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A90227 The araignement of Mr. Persecution: presented to the consideration of the House of Commons, and to all the common people of England wherein he is indicted, araigned, convicted, and condemned of enmity against God, and all goodnesse, of treasons, rebellion, bloodshed, &c. and sent to the place of execution. In the prosecution whereof, the Jesuiticall designes, and secret encroachments of his defendants, Sir Symon Synod, and the John of all Sir Johns, Sir Jonh Presbiter, upon the liberty of the subject id detected, and laid open, / by yongue Martin Mar-Preist, son to old Martin the Metrapolitane. This is licensed, and printed according to holy order, but not entered into the Stationers monopole. Overton, Richard, fl. 1646.; Robinson, Henry, 1605?-1664?, 1645 (1645) Wing O620; Thomason E276_23; ESTC R209849 47,185 54

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let me humbly crave liberty to Challenge this Jury who though my Lord in all probability they be honest Gentlemen yet my breeding education nature and course of life is not so well known unto them as unto divers other Geentlemen of worth and quality here present indifferent men of far more esteem in the world more able to discerne my cause the evidence mine accusars shall bring Besides my Lord these men of the Jury are men possest with an inveterate hatred and malice against me and are parties in my Indictment for together with the Grand Inquest they conspired together against me and provoaked Gods-Vengance to prosecute against me now for me to be tryed by mine accusars and mortall enemies I hope your Lordship cannot conceive it equall or legall wherefore my Lord I beseech you have mercy upon me consider the blood of the innocent least it be a prey to the malice of envy and let more indifferent men be chosen Judge Persecution I much wonder at thy impudence in excepting against such a Jury yet so far as in equity I may I am willing for justice sake to grant the utmost the Law affords Prisoner I humbly thanke your Lordship the Lord blesse your Honour and I beseech your Honour for the assistance of Sir Symon Synod Judg Well then let Sir Symon be cal'd into the Court. Clarke Call Sir Symon Synod Crier Sir Symon Synod come into the Court. Judge Sir Symon if you can further his Majesties service in the proposall of others in the roome of those Persecution doth except against to Mr. Sherriffe to be impanneled you are commauded Sir Symon Synod My Lord since it is your Lordshids pleasure with the consent of this Honourable Bench that I shall be serviceable to him I shall most willingly propose to his consideracion persons of sufficient worth and estimation in the World that are not prejudiciall to the Person of the Prisoner neither are parties in his accusation indisserent men acquainted with his life and conversation able to discerne the evidence that shall be brought in again 〈◊〉 him men whom I shall commend unto your Lordships acceptance for soundnesse of judgment and singular Piety in the cause of the Cle●●y this being a matter which concernes them in an high nature wherefore by your Lordships favour I shall propose those if if no better can be procured to wit Mr. Satan Mr Antichrist Mr. Spanish Inquisition Mr. Councell-of-Trent Mr. High-Commission Mr. Ass●mbly-of-Divines Mr. Rude-Multitude Sr. John Presbyter mine only son Mr. Scotch Government Mr. F●●ls●-Prophets Mr. Ecclesiasticall-Supremacy Mr. Pontificall-Revenue These never sailed the designes of the Clergy who in all Ages have endevoured the Advancement of the Church of God the Tribe of Levi wherefore this being a Case that concernes their Advancement which above all things in the wo●ld is to be endevoured I am emboldned to propound them unto Mr. Sheriffe for the Tri●ll of this Prisoner Judge 〈◊〉 Simm this is a strange Jury you propose Justice Reason My Lord it is according to the nature of the Clergy can you expect Grapes of Thornes or Figges of Thistles if you shall but according to Reason consider of their Wa●es and Pretences which indeed beare a specious shew you shall find them no better then ravening Woolves in Sheepes Cloathing Justice Humanity My Lord it cannot stand with Humanity much lesse wich L●●a● Equity that a Case which concernes the generall good of mankind should be refer'd to the Verdict of such anhumane Jury Kings Ser. My Lord there be divers of them whom Royall Prerogative hath called in to his Assistance and at this day I conceive maketh use of them for the Establishing the Liberty of the Subject and the Protestant Religi● on so that for my part I cannot see how all of them can be condemned Kings Attorn My Lord a great part of them are Props to the Protestant Religion Justice Reason My Lord what though Royall Prerogative and the Protestant Religion should be founded upon them must they therfore be concluded Anthentick non sequitur and for the Liberty of the Subject though they may be used as a Glosse yet Reason will tell you that they are as directly opposite to it as the Zenith is to the Antipodes Judge Sr. Simon I cannot in Equity permit such unworthy Persons to be on the Jury only Mr. Assembly of Divines Sr. John Presbiter and Mr. Scotch-governement are commanded to attend the Court for the service of the King if occasion be Then the former Jury being sworne c. the Goaler is co 〈…〉 anded to set fortb PERSECUTION to the Barre Clar. PERSECUTION hold up thy hand Looke upon him Masters of the Jury hearken to his cause You shall understand that he stands indicted in this County of Just-judgment by the name of PERSECUTION c. Upon this Indictment he hath beene Arraigned and thereto hath pleaded not guilty and for his tryall hath put himselfe upon God and the Countrey which Countrey are you your Charge is to enquire whether he be guilty of this Treason murder c. in manner and forme as he stands Indicted or not guilty And heare your Evidence Crier If any man can give Evidence or can say any thing against the Prisoner let him come forth for the Prisoner stands upon his deliverance Clar. call Gods-Vengance Gaffar Christian Gaffar Martyrs Gaffar Lib. Cons Crier Gods-Vengance here Gaffar Christian here Gaffar Martyrs here Gaffar Lib. Cons come forth prosecute or you forfeite your Recognisance I cannot get in my Lord Sir Symon keeps me out O! murder murther my Lord. Judge What is the matter Lib. Cons My Lord Sir Symon Synod is like to pull out my throate with the revenous Clawes of an Assembly and Mr. Scotch-Government was fit to stab me with his Scotch dagger and the John of all Sr. Johns Sr. John Presbyter with his Classicall Club would beat out my braines For my Lord they are affraid I should come into your Honours presence least I should find entertainment in this Kingdome and so Mr. Pontificall-Revenue turne Seperate from the Church of England Crier Peace there every man keep silence upon paine of imprisonment make way there for Liberty-of-Conscience Jemmy put up thy dagger Sir Symon ●oe paire your nalles Sir John away with your Club that Liberty-of-Conscience may come into the Court. The Witnesses being come in they are sworne every one according to their knowledge to give in a true Evidence for the King against the Prisoner at the Barre Clar. Gods-Vengance stand up what can you say for the King against the Prisoner at the Bar GODS-VENGANCE My Lord I have from the beginning dilligently observed the Nature and inclinations of this Prisoner eve● to have been so averse to God and all goodnesse that his Actions in all Nations Kingdomes and St 〈…〉 s amongst Societyes and people have been in direct Enmity to the end of Christs comming for he came not to destroy mens Lives but to save them
