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A13042 The abridgement of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. Iohn Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare, 1618. by E.H. Gentleman. There is a briefe table at the end of the booke; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgments Stow, John, 1525?-1605.; Howes, Edmund, fl. 1607-1631. 1618 (1618) STC 23332; ESTC S117863 314,292 619

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Nottingham considering how this land was misgouerned by a few persons about the K. intending reformation of the same assembled at Radcote Bridge with a power of forty thousand came to London and pitched in the fields neare to the tower where the King kept his Christmas Shortly after they caused the King to call a parliament whereof hearing Alexander Neuell Archbishop of Yorke Robert Ver Duke of Ireland and Michael de la Poole Earle of Suffolke fled the land died in strange countries The king by the counsell of the aboue named Lords caused to be taken Sir Robert Tresilian chiefe Iustice of England sir Nicholas Brember late Maior of London sir Iohn Salisbury knight sir Iohn Beauchamp sir Simon Burghley sir Iames Barnes knight Iohn Vske a Serieant at Armes which by the authoritie of the said Parliament were conuict of treason and put to death Robert Belknap Iohn holt Iohn Locton Richard Gray William Burgh and Robert Fulthrope Iustices with the Lords which before had voided the land were banished for euer Thomas Austen shriue Adam Carlohul shriue Nicholas Twyford Goldsmith Maior Statutes made of the Staple to bee brought from Middleborow to Calice Iohn Walcot Shriue Iohn Louely Shriue William Venour Grocer Maior In Oxford the Welsh and Southerne schollers assailed the Northerne whereby many murders were done on each side Iohn Francis shriue Thomas Viuent shriue Adam Bawne Goldsmith Maior This Adam Bawne prouided that from parts beyond the seas was corne brought to London plentifully to the furtherance of which good work the Maior and Citizens tooke out of the Orphans chest in their Guild-hall 2000. markes to buy corne and the Aldermen laid out each of them 20. pound to the like purpose The good man of the Cock in Cheape at the litle conduit was murdered in y e night time by a thiefe that came in at a gutter window as it was known long after by the same thiefe when he was at the Gallowes to be hanged for fellony but his wife was burnt therefore and thrée of his men drawne to Tyborne and there hanged wrongfully Iohn Chadworth Shriue Henry Venor Shriue Iohn Hinde Draper Maior Vpon Christmas day a Dolphin came vp the riuer of Thames to London bridge foreshewing the tempests that followed shortly after or else the disturbance of the Citizens which through y e Kings displeasure they came into because the Londoners had denied the lending of 1000. pound which the king demanded of them Hee caused the Maior Shriues Aldermen to be summoned to a Counsell at Nottingham there imprisoned them disanulling all their liberties and made sir Edward Dalengrige Warden of London Gilbert Maghfield Shriue Thomas Newington Shriue William Stondon Grocer Maior When the King saw the Londoners sore repent their trespasses he came to London where the citizens receiued him with so great glory as might haue séemed to receiue an Emperour in his triumph with such gifts did honour him that the worth thereof could not bee estéemed By this meanes the King became more tractable to grant them their liberties and then the Kings Bench from Yorke and the Chancery from Nottingh●● were returned to London Drew Barentine shriue Richard Whiting●on shriue Iohn Hatley Grocer Maior Qéene Anne died at Shene in Southery and was buried at Westminster William Brumstone Shriue Thomas Knowles Shriue Iohn Froshie Mercer Maior King Richard made a chargeable voyage into Ireland which came to small effect Roger Ellis Shriue William Skirrington Shriue William Moore Vintner Maior The Kings of England and of France met besides Calice and there concluded a peace King Richard tooke to his wife Isabell daughter to the French King Thomas Wilford Shriue William Parker Shriue Adam Bawne Goldsmith and Richard Whittington Mercer Maiors This yeare 1397. Tamberlaine being Lord of a a certaine wast countrey and rude people in the East who not long before had assembled great numbers of strangers vnto his aid ouerthrown the Persians vnderstanding that Baiazeth the Turkish Emperour had won diuers kingdomes and many strong Citties from the Christians as also discomfited the Christian Emperiall army which consisted of Gréekes Italians Germanes Hungarions Seruians Myssians Frenchmen and others and that he still persisted in extreame pride of his inuincible strength fortune with a mightie hoast had besieged Constantinople eight yeares being fully perswaded that there was no power vpon earth that could redéeme the Cittie out of his hands because he knew the Princes of Christendome to bee at dissention among themselues And therupon secured himselfe y t if Europ could not preuaile against him there was no other power that durst encounter him And whilest hée thus thought the saide Tamberlaine the yeare alone written came vpon him with a very mighty hoast in a set battell vpon Mount Stella where Pompey fought with Mithridates hee ouercame this Baiazeth being the fourth of that name flew two hundred thousand Turkes tooke him prisoner put him in an iron cage and so carried him in triumph from place to place This Baiazeth was crowned in the yeare 1373. Amurah the second was crowned 1414. he was the first that ordained the Emperiall Band or guarde of renegate Christians commonly called Ianezaries And in the yeare 1447. Constantine the 7. was crowned Emperour of Constantinople being before that K. of Morea he was surnamed the Dragon for his cruelty which he exercised vpon the Turkes for reuenge whereof other ancient grudges Mahomet sonne of Amurat the 2. in the yeare 1452. after hee had done great spoiles and damage vpon Gréece hee also conquered their chiefe Citie Constantinople tooke Constantine the Christian Emperour prisoner then cōmanded his head to be cut-off and with great derision caused his head to bee showne throughout all the Turkish campe And among other things of worthy note and obseruation you shall vnderstand that whereas the famous Citie Constantinople was at first dignified reedified enriched aduanced by a Constantine whose mothers name was S. Helen the same Citie was lost subiugated vnto Turkish slauery by a Constantine whose mothers name was likewise Helen This Mahomet was the second of that name and the eight in ranke of Turkish Emperours was the first that arrogated to his title the name of Great whose successors euer since haue béene called the great Turke or grand Signor Therefore Baiazeth the fourth by reason of sundry his victories against the Christians and cruell murthers which he had performed on his kindred friendes was surnamed the whirlwinde or thunderbolt of heauen And Tamberlaine after his conquest calling to minde all his fortunes considering how many mighty Princes he had subdued surnamed himselfe the scourge of God Thomas Duke of Glocester King Richards Vncle was murdered at Calice The Earle of Arundell and many other were put to death for that they rebuked the King in certaine matters somewhat liberally Richard Askam Shriue Iohn Woodcocke Shriue Richard
chiefe officers of the Court. The 27 of Iune Henry Earle of Northumberland was brought from the Tower vnto the Starre-chamber and there conuicted of diuers misprisions contempts and offences and for the same was adiudged to pay thirty thousand pound and to be remooued from the place of a Priuy Counsellor and from being Captains of his Maiesties Pentioners and from all other offices which he held of his Maiesties grace and fauour and to remaine prisoner during life At this time returned Signior Nichola Molyno of honourable family hauing béene here thrée yeares Ambassador Lieger for the Signory of Venice whom the King honoured with Knight-hood and in his stead came the honourable Signior Georguo Iustiniano from the Duke and State of Venice of which most famous and flourishing city I haue here very briefly set downe the first foundation and State thereof as followeth Bleda and Attilla Brethren Kings of the Hunnes after they had made great excursions and spoyles vpon Illyria and Thrace as farre as Thermopyle Attilla desirous to be sole Soueraigne slue his brother Bleda then he subdued most nations Eastward and after that with fiue hundred thousand men he inuaded the Roman Empire viz. the Romans and Visygotes who encountred him with diuers Armies he passed violently through Italy and forced the people to flie from City to City and other places of which sort some went and possessed certaine very small Islands in the sea which then were not well knowne by any name but were afterward called Venice as you may read he also inuaded France and besieged Orleance in the yeare of the world 4414. and after Christ 452 and gaue battaile vnto Detyus Aefius the Vice Emperour and Theodoric King of Vys●gotes the fight continued one whole day wherein was performed all martiall prowes and two hundred thousand slaine on both sides yea such was the effusion of bloud that very many dead bodies floted vp and downe as it had béen a brooke of bloud in this fight Attilla had the worst yet neuerthelesse he reencouraged himselfe and furiously assailed Italie and had vtterlie spoiled it if the Pope had not humbled himselfe before him then he returned into his owne Country of Hungarie The Emperour Valentinian the third being in a manner constrained gaue him his sister in mariage after that he maried an other at which Nuptiall he became so drunke that he died thereof the City of Venice being at first but a small thing was gouerned by Consuls who resisted Pelagius Nestorius and Pharamond the first King of France then it increased and was gouerned by Tribunes And in the yeare 582. Pope Pelagius the second in a Councell of twenty Bishops by meanes of the Archbishop of Aquilea it was agréed that Grado should be the Metropolis of Venice and Istria by reason that Grado was then more Noble and populous then Venice so continued vntill the yeare 654. Afterward Mallo Mocco and Palestina by meanes of a great assembly of people from Padua and Mount Telice which came in company of the Bishop of Padua Venice was greatly increased this was done when Padua had beene destroyed by the Lombards the third and fourth time in the yeare 593. And in the yeare 654 vnto the foresaid ten Tribunes were added two more to rule in Hyraclia which Hyraclia tooke his name of Hyraclius the Christian Emperour the said Hyraclia in the yeare 603 was reedified and enlarged by Bishop Magno but Rotaryo King of Lombards still exercising his crueltie destroyed Oderzo and other places as also there