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A17102 Ane detectioun of the duinges of Marie Quene of Scottes thouchand the murder of hir husband, and hir conspiracie, adulterie, and pretensed mariage with the Erle Bothwell. And ane defence of the trew Lordis, mainteineris of the Kingis graces actioun and authoritie. Translatit out of the Latine quhilke was written by G.B.; De Maria Scotorum regina. English Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.; Wilson, Thomas, 1525?-1581. 1571 (1571) STC 3981; ESTC S106062 74,775 174

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inquest of these persones that shall enter on pannell thys day clense the sayd persones of the murther of the kyng that it shal be wilfull error and not ignorance by reasoun that it is notourlye knawen these persones to be the murtherers of the kyng as my Lord my maister allegis vppoun the quhilke protestatioun I require ane document Sic subscribiter Robert Cunningham Uppon the productioun of the quhilke writing and protestatioun the sayd Robert askit actes and instrumentis The Iustice beyng auisit with the foirsayd writyng and protestatioun producit and vsyt by the sayd Robert Cunningham in respect of the letters and writinges sent to our souerane by the sayd Mathew Erle of Leuenox producit and red in iugement quhairof the copeis are vnder written By the quhilke letters and writinges the sayd Erle of Leuenox desirit schort and summare processe to be deducit in the sayd mattter and al 's of the act and ordinaunce of the Lordes of secret counsell grauntit thereuppon and sic lyke in respect of the earnest insisting of the aduocates desiring processe and right sute of the sayde Erle Bothwelles earnest petitioun and desire of tryall to be had in the sayd matter wyth aduise of the Lords and Barones assessors present fand by interlocutor that processe should be deducit in the sayd actioun thys day conforme to the lawes of thys realme Notwithstanding the writyng and protestatioun producit by the sayd Robart Cunningham and al 's admittit him to concurr and assist to the sayd aduocates in pursute of the sayd actioun if he pleasit Followis the copeis of the letters and writingis sent to the Quenis maiestie by the sayd Erle of Leuenox I Render maist humble thankes vnto your maiestie for your gracious and comfortabill letter quhilke I haue receiuit the xxiiij day of this instant And quhairas I perceaue by the same that it is your maiesties pleasure to remit the tryall of this late odious act to the time of a Parliament Pleasit your maiestie although I am assurit your highnes thynkis the tyme as long as I do till the matter be tryit and the auctours of the deid condignely punisht yet I shall humbly craue your maiesties pardoun in troublyng your hyghnes so oft thairin as I do for the matter touches me sa nere besekand your maiestie maist humbly to accept this my simple aduise in gude part as followes Quhilk is that quhaire the tyme is lang to the Parliament thys matter not being a Parliament matter but of sic weight and oportunitie quhilke aught rather to be with all expeditioun and diligence socht out and punisht to the example of the hole world as I knaw your maiesties wisdome considers the same farre mair than my wittes can comprehēd yet forsameckle as I heare of certain tikkettis that hes ben put on the tolbuith dore of Edenbrough aunswering your maiesties first and second proclamations quhilke names in speciall certayne persones deuisers of the cruell murther I shal thairfoir maist humbly beseike your maiestie for the luif of God the honour of your maiestie and your realme and we le quietnes of y e same that it will please your maiestie fourthwith not onely to apprehend and put in sure keepyng the persones namit in the sayd tikkettes but al 's wyth diligēce to assemble your maiesties nobilitie and than by opin proclamatioun to admonishe and requyre the wryters of the sayd tikkettis to compere according to the effect thairof at the quhilke tyme if thay do not your maiestie may by aduise of your nobilitie and counsell releue and put to libertie the personis in the tikkettis foirsayd So shall your maiestie do ane honorabill