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A33419 The Clerks vade mecum, or, A choice collection of modern presidents according to the best forms extant, and such as have not formerly been printed : containing all sorts of bargains and sales, leases, mortgages, grants, covenants, surrenders &c. : usefull for all persons that have relation to the practick part of the common law ... / fatihfully perused by T.P. T. P. 1655 (1655) Wing C4651; ESTC R25308 386,429 737

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c. That hee the said T VV his c. and every of them shall and may according to the tenor and true meaning of these presents peaceably and quietly have hold and enjoy all the said demised premisses with the appurtenances and every part thereof free and cleer freely and cleerly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of former bargaines sales gifts grants leases joyntures dowers uses wills intailes statutes recognizances judgments extents executions and from all other estates titles troubles and incumbrances whatsoever had made committed suffered or done by them the said C B and I D or either of them or by any other person or persons by their or either of their means act title or procurement And lastly the said I B for himself c. That he the said I B his heires and assignes and every of them shall and will at all times hereafter and from time to time upon request made For further assurance and at the costs and charges in the law of the said T VV party to these presents his executors or assignes or some of them make do and execute or cause to be made done and executed all and every such further and other reasonable act and acts thing and things whatsoever for the further better assurance surety more sure making and conveying of the said demised premisses with the appurtenances and every part thereof unto the said T VV party to these presents his c. during the term aforesaid and in such manner and forme upon such rents covenants and conditions as is before herein mentioned according to the effect and true meaning of these presents as by the said T VV his c. or by his or their councel learned in the law shal be reasonably devised or advised and required In witnesse c. A grant of an extent penned by Mr. Tho. Bromely then Solicitor THis INDENTURE made the c. betweene I D of c. and VV D of c. on the one part and T P and T O of c. on the other part Witnesseth That whereas the right Honorable E Lord S. by the name of E S Esq by one recognizance bearing date c. taken knowledged and sealed before Sir R D Knight Lord chief Justice of England according to the forme of the statute for the recovery of debts in that case provided standeth bound to the said I D in the sum of c. payable c. as by the same recognizance c. And where also the said I D hath extended and to him delivered in execution the Manor of N. with the appurtenances in the County of c. at the yearly rent of c. for non-payment of the said sum of c. Now the said I D for divers good causes and considerations him hereunto especially moving hath granted assigned and set over unto the said W D. T B. G B. and T O all his estate right title interest and demand which he hath by reason of the said extent of in and to the Manor of N. with the appurtenances and of in and to every part and parcel thereof and of in and to all and singular messuages lands tenements meadows leasowes pastures rents reversions services and hereditaments with the appurtenances so extended and delivered in execution as aforesaid and the said I D for himself c. That hee the said I D his executors administrators or assignes at any time or times hereafter shall not do any act or acts thing or things whereby the said extent and extents or the estate title or interest of the said W D c. or any of them or of the executors or administrators or assignes of them or any of them by reason of the same extent may be in any wise hurt hindred impeached discharged undone or made void And further that he the said I D his heires executors and administrators shall and will at the reasonable request costs and charges in the law of the said W D or any of them do and suffer to be done made acknowledged all and every such lawful and reasonable act acts thing and things devise and devises in the law whatsoever for the further assurance surety sure making and conveying of the premisses for and during all the term and time of the said extent and execution unto the said W T. B. G B. and T O. as by the learned councel of them or any of them shall be reasonably devised or advised and required In witnesse c. The copy of a recognizance taken by a Justice of Peace for the appearance of certain persons at the Sessions BE it remembred that the twentieth day of c. T D of c. came before me T S Esq one of the Justices of the peace of our said Lord the King in the said County assigned to keep c. and did acknowledg himself to owe to our said Lord the King 40 l. of lawfull c. to be made and leavyed