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A17599 Aphorismes of Christian religion: or, a verie compendious abridgement of M. I. Calvins Institutions set forth in short sentences methodically by M. I. Piscator: and now Englished according to the authors third and last edition, by H. Holland.; Institutio Christianae religionis. English. Abridgments Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Piscator, Johannes, 1546-1625.; Holland, Henry, 1555 or 6-1603. 1596 (1596) STC 4374; ESTC S107177 82,272 222

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Prou. 8. v. 15. Wisedome that is the sonne of God speaketh By me kings raigne and princes decree iustice Dan. 2. v. 21. God taketh away kingdomes setteth vp kings Rom. 13. v. 1. Paule saith He that resisteth power resisteth the ordinance of God V. The office of the Magistrat is to be the a Deut. 17.18.19 keeper of both the Tables of Gods law therefore his principall care must be to set vp and to defend the b Deut. 15.5 2. King 23. 2. Chron. 29. pure worship and seruice of God Next to do iudgement c Ierem. 22.3 Psal 82.3 4. Rom. 13 3.4 Gene. 9.6 and iustice that is to punish the euill to defend and reward the good VI. Againe if neede so require the Magistrat is bounde to defend the subiect with a Deut. 20. Luke 3.14 Mat. 8.10 Act. 10.4 armes and those dominions which are committed to his charge VII Notwithstanding when Magistrates punish either their subiects or their enemies they ought to haue a speciall care that they giue no place to their owne affections but respect onely the discharge of their dutie VIII The Magistrate may by good right require and demaund of his subiectes a Ro. 13.6.7 tributes and customes and he may vse the same not onely for the discharge of his publike seruices but also for the b 1. Sam. 8.11 c. Gen. 44.22.23 Dan. 2.41 honour of his house and for the preseruation of his owne state and dignitie IX And thus farre of the Magistrate now for the lawes we must first obserue that God hath three kindes of lawes the law morall ceremoniall and iudiciall X. The summe of the Morall law is comprized in the a Exod. 20. Deut. 5. Decalogue consisting in the loue of God and the neighbour and for that it is an euerlasting rule of iustice it must continue euer in force XI The Ceremoniall law was the a Gal. 3.14 pedagogie of the Iewes vntill the coming of Christ and therefore Christ being come it is b Col. 2.16 Ephes 2.15 abrogated XII The Iudiciall law in as much as it was properly applyed to the Iewes bindeth not the Christian Magistrate yet in appointing the a Leu. 24.16 Deut. 13.5 punishments of grieuous sinnes it bindeth no lesse the Christian Magistrate at this day then it bound the Magistrates of the Iewes XIII And thus farre of the lawes The third part is of the subiectes The dutie of subiectes towards their Magistrates first is to esteeme of them and a Rom. 13.7 reuerence them as the ministers and messengers or b Rom. 13.4 vicegerents of God next with readinesse of minde and in all obseruance to c Ibid. v. 1. and 5. 1. Pet. 2.13.14 obey them Lastly not to intermeddle with publique affaires nor to d 1. Pet. 4.15 enterprise anie thing without their commission XIIII They are bound also to obey them that vniustly a 1. Pet. 1.18 Ier. 27.12 and tyrannically rule ouer them so long as they commaund nothing that God hath forbidden and forbid nothing that God hath commaunded for in this case we must keepe that rule of S. Peter VVe must obey b Act. 4.19 and 5.29 God more then men and that rule of Christ c Mat. 22.21 Giue vnto Caesar those things which are Caesars and vnto God those things which are Gods A SVPPLEMENT OR ADDITION FOR THE CLEERING AND opening of the doctrine of the Lords Supper WHEREAS our Lord Iesus Christ the 6. of Iohn saith in expresse words that his flesh is a Ioh. 6.55 meate indeed his bloud is drinke indeed And againe b Ibid. v. 53. Vnlesse ye eate the flesh of the sonne of man and drinke his bloud ye haue no life in you For the right vnderstanding of these wordes and doctrine which at the first sight seemeth so strange and to the Capernaites whom Christ then taught most repugnant to all reason and that the same may minister cōfort vnto our soules which is the right end and vse of this celestiall veritie two questions principally must be cōsidered The first is VVhat kind of meate the flesh of