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A13980 The historie of Iustine Containing a narration of kingdomes, from the beginning of the Assyrian monarchy, vnto the raigne of the Emperour Augustus. VVhereunto is newly added a briefe collection of the liues and manners of all the emperours succeeding, vnto the Emp. Rodulphus now raigning. First written in Latine by that famous historiographer Iustine, and now againe newly translated into English, by G.W.; Historiae Philippicae. English Justinus, Marcus Junianus.; Trogus, Pompeius. Historiae Philippicae.; G. W., fl. 1606.; Wilkins, George, fl. 1607, attributed name.; Victor, Sextus Aurelius. De Caesaribus. 1606 (1606) STC 24293; ESTC S117759 462,376 347

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durst not stirre out of Kilkenny to prosecute his accusation reputed partiall and when by meanes thereof the matter hanged in suspence hee infamed the said Prior as an abbettour and favourer of Arnolds heresie The Prior submitted himselfe to the tryall and three severall Proclamations were cryed in Court that any man might lawfully come in and indict accuse or say evidence against the Iustice none came then passed the Councell a decree commanding to appeare at Divelin all Bishops Abbots Pryors the Majors of Divelin Corke Limericke Waterford Droghedah the Sheriffes Knights and Senischalls of every shire Out of them all they sorted sixe Inquisitours which in secrecie examined the Bishoppes and persons aforesaid one by one who with universall consent deposed for the Pryor that to their judgements hee was a zealous and faithfull childe of the Catholique Church The meane while deceased le Power prisoner in the Castle and because he stood unpurged long he laye unburyed Sir Iohn Darcye Lord Iustice. The Irish of Leinster made insurrections so did Magoghigan in Meth and Obrien in Mounster whom VVilliam Earle of Vlster and Iames of Ormond vanquished In which sturre VVilliam Bermingham a warriour incomparable was found halting and was condemned to dye by Roger Outlawe Pryor of Kilmainam then Lieutenant to the Lord Iustice and so hanged was hee a Knight among thousands odde and singular So outragious were the Leinster Irish that in one Church they burned 80. innocent soules asking no more but the life of their Priest then at Masse whom they notwithstanding sticked with their savelins spurned the blessed Sacrament and wasted all with fire neither forced they the Popes interdiction nor any censures ecclesiasticall denounced against them But maliciously persevered in that fury till the Citizens of Weixford tamed them slevv foure hundred in one skirmish the rest flying vvere all drenched in the vvater of Slane Thomas Burgh Treasurer and Lieutenant of Ireland vvhile Darcy Lord Iustice pursued the murtherers of VVilliam Bourk Earle of Vlster a young gentleman of tvventy yeares olde vvhom the seditions of Maundevill murdered besides Cragfergus And vvhen hee had scourged those Traytours he entred Scotland vvith an army and might have possessed the Ilands besides had they bene vvorth the keeping into vvhich Ilands besides him and Sussex the late Lieutenant of Ireland no Governour ever yet adventured Sir Iohn Carleton Lord Iustice vvith vvhom came his brother Thomas Bishop of Hereford Lord Chauncellor and Iohn Rice Treasurer and tvvo hundred Welchmen souldiours The Bishop became Lord Iustice in vvhose time all the Irish of Ireland vvere at defiance vvith the English but vvere shortly calmed by the Earles of Kildare and Desmond Sir Iohn Darcy by the Kings Letters Patents Lord Iustice of Ireland during life in the fourteenth yeare of Edward the third vvhich king abused by some corrupt informers called in under his signet royall fraunchises and liberties and graunts vvhatsoever his predecessours had ratified to the Realme of Ireland and to every person thereof This revocation vvas taken very displeasantly The English of birth and the English of bloud falling to vvords and divided in factions about it The Irish laye wayting for the contention so as the Realme was even upon point to give over all and rebell For remedy the Iustice began a Parliament at Divelin whereto the nobles refused to make apparance assembled themselves quietly without disturbance at Kilkenny where they with the Commons agreed upon certaine questions to be demaunded of the King by way of supplication by which questions they partly signified their griefes Those in effect were 1. How a Realme of warre might be governed by one both unskilfull and unable in all warlike service 2. How an officer under the king that entred very poore might in one yeare grow to more excessive wealth then men of great patrimony in many yeares 3. How it happened seeing they all were called Lords of their owne that the Lord of them all was not a penny the richer for them The Prince of this repining was Morice Earle of Desmond whom Vfford the now Lord Iustice in paine of forfeiture of all his lands commaunded to the Parliament at Dublin and there put him under arrest delivered him by main prise of the tvvo Earles Vlster Ormond of 28. knights squiers All vvhich except the Earles tvvo knights lost their inheritāce by rigour of the said Vfford because Desmond had escaped Therefore at the decease of the Lord Iustice vvhich ensued the next yeare Bonfires and gavvdes vvere solemnized in all the Land his Lady vvas a miserable sott and led him to extortion and bribery much he clipped the prerogatives of the Church and vvas so hated that even in the sight of the country he vvas robbed vvithout rescue by MacCarty notvvithstanding he gathered povver and dispersed the rebellions of Vlster Robert Darcy Lord Iustice chosen by the Councell untill the Kings charter came to Sir Iohn Fitz Morrice vvho inlarged Fitz Thomas Earle of Kildare left in holde by Vfford Fitz Morrice vvas deposed and Sir VValter Bermingham elected who procured safe conduct for Desmond to pleade his right before the King where he was liberally intreated allowed towards his expences there twenty shillings a day at the Princes charge in consideration of which curtesie to his kinsman the Earle of Kildare accompanyed with diverse Lords Knights and chosen horsemen served the King at Callice a towne thought impregnable and returned after the winning thereof in great pompe and jollity Iohn Archer of Kilmainam Lieutenant to the Lord Iustice to whom succeeded Baron Carew after Carew followed Sir Thomas Rokesby knight This yeare dyed Kemvricke Shereman sometimes Major of Divelin a Benefactour to every Church and religious house twenty miles round about the citty his legacies to poore and others besides the liberality shewed in his life time amounted to 3000. marks with such plenty were our fathers blessed that cheerefully gave of their true winnings to needfull purposes whereas our time that gaineth excessively and whineth at every farthing to be spent on the poore is yet oppressed vvith scarcity and beggery The same time dvvelled in Vlster Sir Robert Savage a vvealthie Knight vvho the rather to preserve his ovvne beganne to vvall fortifie his Mannour houses vvith castles and pyles against the Irish enemy exhorting his heire Sir Henry Savage to intend that Worke so beneficiall for himselfe and his posterity Father quoth he I remember the Proverbe better a Castle of bones then of stones vvhere strength and courage of valiant men are to helpe us Never vvill I by the grace of God cumber my selfe vvith dead vvalls my fort shall be vvheresoever young blouds be stirring and vvhere I finde roome to fight The father in a fume let lye the building and forsvvore it But yet the vvant thereof and such like hath beene the decaye asvvell of the Savages as of all
by the said heire of Vlster had issue Walter and hee had issue five daughters 1. Ellen that married Robert le Bruse King of Scotland 2. Elizabeth that married the Earle of Gloster 3. Iohan that married Thomas Earle of Kildare 4. Katherine that married the Earle of Louth 5. Margaret that married the Earle of Desmond the 6. Ellinor that married with the Lord Multon notwithstanding these honourable matches and amity concluded in the outward sight of the world there rose deadly warres between the Giraldins and Burks which wrought blood sheds troubles by partaking throughout the Realme of Ireland at the same time the fury of the Giraldins was so outragious in so much that Morice Fitz Maurice the second Earle of Desmond opposed himselfe against the sword and tooke at Trisledermote now called Castle Dermocke Richard de Capella the Lord Iustice Theoball le Butler and Iohn or Millis de Cogan and committed them to the prisons in Leix and Donamus but the yeere following Henry the third not pleased with these commotions and hurly burlies by mature advice taken of his Councell pacified the variance betweene them discharged Denny of his Iusticeship and appointed David Barry Lord Iustice in his place Anno 1267. David Barry tooke by the appointment of the King the sword of Iusticeship and the command of Ireland and quelled or tamed saith the English Anonymos the insolent dealing of Morice Fitz Maurice Cousin german to Girald The same yeere saith Iohn Clinne the Fryers Preachers first of all settled themselves at Rosse in Wexford and the Minors at Kilkennie and two yeeres after at Clonemell Anno 1268. Conochur Obrian was slaine by Dermot Mac Monard and the same yeere saith Felcon and Clinne Maurice Fitz Gerald Earle of Desmond was drowned crossing the seas between England and Ireland leaving behind him a sonne and heire of the age of 3. yeeres and a halfe The same yeere Robert Vfford became Lord Iustice of Ireland and began to build the Castle of Roscommon Anno 1269. Richard de Excester was made Lord Iustice who dyed the same yeere together with his wife Margery de Say the same yeere saith Florilegus Othobone the Popes Legat held a Councell at Paules in London where he called before him the Clergy of England Wales Ireland and Scotland and left among them certaine constitutions which were afterward commended by Linwood and are at this day in request the which constitutions of Otho and Othobon were afterwards confirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Ed. 1. raigne Holinshead Anno 1270. The Lord Iames Audley was made Lord Iustice of Ireland and dyed with the fall of a horse in his time Florilegus and Holinshead note there was great commotion in Ireland the Irish tooke Armes against the English burned spoiled destroied and slue as well the Magistrates as others Clinne goeth more particularly to worke and delivereth how that the King of Conaght by force of Armes in the plaine field overthrew Walter Burke Earle of Vlster who hardly escaped with life yet dyed the yeere following and slue a great number of Nobles and Knights that held with the Burk and among others by especiall name the Lord Richard Verdon and the Lord Iohn Verdon and that there ensued over all Ireland great famine and pestilence as the sequell of warres About this time say our Antiquaries the Bishop of Rome sent to Ireland requiring the tithes of all spirituall promotions for 3. yeeres to come to maintaine his warres against the King of Aragon the which was greatly murmured at and gainesaid yet the Nuntio went not empty away Anno 1272. the most renowned King Henry the third having lived 65. yeeres and raigned 56. and 28 dayes ended his dayes and was buried at Westminster Edward the first of that name sonne of King Henry the third surnamed Long-shankes of the age of 35. yeers began his raigne Anno 1272. Anno 1272. and the first of Edward the first his raigne Maurice Fitz Maurice was made Lord Iustice in whose time the Irish brake out into cruell rebellion rased and destroyed the Castles of Aldleeke Roscommon Scheligath and Randon this Maurice saith Clyn not long after was betrayed by his owne followers in Ophali taken and imprisoned Anno 1273. the Lord Walter Genvill who lately returned home from the Holy Land was sent into Ireland and appointed Lord Iustice in his time so write Dowlinge and Grace the Scots and Red-shankes out of the high land crossed the seas burned townes and villages most cruelly killed man woman and childe tooke a great prey and returned home afore the country could make preparation to pursue them but in a while after to bee revenged of them Vlster and Connaught mustred a great Armie under the leading of Richardus de Burgo and Sir Eustacele Poer knight made after them entred the Islands and high land of Scotland slue as many as they could finde burned their Cabbans and Cottages and such as dwelt in caves and rockes under ground as the manner is to denne out Foxes they fired and smothered to death covering their entrances into the ground with great and huge stones and so returned into Ireland Anno 1276. what time Thomas Clare came into Ireland and married the daughter of Maurice Fitz Maurice The Castle of Roscommon was taken by the Irish and a great overthrow given vnto the English men at Glynburry Glandelory saith Clyn where William Fitz Roger Prior of the Kings hospitallers and many others were taken prisoners and a great number of others were slaine at what time also Ralph Pepard and Otholand gave O Neale a sore battaile Anno 1277. Walter Lord Genuill was sent for into England and Robert Vfford the second time tooke the office of Iusticeship at this time Muridath or Murtagh a notable rebell was taken at the Noraght by Gualter de Fant and executed Thomas Clare likewise in this rebellion slue Obryan Roe King of Thomond and yet after this the Irish drew such a draught that they closed him up in Slew Banny together with Maurice Fitz Maurice his father in law and all their forces untill they gave hostages to escape with their lives upon condition to make satisfaction for the death of O brian and his followers and in the meane while to yeeld them up the Castle of Roscommon although the conditions seemed hard prejudiciall to the Kings Maiesty yet were they driven for safeguard of their lives to condiscend thereunto In this rebellious season to cleere himselfe that in his owne person he came not to daunt the enemy Robert Vfford the Lord Iustice was sent for into England who substituted in his roome one Fryer Robert Fulborne Bishop of Waterford who when he had cleered himselfe came and resigned his place of Iusticeship Anno 1278. there rose civill warres no better then rebellion betweene Mac Dermot de Moylargo and Cathgur O Conoghor King of Connaught where there was great slaughter and bloud-shed on both
sides and the King of Connaught slaine Raphaell Holinshed in his Irish collection thinketh that there were slaine at that time above two thousand persons The King of England hearing thereof was mightily displeased with the Lord Iustice and sent for him into England to yeeld reason why he would permit such shamefull enormities under his governement Robert Vfford substituted Robert Fulborne as before satisfied the King that all was not true that hee was charged withall and for further contentment yeelded this reason that in policie he thought it expedient to winke at one knave cutting off another and that would save the Kings Coffers and purchase peace to the land whereat the King smiled and bid him returne to Ireland Anno 1279. Stow is mine Author King Edward commanded groats of foure pence a piece pence halfe pence and farthings to be coyned and to be currant through England and Ireland not decrying the old whereupon saith he these verses were made Edward did smite round penny halfe penny farthing The crosse passes the bond of all throughout the ring The Kings side was his head and his name written The crosse side what Citie it was made in coyned and smitten The poore man ne to Priest the penny frayses nothing Men give God aye the least they feast him with a farthing A thousand two hundred fourescore yeeres and moe On this money men wondred when it first began to goe Anno 1280. the Citie of Waterford saith Clyn through some foule mischance was all set on fire others report that some Merchant stranger being wronged as they thought by the Citizens brought bagges of powder out of their ships and threw them in the night season in at their sellers windowes and coales of fire after them and spoyled the City in that sort that it was long after ere they could recover themselves Anno 1281. Robert Fulborne Bishop of Waterford was by direction from the King ordained Lord Iustice of Ireland This yeere there was a great rebellion in Connaught and in upper Ossory and in Archloe which cost many mens lives but the ringleaders were cut off Adam Cusack slue William Barret and his brethren which contended about lands In Connaught Hogken Mac Gill Patricke was cut off in Vppsory Murtough Mac Muroch with Art his brother lost their heads at Wickloe another saith at Artchloe so Clyn and Dowlinge doe report Anno 1283. it is remembred by Clyn and others that a great part of Dublin was burned Campanile Capitulum sanctae Trinitatis saith mine Author the belfrie or steeple and Chapter house of the blessed Trinity with the Dormiture and Cloyster Others write that certaine Scots to be revenged upon some Citizens for wronging of them set Skinner-Row a fire and by that meanes the fire ranne into Christ Church but the citizens of Dublin therein greatly to bee commended before they went about to repaire their owne private houses agreed together to make a collection for repayring the ruine of that antient Church Anno 1284. flourished Ieffery or as Clyn writeth Galfridus de sancto Leodegario Bishop of Ossorie the second founder of the Cathedrall Church of Setus Canicus and the first founder of the Colledge of the Vicars of the same Church who gave unto the Colledge and vickars of the same Church for the maintenance of divine Service his Manse and lodging with the edifices thereunto adjoyning the rectory of Kilkesh and revenue de manubrinnio one marke sterling of the Abbot of Duiske for the land of Scomberlowaie with other revenues The said Ieffery by combate the combatants I finde not recorded anno 1284. recovered the Mannor of Sirekeran in Elly now Ocarolls country He builded part of the Mannors of Aghboo and Dorogh he builded a great part of the Church of Saint Canicus formerly begunne by Hugh Mapilton his Predecessor hee exchanged the towne Scomkarthie for the towne of Killamerry with William Marshall the Earle of Penbroke in his kinde of devotion he injoyned the collegiat Vicars of Kilkenny to celebrate the universary and aniversary of the reverend fathers his predecessors Walter Barkeley Galfrid Turvill Hugh Mapilton and others and his successors and Canons in the said Church of Ossory He established other things for the good of the Burgesses of Crosse ..... in the Irish towne of Kilkenny as in the foundation of the Burgesses there more at large doth appeare he dyed Anno 1286. and lyeth buried before the Chappell of our Lady in the Cathedrall Church Thus farre the Collections of Doctor Hanmer the Continuation following is taken out of the Chronicles of Henry Marleburrough HENRY MARLEBVRROVGH'S CHRONICLE OF IRELAND ANno 1285. the Lord Theobald Butler fled from Dublin and died shortly after and the Lord Theobald Verdon lost his men and horses going towards Ophali and the next morning Girald Fitz Maurice was taken prisoner and Iohn Samforde was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin and the Lord Ieffery Genuill fled and Sir Gerard Doget and Ralph Petit were slaine Anno 1287. deceased Richard Decetir Girald Fitz Maurice Thomas de Clare Richard Taff and Nicholas Telinge Knights Anno 1288. In England a bushell of Wheate was at foure pence And Fryer Stephen Fulburne Lord Iustice of Ireland dyed And Iohn Samford Archbishop of Dublin was made Lord Iustice. And the Lord Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster besieged Theobald Verdon in the Castle of Aloan and came to Trymm with a great power by the working of Walter Lacy. Anno 1290. Was the chase or discomfiture of Ophaly and divers Englishmen were slaine And Mac Coghlan slue O●olaghlin And William Bourgh was discomfited at Delvin by Mac Coghlan And Gilbert Earle of Glocester married the daughter of King Iohn le Bayloll King of Scotland And Sir William Vescy was made Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1294. Deceased Iohn de Samford Archbishop of Dublin and Iohn Fitz Thomas and Iohn de la Mare tooke prisoners Richard Bourgh Earle of Vlster and William Bourgh in Meath And the Castle of Kildare was taken and by the English and Irish the whole countrie was wasted And Calwagh burnt all the rolles and tallyes of that countie And Richard was delivered out of the Castle of Leye for his two sonnes And Iohn Fitz Thomas with a great armie came into Meath Anno 1295. William Dodinsell Lord Iustice of Ireland dyed and the Lord Thomas Fitz Maurice was made Lord Iustice. Anno 1296. Fryer William de Hothum was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1298. The Lord Thomas Fitz Maurice dyed and an agreement was made betwixt the Earle of Vlster and the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas and Sir Iohn Wogan was made Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1299. William Archbishop of Dublin dyed and Richard de Feringes was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1302. The King of England Edward the first went into Scotland and there Sir Iohn Wogan Lord Iustice of Ireland and the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas with many others met with him Anno 1305. King Edward made the