of his goods chattels lands and tenements to the use and behoof of our said Lo. the K. And W R F of c. likewise came and undertook for the said T D each of them in the penalty of 20 l. of their goods chattels lands and tenements also to be raised and leavied to the use and behoof of our said Lo. the King if the said T D shall make default in the condition ensuing c. The condition c. That if the above bounden TD do be and personably appear before his Majesties Justices of the Peace and general Gaol delivery to be holden within the said Countie then and there to answer such matters as on his Majesties part and behalfe shall be objected against him touching the suspition of the felonious stealing of a gray Mare of the goods and chattels of a man unknown and not depart thence without the licence of the Court. That then c. A surrender of the captainship of a Castle KNow all men Me. P T c. to have surrendred to our most excellent Prince and Lord James by the grace of God c. the office of keeping and captainship of the Castle of C in the County of S. and the office of keeping of the waters of C and P in the said Countie and the vails and fees of two shillings of lawfull c. by the day for the execution of the said office and all other things which our said Lord the King by his Letters Patents dated at Westm c. in the yeare of his Reigne c. hath granted unto mee as fully and wholly as they were all granted to me with this intention neverthelesse that our said Lord the King by his other Letters patents would vouchsafe to grant all and singular the premisses unto R B of c. for the term of his life In witnesse c. An assignment of a bond for performance of Covenants TO all Christian people c. I I of c. sends greeting c. Whereas
the law of the said R L and G L their heirs or assignes or of some of them do make knowledge execute and suffer or cause to be done made knowledged executed and suffered unto the said R L and G L their heires and assignes for ever all and every such act and acts thing and things assurance and assurances conveyance and conveyances in the law whatsoever for the better more perfect sure and absolute conveying and assuring of all and singular the said mannor and lordship rectory advowson messuages lands tenements hereditaments and all other the premisses with the appurtenances by the said recited indenture mentioned or intended to be granted bargained and sold unto the said R L and G L their heirs and assignes for ever absolutely without any manner of condition mortgage or Redemption be it by fine feoffment recoverie or recoveries with single or double voucher or vouchers deed or deeds inrolled or not inrolled inrolment of this present Lease confirmation or by all or any of them or otherwise by any other lawfull and reasonable act and devise with warranty of him the said R M and his heirs against all men or otherwise without warranty if it be so required as shall be reasonably devised or advised by the learned Councel of the said R L and G L their heirs or assigns or some or one of them And it is covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and between all the said parties to these presents For passing of a Recovery That T H and W B by writ of Entry sur disseisin in le post to be by them sued forth at the costs and charges of the said R L and G L out of the Kings Majesties Court of Chancery and to be returned into the Kings Majesties Court of Common Pleas before the Justices there against them the said R L and G L then in possession of the said premisses shall recover the said Mannor and Lordship Rectory Advowson Messuages Lands Tenements Herediditaments and other the premisses mentioned meant or intended in or by the said recited Indenture to be bargained and sold with their rights members and appurtenances in due form of Law against the said R L and G L then being Tenants of the said premisses with the appurtenances by some name or names in the said Writ and Recovery to be contained and upon the said Writ and proceeding thereupon the said R L and G L after appearance shall vouch over to warrantie the said R M and that the said R M shall thereunto appear and vouch over to warrant the common vouch and that each of them the said R L and G L and the said R M shall do and suffer all and whatsoever to them and either of them in that behalf shall belong and appertain for the suffering of a good and perfect recovery of all the said Manors Lordships lands tenements and other the premisses mentioned in the said Indenture to be thereby given granted bargained and sold unto the said R L and G L according to the course of common Recoveries and assurances of lands tenements and hereditaments and that the said recovery shall in due form of Law be executed by the Writ of our said Soveraign Lord the King of habere facias seisinam accordingly And it is by these presents likewise fully concluded agreed and declared by and between all the parties to these presents To lead the use of the recovery