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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A85476 An alarm to all priests, judges, magistrates, souldiers, and all people; inviting them to repentance and amendment of life : for the great day of the Lord is neer at hand / the substrance of most of this disourse was by several revelations from the spirit of the Lord, given unto the author to be proclaimed: who is known unto many by the name of Daniel Gotherson. : Wherein Tho. Danson, a priest in Sandwich, is proved a deceiver of souls. Gotherson, Daniel. 1660 (1660) Wing G1351; ESTC R177564 99,938 140

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had done and wrought that which was right in the sight of the Lord and he did it with all his heart in seeking the Commandments of his God and prospered in the work Josiah was a good Magistrate and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord and walked in the wayes of David his father and did not decline from the right hand nor the left and the people sorely lamented his death for all Judah mourned for him and Jerusalem and Jeremiah lamented his death and he reigned one and thirty years And Paul saith of a good Bishop that he must be no striker blameless the steward of the Lord not soon angry not given to filthy lucre nor wine but a lover of hospitality a lover of good men sober just holy temperate holding fast the faithful word and he sheweth the reason That he may be able by sound doctrine to convince gain-sayers he exhorts that prayers and supplications may be made for kings and all in authority to what end he sheweth to this end That we may live peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in God our Saviour and he saith The Magistrate beareth not the sword sor nought It is for the punishment of evil doers and for the praise of them that do well Now that Magistrate whose heart is not touched with the true fear of the Lord and that seed of true faith that is as small as a grain of mustard-seed hath got the pre-eminence and is chief in his soul and Christ Jesus is set up in his soul in him on the throne that he hath the whole heart and the whole man is in his dominion that can truly say by bearing Testimony to the witness of God in him That to him to live is Christ and to die is gain unless the Magistrate be such he is not Christs Magistrate for those that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts and no drunkard whoremaster swearer proud ambitious self-seeker lover of pleasures more then lover of God having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof no such can be said to be of God and so are not to have that double honour which is due to Magistrates that do truly rule in his fear And this discovers plainly how short those Judges and Justices come of being godly Magistrates that suffer and consent to the imprisoning of just and righteous ones whom the Lord esteemeth as the Apple of his eye and those that touch them to their hurt will one day find it that the Lord esteemeth them as his Jewels and yet how is the Goals filled with them through the Nation and some have perished to death because they cannot consent for conscience-sake to pay Tythes seeing them to be a great and abominable Oppression I could wish that Judges and all Magistrates would regard their Oathes to do equal Administration of Justice to every man alike to have no mans Cause in respect of person but rightly to judge for the Poor as well as the Rich and let the merits of the Cause carry it minding the words of Jehosaphat for he said to the Judges Take heed what you do for ye judge not for man but for the Lord wherefore let the fear of the Lord be upon you for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God nor taking of Gifts And let them that are contrary minded remember the ends of Empson and Dudly and mind the proceedings of Henry the Third in the five and thirtieth year of his reigne against Henry de Bath one of the Judges then And the sixteenth year of Edward the First there being a great complaint of the ill Administration of Justice by the Judges whereupon the then Parliament upon due examination and proofs of their Bribery and Extortion together with their injustice done to the people were fined to pay to the King as followeth Ralph Hengham chief Justice of the Upper Bench 7000 Marks John Lineton chief Justice of the Lower Bench 3000 Marks William Brompton Justice 6000 Marks Solomon Rochester 4000 Marks Thomas Lodington 2000 Marks Walter Hopton 2000 Marks Richard Boyland 4000 Marks William Sham 3000 Marks Robert Litbury Master of the Rolls 1000 Marks Roger Liester 1000 Marks Henry Bray Escheter and Judge for the Jews 1000 Marks Adam Streton chief Baron of the Exchequer was fined 34000 Marks and Thomas Wayland being found the greatest Delinquent for Bribery and Extortion and being of the greatest substance had all his Estate real and personal taken from him to the Kings use and this great Act of Justice was highly pleasing to the people and brough● much honour to the King as well as Treasure into his Coffers And one Bellknap and Trisillian being both chief Justices were executed for injustice In the year forty one Articles were exhibited against John Bramston chief Justice Robert Barkly Francis Crawly Humphry Davenport Richard Weston