4. con Trent lib. 5. p. 409. So that there can be no security for the Power of Majestracy where Ecclesiasticke vsurpation is predominant for the greater their Power is the the lesse powerfull is Majestracy wherefore I must needs consent to the equity of this Byll 3. Mr. Vnity-of-Kingdomes Mr. Foreman should I relate how through the divilish polecy and cruelty of this Persecution for conscience I have been banished from betwixt Kingdomes States and Provinces to their utter destruction in one an others ruine I should be unhappily too troblesome wherefore in short my verdict is concurrant with yours 4. Mr. Nationall-Strength Mr. Foreman I conceive that you cannot be unsensible that the Nationall strength of Kingdomes and People consists in the generall peace as severall members wisely compacted in the naturall skin of one politike body wherefore to foster this Malefactor amongst a people is to vender the strength of a Kingdome to ruine for he is a constant sower of division emulation hatred c. amongst them So that my verdict is not any wayes dissenting from your judgment Mr. Setled-Peace Mr. Foreman By reason of Persecution for conscience I can find no absolute acceptance in any Kingdome or Nation throughout Christendome For he so poysoneth all Nationall Pacifications Leagues and Covenants that their peace changeth with their Reigion so that their peace cannot be truly setled whererefore my verdici is concurrant 6. Mr. Humaine-Society Mr Foreman My verdict is what by experience you have all found that he hath not only set Kingdomes at variance but even sat bee against son and son against father one friend against an other and embrewes them in one an others blood to the destruction of all humaine society wherefore I conceive this Charge against him is according to equiry 7. Mr. Blood-of-Princes Mr. Foreman The blood of Kings Rulers and Governours the Treasons Designes and Conspiracies against their persons whereof History is full and whereto our Age is not wanting occasioned by Persecution enforces my verdict in approbation of the Byll against him 7. Mr. Vnited-Provinces Mr. Foreman Whosoever readeth the History of the Vnnited Prvinces and considereth their wonderfull preservation flourishing state and prosperity they enjoy notwithstanding their with waging of continuall warre with a forraigne Enemie may clearly perceive the great mercy of God vpon a Nation and People that in tender to the consciences one of an other exclude banish and extirpate Persecution out of their Territories wherofore I likewise consent to the equity of the Byll given in against him 8. Mr. Desolate-Germany Mr. Foreman Those that doubt of the truth of this Byll let them but looke upon the Germaine desolations depopulations warre famine and pestilence occasioned through papall supremacy over our consciences and he may receive full satisfaction of the equity of this Byll 9. Mr. Publique-good Mr. Foreman that which is destructive to the publique good is Treasonable and not to be suffered in a Common-wealth because it striketh at the Root and Foundation of Magistracy whose proper end is that all may lead a Quiet and Peaceable life under the publique Protection But this Fellow Persecution diverteth the publique good from the Generality to this or that Sort to this or that prevailing Faction so that where or in what State soever he is Predominate there is an impossibility of an equall enjoyment of the publique good but even the better sort such as stand for the good of others as well as their owne and have hazarded their lives for the publique good against the common Enemy as Anabaptists Brownists c. are by him deprived of the publique Liberty and Freedome of the Subject for which they have engaged Estate and Life Therefore Mr. Foreman my Verdect upon the Bill is BILLA VERA 0. Nationall-wealth Mr. Foreman that which is the Ruine of Nationall Wealth is destructive to the very Being and continuance of Nations Kingdomes and States for it bringeth Devastation and Depopulation thereof and so not to be suffered But this Persecution for Conscience stirreth up Warres and Bloodshed in Nations Kingdomes and States which consumeth their Wealth devoureth their Fruit burneth and destroyeth their Cities Townes and Villages and throweth all into a Wildernesse Therefore Mr. Foreman you have my consent to the verity of this Byll Foreman Gentlemen we have spent much time and our verdict is expected if you 12. Mr. Civill-Government and Mr. 13. Domesticke-Miseries be agreed with us in your verdict there remaineth nothing but the endorsment hereof with Billa-Vera Ambo Wee are agreed with you This past the Grand Jury give in their verdict or Inditement endorsed with Billa vera whereby the Malefactor Persecution is made a lawfull prisoner to be brought forth to the Barre and to be put upon the Jury of life and death Whereupon the Clarke the month of the Court commands the Goaler to set forth Persecution to the Barre The Goaler sets forth Persecution to the Barre The Indictment Clar. Persecution Hold up thy Hand and heare thy Indictment Perse-secution 〈◊〉 standest Indicted in this County of Just-Judgment by the name of Persecution late of the Towne of Tyranny in the County of Martyrdome by Gods-Vengance of the Towne of Impartiallity in the County of Just-Judgment That thou art an enemy to God and all goodnesse a Traytor to Kings and Princes their persons Crownes and Dignities divider of them one against an other and of Kingomes and people in themselves and that thou art guilty of the warre and bloodshed at present in this Land yea almost of all the blood of the whole earth from the blood of righteous Abell unto the blood of these present times contrary to the peace of our Soveraigne Lord the King his crowne and dignity How 〈◊〉 thou Persecution art thou guilty of this Treason Rebellion and bloodshed in manner and forme as thou standest Indicted or not guilty Pris Not guilty Clar. By whom wilst thou be tryed Pris By God and my Countrey Then an Impannell being returned the Clarke saith You good men that are Impanneled between our Soveraigne Lord the King and the prisoner at the Barre answer to your names at the first call upon paine and perill that may fall thereon They all answer to their names Clar. Cryer make Proclamation Cryer o yes If any man can informe my Lord the Kings Justices the Kings Sergeant or the Kings Atturney before this Inquest be taken between our Soveraigne Lord the King and the prisoner at the Barre let them come forth and they shal be heard for the prisoner stands at the Barreupon his deliverance Clar. You the prisoner that is called to the Bar these men which you have heard called and personally appeare shall passe between our Soveraigne Lord the King and you upon tryall of your life and death if you will challenge them or any of them you must speake unto them or any of them as they come to the Booke to be sworne before they be sworne Prisoner My Lord
