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A51778 The clerks guide leading into three parts, viz. I. Of indentures, leases, &c., II. Letters of attorney, warrants of attorney, mortgages, licences, charter-parties, &c., III. Bills, answers, replications, rejoynders in chancery, &c., under which are comprehended the most unusual forms of clerkship : to which is added, a fourth part of fines, recoveries, statutes, recognisances, judgements, &c. distresses and replevins : illustrated with cases, and the statutes relating to the same / by Tho. Manley of the Middle Temple, London, Esq. Manley, Thomas, 1628-1690. 1672 (1672) Wing M443; ESTC R9951 653,624 764

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or their Council learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised advised or required so as the same do not contain or extend unto any further warranty than against him the said G. C. his Executors or Assigns or against any further act or acts than as aforesaid and so as neither he nor they that make such further assurance be compelled or compellable to travell further than the Cities of London and Westminster for the doing making or executing of such further assurances and conveyances as aforesaid And lastly it is agreed by and between the said Parties to these presents That all and every the said assurances and conveyances so as aforesaid hereafter to be had of the premises shall be and shall be esteemed and taken to be to the onely use of them the said H. H. and S. his wife and of the Heirs and Assigns of the said H. H. for ever and to no other use intent and purpose whatsoever any thing in these presents contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding In witness whereof c. A Joynture to the Wife made before Marriage THis Indenture made c. between I. C. the younger of c. on the first part and I. C. the elder c. on the second part and R. W. of c. on the third part Witnesseth That the said I. C. the younger for and in consideration of a Marriage by Gods Grace intended and shortly to be had and solemnized between the said I. C. the younger and A. the Daughter of T. C. of c. And that the said A. may be provided of a sufficient Joynture in case she shall survive the said I. C. the younger and for divers other good Causes and Considerations him the said I. C. the younger hereunto especially moving Doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant promise and grant to and with the said I. C. the elder and R. W. their Executors c. and to and with every of them by these presents that he the said I. C. the younger shall and will before the end of Easter Term now next c before the Justices of our Soveraign Lord the King of his Majesties Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster or some other person or persons thereunto lawfully and sufficiently authorized acknowledge and levy one Fine Sur conusence de droit come ceo que ills on t de son done with proclamation thereupon to be made according to the common course of Fines in that behalf made and provided unto the said I. C. the elder and R. W. and their heirs or the heirs of one of them of in and upon all that Messuage or Tenement wherein T. B. Vintner now dwelleth and whereof he the said I. C. the younger is seized in his Demeasn as of Fee in his own proper right commonly called or known by the c. scituate c and of all the Shops Cellars Sollers Chambers Rooms Easements Commodities and Appurtenances to the said Messuage or Tenement belonging or to or with the same used occupied or enjoyed or reputed or taken as part parcel or member of the same or as belonging thereunto by such name or names and in such manner of form as by the said I C. the elder and R. W. or their Council learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised and advised or required at the onely proper Costs and Charges in the Law of the said J. C. the younger the true intent and meaning of which said Fine so to be levied and executed of the said premises between the said Parties is to be and so shall be construed intended and adjudged to be to the Use and Behoof of the said J. C. the younger during his natural life without impeachment of or for any manner of waste and after his decease to the use and behoof of the said A. c. for and during the term of her natural life without any impeachment c. and after her decease to the use and behoof of the Heirs of the Body of the said J. C. the younger on the Body of the said A. lawfully to be begotten and for default of such Issue to the right Heirs of the said A. for ever Provided alwayes that if the said Marriage shall not take effect nor be had or solemnized between the said J. C. the younger and the said A. T. before the c. next ensuing c. That then the said Fine so to be made levied and acknowledged of the said Messuage and Premises aforesaid shall be and shall be taken deemed adjudged and construed to be to the use of the said J. C. the younger and to his Heirs and Assigns for ever any thing herein contained to the contrary c. In witness c. A Lease to try a Title THis Indenture made c. between T. A. and R. M. c. of the one part and W. M. of c. on the other part witnesseth That the said T. A. and R. M. for divers good Causes and Considerations c. have demised granted c. and by these presents do c. unto the said W. M. all that their Scite of c. and all Houses Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Orchards Gardens Easements and Commodities thereunto belonging or appertaining To have and to hold the said c. and all other the demised premises with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof unto the said W. M. his c. from c. unto the end and term of c. from thence next c. Yielding c. unto the said c. their c. one P. c. if it be demanded In witness c. A Bargain and Sale of a House in London THis Indenture made c. between R. B. of E. in the County of N. Esq of the one part and J. H. of L. Esq of the other part witnesseth That the said R. B. for and in consideration of the sum of c. of lawful c. to him in hand paid before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by the said J. H. whereof the said R. B. doth acknowledge the Receipt and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth clearly acquit and discharge the said I. H. his Heirs and Assigns and every of them for ever by these presents hath given granted bargained sold aliened infeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely give grant bargain sell alien infeoss and confirm unto the said I. H. his Heirs and Assigns for ever All that Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances commonly called or known by the name of c. now or late in the Tenure or Occupation of one W. S. c. or of his Assignee or Assignees scituate lying and being in c. together with all and singular Shops Cellars Sollers Chambers Rooms Entries Wayes Passages Yards Back-sides Lights Water-courses Easements Profits Commodities and Hereditaments whatsoever to the said Messuage or Tenement now or at any time heretofore belonging or appertaining or therewith
H. B. or to his use as aforesaid without the let sute trouble molestation interruption or eviction of him the said Sir H. B. his heirs or assigns or of any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming by from or under him his estate or title L. Cum Coven pro utter Assur Litterdel Attorney c. In witness whereof c. A Covenant to deliver Evidences by such a time ANd the said G. A. for him c. That he the said G. A. his Heirs Executors or Administrators or some of them shall and will before the first day of March next ensuing the date hereof deliver or cause to be delivered unto the said A. Lady D. and Sir J. D. or to one of them all such Deeds Charters Evidences Court-Rolls Exemplifications of Records Transcripts of Fines Terriers Escripts Writings and Minuments concerning only the premisses or only any part or parcel thereof as now be in the possession custody or keeping of the said G. A. or of any other person or persons by his delivery or to his use or which he may obtain get or come by without suit in Law whole uncancelled safe and undefaced or in as good plight as the same now are and be and also true Copies of all such other Deeds Charters Evidences and Writings as the said G.A. hath touching and concerning the said Lands and Premisses or any part thereof joyntly or together with any other Lands c. of the said G. A. the said A. Lady D. and Sir J.D. and their heirs or some or one of them paying or bearing the charge of making and writing the same Copies c. A Declaration of a Fine and Recovery to variety of uses well penn'd THis Indenture made c. Between the Right Honourable T. Lord W. of the one part and the Right Honourable W. Lord P. Sir M. F. of c. on the other part Whereas the said M. B. and W. D. in the term of E. in the eleventh year of the Reign of our said Soveraign Lord King James Recital of the Recovery of England c. by Writ of Entry Sur Disseisin in le post did recover against the said T. Lord W. all those the Mannors of M. alias M. A. L. A. R. and N. with the appurtenances and of 30. Messuages 30. Tofts 6. Water-mills 6. Dove-houses 30. Gardens 1000 acres of Land 200 acres of Meadow 300 acres of Pasture 2000 acres of wood 300 acres of Furze and Heath 10 pounds Rent free warren and view of Frank-pledge with the appurtenances in M. alias M. A. N. and S. and also the Advowson of the Churches of M. alias M and A. as in and by the said Recovery remaining of Record in his Majesties said Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster to which Relation being had more at large appeareth And whereas in the Term of the Holy Trnity last past before the date hereof that is to say a Die sce Of the Time Trinitatis in tres septimanas in the said term in the Court of our Soveraign Lord the Kings Majesty before his Justices at Westminster a Fine Sur Cognizance de droit come ceo c. with Proclamations according to the form of the Statute in such case made and Provided was levied between the said W. R. and W. D. Plaintiffs and the said T. Lord W. Deforceant of the Mannors of T. alias T. and B. alias B. with the appurtenances in the County of W. and W. and of all that Grange or Capital Messuage called H. house and of all the Messuages Lands Tenements Rents Reversions Services and Hereditaments whatsoever to the said Mannors and Grange or any of them