Thomas Trevor being Justices of both the Benches and Barons of the Exchequer and as I take it they were degraded for injustice done the people It is said of that great Tyrant Nero That he could not indure an unjust Judge for one being convicted before him for injustice he caused him to be flea'd alive and his skin to be nailed to the Judgement-Seat that whoever came on that Seat might have that act of Justice fresh in his memory Thou art inexcusable O man whoever thou art that judgest another for wherein thou judgest another thou condemnest thy self if thou dost the same things and thinkest thou to escape the judgement of Cod Now it were a good thing for the people of England that the chief Magistrates with their Council would erect a Court of Justice where every man by their Proclamation might once every quarter of a year appeal to the said Court for relief against any injury done them by Judges Justices or any Officers of the Commonwealth in private or in publick done to their detriment This would be a high Act of Justice from the Counsellors Magistrates or Rulers who should preserve Justice in the Land and it would be very satisfactory to all the people and this would make men follow the Command of Christ in time To do unto all men as they would have all men do unto them By all these Texts of Scripture before-rehearsed it is plainly shewed by the holy Ghost the marks of true Teachers and false the marks of hireling shepherds and such as fleece the Flock and such as are of Christ and are truly Ministers of Christ and have the Spirit of Christ God having revealed himself in them they do minister food in due season and they do feed the Flock of Christ over which the holy Ghost hath made them Overseers and they do turn people unto God unto the light that is single that knoweth the deep and hidden things of God for the Father that dwelleth in them sheweth them all things and they have the first Fruits of the Spirit
iniquity When the Lords appearance cometh upon the soul then he cuts away all Idols and they shall be no more remembred the appearance of the Lord giveth sight to the blind Christ Jesus enlightneth every man that cometh into the world and that is Christ the Son of the most High that checketh for evil in every one and that is the true Teacher Follow that it will bring thee out of all evil for it leadeth unto perfect peace Ye shall not say Lo here is Christ or lo he is there but the Word is nigh thee even in thy heart and in thy mouth and this true Teacher will keep thee from the very appearance of evil The Lord Jesus promised the Comforter should come after his departure and Peter received it for he being full of the Holy Ghost there was three thousand added by his Ministry at once and the Apostles when-they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they spake the Word of God with boldness Now Christ is the Bread of Life And he that eateth the bread that I shall give him saith Christ shall never hunger and he that believeth in me saith Christ hath everlasting life and he that eateth the bread that I shall give him shall live for ever And those that are risen with Christ set their affections on the things above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God and they do not minde earthly things for as they have born the Image of the earthly Adam which is sin unto death so they must bear the Image of the heavenly which is obedience unto righteousness the end whereof through his mercy that enableth them to bear it is everlasting life and salvation and he that is born of God sinneth not because he is born of God neither can he sin because he is born of God for he that committeth sin is of the devil Now consider these sayings and ponder them in your minds for where the Lord cometh his presence is very dreadful and terrible and he destroyeth all Graven Images and grindeth them to dust he maketh that heart deny himself and take up his Cross dayly and follow him When a stronger then the strong man armed cometh he destroyeth his strong holds and divideth the spoils and maketh the heart clean A new heart saith the Lord will I give thee and a new spirit will I put into thee and I will lead thee and be thy everlasting reward and strength to support thee for I dwell in the humble and delight to give life to my contrite ones for with the holy wilt thou be holy and with the contrite and pure will I be pure saith the Lord. Now by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words condemned Now this is from the true Lover of all your souls the seed of God in you that groaneth after the deliverance of it may come forth from the state of bondage and corruption and thraldom where it is kept that it may come to the glorious liberty of the Sons of God Almighty the most high who with continual praises with one heart and in oneness of spirit sing continual Praises and Hallelujahs to Him that liveth for ever and ever who alone is worthy of all everlasting praises from his own henceforth and for ever Now I shall shew the signs marks and characters of good Magistrates as the Lord giveth of them as I find in Scripture and by the manifestation of his Spirit within me I know it is the Lords desire that Judges and all Magistrates should be such as feareth the Lord and hateth covetousness and worketh Righteousness that