her errours This is the service this PERSECUTION doth instead of building he destroyed instead of saving he danneth under the colours of Christ he figliteth for the Divell his Master Thirdly my Lord his nature is at direct emnity against the very command Christ gave unto the Apostles in the Generall Commission Goe teach all Nations c. Mat. 28. 19. where teaching not violent compulsion is constituted and once for ever ordained she meanes and only way for conversion to the faith of Jesus in all Nations Now compulsion and perswation all know are directly opposite as much as to will and to nill So that the command of the one by the Authority of the Father the Son and the Spirit is a flat denyall of the other by the same Authority For here vec 1920. by full power of that Authority Teaching is commanded as teach all Nations c. teaching them to observe all things what ever I have commanded c. Therefore all violence as by monaces threates imprisonments bodily punishments spayling of goods and such like cruelties of this tyrant is condemned in all Nations as a meanes for no Nation in the Administration of the Gospell Fourthly my Lord this Adversaries practice and the Discipline of this old envi●us malignant wretch here justly arigned before your Honour is quite contrary to the Apostles in their Administration of the Gospell for they did r● e● suggest or stirre up any Prince or Majestrate in whose hand is the compulsive civill power to force such by violence of pepall I awes Edicts Ordinances Imprisonments or she like as would not suject unto their Gospell but on the contrary gave up themselves to seorgings imprisonments sthning c. which this Enemie occasioned against them for the promulgat on thereof And the worst that they did or were commanded to doe to such as would not receive the Gospell was but to shake off the dust from their feete 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luke 10. 11. Acts 13. 51 which was nothing so ill as this Beind's fire and faggot burning hanging froning storging imprisoning c. whose nature hath ever been is alwayes versant in such crueltios and yet my Lord this spawne of Satin this malitious Hyprocise doth all under the vizour of Religion his wool feish nature is never seen abroad but in sheeps clothing in nomine Domini he perpatrates all his villany So that my Lord he is a most dangerous invererate Antichrist's and Archetraytour to his Majesty the King of Kings his royall Crowne and Dignity and in invadour and destroyer of the just Liberies the lives and fortunes of his Majesties leige people Fiftly my Lord it is against the Law of Charity not to do ●as we would be done unto He that hangs a Jew because he will not be a Christian would be ●●ath●a Jew should reward him in the same kind because he will not be a Jew though in equity he deserve it for innocent blood requireth blood Yea my Lord to forcemen and women against their consciences is world then to ravish the bodies of womena and Maides against their wills Yea it is beyond the Turkish cruelty for though the Turkes force the bodies of Christians and Strangers to slavery yet they let their conscience goe free But our late Idol blood-sucking Bishops and after them our ravenous Presbiters as towardly younge Cubbes for beare not to force the consciences of their freinds and neighbours and imprison them for walking after the light God hath given them And my Lord it is this Malefactaur which rendereth them so guilty Yea my Lord this Foule Spirit breathed into them at their Consacration is not yet cast out of them which like a roaring Lion seeketh whome it may devoure So that if your Lordships justice doe not spoedely interpose the bloody resolves and villanous intents of our new upstart frisking Presbyters we shall be all devoured by those greedy Synodian Cor●●rants which if you suffer Wee then to your Lordship in the latter Day for be assured that all the miseries tortures and torments they inflict upon us will not only rise up in judgment against them but even against your Lordship Sixtly my Lord he us●●peth that to himselfe which Christ hath referred to the Last Day to wit to judge them that reject him for John 12. 47. 48. If any man hear my words and beleive not I judge him not for I came not to judge the World but to save the World he that rejecteth me and receivetb not my words hath one that judgeth him the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him at the last day 1. Cor. 4. 5. Judge nothing before the time untill the Lord come and Mat. 7. 1. 2. Judge not least yee be judged for with what judgement yee judge yee shall be judged c. and to these adde Isa 11. 4. Therefore no man upon paine of judgement must presume to judge any in respect of Christ or his words but must referre it to the last day whose word shall judge him and not Fire and Faggot Hanging and Quartering Imprisoning c. such are incompetent Judges for to this end Christ both died and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and the living Let us not therfore judge one another any more but judge this rather that no man put a stumbling Blocke as an occas●on of fall in his brothers way for Who art thou that judgest another mans servant to his owne master he standeth or falleth Rom. 14. 4. We are not equall Judges one over another in matters of Faith Who is it that shall condemne it is Christ that dyed What is he that shall dare to execute Vengence for unbeleefe He that is innocent let him throw the first stone The Assembly surely will not plead Innocence and if not why are they so ha●y to throw Surely Great is Diana of the Ephesians Yet Mr. Calamy a man but newly Metamorphosed by a figure which we Rhetoricians call METONOMIA BENEFICII from Episcopallity to Pres●ytery upon demand what they would doe with Anabaptists Antinomians c. tells us That they will not m●ddle with their Consciences but with their Bodyes and Estates Truly if this be the drift they are even leapt out of the Frying 〈◊〉 into the Fire If they be fallen this is not to restore them with the Spirit of meeknes But my Lord Justice upon this Malefactour would cure the Synodians of that Disease for Patience per force is a Medicine for a madde Dogge And thus my Lord your Honour hath my Testimony of this Malefactour Clar. GAFFAR MARTYRS What can you say for the King against the Prisoner at the Barre MARTYRS My Lord Had not my life been hid in Jesus Christ who is God of the living and not of the dead for though dead in the grave yet I live unto him to be raised and revived at the last day or could the arme of flesh suppresse the cry of blood my witnesse would have been dis●●abled for this Malefacteur
And besides this my Lord to testisie what I have said to be anthenticke there are hand reds 〈◊〉 the mickle Armie whose absence have occasioned this his inability to justifie and cleare himselfe but if your Lordship please but to adjcu●●e the busines but till their mickle Advance into the South the matter shall be made cleare unto your Honour for then we make no question to awe and crush those Hereticall false witnesses and advance Presbytry to its super Prelaticall Throne of CLASSICALL SUPREMACY and though at first it be but jure H 〈…〉 no a little five and faggot will quickly Commence it jure divino J. Reass My Lord I am much affraid of a Conspiracy betwixt Sir Symon and Sir Iohn Presbyter with Justice Confomity whome like an Ignora●us they have perswaded into their Combination how to delude your Lordship thereby to deliver PERSECUTION from the justice of this Court You may easily perceave how they would pinch your Lordships Nose with a paire of Scotch-Spectacles and fixe a paire of long Synodian Eares unto your Lordships head that your Lordship might see nothing but Blew Caps heare nothing but Synodian Thunder but I hope your Honour is thoroughly sensible hereof yet least your Lordships Innocency and honest endeavoures for the generall and equall Rights and Liberties of the Common People should be circumvented and perverted by their policie I shall hoping my plaine dealing meerly I call God to witnesse out of unfeigned love unto your Honour and the common Good of all the Common People shall not be recompensed with your High Displeasure present the cunning insu●●uations and subtile fictions of Justas Conformity in their true shape for whereas he saith that this presont Prisoner is not the person indicted and convicted of Treason Rebellion c this being but a yong●●e man the other very old I can assure your Lordship that he is herein meerly delusive for the man is the very same only through the advise of Sir JOHN he hath made use of a Presbyterian Barber who hath shaven from his head his old deformed Tresses cropt of his haire above the eares after the halfe moon fashion taught him the Presbyterian posture of his eyes plaistered up the wrinkles of his bended brow with Scotch morter whereby he hath acquired a more smooth Synodian countenance but in a small time if he be let alone he 'l be as terrible and frightfull as ever for his pritty small Pegges that he speakes off your L. is therein misinformed for the Farrier that rearched his mouth was a Presbytere●● Horse Doctour prepared on purpose by yongue Sir JOHN for that very end who discovered to your 〈◊〉 only the upper part of his fore teeth whereas were his mouth but searched by an Independant Farrier he would discover besides those in the hinder part of his Classicall Jawes his Great Iron Fangs as great and terrible as those spoaken of by Daniell cap. 7. 