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A28154 Arcana clericalia, or, The mysteries of clarkship being a sure way of setling estates by [brace] deeds, fines, and recoveries : with the forms of all manner of charter-parties in maritime cities, towns and corporations : with a table of all the principle matters therein contained / by George Billinghurst ... Billinghurst, George. 1674 (1674) Wing B2905; ESTC R210634 376,892 576

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Messuage Lands and Premises to pay and satisfie the debts owing by the said A. B. rateably to his Creditors according to their several debts as the same shall be yearly raised out of the said yearly Rents Issues and Proffits Now Witnesseth c. CHAP. III. Containing several Covenants 1. This Indenture c. between A. B. and E. To levie a Fine Sur cogniz de droit come ceo Per. Baron feme his Wife on the one part and C. D. and G. H. of the other part witnesseth that it is Covenanted Granted Concluded and Agreed by and between the said Parties to these presents And the said A. B. for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for the said E. his wife d●th covenant grant and agree to and with the said C. D. and G. H. their Heirs Executors and Administrators by these presents That they the said A. B. and E. his wife shall and will before the end of the Terme of St. Michael the Archangel next ensuing the Date hereof by one Fine with Proclamations in due form of Law to be levied before the Justices of our Soveraign Lord the King of his Majesties Court of Common Pleas at Westminster † Or before any other Person or Persons sufficiently and lawfully authorized in that behalfe which is sometimes added Between the said C. D. and G. H. Plaintiffs and the said A. B. and E. his wife Deforciants Recognize and acknowledg All that tho Mannor of c. and all other the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments lying and being in the Parish of B. in the County of C. in which the said A. B. and the said E. his wife or either of them have or heretofore had any Estate or Inheritance in Possession Reversion or Remainder with all and singular the Appurtenances thereof by some Name or Names and Contents and Numbers of Acres in the said Fine to be contained to be the Right of the said C. D. as those which the said C. D. and G. H. have of the Gift of the said A. B. and E. his wife and the same shall thereby remise and quit-claime from them the said A. B. and E. his wife ●nd their Heirs to the said C. D. and G. H. and the Heirs of the said C. D. for ever And moreover shall by the said Fine warrant the said Mannor and Premises with the Appurtenances unto the said C. D. and G. H. and the Heirs of the said C. D. against them the said A. B. and E. his wife and the Heirs of the said A. B. Another more brief for ever 2. This Indenture c. Between A. B. and E. his wife on the one part and C. D. of c. on the other part Witnesseth That it is covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents And the said A. B. for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for the said E. his wife doth covenant and grant to and with the said C. D. his Heirs Executors and Administrators that he the said A. B. and E. his wife shall Will on this side and before the Feast of c. next ensuing the Date of these presents or before the Justices of our Soveraign Lord the King of his Majesties Court of Common Pleas at Westminster acknowledg and levie one Fine sur cognizance de droit come ceo que il ad de lour done c. with Proclamations according to the forme of the Statute in such Case had and provided to the said C. D of all that Messuage or Tenement and Lands c. by such Name and Names Qualities Quantities and Numbers of Acres as by the said C. D. or his Counsel learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised advised or required 2. This Indenture made c. Between A. B. of Another by several persons severally interessed c. on the first part C. D. of c. on the second part E. F. of c. on the third part and G. H. of c. on the fourth part Whereas the said A. B. is seized in his Demesne as of Fee of and in one parcel of Pasture ground called or known by the Name of D. lying and being in the Parish of F. in the County aforesaid containing by Estimation twenty Acres or thereabouts which he lately purchased of one J. R. of c. And whereas the said C. D. is likewise seized in his Demesne as of Fee of and in one Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances and a certain parcel of Meadow grounds lying neer thereunto containing by Estimation six Acres or thereabouts lying and being in F. aforesaid which he lately purchased of one L. M. of c. And whereas the said E. F. is likewise seized in his Demesne as of Fee of and in one Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances lying and being in F. aforesaid and a certain Close or parcel of Pasture ground thereunto belonging and adjoyning containing by Estimation Ten Acres or thereabouts which he the said E. F. lately purchased of one R. S. of c. And they the said A. B. C. D. and E. F being of the said Premises so severally seized as aforesaid Now witnesseth these presents that it is covenanted concluded and agreed by and between all the said Parties to these presents That they the said A. B. C. D. and E. F. shall on this side and before the Feast of c. next ensuing the Date hereof in due form of Law levie and acknowledg one Fine sur cognizance de droit come ceo c. with Proclamations according to the Statute in that Case made and provided before the Justices of our Soveraign Lord the King of his Majesties Court of Common Pleas at Westminster to the said G. H. and his Heirs of all and singular the Premises with the Appurtenances The Uses by the Name or Names of c. And that the said Fine so to be levied shall be and envre and shall be deemed construed and taken to be and envre and the said G. H. and his Heirs shall by vertue thereof stand and be seized of and in all and singular the said Premises with their and every of their Appurtenances to the several uses hereafter mentioned and declared and in manner and form following That is to say of and in the said parcel of Pasture Land called or known by the Name of D with the Appurtenances thereof to the only use and behoofe of the said A. B. and his Heirs and of in and to the said Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances and parcel of Medow grounds to the only use and behoofe of the said C. D. and his Heirs c. and so for the rest 4. This Indenture made c. Between A. B. To levie a Fine in the County of Lancaster of the one part and C. D. and E. F. of c. on the other part Witnesseth That it is covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and between all and every the
