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A16122 The summe of the holye scripture and ordinarye of the Christen teachyng, the true Christen faithe, by the whiche we be all iustified. And of the vertue of baptesme, after the teaching of the Gospell and of the Apostles, with an informacyon howe all estates shulde lyve accordynge to the Gospell.; Summa der godliker Scrifturen. English Bomelius, Henricus, 1500?-1570.; Fish, Simon, d. 1531. 1529 (1529) STC 3036; ESTC S114463 99,848 250

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vnto the Romayns where he saieth Ro. ● Every soule shall be subiect vnto the highe powers for there is no power but of god Then he that resisteth the power resisteth the ordinaunce of God More●ver saint Peter saieth 1. Pe. ● Be ye subiectes to euery humayne creature be it vnto the kinge as vnto the sovereyne be it vnto the hede rulers as by him sent for vēgeaunce vnto the offēders but for preyse to theym that be good Moreover the right of the seculer power of the ciuile iustice hath bin frō the begīnīg of the world for whē Cain had slayne his brother Abell he feared moche that he shuld be kild ageyn Likewise after the floude god cōfirmed it agein Gene. 9 saying whosoever shede mānes bloud his bloude shal be shed agein The same ryght was cōfermed agein in the lawe of Moses where he sayde in Exode Exo. 2● whosoever strike a man willing to kill hīshall dye of deth And ageyn if any with dede advised iying in a wayte kill his neighboure thou shalt drawe him out of my house and that he dye And in the same lawe it was cōmaūded to take awaye life for life yie for yie to the for to the hand for hand waūde for wounde so of other Likewise hath our savioure Christ in the gospell confirmed Mat. 25 it saying to saint Petre in the gardeyn of Olivete He that streketh with the swerd with the swerde shall perisshe Then is it all certeyn manifest that it is the will of god that there shulde be a swerd iustice tēporall for the punycion of the evill cō●●vaciō of the good for thēterteynīg of the publique peace christen comune brotherly love ¶ Secūdly it semeth to be moche cōtrary herūto that whiche Christ saieth in the gospell in this maner Ye haue herde whate hath byn sayed Mat. 5 In yie for anyie a toth for a toth but I sey vnto you ye shall not resist evill But whosoever strike the on the right cheke tou●●e to him the other And to him that will go to lawe with the by force take awey thy core gyve to him also thy gowne And he that will constreyne the to go a myle with him go with him twayne And a litell after Love your enemyes say well of thē that ●urse you do good to theym that persecu●e you with hatred praye for theym that hurt you persecute you And over besides this there are yet many places in the holy scripture for be doing all maner of vēgeaunce As in saint Paule vnto the Romayns Ro. 1● 1. Pe. ● and. 3. Saint Petre in his first epistle and in many other places Wherfore it se●●eth that the swerd of iustice shuld be for bodē in the new testamēt emōg the christē Then thirdly for to vnderstond thys well we must fyrst knowe that there are ●wo sortes of people in the worlde The first belong vnto the kingdome of god The other to the kingdome of the worlde They that belong vnto the kingdome of God be all true faythfull people in Iesus Christ and vnder him For Christ is king and lord in the kingdome of God As techeth vs the secunde Psalme and also all the olde and newe testamēt He came also in to the worlde to begyn and to lest vp the kingdome of god in the worlde Therfore saide he to Pylate My kingdome is not of this worlde And whosoever is of the trouth hereth my voice Iohn 18 And in saint Marke sayeth he that the tyme is fulfilled and the kingdome of God shall approche Mar. 1. And in Saynt Mathewe sayeth he Mat. 16. Seche first the kingdome of God He calleth the Gospell a gospell of the kingdome of god bycause the Gospell teacheth governeth and kepeth the same kingdome Then they that are stedfast in the faithe in the love of god yf they obey vnto his cōmaūdemētes have nought to do with the swerd of iustice nor of the seculer power to make theym rightuous And yf all the worlde were true and verey Christen that is to sey veri feithfull there nede no governoure king lord sworde nor iustice For wherto shulde they sarve seyng that all true christē shulde haue the holy goost whiche governeth and teacheth theym to do no wronge to love all the world to suffre and endure the evell and iniurye of all the worlde willingly and ioyfully ye also the deth And where as all persones are content willingly to suffre wrong and iniurye And where as there is none that doth wronge nor iniurye but where as all persones do ryght there is no dyscord hatred envie nor other discencion And there nedeth no ryght nor punycyon Wherfore it were īpossible that the swerd of iustice shuld haue ought to do emong the verey true christen seyng they do moche more of theym silves then eny man cācommaunde theym or then eny lawe or worldly doctrine can teche theym As sayth saīt Paule vnto Timoth. vnto the ryghtuous there is no lawe sette but vnto the vnryghtuous 1. Tim. ● And this is thus bicause that the iugement and ryght of a verey true christen fordereth and avaunceth more then all other ryghtes ād lawes for it procedeth from the holy goost whiche possesseth and inhabiteth the hart of a verey christen But the vnryghtuous do ryght to no man therfore they haue nede of ryght and of lawes wherby they be taught and constreyned to do well A good tree nedeth not that one teche hym to bryng forth good frute for his nature gyveth it without ony reching Likewise are all the verey true christen natured by the holy goost and saith that they do all thinges well and as it aperteyneth more then eny man can commaunde theym by all the cōmaundementes in the worlde And for theym silves haue they no nede nether of lawe nether of ryght But some man myght axe whye then hath god gyvē vnto men so many commaundementes yn the olde and newe testament I answerethe Saint Paule seith as it is sayde byfore vnto the ryghtuous there is set no lawe but to the vnrightuous that is to sey to theym that are not yet true christē And forbicause that none is true and verey christē or good of nature but be all synnars and evill As witnesseth the prophete sayng God hath loked from heven vppon the children of mē that he mought se if there be eny vnderstonding Psat. ●3 Rom. 3. or seching god All are fallen and are become abhominable there is none that doeth good no not one Therfore god refreyneth the malice of the people by the lawe that they dare not accomplisshe hit outwardly by worke and dede according to they re evill will Mereover saint Paule gyveth vnto the lawe an other office that is that it letneth vs to knowe oure synnes by the whiche knowelege a man is made meke and yeldeth hym silf to the faith and vnto the mercy and grace of god as is