was ciuill wars a long time in most parts of Italy so as many auncient Noble habitations being ruinated the distressed persons for their conuenient safety resorted and inhabited these foresaid small plots or Islands lying in the sea the chiefe whereof was then call Ryuo Alto and is now called the Ryalto which they found to lie commodious for traffique and Nauigation then they encreased so fast in people and building that these petty plots or Islands became well inhabited and therein with great Christian piety erected eight faire goodly Churches with many stately pallaces so as the City was growne very great and these last twelue Magistrates of Tribunes continued vntill the yeare 697. and was then by the forenamed Hyraclius Pope Sergius the first in the generall Councell of Aquilea those foresaid Islands were called Venice and by vertue of the same Councell it was ordained that they should choose themselues a Duke out of their City successiuely for euer and for conclusion of peace after long dissension betwéene Grado and Venice the Pope was content that the Patriarchie of Grado should be transferred vnto Venice since which time he hath there held his Cathedra and the Venetians haue béene gouerned by Dukes assisted by Senators Paulus Lucius was the first Duke and haue so continued Dukes by election vntill this present yeare 1606. with great honour and prosperity ouer whom Leonardo Donato now raigneth there haue béene ninety one Dukes since the forenamed Councell At this time the King made Sir Edward Cooke Lord chiefe Iustice of the common Pleas after he had béene fouretéene yeares his Maiesties Solicitor and Atturney generall This yeare at the appointment and charges of the King the stately Tombe for Quéene Elizabeth was fully finished and set vp in a little Chappell on the North side of the high Altar in the Chappell Royall at Westminster and her Image or Status placed amongst the Pictures of other Kings and Quéenes in an vpper roome on the North side of the high Alter in the Abbey Church at Westminster which said Images of former Princes were wont to stand in a darke lost or Chappell behinde the high Altar and were remooued thence into a more lightsome place by Doctor Neile Deane of Westminster which sayd Deane repayred the Tombe of Anne of Cleaue gaue a rich Altar Cloath vnto the Church and reformed the impeachments of light in the Quire thereof The 15 of Iuly the wife of Richard Homwood of East Grimsted in Sussex without any knowne cause murdered her owne thrée children and threw them into a pit and then cut her owne throat likewise Thursday the 17 of Iuly Christianus King of Denmarke with eight shippes cast anker before Graues-end and the next day King Iames with Prince Henrie and diuers Nobles went thither to him and dined a ship-boord and after diner both Kings came to Gréenewich where Christianus and all his traine were royally entertained The 24 of Iuly these Kings rode progresse together and for foure daies space they and their traine were worthily feasted by the Earle of Salisbury at Theobalds and vpon Thursday the last of Iuly both Kings with all magnificence rode through London against which time and vpon very short warning the Citizens had made diuers Trophies viz. a Bower of the Muses at the East end of Cheapeside a braue stately Pageant with delicate musicke eloquent Orations and variable pleasant
came to the farther side of the Towne and as it went left some stréets and houses safe and vntouched the flame flew cleane ouer many houses néere vnto it and did great spoile to many faire buildings farthest off and ceased not vntill it had consumed 160 dwelling houses besides other and in dammage of wares and houshold stuffe to the full value of thréescore thousand pound The King shewed great kindnesse to the distressed inhabitants as well in giuing them fiue hundred load of timber to repaire their buildings as in preferring their best meanes to raise their generall and particular estates and in giuing them a new Charter The Knights and chiefe Gentlemen of that County performed likewise great kindnesse vnto the Townsmen the Citie of London gaue kindly towards their reliefe The 17 of Aprill Doctor Montague Deane of the Kings Chappell was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wels by the Lord Archbishop of Canturbury At this consecration were present Prince Henry the Duke of Yorke and most of the great Lords of the Priuie Counsell and diuers Bishops The 19 of Aprill at Whitehall died Thomas Earle of Dorset Lord high Treasurer of England He died suddenly at the Counsell Table The 29 of Aprill proclamation was made commanding the oth of allegiance to be ministred vnto all persons that should come from beyond the seas onely to distinguish honest subiects from traiterous practisers and not for any point or matter in religion all knowne Merchants and others of honest state and quallitie were exempt from taking this oth This proclamation was made by reason that many suspitious persons of base sort came daily from beyond seas and refused to take the oth At this time Henry Earle of Northampton was made Lord Priuie Seale Friday the 6 of May Robert Earle of Salisbury was sworne Lord high Treasurer of England at Westminster being accompanied with the most part of all the Earles and Barons and with an extraordinary company of Knights and others of honorable ranke and qualitie that day he feasted the King Quéene and Prince the Lady Elizabeth the Duke of Yorke and all the Counsell The 20 of May at Windsor were made knights of the Garter George Earle of Dunbar Baron Hume of Berwick Lord of Norham Lord high Treasurer of Scotland one of the two Lords Lieutenants in equall authority ouer the middle shires of Great Britaine sometime the borders of both the kingdomes Lord Gouernour and Captaine for his Maiestie of the said towne of Berwick and the Garrison thereof and one of his Maiesties most Honourable Priuie Counsell and Philip Earle of Montgomery Baron of Shurland In the moneth of Iune the King knighted Sir Alexander Hay Secretary for the Scottish affaires The 23 of Iune Thomas Garnet a Iesuite was executed at Tyburne hauing fauour offered him if he would haue taken the oth of allegiance aforesaid which he refused to doe This Summer at Astley in Warwickshire by reason of the fall of the Church there was taken vp the corps of Thomas Gray Marquesse Dorset he was buried the tenth of October 1530 in the twenty two yeare of Henry the eight and albeit he had laine 78 yeares in the earth yet his eyes haire and flesh remained in a manner as if it had béene newly buried Concerning which you may read the new Epitaph set ouer his sepulchre The ninth of October Doctor Neyle Deane of Westminster was consecrated Bishop of Rochester at Lambeth George Bolles Richard Farrington Shrieues Sir Humphrey Weld Grocer Maior The first of December William Viscount Cramburne sonne and heire to Robert Earle of Salisbury Lord Treasurer of England married Catheren Howard the third Daughter of Thomas Earle of Suffolke For these fiue yeares last past great and manifold roberies spoyles pyracies murthers and depredations within the streights elsewhere haue béene committed by seuerall companies of English pirates as well vpon our owne nation as others but especially vpon the Florentines and Venetians wherewith his highnesse being much grieued published from time to time sundry proclamations denouncing the said offenders to be rebels and therewithall gaue order for their suppression and apprehension as traitors and peace-breakers But all this preuailed not for they still increased and persisted in their former villanies with which offenders there were some English Merchants who very cunningly vnderhand vsed cōmerce trucke and traffique for stolen goods to the great cherishing and abetting of those malefactors and dishonor to this nation for redresse whereof the King by proclamation the eighth of Ianuary prohibited all English Merchants from any manner of medling or dealing with them vpon great penaltie commanding the Iudge of the Admiraltie to proceed seuerely in Iustice against all such offenders and that from him there should be no appeale granted to any person touching the premises all which notwithstanding the number of Pirats still increased and did great damage vnto the English Merchants and to all other nations There were Hollanders and Esterlings that at this time and before became fierce Pirats and held consort with the English robbers viz. Ward Bishop Sir Francis Verney and others Whereupon the King of Spaine sent certaine ships of warre vnder command of Don Lewis Faxardo who very politikely about the middle of Iuly came vpon them at Tunis and suddenly burned about 20 of their ships lying in harbor at which time though captaine Ward escaped in person by being then a shoare yet his great strength riches perished in the fire with other his confederates And the 22 of December there were executed at Waping 19 Pirats some whereof had béene in consort with the forenamed English pirats Sunday the ninetéenth of February it should haue béene dead low water at London bridge but quite contrary to course it was then hie water and presently it ebbed almost halfe an houre the quantitie of a foote and then suddenly it flowed againe almost two foote higher then it did before and then ebbed againe vntill it came néere the right course so as the next floud began in a manner as it should and kept his due course in all respects as if there had béene no shifting nor alteration of tides All this happened before twelue of the clocke that forenoone the weather being indifferent calme The 25 of February Richard Lord Buckhurst maried the Lady Anne Clyfford the onely child of George Earle of Cumberland And the last of February died Robert Earle of Dorset father to the forenamed Richard L. Buckhurst And the first of Iune next following Edward Seymour the sonne and heire of the Lord Beauchampe maried the Lady Anne Sackuyle second daughter to the said Robert Earle of Dorset In this month of March 1609. vpon full 3 yeares deliberate aduice was concluded and proclaimed a generall and particular truce ceassation from all maner of hostilitie by sea and land for twelue yeares betwéene Philip the third of