dispatched if the same be true with his owne hands at Roane Of this barbarous cruelty all mens eares were full and Courcye either of zeale or partiality spake bloudy words against it which meane his undermyners caught and did not onely heave him out of credite but also got commission to attach his body and to send him into England The Earle mistrusted his part and kept aloofe till Hugh de Lacye Lord Iustice vvas faine to levye men in armes and to invade Vlster Thence hee vvas often put to flight vvhereupon hee proclaymed Courcye Traytour and hyred sundry gentlemen vvith revvards to bring him in quicke or dead so long hee vvooed the matter that Courcyes ovvne Captaines vvere inveygled to betray their Lord. Therefore upon good Friday vvhen the Earle did off his armour and in secret meditations visited religious places bare-footed they layde for him tooke him as a rebell and shipped him into England the next way where he was adjudged to perpetuall prison Sentleger addeth in his collections that Lacy payd the Traytors their money and then immediatly hanged them This Courcye translated the Church and Prebendaryes of the Trinity in Downe to an Abbey of black Monks brought thither from Chester and the same did hallow to S. Patricke for which alteration of the name of God to his servant hee deemed himselfe justly punished Not long after as say the Irish certaine French knights came to King Iohns Court and one of them asked the combat for tryal of the Dutchy of Normandy It was not thought expedient to jeopard the title upon one mans lucke yet the challenge they determined to answere some friend put them in minde of the Earle imprisoned a Warriour of noble courage and in pitch of body like a gyant King Iohn demaunded Courcye whether hee would bee content to fight in his quarrell Not for thee said the Earle whose person I esteeme not worthy the adventure of my bloud but for the Crowne and dignity of the Realme wherein many a good man liveth against thy will The words were haply taken without dudgen as proceeding from stomack and from one counted more plaine then wise Courcye therefore being cherished to the field and refreshed with dyet fed so wonderfully after his hard keeping that the French Challenger tooke him for a monster and privily stale into Spaine Then was the Earle inlarged and crossed the seas tovvardes Ireland fifteene times evermore beaten back to the shoare vvent thence into France to change the coast and there dyed after vvhose decease vvithout heires of his body the Earledome of Vlster vvas entirely bestovved upon Hugh de Lacye for his good service In Ireland remained one of the Courcyes Lord of Rathenny and Kilbarrock vvhom as a spye of all their practises and an informer thereof to the King VValter and Hugh the sonnes of Hugh had slaine and great seditions raysed bearing themselves after the decease of their father for Governours out of checke To settle the Realme of Ireland King Iohn brought thither a maine Armye banished the Lacyes subdued the remanents tooke pledges punished malefactours established the execution of English Lawes coyned money of like value currant sterling in both Realmes The two Lacyes repentant of their follyes and tyrannies fled into France dispoyled of sumptuous apparell and unknowne meekely they served in Saint Taurines Abbey as gardners untill the Abbot by their countenance and behaviour beganne to smell their estates and pressed them so farre that they detected their offences and the due desert of much harder chastisement eftsoone beseeching the Abbot to keepe their counsells who commending their humilities yet advising them to laye holde upon their Princes favour if it might be had laboured the King his familiar and godsip earnestly for their pardons and obtained it Each of them were fined VValter at 4000. and Hugh at 2500. markes and restored him to the Lordship of Meth this to the Earledome of Vlster King Iohn made his Vice-gerent and returned home subdued the Welchmen met with Pandulphus the Legate of Innocentius the third who came to release him of the sentence wherein he stood excommunicate for his spoyle and extortion of Church goods to whom being the Popes Atturney hee made a personall surrender of both his Realmes in way of submission and after his assoylement received them againe some adde that he gave away his Kingdome to the See of Rome for him and his successours recognizing to holde the same of the Popes in fee paying yearely therefore one thousand markes and in them three hundred for Ireland Blundus sayth Centum pro utroque auri marchas Sir Thomas Moore a man in that calling office likely to sound the matter to the depth writeth precisely that neither any such writing the Pope can shew nor were it effectuall if he could How farre foorth and with what limitation a Prince may or may not addict his Realme feodary to another Iohn Maior a Scottish Chronicler and a Sorbonist not unlearned partly scanneth who thinketh 300. marks for Ireland a very hard pennyworth The instrument which our English Chronicle rehearseth might haply be motioned and drawne and then dye unratified although the copy of that record continue But certaine it is that his successours never payde it and thereto assenteth Iohn Bale in his Apology against vowes To Iohn Comin Founder of S. Patrickes Church succeeded Henry Lounders in the Archbishops See of Divelin who builded the kings Castle there being Lord Chiefe Iustice of Ireland him they nicknamed as the Irish doe commonly give additions to their Governours in respect of some fact or qualitie Scorch villaine and Burnebill because hee required to peruse the writings of his Tenants colourably pretending to learne the kinde of each mans severall tenure and burned the same before their faces causing them either to renew their estates or to holde at will In the fourth yeare of King Iohns raigne was founded the Abbey of Dowske in the sixt the Abbey of Wethny in the Countie of Limericke by Theobald le Butler Lord of the Carricke and in the twelfth Richard Tute builded the Monastery of Granard CAP. IIII. Henry the third and Edward the first AFter the death of Lownders Henry the third informed of the Truth and good service done by the Geraldines ever since their first arryvall in the Countrey made Morrice Fitz Gerald the sonne of Morrice aforesaid Lord Iustice. To him sent Edward the Prince surnamed Longshanke for assistance and power of men against the Welch Rebells who leaving Warders in the Castle of Sligaghe by him lately founded together with Phelim Oconnor and a lusty band of souldiours met the king at Chepstovv returned victoriously and by this meanes increased favour streightway they tvvo joyning vvith Cormack mac Dermot Mac Rory made a noble hosting upon Odonill the Irish enemy that invaded and grieved the Kings subjects of Vlster when Lacy was once dead Odonill being vanquished the Lord Iustice
forced pledges and Trowages of Oneale to keepe the Kings peace and diverse other exploytes did hee during his time of government which in particular rehearseth Flatsbury in his notes collected for Gerald Fitz Gerald Earle of Kildare Anno 1517. To him succeeded in office Sir Iohn Fitz Geffrey knight Geffrey Allan de la Zowche whom Earle Warren slevv to Zowch Stephen de longa spata who slevv Oneale in the streets of Down and there dyed Him followed William Den in whose time Mac Cartye played the devill in Desmond and to Den Richard Capell who envyed the Geraldines and was of them taken prisoner together with Theobald le Butler and Miles Cogan The king tooke up the variance and discharged Den preferring David Barrye to his roome who tamed the insolencie of Morrice Fitz Morrice cousin germane to Fitz G●rald upon Barrye came Vfford upon Vfford Iames Audeley who dyed of a fall from his horse in Thomond and then for the time Fitz Morrice governed till the king sent over Sir Ieffrey de Genevill newly returned in pilgrimage from the Holy Sepulture Him called home againe Edward the first in the fourth yeare of his raigne and sent in his stead Robert Vfford the second time who made his Vice-gerent Fryar Fulborne Bishop of Waterford and resumed his charge at his next arryvall into Ireland At this time the citty of Divelin was miserably wasted with fire and the Bell-house of Christs Church utterly defaced which the citizens before they repayred their private harmes jointly came to succor collections made to redresse the ruines of that ancient building first begun by the Danes as I finde in a monument of that foundation continued by Sitricus Prince of Divelin at the motion of Donate then Bishop dedicated to the Blessed Trinity finished by Richard Earle Strangbow Fitz Stephens and S. Laurence the Archbishop and his foure successors Iohn of Evesham Henry Scorchbill Lord Iustice Lucas and lastly by Iohn de S. Paul which worke at the decay by fire and since many devout citizens of Divelin have beautified The same Strongbowes Tombe spoyled by fall of the roofe Sir Henry Sidney Lord Deputy restoreth at this present who hath also given a sightly countenance to the Quire by doing cost upon the Earle of Kildares Chappell over against the which he hath left a monument of Captain Randolfe late Colonell of Vlster Valiantly dead in that service Iohn Samford Archbishop of Divelin Lord Iustice VVilliam Vescy Lord Iustice who pursued Omalaghli●n king of Meth that soone after was slaine The Souldan of Babylon determined to vexe the Christians cities of the East Tripolis Tyrus Berinthus Sidon Ptolemais now parts of Turky vvhom to redeeme vvith their helpes to get againe the Holy Land Edward the first had foure yeeres past obtained by licence of Mar●in the fourth and by confirmation o● Honorius his successor the vvhole tenth of all ecclesiastical revenues in Ireland for 7. yeares vvhereafter follovved a fifteene of the Temporalty And the same yeere Iohn Baliol Earle of Galvvay founded Baliol Colledge in Oxford made his homage to King Edward for his Kingdome of Scotland and to the Lord Iustice for his Earledome of Ireland Vescey vvas a sterne man and full of courage but rashe and impudent of his tongue he convented before him Iohn Earle of Kildare charged him vvith riots vagaryes unseasonable for that he ranged vvith his men abroad preyed upon privat enemies inordinatly for malice grudge not for advancement of the publique vveale vvhom the Earle as impatient as the other ansvvered thus By your honour and mine my Lord by king Edwards hand you vvould if you durst appeach me in plaine tearmes of ●elony for vvhereas I have the title and you the fleece of Kildare I wot well how great an eye sore I am in your sight who if I could bee hansomely trussed up for a fellon then might my young Master your sonne become a Gentleman Iustice Gentleman quoth he thou proud Earle the Vescyes were gentlemen before Kildare was an Earledome and before the Welch bankrupt thy Cousin feathered his Nest in Leinster But seeing thou darest me I will surely breake thy heart and with that word he called the Earle a notorious theefe murderer Then followed clattering of swords by Souldiours on both parties untill either side appeased his owne and the Lord Iustice leaving his Lieutenant VVilliam Hay sped over to the King whom immediately followed the Earle as fast as Vescey charged Kildare with fellony no lesse did Kildare appeach the Iustice of high treason and in tryall thereof he asked the Combate But when the listes royall were provided Vescey was slipt away into France and so disherited of all his lands in the county of Kildare which were bestowed upon the Earle of Kildare and his heires for ever The Earle waxed insolent upon this successe and squared with diverse Nobles English and Irish of the Land hee took prisoner Richard Earle of Vlster and him detained untill the Parliament then assembled at Kilkenny commanded his delivery and for that unrulinesse disseised the Geraldines of the Castle of Sligagh and of all his lands in Connaght VVilliam Dodding●ale Lord Iustice. This yere for the defence of Wales and commodity of Passengers to and from Ireland the King did coast upon the Isle of Anglisey called the mother of Wales and builded there the castle de bello marisco or Bewmarishe Thomas Fitz Morice Lord Iustice. Iohn VVogan Lord Iustice pacified the former strife betweene Vlster and Kildare and all the Geraldines with their associats together with Theobald Lord Butler gathered strength of men and met the kings army before Edinburgh wan the Citty slew 25. thousand Scots hampred Iohn Baliol king of the Scots in such sort that glad and faine was he to renew his homage CAP. V. Edward the second THomas Fitz Morice Lord Iustice. I will begin this Chapter with the modestie of a good Clerke Richard Havering who five yeares by dispensation had received the fruites and revenues of the Bishopricke of Divelin and long might have done had he beene so disposed But now feeling in sleep a waight upon his stomacke heavyer to his weening then any masse of mettall whereof to be released he vowed in his dreame all that ever he could make in this world Suddainely the next morne resigned the custodium of the Bishopricke and contented himselfe with other ecclesiasticall cures incident to his vocation The same yeare was the bane of the Templers in Ireland to whom succeeded the Knights of the Rhodes This profession began at Ierusalem by certaine Gentlemen that kept their abode next to the Temple there who till the Councell of Creetz increased not above the number of nine But thenceforth in little more then fiftie yeares being enriched by contribution of all Christian Realmes every where their houses were erected and endowed bountifully
they grew to 300. Knights of the order and into inferiour brethren innumerable But with ease and wealth they declined now to such intollerable deformities of life and other superstitious errors nothing lesse regarding then the purpose of this their foundation that the generall Councell assembled at Vienna disanulled the same for ever And thereupon as in other countries so in Ireland they confessed the publicke fame of their enormities and themselves culpable their persons they yeelded to perpetuall pennance their lands were given though with some difficulty to the Knights of S. Iohns hospitall at Ierusalem who since then for recovering the Iland of Rhodes from the Saracens became famous and multiplied much more honourably then did the Templers Of this latter foundation was the priory of S. Iohns at Kilmaynam besides Divelin Iohn Decer Major of Divelin builded the high Pype there and the Bridge over the Liffy toward S. Wolstans and a chapell of our Lady at the Fryar minors where he lyeth buried repaired the Church of the Fryars preachers and every friday tabled the Fryars at his owne costs In absence of VVogan Sr VVilliam Burcke was Lord Warden of Ireland to whom King Edward recōmended Pierce of Gavestone the disquieter of all the nobility in England a companion to the King in vice bolstered up by the King so peremptorily against the will of his Councell that whereas the said Pierce was by them exiled Edward sent him now into Ireland with much honour and many Iewels assigning him the commodities royall of that Realme which bred some bickering betweene the Earle of Vlster Sir Richard Burke and Gavestone who notwithstanding bought the hearts of the Souldiours with his liberality subdued Obrene edified sundry Castles cawswayes and bridges but within three yeares he retyred from Flaunders into England where the nobles besieged him at Scarborough and smit off his head Iohn VVogan Lord Iustice summoned a Parliament at Kilkenny where wholesome lawes were ordained but never executed There fell the Bishops in argument about their Iurisdictions and in especiall the Archbishop of Divelin forbad the Primate of Ardmagh to lift up his crosyer within the province of Leinster In ratifying of which priviledge I have seene the coppy of Pope Honorius Bull exemplified among the recordes of S. Patricks Church shortly after Rowland Ioyce then Primate stale by night in his pontificals from Howth to the priory of Gracedieu where the Archbishops servants met him and violently chased him out of all the diocesse This Archbishop was named Iohn Aleeke after whose death were elected in scisme division of sides two successours Thorneburgh Lord Chancellor and Bignore Treasurer of Ireland The Chancellor to strengthen his election hastily went to sea and perished by shipwracke the other submitting his cause to the processe of law tarryed at home and sped Theobald de Verdon Lord Iustice. Sixe thousand Scots fighting men under the conduct of Edward Bruise brother to Robert King of Scotland also the Earle Murray Iohn Menteith Iohn Steward and others landed in the north of Ireland ioyned with the Irish and conquered Vlster gave the Englishmen three notable overthrowes crowned the said Bruise King of Ireland burned Churches and Abbeyes with all the people found therein men women and children Then was Sir Edmund Butler chosen Lord Iustice who combined the Earle of Vlster and the Geraldines in friendship himselfe with Sir Iohn Mandevill and preserved the rest of the Realme In the necke of these troubles arose foure Princes of Connaght to impaire and scatter the English force But then the Burckes and the Berninghams discomfited and slew the number of eleaven thousand besides Athenry To Sir Richard Berningham belonged a lusty young swayne Iohn Hussee whom his Lord commanded to take a view of the dead carcasses about the walles and bring him word whether Okelly his mortall foe were slaine among them Hussee passed forth with one man to turne up and peruse the bodies All this marked Okelly who lurking in a bush thereby being of old time well acquainted with the valiantnes truth of Hussee sore longed to traine him from his Captaine and presuming now upon this opportunity disclosed himself said Hussee thou seest I am at all points armed and have my Esquire a manly man besides me thou art thin and thy page a youngling so that if I loved not thee for thine owne sake I might betray thee for thy Masters But come and serve me at my request I promise thee by S. Patrickes staffe to make thee a Lord in Connaght of more ground then thy Master hath in Ireland When these wordes waighed him nothing his owne man a stout lubber began to reprove him for not relenting to so rich a proffer assured him with an oath whereupon hee proffered to gage his soule for performance Now had Hussee three enemies and first he turned to his owne knave and him he slew next hee raught to Okellyes Squire a great rappe under the pit of his eare which overthrew him Thirdly he bestirred himselfe so nimbly that ere any helpe could be hoped for he had also slaine Okelly and perceiving breath in the Squire he drawed him up againe forced him upon a truncheon to beare his Lords head into the high towne which presented to Bermingham and the circumstances declared he dubbed Hussee Knight and him advaunced to many preferments whose family became afterwards Barons of Galtrime While the Scots were thus matched Robert de Bruise King of Scots tooke shore at Cragsergus to assist his brother whose Souldiours committed sacriledge and impiety against Monasteries Tombes Altars Virgins robbed Churches of all their plate and ornaments They of Vlster sent to the Lord Iustice pittifull supplication for aide in this misery who delivered them the Kings power and standerd wherewith under pretence to expell the Scots they raunged through the country with more grievance and vexation to the subjects then did the strangers Le Bruise proceeded and spoyled Cashell and wheresoever he lighted upon the Butlers lands those hee burned and destroyed unmercifully By this time had the Lord Iustice and Thomas Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare Richard de Clare and Arnold de Powere Baron of Donoile furnished and armed thirty thousand men ready to set forward Then came newes that VVilliam de Burgo the Earles brother was taken by the Scots whereof the Irish of Vlster imboldened with the presence of the Scotish Army and with the late discomfiture which Earle Richard Burcke sustained at Coynes denyed their alleagiance openly and conspired in the behalfe of Edward le Bruise whom they proclaimed King The Lord Iustice had assembled such force against them under the leading of the Geraldines and Poweres that each of them was thought sufficient by himselfe to winne the field But suddainely the two Captaines and their adherents squared so as no good conclusion might be inferred Roger Mortimer trusting by their discention to imbeazell a