That the said Recovery and all other Recoveries whatsoever had made acknowledged leavied executed or suffered or to be had made acknowledged executed or suffered of the premisses or of any percell thereof by or between the said parties or any of them and the full force and execution of the same and every of them shall be and inure and shall be had taken construed esteemed and adjudged to be and to inure to the onely uses provisions conditions and limitations before herein mentioned and the true intent and plain meaning of the said Indenture and of these presents and to no other use behoof intent or purpose And it is further covenanted For payment of a more sum of money for the absolute purchase of the land mortgaged conditioned concluded and fully agreed by and between the said parties to these presents and the true intent and meaning of the same parties to these presents is And the said R L and G L doe covenant c. That if neither the said R M his heirs executors administrators nor any of them doe pay or cause to be paid unto the said R L and G L their executors administrators or assignes nor to any of them the said summe of eight hundred pounds c. at the day and place of payment thereof above mentioned but shall make default of payment thereof or of any part or parcell thereof according to the true meaning of the said Proviso or Condition whereby or by reason whereof the premisses and every parcell thereof shall become absolute to the said R L and G L their heires and assignes according to the true intent and plain meaning of these presents that then they the said R L and G L their heirs executors administrators or assignes or some of them shall and will pay or cause to be paid unto the said R M his heirs executors administrators or assignes at or c. The full sum of c. in manner and form following That is to say on the eighteenth day of c. the sum of 120 pounds and within one whole year next ensuing the day of the death of the said R M the Father the summe of one thousand pounds at the end of one other whole year then next following 1000 and at the end of one other whole year also then next ensuing one other thousand pounds in full satisfaction of and for the clear and absolute purchase of the said Manor and Lordship rectory advowson messuages lands tenements hereditaments and of all and singular other the premisses in the said Indenture mentioned to be thereby given granted bargained and sold and of every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances Forster Councel In witnesse c. A covenant to surrender Copy-hold lands c. ANd the said D S for the consideration before in these presents expressed doth further covenant promise and grant for her self her heirs executors and administrators and for every of them to and with the said I P. his heirs and assigns by these presents That she the said D S or her heirs shall and will on this side and before the Feast of c. at the charges in the law of the said I P his c. make and suffer or cause to be made and suffered a good and sufficient surrender in law to the use of the said I P his heirs c. for ever according to the custome of the Manor of C. of one field and close of Pasture c. and so recite the land verbatim and of every part and parcel thereof with the
to be due and owing by me to any person or persons be by my Executrix of this my present last Will and Testament hereafter named well and truly paid And as touching the disposition of my Temporal things First I give and bequeath unto my Nephew c. Item I give and bequeath c. And after all Legacies and portions given The residue of all and singular my goods chattels debts leases jewels plate houshold-stuff and summes of mony and other things whatsoever not hereby given or bequeathed willed or appointed my debts and Legacies being paid and Funeral discharged I wholly give and bequeath to my executrix hereafter named And I do by these presents make and ordain my well beloved Wife I R Sole Executrix of this my present last Will and Testament to see the same truly performed And I do also hereby make and ordaine my said Loving Brother in Law I W of c. and my loving Friend Master H B of c. Overseers of this my last Will and Testament And do give and bequeath unto the said H B for his labour and paines in that behalf the summe of ten pounds of c. And I do hereby ordain and appoint that my said Executrix shall in all things touching the execution of this my last Will be ruled and governed by my said overseers or the survivor of them and that all doubts arising in any thing conteined in this my Will be ordered discussed and determined by my said overseers or the Survivour of them and whatsoever they or the Survivor of them shall so order and discusse I will shall be as my Will Blunden In witnesse whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and set my Seal the day and yeare above written Sealed published and delivered as the last Will and Testament of the above named W R in the presence of _____ To sue forth a writ of Entry of a Manor THis INDENTVRE made c. Witnesseth that it is covenanted granted condescended and fully agreed by and between the said parties to these presents And the said H E doth covenant c. to and with c. That he the said H E or his heires before the Feast of c. at the proper costs and charges in the Law of the said W G his heires or assignes shall permit and suffer A B and C D to bring and sue out of the Queenes Majesties high Court of Chancery one writ of Entre sur disseisin in le post against the said W G. teturnable before the Justices of the Common pleas at a certain day before the said Feast By which writ the said A B and C D shall demand against the said W G all that Manor of S c. by the name of c. or by any other name or names whatsoever whereunto the said W G shall appear before the said Justices at the said day of return to be conteined in the said writ in his own proper person or by his Atturney sufficiently Authorized by the Law for the same upon which appearance the said A B and C D shall declare against the said W G according to the nature of the same writ And that he the said E shall permit and suffer the said W G to make defence and to vouch over to warranty the said H E and the same H E by himself or his Atturney sufficiently authorized by Law for the same shall vouc● over to warrant the common vouchee and thereupon imparle after the same imparlance in the same Term shall make default and depart in contempt out of the Court to the intent a perfect Recovery and judgment in the said writ may be had against the said W G of the said Manor and Lordship and all other the premises according to the order and course of common Recoveries in such cases used And further that the said Recovery and the Judgement and execution thereupon so as is aforesaid to be had and pursued by the said A B and C D shall be to the only use and behoof of the said W G and of his heires and assignes and to none other use intent and purpose A Covenant for incumbrances In witnesse c. To sue forth a Recovery in the Hastings Court London upon a writ of Right THis INDENTURE made c. Between c. Witnesseth that whereas T H did by his deed of feoffement late give and grant unto the said I N and A his wife and E N all those his four messuages c. to have and to hold the said four messuages c. to the said I M. to the use and behoof of the said I A and E and of the heires and assignes of the said I for ever It is therefore covenanted condescended and agreed between the said I A and E and the said I for him his heirs and assignes doth covenant c. to and with the said E his heires and executors by these presents That before the Feast of c. a Recovery shall be had and suffered by the said I N A his wife and E N. of the said four messuages and other the premises with their appurtenances in a writ of right patent in the Hastings pleas of L. against the said T H and A his wife and the said E by such person and persons as by the said I A and E shall be named And that after such Recovery thereof sued and had the same recoverour and recoverours shall stand and be seized of the said foure messuages c. to the use of the said I and A his wife during their two lives and the longest liver of them And after their decease to the use of the said E. and of the heires of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such issue of the body of the said E to the use of the heires and assignes of the said I for ever In witnesse c. An other for a Recovery to bee passed THis INDENTURE made c. Between c. Witnesseth that it is covenanted condescended and agreed between the said parties to these presents in manner and form following viz. That he the said A shall and will permit and suffer the said C D to recover against him the said A by one writ of Entre sur disseisin in le post with vouchers after the order and course of common recoveries all those three Marishes c. All which premises the said A now purposeth and intendeth to convey to himselfe and to his heires in fee simple and to extinguish and to destroy all such estate as he now hath in the same with all such remainders as be thereupon depending And also that he the same A shall and will permit and suffer the said C D to execute the said Recovery which said recovery so to be had knowledged and executed shall remaine and be to the onely use and behoof of the same A and of his heirs and assignes for ever and to none other uses or intents And further it is covenanted
