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A01138 The charge of Sir Francis Bacon Knight, his Maiesties Attourney generall, touching duells vpon an information in the Star-chamber against Priest and Wright. With the decree of the Star-chamber in the same cause. Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626.; England and Wales. Court of Star Chamber. 1614 (1614) STC 1125; ESTC S121055 15,080 60

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weakenesse and disesteeme of a mans selfe to put a mans life vpon such ledgier performances A mans life is not to bee tryfled away it is to bee offered vp and sacrificed to honorable seruices publike merites good causes and noble aduentures It is in expence of blood as it is in expence of mony It is no liberality to make a profusion of mony vpon euery vaine occasion nor noe more it is fortitude to make effusion of bloud except the cause bee of worth And thus much for the causes of this euill For the remedies I hope some great and noble person will put his hand to this plough and I wish that my labours of this day may be but fore-runners to the worke of a higher and better hand But yet to deliuer my opinion as may bee proper for this time and place There bee foure things that I haue thought on as the most effectuall for the repressing of this depraued custome of perticular Combats The first is that there doe appeare and bee declared a constant and settled resolution in the State to abolish it For this is a thing my Lords must goe downe at once or not at all For then euery perticular man will thinke him-selfe acquitted in his reputation when he sees that the state takes it to heart as an insult against the Kings power and authority and thervpon hath absolutely resolued to maister it like vnto that which was set downe in expresse words in the edict of CHARLES the ninth of France touching Duells That the King him-selfe tooke vpon him the honor of all that tooke them-selues grieued or interessed for not hauing performed the Combat So must the State doe in this businesse and in my Conscience there is none that is but of a reasonable sober disposition bee hee neuer so valiant except it bee some furious person that is like a fire-worke but will bee glad of it when hee shall see the law and rule of State disinterest him of a vaine and vnnecessarie hazard Secondly care must be taken that this euill bee noe more cockered nor the humor of it fed wherein I humbly pray your Lordships that I may speake my mind freely and yet be vnderstood aright The proceedings of the great and noble Commissioners Marshall I honor and reverence much of them I speake not in any sort But I say the compounding of quarrells which is other-wise in vse by priuate noble men and gentlemen it is so punctuall and hath such reference and respect vnto the receyued conceipts what 's before hand and what 's behinde hand and I cannot tel what as without all question it doth in a fashion countenance and authorise this practise of Duells as if it had in it some-what of right Thirdly I must acknowledge that I learned out of the Kings last proclamation the most prudent and best applied remedy for this offence if it shall please his Maiestie to vse it that the wit of man can deuise This offence my Lords is grounded vpon a false conceipt of honour and therefore it would bee punished in the same kinde In eo quis rectissimé plectitur in quo peccat The fountaine of honour is the King and his aspect and the accesse to his person continueth honour in life and to be banished from his presence is one of the greatest eclipses of honour that can bee if his Maiestie shall be pleased that when this Court shall censure any of these offences in persons of eminent quality to adde this out of his owne power and discipline that these persons shall bee banished and excluded from his Court for certaine yeares and the Courts of his Queene and Prince I thinke there is noe man that hath any good blood in him will commit an act that shall cast him into that darkenesse that hee may not behold his Soueraignes face Lastly and that which more properly concerneth this Court wee see my Lords the root of this offence is stubborn For it despiseth death which is the vtmost of punishments and it were a iust but a miserable seuerity to execute the law without all remission or mercy where the case proueth capitall And yet the late seuerity in France was more where by a kind of Marshall law established by ordinance of the King and Parliament the party that had slaine another was presently had to the gibbet in so much as gentlemen of great quality were hanged theyr wounds bleeding least a naturall death should preuent the example of iustice But my Lords the course which wee shall take is of farre greater lenity and yet of no lesse efficacy which is to punish in this Court all the middle acts and proceedings which which tend to the Duell which I will enumerate to you anon and so to hew and vexe the roote in the branches which no doubt in the end will kill the roote and yet preuent the extremity of law Now for the law of England I see it excepted to though ignorantly in two poyntes