the inhabitants of the county towne of Corke being tyred with perpetuall oppressions of their Irish borderers complained themselves in a generall writing directed to the Lord of Rutheland and Corke the Kings Deputy and to the Councell of the Realme then assembled at Divelin which Letter because it openeth the decay of those partes and the state of the Realme in times past I have thought good to enter here as it was delivered me by Francis Agard Esquire one of her Majesties privy Councell in Ireland It may please your wisedomes to have pittie of us the Kings poore subjects within the county of Corke or else we be cast away for ever for where there was in this countie these Lords by name besides Knights Esquiers Gentlemen and Yeoman to a great number that might dispend yearelie 800. pounds 600. pounds 400. pounds 200. pounds 100. pounds 100. markes 20. pounds 20. markes 10. pounds some more some lesse to a great number besides these Lords following First the Lord Marquesse Caro his yearely revenues was besides Dorzey Hauen and other Creekes 2200. pounds sterling The Lord Barnevale of Bearehaven his yearely revenues was beside Bearehaven and other Creekes 1600. pounds sterling The Lord Vggan of the great Castle his yearely revenues was besides havens and creekes 1300. pounds sterling The Lord Balram of Emforte his yearely revenues was besides havens and creekes 1300. pounds sterling The Lord Courcy of Kilbretton his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1500. pounds sterling The Lord Mandevil of Barrenstelly his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1200. pounds sterling The Lord Arundell of the strand his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1500. pounds sterling The Lord Baron of the Guard his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1100. pounds sterling The Lord Sleynie of Baltimore his yearely revenue besides havens and creekes 800 pounds sterling The Lord Roche of Poole-castle his yearely revenue besides havens and creekes 1000. pounds sterling The Kings Majesty hath the Lands of the late young Barry by forfeiture the yearely revenue whereof besides two rivers and creekes and all other casualties is 1800. pounds sterling And at the end of this Parliament Your Lordship with the Kings most noble Councell may come to Corke and call before you all these Lords and other Irish men and binde them in paine of losse of life lands and goods that never any of them doe make warre upon another without licence or cōmandement of you my Lord Deputy the Kings Councell for the utter destruction of these parts is that onely cause and once all the Irish men and the Kings enemies were driven into a great valley called Glanehought betwixt two great mountaines called Maccorte or the leprous Iland and their they lived long and many yeares with their white meat till at the last these English Lords fell at variance among themselves and then the weakest part tooke certaine Irish men to take his part and so vanquished his enemy and thus fell the English Lords at variance among themselves till the Irish men were stronger then they and drave them away and now have the whole country under them but that the Lord Roche the Lord Courcy and the Lord Barry onely remaine with the least part of their auncestors possessions and young Barry is there upon the Kings portion paying his Grace never a penny Rent Wherefore we the Kings poore subjects of the Citty of Corke Kinsale and Yowghall desire your Lordship to send hither two good Iustices to see this matter ordered and some English Captaines with twenty English men that may be Captaines over us all and we will rise with them to redresse these enormities all at our owne costs And if you doe not we be all cast away and then farewell Mounster for ever And if you will not come nor send we will send over to our Liege Lord the King and complaine on you all Thus farre the letter And at this day the Citty of Corke is so encumbred with unquiet neighbours of great power that they are forced to watch their gates continually to keepe them shut at service times at meales from sunne set to sunne arising nor suffer any stranger to enter there with his weapon but to leave the same at a lodge appointed They walke out for recreation at seasons with strength of men furnished they match in wedlocke among themselves so that welnigh the whole citty is allyed together It is to be hoped that the late sent over Lord President of Mounster Sir Iohn Parrot who hath chosen the same place to abide in as having greatest neede of a Governour resident would ease the inhabitants of this feare and scourge the Irish Outlawes that annoy the whole region of Mounster Henry the 4. in the 10. yeare of his raigne gave the Sword to the Citty of Divelin which Citty was first governed as appeareth by their auncient seale called Signum propositurae by a Provost and in the 14. yeare of H. the 3. by a Major two Bayliffes which Bayliffes were changed into Sheriffes by Charter of Edward the 6. an 1547. This Majorality both for state and charge of that office and for the bountifull hospitality exceedeth any Citty in England except London While Henry the 5. reigned I finde lieutenants and deputyes of Ireland specially remembred Iohn Talbott of Hollamshire Lord of Furnyvall Thomas de Lancaster Senischa of England and Stephen le Scroope his Deputy Iohn Duke of Bedford then also Lord Keeper of England and the noble Earle of Ormond Sir Iames Butler whose grandsire was Iames surnamed the chast for that of all vices hee most abhorred the sinne of the flesh and in subduing of the same gave notable example In the red Moore of Athye the sun almost lodged in the West and miraculously standing still in his epicycle the space of three houres till the feat was accomplished and no pit in that bogge annoying either horse or man on his part he vanquished Omore and his terrible Army with a few of his owne and with the like number Arthur Mac Murrough at whose might and puissance all Leinster trembled To the imitation of this mans worthinesse the compiler of certaine precepts touching the rule of a Common-wealth exciteth his Lord the said Earle in diverse places of that Worke incidently eftsoones putting him in minde that the Irish beene false by kinde that it were expedient and a worke of Charity to execute upon them willfull and malicious transgressours the Kings Lawes somewhat sharpely That Odempsye being winked at a while abused that small time of sufferance to the injury of the Earle of Kildare intruding unjustly upon the Castle of Ley from whence the said Deputy had justly expelled him and put the Earle in possession thereof that notvvithstanding their oathes and pledges yet they are no longer true then they feele themselves the vveaker This Deputye tamed the Obriens the Burckes Mac-banons Ogaghnraghte Manus Mac
Mahowne all the Captaines of Thomond and all this in three moneths The Cleargye of Divelin tvvice every vveeke in solemne procession praying for his good successe against these disordered persons vvhich novv in every quarter of Ireland had degenerated to their olde trade of life and repyned at the English Lieutenants to Henry the sixt over the Realme of Ireland were Edmund Earle of Marche and Iames Earle of Ormond his Deputy Iohn Sutton Knight Lord Dudley and Sir Thomas Strange his Deputy Sir Thomas Standley and Sir Christopher Plonket his Deputy Lyon Lord Welles and the Earle of Ormond his Deputy Iames Earle of Ormond the Kings Lieutenant by himselfe Iohn Earle of Shrewesbury and the Archbishop of Divelin Lord Iustice in his absence Richard Plantaginet Duke of Yorke father of Edward the fourth and Earle of Vlster had the office of Lieutenant by letters Patents during the space of ten yeares who deputed under him at severall times the Baron of Delvin Roland Fitz Eustace knight Iames Earle of Ormond and Thomas Fitz Morrice Earle of Kildare To this Richard then resciant in Divelin was borne within the castle there his second son George Duke of Clarence afterwards drowned in a butt of Malmsey his god fathers at the font were the Earles of Ormond and Desmond Whether the commotion of Iacke Cade an Irish-man borne naming himselfe Mortimer and so clayming cousinage to diverse noble houses proceeded from this crew it is uncertaine surely the Duke was thereof vehemently mistrusted immediatly began his tumults which because our English histories discourse at large I omit as impertinent Those broyles being couched for a time Richard held himselfe in Ireland being lately by Parliament ordained Protector of the Realme of England leaving his agent in the Court his brother the Earle of Salisbury Lord Chauncellour to whom he declared by letters the trouble then toward in Ireland which letter exemplified by Sir Henry Sidney Lord Deputy a great searcher and preserver of Antiquities as it came to my hands I thinke it convenient here to set downe To the right worshipfull and with all my heart entirely beloved brother the Earle of Shrewesbury RIght worshipfull and with all my heart entirely beloved Brother I commend mee unto you as heartily as I can And like it you to wit that sith I wrote last unto the King our soveraigne Lord his Highnes the Irish enemy that is to say Magoghigan and with him three or foure Irish Captaines associate with a great fellowship of English rebells notwithstanding that they were within the King our Soveraigne Lord his power of great malice and against all truth have maligned against their legiance and vengeably have brent a great towne of mine inheritance in Meth called Ramore and other villages thereabouts and murdered and brent both men women and children without mercy The which enemies be yet assembled in woods and forts wayting to doe the hurt and grievance to the Kings subjects that they can thinke or imagine for which cause I write at this time unto the Kings Highnes and beseech his good grace for to hasten my payment for this land according to his letters of vvarrant novv late directed unto the Treasurer of England to the intent I may vvage men in sufficient number for to resist the malice of the same enemyes and punish them in such vvyse that other vvhich vvould doe the same for lacke of resistance in time may take example for doubtlesse but if my payment bee had in all haste for to have men of vvarre in defence and safeguard of this Land my povver cannot stretch to keepe it in the Kings obeysance And very necessity vvill compell mee to come into England to live there upon my poore livelode for I had lever bee dead then any inconvenience should fall thereunto in my default for it shall never bee chronicled nor remaine in scripture by the grace of God that Ireland vvas lost by my negligence And therefore I beseech you right vvorshipfull brother that you will hold to your hands instantly that my payment may bee had at this time in eschuing all inconveniences for I have example in other places more pitty it is for to dread shame and for to acquite my truth unto the Kings Highnes as my dutie is And this I pray and exhort you good brother to shew unto his good grace and that you will be so good that this language may be enacted at this present Parliament for my excuse in time to come and that you will bee good to my servant Roger Roe the bearer hereof and to mine other servants in such things as they shall pursue unto the kings Highnes And to give full faith and credence unto the report of the said Roger touching the said maters Right worshipfull and with all my heart entirely beloved brother our blessed Lord God preserve and keepe you in all honour prosperous estate and felicity and graunt you right good life and long Written at Divelin the 15. of Iune Your faithfull true brother Richard Yorke Of such power was Magoghigan in those dayes who as he wan and kept it by the sword so now he liveth but a meane Captaine yeelding his winnings to the stronger This is the misery of lawlesse people resembling the wydenesse of the rude vvorld vvherein every man vvas richer or poorer then other as he vvas in might and violence more or lesse enabled Heere beganne factions of the nobility in Ireland favouring diverse sides that strived for the Crovvne of England for Richard in those tenne yeares of government exceedingly tyed unto him the hearts of the noblemen and gentlemen in this land vvhereof diverse vvere scattered and slaine vvith him at Waterford as the contrary part vvas also the next yeare by Edward Earle of Marche the Dukes brother at Mortimers crosse in Wales in vvhich meane time the Irish vvaxed hardye and usurped the English Countreyes insufficiently defended as they had done by like oportunity in the latter end of Richard the second These two seasons did set them so a-floate that henceforwards they could never be cast out from their forcible possessions holding by plaine wrong all Vlster and by certaine Irish Tenures no little portions of Mounster and Connaght left in Meth and Leinster where the civill subjects of English bloud did ever most prevaile CAP. VIII Edward the fourth and Edward his sonne Richard the third Henry the seventh THomas Fitz Morice Earle of Kildare Lord Iustice untill the third yeare of Edward the fourth since which time the Duke of Clarence aforesaid brother to the King had the office of Lieutenant while he lived and made his Deputies in sundry courses Thomas Earle of Desmond Iohn Tiptoft Earle of Worcester the Kings cozen Thomas Earle of Kildare Henry Lord Graye Great was the credit of the Geraldines ever when the house of Yorke prospered and likewise the Butlers thryved under the bloud of Lancaster for
the childe first into Scotland then into France and misdoubting the French into Italy vvhere Cardinall Pole his neere kinsman preserved him till the raigne of Edward the sixt vvith vvhom hee entred into high favour and obtayned of him his olde Inheritance of Meinothe Lastly by meanes of the said Cardinall and Sir Anthony Browne Lord Mountague whose sister hee marryed a woman worthy of such a brother Queene Mary Founder and restorer of many Noble houses repealed his attainder and set him in his fathers Earledome wherein since that time he hath shewed himselfe sundry wayes officious and serviceable towards his Common-wealth and the Crowne of England beside other good qualities of honour and curtesie they repute him heere for the best horseman in these parts of Christendome With this escape of yong Fitz Gerald the Lord Leonard Gray his Vncle on the mothers side was held suspect the same was one speciall article urged against him when hee lost his head Anno 1542. Sir VVilliam Skevington a vvorthy Governour and among all vertues very just of his vvord deceased Lord Deputy at Kilmaynam the Lord Leonard Gray succeeded him Oneale and Odonill colourably required a parley vvith the Deputy but in the vvay as they rode they burned the Navan and the tovvne of Ardee Wherefore the Deputy vvith the helpe of the Maior of Divelin Iames Fitz Symonds and the Maior of Droghedagh and the English pale met them flighted them slevv 400. of their trayne and there the Maior of Divelin for notable service in that journey vvas knighted Sir Anthony Seintleger Knight of the Garter Lord Deputy He summoned a Parliament vvherein the Geraldines vvere attainted Abbeyes suppressed the King named supreme head and King of Ireland because he recognized no longer to hold it of the Pope At this Parliament appeared Irish Lords Mac Gilpatricke Lord Barry Mac Cartimore O-Brene and diverse more vvhom follovved Con Oneale submitting himselfe to the Kings Deputy and after to the King himselfe vvho returned him richly plated created him Earle of Tyrone his base sonne Matthew Oneale Baron of Donganon As for Shane Oneale the onely sonne of his body mulier begotten hee vvas then little esteemed and of no proofe The same time Iames Earle of Desmond came to the King and vvas of him both Princely entertained and revvarded CAP. X. Edward the 6. Mary and Elizabeth BEfore the decease of Henry the 8. Seintleger was twice in England leaving at both times Sir VVilliam Brabason Lord Iustice. In his second returne An. 1546. Sir Edward Bellingham Captaine generall landed at Waterford and skowred the coast where Omore and Ocomore used to prey This yeare the city of Divelin obtained a Charter for two Sheriffes in stead of Bayliffes The Geraldines Out-lawes were taken and executed Bellingham appointed Lord Deputye erected a Mint within the Castle of Divelin which quickely wearyed them for want of fuell Andrew Brereton with 300. horsemen and 40. footemen inhabited the North as farre as Lecale where hee with 35. horsemen gave the charge upon 240. Scotts that from the out Islandes came to succour the Irish and wasted the Countrey In one yeare hee cleered those quarters that the Kings subiects might passe in peace Sir Frauncis Bryan the Kings Mynion was left Lord Iustice vvhile Bellingham repayred into England vvhere he dyed a man made up by service in the vvarres by continuall toyle therein diseased and feebled but of courage a lyon to his dying day true as steele as farre from flattery as from hearing flatterers an exceeding fervent Protestant very zealous and carefull in tendring the vvealth of Ireland vvherein the countrey giveth him the praise over all his predecessours and successours vvithin memory he spent his vvhole allovvance in hospitality calling the same his deare Masters meate none of his ovvne cost Letters commendatory offered him by the Councell vvhen Brian had vvrought his trouble before the nobility of England hee rejected as vaine and superfluous professing that if of his owne innocencie he could not uphold him hee would never seeke other shift then Credo resurrectionem mortuorum for quoth he well they may kill mee but they shall never conquer mee Sowre he was and thundering in words indeed very temperate applyed himselfe altogether to severity Lordlinesse and terrour Brian dyed within sixe weekes and Brabason became Lord Iustice till Saintleger the fourth time was sent over Deputye To him crept Mac Cartye that had lately roved and denyed his obedience with an halter about his necke and got his pardon Vpon Saintleger came Sir Iames Croftes of whose bounty and honourable dealing towards them they yeeld at this day a generall good report Crofts tarryed in office two yeares and left Sir Thomas Cusack who dyed five houres before the writing heereof and Gerald Ailmer while they both were coursing Oneale from Dundalke Queene Mary established in her Crowne committed her government once more to Saintleger whom sundry Noblemen pelted and lifted at till they shouldered him quite out of all credite He to be counted forward and plyable to the taste of King Edward the sixt his raigne rymed against the Reall Presence for his pastime and let the papers fall where Courtiers might light thereon vvho greatly magnified the pith and conveyance of that noble sonnet But the originall of his own hand-vvriting had the same firmely though contrary to his ovvne Iudgement vvandering in so many hands that his adversary caught it and tripped it in his vvay the spot vvhereof he could never vvipe out Thus vvas he removed a discreete Gentleman very studious of the State of Ireland enriched stout enough vvithout gall While the Deputy staggered uncertaine of continuance the Tooles and the Cavenaghes vvaxed cockish in the Countie of Divelin rangeing in flockes of seven or eight score on vvhom set forth the Marshall and the Sheriffes of Divelin Buckley and Gygen vvith the citties helpe and over-layde them in sudden skirmishes of which threescore were executed for example Thomas Earle of Sussex Lord Deputy with whom came his Brother in law Sir Henry Sidney Treasurer This Deputy to the inestimable benefite of the Realme brought under obedience the disordered countreyes of Leix Slewmarge Ofalie Irrye and Glinmalire then late possessed by the Oconnore Omores Odempsyes and other Irish rebels Hee molested Iames Mac Conell the Scottish Islander that in those dayes joyned with the Irish and disquieted Vlster In which voyage Divelin assisted the Governour with a faire company conducted by Iohn Vsher Sheriffe and Patrick Buckley He held a Parliament wherein it was made high Treason to retaine Scots for souldiours and fellony to contract with them matrimony At his returne from England in which time Sir Henry Sidney vvas Lord Iustice hee pursued the Scots to their Ilands and there entred did them much skathe vvanne himselfe full great commendation of hardinesse sayled backe vvith the glory of that adventure vvherein I trovv tvvo more
