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A91291 A summary collection of the principal fundamental rights, liberties, proprieties of all English freemen; both in their persons, estates, and elections; and of the memorable votes, resolutions, and Acts of Parliament, for their vindication and corroboration, in the late Parliaments of 3 & 17 of King Charles; collected out of their Journals, and printed Ordinances. Most necessary to be known, considered, re-established (in this present juncture of publick affairs) with all possible old and new securities; against past, present, and future publick violations, under-minings, by force or fraud, for the much-desired healing of the manifold large mortal wounds in these chief vital parts, and repairing the various destructive subversive breaches in these prime foundations of our English state fabrick; without which no effectual present or future healing, union, peace, or settlement can possibly be expected, or established in our distracted nations. / By William Prynne of Swainswick Esq; a bencher of Lincolns Inne. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1656 (1656) Wing P4095; Thomason E892_3; ESTC R206517 46,699 73

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whatsoever as well Supreme as subordinate all Members of Parliament Barresters Attornies Graduates in our Universities Steward of Leets and Court-Barons throughout our Dominions should from time to time upon and at their investitures into their several Offices Trusts or taking their Degrees be corporally sworn To defend and maintain the Great Charter of England the Petition of Right and other Fundamental Lawes of this Land together with the antient undoubted Rights and Liberties of our English Parliaments according to their late Protestation and Solemn League and Covenant And that all Justices of Assize Judges and Justices of the Peace should specially be sworn at every Assizes and Sessions of the Peace in their respective Circuits Counties Corporations and the Justices of the Kings Bench every Term amongst other Articles to the Grand Iury to give them in charge upon their Oaths diligently to inquire of and present all Offences Exactions Oppressions Taxes Imposts and Grievances whatsoever against the Great Charter the Petition of Right and other Good Lawes for the preservation of the Liberty Right and Property of the Subject by any person or persons to the end that they may be exemplarily punished according to Law by Fines Imprisonments or otherwise as the quantity and quality of the Offences deserve It being the * Advice Desire Proposition and Petition of the whole Commons house first and after of the Lords and Commons house joyntly to King Charles in his last Parliament to which he readily assented though never since put into actual execution which is now most necessary to be effectually accomplished for the future having been so long neglected After these Votes and the Petition of Right passed several Impositions upon Wines Currans Tobacco Beer and the taking of Tonnage and Poundage without Act of Parliament being complained of it was by special Votes and Declarations of the Commons House resolved and declared in the same Parliament 8. e That the receiving of Tunnage and Poundage and other Impositions not granted by Parliament is * a breach of the fundamental Libberties of this Kingdom and contrary to his Majesties Regal answer to the Petition of Right And those declared Publick Enemies who should thenceforth collect or pay any Customes Tunnage Poundage or Imposts not granted by act of Parliament which was since enacted and declared for Law in the f two fi●st acts for Tunnage and Poundage in the last Parliament of King Charles and all those in a Premunire and disable● to sue in any Court of Justice who shall presume to levy the same without Act of Parliament The case of all Customers Excisemen and their Instruments at this present fit to be made presidents in this kind for the terror of others 9. A Commission from the King under the Great Seal of England directed to 33 Lords and privy Counsellors dated the last of Febr. 3 Caroli stiled g a Commission of Excise was complained of and brought into the Commons House and there read which commanded them to raise monies by Impositions or otherwise as they in their wisdoms should find convenient for the safety and defence of the King Kingdom and People the Kings Pro●estant Friends and Allies which without hazard of all could admit no delay the necessity being so inevitable that form and circumstances must rather be dispensed with than substance lost Injoyning the Commissioners to be diligent in the service as they tendred the safety of his Majesty and of his People Dominions and Allies This Commission of Excise by the unanimous Vote and judgement of the Lords and Commons was resolved to be against Law and contrary to the Petition of Right And thereupon was cancelled as such in his Majesties presence by his own command and was brought cancelled to the Lords House by the Lord Keeper and by them afterwards sent to the Commons and the Warrant with all Inrollments of it were cancelled and