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A60429 A collection of the several writings and faithful testimonies of that suffering servant of God, and patient follower of the Lamb, Humphry Smith who dyed a prisoner for the testimony of Jesus, in Winchester common-goal the 4th day of the 3d moneth in the year 1663. Smith, Humphrey, d. 1663. 1683 (1683) Wing S4051; ESTC R17136 310,215 464

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Hearts be restrained from breaking and your Bowels from an unexpressible yearning after the advancing of the living Truth of God which he hath so freely made you partakers of May you not fall down to the Dust before the presence of the Lord and become as the smallest thing in respect of him Who can but fear before him and be astonished at the Power of his Might and bow before him who is the God of the Spirits of all Flesh that he over all may be honoured who is blessed for evermore And as through Humility you come to receive that which maketh Honourable even that which is Holy like pure Oyl to comfort and nourish you in that keep treasuring it up for your selves until you receive Power from on High or feel the higher Power that stands over all opening the Mouth of that which is to speak giving you Power and Wisdom your Life forth to minister to the reaching of that in all which can receive the Gospel and to the chaining down of all the Powers of the Prince of Darkness that would arise up against it And such as feel something stirring to speak Words and a great War and trouble within being neither quiet one way nor the other and by reason of fearfulness Words begin to go forth as from under a load and trouble and then feel the Earth lie upon the Seed let such take heed of speaking too much with a strangled and strained Voice but sink down again and wait to feel that rent and broken which is as a hard thing between thee and that which should rise up to speak that thou mayest feel it opened in thee as a place of broad Rivers giving thee room or as the opening of a Rock and the powerful issuing forth of a mighty stream of living Water pure and clear not mixt with Earth and Dirt and when thou hast felt this take heed of spending all upon others and another time take heed of that which would imitate such a Power again And also let such who speak in Meetings take heed of speaking above the Vail with a forward Zeal leaving the Light behind him lest he do more hurt behind him than he doth good before him and when the Vail is rent and a few Words spoken and the measure being declared the Vail comes on again upon a sudden and then some there be that change the Voice and continue in a form of strange words an hour after like a Priest Now the measure in such is owned the which they keeping to might increase but going beyond it the other will increase and that decrease but stopping with the Light when it stops and so become a Fool the Light would arise again Life speak and it s that alone which doth Service for God and other long Declarations of Words do but thicken the Vail over them that have felt Life though Death in others who have not found Life will feed upon the many words And such as are moved to bear their Testimony against the false Prophets or the Wickedness of men in it be faithful keeping in the fear and dread of the Lord that in his strength you may stand as a Wall of Brass against the Ungodly and spare not to thresh the Heathen so long as you feel the Hammer of the Lord up over them and then take heed of Disputations after and go not out of that which is your strength lest you fall before your Enemies and dishonour the Lord. But let every one take heed of running too soon for some such there are who run to Priests and others in the light airy Spirit and pride of Heart who are vain Boasters out of the Truth whose service the Lord abhors and likewise some such speak in Meetings whose Mouthes should be stopped Thus Friends from the dear love of my Life to you all and the living Truth of God for which I suffer in Bonds have writ these things in plain and few words to be considered of by you whom it concerns and the Lord God of Life make it a blessing unto you Winchester-Bridewell H. S. Sound things Asserted I. In the King 's own Words II. From late Experience III. From Scripture-Truth IV. According to Reason and Equity And certain things opened or propounded by way of Enquiry thereupon Offered in meekness and good will unto the consideration of the King's Lords Counsellors and other his chief Officers under him in all places of Justice Trust both Civil Military and Ecclesiastical Being intended for the good of the KING and themselves and all Persons under him and for the preserving of Peace amongst men The first Assertion I. FOrasmuch as you are set in Authority under the KING and so are to observe and to be Ministers of his Laws for the punishment of Evil and not to go beyond his Will and Proclamations and so to do that which is just and reasonable toward all his Subjects thereby to preserve them in Peace towards him and one with another II. In that the King hath freely engaged himself by Promise in his Declaration from Breda That no man shall be disquieted nor called in question for differences of Opinions in matters of Religion c. And in that he hath since he came to England doubled the Confirmation thereof in repeating the self-same words twice over in his Declaration Of Ecclesiastical Affairs bearing date the 25th of the 8th Moneth called October 