of Twenty pounds per annum of good and lawful Moneys of England to be issuing and going out of the aforesaid Messuages and Premises with the Appurtenances to have hold receive and enjoy the said Annuity of Twenty pounds per annum and every part and parcel thereof unto the said C. D. his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the Feast of c. next ensuing the Date hereof unto the full end and term of One and thirty years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended at the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of St. Mary the blessed Virgin by even and equal portions yearly to be paid during the term aforesaid And if it shall happen the said Clause of Distress yearly Rent of Twenty pounds or any part thereof to be behind or unpaid in part or in all by the space of twenty Dayes after either of the said Feasts or Dayes of payment being lawfully demanded that then and from thenceforth it shall and may be lawful to and for the said C. D. his Executors Administrators and Assigns into the said Messuages and Premises and every part and parcel thereof to enter and distrain and the Distress and Distresses there to be found and taken lawfully to lead bear drive and carry away and the same to detain and keep until he the said C. D. his Executors Administrators and Assigns shall be fully paid and satisfied the said Annuity or yearly Rent and all and every the Areres thereof c. 9. This Indenture c. Between A. B. and E. To leavie a Fine Sur concessit his Wife on the one part and C. D. on the other part Witnesseth That the said A. B. for divers good causes and considerations him hereunto moving doth for him his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for the said E. his wife covenant and grant to and with the said C. D. his Executors and Administrators by these presents That he the said A. B. and E. his wife shall and will before the end of this present Term of St. Hillary leavy one Fine Sur concessit with Proclamations in due form of Law before his Majesties Justices of the Common Pleas Court at Westminstor in the County of Midds unto the said C. D. of all the Mannors c. and the Revertion and Revertions Remainder and Remainders of all and singler the premises and of every part and parcel thereof And all Rent and Rents and yearly services and other profits whatsoever reserved and payable upon every demise and demises Leases Grants and Conveyancies whatsoever made and granted of the premises or any part or parcell thereof by such name and names quantities and qualities as shall be thought meet and ● 10. This Indenture c. Between A. B. and E. To sue fortha Recovery with double voucher his wife of the first part C. D. and E. F. of the second part and G. H. on the third Part Witnesseth these presents that it is mutually and respectively covenanted and concluded by and between the said Parties to these presents And the said A. B. doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for the said E. his wife covenant and agree to and with the said G. H. his Heirs Executors and Administrators by these presents That he the said A. H. and E. his wife shall and will on this side and before the Feast of c. Tenent to the precipe made by Fine now next ensuing leavy and acknowledg o●e Fine sur cognizance de droit come ●co quc ils ont de lour done c. in due form of Law with Proclamations to be had and made according to the common course of Fines in such cases used and the Statu●e in that behalf made and provided before the Justices of our Sovereign Lord the King of his Majesties Court of Common Pleas at Westminster or before some other competent person or persons thereunto lawfully and sufficiently authorized to the said C. D. and E. F. and their Heirs of all that the Mannor of S. in the County of B. and of all Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditame●ts whatsoever which are or are reputed part or parcol of the said Mannor or belonging or appertaining thereunto by such name or names quantities qualities contents and numbers of Acres and in such manner and form as by the said G. H. his Heirs of Assigns or his or their Council learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised advised or required which said Fine so or in any other manner to be levied and acknowledged between the said Parties shall be and shall be construed reputed and taked to be to and for the use of the said C. D. and E. F. and their Heirs to the only end intent and purpose that the said C. D. and E. F. shall and may stand and be full and perfect Tenents of the Freehold of the said Mannor Messuages Lands and Premises and every part thereof Whereof the said Fine is agreed to be leavied as aforesaid until a perfect common Recovery shall and may be lawfully had and executed of the said Mannor Messuages Lands and Premises against the said C. D. and E. F. and their Heirs according to the true intent and meaning of these presents and the Parties thereunto 11. And it is further covenanted concluded To suffer a Recovery upon a writ of entry en le post and agreed by and between all the said Parties to these presents and every of them their and every of their Heirs That they the said C. D. and E. F. shall and will permit and suffer the said G. H. before the Feast of c. next ensuing the Date hereof by Writ or Writs of entry Sur disseisin en le post to be sued forth and obtained out of the Kings Majesties High Court of Chancery and returnable before the Justices of our said Sovereign Lord the King of the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster in the name of the said G. H. demandant against the said C. D. and E. F. being Tenents to recover to them and their Heirs in due form of Law according to the usual form of common Recoveries for assuring of Lands Tenements and Hereditaments against the said C. D. and E. F. and the surviver of them then Tenent or Tenents of the premises All and every the said Mannor Lands and Premises withal and singular their and every of their Appurtenances by some name or names in the said Writ and Recovery to be contained or thus by such name of names and under such number and contents of Acres a●d in such manner and form as shall be advised by the Council of the said G. H. unto which said Writ of entry Sur disseisin en le post so to be brought as aforesaid the said C. D. and E. F. shall appear gratis And then and immediately after appearance and defence made shall and will in the said action vouch to warranty the said A. B. and E. his