ordered by the Commons that the Projector of it should be found out and punished Which judgement h was thrice recited confirmed and insisted on by the Lords and Commons and some in greatest present power the last Parliament of King Charls in printed Speeches and Declarations And if this intended Commission of Excise though never executed was thus frequently damned as an intollerable and monstrous Grievance against our Laws Properties and the Petition of Right How much more are all present Orders Commissions Warrants for the actual imposing and levying all sorts of Excises on such without any act of Parliament X. The Commons House in that Parliament upon solemn Argument and Debate concluded That by the Laws of this Realm none of his Majesties Subjects ought to be impressed or compelled to goe forth of his County to serve as a Souldier in the Wars * except in case of necessity of the sudden comming in of strange Enemies into the Kingdom or except they be otherwaies bound by the Tenures of their Lands or possessions Nor yet sent out of the Realm against his Will upon any forein imployment by way of an honorable banishment Which Resolution in the last Parliament of King Charles was enacted and declared to be the Law of the Land and fundamental Liberty of the Subject by the i Act for impressing Souldiers for Ireland by two Declarations of the Lords and Commons against the Commission of array and assented to by the King in his answer thereunto All which unanimous Votes Resolutions of both Houses having been successively ratified in two several Parliaments in King Charles his Reign whereof some in present Power were Members and enacted by several Statutes assented to by King Charles himself it must needs be the extremity of Impudency Tyranny Treachery Impiety Perjury Barbarism for any who have formerly contested with him in our Parliaments or in the open field for all or any of these premised Fundamental Rights and Liberties of all English Freemen and who vowed protested covenanted remonstrated again and again before God and all the World inviolably faithfully constantly to defend them with their Lives and Fortunes all their daies in their several places and callings and who beheaded him as the Greatest Tyrant together with Strafford and Canterbury for infringing them to oppose contradict violate or infringe them all in a more transcendent publike manner than he or his worst Ministers formerly have done and now not really chearfully to corroborate defend transmit them to posterity in full vigor by all good wayes and corroborations that possibly can be devised without the least opposition and dispute to make the Nation free and their own posterity together with it XI After the Petition of Right had passed the Commons House and was transmitted to the Lords the House of Lords desired that this Clause might be added to the close thereof We humbly present this Petition to your Majesty not only with a Care of Preservation of our own Liberties but with a due regard to leave intire that Soveraign Power
own Houses and both themselves and others to contribute towards the maintenance of them to the exceeding great disservice of you Majesty the general terror of all and utter undoing of many of your good people In so much as we cannot sufficiently recount nor in any sort proportionably to the sense we have of our present misery herein are we able to represent to your Majesty the innumerable mischiefs and most grievous exactions that by this means alone we do now suffer whereof we will not presume to trouble your sacred Ears with particular information Only most gracious Soveraign we beg leave to offer unto your gracious view and compassionate consideration a few of them in general 1. The service of Almighty God is hereby greatly ly hindered the * people in many places not daring to repair to their Churches lest in the mean time the Souldiers should rifle their Houses 2. The antient good Government of the Country is thereby neglected and almost contemned 3. Your Officers of Justice in performance of their Duties have been resisted and endangered 4. The Rents and Revenues of your Gentry are greatly and * generally diminished Farmers to secure themselves from the Souldiers insolence being by the clamour and sollicitation of their fearfull and endangered VVives and Children enforced to give up their antient dwellings and to retire themselves into places of more secure habitation 5. Husbandmen that are as it were the hands of the Country corrupted by ill example of Souldiers are * encouraged to idle life give over their work and seek rather to live idlely on other mens charges than by their own labours 6. Tradesmen and Artificers almost discouraged being enforced to leave their Trades and to imploy their times in preserving their families from violence and cruelty 7. Markets unfrequented and our waies grown so dangerous that your people dare not passe to and fro upon their usual occasions 8. Frequent Robberies Assaults Burglaries Rapes Rapines murders barbarous cruelties and other late most abominable vices and outrages are generally complained of from all parts where these companies have