Christ is The second How or in what maner this meate is to be eaten The same question may be made also cōcerning the cup as VVhat kind of drinke the bloud of Christ is and in what maner must we drinke the same Now then as concerning the first question If the flesh of Christ bee meate indeede as is before shewed it must be either a corporall or spirituall foode Corporall foode is that which nourisheth him bodily that feedeth thereupon and this to speake after the vsuall maner and properly is called meate Spirituall food is that whereby the soule or spirit of him which eateth is fed and nourished and this is called meate improperly tropically metaphorically because it hath the likenesse of meat properly so called For like as by natural food so properly called the bodie is nourished and sustained so by that spirituall meate the spirit and soule of man is cherished as nourished The same reason and description may be giuen of the corporall and spirituall drinke And now it is certaine that neither the flesh of Christ is a corporall food nor his bloud corporall drinke for that no bodily substance is fed preserued either by the flesh or by the bloud of Christ For to effect this the flesh of Christ must bee eaten with the mouth chewed with the teeth swallowed vp digested and so turned into that nourishing * Chilus iuyce in the stomach whereof bloud is ingendred and so deriued or sent into all partes of the bodie to be vnited thereunto or altred and chaunged into the substance thereof that the body may receiue his growth and preseruation therby And so in like maner the bloud of Christ if the bodie were to be nourished thereby must be drunke vp with the mouth swallowed c. But these things are against all reason and horrible to be spoken And this was the verie cause why the Capernaites did so tremble at the speech of Christ touching the eating of his flesh tooke it so in euil part saying c Ioh. 6.52 How can this man giue vs his flesh to eate and againe d Ibid. v. 60. This is an hard saying who can heare it For they vnderstood Christ to speake those words of a bodilie food which were to be taken with the mouth for the nourishment of the body Wherefore seeing that it is manifest by these absurde consequents that the flesh of Christ is no meate for the body it followeth that it must be a spirituall foode and his bloud spirituall drinke whereby the spirite and soule of man is fed and preserued vnto life euerlasting like as mans body is nourished and kept in this temporall fraile life by corporall meat and drinke And this Christ himselfe seemeth to haue said in these wordes It is e Ibid. v. 63. the spirite that
vnderstanding God imputing vnto Christ the 1. Guiltinesse Of the beleeuer cause of his death 2. Disobedience 3. Corruption God imputing vnto the beleeuer the benefits of the 1. Passion Of Christ cause of his life 2. Righteousnes 3. Holynesse XVI The cause which moueth Gods mercy in our iustification is the a Rom. 3.24 25. Ephe. 1.7 1. Iohn 2.1 and 2. satisfaction and merite of Christ that is his b Rom. 5.19 Phil. 2.8 obedience vnto his father in his c Heb. 2.9 death for vs this obedience is d Rom. 4.6 imputed vnto vs for righteousnesse that is is accounted ours as if we had performed the same our selues XVII And to the end that this obedience and righteousnesse of Christ might be imputed vnto vs it was necessarie first that he should yeeld perfect obedience to the law of God himselfe liuing thereafter in all holynesse of life And to performe this it was necessarie also that he should be sanctified without sin from his beginning first conceptiō in his mothers wombe for if he had not bene a holy a Heb. 7.26 Priest and a b 1. Pet. 1.19 holy sacrificer he could not haue pleased God and so could not haue pacified him for vs. And yet further I ad that this our high Priest and mediator must be very c Act. 20.28 1. Iohn 1.7 God that the obedience of his death might be of price sufficient for our sinnes and meet to giue vs an euerlasting righteousnesse XVIII The doctrine of our free iustification shall then be comfortable and pleasant vnto vs when we shall present our selues as guiltie before the heauenly iudge and shall prostrate our selues and strip our selues as naked in his presence full of feare and care to be discharged from our sins considering the a Esa 33.14 perfection of Gods iustice and the b