seized and hath power to demise ANd the said G H for himselfe c. That he the said G H at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents is and standeth lawfully seized of an indefeizible estate of inheritance in Fee-simple or Fee-taile of and in all and singular the before demised premisses with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof without any manner of condition or limitation of use or uses to alter and change the same and also that he the said G H now hath full power true Title and absolute Authority to demise grant c. the said Messuage Tenement or Farm and all other the demised premisses with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof unto the said I P his executors administrators and assigns for the term of c. in manner and form as in and by these presents is mentioned limited and expressed A Covenant That the Lessee shall not commit waste cut nor sell the trees without the consent of the Lessor AND the said T H for himselfe c. That he the said T H his executors administrators and assignes nor any of them shall not at any time hereafter during the said term commit cause procure or wittingly suffer to be done any manner of wilful waste or destruction in and upon the premisses or any part thereof nor shall cut sell take or carry away or cause procure or wittingly or willingly suffer to be cut felled taken or carryed away any of the woods under-woods or trees growing standing and being or which hereafter shall stand grow or be in or upon the premisses before demised or in or upon any part or parcel thereof without the License consent or agreement of the said V R his heires or assignes in writing first had and obtained A Liberty to make Leases PRovided alwayes and the true intent c. That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said I P at any time hereafter during c. to lease demise or grant the said Manor Lands c. or any part or parcel thereof to any person or persons whatsoever for the term of c. and under such Covenants Articles and Agreements and to such use and uses as to the said I P shall be thought meet and convenient any thing before in these presents contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding An Indenture of Covenants for passing of a Recovery in the Common Pleas to cut off an Intail THis INDENTURE made c. between E C of c of the one part and W O and I H of c. of the other part Witnesseth That it is covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and betweene the said parties to these presents and the said E C shall and will permit and suffer the said W O and J H to purchase and bring out of the Kings Majesties High Court of Chancery a Writ of Entry Sur Disseisin in le post returnable before the Justices of the Common Pleas at Westminster at some certain day of Return in Easter Terme next coming by which Writ the said VV O and I H shall demand against the said E C all that Messuage Tenement or Farm with t●e appurtenances situate c. late in c. and also all that close of Pasture ground commonly called c. containing c. and all that close of Pasture c. and also all and singular Lands Tenements Rents Reversions Services Commons Profits Commodities Emoluments and Hereditaments whatsoever with all and singular the appurtenances to the premisses or any part or parcel thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining by such name and names and in such manner and form and by such number and quantity of acres as by the said W O and I H or the Survivors of them or the Counsel learned of them shall be demised To which Writ the said E C shall appear personally or by Atturney in the said Court of Common Pleas and enter into the said warranty and imparle and shall not after depart in contempt of the Court so as a good and perfect recovery shall and may be had in due form and order of Law of the said Messuages Land c. and all other the premisses with the appurtenances according to the usual course of common recoveries for assurances of Lands and Tenements in the said Court of Common Pleas. And that a Writ of Habere fac ' seifinam shall be thereupon awarded executed and returned accordingly And it is further condescended and agreed by and between all the said parties to these presents That as well the said recovery so to be had and executed as aforesaid as also all and every other recovery or recoveries conveyances and assurances whatsoever which before the Feast of c. shall be had and executed by and between the said parties to these presents or any of them of the said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and all and every other the premisses with the appurtenances or of any part or parcel thereof by what name or names soever the same shall be so had and executed and the full force and execution of them and every of them shall enure and be and shall be construed adjudged and taken to be and enure unto the said VV O and I H and the Survivors of them and the Heirs of the Survivors of them shall for ever from thenceforth stand and be seized thereof and of every part thereof to the only use and behoof of the said E C. his heirs and assigns for ever and to no other use intent or purpose In witnesse c. A Defeazance for payment of 100 l. per annum for a certain time THis INDENTVRE made c. between W W of c. and W W the younger son and heir c. on the one part and R M c. on the other part Witnesseth That whereas the said W W the elder and W W the younger in and by one Recognizance or writing obligatory of the