1660. page 5 and 18. And since all this he having again renewed the same in a late Speech of his to the Parliament bearing date the 8th day of the 5th Moneth called July 1661. saying It is to put My Self in mind as well as You that I so often I think as often as I come to you mention unto you my Declaration from Breda And he further saith My Lords and Gentlemen let it be in no mans Power to charge either Me or You with breach of Our Word or Promise which can never be a good Ingredient to our future Security Page 5 6. III. In that he hath confirmed the same to us in particular in a late Proclamation entituled The Enlargement of Prisoners called Quakers bearing date the 11th of the 3d Moneth called May 1661. wherein he writeth us his Subjects called Quakers whereby Friends were generaly released out of Prison and that without Fees IV. In that the King hath promised the same by word of Mouth and granted that we should have our Liberty of Conscience and that we should not suffer therein engaging Himself thereunto in the Word of a King and in that he hath manifested the same towards us several times The first Queries upon the first Assertions THese things above written being rightly considered and truly understood this then would I learn from you or enquire of you whom the King hath set in chief places of Authority under him and let just witness of God in all your hearts answer hereunto Query 1. Whether all or as many of you whom the King hath
Power is he working Deliverance for his Jewels that are precious in his sight who suffer long and cruel Bondage under your strong corrupted Wills for which thing the Lord will visit and bring Darkness upon you even thick Darkness that may be felt and will fill you with Trouble in the Night season and overwhelm you with Obscurity in the day when you would have Rest Hearken ye Rulers and consider my Words and be ye warned of hatching Mischief in secret for behold a day of Trouble is coming upon you a day of Darkness and not Light yea the Lord God is coming near to Judgment and with Place this after pag. 92. what measure ye have meated it shall be measured to you again for of a truth the Lord is for us yea even with us and in us the mighty God of Jacob in whose dreadful Power and righteous Judgments we rejoyce forever whose Word of Power is our Life at which the Heathen rage whose Foolishness is our Wisdom in which we stand knowing him to be near who justifieth us who will not alwayes suffer the Rod of the Wicked to rest upon the back of the Righteous neither will his Spirit alwayes strive with you who rebel against the Light Job 24. 13. But those who hate Instruction and receive not the fear of the Lord neither yet cease afflicting the Members of his Son even such is the Lord of Life coming to vi●●t and he reacheth forth his hand and taketh away the Breath of the Wicked and putteth forth his Finger to the Life of the Princes of the Earth and most assuredly there is neither Pope King Prince Ruler Judge Justice or any other Nation or People whatsoever that shall be able to stand before the dreadful Power of the Lord of Hosts neither shall they ever prosper who combine together and rise up against him his poor despised Flock and the knowledge of his Ways but he will rain Snares upon all his Adversaries and pour Contempt upon Princes and stain the Pride of all their Glory and bring into Contempt all the Honourable of the Earth and with a foolish Nation will he anger the Judges of the Earth and with a People rejected forsaken and trodden under foot will the Lord bring down the strong Oaks of Bashan and Zion that no man cared for which hath been as a plowed Field will the Lord restore into its former Beuty and Jerusalem shall become a Praise over all the Earth and the Mountain of the Lords House of Holiness shall certainly be established above all your high dark Mountains of Wickedness and there is no Weapon formed against the Seed whom God hath blessed that ever shall prosper for we know in whom we have belived and we fear not the inchantings of Balaam neither are we discouraged because the mighty Rulers of the Earth would have the Israel of God defied for we know the Enterprizes of the Wicked will come to nothing and themselves shall fall into Destruction who are privately and openly seeking the Destruction of those whom God hath said shall prosper Therefore in vain do the Wicked bend their Bows and smite with the Tongue and imprison by their unjust and false Writings called Mittimusses for the Lord God seeth the Affliction of his People and will reprove Kings for their sakes and take the Wise in their own Craftiness and lead Judges away Fools and bring the Honour of the Princes of the Earth into Contempt for evermore and a perpetual Shame shall cover the faces of all Zion's Enemies and the Adversaries of Jerusalem which is free shall be as Chaff before the Wind and none of the Arm of Flesh shall be able to preserve you from the Wrath of the Almighty neither shall your Greatness in the World deliver you from the wrathful Presence of the Lamb who is the Light that condemns for the Sin neither shall any of your Unrighteous Laws Decrees and Ordinances Warrants or unjust Orders and Snares which you make for the Innocent hide cover or deliver you from the Terror of the Pit in this day of Darkness that is nigh at hand wherein yet more gross Darkness shall cover you until your feet stumble at the dark Mountains and you suddainly fall and never rise again and a perpetual