Iuly 1616. were created Barons viz. Sir Iohn Hollis Knight was created Baron of Hawghton and Sir Iohn Roper Knght was created Baron Tynchham of Tyncham in Kent Tuesday the 16 of Iuly 1616. the Earle of Arondell was sworne a Priuie Counsellor The 20 of Iuly the Lord Carew was sworne a Priuie Counsellor At Woodstocke vpon Tuesday the 27 of August 1616. Sir George Villers Knight of the Garter and Master of the Horse was created Viscont Villers and Baron of Whaddon By vertue of a speciall Commission from his Maiesty and from the Citie of London bearing date the fifteenth of May this yeare 1616. Peter Proby Alderman of London and Gouernour for the new plantation of the Prouince of Vlster in Ireland accompanied with Master Mathias Springham Merchantailor and Master Clement Mosse Solyciter for London with others did there establish such Lawes and constitutions for the City of London Derie and the Borough of Colerame as should thenceforth be obserued and kept according to the Tenor of the Kings Charter granted to the City of London in that behalfe The sayd Alderman Proby by vertue of the Kings Commission did there also Minister oath vnto all officers and others for the well gouernment and making of true accompts He caried ouer thither with him two rich swords the one whereof he deliuered to Sir Iohn Vawghan Knight Maior of Lonon Dery and the other to Trystram Beryfford Esquire Maior of Coleraine for that time being and to be borne before them and their successors for euer There was also sent vnto the Maior of London Dery a great gilded Man being sent him from the Gouernors and Assistants for that plantation Alderman Proby with his company went from London the eight and twenty of May last and returned to London the 28 of August 1616. what is more to be said touching this businesse I must referre you to my larger booke Sonday being Michaelmas day Doctor Androwes Bishop of Ely was sworne a Priuy Counsellor at Hampton Court The fourth of October Doctor Mountague was translated from Bathe and Wells to Winchester and forthwith he expelled all Inmates out of Winchester house on the Banke-side reduced diuers parts thereof from fowle noysomnesse vnto swéetnesse and comlinesse he repayred the whole house throughout and builded some part new and enclosed a great part of the wharfe and made a new faire paire of staires into the Thames he spent almost thrée thousand pound in the repaire and beautifying this ancient house which for a long time had béene suffred to run to ruin Allan Cotton Cutbert Hacket Shrieues Sir Iohn Leman Knight Fishmonger a batcheler Maior In his Maioralty the old ruinous Gate called Aldersgate was quite taken downe and fairely new builded from the foundation The riuer of Thames cleared of shelues in all parts and the Hauen of Quéene Hyth cleansed and likewise the making of the great wharse on the South-side of the riuer by the Willowes and also the new strict order for the passage of Cars and Carts in the stréets for the preseruation of all passengers Thursday the last of October 1616. viz. Alhollond Eue Prince Charls came in great state by Barge from Barne Elmes to White-hall accompanied attended by diuers great Lords and others of honorable rancke and quallity besides his owne traine and was most ioyfully met at Chelsey by the Lord Maior Aldermen and Citizens of London each Company in a seuerall Barge and distinguished by their seuerall Armes in their rich Banners and stately Streamers besides the Royal sound of Drum and Trumpet and great variety of excellent Musique besides all which and the infinit number of people vpon the shore and in Boates and Barges to behold this ioyfull daie there was also at the Cities charge in honour of his Highnesse creation more particular pleasant Trophies and Ingenious deuices met him vpon the water then euer was at any former creation of any Prince of Wales And vpon Monday the fourth of Nouember at White-hall where the Kings Maiesty inuested crowned Prince Charles Prince of Wales at this solemne creation were present most of the Nobility of the Land The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and diuers other Bishops and reuerend Prela●s all the Iudges of the Law sir Edward Cooke onely excepted there were present also the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London in their scarlet Robes as were the Iudges In honour of this ioyfull creation there were made fiue and twenty Knights of the Bath who performed all their Ceremonies in the vpper Parliament house and the next Sonday withall Magnifisence being lustily mounted they rode to White-hall and were there Knighted by his Maiesty Iames Lord Maltreuers Algernon Lord Percy Iames Lord Wryothesley Edward Lord Clynton Edward Lord Beauchamp Lord Barkley Lord Mordant Sir Alexander Erskin Sir Henry Howard Sir Edward Sackuill Sir William Howard Sir Edward Howard Sir Montague Barty Sir William Stourton Sir Henry Parker Sir Dudley North. Sir Spencer Compton Sir William Spencer Sir William Seymor Sir Rowland Saint Iohn Sir Iohn Candish Sir Thomas Neuill Sir Iohn Roper Sir Iohn North. Sir Henry Carey In honour of this ioyfull creation there were solemne Tryumphs performed at Lowdon in the County of Salop the fourth of Nouember and published by Master Daniell Powel Gentleman Also in honour of this creation there were forty young gentlemen selected out of the foure Iunes of Court who fought at Barriers viz. the one halfe against the other Thursday the seuenth of Nouember Thomas Elsmer Lord Chancellor of England was created Viscont Brackley And William Lord Knowles was created Viscont Wallingford and Sir Philip Stanhope Knight was created Baron of Shelford and vpon the next Satterday the Lord Maior feasted the Knights of the Bath Satterday the 16 of Nouember 1616. Sir Edward Cooke Knight was discharged from his Office viz. from being Lord Chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench. Monday the 18 of Nouember Sir Henry Montague Knight the Kings Sergeant at Law was sworne Lord chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench. This Sommer and haruest was so dry that passengers were anoyde with dust in the high-waies the 20 of Nouember Sonday the 8 of December 1616. Arthur Lake Doctor of Diuinity was consecrated Bishop of Bathe and Wells Lewis Bayly Doctor of Diuinity was consecrated Bishop of Bangor Monday the 16 of December 1616. Marcus Anthonius de Domynis Archbishop of Spalato in the Territory of Venice was very honorably entertained and receiued at Lambeth by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury with whom he remained and writ a briefe declaration of his Reasons for leauing that Prelacy and forsaking his Natiue Country which Booke was presently published in eight Languages and disperst through Europe and in Sommer following he printed in London the first foure of his ten bookes intituled of the Common-weale of the Church Monday the two and twentith of December Sir Thomas Edmonds Knight
Ambassador Leger in France was sworne a Priuie Counsellor and made Comptroller of the Kings houshold and the Lord Wotton was made Treasurer of the Kings houshold Sonday the fifth of Ianuary the Lord Viscont Villers was created Earle of Buckingham at White-hall Twesday the fourth of February 1616. the Earle of Buckingham was sworne a Priuie Counsellor Twesday the 13 of February the King in person sate in the Star-chamber and made an excellent Oration to the Lords and to the Iudges vnto whom hee gaue a charge and direction how they should proceed in the Circuits Shroue Twesday the 4 of March many disordred persons of sondry kindes amongst whom were very many young boyes and laddes that assembled themselues in Lincolnes Inne field Finsbury field in Ratliffe and Stepney field where in ryotous manner they did beate downe the walls and windowes of many victualling houses and of all other houses which they suspected to bee bawdie houses And that after-noone they spoyl'd a new Play-house and did likewise more hurt in diuers other places in pulling downe walles and windowes and spoyling of house-hold-stuffe and were so head●strong that they dispightfully vsed and resisted the Shrieffes of London and the Constables and Iustices of Middlesex Whereupon the Lords of the Counsell by the Kings appointment ordained diuers of the Chiefe Iustices of Middlesex to be Prouost Marshals and to execute Marshall Law if the like occation should happen Shroue-twesday the fourth of March this yeare 1616. the Queene feasted the King at her Palace in the Strand formerly called Somerset-house and then the King commanded it should no more be so called but that it should from henceforth be called Denmarke-house which said Denmarke-house the Queene had many waies repaired beautified new builded and enlarged and brought to it a pipe of conduit water from Hyde-parke The seuenth of March the Great Seale of England was deliuered to Sir Francis Bacon Knight the Kings Atturney and was then made Lord Kéeper and the next day toward Euening died the Lord Elismer late Lord Chancellor and the fourth of Ianuary following Sir Francis Bacon Lord Keeper was made Lord Chauncelor When Sir Francis Bacon was made Lord Kéeper then was sir Henry Yeluerton Knight the Kings Soliciter made the Kings Atturney and Master Thomas Couentry Esquire Recorder of London was made the Kings Soliciter and was Knighted the 16 of March Friday the fouretéenth of March 1616. the King being accompanied with the Queene and Prince Charles and many of the Chiefe Nobility and others went from White-hall to Theobalds and from thence the King with his appointed traine set forward toward Edenborough the next Monday being Saint Patricks day And vpon his Maiesties returne to London viz. the 15 of September next following the King came from Windsor to London and was met at Hyde-parke by the Lord Maior and Aldermen and aboue foure hundreth of the chiefe Citizens with chaines of gold and well mounted the Lord Maior presented the King with a purse and in it fiue hundreth péeces of gold called the Vnity and there the King Knighted sir Anthony Ben Recorder of London The 20 of March 1616. the Lord Hay was sworne a Priuie Counsellor at Hynching-brooke Sonday the 23 of March 1616. at Burley on the hill in Rutland-shire sir Edward Noell Knight and Baronet was created Lord Noell of Rydlington At this time neere Wapping in the Parish of White-chappell was new builded a very faire large Chappell and a Church-yard to it which were consecrated the 7 of Iuly 1617. by the Lord Bishop of London Vpon Michaelmas day Doctor Montague Lord Bishop of Winchester was sworne a Priuie Counsellor at Hampton Court and that day at that place Sir Iohn Villers maried Frances the daughter of Sir Edward Cooke Knight William Hallyday Robert Iohnson Shrieues Sir George Bolles Knight Grocer Maior Twesday the fourth of Nouember here ariued Stephen Euanowich Lieutenant of Rasco and Marke Euanozin Posdieof of one of the thrée Chancellors of Russia from the late mentioned Michaell Pheodorowich Emperour of Russia they had audience the next Sonday and vpon Now yeares day the King feasted them and their chiefe followers and attendants at Whitehall being fifty in number their whole Traine was 75. Thursday the 6 of Nouember the Lord Hay married the Lady Luce daughter to the Earle of Northumberland Sonday the last of Nouember 1617. the Lord Archbishop of Spalato preached at the Marcers Chappell in the Italian tongue there were present the L. Archbishop of Canterbury the L. Chancellor the Earles of Arondell Pembroke Lord Zowch the Lord Compton and many others of great note he preached there againe vpon Sonday the ninetéenth of Aprill 1618. Sonday the foureteenth of December at ●●●beth were two Bishops consecrated viz. 