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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01158 An epitome of all the lives of the kings of France From Pharamond the first, to the now most Christian King Levvis the thirteenth. With a relation of the famous battailes of the two kings of England, who were the first victorious princes that conquered France. Translated out of the French coppy by R.B. Esq. Commynes, Philippe de, ca. 1447-1511, attributed name.; Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673, attributed name.; Basset, Robert, attributed name. 1639 (1639) STC 11273; ESTC S108602 92,155 414

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those Benefices whereof Asses are possessed Being asked to marry his Daughter the Lady Claudia to a strange Prince he said I will make no alliance but with the Kats and Mice of my owne Kingdome Francis 1. the 58. K. of France An. 1515. FRancis of Valois Duke of Angolesme as next the Collaterall Line Masculine succeeded Lewis the 12 who dyed without heires Males He was consecrated at Rheims the 25. of January 1515 at which time Charles of Bourbon was made Constable of France The King having taken Prosper Collonne and obtained two battailes against the Swisses tooke Milan After by the perswasion of Pope Leo the tenth the Milaners revolted and immediately after Charles of Bourbon tooke part with Charles the fifth Emperour The King accompanied with the Marshall of Chabanes having recovered the Dutchy of Milan into his power he went to besiege Pavia where he was taken and by the industrious treaty of Madric Anno Dom. 1525 hee was sent backe into France Afterwards Charles of Bourbou was slaine skaling the Walls of Rome which was taken by the Spaniards with the Pope Anno Dom. 1529. a Treaty of Cambray was concluded and the children of France were sent backe into France with Madame Elianor The King and the Pope by Embassies came to an agreement at Marsilles where the Marriage of Henry Duke of Orleance with the Countesse of Bologne the Popes Niece was solemnized After this the King sent the Lord of Montmorency against the Emperour who intended to come against Marsilles who enforced him to retire into Spaine and afterwards invaded France upon the Coast of Picardy and sent another Army to Piedmount against whom the King sent his forces which tooke Suse Villane and Montcalier which caused the truce of Nice for ten yeares during which the Emperour passed through France into Flanders In the meane time Caesar Fregose and Anthony Rincon the Kings Embassadours to the Turke were slaine by the Imperialists Whereupon the King according with the Duke of Cleve against the Emperour tooke Luxembourg Landrecy and other places Of which the Emperour being certified besieged Landrecy but in vaine On the other side the Lord of Anguyen the Kings Lievtenant in Piedmont having gained the battaile of Cerisolles tooke Carignan whereof the Emperour being advertised made a preparation against Paris but perceiving the French too powerfull in forces demanded a Peace which was published at Paris This being done the King intends a Warre against the English at Boulen with whom having made Peace hee went to pay his debt to Nature at Rambouillet the last of March 1547 and lyes interred at St. Denis To one that desired pardon for another that had used ill speeches of his Majesty this King said Let him for whom thou art a suiter learne to speake little and I will learne to pardon much At Paris in an Oration against Hereticks hee said If my arme were infected with that contagion I would cut it off from my body and cast it into the fire Hee said that hee was sorry that the Gentlemen of his Realme being most serviceable and ingenious were not qualified with Learning to be capable of Civill offices as well as Military since Vertue is the formall cause of Gentility which should exceed base low dispositions by an eminent exaltation of goodnesse deriving their pettigree from Heaven for Vera est Nobilitas quaedam cognatio Dijs True Nobility is a certaine affinity to the Gods A Treaty of peace being propounded and ready to bee concluded betweene the Emperour Charles the fift and this King Francis hee said Peace and amity betweene us cannot long endure for the Emperour cannot abide an Equall or Companion and I cannot endure a Master Henry the 2. and 59. King of France Anno 1547. HEnry the second succeeding to the Crowne on his birth day was consecreted at Rheimes in August 1547. Hee sent the Lord of Esse into Scotland for a defence ofthat Countrey and built a Fort over against that of Boullen immediately after the Commons