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A02997 The order of ceremonies obserued in the annointing and coronation of the most Christian King of France & Nauarre, Henry the IIII. of that name, celebrated in our Lady Church, in the cittie of Chartres vppon Sonday the 27. of February 1594. Faithfully translated out of the French coppy printed at Roan, by commaundement of the said Lord. by E.A.; Ordre des ceremonies du sacre et couronnement du Henry IIII. English. Aggas, Edward. 1594 (1594) STC 13138; ESTC S122430 16,744 32

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Lord Constable with the Sworde naked in his hand then the Lord Chauncelor alone then the Lord Great Master on his right hand the Lord great Chamberlaine and on his left the chiefe Gentleman of his chamber Then did the Archbishop bring the king to his throne and High Seate prepared vpon the stage as is aforesayd the traine of whose cloke royall was carried by the Lord of Saint Luke and as the king was aboue and his back turned to the body of the church the said Archbishop still holding of him said as followeth Sta retine a modo statum quem huc vsque c. Then the said Archbishop holding the king by the hand caused him to sit downe saying In hoc regni solio confirmet te c. This prayer ended and the king being set in his throne the said Archbishop tooke off his Mitre and after great reuerence and honor by him done to his Maiesty he kissed him and then sayd Vinat rex in aeternum c After him all the other Péeres kissed him the Péeres Ecclesiasticall first beginning saying thus Viuat Rex in aeternum c. Then the people gaue a great shout crying God saue the king and immediately the Harguebuzes shot off and after them the great Ordinance and the Trumpets cornets hautbois drommes and other instruments sounded and the said Lord Archbishop began Te Deum laudamus béeing accompanied with the Organs and other Musicke During all this ioy and acclamation the Herrauldes cryed a Largesse wherevppon were cast foorth a great number of péeces of Gold and Siluer some mony currant others coyned purposely and marked with the kings picture After the sayd Lord Archbishop had inthronized the king in his seat royall and perfourmed euery thing as aforesaid he went downe and returned to the high Aultar there to solemnize the High Masse and in the meane time was the kings Ordinary low Masse said at the Aultar prouided vpon the stage at the right hand as is aforesayd the Scepter and Hand of Iustice béeing layd vpright at each side of the sayd Lords Oratory Deske And when they came to the Gospell of the High Masse his Maiesty arose and the Prince of Conty representing the Duke of Burgundy tooke off his crowne and set it vpon the cussion that lay vpon the sayd Deske or leaning pew Here we are to note that so often as the king returned neuer so little to the body of the church the people béeing an infinite number cryed God saue the King And the church rung with theyr cries and with Harguebuze shot Vpon the top of the stayre on the right hand descending toward the Quier vpon the first step stood vpright and bare head the Lord of Rhodes Great Master of the ceremonies with a staffe in his hand bending downeward vppon the left stayre stood the Lord of Surenne with his staffe downe Vpon both the stayres from step to step stoode the Harroulds bareheaded in their coates of Armes And lower vpon the staire on the right hand stoode the Lord County of Mauleurier captaine of the garde of Suitzers The Deane of our Lady Church of Chartres red the Epistle and the Abbot of Saint Genouese of Paris read the Gospell which doone the Harrouldes first came downe from the two staires then the Lord of Rhodes after him the Archbishop Patriarcke of Bourges the Kings great Amner apparelled in his pontificals of Violet coullour attended vpon by diuers notable Clergie men came to the Aulter where the foresaid Abbot tooke the booke of the Gospels and carried it from the said Aulter vp to the stage betwéene his hands the said Archbishop of Bourges still following him In this order and with al this braue ceremonie they all ascended vnto the stage and there the saide Lord of Bourges caused the King to kisse the said Gospells Which doone the said Archbishoppe of Burges with other Clergie men aforesaide came downe the staires the same way they went vp and in like ceremony as before returned the booke of Gospels to the Aulter where the Abbot still remained by the Lord Archbishop of Rheims to serue him as a Deacon and the saide Archbishop