Monastery of Grenard was founded by Richard Tute who shortly after miscarried at Athlone by the fall of a Turret and was buried in the same Monastery About the same time in the yeere 1209. the Monastery of Forte was founded by Walter Lacy Lord of Meth. Anno 1210. and the twelfth yeere of his raigne King Iohn came into Ireland and landed at Waterford with an huge army marvellous well appointed to pacifie that rebellious people that were universally revolted burning spoyling preying and massacring the English Fabian and Graffton alleage the cause that moved the Irishmen to this rebellion to have been for that the King endevord to lay grievous taxes upon them towards his aide in the warres against the French King which they could not brooke and therefore rose in armes against their Soveraigne When hee came to Dublin the whole Countrey fearing his puissance craved peace and flocked unto him along the sea cost the Champian Countries and remote places receiving an oath to bee true and faithfull unto him There were 20. Reguli of the chiefest rulers within Ireland which came to the King to Dublin and there did him homage and fealty as appertained Harding nameth them Lord O Neale and many more Walsingham remembreth Catelus King of Conaght it forceth it not though they misse the right names of place and person it is a fault in manner common to all foraigne writers After this hee marched forwards into the land and tooke into his hands divers Fortresses and strong Holds of his enemies that fled before him for feare to be apprehended as William le Bruse Mathilda his wife William their sonne with their traine of whom I spake before also Walter de Lacy Lord of Meath and Hugh de Lacy Earle of Vlster and Lord Iustice of Ireland fearing his presence fled into France their exaction oppression and tyranny was intolerable Likewise they doubted how to answer the death of Sir Iohn de Courcy Lord of Ratheny and Kilbarrock within 5. miles of Dublin whom they had murthered of especiall malice and deadly hatred First for that he was of the house of Sir Iohn de Courcy Earle of Vlster whom the Lacies alwaies maligned Secondly for that he had made grievous complaints of them in England to King Iohn the tryall whereof they could not abide Vpon the sight of the Lacies King Iohn made Iohn Gray Bishop of Norwich his deputy Of these Lacies it is further remembred in the Booke of Houth and other antiquities how that in France they obscured themselves in the Abbey of S. Taurin and gave themselves to manuall labour as digging delving gardening planting and greffing for daily wages the space of 2. or 3. yeares the Abbot was well pleased with their service and upon a day whether it were by reason of some inkling or secret intelligence given him or otherwise demaunded of them of what birth and parentage they were and what Country they came from when they had acquainted him with the whole hee bemoned their case and undertooke to become a suiter unto the King for them in a word hee obtained the Kings favour for them thus farre that they were put to their fyne and restored to their fromer possessions so that Walter de Lacy paid for the Lordship of Meath 2500. Markes and Hugh his brother for Vlster and Conaght a greater summe Hugh de Lacy in remembrance of this kindnesse which the Abbot shewed them tooke his nephew his brothers sonne with them into Ireland one Alured whom he Knighted and made Lord of the Dengle The Monkes also which out of that Monastery hee had brought with him into Ireland hee honoured greatly and gave them entertainment in Four the which Walter De Lacy had formerly builded King Iohn having pacified the land ordained that the English Lawes should bee used in Ireland appointed 12. English shires with Sheriffes and other Officers to rule the same according unto the English Ordinances hee reformed the Coine and made it uniforme some say it was Gray his Deputy of like weight and finenes and made it currant as well in England as in Ireland When hee had disposed of his affaires and ordred all things at his pleasure he tooke the sea againe with much triumph and landed in England the 30. day of August Anno 1213. When the French King by instigation of Innocentius 3. Bishop of Rome prepared to invade England King Iohn eftsoone understanding thereof made provision accordingly to answer his enterprise and among others the cause why the story is here inserted Holinshed writeth how that to his aid the Bishop of Norwich the Kings Deputy of Ireland levied an Army of 300. foot well appointed beside horsemen which arrived in England to the encouragement of the whole Campe. And as the French was frustrate of his purpose so they shortly returned with great joy to their native Country In the same yeere Viz. 1213. Iohn Comin Archbishop of Dublin departed this life and was buried in the Quire of Christ-Church whom Henry Loudres succeeded in the dayes of this King Iohn This Henry builded the Castle of Dublin and was made Lord Iustice of Ireland His tenants nic-named him Schorchbill or Schorcvillen upon this occasion Hee being peaceably stalled in his Bishopprike summoned all his tennants and farmers at a certain day appointed to make their personall appearance before him and to bring with them such evidences and writings as they enjoyed their holds by the tenants of the day appointed appeared shewed their evidences to their Landlord mistrusting nothing hee had no sooner received them but afore their faces upon a suddain cast them all into a fire secretly provided for the purpose this fact amazed some that they became silent moved others to a stirring choller and furious rage that they regarded neither place nor person but brake into irreverent speeches Thou an Archbishop nay thou art a Schorcvillen an other drew his weapon and said as good for me kill as be killed for when my evidences are burned and my living taken away from me I am killed The Bishop being thus tumult and the imminent danger whipt out at a backe doore His Chaplains Registers and Summoners were well knockt and some of them left for dead They threatned to fire the house over the Bishops head some meane was made for the present time to pacifie their outrage with faire promises that all hereafter should be to their owne content upon this they departed the intent of the promises I cannot learne othersome inveigh against it but in fine complaint thereof being made to Henry 3. the King thought so hardly of the course that he removed him from his Iusticeship and placed in his roome Maurice Fitz Girald of whom hereafter This Loudreds was buried in Christ Church In the same yeere also King Iohn being mightily distressed through the practises of hir Archbishops Bishops Abbots Monkes Priests of his dominions and the Barons of his Kingdome revolting and the inward hatred of the
French King with forraigne powers intending an open invasion was driven to prevent further mischiefe as I finde in Polychronicon to surrender his Crowne from his head and to subject his Kingdomes of England and Ireland tributarie to the See of Rome and as his client vassall and feodarie to that See to hold them of Innocentius the Bishop againe England being interdicted and Ireland likewise were after released upon agreement composition and Charter and homage as in the Chronicle of England more at large appeareth The death of King Iohn and the manner of it I referre to the English Chronicles After his decease Henry the third his eldest sonne aged about nine yeeres began his raigne Anno 1216. Anno 1220. and the fourth yeere of Henry the third so writeth Clyn Dowling and Grace together with the English Antiquities in their Irish collections all Meth was wonderfully afflicted and wasted by reason of the priuate quarrels and civill warres betweene William Earle Marshall Earle of Penbroke c. and Sir Hugh de Lacy Earle of Vlster and Lord of Connaght Trimme was besieged and brought to a lamentable plight and when the rage and furie of those garboiles was somewhat mitigated and appeased after the shedding of much bloud the same yeere to prevent afterclaps and subsequent calamities the Castle of Trim was builded About this time certaine worthy persons of great fame and renowne to wit Henry Loudreds Roger Peppard and William Peppard Lords successively de saltu Salmonis and Meiler Fitz Henry one of the first Conquerours paid nature her due sinne her debt and ended their daies It appeareth in Stanihurst that the same yeere that Henry Loudreds died viz. 1220. the Castle of Dublin was builded I meane the walles foure square or quadrangle wise but the foure Turrets and the other afterwards Sir Henry Sidney is said to have builded the inner lodgings in whose eternall commendation I finde in the said Stanihurst these verses Gesta libri referunt multorum clara virorum Laudis in chartis stigmata fixa manent Verum Sidnaei laudes haec saxa loquuntur Nec jacet in solis gloria tanta libris Si libripereant homines remanere valebunt Si pereant homines ligna manere queant Lignaque si pereant non ergo saxa peribunt Saxaque si pereant tempore tempus erit Si pereat tempus minime consumitur aevum Quod cum principio sed sine fine manet Dum libri florent homines dum vivere possunt Dum quoque cum lignis saxa manere valent Dum remanet tempus dum denique remanet aevum Laus tua Sydnaei digna perire nequit Anno 1224 Abbatia de Albo tractu was founded By generall consent of Antiquaries after the death of Henry Loudres spoken of before Maurice Fitz Gerald was by Henry the third made Lord Iustice of Ireland and afterwards fell in the Kings displeasure and was removed but the yeeres they agree not upon wherein I finde great discord The English Chronicle of Ireland delivereth that hee was made Lord Iustice Anno 1228. Florilegus and Holinshed write that he was removed from his Iusticeship Anno 1245. and Iohn Fitz Ieffery substituted in his roome Mathew Paris writeth that hee was removed Anno 1248 but howsoever they have mistaken the yeeres or whether the fault of the Printer crept in it forceth not I am to deliver to the reader the truth of the history and the most worthy service of this Noble man with the yeeres and the time as neere as I can Anno 1229. in the raigne of Henry the third Maurice Fitz Girald being Lord Iustice Mathew Paris and Holinshed write the storie one Stephen Chapplen and Nuntio to Pope Gregory came to King Henry with the Popes Apostolike Mandates and procuration letters requiring of spirituall temporall throughout England Ireland and Wales the tenth of all their moveables to the maintenance of his warres against Fredericke the Emperour At the day and place appointed when the King and his Lords spirituall and temporall met together and the Nuntio had read his letters the King was silent reputed saith mine Author as consenting thereto the Earles and Barons saith Paris all the Laytie said flatly that they would give the Pope no tenths neither subject their Baronies and locall possessions to the Church of Rome the Clergie after three or foure dayes deliberation fearing the thunderbolts of excommunication with grudging and murmurs and many a bitter curse yeelded yet Ranulphus Earle of Chester alone stood stoutly in the cause and would not permit the Clergie of his country to become in bondage neither to contribute the said tenths though England Wales Scotland and Ireland were compelled to pay Ireland sent likewise after their money Irish curses for they were driven at the worst hand to sell unto the mercilesse Merchants their Cowes Hackneyes Caddoes and Aqua vitae to make present payment and were driven in that extremitie to pawne and sell their Cups Chalices Copes Altar-clothes and vestments Anno 1230 as I finde recorded in the booke of Houth Hubertus de Burgo was Lord Iustice of Ireland as I gather in the absence of Maurice Fitz Girald to whom the King gave the land ..... and Connaught and made him Earle of Connaught and shortly after ob probitatem fidelititem ex imiam so I reade in Ypodigma Neustria being called into England for his uprightnesse and singular fidelity was made governour of the King Lord Iustice of England and Earle of Kent by the consent of all the Peeres of the Realme afterwards as the course of this world wheeles about hee fell into the Kings displeasure so that he called him old traytor and in his rage would have runne him thorow with his sword had not the Earle of Chester and others runne betweene for that saith Stow hee had taken five thousand markes of the Queene of France to hinder his purpose to avoyd the Kings displeasure this Hubert fled to the Chappell of Brandwood in Essex where he was taken and by commandement of the King sent to the Tower of London all his friends forsooke him none answered for him but the Archbishop of Dublin wherein we may behold as in a Glasse the disposition of feyned friends in former ages who in the Spring of a mans felicity like Swallowes will flye about him but when the winter of adversitie nippeth like Snailes they keepe within their shels at length this Hubert was somewhat reconciled to the Kings favour that he was inlarged yet banished the Court lastly he ended his miseries at his Mannor house of Bansted in Surry and was buried at the Church of the Fryers Preachers at London which was then in Holborne unto the which Church he gave his noble Palace at Westminster the which afterwards Walter Grey the Archbishop of Yorke bought of them and made it his Inne since commonly called Yorke House but now White-Hall So farre Stow Holinshed and others The yeere aforesaid I finde one Ieffery
March alias Maurish so Holinshed calleth him in Mathew Paris Galfridus de Marisco to have beene Lord Iustice of Ireland so it may be in the absence of Maurice Fitz Girald who made three journeys to King Henry the third one with great power out of Ireland to ayde him beyond the seas secondly to cleare himselfe of the death of Richard Marshall Earle of Pembrook lastly with Irish forces against the Welshmen Mat. Paris and Holinshed make report of his good service How that when an Irish petit King in Conaght understanding that both the King of England and the Earle Marshall and Maurice Fitz Gerald were gone over into France and so Ireland left without any great aide of men of warre on the English part raised a mighty Army and with the same entred into the Marches and borders of the English dominion spoiling and burning the Country before him And how that Ieffray de Maurisco then Lord Iustice being thereof advertized called to him Walter de Lacy Lord of Meth and Richard de Burgh assembling therewithall an hugh Army the which he divided into three parts appointing the said Walter de Lacy and Richard de Burgh with the two first parts to lye in ambush within certain Woods through the which he purposed to draw the enemies And marching forth with the third which he reserved to his owne government he profered battaile to the Irishmen the which when they saw but one battaile of the Englishmen boldly assaid the same The Englishmen according to the order appointed faining as though they had fled and so retired still backe till they had trained the Irish within danger of their other two battailes which comming forth upon them did set on them eagerly whilest the other which seemed before to fly returned back againe and set upon them in like manner by meanes whereof the Irish men being in the midst were beaten downe if they stood to it they were before and behind slaine if any offered to fly hee was overtaken thus in all parts they were utterly vanquished with the losse of 20000. Irish and the King of Conaght taken and committed to prison This Noble Ieffray de Marisco of whom Holinshed writeth a man some time in great honour and possessions in Ireland fell into the displeasure of the King was banished who after he had remained long in exile suffred great miserie ended the same by naturall death Thus the unstable Wheele goeth round about and yet I may not so leave it hee had a sonne called William de Maurisco who together with the father the Iustice of God requiring the same came to most shamefull ends Matthew the Munke of Westminster and Matthew Paris the Munke of Saint Albones doe write the Story While the King was beyond seas a certain noble man of Irish birth to wit Willielmus de Maurisco an exiled and banished man the sonne of Ieffray de Maurisco for some hainous offence laid to his charge kept himselfe in the Isle of Lundy not farre from Bristall preying robbing and stealing as a notorious Pirate at length being apprehended together with 17. of his confederacy and by the Kings commandement adjudged to cruell death he was drawne at London with his confederats at horse tailes to the Gibbet and there hanged and quartered His father one of the mightiest men of Ireland by name Galfridus de Maurisco hearing thereof fled into Scotland and scarce there could hee lye safe who pinnig away with grief and sorrow soone after ended a miserable life with wished death againe after in another place he writeth Galfridus de Maurisco reckened amongst the most Noble of Ireland an exile and a banished man died pitifully yet not to be pitied whom being banished Ireland expulsed out of Scotland and fled out of England France received for a begger where hee ended an unfortunate life after the most shamefull death of his sonne Willielmus de Maurisco These things therefore I deliver more at large unto the hearers that every man may wey with himselfe what end is alloted unto treason and especially being committed against the sacred person of a Prince His father against Richard Earle and Marshall in Ireland and his son William against the King unadvisedly and unfortunatly adventured to practice mischiefe Paris addeth the name of this William was very odious unto the King for so much it was reported that through the councell of Ieffray his father he had conspired the death of the King and that he had traitorously sent that varlet which came in the night season to Woodstock to slay the King and last of all that hee had killed at London in presence of the King one Clemens a Clerk messenger of some Noble man of Ireland that came to informe the King against him About this same time florished a Learned man of Irish birth one Cornelius Historicus so called because hee was an exquisit antiquary Bale and Stanihurst have briefly written his life and his commandations out of Hector Boetius who was greatly furthered by this Cornelius to the perfecting of the Scotish History hee wrote as they say Multarum rerum Cronicon lib. 1. About this time Viz. Anno 1230. there rose a doubt in Ireland so that they sent to England to be therein resolved the King by his learned Councell answered as followeth Henry by the grace of God c. King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy and Guian c. Trusty and welbeloved Gerald Fitz Maurice Iusticer of Ireland greeting VVhereas certien Knights of the parties of Ireland lately informed us that when any land doth discend unto sisters within our dominion of Ireland the Iustices errant in those parties are in doubt whether the younger sister ought to hold of the eldest sister and doe homage unto her or not And forasmuch as the said Knights have made instance to bee certified how it had beene used before within our Realme of England in like case at their instance we doe you wit that such a Law and Custome is in England in this case that if any holding of us in chief happen to die having daughters to his heires our ancestors and we after the death of the father have alway had and received homage of all the daughters and every of them in this case did hold of us in chiefe And if they happned to be within age we have alway had the ward and marriage of them and if hee bee tennant to another Lord the sisters being within age the Lord shall have the ward and manage of them all and the eldest onely shall doe homage for herselfe and all her sisters and when the other sisters come to full age they shall doe their service to the Lord of the fee by the hands of the eldest sister yet shall not the eldest by this occasion exact of her younger sisters homage ward or any other subjection for when they be all sisters and in manner as one heire to one inheritance if the eldest should have homage of the other