bifore seyde Fourthly all they that be not yet christen belong vnto the kingdome of the worlde and be vnder the lawe In this nombre are all the evill christen whiche seke nought elles but all worldly pleasure and are called christen but they are not so Seyng then that there be so fewe good Christen and so many evill people god hath gyven vnto the same evill out of the Christen astate and out of his kingdome an other regyment and governaunce and hath put theym vnder the swerde that is to sey vnder the seculer power and cyvill ryght to thintent that they may not accōplisshe they re malice when they wolde As a myschevous wylde best is tyed with chaynes and bondes that he may nether bite nor stryke after his nature albeit that he wolde saine accōplisshe hys evel nature whiche is not nedefull vnto a gentill tame best for without the cheynes and without bondes he doth noue evill to no man If it were not thus bicause that there be many m● evill persones yn the worlde thē good ād that the good do not resist evill the one wolde devoure and put the other to destruction yn suche facyon that none shulde be abill to kepe nether wife nor children nether yet be abill to maynteyn hym silf And by suche meane shulde the worlde yn contynuaunce become wast ād with out inhabitauntes For this cause hath god ordyned these .ij. governemētes The spirituall the whiche maketh christen and good persones by the holy gost vnder the king of that kingdome Iesus christ And the seculer gouernaunce the whiche ●●ostreyneth the evell parsones to kepe outward peace and to be tame ageynst they re will Rom. Thus teacheth vs saint Paule to vnderstond the swerd and seculer instice saying the prynces are not to be feared to theym that be good but vnto theym that be evill Nowe if eny man wold governe the world that is to sey the evill only after the gospell and cause to cease all worldly lawe and iustice saying that they are baptised and christen to whome the swerde of iustice nedeth not Unto theym may be answered Hit is of a truth that the true christen haue no nede of ryght nor of the swerde for they re iustifying But do your dyligence to fulfill the worlde with true christen bifore that you governe theym christenly ād after the gospell whiche shal be verey hard for you to do For the worlde is all gyven to synne and starcely can they abide good christen They are not all christen that are baptised and called christen Therfore it is not possible vnto the worlde to observe and kepe a comon christen governaunce namely also yn the iuddes of a grete comonte for the evill are alweys more yn nombre then the good feithfull For this cause to governe a cuntrey after the gospell without the swerde of iustice is as though a man wolde put togyther yn a stable heries wolves lyons shepe and other lyke and to suffre all these bestes to be conversaunt togyther the one with the other howe long I pray you shuld they haue peace to gyther the one with the other Ye howe long shuld the poore shepe lyve we therfore must nedes haue here bothe these governementes The spirituall or eva●gelye all bicause it iustifieth ād bryngeth helth The other bicause it entreteyneth and holdeth peace The one is not sufficient in the worlde without the other For without the spirituall governement of Iesus christ can none be saved nor iustified bifore god by the worldly regyment So may ye perceyve that the rule or governemēt of christ hath not lordship over all persones For the true christē be alweys lesse yn nombre ād be yn the middes among the not christen as a rose emong the thornes Then where as the worldly governaunce reyneth every where alone there can be none other thīg but ypocrysye For without having the holy goost yn the hert can none be made ryghtuous nor saved Lykewyse where the spirituall governaunce reyneth every where alone there is perversite vnbrydeled ād vnbound redy for to accōplisshe all malice for the worlde cā not vnderstōd the spirituall governaunce bicause that it fyghteth onely by the swerde of the spryte whiche is the worde of god And vseth none other swerde Nowe seest thou well whate the wordes of onre savioure christ meane whiche we haue recyted bifore where he sayeth that the christē shall drawe nomā yn to iustice and that they shall not resist evill He speketh that onely of hys dere christē the whiche alone take it ynto they re hartes ād also do it alone for so are thy enolyned ād disposed by vertue of the holy gost workīg yn they re hartes that they do harme to nomā but suffer willīglī evell wrong of every mā Then if all the worlde were suche christē all persones wolde kepe egally this peassible cōma●n demētes all thing wold they do accordīg therūto But nowe because thy be not christen the word of god entreth not ynto they re hertes nor they do not according ther vnto and therfore they apperteyne vnto the other seculer governaunce wher by the not christen be constreyned to kepe peace outwardly and to do none evill For this cause hath not Iesus christ ●orne the swerde nor ordined it yn hys spirituall kingdome for he is king over all the true christen ad governeth without swerde and without ony outward lawe onely by the holy goost working inwardly yn the hert of man And albeit that god hath orde●ned the seculer swerde for the correction of the evill yet he hath not vsed it for i● belongeth not vnto hys kingdome yn the whiche kingdome there are none but suche as be good ād iust And for this cause mought not david bilde the tempel of god bicause he had shed moche blode ād vsed the swerde not that he had done evill or vnryghtuousnesse but bicause he myght not yn this thing be a figure of Ephe. 5. Christ whiche shuld haue a kingdome peasible and without swerde But god commaunded to solomon whiche had a peasible kingdome to bilde the temple for Salomon is as moche to saye as peasible by the whiche kingdome of the verey Salomon Iesu christ mought be figured and signified Moreover yn all the edificatiō of the temple of god was never herd stroke of Iron nor of hamer nor of Axe nor king 6. of none other lyke thing as it is writen yn the therd boke of kinges yn the .vi. chaptre All these thinges here sigrufied that Iesus Christ shulde haue yn his kingdome a people willing to serve hym without constreynt without commaundementes without swerde Esa. 1● This was also bifore prophesied by Esaie saying They shall not hurt and shall not sle yn all my holy mountaigne As●o yn his secunde chapitre They shall tourne they re swordes ynto cultres and they re speres ynto sythes The one shall not lyst vp a swerde ageīst the other and they shal be