Iob. imperfection of our righteousnesse yea the huge c Psal 19.13 Iob. 15.16 number and greatnes of our sinnes For thus come we at the last well prepared and ready to receiue the grace of Christ when we shal be truly cast down humbled with the liuely touch and feeling of our miserie and wants But contrarily such as either d Luk. 18.11 12.13.14 swell in the conceite of their owne righteousnesse or be drunke in the delights of their owne sins they liue in a secure contempt of Gods iudgement and shut vp against themselues the gates of Gods mercy XIX Furthermore if we admit not this doctrine of free iustification we shall rob God of his full a Rom. 3.19 and 25. 1. Cor. 1.30 and 31. Ephe. 1.12 14. chap. 2 v. 8.8.9 glory and our poore consciences of sounde peace b Rom 5.1 c. 8.35 Ephe. 3.12 and rest before his tribunall seate of iustice both which notwithstanding must be had granted XX. And we must further note that the whole course of our iustification is by grace and for our better vnderstanding in this point consider of foure sortes of men The first is of them which are neither inwardly nor outwardly called the secōd sort is of those contemners whom they commonly call Epicures which haue an outward but not an inward calling the third sorte is of hypocrites which desire some commendation of iustice by some shew of externall workes but specially by the ceremonies which appertaine to Gods worship these also haue their outward but not their inward calling the fourth sort of men are they which haue both an outward and inward calling whom Gods spirite doth regenerate by the Gospell and like these are none of the three former kindes XXI That the first kinde haue no righteousnesse but be meer vniust and impious before God hauing also no strength to do that which is good and to beleeue the promise of grace is very manifest euery where in Scripture as when al the sonnes of Adam are described in these wordes that they haue a Iere. 17.9 wicked rebellious harts that all the b Gene. 6.3 chap. 8.21 imaginations of their hart are only euill cōtinually that their c Psal 94.11 thoughts are vaine that they haue no d Psal 36.1 feare of God before their eyes that not one of them doth e Psal 14.2 vnderstand or seeke after God Againe that when God doth enlighten vs with his knowledge he raiseth vs from f Iohn 5.25 death to life makes vs new g Ephe. 2.10 creatures that we be deadly and h Rom. professed enemies vnto God before he receiue vs to grace in our iustification that we haue not loued i 1. Ioh. 4.10 him before he loued vs that we be not purged from our vncleanesse by the bloud of Christ till the k 1. Cor. 6.11 holy Ghost worke our inward sanctification that then we begin to passe from death to life when through Christ we receiue l Phil. 1.29 grace to beleeue XXII Now for the second and third kinde that they haue no iustice to stand before God may appeare also manifestly for that the vncleanesse of their owne consciences is proofe sufficient that they be not as yet regenerate by the holy Ghost and this also bewrayeth their want of faith Whereby it appeareth that they be not as yet reconciled vnto God nor iustified before him for that this grace none can attaine vnto but by faith XXIII The hypocrites chalenge some iustice because of their glorious workes and obedience to the ceremonies but they are so farre from pleasing God herein that they highly displease him because with vncleane harts they prophane his holy worship For workes can not a Hag. Esa Prou. 15.8 purchase grace with God for any person but contrarily workes please God after that the person first hath founde fauour and grace with God And for this cause Moses writeth that the Lord respected b Gene. 4.4 Abell and his of●fring in which wordes he teacheth that Abels oblation did therefore please God because Abels person pleased him and that pleased him by faith without which 〈◊〉 it is imopssible to please God c Heb. 11.6 for that therby mens harts are d Act. 15.9 purified For which cause also Paule saith to the Hebrues that Abel e Heb. 11.4 offred vnto God a better sacrifice then Cain for that Cain was an hypocrite and so without faith XXIIII Lastly for the fourth kinde albeit man regenerate by Gods grace haue some a 1. Cor. 4 4. righteousnesse of workes yet the same is not such nor so perfect as that it can stād before the iudgement seate of God because all their good works are b Rom 7.14 c. Phil. 3.13.14 imperfect and c Esa 64 6. polluted with corruptions and their sinnes following do d Eze. 18.24 bury all the remembrance of their former righteousnesse and good life XXV By the premisses we now see that not onely the beginning of our