to apprehend such prollers wherein he also reproved his cowardize The Emperour when he understood that the birds were flowne away made search for the neast yet overtooke them in Italy where to be short hee imprisoned them their kindred and favourers rifled them of their money and sent them to Rome to sing for more money he that will reade the story more at large let him repaire to Mathew Paris The same yeere saith Mathew Paris Andelmus borne in Cullen a man highly commended for life and learning was by the Bishop of Worcester solemnly consecrated at Westminster Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland in the presence of the King the Legate and many reverend Prelates Anno 1242. Maurice Fitz Girald Lord Iustice of Ireland builded the Castle of Sligoe Anno 1243. Clun and Dowlinge write that Giraldus Fitz Maurice Richardus de Burgo and Hugh de Lacy Earle of Vlster in Ireland ended the way of all flesh and was buried at Carechfergus Mathew Paris giveth Lacy great commendations that he was a most renowned warriour and a valiant Conquerour of a great part of Ireland This Lacy left behinde him one daughter and heire whom Walter de Burgo married and in her right became Earle of Vlster of Richardus de Burgo Mathew Paris writeth he had great possessions and lands in Ireland by the conquest of his most Noble father Anno 1245. Florilegus Powell out of Gittin Owen and Holinshed doe write how that the Welch men rebelled against the King and his forces being foyled by David ap Llewelin Prince of Wales hee sent into Ireland to Maurice for ayde and was in winter time mightily distressed the which I finde by Powell recorded and written by a Noble man out of the campe unto his friends The King with his army lyeth at Gannocke fortifying of that strong Castle and we live in our Tents thereby watching fasting praying and freezing with cold wee watch for feare of the Welch men who are wont to invade and come upon us in the night time we fast for want of meate for the halfe penny loafe is worth five pence we pray to God to send us home speedily we starve for cold wanting our winter garments and having no more but a thinne linnen cloath betweene us and the winde there is an arme of the seas under the Castle where we lye whereto the tyde commeth and many shippes come up to the haven which bring victuals to the Campe from Ireland and Chester The King all this while expected the arrivall of Maurice Fitz Girald with his Irish forces mused with himselfe fretted with himselfe the winde serving and yet said nothing at length the Irish sayles are discryd a shore they came and Maurice Fitz Girald together with Phelina Oconor Oconoghor saith another in battaile array present themselves before the King at Chepstow say the Irish Chroniclers but the British Chroniclers coppied out of the Abbies of Conwey and Stratflur by Owen Gittine deliver they landed at the I le of Man or Anglesey the which in mine opinion seemeth to be most likely to be true For David ap Llewelin was Prince of North-Wales and there kept his forces Chepstow is in South-Wales and besides it is agreed upon of all sides that the Irish landing spoyled the I le of Anglesey laded themselves with spoyles and going to their ships were driven to runne and leave all behinde but to be short when all the forces joyned together the Welch men were overthrowne the King manned and victualled his Castles returned into England gave the Irish men leave to returne winking a while in policie at the tarriance and slow comming of Maurice Fitz Girald when Maurice Fitz Girald Lord Iustice arrived in Ireland he found O Donell the Irish enemy upon the death of Hugh Lacy in Armes invading and sore annoying the Kings subjects in Vlster and called unto him Cormake Mac Dermot Mac Dory with great forces and entred Tireconell preyed burned and spoyled and vanquished the enemy there he slue Moyleslaghlon O Donell called King of Keyvayle together with Gille Canvinelagh Obugill and Mac Surley called King of Oyrisgall with divers others gentlemen of those parts in like sort many English men were cast away in the river whose passage O Donell stopped and slue there William Butt high Sheriffe of Connaught together with a valiant young Gentleman his brother When the Lord Iustice had thus atchieved his purpose hee manned and victualled the Castle of Sligo tooke pledges of O Neale to keepe the Kings peace and left them in the said Castle gave Cormake Dermot Mac Dory that came to his aide the moytie of Connaught and returned with a great prey When this noble service was performed the King disgorged himselfe and what inwardly he had conceived and for a while conceived against the Lord Iustice he then in writing delivered and removed Maurice Fitz Girald out of his Iusticeship and placed in his roome Iohn Fitz Ieffery de Morisco the which the Irish Chroniclers have suppressed yet Florilegus and Holinshed doe write Mauritium Hiberniae Iustitiariū eo quod ficte tarde auxilium ab hibernia domino Regi duxerat periclitanti a Iustitiaria Deposuit This Maurice departed out of this world Anno Dom. 1256. was buried saith Clyn in the habit of the Fryers Minors at Yough-halle the which Morice had founded of whom Mathew Paris saith thus he was a valiant Knight a very pleasant man inferiour to none in Ireland who sometime swayed the land when hee had the sword of Iusticeship this man lived with commendations all the dayes of his life but peradventure falsly reported of and stained in the end with the death of Richard Earle Marshall Anno 1247. after that Henry the third and the Clergie of England and Ireland found themselves mightily grieved at the Popes exactions and intollerable extortions in England Wales and Ireland and had signified the same in writing to the Court of Rome whereupon saith Florilegus the Court of Rome fretted and sorrowed that their avarice was as well reproved as restrained Innocentius 4. devised in his conceit a milder course to be held that in stead of a greater summe they should give him at that time out of those dominions to supply his wants but eleven thousand markes Then saith Florilegus Master Iohannes Rusus was sent into Ireland furnished with authority diligently to collect the Popes money as a Legate yet not clad in scarlet lest the Pope should offend the King of England who hath this priviledge that no Legate set foot on his land unlesse hee be sent for or licenced but the said Iohn being a sophisticall Legate vigilantly plying the papall mandate and his owne private gaine extorted out of Ireland about sixe thousand markes the which by the conduite of the Clergie was transported and conveied to London about the Feast of Saint Michaell the Archangell The same yeere saith Florilegus there was a marveilouse and strange Earthquake over England but saith Felcon
over Ireland And all the West of the world and there followed immediatly a continuall untemperature of the ayre with a filthy skurfe the Winter stormy cold and wet which continued untill the 11. of Iuly and put the Gardeners Fruterers and Husbandmen void of all hope in so much they complained that Winter was turned to Summer and Summer to Winter and that they were like to lose all and bee undone Anno 1252. saith Dowling and Grace and the English Anonimus but Clyn and Florilegus write that it was 1254. King Henry gave to Prince Edward his sonne Gascoigne Ireland Wales Bristow Stanford and Grantham and sent him to Alphonsus King of Spaine to take Ellionor his sister to wife where hee was by the said King Knighted and returned together with his wife into England with great riches Anno 1255. Alanus de la Zouch was made Lord Iustice so I finde in the Booke of Houth after his departure out of Ireland hee being a Lord Baron and chiefe Iustice in England Florilegus Humfrey Loid and Stow doe write the Story how hee came to his end great strife rose in England betweene certaine of the Nobility about territories lands and titles whereto each side made claime the matters in controversie by direction from the King were decided in Westminster Hall the first Controversie was betweene Iohn Earle of Surrey and Warren and Hugh de Lacy Earle of Lincolne which went upon Lacy his side The second was betweene this Earle Warren and Allan de la Zouch this Zouch being Chiefe Iustice asked Earle Warren how he held his land Earle Warran drew foorth his sword and said by this mine Ancestors held the same and by this I presently hold it and with that ranne the Chiefe Iustice through in Westminster Hall and in his flight wounded also his sonne thence hee fled to his Castle at Risgate whome Prince Edward the Kings eldest sonne pursued with an Army to whom the Earle submitted himselfe and afterwards with friends and what with money pacified all Anno 1256. in the warres of Lewelin Prince of Wales so I find in the records of Conway Stratflur Copied by Gettine Owen Edward Earle of Chester fell to outrage one while against the King another while against the Welshmen his Army was 1500. foot and 500. horse Henry the third together with Richard Earle of Cornewall and King of Almane wrote unto him gently wishing him to returne to his Country and keepe the peace and not to provoke the Welshmen to Armes the which he refused to doe but sent to the Irishmen for succour and supplies Prince Edward the Kings eldest sonne understanding thereof rigged a Navy met with the Irish fleet killed their men and sunck their ships few onely remaining to returne and to make report of this hard successe in Ireland In a while after the King raised warres against Lewellin Prince of Wales and the Welshmen saith Paris Causa autem eorum etiam hostibus eorum justa videbatur and was brought to a narrow straight so that he sent to Ireland and to Gascoigne for succour the Irishmen not forgetting their late overthrow were loath to come being of all sides driven to serve in the end came and joyned with their Kings forces where no memorable act was performed for God saith Paris defended the poore people that put their whole confidence in him About this time to wit Anno 1256. Florished Iohannes De Sacro Bosco Bale out of Leland will have him to be a Yorkeshire man and terme him Iohn Holyfaxe Stanihurst writeth he was borne in Ireland at Holy Wood in Fingall some 12. miles from Dublin and therefore called Iohannes De Sacro Bosco which carried great likly-hood with it untill they are reconciled which side prevaileth I waigh not greatly I thought good to insert him for so much as his great learning graced him unto the posterity In his springing yeeres hee suckt the sweet milk of good learning in the famous Vniversity of Oxford afterwards he went to Paris where he professed the learned Sciences with singular commendations and there slumbreth in the dust of the earth whose exequies and funerals were there with great lamentations solemnized first hee followed Aristotle afterwards gave himselfe to the Mathematikes and addicted himselfe so much thereto that none of the posterity as is thought could follow him hee wrote De Spaera Mundi lib. 1. Tractatum de spaera quatuor De Algorismo lib. 1. Omnia quae a primeva rerum orig De Anni Ratione lib. 1. Cmoputus scientiam considerans Breviarium Iuris lib. 1. Verborum superficie penitus Vpon his Tombe together with the Mathematicall Astrolabe was insculped as followeth M. Christi bis C. quarto deno quater anno De Sacro Bosco discrevit tempora ramus Gratia cui nomen dederat divina Iohannes Anno 1258. Stepham Espee alias De longa spatha that is Stepham with the long skeine or two handed sword Earle of Salibury as I suppose was made Lord Iustice of Ireland this Stepham gave battell unto Oneile and the rebels of Vlster and Conaght and slue of them together with Oneile saith Clinne in one day three hundred fifty and two and departed this life saith Florilegus 1260. Anno 1260. William Denne was made Lord Iustice in whose time Greene Castle Arx Viridis was destroyed and the Carties plaied the Divells in Desmond where they burned spoiled preyed and slue many an innocent they became so strong and prevailed so mightily that for the space so it is reported of twelue yeeres the Desmonds durst not put plow in ground in his owne Country at length through the operation of Satan a bane of discord was throwen betweene the Carties and the Odriscoles Odonovaies Mac Donoch Mac Mahonna Mac Swines and the inhabittants of Muscrie in so much that by their cruell dissention they weakened themselves of all sides that the Desmond in the end overcame and overtopped them all but in the beginning of these garboils I find that the Carties slue of the Desmonds Iohn Fitz Thomas founder of the Monastery and Covent of Trally together with Maurice his sonne eight Barons 15. Knights beside infinite others at a place called Callan where they were buried Mine Authors are Iohn Clinne onely and the Booke of Houth In the end of these tumults dyed Sir William Denny Lord Iustice Anno 1261. Richardus de Capella otherwise called Rochell Clinne calleth him La Rochell de Capella became Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1262. There rose in Dublin a great stirre betweene the Prior and Covent of the blessed Trinity now called Christ-Church and the Communalty of the City about the tithe fish of the Liffy Anno 1264. Walter Bourke commonly called Walterus de Burgo spoken of before was made Earle of Vlster hee had married the daughter and heire of Sir Hugh Delacy the younger and in her right enjoyed the Earledome The Booke of Houth layeth downe the descent that this Walter
inquisitions of Treylbaston The same yeere Iordan Comin slue Conthir de Ophaly and Calwagh his brother was slaine in the Court of Peirs de Birmingham at Carricke and Balimor was burnt Anno 1306. Edward the second succeeded his father being dead in the kingdome In the beginning of his raigne he called back from beyond the seas Peirs de Gaveston whose company in the presence of his father he abjured and being wholly taken up with him he neglected Isabell his Queene and his Nobles for which cause the Nobles being offended they banished the said Peirs into Ireland where also the Kings treasure that was sent over thither was wantonly consumed Then Peirs was called backe againe but in regard the Kings treasure was spent as aforesaid the Nobles make an insurrection and put away Peirs from the King Anno 1308. And in the second of King Edward the second Peirs de Gaveston by the Lords of England but contrary to the Kings minde was banished into Ireland about the nativitie of our Lady but the next yeere hee was called backe againe and the King met him at Chester Anno 1309. The Lord Ieffery Genvill became a Fryer at Trym of the order of the Preachers and the Lord Peirs de Birmingham dyed Anno 1311. Was the consecration of Iohn Leeke Archbishop of Dublin and Richard Bourgh Earle of Vlster with a great armie went to Bourath in Thomound and there he was taken prisoner by Sir Robert de Clare and Iohn Fitz Walter Lacy and many others were slaine and there dyed Sir Walter la ●aint and Sir Eustace Power And the next yeere Maurice Fitz Thomas and Thomas Fitz Iohn married two daughters of the Earle of Vlster And Saint Fingay was translated and William de Lowndres the first and Iohn the son of Sir Richard Bourgh Knight deceased and the Lord Edmund Butler made 30. Knights Anno 1313. Died Iohn Leek Archbishop of Dublin and Theobald Verdon came over Lord Iustice of Ireland and William de Montency and Richard Loundries died Anno 1315. The Lord Edward Bruse brother of the King of Scots entred the North part of Vlster with a great Army upon Saint Augustines day in the month of May and afterward hee burned Dundalke and a great part of Vrgile and the Church of Athirde was burned by the Irish And in the warre of Comeram in Vlster Richard Earle of Vlster was put to flight and Sir William Bourgh and Sir Iohn Mandevill and Sir Alan Fitz Warren were taken prisoners and the Castle of Norburgh was taken Moreover at Kenlis in Meath the Lord Roger Mortimer in the warre together with the said Edward were put to flight and many of the men men of the said Roger were slaine and taken prisoners and he burnt the Towne and after this he went as farre as Finnagh and the Skerries in Leinster and there incountred him Edmund Butler Lord Iustice of Ireland the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas afterward Earle of Kildare and the Lord Arnold Power and every one of them had a great army to war against him and upon the sodaine there arose a dissention amongst them and so they left the field and this dissention hapned upon the 26. day of Ianuary after this hee burnt the Castle of Leye and afterward hee returned into Vlster and besieged the Castle of Knockfergus and slue Thomas Mandevill and Iohn his brother at Downe comming out of England and then returned into Scotland Anno 1316. Edward Bruse before Easter came into Ireland with the Earle of Murry and other armies and besieged the Castle of Knockfergus afterward they went to Castle Knock and there tooke the Baron prisoner and Edward Bruse lay there and Richard Earle of Vlster lay in Saint Maries Abbey neere Dublin Then the Major and Commonalty of the City of Dublin tooke the Earle of Vlster prisoner and put him in the Castle of Dublin and slew his men and spoiled the Abbey Then the said Bruse went as farre as Lymmerick after the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle and staied there untill after Easter and in the meane time Roger Mortimer the Kings Lievtenant landed at Waterford with a great Army and for feare of him Edward Bruse made haste to goe into the parts of Vlster and Iohn Fitz Thomas was created Earle of Kildare also Oconthir of Conaght and many other of the Irish of Conaght and Meath were slaine neere Athenry by the English there also there was a great slaughter made by Edmond Butler neere Testilldermot upon the Irish and another slaughter by the same Edmund upon Omorthe at Balitcham Anno 1317. The said Lievtenant delivered the Earle of Vlster out of the Castle of Dublin and after Whitsuntide hee banished out of Meath Sir Walter and Sir Hugh de Lacy and gave their lands unto his souldiers and they together with Edward Bruse went back into Scotland and Alexander Bignor was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1318. The Lord Roger Mortimer went againe into England and Alexander Bignor was made Lord Iustice and Edward Bruse and the said Walter and Hugh de Lacy with a great Army landed at Dundalke upon Saint Calixtus the Popes day and there the Lord Iohn Brimingham Richard Tute and Miles Verdon with one thousand three hundred twenty foure men incountred them and slew the said Edward Bruse with eight thousand two hundred seventie foure of his men and the said Iohn Birmingham did cary the head of the said Edward into England and gave it to King Edward and the King gave unto the said Iohn and his heires males the Earledome of Lowth and the Barony of Athirdee to him and his heires also Sir Richard de Clare with foure Knights and many others were slaine in Thomond Anno 1319. The Lord Roger Mortimer came over againe Lord of Iustice of Ireland And the Towne of Athessell and Plebs were burned by the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas brother to the Lord Maurice Fitz Thomas And the Bridge of Kilcolin was built by Maurice I●kis Anno 1320. The Lord Iohn Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare was made Lord Iustice. And the bridge of Leiglin was built by Maurice Iakis Anno 1321. There was a very great slaughter made of the Oconhurs at Balibagan by the English of Leinster and Meath And the said Earle of Lowth was made Lord Iustice Anno 1322. Died the Lord Richard Birmingham Lord of Athenry the Lord Edmund Butler and the Lord Thomas Persivall Moreover the Lord Andrew Birmingham and Sir Richard de la Londe were slaine by Onolan Anno 1323. Iohn Darcy came over Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1325. Deceased Nicolas Fitz Simon Gonvill Anno 1326. The Lord Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster died Edward the third sonne to Edward the second after the Conquest at the age of fifteene yeeres in his fathers life time upon Candlemas day was crowned King at Westminster In the beginning of whose raigne there was great likelyhood of good successe to follow For then also the Earth received fruitfulnesse the Ayre temperature and Sea