belonging or appertaining or reputed to belong or appertain or as part or parcel or member of them or any of them or accepted reputed taken demised used occupied or enjoyed as part thereof in the said Counties of W. and W. and of all other the Messuages Lands Tenements Rectories Tithes and Hereditaments with the appurtenances of the said T. Lord W. in the said Counties of W. and W. by the names of the Mannors of T. alias T. and B. alias B. with the appurtenances and of 40. Messuages 20 Tofts 4. Water-Mills 4. Dove-houses 40. Gardens 1000 acres of Land 600. acres of Meadow 1000. acres of Pasture 400. acres of Wood 400 acres of Furze and Heath 20 acres of Marsh and twenty shillings Rent with the appurtenances in T. alias T. Alne-Church B alias B. F. and Beoleyl and also of the Rectories of T. alias T. and B. alias B. with the appurtenances and all and all manner of tithes of Corn and Hay growing coming or renewing in T. alias T. and B. alias B. and of the Advowson of the Vicaridge of the Church of T. alias T. in the County of W. and of the Mannors of T. alias T. and B. alias B. with the appurtenances and 4 Messuages and one Dove-house 4 Gardens 300 acres of Land 600 acres of Meadow 300 acres of Pasture 200 acres of wood and 30 acres of Marsh with the appurtenances in T. alias T. Aln-Church and B. alias B. and also of the Rectory of T. alias T. and B. alias B. with the appurtenances and of all and all manner of tythes of common Hay growing coming and renewing in T. alias T. and B. alias B. and of the Advowson of the Vicaridge of the Church of T. alias T. in the County of W. as by the said Fine remaining of Record in his Majesties said Court of Common Pleas at W. to which Relation being had more fully and at large appeareth Now this Indenture witnesses The intent of the parties That the true intent and meaning of the said T. Lord W. and of the said Recoverers and parties to the said Recovery and also of the said Cognizees of the said Fine and parties to the same Fine and of all and every of the parties to these presents before and at the several and respective time and times of the suffering of the said Recovery and Acknowledgments and levying of the said Fine for touching or concerning the said Mannors Lordships Lands Tenements Hereditaments and premisses whereof the said Recovery and Fine were severally and respectively suffered levied and had as aforesaid alwayes was and yet is that as well the said Recovery as the said Fine and all and every Fine and Fines Recovery and Recoveries and other Acts and Assurances of the said Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Rents Rectories Tythes Advowsons Hereditaments and Premisses or of any of them with the appurtenances at any time heretofore suffered levied executed or had wherein or whereunto the said T. Lord W. was or is any wayes a party and all and every the executions of the same and every of them should and shall be and enure and be construed adjudged deemed and taken to be and enure And were and hereby are Covenanted granted concluded agreed and declared to be and enure to the uses purposes and intents and under the Provisions Conditions
any sufficient discharges to any of my said Tenants or Farmers requiring the same And the same sum and sums of Money Rents Issues and Profits so had and received to pay and deliver to me the said G. K. my Executors Administrators and Assigns and to be accomptable unto me the said G. K. my Executors and Administrators from time to time for all every or any the said sum or sums of Money so as asonesaid by the said C. P. had taken and received at the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel next ensuing the date hereof or before the end of Candlemas Term then next ensuing and at the Feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Lady St. Mary the Virgin then next following or before the end and expiration of Trinity Term then next ensuing and so from time to time at the Feasts and Dayes before prefixed to give and make a true account or accounts to me during the continuance of the power to him given and granted as aforesaid And further I do by these presents give full power and authority to my said Attorney at any time hereafter to elect and choose some one sufficient and able person to be Steward of my Courts of my said Mannors c. and also to place and displace at his will and pleasure upon just occasion any Bayliff or other Officer or Officers whatsoever as occasion shall require and also giving and by these presents granting unto my said Attorney full power and lawful authority for me and in my name stead and place and to my use as aforesaid for non-payment of all every or any my said Rents arrerages of Rents Issues Amerciaments and Profits to distrain impound arrest sue implead and imprison all every or any my said Tenants or Farmers which shall refuse to pay my said Attorney all or any such sum and sums of Money Rents Issues and Profits by them or any of them respectively due and payable unto me as aforesaid and the same persons again to discharge acquit and release of and from the same at his will and pleasure And further to do or cause or procure to be done in and about the premises all and whatsoever to the said C. P. shall seem requisite and needful to be done as effectually as if I my self were then and there personally present And which c. so to be done I do hereby covenant and grant for me my Heirs c. to justifie aver and maintain as fully and perfectly to all intents constructions and purposes as though the same were actually done by my self In witness c. A Warranty of Attorney to confess a Judgment WHereas K. B. widow of c. Executrix of the last Will and Testament of J. B. Esq hath sued out of the High-Court of Chancery an Original Writ of Debt for Two hundred pounds against me T. H. and J. W. of c. Esq and Sir R. B. of c. Knight my Sureties returnable this Trinity Term in the Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster These are therefore to require you to appear for me and my Sureties and to make Declaration for us the said T. H. J. W. and Sir R. B. at the suit of the said K. B. and thereupon to confess a Judgment either by non sum informat nihil dicit or otherwise as you shall think fitting and this shall be your sufficient warrant in that behalf In witness c. A Warrant to acknowledge satisfaction Mr. T. W. VVHereas in Trinity Term in the Twentieth year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord King Charles over England c. there was a Judgment had and obtained in His Majesties Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster against A. P. of c. for c. Debt and c. Damages and Costs at the suit of c. These are to require you to acknowledge satisfaction upon the said Judgment and this shall be your sufficient warrant for the same In witness c. Another Warrant to acknowledge satisfaction Mr. T. F. VVHereas I heretofore retained you my Attorney in His Majesties Court of Kings Bench at Westminster to sue charge and implead R. E. upon several actions and a Habeas Corpus depending against him and whereas you thereupon further proceeded by my direction to the recovery and entry of four several Judgments the one of 50 l. Debt and 7 l. 10 s. and 8 d. Damages another c. another c. and the other c. for that I have received full satisfaction from the said R. E. for and concerning all those actions and several executions by you in my behalf obtained and entred against him by force whereof he remains Prisoner in the custody of the Marshal of His Majesties said Court These are therefore to will and require you to discharge those several actions by search or otherwise out of the Entry-Book of the Marshal of that Court or other declarations remaining on file there And further I do hereby direct and authorize you to acknowledge satisfaction upon Record upon the several Judgments above specified and all other Judgments chargeable against him for my satisfaction and so to release his person out of the Marshals custody from all causes touching me And for the doing thereof this shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge In witness c. An Indenture for suing forth a writ of Entry of a Mannor to the intent a Recovery may be had THis Indenture tripartite made the c. between H. E. of c. of the first part W. G. of c. of the second part and A. B. and C. D. of c. of the third part Witnesseth That it is covenanted granted concluded condescended unto and fully agreed upon by and between the said Parties to these presents And the said H. E. doth for himself his Heirs c. covenant c. that he the said E. or his c. before the Feast of c. at the proper Costs and Charges in the Law of the said W. G. his Heirs or Assigns shall permit and suffer the said A. B. and C. D. to bring and sue forth out of His Majesties High-Court of Chancery one Writ of Entry sur disseisin en le post against the said W. G. returnable before the Justices of the Common-Pleas at VVestminster at a certain day before the said Feast of c. by which Writ the said A. B. and C. D. shall demand against the said W. G. all that the Mannor of c. by the name of c. or by any other name or names whatsoever whereunto the said W. G. shall appear before the said Justices at the said day of return to be contained in the said Writ in his own proper person or by his Attorney sufficiently authorized by the Law for the same upon which appearance the said A. B. and C. D. shall declare against the said W. G. according to the nature of the said Writ and that he the said H. E. shall permit and suffer the said W. G. to make defence
