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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68633 An exposition of certaine difficult and obscure words, and termes of the lawes of this realme, newly set foorth and augmented, both in french and English, for the helpe of such younge students as are desirous to attaine the knowledge of ye same. Whereunto are also added the olde Tenures; Expositiones terminorum legum Anglorum. English and Law French Rastell, John, d. 1536.; Rastell, William, 1508?-1565. 1579 (1579) STC 20706.5; ESTC S115758 196,680 894

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y ● hundreth or in the court of his lord where essoine lyeth and that aswell in case of common sute as of plea. Moreouer they clayme by an especiall déede of kinge Henry the father of kinge Edwarde that of the tenements which are holden in Gauelkinde there shal no battayle bée ioyned nor graund assise taken by xii knightes as it is vsed in other places of y e Realme y t is to wit where the tenaunt demaundant hold by Gauelkind But in place of these graund assises let Juries be taken by xii men being tenaunts in Gauelkind so y ● four tenāts of Gauelkind choose xii tenaunts of Gauelkynd to be Jurors And y t Charter of the king of this especialty is in the custody of Sir John of Norwood the day of S. Elphey in Caunterbury the yeare of king Edward y e sonne of king Henry the xxi These be the vsages of Gauelkind and of Gauelkindmen in Kent which were béefore the conquest and the Cōquest and euer since till nowe The end of the customes Hauinge thus ended y e custōes as you sée Brother Nicholas there remayneth nowe to bée shewed what lands w tin this Countrey of Kent be of the nature of Gauelkind and what not First therefore it is to be vnderstanded y t all y ● lands w tin this Shire which be of aunciēt Socage tenure as was said at the béegynnynge be also of the nature of Gauelkind And y ● lands holden by auncient tenure of knightes seruice be at the cōmon lawe are not departible after the order of this custome except certen which béeing holden of old tyme by knyghtes seruice of the Archbishop of Caūterbury are neuer the lesse departible as it may appere by y e booke 26. H. 8. 4. And that grewe by reason of a graunt made by kynge John to Hubert the Archbishoppe there the tenor of which is as followeth John by the grace of God Kyng of Englande ▪ Lorde of Ireland Duke of Normādye of Aquitane and Earle of Angieu To all Archbyshoppes Bishops Abbots Earles Barons Justices Shirifes Gouernours and officers and al Bailifes and his faithful subiects gréeting Knowe yée y t wée haue graunted and by this our presēt Charter haue confirmed to our reuerend and déerely beloued father Hubert Archbishoppe of Caunterbury and hys successors for euer that it shall bée lawfull for them to conuert those lāds which menne of the fée of the Church of Caunterbury do hold in Gauelkind in to knightes fee. And y t y e same Bishops their successours haue the like power and libertie for euer ouer those men and their heires that shal hold those lāds so ●●uerted into knights sée which the Archbishop hath his successors after him shall haue ouer other knights of y e sée of the Church of Caunterbury their heires And that those men and their heires haue the same al such libertie for euer which other knightes of the sée of the Church of Caunterbury and their heires haue Prouided alwayes y t neuerthelesse their accustomed rent of pence be holy payed out of their landes as before time their giftes auerages and other seruices which issued out of the same landes be conuerted into a rēt of pence of like value And y ● y ● same rent be paied as y ● other rēt of pence is Wherefore we wil straightly cōmaund y ● whatsoeuer the aforenamed Archbishop and his successours after him shall doe concerninge those landes which are to bée conuerted into knightes fée accordinge to the forme manner aboue written abide ratified and cōfirmed for euer Forbiddinge any person to presume against the déed of the Archbishoppe or hys successors in this behalf Witnesse E. Bishop of Ely S. of Bathe G. y ● sonne of Peter Earle of Essex Williā Marshall Earle of Pēbrooke Ro. of Harecourt Garine y ● sōne of Gerald Peter of Stoke Ric. of Reuers Rob. of Tateshal yeuen by y ● hād of S. Archdeacon vnto Williā at Rupem auriual y ● 4. day of May the third yeare of our raigne But for asmuch as it is disputable whether this Charter of Kynge John be of sufficiēt vertue to change y e nature of Gauelkynde land or no and for that the certeintie of the landes so conuerted into knightes fée doth not any where appere saue onely that in the booke of Aide leuied in this shire Anno 20. E. 3. it is foure or fiue tymes noted that certeine lands in Kent bee holden in knightes seruice by the newe licence graunted to the Archbishoppe this shall suffise for that and it shall followe to be proued that al the landes of auncient tenure in knightes seruice be subiect to the ordinary course of discent at the common lawe And that may sufficiently be done both by the expresse wordes of a note in 9. H. 3. abridged by master Brooke ti Customes 57. and in master Fitzherb ti Prescription 63. And by the opinion of the Justices 26. H. 8. 4. as also by pleyne recital in the act of parliament made 31. H. 8. ca. 3. by which statute the possessiōs of certen gentelmen there were deliuered from this customary discent and incorporated to the common lawe for amongest other thinges in that act it is saied That from thence forth such their landes shal be chaunged from the saied custome and shal discend as lands at the commō lawe as other lands being in the said coūty of kent which neuer were holdē by seruice of Socage but alwaies haue bene holden by knights seruice do discende By which words it is very euident that y ● makers of that estatute vnderstoode al lands holden by knights seruice to be of their proper nature discendable after y ● comō lawe that Socage tenure was the onely subiect in which thys our custome of Gauelkinde discent preuailed helde place But when mencion is here made of Socage knightes fée it must alwayes be vnderstanded a tenure longe since and of auncyent tyme contynued and not nowe newely or lately created for so it may fal out otherwise then is alreadye reported As for example if land aunciētlye holden by knightes seruice cōe to y ● Quéens hands whoe afterwarde giueth y e same out againe to a cōon persō to be holdē of her manor of East Grene within Socage this lande not with standinge the alteration of y ● tenure remaineth dis●●dable to y ● eldest sonne only as it was before as also in like sort if lands of auncient Socage seruite come to y e Crowne and be deliuered out agayne to be holden either of the Quéene in Capite or by knightes seruice of any manor it ought to discēd according to y ● custde not w tstanding y t y e tenure be altered if this be true in the graūt of y e Quéene her selfe then much lesse may the Archbishope by a newe creation of tenure make to his tenants any alteratiō of this olde custome maner For as the