do with vs ▪ for we be his we live or dye saith saint Paule Ro. 14. For this cause he that with a stedfast faith suffereth and endureth paciently all thinges tribulacions is a christen And this is the faith and the stedfast stone vppon the whiche the cristente is founded For in this doing we beleve ād trust stedfastly that god is oure father and that he will not forsake vs albeit that nowe he do here chastise vs for as I haue sayd there can be no more certayn signe that god loveth the. thē whē sorowe and tribulacion happeneth vnto the. for all the scriptures of the newe testament promyse vs here nothing but sorow and sufferaunce ¶ Of the most certayn weye to come to salvacyon Chaptre v. THis must euery Christē knowe that none syns the tyme of Adam vnto this day hath deserved the euerlasting life by his good workes And that none by his good workes shall deserve it Hebre. 7 as writeth saint Paule vnto the Hebrewes The lawe hath brought nothing vnto perfection wherfore all they do erre that thinke that then they shal be saved whē they haue done many good workes And like wise all they that thinke that they shal be dampned when they have done no good For good workes make no mā certeyn that he shal be saved And he that hath done no good is not also certeyn that he shal be dampned The workes can gyve no maner certeynte For the Pharisey that had done moche good whiche loked for grete reward of god was reproved and despised Luke ● As writeth saint Luke where the pharisey thanked god that he was not as other were extorcioners vniust aduoutrers nor as the publican was and bosted him silf of his good workes And the publican that had done no good and confessed mekely his sinnes was of God receyved vnto grace for this cause to thintent that euery man may knowe that god hath no nede of oure good workes for to save vs with all I will declare here first how we be iustified and obteyne helth First we must knowe that by the originall sinne we were made subiectes and servauntes vnto the devell and none yn the world mought helpe vs for all mankinde was dettoure vnto God And that worse was we did not knowlege oure mysery nor are socoure of god Then when there was no comforte nor meane to helpe vs and to deliver vs ageyne from the subiection of the devell Oure god almightye by his greate mercy and goodnesse of him silf hath willingly suffred that his onely begotten son Iesu Christ was made mortall man for vs to thintent that by his deth whiche he had not deserved he might by vs ageyn and delyuer vs from eternal deth wherunto we were all subiectes As writeth saint Paule saying Ro. 5 If it be so that by the sinne of one man that is to sey of Adam deth hath reygned vppon many moche more the grace of god and the gyft of grace of one man Iesuchrist aboundeth vppon many Ephe. 2 And vnto the Ephesians Blessed be God father of oure lorde Iesu christ whiche hath blessed vs with a spirituall benediction by his son Christ. Thus is this grace comen hoelly to vs from god of his goodnesse and not by oure meryte or good workes For we dyd not knowlege oure bondage and subiectyon nor dyd not ones desyre to be delyvered from oure myserye Then for asmoche as the devell dyd se● honde vppon Chryst to whome he had no right for bicause he had not sinned christ hath gotten right vppon vs agaynst the devell and hath made vs fre and delyvered vs and we be made his heyres and all his glory is ours as saint Paule doth largely declare in all his epistles This hath God gyven vs without oure deservyng and we nede not to laboure for these thinges For we haue all this alredy As witnessith saynt Iohn saying Iohn ● Behold whate love the father hath shewed on vs that we shuld be called the children of God And in the same chapter sayeth he Derely beloved nowe are we the children of god This helth hath god gyven to vs willingly by hys sonne Iesu Christ. For Iesu Christ ys bycome man to satisfie vnto hys father for vs and to make oure peace with hys father Ro. 3 And as writeth Saynt Paule vnto the Romayns sayīg we be iustified frely by the grace of God and by the redempcyon whyche ys in Iesu Christ. So ys Christ made a mediator and a peace maker bywene God the father and man As sayeth saynt Paule vnto the Hebrewes he may make theym safe for ever that come vnto god by hym Hebre. 7 he is allweyes lyving for to praye for vs Suche an hyghe prest it becometh vs to haue whiche is holy harmles vndefiled separat from sinners and made hygher thē hevens And by his deth it is graūted vs that we be christen and children of God Gala. 3. As lyke wise teacheth saint Paule saying Ye are all the children of God by the faith whiche is in Iesu christ And for asmocheas Iesu christ is made man he is also made oure brother And seyng we be his bretheren we be also heyres of his glory whiche he hath with his father as sayth saint Paule vnto the Romayns whiche hath not spared his owne sonne Ro. 8. but hath gyvē him for vs all howe shall he not also gyue vnto vs all thinges with him We be then sure that all that is Iesu Christes is ours if we can beleve it Some man mought demaund Hath god the father willingly gyven vs all this hath none deserved it No truely None hath deserved it None by his deserving or good workes hath enduced god to do this But he hath done it of him silf and by his greate mercy Hiere 3● as saieth the prophete Ieremy In a perpetuell charite I haue loved the And therfore haue I had compassion on the and haue taken the to mercy Iohn 3. And Iesu christ saieth in the gospell of saint Iohn God hath so loved the world that he hath gyven his onely begotten sonne to thintent that whosoever beleve yn him shuld not perisshe but haue everlastīg life as wryteth S. Paule If a lawe had byn gyven which might haue iustified the iustice shuld haue byn truely of the lawe Gala. ● But the scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne to thintent that the promyse shuld be gyven vnto the belevers by fayth And vnto the Romayns If God be for vs who is he that may be againste vs as though he wold saye Ro. 7. None for we haue receyved all thing of god with his sonne But whate thing haue we receyved this lybertye from the subiection of the devell that is remission of all sinnes that ys the ioy and glory of the everlastinge life And this hath god gyven vnto vs by his sonne as saint Paule sayeth vnto the Hebruwes The bloude of Christ whiche by the holy
ghost hath offred hym silfe without Hebre. ● spot vnto God hath clensed oure consciences from mortall workes for to serve vnto the lyving God And therfore we haue no nede to laboure by oure good workes to get euerlasting lyfe for we haue that alredy we be all iustified we be all the children of God God hath gyven vs all thys of him silf without oure deserving Some man might say I will also do sumwhate to thintent that I may be so moche the more certeyn to be saved All they that say so and all they that thinke that they re good workes helpe eny thing or proufit for to get the gift of saluacyon they blaspheme ageynste God and robbe god of his honoure and speke ageynst the might and goodnesse of God Gala. 5 as wryteth saint Paule If ye be circumcised Christ shall nothinge proufit you that is to say if ye put eny trust in the lawe or in any workes Christ shall not helpe you And yet sayeth saint Paule in that same Chaptre whosoever will be iustified by the lawe is fallen out of the grace of god Howe may the wordes be more clere wherfore al they blaspheme ageynst the dyvine puissaunce that will eny maner wey deserve by they re good workes for this cause we must do oure good workes alweys by love to the proufit of 〈…〉 not for the necessite of oure h●●th for by Iesu christ be we made sure of the euerlasting life as it is bifore said They that by they re workes will satisfie vnto god be agaynst God as though God were not puissaunt ynough of him silf without the helpe of oure werkes for to pardone vs oure sinnes and as though the passion of Christ were not vertuouse ynough without oure deservinges for to helpe vs to come vnto heven Therfore say I we must allonly hoelly trust in the grace mercy of god not in oure workes or els christ shall nothing proufit vs. ¶ Howe that by the onely grace of God and