〈◊〉 Felton Master of Pembroke-hall was consecrated Lord Bishop or Bristow and Doctor Montaigne Deane of Westminster was consecrated Lord Bishop of Lincolne at this Consecration were present and assistant at the imposition of hands with the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury the Lord Archbishop of Spalato the Bishops of London Ely Rochester and Lichfield Monday the foure and twenty of December 1617. was borne Charles Lodowick at Heydelberg about foure a clocke in the morning and was christened in March following Prince Charles was out of his Godfathers At this time the Appothecaries of London obtained a corporation for themselues and their successors for euer and by Letters pattented were made a Body Pollitique and Corporate and that all such as vse and professe the Apt and Mistery of Appothecaries within London and the Suburbs thereof and within seuen miles compasse thereof shall be ordred and gouerned by the Master Wardens and socitie of the Art and Misterie of the Appothecaries Edmond Philips was the Master Stephen Hyggines and Thomas Fanes were the first Wardens New yeares day being Thursday 1617. George Earle of Buckingham was created Marquesse of Buckingham at White-hall Thursday the eight of Ianuary 1617. Sir Robert Manton Knight was sworne the Kings Secretary At the end of February this yeare 1617. the Company of the East India Merchants sent nine braue goodly ships well appointed to the East Iudies And Sir Thomas Dale Knight went Generall this was the first fléet of the second ioynt stock At the beginning of this month of Aprill 1618. the Lord De la Ware with about eight score persons viz. men women went y e second time to Virginea to make good the plantation the Lord De la Ware at his first being in Virginia through extreamity of sicknesse was constrained to returne for England about sixe yeares past and could not recouer his perfect health vntill the last yeare in which he builded a very faire shippe and went now in it himselfe and after him went Captaine Henry Spilman with thirty persons this Captaine Spilman had béene formerly
to Russia Shrieues Maior Viscont Rochester made Earl of Somerset L. Cooke a Priuie Counsellor Earle of Somerset maried Prince Henry Frederick borne at Heydelberg An. reg 12 1614 Sir Ralph Winwood made Secretary Sir Thomas Lake a Priuie Counsellor Henry Earle of Northamton deceast Christianus King of Denmarke his second comming into England The Earle of Suffolk Lord Treasurer The Earle of Somerset Lord Chamberlaine A call of Sergeants A new Counsell Chamber for the L. Maior of London A general muster trayning The Thames cleered of Piles Stops and Weyres Master Middletō bringeth a riuer to London Shrieues Maior Two Hospitalls founded Great frosts snow and great flouds The King is entertained at Cambridge An. reg 13 1815 Proclamation against transportation of children of gold and siluer Sir George Villers Knighted Iesuits Seminaries sent to Wisbidge Two Knights of the Garter The Lord Hay made a Baron Sir Robert Dormer made Baron Doctor Milburne Bishop Proclamation against encrease of building about London Bishop of Winchester a Priuie Counsellor A house of correction builded for the Countie of Middlesex Smithfield paued all ouer The high-cawses in London taken downe made leuell The Lady Arbella deceast Shrieues Maior Sir Iohn Iolles his bounty Weston executed Mistresse Turner executed The Lieutenant of the Tower executed Franckline executed The second Lottery Captaine Beniamin Ioseph goeth to the East Indies D. Abbot B. of Sallisbury The Earle of Pemb. made L. Chamberlaine The Earle of Worcester L. Priuy Seale Sir Georg Villers Maister of the horse Sir Iohn Digby made a Prime Counsellor 1616 An reg 14 Master William Iones his Bounty Sea-coale and Pit-coale make glasse and melt Mettels Sir Frances Bacon a Priuie Counsellor The King maketh an oration in the Star-chamber A Seminary hanged and a woman burned The Lord Maior in person surueieth the boūds of the Riuer of Thames and reformeth all maner of anoyances Master Rock Doctor Morton Bishop of Chester Knights of the Garter made Two barons created The Earle of Arondell sworn a Priuie Counsellor The Lord Carew a Priuie Counsellor Viscont Villers created The Citie of Londō sendeth Alderman Proby into Ireland to reforme abuses to ratifie good lawes and constitutions in the Prouince of Vlster viz. Londons plantation The Bishop of Flie a Priuy Counsellor Shrieues Maior Aldersgate new builded Prince Charles created Prince of Wales The Earle of Arondell was then Earle Marshall 26 Knights of the Bath made Knights of the Bath Barons created The Lord Chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench put from his place Sir Henry Montague Lord chief Iustice of the Kings Bench. A dry Sommer Two Bishops consecrated The Archbishop of Spalato ariueth in England Sir Thomas Edmonds a Priuie Counsellor Earle of Buckingham created Earle of Buckingham a Priuy Counsellor The King sitteth in the Star-chamber Disordered youths Denmark house Sir Francis Bacon Lord Chancellor Sir Henry Yeluerton the Kings Atturney The King rydeth into Scotland The King returneth from Scotland The Lord Hay a Priuy Counsellor Lord Noell created A new Chappell of ease builded The Bishop of Winchester a Priuie Counsellor Shrieues Maior Ambassadors from Russia The L. Hay maried The L. Archbishop of Spalato preacheth in London Two Bishops Consecrated The second son of the Lady Elizabeth born at Heydelberg The Appothecaries London made a particular Company Marques of Buckingham created Sir Robert Manton Secretary This yeares fleet to the East Indies An. reg 16 1618 The Lord De La Warre his second going to Virginia Captaine Spilman The Pallace of Paris burned Chagford in Deuonshire Sol and Mars were in coninuction at that time Doctor Fotherby Bishop of Salisbury Sir Dudley Digs sent Ambassador to the Emperor of Russia The vpper part of Paules new glassed and repaired Peter Colledge Clare-hal Pembroke hall Corpus Christi Colledge Trinitie Hall Gunuile and Caius Colledge Kings Colledge Queenes Colledge Katherine Hall Iesus Colledge Christs Colledge S. Iohns Colledge Magdalen Colledge Trinity Colledge Michael house Emmanuel Colledge Sussex Sydney Colledge founded Vniuersitie Colledge Baliol Colledge Merton Colledge Excester Colledge Orial Colledge Queenes Colledge New Colledge Lincolne Colledge All Soules Colledge Diuinitie Schoole Magdalen Colledge Brasen-nose Colledge Corpus Christi Colledge Christ Church Canterbury Colledge Trinity Colledge sometime Durham Colledge S. Iohns Colledge sometime Bernard Colledge Wadham Colledge founded Walter Stapleton William Wanstock * See the Records in the Roles
he forthwith tooke shipping though hee were vehemently pet●waded to the contrary for that there was at that time a great tempest to whom hee answered hee neuer heard that any King was drowned At this time hee got more honour then euer hee did in all his life for hee chased his enemies and returned with victory In the Summer blood sprang out of the earth at ●inchamsteed in Barkeshire King William on the morrowe after Lammas day-hunting in the new forrest Sir Walter Tirel shooting at a Deare vnawares hit the King in the breast that hee fell downe dead and neuer spake word his men and especially that Knight gat them away but some came backe againe laide his body vpon a Colyars cart which one silly l●●ne beast did draw to the Citty of Winchester where he was buried He raigned twelue yeares 11. monethes lacking eight dayes Hee gaue vnto the Monkes called de Caritate in Southwarke the great new Church of Saint Sauiour of Barmondes eye and also Barmondes eye it selfe He also founded a good Hospitall in the city of Yorke called Saint Leonards for the sustentation of the poore Henry Bewclarke HEnry brother to William Rufus and the first of that name for his learning called Bewclarke borne at Salby beganne his raigne the 5. of August the yeare of our Lord 1100. He restored the state of the Cleargy asswaged the grieuous paiments reduced againe S. Edwards lawes reformed the olde vntrue measures made a measure by the length of his arme which was called Vlna Iordan Brise Baron founded the house of St Iohn of Ierusalem neare vnto London in Smithfield The same Iordan gaue 14. acres of ground lying in the field next adioyning to Clarkenwell to build thereon a house for Nunnes Robert Duke of Normandy the Kings eldest brother which was now returned from Ierusalem made warre for the crowne of England but by meditation peace was made on condition that Henry should pay 3000. markes yearely to Duke Robert and if the one died without issue the longer liuer should inherit Winchester and Glocester was burnt The Cathedrall Church of Norwich was founded by Robert Bishop of Norwich The priory and Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew in Smithfield was founded by a Minstrell named Reior Robert Duke of Normandy comming into England through the subtilty of King Henry his yonger brother released to him the tribute of 3000. markes of siluer Great malice was kindled betwéene the two brethren Robert and Henry whereupon deadly warre in sued There appeared about the Sunne foure circles and a blazing starre Endo sewer to King Henry founded the Monastery of S. Iohn in Colchester Robert Duke of Normandy came to his brother and friendly desired him to beare brotherly loue towards him But King Henry feeling his conscience accusing him for obtaining the kingdome by defrauding of his eldest brother and fearing men more then God first he reconciled the Nobles of the Realme with faire promises and then pursued his brother into Normandy where betweene them were many sore battailes fought but at the last the valiant man Robert was taken The first Canons entred into the Church of our Lady in Southwarke called Saint Mary Ouery founded by William Pountlarge Knight and William Dancis Normans King Henry returning into England brought with him his brother Robert and William of Morion and put them in perpetuall prison from whence shortly after Duke Robert deceiuing his kéepers sought to escape but he was taken and by his brothers commandement hée had his eyes put out and then kept straighter till his dying day The Church of the holy Trinitie without Algate in London was founded by Mathild the Quéene A great part of Flaunders was drowned by breaking in of the sea which caused many Flemings to come into Englād at length by the kings appointment they tooke vpon them the possession of Rosse a prouince in Wales Henry Emperour of Rome required to haue Maude the Kings daughter in marriage which was graunted and the King tooke thrée shillings of euery hide of land through England This King translated