of Guienne mutined upon taxations whilst the King was in Piedmont from whence being upon his returne into France he caused them to be punished by the Constable and made his enterance into Paris proclaimed open warres against England and renewed his allyance with the Swisses Pope Iulius the third being incensed against the King for the City of Parma solicited the Emperour to take up Armes against him and to beleaguer Parma and Mirandula whereupon the King made a prohibition of sending to the Court of Rome for matters of Benefices and in the meane time he tooke Quiers S. Damian and other places of Piedmont on the other side the Burgundions and Hannuyers over-runne the Countrey of Santois above Peronne but to requite them the King making an expedition into Almany by the policy of the Constable seezd of the Metz and the Countrey of Messin and tooke the Duke Dutchy of Loraine into his protection Afterwards hee joyned forces with Duke Maurice who falsifying his faith in his returne invaded the Dutchy of Luxembourg taking the Townes of Tvoy Montmedy Lumes and Civay In the meane time the Emperor marched to the siege of Metz whence he was forced to dis-encampe with the losse of 30000 men and threw himselfe upon Therouenne which he tooke with the Castle of Hedin The King on the other side tooke Mariembourg and other Townes in Piedmont After that the Emperour quitting the Empire retired himselfe into Spaine to live a solitary life and a peace for five yeares was concluded between the Emperour the Kings of England and France which continued not long For warres being renewed betweene the said Kings the day of St. Laurence to the losse of the French in revenge whereof the King tooke Cales Gnines Hames and the County of Oye Peace after being made by the marriage betweene King Philip and the Lady Elizabeth of France and of the Duke of Savoy with Madam Margarite sister to the King and in the continuance of the solemnity the King running at Tilt was hit in the eye of which hurt he dyed at Tournells the twentieth day of Iuly Anno Domini 1559. and lyes interred at St. Denis in France This King having the good inclination of his Nature confirmed by being well brought up under his Father ordained many good Lawes for the reforming apparrell providing for the poore maintenance of Justice and releeving his oppressed Subjects but especially hee made a Law against swearing and blaspheming and herein he did singularly well but he disgraced these good actions by permitting a bloody and fatall Combate betwixt Iarnac and Chastaignery Gentlemen upon the giving the lye performed at St. German in Lay on the sixeteenth of July before the King and divers Princes and Noblemen wherein Jarnac held the weaker got the better and gave the other many deadly wounds whereof he dyed whereupon the King did forbid all Combats Thus hee beganne his reigne with this Tragedy and ended it with his owne For at the marriage of
Emperour Albert and this King made an accord betweene them for the conservation of their kingdomes against all men A while after the Pope being much moved against the King sent a Bull into France by the Arch-bishop of Narbona interdicting the King which Bull was burnt in the Court of the Palace At that time the Flemings slew all the French Garrisons whereupon the King being enraged sent his Army to Courtrac which was by them defeated Whilest the King sent the Lords Tarra a Colonian and Nogareth with 2000. Horse into Italy they put the Pope in such a terrour that he dyed The King also tooke such a revenge upon the Flemings neare to the Mount of Poville that hee overthrew 36000. of them After that the King having suppressed the Knights Templars and causing James de Moulay or Beavieu Generall of that Order deceased at Fontainebleau An. Dom. 1314 and lyes inhumed at St. Denis This King being perswaded to take revenge on a Bishop who had underhand strooke fire to kindle the tindar of contention betweene him and the Pope he said That it was more noble in a Prince to save than kill to pardon than to persecute and to forgive and remit rather than to revenge for saith he It must be of necessity that all things which angry men doe must needs be full of blindnesse and necessity because it is no easie matter for a man troubled with envy to have the use of Reason and whatsoever is without Reason is without Art It behooveth us therefore to take reason as our guide in all our actions and to remove these passions of envy and revenge for they ought not to rest in a wise mans breast Yet he was much affronted by Pope Boniface cōmanding him by his Bull to succour the Tartar which the King