parties to these presents And the said A. B. for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth covenant grant and agree to and with the said C. D. and E. F and either of them their or either of their Heirs Executors and Administrators by these presents that he the said A. B. shall and will at the next Assizes or general great Sessions for Pleas to be holden at Lancaster before the Justice or Justices of our Soveraign Lord the King there for the time being levie and acknowledg one Fine Sur cognizance de droit come ceo c. with Proclamations thereupon to be had in due form of Law unto the said C. D. and E. F. and their Heirs of and in all and singular those Several Mossuages or Tenements c. by the name of three Messuages two Gardens two Acres of Land twenty Acres of Meadow and fourty Acres of Pasture with the Appurtenances in B. in the County of Lancaster aforesaid c. 5. This Indenture made c. Between A. B. on To levie Fines in the Counties of Chester and Lancaster the one part and C. D. on the other part Witnesseth That the said A. B. for divers good causes and considerations him hereunto moving hath covenanted granted and agreed and by these presents doth for him his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant grant and agree to and with the said C. D. his Heirs Executors and Administrators by these presents That he the said A. B. shall and will before the Feast of c. next ensuing the Date of these presents in due form of Law acknowledg and levie two or more Fines sur cognizance de droit come ceo c. with proclamations within the Counties Palatine of Chester and Lancaster before the Kings Majesties Justices of Assize or before some other Person or Persons in that behalf lawfully and sufficiently authorized unto him the said C. D. and his Heirs of all that c. The one part being in the County of Chester the other in the County of Lancaster by such Name or Names Qualities Quantities and Numbers of Acres as by the said C. D. or his Counsel Learned in the Law shall be reasonably advised or required c. 6. This Indenture c. Between A. B. of the To levle a Fine in a Court of Ancient Demesne one part and C. D. of the other part Whereas the said A. B. is the Day of the Date of these presents lawfully seized of an Estate of Inheritance to him and the Heirs Males of his body of and in divers Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments within the Liberty of H. at B. in the County of E. hereafter in these presents particularly mentioned Now witnesseth these presents that the said A. B. for divers good Causes and Considerations him hereunto especially moving and for the settling c. doth for himself and his Heirs covenant grant and agree to and with the said C. D. his Heirs Executors and Administrators by these present● That he the said A. B. at his own proper Cost and Charges shall and will in due form of Law before the Feast of c. next ensuing the Date of these presents acknowledg and levie one Fine in the Court of Ancient Demesne within the said Liberty of H. at B. according to the course and common usage for levying of Fines for Lands and Hereditaments within the said Liberty unto the said C. D. of all those Messuages Lands c. by the Name of three Messuages three Gardens fourty Acres of Land c. in H. at B. aforesaid or by such other Name or Names as shall be thought meet c. 7. This Indenture c. Between A. B. and E. To levie a Fine with a Render of an Estate for Years his wife on the one part and C. D. on the other part Witnesseth That for divers g●od causes and considerations it is covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and between the said Parties to these presents for them their Heirs Executors and Administrators that before the end of Trinity Term now next ensuing at the Cost and Charges of the said C. D. his Executors and Administrators one Fine with Proclamations in due from of Law shall be levied and acknowledged between the said Parties to these presents in manner and form following of one Messuage with the Appurtenances in the Parish of c. and two other Messuages c. in and by which said Fine the said C. D. shall remise release and quitclame from the said C. D. and his Heirs unto the said A. B. and E. his wife and the Heirs of the said A. B. all his Right Title Estate and Interest of in and to the aforesaid Messuages and other the Premises with the Appurtenances for which Remise Release and Quitclame the said A. B. and E. his wife shall by the said Fine Render the said The Render Messuages and Premises with the Appurtenances unto the said C. D. his Executors Administrators and Assigns to have and to hold the same unto the said C. D. his Executors Administrators and Assignes from the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next ensuing the Date hereof for during and until the full end and term of One and Twenty years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleate and ended Yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year unto the said A. B. and E. his wife their Heirs Executors and Assigns respectively during the said term the yearly Rent or Sum of Five pounds of lawful Moneys of England at Four the most usual Feasts in the year that is to say c. or within thirty Days after either of the said Feasts with Several Covenants to be added as is usual in I eases 8. This Indenture c. Between A. B. and E. Another with a Render of a Rent his wife on the one part and C. D. on the other part Witnesseth That for divers good Gauses and Considerations it is covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents for them their Heirs Executors and Administrators that before the end of Trinity Term now next coming at the Cost and Charges of the said C. D. hi● Executors and Administrators One Fine with Proclamations in due form of Law shall be levied of certain Messuages c. levied and acknowledged by and between the said parties to these presents by the Names of c. in and by which said Fine the said C. D. shall remise release and quitclame from the said C. D. and his Heirs unto the said A. B. and E. his wife and the Heirs of the said A. B. all his Right Title Estate and Interest of in and to the aforesaid Messuages and other the Premises with the Appurtenances For which Remise Release and Quitclaim the said The Render A. B. and E. his wife shall by the said Fine grant and render unto the said C. D. his Executors Administrators and Assigns one Annuity or yearly Rent
wife who shall likewise appear gratis and vouch to warranty the common Vouchee who shall also appear imparle and make default whereby a perfect Judgment may be had and given against the said C. D. and E. F. and for the said C. D. and E. F. to recover aganst the said A. B. and E. his wife and for the said A. B. and E. his wife to recover in value against the common Vouchee So that a good and perfect Recovery may be had with double Voucher and execution be had and made thereof c. 12. This Indenture c. Between A. B. of the An other with double Voucher the Tenent of the precipe being before made by Deed c. vide Sect. 13. first part C. D. of the second part and G. H. of of the third part Witnesseth that for divers good causes and consideration c. It is covenanted granted and agreed by and between the said Parties to these presents in manner and form following That the said G. H. shall on this side and before the Feast of c. next ensuing the Date of these presents purchase and sue forth out of the High Court of Chancery one original Writ of entry sur disseisin en le post against the said C. D. returnable before the Justices of his Majesties Court of Common Pleas at Westminster at a Time certain in the said Writ to be mentioned And by the said Writ shall demand against the said C. D. all that the Messuage and Lands c. Setting forth the particulars and where they lye By such names qualities and numbers of Acres as by the said G. H. and his Council Learned in the Law shall be devised advised or required Unto which said Writ the said C. D. shall appear gratis and take upon him the Tenancy of all and every the said Messuage Lands and other the Premises with the Appurtenances and shall vouch to warranty the said A. B. who shall appear gratis and vouch to warranty