Ann. and every part and parcel thereof unto the said C. R. his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the Feast of c. next ensuing the date of these presents until the full end and term of 21 years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended at the Feast of St Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary by even and equal portions yearly to be paid during the term aforesaid And if it shall happen the said yearly Rent of Fifty pounds or any part thereof to be behind or unpaid in part or in all by the space of 20 days after either of the said Feast-days or days of payment being lawfully demanded That then and from thenceforth it shall and may be lawful to and for the said C. R. his Executors Administrators and Assigns into the said c. and every part and parcel thereof to enter and distrain And the Distress and Distresses there to be found and taken lawfully to lead bear drive and carry away and the same to detain and keep until he the said C. R. his Executors Administrators and Assigns shall be fully paid and satisfied the said Annuity or yearly Rent and all and every the Arrears thereof c. A Covenant to levy a Fine sur concessit for years THis Indenture made c. Between R. C. and C. his Wife on the one part and C. R. on the other part witnesseth that the said R. C. for divers good causes and considerations him hereunto moving doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for the said C. his Wife covenant and grant to and with the said C. R. his Executors and Administrators by these presents That he the said R. C. and C. his Wife shall and will before the end of next Hillary Term levy one Fine sur concessit with Proclamations in due form of Law before his Majesty's Justices of the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster unto the said C. R. of all c. and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders of all and singular the Premisses and of every part and parcel thereof And all Rent and Rents and yearly services and other profits whatsoever reserved and payable upon every demise and demises leases grants and conveyances whatsoever made and granted of the Premisses or any part or parcel thereof by such name or names quantity and quality of Acres as shall be thought meet and requisite And shall thereby grant the said c. with the Appurtenances unto the said R. C. To have and to hold the same unto the said C. R. his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the Feast c. next ensuing the date hereof unto the full end and Term of c. from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended rendring therefore yearly unto the said R. C. and his Heirs the yearly Rent of one Pepper-corn at c. if the same shall be lawfully demanded A Covenant to levy a Fine and suffer a Recovery with double Voucher THis Indenture made Between R. C. and C. his Wife of the first part J. F. and F. J. of the second part and C. R. of the third part witnesseth That it is mutually and respectively covenanted and concluded by and between the said parties to these presents And the said R. C. doth by these presents for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for the said C. his Wife covenant and agree to and with the said C. R. his Heirs Executors and Administrators That he the said R. C. and C. his Wife shall and will on this side and before the Feast of c. now next ensuing levy and acknowledge one Fine sur cognizance de droit come ceo c. in due form of Law with Proclamations to be had and made according to the form of the Statute in that Case made and provided before the Justices of his Majesty's Court of Common Pleas at Westminster or before some other person or persons thereunto lawfully authorized to the said J. F. and F. J. and the Heirs of the said J. F. of all that the c. by such name or names quantities quality and numbers of Acres and in such manner and form as by the said C. R. his Heirs or Assigns or his or their Counsel learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised advised or required which said Fine so or in any other manner to be levyed and acknowledged between the said parties shall be and shall be construed reputed and taken to be to and for the use of the said J. F. and F. J. and their Heirs To the only end intent and purpose that the said J. F. and F. J. shall and may stand and be full and perfect Tenants of the Freehold of the said c. with the Appurtenances and of every part thereof whereof the said Fine is agreed to be levied as aforesaid until a perfect Common Recovery shall and may be lawfully had suffered and executed of the said c. against the said J. F. and F. J. and
R. C. who being vouched shall appear gratis and vouch to warranty the Common Vouchee who shall appear gratis and enter into the warranty and afterwards make default to the end that a perfect Common Recovery shall and may be had of the said c. with the Appurtenances in all things according to the usual order and form of Common Recoveries for assurance of Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in such Cases used and accustomed A Covenant to suffer a Recovery with double Voucher by several Writs of Lands in several Counties THis Indenture made c. between R. C. of the first part C. R. of the second part and J. F. of the third part witnesseth That it is covenanted granted and concluded by and between the said parties to these Presents in manner and form following That is to say That the said C. R. shall before the end of the Term of St. Hillary next ensuing the date hereof suffer the said J. F. to persue three of the King's Majesty's Writs of Entry Tenant to the Praecipe is made before by Deed. Sur disseisin in le post against the said C. R. before the Justices of his Majesty's Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster By one of which said Writs of Entry the said J. F. shall demand against the said