Shame cover your Names for evermore who Repent not Wherefore Wo unto you Rulers of Hampshire who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the Truth which makes free Who hath blinded your Minds that you cannot see the Life of the suffering Seed which preacheth the Innocency of the Lamb in Meekness and Long-suffering among you What is it that hath hardened your hearts that Truth cannot have entrance in you How are you Bowels shut up that you have not affection to Nature How unreasonably have you caused the Members of Christ sick and in Prison to suffer How will you give an Account for these things when they must go to the left hand who visit not the Members of Christ sick and in Prison Oh blind and miserable men my Soul even mourns over you that which should be your Life is and will be your Condemnation it lieth in Prison in you Oh! who are more blind than you And how long have you hardened your hearts against the day of Slaughter and rebelled and strove with the Powers of Darkness against the Light of Christ in you who amongst you hath not whereon lay his head neither can he be received though he come unto his own How evilly have you entreated his Servants and Messengers Where is your entertaining of Strangers and when do you plead the Cause of the poor and needy Is it not apparent that the poor in Spirit you are strangers to And is it not seen that the Bonds of Iniquity which separate you from God are not broken Are not we in this filthy streight Prisor a true figure of the filthy streight place in you that the righteous seed is long in Prison And is not the cutting off of one of the chiefest Counsellors among you an apparent token that your Councils are not of the Lord And may not the suddain destruction of another of the chiefest of you be a warning to the rest Are you more hardened than they in the days of Corah And are you more blind and worse than them whom God plagued because they kept the Ark of the Testimony of the Lord in the place of the uncircumcised And is not his Testimony a witness in us And will ye not see when the hand of the Lord is lifted up Surely were the oppressed let free within you would soon let the oppressed go free without and because it is not so Wo be to you a hard hearted and unbelieving Generation who shall pity you in the day of Slaughter or bemoan you when your Calamity cometh as a Whirl-wind Even then shall you know that the Lord is become your Enemy who are Enemies to his Lambs Oh! my heart is enlarged and I am filled
placed in Authority to do his his will and act according to his Proclamations and minister Justice not Cruelty according to his Laws for the punishment of Evil and instead thereof as towards us act otherwise and that also in his Name do you not therein dishonour the King Q. 2. Whether this which the King hath promised declar'd and so often stood to confirm as aforesaid both in general and towards us in particular to wit Liberty of Consceince be reasonable or unreasonable If you hold it unreasonable do you not dishonour the King and his Council both The King in that he did so and his Council in that they advised Him no better all that time But if the thing be Reasonable you sit in place by the King to see it done it being part of your service to him Then whether you do not more dishonour the King therein and neglect your Duty and deny Reason when you act quite contrary and that in his Name and so make use of his Name to dishonour his Person Q. 3. Whether all such that are set in Authority under him who do not see to the Performance of this which the King hath so much and so often engaged himself in but do cause his Word and Promise in that thing to be broken do not therein much dishonour the King Q. 4. Whether all them that counsel the King not to keep his Promise in this thing or subtilly perswade him unto such things whereby at last his Word and Promise herein must needs be broken do not therein endeavour to lead him in that unsound path of Oliver and them Rulers who broke Word and Promise with God and men and so cause the King to lose part of the love of many of his Subjects by breaking his word like them Q. 5. Whether this which the King hath so freely Offered so fully Engaged so firmly Promised so often Renewed so far Confirmed and so largely Published it being a thing of so much concernment for preserving peace in his Kingdoms is not alwayes to be performed and by the King and all other Ministers of Justice and all Officers whatsoever at all times to be granted and in all places and in all Courts unto all Persons truly concerned therein And whether they all ought not to have a special care that his Subjects be not deprived of the benefit of this thing which from the King to them is made so strong as aforesaid If the Kings words were true as indeed they were which he lately spoke in the House as aforesaid That the breach of his Word or Promise can never be a good ingredient to his future Security Q. 6. Then whether ever it can be for his good or security to cause His Word and Promise to be broken And whether those be good Subjects to him therein who seek to have it done And what good security can ever come to Him thereby and whether many do not endeavour very much to have his Promise broken and sometimes already do it also though he hath as it was said it can never be for good yet do not many endeavour it especially to have his Word and Promise broken which was to us for the Liberty of Conscience and whether all those do seek his good