hereafter and from time to time clearly acquit exonerate and discharge or otherwise well and sufficiently save and keep harmless and indempnified the above-named I. E. his Heirs Executors and Administrators and his and their goods chattels lands tenements and hereditaments and every of them of and from all debts duties bills bonds specialties and demands whatsoever which at any time and times hereafter shall and may be duly and lawfully demanded or recovered of or from the said I. B. his Heirs Executors and Administrators by any person or persons whatsoever for or by reason of any reckoning duty specialty debt or demand whatsoever due owing or payable by the above-named R. T. deceased to any person or persons whatsoever and also of and from all costs charges sutes arrests judgements executions and demands whatsoever which shall or may happen come grow to be unto or against the said I.B. his Executors Administrators or any of them for upon or by reason thereof and also if A. T. daughter of the said E. T. and such persons as she shall intermarry withall within one month next after she the said A. shall be lawfully married or shall accomplish her full Age of Twenty one years which shall first or next happen do and shall make seal and deliver as his her or their act and deed a good sufficient and lawful acquittance discharge and release under his her or their hands and seals unto the said I. B. his Executors and Administrators of for or concerning all sum and sums of money gifts legacies bequeaths and demands whatsoever given and bequeathed unto the said A. in and by the last Will and Testament of the said R. T the same release to be made in such manner and form as by the said I.B. his Executors or Administrators or his or their Councel shall be reasonably devised or required that then c. A Condition from a Goaler to an under-Sheriff for saving harmless THe Condition That if the above-bounden A. B. Deputy-Goaler to T.T. Servant to c. do from time to time receive and take into his ward and custody within the Goal at the Castle of Lancaster in the County of Lancaster aforesaid all such person and persons prisoner and prisoners which shall fortune to be committed or sent to the said Goal or committed to the ward and custody of the said Goaler by the said Sheriff or his Deputy or by any Justice or Justices of Peace or by any other having lawfull authority to commit persons or prisoners to the said Goal and the same person or prisoners so committed as aforesaid do well and truly duly and sufficiently by his own proper person or by his sufficient Deputy or Deputies so keep that the said Sheriff his Heirs and Executors all the Lands Tenements Goods and Chattels of the said Sheriff be saved harmless from all losses penalties amerciaments and damages whatsoever as well against the Commonwealth of England as also against all other person and persons of for and concerning the custody and keeping of the said Geal and prisoners within the said Castle of Lancaster or elsewhere in the said County of c. and likewise do discharge save and keep harmless the said Sheriff his Heirs and Executors and all those his Lands Tenements Goods and Chattels from time to time and at all times hereafter of and from all and every escape and escapes as well of convict persons Reprieves and Felons and of all other persons now committed for any contempts condemnations trespasses or misdemeanors which may happen or chance hereafter to be committed to the said Goal for any the causes aforesaid during the time the said A.B. shall be Deputy or Goaler to the said T. T. and the said T.T. continue Sheriff And likewise that if the said A.B. or any other by his consent privity or appointment in any wise let to bail or mainprize any prisoner or prisoners to him committed as aforesaid not bailable by the Lawes of the Realm without the special commandment or appointment of the aid Sheriff and if the said A. B. or his sufficient Deputy be ready to give his attendance upon the said Sheriff and his Deputy at all times necessary and convenient and all and every lawful thing and things that he shall be required to do by the said Sheriff or his Deputy touching or concerning the c affairs and businesse wherewith the said Sheriff is or shall be charged or imployed in or about the keeping of the said Goal or Prison that then c A Release of Recognizance assigned to one TO all Christian People c. P. V. of London Merchant stranger sendeth greeting in our Lord God everlasting That whereas the Right Honourable W. Earl of Derby Lord Stanley Lord of Man and the Isles T. Ireland of Grayes-Inn in the County of Middlesex Esq H. C. of Knowsley in the County of Lancaster Gent. and H. Adys of Button in the County of Dorset Gent. by other writing of Recognizance or Statute-Staple bearing date the sixth day of July c. taken and acknowledged before Sir J. P. Knight Lord Chief Justice of England stand bound to Peter H. Citizen and Alderman of London in 3200 l. of c. payable as in and by the same Writing of Recognizance or statute more at large doth appear And whereas the said Peter H. by his sufficient Deed or Assignment in writing bearing date the five and twentieth day of c. in the c. did for divers and certain considerations him thereunto especially moving grant assign and set over unto me the said P. Vanloor as well the said Recognizance or Statute and the said debt of 3200 l. and all his said right title and interest which he the said Peter Houghton then had or ought to have had in and to the same to have and to hold the said Recognizance or Statute and the said debt of 3200 l. aforesaid and all his said right title and interest in and to the same unto the said P. V. my executors and assigns as our own proper goods and chattels for ever as by the said Assignment amongst other Covenants and Clauses therein contained more fully at large it doth and may appear Now know ye That I the said P. V. for divers good Causes and Considerations me hereunto especially moving have remised released and quit-claimed and by these presents for me my executors administrators and assigns and every of us do remise release and for ever quit-claim unto the said Henry Adys his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them the Recognizance or Statute aforesaid and the penalty and forseiture thereof and also all and all manner of Actions Arrests Extents Judgements Executions Condemnations Liberates Seizures Debts and demands whatsoever which I the said P. V. or the said P. H. or either of us now have shall may might or ought to have against the said H. Adys his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns or any of them or his their or any
sell unto the said T. B. and A. B. their heirs and assigns all that Messuage Farm or Tenement with the appurtenances and all those three Yard-lands of Meadow arable and pasture with all and singular their appurtenances in F. in the said County of L. now or late in the tenure of the said T. H. or his assigns to hold the said Messuage or Tenement and three Yard-lands with the appurtenances to the said T. B. and A. B. their heirs and assigns for ever and did covenant by the said Indenture to levy one fine Sur Connizance de droit come ceo c. of the premisses to them the said T. B. and A. B. and their heirs as by the said Indenture amongst c. appeareth Now this Indenture witnesseth That the said A. B. was only named in trust by the said T. B. to and for the use of the said T. B. his heirs and assigns and that the said Summe of five hundred pound mentioned in the said Indenture to be the consideration for the said purchase was the proper money of the said T. B. And the said A. B. doth covenant c. that he the said A. B his heirs and assigns from time to time and at all times hereafter To Convey Lands according to the Trust upon the request and at the costs and charges in the Law of the said T. B. his heirs or assigns shall and will convey and assure the premisses and all his estate title and interest therein unto the said T. B. and his heirs to the use of the said T. B. and his heirs or to any other person and persons and their heirs to the use of them and their heirs as the said T. B. or his heirs shall direct or appoint acquitted and discharged of and from all Charges and Incumbrances had made or done by the said A. B. or by from or under any other person or persons whatsoever claiming by from or under him And the said T. B. doth covenant c. That he the said T. B. his Heirs Executors or Administrators To save harmless from any damage hapning by reason of the joynt Estate or some or one of them shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter save and keep harmless the said A. B. his Heirs Executors and Administrators his and their Lands and Goods of and from all manner of damage loss and hinderance which shall or may hereafter happen to arise or grow for or by reason of the said joynt estate settled and raised by the said A. B. and T. B. in Trust for the said A. B. as aforesaid An Acquittance for money paid in part of a Purchase Quinto die D. c. REceived by me T.H. the day and year above-written of T. B. the Summe of c. as part of the money agreed to be paid for the purchase of certain Lands in F. in Com. L. according to certain anicles of agreement indented bearing date c. made between c. In witness c. The manner of indorsing an Attornment of Tenants MEmorandum That R. C. of c. assignee of H. G. c. and the rest of the Tenants and Farmers of the premisses within mentioned by vertue of several Leases thereof made unto them by the within-named W. G. did severally Attorn and become Tenants of and of their several and respective interests in the premisses to the within-named C.G. this present tenth day of c. and the said several Tenants and every of them have given unto the said C. G. one penny in the name of Attornment in the presence of c. A Release of Interest in Lands TO all c. R. E. of c. sendeth greeting Know ye That the said R. E. for and in consideration of the sum of c. to him in hand paid by T.H. of c. hath given granted remised released and quit-claimed and by these presents doth c. unto the said T. H. all his estate right title interest term of years claim and demand whatsoever which he the said R. E. now hath or may claim to have of in or to one Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances commonly called or known by the name of c. scituate lying and being in c. and of and in all the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever to the said Messuage or Tenement belonging or appertaining or to or with the same now used occupied or enjoyed In witnesse c. A Condition to save a Surety harmless from a Recognizance THe Condition c. That whereas the said J. C. and A. G. together with the above-bounden R. P. and for him by Recognizance acknowledged before Mr. T. G. one of the Kings Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of c. the said R. P. hath acknowledged to our Soveraign Lord the King twenty pound and the said A. G. twenty and the said I. C. twenty pound That he the said R. P. shall from henceforth for ever keep his Majesties Peace towards one W. B. c. as by the said Recognizance entred into as aforesaid at large appeareth