nature of a Statute Staple lately made and provided for the recovery of debts bearing date c. It is now neverthelesse covenanted granted concluded and fully agreed upon by and between the said parties to these presents and of the parties thereunto is and the said R M is contented and pleased That if W W and W W the elder or either of them their or c. do and shal every year yearly from and after the c. next ensuing the date of these presents for and during the term of c. from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said R M his c. at or in c. one annuity or yearly sum of C l. of lawful c. at two daies or terms in the year that is to say on the c. and the c. from time to time every year yearly one next and immediately ensuing the other by even and equal portions during the
valuable considerations him the said T S thereunto moving he the said T S hath given granted remised released and confirmed and by these presents doth for him and his heires fully clearly and absolutely give grant c. unto the said Robert Earl c. all that the Manor or Lordship of W. aliàs W. with the rights members and appurtenances thereof whatsoever in the County of Sussex and also all other the messuages lands tenements and hereditaments situate lying and being in the Towns Villages Parishes and Hamblets of W aliàs W. H H and D Brightling Hellings Westfield over against Rye Watling and How over against Hastings in the said County of Sussex which were some●imes by N P Esquire bargained and sold to one H P and by the said H P granted and conveyed to T S Esquire deceased Grandfather to the said T S partie to these presents And all that Capital Messuage or Mansion house with the appurtenances commonly called or known by the name of I house with all barns stables stalls gate-houses and other houses and buildings thereunto belonging and adjoyning situate and being within the Parish of W alias W aforesaid or D. or one of them in the said County of Sussex and all those Gardens Orchards Lands Tenements Meadows Pastures Woods Ponds Pitts Stews and waters with divers other lands by particular names contents and abuttals and also all and singular messuages houses buildings cottages mills gardens orchards lands tenements meadows feedings pastures leasows rents reversions services moors marshes heaths commons common of pasture wast-grounds woods underwoods and trees and the ground and soile of the said woods underwoods and trees waters fishings fishing-places ponds pools pitts stews Court Leets view of frank-pledg perquisites and profits of Courts and Leets and all that to Courts Leets and view of Frank-pledg doth belong Advowsons of Churches Awards Marriages Escheats Releases Heriots Fines Amerciaments Tithes Fruits Profits Mines Quarries Rents Charges Rents Seck and rents and services as well of free as of customary tenements and all other rights royalties liberties and commodities advantages emoluments and hereditaments whatsoever in the said County of Sussex to the said Manor or Lordship Capital Messuage and Messuages or Tenements Lands Woods and other the premises herein before mentioned or intended respectively to be granted bargained and sold and to every or any of them or to any part and parcel thereof belonging or appertaining incident or appendant or as member part and parcel of them or any of them or of any part or parcel thereof now or at any time heretofore being had known used occupied accepted leased reputed or enjoyed with all and singular their and every of their appurtenances and the reversion and reversions rents services and other yearely profits of the said Manor messuages lands and other the before bargained premises and of every part and parcel thereof thereunto incident or in any wise appertaining And also all the estate right title interest use trust possession reversion remainder claim and demand whatsoever which he the said T S or any for him now have or hath or had or may might or ought to have of in or to the Manor Farms Lands Tenements and Hereditaments before mentioned and every or any part or parcel thereof To have and to hold the said Manor or Lordship Capital messuage farms messuages lands tenements woods c. unto the said Earle c. and unto the use of them for ever And this Indenture further witnesseth that to the end all estates and rights and all remainders in taile made heretofore and now in being or which may be claimed by the said T S or his issue or by any other person or persons of in or to the said Manor and premises or any part thereof may be from thenceforth barred and extinguished And to the end a perfect and indefeazeable estate and assurance of and in the same premises in Fee Simple may be had made and settled to the use of the said Earle c. It is hereby Covenanted granted and agreed by and between all the parties to these present Indentures for them and their heirs That they the said Earle c. before the term of Saint Hillary now next coming shall and will at the costs and charges of the