been and made their abode few of which insolencies have not been so much as questioned and fewer according to their demerit punished These and many other lamentable effects most dear and dread Soveraign have by this billetting of Souldiers already fallen upon your loyal Subjects tending no lesse to the dis-service of your Majesty than to their own impoverishing and distraction So that thereby they are exceedingly disabled to yield your Majesty those supplies for your urgent occasions which they heartily desire And yet they are more perplexed with the apprehensions of more approaching dangers One in regard of the Subjects at home the other of Enemies abroad In both which respects it seems to threaten no small calamity For the first the meaner sort of your People being exceeding poor whereof in many places are great multitudes and therefore in times most setled and most constant administration of Justice not easily ruled are most apt upon this occasion to cast off the reigns of Government and by themselves with those disordered Souldiers are very like to fall into mutiny and rebellion Which in faithful discharge of our Duties we cannot forbear most humbly to present unto your high and excellent Wisdom being possessed with probable fears that some such mischiefs will shortly ensue if an effectual and speedy course be not taken to remove them out of the Land or otherwise to disband those unruly Companies For the second we do humbly beseech your Majesty to take into your Princely consideration that many of those Companies besides their dissolute dispositions and carriages are such as professe themselves * Papists And therefore to be suspected that if occasion serve they will rather adhere to a forein Enemy if of that Religion than to your Majesty their Liege Lord and Soveraign especially some of their Commanders and Captains being as Papistically affected as themselves and having served in the wars on the part of the King of Spain or Arch-Dutchess against your Majesties Allies Which of what pernicious consequence it may prove and how prejudicial to the safety of all your Kingdom We humbly leave to your Majesties high and Princely Wisdom And now upon these and many more which might be alleged most weighty and important reasons grounded upon the maintenance of the worship and service of Almighty God the continuance of your Majesties high Honor and profit the-preservation of the antient and undoubted Liberties of your people and therein of justice industry and valour which concerns the glory and happinesse of your Majesty all your Subjects and the preventing of imminent Calamity and ruine both of Church and Common-wealth We your most humble and loyal Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commmons in the name of all the Commonalty of your kingdom who are on this occasion most miserable disconsolate and afflicted prostrate at the Throne of your Grace and Iustice do most humbly and ardently beg for the present removal of this unsupportable Burthen and that your Majesty would be graciously pleased to secure us from the like pressure in time to come Which King Charls then did by the Petition of Right which I shall here insert because almost quite forgotten by most men like an old Almanack out of date especially by our Grandees To the Kings most excellent Majesty HUmbly sheweth unto our Soveraign Lord the King the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled That whereas it is declared and enacted by a Statute made in the time of King Edward the 1. commonly called Statutum de Tallagio non concedendo That no Tallage or Aid shall be taken or levied by the King or his heirs in this Realm without the good will or assent of the Archbishops Bishops Earls Barons Knights Burgesses and other the Freemen of the Commonalty of this Realm And by an Authority of Parliament holden the 25 year of the reign of King Edward the 3d. it is declared and enacted That from thenceforth no person should be compelled to make any loans to the King against his will because such Loans were against reason and the Franchises of the Land And by other Lawes of this Realm it is provided That none shall be charged by any Charge or Composition called a Benevolence nor by any such like Charge By which Statutes before mentioned and other the good Laws and Statutes of this Realm your Subjects have inherited this freedom That they should not be compelled to contribute any Tax Tallage or Aid or other like Charge not set by common Assent by Act of Parliament Yet neverthelesse of late divers Commissions directed to sundry persons in several Counties with their instructions have issued by pretext whereof your people have been in divers places assembled and required to lend certain sums of mony to your Majesty And many of them upon their refusal so to doe have had an