the common Vouchee who shall likewise appear gratis and enter into the warranty and after imparle and make default in contempt of the Court so that Judgment shall be given that the said G. H. shall recover the said Messuages Lands and Premises in the said Writ to be contained against the said C. D. and that the said C. D. shall recover over in value against the said common Vouchee And that execution of the said Recovery so to be had shall be made according to the form of common Recoveries in such cases used and accustomed And that the said G. H. C. D. and A. B. and the said common Vouchee and every of them shall and will do execute perform and suffer all and every such Act and Acts thing and things whatsoever as as shall be necessary and expedient for the prosecution of the said Recovery and the execution thereof according to the form and Order of common Recoveries with double Vouchers in such cases used c. 13. This Indenture c. Between A. B. of To make a Tenent to a Precipe by barg sale the one part and C. D. of the other part Witnesseth That the said A. B. for and in consideration of 5s of lawful Money of England to him in hand paid before the sealing and delivery hereof by the said C. D. the receipt whereof the said A B. doth acknowledg And to the end and purpose that the said C. D. may be made a perfect Tenent to a Precipe against whom a common Recovery may be had of the Mannor and Lands hereafter mentioned Hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth for him and his Heirs grant bargain and sell unto the said C. D. and his Heirs all that the said Mannor c. To have and to hold the said Mannor Lands and Premises and every part or parcel thereof unto him the said C. D. his Heirs and Assigns for ever to the only use and behoof of the said C. D. his Heirs and Assigns for evermore 14. This Indenture c. Between A. B. of To suffer a Recovery with the recital of the said former deed with double Voucher the first part C. D. of the second part and E. F. on the third part Whereas the said A. B. hath by his Indenture of bargain and sale bearing Date the c. last past before the Date hereof for the consideration therein exprest granted bargained and sold unto the said C. D. and his Heirs all that the Mannor c. to the end of the Habendum which said bargain and sale was made to him the said C. D. and his Heirs to and for the only use intent and purpose that the said C. D. should be sole Tenent of the Premises to a Precipe against whom the Recovery hereafter mentioned might be had in manner and form following Now Witnesseth this present Indenture And it is covenanted concluded and ageed by and between all the said Parties to these presents for the ●selves respectively and their Heirs That before the end of the Term of the Holy Trinity next en●uing the Date hereof there shall be at the only cost and cha●g●s of the said E. F. more brief one Recovery in the nature of a common Recovery for Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in such ca●es used and accustomed had and executed of the said Mannor c. in his Majesties Court of Common Pleas usually held at Westminster by and in the name of the said E. F. dema●dant against the said C. D. Tenent of the said Mannor c. with the appurtenantes who shall vouch to warranty the said A. B. who being vouched shall appear grati● and vouch to warranty the common Vouchee who shall appear gratis and shall enter into the warranty and afterwards make default to the end that a perfect common Recovery shall and may be of the said Mannor Messuages and Lands with the Appurtenances had and prosecuted in all things according to the usual order and form of common Recoveries for assurance of Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in such cases used and accustomed 15. This Indenture c. Between A. B. of To suffer a Recovery of Lands in sev●ral Co●nties b● several Writs with double Voucher the first part C. D. of the second part and E. F. of the third part Witnesseth That it is covenanted granted and concluded by and between the said Parties to these presents in manner and form following That is to say that the said C. D. † Note he is made Tenent to the Precipe by a former Deed. shall before the Feast of c. now next ensuing the Date hereof suffer the said E. F. to pursue three of the Kings Majesties Writs of entry sur disseisin en le post against the said C. D. before his Majesties Justices of the Common Pleas at Westminster By one of which said Writs of entry the said E. F. shall demand against the said C. D. all that Mannor c. in the County of M. And by
uses inte●ts and purposes and upon the Conditions and Limitations hereafter in these presents limitted expressed and declared and to no other u●e intent or purpose whatsoever That is to say c. 2. And it is covenanted concluded and fully agreed Or thus by and between all the said Parties to these presents And they and every of them do hereby ex●ress signifie and declare That the said Fine so to be levied as aforesaid and all and every other Fi●e and Fines hereafter to be had and levied of the Premises or any part thereof between the said Parties or any of them before the said Feast of c. shall be and inure and the said C. D. and E. F. and their and one of their Heits immediately from and after the said Fine as also any other Fine thereof to be levied as aforesaid shall stand and be seized of the Premises to the only uses intents and purposes hereafter mentioned viz. as to the said Messuage or Tenement and Lands with the Appurtenances now in the occupation of c. To the use and behoof of c. And as to the said Messuage or Tenement and Lands now in the occpation of c. To the use and behoof of c. 3. And it is covenanted granted concluded Or thus and agreed by and between all the said Parties to these presents for themselves their Heirs and Assigns That the said Fine to be acknowledged and levied as aforesaid of the Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments aforesaid and the execution thereof and the Estate Right Title Interest and Possession of them the said C. D. and E. F. and of the Heirs of such of them to whom the inheritance of or in the Premises shall be limitted in and by the said intended Fine shall be and shall for ever be adjudged deemed and taken to be And the said C. D. and E. F. and the Heirs of such of them to whom the inheritance of the Premises shall be limitted in or by the said intended Fine and the surviver of them shall stand and be seized of and in all and singular the said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and of every part and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances to the uses intents and purposes and under and upon the Provises limittations conditions and agreements hereafter in these presents mentioned and contained That is to say of for and concerning all that Messuage and Lands c. with the Appurtenances in M. aforesaid in the tenure or occupation of c. being parcel of the said Premises whereof the said Fine before by these presents is covenanted to be levied as aforesaid by the said A. B. and of the Revertion and Revertions Remainder and Remainders of the same To the use