engaged in many affaires refusing to doe the Bishop sent by the Pope told him That if the King would not obey the Pope he would deprive him of his Realme But afterward two Gentlemen imployed by the King seized on the Pope in his Palace-Hall at Anagma and carryed him to Rome where he grew mad and dyed Thirty five dayes after hee was taken and had this Epitaph made by common Fame in his disgrace Hee entred his Topedome like a Foxe hee reigned like a Lyon and dyed like a Dogge Lewis the 10. the 47. King of France surnamed Hutin Anno. 1315. THis Lewis the tenth already by his Mother King of Navarre Count of Brye and Champagne succeeded his Father Anno Domini 1315. His Kingdome from the beginning was marvellously troubled with mutinies and popular seditions and for that cause he was surnamed Hutin which in old language imports mutiny and quarrells Enguran De Marigny Count of Longue Ville was accused before the King by Charles of Valois the Kings Vncle for having ill governed the Finances charged the people with many impositions and taxes and infinite confusions also for having taken money of the Flemings to grant them a peace to the disadvantage of the King wherefore he was hanged upon the Gallowes of Paris which himselfe had caused to be built Afterwards the King caused himselfe to bee annoynted and Crowned at Rheimes upon the Feast of the Assumption of the B. Virgin then he led his Army against the Flemings whom he forced to raise and forsake the siege of L'Isle And at his returne he seated the Court of Parliament at Paris to the end that the pleaders should not be anymore incommodated by so often removing it The yeare following the Count of Flanders came to visite the King at Pontoise to treat of a peace with him In the interim Lewis Count of Navers his sonne would sieze upon Flanders if the Flemings would have beene content therewith which was a cause that his Father returned after that hee had promised the King to ratifie to the Flemings that which he had treated with him Vpon this the King was surprised with a Malady at Bois De Vincennes whereof he died the fifteenth of Iune in the eighteenth moneth of his reigne leaving his second wife Clemence great with Childe who was delivered of a sonne the foureteenth of November who was baptised Iohn who lived above eight dayes there remaining none of his Line but Ioane whom he had by his first wife the daughter of Robert Duke of Burgundy by whom Eudes Duke of Burgundy her Vncle would lay claime to the Crowne but Philip the Tall brother to the late King Lewis opposing the Lawes and Customes of France in right of his Neece caused the Crowne to be adjudged unto him Lewis the tenth surnamed Hutin had two Wives Marguerite daughter of Robert Duke of Burgundy by whom he had a daughter named Ioane who was married after to Philip Count of Evreux sonne to Lewis of France brother to the late Philip the Faire and by this meanes the Kingdome of Navarre entered into the families of the Counts of Evreux and Clemence sister to Carlobert King of Hungary whom at his decease he left with Child of a sonne who was called Iohn and although he dyed an infant without having beene crowned hee hath not beene heretofore ranked in the Catalogue of the Kings of France Neverthelesse seeing that he was truely legitimate and sole heire to King Lewis Hutin he deserved the title Royall and to bee inserted to the number of Kings seeing that dying hee was with solemnity and Regall pompe carryed to St. Denis the Princes his Vncles and kinred being present at his Funeralls where hee was proclaimed although dead King of France and Navarre In the meane time that Clemence was with Child immediately upon the decease of Lewis Hutin it was ordered by the Court of Parliament that Mounsieur Philip of France Count of Poitiers should be Regent of the Kingdome untill the fruit of the Queene if it were Male should attaine to the maturity of eighteene yeares and therefore hee he bore in his Armes the Title of Philip Sonne of the King of France and Navarre Regent of the Kingdomes of France and Navarre And so the Regency was given to the next Prince of Blood so that hee were the nearest to succeed the Crowne After the death of the said Iohn who lived but eight daies or at the most but 20 daies as some do write there was some dispute amongst the Princes of the kingdome some maintaining the right to bee ill grounded upon Ioane daughter to the late Lewis Hutin and others resting upon the Iustice of the Salique Law which yet was never violated in France and ordayneth that there being never an heire Male of a King the next of Blood of the Male side shall come to the Crowne and excludes the daughters and the descendents from them although they be Males But in the end the Parliament of the Paires and Counsell of France adjudged that Philip the Tall Vncle to the late Iohn was the true and lawfull heire to the Crowne which was the first debate and difference of the Salique Law The King
