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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01107 The true dyffere[n]s betwen ye regall power and the ecclesiasticall power translated out of latyn by Henry lord Stafforde; De vera differentia regiae potestatis et ecclesiasticae. English. Fox, Edward, 1496?-1538.; Stafford, Henry Stafford, Baron, 1501-1563. 1548 (1548) STC 11220; ESTC S102496 87,647 232

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with the sword fo xxx Bysshoppes of rome haue labored to bynd men to kepe theyr decrees Folio xxxix Bysshopes made a lawe that clarkes shuld not be ●ued before a seculer Iudge Fol. xi Bysshoppes of Rome subtile Folio xii Bisshops of rome affirm that they haue al power fo xli Bysshops of rome went far backward frō Christ fo lvi Boniface the .viii. loued prehemynence Folio xlix Byshopes were electe by the cathedrall sees fol. lxxxxii Bysshops of rome Scribes and Pharisees Folio C Bishops of rom hath maried the church of gētils fo eod Bysshopes of Rome called the father of the churche of England but not in dede Folio Ci Bysshops of rome vse to exalte theyr kinsmen Fo. C. ii Bysshopes of rome chalenge asmoche to ●e theyr owne as they lyste Folio eodē Bysshoppes of rome made lately execrable ordinaunces for stipendes Folio C. ii Bishops of rome hath set the church in darknes fo c. iii Bysshopes of rome ponyssheth men after they be dede and is an enemy to Englande Folio eodem C. ¶ Crisostome in his sermone Foliō x Congregacion in the actes folio xi Christ chose Peter before he was bish of rom fo xviii Chryst forbade to swere by Hierusalem folio xix Christ chose Hierusalē to byld his temple Folio eodem Children be voyde of ambicion Folio xxii Clarkes maye appele frome theyr dioces Folio xxix Causes shuld be determinid within their prouīce fo eod Christ forbad superiorite amongest his disciples fo xxxi Consilium Chartage Folio xxxv Christe payd tribute to the king or Emperure Folio lxvii Christe and the Apostles dyd euermore obeye the Ciuel powers Folio lxix Constantin to the bishops in the coūcel of dyre fo lxxvii Constantyne the Emperoure caused hethen men to honour god and knowe god folio lxxviii Childernt sucke the mylke Folio lxxxxi Clerus Anglie gladium Petri habet folio lxxxxv Correccion of the clargi cōmitted to the bish fo lxxxxvii D ¶ Difference of the ecclesiasticall regall power fol iiii Deuision of thys worke into .iiii. partes Folio vi Dystin .xl. chapter multi Folio xxi● Desyre of primaci causeth confusion fo xxii Distin .lxv mos antiquo folio xxvii Distin .iiii cap statuimus Folio xxxviii De consecratione Folio xxxix Dygnites of the church were geuen to Aliens fo lxxxx Deuotion is decayed Folio eodem E ¶ Eneas siluins Folio x Ecclesiastica historia Folio xxiiii Englonde dyd resist the popis prouisions Folio xxxix Enterpretacion of this worde clarkes folio xliiii Ezechias king put away the abuses of the ecclesiastical power Folio lxii Ezeckias cōmaunded the prestes and leuites to puryfy themself Folio lxiiii Ezechias commaunded the people to offer Folio eodē Euery man that confesseth chryst to be the sone of god maye be called peter Folio ix Euery man that seketh the worde of Peter is the seat of Peter folio xvii Ezechias commaundid the people to geue part of theyr goodes to the prestes Folio lxv Edgarus kinge made spiritual lawes folio lxxii Edmundus kinge made spirituali lawes folio eodem Epistel of kyng Wyllyam Conqueroure to the bisshop of rome Folio lxxxix Epis●ola Cassidori Folio C Exortacion to the reders to loue the truyth Folio C vi F. Fathers of the primatiue church shrunke from the vnite of the primacy fo xxvii Fraeltie of men is euermore compasing busy fo xlix G. God by the prophet saieth I wil dwel in Hiel'm fo xix God some tyme suffreth tyrranycall power to punishe his people Folio xx God gaue bysshopes authorite but no dominiō fo xxxi Gregorye wolde not be called the hed Bysshoppe fo l. Gregorius ad felicem Folio liiii G●● by his owne mouth made kinges rulers fo lvii ē Gouernaūce kīges appereth by natural thīges fo eodi Gregorius ad mauricium Folio lxxii Gregorius was obedient to the Emperoure fo lxxii God shal requere it of the kinges whether the peace and faithe of the church be encreased or diminisshed fo lxxvi Graūt of the king to the monasteri of Glastōburi fo lxxxiii Gentlenes ouer moche oppressid and greuid seketh for the truthe Folio C. v. H. Hieronimus super mathe .xvi. Folio ix He