calmenesse Anno 1327. Donald sonne to Art Mac Morch and Sir Henry Traharne were taken prisoners Anno 1328. Deceased the Lord Thomas Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare and the Lord Arnold Power and William Earle of Vlster came into Ireland Anno 1329. Iohn Brimingham Earle of Lowth and Peter his brother with many other were slaine on Whitsun even at Balibragan by the men of the Country Also the Lord Thomas Butler and divers other Noble men were slaine by Macgohegan and other Irishmen neere to Molingar Anno 1330. There died Sir Richard Deicetir Also the Earle of Vlster went with a great Army into Mounster upon Obren Also the Prior of the Hospitall then Lord Iustice put the Lord Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond into the custody of the Marshall out of the which hee freely escaped And Sir Hugh de Lacy returned into Ireland and obteined peace of the King Anno 1331. The Earle of Vlster went into England and great slaugher was made upon the Irish in O kenslie also the Castle of Arclow was taken by the Irish and great slaughter made of the English ni the Cowlagh by Otothell where Sir Philip Bryt and many others were slaine and the Lord Anthony Lacy came over Lord Iustice of Ireland and great slaugter was made of the Irish at Thurles by the men of the Country and at Finnath in Meath there were many of them slaine by the English also the Castle of Fernis was taken and burned by the Irish also Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond was apprehended at Limerick by the Lord Iustice upon the day of the Assumption and sent unto the Castle of Dublin Moreover the Lord Iustice tooke Sir William Birmingham and Walter his sonne at Clomell by a wile whilest hee was sick in his bed and sent them likewise unto the Castle of Dublin on the 19. day of Aprill Anno 1332. Sir William Birmingham was hanged at Dublin but Walter his sonne was delivered by reason hee was within orders Also the Castle of Clonmore was taken by the English and the Castle of Bonrath was destroyed by the Irish of Thomond also Henry Mandevill was sent prisoner to Dublin likewise Walter Burgh with two of his brethren were taken in Conaght by the Earle of Vlster and sent to the Castle of Norburgh also the said Lord Iustice was deposed by the King and went into England with his wife and children and Iohn Darcy was made Lord Iustice and great slaughter was made upon Bren Obren and Mac Carthy in Munster by the English of that Country Anno 1333. The Earle of Desmond by the Parliament held at Dublin was sent over into England unto the King and VVilliam Earle of Vlster in going toward Knock fergus upon the seventh day of Iune was treacherously slaine neere to the foords in Vlster by his owne people but his wife with his daughter and heire escaped into England which daughter was married unto the Lord Lionell the Kings sonne and afterward died at Dublin and had a daughter and heire which was afterward married unto Roger Mortimer Earle of March and Lord of Trim And to revenge the death of the said Earle the Lord Iustice of Ireland with a great Army went into Vlster But before that hee came thither the men of that Country had done the revenge and the Lord Iustice with his Army went into Scotland to the King of England because at that time hee was there in warre and hee left the Lord Thomas Burgh his Lievtenant in Ireland also on Saint Margarets Eve great slaughter was made in Scotland by the Irish and so what by the King in one part and the Lord Iustice in another Scotland was Conquered and Edward Balioll was established King of Scotland and Iohn Darcy came back Lord Iustice of Ireland and delivered VValter Birmingham out of the Castle of Dublin Anno 1336. On Saint Laurence day the Irish of Conaght were discomfited and put to flight by the English of the Country there and there were slaine tenne thousand and one Englishman Anno 1342. And in the sixteenth of King Edward the 3. Pope Benedict deceased Clement the sixth succeeded a man truly of great learning but exceeding prodigall so that hee would bestow upon his Cardinals Church livings in England when they were vacant and would goe about to impose new titles for them For which cause the King of England about the yeere 1344. disannulled the provisions so made by the Pope interdicting upon paine of imprisonment and death that none should bring any of them Anno 1348. There was great mortality in all places especially in and about the Court of Rome Avinion and about the sea coastes of England and Ireland Anno 1349. Deceased Alexander Bignor upon the foureteenth day of Iuly and the same yeere was Iohn de Saint Paul consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1355. Died Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond L. Iustice of Ireland Anno 1356. Deceased the Lord Thomas de Rokesbie L. Iustice of Ireland Anno 1357. Began great variance betwixt Master Richard Fitz Ralphe Primat of Ardmagh and the foure Orders of begging Fryers Anno 1360. Deceaded Richard Archbishop of Ardmagh upon the seventeenth day of the Kalends of December in the Popes Court and Richard Kilminton dyed in England therefore the controversie ceased betwixt the Clergie and the orders of begging Fryers Anno 1361 and in the thirty fourth yeere of K. Edward the third about Easter began a great mortalitie of men consuming many men but few women in England and Ireland Also the same yeere the Lord Lionell Sonne to King Edward the third Duke of Clarence came over the Kings lievetenant into Ireland Anno 1362. deceased Iohn de Saint Paule Archbishop of Dublin on the fift day before the Ides of September Anno 1363. Thomas Minot was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1369. the Lord William Windsor came over the Kings Lievetenant in Ireland Anno 1370. there was a third great Pestilence in Ireland And the Lord Gerald Fitz Maurice Earle of Desmond and the Lord Iohn Fitz Richard and the Lord Iohn Fitz Iohn and many other Noble men were taken prisoners and many others were slaine by Obren and Maccoinnard of Thomond in the moneth of Iuly Anno 1372 Sir Robert Asheton came over Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1373. there was great warre betwixt the English of Meth and Offerolle in which warre many upon both sides were slaine Anno 1375. Thomas Archbishop of Dublin departed this life and the same yeere was Richard de Wikeford consecrated Archbishop there Anno 1381 Edmund Mortimer the Kings Lievetenant in Ireland Earle of March and Vlster dyet at Co●ke Anno 1383. the fourth great Pestilence was in Ireland Anno 1385. Dublin Bridge fell Anno 1387. about Martilmas the Peeres of England rose against those that were of the side of King Richard the second but Robert Veer Duke of Ireland came over to Chester and got together many men and put them in array to march backe toward the
King whom the said Peeres met at Rotcotebridge and slue Thomas Molleners and spoyled the rest neverthelesse the Duke of Ireland escaped But in the same yeere on the morrow after Candlemas day a Parliament beganne at London in which were adjudged the Archbishop of Yorke the Duke of Ireland the Earle of Suffolke c. Anno 1388. foure Lord Iustices of England were banished into Ireland by a decree of the Parliament and it was not lawfull for them either to make lawes or to give counsell upon paine of the sentence of death Anno 1390. Robert de Wikeford Archbishop of Dublin departed this life and the same yeere was Robert Waldebie translated unto the Archbishopricke of Dublin being an Augustine Fryer Anno 1394. and in the seaventeenth yeere of King Richard the second died Anne Queene of England and the same yeere about Michaelmas the King crossed the seas over into Ireland and landed at Waterford the second day of the moneth of October and went back about Shrovetide Anno 1397. Fryer Richard de Northalis of the order of the Carmelites was translated to the Archbishopricke of Dublin and died the same yeere Also the same yeere Thomas de Craulie was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin And Sir Thomas Burgh and Sir Walter Birningham slue sixe hundred Irish men with their Captaine Macdowne Moreover Edmund Earle of March Lord lievetenant of Ireland with the aide of the Earle of Ormond wasted Obren's country and at the winning of his chiefe house hee made seaven Knights to wit Sir Christopher Preston Sir Iohn Bedlow Sir Edmund Loundres Sir Iohn Loundres Sir William Nugent Walter de la Hide and Robert Cadell Anno 1398. and in the two and twentieth of King Richard the second on Ascention day the Tothillis slue forty English men Among whom these were accounted as principall Iohn Fitz Williams Thomas Talbot and Thomas Comyn The same yeere upon Saint Margarets day Edmund Earle of March the Kings lievetenant was slaine with divers other by Obren and other Irishmen of Leinster at Kenlis in Leinster Then was Roger Greye elected Lord Iustice of Ireland The same yeere on the feast day of Saint Marke the Pope and Confessor came to Dublin the Noble Duke of Surrey the Kings lievetenant in Ireland and with him came Thomas Crauly Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1399. and of King Richard the three and twentieth on Sunday being the morrow after Saint Petronilla the Virgins day the illustrious King Richard landed at Waterford with two hundred shippes and the Friday after at Ford in Kenlis in the Countie of Kildare there were slaine two hundred Irish men by Ienicho and other English men and the morrow after the Citizens of Dublin brake into Obrens country slue three and thirty of the Irish and tooke fourescore men women and children The same yeere King Richard came to Dublin upon the fourth Kalends of Iuly where hee was advertized of the comming of Henry Duke of Lancaster into England whereupon he also speedily went over into England and a little while after the same King was taken prisoner by the said Henry and brought to London and there a Parliament was holden the morrow after Michaelmas day in which King Richard was deposed from his kingdome and the said Henry Duke of Lancaster was crowned King of England on the feast day of Saint Edward the Confessor Anno 1400. and in the first yeere of the raigne of King Henry the fourth at Whitsontide the Constable of Dublin Castle and divers others at Stranford in Vlster fought at Sea with the Scots where many Englishmen were slaine and drowned The same yeere on the feast of the Assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary King Henry with a great army entred Scotland and there he was advertized that Owen Glendor with the Welsh men had taken armes against him for which cause he hastened his iourney into Wales Anno 1401. in the second yeere of King Henry the fourth Sir Iohn Stanley the kings Lievetenant in the moneth of May went over into England leaving in his roome Sir William Stanley The same yeere on Bartholomew Eeven arrived in Ireland Stephen Scroope Lievetenant unto the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings Lievetenant of Ireland The same yeere on Saint Brices day the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings Sonne and Lord Lievetenant of Ireland arrived at Dublin Anno 1402. on the fift Ides of Iuly was the dedication of the Church of the Fryers Preachers in Dublin by the Archbishop of Dublin And the same day the Maior of Dublin namely Iohn Drake with the citizens and townesmen neere to Bre slue of the Irish foure hundred ninety three being all men of warre The same yeere in September a Parliament was held at Dublin during the which in Vrgile Sir Bartholomew Verdon knight Iames White Stephen Gernond and their complies slue Iohn Dowdall Sheriffe of Lowth Anno 1403. in the fourth yeere of king Henry in the moneth of May Sir Walter Betterley Steward of Vlster a right valiant knight was slaine and to the number of thirty other with him The same yeere on Saint Ma●dlins Eeven neere unto Shrewesbury a battell was fought betweene king Henry and Henry Percy and Thomas Percy then Earle of Worcester which Percyes were slaine and on both sides there were sixe thousand and more slaine in the battaile The same yeere about Martlemas the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings Sonne went over into England leaving Stephen Scroope his Deputy there who also in the beginning of Lent sayled over into England and then the Lords of the land chose the Earle of Ormond to be Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1404. in the fift yeere of king Henry Iohn Colton Archbishop of Armagh departed this life upon the fift of May unto whom Nicholas Flemming succeeded The same yeere on the day of Saint Vitall the Martyr the Parliament began at Dublin before the Earle of Ormond then Lord Iustice of Ireland where the Statutes of Kilkenny and Dublin were confirmed and likewise the Charter of Ireland The same yeere Patricke Savage was treacherously slaine in Vlster by Mac Kilmori and his brother Richard was given for a pledge who was murthered in the prison after hee had paid two thousand markes The same yeere upon Martilmas day deceased Nicholas Houth Lord of Houth a man of singular honesty Anno 1405. in the sixt yeere of King Henry in the moneth of May three Scottish Barkes were taken two at Greenecastle and one at Dalkay with Captaine Thomas Macgolagh The same yeere the Merchants of Droghedah entred Scotland and tooke pledges and preyes The same yeere on the Eeven of the feast day of the seaven brethren Oghgard was burnt by the Irish. The same yeere in the moneth of Iune Stephen Scroope crossed the seas over into England leaving the Earle of Ormond Lord Iustice of Ireland The same yeere in the moneth of Iune they of Dublin entred Scotland at Saint Ninian and valiantly behaved themselves and afterward they entred Wales and there did much
hurt to the Welch men and brought away the shrine of Saint Cubius and placed it in the Church of the holy Trinitie in Dublin The same yeere on the Eeven of the feast of the blessed Virgin Iames Butler Earle of Ormond dyed at Raligauran whose death was much lamented whilest hee was Lord Iustice of Ireland unto whom succeeded Girald Earle of Kildare Anno 1406. in the seaventh yeere of King Henry on Corpus Christi day the citizens of Dublin with the country people about them manfully vanquished the Irish enemies and slue divers of them and tooke two Ensignes bringing with them to Dublin the heads of those whom they had slaine The same yeere the Prior of Conall in the Plaine of Kildare fought valiantly and vanquished two hundred of the Irish that were well armed slaying some of them and chasing others and the Pryor had not with him but twenty English men and thus God assisteth those that put their trust in him The same yeere after Michaelmas came into Ireland Scroope Deputie Iustice to the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the Kings Sonne Lord Lievetenant of Ireland The same yeere dyed Innocent the seaventh to whom succeeded Gregorie in the Popedome The same yeere a Parliament was holden at Dublin on the feast of Saint Hillary which in Lent after was ended at Trym and Meiler Birmingham slue Cathole O Conghir in the end of Frebruary and there dyed Sir Ieffery Vaulx a Noble Knight in the Countie of Carlogh Anno 1407. a certaine most false fellow an Irish man named Mac Adam Mac Gilmori that had caused forty Churches to be destroyed who was never baptized and therefore hee was called Corbi tooke prisoner Patricke Savage and received for his ransome two thousand markes and afterwards slue him together with his Brother Richard The same yeere in the feast of the exaltation of the holy Crosse Stephen Scroope Deputy to the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the Kings sonne Lord Lievtenant of Ireland with the Earles of Ormond and Desmond and the Prior of Kilmainan and divers other Captaines and men of warre of Meath set from Dublin and invaded the land of Mac Murch where the Irish had the better part of the field for the former part of the day but afterwards they were valiantly rescued by the said Captaines so that Onolad with his sonne and divers others were taken prisoners But then and there being advertised that the Burkens and Okeroll in the County of Kilkenny had for the space of two dayes together done much mischiefe they rode with all speed unto the Towne of Callan and there encountring with the adversasaries manfully put them to flight slue Okeroll and eight hundred others and it was averred by many that the Sunne stoodstill for a space that day till the Englishmen had ridden 6. miles which was much to be wondred at The same yeere Stephen Scrope went over into England and Iames Butler Earle of Ormond was elected by the Country L. I. of Ireland The same yeere in England neere unto Yorke was slaine Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland and the Lord Bardolf and the Bishop of Bangor were taken prisoners Anno 1408. The said Lord Iustice held a Parliament at Dublin in which the Statutes of Kilkenny and Dublin were established and the Charter granted under the grear Seale of England against Purveiors The same yeere the morrow after Lammas day the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the Kings sonne Lord Lievtenant of Ireland landed at Carlingford and in the weeke following he came unto Dublin and arrested the Earle of Kildare comming to him with three of his familie hee lost all his goods being spoiled and rifled by the Lord Lievtenant his servants and himselfe kept still in the Castle of Dublin till he had paid three hundred markes fine The same yeere on the day of Saint Marcell the Martyr the L. Stephen Scrope died at Tristledermot The same yeere the said L. Thomas of Lancaster at Kilmainan was wounded and hardly escaped death and after caused summons to be given by Proclamation that all such as ought by their tenures to serve the King should assemble at Rosse and after the Feast of Saint Hillary he held a Parliament at Kilkenny for a tallage to be granted and after the 13. of March he went over into England leaving the Prior of Kilmainan his Deputy in Ireland This yeere Hugh Mac Gilmore was slaine in Cragfergus within the Church of the Fryers Minors which Church hee had before destroyed and broken downe the Glasse-windowes to have the Iron barres through which his enemies the Savages entred upon him Anno 1409. Of King Henry the fourth in Iune Ianico de Artois with the Englishmen slue fourescore of the Irish in Vlster The same yeere on the day of Saint Iohn and Paul Alexander the fifth of the Order of Fryers Minors was consecrated Pope and Pope Gregory and Antipope Clemens were condēned for heretickes and by these meanes unity was made in the Church The same yeere a heretick or Lollard of London was burned because he did not beleeve in the sacrament of the altar Anno 1410. Pope Alexander died on the day of the Apostles Philippe and Iacob at Bononia to whom succeeded Iohn the XXIII Anno 1411. On Thursday before Septuagesima marriage was celebrated betwixt William Preston and the daughter of Edward Paris and on Saint Valentines even and day marriages were celebrated between Iohn Wogan and the daughter of Christopher Preston and Walter de la Hide and the second daughter of the same Christopher with a great deale of charges Anno 1412. About the feast of Tiburtius and Valerianus Oconthird did much mischiefe in Meath and tooke a hundred and three score Englishmen The same yeere Odoles a Knight and Thomas Fitz Maurice Sherife of Limerick slue each other The same yeere on the nineth Kalends of Iune there died Robert Mountaine Bishop of Meath to whom succeeded Edward Dandisey sometimes Archdeacon of Cornward The same yeere in Harvest the Lord Thomas of Lancester Duke of Clarence went over into France and with him went the Duke of Yorke the Earle of Ormond and Green-Cornwall with many others The same yeere on Saint Cutberts day King Henry the fourth departed this life To whom succeeded Henry the fifth his eldest sonne Anno 1413. On the fifth Ides of Aprill namely the first Sunday of the Passion of our Lord A. being the Dominicall letter Henry the fifth was crowned King of England at Westminster The same yeere on the first of October there landed in Ireland at Clontarf Iohn Stanley the Kings Lievtenant in Ireland he departed this life the 18. of Ianuary The same yeere after the death of Iohn Stanly Lievtenant Thomas Crawly Archbishop of Dublin was chosen Lord Iustice of Ireland on the 11. Kalends of February the morrow after Saint Mathias day a Parliament began at Dublin and continued for the space of 15. daies In which time the Irish burned all that stood in their way as their usuall custome was in times