and godly act in the bringyng the matter to sic ane narrow poynt as eyther the matter shall appere playnely befoir your maiestie to the punischment of thaim quho hes bene the auctors of this cruell deid or els the sayde tikketis fand vayne in thair selfe and the persones quhilke are sclanderit to be exonerit and put to libertie at your maiesties pleasure So cummittis your maiestie to the protectioun of almighty God quho preserue you in helth and maist happy raigne Of Howstoun the xxvi day of February PLeasit your maiestie quhaire your highnes in your last letter to me writes that if there be any names in the tikkettis that was affixt vppon the tolbuith dore of Edinburgh that I thinke worthy to suffer a triall for the murther of the kyng your maiesties husband vppon my aduertismēt your maiestie should proceid to the cognicioun taking as may stand wyth the lawes of thys realme and beyng fand culpabill shall see the punischment as rigorously executit as the weight of the cryme deseruis Pleasit your maiestie sens the ressait of your highnes letter I haue still lukit that some of the bludy murtherers shold haue bene opinly knawen or now And seyng thay are not yet I can not finde in my hart to concele the matter any longer But let your maiestie vnderstand the names of thaim quhome I greatly suppect that is to say the Erle Bothwell Maister Iames Balfor and Gilbert Balfor hys brother Maister Dauid Chamer Blackmaister Iohn Spēs Seneor Fraūces Bastiane Iohn de Burdeau●x and Ioseph Dauids brother Quhilke persones I shall maist intierly and humbly beseik your maiestie that according to my former petitioun vnto your highnes it will please not onely to apprehend and put in sure keping but al 's with diligence to assemble your maiesties hole nobilitie and counsell and than to take sic perfite order of the foirnamit persones that thay may be iustly tryit as I doubt not but in so doyng the spirit of God shall worke in the sayd matter as the truth shal be knawin So shall your maiestie do a maist godly and honorabill act for your selfe beyng the pairty as ye are And ane great satisfactioun it shal be to all that belonges vnto hym that is gone quho was sa deare vnto your highnes And now not doubtit but your maiestie will take order in the matter according to the weight of the cause quhilke I maist humbly beseike I commit your maiestie to the protectioun of the almighty God quho preserue you in health lang life and maist happy reigne Of Howstoun thys xvij of March Assisa Andro Erle of Rothes George Erle of Caithnes Gilbert Erle of Cassillis Lord Iohne Hamiltoun comandar of Arbroycht sone to the Lord Duke Iames Lord Rosse ▪ Robert Lord Sunple Iohnne Maxwell Lord Hereif Laierence Lord Oliphant Iohnne Maister of Forness Iohnne Gordoun of Lothinware Robert Lord Boyd Iames Cokburne of Lantoun Iohne Someruile of Cambusnethan Mowbray of Berne Buxall Ogilbye of Boyne THe forenamit persons of Assise being chosen admitted and sworne in iugement as vse is And thairfore the sayd Erle Bothwell being accusit by the sayd dictay of the crime aforesayd and the same being denyed by hym and referrit to the deliuerance of the sayd assises thay remouit forth of
subscribitur Marie R. Iames Erle Bothwell Here note that this contract was made the v. of April within viij wekes after the murder of the kyng quhilke was slayne the x. of the Februarie befoir Also it was made vij dayes befoir that Bothwel was acquitit by corrupt iugement of the sayd murder Alswa it appereth by the wordes of the contract it selfe that it was made befoir sentence of diuorce betwene Bothwell and his former wife And alswa in very truth was made befoir any sute of diuorce intentit or begon betwene hym and his former wyfe though some wordes in this contract seme to say vtherwise Quhilk is thus proned For this contract is datit the v. of Aprill and it playnly appereth by the iudiciall actes befoir the twa seuerall ecclesiasticall ordinarie iudges quhairin is contained the hale processe of the diuorce betwene the sayd Erle and Dame Iane Gourdon hys wyfe that the one of the same processes was intentit and begon the xxvi day of Aprill and the vther the xxvij Alswa there