by nothing elles we be saved Chaptre vi NOwe might some man sey I knowe wel that god is mightie ynough to save me without my workes but I cā not tel whether he wil do it if it be not that I live therwith al rightuously parauēture my good werkes shal enduce hī to make me rightuous to save me or els he wolde not do it All they that so saye or thinke as I haue said blaspheme against the goodnesse of god as though god were not of him silf mercyfull ād good ynough except he were first stered vnto mercy by oure werkes Ro. 4. Not withstōding that saint Paule sayeth that the promesse was not made vnto Abraham by the lawe but by the iustice of the faith And seyng also that of his proper nature he is nothing els but goodnesse and mercy as he hath alweyes taught and shewed whē he was teaching in the world for he hath never dispysed nor left none discomforted of eny thing that eny hath requyred him but onely suche as wold not beleve Wherfore thou must knowe ones for all that by the onely grace of god we be saved And god will not that thou put thy good workes or thy iustice with his pretending to helpe him by thy workes for he will do it a lone and will haue no maner helpe For he hath no nede of the coūsell nor of the dede nor of the workes nor of the iustice of any other Ephe. 2 For saint Paule saieth By grace are ye saved thorowe faith and that not of your silves for it ys the gift of god and cometh not of workes lest eny man shulde bost himsilf Now were it possible to speake it more pleynly and vnto the Romains Ro. 5. Being iustified by fayth we are at peace with god And saynt Iohn saieth He is the recōciliacion for oure sinnes 1. Iohn The deth of Iesu christ and his iustice be vertuous ynough for to take awey all the sinnes of the world Nowe might one demaunde whi will god iustifie vs and so save vs of him silfe God doth it to thintent that he make hys goodnesse and mercy vnto vs more clere and more open Ephe. 2 As writeth saint Paule vnto the Ephesians God that is riche yn mercy thorowe the grete love wherwyth he loved vs even when we were d●ed by sinne hath quykned vs with Christe by whose grace ye be saved and with hī hath reysed vs vp and with him hath made vs sitte in hevenly thinges thorowe Christ for to shewe in tyme to come the exceding richesse of his grace in kindnesse towarde vs thorowe Iesus Christ. Here seest thou by these wordes the cause whye god will do it alone for if god shuld iustifie vs ād shuld gyue helth bicause of oure workes he shuld not do it by his goodnesse but oure workes had deserved it and so shulde we not nede to thanke God therfore but mo●ght ascribe it to oure selves and vnto oure workes But saint Paule and all the prophetes do teache vs that we be iustified and haue gotten helth by the onely grace of God and not by oure deservynges for we haue none And as god wyll that we do not thanke laude or loue other then alonely him Also like wyse will he not that we serche elswhere or of any other helth but of him onely for god wil be oure helth and oure savioure alone and he will not that we serche els where comfort but in him and of him and not in oure silfe nor in oure good werkes And for this cause thus writeth saint Paule vnto Titus But after that the kindnesse and loue of oure savioure appered vnto man not of the dedys of rightuousnesse which we haue wrought but of his mercy he hath saved vs by the fonteyne of the newe birth with the renewing of the holy gost whiche he shed over vs abundauntly thorow Iesus christ oure savioure Titū 3 And therfore whosoever thīke to haue deserved the kingdome of heven by his rightuous life he robbeth god of his goodnesse for god hath frely iustified vs of hī silf oure lord him silf hath seid in the gospel of S. Ioh None may come vnto me except my father that sent me drawe hī Iohn 6 And in an other place without me ye cā do nothing Iohn 15 god spake by the prophete Osee O Israel thi perdiciō comith of thy silf alonely of me cometh thy helpe Osee. 14 And saint Paule vnto the romains Ro. 9. The enerlasting life is not his that will or that r●neth after it but it is in the hondes will of god to gyve it to whome he will by his mercy Therfore erre all they that thīke that god owith to theym the euerlastīg life or that they haue deserved it when they haue done many good workes for that thing that god onely gyveth to whome he will that wold they take frō him plucke it out of
his hōdes thei yeld no thākes vnto god as did S. Paul vnto the Colossiās Col. ● sayīg we gyve thākes vnto god the father which hath made vs mete for to the partakers of the inheritaūce of saintes in light whiche hath delyvered vs from the power of derknesse and hath translated vs into the kingdome of his dere sonne in whome we haue redempcion thorowe his bloude that is to sey forgevenesse of sinnes Such people get lest of all and are in many tymes reprobate and forsaken of god Lu. 18 As the Pharisey whiche rehersed vnto god his good workes as though he had not knowē theym But if thou wilt haue the kingdome of heven I counsed the that thou trust nothing in thy good workes but that thou be exercising thi silf after thy power in dedes of charite and mercy toward thy christen brother So as oure lord teacheth yn the gospell saying Lu. 17. when ye haue done all that to you is commaunded yet say ye we be vnproufitable servauntes Suche humble opinion and feling must a christen ha● if he wil be saved For as saint Petre sayeth God resisteth alweyes the proude but vnto the humble he gyveth grace 1. Pe. 5. for god loveth moche more a sinner whyche humbleth him silf axing mercy then one that thinketh that he is holy and that he hath done many good workes exaltynge him silf in theym and thinkinge that God owith to him the kingdome of heven bycause of his good workes For as I haue seyd God will save none for his good workes but he wil save vs all by his mercy to thintent that we shuld thanke hym for it and to thintent that to him alone ād to his name may be gyven all glory preyse and grace and that all the worlde may prayse and exalte the goodnesse and mercy of him alone Ro. 3 For saint Paule saieth that the rightuonsnesse that cometh of god ys declared without the fulfillinge of the lalawe and for this cause wold God suffre none to come into euerlasting lyfe byfore the comyng of Iesus christ nether Abraham Isaac nor David Ro. 3 For as saint paule seyth they all haue sinned and lacke the preyse that is of valure byfore God and this he wolde also to thintent that bothe they and we shuld also knowe that all they that haue obteyned or shal opteyne helth haue and shall opteyne it by the deth of Iesu christ and not by they re rightuousnesse or workes for if eny might haue bin saved by his workes Abraham and David had come to heven byfore the comyng of Iesu christ But God wolde it not to thintent that we shuld knowe that all oure helth lyeth in the deth of Iesu Christ which by his mercy he hath suffred for vs There is none other wey for to come to everlastīg life but by Iesu Christ crucyfied for vs. And therfore we must put all oure trust in God alone we shall take all oure comfort of God onely calling vppon his mercy in this maner O dere lord god almighty I poore sinner confesse byfore thy dyvine p●●ssaunce