the Abbey of Ely into a Bishopricke King Henry made Robert his bastard sonne the first Earle of Glocester who after builded the Castles of Bristow and Cardife with the Priory of S. Iames in Bristow King Henry went into Normandy to make warre against the Earle of Angion and spoyled the whole countrey This yeare was a great mortalitie of men and murren of beasts The citty of Worcester was burnt The tenth of October the riuer of Medway by no smal number of miles did so faile of water that in the middest of the channell the smallest vessels and boats could not passe The selfe same day the Thames did suffer the like lacke of water for betwéene the Tower of London and the bridge not onely with horse but also a great number of men and children did wade ouer on foote Chichester was burnt many stormes and a blazing starre In March was excéeding lightning and in December thunder and haile and the Moone at both times séemed to be turned into blood Maude the Quéene of England dyed and was buried at Westminster shee builded an Hospitall neare vnto London without Holborn which now is the parrish Church of Saint Giles in the field The order of the Templars Knights began Many sore battailes were fought in France and Normandy betwéene Henry King of England and Lodowicke the French King King Henry hauing tamed the Frenchmen and pacified Normandy returned into England in which voyage William Duke of Normandy and Richard his sonne and Mary his daughter Richard Earle of Chester and his wife with many noble men and to the number of 160. persons were drowned Lybussa daughter of Cracus the second King of Bohemia for a certaine space raigned as Queene ouer them and albeit shee ministred iustice indifferently yet there grewe a great disdaine male-contentment amongst all sortes of people that men should bee gouerned and directed by women and thereupon was spread a generall voyce that foorthwith they would haue a King And to appease the peoples discontent or as some thinke for her owne pleasure shee married a Peasant called Primislaus who gouerned the Bohemians and was the first that builded walles and rampiers about the Citty of Prague in the yeare 995. After the death of the said Lybussa there presently start vp one of her handmaids called Valasque a lusty Lady of wondrous Amazonian boldnesse who very cunningly caused an assembly of all the chiefe Ladies and others of note vnto whom shee made an eloquent Oration and amongst other things shee spake as followeth My most noble and worthy Ladies wee haue lost our Quéene and Mistresse whose high spirit could neuer admit that either wée or our Sexe should in any sort be subiect vnto men if therefore for the euer fréeing of our selues
time lay as rudely as London stréetes which were not all paued in foure hundred yeares after and the north Church-yard of Paules otherwise called the Close and diuers other stréetes in London were not paued vntill the raigne of Quéene Elizabeth In the yeare 1246. the Citty of Luberke was quite consumed with fire whose misfortune made Paris London and other Citties to couer their houses with tile or slate especially if they stood close together and not to vse any thatch which vntill then was vsuall Maude the Empresse mother to King Henry the second deceased shee founded the Abbey of Bordesley Geffery Earle of Britaine the Kings son died and was buried at Paris he left issue two daughters which he had by Constance daughter of Conan Earle of Britaine who also at this time of his death was great with child and after brought a sonne named Arthur A great earthquake threwe downe many buildings among the which the Cathedrall Church at Lincolne was rent in pieces Chichester Cittie was burnt Neare vnto Orford in Suffolke certaine Fishers tooke in their nets a fish hauing the shape of a man which fish was kept by Barthelmew de Glanuile Custos of the Castell of Orford in the same Castell by the space of sixe moneths and more for a wonder he spake not a word all maner of meats he gladly did eate but most greedily raw fish At length he stole away to the sea The towne of Beuerly with the Church of St. Iohn there was burnt Phillip the French King required that his sister which had ben kept in England 22. yeares might be restored vnto Earle Richard as his wife and Earle Richard desired the same but King Henry denied this request and so they got them to armour The French King and Earle Richard pursued the King of England so hard that he was forced to yéeld all the requests as well of the French King as of his sonne Richard This was done at Gisors and so departing came to Zafe where he fell sicke and departed this life the sixth day of Iuly in the yeare of our Lord 1189. when hee had raigned 24. yeares 7. moneths lacking 11. dayes and was buried at Fonteuerald in the Monastery of Nunnes by him founded Richard Coeurdelyon RIchard the first for his valiantnesse surnamed Coeurdelion second sonne to Henry the second began his raigne and was crowned the third of September 1186. He was bigge of stature with a merry countenance he commanded that no Iewes nor women should be at his Coronation for feare of inchantments For breaking of which commandement many were slaine Elianor the old who at the commandement of her husband had béene long kept close prisoner was now set at libertie King Richard gaue ouer the castles of Berwick and Rokesburgh to the Scottish King for the sum of ten thousand pound he also sold to the Bishop of Durham his owne Prouince for a great péece of money and created him Earle of the same He also faigned to haue lost his signet then caused to be proclaimed that whosoeuer would safely enioy those things which before time they had inrolled should come to the new seale He gaue his brother Iohn the Prouinces of Nottingham Deuonshire and Cornewall In this time were many Robbers and Outlawes among whom Robert Hood and little Iohn remained in the woods despoiling and robbing the goods of the rich The saide Robert entertained an hundred tall men and good Archers with such spoiles as he got vpon whō foure hundred men were they neuer so strong durst not giue the onset Poore mens goods hée spared aboundantly relieuing them with that which hee got from Abbies and houses of rich Earles This yeare the Cittizens of London obtained to be gouerned by two Bayliffes or Shriues and a Maior Henry Cornhill Shriue Richard Reynery Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior King Richard betooke the guiding of this land to William Longshanke Bishop of Ely Chancellour of England and transported ouer into Normandy The two Kings of England and of France met at Towers and from thence set forward on their iourney towards Ierusalem The Iewes of Norwich Saint Edmonsbury Lincolne Stamford and Linne were robbed And at Yorke to the number of fiue hundred beside women and children entred a tower of the castle which the people assailing the Iewes cut the throats of their wiues and children and cast them ouer the walles on the Christians heads the residue they locked vp and burnt both the house and themselues William Bishop of Ely builded the outer wall about the Tower of London and caused a déepe ditch to be made Iohn Herlion Shriue Roger Duke Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior King Richard subdued the Isle of Cipres and then ioyned his power with Phillip y e French king in Asia conquered Acon where there grewe betwéene the two Kings a grieuous displeasure for which cause Phillip shortly departed thence and comming into France inuaded Normandy Iohn brother to king Richard tooke on him the kingdome of England King Richard restored to the Christians the citty of Ioppa The bones of king Arthur were found at Glastenbury William Hauerall Shirues Iohn Bucknot Shirues Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior William Bishop of Ely withstood the kings brother who said he wist not if his brother were aliue or not To whom the Bishop answered If King Richard be yet liuing it were vniust to take from him the crowne If he be dead Arthur the elder brothers sonne must enioy the same Nicholas Duke Shriue Peter Newlay Shriue Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior King Richard hauing knowledge that Phillip of France inuaded Normandy and that Iohn his brother had made himselfe King ouer England made peace with the Saladine for thrée yeares with a small company returning homeward he was taken by Leopold Duke of Austria who kept him in straight prison a yeare and fiue moneths Roger Duke Shriue Richard Fitz Alwine Shriue Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior The Kings friends intreating for his deliuerance his ransome was set at 100000. l. wherevpon cōmandement was directed from the Kings Iustices that all Bishops Prelates Earles Barons Abbots and Priors should bring in the 4. part of their reuenewes towards the Kings ransome and besides this the Cleargy brought in their golden and siluer Chalices and fléeced their Shriues all which was coined in mony Iohn the kings brother when he heard of the imprisonment of his brother made great war within the realme and tooke by strength the castles of Windsor Nottingham and others The king was deliuered landed at Sandwich on the 12. of March he was againe solemnly crowned After this hee called into his hands all such things as he had either giuen or sold by patents or otherwise by which meanes he got a great sum of mony and sailed into Normandy where shortly after peace was taken betwéene the two kings Also by
