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justice_n great_a king_n lord_n 8,214 5 3.8032 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B01271 Anno quarto et quinto, Philippi & MariƦ. Actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the .xx daye of January, in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilles, Jerusalem, and Jrelande, defendours of the faith, archidukes of Austria, dukes of Burgondie, Millaine and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol, and there continued and kepte vntyll the vij. day of Marche, then next folowinge, and enacted as foloweth..; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.; Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598. 1558 (1558) STC 9457; ESTC S832 78,057 91

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personne shall at anye tyme hereafter be conuicted by vertue of this acte for anye defaulte or thinge mentioned in thys acte that then the same person shal not otherwise or eftsones be vexed troubled sued or conuicted for the same defaulte or thing wherfore he shal be so conuicted AND be it moreouer enacted by the auchtoritie aforesayde that yf anye Souldioure shall at anye tyme hereafter make sale of his horse harnes and weapon or anye of them contrarye to the fourme of the sayde statute made in the saide seconde and thirde yeares of the saide late kinge that then not onely the same Souldiour shall incurre the penalties of that statute but also the sayde sale made by suche souldioure to any person or personnes knowing him to be a souldior shal be voyde and of none effecte agaynst him or them that founde or set forth the sayde horse harnesse and weapon or any of them to or for the furniture of suche souldioure to serue with the same PROVIDED alwayes that no person shall be impeached or troubled for any offence done contrary to this acte onlesse presentmente or sute therof be had made or taken with in one yeare next after th offence done any thing in this act to the contrary therof in any wyse notwtstanding PROVIDED alwaye and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that if at any time hereafter it shal fortune any person or persons aforesayde to be sued or impeached for any forefeyture or penaltie for not hauinge susteyninge or kepinge such furniture of corselets pykes haquebuttes or morians as by this acte is before limitted rated and apointed and for his or theyr excuse and aunswere shall alleage and pleade that the same furniture so lacking coulde not by him or them conueniently be had gotten or prouided for want and lacke of the same within this realme accordinge to the tenure and purporte of this acte the same matter of want and lacke as is aforesayde shall be allowed and taken for a good and sufficient aunswere and barre in the lawe in case it be true and if the same be denied or trauersed that thervpon an issue shal be ioyned and that the triall shall be of euery suche issue onelye had by the certificate to be made by the Lord Chauncellour Lorde Treasurer the Lorde president of the Councell the Lorde Stewarde of the Kynges and Quenes moste honorable householde the Lorde pryuye Seale the Lorde Admirall and the lorde Chambrelayne of the sayde householde or by thre of them in wrytinge vnder theyr seales or the seales of thre of them this presente acte or anye statute lawe or vsage heretofore had to the contrary notwithstanding PROVIDED also and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that no personne or personnes chargeable by vertue of this Acte to or for the fyndynge or hauynge of anye Horse Geldynge Armoure Weapon or furnyture for the warre as is aforesayde shall be charged with the same or with any of them both for his manours houses landes meadowes pastures and woodes and also for his goodes catels fermes leases copyholdes rentes annuities Prouided also and be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that this acte or any thinge therein conteyned shal not in any wyse extend or be adiudged or interpreted to abrogate repeale or make voyde any part sentence matter clause article or thinge conteyned or specified in the statute made in the .xxxiii. yeare of the raygne of the late noble Prince of worthy memory kinge Henry the eight for or concerning the hauing of long bowes and arrowes the vsing order exercisyng and mayntenaunce of archery and shotinge in longe bowes but that the same statute and euery article clause sentence and thinge therein conteyned and specified touching or in any wyse concerninge the hauinge of longe bowes arrowes vsinge order exercisinge or maintenaunce of archerye and shotinge in longe bowes shall stande and remayne in force and be obserued perfourmed and kepte accordynge to the tenure effecte and true meaning of the sayd acte vpon the paynes conteyned in the same as this acte had