of Bourges returning vp sat him downe néere the King in the accustomed place of the great Amner When they came to the offertorie four Lorde knights of the holy Ghost who during the whole ceremonie aforesaid had sit vpon the right side in the Cannons seates departed from their places in manner following The first who was the Lord of Sourdis carried the wine in a vessell of golde chased The second Lord of Souure who carried a siluer loafe vpon a Cuishion The third Lord of Antragues carried a loafe of golde vpon a Cushion The fowrth Lord Countie of Escars carried a rich Purse garnished with thirtene peeces of gold hauing the Kings stampe and portraiture euery of them waying fiue and twentie Crownes which purse lay vpon a Cushion Before these fower Lords marched seauen kinghts at armes and Harroulds who not omitting any of the reuerences requisite in such a case ascended euen to the Kings throne and being come thether returned againe in order following First marched the seauen Harrouldes and with them two Hushers of the Kinges Chamber with their Maces next the fower Lords carriers of the offerings After them the Lord Chaunceler the Lord Maister and Lord Counstable bearing the sword naked in his hand Then came the King enuironed with all his Péeres bearing the Scepter in his right hand and the hand of Iustice in the left And there remained at the said throne as it were to kéepe it the Lord great Chamberline and the chiefe Gentleman of the Chamber The King thus accompanied being come to the high Aulter the Harroulds and Hushers then the Lord Counstable Chaunceler and great Maister tooke sides and made way for the Lords of O and Roquelord who very reuerently to ease his Maiestie tooke at the Kings hands the one the Scepter the other the hand of Iustice Then the Lord Countie of Escars who carried the purse after a low reuerence deliuered it into the Kings hands to offer The like did the Lord of Antragues with the loafe of golde also the Lorde of Souure with the silver loafe the Lord of Sourdis with the vessell of wine The offering in this manner ended and the King taking againe the Scepter and the hand of Iustice returned to his throne and high seate accompanyed as before the quire singing God saue the King and the fower Lordes that carried the offerings returned to the seates wher they sat before The Masse being ended vnto Pax Domini before the Archbishop of Rheims had ended it said ouer the King and people this prayer following Benedicat tibi Dominus c. The said Lord Archbishop procéeding and hauing sung Pax Domini the Archbishop of Bourges great Amner with the Clergie aforesaid and the Kinges amners the Lord great Maister of the ceremonies and the Harroulde went to the Aulter and taking the Pax
at the Archbishop of Rheims hand kissed him on the chéeke That done he returned vp to the Kings seate and throne and presented him the Pax and after the King had kissed it al the Péeres first the Ecclesiasticall then the lay did the like In the meane time the Archbishop of Rheims procéeding in the office blessed the banner Royall saying as followeth Inclina Domine aurem tuam c. Heere followeth the Collect or first prayer saide at Masse vpon the day of this solemnitie Collecta Quaesumus omnipotens Deus c. The second prayer saide in screte Munera quaesumus Domine c. The last prayer of the Masse or past Communion Post Communio Haec Domine c. Oratio salutari c. The Masse thus ended the saide Lord of Rheims leauing vpon the Aulter tarieth vntill the other Péeres both Ecclesiasticall and lay brought downe the King to the Aulter The King being come thether entered into his pauillion afore mentioned there to reconcile him selfe with his confessor aforesaid then comming forth againe he knéeled downe before the high Aulter and hauing saide the Confiteor and receiued absolution which was giuen him by the said Archbishop doing the office The Prince of Condy took of his Crowne and the other Péeres lay tooke off the attire off his head and he receiued the precious body of our Lord vnder both formes of bread and wine in great deuotion and perfect humilitie and then tooke againe his great Crowne This done the said Lord Archbishop of Rheims tooke of that Crowne and set him on a lighter and meaner and then was the great Crowne deliuered to the Duke of Montbason who was to carry it before the King to his pallace and he carryed it vpon a rich Cushion The Scepter was deliuered to the Lord of O and the hand of Iustice to the Lord of Requelore Then the King thus arayed in his garments