7. And as for the good service Justice Conformity mentioned that be performed in his Roade from Scatland to London It was so good that the Prisoners there care for no more of his goodnesse for if he mumble us thus with his yongue small Presbyterian Pegges what bloody massacrie what cruell crushing of bones rending tearing and devouring of flesh must we expect if your Lordship permit him the use of his dreadfull devouring Tuskes his huge monsterous iron Fangs but I hope your Lordship will first grant him the favour of an Independant Tooth-drawer and then wee shall not greatly feare his Gun●●es And concerning the Mickle Armie my Lord you may perceive how they would bind your hands from the execution of justice by the force of Armes as though the wisedome of this Court were to be inslaved to such sinister respects my Lord it is highly dere●atory to your Honour and here are sufficient English Evidence to prove this old seducer to be PERSECUTION himselfe as hath been manifest before your Honour let not the people be thus depriv'd of justice they did not in chusing your Lordship to this place wherein you are intend the makeing of themselves slaves in any the least kind to Synods Sir Johns force of armes or the like or to put themselves at so vast a distance as to make their addresses to you as to some Dietie but in their chusing of you authorised and entrusted you to vindicate and preserve their native and just Liberties in generall yea and common to them with your selfe therefore you cannot without betraying this Trust by any coersive power subject any of their consciences persons or estates to any Ecolesiasticall Jurisdiction whatsoever And now seeing this vile person at the Barre hath been legally indicted araigned and convicted and thereby found an Arch enemio and Traytour to the peoples common Liberty and Safety Judgement and Execution ought forthwith to passe upon him accordingly that this Hypocritical Pharisie this blood-thirsty Catiffe this Long Gown'd M 〈…〉 ntebanke with his spirituall delusions may no longer cheate the world as he hath done Hereupon the Court proceedeth to Judgment Iudge Make Proclamation Crier O yes every man keep silence c. Judge With much patience this Coure hath heard the severall pleaes betwixt PERSECUTION and LIBERTY-OF-CONSCIENCE u●●sd on both sides having seriously weighed the same in the Ballance of equity hath found PERSECUTION and his Abettours with all their Pleas too light even meere subtile alrie and empty delusions It is therefore the Sentence of this Court concerning Sir Symon and Sir John Presbyter who have thus Iesuitically endeavoured to pervert the justice of this Court by their false their subtile and Trayterous su●●stions in the behalf of this notorious bloody Malefactour PERSECUTION that Sir SIMON be committed close Prisoner to King Henry the eigh●●s Chappell there to be kept in Parliamentory safe custody till the GREAT ASSISES held in the first yeare of the RAIGNE of our Soveraigne Lord CHRIST when the Kingdom and the greatnes of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven shal be given to the Saints of the most High there and then to be Araigned with the rest of his Holy Tribe whether Vniversall Nationall Provinciall or Consistoriall Counsels or Synods whatsoever before his Highnesse the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS I. Reas And my Lord in the meane time to keep his Holinesse in action I beseech your Honour that he may Synodicate a full Resolution to these enfuing Queries 1. Whether it doth not as much conduce to the Subjects Liberty still to be subjected to Episcopall usurpation as to be given over to Presbyterian cruelty 2. Whether it would not been more profitable for the Kingdome of England to have forthwith hired a Coach and twelve Horses to have set a Directory from Scotland then to have spent the learned consultations pi●us debates and sacred conclusions of such an holy such a reverend such an heavenly such a godly such a learned such a pious such a grave such a wise such a sollid such a discreete
Zeall of forcing all to beleive as we beleive extinct Nationall Feares Jelousies and Hatred would cease betwixt Nation and Nation people and people for as this violent Implacable Spirit suggesteth Feares and Jelousies betwixt one Conscience-forcing King and an other Kingdome Kingdome Nation Nation ●oit forceth them to draw their swords and standin continuall Defiance Defence for feare of mutuall Invasion Yea under a false Opinion of advancing Gods glory by forcing others to their faith they invade assult and murther one an other and yet both deluded by this Seducer thinke they doe God good service when alas it is all innocent blood that is shed What was the maine cause so many Nations have been rent and divided in themselves and one against an other and in their divisions devoured one an other of late dayes What occasioned the revolt of the Germaine Princes from the House of Austrea of the Neitherlandess from the King of Spaine the bloody Maskery in France And amongst our selves what occasioned the rising of the Scots the Rebellion in Ireland and those bloody divisions in England but this divelish Spirit of binding the conscience One would compell the other to their faith and force them from their owne and that will not be borne they had rather dye then deny their faith and therefore is it that a considerable party rebelleth and in that Rebellion wallow in one an others blood bume and destroy all before them and yet both as they suppose sight the Lords battell while indeed the Divell beareth the greatest share whose servants they are in that Quarrell owe as well as the other Doth not the Holy Ghost make it it a speaciall Marke of Antichrist to force all both great and small c. and is it not the cause of the Womans flight inter the Wildernes from the presence of the Dragon the scattering of the Church into Desarts and secret places the Death of the two Witnesses and wearing out of the Saints of the most High How cometh the Woman on the scarlet coloured Beast drunke with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of the Martyes of Jesus and all the blood of the Earth to be found in her but by this divelish Spirit even the Spirit of Divels which goeth forth unto the Kings of the Earth and of the whole world to provoake them to warre against the Saints I meane this binding of conscience and forceing consormity though never so much against knowledge and perswat●● of heart which at this day is so hotly endeavoured preached and pleaded for by the proud Prelaticall Presbytrie of this Land who by their subtile insinnations and secret delusions endeavour the infusion thereof into the hearts of their Rulers and to beget it as a principle of faith in the multitude Should they possesse a Parliament and Kingdome with this Spirit that Parliament and Kingdom cannot expect peace and safety to continue the fire may be smoohered for a time but it wili breake out at last as this Kingdome hath already fonnd by woefull experience the blood of its Nobles and Commons c. whereof my Lord this infernall Feind here araigned before your Honor a Trator to his Majesties Crown and Dignity the