and future security therein or not let his Words stand either against or for them in that matter And as the King hath said That the breach of his Word of Promise can never be a good Ingredient to his future security Q. 7. Then whether the breach of this so often an engaged Promise of so high a concernment for Liberty may not cause the People much to question in themselves or in their minds whether he may not be drawn aside from the performance of the rest of his Promises pertaining to other matters and so cause them to be afraid lest he will forget his other Promises also and so prove unfaithful to his Word like them before seeing the People have long and often been deceived with fair Speeches and Pretences by many Rulers one after another this long time who did not perform what they promised to them The Second Assertion SEeing by late experience the late Wars did first begin and strife hath still continued and much dissatisfaction doth yet remain about and chiefly concerning Liberty or not Liberty of Conscience and being the Peace or Strife in these the Kings Dominions doth very much depend thereupon and the Kings welfare and his Subjects too depend much upon the peace and quietness of the People and seeing that for One that was really for Liberty of Consceince when the War or difference first began there is Twenty now and one of those Twenty or one in the Twenty are stronger in their Zeal or in their minds for it then Twenty of them were then and yet the Lord suffered them to prevail until they proved false to God and not true one to another and became breakers of their Promises which they had often made and renewed Seeing by late experience that the other Army and the other Powers never so much began to be divided among themselves nor were never overcome nor quite overturned until they themselves who had promised Liberty of Conscience began as it were to make War one with another with men amongst them about matters pertaining to their Consciences and so turned men out from among them and out of the Army only for wearing their Hats or because in Conscience to God they could no longer put them off when it was but only to please the Wills of men of corrupt minds and until honest sober men were sent for out of their honest Employments before Rulers and into Courts only to ensnare them about their Hats or else about some Oath then against Popery knowing afore-hand they durst not break Christ's Command who saith Swear not at all The Second Queries upon the second Assertio●s Qu. 1. WHether it be not good and safe to prevent all farther Strife among the People to grant them all just Liberty of Conscience in matters of Religion especially seeing it is so much already promised And whether it be not good to be kept lest there should be also difference about it now and that also among your selves and so to have Peace kept which is often in so much danger of being broken Q. 2. Whether it be not good and safe to take heed of ensnaring or seeking occasion against men about matters pertaining to their Consciences towards God especially the most innocent and uprightest of them And whether it be safe in the sight of God for these Rulers now to act as vigorously against such Innocent People as they before did and were overturned And whether it be not dangerous for these now to Ensnare Persecute and Imprison the Innocent for and in the self same things as them Rulers did about the Hat not Swearing and not coming to the Steeple-House and the like The Third Assertions with the Qu●ries to them annixed 1. SEeing there was
the price of Blood a field a Blood to bury all those that are strangers to the Covenant of Grace So Gog who makes War with the Saints hath a place of Graves in Israel Ezek 39. 11. ver 19 20. and the dead are burying the dead for both Priests and People are prophane and dead in Trespasses and in Sins their hands being guilty of the Blood of the Righteous And after Christ was betrayed by the means of the Priests and when Pilate who would have released him they taught the People to ask for a Murderer and and destroy Jesus Mat. 27. 20. and such teachings the Priests do use now And after Jesus was by their means crucified and after he was risen then they consulted again with the Elders and they gave large Money unto the Souldiers to tell Lyes and taught them so to do that their murdering Actions might be hid and the Disciples falsly accused Mat. 28. 11 12 13. And the Servant is not greater than his Master whom they have called Belzebub much more them of his Houshold And as the chief Priests have consulted against and crucified Christ and denyed him in the Resurrection so they still continue persecuting and consulting against his Members harmless Lambs and faithful Ministers and there is little Persecution in England but the Priests have a hand in it if not the first Actors of it as thou George Hopkins Priest of Evesham hadst in all the barbarous Persecution there for after I and other Friends kept Meetings in private at Bengard in this Burrough of Evesham and none did make Insurrections against us neither did we give offence to any therefore thou couldst not find any ground at all to ensnare us by Then upon the 19th day of the 6th Moneth 1655. on that day didst thou with the Magistrates and the rest seek to ensnare us it being the First day of the Week and I being at Bengard at an appointed Meeting and thou being in thine accustomed Steeple-house in Evesham both parts of the day as thy custom was and