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justice_n king_n lord_n person_n 4,136 5 4.8948 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06502 A commentarie or exposition vppon the twoo Epistles generall of Sainct Peter, and that of Sainct Jude. First faithfullie gathered out of the lectures and preachinges of that worthie instrumente in Goddes Churche, Doctour Martine Luther. And now out of Latine, for the singuler benefite and comfort of the godlie, familiarlie translated into Englishe by Thomas Newton; Enarrationes in epistolas Divi Petri duas et Iudae unam. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Newton, Thomas, 1542?-1607. 1581 (1581) STC 16978; ESTC S108928 231,904 387

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is not hereby required at our handes to saie that he whiche hath harmed vs hath doen therein well and iustly For the Iudgment that is betwene God and thee is of a farre other sorte then the iudgment betweene thee and me I maie foster and nourish in my harte hatred euill lustes and dissolutes desires wherein I nothyng at all hinder or harme thee as thou likewise hurtest not mee in that whiche thou doest but yet before God I am vnjust and haue deserued sharpe punishment and therefore if he punish me for the sinne he dealeth iustly with me and doeth me no wrong for I haue deserued it If he doe not punishe me but pardon my trespasse offence yet he doeth therein iustlie for alwaies and in all thinges iustice and righteousnesse is to bee ascribed vnto hym albeit herevpon it followeth not but that he doth vniustly which persecuteth mee For although I haue grieuouslie sinned and am guiltie of hainous offences before the Maiestie of God yet haue I not thereby wronged hym that without cause persecuteth mee Therfore when God giueth leaue to the Deuill and euill persones to haue power to woorke any harme vnto thee and to afflict thee hauyng doen no harme vnto them knowe this that God vseth them as Executioners of his Iustice that thou maiest thereby learne that godlesse persons and wrongfull practises are to the godlie thinges bothe good expedient and profitable For so reade we Ezech. xxix of Kyng Nebuchadnezzar where the Lorde by his Prophete saieth Dooest thou not knowe that he is my seruaunte and serued a greate seruice for me And then he further saieth Behold I will giue hym a rewarde for I haue not as yet recompenced hym for the labour and seruice that he did for me I will giue vnto hym the lande of Aegypt for his labour and it shall bee the wages for his Armie for he serued againste it and thei wrought for me saieth the Lorde God This Kyng had neither right nor aucthoritie ouer the Egyptians but GOD had bothe And therefore it pleased hym by this Kyng and his Armie as by his instrumentes to take punishement on theim And in this sorte also are euill and gracelesse persones the Seruauntes of GOD and serue hym because thei should not bee fedde at his hande francklie and freelie without doyng somewhat for their liuyng For God commonlie franketh and pampereth theim full of these Temporall pleasures and worldlie delightes in lieu whereof he vseth their ministerie and seruice to woorke his will and that thei should Butcherlie persecute his Sainctes Whiche purpose of God because these bloodie Wolues by their fleshelie reason can not looke into thei thereby nozzle themselues in this errour that thei thinke themselues to deale therein verie well and godlie Whereas in deede thei are in this present worlde onely rewarded with wealth prosperitie Pompe Dignities Reuenues Iurisdictions and Seigniories and that for none other cause but for that thei bee Gods Hangmen and Executioners to persecute the godlie Christians And therefore if thou pacientlie suffer and sanctifie God in thy dealynges yeeldyng vnto hym thankes for all thinges whatsoeuer it pleaseth him to sende vnto thee there is no doubt but all goeth well with thee For he will neuer faile them that vnfeinedlie truste in hym but will assuredlie throwe and caste thy persecutours excepte thei earnestlie repent into hell fire there to bee perpetually tormented euen for the wronges that thei haue dooen vnto thee whereas thée he will mercifullie receiue into endlesse blisse and felicitie And therefore be contented to let hym iudge and requite for of hym shall euery one receiue accordyng to his desertes An example hereof wee haue in the holie man Iob. Who after that all his goodes were consumed his Cattall taken awaie his Children slaine and al that he had wasted brake out into no worse woordes then these The Lorde hath giuen and the Lorde hath taken awaie againe euen as it hath pleased the Lord so is it come to passe blessed be the name of the Lord. Iob. j. And when as his wife came to hym mocking and skornyng hym saiyng What meanest thou What gettest thou by this thy vprightnesse Blaspheme God and dye But he said vnto her Thou speakest like a foolishe woman what Shall wee receiue good at the hande of God and not receiue euill Wherefore euen as it hath pleased him so is it come to passe as the Lorde hath giuen saieth he so hath he taken awaie againe It was not God that gaue and the Deuill that tooke awaie but yet the Deuill was the meane or Instrumēt whereby all this was doen but he did it none otherwise then as a minister or Tormentor appoincted therevnto by GOD. This man righly sanctified God wherefore God also highly commended hym and wonderfully enryched and dignified hym And bee readie alwaies to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you and that with meekenesse reuerence WEE must needes confesse that sainct Peter writeth these wordes vnto all Christians in general aswell to Popes and Popishe Clergie as to the Laitie to Women aswell as to Men to yong aswell as to old of what state sexe or condition so euer they bee willyng euery one that professeth Christianitie without any exception to hold fast the sure ground worke of their Faith wherby thei maie at all tymes bee able to yeeld a reason of the same and to aunswere for it when and wheresoeuer occasion requireth The Laytie hitherto hath been debarred and inhibited the readyng of the Scriptures in whiche practise the Deuill vsed a meruailous suttle deuise to terrifie abashe waine and estraunge men from the Scriptures wherein the more to bee lamented he preuailed and attained to the verie ende and pitche of his firste conceiued drifte For thus thought he with hymself If I maie once bryng to passe that the Laitie may not read the Scriptures I doubt not but within a while I shall driue the Popes themselues from the Scriptures also to the studie of Aristotle and of the Schoolemen Whereby it shall come to passe that ere it bee long thei shall babble and prate on nothing so muche as their owne dreamyng deuises and make a Religion of their owne foolishe and absurde phantasies and as for the Laitie thei shalbe driuē to haue none other instruction but what it shall please the Clergie to tattle and preache vnto them For if it were otherwise and that the Laitie also might bee suffered to reade the Scriptures then should the Popes also theimselues bee driuen to applie the Scriptures least thei should be iustly reprehended of the Laitie and their falshoode and forgerie detected But marke these woordes of Sainct Peter thus generally spoken vnto vs all that we should all bee readie to yeeld an accoumpt and reason of our Faithe When thou diest it is neither I nor yet the Pope that is able to helpe thee if thou stande not vppon a sure foundation of the hope