losse of 25000. of his men and of Christians there were slaine 5000. besides 240. Knights of the order Laurence Ducket Goldsmith grieuously wounded one Ralph Crepin in West Cheape and then sled into Bow Church after that certaine euill disposed persons friends to the said Ralph entred the Church in the night time and slewe the saide Laurence lying in the stéeple and then hanged him vp placing him as though he had hanged himselfe But shortly after by relation of a boy the truth of the matter was known for the which a woman and sixtéene men were put in prison and afterward more who all were drawn and hanged saue the woman who was burnt The great Conduit in Cheape was begun to be builded Stephen Cornehill shriue Robert Rokesley shriue Gregory Rokesley Maior A Iustes was proclaimed at Boston in the faire time whereof one part came in y e habit of Monks another in the sute of Canons who had couenanted after the Iusts to spoile the faire for the atchiuing of their purposes they fired the towne in 3. places Walter Blunt Shriue Iohn Wade Shriue Ralph Sandwich Maior On New yeares day at night as well through vehemencie of the winde as violence of the se● many Churches were ouerthrowne and destroied not onely at Yarmouth Dunwich and Ipswich but also in diuers other places of England Thomas Crosh Shriue Walter Hautaine Shriue Ralph Sandwich Maior The Summer was so excéeding hot that many men died through the extremitie thereof and yet wheate was sold at London for 3. s. 4. d. the quarter and such cheapnes of beanes and pease as the like had not béene heard of William Hereford Shriue Thomas Stanes Shriue Ralph Sandwich Custos Great haile fell in England after insued great raine that the yeare following wheate was raised from 5. d. the bushell to 16. d. so increased yearely till it was lastly sold for 20. s. the quarter William Betaine Shriue Iohn of Canterbury Shriue Ralph Sandwich Maior Rice ap Meredith was by the Earle of Cornwall taken drawen hanged and quartered Falke of S. Edmond Shriue Salomon le Stotell Shriue Sir Iohn Briton Custes The transgressions of diuers Iustices was tried out punished accordingly some lost their goods and then were banished some as wel of the Bench as of the Assises were sent to the Tower The King banished all y e Iews out of England giuing them to beare their charges till they were out of the realme the number of Iewes then expulsed were 15. M. 9. persons Thomas Romain Shriue William de Lier Shriue Iohn de Breton Custos The wool staple was ordained to be at Sandwich Ralph Blunt Shriues Hamond Boxe Shriue Ralph Sandwich Custos King Edward adiudged Iohn Ballioll to bee true heire of Scotland Quéene Elianor died at Herdby a towne neare to Lincolne she was brought to Westminster and there buried The king made at euery place where she staied a costly crosse with the Queenes image vpon it Charing Crosse and the Crosse in West Cheape of London were two of them The Minoresse a Nunnery without Algate of London was founded by Edmond Earle of Leicester brother to King Edward Henry Bole Shriue Elias Russel Shriue Ralph Sandwich Custos Thrée men had their right hands cut off in west Cheape for rescuing a prisoner rested by an Officer in the Cittie of London Robert Rokesly Shriue Martin Aunsbresby Shriue Ralph Sandwich Maior The water of Thames ouerflowed the bankes and made a breach at Rotherheth beside London the low ground about Bermondsey and Toth● was ouerflowed Henry Boxe Shriue Richard Glocester Shriue Sir Ralph Sandwich Maior The King passing with an armie against the Welshmen builded the Castle of Beawmarish in the Isle of Anglesey The Welshmen were consumed by famine their woods were felled and many castles fortified Rice ap Meredith was brought to London The Frenchmen arriued at Douer and spoiled the towne Iohn of Dunstable Shriue Adam de Halingbery Shriue Sir Iohn Breton Maior Iohn Baliol King of Scots contrary to his allegiance rebelled King Edward won the Castles 〈◊〉 Barwicke and Dunbarre hee slew of Scots 25. thousand he conquered Edenborough where he found the regall ensignes of Scotland Thomas Suffolke Shriue Adam Fulham Shriue Sir Iohn Breton Maior The King increased the tribute of the woolles tasking for euery sacke 40. s. where before th● time they paid but halfe a marke The Scots by instigation of W. Wale●s ●ebelled and put the Englishmen to much trouble Iohn de Stortford shriue W. de Stortford shriue Sir Iohn Breton Maior Fire being kindled in the lesser hall of y e pallace at Westminster the flame therof being driuen with winde fired the building of the Monastery next adioyning which with the pallace were both consumed S. Martins Church in the Vintry at London was now builded by the Executors of Mathew de Calumbaris Richard Rotham Shriue Thomas S●ly Shriue Henry Waleis Maior This realme was troubled with false money called Crockden and Pollard coined in parts beyond the seas and vttered for sterling K. Edward tooke to wife Margaret sister to Philliple Beaw then King of France Iohn de A●mentiers Shriue Henry de Fingrie Shriue Henry Waleis Maior K Edward made his voiage against the Scots wherein he subdued a great part of the land tooke the castle of Estreueliue with other and made the Lords sweare to him fealty Lucas Hauering shriue Richard Campes shriue Elias Russell Maior The K. gaue to Edward his son the Princedome of Wales and ioyned there unto the Dukedome of Cornewall and the Earledome of Chester Robert Colleuer shriue Peter de Boscube shriue Elias Russel Maior The Scots rebelling made William Waleis their leader wherefore the king hauing his army ready passed ouer y e whole land none offring him battel Hugh Port Shriue Simon Paris Shriue Sir Iohn Blunt Maior Richard Grauesend Bishop of London deceased who is reported to haue purchased the Charters liberties of the Cittie of London in the yeare of our Lord 1392. in the 16. of Richard the second The vntruth whereof I haue thought good thus much to note The K. returning out of Scotland cōmanded the courts of the Kings bench and the Exchequer which had now remained at Yorke seuen yeares to be remoued to their old places at London W. de Combematin Shriue I. de Bereford Shriue Sir Iohn Blunt Maior K. Edw. ordained Iustices of Tirelebastō against intruders into other mens lands truce breakers extortioners murtherers and such like offenders W. Waleis which had oftentimes set Scotland in great trouble was taken brought to London where he was hanged headed and quartered Roger Paris Shriue Iohn Lincolne Shriue Sir Iohn Blunt Maior Robert Bruce caused himselfe to bee crowned King of Scots wherof when King Edward heard he went with hast into Scotland where he chased the said Robert Bruce and
containing most trayterous matters against her Maiesties person And from thence to be caried in that maner and set on the pillory in the Palace at Westminster and there to haue one of his eares cut off also to be caried in like maner into London and set on the pillory on market day in Cheape with the like paper And after that caried into Kent and at the next Assise there to be set on the pillory with the like paper and his other eare to be cut off also to be set on the pillory one market day at Canterbury and another at Rochester in the like manner and at euery the said places this order taken touching this offence openly read the sentence whereof was duly executed The 14 of March at the Assises kept at the City of Excester in Deuonshire before Sir Edmond Anderson L. chiefe Iustice of the common pleas Sergeant Floriday one of the Barons of the Exchequer and other Iustices there happened a strange sicknesse first amongst the prisoners and then amongst other persons and beside the prisoners many of all degrées died thereof namely Serieant Floriday Sir Iohn Chichester Sir Arthur Basset and Sir Bernard Drake Knights Tho. Carew Richard Carie I. Fortescue I Waldran and Tho. Risdone Esquires and Iustices of the peace of the common people died very many Constables Reues Tithmen and Iurors and namely of one Iury being twelue of them died eleuen The seuentéene of March a strange thing happened Master Dorington of Spaldwickt in the Countie of Huntington Esquire one of her Maiesties Gentlemen Pentioners had a horse which died suddenly and being ripped to sée the cause of his death there was found in the hole of the heart of the same horse a strange worme which lay on a round heape in a Call or skinne in the likenesse of a Toade which being taken out spread abroade was in forme fashion not easie to be described the length of which worme diuided into many graines to the number of 50 spred from the body like the branches of a trée was from the snout to the end of the longest graine 17 inches hauing foure issues in the grains from whence dropped forth a red water the body in bignes round about was 3 inches a halfe the color whereof was very like to a mackarell This monstrous worme found in maner aforesaid crawling to haue got away was stabbed in with a dagger and died which after being dried was shewed to many honourable persons of the Realme The 18 of Aprill in the Sises holden at London in the Iustice hall William Tompson made Priest at Reymes in France and remaining within this Realme was condemned of treason Also Richard Lea made Priest at Lions was likewise there condemned which said William and Thomas were both on the twentieth of April drawne to Tiburne and there hanged bowelled and quartered The first of May sir Henry Sidney knight of the Garter Lord president of Wales departed this life and was honourably buried at Penshurst in Kent The 8 of May arriued at London on the Tower Wharfe Henry Ramelius Chancellor for Germany Ambassadour from Frederick the second King of Denmarke vnto the Quéenes Maiesty of England he was honourably receiued of the Lord Talbot the Lord Cobham and other great estates and by them conuayed through Tower stréete Fanchurch stréet and Grace-stréet into Bishops-gate stréet to Crosby place where he remained till hee had finished his Ambassage and returned on the thirtieth of May towards Denmarke Wolston Dixie Maior 1586 founded a frée schoole at Bosworth in Leicester-shire endowed with twenty pounde land by yéere better more he gaue to the gouernors of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge 600 pounds to buy land for the mainteinance of two scholarships and two fellowships there the scholars to come forth of Bosworth schoole he gaue also toward the erecting of Emmanuel Colledge 50 pounds to Christs hospitall in London 42 pounds the yeare for euer toward the Diuinity lecture to S. Michaell bassings hall in London 10 pounds the yeare for euer Vnto his company of Skinners 500 pounds to be lent vnto young men of that company viz. 200 pounds to foure yong men marchant Aduenturers for 3 yeare at 3 pounds 6 shillings 8 pence the yeare and thrée hundred pounds to ten other after the same rate part of the profits to be spent in coles yearly to the poore of Saint Michaels parish Basing hall for euer To Saint Bartholmewes hospitall and Saint Thomas hospitall 50. l. to each The poore of Bridewell 20. l. To the poore of Newgate 20. l. To the poore of the Compters 10. l. to each to Ludgate 10. l. To Bethlem 10. l. To the foure prisons in Southwarke 20. pounds thirtéene shillings and foure pence To poore maides marriages 100. l. To poore strangers of the Dutch and French Churches 50. li. To the poore of Basings-hall 10. l. To the poore Eling in Middlesex foure pounds And 200. toward building of the Pesthouse The 17. of May Philip Earle of Arundell was conuaied from the Towre of London to Westminster and there in the Star-chamber by the Counsell condemned to pay 10000. l. fine for his contempt and to remaine in prison at the Quéenes pleasure A Commission was erected from her Maiesty tending to the ratifying of a firme League of amity betwéene her Maiesty and Iames King of Scots which League being articuled Commissioners were appointed Edward Earle of Rutland W. Lord Euers and T. Randolph Esquire who with their Traine came to Barwicke on the 19. of Iune were the Ambassadors of Scotland being present they accomplished the matter according to the commission the Articles of the said league in all and euery part sufficiently confirmed on 1. of Iuly which being done the said Earle of Rutland with his traine returned home Master Randolph went into Scotland to take his leaue of the King and returned into England This yéere 1586. certaine Merchants and other gallant actiue Citizens at their owne proper charges onely for their countries seruice and defence practised wéekely diuers feats of Armes and by orderly course euery man bare al degrées of Offices from the corporall to the captaine and when they had by vsuall practise attained vnto some perfection with obseruation of Martiall discipline then they trained the common souldiers of the City taught them the managing of their péeces pikes halbeards to march countermarch and ring this president was taken from the Marchants of Antwerp The 18. of Iune Henry Elkes clarke for counterfeiting the Quéenes signe manuell to a presentation of the personage of all Saints in Has●ings directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury or to his Comissary generall the Diocesse of Chichester doing void that he might be institued Parson there was drawne to Tiburne there hanged and quartered A Lottery for maruellous rich and beautifull Armor was begun to be drawne at London in Pauls Church yeard at the great West gate an