Priviledges of Parliament Rights Lib of the Subject is the cause Yea my Lord he is Jakes on both sides in was he that occasioned the feares and jealousies betwixt his Majesty and the two Houses of Parliament and unhappily drew them into the Feild of Blood neither party would be oppressed in Conscience or deprived of their Religion this was one halfe of the Quarrell and publikely professed the main though it may be Monarchie was the other halfe and my Lord he seduced the King into the North and provoaked your Lordship unto Armes and hath continued to this day firmely on both sides so that fall which side it will he concludes to be Conquerer and be established absolute Monarke for he so deports himselfe betwixt you both that both may persecute and hitherto he hath too much prevailed with your Lordship Therefore my Lord if this vile Incendiary here happily detected and araigned be not cut off from betwikt you there is no hopes of peace till the sword and it may be samine and pestilence too wrestle it out to a Conquest on one side and when all is done yet peace will not nor can possibly long endure for where Persecution is there wil be heart burnings envyings emnlations and murmurings which at length will breake out into Commotions Conspiracies Insurrections and Rebellions And thus my Lord I give place to what shall be further evidenced by the Witnesses Clar. GAFFAR CHRISTIAN stand up what can you say for the King against the Prisoner at the Barre CHRISTIAN My Lord I have knowne this man by woefull Experience well high 1644 yeares and my brethren of old the Prophets bare witnesse against him unto the day of my Nativity that he was in their times the most Pestilent Enemy to Mankind to God and all Goodnesse that ever was borne in to the World and my Lord I am able to prove his continuance in that cursed Condicion oven unto this day so that he hath lived and scaped the hands of Justice above 5660 yeares and all his dayes hath been a Murderer and Butcher of good men yea scarce any consider it Secondly my Lord this Prisoner PERSECUTION for Conscience maketh the Gospell of none effect in stead of Sincerity he setteth up Hyprocricy instead of the Feare of God he setteth up the Torrour of men instead of the Simplicity of the Word he setteth up the Vsurpation of the Sword for my Lord the compelling of men against their Consciences enforceth such Inconveniences and Impieties inevitably Yea my Lord of such a Divelish Spirit is this Enemy of as he exalteth himselfe against the Mercy of God in Christ toward the Sonnes of men to the very prevention thereof to Multitudes and the tumbling of them head long without remorse to the Divell for they that are blind they that are Tares who knowes but they may see may become Wheate heereafter but if they be cut off as this mercilesse Inhumane Miscreant useth for their blindnesse how shall they see for Isa 38. 19. The Grave cannot praise thee they that goe down into the Pit cannot hope for thy Truth Blasphemers may hereafter become faithfull Witnesses of Christ Act. 3. 3. 9. 5. 6. Idolaters true Worshippers no people of God the people of God as the Corinthians 1 Cor. 6. 9. some come at the first third sixt some not till the eleventh 〈◊〉 Mat. 20. 6. but should those that are in their sins till the II. houre be cut off because they came no sooner they should have been prevented from conversion or coming at all as godly King Edward moved by his bloody Bishops to the burning of a godly Woman called John Butcher Fox Act. Mon. p. 1784 answered Will you have me send her quicke to the Divell in
PERSECUTION persecuted me even to the death so that my voyce is no other then the cry of blood even of the Prophets and Martyrs of Jesus that you heare for my Lord such hath been his cruelty to me to suppresse my Testimony against him while I was living that all the tortures and tormen● wit and malice could invent he with his blood-thirsty Clergy devised against and executed upon me whereby I was most baberously murthered so that my Lord I have no other voyce left me then that of blood split for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus crying with a loud voyce how long O Lord holy and true dost thou not avenge our blood I could enlarge my selfe into a Sea of blood against him discover him drunken with the blood of the Saints and Martyres of Jesus yea my Lord Articles of all manner of impiety against God and all goodnesse Treasons Rebellions c. I could exhibite against him but my faithfull brother that pore despised CHRISTIAN hath most justly witnessed abundantly against him And there is yet an other faithfull Witnesse to give in his Evidence Gaffar LIBERTY-OF-CONSCIENCE who I know is thoroughly furnished with matters of highest concernement against him to whose just Evidence I shall give place Clar. Gaffar LIBERTY-OF-CONSCIENCE what can you say for the King against the Prisoner at the Barre Prisoner My Lord before he proceed be pleased to heare the just exceptions Sir Symon Synod and Sir John Presbyter after their so long and serious consultation have devised and contrived why his Testimony should not be heard as an unsit Witnesse in such a case as this Justice Reas My Lord if Baal be God let him plead for himselfe Judge And reason good For the judgment of this Court is not to be swayed by favour affection humour of multitudes or the like but by Reason and equity it selfe Wherefore for the more free and just proceding herein this Court Ordaineth and Proclameth freedome for both sides one as well as the other whether Presbyterian Tormentoi●●s or Independant Sufferers to give in their grounds and reasons to the Sentence of this Court whether LIBERTY-OF-CONSCIENCE be tollerable and his Evidence to be received Wherefore Sir Symon if you have any thing why this mans witnesse may be di●●nabled you have liberty to speake Sir SYMON SYNOD My Lord this fellow LIBERTY-OF-CONSCIENCE 〈◊〉 a Free-willer a loose Libectine one that opens a gate to all manner of prophanes in what Countrey or State soever he gets intertainement a man of all Religions and of no Religion a compound of all heres●es scisme and faction a prestelent enemie to Nationall Conformity our late Solemne League and Covenant a Tratour to your late sacred and blessed Ordinance for Tythes a worke of Superarrogation a Confuter of our mighty Champions Mr. Priune Edwards c. He is for no Reformation but strives to frustrate all my endeavours and the pious ends of the rest of my holy brethren of the Tribe of Lev● for the advancement of the Church God the Clergie of the Land with ecclesiasticall Revennue and power coercive to curbe opposition and force Reformation to Presbyterian Governement yea my Lord this is he that would reduce the Nationall Reformation of this Kingdome so much endeavoured by your Lordship even to open loosensse every man to be of what Religion he li●● every mecannioke illiterate fellow to turne Preacher and be as good as their Minister no distinction made betwixt the Clergie and the Laity our Canonicall Coates Girdles long Cloakes and Blacke Gowno● made a dirision a taunt and a curse as ominous as Lawne sleeves and as hatefull as a Miter our holy Tythes as of Lambe Pigge Goose c. be turned into voluntary Contribution oh insufferable sacraledge from the good will of the people good Lord preserve us yea my Lord the upper hand in publike places the Clergies delight as in streets 〈◊〉 feasts c. be deny'd us the reverent estimation of our Coate be past either Cap Congue or Curtsey no difference betwixt the Black Cassocke and the L●●thr●n Jacket and all our goodlyfat Benefices turnd to the labour of our hands alas my Lord we were never brought up to labour we cannot digge and to begge we are asham'd our delusions false Glosses Sophistications and godly pretonces be detected and divulged and so all things that are