The one that it should make no difference betweene an insidious and foule murther and the killing of a man vppon fayre termes as they now call it The other that the law hath not prouided sufficient punishment and reparations for contumely of words as the Lie and the like But these are noe better then childish nouelties against the diuine lawe and against all lawes in effect and against the examples of all the brauest and most vertuous Nations of the World For first for the law of God there is neuer to be found any difference made in homicide but betweene homicide voluntary and involuntary which we tearme misaduenture And for the case of misaduenture it selfe there were Citties of refuge so that the offendor was put to his flight that flight was subiect to accident whether the reuenger of bloud should ouer-take him before he had gotten sanctuary or noe It is true that our law hath made a more subtile distinction betweene the will enflamed and the wil aduised between manslaughter in heat and murther vpon prepensed malice or could bloud as the souldiers call it an indulgence not vnfit for a chollericke and warlike Nation for it is true Ira furor breuis a man in fury is not him-selfe This priueledge of passion the ancient Roman law restrayned but to a Case that was if the husband tooke the adulterer in the manner to that rage and prouocation onely it gaue way that it was an homycide was iustifiable But for a difference to bee made in case of killing and destroying man vpon a fore-thought purpose betweene fowle and fayre and as it were betweene single murther and vyed murther it is but a monstrous childe of this later age and there is noe shadow of it in any law Diuine or humane Onely it is true I finde in the Scripture that CAINE inticed his brother into the field and slew him trecherously But LAMED vaunted of his man-hood that he would kill a young man and if it were in his ●●rt
combination and plotting of murther let them guilde it how they list they shall neuer haue fairer termes of me in place of iustice Then the conclusion followeth that it is a case fit for the censure of this Court. And of this there be presidents in the very poynt of Challenge It was the case of Wharton Plaintife against Ellekar and Acklam Defendants where Acklam being a follower of Elleckars was censured for carying a challeng from Ellecker to Wharton though the challenge was not put in writing but deliuered onely by word of message and there are words in the decree that such challenges are to the subuersion of Gouernment These things are well knowne and therfore I needed not so much to haue insisted vppon them but that in this Case I would be thought not to innouate any thing of mine owne head but to follow the former presidents of the Court though I meane to doe it more throughly because the time requires it more Therfore now to come to that which concerneth my part I say that by the fauour of the King and the Court I will prosecute in this Court in the Cases following If any man shall appoint the field though the fight be not acted or performed If any man shall send any Challenge in wrighting or any message of Challenge If any man carry or deliuer any writing or message of Challenge If any man shall accept or returne a Challenge If any man shall accept to bee a second in a Challenge of either side If any man shall depart the Realme with intention and agreement to performe the fight beyond the seaes If any man shall reuiue a quarrel by any scandalous bruites or wrightings contrary to a former Proclamation published by his Maiesty in that behalfe Nay I heare there be some Counsell learned of Duells that tell yong men when they are before hand and when they are otherwise and thereby incense and incite them to the Duell and make an art of it I hope I shall meete with some of them too and I am sure my Lords this course of preuenting Duels in nipping them in the budde is fuller of clemency and prouidence then the suffering them to goe on and hanging men with their wounds bleding as they did in France To conclude I haue some petitions to make first to your Lordshipp my Lord Chancellor that in case I be aduertised of a purpose in any to goe beyond the sea to fight I may haue granted his Maiesties writ of Ne exeat regnum to stoppe him for this Giant bestrideth the sea and I would take and snare him by the foote on this side for the combination and plotting is on this side though it should be acted beyond sea And your Lordship said notably the last time I made a motion in this busines that a man may be as well fur de se as felo de se if he steale out of the Realme for a bad purpose and for the satisfiing of the wordes of the writte no man will doubt but he doth machinari contra coronam as the wordes of the writte be that seketh to murther a subiect for that is euer contra coronam et dignitatem I haue also a sute to your Lordships all in general that for Iustice sake and for true honors sake honor of Religion Law and the King our Maister against this fond and false disguise or puppetrey of honor I may in my prosecutiō which it is like enough may some times stirr coales which I esteme