Psal 55.18 Act. 10.9 ordinarie and speciall houre for prayer as in vprising before and after meats and when we go to rest so that this obseruation of ours be voyde of superstition and then specially are we bounde to apply our selues to prayer when we see our selues or our brethren in any b Psal 50.15 Ioel. 2. Ierem. 6.26 Est 4.3 16. dangers or in any speciall wants againe we are also bounde to render thankes humbly vnto God whē we haue receiued any speciall benefite at his handes c Exod. 15. Iude. 5. Psal 9.30.34 c. XIX Moreouer the lifting vp the voyce in prayer or singing or gesture of the body as a Ephe. 3.14 kneeling b 1. Cor. 11. couering the face the c 1. Tim. 2.8 lifting vp of hands and eyes d Iohn 11.41 towardes heauen doe not simply commende any mans prayer but so far these things please God as they proceede from the true e Luke 18.11 and 13. affections of the hart XX. Againe we must take heede that we prescribe not or appoint any certaine a Mat. 20.21 Iude. 7.19 circumstances vnto God for we must giue him b 2. Sam. 15.26 leaue to graunt and performe our requestes in what manner time and place it pleaseth him XXI Lastly this also is to be noted that we a Luke 18.1 c. Luke 11.8 perseuer in prayer and that we consider not of the hearing of our prayers by our sense or feeling but by our faith For albeit we do not alwaies feele that God doth giue vs that we haue asked yet we must be assured that he doth giue will giue that which is good for our saluation CHAP. XVII Of Predestination I. APHORISME PRedestination we call the a Ephe. 1.4 2. Tim. 1.9 eternall decree of God wherein he determined with himselfe what he would haue done with b Rom. 23. euery man as concerning their eternall saluation or damnation II. This predestination hath two speciall branches The first is called election the other reprobation by a metonymie of the effect that is a change of a word properly signifying an effect to signifie the cause for election and reprobation are properly referred to man who being created is fallen and corrupted with sinne but metonymically the very decree of election reprobation is so a Ephe. 1.4 called III. Therefore we say with the Scripture that God in his eternall and a 2 Tim. 2. v. 19. Esa 46.9 Malach. 3.6 1. Thess 5.9 immutable coūcell hath once decreed whom in time to come he will b Rom. 9.23 aduaunce to glorie and whom on the contrarie he shall c Act. 1.25 Iohn 17.12 1. Pet. 2.8 Iude v. 4. giue ouer to condemnation IIII. This purpose we auouch was founded on the a Ephe. 1.5 Rom. 8.29 Mat. 11.25.26 Rom. 9.18 meere pleasure of God V. Moreouer whom God hath predestinate to saluation them also hath he decreed to make partakers of the meanes by which men come to saluation which meanes are their a Ephe. 1. recōciliation by Christ their b Rom. 8. effectuall calling and c Ibid. iustification And contrarily whom he hath predestinate to destruction them also hath he decreed not to make partakers of those meanes which tend to saluation but to leaue d Psal 81.13 them to themselues or to deliuer them to e Esa 29.10 Rom. 11.8 Sathan that both by his and their owne naturall instigation they may purchase to themselues damnation VI. The end or scope of predestination is is the glorie a Prou. 16.4 of God that is the glorie of his b Ephe. 1.6 and 12. Rom. 9.23 grace and mercy manifested in the saluation of the elect and of his c Rom. 9.25.26 iustice in the death of his sonne our mediatour the glory also of his d Rom. 9.17 and 22. power and e Rom. 9.22 iustice in the damnation of reprobates yea of his iustice both f Rom. 11.33 secret in their reiection and also g Rom. 1.18 manifest in punishing them for their sinnes finally the glorie of his most free h Rom. 9.15 8.20.21 power both in the condemnation of the reprobate and in the glorification of his elect VII The infallible testimonie of our election is our a Rom. 8.30 1. Tim. 1.1 effectuall calling when as the holy spirite by the preaching b Rom. 10.17 of the Gospell doth worke faith in Christ in the harts of his elect that thereby they may be c Rom. 8.30 