after thou hadst done according to thy custom then thou and the rest came from that Steeple-house to the Steeple-house in Bengard and with thee didst thou bring the whole Congregation both the called Justices and Magistrates and rude People several hundreds the like seldom heard of And that thou camest on purpose to entrap us and stir up Persecution and smite with the Tongue will appear by these things following 1st Thou wast not use to come to that Steeple-house neither didst thou come there in the like manner before 2dly In thy coming that day on which I was there for I was there but seldom upon First days 3dly In that thou hadst thy Congregation with thee in thy Steeple-house at Evesham where thou mightst have said any thing to them then and there as well as to bring the same Congregation to another Steeple-house to hear the same man 4thly There were no People in Bengard but did or might come to hear thee in thy accustomed place as they were used to do 5thly In that thou hast not been in that Steeple-house since that day it being now fifteen weeks 6thly In that when thou wast come there thou didst speak evil of things thou didst not know and back-bite others And those thou didst bring with thee even this one Congregation to them distst thou say O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the Truth And I say unto thee if thou hadst not bewitched them they would not have obey'd thee but the Truth to come there to hear thy Lyes for many there thou didst declare as to thy face was proved by Robert Smith for the which he was imprisoned eleaven weeks 7thly It will appear by thy Sorcery which thou didst then vent forth making that thy ground in Gal. 3. 1. thy heads thereof in short as it was brought to me in writing witnessed by many and not denyed but confessed with thy own Mouth since to me are as followeth Thou didst liken that which is called Quaking 1st Vnto Witch-craft 2dly In three Respects worse than Witchcraft 3dly Vnto Pharisees who ware Hats like Morters 4thly To Papists in some things and in some things worse And thou sayst Some sold their Bibles and others cast them behind their backs For the which thou wast declared to be a Lyar at the Sessions Lastly Thou didst conclude thy Sorcery with stirring up them called Justices and Magistrates to put the Oath of Abjuration in execution telling them That if men might refuse to swear out of tenderness of Consciences then that might be a Cloak long enough for all the Jesuites that might come into England And after thou hadst done and returned not meeting with any opportunity to ensnare me being I did not speak to any of you but continued with Friends until Constables came that night and took me out of the House and brought me before thee and two others that are set to do Justice but since I and many more have seen them and the Mayor to be most barbarous Heathens And when thou couldst not entangle me in my words whereby to send me to Prison at last you tendered the Oath of Abjuration unto me who am bound for Conscience sake not to Swear at all but to abide in the Doctrine of Christ Mat. 5 34. Therefore at last I was sent to Prison though thou at that time wast twining like the Serpent to wash thy hands like Pilate as if thou hadst not been the cause of my Imprisonment for thou didst say Thou didst believe that I did refuse to Swear out of tenderness of Conscience and bid the Justices do their Wills by me And thou didst see their Wills were to send me to Prison because I could not Swear unto the which thou hadst before stirred them up So Pilate said of Christ I am innocent ●f the Blood of this Person whom Pilate himself acknowledged to be just and could find no cause of Death in him yet he delivered him up to be crucisied Mat. 27. 20 24 26. And when we were first brought into the House then John Nickles one of the Constables smote Thomas Cartrite on the head and the Justices stood by and cared not for it and afterwards our Hats were taken off our heads and thrown among the feet of the People Then they asked me from whence I came I answered from Aegypt Then there was a Laughter among them both Priest Justices and People for the Fools heart is full of Laughter And after they had continued so I was moved of the Lord to speak to them thus O People is there no fear of God before your Eyes Did ever the Saints of Christ live in Laughing Mocking and Wantonness Then the Priest to uphold them in it said That Elijah did Mock Baals Priests Answ Though he did so yet it is not convenient to bring that Scripture to justifie the People in Mocking Then Theophilus Andrus said He hath spoken enough
King and to know and receive and abide in and be led by the Spirit of Truth which the World cannot receive John 14. 17. And to know that Truth which God desireth in the inward parts where Wisdom is to be known Psal 51. 6. And is not the Word the Truth John 17. 17. And is not Christs Name called the Word of God Rev. 19. 13. And did not Moses say The Word was in the Heart And is not the Word there as a Hammer and like Fire Jer. 23. 29. And doth not that Word sometimes pierce and divide in the Heart and is it not there quick and powerful Heb. 4. 12. And is not Christ the Power of God 1 Cor. 1. 24. And did not he say I am the Light John 8. 12. and I am come a Light into the World John 12. 46. And did not he that was sent of God bear witness of the Light and say That it was the true Light or indeed the Light and Truth which lighteth every man that cometh into the World that all men through him might believe who was in the World John 1. 