If therefore the said R. P. his c. from time to time and at all times hereafter do clearly acquit discharge and save harmless the said I. C. his c. and all his and their Lands Tenements Goods and Chattels and every of them as well against our said Soveraign Lord the Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors as against all and every other person and persons of for or concerning the said Sum or penalty of c. and also of all other costs charges and troubles that may futurely come or arise for or concerning the same That then c. A Disavowment of a Sute TO all c. I. L. of c. sendeth greeting c. Whereas a Sute hath been of late Commenced and Prosecuted for me and in my name in his Majesties Court of Kings Bench at Westminster against M. L. for c. setting down for what which said Sute as yet dependeth in the said Court. Now know ye That the said Sure was Commenced and is prosecuted without any warrant or allowance of me and I therefore do hereby renounce and disavow the said Sute and all and every other sute or sutes attempted or prosecuted against the said M. L. for me and in my name for or by reason of the said Bond or any other cause or matter whatsoever In witness c. Warrant for the keeping of a Court. WHereas I have received direction from the Right Honourable R. E. of D. to hold a Court-Baron for his Lordships Mannor of S. within c. These are to let you understand That I have appointed the 9th day of c. next being Tuesday for the holding of the said Court at or in the Hall of the said M. house and do therefore hereby request and require you to give notice of the said time and place appointed for the holding of the said time and place appointed for the holding
C. L. S. and the said D. L. witnesseth now this present Indenture The Consideration That the said C. Lord S. as well for and in consideration of the said Marriage and of the full Summe of 8000 pound that is to say the Summe of 7000 pound of good and lawfull money of England in hand paid and the Summe of 1000. pound more in Jewels in hand delivered unto him the said L. S. by the said E. Lord G. and Dame I. his wife at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents whereof the Sum of 2000. Marks in moneys and the said 1000. pounds in Jewels were and was a portion given and left unto her the said D. by the last Will and Testament of Sir I. L. her Father deceased and the residue of the said 8000 pound was and hath been encreased for her by the providence care and great love of the said Dame I. G. her Mother since her said Fathers decease of and with which said Sums of 7000 pound in Money and 1000 pound in Jewels he the said C. Lord S. doth hereby acknowledge the Receipt and himself to be fully satisfied And thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for every of them fully absolutely and clearly acquit exonerate and discharge the said E. Lord G. and Dame I. his Wife their Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them for ever by these presents And for and in consideration of a competent Joynture to be had and made unto the said D. in case the said Marriage shall take effect and that she the said D. shall survive and over-live him the said Lord S. and for the better preservation and continuance of all and every the Mannors Lordships Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments hereafter mentioned in the name and blood of the said Lord S. so long as shall please Almighty God also for divers and sundry other good and valuable Considerations him the said Lord S. hereunto especially moving Hath Covenanted promised granted and agreed and by these presents doth for himself his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and for every of them covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said E. Lord G. and I. S. their heirs and assigns A Covenant to levy a Fine and to and with every of them That he the said C. Lord S. shall and will before the end of Michaelmas Term next ensuing the date of these presents before the Justices of our Soveraign L. the King of his Majesties Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster or before some other competent and fit person and persons thereunto lawfully and sufficiently authorized acknowledge and levy one or more Fine or Fines Sur Conusance de droit come ceo c. in due form of Law with Proclamations thereupon to be made according to the Common course of Fines in that case used and the Statute in that behalf made and provided unto them the said W.N. and A.T. and their heirs or the heirs of one of them The Mannors of all those his Mannors Lordships Lands Tenements and Hereditaments called or known by the several names of S. c. scituate lying and being in the County of Es with their and every of their Rights Revenues Members and Appurtenances whatsoever and of all that the Rectory and Church of H. with the Appurtenances thereof whatsoever General Words and of all and singular Messuages Houses Edifices Barns Stables Dove-houses Back-sides Orchards Gardens Lands Tenements Meadows Feedings Pastures Commons Wayes Passages Wast-grounds Heaths Furze Moors Marshes Woods Under-woods Rents Reversions Services Tithes as well great as small and of all other Hereditaments whatsoever scituate lying and being growing arising renewing and increasing within any the Towns Parishes Hamlers Tithings or Fields of S. c. in the said County of E. and in every or any of them or elsewhere to the said Mannors Rectory or other the Premisses or any of them belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith used and enjoyed by such name and names and under such number of Mannors Messuages Cottages and Acres and in such sort manner and form as by the said E. Lord G. and J. S. their heirs or assigns or by their or any of their Councel learned in the Law shall be reasonably advised devised or required The true intent and meaning of which said Fine and Fines so to be acknowledged and levied of the said premisses between the said parties as aforesaid shall be and so shall be construed meant intended and adjudged to be to and for the use and behoof of the said W. N. and A. T. their heirs and assigns for ever To the only intent and purpose that they the said W. N. and A. T. shall and may stand and be full and perfect Tenements of the Freehold of the said Mannors Lordships and all and singular the premisses and of every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances untill one or more perfect Common Recovery or Common Recoveries To suffer a Recovery may be had and executed of all and singular the same premisses against them the said W.N. and A.T. and their heirs according to the true intent and meaning of the said Parties to these presents And that they the said W. N. and A. T. from and after the acknowledging and levying of the said Fine or Fines by the said C. Lord S. to them the said W. N. and A. T. in manner and Form as aforesaid shall and will before the end of the said Michaelmas Term next ensuing the date of these presents permit and suffer the said E. Lord G. and I. S. to sue and presecute several Writs of Entry Sur disseisin en le post against them the said W. N. and A. T. of the said Mannors Lordships Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premisses and of every part and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances by such name and names and under such number of Mannors Messuages Cottages and Acres and in such sort manner and form as by the said E. Lord G. and I.S. and their heirs or by their or any of their Councel learned in the Law shall be advised devised or required into and upon every of which said several Writs of Entry Sur disseisin en le post so to be brought the said W. N. and A.T. shall personally appear●● And then immediately after their appearance defence made shall and will in the said actions vouch to Warranty the said C. Lord S. and he the said Lord S. upon such Vouchee of him to be made shall and will in the said actions so to be brought forthwith Gratis and without Process appear thereunto and enter into Warranty and vouch over to Warranty the Common Vouchee to the end that the Common Vouchee may also appear and enter into Warranty and afterwards make default or depart in despite of the Court so that several perfect Common Recoveries with double vouchers may be had prosecuted and executed in
pertin ut jus suum c. per breve praed c. in forma praed c. et unde dicit quod ipsemet fuit seisitus de Messuag Gardin et Curtila● praed cumpertin in dominico suo ut de feodo et jure c. tempore pacis tempore dicti Domini Regis nunc c. Capiend inde expless ad valenc c. Et quod tale sit jus suum offert c. Et praed R. M. per dict' R.S. Attorn suum ven defend jus praed D. W. qui c. et seisinam ejusd D. W. de qua seisina c et totum c. et quicquid c. ut de feodo et jure c. et maxime de Mess Gardin Curtilag praed ' cum pertin c. et vocat inde ad Warrantizand A. W. civem et aurisabrum London qui modo praesens est hic in Cur ' in propria persona sua et gratis Messuag Gardin et Curtilag praed cum pertin c. praefat R. M. versus praed D. W. warrantizat c. Et super hoc ad Hus●ingum ultim ' praed ' dictus D. W. per Attornat suum praed petit versus praed ' A.W. tenen per warran suam praed ' tunc et ibidem in propria persona sua existen ' Messuag ' Gardin et Curtilag praed cum pertin ut jus suum c. per breve praed c. in forma praed c. Et unde dicit quod ipsemet fuit seisitus de Messuag ' Gardin et Curtilag praed cum pertinen in dominico suo ut de seodo et jure c. tempore pacis tempore dicti Domini Regis nunc c. Capiend ' inde expless ad Valenc ' c. Et quod tale sit jus suum offert c. Et pr●d A.W. tenens per Warrant ' suam praed in propria persona sua ven et desend jus praed D. W. qui c. et seisinam ejusdem D. W. de qua seisina c. Et totum c. et quicquid c. ut de feodo et jure c. et maxime de Mess Gardin et Curtilag praed ' cum pertin c. et dicit quod ipse ma●us jus habet tenend Mes●uag ' Gardin ' et Curtilag ' pr●d cum pertin c. ut tenens inde per warrant suam praed sibi et haeredibus suis ut il ' nunc tenet quam praed D. W. habet petend ' Mess Gardin et Curtilag● praed ' cum pertin prout il ' superius pet c. Et de hoc ponit se super magnam assisam dicti Domini Regis nunc c. et petit recognitionem ei superinde sieri secundum cons Civit. praed c. Et super hoc praed D. W. per Attorn suum praed pet licentiam inde interloquendi c. Et habet c. Et