Oath not warranted by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm administred unto them and have been constrained to become bound to make appearance and to give attendance before your Privy Counsel at London and in other places and others of them have been therefore imprisoned confined and certain otherways molested and disquieted And divers other charges have been laid and levied upon your people in several Counties by Lord Lieutenants Deputy Lieutenants Commissioners for Musters Justices of Peace and others by command or direction from your Majesty or your Privy Counsel against the Laws and free Customs of the Realm And whereas also by the Statute called the Great Charter of the Liberties of England it is declared and enacted That no Free-man may be taken or imprisoned or be disseised of his Freehold or Liberties or free Customs or be outlawed or exiled or in any manner destroyed nor passed upon nor condemned but by the lawfull Iudgement of his Peers or by the Law of the Land And in the 28 year of King Edward the 3. it was enacted and declared by an Authority of Parliament that no man of what State or condition soever shall be put out of his Lands or Tenements nor taken nor imprisoued nor disinherited nor put to death without being brought to answer by due process of Law Neverthelesse against the Tenor of the said Statutes and other the good Laws and Statutes of your Realm to that end provided divers of your Subjects have of late been imprisoned without any cause shewed and when for their deliverance they were brought before your Justices by your Majesties writs of Habeas Corpus there to undergo and receive as the Court should order and the Keepers commanded to certifie the causes of their deteiner no cause was certified but that they were deteined by your Majesties special command signified by the Lords of your Privy Council And yet were returned back to several Prisons without being charged with any thing to which they might make answer according to Law And whereas of late great companies of Souldiers and Mariners have been dispersed into divers Counties of the Realm and the Inhabitants against their Wills have been compelled to receive them into their Houses and there to suffer them to sojourn against the Laws and Customes of this Realm to the great Grievance and Vexation of the people And whereas also by authority of Parliament in the 25 year of King Edward the third it was declared and enacted That no man should be forejudged of life or limbs against the form of the Great Charer And by other the Laws and Statutes of this Realm No man ought to be adjudged to death but by the Laws established in this your Realm either by the Customes of the same Realm or by Act of Parliament And whereas no Offender of what kind soever is exempted from the proceedings to to be used and punishments to be infflicted by the Laws and Statutes of this your Realm Neverthelesse of late time divers Commissions under your Majesties Great Seal have issued forth by which certain Persons have been assigned and appointed Commissioners with Power and Authority to proceed within the Land according to the custome of Martial Law against such Souldiers or Sea-men or other dissolute Persons joining with them as should commit any Murther Robbery Felony Mutiny or other Outrage or misdemeanour whatsoever and by such Summary Caurse and Orders as is agreeable to Martial Law and as is used in Armies in time of Wars to proceed to the Trials and condemnation of such Offenders and them to cause to be executed and put to death according to the Law Martial By pretext whereof some of your Majesties Subjects have been by some of your Majesties Commissioners put to death when and where if by the Laws and Statutes of the Land they had deserved death by the same Laws and Statutes also they might and by no other ought to be judged and executed And also sundry grievous Offenders by colour thereof claiming an exemption have escaped the punishments due to them by the Laws and Statutes of this your Realm by reason that divers of your Officers and Ministers of Justice have unjustly refused or forborn to proceed against such Offenders according to the same Laws and Statutes upon pretence that the said Offenders were punishable only by Martial Law and by Authority of such Commissions as aforesaid Which Commissions and all other of like nature extended to any except Souldiers or Mariners or to be executed in time of Peace or when or where your Majesties Army is not on foot are wholly and directly contrary to the said Laws and Statutes of this your Realm They do therefore humbly pray your most excellent Majesty that none hereafter be compelled to make or yield any gift Loan Benevolence Tax or such like charge without common consent by Act of Parliament And that none be called to make answer or take such Oath or to give attendance or be confined or otherwise molested or disquieted concerning the same or for resusal thereof And that no Freeman in any such manner as is before mentioned be imprisoned or deteined And that your Majesty would be pleased to remove the said Souldiers and Mariners and that your People may not be so burthened in time to come And that the aforesaid Commission for proceeding by Martial Law may be revoked and ●nulled And that hereafter no Commission of like nature may issue forth to any Person or Persons whatsoever to be executed as aforesaid lest by colour of them any of your Majesties Subjects be destroyed or