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justice_n great_a king_n lord_n 8,214 5 3.8032 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08698 The varietie of memorable and worthy matters. By Walter Owsolde Owsolde, Walter. 1605 (1605) STC 19001; ESTC S113804 16,833 30

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Iustinian Rome was fiftly taken by the same Totila King of Goths after that Bellisarius had repeopled repayred it but whereas before he had almost destroyed it hee now called againe the Cittizens which were fled at his comming and trauailed all he could to restore and repaire that which he had destroyed and behaued himselfe towards his subiects and especially towards the Romaines not like a stranger but a father This happened but three yeares after he had destroyed it Rome was sixtly taken by the Mores Sarrazins followers of Mohomet his law which in great multitude came into Italy and in the yeare of our Lord 833 sitting in Rome Gregorie the fourth gouering the Empire Lewis the first besieged tooke and sacked Rome prophaning the Temple of Saint Peter which donne they returned to their shippes charged with prayes and prisoners Rome was seauenthly taken by Henry the fourth of that name Emperour of Germanie sitting in Rome Gregorie the seauenth this time Rome was most cruelly destroyed by reason that both the armies of the Pope and the Emperour scurmished and fought long within the Cittie and the Capitole which had beene before destroyed was now againe repayred which befell the yeare of our Lord 1082 authors write that Rome neuer was so much endomaged at any thing as at this for the lamentable destruction that was donne by the Normans on the Popes side and Germaines for the Emperour Rome was last taken by Charles the last Duke of Bourbon who being slaine as he scaled the walls at the first assaut and by that chance the souldiers being in libertie and without a head pittifully destroyed the Cittie and committed all kind of enormities and barbarous cruelties sauing that they burned not the Churches although they spoyled and robbed them to the vttermost for a great part of the armie were Germaines and most of the Germaines Lutherans This aduersitie happened to Rome the yeare of our Sauiour 1527 sitting at Rome Clement the seauenth and gouering the Empire Charles the fift The seauen Electors of the Emperour of Germanie THree Ecclesiasticall that is to meane the Archbishoppe of Magonce called the Archchancelour of Germanie the Archbishoppe of Colen called the Archecancelour of Italie and the Archbishoppe of Treues called the Archechancelour of France Foure Temporall the Marquis of Brandebourg great Chamberlaine of the Empire the Duke of Saxonie beareth the sword before the Emperour the Earle Palatin of Rhene Dapifer of carrying the plate the King of Baeme Taster to the Emperour or Karuer These Electors were first ordained by the Emperour Othon third of that name in the yeare of our Lord 1000 to take away the dissention which before times had beene for the choosing of Emperours and ordained moreouer that being chosen by these seauen Electors he should be called Caesar but being afterwards crowned by the Bishop of Rome he should be called Augustus The three crownes of the Emperour THe first Crowne is of siluer for the Realme of Germaine and is kept at Aix the Chappell The second Crowne is of yron for the Realme of Lombardie and is kept at Modene a little Towne not farre from Milan And the third of gold for the Empire of Rome where it is kept The xij Peers or Pairs of Fraunce IN the Realme of France to be a Peer is the greatest dignitie vnder the King for that in many thinges they haue almost equall authority with the King for Peer in the French tongue signifieth equall But because it might be too prolixe a matter to speak of theyr prerogatiues it shall suffice to number them and each of theyr offices at the sacring or coronation of a new King These ancient Peers are twelue in number whereof sixe are of the Clergy and sixe are Lay men the sixe of the Clergie with theyr offices at the corronation are the Archbishop and Duke of Reins which hath his accustomed charge to oynt and consecrate the King the Bishop and Duke of Laon who office is to bring the holy Ampoule or diuine water wherwith the King is annointed the Bishop and Duke of Langres whose office is to bring the scepter the hand of iustice the Bishop and Earle of Beauuais bringeth the Kings cloake the Bishop Earle of Chaalons bringeth the Kings Ring the Bishop and Earle of Noyon bringeth the Kings gyrdle The sixe temporall Peers with theyr offices at the corronation are the Duke of Burgundie Deane or chiefe of the rest whose office is to bring the kings crowne the Duke of Guyen bringeth the first square banner the duke of Normandie bringeth the second square banner the Earle of Earle of Tolowze bringeth the Kings spurres the Earle of Champaine bringeth the kingly banner or the standart of warre and the Earle of Flaunders bringeth the Kings sword And although the fiue first temporall Peerdoms be vnited to the crowne and the sixt bee subiect to another Prince yet at at the Kings corronation there are other noble men appointed to supply theyr roome and offices These be the twelue ancient Peers although since theyr creation others haue been made which though they haue like authoritie to iudge in the Court of Parliament yet they want offices at the Kings coronation and beare not that maiestie that the other Pees doe for that they are not of so great antiquitie The eyght Parliaments of Fraunce THE chiefe generallest iustice of the realme of France is continually kept in eyght Citties wherein are Pallaces made expresly for that purpose and this generall kind of iustice is deuided into eyght parts according to the eyght Citties and euery of them are called Parliaments which differ very little from our Termes but whereas these are but foure times in a yeere those are continually kept each of them hauing in stead of our Lord Chancelor a chiefe President The first and chiefest of these Parliaments is that of Paris called the Court of the Peers of Fraunce and to the equitie and iudgement of this Parliament many forraine Kings and Princes haue submitted themselues in matters of greatest importance as to the most venerable and chiefest Senate of iustice in the world Such were the Emperor Fredericke the second called Barberousse king of both Sicils when he submitted himselfe to the iudgement of this Court of Parliament as touching all the controuersies of his Empire and kingdoms which he had against Pope Innocent the fourth Philip prince of Tarente and the Duke of Burgundie who sumbitted them selues to this Parliament for the controuersie betwixt them vpon the expences of the recouery of the Empire of Constantinople The Duke of Lorraine subiect to the Empire and the Lord Guy of Chastillon who submitted thēsēlues to the iudgement of this Court as concerning the limitation of their lands and possessions the Daulphin of Vienne the Earle of Sauoy summitted themselues to the iudgement of this Parliament concerning the sute betwixt them for the homage of the Marquisat of Saluces Moreouer without the consent of this Parliament it hath