C. R. all that c. in the County of S. with the Appurtenances And by one other of the said Writs the said J. F. shall demand against the said C. R. one Messuage c. with the Appurtenances lying and being in A. in the County of S. And by the third Writ of Entry the said J. F. shall demand against the said C. R. all that c. situate lying and being in D. in the County of C. By which three several Writs the said c. with the Appurtenances in them respectively to be contained shall be demanded as aforesaid by such Name and Names Quantities Qualities and Numbers of Acres as by the said J. F. or his Council learned in the Law shall be thought fit unto which said several Writs the said C. R. shall appear gratis And after such appearance and defence by him made thereto shall vouch to warranty the said R. C. who shall likewise appear gratis and vouch over to waranty the Common Vouchee who shall likewise appear gratis and enter into the Warranty and after imparl and make default whereupon the said J. F. shall have Judgment to recover the said several c. before mentioned against the said C. R. And that the said C. R. shall recover over in value against the said R. C. And that the said R. C. shall have Judgment to recover over in value against the Common Vouchee And it is likewise concluded and fully agreed by and between the said parties to these Presents That the said C. R. shall likewise suffer the said J. F. to persue the King's Majesty's Writ of Right Patent against the said C. R. to be returnable and returned before the Mayor and Sheriffs of the City of London in the Court of the Hustings of the said City by which Writ of Right the said J. F. shall demand against the said C. R. all those c. within the said City And at the day of the Return of the said Writ the said C. R. shall appear thereunto and after defence made shall vouch to warranty the said R. C. who shall likewise appear and enter into the warranty and shall vouch to warranty the Common Vouchee who shall likewise appear imparle and make default and depart in contempt of the Court whereby the said J. F. shall have Judgment according to the Laws and Customs of the said City to recover the said c. against the said C. R. And for the said C. R. to recover in value against the said R. C. And for the said R. C. to recover in value against the Common Vouchee A Covenant to suffer a Recovery with single Voucher THis Indenture made c. Between R. C. of the one part and C. R. of the other part witnesseth That it is covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents That the said C. R. shall before the end of next Hillary Term purchase and sue forth against him the said R. C. at the proper Costs and Charges of the said C. R. one original Writ of Entry Sur disseisin en le post returnable before the Justices of his Majesty's Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster And shall thereby demand against the said R. C. all c. by such Name or Names Quantities and Numbers of Acres as the said C. R. or his Counsel shall advise or require unto which said Writ to be purchased the said R. C. shall appear gratis and shall vouch to warranty the Common Vouchee who shall likewise appear gratis and enter into the warranty and imparle and make default that thereupon Judgment may be given that the said C. R. shall recover the said Messuage c. with the Appurtenances against the said R. C. and that the said R. C. shall recover in value against the Common Vouchee so that a perfect Recovery may be thereupon had And that the said parties to these presents and the said Common Vouchee shall at Costs and Charges in the Law of the said C. R. make do suffer and execute all and every matter and thing whatsoever meet necessary and convenient for the prosecution of the said Recovery according to the case of Common Recoveries with single Voucher c. Another more brief with single Voucher THis Indenture c. Between R. C. of the one part and C. R. of the other part witnesseth That it is covenanted concluded and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents for them and their Heirs that before the end of next Hillary Term there shall be at the only Costs and Charges of the said C. R. one Recovery with single Voucher in the nature of Common Recoveries for Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in such cases used and accustomed had and executed in his Majesty's Court of Common Pleas at Westminster of all that c. against the said R. C. Tenant of the said c. with the Appurtenances who therein shall vouch to warranty the Common Vouchee who thereupon shall appear gratis and enter into the warranty and afterwards make default to the end that one perfect Recovery of the said c. shall and may be had and prosecuted according to the usual order and form of Recoveries for assurance of Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in such cases used and accustomed c. A Covenant that Husband and Wife being Tenants for Life of the Wife and he in Reversion shall suffer a Recovery THis Indenture made c. Between R. C. and C. his Wife and C. R. of the one part and J. F. on the other part Whereas the said R. C. and C. his Wife in Right of the said C. do now hold and are lawfully intituled to hold and enjoy for and