put to death contrary to the Laws and franchises of the Land All which they humbly pray of your most excellent Majesty as their Rights of Liberties according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm And that your Majesty would also vouchsafe to declare that the awards doings and proceedings to the prejudice of your People in any of the premises shall not be drawn hereafter in consequence or example And that your Majesty would also be graciously pleased for the futher comfort and safety of your People to declare your Royal Will and pleasure That in the things aforesaid all your Officers and Ministers shall serve you according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm as they tender the honor of your Majesty and the Prosperitie of this Kingdome To which Petition King Charles at last gave this full and satisfactory Answer Soit droit fait come il est desire par le Petition that is Let All Right be done as it is desired by the Petition To the unspekaable joy of this Parliament and all his Subjects Adding withall thereunto I assure you my Maxim is That the Peoples Liberties strengthen the Kings Prerogative and that the Kings Prerogative is to defend the Peoples Liberties The benefit of which most excellent Law Petition and of all the precedent Parliamentary Votes Lawes with the present repealing and vacating all Acts Votes Orders Ordinances Declarations Resolutions
Iudgements Instruments repugnant thereunto as meerly void in Law by the express Statutes of 25 E. 1. c. 2. 42 E. 3. c. 3. and the Petition of Right we all now jointly and severally claim as our undoubted Birth-rights and as the Price Crown Trophy Guerdon of all our late Parliamentary Counsels expended Treasures Bloudsheds Wars Victories over the real or pretended Enemies of these our just Liberties Franchises Rights Laws and Introducers of an Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Government repugnant thereunto wherein many thousands of the Nobility Gentry and Commons of the realm of chiefest rank hazarded their estates bloud lives in the field as well as the Army-Officers to preserve and enjoy the forementioned fundamental Laws Liberties Rights and Properties which we hope no true-bred English Freeman or Swordman whatsoever can have the hearts or faces to deny unto us against all their former Protestations Remonstrances Vows Oaths Covenants Engagements both to God and the English Nation for fear of being made shorter by the head as the most perfidious Traytors or rolled into their graves in bloud by the over-oppressed enraged people as the most insolent oppressing Tyrants yea tumbled headlong into Hell flames for all eternity Soul and Body by God himself as the most perjured execrable Hypocrites and Impostors that ever England bred Gal. 5. 1 13 14 15. Stand fast therfore in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not intangled again with the yoke of Bondage For Brethren ye have been called unto Liberty only use not Liberty for an occasion to the flesh but by love ferve one another For all the Law is fulfilled in one word even this Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self But if ye bite and devour one another take heed that ye be not consumed one of another An Appendix to the Premises IT hath been the antient Plot and long agitated design of Robert Parsons and other Iesuites and their Instruments under pretext of reforming the Common Laws and Statutes of England to alter subvert abolish the Great Charter Common fundamental Laws of the Land and principles of Government whereon the Iustice of the Kingdom and Liberty and Property of the Subjects are established as I have irrefragably proved at large by Robert Parsons his Memorial for Reformation of England written at Sevil in Spain An. 1590. by William Watson a seminary Priest his Quodlibets printed 1601. p 92 94 95 286 330 332. A Dialogue between a secular Priest and a Lay-Gentleman printed at Rhemes 1601. p. 95. William Clark a Roman Priest his Answer to the manifestation of Father Parsons p. 74 75. Robert Parsons own manifestation of the folly and bad Spirit of certain in England calling themselves Secular Priests f. 55. to 63. Mr. Thomas Smith his Preface to Mr. Iohn Daillae his Apology for the Reformed Churches Cambridge 1653. p. 12 13 c. The Declaration of the whole House of Commons 15. Decemb. 1641. Exact Collection p. 3 4. Ludovicus Lucius Historia Iesuitica p. 318 319 535. and other Evidences in my Epistle to A seasonable Legal and Historical Vindication of the good old fundamental Liberties Rights Laws of all English Freemen and to A New Discovery of Free-State Tyranny to which for Brevity I refer the Reader That it hath been the Souldiers and Anabap●ists design endeavour to put this their Iesuitical Plot against our Laws in execution under pretext of reforming the corruptions in the Law and Lawyers by the Tutorship of the disguised Iesuites swarming amongst us and having a Consistory and Councel abroad that Rules all the affairs of the things of England as their own General O. Cromwell himself avers in positive terms to all our three Nations and the world in his printed Speech in the painted Chamber September 4. 