postea idem D. W. per Attornat suum praed revenit ad i● ' eand ' Cur ' Hustingal ' parat ad placitum ejusd ' A W ●enen per Warrant suam pr●●● in forma praed placitat ' replicand ' c. Et praed A. W. tenens per warran● suam praed ' licet solemniter exact ' non reven sed in contemptu praed Cur● reces●i● et desaltam fecit Ideo confideratum est tune ibidem per eand Cur ' quod praed ' D.W. recuperet seisinam suam versus praefat R.V. de Messuag ' Gardin Curtilag praed cum pertin c. Tenend eidem D. W. et haered suis quiele de praed ' R. V. et haered suis ac de praed ' E. H. et haered suis ac etiam de praed R. M. et haered suis necnon de praef A. W. et haered suis in perpetuum Et quod praed R.V. habeat de terris tenementis praed E.H. ad Valenc ' c. Et quod praed E.H. habeat de terris et tenementis praed R.M. ad valenc ' c. Et quod praed R.M. habeat de terris et tenementis praed A. W. ad valenc ' c. Et quod idem A. W. sit in misericor c. Et super hoc ad il ' eund Hustingum ad Petitionem dicti D W. praecept est per Cur ' hic Vice-com Lond. quod ipsi eidem D. W. de Mess Gardin et Curtilag praed cum pertin c. hab ere facer plenam et pacificam seisinam et qualiter boc praecept fuer execut scire facer Cur ' hic ad prox Hustingum London de placitis terrae in Guihald Civitat praed tenend c. Ad quem diem scilicet ad Hustingum Lond. de placitis terrae tent in Guihald Lond. die Lunae proxime post Festum Sanctae Mildredae Virginis anno regni dicti Domini nostri Jacobi nunc Regis Angl ' Franciae et Hibern ' 18. praed et Scotiae 53. praed Vicecom ' London viz. praed R.D. et J.D. returnaver ' et certificaver ' Cur ' hic c. quod ipsi virtute praecepti praed eis direct ' plenam et pacificam seisinam praefat D. W. de Messuag ' Gardin ' et Curtilag ' praed ' cum pertin ' c. babere facer juxta exigent praecepti praed ' prout eis superius praecept ' fuit c. An Indenture of Covenant for a Recovery to be suffered THis Indenture made c. between A.B. of c. of the one part and B.C. of c. on the other part witnesseth That it is covenanted c. That the said B. C. shall in Easter Term next recover to him and his Heirs for ever by a Writ of Entry sur disseisin in le Post to be had and prosecuted against the said A.B. before the Kings Majesties Justices of the Common Pleas at Westminster according to the usual course of Common Recoveries heretofore had the Mannor of S. with the appurtenances in D. in the County of M. being now the Inheritance of the said A.B. and that the said Recovery so to be had and the full force and execution thereof shall be and enure and shall be deemed constiued taken to be and enure to the use of the said A. B. his heirs and assigns for ever And the said B. C. and his heirs and assigns shall and will from and after the time the said Recovery shall be had and perfected stand and be seized of all the said Mannor with the appurtenances to the onely use and behoof of the said A.B. his heirs and assigns for ever and to none other use intent or purpose whatsoever In witness whereof c. An Indenture declaring the uses of a Recovery already suffered THis Indenture made c. between T. M. of c. of the one part and A. T. of c. on the other part c. Whereas the said A. T. hath this present Term of St. Michael recovered to him and his heirs for ever by a Writ of Entry sur Disseisin in le Post
and prosecuted against the said T. M. before Sir John Vaughan Knight c. the Kings Majesties Justices of the Court of Common Pleas at Westminstor according to the usual order and form of Recoveries heretofore used the Mannor of L. with the appurtenances and divers other Lands c. lying in the Parishes c. in the County c. at the time of the said Recovery had being the inheritance of the said T. M. other than such Messuages and Lands as the said T. lately purchased of one P.S. by the names of c. Now this Indenture witnesseth That it is covenanred condescended to concluded and agreed between the said parties to these presents in manner and form following That the intent and true meaning of all the said parties now is and at the time of the said Recovery so had and suffered was that the said Recovery should and shall be and enure and construed to be and enure And that the said A. T. and his heirs immediately from and after the said Recovery so had and executed should and shall stand and be seised of the said Mannor and all other the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with the appurtenances in the said Recovery meant and intended to be comprised to the only uses and intents hereafter by these presents set forth and declared and to none other uses intents or purposes whatsoever That is to say to the use of the said T.M. for the term of his natural life and after his decease then to the use and behoof of the eldest Son of the said T.M. begotten or to be begotten on the Body of M. the intended Wife of the said T. M. and the heirs males of the Body of the said eldest Son and for default of such Issue to the right Heirs of the said T.M. for ever A Proviso for Revocation of uses PRovided alwayes That if the said T. M. party to these presents shall at any time during his natural life intend or be willing to alter change revoke or make void the said Estates Remainders Uses and Limitations before in these presents mentioned or any of them c. and shall by any writing or writings under his hand and seal in the presence of two credible witnesses at the least signifie and declare That his mind and intent is to alter change revoke or make void the Uses c. That then and at all times after such writing and writings shall be so signed and sealed all the said Estates Uses c. before in these presents specified and declared and in the said writing or writings mentioned shall from thenceforth cease determine be revoked and utterly for ever void And that then and at all times after he the said A. T. his Heirs and Assigns and all and every other person and persons whatsoever which shall be then seifed of the said Premisses with their Appurtenances or any part or parcell thereof shall stand and be seised thereof or of so much thereof as shall be mentioned and contained in the said Writing or Writings of Revocation to the onely use and behoof of the said T. M. his Heirs and Assigns for ever or to such other uses intents or purposes as in the said Writing or Writings of Revocation shall be limited appointed and declared and to none other use intent or purpose whatsoever any thing before specified to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding In witness whereof c. An Indenture to lead the uses of a Fine and Recovery had and suffered THis Indenture made c. Between A. M. of c. and J. B G. B. of c. of the one part and R. C. of c. on the other part Whereas the said A. M. being seifed in his Demesne as of Fee of and in certain Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with the appurtenances scituate lying and being in W. in the County of C. and it having been agreed between the said A. M. and the said R. C. that for a valuable Consideration of money to the said A. to be paid by the said R. the said A. should convey the same to the said R. and his Heirs in such manner as the Councel Learned of the said R. should advise or req●●● And whereas by advice of the said Councel Learned of the said ● he in Easter-Term last past before the date hereof in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster did commence prosecute and bring one Writ of Entry Sur Disseisin in le Post against the said R. C. demanding thereby one Messuage two Gardens c. with the appurtenances in W. aforesaid unto which the said R. did appear and did vouch to Warranty the said A. M. who being then present in Court the said Vouchee in proper person vouched over one L. M. whereby a good and perfect Common Recovery of the said Premisses with double Voucher according to the form of Common Recoveries in such cases used was due in form of Law suffered and executed And whereas the said R. in Easter-Term aforesaid by advice of the Councel of the said R C. did levy and knowledg in due form of Law before his Majesties Justices of his Highnesse said Court of Common Pleas unto the said R. C. and his Heirs one Fine Sur Conusance de droit come ceo c. with Proclamation thereupon had according to the Form of the Statute in that behalf made and Provided as in and by the said Fine and Recovery relation being thereunto had more sully and at large may appear Now This Indenture Witnesseth That the said J. B. G. B. and A. M. and every of them for themselves their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and for every of them do covenant grant declare and agree to and with the said R. C. his Heirs and Assigns and to and with every of them by these presents That the said recited Fine and Recovery and the Recoveror and Recoverors therein named and their Heirs and Assigns and the Heirs of the Survivor of them and all other person and persons which now are or shall be seised of the said recited Premisses and every part and parcell thereof shall thereof stand and be seised to and for the onely use and behoof of the said R. C. his Heirs and Assigns for ever and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever In witness whereof c. Revocations of Uses in former Indentures mentioned according to the power thereby given THis Indenture made c. Between E.S. of S. in the County of M. Esq of the one part and R.H. T.T. J.B. and H.H. of the other part Witnesseth That whereas the said E.S. did heretofore by his Indenture bearing date c. made between him the said E.S. of the one part and J.O. of P. in the said County of L. Esq on the other part Covenant grant and agree to and with the said J.O. his Executors and Administrators That he the said E. and his Heirs in such manner and form as by the said recited Indenture