Royall accompanyed with the foresaid Péeres in like ceremony and order as he came to Church returned to his pallace The people with great acclamation and signes of ioy cryed God saue the King the Cannons and small shotte played their parts the trumpets drumms and other instruments sounded and played and at the same instant was the holy Vyall brought out of the Church and returned to the Abbay of Saint Pere in like ceremony as it came before to our Lady Church The King being returned to his pallace tooke his Chamber where hee stayed a good while and shifted him selfe into an other shert deliuering that to his great amner to vse according to the custome of that shert Then he came into the great hall of the pallace at the vpper end whereof hung a high Cloth of estate of some six fadome and a halfe square and thrée foote déepe and vnder the same a Table nine foote long whereon the King did eate On the right hand stoode an other Table and on the left an other At that on the right hand sat the Lord Péeres Ecclesiasticall in their Copes and Miters and at that on the left the Peeres lay in their Péeres attire Somewhat beneath sat the Ambassadours of England and Venice the Lord Chanceler the officers of the Crowne and they that had carried the honours The Lord Counstable all the while stoode at the end of the Kings Table with the sword naked and vpright in his hand The Countie of Saint Paul serued as great Maister bearing his Staffe vp The Lord of Rohan as pantler The Countie of Sauuerre as taster The Countie of Torigny as caruer The Gentlemen of the Chamber carried the meate euery course being accompanied with trumpets cornets and haultbois and the Harroulds and stewards of the housholde marching before the Lord great Maister with his staffe downe Betwéene the Seruice the Musicke sung Grace was sung in Musicke in manner as the late King caused to bee saide before him and then euery man with drew himselfe At night his Maiestie supped in feast Royall At his Table vnder the Cloth of estate sat Madam his sister with a distaunce betwéene him and her On the right hand was the Lady Princesse of Conde the Lady Dutchesse of Niuernois and her daughter the Lady of Neuers On the left beneath Madam sat the Lady Princesse of Condy the Lady of Rohan and the Lady of Raiz The Lord Countie of Soissons kept his estate of great Maisters The Lord Prince of Condy serued as high pantler and carried the first dish The Duke of Longueuill as high taster The Lord of Rohan as caruer To Madam serued the Lord Countye of Mauleurier as pantler The Lord of Mirepoix as taster The Countie of Lude as caruer At euery seruice the trumpets cornets drummes did sound and the Harroulds and Stewards marched before the Lord great Maister to whom the Lord of Gois of Tillet presented the Towell The saide Lord great Maister deliuered it to Madam the Kings sister who as already set but she arose from her seate and deliuered it to his Maiestie to wash his hands After supper grace was sung in Musicke and then the King withdrew him to his Chamber accompanied with Madam his sister the Dukes Duchesses Princes Princesses Lords and Ladies that were assistant at supper and hauing stayed there halfe an hower Madam desired to depart whom the King accompanied to the great Chamber doore and then euery one withdrew to their rest The next morning on Munday the twentie eight last of Februarie the King would take the coller and order of the holy Ghost according to the purport of the Statutes of the said order founded and made by the late King Henry the third The same day at thrée of the clocke in the afternoone he went to our Lady Church in like ceremonie as by the Statute is ordained causing his officers to go before him then the prelats commanders and knights of the same order apparelled in their long robes and their great collers about their neckes and after Compline ended the Lorde Bishop of Chartres in this ceremonie also retaining the place and calling of the Archbishop of Rheims caused him to take the Oath required and appointed by the saide Statute After the said Oath taken vpon the booke of the holy Euangelists which the Lord Chaunceler of the order did holde the Lord of Rhodes put vpon him the great robe of the said order and the saide Lord of Chartres the coller This done hee went and sat downe in the Chaire of estate where all the said Prelats knights commaunders and officers one after another kissed his hands This ceremony ended his Maiestie returned to his pallace causing the aforenamed to march before him in like ceremony and pompe as they came God giue his Maiestie grace to plant peace in his Realme and parson and long to enioy the same Amen FINIS