1654. p. 16 17. I have there likewise demonstrated and is so experimentally visible to all men by their frequent Consultations Committees Treatises Discourses Votes and Instruments set on work to regulate our Laws that it needs do further proof The excellently connaturalness conveniency of the Laws of England to Englishmens tempers is so fully expressed demonstrated by Fortescue in his Book De la●dibus Legum Angliae Glanvill Britton and others of antient and by Sir Iohn Davies in his Epistle to his Irish Reports Sir Edward Cook in his Epistles to his Reports Institutes with others of later times by the very New Modellers of our old hereditary Kingdom into a puny Free-State in their Remonstrance of March 17. 1648. and by Mr. Iohn Pym and Mr. Oliver Saint-John in their late Parliamentary Speeches printed by the Commons House special Orders that I shall not spend waste-paper to commend them being the most excellent Laws of all others in the world as they all unanimously resolve I shall only adde to their Encomiums of them That the extraordinary care diligence of our Ancestors and all our Parliamentary Councels in former ages to maintain preserve defend and transmit to posterity those good old Laws we now do or should enjoy with the last long Parliaments impeaching beheading Strafford and Canterbury for Arch-traytors for endeavouring to subvert them with their innovations on the one side and the late King and his Partisans on the other side in above * * In the Collections of Ordinances printed by both Houses orders 500 printed Declarations Orders Ordinances Proclamations Remonstrances that the principal end of all their consultations arms wars taxes Impositions expences of infinite Treasure and Bloud in all the unhappy contests against each other was inviolably to defend maintain our Laws and the Subjects Liberties secured by them as their best Patrimony Birthright and Inheritance the inserting thereof into all their Generals and Military Officers Commissions and all Ordinances to raise monies for the Armies pay is an unswerable evidence of their transoendent excellency utilility preciousnesse value esteem in the eyes of our Parliament and whole Nation And a convincing Discovery of the Iesuitical Infatuation folly frenzy treachery of those Swordmen and their Confederates who now revile traduce and endeavour all they may to reform alter subvert those very Laws and Liberties which they were purposely commissioned waged engaged inviolably to defend both by the Parliament and People and for which end they formerly professed declared in many printed * * Printed 1647. Romonstrances of their own they fought and hazarded their lives in the field yet now would conquer and trample under feet as if they had only fought against them and our hereditary Liberties confirmed by them I must confess there are some few Grievances Abuses not in the Theory but Practice of our Laws introduced by dishonest Attorneys and Sollicitors for the most part fit to be redressed by the Iudges of the Law as some of them have been upon complaint which I my self had many years since reformed as I told Mr. Shepheard upon his fore mentioned motion to me had not those Army-men violently pulled me with other Members out of the House and interrupted
new Cords wherewith the uncircumcised Philistines by their treacherous Dalilah bound Sampson of old which he brake from off his arms like a threed Judg. 16. 12. All which is so well known to themselves and others that I shall not insist any further thereon And are not all and every of these far greater abuses of more general important concernment to the whole Nation than any they would now reform or declaim against in our Laws or Lawyers fit now to be redressed being adjudged no lesse than High Treason in others not only by the * * See the Epistle to my Speech in Parliament p. 15 16. Parliaments of 4 E. 3. n. 1. 21 R. 2. cap. 12. 1 H. 4. rot Parl. n. 21 22. 31 H. 6. c. 1. 3 Jac. c. 1 2. and in Chaloners and Tomkins case June 14. 1647. in the last Parliament of King Charles A Collection of Ordinances p. 200. to 206. but likewise by the Army Officers e e Their Remonstrance and Representation Aug. 2. 18. 1 7 Decem. 1647. Their Charge June 14. 1647. themselves yea the very ground-work of all the uncapabilities penalties sequestrations decimations forfeitures they have imposed on others for levying warre and adhering unto the late King against the Parliament which they but mediately and indirectly opposed and warred against but themselves immediately actually directly warred upon seised secured dissolved destroyed against their Trusts Commissions to defend both the Parliament and the Members of it from force and violence and therefore are the * * Their Instrument of Government art 14. 16. far greater Delinquents and uncapable to give any voice to elect any Members or to be elected or sit in the three next Parliaments by their own self-condemning Censures Declarations f f Article 14. 16. New instruments and Verdicts passed against others and by St Pauls own Verdict Rom. 2. 