it stands in force or be reversed by attaint or Writ of Error is final and makes an end of the Suit And here observe 1. That all Judgments are either by Award by Confession by Default or by Tryal Cro. 2.468 2. That a Judgment cannot be depheasanced before it be obtained Cro 1.837 3. That Judgments are much favoured in Law for Judicia in Curia Regis reddita pro veritate accipiuntur et Judicia sunt cantum Juris dicta Judicia in Curia Regis reddita non adnihilentur sed stent in suo robore quousque per errorem aut attinctam adnullentur for Interest reipublicae res judicatas non rescindi et nihil est tam conveniens naturali aequitati quam unum quodque dissolvi eo ligamine quo ligatum est Co. Inst 2. part 360. 4. That if the Plaintiff upon a Judgment dye his Executors or Administrators may not proceed to take advantage thereof or have Execution thereupon till they have first sued out a Scire facias Co. Inst 2. part 288 394. The Method of proceeding in a Judgment is as followeth viz. The Judgment being past the Plaintiff may choose his Execution and to pursue it But he is first to take care that this Judgment be entred in due and legal form which you may see in the Book of Entries Then he must be careful in the choyce of his Execution As for Example If he make choyce of an Elegit it is to be directed to the Sheriff in the form by Law prescribed for which see F.N.B. and the Old N. B. Then the Sheriff having received the Writ must summon a Jury and this Jury is to inquire and return what Fee-simple Fee-tail or for life Lands Goods or Chattels the Defendant had at the time of the Judgment or at any time after And this must be very carefully done the finding must have certainty in it by the quality of the Land as the Mannor of H. a Messuage and 20 Acres of Land Meadow and Pasture in D. in the occupation of J. S. of the value of c. 5. pound Rent c. Then the Sheriff is either at the same time or some time afterward to deliver the one moyety thereof and this last he alone doth without the Jury And herein care must be had that they do it by meets and bounds and that he do certainly describe that which he doth so deliver and that he deliver what is divideable and therefore that he do not divide a Mannor and deliver the moyety thereof for by this means he may destroy the Mannor And if the Sheriff shall deliver too much the Court at the return of the Writ may quash it and order a new Inquiry When the Plaintiff is satisfied by incursion of time the Defendant may re-enter upon his Land without more ado but if he hath received satisfaction by some accidental improvement of the Land there he is to call the party into Court out of which the Writ issued and there to do it by Scire facias Co. 5.38 39. But all Executions are to be taken out within a year after the Judgment else no Execution can be made out without first suing forth a Scire facias Westm 2.45 13 Edw. 1. The Execution upon a Judgment shall relate to the day of the Writs date and the award of the Writ of Execution shall bind all the Goods of him against whom Judgment is which he had at the day of the Execution awarded The Entry of a Judgement may be stayed and arrested if the Court shall see cause That a Judgment may be for a part of the thing only in demand or for the whole That a Judgment may be erroneous and avoidable by a Writ of Error for many causes Cro. 2.303 That after Judgment no Issue shall be taken Cro. 2.126 That when a Judgment is reversed for Error the Party is restored to his first remedy Co. 8.141 The Forms and Presidents of these things vary according as the case requires and being only practicable by Attorneys who are or ought to be well versed therein we will trouble the Reader with them but in the next place shew the several Statutes that speak of the same Stat. Westm 2.18 13 E. 1 That he that recovereth debt or damage in the Kings Court may at his choyce have a Fieri facias of the Lands and Chattels of the Debtor or a Writ for the Sheriff to deliver him all the Chattels of the debtor except Oxen and Plough-Beasts and the moyety of his Land by a reasonable extent till the debt be levied And if he be Ejected out of the Land he shall have an Assise and afterwards a Writ of Redisseisin if need be And this last Writ is called an Elegit which is given upon a Statute also Stat. 32 H. 8. cap. 5. That for all things recorded before the Kings Justices or contained in Fines whether Contracts Covenants Obligations Services or Customs acknowledged or any other things inrolled the Execution shall be within the year but after the year a Scire facias whereupon if satisfaction be not made or good cause shewed the Sheriff shall be commanded to Execution That if Lands delivered in Execution upon just cause be recovered without Fraud from the Tenant in Execution before he shall have levied and received his whole debt and damages he may have a Scire facias out of the Court from whence he had the Execution returnable in the same Court at a day Forty dayes at the least after the date of such Scire facias at which day if the Defendant being lawfully warned make default or do appear and do not plead a sufficient cause other than the former acceptance of the Lands to avoid the said Suit for the residue of the said debt and damages the said Court shall issue forth a new Writ of Execution for the levying thereof Stat. 1 Jac. cap. 13. If any taken in Execution be delivered by Priviledg of Parliament as soon as the Priviledg ceases the Plaintiff his Executors or Administrators may sue out a new Execution against him and the Sheriff or other Officer shall not be chargeable for the first Arrest Stat. 3 Jac. cap. 8. That no Execution is to be stayed upon any Writ of Error or Supersedeas upon it for reversing of a Judgment for debt or upon a Contract till the Plaintiff be bound in Recognizance with two Sureties in that Court in double the Summe of the Judgment to prosecute it with effect and pay the debt costs and damages if the Judgment be affirmed Stat. 21 Jac. cap. 24. That the party at whose Suit any one is in Execution for debt or damages recovered their Executors or Administrators may after the death of the person so charged and dying in Execution lawfully sue forth new Execution against the Lands and Tenements Goods and Chattels of the person so deceased in like manner as if the person so deceased had never been taken in Execution Howbeit this Act shall
Prisoner be removed out of the Fleet that was there in Execution out of the Common-Pleas and he be removed by a Habeas Corpus cum causa and then sent to the Marshalsey for another debt and escape from thence In this case the Keeper of the Marshalsey and not the Warden of the Fleet shall be chargeable for both the first and the second debt Co. 4.98 Dyer 278. 10. If a Woman be Warden of the Fleet and she hath Prisoner one in Execution at my Suit and they marry together this shall be adjudged an escape in Law in the Woman for the prisoner is now by Law discharged So if a man have a Prison in Fee and his son and heir be his prisoner and he dye and the prison descend to his son this will be an escape in Law in the Guardian for which I may have an Action of Escape Plowd 37. The Statutes concerning this Point are Westm 2. cap. 18. He that recovereth debt or damages in the Kings Court may at his choyce have a Scire facias of the Lands and Chattels of the debtor or a Writ for the Sheriff to deliver him all the Chattels of the debtor except Oxen and Plough Beasts and the moyety of his Land by a reasonable Extent till the debt be levied And if he be ejected out of the Land he shall have an Assise and afterwards a Writ of Redisseisin if need be Stat. 32 H. 8. cap. 5. Lands lawfully delivered in Execution upon a Judgment or Recognisance being evicted without any fraud or default in the Tenant before he have levied the whole debt and damages the Recoverer and the Recognisee shall have a Scire facias out of the same Court where Execution was awarded returnable there full Forty dayes after the date And thereupon a new Writ of Execution of the nature of the former to levy the rest of his debt and damages if the Defendant make default or shew no good matter in barre Westm 2. cap. 46. For all things recorded before the Kings Justices or contained in Fines whether Contracts Covenants Obligations Services or Customs acknowledged or any other things enrolled A Writ of Execution shall be within the year so as the parties shall not need to plead After the year a Scire facias Of a Statute A Statute as it is taken for a legal assurance is an Obligation of Record and it is so called because it is made in pursuance of and according to the Form particularly provided for the same and is of three sorts viz. 1. A Statute Merchant 2. A Statute-Staple 3. A Recognisance 1. The Statute-Merchant is a Bond acknowledged before one of the Clerks of the Statutes Merchant and Mayor c. of the City of London or two Merchants of the said City for that purpose assigned or before the Mayor of York c. chief Warden Master or Mayor of other Cities or Towns or before the Bayliffs of any Burrough or other sufficient men for that purpose appointed sealed with the Seal of the Debtor or Recognisor and of the King which is of two pieces the greater is kept by the Mayor c. and the lesser by the said Clerks This is upon 13 E. 1. Stat. 4. Acton Burnell 11 E. 1. Co. upon Lit. 289. And is after this Form NOverint universi per praesentes me A. B. de c. Teneri C. D. de c. in mille libris legalis monetae Angliae solvendis eidem C.D. ad Festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli anno Regni Regis c. Et nisi fecero concedo quod currat super me et haeredes meos districtio et Poena provis in Statut. Domini Regis edit apud Westm Dat. apud Lond. die c. anno c. Or otherwise thus NOverint Universi per praesentes me R. D. de M. in Parochia de B. in Com. W. Gen. Teneri et per hoc praesens scriptum de Statut. Mercator firmiter Obligari H. M. de C. in Comitatu Civitatis L. Generos in quingentis libris bonae et legalis monetae Angliae solvend eid H. M. aut suo certo Attornato Executoribus et Assignatis suis in festo c. Et si non fecero volo et concedo quod currant super me haeredes Executores et Administratores meo● Districtiones et poenae praemissae in statut ●dit in Parliament Domini Edwardi primi quondam Regis Angliae apud Acton Burnell pro debitis mercatorum Recuperand ' Dat. In English thus MEmorandum That R. T. of H. in the County of K. Esq such a day and year came before our Lord the King in his Chancery at Westminster personally constituted and then and there acknowledged That he did owe c. to E. F. of C. in the County of L. Gent. and S. H. of D. in the said County of L. Gent. c. five hundred pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to the said E F. and S. H. or to their certain Attorney Executors or Assigns on the Feast of St. c. next coming after the date of these presents And if he shall fail in the payment of the aforesaid summe of Money at the Feast aforesaid that