dainty and goodly to depart from us alas alas my Lord this will undoe the Clergie quite we may leave our Callings ●nd learne new Trades if we turne Coblers Tinkers and Weavers we may ●hance get constant worke if not now and then a job of preaching amongst the people Consider my Lord it will put out the two eyes of the Kingdome Much more I could say but I shall give way to my Son Sir John who by your Lordships favour shall further informe this Court in the defence of this Prisoner Judge Well Sir Symon this being a busines of high concernment either what you or your Sir John or what any man else can say in the behalfe of his Majesty concerning the Prisoner this Court freely permitteth yea commandeth Information thereof Clar. Call Sir John Prosbyter sonne to Sir Symon J. Rea● Magus Crier Sir John Presbyter sonne to Sir Symon come into the Court. Judge Sir John your Father hath informed us that you have matter of exception against LIBERTY-OF-CONSCIENCE if you have the mercy of the Court permiteeth the Prisoner the benefit thereof Sir JOHN PRESBYTER My Lord My Reasons against LIBERTY-OF-CONSCIENCE why both himselfe and his Evidence is to be rejected are these 1. Because I suppose 〈◊〉 must needs be granted that the Majestrate is Edwards Antipol p●g 280. ●ustos a● vindex vtriusque Tabulae as is confessed by all Orthodox Divines that the care of Religion belongs to him And because Austin and other Divines on Psal 2. 10. 11. and on D●●t 17. 19. give unto Magestrates that power Ergo J. Reas States-men must weare Bells about their neckes because antient Divines say Kings are but Packe-horses to the Clergie 2. Because in this Kingdome the Reformation in Worship Government c. which shal be setled and established by your Lordship is judged and taken pag. 281. for granted by you to be according to the mind of Christ else why hath your Lordship called so many able godly and learned Divines of us to consult with for that purpose and why else will you establish it if there be any other more agreable to the Word Ergo. J. Reas The Synod is guided by the Holy Ghost sent in a Cloake-bag from Scotland as of old from Rome to the Councell of Trent Goncil Trent l. 6 p. 497. 3. Because it is against the solemne League and Covenant for Reformation taken by the Parliament and Kingdome of England and Scotland and pag. 282. 283. so cannot be condescended to in England without the breach of that Oath and Covenant So that all Apollogie and motion for Toleration comes too
deliver me Judge PERSECUTION what would'st thou have here 's no place of mercy for thee the Vengance of God cannot be dispens'd with thou art not in the High Commission nor before the Assembly this is a Court where justice must take place Pers Oh my Lord I beseech your Lordship for the mercy of this honourable Bench My Lord I am a Clergie man and beseech your Honour for the benefit of my Clergie I have been of all the Vniversities of Christendom have taken all their Degrees proceeded through all Ecclesiasticall Orders and Functions and my Lord at present am under the Holy Order of Presbytrie and I hope a Presbyter shall find favovr in your eyes Wherefore I beseeth you my Lord that I may have the benefit of Degration Judge PERSECUTION be contented you shall be sent to the place of Degradation Pers Oh Good my Lord let not a Presbyter come to so shamefull an end I beseech this Honourable Bench that I may be repreeved but as long as the Synod and Presbytrie endure Judge No PERSECUTION such is thy Treason Rebllion c. as cannot be dispensd with Pers Oh my Lord a psalme of mercy I besoech your Honour a psalme of mercy Judge No PERSECUTION no prepare to heare thy Sentence Hereupon this ensuinge Letter was privately conveyed to Justice Conformity To the right worshipfull Iustice Conformity all blessing and benedictition from his Holynesse Sir SYMON and his Son Sir IOHN Right worshipfull Tese are to adjure you as you will Answer it before VS at the great and dreadfull DAY of OUR Classicall exaltation above all persons in the Kingdome that you forthwith sollicite my Lord to suspend his Sentence but till the advance of the mickle Armie into the South for then we feare not the procurement of his plenary pardon and for your encouragement herein last night my Son Jacke and I went into our Presbyterian ware-house and have taken a list of all the Instruments of torture and torment already prepared for our Designe to wit triple knotty corded whips Gagges Pillories Stockes Sharpe Knifes Pincers hot burning Irons Halters Gallowes Gybbets Rackes Spits Fine-forkes Gridirons Axes Sawes Fleshhookes firery Furnaces hot Ovens boyling Caldrons Fire and Faggot close Prisons darke and noysome Dungeons Fetters Manaeles all in abundance most bloody and cruell Executioners terrible and Divilish Tormentours as Presbyterian Hangmen Goalers c. besides multitudes of Synodean Tyranies newly invented not yet discovered to the people such as never either by Pope Bishop on their adherents were devised and though we have prepared those Divelish Instruments yet we shall not be so indiscreet to rush them in all on a suddaine no we shall observe the temper of the people the course of times make a graduall progression now a little and then a little and alwayes a most godly and holy pretence to usher in a damnable and wicked designes if in the paysing a businesse wee find it so he avy that neither Synod Divell nor Presbyter can lift we 'll suspend the matter and insensibly prepare the people for the entertainment thereof which by our vaine-glorious fasting hypocriticall teares prayres and suphisticall Serimans we shall easily doe And for your further encouragement understand there are of certaine from a late Consistorie of Divels dispatched seaven foule Spirits a pecce for every Presbyter throughout England to attend them in their Parochiall Jurisdiction so that a Presbyter shall be seaven times worse then a Bishop for it is intended he shall be more fearce and cruell then his followes therefore Woe Woe unto those Anabaptists Brownists c. those cursed Heretickes for those presbyterian Feinds expect but the word of commaund to dovoure them up But Mr William all this will come to nothing if this Prisoner be put to death you see those Sectaries have had such freedome of speech that my Son Jacke and I can doe no good now there being not such a considerable person in this County as your self to prevaile WEE therefore charge you as your hope to be a Judge faile not at this dead lift for your Eares indeed he 's in your debt but he vowes by your fiat justitia that if you prevaile he 'll provide you a paire of better and longer then ever you had Hereof faile not and we shall not be backward to answer your deserts when WE and the parliament shall be Commenced by Your intire Freinds Sir SYMON SYNOD and Sir JOHN PRESBYTER J. Conformity My Lord were your Lordship but rightly informed concerning this Prisoner under the name of Mr. PERSECUTION what he is and from whence he came your Honour would lesse wonder at his severall ●●ations and dilatory pleaes to award the Sentence of death for were he guilty what would not a man doe for his life skin for skin and all that a i● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 will be give for his life but such is his innocency that the proceedings against him have been altogether upon false grounds for whereas by the Evidence he is asserted to be born soon after the time of Innocency and by them ●●andeth charged with all the Innocent blood spilt upon the whole earth I shall by your Lordships favour upon good grounds make it appeare to be otherwise for my Lord this prisoner is not yet above an 100. yeares of age being borne in Geneva of very good Lutheran and Calvenish parentage about the yeare 1544. where he was very well educated and instructed both in the Tongues and