Church of God Keepe the good customes of thy Kingdome carefully abolishing those which are evill Impose no Taxes on thy Subjects but upon great occasion Favour those that feare GOD love Justice and hate Covetousnesse Let not thy Judges be impartiall against thy Subjects Keepe the Cities and Townes gotten by thy Predecessors preferre good and sufficient men to Benefices and Offices Be an Example to thy Subjects moderate the expences of thy Court and so God blesse thee These were the good instructions which this godly Monarch gave unto his Sonne for the leading of an upright life and to abandon all worldly delights and pleasures so as hee might both please God and be a patterne to his inferiours Philip 3. the 45. King of France Anno 1271. AFter the decease of S. Lewis Philip the third surnamed the Hardy his eldest sonne having beene proclaimed King in the Campe before Tunis in Africk tooke his journey in his returne through Italy directly to Viterbe to make an agreement betweene the Cardinals who in two years space were in a dissention upon the Election of a Pope Hee was Crowned at Rheimes by the Bishop of Soissons the thirtieth of August Anno Dom. 1271. He after incorporated the County of Tholouse to the Crowne upon the decease of the Count Alphonse his uncle He went to aide Gerard of Cassebonne his Subjects against the Counts of Armigna and Foix by reason whereof the Count of Foix submitted himselfe to his mercy He restored the Countrey of Navarre to the obedience of Ioane daughter of the late Henry King of Navarre deceased The King marryed Mary the daughter of Henry Duke of Brabant who was suspected to have poysoned Lewis the eldest sonne of the King by his first wife Isabelle of Aragon She was found innocent by the report of two Bishops who were sent to a Nunne or rather a Sorceresse to know the truth The yeare after Peter De la Bresche great Chamberlaine of France and superintendant of the Finances and affaires of the King was hanged being accused and convicted for having discovered the secrets of France to the King of Spaine together with the death of the Kings sonne Anno Domini 1282. the Sicilian Evensong were executed upon the Frenchmen upon an Easter day or as others report on the thirtieth of March or thirteenth of April whereupon Charles Uncle to the King offered battaile to Peter of Aragon the author thereof but he refused it Afterwards the King having caused Ioane the onely daughter of the late Henry King of Navarre to be marryed to his eldest sonne Phillip he marched with his Army for the Conquest of Aragon which by the Pope had been given to Charles de valois the second sonne of Philip who conquered the County of Russillon after that the City of Gennes And after that having in an Embuscado slaine the King of Aragon he forced the Towne of Gironne to be yeelded up He went to conclude his Fate at the Towne of Perpignan of a Malady which surprised him in his Campe Anno Domini 1285. the 6. of October This King as it appeares in the whole course of his life would engage himselfe in all businesses and was therefore called the Hardy but his desperate Father would not undertake his Neighbours quarrells nor seek to make betwene them any agreement unlesse it might be done by safe and quiet means The reigne of this King was much disturbed by the warres maintained by Peter and Roger for the Isle of Sicily and after much effusion of blood Charles dyed and also Peter though politicke could not deceive death but having received a great overthrow concluded his Act of life with griefe and sorrow At last this King was by Roger Admirall of Arragon friend unto Peter set upon him lying sicke a bed at Pepignan yet in extreamity he exprest a noble courage and with his sicke weake voyce so encouraged his Souldiers that Roger was droven out of Pepignan the City held by Philip so distempered with this alarum that he grew sicke and dyed the fifteenth of October two moneths after Peter Pope Martin the fourth dying the same yeare 1286. to shew great Princes that their chiefe designes are crost by death It was now decreed in a Counsell at Lions that the Cardinals meeting after the Popes death should not come out of that Conolme untill they had chosen the Pope which begun upon occasion of the tedious Election of the former Pope and the