not bene hadde ne made this present act or any thinge therin conteyned to the contrary in any wyse notwithstandinge PROVIDED also that yf it shall fortune the sayde furniture of armure aforesayd or any parte therof at any time hereafter to be lost or spente in any seruice of defence of this realme or elles the horses or geldinges aforesayd to be kylled or distroyed or els by some other occasion to be dead that in such case or cases no person or persones shal be charged with any forfeiture or penaltie aforesayde for not hauinge suche quantitie or number of armour horses or geldinges as is aforesayde so that he or they within one yeare next after such losse or want do supply the same againe in al points according to the true meaning and purport of this act any thing in the same act to the contrary therof notwithstanding Prouided also that the want of any gauntlet or gauntlets shal not be demed accoumpted or taken for anye tacke or wante of furnyture for a corselet any wordes before expressed soundinge to the contrarye notwithstandyng Prouided also and be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that euery person and persons charged with the fyndinge of any haque but and his or theyr seruaunt or seruauntes shall and may exercise and vse shotinge in the same haquebutte at suche markes as are limitted and appointed by the statute made in the .xxxiii. yeare of the raygne of king Henry the eyght or at theyr owne proper games so that they cary not or vse not the same haque but in any hyghe waye vnlesse it be comynge or goynge to or from the musters or marching towardes or from the seruyce of defence of the realme any clause or article in the sayde acte of the .xxxiii. yeare to the contrary notwithstanding Prouided alwayes that this acte ne any thinge therin conteyned shall extende to charge any person or persons dwellinge or abydinge within the countreis of Northwales and Southwales and within the countye Palentine of Lancaster and Chester or either of them with the findinge or hauinge of any haque but but that they and euery of them shall and maye at theyr wyll libertie and pleasure haue and kepe in stede and place of euery haquebutte charged by this acte one longe bowe and one shefe of arrowes ouer and besides suche other armour and munition as is by the lawes of this realme limitted and appoynted anye thinge in this acte to the contrarye notwythstandinge PROVIDED alwayes that the Lorde Chauncelour of England or keper of the greate seale for the tyme beinge shall and maye from time to time by vertue of the kinge and Quenes highnes commission name assigne and appointe comissioners in euery citie boroughe and towne corporate wherein there be Iustices of the peace as well in Englande as in Wales so many of the same Iustices of peace with suche and as manye other personnes to
charged or appoynted to find haue and maynteyne by this present acte AND BE IT further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that yf any personne chargeable by this acte as is aforesayde shall by the space of any thre whole monethes after the sayde fyrst daye of Maye lacke or wante the sayde number and kindes of horses geldinges armoure weapon and furniture aforesayde or any of them after suche rate proportion maner and fourme as is in this acte aboue limitted declared and appoynted That then euery suche personne shall forfeyt and loose for euery suche thre monethes that he shall so lacke and want the same number and kyndes of horses geldinges armoure weapon and furniture or any parte thereof for euery horse or geldynge so lackyng ten poundes and for euery dimilaunce and turniture of the same thre poūdes and for euery corselet and furniture of the same xl.s and for euery almayne ryuette cote of plate or brigandine and the furniture of the same xx.s and for euery bow shefe of arrowes byl halbert haque but steele cappe scull moryan and salette x.s the one moytie of which said forfeytures shal be to the kinge and Quene oure Soueraygne Lorde and Ladye and to theyres and successours of the same our soueraygne ladye and the other moytye to him or them that wyll sue for the same in any courte of recorde by byll playnte action of debte or information in the whiche byl playnt action or information no wager of lawe essoyne or protection shall be allowed or admitted AND BE IT further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that the inhabitauntes of euery citie boroughe towne parishe and hamlette within this realme other then suche as are speciallye charged before in this acte shall haue fynde kepe susteyne and mainteyne at theyr common charges and expences suche harnes and weapon and as muche therof as shal be appoynted by the comissioners of our sayd soueraigne lorde and ladye and of the heyres and successours of the same our soueraygne lady for the musters or