1 2 3. are inexcusable and shall not escape the judgement of God though they escape the sentence of all humane Tribunals for their offences of this nature 2. For the safety and liberty of their Persons these Army-Reformers have contrary to the Great Charter all other Fundamental Laws Statutes the Petition of Right it self and premised Votes in the Parliament of 3 Caroli in New-created Military Courts of Iustice impeached condemned executed not only the late King and sundry Nobles but likewise Knights Gentlemen and other Freemen of all rancks callings without any lawfull Inditement or Tryal by their Peers for offences not capital by our known Laws Forcibly apprehended by armed Troopers the Persons of Parliament-men Noblemen and others of all sorts imprisoned close-imprisoned them in remote Castles under armed Guards and translated them from one Castle to another and my self amongst others without any legall examination accusation hearing or cause expressed banished some and imprisoned others yea some of their own Military-Officers and greatest Friends in those forein Isles Castles whither the Prelates and Old Council-Table Lords banished me and my fellow-brethren heretofore without any legal Sentence imprisoned close imprisoned thousands at a time upon sudden carnal fears and jealousies unbeseeming Saints Christians or men professing so much faith confidence in God and such signal ownings both of their Persons and present Powers by God himself as they have done in publick or private from time to time and having an whole Army to guard them and dragging them out of their Houses beds in the night by Souldiers and shutting them up in inconvenient places banished multitudes from time to time from London and other parts for sundry months together confined others to certain places impressed thousands for Land and Sea-services and forein imployment as well Apprentices as others against their wills and carried them away perforce to and others from forein Plantations to the Indies where they have lost their limbs lives to the ruine of their families and Masters Degraded all our Nobles without any lawfull cause or hearing of all their personal hereditary Powers Trusts Commands Disfranchised disofficed Judges Justices Recorders Maiors Aldermen Common-council-men Freemen Servants and many such very lately even by Major Generals and their Deputies at their pleasures taking far more Authority upon them now in all places in this and other kinds than ever any Kings of England did in late or former ages And that which transcends all Presidents imprisoning Lawyers themselves as grand Traytors and Delinquents in the Tower of London only for arguing their Clients Cases according to their Oaths Duties in defence of their Common Fundamental personal Liberty and property when illegally committed for refusing to pay unjust Excises and Imposts without Act of Parliament in the late case of Mr. Cony and threatning to imprison others for prosecuting lawfull sutes when as the late King they beheaded for a Tyrant freely permitted my self and other Lawyers to argue the cases of Knighthood Loans Shipmony Imposts Tonnage and Poundage which so ●uch concerned him without imprisonment or restraint And are not these with the denying Habeas Corporaes to some stoping the returning or benefit of them when returned to others far greater Grievances Abuses which concern every Subject alike and strike at the Foundation of all our Liberties than any these Sword-men dislike or declame against in our Laws or Lawyers fit now to be redressed If any private person injure any Freeman in any of these kinds forementioned he may be remedied and recover dammages by an Action of the Case Trespass or false Imprisonment but being thus injured by our New Whitehall Grandees Swordmen Souldiers Committees Excise-men Major-Generals their Deputies or Deputy Deputies who all imprison dissranchise oppresse men at their pleasures which f f Fortescue c. 8. 1 H. 7. 46. 16 H. 6. Fitz. Monstran d' Faits 182. none of our Kings could do he is now left destitute of all relief or recompence by Law or ordinary course of Justice and imprisoned by Committees of Indemnity if he sue and forced to desist or release his action having no Lawyer who durst to plead his cause for fear of imprifonment nor Judge to release him for fear of displacing such is our present worse than Turkish Thraldom under these Grand Reformers of our Laws and New-found Guardians of our Liberties crying out aloud to Heaven and Earth for present redresse 3. For the Propriety of their Estates so fenced vindicated secured by the forecited Parliamentary Votes Acts and Petition of Right alas what is become of it Have not these Sword-Reformers forcibly disseised dis-inherited not only our Kings Nobles and other Officers of their Hereditary Honors Dignities Offices Franchises but likewise them and thousands more their Heirs Successors Wives Children Kinred of their Palaces Mannors Houses Lands Possessions Rents Revenues real and personal Estates without any other Law or Title but that of Theeves and Pirates Turks and * * See Purch ● Pilgrinage Bo. 6. c. 6. H●ylyns Microcosm Mamalukes the longest Sword Against not only all Laws of the Land