that by my sinnes I haue deserved the everlasting deth of hell by thy grete iustice But alweyes I take hope and comfort in thy godly promesse wherby thou saydest in thy gospell He that beleveth in the sonne of god shall haue everlasting life Iohn 3 for this cause I poore sinner come toward the dere lord Iesu christ whiche art the onely fontayne of mercy not trusting in my good workes which be but stinkīg byfore the nor in any worldly thing but onely in the alone for thou alone art the wey the trouth and the lyfe And I pray the that vnto me poore sinnar thou wilt do thy grace and mercy Amen So shall the christē hūble him silf vnderstōd of hīsilf of his good workes Esaie 64 for as saieth Esai all oure iustice is as it were the clothe of a womā suffering the floures God hath saved none by his workes but onely by his divine grace mercy As teacheth saint Paule Ephe. ● ye are saved by grace thorowe faith that not of your silf And if it be by grace as saieth saint Paule ageyn then is it not by the deservinge of workes for then were grace no grace Ro. 1● Hereby mayst thou perceive that god wil that oure helth come of his grace and mercy and not of oure deserv●nges For if any may deserve heven by his workes then is it no grace or gift of god but it is vet wages And then god of him silf giveth it not vnto vs but we get it as for vauntes that serve for wages And that can be by no meanes for saint Paule teacheth vs in many places that we be iustified haue obteined helth by the grace of god not by oure good workes but by oure feith for it is a gift of god not hyres or wages for laboure Ephe. ● to thintēt that we shuld not esteme that we had saved ouresilves for s. Paule saith whē we were dede by sinne he hath quickened vs with christ wherfore we shall not glorifie ī oure silves but ī god alone for god will not that we serche hī for wages as servauntes But he will that we shall love him as children they re father and that we serve him by love without desiringe eny thing but to please him for he him silf hath seid to his apostles Iohn 15 I call you not nowe servauntes but frendes Psal. 21 And Christ hath said by the prophete to his hevenly father I will shewe thy name to my bretherē And ageyn to his apostles Mat. 23 Call ye no man father on the erth for ye haue one father in he●en And therfore hath Iesu christ not learned vs to pray Oure lord whiche arte in heven Mat. 6 but oure father for we be his children and if we be the children of god we be his heyres as sayeth saint Paule Ro. 8 ¶ To whome the grace of god is gyuen Chaptre .vij. ONe myght axe Is thys grace of god gyven to every body Nay but it is gyven to all theym that beleve And all they that beleve in Iesu christ in suche maner as we haue byfore declared and shall all declare more pleynly they be the children of god as wryteth saint Iohn in the gospell saying Iohn 1 Unto as many as receyved him gave he power to be the sonnes of god in that they beleved yn his name And as sayeth saint Paule He that comith to god must beleve that he ys God and that he is a rewarder of theym that seke him Hebre. 1● Therfore we haue seid that all the newe testament doth teache vs principally none other thing but faith and trust in Iesu christ and therfore the feith is the foundacion of Christendome For this cause if thou wilt that the passion ād grace of christ be to thy socoure and proufit
willingly haue saved theym for he did promyse to theym emong other the heritage of his kingdome and had made theim his children but they dampne theym silves They are the children of God as concerning goddis behalf but they are alweyes dampned bicause of they re disobedience Ye some tyme god calleth suche people his frēdes not that they be so but bicause thei mought haue bin so Mat. 2 As he said vnto Iudas My frēd whie art thou come hither Mat. 2 And vnto hī that came vnto the wedīges my frēde how art thou entred here not hauīg the weddīg garmēt Behold he is called frēde yet neverthelesse he suffreth hī to be cast into darknesse he had bī the frēd of god if he wold haue cōsented to the wil of god 1 Iohn Saint Iohn saieth There is now mani an̄christes thei wēt out frō vs were not of vs for if they had byn of vs they had bydden with vs. So be all people the children of god but there be many that make theym silves vnworthy ād depart theym silves from god The other sonne that abideth with his father is a sonne and abydeth a sonne and heyre bicause he is obeisaunt vnto his father He hath not deserved by his good lyfe and obedience the possessyon ād goodes of his father but he hath onely byn well ware that he hath not lost theym by disobediēce For the father may sey Dere son it is true that thou hast kept to the best of thy power my commaundementes notwithst●nding thy goodnesse had never made the riche yf I had not gotten it Then lyke wise all though that we kepe the cōmaundementes of god never so streytly it shuld profit vs nothing if it were not that Iesu christ had obteyned for vs the lyfe eternall byfore of his hevynly father by his deth Oure goodnesse or iustice shulde profit vs nothing if Iesus christ had not laboured for vs. For as saieth saint Paule The lawe hath brought nothing vnto perfection Hebr. 7 The Iues kept the cōmaundementes and the lawe of god yet they co●de not come vnto heven It was nedeful that Iesu Christ must first dye for theym Lykewyse can we not be saved by oure workes Oure helth is come to vs of god For if by oure workes we may got helth ●hen must we nedes say that Christ is dede in vayne As saieth saint Paule Ye if workes mought haue saved Abraham Isaac Iacob David and many other Iu●s had byn saved as we haue seyd byfore the natiuyte of Iesu Christ for they kept better the commaundementes of god then we do But god will do it alone to thintent that none glorifie or bost him silf therof and that to him alone and to none other he gyven all honour and glory for ever Amen For as wryteth saynt Paule The scripture concludeth al thinges vnder sinne that the promys by the feyth of Iesus Christ shuld be gyven vnto theym that beleve Ga. 3 For this cause when the parsone knoweth surely that god hath made hym childe of the everlasting lyfe by hys deth byfore he had deserved it he will do agayne to god all the service that he can thinke and all by love aud kindnesse shewing that he will not be vnkind not to get eny thing of godbut bycause he is his good father and that he hath receyved al thinges of him For we haue nowe alredy al that wherfore we must serve god For he hath made vs his children and his heyres while we were his enimyes and byfore that we knewe him as we haue many tymes byfore saied And hereyn lyeth the deserving of the christen faith that thou beleve certeynly that thou art the child of god and that thou kepest his commaundementes bicause thou knowest and belevest stedfastly that he hath so made the riche greate and that thou servest him by this faith as a good childe his father For the childe dou●teth not but beleveth stedfastly that he shall haue the substaunce of his father and bycause he beleveth it stedfastly he laboureth for to entreteyne it So shalt thou beleve without doubting eny thing that thou art enheryter of heven And therfore shalt thou do thy diligence