not for my particular but as it may hinder the good seruice I may I say be countenanced and assisted from your Lordships Lastly I haue a petition to the noblesse and gentlemen of England that they would learne to esteeme themselues at a iust price Non hos quaesitum munus in vsus their blood is not to be spilt like water or a vile thing therefore that they would rest perswaded there cannot be a forme of honor except it be vpon a worthy matter But for this Ipsi viderint I am resolued And thus much for the generall now to the present case THE DECREE OF THE STAR-CHAMBER IN THE SAME CAVSE In camerâ stellatâ coram concilio ibidem 26º die Ianuarij anno vndecimo Iacobi regis The Presence THO Lo Ellesmere LORD Chancellor of England HON Earl of North L Priuie Seale CHARLES Earle of Notting Lo high Admiral of England G●OR Lo Archbishop of Canterbury IOHN Lo Bishop of London Sir EDVVARD Cooke Knight L chiefe Iustice of England The Earl of Suffolk Lord Chamberlaine 〈◊〉 Lord ●o●che Sir Hen. Hobart Knight Lord chiefe Iustice of the common-pleas WILLIAM Lo. Knolles Treasuror of the Houshold EDVVARD Lo. Wotton Controwler IOH Lo Stanhop Vicechamberlaine Sir IVLIVS Caesar knight Chancellor of the Exchequer THis day was heard and debated at large the seuerall matters of Informations here exhibited by Sir Francis Bacon Knight his Maiesties Attourney Generall th' one against William Priest Gentleman for writing and sending a Letter of challenge together with a stick which should be the length of the weapon And th' other against Richard Wright Esquire for carrying and deliuering the said letter and sticke vnto the partie challenged and for other contemptuous and insolent behauiour vsed before the Iustices of Peace in Surrey at their Sessions before whom he was conuented Vpon the opening of which cause his Highnes said Attourney generall did first giue his reason to the Court why in a case which he intended should be a leading case for the repressing of so great a mischiefe in the commonwealth and concerning an offence which raigneth chiefly amongst persons of honor and qualitie he should begin with a cause which had passed betweene so meane persons as the defendants seemed to be which he said was done because hee found this cause ready published and in so growing an euill he thought good to lose no time wherevnto he added that it was not amisse sometimes to beate the dogge before the Lyon saying further that hee thought it would be some motiue for persons of birth countenance to leaue it when they saw it was taken vp by base and mechanicall fellowes but concluded That hee resolued to proceed without respect of persons for the time to come and for the present to supply the meannesse of this particular Case by insisting the longer vpon the generall point Wherein he did first expresse vnto the Court at large the greatnes dangerous consequence of this presumptuous offence which extorted reuenge out of the Magistrates hand and gaue boldnes to priuate men to bee lawe giuers to themselues the rather because it is an offence that doth iustifie it selfe against the lawe and plainely giues the law an affront describing also the miserable effect which it draweth vppon priuate families by cutting off yong men otherwise of good hope and cheifely the losse of the King and Common-wealth by the casting away of much good blood which being spent in the field vpon occasion of
seruice were able to continew the renowne which this Kingdome hath obtained in all ages of being esteemed victorious Secondly his Maiesties said Atturney generall did discourse touching the causes and remedies of this mischefe that preuaileth so in these times shewing the ground thereof to bee a false and erroneous imagination of honor and credit according to the terme which was giuen vnto those Duells by a former proclamation of his Maiesties which called them bewitching Duells for that it is no better then a kind of sorcery which enchanteth the spirits of young men which beare great minds with a shew of honor in that which is no honor indeed beeing against religion law morall vertue and against the presidents and examples of the best times and valiantest Nations of the world which though they excelled for prowesse and millitary vertue in a publique quarrell yet knew not what these priuate Duells ment saying further that there was too much way and countenance giuen vnto these Duells by the course that is held by noble-men and gentle-men in compounding of quarrells who vse to stand too punctually vppon conceipts of satisfactions and distinctions what is before hand and what behind hand which doe but feed the humor Adding likewise that it was no fortitude to shew vallour in a quarrell except there were a iust and worthy ground of the quarell but that it was weakenesse to sette a mans life at so meane a rate as to bestowe it vppon trifling occasions which ought to bee rather offered vp and sacrificed to honourable seruices publique merrits good causes and noble aduentures And as concerning the Remedies hee concluded That the onely way was that the State would declare a constant and settled resolution to master and put downe