proueth bi a similitude of the Emperour that the successors in the seate of Peter can by no reason chalenge the prerogatiue of Peter Fo. xvii Howe moche chryste sette by Hierusalem Fo. xi● Howe kynges serue god as kynges fo codem He called the churche of England our mother fo lxxxx Hit is expedient for the kynges and the nobles of the realme to defend the church from Tyranni of the bysshop of rome Folio C. iiii Here he prayeth god to brynge the Bysshope of Rome oute of ygnorance Foli● codem Hit is lyke that the primacy was lefte in Herusalem folio xx Hierusalē was cōsecrate with the blod of Christ fo xx Hieromunus ad Ioginiarum folio xxi Hit is lyke that the councel of Nicen dyd althynges iustly Folio xxiiii Hit is lawfull for no man to name hymselfe vniuersal or hye Bysshop Folio xxv He y● nameth hym self vniuersal priste or hye bysshope goeth before anticryste floio xxvi He that is made bisshop without consent of the metropolitan shulde be no bisshop fo xxviii Hit was decrede in the councell in aphrica that the bysshop of rome shulde not be superior to al other Folio eodem He that is excomunicate in one dioces ought not to be receyued into another Fo xxviii He that wylbe hyeste shal be loweste fo xxxii He that doth notrenounce al that he hath cā not be the dysciple of christe Fo xlvii He that clymeth hiest must nedes come downe warde agayne Folio l. He that is ladde with the sprite of god is at lybertye fo lii Hit is to be feard that the cānō law lose his autorite fo liiii Hit belongeth to kinges to minister Iustice Folio lix Here is noman exempte from the obediens of kynges Folio lxviii Holye scryptures of the newe Testamente geue pristes no iudicial power Fo lxix How so euer yll be commytted the coreccyon longeth to the regal power Foli lxxiii He serueth god otherwyse bycause he is a mā because he is a kinge Folio lxxiiii I In Hierusalem only was the hye pristehod Folio xix In consilio mileuitan Fo. xxviii If the byshop of the mother church be negligent fo odē Iohn Bysshop of Constantynoble was the furste that named hymselfe vniuersall bysshoppe Folio xxx Yf decrees of bysshops do bynd our cōscyens fo xxxvi In the primatiue church the decrees of coūcelles were called cannons Fo xxxvi If Bysshoppes haue authorite of god to make lawes Folio xxxvii If possession of the churche be of god it shal stande fo l In doubteful matters the hye priste and the hy Iudge at hierusalem gaue sentence fo lxiiii If kinges and rulers were Iudges of the lawe of god moch more of the lawe of man Fo. eodem In salomons tyme prestes were born prestes Fo. lxvii Iustinian Emperoure made lawes
people Genesis xvii But let vs beginne at the boke of Genesis or of the creacion of the world in which boke it is thus writton The laude is the kinges and princes The laude of the preistes which the kinge gaue them by whiche wordes it manifestly appereth that the laud was the kinges and was geuen by them to the preistes and that the dominion of erth perteyneth to kinges in that that thei were kinges of whose handes the prestes receyuid al that laude they had and in the .xvii. Deutoronomi xvii chapiter of the boke of deuteronomi When thou shal entre into the lande whiche the lorde shal geue to the when thou shalte saye I wyl constitute a kīg ouer me as al nacions nere about haue that shalt constitute hym whych the lorde god shalt chose amongest the brethern and after that he shal sit vpon the seate of his kingdome he shall wryte hym oute in a boke this seconde lawe taking example of the prestes of the tribe of the leuites of which texte it manifystly apereth that all nacions at that tyme had kinges Kinges shuld be chosen of the same nacion haue a booke of the lawe se the lawe kepte And that they were constytude at the fy●st amongest the people of god by the eleccion of god to whome hit was commaunded that they shulde write the boke of the lawe of god that is to wrytte not onelye for that entent they shulde haue it and kepe it with them without any other vse of it But that they shuld commaunde that lawe to be kepte obserued insomoche that it longeth to them to correcte and to punyshe and it longethe to the preistes only to preache and to geue other example of the lawe yf it were required further to shew the preemynence of a Kynge it is wrytton in the thryde boke of Esdras in the .iiii. What lōgeth to a kinge or prince what to a preist and of the preemynence of a kinge chapiter the kinge is superiour of al and beareth