to kepe that herytage to the honour of thy father Thou shalt be ware that thou anger him not but thou shalt thanke him oft bycause he hath gyven the thys hevenly herytage Behold nowe seist thou well bifore thine yien howe moche we are bound to thāke prayse and serve god and to kepe hys commaundementes and to kepe vs from sinne and to do many good workes of faith by verey love ¶ Of two maner people lyving in this world Chaptre xi THere are īthe world ij sortes of people good evill be cōpared vnto the two theves that suffred on the crosse with Iesu christ ▪ the good are berokened by the theef on the right side which axed pardō thei be thei that knowlege thē silves pore sinners fele mekely of them silves Lu. 18 as did the poore publican that durst not lyft vp hys yies toward heven for they knowe that they haue not kept the commaūdemētes of god so streytly as thei were bound They perceyue also that though thei thīke to kepe thē never so well they fele theim silves failing alweyes in detraction ●n hastinesse in anger in idell wordes in infidelite ād in lakke of loue albeit that suche folke do moche goodyet they re conscience is not content and in rest but as cōcerning theym silves euer in sorowe For they knowe that they must appere byfore the rightuous iudge bifore whose face as sayeth the Psalmist shall none lyving be iustified if we shuld be iudged after oure deservinges Psal. 142 And therfore come they and cast theym silves prostrate byfore the mercy of god and sey with the thefe on the right syde Lu. 23 Lorde haue mynd on me when thou comest into thy kīgdome Thou hast commāunded me many thinges and I perceyue in my silf that I am frayle and cānot entierly kepe thy commaundementes though I loke never so well therto Neverthelesse I knowe that thou nedest not my good workes Seing it is so that thou hast so moche loved me that thou woldest suffer deth for me when I dyd not yet knowe the and was yet thyne enemye I haue trust vnto the my most mercyfull god that thou wilt not suffre hym to periss he for whome thou hast shed thy bloude For I knowe that thou art a lord almightye that mayest all thinges in heven and in erth And I knowlege and worship the am certeyn that thou wilt not dampne me Albeit that I haue not deserved heven by my good workes I knowe and beleve that thou hast satisfied for me whē thou dydest suffre deth on the crosse Thou hast bought me agayn with thy precyous bloude and I am thyne the devell hath no ryght in me Neverthelesse yf thou wylt dampne me o mercyfull god thou mayest well do it
yn the holye scripture that ys to sey we be the childern of the fayth For by the meane of oure fayth we be saved as Abraham was iustified by his fayth and hath gotten by hys fayth that all they that shall haue suche fayth may lyke wyse be iustyfyed For this cause whosoever hath not the fayth of Abraham nothing can come vnto hym of that whiche Abraham beleved That ys to say when God ys not thy hope and thy comforte when thou abydest not wyth a stedfast trust vppon God when thou art not redy to suffer and endure all thinges namely also the deth for the loue and honour of god And also to lose all that thou hast in the world thou art not the childe of Abraham For Abraham was redy to all thinges wherunto god wold send hym Suche was Iob when he sayed Iob. 13 Albeit that he kill me I will put my trust in him And the wise saieth Pro. 12 Whatsoever thing come to the rightuous let him not sorowe And saint Pa●le saieth who shall separat vs from the love of Iesu Christ Ro .8 shall tribulacion persecucion ●werd or deth And as saint Petre saieth 1. Pet. 3. who is he that may hurte you if ye be haunters and folowers of goodnesse For all that ever comyth vnto the when thou hast this feith be it of mā or of the devell all comyth to thy proufit As saieth saint Paule vnto the Romains To theym that love God all thinges be helping and avauncement to good Ro. 8. And therfore pray we alweyes that the will of god be done For as he is not here come as he seyd him silf to do his will Mat. 6. but the will of his hevenly father So shall Iohn 5 not the good Christen desyre that hys owne will be done but the will of God And therfore shalt thou bere al thinges paciently as did Abraham with a stedfast feyth knowing surely that god will not forsake the for god is thy father and thou art his childe And it behoveth that he do with the what him pleaseth For seyng that he is all good he will nothing but thine helth None can have suche a feyth if he haue not therwith the love of god And he that hath the loue of god hath fulfilled the lawe for all the scriptures teache vs none other thing but that we loue god with all oure hartes and oure neyghbour as oure silf as it is writen in saint Mathewe Mat. 22. None is a true christen but he that hath this loue All other be rather ypochrites then Christen For all good workes which be not done by charyte and of good will are all synne byfore God as saieth saint Austyn He that doth good ageynst his will he doth evill albeit that that that he doth be good For all that I do ageynst my will I hate it And when I hate the commaundement I hate also him that hath cōmaunded it And as long as the parsone ys suche he may not be rightuous ▪ for none may be rightuous but he that kepeth fulfilleth the commaundementes of God by charyte and with a ioyfull hart And this is a singular grace of god And therfore may none be proude of it for he cā not haue it of him silf So hath a man nothing of him silf wherwith he may exalt him silf For without God can we do nothing Iohn 15 As Christ him silf sayeth wit out me cā ye do nothing No not ones haue of your silf one good thought as sayeth saint Paule 1. Cor. 4 whate hast thou that thou hast nor receyved wherfore there is no wey more sure to come to everlasting life then to humble him silf byfore God and to pray hym humbly of mercy nothing trusting in hys good workes but with a ferme trust forsaking him silf to knowlege alweyes to god his imperfection For we can come to nothing by oure good workes if we put eny trust in theym For they are nothing eis but sinne and stinking byfore God when God helpeth vs not by hys grace Esai 64 As saieth the prophete Esaie We are all made vnclene and all oure iustice is as yt were a clothe of a womā that suffreth the fluxe of bloude And therfore I can never merveyle ynough that many of the religyous parsones wolde make other parttakers of thyre good workes by bretheryeldes and fraternytees seyng that Christ saieth yn the Gospell After that ye haue done all that to you ys commaunded say ye we be vnproufitable servauntes we haue done but oure duetye For none can do to moche None doth more then he ys bound to do but onely Iesu Christ whyche 1. Pet. 2. onely as sayeth Saynt Petre the apostle yn his .ij. epistle Never dyd synne nether was there deceyte found yn hys mouth hath done that he was not bound to do And as sayeth the Prophete Esaye hath taken vppon hum all oure languores Csa 53 And all oure sorowes dyd he beare he was wounded for oure inyquytees he was beten for oure offences and by hys strype spottes were we made hole His iustice was onely parfait iustice for he hath done that he was not boūd to do But we of our silves whē we do our best yet