king hauing kissed the Sword with all humility offered it and layd it vppon the Aultar and immediately the sayd L. Archbishop tooke it and returned it into the kinges hand béeing vppon his knees who immediately deliuered it to the Lord Constable who alwayes carried it naked before him throughout all other actes that were doone and all dinner time the sayd Lord Archbishop procéeding in the prayer ouer the sayd Lord still knéeling Oremus Prospice omnipotens c. Another blessing Oremus Benedic Domine c. Oremus Deus pater aeterne c. The sayd prayers béeing ended the Archbishop turned to the High Aultar to prepare the holy Oyntment in manner and forme following He tooke a plate of gold wherevppon hee layd the holy Cresme so much as was requisite for the annointing of a Bishop Then out of the sayd Holy Vyoll with a golden néedle he tooke the quantity of a peaze of the Holy Oyle which with his finger he mixed with the said holy Cresme While the sayd Archbishop thus prepared the holy oyntment the Chanter of the Church began the Respon following which the kinges Chapell did prosecute Responsorium Super gentem Francorum inclitam simul cum rege suo nobili Christus Oleo exultationis c. Versus Emitte spiritum tuum Domine creabuntur Responsorium Et renouabis faciem terrae Oremus Deus a nobis c. After this prayer the king came to the Deske of hys Oratory and the Archbishop with him there to tende to their deuout contemplations during the which the sayd Prelats began the Letany and the Quier aunsweared as followeth Letania The Prelates began Kyrie Eleyson Heere the King did arise and the Archbishop likewise who turning to the sayd Lord and holding hys Crosse in his hand sung the thrée verses following the Quier aunswearing him Vt hunc praesentem c. This verse thrise repeated and aunsweared by the Quier the sayd Lord Archbishop returned to his Deske néere to the King and the Bishops procéeded in the rest of the Letany as followeth Vt regibus principibus c. The Letany being ended the King and the Bishops fell groueling vppon the earth and the sayd Archbishop standing vp with a loud voyce sayd Pater noster c. Then the Archbishop sayd these prayers following ouer the king before he annoynted him and sate as if hée should haue consecrated a Bishop Te inuocamus c. After the prayers the Lord Archbishop holding the plate wherevpon lay the holy oyntment began to annoynt his Maiesty First vpon the Crowne of his Head Secondly hauing put off his dubblet and shirt vppon the brest Thirdly betwéene the two shoulders Fourthly vpon the right shoulder Fifthly vpon the left shoulder Sixtly in the bowing of the right arme Seauenthly in the bowing of the left arme And at euer̄y of the sayd annoyntinges the said Archbishop sayd Vngo te in Regem c. And they all aunsweared Amen And during these annoyntinges the singing men sung this Antheme Antiphona Vnxerunt Salomonem Regem After which Antheme the sayd Lord Archbishop sayd the prayer following Oremus Christe perunge hunc Regem The prayers sayd ended the Lord Archbishop wyth the Prelates assistant tooke him vp and closed the slittes of the dubblet and of the shirt and then the Lord great Chamberlaine deliuered to the king the garmentes that he was to weare aboue the sayd dubblet that is to say the tunicle or the same which representeth a Subdeacon The Dalmatike or the same that representeth a Deacon and the cloke Royall representing the Chasuble The king being thus cloathed the Archbishop tooke agayne the plate whereuppon lay the holy oyntment and layd some vpon the palme of the kinges right hand for the right annoynting Then in the palme of the left hand for the ninth annointing saying Vngantur manus istae de oleo c. The kinges handes thus annointed and hallowed hée layeth them close vppon his brest and then deliuereth him a payre of hallowed gloues wherin he putteth his hands and this is the blessing of the gloues Oremus Omnipotens creator qui homini c. The said Lord Archbishop hauing blessed the sayd gloues and putting them vpon the kings handes sayth Circunda domine manus c. Then the said Lord Archbishop blessed the Ring and said as followeth Oremus Deus totius creaturae c. After this blessing the sayd Lord Archbishop put on the Ring wherewith the king marrieth the Realme vpon the fourth finger of his right hand saying Accipe anulum signaculum c. This prayer sayd the Lord Archbishop