May the said Prince returned into France About the middle of May certaine common persons assembled themselues in Northamptonshire Warwickshire and Leicestershire they cut and brake downe hedges filled vp ditches and laide open all such enclosures of commons and other grounds as they found enclosed which of ancient time had béen open and imploied to tillage And the last of May they were straitly commanded by Proclamation to surcease their disorder but yet they ceased not whereupon the Sheriffes and Iustices had authority giuen them to suppresse them by force And after that the King sent certaine Noblemen and Iudges to punish the wilfull offenders according to law And the 28 of Iune the King made another proclamatiō signifying his great vnwillingnesse to haue procéeded against them either by marshall law or ciuill iustice if lenity or gentle admonition might any way haue preuailed with them to desist from their turbulent rebellions and traiterous practise Tuesday the second of Iune in Pauls Church the right reuerend Father in God Thomas Rauis Doctor of Diuinity late Bishop of Glocester was by his deputy Doctor King Deane of Christ-church enstalled Lord Bishop of London He died the 14 of December 1609. Friday the 12 of Iune the King dined with the Lord Maior and after dinner went into Cloath-workers Hall and was there made frée of that company At that time also were made frée sir Patricke Murry knight gentleman of the Kings Bedchamber sir Arthur Arston knight sir Hugh Carmychel knight Iames Medow Doctor of Diuinitie one of the Kings Chaplaines and others The 16 of Iuly being the great feast day at Merchantailors hall the Lord Maior feasted all the Aldermen that were not frée of the Merchantailors and with them these honourable Personages following viz. Patricke Steward Earle of Orqueney sir Iohn Ramsey knight Lord Viscount Hadington sir Iohn Selby knight Edward Ramsey gentlemen Sewer to the King These were also made frée of the Cloathworkers sir William Stone being then Master of the company Henry Walton Thom●s Bostocke Richard Boothe and William Kymber Wardens The third of Iuly the Kings Maiestie repaied thréescore thousnd pound vnto the Citizens of London which summe the Londoners had lent vnto Quéene Elizabeth the 3 of Februarie 1598. On Saturday being the fourth of Iuly arriued Iohn Berke chiefe Councellor of Dort and Iames de Maldere Knight Lord of Heyes and had audience the sixth of Iuly they were honourably entertained and feasted in many places The fourth of Iuly the right honourable sir Thomas Kneuit knight was called by writ to the Parliament by the name and title of Baron of Escricke and sate that day in his roabes among the Barons being the last day of that Parliament holden vpon prorogation and so againe proroged vntill the 16 of Nouember following Sunday the 5 of Iuly sir Iulius Caesar knight Chancellor of the Exchequer was sworne a Priuie Councellor of Estate Thursday the 16 of Iuly 1607 the Kings most excellent Maiestie with Prince Henry and diuers honourable Personages dined at Merchantailors hall and were most ioyfullie entertained with great varietie of melodious harmony of voices and instruments and pleasant spéeches being the day they held their feast for the election of Master and Wardens and after dinner Master Iohn Swinnarton the Master and Richard Wright Andrew Osborne Edward Atkinson and William Albany the foure Wardens of the Company being accompanied with master Baron Southerton and sir Leonard Halliday sir William Crauen sir Iohn Swynerton knights and Aldermen and Ieffrey Elwes Alderman being all members of that Company resorted to the Kings most excellent Maiestie who dined in their chamber called the Kings Chamber and sir Henry Mountague knight Recorder of London being there present did in the name of the whole Company most humbly thanke his Maiesty for that it had pleased him to grace it with his royall presence that day And the Master of the Company did present his Maiestie with a purse full of gold Richard Langley the Clarke of the Company did deliuer vnto his Maiesty a roll wherein was entred the names of seuen Kings one Quéene seuentéene Princes and Dukes two Dutchesses one Archbishop thirty one Earles fiue Countesses one Viscount twenty foure Bishops sixty sixe Barons or Lords two Ladies seuen Abbats seuen Priors and one Sub-prior omitting a number of Knights Esquires c. who had béen frée of the Company which his Maiestie most gratiously accepted and said that he himselfe was frée of another Company yet he would so much grace the Company of Merchantailors that the Prince his eldest sonne should be frée thereof and that he would sée and be a witnesse when the garland should be put on his head And then they in like manner resorted to the Prince who dined in the great hall And the said Master presented his Highnesse with another purse full of gold and the Clarke deliuered his Highnesse a like roll which were also gratiously accepted and his Highnesse said that not onely himselfe would be frée of the Company of Merchantailors but commanded one of his Gentlemen and the Clarke of the Company to goe to all the Lords present and require all of them that loued him and were not frée of other companies to be free of his Company whereupon those Lords whose names ensue with humble thankes to his highnesse accepted of the freedome viz. Iohn Berke Lord in Godschalckcoort c. Counceller of Dort in Holland Sir Iames du Maldere knight Lord of Heyes c. Counceller of Zeland Sir Noel de Caron knight L. of Schoonwal c. Ambassador Lieger from the States c. The Duke of Lenox Earle of Nottingham Lord Admirall Earle of Suffolke Lord Chamberlaine Earle of Arundell Earle of Oxenford Earle of Worcester Earle of Pembrooke Earle of Essex absent yet entred by order from the Prince vnder his Highnesse owne hand Earle of Northampton Earle of Salisbury principall Secretary to the King Earle of Montgomery Earle of Pearth Lord Viscount Cranborne Lord Euars Lord Hunsdon Lord Knolles Lord Haye Lord Sanker Lord Borley M. Howard Sir Iohn Harington M. Sheffield Sir Thomas Challoner Gouernor to y e Prince Sir Roger Ashton Master of the Wardrobe Gentleman of the Kings Bed-chamber Sir Thomas Vauasor Knight Marshall Sir Dauid Fowlis Sir Dauid Murry M. Doctor Mountague Deane of the Chappell M. Adam Newton Deane of Durham and Tutor to the Prince Sir Thomas Sauage Sir Lewes Lewknor M. of the Ceremonies and many other Knights Esquires and Gentlemen seruants to the King Queene and Prince and to Noblemen The new Master and Wardens chosen in the presence of the King and Prince was Iohn Iohnson Master of the Company and Thomas Owen Richard Scales Iohn Woller and Randolph Wolley Wardens The next day the King christened Iames the eldest sonne of Thomas Earle of Arundel borne of Alethea youngest daughter to Gilbert Earle of Shrewsbury the Earle of Suffolke
the goodly vniforme order rich habit of the citizens and said that there was no State nor citie in the world that did elect their Magistrates with such magnificence except the citie of Venice vnto which the city of London commeth very neere c. The 7 of December Iohn Roberts a Benedict Monke somtime prouinciall of the Benedictans in England and Thomas Somers a Seminary were condemned at Newgate executed at Tiburn they hauing bin before sundry times takē and banished yet presumed to returne againe and here to practise against the King and State George Palyn Citizen and Girdler of London at this time gaue ad pios vsus 3600. pound that is to say twelue hundreth pound vnto the two Vniuersities and nine hundreth pound for an Almes-house and the rest he bequeathed vnto other godly and charitable purposes in which legacies he bestowed the better part of all his wealth This month of December 1610. Henry Prince of Wales kept his Court at Saint Iames néere Charing Crosse setled his house and ordained his Officers as well the Officers of his Highnesse Reuenewes as those of his houshold the names of the chiefe whereof follow Of his Highnesse Reuenewes Sir Edward Philips Chancellor Master Adam Newton Secretary Sir George Moore Receiuer Generall Sir Willi. Fleetwood Suruaier generall Sir Augustine Nichols Sergeant M. Thomas Stephens Atturney M. Richard Cunnock Auditor Of his Highnesse Houshold Sir Thomas Challoner Chamberlaine Sir Charles Cornewalleys Treasurer Sir Iohn Hollis Comptroller Sir Dauid Fowllis Cofferer Sir Dauid Murrey Gentleman of the Bed-chamber Whereas the Kings most Excellent Maiestie hath continued this Parliament together longer then hath beene vsuall or might well haue stood either with his important affaires of State or with the publike businesse of three whole Termes spent in the two last Sessions or with the occasions of the Countrey where the seruice and Hospitality of many Persons of quality hath beene missing and diuers Shires Cities and Burrough Townes haue beene burdened with allowances made to the Knights and Burgesses whom they imployed besides the particular expence of the nobility and others attending that seruice And all this in expectation of a good conclusion of some of those weightie causes which haue béene therein deliberated not onely for the supply of the necessities of his Maiesties estate but for the ease and fréedome of his subiects in many things proposed by his Maiestie in Parliament farre differing surpassing the fauors and graces of former times both in nature and value His Maiestie hath now resolued for preuenting of further trouble of all those that would prepare themselues to be here against the time limited by the last prorogation to declare by these presents that they shall not néed to giue their attendance at the day appointed for any seruice to be done