Decree is still observed Thomas Aquinas now dyed being a subtile disputer But Bonaventure John Duns called Scot and Gabriel Biel succeeded and were famous schollers And to conclude hee was a Prince borne for a testimony to that obscure age and for corrupted times to bee a patterne to all Kings and Princes of religion equity clemency wisedome valour magnanimity patience and constancy to love piety justice order and peace to joyne the love of sanctity and modesty of manners with Armes and State Having shewed that it is very fitting for a King to be a good Christian a good warriour a good husband a good father a good governour a good Iustier and to know how to make war and peace That it is very necessary to joyne unto the Majesty Royall piety clemency and authority to gaine the low respect and obedience And lastly that the best guard and most assured revenew of a Prince is the love of his Subjects Thus he was worthy of that venerable name wherewith posterity hath justly honourd him being the Honour of vertue Philip 4. the 46. King of France Anno 1286. PHilip 4. surnaming himselfe The Faire King of Navarre succeeded his Father An. Dom. 1286. After that he had withdrawne his Army from Parpignan hee was crowned at Rheims the sixt of January He caused the Palace to be built at Paris at that time Edward King of England pretending to lead his Army to the aide of the Towne of Acre which the Saracens had now beleaguered made some incursions upon the Sea-townes of Normandy thinking to have surprised Rochell whereupon ensued the second Warre which the French had against the English Heere the French Writers shew themselves most shamefully partiall and false yet I am bound to follow my Authors they being of that Nation who notwithstanding their alliance with the Emperour Adolphus were valiantly repulsed as well by Charles of Valois where the Lord of St. John was taken as by Robert of Artois who gained the victory upon the fresh Army which Edmund brother to the King of England had led to Bayonne yea and the Count of Flanders who declared himselfe on the English party lost the battaile at Furnes against the Count of Artois who went to joyne forces with the French who besieged Lisle and the Lords of Mont Morency and Harcourt tooke the Towne of Dover The English perceiving that demanded a Truce which was converted to a peace by the Marriage of Madam Marguerite of France Daughter of King Philip with the King of England Afterwards the
reigned but an yeare and an halfe thereby to make good the position of Philosophy Nullum violentum est aeternum for his government was violent and therefore could not long continue Enguerand accused by Charles Earle of Valois and made odious to the people by his oppression of them whereof they are onely sensible was made a Sacrifice and Hanged but after his execution the Earle of Valois fell into a languishing Consumption King Lewis Hutin dyed suddainly so that the people began to imagine that Enguerands unjust death was thus revenged on these Princes which change of their opinion shewes that it was rightly spoken what the people saies a foole speakes Therefore it is observeable that good Subjects may be unjustly afflicted that the people blinded by passion and discerning not the truth will undeservedly speake well and ill of the same Action and the same man And lastly that great men loving not to come to accompt may abuse their authority Philip 5. the 48. King of France Anno 1317. THis Philip the 5 surnamed The Tall the controversie of the right to the Crowne being not yet determined betweene him and his Neece Daughter to Lewis Hutin whom Eudes her Unkle upheld and maintained her right marched with 〈◊〉 Army every where compleate to Rheimes where hee made himselfe to be annointed King by the Arch-bishop of that See on the Feast of the Epiphany Anno Dom. 1317 and after returned to Paris Whither hee summoned Robert Count of Artois whom he forced to renounce the right which he pretended to that County whereof hee had Vi Armis by force and Armes taken possession to the prejudice of Mahaut his Wives Mother In the meane time Lewis Count of Neuers Sonne of Robert Count of Flanders entertained the Flemings to his utmost endeavours in a revolt against the King who because hee came not to render homage for the Counties which hee held in France was cited to answer for himselfe before the King and fayling in his appearance all his possessions were seized for the King In the end the said Lewis Count of Nevers came and submitted himselfe to the King and recovered his Countries After upon perswasion of the Popes Legate there was a peace concluded