then the said R.T. for himself his Executors and Assigns willeth and granteth That the said summe of money shall be levied of his Lands and Tenements Goods and Chattels to the use of the said E.F. and S. H. their Executors and Assigns Witness our said Lord the King at Westminster the day and year above mentioned And these kinds of Statutes although at first ordained and used for Merchants onely yet at this day it is and may be used by any others and it is become one of the most frequent and usual assurances in the Kingdom 2. The Staple doth signifie this or that Town whither the Merchants by common order and command do carry their Commodities as Wooll and the like to vent and utter by the great or whole-sale The Statute-Staple is either properly or improperly so called That which is properly so called is a Bond of Record acknowledged before the Mayor of the Staple in the presence of one of the two Constables of the same Staple and sealed with the Seal of the Staple and sometimes also with the Seal of the party which it seems is not absolutely necessary This was devised and used only for Merchants and Merchandizes of the same Staple and is founded upon 27 E. 3. Stat. 2. Co. super Litt. 289. But this now may be used by Merchants or any other for the payment of debts or assurance of Lands or other things and is of the same nature with the Statute-Merchant A Statute-Staple improperly so called is an Obligation of Record founded upon the Statute of 23 H. 8.6 and is in the nature of a Statute-staple and of the same force This is and may be acknowledged before one of the Chief Justices and in their absence before the Mayor of the Staple at Westminster and the Recorder
of London It is sealed with three Seals viz. the Seals of the Conusors the King and one of the Justices or else the Mayor and Recorder The Form of it is thus Noveritis c. me A.B. teneri C.D. in mille libris solvend eidem ad Festum sancti c. Et si defecero in solutione debitī praedicti Volo Concedo quod tunc currat super me Haeredes et Executores meos meos Poena in Statuto Stapulae debit pro Mercandisis in eadem emptis recuperand ordinat et provis Dat. c. Or thus Noverint Universi per praesentes nos A.B. C.D. teneri et firmiter Obligari J.S. in mille libris sterlingor ' solvend eid J.S. aut suo certo Attornato hoc script ostend ' Haeredibus vel Executoribus suis in festo c. proxime futur post dat praesentium et si defecerimus in solutione debiti praedicti Volumus et concedimus quod tunc super nos et quemlibet nostrum Haeredes et Executores nostros poena in Statuto stapulae de debit ' pro Mercandisis in e●d emptis recuperand ordinat et provis Dat. c. Anno Regni c. Vide Stat. 23 H. 8.6 Cro. 1.326 Co. 2. Inst 678. There are divers other Recognizances taken and acknowledged before the Lord Chancellor Master of the Rolls and others as the Justices of the one and the other Bench Barons of the Exchequer Judges of the Circuits Justices of the Peace and Sheriffs some whereof are by the Common-Law and some by certain Statutes And amongst these some are without Seal and recorded onely and some are sealed and recorded also Some of them are in the nature of Bayl and some of them are given to the King and both these are of the nature of the former kind of Recognisances which we will not meddle with but onely those made to subjects and for the payment of money or the doing of some other thing by one subject to another wherein he that doth enter into the Statute or Recognisance is called the Conusor or Debtor and he to whom it is made is termed the Conusee For the better understanding of matters relating to those things we are to observe That the forementioned Statutes are much of the nature of a Judgment had upon a Suit in the Kings-Bench or Common-Pleas and therefore are called Pocket-Judgements 2. That if the Writing be not as good as a Statute it will not be good to any purpose for if void as a Statute it will be void as an Obligation Cro. 3.319.494 3. That a Statute first acknowledged shall be preferred before a Judgment after had So that if a man acknowledg a Statute and after confess a Judgment and the Land be extended on the Judgement the Conusee shall have a Scire facias to avoid the Extent upon the Judgment And yet a Judgment had in a Court of Record shall be preferred in case of an Executor before a Statute and the Executor is to satisfie the Judgment before the Statute And it is held per totam Curiam That be the Judgment first or last it must be first satisfied Co. 6.45 in Higgons Case Plowd 32. Pemberton and Bartons Case Co. 4. in Sadlers Case Dyer 80. 4. If one owe me a Debt upon a Statute and dye his Executor or Administrator must see me paid this debt before ●e pay any debt to a Subject upon a Bond or for Rent or upon a single or simple contract it must be paid next after Debts upon Judgement 5. All Statutes Merchant and of the Staple are to be brought to the Clerk of the Recognizances within four moneths and to be enrolled within six moneths otherwise they will be void as to purchasors 27 Eliz. cap. 4. 6. That a Statute or Recognisance if it be obtained upon an Usurious contract or of purpose to deceive men in the purchase of their Lands or for the obtaining of their just debts they will be void or voidable by this Cro. 2.67 425. 7. That if two do acknowledge a Recognisance or Statute of 1000 l. quilibet eorum in solido this will be joynt and several and the Conusee may have several Scire Facias's upon it And it is said that a special Recognisance may by express words bind the Lands of the Conusor in one County only Co. 2. part Inst 395. 8. If a Statute Staple be not sealed with the Seal of the party that doth acknowledg it yet it seems to be good enough for the Statute doth not require it But a Recognisance within the Stat. of 23 H. 8. cannot be good except the Seal of the party be to it for so are the words of the Statute by three Justices of the Common-Pleas Trin. 22 Jac. 9. If a Statute be made to two and one of them come with it he shall have Execution in both their names And it is the common course that any stranger that comes with a Statute may have Execution of it in the dame of the Recognisee And if after the death of the Recognisee a stranger come in his own name and shew the Statute he shall have Execution of it though as we said the Conusee himself come not in person 10. If the Conusor of a Statute Merchant or Staple c. be taken and he dye in Execution yet the Conusee shall have Execution of his Lands and Goods Or if the Conusor in Execution escape his Goods and Lands shall be taken and executed upon the Statute For the action given to the Conusee against the Sheriff for the Escape is not a satisfaction Co. 5.86 87. Fitz. 246. 11. A Writ of Extent was awarded in the time of Queen Mary returnable Quindena Martini the Writ executed by Inquisition in the life of the Queen but before the return the Queen dyed and yet it was returned and a Liberate granted in the time of the next Queen In this case it was doubted by the Court That the Extent was not well returned Dyer 205. 12. In a Scire facias upon a Recognisance Joynt-Tenancy is a good plea to abate the Writ and if it be upon a Judgment to have Execution it is a good barr that the Plaintiff hath assigned his damages to the King although the King have not levied So also it is a good barr to say that the Sheriff hath levied the money by Fieri facias albeit he hath not returned the Writ Moores Rep. 671 693. 13. If an Extent be sued by an Executrix upon a Statute made to her Testator and she dye before the Inquisition taken this Inquisition may as it seems be taken after her death and an Administrator de bonis non administratis of the Testator upon this Extent sued by the Executrix may have a Liberate and shall not need to begin again and have a new Certificate and a new Extent and Liberate Cro. 1.326 But this shall suffice as to those Particulars I will now shew you what is liable to
and Jury upon this Writ is called an Extent And if the Sheriff or Apprisors upon the Extendi facias over-value the Lands or Goods in favour to the debtor the Conusee hath no remedy but by motion in that Court where the Writ is returnable at the Return day or at least the same Term to desire that the Apprisors may take the Lands or Goods at the rate they have valued them in the same manner as the Corusee is to have them And a Sale made of Goods in this case by the Sheriff is as strong as if it were in Market-overt And when the Conusee is in possession of Lands by such an Extent as before then is he Tenant by Statute And after the Conusee is once setled in peace in the Lands extended he shall hold them till he be satisfied his debt and his reasonable costs and damages for travel suit delay and expence See for this Dyer 299. Co. 5.87 F.N.B. 130. Co. on Litt. 290. Co. 2. Part Inst 395 396. The proceedings upon the other kinds of Recognisances are after another manner For upon Recognizances at the Common Law if the money be not paid at the day the Conusee his Executor or Administrator is to bring a Scire facias against the Conusor or if he be dead against his heir when he is of full age or if the Lands the Conusor had at the time of entring into the Recognisance be sold against the Purchasors of them which the Conusor had at any time after the Recognisance entred into to warn them to come into the Court whence the Scire facias issued to shew cause why Execution should not be made upon the said Recognisance and if the party or parties cannot be sound to be warned or being warned do not appear at the time or appearing do not shew cause why the debt should not be levied In this case the Conusee shall have Execution of his moiety by Elegit or if the Conusor be living of all his Goods by Levari or Fieri facias at his Election but he may not have Execution of his Body unless he bring an Action of Debt upon the Recognisance as in this case he may do or it be by the course of the Court as it is in the Kings Bench on a Bayl wherein a Capias doth lye Dyer 315 360 366. The proceedings against the Sureties upon Statutes are to be in the same manner as the proceeding against the Principal And yet where the Principal hath moveables to satisfie the debt the Surety as it seems is not to be charged I will Illustrate this matter in the next place with some few Cases And first 1. Tenant by Elegit upon Judgments and Recognisances is to hold the Land until he be answered his debt without his costs and Mises c. But Tenant by Statute Merchant Statute-Staple or by Recognisance in nature of a Statute-Staple is to hold the Land c. untill he be paid his debt together with his Mises and Costs Co. 2. part Inst 678. 