rull of them and all that he commaunded them they do iii Esdre iiii ¶ And he sende them to warfare they go and breake downe hilles walles and towres they are kylde and kyll other men and ouer passe not the kinges worde and yf they get the victorye they bringe to the kinge al the spoyle lykewyse al other that medle not with warres nor fyghtinge but tyll the ground when they reape they bring tribute to the kinge And if the kinge alone do but commaund to kyl they kyl If he commaunde to forgeue they forgeue If he bid strike they stryk if he saye dryue awaye they dryue away if he say builde they builde if he commaunde to breke downe they breake downe yf he saye plante they plante and all the comens and rulers are obediēt to him and the king in the meane time sitteth downe eateth drynketh and taketh his rest and they kepe watche rownd aboute him none of them dare gette him out of the waye to do his owne busines but must be obedient vnto the kinges at a worde and in the fyrst boke of the kings our lorde sayd to Samuell shewe to them the dutie of a kīge that shall raygne ouer them he shal take away your synnes your fildes your vyneyardes your olyuetres and he wyll take the tenthe of your corne and of your flockes and you shal be his seruauntes i Regū ix What is the dutye and authorite of a kīge and in the seconde boke of Paralapomenō or Cronicles iii Paralopemeno xix rauadias a ruler in the house of Iuda shal be ouer al causes that appertayne to the kinge also they psalmist saieth nowe ye kinges be ye wyse be warned ye that are Iudges of the erth betokeneth that it belongeth to kinges to Iudge the erthe Psalmus iii It belongeth to kynges t● minister Iustice and Iudgement ¶ Also in the .xxxviii. chapter of duteronomium it is writton thou shalt constitute a kinge ouer the. Deutoronomium xxxviii And in the first boke of the kinges ix i Regū q chapi when Samuel had loked vpō saul our lord said to Samuel this is he hath I told the of ii Regū ii ii regū v he shal be ruler of my people and in the .iii chapiter of the seconde boke of kinges our lord sayth the man of Iuda haue noynted me to be theyr kīge and it folowith in the seconde boke of the kinges .v. chapiter the seniors of Israel came ennoynted Dauid to be theyr kinge and our lorde sayed thou shalt fede my people and thou shalt be capitaine vpon Israell Salomen wryteth in his prouerbes by me kinges do raygne throwe me prynces make Iust lawes thorowe me lordes be are rule and all Iudges of the erth execute Iudgement and in the Properbiorō viii vi chapiter of the boke of Sapience or wisdom Sapientia vi O ye kinges here and vnderstande geue eare ye that rule multitudes for power is geuen to you of our lorde and strength of the hiest whiche shall trye your workes and searche out your Imaginacions and a wyse Kinge is the vpholdinge of his people in the boke of Exodi the .xxxii. Exodi xxxii chapiter it is redde Aaron the high preist sayd to Moyses where he was in the roume of the prince and kinge The hye prestes called the kinges theyr lordes and thē selfes their seruauntes whiche proueth kīges to be superiours as to the hye prestes let not my lorde be angry with me c. And Achimelich the hye prest called himself the seruaunte of kīg Saull in the fyrst boke of the kinges in .xxiii. chapiter the kinge sēt to cal Achimelech the prest the sonne of Achetobe all his fathers house that is to saye the prestes that were in Nobe and they came al to the kinge and Saul sayd to achimelech here the sonne of Achitobe and he sayde here I am my lorde Saull sayd to him whye haue ye conspyred against me thou and the sonne of Isaye c. and achimelech answered god forbedde this from me let not the kinge suspecte anye such thinge agaynst his seruaunt in al the house of my father for they seruaunte knewe nothing in thy● matter nother lesse nor more ¶ Then there as the hie bisshoppes did cal the kinges there lordes thē selfes the kinges seruannts it maye wel be gathered that kinges be superiours to the bisshoppes that the bysshops ought to be subiecte to kinges Saynt Peter vsith the same maner of argumētaciō in his fyrst epistle .iii. i Petri iii chapiter prouynge that Sara was subiecte to Abraham bicause she called hym lorde after the example of whome other women shulde be subiecte to their husbandes Christ by no other maner of argument dothe shewe in the .xxii. Math xxii capiter of Mathew that Dauid was inferiour than our sauiour but bicause he called him his lorde