of other Parliaments whereuppon a tallage was demaunded but not granted Anno 1414. The English slue of the Irish of the Omordris and Odemsis neer to Kilka Thomas Crawly Archbishop of Dublin then Lord Iustice of Ireland in Tristledermot praying in Procession with his Clergy and his men with the helpe of those of the Country slue one hundred of the Irish enemies In the feast of Saint Gordian and Epimachus the English of Meath were discomfited and there Thomas Manrevard Baron of Skrine was slaine and Christopher Flemnig and Iohn Dardis taken prisoners and many others were slaine by Oconthir and the Irish. On Saint Martins Eve Sir Iohn Talbot Lord Furnivall the Kings Lievtenant in Ireland landed at Dalkey Anno 1415 In the moneth of November a right noble man that walled the suburbs of Kilkenny departed this life and after Hallonide Fryer Patricke Baret Bishop of Fernes a Canon of Kenlis dyed and was buried there Anno 1416. On the feast day of Saint Gervasius and Prothasius the Lord Furnivall Lord Iustice of Ireland had a sonne borne at Finglasse about this time Stephen Flemming Archbishop of Armagh a venerable man died after whom succeeded Iohn Suaing And the same time dyed the Lord and Fryer Adam Leins of the Order of the Preaching Fryers Bishop of Ardmagh On the day of Saint Laurence the Martyr the Lord Furnivals sonne Thomas Talbot that was borne at Finglasse departed this life and was buried in the Quire of the Fryers Preachers Church in Dublin About the same time the Irish fell upon the Englishmen and slue many of them among whom Thomas Balimore of Baliquelan was one The Parliament which the last yeere had beene called and holden at Dublin was this yeere removed to Trim and there began the 11. of May where it continued for the space of 11. dayes in the which was granted unto the L.L. a subsidy of foure hundred markes Anno 1417. Vpon May Eve Thomas Granly Archbishop of Dublin went over into England and deceased at Faringdon but his body was buried in the New Colledge at Oxford This man is greatly praised for his liberality he was a good almes-man a great Clerk a Doctor of Divinity an excellent Preacher a great builder beautifull courteous of a sanguine complexion and of a tall stature in somuch as in his time it might be said unto him Thou art fairer then the sons of men grace and eloquence proceeded from thy lips He was 80. yeeres of age when he died and had governed the Church of Dublin almost 20. yeeres in great quiet Anno 1418. The Annunciation of our Lady was in Easter weeke and shortly after the Lord Deputy spoiled the tenants of Henry Crus and Henry Bethat also at Slane upon the feast day of S. Iohn and S. Paul the Earle of Kildare Sir Christopher Preston and Sir Iohn Bedlow were arrested and committed to ward within the Castle of Trim because they sought to commune with the Prior of Kilmaynan Vpon the 29. of Iune Mathew Husseil Baron of Galtrim deceased and was buried in the Covent of the Fryers Preachers of Trim. Anno 1419. upon the eleventh of May dayed Edmund Brel sometime Major of Dublin and was buried at the Fryers Preachers of the same City A Royall Councell was holden at the Naas where were granted unto the Lord Lievtenant 300. markes At the same time died Sir Iohn Loundres Knight The same yeere upon Cene thursday Othoill tooke fowre hundred Cowes belonging unto Balimore breaking the peace contrary to his oath The fourth Ides of May Mac Morthe chiefe Captaine of his Nation and of all the Irish in Leinster was taken prisoner And the same day was Sir Hugh Cokesey made Knight The last of May the Lord Lievtenant and the Archbishop of Dublin with the Major rased the Castle of Kenini The morrow after the feast of Processus and Martinianus the Lord William de Burgh and other Englishmen slue five hundred of the Irish and tooke Okelly On the feast day of Mary Magdalen the Lord Lievtenant Iohn Talbot went over into England leaving his Deputy there the Archbishop of Dublin carying along with him the curses of many because hee being runne much in debt for victuall and divers other things would pay little or nothing at all About Saint Laurence day divers dyed in Normandy as Fryer Thomas Butler that was Prior of Kilmainan and many others Whom Fryer Iohn Fitz Henry succeeded in the Priory The Archbishop of Dublin being Lord Deputy made an assault upon Scohies and slue thirtie of the Irish neere unto Rodiston Also the thirteenth of February Iohn Fitz Henry Prior of Kilmainan departed this life and William Fitz Thomas was chosen to succeed in his place was confirmed the morrow after Saint Velentines day Also the morrow after the Lord Iohn Talbot Lord Furnivall delivered up his place into the hands of the Lord Richard Talbot Archbishop of Dublin who was afterward chosen to be Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1420. about the fourth des of Aprill Iames Butler Earle of Ormond Lord Lievetenant of Ireland landed at Waterford and shortly after he caused a combat to be fought betwixt two of his cousins of whom one was slaine in the place and the other was carried away sore wounded unto Kilkenny On Saint Georges day the same Lord Lievetenant held a Councell at Dublin and there summoned a Parliament and after the midst thereof he made great preyes upon O Rely Mac Mahon Mac Gynoys And the seventh of Iune the Parliament began at Dublin and there were granted to the Lord Lievetenant seaven hundred markes And that Parliament continued for sixteene dayes and was adjourned againe to Dublin untill Munday after Saint Andrewes day And in the said Parliament were reckoned up the debts of the Lord Iohn Talbot late Lord Lievetenant which amounted to a great summe Also on the morrow after Michaelmas day Michael Bodley departed this life Vpon Saint Francis Eeve dyed Fryer Nicholas Talbot Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Thomas the Martyr at Dublin whom Fryer Iohn Whiting succeeded The morrow after the feast day of the Apostles Simon and Iude the Castle of Colmolin was taken by Thomas Fitz Girald And on Saint Katherines Eeven Buttler Sonne and heire unto the Earle of Ormond was borne and the Munday after Saint Andrewes day the Parliament was begun at Dublin and continued for thirteene dayes and there were granted unto the Lord Lievetenant three hundred markes and then againe the Parliament was adjourned untill Munday after Saint Ambrose day Then rumours were spread abroad that the Lord Thomas Fitz Iohn Earle of Desmond was departed this life at Paris upon Saint Laurence day and that he was buried in the Covent of the Fryers Preachers there the King of England being there present After whom succeeded his Vncle Iames Fitz Girald whom he had three severall times renounced alledging that he was an unthrift and had wasted his Patrimony both in Ireland and England and that hee gave or would give
al. 1014. Guil. de Nangiac Polid l. 8. Angl. hist. An. Dom. 900. Flatsbury An. Dom. 94● 11●2 1162 1167. This Chapter concludeth the 1. and 2. booke Cambrens de conquest Hiberniae delivered unto me by Francis Ag●rd Polichron Plat. in Ad● 4. Io. Stell in Chr Iohn Stow. The Kings letter Lo. Strongbow al. Chepstowe Fitz Stephens Fitz Gerald. Conditions of peace Reymond le Grose 11●0 Divelin assaulted 〈◊〉 the Normans Hasculphus the Norman 1171. 1172. Regni sui 17. Aetatis 41. Merlines Prophecy Irish Prophets Fab. part 7. c. 237. Pol Virg lib. 13 Angl. Hist. Synode of Cashell King Henry returneth into England Ororick with one eye Earle Strongbow Strongbow Lord Warden of Ireland Pol. Virg. lib. 13 Angl. Hist. 1175. Flatsbury Basil the wife of Reymond le Grose Reymond Lord Protectour of Ireland Vlster conquered 1176. 1177. Hugh Lacye Protectour Flat●bury 1178. 1179. 1180. 1182. S. Patrickes Church in Divelin founded Infra cap. 4● S. Patrickes booke of recordes Girald Camb. Ioh. Lord of Ireland In these notes I used the conference of 3. coppies much different sent me the one by my Lord of Trimlestone another from M Agard the third from M. Stanyhurst Lacy murdered 1189. Monast. de beatitudine 1187. 1198. 1199. 1●●● Title to Meth. Title to Mounster Title to Vlster Connaght Burke Earle of Vlster and Connaght 11●9 1199· S●ow Gra●ton Arth●rus P●sthumas 120● Iohn Courcye 1●04 Hugh de Lacy Earle of Vlster King Iohn entreth Ireland the second time Anno 1210. Stow. Polid. lib. 15. In the supplication of soule Fabian 1212. Henry Scorchbill Lord Iustice ●228 Morice Fitz Gerald Lord Iustice. 124● 1259· 1260. 1261. 1267· 126● 1270. 1280. Divelin fired Records of Christ Church It was first a Priory and Canons now Deane and Chapiter Cap. Randolfe ●●87 Blundus lib. ● 1281. 1294. 1294. Bewmarishe 12●6 1299 1307. Templers 1. Ty● l. 12. c. 7. Ga●uin hist. Gal. l. 7. Tom. 3 Con● Plat. in Clem. 5 chargeth them with treason against the Christians 1309. Iohn Decer Pierce of Gavestone S●ow 1311. 1313. 1314. 1315. Iohn Hussee The wordes of Okelly 1317. This is of some called the first Earle of Kildare· Mortimer· Edward Bruise raigneth in Vlster Donald sonne of Arthur Mac Murrowe 1317. Famine horrible 1318. The Scots vanquished An. 1320. Vniversity at Dublin 1321. Alice Kettle a Sorceresse 13●7 Adam Duffe· 1●2● The Lord Iustice cleared of a slander· 1229. Bermingham hanged 1335· Darcye and Sussex 1337. 1338. 1340. The first notable dissention of the English in Ireland 1345. 1346. 1348. Bar. Carew 1350. Sherman Major of Divelin Sir Robert Savage 1356. 1357. 1359. 1360. 1361. Leonell Duke of Clarence 1367. 1369. 1377. Recordes of th'exchequer fought up by M. Iohn Thomas remembrancer Iohn Stow. Records of excheq an 9. Rich. 2. 1385. 1394. 1399 1329. Recordes of Exch. Iames Young in precepts of governement to the Earle of Ormond cap. 5 1402. Records of Ch●ist-Church in Divelin A letter from Corke coppied out of an old Record bearing no date An. 1408. Register of Majors Recordes of Exch. 1421. The chaste Earle of Ormond Iames Yong. In the translation of Cambrensis c. ●7 Prec of government c 27. ca. 2● ca. 41. Lieutenants their deputyes Records of ex●h●quer An. 7. An. 1● An. 20. An. 22. An. 26. An. 27 Richard Duke of Yorke Records of Christ-church 1450. Io. Ma. l. 6 c. 16 1458. The Letter 1459. 1460. Ann Reg 1. Ann. D. 1460. Duke of Clarence Lieutenant and his Deputies 4· An. Reg. ● An. Reg. 7. An. 10. An. 18. 1467. Patrick Sein●leger in his collections 1469. 1470. Flatsbury 1481. Edw. 5. Rich 3. Henr. 7. 1490. 1494. an Hen. 7.14 Perkins confession 1499. 1501. Recordes of Christ-Church 1504. 1513. From henceforward I hav● followed the relation of the wi●est and most ind●fferent persons that I could acquaint my selfe withall in Ireland Register of Majors 1516. Gerald Earle of Kildare 1521. 1523. 15●4 Talbot of Belgard slaine 1527 The Countesse of Ossory The Cardinals accusation against the Earle of Kildare Treasons layde to the Earle Kildares reply to the Cardinals oration Cardinall Woolsey 1528. 15●0 1532. 1533 1534. 1535. The words of Lord Thomas The letter of Iames Lord Butler and Lo. Treasurer to Lord Thomas· Doctour Allen Archbishop of Divelin and L. Chancellor murdered Iohn Stow. Yong Fitz Gerald preserved 1542. Hall An. H 8. 32. 34. 1537. Sir ●ames Fitz-Simons Maior of Divelin 1542. Con Oneale Earle of Tyrone 154● Sir Edward Bellingham Queene Mary 1553. Sir Anthony Seintleger 1554. Earle of Sussex 1557. Queene Elizabeth 1560. Sir Nic. Arnold The Earle of Sussex Oneales rebellion 1566. Oneale vanquished Mac Conil the Islander Oneale murdered The Butlers rebellion 12. Decembris 1570. The oration of James Stanihurst Speaker of the Parliament The Lord Deputies answer Sir Henry Sidney Lord Deputy faileth into England 25. Mar. 1571. Bartholanus in Ireland Oceanus invadeth Ireland Victory with cruelty turneth to the hurt of the conquerors A grievous infection Of Ruanus Of Cesara and Fintan Anno mundi 2317 Nemedus and his foure sonnes arrive Arrivall of Gathelus the Greek Scot. Hist. lib. 4 Hector Boet. in descript regni Scotia Et lib. ● histor Scot. Iohannes Capgrave in vita Sancti Colum. Idem in vita Sancti Fiacrij Beda Ang. hist. lib. 1. cap. 1. Volat geograph lib. 3. Io. Maior de gest Scot. l. 1. c. 4. De rebus Hiber lib. 1. Io. Maior hist. Scot. lib. 1. c. 9. Laur. Surius ver in orbe gest ud annum 1501 Bodinus Pausanias Camb. descrip Brit. cap. 7. Five sonnes of Dela arrive in Ireland anno mundi 2535. First division of Ireland Meth why so called Invasion of Scythians Anno mundi 2828 Anno mundi 3580 Gurguntius meeteth with Bartholin Hiber and Hermon Gurguntius giveth Ireland to them Booke of Houth Hiber and Hermon divide Ireland into two parts One brother killeth another The second Monarch of Ireland Ireland divided into five kingdomes Divers divisions in Ireland A Monarch alwaies in Ireland Ireland called Hibernia Divers names of Ireland Stainhurst de reh Hib. pa. 17. Camden in Hebernia Lanquet ad Annum 3652. Anno mundi 36521 Fergusius Buchanan Armes of Fergusius Tanistrie of Ireland used in Scotland Anno mundi 3750. Reuthar Iosina Thereus Io. Bale cent 14. Gillus Fridelenus the Dane taketh Dublin Frotho King of Denmarke Alb. Krant Dan. lib. 1. cap. 32. Saxo Gr. hist. Dan. lib. 5. IESVS CHRIST is borne Claudius Arviragus Flor. histor Beda eccles hist. Angl. lib. 1. c. 3. Eutropius rerum Rom. lib. 8. Camden pa. 557 Brigantes Florianus del Campo Seneca Arviragus Saxo Gram. hist. Dan. lib. 6. Albertus Krantz Dan. lib. 1. Frotho 4. Haco and Starcuterus in Ireland Dufflania or Dublin ransacked by them Of the comming of the Pictes or Scythians into these parts Io. Magnus Goth. Hist. lib. 1 cap. 27. Beda eccles hist. gentis Aug. lib. 1 cap. 1. Pictes saile into Britaine They obtaine wives of the Scots Scots under Reuda saile out of
victory culled out fifteene thousand Souldiours and met the Scots at Kenles where he was shamefully foyled his men as folke supposed willfully forsaking him and bearing false hearts Vp start the Irish of Mounster at these newes the Ocooles Obrines and Omores and wasted with fire and sword from Arkloe to Leix with them coped the Lord Iustice and made a great slaughter fourescore of their heads were set upon Divelin Castle The meane while Edward Bruise raigned in Vlster held his courts pronounced his enemies traytors abandoned the English blood exhorted the Irish of Leinster to doe the like whereupon Donald the sonne of Arthur Mac Morrow a slip of the royall family displayed his banner within two miles of Divelin but him Traherone tooke prisoner sent him to the castle of Dublin whence he escaped slyding downe from the Turret by a cord that one Adam Maugle brought him The said Maugle was drawne and hanged Roger Mortimer Lord Iustice pacified the displeasure betweene Richard Earle of Vlster and the Nobles that had put the said Earle under surety misdeeming him of certaine riots cōmitted against the kings subjects wherby the Scots caught strength and courage whose ravening caused such horrible scarcity in Vlster that the Souldiours which in the yeare before abused the Kings authority to purvey themselves of wanton fare surfeited with flesh and aquavitae all the Lent long prolled and pilled insatiably without neede and without regard of poore people whose onely provision they devoured Those I say now living in slavery under Le Bruise starved for hunger when they had first experienced many lamentable shifts as in scratching the dead bodyes out of their graves in whose skulls they boyled the same flesh and fed thereof Mortymer went over to the King indebted to the Citizens of Divelin for his viands a thousand poundes whereof he payde not one smulkin and many a bitter curse carried with him to the sea VVilliam Archbishop of Cashell Lord Chancellor was left Lord Warden of Ireland in whose time Bermingham aforesaid being generall of the field and under him Captains Tute Verdon Tripton Sutton Cusacke and Manpas led forth the Kings power against Edward Bruise pitching by Dundalke the Primate of Ardmagh personally accompanying our souldiours blessing their enterprise and assoyling them all ere ever they began to encounter In this conflict the Scots were vanquished full whole 2000. slaine Manpas that pressed into the throng to meet with Bruise was found in the search dead covering the dead body of Bruise Thus dissolved the Scottish Kingdome in Ireland and Bermingham sending his head to the King received in recompence the Earledome of Lowth and to his heires for ever the Barony of Ardee and Athenry Alexander Bigmore Archbishop of Divelin sued to Pope Iohn the 21. so I reckon omitting the scismaticke and dame Ioane for priviledge of an Vniversitie to bee ordained in Divelin which tooke effect and the first three Doctors of Divinity the said Bishop did create VVilliam Hardit a Fryar preacher Henry Coggy a Fryar minor Fryar Edmund Kermerdin one Doctor of the Canon law VVilliam Rodiard Deane of S. Patricks Chancellour of the said Vniversity who kept their termes commencements solemnely neither was the same ever disfranchised but onely through variety of time discontinued and now since the subversion of monasteries utterly extinct vvherin the Divines vvere cherished and open exercise maintained A motion vvas made in this last Parliament to erect it againe contributions layde together Sir Henry Sidney then Lord Deputy proffered 20. pound lands one hundred pounds in money others follovved after their abilities devotions the name devised Master Acworth Plantolinum of Plantagenet and Bullyne But vvhile they disputed of a convenient place for it and of other circumstances they let fall the principall Thomas Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare Lord Iustice to vvhom succeeded Bermingham Earle of Lourh and to him Sir Iohn Darcy At this time lived in the Diocesse of Ossorye the Lady Alice Kettle vvhom the Bishop ascited to purge the fame of inchaunting and Witch-craft objected to her and to Petronilla and Basill her complices They charged her mightily to have carnall conference vvith a spirit called Robin Artison to whom shee sacrifized in the high way nine redde Cockes and nine Peacockes eyes shee swept the streetes of Kilkenny betweene compleere and twilight raking all the filth towards the doores of her sonne VVilliam Outlawe murmuring these wordes To the house of VVilliam my sonne hye all the wealth of Kilkenny towne At the first conviction they abjured and accepted pennance but were very shortly found in relapse and then Petronilla was burned at Kilkenny the other twayne could not be had shee at the houre of her death accused the said VVilliam as privy to their sorceryes whom the Bishop helde in durance nine weekes forbidding his keepers to eate or drink with him or to speake with him more then once in the day by procurement of Arnold le Power then Senischall of Kilkenny hee was delivered corrupted the Senischall to vexe the Bishop which he did thrusting him into prison for three moneths In ryfling the closet of Alice they found a wafer of Sacramentall bread having the devils name stamped thereon in stead of IESUS and a pype of oyntment wherewith shee greased a staffe whereon shee ambled through thicke and thinne when and how shee listed This businesse troubled all the Cleargy of Ireland the rather for that the Lady was supported by Noble men and lastly conveyed into England since which time no man wotteth what became of her CAP. VI. Edward the third and Richard the second SCarcely vvas this businesse ended but another devill possessed another franticke gentleman of the nation of the O-tooles in Leinster named Adam Duffe vvho denyed obstinately the Incarnation of Christ the Trinity of persons in unity of the God-head the resurrection of the flesh Hee called the Holy Scripture a fable the blessed Virgin a vvhore the See Apostolick erroneous for vvhich assertions he was burned in Hogging greene besides Divelin Roger Outlaw Prior of S Iohns of Ierusalem at Kilmainam became Lord Iustice. Great variance arising betvveene the Geraldines Butlers and Berminghams on the one side and the Powers and Burkes on the other side for tearming the Earle of Kildare a Rymer The Lord Iustice summoned a Parliament to accord them wherein he himselfe was faine to cleare the slaunder of heresie fathered upon him by Richard Ledred Bishop of Ossory The Bishoppe had given a declaration against Arnold le Power convented and convict in his consistory of certaine hereticall opinions but because the beginning of Powers accusations concerned the Iustices kinsman and the Bishop was mistrusted to prosecute his owne wrong and the person of the man rather then the fault a day was limited for the justifying of the bill the party being apprehended and respited thereunto This dealing the Bishop who