and behoof of c. And of for and concerning all and every the said other Messuages Lands c. with their and every of their Appurtenances whereof the said Fine is covenanted to be levied as aforesaid and the Revertion and Revertions Remainder and Remainders thereof to the use and behoof of c. 4. This Indenture c. Between A. B. and E. his wife of the one part and C. D. and E. F. Upon a Fine already levied of the other part Whereas the said A. B. and E. his wife have in the Term of St. Hillary last past before th● Date of these presents levied one Fine in due form of Law unto the said C. D. and E. F. of all that Mannor c. The which Fine was levied by such names number of Acres and other Particulers as are in the said Fine contained as by the said Fine reference being theteunto had more fully it doth and may appear Now Witnesseth these presents and it is hereby declared by and between all the Parties hereunto That the true intent and meaning of the levying of the said Fine at the time of the levying thereof was and is to be taken to be to the uses intents and purposes hereafter following That is to say to the use of c. 5. This Indenture c. Between A. B. of Upon a Recovery to be had with double Vouch●r the first part C. D. and E. F. of the second part and G. H. and I. K. of the third part Whereas the said A. B. by one Indenture of bargain and sale Dated the first day of this instant January and inrolled in his Majesties High Court of Chancery the twentieth Day of the same Month made between the said A. B. on the one part and the said C. D. and E. F. on the other part Hath granted bargained and sold to the said C. D. and E. F. and their Heirs all that Mannor c. and the Revertion and Revertions Remainder and Remainders thereof and of every part and parcel thereof To have and to hold the said Mannor c. and all and every the said Premisses with the Appurtenances unto the said C. D. and E. F. their Heirs and Assigns for ever to the only proper and absolute use and behoof of the said C. D. and E. F. their Heirs and Assigns for ever To the end intent and purpose that the said C. D. and E. F. might thereby and by force of the Statute of transferring uses into possession become Tenents of the Freehold of all and every the Premisses that a good and perfect common Recovery with double Vouch●rs may be thereof had and executed Now Witnesseth this present Indenture And it is covenanted concluded and fully agreed by and between all the said Parties to these presents for them and every of them their and every of their Heirs That they the said C. D. and E. F. shall and will permit and suffer the said G. H. and I. K. before the Feast of c. next ensuing the Date of these presents by Writ or Writs of entry sur disseisin en le post to be sued forth and obtained out of the Kings Majesties High Court of Chancery and returnable before the Justices of our Sovereign Lord of the Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster in the Names of the said G. H. and I. K. demandants against the said C. D. and E. F. Tenents or the survivor of them to Recover to them the said G. H. and I. K. and their Heirs in due form of Law according to the usual form of common Recoveries for assurance of Lands Tenements and Hereditaments against the said C. D. and E. F. the said Mannor and Premises with their and every of their Appurtenances by some name or names in the said Writ and Recovery to be contained In and to which said Writ the said C. D. and E. F. shall gratis appear in their proper Persons and after defence made shall vouch to warranty the said A. B. who shall likewise thereupon appear and enter into the warranty and vouch over the common Vouchee who shall likewise appear and enter into the warranty and after make default to the end that a perfect common Recovery may be had and executed
limited to Daughters in default of Heirs Males to cease upon payment of their Portions by him in remainder and the Vse then is limited to him Ch. 9. S. 16 17. A Vse li 〈…〉 ed to the Cognizors Wife to cease upon settlement of other Lands on her with a Limitation over Ch. 11. 8. 1. A Vse limited to persons to whom a Rent is appointed upon default of payment Ch 11. S. 4 5. A Vse to cease if Cestuy que use marry without Fathers consent and a Limitation over Ch. 11. S. 6. A Vse limited to a Wife altered upon her claim of Dower Ch. 11. S. 9. Vse altered upon non payment of money Ch. 11. S. 12. Uses limited to pay Portions to Children A Use to Cognizees to pay Portions and allow maintenance until paid C. 9. S. 11 12 13. If Feoffor c. die without Daughters or after the Portions paid the Limitation to be void with remainder over Ch. 9. S. 14 15 18 19 20. Ch 14. S. 13. For payment of a Rent to raise Portions Ch 9. S. 21. Uses limited to pay Debts A Use limited for years to pay the Cognizors Debts and Annuities by him granted Ch. 10. S. 1. Use limited that the Land shall be sold to pay Debts Ch. 20. S. 2 3. A Limitation for years to Cognizors Executors to pay Debts S. 4. And Legacies ibid. To perform the Cognizors W●ll S. 5. Ch. 14. S. 6. A Use of a Mannor to be sold c. Ch. 14. S. 2. A Use limited to such persons as the Cognizor shall appoint by Will until a sum raised c. with a Limitation over Ch 10. S. 6. Power given to revoke Uses and appoint new See the former Table in Ch. 12. The forms of Deeds of Revocation See the former Table in Ch. 13. See also before in this Table Title Revocation Writings and Evidences A Covenant to produce them in def●nce of the Title Ch. 3. S. 25. Waste A Limitation for life without impeachment of waste and power to commit waste Ch. 7. S. 7 8. Without impeachment of waste as to Woods c. S. 2. c. Arcana Clericalia Or THE MYSTERIES OF CLERKSHIP CAP. I. What a FINE is A FINE is that which is accounted of all kind of Assurances the highest and most forcible and although it be but fictio Juris yet it is called a Fine quia finem litibus imponit and is also said to be exceptio peremptoria and therefore not onely esteemed A micab●lis compositio but finalis concordia the latter of which it is deservedly said to be quia finem ponit negotio adeo ut neutra pars litigantium ab eo de cetero possit recedere It is an Instrument or Assurance containing a final Agreement commonly made by the consent of persons sometimes by force of a Suite in Law upon some Covenant for the levying thereof concerning Lands Tenements Hereditaments Rent or other things wherein the Kings Licence must be duly had and obtained It must be acknowledged by the Cognizor Deforceant or he that parts with his right in the ●ands contained in the Fine upon a writ of Covenant most commonly but sometimes upon a Quid juris clamat per quae servicia de rationabilibus divisis de Recto patens de Recto clausum warantia Cha●tae c. as the case requires before the Iustices of the Common Pleas or such other persons thereunto authorized by Commission out of Chancery and lastly it must be ingrossed upon Record in the same Court there to remain for ever for the ending and composing of all differences and controversies as well between the parties and privies to the same as all strangers not claiming in due time Although a Fine is now