be extant the recordes of the Iustice court holden at Edenburgh the sayd xij day of Aprill some copies quhairof haue ben examplifijt and signit with the hand of Iohn Bellenden Iustice clerke among quhilk is the dittay or enditement of Bothwell The tenour of quhilke recordes with the assise and verdit doe here followe Curia Iusticiariae S. D. N. Reginae tenta inchoata in praetorio de Edinburgh duodecimo die mensis Aprilis An. 1567. per nobilem potentem Dominum Archibaldum Comitem Ergadiae Dominū Campbell Lorne Iusticiarium generalem eiusdem S. D. N. Reginae totius Regni sui vbilibet constitutum Sen. vocatum curia legitimè affirmata IN the quhilke Court comperit personallie in iugement Maisteris Iohne Spens of Condie and Robert Creycghton of Chok aduocates to our soueraigne Lady in hir name and thare the said maister Iohn Spens producit our soueraigne Ladies letter execute and indorsit togider with the dittay Of the quhilk letters indorsing thairof and Dittay the tennouris hereafter followith that is to say Mary by the grace of God Quene of Scottis to our louittis William Purwes maister Williame Lawson Gawine Ramsey messengeris our Shrifis in that pairt coniunctly and seuerally specially constitute greeting Forasmimikle as it is humbly meant and schewin to vs by our louittis familiar clarkis and Counsellors maisteris Iohne Spens of Condye and Robert Creycghton of Chok our aduocatis y t quhareas thay are informit our trusty cousen and counsaillor Mathew Erle of Leuenox fader to the King our deirest spouse hes delatit Iamis Erle Bothwell Lorde Hailis and Creycghton c. and certaine vthers of the treasonabill cruell odious and abhominable slauchter and murder of his grace committit vpon the nynth day of February last bipast vnder silence of the nicht within his lodging for the time within our bour of Edinburgh beside the kirke of fielde vpon prouisioun set purpose and forethought fellony And hes declarit vnto vs the suspicioun had of the sayd Erle and vtheris as committers of the sayd odious cruale and abhominable deid Quhare-through we being maist earnestly bent mindit and willing to haue tryall taken therein by order of iustice with all diligence and expedition possible hes with aduise of the Lordes of our secret counsill and also of the humble desire of the sayd Erle Bothwell made in our and thair presence quhilk offerit him selfe redy to vnderly the tryall of ane condigne assise according to the laweis of our realme for declaring of thys part hes ordainit ane court of Iusticiarie to be set halden in the tolbuith of Edinbrough the xij day of Aprill next to come for duing of iustice vpon the sayd Erle and vtheris for the sayd crewale odious ▪ foule and abhominabill crime and offence like as it at mair length is contenit in ane act maid in the bukes of our secrete counsell thairupon Oure will is herefoir and we eharge you straictly and commaund that incontinent these our letters seene ye passe and in our name and authority warne the said Mathew erle of Leuenox personally or at hys dwelling place all vthers our lieges hauand or pretēdand to haue intres in the said matter by open proclamation at y e market crosses of our burrowis of Edenbur Dunbertane Glasgw Lanerk vtheris places needfull to compeir befoyr our Iustice or hys deputis in our tolbuith of Edinburgh the sayd xij day of Aprill next to come to pursew and concurre with vs in the sayd actioun with certificatioun to thame and they fayle that our Iustice or his deputteis will proceed and do iustice in the sayd matter the sayd day conforme to the lawis and consuetude of our realme without any longer delay or continuatioun And that ye summond ane assises heirto ilk person vnder the payne of fourty pounds as ye will answer to vs therupon The quhilk to do we commit to you coniunctly and seueraly our full power by these our letters deliuering thame by you duely execute and indorsate againe to the bearer Geuin vnder our signet at Edenburgh the xxvij day of March and of our reigne the xxv yeire 1567. Ex deliberatione Dominorum Consilij Reg. Sic subscribitur Mary Indorsations of the sayd letters VPon the xxix day of March the yeir of God 1567. yeires I