said Earle c. in due form of Law leavie and acknowledg before the Justices of his Majesties Court of Common Pleas at Westminster in the County of Middlesex one or more Fine or Fines Sur Conuzance de droit come ceo Qu'ils de son don unto the said T C. and I D. whereupon proclamation shall be had in due form of law according to the Statute in that case made and provided of and upon the said Manor or Lordship houses farmes lands and other the premises before mentioned to be bargained and sold by such name and names number of tenements and number and quantitie of Acres and in such manner and form as by the Learned Councel in the law of the said Earle c. shall be reasonably devised or advised which said fine so or in any other manner or form to be levied had and executed shal be and enure And the said T C and I D and their heirs shall after the leavying perfecting the said fine or fines stand and be seized of and in the said Manor lands and premisses and every parcel thereof with the appurtenances to the use of the said T C and I D c. to the intent and purpose That the said T C and I D c. shal or may stand and be adjudged perfect tenants of the free hold of the said Manor c. and premises until that a perfect and common recovery shal and may be lawfully had and executed of the said Manor and premises by and in the names of the said J G. and against the said T C and J D. according to the order and course of common recoveries in such cases used with such voucher and vouchers over as by the said Earl c. or their heires or their or sum of their Councel Learned in the law shall be advised or required And therupon it is further covenanted concluded agreed by and betweene all and every the parties to these presents for them their heirs and assigns And the said T S for him his c. doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said Earle c. That the said T S shall and will permit and suffer one writ of Entre sur disseisin in le post after the Manor and course of Common recoveries to be sued forth out of his Majesties High Court of Chancery in the names of the said John Goodwin and James Mayo demandants returnable before the end of the said Hillary terme next coming against the said T C and I D then tenants of the said Mannor and premisses before the Kings Majesties Justices of his Highnesse said Court of Common pleas at Westm demanding thereby the said Mannor Lands and premisses with their
A Feoffement in part of performance of Covenants in a certain Indenture 305 A Feoffement with a general warranty 609 Fees for passing a book of 50 li. per An. c. 352 Fees Touching Wards 354 355 G A Gift of ones interest in an advowson 311 A Gift of an advowson from the King 315 Another from a Bishop 316 Grant A Grant of an annuity or Rent-charge 75 A Grant from the Queen of the goods of one that is outlawed 148 A Grant of the forfeiture of a Recognizance acknowledged before two Justices of the peace to the Queens use 153 A Grant of an annuity for the maintenance of an alms-house or of an Hospital 169 A Grant of indenization to aliens born 279 A Grant of an annuity for life 285 A Grant of the presentation to a Vicarage 308 A Grant of a Presentation riciting a former gift Extraordinary 309 A Grant from the King of the goods of a person outlawed 320 A Grant of the Office of keeping a great House and a Park 318 A Grant of a Keepership of a Park 364 416 A Grant of a stewardship 366 Of the reversion of certaine lands 445 Of an extent Penned by Tho. Bromley Solicitor 473 Of an advowson from the King 513 Of a rent reserved by Lease 548 Of a Receivorship from a Noble man 591 Of an annuity for a mans advise in Law 596 I Indentures An Indenture for marriage 155 An Indenture of Covenants for the passing of a Recovery 198 An Indenture for limitation of uses and estates 221 An Indenture between Executors with divers Covenants amongst themselves 239 Indenture of bargain and sale 288 Indenture of allotment of several parts of lands 322 An Indenture where two have a joynt estate upon condition that either of them may have an equal part in the land or money lent taking no benefit by Survivorship 331 Indenture of partition 333 Indenture between partners 335 An Indenture where three have purchased land joyntly that upon sale thereof all summs of money shall be equally divided amongst them 338 An Indenture where a Lease is granted to three joynt Lessees that every of them is to pay his part of the rent and equal part in the charge of repairing and other charges 339 Indenture from an Under-sheriff to the high Sheriff 342 Indenture to sue forth a writ of entry of a Manor 247 Indenture of an annuity 404 Indenture of bargain and sale of a Manor with necessary Covenants 408 Indenture to leade the use of a Fine 415 Indenture of division between two joynt purchasors with a rehearsal of their Grant 418 An Indenture for justifying of actions upon setting over a Statute 458 Indenture between the Scavengers and the Raker for cleansing the Streets 459 