become a formal Assurance of common use from the result of a feigned difference yet anciently it was the composure of a real controversie and the end of a Suite indeed For after the parties had contended by suite in law about the thing in question by agreement a fine was levyed of it and so the difference was ended This of all other is esteemed the best Assurance and is much of the nature of a Feoffment with Livery and Seisin executed thereupon but of greater efficacy and therefore called a Feoffment upon Record By this Lands may be conveyed in Fee-simple Fee-tayl for life or for years and rent thereby also reserved And lastly to sum up all in the words of the Sages of the Law There neither is nor can be provided by the Laws of the Land any greater or more noble Security by which any person may make his Estate more secure or produce a Testimony of the highest Nature for confirmation of his Estate then a Fine levyed in the Kings Court upon Record which is therefore called a Fine because it ought to be the Complement and end of all proceedings and differences CAP. II. Of the several kinds of a Fine OF Fines there be four kinds The first whereof is called a Fine sur Cognizance de droit come ceo que il ad de son done which is single and called also a Fine sur Release The second is a Fine sur Cognizance de droit come ceo que il ad de son done which is double and properly called a Fine sur done grant render The third is called a Fine sur Cognizance de droit tantum which is sometimes single sometimes with Grant and then it is called a Fine sur done grant And the fourth a Fine sur concessit A Fine sur Cognizance de droit come ceo que A Fine sur Cognizance de droit come ceo c. what it is il ad de son done is the best most principal and surest of all kind of Fines by which an Estate passeth absolutely to the Cognizee without rendring any thing back again to the Cognizor and therefore is said to be single It is levyed with Proclamations according to the form of the Statute 4 H. 7. Cap. 24. It is said to be executed viz. such a Fine whereby the possession in Law of the lands contained therein is immediately transferred to and v●sted in the Cognizee without the help of a writ of habere facias seisinam so that he may enter for that the Estate is thereby in law in the Cognizee that is to say to such uses as are declared in the deed leading the use of the Fine for take this for a maxime That unless it be declared by deed or otherwise to what use the Fine was levyed the Fine shall be and inure to the use of the Cognizor that levyed the Fine A Fine sur done grant render is that which is A Fine sur done grant render what called a double Fine being in a manner two Fines that is to say A Fine sur Cognizance de droit come ceo c. and a Fine sur Concessit form'd into one whereby the Cognizee after Release and warranty made to him by the Cognizor of the lands
Members though the greatest part of them consent thereto without the general consent of the whole Corporation may Levy a Fine for that shall not be good Corporations Spiritual as Bishops Deans and Chapters Heads and Fellows of Colleges and the like are forbidden and restrained by divers Acts of Parliament from levying any Fine of their lands belonging to them at this day but of the lands such persons have in their own Right they may levy Fines as other persons may do A Fine levyed by one Ioyntenant Tenant in Common or Partner of Lands so held by him to a Stranger another Ioyntenant Tenant in Common or Partner will be good And lastly take this general Caution concerning Cognizors in Fines That they must be such and have such an Estate in the Lands intended to be granted by Fine as they are not prohibited by any Law to levy the Fine otherwise the Fine will be void And hence it is That Bishops Deans and Chapters Prebends Parsons Vicars and the like may not levy a Fine of any Ecclesiastical Lands in which they have any Estate of Freehold in right of their Churches Houses c. for if they do it will be void after their lives Coke 11. 78. Plowd 575. 538. 375. 21 Edw. 4. 13. And hence it is that he that hath an Estate Tayl of the Kings gift of provision may not levy a good Fine of it to bind the King or the Issue in Tayl by 32 H. 8. Cap. 28. And that a Fine levyed by the heir that is an Intruder upon the Kings possession is void 1 H. 7. 5. 24 Edw. 3. 65. And hence it is that he that hath an Estate in Fee-simple of lands in the Right of his wife may not levy a Fine thereof without her and if he do she or her heirs or other person to whom the right may come may avoid it after her death 32 H. 8. Cap. 28. 12 Edw. 4. 14. Coke 6. 55. Brooke Fines 121. Concerning Cognizees in Fines you are to W●o may be Cognizees in Fines know That any person that is capable of being a good Grantee in a Deed may be a good Cognizee in a Fine and may thereby have and take the thing granted by it And so any man or woman Sole or Covert of full age or under age any mad or Lunatick person Ideot or man de non sane memorie any person in or out of prison or beyond Sea any person attainted of Felony or Treason or outlawed in a personal Action a Bastard a Clerk convict an Alien any one of these may be a Cognizee and take by a Fine as well as by a Deed. And a Fine levyed to any such person is good 50 Edw. 3. 9. 3 H. 6. 42. 24 Edw. 3. 62. So Corporations Spiritual and Temporal Civil or Corporal may be Cognizees in Fines and Fines levyed to them will be good But before the Ingrossing of such a Fine there goeth alwaies a Writ to the Iustices of Common Pleas Quod permittunt Finem illum levari Note that a Fine sur Cognizance de droit come ceo c. may not be levyed to any person but one that is party to the writ of Covenant Except the Cognizee be a Demandant in a writ of Entry And so a Fine levyed by the Demandant to the Vouchee who is supposed by the Law to be Tenant to the land or from the Vouchee to the Demandant is good and yet they are not Parties to the Writ But a Fine levyed by the Vouchee to a Stranger is void Coke 3. 29. 7 Edw. 4. 13. Care must be taken in Fines that Cognizors and By what names Cognizors and Cognizees may give and take in a Fine Cognizees must be named in Fines by their right names of Baptism and Surname except they be Kings Princes Dukes Marquesses Earls Viscounts or Barons which are admitted without any surname as Jacobus Rex Angliae Carolus Princeps Walliae Johannes Dux Lancastr c. But for Knights Esquires and Gentlemen which be names of Worship and Honour their Christian name and Sur-name are alwaies expressed together with their Additions And as for the Additions of Bishop Dean Parson c. they are admitted in Fines rather out of Courtesie then necessity for the Fine may be good without them Brownlow 1. part 30. 7 H. 4. 22. 1. Ass pl. 11. 14 H. 6. 15. 21 Edw. 4. 8. 1. Ass pl. 11. But if there be two of one name it is best to distinguish them by Seniori Juniori or the like Brownlow 1. part 30. So if it be a Corporation or Fraternity to be named in the Fine care must be had that it be done by the very true name of the Corporation as it is named in the Charter and Foundation of it 11 H. 4 44. 14 H. 4. 20. 7 H. 6. 27. 37 H. 6. 