Ephe. 1.7 iustified working also some beginning of new d 2. Tim. 2.19 obedience that they may be sanctified that so in time they may be fully e Rom. 8.30 glorified VIII And as the Lord a 2. Tim. 2.19 sealeth and marketh his elect by their vocation iustification and sanctification so by excluding the reprobate either from the knowledge of his truth or from the sanctification of his spirite as it were by certaine notes he sheweth what iudgement remaineth for them IX Neither yet may any rashly define or pronounce that he is in the number of the reprobate if the signes of election as yet appeare not in him for some are called a Math. 20.3 c. later then others yea the b Luk. 23.40 c. theefe on the crosse was not before the end of his life called wherefore we may despaire of none vnlesse manifest signes be shewed that he hath sinned to death that is against the holy c 1. Ioh. 5.16 spirite neither yet may any securely sinne in hope of mercy but euer remēber to d Heb. 3.7 day if ye heare his voyce harden not your harts for God is not mocked e Gal 6.7 X. There be two notable fruits of this doctrine the one that we may with humble adoration acknowledge how much we are bounde to God that hath vouchsafed to chuse vs so vnworthy out of the a Rom. 11.35 companie of the damned and to aduaunce vs to the state of heauenly glory The other that we may with good b Rom. 8.31 c. 2. Tim. 2.19 assuraunce rest our selues on the vnchaungeable purpose of God touching our saluation and therfore be fully perswaded and assured thereof in Iesus Christ CHAP. XVIII Of the resurrection and of life euerlasting I. APHORISME ALbeit the doctrine of the resurrection seeme incredible in mans reason yet we that are Christians must beleeue it receiue it that is we must beleeue that the bodies of the dead shal be restored to their first state and their soules shall reenter them againe so they shall liue and rise againe at the last day II. This faith of ours is grounded on the a Dan. 12.2 Ioh. 5.29 c testimonies of the word of God who is almighty and can not lye III. But of them that shall rise againe the estate shal be very vnlike For the godly shall rise to a Dan. 12.2
the Church for Christ himselfe performed the partes of a Minister but as to all the faithfull receiuing the Sacrament at the hands of the Lords Minister Wherefore these wordes doe no lesse concerne those whom they call lay men then they do the Priests or Ministers of the Church VIII Againe if the Supper be to represent Christes sacrifice and oblation which he made vpon his Crosse thē Christ must be offered vp in the Sacramēt of the Supper for how can we otherwise represent in the Supper the oblation of Christ but by offering vp Christ vnder the kindes of bread and wine But this consequence is false and so is the reason thereof For that oblation which Christ made on the Crosse both may must be otherwise represented that is by the a 1. Cor. 11.24 breaking of the bread and the powring out of the wine IX Againe if the pascall lambe was to be sacrificed then Christ also in the Eucharist must be sacrificed for that the paschal lambe was a type of the Lordes Supper here I answere againe the consequence is false and the reason therof for of that antecedent this will follow that Christ also must be sacrificed for that the lambe was a type of a 1. Cor. 5.7 Christ not in the Eucharist but on the Crosse where as Iohn saith that was finished b Ioh. 19.36 which the lambe prefigured X. Againe they bring a place of Malach. chap. 1. v. 11. from the rising of the sunne vnto the going downe of the same my name is great among the Gentils and in euery place incense shal be offred vnto my name and a pure offring But I answer that where they inferre that the body of Christ is offred vp in the Supper because it is a cleane or pure offring the argumēt is false because it will not follow from the generall to the speciall affirmatiuely And it is very manifest to any man of vnderstanding that Malachie here speaketh as the a See Ioel. 2.28 Act. 2.17 Prophets of the spirituall worship of the new Testament vnder the shadowes of the ceremoniall worship vsed in the old But it is straunge that these men dare be bold to bring argumēts for the defence of their Masse in sacrifice out of the Epistle to the Hebrues for that the principall doctrine of that Epistle doth plainly euert all this Popish inuētion of the Masse out of the 5. chap. v. 1. they haue this saying a Heb 5.