Williame Purwes Messenger one of the shriffes in that parte within constitute past at commaund of theis our souerane Ladies letters and in hyr graces name and aucthoritie warnit Mathew Erle of Leuenox and all vtheris hyr maiesteis liegis hauand or pretendand to haue intres in the matter within specifyit by open proclamatioun at the marcket crosse of the burough of Edinburgh to compeir befoyr the Iustice or hys deputes in the tolbuith of Edinburgh the xij day of Aprill next to come to pursew and concur with our sayd souerane Lady in the actioun within expremit with certification as is within mentionat efter the forme and tenour of these letters quhairof I affixt ane copy vpoun the sayd marcket crosse This I did befoir these witnessis Iohne Andersoun and Dauid Lant with vthers diuerse And for mair witnessing to thys my execution and indorsation my signet is affixt VPon the penult day of March first and secound dayes of Aprill the yeare of God aboue written I Gawine Ramsy messenger ane of the Shreffis in that part within constitute past at commandement of these our soueraigne Ladies letters and in hir gracis name and authoritie warnit the sayd Mathew Erle of Leuenox at his dwelling places in Glesgw and Dunbertane respectiue because I serchit socht could nat apprehend him personally and all vther hir maiesties liegis hauand and pretendand to haue intres to persue in the matter within expremit be proclamation at the marckat crosses of the burrowes of Glesgw Dunbertane and Lanerk for to compere befoir the Iustice or his deputies in the sayd
tolbuith of Edenburgh the said xij day of Aprill next to cum to persew and concurre with our sayd soueraigne Lady in the actioun within written with certificatioun as is within mentionit efter the forme and tenor of these letters quhaireof I affixt ane copy vppoun euery ane of the sayd marckat crosses This I did befoir these witnesse George Herbesoun Nicholl Andro Robert Letterik messenger William Smollet Dauid Robertsoun Iames Smollet Iohn Hammeltoun Iames Bannatine and Robert Hammeltoun with diuers vther And for mair witnessing hereof my signet is affixt Subscriuit wyth my hand Gawine Ramsy messenger VPon y e first day of Aprill The yere of God 1567. yeare I William Lawsoun messinger Shriefe in that pare within constitute Past at commaund of these our soueraine Ladies letters to the markat crosse of Perth and thare be open proclamation lawfully warnit Mathew Erle of Leuenox and all vthers our souerane Ladies liegis hauand or pretendand ta haue intres to pursue Iames Erle Bothwell Lord Hailes and Creyghtoun c. certain vthers for y e cruall slaughter murder of the kyngis grace and affixt ane copy vppon the sayd crosses efter the forme and tenour of these letters And this I did befoir these witnesses Iames marschell Alexander Borthuike and Iohnne Andersoun messingeris with others diuers And for the maire witnessing of this my execution and indorsatioun I haue subscriuit thys with my hande Williame Lawsoun messenger with my hand The dittay IAmes Erle Bothwell Lord Haylis and Creychtoun ▪ c. Ye are inditit for acte part of the cruell odious treasonabill and abhominabill slauchter and murder of y e vmquhile the right excellent right high and mighty Prince the kyngis grace dearest spouse for the tyme to our souerane Lady the Quenis maiestie vnder silence of night in his awne lodging beside the Kirke of fielde within this borrow he being taking the nightis rest treasonably raysing fire within the same with ane great quantitie of powder Through force of the quilke the sayd hole lodging was raysit and blowen in the aire And y e said vmquhile king was murtherit treasonably maist cruelly slayne destroyit by you thairin vpon set purpose prouision and forethought felonye And this ye did vppon the ninth day of February last by past vnder silence of night as sayd is As is notoriously knawen quhilke ye can not deny Upoun the quhilk productioun of the foirsayd letters execute indorsit and dittay the sayd aduocate askit an Act of Court and instrumentis and desirit of the Iustice processe conforme thairto The sayd letters being openly red in iugement with the indorsations thaireof the