29. CAP. V. Of what things Fines may be levyed and ● by what Names and how the Parcels are to be placed therein A Fine may be levyed of all things whereof a Of what things Fines may be levyed Precipe quod reddat lyeth or of which a writ of Entry may be brought It will be good of all things Ecclesiastical or Temporal that are inheritable and in Esse at the time of the levying of the Fine So a Fine may be levyed of an Honour Mannor Island Barony Castle Messuage Cottage Mill Toft Curtilage Dov●house Garden Land Meadow Pasture Wood Vnder-wood Chappel River Parsonage Rectory Advowson Vicaridge Tythes impropriate ●stovers Foldage Corrody Office Fishing Warren Fair Mine View of Frank-pledge Waif Stray Felons goods Deodand Hospital Furzes Heath Moor Rent Common Hundred Way Ferry Franchise Seignory Toll Tallage Picage Pontage Services Portion of Tythes Oblations and the like But a Fine levyed of Antient Demesne Lands will not be good Stat. 32 H. 8. Cap. 7. Coke 8. 145. West Symb. 2. part Anciently in levying a Fine of a Mannor it was By what Names things may be levyed in Fines Manerium usual to add to it or explain it by the words Demesns Rents Seigniories Courts Pleas c. And such Generals whereof it consisted but this way is altered and now it passeth by the name of Manerium cum pertinentiis 3. Inst 513. That things passed in Fines must be set down by their Nature and quality as Land Meadow Pasture c. and by the place where they lye there must be apt words used to express the thing named to pass by the Fine For a Fine levyed de tenemento or de hereditamento or de duobus tenementis for the uncertainty of the thing and unaptness of the words is void or voidable at least for Error Crooke 1. 196. Leon. Rep. 188. for the proper word to express a Tenement or Hereditament in a Fine Messuagium is Mesuagium and a Fine levyed de uno mesuagio or duobus mesuagiis is good That one Mannor may be parcel of another Mannor and pass by the name of that Mannor 20 Ass
Manerio or Maneriis cum pertin in A. here in this case the Concord must be quod recogn pred Manerium or pred Maneria cum pertin Neither will Mesuages named by themselves in a Precipe pass by the word Tenementa in the Concord So an Honour Castle Island Barony Hundred Borough Knights Fee the Scite of a Mannor a Park a Prebendry Rent Common a Warren Fishing Rectory Tythes Oblations Toll Stallage Pontage View of Frank-pledge a Liberty Franchise Office Bayliwick Fair Market passage the Moiety or part of any entire thing Wreccum Maris Advowsons of a Church or portions of Tythes must be particularly named in the Concord as well as in the Precipe otherwise the Concord will not be good Although there be divers Cognizees in a Concord the right shall be limited to one of them As where A. is Cognizor B. and C. Cognizees The Concord shall be quod praedictus A. recogn praedicta tenementa cum pertin esse jus ipsius B. ut illa quae iidem B. C. habent de dono praedicti A. illa remisit quiet clam de se heredibus suis prefat B. C. heredibus ipsius B. imperpetuum But where a Fine is from divers Cognizors the Release and Warranty must be from all the Cognizors and their heirs thus expressed in the Concord where A. B. are Cognizors and C. Cognizee ss quod predicti A. B. recogn predicta tenementa com pertin esse jus ipsius C. ut illa que idem C. habet de dono predictorum A. B. illa remisit quier clam de ipsis A. B. heredibus suis pred C. hered suis imperpetuum Et predictus A. concessit prose heredibus ipsius A. quod ipsi warant prefat C. heredibus suis tenementa predicta cum pertin contra predictos A. heredes suos imperpetuum And the like Waranty from B. But if the Fine be of Gavel-kind it is otherwise Coke 5. 38. It is usual for divers persons that have made several small distinct purchases in one County to joyn together in one Fine for saving charges And that the writ of Covenant be brought by all the Vendees against all the Vendors and every one of them Warants for himself and his heirs against him and them onely West Symb. 2. part CAP. VII Before whom and how Fines are to be levyed with the manner of drawing a Fine at Bar by the Serjeants at Law THe persons before whom Fines are to be levyed are such as either take Cognizance of Fines ex Officio and by vertue of their Office or such as are appointed and authorized thereunto Those that do it ex Officio are the Lord Chief Iustice for the time being of the Court of the Common Pleas who hath power to receive and certifie the Acknowledgment of all manner of Fines without any kind of Commission as well in any place out of the Court as in the Court. And so any two of the Iustices of the same Court may do it in open Court Those that take Cognizance of Fines otherwise then ex Officio are such as do it by vertue of some Commission General or Special granted unto them by the King out of Chancery The first sort of those that take and certifie Cognizances of Fines by vertue of Commission are Iustices of Assize who although they may do it by the general words of their Patent yet they do not use to certifie them without a special writ of Dedimus potestatem Secondly the Iudges of both Benches and Barons of the Exchequer who do usually first take the Cognizance of Fines without Dedimus potestatem and afterwards Certifie the same upon a Dedimus potestatem to warrant and justifie their proceedings therein The third sort are certain discreet honest and understanding Gentlemen in the Country or place where the Cognizors which are to acknowledge the Fine reside who have alwaies a special writ of Dedimus potestatem directed unto them whereby they have power to do such things therein as the Chief Iustice doth daily ex Officio upon surmise that the parties that are to acknowledge the Fine are not able to travel to Westminster for the doing thereof And by this Writ upon such surmise power may be given to any Serjeant at Law or to any Knight or Gentleman together to take the Cognizance of the persons that are to be Cognizors in the Fine And this they may take from them either altogether at once or asunder at several times and in several places as they please But herein great care must be had by the Commissioners in executing their Commission least they commit some notorious errour to make void the Fine As if the Dedimus potestatem be to two Ioyntly to do it and one of them doth it alone or if the same be to three Ioyntly to do it and two of the three onely do it or the like this will be Errour So if one of the Cognizees be one of the Commissioners and he himself take the Cognizance of the Fine this likewise will be Errour F. N. B. 146 147. Dyer 220. 11 H. 6. 21. Crooke 1. 