can not oure iustice be parfeyt when after oure advice we do more then we are bounde to do yet be we vnrightuous and if we will be rightuous so must goddes rightuousnes make vs rightuous for as sayeth saint Pa●le Christ of god to vs is made wisdome iustice sanctificacyon and redempcion to thintent that as it is wryten He that rei●yseth shuld reioyce in the lord 1. Cor. 1 Saint Paule also teacheth vs yn all his epistles that Iesus Christ is oure iustice and that by him we shal be saved ād by none other Nowe seest thou well that none can do to moche For of him silf none can do ynough and that we must take oure comfort of the satisfaction of Iesus Christ. Then whye will some sell vnto vs they re merytes aud good workes and make vs parttakers of theym And if it be not that suche ypochristes forsake they re trusting vppon there good workes and that they lerne for to trust vppon the iustice ād satisfaction of Christ they theym sylves shall never be saved For the Pharesey had done many good workes but bycause that he stode well yn hys owne conceyte gloryfyed and bosted hym sylf therof therfore he was forsaken of God ¶ In whate thing lyeth the Christendome Chaptre .xiiij. TKen lyeth the verey Christianyte in this thing that thou do all thing that Charyte proceding from thy faith iudgeth to be agreable vnto god And whē thou hast all done with the lest evill that thou canst that thou iudge thy silfe yet an vnproufitable servaunt and that by all thy good workes thou hast yet deserved nothing or yf there be eny thing well done that it apartayneth to god albeit that by his goodnesse he will
wilt for god hath lent theym vnto the for to vse theym in all reason for to socoure the poore with theym As teacheth saint Paule Thou shalt clothe the eate and drinke after the most resonabill custume of the cuntrey where thou dwellest and after the maner of thinhabitaūtes the it For this mayst thou do after the Gospell Thou maist never lye swere nor do nothing that god hath defended for to get temporall goodes Thou shalt not count at evenyng howe moche money thou hast gained but howe moche thou hast prou●ised in goodnesse and vertue and howe moche goodnesse thou hast lost in that dayes iourney Thou shalt not vexe or greve by iustice or otherwise the pore that owe vnto the for thou maist not do it without sinne As Christ saieth in the gospell Mat. 5 Resist not saieth he vnto the evill But whosoever streke the on the right cheke tourne to him the other And he that will drawe the parforce into right and take awey from the thy cote give hīthy gowne also And he that constreyneth the to go a myle with him go with him twayne Give to hym that axeth the. And f●e not from hī that desireth to borowe of the. Also it is sayde more in the same chapter Love your enemyes do good to theym that hate you for if ye love thē saieth he that loue you whate grete thinge do you do not the nethen even the same Moreover Saint Paule vnto the Romayns Ro. 12 Blisse theym that persecute you Blisse theym but curse theym not And ageyn Yeld not evill for evil circumspectly brynging forth that ys honest in the sight of all men And if it be possible as moche as is in you to lyve yn peace with all men not revenging youre silf my welbeloved but give place vnto wrath Hebre. 10 For it is writen To me be the vengeaunce and I will rendre it sayeth the lord God And if thyne enemye be hongry gyve him to eate And if he be thursty gyve him drinke Be not overcome with evill but overcome the evill wyth good 1. Pe. Saint Petre saieth also None shall yelde evill for evill nor curse for curse These wordes and other lyke seme to meane ye they will that the good Christen shall not defende theym silfe by iustice in no maner for eny maner wrong that they suffer of the evill but shuld recomend all vnto the good will of God whyche shall defende theym and rule all thynges for the best and more holsomely and ryghtuously then all the iudges of the worlde But of this mater will we speke in the Chaptre of two maner governementes Thou shalt oftymes lift vp thy harte and thought to God as thou doest thy laboure and shalt sey to hym a short prayer doyng thy busynesse wyth a good wyll and wyth a ioyfull hart or god hath enioyned the that laboure yn paradise in Abam for a penaunce Gene. 3 Phi. 4 Be alweyes ioyfull in the lord and mery wyth thy wife servauntes and manye Herafter wil we tell how the housholder shall live with his servauntes and how he shall be obedient vnto hys prince in paying hys taxes fystenes subsidies or suche other semblable demaundes ¶ Howe the ryche people shuld lyve an informacyon and teaching after the Gospell Chaptre xxv HE that is riche and liveth of his rentes ought first to knowe that he may not vse nor spend his goodes as he will for he is but a kepar and a dispensatour therof For god hath not given the that richesse for to spende it ontragiously in mete and drinke or in costly bildinges and pompous clothiges for vaine glory or to hasard it at dyse and at other gamyng But thy goodes belong as well vnto the poore as vnto the For God hath sent the rychesse ynto the worlde as well for the poore as for the reche For they must lyve all aswell the one as the other The riche be none other thing but dispensatours and dystributers of the goodes of God as the lordes of this worlde have they re dispensatours And therfore when thou spendest thy goodes outragiously in etyng and drynking and other excesse thou shalt yelde accompt byfore god at the day of iudgement For the riche man of whome speketh Christ in the gospell was dampned for none other thyng but bicause that he was not mercyfull ād that he lyved evill of hys rychesse beyng an yll dispensatour Lu. 1● Wherfore it behoveth that every body be circumspect howe he spende For all that folke spende so without necessyte is robbed from the poore for saint Paule saieth when we haue oure fode and wherewith to cover vs let vs be contented Oure nature is content with litell And they that live so in pleasure taking all they re ease are not Christen for they devoure that which belongeth to the pore whiche are they re bretheren and mēbres of one body This let the paynyms do that vse suche voluptuousnesse plesaunce honoure and worldly vanite bicause they haue no hope of a beter life The christen shall not love his temporall goodes but shall vse theym to ministre vnto his necessitees and vnto his neyghboures ever giving thankes vnto God to whome all belongeth And the richer that thou art the more care shalt thou take for to the is given more to kepe then vnto many other The richesses be not evill for Abraham Isaac Iacob Iob and David were ryche but evill vsing of richesse is evill Of suche riche speketh Saint Iames yn this maner I● 5. Go to ye riche wepe ye wayling vppon your miseryes whiche shall come vppon you And Christ in the gospell wo be to you riche that haue here youre consolacion Lu. 6. And in another place Truely saieth he I tell you that the riche shal with difficultye entre into the kingdome of heven Hat .19 And I tell you ageyn It is more easy for a camell to passe thorowe the yie of a nedell then a ryche man into the kingdome of heven Therfore let the riche take hede theyr richesse be not there everlasting life that they haue not an other thīg after their deth As had the riche of whome speaketh oure saviour in the gospell saying A mā was Lu. 16 riche was cloted with purpure silke did eate drinke daily costly meates drīkes ād there was a certeyn begger called Lazarus lying at his gatefull of sores desiring to be fedde with the cromes that fill from the bourde of the ryche but the dogges came and likked his sores It happened that the begger dyed and was borne with angels into the bosom of Abraham the riche also dyed and was buryed in hell And lyfting vp his yies when he was in his tormentes he sawe Abraham a ferre of and Lazarus in his bosom and he cryed and sayed Father Abraham haue mercy on me ●nd send Lazarus that he may put the ende of his finger into the water to cole