6 7 8 9 10. And did not he himself say Believe in the Light John 12. 35. And is not this he which is the Truth whom God hath given for a Light unto the Gentiles Isa 49. 6. And is not this he whom the Princes of this World hath not known 1 Cor. 2. 8. who was from everlasting when there was no Deeps nor Fountains of Water neither yet Mountains nor Hills Prov. 8. 24. And is not this he that is given for a Leader and Commander to the People Isa 45. 4. who will break the Yoke of the Oppressor Isa 9. 4. even him that is the Light whom they that walked in Darkness have not seen Isa 9. 2. who endeth the Strife with burning being born unto such as know and preach the Light Shall not his Name be called the wonderful Counsellor the mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of Peace the increase of whose Government and Peace shall have no end who shall sit upon the Throne and establish Judgment and Justice henceforth even forever Isa 9. 6 7. Is not this he at whose Name every Knee shall bow unto whom the gathering of the People shall be And are not the Kings to be brought unto his dwelling Isa 60. 11. And shall not the Kings of the Earth bring their Glory and Honour unto his beautiful Habitation Rev. 21. 24. and shall he not have a habitation in the Hearts of the Children of men in whom God doth come to dwell And may not this Truth and Power of God preserve the King Qu. 2. Again if the Kings Throne be upheld by Mercy and not by Cruelty nor Persecution whether then it be not good for the King to shew Mercy And how sadly even as it were without Mercy or Pity to Old or Young Widdows or Fatherless did several Thousands lately suffer by Imprisonment and divers wayes only concerning things which to them were matters of Conscience And should the King be perswaded moreover to break his Promise and restrain Liberty of Conscience and so thereby ruinate many Families impoverish many that now live well honest and comfortable and cause Children to starve in the Streets and Old People to perish with Hardships and Abuses and many more to lose their Lives in Prisons as some have done already who can lay down their Lives for Christs sake and that not for any Evil in the least done or intended by the said Sufferers but only truly and purely in matters of Conscience to God and whether this would not be unmerciful The third Query upon the same ANd is it not said in some of that part of the Book of Common-Prayer which is in it appointed to be read once a Year or upon that day called Ashwednesday Cursed are the unmerciful and should any man be first perswaded to be unmerciful and so brought liable to the Curse and then they themselves to curse him once a Year who cause him to be unmerciful and it may be much endeavour to make he himself say Amen to the Curse against himself and so curse one another And is it not dangerous for any man to come under the Curse and to be unmerciful lest God shut up his Mercy from him Therefore whether Mercy and Pity doth not become the King that therewith his Throne might be upheld And whether all the wise men he hath with all his Bishops and his armed men with all strength and Wisdom else whatsoever be able to uphold his Throne without Gods Mercy and if he would alwayes receive Mercy from God to have his Throne alwayes upheld thereby Whether it be not meet if not needful for him alwayes to shew mercy and to let all people but especially Gods Servants have Mercy from him or at least so much right as the Lord himself hath given them which is to Worship him in Spirit and serve him in that which purgeth the Conscience from dead works that they may serve the living God Heb. 9. 14. And seeing the King hath promised as aforesaid that such shall not be disquieted therein and whether these lines are not written for his good and in love unto the King 3. And seeing the same that said I am the Truth who was in the beginning with God Prov. 8. 30. said likewise By me Princes decree Justice Prov. 8. 15. Qu. 3. Then whether he be not the Power of God who said so And if so that he be the Power of God and that thereby Princes decree Justice or that which is just then what Power is that by which Princes decree Injustice And whether it be not Injustice for the King to be perswaded to break his Word and Promise and which Power are those men in that would have him do so seeing Christ is the Power of God by whom Justice is decreed And is it not just for the King to be as good as his word and may not all such as would have him break his promise remember That Lying Lips become not a Prince Prov. 17. 7. Moreover according to reason Whether many of them that do so much endeavour to have the King act contrary to his word or make void his promise by restraining sober honest Persons from the Liberty of their Consciences in spiritual matters and duties of prayer to the God of Heaven and waiting upon the Lord in his true service and fear of his holy Name whether such as these would be contented themselves to be restrained from the Wicked Liberty of their fleshly Lusts though that was never so openly promised them and so to be kept from all Whoredom Drunkenness and Swearing and such other works of Darkness wherewith they serve the Devil And can such be willing that all Boyes and all sorts of People as often as they see a Whoremonger or a Drunkard then all cry out presently A Whoremonger A Whoremonger or A Drunkard A Drunkard as they are that such