Liberall Sciences and upon a certaine time going to Sea he was by a great wind raised by Belg●bub the Prince of Divels blowne into Scotland And being so neare us forth of his zeale and pious affection to reforme the Church of the Eiscopall Prelacy to Presbyterian he occasioned the rising of the Scots as one man to oppose that power against which ever since he hath contested and he lately advanced with their mickle Armie to the Leagure before Yorke and for all this he received many an affront by Gronewels scismaticall Brigade and from thence taking his joyrney through Derby Stafford Coventry and Cambridge where performing much good service he came to London since whose coming old Grand Mr. PERSECUTION charged in the Indict●●ent and convicted by the Jurie was happily and timely executed uppon Tower Hill by all which it appeareah that the Witnesses that have given in Testimony against this prisoner the Gentleman at the Bu● have greatly abused him your Lordship and the Jurie he not being the person charged and consequently innocent of the crimes laid to his charge he being Indeed as reall an adversary to Old Mr. PERSECUTION as any Gentleman of this whole County hereof if your Lordship make any doubt I beseech you that a Farrier may be called into the Court who may make a perfect discovery to your Lordship of his age by opening his mouth and vewing his Teeth whose yongue small Presbyterean Pegges have no proportion betwixt the Great Twangs and Boarish Tuskes of Old Mr. PERSECUTION
Die Saturni Apr. 6. 1645. It is Decreed and Ordained by the reverend Assembly of Divines now assembled in holy Convocation that Dr. Burgesse and Mr. Edwards doe returne thankes unto the worthy Authour of this Treatise intituled The Araignement of Persecution for his pious endevoures and vigilant care he hath taken therein at the intreaty of this Synod And it is further Ordained that they doe desire him to print and publish the said Treatise forthwith and that it be commended to the people as a divine Hand-Maide to the right understanding of the Directory And it is yet furcher Decreed and Ordained that none shall presume to print or reprint the said Treatise but whome he shall authorize under his own hand writing till this most Holy Synod shall take furuther Order Scribes Henry Roborough Adoniran Byfeild I appoynt my Cozen MARTIN CLAW-CLERGIE Printer to the reverend Assembly of Divines and none else to Print this Treatise Yongue MARTIN MAR-PREIST THE Araignement OF Mr. PERSECUTION Presented to the CONSIDERATION OF THE HOUSE OF COMmons and to all the COMMON PEOPLE of England WHEREIN HE IS INDICTED ARAIGNED CONVICTED AND CONdemned of emnity against God and all Goodnesse of Treasons Rebellion Bloodshed c. and sent to the place of Execution In the prosecution whereof the Jesuiticall Designes and secret Encroachments of his Dfendants Sir SYMON SYNOD and the JOHN of all Sir JOHNS Sir JONH PRESBITER upon the Liberty of the Subject is detected and laid open By Yongue MARTIN MAR-PREIST Son to old MARTIN the Metrapolitane This is Licenced and printed according to Holy Order but not Entered into the Stationers Monopole Anglia MARTINIS disce savere tuis EUROPE Printed by MARTIN CLAW CLERGIE Printer to the Reverend Assembly of Divines and are to be sould at his Shop in Toleration Street at the Signe of the Subjects Liberty right opposite to Persecuting Court. 1645. TO THE REVEREND LEARNED THE PROLOcutor Assossors the Commissioners of the Church of Scotland and the rest of the venerable Assembly of Divines now sitting in holy Convocation at Westminster Reverend Sirs According to my duty at your divine entreaty I have reduced those pious instructions received from you into such a pleasing forme as I hope shall not only affect but abundantly edefie the people of this Kingdome under your holy Jurisdiction for considering your spirituall care over them and how your time hath been taken up wholy in the procurement of that sacred Ordinance for Tythes wisely thought on before the Directory for he is an Infidell and denyeth the faith that doth not provide for his family your late humble Advice digested into severall Assertions your sore travill and paine you have daly ever since your holy Convocation undergon to bring to birth his Holynesse Sir JOHN PRESBYTER and other your toylesome endeavours for the Henone of your holy cloth I have therefore more willingly become your Joyrnoman to ease your Burthen in this your toylesome time of Deformation and having thus prepar'd my endeavoures fit for the puolike vew I am emboldned to Dedicate them unto your divine protection not doubting of the sacred imposition of your hands upon them to sanctifie them unto the people as truly Presbyterean that comeing forth with your Classicall Authority they may obtaine a reverent estimation with them And seeing I have made such a happy beginning I doubt not of an answerable encouragement from you to proceed as I have begun but a small matter will please MARTIN if you sanctifie him with the Benediciae of a Cornelian Benefice of 400. l. per annum to knocke downe the Anabaptsts Brownists c. with your thumping bumping Presbyterean Classicall CLUB that shall suffice pro tempore and withall to gratifie him with the De me of Pauls House that 's but a small matter it will become his worship very well for the present and afterwards you may doe as it shall seem best to your divine wisedomes aeeording to his best deservings therein he is a singular man in such a busines and wants nothing but preforment you doe not thinke neither doth it enter into your hearts how reverend Yongue MARTIN can thunder-thump the Pulpit O he can staer most devnitly raile and bawle most fervently storme most tempestiously even till be foame at mouth most precisely Oh how be can spetter't out O these caused Anabaprists these wicked Brownists these Hecetickes these Scismatickes these Sectaries O MARTIN hath it at his fingers end ha's an Vniversity man skild in the Tongues and Sciences and can sophistioue any Text O he is excellent at false Glosses and Scholasticke Interpretations he can wrest the Scriptures most nearly tell the people it is thus and thus in the Originall an excellent man to make a Presbyter and O Bretheren if MARTIN thus delude the people thrash those Hereticks in hope sure MARTIN shall be partaker of his hope you will not muzle the oxe that trendeth out your corne no MARTIN hath better esteeme of the Assembly he doth not once suppose that like Bell's Assembly of Priests they 'l devoure all themselves and leave nothing for MARTIN but it is no matter MARTIN will be content with hard meats rather then desert the service of such on holy such a reverend Assembly such a Quagmire of croaking skip-jacke Presbyters such is his zeale and pious affection to the Cause he is resolved to worke with his awne hands rather then be troublesome Thus committing his endeavoures to your learned Consultations pious Debates and sacred Conclusions he rests in expectation of his Reward Yours humbly devoated in all Synoddicall Classicall Consistoreall or Predicatory Function till death us depars Yongue MARTIN MAR-PREIST Son to old MARTIN the Metrapolitane To his Freind the Authour upon his Booke 'T was boldly ventured to set upon This foule blacke Feind mad PERSECUTION Pluto's Grand Agent whom the world beside Durst not but fawne upon thou 'st tane and try'd Thy paines sure have been great to seeke him out Thou hast encompast Europe all about The Sottish English Irish Climates too Thou hast trac'd'ore to see what things they doe What was the cause that so much blood was shed In all those places Why rents and sad divisions In Kingdomes once made happy now the visions Of woefull ruine Spectacles for time To write destructions everlasting line Thanke then Yongue MARTIN for his love and care T' impart to theo who these proud actours are And let him have thy prayers so thou shalt be As much belov'd of virteous men as he A. B. THF ARAIGNEMENT OF PERSECUTION A Certaine dreadfull and severe Gentleman by name Gods-vengance of the Towne of Impartiallity in the County of Just-judgment having a long time through the daily perswations of his Kinsman Mr. Long-sufferance an honest peaceable Gentleman unwilling his enemie should perish forborne to proceed against the great Enemie and Incendiary of mankind Mr. Persecution according to his inquity at length taking occasion at his Kinsmans abused patience forthwith procurss a