judgement and justice may run down like a mighty stream and Rivers of waters Moses was a good Magistrate he executed the Law with Justice upon all without respect of persons or gifts or rewards according to the command of the Lord who was the Lawgiver For the Law came by Moses but Grace by Jesus Christ Deborah was a good Magistrate and the children of Israel came up to her for judgement and she judged Israel at that time and the Lord was with her and made her lead away the Captives and lead them into Captivity that oppressed his people for she was just before him and the Stars from Heaven fought in their courses for her against the enemies of truth and the river Kishon swept them away and the Land had rest forty years and the Lord caused the Mighty and the Nobles to be in subjection unto her and the Lord went before her and the earth trembled and the heavens dropped the clouds dropped water Gideon was a good Magistrate and the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him and said The Lord is with thee thou mighty man of valour go in this thy might and thou shalt save Israel And the Lord said unto him I will be with thee And the Lord said unto him Peace be unto thee thou shalt not dye and the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon and Gideon did as the Lord had commanded him And Gideon said That neither I nor my Son shall rule over you And the Land had rest forty years in the days of Gideon Solomon was a good Magistrate and God said unto him Because thou askedst this thing and hast not asked the life of thy enemies nor long life for thy self neither riches for thy self but hast asked for thy self understanding to discern Judgement behold I have done according to thy words lo I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart so that there was none like thee before thee neither after thee shall arise any like unto thee and I have given thee that which thou hast not asked both riches and honour so that there shall not be any like unto thee amongst the kings all thy dayes And Solomon said His meditation was stayed on the Lord all the day long and his meditation was of his goodness kept in the Lords fear And Solomonraigned over all Israel forty years Asa was a good Magistrate he was perfect before the Lord although the high places were not taken away in his time he reigned one and forty years and the people had much comfort by him made sore lamentation for his death for they by his appointment entered into a solemn League and Covenant That whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel should be put to death whether small or great whether man or woman and all Judah rejoyced at the oath for they had sworn with all their hearts and sought him with their whole desires and he was found of them and the Lord gave them rest round about And Asa reigned in peace seven and thirty years Hezekiah was a good Magistrate and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord according to all that David his father had done and wrought that which was right and truth in the sight of the Lord according to all that David his father
them already they are compleat in Christ and renewed into his image they are in Covenant with him they are his Children they are born of him and he that is born of him sinneth not neither can he sin because he is born of God The Reason because he is born of him that is the pure seed of God in him being always obeyed and waited in the watch being continually kept by this he overcometh the world and this is our victory even our Faith that hath given us victory over the world and this Faith standeth in Christ who removeth those Mountains of Sin and Uncleanness that hath possest them in the time of their ignorance even like so many Devils for every sin is a Devil as you may read that Mary Magdalen had seven Devils cast out of her that is seven reigning unclean spirits being devils and the devils besought Christ when they saw they must go forth of the man possest that they might enter into the herd of Swine So by this Faith in Christ the corrupt fruitless tree that cumbreth the ground is removed and a Plant of Righteousness of the Lords own planting is placed in the room of it that is planted by the Rivers of waters that flourisheth and bringeth Fruit in season and whatsoever it doth doth prosper and his leaf shall never wither but it shall bring forth his Fruit in due season to the glory of the Father and so by abiding in Christ the Vine the creature doth bring forth much Fruit to the glory of the Father the pure is known from that which is impure the holy from that which is unholy that of God from that which is not of God for that which is holy is to abide in the house of God who dwelleth not in unclean Temples made with hands but his Temples are his Saints and their Bodies are the Temples of the holy Ghost and this is the living sacrifice that God accepteth for it is the living that praise the Lord the dead cannot they that are dead in trespasses and sins they praise not God their sacrifice is as the cutting off a dogs neck it is the redeemed of the Lord that sings the songs of Sion the songs of Holiness they are they that follow the Lamb in the Regeneration and they are regenerated and these follow the Lamb Jesus through great Tribulations and they have washed their garments