2. In case where Extenders upon Elegit or other Writ of Execution or upon a Recognisance in Court do extend the Land too high they shall not be forced to take it at the rate as the Extenders of Land for Execution upon a Statute-Merchant Staple or Recognisance in nature of a Statute-Staple shall be Bendloes Rep. 15. Co. on Litt. 290. Yelverton 55. 3. If one seised of White-acre Black-acre and Green-acre enter into a Statute or Judgment against him and then he enfeoffeth A. of White-acre and B. of Black-acre and keep Green-acre to himself in this case the Conusee or Plaintiff may have his Execution upon the moiety of Green-acre and not meddle with the other two Acres if he please but he may not in such case extend a moiety only in the hands of both the purchasors but he must extend a moiety in the hands of both the purchasors and of all the rest of the Land subject to the Execution for if he leave out any 〈◊〉 it the party grieved thereby will have his remedy and avoid the Execution by Audita Querela for where the Books say each purchaser shall have contribution in that case it is intended that such extent shall be avoided of that part and all the Land shall be extended and equally charged And so it is in this case where Green-acre shall descend to an heir there the Conusee may extend onely the moiety of this Acre in the hand of the heir and not meddle with the two Acres in the hands of the purchasors if he please But where there be two or more Conusors in a Statute c. there the Lands of them all and not of one of them are to be extended Co. 2. part Inst 396. 4. If two persons recover against one in debt severally and he that hath the first Judgment sues an Elegit and hath the moyety of the Land in Execution and then the other sues an Elegit In this case he that last sueth shall have but a moyety of the moyety that is left Cro. 3.482 5. If the Conusee on a Statute or Recognisance in nature of a Statute receive his whole debt by the Land yet may not the Counsor enter but where upon an Elegit he is satisfied there the Conusor may enter on his Land Co. 2. Part. Inst 600. In the last place I will give you the Statutes concerning this matter Westm 2. cap. 46. For all things recorded before the Kings Justices or contained in Fines whether Contracts Covenants Obligations Services or Customs acknowledged or any other things enrolled a Writ of Execution shall be within the year so as the parties shall not need to plead c. Stat. de Acton Burnell 11 E. 1. A Debt acknowledged to a Merchant before the Mayor of London York or Bristol or before a Mayor or Clerk appointed by the King thereunto shall be enrolled And if the Debtor fail of his payment at the day the Debtee or his Executors may call for Execution and upon notice thereof to the Mayor and Clerk they shall cause his Chattels and Moveables to be sold as far as the debt doth amount by Apprisement of honest men and the money without delay shall be paid to the Creditor and in case they cannot sell them they shall cause so much of the moveables to be delivered to him as amounts to the debt and the Kings Seale shall be put to the sale and deliverance and if the Debtor have no moveables within the Mayors Jurisdiction then shall the Mayor send the Recognisance unto the Chancellor under the Kings Seal and the Chancellor shall thereupon direct a Writ to the Sheriff in whose Bayliffwick the Moveables of the Debtor be who shall proceed therein as the Mayor might have done if the Moveables had been in his power If the Apprizors set too high a value on the things that are to be sold they shall be compellable to take them at the same prices and shall
forthwith be answerable to the Creditor for his debt And albeit the moveable Goods are sold for less than they are worth yet is the Debtor without Remedy and it shall be imputed to his own folly that he would not sell them himself while he might And if the Debtor have no moveables whereon the debt may be levied he shall be imprisoned and there remain till he agree with his Creditor and if he be in want the Creditor shall find him bread and water which the prisoner shall also satisfie before he be inlarged And if it be a Merchant Stranger that is Creditor he shall be satisfied for his stay about the business And if the Debtor have Sureties they shall be proceeded against in like form as is before declared against the Debtor howbeit so long as the Debt may be levied of the goods moveable of the Debtor his Pledges or Mainpernors shall be without damage Stat. de Mercatoribus 13 E. 1. A Debt acknowledged to a Merchant before the Mayor of London or Chief Warden of a Town which the King shall appoint or other sufficient Men when they cannot attend and before a Clerk which the King shall assign shall be enrolled and if it be not paid at the day the Debtor ●f he be a Lay-man shall be imprisoned by the Mayor till c. if he be within their power else by Writ out of the Chancery upon Certificate of a Recognisance thither And if he agree with the Creditor within a quarter of a year after then all the Lands which were the Debtors the day of the Recognisance made and also his Goods shall be delivered to the Creditors upon a reasonable extent And of these Lands so delivered the Conusee being ousted shall have an Assise or Redisseisin The Writs out of the Chancery shall be returnable before the Justices of either Bench and upon a Non est inventus returned or that he is a Clerk Writs to all the Sheriffs where he hath Lands or Goods shall go forth to deliver the same upon reasonable extent and to what Sheriff he will to take his Body The like process shall be against the pledges if the money be not paid at the day If the debtor or pledges dye the creditor shall have Execution upon the Lands of the heir at his full age Magna Charta cap. 8. The King shall not take the Lands or Rents of the debtors if he have sufficient Chattels Magna Charta cap. 18. The goods of the Debtor may be attached after his death by the view of lawful men that nothing shall be medled with till the Kings debt be paid Stat. 27 E. 3. cap. 9. The Mayor of the Staple shall take Recognisance of debt before himself and the Constables of the Staple whereupon default of payment being made the debtors Body shall be imprisoned and his goods sold in satisfaction if they be within the Staple else upon a Certificate into the Chancery a Writ shall go out from thence to imprison their Bodies and seize their Lands and goods which shall be returned into the Chancery and Execution thereupon in all respects as in the Statute-Merchant 〈◊〉 save that the debtor shall have no advantage of the quarter of a year Stat. 5 H. 4. cap. 12. A Statute being once shewed in the Common-Pleas and the process afterwards discontinued yet Execution may be afterwards awarded without shewing it again 11 H. 6. cap. 10. He that is in prison upon a Recognisance shall not be delivered out of prison upon a Scire facias against the party and surety thereupon found to the King alone but shall find Sureties severally as well to the King as to the other party Stat. 23 H. 8. cap. 6. Either of the Chief Justices or in their absence out of the same Term the Mayor of the Staple of Westminster with the Recorder of London may take Recognisances And they shall be executed in all respects as a Statute-Staple Stat. 27 Eliz. cap. 4. Every Statute-staple or Merchant not brought to the Clerk of the Recognisances within four moneths next after the acknowledging to enter a true copy thereof shall be against all persons their heirs successors executors administrators and assigns onely which for good consideration shall after the acknowledging of the same statute purchase the Land or any part lyable thereunto or any Rent Lease or profit of it Stat. 33. H. 8. cap. 39. All Obligations to the King shall be of the force of a Statute-staple If the Owner of goods sell his goods after the Teste of the Extent and before the Inquisition taken yet the Sheriff may seise and extend them Mores Rep. Case 72. Of a Dephesance A Defeasance which doth infectum reddere quod factum est signifies in our Law nothing but a Condition annexed to an Act as to an Obligation Recognisance Statute or Judgment which being performed by him that is bound and chargeable by the Act the Act it self is disabled and made void as if it had never been made or done And this is more peculiarly and properly applied to such conditional Instruments as are made in avoidance of Statutes and Recognisances at or after the time of entring into the same It differs from a Condition in this That a Condition is alwayes made at the same time with the Deed and commonly either annexed to it or inserted in it But a Defeasance is alwayes made in a Deed by it self and for the most part after the Original Deed is made or Act done to which it hath relation Wherein observe That all such things as are executory being created may by consent of all the parties to the creation of it be defeated so amongst others Bargain and Sales Statutes Recognisances and Judgements For it is a rule That in all Executory things that are made or created by Deed or Record the same thing by the consent of all the parties may in the like way be defeated and avoided Nihil est tam conveniens naturali aequitati quam quod unumquodque dissolvatur eo ligamine quo ligatur Co. upon Lit. 236. Plow 193.237 Co. 1.112 113. To make a good Defeasance these things are necessarily required 1. That if it be eodem mode it must be avoided by some act or instrument in Writing as it was created and therefore a Parol agreement to avoid a Statute will not be good It must therefore be by Deed but whether it be indented or Poll is not material Co. 1.14 Broo. Defeasance 13. Plowd 393. 2. That if it recite the Judgment or Statute which is very fit though not absolutely necessary care must be taken to reci●●● very exactly for if a Defeasance be made of a Statute or Recognisance made 1. Maii and it be recited to be made 10. of Maii it will be void so if it recite a Judgment as of Hillary Term and in truth it was in Easter Term. Plowd 393. Co. 1.113 3. It must be made between the same persons that were partie● to the