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Euerie Priest is ordained that he may offer sacrifices for sinnes Therefore there are also in the new Testament Priests properly so called which offer vp sacrifices for sins For that the Apostle vseth a verbe of the present tense I answer it is very manifest in all the Apostles doctrine and speach in that place that he speaketh of the Priestes of the old Testament and of the sacrifices which were types of Christes sacrifice the only sacrifice expiatorie for sinne And so the Apostle speaking of Leuitical Priests in all the Epistle vseth verbes of the present tense as chap. 7.9.11 The reason of that phrase is to set the matter whereof he speaketh more manifestly before the eyes of men XII Next they borow out of the 7. chap. the type of Melchi-zedek they reason thus If Christ did not sacrifice himselfe in the Supper in an vnbloudy sacrifice vnder the kindes of bread and wine then was he neuer made Priest after the order of Melchi-zedek But he was made c. as the Apostle witnesseth in that chap. The reason of the consequence is because Melchi-zedek offred vp vnto God bread and wine I answer the consequēce is false for Christ is called a Priest after the order of Melchi-zedek principally for this cause as the Apostle sheweth because he is a priest for a Heb. 7.3 euer as Melchi-zedek there is noted and described without father without mother without kinred Againe the reason of their consequēce is false for that Melchi-zedek did not offer bread and wine vnto God but brought forth b Gen. 14.18 bread and wine for the refection of Abraham and his seruants and that this is there signified we may well vnderstand both by the Hebrue word Hotzi and by the circumstance of that action in that place XIII Lastly they haue this sentence out of the 9. chap. It is necessarie that the a Heb. 9.23 * Exemplaria similitudes of heauenly things should be purified with such things but the heauenly things themselues are purified with better * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hostes as they speake sacrifices then these Ergo with oblations of Masses because he speaketh in the plurall number hostes Therfore he speaketh not of the bloudie sacrifice of Christ which was but one But I answer that the Apostle there still keepeth his plurall number Enallage n. chaunge of number taking one number for another because he continueth in the comparison of the legall sacrifices And of these chaunges we haue many examples as Ruth 1. v. 10. and chapter 2. v. 20. And that the Apostle there speaketh of that one sacrifice of Christ may appeare by the scope of that whole chap. for that nothing else is there intended but to compare the Priesthood of Christ with the Leuiticall Priesthood and to shew how far that excelleth this XIIII And albeit we vtterly deny that the holy Supper of the Lord which the Papistes haue transformed into the monster of the Masse to be a sacrifice expiatorie for sin yet we do willingly confesse and professe it to be the sacrifice * Sacrifice of prayse thankes-geuing Eucharisticall of the new Testament for that it was instituted by the Lord for this ende by this solemne rite to a 1. Cor. 11.26 shew set forth his death that we might magnifie him as our onely redeemer to the glorious prayse of his name CHAP. XXVIII Of the Ciuill Magistrate I. APHORISME BBcause some think the ciuill Magistrat is to be banished out of the Church of God others giue him too much power it is verie needefull also that we know by gods word whether this order be allowed of God and how far the ciuill Magistrats power reacheth II. Both which points the better to know we must speake of three things in order first of the Magistrat next of the lawes lastly of the people III. Of the Magistrat we must consider also three things whether his place calling be approued of God what his office is what authoritie he hath IIII. It is manifest by the Scriptures that God approueth Magistracie or ciuill gouernement as Psal 82. v. 1. God standeth in the assemblie of Gods he iudgeth amōg Gods v. 6. I sayd ye are Gods and ye are all the children of the most high Deut. 1. v. 17. Moses saith the iudgement is Gods So 2. Chron. 19. v. 6. Iehosaphat saith to the Iudges ye execute not the iudgements of mā but of the Lord.