tooke the Scepter Royall from the Aultar and put it into the kings right hand saying The deliuery of the Scepter Accipe sceptrum regiae potestatis c. Immediately the sayd Lord Archbishop deliuered hym the hand of Iustice into his left hand saying Accipe virgam virtutis c. All thinges thus ended the Lord Chauncelor standing against the Aultar and turning his face to the king and the assistants with a loud voyce called the twelue Péeres according to their orders and dignities First beginning with the lay as followeth My Lord Prince of Conty who serue for the Duke of Burgundy present your selfe in this action My Lord County of Soysons who serue for the D. of Normandy present your selfe My Lord Duke of Montpensier who serue for the D. of Aquitaine present your selfe My Lord of Luxenburg who serue for the County of Tholouse present your selfe My Lord Duke of Rayz who serue for the County of Flaunders present your selfe My Lord Duke of Vantadour who serue for the County of Champaigne present your selfe As for the Péeres Ecclesiasticall they were likewise called according to the former prescript and according to their callinges both of the representers and of the represented The sayd conuocation ended the Archbishop did rise out of his chayre and turned to the High Aultar from whence hée tooke the close Crowne and held it ouer the kinges head without touching the same whereto immediately all the Péeres both temporall and spirituall set their handes to supporte it and the saide Archbishop sayd thus Coronet te Deus corona gloriae c. This prayer ended the sayd Archbishop set and placed the Crowne vpon the Kinges head still staying it with his left hand whereto all the other Péeres likewise set their handes and the Archbishop said the prayer following Accipe coronam regni c. After the coronation he sayd this prayer Oremus Deus perpetuitabis c. The blessing Extendet omnipotens c. The second blessing ouer the king Benedic domine c. All these prayers finished and ended the said Archbishop tooke the king by the sléeue of his right arme and the sayd Lord still held in his handes the Scepter and the Hand of Iustice and the said Péeres both temporall and Spirituall were round about the said Lord and as much as in them lay did put their handes to the Crowne Before him marched the
had likewise bene stollen pilfered and purloyned by the rebells as were the ornaments royall they were driuen to make new not so stately as the former but such as the shortnesse of tyme and tyme it selfe could permit First the Quier of the sayd Church was all decked and hanged with ritch Tapistry All before the sayd Aultar vnto the stepp whereupon stood the Holy water stocke was couered with Carpets and aboue and néere to the said high Aulter was set and placed the Chaire wherein the Bishop of Chartres then subrogated in stéede of the Archbishop Duke of Rheims first Péere Ecclesiasticall was to execute being couered with a rich Carpet Where note that hence foorth throughout this discourse we will terme the said Lorde Bishop of Chartres Archbishop of Rheims in respect that he tooke his place and executed his Office Ouer against the said Chaire some nine or tenne foote behinde was erected a high Cloth of estate of halfe a foote déepe and two fadome and a halfe square couered with ritch Tapistrye where was placed an other Chaire richly adorned and couered with a Cloth of estate Also betwéene the Kinges Chaire and the Archbishops was placed an oratorie Deske couered with Cloth of siluer all Damasked with red leaues and two Cushions of the same whereof the lowest was some fiue quarters long to serue both for his Maiestie and for the said Lord Archbishop when hee lyeth groueling with his Maiestie during the Letanie according as by the ceremonie is expedient and hereafter shall be shewed Behind the King was there placed a stoole couered with blew Satten pouldered with flowers de Luce whereupon should sit as afterward he did hee that supplyed the place of Constable And about some thrée foote behinde that was there an other stoole adorned as the former for the Lord Chaunceler And againe some thrée foote behinde that was there an other seate so couered for the Lords great master great Chamberline and chiefe Gentleman of the Chamber And thus were they afterward placed as hereafter shall be shewed On the right side of the high Aulter was there a great seate couered with Carpets whereupon were set the Péeres Ecclesiasticall except the Archbishop of Rheims who was to be sometimes at the Aulter sometimes