Indenture of partition 546 Indenture of Covenants for passing of a recovery to cut off an intail 561 An Indenture of defeazance for the making void of all former Statutes payment of the mony and performance of Covenants 565 Indenture of Apprentiship 571 Indenture of Covenants concerning a bargain and sale of a Manor with a Proviso 583 An Indenture Tripartite of Mortgage of several Tenements in London and a Recovery thereof had in the Hustings Court and the uses specified 623 An Indenture Tripartite of settlement by Fine and Recovery 635 Joyntures see Assurance 430 488 L Leases A Lease of a Cole-mine or Cole-pit 12 Of a ferry 26 Of Tithes 36 Of a messuage with an increase of rent paid quarterly in the name of a Fine 40 Of a Manor 45 Of land 48 Of a messuage and of lands 63 Of lands in Exchange 68 Of a mill 94 A Lease with two rents reserved 104 Of a Tenement with good Covenants 108 A Lease upon a condition in mortgage for Collateral security 115 For three lives with a Recital of a former lease and several Covenants 120 For lives with fine and recovery 125 Of a house in London 422 Of a house and certain lands in consideration of a sum of money the Fee simple being in the Lessor 428 A Lease made in consideration of the surrender of a former Lease for a longer time if three live so long with good covenants 467 A short Lease of certain tithes to commence after the expiration of a lease in being 480 Of a Farm-house and certain lands with necessary covenants 490 Letters of Atturny A Letter of Atturnie to receive possession and seisin 304 To receive an annuity 307 To take possession of a Patentee 349 To deliver a Lease upon the ground with an Indorsment thereof 356 To make composition for letting of lands 358 A general Let. of Atturney to enter and let lands 360 A Letter of Atturney to take possession 357 To receive a debt and give a discharge 462 To receive rent and mony from time to time 463 To receive mony due upon a bond 464 To enter upon lands deliver a lease 500 501 541 619 upon covenants 527 upon a specialty not due with covenants to justify actions 550 upon an extent to enter and make leases 553 for setting over a bond 592 Another to receive a Pension out of the Exchequer 593 Licences A Letter of Licence from creditors to debtors 369 A Licence for non Residence a Qualification 317 for the admission of a Chaplain into service 318 to passe over sea 371 for a Buck Doe for the life of the grantee 372 to transport Beare 373 to a Butcher to sell flesh 375 A Liberty to make Leases 560 M A Mortgage of Letters patents and the lands thereby granted 157 A Mortgage of a lease for Indempnity of certain sureties bound in an obligation made to another in trust for their uses 435 A Mortgage of lands 521 O Obligation see Bond. P Presentations by the King and others to benefices 312 313 A Proviso for payment of moneys 306 Proviso that if the Lessor be minded to surrender his grand lease to take a further estate in the premises then the demise to be void 499 R A Recital where the Lease may not be seene 114 Recitall of an Indenture and Covenants of a lease for lives 120 A Recognizance from one to one 543 from two to one 544 taken by a Justice of peace for appearance 474 A Refeoffment upon a deed of feoffment for a wives Jointure 384 Release A Release of a proviso or condition for payment of mony reserved upon an indenture of bargain sale 251 A Release where three have a joint estate of inher 253 of an assignment made upon condition 255 Of a Mannor 256 of a rent reserved in a pair of articles of agreement 258 of a condition in an Indenture of bargain and sale with the proviso recited 261 of an annuitie 262 Of the condition and other covenants in an indenture of Mortgage with a confirmation from the Mortgager to the Mortgagee 263 Of errors in passing a Fine and Recovery and other assurance 267 A Release from one patentee to another 296 From one purchasor to another 298 Of lands mortgaged 439 A generall Release 452 464 A Release to one that hath lost the counterpart of his Lease 452 Of fines and forfeitures due to the King and the Informer upon the Statute of Recusancy 454 From one used in trust of all the benefits he might claim by vertue of any covenants in the indenture 456 Of an annuitie 477 Of a Dower 485 A Release to one that hath lost his articles of agreement 486 A Release taken from one used in trust 539 Of lands in performance of articles 606 For waste done 617 Of Errors in a Fine 632 Of all right c. in lands to him in possession 633 A Revocation of a suit 545 S A Sale of an apprentices Indenture and term of years 295 A Sale of a moity of rent reserved by lease 514 Surrender A Surrender to the King of a Lease for years 274 Of a lease for lives to the King 276 Of the Captainship of a Castle 475 Of a lease for obtaining of a new lease 544 W A Warrant to the Auditors for making particulars from the Lord Treasurer 347 A Warrant from the King for a lease in reversion 351 A Will and the form and preamble thereof 487 FINIS