this presumption in priuate men of what-soeuer degree of righting their owne wrongs and this to doe at once For that then euery perticuler man would think himselfe acquitted in his reputation when that he shal see that the State takes his honor into their hands and standeth betweene him and any Interest or preiudice which he might receiue in his reputation for obeying wherevnto he added likewise that the wisest and mildest way to suppresse these Duells was rather to punish in this Court all the acts of preparation which did in any wise tend to the Duells as this of Challenges and the like and so to preuent the Capitall punishment and to vexe the roote in the branches then to suffer them to run on to the execution and then to punish them Capitally after the maner of France where of late times Gentlemen of great quality that had killed others in Duell were carried to the Gibbet with their woundes bleeding least a naturall death should keepe them from the example of Iustice. Thirdly his Maiesties said Atturney generall did by many reasons which hee brought and alledged free the Law of England from certaine vaine and childish exceptions which are taken by these Duellists The one because the Law makes noe difference in punishment betweene an insidious and foule murther and the killing of a man vppon Challenge and faire tearmes as they call it Th' other for that the Law hath not prouided sufficient punishment and reparation for contumelie of wordes as the lye and the like wherein his Maiesties said Atturney generall did shew by many waighty arguments and examples That the Law of England did consent with the Law of God and the Law of Nations in both those pointes and that this distinction in murther betweene foule and fayre and this grounding of mortall quarrells vpon vnciuill and reproachfull words or the like disgraces was neuer authorised by any law or ancient examples but it is a late vanity crept in from the practise of the French who themselues since haue beene so weary of it as they haue beene forced to put it downe with all seuerity Fourthly his Maiesties said Attourney Generall did prooue vnto the Court by rules of law and presidents that this Court hath capacity to punish sending and accepting of Challenges though they were neuer acted nor executed taking for a ground infallible that wheresoeuer an offence is capitall or matter of fellony if it be acted and performed there the conspiracy combination or practise tending to the same offence is punishable as a high misdemeanor although they neuer were performed And therefore that practise to impoyson though it tooke no effect and the like haue beene punished in this Court and cyted the president in Garnons case wherein a crime of a much inferiour nature the suborning and preparing of witnesses though they neuer were deposed or deposed nothing materiall was censured in this Court whereupon hee concluded that forasmuch as euery appoyntment of the field is in law but a combination of plotting of a murther howsoeuer men might guilde it That therefore it was a case fit for the censure of this Court and therein he vouched a president in the very point that in a case betwene Wharton plantife and Elerker and Acklam defendants Acklam beeing a follower of Elerker had carried a challenge vnto Wharton and although it were by word of mouth and not by writing yet it was seuerely sensured by the Court the Decree hauing wordes that such Chalenges doe tend to the subuersion of gouernment And therefore his Maiesties Atturney willed the standerds by to take notice that it was noe innouation that he brought in but a proceeding according to former presidents of the Court although he purposed to follow it more throughly then had been done euer heeretofore because the times did more more require it Lastly his Maieesties said Attorney generall did declare and publish to the Court in seuerall Articles his purpose and resolution in what cases hee did intend to prosecute offences of that nature in this Court That is to say That if any man shall appoynt the field although the fight bee not acted or performed If any man shall send any challenge in writing or message of challenge If any man shall carry or deliuer any writing or message of challenge If any man shall accept or returne a challenge If any man shall accept to bee a second in a challenge of eyther part If any man shall depart the Realme with intention and agreement to performe the fight beyond the seas If any man shall reuiue a quarrell by any scandalous bruites or writings cōtrary to a former Proclamation published by his Maiesty in that behalfe that in all these cases his Maiesties Atturney generall in discharge of his duety by the fauour and assistance of his Maiesty and the Court would bring the offenders of what state or degree soeuer to the iustice of this Court leauing the Lords Cōmissioners Marshall to the more exact remedies adding further that hee heard there were certaine Councell learned of Duells that tell yong men when they are before hand and when they are otherwise and did incense and incite them to the Duell and made an art of it who likewise should not