249. Form bene placitandi Tit. Erros Assignes The Iudges and Commissioners impowered to take Cognizance of Fines are to be careful of whom they take such Cognizances for Fines before them That they know the Cognizors and so do not suffer one person to make Cognizance in the name of another nor take any Cognizance from persons prohibited by Law and such as are unfit to be Cognizors as Infants Mad men Drunken men and the like And if husband and wife be Cognizors the wife ought to be examined solely and secretly whether she be content of her own free will to part with her right in the land or whether she do it by the menace and threats or out of fear of her Husband and then the contents of the Fine must be read distinctly to her And if the Iudge doubt of her age he may examine her upon oath and so may Commissioners which being done and the Fine read to the Cognizors they are to put their hands to the Concord And then the Commissioners are to certifie the Cognizance of the parties the same day and year when it was taken and so return the Dedimus with the Concord into the Court of Common Pleas within a year after it is taken at farthest And upon any of the Commissioner's refusal so to do the party grieved may by Certiora●i compel him that hath it in his Custody his Executor or Administrator to certifie it How to sue out a Fine before the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. You are first to draw your Precipe in paper after this manner ss Precipe T. S. Armigero A. uxori ejus quod juste c. teneant R. S. Armigero Conventionem c. de Maneriis de K. S. cum pertinentiis ac de decem Mesuagiis viginti Cottagiis decem Tostis Centum
suggests the Cognizor is dead and pray's a Scire facias against his heir ET super hoc iidem Richardus Jana dicunt quod pred Johannes Law in fine pred nominat mortuus est quodque Elizabetha Law est filia heres predict Johannis Law cui stat in feodo simplici de in Manerio Tenementis predictis cum pertin per finem pred concessus fuit Quodque eadem Elizabetha est modo uxor Alex. Page Et pet brev domini Regis ad premuniend predictos Alex. Eliz. essendi coram domino Rege auditur Record processum predict ei conceditur c. Ideo precept est Vic. Essex quod per probos c. scire fac pred Alex. Eliz. quod sint coram domino Rege apud Westm A die Pasche in quindecim dies ubicunque c. auditur Recordum processum pred si c. Et ulterius c. Idem dies dat est prefat Richardo Jane ibidem c. Ad quem diem coram domino Rege apud Westm ven pred Richardus Jana per Attorn suos pred Et Vic. videlicet A. B. modo mand quod ipse virtute brevis predict sibi inde direct scire fecit prefat Alex. Elizabethe essendi coram dict domino Rege apud Westm. ad diem locum predict prout sibi per brev pred precept fuit per M. R. J. D. probos c. qui quidem Alex. Elizabeth sic premuniti quarto die placiti solempnit exact per J. B. Attorn suum similiter ven super quo pred Richardus Jana ut prius dicunt quod in Recordo processu pred acetiam in levatione finis predict manifeste est Errat allegando Errores predict per ipsos in forma pred allegat Et pet quod finis pred ob errores illos alios in Recordo processu predict compertos revocetur adnulletur penitus pro nullo habeatur Et quod ipsi ad omnia que ipsi occasione finis pred amiser restituantur c. H. 26 Eliz. Rot. 93. in Banco Regis CAP. XI The Charges of a Fine acknowledged either before the Lord Chief Justice at the Bar or before a Judge of Assize or Commissioners in the Countrey by Dedimus Potestatem Sect. I. The Charges of a Fine acknowledged before the Lord Chief Justice are as follow     s. d. DRawing the Precipe and Concord 0 3 4 Acknowledging thereof before the Chief Iustice 0 11 8 Writ of Covenant 0 3 0 Imposition upon the Writ of Covenant 0 0 6 For the Kings Fine according to the value of the Land Imposition thereupon accordingly   The several Fees at the Alienation Office 0 2 4 Warant of Attorney making and filing 0 0 4 Paid at the Inrollment Office 0 2 0 To the Custos Brevi●m 0 3 8 To the Kings Silver-Office in Term time 0 0 10 If out of the Term 4d more if taken before the Chief Iustice but if by Dedimus you pay 0 1 8 To the Chirographer in Term time and 6d more after 0 5 8 For the Indentures to the Chirographers Clerks for the first warranty 0 3 6 For every Warranty afterwards 0 0 6 Attorneys Fee 0 6 8 Sect. II. The Charges of a Fine acknowledged at the Bar.   l. s. d. TO a Sergeant at Bar 0 3 4 To the second Prothonotary or his Clerk in Court for Recording the Fine 0 1 4 Fees paid in Court to the Box and Officers 0 0 6 In all things else the Fees are the same of a Fine acknowledged at Bar as if it had been taken before the Lord Chief Justice Sect. III. The Charges of a Fine acknowledged before Commissioners in the Country by special Dedimus potestatem TO the Cursitor for the Dedimus with Imposition 1 4 8 To a Iudge for his hand or Allocatur in case a Knight be not present at the Caption 0 4 0 But when a Knight is present you need not a Iudges hand       The rest of the Fees are the same in this Case as when acknowledged before the Lord Chief Justice Sect. IV. The Charges of a Fine taken before a Judge of Assize     s. d. IN this case the Charges are the same as when acknowledged before the Lord Chief Iustice the Fee for the Caption being also 0 11 8 Onely you pay to the Cursitor for a Dedimus potestatem 0 9 6 The rest of the Fees are as Sect. the first ARCANA CLERICALIA OR A Treatise OF Common Recoveries UPON WRITS of ENTRY IN le Post WITH Notes and Observations thereupon AND A TABLE of Fees Printed Anno Dom. 1673. Arcana Clericalia OR A Treatise OF Common Recoveries UPON Writs of Entry In le Post A Common Recovery defined A Common Recovery is onely fictio Juris or a Conveyance by consent used for the better assuring of Lands and Tenements upon any man wherein the Recovery in value the supposed Recompence for him which loseth his land is but a fiction in Law And this Recovery by assent is now by custome become a Common Assurance and Conveyance upon which Vses may be limitted and raised Coke 1 part Sir William Pelhams Case 14. But there is a great difference between a Recovery by assent and a Recovery without assent of the Parties Vide 14. El. Cap. 8. The former definition explained IF any person have a desire to render himself capable of disposing of Lands or Tenements which are intayled upon him and would be enabled to sell give or bequeath them as he pleaseth the course is to procure some friend to bring a Writ against him for this Land or in case where he doth sell the Land perhaps he that buyeth it or is to have it setled upon him shall bring the Writ against him that is to make the Assurance of the Land if it be with a single Voucher And in this case the Demandant being Plaintiff in this Action doth suppose that the Tenant or he against whom the Writ is brought hath no right to the Land but that he onely viz. the Demandant hath right thereunto and that the Tenant came to the Land wrongfully by means of one Hugh Hunt a stranger therein named And to this Writ the Tenant doth appear either by Attorney or in person and then doth enter into defence of the Land but in Pleading doth vouch to warant such a man from whom or his Ancestors the Lands in question are supposed to come to him or his Ancestors the Ancestor of which third person obliging himself and his heirs by Conveyance to warant and make good the Title to him or them to whom it was Conveyed and thereupon he prayeth that this Vouchee or third person may be called into Court to defend this Title whereupon being called he doth appear and seem to defend the Title denying that the Tenant came to the land wrongfully by means of the aforesaid Hugh Hunt upon which he takes Issue