in his blood and they shall sit on his right hand for evermore for he hath found them worthy for he hath redeemed them from all iniquity that they may serve him in Righteousness and true Holiness all the dayes of their lives and so they are come to the perfect liberty of the sons of God they are led by his Spirit which leads them into all truth out of all sin and all unrighteousness and so they are kept without spot or wrinkle in the midst of a perverse and crooked Generation and the Comforter which is the Spirit of Truth leads them into all Truth and sets up true Judgement and Justice and Equity that that rules the whole man and governs the souls of his that all unjust Rulers and Governours that hath had possession formerly is destroyed and the LORD GOD alone doth reign in this the day of his power and he alone doth plead the cause of his redeemed Ones by that of his pure Self which he hath placed in every one of them and hath made it to get the victory And therefore wo wo unto them that lay heavy burdens upon his despised Ones for a Day of terrible Wrath and Vengeance is coming upon you all and the sword of the Lord is drawn and will be avenged on all his Enemies in this the great day of his terrible appearance and the Enemies of his power shall know that he alone will reign and be exalted in this great day of his appearance for the Lord alone will reign and be King over all the Kingdoms of the world and all the Kingdoms of the world shall become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ and unto him shall all bend and bow and all the powers of the earth be made subject for he is the Light and in him is the Light of the world and he is the beloved of God Therefore every one lend their ear unto him and hear him for in him is to be found the white stone with the new name written in it that no man knoweth but he that hath it for all that are led by the Spirit of God are led into Holiness for Holiness becometh the House of God for ever it is none but the pure in heart shall see God for God is Righteousness and he leadeth his people into righteousness they that are led by his Grace are led out of Ungodliness and out of the pathes of the wicked for the wicked walk in darkness they stumble at noon-day the fool saith in his heart There is no God and his actions plainly declare it for he liveth as though there were no God to punish him nor Devil to torment him nor Hell-fire to burn him which is the portion of the wicked storm and tempest fire and brimstone is their portion for ever from the presence of the Lord Rev. 19. 3. And her smoak rose up for evermore And therefore you stout-hearted of the world that bend your brows against the Just fear and tremble for the righteous God is coming in Judgement to avenge the blood of his servants at your hands and which of you will be able to dwell in everlasting burnings for Judgement is already begun at the house of God And if the Righteous scarcely be saved where shall the sinner and the ungodly appear And therefore repent repent go away and sin no more before repentance be hid from your eyes and you be cut off from the Land of the Living and meet the Lord speedily in the wayes of his Judgements O it is good to live in judgement at all times that is to judge sin down in the first motion as hath been already shewn And therefore all you that would be counted Christians and be Co-heirs with Christ Jesus the Son of the living God who is the onely Saviour of Man-kind depart from iniquity sin and all ungodliness and return to him who is come to judge all flesh raising up his true and faithful VVitness in all Concernments which sheweth to all men upon the face of the earth what sin iniquity and all ungodliness is to the end they may unto their Father return and repent of their former evil ways that their sins may be taken away and their iniquities may be blotted out and his perfect life brought forth which doth his will on earth as it is in heaven and such who do obey this holy Voyce of Christ in them do witness his Kingdome come in great power and glory which is not of this vvorld therefore the vvorld knovveth it not for they vvill not come unto Christ that they
what reason is there that a poor man taking a Frame at a rack rent and peradventure hiring money at use and spending all his time and pains for a whole year to maintain his charge which is his duty being up early and down late eating the bread of sorrow plowing and sowing and buying seed himself running the hazard of the loss of all his Cattle and for want of a good season peradventure may hardly have the seed he cast into the ground and after he hath reaped it at his own charge then for a lazy Priest a Non-Resident a Drunkard a Whoremaster a covetous Person ambitious arrogant proud vain lascivious swaggering swearing fighting lying unconfcionable antichristian ungodly Priest as many are such and some are filled with all Unrighteousness being Enemies to Christ and his chosen Ones persecuting the righteous Seed for such a one to come and take the Tenth of the poor mans Corn let any man judge whether this be reason when the poor man neither imploies him nor dare not hear him for fear if he should come to hear his Will-vvorship in his Idol-Temple he may justly fall into the condemnation of the Devil Thou sayest That Abraham paid