Iustice by vertue of the same causit call the sayd Iames Erle Bothwell as defender on that ane part and Mathew Erle of Leuenox and all vthers our souerane Ladies liegis hauand pretendand to pursue in the sayd matter to compere befoir him in this court of iustitiarie to pursue and defend as accordes of the law Comperit immediatly thairefter in iugement the sayd Iames Erle Bothwell and enterit as parsonale and thā chusit Maister Dauid Borthuike of Luchthill and Maister Edmund Hay prolocutoris for him quho also comperit personally in iugement and were admittit by the Iustice to that effect Comperit also Maister Henry Kinrof alleging him procurator for Andro maister of Errole and producit in iugement the writing and protestatioun vnder written desiring the same to be registerit and insert in the bukes of adiornale quhairof the tenor followis The quhilke day comperit Maister Henry Kinrof procurator for Androw maister of Errole Constable of Scotland and allegit that the Constabillis for the tyme of thys realme has bene at all tymes bypast onely iudges competent to al sic persones as hes bene accusit criminally for committyng of slaughter murther of blude drawing nere to the Prince chamer and within foure myles for the same And thairfoir the sayd Mayster now beyng Constabill of thys realme aught and should be Iudge competent to Iames Erle Bothwell and vthers his allegit complices callit thys day and to be accusit for acte and pairt of the allegit cruell treasonabill slaughter of vmquhyle Henry king of Scottis And in caise Archebald Erle of Argyle as Iustice generall of this realme or his deputies proceid and cognosce in the sayd cause the sayde Maister Henry procurator foresayd protestis solempnlye that the same proceding therin on na wayes hurt nor preiuge the sayd Constabill his office rightis title of rightis intres iurisdictioun or inuestiment thairof in any sort but that he may vse and exercise hys sayd iurisdictioun in all sic caisses in tymes cumming conforme to his inuestiment of the sayd office and vse of cognoscing vsit by hys predecessours and hym befoir in semblable causes All quhilke tyme he makis it knawen either by inuestimēt or vther wayes sufficiently him to haue iurisdictioun in sic casses And desires the same protestatioun to be insert in the buke of adiornale and admittit vnder protestatioun that he affirme not my Lord Iustice iurisdictioun in any sort in procedyng in the sayd matter The Iustice beyng aduisit with the sayd allegeance and protestatioun fande by interlocutor and ordaynit that processe should be led by hym in thys matter Notwithstanding the same in respect that nathyng was shawin by the sayd maister Henry to verefie the cōtentes of the sayd allegeance protestation Quhairuppoun the sayd Erle Bothwell askit ane note of court and instrument The sayd Mathew Erle of Leuenox and vthers our souerane Ladies lieges hauand or pretendand to haue intres to pursue in the sayd matter beyng oftymes callit to haue comperit and concurrit with the sayd aduocates in pursute of the sayd actioun comperit Robart Cunningham allegeing hym seruaunt to the sayd Mathew Erle of Leuenox ▪ and producit the writing vnder written quhilke he subscriuit wyth his hand in iugement As he that had power to vse the same and protestit and desirit conforme thairto in all pointes Of the quhilke writing the tennor followes My Lordes I am cum here sent by my mayster my Lord of Leuenox to declare the cause of his absence thys day and wyth hys power as the same beris The cause of hys abscence is the shortnes of tyme and that he he is denied of hys frendis and seruants quho should haue accompaneit hym to hys honor suretie of his life in respect of the greatnes of hys party And he hauing assistance of na frendes but onely hymselfe And thairfoir hys L. hes commandit me to desire ane sufficient day according to the weight of the cause quhairthrough he may keepe the same And if your L. will procede at thys present I protest that I may without any displeasure of any man vse these thinges committit to my charge by my Lord my Mayster Quhairof I take ane document Item I protest that if the personis quho passis vpoun assyse and