vewe of armour within suche citie boroughe towne paryshe or hamletre there to be kepte in suche place as by the sayd comissioners shall be apoynted And the numbers and kindes therof to be wrytten and comprised in a payre of indentures to be made betwene the sayde commissioners or two of them at the leaste and twelue eyghte or foure of the chiefest of euery suche citie borough towne parishe or hamlette wherof one part to remayne with the cheif officer of the same citie borough towne paryshe or hamlette and the other part to remayne with the clerke of the peace of the shyre or countye where euery iuche citie towne borough paryshe or hamlette shall stande or be And if the same inhabitauntes of euery such citie borough towne paryshe or hamlette other then suche as are speciallye as is aforesayde charged shall lacke or wante suche harnes or weapons or any parte thereof as shall be vnto them appoynted by the sayd comissioners for the musters or vewe of armoure as is aforesayde by the space of any thre monethes together next after any such appointment made that then the same inhabitauntes shall forfeyte for euery the sayd thre monethes for euery suche harnes or weapons so lackyng after the rate aboue limitted the one moytie therof to be to our sayde soueraigne lord and ladye and to theyres and successours of our said soueraygne lady and thother moytie to hym or them that wyll sue for the same in any of the courtes of recorde of our sayd soueraygne lorde and Ladye and of the heyres and successours of the same oure soueraigne Ladye by byll playnte action of debte or information wherein no wager of lawe essoyne or protection shal be admitted or allowed AND BE IT further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that the lord Chauncellour of Englande for the tyme beynge shall haue full power and aucthoritie by vertue of this presente acte frome time to time to graunte out commissions vnder the great seale of England to the Iustices of peace within euery shyre or countie of this realme or to so many of them as by his discretion shall be thought mete and conueniente for the appointinge and limittinge of the sayd harnesses and weapōs to be founde kept and mainteyned in euery such citie borough towne parishe and hamlette at the common charges of the inhabitauntes thereof as is aforesayde Prouided alwayes that this acte or any thinge therein conteyned shall not extende to take awaye or discharge any tenaunt or fermour of his seruice or couenaunte towardes his Lorde for the fyndinge of horse armoure or weapon or for doynge of seruice by him selfe or anye other whiche by the tenure of his lande or ferme he is bounde to do at the time of makinge of this acte but that he shall yelde paye and doe the same in as large ample maner and fourme as though this act had neuer bene had ne made AND be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd that the iustices of peace of euery Shire shal haue power and aucthoritie by vertue of this acte from time to time to make search and vewe of and for the sayd furnytures of horses geldinges armour and weapon to be founde mainteined and kept by any person abouesaid hauynge lordshyppes manors houses landes meadowes pastures or woodes to the clere yerely value of CC. poundes or vnder and not aboue the yearely value of CCCC pounds or to be found mainteined or kept by any person or persons chargeable by this act by reason of hys or their goodes cattels annuities fees or copyholdes as is aforesayd and to heare and determine at their quarter Sessions all and euery the defaultes committed or done contrary to this acte within the countye where suche Sessions shal be kept by inquisition presentment byl or informatyon before them exhibited or by examination of two lawefull wytnes at the discretion of the same Iustyces to award processe therevpon as though they were indicted before them by verdict of .xii. men or more And vpon the conuiction of the offender by informatiō or suit of anye other then the kinge or the quene or of theires or successours of the quene to make estreates of the one moitie of the said forfeytures to be leuyed to thuse of oure sayd soueraygne lorde and lady or of theirs or Successors of the same our soueraigne lady as they vse to doo of other fynes issues and amercyamentes growynge in the Sessyons of peace and to awarde execution of the other moytie for the compleynaunte or informer agaynste the offender by fieri facias or capias as the kinges Iustices at westminster may doo and vse to doo And yf any such conuiction shal hereafter happen at thonely sute of oure sayde soueraygne lorde and ladye or of the heires or successoures of the same our Soueraygne lady that then the whole forfeytures to be estreated and leuyed to their vses onelye AND BE IT FVRTHER enacted by the aucthorytie aforesayde that whensoeuer anye