as members of this Parliament because his Maiestie for many good considerations knowne to himselfe hath now determined to dissolue this Parliament by his Commission vnder the great Seale of England Vpon New yéeres night the Prince of Wales being accompanied with twelue others viz. two Earles thrée Barons fiue Knights two Esquires they performed a very stately maske in which was an excellent Sceane ingenious spéeches and rare songs and with great variety of most delicate musique The French King sent Monsieur de la Verdyne one of the Marshals of France Gouernor of Maine accompanied and attended with sixescore persons all in mourning habit He and his whole traine came to Lambeth the 16 of Ianuary and were lodged in the Archbishops palace which the King caused to be very roially furnished and during their abode they were also entertained at the Kings charge The Ambassador had audience vpon Sunday the 20 of Ianuary and the next Sunday the King tooke his oath for performance of a league lately made betwéene the two Kingdomes Thomas Teasdale of Glymton in Oxfordshire-Gentleman at this time gaue fiue thousand pound to purchase land for perpetual maintenance of seuen Fellowes and six Schollers to bee placed in Bailyoll Colledge in Oxford and to be chosen thither from time to time out of the Free-schoole of Abingdon in Backshire He also gaue lands for perpetuall maintenance for an Vsher in that Schoole besides many other charitable legacies He deceased the 13 of Iune 1610. The 30 of Ianuary 1610. died the Earle of Dunbar and the 18 of Aprill next following viz. 1611 his funerall was very honorably performed at Westminster The 31 of Ianuary 1610 the Lord Viscont Fenton captaine of the Guard was sworne a Priuy Counsellor About this time sir Marmaduke Dorell knight then Master of the Kings houshold but was afterward cofferer of the kings houshold builde● a very faire new Parish Church in the Town of Fulmer in Buckingham-shire neere Vxbridge this church was consecrated by Doctor Barlow Lord Bishop of Lincolne and within fiue yeres after this time most of the Churches within and about London with their steeples were either newly enlarged or repaired or beautified as also about 3 yeares after there were diuers Chappels new builded and consecrat as a Chappell builded by Baron Altham at Oxhey a Chappell builded in the Strand by sir Iulius Caesar Knight Master of the Roles as also diuers Church-yards ordained and consecrated y e last whereof was that at White-chappel néere Mile-end-gréene and at this time Bow-stéeple in Cheap-side was well repaired and the faire Dial set vp The 11 of February 1610. sir Henry Montegue Knight recorder of London was made Sergeant at Law and presently after he was made the Kings Sergeant so remained Recorder of London vntill the 18 of Nouember 1610. and then was made L. Chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench the next day road to Westminster-hall with great state being very honorably accōpained attended Vpon our Lady-day being thē Easter-day the King created Sir Robert Car Knight L. Viscont of Rochester at White-hall The 9 of Aprill 1611. the most reuerend Father in God George Abbot Doctor of Deuinity Lord Bishop of London was transferred vnto the Archbishoprick of Canterbury and vpon Sonday the 23 of Iune he was sworne a Priuy Counseller at Gréenewich About the middle of March last Sir Thomas Dale Knight Marshall of Virginia was sent thither with thrée ships and three hundreth men and all things necessary for the Colony and also twelue Kine twenty Goates besides Coneies Pigeons and Pullen and toward the end of May following Sir Thomas Gates Knight Lieutenant Generall of Virginia was sent with thrée ships and thrée Caruells and two hundreth and fourescore men and twenty women and two hundreth kine and as many swine with other necessaries And the next spring were sent thither more supplies besides a particular supply for the English in the Bermodes The 20 of Aprill 1611 Sir Thomas Ouerbury was committed to the Tower and died there the 15 of September next following Thursday
Mart at Onay in Buckinghamshire at Drifield in Yorkeshire On Twesday in Easter weeke at Longner at Couentry at Hitchin And a fourtnight faire begins the Twesday in Easter wéeke and continueth euery Twesday fortnight vntill Christmas being great faires of cattle the Tuesday and Wednesday at Brailes at Sandbatoth at Rochford at Northslect On the Wednesday in Easter wéeke at Wellingborough euery Wednesday betweene Easter and Michaelmas a faire of cattle at Beuerley On Friday in Easter wéeke at Skipton in Crauen On Low-sunday at Bicklesworth in Buckinghamshire The Monday after Low-sunday at Enlome The third Sunday after Easter at Lowth in Lincolnshire Rogation wéeke all the wéeke is for retayling at Beuerley at Inglefield in Lancashire at Rech Holy Thursday or Ascention day at Litterworth at Hallaton in Leicestershire at Rippon at Brunningham at Wigham at Bishop Stratford at Newcastle at Middlewich at Burton vpon Trent at Chapplefrith at Stapport in Cheshire at Yarne at the Vizes at Brastead in Kent at Sudmaster in Essex at Darkin at Grantham at Beuerley The Sunday after Ascention day at Tharstead at Bur●ington in Yorkeshire On Whitson euen at Skipton in Crauen at Wisbitch On Whitsonday at Ratisdale at Leutham at Kerby Steuen in Westmerland at Ryhill at Cribby On Whitson-monday at Darrington in the North at Burton at Midlome at Harsl-gréene in Lancashire at Oundle in Northamptonshire at Whitchurch at Biclesworth at Saint Iues at Sléeforth in Lincolneshire at Cokermouth in the North at Salforth at Exceter at Easdome at Apleby at Rygate at Sitingbridge at Bradford at Amerson at Dryfield in Yorkeshire at Yorke at Agmonham at Stokechéere On Whitson-tuesday at Melton Mowbray at Longuer in Staffordshire at Ashby at de la zouch in Leicestershire at Higher Knotsford in Cheshire at Oringstoke at Laighton Buzzard at Farringdon in Barkshire at Perith in Cornewall at Long-guilford at Canterburie at Rothford in Essex at Lewis in Sussex at Chipping at Daintry in Northamptonshire On Wednesday in Whitson wéeke at Léeke in Staffordshire at Sandborow at Royston at Newarks vpon Trent On Thursday in Whitson wéeke at Kingstone vpon Thames at Cockfield On Friday in Whitson wéeke at Darby at Cockfall On Trinity euen at Skipton in Crauon at Punfract at Rowell in Northamptonshire for sixe daies On Trinity Sunday at Southcane in Yorkeshire at Kendall at Hounslow at Stokesley at Saint Mary Awke at Tunbridge On Trinity Monday at VVatford at Spilby at Ray in Essex On Corpus Christi day at Couentry at Stamford at Banbury at Stopport at Prescoate at Saint Néedes at Hallaton at Newberie at Saint Annes at Hemptstead at Bishop Stratford at Rosse The Sunday next after Trinity-Sunday at Belton On the Eue and on the Feast or day of Apostles Peter Paul at Greys Thorreck in Essex On Relique Sunday which is the sunday fortnight after Midsommer at Fodringay The sunday after the third of Iuly at Hauerhull The sunday after Saint Bartholomew at Sandbitch in Cheshire The Twesday after Michaelmas at Salisburie The Thursday after Michaelmas at Banburie FINIS A Table of These Particular Notes following GAllen page 15 The first Emperiall crowne of gold page 17 The originall of the Patriarchy of Constantinople pag. 17 The death of Saint Ierome pag. 17 Saint Patrique pag. 18 Rome spoyled by the Gothes pag. 18 The death of Saint Augustine pag. 18 A strange pestilence pag. 23 The life and death of the false Prophet Mahomet pag. 24 Clocks and Dials appointed pag. 26 The tyranny of Iustinian the Emperor pag. 28 France spoiled by the Saracens pag. 31 Germany conuerted pag. 30 Saxonie conuerted pag. 31 The Originall of Flanders pag. 31 Solemne musicke in Churches pag. 31 The Bishopricks of Hambro and Bream founded pag. 32 The originall of Normandy pag. 33 The Danes and Norweys conuerted pag. 35 The translation of the Empire p. 36 The Gamoth inuented p. 37 The end of the race of Charlemaigne and the beginning of Hugh Capet p. 38 Lubeck founded p. 40 Frost fiue months together in England p. 44 Goodwynsands p. 49 The conquest of Ierusalem by Godfrey of Bolloigne p. 50 The Story of Lybussa and Velasca with her Army of Ladies p. 56 Iohannes de Temporibus p. 60 Gratianus p. 62 London Bridge built of timber p. 64 Yorke burned p. 67 Paris streetes and London streetes paued p. 68 A fish like a man p. 69 The Iewes commit great outrages p. 71 The first Kingdome of Tartars p. 78 London Bridge built of stone p. 79 Three thousand persons spoiled vpon London Bridge p. 81 Winchellea destroied by a strange inundation p. 94 The Shepheards of England and France go a pilgrimage p. 95 The twelue Peeres of France ordained All the youth of London sworne p. 96 The Saracens attempt to spoile Christendome with other things of note p. 97 Strange tempest the first great rot of sheepe p. 102 The originall of the Knights Templers Knights of Rhodes and Malta p. 104 Iustices punished fifteene thousand Iewes banished p. 109 Sea-coale forbidden to be burned nere London p. 113 The French King burneth infected persons p. 116 The Iewes in Germany burned ibid. A terrible mortality with other things of note p. 118 119. and 100.126 The most honourable order of Knights of the Garter p. 129 The misfortune of fiue great Princes p. 131 A serpent in England with two heads p. 133 The staple of wooll remoued p. 143 A wondrous mortality in England of great note p. 136 The famous Poets Francis Petrarch and Iohn Boccace p. 139 Tamberlayne taketh Baiazeth rescueth Constantinople p. 149 The first Duke of Millaine with other things of note p. 154 The first impost of salt in France p. 161 The King of Englands Seale vsed in Paris with other things of note p. 163 Francis Sforce made Duke of Millaine p. 167 The King of England crowned in Paris p. 169 George Scanderbeg p. 174 The originall of Printing p. 178 An admirable sudden pestilence in Paris Rome taken and sacked by the Duke of Burbon vide in Anno 1526. The first Duke of Florence p. 219 The last Duke of Millaine p. 222 Barbarosso King of Argier p. 232 The house of Ferneze made Dukes of Parma p. 250 The last fall of base mony in England p. 282 The Archbishop of Collen expulsed for marying a wife p. 341 The Prince of Orenge slaine p. 340 Antwerpe besieged p. 348 Captaines of the Artillery Garden p. 359 The Patriarch of Greece selleth his dignity pag. 371 The Duke of Guyse slaine and the French King slaine being the last of the house of Valois the house of Nauarre succeedeth him the miserie of Paris during the siege and a briefe touch of some of the chiefe ancient Kings of France p. 379 The Ciuill Law reduced into order p. 398 The originall and State of Venice p. 464 FINIS Scotland another part of Britaine Wales the third part of Britain 4 Bishops in Wales Cornwall 1108. 1084 How Humber tooke that name Seuerne 1604 Guendoline a Queene The King deuoured