man myght nowe saye 3 king 18 The olde testament is nowe ended and hath no more place wherfore we can no more gyve suche ensam●les nor set theym forth vnto the Chri●ten I answer the that is not trewe For faint Paule wryteth yu hys first epistle vnto the Chrinthiens Oure fathers haue all eten one spirituall mete and haue all dronke one spirituall drynke 1. Cor. 01. They drōke of the spirituall stone that folowed theym truely the stone was christe That is to sey they had the same spryte ād feith yn christ that we haue for they beleved then that christ was for to come to redeme theyme as we beleve nowe that he is come and hath redemed vs. Aud so were they christen as well as we Wherfore seyng that they thus vsed alweys the tēporall swerde from the begynnyng of the worlde vnto the comyng of christ for to depresse the outwarde malice of th offenders likewise may also the christen do vnto the ende of the worlde For the tyme and outward chaunge make no difference emong the christen The olde testament is not so cessed that we nede yn no maner wise to kepe it or that he doth evill that observeth every part therof But it is so ceased that yn some thinges and some tymes it is indifferēt and yn some thinges and some tyme it is of necessite to do it or to leve it Hit is not nowe nedefull to kepe it yn all poyntes eny more vnder payne of dampnacion as it was then But we must kepe it onely there where brotherly love requyreth it As when saint Paule circumsised his dis●iple Timothe whiche was not nedefull vnto hym for hys helth but he dyd it to satisfie the mynde of the feble ād weke Iues whiche thought that he myght not be saved without that he were circūsised after the lawe of Moyses to thintēt that by that meane he myght drawe the more of theym to the christen faith The olde testament as concernyng the commaundementes gyven vnto Moyses is not yet ceased nor shal not cease vnto the ende of the worlde Hit is of necessite that arte thou bounde to observe and kepe vnder payne of dampnacyon as they were yn that tyme. As concernyng vnto they re ceremonyes they are clerely ceased yn Christ so that if thou woldest circum●●se they silf at this day forbeare suche meates as were defended vnto the Iues to e●te and to do other ceremonyes not having trust to deserve eny thing therby it is to the indifferent yn so doyng thou hast not ●ffended But yf thou shalt come yn the company of Iewes or of other parsones whiche reken that they can not be saved oneles they shulde kepe suche ceremonyes whome thou woldest fayne wynne to the christen faith and hast hope and lykelyod yn the same there art thou bounde by brotherly love whiche hurteth nomā but servith euery man to kepe they re ceremonye with theym and to do as they do till suche tyme as they may be better taught to knowe that all they re helthe dependith vppon the faith and trust of Iesus christ and vppon hys merytes and deservinges and not yn these blynde ceremonies For charite regardeth not whether the thing be newe or olde that thou doest but onely the vtilite and profit of thy neighbour ¶ Of governours Iuges baylifes and other lyke an informacion ofter the gospell Chapitre xxvij THe gospell is wryten for all parsones aud for all estates of the worlde And there is none estate yn the worlde but that he may fynde yn the gospel howe that he shulde lyve yf that he will folowe it Let none thinke that he is not bound to ●yve after the gospell though he be never so greate a person be he duke prynce Emperour or pope For god hath commaunded that the gospell be preached to euery creature that is to sey to all mankind B●fore god there is no difference nether distinction whether thou be a comon husbond man or a governoure of a towne or of a cuntrey noble or ignoble we haue all promissed at oure baptesme the one as moche as the other we haue all taken one rule that is the teching of the gospell after the whiche we must lede and governe onre life we may not sey let the monkes and prestes kepe it for we haue all promised at oure baptesme the one as moche as the other Wherfore when the lordes will lyve as they shu●d do after the gospell they must first observe and kepe .ij. thinges that is to sey mercy and iustice And also that they knowe when they must be mercyfull and when they must vse iustice Then ●irst 〈◊〉 ●ehoueth that thyne intent be to defende the ryghtuous and innocent and so with the secu●er ryght to come yn ayde vnto the ryght of the gospell reproving and rebuking openly and without ony favour all vnryghtuousnesse to th●●tēt that the people may lyve frely vnder thi protection preserved from theves 〈◊〉 therars and from all maner oppressiō and iniurye as ferre forth as it is possible vnto the when thou doest so thou art goddes servaunt But it behoveth that thou be well ware yn suche thinges to aduenge thi silf yn thy iugement and that thou gyve no iugement nor sentence but onely where thou knowest that thy iugemēt is ryghtfull and that nether for hatred endye nor favour And yet thou must do it with as grete mercy compassion as tenderly as thou woldest cut of a corrupte mēbre from thyne owne body whiche by the malice of hys corruption if thou dydest let hym alone wolde corrupt thy hole body It were also no hurte yn this mater to kepe the ordynaūce somtyme made by Theodosius Emperour whiche ordined that none shulde be put to deth bifore that he had byn .xxx. dayes yn pryson to thintent that yn the meane tyme he myght be well aduysed to make answer And to thintent that the iuge shulde cause no man to dye hastyly and with out aduysement but that he mought haue tyme to ●ole hys enchauffed courage And whē eny of the comynaltie shulde happē to do eny evill by mysfortune ageinst ryght and iustice the whiche hath alweys bifore byn of good life name suche a one may a iuge helpe ageinst the lawes procure hys delyueraūce without synne For if it be so that the lawe of Moses had so grete distreciō that therby they dyd not put theym to deth whiche vnwarely by case of mysaduenture had cōmitted murther ageynst they re will 〈◊〉 As it ys wryten yn Deuterono So that Mofes had assigned thre citees vnto the whiche they that had cōmytted homycyde by misfortune ageynst they re will mought fle for they re safegard Howe moche more shulde we whiche are christē that lyve after the gospel and love oure enemyes haue kepe discretiō regard yn this mater This I saye to thintent that the iuges shall not thinke that they offende if they helpe suche For whē they haue hope