warrant from the Lord Cheife Justice Peace-with-all-men for the Constable Mr. Reward-of-tyranny to attach him who takes with him two approved men of the Parish old Mr. Woefull-experience and honest Mr. Sound-judgment and making strict search and inquiry after him front Religion to Religion found him at length amongst the Papists under the name of Mr. Spanish-Inquisition but the suitable Fox no sooner perceived their Authority but shrunke out of his Roman Papall Robe and presently turned Protestant clad with an English Episcopall habit under the name of Mr. High-Commission but Constable Reward-of-Tyranny with old Woefull-Experience and honest Sound-Judgment being acquainted with his trikes made after him whereat he cast of his Lawne sleeves Hoode Typpit c and forthwith least all Trades should faile became a zealous Covenanter in the godly shape of a Presbyter changing his name into Classicall Presbytrie a new cheat to cosen the world and then Scholer like as if it had been for a goodly fat Benefice in the twinkling of an eye jumpt out of Scotland into England and turn'd a reverend Synodian disguis'd with a Sylogisticall pair of Britches saving your presence in Bocardo and snatching a Rhetoricall Cassok he girt up his loynes with a Sophisticall Girdle and ran into the wildernesse of Tropes and Figures and there they had lost him had it not been for the Spirits Teaching by whose direction they trac'd him through the various winding subtile by-Pathes secret tracts and cunning Meanders the evening wolves wild Boares and Beasts of the Forrest in the briery thickets of Rhetoricall Glosses Sophistications and scholastick Interpretations had made but being sit to lay hands on him the cunning Hocus Pocus vanish'd out of their sight and presently takes Sanctuary for lookeing about for him Behold he was doing his busines Sr. Beverence in the Pulpit thumping it devoutly and most furiously like the Son of Thunder he ratl'd the Anabaptists Brownists c. letting his bolts which according to the Proverbe were soone shot sly at randome against them but thinking to apprehend him he skipt from them from Pulpit to Pulpit from Vniversity to Vniversity from Colledge to Colledge even through all the Pulpits Vniversities and Colledges in Christendome and then he hied him from Parsonage to Parsonage where the Parsons Wifes had thought to have hid him amongst the Heards of Tyth Pigges flockes of chickings geese c. but that failing he ran as if he had been wild through the Gleabe Land and skipt over into a Tyth Cocko and thought all had been cocke sure but perceiving they espy'd him up starts the Fox and presently fast by the Synod he caught hold on the Altar but fearing least he should be made a burnt Offering he vanished into 12. Articles but that businesse not thriving the next sight that was made of him was in a petitionary garbe in the behalfe of the London Ministors And a thousand other trickes that I cannot reckon he had but one above all the rest I must not forget which was the master peace of all the rest for to bloke up all passages stop all mouthes and fortifie himselfe round he turn'd reverend Imprimatur and here tho pursuers were at a stand for all was as fast as the Divel and tho Presbyters could make it they sought to Authority to open the Presse and still the Pres-byters as their custome is were in the way that nothing could be done Well no good was to be done in publike they then goe to it privatoly and to worke a deliverance fell into dangrous labour and at length brought forth the villaine into publike vew and notwithstanding all his trickos detected apprehended and caried him to Justice Reason who hauing examined the Malefactour sets downe his Examination and binds over Gods-Vengance to prosecute the Malefactour at the next Assizes and finding him not baylable makes his Mittimus for the Cohstable to commit him to the Goale there to be kept in safe custody without ● 〈◊〉 ● or Manuprise till the next Goale delivery Now for the better understanding of this Araignment this ensuing Catalogue of the names of the severall Officers of the Court is here annexed The Court of Assizes held at the Araignment of Persecution 1645. Lord Parliament The Judge Justice Reason Humanity Conformity Justices the Peace Sir Charles-Royall-Prerogative The Kings Sergeant Sir Peter-protestant The Kings Arturney Sir John-Equity High-Sherriffe Mr. Obedience Under Sherriffe Clarke Cryer   Mr. Soveraignty-of-Christ Power-of-Parliamentes Vnity-of-Kingdomes Nationall-Strength Setled-Peace Humaine-Society Grand Jnquest Vnited-Provinces Desolate-Germany Blood-of-Primes Publike-Good Nationall-Wealth Civill-Government Domestick-Miseries Mr. Creation Gospell Politique-power State-policy Innocent-blood Good-samaritane Trueth-and-peace Orphan Jury of life and death Light-of-nature Day-of-judgement National-loyalty Liberty-of-Subject Mr. PER SECUTION Prisoner Mr. Gods-Vengence Prosecutour Caffar Christian Martyrs Liberty-of Conscience Evidences Sir Symon Synod and Sir John Presbyter Defendants A new Jury for Life and Death endeavoured by Sir Symon Synod Mr. Satan Antichrist Spanish-inquisition Counsell-of-Trent Rude-multitude Sr. John Presbiter Scotch-government False-prophets Sir Symons Jury men Eccles -Supremacy Pontificall-Revenue High-commission Assembly-of-Divines THus Reader the Court being compleat for thy more speedy progression through the matter intended suppose the transaction of many passages in these Assizes here in this Relation omitted as needlesse the repetion the Essentialls thereof being so tedious to the impatient Reader yet not unnecessary and uselesse I hope to the diligent peruser for wherein without prejudice to our present matter an omission may be my silence for formality sake gives place to a supposition thereof otherwise I shall transgresse upon the Readers Patience Thus then the Grand Inquest the matter being thus far brought fall into debate 1. Mr. Soveraignenity of Christ Gentlemen our Lord of Lords and King of Kings whose Image and expresse prerogative I am hath by the price of his blood constituted himselfe sole Head and King so everover the Consciences of men and therefore he chargeth his Housholders the Kings of the Earth to let the Tares and the Wheat grow together in the Field of the World untill the Harvest the Day of Judgement therefore this Malefactour Persecution in my Judgement being in his Inclinations and Actions altogether averse thereto is an Arch-traitour to the Preagative Royall of Jesus Christ over the Consciences of men and therefore Lawfully and Justly charged with this Bill 2. Mr. Power of Parliaments My Verdict Mr. Foreman is that Persecution for Conscience is Inconsistant with the Soveraignty of Kingdomes for it divideth their Powers one against another and in themselves occasioneth murmurings grutchings and repinings which in in time breake forth into Conspiracies Rebellions Insurrections c. as well to the prejudice of Soveraignity as to the ruine of the Subject and which is more the tendency operation and end of Persecution is to reduce the Power of Kingdomes and Parliaments from themselves into the hands and disposall of the Pontificall Clergie according to the divelish Decree of Pope Paul