betweene the King and the Count of Flanders the 15. of May Anno Dom. 1320 insomuch that the said Count did homage for his Lands to the King of France and accorded that Lewis the sonne of Lewis of Nevers should marry Madam Marguerite the second Daughter of France upon condition that he should succeede to the County of Flanders after his Grandfather and Father About the same time the Marriage of Isabelle the third Daughter to the King with Guy the Dolphin of Vienna was treated who not long after succeeded his Father John in Dauphine The Eldest Daughter was before marryed to Odo Duke of Burgundy After that the King quitted all the actions against his Subjects which some of his Councell in abuse of his good nature had put upon and against them And as he was deliberating to have but one sort of weights and measures in one and the same species and also a certaine rate and value of monies a malady intercepted his designes by which hee ended his dayes the third of January An. Dom. 1322. He was a Prince of a tractable disposition and therefore easily corrupted inclined more to ill than good The chiefest thing worthy remembrance in his Reigne was that his bad servants presuming on his gentle Nature layd heavy taxations on the people who thereupon maintained and thus hee suffering his Authority to be abus'd by them shew'd that although hee were great and tall of stature yet hee had but little wit and understanding A Benedicting Priest and Monke pretentending a voyage to the East committed many outrages in the East with a multitude of people by them assembled and called themselves Shepheards untill they were defeated in Languedoc This Philip would have made one weight and measure throughout his Realme but it proved but an Eutopian conceite not to be maintained by Authority or Reason The Jewes which were formerly expelled and driven out of the Kingdome were now againe admitted but after they endeavoured to bring in an Artificiall Plague into the Kingdome by using the helpe of Lepers some were grievously punished and the rest banished out of France Lastly this Kings five yeares Reigne was Rasa Tabula a blanke Table wherein Fame hath written no Royall action Charles 4. surnamed the Faire the 49. King of France Anno 1322. CHarles the 4 Count of Marche brother to Philip the Tall and to Lewis Hutin came by the same Law to the Crowne as his brother Philip had done who left no issue Male to inherit He was crowned the twelfth of February Anno Dom. 1322. He was severe in Justice giving every man his right desirous that all should be guided and governed by the Lawes and Authority of Magistrates Following that Norme he caused Jordan of L'Isle a great Lord to be attached who upon accusations of infinite enormities was attainted and convicted wherefore hee was hanged although hee had marryed the Neece of Pope John 22 and as others are of opinion his Step-mother About that time deceased Lewis Duke of Nevers the eldest son of Robert Count of Flanders who dyed immediately after By which occasion Robert the younger sonne of the said Robert Count of Flanders entred into a difference with his Nephew Lewis sonne of the Count of Nevers Hereupon the cause was pleaded in the Court of Parliament which proved of no validity to the good of the Nephew Then began the Warres betweene the English and French Anno Dom. 1324 upon the occasion that the Lord of Montpesac would to the Kings prejudice fortifie a Castle in Gascogne upon the borders of France Whereupon the King sent Charles of Valois his Unkle who so happily acquitted himselfe of his charge that hee recovered into the Kings powers all the Townes and strong holds in Burgundy which are beyond the River Garonne except Bourdeaux Bayonne and S. Senes Afterwards having obtained a Truce of the English he dyed in December An. Dom. 1325 as also the King deceased at Bois de Vincennes the first of March leaving Madame Joane de Eureux his wife great with Child who afterwards in the Moneth of April 1328. was delivered of a Daughter called Blanche Hee was the first King that ever permitted to the Pope the Decimations of the Churches of France This King reigned sixe yeares being wise temperate and just three chiefe vertues in a Prince but unhappy in his progeny Assoone as he was annointed he held a great Sessions in Paris to heare complaints and caused many Gentlemen to be punished in which number was one Jourdain of Lisle a Gascon who being Nephew to Pope John the 22 had beene pardoned for eighteene capitall crimes and yet still grew more impious former mercy making him presume more of pardon untill at last he was taken and brought to Paris