Tythes to Melchisedec I answer That was before the Levitical Priesthood and Christ Jesus is made a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchisedec which was thus Melchisedec met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings who brought him Bread and Wine and Abraham gave him the Tenth of the spoil what was this to the paying of Tythes yearly out of his own Estate Canst thou prove that Abraham did pay Tythes out of that And now the Levitical Priesthood is changed by Christ Jesus and therefore there is a change of the Law and now the Priesthood is not committed to the natural Off-spring of Levi or any other Tribe but to Christ Jesus the unchangable Priesthood whose Kingdom stands not in Figures and carnal Ordinances but in the substance For the time is come saith Christ that ye shall not worship the Father at Jerusalem nor in this mountain but the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth for he seeketh such to worship him Now since the destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem thou canst not read that ever God commanded another house to be built Thou sayest that Christ Jesus said Ye tythe Mint and Cummin these things ye ought not to leave undone Christ Jesus spake then to the Jews in the time when the Levitical Priesthood was not ended who were bound by the Law But when Christ was offered up he said It is finished Now do thou remember that he that addeth or diminisheth from the words of the Prophecies of this book his name shall be blotted out of the Book of Life and peruse thy Letter and see if thou hast not added Thou hast those Texts quoted No man muzleth the mouth of the Ox that treadeth out the corn and No man goeth a warfare at his own charge and He that plants a Vineyard eats the fruit thereof And herein it is agreed that the Ministers of Christ Jesus who are effectually called to his service and labour in the Word and Doctrine ought to be comfortably provided for that they go not a warfare at their own charge but this doth not require the world which lies waste as a wilderness and is not of the Vineyard should contribute for Christ saith Father I pray not for the world but for those that thou hast given me out of the world that they may be one as thou O Father art in me I in thee so that they may be made one in us therefore no reason that they that are of the world should be compelled to give of the substance of their labours to Christs Ministers for every man is sole owner of his own and he that violently or fraudulently dispossesseth him of any is a Thief and a Robber in the sight of God and good Men God abhorreth the sacrifice of the wicked and hath no need of his substance for the earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof and he will never forsake those that put their trust in him and The just man shall live by his own faith and If any man with-draw himself saith the Lord my soul shall have no pleasure in him and such as Christ sent forth he alwayes took care that they never wanted but they were always kept without being chargeable to any and they eat the fruits of their own Vineyards which they had planted not which other men had planted and by the Churches who were gathered out of the world were they maintained to preach the Gospel to the world who lay in wickedness unto whom they would not make the Gospel chargeable or burdensome which was their glory and their crown and this Example of the Apostles leaves every one free to give him that teacheth not binding any to the maintenance of those that have less need then the Giver And this discovers the hireling shepherds that teach for filthy lucre that fleece the Flock and not feed them that have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof from such there is an express command to turn away who make merchandize of the Scriptures for the Lord saith They shall not profit my people for they are ever learning and never able to bring to the knowledge of the truth for he that knowetn not the life of Faith to witness it in his own particular how can he teach another Thou sayest That Peter converted three thousand souls at one Sermon and thereby it did appear he was a Minister of Christ the Lord effectually working with his Ministry upon the hearts of his hearers Now thou hast been a Teacher to the People of Crundal many years and name me but one man or woman that hath been converted by thy Ministry and if they can demonstrate unto me the work of Regeneration wrought upon them by thy Teaching then I will pay thee thy Demands And how canst thou plead thy self a Minister of the Gospel and sue for treble Damages for learned Judge Rolle said in Court That Tythes were not due and payable by the Law of the Land in a Case of Tythes on the Bench when he was chief Justice and when they were paid in the old Law the Levites the Fatherless the Widdows the Strangers were all to be provided for out of them and the Priests of England hath no such custome but consume them on their pride and lusts and wicked covetousness and the Disciples of Christ were commanded to go into all the world to preach the Gospel to every creature they were not to stay in a place and the signes that followed them that believed in their Doctrine in his Name they should cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover Thou