determin and be utterly void and then and from thenceforth the said these must be Trustees when this Covenant issued H. J. and K. L. shall stand and be seized of all and every the premisses aforesaid to the use and behoof of the said J. F. his Heirs and Assigns for ever any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding And the said J. F. for himself his c. doth covenant and grant to and with the said R. C. his c. That if the said M. after the said Marriage had and solempnized do happen to die in the life-time of the said J. F. that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said M. at her free will and pleasure to make publish and declare one Will and Testament in writing under her Hand and Seal and thereby to dispose will give and bequeath to any her Children Servants or Friends for their preferment and advancement any sum or sums of Mony whatsoever not exceeding in the whole the sum of 400 l. of the Goods and Chattels of him the said J. F. without any Lett disturbance or contradiction of the said J. E. and in as large and ample manner as if the said M. were then a Feme-sole and unmarried And lastly the said J. F. for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them doth by these Presents covenant promise and grant to and with the said R. C. his Heirs and Assigns and every of them that the said c. And all and singular other the premisses with the appurtenances herein beforementioned now are and be and so at all times hereafter and from time to time shall be remain and continue unto the uses intents and purposes before in and by these presents limited expressed and declared free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged or otherwise upon every reasonable request in that behalf to be made well and sufficiently saved defended and kept harmless of and from all manner of former and other Bargains Sales Gifts Grants Leases Jointures Dowers Uses Wills Intails Fines Feoffments Recoveries Statutes-Merchant and of the Staple Recognizances Judgments Executions and of and from all other Charges Titles Troubles and Incumbrances whatsoever had made committed or done or to be had made committed or done by the said J. F. or by any other person or persons whatsoever by his means or procurement all such Leases particular Estates and Interests as he the said J. F. hath heretofore made to any person or persons whatsoever of or upon the said c. and other the premisses or of or upon any part or parcel thereof upon which Leases and Estates there is reserved the old and accustomed yearly Rent or Rents or more which shall continue yearly due and payable during the several Terms Estates and Interests as aforesaid only excepted and foreprized A Warrant for the Overseers of the Poor to name other fit Persons To the Constable and Borsholders of D. in the Hundred of F. and to every of them 43 E. c. 2 Sussex ss These are in his Majesty's Name to command you to give notice to the Church-wardens and other the Overseers of the Poor of D. That they are by us required personally to appear before us at the House of R. C. in A. c. upon Wednesday the 10th day of March at eight of the Clock in the Forenoon of the same day to make and yield up unto as a true and perfect account in Writing of all Sums of Mony by them received or rated or assessed and not received for and towards the relief of the Poor of D. and also of such Stock to set the Poor at work as is in their hands or in the hands of any of their said Poor to work and of all other things concerning their said Office And that hereof they fail not at their Perils And you are farther hereby commanded to signifie unto them That they do then and there also certifie unto us the Names of such other substantial Housholders of D. as are thought meet to be Overseers of the Poor there for the year ensuing Fail not at your Perils Given under our Hands and Seals at the c. A Warrant for making new Overseers of the Poor 43 E. 2. Sussex ss ACcording to the Form of the Statute in such case made and provided We whose Names are hereunto subscribed his Majesty's Justices of the said County do nominate and appoint you whose Names are underwirtten to be together with the Church-wardens of the Parish of R. in the County aforesaid Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish for the year ensuing and to be and do and perform all such things in and touching the said Office as by Law is required whereof you are not to fail at your Perils Given under our Hands and Seals at A. in the County aforesaid the 10th day of December c. W.M. R.F. c. A Warrant to make Overseers of the Poor impowring them and the Church-wardens to Collect and Distrain for the Poors Tax 43 E. 2. Sussex ss WHereas by virtue of an Act of Parliament intituled An Act for Relief or the Poor in the forty third year of c. We whose Names are subscribed his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in the said County of S. and one of Us of the Quorum dwelling in or near the Parish of B. in the said County of S. Have nominated and appointed R. C. and C. R. together with F. J. Church-wardens for time being according to the said Act of Parliament to be Overseers for the Poor of the said Parish and to receive the several Sums of Mony taxed and assessed by them on the several persons on the 10th day of December instant These are therefore according to the said Act of Parliament to authorize you the said Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor or any of you to collect and receive all such Sums of Mony as aforesaid and the same respectively to levy of such persons as shall refuse to pay the aforesaid Assessment by way of Distress and Sale of their Goods for so much rendring the overplus if any be to the party or parties distrained and for default of distress We require all Constables and other Officers to bring before Us or some other his Majesty's Justices of the Peace of this County the Bodies of all such persons where no distress can be had that further course may be taken with them according to Law Dated the 10th day of December in the fifth year c. A Confirmation of the Poors Tax 43 E. 2. Sussex ss SEen ratified and allowed by Us whose Names are hereunder written two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace within the County aforesaid And We do hereby authorize the present Church-wardens and Overseers for the Poor within the Parish of B. and every of them to levy by way or distress and sale of the Goods of all such persons as shall refuse or neglect to pay the several Taxations aforesaid