is that say they the stones of your two foster brethren with that she cast up a wilde look and never beheld him cheerefully againe Ororic her Lord and husband being in pursuit of kerne theeves and outlawes that had mightily annoyed his people in the furthest part of his country she with all celerity supposing it a fit time sent for her lover Dermotte the message was no sooner delivered but hee was a horse backe posting to the Harlot to be short he tooke her away with him at which time O false heart she strugled she cryed as though she were unwilling and that hee forced her Ororic immediately heard of it gathered his forces together mustred his people craved ayde and among others wrote unto Roderick Monarch of Ireland as followeth Though I am not ignorant most renowned Prince that humane causes are to be weighed in the balance of patience and that a man endued with vertue will not effeminate himselfe by reason of the unconstant and mutable minde of a Harlot yet in so much this horrible crime whereof I am fully perswaded came to your eares before my messenger could deliver his letters a thing heretofore not heard of as farre as I remember not practised against any King of Ireland severity causeth me to call for justice when charity admonisheth me not to seeke revengement If thou behold the shame I confesse it redoundeth to me alone if you weigh the cause it is common to us both what confidence shall we repose in our subjects that are bound unto us in regard of our Princely command if this effeminate adulterer or rather queller of chastity shall escape unpunished for so abhominable a fact for the unchastised offences of Princes notoriously committed in the sight of al men breed a most pernitious imitation as precedents unto the people in summe you have sufficient experience of my good will and affection towards you you see mee wounded with the cruell darts of fortune vexed with infinite discommodities and now extremely driven to my utter shifts It remaines seeing I am wholly yours that not onely with counsell being requested but with armes being urged you revenge my quarrell this when you will and as you will not onely I aske but require at your hands Farewell The Monarch for some former quarrell against Dermot was all on fire and joyning forces with Ororic entred Leinster with fire and sword the people cry woe and alacke O bone in Irish now are wee punished for the lewdnesse of our Prince Dermot lulling himselfe in his lovers armes heareth the newes starteth upon a sodaine beholdeth his Lady hath no power to speake runneth forth calleth his men cryeth for aid throughout his country none gave ●are unto him the country thought now whereas they could not that God will be revenged on him for his exactions cruelty tyranny and all other villanies practised upon his subjects and especially for deflouring another mans wife when he saw himselfe quite forsaken voyd and destitute of all ayde he betooke himselfe to the sea and fled for England but what became of the Harlot I cannot learne belike shee hanged her selfe when she had set all the country in uprore Anno 1169. Iohn Clin and Iohn Stow are mine Authors now that Dermot is fled I am to insert a story out of the British Chronicles of Conwey and Strotflur Abbeyes afore I discourse of him which was in the same yeere that he tooke the sea how that Owen Gwyneth Prince of North-Wales had a sonne called Ryryd who in the right of his wife as it seemeth was Lord of Clochran in Ireland and another sonne begotten vpon an Irish woman called Howell and a third sonne called Madoc This Madoc finding his country in great contention and his brethren at civill warres prepared certaine ships with men and munition out of Wales and Ireland and sought adventures by seas he sailed west from the coast of Ireland so farre north that hee came to a land unknowne where he saw many strange things This land in the opinion of Humphrey Lloyde the great Antiquary of Britaine must needs be some part of that country of which the Spaniards affirme themselves to be the first discoverers since Hannos time For by reason and order of cosmographie this land to the which Madoc came must needs be sonne part of Nova-hispania or Florida whereupon it is manifest that the same country was long before discovered by Britaines and Irish men afore either Columbus or Americus Vespatius led any Spaniards thither Of the voyage and returne of this Madoc there be many fables the which I will not report He prepared ships for a second voyage and tooke with him men and women to inhabit that land therefore it is to be presupposed that he and his people inhabited part of those countries for it appeareth by Francis Loves that in Acusanus and other places the people honoured the Crosse whereby it may be gathered that Christians had been there before the comming of the Spaniards but because this people were not many they followed the manners of the land and used their language I am of opinion with others that the land whereunto Madoc came was some part of Mexico first of all for that the inhabitants of that land report their Rulers to have descended from a strange nation that came from a far country which thing is confessed by Mutesuma King of that country in his orations made for quieting of his people at his submission to the King of Castile Hernando Curtecius being then present which is laid downe in the Spanish Chronicles of the conquest of the West-Indies secondly the british words and names of places used in that country to this day doe argue the same as when they talke together they say Gwrando which is hearken or listen in British Also if you peruse Sir Humphrey Gilberts discovery they have a Bird which they call Pengwin in Brittish and Cornish a white-head but the Iland of Corroeso the Cape of Britaine the river of Gwyndoor and the white rocke of Pengwyn be British or Welch words whereby it appeareth that it was that country which Madoc and his people inhabited now remembring my selfe that my pen hath not carryed me so far unto forraigne countries by sea but that I expect Dermots returne by sea and by land into Ireland Dermot Mac Morogh came to Henry 2. in Normandie made his moane as formerly in substance is delivered craved aide for his restitution into his country being a King exiled although distressed and void of comfort unlesse hee might obtaine it at his Majesties hands the Kings hands being full of warres he granted him his favourable letters as followeth Henry King of England Duke of Normandie and Aquitaine Earle of Anjow c. unto all his subiects English Normans Welch and Scots and to all nations and people being his subiects greeting whereas Dermot Prince of Leinster most wrongfully as he enformeth banished out of his owne country hath craved our ayde therefore for
more must now bee used to reforme them so much time doth alter the manners of men Eudox. That seemeth very strange which you say that men should so much degenerate from their first natures as to growe wilde Iren. So much can liberty and ill examples doe Eudox. What liberty had the English there more then they had here at home were not the lawes planted amongst them at the first and had they not Governours to curbe and keepe them still in awe and obedience Iren. They had but it was for the most part such as did more hurt then good for they had governours for the most part of themselves and commonly out of the two families of the Geraldines and Butlers both adversaries and corrivales one against the other Who though for the most part they were but Deputies under some of the Kings of Englands Sonnes Brethren or other neare kinsmen who were the Kings Lieutenants yet they swayed so much as they had all the Rule and the others but the title Of which Butlers and Geraldynes albeit I must confesse there were very brave and worthy men as also of other the Peeres of that Realme made Lo Deputies and Lo Iustices at sundry times yet thorough greatnes of their late conquests and seignories they grew insolent and bent both that regall authority and also their private powers one against another to the utter subversion of themselves and strengthning of the Irish againe This you may read plainely discovered by a Letter written from the Cittizens of Corke out of Ireland to the Earle of Shrewsbury then in England and remaining yet upon record both in the Towre of London and also among the Chronicles of Ireland Wherein it is by them complained that the English Lords and Gentlemen who then had great possessions in Ireland began thorough pride and insolency to make private warres one against another and when either part was weak they would wage draw in the Irish to take their part by which meanes they both greatly incouraged and inabled the Irish which till that time had beene shut up within the mountaines of Slewlogher and weakened and disabled themselves insomuch that their revenues were wonderfully impaired and some of them which are there reckoned to have been able to have spent 12. or 1300. pounds per annū of old rent that I may say no more besides their Commodities of Creekes and havens were now scarce able to dispend the third part From which disorder and through other huge calamities which have come upon them thereby they are almost now growne like the Irish I meane of such English as were planted above towards the West for the English pale hath preserved it selfe thorogh nearenes of the state in reasonable civilitie but the rest which dwelt in Connaght and in Mounster which is the sweerest soyle of Ireland and some in Leinster and Vlster are degenerate yea and some of them have quite shaken off their English names and put on Irish that they might bee altogether Irish. Eudox. Is it possible that any should so farre growe out of frame that they should in so short space quite forget their Countrey and their owne names that is a most dangerous Lethargie much worse then that of Messala Coruinus who being a most learned man thorough sickenesse forgat his owne name But can you count us any of this kinde Iren I cannot but by report of the Irish themselves who report that the Mac-mahons in the north were aunciently English to wit descended from the Fitz Vrsula's which was a noble family in England and that the same appeareth by the signification of their Irish names Likewise that the Mac-swynes now in Vlster were aunciently of the Veres in England but that they themselves for hatred of English so disguised their names Eudox. Could they ever conceive any such dislike of their owne naturall Countryes as that they would bee ashamed of their name and byte at the dugge from which they sucked life Iren. I wote well there should be none but proud hearts doe oftentimes like wanton Colts kicke at their Mothers as we read Alcibiades and Themistocles did who being banished out of Athens fled unto the Kings of Asia and there stirred them up to warre against their Country in which warres they themselves were Cheifetaines So they say did these Mac-swines and Mac-mahons or rather Veres and Fitz Vrsulaes for private despight turne themselves against England For at such time as Robert Vere Earle of Oxford was in the Barons Warres against King Richard the second through the mallice of the Peeres banished the Realme and proscribed he with his kinsman Fitz Vrsula fled into Ireland where being prosecuted and afterwards in England put to death his kinsman there remaining behinde in Ireland rebelled and conspiring with the Irish did quite cast off both their English name and alleagiance since which time they have so remained still and have since beene counted meere Irish. The very like is also reported of the Mac-swines Mac-mahones and Mac-Shehies of Mounster how they likewise were aunciently English and old followers to the Earle of Desmond untill the raigne of King Edward the fourth At which time the Earle of Desmond that then was called Thomas being through false subornation as they say of the Queene for some offence by her against him conceived brought to his death at Tredagh most unjustly notwithstanding that he was a very good and sound subject to the King Thereupon all his Kinsemen of the Geraldines which then was a mighty family in Mounster in revenge of that huge wrong rose into Armes against the King and utterly renounced and forsooke all obedience to the Crowne of England to whom the said Mac●swines Mac-shehies and Mac-mahones being then servants and followers did the like and have ever sithence so continued And with them they say all the people of Mounster went out and many other of them which were meere English thenceforth joyned with the Irish against the King and termed themselves very Irish taking on them Irish habits and customes which could never since be cleane wyped away but the contagion hath remained still amongst their posterityes Of which sort they say be most of the surnames which end in an as Hernan Shinan Mungan c. the which now account themselves naturall Irish. Other great houses there bee of the English in Ireland which thorough licentious conversing with the Irish or marrying or fostering with them or lacke of meete nurture or other such unhappy occasions have degenerated from their auncient dignities and are now growne as Irish as O. Hanlons breech as the proverbe there is Eudox. In truth this which you tell is a most shamefull hearing and to be reformed with most sharpe censures in so great personages to the terrour of the meaner for if the Lords and cheife men degenerate what shall be hoped of the peasants and baser people And hereby sure you have made a faire way unto your selfe to lay open the abuses
Brachanus sonne of Haulaph King of Ireland Beda eccles hist. lib. 3. cap. 26. Grafton Priests of former ages Saint Dympna the Virgin Saint Bertwin Hub Tho Comment de Tungris Eburonibus Livinus Molanus nat Sanctori Belgij Chron lib. 13. Arbogastus Anno 646. Fortanus Vltanus Egbertus Wicbertus Willibrodus Saint Switberd Werda given to Saint Switbert Beda lib. 5. cap. 10. Willibrode Switbert Fursaeus Foilanus Vltanus Many other learned men of Irish birth contemporane with Fursaeus Foilanus Fredegand Mombolus Eloquius Saint Autbert Saint Chilian Saint Fiacre Saint Cataldus Saint Finan Saint Sacodine King Indrake Dominica Muriardachus Monarch of Ireland Saint Cuthbert Meldan and Eatan Bishops sonnes to the Monarch of Ireland Anno 684. Saxons in Ireland Beda eccles hist. lib. 4. cap 26. Anno 701. Adamannus his life Gualafer Bishop Saint Rumold Zachar. Lip de vitis Sanct. tom 3. Io. Molanus nat Scotorum Belgi● ex Martyrologo Mechlin Virgilius solivagus· Invasions of Norwegian● and Danes Anno 799. Turgesius came to Ireland Anno 832. Turgesius slaine Iacob Grace Thad Douling Amelanus Sitaracus and Ivorus Patricke the Abbot Saint Patricks Purgatory Albertus Krantz Dan. lib. 2. Ant. chron p 2. tit 11. cap. 1● Evill Ficus Modwen Anno 877. Brian and Cornelius Scots at the Band overthrow the Irish. Dublin receive the Scots Cormack Bishop of Dublin Anno 899. Strange wormes Anno Dom. 900. Danes in Ireland Anglesey spoyled by them of Dublin Hawlaffe King of Ireland Bromford saith Grafton Saint Maries Abbey founded by Dublin Forananus his life Scots in Ireland Battaile of Clantarfe Bri●n Boroave The cause of the field of Clantarfe out of the booke of Houth Saint Pappan Or Midleton Or Llechryd Saint Michan lived Anno 1095. Samuel Bishop of Dublin Malchus first Bishop of Waterford Celsus Bishop of Armagh Malachias Bishop of Armagh The battaile of Monad more Henry 2 was crowned King of England 1154. Anno 1170. Anno 1172. A Charter of agreement betweene Henry 2. K●ng of England and Roderic King of Connoght Castles builded by Sir H de Lacy. Sir H de Lacy. the yonger L. Iustice of lie Oconnor K. of Conaght with 20000. men The conceit is that Chalus was casus lucis A rebellion in Thurles Blacke Monday King Iohn in Ireland Iohn Graye B. of Norwich L. Deputy Castle of Dublin buildeth Schorchbill Maurice Fitz Girald Lord Iustice. Petrus de Supino Petrus Rubeus Pope Gregories agents in Ireland and Scotland were rifled of all they had by the Emperour Andelmus Primate of Armagh The Castle of Sligoe builded Girald Fitz Maurice Ricardus de Burgo in Gascoigne Iohn Fitz Ieffery Lord Iustice Anno 1245. A great Earthquake The Irish comming to aid Ed. Earle of Chester were slaine and their ships suncke The life of Ioannes de Sacro Bosco The Epitaph of Iohannes de Sacro Bosco Stepham Espee Lord Iustice of Ireland The battell of Downe S. Willi. Denne Lord Iustice Anno 1260. Richardus de Chappella Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1261. David Barry Lord Iustice Anno 1207. The Fryers Preachers and Minors came to Ireland Maurice Fitz Girald Earle of Desmond drowned Robert Vfford Lord Iustice Anno 1268. The Castle of Roscommon Ric. de Exester Lord Iustice Anno 1269. Othobone the Popes Legat. Iames L. Audley Lord Iustice Anno 1270. The Irish rebels Maurice Fitz Maurice Lord Iustice Anno 1272. called Rochfallath Walter Lord Genevill Lord Iustice Anno 1273. Robert Vfford Lord Iustice Anno 1277. Robert Vfford going into England substituted Fulborne Bishop of Waterford The groats pence halfe pence and farthings were made Waterford burned Robert Fulborne Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1281. Dublin burned Galfridus de sancto Leodegario a a Annal. r●r Anglic. Hibern pag. 729 edit 1625. b b Ex Bibliothecâ Remi in Christo patris D. Iacobi Vsserij Archiep Armachani c c Vid. lib. Status Hiborn edit Dubl an 1621. pag. 427. d d Floruit subinitium reg Edw. 4 e e Floruit sub Hen. 8. * * The originall of the very name of Scythians seemeth to come from shooting vide Selden annot in Poly. olb ex Gorop Becan ●eccesel et Aluvedi l●g pag. 122. * * Not he but Herodotus in the life of Homer ** ** These families of Mac-mahones and Mac-swines are by others held to be of the ancient Irish. * * vide anno● pag. praeced * * Others hould that he was beheaded at Tredagh 15. Febr. 146● by the command of Iohn Tip●of● Earle of Worcester then Lo Deputy of Ireland for exacting of Coyne and Livery vid. Ca●den Britan. pag. 738 edit 〈◊〉 an 1607 * * The like reason may be given for the making of such Rathes in Ireland by the Danes or Norwegians vid. Gir. Cambr. top●g H●b distinct 3. cap. 37. * * Trinity Colledge by Dublin which was founded by Queene Eliz 3 Martij 159● The 13. of the same moneth its first stone was laide by Thomas Smyth then Mayor of Dublin and the 9. of Ian 1593. it first admitted Students * * Consulat s● place● Camden annal rerum Anglic Hiber ad an 1520. * * The causes of these feares have been amputated since the happy union of England and Scotland established by his late Majesty * * vide ●ed Eccles Hist. lib. 1. cap. 1. * * In Richard Creagh's booke de lingua Hibernica there is a very plentifull collection of Irish words derived from the Brittish or Welch tongue which doth much strengthen the Authors opinion in houlding that the B●rnes Tooles and Cavenaghs with other the ancient inhabitants of the easterne parts were originally Brittish Colonyes vid pag. 32 33. * * Dermot Mac Murrogh King of Leinster who was surnamed also ni-Gall as being a friend to the English and a cheife instrument in inciting them to the conquest of Ireland o● O-Birn● * * vide Camdeni annales sub senem anni 1594. * * This carrieth no fit proportion for the transplantation intended by the Author considering the large extent of Vlster and the narrow bounds heere limited * * This is now part of the Countie of London-derry * * The County of Clare was anciently accounted part of the Province of Mounster whence it hath the name of Tuadmuan or Thomond which signifieth north Mounster and hath at this day its peculiar Governour as being exempted from the Presidencies of Mounster and Connaght * * This is part of the county of Wexford * * De bis qui plura scire avet consulat D. Hen Spelmanni eq aur Archaeologum in Borsholder Hundred * * Livie speaking of Romulus hath it thus Populū in curias 30. divisit c. Eodem tempore centuriae tres equitum conscriptae sunt And so we have it in Sextus Aurel. Victor's booke de viris illustribus urbis Romae Tres equitum centurias instituit saith he Plebem in triginta curias distribuit * * Richard ●he 2. * * This