elsewhere according as by the ceremonies to execute Behinde the saide Péeres Ecclesiasticall vpon an other seate were placed other Clergie men who were not to bee imployed about the misterie of the anointing and behind vpon an other forme the Counsellers that were of the law the presidents and Counsellers of the Courte of Parliament translated to Tours whome the King had sent for to assist this ceremony In the Bishops and ordinaries seates on the right side of the Aulter were placed the Secretaries of estate Betwéene the foresaid formes and the Bishops seate stoode the Singing men of the Kings Chappell among whome were also some of his Chamber ready to sing as time should require On the left side of the high Aulter stoode an other long forme furnished as that on the right side for the Péeres laye Behinde the same vpon a little forme close to the Pauillion of the oratorie sat the Venetian Ambassador alone being the onely Ambassadour resident about his Maiestie And in the same rowe vpon an other forme sat the Lord Duke of Montbason sonne to the Lord Prince of Guemene the Lord of O and the Lord of Requelaure The first being appointed after the Communion to receiue the Kings Crowne and to carrie it before him into the hall of the pallace Royal where the dinner was to be kept The second to ease the King at the offering at the Communion and at his departure from Church of the Scepter Royall The third likewise of the hand of Iustice Behind that forme vpon two other formes sat certaine knights of the holy Ghost with other Lords as well of other callings as of the Counsell There were also round about the quiere scaffolds whereto they ascended on the out side by fower paire of Timber staires Vpon neerest on the right hand were placed the Ladies Princesses Ladies of the Court and sundry Lords Gentlemen and Gentlewemen On the saide side néere the Princesses stoode my Maisters of the great Counsell and of the Treasury with other notable parsonages that then were in the towne both men and women who were thether admitted by the Captaine of the Guard and the Masters of the ceremonies In the other Galleries and almost vp to the highest Glasse windowes both in the quire and body of the Church stoode such others as could thrust in or finde any place At the end néere to the Tribunal were placed the hundred Gentlemen On the stage of the quire vnder the Crucifix was erected and placed his Maiesties throne Royall in manner following In the middest of the saide stage was made a platforme of seauen or eight foote long and fiue foote broad whereto from the said stage they ascended by fower steppes vpon this platforme stoode the Kinges Chaire in such sorte that being set such as were in the quire might sée him from the stomacke vpward and such as were in the body from the wast vpward as indéede they did when he was gone vp and set Ouer it was there a Cloth of estate of Violet veluet pouldered with flower de Luces of Golde Before the said Chaire was placed an oratorie Deske vnder the which and vpon the playne of the saide stage was there a seate prouided for him that supplyed the Constables roome At the right hand vpon the platforme was erected a seate for the Lord great Chamberline and at the left hand vpon the first and lowest step of the said platforme was a place for the chiefe Gentlemen of the Chamber Before his Maiestie vpon the flat of the saide stage at the right side was the seate prepared for Lord Chaunceler and the left side for the Lord great Maister all who shall hereafter be called by their names and Offices At the Kings right hand néer to the rayle of the saide stage that looketh into the body of the Church were seates for the Péeres Ecclesiasticall and at the left hand for the Péeres lay And all the throne seates footepases and sides of the said stage were decked with rich Tapistry And betwéene the barre of the said rayle of the stage and the seates prouided for the said Péeres stoode some of the hundred Gentlemen At the end of the said stage on the Kings right hand was erected an other Aulter whereon to sing Masse before his Maiestie To ascend to the said throne there was in the quire two Timber staires one on the right hand an other on the left of the high Aulter furnished on each side with rayles pillers and barres all hanged with Tapistry and Carpets Vpon Sunday the seauen and twentie of Februarie being the day of y e ceremony of anointing the Lord of Rhodes great Maister of the ceremonies together with the Lord of Surenne steward ordinary of the Kings house